HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA98-050i ur1 — ciq-05o Road South and.north'aand'wesVof•I-405) from IH (Industrial Heary)and C0;(Com-I CITY OF RENTON:- :e mercial Office)to CA(Commercial Arterial) NOTICE OF ORDINANCE ADOPTED BY (Puget Westtern CPA 98 M 5`Flle No' LUA RENTON CITY COUt JVA.)=- 98.033). • ,-AWa.:+U404.6 t4L.14•ak..,e r Following is summary'of ordinances Effective:10/14/98 !r:Atii q0-?:1'1: ' AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION f adopted by the Renton City Council on • Complete text'of these ordinances can October 5, 1998: be read at Renton City Hall;City,ClerkORDINANCENO.4741 Division 7th''Floor,1055 So.Grady Way,x•• An ordinance of the City''of Renton, and at the Renton Public Library,=100 Mill Lori L. Furnish first duly sworn on oath states that he/she is the Legal Clerk of the i`• Washington, amending sections 5-1-2.D Avenue South. Upon request to the City and 5-1-2.E and rescinding section 5-1-2.G Clerk's office (425-430-6510)'copies will of Chapter 1, Fee Schedule, of Title V .also be mailed for a fee. Finance± and Business Re ulations of--Marilyn J:Petersen---•a---- _--SOUTH COUNTY JOURNAL rdinance No. 4260•entitled "Code yof., City lerk General Ordinances of the City of Renton, _ Published in the South n Joumal600S. Washington Avenue, Kent, Washington 98032 Washington" relating to the supplements ` October9,1998.5261..;, i ry,x jfandsalepriceofthereorganizedTitleIV ' a dailynewspaper seventimes a week. Said newspaper is a le al Development Regulations. published 7) g IF Effective: 11/8/98 newspaper of general publication and is now and has been for more than six months ^s • ORDINANCE NO.4742 \ prior to the date of publication, referred to, printed and published in the English language;: An ordinance of the City'of:Renton;' the zoning,classifi-.. continually as a daily newspaper in Kent, King County, Washington. The South County cation of certain ngton, apgroperti s within the City Journal has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the j of Renton(one parcel consisting of 3.4 acr- es with access from Rainier Avenue North) State of Washington for King County. from RS(Residential Single Family).to CA The notice in the exact form attached, was published in the South County Commercial'.Arterial) (Rainier-Avenue Journal (and not in supplemental form) which was regularly distributed to the subscribers North CPA98 M-3;File No.LUA98 046). during the below stated period. The annexed notice, a Effective:lORDINANCE0/14/98 , NO.N0.4743 An ordinance of the City of Renton, Ordinance Posted Washington changing the zoning classifica- tion of certain properties within the City'of Renton(five parcels consisting of 1.36 acr- es bounded by Reton Avnue Extension,as published on: 10/9/98 Hayes Place,S.W.nRainierAvenue South, S.W. Victoria Street and Hardie Avenue The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of $120.67 S.W.)from CA(Commercial Arterial)to R-.., Legal Number 5261 r— 10 (Residential 10 DU/AC) (Hardie/Hayes g CPA 98-M-10;File No.LUA 981050): Effective 10/14/98 4-4 ORDINANCE NO.4744 r e An ordinance of the City of Renton;jiL. •Washington changing the zoning classifica-% tion of certain properties within the City oftiLegalClerk, outh County Journal Renton(two parcels consisting of 2.5 acres . and .5 acres located at Cedar Avenue South and S.E. 172nd Street) from R-101Subscribedandswornbeforemeonthisdayof _ e119 )Residential 10 DU/AC)to R-8(Residential] 8 DU/AC)(O'Conner Plat CPA-98-M-8;FilgrtNo.LUA 98-045).1^ Effective:10/14/98 I'.::'; t,l1ttt1. ,.--. 6)(_,.k..t..-0-U1-4Th I^ , -q ORDINANCE NO.474511 1 \\ l t: ! i, An ordinance of the City'of Renton,.} @,•.•_••• Washington changing the zoning classifica- tion of certain properties1NotaryPublicoftheStateofWashingtonwithinthe:City'of; re'irfinn in Pe r-in Renton (one parcel consisting of 8 acres iocd[eo . at 4aU Lake Washington. King County, Washington Boulevard between N. 44th Street, I-405', and Lake Washington Boulevard, North) from IM (Industrial Medium)to COR Cen-t\v ter Office Residential)(Pan Abode;File No... LUA 95 049). 0,%. 0r.IJ H S\\`•` Effective: 10/14/98 ORDINANCE NO.4746 4rrrttttlttt An ordinance of the City of Renton, . I Washington changing the zoning classifica- t Legal Clerk, S OUth County Journal Renton pi certain properties within the City of , Renton(two parcels consisting of 2.5 acreS . and ..5 acres located at Cedar Avenue South,and S.E. 172nd Street) from R-10<j I Residenal10DU/AC)toR8(ResidentialhSubscribedandswornbeforemeonthis _1 ay of 1 DU/AC)(O'Connor Plat CPA-98-M-8;plc/No.LUA 98-045). Effective:10/14/98' ` S',F' tttt t i t l t tiff/ CULijefi--1—NORDINANCE N0.ty of`,‘- xx f 1. i,'''` VV.\An ordinance•of the City of Renton, Washington changing the zoning classifica NotaryPublic of the State of Washington lion of certain properties within the City of;`ti:^;g Renton (one parcel consisting of 8 acres Q, residing in Renton located ''at 4350 Lake Washington, King County, Washington Boulevard between N. 44th Street, 1-405 and Lake Washington Boulevard, North) ' from IM(Industrial Medium)to COR(Cen-LV G_. ter Office Residential)(Pan Abode;File No.,.• i. p..p: LUA 95 049). 2 3 ti.-•-V Effective: 10/14/98 0 it tltlSkt, 1 0`` An ordinanceAofCheOCity46 of Renton, . Washington changing the zoning classifica- tion of certain properties within the City of;. Renton(two parcels consisting of 7.41 acr- es& 5.24 acres located at N. 8th Street;,,t' Park Avenue North'and Garden Avenue T North)from I-H (Industrial Heavy)to C-O+i Commercial Office) (Boeing Commercial,. Airplane Group CPA 98-M-9; File No. LUA 98-041).' Effective:10/14/98 ORDINANCE NO.4747 ,• , An ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington changing the zoning classifica tion of certain properties within the City of i Renton(one parcel consisting of 20 acres located south of Grady Way,east of Talbot Vh' t CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 4743 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTIES WITHIN THE CITY OF RENTON FROM CA (COMMERCIAL ARTERIAL) TO R-10 RESIDENTIAL 10 DU/AC) (HARDIE/HAYES CPA 98-M-10; FILE NO. LUA 98-050). WHEREAS, under Section 4.2.020 of Chapter 2, Land Use Districts, of Title IV Development Regulations), of Ordinance No. 4260 known as the "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton," as amended, and the maps and reports adopted in conjunction therewith, the property hereinbelow described has heretofore been zoned as CA(Commercial Arterial) and WHEREAS, the City of Renton initiated a proceeding for change of zone classification of said property. This matter was duly referred to the Planning Commission for investigation, study, and public hearing, and a public hearing having been held thereon on or about June 10, 1998, and said matter having been duly considered by the Planning Commission, and said zoning request being in conformity with the City's Comprehensive Plan, as amended by Ordinance No. 4734, and the City Council having duly considered all matters relevant thereto, and all parties having been heard appearing in support thereof or in opposition thereto; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The following described property in the City of Renton is hereby rezoned to R- 10 (Residential 10 DU/AC), as hereinbelow specified. The Neighborhood and Strategic Planning Director is hereby authorized and directed to change the maps of the Zoning Ordinance, as amended, to evidence said rezoning, to-wit: 1 ORDINANCE NO. 4743 See Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein. Five parcels consisting of 1.36 acres are bounded by Renton Avenue Extension, Hayes Place, S.W., Rainier Avenue South, S.W. Victoria Street and Hardie Avenue, S.W.) SECTION H. This Ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval, and five days after it. publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 5thday of October 1998. Marilyn J. et r n, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 5thday of October 1998. Je anner, Mayor Approved as Arm: Lawrence J. Warren, City torney Date of Publication: 10/9/98 (Summary) ORD.73 9:9/14/98:as. 2 EXHIBIT A 17(6 LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR PROPERTIES REVIEWED IN 98-M-10 Those portions of Lots 1 and 2, Block 30, Earlington Acre Tracts, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Volume 15, Page 84, Records of King County, Washington, and those portions of the Northeast quarter and Northwest quarter, all in Section 18, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., City of Renton, King County, Washington, more particularly described as follows: That tract of land within the City of Renton bounded on the north by Renton Avenue Extension, on the east by Hayes Place SW and Rainier Avenue South, on the south by SW Victoria St., and on the west by Hardie Avenue SW. EXCEPT that portion lying south and east of the following described line: Commencing at the intersection of the northerly right-of-way line of SW Victoria St., said right-of-way being 25 feet in width, and the easterly right-of-way line of Hardie Avenue SW, said right-of-way being 60 feet in width; Thence North 89° 47' 45" East along said northerly right-of-way line of SW Victoria St., a distance of 81.68 feet,to the True Point of Beginning of the above referenced line; Thence North 04°26' 15" West, a distance of 56.03 feet; Thence North 53° 21' 15" West, a distance of 72.92 feet, to an intersection with the northerly right-of-way line of vacated Renton Avenue, (County Road); Thence northeasterly along said northerly right-of-way line of vacated Renton Avenue, to an intersection with the westerly right-of-way line of Hayes Place SW and Rainier Avenue South and the end of the hereinbefore described line. TS_SERV ER\sys2\\COMMON\H:\DIV SION.S\UTILITIE.S\TECHNICA.SER\LEGALS\98040801.DOC\ t- H. Property located on the Block bordered by Hardie, Hayes, Rainier Ave. Change from Employment Area Commercial to Residential Options with concurrent rezoning to Residential 10 Dwelling Units per Acre (R-10) according to the following map. cu Mill V(if cs MEW NW 2nd Pl 3 z ME= CD CD Q Q o L. Ci H-- NW 2nd St 1 IP di ois_______ o z 0, 1 0 sty victor' S ria I -) n, Ave SW Q L_ n) Y CS SV end St C E• 1 iiit 4 i s z S 2nd St Amendment 98-M- 10 0 200' 400' Q Neighborhoods do Strategic Planning 1 :2,400 ED/ Sapp, SP T.c i1e l, R. MacOnte R land Use and R-10 Zoning y Renton City Limits October 5, 1998 Renton City Council Minutes Page 318 Resolution#3355 A resolution was read expressing support for the submission by King County of Parks: Family Aquatic Center a levy proposal to the voters on November 3, 1998, to fund a family pool. Bond Issue, Council Support MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of October 12, 1998 for second and final reading: Police: Pawn Sho•p Hours of An ordinance was read amending Section 6-7-26 of Chapter 17,Pawn Brokers,Operation of Title VI,Police Regulations, of City Code,by regulating the hours of pawn shop operation. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER- WHEELER, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 10/12/98. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for second and final reading: Ordinance#4741 An ordinance was read amending Sections 5-1-2.D and 5-1-2.E and rescinding Development Services: Title Section 5-1-2.G of Chapter 1,Fee Schedule, of Title V(Finance and Business IV Fee Changes Regulations) of City Code relating to the supplements and sale price of the reorganized Title IV Development Regulations. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance#4742 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of one parcel Rezone: Rainier Ave N, R-98- consisting of 3.4 acres with access from Rainier Ave. N. from Residential 046 Single Family (RS)to Commercial Arterial (CA); File No. R-98-046. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance#4743 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of five parcels Rezone: Hardie/Hayes Site, R- consisting of 1.36 acres bounded by the Renton Ave. extension, Hayes P1. SW, 98-050 Rainier Ave. S., SW Victoria St. and Hardie Ave. SW from Commercial Arterial (CA)to Residential-10 Dwelling Units per Acre (R-10); File No. R-98- 050. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance#4744 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of two parcels Rezone: O'Connor Plat, R-98- consisting of 2.5 acres and 0.5 acres located at Cedar Ave. S. and SE 172nd St. 045 from Residential-10 Dwelling Units per Acre(R-10) to Residential-Eight Dwelling Units per Acre(R-8); File No. R-98-045. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance#4745 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of one parcel Rezone: Pan Abode Site,R- consisting of eight acres located at 4350 Lake Washington Blvd.between N. 98-049 44th St., I-405 and Lake Washington Blvd.N. from Medium Industrial (IM)to Center Office/Residential (COR); File No. R-98-049. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance#4746 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of two parcels Rezone: Boeing Commercial consisting of 7.41 acres and 5.24 acres located at N. 8th St.,Park Ave.N. and Airplane Group Site, R-98-041 Garden Ave. N. from Heavy Industrial (IH)to Commercial Office (CO); File No. R-98-041. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. September 26, 1998 Renton City Council Minutes Page 309 Rezone: Rainier Ave N An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of one parcel Site, R-98-046 consisting of 3.4 acres with access from Rainier Ave. N. from Residential Single Family (RS) to Commercial Arterial (CA); File No. •R-98-046. