HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA63-149Ait 0 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 7-20-64 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS - (cont.) Committee of the Whole Report 2. Recommended that the communication from the Housing and Home Finance Agency regarding eligibility for clearance of sites 4 and 4a be referred to the Mayor. Moved by Poll, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur with the recommendation. The motion carried. 3. Recommended to withold decision whether to locate City Hall and Library in Cedar River Park until Johnston-Campanella Company has completed site plan study. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. 4. Recommended that decision regarding financing of a Highlands Branch Library be held in Committee for further study. Moved by Poli, seconded by Garrett, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Inquiry as made by Hulse regarding completion date of the North Renton Interchange was followed by discussion regarding Rights-of-way acquisitions and the summer of 1966 was anticipated to be the approximate date established. Councilman Schellert reported attending the Green River Flood Control meeting conducted by County Engineer Walter Winters,at Kent . He inquired whether Resolution had been received which all of the Valley Cities are requested to consider executing for the purpose of providing are addendum to the previously passed Resolution creating the flood control district) to provide for administration of the entire district by the County. Mayor Custer advised he had received a copy of the proposed Resolution and discussion ensued regarding financing and who will assume the debt and who will ballot on the issue, which are to be discussed further at later meetings, along with actual Council appointments comprising members from each City. Inquiry was made by Dahlquist as to the status of the Program for Community Improvement (workable program) and how the Council could assist in its reactivation. Mayor Custer reported that the program is veritably stopped by reason of Code Enforcement and that Council might aid by taking action on matters previously referred to the Committee which relate thereto in order to effectuate close and strict code en- forcement which is required before any considerations ) will be acknow?eaged. Dahlquist inquired further whether the program could be effected by outside implementation as was the previously instituted program. Mayor Custer advised that the Planning Department and Renton Housing Authority were now doing research and that legislative backing of the administration in Code enforcement was the next step. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Councilwoman Dahlquist moved that Mr. Johnston of Johnston-Campanella Company be invited to attend the next Committee of the Whole meeting where the civic center site development will be discussed. Carried. Councilman Gianini, Chairman of the Athletic Commission, reported that the all Indian Rodeo will be postponed this year and will be held next year during the 4th of July celebration or in September of 1965. Councilman Pedersen, Sanitation Committee Chairman, reported that a request by Puget Properties for sanitary sewer facilities to serve Renton Village had been referred to his Committee and an agreement executed therefor. (August 20, 1964) It has been since agreed that the size of the pipe be brought up to policy standards as recommended by the Utility Department from 8" to 18" in anticipation of future needs and that the City assume the cost for enlargement in the sum of $10,000.00 and acquire in conjunction therewith the sewage lift station valued at approximately $5,000.00 now located on the property which would not be required upon installation of the gravity flow sewer line. The Committee submitted the proposed amendment to the original agreement covering ,the transaction as outlined and it was moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the agreement amendment as recommended by the Sanitation Committee,(funds being available in the Utility Department to cover.)Carried. Councilman Pedersen recalled an offer regarding a park site in the Tiffany Park area and moved that the Park Superintendent contact Mr. Goedecke regarding acquisition at this time. The motion was seconded by Schellert. Mr. Jensen advised that Mr. Goedecke had advised this date that he would suggest a location in the area about 5 acres in size directly to the West of the previously proposed location. The pending motion carried. Moved by Perry, seconded by Poll, that Mayor Custer direct a letter to the Boeing Company on behalf of the Council expressing appreciation for the Airplane flight on July 15th which was enjoyed by all who participated, Carried. 5- filjArle-d° 4 CAAik I Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 6-8-64 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS OLD BUSINESS: (cont. ) 2. Request for recommendation of the Mayor following meeting with Airport Board on extension of retirement for Airport Manager Bigler. (No further action required) Acted upon earlier. 3. Recommended that the Renton Downtown Merchants Ass'n. be allowed free parking as requested, subject to execution of Hold Harmless agreements as may be required. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation of the Committee of the Whole. Discussion followed regarding the posting of the meters and problems relative thereto after which the pending motion carried. MOVED by Dahlquist, seconded by Perry, that the Street and Alley Committee study the problems regarding covering of all meters and not just a portion (whose responsibility), the time they are to be posted (reports of early posting), whether only street meters are to be posted or lots as well and any other suggestions Captain Henry may wish to have included. The report should then be directed to the Downtown Merchants Ass'n. and subsequent report made to the Council. Carried. 4. Recommended that Chapter 6, Section 1-601 of Ordinance No. 1628, entitled, Code of General Ordinance of the City of Renton" be referred to the Legislation Com- mittee for recommendation regarding merger of Committees and formation of a new Committee. Councilwoman Dahlquist, Chairman of the Legislation Committee, reported that the Committee recommended combining of the Finance and Claims Committee and the AuditingandAccountingCommittee, with retention of the former name, and the addition of a new Committee to be called Planning Committee, with the proper Ordinance drawn to cover. MOVED by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation of the Legislation Committee. Carried. MOVED by Dahlquist, seconded by Garrett, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Councilman Pedersen, Chairman of the Property, submitted his report which was read by the Clerk with Council action taken as follows: Referral of 5-18-64: Kindred Lease Termination on City Hall Cafe. It was recommended that the termination be accepted subject to Lessee finding a suitable replacement acceptable to the City in which case, the City would consent to assignmentoftheexistingLease. MOVED by Poli, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the recom- mendation of the Property Committee. Carried. Councilman Pedersen, reported, as Chairman, that the Sanitation Committee has been working with the Engineering Department and Mr. Greathouse, of Puget Properties, Inc. regarding sewer line facilities to serve the new Talbot Crest development and the matter should be consumated in the near future at which time recommendations will be made to th Council. Regarding Attorney Holm's request on behalf of Cascade Sewer District for remittance of connection fees under terms of late-comers agreement, the billing has gone out to Mr. Goedecke in the sum of $5,759.97 and upon collection will be remitted to the District. This covers charges for permits issued prior to operation of the sewer. The charges thereafter are collected upon issuance of the Permits. Inquiry was made by Councilman Perry whether the Special Committee had met with the Longacres Racetrack Officials as yet to discuss the matter of taxation and Mayor Custer advised that such a meeting has not yet been held. Councilman Delaurenti, Chairman of the Special Committee to study power rates,submitted his first report at this time instead of June 15th as scheduled, advising of meeting with the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission at which information was obtained and steps pursued as follows: 1. The Committee met with representatives of Puget Sound Power and Light CompanyandMr. Clarence Unnevehr, a nationally known expert in the field of rate analysis has been engaged by Puget and will begin his study in the Renton area. A meeting will beheldwithMr. Unnevehr to discuss the problem existing in Renton. 2. A meeting will be scheduled with the Utilities Committee of the Seattle CityCouncilandaCityLightrepresentative. 3. As soon as additional information is obtained a second meeting will be scheduled with the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission in Olympia. Councilman Delaurenti enlarged upon the various meetings and efforts made by theCommitteeattributingtheRentonstudybyMr. Unnevehr to'be first being a result of their rate reduction request and anticipated meetings were outlined including a visittoOlympiatofurtherpursuethematter. Attention was called to a petition circulated regarding the rates and statistics were given as to percentages of the viewpoints of signers. Councilman Perry requested the record to show that Council action had been taken prior to circulation of the Petition and prior to formation of the Power Study Committee.5- 1) 1 ) i / V-------, r:::-1:' s'::"'•:,','''';j V 1-'..,, , ,,fr,!!!; 1 k "' :.,. cr'_, Kenton RP ''N:=_,t:2„,i1 ,,r?I';.,i ;E Na/A S ill 0 N Sm 7f®lol the Jet Transport Capital of the World I` p - ,1 May 28, 1964 1 .J.- ', S'Y f UTILITIES DEPARTMENT ?p.0 1. SUPT. OF UTILITIES B. L. Andersen Honorable Mayor Donald W. Custer and Members of the City Council The Fire and Water Committee, at a meeting with the S Utilities Director on May 26, , 1964, concurred in his recommendation to standardize on using cast iron pipe on all new main installations. The request of Puget Properties to deviate from this standard was subsequently discussed with Mr. Ed Great- house and denied. FIRE AND WATER COMMITTEE 1-, - ---,,-;')'14,1(-4e7/'.44:,6K ,/ Charles Delaurenti, Chairman ijil/C_(, :: /l 1 ..e7L----- Avery Ga tt I 0.4-,G,yr_ Henry--Pedersen neillimip. P.m. T T'„r rr c'c nwarn'b isv tivwvIs.) wbi r i b v r ° `" ten"'•- S. 4. c fir w SI y 111111.1110641:St4044100 4 I NI, ter.t w rA....yr...r, OW r Or.., r -r ilL.41 Mt/2HINC10VI Hdinbdr eda Co boob bEd K 2HVAIIIC bry N1 eo2 o ovc- 00 2v 20'- G 2\- 2' d- RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 25 , 1963 Page 2 3. Continued: It was moved by -Peretti , seconded by Holmes,, to recommend to the City,.Council the granting of L-1 with seed restrictions as ,stated in te Director s report. 0-n the- question, Mr. Felker pointed out that since Renton has not as yet adopted theIndustrial Park 'Classification District as a part of the Zoning Code, these restrictions on the property are voluntary agreements on the part-of the applicants. Question being called , the motion carried. PUGET- PROPERTIES , INC. , GS-1, G9600, G7200 to R-19 SR-1 „ R-3 , R-4 , B-1. The Committee' s report was read concurring in the requested zonings. However, the- Committee- has some reservations on the Restricted B-1 area, and also on the R-1 Utility Reserve area. The Director's report was to recommend that the proposals as sub- mitted containing requests for R-1, SR-1 , R-49 R-3', and B-1 be approved as submitted. The proposal for development of Puget Properties is con- sistent in that community goals and -general requirements for neighbor- hood facilities are met. It is further believed that this proposal will be in agreement with'the development of the- comprehensive plan for the City. A letter was read-from Puget Properties, Inc. pursuant to the dele- tion of certain areas designated for public use as follows : 1. School Sites No. 1 and 2. 