HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA88-051r•e. . N I' i' t ,/...-- ---... •i N '. \ ' \ \ \ \• \s / , \ I i , z N •,. \ ,.., 1/ I 5°51 tX ; 1 ____-----• s ..---- / 4,3.00. N 7.,--7-------...._- - ..--- 1 1/4 1/4. ... r--- --ii..-1 / s'.i-)... '1/4 - .- Z 1 k i '::::i N L.. ----_ _. i r •rn, ' - -- - - I (/ 1 al 1 °`-:, ' 1i -- -- 1. i 1 i 1, , 1.9.3(C•Ave. S.,6„..-(-6-xtens.led) :•-•Future 1\ 1 k I •...• 1.-. . N N N N.N• ••-'-..:-..4'. 4.o -- - ' • . / i;' NI.,I••, ''''' r i N 7 a ..N','7-2. / N, ''- ,,,•-• - --, • I,.-;zi,'---- N. 4,4'-..____,.... _---,.,-- . r-N. s uur‘e c:Entry Drive Existing LStructuie l_ \ _.ir \ \\ PI .. i 4.,r- '-. zo° ........ •... I k\ IF4<-17 - IEL-N -L-immilti......--Thp. go .. -- -_-- 'N ''i - • 1 1 g.,.,103rd. Ave. S.E.FS 0 . •. ‘..;•.,siL \ •, . C .../j"ExTsting-- Ilialk,.„, 4 . Etustin1rtiln4 , t•,.• , 1 /.; .;\\IA.--_,',-. 4.. 4..... Ent6t..Dri . ,,,•ii 44,. 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RS 4"TN/a,....,.&'1..v,n.L. 7i.'1 a,a )1oftheNW. 1/4; 7,4°..11414‘1=•••7)6.ttr-1.7.1iria F,":'.7-t,--,---:'''''-::-.01;:..kir.._ t4iV' '.......''.- 1 k\ I.1 .•'A"' I 7• 018:a5 4„7/‘:::: 5::: 07.77:,,/e.;.,44,,,,...,S ,5.:::•:, 7„..,EPARCELC • That portion of the westerly 521 feet of the N 1/2 1 of the S.E 1/4 of the N.W. 1/4 of the N.W 1/4 10.4,7R ,?....210'4, C.\;)JcS.e, 8 1:3'. :',' -line westerly of private road and southly of the . Mb..1.:::i ,rrnalorl I • i Ithig I-; 11• I 0 ,,CV :ifCarrCountyRoadexcepttheW. 20 feet thereof 1/43-4,,. • ••••••• 1/4-''','74 ...1'' t.T.:•iirr,I',06'..//.5 6. .1IFA 14, ,,,,.2.c.'•.: /)A.A,',,,s',.. n.' .../...,‹ "577,4,76v)all.In Section 32, Township 23 N.. Range 5 E,W M. - I 4,, ' .• "IF 41111111.1rso• Imp A, 1</e.cap,c,,,<• /99.4',./.‘/.. -S .c-e.5- T/1'. t i 2.-i.. •in King County, Washington except that portion x\ . b. •Z ''conveyed to King County by deed recorded under 0Auditor's File No. 5801760. i ---...._ \ / ""t••[* t.',...„_ ._7:4,',k...' '' 4.Z14' 1.114..tja AL,i,7,s ,,,..- q--1. PARCEL 0 • BeginIng'at the N.E. corner of NW I/4 of the NW A.416 C•A••••;..17.A.A/C r/G74.,-• L.)• I/ ' 1/4, then S. 337.02 feet to the true point of beginning, t l'e,A 15.5- .Z2Z-then S 86°IV 24.W 158.32 feet, then S 02.24'54°W re W ."‘ 336.52 feet, S 86°39'20.W 165 feel to the easterly Weir",98•crde alkjc u - 4! line of County Road, then southly along private rood I ,, , . 70.40 feet to the true point of beginning, in Section I L. • 0 'Y',13 C ",.e32, Township 23 N. Range 5 E, W.M. in King County,t '."ftipa1/0°I.°... . 1• •SS. 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P.iF:, iP.ii.•,.i:: i: i:,. 7h,i: I.:::. i.: i.. i:,, F:.: P. il:: i., SPV:... i: P1i,.. il: i!.: i. l4,i•:.,, i, i, i..ii:ii!:f1.,Zit:,iiS!:, i. i,,, PiE.,'i,:.:•,isi. V',, iVl.,Iii7,',•,iP-.lth.gi,aP., i,.• e,.,:,' SR• l, g,,'' 4'• a,','. R.,, i. l' I iRb•'..: Ui.,'.• l,, 1'. ii.•O1'i:. j. i,,.:iIV. i•.' I: i.' g•,, iN:. V•: i,,.,l,: l./. 11I..h:: ip.• e. r::':..::: i S4::. P.t,..... 0' 7'• 1- 1•1..,..'• F„, iA.•.. 0) 0 6 i- 0 _., 4 0,, 3•_, ' tItI, 1_ 6 a1111,, 4 q t, 7„7„,77,,,,-",,,iipi: iii,.1141.0. 4111Ilk 4111. illPrt:,..0„. .„ .Oz 111.111P- 0 p IIIIIir . 41r11.. y I. ,...NV. Aft111111/411 flill, 8400. eliplio W: 09 6 I o" 1 0 Job No.550 Tie A 0..10n AS. ILI Drawn NS. I. Z Chock ZS. P Date 5-1-110 REVISIONS DATE JOB TITLIE Faith Covenant Church 10221Carr Road Mon,Washimon' Landscape Flin EDLLIND ASSOCIATES, INC. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS • COSTTRACTORS • CONSULTANTS ' 1.9WegadrA•Z WS 99101911SEN 910.•IA A.AWAIII WAV•=WM WA 10109.•WOW 9•44/99 am.Wound•Awe of WaWdOWO fIWWWWW119wrowoo MN..•CWW.OA AI 1 Pastor:Bob.Bennett (206)228-8221 CONTENTS,CONSULTANTS a 1 1.8 CLIP 1 DRe/C GRnY 2•4(u.6,De 11 1, 00' CLA55 A I 1 235 Fief{6 A35 F T RE GONVs,r3E COMP. R0aF/N4 ADD,T/4V 2.2 P L'% 1 A x.4(u.s,ie SPACED L.L 4.4 R»TFUTURE 2 I qqL VFAGGT. TRIM HD. 5'/e'Age 4A33Z P•enY I,G.Le ALUM. 4JTTER on, 2e5 xleER44135. ..'. _ 2.e l 'f_p I F_O' I 4_0 IMN4ceriffI_ ry p= 1•:+i•.i ^}•'- I AN/M. 4JrTER I QLi,L I:_ . 1.- - MIME- _•L S'4 5O GRAY r i'" i1 Ma FAoe,A go 1,,,,,,...... 4 4EVELED orD,N6 4l At'y, r. miugT;`}- z.e msuH cNEATN/N6 SECTION G vFRAYMr4MGente- FbST 11 I' ORZ. TRIM HD. 2.e ALUM 1 I. 1 _ i.3 ALUM DOWNSRN/7 Pg.GAP Y DO NSIONT I- 31-'-_ a., !xL TA/H DD. I 2.e CAP 2.4 I Ai wY CAA®G _ 9 MYD/UA GQ4Y t.zl L',vm.GA'.AYQp( 4.4 FAST a S=4- IILit/x M1GL. i ..... ` - i 1,1i Iy=Z.12 NOR2. TR,M eD. E,6A.r sso,N4= L. 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Q CITY OF RENTON era BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Earl Clymer, Mayor June 15, 1991 pLPNNING DIVISIONCITYOFRENTON JUNK 81991 Steve Dawson RECEIVEDCovenantDevelopmentCorporation 5107 North Francisco Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60625 SUBJECT: Variance Driveway Slope Ordinance, Faith Covenant Church, 1111 S.E. Carr Road, Renton, Washington Dear Mr. Dawson: The Board of Public Works reviewed your application at the June 12, 1991 meeting and made the determination to grant the request at the requested 15% maximum. If you have further questions, do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, Patricia M. Porter Recording Secretary BP W 03/fthcovch/var91/PMP cc: Jim Hanson Paul Lumbert Don Erickson c/ Transportation Div. 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2569 Facsimile (206J 235-2513 eu- os,-aa ( /4 a 0 CITY OF RENTON IMNP BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Earl Clymer, Mayor PLANNING DIVISION December 11, 1990 CITY OF RENTON DEC 1 3 1990 Gregg R. Frank Weyerhaeuser Tacoma Credit Union 33615 1st Way S. Federal Way, WA 98003 SUBJECT: Irrevocable Letter of Credit for Faith Covenant Church, $46,000, posted for Improvement Deferral, City of Renton Dear Mr. Frank: This will serve as your authority to release the subject letter of credit as the improvements have been installed by the applicant and accepted by the City of Renton. Sincerely, 14>Y/,'Ge.-i., James Hanson Chairman j s C--— loc/faicovch/PMP cc: Don Sybil Paul Lumbert Don Erickson / Transportation Div. Clerk's Office 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2569 Facsimile (206) 235-2513 1.1- 051 -E:56 PLANNING DIVISION CITY OF RENTON CITY OF RENTON AUG 1 4 1990 MEMORANDUM RECEIVED DATE: August 14, 1990 TO: Dan Clements Larry Warren FROM: Patricia Porter SUBJECT: IRREVOCABLE STANDBY LETTER OF CREDIT FOR FAITH COVENANT CHURCH IMPROVEMENT DEFERRAL, 1111 S. CARR ROAD, RENTON Mr. Don Sybl, Building Contrator Chairman, presented the attached Irrevocable Letter of Credit as a condition of the six month improvement deferral granted to the Covenant Church. Dan, attached is the original document. Please review and if approved, return (two) signed copies to me for further distribution. Larry, attached is a copy for your review, comments and approval. For your information: Deferral Granted: for 6 month period June 13, 1990 Deferral Expires: December 13, 1990 Ltr/Cred Expires: December 1, 1990 Note: The applicant intends to have all work completed within 60-90 days. Should that action not transpire, and if the enclosed document is approved and placed in the Clerk's office, we need to be reminded about the letter of credit by at least the 14th of November 1990. This acts as a triggering device and we can subsequently remind the applicant ahead of time about the expiration of both the financial document and the deferral. Thanks. impdet/fthcovch/pmp cc: Jim Hanson Paul Lumbert Don Ericksen y-1 1 CITY OF RENTON mu. rsse PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Earl Clymer, Mayor Lynn Guttmann, Director July 11, 1990 Don Sybil P.O. Box 68888 Seattle, WA 98188 SUBJECT: On-Off-Site Improvemement Deferral Faith Covenant Church, 1111 S. Carr Road Renton, WA Dear Mr. Sybil: The Board of Public Works reviewed your letter of July 2nd and Mr. Swanson's letter of June 5th regarding your respective requests to waive the bonding requirement for the subject deferral; and, they made the decision to formally request you attend the next regularly scheduled Board meeting which will be held at 8:45 a.m. on Wednesday, July 25, 1990. We have also invited Mr. Dan Kellogg to be in attendance at that meeting and Mr. Swanson, of Northwest Evangelical Consultants, Inc., who has been advised by telephone. Sincerely, i I Patricia M. Porter Board of Public Works faithcov/mtginv/pmp cc: Ron Nelson Don Ericksen 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2569 Facsimile (206) 235-2513 tVd/710:O`Dl CITY JF RENTON G will Office of the City Attorney Earl Clymer, Mayor MEMO TO: Kenneth C. Bindara, Lead Building Inspector City of Renton, Building Division FROM: Daniel Kellogg, City Attorney DATE: February 1, 1990 RE: Covenant Development Corporation Pursuant to our discussion of January 31, 1990, please be advised that Covenant Development Corporation is required by the terms of its contract with the City for the purchase and sale of the City of Renton water tank site, to construct the improvements of 103rd Place SE (Main Ave. So. ) from Carr Road SE to the City of Renton tank site. I understand that the Hearing Examiner has stated in conditional use permit approval No. CU-051-88 that the improvements to 103rd Place SE will be installed by the City. This statement is erroneous. Completion of construction of the road improvements by Covenant Development Corporation has been delayed until the water tank construction was complete so that the haul road would not be damaged by the heavy equipment used by the City and its contractors. It is our understanding that this construction is now almost completed. Therefore, Mr. Olsen's office will be informing Covenant Development Corporation of the necessity of completing these improvements. If there is any further question regarding this matter, please feel free to contact me. Daniel ogg DK: lds cc: Ron Nelson Ron Olsen L8 . 46/21 Post Office Box 626 - 100 S 2nd Street-Renton, Washington 98057 - (206) 255-8678 4. @ CITY OF RENTON ml HEARING EXAMINER Earl Clymer, Mayor Fred J. Kaufman January 24, 1989 Richard Swanson 5224 - 12th East, Suite L Tacoma, WA 98424 RE: Faith Covenant Church File No. CU-051-88 Dear Mr. Swanson: The Examiner' s Report regarding the referenced application which was published January 9, 1989 has not been appealed within the 14-day period established by ordinance. Therefore, this matter is considered final and is being transmitted to the City Clerk this date for filing. Please feel free to contact this office if further assistance or information is required. Sincerely, 2•1)/. 4)e FRED J. KAUFMAN HEARING EXAMINER FJK:dk cc: City Clerk Building Division Planning Division 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2593 AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING STATE OF WASHINGTON ss. County of King DOTTY KLINGMAN being first duly sworn, upon oath, deposes and states: That on the 9th day of January 1989 affiant deposited in the mails of the United States a sealed envelope containing a decision or recommendation with postage prepaid, addressed to the parties of record in the below entitled application or petition. SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this Cc'h, day of Sal 1989 Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at - therein. Application, Petition, or Case #: FAITH COVENANT CHURCH - CU-051-88 The minutes contain a list of the parties of record.) January 9, 1989 OFFICE OF THE HEARING EXAMINER CITY OF RENTON REPORT AND DECISION APPLICANT: FAITH COVENANT CHURCH File No.: CU-051-88 LOCATION: 1111 South Carr Road SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Conditional Use request to expand the existing church complex by building a structure of approximately 4800 sq. ft. to provide space for religious activities and administrative offices. SUMMARY OF ACTION: Planning Division Recommendation: Approval, with conditions. PLANNING DIVISION REPORT: The Planning Division Report was received by the Examiner on December 13, 1988 PUBLIC HEARING: After reviewing the Planning Division Report, examining available information on file with the application, and field checking the property and surrounding area, the Examiner conducted a public hearing on the subject as follows: MINUTES The hearing opened on December 20, 1988 at 10:54 A.M. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building. Parties wishing to testify were affirmed by the Examiner. The following exhibits were entered into the record: Exhibit #1 - Yellow File containing application, proof of posting and publication and other documentation pertinent to this request. Exhibit #2 - Vicinity Map Exhibit #3 - Grading Plan Exhibit #4 - Landscape Plan Exhibit #5 - Elevation Plan The hearing was opened on December 20, 1988 with the report being presented by Senior Planner Jeanette Samek-McKague. Information from the presentation brought out such facts as the entire 10.86 acre parcel was annexed into the city in March, 1988 and in April, 1988 a rezone to R-1 was approved by the city. The church portion of the property is 3 acres and contains a greenbelt on the site; no additional road systems are necessary on the property at this time; the ERC issued a determination of non-significance with mitigated conditions consisting of the following: the applicant is to develop a plan for re-routing the on-site stream; develop a plan for erosion control and storm water drainage management; water down the site during construction to control dust emissions; develop an approved haul route; relocate the proposed driveway to align more closely with 103rd S.E. and provide the city with a bond to ensure street clean-up during construction. Continuing, a review was given of the criteria for a Conditional Use request noting this request meets the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan; a church is a permitted use in an R-1 zone with a Conditional Use Permit; this proposal will not create an over-concentration of this type of use in the neighborhood; there are no foreseeable adverse impacts to the site or community; the proposal meets all setback and height requirements and it is felt the use will be compatible with the surrounding neighborrhood. Mrs. Samek-McKague said parking and circulation have been provided for with 19 additional stalls, and it was noted staff suggested a sidewalk be extended along the east side of the existing parking lot and wrap around the last parking stall nearest the existing building to provide for Faith Covenant Church r CU-051-88 January 9, 1989 Page 2 better pedestrian circulation; no noise or glare concerns have been expressed by adjacent properties, and landscaping criteria has been met. It was pointed out that this Conditional Use request is limited to just this addition and is not applicable to any possible future additions on the site. Concluding, it is the recommendation of staff that this proposal be approved subject to the applicant meeting the mitigated conditions of the ERC, the extension of the sidewalk be completed, the relocation of the driveway to the site from Carr Road to 103rd Avenue be completed prior to occupancy of the new complex, and the payment of the fee assessed for the LID. The Senior Planner had no further comme its. Testifying in favor of the proposal and representing the applicant was Richard Swanson. Architect for the nroiect, 5224 - 12th East. Suite L, Tacoma, 98424. Mr. Swanson advised that the applicant has been in touch with the Department of Fisheries regarding the relocation and preservation of a small stream on the property; the applicant would like not to have to move the driveway until the construction at 103rd by the city is completed (which will help alleviate any safety problems); the applicant realizes the bond will be necessary at the time the permit is issued and acknowledged the understanding that any future expansions on the site will need to be brought in under a new Conditional Use request. Swanson continued stating the project will be a total of 5500 sq. ft. (3800 sq. ft. on the lower level and 1700 sq. ft. on the upper level). The proposal fits into the topography of the land and makes the access at grade on both levels of the building for either moving or use by the handicapped even though there are interior stairways, and permits the applicant to use less of the land for building. He requested an expeditious response from the Examiner on this matter and had no objecticjn to the Examiner's request for an additional week to consider this request due to the holiday weeks forthcoming. The Examiner called for further testimony regarding this project. There was no one else wishing to speak, and no further comments from staff. The hearing closed at 11:15 A.M. FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS & DECISION: Having reviewed the record in this matter, the Examiner now makes and enters the following: FINDINGS: 1.The applicant, Faith Covenant Church, filed a request for approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow expansion of the existing church complex. 2.The yellow file containing the staff report, the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) documentation and other pertinent materials was entered into the record as Exhibit #1. 3.The Environmental Review Committee (ERC), the City's responsible official issued a Declaration of Non-Significance (DNS) for the subject proposal. 4.The subject proposal was reviewed by all departments with an interest in the matter. 5.There was no opposition from the public regarding the subject proposal. 6.The subject site is located at 1111 South Carr Road. The site is on the west side of Carr road immediately south of the newly dedicated 103rd Avenue S.E. which serves or will serve the new City of Renton Reservoir. 7. he site was annexed into the city with the adoption of Ordinance 4142, enacted by the City Council in March, 1988. The site was automatically classified as R-1 (Single Family; Lot size - 7,200 sq. ft.) upon annexation by the adoption of Ordinance 4151, enacted by the City Council in April, 1988. 8. he map element of the Comprehensive Plan designates the area in which the subject site is ocated as suitable for the development of low density multiple family uses and greenbelt, but does not mandate such development without consideration of other policies of the plan. 9.The immediate area is developed primarily with single family uses. The areas to the west are influenced by the location of the Valley Medical Center and reflect more intense land uses including medical office buildings and multiple family uses. 10. The subject site is approximately 10.86 acres in area, of this, approximately 3.77 acres will be used for the church complex. Some of the additional acreage is used as a nursery. The irregularly shaped parcel is defined on its north by the curving alignment of Carr Road. If the parcel were broken down into thirds, the northerly third (that portion bounded by Carr Road) would be almost triangular, while the remaining southerly two-thirds are generally rectangular. Faith Covenant Church CU-051-88 January 9, 11989 Page 3 11. The parcel is severely sloped from the north to the south, dropping approximately 75 to 100 feet over a distance of approximately 659 feet. 12. An existing church building is located along the north margin of the site on a relatively level step in the slope. 13.he new two-story building, which is 31 feet high, would be located slightly downslope of the existing building and will take advantage of another break in the slope. The new building willbesteppedintothehillsideslightly. The building, by utilizing the grade differences, will be accessible at grade from both of its floors. A ramp on the east side will bridge a small gulf between the parking lot and the second floor and will also provide access to the second floor. 14. The new structure will contain approximately 5,500 square feet distributed over the two floors. The first floor foot print will be approximately 3,800 square feet. The second floor would step in and would be smaller, approximately 1,700 square feet. 15. The driveway serving the existing church runs generally north and intersects Carr Road. The new southerly extension of 103rd Avenue S.E. creates another intersection immediately north of this driveway. These two intersections are very close. Staff has recommended that the existing driveway for the site be closed and that a new driveway be created which intersects 103rd rather than directly intersecting Carr Road. Then 103rd would be used to gain access to Carr Road. The applicant has agreed to this recommendation. 16. A small stream which runs through the site will be relocated under plans approved by the Department of Fisheries. In addition, a detention pond located near the northwest corner of the site will provide storm water capacity. 17. The applicant will provide nineteen (19) additional parking spaces which will include 2 handicapped stalls. With the addition, handicapped stalls will be located at both the upper and lower levels of the new building. 18. The applicant will provide landscaping around the entire complex as demonstrated in Exhibit 4. Al combination of larger plantings and ground cover will be utilized. 19. Staff recommended that the applicant provide a pedestrian link between the existing church building and this new building to delineate an aisle across the driveway. 20. The existing church and new building will cover approximately 1.3 percent of the lot. The applicant also submitted illustrative plans for an additional expansion on either side of the new building. Those plans are not subject to this review. Any further additions to the church will be subject to separate review. 21. The site is served by the Soos Creek Water and Sewer District. 22. The subject site is located within the 43rd Street improvement district. A mitigation fee of 22.97 per trip was initially based upon 4,800 square feet. The fee is applicable to the 5,500 square feet. The church is anticipated to generate approximately 7.699 trips per thousand square feet. Staff further estimated that approximately 52 percent of the traffic would use the 43rd and Talbot intersection. The fee is, therefore, $505.78 CONCLUSIONS 1.The applicant for a Conditional Use Permit must demonstrate that the use is in the public interest, will not impair the health, safety or welfare of the general public and is in compliance with the criteria found in Section 4-748(C) which provides in part that: a.The proposal generally conforms with the Comprehensive Plan; b. There is a general community need for the proposed use at the proposed location; c.There will be no undue impacts on adjacent property; d. The proposed use is compatible in scale with the adjacent residential uses, if any; i e';Parking, unless otherwise permitted, will not occur in the required yards; f.Traffic and pedestrian circulation will be safe and adequate for the proposed project; g.Noise, light and glare will not cause an adverse affect on neighboring property; N Faith Covenant Church CU-051-88 January 9, 1,1989 Page 4 h. Landscaping shall be sufficient to buffer the use from rights-of-way and neighboring property where appropriate; and Adequate public services are available to serve the proposal. The requested Conditional Use Permit is justified. 2.While the site is generally designated for low density multiple family uses in the Comprehensive Plan, that Plan also demonstrates that churches, when appropriately designed and located, are suitable in residential zones. This church is located on a rather isolated parcel. The isolation is derived from both the size and topography. The church is located in the middle of a larger site yvhere steep slopes isolate the church from surrounding development. 3.In addition, the site's neighboring uses will not be adversely affected by the proposed expansion. The reservoir up the slope will not be affected, nor does it appear that the church will affect any adjoining uses. 4.Under the existing land use pattern in the area, there is no reason to explore the issue of community need for the proposed use, if that question is relevant to the location of churches. 5.The two-story church's scale is similar to other structures in the general area and is smaller than some of the newer office buildings down the hill to the west. The fact that a 31 foot building will be stepped into a slope which drops approximately 100 feet will also serve to minimize any incompatibilities. 6.The nineteen parking stalls are in addition to the 30 existing stalls. The total complement should suffice for this complex. The location of handicapped stalls at both levels permits access tio both floors of the new building. 7.The applicant has agreed to improve the circulation around the existing building and provide more of a link between the existing church and the new building. To some extent the slopes will hamper circulation around the new building by pedestrians, but a complete system of sidewalks should permit passage around the complex. 8.The new driveway linking the site with 103rd, and the elimination of the direct drive to Carr Road, will improve the efficiency and safety of Carr Road. The circulation pattern permitting vehicular access around the entire site is efficient, and will provide more than adequate emergency access. 