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL REFER • THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 10/05/98. CARRIED. Rezone: Hardie/Hayes An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of five parcels Site, R-98-050 consisting of 1.36 acres bounded by the Renton Ave. extension, Hayes Pl. SW, Rainier Ave. S., SW Victoria St. and Hardie Ave. SW from Commercial Arterial (CA) to Residential-10 Dwelling Units per Acre (R-10); File No. R- 98-050. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 10/05/98. CARRIED. Rezone: O'Connor Plat, An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of two parcels R-98-045 consisting of 2.5 acres and 0.5 acres located at Cedar Ave. S. and SE 172nd St. from Residential-10 Dwelling Units per Acre (R-10) to Residential-Eight Dwelling Units per Acre (R-8); File No. R-98-045. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 10/05/98. CARRIED. Rezone: Pan Abode Site, An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of one parcel R-98-049 consisting of eight acres located at 4350 Lake Washington Blvd. between N. 44th St., I-405 and Lake Washington Blvd. N. from Medium Industrial (IM) to Center Office/Residential (COR); File No. R-98-049. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 10/05/98. CARRIED. Rezone: Boeing An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of two parcels Commercial Airplane consisting of 7.41 acres and 5.24 acres located at N. 8th St., Park Ave. N. and Group, R-98-041 Garden Ave. N. from Heavy Industrial (IH) to Commercial Office (CO); File No. R-98-041. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 10/05/98. CARRIED. Rezone: Puget Western An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of one parcel Site, R-98-033 consisting of 20 acres located south of Grady Way, east of Talbot Rd. S. and north and west of I-405 from Heavy Industrial (IH) and Commercial Office CO) to Commercial Arterial (CA); File No. R-98-033. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 10/05/98. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Noting that municipal-owned power utilities such as Seattle City Light enjoy Finance: Municipal certain financial advantages which negatively affect customers of private Electric Power Charges electric companies, Council President Edwards suggested that the City send a letter to its Congessional delegation on this issue. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL REFER THIS MATTER TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Citizen Comment: Councilman Corman explained that on September 14th, Council referred Highlands Residents - correspondence it had received from numerous residents on Vashon PI. NE Safety Concerns at and NE 8th St. requesting more signage and police patrols in their area to help Vashon/NE 8th address safety concerns related to parking problems and speeding traffic. Although this letter was referred to the Public Safety Committee, staff has suggested that it would more appropriately be addressed in the Transportation CITY OF.RENTON CURRENT PLANNING DIVISION • AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE-BY MAILING ! . On the 304 day of IApvt.L 1998, I deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing r"'k2C, dettvMI,nafit•ats documents. This information was sent to: Name Representing Departrr ent of Ecology Don Hurter WSDOT KC Wastewater Treatment Division Larry Fisher Washington Department of Fisheries David F. Dietzman Department of Natural Resources Shirley Lukhang Seattle Public Utilities Duwamish Indian Tribe Rod Malcom Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Joe Jainga Puget Sound Energy Signature of Sender) 'SDVcLVu, k • ge,aa e- STATE OF WASHINGTON SS COUNTY OF KING I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that /d-2,,x, fit' e,signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for th uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. yDated: 5/W g 7)1y,Ll-11-1/ Notary Publ' in and for the State o ashington Notary (Print) MARILYN KAMCHFFF My appointment exabea Project Name: 1i-avctie I ttmyeS CPMI I Retttv c Project Number: 1.-UPc Ate. 050, CPA 1 R, E f NOTARY.DC:C s., CITY ' F 'RENTON a Planning/Building/Public Works DepartmentJesseTannerMayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator April 30, 1998 Washington State Department of Ecology Environmental Review Section PO Box 47703 Olympia,WA 98:,04-7703 Subject:Environmental Determinations Transmitted herewith is a copy of the Environmental Determination and Environmental Checklist for the following project reviewedbytheEnvironmentalReviewCommittee (ERC) on April 28, 1993: DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE HARDIE/HAYES CPA/REZONE LUA-98-050,CPA,R,ECF This proposal amends the Comprehensive Plan land use map to change property from employment area commercial toresidentialoptions. Location: The site is bounded by Hayes Place SW on the east, Renton Ave South on the north,Hardie Ave SW on the west and SW Victoria St on the south. Comments regarding the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM, May 18, 1998. AnyaggrievedpersonfeelingthattheenvironmentaldeterminationoftheEnvironmentalReviewCommitteeisbasedonerroneousprocedure, errors of law or fact, error in judgment, or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available atthetimeofthedeterminationmaysubmitwrittencomments.After review of the comments, if Environmental Review Committeefindsthereisnotsufficientevidencetoamenditsoriginaldetermination,then there will be no further extension of the appealperiod. Any persor wishing to take further action would need to file a formal appeal within the original 15-day timeframe. Writtencommentsmustbefiledwith: Jana Huerter, Land Use Review Supervisor, City of Renton Development Services Division,200MillAvenueSouth, Renton,WA 98055. If an appeal of the environmental determination is also filed with the Hearing Examinerduringthesame15daycommentperiod,then the Environmental Review Committee will first take action on the request forreconsiderationanatheappellantwillbenotifiedthattheappealisonholdpendingtheCommittee's decision on theeconsiderationrequest. The City will notify the appellant/person requesting reconsideration and parties of record and the HearingExamineroftheEnvironmentalReviewCommittee's final determination. The appeal process will then be continued unless theappellantnotifiestheHearingExaminerinwritingthathewishestowithdrawtheappeal. Appeals of the environmentalieterminationmugtbefiledinwritingonorbefore5:00 PM, May 18, 1998. Appeals must be filed in writing together with theequired$75.00 apf lication fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 200 Mill Avenue South, Renton,WA 98055. Appeals toheExamineraregovernedbyCityofRentonMunicipalCodeSection4-8-11 B. Additional information regarding the appealrocessmaybeobtainedfromtheRentonCityClerk's Office, (425)-235-2501. f you have questions, please call me at(425)277-6181. or the_...„,)EnvironmentpRev' Co mittee, ii/A---.- cl rO-nafd-Erickson roject Manager King County Wastewater Treatment Division Larry Fisher, Department of Fisheries David F. Dietzman, Department of Natural Resources Don Hurter, Department of Transportation Shirley Lukh3ng, Seattle Public Utilities Duwamish Tribal Office Rod Malcom, Fisheries, Muckleshoot Indian Tribe (Ordinance) Joe Jainga, Puget Sound Energy ivc 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 This paper contains 50%recycled material,20%post consumer CIT OF RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works DepartmentJesseTanner,Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator April 30, 1998 TO: Parties of Record SUBJECT: Hardie/Hayes CPA/Rezone Project No. LUA-98-050,CPA,R,ECF Dear Resident: This letter is written on behalf of the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) and is to inform you that they havecompletedtheirreviewoftheenvironmentalimpactsoftheabove-referenced project. The Committee, on April 28,1998, decided that your project will be issued a Determination of Non-Significance. The City of Renton ERC has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment.An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). This decision was made by theERCundertheauthorityofSection4-6-6, Renton Municipal Code, after review of a completed environmental checklistandotherinformation, on file with the lead agency. This information is available to the public on request. Comments regarding the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM, May 18,1998. Any aggrieved person feeling that the environmental determination of the Environmental Review Committee isbasedonerroneousprocedure, errors of law or fact, error in judgment, or the discovery of new evidence which could notbereasonablyavailableatthetimeofthedeterminationmaysubmitwrittencomments. After review of the comments, ifEnvironmentalReviewCommitteefindsthereisnotsufficientevidencetoamenditsoriginaldetermination, then therewillbenofurtherextensionoftheappealperiod. Any person wishing to take further action would need to file a formalappealwithintheoriginal15-day timeframe. Written comments must be filed with: Jana Huerter, Land Use ReviewSupervisor, City of Renton Development Services Division, 200 Mill Avenue South, Renton, WA 98055. If an appeal oftheenvironmentaldeterminationisalsofiledwiththeHearingExaminerduringthesame15-day comment period, thentheEnvironmentalReviewCommitteewillfirsttakeactionontherequestforreconsiderationandtheappellantwillbenotifiedthattheappealisonholdpendingtheCommittee's decision on the reconsideration request. The City will notifytheappellant/person requesting reconsideration and parties of record and the Hearing Examiner of the EnvironmentalReviewCommittee's final determination. The appeal process will then be continued unless the appellant notifies theHearingExaminerinwritingthathewishestowithdrawtheappeal. Appeals of the environmental determination mustbefiledinwritingonorbefore5:00 PM, May 18, 1998. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 200 Mill Avenue South, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals totheExamineraregovernedbyCityofRentonMunicipalCodeSection4-8-11 B. Additional information regarding theappealprocessmaybeobtainedfromtheRentonCityClerk's Office, (425)-235-2501. If you have any questions or desire clarification of the above, please call me at (206) 277-6181. For the Environmental Review Co ittee, jr Donal nckson Project Manager DNSLTR.DOC 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 This paper contains 50%recycled material,20%post consumer NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION E N A I EKristinaJ. Thompson, being first duly sworn on oath states that he/she is the Legal Clerk of al tryy H RENTONLWASHINGTONMITTEE AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION The Environmental Review Committeethe ERC)has issued a Determination of Non-Significance for the following project under SOUTH COUNTY JOURNAL the Code.authority of the Renton Municipal 600 S. Washington Avenue, Kent, Washington 98032 HARDIE/HAYES CPA/REZONE L UA-98-050,C PA,R,EC F This proposal amends the Comprehen- a daily newspaper published seven (7) times a week. Said newspaper is a legal sive Plan land use map to change propertyfromemploymentareacommercialtoresi-newspaper of general publication and is now and has been for more than six months dential options. Location: The site is prior to the date of publication, referred to, printed and published in the English language bounded by Hayes Place SW on the east, continuallyas a dailynewspaper in Kent, KingCount Washington. The South CountyRenton Ave South on the north, Hardie Avey9SWonthewestandSWVictoriaStcntheJournalhasbeenapprovedasalegalnewspaperbyorderoftheSuperiorCourtofthesouth. State of Washington for King County. The 15 day •comment and appeal period The notice in the exact form attached, was published in the South County for this project will run concu andrrentlyendat5:00 PM on May 8, 1998 Journal (and not in supplemental form) which was regularly distributed to the subscribers Following this, the City •will •finalize its during the below stated period. The annexed notice, a gure Determination reconsiderat onme ittenccom-s andshalltbeforwardedstoortheeconsiderationDeveDevelopmentHardie/Hayes CPA Rezone Services Division Land Use ReviewSupervisor. Information on •the project file is published on: 5/2/98as available at the Development Services Division, Third Floor, Municipal Building,Renton,Washington 98055. Phone: 235-The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of$43.88 2550. Appeal procedures are available in Legal Number 4560 the City Clerk's office,First Floor,MunicipalBuilding. Published in the South County JournalMay2, 1998.4560 Legal Clerk, South County Journal Subscribed and sworn before me/this / i day of// /a-9 , 19 0 \\\)lull/L- % Vim' t p E. N yy/ 0, gS10....f, .G,# Notary Public of the State of Washington cod' 9;` l residing in Renton OTARr I: King County, Washington 4 G evAUBI\ pr A.99 0.02` y). ••CH1 0 ;ti'G' 1.• NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE RENTON, WASHINGTON The Environmental Review Committee (ERC) has issued a Determination of Non-Significance for the folic wing project under the authority of the Renton Municipal Code. HARDIE/HAYES CPA/REZONE LUA-98-050,CPA,R,ECF This proposal amends the Comprehensive Plan land use map to change property from employment area commercial to residential options. Location: The site is bounded by Hayes Place SW on the east, Renton Ave South on the north, Hardie Ave SW on the west and SW Victoria St on the south. The 15 day comment and appeal period for this project will run concurrently and end at 5:00 PM on May 18, 1998. Following this, the City will finalize its Determination unless comments received require a reccnsideration. Written comments and requests for reconsideration shall be forwarded to the Development Services Division Land Use Review Supervisor. Information on the project file is available at the Development Services Division, Third Floor, Municipal Building, Renton, Washington 98055. Phole: 235-2550. Appeal procedures are available in the City Clerk's office, First Floor, Municipal Building. Publication Date: May 04, 1998 Acc punt No. 51067 dnspub CITY OF RENTON DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE APPLICATION NUMBER: LUA-98-050,CPA,R,ECF APPLICAN City of Renton/Economic Development, Neighborhoods, and Strategic Planning PROJECT tIAME: HARDIE/HAYES CPA/REZONE PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This proposal has three options. Option one evaluates whether to continue the current Employment Area - Commercial designation but restrict residential use with either a conditional use or secondary use with specific criteria. Option two considers designating the area or a portion of it from EAC to RO. Option three considers redesignating the area RM-I. This latter option requires a change to Policy LU-69. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Hayes Place SW; Victoria Avenue SW; Hardie Avenue SW; Renton Avenue LEAD AGENCY: City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works Development Planning Section This Determination of Non-Significance is issued under WAC 197-11-340. Because other agencies of jurisdiction may be involved, th a lead agency will not act on this proposal for fifteen (15) days. Comments regarding the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM, May 18, 1998 (15 days from the date of publication). Any aggrieved person feeling that the environmental determination of the Environmental Review Committee is based on erroneous procedure, errors of law or fact, error in judgment, or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the time of the determination may submit written comments. After review of the comments, if Environmental Review Committee finds there is not sufficient evidence to amend its original determination, then there will be no further extension of the appeal period. Any person wishing to take further actio i would need to file a formal appeal within the original 15-day timeframe. Written comments must be filed with: Jana Iluerter, Land Use Review Supervisor, City of Renton Development Services Division, 200 Mill Avenue South, Renton, WA 98055. If an appeal of the environmental determination is also filed with the Hearing Examiner during the same 15-day comment period, then the Environmental Review Committee will first take action on the request for reconsid ration and the appellant will be notified that the appeal is on hold pending the Committee's decision on the reconsideral ion request. The City will notify the appellant/person requesting reconsideration and parties of record and the Hearing Examiner of the Environmental Review Committee's final determination. The appeal process will then be continued uiiless the appellant notifies the Hearing Examiner in writing that he wishes to withdraw the appeal. Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM, May 18, 1998. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 200 Mill Avenue South, Rent)n, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-11 B. Additional irformation regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425)-235- 2501. PUBLICATION DATE: May 04, 1998 DATE OF DECISION: April 28, 1998 SIGNATURES: cil U/91 Gregg Zimmerman, Administrator DATE Department of Planning/Building/Public Works Sam Chastain Administrator DATE Community icessDepa ent 0-7:e Lee eeler, re Ch e DATE Renton Fire Department DNSSIG.DOC NoTice ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION POSTED TO NOTIFY INTERESTED PERSONS OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION PROJECT NAME: HARDIE/HAYES CPA/REZONE PROJECT NUMBER: LUA-98-050,CPA,R,ECF This proposal amends the Comprehensive Plan land use map to change property from employment area commercial to residential options. Location:The site is bounded by Hayes Place SW on the east,Renton Ave South on the north,Hardie Ave SW on the west and SW VIctoria St on the south. THE CITY OF RENTON ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE (ERC) HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PROPOSED ACTION DOES NOT HAVE A SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT. Comments regarding the environmental determination must be filed In writing on or before 5:00 PM,May 18, 1998. Any aggrieved person feeling that the environmental determination of the Environmental Review Committee is based on erroneous procedure,errors of law or fact,error In judgment,or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the time of the deterninallen may submit written comments.After review of the comments,If Environmental Review Committee finds there is not sufficient evidence to amend its original determination,then there will be no further extension of the appeal period. Any person wishing to take further action would need to file a formal appeal within the original 15-day timelrame. Written comments must be filed with: Jana Huerler,Land Use Review Supervisor,Clly of Renton Development Services Division,200 Mill Avenue South,Renton,WA 98055. If an appeal of the environmental determination is also filed with the Hearing Examiner during the same 15-day comment period,then the Environmental Review Committee will first lake action on the request for reconsideration and the appellant will be notified that the appeal is on hold pending the Committee's decision on the reconsideration request. The City will notify the appellant/person requesting reconsideration and parties of record and the Hearing Examiner of the Environmental Review Committee's final determination. The appeal process will then be continued unless the appellant notifies the Hearing Examiner in writing that he wishes to withdraw the appeal.Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM,May 1a,1998. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required 375.00 application fee with:Hearing Examiner,City of Renton,200 Mill Avenue South,Renton,WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-0-11B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office,(425)-235-2501. NV ndPi MM.i 1 = g NV 2nd t 111 rs En MalIII fig11"Mitil o a• Figure 1: Study Area (98—M-10) FOR FURTHER INFORMATION,PLEASE CONTACT THE CITY OF RENTON,DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION AT(425)235.2550. DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION Please Include the project NUMBER when calling for proper file identification. CERTIFICATION I, 1e IJLJ} '// hereb certify that copies of the above docurnek were po ` :. by me in nspicuous places on or nearby the described property on vim. Signed: ATTEST: Subcribed and sworn before me, a Nortary Public, in a or the State o Washington residing on the `f't da of rl5P MARILYN KAMCHEFF COMMISSION EXPIRES 6/29/99 14 0) i- TJCE ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION POSTED TO NOTIFY INTERESTED PERSONS OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION PROJECT NAME: HARDIE/HAYES CPA/REZONE PROJECT NUMBER: LUA-98-050,CPA,R,ECF This propcsal amends the Comprehensive Plan land use map to change property from employment area commercic I to residential options. Location: The site is bounded by Hayes Place SW on the east, Renton Ave South on tl e north, Hardie Ave SW on the west and SW Victoria St on the south. THE CITY OF RENTON ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE (ERC) HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PROPOSED ACTION DOES NOT HAVE A SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT. Comments regarding the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM, May 18, 1998. Any aggrieved person feeling that the environmental determination of the Environmental Review Committee is based on erroneous procedure,errors of law or fact, error in judgment, or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the time of the determination may submit written comments.After review of the comments, if Environmental Review Committee finds there is not sufficient evidence to amend its original determination, then there will be no further extension of the appeal period. Any person wishing to take further action would need to file a formal appeal within the original 15-day timeframe. Written comments must be filed with: Jana Huerter, Land Use Review Supervisor, City of Renton Development Services Division, 200 Mill Avenue South, Renton, WA 98055. If an appeal of the environmental determination is also filed with the Hearing Examiner during the same 15-day comment period, then the Environmental Review Committee will first take action on the request for reconsideration and the appellant will be notified that the appeal is on hold pending the Committee's decision on the reconsideration request. The City will notify the appellant/person requesting reconsideration and parties of record and the Hearing Examiner of the Environmental Review Committees final determination. The appeal process will then be continued unless the appellant notifies the Hearing Examiner in writing that he wishes to withdraw the appeal. Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM, May 18, 1998. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required 75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 200 Mill Avenue South, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-116. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office,(425)-235-2501. I i v z R.,.NW 2nd Pl z vaL. orLNW2ndSt[ ~ ' Zerto1\ r 11111 SW Vict Jl>l' Q Or* St MI o, alit EMI 3 i _ m SW and St NI g'INN Idl 11go. m Nit- 0 " 0 . 1:• 400 oil- ®= lialla_- S 2nd St Figure 1: Study Area (98—M-10) AillNeighborhood.k St,.tetle Planningco/Y ar Renton City Lir is Y a Ware t•.1 Y.cO.la Parcels considered for redesignotio, FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT THE CITY OF RENTON, DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION AT(425)235-2550. DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION PI include the project NUMBER when calling for proper file identification. I STAFF City of Renton REPORT Department of Economic Development/Neighborhoods/Strategic Planning ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE A. BACKGROUND ERC MEETING DATE April 28, 1998 Project Name CPA 98-M-10: Hardie/Hayes Comp Plan Amendment/Rezone Applicant City of Renton: Economic Development, Neighborhoods, and Strategic Planning File Number LUA-098-050, CPA, R, ECF Project Manager Don Erickson Project Description This proposal has three options. Option one evaluates whether to continue the current Employment Area - Commercial designation but restrict residential use with either a conditional use or secondary use with specific criteria. Option two considers designating the area or a portion of it from EAC to RO. Option three considers redesignating the area RM-I. This latter option requires a change to Policy LU-69. Project Location The site is bounded by Hayes Place SW on the east, Renton Ave South on the north, Hardie Ave SW on the west and SW Victoria St on the south. Exist. Bldg. Area gsf Not applicable. Proposed New Bldg. Area gsf Not applicable. Site Area Approximately 1.77 acres. Total Building Area gsf Not applicable. RECOMMENDATION Staff Recommend that the Environmental Review Committee issue a Determination of Non-Significance. B. RECOMMENDATION Based on analysis of probable impacts from the proposal, staff recommend that the Responsible Officials make the following Environmental Determination: DETERMINATION OF DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED. Issue DNS with 14 day Appeal Period.Issue DNS-M with 15 day Comment Period with Concurrent 14 da A.seal Period. X Issue DNS with 15 day Comment Period Issue DNS-M with 15 day Comment Period with Concurrent 14 day Appeal Period. followed by a 14 day Appeal Period. C. MITIGATION MEASURES 1.None proposed. Project Location Map ERC98M10.DOC City.ofRenton ED/N/SP Department 1 7nmenta1 Review Committee Staff Report CPA 98-M-10 LUA-098-050, CPA,R,ECF REPORT AND DECISION OF April 28,1998 Page 2 of 3 Advisory Notes to Applicant: The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the environmental determination. Because these notes are provided as information only, they are not subject to the appeal process for environmental determinations. 1. Garbage and recyclable deposit areas and collection points shall be easily and safely accessible to hauling trucks. D. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS In compliance with RCW 43.21 C. 240, the following project environmental review addresses only those project impacts that are not adequately addressed under existing development standards and environmental regulations. Has the applicant adequately identified and addressed environmental impacts anticipated to occur in conjunction with the proposed development? No impacts were identified for this non-project action. However, a few of the key SEPA checklist elements have been included for reference purposes only. 1.Earth, Air, and Water Impacts: This non-project CPA would not directly result in impacts to any of these areas because no new development is proposed. Future site specific developments allowed as a result of this policy amendment could result in impacts. The impacts of individual projects would have to be determined on a site specific basis. Mitigation Measures: No mitigation measures are proposed for this non-project action. At the time new development does occur, it will have to comply with applicable regulations. Nexus: Not applicable. 