2. Reservoir Site No. 1. 3 . The S. 600 ° of the E. 400 ° of the S.W. 1/4 of the N. W. 1/4 of Section 30 , Twp. 23 N. , R. 5 E. W.M. (Reservoir site--and portion of proposed Benson Highway Relocation area) . The Commission inspected the deleted areas on a map. These deleted areas were initialed and dated by the Commission and the map is to be attached as a part of the permanent file. Mr. Hoglund, of Washington Natural Gas Company, spoke regarding the area designated as R-1 Utility Reserve. He displayed a drawing, show- ing the site arrangement for the proposed installation of reserve gas tanks , pumping operation, etc. He stated that this would be in opera- tion about 10 days a year , under only extreme cold weather conditons. The location at the confluence with the El Paso Natural Gas line- is im- portant from the standpoint of economy and convenience. He further stated that the Company will employ landscaping to screen the area as much as possible from the adjacent areas. He cited Section lv, 3 , of i the Renton City Zoning code, which allows for this type of public utility. Slides of the subject areas were shown. Relative to the R-1 Util- ity Reserve area, Mr. Jensen stated that the Commission exercises the same control over such matter, as this in the R-1 as in the P-1 District, that plot plans are subject to approval of the Commission before a build- ing permit could be issued. Chairman Denzer asked if there were any objections to the proposed rezones. There being no oral or written objections it was moved by Peretti, seconded by Racanello, that the rezones as per the revised map be recommended to the City Council. Motion carried. Mr. McGarrigle ab- stained from voting. OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY P.O. BOX•626 2271/2 WELLS ST. Iv` . 4 R. u RENTON, WASH. f1,1A / October 10, 1963 Mr, David Jensen,-Planning Director City of Renton ' City Bell Renton, Washington Re.' Monohan - Yaba and. Puget Properties Dear Dave; We have prepared stencils for the purposed rezoning ordinances as. above Captioned which we ask you to check over .carefully and approve. As previously mentioned on several occasions,orally and in writing, the conditions imposed by the Planning Commission and the Council as to the Yaba property could not be legally a conditioned precedent to rezoning. We doubt whether the City could legally enforce the covenants that the land owner mar have voluntarily imposed upon his premises. , This matter Should be definitely eonsidered_ by the Planning Department and Commissio _ so that you will not rely on these proposed covenants in your general planning of this area. We would, of, course, suggest .that the City hold up the adoption of this ordinance until the instruments in question have been executed by the owner-petitioner and have been placed on record, even though the City may not be .in a- position later on to enforce these restrictions against the .owner or his successors in interest. We would also- appreciate -it if you_would. carefully check the proposed ordinance for Puget Properties since the file .handed to me by the City Clerk apparently is not complete since it does not accurately describe the areas to .be rezoned after certain deletions had been requested and made. • There again we not ce some reference to restricted business uses which, of course, we have •no classification Under our present ordinance but which is lilted in the exhibit and apparently was so posted, There again we have a case of the owner-petitioner offering to record reatri covenants and we suggest that the same procedure be followed as in the case above. Please keep in mind again, as we Have mentioned ,so frequently, that th Is a very good .ehance that any-Court would upset and vacate these rezo. if properly challenged, on the grounds that no comprehensive plan hasbeenadoptedbytheCity, As we had Suggested several months ago, it might be advisable to defer any rezoning* for a while until you have Ii. a chance to compile all the necessary data to make up a comprehensivesothathearingsCanbeheldandthapublicgivenachancetobeheardit. , We remain, You s very rul y, h.N, S I N & PAfl S taw Gerard II. aol Ban,, GLt SCHOOL SITE NO. 1 (Corrected description) A portion of the NW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 and the NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 20 , Twp. 23 N. R 5 E W.M. , described as follows: Beginning at the .N 1/4 corner of Section 20 , Twp. 23 N, R 5 E, W.M. ; thence Wly along the N line of said Section 20 to the NEly margin of the City of Seattle Pipeline right of ' way being the true point of beginning; thence SEly along said margin of the pipeline' right of way to a line, parallel with and :26E' Northerly of ('as measured' perpendicularly) the N margin of the Puget . Sound Power &" Light Shuffleton. No. 1 right of way.; thence NEly along. said line to a line parallel with and 400 ' westerly of (as measured perpendicularly) the E line Of the NW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of. said Section 20 , thence .N along said line to the N line of said Section 20; thence Wly along the N line of said Section 20, to the true point of beginning. T NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION RENTON, WASHINGTON A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION AT ITS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, RENTON, WASHINGTON, ON, 19 <, AT ' ' P.M. TO CONSIDER A PETITION FOR From GS-1 , G9600, G7200 to R-1 , SR-1 , R4 , R3 , B-1 OWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: ANY AND ALL PERSONS INTERESTED OR OBJECTING TO SAID ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ON - . 19 4p AT ';•.r P.M. TO VOICE THEIR PROTEST OR OBJECTION TO SAME. SECRETARY PUBLISHED RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION I ,hereby certify that three (3 ) copies of the above document were pos eby me in three conspicuous places on the prop- erty described above as prescribed by laws. r f Signed: I ND l` —S`i'ATE OF WASHINGTON, RESIDING AT RENTON EGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE , • LEGAL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING as the N 120' of the SE 1/4 ton Future Ln. #2 R/W. Rec; of Treas. office, King VTON PLANNING of NE 1/4 of NE I/4—Sect. (See Sht. 8, Exhibit "A") Co. Wash, and lying W. of COMMISSION 30-23-5. (See Sht. #10 of 10. That portion of the SW 1/4 W. mgns. of Tax Lot No. ON, WASHINGTON Exhibit "A")of Sect. 20-23-5 lying.E of 52, 49, 46, 57, 48, 42 and LIC HEARING WILL Apartment House and the Benson Rd. and. SW'ly . 47, Rec. of Treas. office, D BY THE RENTON Multiple Dwellings (R-4) of the mgn. of the B.P.A. King Co. Wn. (See Sht. 8, ING COMMISSION AT 1. That portion of the E. 528 'Covington—Seattle Ln. #I Exhibit "A") REGULAR MEETING ft. of Govt. Lot 1 in Sect. R/W Except that portion ly - E COUNCIL CHAM- 20-23-5 lying E'ly. of P.S.H. in So. of a line Beg. at the 4. S.- 500 ft. of SW 1/4 Sect. ITY HALL, RENTON,No. 1 and S'ly of the intersection of the Ely mar- . 20-23-5 lying W. of Benson NGTON ON SEPTEM-PSP&L Beverly No. 1 R/W ,gin of, the Benson Rd. and Rd. (See Sht. 8, Exhibit 1963, AT 7:30 P.M.See Slit. 7 of Exhibit -Al the S. In. of Sect. 20; thence - "A. ) DNSIDER PETITIONS 2. That portion of the H. H. NW'1y alg. sd. E. `mgn. - 5. That 'portion of the-" W,1/4 PECIAL PERMITS & Tobin Donation Land Claim 734.63 ft.; thence N. 87 de- of NW 1/4 Sect. 29--23-5 ES OF THE FOL- 6 lying S'ly of the PSP&L grees 3 I; 40" E to.the'sd. ' Less Benson „Rd. and Less G DESCRIBED PROP- . Beverly No. 1 R/W (See Sht. SW'ly mgn.' of the B.P.A. Tax Lots 49 and 106, Rec. it 7 of Exhibit -A-) Covington—Seattle In #I of Treas. office, King Co., ial Permit: 1 1-unit, 3. That portion of Govt. Lot 2 R/W. (See Sht. 8, Exhibit 'Wn. (See Sht.. 9, Exhibit tment house, Block 4,' in Sect. 20-23-5 lying N'ly "A':) , . A-) View Terrace, accord- of the City of Seattle 1.P. 11. That portion of the'SW 1/4 6. That. portion of NE 1/4 of to plat recorded in vol-, Line No. 2 R/W (See Sht. ' of Section 20-23-5 • lying , NW 1/4 Sect. 29-23-5 lying 60 of plats, page 65, in 7 of Exhibit "A") SW'ly of the Benson Rd. and W. of Benson Rd. Less the County, Wash., EX-. 4. That portion of Govt.. Lot a ln. parallel to and 130 ft. S. -100 ft. thereof. (See Sht. T the north 200'. 3 in the NW 1/4 Sect. 20- from the Benson Rd. as 9, Exhibit "A") ial Permit: four-plex' 23-5 lying N'ly of the City me a s u r e d perpendicuraly 7. That portion of NE 1/4 of tment'— Lot 12. Block of Seattle 1.P. Line No. 2 from the SW mgn. LESS the. NE 1/4 Sect. 30-23-5 lying Motor Line Addition to R/W and Sly of the Sly 500 ft. as meas. perpen-. NW'ly of the Talbot Rd. Al- on. PSP&L Beverly No. 'I R/W dicuraly from the S. mgn. of . so that portion NE 1/4 of ne: From R-2 to B-1: (See Sht. 7 of Exhibit "A") . the sd. SW 1/4 and LESS sd. NE 1/4 lying E of the 18 & 19, Block 10, 5. That portion of Govt. Lot 2 the B.P.A. Covington—Se- Talbot Rd. Except the NE on Farm Plat. and 3 in the NW 1/4 Sect. ' attle Ln. #.1 R/W and Less ' .1/4. of' the 'NE 1/4 of NE ne: Puget Properties, 20-23-5 lying between the a 100 ft. R/W for power 1/4 of sd. Sect. 30 and the ribed as follows: From City of Seattle 1.P. Line No. lines being parallel to and N. 120 ft. of the SE 1/4 of G-9600, G-7200 to 2 R/W and the B.P.A. Re- • 100 ft. meas. perpendicular- the NE 1/4 of the sd. NE SR-1, R-3, R-4, B-I. location Diablo—Seattle 230 ly in a SW'ly direction from 1/4 of Sect. 30. (See Sht B-1) KV. R/W Except.the West a In. beg. 400 ft. S'ly of the 10, Exhibit "A") t portion of the NE 1/4 480 ft. thereof. See Sht. 7, W 1/4 cor. of Sect. 20 on 8. That portion of the NW 1/4 9-23-5 lying S'ly of Exhibit "A")the W. mgn. of sd. Sect. 20 of NE 1/4 of Sect. 30-23-f H. No. 1 and Ely of the 6. That portion of the SW 1/4 thence NE'ly to a point on lying E'ly of a In. 340 ft margin of the Burnett of the NE 1/4 Sect. 20-23-5 the C/L of Benson Rd. sd. from, as meas. perpendicu et Extension; LESS the lying 'between the City of pt. being 310 ft. as meas. larly and parallel to the E'13 erline rights of way en- Seattle 1.P. Line No. 2 R/W perpendicularly from the N. mgn: of P.S.H. No. 5. (Se( 1 B. P. A. Covington- and the B.P.A. Relocation mgn. of sd. SW 1/4 of Sect. Sht. 10, Exhibit "A") Lure future Ln. #2. Diablo — Seattle 230 KV. 20. (See Sht. 8, Exhibit 9. Lots 73 thru 77 incl. o A. Covington- Renton R/W. (See Sht. 5, Exhibit "A") Renton Co-op Coal'Co. Acr( I and B.P.A. Reloca- "A") Residence 'District (R-3) Tr. Plat No. 2 as recorder of Diablo—Seattle Ln. 7. That portion of the NW 1/4 I. That portion of the E. 528 in deeds Vol. 9, pg. 27 Rec KV. (See Sht. 3, Exhibit of Sect. 20-23-5 lying S'ly ft. of Govt. Lot 1 in Section of King Co., Wn. (See Sht of the B.P.A. Relocation 20-23-5 lying Ely of P.S.H. 4, Exhibit 'A") t portion of the NW 1/4 Diablo — Seattle 230 KV. No. 1 R/W and N'ly of the 0-23-5 lying west of the R/W and E'ly of Parcel No. PSP&L Shuffleton No. 1 & 3 under Business B-1 Ex- 2 R/W. (See Sht. 7, Exhibit Residential—ion Hwy. P.S.H. H. 5-C) Utility Reserve (R-1) S'ly of .S.H No. l; cept the Ely 625 ft. there- "A") I. That portion of the SW I/S the powerline rights of of and Except that portion 2. That portion of the H. H. entitled B.P.A. Coving- lying SE'ly of a line de- Tobin Donation Land Claim Sect. 20-23-5 lying W. of ( Renton Future Ln. #2, scribed as follows; Beg. on lying S. and W. of Highland line 130 ft. from, as meas A. Covington—Renton the Sly margin of the Add. as rec. in Vol. 17 of perpendicularly, and paral 1 and B.P.A. Reloca- NW 1/4-20-23-5 at a pt. Plat 32 records of King Co. lel to the W'ly mgn. o of Diablo—Seattle Ln. 975 ft. W. of the center of and S. of S. In. of sd. Add. Benson Rd. and lying S. o KV. (See Sht. 7, Ex- Section; thence NE'ly to a produced E. and N. of the B.P. A.Covington—Se t "A") point 625 ft. W. of the E'ly' PSP&L Shuffleton No. 1 and attle Ln. #1 Except the S t portion of the NW 1/4 margin of sd. NW 1/4 and 2 R/W. (See Sht. 7, Exhibit 500 ft. thereof and except 0-23-5 described as; Beg. 100 ft. 