9.Again, the rather isolated nature of the site should prevent any adverse impacts of noise, light or glare from escaping the site. The landscaping proposed by the applicant will also soften the site and screen neighboring properties from the site. 10. Landscaping will be incorporated over the entire site. Focal plantings will surround the new building and will be located to soften future development on the site. The perimeter of the site will also receive new plantings. 11. The services provided by the water and sewer district will not be affected by the new development on the subject site. Carr Road and 103rd both have sufficient capacity to handle any additional traffic generated by the church expansion. The new driveway alignment also will assure that traffic from the site does not impair traffic safety along Carr Road. DECISION The Conditional Use Permit for the expansion of the church is approved subject to the following conditions: 11 The applicant shall improve the circulation around the existing building and provide a link between the existing church and the new building. Sidewalks shall also continue around the new building. All sidewalk improvements shall be subject to the approval of the city landscape architect. 2:The applicant shall comply with the conditions imposed by the ERC. 3.1 The existing driveway shall closed at Carr Road and a new alignment be established to intersect 103rd S.E. as soon as that roadway is constructed by the city. 4.1 The mitigation fee of $505.78 shall be payable with the issuance of the building permit. 1 Faith Covenant Church CU-051-88, January 9, 1989 Page 5 ORDERED THIS 9th day of January, 1989. FRED J. KAU(MAN HEARING EX YMINER TRANSMITTED THIS 9th day of January, 1989 to the parties of record: Richard Swanson 5224 - 12th East, Suite L Tacoma, WA 98424 TRANSMITTED THIS 9th day of January, 1989 to the following: Mayor Earl Clymer Councilman Richard M. Stredicke Don Erickson, Zoning Administrator Don Monaghan, Acting Engineering Supervisor Members, Renton Planning Commission Larry M. Springer, Planning Manager Glen Gordon, Fire Marshal Ronald Nelson, Building Director Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney John Adamson, Developmental Program Coordinator Gary Norris, Traffic Engineer Valley Daily News Pursuant to Title IV, Section 3015 of the City's Code, request for reconsideration must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 P.M. January 23, 1989. Any aggrieved person feeling that the decision of the Examiner is ambiguous or based on erroneous procedure, errors of law or fact, error in judgment, or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the prior hearing may make a written request for a review by the Examiner within fourteen (14) days from the date of the Examiner's decision. This request shall set forth the specific ambiguities or errors discovered by such appellant, and the Examiner may, after review of the record, take further action as he deems proper. An appeal to the City Council is governed by Title IV, Section 3016, which requires that such appeal be filed with the City Clerk, accompanying a filing fee of $75.00 and meeting other specified requirements. Copies of this ordinance are available for inspection or purchase in the Finance Department, first floor of City Hall. The Appearance of Fairness Doctrine provides that no ex parte (private one-on-one) communications may occur concerning pending land use decisions. This means that parties to a land use decision may not communicate in private with any decision-maker concerning the proposal. Decision-makers in the land use process include both the Hearing Examiner and members of the City Council. All communications concerning the proposal must be made in public. This public communication permits all interested parties to know the contents of the communication and would allow them to openly rebut the evidence. Any violation of this doctrine would result in the invalidation of the request by the Court. The Doctrine applies not only to the initial public hearing but to all Requests for Reconsideration as well as Appeals to the City Council. r r W -. I L '' _• : r 1•` I,,,"`ili :.y.' :I;:— t• J 4 r -- r! r,i` ! I I' I' ' r r 14,j 1, ,'ti. it ,I 7 S J6:-'- 1, 1: 1- •i`f•.', I,.r,; `" ' i :: .i.':. iq Z•If+il:l•"i ,1' I:: •' y Z 5 If I,1s Y);•,' i Je:1'.. 1 I1'i' y i I ,' rr` f. fj• , r 1-;' ,..11,..• .. .. , I/ i 1.1 i; 4- j 1 Mt,er v ]O SI 32 I J! 1 1 D4 SUNSECI J t.. .i I:VALLEY GENERAL i 9 9110 ti till +s 4'. all n 1• g . •.I si—( II !2 25 ` 26 se 1 I y e I IB !19 20 22y.,A3-I I r .I wi{ftditi f iat' `y elo it\ Arlo .7ri F 1ILPI. . Li 1j t 1 r...,;-.4, :.' . S t Utz: ,.;:w T. 4444.4,04,. . .4.44,teetitatil it I isi a• I is i'd 3 al•.n 2...•.•..•.. 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AtT9rAe&t..[o•• owe• A• 9 gum WA.NORM• •w•.190.u-•rn Ar..ry„.•M+....V .+w •.•M•r..• Sen.. 9PastorBob-Berrlett (toe)226-8221 r r/. .I w . 1, i. . / . ./ ./. ,,„ . ._,.. .. r 1-I r"K L i 'eTZ .' v it X• m • -7,,- 1i ;;'_ I I \ los 1. 09,i .......i•••:4 -...,. ,..•;., . , „ N t i ,• N gym r i \ : . , C • • am1 Ol• + A 1.r A..-f.i tiF.,' i2E - l ' ; ': 1: r' ;` y am+ ao+'__ atie.,' v• ( , , . C N:: :.. \ a 3 I I I\ I '.k • - J a I r .t ' r O . t s. r ems' / l o 1 ei e••• , _ • ,,,;;1'•,/ira:t' r • 1 i . titi / J , :1 S`p Zt4jv;: rO %/,'rr. I . J I n 1 t / i t 1'i'' '`^11 rT/ r' l+ r ,. ht d• r I /I/ 1 / , i •,'. •it'. ' r . ."*""241 ••.1.' •":: I :f.,..% -,/' • V • / A ' k 7,I hI4z .-,. 2 i'.IL° I/ " i i / g : r -1_, ..0 lam/ J c; It. I JBZ ka leitifi't. P m fe, la., O............. ...ji r.."" e• "RIF , ii. :.,,: I ..7 ' / / .• • t 7 Mir VAS• fn M 1 • • I FAITH COVENANT CHURCH . 1 CU-P51-88 APPLICANT Faith Covenant Church. TOTAL AREA 10. 86 Acres PRINCIPAL ACCESS South Carr Road EXISTING ZONING R-1 EXISTING USE Church Complex 1 PROPOSED USE Church Comrilex F.xnansion COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN ' Sin¢le Family I COMMENTS LOCATED AT 1111 SOUTHCARR ROAD. r' i i it I r S r.1lfw N Puffic ace an addition of a new structure of approxi- mately 4,800 sq.ft. to provide space for religious activities and administrative offic- es. Property is located at 1111 South Carr Road. KOHL PRELIMINARY PLAT-(ECF; V-054-88) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Application to subdivide a 1.27 tract into six 6)residential lots for future construction of single-family homes. Property is located on the north side of Sunset Avenue S.W. being first duly sworn on oath states Empire Way South)between 80th and 81st Audrey llci ue Avenue. that he/she is the Chief Clerk of the RENTON HONDA SITE PLAN APPROV-• AL(ECF; SA-064-88)(CONTINUED FROM NOVEMBER 22,1988) VALLEY DAILY NEWS Application for site plan approval for a new - Honda automobile dealership with con- Kent Edition • Renton Edition • Auburn Edition struction of a two story building of steel and glass, approximately 34,500 sq.ft. in size, Daily newspapers published six(6)times a week.That said newspapers which will house offices, showroom, and service bays. Property located at.the north- are legal newspapers and are now and have been for more than six west corner of Grady Way and.Rainier Ave- months prior to the date of publication referred to,printed and published nue South. in the English language continuallyas dailynewspapers in KingLegal descriptions ofRentonthe filos noted gKent, above are on file in the Community County,Washington.The Valley Daily News has been approved as a legal Development Department. newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the *a achinatnn fnr ALL INTERESTED PERSONS TO SAIDofW PETITIONS ARE INVITED TO BE PRE- King County. NO ,ICE.OF3PUBLIC HEARING SENT AT THE PUBLIC HEARING ON 1RENTON HEARING EXAMINER DECEMBER 20, 1988, A 9:00 A.M. TO RENTON,WASHINGTON EXPRESS THEIR OPINIONS v The notice in the exact form attached,was publi A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY Published December 9, 1988 Daily_ Renton Edition Auburn EditV THE RENTON HEARING EXAMINER AT News R5157 Acct.#51067`j supplement form) which was regular) distrib CIL CHAMBERSl HIS REGULAR ONG IN THE COON- YON THE SECOND during the below stated period.The annexed noti FLOOR OF CITY HALL, RENTON,WASH- INGTON, ON DECEMBER 20, 1988, AT 9:00 A.M. TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOW-ioc.icc+ or Puulie ilectring INGPETITIONS: was published on 1 e c e ne e r 9 1988 FAITH COVENANT CHURCH COM- ' PLEX EXPANSION(ECF;CU-051.-88) Applicant seeks to obtain a conditional use permit to expand the church complex with The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing pu rcation'm'tne - - - sum of $ 3;; g . Subscribed'and sworn to before me this_9 g t h day of ll e c 19 g g No r Public for the State of Washington, residing at Federal Way, King County, Washington. VON#87 Revised 11/86 CITY OF RENTON HEARING EXAMINER. PUBLIC HEARING AGENDA COMMENCING AT 9: 00 AM, DECEMBER 20, 1988 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, SECOND FLOOR, RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING The applications listed are in order of application number only and not necessarily the order in which they will be heard. Items will be called for hearing at the discretion of the Hearing Examiner. FAITH COVENANT CHURCH COMPLEX EXPANSION ECF; CU-051-88 Applicant seeks to obtain a conditional use permit to expand the church complex with an addition of a new structure of approximately 4,800 sq. ft. to provide space for religious activities and administrative offices. Property is located at 1111 South Carr Road. KOHL PRELIMINARY PLAT ECF; V-054-88 Application to subdivide a 1.27 tract into six (6) residential lots for future construction of single-family homes. Property is located on the north side of Sunset Avenue S.W. (Empire Way South) between 80th and 81st Avenue. RENTON HONDA SITE PLAN APPROVAL ECF; SA-064-88 CONTINUED FROM NOVEMBER 22, 1988) Application for site plan approval for a new Honda automobile dealership with construction of a two story building of steel and glass, approximately 34,500 sq.ft. in size, which will house offices, showroom, and service bays. Property located at the northwest corner of Grady Way and Rainier Avenue South. BUILDING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING APPLICANT: Faith Covenant Church FILE NUMBER: ECF; CU-051-88 LOCATION:1111 South Carr Road Renton, WA 98055 A. SUMMARY AND PURPOSE OF REQUEST: Applicant seeks to obtain a conditional use permit to expand the church complex with an addition of a new structure of approximately 4,800 square feet to provide space for religious activities and administrative offices. B. GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. Owner of Record: Covenant Development Corporation 2 . Applicant: Faith Covenant Church 3 . Existing Zoning: Single-family residential (R-1) 4. Existing Zoning in the Area: Single family residential (R-1) ; Medium density multi-family residential (R-3) ; Public zone P-1) . 5. Comprehensive Land Use Plan: Low density multi-family residential (R-2) . 6. Size of Property: 10.86 acres (total site) . 7. Access: South Carr Road. 1. 8. Land Use: Church; Landscape nursery; Single-family residential. 9. Neighborhood Characteristics: North: Single-family residential East: Single-family residential South: Single-family residential West: Single-family residential C. HISTORICAL/BACKGROUND: Action File Ordinance Date Initial Annexation N/A 4142 03/21/88 Rezone to R-1, Single-N/A 4151 04/22/88 family residential J PRELIMINARY REPORT TI-".HE HEARING EXAMINER Name of Project PUBLIC HEARING I' December 20, 1988 Page 2 D. PUBLIC SERVICES: 1. Utilities a. Water: Soos Creek Water District twelve-inch main on S.E. Carr Road. b. Sewer: Soos Creek Sewer District fifteen-inch main on S.E. Carr Road. Vic. Storm Water Drainage: Storm water flows into an unnamed secondary creek draining to the west. 2 . Fire Protection:Provided by the City of Renton as per ordinance requirements. 3 . ;Transit: N/A 4. 'Schools: N/A a. Elementary Schools: N/A b. Middle Schools: N/A c. High Schools: N/A 5. ' Recreation: N/A E. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE ZONING CODE: 1. Section 4-706, Residential Zone (R-1) 2 . Section 4-748, Conditional Use Permit F. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OR OTHER OFFICIAL CITY DOCUMENT: 1.; Southeast Renton Plan, City of Renton Comprehensive Plan Compendium, 1986 (pgs. 51-54) . 2.1 Transportation Goal, Objectives and Policies, City of Renton Comprehensive Plan Compendium, 1986 (pgs. 19-21) . 3 . Residential Goal, Objectives and Policies, City of Renton Comprehensive Plan Compendium, 1986 (pgs. 14-16) . 4. Urban Design Goal, Objectives and Policies, City of Renton Comprehensive Plan Compendium, 1986 (pgs. 11-14) . G. DEPARTMENT ANALYSIS: 1. The applicant, Faith Covenant Church, Applicant seeks to obtain a conditional use permit to expand the church complex with an addition of a new structure of approximately 4,800 sq. ft. to provide space for religious activities and admini-strative offices. Additional parking, 17 spaces, is provided as well. 2. The Environmental Review Committee reviewed this application at its regular meeting on October 12, 1988. The Committee issued a Determination of Non-Significance-Mitigated with the following conditions: a. That the applicant shall develop a plan for rerouting the on- site stream, subject to approval by the Public Works Department and the Department of Fisheries. PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HE HEARING EXAMINER Name of Project PUBLIC HEARING December 20, 1988 Page 3 b. That the applicant shall develop a plan for erosion control/storm water drainage management for both construction and operation of the project, subject to approval by the Public Works Department. c.. That the applicant shall protect the site during construction by watering down the construction site periodically and by wheel-washing of all trucks prior to their leaving the site to control dust emissions. d. That the applicant shall provide a $2, 000 bond for street clean-up. e. That the applicant shall develop an approved hauling route, prior to beginning construction, in consultation with the Traffic Engineer. f. That the applicant shall relocate the depicted driveway to be aligned as closely as possible with 103rd S.E. 3 . Conditional Use Permits are subject to the regulations listed in Section 4-748. Section 4-748 (C) lists eleven criteria that the Hearing Examiner is asked of consider along with all other relevant information in making a decision on a Conditional Use application. These include: A. Comprehensive Plan: The proposed use shall be compatible with the general purpose, goals, ovjectives and standards of the Comprehensive Plan, the Zoning Ordinance and any other plan, program, map or ordinance of the City of Renton; The subject property is designated as single family on the City of Renton's Comprehensive Plan Map. The zoning code implements these policies and determines whether churches are allowed through a conditional use permit or permitted outright.The property is zoned R-1, Residential-Single Family which allows churches through a conditional use permit. The applicant, through submittal of the subject application, complies with this requirement of the underlying zoning on the property.Other. sections of this :report address the applicant's compliance with the development standards of the R-1 zone. The remainder of the discussion of this criterion looks at specific Comprehensive Plan policies that guide the development of church properties. The Comprehensive Plan establishes policies for the development of churches. The church's objectives under the Community Facilities Goal states that, "Churches and other places of worship should be well designed, constructed, maintained, and located to provide suitable access and minimize intrusion into residential areas. " Further, the Comprehensive Plan states that churches: should be located on arterial streets when in residential areas; provide adequate setbacks, landscaping, and other buffers; be of a size and intensity similar to adjoining residential use; and provide sufficient setbacks, circulation, walkways, off- street parking, and loading. Faith Covenant Church is located in a neighborhood of commercial and single family uses and undeveloped property. The church expansion is in keeping with the intent of the above Comprehensive Plan policies regarding the development of churches. The reminder of this report addresses various measures taken by the City to ensure that the project satisfies each of the measures above. PRELIMINARY REPORT TC 'HE HEARING EXAMINER Name of 'Project PUBLIC HEARING December 20, 1988 Page 4 b. Community Need: There shall be a community need for the proposed use at the proposed location. In the determination of community need, the Hearing Examiner shall consider the following factors among all other relevant information: 1. The proposed location shall not result in either the detrimental over concentration of a particular use within the City of within the immediate area of the proposed use. The proposed use will not result in the over concentration of this use in the area or city-wide. The church is requesting the subject permit to allow an expansion of. the church facilities to accommodate a growing congregation. The church plans to make the new structure available as a meeting place for community organizations/service groups. PRELIMINARY REPORT 14., ,HE HEARING EXAMINER Name of Project PUBLIC HEARING December ,20, 1988 Page 5 2 . That the proposed location is suited for the proposed use. The proposed site is suited for the church expansion project. The property is already the site of a church and is located adjacent to a major east/west arterial serving various neighborhoods in tiie City as well as King County Cascade, Fairwood .Shopping Area. ) Thus, the fact that the church is applying for the subject permit indicates that there is a need for the additional space to accommodate church activities. c. Effect on Adjacent Properties:The proposed use at the proposed location shall not result in substantial or undue adverse effects on adjacent property. the following site requirements shall be required: 1. Lot Coverage: Lot coverage in residential districts (R-1 and R-2) shall not exceed fifty percent (50%) of the lot coverage of the zone in which the proposed use is to be located. Lot coverage in all other zones shall conform to the requirements of zone in which the proposed use is to be located. The subject property is zoned R-1, Residential-Single Family which allows a maximum lot coverage of 35% for building on the site. The existing and proposed building covers approximately 1. 3% of the site (10.86 acres) . The property owner Covenant Development Corporation has designated. approximately 3 .77 acres of the entire site for church purposes. Of this portion of the property, the existing church building together with the new building will cover approximately 3 .7% (3 .77 acres. ) Under this criterion, the applicant may only cover 17. 5% of the site with buildings. The applicant's request satisfies this criterion both for the entire site as well as that portion of the site set aside for church. 2 . Yards: Yards shall conform to the requirements of the zone in which the proposed use is to be • located. Additions to the structure shall not be allowed in any required yard. The proposal meets all the yard setback requirements of the R-1 Zone which are a front yard of 20 feet, a rear yard of 25 feet and 5 foot side yards. Even if one were to view the site as a corner lot with the future development of 103rd Avenue SE from Carr Road southward, the subject development would meet the corner lot setbacks which are the same as the setback dimensions sited above except that the dimensions of the side yards abutting the proposed 103rd Avenue would be 20 feet instead of 5 feet. 3. Height: Building and structure heights shall conform to the requirements of the zone in which the proposed use is to be located. Spire, belltowers, public utility antennas, or similar structures may exceed the height requirement upon approval of a variance. Building heights should be related to surrounding uses in order to allow optimal sunlight, ventilation, and minimal obstruction of views from adjacent structures. The proposed building complies with the height measure from grade level to a point between the eaves and gable ridge. The height from grade level to peak of the roof is approximately 31 feet.. PRELIMINARY REPORT T( ' HE HEARING EXAMINER Name of Project PUBLIC HEARING December ;20, 1988 Page 6 The applicant's proposal will not adversely affect adjacent properties. The size of the property and topography of the property together with the applicant's compliance with the R-l. development minimizes any adverse impacts. d. Compatibility: The proposed use shall be compatible with the residential scale and character of the neighborhood. The proposed church addition is compatible with the character of the surrounding neighborhood (the commercial medical offices, daycare, and single , family residential. ) The structure is proposed to be a wood framed structure with fiberglass composition roofing material which is similar to the material used for the nearby commercial and residential uses and the existing church facility. In terms of scale, the topography of the site, size of the site, and the location of the structure on the site help reduce the impacts of the proposal with respect to scale. e. Parking: Parking under the building structure should be encouraged. Lot coverage may be increased to as much as seventy five percent (75%) of the lot coverage requirement of the zone in which the propered use is located if all parking is provided underground or withing the structure. The particular project proposal did not seem to warrant the placement of the parking under the structure due to the size of the property. Further, elevating the proposed structure would result in a stucture which did not meet the height limit of the R-1 zone, requiring a variance for height or would result in further excavation on the siteor a complete redesign of the structure which was no deemed appropriate. The applicant may wish to review this design element for future additions. The applicant is providing 19 additional parking stalls on the west side of the proposed structure to accomodate the additional parking requirements generated by the proposal. f. Traffic: Traffic and circulation patterns of vehicles and pedestrians relating to the proposed use and surrounding area shall be reviewed to potential effects on, and to ensure safe movement in the surrounding area. The applicant's design provides safe vehicular and pedestrian circulation on-site. The pedestrian and vehicular circulation patterns are essentially separated. The applicant should, however, . extend the sidewalk along the existing parking lot on the east side of the building northward for a few feet and then east. It actually could wrap around the last parking stall, nearest the existing church building. There should then be a marked pedestrian crossing from the sidewalk eastward to the existing church building. The applicant's project is not expected to generate enough traffic that it will interfere with the movement of traffic in the area. Most of the activities of the church, including those which will occur within the proposed structure occur in the evening hours after 6: 00 p.m or on Sundays. The church proposes using the new structure for offices and additional space for church activities. Thus, . it is not anticipated that the new building will generate traffic which will conflict with the regular commuting traffic or the traffic patterns of the nearby residential uses. PRELIMINARY REPORT T( -HE HEARING EXAMINER Name of Project PUBLIC HEARING December '20,' 1988 Page 7 As an environmental mitigation measure the applicant shall comply with is the relocation of the driveway onto the site from Carr Road to the extension of 103rd Avenue S.E. south of Carr Road and to the east of the existing church structure. The applicant is required to relocate the project driveway prior to receiving a Certificate of Occupancy for the subject project should it be approved by the Examiner (See letter in file dated October 26, 1988 from Donald K. Erickson to Richard M. Swanson) . This condition should be reiterated in this document to ensure that compliance with this refinement of the environmental condition on the driveway. g. Noise, Glare: Potential noise, light and glare impacts shall be evaluated based on the location of the proposed use on the lot and the location of on-site parking areas. outdoor recreational areas and refuse storage areas. The applicant proposes to design the lighting for the site and parking areas in a manner which results in minimal light and glare impacts on the surrounding properties.The lighting will be directed away from adjacent properties. Further, the location of the proposed structure on the applicant's site also limits the impact of any proposed exterior lighting while meeting the applicant's needs for security and safety on the site. The applicant's proposal will result in an incremental increase in the overall noise level in the area.This increase was determined not to require any special mitigation due to the size of the property, the topography and location of the building on the site, and the fact that Carr Road is a major east/west arterial serving the properties to the east in King County as well as the immediate area. h. Landscaping: Landscaping shall be provided in all areas not occupied by building or paving. The Hearing Examiner may require additional' landscaping to buffer adjacent properties from potentially adverse effects of the proposed use. The City's Landscape Planner/Land Use Inspector has indicated that the applicant's landscaping plan, as proposed, is adequate. The plans show the use of Armstrong Red Maples with a caliper of 1 3/4 inches as the major tree along the north property line adjacent to Carr Road.Around the proposed new building the applicant proposes to use a variety of trees (green weeping willow (7-8' in height) , western hemlock (5-6' in height) , flowering crab (1 3/4 inch cal. ) , flowering cherry (1 '3/4" cal. ) , european white birch (1 3/4" cal) and austrian pine (5-6' in height) ) together with ivy, rhododendrons and lawn and clover ground ' cover. The applicant has provided landscaping in all areas not occupied by buildings or paving as required by this criterion. No additional buffering of the project from adjacent properties since the proposal will not result 'in any adverse impacts to the surrounding properties. Li. Accessory Uses: Accessory uses to conditional uses such as day schools, auditoriums used for social and sport activities, health centers, convents, preschool facilities, convalescent homes and others of a similar nature shall be considered to be separate uses and shall be subject to the provision of the use district in which they are located. The applicant's proposal can be considered an accessory use to the existing church building. The proposal complies with the provisions of the R-1 zone. PRELIMINARY REPORT T1 '. HE HEARING EXAMINER Name of Project PUBLIC HEARING December 20, 1988 Page 8 j . , Conversion:No existing building or structure shall be . converted to a conditional use unless such building or structure complies, or is brought into compliance, with the provisions of this .Chapter. This criterion does not apply,;, k. Public Improvements: The proposed use and location shall be , adequately served by and not impose an undue burden on any public improvements, facilities, utilities, and services. Approval of a conditional use permit may be conditional upon the provision and/or guarantee by the applicant of necessary public improvements, facilities, utilities, and/or services. The subject site is adequately served with public services. The applicant relies on Soos Creek for water and Sewer Service. The adjacent roadway, Carr Road is of sufficent size to handle the additional traffic generated by the proposal. In addition, 103rd Avenue S.W. will be extended south of Carr Road in the City to the east of the existing church building. As noted above, the applicant is required to realign the existing driveway from Carr Road to 103rd extended. 