HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA63-124tft" A APPLICATION FOR .CHANGEOr ZONP. IN THE CITY OF RENTON FOR OFFICE USE- ONLY Application No. e-I Sec. -Twp.-R. Date of Filing:v-. Area Mall) Plan 'Com. Action jurgympg40,,T Kroll age Date - City 'Councils Action: • Date: Ord. No. APPLICANT TO ANSWER ALL THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS NEATLY AND ACCURATELYg 0NameofApplicantAddressTwr •ngTelephoneNORentoneenue StrePropertyPetiifledorrezoningissituatedonAvcaaoStrebetweenRentonAvenueStreetand91stPlac --0; Legal D f -iibji-cf Property tiOn. EXis'frrigt "Zeningi Zoning Requested _ What' are the uses you propose to develop en this proper-tylAuatir aiJAE Number, of permanent off-street parking Spaces• :that will be provided o th OuMber requiredproperty?_.ilt_k_• NOTE TO APPLICANT: The following factors • are considered ropertyO vi .encp or :a itiona infor renue_st NOTE: While this application is filed under the name of the present owner the rezoneappliedforwouldbeforthebenefitofMr. Lewis„ Langdon. owner of the Rub-A---DUbCarWashat11720AuroraAvenueinSeattle., Mr. Langdon has an earnest money agreetopurchasethispropertysubjecttohisabilitytooperateandconstructasimilar. car InatthislocationinRenton. Enclosed are the architect's sketches Ind layouts of theAuroraunit. This hure4.4a unit is an at.ractive building and a most modern operation. IifeltthatsuchaunitinRentonatthislocationshouldcompliment'the area. MembersthecommissionareinvitedtoinspectthePiworaunitiftheydesire. I, In what way is this proposed change in zoning in the public interest? The subject property is B-•-1 zoned which under the code permits public garages,repair shops, service stations etc. These uses have reasonable similarity to the prOptcarwashdevelopment. However, section XI specifically enumerates auto laiandarieS iiL-1,zones. Therefore arsezone to is applied for. The 13-1 zonecy 412. 'Ile general vicintiy of the airport, previoUs to the enactment ethezoningcodehaddevelopedwithimprovementsandtenantsofamorecommercialnaturei.e. warehouses, lumber yardS, automotive repair etc. giVing' this area'mere ofadistributionorservicecharacterratherthanretailbusinessdepending .UPon foot-traffiNotonlythepastdevelopmentof.the area but also the existing heavy vehicular trafficwouldappeartobefactorsthatwouldtendtogovernthefuturemoreeconomicdeveloperofpropertyinthisairportareatobeofcommeOialvalue. Therefore it is considered ththeproposedrezoneiscompatiblewiththeexistingandprobablefuturedevelopmentoftheareaandthatitisinthepublicinterest. 2.. On what basis Is there a real need in this commitnity for more zoning of the type yotrequest? Same reasons as outlined in No I above. 3.. Do you consider the involved in this apPlicUtion to more gn11,1a1,-;:al fr.?. AFFIDAVIT Is, - ,John Burkheimer 9 being duly sworn s, declare that I am the Owner of property involved in this application and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith sub- mitted are in all resepects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Subscribed and sworn to me this 2 • day of April 19 63 4 w - V. ame o Iwner Notary; Public in and for the Stat- r Tower Building Ada•. : in geti9 n.4011" CMaiYing Ad dress ) Z• ` 11T L 14.•Cit tjeJ _ Washington . . y state) e2d.nt•` Ma 2-4602 M1, Telephone No, ) 2126 - 3rd Avenue Se. tle A Tess ity) OFFICE. USE ONLY) CERTIFICATION This - is to certify that the foregoing application has been inspected by me and has been found to be thorough and complete in every particular and to conform to the rules and regulations of the Planning Department gov- erning the filing of such application, Date received Leoii cietctiptior. ,..)f property at the South West corner Renton Avenue ad Rainier Avenue less on OiiCnrnpny site, Ikenion, Washington Ln 1,C1n9 Cautty, ni n. • with aryd 7.t# feet weLterly,, 1 _ I 4atV 1.4,i;away No. Seattle i racx-thea.cleViy, ,:hen ',measured t) t.•0; h t), now 91.fit , 1-",-aycr, 1'1=4; three nol'amarlY hi11.10 IX) t. 7Erttt CLW l,esterly line o.% a , I •• c't• r Dw1sh- of orclina7y. hh ,...ater to t.:r. tuisrGaaly, when raaasured enue theliCO 4. 3 4. .: 3,01; par81,41 26%, Gs tieL.41,•irt1.4 c.!