HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA62-132Legal No ' e ORUIN.(N AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITYOFRENTON, .WASHINGTON,j CHARGING THE ZONING CLASSI- FICATiON OF CERTAIN PROP- ERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF RRX. TON FROM GENERAL CLASSIFICA- ION DISTRICT (G-6000) TO LIGHT INDUSTRY DISTRICT (L-1) WHEREAS, under Chapter V11.! Title IV (Building Regulationpl of Ordinance No. 1628, known as the Code of General Ordinances( of th City of Rentofi as amended, and th maps adopted in conjunction there with, the property heinbelow de scribed has heretofore been zoned aGenera; Classification District tG-6000); and WHEREAS under the aforesaid Ordinance, as amended, a petition for change of zone classification of the herelnbelow described property has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Renton on or about November 5, 1982, which petition was then re-ferred to the Planning Commissionforinvestigation, study and pnldla hearing and a public hearing havingbeenheldthereononNovember28, 1962, in the Council Chambers of the. City of Renton, all pursuant to notice of hearing duly published and posted as Provided by law; said Planning Commission having duly considered and studied said petition and the petitioner having agreed to certain changes and modifications, and all parties having been heard appearing in support thereof or in opposition thereto; NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAY- OR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON AS FOI.-I LOWS: SECTION I: The following de- scribed property in the City of Ren-I' ton is hereby rezoned to Light Indus-• try District (I.-1) as specified below; the City Engineer and the Planning Director are hereby authorized and directed to change the maps of the zoning ordinance, as amended, to evidence this zoning; said propertybeingdescribedasfollows: Lots twenty-six (26), twenty- seven (27), twenty-eight (28) and twenty-nine (29). block twenty-two22), C. D. Hillman's Burlington Gardens Addition to the City of Se- attle Division No. 1. according to plat thereof recorded in volume 17 of plats, Page 74, records of King County, Washington, EXCEPT the west 100 feet thereof SUBJECT, however to certain cove- nants, running with the land, includ- ing the following: f, Minimum set back of 66 feet from the center line of South 163rd Street for all buildings, structures and im- t provements, together with a minimum rear yard setback of not leas than 20 feet for all buildings, structures and improvements, which declaration of covenant has been filed for record with the King County Auditor's of. Tice, receiving No. 5527830. SECTION II: Thla Ordinance shall be .in full force and effect trom and after its passage, approval and legal publication. PASSED BY THE CITY ('OUNCII. this 17th day of Deeemiter, 1962 c.:ity (`tort. APPROVED ilY THE MAYOR this 17th day of December, 1963.- Frank Aliment. Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORD: Gerard M. Shelian, City Attorney Published in the Renton Town Talk January 16, 1963. i r---,------- i NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Renton Chronicle'RENTON PLANNING COMMI- ' SSION Renton, Wash.RENTON, WASHINGTON A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE Proof of Publication HELD BY THE RENTON PLAN NING COMMISSION AT THEIR This is a copy of your REGULAR, MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY 1LHALL, RENTON, WASHING- TON ON November 28, 1962 , as it appeared for the first time this eek. at 8:00 PM. TO CONSIDER A PETITION FOR Rezones THE It will be published on the following dates:, FOLLOWING - • DESCRIBED PROPERTY: i 1 ' ( 2,"G-6000"to L-1: I 1, Lots 26, 27, 28, 29, Block 22, C. D. Hillman's Earling- ton Gardens Addition to the Immediately following the last insertion City of Seattle Division No, the affidavit of publication will be deliver-1, according to plat thereof ' recorded in Volume 17 of Plats, ed to your office. Page 74, records of said coun- ; ty, Except the west 100 feet thereof. Cost of notice 7 i`at uvrds— 2. From "GS -1" to SR-1: at the regular statutory rate, will be—That portion of Government Lot , 2 in Section 20,' Township"23 N, Range 5 E, W. M., lying easterly of Secondary State fff Highway No. 5-C (John F. Ben- son Road No. 532) described { as:.,follows: beginning '553' I southerly .and 200' •easterly; Thank You. from the northwest corner, of Government Lot 2; thence east- We are pleased to have this oppor- erlythen 280'; thence southerly 75' tunity of serving you and hope thatthence. westerly 280.; ,thence you will favor us with your next northerly 75' to the point' of * publication.beginning; described property bepig the same as Tax Lots 33:and 35. ANY AND ALL PERSONS.IN- TERESTED OR OBJECTING TO SAID REZONES ARE'INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE ' PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ON NOVEMBER 28; 1962 at 8:00 P. M. TO VOICE THEIR PROTEST OR OBJEC- TION TO SAME. ' • Doug Felker, Secretary RENTON PLANNING COMM- ISSION I Published•in Record-Chronicle November 14, 1962. Y 7 3 l tip.ai:rg tr a ' iN COMM:MATZOH ofi my intemsts to owner of rear`'estate hereinafter des- Cl:.bed and to establish sad maintain fair, adequate and wholesome standards of plaasiag, ti dsrvelopment and maintenance within said described properties and the vicinity thereof. 1. the undersigned owner of the fvllowiag described property. to-wit; Lots 26 through 29. Block 22, C.D. Hillman's Earlington Garden Addition to the City of Seattle Division No. 1, accerding to the plat thereof recorded in Vol. 17 of Plats. page 74. records of King County, Washington, EXCEPT the west 100 feet thereof. Do hereby determine. establish and impose the following cove•aats upon and to the aforedescribed real property: 1. That say stractsre erected. melding signs ant teases.shall observe a saiaimum 63' setback from the centerline of South 1S3rd Street. 2. That • minimum rear yard of not less than 201 shall be maintained. 3. That say changes from the above restrictions shall first have the written approval of the City Council of the City of Renton. 4. These above restrictions aad eomants shall remain in force and effect until December 31. 1973. when they shall terminate. AU of said ecntonants shall run with the land and shall be binding on my heirs. successors and assigns, to the said date of December 31, 1973. The above restric- tions and reservations are made for the banodt of any and all persons who now may own or who may hereafter owe aforedeserib d property. as all such persons, including the City of Renton. are specifically given the right to sabre* these covenants. re e ? e sll: isab Pep STATE ' WASHINGTON ) a} }1 F (p Is. CO'''finLS 0 K fG j 02 tic day of January. 1963. persamalty appeared before me r}?•sULt E g-a ie. LET to me knew* to be the individual described in and who cE oci c:J Qs within and foregoing instrument, and ackaowrlsdged that they signed 1 coc od tho dame as their free sad voluntary act and deed. for the uses and pur- i2j).J 30 62Q06 mestioaede GIVIEN wider my hand sad official seal the day sal year last above written. 7 %, / 7 c l{,.-_i I ki-, . )—v6 L 1,7/SEi:771. r-.,-' R - I.- .r . , iv;12;7 / `._-,':-..•-;,. ,,.,-.9 NAME OF PROPERTY OWNER- P.LE NUMBER RECLASSIFICATION f L - iif"--,' Am OF PUBLIC NEARING KROLL PAGE NUMBER 7 il lij t: Li j_DJJ-,-- 1i1. .. T. rr 1 ;,,,,i 1 ; d ; 7---r- , , A, , ___.,.... ,,,if4.5.1 4.,•• •. 