HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA88-006I IrpFR U 4$ 0 2 CITY OF RENTON BUILDING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT o IA Z3 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 90, 9q D P o APPLICATION PROCEDURE SEP EARLY CONSULTATION Consult early and informally with the Building and Zoning Department and the Public Works Department for advice, assistance and detailed information on City requirements and standards. I See Conditional Use Permit, Title 4, Chapter 7, Section 4-74B) APPLICATION (8 COPIES) X 1. Submit eight (8) copies, including the original, of the application form and affidavits of ownership together with any other pertinent information to the Building and Zoning Department. 2. Submit eight (8) copies, including the original of an Environmental Checklist Form. 0 3. Fees: a. Application 300 plus $10 per acre. b. Environmental 55 for value less than $10,000 60 plus $1 per $10,000 for value greater than 10,000 If subject property is in designated environmentally sensitive area, then pay one and one-half times above listed environmental fee. NOTE: The application fee is partially refundable if a legal notice has not been published. 4. Eight (8);copies of a fully dimensioned site plan, to scale, showing:12r a. Subject property (all property lines dimensioned) and abutting streets (including widening). b. Location of the subject site with regards to the nearest street intersections, including intersections opposite the subject property. c. Location of existing driveways adjacent to the subject property or on the opposite side of the street facing the subject property. d. All existing public improvements including, but not necessarily limited to: curb, gutter, and sidewalk: median islands: street trees; electroliers; fire hydrants: utility poles, etc., including those adjacent to the subject site. e. Location of existing and proposed structures, parking, loading areas, driveways, existing on-site trees, existing or proposed fencing or retaining walls, free-standing signs, easements, refuse areas, and on-site lighting fixtures, utility junction boxes, or public utility transformers. f. Grading plan, if the proposed grade differential on-site will exceed twenty-four inches (24") from top of curb or adjacent properties. g. Site development plans/landscaping plans should include: location and size of planting areas location, size and spacing, and names of proposed and existing shrubs, trees and groundcovers; decorative rockery or like landscape improvements north arrow and scale names and location of abutting streets and public improvements planting details (soil mix, planting depth and width, and bark mulch depth) CITY OF REN location of buildings, parking areas, and access RECEIVEDexistingandproposedcontours JAN 2 9 1988 BUILDING/ZONING DEPT. pvej ec.A -r-Lx.. 1r'evi S2cit C)t C t Yv t i'h9D. Conditional Use Permit Application Procedure Page 2 i 5. Eight (8) copies of fully dimensioned architectural elevations of all buildings and structures including: a. Building materials and colors: including roof, walls. or other enclosures. b. Fence or retaining wall materials, colors, and architectural design. c. Existing and proposed building signs, including but not necessarily limited to: size, location, materials and colors. d. Architectural design of on-site lighting fixtures. e. Cross-section of roof showing location and height of roof top equipment such as, but not limited to. air conditioners, compressors. etc. 1 6. One Super-K reduction of each sheet of plans submitted on either 8 1/2" X 11" or 8 1/2" X 14". Xerox reductions are not generally acceptable unless absolutely clear. R ocfia aF P' c,-1 .,,QJ j ticQ . 7. Justification: (Submit eight (8) copies) The burden of proof as to the appropriateness of the application lies with the applicant. Any such application shall be accompanied by a written description/justification setting forth the reasons in favor of the application and addressing the criteria used by the Hearing Examiner in reviewing the application. a. Comprehensive Plan: The proposed use shall be compatible with the general purpose, goals, objectives and standards of the Comprehensive Plan, the Zoning Ordinance and any other plan, program, map or ordinance of the City of Renton. b. Community Need: There shall be a community need for the proposed use -at the proposed location. In the determination of community need the Hearing Examiner shall consider the following factors, among all other relevant information: 1) The proposed location shall not result in either the detrimental overconcentration of a particular use within the City or within the immediate area of the proposed use. 2) That the proposed location is suited for the proposed use. c. Effect on Adjacent Properties: The proposed use at the proposed location shall not result in substantial or undue adverse effects on adjacent property. 1) Lot Coverage: Lot coverage in residential districts (R-1 and R-2) shall not exceed fifty percent (50%) of the lot coverage of the zone in which the proposed use is to be located. Lot coverage in all other zones shall conform to the requirements of the zone in which the proposed use is to be located. 2) Yards: Yards shall conform to the requirements of the zone in which the proposed use is to be located. Additions to the structure shall not be allowed in any required yard. 3) Height: Building and structure heights shall conform to the requirements of the zone in which the proposed use is to be located. Spires, belltowers, public utility antennas or similar structures may exceed the height requirement upon approval of a variance. Building heights should be related to surrounding uses in order to allow optimal sunlight and ventilation, and minimal obstruction of views from adjacent structures. d. Compatibility: The proposed use shall be compatible with the residential scale and character of the neighborhood. e. Parking: Parking under the building structure should be encouraged. Lot coverage may be increased to as much as seventy-five percent (75%) of the lot coverage requirement of the zone in which the proposed use is located if all parking is provided underground or within the structure. f. Traffic: Traffic and circulation patterns of vehicles and pedestrians relating to the proposed use and surrounding area shall be reviewed for potential effects on, and to ensure safe movement in the surrounding area. s :: , g. : -Noise': Glare; Potential noise. light and glare impacts shall be evaluated based on the location-of,the'poposed use on the lot and the location of on-site parking areas. outdoor recreational areas and refuse storage areas. Conditional Use Permit Application Procedure Page 3 h. Landscaping: Landscaping shall be provided in all areas not occupied by buildings or paving. The Hearing Examiner may require additional landscaping to buffer adjacent properties from potentially adverse effects of the proposed use. i. Accessory Uses: Accessory uses to conditional uses such as day schools, auditoriums used for social and sport activities, health centers. convents, preschool facilities, convalescent homes and others of a similar nature shall be considered to be separate uses and shall be subject to the provisions of the use district in which they are located. j. Conversion: No existing building or structure shall be converted to a conditional use unless such building or structure complies, or is brought into compliance, with the provisions of this Chapter. k. Public Improvements: The proposed use and location shall be adequately served by and not impose an undue burden on any public improvements, facilities, utilities and services. Approval of a conditional use permit may be conditioned upon the provision and/or guarantee by the applicant of necessary public improvements, facilities, utilities and/or services. NOTES 1. Photographs or manufacturers' brochures may be submitted to clarify the specifics of building materials, colors or any specific architectural detail proposed. 1422Z 181 i CITY OF RENTON LL + ' 1 BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT Earl Clymer, Mayor Ronald G. Nelson, Director March 28, 1988 nwrk ,7 Summ's Inc. L/6..,-TG-ardcnAvciue-N- /.. 8 7—^ Renton, WA 98055 RE: (Dennis T. Su/Park Avenue Deli & Pu ECF-006-88, CU-006-88 Gentlemen: The Building and Zoning Department has formally accepted the above referenced application. It has been routed for departmental review and is tentatively scheduled for the Technical Advisory Committee on April 13, 1988 for consideration. If you have any questions regarding the scheduling of this project, please contact this office at 235-2550. Sincerely, n4r. Donald K. Erickson, AICP Zoning Administrator DKE/sr 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2540 cATCN t3 ASI111 TYPE /-C N,T5. ar 3 d PARK AVE. /V. 7.Dap „1 ri o EPTN CL:B'A5PN,4LTIC CONC. •, 110‘DEPTH CR.SU/F, TOP CRSEC5/j) SITE' alDEPTHCRSURF. BASE CR5E (//4')4, 1 MA7ER/4L AS REO'O. y 1k n PELL y AVE.. N. r6 SECTION R [20 Do a coH ,. ,I. kg i . WELLS AVE N. C/NI T V MA s p. m), LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOTS /8,/9, #20 BLOCK /0 RENTON FARM PLAT ADO/T/ON 5ENC/,I MARK: CITY OF RENTON 8M. #/059. ELE)! 29.9a. CN/SELEO SQUA ' ON NORTH EDGE OOF S/DEWALK ON EAST 5/OE OF EXPANSION JOINT r A REM VH pp SIDE OF N. 5 N ,3T. 70 t FROM WEST MARL N CK G # • '• • •DUz 0,<y APR 0 f'1988 le, BUILDING/ZONING DEPT. v Utilities & Storm Water' Detention Plan ::::, .: * : ° ATE. MA,PC/! 34 /988 CALF: SHOWN Park Ave . Deli & Pub : FILE: 5 ® PeIfi YAye1. DRAWING NUM®ER, , c Rent® Washington C.a1': Of 1: '.s Jrj 0,jo,z„ 5F-+.1i.M•H% ' 14101 5'0 M07HERS GX% L0'f 1P G Lens 44 Z') 5"1 Is pi r PAR{ : z z S I 1 I R-4—— k N 6TH ST 4 Q n3 I U I Z 1 E a_uoRt qOE0 OFFI y Z 1{ t GGNL cUr2P>y oNGI cU2$ i co.I KITLHE I PRO i t IID I ) I n. - IA _ ' StTH -: ST rx illQINc,- !7 t d Q r/- I Gfh412NGE i 51NK IIJE f-RfdSt r'J 7 t tr, i c- FPF-1Y5 (j 1 5 1 2q 1• I] ,,= eo N iJF M4>' i., ,, t I i I 7 Tr 1-7 LrL T v+ J I T o 1' t• e lI I17HVtYPO• ;2f - & 3 3 R D''¢ ST f' III 3 T 1 G , T 9 fa4 cook j Z' T r+tt, 44'. ® 16 TAP,' w j 13,,ci2°. lV G Gn, Tr S t4 IT o i` D S.H 2N a ST Z 1 I Z r I/ Tel a N E-Ei($1-(o'cow, W4LY 1.'4 ir--- U V` owGrNv2 VICINITY MAP 1FISTill'tT.(41:4. 1.., pXI4T HF To r s?rZp• t! I o I, u zar14+N AS N U(12 . Nol lyi' ,I `.rr-c+I.ewer n -1' 1 ! , P rIISH-+J {11.. al'.t1tP1'1E1yT C - O(- t,Tph STD', 1"tit31 2 b" a= c vruTT2 sx o iE ueR7 -' L a e P 5 *t,IeP PLOT_PLAN_ flN ,tGEh1T rrk'7R1C, t/a1-14:" AlesiN1146r N/P.jA Ltcr'tT 7_---- __ -- - - - -- - N,4Meof tA SUSH 14 0.4, FLOOR PLAN 4t LEGAL DESCRIPTION i Ye -i d LOTS 18, 19 AND.20 BLOCK10, RENTON FARM PLAT ADDITION ti- 1 .__ SOUTH ELEVATION LAM 1 o 541)1;IL Nit(.-gi grY9A G •E osHF.4 I HF..S.5ae. GENERAL NOTESs t.5 T FLU FoI-nY=DJF-Gi10hl / It4 CM(-4 WfaI,I..Pr5 S'CPU ZONING B-1 BUSINESS & R-4 RESIDENTIAL MULTIPLEI2t. g1x4 n ielL Tak, J-uM- 119 I d%p I g ,i'•,'-•zo!d' 7HeWN.TIP, 12?L. Tp E Faepl Cc vtluVv rt iJ/Lktht„ OCCUPANCY: B-2 DELI AND PUB Fu T i ryT 77p,4 6L'E`/ft"-le;145 r-fLAN1511P, 1 --Y.A . I t AT51 a{R 4 Gy CONSTRUCTION TYPE: V-N It ,I t-_--_- 8X1 1 Llt.rfEl. 1 n e t ¢ - . -II---T(G i) _4--- _ I CITY OF RENTONN 3-3 L —II - it-- RECEIVEDcII t ,c)Il L z '=_ JAN 2 9 1988 WEST ELEVATION NORTH ELEVATION BUILDING/ZONING DEPT. 1/0-1 Lo.' 1/ fl 1 Lei D[SIDNIO OAT/ DENNIS T. SU, AIA Contractor : Cheung Construction h SITE PLAN, GROUND FLR PLAN & NOTES Jam+eg DRAWN. / S C A l E: lr_. ARCHITEC I S/CONSULTANTS Owner : Mr. Tek H. Wong Park Ave_ Deli & Pub ftlE: necDYY[NDrn AveA }Pelly A N & N 5 Lh OR AWING NUYp[A ar r,.,1 ` . i - Ava. SO.. S.,,t+i_, „ _ 2c 5-727-2199 l l N.tI oNo= - - - RE S I ]• - --1"7` C7=- I-rn ^Pn I l nl-nn 7.1.:- Inntnn ACVED 7,::'1i 11,-.n iAL,, ^l. t t DO1e-n° O t Q ADDENDUM LANDSCAPED PLANS ARE REQUIRED FOR ALL LAND USE APPLICATIONS. VICINITY MAPS SCALE 1"-200 ' REQUIRED FOR ALL BUT VERY LARGE LAND USE APPLICATIONS. EXHIBITS SHOULD BE APPROXIMATELY 24" X 36" TO BE CLEARLY VTCTrIT L± Z+nD cnut+ nr1nT Tn trmAwrrrn 1 l i 0 CITY OF RENTON LL BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT Earl Clymer, Mayor Ronald G. Nelson, Director MEMORANDUM DATE: July 29, 1988 TO: Maxine Motor, City Clerk FROM: Jeanette Samek-McKague, Senior Planner RE: Park Avenue Deli on Pelly Avenue for Dennis Su File Cu-006-88 With this memo I am transmitting the above referenced file. The, applicant has withdrawn the application. 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2540 I'- 3" CITY 'F RENT le "44 u. 7-7 -LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER Earl Clymer, Mayor Fred J. Kaufman CITY OF RENTON 1LG DM1 UN211988 June 21, 1988 BUILDING I ZONING DEPT. Roger Blaylock The Blaylock Company 10717 N.E. Fourth Street, Suite 9 Bellevue, Washington 98004 Re: Dennis Su Application/Park Avenue Deli on Pelly ECF-006-88 Dear Mr. Blaylock: The applicant in the above entitled matter has withdrawn the application. Therefore, the appeal you filed regarding the ERC's determination will be dismissed this date. If you have any additional questions, feel free to write. . Sincerely, FRED J. KAUFMAN HEARING EXAMINER FJK/dk cc: Building and Zoning City• Attorney 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2593 p ascs Es* SUN i tcr• "•? nw1 N, 14 June 20 , 1988 CITY BUILDING & ZONING' DEPT. MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVENUE SO.. RENTON, WA.. 98055 RE: Dennis Su/Park Ave. Pub- ECF-006-88 CUJ-006-88 Gentlemen: Referrence to the above project , application and petition, for building permit is hereby withdrawn at once. If any portion, thereof, of the application fee is refundable , please credit it to our next building permit application on the alternate site which will be presented to you within three weeks . Thank you kindly. Sincerely thw Ou CITY ®17 MTO OF11@ [Ell 'NqgJ1 June 20 , 1988 CITY BUILDING &. ZONING DEPT. MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVENUE SO.: RENTON, WA. 98055 RE: Dennis Su/Park Ave. Pub ECF-006-88 CU-006-88 Gentlemen: Referrence to the above project , application and petition for building permit is hereby withdrawn at once. If any portion, thereof, of the application fee is refundable , please credit it to our next building permit application on the alternate site which will be presented to you within three weeks. Thank you kindly. Sincerely thw Et --(S01"61-i A- CITY OF RENTON fl C1oVi I to 71988 BUILDING / ZONING DEPT.June 7, 1988 Building & Zoning Dept. City of Renton Renton, Wa. 98055 Re:, Dennis T. Su/Park Avenue -Pub ECF-006-88 , CU--006-88 Gentlemen: Confronted with so much obstacles on the above referred project , we have decided to take the following two options : 1. To build a smaller structure with proportional space for parking on the two B-1 zoned lots. 2. Select another site , referrencePark Ave. N. & N. 4th Street. and apply building permit for renovation. Therefore, we respectfully request that the hearing of the Pelly Ave. N. petition be continued until July 15, 1988. We have signed the agreement to purchase the property, but sellers may have problems to clear title and removal of underground oil tanks. Sincerely 174:7;a/ /C21 thw c-.cr® Washington state Liquor Control Board Dennis T. Su, A.1.A. Architect-Contractor Tek H. Wong, n, P.O.. Box 24 1 Renton, Wa. 98057 BUILDING' & ZONINGS DEPT... CITY OF RENTON 111, Attention: Jeanette McKague senior planner THE BLAYLOCK COMPANY x ri # -tcr specialists in land-use procedures C•! May 25, 1988 Mr. Don Erickson Zoning Administrator City of Renton 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, Washington 98055 RE: Dennis Su Application/ Park Avenue Deli on Pelly File CU-006-88/ ECF-006-88 Dear Mr. Erickson: I have just reviewed the legal publication of the Environmental Review Committee's recent decision to issue a Mitigated Declaration of Non-Significance for the above project for residents in the neighborhood. 0 The State Environmental Policy Act does allow the combination of both the comment and appeal periods; however, in this case unless my clients ' concerns are incorporated into a revised Mitigated Declaration of Non-Significance by the Environmental Review Committee, we intend to appeal to the Hearing Examiner. Therefore, I would request the ERC take immediate action on Wednesday, May 25, 1988 so that my clients can still be given the opportunity to appeal by June 2, 1988, if necessary. Sincerely, C-----qrCee--17-&(11 31.4/4.------- 1 WIVE Roger J. Blaylock fl U Lt)i(`iEC 7C•tv,Im ; .4 T. 10717 NE Fourth Street,Suite 9 0 Bellevue,Washington 98004 206)455-1550 A. - J u.,, May 24, 1988 Mr. Don Erickson Zoning Administrator City of Renton 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, Washington 98055 RE: Dennis Su Application/ Park Avenue Deli on Pelly File CU-006-88/ ECF-006-88 Dear Mr. Erickson: As the owner of single family property immediately across the street from the proposed Park Avenue Deli, I am extremely concerned with environmental impacts resulting from traffic, noise, light, glare, pedestrians, and the intrusion of a dissimilar land use into a residential neighborhood. Each of these impact areas is aggravated by the possible hours of operation of the proposed business. Let us be truthful and identify the business for what it is. .a tavern. . .not a deli. Therefore, we must assume the worst case and conclude that the facility will have extended hours until 2 a.m. First, I do not see how the tavern could be allowed, since it is in direct conflict with the City's Noise Ordinance, which limits the intrusion of noise into residential areas after 10 p.m. Plus the general atmosphere around a tavern. Arguments in the parking lot, loud vulgar language from the over indulgent at midnight or 2 in the morning. We just do not want this in our neighborhood. I appreciate the thoughtful review by the Environmental Review Committee in reaching a mitigated declaration, but I had hoped that more specific mitigation would have been imposed such as a 15 to 20 foot landscaped separation from the existing residential areas, no access from the parking lot onto Pelly Avenue (access should be from the improved alley or the commercial property to the north that fronts on North 6th Street) . Addressing the issue of a fence, I think that a solid brick or concrete fence should be used on top of a 3 foot high berm to totally obscure the parking area. The quality of construction in this area is greatly improved with the new office facilities. This project, if approved, should be of equal or better quality. The past track record for the owners of "Soft Sam's" maintaining their property stands on its own. Any tree? Any lawn? Any shrubs? Garbage? CEIY OF F ENTOs' TR,iP 25 1988 BUILDING / ZONING DEPT. A _ May 24, 1988 page 2 I have lived here 20 years. I have raised a family in this home. I am not opposed to progress when it is progress, but it is hard to envision this as progress. In fact the City has not come to grips with either the land use or traffic issues in this area of North Renton. Therefore, this application is totally premature. If the City had policies suggesting the transition of this area from residential to commercial then I would accept my situation, but until that time comes, the proposed intrusion of a tavern into a residential area should be approved only if totally mitigated. The mitigation proposed does not accomplish this goal. Only under the following circumstances would I consider the project mitigated: 1. Hours of operation prohibited from 10 p.m. to 8 a.m. 2. A 15 foot wide landscaped strip on the southern and western boundaries of the site with a guarantee that the landscaping will be properly maintained. 3. A 3 foot high berm constructed in the landscaped area. 4. A 6 foot high solid brick or decorative concrete wall at the top of the berm. 5. No access onto Pelly Avenue North from the parking lot. 6. Posting and strict enforcement of the regulation that allows parking on Pelly only by permit. While we are primarily concerned about our continued enjoyment of our family home, we also worry about the impact of a tavern across the street on the resale value? Please consider my concerns and reissue a new mitigated declaration with my proposed conditions. Thank you very much for the opportunity to submit comments concerning the Park Avenue Tavern on Pelly. Sincerely, X3n'4e4m:2:e4dgot..ale. Linda Utschinski 529 Pelly Avenue North Renton, Washington 98055 a CO CITY OF RENTON x _ :;,, 3 BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT it : S4,`-' p " t y 200 Mill Avenue South -Renton, Washington 98055 kf^I n's L u .r:„ P o t5 :di ',..0'g°1IItio! ,l'i o `,. 5tas H-A: E 'v ai, "mi .l4,d' .Sa'1F° _ ^" • v f——' e,. i,(f 11`- SfBeJo at z„ r.1 . eie,-•12 J cxmer'.S mCL.' 1gifgr"tr 4 i,, [• v. i d 'AF J3^ 0 F 1 ....10.., ,.'' r Ez.Ft. ,I Fj+-,lu°. .,.. j ' C E., 'off.',C., 111 I J' J;: 1 iJ JtrT Me EFTA(*)uvonroo ~''-'T ycAUvi. — 7.- RETURN TO SENDER A> 1., _;, Eisia:i::i: ::j;:i=:i:i: :il= rz AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING On the 221 day of 1988, I deposited in the mails of the United States a sealed envelope containing documents. This information was sent to: NAME: a REPRESENTING: a-Tre SIGNED BY: aotzLey.,0 SJBSCR C... •..SWORN to before me this y G day of ONE . < as 1988. Pc(%o a k :0 .1/4k 2/4fJ2-tg2.0,--t:•,PUB. c:A Notary ublic in and for the State of Washington, awl?,. •.li0 .R,': C, i residing at Gti therein. f•... ...•° y OF VIPSG E 4 / 00a 4,8 4, C Project Namee and Number: y az,. 