HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA63-120ls : •. f. t. i10ct: INTER-OFFICE MEMO 90 Date December!\ '• 1963 From: Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk Departmental Account No. C®Nl d1 To: J. David Jensen, Planning Director Expenditure Account No. MESSAGE: On October 14, an Ordinance was introduced and placed on first reading rezoning the George Yaba property. Mr. Yaba, according to provisions of the Planning Commission recommendations was to provide setbacks and landscaping which were to be covenants to run with the rezone along with widening of the West Valley Highway. The Council requested the Planning Commission to advise when property owner has complied. Will you please let us know when this has been consumated as the Ordinance is still pending in committee. Thanks. Helmie V—. 11 ,( . 12C _ C( l 1-Ito c EDTI i :• .: :(-'i. r'.iv .i : ,. :: _ '.:C - C 1 1^: of_ .,- L..: •_En. , , ; c,,:" ...,: i ,A7_:-.i.' r-i. c: Y ^ :c.--0 .-_, - \i• :-::n :,)•_:' f:: - -_ i 7 'n .A: . :::: :';'_r (--..- e---rr -,.---,-, F.-1 r) : :—... :- :-_-. :: : :- -s3 '_-_,, T . -, - : ----: - n--1 C. .. C n',. "i` n :\ a c i =C - P_,, i ' 2t, 1 l Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 10-14-63 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) Councilman Poli, Chairman of the Fire and Water Committee, recalled the letter regarding the two water mains which the Boeing Company had urged the City to assume nowthatBoeinghadpurchasedtheFederalGovernmentproperty. Discussion ensued duringwhichSup't. of Utilities Andersen advised that the subject lines are carrying City of Seattle water for fire protection purposes contracted by the government due to thehighpressurewhichtheCityatthattimecouldnotprovide. It was questionable astowhetherthelinesshouldbeassumedbySeattleratherthanRenton, however, it should be resolved one way or another and intentions of Boeing as to anticipated future diversion should be secured. Policy of another utility furnishing water to the City was discussed after which it was moved by Reid, seconded by Custer, that the matter be referred to the Sup't. of Utilities. Carried. A letter was read from Robert E. Korn, Taxpayers Legislative Committee, advising ofinabilitytobalance. the City of Renton Budget with adjustments. It seeming out of balance and a number of salaries not reasonably commensurate with the position and responsibility,an . examination of the accepted budget was requested by said Committee who has contacted the State Auditor's Office (Cliff Yelle) therefor. A letter was read from the Wage Committee, Renton Police Department, Chairman Arnold Hubner, submitted by C. S. Williams, Chief of Police, thanking the Mayor and Council for consideration during preparation of the 1964 budget. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Dullahant, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, presented a proposedOrdinanceoftheCityofRenton, Washington amending Section 8-715 of Title VIII of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton", which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to refer the proposed Ordinance-to the Ordinance Committee for recommendation. Carried. The Committee recommended that the Ordinance be forwarded to the Sanitation Committee for report on its study and Councilman Custer advised the Committee recommended that the last paragraph of Section I concerning the billing of the State Utility Tax be deleted and that the Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Also, that the City Attorney and Mayor be authorized to arrange a hearing in conjunction with any other interested cities within the Metro district, before the tax Commission with the intent of elimination of this dual taxation. Councilman Custer explained that the City is paying the tax and Metro is also making payment which amounts to 1%. Sup't. Andersen advised likewise and that the State has indicated deletion of one as dual taxation exists at present with it beinglikelythatMetrowillbetheonerelieved. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Custer, to concur in the recommendation of tie Sanitation Committee. Carried. Moved by Dullahant,seconded by Custer, that the Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to adopt Ordinance No. 2057 as read. Roll call vote was taken will all Council Members voting aye except Reid. The motion carried. The Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Re lution of the City of Renton, Washington extending the compulsory retirement of Arthur R. Cooper, employee of the City of Renton. Street Department, Traffic Control Division, who is a member of the Washington Statewide City Employees Retirement System under the classification of Miscellaneous Personnel", from November 1, 1963 to November 1, 1964. Moved by Custer, seconded by Bruce, to concur in adoption of Resolution No. 1210 as read. Carried. The Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington changing the zoning classification of certain property within the City of Renton fromApartmentHousesandMultipleDwellings (R-4) to Business District (B-1) which was read by the Clerk.(F. Monohan property) Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to refer the proposed Ordinance to the Ordinance Committee for recommendation. Carried. The Com- mittee recommended favorably and that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second andfinalreading. Moved by Poli, seconded by Custer, to concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee. Carried. After the second and final reeding, it was moved by Poll,seconded by Custer, to adopt Ordinance No. 2058 as read. Roll call vote followed with all Council Members present voting aye. The motion carried. The Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington changing the zoning classification of certain property within the City of Renton from General Classification District (G) to Light Industry District (L-1), which was read bytheClerk. (George Yaba Property) Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to refer the pro-posed Ordinance to the Committee for recommendation. Carried. The Committee advised it will hold the document until property owner ha; complied with required conditions and the Planning Commission will advise of filing thereof by the property owner. 3- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont. ) 10-7-63 COMMUNICATIONS A letter was read from Mr. Carl F. Cooks appealing rejection of application for a reader sign board at his place of business, 206 Sunset Blvd. West. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Bruce, that the date of October 14, 1963 be set for hearing on the matter and that the Planning Department and Mr. Cooks be so notified. Carried. Moved by Dullahant, seconded by Dahlquist, that the matter be also referred to the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. A letter from City Attorney Shellan advised that the Pacific Coast RR. Co. vs. City of Renton and R. L. Edwards Railroad Bridge Suit came on for hearing before the Hon. Judge. James Mifflin on October 1, 1963 and it was held that the City is liable to the Railroad for one-helf of the cost of the bridge which amount cannot exceed $25,000.00 and that the City is entitled to collect one-half of that liability from Robert L. Edwards, Third Party, Defendant. Details of the case were further outlined and it was also mentioned that Mr.. Edwards is pleading an additional claim against the City arising out of an agreement re- garding improvement of the public right-of-way of Black River Channel, claiming the City owes his $30,000.00 for not contributing adequate dquipment and help in establishing the street. City Attorney Shellan, in.reading over the contract documents does not believe this claim has merit. Endeavors are being made by the City Attorney to riach some agreement with the Railroad to waive Court Costs and interest so as to cut down the City's expenditures. Copies of the pleadings may be secured upon request of Mr. Shellan. Mr. Philipp again outlined his position in the case. Letter from Street Commissioner Joe Lynch recommended that the compulsory date of Retirement for Mr. Arthur R. Cooper, be extended to November 1, 1964. Mr. Cooper's physician submitted report that Mr. Cooper is in first class condition. (Dr. J. S. Vukov.) Letter from Mayor Aliment recommended that the extension be granted and Council concurrence was requested. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Pedersen, to concur in the extension of the retirement date as requested. Carried. A letter from City Engineer Wilson submitted proposed Agreement between the City and County wherein a portion of right-of-way (S.E. 128th St.) is dedicated to the City for 3rd Avenue North extension, the County also to pay construction costs, including engineering costs, for all of the improvement that is outside the City Limits. It was recommended that the document be executed and the original returned to the County Board of Commissioners as requested. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poll, that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the Agreement. Carried. A letter read from Jack Wilson, City Engineer, submitted franchise from the State Highway Department covering the Lift Station discharge line at 132nd Ave. S.E. and the Sunset Highway Department, C.S. 1713 PSH #2, R-E, Renton to Issaquah, Franchise No. 3311. It was recommended that the City accept the Franchise and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute same. Moved by Dullahant, seconded by Custer, to concur in the recommendations of the City Engineer. Carried. Planning Commission recommendations were submitted by Planning Director Jensen from the public hearing meeting of 9-25-63 as follows: 1. Preliminary Plat for Trippy Construction as revised was recommended for approval. Moved by Custer, seconded by Poli, to concur in acceptance of the Preliminary Plat. Carried. 2. Rezone of George Yaba et al property from G to H-1 was requested, however, after due consideration the Commission recommended that the property be zoned from G to L-1 to which the property owners had agreed. Provisions for widening of the West Valley Hwy., setbacks and landscaping were to be covenants of restrictions in accordance with the rezon N recommendations. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, to concur in the Planning Commission recommendation for L-1 zoning with referral to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. Inquiry was made by Trimm on legality of changing the zoning from the request of the property owner and it was pointed out that this was actually less restrictive and accordingly, deemed to be a better zoning for the use of the land, to beet interests of 'both, and it being agreeable, was proper action. 3. Request of Puget Properties from GS-1, G9600 and G7200 zonings to R-1, SR-1, R-3, R-4 and B-1 were recommended for approval with reservations on B-1 and R-1 areas. Moved by Poli, seconded by Pedersen, to concur in approval of the rezones. Carried. 4. Recommended approval of rezone of F. L. Monohan property from R-4 to B-1. Moved by Reid, seconded by Dahlquist to concur in the Planning Commission recommenda- tion for rezone of this property. Carried. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, toxefer the rezone to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Garrett,to refer the Puget Properties rezones to the Ordinance Committee also. Carried. 3- APPLICATION FOR .CHANGE OF,ZONE tIN THE CITY OF RENTON FOR OFFICE' USE- ONLY Application No. :6 6 Sec.-Twp.