117F I flii„.,, rn , i.-1-I 'I 1i,[ , -i 1_,L.- --r —r, I I ill —-- --fil /1,1 i- '• ,,„ 7-i' Ilf' L j_,. 1.1— ------ r , ' . //I v t 1 JI i i ' J L.-- . 50 __,---1 1 LU-L-L•---;1--- '1 ', C-; G ii>11, I i Lii- 7---417_72---- 177:_ ----:-----_-_-- 7.------7117:- ___--,,, 7_77_ i i 1 i s\\ ' i i 1 , --- ---- G---640:.-- I 1 11 /,;' s, il; ; \;\ 1 ' I.:----.-:-.' ,;:. :-.. i • : ;••4-7---- -.--\--, \\1 -•' 1 1:-..-, : ;• ' '' '-' - : ;-; - :) .-- --\ ', \,,, G • i i;,:m:i:i:: ,, L-I L-1 9:0:4 - N. , G , 6600o i i',-- .::.,.,.:.::.: i •-,.., 5 --i '. .-. 3d N • 1 4, I 4 • 1 1 t, •,.. • k • -'..:flk 1 JI1 -1 -- ----I I--- -- -- 1-- ---I 111. 1 1 .:4 t l S L \ I. I _ _ _. 5 t \•.,,, 0! 1, 'i tli ' 1 79 :\ k k S 4 , 4,.. A,I - ----- 7, ,; _--_a 1 -- -- --,--1, ! t i ,__ k, - - , — __,--, _____ ,__ _ , ,_ _ . _t s_,, ...........,...., , 0,-- 1_1 -i I -r — --',AI - - I V• 1 ' --- 1 - - -1 Or- --- -I - --- 'Lu ------ - I f - - 1- - IL11-- 1- I, I 4,- -- • _ I- - - Ix I - 'I--I- 1--- -- 1-1 I Q: 36------ 1' '• 1 • I . 'IF I: -71- ---1- - --:--I 41-- ---i- - ---1 01- --- -1- 3 7I 4-5- -14 1.• ' - - - I' - :'.-- ir-'1: -, -- 2.• -I -- : 101 - -- -1 - -- --I.<1 1 38 1_ _.1 :1--_• __ .- I , _it ' II':...,:.:41 t_-; __ -1> _..; 1 -41 ----- r. : - i, 1. --1 :--i>; 1 ---, - -- -- --- 9 4 0 41 AREA RECLASSIFIED BY THIS ORDINANCE C -to 11 P4 ri.J-C-C1- ey THE ary COUNCIL 2-//e6 — OATO NELMIE NELSON, Cry CLERIC 4 December 10, 196 2 b o%arable Mayor a,r, : ,Aliment, Members of the. City .Council Gent 1emen: ` - he•'F1a bad ng Commission at its public hearing 6f November 28 , '1962, after study' and deliberation recommends to the `City Council that, the following parcels be rezoned; as. fo1.1ow s Jasr . Gould-James _Carl ton: ' . Lots it , 5 , 6 . 6 7, Block 8 , Akers Farms` No . E ;- be rezoned ,from i?Gf to R-3 with pro- v : <'ion ,for -the granting :of, d .permit: to allow, construction of a service station on Lottp,. a.rd a portion of Lot ' 7, .Less the Wert 20' of' Lots 6 6. 7, and leas .the South C] ' of Lots & 6 o which portions are to be transferred to tie City by quit claim deed for roadue2 , and ,utility purposes . The CommissYion further a y roved tale con- struction of a clinic on the northerly portion of Lot '1 provided the Council • concurs 'in the ;granting of the rezone . 2 Elizabeth Foley: MMcoramend rezone of Lots .26,'`27, 23, 2,9 , Block . 22, C. DO of .1l ;a.n's ..,arlington .: Gardens. Add . ado 0 1, from G&000 to L-1 w3 th the provision that the _owner ob- serve , . minimum setback of'`b5j from the center line of South 153rd a treet for all buildings and struct ores, and further, that i nimtrrn rear yard setback be oh - served of not less than .20' for- a].1 buildingsbuildi»gs or structures ' Further that anY changes from the above conditions shall first have the approval of the. City, Coun- cil . ' Said `restrictions to be', made binding 1., 2. Continued: on the property by the ouner as a voluntary act throup:h the year 1975 . 3 . Alma Dravlard: Racommend rezone from (13-1 to SR-i of prop• erty hereafter described with the proviGion that a Variance is further recommended to alio,q construction of a residence on the east portion of the property with access to the Benson Road 'vie a 15 1an4., and with further provision that any structure or residence erected meet the setback from the east equal to the residc!nces immediately The Planning Commission further considered re- quests for the following Variances and Permits and recommends as follows : 4 . John Nirk: Keeomx,end that a Variance be ;ranted to al- low construction of a reLlidence on a por- tion of Lots 4 , 5 6 6 , i.11ock 10 , C . D. Eil1mansCarlinTton Gardens No. 1 subject to the following conditions: a) That the residence he placed on the property so as to meet the requirement of a minimum front yard setback of 20 ' . This provision necessitates the II:ranting of a variance to allow reduction of the rear yard to approximately 5 and to allow con- struction on a ?ro2erty not having a desira- ble depth, and further the minimum area re- quiremert In this area is 35 ,000 square feet . Tha lot is approximately 6802 square feet . 5 . Tinc Cuini: It is recommended that a variance be granted to allow construction of a sing;le family res- idence on the property as. described: That portion of property lying easterly of PSH-1 southerly of loci 1 , Windsor Hills Add . westerly of Block 7 , Uincl.sor Hills Addition abutting upon and wagterly of Zronson )ay • North comprising approximately 4 .5 acres ond lactated within the, northwest 1/4 of the north-. eact 1/4 of Section 17-23-5 , and o.,,ne.:1 by Tino CuEini and Eleanor Dobson. Provided that tnr..! .terms and co dit io ns of 44•, T. APPLICATION FOR CHANGE Of ZONE IN THE CITY OF RENTON 5-0 T3 56 FOR OFFICE. USE ONLY Application No. : e /31-tv Sec.-Twp.-R. Date of Filing: Area Map: Plan. 'CoM. Kroll Page: Date : City 'Councils Action: Date: Ord. No. . APPLICANT TO ANSWER,. ALL THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS NEATLY AND ACCURATELY: Name of Applicant=uu ey=„===Address906,3ainj.erAve,_$.,,,Ren_tonjashTelephoneNo.____BAL__ ,4) 56 Property Peti lone . r rezoning is situated on South 153rd Street between_musi,_ u • Street and 89th Ayenue South ' tree-to Legal -Description of Subject Propertystwonlb -slime-sv tWent: ei ht 28 and 'Went -nirm Gardens AdditionofSeattleDia_t_theregf_reg_prdegt,in volume 17. of ola' s records ofJgaid countyal00_,feet_th=ert, to= emteemaz.A,m.a Zbning” G 6000 Zoning' Requested L.4 What' are the uses you proppse to develop on this pro.PertyiFinnish Steam Bath Number of 'permanent oPf-street parking spaces that will be provided . on this property?. approx. 6 Number required .5 .ar6 NOTE TO APPLICANT: The following factors are considered in .reClaiMing .property. Evidence or aari-TrOffirifir6F- matiote suEsTaiitour re_questmaybeattachedtothesesheets . 1 . In what way 'is this proposed change in zoning in the public interest? Surrounding territory is industr , zoned n w at asis is t ere a rea:=Fia-Tri-T is community or more oningthe2typeyourequest? j close to Lon•acres Race back as well as it 3 . Do you consider the property involved in this application to be more suitable for the uses permitted in the proposed zone than for the uses per-mitted in the present classification? Please explain the wALmEnnEdIm„ are_in_Rrp,c_sta§ co s-_g_t_D__.,ruo-___ungar, ineration act_p_r_esent_i_time for their bus ine sees, 4. What provision would you make to protect adjacent and surrounding prop- ertiee from the detrimental effects of any uses permitted in the proposed zone?I intend to abide by the zoning lawa and intend to pparate my business according e RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING NOVEMBER 28 , 1962 Members Present : James Denzer4 Jay Holmes , Doug Felker, Stan Wilson, Mike Lotto, Gerald Cordell, Wes Busch , Members Absent : Bob Wray, Charles McGarrigle , Louis Peretti , William Trimm . Mr . Trimm and 'Mr o Peretti were excused Others Present : Planning Director David Jensen; Assistant Planner, Merlin Logan; City Engineer Jack Wilson; Cou nclma n Avery Garrett ; Councilman Bruce Hulse . 1 . The minutes of the previous meeting of November 14 were approved as written. HEARINGS : 2 . Hearing resumed on the Jay Gould-James Charlton application for rezone of Lots 4 , 5 , 6 a 7 , Block 8 , Akers Farms No . 