HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA63-1381 ORDINANCE NO. 0 i copy AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF RENTON FROM SUBURBAN RESIDENCE DISTRICT ($ -1) TO BUSINESS DISTRICT (B-1) WHEREAS under Chapter VII, Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628, known as the "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" as amended, and the maps adopted in conjunction therewith, the property hereinbelow described ' has heretofore been zoned as Suburban Residence District (S -1), and WHEREAS under the aforesaid Ordinance a proper petition for change of zone classification of said property has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Renton on or about May 29, 1963, which Petition was then referred to the Planning Commission for investigation, study and public hearing, and a public hearing having : been held thereon before said Planning Commission on or about June 26, 1963, all pursuant to notice of hearing duly published and posted as provided by law; and said Planning Commission haling duly considered and recommended said zoning and all parties having been heard appearing in support thereof or in opposition thereto;' NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON AS FDLLOWS: SECTION I: The following described property iti the City of Renton is hereby rezoned to Business District (B-1) ; the City Engineer and the Planning Director are hereby authorized and directed to change the maps of the zoning ordinance, as amended, to evidence said rezoning; said property being described as follows: That portion of Government Lots 11 and 14, Section 18, Twp. 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. , King County, Washington, lying east of Rainier Boulevard, Southeast of Highway No. 2 and north of a line parallel to and 550.92 feet distant from (measured along easterly margin of Rainier Boulevard) a line extended east from southeast corner of Lot 28, Block 10, Earlington, according to plat recorded in Vol. 14 of Plats, page 7, records of King County, Washington; Also, that portion of Tract 3 of Renton Shorelands abutting above described property, together with vacated street adjoining, according to City of Renton Ordinance No. 1849 and said rezoning to be further subject to the laws and ordinances of the City of Renton. SECTION II: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and legal publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 5th day of August, 1963. soil, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR ,this 5th day of Au , 963. APPROVED AS TO FORM: ran invent, yor DATE OF FU3L1 A s'1ON AUG 7 1063 i NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON PLANNING COM- MISSION, RENTON, WASH- INGTON A. PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION AT ITS, REGULAR ' MEETING IN i THE COUCITYHALLNLRIENTONAWASH' INGTON, ON JUNE 26, 19631 Renton Town Talk AT 7:30 P.M. TO CONSIDER Renton, Wash. A PETITION FOR REZONE FOLLOWING DESCRIBE) PRO- PERTY: From S- B-1:Proof of PublicationThatatportionofGovernment lots 11 and 14, Section 18, 1 Twp. 23 North, Range 5 East, i This is a copy of your W.M., King County, Washing- ton, lying east of Rainier Bon-N0.TI .__QP.__P HI,IC HEART i G levard, Southeast of Highway No. 2 and north of a line par- , as it appeared for the first time this week. allel to and 550.92' distant It will be published on the following dates:from (measured along easter- ly margin of Rainier Boule- vard) a line extended east from southeast corner of Lot 28, Block 10, Earlington, ac- ; cording to, plat recorded in Vol. 14 of Plats, page 7, rec- ! Immediately following the last insertion the ords of King County, Wash- affidavit of publiction will be delivered to ington; Also, that portion of Tract 3--of Renton Shorelands i your office. abutting above described pro- perty,together -with vacated Cost of not-ice $ 5.70 street adjoining, according to City of Renton;Or"dinance No. at the regular statutory rate, will-be 1849i`--. ANY'AND'ALL PERSONS IN- 5.70 TERESW1,,OR OBJECTING TO SAID REIZONE' ARE INVITED, TO E9 RESENT. AT THE MEETING ON' jUNE 26, 1963 1 AT,,7::3,0r:M.'TO VOICE.THEIR Thank You PROAESTI OR OBJECTION TO iSAW,: We are pleased to have this oppor- J,CMES DENZER 'tunity of serving you and hope thatSecretary Renton Planning You will favor us with your next Commission publication.Published in The.Renton Town 1 Talk June 12, 1963. Re-published June 26, 1963. AA° 41010 401/ Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 7-8-63 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) Planning Commission Recommendations 2. Recommend granting of a variance to allow construction of home on rear portion of Tract 244, C. D. Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden Div. No. 4. (Charles Gardner property) Moved by Custer, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the Planning Commission recom- mendation. Carried. 3. Recommended granting of variance to allow construction of residence on segregated portion of lot described as: The East 110' of Lot 8, Block 9, C. D. Hillman's Earlington Gardens Addition. (Victor Diambri property) Moved by Custer, seconded by Poli, to concur in the variance as recommended. Carried. 4. Recommended variance to allow construction on south side of the property to conform with existing structure resulting in setback of approximately 19 feet in lieu of the 20 feet otherwise required. Moved by Reid, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. Planning Director Jensen advised that Mr. Edwards was requesting a rezone ofrp-'roperty for a carwash installation and three locations were proposed, a hearing to be held on the matter by the Planning Commission on July 10th. Moved by Reid, and seconded by Pedersen, that the matter be held until the next meeting pending Planning Commission recommendation of appropriate location. Carried. Attention was called to the need for proper drainage for such installation and recent problems :relative thereto.. Building Superintendent Highton. advised that pollution of public waters comes under Federal and State control as well as local and that the recent carwash request has not been activated to date however, that in this particular instance of Mr. Edwards there would not be such a problem due to the drainage flow. A letter was read from Planning Director Jensen wherein the Planning Commission requested that the City Council cause a study or survey to be conducted to determine the extent of violations and encroachments by advertising signs along Rainier Avenue and - especially between Second and Tobin Streets, and to initiate corrective action. Moved by Custer, seconded by Poli, that the Building Superintendent and City Engineer make a survey and report back to the Council. Planning Commission action on application of Lovera, Inc., operators of the West Wind Motel requesting permit for signs was deferred pending determination by the Council. City Attorney Shellan pointed out that any Ordinance regulating the signs would have to be City wide and could not be passed requiring only certain areas to comply, further advising that some cities pass an ordinance requiring all non-conforming signs to conform within a given period of time, such as a year or two, it applying equally to all such signs in the city. Discussion ensued regarding posting of signs without proper permits and it was suggested the Planning Committee participate in the investigation. Prior actions in connection with encroachments were recalled and inquiry made whether individual enforce- ment of conformance were possible in the event health and safety hazards existed by reason of such encroachments. City Attorney Shellan advised that if a particular sign constituted a hazard to vehicular or pedestrian traffic the owner could be required to move it back, however if remedial legislation is adopted it would have to apply equally to all. The pending motion subsequently carried. A letter from Sup't. of Buildings, James Highton, submitted and recommended for payment, the Final Estimate on work completed by Bell Construction under Proposal No. 1, Fireproof vault in City Clerk's office and paint interior of City Hall. Total contract, 4,927.52, previous payment, $2,298.40 less retained percentage $ 739.13; total due Contractor this estimate, $1,889.99. Moved by Custer, seconded by Reid, to refer the Final Estimate to the Accounting and Auditing Committee with Power to Act. Carried. A letter from the Assembly of God Church of Kent, written by Mrs. Paul Huff, requested approval of the Council to hold meetings in the city of Renton in the vicinity of the taverns. Moved by Poli, seconded by Custer, to refer the matter to the Council As A Whole. Discussion on the question disclosed that under law no prior permit is necessary if the activity engaged in is a religious one and it was moved by Garrett, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Assembly be advised that they may conduct their meetings so long as they do not interfere with the property rights of others, create any traffic hazards or nuisances or disturb the public order. No permit is required for holding meetings on public property while engaging in religious activities. The original motion with consent of second was withdrawn and the pending current motion carried. J July 11, :1063 i-1onor ale Frank Aliment s-:i ui')f;r;t 0:: thetheCityCity Co't1T;C:`l Gentle:h ri: The anning CO71M13siort after due 0onnidcr'aj icn and hearing_in thereon at its pu lic. meeting of July 10th recomfacnds :1ct 1 on on the fo110 J: r g proposals as follows: 1. RU# Er.T ...D'Ci}' R03 REZONE: Pro eY. y 1 e.c l,f. d on Sunset t lZ.c.