1 CF - 006 - Fk t rC - 006 - 88 ADDRESS,CITY,STATE,ZIP0041404.st 516 Pelly Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 526 Pelly Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 525 Pelly Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 529 Pelly Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 513 Pelly Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 512 Pelly Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 916 No. 5th St. ,Renton,WA,98055 3025 N.E. 7th St. ,Renton,WA,9805 517 Pelly Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 303 Park Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 338 Pelly Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 401 Pelly Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 317 Pelly Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 315 B Pelly Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 323 Pelly Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 346 Pelly Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 301 Williams Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 2332 Aberdeen Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 16863 124th Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 1455 So. Puget Dr. C303,Renton,WA,98055 3901' N.E. 22nd St. ,Renton,WA,98055 300 Meadow Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 1421 No. 3rd,Renton,WA,98055 406 Pelly Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 410 Pelly Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 412 Pelly Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 428 Pelly Ave. No. ,Renton,WA, 98055 440 Pelly Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 446 Pelly Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 452 Pelly Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 447 Pelly Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 435 Pelly Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 1612,5 S.E. Petrovitsky Rd. ,Renton,WA,98055 655 Camas Ave. N.E. ,Renton,WA,98055 345 Pelly Ave. N. #8,Renton,WA,98055 330 Pelly Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 301 Park Ave. No. #1,Renton,WA,98055 107 Main Ave. So. #402,Renton,WA,98055 541 Pelly Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 507 Wells Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 540 Wells Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 541 Wells Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 519 Wells Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 528 Wells Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 512 Wells Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 510 Wells Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 541 Wells Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 CONFERENCE REPORT NAME OF PROJECT: I` i` Yw AVE. fELI 1' U It). DATE OF CONFERENCE: I r l 7 ( I G - I q S a PROJECT NUMBER: a(A " Oa 1 38 TIME:0 r START) END) NAME AND TITLE OF ORGANIZATION PHONE PEOPLE_.ATTENDING JE \R 1 Lilo° l-t-s YrOki Dc=mNz-, i C/ate/ 0 I COMMENTS: CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 2708 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, CONCERNING PRESERVATION OF NORTH RENTON AND KENNYDALE NEIGHBORHOODS FROM DETERIORATION DUE TO TRAFFIC WHEREAS the North Renton and Kennydale neighborhoods have protested excessive commuter traffic through their neighborhoods; and WHEREAS planned development could cause additional commuter traffic problems in these neighborhoods; and WHEREAS the City Council has previously expressed a desire to protect these neighborhoods from the incursion of excessive or unreasonable traffic to the greatest extent possible; and WHEREAS citizens groups within these two neighborhoods have made specific recommendations to the City of Renton on steps that could be taken to prevent deterioration of their neighborhoods due to traffic, NOW THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: One of the City' s highest . priorities is preserving the integrity of single family neighborhoods of Renton, including the Kennydale neighborhood , as a quality, single family residential neighborhood where people choose to live. SECTION II :One of the City' s highest priorities is preserving single family neighborhoods of Renton, including the North Renton area, as a quality, single family neighborhood where 1 • RESOLUTION NO. 2708 people choose to live . It is recognized that much of this area is zoned. multi-family and other zoning categories that may, in the future, result in a change in the use pattern in this area. So long as the North Renton Neighborhood remains primarily residential in character , the City will use its best efforts to preserve, the single family character in this neighborhood. SECTION III: As part of the E & H projects, the City considered the use of traffic diverters in the North Renton neighborhood.While the City supports the use of traffic diverters, the exact nature and extent of those traffic diverters has not been established, but is the topic of initial consideration of a citizens steering committee which includes residents of the North Renton area. All deliberate speed shall be utilized to arrive at and install a diverter program in the North Renton neighborhood , keeping in mind the needs of individual streets and sections of street for diverters and further ;keeping in mind the needs of public safety personnel for access and general safety in the neighborhood streets. Once the diverters are installed , they will not be removed unless there is a demonstrable problem for emergency vehicles, a demonstrable threat to public safety, or a change in the character of the area protected so that the diverters are no longer functioning as desired, or are no longer necessary , or after a public hearing the protected neighborhood indicates that the diverters are no longer desired. Diverters as used in this paragraph shall mean any means of redirecting , channelizing , stopping, blocking or otherwise diverting traffic that is without a start or end point 2 RESOLUTION NO. 2708 in the neighborhood , from travelling on the North Renton neighborhood streets. SECTION IV: The staff and traffic consultants are hereby directed to pay particular attention to the North Third corridor . It is a thigh priority to keep the traffic levels on this street at current levels or below and to focus on creative reasonable alternatives to lessen the traffic burden at peak hours on this street and/or mitigate the impacts of traffic on the single family homes adjacent to that street. Following receipt of any studies, the staff is directed to present recommended modifications to the North Third corridor to the City Council with all deliberate speed , so that the City Council can implement feasible, alternatives while considering' the fiscal capabilities of the City and the impacts of such changes on the entire City of Renton traffic flows. In addition, the issue of whether Factory Avenue should be used to , carry high volume arterial scale traffic has not been resolved. Some neighborhood groups representing the North Renton area believe that it should not. This issue would be decided by City Council after a recommendation from the Neighborhood Steering Committee and City staff. SECTION V: As part of its traffic mitigation program for the E &' H rezone and site plans, the City Council intended to preserve Garden Avenue, south of North Fourth Street from use as an arterial street.The staff and traffic consultants are directed to study the section of Garden Avenue from Bronson Way to North Fourth and determine practical methods of diverting 3 RESOLUTION NO. 2708 including, potentially, diverters) commuter traffic from this street section. Garden Avenue shall remain a non-arterial street for the foreseeable future and will not be changed without the creation of a committee of neighbors living nearby that will work with the City to make recommendations and not until the City Council holds a public hearing. Garden Avenue will not be changed from its non-arterial street status as long as it remains primarily residential in character and is being used as single family residences or by familes with children. SECTION VI : As part of the traffic mitigation program for the E & H Rezone and site plan approvals, the City Council eliminated direct traffic from Garden Avenue to Lake Washington Blvd. and eliminated the link of North 10th ' through to Houser Way. The purpose of these modifications was to prevent the business traffic from the E & H buildings from using Lake Washington Blvd. as a conduit to and from work. The staff and traffic consultant are directed to study and make recommendations that would direct business traffic from the Boeing/E & H area to and from the freeways and existing developed arterials and to keep Lake Washington Blvd.. from serving as a business traffic corridor. For the foreseeable future , the two traffic lanes through the R-1 area on Lake Washington Boulevard shall remain as is and the stop signs and speed limits on Lake Washington Blvd. shall remain intact. These features will not be changed without the creation of neighborhood committee that will work with the City to make recommendations and not until the City Council holds a public hearing . If there are any changes to these 4 Py_°`'"v`" - cr e-e a• AR-- ON NO. 2708 fee' e until after a public hearing befi —6--Lc-4-- 1'`'=-T''e`"` 0Q y changes will have the intent of tom z pro, p 9`- Ihborhood but shall not encourage coma 1,4 a. Lake Washington Boulevard to. a thrl " 0Z. City' s Six Year Street Plan nor is co make such a change . The City Council will- consider potential changes , keeping in mind the fiscal impact of . those changes and the impact on the City transportation circulation. SECTION VII : The traffic consultants hired by the City and E & H Development shall consider the. statements contained in this resolution as one of their primary directives in preparing their studies. SECTION VIII: This Resolution shall be considered a SEPA policy statement and is adopted as such. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 1Sthday of February, 1988 . Maxine E. Motor ,City Clerk APPROVED B.Y THE MAYOR this 15th da of February, 1988 . 7--G. X. arl C ymer ,, ML-Agkpik yor Approved as to form: 4A0vesokor, 1113 •Gr.r....04,---' Lawrence J.. Warr;f City Attorney RES :04/2/4/88 5 r PETITION TO STATE LIQUOR CONTROL BOARD The undersigned hereby ask the Liquor Control Board to consider the problems asso- ciated with a large tavern to be located at 530 Pelly Avenue N. , Renton , Washington , including the following: 1 . Environmental issues such as light, glare and noise from this large drinking establishment. Arterial street necessary so as not to be intrusive on neighborhoods. g, 2. The tavern would be located on what is basicall r@s , e i . s* e • present- ly containing single-family residences by a vast majorit :- Lan '.cv 4u s i , 11 . 3. Many school children live on the street, as wel Las; pr+ 'assh oll. ay on the sidewalks and occasionally the street.t-N J. 4. A citizens committee is working with the Senior PlaM,:iR' 'fiIQ$ f Renton to establish traffic diverters on neighborhood streets, and this is one of the streets under consideration for diverters. 5. There are an abundance of taverns within the City of Renton, but if another one is desired by the applicant, other sites on arterials are available to him.. 6. It is our understanding that a portion of the building or parking lot will be going through the conditional permit process which means that all of the grounds are not yet zoned for this use, thus not in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. 7. The site does not conform to the needs and uses of the residents and their children who live nearby. Tavern patrons and/or their autos could harm children at play. 8. A large tavern atmosphere is not appropriate for any residential street nor fa-many small businesses. Plus possible rowdiness , taverns are open late at night. We respectfully ask the Liquor Control Board to require a more appropriate setting for the tavern. 7— g I 7 1Ve' 1C--5---- S—t. e 'Jkf 7.0(71) AI SIGNATURE ADDRESS 01_,.--o _. K, . SW- ape I L 71 U,° Ai CICinitf-1— C0 /7 J ! `c i ,'' (r 40-1 I , aj a“ u L -- 4 ( VLi Cthct -(. 1/ zim'W J y c_Adg_rm \, ) 5, 2' v c,e door eCT ap-o n ... 6 P I? A----..or ,S faLz-- f C_- C .44 1 \ C r}- a I . x 7 s& Ain ,, 9 80 7 CITY' OF 21re4 a r v 0 OUILDING/ZONINu uEPT. t) V 7 / PETITION TO STATE LIQUOR CONTROL BOARD The undersigned hereby ask the Liquor Control Board to consider the problems asso- ciated with a large tavern to be located at 530 Pelly Avenue N. , Renton , Washington, including the following: 1 . Environmental issues such as light, glare and noise from this large drinking establishment. Arterial street necessary so as not to be intrusive on neighborhoods. 2. The tavern would be located on what is basically a residential street, present ly containing single-family residences by a vast majority. Land values will fall. 3. Many school children live on the street, as well as pre-schoolers who. play on the sidewalks and occasionally the street. 4. A citizens committee is working with the Senior Planner of the City of Renton to establish traffic diverters on neighborhood streets, and this is one of the streets under consideration for diverters. 5. There are an abundance of taverns within the City of Renton, but if another , one is desired by the applicant, other sites on arterials are available to him. 6. It is our understanding that a portion of the building or parking, lot will be going through the conditional permit process which means that all of the grounds are not yet zoned'for this use, thus not in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. 7. The site does not conform to the needs and uses of the residents and their children who live nearby. Tavern patrons and/or their autos could harm children at play. 8. A large tavern atmosphere is not appropriate for any residential street nor fa-many small businesses. Plus possible rowdiness , taverns are open late at night. We respectfully ask the Liquor Control Board to require a more appropriate setting for the tavern. SIGNATURE ADDRESS ce444,tAtEtafel,(0, -Fir _52-o--.7 1-1, 5 1: ti/4 V E iNj , .-R t-71krtn A) uu ea, g c)3-- --,: ti i e It J V li atrc 01 , 0 titkik (:AtAILL(‘___ 3 3 1 ,-v C (A-- a b,c r I . 'Pa'zo Th)--vf q ://'',S-- -- 7? _ CJ l'al,/--- 6 PETITION TO STATE LIQUOR CONTROL BOARD The undersigned hereby ask the Liquor Control Board to consider the problems assc ciated with a large tavern to be located at 530 Pelly Avenue N. , Renton , Washington, including the following: 1 . Environmental issues such as light, glare and noise from this large drinking establishment. Arterial street necessary so as not to he intrusive on neighborhoods. 2. The tavern would be located on what is basically a residential street, preser ly containing single-family residences by a vast majority. Land values will fall . 3. Many school children live on the street, as well as pre-schoolers who play on the sidewalks and occasionally the street. 4. A citizens committee is working with the Senior Planner of the City of Rentor to establish traffic diverters on neighborhood streets, and this is one of the street. under consideration for diverters. 5. There are an abundance of taverns within the City of Renton, but if another one is desired by the applicant, other sites on arterials are available to him. 6. It is our understanding that a portion of the building or parking lot will bE going through the conditional permit process which means that all of the grounds are not yet zoned for this use, thus not in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. 7. The site does not conform to the needs and uses of the residents and their children who live nearby. Tavern patrons and/or their autos could harm children at p- 8. A large tavern atmosphere is not appropriate for any residential street nor fcr many small businesses. Plus possible rowdiness , taverns are open late at night. We respectfully ask the Liquor Control Board to require a more appropriate settir for the tavern. ADDRESS T SIGNATURE 1 r*--/ Z N, t PETITION TO STATE LIQUOR CONTROL BOARD The undersigned hereby ask the Liquor Control Board to consider the problems `.asso- ciated with a ;large tavern to be located at 530 Pelly Avenue N. , Renton, Washington, including the 'following: 1 . Environmental issues such as light, glare and noise from this large drinking establishment. Arterial street necessary so as not to.b.e intrusive on neighborhoods. • 2. The tavern would be located on what is basically a residential street, present- ly containing single-family residences by a vast majority. Land values will fall . 3. Many school children live on the street, as well as .pre-schoolers who play on the sidewalks and occasionally the street. 4. A citizens committee is working with the Senior Planner of' the City of Renton to establish traffic diverters on neighborhood streets, and this is one of the streets under consideration for diverters. 5. There are an abundance of taverns within the City of Renton, but if another one is desired by the applicant, other sites on arterials are available to him. 6. It is our understanding that a portion of the building or parking lot will be going through the conditional permit process which means that all of the grounds are not,yet zoned 'for this use, thus not in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. 7. The site does not conform to the needs and uses of the residents and their children .who live nearby. Tavern patrons and/or their autos could harm children at play. 8. A large tavern atmosphere is not appropriate for any residential street nor fcrmany small businesses. Plus possible rowdiness, taverns are open late at night. We respectfully ask the Liquor Control Board to require a more appropriate setting v. for the tavern. L-eA. J-- 3 0 ipauk__. /We, 0 .. APTa le-P77 A)/1 SIGNATURE ADDRESS 0ccup, --3e3 2e--Luy 4 ,.•&moo \ ohs- 9, 40/ s 'V Atie ,u k VL) (01.5 00:71 0 98055' LJ%t `7L- cam "` b / icl/j /i o. . AI ,..,.4 a, kt...s ... b 5- b Je:1 J , . b ' i 17/d- P ter 2 a 3/5-.6-P.-6 G- ,. f =: emu' G' rce ,( 1Z-1/21/ ./. - i 4 3 ` L;Y a • J m Ae y 5-5- 4- -_\h--, 4 t— . .z.r L E--.\c AAAT • N:,corn V& li ti,_,`1 s-- 44, y, a PI Arnam...: t,Y . fo. ' ., a, u f e,r P 1... c K i ,,"- ,q-i ' Ards. . ei v-To—I 9.615sJ"' 02 " C 3 is-„:„,. 3 L6 3Z PETITION TO STATE LIQUOR CONTROL BOARD The undersigned hereby ask the Liquor Control Board to consider the problems asso- ciated with a large tavern to be located at 530 Pelly Avenue N. , Renton , Washington, including the following: 1 . Environmental issues such as light, glare and noise from this large drinking establishment. Arterial street necessary so as not to be intrusive on neighborhoods. 2. The tavern would be located on what is basically a residential street, present- ly containing single-family residences by a vast majority. Land values will fall . 3. Many school children live on the street, as well as pre-schoolers who play on the sidewalks and occasionally the street. 4. A citizens committee is working with the Senior Planner of the City of Renton to establish traffic diverters on neighborhood streets, and this is one of the streets under consideration for diverters. 5. There are an abundance of taverns within the City of Renton, but if another one is desired by the applicant, other sites on arterials are available to him. 6. It is our understanding that a portion of the building or parking lot will be going through the conditional permit process which means that all of the grounds are not yet zoned for this use, thus not in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. 7. The site does not conform to the needs and uses of the residents and their children who live nearby. Tavern patrons and/or their autos could harm children at play. 8. A large tavern atmosphere is not appropriate for any residential street nor fa-many small businesses. Plus possible rowdiness , taverns are open late at night. We respectfully ask the Liquor Control Board to require a more appropriate setting for the tavern. SIGNATURE ADDRESS A„e„,p Q e(74(1/6e AV° eta i(f, 6P-6's 6494-74is / pbeld 624, C,30.3 3 CJ D/ 112E r7R(. X E-7`. 4/1,• geZ, ga.y. e/5 Liz A)Ogat -?P Re—k}06-1 CITY OF RE TON EH APR ill' PETITION TO STATE LIQUOR CONTROL BOARD The undersigned hereby ask the Liquor Control Board to consider the problems asso- ciated with a large tavern to be located at 530 Pelly Avenue N. , Renton, Washington, including the following: 1 . Environmental issues such as light, glare and noise from this large drinking establishment. Arterial street necessary so as not to be intrusive on neighborhoods. 2. The tavern would be located on what is basically a residential street, present- ly containing single-family residences by a vast majority. Land values will fall . 3. Many ;school children live on the street, as well as pre-schoolers who play on the sidewalks and occasionally the street. 4. A citizens committee is working with the Senior Planner of the City of Renton to establish traffic diverters on neighborhood streets, and this is one of the streets under consideration for diverters. 5. There are an abundance of taverns within the City of Renton, but if another one is desired by the applicant, other sites on arterials are available to him. 6. It is our understanding that a portion of the building or parking lot will be going through the conditional permit process which means that all of the grounds are not yet zoned for this use, thus not in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. 7. The site does not conform to the needs and uses of the residents and their children who live nearby. Tavern patrons and/or their autos could harm children at play. 8. A large tavern atmosphere is not appropriate for any residential street nor fcr many small businesses. Plus possible rowdiness, taverns are open late at night. We respectfully ask the Liquor Control Board to require a more appropriate setting for the tavern. SIGNATURE ADDRESS 4;7 OA qt0 Pad )40-e 1201,Uk 7,Z9vm A,//a ALL Y Aue 40 . EN7w doxki P9NaAr, f k. 6-AfioNcia 4cr ftii Lwa PETITION TO STATE LIQUOR CONTROL BOARD The undersigned hereby ask the Liquor Control Board to consider the problems asso- ciated with a ;large tavern to be located at 530 Pelly Avenue N. , Renton, Washington, including the ;following: 1 . Environmental issues such as light, glare and noise from this large drinking establishment. Arterial street necessary so as not to be intrusive on neighborhoods. 2. The tavern would be located on what is basically a residential street, present- ly containing ;single-family residences by a vast majority. Our land values will fall. 3. Many school children live on the street, as well as pre-schoolers who play on the sidewalks and occasionally the street. 4. A citizens committee is working with the Senior Planner of the City of Renton to establish traffic diverters on neighborhood streets, and this is one of the streets under consideration for diverters. 5. There are an abundance of taverns within the City of Renton, but if another one is desired by the applicant, other sites on arterials are available to him. 6. It is our understanding that a portion of the building or parking lot will be going through 'the conditional permit process which means that all of the grounds are not yet zoned for this use, thus not in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. 7. The site does not conform to the needs and uses of the residents and their children who live nearby. Tavern patrons and/or their autos could harm children at play. 8. A large tavern atmosphere is not appropriate for any residential street nor fcrmany small 'businesses. Plus possible rowdiness , taverns are open late at night. We respectfully ask the Liquor Control Board to require a more appropriate setting for the tavern. VI) % A/ O - -LLzi g_, >' GNA7IRE • 'ADDRE S Al 74 r 11 fi ( Y n'(Jc NO. ff/ /yAV?, /y/ z_f/ A 7 14• crv w 35 fie,e /t/- l6/,s! 3 ,C , ( 00 <<-( IPa C Id. Pe // % J O eKloY1 J Sod p.6.1,r.e.,14,g 479'742 PETITION TO STATE LIQUOR CONTROL BOARD The undersigned hereby ask the Liquor Control Board to consider the problems asso- ciated with a large tavern to be located at 530 Pelly Avenue N. , Renton , Washington, including the following: 1 . Environmental issues such as light, glare and noise from this large drinking establishment: Arterial street necessary so as not to be intrusive on neighborhoods. 2. The tavern would be located on what is basically a residential street, present- ly containing, single-family residences by a vast majority. Land values will fall . 3. Many school children live on the street, as well as pre-schoolers who play on the sidewalks and occasionally the street. 4. A citizens committee is working with the Senior Planner of the City of Renton to establish traffic diverters on neighborhood streets, and this is one of the streets under consideration for diverters. 5. There are an abundance of taverns within the City of Renton, but if another one is desired by the applicant, other sites on arterials are available to him. 6. It is our understanding that a portion of the building or parking lot will be going through the conditional permit process which means that all of the grounds are not yet zoned for this use, thus not in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. 7. The site does not conform to the needs and uses of the residents and their children who live nearby. Tavern patrons and/or their autos could harm children at play. 8. A large tavern atmosphere is not appropriate for any residential street nor fcr many small businesses. Plus possible rowdiness , taverns are open late at night. We respectfully ask the Liquor Control Board to require a more appropriate setting for the tavern. 46_0 cr,,, 7)e,d 747P, SIGNATU E AD RESS j am. .. 29C /)d‘ /ke, /a t 330 1. tea Az4 au xi. 7 f pa a( /7. / 1 Oc.AC )C - ; `TC,\.L' '1'1 PETITION TO STATE LI6UOR CONTROL BOARD c 5 (4)c jc:§P The undersigned hereby ask the Liquor Control Board to consider the problems asso- ciated with a large tavern to be located at 530 Pelly Avenue N. , Renton , Washington , including the following: 1 . Environmental issues such as light, glare and noise from this large drinking establishment. Arterial street necessary so as not to be intrusive on neighborhoods . 2. The tavern would be located on what is basically a residential street, present- ly containing single-family residences by a vast majority. 3. Many school children live on the street, as well as pre-schoolers who play on the sidewalks and occasionally the street. 4. A citizens committee is working with the Senior Planner of the City of Renton to establish traffic diverters on neighborhood streets, and this is one of the streets under consideration for diverters. 5. There are an abundance of taverns within the City of Renton, but if another one is desired by the applicant, other sites on arterials are available to him. 6. It is our understanding that a portion of the building or parking lot will be going through the conditional permit process which means that all of the grounds are not yet zoned for this use, thus not in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. 