6 , from "G" to R-3 and The Committee recommended that the property be rezoned to R-3 and that a permit be granted to allow construction of a medical clinic on the property The Director's report was read recommending that the future utili- ization of the property for any purpose related to the Benson Highway should comply with or provide for the following minimum standards : Reserve or dedicate to the City the west 20 ° of Lots 6 and 7 , to- gether with the south 107 of Lots 5 and 6 and further, the placement of structures along the Benson Highway should meet the City' s require- ment of a 20 ' setback with regard to Primary State Highways . In consideration of the request for rezone , it is believed that the property is entirely suitable for uses alowed in multiple residential districts . Further, some provision might possibly be made in util- izing the property for commercial purposes if adequate safeguards can be effected which will limit or preclude further expansion beyond that justified by the prominent location of the property . Mr . Felker asked if the recommendations were intended to. _include a permit for the service station, Mr . Denzer stated that it was the understanding that the property be recommended for R-3 with a Special Permit for the clinic , and that the Committee would be agreeable to a permit for the service station. Mr . Tenne nt , speaking for the property owners , stated that they are anxious :to get, the B-1 for the Service Stat ion or a. permit for same, because the building of the clinic and the apartments are not feasible without the proceeds from the proposed service station site:. He further stated that the owners have already given to the City an 1- agreement specifying that the property will be used for the purposes as specified . Mr . Tennent further ;stated that the people! in the vicinity, Cascade Vista, have indidated that they would be favorable to a service station on this corner because it would help to light up the area . Also speaking favorably to the rezone was Mr . Dennis Horton, engineer for Cascade Vista, because of the increased lighting, and the assist in directing people into the Cascade Shopping District . Mr . Jensen stated that in regard to a permit for the service sta- tion, the Commission would have authority to grant a revokable per- mit for only two years , but the City Council could grant a Conditional Permit for an indefinit.'e .period , with certain conditions and restric- tions , which would be of more benefit to the property owner for a permanent operation of this type . Further, that the granting of a Conditional Permit in lieu .of rezoning would prevent expansion of further business zoning beyond this point . Mr . Tennent stated that they plan to put in curbing to prevent cars from turning into the service station except at the designated ingress and egress points and he would like to see divider strips installed with left turn channelization at this point on the Benson Highway as a further traffic safety measure . Chairman Denzer asked if there were any protests against the re- zoning either oral or written. There being none the hearing was de® Glared closed . It was moved by Felker, seconded by Lotto , to recommend to the City Council the granting of R= 3 on Lots 4 , 5 , 6 , 8 7 , Block 8 , Akers Farms No . 6 , with a Special Permit for the clinic , and that the Com- mission recommends to the City Council that a Conditional Permit be granted to allow the construction of a service station on Lot 6 and a portion of Lot 7 . Motion carried . 3 . Hearing opened on the application of Elizabeth Foley for rezone of Lots 26 , 27 , 28 , 29 , Block 22 , C. D. Hillman' s Earlington Gardens Addition No . 19 from G6000 to Lml9 for the operation of a steam bath business . __ The Committee recommended approval of the rezone as a logical zoning for this area since it abuts L- l zoning on the east and on the south . The Director recommended the rezone provided that is is agree- able to the owner to maintain certain standards heretofore accepted and agreed to by other property owners in the immediate vicinity . In keeping with these standards it is recommended that the following restrictive covenants be made binding upon the land until the year 1975 a) That any structure erected including fences shall observe a minimum 65 ' setback from the center line of South 153rd Street . 2- b) That minimum sideyard setback and rear yard setback be not less than 20 ° . c) Any changes from the above restriction shall first have the approval of the City Council of the City of Renton. The Commission in discussing the above requirements agreed to re- lax the sideyard requirements to the minimum 5 ° required by the Ordin- ance . Chairman Denzer asked, if there were any proponents for the rezone . An agent for the owner stating that he was one of the .partners ' in the business enterprise spoke for the owner, who was not present at the meet- ing at this time . During the discussion it was determined that since the agent was not a property owner it would be necessary to get the consent o.f the property owner, Mrs . Elizabeth Foley , to voluntarily agree to the above terms as far as setbacks in excess of the ordinance requirement were concerned . Mrs . Foley later.. came to the meeting and agreed to execute a document agreeing to the above stated terms . It was then moved by Holmes , seconded by Cordell , to recommend the rezone.: to L-1 with the protective covenants as agreed to by Mrs . Foley for a 20 ° front yard setback and a 20 ° rear yard setback. Motion carried . 4 . Hearing opened on the application of Alma Dravland for rezone from GS-1 to' SR-1 of property in the vicinity of Benson Road and S . E . 149th Street . Committee report was to recommend approval of the -rezone re- quest and that a Variance be granted as needed on the east portion of the tract . The Director recommended the granting of the rezone and the grant- ing of a variance in conju¢iction• therewith to allow construction of a residence on the east portion of the tract with legal access via 15 ' lane extending to the Benson Road . Further, that in the granting of any variance that any structure comply with the setback from the east line equal to the residences immediately south. Chairman Denzer asked if there were any objections to the rezone . There were no .written or, oral protests . / It was moved by Lotto , secon- ded by Cordell , to recommend to the City Council the granting of the rezone . Motion carried . With respect to the variances , Mr . Jensen stated that in consider- ing the other properties in the area he had recommended the granting of an SR-1 rezone with a variance to permit the construction of a residence on the east portion with a 60 ' width rather than granting an R-1 zoning in this area . Also that he had recommended the setback to conform with residences on the south to provide for the possibility of a future road through this area . It was then moved by Busch, seconded by Wilson, to recommend the granting of a variance on the east portion with access via a 15 ° road 3- extending to the Benson' Highway and that any structure comply with the setback from the east line equal to residences immediately south . Motion carried . 