HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA62-1274 t,k4,4 Reny L i r D 27-60. ,r NAME OF PROPS R.TY OWNER. PILE NUM8Eh RECLASSIFICATION fROM .S-1 TO S I3 / Nov 2 a, /962 337 PATE OF PUBLIC WEAAUNG KI-4011.. PAGE NUMBER. I/ , 1i14000.-_ -- "-.. •• ,„ -- .- '5'z a ':•,-.L....•.:•„ '•.! 7 ' 1,1,00 . -----..---- .----- 31_._17.T0i_ ___L7_, E-r,71.: e,,,y7-,- 1 5 //// / b, / ,,. 1 // ',_‘H-1 I,% 4., .., i,.' ,v .. . i t - -F-;; - ' -,I.-:. - ', P TT.,77 :,.::r--. .' ". . Vi1(' --' I"' : r:, G S 1 za.se,tt,::;1 1 si tf)-- -- -- . 1,--- '-2 -2-2 N/..L.- - 2----- •• F...:-.._4._ __.:.t., , . iTil ' — -----'17. . 4 ---T --',---7_ . ::: ...---: - • ' • t0,1. - • • '... 7-• •-' ' : c,'•! F ' ., j _ z--; f____ _ _...1 - I 7:' '','5..•,. • ' "N' ;CP ,..''r:,•-• ,'C'.i , ' ' i 1_! I 1 2.!-''':__I___..; ___LI. ,,.• - ..,..',-12 _ A, q ' ,,-,r 1 1',) . :.3.:': - 2__.i.:?.., -I "-•., 1,.., '2:124,i ,-.._ ' 1 ' k • • r \ , ",2.1 - - 1 2_,: '.'IL— .-,-( - -, s- . j • •,../3 . ,f,...•..7..." . „,',.;,:.),A. _, ./..:----',. _X, \ ' . c"r-!'Ll, :;--.i!, :i.4•',:L•J .i_ E.0 - i,, , I , i , 1 4 1 . 1 N -. i:ii::itiNgii;g1igi.:.iii0i1g AREA RECLASsIFIED BY TNIS ORDINANCE:::wi..:]:::i::,::,]!,,i,,::::;::i,::Niiii:i:::i: PASS E 0 BY 'TY E C/ry COUNCIL DATE 1-/ELIWIE NELSON, CITY CLERK / Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 12-10-62 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) Planning Commission Recommendations: Discussion followed on the location of the proposed gas station relative to a bad corner on the hill at Benson Highway and 168th and a channelizatiori blan was outlined, after which it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poll, to concur in the Planning Commission recommendations. Further inquiry was made relative to an R-3 zoning permitting a business operation and Planning Director Jensen advised this is commonly done in some Counties and spreading of a zoning is contained by granting a permit allowing non- conforming use and not by zoning. In concern for setting a precedent, it was moved by Trimm, seconded by Bruce, that the matter be referred to the Council As A Whole. Roll call vote was requested after dissenting voice vote and results were as follows: Aye: Dullahant, Garrett, Trimm and Bruce, No, Hulse, Gianini, Dahlquist, Pedersen, Custer, Delaurenti and Poli. Four aye votes and seven no votes lost the motion. The original motion was stated with referral to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. 2. Rezone was recommended on Elizabeth Foley property, Lots 26, 27, 28, 29, Block 22, C. D. Hillman's Earlington Gardens Addition No. 1, from "G6000" to L-1 with provision that owner observe a minimum setback of 65' from center line of South 153rd Street for all buildings and structures, and further, that a minimum rear yard setback be observed of not less than 20' for all structures; any changes in the above conditions to first have approval of the Council and said restrictions to be binding upon the property through the year 1975. Moved by Poli, seconded by Custer, to concur in the recommendation with referral to the Ordinance Committee for a proper ordinance. Carried. 3. Rezone of the Alma Draviand property from GS-1 to SR-1 with variance as to setback and 15' access lane to Benson Highway. (Previously the Maki property located South of new Freeway, off Edst Valley Highway. ) Moved by Custer, seconded by Hulse, to concur and refer the matter to the Ordi- nance Committee. Carried. 4. Recommended the granting of a variance to John Nirk subject to the condition that a 20' setback be observed necessited'to allow reduction of the rear yard to approximately 5' - and to allow construction on a property not having a desirable depth. This matter had been considered under communications and hearing set on Mr. Nirk's appeal of this decision, as he was unable to meet the 20' setback and requested reduction to 10' . 