7. The site does not conform to the needs and uses of the residents and their children .who live nearby. Tavern patrons and/or their autos could harm children at play. 8. A large tavern atmosphere is not appropriate for any residential street nor fa-many small businesses. Plus possible rowdiness , taverns are open late at night. We respectfully ask the Liquor Control Board to require a more appropriate setting for the tavern.RECEIVED• 1 MAR 0919b/ SIGNATURE ADDRESS 7, LICENSE DIVISION y/ ,r'a" 4i y4• N, ADEWIPA) q, A Q--' 4.. .'.,,,---e , -7-7 I, Pf.,,yd ., if' t.7--.7-r7 /...z - ik gig to _czi, V/7,- 1.-N----, _,-. --7- ------ LJ .- q A ave. N. 1-2ft., 1-e'l----\, Li2.1.71_,__e 1/)0,j-e-A-<----L 29-1-, 7/-76?A_re: /-L--- 6-/ tilzge a.,7,_e__ 4,Z,,,,,z,,,,, A/4-C{j--"Li6.6, 0, ,j cAX6(---4/ _6-/' Z-- Weji2., 0---T,GC z"--40- X V144 kv-ez&, 7 RECEIVED MAR 0 9 198/ LICENSE DIVISION 1' If i il i, I} f.' iii...ic 1 a}1,17,41,:srlf g.',..VPL',192 fle,^,19.10.Strof U. 1 0 0• 1 P 1 6.1 Oil 1 AaCirditaiddislajle v.r.,,,,,-----, ,, P' '-..7'. .!2?'i';',:":: I , CONFERENCE REPORT A I ZNAVEOFPROJECT: re/NU( 4 U 1 _ S e/sf DATE OF CONFERENCE:Z4- I U aj PRUIEcr NUMBER:f, TIlKE: 3 : 4"' p r t( START) l O END) NAME AND TIME OF ORGANIZATION PHONE PEOPLE_.ATTENDING LerOD cR R i)1on) . 2. 5-25 0 em-k- W6 AK2)cj000 c-nec4r se5 fr Afro A/ 27> 6-83 commis: P P0 N ) A110 • S .!.t). l AY7LZ5eCC7'K3hl N , ' 5712re-1 'APz.( Loiss 11, )2, l 5 , ISK Co, rdo,./ firm PI,A` , AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING On the 9 day of t 1988, I deposited in the mails of the United States a sealed en elope containing niY S N,- , m documents. This information was sent to: NAME: REPRESENTING: ait2}. 7 A e_,„e..„ SIGNED BY: 04 j° p_ SUBSc BE6 . i SWORN to before me this c n r. day of y a 0: , : 1988 . 4,.,wig O i A R Y ; ;t t G tz PUB` 440•/ $i ()_ 1 J,•. 9(j B'; 1 Notary- Public in and for the State of Washington, T••...:...•• ,z, ii residing at . f=therein. Project Name and Number: Paves. _( 7 gia Ee T- oo/43. X 4 - 'e F b oS_ Ey ap. L- fG'r- o o6 -cF CITY OF RENTON BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT Earl Clymer, Mayor Ronald G. Nelson, Director May 19, 1988 • Washington State ' Department. of Ecology Environmental Review Section Mail Stop PV-11 Olympia, WA 98504 RE: Environmental Determinations Transmitted herewith are copies : of Environmental Determinations issued on May 9, 1988 : DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED KBI Diversified, Ltd. , The Renton Ridge Apartments ECF-005-88 ; R-005-88; SA-005-88 ; FPUD-005-88) Dennis T. Su •Park Ave. Deli & Pub ECF-006-88 ; • cu-006-88) The fifteen (15) day comment period for these projects will end on June 3 , 1988. Following the end of the comment period, the City will finalize these determinations unless comments received require a reevaluation. These determinations may be appealed tothe City's Hearing Examiner no later than 5: 00 p.m. on June 2, . 1988. Any appeal must state clearly in writing why :,the determination should be revised and must be accompanied by a non-refundable $75. 00. If you have questions, please call Jeanette Samek-McKague or me at 235-2550. Sincerely, 1°4:! Donald K.• .Erickson, AICP Zoning Administrator pc: Mr. Gerald W. Marbett Mr. Gregory M. Bush Department of Wildlife Mr. Joe Robels agencylt DKE:sr:cs v,, A.,n.,,,,. Rentnn_ Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2540 t% CITY OF RENTON BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT Earl Clymer, Mayor Ronald G. Nelson, Director May 18, 1988 Summ's Inc. 675 Garden Avenue North Renton, Wa 98055 RE: Dennis T. Su/Park Avenue Deli & Pub 526-532 Pell y Avenue North ECF-006-88; CU-006-88 This letter is to inform you that the Environmental Review Committee completed their review of the environmental impacts of the above referenced project. The Committee on May 4, 1988, decided that your project may be issued a Determination of Non- Significance - Mitigated with the following conditions: 1.That the applicant shall submit revised plans for screening and landscaping the proposed parking lot, including: a) a six foot solid wood or decorative masonry fence along the south property line, and b) the screening of all direct light sources greater than 75 watts intensity at the source so that no visible glare occurs off-site at an angle less than 30 degrees with the ground plan; and 2.That the applicant's project be subject to site plan review as well as conditional use permit review before the Hearing Examiner. Note to Applicant: The site plan review process together with the conditional use process' are necessary to identify the appropriate measures to mitigate the impacts of the overall project to the nearby existing single family uses in light of Resolution 2-708. Because the Environmental Review Committee imposed specific mitigation measures rather than issue a Determination of Significance, there is a required fifteen (15) day comment period during which comments are solicited from various agencies, jurisdictions or individuals who may have an interest in the Committee's decision. The comment period will end June 3, 1988. In addition, this determination may be appealed to the City's Hearing Examiner no later than 5:00 p.m. on June 2, 1988. Any appeal must state clearly in writing why the determination should be revised and must be accompanied by a non-refundable $75.00 filing fee. 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2540` Summ's Inc. May 18, 1988 Page 2 By the end of the comment period, we should be able to establish a tentative public hearing date before the Hearing Examiner. If you have any questions or desire clarification of the above, please call our office at 235-2550 and ask for Jeanette Samek-McKague or me. For the Environmental Review Committee, Donald K. Erickson, AICP Zoning Administrator pc: Dennis T. Su Warren & Versie Vaupel Linda Utschinski decnot DKE:sr:cs Oiir r,t1,o NAME,ADDRESS,CITY,STATE,ZIP Tek Wang,P.O.Box 24,Renton,WA,98055 Warren & Versie Vaupe1, 1402 North 2nd Street,Renton,WA,98055 Linda Utschinski,529 Pelly Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 M. June Evans,817 No. 1st St. ,Renton,WA,98055 David Clark,516 Pelly Ave. No. ,Renton,WA, 98055 Lance Camp,516 Pelly Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 Dyanna Lafollette,516 Pelly Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 Reginath Hurner,526 Pelly Ave. No. ,Renton,WA, 98055 Charles A. Hurner,526 Pelly Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 Leonard E. Barnes III,525 Pelly Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 Tammie Smith,525 Pelly Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 Ronald J. Utschinski,529 Pelly Ave. No. ,Renton,WA, 98055 Gina Leuchini,529 Pelly Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 Cynthia Hunter,513 Pelly Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 Angela Hunter,512 Pelly Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 Don L. Poff,916 No. 5th St. ,Renton,WA,98055 Jesse C. Cox, 3025 N.E. 7th St. ,Renton,WA,98055 Darlene Scheffer,517 Pelly Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 Linda K. Utschinski, 529 Pelly Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 Teresa Hemstad, 303 Park Ave. No. Apt J,Renton,WA,98055 Occupant,338 Pelly Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 Eugene Thorne,401 Pelly Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 Alberta Thorne,401 Pelly Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 Glenda J. St.Clair,317 Pelly Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 Jackie Lund, 315 B Pelly Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 Albert J. Brattus,323 Pelly Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 Sharon Parks, 346 Pelly Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 Mary Delaurenti,301 Williams Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 Louie Delaurenti, 301 Williams Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 Mila J.Anderson,2332 Aberdeen Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 Darlene A. Anderson, 16863 124th Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 Georgia Gitche1, 1455 So. Puget Dr C303,Renton,WA,98055 Arlene Thompson,3901 N.E. 22nd St. ,Renton,WA,98055 Marjorie J. Richter, 300 Meadow Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 William Richter,300 Meadow Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 Terry Clough, 1421 No. 3rd,Renton,WA,98055 G.A. Vandiver Jr. ,406 Pelly Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 Cathy Vandiver,406 Pelly Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 Mary Ann Vandiver,406 Pelly Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 Alice M. Thompson,410 Pelly Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 Mike A. Thompson,410 Pelly Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 Rhonda Oord,412 Pelly Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 John E. Creager,428 Pelly Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 Lori Creager,428 Pelly Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 Occupant,440 Pelly Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 Janice J. Joyce,440 Pelly Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 Betty Zwicker,446 Pelly Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 Donald J. Zwicker,446 Pelly Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 Henry E. Legere,452 Pelly Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 Jo A. Taylor,447 Pelly Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 Margaret Foster,435 Pelly Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 Amy D. Oord, 16125 S.E. Petrovitsky Rd. ,Renton,WA,98055 George M. Oord,412 Pelly Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 Richard Jay Palmer, 655 Camas Ave. N.E. ,Renton,WA,98055 Aaron S. Vandiver,406 Pelly Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 Shannon E. Guy,345 Pelly Ave. No. #8,Renton,WA,98055 Michael Conne1,345 Pelly Ave. No. #6,Renton,WA,98055 John R. Lindquist, 330 Pelly Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 Teri Lindquist,330 Pelly Ave. No. ,Renton,WA, 98055 Dennis Klug, 301 Park Ave. No. #1,Renton,WA, 98055 Agnes Blake, 107 Main Ave. So. #402,Renton,WA,98055 Norman Schultz,541 Pelly Ave. No. , Renton,WA,98055 Occupant,507 Wells Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 Opal Case,540 Wells Ave. No. , Renton,WA,98055 Katy Richte,541 Wells Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 Dave Wilson,519 Wells Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 Robert A. Russo,528 Wells Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 Debbie L. Russo,528 Wells Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 Gerald C. Bartlett,512 Wells Ave. No. ,Renton,WA, 98055 Mildred M. Bartlett,512 Wells Ave. No. ,Renton,WA, 98055 Clifford Rees,510 Wells Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 Doris S. Rees,510 Wells Ave. No. , Renton,WA,98055 Tom Richter,541 Wells Ave. No. ,Renton,WA,98055 Cp-o6-PP 4.0,STAT£o.4 mn Z 1889 ae STATE OF WASHINGTON WASHINGTON STATE LIQUOR CONTROL BOARD Olympia, Washington 98504 May 16, 1988 Summ' s, Inc. Soft Sam' s Tavern 530 Pelly Avenue North Renton, WA 98055 Re: Reception No. 356938-6B Changed to Reception No. 074013-68 Your application for change of location has been approved as of this date. Your license will be forwarded to you by Business License Services, Department of Licensing. This approval is subject to your meeting the requirements. of state, county and city laws and ordinances relating to sanitation, zoning, fire, safety and building codes to include the Public Accommodations for Physically Handicapped Laws, Chapter 70.92, RCW. Further, we interpose no objections to lottery sales (upon obtaining approval from the Lottery Commission) . Also, soft background music mechanical ) is authorized for your licensed premises. STER C. DA MPL , Supervi or License Division LCD:32/88 cc: Mayor of Renton Spokane Office Business License Services 9 I L.1 , May 13, 1988 Versie Vaupel i' '` E) .PT. P. 0. Box 755 Renton WA 98057 Building & Zoning Department Municipal Building Renton WA 98055 Re: CF-006-88; CU,..D-O• -88. Tavern -EBY North Pbilly between 5th & 6th Ladies/Gentlemen: It is beyond my comprehension why the City of Renton would even con- sider a tavern on Pelly Avenue: (I realize the owner is calling the building a "deli" and a. "pub, " but face the facts--a tavern under any other name remains a tavern. Visit the present location on Garden & 6th between, say, 10 pm and 2 am, and you can see what would be in store for the neighborhood. ) Citizens circulated a. petition to the Liquor Control Board, and I be- lieve a copy of the petition containing approximately 70 signatures was also turned in to your office. Surely, you can't approve something of this nature for a residential street no matter what the zoning may show. What am I saying: The City could probably approve such a thing for North Renton, given a look at the past as to what the "city fathers" have ,done, to:.North Renton in the name of progress' and so-called growth. " I would hope that city staff and elected officials could get over its great propensity to louse up our neighborhood. If the City wants to ruin our neighborhood even more, the City should be required to make it public so that we could all know where we stand, not to keep push- ing undesirable plans here and there that further trash our environ- ment and which make live more miserable for the residents. I don' t have to tell you how devastating a tavern on this primarily residential street would be to the children and adults who call this . street their home. There are indeed children who are at play on this street almost all the time on good days. You surely don' t want to do this to them. If any of you approve such a mess for any neighborhood anywhere, you should be required to live next door to it yourselves -- just like the people who are rehabbing their house there with four very small children. How much will the City reimburse them and the others there for blighting their home area further? How much responsibility will the City accept if a drunk leaves the tavern and runs over one of the kids there. . .or grabs a child who has- learned to feel some trust in their environment there on that small street? Yes, how ,much :blame;. would the City accept? I know whom many in North Renton would blame: You decision-makers and recommenders, that's who.. You people have to start takrn9 responsibility for your decisions, legally and morally. In haste and in anger, r Versie Vaupel CITY OF RENTON BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT Earl Clymer, Mayor Ronald G. Nelson, Director May 13, 1988 Summ's Inc. 675 Garden Avenue N. Renton, WA 98055 RE: Dennis T. Su/Park Avenue Deli & Pub 526-532 Pelly Avenue North ECF-006-88, CU-006-88 Gentlemen: Transmitted herewith is a copy of the Determination of Non-Significance - Mitigated and the Mitigation Measures for the above referenced project. If you have any questions, please call me at 235-2550. Sincerely, Donald K. Erickson, AICP Zoning Administrator pc: Dennis T. Su Warren & Versie Vaupel Linda Utschinski covltr DKE:sr:cs 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2540 CITY OF RENTON ORIGINAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE MITIGATED) ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST NO.: ECF-006-88 APPLICATION NO(S).: CU-006-88 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: Application for a Conditional Use Permit to allow a parking lot for 24 vehicles to be located on a lot zoned R-4 (High Density Multi-Family Residential Use). This parking lot is intended to serve a new 2700 square foot restaurant and tavern to be located on the subject property directly to the north of the parking lot. The restaurant/tavern and ten additional parking spaces are proposed to be developed on two lots. These two lots are currently zoned B-1 (Commercial Use). PROPONENT: Dennis T. Su LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Located at 526-532 Pelly Avenue North (on the east side), between North 5th Street and North 6th Street. LEAD AGENCY: City of Renton, Building and Zoning Department. The City of Renton Environmental Review Committee has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An environmental impact statement EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). This decision was made after review of an expanded environmental checklist and preliminary site plan, on file with the lead agency. Conditions were imposed'as mitigation measures by the Environmental Review Committee under their authority ;of Section 4-2822(D) Renton Municipal Code (see attached sheet). These conditions are necessary to mitigate environmental impacts identified during the environmental review process. This DNS is issued under WAC 197-11-340. The lead agency will not act on this proposal for fifteen (15) days from May 19, 1988. Any interested party may submit written comments which must be submitted by 5:00 p.m., June 3, 1988, in order to be considered. This determination may be appealed to the City's Hearing Examiner no later than 5:00 p.m. on June 2, 1988. Any appeal must state clearly in writing why the Determination should be revised and must be accompanied by a non-refundable $75.00 filing fee. Responsible Official: Environmental Review Committee City of Renton 200 Mill Avenue South, Renton, WA 98055 Phone: 235-2500 DATE OF DECISION: May 4, 1988 EFFECTIVE DATE: May 19, 1988 ofkiAl iald G. Nelson arry r .pringer uilding and Zoning Director Policy D• :lopment ector Richard C. ughton Public Works Director R'G1%DETERMINATION OF NON SIGNIFICANCE MITIGATION MEASURES PROJECT: Park Avenue Deli and Pub ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST: ECF-006-88 APPLICATION NO.: CU-006-88 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: Application for a Conditional Use Permit to allow a parking lot for 24 vehicles to be located on a lot zoned R-4 (High Density Multi-Family Residential Use). This parking lot is intended to serve a new 2700 square foot restaurant and tavern to be located on the subject property directly to the north of the parking lot. The restaurant/tavern and ten additional parking spaces are proposed to be developed on two lots. These two lots are currently zoned B-1 (Commercial Use). LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Located at 526-532 Pelly Avenue North (on the east side), between North 5th Street and North 6th Street. CONDITIONS: 1.That the applicant shall submit revised plans for screening and landscaping the proposed parking lot, including: a) a six foot solid wood or decorative masonry fence along the south property line; and b) the screening of all direct light sources greater than 75 watts intensity at the source so that no visible glare occurs off-site at an angle less than 30 degrees with the ground plan; and 2.That the applicant's project be subject to site plan review as well as conditional use permit review before the Hearing Examiner. Note to Applicant: The site plan review process together with the conditional use process are necessary to identify the appropriate measures to mitigate the impacts of the overall project to the nearby existing single family uses in light of Resolution 2-708. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING On the 4;?0 day of 22 1988, I deposited in the mails of the United States a sealed envelope containing 7--' . y E,C C° L documents. This information was sent to: NAME: m REPRESENTING: azia-Z• bekaaae-;40 9,Le- SIGNED BY: (Z)a. ,4L. ./1,_) SUB .+` E•."D1 SWORN to before me this 1 - dayof ib~ y Gp _1988. to C• cDi c '`1, Nota Public in,L-L-69 —&-e-X2A-and fo the State of Washington,g , wPs.011P residing at E/(i7-7 therein. OF Project Name and Number: Lv „ y-, oL P, af CF - Uv (o- EK 51067 1- w,,,Iwf,,,,!::.;..‘••• ,,:' publid.:Notice5,..h.:,:.:', I.• t•''',,:.•:''''' T;:';'';:'',.''','..:. ...:.'I,•.;;''',', f, f''.-' el'',,'Aa,',y,... t,.,'•,; r,;''-. NP41T'1IC E:'OF'ENVIRONMENTA ;4i'19DETERMOsATION:iNvi36NlENTACREVIEW,CORMI 'COMMITTEE RENTON WASHINGTON4The'T.:Bity'fro—nMoint1,''.4Ree ..Committee oOmrNoitteNe7ERC)has.issued,a,Determination AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION CE-MITI9AT,. D.,:for.,.,1hetofl,ltohwe-.i.:.,!:,,\ Iiig2'PrOjeCt(sliciiNet,thoautfictrity!.,o., MitlaliialCOde:,1:1e':k,ppljcarit(s)..,.qFhizt2PcLipfeted7ii;iftlgtht6P:PIPFI:rtfi,r'l ! •,,4.',.:Y,1',ant to.WAC,19Mit,-3B0:,4Pii14.r9-1'. fAudreyBenner being first duly sworn on oath states ..._ „„ THE.R.EkrON.iv,:,'...fiKB1101VERSIEE1:1:'iri .,.4ii ..„,,t.mcit,..: that he/she is the Chief Clerk of the t'1 • ...,: lit1,,:, Fip10pGE. ,APARTMENTS.,..,. .. -.. apioperti..4' •,,,A lications,to:frezone,1.4 acres,, from'1311'Residential single-family.to..R-3, l'•Y;',Iiesidentiii mukfarnify.;:and ilorFsite:',plan: tVALLEYDAILYNEWSi.4 - I'to alloy6a1.1PP.041,!tRaitTaay .[IA 11 aPPIPYa! -.••• • property(1 4.acreKentEdition • Renton Edition • Auburn Edition i,•.complex....59,11.,p.7,4Acrelprop : i'.:,::,,,,.':,1 kl,k,::ItItt2f,.rieis,idb,6inttittilitRhuit'40.34. 1e taacriirenyrroreolp.,'E.).7rtyIds':Daily newspapers Ublished six (6) times a week.That said newspapers ''''''''-'' 441ot iitecr On'th'e'Wesialde'Of are legallegal newspaperspPers and are now and have been for more than six '..,. ..tf:t",,:.;,,,,Aiii.i4epini'oN.e:, E,.:.,Nii:";Esbtifctn9?:.. 19. 7171?3t4;Op!i191isA?;b13):8!;,..,F.:months priorpthae date of publication referred to,printed .andKpeunt King •.'; Pi,', i'.'Ab1138N4.1iIrS161,1iAAK,0')E.: 1 D' Lii46to in the English. language continually as daily newspapers in County,Washington.The Valley Daily News has been approved.as a' legal_ :.,•i'' ' $1,11itr:4i7tra';rfktilr. r;. g.ipooz6t,.tinfd:irt,,i.o2rvl' eked Permit hi e i; benewspaperbyorderoftheSuperiorCourtoftheStateofWashingtonfor .,, ,,,...1",,,;,ilopatecl,pp,?do,Id Use). H,,Jrghh;.0peargtygKingCounty. e;:l!.1fa10.4f1;•Fiimft, es„Residential 2700aquare'foot4'.c;.10vri.fi'llt"r%'Pelliited directly to the4...res auran anci.,warn,The notice in the exact form attached,was published in the Kent Edition. !:•' ,"fr:., v;.•.-4:10orth'okth.. 9bject proPerty.,1"Located at North (on.the,eititl'I'd 'I5 '"°321"IlY'IZ%nlieSth Street and North Renton Edition x , Auburn Edition and not in .,..:.: 1:0,,a.i. side),•.091egin.,,,,,._.9. 8_-_,supplement form) which was regularly distributed to its subscribers VkKiitv,.6p,8treet:g 006- 8.CU 0061681,-4.14,,ENTONPBAE't. M10Piiiadttcd:c ENTER;1l :` ,.!.1.'•'.14;4-ifkf.1,13,,,-..-i-,i•i-,..,••—''''. h(if)) lots(1:15'd‘x • during the below stated period.The annexed notice a 11 a ?:k,A...1:0119atIPAPiT.9"e e'.9.P ub 1 i c Notice i,::.,.. O. "ed5i026iirdepos9rAsti:,olppprslultli,,,.5htehi„;sN.tor.er!elp.iensat; i'l.i.'''-•,,, 'William's'kieniiiii'South from 1373(Multfp,107,was published on may 19 , 1988 R5 05 2 Family.'Residential)to B-1',(ComMercial)to;I ql. atitleVelobinent.:at:111., enablk.future contrnerci , includes' '.three'unclEHkidthis•site.lh,iaprOpoal , vikth i6inii1,.: 1 ''veltiped.lots, one lot developed The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the ., ';,;44,:gle-familp.hoTne.aci ifoi.it'loti,';'.develOped r with Tedl.c,i.sErricnes IsiiricOtaiconicttiotipain2a51,c, fy,i.use ermit.,Property l'Citedite'4:1sumof $ 45 .6 0 . Son'thECF4101408;7,Williams;,-,'Avenue.' -;,.. voz,,ok,':,',":R-001-88;*;:, 4;,?"?''. 'm4'.1'..4,ift,'41;:4,•.-,.'••-i';:''‘;Agencies' i and.interested.,partioai.lrnalf:i,''' ''•''"' ' ' submit' t wntlep.coMmels98.387., Itc1)470;., appealed to,1-1,*:ieT1110.910.0"01°"; 'ay b%1:?riitiii than, l'i,'.: ; ,`.k.i iheiplb4,41t1e0tOcamirier Any,. 1 , ,..,,„..:, e ..,41.5•00.ii:mtVoniurle4i1;"1:$.)f4.!30. .• 'a P 2 5 thday of May 19 8 8 ..:''';',.,,'•',,,, i', 1' ..:,.`r)itoi state clearly lg tetSubscribedandsworntobeforemethis mptirtgyfti,Pi:....13, -. 1'.;nilotiikiifilliiiill..b.'11,i.000.apd:mpst t4:!i.3 ',.1.„Iii "itbbiiiiiii0140,0.'„a:109,7",trOP.41tI.,Filri'\iiXi! q4;J.tiliii6lee',1#.11 ;mi,',T,(4v34,‘; 14,P,, ,iii.ip.i4-i0 '‘,114elli'ltig4t19ribeslirrzliilietso,utilt9'.1.411MVAIEirriecIrt'tCommitAerfOre.P.4 a Municipal ,.t'.m ouild :f,,;:and:ZonIng,sPppAr.PP31!, . . 