-R. Date of Filing 6 3 _ Area Map: Plana 'Corn. Action: 0 Kroll Page: Date : Ds- irya City Council°s Action: Date: Ord. Noe APPLICANT TO ANSWER ALL THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS NEATLY AND ACCURATELY: Route 1 , Box 725NameofApplicantGEORGEYABA= Address Maple Valley, Washingtont.Telephone No. GE 2-4164 West Valley Highway Property Peti ion net or redoning is situated onimmediatel north of XnlicKi between Street and -Orilla fireVf Legal Description of Su Sect Property That portion of Government Lot 7 Section 25 , Township 23 North . Ran e 4 , EWM, lying west of Puget oun E1.tric Railway right of way and east of West Valley Road, D THI$T PORTION of. Government Lot 2 . Secti_on 36 , Township 23 North, Range 4 t Vag ley Road except the South 150 ft. thereof, AND t N 1 4 of the NW 1/4 of said Section 36 Townshi 23 Forth, Range 4 , F.WM wing west of Puget Sound Electric Railway right-of-way y::exc-ept th.e.., oaath._,1.5 0 f eP ,_tlef FxistingV'Zoning- G- Residential Zoning Requested Light Inductry What are the uses you propose to, develop on this property? Number of -permanent off-street park .;ng spaces that will be provided on this property?` as .ram.uired Tuinber required V NOTE TO APPLICANT: the following factors are considered 1 reclassifying :propertye Evi enceor ,a.ditiona in or- mation you desire to su mit to su stantiate your re uest may e attac a to t ese s eets. 1 . In what way is this proposed change in zoning in the public interest? Property is not susceptible of residential growth- being bounded by railway and heavy industries zoning in i y o u wi a. ig es an s to be industrial. n w a asps is t ere area nee in t is community or more zoning othetypeyourequest? .Gr-owing d,Pmand in this area fgr expansion into industrial activities. 3. Do you consider the property involved in this application to be more suitable for the uses permitted in. the proposed zone than for the uses per- mitted in the present classification? Please explain Yes , as set forth above. Ground .c-ntours. F, elevation make residential use impractical and e = fisting zoning in surroundin._ areas in Ica e is wi e ype opment to be anticipated. 4. What provision would you make to protect adjacent and surrounding prop- erties from the detrimental effects of any uses permitted in the proposed zone? Deemed not necessary since this petition requests ettrtire contiguous area to e a RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, --SEPTEMBER 25, -19-63,- Members present 2 James Deneer, -Jay Holmes , John Racanello , Louis Peretti, Charles- McGarrigle Gerald Cordell , Doug Felker, Wes Busch, Ex-officio -members Jack Wilson and Bert Andersen. Others present Director David Jensen, Assitant Planner James Magstadt. 1. The minutes of the meeting of July 10 and the- Special Meeting of Sept. 16 were approved as written° 2. TRIPPY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Preliminary Plat in the vicinity of S. E. To-trt=ef-a-fia"--=17=k-cie-nue S. E. The-Director's report was- road- reeommen-ding the-approval of the Pre- liminary Plat as revised. Slides -of the- revised plat and surrounding area were shownn It was stated that- this plat was- given tentative approval o.u4 by the Planning Commission. -After discussion it was moved ‘by Peretti, secon- ded by Cordell , to recommend to the City Council the of the Preliminary Plat of Trippy Construction Company as revised. Motion carried. REZONES2 je;e . GEORGE YABA ET Al2 Rezone from G to H-1 . The Committee report -was read recommending rejection of the request for H-1 zoning, but the Committee was favorable to the granting of a Light Industrial Park type of zoning as being suitable for this area. The Planning- Director's report was read recommending that the re- quested rezone be. denied . ...However- ' -he- recommended that a request for L-1 with- deed. or Covenant- restrictions which would provide for landscape treatment,- setbacks 'and other suitable provisions would be in keeping with the anticipated requirements for industrial park usage. He re- commended further that- any reclassification of the property take into consideration' the following factors2 a. That provision be made to allow- widening of the West Valley High- way, by easement or quit claim deed , to 60 ' east of the center line. b. That all future structures would be not less than 80 from the center line, of the West Valley Highway. Further, the foregoing recommendations are considered to be the min- imum desirable to insure orderly growth and development of the area and in anticipation of the intensive uses and developments which can be ex- pected to occur in the next few years. Chairman Denzer asked Mr. Holm, representative for the applicants, if the applicants would 'be agreeable to the L-1 zoning with deed or covenant restrictions as stated in the Director's report. Mr. Holm stated that he thought this would be agreeable to his clients. Slides of the area were shown. Mr. Jensen stated that some of the , - adjacent area in Tukwila is zoned H-1 . He thought that the area in Renton which is adjacent to the H-1 might have a corresponding zoning with limi- tations placed on its use, with- the remainder to be L-1. Chairman Denzer asked if there were any objections to this rezone. There were none , either written or oral. ele RENT.ON PLANNING COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 25, 1963 Page 2 TII Continued: It was moved by -Peretti , seconded by Holmes., to recommend to the City_.Council the granting of L-1 with deed restrictions as stated in t 'e= Director's report. 0-n the- quest-ion Mr. Felker pointed out that since Renton has not as yet adopted--the -Industrial Park Classification District as a part of the Zoning Code-, these restrictions on the property are voluntary agreements on the part--of the applicants. Question being called , the motion carried, 4 . PUGET PROPERTIES , INC. , GS-I, G96009 G7.200 to R-19 SR-1 , R-39 R-49 B-1. The Committee's -report was read concurring in the requested zonings. However, the- Committee- has some reservations on the Restricted B-1 area, and also on the R-1 Utility Reserve area. The Director' s report was to recommend that the proposals .as sub- mitted co-n-taining requests for R-11 SR-1 , R-49 R-39 and B-1 be approved as submitted. The proposal for development of Puget Properties is con- sistent in that community goals -and -general requirements for neighbor- hood facilities are meta It is further believed that this proposal will be in agreement with the- development of the- comprehensive plan for the City. A letter was read from Puget Properties , Inc. pursuant to the dele- tion of certain areas designated for public use as follows : 1. School Sites No. 1 and 2. 