4. Various City Departments and Divisions have reviewed and commented on the project. These are attached to this report. Of the comments, the traffic comments need to be emphasized. The applicant will be required to provide street lighting along Carr Road and should contact the Traffic Engineering staff on satisfying City code requriements. The second comment is based on a memorandum dated October 13, 1988, in the file from the City's Traffic Engineer which states that the applicant will be required to pay .a transportation improvement fee for improvements on S. 43rd Street between Talbot Road South and the Valley Freeway on/off Ramps in an amount of $441.41. 5. The applicant's proposal notes a small stream traverses the site.The applicant has been in contact with the State Fisheries staff concerning the rechannelization of the stream. Fisheries issued a Hydraulics permit which was approved with conditions. A copy of this permit is included in the application file. As part of the mitigation measures of the issued environmental determination, the applicant has agreed to work with Fisheries and the City's Public Works Department on the rechannelization of the stream. 6. The applicant has indicated future expansions of the church site, stating that these expansions will be done in five (5) year ,intervals. The City's review under this permit only covers the current church expansion. The applicant will need to apply for separate permits for the future expansion(s) of the site. 7. The project as proposed and as modified by the environmental conditions of the Determination issued for the proJect and the conditions recommended for the approval of the subject application, is in the public interest and will not result in any burdens being placed on public services. Therefore, the subject conditional use permit request should be approved. H. DEPARTMENTAL RECOMMENDATION: Based upon the above analysis, it is recommended that the Hearing Examiner approve the conditional use permit for Faith Covenant Church, File No. CU-051-88, subject to the following conditions: 1. That the applicant comply with the mitagation measures of the Determination of Non-Significance-Mitigated ' issued , for the project. PRELIMINARY REPORT T(, - HE HEARING EXAMINER Name of Project PUBLIC HEARING December 20, 1988 Page 9 2 . , That the applicant extend the sidewalk along the existing parking lot on the east side of the building north and east around the northernmost parking stall. A marked pedestrian crossing should be located along between the this extension of this sidewalk and the existing church building. 3 . That the applicant be required to relocate the driveway to the site from Carr Road to 103rd Avenue (extended) proposesd east of the existing church structure, prior to receiving a Certificate of Occupancy for the subject project. 4. That the applicant pay the transportation fee assessment of 441.41 as determined by the Traffic Engineer. y p • /' • 'y /, ' / -.- —' y 1. ( e/ i//: o" f• y moo'. 4. 5 Ii 3 v 1 4),i 441'filDH i i, I lti m r J 1 I \ I 1.. L'''' I. 1 411..2...;....P.-. : 4.Ytti:V"---..T.--"‘ l'2r r• 1I' 1 i5 I].L^7 .OL'._ Lit.i + • 1! A fir t t yt• 42 f ' I '1 1 4 ..&% 1 .. 0, li il ". II AM; s I r- tu*r1 . II I j f 1n J l'',gl r!r'/I.1 i r J'Jf' l'.•h .tit YI'M Ja/ .tI r rIr t i Q ri.. . ..,.......„,, ,A ' i• fild .1 ..' 'iv , . i'..-7 t•-• • I • / i/ ; :t. I- O 7 __.;int sia FAITH COVENANT CFURCH CU-051-88 APPLICANT Faith Covenant Church. TOTAL AREA 10. 86 Acres PRINCIPAL ACCESS South Carr Road j EXISTING ZONING R-1 EXISTING USE Church Comnlex PROPOSED USE Church Comnlex Fxnansion COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN Sin¢le Family COMMENTS LOCATED AT 1111 SOUTH CARR ROAD. 1 i I s I. : u/ i.\. 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III P1rLYI.Mh•1 rww•w w•• ,•.lon.•..•rl.Ywwn/.wnvw7 Pin 1r.••I••••••P••ww.r•.1 Wm.•IY•rows.me.00 R rlr ••1••4,SI•1.11.sown•••4•Inn•l.••.wa In •I SYr....aloe 41r•. CITY OF RENTON DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE MITIGATED) ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST NO. : ECF-051-88 APPLICATION NO(S) : CU-051-88 PROPONENT: Faith Covenant Church DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: Applicant seeks to obtain a conditional use permit to expand the church complex with an addition of a new structure of approximately 4,800 sq. ft. to provide space for religious activities and administrative offices. Additional parking (17) spaces is pro-vided as well. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: 1111 South Carr Road LEAD AGENCY: City of Renton Community Development Department Planning Division The City of Renton Environmental Review Committee has determined thatitdoesnothaveaprobablesignificantadverseimpactontheenvironment. An environmental impact statement (EIS) is not requiredunderRCW43 . 21C. 030 (2) (c•) . Conditions were imposed as mitigationmeasures' by the Environmental Review Committee under their authorityofSection4-2822 (D) Renton Municipal Code (see attached sheet) .These conditions are necessary to mitigate environmental impactsidentifiedduringtheenvironmentalreviewprocess. This DNS is issued under WAC 197-11-340 (2) . Because mitigationmeasureshavebeenimposed, the lead agency will not act on thisproposalforfifteen (15) days from October 17, 1988. Any interestedpartymaysubmitwrittencommentswhichmustbesubmittedby5: 00p.m. , November 1, 1988, in order to be considered. A fourteen (14)day appeal period will commence following the finalization of the DNS. Responsible Official: Environmental Review Committee c/o Don Erickson, Zoning Administrator Planning Division Community Development Department 2.00 Mill Avenue South Renton, WA 98055 PUBLICATION DATE: October 17, 1988 DATE OF DECISION: October 12 , 1988 SIGNATURES: gbyR661G. Nelson rry S ingBuildingOfficialPlanninMan er Richard C Houghton Public W r s Director R' DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATEDr MITIGATION MEASURES PROJECT:Faith Covenant Church Expansion ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST: ECF-051-88 APPLICATION NUMBER: CU-051-88 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: Applicant seeks to obtain a conditional use permit to expand the church complex with an addition of a new structure of approximately 4,800 sq. ft. to provide space for religious activities and admini- strative offices. Additional parking (17) spaces is provided as well. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: 1111 South Carr Road 1 RECOMMENDATIONS:1. That the applicant shall develop a plan for rerouting the on-site stream, subject to approval by the Public Works Department and the Department of Fisheries. 2. That the applicant shall develop a plan for erosion control/ storm water drainage management for both construction and operation of the project, subject to approval by the Public Works Department. 3 . That the applicant shall protect the site during construc- tion by watering down the construction site periodically and by wheel-washing of all trucks prior to their leaving the site to control dust emissions. 4. That the applicant shall provide a $2, 000 bond for street clean-up. 5. That the applicant shall develop an approved hauling route, prior to beginning construction, in consultation with the Traffic Engineer. 6. That the applicant shall relocate the depicted driveway to be aligned as closely as possible with 103rd S.E. mmdoc REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : O1VI5fôiV.APPROVED APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS 0 NOT APPROVED i ip,_ I\C-COM nrx 0QeD Cifollouric, cF coroor-1(oloiNc ut,C-CA-0 CA-1-1-titC I-1- .,\)cP Nu510 KI , DATE: C1 - 2, 7 - 738SIGNATUREOFDIETORORAUTHORIZEDREPRESENTATIVE7----------- REVISION 5/1982 Form 182 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : DAPPROVED ri APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS ONOT APPROVED 1-'11.)1-2 11:) 1 i I 1 Iili j it'l LA; L.,..............,,.,,,,,..... -EN* v DATE:71)2SIGNATUREFDIRECTORORAUTHORIZEDREPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 Form 182 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : 0 LC G ETA-ICPROVED APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS NOT APPROVED i rPeC-2 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION ; APPROVED APPROVED WITH CONDI TIONS 1. NOT APPROVED Any developmen and/or construction shall comply with current Fire and Building Codes and Ordi-nances. A second means'of approved access is required. Fire epartment access roads/lanes shall be pavedminimumwidth20'; minimum height 13' 6". Yes No Preliminary fire flow calculations show a fire flow ofr s ,horn isrequired. is required, hydrants with a minimum flow of lead gpm each Primary hydrant is required to be within aSecondaryhydrantsarerequiredtobewithind feet of the structure. structure. feet of the An approved automatic sprinkler system is required to protect the total structure. Yes No '---All fire department access roads are to be paved and installed prior to construction. Yes NoAllfirehydrantsarerequiredtobeinstalledandapprovedpriortoconstruction. Yes NoC,ryss F/,ef #7.z e/ s ysTErrn /$ ?E t/feEo. SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPR DATE; ESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 Form 182 PREVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : 7 Ei APPROVED Ei APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS NOT APPROVED v/ t• 1-7f "1 .6,ac/ L Q -Y- fo c; /s f. I ill , i) 1!111Vi firriiEP2woo• SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR REP DATE; RESEIJTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : & Ine.erl1 Form 182 APPROVED n APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS JNoT APPROVED l / 1 `' I C, J T I, • r. I 1-1'.,- SEP 2u j]U ') i .._.. ...'.. . 7.:;;;)A t8,714 1.7:tiq DATE: 0/44,f3SIGNATUREOFDIRECTORORAUTHORIZEDREPRESENTATIVE REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : I rivvinAPPROVED' fl APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS •EINOT APPROVED pnl71,0KJ.I L.L. INcoEI 1f no/ -1 "2- --c uc_.sr. r- G ,, e?--e..;`-- - --e.-P, 7 -- -1--,7r=•%e 0,j„..e Gz y?-Gf..: el-e".--Ir etz-r-C::77€ cam, d%c --?7 -z(c.-i e. .„-&-42 ek-e mac_ .,,'-74_ A e ._ d'eQ 74:4..4--e--4__-- fr--. 10:2--taTe4-c-}at_._- 674-dre, 27‘4,,,_. e___. --4, _,;,i..._ SIGNATURE OF , DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVEATE ; REVISION 5/1982 Form 162 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : n APPROVED NJ APPROVED WITH CONDITI NS ,N T APPROVED I UTILITY APPROVAL SUBJECT TO]ILI(/'LATE ARRF.F.MEHT-Vdr? R T )t t lATEiBREEMEHT-SEk'li':'J 1,1.4_ SYSTEM T CHARGE-WATER ill, G'? I SYSTEM DMLOT MEHT CHARGE-SEY ER' I, SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AREA CI;'^G-4`A,I r du...v. ei SPECIAL ASSESSMEIIT Ault'''.Y SE:':"'. 1 h, MN CPPROVED WATER PI-WI 14 t,Fr'i; `! D SEWER E!.l.1 ul % tii.Pi:i'aLiED FIRE IITLii,i.. r SIGNATURE OF D RECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE DATE ; REVISION 5/1982 Form 182 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION ; A, 4 , . ire ,l"e' 1j'v1... APPROVED n APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS 0 NOT APPROVED i DATE: / /Y/Yr SIGMA E OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE c, f... i• " r% Li. ,kiose*"••14-- 1,041ii rilDlICtri . lio •Vii,,,Y.. ',':•‘', : and remOverstru6td4tO dortarete!folaida '? lions (InClUdirig,temOVal Of asbestos'anti-! hazardous waste materials);b)remove utill-,. 1,hi:linesi.,withill',fOUndatiOns, pits and eon-' dulls;,,o):1eMove,soil riamplec,,ftgilesttagi A',tilWPIPeetliftittej Vittirktill ! ..! •'!,,, .,3IfIX• ' 5616§E'...411iN:0 00.1,00041Phill uICYCLES:,,vvESTI ';'•., .:*;:' : AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION . Applicant seeks to tbtain:a:SOnditIonal use Permit tO'deVelop•:.a:Portion Of the subject:i property (pending rezone for commercial• use) with a.warehoute (a light industrial • Audrey Benner i:use) to store:products in conAinctIon with..:being first duly sworn on oath states retell Wed occurring on the property.Prep-,',; that he/she is the Chief Clerk of the 1. erty Is located at 3155.:!Npui,set.Blvd: ECF;CU;R-095-88 f' Further Information regarding this 'action ls available In the Community DevelOPment,VALLEY DAILY NEWS Department, Municipal Building;'Renton, , Kent Edition • Renton Edition • Auburn Edition t,Washingtoh, 235-2550.,This:BOterMination ' 4.-16',FINAL:There Is a 14 dey anneal period ; NOTICE OF. ,,) 'i ::,_,,"Op,which will end at 5:00 PM on November.211.;''Daily newspapers published six(6) times a% ' ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION,jk ism. Any.riPpeal Ail this decision may be Environzenitlotanlii417aysrlingCotomnCommittee '!„ l...,made 'to .thtp,City'O'''Hearifig',Eii.aMlner,T,Iarelegalnewspapersandarenowandha' 21,,Municipal Building,200 AliflAVerale,South,', •months prior to the date of publication referr: ,'The Environmental Revle*Conlrillttegl l',FletikinAVittehingtongl:A6:10Piifeliet tneW in the English language continually as dailY;.(EFIc)has Issued a Detarrninal101f,r';it reparvio,mogiwripho.DeterminationCounty,Washington.The Valley Daily News I. m y:gins uctiirdirtreittcliittythOfflitiVerfteinitielliViortv..riZ'tdangiatlfgrtr.:14 newspaper by order of the Superior Court of,, Municipal Code:j1helollowing AppOoaRtidpumenethativembef,ti;lae08114,,Daile .: King County. '•'• . , i.'have completed a Mitigation prOceetnin?..lpiNews 85137":Andenht II510ft,v4p4fi ;;,.i:4-iiuNioNsquAREAssoci4TEs' :'-! .,'• Applicant requests a permit to excavate • 1 The notice in the exact form attached,was pu low° coutiYy01.. of colou!sitt:nteZi'ielociv'P, Renton Edition x , Auburn I •3d,and 21,000 cu.yds.of suitable imported f supplement form) which was regularly diE material for a total of approximately 50,0001i yds. for the project. Property is located., during the below stated period.The annexed I. Coun'the north side of NE 4th Street,weitlPublicfPublicNotice• Duvall Avenue NE.SP-041-08 ''', FAITH COVENANT CHURCH -•7t1•:1?„'?,;',J; i COMPLEX EXPANSION t'.1',ii''4.1riwaspublishedonNoyember7, 19881 Applicant seeks to obtain a conditional usfi permit tO expand the church complex with ; • an addition of a new structure of approxl.'l • -: • mately 4,800 sq.ft. to provide space for. ligious activities and administrative 0_ ..,ffie-.'.„1Thefullamountofthefeechargedforsaidferee. Property Is located t 1111 S th Oat!' 4 2 .5 6 sum of $ Road.ECF;CU-051-88 • , .'. ,43), • PACCAR DEFENSE SYSTEMS. .6-i,Vq; DEMOLITION •• • • '•• ; " ', ,14,1 • .• Applicant Seeks a permit to: a) demolish:. • Subscribed and sworn to before e th* 11 thday of Nov 19 8 8 • Not r Public for the State of Washington, residing at Federal Way, • King County, Washington. VON#87 Revised 11/86 MF [:= gChristineGregoireo._::;. _:: xximcgonocimmtcxx Director kC 1889 tl° STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY Mail Stop PV-11 • Olympia, Washington 98504-8711 • (206) 459-6000 November 1, 1988 PLANNING DIVISION CITY OF RENTON NOV 2. 1988 1)Mr. Don Erickson MOVECityofRentonPlanning 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, WA 98055 Dear Mr. Erickson: Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the determination of nonsignificance for the Faith Covenant Church addition ECF-051-88) . We reviewed the environmental checklist and have the following comments. Wetlands are a valuable natural resource that provide many useful benefits, including wildlife and fisheries habitat, floodwater detention, water quality improvement, and recre- ational and aesthetic values. Wetlands should be preserved with a buffer adequate to protect them from adjacent land use. Any adverse impacts to wetlands on the site should be minimized to the fullest extent possible, and any unavoidable impacts to wetlands should be mitigated by enhancement or creation of additional wetlands. Ecology staff would be glad to assist in delineating wetland boundaries, assessing wetland functions and impacts, and de- termining appropriate mitigation. Please call Ms. Michelle Stevens (459-6765) or Mr. Andrew McMillan (438-7428) of the Wetlands Section. Sincerely, Barbara J. Ritchie Environmental Review Section BJR: cc: Michelle Stevens 3 VW-L.9-) HYDRAULIC PROJECT M7' ..4kAPPROVAL DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES R.C.W. 75 . 20 . 100h. , , General Administration Bldg. R.C.W. 75 .20. 103 Olympia, Washington 98504 n November 8, 1988 206) 753-6650 DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES applicant should refer to this date in all correspondence) PAGE 1 OF 1 PAGES 10.LAST NAME FIRST WONTACT PHONE(S)1 (CONTROL NUMBER Faith Covenant Church 922-1661 00-39047-02 19, STREET OR RURAL ROUTE 7 U U WRIA • 1111 South Carr Road 09 . 0009 • CITY STATE ZIP i14 L7j Renton WA 98055 121WATER TRIBUTARY TO i111 TYPE OfPROJECT Unnamed Panther Lake Creek Channel Change 13 QUARTER SECTION TOWNSHIP RANGE(E-W) COUNTY SECTION NW 32 23N 5EWM King 5 THIS PROJECT MAY BEGIN 6:AND MUST BE COMPLETED BY TIME LIMITATIONS: , Immediately November 1, 1988 THIS APPROVAL IS TO BE AVAILABLE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES AND ITS PROVISIONS FOLLOWED BY THE PERMITTEE AND OPERATOR PERFORMING THE WORK. SEE IMPORTANT GENERAL,PROVISIONS ON REVERSE SIDE OF APPROVAL, 1 . The construction of the new channel may start any time provided the project is conducted only when the stream is in a low flow stage or when a ositive separation between the stream and the work area can • be maintained. 2 . The natural plugs shall be left in place at the upstream and downstream end of the new low flow channel durin its excavation. These natural plugs shall be substantial enough to prevent flood . flows from entering the new channel . 3 . Equipment shall not enter or operate within the flowing stream except to open the natural plugs on . the new channel and close the A upstream end of the existing channel . 4 . Diversion of flow into the new channel shall be accomplished by: (a) first removing the downstream plug;_ (b) removing the upstream plug; and (c) closing the upstream end of the old channel. 5. The new streambanks shall be planted with bushy type vegetation to the water' s edge. We recommend willows or similar fast-growing, water-tolerant species . 6 . Every effort shall be exercised to ensure .that silt-laden 'water is not allowed to leave the site. This includes anv fill or grading that. is accomplished on the uplands . LOCATION: At above address . PLANNING DIVISION CITY OF ENTON DEC 9 1988 n• SEPA: DNS City of Renton October, 1988 r'9f If REGIONAL HABITAT MANAGER - Jo.e. Robel 753-2980 PATROL - Tuggle APPLICANT - WILDLIFE - READER - PATROL - HAS. MGR. - WRIA DEPARTMENT' OF FISHERIES r,(f S. c-,4) «tw DIRECTOR • THIS APPROVAL IS TO BE AVAILABLE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES AND ITS . PROVISIONS FOLLOWED BY THE PERMITTEE AND OPERATOR PERFORMING THE WORK. THE PERSON(S) TO WHOM THIS APPROVAL IS ISSUED MAY. BE HELD LIABLE FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE TO FISHLIFE OR FISH HABITAT WHICH RESULTS FROM. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THIS APPROVAL. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THIS APPROVAL COULD RESULT IN A CIVIL PENALTY OF UP TO ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS PER DAY OR A:GROSS MISDEMEANOR CHARGE, POSSIBLY PUNISHABLE BY FINE OR IMPRISONMENT. ALL HYDRAULIC PROJECT APPROVALS ISSUED PURSUANT TO RCW 75.20 .100 ARE SUBJECT TO ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS, CONDITIONS, OR REVOCATION IF THE ' DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES OR DEPARTMENT OF WILDLIFE DETERMINE THAT NEW :." BIOLOGICAL OR PHYSICAL INFORMATION INDICATES THE NEED -FOR SUCH ACTION: THE PERMITTEE HAS THE RIGHT PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 34. 04 RCW TO APPEAL SUCH DECISIONS: ALL HYDRAULIC PROJECT APPROVALS ISSUED PURSUANT TO RCW 75.20 .103 MAY BE MODIFIED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF II FISHERIES OR' DEPARTMENT OF WILDLIFE DUE TO CHANGED CONDITIONS AFTER CONSULTATION WITH THE PERMITTEE: PROVIDED HOWEVER, THAT SUCH • MODIFICATIONS SHALL BE SUBJECT TO APPEAL 'TO THE HYDRAULIC APPEALS I.. BOARD ESTABLISHED IN RCW 75.20. 130 . THIS APPROVAL PERTAINS ONLY TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE FISHERIES AND T WILDLIFE CODES. ADDITIONAL AUTHORIZATION FROM OTHER PUBLIC AGENCIES MAY BE NECESSARY FOR THIS PROJECT. tjl. jj Appeals - General Information If you wish to appeal denial or conditions of an HPA, there are informal !' . . and formal appeal processes available. I A. Informal Appeals - An informal appeal (WAC 220-110-340) consists of I contacting the Regional Habitat Manager and discussing your concerns. - Most problems are resolved at this level, but if not, you may elevate IyourconcernstotheChiefoftheHabitatManagementDivisioninOlympia. ITheHabitatManagementDivisionChief.s decision shall be approved or disapproved by the Director or designee. If you are not satisfied with the results of this informal appeal, a formal appeal may be filed. B.Formal Appeals - 1) For all civil penalty appeals and for-other HP:A. .. appeals . which are not associated with irrigation .or stockwatering diversions, a written appeal request must' be filed with the department that issued or denied the approval or levied the civil penalty you 'are appealing (WAC 220-110-350) . 2) For appeals,.;o.f' „denial or conditions of an HPA associated with irrigation or stockwatering diversions other than civil penalty appeals, a written appeal request must_ be filed with the Hydraulic • Appeals Board',per;WAC) 259-04. The mailing address of the Appeals Board is: Environmental Hearings Office, Building Two -Rowe Six, Lacey, . Washington 98504; Telephone 206/459-6327 . 3) Failure to appeal within 30 days of the date of action you are appealing results in forfeiture of all appeal rights . rF0 SEPtt•-. City o• enton Land Use Hear Examiner will hold a PUBLIC HEARING in CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS . CITY HALL ON DECEMBER 20, 1988 BEGINNING AT 9:00 _A.;M. P.M. ECF-051-88, CU-051-88 CONCERNING: FAITH COVENANT CHURCH COMPLEX EXPANSION APPLICANT SEEKS TO OBTAIN A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO EXPAND THE CHURCH COMPLEX WITH AN ADDITION OF A NEW STRUCTURE OF APPROXIMATELY 4,800 SQ.FT. TO PROVIDE SPACE FOR RELIGIOUS ACTIVITIES AND ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES. r A. '/ V. .