2,4g6to:x11:ti'iii'"4 qi .,'.1n4,9Fieritart;-Washogtor,i,Phone. News.... .May Notar ublic for the State of Washington, • 1'. 4 ' A'':ii;fi,PublWied..,iii1.4e;y0ley Day.residing at Federal Way, ti'l.,.' '10,19813-,,115062,4 .#5,196,.7,r::/i•y,i•r..?-;i1,•ir qJJ,,$•:•,,t•••/1+,1 +•;. ,4•4 •• • •-King County, Washington. VDN#87 Revised 11/86 CITY CF RENTON ii* EC E 1 V E D JUN 1 0 1988 BUILDING/ZONNG DEPT. r Public Notice Public Notice- NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL, ..a',roeAvianue N.E.(ECF:012-88•-SP-012-88) DETERMINATION '" ' •'i' '' CITY OF RENTON - PUBLIC-WORKS ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE••'DEPARTMENT/PRODUCTION WELLS#10 RENTON,WASHINGTON+f.:Iwc i..,t..:.&:1,1-.,i•,:•: i r:••'• •:,,. .. The Environmental Review Committee:;;.Application for.environmental'review for aERC)has issued a Determination of NON-.,;project:that'includes•the drilling of twoSIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED for the follow-••,water production'wells, two undergroundingproject(s) under the authority of the:' Well head vaults, and water mains within Renton Municipal Code. The Applicant(s): the Maplewood.Golf Course.A-watertreat- AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLI( have completed a mitigation process purse.`:ment building is planned for future installa- ant to WAC 197-11-350 :'I;'i".:'.. :i i::r*,,i;tion.-The.project is-located at the Maple- GOOD SHEPHERD GROUP-HOME.:.,wood Golf Course.at: 4000 Maple VaUeyFORTHEDEVELOPMENTALLYDISA- Highway.(ECF-022-88) Audrey 13 a nne r being first du' BLED This decision will be finalized in 15 days. Application to: 1) rezone subject property Written comments received after 5:00 p.m.that he/she is the Chief Clerk of the from R-1 (Single Family Residential Use)to May 24, 1988, wilt not be considered. A G-1 (General Use); 2)A subdivide existing •fourteen (14) day appeal period will corn- property Into two lots; 3)A conditional use mence following the finalization of DNS. permit to allow a group home for six devel- The mitigation measures'Imposed by theVALLEYDAILYN. opmentally disabled adults on one of the City of Renton's Environmental Review Kent Edition • Renton Edition • A. new lots. Located on the 1000 block of Committee are available at the BuildingOlympiaAvenue.N.E., on the west side-of•: end Zoning Department, Municipal Build- Daily newspapers published six (6) times a week. . the street, north''.of•N.E. 10th'Court and .ing;Renton,Washington.Phone•235-2550.. south of N.E.'10th' Place. (ECF-015-88;.TRublished:May 9,,1988Valleji Daily•NewsarelegalnewspapersandarenowandhavebE . R-015-88;CU-015-88,ShPI-015-88) • . '' . R5045 Acc)..#51067 - ' months prior to the date of publication referred to GOOD SHEPHERD GROUP HOME - FOR. THE DEVELOPMENTALLY DISA-:•r,in the English language continually as daily new BLED • .t County,Washington.The Valley Daily News has bi Application to rezone a .847 acre parcel newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the S from R-1 (Single Family Residential)zoning.' to G-1 (General Use) zoning and applica- King County. tion for a conditional use permit to develop = a six resident,.six bedroom group home for the developmentally.disabled on the.sub-'; The notice in the exact form attached,was publisl ject site. Propertylocated'on Street at.the 3900•block,.,Auburn Editio between Union Avenue and Shelton Ave-," supplement form) which was regularly distribu nue N.E. (ECF-010-88; R-010-88;•CU-010 during the below stated period.The annexed notice '88KBI DIVERSIFIED, LTD.,THE RENTON'•; Punier Nntica RIDGE APARTMENTS Applications to rezone 1.4 acres of property ., was published on ,tday 9 , 1988 R5( from R-1 Residential single-family to R-3 residential multi-family and for'site plan approval to allow a 108 unit apartment complex on a 5.74 acre property(1.4 acres ` site combined with 4.34 acre parcel zoned•.) The full amount of the fee charged for said foreg R-4;residential multiple family.:Property is.:; located on the west side-of Aberdeen Ave ,; sum of $ 69 .92 ', nue N.E., between.973-1021.Aberdeen. Avenue N.E. (ECF-005-88; 9-005-88; SA-'''2005-88) r: DENNIS T:SU PARK AVE.DELI&PUB,..'j Application for a Conditional Use Permit to.r allow a parking.lot•for 24 vehicles to:be. Jocated on a lot zoned R-4 (High Density:, Multi-Family Residential Use). The parking,. Subscribed and sworn to before a this 1 y t ray •lot will to serve'a new 2700•square foot: restaurant and tavern located directly to'the' north of the'subject property:"Located'at.' - 526.532 Petty'Avenue North (on:the east!) r side), between_North-5th Street and North" 6th Street.r(ECF 006-88;CU 006-88) '-- RAINIER-SAND-&GRAVEL.`"`+- !tt:+ w ::a Application for a special permit for-a fill and,•:j grade permit to allow the continued;opera-;': Nola Public for the S. tion to include the excavation.of;approxi-.• residing at Fe! mately 320,000 cubic yards of material and the filling of the Borrow Pit with approxi- 7 King County, V! mately 1,100,000.cubic yards of material— on a 64 acre site.Property located approxiVDN#87 Revised 11/86 mately 700 feet south of N.E. 3rd Stree and approximately 1,300 feet west of Mon.; REC. • 147- 10- CITY CF r Ft lT I JuN 1 n 1988 BUILDING/zoo MC. DEPT. NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE RENTON, WASHINGTON The Environmental Review Committee (ERC) has issued a Determination of NON-SIGNIFICANCE- MITIGATED for the following project(s) under the authority of the Renton Municipal Code. The Applicant(s) have completed a mitigation process pursuant to WAC 197-11-350. KBI Diversified, Ltd., The Renton Ridge Apartments Applications to rezone 1.4 acres of property from R-1 Residential single-family to R-3 residential multi- family and for site plan approval to allow a 108 unit apartment complex on a 5.74 acre property (1.4 acre site combined with 4.34 acre parcel zoned R-4, residential multiple family). Property is located on the west side of Aberdeen Avenue N.E., between 973-1021 Aberdeen Avenue N.E. ECF-005-88; R-005-88; SA-005-88 Dennis T. Su Park Ave. Deli & Pub Application for a Conditional Use Permit to allow a parking lot for 24 vehicles to be located on a lot zoned R-4 High Density Multi-Family Residential Use). The parking lot will to serve a new 2700 square foot restaurant and tavern located directly to the north of the subject property. Located at 526-532 Pelly Avenue North (on the east side), between North 5th Street and North 6th Street. ECF 006-88; CU 006-88 Renton Family Practice Center Application to rezone eight (8) lots (115' x 350')/.92 acres located at the Northwest corner intersection of South 5th Street and Williams Avenue South from R-3 (Multiple-Family Residential) to B-1 (Commercial) to enable future commercial development at this site. This proposal includes three undeveloped lots, one lot developed with a single-family home and four lots developed with medical services, under a conditional use permit. Property located at 411 to 425 Williams Avenue South. ECF-001-088; R-001-88 Agencies and interested parties may submit written comments on this proposal until 5:00 p.m., June 3, 1988. This determination may be appealed to the City's Hearing Examiner no later than 5:00 p.m. on June 2, 1988. Any appeal must state clearly in writing why the Determination should be revised and must be accompanied by a non-refundable $75.00 filing fee. The mitigation measures imposed by the City of Renton's Environmental Review Committee are available at the Building and Zoning Department, Municipal Building, Renton, Washington. Phone 235-2550. Published: May 19, 1988 N OT E ENVIRONMENTAL DECLARATION APPLICATION NO. ECF-006-88, CU-006-88 APPLICANT DENNIS T. SU, PARK AVENUE DELI & PUB PROPOSED ACTION APPLICATION FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW A PARKING LOT FOR 24 VEHICLES TO BE LOCATED ON A LOT ZONED •R-4 (HIGH DENSITY MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENT IAL USE). THE PARKING LOT WILL. SERVE A NEW 2700 SQ. FT. RESTAURNAT AND TAVERN LOCATED DIRECTLY TO THE NORTH OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY. GENERAL LOCATION AND/OR ADDRESS LOCATED AT 526-532 PELLY NORTH (ON THE EAST SIDE) ,. BETWEEN NORTH 5th ST. AND NORTH 6th STREET POSTED TO NOTIFY INTERESTED PERSONS OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION. THE CITY OF RENTON ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE E.R.C.) HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PROPOSED ACTION DOES DOES NOT HAVE A SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT. AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT. STATEMENT WILL XWILL NOT BE REQUIRED. THE CITY OF RENTON WILL NOT ACT ON THIS PROPOSAL FOR 1.5 DAYS FROM THE DATE_BELOW. COMMENTS MUST BE RECEIVED BY DUNE .3 , 1938 AN APPEAL OF THE ABOVE DETERMINATION MAY BE FILED WITH THEE RENTON2, O HEARING EXAMINER BY 5:00 P.M., FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT THE CITY OF RENTON BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT AT 235-2550. DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION. N oT E ENVIRONMENTAL DECLAR AT I N APPLICATION NO. ECF-006-88, CU-006-88 APPLICANT DENNIS T. SU, PARK AVENUE DELI & PUB PROPOSED ACTION APPLICATIONS FOR A.CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW A PARKING LOT FOR 24 VEHICLES TO BE LOCATED ON A LOT ZONED R-4 (HIGH DENSITY MULTI-FAMILY RESIDEN1 IAL USE) . THE PARKING LOT WILL SERVE A NEW 2700 SQ. FT. RESTAURANT AND TAVERN LOCATED DIRECTLY TO THE NORTH OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY. GENERAL LOCATION AND/OR ADDRESS LOCATED AT 526-532 PELLY AVENUE NORTH (ON THE EAST SIDE) , BETWEEN NORTH 5th ST. AND NORTH 6th STREET POSTED TO NOTIFY INTERESTED PERSONS OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION. THE CITY OF RENTON ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE E.R.C.) HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PROPOSED ACTION DOES DOES NOT HAVE A SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT. AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT WILL NtWILL NOT BE REQUIRED. THE CITY OF RENTON WILL NOT ACT ON THIS PROPOSAL FOR 15 DAYS FROM THE DATE BELOW. COMMENTS MUST BE RECEIVED BY MAY 24, 1988 AN APPEAL OF THE ABOVE DETERMINATION MAY BE FILED WITH THE RENTON HEARING EXAMINER BY 5:00 P.M., FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT THE CITY OF RENTON BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT AT 235-2550. DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION. i lole6D NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE RENTON, WASHINGTON The Environmental Review Committee (ERC) has issued a Determination of NON-SIGNIFICANCE- MITIGATED for the following project(s) under the authority of the Renton Municipal Code. The Applicant(s) have completed a mitigation process pursuant to WAC 197-11-350. Good Shepherd Group Home for the Developmentally Disabled Application to: 1) rezone subject property from R-1 (Single Family Residential Use) to G-1 (General Use); 2) A subdivide existing property into two lots; 3) A conditional use permit to allow a group home for six developmentally disabled adults on one of the new lots. Located on the 1000 block of Olympia Avenue N.E., on the west side of the street, north of N.E. 10th Court and south of N.E. 10th Place. (ECF-015-88; R-015-88; CU-015-88, ShP1-015-88) Good Shepherd Group Home for the Developmentally Disabled Application to rezone a .847 acre parcel from R-1 (Single Family Residential) zoning to G-1 (General Use) zoning and application for a conditional use permit to develop a six resident, six bedroom group home for the developmentally disabled on the subject site. Property is located on the south side of N.E. 19th Street at the 3900 block, between Union Avenue and Shelton Avenue N.E. (ECF-010-88; R-010-88; CU-010-88) KBI Diversified, Ltd., The Renton Ridge Apartments Applications to rezone 1.4 acres of property from R-1 Residential single-family to R-3 residential multi- family and for site plan approval to allow a 108 unit apartment complex on a 5.74 acre property (1.4 acres site combined with 4.34 acre parcel zoned R-4, residential multiple family). Property is located on the west side of Aberdeen Avenue N.E., between 973-1021 Aberdeen Avenue N.E. (ECF-005-88; R-005-88; SA- 005-88) V Dennis T. Su Park Ave. Deli & Pub Application for a Conditional Use Permit to allow a parking lot for 24 vehicles to be located on a lot zoned R-4 (High Density Multi-Family Residential Use). The parking lot will to serve a new 2700 square foot restaurant and tavern located directly to the north of the subject property. Located at 526-532 Pelly Avenue North (on the east side), between North 5th Street and North 6th Street. (ECF 006-88; CU 006- 88) Rainier Sand & Gravel Application for a special permit for a fill and grade permit to allow the continued operation to include the excavation of approximately 320,000 cubic yards of material and the filling of the Borrow Pit with approximately 1,100,000 cubic yards of material on a 64 acre site. Property located approximately 700 feet south of N.E. 3rd Street and approximately 1,300 feet west of Monroe Avenue N.E. (ECF-012-88; SP-012- 88) City of Renton Public Works Department/Production Wells #10 & 11 Application for environmental review for a project that includes the drilling of two water production wells, two underground well head vaults, and water mains within the Maplewood Golf Course. A water treatment building is planned for future installation. The project is located at the Maplewood Golf Course at: 4000 Maple Valley Highway. (ECF-022-88) This decision will be finalized in 15 days.: Written comments received after 5:00 p.m. May 24, 1988, will not be considered. A fourteen (14) day appeal period will commence following the finalization of DNS. The mitigation measures imposed by the City of Renton's Environmental Review Committee are available at the Building and Zoning Department, Municipal Building, Renton, Washington. Phone 235-2550. Published: May 9, 1988 CL<A, S l 0 6 7 r//\\./di DENNIS T. SU, AIA ARCHITECTS CONSULTANTS May 4, 1988 City of Renton Building & Zoning Department 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, WA 98055 0.7 tENTON R 17,4 ID Attn: Mr. Donald K. Erickson, AICP MAYS I Zoning Administration BU LU ;. t ZONiNG DEPT. Re: Park Ave Deli & Pub ECF-006-88, CU-006-88 Dear Mr. Erickson, Per your March 28, 1988 letter, the subject project was tentatively scheduled for consideration by the Technical Advisory Committee on April 13, 1988. Mr. Jerry Lind of your department informed me on April 18 that the landscape and parking layout need to be revised but not to resubmit new plans until I have a chance to go over the entire project with you to see if any other concerns that need to be addressed. Please drop me a note on when you will be available to go over this project. Any written comments or corrections necessary to meet the Renton zoning codes will help us to facilitate the relocation of this neighbor- hood business. The owner and the contractor are anxious to start the building. Thank you. Sincerely, r1 111 Dennis T. Su, AI . cc: Mr. Tek Wong 7025 Seward Park Ave. So.,Seattle,Washington 98118 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE AGENDA May 4, 1988 Third Floor Conference Room Commencing at 10:00 a.m. CONTINUED PROJECTS: Good Shepherd Group Home for the Developmentally Disabled Proposal to: 1) rezone subject property from R-1 (Single Family Residential Use) to G-1 General Use); 2) subdivide existing property into two lots; 3) develop a group home for six developmentally disabled adults (as a conditional use) on one of the new lots. The subject property is presently vacant. The surrounding property is zoned for single-family residential development, and the majority of the lots are developed. Located on the 1000 block of Olympia Avenue N.E., on the west side of the street, north of N.E. 10th Court and south of N.E. 10th Place. (ECF-015-88; R-015-88; CU-015-88, ShPI-015-88) Good Shepherd Group Home for the Developmentally Disabled Proposal to rezone a .847 acre parcel from R-1 (Single Family Residential) zoning to G-1 General Use) zoning and application for a conditional use permit to develop a six resident, six bedroom group home for the developmentally disabled on the subject site. The portion of the site planned for development is presently vacant; there is an existing house on the remaining property which will be retained. The area surrounding the site is zoned for single family residences and is generally so developed. Churches and other community service facilities are also in place in the area. Property is located on the south side of N.E. 19th Street at the 3900 block, between Union Avenue and Shelton Avenue N.E. (ECF-010-88; R-010-88; CU-010-88) NEW PROJECTS: Dennis T. Su Park Ave. Deli & Pub Application for a Conditional Use Permit to allow a parking lot for 24 vehicles to be located on a lot zoned R-4 (High Density Multi-Family Residential Use). This parking lot is intended to serve a new 2700 square foot restaurant and tavern to be located directly to the north of the subject property. The restaurant/tavern and ten additional parking spaces are proposed to be developed on two lots. These two lots are currently zoned B-1 Commercial Use). Located at 526-532 Pelly Avenue North (on the east side), between North 5th Street and North 6th Street. (ECF 006-88; CU 006-88) Rainier Sand & Gravel Application for a special permit for a fill and grade permit to allow the continued operation to include the excavation of approximately 320,000 cubic yards of material and the filling of the Borrow Pit with approximately 1,100,000 cubic yards of material on a 64 acre site. Property located approximately 700 feet south of N.E. 3rd Street and approximately 1,300 feet west of Monroe Avenue N.E. (ECF-012-88; SP-012-88) Paul Bulgarelli Application for: 1) rezone of approximately 0.89 acres of property from G-1 (General Use) to R-1 (Single Family Residential); 2) subdivision of said property into two (2) lots; 3) a variance to allow one pipe-stem lot; and 4) waiver of required off-site improvements. The project is located west of Smithers Avenue South, west of Talbot Road South and south of I-405 at: 1314 Smithers Avenue South. (ECF-025-88; R-25-88; Sh P1 108-87; V 109-87; W 110-87) City of Renton-Parks Department/Gene Coulon Log Boom Maintenance Install treated pilings to replace existing tie-down cables to the log boom. Currently the log boom is held in place with steel cables and concrete anchors. The rusting of the cables and connections are presenting a continuous maintenance problem, and endangering public and private property. Property located at Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park. (ECF-023-88; SM- 023-88) City of Renton - Parks and Recreation Department/Kennydale Beach Park Sidewalk Construction of a concrete sidewalk from the entrance of Kennydale Park to provide access to and around the comfort station. The sidewalk with be eight (8) feet wide, by 150 feet long, and will include a six (6) foot walkway on three (3) sides of the comfort station. Property located at Kennydale Beach Park at Lake Washington Boulevard North and North 36th Street. (ECF-024- 88; SM 024-88) City of Renton Public Works Department/Production Wells #10 & 11 Application for environmental review for a project that includes the drilling of two water production wells, two underground well head vaults, and water mains within the Maplewood Golf Course. A water treatment building is planned for future installation. The project is located at the Maplewood Golf Course at: 4000 Maple Valley Highway. (ECF-022-88) BUILDING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE STAFF REPORT May 4, 1988 A. BACKGROUND: APPLICANT: Dennis T. Su PROJECT:Park Avenue Deli and Pub ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST: ECF-006-88 ; CU-006-88 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: Application for a Conditional Use Permit to allow a parking lot for 24 vehicles' to be located on a lot zoned R-4 (High Density Multi-Family Residential Use) . This parking lot is intended to serve a new 2700 square foot restaurant and • tavern to be located directly to the north of the subject property. The restaurant/tavern and ten additional parking spaces are proposed to be developed on two lots. These two lots are currently zoned B-1 (Commercial Use) . LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Located at 526-532 Pelly Avenue North on the east side) , between North 5th Street and North 6th Street. L I s 1 5qtbilti cif--4 ' Z^5 I N. Gi•Fi ,, 1 H' 1 ij. d , jt s 1, I 1. I< r... FrrFo L ,• {, ` '. t •., Q t(R--I-• I '. ff` ray t y. . m •_. n 7pii.z.... r_•,,\ I- _• t 7 t Lt 2f 1 a N '' :*-* '' _ PACIFIC CAR i .U 1> Iiii I{—_—JJJ W : } . MO i `_ ` FOUNDRY (0 I ll R Q I.• I no o a L t W , x1 c,.. 1_.Q Q EMI ' zl 8L -- if a TAG , 1 J i ( 5TA Q:. M xf_ x LT.—i .1:.:f : : i 1 WI E>..11 f R d S 1` a WI i 1t i4 K y ° 471t1 I- i,I SiI Jol b 0.0k6 Eo t`:;yyyyl Z 1pr li_ - Qf J if I lll/\ I.INE9 NOICAIe. Q V t1._ •V -•+')'n • IJ. W81 L L 1' , i7.11.1EA9EMENt5INt\ a I goAo Riw. y s4 $. JLv '• c u 1 _` ['1• IllST. / to 11 . i .f. 1L I •. l: 1 IJ V1 .._f S I { .W III ZJ. ) - I B. ISSUES: ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS) 1. Whether anticipated. environmental I impacts, including, but not limited to noise, light or, glare, views, have been sufficiently identified and addressed in the design of the. parking lot planned for this site? Environmental Revip w Committee Park Avenue Deli d Pub May 4, 1988 Page 2 There is no discussion in the application materials of possible environmental/aesthetic impacts from the parking lot upon neighboring residents. The drawn plans do include five foot 5 ' ) high fencing at the south end of the parking lot to separate the lot from the adjacent single family residence. Some landscaping is also provided along Pelly Avenue. It is recommended that the proposed fencing be a minimum of six feet in height, and that the landscaping corridor be expanded in size from five feet in width to ten feet in width and that plantings be increased in number, size and type. Lighting in the parking lot should also be shaded. These improvements are necessary to protect neighboring residents against light and glare resulting from trip generation to the site and to provide a sight buffer against the parking lot. Additionally, the landscaping and fencing will provide for reduction of noise impacts. and better containment of emissions generated by vehicles traveling to, through and from the parking lot. 2 . Whether sufficient ..measures_ have been taken to control impacts anticipated to occur during parking lot construction? The applicant should be required to submit a plan for control of noise, erosion, water run-off, dust and debris anticipated to occur during construction of the proposed parking lot. C. RECOMMENDATIONS:ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS) It is recommended that the ERC issue a Determination of Non-Significance Mitigated - with the following conditions: 1. In order to mitigate visual, noise, light and glare and air emission impacts anticipated from the construction and use of the proposed parking lot, the applicant shall submit revised plans for screening and landscaping the proposed parking lot, including: a) a six foot fence along the south property line, b) shaded lighting in the parking lot, and c) enhanced plantings of trees, shrubs, and ground-cover of a minimum of ten feet in width. These plans shall be subject to the approval of the City's landscape planner. D. COMMENTS OF REVIEWING DEPARTMENTS: Various City departments have reviewed and commented upon the project. These comments are as follows: Environmental ReviPw Committee Park Avenue Deli d Pub May 4, 1988 Page 3 POLICE 'DEPARTMENT: Environmental: Anti-tracking during construction phase. Clearly marked designated handicapped and fire zones. FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU: Environmental: No comments. DESIGN ENGINEERING: Environmental No comments. TRAFFIC ENGINEERING: Environmental No comments. UTILITY ENGINEERING: Environmental 750 Gallon Grease Trap required on wasteline from kitchen sewer. PARKS AND RECREATION: Environmental The project will have a major impact on the single family character of Pelly Avenue North. Housing: The checklist indicates that two middle income structures will be removed as a result of the project. It is this reviewers opinion that at the most, those dwellings are moderate income and probably low income. The applicant has proposed no mitigating measures to compensate for the loss of this housing stock. That is unacceptable. The applicant has indicated that Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with existing and projected land uses and plans is not applicable. This is an unacceptable response in light of the facts. Single- family residential exists to the south and west of the project. Expensive office complexes already exist or are being built to the north and to the east of the site. This project should take its contextual cues from those uses rather than from the auto repair shop which exists just north of the project site. This asproject presented will Piave a major negative aesthetic impact on virtually all of the major surrounding uses. Its architecture clashes with the office buildings and with the single family homes. Its parking dominates the neighborhood streetscape, while its building is on the corner of an alley and minor access road. Landscaping treatment is inadequate and poorly designed. Environmental Review Committee Park Avenue Deli d Pub May 4, 1988 Page 4 BUILDING DIVISION: Environmental No comments. ZONING DIVISION: Environmental: Being on the edge and in a residential area, the Building and Parking lot should be developed to high standards, neither of which the Building or Landscaping does. POLICY DEVELOPMENT: Environmental SEE ATTACHED N lAt\t— illi -.