'N. of the S. mgn. of "A") 100 ft. strip the north mgn the intersection of the sd. NW 1/4. (See Sht. 7 Ex- Suburban Residence (SR-1) of which is described a mgn of the Benson Rd. hibit "A") 1. That portion of the NE 1/4 Beg. at a pt. on the W. Ln the Sly margin of the ' 8. That portion of the SW 1/4 Sect. 20-23-5 lying'NW'ly of of Sd. SW 1/4, sd. pt. beint erline entitled B.P.A. of Sect. 20-23-5 being NW'ly the 'N In. of PSP&L Shuffle- 400' Sly of the W 1/4 cor cation Diablo—Seattle of a line beginning at a ' ton No. I and 2 R/W Less of sd. Sect. 20 thence NE'l KV. thence Ely 'along point 975 ft. W. of the cen- the N. 250 ft. of the E. 400 ' to a point on the C/L o S'ly margin a dist. of ter of section on the N. mgn. ft. of the NW 1/4 of sd. the Benson Rd., sd. pt. being ft.; thence SW'ly to a of sd. SW 1/4 thence SW'ly 'NE 1/4 and Les's the City of 310 ft. from the N. In. o it on the E-W C/L sd. to a pt. on the W. mgn. of Seattle Pipeline R/W and sd. SW 1/4 as meas. perpen 20-23-5, sd. point be- .sd. SW 1/4, sd. point being Less Phillip Arnold Park dicularly. (See Sht. 8, Ex 322 ft. + Ely of the 400 ft. S. of the NW corner City of Renton. (See Sht. 5, hibit "A") A. Covington — Renton thereof; Except that portion Exhibit "A") LESS all dedicated roads o are Ln. #2; thence lying SW'ly of the 'NE'ly 2. All of the SE 1/4 of Sect. record in all of the abov y to sd. E'ly margin of margin of the •B.P.A. Coy- 20-23-5 Less that portion parcels. B.P.A. R/W; thence ington—Renton Future Ln. lying NE'ly of the SW mgn. 5. Preliminary Plat: Tripp; ly alg. sd. Ely mgn. to No. 2 R/W and Except that of the City of Seattle. Pipe- line R W and Less Tax Lots Construction C o m p a n y E'ly margin of the Ben- portion described in Parcel Tracts 262 & 273, C. D Rd.; thence NW'ly alg. No. 4 under Business (B-1). 61 (King Co. Water District Ely mgn. of the Benson See Sht. 8, Exhibit "A") No. 58) and 64 (B.P.A. Hillman's Lake Wash. Gar to the P.O.B. (See Map 9. That portion of the SW 1/4 Easement) as rec. in the den of Eden Add. to Seattl Exhibit "A") of Section 20-23-5 lying Treas. office of King'Co. and Div. No. 4, Less S. 238.72 t portion of the SW 1/4 Sly of a line 100 ft. Sly Less B.P.A. Covington — said Tract 262, Less N. I OQ 0-23-5 described as; Beg. and parallel to a line begin- Renton Future Ln. #2 R/W of All Except W. 60' sai the intersection of the ning at a pt. 975 ft. W. of and Less that portion de- Tr 262, Less S. 35' of 1\ 7 'C/L of Sect. 20-23-5 the center of Section on the scribed in 'Deeds, Aud. File 135' of E. 90' of W. I5C the Ely mgn. of the N. mgn. of sd. SW 1/4 No. 5615593 Conveyed to said Tr 262, Less N. 20( A. Covington — Renton thence SW'ly to a pt. on the the The Christian 'Church said Tr. 273. ure Ln. #2, thence SE'ly W. mgn. of sd. SW 1/4, sd. Inc. (See Sht. 6, Exhibit Any and all persons intereste sd. E'ly mgn. a dist. of pt. being 400 ft. S. of the "A ) or objecting to said Propose ft. thence NE'ly to a pt. NW corner thereof; and 3. That portion of the SW 1/4 Plat, Rezones & Special Permit( sd. E-W C/L, sd. point NW'ly of a line beginning of Sect. 20-23-5 lying NE'ly are invited to be present at th rig 322 ft. + E'ly of the at a point 779.42 ft. West of the NE mgn. of the planning commission meeting o A. Covington — Renton of the E mgn. of sd. SW 1/4 B.P.A. Covington — Ren- September 25, 1963, at 7:3 2, thence W'ly alg. sd. and 67.9 ft. S. of the N. ton Future Ln. #2 and P.M., to voice their'protest a V 'C/L to the sd. E'ly mgn. of sd. SW 1/4 'thence SE'ly of a In. described as objection to same. rgin of the sd. B.P.A. SW'ly on a bearing of S.22 beg. at a pt. 330 ft. Ely of W. (See Map #8, Exhibit degrees 40' 50" W to the the ctr. of the sd. SW 1/4 DOUG FELKER, NE'ly mgn. of the B.P.A. on N. mgn. of the SE 1/4 of Secretary, ed Business (B-1) Covington—Renton Future sd. SW 1/4 thence N. 26 de- Renton Planning Comissior at portion of the NE 1/4 Ln. #2 R/W and NE'ly of grees 05' 40" E. to the W. Published in The Renton Tow iect. 30-23-5 described the B.P.A. Covington—Ren- mgn. of Tax Lot No. 52, Talk, September II, 1963. r zsed to; Open Tuesday And Friday Even East, And Dry Cleaning For Your Convenience—Until 9 ad then' It was'! IN THE CASCADE Phone' AL 5-0165 Nnow,: SHOPPING CENTER Ads EASY EASY CAROL'S BEAUTY SItotoults REACH PARK In The Cascade Shopping Cent0r. Don't Get. Tired & Rundown This Fall or Winter -- Y Stock Up Now l oho '. BiDuringKeyRexallsg 11,..1.!, V i t a m i n S a i kta kt KEY REXALL DRUGS 1'"?' >' z In- The Cascade Shopping Center t ' NA,.A sy °L7036- 116th Ave. S.E. CHEWABLE VITA-MATES r ASCORBIC ACID CHEWABLE c^ 'e VITAMIN C FOR VITAMIN C it BABY! Multiple Ab `' Baby Vitamins Iiaoms100mg V r,s,,,,, Fruit Flavored itamins Pleasant Tasting 99 VITA-MATES n`°"-. 250 TABLETS Drop Dose 9 100 Tablets Reg. $3.19 IINS a1 Same Formula Aa vo+ 'i Others Selling I 1 exalt SUPER COMBINATION SWEEPSTAKES For As High 4s $3.54 Af 50 ce.—NOW ONE DAILY cnd A_ ,j,' o - - o M Itda amine,altole Vitamins GRANDPR,I`Z•E+``P ape Red Vitamin B-12 v- , 1964 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL CHEWABLE H V cs Common The Classic Car on the American Road Multi-Vitamin Wia Tablets PlusnDeficiencies69 PLUS: BONUS GRAND PRIZE Iron Cc A CONTINENTAL VACATION FOR 2 VIA iIA) 60 TABLETS I120 Sc TABLETSto 2 Month's Supply 4 MonttFlyviaTWAjet n. Spend Paris, d A w Rome and London. Spend V{ i%`9 5,5twoweekswithplay. L a 1 UP TO 2,832 PRIZES IN ALL! No purchase necessary to win f Ask any salesperson about our Panovite Reg. 79c SUPER COMBINATIONS"on (Ru)SUPER PLENAMINS MULTIPI,>r BLETS y VITAMINS WITH IAmerica's Largest Selling Vitamin-Mineral Product- MINERALSiw 11 VITAMINS PLUS 10 MINERALS 100 Tablets—E. 144-TabletA[AA[[ SAyf Si @NOW—Buy Supply Reg. $4.95 AlayBrandGet36-Tablet Supply Free! sor[ FREE! 30-Tablet Supp180TabletsinCombination $7 fl P[[pAMI"S When You Buy 100-Tablet VITAMINS Package Only t, Ne: FREE! Get your free ENTRY BLANK with details TODAY" c. V'-DaylinSweepstakesendsDecember31, 1963ARegular $6.47 Buy CHEWABLENOWREDUCEDTOBREWER'S AI haea S Reg. $"3.98—Sale . il Yeast Tablets P p VITA-MATES 49Rich In Vitamins VITAMIN A Therapeutic-MB-1 and B-2, Reg., 100 Capsules $ 9 e Reg. 89c S9 0 Tablets 25,000 Units J IRON TABLETS8 Multiple Vitamins Reg. 89c—Now. Reg With Minerals 3.25—NOW 5.95 & Up Value e KEY D. •I SPECIAL. i ! Oc MReg.. Mountainhandy Bar xaDrà: 1 Bars 3 19, Cascade Shopping Center BA 64 inkr COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN COVERING THE RENTON LANDS OF P U G E T PROPER TI E S INC.UM A SUBSIDIARY OF PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT CO. JUNE 1963 r f AIM l• ME Ma P .' GET PROPERTIES, INC. P.O. BOX 535, BELLEVUE, WASHINGTON, GLENCOURT 4-6363 July 15, 1963 Honorable Mayor and Council City of Renton Renton, Washington Gentlemen: Puget Properties, Inc. is pleased to submit its Comprehensive Plan for the disposition and development of approximately 590 acres of land in southeast Renton. This definitive plan is presented as a course of action to be followed in co-operation with the Renton Urban Planning 1962-63 "701 Program" currently being undertaken by the City of Renton. In fulfillment of our committment made to the City of Renton on the occasion of the "kick-off" dinner for the "701 Program", it is our intent to make available the arterial street rights-of-way called for in this plan, upon an expression of approval by the City of the plan details. It is our further intent to make available at appraised value those portions of the properties which are identified as requirements for additional community use facilities such as water reservoirs and school sites. The highest and best use of the remaining lands has been determined and identified in the plan variously as Commercial, Indus- trial and Residential properties, and these will be made available to interested builders and developers to meet the market demand. We sincerely appreciate the assistance and co-operation rendered to us by the City Council, Planning Commission, and staff personnel in the preparation of this plan. We are confident that the result will be an orderly development of the property serving the best.functional requirements of the people of. Renton, and providing a desirable increase in tax base. Very truly yours, 4eall•Ad244irlz: Ralph M. Davis President r INDEX Page LETTER OF SUBMITTAL Plate 1 Comprehensive Plan Area -- As of June, 1963 Plate 2 Comprehensive Plan Area --A Future ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 1 RENTON REDEVELOPMENT PLAN -- "701 PROGRAM" 2 AREA HISTORY AND PHYSICAL FEATURES 3 i PLANNING CONCEPTS 4 PUBLIC LANDS USE 5 Plate 3 Public Land Use . Schools Parks Reservoirs PRIVATE DEVELOPMENTAL LAND 7 Plate 4 HIGHWAYS AND ARTERIAL ROADS 8 Plate 5 Highways and Arterial Roads Washington State Highways City Arterials New Arterials ZONING 9 Plate 6 Zoning Single Family Residence Multiple Family Residence Utility Reserve Business Industrial x ,` k• x i t— y' mil/ 4 $ F r 4 4, t' 7',; *,• '' i' L•`. 0' i` t: t `'+''_+, •'+ u. } t.°" t tip p. x fir. 4. - yEy j:}. - S { fr 7 t fj_ Y y • 44 r cr k,. r t x '` t '• ti etyf r , 2y1°. 4 ' 3 ; n` ( ts` ' , 4 i,',.‘. ;-..:: . e,, i, i;: i. rny...,-, t! : i8,".`,,, d--,. ".,..'-. ' elto• . 0,'„,,, ' ,„.% ---- -.".• ! ' k% I t t ` r> i r f i! r y fr A < ktA I. 4 by r' „,%. 1 . f t . i4t '. e + t 44l.'. ' ti f ! t. y,' i . '# ..- i € its t• 3 A: q$ i, i} .! I,;..., j _ t. 4-.. atr t J s q; r+; jit + r `• r, ( f, t"' a,,; rr, A .. f ki i., t .. ` C z RJ 4 ' _ t ,. 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J l,., T/; y ' I F"' , •' p• l 5. t•;,* i,_ : 1. t. , ` rr ' k, 4 RS AW t . JY' pyy c K t. t 0 ,'. r l y i V , r ro i aria . i q i;• sF ; Ts94 s8rti .*' a __ t_-•« *,' '$'`+.€.` l ter. . K . R, )• i ' Y>' F t c7 t' ', e . .'' „ t,. ..%, ,.. t; +''* 4x , s''' • 4' R• -...', 4.$ Yfr.. '. V ' e 1'. i f: •! N s t g * ,"" 14 tr s sC' I f."'' i atid `^ . C,^ k' .° y t Y- ' i. r x + ors•, w+` s Y, i' R, ` ; if, :+ k R' y47 _ fit'.- s 13 a • 0t? ra W mom... 1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We wish to thank particularly those organizations and individuals mentioned below for their guidance and assistance during the development of this Comprehensive Land Use Plan. Their respective contributions, touching on every facet of community planning and engineering, have been an important factor in effecting timely completion of the work. Mayor and City Council Planning Commission Park Board Renton School District No. 403 Washington State Department of Highways Washington State Highway Commission Renton Chamber of Commerce University of Washington United.States Geological Survey Puget Sound Power & Light Company Specific Technical Assistance J. David Jensen, Planning Director Jack Wilson, City Engineer i page 1 RENTON REDEVELOPMENT PLAN -- "701 MGM!" In recognition of the need for a comprehensive city-wide redevelopment plan, the Renton City Council, on January 16, 1962, by Resolution No. 1131, made formal application to the Washington State Department of Commerce and Eco- nomic Development for planning assistance and to receive financial aid from the Urban Renewal Administration, as authorized by Section 701 of the Hous- ing Act of 1954 (Public Laws 860, 83rd Congress); as amended by the Housing Act of 1959 (Public Laws 86-372, 86th Congress) . Subsequently, a contract was entered in o under which $65,000 in Federal Grant money was made avail- able to add to $32,500 of City funds. A firm of consulting architects and municipal planners was retained to develop a.program of improvements in the City-center core area. Responsi- bility for studies and plans in all other areas of the City was assigned to the Renton Planning Department under J. David Jensen, Director. The planning effort covered in this report constitutes a voluntary contribution to the latter portion of the overall program and will serve as a development guide applicable to the 590 acres controlled by Puget Properties, Inc. The information gathered by the City Planning Department on such subjects as population projections and traffic counts, together with the topographic and planimetric mapping was vitally important in completing the planning work done by Puget Properties, Inc. This same data will likewise be of lasting value to all other private organizations and public agencies con- cerned with the Renton area. page 2 AREA HISTORY AND PHYSICAL FEATURES The land covered by this Comprehensive Plan is located