2.Land Use Impacts: The proposed land use redesignation and concurrent rezone would lessen the intensity of development on the site in question from what could develop under the current land use designation and zoning. Mitigation Measures: No mitigation measures are proposed for this non-project action. At the time new development does occur, it will have to comply with applicable regulations. Nexus: Not applicable. 3.Transportation, Public Services, and Utilities Impacts: This non-project CPA would not directly result in impacts to any of these areas because no new development is proposed. Future development may increase demand for transportation, public services, and utilities. The impacts of individual projects would have to be determined on a site specific basis. Mitigation Measures: No mitigation measures are proposed for this non-project action. At the time new development does occur, it will have to comply with applicable regulations. Nexus: Not applicable. E.COMMENTS OF REVIEWING DEPARTMENTS ERC98M10.DOC City of Renton ED/N/SP Department 1 onmental Review Committee Staff Report CPA 98-M-10 LUA-098-050, CPA,R,ECF REPORT AN,D DECISION OF April 28,1998 Page 3 of 3 The proposal has been circulated to City Departmental/Divisional Reviewers for their review. Where applicable, these comments have been incorporated into the text of this report as Mitigation Measures and/or Notes to Applicant. X Copies of all Review Comments are contained in the Official File. Copies of all Review Comments are attached to this report. The only substantive comments were from Police who indicated that there might be minimal impacts. Environmental Determination Comment Process Comments regarding the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM, May 18, 1998 (15 days from the date of publication). Any aggrieved person feeling that the environmental determination of the Environmental Review Committee is based on erroneous procedure, errors of law or fact, error in judgment, or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the time of the determination may submit written comments. After review of the comments, if Environmental Review Committee finds there is not sufficient evidence to amend its original determination, then there will be no further extension of the appeal period. Any person wishing to take further action would need to file a formal appeal within the original 15-day timeframe. Written comments must be filed with: Jana Huerter, Land Use Review Supervisor, City of Renton Development Services Division, 200 Mill Avenue South, Renton, WA 98055. If an appeal of the environmental determination is also filed with the Hearing Examiner during the same 15-day comment period, then the Environmental Review Committee will first take action on the request for reconsideration and the appellant will be notified that the appeal is on hold pending the Committee's decision on the reconsideration request. The City will notify the appellant/person requesting reconsideration and parties of record and the Hearing Examiner of the Environmental Review Committee's final determination. The appeal process will then be continued unless the appellant notifies the Hearing Examiner in writing that he wishes to withdraw the appeal. Environmental Determination Appeal Process Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM, May 18, 1998. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 200 Mill Avenue South, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-11 B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425)-235-2501. ERC98M10.DOC Q., vj L Q d NW 2nd PI z a a) Q Q S_Cu o zs L d 0 NW 2nd St di ol lmi 4# s k,(P O J'‘..._ Tyicori a St aria of Ave SW Q I SW 32ndSt c5— Milli a) i fat ,I 00' 400' Ilit---9--j- 0 1idhi. 00 400 1 :2,410 S 2nd St Figure 1 : Study Area ( 98 — M - 1O ) oti • Neighborhoods & Strategic Planning T 'Rentonam' CityLimits T.. Schlepp,pp, R. MacOnie o' 30 March 1998 11" Parcels considered for redesignation City u, rvinton Department of Planning/Building/Pi_.._ Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: poke COMMENTS DUE: APRIL 20, 1998 APPLICATION NO: LUA-98-050,ECF,R,CPA DATE CIRCULATED: APRIL 7, 1998 APPLICANT: City of Renton PROJECT MANAGER: DONALD ERICKSON PROJECT TITLE: Hardie/Hayes CPA/Rezone WORK ORDER NO: 78362 LOCATION: Hayes Place SW; Victoria Avenue SW; Hardie Avenue SW; Renton Avenue SITE AREA: 1.78 acres approx. BUILDING AREA(gross): N/A SUMMARY 07: PROPOSAL: This Comprehensive Plan Amendment(CPA)would change the land use designation for the northern 3/4 of the block founded by Hayes Place on the east, Renton Avenue on the north, Hardie Avenue on the west to RM-I. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Snoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic./Cultural Natural Resoun•es Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet r r7ikru MO tLn t o I ) 12OLLC t,i Ci? L Lt r- 6u14_. W) 1 I {s res Ca( whbri AL proper awdoped - B. POLIC"-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. eli&I--,0739'L( tive Date " t-70 Signature of Direthorized Representative DEVAPP.DOC Rev.10/93 City or Renton Department of Planning/Building/. _is Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: p S COMMENTS DUE: APRIL 20, 1998 APPLICATION NO: LUA-98-050,ECF,R,CPA DATE CIRCULATED: APRIL 7, 1998 APPLICANT: City of Renton PROJECT MANAGER: DONALD ERICKSON PROJECT TIT._E: Hardie/Hayes CPA/Rezone WORK ORDER NO: 78362 LOCATION: Hayes Place SW; Victoria Avenue SW; Hardie Avenue SW; Renton Avenue SITE AREA: 1.78 acres approx. I BUILDING AREA(gross): N/A SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: This Comprehensive Plan Amendment(CPA)would change the land use designation for the northern 3/4 of the bloc<founded by Hayes Place on the east, Renton Avenue on the north, Hardie Avenue on the west to RM-I. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline L'se Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Haalth Public Services Energy/Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet fi6 dr)M-d) 172/1-Y, B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS 1/(/?,(__ a/a 0 a/N . C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS c,71-11-L a/z,-e_ r2--( 1/P/7/0av 7) We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed,to property assess this proposal. Sig hatu Dir or or Autho' R esentativ Dat DEVAPP.DOC Rev.10/93 City—. •.enton Department of Planning/Building/F_ .. Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: CoimrtVuc m Se CC COMMENTS DUE: APRIL 20, 1998 APPLICATION NO: LUA-98-050,ECF,R,CPA DATE CIRCULATED: APRIL 7, 1998 APPLICANT: City of Renton PROJECT MANAGER: DONALD ERICKSON PROJECT Tr LE: Hardie/Hayes CPA/Rezone WORK ORDER NO: 78362 f rY OF RENTO,N LOCATION: Hayes Place SW; Victoria Avenue SW; Hardie Avenue SW; Renton Avenue SITE AREA: 1.78 acres approx. I BUILDING AREA(gross): N/A 1998 SUMMARY CF PROPOSAL: This Comprehensive Plan Amendment(CPA)would change the land use'Ilet9gnation foUroporherrn 3/4 of the block founded by Hayes Place on the east, Renton Avenue on the north, Hardie Avenue on the west to RM-I. A. ENVIRC'NMENTAL IMPACT(e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/Historic/Cultural Natural Resoun es Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS 1?," 14,,i, u,,c C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS 1-14,1—t,._44- We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. Signatu of Director or horized Representative Date DEVAPP.DOC Rev 10/93 City or rcenton Department of Planning/Building/Po,,,,, Works RENTON FIRE D rs iENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION RrgVit'W('Sl0 T p ® 819REVIEWINGCEPARTMENT: Yt„ p'fi COMMENTS DUE: APRIL 20, 1998 99 APPLICATION NO: LUA-98-050,ECF,R,CPA DATE CIRCULATED: APRIL 7, 1998 1 y j APPLICANT: City of Renton PROJECT MANAGER: DONALD ERICKSON 1 } PROJECT TITLE: Hardie/Hayes CPA/Rezone WORK ORDER NO: 78362 LOCATION: Hayes Place SW; Victoria Avenue SW; Hardie Avenue SW; Renton Avenue SITE AREA: '.78 acres approx. I BUILDING AREA(gross): N/A SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: This Comprehensive Plan Amendment(CPA)would change the land use designation for the northern 3/4 of the block founded by Hayes Place on the east, Renton Avenue on the north, Hardie Avenue on the west to RM-I. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Alr Aesthetics Water jght/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet 0 B. RELATED COMMENTS d1 C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS 4A ' V We have reviewed this application ith particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where addition 'l information is n ed to properly assess this proposalA4,460 Q' g J' Signature Director or Authorized R resentative Date DEVAPP. C Rev 10/93 City or Kenton Department of Planning/Building/Puuoc Works ENVIRONMENTAL 8 DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: p\z,v.Re4icto _3Q)(- COMMENTS DUE: APRIL 20, 1998 APPLICATION NO: LUA-98-050,ECF,R,CPA DATE CIRCULATED: APRIL 7, 1998 APPLICANT: City of Renton PROJECT MANAGER: DONALD ERICKSON PROJECT TITLE: Hardie/Hayes CPA/Rezone WORK ORDER NO: 78362 r'in'Or f.<.RN1Ot+r LOCATION: Hayes Place SW; Victoria Avenue SW; Hardie Avenue SW; Renton Avenue w SITE AREA: '.78 acres approx. I BUILDING AREA(gross): N/A R 0 A ,8 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: This Comprehensive Plan Amendment (CPA)would change the land usa_dgligpation for the northern 3/4 of the block founded by Hayes Place on the east, Renton Avenue on the north, Hardie Avenue on the westtb fRAtirli.,, I°rio!U N A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water LIghVGlare Plants Recreation LandrShoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental health Public Services Energy/HistoriciCultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet aeII=MY. B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS NO c0wlWit 14-2 We have wed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional inforrna ion is needed' to properly assess this proposal. ik)e ed l l /07 Signature of Director o Authorized Representative Date DEVAPP.DOC Rev 10193 City o, ,' inton Department of Planning/Building/Pt.... Norks ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT:s, , ., are wisitutya - COMMENTS DUE: APRIL 20, 1998 APPLICATION NO: LUA-98-050,ECF,R,CPA DATE CIRCULATED: APRIL 7, 1998 APPLICANT: City of Renton PROJECT MANAGER: DONALD ERICKSON PROJECT TITLE: Hardie/Hayes CPA/Rezone WORK ORDER NO: 78362 CITY nF RENTC" LOCATION: Hayes Place SW; Victoria Avenue SW; Hardie Avenue SW; Renton Avenue SITE AREA: '1.78 acres approx. l BUILDING AREA(gross): N/A APR 0 7 1993 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: This Comprehensive Plan Amendment(CPA)would change the land use designation for the northern 3/4 of the block founded by Hayes Place on the east, Renton Avenue on the north, Hardie Avenue on the west to RM-L: ._ , A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental h'ealth Public Services Energy/Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS V 0 COtMIMe a • We have wed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where addition al information is needed to properly assess this proposal. LI Al if g Ale;" (44 Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date DEVAPP.DOC Rev.10/93 City of nenton Department of Planning/Building/Pi Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT:—jAa-k-vro COMMENTS DUE: APRIL 20, 1998 4.M1 OF RENTOIN APPLICATION NO: LUA-98-050,ECF,R,CPA DATE CIRCULATED: APRIL 7, 1998 APPLICANT: City of Renton PROJECT MANAGER: DONALD ERICKSON PROJECT TI1LE: Hardie/Hayes CPA/Rezone WORK ORDER NO: 78362 1 i iaib LOCATION: Hayes Place SW; Victoria Avenue SW; Hardie Avenue SW; Renton Avenue 1,,,, L ..avlY I,v LSdON SITE AREA: 1.78 acres approx. i BUILDING AREA(gross): N/A SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: This Comprehensive Plan Amendment(CPA)would change the land use designation for the northern 3/4 of the block founded by Hayes Place on the east, Renton Avenue on the north, Hardie Avenue on the west to RM-I. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water LighVGlare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline,Ise Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLIC`r-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS Jo cowtwie q• We have wed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additioralJinformation is needed to properly assess this proposal. iGe L1/447 Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date DEVAPP.DOC Rev 10/93 CITY OF RENTON DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION LIST OF SURROUNDING PROPERTY OWNERS within 300 feet of subject site PROJECT NAME: Block at Hardie, Hayes and Rainier Comprehensive Plan Amendment/Rezone 98-M-10) APPLICATION NO: LUR•98. 050) R, CPfl I EC-f Name Address Assessor's Parcel Number Refer to Attached List. DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON MAR 31 1998 RECEIVED M1OMLAF.DOC\ DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON MAR 31 1998 RECEIVED Applicant Certification hereby certify that the above list(s) of adjacent property owners Print Name) and their addresses were obtained from: City of Renton Technical Services Records Title Company Records King County Assessors Records Si ed t Date *d ,nT Applicant) Notary Seal must be within box STATE OF WASHINGTON )SS COUNTY OF KING I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary Print) My appointment expires: Dated: M10MLAF.DOC1 DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON MAR 31 1998 RECEIVED t t. 