`* !',`c '.'d'' ' DatWce [ end .Eward:: Streets. Tne Y'.Z Pai?ine, Commission recoTi1'•iiends that this erdescribed Application : R-138-1.13sproperty,'9 as in C',1. he recl,assil 2vd f r in S-1 to S-' . 2 o 1tiOt;I,,ti, rfe',.i, EEtA1.`Ir : T1"!s? Planning Ct`YBI?-• mist's/on recoi;tS.rti'.,'iu.s, stii: j'ec t t clese.i _7 c ton of f j] 3 r 1 r`"- 1 c '''..., e?'• 7t_%E. ;? C• y r.s .! CiE:;a<,:i ri cl 3I3t Vt from -. to :_i-.!< ' that Permita .Pf rmit 'eu granted by the Council to allow construc- tion of en auto laundry as •de3serioed in Application b . P-1 2-£63. 3. e.O12,ERT E1.YJA \DS: VARIA C.:.a: The Planning Com- mission .i:Ltr't::ier recommends t.ne cranti 1r of a V."1=1.^1ance to allow construction of coiTl?e"terc?al buildini"•,;. to the northerly property line adjacent to Sunset x3ou1 cv,ard de, 5 is along the widest portion' o thet i'.1.r%nwny R n'ttt o :,aay .and easterly of he 2D' j'`)%`; in the }7:'!`"ht of ay, subject to the reclassification .frog S-1 to '3-1 of the pr pert x. b, r i ` i k, f y e i`=r l C ..,i 1 ;;C1. .i'Tl rt )'}.°..;.c..e t:1..i z--a;.-Ci 3.i The ComiTlis S?oil as found the p,ranti'n '. of this Variance will not be inconsistent with the usual 21 / setback requirement normally imposed along Pri a.ry State hign-- ways. In (Atter action, the Planning :,om.m s i.on con- sidered the Plan Proposal for Major Alter) is Mai, which has been prepared as an element} of th, '7 01 Pro- J ran.' Foilo'w,n,; t ;end rein i. and c"enera1 aprrova1cy 1-. Major". i:nd City •Cow o 1. of,-..thorimap,:-* th ,:Colt i }*ore e.ferr:d t he •;°3 . p_ 't.o the 'City Cou.13:G'il '.. a -cro'iim,eilt:: and cicomv,,..Y`nda 4tcirt,si• prior to pub1 ,.cv rledr fl' S'• ay. .t?-1K.:P1'a n rng Cor i.'ssio•rt and -1in it adoDtiori by the ;tt j. •.Coui-mi.1.. Icesp `tfu1iy y " J.' •.T)a`ividi ve87' c.°ib F-ia `.1. 'inf.2?:..`0 ' ctor app DJ::f?c•` CC n. City.::.A ttol?i•i6'ci=, APPLICATION FOR CHANGE OF ZONE IN THE CITY OF RENTON FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Application No . : Sec Twp. R Date of Filing: Area Map: Plan. Comm. Action: 4,e_e_....ke-,free Kroll Page: Date: 7-76— C.-g City Council I s. Action: Date: Ord, No . APPLICANT TO ANSWER ALL THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS NEATLY & ACCURATELY: Name of Applicant Robert L. Edv.rs.rds_ Address_jut .jahopping Center,L Renton, Washington Telephone No , 6_1512, Property Petitioned for rezoning is situated on between Street and Street. Legal Description of Subject Property 18, township 23 north. _range 5 eaii.MLiig Countyhingt Rainier Boulevard'Snitheaat of fit imay_liala 2 and north, of a iine_pazailai to and 55 O.92 Pair;t 711,=-'1* r.f I 713., c-)P in volurul of nb.-Arzi pn 7.. Als..0_,. ..that_portiotuaLT.ract 3M ton_Sh pl.prirl abiroutting above des c rib C:d j r- - cm Existing. Zoning Zoning Requested TA I What are the uses you propose to develop on this property? Number of permanent off-street parking spaces that will be provided on this property? 10 I Number required to NOTE TO APPLICANT: The following factors are considered in reclassifying property. Evidence or additional information you desire to submit to substantiate your request may be attached to these sheets . 1 . In what way is this proposed change in zoning in the public interest? Converts to usefulness and enlarges Renton's tax base. Has always been business but the zoning code "slipped!." Z. On what basis is there a real need in this community for more zoning of the type you request?Renton must serve the area or be a sitting duck for South Center. 3. Do you consider the property involved in this application to be more suitable for the uses permitted in the proposed zone than for the uses permitted in the present classifica- tion? Please explain. Not sensible to develop for present zoning. 4. What provision would you make to protect adjacent and surrounding properties from the detrimental effects of any uses permitted in the proposed zone ? Enhances trn 14 T-1 r4i than.atev1rnptiTIcthe-ky,. titf:?ried.