HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA98-1501'!l4.E.VEGETA710N.;:.MENAG:EM .1T:::::::::::::::::. :•<:;:.:;;::; OWNER/APPLICANT: Donald J. Gerend, 392-1412 MAILING ADDRESS: 2959 224th Place SE, Issaquah, WA 98029 CITY FILE NUMBER: LUA98-150-RVMP PROJECT NAME: Gerend Routine Vegetation Management Permit SITE ADDRESS (PROJECT LOCATION): 3500 Block of Jones Avenue NE, east side of street see attached Map, Attachment 1). TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): 3342103511, 3342103'531, 3342103545, and 3342103550 SIZE OF SITE:11 Approximately 6.6 acres DESCRIPTION OF SPECIFIC WORK TO BE ACCOMPLISHED: Clearing/surface cutting of an area of blackberries/brush, grasses, and scrub alder as shown on the attached plan (Attachment 2). The site is composed of several individual lots, each with over 35,000 sq ft in area. No more than 6 trees of over 6" caliper at chest height will be cut per lot. The purpose of the work is to clear an ingress/egress through the property. Equipment to be used: Track hoe, small dozer, weed wacker and possibly lawn mower. Work is planned to occur between September 1998 and August 1999. i"':CONDI:TLONS•::QF,P.ERMI'f:::APP.ROVAI,<.'<::.;:;:;: .,:....;;;:::.:....::: pp,.can..<s_ a. ;cornpl:yw tt:al(a :l bl.eetlons;:ofthe.;T ee:::Cuttrn ::: nd:;<' nd<:C1e r I y rY mrmmal loll scraprng wlil:.occur. Aseparate grading permit Is requEr d far sl,Illearth moving or radin A pan co, work rs.to be performed within 25 fee#of a lake or stream shoreline orwnthtn a wefland or wetland;:; buffer. No wor k is to be.performed:;in areas.where slopes exceed 4d/o or.In areas Irt excess:of 25/a slope where....;;:: class Il or;lll;landslide:iiazard.;;aten#i_al<exists :::`;;;<: requi ement: ;N:on:orefoal .40:/a:;ofahe::JEve.crown:'of:an..::ar:.ee:shalL:be::remo.. ' >::>::>::>;: p:.rmlt. o-::•:' .,;.iY;i``.:> ii3i ii33iiii "1;::;: No equipment;.trees:o:r::ve' etation will::obstruct:a.C.It ;'sldew c lean::o .• PERMIT EXPIRATION: This permit is good from the date of issuance (noted below) for a period not to. exceed one year. Any work performed after this time will require either a permit extension or a separate permit. APPLICANT'S CERTIFICATION AND ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF PERMIT CONDITIONS: I hereby certify that no work is to be'done except as described above and that all work is to conform to Renton Codes and Ordina s. i Applicant 1( • Date CITY APPROVAL: This ,rrrmit hereby granted subject to compliance with the Ordinances of the City,of Renton,the information filed herewith, and the conditions of approval noted above--Development Services D-vision Manager. By " Cl oil v Date Z-S—?Y L ti`:: fig" 7., __ 1y;' •'-. cNI saN e.,..,-_ ,;.. ....,..,- '!'* Ar. q. 2-. . .. '' 1Q t l, 1P• . d I. I • T w 1 I' , . U , 0 R r 1i. i. r , 1. ato xJ , 8 4 J, ll. 4- 1 I M I' a r I. I f11 ir: I i:; 11 I. N i'= L j•, I r— U: U'- lCe( I" I L 4L7 l s, 1,: 1. i Icf. r. 1' I' I< I: 1 r3' I' Of t U' f , I:e r o co ::,, s•: ', , t:,. y •_,•• _-•• t J_' I" L__, LL I. E yy J 5, I` r 1A 00<' • P` 1 r^ p t, yi_ 1 r i N I„ i M G'- J' I , W J Cfl Wit",', c i h:, i. 7i;' ii' u ra I. t; IT II tea• - i:i'i I ..,.. .....: .,. 1. nrr.^,,, Y. Y.' -- Y--:- Iit I 1.. I}. = SIT I` I. to- ao ' eo 7, i' i , 1 1', 1 1 is I i- T, Ef LL a r l} 1-. 1 / y r a 1. I_ N I,.: J a t I 1 I': i 4 1 1'. V:' I tti.' y R" 9, 5 1 i? 1 G: v 7 11 5 1 It ' i^' V jl 1 I f o i,i' d I' t ' F 1.1‘14gt% t, \\ \\\\\\'\`.„'. 7 ti\y` • l\\\\\\\sawn:\\\\\\\\\\,,., Vie. 0 . 11`\\\ '\ L \ \l\1\\ .'. 00\0\\1 11\\\ \\ 1. 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W#'— ZIP:11021 PHONE NUMBER: 11a5- 37 - 1-jf 1 at,PHONE NUMBER: t$—.M2.-/y/2 or+. -392.- 619l6.4'Fax) SITE ADDRESS (PROPERTY LOCATION): 3$7C X for es Ave N. SIZE OF SITE/PROPERTY: 6. 