2 . Reservoir Site No. 10 3 . The S. 600 ' of the E. 400 ° of the S.W. 1/4 of the N. W. 1/4 of Section 30 , Twp. 23 N. , R. 5 E. W.M0 (Reservoir site and portion of proposed Benson Highway Relocation area) . The Commission inspected the deleted areas on a map. These deleted areas were initialed and dated by the Commission and the map is to be attached as a part of the permanent file. Mr. Hoglund, of Washington Natural Gas Company, spoke regarding the area designated as R-1 Utility Reserve. He displayed a drawing, show- ing the site arrangement for the proposed installation of reserve gas tanks , pumping operation, etc. He stated that this would be in opera- tion about 10 days a year, under only extreme cold weather conditons. The location at the confluence with the El Paso Natural Gas line is im- portant from the standpoint of economy and convenience. He further stated that the Company will employ landscaping to screen the area as much as possible from the adjacent areas. He cited Section 1V, 3 , of the Renton City Zoning code, which allows for this type of public utility. Slides of the subject areas were shown. Relative to the R-1 Util- ity Reserve area, Mr. Jensen stated that the Commission exercises the same control over such matters as this in the R-1 as in the P-1 District, that plot plans are subject to approval of the Commission before a build- ing permit could be issued. Chairman Denzer asked if there were any objections to the proposed rezones. There being no oral or written objections it was moved by Peretti, seconded by Racanello , that the rezones as per the revised map be recommended to the City Council. Motion carried. Mr. McGarrigle ob- stained from voting. r., AFFIDAVIT being duly sworn, declare that I am the owner of property involved in this application and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith . sub- mitted are in all resepects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, Subscribed and sworn to me this day of L „_e 919 3 W _ A7-42 G 1a o wn eij— Notary Public in and for the State of 7Whintong ",a a ing d ress I fame ; , rC it Y tate resi g':a t 1 P Terph e o0 rAcidre s s) OFFICE_ USE ONLY) CERTIFICATION This is to certify that the foregoing application has been inspected by me and has been found to be thorough and complete in every particularandtoconformtotherulesandregulationsofthePlanningDepartmentgov-erning the filing of such application° ri \ Date received tiNN e--0--.1,/-, 1-2) ...... L---7(4-1-L, 0'LA John B. Strander, Mayor Js. 4 ili 16.. '' S CITY OF TUKWILA a ul RWASHINGTON June 26, 1963 906 PLANNING COMMISSION James North, Chairman Alvin B. Harrison, Vice-Chairman Helen B. Nelsen, Secretary Renton Planning Commission City of Renton Renton, Washington Attention: Mr. Douglas Felker, Chairman Gentlemen: Our attention has been directed to a request for rezoning to Heavy Industry, property located south of the Tukwila City Limits to approximately 180th Street South, bounded by Green River and West Valley Road on the west and the Great Northern Railroad on the east. While we are cognizant of the right of property owners to petition for a change in zoning we ask that consideration of the effect of such rezoning be given to the property adjacent to the City of Renton. The adjacent property to the north is presently zoned C-M, Industrial Park, and M-1, Light Industry and to the west, across Green River again C-M, In- dustrial Park which is being developed by Puget Western, Incorporated, for Andover Industrial Park. The H-1, Heavy Industry zoning which is being requested, is not we feel, compatible with either of our present zoning classifications in that area and would have an adverse effect on future developers. We would, therefore, appreciate the consideration of your Planning Commission in reserving all that area west of the Great Northern Railroad for zoning to Light Industry. Yours very truly, Z fiu,• Helen B. Nelsen, Secretary Tukwila Planning Commission cc: Mayor Frank Aliment cc: Mayor John Strander 7,,i CA 19,,E41 1 JUL 5 7 0,;3 2y/ N ti a RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING - JUNE 26 , 1963 Members present: Doug Felker, Jay Holmes , John Racanello, Louis Peretti9 Gerald Cordell, James Denzer; Ex =officio members : Jack Wilson, City Engineer; Councilman Walt Reid, Others present: Planning Director David Jensen, Councilman Bruce Hulse, It was moved by Holmes , seconded by Racanello that the Minutes of June 12 $ 1963 $ be approved as written. Motion carried. REZONES: la GUY WILLIAMS: Lots 3 6 4 , Block 16 $ C. D. Hillman's Earlington Gardens 707—ga7-7—froM G to B=l. Hearing opened on the amended application for rezone from G to B-1. Applicant had previously requested rezone from G to H- l. ) The Committee recommended approval provided that 20 ' setbacks are observed in developing the property. The Director recommended approval of the request in that the prop- erty is deemed suitable for multiple residential or retail sales. The property is not ideally suitable for single family residential, Chairman Felker asked if there were any comments on this rezone. The applicant, Mr. Williams , stated that as the owner of the property he is asking for the rezone in order that he might utilize the property for its best use. Since the property is no longer practical for resi- dential uses , he wishes to develop it for business purposes , which is compatible with other business uses in the vicinity. Chairman Felker asked if there were any written or oral protests to this rezone. There were none. It was moved by Denzer seconded by Holmes , to recommend to the City Council the rezone from G to Bml. Motion carried. 