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M1OMLAF.DOC\ 9- /77-/0 380600010504 182305908200 182305901106 AAA VICTORY TV ATLANTIC RICHFIELD COMPANY BRANDT PATRICIA J+BUNKER NA 81 S TOBIN ST C/O P&T TAX DEPT#05238-11 1814 WHITMAN NE CT RENTON WA 98055 PO BOX 2485 RENTON WA 98059 LOS ANGELES CA 90051 214480086708 182305912509 182305912400 CITY OF RENTON COX RONALD DOLAN LARRY 200 MILL AVE S C/O HAROLDS AUTO REBUILD 13525 181ST AVE S RENTON WA 98055 124 RAINIER AVE S RENTON WA 98059 RENTON WA 98055 182305912004 182305900900 182305901205 GARBARINO ADOLPH GIRL JAMES S+VINDO V GOBEN WILLIAM T+BOGES,CAROL 176 HARDIE AVE SW 4611 S COOPER 180 HARDIE AVE SW RENTON WA 98055 SEATTLE WA 98118 RENTON WA 98055 380600011007 380600001503 182305901700 GRAY MARY GUDMUNDSON DARRELD J HEALTH CARE PROP/INVESTORS 25711 SE 208TH ST 7963 139TH AVE SE 10990 WILSHIRE BLVD STE 1200 MAPLE VALLEY WA 98038 RENTON WA 98056 LOS ANGELES CA 90024 182305909208 214480085502 214480086500 IVANOVICH FRANK&JUDITH KING OF GLORY MINISTRIES KNOKE DANIEL 4839 S 170TH 221 HARDIE AVE NW BLACKLER-KNOKE CAROLYN SEATTLE WA 98188 RENTON WA 98055 PO BOX 1804 STANWOOD WA 98292 182305907707 182305916302 182305912202 KWAI SHUNG H SUE LAZOR MIKE J LEYVA ERLANDO S ET AL WESTWIND MOTEL 32 SW VICTORIA ST 17108 NE 35TH ST 7517 SE 71ST RENTON WA 98055 BELLEVUE WA 98008 MERCER ISLAND WA 98040 214480087508 182305922706 420440035509 MALLA JERRY+VICTORIA MCDONALDS CORP 046/0017 MINKLER ENTERPRISES 13264 RENTON AVE S PO BOX 66207 1701 KENNEWICK AVE NE RENTON WA 98055 AMF OHARE RENTON WA 98055 CHICAGO IL 60666 214480086807 214480087607 182305901809 MOORE JOHN E ROSA RAYMOND ROSEMONT+ASSOCIATES 13249 91ST AVE S 307 S 19TH 1000 2ND AVE STE 3950 RENTON WA 98055 RENTON WA 98055 SEATTLE WA 98104 182305910206 214480086302 182305913101 SEAQUIST JOHN H STAFFORD JERRY L TOSCO MARKETING CO 111 SW VICTORIA 18718 NORTHEAST 161ST PLACE PROPERTY TAX DEPT-DC17 RENTON WA 98055 WOODINVILLE WA 98072 PO BOX 52085 PHOENIX AZ 85072 182305911105 182305910107 182305908002 VALADE JERRY L&CLODAGH WALTERS SCOTT W+CRYSTAL M WILSON GLADYS W 94 HARDIE AVE S W 98 HARDE AVE SW 1414 MONROE AVE NE #106 RENTON WA 98055 RENTON WA 98055 RENTON WA 98056 722950006303 182305916203 214480085601 WILSON PETER H WOODHOUSE GORDON+PATRICIA WOODMANSEE W KEITH 24333 35TH AVE S 18519 SE 60TH ST 8220 42ND NE KENT WA 98023 ISSAQUAH WA 98027 SEATTLE WA 98115 Vl 021 NOTICE OF APPLICATION PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS DATE: APRIL 13,1998 A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Development Services Division of the City of Renton. ThefollowingbrieflydescribestheapplicationandthenecessaryPublicApprovals. PROJECT NUMBER/NAME: LUA48-050,ECF,R,CPA/HARDIE/HAYES CPA/REZONE DESCRIPTION: This Comprehensive Plan Amendment(CPA)would change the land use designation for the northern 3/4 of the block founded by Hayes Place on the east,Renton Avenue on the north,HardieAvenueonthewesttoRM•I. GENERAL LOCATION: Hayes Place SW;Victoria Avenue SW;Hardie Avenue SW;Renton Avenue STUDIES REQUIRED/OR AVAILABLE: PUBUC APPROVALS: Environmental Review(ECF) Comprehensive Plan Amendment(CPA) Rezone(R) Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing to Mr.Donald Erickson,Project Manager,Development Services Division,200 Mill Avenue South,Renton,WA 98055,by 5.00 PM on Man 15.1998. If you have questionsaboutthisproposal,or wish to be made a party of record and receive additional notification by mail,contact Mr.Erickson at(425)277-6181. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of record and will benotifiedofanydecisiononthisproject. PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENI IFICATION DATE OF APPLICATION: March 31,1998 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: April 13,1998 DATE OF NOTICE OF AP'PPLICIAATION: April 13,1998 NV 2M% Milt 1 NV2nd$t III: € E[ sr,,,-1Q. 1 Bit1111/ 111110, 1• -0 I0. s 2nd St GENI/ALOr000 Figure 1: Study Area (98—M-10) CERTIFICATION I, I"e J /7/Q copies of the aboveherebycertifythat documerA were Pos'dl by me in ' co spicuous places on or nearby the described property on Signed: ATTEST: Subcribed and sworn before me, a Nortary Public, in for the State o Washington residingc on the 15 - day of q!ell 177/\(t}„.:€/, e/tts2--6-6— MARILYN KAMCHEFF COMMISSION EXPIRES 6/29/99 A NOTICE OF APPLICATION PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS DATE: APRIL 13, 1998 A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Development Services Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. PROJECT NUMBER/NAME: LUA-98-050,ECF,R,CPA / HARDIE/HAYES CPA/REZONE DESCRIPTION:This Comprehensive Plan Amendment (CPA) would change the land use designation for the northern 3/4 of the block founded by Hayes Place on the east, Renton Avenue on the north, Hardie Avenue on the west to RM-I. GENERAL LOCATION:Hayes Place SW;Victoria Avenue SW;Hardie Avenue SW;Renton Avenue STUDIES REQUIRED/OR AVAILABLE: PUBLIC APPROVALS:Environmental Review(ECF) Comprehensive Plan Amendment(CPA) Rezone(R) Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing to Mr.Donald Erickson,Project Manager, Development Services Division, 200 Mill Avenue South, Renton, WA 98055, by 5:00 PM on May 15, 1998. If you have questions about this proposal,or wish to be made a party of record and receive additional notification by mail,contact Mr. Erickson at (425) 277-6181. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of record and will be notified of any decision on this project. PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION DATE OF APPLICATION: March 31, 1998 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: April 13, 1998 DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION:April 13,1998 o, E a.IA 1! NW 2nd Pl 1,_....„.....,_____ 1._=_. I pr' NW 2nd Stl ~ L Pi LiQl Z1111111 jWVictoriat%a 1111111 to as Ave SW L Emu SW2n ti i MINI i 40' 400' ..a 0 '' ' 0a400 _ mama -' S End St GENMALOT.DOC Figure 1: Study Area (98—M-10) t! p` Neighborhood.&Strategic PlanningVittfnpv, Y.,„, Renton City Units CITY OF RENTO ` YELr(PME„„ SCR VICES DIT SI N RA•P I A 'ION OWNERS PROJECT INFORM TION( o t) Note. If thcre is more than on legal owner please attach an additional notarized EXISTING LAND USE(S):Master applicat*anta each owner. Residential and some commercial. NAME: City sponsored ADDRESS: PROPOSED LAND USE(S): City:ZIP: N/A TELEPHONE NUMBER: EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: CONTACT PERSON/APPLICANT : Employment Area-Commercial (EA-C) NAME: Rebecca Lind/Don Erickson PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: Residential Options (RO) ADDRESS:200 Mill Ave. S. EXISTING ZONING: City: Renton ZIP: 98055 Arterial Commercial(CA) PROPOSED ZONING: TELEPHONE NUMBER: (425) 277-6188/277-6181 R-10 PROJECT IN O ATION' SITE AREA(SQ.FT.OR ACREAGE): PROJECT OR I)EVELOPMENT NAME: Approximately 1.78 acres PROJECT VALUE: Block at Hardie,Hayes &Rainier Comprehensive Plan N/A Amendment/Rezone(98-M-10) IS THE SITE LOCATED IN THE AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA? PROPERTY/PROJECT/ADDRESS(S)/LOCATION: No Block bounded by Hayes Place SW on the east,Renton Avenue South on the north,Hardie Avenue SW on the west IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY OTHER TYPE OF and SW Victoria Street on the south. ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AREA? No. Site does not appear on wetland inventory or Greenbelt Map. KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER: 2144800856, 1823059111, 1823059101, 1823059009, 1823059162, 1823059092, 1823059163 DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON MAR 31 1998 RECEIVED H:\DIVISION.S\P-TS\PLANNING\AMENDS\1998\M10MTRAP.DOC\LG LEGAL DFSCRLA L iON OF PROPERTY(Attach sepal ate sheet if needed)I To be provided prior to ERC. See waiver. OF APPLICATION& FEES Check all application types that apply--City staff will determine fees. ANNEXATION SUBDIVISION X COMP.PLAN AMENDMENT $ N/A X REZONE N/A LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT SPECIAL PERMIT SHORT PLAT TEMPORARY PERMIT TENTATIVE PLAT CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT PRELIMINARY PLAT SITE PLAN APPROVAL FINAL PLAT GRADE&FILL PERMIT No. Cu. Yds: VARIANCE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT $ from Section: PRELIMINARY WAIVER FINAL ROUTINE VEGETATION MANAGEMENT PERMIT BINDING SITE PLAN MOBILE HOME PARKS SHORELINE REVIEWS: SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT $ CONDITIONAL USE VARIANCE X ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW $ N/A EXEMPTION NO CHARGE REVISION I,(Print Name) /la'lI L. 1 * J' Tv declare that I am(please check one) _the owner of the property involved in this application,the authorized representative to act for the perty owner(please attach proof of authorization),and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. DEVELOPMENT PL•"v''NG 1 ,;••, o• CITY F RENTQN Name o 0 /Rep . ve Notary Public in and for the State of Washington MAR 31 1998 Notary(Print) Signature of Owner/Representative) My appointment expires: RECEIVED a! IS SECTION OBE COMPLETED BY CITY STAFF). City File Number tI CF SA SII PL CU` LLA PP FP TP s <RVMP V v r • W• FPVA SM SME MICR BSP A CP TOTAL FEES $_„ TOTAL POSTAGE PROVIDED S H:\DI VI S ION.S\P-TS\PLANNING\AMENDS\1998\M 1 OMTRAP.DOC\LG AMENDMENT 98-M-10 - BLOCK AT HARDIE, HAYES, & RAINIER PROPOSAL SUMMARY This amendment would change the current land use map designation for the whole or a portion of the block bounded by Hayes Place SW on the east, Renton Avenue South on the north, Hardie Avenue SW on the west and SW Victoria Street on the south. The block is currently designated Employment Area - Commercial which allows multi-family development at 20 du/ac. The majority of the block sets up on a plateau that rises steeply west of Hayes Place SW separating it from the commercial uses off of Rainier Avenue South to the east. The property in this block is currently subject to a moratorium on multi- family residential development. The City is evaluating whether to continue allowing new multi-family development in this designation. If multi-family uses are removed from the zone a redesignation of these properties to another zone may be appropriate. Consideration is being given to either designating the block or a portion of it Residential Options or Residential Multi-Family Infill. DEVELOPMENT PLAN"v'NG CITY OF RENTON MAR 31 1998 RECEIVED M 1 OPRPSM.DOC\ CD ay v..., c,...,i I CL 3 NW 2nd Pt Q Q L.QJ 1 0 d CS NW 2 n d-- St p .0\ Pie 45\z• % e Cu SW V'Ctor, Q ICI St lb oriaILI. a) v' Ave SW il a S csV2n0rS c: 15 :I 00' 400' at....__ V 1 :!:::,400 1 :2,410 S 2nd St Figure 1 : Study Area ( 98 — M - 1O ) 0 Neighborhoods & Strategic Planning ED/N/SP no envoi Renton yCity LimitsT. Sc lepp, R. Maconie zo 3o March 1998 Parcels considered for redesignation DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON AMENDMENT 98-M-10 - BLOCK AT HARDIE, HAYES, & RAlNrat 1 1998 RECEIVED DESCRIPTION: This amendment would change the current land use map designation for the whole or a portion of the block bounded by Hayes Place SW on the east, Renton Avenue South on the north, Hardie Avenue SW on the west and SW Victoria Street on the south. The block is currently designated Employment Area- Commercial which allows multi-family development at 20 du/ac. The majority of the block sets up on a plateau that rises steeply west of Hayes Place SW separating it from the commercial uses off of Rainier Avenue South to the east. The property in this block is currently subject to a moratorium on multi- family residential development. The City is evaluating whether to continue allowing new multi-family development in this designation. If multi-family uses are removed from the zone a redesignation of these properties to another zone may be appropriate. Consideration is being given to either designating the block or a portion of it Residential Options or Residential Multi-Family Infill. ISSUE SUMMARY: 1. Is property in this block appropriate for commercial development? 2. Should the Employment Area - Commercial land use designation for this site be changed to Residential Options or Residential Multi-family Infill in light of the fact that the block is physically detached from the commercial areas along Rainier Avenue South to the east and unlikely to develop with viable strip commercial uses in the future because of its relative isolation? RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY: If residential uses are eliminated from the Employment Area-Commercial designation: 1. That Option 2 be pursued, redesignating the northern portion of the block (0.81 acres) between Renton Avenue South on the north, SW Victoria Street on the south, Hardie Avenue SW on the west and Hayes Place SW on the east from Employment Area-Commercial to Residential Options. And,that the zoning for this portion of the block be rezoned from CA to Residential - 10 DU/AC to reflect this new designation. 2. That if Option 3 is pursued, that Policy LU-69 be amended to allow limited expansions of existing Residential Multi-family Infill designated areas and that a new policy be developed precluding the development of any new Residential Multi-family Infill areas. (See Amendment#98-T-9,) BACKGROUND: The block is currently occupied with predominantly residential uses including a single-family lot at the south end off Hayes Place SW, a ten unit apartment building where SW Victoria Street intersects Hardie Avenue SW, a vacant lot facing Hardie Avenue SW, a single-family dwelling, a duplex, a twenty-unit apartment building at the north end of the block where Hardie Avenue SW intersects Renton Avenue South, and one commercial office building, a converted single-family house at 125 Hardie Place. The middle portion of the block currently is vacant. Residential uses surround the block to the west, north (across Renton Avenue S.) and south (across SW Victoria Street). As noted above, strip commercial uses are adjacent to the site across Hayes Place SW, although physically separated by a significant grade change. Two lots in the block, however, front on Hayes Place SW where there is no topographical barrier. These are at the southwest corner of the block.. 