-7/1 Th AFFIDAVIT I$ Role ertL, Edwards , being duly sworn$ declare that I am the owner of property involved in this application and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith sub- mitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Subscribed and sworn to me this 27thday of May 19 63 Notary Public in and for the State of Washington$ amp v ^ p . W-4/7/ 1'M _ Name of Owner rcnix.cing a Renton 5hoping Center Mailing Acraress) r, Renton, Washington, RentonAddress) Washin ton ity State BA 6-i512 Telephone No. ) OFFICE USE ONLY) CERTIFICATfoN This is to certify that the foregoing application has been inspectedbymeandhasbeenfoundtobethoroughandcompleteineveryparticularandtoconformtotherulesandregualtionsofthePlanningDepartmentgoverningthefilingofsuchapplication. Date received 2 By: 4 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION RENTON, WASHINGTON A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION AT ITS REGULAR .MEETING . IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, RENTON, WASHINGTON, ON June 26 ; 1963 AT 7 : 31P.M. TO CONSIDER A PETITION FOR Rezone FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: 3: From S-1 to B-1: That portion of Government Lots 11 and 14, Section 18 , Twp. 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. , King County, Washington, lying east of Rainier Boulevard, Southeast of Highway No. 2 and north of a line parallel to and 550. 92 ' ui.stant from (measured along easterly margin of Rainier Boulevard) a line extended east from southeast corner of Lot 28 , Block 10, Earlington, according to plat recorded in Vol. 14 of Plats, page 7 , records of King County, Washington; Also, that portion of Tract 3 of Renton Shorelands abutting above described property, together with vacated street adjoining, according to City of Renton Ordinance No. 1849. ANY AND ALL PERSONS INTERESTED OR OBJECTING TO SAID Rezone ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ON June 26 , 19 63 AT 7 : 30P.M. TO VOICE THEIR PROTEST OR OBJECTION TO SAME. JAMES DENZER 9 SECRETARY PUBLISHED June 12 , 1963 RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION I it NSrN hereby certify that three (3 ) copies of the above document were pos e by me in three conspicuous places on the prop- erty described above as prescribed by laws: Signed: ATTEST: 4 o • r ; ;I r KND i ;S E OF Wie.irlp04078IDING AT RENTON or 1/I RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING JULY 10 , 1963 Members present: Gerald Cordell, Doug Felker, John Racanello, Louis Peretti4 Mike Lotto, Charles McGarrigle, Wesley Busch. Excused were James Denzer and Jay Holmes. Others present: Planning Director David Jensen; . Betty Fullerton, Assis7 tant Planner; Gerard Shellan, City Attorney;' Jack Wilson, City Engineer and Ed Greathouse, from Puget Power and. Light Company; Councilman Bruce Hulse. 1. It was moved and seconded that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved 'as printed. Motion carried. 2. GEORGE YABA_1_ ET_AL: Property located between the West Valley Road MFgriroadSin the vicinity of South 180th, from G to H-1 : Hearing on this matter was continued from the previous meeting of June 26 , 1963 . A letter was read from the City of Tukwila objecting to H-10 Heavy Industry zoning in this general area. . The . Tukwila Planning Commission believes that uses allowed in this district would not be compatible with either of the present zoning classifications in that area and would have an adverse effect on future development in both cities. They therefore requested consideration of the Planning Com- mission in reserving all that area west of the Great Northern Rail= road for zoning to Light Industry. Mr. Don Holm, representing the applicants , briefly reviewed the problems of development. He stated that this appears to be a restricted site, somewhat of an island area, cut off at the east by the railroad , at the north by an embankment, bounded generally on the west by the West Valley Highway and bounded on the south by business zoning. Mr. Jensen commented that this property was zoned Agricultural in the County. Mr. Felker felt that additional H-1 zoning was not desirable in the valley and future industrial use can be taken care of with an industrial park type of development. Mr. Jensen showed slides of the area. After further discussion it was moved by Felker, seconded by McGarrigle, that this matter be held in abeyance and the hearing be continued at the September 25th meeting in order