2 . ORGE YABA ET AL: Property located between the West Valley Road and c i r he vicinity of South 180th, from G to .H-1 : Chairman Felker stated that in as much as the property description was incorrectly printed in the public hearing notice in the newspaper, the public hearing on this matter will be continued until July 10 , 1963 . 3 , ROBERT EDWARDS: Property located on Sunset Boulevard West between Maple are wards Streets , from S-1 to B- l: Chairman Felker stated that this property was also incorrectly described in the newspaper and would be continued at the public hearing on July 10 , 1963. VARIANCES : 4 , CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS : Addition to existing church ocate at it Place5 attuc The Committee recommended denial of the request for a variance as the letter from Safeway Stores does not guarantee parking over an ex- tended time or for a period of time deemed reasonable by the Committee. Recommend that the church provide seven permanent parking spaces or make payment into the City' s parking fund in the amount of $750 per space as required by the Ordinance. The Director recommended approval of the request with provision for parking as indicated by the letter from Safeway Stores. 41/Ih NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION RENTON, WASHINGTON A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION AT ITS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, RENTON, WASHINGTON, ON June 26 , 19 63 AT 7 : 30P.M. TO CONSIDER A PETITION FOR Rezone. FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: 1 . From G to :Ha: (Heavy Industry) That portion of Government Lot 7 , Section 25 , Twp 23 North, Range 4 E W.M. , lying west of the Puget Sound Electric Railway right of way and east of the West Valley Road•, and That portion of Government Lot 2 , Section 36 , Twp 23 North, Range 4 E , W.M. , lying east of the West Valley Road, EXCEPT the south 150 ' thereof, and That portion of the NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of said Section 36 , lying west of Puget Sound Electric Railway right of way, EXCEPT the South 150 ' thereof. ANY AND ALL PERSONS INTERESTED OR OBJECTING TO SAID Rezone ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ON 19 63 AT 7 : 30 P.M. TO VOICE THEIR PROTEST OR OBJECTION TO SAME. DAMES DENZER SECRETARY PUBLISHED June 12 . 1963 RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION Re-published June 19 , 1963 CERTIFICATION I , J. DAVID JENSEN hereby certify that three (3 ) copies of the above document were posted by me in three conspicuous places on the prop- erty described above as prescribed by laws . Signed: AT.TE SST:( r „ a • •{" 2 r sq, nj TI)NU O t THE STATE OF WASHINGTON', RESIDING AT RENTON id17 .3414.1 in) I/. trTttif e1AW 444k 15 74 OW 14i the lei Transpert t.optai of the W,-)rid 1.411 •t PLANNING DEPARTio,ENT t,1R, 7 ctober 4 , 190 Honorable Mayor Frank Aliment Members of the City Council Gentleman: The Planning Commission at its public hearing of September 25 , 1963 , upon motion after careful consideration and study recommended for approval the following items: 1 . PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR TRIPPY CONn?AiGTION COMPANY: As revised. 2. GEORGE YAM ET AL: request for rezone from to H-1 : Th Commission recommends that the pro- perty be reclassified from G to L4 with the property owners making provision for the following: a. widening of the West Valley iiii7hway right \ of way to 60' eant of the center line. b. Observance of building setback of 80' east of the center line of the West Valley Highway for all new construction. c. Landscaping provisions for the northwest and south property lines of all proper- ties as developed. d. Side and rear yard setbacks of not less than 20 ' , except where the property abuts upon the railroad right of way. Mr. Don Holm, representative for the applicants, indicated that such limitations and restrictions would be azreesble and covenants affectiaw, same ould be recorded. The proposed rezone is located in the vicinity 1- October 4, 1963 2. Continued: of South 180th and east of the West Valley Highway, and further described in Application No. R-120-63 , dated 6-24-63. 3 . -PUGET PROPERTIES, INC. , request for rezone from GS-1 , G-9600 , G-7200 to R-1 , SR-1, R-3., R-4 , and B-1 : as more fully described in Application No. R-149-63 , dated 9-25-63 . The Commission recommends the granting of the requested rezones with the exception of certain school and reservoir sites requested for deletion by letter from Puget Properties, Inc. dated 9-24-63 ; and less the parcel of ground proposed for rezone to B-1 immediately south of Talbot Park, comprising an area 120 ' in width and 600 ' in length. 4 . F. L. MONOHAN: request for rezone from R-4 to B-1 , for properties as described in Appl. No. R-148-63 , dated 9-25-63 , and generally located south of 6th Avenue North on Pelly Street. The Planning Commission recommends granting of the requested rezone. The Planning Commission respectfully requests concurrence of the City Council in these recommen- dations. Sincerely, J. David Jensen Planning Director JDJ:pc ORDINANCE NO. f/3 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF RENTON FROM GENERAL CLASSIFICATION DISTRICT (G) TO LIGHT INDUSTRY DISTRICT (L-1) WHEREAS under Chapter VII, Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628, known as the "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" es amended, and the maps adopted in conjunction therewith, the property hereinbelow described has heretofore been zoned as General Classification District (G), and WHEREAS under the aforesaid Ordinance a proper petition for change of zone