5. Tino Cugini-Variance to allow construction of a single family residence was recom- mended provided terms and conditions of an agreement heretofore authorized by Council action would remain in full force and effect relative to the development and future dis- position of the balance of the property. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poll, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Inquiry was made as to status of the aforementioned agreement if action on the variance were taken at this time and Attorney Haugan advised any such action would nullify and void the agreement. Mayor Aliment questioned validity of the original agreement inasmuch as required signatures had not been affixed on the document and Attorney Haugan advised that only certain types of contracts were required to be in writing. Mrs. Margaret Evans addressed the Mayor and Council opposing the Variance and any development of the property under either the l.rese.mt or the requested zonings. Planning Director Jensen advised that Mr. Cugini's present request was to build on the 42 acres -as per Planning Commission recommendation which variance had been recommended with conditions regarding the agreement due to the Commission being aware of council action relative to such an agreement. Mr. Cugini was asked whether he would agree to sign a new agreement covering the balance of his land if this variance were allowed and he stated he had waited several years and would now like to build .his home and didn't think he should be deprived the right to use his property. After suggested motion that a new agreement be executed for the balance of the property and further discussion., it was moved by Custer, 'seconded -by Trimm, Mr. Cugini,the City Attorney and other parties meet for drawing of a new agreement and the matter be tabled to next Monday'•s meeting. Upon dissenting voice vote roll call was re- quested and resulted as follows: Ayes: Dullahant, Hulse, Garrett, Trimm, Custer, .and Bruce, No: Gianini, Dahlquist, Pedersen, Delaurenti and Poli. The motion carried. 6. A Revokable permit be granted to allow O.K. Tire Store to construct a sign with a 10' setback from the right-of--way line in lieu of the 20 ft. requirement. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce,to grant the permit with referral to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. 3- I . ALMA . DRAVLAfedD - e-f2 — NAME OP PPOPEkT Y OWNPl PILE NLIM8'ER. DA`"'E OF PUBLIC I-/EARANG V K ROLL PA.G'E NUM5ER S,«-_-gib "a i/i r i, Ty . AZ-1 YE_7 f•, i I r /,/i , L'1 j I.. %4 ,i r . s: Ta C 4 ! "'I 1 w •.-____ ...__ R-, Y-.id _ 0,.__.. . --- sP; :` 6. 'I. ?y +``.u_'__-. -__-.i d i Y .^,`MCA,. - M1 _. __ t A-" '' f',a ; -iJ 1_: 5..,-, yam...__-.._..._. s------- 1,`. i i ; 1. i 4 5._4 is r 4_ AREA RECLASSIFIED THIS ORDINANCENC PA5 ED 8Y THE CITY COUNCIL 2 v- DA YEL//E NELSON, cry LErC'C APPROVED BY TUE MAYOR V i42 FRANK AL/ ME„_,---,, ii.ii----f-,-i-. 6+r, MAYOR ORDINANCE NUM8ER. ,2 6 .'/ DATE 2// -2- OF PUSLICATION XHJ it yea 17 1,10Zeiii;'. frot of prop- rt :? z c z crt 4its a . ° 2. - • t:l'u<wt e. .:,t"i 2`?:t r9 `i k`.. 'b . -13 A."4.eL ' ` '".' :Ii ."Sd"t''i• t , b. ‘i'_'con tru ion•- z , on:'`Ihe _ `'' a .t port i : a .''" r o fe t •, a t .ci s :to. v 'a. ii ' . . ; with,: • hat. any• t ruct ur . ;€Jr'. 4"de nee;'c'r cAca;, e the t t _ • A k } 2c '; C1:• 'E"Yt' ;-r 3°idendes, 'i i r .2;a't e1y; 3 .' The= 1:14 2ig 7°a a3'fi:;5 ?on-:, ur.'th ^.''C:C ns, `lt'. ' a- C 7 f t.;g.'. ;C •:G' ;:Yl?; 'fnsi.''.'i.X6f 3aD.'.•'t15', ';'..E''LrS»..:. recor illi!nd@'e• .e a :11'ol' .6:43.., ,- Li ir'.0 fg-,3 .-ru•ct ion •ro S' I•'•C..• ''. wg1 Ld cF.r" 4.•.. i 4 i:: .a' `. 3', yF: y'. ' a3t 'any .' 0.., 9 L.kCrC"!: .. s.'i ' i ^ 9 ' T ' •;.i:.Y....;+"1,;C!Ti :z G fi.A'a d'iS• ".k'.;' w.,.a:., e ".L.`,,,.''• t z.:°t'r.t i a110,:o. n a c oridit or aha A.114a 3tt: F-.1?) . olt.. rrE n 4!?t 3Tti ,1 ont y 'a2?f .•kaG= 5: a.PY2ti ( ' + .