to give the Commission more time in which to consider the Light Industrial Park zoning. Motion carried. q) ROBERT EDWARDS: Property located on Sunset Boulevard West between Maple anaargards Streets, from .S®1 td B-1. After review of the surrounding zoning and nearby existing, bus- iness , it was moved and seconded to recommend rezone from S-1 to B-1 as requested. Motion carried. is' VARIANCES : 4 . ROBERT EDWARDS: property located on Sunset Boulevard West between Maple and wards Streets. It was moved, seconded and carried to suspend the bylaws of the Commission and hear the Variance request of Mr. Edwards due to the inconvience which would result if action were delayed until Sep.,- tember. 1- RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING JUNE 269 1963 AGENDA 1. Approval of Minutes of June 12 , meeting. REZONES: 1. GUY WILLIAMS: Lots 3 8 4 , Block 16 , C. D. Hillman's Earlington Gardens 00 g from G to B-1 : Committee Report: Recommend approval provided that 20 ° setbacks are observed in developing the property. Director's Report: Recommend approval of the request in that the property is deemed suitable for multiple or retail sales. The property is not ideally suitable for single family .residential. 2. GEORGE YABA ET AL: Property lying between the West Valley Road and the railroads in the vicinity of South 180th, from G to H-1: Committee Report: Recommend denial of the request for an H-19 for the reasons that: development of this area to H®1 uses would not be compatible with nearby and proposed uses , or in keeping with the desirable standards anticipated for this as an area. Director's Report: Recommend that the requested rezone be denied. Recommend, however, that a request for L-1 with deed or covenant restric- tions which would provide for landscape treatment, setbacks and other suitable provisions would be in keeping with the anticipated requirements for industrial park usage. Recommend further that any reclassification of the property take into consideration the following factors: a. That provision be made to allow widening of the West Valley Highway,by easement or quit claim deed, to 60 ' east of the center line. b. That all future structures would be not less than 80 ' from the center line of the West Valley Highway. The foregoing recommendations are considered to be the mini- mum desirable to insure orderly growth and development of the area and in anticipation of the intensive uses and developments, which can be expected to occur in this area within: the next few years . ROBERT EDWARDS: Property located on Sunset Boulevard West between Maple and Edwards Streets , from S-1 to B- l: Committee Report: Recommend approval of the rezone as requested. Director' s Report: Recommend approval of the request as the property 'is located between two business-zoned and developed properties. l I RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ® JUNE 269 1963 Members present: Doug Felker, Jay Holmes , John Racanello, Louis Peretti, Gerald Cordell, James Denzer; Ex-officio members : Jack , Wilsons City Engineer; Councilman Walt Reid. Others present: Planning Director David Jensen, Councilman Bruce Hulse, It was moved by Holmes , seconded by Racanello that the Minutes of June 12s 1963s be approved as written. Motion carried. REZONES: 1 . GUY WILLIAMS: Lots 3 a 4 , Block 16 , C. D. Hillman 's Earlington Gardens Ma7= from G to B®l . Hearing opened on the amended application for rezone from G to B-l. Applicant had previously requested rezone from G to H-l. ) The Committee recommended approval provided that 20 ' setbacks are observed in developing the property. The Director recommended approval of the request in that the prop- erty is deemed suitable for multiple residential or retail sales . The property is not ideally suitable for single family residential . . Chairman Felker asked if there were any comments on this rezone. The applicants Mr. Williams, stated that as the owner of the property he is asking for the rezone in order that he might utilize the property for its best use. Since the property is no longer practical for resi- dential uses , he wishes to develop it for business purposes , which is compatible with other business uses in the vicinity. Chairman Felker asked if there were any written or oral protests to this rezone. There were none. It was moved by Denzer, seconded by Holmes , to recommend to the City Council the rezone from G to B-1. Motion carried. 