5 . Hearing resumed on the Variance application of John E. Nirk, for a portion of Lots 4, 5 , 6 , Block 10 , C. D. Hillman's Earlington Gardens No . 1 . to utilize property left after the State Highway's acquisition of the property for the freeway. The portion left is substandard size . This matter was tabled until the applicant ' s completion of nego- tiations with the State Highway relative to the subject property . In accordance with the applicant ' s request the matter was again considered by the Commission. Slides were shown of the area and of the proposed plot plan. Mr . Jensen explained that the applicant had asked for a 10 ' setback from the future south margin of the State Highway right of way, but the Director's recommendation was that a 20 ' setback is needed and that a variance be granted only on Lot 6 . Mrs . Nirk stated that she would like to be allowed to extend her existing building onto the other portions of the property which she now owns . This was concurred in by the Commission. It was moved by Holmes , seconded by Wilson that the Variance be granted with a 20 ' setback on the portion adjoining the future south margin of the State Highway right of way. Motion carried . 6 . Hearing opened on the application by Tino Cugini for variance to con- struct a single family residence on property in the proposed Plat of Vuemont Crest Addition presently zoned L-1 . The Committee recommended the granting of the variance in that it'Sadj ace nt to a residential area . The Director's report was read recommending the granting of th.e variance for the following reasons,: The property is in a residential area and is better suited for residential development .' Further, the construction of a residence on the property will comply with R-1 Dis- trict requirements and should in no way be detrimental to adjacent land uses . Chairman Denzer asked if there were any objections to the Variance . Mrs . Evans spoke against the granting of the Variance , stating that this would be a breach of the agreement between the City and the applicants that no construction would 'be started on the subject property until the completion of the highway through this area . Mrs . Evans further stated that she did not object to the construction of the single family resi- dence as such, but according to legal opinion of the City Attorney this might break the Contract . Councilman Garrett present at the meeting, stated that he did not think that the Planning Commission should-'act on the Variance because the City Council would undoubtedly refuse the Variance request anyway. Chairman Denzer stated that this matter was by motion of the Council at their meeting of November 5 , referred back to the Planning Commission, and that this is the reason for the Commission' s con- sidering of the matter at this meeting . During further discussion Mrs . Evans , representing the Windsor Hills property owners adjacent to the subject property was asked if the property owners she represents would object to the Variance if all rights under the agreement could be reserved by the property owners as to the balance of the property owned by the applicants . Mrs . Evans in- dicated that they would have no objection if it did not break the terms of the contract agreement . It was so moved by Holmes , seconded by Busch , that we recommend that, the Variance be granted . Mr. Felker objected to the Variance because it was contrary to the terms of the agreement . He felt that the Commission would be ill- advised to recommend the granting of this Variance . After further discussion on the terms of the agreement , Mr . Felker moved to amend the motion that we recommend to the City Council that the Variance be granted provided that all the parties to the agreement can be satis- fied that all the terms and conditions of the agreement will remain in full force and effect as to the balance of the property owned by the applicant , which is the subject of the agreement . The motion as amended carried with a 5 to 2 vote . 7 . The Commission considered the application of the 0 o K . Tir'e Store for a sign at 710 Rainier Avenue South to be constructed 10 ' inside the property line on the north corner of the property . The Committee .re- port recommended denial of the request for the Variance , because this proposed location is on a State Highway and it is necessary that set- backs be observed . The Director' s recommendation was that the Variance be denied in that the location of the sign complying with the proper setback distance will not be detrimental to the proprietor and his interests . Slides of the proposed plot plan were shown. After discussion it was moved by Busch, seconded by Wilson, that the Variance for the.., sign be granted with a 10 ' setback . Mr . Jensen felt that. this might be granted on the basis of a re- vokable permit as has been done recently with respect to setbacks for some service station signs . The motion was amended by Busch, seconded by Lotto, to recommend. to the City Council that a revokable permit be granted in lieu of the Variance . The motion as amended carried . 8 . The Commission considered the petition of Janet Ray for permit to operate a kindergarten in her home at 1222 K Street o Mr . Holmes stated that "he and Mr . McGarrigle had inspected the residence and talked with Mrs . Ray, .and had found no objection t o ''the operation of the kinder- garten,: except that they would recommend that a fence enclose the back yard o Mro Jensen stated that Mrs a Ray had stated ,that the children ' did not go outdoors to play and that the kindergarten only operated during the' normal school months , not operating during the summer . It was agreed then that the fence would not be required The Planning Director recommended granting of a Conditional Per- mit for the operation of the kindergarten for the following reasons : The use • is related to community needs and is a type of facility normally found within residential districts . It was moved by Lotto, seconded by Wilson, to concur in the re- commendation of the Committee and the Director and recommend to the City Council that the Conditional Permit be granted . Motion car-Tied 9 . The Commission considered the proposed Vacation of South 128th Street . Mr . Jensen pointed out the location of the street proposed for vaca- tion. He stated that the grade is not excessive and it might be de- sirable at some future time for the City to put in this street for im- provement of circulation in this area . He recommended against the va- cation. After further discussion it was moved by Holmes , seconded by Cordell , to recommend to the City the denial of the request . Motion carried . 10 . The Planning Commission reconsidered the rezone requests Of the Edge- water Enterprises and the Renton Hospital , from GS-1 to R-4 , of Lots 2 ,. 