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ORDINANCE,NO. o Q;2/ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSFICATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTIES WITHIN THE CITY OF RENTON FROM SINGLE RESIDENCE DISTRICT (R-1) and SUBURBAN RESIDENCE DISTRICT (GS-1) TO "APARTMENT HOUSES AND MULTIPLE DWELLINGS" (R-4) WHEREAS under Chapter VII, Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628, known as the "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" asamended, and the maps adopted in conjunction therewith, the properties hereinbelow described have heretofore been zoned as Single Residence District (R-1) and Suburban Residence District (GS-1) , and WHEREAS under the aforesaid Ordinance a proper petition for change of zone classification of said properties has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Renton on or about April 4, 1963, which Petition was thereupon referred to the Planning Commission for investigation and study and thereafter a public hearing having been held before said Planning Commission on or about April 24, 1963, all pursuant to notice of hearing duly published and posted as provided by law; and said Planning Commission having duly considered and recommended said rezoning and all parties having been heard appearing in support thereof or in opposition thereto; NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: The following described properties in the City of Renton are hereby rezoned to "Apartment Houses and Multiple Dwellings" (R-4) ; the City Engineer and the Planning Director are hereby authorized and directed to change the maps of the zoning ordinance, as amended, to evidence said rezoning; said properties being described as follows: a) That portion of the NA of the NW' of Section 16, Twp. 23 North, R 5 E,W.M. , lying southerly of County Road No. 174, and northerly of north line of portion thereof conveyed to the State of Washington by deed recorded under Auditor's file No. 3235173, records of King County, Washington, EXCEPT the East 345.66 feet; b) That portion of the west 600' of the NWT of the NWT of Section 16, Twp 23 N. , R 5 E. , W.M. , lying south of the south line of Snoqualmie Falls Power Company line by deed recorded under Auditor's File No. 174950, records of King County, Washington, EXCEPT the south 115' of the west 179' thereof; c) That portion of the SE4 of the SE'k of Section 8, Twp 23 N. , R 5 E. ,W.M. , lying south of County Road No. 174 and easterly of the Puget Sound Power & Light Company transmission line right of way; 1- d) That portion of. the NE'k of the NE' of Section 17, Twp 23 North, R 5 E. ,W.M. , lying southerly and easterly of County Road No. 174 and northerly of Mt. Olivet Cemetery Road, EXCEPT the south 115' lying east of Mt. Olivet Cemetery Road and EXCEPT portion thereof conveyed to Snoqualmie Falls Power Co. by deed recorded under Auditor's File No. 174950 and EXCEPT portion within right of way conveyed to Puget Sound Power & Light Co. by deed recorded under Auditor's File No. 2500774, and EXCEPT that portion of the westerly 250° of the southerly 450° lying South of County Road No. 174 as measured from and along the westerly line of the Puget Sound Power & Light Co. right of way e) That portion of the NW' of the NEk of Section 17, Twp 23 N, R 5 E. ,W.M. , lying southerly of County Road No. 174 and northerly of Mt. Olivet Cemetery Road, EXCEPT the following described parcel: The south 425° of the NW14 of the NE1 of said Section, less the east 100° lying east of County Road No. 174 and north of Mt. Olivet Cemetery Road; ALL located in King County, Washington And said rezoning to be further subject to the laws and ordinances of the City of Renton. SECTION II: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and legal publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 13th day of May, 1963. Helmie Nelson, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 13th day of Ma 1963. Frank Aliment, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney DATE OF PURL i-CA T ON MAY .19G 2- APPLICATION FOR .CHANGE OF ZONE IN THE CITY OF RENTON FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Application No. :Sec.-Twp.-R. Date Of Filing: 4-4-63 Area Map: Plano Como Action: Kroll Page: Date: 4-24-63 City Councils Action: Date: Ord. No. APPLICANT TO ANSWER ALL THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS NEATLY AND ACCURAT-LYg Name of Applicant Albert Balch Address Telephone No. , Property Petitioned for -.zoning is situated on 4th Avenue North Street9 between _ Street and Street. Legal -Description of Su Sect Property attached Existing Zoning R-1 g GS-1 Zoning Requested R-4 What' are the uses you prop 'se to develop on this property? impartments Number of permanent off-street parking Spaces that will be provided on this property? Number required NOTE TO APPLICANT: The following factors are considered in reclassifying ..property. vi ence or a itiona infor- mation you desire to submit to .su stantiate your request may be attached to these sheets . 