-_:__;.`'. l li sj 1: i - I 1\ • 1 I1 '1' 1 1,1) \ , . 1 r ate r ( i f`: 1 t; iJ a/ I t. ri- ,. ,1, , - v , 7 1 s) -• 4'' i %k 1 1 i / !I , ' Xi• 1 . 1 GENERAL LOCATION AND/OR ADDRESS: PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1111 SOUTH CARR ROAD - FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL THE CITY OF RENTON BUILDING&ZONING DEPARTMENT 235-2550 THIS NOTICE NOT TO BE REMOEDVON WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZAT CERTIFICATION I , \__RY 7;:• LI1Jo , HEREBY CERTIFY THAT 14 5 )COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENT WERE POSTED BY ME IN 114 y ,3) CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON OR NEARBY THE DESCRIBED PROPERTY ON t9 i% ATTEST: Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Publ , n and for the State of Washington residing in UN-) , on the SIGNED : vv;CLdayofuy0 ,- l ‘ G1`-cS i ttLickti 2 11 O rti'i Y_ LL i OVA O. Y a i F .,.•-tLF„ 0 E91repSEP1E`© P City of Renton Land Use Hearing Examiner will hold a 1 1 e F •f , LIC HEARING in CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS , CITY HALL ON_" DECEMBER 20, 1988 BEGINNING AT 9:00 A.M. P.M. ECF-051-88, CU-051-88 CONCERNING: FAITH COVENANT CHURCH COMPLEX EXPANSION APPLICANT SEEKS TO OBTAIN A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO EXPAND THE CHURCH COMPLEX WITH AN ADDITION OF A NEW STRUCTURE OF APPROXIMATELY 4,800 SQ.FT. TO PROVIDE SPACE FOR RELIGIOUS ACTIVITIES AND ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES, II '"E -(.0 i ; I \I ; r' ,- -/ 11- "'"..---iitolfIN 1-1 -' 'p-/ ;. r,_ 4( 'I-if-L. _ . . ‘,;_,;i,_;._4_1_-i i4;_l_ i___!. I ii / it iI' .y: J , I II. F I. if 1 iz i 1-r 1 r [t/ I I I r i' r :/ i• I i i "--i.... ',--/....1'7,--11,!: ,. , /1. „'ri i ,' , F d gib.- ` ._ . \: GENERAL LOCATION AND/OR ADDRESS: PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1111 SOUTH CARR ROAD= FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL THE CITY OF RENTON BUILDING&ZONING DEPARTMENT 235-2550 THIS NOTICE NOT TO BE REMOVED WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION t oT ENVIRONMENTAL DECLARATION APPLICATION NO. ECF-051-88, CU-051-88i APPLICANT FAITH COVENANT CHURCH ADDITION PROPOSED ACTION APPLICANT SEEKS TO OBTAIN A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO EXPAND THE CHURCH COMPLEX WITH AN ADDITION OF A NEW STRUCTURE OF APPROX. 4800 SQ.FT. TO PROVIDE SPACE FOR RELIGIOUS GENERALACTIVITIES LOCATION OTRVEADDRESS. 1111 SOUTH CARR ROAD POSTED TO NOTIFY INTERESTED PERSONS OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION. THE CITY OF RENTON ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEEE.R.C.) HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PROPOSED ACTION DOES DOES NOT HAVE A SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT. AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT WILL WILL NOT BE REQUIRED. THE CITY OF RENTON WILL NOT ACT ON THIS PROPOSAL FOR 15 DAYS FROM THE DATE BELOW. COMMENTS MUST BE RECEIVED BY AN APPEAL OF THE ABOVE DETERMINATION MAY BE FILED WITH THE RENTON HEARING EXAMINER BY 5:00 P.M., NOVEMBER 21, 1988 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT THE CITY OF RENTON PLANNING DIVISION AT 235-2550. DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION. CERTIFICATION I , iERik-J f. LiKin , HEREBY CERTIFY THAT f(-J '.E ( 3 ) COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENT WERE POSTED BY ME IN i1-F1- ( 3 ) CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON OR NEARBY THE DESCRIBED PROPERTY ON NCVo lot tq ATTEST: Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington residing in ' GL?—ink)on the )2,/r4, SIGNED : day of ii)7 () cl N OT E ENVIRONMENTAL DEcLARATION - APPLICATION NO.ECF-051-88, CU-051-88 APPLICANT FAITH COVENANT CHURCH ADDITION PROPOSED ACTION APPLICANT SEEKS TO OBTAIN A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO EXPAND THE CHURCH COMPLEX WITH AN ADDITION OF A NEW STRUCTURE OF APPROX. 4800 SQ.FT. TO PROVIDE SPACE FOR RELIGIOUS ACTIVITIES AND ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES. GENERAL LOCATION AND/OR ADDRESS 1111 SOUTH CARR ROAD POSTED TO NOTIFY INTERESTED PERSONS OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION. THE CITY OF RENTON ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE E.R.C.) HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PROPOSED ACTION DOES I>ZDOES NOT HAVE A SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT. AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT WILL IN WILL NOT BE REQUIRED. THE CITY OF RENTON WILL NOT ACT ON THIS PROPOSAL FOR 15 DAYS FROM THE DATE BELOW. COMMENTS MUST BE RECEIVED BY AN APPEAL OF THE ABOVE DETERMINATION MAY BE FILED WITH THE RENTON HEARING EXAMINER BY 5:00 P.M., NOVEMBER 21, 1988 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT THE CITY OF RENTON PLANNING DIVISION AT 2 3 5-2 5 5 0. DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION. I 1 NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION Environmental Review Committee Renton, Washington The Environmental Review Committee (ERC) has issued a Determination of Non- Significance-Mitigated for the following projects under the authority of the Renton Municipal Code. The following Applicants have completed a mitigation process: UNION SQUARE ASSOCIATES Applicant requests a permit to excavate 8,100 cu.yds. of duff to be hauled off, 30,000 cu.yds. of on-site material relocated, and 21,000 cu.yds. of suitable imported material for a total of approximately 59,000 cu.yds. for the project. Property is located on the north side of NE 4th Street west of Duvall Avenue NE. SP-041-88 FAITH COVENANT CHURCH COMPLEX EXPANSION Applicant seeks to obtain a conditional use permit to expand the church complex with an addition of a new structure of approximately 4,800 sq.ft. to provide space for religious activities and administrative offices. Property is located at 1111 South Carr Road. ECF;CU-051-88 PACCAR DEFENSE SYSTEMS - DEMOLITION Applicant seeks a permit to: a) demolish and remove structures to concrete foundations including removal of asbestos and hazardous waste materials); b) remove utility lines within foundations, pits and"conduits; c) remove soil samples for testing. Property is located at 1400 North Fourth Street. ECF-094-88 SOLBERG - SUNSET SCHWINN (BICYCLES WEST) Applicant seeks to obtain a conditional use permit to develop a portion of the subject property (pending rezone for commercial use) with a warehouse (a light industrial use) to store products in conjunction with retail sales occurring on the property. Property is located at 3155 NE Sunset Blvd. ECF;CU;R-095-88 Further information regarding this action is available in the Community Development Department, Municipal Building, Renton, Washington, 235-2550. This Determination is FINAL. There is a 14 day appeal period which will end at 5:00 PM on November 21, 1988. Any appeal of this decision may be made to the City's Hearing Examiner, Municipal Building, 200 Mill Avenue South, Renton, Washington. An appeal must state clearly, in writing, why the Determination should be revised and must be accompanied by a non-refundable $75.00 filing fee. Published: November 7, 1988 4i 0 CITY OF RENTON NIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Earl Clymer, Mayor PLANNING DIVISION November 4, 1988 Richard M. Swanson Northwest Evangelical Consultants 5224 12th Street East Tacoma, WA 98424 RE: Faith Covenant Church Addition 1111 South Carr Road ECF;CU-051-88 Dear Mr. Swanson: This letter is to inform you that the comment period has ended for the Determination of Non-Significance-Mitigated for the above referenced project. No comments were received. The Committee's determination is final and may be appealed to the City's Hearing Examiner no later than 5:00 p.m. on November 21, 1988. Any appeal must state clearly why the determination should be revised and must be accompanied by a non-refundable $75.00 filing fee. If you have questions or desire clarification of the above, please call our office at 235- 2550. For the Environmental Review Committee, Sincerely, Donald K. Erickson, AICP Zoning Administrator DKE:mj p 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206)235-2550 I 11 CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Earl Clymer, Mayor PLANNING DIVISION October 26, 1988 Richard M. Swanson Northwest Evangelical Consultants 5224 12th Street East Tacoma, Washington 98424 RE: Faith Covenant Church Addition 1111 South Carr Road ECF;CU 051-88 Dear Mr. Swanson: This letter is written in response to your correspondence of October 21st, inquiring about environmental mitigation conditions established by the City for the above-referenced proj ect. With respect to your inquiry concerning Conditions #1 and 2, relating to rerouting of the stream and to erosion control/storm water drainage, your plans C-2 and C-3 appear to be complete. However, these plans must be approved bythePublicWorksDepartment, and we would advise you to set an appointment with Charles Price, in our Engineering Division, in order to review the materials. Mr. Price can be reached at 235-2631. With respect to your inquiry concerning Condition #5, the hauling about which we are concerned is, indeed, related to the transport of building materials and to the transport of fill material to and from the site, as may be required for this project. With respect to your inquiry concerning the timing of the relocation of the project driveway, you will be required to complete this portion of the project prior to receiving a Certificate of Occupancy. 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206)235-2550 Richard M. Swanson Northwest Evangelical Consultants Faith Covenant Church Addition October 26, 1988 Page 2 If you have additional questions, please contact me at 235- 2550. We appreciate your cooperation. Si cerely, Donald K. Eric son, AICP Zoning Administrator DKE/lb:mjp F\ Alr ORTHWEST EVANGELICad CONSULTAN , INC. Eri 5224 121h STREET EAST• TACOMA, WASHINGTON 98424• (206J 9TS22-1661 JAMES J KLEri • MARKETING • RICHARD M SWANSON • ARCHITECT • October 21, 1988 PLANNING DMSION CITY OF RENTON Donald K. Erickson, AICP Zoning Administrator, City of Renton D OCT 2 4 1988 I)200 Mill Avenue South Renton, Washington 98055 E C IE D Upp E J RE: Faith Covenant Church Complex Expansion 1111 South Carr Road ECF; CU-051-88 Dear Mr. Erickson: Thank you for your letter of October 18th, 1988 concerning the Environmental Review Committee. We do have a few questions concerning the mitigating conditions and the following is a condition by condition response. 1. We thought we were meeting this condition already by having subimmitted Sheets C-2 and C-3 showing the proposed rerouting of the unnamed tributary. We have been in contact with Mr. Joe Robels of the Department of Fisheries and as noted on the accompanying letter they are awaiting your SEPA action. 2. Again we though we were meeting this condition already by having submitted Sheets C-2 and C-3. We even have submitted revised Sheets C-2 and C-3 after preliminary meetings with the City of Renton and Mr. Robels, Department of Fisheries, trying to incorporate desired revisions. Our question for both Condition 1. and Condition 2. is where are we deficient? Or are you mainly referring to the fact that the Public Works Department has not yet approved our submittals? 3. No question. We understand and will comply. 4. No question. We understand and will comply. 5. To what hauling are you referring? Building materials such as lumber and concrete? Or? Please clarify so that we can be properly prepared before consulting with the Traffic Engineer. Page. 1. of 2. Faith Covenant Church Complex Expansion ECF; CU-051-88 Page 2. 6. It is the understanding of Faith Covenant Church that this relocation of their driveway is part of the paving project of 103rd. Place S.E. being financed and regulated by Covenant Development. We further understand this paving project is not scheduled to be performed until the summer of 1989 after completion of preparation of your water tank site. Our question is will this relocation be required before we can start our construction? Or before we can obtain an Occupancy Permit? Or does the church just need to agree said relocation will occur in conjunction with the paving project by Covenant Development? I will be calling you to discuss our concerns/questions. As you deem best I would be more than willing to meet with you at your office so that we can do whatever is necessary to keep this project moving as quickly as possible. As you might guess the church members are getting nervous and want to see the start of construction now that they have decided to take this step. Sincerely e_2(!::: 7 21Z1 Ce6iate Richard M. Swanson, RA cc: Faith Covenant Church enclosure: Letter from Department of Fisheries is;STAT• SEPH R. BLUM p oy7 Director 4 1889 STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES 115 General Administration Building • Olympia, Washington 98504 • (206) 753-6600 • (SCAN) 234-6600 October 13, 1988 Faith Covenant Church ATTENTION: Richard M. Swanson, Architect 1111 South Carr Rd. Renton, Washington 98055 SUBJECT: Hydraulic Project Approval application - Channel Change - Unnamed Tributary to Springbrook Creek, WRIA 09.0009, WDF Log Number 00-39047-01 Dear Mr. Swanson: The Washington Department of Fisheries received the above-referenced Hydraulic Project Application on September 12, 1988, but we are unable to complete processing at this time for the following reason(s) : State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) - Compliance with SEPA is required by law prior to issuance of the Hydraulic Project Approval. If you have any questions regarding the status of your application, please contact Joe Robel, Regional Habitat Manager, at 753-2980. We appreciate your cooperation in our efforts to protect, perpetuate, and manage the fishery resources of the State of Washington. Sincerely, J t l - 6,n Joseph R. BYum Director JRB:JR:bb cc: WDW Northeast Evangelical Consultants Inc. of CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Earl Clymer, Mayor PLANNING DIVISION October 18, 1988 Richard Swanson 5224 12th Street East, Suite "L" Tacoma, WA 98424 Re: Faith Covenant Church Complex Expansion 1111 South Carr Road ECF; CU-051-88 Dear Mr. Swanson: This letter is to inform you that the Environmental Review Committee completed their review of the environmental impacts of the above referenced project. The Committee on October 12, 1988 decided that your project m(y be issued a Determination of Non- Significance-Mitigated.with the following conditions: 1.That the applicant shall develop a plan for re-routing the on-site stream, subject to approval by the Public Works Department and the Department of Fisheries. 2.That the applicant shall develop a plan for erosion control/storm water drainage management for both construction and operation of the project, subject to approval by the Public Works Department 3.That the applicant shall protect the site during construction by watering down the construction site periodically and by wheel-washing of all trucks prior to their leaving the site to control dust emissions. 4.That the applicant shall provide a $2,000 bond for street clean-up. 5.That the applicant shall develop an approved hauling route, prior to beginning construction, in consultation with the Traffic Engineer. 6.That the applicant shall relocate the existing driveway from its current location thirty 30) feet to the south of the north property line from 103rd Place S.E. 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206)235-2550 Environmental Review Committee Richard Swanson Faith Covenant Church October 13, 1988 Page 2 Because the Environmental Review Committee imposed a Determination of Non- Significance with specific mitigation measures rather than issue a straight Determination of Non-Significance or a Determination of Significance, there is a required fifteen (15) day comment period during which comments are solicited from various agencies, jurisdictions or individuals who may have an interest in the Committee's decision. The comment period will end November 1, 1988. Following the end of the comment period, the City will finalize it's Determination unless comments received require a reconsideration. If new conditions are imposed you •will be notified of this and the beginning of the fourteen (14) day appeal period. Following the finalization of the Determination, there is a required fourteen (14) day appeal period. In addition, by the end of the comment period, we should be able to establish a tentative public hearing date before the Hearing Examiner. If you have any questions or desire clarification of the above, please call our office at 235- 2550 and ask for Jeanette Samek-McKague or me. For the Environmental Review Committee, Sincerely, Donald K. Erickson, AICP Zoning Administrator DKE:mjp 1%.i 0 CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Earl Clymer, Mayor PLANNING DIVISION October 14, 1988 Washington State Department of Ecology Environmental Review Section Mail Stop PV-11 Olympia, WA 98504 Re: Environmental Determinations Transmitted herewith are copies of Environmental Determinations issued on October 12, 1988: DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED 7SFAITH COVENANT CHURCH COMPLEX EXPANSION Applicant seeks to obtain a conditional use permit to expand the church complex with an addition of a new structure of approximately 4,800 sq.ft. to provide space for religious activities and administrative offices. Additional parking (17) spaces is provided as well. Property is located at 1111 South Carr Road. ECF;CU-051-88 PACCAR DEFENSE SYSTEMS - DEMOLITION Applicant seeks a permit to: a) demolish and remove structures to concrete foundations including removal of asbestos and hazardous waste materials); b) remove utility lines within foundations, pits and conduits; c) remove soil samples for testing. Property located at 1400 North Fourth Street. ECF-094-88 UNION SQUARE ASSOCIATES Request for permit to remove 8,100 cu.yds. of duff, relocate 30,000 cu.yds. of on-site material, import 21,000 cu.yds. of suitable material, for a total of approximately 59,000 cu.yds. Property located on the north side of NE 4th Street west of Duvall Avenue NE. SP-041-88 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206)235-2550 Environmental Determinations October 13, 1988 Page 2 SOLBERG - SUNSET SCHWINN (BICYCLES WEST) Applicant seeks to obtain a conditional use permit to develop a portion of the subject property (pending rezone for commercial use) with a warehouse (a light industrial use) to store products in conjunction with retail sales occurring on the property. Property located at 3155 NE Sunset Blvd. ECF;CU;R-095-88 The fifteen (15) day comment period for these projects will end on November 1, 1988. Following the end of the comment period, the City will finalize it's Determination unless comments received require a reevaluation. Following the finalization of the Determination, there is a required 14 day appeal period. DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE SWAN MEADOWS Applicant seeks to develop a nine-lot preliminary plat for future development with single family residences. Property includes 2.18 acres which is now vacant and is zoned R-1. Property is located on NE 13th Street and Blaine Avenue NE. ECF;PP-082-88 BOEING LOG BOOM REPLACEMENT Applicant seeks to repair existing log boom, which is anchored to the shoreline and to four concrete anchors on the lake bottom. The shore anchor and three lake bottom anchors and cables need to be replaced. Property is located on Lake Washington. SME-083-88 WIELGOS DOCK IMPROVEMENTS Applicant seeks a shoreline variance to allow the extension of an existing dock twelve 12) feet to permit private boat moorage to serve residence. Property located at 2811 Mt. View Avenue North, Lake Washington. ECF;SME;V-084-88 SOLBERG - SUNSET SCHWINN (BICYCLES WEST) Applicant seeks to rezone 10,170 sq.ft. parcel of property from R-2 to B-I. Property located at 3155 NE Sunset Blvd. ECF;R;CU-095-88 PACCAR DEFENSE SYSTEMS - DEMOLITION OF BUILDING 30A Applicant seeks to disassemble and remove Building 30A ONLY, including removal of this all-wood structure down to concrete foundations. No soil, except for testing, will be disturbed without consent from WDOE. Property located at 1400 North Fourth Street. ECF-103-88 I Environmental Determinations October 13, 1988 Page 3 The Determinations are final and may be appealed to the City's Hearing Examiner no later than 5:00 p.m. on October 31, 1988. Any appeal must state clearly in writing why the Determination should be revised and must be accompanied by a non-refundable 75.00 filing fee. If you have questions, please call Jeanette Samek-McKague or me at 235-2550. Sincerely, Donald K. Erickson, AICP Zoning Administrator cc: Mr. Gerald W. Marbett, King County Bldg. & Land Division Mr. Gregory M. Bush, Metro Department of Wildlife Mr. Joe Robels, Department of Fisheries DKE:mjp 41 ® CITY OF RENTON PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Earl Clymer, Mayor Traffic Engineering Division MEMORANDUM DATE: October 13, 1988 TO:Building & Zoning Department Technical Advisory Committee FROM: Gary Norris, Traffic Engineering SUBJECT: Faith Covenant Church - S. 43rd St. Assessment for the above-referenced complex expansion relating to Transportation Improvements on S. 43rd Street between Talbot Road S. and the Valley Freeway On/Off Ramps is as follows: Church Trip Rate 7.699 trips per 1,000 sq. ft. Complex Expansion 4,800 sq. ft. Assessment Rate 22.97 dollars/trip generated through the proposed roadway improvement area. Directional split of Complex Traffic Westbound 52% 0.52 (4800 x 7.699) x $22.97 = $441.41 1000 Assessment Amount is $441.41 dollars. 4 . 77-eiv4; Gary . Norris GAN:CEM:lf 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206)235-2620 City of Renton Environmental Review Committee MEETING NOTICE October 12, 1988 To:Larry Springer Mike Parness Dick Houghton Ron Nelson Glen Gordon From: Don Erickson, Secretary Meeting Date: October 12, 1988 Time: 11:00 AM Location: Third Floor Conference Room Agenda attached below. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE AGENDA OCTOBER 12, 1988 Third Floor Conference Room Commencing at 11:00 AM TIME/KEY PARTICIPANTS NEW PROJECTS FAITH COVENANT CHURCH CU-051-88 Applicant seeks to obtain conditional use permit to provide a new multi-purpose space expansion church complex for religious activities and administrative offices, including additional parking. The proposed addition is approximately 4,800 sq. ft. Location: 111 South Carr Road SWAN MEADOWS ECF;PP-082-88 Applicant seeks to develop a nine-lot preliminary plat for future development with single family residences. Property includes 2.18 acres which is now vacant and is zoned R-1. Property is located on NE 13th Street and Blaine Avenue NE. BOEING LOG BOOM REPLACEMENT SME-083-88 Applicant seeks to repair existing log boom, which is anchored to the shoreline and to four concrete anchors on the lake bottom. The shore anchor and three lake bottom anchors and cables need to be replaced. Property is located on Lake Washington. Environmental Review Committ= Meeting Notice and Agenda 11:00 AM, Third Floor Conference Room October 12, 1988 Page 2 WIELGOS DOCK IMPROVEMENTS ECF;SM;V-084-88 Extend an existing dock twelve (12) ft. to permit private boat moorage to serve residence. Location: 2811 Mount View Avenue North, Lake Washington. PACCAR ECF-094-88 Applicant seeks a permit to: a)demolish and remove structures to concrete foundations including removal of asbestos and hazardous waste materials); b) remove utility lines within foundations, pits and conduits; c) remove soil samples for testing. Location: 1400 North Fourth Street SOLBERG ECF;CU-R-095-88 Applicant seeks to rezone property from R-2 to B-1, and obtain a conditional use permit to develop a portion of the property with a warehouse to store products in conjunction with retail sales occurring on the property. Location: 3155 NE Sunset Blvd. CONTINUING PROJECTS UNION SQUARE (AMENDED) SP-041-88 Request for permit to excavate 81,000 cu. yds. of fill (to place suitable material on site, at a grade acceptable for future development of the site). There are no specific plans for the development of the site under consideration at this time. Property located on the north side of NE 4th Street west of Duvall Avenue NE. Quantities revised to 8,100 cu. yds. of duff to be hauled off, 30,000 cu. yds. of on-site material relocated, and 21,000 cu. yds. of suitable imported material for a total of approximately 59,000 cu. yds. instead of the previous quantity of 89,000 cu. yds. 1 CITY OF RENTON DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE MITIGATED) ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST NO. : ECF-051-88 APPLICATION NO(S) : CU-051-88 PROPONENT: Faith Covenant Church DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: Applicant seeks to obtain a conditional use permit to expand the church complex with an addition of a new structure of approximately 4, 800 sq. ft. to provide space for religious activities and administrative offices. Additional parking (17) spaces is pro- vided as well. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: 1111 South Carr Road LEAD AGENCY: City of Renton Community Development Department Planning Division The City of Renton Environmental Review Committee has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An environmental impact statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43 .21C. 030 (2) (c) . Conditions were imposed as mitigation measures by the Environmental Review Committee under their authority of Section 4-2822 (D) Renton Municipal Code (see attached sheet) . These conditions are necessary_ to mitigate environmental impacts identified during the environmental review process. This DNS is issued under WAC 197-11-340 (2) . Because mitigation measures have been imposed, the lead agency will not act on this proposal for fifteen (15) days from October 17, 1988. Any interested party may submit written comments which must be submitted by 5: 00 p.m. , November 1, 1988, in order to be considered. A fourteen (14) day appeal period will commence following the finalization of the DNS. Responsible Official: Environmental Review Committee c/o Don Erickson, Zoning Administrator Planning Division Community Development Department 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, WA 98055 PUBLICATION DATE: October 17 , 1988 DATE OF DECISION: October 12 , 1988 SIGNATURES: R6 al G. Nelson rry S ing Building Official Plannin Man er Richard C! Houghton Public W s Director 1 DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED MITIGATION MEASURES PROJECT:Faith Covenant Church Expansion ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST: ECF-051-88 APPLICATION NUMBER: CU-051-88 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: Applicant seeks to obtain a conditional use permit to expand the church complex with an addition of a new structure of approximately 4, 800 sq. ft. to provide space for religious activities and admini- strative offices. Additional parking (17) spaces is provided as well. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: 1111 South Carr Road RECOMMENDATIONS:1. That the applicant shall develop a plan for rerouting the on-site stream, subject to approval by the Public Works Department and the Department of Fisheries. 2 . That the applicant shall develop a plan for erosion control/ storm water drainage management for both construction and operation of the project, subject to approval by the Public Works Department. 3 . That the applicant shall protect the site during construc- tion by watering down the construction site periodically and by wheel-washing of all trucks prior to their leaving the site to control dust emissions. 4 . That the applicant shall provide a $2 , 000 bond for street clean-up. 5. That the applicant shall develop an approved hauling route, prior to beginning construction, in consultation with the Traffic Engineer. 6. That the applicant shall relocate the depicted driveway to be aligned as closely as possible with 103rd S.E. mmdoc L\\ NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE RENTON, WASHINGTON The Environmental Review Committee (ERC) has issued a Determination of Non-Significance-Mitigated for the following projects under the authority of the Renton Municipal Code. FAITH1COVENANT CHURCH COMPLEX EXPANSION Applicant seeks to obtain a conditional use permit to expand the church complex with an addition of a new structure of approximately 4, 800 sq. ft. to provide space for religious activities and administrative offices. Additional parking (17) spaces is provided as well. Property is located at 1111 South Carr Road. ECF;CU-051-88 PACCAR DEFENSE SYSTEMS - DEMOLITION Applicant seeks a permit to: a) demolish and remove structures to concrete foundations (including removal of asbestos and hazardous waste materials) ; b) remove utility lines within foundations, pits and conduits; c) remove soil samples for testing. Property located at 1400 North Fourth Street. ECF-094-88 UNION SQUARE ASSOCIATES Request for permit to remove 8, 100 cu. yds. of duff, relocate 30, 000 cu. yds . of on-site material, import 21, 000 cu. yds. of suitable material, for a total of approximately 59, 000 cu. yds. Property located on the north side of NE 4th Street west of Duvall Avenue NE. SP-041-88 SOLBERG - SUNSET SCHWINN (BICYCLES WEST) Applicant seeks to obtain a conditional use permit to develop a portion of the subject property (pending rezone for commercial use) withhla warehouse ( a light industrial use) to store products in conjunction with retail sales occurring on the property. Property located at 3155 NE Sunset Blvd. ECF;CU;R-095-88 This decision will be finalized in 15 days. Written comments received after 5: 00 p.m. , November 1, 1988 will not be considered. A fourteen 14) day , appeal period will commence following the finalization of DNS-M. The mitigation measures imposed by the City of Renton' s Environmental Review Committee are available at the Planning Division of the Community Development Department, Municipal Building Renton, Washington 98055, . Phone: 235-2550 . Published: October 17, 1988 OT ENVIRONMENTAL DECLARATION APPLICATION NO. ECF-051-88, CU-051-88 APPLICANT FAITH COVENANT CHURCH COMPLEX EXPANSION PROPOSED ACTION APPLICANT SEEKS TO OBTAIN A CONDITIONAL USE ' PERMIT TO EXPAND THE CHURCH COMPLEX WITH AN ADDITION OF A NEW STRUCTURE OF APPROXIMATELY 4,800 SQ.FT. TO PROVIDE SPACE FOR RELIGIOUS ACTIVITIES AND ADMINISTRATRIVE OFFICES. GENERAL LOCATION AND/OR ADDRESS 1111 SOUTH CARR ROAD POSTED TO NOTIFY INTERESTED PERSONS OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION. THE CITY OF RENTON ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE E.R.C.) HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PROPOSED ACTION DOES IX DOES NOT HAVE A SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT. AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT WILL WILL NOT BE REQUIRED. THE CITY OF RENTON WILL NOT ACT ON THIS PROPOSAL FOR 15 DAYS FROM THE DATE BELOW. COMMENTS MUST BE RECEIVED BY NOVEMBER 1, 1988 • AN APPEAL OF THE ABOVE DETERMINATION MAY BE FILED WITH THE RENTON HEARING EXAMINER BY 5:00 P.M., FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT THE CITY OF RENTON PLANNING DIVISION AT 235-2550. DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION. CERTIFICATION I = , Nio , HEREBY CERTIFY THAT li`fr . . ' COPIESTHEABOVEDOCUMENTWEREPOSTEDBYMEIN OF 1PLACESONORNEARBYTIIEDESCRIBEDPROPERTY 1 , CONSPICUOUS . ON C.G C', ' '' ATTEST: Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public, In and for he State of Washington residing in 4 74./7-4 on the PC SIGNED : T, ()or\day of14 2g6:g N OT E ENVIRONMENTAL DECLARATION APPLICATION NO. ECF-051-88, CU-051-88 APPLICANT FAITH COVENANT CHURCH COMPLEX EXPANSION PROPOSED ACTION APPLICANT SEEKS TO OBTAIN A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO EXPAND THE CHURCH COMPLEX WITH AN ADDITION OF A NEW STRUCTURE OF APPROXIMATELY 4 , 800 SQ.FT. TO PROVIDE SPACE FOR RELIGIOUS ACTIVITIES AND ADMINISTRATRIVE OFFICES. GENERAL LOCATION AND/OR ADDRESS 1111 SOUTH CARR ROAD POSTED TO NOTIFY INTERESTED PERSONS OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION. THE CITY OF RENTON ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE E.R.C.) HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PROPOSED ACTION DOES K,ZI DOES NOT HAVE A SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT. AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT WILL WILL NOT BE REQUIRED. THE CITY OF RENTON WILL NOT ACT ON THIS PROPOSAL FOR 15 DAYS FROM THE DATE BELOW. COMMENTS MUST BE RECEIVED BY NOVEMBER 1, 1988 AN APPEAL OF THE ABOVE DETERMINATION MAY BE FILED WITH THE RENTON HEARING EXAMINER BY 5:00 P.M., FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT THE CITY OF RENTON PLANNING DIVISION AT 2 3 5-2 5 5 0. DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION. 0 CITY OF RENTON POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Earl Clymer, Mayor September 26, 1988 Richard Swanson 5224 12th Street East, Suite "L" Tacoma, Washington 98424 Re: Faith Covenant Church, 1111 South Carr Road (ECF 051-88; CU 051-88) Dear Mr. Swanson: The Community Development Department has formally accepted the above referenced application. It has been routed for departmental review and is tentatively scheduled for the Technical Advisory Committee on October 12, 1988 for consideration. If,you have any questions regarding the scheduling of this project, please contact our office at 235-2550. Sincerely, Donald K. Erickson, AICP Zoning Administrator DKE/ cc: Faith Covenant Church 1111 South Carr Road Renton, Washington 98055 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206)235-2552 RENTON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: 1 DATE CIRCULATED: 9/26/88 COMMENTS DUE: 10/5/88 EFC — 051 - 88 APPLICATION NO (S) : CU 051-88 PROPONENT: Faith Covenant Church PROJECT TITLE: Faith Covenant Church Expansion BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT:V aatn er ulti-pbrPpaseCQ gaig90AnYnnilYmcl iurpAh complex for religious activities and administrative offices, including additional parking. The proposed addition is approximately 4800 square feet. LOCATION: 1111 South Carr Road SITE AREA 10.86 Acres BUILDING AREA (gross) : 2750 sq feet + 4800 square ft IMPACT REVIEW ON ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS PROBABLE PROBABLE MORE MINOR MAJOR INFORMATION IMPACT IMPACT NECESSARY1. Earth 2 . Air 3 . Water 4 . Plants 5 . Animals 6. Energy & Natural Resources 7 . Environmental Health 8 . Land & Shoreline Use 9 . Housing 10 . Aesthetics 11. Light & Glare 12 . Recreation 13 . Historic & Cultural Preservation ° 14 . Transportation 15. Public Services 16 . Utilities COMMENTS : C 1 71 ., Z.7 .w, L, j =2Q'1rji1 JUL) 131J1LL,,N,;/ZONING We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areaswhichwehaveexpertiseandhaveidentifiedareasofprobableimpactorarewheydditioninformationisneededtoproperlyassessthisproposal. ature of Director or Authorized Representative Date RENTON-'BUILDING & ZONING DEPAI. . .AENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - 051 _ 88 APPLICATION NO(S) : CU-051-88 PROPONENT : FAITH COVENANT CHURCH PROJECT TITLE : FAITH COVENANT CHURCH EXPANSION BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATANT SEEKS TO OBTAIN CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO PROVIDE A NEW MILTI-PURPOSE SPACE EXPANSION OF CHURCH COMPLEX FOR RELIGIOUS ACTIVITIES AND ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES, INCLUDING ADDITIONAL PARKING. THE PROPOSED ADDITION IS APPROX. 4800 SQUARE FEET. LOCATION : 111 SOUTH CARR ROAD TO : 0 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : ENGINEERING DIVISION I ( TRAFFIC ENG , DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : 1-1 UTILITIES ENG . DIVISION n FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU n PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT IMPOLICE DEPARTMENT F-1 POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT FlOTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING , PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5 : 00 P .M. ON OCTOBER 5 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION :ee)t APPROVED n APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS I ( NOT APPROVED DATE : 94---7 S N E OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 RENTON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: V2u,U,k1 DATE CIRCULATED: 9/26/88 COMMENTS DUE: 10/5/88 EFC - 051 — 88 APPLICATION NO(S) • CU 051-88 PROPONENT: Faith Covenant Church PROJECT TITLE: Faith Covenant Church Expansion BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: plAV aatn eeUlt?-Gtp seCQ difi p1nMnpBrfmAu eh complex for religious activities and administrative offices, including additional parking. The proposed addition is approximately 4800 square feet. LOCATION: 1111 South Carr Road SITE AREA 10.86 Acres BUILDING AREA (gross) : 2750 sq feet + 4800 square ft IMPACT REVIEW ON ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS PROBABLE PROBABLE MORE MINOR MAJOR INFORMATION IMPACT IMPACT NECESSARY1. Earth 2 . Air 0 3 . Water 4 . Plants 5 . Animals 0 6 . Energy & Natural Resources 7 . Environmental Health 8 . Land & Shoreline Use 0 9 . Housing 0 10. Aesthetics 11. Light & Glare 0 12 . Recreation 13 . Historic & Cultural Preservation 14 . Transportation 15 . Public Services 16 . Utilities COMMENTS: P2 ' i4 b G uBFTT We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areaswhichwehaveepertiseandhaveidentifiedareasofprobableimpactorarewhereadditilainformation ' s needed to properly assess this proposal. Signat • e,of Director or Authorized Representative Date RENTOI: 1UILDING & ZONING DEPAR . ..DENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - 051 - 88 APPLICATION NO(S) : CU-051-88 PROPONENT : FAITH COVENANT CHURCH PROJECT TITLE : FAITH COVENANT CHURCH EXPANSION BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATANT SEEKS TO OBTAIN CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO PROVIDE A NEW MILTI-PURPOSE SPACE EXPANSION OF CHURCH COMPLEX FOR RELIGIOUS ACTIVITIES AND ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES, INCLUDING ADDITIONAL PARKING. THE PROPOSED ADDITION IS APPROX. 4800 SQUARE FEET. LOCATION : 111 SOUTH CARR ROAD TO : PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : DENGINEERING DIVISION TRAFFIC ENG , DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : n UTILITIES ENG , DIVISION n FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU OPARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT BUILDING ZONING DEPARTMENT El POLICE DEPARTMENT n POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT n OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING , PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5:00 P .M. ON OCTOBER 5 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : LT APPROVED APPROVED WITH CONDITIONSnn fl NOT APPROVED Y4',. r, J+ CiL SEA 1938 01'4 DATE :9/---)--- ?y SIGNATURE F D'IRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 10•1 RENTON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: CL-YYenic- DATE CIRCULATED: 9/26/88 COMMENTS DUE: 10/5/88 EFC — 051 - 88 APPLICATION NO (S) : CU 051-88 PROPONENT: Faith Covenant Church PROJECT TITLE: Faith Covenant Church Expansion BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT• 8Vi deaatrieu e ul t°-arpbseOQOac i e9p1ns onperfmcFurrcch complex for religious activities and administrative offices, including additional parking. The proposed addition 'is approximately 4800 square feet. LOCATION: 1111 South Carr Road SITE AREA 10.86 Acres BUILDING AREA (gross) : 2750 sq feet + 4800 square ft IMPACT REVIEW ON ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS PROBABLE PROBABLE MORE MINOR MAJOR INFORMATION IMPACT IMPACT NECESSARY1. Earth 0 2 . Air 0 3 . ater, 4 . P ants 0 5. Animals 0 0 0 6 . Energy & Natural Resources 7 . Environmental Health 8 . Land & Shoreline Use 9 . Housing 10 . Aesthetics 0 11. Light & Glare 12 . Recreation 13 . Historic & Cultural Preservation 14 . Transportation 15 . Public Services 16 . Utilities nn aCOMMENTS : © O\k.e , trn6Qtt) rv5 - Y" 1'(9(fa 7 R i.ock-rEo 5 RENlA uoduU b TO v06 UPs W 1 T PLIANT Yv 9,1"-LJ Pi( - c omm. Di 10h) ° Dp-, r ri514-6Ri6a We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or are where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. LI GI Signature or Authorized Representative Date RENT(,. BUILDING & ZONING DEPA_= _ MENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - 051 - 88 APPLICATION NO(S) : CU-051-88 PROPONENT : FAITH COVENANT CHURCH PROJECT TITLE : FAITH COVENANT CHURCH EXPANSION BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATANT SEEKS TO OBTAIN CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO PROVIDE A NEW MILTI-PURPOSE SPACE EXPANSION OF CHURCH COMPLEX FOR RELIGIOUS ACTIVITIES AND ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES, INCLUDING ADDITIONAL PARKING. THE PROPOSED ADDITION IS APPROX. 4800 SQUARE FEET. LOCATION : 111 SOUTH CARR ROAD:' TO : 0 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : ENGINEERING DIVISION 11TRAFFIC ENG , DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : n UTILITIES ENG , DIVISION FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT cLAit_rfcAt Pkarmi F5TBUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT POLICE DEPARTMENT POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Ti OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING , PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5 : 00 P .M. ON OCTOBER '5, REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : T LJ\i3rU6/ .)6 UI V`S,IOA 11\4 APPROVED n APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS 0 NOT APPROVED ieLOavl nn e )0 APP R. u o , c C r0O rricJdAL., p6 k rvi i--( CHURL(-+— SCR NUS`ka 0 a P IJV J. DATE : `I - 6 738 SIGNATURE OF DI TOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 ta 100 RENTON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT N` ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEE.,6 30 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: hcii ,.lki gir,6.DATE CIRCULATED: 9/26/88 COMMENTS DUE: 10/5/E800. EFC - 051 — 88 APPLICATION NO (S) : CU 051-88 PROPONENT: Faith Covenant Church PROJECT TITLE: Faith Covenant Church Expansion BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: p188e1dSagtneeriulti-MseCngalPan8npSmAAh complex for religious activities and administrative offices, including additional parking. The proposed addition is approximately 4800 square feet. LOCATION: 1111 South Carr Road SITE AREA 10.86 Acres BUILDING AREA (gross) : 2750 sq feet + 4800 square ft IMPACT REVIEW ON ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS PROBABLE PROBABLE MORE MINOR MAJOR INFORMATION IMPACT IMPACT NECESSARY1. Earth e 0 X e 2 . Air e 3 . Water e ' 0 0 4 . Plants e 0 e 5 . Animals 6. Energy & Natural Resources k7 . Environmental Health X e 8 . Land & Shoreline Use k 0 9 . Housing e 0 e 10 . Aesthetics 0 e 11. Light & Glare 0 12 . Recreation 0 e 13 . Historic & Cultural Preservation ° e 14 . Transportation k 0 15. Public Services k 0 16 . Utilities e COMMENTS : i J r 1J 'Li " •• ., We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areaswhichwehaveexpertiseandhaveidentifiedareasofprobable"•, impact or arewhereaddition/a{llJ information is needed to properly assess this proposal. 1--. e'4ii t I-1 g ler-'17'.fro;';''.'-Jr:-'AY Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date RENTOL oUILDING & ZONING DEPAR r ri ENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - 051 88 APPLICATION NO(S) : CU-051-88 PROPONENT : FAITH COVENANT CHURCH PROJECT TITLE : FAITH COVENANT CHURCH EXPANSION BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT : APPLICATANT SEEKS TO OBTAIN CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO PROVIDE A NEW MILTI-PURPOSE SPACE EXPANSION OF CHURCH COMPLEX FOR RELIGIOUS ACTIVITIES AND ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES, INCLUDING ADDITIONAL PARKING. THE PROPOSED ADDITION IS APPROX. 4800 SQUARE FEET. LOCATION : .111 SOUTH CARR ROAD TO : n PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : KENGINEERING DIVISION n TRAFFIC ENG , DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : OUTILITIES ENG , DIVISION FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU n PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT n BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT POLICE DEPARTMENT n POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 11OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING , PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5 : 00 P .M. ON OCTOBER 5 EVIE'WING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : etyl°1e ill 1--1 APPROVED n APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS 21NOT APPROVED e--.e. A/e4.,:., ,42-1,-, ele` ,..e..-. , 51 e‘3 IL::_l iLJ V/ P-; 1- 1, 0 :1 1 ,....., e , ___L j i24-4izi F , DATE: 443 SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 S dP ,sRENTONCOMMUNITYDEVELOPMENTDEPARTMEI ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET° 'Z?,., 7,9n (4)\ REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: Ay, G Pt. DATE CIRCULATED: 9/26/88 COMMENTS DUE: 10/5 8 EFC - 051 - 88 APPLICATION NO (S) : CU 051-88 PROPONENT: Faith Covenant Church PROJECT TITLE: Faith Covenant Church Expansion BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: AW aatn ge ult?-0NrsiseC2Ogai8PpinMnp8rfmAueh complex for religious activities and administrative offices, including additional parking. The proposed addition is approximately 4800 square feet. LOCATION: 1111 South Carr Road SITE AREA 10.86 Acres BUILDING AREA (gross) : 2750 sq feet + 4800 square ft IMPACT REVIEW ON ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS PROBABLE PROBABLE MORE MINOR MAJOR INFORMATION IMPACT IMPACT NECESSARY1. Earth 2 . Air c ° 3 . Water L/ ° 4 . Plants 0 5 . Animals 6. Energy & Natural Resources 4,-- ° 7 . Environmental Health 8 . Land & Shoreline Use 4.---- ° 9 . Housing 10 . Aesthetics 11. Light & Glare 4' 12 . Recreation 13 . Historic & Cultural Preservation ° ti ° 0 14 . Transportation v ° 15. Public Services 4- 16 . Utilities COMMENTS : 1 D,1 e 'v 8_ p i, FD ,_ c:,/ I Li' , Y; 7 it.I 1 Jv J L ; We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areaswhichwehaveexpertiseandhaveidentifiedareasofprobableimpactorarewhereadditionalinformationisneededtoproperlyassessthisproposal. Signature of Director or Authori 'd Representative Date I) • • RENTOR IUILDING & ZONING DEPAR'. I.iENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - 051 - 88 APPLICATION NO(S) : CU-051-88 PROPONENT : FAITH COVENANT CHURCH PROJECT TITLE ; FAITH COVENANT CHURCH EXPANSION BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATANT SEEKS TO OBTAIN CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO PROVIDE A NEW MILTI-PURPOSE SPACE EXPANSION OF CHURCH COMPLEX FOR RELIGIOUS ACTIVITIES AND ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES, INCLUDING ADDITIONAL PARKING. THE PROPOSED ADDITION IS APPROX. 4800 SQUARE FEET. LOCATION : 111 SOUTH CARR ROAD TO : PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : ENGINEERING DIVISION V1TRAFFIC ENG . DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : OUTILITIES ENG . DIVISION n FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT I ( BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT n POLICE DEPARTMENT n POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OTHERS': COMMENTS OR, SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING , PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5 : 00 P .M. ON OCTOBER 5 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION ; t/ e OAPPROVED fl APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS KNOT APPROVED 5) 1-°1 cri-77.N iJu'3 Buku,NGIzoNh., . DATE : D-.. / j- r) SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZEIf REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 ti C Fire r,. - 1 IRRENTONCOMMUNITYDEVELOPMENTDEPARTME '--- C a v u ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: 1 try ever can i W DATE CIRCULATED: 9 /88 COMMENTS'" DUE: 10/5/88 EFC — 051 — 88 APPLICATION NO (S) : CU 051-88 PROPONENT: Faith Covenant Church PROJECT TITLE: Faith Covenant Churchh Expansion BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: pARVi1 aRtn eer ult?-0paeCQOgai29AanpSrfmAuRh complex for religious activities and administrative offices, including additional parking. The proposed addition is approximately 4800 square feet. LOCATION: 1111 South Carr Road SITE AREA 10.86 Acres BUILDING AREA (gross) : 2750 sq feet + 4800 square ft IMPACT REVIEW ON ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS PROBABLE PROBABLE MORE MINOR MAJOR INFORMATION IMPACT IMPACT NECESSARY1. Earth 2 . Air 0 e 3 . Water 0 4 . Plants 0 5 . Animals e— 6. Energy & Natural Resources 7 . Environmental Health 8 . Land & Shoreline Use 9 . Housing 10 . Aesthetics 11. Light & Glare 12 . Recreation 13 . Historic & Cultural Preservation 14 . Transportation 15. Public Services 16 . Utilities COMMENTS : We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areaswhichwehaveexpertiseandhaveidentifiedareasofprobableimpactorarewhereadditionalinformationisneededtoproperlyassessthisproposal. Signature of Director or Authorized Dat eRepresentative • DaP I RENTO__ 3UILDING & ZONING DEPAI SENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - 051 - 88 APPLICATION NO(S) : CU-051-88 PROPONENT : FAITH COVENANT CHURCH PROJECT TITLE : FAITH COVENANT CHURCH EXPANSION BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATANT SEEKS TO OBTAIN COND1ITIONAL USE PERMIT TO PROVIDE A NEW MILTI-PURPOSE SPACE EXPANSION OF CHURCH COMPLEX FOR RELIGIOUS ACTIVITIES AND ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES , INCLUDING ADDITIONAL PARKING. THE PROPOSED ADDITION IS APPROX. 