• 3'542. ;Y ? G' 'CEa .pido x 'x TA:.tn ;' Of e rt DAuc a io n•1. ''o 3i " `.v'c s"? " not: ::ha V:r'r a N r tc1',.::and :: 3rta'f£;r-.: : " ntin ;td '-ar':a••vet-. quiz rn nt -t .ii:'s'`t r..ea• is-..: 3b,O)3 . .octane•; ' the It. . . •r c•oeirca mod-. tnA•t a -.vat: once De raan to d"• to a '3 a 4;on„ tru' •t'ioa'I '`o 's` 3I..n .e .'fa a' y. '3Ye$s. a C pJ. t, of°3:.,•.r. ;,,:.; 3.iy43( .;'`3.dss:dnd::fe?' .L "`a, ^S•-'tifi- a 1'RcSt ortionn'.of. "?r.opev,,t.: • `'Y]`ri :east r1y of` - , r ig«: . . oii he:rly:' c '. •1.y E : .:rd or.•' ar. °te.'. ay ''of -` .oc. 7 , ; 'z r' : 6 . ` roc c. . . buttI'nt rt. .ne_:.;;:ge o z'_o tr ra'' E ti'•`Su G t $' onpr,.,.9.... 'g •a',fr'ro i.i- .i.t rv.L'd .?•.5 aove.;t and '. ocat a , ,ri° . 'i . ^'` .nor: a rat .1/ of . :h •. nort• °aa . . eaw t, yqt: 1 j' of: /e y: tion¢ly 1.s - a •••and:,o ned. oy' Ti'no. M4i yi.gdu4."t LGL'" ee AltP `• +.+l..a'& "WY wi.,• • - rov d that .i;r .t:erins u._ z ' ,clit ions ':off' • 1 - .. • I APPLICATION FOR .CRFLANGZ OF ZONE' IN THE CITY OF RENTON s FOR OFFICE. USE.'ONLY Application No 0 0 0•7 Sec o-Twp o-R o Date of Filing Gzr_ y`L Area Map Plano 'Como Actiono Kroll Page o Dated City 'Council °s Actiono Dateg Ord, Noo APPLICANT TO ANSWER ALL THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS NEATLY AND ACCURAT.LYo Name of Applicant 4L/)/J j/ Address %5 d PjV o . /_o,4ciTelephoneNoo ,{ s /// 211"- cc3,1--Property Peti , ionea _ for rez noingis -situated on /5-v 2 6 13e,v$o1V Sit sbetween . S'/_ /Y Street and S- Street Legal -Description of SU5 -cf Property _ ANJ Sec 'o4 ao -T 23 AI Se. e - `S` ` _S/ o' - I 1/ti, Co . of o V • X.O 7' 00 ' -T S 7 ' k So ' c A/ -' Existing Zone ng` Gi $ 1. Zoning Requested $) -, What' .are the uses you proposse to develop on this property? 7' "C s T Re e.'- Number of -permanent off-street parking Spaces that 't.ill be provided on this ' property. : / 5fA c e s p.e R h o usNuinber required_ . , 4 c es `o.e R NOTE TO APPLICANTo The following factors are considered in reclassifying .,.Property. Evidence or -additional infor- oration you esire to ss_mit to su stantiate your re uest ma e _attac a to t ese s eetso 1 . In what way is this proposed change in zoning in the public interest? S /Y .c e , 7 a/ e v t'?e% 776 Al TB e i_t TIA1 ek. o n w at asis is t ere area nee in t is community or more zoning o the type you re uest? e /t e_ /de,y 77 Z an/ e e c • , i fr'o I ',S 3. Do you consider the property involved in this application to be more suitable for the uses permitted in the proposed zone than for' the uses per- mitted in the present classification? Please explain 4. What provision would you make to protect adjacent and surrounding prop • ertiee 'from the detrimental effects ' of any uses permitted in the proposed zone?„ DV/$/6/14_5' 4•_S Aepvii' e ni Tye `z on//,v• 6-1:02e_y_ B-,Z-0-ti-71q7 1%07t•e '/ 6 Z Q AFFIDAVIT I , #9/, r v4 n i s being duly sworn 9 declare that I am the owner of property' involved in this application and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith sub- mitted are in all resepects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Subscr°bed and sworn to me this d day of 919 1.4-e a & a,1:-. __t Name of Owner) Notary Public in and for the State of Was in tong r ) (Mailing Address ) 1.71:4-1 Citn) State sid%r gU rate,3 1, S __ 1 I / ti ff`` SSION E `V, Telep one No,. O l a r :, .ity) F(18L;t ' F At.?.c.'°` OFFICE. USE ONLY) CERTIFICATION This is to certify that the foregoing application has been inspected by me and has been found to be thorough and complete in every particular and to conform to the rules and regulations of the Planning Department gov- erning the filing of such application. Date received . 