Southeast of the City center, is bounded on the Northeast by the Cedar River Valley, on the West by the Green River Valley, and comprises portions of Sections 16, 17, 19, 20, ,29 and 30, all in Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. The major portion of the 590 acre area lies on two hills. Renton Hill rises some 450 feet where its butte shaped top is gently rolling, dropping off sharply to the Cedar River Valley on the Northeast and gradually sloping into a draw on the West, where it blends into Talbot Hill. Talbot Hill, somewhat lower, is a constant sloping knoll which has few steep slopes and these afford an unrestricted view of the Green and Duwamis h River Valleys to the West. The geology of these hills has been described by D. R. Mullineaux, Western Division Geologist of the United States Geological Survey as "solid rock or minerals, overlaid with glacial moraine of sands, silts and gravels, with a thin sparse covering of loam. The surface is. weathered to a degree that exposed rock and coal• may be found in a scat- tered pattern." The adjacent valley property consists of alluvial deposits of sand, silt, and loam layed down over the ages •by the Green, Duwamis h, and Black Rivers. Captain Renton and his partner Talbot organized the Renton Cooperative Coal • Company in the early 1870's to engage in mining operations in this area. • • • The enterprise attracted the extension of the Seattle and Walla Walla Bail- road into the area in 1877. Subsequent growth of the community led to incorporation as the City of Renton in 1901. • Continued growth and market Changes in community and business life have brought the problems which today are the concern of a major planning effort. The particular lands covered by this Comprehensive Plan were acquired by the Seattle Electric Company on April 3, 1901. On April 15, 1912, they were conveyed, along with buildings, to Puget Sound Traction, Light and Power Company, parent company to Puget Properties, Inc. During recent years these non-operating properties have been held against the possibility that adjacent transmission line and substation facilities might have to be enlarged in order to provide for system load growth. However, as the popu- lation growth and development of Renton progressed, this land has increas- ingly become a barrier to the orderly development of street and utility facilities. The results of this situation are amply illustrated in the photo, Plate 1, showing the fast growing residential development which has leap-frogged the land barrier. This Comprehensive Plan includes provisions for present and future street and utility facilities. In addition, it points the way for "higher and better" use of large portions of the land, thus fulfilling community needs and providing an increased tax base. page 3 PLANNING CONCEPTS Preparation of this Comprehensive Plan required a thorough study of (1) requirements for present and future public services, (2) natural qualities of the several parts of the 590 acres under consideration and (3) the probable "highest and best" use of all areas not required for public use. Basic factors necessary to consider included topography, established utility trunk facilities, and surrounding land uses of substantial and relatively . permanent quality. Each factor entering the plan is interrelated with one or more other factors; no one feature could be finally located until several others had been con- sidered. For instance, though the critical need for a major East-West arterial street was recognized, its final location could not be determined until the land topography had been studied, the location of existing high investment power and gas transmission lines had been determined, and the . requirement for high level water reservoir sites had been analysed, etc. The resulting assignment of land uses is discussed and illustrated on fol- lowing pages under three categories, (1) Public Land Use, (2) Private Development Land, (3) Highway and Arterial Roads. Large scale maps and photographs illustrating all features are available and will be filed with the City of Renton. A projection of the ultimate completed result is illustrated on Plate 2. page 4 PUBLIC LAND USE See Plate 3 For the purpose of this study "public use" included all types of facilities and functions required for services to the general population within and beyond this particular 590 acre area, regardless of ownership. Thus muni- cipally owned reservoir sites, school board owned building areas, and investor owned power and gas utility rights-of-way were of equal concern. The major category of highways and arterial roads is covered separately in a later section of this report. Schools It has been determined by the Renton planning staff and the Renton School District No. 403 staff that two elementary school sites will be needed in the area for the ultimate requirements and that higher institutions of learning exist or will be located elsewhere. In the study, two sites were selected in the vicinity of: 1. Northeast of the Seattle pipeline right-of-way, across from Arnold Park, approximately 10 acres 2. Adjacent to the existing playground on South East 160th Street on the easterly side of Talbot Road. This 8.5 acre site will be sold in a cleared and rough-graded condition. Reservoirs To integrate with the existing Renton Water system, the topography and future projected water demand necessitated the location of two reservoir sites, in order that the most economical construction would be realized. These, sites are generally described as: 1. A ten acre site near the entrance of the Plat of Tiffany Park and adjacent to 116th Avenue South East. 2. Approximately six acre site located near 104th Avenue South East and South East 168th Street and Eastei!1y of a future highway. Parks A review by the Renton Park Board indicated that public park facilities have been adequately provided for by sites previously acquired for Arnold Park on Renton Hill, a ten-acre area on Talbot Hill and other tracts in adjacent lands. page 5 Electric Power Utilities Provision for transmission line rights-of-way accommodating key facilities of Puget Sound Power & Light Company, Seattle City Light, and the Bonne- ville Power Administration had been substantially committed prior to the development of this plan. Relocation of the existing major structures is economically impractical. Secondary lines will be relocated or replaced with underground facilities as the land use develops. Future additions to major lines have been provided for along routes compatible with the other land use assignments. Gas Utilities Washington Natural Gas Company has a need for an important ground level facility in the area. After careful study of the requirement and a proposed plan, a suitable site has been assigned in a terrain depression located between Talbot Road and Benson Road. liii L E G END PUBLIC LAND U SE SCHOOL SITES HI ill PARK SITES E_544 WATER RESERVOIR SITES P LATE 3 t.--. -- - 1 eIr- Ai :_ g-, it-... t 1* ........... ii, b? ! IT: ! ,,, ' • . 7-. 1„.::!•.,,..,.... , i - el f cl 1 1- • / iii• a rI- 1, • iiiih t,,, --- 11 [ i:),‘,..... wrn .'/' '."/ • . , fi l' ti:. k.? 1,. 0 r14 I tit:: •;;;.- 1, ,. _ i.;;;.',: l.; ' / JP ! i t t:: - t: ttit t 1,•••: 1/ 1 i' ff\ i'•• 4 `.• 1: t 4J kkl: .-__ i' j; t. E.; i,: n . 4. t; on•. 1. . 44 ) 4: 11thrc•- f; : 4 ' t.- 4, t• r _ ... t • . t....., • t...-. A..•. 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' lei' , ---. 1 ift-d\-.. 1. 4: .'', It:•; 11.::- 11 T- 1 11ell I'.I\ miin MINIM= r-'' T---.' 1----- 1 1; 131. 71; r: L": 2.,--- 11.' ''' I'''.....' 4•:<- \ Hus.'..\ :,..::;•; t-i...''' Wilill 1 • • 1 • • „ L__.._ t. 7.--- ---. 411----- 1 , 1 . 1 i. , 1- T- 1- 111 1111- - - ---•.- 1--,--- I I. I I; n- 7 , ' ..' v• if. i. 4•* 1-.,-,- i ; 1 i : , . . .., i L. I• pij . 0111. 1- 1 u I • .... . i : , : •••i • : •.:, 1, ,,.. , .• i . , 1..,:. LI.,.. 1 k3i: 1 1 1' 171... '' I I ; it, I/ I i ,•-; 7,---' 1 1 1: -- i : ; i . ' ..........., 1..._... 1 • .,,,,...: 1 I lid. r____ 1_." i 1- 1- 1- 11- 1-!+!••: i li i._-- -.......-.._.....- m-- Ir—-- 6.. 1.:.- 1..-_- 4- 1. o.-.-. I, i 1 ii&-::!* 1• 111_ 1 11p—._---- PRIVATE DEVELOPMENT LAND See Plate 4 Land available for private development after providing for public use facilities includes parcels falling rather obviously into the three major categories of Commercial, Industrial and Residential. The 30-acre area lying East of Rainier Avenue and along the South..side. of•Grady Way has, definite commercial potential and has been so assigned. An additionall60,.•. acres located on both sides of the Valley Highway and the new Valley Free- way is destined to be absorbed in the growing Green - Duwamish Valley industrial complex. The largest portion, some 500 acres, is hillside and hilltop land of a clearly residential character. Various portions of the latter fall into the following three categories: (1) unrestricted view, 2) partially restricted view and (3) no view. The technique of contour platting and balanced earth moving for terraces will put the bulk of the properties into the first two categories. Excess dirt resulting from terracing operations will be used to fill lowland areas, thereby increas- ing values in both locations. This acreage has .been studied with respect to the marketability of several sizes of single and multiple family unit tracts. Provision has been made for the location of an appropriate proportion of churches and appropriate community and fraternal club facilities. Maximum use will be made of opportunities to develop green belt areas, giving each parcel of land the home-near-a-park" atmosphere. page. 7 I IIII ' III 1IiiIIiIh,. LI 64 121111 opi 3 1IIIIIIIIII Nil 4 l1 1111122 III II r 9A 11 111118 L E G END IIIIIIIIIIII RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY COMMERCIAL PROPERTY A INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY P. S.P & L. OPERATING PROPERTY P I ATF 4 E Z• 1; f•` • I j y' Ox Q , 1 r, Sp:, y„ q; E y, -:',- _ "' ,'' I% f ._' i «, I , I, 1 1 A^ I, p f '• Ee:. .: T .' jf. I x... A`, / / r r"' '- 1'-. Zri./',, I ii' 14P1'.. I III'. 1411 ; Al 1 1= 17- 7/ , .-` i 7 31" i ' 4„ i. f stbni' i i , wi„ I Tu 3 ri r- I ._ . 4; , uecer• J` t i _ J7II '{ ICIF. . 4:: r t ., , iM „ a. li . ,•. T. y 1_ 1 ••{' I i[_. _ ( 1 PARK 1, • ,,_ L ._-: JI :' V4 VV E IN II J- I 4 F L': _ 1 C" -' J RE NTDN CITY LIMITS i_ , RA. t.,$,_. . r ..?..• i rit' rreq,, y 14 R" 11* 21• 11$ 11. 0- ....--?_ tiii.. FI Pe- 1. r_ S d. te' 77w,,,/,<.: 4_<*. \ z5i_ v- f.,----, 1.. 1 I if:# i 14 14. 0" 41.... T.'? ---/-' lit i/ ja, i?'.. jt1 ...:-. I \ t il- 0,-_.,,,,,„ ir. '..-- x i:,.... ..!••.• 17-'''.... .".;:-...... 7*.- T.I. A s• \ iii. r. d. •... _., , 1„/.., _.., , . 1• _,-,-. . ,,,, r.. . j -. ;,.).. z -; II -- --.: i.)-. . T.:,;-: .. T, 1111V; 4; cilillOr7:-..... i( : 171 ..`.... r- f-• 420.'" a . ,„......,.. .. .. •, , .__..__ vc. 1-, 4.--:; i,: ii..; SI '-' 1 i•:.:...• • 1. ... . i Y_ . i L_. 1 __ _ i• - . 1. I dn• r. re,•*• 4 fi. i 1. it r-...:.:;",.;.;:? i':- IT.; j 1:. t: iil i t'.: 1-.":; -: :'' j. 1 -;;..'• . ‘ V .....:.. 4..- ra,„-- 4z,, t z- ip...-_, c-. 4fri-..: L.::::: ts-: 1. 1.._:, r_.. 1.,::.: 1 f_... _...: • 1. s: N.••••., X__ Iiblik, k4, 7.-, 4;,. 1, 711:..:".,',..,,.. ry.:-' 7,:•..- , I M:• a-!-!!" - iI'.---.: 1,7:,i'','‘.,,....-.-,--- 1J . • 1 A09\ 1' ; TO t--:::''.::':: t) 110:-\, 1• 4s IL¢ 1. T, f. j • 11i '• . •. IL: ; Zip itr..._, i_ r_.. , ,:. _... .... 1 ii.•.., 1Ill 1\\ IJ ..• ...,: i. ili 7.---.—; r- „, , El: . =_ T-. : 7..:,.. t1.. • 6- I. __ I I - tl I• s, raY "~ : • k-{', y pr 1'•u . I I I —._ _-- —' S Srgiu ``• (' q} '( y/ 1l ' sr• r f1 ' Il{(!' AIL — L___ — I i I: i • YYYbG!/ W 1 , f" 1" 41" 1". 1" 1,. y , r I ri L I f. I 11•' BAC . i_ i i._ S• 4-. 