HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA62-103NI 0'(‘; Fie 4- -r. i' ,-3" ce,f ill. VI r)„,r;ici • 3 ',,,,, c.) 1';'3 . i 3 I,.(-Y 1-1 •••• tic T. . rt ffolr-I, ''' A tk...T°Ple• pP.e.:.ro'-.?,:l 131._61 . 4,,',1,..L,r'N, ,r-I 47 r 1 eq.' r2 r r3 a'.... 121,1:',5'"-"J a I-i'.,`i ,1 ;,•,`.'.7; .17'...'d /.3.e. Or flAi',,E),,,i',0::),,ec: C.,r,A. e;iv/ i .....14?,o- •.,.:... ..-"' " f-1 I t.-" k•' 1.. ..ip 4::::!.;P T..7',c-...'1•1 -'',:rt') t1,,!,,, c.01-, Pl.&e.,.5e, . •,•.-,)-.-r,./ ,,...--,, ,-.5 . U i,/IT. 0 '3 1,,;;t...,,i....,-. .,,,,il 1 fo 19,e,, /1 1 0,, :ti iii/.7. 1--- SAme ,Of, 04 1 ) en"/ 3 1=5/',,,:',... 41:5 ot,4,,,t} i •.a':"77:...-. — 7 4.' ,/...... s . N 1.7-4 i:..;:,,,t.?") o':'o,,,! 7ZA,^:;•5..,1',,, . .:.',.. •''` ,.!':',;1-V ",,, itri‹,..:) P a'4 f)pit:. t..4„,,D 4 cr...ef" II ,_.‘ j 1. f.) 6 4AI (:,;) f4 C) ,I,..?;..1 4,6' --,,,•:-T!•7 5,!,!..v-c, H,,, _____> 1 1 c y CILJ..e4 — r.. 1_ I r f t • 9 F i is j f 4 l mP 4 C a n 6 i f 1 E Z.'" 't) i n rr, i R-w __.._.__ ..._...,,iJJ ± P- i E is!11 .i AIC.,E r j 1 ° i I 1 -v 3 j ,,i. i6 7 i j 1 FAG' v 5T o 0,,,e . 1 ,'Jo o `aY 4.1 v e Iv p P A P /9 rR rilF,. 1`1 A e/u 5 1 N 5 .Pg ZL _ ftAl._.. ;._PIP_,$ 1 9L(1, i 0urJ (RUI?4S c+ OWNEk. M INTER-OFFICE MEMO Date September 14, 1962. Rezoning (John Grubisich) from From: Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney Departmental Account No.R-4 to B-1 To: Mr. David Jensen, Planning Director Expenditure Account No. Message: Enclosed you will find copy of the prpposed zoning i the above case. G IS IL GMS/eh Form M1 - Mayor's Office J01I-IN 6kV5/•SIC 103- 62 r NAME OF PROPEIZTV OWNEZ FILE NUMHER RECLASSIFICATION FROM R 4 TO 3- / AL/G 22, /962 328 W DATE OF PUBLIC NEARING KROL L PAGE NUMBER 1/ m 2r;n• 2 14 1 4 L 13 13 I 1 it, ;AK' I f r n . I 12 1 1z Iz L 17 1 1 10 ...... 4 —1 4 1, 1:_ lin RHal 2D S 20_ 7 rt ?? agelr219° 9 `)i. ON AVE 4 Q 22 s `! a 10 25 10 Ls 0 Hi I7 24 3 3 10 '2 27 12 27w I no© 25 2 2 I 13— n -I' ?A r E mil ' z A E I I 12 sE s Pi ecil/ , 71 /14 13 14 r 13 13 I iN 11I1215I, I2 12 3 r 2 2 5 12 1, IIrZ 14 s 6 e s 111Epos I I 16 i 11 11 1 .. 3 3 16 I6 nn>• 13 1UMIIIIV 10 17 Io ` 410 a Z 4 17 T i' I.L Q' 2 Q' a 19 6 IB r. i 5 lLi 6 19 Q 'q / 7 za 1 , r 4.{ •` n 6 ty a Z 29C,ao 21 UBROOKS AVE6u 4 ' g z Q L' < I o S 8---.,.,Cr IQ 29 10 + / 6 ® 4 zA a 911 2 r, 3 _ 10 13 ®yea'• ' / J.- I 11 7 6 ' M OMI t3 AVE 1 -- JF 0 VI, 9 12 a 5 I12 2 4 Il I ' ,_ro µQ / ki:Iiiiiii CI 9 10 a: :' 0) 0 ! 3 12 9 5 S 18 8 1 5 "7-- ilill 6 - .. 311110 19 me 7 15 Y xn 45 6 5 O/// 14 ci ci zj 3 4 1 W f,i. , 2 L/8 E2T Y K410. 9 .. • u PARK 8 t 1N L/ 7 6 z Q 1 EneteN AREA RECL A SSIFI EO 6Y THIS ORDINANCE PASSED 8Y T//E CITY COUNCIL. y' -J/ i--- DATE t. .- e--41t—cl e_.) -.77,,e jk--0.___:. / II/ELM/E NELSON, CITY CLERIC /l al. . AUGUST 22 , 1962 REZONE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS REg Milwaukee Land Company The Rezone Committee recommends approval of R®4 zoning for the revised application involving about 10 acres on the east end of the applicant's property. RE g Edgewater Enterprises ,Inco The Rezone Committee recommends that the east 80 of the prop- erty be reclassified to R-2 , if acceptable to the applicant, and the remainder be rezoned to R=4. RE g Renton Hospital , Lots 1 C 10 , Blko 7 Rainier ,Acreso The Committee recommends that the east 80 ' of the property be reclassified to R-2 , if acceptable tp the applicant, and the remainder be rezoned to R-40 REg. FrankHanleyj JerryGoo0all The rezone Committee recommends that R= 3 , zoning be granted to the Hanley property because this would be a logical extension of existing R=3 zoning° 7.