classification of said property has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Renton on or about June 6, 1963, which Petition was then referred to the Plan- ning Commission for investigation, study and public hearing, and a public hearing having been held thereon before said Planning Commission on or about June 26, 1963, which hearing was duly continued from time to time, all pursuant to notice of hearing duly published and posted as provided by law; and said Planning Commission having duly considered and recommended the above zoning and Petitioner- Owner having duly amended his petition, and all parties having been heard appear- ing in support thereof or in opposition thereto; NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: The following described property in the City of Renton is hereby rezoned to Light Industry District (L-1); the City Engineer and the Planning Director are hereby authorized and directed to change the maps of the zoning ordinance, as amended, to evidence said rezoning; said property being described as follows: That portion of Government Lot 7, Section 25, Township 23 North, Range 4, E.W.M. , lying west of Puget Sound Electric Railway right of way and east of West Valley Road, AND that portion of Government Lot 2, Section 36, Township 23 N. , Range 4, E.W.M. lying east of the West Valley Road EXCEPT the South 150 ft. thereof, AND that portion of the NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of said Section 36, Township 23 N. , Range 4, E.W.M. lying west of Puget Sound Electric Railway right of way, EXCEPT the South 150 ft. thereof. and said rezoning to be further subject to the laws and ordinances of the City of Renton. SECTION II: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and legal publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 14th day of October, 1963. Helmie Nelson, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 14th day of October, 1963. APPROVED AS TO FORM: Frank Aliment, Mayor Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney INTER-OFFICE MEMO Date December 20, 1963 From: Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk Departmental Account No° To: J. David Jensen, Planning Director Expenditure Account No. MESSAGE: On October 14, an Ordinance was introduced and placed on first reading rezoning the George Yaba property. Mr. Yaba, according to provisions of the Planning Commission recommendations was to provide setbacks and landscaping which were to be covenants to run with the rezone along with widening of the West Valley Highway. The Council requested the Planning Commission to advise when property owner has complied. Will you please let us know when this has been consumated as the Ordinance is still pending in committee. Thanks. Helmie a) AilliAlkomp 0. i E mor ;1l .WASH IN G T O N the Jet Transport Capital of the, World I'' •', t ; PLANNING DEPARTMENT October 4 , 1963 Honorable Mayor Frank Aliment Members of the City Council Gentlemen: The Planning Commission at its public hearing of September 25 , 1963 , upon motion after careful consideration and study recommended for approval the following items: 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR TRIPPY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY: As. revised. 2. GEORGL YABA "E'T AL: request. for rezone from G to H-1: The Commission recommends that the pro-- perty, 'be reclassified from G to L-1 -with the, property owners making provision for the following: a. Widening of the .West Valley Highway right of .way .,to 60.' east of• the center line. b. Observance of building setback of 80' east, of the center line of the West Valley Highway for all new construction. c. Landscaping provisions for the northwest and south property lines of all proper- ties as developed. d. Side and rear yard setbacks of not less than 20' , except where the property abuts upon- the railroad right of way. Mr. Don Holm, representative for the applicants, indicated that such limitations and restrictions would be agreeable and ' covenants affecting same would be recorded. Tho proposed rezone is located in the vicinity 1 1- October. .4, 1963. 2. . ..Con-tinued: , of South 180th and east of the West Valley Highway, Arid further described in -Application' No. R-120-63 , dated 6-24-63. 3. : :PUGET PROPERTIES, INC. , request for rezone from GS-1, R-1 , SR-1, R-3•, R-4 , andG-9601 , :G 7200:to a more fully. described in Application No. R-149-63 , '-dated 9-25-63 . The .Commission recommends the granting 'of the requested rezones with the exception :of: certain school and reservoir sites requested for. deletion by iEtter from PugetPropert;es, Inc. dated'.9-24-63 ;. :.: and less the parcel of ground proposed for rezone :to. B-1: immediately' south of Talbot ' Park, ;compris'ing. an area 12 0' in width. , and 600 ' in ,:length. F. ` L.• MONOHAN:- request for rezone from .R-4 to B-1 , . for properties as described .in Appl,.` No. R-148-63 , 'dated 9-25-63 , .and generally located. . south of 6th'Avenue North on Pelly Street. The Planning Commission recommends granting of the requested rezone. The Planning Commission respectfully_.requests concurrence':of the.:City Council in these •"recommen dations`, Sinceirrely,. . J. David ;Jensen' Planning Director JDJ;:pe 114 1116 r• AMENDED PETITION FOR REZONING PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF RENTON WE, the undersigned property owners , herewith join with JOHN YABA in an Amended Petition for rezoning the following property situated in the City of Renton, from its present status of G-Residential to H-1 Heavy Industry, rather than L-1 Light Industry, as heretofore filed by the Petition of said GEORCEYABA, and as supported by us. Said property is as previously described in the original petition herein, as follows: That portion of Government Lot 7 , Section 25 , Township 23 North, Range 4 EWM lying west of the Puget Sound Electric Railway right-of-way and East of