98M10.DOC/ Page 1 ANALYSIS: Issue 1. Is property in this block appropriate for commercial development? The majority of the subject block is currently separated from the commercial area to the east by a steep slope rising abruptly from Hayes Place SW that isolates the area above and limits major vehicular access from Renton Avenue South to the north and SR-900 to the south. Figure 3 illustrates this with its half meter contour lines. A grade change of at least 18 feet exists between the west side of Hayes Place SW on the east and the east side of Hardie Avenue SE, on the west exists throughout the block except at its southernmost corner. As a consequence staff do not believe that the majority of this block is appropriate for Commercial Arterial(CA)zoning. Issue Z. Should the Employment Area- Commercial land use designation for this site be changed to Residential Options or Residential Multi family Infill in light of the fact that the block is physically detached from the commercial areas along Rainier Avenue South to the east and unlikely to develop with viable strip commercial uses in the future because of its relative isolation? The block was zoned B-1, Business Use since 1953 with the exception of the northernmost portion where the apartment building along Renton Avenue S. is located. This was previously zoned R-4. In June, 1993 the City adopted interim zoning for the block that changed the majority of it to Mixed Residential (MR). The single-family lot at the intersection of SW Victoria Street, Hayes Place SW and Rainier Avenue N was left Single-family(SF). Included in the portion zoned MR was the 13,500 sq. ft. vacant lot just north of the 10-unit apartment complex near the intersection of SW Victoria Street and Hardie Avenue SW. When the City adopted its new Comprehensive Plan and concurrent Zoning Code in 1995,the whole block was given an Employment Area - Commercial land use designation as well as its current CA, Commercial Arterial zoning. It would appear, based upon the topography in the area, current uses on the block, and nearby residential uses that both the current land use designation and current CA zoning are inappropriate if residential uses are no longer allowed under the EA-C designation or the CA zone. Staff have looked at three options that might be considered as a means of retaining residential uses on this block while recognizing that the City is interested in deleting or significantly reducing new opportunities for residential in its commercial zones. The City recently adopted a moratorium on multi- family development in its commercial zones. Option 1. The first option would be to continue to allow multifamily development in the CA Zone but only as a Hearing Examiner Conditional Use. Criteria would specify that such residential would be restricted to small lots of 20,000 sq. ft. in size or less, could not have frontage on major arterial streets, and must be within a 1/2 mile walking distance of schools, shopping, and community/neighborhood parks, and must abut or be adjacent to other multi-family zoned properties. Option 2. The second option would be to redesignate the subject site Residential Options with concurrent rezoning from CA to R-10 (10 du/ac). This designation and zoning would be consistent with properties to the south, west and north of the subject block. (King County's R-6 zoning exists to the west in those areas in unincorporated King County.)Prior to its rezoning to CA, staff had proposed R- 10 zoning for most of this block. Under R-10 zoning the portion of the block that staff are recommending for redesignation and rezoning, approximately 1.2 acres, could accommodate 12 units if starting afresh but if the existing 20 unit apartment building at the north end of the block were to remain, as allowed under the R-10 zoning, the proposed portion of the block being considered for redesignation and rezoning could accommodate 29 units versus the 23 units now on this portion of the block. This option would only necessitate a map change. 98M10.DOC/ Option 3. The third option would be to redesignate the subject portion of the block from EA-C to RM-I with a concurrent rezone from CA to RM - I. The justification for this approach is that it would allow densities closer to those that now exist on the block because of the existing two apartment buildings. At 10-20 du/ac this zoning allows 10-24 units if the area was cleared and all new development occurred. This, however, is unlikely since the 20 unit structure at the north end of the block is likely to stay. Assuming the apartment building facing Renton Avenue South stays, the portion of the block under consideration (0.81 acres) could then accommodate at maximum of 36 units for a net increase of 13 units. However, in order to redesignate this area Residential Multi-family - Infill, current land use policies would need to be amended. Current residential Policy LU-69 states: LU-69. Residential Multi family Infill designations should not be expanded. Land within the districts should be used efficiently to meet multi family housing needs. Designating all or a portion of the subject block MF-I presumably would be construed as an expansion of this designation. There are, however, similar spots of RM-I along the east side of Rainier Avenue South between the CA Zone and adjacent single-family Residential - 8 DU/AC Zone which serve as a transition between the commercial zoning along Rainier and the single-family zoned areas to the west. A similar RM - I designation here although appearing to be consistent with these prior designations to the north of Renton Avenue South would require that Policy LU-69 be amended. Staff are recommending that the northern three-fourths of the block be redesignated from Employment Area - Commercial to Residential Options with concurrent rezoning from Commercial Arterial (CA) to Residential-10 Units per Acre. This option avoids any conflict with the City's existing moratorium on multi-family development within the City's commercial zones as well as existing land use policies. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COMPLIANCE: Option 1. Allowing residential to remain in the Employment Area - Commercial designation is consistent with current EA-C policies and does not require any amendments to current policy. Option 2. Redesignating the northern most portion of the subject block to Residential Options is supported by existing policies: LU-48: Residential neighborhoods may be considered for the Residential Options Designation if they meet three of the following criteria: a. The area already has a mix of small scale multi family units or had long standing duplex or low density multi family zoning; b. Development patterns are established; c. Vacant lots exist or parcels have redevelopment potential; d. Few new roads or major utility upgrades will be needed with further development; and, e. The site is located adjacent to a Center designation. The portion of the block that is under consideration for redesignation and rezoning currently has a mix including a 20 unit apartment building, a duplex and a single-family dwelling. Development patterns are fairly well established since it is unlikely that the 20 unit apartment will redevelop to a lower density, and there is no indication that the existing duplex or single family dwelling would develop to other uses in the foreseeable future. A 0.42 acre vacant site does exist which represents slightly more 98M10.DOC/ Page 3 than 50% of the portion of the block that would be redesignated. And, the subject site is within two blocks of the Center Downtown designation and is also adjacent to an existing Residential Options designated area to its north. Option 3 which would redesignate the portion of the subject site from EA-C to MF-I does not comply with current Residential Multi-family policies including Policy LU-69 which states: Policy LU-69: Residential Multi family Infill designations should not be expanded. Land within the districts should be used efficiently to meet multi family housing needs. This policy would have to be amended to allow either the expansion and/or creation of new RM-I designations depending how this policy is interpreted. Since the subject site is not located within or contiguous to an existing RM-I area designation, it appears likely that a new area would need to be created. Criteria would also need to be established to ensure that only minor areas could be created or expanded so as not to undermine existing policy. Also, Options 2 and 3 which assume that residential uses would no longer be allowed in the CA Zone require amending a number of Comprehensive Plan land use policies regarding residential uses in the Employment Area - Commercial designation. These include Policy LU-171, Policy LU-172, Policy LU-178, and Policy 179. Option 3, regarding creating a new Residential Multi-family designation would also require amendments to the Residential Multi-family Infill policies, including Policy LU-69 since a new area would most likely need to be designated under this option to include the subject block. ZONING CODE CONCURRENCE: Under Option 1, to retain residential in the CA Zone but only as a Hearing Examiner Conditional Use, the CA Zone would have to be amended deleting residential as a Secondary Use and listing it as a Hearing Examiner Conditional Use with conditions as to the size of lot, location, and proximity to supporting services. Under Option 2, to redesignate the portion of the subject block between Hardie Avenue SW and Hayes Place SW from EA-C to Residential Options the site would also need to be rezoned to Residential, 10 DU/AC to be concurrent. No text amendments are anticipated with this map change. Under Option 3, to redesignate the portion of the subject block between Hardie Avenue SW and Hayes Place SW from EA-C to Residential Multi-family -I Infill, the site would also need to be rezoned to Residential Multi-family Infill to be concurrent. No text amendments are anticipated with this map change. No changes are anticipated to the R-10, CA, or MF - I zones as a consequence of any of these three options. 98M 10.DOC/ Wi CU I - • Vim' cS 3EllirNW2ndPIz QJ al 00 Q Qn W, 1 O ZrS 1 d c5 7W 2nd St i 1 r 1 PP 4 ,• 411in S e".„/ \ 011110 , 1. 1 Z SZe CU 1 S W VI4 IIIItoriQStthoriaMI a) Ave SW \ L MI Q QJ SW2ndSt E111111111 ditCS rall Q--I 1 00' 400'1111-92 0 01 1 : ,400 1 :2,410 S 2nd St Figure 1 : Study Area ( 98 — M - 1O ) t Neighborhoods & Strategictrategic Planning Renton City Limits o' T.ol ar1e 199.8acne Parcels considered for redesignation 1-• - L',..-:,,;,..',.`'....•'!-(•,, tv. 47. i-ct...§..•- g.,"''.-•:• ,••.,-.•„:•,•„.'':, 1 4. I to C r v2 re. O O_ r}^ k,, • t y ,' C+' S7n' ss". u., t, ah, a. a,, e-' ' f 1'" 7 , 1` b.., , Mx d Z mil' o' F k.. ''. J 3 • l• s •; 1 ills a F R_ s ' ts ° N` }. ' F stZ' a3- r' J.s..- a:- ' ra' - - ' K i VI x 1* It. i'' rY 6 FeS' s- a df'. . h- a . s 01 a•" fr S; x, ?`' . 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X x 5.14 J471 Iv 11 20 iiik •,44, s ,) 11,fri.---:II,\', illik.1\ U 1". • 7 44111MS::— z,,,,— ---'--- \\N N , i.\\ ii/-- 4011111111r_ lee- NIV 11 2;- ------::::----- ,__ V:\'\'\\\•\ \ weitzliii..„„„„ ..... \, ‘,_, \V T *7,,,,,\\\_\\,,,--, f7k1 w R6 .40 k0. ,- Illio 1 x r_ ,2_,,,. .... A AtlS--11111-1(- 4 la la II 1 ()\ e 3x5, 2317 25. 14171/ 4111 761111111 11454 1 N\\\ C Figure 4: .5m Contours ( 98 -M- 1O) °: .:: 2.00 otiQo Neighborhoods & Strategictrategic Planning 1 : 1 ,2 0 0 ED/N/SP eoT oSchlepp,19R9.8MacOnie Parcels considered for redesignation GT2-I G-1 I Ism CITY OF RENTON DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST MAR 3 1 19(8 Purpose of Checklist: RECEIVED The State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), Chapter 43.21C RCW, requires all governmental agencies to consider the environmental impacts of a proposal before making decisions. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) must be prepared for all proposals with probable significant adverse impacts on the quality of the environment. The purpose of this checklist is to provide information to help you and the agency identify impacts from your proposal (and to reduce or avoid impacts from the proposal, if it can be done) and to help the agency decide whether an EIS is required. Instructions for Applicants: This environmental checklist asks you to describe some basic information about your proposal. Governmental agencies use this checklist to determine whether the environmental impacts of your proposal are significant, requiring preparation of an EIS. Answer the questions briefly, with the mosi precise information known, or give the best description you can. You must answer each question accurately and carefully, to the best of your knowledge. In most cases, you should be able to answer the questions from your own observations or project plans without the need to hire experts. If you really do not know the answer, or if a question does not apply to your proposal, write "do not know" or "does not apply". Complete answers to the questions now may avoid unnecessary delays later. Some questions ask about governmental regulations, such as zoning, shoreline, and landmark desil.nations. Answer these questions if you can. If you have problems, the governmental agencies can assist you. The checklist questions apply to all parts of your proposal, even if you plan to do them over a period of time or on different parcels of land. Attach any additional information that will help describe your proposal or its environmental effects. The agency to which you submit this checklist may ask you to explain your answers or provide additional information reasonably related to determining if there may be significant adverse impacts. Use Checklist for Nonproiect Proposals: (Please Type or Print Legibly) Complete this checklist for nonproject proposals, even though questions may be answered "does not apply". IN ADDITION, complete the SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET FOR NONPROJECT ACTIONS parr D). For nonproject actions (actions involving decisions on policies, plans and programs), the references in the checklist to the words "project," "applicant," and "property or site" should be read as proposal," proposer," and "affected geographic area," respectively. City of Renton Environmen .hecklist 3/31/98 Page 2 A. BACKGROUND 1. Name of proposed project,if applicable: 1998 Renton Comprehensive Plan Amendment Comprehensive Plan Amendment(CPA) 98-M-10 is proposed which addresses the Land Use Element. This is a non-project action. No new development is proposed as a result of this CPA. 2. Name of applicant: City of Renton 3. Address and phone number of applicant and contact person: Michael D. Kattermann,Director;Neighborhoods & Strategic Planning; (206)277-6190; Staff Contact: Troy Schlepp, (206)277-6167 Address: 200 Mill Avenue S.; Renton,WA 98055 4. Date checklist prepared: March 30, 1998 5. Agency requesting checklist: City of Renton,Economic Development/Neighborhoods/Strategic Planning 6. Proposed timing or schedule (including phasing, if applicable): Planning Commission hearings to be held in April and May, 1998,and public hearings and recommendations to be done near the end of May, 1998. 7. Do you have any plans for future additions, expansions, or further activity related to or connected with this proposal? If yes, explain. None at this time. 8. List any environmental information you know about that has been prepared, or will be prepared, directly related to this proposal. Draft EIS for the City of Renton Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan, January, 1992. Final EIS for the City of Renton Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan,February, 1993. Supplemental EIS for the Comprehensive Plan,December, 1994. 9. Do you know whether applications are pending for governmental approvals of other proposals directly affecting the property covered by your proposal? If yes, explain. This amendment is tied to proposed text amendment 98-T-3 relating to residential uses in the EA-C and Centers designations. 10. List any governmental approvals or permits that will be needed for your proposal, if known. Proposed CPA will require action by the City Council. 11. Give brief, complete description of your proposal, including the proposed uses and the size of the project and site. There are several questions later in this checklist that ask you to describe certain aspects of your proposal. You do not need to repeat those answers on this page. The City proposes to re-evaluate the land use designation for this block of 7 properties. The area was designated MR (equivalent to R-10) in 1993, and then changed to EA-C in 1995 when stand alone CPASEPA.DOC City of Renton Environmental Checklist 3/31/98 Page 3 residential uses were added to the Commercial Arterial zoning. This amendment is tied to proposed text amendment 98-T-3, which evaluates residential uses in Employment Area Commercial, Employment Area Valley and the Suburban and Neighborhood Center designations. A new approach may be needed for the parcels within this block if the decision is made to remove residential uses from the Employment Area-Commercial designation.All of the parcels in this block may not have adequate access and visibility to support commercial development. The analysis will evaluate several alternatives including 1) change to Multi-family Infill Designation, 2) change to Residential Options Designation, 3)No change in designation but changes in the regulatory approach to residential uses within the existing designation. A change to Multi-family Designation may also require a text amendment to Land Use Policy LU-69 which currently prohibits expansion of multi-family infill designations. This policy will be analyzed in the context of proposed solutions for these properties and in terms of the potential Citywide implications of a policy change. 12. Location of the proposal. Give sufficient information for a person to understand the precise location of your proposed project, including a street address, if any, and section, township, and range if known. If a proposal would occur over a range of area, provide the range or boundaries of the site(s). Provide a legal description, site plan, vicinity map, and topography map, if reasonably available. While you should submit any plans required by the agency, you are not required to duplicate maps or detailed plans submitted with any permit applications related to this checklist. See Figure 1 and attached legal description. B. ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS 1. EARTH a. General description of the site(circle one); flat, rolling, hilly, steep, slopes,mountainous, other Sloped. b. What is the steepest slope on the site (approximate percent slope?) 180%. c. What general types of soils are found on the site(for example, scaly, sand, gravel,peat, muck)? If you know the classification of agricultural soils, specify them and note any prime farmland. The soils on the site are Beausite(BeC and BeD)gravelly sandy loam(USDA Soil Conservation Service, 1972). d. Are there surface indications or history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity? If so, describe. In general,geological hazards in Renton include areas susceptible to damage from landslides, earthquakes,and coal mine collapses. A portion of the most northern parcel on the site has been designated as a high erosion hazard(City of Renton sensitive area map). e. Describe the purpose,type, and approximate quantities of any filling or grading proposed. Indicate source of fill. Not applicable. This is a non-project action. CPASEPA.DOC City of Renton Environmental Checklist 3/31/98 Page 4 f. Could erosion occur as a result of clearing, construction, or use? If so, generally describe. Erosion could occur if clearing was done on the steep slopes or in the high erosion hazard areas. This,however,is a non-project action and no new development is proposed as a consequence of this CPA. g. About what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after project construction (for example, asphalt or buildings)? Not applicable. This is a non-project action. h. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion, or other impacts to the earth, if any: Not applicable. This is a non-project action. 2. AIR a. What types of emissions to the air would result from the proposal(i.e., dust, automobile, odors, industrial wood smoke) during construction and when the project is completed? If any, generally describe and give approximate quantities if known. Not applicable. This is a non-project action. b. Are there any off-site sources of emission? Emissions from neighboring residences and automobile traffic. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or other impacts to air, if any: Not applicable. This is a non-project action. 3. WATER a. Surface Water: 1) Is there any surface water body on or in the immediate vicinity of the site(including year- round and seasonal streams, saltwater, lakes, ponds,wetlands)? If yes, describe type and provide names. If appropriate, state what stream or river it flows into. There are no surface water bodies on or within a quarter mile of the site. 2) Will the project require any work over, in, or adjacent to (within 200 feet)the described waters? If yes,please describe and attach available plans. Not applicable. This is a non-project action. 3) Estimate the amount of fill and dredge material that would be placed in or removed from surface water or wetlands and indicate the area of the site that would be affected. Indicate the source of fill material. Not applicable. This is a non-project action. 4) Will the proposal require surface water withdrawals or diversions? Give general description,purpose, and approximate quantities if known. Not applicable. This is a non-project action. CPASEPA.DOC City of Renton Environmental Checklist 3/31/98 Page 5 5) Does the proposal lie within a 100-year floodplain? If so, note location on the site plan. The site does not lie within a 100-year floodplain. 6) Does the proposal involve any discharges of waste materials to surface waters? If so, describe the type of waste and anticipated volume of discharge. Not applicable. This is a non-project action. b. Ground Water: 1) Will ground water be withdrawn, or will water be discharged to ground water? Give general description,purpose, and approximate quantities if known. Not applicable. This is a non-project action. 2) Describe waste material that will be discharged into the ground from septic tanks or other sources, if any(for example: Domestic sewage; industrial, containing the following chemicals...; agricultural; etc.). Describe the general size of the system,the number of such systems, the number of houses to be served (if applicable), or the number of animals or humans the system(s) are expected to serve. Not applicable. This is a non-project action. c. Water Runoff(including storm water): 1) Describe the source of runoff(including storm water) and method of collection and disposal,if any(include quantities,if known). Where will this water flow? Will this water flow into other waters,If so, describe. Not applicable. This is a non-project action. 2) Could waste material enter ground or surface waters? If so, generally describe. Not applicable. This is a non-project action. d. Proposed measures to reduce or control surface, ground, and runoff water impacts, if any: Not applicable. This is a non-project action. 4. PLANTS a. Check or circle types of vegetation found on the site: Unknown. deciduous tree: alder,maple, aspen, other evergreen tree: fir, cedar, pine, other shrubs grass crop or grain wet soil plants: cattail,buttercup,bullrush, skunk cabbage, other water plants: water lily,eel grass,milfoil, other other types of vegetation b. What kind and amount of vegetation will be removed or altered? CPASEPA.DOC City of Renton Environmennt=Checklist 3/31/98 Page 6 Not applicable. This is a non-project action. c. List threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. Unknown. d. Proposed landscaping, use of native plants, or other measure to preserve or enhance vegetation on the site,if any: Not applicable. This is a non-project action. 5. ANIMALS a. Circle any birds and animals which have been observed on or near the site or are known to be on or near the site: Unknown. Birds: hawk, heron,eagle, songbirds, other Mammals: deer, bear, elk,beaver, other Fish: bass, salmon,trout, herring, shellfish, other b. List any threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. Unknown. c. Is the site part of a migration route? If so,explain Unknown. d. Proposed measures to preserve or enhance wildlife, if any: Not applicable. The subject proposal is a non-project action. 6. ENERGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES a. What kinds of energy(electric, natural gas,wood,wood stove, solar)will be used to meet the completed project's energy needs? Describe whether it will be used for heating, manufacturing, etc. Not applicable. The subject proposal is a non-project action. b. Would your project affect the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties? If so, generally describe. Not applicable. The subject proposal is a non-project action. c. What kinds of energy conservation features are included in the plans of this proposal? List other proposed measures to reduce or control energy impacts, if any: Not applicable. The subject proposal is a non-project action. 7. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH a. Are there any environmental health hazards,including exposure to toxic chemicals, risk of fire and explosion, spill, or hazardous waste,that could occur as a result of this proposal? If so, describe. Not applicable. The subject proposal is a non-project action. CPASEPADOC City of Renton Environmehuu Checklist 3/31/98 Page 7 1) Describe special emergency services that might be required. Not applicable. The subject proposal is a non-project action. 2) Proposed measures to reduce or control environmental health hazards, if any: Not applicable. The subject proposal is a non-project action. b. Noise 1) What types of noise exist in the areas which may affect your project(for example: traffic, equipment, operation, other)? None that would affect the proposal. 2) What types and levels of noise would be created by or associated with the project on a short-term or a long-term basis (for example: traffic, construction, operation, other)? Indicate what hours noise would come from the site. Not applicable. The subject proposal is a non-project action. 3) Proposed measures to reduce or control noise impacts, if any: Not applicable. The subject proposal is a non-project action. 