4800 SQUARE FEET. LOCATION : 111 SOUTH CARR ROAD TO : PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : DENGINEERING DIVISION I ( TRAFFIC ENG , DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : n UTILITIES ENG , DIVISION FA FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU I ( PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT I ( BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT I ( POLICE DEPARTMENT I ( POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT fl OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING , PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5 : 00 P ,M, ON OCTOBER 5 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : Ire, ftevenI1t7t APPROVED FI APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS I ( NOT APPROVED Any development and/or construction shall comply with current Fire and Building Codes and Ordi- nances. A second means of approved access is required. Firepepartment access roads/lanes shall be paved minimum width 20';minimum height 13' 6". Yes No Preliminary fire flow calculations show a fire flow of cDo , ,m is required. 2 hydrants with a minimum flow of 000 gpm each is required. Primary hydrant is required to be within i.5-a feet of the structure. Secondary hydrants are required to be within 34D feet of the structure. An approved automatic sprinkler system is required to protect the total structure. Yes No- All fire department access roads are to be paved and installed prior to construction. Yes No All fire hydrants are required to be installed and approved prior to construction. Yes No r/,PE 1A,esh sys7W/r1 /5 REfu/,eeO /,€' oeC O"t"vey ,(o09-4 /- 4 L'<9SS A. c APE D V ER 340 pER5OA&. DATE : SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE Z6, /g// REVISION 5/1982 Gr//77/(/,,/ ® 'dy REQU I RE I) FIRE FLO'.! Cl1LCULAT I ONS 1. HAZARD IDENTIFICATION INFORMATION NAME F /7N A v F /. iv? C//L//2c%/U.B.C. CLASS OF BUILD ADDRESS /// SOLIThi 64ce 'tea p.:4, FIRE MGMT;I AREA 2. DETERMINE. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTIO -_ CLASS (CIRCLE ONE): I - II IV III VFIRE-RESISTIVE NON-COMBUSTIBLE ORDINARY WOOD_-* .MIXEDNOTE: IF "MIXED", SEE SPECIAL INSTRUCTION FOR AREA AND BASIC FIRE FLOW) 3. DETERMINE AREA: GROUND FLOOR AREA: /79O0 FT2. CA) NUMBER OF STORIES: ' TOTAL BUILDING AREA: // OO4. DETERMINE BASIC FIRE FLOW FROM TABLE 01, USING AREA (A): 75D GPM (B)5. DETERMINE OCCUPANCY FACTOR ADJUSTMENT: ADJUSTMENT:11,4I7. 6- IF LOW HAZARD, SUBTRACT UP TO 25% OF (B): IF HIGH HAZARD,, ADD UP TO 25% OF (B) PM . () 6. COMPUTE SUB-TOTAL (B+C): CIF B+C IS LESS THAN 500 GPM, INSERT 500 GPM) JI/oZ . ,5- GPM (D) 7. DETERMINE SPRINKLER ADJUSTMENT: ADJUSTMENT:dollor GPM CE)IF COMPLETELY SPRINKLERED, SUBTRACT UP TO 50% OF CD): IF LIGHT HAZARD OCCUPANCYANDFIRERESISTIVEORNON-COMBUSTIBLE CONSTRUCTION, SUBTRACT UP TO 75% OF CD).8. DETERMINE EXPOSURE ADJUSTMENT:: USING THE TABLE AT LEFT AS A GUIDE, ENTER THE SEPARATION AND ADJUSTMENT FOR EACH OFTHE "FOUR FACES" OF THE BUILDING IN THE TABLE AT THE RIGHT: SEPARATION MAR. ADJUSTMENT EXPOSURE SEPARATION ACT. ADJ. 0 - 10 25% MAX. NORTH 2 ADD C- %11 - 30 31 - 60 20% MAX. EAST SAS ADD /0 %15% MAX. SOUTH SD ADD -{a-- %61 -100 10% MAX. WEST S'' ADD -$- %101 -150 5% MAX, TOTAL % OF ADJUSTMENT150OR4-HR WALL 0% MAX. NOT TO EXCEED 75%) 1: TOTAL % ADJUSTMENT TIMES CD) ADJ+rTMENT'o -F- 1,3..I. Z GPM (F)9. DETERMINE ROOF AND SIDING COVERING ADJUSTMENT:IF SHINGLE COVERING, ADD 500 GPM) ADJUSTMENT: GPM (G)0. COMPUTE .ESTIMATED FIRE FLOW REQUIRED:j IF D+E+F+G IS LESS THAN 500 GPM, INSERT 500 GPM)CIF D+E+F+G IS GREATER THAN 121,000 GPM, INSERT 12©000 GPM) A//-/3. 7S CD+E+F+G) REQUIRED FIRE FLOW: O. ° GPM (H) 1. SIGNED: Li -90 _ I 1 1 RENTON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT:16_0S DATE CIRCULATED: 9/26/88 COMMENTS DUE: 10/5/88 EFC — 051 - 88 APPLICATION NO (S) : CU 051-88 PROPONENT: Faith Covenant Church PROJECT TITLE: Faith Covenant Church Expansion BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: 08Vii antri eer ult?-0 bsneCQOgaa'gR nYiSnIrfmAuPeh complex for religious activities and administrative offices, including additional parking. The proposed addition is approximately 4800 square feet. LOCATION: 1111 South Carr Road SITE AREA 10.86 Acres BUILDING AREA (gross) : 2750 sq feet + 4800 square ft IMPACT REVIEW ON ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS PROBABLE PROBABLE MORE MINOR MAJOR INFORMATION IMPACT IMPACT NECESSARY1. Earth 2 . Air 3 . Water 4 . Plants 5. Animals 6 . Energy & Natural Resources 7 . Environmental Health 8 . Land & Shoreline Use 9 . Housing 10 . Aesthetics 11. Light & Glare 12 . Recreation 13 . Historic & Cultural Preservation ° 14 . Transportation 15 . Public Services 16 . Utilities COMMENTS : W A vim._.... .. _„__ ,.... We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areaswhichwehaveexpertiseandhaveidentifiedareasofprobableimpactorarewhereaddi ' nal information is needed to properly assess this proposal. Signatu f Director or Authorized Representative Date 07 RENTON 'BUILDING & ZONING DEPART mCNT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - 051 - 88 APPLICATION NO(S) : CU-051-88 PROPONENT : FAITH COVENANT CHURCH PROJECT TITLE : FAITH COVENANT CHURCH EXPANSION BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATANT SEEKS TO OBTAIN CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO PROVIDE A NEW MILTI-PURPOSE SPACE EXPANSION OF CHURCH COMPLEX FOR RELIGIOUS ACTIVITIES AND ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES , INCLUDING ADDITIONAL PARKING. THE PROPOSED ADDITION IS APPROX. 4800 SQUARE FEET. LOCATION : 111 SOUTH CARR ROAD TO : n PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : n ENGINEERING DIVISION ri TRAFFIC ENG . DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : F-1 UTILITIES ENG , DIVISION n FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU 71PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT POLICE DEPARTMENT n POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT n OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING . PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5 : 00 P .M. ON OCTOBER 5 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION :f / / ifeci e7 ^ VI,APPROVED I ( APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS I ( NOT APPROVED Ly- y, DATE : / /f/Y SIGNA E OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 n e/ RENTON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTME RR 4,' 11 ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEEk 4, e REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: CJ ( s k°'Ods DATE CIRCULATED: 9 26/88 COMMENTS DUE: 0 ' EFC - 051 — 88 APPLICATION NO(S) : CU 051-88 PROPONENT: Faith Covenant Church PROJECT TITLE: Faith Covenant Church Expansion BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: pA ViCiSanatn ee ult9-WpaeCnalainpinYiSnpSrfm .hU 8h complex for religious activities and administrative offices, including additional parking. The proposed addition is approximately 4800 square feet. LOCATION: 1111 South Carr Road SITE AREA 10.86 Acres BUILDING AREA (gross) : 2750 sq feet + 4800 square ft IMPACT REVIEW ON ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS PROBABLE PROBABLE MORE MINOR MAJOR INFORMATION IMPACT IMPACT NECESSARY1. Earth 2 . Air 3 . Water 4 . Plants 0 5. Animals 0 6. Energy & Natural Resources 7 . Environmental Health 8 . Land & Shoreline Use 9 . Housing 0 10 . Aesthetics 0 11. Light & Glare 12 . Recreation 13 . Historic & Cultural Preservation ° 14 . Transportation 0 15 . Public Services 16. Utilities COMMENTS : We have revie ,.-.d this application with particular attention to those areaswhichwehay: ill per.- -e and have identified areas of probable impact or arewhereadditi, i o '.untion is needed to properly assess this proposal. Signature .. - `T)irector or'Au Ehorized Representative Da e RENTON --UILDING & ZONING DEPAR1 itw1 ENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF — 051 — 88 APPLICATION NO(S) : CU-051-88 PROPONENT : FAITH COVENANT CHURCH PROJECT TITLE : FAITH COVENANT CHURCH EXPANSION BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATANT SEEKS TO OBTAIN CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO PROVIDE A NEW MILTI—PURPOSE SPACE EXPANSION OF CHURCH COMPLEX FOR RELIGIOUS ACTIVITIES AND ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES , INCLUDING ADDITIONAL PARKING. THE PROPOSED ADDITION IS APPROX. 4800 SQUARE FEET. LOCATION : 111 SOUTH CARR ROAD TO : I ] PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : n ENGINEERING DIVISION r1TRAFFIC ENG , DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : RUTILITIES ENG , DIVISION F-1 FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU n PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT I ( BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT n POLICE DEPARTMENT n POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT n OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING , PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5 : 00 P ,M , ON OCTOBER 5 r REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : n APPROVED M APPROVED WITH 21tCONDITI NS Ell'164' I I N T APPROVED 4.I UTIUIY APPROVAL SUBJECT TO I PLATE AGREEMENT-WATERsilt_i / un 1 S A'UREEMENT-SEWER 01. SYSTEM LLEIR CHARGE-WATER SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE-SEWER. y a i, SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AREA CHARGE-WEER JLD SPECIAL ASSESSMENT ARE d ET.:::E-SEC:: ha PPPROVED WATER PLA,J. rUNITED SEWER PLE1 a Q D N D'dED FIRE iilileRI. ski SIGNATURE OF D RECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVEDATE , /196 4 /rK 9 29.gt Q,aVH REVISION 5/1982 0 441: 41,..RENTON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENA i: f V", , 0/v4V ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET 0 , M5\ REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: L - P rf 1 9 DATE CIRCULATED: 9/76/88 COMMENTS DUE: 10/s EFC - 051 — 88 APPLICATION NO(S) . CU 051-88 iL/ LCITY O 'p-, U` ,,wa E2, P1 PROPONENT: Faith Covenant Church SEP 2 6 1988 PROJECT TITLE: Faith Covenant Church Expansion E BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: pA ViCiSaRtn 4e ul -ir seCQ ac ingn MpS mcl ureh complex for religious activities and administrative offices, including additional parking. The proposed addition is approximately 4800 square feet. LOCATION: 1111 South Carr Road SITE AREA 10.86 Acres BUILDING AREA (gross) : 2750 sq feet + 4800 square ft IMPACT REVIEW ON ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS PROBABLE PROBABLE MORE MINOR MAJOR INFORMATION IMPACT IMPACT NECESSARY1. Earth 0 2 . Air 0 3 . Water 0 4 . Plants 0 0 5. Animals 0 0 6 . Energy & Natural Resources 7 . Environmental Health 0 8 . Land & Shoreline Use 9 . Housing 10. Aesthetics 0 0 11. Light & Glare 0 12 . Recreation 0 13 . Historic & Cultural Preservation ° 0 14 . Transportation 0 15. Public Services 0 16 . Utilities 0 0 COMMENTS: 7m- -.e-vg 1 1_• c ._,, _ ,' Z.^c---Ce' - eerp a Q-. .el 4//,01-f--- --74" G tea----ewe:e,-::_ r-e-ii:-z-u7-r61/r c--1-- ---e-- ---d-e`-e-"/`/.2-e-/ f..-'7O4-e-*-- ---74-4e._ '7-7GZ__„. ..i.---ez-- e-re__ ;"-,,--2.e. -- --0-r--' c : g S!Gam- LF+ ---e 4.-. -&-, .UG7--Le..-e t S /e-A Wes",/ . G z l9J-Y We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areaswhichwehaveexpertiseandhaveidentifiedareasofprobableimpactorarewhereition1informationisneededtoproperlyassessthisproposal. et_ ,., Signatu e of Direct or Authorized Re resentativep Date JN\ 0 "1 6 C.a. TVJ t \ c( j 101 R° RENTOI‘ BUILDING & ZONING DEPAR I ,wIENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - 051 - 88 Y Etarv.r O r;,Ziie uJi MTh'OF RENTON APPLICATION NO(S) : CU-051-88 0) SFP 2 6 1988 Fi PROPONENT : FAITH COVENANT CHURCH HI l rin V A `\# , l PROJECT TITLE : FAITH COVENANT CHURCH EXPANSION BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT : APPLICATANT SEEKS TO OBTAIN CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO PROVIDE A NEW MILTI-PURPOSE SPACE EXPANSION OF CHURCH COMPLEX FOR RELIGIOUS ACTIVITIES AND ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES , INCLUDING ADDITIONAL PARKING. THE PROPOSED ADDITION IS APPROX. 4800 SQUARE FEET. LOCATION : 111 SOUTH CARR ROAD TO : I ( PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : I ] ENGINEERING DIVISION I ] TRAFFIC ENG . DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : n UTILITIES ENG , DIVISION I ( FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU OPARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT I ( BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT I ( POLICE DEPARTMENT rvc E P-M-EV\A E P .-T-M-EN - I ( OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING . PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5 : 00 P .M. ON OCTOBER 5 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : I Ib1,tnV * n APPROVED n APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS NOT APPROVED I.F0E1uAT1OBI DATE : SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 i ARCHITECTURAL CONSULTANTS .1,>4 EV 5224 12th STREET EAST•• TACOMA, WASHINGTON, 98424 ® ( "861:922-',;1, ..Alf JAMES J KI f if • M4RKf PING • RICHARD M SWANSON • ANCHIIEW A: September 6, 1988 RE: Faith Covenant Church CU-051-88) Donald K. Erickson, AICP Zoning Administrator City of Renton 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, Washington 98055 Dear Mr. Erickson: Per your letter requesting additional information we have the following item by item response. 1) Per our discussions during the August 4th meeting we•have added more infor- mation concerning the project vicinity. It is our understanding from our meeting that since our project will only occupy a minor portion of the total site shown that 'this total site plan with the additional information will suffice as the requested vicinity map. 2) As was stated in our Description/Justification submitted with the application for this Conditional Use Pefmit the Faith Covenant Church proposes to meet two needs with this new structure: 1. Additional space for church related activities; and 2. Additional space for crninunity related activities. Expanding on these two needs it is projected that church related activities are currently seen as including: A) Sunday morning worship services including Sunday school classes which could involve the time between 8:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. ;l 7S) B) Sunday evening worship services which could involve the time between 5:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. ; C) Wednesday evening Bible study/Prayer services which could involve the time between 6:30 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. ; D) Monthly church council meetings which usually occur Monday evenings and involve a small part of the congregation. This meeting generally runs between the hours of 6:30 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. E) Other special meetings which do not have a regular schedule but generally they occur during evenings between 6:30 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. ; and, F) Daily use of the offices by the staff (2-5 persons) . At this time all church related activities which involve more than the staff or a small number of members are projected to occur on Sunday or in the evening. At this time it is not planned to have any other daily church related activity . occurring at the site. Page 1 of 2. I,' Page 2 of 2. Faith Covenant Church - Cont. CU-051-88) As to the community related activities which could be occurring on this site, none are currently in-place, so we have no real idea as to their schedule, but it is felt that most of these organizations (Scouts, Young Republicans, etc.) meet in the evenings or possibly between times of heavy traffic flow. 3) Concerning the "small stream" traversing the site, we contacted Joseph L. Robel, Regional Habitat Manager with the State of Washington Department of Fisheries. Qn Tuesday August 30th. we met on-site with Mr. Robel. Generally he agreed that our desire to re-channel would not be detrimental, but that it should be by means of an open ditch per their direction to maintain as much bio-filtration as possible. Attached is a copy of the Hydraulic Project Application which he felt was required for our site. For him to issue a permit he will need a copy of a declaration of Non-significance from you based on our Environmental checklist. Being aware of the interlacing of requirements he requested from us the name of the person to talk with if the city needs further information from him to be able to issue such a declaration. Also, please note we have deleted the proposed underground detention system and have revised the plans so that the "temporary" sediment control pond will be the desired permanent" retention pond with the relocated/revised controlled out-flow manhole. We agreed to provide this open system until a future phase would require utilizing this area for required parking, but by that time we will be better able to determine how our project plus the extension of 103rd. will actually affect the flow of the surface water across our site. At the suggestion of Mr. Robel we have further revised the surface water drainage control by directing the flow through a gravelled parking area and new lawn areas to the open retention system to enhance the bio-filtration. Please see revised Sheets C-1, C-2, C-3, C-4, A-1, L-1, and L-2. Thank you for your concern and assistance. Hopefully we can complete this process to the point of the Declaration of Non-significance so that Mr. Robel can issue the permit to re-channel the "small stream". It is his desire that we complete this action before November 1, 1988 to beat most of the rainy season if we are to be doing this part of the project this year. We realize all delays to this point have been caused by us, and do thank you for your efforts. Please contact me again for any further needs. Sincerel , Richard M. Swanson, Architect MWA pSBIMOl 4 S h, qC a O HYDRAULIC PROJECT t y 99l fHT Of' v APPLICATION 0 R.C.W. 75.20.100) r°Y EPARTMENT OF WILDLIFE R.C.W. 75.20.103) DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES 600 Capitol Way North PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE General Admin. Bldg. Olympia, Washington 98504 Olympia, Washington 98504 206) 753-5897 DO N®T WRITE IN SHADED AREA 2os) 753-ssso e Church) :[j]CONrRO NUMBER' 10 LAST NAME FIRST A E( Faith Covenant Church 922-1661 Arch.) p V` 19 STREET OR RURAL ROUTE R' WR 1111 South Carr Road CITY STATE ZIP 14`: Renton Washington 98055 12 WATER TRIBUTARY TO 11 TYPE Of,PROJECT 1 Small stream" emptying into Panther Creek Rechannelsmall stream QUARTER SECTION TOWNSHIP RANGE(E-W) COUNTY throughprojectsite 13 SECTION NW 32 23N.5E King with outflow at same ocation. D•ESORIPtION..(J ',Wl•6tK ''MEtWO6,':ANd.;I:CIUIIPNMENT It is proposed that an existing "small stream' be re-channelled through a portion of a 10.86 acre parcel. This work would include grading to an open bed, lined with quarry. spalls, and the banks hydo-seeded. The new stream bed is proposed to be developed except for the connection to the existing flow to help minimize disturbances both during const- uction and after while maintaining the natural bio-filtering system as much as possible. PROPOSED STARTING DATE PROPOSED FINISHING DATE A.S.A.P. based upon permits & approvals No latter than November 1, 1988 20 SEPA AGENCY/DATE OF DETERMINATION City of Renton pending 21 OTHER PERMITS Building permit, Conditional Use Pe I,it - City of Renton IT IS UNDERSTOOD THAT NO WORK WILL A,,' -yI SIG TURF ATE BE STARTED UNTIL A SIGNED APPROVAL G //CISRECEIVED INME L:IIVit"I'A IONS s ij. S • z Sx, y'4 x r;4 7 i lrv.n. f+krfa•i 1t f ir>ra r,.,.i...... ...... .a...4r.f rl...! .t . .>.. t is pist.i'' ,.'ili r y' J rr,t5 y, ii' c o,//>)D t ray.r n. ....r;......., i h (; 3 b i g GAM 111 (Rev. 10/87) -771-q'S'YF'"9 r... t%1..> "` CITY OF RENTON •part Y la k ' -. BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT Earl Clymer, Mayor Ronald G. Nelson, Director July 18, 1988 Richard M. Swanson 5224 12th Street East Suite "L" Tacoma, Washington 98424 RE: Faith Covenant Church Conditional Use Permit CU-051-88) Dear Mr. Swanson: We have received and begun to review your application 'materials for the above- referenced project. In order to proceed with our evaluation of the project application, we will need to receive the following materials from you: 1) A detailed vicinity map. (See enclosure for specific instructions concerning this map.) 2) A schedule for and description of normal weekday activities (e.g. classes, child care, or other special events) to take place on the site. 3) Additional information concerning the "small stream" which traverses the site, together with more detailed materials concerning the proposed relocation of the stream. Additional information is also needed concerning grading/storm detention/retention plans relating to stream location and flow should also be provided. NOTE: At your request, we would be pleased to arrange a meeting for you with representatives of our Public Works Department and our Current Planning staff to discuss our concerns relating to the proposed stream use and alteration prior to your providing the above-described information. As soon as we receive this information we will be pleased to proceed with our environmental review and the conditional use for the Faith Covenant Church project. 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2540 Richard Swanson July 18, 1988 Page Two If you have questions or if you would like..to set an appointment to meet with us, please telephone me or Lenora Blauman of my staff at 235-2550. Sincerely, a"..... Donald K. Erickson, AICP Zoning Administrator DKE:lb Enc: Vicinity Map Instructions CITY OF RENTON VICINITY MAP INSTRUCTIONS A vicinity map at a scale of at least one (1) inch equals 200 feet shall be provided with all development applications. This map shall be of sufficient scale to show surrounding properties, uses and building outlines. Lot lines, land uses, building outlines, and curb cuts for driveways and entrances to parking areas for these surrounding properties should be shown. In addition the map should have a north arrow (true north) , scale used for the map, as well as street names for all streets shown. This information will assist the City in carrying out its review of your proposal. AY 0 ITY OF RENDv FILE NO(S): y 2_ ;E:) BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT ECj= 05 -. N 0 MASTER APPLICATION NOTE TO APPLICANT: Since this is a comprehensive application form, only those items related to your specific type of application(s) are to be completed. Please print or type. Attach additional sheets if necessary.) r APPLICANT TYPE OF APPLICATION NAME FEES Faith Covenant Church 0 REZONE*(FROM TO ADDRESS 1111 South Carr Road 0 SPECIAL PERMIT* CITY ZIP TBPORARY PERMIT* 2 Renton, Washington 98055 E--3y L USE PERMIT* l(%_ TELEPHONE LJ SITE PLAN APPROVAL 0 SPECIAL PERMIT FOR GRADE AND FILL 206) 228-8221 No. of Cubic Yards: CONTACT PERSON. 0 VAFIoNCS* From-Section: NAME Justification Required Richard M. Swanson - Architect a ADDRESS SUBDIVISIONS: 5224 - 12th. Street East, Suite 'L' 0 SHORT PLAT CITY ZIP 0 TENTATIVE PLAT Tacoma, Washington 98424 PRELIMINARY PLAT TELEPHONE 0 FINAL PLAT 200 922-1661 0 WAIVER Justification Required) TOWNER NO. OF LOTS: NAME PLAT NAME: Covenant Development Corporation ADDR SS PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT: 5101 North Francisco Ave. 0 PRELIMINARY CITY ZIP 0 FINAL Chicago, Illinois 60625 P.U.D. NAME: TELEPHONE 312) 784-3000 0 Residential 0 Industrial Commercial 0 Mixed LOCATION MOBILE HOME PARKS: PROPERTY ADDRESS O TENTATIVE 1111 South Carr Road PRELIMINARY EXISTING USE PRESENT ZONING Church Complex R .1 0 FINAL PROPOSED USE PARK NAME: Church Complex - expanded NUMBER OF SPAC S: o oa i.,ojt s ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE 5 5 t C)0 SQ. FT. ACRES Y 1 AREA: 10.86 total site 11 of . ,'18 TOTAL FEES c'j,64 F USE ONLY -- ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESSING aDATEnPE -i APPLICATION RECEIVED BY: J UIY 101008 APPLICATION DETERMINEDE TO BE: e'r\!