3 , 8 8 9 , Block 7 , Rainier Acres and Lots 1 & 10 , Block 7 , Rainier Acres , respectively . The Commission had previously recommended to the City Council the rezone of the above property to R-4 except that the East 80 ° of the property was recommended for R-2 o The City Council has now requested that the Commission reconsider the matter . Mr . Lotto requested to be excused as a Commissioner on this matter, stating that he had refrained from any previous voting or discussion on this matter, but that he would like to speak as tlne of the-property owners . - He stated that this has remained unsettled for 5- three or four months , during which time architects have been employed and that the resultant delay has been costly both in time and money . He stated. further that the Company would accept an R-3 zoning, but that an R®2 on all of the property is not feasible for development . Chairman Denzer asked if anyone wished to speak against the rezone . Mr . Roy Boblet spoke for the property owners who had originally objec- ted to the R®4 or an R®3 and that the only rezone acceptable to them would be an R-2 . Mr . Hal Thevik spoke in support of .the R-3 , stating that in so far as appearance there would be little change from an R-29 because the buildings would conform to the topography, and he felt that they would do no more damage to the area than would an R-2 . It was moved by Felker, seconded by Cordell , to recommend to the City Council on both the Edgewater and Reriton.Hospital property that the property be rezoned to R-3 except for the east 80 ' which is to be rezoned to R- 2 . Motion carried . 11 . Mr . Jensen asked the Commission to consider the matter of a proposed plat in connection with the proposed annexation of an area adjacent to the Plat of Brentwood No . 2 and adjoining Sunset Highway in the vicinity of Honeydew School . He displayed the proposed plat stating that the Plattors are asking the Commission for some intent as to whether they would be favorable to the Plat as a whole . Mr . Jensen pointed out some of the changes he would recommend as to street arrange- ment , ingress and egress from the plat , etc. These details would be worked out after the area is annexed to the City and would be present ed at a later time . The Commission members were generally favorable to the Plat . ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS : 12 . Chairman Denzer announced .that the` Commission has been invited by the Puget Sound Governmental Conference to attend a dinner meeting on December 12, which he felt might be of considerable interest to the members . He recommended -that the December 12 meeting of the Commission be postponed to permit their attendance of the dinner meeting to be held in Seattle . Mr . Denzer asked that any members desiring to go the meet- ing contact him for reservat ions . Mr . Jensen suggested that since the regular hearing meeting falls on the day following Christmas it might be well to combine the two meetings on the, 19 of December. It was so moved by Mr . Felker, secon- ded by Mr. . Holmes and carried . Accordingly, the next meeting of the Commission will be on December 19 , which will be an administrative and hearing meeting . 13 . A letter was read from Mr . Oliver M. Hazen who advised that the School Board will not be meeting with the Commission on this date . Mr . Jensen stated that a subsequent letter he received stated that according to information received by the School Board from the State Board of Educa- tion approval by the Planning Commission is required only for construc- tion on new sites . 14.. Chairman Denzer brought up the matter of cooperation between the City, Council and the Planning Commission stating that this is of prime im- portance in the joint task .ahead of holding hearings -and in making decisions connected with the 701 Program. 15 . There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 11 : 00 P.M. m6 m Doug Felker, Secretary agreement specifying that the property will be used for the purposes as specified . Mr . Tennent further :stated that the people] in the • vicinity, Cascade Vista , have indicated that they would be favorable to a service station on this corner because it would help to light up the area . Also speaking favorably to the rezone was Mr . Dennis Horton, engineer for Cascade Vista, because of the increased lighting, and the assist in directing people into the Cascade Shopping District . Mr . Jensen stated that in. regard to a permit for the service sta- tion, the Commission would have authority to grant a revokable per- mit for only two years , but the City Council could grant a Conditional Permit for an indefinite period, with certain conditions and restric- tions , which would be of more benefit to the property owner for a permanent operation of this type . Further, that the granting of a Conditional Permit in lieu of. rezoning would prevent expansion of further business zoning beyond this point . Mr . Tennent stated that they plan to put in curbing to prevent cars from turning into the service station except at the designated ingress and egress points and he would like to see divider strips installed with left turn channelization at this point on the Benson Highway as a further traffic safety measure . Chairman Denzer asked if there were any protests against the re- zoning either oral or written. There being none the hearing was de- clared closed . It was moved by Felker, seconded by Lotto , to recommend to the City Council the granting of R-3 on Lots 4 , 5 , 6 , & 7 , Block 8 , Akers Farms No . 6 , with a Special Permit for the clinic , and that the Com- mission recommends to the City Council that a Conditional Permit be granted to allow the construction of a service station on Lot 6 and a portion of Lot 7 . Motion carried . Hearing oPened on;the ap_p1-i-.cation_ of_Elzabeth _Fole_y_for rezone of Lots' 26, 27 , 28 , 29 , Block 22, C. D. Hillman' s Earlington Gardens Addition No . 19 from G6000 to L-19 for the operation of a steam bath business . The Committee recommended approval of the rezone as a logical zoning for this area since it abuts L-1 zoning on the east and o,n the south , The Director recommended the rezone provided that is is agree- able to the owner to maintain certain standards heretofore accepted and agreed to by other property owners in the immediate vicinity . In keeping with these standards it is recommended that the following restrictive covenants be made binding upon the land until the year 1975 . a) That any structure erected including fences shall observe a minimum 654 setback from the center line of South 153rd Street . 2- b) That minimum sideyard setback and rear yard setback be not less than 20 ° . c) Any changes from the above restriction shall first have the approval of the City Council of the City of Renton. The Commission in discussing the above requirements agreed to re- lax the sideyard- requirements tO the minimum 5 ' required by the Ordin- ance . Chairman Denzer asked, if there were any proponents for the rezone . An agent ..for the owner stating that 'he was one of the partners in the business enterprise spoke for the owner, who was not present at the meet. ing at this time . During the discussion it was determined that since the agent was not a property 'Owner it would be necessary to get the consent o.f the property owner, Mrs . Elizabeth Foley, to voluntarily agree to the above terms as far as setbacks in excess of the ordinance requirement were concerned.. Mrs . Foley later., came to the meeting and agreed to execute a document agreeing to the above stated terms . It was then moved by Holmes , seconded by Cordell , to recommend the rezone: to L-1 with the protective covenants as agreed to by Mrs . Foley for a• 20 ' front yard setback and a 20 ' rear yard setback . Motion carried . 4 . Hearing opened on the application of Alma Dravland for rezone from GS-1 to' SR-1 of property in the vicinity of Benson Road and S . E . 