2P) ,6z, gy: 5'- /IL 47e-,—__ I b) That minimum sideyard setback and rear yard setback be not less than 20 ' . c) Any changes from the above restriction shall first have the approval of the City Council of the City of Renton. The Commission in discussing the above requirements agreed to re- lax the sideyard requirements to the minimum 59 required by the Ordin- ance . Chairman Denzer asked, if there were any proponents for the rezone . An agent for the owner stating that he was one of the partners in the business enterprise spoke for the owner who was not present at the meet-_ ing at this time . During the discussion it was determined that since the agent was not a property 'owner it would be necessary to get the consent of the property owner, Mrs . Elizabeth Foley, to voluntarily agree to the above terms as far as setbacks in excess of the ordinance requirement were concerned . Mrs . Foley later.. came to the meeting and agreed to execute a document agreeing to the above stated terms . It was then moved by Holmes , seconded by Cordell , to recommend the rezone: to L-1 with the protective covenants as agreed to by Mrs . Foley for a 20 ' front yard setback and a 20 ' rear yard setback. Motion carried . 4 Hearing opened on the application of Alma Dravland for rezone from GS-1 to' SR-1 of property in the vicinity of Benson Road and S . E . 149th Street . Committee report was to recommend approval of the rezone re- quest and that a Variance be granted as needed on the east portion of the tract . The Director recommended the granting of the rezone and the grant- ing of a variance in conjunction therewith to allow construction of a residence on the east portion of the tract with legal access via 15 ' lane extending to the Benson Road . Further, that in the granting of any variance that any structure comply with the setback from the east line equal to the residences immediately south . Chairman Denier asked if there were any objections to the rezone , , There were no .written or oral protests . ,` It was moved by Lotto, secon- ded by Cordell , to recommend to the City Council the granting of the rezone . Motion carried . With respect to the variances , Mr . Jensen stated that in consider- ing the other properties in the area he had recommended the granting of an SR-1 rezone with a variance to permit the construction of a residence on the east portion with a 60 ' width rather than granting an R-1 zoning in this area . Also that he had recommended the setback to conform with residences on the south to provide for the possibility of a future road through this area . It was then moved by Busch, seconded by Wilson, to recommend the granting of a variance on the east portion with access via a' 159 road 3- r 1 extending to the Benson' Highway and that any structure comply with the setback from the east line equal to residences immediately south , Motion carried . 5 . Hearing resumed on the Variance application of John E . Nirk, for a portion of Lots 4 , 5 , 6 , Block 10 , C . D. Hillman' s Earlington Gardens No . 1 . to utilize property left after the State Highway' s acquisition of the property for the freeway. The portion left is substandard _ size . This matter was tabled until the applicant ' s completion of nego- tiations with the State Highway relative to the subject property . In accordance with the applicant ' s request the matter was again considered by the Commission. Slides were shown of the area and of the proposed plot plan. Mr . Jensen explained that, the applicant had asked for a 10 ' setback from the future south margin of the State Highway right of way, but the Director's recommendation was that a 20 ' setback is needed and that a variance be granted only on Lot 6 . Mrs . Nirk stated that she would like to be allowed to extend her existing building onto the other portions of the property which she now owns . This was concurred in by the Commission. It was moved by Holmes , seconded by Wilson that the Variance be granted with a 20 ' setback on the portion adjoining the future south margin of the State Highway right of way. Motion carried . 