1 . In what way is this proposed change in zoning in the public interest? n w a asis is t ere area nee in t is community or more zoning o the type you request? 3. Do you consider the property involved in. this application to be More suitable for the uses permitted in the proposed zone than for the uses per- mitted in the present classification? Please explain 4. What provision would you make to protect adjacent and surrounding prop- erties from the detrimental effects of any uses permitted in the proposed zone? I t AFFIDAVIT I , QLi,3 s 1Jra%_c_,.-I.—_ being duly sworn, declare that I am the owner of property involved in this apPl icat'ion and that the foreoinng statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Subscribed and sworn to me this 19G3 day of AP rz,, 1961, Notary Public in. and for the State Name of Owne) of hingr.on,1 e M " ling address) i 4..— '/Ze4:C? (,Y./21C.4(...4. -- t J U C7 f , a' tg r Poi; telephone no,) Torsi @i n z1- v; 5q:),"411801017;'''.' :e6?;1C7 0 10/, abn H iT92re•gs ;;\G City) CERTIFICATION This is. to certify that the, foregoing application has been inspected by me and has been found to be thorough and complete in every particular and to conform to the rules and regulations of the Planning Department governing the filing of such application. Date received Bya 2- Page 3 April 249 1963 4 . Continuedg the rezone of Tracts 62 , 65 66 , Hillman' s Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 1 from G-7200 to R-4 . Motion carried. Mr. Felker abstained from voting. 5. Richard Donderog Lots 12.9 13 , Block 18 , Renton Farm Plat #39 from R®2 The Committee report was to recommend approval of the rezone to R-4 . Planning Department report was to recommend that the request for rezone be granted for the following reasonsg that the area is con- tiguous to an Rm4 District. and the future use of the area is expected to be consistent with Rm4 standards. Mr. Jensen showed slides of the area and _of. the proposed plot plan. Mr. Dondero stated that the reason he had asked for R-4 instead of the R-3 was that because of the required 20 ° setback on 4th Avenue North in order to utilize the property to advantage he wished to go to the higher density, Rm4 . However, he stated that he plans to build only one-story buildings. Chairman Felker ' asked if there were any objections to this re- zone. Mr. Petchnick9 owner of Lot 11 , stated that he objected to the R-4 because of the height allowed in this districts regardless of the stated intention of the applicant to build only one story. Mr. Jensen stated that a point to consider is that most of the residences in this area are more than one story. In reply to the question as to whether he would voluntarily agree to the restriction of one story, Mr. Dondero stated that he did not feel- this was necessary. Mr. Felker stated this was in the area which the Planning Commis- lion had previously recommended for Rm4 arid that it is an R-4 area, so he that this was a reasonable use for the proper- ty. It was then moved by Denzer9 seconded by Holmes, to recommend to the City Council the rezone of the subject property to Rm4. Motion carried. 6) Albert Balch. Property on 4th Avenue North (Cemetery Road) from R®1 The Committee report was read recommending approval of the rezone to R-4. The Planning Director reported that an analysis of the area pro- posed for high density uses indicates the following factorsg 1) The area is in close proximity to the Central City with its industrial and commercial developments. 2) The area has been heavily mined for gravel, and will require extensive grading including both excavation and filling to make the area suitable for residential purposes. 3) The area as a large tract could be developed to high density residential uses without detriment to adjacent or nearby residential areas. 4) The area is now served by a major arterial and adequate street system can be developed within the tract which will not impose or encourage any undue traffic burden on adjacent or nearby residents. Page 4 April 24s 1963 Continued: 5) The proximity of the tract to the Central City justifies consideration of the land for higher density and more intensive land uses. Slides of, the area were shown and Mr. Jensen stated that this is an area previously proposed for rezone to R-3 and approved by the Council.The ordinance was held up until the right of way 'for the roadthroughthisareawasdefined. This matter has now been resolved, and the area is ready for development. Chairman Felker asked if there were any written or oral proteststotherezone. There were none. In the discussion that followed relative to the width of the proposed roads City Engineer Wilson stated that most of the road is80 ' to 100 ' and the portion going through the Balch property is 100 'to 130 ' in width. It was then moved by Racanello , seconded by Denzer that we re-commend to the City Council that the R-4 be granted. Motion carried. 