- era- Mph i 1 I i N_ /7 . olf,A, Ahriii, ,„„.., tip 411— r v G. 7 lr fir ../• i a i 1I J. jJr• v:1 ..d!h L .am:I I i rf:: I..rf:: Y:I k-ir i i' t' A4_i - I'L 1 I 3 I -- 4 . -:•%::::-:::•:-:::-•::: #**--:<: 444- giw•----:::--i::.::•::-.::.:*.-•:%•.4.:::::.:::::.::.::•:::::- -:::.::.::.:.:::.:::::-:.:,:-::.::-::.::.:::.:::•.::.:;•::)•:.•.-::. / -r„,?..,,,,s•-•:••••••••••••::::::::::::ii,len.••::-:-•----::.::%::-::.:! :.....-...::.4•i.:::::•::.::::.:.:;.:.•;1.::::•:1::.::.:::::::::-:•(:::...z.:.:::.::::::: 1..:::.:-:•..-:•::•:i v 7/ z A f: 7_ t. lam::;:r•::^:- : t 4-/ 71 I TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE AGENDA April 27, 1988 Third Floor Conference Room Commencing at 10:00 a.m. TIME/KEY PARTICI PANTS NEW PROJECTS 10:00 - 10:40 Gary Norris Dennis T. Su Park Ave. Deli & Pub Application for a Conditional Use Permit to allow a parking lot for 24 vehicles to be located on a lot zoned R-4 (High Density Multi-Family Residential Use). This parking lot is intended to serve a new 2700 square foot restaurant and tavern to be located directly to the north of the subject property. The restaurant/tavern and ten additional parking spaces are proposed to be developed on two lots. These two lots are currently zoned B-1 (Commercial Use). Located at 526-532 Pelly Avenue North (on the east side), between North 5th Street and North 6th Street. (ECF 006-88; GU-006-88) 10:40 - 10:55 Gary Norris Rainier Sand & Gravel Application for a special permit for a fill and grade permit to allow the continued operation to include the excavation of approximately 320,000 cubic yards of material and the filling of the Borrow Pit with approximately 1,100,000 cubic yards of material on a 64 acre site. Property located approximately 700 feet south of N.E. 3rd Street and approximately 1,300 feet west of Monroe Avenue N.E. (ECF-012-88; SP-012-88) 10:55 - 11:15 Paul Bulgarelli Application for: 1) rezone of approximately 0.89 acres of property from G-1 (General Use) to R-1 (Single Family Residential); 2) subdivision of said property into two (2) lots; 3) a variance to allow one pipe-stem lot; and 4) waiver of required off-site improvements. The project is located west of Smithers Avenue South, west of Talbot Road South and south of I-405 at: 1314 Smithers Avenue South. ECF-025-88; R-25-88; Sh P1 108-87; V 109-87; W 110-87) 11:15 - 11:35 John Morris ' Sam Chastain City of Renton-Parks Department/Gene Coulon Log Boom Maintenance Install treated pilings to replace existing tie-down cables to the log boom. Currently the log boom is held in place with steel cables and concrete anchors. The rusting of the cables and connections are presenting a continuous maintenance problem, and endangering public and private property. Property located at Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park. (ECF-023-88; SM-023-88) 11:35 - 12:00 John Morris Sam Chastain City of Renton - Parks and Recreation Department/Kennydale Beach Park Sidewalk Construction of a concrete sidewalk from the entrance of Kennydale Park to provide access to and around the comfort station. The sidewalk with be eight (8) feet wide, by 150 feet long, and will include a six (6) foot walkway on three (3) sides of the comfort station. Property located at Kennydale Beach Park at Lake Washington Boulevard North and North 36th Street. (ECF-024-88; SM 024-88) BUILDING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE' STAFF REPORT April 27, 1988 A. BACKGROUND: APPLICANT: Dennis T. Su PROJECT: Park Avenue Deli and Pub ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST: ECF-006-88; CU-006-88 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: Application for a Conditional Use Permit to allow a parking lot for 24 vehicles to be located on a lot zoned R-4 (High Density Multi-Family Residential Use) . This parking lot is intended to serve a new 2700 square foot restaurant and tavern to be located directly to the north of the subject property. The restaurant/tavern and ten additional parking spaces are proposed to be developed on two lots. These two lots are currently zoned B-i (Commercial Use) . LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Located at 526-532 Pelly Avenue North on the east side) , between North 5th Street and North 6th Street. 1n. r ,, n.-— L--- I'11 i I 1 `II I I L 1\ ii 4 3z 5- L-15 15a Q H- 1 tt N, ,T"• s7 G T, I r s , ;\' \\ . 1 il'• 17 ''!, W Del '• .! iP _2_111 . fl L.2s__9 I I I .IL._ I . ®fir ._ . % L r )Vl.;aI _5 4 A, lE:_--_. q i I <`- [4 Z- .° • rr" '-- b 1 I-. 2. > ._ 2. ._.r '1 CIF—" r r..Y it 1 r 7- PACIFIC CAR t i s . JIll •11 ' j.t" ' e o (t 1 FOUNDRY (0 4cNt. \ r:\ \ ' r___ inTii „PC ini;V' • Z..;8‘___2-__:Ti 7 .. ._._ _ S;AI1 • (ia. o:vn1 r— ::' i4 ` — QL, .• 1 , ''' —- - •' 17-u— . , .:11 . . 4 • -...- 4, U---,----. 7_, 1 1, • POIF -DA:ZAEO F !'}__ '* Ct_-' ' t ' ` II X1— —yLL J j. I i V 1 i NE9IWO;,%, E I— G.b-. ,, ,_11Q I\ I . A9E1-, ENTN5IF', tRAILROADRiw. r . I y`!1 _a-$J 1° ° ' i. f'I :' i- Lgra-2 ii. V " 1z, _. 2' 1;=._.tu l b ? QWIf 3_,,,fi • St' i \11*(' ilta-1[ -2]•• ••‘,!i_,.,:--).2 ,.---,,, ,:-:. 52., 74,-__---„-__/-- m'.. 7i/ lis: ^' "'• ' r= .:!;. N.w 1 W,_ ) 710efilow.#'24:4- •LL.L..2.MI , • : . , q,'?C': :. )11 .J . . ilti. B. ISSUES: LAND USE ELEMENTS) 1. Whether the proposed use is compatible with the existing land use zoning designation for the property? Technical Advise Committee Park Avenue Del, nd Pub April '27, 1988 Page 2 A 24 space parking lot is proposed for this site for the purpose of serving the restaurant/tavern proposed to be developed on the adjacent site. The property on which the lot is proposed is zoned R-4 (High Density Residential Use) on the City's Land Use Zoning Map. A parking lot is considered to be potentially acceptable as a conditional use in an R-4 zone under City codes. 2 . Whether the proposed use of the property for a parking lot is compatible with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan Map designation for this site? The current Comprehensive Plan Map designation for the site is for "High Density Multi-family Residential use", which is congruent with the land use map zoning designation of R-4. This designation does not preclude the development of a parking lot on the site as permitted under the Conditional use system established in the City's Zoning Code) . However, the residential use designation is intended to encourage residential developments for this area, rather than any other type of development. Additionally, it is important to take into consideration the fact that the subject property is located within the study area for the North Renton Comprehensive Land Use and Transportation Plan, and adjacent to a section of North Renton that is presently undergoing redevelopment. The subject property may be included in the redevelopment area as land use decisions . are made related to modifications of the Comprehensive Plan. Alternatives which are under consideration for the subject property include single-family and multi-family residential development, small-scale commercial development compatible with residential development, and office development at a scale compatible with residential development. Further, the City is anticipating review and revision of the definition and allowed uses and development standards in the B-1 (Commercial Use) zone. The designation for the subject property has not yet been determined; as such it is not yet clear whether the general area and the specific site will become the border of the commercial area or the border of the residential area. In either instance the subject site will be considered to be in a transitional zone and, therefore, a transitional use would be encouraged. The proposed parking lot is not considered to be a desirable transitional use by the Policy Development Department. Technical Advis ( Committee Park Avenue Del_ and Pub April; 27, 1988 Page 3 The property is also within the area being studied for the North Renton Neighborhood Plan. By Renton City Council Resolution 2708, the single family residential character of the general area—is to be preserved until determinations are made by the City as to future land uses for the area. 3 . Whether the proposed use is consistent with land use zoning designations/land uses in the vicinity? Properties to the south and west of the subject site are developed with single - family residences; zoning for the properties is R-4 (multi-family residential use) . Properties to the north and east of the subject site are zoned for and developed with a variety of commercial and commercially-related uses. Thus, the proposed development of a parking lot would be potentially compatible with the restaurant/tavern proposed to the north of the parking lot. There is considerable concern about the compatibility of a 24 space parking lot, as it is currently designed, with the single-family residences immediately to the west and south of the subject site. 4. Whether adequate plans have been presented to mitigate impacts anticipated to result from the proposed construction of a parking lot for 24 vehicles on the subject site? There are no structures on the R-4 lot which is being proposed for 24 parking spaces through the conditional use permit. Construction of that parking lot will preclude the use of this property for the residential development for which it is zoned. The lot is presently covered with wild blackberry vines, weeds and debris; no mitigation is seen to be necessary for removal of this vegetation and debris. Existing structures on the adjacent property (two houses and a workshop) are slated for removal in conjunction with the development of the restaurant/tavern and parking area on the part of the site which is zoned for commercial use. 5. Whether the proposed parking lot is adequate to serve the restaurant/tavern planned for the adjacent site? The proposed 24 space parking lot, together with an additional 10 spaces planned to abut the facility, exceeds the City of Renton's parking requirements by seven spaces (27 spaces are required. ) The proposed spaces do not conform to the City's development standards for stall dimensions, driveways or maneuvering aisles. Technical AdviE r Committee Park Avenue Del Lnd Pub April 27, 1988 Page 4 6. Whether traffic anticipated to be generated by the development of a parking lot at this site can be adequately accommodated on adjacent access roads? Trips anticipated to a parking lot serving a restaurant/tavern equal 480 average daily trips, and 1500 peak hour (p.m. ) trips. Trips to single family residences in the area are reported to occur at an average rate of 10 per day and 22 per peak (p.m. ) hour. Based upon these reports, it is concluded that the proposed commercial development will lead to a significant increase in traffic to the area, with resulting increases in congestion, noise, light & glare to the abutting residential neighborhood. This increase in traffic results from the proposed development as a whole, rather than from the proposed parking lot specifically. This impact is noted because of the connection between the development and the parking lot. (Note: I rechecked these figures, but would be glad for some independent confirmation or refutation. ") 8. Whether existing utilities and public works services are sufficient to support the proposed parking lot? Existing public works and utilities services are available to the property. Design for the parking lot may be required to include plans for ingress/egress, emergency vehicle access, drainage management, street improvements, lighting, utilities connections, and landscaping as distinct from/related to the proposed commercial development. ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS) 1. Whether anticipated environmental impacts, including, but not limited to noise, light or glare, views, have been sufficiently identified and addressed in the design of the parking lot planned for this site? There is no discussion in the application materials of possible environmental/aesthetic impacts from the parking lot upon neighboring residents. The drawn plans do include five foot 5' ) high fencing at the south end of the parking lot to separate the lot from the adjacent single family residence. Some landscaping is also provided along Pelly Avenue. It is recommended that the proposed fencing be a minimum of six feet in height, and that the landscaping corridor be expanded in size from five feet in width to ten feet in width and that plantings be increased in number, size and type. Lighting in the parking lot should also be shaded. These improvements are necessary to protect neighboring residents against light and glare resulting from trip generation to Technical Advise Committee Park Avenue Del. nd Pub April 27, 1988 Page 5 the site and to provide a sight buffer against the parking lot. Additionally, the landscaping and fencing will provide for reduction of noise impacts and better containment of emissions generated by vehicles traveling to, through and from the parking lot. 2 . Whether sufficient measures have been taken to control impacts anticipated to occur during parking lot construction? The applicant should be required to submit a plan for control of noise, erosion, water run-off, dust and debris anticipated to occur during construction of the proposed parking lot. C. RECOMMENDATIONS:LAND USE) It is recommended that the ERC defer determination with respect to land use issues relating to this application pending receipt of the following: 1. Information which indicates compatibility of the proposed parking lot with area land uses including, but not limited to, a revised comprehensive plan designation for the North Renton area, a revised North Renton neighborhood plan, a revised definition of commercial zoning, and a revised definition of transitional zone development requirements from the City of Renton Policy Development Department. 2 . A revised plan for the proposed parking lot which conforms to City of Renton development standards for numbers of stalls, stall size, overhang requirements, access requirements, driveway requirements and maneuvering aisle requirements. ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS) It is recommended that the ERC issue a Determination of Non-Significance - Mitigated - with the following conditions: 1. In order to mitigate visual, noise, light and glare and air emission impacts anticipated from the construction and use of the proposed parking lot, the applicant shall submit revised plans for screening and landscaping the proposed parking lot, including: a) a six foot fence along the south property line, b) shaded lighting in the parking lot, and c) enhanced plantings of trees, shrubs, and ground-cover of a minimum of ten feet in width. These plans shall be subject to the approval of the City's landscape planner. 2 . The applicant shall submit a plan to mitigate anticipated impacts from construction of the parking lot (e.g. noise, erosion, water run-off) , subject to the approval of the Building and Zoning Department and the Public Works Department of the City of Renton. Technical Advis Committee Park Avenue Del_ _,nd Pub April 27, 1988 Page6 D. COMMENTS OF REVIEWING DEPARTMENTS: Various City departments have reviewed and commented upon the project. These comments are as follows: POLICE DEPARTMENT: Environmental: Anti-tracking during construction phase. Clearly marked designated handicapped and fire zones. Land Use: Anti-tracking during construction phase. Clearly marked designated handicapped and fire zones. FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU: Environmental: No comments. Land Use: See attached sheet. DESIGN ENGINEERING: Environmental No comments. Land Use: Street & Utility plans will be required at time of development. Plans to be original inked 22 x 34" mylar. Provide 750 Gal Grease Trap on exterior Building San. Sewer. TRAFFIC ENGINEERING: Environmental No comments. Land Use: Driveways to be widths as indicated in red. UTILITY ENGINEERING: Environmental 750 Gallon Grease Trap required on wasteline from kitchen sewer. Land Use: Not approved. Insufficient fire flows in area for approval of building. See additional comments. PARKS AND RECREATION: Environmental The project will have a major impact on the single family character of Pelly Avenue North. Housing: The checklist indicates that two middle income structures will be removed as a result of the project. It is this reviewers opinion that at the Technical AdviE ir Committee Park Avenue Del_ and Pub April 27, 1988 Page 7 most, those dwellings are moderate income and probably low income. The applicant has proposed no mitigating measures to compensate for the loss of this housing stock. That is unacceptable. The applicant has indicated that Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with existing and projected land uses and plans is not applicable. This is an unacceptable response in light of the facts. Single- family residential exists to the south and west of the project. Expensive office complexes already exist or are being built to the north and to the east of the site. This project should take its contextual cues from those uses rather than from the auto repair shop which exists just north of the project site. This project as presented will have a major negative aesthetic impact on virtually all of the major surrounding uses. Its architecture clashes with the office buildings and with the single family homes. Its parking dominates the neighborhood streetscape, while its building is on the corner of an alley and minor access road. Landscaping treatment is inadequate and poorly designed. Land Use: This project needs to be redesigned in terms of land use and aesthetics. Approval with conditions does not seem to be the appropriate course for a project as seriously flawed as this one. Therefore, the project is not approved. BUILDING DIVISION: Environmental No comments. Land Use: Parking lot does not meet minimum size standards. ZONING DIVISION: Environmental: Being on the edge and in a residential area, the Building and Parking lot should be developed to high standards, neither of which the Building or Landscaping does. Land Use: The B-1 zone requires a ten foot landscape setback along streets. Five feet is provided. Ten feet needs to be shown along Pelly Ave. - for both the B- 1 parcel and the R-4 parcel should be the same. A maximum of two feet overhand w/parking is allowed (three feet is shown) Technical Advi: ir Committee Park Avenue De] and Pub April 27, 1988 Page 8 POLICY DEVELOPMENT: Environmental See attached sheet. Land Use: No comments. l ill4J a d y I TT N ra u J 1- I7 - ,. „... gk. .. „: - MI—Ali I • -. -: vv.' 7".....:*-777.•••---:•:•:•:•:•::::::::.:::::::::::::::::: :::::::.......... 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A. ac....-....„, ..46,3,,,,„,,,,,,,,. ...... ..„,,„:,„„„„„,::„„,,,„„„ I- i 1-1 x 1; 5:-..m..i..z:Iiiii....::--ii.::::::iii.ii..:::•ri:::::::.....:::::::::::::::::.::::::::::::.i::: ::1:::::_:....i.:••.::;•...:::..... f.-:•i.:-...-.. ...ii::.:•: ...:.-1::.:••...:::::•:.::....•:.......::::.:....f......„.1...:.ilif:i•:...-............ e'r A _ i+ai 4 l'ArK /eve I ft ocx0- 66 yel law C CITY OF RENTON rLL .' 'BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT Earl Clymer, Mayor Ronald G. Nelson, Director April 25, 1988 Summ's Incorporated 675 Garden Avenue North Renton, WA 98055 Subject: Litter at 530 Pelly Avenue North Gentlemen: The Renton Building and Zoning Department has recently made an inspection of the above referenced property because of the proposed Park Avenue Deli & Pub which is to be located there. It was discovered that the property is very littered with old tires, some furniture, and assorted trash, specifically to the rear alongside the alley. Please be advised that the City has a litter ordinance which prohibits litter on private property as described, except in receptacles for collection. It is up to the owner to maintain the premises free of such litter. Therefore, you are instructed to correct this situation within thirty (30) days of this notice. The litter problem needs to be taken care of now and not with.. the redevelopment of the site. Our office will then conduct a reinspection of your property. If the condition has not been corrected, the City will be required to take necessary corrective action. Enclosed is 'a copy of the police regulations regarding litter on private property. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact me at 235-2550. Sincerely, eJZ lJv 0L Jerry F. Lind Land Use Inspector JFL:sr:cs Enclosure summsltr 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2540 April 1, 1988 The Building & Zoning Dept, City of Renton, Wa. 98055 L> Gentlemen: oo6 -kg-- CU Y--P My name is William Plant. I own and live in the house at 531 Pelly Ave. No, directly across the street where Mr. Tek Wong and his comps yis planning to build a deli store with off street parking. I have lived in this house with my family for over 15 years. I have no objection of having a new Deli & Pub operation across the street from me. I have known Mr. Wong and his operation of Soft Sams-:for •over 15 years also. I al- ways favor new development and upgrading the environment of our neighbor-hood as long as there is enough parking and off the street.. Sincerely`, paptyr--' LiO TY O 4TO P ocip DENNIS T. SU, AIA 1--EifL- OF -azamanti-u—krL, Architects & Consultants 7025 Seward Park Avenue S. SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98118 DATE JOB NO. April 4, 1988 87-C-8 ATTENTION TO City of Renton Mr. Donald K. Erickson, AICP • RE: Building & Zoning Dept. Park Ave Deli & Pub 200 Mill Avenue South 530 Pelly Ave. N. Renton, -UA 98055 ECF-006-88, CU-006-88 WE ARE SENDING YOUxf Attached 0 Under separate cover via the following items: El Shop drawings 0 Prints Xi Plans El Samples El Specifications 0 Copy of letter 111 Change order 111 COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 2 3/31/88 Drainage Analysis 4 3/30/88 Utilities and Storm Water Detention Plan THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: L1For approval 0 Approved as submitted El Resubmit copies for approval El For your use 0 Approved as noted 0 Submit copies for distribution 0 As requested LI Returned for corrections 0 Return corrected prints D For review and comment CI D FOR BIDS DUE 19 D PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS Dear Nr. Erickson, Please have the appropriate department to attach the Storm Water Detention Plan on to the four sets of drawing already submitted and forward the Anlysis to the City Engineering ' Dept. for review. Sorry for the inconvenience this caused. iLPINTolgu. RECEIVED APR 0 7988 BUILDING/ZONING rept. COPY TO SIGNE : If enclosures are not as noted,kindly notify us at once. Dennis T . Su; AlA CITY OF RENTON LLM` 'ry s BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT Earl Clymer, Mayor Ronald G. Nelson, Director March 28, 1988 Summ's Inc. 675 Garden Avenue N. Renton, WA 98055 RE: Dennis T. Su/Park Avenue Deli & Pub ECF-006-88, CU-006-88 Gentlemen: The Building and Zoning Department has formally accepted the above referenced application. It has been routed for departmental review and is tentatively scheduled for the Technical Advisory Committee on April 13, 1988 for consideration. If you have any questions regarding the scheduling of this project, please contact this office at 235-2550. Sincerely, Donald K. Erickson, AICP Zoning Administrator DKE/sr 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2540 41# fat CITY OF RENTON BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT Earl Clymer, Mayor Ronald G. Nelson, Director March 28, 1988 Mr. Dennis T. Su 7025 Seward Park South Seattle, WA 98118 RE: Dennis T. Su/Park Avenue Deli & Pub ECF-006-88, CU-006-88 Dear Mr Su: The Building and Zoning Department has formally accepted the above referenced application. It has been routed for departmental review and is tentatively scheduled for the Technical Advisory Committee on April 13, 1988 for consideration. If you have any questions regarding the scheduling of this project, please contact this office at 235-2550. Sincerely, Donald K. Erickson, AICP Zoning Administrator DICE/sr 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2540 CITY OF RENTON risu.' '"'s BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENTy, '" l Ronald G. Nelson, Director Earl Clymer, Mayor March 28, 1988 Warren & Versie Vaupel 1402 North 2nd Street Renton, WA 98055 RE: Dennis T. Su/Park Avenue Deli & Pub ECF-006-88, CU-006-88 Dear Warren & Versie: The Building and Zoning Department has formally accepted the above referenced application. It has been routed for departmental review and is tentatively scheduled for the Technical Advisory Committee on April 13, 1988 for consideration. If you have any questions regarding the scheduling of this project, please contact this office at 235-2550. Sincerely, od)r.r- Donald K. Erickson, AICP Zoning Administrator DKE/sr 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2540 4 CITY OF RENTON LL BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT s Earl Clymer, Mayor Ronald G. Nelson, Director March 28, 1988 Ms. Linda'Utschinski 529 Pelly Avenue North Renton, WA 98055 RE: Dennis T. Su/Park Avenue Deli & Pub ECF-006-88, CU-006-88 Dear Mr Su: The Building and Zoning Department has formally accepted the above referenced application. It has been routed for departmental review and is tentatively scheduled for the Technical Advisory 'Committee on April 13, 1988 for consideration. If you have any questions regarding the scheduling of this project, please contact this office at 235-2550. Sincerely, D4( Donald K. Erickson, AICP Zoning Administrator DKE/sr 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2540 4-88 Au, c,..,,,, Dear Jeannette: Here is the list I .promised you re the tavern on Pelly. These people should be notified Norman Schultz, 541 Pelly N, Renton WA 98055 if any hearing takes place. Cliff Shannon Viett, 507 Weils .N Thanks. Opal Case, 540 Wells N Katy Richter, 541 Wells N ii " Tom Richter, 541 Wells N II Dave Wilson, 519 Wells N Robert A Russo, 528 Wells N Debbie L Russo " Gerald C. Bartled, 512 Wells N Mildred M. Bartlett " Clifford Rees , 510 Wells N M. June Evans , 817 N 1st David Clark, 518 Pelly N n " L. Camp, 516 Pelly N n " 4, Dyanna Lafollette, 516 Pelly N d Regina M. Hurner, 526 Pelly N n " l4f Charles A. Hurner, 526 Pelly N Warren F. Vaupel , PO Box 755 98057 ` f Ik(2.-j0,i OCV- Leonard E Barnes III, 525 Pelly N " 98055 V, Tammie Smith, 525 Pelly N II al' S21(\/Ronald J. Utsehinski , 529 Pelly N S Gina Cuchini , 529 Pelly N n Cynthia Hunter, 513 Pelly N,p WJL _2 Angela Hunter, 513 Pelly N Don L. Poff, 916 N 5th St Jesse C Cox, 3025 NE 7th 98056 Darline Scheffer, 517. Pelly N 98055 Linda K. Utschinski , 529 Pelly N Teresa Hemstad, 303 Park Av N It E. Cey, 338 Pelly N II II CITY OF RENTON E. Thorne, 401 Pelly N r 4. G; 10: Zi Alberta Thorne "in Glenda St. Clair, 317 pelly Nn II 5ig Jackie. Lund, 31-5B Pelly N BUf "N ii: i.LI Albert J Bratten, 323 Pelly N. S. Parks, 346 Pelly N II Mary Delaurenti , 301 Williams N n ' Louie Delaurenti , "0 t i Page 2 Milo J Anderson, 2332 Aberdeen Av NE, Renton WA 98056 Darline A. Anderson, 16863 124th Ave SE Renton WA 98056 Georgia Gitchel , 1455 S Puget Dr #303, Renton WA 98055 Arline Thompson, 3901 NE 22nd St, Renton WA 98056 Marjorie J :Richter, 300 Meadow Av N, Renton WA 98055 William Richter Terry Clough, 1421 N. 3rd, Renton WA 98055 G. A. "Dick" Vandiver Jr, 406 Pelly Av N, Renton WA 98055 Cathy Vandiver, 406 Pelly Av N, Renton WA 98055 Mary Ann Vandiver, 406 Pelly Av N, Renton WA 98055 Alice M Thompson,, 410 Pelly Av N, Renton WA 98055 Mike A. Thompson, " Rhonda 0ord, 412 Pelly Av N, Renton WA 98055 John E. Creager, 428 Pelly N, Renton WA 98055 Lori creager, " K. G. Lien, 440 Pelly Av N, Renton WA 98055 J. LaJoyce, 440 Pelly Av N, Renton WA 98055 Betty Zwicker, 446 Pelly Av N, Renton 98055 J. T. Zwicker, " Henry E. Legere, 451 Pelly Av N, Renton 98055 C. A. Taylor, 447 Pelly Av N, " Margaret Foster, 435 Pelly Av N, Renton 98055 Amy D. 0ord, 16.125 SE Petrovitsky Rd, Renton 98058 George M. 0ord, 412 Pelly Av N, Renton WA 98055 Richard J. Palmer, 655 Camas Av NE, Renton 98056 Aaron S Vandiver, 406 Pelly Av N, Renton 98055 Shannon E. Gerry, 345 Pelly Av N #8, Renton 98055 Michael Connell , 345 Pelly Av N, #6, Renton 98055 John R Ludquist, 330 Pelly N, Renton 98055 Teri Ludquist " Dennis Klug, 301 Park Av #1 , Renton 98055 Agnes Blake, 107 Main Av S, #402, Renton 98055 Robert L Anderson, PO Box 454, Renton WA 98057 2149N ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT:rn v,e1 DATE CIRCULATED: MARCH 25, 198`8 COMMENTS DUE: APRIL 7, 1988 EFC - 006 _ 88 APPLICATION NO(S). : CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT: CU-006-88 PROPONENT:DENNIS T. SU PROJECT TITLE: PARK AVENUE DELI & PUB. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW A PARKING LOT .FOR 24 VEHICLES TO BE LOCATED ON A LOT ZONED "R-4" TO ACCOMPANY A NEW 2,700 SQUARE FOOT DELI & PUB LOCATED DIRECTLY TO THE NORTH. NOTE: THE DELI AND LOCATION: TEN ADDITIONAL PARKING STALLS ARE LOCATED ON PROPERTY ZONED "B-1". LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF PELLY AVENUE NORTH, BETWEEN 526-532 PELLY AVENUE NORTH. SITE AREA: TOTAL PROPERTY: 0.34 ACRE BUILDING AREA (gross): 2,700 SQ. FT. IMPACT REVIEW ON ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS PROBABLE PROBABLE MORE MINOR MAJOR INFORMATION IMPACT IMPACT NECESSARY 1) Earth 2) Air 3) Water 4) Plants 5) Animals 6) Energy and Natural Resources 7) Environmental Health 8) Land and Shoreline Use 9) Housing 10) Aesthetics 11) Light and Glare 12) Recreation 13) Historic and Cultural Preservation 14) Transportation 15) Public Services 16) Utilities COMMENTS: feI Iv(* 0 N) n ic C.D6b j 1\QON D 11+ f3otLpl+'3G iwo PhiRKI6v6 L c) I SI-1QOL U 061/4- opeO TO S P IvOA2O5) I T( R- c (I+IG i4 iI butuO % OR- cam+ 0c,/ pr c, oc,e We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas we have expertise in and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. Signature o' 1/irector or Authorized Representative Date RENTC... BUILDING & ZONING DEPA__ _ 1WENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - 006 - 88 APPLICATION NO(S) : CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT : CU-006-88 PROPONENT : DENNIS T. SU PROJECT TITLE : PARK AVENUE DELI & PUB BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW A PARKING LOT FOR 24 VEHICLES TO BE LOCATED ON A LOT ZONED "R-4" TO ACCOMPANY A NEW 2 700 SQUARE FOOT DELI & PUB LOCATED DIRECTLY TO THE NORTH. NOTE :THE DELI AND THEN ADDITIONAL PARKING STALLS ARE LOCATED ON PROPERTY ZONED "15-i" . LOCATION : LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF PELLY AVENUE NORTH, BETWEEN 526-532 PELLY AVE N. TO : n PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : 4/13/88 ENGINEERING DIVISION I ( TRAFFIC ENG , DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : OUTILITIES ENG , DIVISION n FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU 1-( PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT POLICE DEPARTMENT 1 POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT n OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING , PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5 : 00 P .M. ON APRIL 7 , 1988 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : EOORJ APPROVED n APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS n NOT APPROVED 1I44 Pj-I 2;ONE R- eic.ti . A 'reju 4 ).scApt. 415I5ICK PiLome S-Ri .E>-1 S , ri U6 c 1 is PROvofo o i r 5 herbs rt'o .e s140601Q adocX0 Ia Foy- ( rI1 TI rbv) PARE&L i Yid R--4 PARCEL. SI-}QJVO (e 716 3Nme A l\n iVi l Iv a m G1F -'l,v 0 reol oueRt-tiasivo c ) PN2,K I N l c u..,cwl fH-ram Is sliow4 ) . 6DATE :SIGNATURE O Wes. IRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 114/4(7o PF 2149N ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET Q - A) REVIEWING DEPARTMENT:c 11c¢//'rQ Ioerne-t, CL/9, ;4MARCH25, `4988 COMMENTS DUE: P0Ur.Y Anti T` Z i8 "F DATE CIRCULATED: QcFARTmENi EFC - 006 _ 88 CITY 0 Ow APPLICATION NO(S). : CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT: CU-006-88 :D MAR 2 5 PROPONENT:DENNIS T. SU I E , 11114JQJ PROJECT TITLE: PARK AVENUE DELI & PUB. U BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW A PARKING LOT .FOR 24 VEHICLES TO BE LOCATED ON A LOT ZONED "R-4" TO ACCOMPANY A NEW 2,700 SQUARE FOOT DELI & PUB LOCATED DIRECTLY TO THE NORTH. NOTE: THE DELI AND LOCATION: TEN ADDITIONAL PARKING STALLS ARE LOCATED ON PROPERTY ZONED "B-1". LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF PELLY AVENUE NORTH, BETWEEN 526-532 PELLY AVENUE NORTH. SITE AREA: TOTAL PROPERTY: 0.34 ACRE BUILDING AREA (gross): . 2,700 SQ. FT. IMPACT. REVIEW ON ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS PROBABLE PROBABLE MORE MINOR MAJOR INFORMATION IMPACT IMPACT NECESSARY 1) Earth 2) Air 3) Water 4) Plants 5) Animals 6) Energy and Natural Resources 7) Environmental Health 8) Land and Shoreline Use 9) Housing J 10) Aesthetics 11) Light and Glare 12) Recreation 13) Historic and Cultural Preservation 14) Transportation 15) Public Services 16) Utilities COMMENTS: We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas we have expertise in and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. W'L n^rr^ MGlll nob a . /J li U Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date r RENTI.._ BUILDING & ZONING DEP,,, __,i'INE Ciiyo, R1cv1.0 DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION RE ,yeS Gi 17 4.740zO88NON E C F — 006 fig p0[iCaikopMENT DEPARNEM APPLICATION NO(S) : CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT: CU-006-88 OFRENTON D MAR PROPONENT : DENNIS T. SU 2 5 1988 PROJECT TITLE : PARK AVENUE DELI & PUB ECEfiVE BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW A PARKING LOT. FOR 24 "VEHICLES TO BE LOCATED ON A LOT ZONED "R-4" TO ACCOMPANY A NEW 2 700 SQUARE FOOT DELI & PUB LOCATED DIRECTLY TO THE NORTH. NOTE:THE DELI AND THEN ADDITIONAL PARKING STALLS ARE LOCATED ON PROPERTY ZONED "B—i" . LOCATION : LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF PELLY AVENUE NORTH, BETWEEN 526-532 PELLY AVE N. TO: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : 4/13/88 ENGINEERING DIVISION OTRAFFIC ENG. DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : OUTILiTIES ENG . DIVISION FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU 1 PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT OBUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT POLICE DEPARTMENT MfOLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING . PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5:00 P .M. ON APRIL 7 , 1988 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : APPROVED APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS NOT APPROVED Utcecci utnct DATE: &pA (! 10 SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 A I I 1 1 1 f" 4 It io • •, I 11 II t 4 .4414 I e Ji t 1 I rir ' a S . t A'_ It• Environmental Checklist Review Continuation Sheet Application CU-006-88 Land Use This property is located within the study area for the North Renton Comprehensive and Use and Transportation Plan. The current comprehensive plan designation is high density multiple, not commercial as the application implies. This property is adjacent to the section of North Renton that is currently undergoing redevelopment. The property may be included in the redevelopment area depending upon the land use decisions made as the comprehensive plan is modified. Four alternatives for this site are now proposed for review in the project EIS. The first shows medium density residential with anticipated duplex zoning. The second shows commercial expansion into a buffer commercial designation which would be characterized by small scale commercial and professional uses which would not change the residential character of the area. . . The third shows office expansion, while the fourth looks at single family residential. In addition the City is anticipating review and revision of the B-1 zone into several more explicit designations such as neighborhood commercial, service commercial or office with different development standards including buffering provisions. It is not yet clear whether this area will become the border of the residential area, or the border of the commercial area. In any case it will be an area where we will propose some use that can act as a transition to the adjacent residential area and where development standards that provide buffering will be necessary. This property is also within the area being studied for the North Renton Neighborhood Plan . By City Council direction in Resolution 2708, this general area is to be preserved as single family in character until future land use changes are made. The surrounding properties to the south on Pelly and to the west on Pelly are single family residences although they are designated on both the comprehensive plan and the zoning map as multiple residential uses. The question is whether the proposed use is consistent with neighborhood character and proposed plans for the area. Clearly the tavern/deli use is allowed in the B-1 zone. However the owner is only vested to a commercial use on one of the lots (lot 18) . The other two lots are R-4 . This application is before the City because the zoning code allows parking as an accessory use by conditional use permit in (Section 4-709B(B) 3 (j ) "Parking lots which are accessory to other uses which are allowed in more intensive zones, provided that the parking lot is not adjacent to a parcel zoned G-1,R-1 or R-2 " Consequently the conditional use and the SEPA review need to focus on whether commercial use of the R-4 lots is appropriate. The land use issues are equivalent to those typically reviewed in a rezone. and should be considered a change of use of the property. .The required parking for this 2 ,700 sq. . ft. proposal is located on the R-4 lots. This parking would take up the entire surface of the property leaving no opportunity for other activities for which the property is actually zoned. Is the City ready to make a committment to an expansion of the B-1 zone at this location considering the study effort currently underway? Possible environmental impacts of the proposed land use change. 1. Loss of potential buffer between land uses 2 . Potential intrusion of a commercial use into a single family/duplex neighborhood. 3 . Premature expansion of commercial zoning. Recommendation 1. Reduce the size of the proposed structure or redesign the structure to allow all development to be accomodated on the lot vested as B- 1 Commercial. 2 . Recommend denial of the conditional use permit for parking based on an inability to make the required findings with respect to the comprehensive plan, effect on adjacent properties. HOUSING A probable minor impact of development of R-4 lots for parking will be the loss of potential housing units, particularly units which would be a source of low or moderate income housing. A cumulative impact of expansion of the commercial area on housing would be the decline of the adjacent residential area due to the change in character of the area created by the expanded commercial use. Recommendation 1.Move the entry of the project to N. 6th rather that Pelly to reduce potential impacts on the adjacent residential area. 2 .Control signs to minimize change in chararcter and create a project which blends into the area as much as possible. 3 . Control building design to eliminate windows on the building elevation adjacent to existing residences. LIGHT AND GLARE I' There is potential impact of adjacent properties from the parking lot, particularly with the normal night-time use associated with a tavern. Recommendation 1.Create a heavily landscaped barrier at the south property line contiguous to residential uses.This should be done at the property line of lot 18 if the conditional use is denied, or at the property line or lot 20 if the expanded lot is used. 2 .Move the entry of the parking area to N. 6th rather than Pelly. AESTHETICS The aesthetic issues are related to impacts on neighborhood character .A well designed neighborhood scale structure with high quality landscaping could blend in with the neighborhood. Recommendation 1.Architectural review of structure and signs by the Building and Zoning Department to assure that the structure is at a residential scale and is compatible with the residential area. TRANSPORTATION There is a potential impact from traffic generated by the project and from the amount of parking required. More parking than the code requires is proposed. Code appears to require 27 spaces, while the proposal is for 34 spaces. Reduce the parking as much as possible to minimize impacts on the residential area. Recommendation 1.Denial of the use permit would move both parkingandthebuildingtolot18. This would undoubtedly I ' be a smaller project, which would create less traffic impact. 2 .Reduce the allowed parking to the minimim feasible. 2149N ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET 40 14#4111P.A REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: PAS Ewa, R cr tmti 404y 41.1. W MARC 25, 1988 COMMENTS DUE: APRI i , 1 •° , DATE CIRCULATED: EFC - 006 _ 88 APPLICATION NO(S). : CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT: CU-006-88 40 PROPONENT:DENNIS T. SU PROJECT TITLE: PARK AVENUE DELI & PUB. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW .A PARKING LOT .FOR 24 VEHICLES TO BE LOCATED ON A LOT ZONED "R-4" TO ACCOMPANY A *' NEW 2,700 SQUARE FOOT DELI & PUB LOCATED DIRECTLY TO THE NORTH. NOTE: THE DELI AND LOCATION: TEN ADDITIONAL PARKING STALLS ARE LOCATED ON PROPERTY ZONED "B-1" . LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF PELLY AVENUE NORTH, BETWEEN 526-532 PELLY AVENUE NORTH. SITE AREA: TOTAL PROPERTY: 0.34 ACRE BUILDING AREA (gross): 2,700 SQ. FT. IMPACT REVIEW ON ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS PROBABLE PROBABLE MORE MINOR MAJOR INFORMATION IMPACT IMPACT NECESSARY 1) Earth 2) Air 3) Water 4) Plants 5) Animals 6) Energy and Natural Resources 7) Environmental Health 8) Land and Shoreline Use 9) Housing 10) Aesthetics 11) Light and Glare 12) Recreation 13) Historic and Cultural Preservation 14) Transportation 15) Public Services 16) Utilities COMMENTS: The project will have a major impact on the single family character of Pelly Avenue North. Housing : The checklist indicates that two middle income structures will be removed as a result of the project. It is this reviewers opinion that at the most, those dwellings are moderate income and probably low income. The applicant has proposed no mitigating measures to compensate for the loss of this housing stock. That is unacceptable. The applicant has indicated that "Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with existing and projected land uses and plans is not applicable. This is an unacceptable response in light of the facts. Single-family residential exists to the south and west of the project. Expensive office complexes already exist or are being built to the north and to the east of the site. This project should take its contextual cues from those uses rather than from the auto repair shop which exists just north of the project site. This project as presented will have a major negative aesthetic impact on virtually all of the , major surrounding uses. Its architecture clashes with the office buildings and with the single family homes. Its parking dominates the neighborhood streetscape, while its build- ing is on the corner of an alley and minor access road. Landscaping treatment is inadequate and poorly designed. We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas we have expertise in and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. 401' Signat` o Director or Authorized Representative Date RENTG BUILDING & ZONING DEPAL-. __DENT 46 DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW6SH 0 Viz, 4 ECF ! - 006 - 88 tltp '.40, APPLICATION NO(S) : CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT: CU-006-88 114, PROPONENT : DENNIS T. SU PROJECT TITLE : PARK AVENUE DELI & PUB I BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW A PARKING LOT FOR 24 "VEHICLES TO BE LOCATED ON A LOT ZONED "R-4" TO ACCOMPANY'! , A NEW 9 700 SQUARE FOOT DELI & PUB LOCATED DIRECTLY TO THE NORTH. NOTE :THE , DELI AND THEN ADDITIONAL PARKING STALLS ARE LOCATED ON PROPERTY ZONED "13-I" . 1 LOCATION : I ' LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF PELLY AVENUE NORTH, BETWEEN 526-532 PELLY AVE N. TO: III PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : 4/13/88 ENGINEERING DIVISION in TRAFFIC ENG . DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : 0 UTILITIES ENG , DIVISION n FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT 9—BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT n POLICE DEPARTMENT POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 0 OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING , PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5: 00 P .M. ON APRIL 7 , 1988 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : /4-'' .l n APPROVED n APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS 0"/ NOT APPROVED This project needs to be redesigned in terms of land use and aesthetics. Approval with conditions does not seem to be the appropriate course for a project as seriously flawed as this one. Therefore, the project is not approved. 27.4.-,-..—,— DATE : P;//'?4/74:e SIGNATURE DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 W ' ! 4 p, ci:,,14 1 et .4 I 2149N ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET 04 *Ail REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: •pnitry . . CIRCULATED: MARCH 25, 1988 COMMENTS DUE: APRIL 74j 98: DATE @ EFC - 006 _ 88 4 APPLICATION NO(S). : CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT: CU-006-88 0j PROPONENT:DENNIS T. SU PROJECT TITLE:PARK AVENUE DELI & PUB. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW A PARKING LOT .FOR 24 VEHICLES TO BE LOCATED ON A LOT ZONED "R-4" TO ACCOMPANY A NEW 2,700 SQUARE FOOT DELI & PUB LOCATED DIRECTLY TO THE NORTH. NOTE: THE DELI AND LOCATION: TEN ADDITIONAL PARKING STALLS ARE LOCATED ON PROPERTY ZONED "B-1". LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF PELLY AVENUE NORTH, .BETWEEN 526-532 PELLY AVENUE NORTH. SITE AREA: TOTAL PROPERTY: 0.34 ACRE BUILDING AREA (gross): 2,70E SQ. FT. IMPACT REVIEW ON ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS PROBABLE PROBABLE MORE MINOR MAJOR INFORMATION IMPACT IMPACT NECESSARY 1) Earth 2) Air T I' 3) Water A banana died 4) Plants to make this paper. 