6 . Hearing opened on the application by Tino Cugini for variance to con- struct a single family residence on property in the proposed Plat of Vuemont Crest Addition presently zoned ,L-1 . The Committee recommended the granting of the variance in that it'sadj acent to a residential area . The Director's report was read recommending the granting of the variance for the following reasons,: The property is in a residential area and is better suited for residential development ; Further, the construction of a residence on the property will comply with R®1 Dis- trict requirements and should in rio way be detrimental to adjacent land uses . Chairman Denzer asked if there were any objections to the Variance . Mrs . Evans spoke against the granting of the Variance, stating that this would be a breach of the agreement between the City and the applicants that no construction would be started on the subject property until the completion of the highway through this area . Mrs . Evans further stated that she did not object to the construction of the single family resi- dence as such, but according to legal opinion of the City Attorney this might break the Contract . Councilman Garrett present at the meeting, stated that he did not think that the Planning Commission should-act on the Variance because the City Council would undoubtedly refuse the Variance request anyway. Chairman Denzer stated that this matter was by motion of the Council at their meeting of November 5 , referred back to the Planning Commission, and that this is the reason for the Commission' s con- sidering of the matter at this meeting. During further discussion Mrs . Evans , representing the Windsor Hills property owners adjacent to the subject property was asked if the property owners she represents would object to the Variance if all rights under the agreement could be reserved by the property owners as to the balance of the property owned by the applicants . Mrs . Evans in- dicated that they would have no objection if it did not break the terms of the contract agreement . It was so moved by Holmes , seconded by Busch , that we recommend that, the Variance be granted . Mr . Felker objected to the Variance because it was contrary to the terms of the agreement . He felt that the Commission would be ill- advised to recommend the granting of this Variance . After further. 4- NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION RENTON, WASHINGTON A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION AT ITS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS , CITY HALL, RENTON, WASHINGTON, ON November 28 , 19 62 AT 8 : 00 P.M. TO CONSIDER A PETITION FOR Rezone. FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: 2. From GS-1 to SR-1: That portion of Government Lot 2 in Section 20 , Township 23 N, Range 5 E, W.Me , lying easterly of Secondary State Highway No. 5-C John F. Benson Road No. 532) described as follows : beginning 553' southerly and 200 ' easterly from the northwest corner of Government Lot 2 ; thence easterly 280 ' ; thence southerly 75 ' ; thence westerly 280' ; thence northerly 75 ' td the point of beginning; described property being the same as Tax Lots 33 and 35 . ANY AND ALL PERSONS INTERESTED OR OBJECTING TO SAID Rezone ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PLANNING COMMISSION 'MEETING ONNovember.. '28, 1962 AT 800 P0M0 :TO VOICE- THEIR PROTEST OR OBJECTION TO SAME, Doug Felker SECRETARY PUBLISHED November 14, 1962 RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION I , inEP_L/A) L06,A-1 hereby certify that three ( 3) copies of the above document were posted by me in three conspicuous places on the prop- erty described above as prescribed by laws. i 6 - 6 Z Signed: Tt'EST! T ry p 4. 7: A t > 144 NO AkX,PUBLIC I N AND FOR THE STATE 1 OF WASHINGTON, RESIDING. AT RENTON. ALMA . DRAVLA '' D • 27--/27-6 0-- I NA ME OP PROPER.TI; 310VIVEZ. RECLASSIFICA. TION f. Rom- GS-1 TO , E NUMEIER, S 2 1 i.k Nov 2 8, /96,2 PATE OF PUBLIC HEARING KiZoiLL PAGE NUMBER t -4.- i7- tw.::.•1.111,1____9..:,,, _4:.;_2:1 II'R..-41 ,k,1. 000.-__------,--- ,,---i 3 T2 (10 iz i 1 2/i v.....-- 1 4-1/4/ , -- -.....„ I/-I q.,./ ./ i • i I-- .... i(•i 1;',/,--, / i i .7-7-- "—II 7 A I 9, ! ,0 .,•: i ., C1 ---------; i G S -1 9°-• 1 ' zmsogyo.li'; 1‘ i ik 0 2- _-,-,-,,_._ .'--,-.., utv- - 2, 7..