1 Ac v ..5 KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NO(S).;33%41 U 3E11)331 a103531) 331210,3S ..53 3361 a1o35-50 . IS THE SITE: UNDEVELOPED [] PARTIALLY DEVELOPED, OR [] DEVELOPED? DESCRIPTION OF SPECIFIC WORKT_O.BE ACCOMPLISHED:, (DESCRIBENUMBER, TYPEAND SIZE OF TREES TO BE REMOVED) 4.e55 ,4et n 6 /e (of ).611) per lot greater 1/iiah 3S o7O/f 1• 'iS anf cipa/ 1 tJ1 1 4 7w alder or cofitoH'woo4 sAa/( be cut. Ay, 010( cabin site tclearec ) plus v rrc Nortiwest-a w( so4 iwes' accessO7osAve. la , g e done eefer lIIDt as s/ye or to LT Peat of w 'aw(. . ' . IS THE WORK TO BE PERFORMED•FOR THE SAKE OF PREPARING THE SITE FOR FUTURE DEVELOPMENT?*'NO [] YES, CITY LAND USE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT NO.: IS THEWORK TO BE PERFORMED WITHIN 25 FEET OF THE HIGH WATER MARK OF A STREAM, CREEK OR WETLANC„)?I: NO [] YES• IS.THE WORK TO BE PERFORMED IN AN AREA WHERE SLOPES EXCEED 40% OR WHERE.SLOPES EXCEED 25%j1N'IT14..}A_CLlPIe1e0-' rCSS III LANDSLIDE OR EROSION HAZARD AS IDENTIFIED ON CITY OR COUNTI(v:fEGO.RDS?41Na044E•8 IS THE WORK T,O BE PERFORMED WITHIN A "NATIVE GROWTH" PROTECTION EASEMENT? NO []YES TIME SCHEDULE FOR TREE CUTTINGNEGETATION MANAGEMENT ACTIVITIES: START DATE f` [8 END DATE Act /f` / J TYPE OF MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT TO BE USED, IF ANY: O&v'I'Ie, r71er A015 a 7tc,& Joe a noQ a .,malt doter 7 477 rn,` A f' !e its . /9/se weeIwac Cer' a n of o s s:b1 la wit vno wer I DESCRIPTION OF WORK TO BE ACCOMPLISHED WITH MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT: G/ears„ v ge7'a*r / fry OM cab,`n Te a na i'Air ss/el/'ess fiS DESCRIBE PROPOSED MEASURES TO BE USED TO PROTECT THE SITE AND ADJACENT PROPERTIES PO.TENTIALA'DVERSE-IMPACTS OF-TNEPROP 9 SED_WORK AND-EQU.IPMENT.OPERATION:_•; -.. Vo alverse irneti:4 an7`Ici, The following additional information/materials'must also be attached to this application form,..Incgmplete permit applications"cannbtbe processed. ATTACHMENT#1. A-plan for the specific work to beperformed, including the location of all areas proposed to be cleared and the types and sizes of vegetation/trees to'tie temoved or altered, future building site (if any), right-of-ways, utility lines, aid.easerent ."'(Note: Clearing should not occur outside of these-areas or more than..15:feet.from a proposed building foundation line..)•If.a drip.line of a.tree_-will • - overhang/overlap a construction Tine, this must also be indicated on the plan. The plan must be drawn to scale with northern property line,at the tog to,the:paperand clearly show all property boundaries and adjacent streets. J. ATTACHMENT#2. `Standards and criteria to be used for routine tree trimming and topping. ATTACHMENT#3. Standards and criteria to be used for ground cover management. ,Q/ackberries R Nyt 1 scrit older are tfiro howt- fire arle4 'b be ele*rec. U 1ATTACHMENT:.#4.: Standards and crite.ria;to.be•,used,.in,determining the,location for use of any chemicals,,pesticides,'or herbicides. I,(Print Name D declare that I am(please check one) V the owner of the property involved,in this application,_the authorized representative to act for the property owner(please attach proof of authorization),and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. ATTEST: Subscribed and sworn to before me,a Notary Public,in 0 na V, GEi.Wa hington residing aant TiP.A 1I-1102— t on AnoS V clay Print Name of Owner/Representative) is S Signature of O r/Representative) Signature of lfplary Public) - REVISED 3/95 MARILYN KAMCHEFF COMMISSION'EXPIRES 6/29/99 134 • 29 T24N R5E W 1/2 4,ia nir 1. __ . r A NE .4 3 c - a IM CA I CDR , _ i a _ O . j1 , CA f iq , Ny 4p't :St 1 li r 1 --1 1 ' ' - -•L- .' 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" 1************************************************** City of Renton WA Reprinted: 09/24/98 14 :45 Receipt 1************************************************** Receipt Numbler: R9805797 Amount: 75 . 00 09/24/98 14 :44 Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #6880 GEREND, DO Init: LN Project: #: LUA98-150 Type: LUA Land Use Actions. Total Fees: 75 . 00 This Payment 75 . 00 Total ALL Pmts : 75 . 00 Balance: 00 Account Code! Description Amount 000 . 345 . 81 . 00 . 0015 Routine Vegetation Mgmt 75 . 00 I