-- 2 „' , V f r h•E-1 os 1 That portirn ut Sec:rim-C*18 , Township 1.3 North Range 5 East W.M. within the bee an 0-;(--,•res ot Black River , descr [bed as foil °us : point on a 1. 'lie dr&wn parallel tth :te, 50 feet South- when measured at right: Angles , from the center 1 ;Ile of Access Avenue Extent ion, a d tat-al-Ice of. 1 '50 feet , ared along 3,8 ; 14, pe ine , from its ! fltersect Lon with a line di141 /5 feet Westerly , when nleasured at right angles cross the ein I'' Primary State High-way No, 5 Seattle to Rentrm; thence N,",vi.-tils.'',9,,1•9-1V )Q feet , al..-.)11v: sa id 50 foot. parallel line t •, satd 75 jot p1,01 line; f.-.hence uther1y along said 75 foot line 151, WqSt...tf.r1 y t I . .,ht Aug) e..s to sa ki 75 pars llel line 1/..)5 1.nt frorr which the n•--.)1.n- be inning 07 00 ". 4' ri1ce North 26.10 _;‘,3" J-) feet , more o' 3ittYste IT: the Cit: y Renton, Coun,q, o a r v.; c3,' t ; av'et f ,v sTE . tP11/7.3 21 2fti 3z,„ hJ 1 1...... 000000000000000000001. 0.4°°'''' krow NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION RENTON, WASHINGTON A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTQN PLANNING COMMISSION AT ITS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS , CITY HALL, RENTON, WASHINGTON, ON April 24, 19 63AT 8 : 00 P.M. TO CONSIDER A PETITION FOR REZONE. FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: 9. From B-1 to L-l: That portion of Section 18 ,. Twp. 23 N, R 5 E, 'W.M. , within the bed and shores of Black River, described as follows: Those lands lying easterly of Hayes Place , southerly of Renton Avenue, westerly of Primary State Highway 5 also known as Tax Lots 8 8 131; LESS the following: Beginning at a point on a line drawn parallel with and 50 ' Southeasterly, when measured at right angles, from the center line of Access Road, Renton Avenue Extension, a distance of 150 ' , measured along said parallel line, from its intersection with a line drawn parallel with and 75 ' Westerly, when measured at right angles from the center line of Primary State Highway No. 5, Seattle to Renton; thence Northeasterly 150 ' , along said 50 ' parallel line to said 75 ' parallel line ; thence Southerly along said 75 ' parallel line 150 ' ; thence Westerly at right angles to said 75' parallel line 105 ' , more or less, to a point from which the point of beginning bears North 26°10 ' 00" West; thence North 26°10 ' 00" West; 86' , more or less, to a point of beginning; situate in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington. ANY AND ALL PERSONS INTERESTED OR OBJECTING TO SAID Rezone ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ON April 24 , 19 63AT 8000 P.M, TO. VOICE- THEIR -PROTEST OR OBJECTION TO SAME. JAMES DENZER ,SECRETARY PUBLISHED April 10, 1963 RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION hereby certify that three (3) copies of the above document were posted by me in three conspicuous places on the prop- erty described above as prescribed by laws. Signed: ATTEST: d•aq F r ' I / '" / R THE S ATE Xil 'P+irSH7IT1311,=- RESIDING AT RENTON. e- Page 5 April 24 , 1963 1) The land abuts upon a major road and an important intersection. 2 ) The land is in close proximity to the Central City and Business zoned property, and 3) The area is suitable for the proposed use because of the-terrain and the above listed itema ._which are not conducive to utilization of the property for single family residential purposes... .. Slides of the area were shown. Chairman Felker asked if there were any objections to this rezone. There being none , it was moved by Denzer, seconded by Holmes to con- cur in the Committee and Director' s reports and recommend to the City Council the rezone to R-3 for reasons as stated in the report. Motion .carried. John Burkheimerg property on Rainier Avenue between Renton Avenue and gst Placeouth, from B-1 to Lml . Committee report was read as follows° . Recommend the granting of a permit by the Council to allow construction of the proposed facility, in lieu of the rezone. The Planning Department report was to recommend that the request for an L-1 zone be denied, but that a permit to be approved by the Council be recommended to allow construction