\ I 0 Accepted I) 0 Incomplete Notification Sent On By: 43UhLO1NG ZONING DEPT. Initials) DATE ROUTED ADDITIONAL MATERIAL RECEIVED BY: 1I 169 APPLICATION DETERMINED TO BE: 0 Accepted 0 Incomplete Notification Sent On By: Initials) ROUTED TO: Building 136 Design Eng. Fire' Parks 4rgiPolicePolicyDev. E2Si Traffic Eng. Utilities RRVT.F.h l_7l_oA 4 Legal description of property (if more space is required, attach a separate sheet). See attached separate sheet for legal description AFFIDAVIT I, /Cr e /% , $14 v being duly sworn, declare that I am uthorized representative to act for the property owner,Eiwner of the property involved3 in this application and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are ' all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. SUBS w.fp AND SWORN 0 ''FORE ME T IS DAY OF .7 AMBIlow- 19i1/ • NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON RESIDI G AT N of Notary Public)Signature of Owner) c 37/- Address) Address) 7Z.C.a121.24' City) State) (Zip) Telephone) Acceptance of this application and required filing fee does not constitute a complete application. Plans and other materials required to constitute a complete application are listed in the "Application Procedure." Form it 74 LOCAL CONGREGATION: Faith Covenant Church 206) 228-8221 1111 South Carr Rd. Renton, Wash. 98055 OWNER: Covenant Development Corporation 312) 784-3000 Contact: Dr. Robert Larson ADDRESS: 5101 North Francisco Ave. Chicago, Ill. 60625 KING COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER: 3223059079, 3223059081, 3223059062 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Parcel 'A' : The south half of the southeast quarter Of the northwest quarter of the northwest.quarter; Parcel 'B' : The north 200 feet of the east half of the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter; Parcel 'C' That portion of the westerly 321 feet of the north half of the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter line weasterly of private road and southerly of the Carr County Road except the west 20 feet thereof, all in Section 32, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. in King County, Washington except that portion conveyed to King County by deed recorded under Auditor's File No. 5801760. Parcel 'D' : Beginning at the northeast corner of the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter, then south 337.02 feet. to the true point of beginning, thence south 86°19'24" west 158.32 feet, thence south 02°24'54" west 336.52 feet, thence south 86°39'20" west 165 feet to the easterly line of County Road, thence southerly along private road 70.40 feet to the true point of beginning, in Section 32, Town- ship 23 north, Range 5 east, W.M. in King County, Wash. CITY OF RENTON JUN101998 BUILDING /ZONING DEPT. . O ARCHITECTURAL CONSULTANTS 5224 12th STREET EAST• TACOMA, WASHINGTON, 98424 • (206)922-1661 JAMES J KII11 • MAIM( RIC,HARD MSWANSOIN • ARCNIIECI • CITY Cr s`Ja`::•• May 26, 1988 f988 City of Renton lLi Building and Zoning Department ZCN a 11 RE Faith Covenant Church 1111 South Carr Road Renton, Washington 98055 SUBJECT: Conditional Use Permit DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION Prior to being annexed into the City of Renton this site was in use as a place of assembly by the Faith Covenant Church. Now, as part of the City of Renton, this site is in an R-1 Residential Zone. Under regulations of the R-1 Residential Zone a Church use may be allowed by Conditional Use Permit as provided in Section 4-748 of the City Code. Therefore, we are hereby applying for said Conditional Use Permit to enable the Faith Covenant Church to enlarge its complex to accommodate a growing congregation. With this new structure Faith Covenant Church proposes to meet two needs: 1) Additional space for church related activities; and 2) Additional space for community related activities. It is proposed by Faith Covenant Church that this new structure be available as a meeting place for community organizations/or service groups. Being located between the residential community and the commercial community in the valley on a route of travel makes this site/project easily accessible by both. _ It is a know fact that Washington is one of the least churched (in attendance) states in the nation. We feel this is a contributing factor to the increase in the nation and states moral decay and crime. Therefore, it is our opinion that having a growing church congregation in a community will also assist that community by adding to its moral value education through teaching the Bible (the Word of God) and the laws governing right and wrong on which this nation was founded. As a community of individuals increase their love for God they also increase their love and respect for their neighbors. Page 1. Page 2. Faith Covenant Church Conditional Use Permit (Cont.) At the present time there are no other churches in the immediate vicinity. Since Carr Road serves as a major traffic link between the valley freeway and the growing residential community, we feel this site is ideally located to provide the proposed activity spaces as noted previously. Also, we should have a minimum impact on the volume of traffic utilizing Carr Road because the bulk of church attendance occurs on Sundays when most businesses are closed. With the addition of the proposed structure the lot coverage by existing and new buildings would be approximately 1.3% of the total property (10.86 acres) and 3.7% of that portion (3.77 acres) of the total property designated by the Owner (Covenant Development Corporation) for church use. Even with future additions to the Faith Covenant Church Complex the lot coverage will not exceed 18% of the portion of the total property designated for church use. The required setbacks are: Front Yard a minimum of twenty feet (20') ; Rear Yard a minimum of twenty five feet (25') ; and Side Yard a minimum of twenty feet 20') along a street and a minimum of five feet (5') along an interior lot. As shown on Sheet A-1 all current / or proposed building setbacks are at least fifty feet (50') . The height of the proposed building at its principal front measured from the level of the first floor above grade to the center height between eaves and gable ridge is approximately twenty eight feet (28') . This will also be true for proposed future additions. Therefore the thirty five foot (35') maximum height allowed in an R-1 Zone will not be exceeded by any structures proposed for this site. Also, as noted in the Environmental Checklist, because of the slope of the site and the proposed placement of structures there will be a minimum of impact for other structures in regards to sunlight, ventilation and view. We propose all current and future parking to be on-site with a traffic/ parking pattern to ease pedestrian and vehicular circulation. By placing park- ing on several sides of the proposed building(s) we have attempted to spread- out the concentration of vehicles while keeping parking close to the buildings to limit the travel distance for pedestrians. The loop road not only adds to the safety by allowing access to all sides of the main structure, but also by giving two choices of entering/exiting around the new structure to the access to the public street (Carr Road) . Parking/site lighting will be directed away from adjoining properties and will be of a type which will limit its impact. The Page 3. Faith Covenant Church Conditional Use Permit (Cont.) placement of the proposed structure(s) assists in limiting the impact of the proposed exterior lighting while providing for security and safety for those using the site. Also, to limit the impact of adjoining views the area around the proposed structure(s) and its required parking will be landscaped with a variety of trees and shrubs, plus ground cover. This proposed landscaping will not only soften the visual impact of the required parking lot paving, but will also enhance the area for wildlife by the introduction of trees/shrubs which currently do not exist on this site. The landscaping is also designed to provide a variety during the year by a change in color and amount of foliage for part of the trees. To our knowledge all required utility main lines currently exist adjacent to this site in the street right-of-way and only require connections for the new on-site utility lines. We therefore feel this project and its use will not impact the city/community adversely, but will actually be an asset. s,t,„,,.;.• r 7. ......„......i,.,. .„ HYDRAULIC PROJECT of4ss' 40.44Pst.-,z,,APPLICATION f . ..,., TN?o•1 R.C.W. 75.20.100) DEPARTMENT OF WILDLIFE R.C.W. 76.20.103)DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES 600 Capitol Way North PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE oiymGpeinae:walaAsdhminignionBldg.504Olympia. Washington 98504 206) 753-5897 .. DO NOT WRITE IN SHADED AREA 206) 753-6650 0 LAST NAME FIRST 0-5]2WIT,2231/EChurc ) CONTROL NUMBER i-w.::,'....ii-,--.,'',:'-lf•:.',.',.`.--,•'`,"12;z: A':-'..?..''''.''..'- ':-,:-,,:L•";I'r,Faith Covenant Church I 0 STREET OR RURAL ROUTE 111.•..,'.'! 1:1 .v•:';‘.... ::"i:;i.,C::.':'::'.1:::LWAIA';'/,:1111, 1111 South Carr Road CITY STATE ZIP 0 Renton Washington 98055 s. ..-..;...,-:':.:::-..,,,....,:-.':'..:(y:.:..-.;,..:c.. ..::::,:•:::::;A:i z;.:.:..s..'...'-.;...;....',--qT.t;;',',':.,...,:-; ..c..:::,'.:::-,...:-:.14.i.),-z: . E:-,j WATER TRIBMARY TO i- TYPE 0F,PROJECT lItEir filSmallstream“ emptying into Panther Creek Rechannel small stream' QUARTER SECTION TOWNSHIP RANGE (E-W) COUNTY through project site LLel.SECTION NW 32 23N 5E King with outflow at same locatiOn. 7t44141r1.14':;:%:':iS'1.;4.'1.,i.'9..:•;ji''''' ''';''. ...:f'''',C,,Y;:')1,';''''::::'.:''.:D E SC Pi I I,Ti Ci)W.OF('..1A1 0 R K;::,METHOD,. AND EQUIPMENT'":-.....:i.::•:.” ..:':','.:",i":''''''''.:!,..,:`,':::'::;:j..'";:",•:!:',',.. .!'.,,'-',-52:`;::'''''''''::.irlf:::.e3g- It.is proposed that an existing "small stream" be re-channelled through.a portion of a 10.86 acre parcel. This work would include grading to an open bed, lined with quarry . spalls and the banks hydo-seeded. The new stream bed is proposed to be developed except for t . he connection to the existing flow to help minimize disturbances both during const-. uction and after while maintaining the natural bin-filtering system as much as possible. PROPOSED STARTING DATE PROPOSED FINISHING DATE A.S.A.P. based upon permits & approvals No latter than November 1, 1988 a SEPA AGENCY/DATE OF DETERMINATION City of Renton _pending E OTHER PERMITS Building permit Conditional Use Pe it - City of Renton IT IS UNDERSTOOD THAT NO WORK WILL SIG TURE 2ATEBESTARTEDUNTILASIGNEDAPPROVAL ',: celeVie(_---- 1-1/1244,egc, 77).LA at/ Aar I /94iliSfrISRECEIVEDZn- TIME LIMITATIONS:"..;'-i'''(::*.•.•n'i::-.''':•.''`: :'-'f•I'''•••- •• ::. ••-."',..-i-..r., -• -,:. • • i'P.-i•:•.:1:.-,:•-•;•,:,•.• :,,ei. ••.&,•,*?:,•' 1,'.'?.. ..!:,:,.,;;;;z:?..',.-..i 1:::::',.7'.1.•.••.'.:=.••• .:=•.....• •-.= .-.•••••••:••• - - • : •••••• - 2 -. 4:',.:7;,14,.V.,;." ••=•:.;;•=,•i•-i..7.•'•.::••••••'•.•1 -•V:•-•"....;::• •-•:,.•,•:....;:•••--'••.••••;=..- ::F.,- : "-r. .•:,•:,..-:. . -... . .. • . .,. . •..-..:.- .:•. •. . . • •.,, ..; , .... ;,...;,,.: „,:•••,,,,•:-.:-.,:.....-:,`„.:4:.•„-;,.?-•;;:-.'n::: :.?-; :i• 1:C1'.11:"rW..';'"i. 4,.... :•;,..;.::1•-';'-':';',•••••:•-;...:.:;;..'.-..,.:',., ,I>,.4.....-.):•-::...... • -,...'i.:• .,•:.';...,,. ..: '.'..'....,'••..,...,..'•.'.., ' .'..,•• ' .-" . 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''''' • '•1:.•::::•'•'.:';,:.....D.',:, ram. i l I CI-IITECTU AL CONSUL ik-%- 0- C.,4, 0, y,,6,,0, 7 , pFNENrOti52TD, s24444640s7.4i ,t fiJ 2 'l6 JAMES J KUI TI • MARKETING . RICHARD MSWANSON • WEa IIEL'I i„o , May 26, 1988 City of Renton Building and Zoning Departiuent RE Faith Covenant Church 1111 South Carr Road Renton, Washington 98055 SUBJECT: Conditional Use Permit DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION Prior to being annexed into the City of Renton this site was in use as a place of assembly by the Faith Covenant Church. Now, as part of the City of Renton, this site is in an R-1 Residential Zone. Under regulations of the R-1 Residential Zone a Church use may be allowed by Conditional Use Permit as provided in Section 4-748 of the City Code. Therefore, we are hereby applying for said Conditional Use Permit to enable the Faith Covenant Church to enlarge its complex to accounuodate a growing congregation. With this new structure Faith Covenant Church proposes to meet two needs: 1) Additional space for church related activities; and 2) Additional space for community related activities. It is proposed by Faith Covenant Church that this new structure be available as a meeting place for community organizations/or service groups. Being located between the residential community and the commercial cou«uinity in the valley on a route of travel makes this site/project easily accessible by both. It is a know fact that Washington is one of the least churched (in attendance) states in the nation. We feel this is a contributing factor to the increase in the nation and states moral decay and crime. Therefore, it is our opinion that having a growing church congregation in a community will also assist that community by adding to its moral value education through teaching the Bible (the Word of God) and the laws governing right and wrong on which this nation was founded. As a community of individuals increase their love for God they also increase their love and respect for their neighbors. Page 1. Page 2. Faith Covenant Church Conditional Use Permit (Cont.) At the present time there are no other churches in the immediate vicinity. Since Carr Road serves as a major traffic link between the valley freeway and the growing residential community, we feel this site is ideally located to provide the proposed activity spaces as noted previously. Also, we should have a minimum impact on the volume of traffic utilizing Carr Road because the bulk of church attendance occurs on Sundays when most businesses are closed. With the addition of the proposed structure the lot coverage by existing and new buildings would be approximately 1.3% of the total property (10.86 acres) and 3.77 of that portion (3.77 acres) of the total property designated by the Owner (Covenant Development Corporation) for church use. Even with future additions to the Faith Covenant Church Complex the lot coverage will not exceed 18% of the portion of the total property designated for church use. The required setbacks are: Front Yard a minimum of twenty feet (20') ; Rear Yard a minimum of twenty five feet (25') ; and Side Yard a minimum of twenty feet 20') along a street and a minimum of five feet (5') along an interior lot. As shown on Sheet A-1 all current / or proposed building setbacks are at least fifty feet (50') . The height of the proposed building at its principal front measured from the level of the first floor above grade to the center height between eaves and gable ridge is approximately twenty eight feet (28') . This will also be true for proposed future additions. Therefore the thirty five foot (35') maximum height allowed in an R-1 Zone will not be exceeded by any structures proposed for this site. Also, as noted in the Environmental Checklist, because of the slope of the site and the proposed placement of structures there will be a minimum of impact for other structures in regards to sunlight, ventilation and view. We propose all current and future parking to be on-site with a traffic/ parking pattern to ease pedestrian and vehicular circulation. By placing park- ing on several sides of the proposed building(s) we have attempted to spread- out the concentration of vehicles while keeping parking close to the buildings to limit the travel distance for pedestrians. The loop road not only adds to the safety by allowing access to all sides of the main structure, but also by giving two choices of entering/exiting around the new structure to the access to the public street (Carr Road) . Parking/site lighting will be directed away from adjoining properties and will be of a type which will limit its impact. The Page 3. Faith Covenant Church Conditional Use Permit (Cont.) placement of the proposed structure(s) assists in limiting the impact of the proposed exterior lighting while providing for security and safety for those using the site. Also, to limit the impact of adjoining views the area around the proposed structure(s) and its required parking will be landscaped with a variety of trees and shrubs, plus ground cover. This proposed landscaping will not only soften the visual impact of the required parking lot paving, but will also enhance the area for wildlife by the introduction of trees/shrubs which currently do not exist on this site. The landscaping is also designed to provide a variety during the year by a change in color and amount of foliage for part of the trees. To our knowledge all required utility main lines currently exist adjacent to this site in the street right-of-way and only require connections for the new on-site utility lines. We therefore feel this project and its use will not impact the city/community adversely, but will actually be an asset. 4: f^1 Cut( architectural Lighting a r,x) a-,fi Sharp 1a=SERIES Rectilinear, I ype III Distribution SAME AS TAA • 70/1000 W. HID ft' Wet Locations a '`};; 1 HOUSING-Heavy gauge aluminum,continuously seam-welded. Fully gasketed aluminum door day, frame with impact-resistant tempered glass lens.Stainless steel external hardware. f',. 1, .V;,, 4,4 Dark bronze polyester powder finish standard. T ;-',,.OPTICS--Multi-faceted, anodized,one-piece hydroformed aluminum reflector for uniform 41*(1 Type Ill distribution. BALLAST-High power factor,factory tested ballast. Removable power door on medium and EPA: large housings. Electrical components isolated from optical chamber for optimum Housing EPA(incl.arm) operation. 250W pl LAMPS) 1,8 N?/.17 m2andlover Except INSTALLATION-Extruded aluminum arm for pole/wall mount standard;mast-arm optional. 250W(HPS)& APPLICATIONS-Parking lots,driveways, malls. 400W(all sources) 2.31121.22m2 1000W(all sources) 3.0 11.2/.28 m2 For MA deduct.6 ft.2/.06m2 from above values. ORDERING INFORMATION Lamp Type Catalogue Voltage Ballast Lamp Weight Length Width Depth Wattage Number Specify) Type Description Lbs-Kg.In.-cm In.-Cm In-cm 70 KAA 70 S SP12 17- 7.73 21-53.34 15 -38.10 71/4-18.42 100 KAA 100 S SP12 19- 8.64 21-53.34 15 -38.10 71/4-18.42 High 150* KAA 150 S SP 12 20- 9.09 21-53.34 15 -38.10 71/4-18.42 Pressure 200 KAA 200 S SP12 Auto. 22-10.00 21-53.34 15 -38.10 71/4-18.42 Mog/Clear Sodium 250 KAA 250 S SP12. Reg. 24-10.91 24-60.96 19'/z-49.53 9'/z-24.13 39-17.73 24-60.96 191/2-49.53 92-24.13 400 KAA 400 S SP12. 53-24.09 30-76.20 231/8-58.74 101/2-26.67 1000 KAA 1000 S SP 12 •120 19- 8.64 21-53.34 15 -38.10 7V4-18.42 175 KAA 175 MP SP12+ 208 Peak 21- 9.55 21-53.34 15 -38.10 71/4-18.42 Metal 250 KAA 250 M SP12 240 Lead Mog/Clear 31-14.09 24-60.96 19'/z-49.53 91/z-24.13 Halide 400 KAA 400 M SP12 480 47-21.36 30-76.20 23'/a-58.74 101/2-26.67 1000 KAA 1000 M SP12 480 100 KAA 100 H SP12 15- 6.82 21-53.34 15 -38.10 71/4-18.42 l 175 KAA 175 H 5P12 18- 8.18 21-53.34 15 -38.10 71/4-18.42 Mercury 250 KAA.250 H SP12 CWA Mog/Coated 19- 8.64 21.-53.34 15 -38.10 71/4-18.42 400 KAA 400 H SP12 30-13.64 24-60.96 191/2-49.53 91/2-24.13 1000 KAA 1000 H SP12 45-20.45 30-76.20 231/8-58.74 101/2-26.67 Distributor Stocking Item.Square pole mounting is shown.Round pole mounting(RP12)and wall(WB12)or wood mounting(WW12)are available as standard.Mast Arm(MA)option available Inmediumandlargehousingsonly.Optional Degree Arm provides adjustable up-tilt capabilities in 5 degree increments to 30 degrees from horizontal.Specify DA12P for round orsquarepolemountingandDA12Wforwallmounting.II the above mountings are desired,change catalog number.Example:KAA 70S RP12 120. Uses 55 volt lamp,100 volt available,specify on order.KAA 175 MP includes socket for universal burning and position oriented lamps.KAA 250 M includes socket or universal burning lamps only.When using lamps requiring apositionorientedsocket,a P must be added to catalog number.Ex.KAA 250 MP SP12. NOTE:All arms are shipped as separate item. For additional information and photometric data, refer to Hi-Tek Submittal Sheet: KAA W 7 ftiii4, OPTIONS ACCESSORIES Suffix to Number Daaerlptlon LD Cat.No. Description PER/PE .NEMA Twist-Lock PE Receptacle KAAVGS Vandal Guard,KAA 200. Photocontrol for 120,208,240V KAAVGM Vandal Guard,KM 400 PER/PE4 NEMA Twist-Lock PE Receptacle KAAVGL Vandal Guard,KAA 1000 • Photocontrol for 480V T2-XXX 2"IPS Tenon Adapter(see chart below) PER/PE7 NEMA Twist-Lock PE Receptacle T3-XXX 21/2"IPS Tenon Adapter(see chart below) Photocontrol for 277V PER NEMA Twist-Lock Receptacle only. T4-XXX . 31/2"IPS Tenon Adapter(see chart below) No Photocontrol NOTE:For more details,see Architectural Accessories,p.100. ORS Quartz Restrike System DC Architectural Color(Specify-See P.161) 1.T 3 3 4 MA Mast Arm Adaptor+ nx1 flaunts 1642"' fixtures Muses 1604r44 Trnen woo- MO. M1ifS Mp• Mure Sus H$ House Side Shield 2-1V o.D. ' T2.190 T2.2210 T2.290 T2-320 12.090 T2.490 DAi 2P Degree Arm for Pole'4"4- O.D.74.190 T4•2a0 T3-290 T4-320 T4390 144110 DA12W Degree Arm for Wall' NOTE:For more details,see Architectural Options p.98.To order,replace SP12 designation in the catalog number with the desired optional mounting designation. Available in medium and large housing only. S 1 f W//&N/A 88. 0:;- .MICROLITER© LUMINAIRE y;+ -DIU;M BASE LAMP)•' Reflector System Mounting A one-piece aluminum, hydroformed parabolic reflector To make installation quicker and easier,each Microliter with exclusive Anodal®finish provides maximum reflectivity luminaire is shipped with a factory installed lamp.All units and beam control.The reflector is designed to produce feature a 1/2 inch threaded knuckle with locking teeth for a Type 5 horizontal x Type 3 vertical beam spread when a rigid multi-purpose aiming. Knuckles are also protected clear lamp is used.The reflector assembly is field adjustable with a durable bronze Lektrocote® finish. by rotating 90 When this occurs, it will provide a Type 3 horizontal x Type 5 vertical beam spread for use on Additional Features. column, sign, marquee and facade lighting. All units are All units are UL-1572 listed,suitable for wet locations. shipped with a factory installed lamp.100 and 150 watt units Optional mounting accessories and photocontrols are also are shipped with a clear lamp. 50 and 70 watt units are available. shipped with a coated lamp and provide the wide distribution 5x6) required for lighting applications having setback MICROLITER® limitations. DOOR&LENS ASSEMBLY 1 REFLECTOR SYSTEM Rugged, Weathertight Housing One-piece, lightweight, die-cast aluminum housing is TAMPER- t-`' '-" M/ A - designed for heavy-duty applications where long life and RESISTANT maintenance-free service are essential.Additionally,a satin SCREW tl( °r;? x . • 1. iu?.,,.- 4: smooth protective bronze Lektrocote® finish having a chip resistance of up to 4H pencil hardness is applied. x t x '4. , H DIE CAST One-Piece Door& Lens Assembly a. ALUMINUM A die-cast aluminum door frame pivots on two cast hinges,AL,-Fdti t- HOUSING and the door is secured with two stainless steel captive 101_. iT' •'.r .. y-screws. A thermal shock and impact resistant glass lens is gip,:, ,5r, provided and sealed to the fixture housing by a continuous I,;,,.' yi , ;y ,'.;r - • high-temperature silicone gasket to ensure weathertight operation. Integral Cold Weather Ballast Both NPF and HPF high pressure sodium ballastry are MEDIUM BASE, available and integrally mounted to the housing for FACTORY INSTALLED LAMP HEAVY DUTY'/,' KNUCKLE maximum heat dissipation and cooler operation. All NPF NI....,....