11•-•- 1 / I ._. _.. ' _ ' ILA/_;• i- F• 1_ I —_ ',- L1..:----- HIGHWAYS AND ARTERIAL ROADS See Plate 5 With the present construction of PSH No. 1, a limited access highway, scheduled for completion by the Washington State Highway Department in 1964+-65, the City of Renton accelerated work under the "701 Program" to provide a master comprehensive plan for arterial roads and streets. In support of this effort, Puget Properties, Inc. concentrated effort on a study of possible routes, grades and widths required for a principle East- West arterial. This arterial, designated Puget Drive, was needed to accom- modate traffic generated in southeast Renton and presently afforded access to the City center only over round-about roads of inadequate capacity. Detailed engineering work is now about complete on the first section of this arterial which will provide a connection between the Talbot and Benson Roads necessary to afford full utilization of the freeway cross- ings included under current PSH No. 1 highway construction. Another major arterial is currently under study by the Washington State Highway Department and is referred to as the Future Benson Highway Reloca- tion. A parkway type design is proposed with four lanes of traffic with a utility corridor used as a median strip. Engineering studies determined the best route to be that shown on Plate 5. This route will conform to the State Highway Department criteria for curvature and grade. Other principle arterial roads contemplated under the Renton master comprehen- sive road plan are shown on Plate 5. Puget Properties, Inc. has committed to deed to the City of Renton the rights-of-way for those portions of these arterial roads crossing its properties, and to join in support of participating agreements (L.I.D. or other equivalent form as found appropriate) to affect construction of the arterials. Connecting secondary streets will be built as part of individual increments of full land development. page 8 Mr LEGEND ZONING R\\\ SINGLE FAMILY MULTIPLE FAMILY iOExtE p// UTILITY VES INDUSTRIAL BUSINESS PLATE 6 7.•,47 v';• 4• q'.,'.':.\/'//. 1-.(, fir, • I 1I I1 1`'" a, I`i3 ' ! JF (` r""t rLrYt .-u{ • _ . , I :: sraf - --"-' 1 71 ''. l(:' 9 t}'• , I.T' 1 s.'/.(- 7•1 41 ''') l- ( r t E 1 i i;.k31 ^ i' ucnr'""''. i _`;i 1I 3 j i.oars• t • ' 1- 1 . r PAYK / ic ti 74 , l__ -j1"__-1M'"'. i''-- 11 Cl.' _ ! y_ [ tV/.A RENT'OIJ+CITY LiMIT9'— i.--gt.rts.. . r -51'4 L FA ; I'll I 17 - .--f.--- 9 •,Er. ir Ai- I EA, . ..t, , , Ilk N-,, N.,.._ __,. ii,; [1114 .•:.--* I \, i~/?)-J/ ,' r•. 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" v„--- 7---"-- I Err.. 71`. .' 11 • II 1 ME - 1. 7... t..:‘.. i' \.. i r.,..,•: J.. j..... 1: 1 11.: 11 11:e::;:,,:ii:::._ liJ - .- k- ii---:--- 1------ s 1 1 .• 11111 ' ' 111 I r,-, i,. 1.... 1,. 1.... L. I. 1,-___-• tF7-- •-, 1,--- . -- ------------ -- NI ' i .. L,!....„,_ LJ,. i .., ii 7 I I 1 1 - I • ': f• .. TT f-,----- 1, , 1 1 i• r I 4, 1_ I. 1;: ij IV-. ' 1_,.. LA 1 I • , : ..,. h" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1: 1" 1 il I. iti I f . 1:;, P-..1c; I i • ' ' i : ; 1 ':. 11' 4- 1- r ri. HI 1 I •,:,- 1' i_., . 1 • ef, L.... _ 01p_ I i 1 1 I-!- 1- 1- 1- 1••!- i- I-: i P C._... 1- - ...-____ i..- 1__-___•.„,- . 4„,.._._... ... . I. I i; I • G hi ZONING See Plates 4 and 6 Implementing this Comprehensive Plan by development and/or sale of the land necessitates several changes in existing zoning. These changes have been analysed with the assistance of the Renton Planning Director and in the near future will be submitted as a "package" for review and appropriate action by the Planning Commission and the City Council. Specific recommendations are as follows, all land use designations being referred to the City of Renton Zoning Ordinance No. 1472 As Amended.and the Zoning District Map of Renton: Parcel No. 1 - Plate 4 The existing zoning is LI, light industrial and business, which will accommo- date the type of commercial development which potential investors are currently studying. Parcel No. 8 - Plate 4 The existing zoning, GS-1, to be changed to business zoning B-1 and B-P for the westerly five acres to accommodate a fraternal club, and multiple resi- dence R-4 zoning for the balance of the acreage Parcel No. 10 -.Plate 4 The existing zoning, GS-1, to be changed to.a Utility Reserve under R-1 to accommodate a multi-million dollar utility installation. Parcels 12, 13 and 14 - Plate 4 This area is presently zoned GS-1, G-9600 and light industrial which will be changed to accommodate business-industrial trends of the area. All Other Parcels The bulk of this area is presently zoned GS-1. A carefully analysed combination of R-1 (Single Family Residences), R-3, and R-4 (Multi-Family Residences) will be submitted for approval. page 9 Finally, land use minimum requirements, beyond those provided in the zoning classifications under Ordinance No. 1472, will be included7 , u in covenants attached to the conveyances of property to developers. The developers' investment in land and improvements will thus be afforded additional protec- tion. Items to be covered by these covenants will be tailored to the particular qualities of each acreage tract or plot, and may include any of the following: 1. Special building setback distances. 2. Landscaping requirements• 3. Minimum building site areas. 4. Building height restrictions. 5. Requirement for underground utility distribution lines. 6. Special provision for additional off street parking. P_. PUGET PROPERTIES, INC. P.O. BOX 535, BELLEVUE, WASHINGTON, GLENCOURT 4-6363 September 24, 1963 Mr. James Denzer, Chairman Renton Planning Commission City Hall Renton, Washington Re: Puget Properties, Inc. Rezone Application Dear Sir: Pursuant to our recent discussions, we can now describe three of the four areas designated for public use. They include the two school sites and the reservoir site adjacent to 116th Avenue South East. The reservoir site at approximately 104th Avenue South East and South East 168th Street is still undescribable. Therefore we propose that the parcels designated School Sites No. 1 and 2, together with Reservoir Site No. 1, be deleted or amended in our application for rezone. The actual designation of zoning on these parcels can be assigned by the Commission with our approval. We also propose that the following described area be deleted from the area of rezone until the State Department of Highways has defined the Benson Highway Relocation and the Utilitj.es Superintendent, Mr. Anderson, has completed studies of their requirements. DELETED PORTION The S. 600 ft.' of the E. '+00 ft. of the S.W.t of the N.W., of Section 30, TWN. 23 N. , R. 5 E.W.M. In as much as the actual'field surveying is not complete, the courses and distances are not known and therefore if the desired parcel configuration should. change for reasons unforeseen, then it is understood that we or the School District can file appropriate rezone applications with confidence that they will be rezoned for our intended use. We are attaching a copy of the descriptions- for the first three parcels together with a copy of the letter from Mr. Oliver Hazen, Superintendent of Schools, for your use. Very truly you ram,,6T- C__.,- ' ....7,/,fre/Az..,,a -,-----•----:--- E. D. Greathouse, Project Engineer A SUBSIDIARY OF PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT COMPANY School Site No. 1 Description: A portion of the N.W.4 of the N.E.* and the N.E.4 of the N.W.* of Section 20, TWN 23 N. , R. 5 E.W.M., described as follows; Beginning at the N.* corner. of Section 20, TWN 23 N. , R. 5 E.W.M. Thence W'ly along the N. line of sd. Sect. 20 to the N.E. 'ly margin of the City of Seattle pipeline R/W being the True Point of Beginning; Thence S.E. 'ly along sd. margin of the pipeline R/W to a point 260 ft. from, and N'ly of (as measured perpendicularly) to a line which is described as follows: Beginning at the N.E. corner of Section 20; thence S'ly along the East margin of sd. Sect. 20 a distance of 495.081'; thence S.W. 'ly along a line that bears S71° 05'12" W. (being the N. margin of the P.S.P.& L. Shuffleton No. 1 R/W) ; Thence N.E. 'ly along sd. line 260 ft. from the N. margin of the P.S.P.& L. Shuffleton No. 1 R/W to a point that is 400 ft. W. of the E. line of the N.W.4 of the N.E.4* of sd. Sect. 20, as measured perpendicularly; Thence N'ly along sd. line that is 400 ft. from (as measured perpendicularly) and parallel to the E. line of the N.W.* of the N.E. of sd. Sect. 20 to the N. line of sd. Sect. 20; Thence W'ly along the N. line of sd. Sect. 20 to the True Point of Beginning. School Site No. 2 Description: That portion of the N.E.4 of the N.E.4 of Section 30, TWN. 23 N., R. 5 E.W.M. described as follows; Beginning at the N.W. corner of the N.E.* of the N.E.,* of the N.E.4 of sd. Sect. 30, being the True Point of Beginning; Thence S'ly along the W. line of sd. N.E.* of N.E.,* of N.E.,Q to the S.W. corner of sd. sub-division; Thence S'ly a distance of 120 ft. along the S'ly projection of the sd. W. line of the N.E.4—, of N.E. of N.E.*; Thence W'ly along a line 120 ft. from and parallel to the S. line of the N.W.* of N.E.* of N.E.* a distance of 390 ft. ; Thence N.W. 'ly at a 45° angle to the Rt. from sd. sub-division line to the E'ly margin of Talbot Rd.; Thence N'ly and N.E. 'ly along the E'ly margin of Talbot Rd. to the N. line of sd. Sect. 30. Thence E'ly along sd. N. line of Sect.30 to the True Point of Beginning. Reservoir Site Description: That portion of the N.E.4, S.E.4 of Section 20, TWN 23 N., R. 5 E.W.M. described as follows: Beginning at the N.E. corner of sd. N.E.4, S.E.4 thence S. 01°50'38" W. 365.75 ft. along the E'ly line at sd. subdivision; Thence N. 45°07'35" W. 41.04 ft. to the point of Beginning; thence S. 01° 50'38" W. 229.88 ft.; Thence around a curve to the Rt. with a radius of 20.00 ft. an arc distance of 15.71 ft.; Thence S. 46°50'38" W. 808.65 ft.; thence N. 43°09'22" W. 511.34 ft.; thence N. 40°00'05" E. 522.57 ft. ; Thence on a curve to the Rt. with a radius of 416.87 ft. through an arc distance of 690.52 ft.; Thence S. 45°07'35" E. 5.58 ft. to the True Point of Beginning. Zoning App. 9/24/63 DIRECTORS, ROBERT II.IIENDRICKSO RS.MYRTLE O.CLYMER • ELMER PISTORESI • CLAr--- L. BUNSTINE • GIL DUCKWORTH,Jr. H. R. JOHNSON, Secretary RENTON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 403 OLIVER M. HAZEN • SUPERINTENDENT RENTON, WASHINGTON July 22, 1963 Puget Properties, Inc. P. 0. Box 535 Bellevue, Washington Re : Proposed School Sites Attention: D. D. Greathouse Project Engineer Dear Mr. Greathouse: I am happy to report that the Board of Directors, Renton School District No. 403 h 3 approved in principle the general location of the elementary school sites which you and Mr. Seppi worked out. At a future time the Board will be interested in working on details such as road access, utilities and price . We will be happy to work with you on these points at your convenience. r Very 1- ruly o-_,u_s, 7/ A__., Oliver M. H9.z n OM: b Supt. of Sc' ols cc: Mr. Johnson Mr. Seppi o 00, V1 pc I,0G 0 Vyd, 3chooiA c Q j 4t Si Co Na 6 ct o z f 1-inimp 3 21.84i- y 1--- f f t• d#— eidelegtiPfif:/ V' " - 14 " PV- 1 F3o sz*, T Y' f .4ao'.1 Al. zSo i4tJ _{,' r • t// r'q4 `,.it N Nw,y .fNey H/:)>/:I". 466 AlCa 1 o , \leari`7 G ef, , -r r 7 4-.i / t 1 i IFI ^ \, i / X40/ ,•, / ..-- , / 2.' ,// k,,,, ''' A it<1 ' ' )• 1 , iti N11 IU t r s t-s,11 \\--- Q( I ' la j, i I A`. ,0 I 1 t l I I 1 1 - \ 1.-, \1-• s % . 1/4, ( i \ 1 , ,\, 4 ilit from Ave) re I 1 1 • 1 I 4. • - 1 i N. I'L 4 1 ( ,'Q J' I () e. 6 SUN 0 R\rl PUGS 7 — - c• 0 — J sit A I f y 1 Sc A 00 / goiete. . / . 2 r NfCar t c sect3 7' L,- a- - \ --\ j assmansor a,..1.,._, 1 --- — 1 ijf1 Y`9 r°66in fr '1 7%/ 4, i -, Cr 1, 0/ 6 j i 1' I",.., e I Q7,1, Ar, Li I f1 6( cr s le 11\ Q5o i G Ij I 1 c 1 r1Itf r 1 t. r Ir 1 Ir 1 1 hI 1, i 1 O'f' e 6 1 j 1 I t f / ff f cr f t r' L N v o r s' 1"' Ct‘\\ $ 14.611-) 6— — 1 T v j T i t t t 1' I f 717.v \ 1 1t Th' I//y 1 V 4. 1 Ti_ . Z I i ` 4 1 I j 1 r r: 411 t I 1 Z 1 1 1 i I_ y I 1 1 Z lI011111 1\ \'., j t I 0 1 J. I '. 1 I -- — i i 1 41 b, 1: 5 A j Pl-, \,- — • — - 7— ' h. f tiri' t; i: I ILA . k 1 1 1 eil c) , 0 c' 3 la tiN CO ( 6 tzi AI 46 sv,, k, I V N CI r, r. S' i Li k: . CIZ5/ 7,) Vi 1 kJ i 4 k, I ill! r. gb IP CV tr N V gs, P4 vt gi VI Il• * g it 7 1 A 111. NI IN h 4 I1/4 . 4 4 °' \ ' 49 iOP Ne % 0 N N l'' 4.• e.N.•• / 4... 