of the proposed car-wash- ing operation. Slides of the area and of the plot were shown. In reply to the question as to whether traffic problems might be created by this proposed operations City Engineer Wilson stated that he did not foresee any problems in so far as traffic is concerned. Chairman Felker asked if there were any objections to this re- zone. There were no objections, oral or written. It was stated that the reason that the Planning Director and Committee have recommended that a permit be granted in lieu of the rezone was that it was felt that this type of operation belongs in the Bml .zone, being similar in type to a gas station or garage. The Commission had recommended that an amendment be made to the Ordinance to allow such an operation in the B-1 District. Mr. Burkheimer' s rep® resentative agreed for his client that the Permit would be acceptable to him. It was moved by Holmes, seconded by Denzer, to recommend to the City Council the granting of the Conditional Permit to allow the operation of the car=washing facility. Motion carried. 10. Ra mond Rosa Lots 10 through 15 and the west 23. 5 ° of Lot 169 Block 10 C. . i man °s Earlington Gardens #19 Less State Highway, from GS-1 to SR=1= The Committee report was read recommending approval of the rezone to SR-1. The Planning Director' s report recommended approval of the re- quested rezone for the reason that this proposal is consistent with the average standards for building sites in the Talbot Hill district. Slides of the area were shown. Mr. Jensen stated that the Com- mission some time ago recommended that the Talbot Hill area in gen- eral be rezoned from S-1 to SR®1 because much of the area has an average lot size of 7500square feet. Mr. Jensen stated that Lots 10 and 11 could be divided and still comply with lot size requirements. Several people in the audience protested the rezone to SR-1 . Mrs. Ang Busato asked regarding the size of the lots. Mr. Rosa Legal Notice Legal Notice NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Co. transmission line right c Renton Planing Commission way. Renton, Washington d) That portion of the NE 1, A Public Hearing will be held of the NE 1/4 of Section 11Township23North, Range by the Renton Planning Corn-mission at its regular meeting in East, W.M., lying southerly an the Council Chambers,City Hall, easterly of County Road No. 17 Renton, Washington, on April 24, and northerly of Mt. Olive 1963, at 8:00 P.M. to consir er a Cemetery Road, EXCEPT th Petition for Rezones: south 115 feet lying east of M: Olivet Cemetery Road and El Following Described Property: CEPT portion thereof conveye 1. R-1 to R-3: That portion of to Snoqualmie Falls Power Cc the SE V4 of the NW 1/4 of Sec. by deed recorded under Aud 18, Twp. 23 N, R 5 E, W.M. de- tor's File No. 174950 and El scribed as follows: CEPT portion within right c The North 80' of Lots 3 and 4, way conveyed to Puget Scum Block , 30, Earlington Acre Power & Light Co. by deed re Tracts, as recorded in Vol. 15 of corded under Auditor's File Nc Plats, Page 84, records of King 2500774, and EXCEPT that poi County, Wash., lying westerly tion of the westerly 250 feet a of 90th Avenue South. the southerly 450 feet lyin, 2. All that portion of the NW south of County Road No. 17 a of Section 7, Twp. 23 N, R 5 as measured from and alon, E. W.M., described as follows: the westerly line of the Puge Lots 7 to 17 inclusive, Block 36; Sound Power & Light Co. righ all of Block 39; Bryn Mawr Ad- of way. dition as recorded in Vol. 5 of (e) That portion of the NW 1, plats, Page 58, records of King of the NE 1/4 of Section 17, Towr. County. Washington. Together ship 23 North, Range 5 East with vacated streets adjoining. W.M., lying southerly of Count. From G & G-6000 to B-1)Road No. 174 and northerly a Mt. Olivet Cemetery Road, EN 3. From "G" to L-1: Lots 52. CEPT. the following describe 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, and 58, All in parcel: Block 19, C. D. Hillman's Ear- The south 425 feet of the NN lington Gardens Division No. 1. 