8. LAND AND SHORELINE USE a. What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties? The site currently has two single family residences, one duplex,two multi-family complexes, one professional office,and one vacant lot. The site is surrounded by commercial uses to the north, south, and east; and residential uses to the west. b. Has the site been used for agriculture? If so, describe. Unknown. c. Describe any structures on the site. As stated previously,there are two single family residential structures, one duplex,two multi- family complexes (10 unit and 20 unit), and a professional office (a converted house). d. Will any structures be demolished? If so,what? Not applicable. The subject proposal is a non-project action. e. What is the current zoning classification of the site? The current zoning classification of the site is Commercial Arterial. f. What is the current comprehensive plan designation of the site? The current comprehensive plan designation of the site is Employment Area-Commercial. g. If applicable,what is the current shoreline master program designation of the site? Not applicable. CPASEPA.DOC City of Renton Environmental Checklist 3/31/98 Page 8 h. Has any part of the site been classified as an "environmentally sensitive" area? If so, specify. As stated previously, a portion of the northern parcel has an erosion hazard. i. Approximately how many people would reside or work in the completed project? Not applicable. The subject proposal is a non-project action. j. Approximately how many people would the completed project displace? Not applicable. The subject proposal is a non-project action. k. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce displacement impacts,if any: Not applicable. The subject proposal is a non-project action. I. Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with existing and projected land uses and plans,if any: None. 9. HOUSING a. Approximately how many units would be provided,if any? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. Not applicable. The subject proposal is a non-project action. b. Approximately how many units,if any,would be eliminated? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. Not applicable. The subject proposal is a non-project action. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control housing impacts, if any: Not applicable. The subject proposal is a non-project action. 10. AESTHETICS a. What is the tallest height of any proposed structure(s), not including antennas; what is the principal exterior building material(s)proposed. Not applicable. The subject proposal is a non-project action. b. What views in the immediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed? Not applicable. The subject proposal is a non-project action. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control aesthetic impacts,if any: Not applicable. The subject proposal is a non-project action. 11. LIGHT AND GLARE a. What type of light or glare will the proposal produce? What time of day would it mainly occur? Not applicable. The subject proposal is a non-project action. CPASEPA.DOC City of Renton Environme:__.__ Checklist 3/31/98 Page 9 b. Could light or glare from the finished project be a safety hazard or interfere with views? Not applicable. The subject proposal is a non-project action. c. What existing off-site sources of light or glare may affect your proposal? Not applicable. The subject proposal is a non-project action. d. Proposed measures to reduce or control light and glare impacts, if any: Not applicable. 12. RECREATION a. What designated and informal recreational opportunities are in the immediate vicinity? Renton High School is within a quarter mile of the site. b. Would the proposed project displace any existing recreational uses? If so, describe. The proposed non-project action will not displace any existing recreational uses. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts on recreation,including recreation opportunities to be provided by the project or applicant, if any: Not applicable. The subject proposal is a non-project action. 13. HISTORIC AND CULTURAL PRESERVATION a. Are there any places or objects listed on, or proposed for,national state, or local preservation registers known to be on or next to the site? If so, generally describe. Unknown. b. Generally describe any landmarks or evidence of historic, archaeological, scientific, or cultural importance known to be on or next to the site. None known. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts, if any: None are necessary. The subject proposal is a non-project action. 14. TRANSPORTATION a. Identify public streets and highways serving the site, and describe proposed access to the existing street system. Show on site plans, if any. The site is served by Renton Ave S,Hardie Ave SW,Hayes PI SW, and Victoria Ave SW. b. Is site currently served by public transit? If not,what is the approximate distance to the nearest transit stop? Unknown. c. How many parking spaces would the completed project have? How many would the project eliminate? Not applicable. The subject proposal is a non-project action. CPASEPADOC City of Renton Environmei u. Checklist 3/31/98 Page 10 d. Will the proposal require any new roads or streets, or improvements to existing roads or streets,not including driveways? If so,generally describe(indicate whether public or private? Not applicable. The subject proposal is a non-project action. e. Will the project use(or occur in the immediate vicinity of)water, rail, or air transportation? If so, generally describe. No. f. How many vehicular trips per day would be generated by the completed project? If known, indicate when peak volumes would occur. Not applicable. The subject proposal is a non-project action. g. Proposed measures to reduce or control transportation impacts, if any: Not applicable. The subject proposal is a non-project action. 15. PUBLIC SERVICES a. Would the project result in an increased need for public services (for example: fire protection,police protection, health care, schools, other)? If so, generally describe. Not applicable. The subject proposal is a non-project action. b. Proposed measures to reduce or control direct impacts on public services,if any. Not applicable. The subject proposal is a non-project action. 16. UTILITIES a. Circle utilities currently available at the site: electricity, natural gas,water, refuse service, telephone, sanitary sewer, septic system, other. Unknown. b. Describe the utilities that are proposed for the project,the utility providing the service, and the general construction activities on the site or in the immediate vicinity which might be needed. Not applicable. The subject proposal is a non-project action. C. SIGNATURE I, the undersigned, state that to the best of my knowledge the above information is true and complete. It is understood that the lead agency may withdraw any declaration of non- significance a i ht issue in reli: upon this checklist should there be any willful misrepresen ion or will ack o' ull ' ure on my part. Proponent: Name Printed:iU Date Submitted: Reei i4157 CPASEPA.DOC City of Renton Environmental Checklist 3/31/98 Page 11 D. SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET FOR NONPROJECT ACTIONS: 98-M-10 This sheet should only be used for actions involving decisions on policies,plans and programs. Do not use this sheet for project actions.) When answering these questions, be aware of the extent the proposal, or the types of activities likely to result from the proposal, would affect the item at a greater intensity or at a faster rate than if the proposal were not implemented Respond briefly and in general terms. NOTE: The following responses on this Supplemental Sheet are tailored to City of Renton sponsored Land Use Map designation changes. Comprehensive Plan amendment 98-M-10 relates to this Land Use Map change. 1. How would the proposal be likely to increase discharge to water; emissions to air; production, storage, or release of toxic or hazardous substances; or production of noise? The proposal would not directly result in changes to any of these areas since this is a non-project action. At the time new development does occur,whether in response to this amendment or existing land use policies, it will have to,unless exempt, comply with SEPA and its impacts disclosed. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce such increases are: Not applicable. 2. How would the proposal be likely to affect plants, animals, fish, or marine life? The proposal would not directly result in changes to any of these areas since this is a non-project action. The impacts of individual projects are determined on a site specific basis. Proposed measures to protect or conserve plants, animals, fish, or marine life are: Not applicable. 3. How would the proposal be likely to deplete energy or natural resources? The proposal would not directly result in changes to any of these areas since this is a non-project action. The impacts of individual projects are determined on a site specific basis. The maximum number of new units that could be developed under the subject proposal would be 13 additional units. This assumes non-conforming as to density apartment complexes stay and only under developed sites develop at the maximum allowed 20 du/ac. Proposed measures to protect or conserve energy and natural resources are: Not applicable. 4. How would the proposal be likely to use or affect environmentally sensitive areas or areas designated (or eligible or under study) for governmental protection; such as parks, wilderness, wild and scenic rivers, threatened or endangered species habitat, historic or cultural sites, wetlands, floodplains, or prime farmlands? The proposal would not directly result in changes to any of these areas since this is a non-project action. The impacts of individual projects are determined on a site specific basis. Proposed measures to protect such resources or to avoid or reduce impacts are: Not applicable. CPASEPA.DOC City of Renton Environmei uu Checklist 3/31/98 Page 12 5. How would the proposal be likely to affect land and shoreline use, including whether it would allow or encourage land or shoreline uses incompatible with existing plans? This proposed land use redesignation and concurrent rezone with a policy change would lessen the intensity of development on the site in question from what could develop under the current land use designation and zoning. With the recommended change to Policy LU-69 the subject proposal would be compatible with existing plans. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce shoreline and land use impacts are: On a site specific basis,new development would be reviewed for potential land use impacts and mitigation measures applied. 6. How would the proposal be likely to increase demands on transportation or public services and utilities? The proposal would not directly result in changes to any of these areas since this is a non-project action. The impacts of individual projects are determined on a site specific basis. The maximum number of new units that could be developed under the subject proposal would be 13 additional units. This assumes non-conforming as to density apartment complexes stay and only under developed sites develop at the maximum allowed 20 du/ac. Assuming 6.6 AWDTEs for new apartments there would be a maximum increase of 86 vehicular trips per day or about 10 trips per hour. No major impacts are therefore anticipated on transportation of public services or utilities. Proposed measures to reduce or respond to such demand(s) are: Concurrency policies will help ensure that increased demands on transportation or public services and utilities are met in a timely manner for new development. 7. Identify, if possible, whether the proposal may conflict with local, state, or federal laws or requirements for the protection of the environment. The subject non-project CPA is not in conflict with local, state, or federal laws or requirements for the protection of the environment. In fact,the proposed CPA is intended to be in compliance with the State's Growth Management Act,the Shoreline Management Act, and the State Environmental Protection Act. SIGNATURE I, the undersigned, state that to the best of my knowledge the above information is true and complete. It is understood that the lead agency may withdraw any declaration of non- significance that it might issue in reliance this checklist should there be any willful misrepresentation w ack off 11 's osure my part. Proponent: Name Printed: n-- 1U14- 7 IL- Date Submitted: gi,(/r f T7J CPASE PADOC ei I. cu Q c5 MIN 3 ME=NW 2nd Pl 7 n) a Q Q o zs L 1— NW 2 n d St t"j4', 40z cp, N;co‘o SW Victoria St koria J 1 Ave SW Q11111LW tySW23 nd St aii .. 00' 400'1141_92 400 1 :2,410 Z. S 2nd St Figure 1 : Study Area ( 98 — M - 1O ) o ' Neighborhoods & Strategic Planning ED/N/SP Renton CityLimitsT. Schlepp, R. MacOnie4. o' 30 March 1998 Parcels considered for redesignation PLANNING AND TECHNICAL SERVICES DIVISION WAIVER OF SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATIONS LAND LSE PERMIT SUBMITTAL WAIVED MODIFIED COMMENTS REQUIREMENTS: BY BYE Application Fees X City sponsored application. Environmental Checklist Existing Cov;Hants (Recorded Copy)City sponsored application. Existing Easements (Recorded Copy) X City sponsored application. Justification 'or CPA and/or CPA/Rezone X See issue paper. King County Assessor's Map Indicating Site X Mailing labels list based upon i(\ r\- 1\(-- Technical Services data base. Legal Description X To be provided prior to ERC review. List of Surrounding Property Owners Mailing Labels of Property Owners 9 Map of Exist ng Site Conditions X \( Refer to Figures 2 &4 of Issue Paper. Master Appli ation Form Neighborhood Detail Map X 1(\ See Figures 1 & 3 of Issue Paper. Plan Reductions (PMT's)' X` Figure 1 provided at 8 1/2x11. Other reductions can be made prior to posting. Postage X City sponsored application. Project Narrative X }': See issue paper Title Report lr Plat Certificate X ti\r\_\(\ City sponsored application. Topography Map (5'contours) X See Figure 4 of Issue Paper. APPLICATION: 98-Mz-10 DATE: DEVELOPMENT OF RENTON PLANNING MAR 31 1998 RECEIVED I I:\DIVISION.SU'-TS\PLANNING\AMENDS\19981M 10MTRAP.DOC\LG