7 . Jay Holmes: property on Rainier Avenue in the vicinity of 89th SouthsroandG=6000 to B-1. As an interested party in this matters, Mr. Holmes excused him-self from the discussion. The Committee reported recommending approval of the request forB-1 zoning. The Planning Department report was read recommending that the ' request for rezone to B-1 be approved for the following reasons : 1) A portion of the property was previously zoned for businessintheCountyandadjacentpropertytothenorthispresentlyzonedandusedforbusinessinthecounty. 2) The relationship of the property to Rainier Avenue together with the general terrain is evidence of the suitability of the land for commercial or high density residential purposes. Slides of the areaaand of the plot plan showing the proposedrestaurantonthepropertywereshown. chairman Felker asked if there were any objections to this rezone.There being ncnes, it was moved by Lotto, seconded by Denzer to concur in the Committee and Director' s reportsand to recommend to the CityCounciltherezoneofthesubjectpropertytoB-1. Motion carried.Mr. Holmes abstained from voting. 8 . Nick Vidos: Tracts 3s 4s Block 30s, Earlington Acre Tracts , fromnmtoRm3 . This application was amended from the previous request for Lml Zon-ings, which the Planning Commission had denied at the hearing on Feb-ruary 27. The Committee report was read recommending approval of the re-quest for R®3 zone. The Planning Department report was to recommend approval oftherezoneapplicationasamendedtoR-3 for the following reasons: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION RENTON, WASHINGTON. A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION AT ITS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, RENTON, WASHINGTON, ON April 24,19 63 AT 8: 00 P.M. TO CONSIDER A PETITION FOR Re 4b ne:. FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: From R-1 .8 GS-1 to R-4: Situated in King County, State of Washington, to-wit: a) That portion of the NW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 ,.of Section 16, Twp 23 North, R 5 E, W.M. , lying southerly of County .-Road No. 174, and northerly of north line of portion thereof conveyed to the State of Washington by deed recorded under Auditor' s file No'. . 3235173, records of King County Washington, EXCEPT the East 345. 66' . b) That portion of the west 60.0' of the NW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 1 Twp 23 N, R .5:. E, W.M. , lying south of the south line of Snoqualmie Fal Power Company line by deed recorded under Auditor's File No. 174950, r of King County, Washington, EXCEPT the south 115' of the west. 179' thereof. e) That portion of the SE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section, 8 , Twp 23 N, R 5 I; W.M. , lying south of county Road No. 174 and easterly of the Puget Sou Power 6 Light Company transmission line right of way. d) That portion of the NE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 17 , Twp 23 North, R 5 E, W.M. , lying southerly and easterly of County Road No. 174 and northerly of Mt. Olivet Cemetary Road, EXCEPT THE south 115' lying east of Mt. Olivet Cemetary Road and EXCEPT portion thereofcc conveyer to Snoqualmie Falls Power Co. by deed recorded under Auditor's File. No. 174950- and -EXCEPT- portion within right- of way conveyed.. to Puget Sound Power 8 Light Co. by deed recorded under Auditor's File. No. 2500774 $ and EXCEPT that portion of the westerly 250 ' of the southerly. 450' lying south of County Road Nov -174 as--measured, from- and along the wesl erly line, of the Puget Sound Power & Light Co. right of way. e) That portion of the NW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 17 , Twp 23 N, R 5 E, W.M. , lying southerly of ,County Road No. 174 and northerly of Mt. Olivet Cemetery Road, EXCEPT the following described parcel:' The- south 4.25_'_._ofthe NW 1/4 of -the NE 1/4 of said Section, Less the east 100' lying east of County-Road-No- 174--and--north of Olive Cemetery Road. ANY AND ALL PERSONS INTERESTED OR OBJECTING-- TO SAID REZONE ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PLANNING COMMISSION--MEh 'ING ON APRIL 24 ,1963 AT 8: 00 P.M. TO VOICE THEIR PROTEST OR OBJECTION TO SAME.