1/. of the NE 1/4 of said Sectior as recorded in Vol. 17 of Plats, less the east 100 feet lying eat Page 74, Records of King Colin- of County Road No. 174 an ty, EXCEPT that portion there- north of Mt. Olivet Cemeter of heretofore conveyed to the Road. State of Washington for Right of 8. From G-7200 to R-4: Tract Way purposes. 62, 65 & 66, Hillman's Lak 4. From G to L-1: That por- Washington Garden of Ede tion of Government Lot 7, Sec. Add. to Seattle No. 1, as re 25, Township 23 N, R 4 E. W.M.. corded in Vol. 5 of Plats, Pag lying west of Puget Sound Elea- 11, Records of King County tric. Railway right of way and Washington, Except portio, east of West Valley Road, AND deeded to King County 'and Ex THAT PORTION of Government cept portion deeded to State o Lot 2, Sec. 36, Twp. 23 N, R 4 Washington, together with por E, W.M., lying east of West Val- tion of vacated 107th Avenu, ley Road EXCEPT the South S. E. 150' thereof, AND THAT POR- 9. From B-1 to L-1: That por TION of the NE 1/4 of Sec. 36, tion of Section 18, Twp. 23 N Twp. 23 N, R 4 E, W.M., lying R 5 E, W.M., within the be west of Puget Sound Electric and shores of Black River, de Railway right of way. Except scribed as follows: the South 150' thereof. Those lands lying easterly c 5. From R-2 to R-4: Lots 12 Hayes Place, southerly of Rer and 13, Block 18, Renton Farm ton Avenue, westerly of Pr. Plat No. 3, as recorded in Vol. mary State Highway 5, Als 11 of Plats, Page 70, Records of known as Tax Lots 8 & 131 King County, Washington. Less the following: 6. From GS-1 to SR-1: Lots Beginning at a point on a lin 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, And the drawn parallel with and 50 West 23.5' of Lot 16, Block 10, Southeasterly, when measures C. D. Hillman's Earlington Gar- at right angles, from the cente lens No. 1, LESS State High- line of Access Road, Rentoi way. Avenue Extension, a distance a 7. From R-1 & GS-1 to R-4: 150', measured along said par Situated in King County, State allel line, from its intersectioi of Washington, to-wit: with a line drawn parallel witl a) That portion of the NW 1/4 and 75' westerly, when meat of the NW 1/4 of Section 16, ured at right angles from th, Township 23 North, Range 5 center line of Primary Stat, East, W.M., lying southerly of Highway No. 5, Seattle to Rer County Road No. 174, and north- ton; thence Northeasterly 15 erly of north line of portion feet, along said 50' parallel lin thereof conveyed to the State of to said 75' parallel line; thenc Washington by deed recorded Southerly along said 75' paralle under Auditor's file No. 3235173, line 150'; thence Westerly a records of King County, Wash- right angles to said 75' paralle ington, EXCEPT the East 345.66 line 105', more or less, to feet. point from which the point a b). That portion of the west beginning bears North 26°10'00 600 feet of the NW 1/4 of the West; thence North 26°10'00 NW 1/4 of section 16, Township West 86', more or less, to th 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., point of beginning; situated i. lying south of the south line of the City of Renton, County a Snoqualmie Falls Power Com- King, State of Washington. pany line by deed.recorded un- Any and all persons intereste der Auditor's File No. 174950, or objecting to said Rezones ar records of King County, Wash- invited to be present at th, ington, EXCEPT the south 115 Planning Commission Meetin feet of the west 179 feet thereof. on April 24, 1963, at 8:00 P.M e) That portion of the SE 1 to voice their protest or objec of the SE 1/4 of Section 8, Town- tion to same. ship 23 North, Range 5 East, James Denzer, Secretary W.M., lying south of County Renton PIanning Commissioi Road No. 174 and easterly of Published in The Renton Tow: the Puget Sound Power & Light Talk April 10, 1963. YS IN RENTON IALITY ST. SDAY I DAY VIONDAY TERRIFIC SAVINGS ! 250 FASHION DRESSES REDUCED! GROUP $ ONE GROUP TWO Imagine! Dressy Easter fabrics and styles now tagged at these low, low prices. Fashionable prints and solids . . . smart, colorful soft chiffons—sheath and jacket styles full skirted flairs and many more! Pamper your budget while you wear a poised Easter Fashion Dress from Penney's in Renton. CHARGE IT!!" FUN ! FUN ! FUN ! . . . Thursday, April 11, 6 P.M. FOR CHILDREN OF ALL AGES" JOIN THE . . . TER PET PARADE !