____-REg John Grubusich The Rezone Committee recommends that the request for B®l zoning be approved. Louis Fe-f,ettr;inUaiiiiiii Stan Wilson . , . . James Denzer 3- 4. Frank Ianley. and Jerry: noodall f' The Planning Commission recommends the reclassifi- cation from n-7200 to R-3 of the following described property ihe South '331'.47' of the NE 1/ 4 of the 1/4 of Sec. 8 ,. .Twp. , 23N 1, P.• 5 r:,,':•1.4.. , 1;:in.f° West of the State. Highway #2.,. Less that portion southerly of a line running. southeasterly from a .point on the `test line 212.001, ' North of the South line , to a point on the e st . margin of said h-i'j,hwav 1:l ' more or less north of. the South line of the subdivlsiun, said• 1981 being measured along the west margin .of said highway. The Commission' s recommendation is made for the follow- ne reasons a) This ..would be a natural extension of the zones immediately adjacent to ' the north, R-3 and:`' -1. cJ) This use would be compatille with the develop- inE uses in the ..immediate vicinity as related. to Sunset Boulevardvard East. 5. John 'Grub i's.ich: The Commission recommends the reclassification from f?-4 to -1. of Lots 24 , 25 , 26 , 27 , ,Car Works Addition to Renton. This recommendation is made, consistent with the ex- F)ansion of the existingexistinr 5u inoss. district-, in the immediate Vicinity. 6 . Walter Claybo: The Planning Commission recommends the granting of a Variance '.for the construction of, a carport and utility shed nn I,rvt ' 7_ Block 44 . ,Renton Iiirhiand s No. 2 an requested. August 22 , 1962 6, Continued, Relative to the request of Edgewater Entep.rieWp. Inc, for rezone from GS-1 to R-4 of Lots 2 , 3 , 8 6 9 , Block 7 , Rainier Acres , it was moved by Wray, seconded by Peretti that we recommend the rezoning of the Edgewater prty`to-R-L ,EXC PT-that the east 0 of the property be rezoned to R-2 , Motion carried, r, otto abstained from voting, 7, Hearing opened on the application by Frank Hanley and Jerry Goodall for rezone from G-7200 to R-3 , The Committee and the Director recommended the rezone to R-3 in that this is a natural extension of the existing R-3 on the north and will provide a suitable buffer between the residence district and the business district, Chairman Denzer asked if there were any objections , either oral or written, There being none , it was moved bar McGarrigle , seconded byLottothatwerecommendthegrantingo. t_he rezoning as requested, carried, 8 The hearing opened on the request of John Grubusich for rezone of Lots 24 , 25 , 26 , Block 7 , Car Works Addition from R-4 to B-1 . The reports of the Committee and the Director were read, recommending the rezone, Mr. Jensen noted for the record that the proposed plot plan will require variances on setbacks for any structure from Factory Street, Second Avenue North and the alley, will be necessary accord- ing to the provisions regulating the use of land in a B-1 District which is adjacent to a residential district. It was then moved by McGarri le , seconded by Lotto , that we recommen te granting of the rezone to B-1 , Lotion carried, 9 , Hearing opened on the Special Permit application of Y. S, Pack for the construction of a sixplex on Lot 14 , Block 26A, The Committee recommended denial of the request for a Special Permit and that con- sideration may given either for a tri-plex, or if there is suffic- ient area, that two duplexes may be considered, The Planning Director recommended denial of the request for a Special Permit in that six apartments are recommended for a lot ad- jacent to a single family residence zone. Further, the adjacent lot to' the south has a new single family residence on it . Further, other construction in the immediate vicinity contains not more than three units . This recommendation is consistent with the principle that duplexes are suitable adjacent to single family residential districts , whereas , higher density dwellings may be entirely out of keeping. It was stated that a request was made by telephone to