5) Animals 6) Energy and Natural Resources 7) Environmental Health 8) Land and Shoreline Use 9) Housing 10) Aesthetics 11) Light and Glare 12) Recreation 13) Historic and Cultural Preservatit 14) Transportation 15) Public Services 16) Utilities COMMENTS: Or 1 en/4•- 1m.cfCi duv-, J C-t,g e14A-41'O„) P/`att. O Clew Ly VhavKc d c crr Y,aie-d ku ••lr on e1 I- gik. Love s. 5 We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas we have 'expertise in and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. p/ (1 I-to- . i Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date RENTL. BUILDING & ZONING DEPA.. .'MEN40 r,) DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REJEWq ITl Ø. ECF - 006 - 88 tii APPLICATION NO(S) : CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT: CU-006-88 yG© PROPONENT : DENNIS T. SU F PROJECT TITLE : PARK AVENUE DELI & PUB BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW A PARKING LOT FOR 24 VEHICLES TO BE LOCATED ON A LOT ZONED "R-4" TO ACCOMPANY A NEW 2 700 SQUARE FOOT DELI & PUB LOCATED DIRECTLY TO THE NORTH. NOTE :THE DELI AND THEN ADDITIONAL PARKING STALLS ARE LOCATED ON PROPERTY ZONED "1 -19 . ' , LOCATION : LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF PELLY AVENUE NORTH, BETWEEN 526-532 PELLY AVE N. TO: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : 4/13/88 ENGINEERING DIVISION TRAFFIC ENG . DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : OUTILITIES ENG . DIVISION n FIRE 'PREVENTION BUREAU n PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT OBUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT FLPOLICE DEPARTMENT LI POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING . PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5 : 00 P .M. ON APRIL 7 , 1988 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : n APPROVED 12 APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS n NOT APPROVED II 1OANT'l - 1 If LlLi CLtJ.r ..itl LC.J p^QS' c,Ca.ay v„0.,wJZ a.e.'c3\ J„ } I kG..il:.-o-jp€L 4- A' res , 1- 41-, DATE: 0 e•..)y--FV' SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 004 2149N ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET i 4 .p\ REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: Fo.Mwv- MARCH 25, 198 COMMENTS DUE: APR _, Y DATE CIRCULATED: Y- 1l 006 _ T 88 y EFC - o APPLICATION NO(S). : CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT: CU-006-88 O PROPONENT:DENNIS T. SU DELI & PUBPARKAVENUEPROJECTTITLE. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW A PARKING LOT .FOR 24 VEHICLES TO BE LOCATED ON A LOT ZONED "R-4" TO ACCOMPANY A NEW 2,700 .SQUARE FOOT DELL & PUB LOCATED DIRECTLY TO THE NORTH. NOTE: THE DELI AND LOCATION: TEN ADDITIONAL PARKING STALLS ARE LOCATED ON PROPERTY ZONED "B-1" . LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF PELLY AVENUE NORTH, BETWEEN 526-532 PELLY AVENUE NORTH. SITE AREA: TOTAL PROPERTY: 0.34 ACRE BUILDING AREA (gross): 2,700 SQ. FT. IMPACT REVIEW ON ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS PROBABLE PROBABLE MORE MINOR MAJOR INFORMATION IMPACT IMPACT NECESSARY 1) Earth 2) Air 3) Water 4) Plants 5) Animals 6) Energy and Natural Resources lid 7) Environmental Health 8) Land and Shoreline Use 9) Housing 10) Aesthetics 11) Light and Glare 12) Recreation 13) Historic and Cultural Preservation 14) Transportation 15) Public Services 16) Utilities COMMENTS: We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas we have expert i in and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additiona, inf rmation is need d to properly assess this proposal. r S' iatta a of Director or uthorized Representative Date RENTON" BUILDING & ZONING DEPAh TdiS4 ‘7frkOp p4 DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REV W o 440/^ 14, 46 ECF - 006 - 88 wqm APPLICATION NO(S) : CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT: CU-006-88 04) PROPONENT : DENNIS T. SU PROJECT TITLE : PARK AVENUE DELI & PUB BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW A PARKING LOT FOR 24 'VEHICLES TO BE LOCATED ON A LOT ZONED "R-4" TO ACCOMPANY, A NEW 2 700 SQUARE FOOT DELI & PUB LOCATED DIRECTLY TO THE NORTH. NOTE :THE DELI AND THEN ADDITIONAL PARKING STALLS ARE LOCATED ON PROPERTY ZONED "13-1'' . LOCATION : LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF PELLY AVENUE NORTH, BETWEEN 526-532 PELLY AVE N. TO: LI PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : 4/13/88 n ENGINEERING DIVISION OTRAFFIC ENG . DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : OUTILITIES ENG, DIVISION n FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU OPARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT aBUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT OPOLICE DEPARTMENT I POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT I ( OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING , PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5: 00 P .M. ON APRIL 7 , 1988 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : et APPROVED n APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS NOT APPROVED eJ mil/A-Aunk 5-/2-G S! a0,DAe-DS I ne/g c DATE: -5)-o C0 -4 SIGNATURE i.F'11 RECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 U 1 t.a.` 2149N ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET j G z s 7 o REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: fr r 1 MARCH 25, l9 8 COMMENTS DUE: APRIL ? 1.988? SjDATECIRCULATED:t 006 _ 88 PEFC - CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT: CU-006-88 MAR 2 5 1 APPLICATION NO(S). : PROPONENT:DENNIS T. SU ovok PROJECT TITLE: PARK AVENUE DELI & PUB. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT:APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW .A PARKING LOT .EOR 24 VEHICLES TO BE LOCATED ON A LOT ZONED "R-4" TO ACCOMPANY A NEW 2,700 SQUARE FOOT DELI & PUB LOCATED DIRECTLY TO THE NORTH. NOTE: THE DELI AND LOCATION: TEN ADDITIONAL PARKING STALLS ARE LOCATED ON PROPERTY ZONED "B-1". LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF PELLY AVENUE NORTH, BETWEEN 526-532 PELLY AVENUE NORTH. SITE AREA: TOTAL PROPERTY: 0.34 ACRE BUILDING AREA (gross): 2,700 SQ. FT. IMPACT REVIEW ON ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS PROBABLE PROBABLE MORE MINOR MAJOR INFORMATION IMPACT IMPACT NECESSARY 1) Earth 2) Air 3) Water 4) Plants 5) Animals 6) Energy and Natural Resources 7) Environmental Health 8) Land and Shoreline Use 9) Housing 10) Aesthetics 11) Light and Glare 12) Recreation 13) Historic and Cultural Preservation 14) Transportation 15) Public Services 16) Utilities COMMENTS: We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas we have expertise in and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. Signa ure of Director or Authorized Representative Da RENTON BUILDING & ZONING DEPAK r MENT ISA o DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SH 10 tik9 ECF! - 006 - 88 pA. APPLICATION NO(S) : CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT : CU-006-88 PROPONENT : DENNIS T. SU PROJECT TITLE : PARK AVENUE DELI & PUB BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW ' A PARKING LOT FOR 24 'VEHI'CLES TO BE LOCATED ON A LOT ZONED "R-4" TO ACCOMPANY;i A NEW 9 700 SQUARE FOOT DELI & PUB LOCATED DIRECTLY TO THE NORTH. NOTE :THE DELI AND THEN ADDITIONAL PARKING STALLS ARE LOCATED ON PROPERTY ZONED "B-1'' . LOCATION : LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF PELLY AVENUE NORTH, BETWEEN 526-532 PELLY AVE N. it TO : PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : 4/13/88 ENGINEERING DIVISION TRAFFIC ENG , DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : OUTILITIES ENG, DIVISION V;kFIRE PREVENTION BUREAU OPARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT OBUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT OPOLICE DEPARTMENT OPOLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OTHERS :I ; COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN 'WRITING , PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5 :00 P ,M, ON APRIL 7 , 1988 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVI ION : I ] APPROVED APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS 0 NOT APPROVED Any development and/or construction shall comply with current Fire and Building Codes and Ordi-' nances. Fire Department access roads/lanes shall be paved minimum width 20'; minimum height 13' 6". Yes„ No____ Preliminary fire flow calculatio3 show a fire flow of , ftlfgoV At -S CO is: required. hydrants with a minimum flow of gpm each I is required. Primary hydrant is required to be.within SD feet of the structure. Secondary hydrants are required to be within 300 feet of the structure. An approved automatic sprinkler system is required to protect the total structure. Yes.,_._ No All fire department access roads are to be paved and installed prior to construction. Yes No All fire hydrants are required to be installed and approved prior to construction. Yes_._... No......, A66m DATE : -7 2 C1 /51 SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 !, REQU I RFI FIRE FLOt1 CIILCULAT I ONS 1 1. HAZARD IDENTIFICATION INFORMATION NAME /-;fe/r SUE _7 AF-31/ ' O4'S U.B.C. CLASS OF BUILD ADDRESS • S"a a L/17- °/// ,P045: J. FIRE MGMT AREA 2. DETERMINE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION - CLASS (CIRCLE ONE): I - lI IV III O - FIRE-RESISTIVE NON-COMBUSTIBLE ORDINARY W00O-F MIXENOTE: IF "MIXED", SEE SPECIAL INSTRUCTION FOR AREA AND BASIC FIRE FLOW) D 3. DETERMINE AREA: GROUND FLOOR AREA:FT2 CA) NUMBER OF STORIES: TOTAL BUILDING AREA: .?—•4.04. DETERMINE BASIC FIRE FLOW FROM TABLE #I, USING AREA CA):60o GPM CB)5. DETERMINE OCCUPANCY FACTOR ADJUSTMENT:ADJUSTMENT: IF LOW HAZARD, SUBTRACT UP TO 25% OF (B): IF HIGH HAZARDI, ADD UP TO 25% OF (B) PM (C) 6. COMPUTE SUB-TOTAL CB+C): CIF B+C IS LESS THAN 500 GPM, INSERT 500 GPM) 5-0 to GPM CD) 7. DETERMINE SPRINKLER ADJUSTMENT: ADJUSTMENT: CIF COMPLETELY SPRINKLERED, SUBTRACT UP TO 50% OF (D): IF LIGHT HAZARD OCCUPANCY M CE) AND FIRE RESISTIVE OR NON-COMBUSTIBLE CONSTRUCTION, SUBTRACT UP TO 75% OF CD).8. DETERMINE EXPOSURE ADJUSTMENT': USING THE TABLE AT LEFT AS A GUIDE, ENTER THE SEPARATION AND ADJUSTMENT FOR EACH OFTHE "FOUR FACES" OF THE BUILDING IN THE TABLE AT THE RIGHT: SEPARATION MAX. ADJUSTMENT EXPOSURE SEPARATION ACT. ADJ.0 - 10 25% MAX. NORTH S. / ADD 2 S $11 - 30 20% MAX. EAST 4/' ADD a o $31 - 60 15% MAX. SOUTH 9o ' ADD /0%61 -100 10% 101 -150 5$ MAX. WEST y' ADD /S 150 OR 4-HR WALL 0% MAX. TOTAL % OF ADJUSTMENT NOT TO EXCEED 75%) : JD %TOTAL % ADJUSTMENT TIMES CD) ADJUSTMENT: O ® GPM9. DETERMINE ROOF AND SIDING COVERING ADJUSTMENT: CF) CIF SHINGLE COVERING, ADD 500 GPM) ADJUSTMENT: 10. COMPUTE ESTIMATED FIRE FLOW REQUIRED: GPM CG)I CIF D+E+F+G IS LESS THAN 500 GPM, INSERT 500 GPM)CIF D+E+F+G IS GREATER THAN 12,000 GPM, INSERT 12,030 GPM) CD+E+F+G) REQUIRED FIRE FLOW: i SSD GPM (N)j 1. SIGNED:ki._,,,,‘-&-I4--'-'------- 3TE 7-4e.-J, %.5, l9" I ; Iii. I 2149N ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET • 40G REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: k V'a C. SIP , , /I% MARCH 25, 1988 COMMENTS DUE:DATE CIRCULATED: AP 1 7, 0j 8 006 _ 880 `9 EFC 46tLg APPLICATION NO(S). : CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT: CU-006-88 Cs PROPONENT:DENNIS T. SU o`. 0 PROJECT TITLE: PARK AVENUE DELI & PUB. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW A PARKING LOT .F,OR 24 VEHICLES TO BE LOCATED ON A LOT ZONED "R-4" TO ACCOMPANY A NEW 2,700 SQUARE FOOT DEL! & PUB LOCATED DIRECTLY TO THE NORTH. NOTE: THE DELI AND LOCATION: TEN ADDITIONAL PARKING STALLS ARE LOCATED ON PROPERTY ZONED "B-1". LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF PELLY AVENUE NORTH, BETWEEN 526-532 PELLY AVENUE NORTH. SITE AREA: TOTAL PROPERTY: 0.34 ACRE BUILDING AREA (gross): 2,700 SQ. FT. IMPACT REVIEW ON ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS PROBABLE PROBABLE MORE MINOR MAJOR INFORMATION IMPACT IMPACT NECESSARY 1) Earth Ide 2) Air V 3) Water for 4) Plants v 5) Animals ge 6) Energy and Natural Resources fir gor 7) Environmental Health 8) Land and Shoreline Use 9) Housing 1VP 10) Aesthetics 11) Light and Glare tor 12) Recreation 13) Historic and Cultural Preservation 14) Transportation 15) Public Services tor 16) Utilities 1 COMMENTS: I i We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas we have expertise in and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date RENTON BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTNrr:=r1T PO% e clito DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEWilkaf o 1 , ECF i- 006 - 8R 40 APPLICATION NO(S) : CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT: CU-006-88 vao PROPONENT : DENNIS T. SU PROJECT TITLE : PARK AVENUE DELI & PUB BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW A PARKING LOT FOR 24 'VEHICLES TO BE LOCATED ON A LOT ZONED "R-4" TO ACCOMPANY' A NEW 2 700 SQUARE FOOT DELI & PUB LOCATED DIRECTLY TO THE NORTH. NOTE :THE DELI AND THEN ADDITIONAL PARKING STALLS ARE LOCATED ON PROPERTY ZONED "13-1" . LOCATION : LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF PELLY AVENUE NORTH, BETWEEN 526-532 PELLY AVE N. TO : ' PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : 4/13/88 ENGINEERING DIVISION TRAFFIC ENG . DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : OUTILITIES ENG, DIVISION 0 FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU n PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT fl BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT OPOLICE DEPARTMENT O POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING . PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5 :00 P .M. ON APRIL 7 , 1988 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : APPROVED X APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS O NOT APPROV 0 oi7 r. f, ,.?o `, whorl# 4f tN®ic4Tt w® / eio. 0?4,10.40407- ( 1.-11-pr DATE: SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 404 C q l'' 04 i 2149N ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET 4. z''9 t!® REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: Cv, ineexk C- 8 do DATE CIRCULATED: MARCH 2), 1988 u COMMENTS DUE: APRIL 7, 10 EFC - 006 _ 88 o44 b. APPLICATION NO(S). :CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT: CU-006-88 PROPONENT:DENNIS T. SU PROJECT TITLE: PARK AVENUE DELI & PUB. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW .A PARKING LOT .F.OR 24 VEHICLES TO BE LOCATED ON A LOT ZONED "R-4" TO ACCOMPANY A NEW 2,700 SQUARE FOOT DELI & PUB LOCATED DIRECTLY TO THE NORTH. NOTE: THE DELI AND I 1 LOCATION: TEN ADDITIONAL PARKING STALLS ARE LOCATED ON PROPERTY ZONED "B-1". LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF PELLY AVENUE NORTH, BETWEEN 526-532 PELLY AVENUE NORTH. SITE AREA: TOTAL PROPERTY: 0.34 ACRE BUILDING AREA (gross): 2,700 SQ. FT. IMPACT REVIEW ON ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS PROBABLE PROBABLE MORE MINOR MAJOR INFORMATION IMPACT IMPACT NECESSARY 1) Earth t 2) Air 3) Water 4) Plants 5) Animals 6) Energy and Natural Resources 7) Environmental Health L 8) Land and Shoreline Use li 9) Housing 10) Aesthetics 11) Light and Glare 12) Recreation 13) Historic and Cultural Preservation 14) Transportation 15) Public Services 16) Utilities COMMENTS: We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas we have expertise in and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional informat'on is needed to properly assess this proposal. 41111111111k4ri 2---.... 4_ e_e/iie---- Signature of 5i-ctor or Authorized Representative Date I 111111111.1..'.- a.. l RENTON BUILDING & ZONING DEPART iwtNT 1S..„e Q DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEWG`)-I - A. tit9 vt‘o clo ECF, 006 APPLICATION NO(S) : CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT: CU-006-88 04o r PROPONENT : DENNIS T. SU PROJECT TITLE: PARK AVENUE DELI & PUB BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW A PARKING LOT FOR 24 VEHICLES TO BE LOCATED ON A LOT ZONED "R-4" TO ACCOMPANY; A NEW 7 700 SQUARE FOOT DELI & PUB LOCATED DIRECTLY TO THE NORTH. NOTE :THE DELI AND THEN ADDITIONAL PARKING STALLS ARE LOCATED ON PROPERTY ZONED -B-I" . LOCATION :II LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF PELLY AVENUE NORTH, BETWEEN 526-532 PELLY AVE N. I,. TO : PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : 4/13/88 gENGINEERING DIVISION l ( TRAFFIC ENG , DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : OUTILITIES ENG , DIVISION 0 FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU n PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT li n POLICE DEPARTMENT nI itPOLICYDEVELOPMENTDEPARTMENT LIOTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING . PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5:00 P .M. ON APRIL 7 , 1988 I I REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : c LJ APPROVED I ( APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS NOT APPROVED r p z.3 kr, o' P(044.460 77;:ati- Gremerrit ail 4,1,41.•Sall- sate • DATE : SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 I. IS4( C% II 2149N ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET co 9 F'1j. REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: (.I4i%AItS O' yQ '& DATE CIRCULATED. 7 oti MARCH 25, 1988 COMMENTS DUE: APRIL 7,c'198 A V' EFC - 006 _ 88 ti c9 , C APPLICATION NO(S). : CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT: CU-006-88 O PROPONENT:DENNIS T. SU A` PROJECT TITLE: PARK AVENUE DELI & PUB. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW A PARKING LOT .FOR 24 VEHICLES TO BE LOCATED ON A LOT ZONED "R-4" TO ACCOMPANY A NEW 2,700 SQUARE FOOT DELI & PUB LOCATED DIRECTLY TO THE NORTH. NOTE: THE DELI AND LOCATION: TEN ADDITIONAL PARKING STALLS ARE LOCATED ON PROPERTY ZONED "B-1". LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF PELLY AVENUE NORTH, BETWEEN 526-532 PELLY AVENUE NORTH. SITE AREA: TOTAL PROPERTY: 0.34 ACRE BUILDING AREA (gross): 2,700 SQ. FT. IMPACT REVIEW ON ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS PROBABLE PROBABLE MORE MINOR MAJOR INFORMATION IMPACT IMPACT NECESSARY 1) Earth 2) Air 3) Water 4) Plants 5) Animals 6) Energy and Natural Resources 7) Environmental Health 8) Land and Shoreline Use 9) Housing 10) Aesthetics 11) Light and Glare 12) Recreation 13) Historic and Cultural Preservation 14) Transportation 15) Public Services 16) Utilities COMMENTS: kotetsic14ItTe cI o - Crom We have revie his application with particular attention to those areas we have expertise in and ave ' ,,-ntified areas of probable impact or areas where additional i for : ion i A5 to properly assess this proposal. 11 s/ 2% /gs-i Signature o ' Director or Authorized Representative Date RENTON bJILDING & ZONING DEPARtMENT C' Or 4) ,4, DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHF 0 04, (96)60 s' 44e ECF - 006 - 88_ AAA APPLICATION NO(S) : CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT: CU-006-88 PROPONENT : DENNIS T. SU PROJECT TITLE : PARK AVENUE DELI & PUB BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW A PARKING LOT FOR 24 VEHICLES TO BE LOCATED ON A LOT ZONED "R-4" TO ACCOMPANY A NEW 2 700 SQUARE FOOT DELI & PUB LOCATED DIRECTLY TO THE NORTH. NOTE :THE DELI AND THEN ADDITIONAL PARKING STALLS ARE LOCATED ON PROPERTY ZONED 'B-1" . , LOCATION : LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF PELLY AVENUE NORTH, BETWEEN 526-532 PELLY AVE N. TO: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : 4/13/88 ENGINEERING DIVISION F-1 TRAFFIC ENG . DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : OpTILITIES ENG , DIVISION n FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT I ! BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT POLICE DEPARTMENT n POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT l ( OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING . PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5: 00 P .M. ON APRIL 7 , 1988 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : 0176/TS/ ,G1E-/,t/4E,e/&/O APPROVED APPRO ONDIT NOT APPROVED Foa. Mina/AL. op egioliwo UTILITY APPROVAL 5UOJEC1 O LATE COMERS A6nCi.ME JT L')4T Z LATE COMERS AGIoeCMCP 1 SgtJetey Ill6 . nD / J SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHAt ?AO 5'f• • S•• X /4,9&,&_4 O vt DEVELOPMENT C 9 1= &eb. - 041.1vt SYSTEM PIA E'sr,i:a-;°.cR I,ErS i.D/,,F, / SPECK,ASSESSMENT AREA CHARGE-WATER Wj Z OB,DD SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AREA CHARGE-SEWER APPROVED WATER PLAN M' S&-c FLo`S APPROVED SEWER PLAN I,t0 5irog s' APPROVED FOIE HYDRANT LOCATIONS Og 1 aFIREPLOW f. DATE : SA-7 /gg SIGNATURE 0. DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE 3-Z8 8F u L L V REVISION 5/1982 1 oe. TY OF RENTON FILE NO(S): c i_a) -go b ®• B!__ DING & ZONING DEPARTM_ T ON," MIL N MASTED APPLICATION.. . s NOTE TO APPLICANT:' Since this is a comprehensive application form, only those items related to your specific type,of application(s)•ore.''to be completed.. ` .. Please print or type. Attach'additionclssheets ifiliecessory.')" )_.-I.' 1 APPLICANT IITYPE OF APPLICATION NAME FEES 5r REZONE*(FROM TO ADDRESSS 1 a 7©7-5- S/F-IN)IkK9 - ZK So. . E3 SPECIAL PERMIT* MilTEMPORARY PERMIT* CITY 1---*-1-1 76.v- ll y OM L USE PERMIT* SITE PLAN APPROVAL 0 TELEPHONE SPECIAL PERMIT FOR GRADE AND FILL 2-/ 2-9 (r2d 443 -- -.7 00 No. of Cubic Yards: CONTACT PERSON 0 VAFIoNCS* From Section: NAME Justification Required cktstAEE- 41cf-22) )11E: 4 ADDRESS,' SUBDIVISIONS: 0 SHORT PLAT CITY ; 0 TENTATIVE PLAT 0 PRELIMINARY PLAT TELEPHONE 0 FINAL PLAT 2 7,3 / 0 WAIVER Justification Required) OWNER NO. OF LOTS: NAME PLAT NAME: 19 RP' li.1 0. ' I ADDRESS I, PLANED UNIT DEVELOPMENT: Z/,` ) fi/ 0 PRELIMINARY CITY rrr I / O k.) . IP 0 FINAL j P.U.D. NAME: TELEPHONE 24 -2' i 0 Residential 0 Industrial 0 Commercial EaMixed LOCATION MOBILE HOME PARKS: PROPERJ p ADDRESS LI `-A l jw),^o Q TENTATIVE • EX STING USE PRESENT ZO ING 0 PRELIMINARY 166 It4 IN K- I 0 , FINAL PROPOSED USE ' PARK NAME: YP1/ 1 To NUMBER OF SPACES: 1_'' 1. 0 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE , SQ FT. f TOTAL FEES ACRES a AREA: 1 0(yJ} /....if_' CITY OF D MTnM STAFF USE ONLY -- ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESSING DATE RECEIVED APPLICATION RECEIVED BY: APPLICATION DETERMINED TO BE: JAN 2 9 1988 0 Accepted 0 Incomplete Notification Sent On By: BUILDING/ZONING DEPT. Initials) DATE ROUTED ADDITIONAL MATERIAL RECEIVED BY: 3 125 igz5 APPLICATION DETERMINED TO BE: 0 Accepted 0 Incomplete Notification Sent On By: Initials) ROUTED TO: , WWI Building Design Eng. r. EI,Fire G Parks dPolice L:ZIPolicy Dev. IA Traffic Eng. PA Utilities REVISED 1=31-84 ' Legal description of property (if more space is required, attach a separate sheet). 1— V)/ 13 t iiP O1 g-. (a ) & TOt4 W2-4\-4 ¶'LT TO , s AFFIDAVIT I, 7 f A" /iv ' A)7 being duly sworn, declare that I am authorized representative to act for the property owner,[owner of tli'eiproperty (nvoived " in this application and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN T BEFORE ME THIS 2- DAY OF 1970 NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, _ RESIDING AT 1 , _; Naine cif No_tsryuhiic) 4 r) Address) . Address) 07-: -,..a144-- ,qe .S.-7. S City) State), (Zip); Telephone) Acceptance of this application and required filing fee does not constitute a complete application. Plans and other materials required to constitute a complete application are listed in the "Application Procedure." Foxm #174 4-1 O r0 MA.,E., P.' WASHINGTON STATE LIQUOR CONTROL BOARD RETURN WHITE AND CANARY COPIES. t.," LICENSE DIVISION, OLYMPIA, WA 98504 RETAIN PINK COPY FOR YOUR FILES. F RENTON DO NOT WRITE HERERECEI'JED APPLICATION FOR RECEPTION NO. JAN 2 9 1988CHANGE OF LOCATION RECEIVED BY BUILDING/ZONING DEPT.' FEE $ 75.00 DATE WAC 314--12---110 CHECK NUMBER THIS APPLICATION IS FOR A CHANGE OF LOCATION FOR THE LIQUOR LICENSE AMOUNTONLYANDDOESNOTINCLUDEGAMBLINGORANYOTHERLICENSEORPERMIT. PRESENT LICENSE NO. CLASS m.w,w.....r. w,i.._.au..., :._.N •y,. x._.. , ...._.. _.a s.r.x. .0...._ ....r.li.x.V APPLICANT IS AN 0 INDIVIDUAL 0 PARTNERSHIP c' CORPORATION 356938 BCE ? NAME AS SHOWN ON PRESENT LICENSE CURRENT TRADE NAME LL SUM INC . of Wao SOFT SA "'S TAVLPN ADDRESS OF LICENSED LOCATION (PRESENT LOCATION)-Incl.'Zip'Code DAY TELEPHONE NO. NIGHT TELEPH 675 Garden Ave No. Penton, Via. 93055 1226 2731 I 27i 583 ADDRESS OF PROPOSED LOCATION-Incl.'Zip'Code LOCATION IS DISTANCE FF INSIDE CITY PRESENT LOC 5_30 Felly Ave. No. Renton , 'tan, 9 055 pUTS DIES' 42 NZ_ock ADDRESS WHERE YOU MAY BE CONTACTED -Incl.'Zip'Code DAY TELEPHONE NO. NIGHTTELEPF 2033 Jones Circle S .E. Renton, Wam 98055 226 2731 271 5836 NAME OF OWNER/LANDLORD ADDRESS - Incl. 