41 e- I N. s. NN N. C• CP 4; ° Ili 0 A I-• tt VD / Ct- / N Jr/ N 4 N On te4N N rlt n N NI I.) v CA4 September 6, 1963 Honorable Chairman City of Renton Planning Commission City Hall Renton, Washington Business Zoning Dear Sir: Puget Properties, Inc. feels that an expression of intent is necessary to enable the Commission to rule wisely on our request for Business Zoning B-1) on that portion of the City of Renton described in Exhibit "B" under Parcel No. 1 - Restricted Business, and shown lying south of the existing park on South East 160th Street on Map No. 10 of Exhibit "A". The Zoning Cotmiittee of the Commission recommended P-1 zoning and advises us that although they do not consider an unrestricted business classifica- tion to be conducive to the welfare of the community, some neighborhood service businesses would be acceptable. The planning staff originally advised us that proposals for business centers were to be at Grady Way in the City of Renton, and at South 180th Street in the county. They requested that we also consider the suggestion of a few neighborhood service shops placed somewhere in between. We investigated several established communities, some of which had developed from the planned community concept, and others growing haphazardly according to needs and elimination. This letter constitutes our proposal as a commitment of intent for Puget Properties, Inc. to file, with the Commission's approval, an instrument of deeded land-use restriction in the form of a modification of Section X as it now appears in Zoning Ordinance No. 14+72 As Amended. The suggested modification follows. Honorable Chairman City of Renton Planning Commission September 6, 1963 Amended Section X, as a Proposed Deed Restriction: No building or premises shall be constructed, used or altered unless otherwise provided. in the ordinance, except for one or more of the following or similar uses; 1. Any use permitted in R-3 and. R-4 2. Delete 3. Barber shops, beauty parlors, personal service shops 4, Delete 5. mbaify to read: Cleaning, pressing and automatic laundries 6. Delete 7. Delete 6. Police or Fire Stations 9. Parking lots 10. Delete 11. Delete 12. Restaurants, cafeterias and catering 13. Delete 14. Delete 15. Delete 16. Delete 17. Modify to read: Studios, professional offices and clinics 184 Delete 19. Delete 20. Delete We have observed several installations of service shops, etc., near parks and schools in Renton and adjacent cosunitieo. We would suggest the construction of the following: walk-in ice cream shop, restaurant, clinic, landromat and barber shop. These services are appropriate to the atmosphere of a park and school area. Their parking facilities would benefit the park, and the entire project would provide a buffer between the park and the residential district. We respectfully request consideration and favorable action by the Commission on this proposal. Very truly yours, E. D. Greathouse Project Engineer r APPLICATION FOR CHANGE OF ZONE IN THE CITY OF R`l:NTON FOR OFFICE 'USE ONLY Application No .. : 1 - 6 37/6o Sec . -- Twp . -- R .. Date of Filing: Area Map: Plan. Co:rnm. Action: Kroll. Page: Date: City Counncii `s .Action: Date: Ord,. No . APPLICANT TO ANSWER ALL THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS '.:'E ATL ' ACCURATELY: Na_me of Applicant Puget Properties, Inc. Address Box 535, Bellevue, Washington Telephone No .GL 4-6363 Property Petitioned. for .r ..zon_i g is situated. or. S.E. Renton - see description Street:, between Street and Street. Legal Description of Subject; Propert.vSee Master Plan @ 1" _ 1#00' supplemented by Assessor's Maps @ 1" • 100' Entitled Exhibit A And Exhibit B - consisting of Sheets 1 through + inclusive attached c_ Cary-7 fife sue Existing Zoning •GS-1 _G9600t_.G7200 Zoning Requested R1 SR-lR- R-3, M, B-1 What are the uses you. propose to develop. on this property? Residential, Commercial and Utilities Number of per.mar_.e:-..t off-street parking spaces that will be provided on. ti ;•s property? As necessary Number required NOTE TO APPLICANT The following factors are consider,,. f reclassifying property. Evidence or additional. information you desire to submit to substantiate_your. request may be at:t:_ach.V. LLto these sheets . 1 . In what way' is this proposed change in. zoning in the public interest? Opens up area _— heretoforre blocking continuity of development. 2. On what basis is there a real nee.d. in' this communityu.nit'y for more zoning of the type you request? Growth of the community. 3 . •Do you consider the property involved 'in this application. to be more suitable for the uses permitted in the pr'o'po set.l. zone than for the 1., ses permitted in the N mes ?':t, classifica- tion?? Pi ease expla.'.in,, Yes -- plan 'as overall community development 4. What provision would you make to protewt a.. jace'rtt and sorr'ui;nd';.rg pmc+p.peeer'tit.s from the detrimental effects of an.y 'u c=;s if,.rmit.t era in. the pri..„-.. :... zone. -. prop_er-.screening_ of utility and business areas by appropriate site arrangement. AFFIDAVIT• I, Frederick W. Kimball, Vice President of Puget Properties, Inc. and on behalf of Puget Properties, Inc. being duly sworn, declare that Puget Properties; Inc. is the owner of property involved in this application and that the foregoing statements and answers here- in contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Subscribed and sworn to me this 4 day of ,,44 , , 19 3 Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, c; ' Puget Properties, Inc. ANae) yName of Owner) Il O 1 a tft,e,/ 0 °, Frederick W. 1imball, Vice-President 0 F $ rtlidint tat Box 535 Mailing Address) 4,4;at, Bellevue Washington Address) City) State) GL 4-6363 Telephone No.) Office Use Only) CERT IF IC A_T ION This is to certify that the foregoing application has been inspected by me and has been found to be thorough and complete in every particular and to conform to the rules and regulations of the Planning Department governing the filing of such application. Date received By: EXHIBIT "B" DESCRIPTION Business (B-1) 1. That portion of the NE , - 19-23-5 lying S'ly of P.S.H. No. 1 and E'ly of the east margin of the Burnett Street Extension; LESS the powerline rights of way entitled B.P.A. Covington - Renton Future Ln. #2, B.P.A. Covington- Renton Ln. No. 2 and B.P.A. Relocation of Diablo - Seattle Ln. 230 KV. See Sht. 3, Exhibit "A") 2. .That portion of the NW u - 20-23-5 lying west of the Benson Hwy (S.S.H. 5-C) and S'ly of P.S.H. No. 1; LESS the powerline rights of way entitled B.P.A. Covington - Renton Future Ln. #2, B.P.A. Covington - Renton Ln. No. 2 and B.P.A. Relocation of Diablo - Seattle Ln. 230 KV. (See Sht. 7, Exhibit "A") 3. That portion of the NW i - 20-23-5 described as; -Beg. at the intersection of the E'ly mgn of the Benson Rd. and the S'ly margin of the powerline entitled B.P.A. Relocation Diablo - Seattle 230 KV -tim nce E'ly along sd. • S'ly margin a dist. of 720 ft ; thence SW'ly to a point on the N-S sd Sect. 20-23-5, sd. point being 322 ft. ± E'ly of the B.P.A. Covington - Renton Future Ln. No. 2; thence W'ly to sd. E'ly margin of sd. B.P.A. R/W; thence NW'ly alg. sd. E'ly mgn. to the E'ly margin of the Benson Rd. ; thence NW'ly alg. sd E'ly mgn. of the Benson Rd. to the P.O.B. (See Map #7, Exhibit "A") 4. That portion of the SW u - 20-23-5 described as; Beg. at the intersection of the N-S g of Sect. 20-23-5 and the E'ly mgn. of the B.P.A. Covington - Renton Future Ln. #2,thence SW'ly aig.. sd. E'ly mgn. a dist. of 331 ft. thence NE'ly to a pt. on sd. N-S £, sd. point being 322 ft. ± E'ly of the B.P.A. Covington - Renton Ln. #2; thence W'ly aig. sd. N-S £ to the sd. E'ly margin of the sd. B.P.A. R/W. (See Map #8, Exhibit "A") Restricted Business (B-1) That portion of the NE i - _S- .v_. 30- - escribed as the N 120' of theXSEFofNEofNEi - Sect. 34 ^-5 Less the W'ly 4+0 ft. thereof (See a Sht. #10 of Exhibit "A") Apartment Houses and Multiple Dwelli..gs (R-4) 1. That portion of the E. 528 ft. of Govt. Lot 1 in Sect. 20-23-5 lying E'ly of P.S.H. No. 1 and S'ly of the PSP&L Beverly No. 1 R/W (See Sht. 7 of Exhibit "A") 2. That portion of the H.H. Tobin Donation Land Claim lying S'ly of the PSPR:T, Beverly No. 1 R/W (See Sht. 7 of Exhibit "A") 3. That portion of Govt. Lot 2 in Sect. 20-23-5 lying N'ly of the City of Seattle I.P. Line No. 2 R/W (See Sht. 7 of Exhibit "A") 4. That portion of Govt. Lot 3 in the NW 1 Sect. 20-23-5 lying N'ly of. the City of Seattle I.P. Line No. 2 R/W and S'ly of the PSP&L Beverly No. 1 R/W (See Sht. 7 of Exhibit "A") 5. That portion of Govt. Lot 2 and 3 in the NW 1 Sect. 20-23-5 lying between the City of Seattle I.P. Line No. 2 R/W and the B.P.A. Relocation Diablo - Seattle 230 KV. R/W. (See Sht. 7, Exhibit "A") 6. That portion of the SW . of NE t Sect. 20-23-5 lying between the City of Seattle I.P. Line No. 2 R/W and the B.P.A. Relocation Diablo - Seattle 230 KV. R/W. (See Sht. 5, Exhibit "A") 7. That portion of the NW a of Sect. 20-23-5 lying S'ly of the B.P.A. Relocation Diablo - Seattle 230 KV. R/W and Ely of Parcel No. 3 under Business (B-1); Except the E'ly 625 ft. ,thereof and Except Beg. on the S'ly margin of the NW 1 - 20-23-5 at a pt. 975 ft. W. of the center of Section; thence NE'ly to a point 625 ft. W of the E'ly margin of sd. NW - and 100 ft. N. of the S. mgn. of sd. NW *; thence S'ly to the P.O.B. (See Sht. 7 Exhibit "A") 8. That portion of the SW * of Sect. 20-23-5 being NE'ly of a line beginning at a point 975 ft. W. of the center of section on the N. mgn. of sd. SW thence SW'ly to a pt. on the W. mgn. of sd. SW t, sd. point being 400 ft. S. of the NW corner thereof; Except that portion lying SE'ly of the NE'ly margin of the B.P.A. Covington - Renton Future Ln. No. 2 R/W and Except that portion described in Parcel Nb. 4 under Business (B-1) . (See Sht. 8, Exhibit "A") 9. That Portion of the SW a of Section ''20-23-5 lying S'ly of a line 100 ft. , S'ly and parrallel to a line beginning at a pt. ,975 ft. W. of the center of Section on the N. mgn. of sd. SW * thence SW'ly to a pt. on the W. mgn. of sd. SW u, sd. pt. being 400 ft. S. of the NW corner thereof; and NE'ly of a line beginning at a point 779 42 ft. West of the E mgn of sd. SW u and 67.9 ft. So. of the No. mgn. of sd. SW u thence SW'ly on a bearing of 522° 40'50" W to the NE'ly mgn. of the B.P.A. Covington - Renton Future Ln. #2 R/W and NE'ly of the B.P.A. Covington - Renton Future Ln. #2 R/W. (Seep Sht. 8, Exhibit "A") 10. That portion of the SW t of Sect. 20-23-5 lying E of the Benson Rd. and SW'ly of the mgn. of the B.P.A. Covington - Seattle Ln. #1 R/W Except that portion lying So. of a line Beg. at the intersection of the E'ly mgn. of the Benson Rd. and tie S. ln. of Sect. 20; thence NE'ly alg. sd. E. mgn. 73l..63 ft.; thence N. 87°31'40" E to the sd. SW'ly mgn. of the B.P.A. Covington - Seattle Ln. #1 R/W (See Sift. 8, Exhibit "A") 11. That portion of the SW * of Section 20-23-5 lying SW'ly of the Benson Rd. and a ln.. parrallel to and 130 ft. from the Benson Rd. as measured perpen-• dicularly from the SW mgn. LESS the S'ly 500 ft. as meas. perpendicularly from the S. mgn. of the sd. SW : and T,ESS the B.P.A. Covington - Seattle Ln. #1 R/W and Less a 100 ft. R/W for power lines being parrallel to and 100 ft. meas. perpendicularly in a SW'ly direction from a ln. beg. l-00 ft. S'ly of the W t cor. of.Sect. 20 on the W. mgn. of sd. Sect. 20 thence NE'ly to a point on the E of Benson Rd. sd. pt. being 310 ft. as meas. perpendicu- larly from the' N. mgn. of sd. SW * of Sect. 20 (See Sht. 8, Exhibit "A") r 3 Residence District (R-3) 1. That Portion of the E. 528 ft. of Govt. Lot 1 in Section 20-23-5 lying E'ly of P.S.H. No. 1 R/W and N'ly of the.PSP&L Shuffleton No. 1 & 2 R/W. See Sht. 7, Exhibit "A") 2. That Portion of the H.H. Tobin Donation Land Claim lying S. and W. of Highland Add. as rec. in Vol. 17 of Plat 32 records of King Co. and S. of S. ln. of sd. Add. produced E. and N. of PSP&L Shuffleton No. 1 & 2 R/W. See Sht. 7, Exhibit "A") Suburban Residence (SR-1) 1/. •That portion of the NE u Sect. 20-23-5 lying NW'ly of the N ln. of PSP&L V Shuffleton-No. 1 & 2 ,R,/W Less the N. 250 ft. of the E. 400 ft. of the NW u of sd. NE ,. and Less the, City of Seattle Pipeline R/W and Less Phillip Arnold Park City of Renton . (See Sht. 5, Exhibit "A") 2. All of the SE ,i—, of Sect. 20-23-5 Less that portion lying NE'ly of the SW mgn of the City of Seattle Pipeline R/W and Less Tax Lots 61 and 64 as rec. in the Treas. office of King Co. and Less B.P.A. Covington - Renton Future, Ln. 2 R/W and Less that portion described in Deeds, Aud. File No. 5615593 