the West Valley Road, and That portion of Government Lot 2 , Section 36 , township 23 north, range 4 EWM, lying East of the West Valley Road, EXCEPT the South 150 feet thereof, and That portion of the NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of said Section 36 lying West of Puget Sound Electric Railway right-of-way, EXCEPT the South 150 feet thereof. We understand that the uses of said property which would be allowed under said rezone petition are as forth in the Ordinances of the City of Renton, principally Ordinance No. 1472 , and as thereafter amend- ed. 111 NAME AND ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION That portion of Government esrge ba Lot 7, Section 25 , Township 23 North, Range 4 EWM,West of Puget Sound Electric Railway right-of-way and East of West Valley Road; That portion of Government Lot 2 , Section 36 , Township 23 North, Range 4 , lying East of West Valley Road, EXCEPT the South 150 feet thereof, and That portion of the NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of said Section 36 lying West of Puget Sound Electric Railway right-of- way, EXCEPT the South 150 feet thereof. The North 321. 90 feet of the S. J. Dearinger South 923 feet of that portion of Government Lot 7 , Section 25 , Township 23 N, Range 4 East WM lying West of the Lucile Dearinger Puget Sound Power and Light Co. right-of-way and East of 17048 West Valley Highway the West Valley Road, EXCEPT Renton, Washington that portion thereof in 30- foot roadway and 15-foot lane conveyed by deed recorded under Auditor's file No. 2924031, records of said County. . l/ Portion of Government Lot 7 , Wilma M. Bo Section 25 , Township 23. North, Range 4 EWM lying be- Box. 46 tween Puget Sound Electric Orillia, Washington Railway right-of-way and the West Valley road (ssh5-MO) EXCEPT thw South 923 feet thereof. Gee/- 1 The south 329. 85 feet of that Richard E. Bow portion of Government Lot 7 of Section 25 , township 23 North, Range 4, lying West of. the Puget Sound Traction Verl Bow light and Power Co right-of- way and East of County road, 30845 - 38th South LESS portion of 15 feet lane Auburn, Washington 2 NAME AND ADDRESS LEGAL :DESCRIPTION 3 = Sketch of area for petiting of re-zone' . from G-Residential to H-1 Heavy Industry, per George Yaba, petition. 1 Gov"t lot 8 I 31. 50 Acres 1 j 1 ) N. J NISTRONG 29 961E 4r4,4 1 T S A. sOW 1:1.L.Zn , e Q" '` 11 4 I al PRELATIC R. WILLEY 336AC ii(S: ,i / T.L.33 i . I AN NA MARIE HOLEM Ore( iEA. 7's LE 41) 00 RAIL'OA•: OMP'ANY. INC.. SEATTLE COUNTY TAX wT NO ltd. COPYRIG«1T. It.I.CD.. INC.W RS A Ns r' A /, ci IllID 0 6O roe ov't Lod 2 8.00 Acres , t 1 v I ki / M AaCUt) 0. N CL30101 18.90 AG. f IiH i 1... k IJ T.L.S716 0 iN6rb0116 fL30N S.'bGhC. i NO0601/1 VII t 11tin 3 Z xLtail7!IJ ri J7 ri.J/ riA T[. L.t. i1 ZL/l a* jrej4 L I T.LI i SECOND AMENDED PETITION FOR REZONING PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF RENTON WE, the undersigned property owners , herewith join with GEORGE YABA in a Second Amended Petition for rezoning the following property situated in the City of Renton, from its present status of G-Residential to H-1 Heavy Industry, rather than L-1 Light Industry, as here- tofore filed by the Petition of said GEORGE YABA, and as supported by us. Said property is as previously described in the original petition herein, as follows : That portion of Government Lot 7, Sec- tion 25 , Township 23 North, Range 4 EWM lying west of the Puget Sound Electric Railway right-of-way and East of the West Valley Road, and That portion of Government Lot .2 , Section 36 , township 23 north, range 4 EWM, lying East of the West Valley Road, EXCEPT the South 150 feet thereof, and That portion of the NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of said Section 36 lying West of Puget Sound Electric Railway right-of-way, EXCEPT the South 150 feet thereof. We understand that the uses of said property which would be allowed under said rezone petition are as set forth in the Ordinances of the City of Renton, principally Ordinance No. 1472 , and as thereafter amended. i i 1963 a l 19 GCON ' ti NAME AND ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION j That portion of Government Lot 7, 2 .7 L`' Sec.25 ,• Township 23 North,Range 4EWM, West or Puget: Sound Electric Railway right-of-way' and East of West Valley Road; THAT portion or .GovernmentLot 2 , Sec. 36 , Township 23 North, Range 4, lying East of es a ey oa , e South 150 feel thereof, and THAT portion of the NE 1/4 or the NW 1/4 or said Sec. 36 lying West of Puget Sound Electric Railway right-of way, t,XuEY"r the 5outn 15U reet thereof. The North 321. 90 feet of the. South 923 L feet- of that portion of Government Lot 7 Sec. 25 , . Township 23 N, Range 4, East WM 17048 West Valley Highway lying West of the Puget Sound Power and Light Co. right-of-way and East of the West Reiton,.;Washington Valley Road, EXCEPT that portion thereof in 30-foot roadway and 15-foot lane con- veved by deed recorded under Auditor's file No. 2924031, records of said County. 12 s 7i,LJ` The south 329. 85 feet of that portion of Government Lot #7 of Section 25 , 3 845 - 38th South township 23 North, Range 4, lying West of the Puget Sound Traction Auburn, Washington Light and Power Co. right-of-way and East of County road, LESS portion of 15 feet lane rj/--6 U62 GC-4-CLI____!7Z Portion of Government Lot 7 , Section 25 , Township 23 North, Box 46 Range 4 EWM lying between Puget Sound Electric Railway right-of-way and nr,_11i Wshingtnn the West' Valley road (ssh5-MO) EXCEPT the South 923 feet thereof. i; Portion of Government Lot 7 , 'Sec- t .;,,r _rq pr,1,1.6 % tion 25-, Township 23 North, Range1. ?4 z• a 4 EWM 8ErG:1NN11TG,onithe Eas-t-brly margin 423 Wells rifcWEST .VALLEY.;COUNTY'-ROADc at arx£OINT 6` ee or o ec-line, thence Renton, Washington Southwesterly along SDRN MGN 60 feet thence So.utneasterly at xR to said road 67 feet; thence northeasterly 123 feet o p inning; Thence West 88. feet to Beginning TL 35 . AND ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION e, For Government Lot 2 6 of NE 1/4 of NW '1/4 ;lying ,easterly of West 17814 W. Valley Road Valley Road and. Westerly of Puget Sound ElectricRailroad right-of Renton; .Washington way and lying between ins. 450 ' and 756.' North -of and: Meas. - atr r/a thereto and Pit. N. line of -South :180-th St. Portion of Government Lot 2 and of NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 lying Easterly of West Valley Rd a Westerly of P.S.E. Trans. line R/W' & N ot line: which is 756' North of plw N line of South. 