-- --- PUBLISHED A ,,;i 10 1 qF IN ND Ti ING COMMISSION y r CERTIFICATION I,D9t)/17\Ja.) hereby certify that three (3 ) copies of thl above document were pos by-'me in three conspicuous places on the prop- erty . described above as prescribed by laws, Signed: ATTEST: P 1- O % H SI TE F WASI TAT `F,S ING AT RENTON 9 0 tn L 4, `•••••cl - r' OF•W AS\ . Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont,) 5-6-63 PLUMBING & HEATING PEEM ITS NO.AMOUNT NAIL , ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 5611 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13232 S.E. 114th St. P1mb. & Gas 12 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13402 S.E. 114th St. Plmb, & Gas 13 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13222 S.E. 114th St. Plmb, & Gas 14 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13212 S.E. 114th St. Plmb, & Gas 5615 United Homes Inc, 1145 :2Q,. Street Plmb. Fixtures 16 United Homes Corp. 1013 QQsa Street Plmb, Fixtures 17 United Homes Corp. 1032 c2Q;7 Street Plmb. '.ixtures 18 United Homes Corp. 1007 ;:Qu Street Plmb, ixtures • 19 Mr. Nesland 1243 Morris So. Plumbing Fixtures 5620 C. Wakelam 442 Langston St. Plmb, Fixtur s 21 R. D. Ewing 12620-88th Ave. So. Plmb, Fixtures 22 Clarence Mitchell 11633 S.E. 102nd Plmb, Fixtures 23 Bob Hansen 11831 - SE 102nd Plmb, Fixtures 24 L. Peterson 10511-113th Ave. SE P1mb, Fixtures 5625 R. Wiehoff 10100-112th Ave. SE Plmb, Fixtures 26 R. Peterson 11430 S.E. 112th St. Plmb. Fixtures • 27 Kenosha Auto Trans. 1604 - 4th North Plmb, Fixtures 28 George H. Flyer 12616-88th Ave. So. P1mb, Fixtures 29 Louis Peretti 1023 - 1st Ave. No. Gas Installations 5630 R. S. Shane 12606-87th Ave. So. P1mb. Fixtures 31 Ray L. Heikes 3224 - 8th Ave. No. P1mb. Fixtures 32 M. L. Mathews 11302 S.E. 100th Gas Installations COMMUNICATIONS: A letter was read from Planning Director Jensen submitting Planning Commission recommendations with Council actions taken as follows: Approval of Preliminary Plats of Honeydew Lane and Donna Vista - Film slides of the proposed Plats were shown by Planning Director Jensen after which it was moved by Custer seconded by Hulse, to concur in the Planning Commission recommendation for approval of the Plats. Carried. ' (10th Place North, westerly of the Preliminary Plat to be established as a one-way street following openirgo ,the;streets in Donna Vista. ) Recommended Rezones: William C. Dillon property - Tracts .62, 65 & '66;-;<H 1lma&s Garden of Eden No. 1, from G-7200 to R-4. Slides were shown of the area and a letter read from Mrs. Winifred Pohl requesting consideration Of a Park site for future. development in the May Creek area recalling actions of Seattle7s governing bodies which resulted in surveys and adoption of recommendations leading to acquisition of Lake Mn. Blvd., Seward Park, Green Lake and Seward Park. ' Moved by,:Bruc&,. seconded by Custer, to refer the com- munication to the Park Board, Mr. Coulon and the Property Committee for investigation of possible park locations for said area. Carried. Moved by Custer, seconded by Poli, to concur in the Planning Commission recom- mendationrezoning Mr. Di1lon2s property as requested. Carried. Richard Dondero property - Lots 12 and 13, Block 18, Renton Farm Plat No, 3 from R-2 to R-4. Slides were shown of the subject property after which Mr. Gene Petchneck voiced his protest to excessive height allowed under R-4 zoning, advocating same to be detrimental in the residential area proposed for Mr. Dondero2s construction. Mr. Jensen, Planning Director advised of two story structures which had been recom- mended for better use of the property and after discussion Mrs. Mary Roberts also voiced displeasure at prospects of excessive heights inasmuch as her residence is located behind' t.he proposed construction. After further discussion it.was moved by Poll, seconded by Gianini, to concur .in_the Planning Commission recommendation for rezone of the property. Upon inquiry Mr. Petchneck advised he would have no ob- jection to a two story structure and Mr. Dondero agreed to such a height limitation after which it was moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, to amend the motion to in- clude the two story height limitation as agreed to by Mr. Dondero, Carried. The pending motion was subsequently carried. Moved by Custer, seconded by Dahlquist, that the two prior rezones be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. Albert Balch property - A large parcel lying southerly of 4th Avenue North (Cemetery Road), northerly of Mt. Olivet Way and comprising approximately 46 acres as described in Application No. R-)27-63, from R-1 & GS-1 to R-4. Slides were shown and a new street proposed for connection with Cemetery Road was described. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Gianini, to concur in the Planning Commission recommendation. Carried. 3-