- WITH LOCK NUT units are 120 volt. HPF Units are available in 120/277 volt on 50 and 70 watt luminaires and Quad-Tap (120,208, 240,277 volt) on 100 and 150 watt luminaires.All ballasts are suitable for-40°F cold weather operation. MICROLITER®If-LUMINAIRE (DOUBLE,ENDED LAMP) Reflector System Mounting A one-piece aluminum, hydroformed parabolic reflector To make installation quicker and easier,each Microliter with exclusive Anodal®finish provides maximum reflectivity , luminaire is shipped with a factory installed lamp. All units and beam control. Microliter®II Luminaires are available in feature a 1/2 inch threaded knuckle with locking teeth for two beam spreads:a wide beam Nema 5x6 spread for general rigid multi-purpose aiming.Knuckles are also protected with floodlighting and a narrow beam Nema 2x2 spread for a durable bronze Lektrocote® finish. maximum punch.All units are shipped with factory installed double-ended lamp. Additional Features All units are UL-1572 listed,suitable for wet locations. Rugged, Weathertight Housing Optional mounting accessories and photocontrols are also One-piece, lightweight, die-cast aluminum housing is available. designed for heavy duty applications where long life and maintenance-free service are essential.Additionally,a satin MICROLITER®a smooth protective bronze Lektrocote® finish having a chip DOOR&LENS ASSEMBLY REFLECTOR SYSTEM resistance of up to 4H pencil hardness is applied. One-Piece Door& Lens Assembly q „x:' '••}•,5 i ' ,,,r'i •y,,:, y,^., DIE CAST A die-cast aluminum door frame pivots on two cast hinges. a:ALUMINUM The door is secured with two stainless steel captive screws.is HOUSING A thermal shock and impact resistant glass lens is provided and sealed to the fixture housing by a continuous high-t;, temperature silicone gasket to ensure weathertight V` `° ter. r operation. Integral Cold Weather Ballast fy.;`4,} tyi;*^` " The metal halide HPF ballast is integrally mounted to the t' £'" ai 11, housing for maximum heat dissipation and cooler operation. All ballasts are Quad-Tap (120,208, 240,277 volt)and ry =' suitable for operation down to-30°F. DOUBLE-ENDED, IWN,^ FACTORY INSTALLED LAMP HEAVY DUTY 4i'KNUCKLE i WITH LOCK NUT Ra 52. ECF: OSI-AE o t% 0 z City of Renton LU: w A51"Ao 2 4 0 ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST 9gTFD SEPSE P Purpose of Checklist: The State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), chapter 43,21 C RCW, requires all governmental agencies to consider the environmental impacts of a proposal before making decisions. An environmental impact statement (EIS) must be prepared for allproposals with probable significant adverse impacts on the quality of the environment. The purpose of this checklist is to provide information to help you and the agency identify impacts from your proposal (and to reduce or avoid impacts from the proposal, if it can be done) and to help the agency decide whether an EIS is required. Instructions for Applicants: This environmental checklist asks you to describe some basic information about your proposal. Governmental agencies use this checklist to determine whether the environmental impacts of your proposal are significant, requiring preparation of an EIS. Answer the questions briefly, with the most precise information known, or give the best description you can. You must answer each question accurately and carefully, to the best of your knowledge. In most cases, you should be able to answer the questions from your own observations or project plans without the need to hire experts. If you really do not know the answer, or if a question does not apply to your proposal, write "do not know" or "does not apply." Complete answers to the questions now may avoid unnecessary delays later. Some questions ask about governmental regulations, such as zoning, shoreline, and landmark designations. Answer these questions if you can. If you have problems, the governmental agencies can assist you. The checklist questions apply to all parts of your proposal, even if you plan to do them over a period of time or on different parcels of land. Attach any additional information that will help describe your proposal or its environmental effects. The agency to which you submit this checklist may ask you to explain your answers or provide additional information reasonably related to determining if there may be significant adverse impacts. Use of Checklist for Nonproject Proposals: (Please Type or Print Legibly) Complete this checklist for nonproject proposals, even though questions may be answered "does not apply." IN ADDITION, complete the SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET FOR NONPROJECT ACTIONS (part D). For nonproject actions (actions involving decisions on policies, plans and programs), the references in the checklist to the words "project," "applicant," and "property or site" should be read as "proposal," "proposer," and "affected geographic area," respectively. A. BACKGROUND 1. Name of proposed project, if applicable: Faith Covenant Church - Phase III 2. Name of applicant: Faith_Covenant _Church - 3. Address and phone number of applicant and contact person: Applicant: 1111 South Carr Road Contact: Richard M. Swanson Renton, Washington 98055 5224 - 12th. St. E. Tacoma Wa. 98424 206) 228-8221 206) 922-1661 4. Date checklist prepared: May 26, 1988 5. Agency requesting checklist: Building & Zoning Department 6. Proposed timing or schedule (including phasing, if applicable): Phase III to be constructed as soon as applicable permits can be obtained. Future phases to follow in approximately 5 year intervals. CITY CF RENTOAI BUILDIN JUN 01988 7. Do you have any G:>:. . ,, for future additions, expansions, further activity related to or connected with this proposal? if yes, explain. This proposal is for Phase three. Future phases are planned as the size of the congregation expands to the full extent possible for the site. 8. List any environmental information you know about that has been prepared, or will be prepared, directly related to this proposal. I know of none other than this checklist and previous checklists for Phases I & II when under the regulation of King County. 9. Do you know whether applications are pending for governmental approvals of other proposals directly affecting the property covered by your proposal? If yes, explain. It is our understanding that applications are pending for the extension of 103rd. Street by Covenant Development Corporation which will change our site access and define the size of the property devoted for this church. 10. List any governmental approvals or permits that will be needed for your proposal, if known. Building Permit, Electrical Permit, Mechanical Permit, Conditional Use Permit, Utility Permit. 11. Give brief, complete description of your proposal, including the proposed uses and the size of the project and site. There are several questions later in this checklist that ask you to describe certain aspects of your proposal. You do not need to repeat those answers on this page. Phase III is to provide a new multi-purpose space for the expansion of the church complex. It will include additional restroom facilities, a kitchen, additional classrooms for Sunday School, and administrative offices. Also, additional on-site parking with appropriate. drives will be added in proportion to the expanded occupancy load. This project is for use as a place of assembly for the community in the form of a church. 12. Location of the proposal. Give sufficient information for a person to understand the precise location of your proposed project, including a street address, if any, and section, township, and range if known. If a proposal would occur,over a range of area, provide the range or boundaries of the site(s). Provide a legal description, site plan, vicinity map, and topography map, if reasonably available. While you should submit any plans required by the agency, you are not required to duplicate maps or detailed plans submitted with any permit applications, related to this checklist. Phase III is located on the same site as Faith Covenant Church, which is located at 1111 South Carr Rd. This site would be located in the southwest corner of the intersection of Carr Rd. and 103rd. St. extended. It is in Section 32, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. B. ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS 1. EARTH a. General description of the site (circle one); flat, rolling, hilly, steep slopes, mountainous, other b. What is the steepest slope on the site (approximate percent slope)? 20%± within the area proposed limits of construction for this project. c. What general types of soils are found on the site (for example, caly, sand, gravel, peat, muck)? If you know the classification of agricultural soils, specify them and note any prime farmland. The underlying soil is a medium-dense, very silty sand covered by top soil and portions of loose fill which are designed to be re- moved during construction so that the structure bears on firm soil. d. Are there surface indications or history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity? If so, describe. There has been some slippage on-site of the fill when it was cut at too steep a grade. Otherwise there are no amounts of unstable soil in this area to our knowledge. 2 - e. Describe the pose, type, and approximate qua ies of any filling or grading proposes. Indicate source of fill. Approximately 6,000 cubic yards of material will be relocated on- site to crea1 'a building location and decrease slope of proposed f.11lQ ArOSon occur as a result of clearing, construction, or use? If so, generally describe. With the slope of the site erosion could occur and that is why part of the construction document package includes an erosion control plan. g. About what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after project construction (for example, asphalt or buildings)? Of the total site the percent of site that will be covered with existing & proposed is 8.6%. Of the area designated for this church h. ; PfeOAgElefteaosUrgitfo cj v tkced 4scont?6I erosion, or other impacts to the earth, if any: During construction the requirements in the erosion control plan will be followed. Afterwards the site will be land- scaped and graded to minimize the possibility of erosion. 2. AIR a. What types of emissions to the air would result from the proposal (i.e., dust, automobile, odors, industrial wood smoke) during construction and when the project is completed? If any, generally describe and give approximate quantities if known. What will be exhausted to the air will be auto emissions, restroom exhaust fans, kitchen hood fan, and potential HVAC exhaust air. b. Are there any off-site sources of emission? Not to our knowledge within the general neighborhood. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or other impacts to air, if any: None proposed besides landscaping and the placement of parking around the structures so that the auto emissions are not concentrated into one single area. 3. WATER a. Surface: 1) Is there any surface water body on or in the immediate vicinity of the site including year-round and seasonal streams, saltwater, lakes, ponds, wetlands)? If yes, describe type and provide names. If appropriate, state what stream or river it flows into. There is a small stream traveling across the site on the extreme southerly boundary of the proposed construction area. This flow eventually finds its way into the valley and I assume the Green River system. 2) Will the project require any work over, in, or adjacent to (within 200 feet) the described waters? If yes, please describe and attach available plans. The grading/storm detention/retention plans shows the need to reroute this drainage stream around the proposed parking area and to become part of the total plan of control. 3)'Estimate the amount of fill and dredge material that would be placed in or removed from surface water or wetlands and indicate the area of the site that would be affected. Indicate the source of fill material. Because of the size and nature of the existing drainage stream it is proposed that on-site materials will be utilized to reroute the flow line. along the southerly and westerly sides of the proposed development/construction area. 3 - 4) Will the pr,, sal require surface water withdri s or diversions? Give general description, purpose, and approximately quantities if known. Besides the drainage stream noted above, the placement of nonpervious materials on the site will cause a diversion of surface waters. This water will be controlled by use of a detention system. 5) Does the proposal lie within a 100-year floodplain? If so, note location on the site plan. Not to our knowledge. 6) Does the proposal involve any discharges of waste materials to surface waters? If so, describe the type of waste and anticipated volume of. discharge. Only on the small possibility there is a break in either the piping for the sewer system or the storm system. Otherwise no discharge is planned. b. Ground: 1) Will ground water be withdrawn, or will water be discharged to ground water? Give general description. purpose, and appaoximately quantities if known. None is planned unless there is an accidental break in an underground piping system. 2) Describe waste material that will be discharged into the ground from septic tanks or other sources, if any (for example: Domestic sewage; industrial, containing the following chemicals . . .; agricultural; etc.). Describe the general size of the system, the number of such systems, the number of houses to be served (if applicable), or the number of animals or humans the system(s) are expected to serve. None proposed. c. Water Runoff (including storm water): 1) Describe the source of runoff (including storm water) and method of collection and disposal, if any (include quantities, if known). Where will this water flow? Will this water flow into other waters? If so, describe. Storm water will be collected, retained in an underground piping system with detaining opening so that the runoff will not exceed conditions prior to construction. 2) Could waste materials enter ground or surface waters? If so, generally describe. Only if an accidental break were to occur in an underground pipe. 4 - d. Proposed me. 'es to reduce or control surface, _ mnd, and runoff water impacts, if any: As shown on the construction documents, a collection system is proposed to collect runoff,--ground water where i could build-up against the proposed structure, and and other storm waters so that the off-site flow is maintained at its undeveloped flow rate. 4. Plants a. Check or circle types of vegetation found on the site: It deciduous tree: alder, maple, aspen, other zi evergreen tree: fir, cedar, pine, other o Shrubs lo grass o crop or grain it Wet soil plants: cattail, buttercup, bullrush, skunk cabbage, other o water plants: water lily, eel grass, milfoil, other O other types of vegetation b. What kind and amount of vegetation will be removed or altered? The vegetation within the construction limits will be removed because of the need to revise the topography of the site for the building and parking. c. List threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. None to our knowledge. d. Proposed landscaping, use of native plants, or other measures to preserve or enhance vegetation on the site, if any: On the landscaping plan included in the construction document package are shown the addition .of a variety of trees, both evergreen and deciduous, along with shrubs and grass in the form of lawn areas. 5. Animals a. Circle any birds and animals which have been observed on or near the site or are known to be on or near the site: Birds: Hawk, heron, eagle, songbirds other robins. crows Mammals: deer, bear, elk, be ver, other Fish: bass, sa mon, trout, herring, shellfish, other b. List any threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. None to our knowledge. c. Is the site part of a migration route? If so, explain. Not to our knowledge. 5 - d. Proposed m', .Ares to preserve or enhance wildlif. ' any: With our proposed landscaping we hope to enhance the wildlife in the way of birds, etc. by the addition of a variety of types of trees and shrubs which produce more color and types of space then currently exist. It is understood that any addition of development to an undeveloped space will alter the quantity of space for wildlife, but we hope we have negated some of that i«ipact with the landscaping plan. 6. Energy and Natural Resources a. What kinds of energy (electric, natural gas, oil, wood stove, solar) will be used to meet the completed project's energy needs? Describe whether it will be used for heating, manufacturing, etc. The major heating source will be natural gas. Gas will also be utilized for cooking. Electricity will be needed for lighting and some heating along with exhaust fans and other plug-in appliances such as projectors and vacuums. b. Would your project affect the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties? If so, generally describe. Because of the size and placement of the proposed structure, both for Phase III and future phases there should be no impact on the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties. c. What kinds of energy conservation features are included in the plans of this proposal? List other proposed measures to reduce or control energy impacts, if any: The only conservation features proposed for this project are use of insulation in the building envelop and placement of part of the structure into the earth to reduce/control energy impacts. 7. Environmental Health a. Are there any environmental health hazards, including exposure to toxic chemicals, risk of fire and explosion, spill, or hazardous waste, that could occur as a result of this proposal? If so, describe. Any time a structure is erected and people are involved there is the possibility of a fire, spill of fluids such as cleaners and/or automobile lubricants/gasoline. 1) Describe special emergency services that might be required. With the addition of people to this site there is the possible need for fire, police, ambulance, and/or other emergency services. 2) Proposed measures to reduce or control environmental health hazards, if any: To ease environmental impacts we have proposed access to all floors at grade, an exhaust system within the building along with the fire-rated construction systems. b. Noise 1) What types of noise exist in the area which may affect your project (for example: traffic, equipment, operation, other)? The major noise is traffic noise with minimum amount of airplane noise. 6 - 2) What types a evals of noise would be created t. r associated with the project on a' short-term or a long-term basis (for example: traffic, construction, operation, other)? Indicate what hours noise would come from the site. f During construction there will be vehicular noise onto the site along with normal construction noise such as hammering which would generally occur between 7a.m. and 6p.m. In the long run the major cause of noise will be automobile traffic with the largest amount occuring on sundays between 9a.m. and 1p.m. 3) Proposed measures to reduce or control noise impacts, if any: The addition of trees along the parking areas and placement of the structure are the only measures proposed to reduce or control noise impacts. 8. Land and Shoreline Use a. What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties? Orurrently a portion of the site is being used as a church/assembly area, with the balance of the site undeveloped. Adjacent property to the west is couiercial - landscaping yard, to the south is undeveloped, to the north is residential with open spaces, and to the east is residential. b. Has the site been used for agriculture? If so, describe. Not to our knowledge, except for home use over ten years ago when there was a residence on the site before the additon of the church building. c. ' Describe any structures on the site. The existing structure is a single story frame building of approx- imately 2,500 squ. ft. which is used for a church. d. Will any structures be demolished? If so, what? The existing structure will continue to be utilized as part of the church complex. e. What is the current zoning classification of the site? The current zoning classification is R-1 f. What is the current comprehensive plan designation of the site? The current comprehensive plan designation is residential g. If applicable, what is the current shoreline master program designation of the site? None to our knowledge h. Has any part of the site been classified as an "environmentally sensitive" area? If so, specify. Not to our knowledge. i. Approximately how many people would reside or work in the completed project? It is planned that up to 3 paid staff could work on the site with j. AAWoki:Atif hay AVIV p ie would the completed project displace? No displacement of people will occur because of this project. k. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce displacement impacts, if any: None proposed because we feel none are needed since we are not displacing any people. 7 - 1. Proposed n ures to ensure the proposal is co -itible with existing and projected land uses and plans, if any: The only measures proposed to ensure this proposal is compatible with land uses is the required review by the City of Renton. 9. Housing a. Approximately how many units would be provided, if any? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. No housing will be provided with this project. b. Approximately how many units, if any, would be eliminated? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. No units will be eliminated with this project. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control housing impacts, if any: None proposed. 10. Aesthetics a. What is the tallest height of any proposed structure(s), not including antennas; what is the principal exterior building material(s) proposed. The ridge of Phase III is. approximately 31 feet above the lowest adjoining grade. The exterior is wood siding and trim. b. What views in the immediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed? The adding of a structure to an undeveloped site visible from a public road alters the views in the vicinity. The only views which will be obstructed is from the existing church structure to the west, otherwise no views are seen as being obstructed. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control aesthetic impacts, if any: The only measures proposed to control aesthetic impacts are scale of the building components, placement of the parking, and landscaping which interrupt the sighting of large masses. 11. Light and Glare a. What type of light or glare will the proposal produce? What time of day would it mainly occur? The project (Phase III) will add exterior lighting for safety in the area around the building and parking. This would mostly occur from dusk to midnight with some security lighting left on during periods of darkness. b. Could light or glare from the finished project be a safety hazard or interfere with views? By selection of type of lighting fixture and placement on the site we attempted to minimize safety hazards and interference with views. c. What existing off-site sources of light or glare may affect your proposal? Because of the placement of the structure in relationship to Carr Road, vehicular traffic could affect our project. d. Proposed measures to reduce or control light and glare impacts, if any: Our site lighting will be directed away from adjoining properties. Placement of windows, and the building in general should reduce the impact of outside light sources. r? A r (1.4.4,e,......0.- 1- 4,' ( LA yam 12. Recreation a. What designated and informal recreational opportunities are in the immediate vicinity? There are none to our knowledge in the immediate vicinity, except for walking, bicycling, etc. on the public sidewalks which exist along Carr Rd. b. Would the proposed project displace any existing recreational uses? If so, describe. Not to our knowledge. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts on recreation, including recreation opportunities to be provided by the project or applicant, if any: Phase III includes a mult-purpose assembly area which is proposed to be used not only for church services but also recreational activities such as volleyball. Also, with the development of this part of the site additional space will be created for outside games on both the lawn areas and also the parking areas. 13. Historic and Cultural Preservation a. Are there any places or objects listed on, or proposed for, national, state, or local preservation registers known to be on or next to the site? If so, generally describe. Not to our knowledge. b. Generally describe any landmarks or evidence of historic, archaeological, scientific, or cultural importance known to be on or next to the site. None to our knowledge. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts, if any: None proposed. 14. Transportation a. Identify public streets and highways serving the site, and describe proposed access to the existing street system. Show on site plans, if any. The existing church is served by access to Carr Rd. It is proposed the this access still be utilized. b. Is site currently served by public transit? If not, what is the approximately distance to the nearest transit stop? Yes. c. How many parking spaces would the completed project have? How many would the project eliminate? With the addition of Phase III it is proposed that 17 parking spaces be added so that the site would have a new total of 47 spaces. No spaces will be eliminated with this project. 'Additional spaces are planned when future additional occupancy loads would occur with the addition of future building phases. d. Will the proposal require any new roads or streets, or improvements to existing roads or streets, not including driveways? If so, generally describe indicate whether public or private). Not to our knowledge. 9 - e. Will the pr¢„ _.'t use (or occur in the immediate /riity of) water, rail, or air transportation? If so, generally describe. Not to our knowledge. f. How many vehicular trips per day would be generated by the completed project? If known, indicate when peak volumes would occur. The completed Phase III could generate 210 trips per day which g. Propl1lki'reor T khLiM.alic4t1rnsli a' y: No measures are proposed to reduce or control transportation impacts besides keeping the parking spaces away from the drive entrance to ease ingress and egress from the site. 15. Public Services a. Would the project result in an increased need for public services (for example: fire protection, police protection, health care, schools, other)? If so, generally describe. By adding people (potentially) to a site there could be an increase in the need for public services such as fire, police, medic-One, etc. b. Proposed measures to reduce or control direct impacts on public services, if any. The only measures proposed are placement of a loop drive around the structure and at-grade access to the structure at both levels. 16. Utilities a. Circle utilities currently available at the site: ele tricit atural gas er, re use service a ep one, sa sep is system, other. b. Describe the utilities that are proposed for the project, the utility providing the service, and the general construction activities on the site or in the immediate vicinity which might be needed. We propose to utilize all the above circled utilities. The only construction activity should be on-site extensions from existing services in the right-of-way adjacent to our project. C. SIGNATURE I, the undersigned, state that to the best of my knowledge the above information is true and complete. It is understood that the lead agency may withdraw any declaration of non-significance that it might issue in reliance upon this checklist should there be any willful misrepresentat'on or willful lack of full disclosure on my part. Proponent: 4tz Name Printed: --17 e AI, Sal9-ic.95e2J 10 - 176 11-8-84