180th St. 17814, W. Vail y Road ' Renton, Washi gton/:/ q E" North 330 ' .of S 450 ' of portion of PA"' a-- Government Lot 2 8 of NE '•1/4 of NW 1/4 3y lying Easterly ot West Valley Road 6 West P. 0.. Box #52 of PSE, Trans. line R/W 6 'N' of 6, plw N ln of So. 180th St..: ALSO E 6.U' of W 260' of Ori-Tlia, Washington - • N 120`'= of_; S 150 ' of-:Sd-.--=NE--1/4,. LESS beg NW cor .thot th Sly alg Easterly margin of West Valley Rd. 200' th. East plw' N ln. 150' th Nly plw sd Ely mgn. of Rd to N lin th West to beginning Sketch of area for petitioning of rezoning from G-Residential to H-1 Heavy Industry, per GEORGE YABA, Petition. I~ N iaJ T.t.lf 17 141 X 0 0 COR •.,RA .., Gov't Lot 8 1 I 31.50 Acres g1 Q i s4.%/ s 1 I 1 r iQ 1 st i1"e. t 1 Y IIPF 1 MttWTIc R. WItLEY $.uuAL. 14!!" a 1 i vI ANNA PIARIE 40LEN II N I tea..r. ..'.r. .a••••••• 100Ez1RAIL •A•. y.. SEATTLE couirrY TAX LOT NO rc.: 0• L M . wti AIMS Waft N ,. dr 7t U 71 L1'71 R7Y 13C. \\ sa 17 *71 p71 9'71/, 6 c ,.71 il'77 41 , Lsic9eNo9 t 3N/7giiialt. lin_ 123 A r N , i. >/ II 0 H N I N A O 09 ril NU al kin 7Y i 7' o+11 I It Ili 1y trill 1 j rs 7Y '71 yt'71 a 14 ...lg.,7Y C(2 T.-1N 'ea\ \0 cc. 1INOrcaoeIaw11000111lis ' Lf1J 7,--4=4--... t.,' jialc(5, / 0 (opr 7.Migl 10e*lea .0 0MOW I f) 4J ovgi Z tri 4 Aog) 1 so i' 11;,39 .-op l SUPPLEMENTAL PETITION FOR REZONING PROPERTY IN THE CITE' OF RENTOi+i WE, the.',undersigned property owners,•:here- wi.th' petition the. City Council, lxxsupport of the rezon- ing application heretofore filed by .JOHN YADA, to rezone from G-Res dential . to L-1 Light, Industry, the following described 'property in the City of Renton, King County,. Washington,' to-wit i That portion of Government. Lot 7, Section 26 Township '23 North, Range 4. LWM lying west of the Puget Sound, Electric Railway right-of-way and East of the West Valley Read and That `portion' of Government Lot, 2, Section 36;. township 23 north', range '4 EWNs lying East of the West Valley Road, EXCEPT the South• 150 feet thereof, anc . That portion. of the .`NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of said Section 36 lying':West of Puget Sound Electric Railway right-of-way, EXCEPT the.:South• 150 feet thereof. We' understand' that the uses' 'to' be made, of such area, under such rezoning, cai1Z be all' those of a light industrial nature as permitted by the provisions of Rcitnton..City Ord n nce No. 1472, as amended. NAME AND ,ADDRESS, . • . LEGAL DESCRIPTION j '' s/, ff__ jam' //J1 .'• . The South 329.85 of that portion- of Gov i t. Lot',#7 of Section 25, 'Township 23 North Range 4, ' lying west of the Puget Sound Traction Light and Power Co. Right-of-way and East of CountyRoadlessportionof •15 feet` lane: SUPPLEMENTAL PETITION FOR REZONING PROPERTY IN THE.,CITY OF RENTON WE, the undersigned property owners, here- with ,Petition the City :Council, in support of the rezon- ing application heretofore filed_by JOHN YABA, to rezone from .•G,-Residential to L-1 Light. Industry, the following described: :nrouerty' in .the City. of Renton, King County Washington,. .to-wit z, That, portion of Government Lot ,:7.i, .:Section 25, 'Township 23 North, Range 4 EWM lying west of the .'Puget.`Sound Electric Railway right-of-way and East of the West Valley Road,b. and That portion of Govternment Lot '2, Section 36, township 23 north, range ,4 EWM, lying East 'of the West 'Valley- Road, 'EXCEPT the South 150 feet thereof, That portion of the NE 1/4 .,of the NW '1/4 of said Section; 36 lying. West of Puget Sound Electric Railway ;right-of-way, EXCEPT the South 150 feet thereof. We understand that the uses to be made of such area ; under: such rezoning, :will be all those .of a light industrial nature as permitted by the provisions of Renton City Ordinance No. 1472 , as amended. NAME' AND ADDRESS LEGAL. DESCRIPTION 047z- j Porto m o C; 1;:YLoT7 5`:4 7..c, ..23NI kg- wm Iys-v., cf c 4 ircAll4`I.. VA./ .. . .'i u .WE,5T:.A1L`/ IUD R- S N 5-K) Exc P.:... C o F,CJo-s.+ .z,3 rr'..1•weQE SUPPLEMENTAL PETITION FOR REZONING PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF RENTON WE , the undersigned property owners , here- with petition the City Council, in support of the rezon- ing application heretofore filed by JOHN YABA, to rezone from G-Residential to L-1 Light Industry, the following described property in the City of Renton, King County, Washington, to-wit: That portion of Government Lot 7 , Section 25 , Township 23 North, Range 4 EWM lying west of the Puget Sound Electric Railway right-of-way and East: of the West Valley Road, and That portion of Government Lot 2 , Section 36 , township 23 north, range 4 EWM, lying East of the West Valley Road, EXCEPT the South 150 feet thereof, and That portion of the NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of said Section 36 lying West of Puget Sound Electric Railway right-of-way, EXCEPT the South 150 feet thereof. We understand that the uses to be made of such area, under such rezoning, will be all those of a light industrial nature as permitted by the provisions of Renton City Ordinance No. 1472 , as amended. NAME AND ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION 0 Xi e.11,4VtAt 4 1 7 . . - a, Ts' .ag eks(r14' 5( 02 ,-,/, Loci, v5i---; Awry', , - s i . -, , , . a oi,e) irilk t 1,1191 1V & if/, No , ON . '4o 17 - . 1 , r