'Zip' Code TELEPHONE I1 OF PRESENT LOCATION r:k 7.4.. Wong 20 33 ,Tone`. Circle S 0 ...o Penton, Wa. 980 5 j 271 583E NAME OF OWNER/LANDLORD ADDRESS - Incl. 'Zip' Code Corpora t•e a FYent TELEPHONE r OF PROPOSED LOCATION TNC . ( Itself) 2033 Jones Circle :-Renton Wan 98055 127k 5836 LEASE DATE LEASE EXPIRES RENTAL i I 1 E I None NAME OF OWNER OF FURNITURE, ADDRESS - Incl. 'Zip' Code TELEPHONE I FIXTURES, AND/OR EQUIPMENT 7T.ap- 'c I NC I 530 Pelly Ave. Non Fenton, Wa 98055 226 27: NAME OF HOLDER OF CONTRACT OR ADDRESS - Incl. 'Zip' Code TELEPHONE ENCUMBRANCE ON FURNITURE, FIXTURES, AND/OR EQUIPMENT r_e'k N. on ' 3 2033 Joile Circle . D 1,o Henton , 1'ia. 9305:, 271 58_ OTHER BUS!NESS(ES), IF ANY, CONDUCTED AT THIS LOCATION FOOD HAS THE NEW LOCATION BEEN PREVIOUSLY IS THE PROPOSED LOCATION NOW LICENSED WHAT IS YOUR APPROXIMATE E LICENSED BY THE LIQUOR CONTROL TO SELL LIQUOR ? INVESTMENT AT THE NEW LOC, BOARD ? Property and No 1'l 0 ,1J00y00 m a tea. I UNDERSTAND THAT A MISREPRESENTATION OF FACT SHALL BE DEEMED A LACK OF GOOD FAITH AND CONSTITUTE GOOD AND SUFFICIENT CAUSE FOR DISAPPRO L, VOCATION OR SUSPENSION OF THE LICE APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE (In ink): if e/ DATE SIGNED: LIQ 27-32-1/84 I - CITY OF REN T ON DENNIS T. SU;AIA ECEIVED ARCHITECT I S JAN 2 9 1988CONSULTANTS Jarula T: 25, 1988 The Hearing Examiner Building and Zoning Department Renton Municipal Building Renton, Washington Re: Conditional Use Permit Justification F, Park Ave Deli & Pub 530 Pelly Avenue North Dear Hearing Examiner, The following are description/justification for permission to use the R-4 zoned lot as accessory parking area for the new commercial building in the adjacent B-1 zoned lot. Comprehensive Plan The subject property is located at the border between the B-1 Business Zone to the north and the R-4 Residential Zone to the south. The immediate neighborhood is rapidly developing into an office park to the north and to the east. Currently there are other single story commecial buildings in the vicinity. Community Need The proposed building is for the relocation of a long-time neighborhood establishment, the SST or known commonly as "Soft Sam". The site of the existing SST has been purchased by the developer of the new Boeing office park for the construction of a new parking structure. The relocated SST will provide the similar kind of food and drink services to both the existing customers and the office workers in the future. Effect on Adjacent Properties The lot coverage is 28% for the B-1 lots and 0% on the R-4 lot. The proposed single story building is located in the NE corner of the site leaving the 40 feet front yard along Pelly Avenue for parking. The subject lot shall be used for parking and will serve as the buffer with the required cedar fence on the property line to screen the multiple residential dwellings to the south. There is no structure proposed in the subject R-4 lot and the building height in the B-1 lots shall be about 14 feet. . . 7025 Seward Park Ave. So.,Seattle,Washington 98118 r/ The Hearing Examiner Jauary 25, 1988 Page Two Compactibility The proposed parking area will be smaller than the existing paved and striped parking lot to the north. The proposed development will be landscaped and screened to match the scale of the existing residential surrounding. Parking The on-street parking along the adjacent streets have been changed to 2-hour parking recently. The proposed use of the subject lot as accessory parking for the new building will help the parking situation. There is no building planned for the R-4 lot and cannot utilize the bonus of underground or under-structure parking. Traffic The proposed development is served by both the Pelly Avenue North and the 15 feet public driveway to the north via the mid-block alley. Not all vehicles will exit to Pelly. Noise, Glare There will be minimum noise and glare impacts to the B-1 lots from the R-4 lot. Because of the location of the proposed building, the impact to the neighbors is minimized by having the R-4 lot serves as open parking area. Landscaping The proposal will have landscape as required under the zoning code. The existing screening shrub along Pelly will be extended to the south with new landscape except at the driveways. Accessory Use The subject R-4 lot is proposed to be the accessary parking to serve the adjacent B-1 lots. Conversion Not applicable. r ,/' The Hearing Examiner January 25, 1988 Page Three Public Improvement The proposal will not be a burden on any public improvement. The storm water runoff from the proposed parking area shall be detained by an on site system and through an oil/water separator prior to being discharged to the existing storm drain system at the current rate of vacant land. There is also an Environmental Checklist submitted along with this letter that provides other land use information not covered here. Please contact my office if additional information is needed. Thank you for your consideration. Respectfully submitted, Dennis T. Su, AIA ECF: I Lir-cc -a I to ps. ° Cityof Renton 0 l.u: u - - 9 s , o91 ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST 1 e0 SEp-reo I Purpose of Checklist: The State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), chapter 43,21C RCW. requires all governmental agencies to consider the environmental impacts of a proposal before making decisions. An environmental Impact statement (EIS) must be prepared for allproposals with probable significant adverse impacts on the quality of the environment. The purpose lof this checklist is' to provide information to help you and the agency identify impacts from your proposal (and to reduce or avoid impacts from the proposal, if it can be done) and to help the agency decide whether an EIS is required. Instructions for Applicants: • This environmental checklist asks you to describe some basic information about your I' proposal. Governmental agencies use this checklist to determine whether the I' environmental impacts of your proposal are significant, requiring preparation of an EIS. Answer the questions briefly, with the most precise information known, or give the best description you can. You must answer each question accurately and carefully, to the best of your knowledge. In most cases, you should be able to answer the questions from your own observations or project plans without the need to hire experts. If you really do not know the answer, or 'if a question does not apply to your proposal, write "do not know" or "does hot apply." Complete answers to the questions now may avoid unnecessary delays later. Some questions ask about governmental regulations, such as zoning, shoreline, and landmark designations. Answer these questions if you can. If you have problems, the governmental agencies can assist you. The checklist questions apply to all parts of your proposal, even if you plan to do them over a period of time or on different parcels of land. Attach any additional information that will help describe your proposal or its environmental effects. The agency to which you submit this checklist may ask you to explain your answers or provide additional information reasonably related to determining if there may be significant adverse impacts. Use of Checklist for Nonproject Proposals: (Please Type or Print Legibly) Complete this checklist for nonproject proposals, even though questions may be answered "does not apply." IN ADDITION, complete the SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET FOR NONPROJECT ACTIONS (part D). For nonproject actions (actions involving decisions on policies, plans and programs), the references in the checklist to the words "project," "applicant," and "property or site" should be read as"proposal," "proposer," and "affected geographic area," respectively. A. BACKGROUND 1. Name of proposed project, if applicable: 7 1 Et N15. 2. Name of applicant: 14I,; •1' t7 tI di3. Address and phone number of applicant and contact person: v c)SII?) . 4. Date checklist prep 1\7 2-1 1>2 , 10707 5. Agency requesting checklist: R i NI/it- 4 20f,L(ta- m-w—i- 6. Proposed timing or schedule (including phasing, if applicable): T C t4' i1 JdCle 4 IR. —mpg! F) CITY OF RENTON RECEIVED JAN 2 9 1988 BUILDING/ZONING DEPT. for future additions, expansions, o rther activity related ' Ls proposal? if yes, explain. 8. List any environmental information you know about that has been prepared, or will be prepared, directly related to this proposal. N-61\ • 9. Do you; know whether applications are pending for governmental approvals of other proposals directly affecting the property covered by your proposal? If yes, explain. 14® . 10. List any governmental approvals or permits that will be needed for your proposal, if known. at\LO111.0 W b1 Ve-IILvii\l/fr 11. Give brief, complete description of your proposal, including the proposed uses and the size of the project and site. There are several questions later in this checklist that ask you to describe certain aspects of your proposal. You do not need to repeat those answers on this page. rD e2GIIIA2 A 2,-76/o sr-• s-Tl i cry Too. fin, 4 0K-u14K- A- 14 0(-) 12. Location of the proposal. Give sufficient information for a person to understand the precise location of your proposed project, including a street address, if any, and section, township, and range if known. If a proposal would occur over a range of area, provide the range or boundaries of the site(s). Provide a legal description; site plan, vicinity map, and topography map, if reasonably available. While you should submit any plans required by the agency, you are not required to duplicate maps or detailed plans submitted with any permit applications related to this checklist. rH rpeOper 417 . is le44TP--2 c 112p of i Ts ""(N is l FT f < LWi TO-1T-1 14M • . fr. 1T- rL , N NIT`,' Nf'iM' 4- U i AL ITT N 1 STTr H s - B. ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS 1. EARTH a. General description of the site (circle one); flat, rolling, hilly, steep slopes, mountainous, other b. What is thy: steepest slope on the site (approximate percent slope)? c. What general types of soils are found on the site (for example, caly, sand, aravel, peat, muck)? If you know the,classification of agricultural soils, specify them and note any prime farmland. fy d. Are there surface indications or history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity? If so, describe. Ir1 • 2 - e. Describe the pose. type, and approximate qua ies of any filling or grading propc- Indicate source of fill. BUT 1A e c i Yr? or VWr 14- Nt PP9 rot ' LC N f. Could erosion occur as a result of clearing. construction, or use? If so, generallydescribe. g. About what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after project construction (for example, asphalt or buildings)? a I h. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion, or other impacts to the earth, if any: 2. AIR a. What types of emissions to the air would result from the proposal (i.e., dust, automobile, odors, industrial wood smoke) during construction and when the project is completed? If any,. generally describe and give approximate quantities if known. 1•101 a, Vr-}-I I GI I41 OI•11-ieU YW 4 D uaF 44T T-11 N o 1'pecnc1r T- t N iieacrn N.. b. Are there any off-site sources of emission? d . c. Proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or other impacts to air, if any: N,, 3. WATER a. Surface: 1) Is there any surface water body on or in the immediate vicinity of the site including year-round and seasonal streams, saltwater, lakes, ponds, wetlands)? If yes, describe type and provide names.' If appropriate, state what stream or river it flows into. 149 ' 2) Will the project require any work over, in, or adjacent to (within 200 feet) the described waters? If yes, please describe and attach available plans. 3) Estimate the amount of fill and dredge material 'that would be placed in or removed from surface water or wetlands and indicate the area of the site that would be affected. Indicate the source of fill'material. I'•7 3 ' i 3 - A) VI!;" :E'. : ;- rsc require surface water withdr' diversions? Give ' c ai del- `oJtion, purpose, and approximately 1,,,-ltities if known. 14) ' 5) Does the proposal lie within a 100-year floodplain? If so, note location on the site plan. • 1431 6) Does the proposal involve any discharges of waste materials to surface waters? If so, describe the . type of waste and anticipated volume of discharge. b. Ground: 1) Will ground water be withdrawn, or will water be discharged to ground water? Give general description, purpose, and appaoximately quantities if known. 1.4D • 2) Describe waste material that will be discharged into the ground from septic tanks or other sources, if any (for example: Domestic sewage; industrial, containing the following chemicals . . .; agricultural; etc.). Describe the general size of the system, the number of such systems, the number of houses to be served (if applicable), or the number of animals or humans the system(s) are expected to serve. 149114 --. c. Water Runoff (including storm water): 1) Describe the source of runoff (including storm water) and method of collection and disposal, if any (include quantities, if known). Where will this water flow? Will this water flow into other waters? If so, describe. 1261j4er- 12.66f- -4- ry6tvp_17 1776o _11--lor CO LLKTP9 THRLI obiTat 131661R - rT 02 LINI3pRdneocAN0 O •Te) l7,s To s1"!N1j SToe i P 2) Could waste materials enter ground or-surface waters? If so, generally describe. 4 - d. Proposed mi= ,sires to reduce or control surface, , _iund, and runoff waterimpacts, if any: I) b. Plants a. Check or circle types of vegetation found on the site: o deciduous tree: alder, maple, aspen, other o evergreen tree: fir, cedar, pine, other j Shrubs grass o crop or grain o Wet soil plants: cattail, buttercup, bullrush, skunk cabbage, other o water plants: water lily, eel grass, milfoil, other o other types of vegetation b. ! What kind and amoun of vegetation will be removed or altered? 13,r oN. o}.« I.ict, 41144f-r14:01zstiki tAll-Pr_tm c. List threatened or endangered species known to`bee on or near the site. 1 k -. d. Proposed landscaping, use of native plants, or other measures to preserve or enhance vegetation on the site, if any: 5. Animals a. Circle any birds and animals which have been observed on or near the site or a r e known to be on or near the site: ' Birds: ta, heron, eagle, songbirds, other Mammals: deer, bear, elk, beaver, other Fish: bass, salmon, trout, herring, shellfish, other b. List any threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. Natrt c. Is the site part of a migration route? If so, explain. 1 ,1 5 - i d. Pi noosed ni -.Jros lo pre:ery e or c> ,ant,::e uiilr#.1..'>>,r '; any: 4-6 ° 6. Energy and Natural Resources a. What kinds of energy (electric, natural gas, oil, wood stove, solar) will be used to meet the completed project's energy needs? Describe whether it will be used for heating, manufacturing, etc. Rt r ? HILL 'Pr 11-1P- papc`1 p tio T -t o ITT f.P fop-. H- F-td- 4 111DK. b. Would your project affect the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties? If so, generally describe. c. j What kinds of energy conservation features are included in the plans of this proposal? List other proposed measures to reduce or control energy impacts, if any: 1›/A109114ar 13 rcaiLf v-4R NUr1DF r(- r-1 60Dp. . 7. Environmental Health a. Are there any environmental health hazards, including exposure to toxic chemicals, risk of fire and explosion, spill, or hazardous waste, that could occur as a result of this proposal? If so, describe. 14° • I) Describe special emergency services that might be required. rt l 4-7 ^132. 2) Proposed measures to reduce or control environmental health hazards, if any: `` II A b. Noise 1) What types of noise exist in the area which may affect your project (for example: traffic, equipment, operation, other)? 6 - 2) What types -" levals of noise would be created r- lr associated with the project on short-term or a long-term basi 'or example: traffic, construction, operation, other)? Indicate what hours noise would come from the site. HILL j5r- -A- SF&2T Kr— - 1fOk S 0),R.gQ JTto kt or) T7T Wit a WV-0P- Mobil ?NRT L . 3) Proposed measures to reduce or control noise impacts, if any: 611 Ts 51 I40r -- ST Imo'' U t u01 ITT11-7: pCJT2> VTOJ T 17 .V1/41 To-oL P AN41-1764iu LI vfiTp_12 ID I R m61. 8. Land and Shoreline Use a. What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties? 14 N i4LTD TH NOS ci} F-4' l T TH 5c-c1.TH b. Has the site been used for agriculture? If so, describe. c. Describe any structures on the site. Tff O. `[-Ho Gi i 1`l S 01• (li e_ SITp , d. Will any structures be demolished? If so, what? FRUO l C-PC MSC-44 l Ft [ C k!IL M01-1'HP9, e. What is the current zoning classification of the site? I SIR-TAT r--1 O T r-0R-5O UTN r9 f. What is the current comprehensive plan designation of the site? g. If applicable, what is the current shoreline master program designation of the site? h. Has any part of the site been classified as an "environmentally sensitive" area? If so, specify. I. Approximately how many people would reside or work in the completed project? T j. Approximately how many people would the completed project displace? 76PA2 CAT Tvo k. ' Proposed measures to avoid or reduce displacement impacts, if any: 7 - 1. Pr: d rr -,tires to ensure this pro t:,sal is cor, Thtiblc with existing and c.tf.d .i< __,uses and plans; if any: lI f(-A 9. Housing a. Approximately how many units would be provided, if any? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. t b. Approximately how many units, if any, would be eliminated? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. ii 11701, _ I uN fl . c. Proposed measures to reduce or control housing impacts, if any: 10. Aesthetics a. What is the tallest height of any proposed structure(s), not including antennas; what is the principal exterior building material(s) proposed. 4 FT. b. What views in the immediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed? I r c. Proposed measures to reduce or control aesthetic impacts, if any: ktr—V\ 1 LO Ih 5P I-5c. ri ram. r L I . . kUU u. TT- 11. Light and Glare a. What type of light or glare will the proposal produce? What time of day would it mainly occur? NI LA- WA-S i 11' `p Lt o-14-7" « 1T-1P- r4 kL6T-- 6- ? T NIorHT. b. Could light or glare from the finished project be a safety hazard or interfere with views? c. ! What existing off-site sources of light or glare may affect your proposal? d. Proposed measures to reduce or control light and glare impacts, if any: T+ frO L16-H SI-b6sLL 170P-1I i 10-1A sI vi' Nur TO t oc.l&P-1'1 LL- N T 8 - 12. Recreation a. What designated and informal recreational opportunities are in the immediate vicinity? 11.00 b. Would the proposed project displace any existing recreational uses? If so. describe.14° ' c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts on recreation. including recreation opportunities to be provided by the project or applicant. if any: 13. Historic and Cultural Preservation a. Are there any places or objects listed on. or proposed for. national. state. or local preservation registers known to be on or next to the site? If so. generally describe. lI • b. Generally describe any landmarks or evidence of historic. archaeological. scientific. or cultural importance known to be on or next to the site. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts. if any: 14. Transportation i . a. Identify public streets and highways serving the site, and describe proposed access to the existing street system. Show on site plans. if any SSTT G®i M. rpuipf 76ilv , No . N10. (9 ) S -. k(D. el" ST b. Is site currently served by public transit? If not. what is the approximately distance to the nearest transit stop? TD TH r 5ouT-1 c. How many parking spaces would the completed project have? How many would the project eliminate? uT d. " Will the proposal require any new roads or streets, or improvements to existing roads or streets, not including driveways? If so, generally describeindicatewhetherpublicorprivate). I 9 - 1 o. the pr_ or occur in the immediate , , -inity of) water,; rail, or axr Transportation? if so, generally describe. kLO . f. How many vehicular trips per day would be generated by the completed project? If known, indicate whe peak volumes would occur. 4r4,r42--,pryi iv9 g. P oposed measures to!reduce or control transportation impacts, if any: I I~Ii _HT H iTH T I-6T o N feD K-7r 10 N1 g-TAL, 15. Public Services a. Would the project result in an increased need for public services (for example: fire protection, police protection, health care, schools, other)? If so, generally describe. 1.10 p. L1 4 r AIe • b. Proposed measures to reduce or control direct impacts on public services, if any. II7 16. Utilities a. utilities rrently a ilabl t-t e: - natural gas, w ter refuse ervi , telephon sanitary sewe , sep ic.system, other. b. Describe the utilities that are proposed for the project, the utility providing the service, and the general construction activities on the site or in the immediate vicinity which might be needed. f LL txf U TI PC 0 2<--L -61W P- H I IL (fir-- RP7IF f N t K Ni NOr TO .\( -1H p- NF--N izA 1LIi,i&r NI1 r --ifi Ty. C. SIGNATURE I, the undersigned, state that to the best of my knowledge the above information is true and complete. It is understood that the lead agency may withdraw any declaration of non-significance that it might issue in reliance upon this checklist should there be any willful misre••-sentation r willful lack of full disclosure on my part. 1Proponent: Name Printed: DpNNI T. 5C1 10 - 2149N ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: DATE CIRCULATED: MARCH 25, 1988 COMMENTS DUE: APRIL 7, 1988 EFC - 006 _ 88 APPLICATION NO(S). • CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT: CU-006-88 PROPONENT:DENNIS T. SU PROJECT TITLE: PARK AVENUE DELI & PUB. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW .A PARKING L'OT .FO.R 24 VEHICLES TO BE LOCATED ON A LOT ZONED "R-4" TO ACCOMPANY A NEW 2,700 SQUARE FOOT DELI & PUB LOCATED DIRECTLY TO THE NORTH. NOTE: THE DELI AND LOCATION: TEN ADDITIONAL PARKING STALLS ARE LOCATED ON PROPERTY ZONED "B-1". LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF PELLY AVENUE NORTH„BETWEEN 526-532 PELLY AVENUE NORTH. SITE AREA: TOTAL PROPERTY: 0.34 ACRE BUILDING AREA (gross): 2,700 SQ. FT. IMPACT REVIEW ON ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS PROBABLE PROBABLE MORE MINOR MAJOR INFORMATION IMPACT IMPACT NECESSARY 1) Earth 2) Air 3) Water 4) Plants 5) Animals 6) Energy and Natural Resources 7) Environmental Health 8) Land and Shoreline Use 9) Housing 10) Aesthetics 11) Light and Glare I I, 12) Recreation 13) Historic and Cultural Preservation 14) Transportation 15) Public Services jI'I 16) Utilities COMMENTS: We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas we have expertise in and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date I:' Form 4 2149N ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: DATE CIRCULATED: MARCH 25, 1988 COMMENTS DUE: APRIL 7, 1988 EFC - 006 _ 88 APPLICATION NO(S). : CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT: CU-006-88 DENNIS T. SUPROPONENT: PROJECT TITLE: PARK AVENUE DELI & PUB. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW .A PARKING LOT .E.OR 24 VEHICLES TO BE LOCATED ON A LOT ZONED "R-4" TO ACCOMPANY A NEW 2,700 SQUARE FOOT DELI & PUB LOCATED DIRECTLY TO THE NORTH. NOTE: THE DELI AND LOCATION: TEN ADDITIONAL PARKING STALLS ARE LOCATED ON- PROPERTY ZONED "B-1". LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF PELLY AVENUE NORTH, BETWEEN 526-532 PELLY AVENUE NORTH. f ' SITE AREA: TOTAL PROPERTY: 0.34 ACRE BUILDING AREA (gross): 2,700 SQ. FT. IMPACT REVIEW ON ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS PROBABLE PROBABLE MORE MINOR MAJOR INFORMATION IMPACT IMPACT NECESSARY 1) Earth 2) Air 3) Water 4) Plants 5) Animals 6) Energy and Natural Resources 7) Environmental Health 8) Land and Shoreline Use 9) Housing 10) Aesthetics 11) Light and Glare I 12) Recreation 13) Historic and Cultural Preservation i 14) Transportation 15) Public Services 16) Utilities COMMENTS: I I I We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas we have expertise in and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date Fr„-.., A