-._:.-s--------=-- Tri i' .---N • I4.,IA,II : - 1 - . t5L- -- ‘-'1 I i l 1 I 1; , ,iN. , 24,,,,, , : : "4.;---. •:1* _':',. ')181::.:/j1'-___Lril. i ' L 1 4i 'SIC r-71!•:-.':-'-7-11'-_LI r,._.;-`. ...7-2-.,,(c __ : i,,,_ ! i --i I .1l.) -- 10_, •._ &a...,,-.„..4_,N AL 2-- -I i N-7....7.).--, --1 „. ,., si 2'---'-.. --r- r 71, -- --- 1,4--g.-''- '- -----1 \ \ '.k 4-13-1:1'4•;; ----- . ' -'-' -;' k--' " 1, I t„---2:__.11, ___ 3: ,„\ \•\ 4 4 1 1 l . \.., \ \\114714k-_, 1 4'5 -------I----i 1--_____1 , 1 , r.-- 5-12 , i ; .41 : , i 3 1 i i 1 I H H 1 , • I 1 f . . .N \ \ k.1i ii:i•i;:;:nin;,:::: ik;.i.'i::i':i 1111211111; AREA RECLASSIFIED BY TI415 ORDINANCE PAS:S ED 6Y ME CITY COUNCIL OAT 0 I1ELMIE NELSON, CITY CLERK x 4 . v ORDINANCE no. AN 0 RDINANCE Of THE CITY OF RENTO N, WA$RINGTON, CHANGING THE TONING CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF ROUGE Peril GENERAL CLASSIFICATION DISTRICT (CS-1) TO SUBURBAN R :MINCE DISTRICT .(SR•1) WBEREAdi wider Chapter III, Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628, known as the "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton' as .amended, and the saps adopted in co ijuection therewith, the property hereinbalow described has heretofore been zoned as General Classif'tcatioaa District (G8-1) and MAW wider the , foresaid Ordinance, as amended, a petition for change of tone elassificz tfon of the berciubolow loser plied property has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of aeau on on or alseut Notro7li : B, 1952, which petition was then referred to the Pieentnz Commission for i.nerevtcation, study and public hoariag and a public: hearing helping been held thereon can November 28, 1962, in the Council Chambers of the City of Renton, oil pureesnt to notice of heering duly published and posted as provided by law; said Planning Commission aave duly consic;tred and studied said petition and curtain oodificattona having been made, and all parties bevies been heard appesriog in support thereof or 'it. oppootttoe eharc to; ?;4 l'All :"Gaz DE II MAINMAI= BY THE MAYOR MUD TIM CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RENTON Al FOLLOW: SECTION T: The foltowiag, described properey le ehe w'i€:y of l ar:en is hereby rezoned to Suburban R.,sidani.^? )ist rice (3n-1) .es spa: cilia: belele; the City En ;ir or and the ?Wiling Mrector, are hereby anehori ed lad rl:'srecr., d to cheese the saps of the a,,,onius ordinencc, es amended, to evideece tb4e rsvonin;; ta&c property being described es follows: Tbet ioeeiet cE Cove runent Lot: 2 in Section 20, Township Z3 N., Range 5 E.,W.M., lying easterly of Secondary State Highway Ito. 5-C 3o n F. Beeson lorel Ko. 532) de ecr'ibed es follows: oe . ening 553 feet southerly and ZOO feast easterly from the northwest corner of Govetaent Lot 2; thence easterly LUG :feet; thence southerly 75 feet; Hence westerly 280 feet; thence northerly 75 feet to the point of beginning; described property %ci.e.s the seen as Tay Lots 33 a.ud 35, all located in Renton, King County, Wasbiugt:ou TOGETHER WITH ai variance allowing the eoasta'uctiosa of a ccreein residence on the east portion of the above described property, with proper accawss to Beason load and such setback requirements as may exitrc to residential dwellings itnmedta.tely etc south of 'subject prop.rty, all.'.asisore part .c alarly appearstz pe•titioner's plans and aapsciffcatiOno ' AND • D 'RZZOtilliG to ha further aubj+r't to the laws;and ordinances of. the Cit ' .of k ton. SECTION 'lis -This' ordimutt. a shall .h a in full force and effect' fry snd rafter Its peastag o, `4 prQvat and l4agal ':publicaatian., PASS' EY ' L CIIT,-GO CIL thi* l'' th day of .D*cwibsr,' 1962. Z7 ,, e_ 111.1111.0VED VI THE HAio this .1'7th deer of Daher l9' 2 ' °• EOM.:APPROV AS TO c, r. Gerard M. Shileiza.City Attorneynee I I OW X w-.4,i.--I/ 'VIA W air/AY j G i I i' 7 i Sc,4 Le 1 i`ia R TA, TogoE y s p wM I. EX/ST'IAla- i c G To:Be j i REGo"C4TE© - - - - - L6T3'3 60 I 04.4:... AS:#owl ' i I