Conveyed to the The Christian Church Inc. (See Sht. 6, Exhibit "A") 3. That portion of the SW - of Sect. 20-23-5 lying NE'ly of the NE mgn. of the B.P.A. Covington Renton Future Ln. #2 and SE'ly of a ln. described as beg. at a pt. 330 ft. S'ly of the ctr. of the sd. SW,i on N. mgn. of the SE u of sd. SW u thence N. 26°05'40" E to the W mgn. of Tax Lot No. 52, Rec. of Treas. office, King Co. Wash. and lying W. of W. mgns. of Tax Lots No. 52, 49, 46, 57, 48, 42 and 47, Rec. of Treas. office, King Co. Wn. (See Sht. 8, Exhibit "A") 4. S. 500 ft. of SW* Sect. 20-23-5 lying W. of Benson Rd. (See Sht. 8, Exhibit A") 5. That portion of the E 2 of NW ,Sect. 29-23-5 Less Benson Rd. and Less Tax Lots 49 and 106, Rec. of Treas. office, King Co. , Wn. (See Sht. 9, Exhibit A") 6. That portion of NE a of NW u Sect. 29-23-5 lying W. of Benson Rd. Less the S. 100 ft. thereof (See Sht. 9, Exhibit "A") 7. That portion of NE v of NE _* Sect. 30-23-5 lying NW'ly of the Benson Rd. Also that portion NE * of sd NE * lying E of the Benson Rd. Except the NE of the NE u of NE * of sd. Sect. 30 and the N. 120 ft. of the SW * of the NE * of the sd. NE u"of Sect. 30. (See Sht. 10, Exhibit "A") CtB (jr(4, 8. That portion of the NW - of NE * Sect. 30-23-5 lying E'ly of a ln. 3 from, as meas. perpendicularly and parrallel to the E'ly mgn. of P.S.H. No. See Sht. 10, Exhibit "A") 9. Lots 73 thru 77 incl of Renton Co'op Coal Co. Acre Tr. Plat No. 2 as recorded in deeds Vol. 9 pg. 27 Rec. of King Co., Wn. (See Sht 4, Exhibit "A") Residential - Utility Reserve (R-1) 1. That portion of the SW ,— Sect. 20-23-5 lying W. of a line 130 ft. from,as meas. perpendicularly, and parrallel to the W'ly mgn. of Benson Rd. and lying So. of the B.P.A. Covington - Seattle Ln. #1 Except the S. 500 ft. thereof and except a 100 ft. strip the north mgn. of which is described as Beg. at a pt. on the W. In of sd. SW }, sd. pt. being 400' S'ly of the W ,— cor. of sd. Sect. 20 thence N!E"ly to a point on the of the Benson Rd. , sd. pt. being 310 ft. from the N. in. of sd. SW ,- as meas. perpendicularly See Sht. 8, Exhibit "A") COPY ORDINANCE NO. 0.2e- jr AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTIES WITHIN THE CITY OF RENTON FROM GENERAL CLASSIFICATION DISTRICT GS-1) (G-9600) and (C-7200) TO SINGLE RESIDENCE DISTRICT R-1),SUBiRBAN RESIDENCE DISTRICT (SR-1), RESIDENCE DISTRICT R-3), APARTMENT HOUSES AND MULTIPLE DWELLINGS (R-4) and BUSINESS DISTRICT (B-1). WHEREAS under Chapter VII, Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628, known as the "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" as amended, and the maps adopted in conjunction therewith, the propertieshereinbelow described hive heretofore been zoned as General Classification District (GS-1), (G-9600) and G-7200), and WHEREAS under the aforesaid Ordinance a proper petition for change of zone classification of said properties has been filed with the City Cleric of the City of Renton on or about September 2.,, 1963, which Petition was then referred to the Planning Commission for investigation, study and public hearing, and a public hear- ing having been held thereon before said Planning Commission on or about September 25, 1963, all pursuant to notice of hearing duly published and posted es provided by law; and said Planning Commission having duly considered and recommended said zoning, and proper amendments having been made to said Petition, and all parties having been heard appearing in support thereof or in opposition thereto; NOW TIEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: The following described parcels of property in the City of Renton are here rezoned to Single Residence District (R-1),S,.1;,: *cn Residence District SR-1), Residence District (R-3), Apartment Houses and Multiple Dwellings (R-4) and Business District (B-1) respectively and said parcels of property are described and their respective rezonings on the attached Exhibit labeled "A" which is made a part hereof as if fully set forth; the City Engineer and the Planning Director are hereby authorized and directed to change the maps of the zoning ordinance, as amended, to evidence said rezonings. SECTION? II: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and legal publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this / day of October, 1963. 21 .s, I.:lutfLe Nelson, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this.'/ day of October, 19' . L=P ROVED AS TO FORM: I. al,k Aliment , Mayor rl9rd M. Stiellan, City Attorney DATE (.., -J.-.)-.,. , - 00T 2 v :, r /", ^IF 710-' i anti nn EXHIBIT "A" FINAL RE-ZONING DESCRJ±'TION Business (B-1) 1. That portion of the NE ,- 19-23-5 lying S'ly of P.S.H. No. 1 and E'ly of the east margin of the Burnett Street Extension; LESS the powerline rights of way entitled B.P.A. Covington - Renton Future Ln. #2, B.P.A. Covington- Renton Ln. No. 2 andsB.P.A. Relocation of Diablo - Seattle Ln. 230 KV. See Sht. 3, Exhibit "A") 2. That portion of the NW u 20-23-5 lying west of the Benson Hwy (S.S.H. 5-C) and S'ly of P.S.H. No. 1; LESS the powerline rights of way entitled B.P.A. Covington —Renton Future Ln. #2, B.P.A. Covington - Renton Ln. No. 2 and B.P.A. Relocation of Diablo - Seattle Ln. 230 KV. (See Sht. 7, Exhibit "A") 3. That portion of the NW ,14. 20-23-5 described as; Beg. at the intersection of the E'ly margin of the Benson Rd. and the S'ly margin of the powerline entitled B.P.A. Relocation Diablo - Seattle 230 KV. thence E'ly along said S'ly margin a distance of 720 ft.; thence SW'ly to a point of the N-S E said Sect. 20-23-5, said point being 322 ft. ± E'ly of the B.P.A. Covington - Renton Future Ln. No. 2; thence W'ly to said E'ly margin of said B.P.A. R/W; thence NW'ly along said E'ly margin to the E'ly margin of the Benson Rd.; thence NW'ly along said E'ly mo.vgin of the Benson Rd. to the Point of Beginning (See Map #7, Exhibit "A") 4. That portiop of the SW u 20-23-5 described as; Beginning at the intersection of the N-S h of Sect. 20-23-5 and the E'ly margin of the B.P.A. Covington - Renton Future Ln. #2, thence SE'ly along said E'ly margin a distance of 331 ft. thence NE'ly to a point on said N-S £, said point being 322 f +. ± E'ly of the B.P.A. Covington - Renton Ln. #2; thence W'ly along said N-S L to the said E'ly margin of the said B.P.A. R/W. (See Map #8, Exhibit "A") Apartment Houses and Multiple Dwellings (R-4) 1. That portion of the E. 528 ft. of Govt. Lot 1 in Sect. 20-23-5 lying E'ly of P.S.H. No. 1 and S'ly of the PSP&L Beverly No. 1 R/W (See Sht. 7 of Exhibit "A") 2. That portion of the H. H. Tobin Donation Land Claim lying S'ly of the PSP&L Beverly No. 1 R/W (See Sht. 7 of Exhibit "A") 3. That portion of Govt. Lot 2 in Sect. 20-23-5 lying N'ly of the City of Seattle I.P. Line No. 2 R/W (See Sht. 7 of Exhibit "A") 4. That portion of Govt. Lot 3 in the NW Sect. 20-23-5 lying N'ly of the City of Seattle I.P. Line No. 2 R/W and S'ly of the PSP&L Beverly No. 1 R/W (See Sht. 7 of Exhibit "Al 2 5. That portion of Govt. Lot 2 and 3 in the NW * Sect. 20-23-5 lying between the City of Seattle I.P. Line No. 2 R/W and the B.P.A. Relocation Diablo - Seattle 230 KV. R/W. (See Sht. 7, Exhibit "A") 6. That portion of the SW u of NE * Sect. 20-23-5 lying between the City of Seattle I.P. Line No. 2 R/W and the B.P.A. Relocation Diablo - Seattle 230 KV. R/W. (See Sht. 5, Exhibit "A") 7. That portion of the NW * of Sect. 20-23-5 lying S'ly of the B.P.A. Relocation Diablo - Seattle 230 KV. R/W and E'ly of Parcel No. 3 under Business (B-1); Except the E'ly 625 ft. thereof and Except Beg. on the S'ly margin of the NW u - 20-23-5 at a pt. 975 ft. W. of the center of Section; thence NE'ly to a point 625 ft. W of the E'ly margin of sd. NW ,i—, and 100 ft. N. of the S. mgn. of sd. NW *; thence S'ly to the P.O.B. (See Sht. 7 Exhibit '"A") 8. That portion of the SW 4 of Sect. 20-23-5 being NW'ly of a line beginning at a point 975 ft. W. of the center of section on the N. mgn. of sd. SW u thence SW'ly to a pt. on the W. mgn. of sd. SW *, sd. point being 4+00 ft. S. of the NW corner thereof; Except that portion lying SE'ly of the NE'ly margin of the B.P.A. Covington - Renton Future Ln. No. 2 R/W and Except that portion described in Parcel No. 4 under Business (B-1) . (See Sht. 8, Exhibit "A") 9. That Portion of the SW u of Section 20-23-5 lying S'ly of a line 100 ft. S'ly and parrallel to a line beginning at a pt. 975 ft. W. of the center of Section on the N. mgn. of sd. SW * thence SW'ly to a pt. on the W. mgn. of sd. SW ,i—,, sd. pt. being 400 ft. S. of the NW corner thereof; and NE'ly of a line beginning at a point 779.E+2 ft. West of the E mgn of sd. SW u and 67.9 ft. So. of the No. mgn. of sd. SW u thence SW'ly on a bearing of 522° 40'50" W to the NE'ly mgn. of the B.P.A. Covington - Renton Future Ln. #2 R/W and NE'ly of the B.P.A. Covington - Renton Future Ln. #2 R/W. (See Sht. 8, Exhibit "A") 10. That portion of the SW u of Sect. 20-23-5 lying E of the Benson Rd. and SW'ly of the mgn. of the B.P.A. Covington - Seattle Ln. #1 R/W Except that portion lying So. of a line Beg. at the intersection of the E'ly mgn. of the Benson Rd. and tie S. ln. of Sect. 20; thence NW'ly alg. sd. E. mgn. 734.63 ft.; thence N. 87°31'40" E to the sd. SW'ly mgn. of the B.P.A. Covington - Seattle Ln. #1 R/W (See Sht. 8, Exhibit "A") 11. That portion of the SW u. of Section 20-23-5 lying SW'ly of the Benson Rd. and a ln. parrallel to and 130 ft. from the Benson Rd. as measured perpen= dicularly from the SW mgn. LESS the S'ly 500 ft. as meas. perpendicularly from the S. mgn. of the sd. SW u and LESS the B.P.A. Covington - Seattle Ln. #1 R/W and Less a 100 ft. R/W for power lines being parrallel to and 100 ft. meas. perpendicularly in a SW'ly direction from a in. beg. 400 ft. S'ly of the W 4 cor. of Sect. 20 on the W. mgn. of sd. Sect. 20 thence NE'ly to a point on the E of Benson Rd. sd. pt. being 310 ft. as meas. perpendicu- larly from the N. mgn. of sd. SW u of Sect. 20 (See Sht. 8, Exhibit "A") 3 Residence District (R-3) 1. That Portion of the E. 528 ft. of Govt. Lot 1 in Section 20-23-5 lying E'ly of P.S.H. No. 1 R/W and N'ly of the PSP&L Shuffleton No. 1 & 2 R/W. See Sht. 7, Exhibit "Al 2. That portion of the H. H. Tobin Donation Land Claim lying S. and W. of Highland Add. as recorded in Vol. 17 of Plat 32 records of King Co. and S. of S. line of said Addition produced E. and N. of PSP&L Shuffleton No. 1 2 R/W. (See Sht. 7, Exhibit "A") Suburban Residence (SR-1) 1. That portion of the NE * Sect. 20-23-5 lying NW'ly of the N. line of PSP&T, • Shuffleton No. 1 & 2 R/W TESS the N. 250 ft. of the E. 400 ft. of the NW 4 of sd. NE 747 and LESS the City of Seattle Pipeline R/W and LESS Phillip Arnold Park City of Renton and LESS Parcel No. 1 under Exceptions. See Sht. 5, Exhibit "A") 2. All of the SE * of Sect. 20-23-5 Less that portion lying NE'ly of the SW margin of the City of Seattle Pipeline R/W and Less Tax Lots 61 and 64 as recorded in the Treas. Office of King Co. and Less B.P.A. Covington - Renton Future Ln. #2 R/W and Less that portion described in Deeds, Aud. File No. 5615593 conveyed to The Christian Church Inc., and LESS Parcel No. 3 under Exceptions. (See Sht. 6, Exhibit "A") 3. That portion of the SW ,i—, of Sect. 20-23-5 lying NE'ly of the NE margin of the B.P.A. Covington Renton Future Ln. #2 and SE'ly of a line described as beginning at a point 330 ft. S'ly of the center of the said SW * on N. margin of the SE 4—, of said SW * thence N. 26°05'40" E to the W margin of Tax Lot No. 52, Records of Treas. Office, King Co. Wash. and lying W. of W. margins of Tax Lots No. 52, 49, 46, 57, 48, 42, and 47, Records of Treas. Office, King Co. Wash. (See Sht. 8, Exhibit "A") 4. S. 500 ft. of SW4 Sect. 20-23-5 lying W. of Benson Rd. (See Sht. 8, Exhibit A") 5. That portion of the of NW u Sect. 29-23-5 Less Benson Rd. and Less Tax Lots 49 and 106, Records of Treas. Office, King Co., Wash. (See Sht. 9, Exhibit "A") 6. That portion of NE u of NW 4 Sect. 29-23-5 lying W. of Benson Rd. Less—the S. 100 ft. thereof. (See Sht. 9, Exhibit "A") 7. That portion of NE u of NE * Sect. 30-23-5 lying NW'ly of the Benson Rd. Also that portion NE u of said NE 4 lying E. of the Benson Rd. Except the NE 4 of the NE u of NE * of said Sect. 30 and the N. 120 ft. of the SW * of the NE u of the said NE - of Sect. 30 and LESS Parcel No. 2 under Exceptions. See Sht. 10, Exhibit "A") 8. That portion of the NW * of NE. * Sect. 30-23-5 lying E'ly of a line 340 ft. from, as measured perpendicularly and parallel to the E'ly margin of P.S.H. No. 5 (See Sht. 10, Exhibit "A") 9. Lots 73 through 77 inclusive of Renton Co'op Coal Co. Acre Tr. Plat No. 2 r 4 s recorded in deeds Vol. 9 page 27, Records of King Co., Wadi . (See Sht. 4, Exhibit "A") Residential - U ility Reserve (R-1) 1. That portion of the SW y Sect. 20-23-5 lying W. of a line 130 ft. from, as measured perpendicularly, and parallel to the W'ly margin of Benson Rd. and lying S. of the B.P.A. Covington .