149th Street . ' Committee report was to recommend approval of the ' rezone re® quest and that a Variance be granted as needed on the east portion of the tract . The Director recommended the granting of the rezone and the grant- ing of a variance in conjunction therewith to allow construction of a residence on the east portion of the tract with legal access via 15 ' lane extending to the Benson Road . Further, that in the granting of any variance that any structure comply with the setback from the east line equal to the residences immediately south . Chairman Denzer asked if there were any objections to the rezone . , There were no .written or oral protests . / It was: moved by Lotto, secon- ded by Cordell , to recommend to the City Council the granting of the rezone . Motion carried . With respect to the variances , Mr . Jensen stated that in consider- ing the other properties in the area he had recommended the granting of an SR-1 rezone with a variance to permit the construction of a residence on the east- portion with a 60 ' width rather than granting an R-1 zoning in this area . Also that he had recommended the setback to conform with residences on the south to provide for the possibility of a future road through this area . It was then moved by Busch, seconded by Wilson, to recommend the granting of a variance on the east portion with access via a 15 ° road 3Q I NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION RENTON, WASHINGTON A PUBLIC 'HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION AT ITS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS , CITY HALL, RENTON, WASHINGTON, ON November 23, 19 62AT 8 : 00 P.M. TO CONSIDER A PETITION FOR Rezone. FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: 1. From "G-6000" to L-1. ( L±F t Industry) Lots 26 , 27 , 28, 29 , Block 22 , C. D. }Iillman',, Earlington Gardens Addition to the City of Battle Division No. 1, according to plat there of recorded in Volume 17 of Plats , Page 74, records of said County, Except the west 1001 feet thereof. ANY AND ALL PERSONS INTERESTED OR OBJECTING TO SAID Rezone ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ON Nove.,mber . 23, 19 62AT 8 : 00 P°M. , TO VOICE THEIR PROTEST OR 'OBJECTION TO SAME. Doug Felker, SECRETARY PUBLISHED November. 14, 1962 RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION; CERTIFICATION I , Merlin Logan hereby certify that three (3 ) copies of the above document were posted by me in three conspicuous places on the prop- erty described above as prescribed by laws . o -62 Signed: ATTEST ' .1 Na le'IJBLIC IN AND FOR THESTATE 0± j SH55NGTON, RESIDING. AT RENTON. AFFIDAVIT Elizabeth E. Foley I, r being duly sworn, declare that I am the owner of property involved in this application and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith sub- mitted are in all resepects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief° Sulmo'r'ipe4. and sworn to me this s' November 19 62 Name oOwner) 11,o± rr'Pifblic; in and for the State ofc • 1 906, Rainier Ave. So.' Wa`s ington 9 Nailing Address ) Anton Washington./ TCity) State) residing at Baldwin 6-0659 314 Wells St. Renton Telephone No,:) teas Ci ) OFFICE USE ONLY) CERTIFICATION This is to certify that the foregoing application has been inspected by me and has been found to be thorough and complete in every particular ' and to conform to the rules and regulations of the Planning Department gov- erning the filing of such application° Date received g ° 1 1 EL /Z4, E771 F ''/ ?' 11NAME i- OF PROPE12TY OWIV EQ FILE NUMBER 4RECLA SSIFICAT/ON fQOM . 6c) I`:- r© L - I V01/ ,Z; ', /9 2' 33C-,, PATE OF PUBLIC NEARING KQOL L PAGE NUMBER 1"--2 `' _ _`--'L'tC.l- (A { I i I r r1..lJ--i' I ' i ."pi U n 1 , O LPLL1Li1 Nil ISO r--------------1---1-1---JP'-;: rt1041,i) - 17---------- I I( ---\\, ..,\ A_...i j T, i I jL__i_.....--,....---,...\1-21.4. lr G 6 1 (7, 1- .-11\\id ' .2 r-:!-. .,., w_:, ST A.t A \ ,. :ill ICI -- t---- t I---- y - f :' 1 3 7 r --t - i {-- -7 - 1 j L'-- t 54 - I uli - ; -----1 1-------I----I LEI ' '` --- - y_i55II '' z, t 1 I _ S jl _ 2 S _ r I i 1 - - -- 4 1- o+ i as 1 1' • • i i l 1- i' I r Ili, I 1 1 I - - - I I so 49 I F j- --J I r - - 7 I— --I - a1 r..;l -- -1- I Qt 1'- 1- - j 1 )t-- -1 I- - r 1 a 49 J;• - -----I -- — - -1 v 1 _ I -- -}!1— 1— —t — 1 1 i ' •- - T --- - 1Q1- -- -I- -- --I i--- - . --- -- -1fir- - --I- 3 a 1 - - --- I ---- - I I-1 ILA, - I-- -1F- _- -__ 35 e te _. 4-- -- 1 I -- -- 1--- --- ix I - --1 - - -I I-I-_ - -1-- -1 Q- 1- 36 43 d 771. I--'- 717- - - I. - -1- - - 1-- ---a- -- --I U -I-I- 49 rt• AREA RECLASSIFIED BY THIS ORDINANCE PASSED BY TUE C/rl COUNCIL DATi A EL 1Z/1-15E7W FOLEY R.- /.F3 -c 2 NAME OF P ROPE 12T Y OW N E Z PILE NUMBER RECLASSIFICATION FROM C-601/.._)(i TO Al 0 1/ ZA,), /96,2, PATE OF PUBLIC /-/EA /NO K ROLL PAGE NUMBER t • 14-1ji 111,1j11 I 1 A 11 I I 0111 1111! • PP 1 i 1 1 1 M 4•-• 1-, 1-1 IT ; , , ; --- 11 • . ; 1---r TirrT1-/ ; rilriTilli I 1_1 {1 1 1 1 11 4:1- IR } 1./ FT` 1 7G.-- -?- •N, 4: , ., .._,„:____,.. ,.... -.. .. 4 a . ',-,• i,i, :._-_,.L..i': -7/ 4 L-/ . i?.,i•Of 1 --.:_. 'N • '' 1.1. L. ;; f 000 4 • L ''-- • f ;' A....m...6 •,.. :•-•?, P,1"..-4 ar/ k Fit- -------ti- - ----i t-------,----- r- - 5 -•-• '‘ LO t------ ---r---- --I I- i' i \•,--I t---- --I i-- --T.--- -I _. _.. 1! I 1 : '. --- - I':-- - ----'-' .",•-- 44 - _ .•;:.' ' -' ' - -I 1:'': 1 11j - -- :: 6..1 H".i , .- • ' ti i ;1 -- --,.. --- 1 sz t t 4 \. 2 7 5 I •\444,1 1 • 2. - - - -.fk1 - - --I - -- --1 --- --- 1 - -e.... I 2 9 IL 41.:.„--_• - " I 111 V: --,---1-- - r_ . ,__ • _ 1 ••••• • _•1 i• __ __ , 0 4.3 4-4 ; - i. I -- - - i - - -f -- 1 I - "----1 --- i 4.1 -..3 .1.1 - 1 --I I 1 --- 2 4 , r7 a 3 3 1- - - -Lir- -I-- I >I------- - 1 - -------I 0 I- --I---1 I-" ---I- Cil 1- I1----------..s-.- 1 1:- --;-----.------ I4t----------------.------1 141-1 I1---- --- ---11-----------I1I L<. - k- N\ 1)1 I I 36 37 1 -- - ici 4 3 8 -; O 1: 44 j 1> =1.— —1 4 t---"-- 39 4 S i- -••. ' - '; 1 '' ----T - -7:1--- I''-I. T. -7.-Tf,-TT-I:J:7 !------ — ---ri -- --:-- —-- ---1-- f:::if:'•i*i:i:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiffliiii. i.-:g:;M:::•gini:M AREA RECLASSIFIED 8Y TI.IIS ORD/NANCE PASSED BY TUE CITY COUNCIL /- 7-/763 DATE e...4.--,) lIELMIE NELSON, CITY CLERK i APPROVED 8Y TUE MAYOR____/ ---"' 7-/7 6 ..3 tuarE 1 i z//-/f7 .1.--t---,•,-7,„,..„ -t.../..---- PRANK ALIMENr, MAYOR ORDINANCE NUMBER <7 -0 e 6 DATE 16' -----/9‘...' OF PU 81.1C ATIO N EXIIIIBIT 'A " i/ 147* /5'2 °-'-`-- (=I'22 INTER-OFFICE MEMO Date Dor.har 13 19t 2 From: Gerard M. Snel lan, City Attorney Re :Foley Property To: Dave Jensen, Planning Director Message: Dear Sir: Would you please check over the enclosed copy of the Foley rezoning DOrdinance. Please verify the legal description and also furnish us a copy of the Declaration of Covenants prior to recording. This Ordinance probably should be held until the Covenants are ready for filing. Very truly yours, HAUGAN & SHELLAN By Gerard M. Shellan City Attorney GMS:nd Enc l. r ORDINANCE NO. 6 AL oaromict OF THE-CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, CHANGING THE DING CLAS$IFICiTION OF (=Um PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF . - ' wink rim GINI IL CLASSIFICATION DISTRICT (G-6000) T©' LIGHT INDUSTRY••DIST ICT.•(L-1), tiR1 ,S under Chapter VII,. Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No .1628, known is..the "Code of General Ordinances,of.,.thee City of Renton"- as amended, - and,.the, snips adopted in conjunction therewith, the-.property, hereinbelow described has theretofore-,been zoned•es nerel •.Clsusific*tion Dieltrieti:(C•6000); end ' . NNEREAS under •the,aforesaid Ordinance,:as emended, ei .petition for change of. sons classification-of:the.hereinbelow described: property his been :filed with the City Clerk •of the.,City of. Renton on or about.November 5,• 1962, which petition yeas then referred:to the Plea mini'Commiission for-investigation; 'study' and public hearing and a .public bearing bac i , bees.held thereon'on November 28;• 1962, in. the Council Chambers of the. City of Renton,: all pursuant..to,notice,oi;'hearing duly published and' posted se provided_•by law; said Planning-,Comission.having duly considered- end studied said petition•and the petitioner having agreed to•'certain changes and modifications, end all'parties..'having ,been heard 'appearing in• support thereof or in opposition thereto;: NOW THEREFORE . , ` , -. •• . , • -, .. EE:IT ORDAINED .8Y TUB•MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF:RENTON , AS FOLLOWS: -. SECTION•I; The following described property in the .City of Renton is• hereby rezoned to-Light Industry. District .(1,-1) as .s ecified below;, the'City Nn sneer and 'the Plenning•'Di rector, are hereby•authorised,and .directed to .change the caps of the zoning ordinance, es -encoded,' to,evid uca- thzi.s rezoning; said .property being • described-anti follaws"s Loth twenty-six._(26),,' twenty=seven •(27), twenty-eight (28) and..-twenty-nine (29); -block, twenty-two (22), C. D. Rinman's Farlin4ton:.Ga'rdens Addition to the.City .of Seattle Division • No. 1, according to.:plat. thereof .recorded. in volutes 17.of plate, page 744•records of King County, ,Weshinetort, EXCEPT the west=100 -feet- thereof SUh1TZCT, however to certain coven/Jut, running'with the land, including the: following•: Minimum seat back of .65..feet !Iran the center: line of 'South 153rd - Street for all- buildings, structures end. improvements, •together .with a'minis* rear yaretisetback of not-.less thsa.'20 feet for a1il buildings,.' structures and. improvements, Z which declaration of covenant has beau filed for record with the sing County Auditor's offtca, receivingg . SECTION II. rata Ordix,;tnce shall be in full force and effect fro* and at L.et its stssage, approval and legal. publication. PASSED EY THE CITY COUNCIL this 17th .dray of December, 1962. i Belisle Nelson, ;,city Clock' APPROVED BY TIIZ MAYOR this'17th day of i ce ber,: 1962., ',`` Pp Prank Aliment, Mayor APPROVED AS TO POLO: Geras:d M. Shahan, City Attoa`ney DATE Renton City Council Minutes 1-7-63 APPOINTMENTS (cont.) A letter was read from Mayor Aliment requesting Council concurrence in the appoint- ment of Charles McGarrigle as a member of the Valley Industrial Commission to fill the unexpired term of Larry S. Cheetham who recently retired from the Puget Sound Power and Light Company, said appointment to be effective until July 1, 1963. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Reid, to concur in the appointment by the Mayor. Carried. A letter from Mayor Aliment requested Council concurrence in the appointment of the following members to the Mayor's Youth Guidance Committee for one year, effective January 1, 1963: Paul Houser, Chairman, Clarence Williams, Ruth Wiltz, Alvin G. Warwick, Alex Zemeck, Fordon Thompson, Harry Benton, Muriel Barrett, Lewis Curtis, Frank Henry, Walter Tracey, Charles Delaurenti, Gil Duckworth, Jr. John Thomson, Norman Hash, Myron Finch, Leo Ward, Re'v. John Schaeffer, Donald Holm, Gene Coulon, Bill Frazee, Charles Talmage. Moved by Reid, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the appointments by the Mayor. Carried. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Dullahant, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington amending section 5-803 of Title V (Business Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" relating to House Movers which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the proposed Ordinance to the Ordinance Committee for recommenda- tion. Carried. The Committee recommended favorably and that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Moved by Custer, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation of the committee. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dullahant, to adopt Ordinance No. 2005 as read. Roll call vote was taken with all Councilmen present voting aye. The motion carried. Recess was declared at this time. After the recess roll call was taken with all Councilmen present as previously listed, and it was moved by Custer, seconded' by Dahlquist, that absent Councilman Bruce be excused. Carried. The Committee presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton, declaring its intention to construct and install sanitary sewer lines and appurtenances(L.I.D, 249) in Maplewood area of the City and to create a local improvement district to assess the cost and expense of said improvement against the properties in such District specially benefited thereby; and notifying all persons who may desire to object to said improvement to appear and present their objections at a meeting of the City Council to be held on February 25, 1963. Moved by Poll, seconded by Custer, to adopt Resolution No. 1181 as read. Carried. The Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington changing the zoning classification of certain property within the City from General Classification District (G-6000 to Light Industry District (L-1), which was read by the Clerk. (lisa Foley property) Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the proposed Ordinance tothe Ordinance Committee for recommendation. Carried. The Committee recommended favorably and that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Moved by Poli, seconded by Custer, to concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance committee. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Custer, to adopt Ordinance No. 2006 as read. Roll call vote was taken with all Councilmen present voting aye. Motion carried. COMMITTEE REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS: Councilman Dullahant, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, presented a memo from the City ALtorney which was read by the Clerk in reply to an inquiry by Mr. W. Philipp at a previous council meeting relative to an appeal clause being incorporated in the Used Car Dealers Ordinance No. 1989. City Attorney Shellan advised that any applicant for any license always has the right, if turned down, to appeal to the next higher body including the Superior Court or even the Supreme Court even though an ordinance does not expressly provide for such appeals. L Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, that this information be sent to Mr. Phillip. Carried. N 4- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 12-17-62 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: (continued) The Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton Washington, authorizing the City Clerk and City Treasurer to make transfers within the Current Fund as read .by the Clerk, to-wit: From: Planning Director, Account No. 7009.1/712 Expert Services, 41,000.00, Unto: Planning Director, Account No. 7009.1, Salaries and wages, Part-time .and temporary help, p1,000.00. This transfer is for services rendered in progression of the 701 program. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Resolution No. 1177 as read! Carried. The Committee presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton which was read by the Cleric, setting the date of January 21, 1963 at the hour of 8:00 p.m. for hearing on the proposed Vacation of South 128th Street. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, to adopt Resolution No. 1178 as read. Carried. i The Committee presented a proposed Resolution of „the City of Renton, Washington, setting and fixing the date of January 21, 1963 as date for Hearing on the proposed Vacation of South 126th Street, which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, to adopt Resolution No. 1179 as read. Carried. The Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington, changing the zoning classification of certain properties within the City of Renton from General Classification District (GS-1) to Residential District (R-3) and Residential District (R-2), which was read by the Clerk. (Renton Hospital property)Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Custer, to refer the proposed Ordinance to the Ordinance Committee for recommendation. The Committee recommended second and final reading and it was moved by Poli; seconded by Custer, to concur.Carrie.a.. After..2nd and final reading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Dahlquist, to adopt the Ordinance as. read. Roll call vote was taken as follows: Aye: Gianini, Dahlquist; Pedersen, Garrett, and Poli. No: Dullahant, Hulse, Trimm, Custer, Delaurenti, and Bruce. Five Aye votes and six no votes lost the motion. The Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington, changing the zoning classification of certain properties in the City from General Classi- fication Districtl(GS-1) to Residential District (R-3) and Residential District (R-2), whin was read by the Clerk. Moved by Poli, seconded by Custer, to refer the proposed Ordi- nance to the Ordinance Committee for recommendation. Carried. The Committee recommended favorably and that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. After the second and final reading roll call vote was taken and resulted as follows: Aye: Gianini, Dahlquist, Pedersen, Garrett and Poli. No: Dullahant, Hulse, Trimm, Custer, Delaurenti and Bruce. Five Aye votes and six No votes lost the motion. Edgewater Property) The Ordinance Committee presented a Revocable Permit to .be granted the O.K. :Tire Rubber Co. for al variance in regard to setback in the construction, erection and main- tenance of a sign., Moved by, Garrett, seconded by Custer, that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the Permit. Carried. The Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Ordinance changing the zoning classi- fication of certain property within the City of Renton from General Classification District G-6000) to Light Industry District (L-1), which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to refer the document to the Committee for recommendation. The Ordinance Committee requested -that the matter be held . Granted. The Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the .City of Renton, Washington, declaring certain real property to be surplus, providing for its sale and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute instruments of conveyance, which was read by the Cleric. Old City Hall premises - sale to Umberto Barei) Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Custer, to refer the proposed Ordinance to the Ordinance Committee for recommendation. Carried. The Committee recommended favorably and -that the 'proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Moved by Poli, seconded by Custer, to concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. After the second and final reading it was moved by Garrett, and seconded by Bruce, that Ordinance No. 2004 be adopted as read and that publication-be •made and the - ,deed be released upon receipt of the monetary consideration. Carried unanimously by roll call vote. Planning Director Jensen called attention to the need for early action in letting the contract for -the base mapping in connection with the 701 program and requested referral to a Committee with;Power to Act, and •inquied regarding whether' it •would be possible ymo arrange for payment to the Contractor upon completion of his work in lieu of waiting untiltheretainedpercentageisreleasedattheendo.f. the work on .the -program, with the customary retention for individual contractors being observed. Mayor Aliment advised he wished to appoint a 701 Committee to meet regarding theContractandreport ,back their recommendations. 5- 1 14, GEadYMX Clajppt ea AF I7g t ._ Li BUILDING MATERIALS PHONE RAinier 2332 6797 EAST MARGINAL WAY, SEATTLE, WASH. December 17, 1962 TO: Mayor Frank Aliment and the City Council City of Renton Tonight, an ordinance will be submitted for your action on property located on South 153rd Street Between 87th and 89th Avenue South. (Legal-Parts of lots 26, 27, 28, and 29 , Block 22, C.D. Hillmans Earlington Gardens Addition, Division #1) The proposed business is a Steam Bath and Massage Center. The proposed zoning is from G-6000 to L-1 with certain additional restrictions. We wish to go on record as being against the proposed restrictions as presently planned. The front set-back of only 65 feet from the center line of South 153rd Street leaves only 20 feet from the edge of the street for any parking. As the street will be 5 feet higher than its present level when the State of Washington, Department of Highways finishes the 87th Street overpass and the widening and raising of South 153rd Street, it will be almost impossible to park a car in this area. The 5 foot side yard setback is not sufficent considering that the set backs on the lots immediately to the north of said property have sideyard set backs of 20 feet for fences and 30 feet for structures. Five foot setbacks are not proper in an area that wishes to have park-like structures with planting strips. The said property will be in very clear view and very close proximity to the proposed freeway, and this type of zoning is not conducive to having an attractive setting near and next to the freeway. In the next six months we will be building over $100,000 worth of major improvements in the area adjacent and near the said property. These improvements are having to conform with stringent restrictions as to set backs and planting areas so that the final result will be a real asset to the Renton area. This type of park-like construction and beautification is not compatable with crowded conditions that the proposed zoning on the above property will bring. In the event that this ordinare is approved, we will immediately move on having our restrictions reconsidered. We approve of the Mayor's and Council 's intent as expressed in the restrictions in our property, but can see no reason in being so restricted if a comprehensive plan, binding on all, is not followed Page 2 in the development of this area. Sincerely, c7, 4 anci c +ers Jr. Seattle Zus . r Company Cv AtO"a5* 1) -Ae' EldRig 164C LS e_.?..4!! E- /32 -62 884 . 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