20 GEORGE YABA ET AL: Property located between the West Valley Road and t e rai roads in the vicinity of South 180th9 from G to . H-1 : Chairman Felker stated that in as much as the property description was incorrectly printed in the public hearing notice in the newspapers the public hearing on this matter will be continued until July lOs 1963 . 3 . ROBERT EDWAR : Property located on Sunset Boulevard West between Maple an s treetss from S= 1 to B-=1: Chairman Felker stated that this property was also incorrectly described in the newspaper and would be continued at the public hearing on July 10s 1963. VARIANCES : 4 , CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS : Addition to existing church cafe ` at ,rc `ace SR iat uc- . The Committee recommended denial of the request for a variance as the letter from Safeway Stores does not guarantee parking over an ex- tended time or for a period of time deemed reasonable by the Committee, Recommend that the church provide seven permanent parking spaces or make payment into the City' s parking fund in the amount of $750 per space as required by the Ordinance. The Director recommended approval of the request with provision for parking as indicated by the letter from Safeway Stores. NOTICE OF,PUBLIC HEARING RENTON PLANNING COM- MISSIO,NtiriRENTON, WASH- INGTON A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE'';J-It-LD BY THE RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION AT ITS: REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, RENTON, WASH- INGTON, ON JUNE 26, 1963 AT t'73:30> P.M. TO CONSIDER A' 'PETITION FOR REZONE i FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PRO-I PERTY: From S-I to ,B-I: That portion'of Government lots 11 and 14, Section 18, Twp. 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., King County, Was'hing- ton, lying east of Rainier Bou- levard, Southeast of Highway No:2 and north of a line' par- allel to and 550.92' distant from „(measured along easter- I lye margin of Rainier Boule- vard) a line extended east I from,southeast corner of Lot 28, Block 10, Earlington, ac- cordin'g to plat recorded Vol. 14 of Plats, page 7, rec- ords of King County, Wash- ington; Also, that portion of i Tract 3 of Renton Shorelands abutting above described pro- perty,,together with vacated street adjoining, according to ' City of Renton Ordinance No. 1 1849: c ANY AND ALL PERSONS IN-i TERESTED OR OBJECTING TO: SAID REZONE ARE INVITED' TO BE PRESENT AT THEI MEETING ON JUNE 26, 1963 AT-7::30 P.M. TO VOICE THEIR', PROTEST OR OBJECTION TO, SAME: JAMES 'DENZER Secretary Renton Planning Commission Published in The Renton Town Talk June 12, 1963. Re-published June 26, 1963.. 1 • , • ...„ ,,,,,; iinLEGALNOTICE - f INOTICF OF PUBLIC HEARING - RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION+'_ RENTON, WASHINGTON ,, A PUBLIC HEARING,WILL-BE, HELD' BY THE RENTON 1 PLANNING COMMISSION AT1 THEIR REGULAR MEETING, Renton Town TalkINTHECOUNCIL ,CRAM-iBERS, CITY HALL, RENTON,1 WASHINGTON ON JUNE MI Renton, Wash. 1943, AT 7:30, P.M., TO CONSIDER A'P1~TITION FOR; REZONES THE FOLLOWING, DESCRIBED: PROPERTY:• A Proof Of Publication From G to H-1: ,(Heavy 'Indus-1 try) This is a copy of your Thsatt p ortion of Government and 144,-Section 18,1 TNOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ivp. North, R 5 E. W--M.,23 in King Cd'unty, Washington, as it appeared for the first time this week. lying, east ..Q' Rainier Boule- yard, SoutIeast' of Highway', It will be published on the following dates: No. 2 andp; north of a line parallel to is"'d, 550.92' dis- tant from easured along` easterly ma' i of Rainier, 9 Boulevard) a line extended; east from soufheast corner of'i Immediately following the last insertion the Lot 28, Bl ck 10, Earlington,;• affidavit of publiction will be delivered to according to p'lat'recorded in'; Vol. 14 of plats, page 7, 'Rec- 1 your office. ords. of King County, Wash-, ington; Also, that' portion of Cost of notice $ 5,70 Tract 3, of,R6non Shorelands! abuttirig a described at the regular statutory rate, will be pro: y,,;to et hpr -with va-i cal ` ' 'sb • 1--:ac joifiing, ac- i 5..7n n Car y of Renton Or-, di ,:it• 1849. Any and all persons interested or objecting to said Rezones are invited to be present at the Plan- )Thank You ning Commission meeting on June 26, 1963, at 7:30 P.M. to I. We are pleased:to have this oppor- voice their protest or objection y tunity of serving you and hope that to same. JAMES DENZER, you will favor us with your next Secretary Renton Planning Commision `i publication. Re-published in The Renton Town Talk,-June 19, 1963. FibqQi viyoRd3 ' 1 ' I-2