- Seattle Ln. #1 Except the S. 500 ft. thereof and except a 100 ft. strip the north margin of which is described as beginning at a point on the W. line of said SW F, said point being 400' S'ly of the W u corner of said Section 20 thence NE'ly to a point on the E of the Benson Rd., said point being 310 feet from the N. line of said SW 1 as measured perpendicularly (See Sht. 8, Exhibit "A") 5 EXCEPTIONS Parcel No. 1 Description: A portion of the NW u of the NE ,— and the NE 1 of the NW u of Section 20, Twp. 23 N. R 5 E W.M., described as follows: Beginning at the N 1 corner of Section 20, Twp. 23 N, R 5 E, W.M.; thence W'ly along the N line of said Section 20 to the NE'ly margin of the City of Seattle Pipeline R/W, being the True Point of Beginning; thence SE'ly along said margin of the pipeline R/W to a line parallel with and 260' N'ly of (as measured perpen- dicularly) the N margin of the P.S.P.&L. Shuffleton No. 'I R/W; thence NE'ly along said line to a line parallel with and 400' W'ly of (as measur c perpendicularly) I.-the E line of the NW 4 of the NE of said Section 20, thenc°e(along said line to the N line of said Section 20; thence W'ly along the N line of said Section 20, to the True Point of Beginning. Parcel No. 2 Description: That portion of the N.E., of the N.E.,1 of Section 30, TWN. 23 N. , R. 5 E., W.M. described as follows: Beginning at the N.W. corner of the N.E.4 of the N.E.,—,—, of the N.E.,÷ of said Sect. 30, being the True Point of Beginning; Thence S'ly along the W. line of said N.E.,— of N.E.4 of N.E.,— to the S.W. corner of said sub-division; Thence S'ly a distance of 120 ft. along the S'ly projection of the said W. line of the N.E.,— of N.E.* of N.E.-1:; Thence W'ly along a line 120 ft. from and parallel to the S. line of the N..W.* of N.E.,—, of N.E.,* a distance of 390 ft.; Thence N.W. 'ly at a 45° angle to the right from said sub-division line to the E'ly margin of Talbot Rd. ; Thence N'ly and N.E. 'ly along the E'ly margin of Talbot Rd. to the N. line of said Sect. 30. Thence E'ly along said N. line of Sect. 30, to the True Point of Beginning. Reservoir Site Parcel No. 3 Description: That portion of the N.E.,1,, S.E.17 of Section 20, TWN 23 N., R. 5 E. , W.M. described as follows: Beginning a t the N.E. corner of said N.E.u, S.E.,i-- thence S. 01°50'38" W. 365.75 ft. along the E'ly line at said sub-division; Thence N. 45 07'35" W. 41.04 ft. to the point of beginning; thence S. 01° 50'38" W. 229.88 ft.; Thence around a curve to the right with a radius of 20.00 ft. an arc distance of 15.71 ft.; Thence S. 46°50'38" W. 808.65 ft.; thence N. 43°09'22" W. 511.34 ft.; thence N. 40°00'05" E. 522.57 ft.; Thence on a curve to the right with a radius of 416.87 ft. through an arc distance of 690.52 ft.; Thence S. 45007'35" E. 5.58 ft. to the True Point of Beginning. i. F V Bh SCR IP:?IG H Business (B-1) 1. That portion of the NE - 19-23-5 lying S'ly of. P.S.H. No. i aria E'ly of the east margin of the Burnett Street Extension; LASS the powerline ='i of way entitled B.P.A.' Covington - Renton future Ln. #2, B.P.A. Covir.g:,c:. - Renton Ln. #1 and B.P.A. Relocation of Diablo - Seattle Ln. 230 KV. See Sht. 3, Exhibit "A") 2. That portion of the NW;, - 20-23-5 lying west of the Benson Huy (S.S.::. 5-0) and S'iy of F.S.H. No. 1; LESS the powerline rights of way entitled 3.P.r. Covi..0 on - Renton Future Ln. #2, B.P.A. Covington - Renton Ln. r,+'1 and B.P.A. Relocation of Diablo - Seattle Ln. 230 KV. (See Sht. 7, 2xhibit 'A") 3. That portion of the N',J- - 20-23-5 described as; Beg. at the intersection of the E'ly mgn of the Benson Rd. and the S'ly margin of the powerline entitled B.P.A. Relocation Diablo - Seattle 230 KV. thence E'ly alo sd. S'ly margin a dist. of 720 ft. ; thence SW'ly to a point on the E-W sd Sect. 20-23-5, sd. point being 322 ft. ± E 'ly of the B.P.A. Covington - Renton Future La. #2; thence W'ly to sd. E'ly margin of sd. B.P.A. R/!•,; thence NN'ly alg. sd. E'ly mgn. to the E'ly margin of the Benson Ru. ; thence R4 'ly alg. sd E 'ly mgn. of the Benson Rd. to the P.O.B. (See Map #7, Exhibit "A") 4. That portion of the SW;; - 20-23-5 described as; Beg. at the intersection of the E-W E of Sect. 20-23-5 and the E'ly mgn. of the B.P.A. Covingto:. - Renton Future Ln. #2, thence SE1lx alg. sd. E'ly mgn. a dist. of 331 ft. thence NE'ly to a pt. on sd. E-W t, sd. point being 322 ft. ± E'ly of the B.P.A. Covington - Renton Ln. #2, thence W'ly alg. sd. E-W E to the sd. E'ly margin of the sd.' B.P.A. R/W. (See Map #8, Exhibit "A") Restricted Business (B-1) 1. That portion of the NE;; - Sect. 30-23-5 described as the N 120 ' of the SE,; of NE of NrEu - Sect. 30-23-5. (See Sht. #10 of Exhibit "A") Apartment Houses and Multiple Dwcllin s (R-I.) 1. That portion of the E. 528 ft. of Govt. Lot 1 in Sect. 20-23-5 lying E'ly of P.S.H. No. 1 and S'ly of the PSP&r, Beverly No. 1 R/W (See Sht. 7 of Exhibit "A") 2. That portion of the H. H. Tobin Donation Land Claim lying S'ly of the PSP&L Beverly No. 1 R/W (See Sht. 7 of Exhibit "A") 3. That portion of Govt. Lot 2 in Sect. 20-23-5 lying N'ly of the City of Seattle I.P. Line No. 2 R/W (See Sht. 7 of Exhibit "A") 2 4. That portion of Govt. Lot 3 in the NR•]µSect. 20-2-3-5 lying N'ly of theCityofSeattleI.U. Line No. 2 R/W and S'ly of the PSP&T, Beverly No. 1R/W (See Sht. 7 of Exhibit "A") 5. That portion of Govt. Lot 2 and 3 in the Nv;zu- Sect. 20-23-5 lying bet•.;nentheCityofSeattleI.P. Line No. 2 R/W and the B.P.A. Relocation Diablo -Seattle 230 KV. R/W Except the West 480 ft. thereof. (See Sht. 7, Exhibit A") 6. That portion of the. SWµof the NEµSect. 20-23-5 GfSeattleI.P. Line No. 2 R/W and the B.P.A. Relocation gDiablo e- Seattlenthey230KV. R/W. (See Sht. 5, Exhibit "A") 7. That portion of the NWµof Sect. 20-23-5 lying S'ly of the B.P.A. RelocationDiablo - Seattle 230 KV. R/W and E'ly of.Parcel No. 3 under Bu;,inens (B-1) ;Except the E'ly 625 ft. thereof and Except that portion lying SE 'lydescribedasfollows; Beg. on the S'ly o of a 1. 975 ft. W. of the' center of Section; 1NE'lytto a - 20-23-5 ft. a pt. of the E'ly margin of sd. NW4 and 100 ft. N. of the S. point 625 W. See Sht. 7 Exhibit "A") gn• of sd. 8. That portion of the S14 of Sect. 20-23-5 being NW'ly of a line beginningatapoint975ft. W. of the center of section on the N. mgn. of sd.thence SW'ly to a pt. on the W. mgn. of sd. SW- sd. ft.`S. of the NW corner thereof•point being 400 ft.Except that portion lying, of theNE'ly sW'17marginoftheB.P.A. Covington - Renton Future Ln. No. 2 R/W and ExceptthatportiondescribedinParcelNo. 4 under Business (B-1) . (See Sht. 8,Exhibit "A") 9. That portion of the SWµof Section 20-23-5 lying S'ly of a line 100 ft.S'ly and parallel to a line beginning at a pt.975 ft. W. of the center ofSectionontheN. mgn. of sd. S.Nq thence SW'ly to a pt. on the W. mgn. ofsd. SWµ, sd. pt. being 400 ft. S. of the NW corner thereof; and NW'ly ofalinebeginningatapoint779.42 ft. West of the E mgn. of sd. SWt- and67.9 ft. S. of the N. mgn. of sd. SW1 thence SW'ly on a bearing of S.22°40 '50" W to the NE'ly mgn. of the B.P.A. Covington - Renton Future Ln. "R/W and NE'ly of the B.P.A. Covington - Renton Future Ln. SeeSht. 8, Exhibit "A") f- R/W. (,c 10. That portion of the SWµof Sect. 20-23-5 lying of the Benson Rd. andSW'ly of the mgn. of the B.P.A. CovingtonE portion lying Seattle Ln. #1 R/W Except thatSo. of a line Beg. at the intersection of the E'ly margin oftheBensonRd. and the S. ln. of Sect. 20; thence N'W'ly alg. sd. E. mgn.734.63 ft. ; thence N. 87°31'40" E to the sd. SW'ly mgn. of the B.P.A.Covington - Seattle Ln. #1 R/W (See Sht. 8, Exhibit "A") 11. That portion of the SWµof Section 20-23-5 lying SW'ly of the Benson Rd.and a ln. parallel to and 130 ft. from the Benson Rd. as measured perpen-dicularly from the SW mgn. LESS the S'ly 500 ft. as meas. perpendicularlyfromtheS. mgn. of tie sd. SWµand LESS the B.P.A. Covington - SeattleLn. #1 R/W and Less a 100 ft. R/W for power lines being parallel to and100ft. meas. perpendicularly in a SW'ly direction from a ln. beg. 400 ft.S'ly of the Tr, con. of Sect. 20 on the W. mgn. of sd. Sect. 20 thence `•,L 'ly t to a point on the t of Benson Rd. sd. pt. being 310 ft. as meas.larly from the N. mgn. of sd. SWµof Sect. 20 (See Sht. 8, Exhibit "Ae)nicu- 1E, . Y••)'-i.., . 'i;; E ? . f!}.te 1.+.?4,. _ I'r ._;Co,L..o':. _ - ' 1,,,ir 7 t',' L ._ L'. ... .(,, ., l.' 1 '.;i, :ttt1 _, .,. ;, •, `)t't,... i a ;i. ".;. :.t'.Ci LJ. . ! ' o" S /'n•; @ ti A") 2. That portion of ;he a. H. 'Tobin .. nst for Lind C-. ._m lying S. and W. of H_ ic..>.j. Ana. 2&. roc. in Vol. i•, of :flat 32 r:Curd; of King Co. and S. ori S. In. of sd. Add. produced E. and N. of PSP&L S uxflecon Nc. I ann 2 R/',ti. See Sht. (, Exhibit "A') Suburban Residence_ (SR-1) 1. • Ts.t _,crtion of the NE'- Sect. 20-23-5 lying N'W!ly of the N in. of PS EL Suffleton No. 1 and 2 R/W Less the N. 250 ft. of the E. 1+00 ft. of the NW;; of sd. NE1 and. Less the City of Seattle Pipeline R/W and Less Phi..11:p Arnold Park City of Renton. (See Sht. 5, Exhibit "A") 2. All of the SE- of Sect. 20-23-5 Less that portion lying NE'ly of the SW mgn of the City of Seattle Pipeline R/W and Less Tax Lots 61 (King Co. Water District No. 58) and 64 (B.P,.A. Easement) as rec. in the Treas. office of King Co. and Less B.P.A. Covington - Renton Future Ln. %2 R/W and Less that portion described in Deeds, Aud. File No. 5615593 Conveyed to the The Christian Church Inc. (See Sht. 6, Exhibit "A") 3. That portion of the 34 of Sect. 20-23-5 lying NE'ly of the IE mgn. of the B.P.A. Covington Renton Future Ln. =#2 and SE'ly of a ln. described as beg. at a lit. 330 ft. E'lv of the ctr. of the sd. SW'4 on N. mgn. of tit, SE!--1 of sd. S';i thence N. 2005'40"Eto the W. mgn. of Tax Lot No. 52, Rec. of Treas. office, King Co. Wash. and lying W. of W. mgns. of Tax Lots No. 52, 49, 46, 57, 48, 42 and 47, Rec. of Treas. office, King Co. Wn. (See Sht. 8, Exhibit "A") 4. S. 500 ft. of SW-14. Sect. 20-23-5 lying W. of Benson Rd. (See Sht. 8, Exhibit A") 5. That portion of the W of NW-,1, 7 Sect. 29-23-5 Less Benson Rd. and Less Tax Lots 49 and 106, Rec. of Treas. office, King Co., Wn. (See Sht. 9, Exhibit "A") 6. That portion of NE of N'W4 Sect. 29-23-5 lying W. of Benson Rd. Less the S. 100 ft. thereof. (See Sht. 9, Exhibit "A") 7. That portion of lE of NEI,. Sect. 30-23-5 lying I W'ly of the Talbot Rd. Also that portion NE;, of sd N'1'4 lying E of the Talbot Rd. Except the_ N; of the NE;, of NE;; of sd. Sect. 30 and the N. 120 ft. of the a f the ' 5 Ezit NEµ- of the d. NE- of Sect. 30 (See Sht. 10, Exhibit "A") 8. That ,portion of the NW-il; of NE4 Sect. 30-23-5 lying E'ly of a ln. 31+0 ft. from, as meas. perpendicularly and parallel to the E'ly mgn. of P.S.H. No. 5 See Sht. 10, Exhibit "A") 9. Lots 73 thru 77 incl. of Renton Co'op Coal Co. Acre Tr. Plat No. 2 as recorded in deeds Vol. 9 pg. 27 Rec. of King Co. , Wn. (See Sht. 1-, Exhibit "A") Residential - ,cility Reserve CR-1) 1. ' -_''.-_ t portion of the SW14- Sect. 20-23-5 lying W. of a line 1300 ft. fro , as meas. Perpendicularly, e.nd parallel to the W'ly mgn. of Benson Rd. nan lying S. of the B.P.A. Covington - Seattle Ln. #1 Except the S. 500 ft. thereof and except a 100 ft. strip the north mgn. of which is described as Beg. at a pt. on the W. In of Sd. SW;,-, sd. pt. being 400' S'ly of the W-, car. of sd. Sect. 20 thence NE'ly to a point on the £ of the Benson Rd. , sd. pt. being 310 ft. from the N. ln. of sd. SW,i--, as meas. perpendicularly See Sht. 8, Exhibit "A") T,ESS all dedicated roads of record in all of the above parcels. Crj iii) 1.V\14\)\- if NING