the Planning Office asking that this matter be held over, because the applicant was detained in Alaska and was not able to attend the meeting, Mr, Stanley Green, stated he is the owner of the single family residence to the north of the proposed six-plex, that he was aware when he bought the house that the zoning was R-2 , but that- he does object to more than a duplex because he felt that it would overcrowd the area, He further stated that the street is a short street and not paved. Several other property owners in the area were present in the audience and protested the Special Permit for the same reasons . It was then moved by Felker, seconded by Lotto , that this matter be held over for one month, Mr, McGarrigle stated that his committee report would be the same at the next meeting. Some of the people in the audience stated that they did `not see any. reason to postpone the hearing on this matter if 5- September 20, 1962 Mr, John Grubisich 1408 2nd Avenue North Apt. 3 Renton, Washington Dear Sir: Enclosed is. Ordinance No. 1978 publication as appearing in the Record Chronicle under date of September 19, 1962. This is to advise that the Renton City Council, at its regular meeting of SPpi-Pmhor 17, 19 69 has granted your request for the following: Variance: Rozoning: R-4 to B-1 Plat; Preliminary Final Vacation of Street: Other: PROVISIONS, CONDITIONS, otc. Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTO Helnie Nelson, City Clerk AN'"ORpinAY CL O HE CITY or 'REN1X) ,'•W4'SH1 8C 4, CliA ING H.E,.2ON1NC' . C IFIC rare o csRThXN OP Ti tgITia ThE.cITY OF. it/ENItti. FP* •, APART E T-1POU$ES •AND". iULT°IPLE 1341,i,IEGS"(R-4•) to B%JSItESS DIS lICT(S-}•) ' WUER :AS 'under Chapter -VII,-.Title 'IV (Bead."ding Pegulmtions) •of Ordinance. No. 1620, known ae the•'"Code •of Gsnars3: Ordinances ;of the City of-Renton'!,ea amended,. and" the "mapt. adopted in,•cbnjlinetia t 'the r'ewithr, the properties,:hsreinbe1c W described ,have _' heretofore been zoned aas "Apartment Houses and Multiple Vweliings.1--R-4)• and, VHBRtklAS.under; the :aforesaid' :Ordinance,."as amended;. s:proper .,petition.tor change,.of .zone classification of the.lherei.ntela described propertie.s ,bss been f With. the City:;Clerk=`of 'the City.of Fteenton on'.or ;about.Julyr3'l, -19'62.," eahfch; petiition .was, there- after referred, to the Blanning,.:ccennialion for. investigation;, study and "public hearing, and a ,publie..hearing:having Eisen held'thereon._on_August 22; ,1962, • in the',Council Chambers'. of the City of Renton,;' a31',pursuent,•,•to .'notice _of;s earing duly published:;and •posted as provided.. by laaio;, said,Planning:..Cowmiasiore.ha'vi.ng• duly considered'.'and •studi:d. said .petition and al l parties having.:been heard appearing,fn support thereof or in opposition thereto; . BE IT OR IN .,.: .TTRE" MAY t3"A .:•TRE-.CITTY•COUNCIL OP 'II F'CITY OP REIITON•AS POLLcMS y. section I: The following ,described parcels 'of property in. the: 'City of. Renton . are'hereby rezoned to BBusiness ? istrict `(B-I)i as, specified,.below, •the -City.':Engineer end • . the Planning Director- are hereby SauthOrieed and directed••to'chiangee the:, maps of the Zoning Ordinance•, as, .attianded, .of'.'the City:,ot'Renton to evidence .this. rezoning;, said properties being described, ats.follows: Lees :24,' 2J. and 26,' ill ock.?, .Car..Works. Addition to Renton, as • recorded: in Vol;. lk; of .Plats,'Records',ofKing..C©unty,: aeh3ngton. and said rezoning to,be•_further.subject to 'the laws-,and ,ordinanceis`of..this •City of ,Renton. . Section.IIc . This ordinance' shell• be in full fo cei •acid;effectCfreci 'and'after. . its.passage,.-approval .and. legal' publication, PAS; ED BY THE CITY•:CO1J.hv!L -this, 17th day of .,Septernber. 3 9ei2.; .. Hal 3elmie. y Cite;• APPROVGD BY II1E MAYOR this .1.7th day of Septe Aber;:.-19G2 APPROVED AS TO FORM x ratl Al ant,: Mayor " Gerard M. Shelladt, C3ty;Attorney DATE": cF ; 1P.03 1CA`71ON. SEP•.1.9:1962: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION RENTON, WASHINGTON A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION 4T ITS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, RENTON, WASHINGTON ON 1111W-13 . 22', 1962 AT 3:00 P.M. TO CONSIDER A PETITION FOR ' 'RELOONE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: 2. F os .,R. to Hal Lot 21. q 25 and 2 u , Block 7 , •i . Works JAdc. i"t_io :o '.E rli: ai:,r. ; oord.';c: In Vol. 15 of P at , Page 47 , Records o:L Kin_, Coun.t • , ANY AND ALL PERSONS INTERESTED OR OBJECTING TO SAID Rezone ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ON August 22, 196 2 AT 8:00 P.M. TO VOICE THEIR PROTEST OR OBJECTION TO SAME. DOUG FELKER, SECRETARY PUBLISHED Aucrust 8 , 1962 RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION L o an. herebycertifythat three 3 copies of the above document were posted -by me in three conspicuous places on the property described above • and one copy posted at the City Hall, Renton, Washington, on 0.4,t1 // 19 6-= as prescribed by law. Signed: o • T ST' . JOTARw JBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE ti, 121WWATiHiii,6TON, RESIDING AT RENTON. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION RENTON, WASHINGTON A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON PLANNING COIMISSION AT ITS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, RENTON, WASHINGTON ON f:1-12uS 22 , 19 62 AT 8:00 P.M. TO CONSIDER A PETITION FOR FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: 2.. Ti7O ,f...y—t( 4 a?—• Lots 24 25 and 26 , Bloc}Car `'or'k° f;• 5 of P1a:-.1 y rx, ;;;<. 3;`,•i a, Washington. ANY AND ALL PERSONS INTERESTED OR OBJECTING TO SAID Rezone ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ON ;W5U t 22'0 19t-2 AT 8:00 P.M. TO VOICE THEIR PROTEST OR OBJECTION TO SAME, DOUG' FELKER tiNCLAIIR -EltzRiBEM, SECRETARY PUBLISHED Polflust 8 , 1962 RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION LO hereby certify that three (3) copies of the above document were. postecj by me in three conspicuous places on the property described above and one copy posted at the City, Hall, Renton, Washington, on Gt j, 1/ i9 CZ as prescribed by law. , J Signed: ATTEST: - u: ' gzi#af T]V AND FOR THE STATE QF••V SHLNG' ON, 'RESIDING AT RENTON. if sti.. 1' f PLANNING DIRECTQR' S REPORTS (CONTINUED) RE REZONE request of John Grub.usich. from R-4 to Bml, Lots 24 , 25 , 26 , Blk. 7, Car, Works Addition t.o. Renton. Recommend approval of the request for rezone from R -4 to B-1 . It should be noted for the record that the proposed plot plan will require variances in that setbacks for any structure from Factory Street, Second Avenue North and the alley will be necessary accord- ing to the provisions regulating the use of land in a B-1 District which is adjacent to a residential district. REg Y. S. Pack request for Special Permit for a Six-plea, Lot 14 , Blk. 26A Renton IighYands -No. 2 . Recommend denial of the request for a Special Permit in that six apartments are proposed for a lot adjacent to a single family residence zone. Further, the adjacent lot to the south has a new single family residence on it. Further, other construction in the immediate vicinity contains not more than three units . This recommendation is consistent with the principle that duplexes are suitable adjacent to single family residential districts ,. whereas , higher density dwellings may be entirely out of keeping. REg St. Mathews Lutheran Church request for nursing home on Sunset Blvd. etween t venue an t venue orth. Recommend that this matter be held for further study in that. a) Present zoning Rml will not allow this use and, b) It is anticipated that a request for a proper zone will be submitted. REg Jean Parshall request for Beauty Shop at 601 Burnett Streets R-4 Recommend approval of the request for a Temporary Permit of two years duration for the following reasonsg This area is suitable for commercial and industrial pur- poses- and such use will not be incompatible with the future uses in the area or the needs of the nearby residents . REg Walter Claybo request for Variance , Block 44 , Lot 7 , Renton Highlands No. 29 for carport and utility she. . Recommend approval as per previous report. REg John Vance request for Variance to build residence on non-dedicated road. Recommend continuance of this matter until the applicant,, has arranged for suitable access to the property. REg VARIANCE request by Paul Collie for residence on nbn-dedicated road. Recommend granting of the Variance for construction of a resi- dence provided the applicant is willing to quit-claim portion of the property to the City for street purposes and further, enter into an agreement with the City for construction and improvement of said street within one year of the area's becoming a part of the City's street system. This is in keeping with the policy and practices established for other properties in the immediate vicinity. Wayne Oyler, Victor Holmquist, etc. ) 2- APPLICATION FOR CHANGE OF ZONE IN THE CITY OF RENTON tt50 S FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Application No.'s Secs-Twp0 R0 Date of Filings 31 I(o Area Maps Plano Come Actions. Kroll Pages Dates City Council9s Action Dates Ord. No. APPLICANT TO ANSWER. ALL THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS NEATLY AND ACCURATELYs Name of Applicant 14,vt4.1 Address /1-0'' wee a--— 1.f. CLre 3 Telephone No. 3 rc-•' Property Petitioned for rezoning is situated on 1-4Lez 7- Street, between between Street and 3 Street. Legal Description of Subject Property a c2.4. 5 c-v-47 2CP C-eh, N-J \-/c ) r) r= I {NJ S EXISTING ZONING . ' 2-¢ ZONING REQUESTED What are the uses you propose to develop on this property? Number of permanent off-street parking spaces that will be provided on this property? 17 Number required f/ NOTE TO APPLICANTS , The following factors are considered in re- classifying property. Evidence or additional information you desire to submit to substantiate your request may be attached to these sheets. 1 . In what way is this proposed change in zoning in the public interest? 2. On what basis is there a real need in this community for more zoning of the type you request? 3. Do you consider the property involved in this application to be more suitable for the uses permitted in the proposed zone than for the uses permitted in the present classi- fication? Please explain 1 - V' 1 c t What provision would you make to protect adjacent and surrounding properties from the detrimental effects of any uses permitted in the proposed zone? AFFIDAVIT , P4 19 9 being duly sworn, declare that I am th own /Ver of property involved in this application and that the foregoing statements and answers herin contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Subscribed and sworn to me this dsc day of v 9 1962. G je.-„ i ,,,, r,--.' L Notary Pu. ic i and or the State Name of Owner) a n,.,o D r ' - 4&.'. AJ 1 Mailing Address) AD 4 res' . ' .g at City) State) rimer ddress City Telephone No.) M Name of Owner Ma i I i ng Addresson lCl\PYc': ; City ) State) 4 c0 Telephone No.) 1›R. SC a ' Q x . CERTIFICATION PLANNING STAFF This is to certify that the foregoing application has been inspected by me and has been found to be thorough and complete in every particular and to conform to the rules and regulations of the Planning Department governing the filing of such application. 40 Date received G 1 3/, (02 Bya `-771-e t Planning 1epartment 2-