HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA63-151COPY r•• ORDINANCE NO. o2G 43 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, CHANGING ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTIES WITHIN THE CITY OF RENTON FROM GENERAL CLASSIFICATION DISTRICT (GS-1) TO BUSINESS DISTRICT (B-1) WHEREAS under Chapter VII, Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 known as the "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" as amended, and the maps adopted in conjunction therewith, the properties hereinbelow described have heretofore been zoned as General Classification District (GS-1), and WHEREAS under the aforesaid Ordinance a proper petition for change of zone classification of said properties has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Renton on or about September 26, 1963, which Petition was then referred to the Planning Commission for investigation, study and public hearing, and a public hearing having been held thereon before said Planning Commission on or about October 23, 1963, all pursuant to notice of hearing duly published and posted as provided by law; and said Planning Commission having duly considered and recommended said rezoning, and all - parties having been heard appearing in support thereof or in opposition thereto; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON AS FOLLOWS: Section I: The following described parcels of property in the City of Renton axe hereby rezoned to Business District (B-1) and the City Engineer and the Planning Director are hereby authorized and directed to change the maps of the Zoning Ordinance, as amended, to evidence said rezoning a. That portion of the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of section 4, township 23 north, range 5 east, W. M. , in King County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the west line of said subdivision 180 feet north of its intersection with the north margin of County Road No. 431 (12th Avenue North) ; thence east parallel with said north road margin to the northwesterly margin of said State Highway No. 2 ( Sunset Blvd. East) ; thence northeasterly along said highway margin to its intersection with the north line of the south half of said subdivision; thence west along said line to the west line of said subdivision; thence south along the west line 117.21 feet to the point of beginning b: The south 400 feet of the following described property: That portion of the south half of the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter, and of the north half of the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter lying northwesterly of Primary State Highway No. 2, all in. Section 4, township 23 North, range 5 east, W.M.., in King County, Washington, EXCEPT that portion of the aforedescribed properties lying east of the west margin of Puget Sound Power & Light Company transmission line easement. 1- Section II: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and legal publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 18th day of November, 1963. Helmie Nelson, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 18th day of November, 1963. dz(-• 7111 Mayer APPROVED AS TO FORM: Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney Date of Publication /i/2>,/ .3 2- Flu . fi r y 1.42t...71V 4t1:4,104t, ReaD ®vn S H I N G,T.O M the Jet Transport Capital of the World PLANNING.DEPARTMENT ihatb November 4 , 1963 Honorable' 'tta.yor ' 'ran Aliment Members of the City 'Council Gentlemen:... , The Planning Comnii3slon at its public near ing of October 23 , 1963, upon motion after due consideration and ,study, recommended favorably on . the following items 1. HIGHLANDS ENTERPRISES,Ii3C., The Commission.. r^ecorimenis that the pro- perty aP described in Applica-tion. No. R-151- 63 ; dated September 26., 1963 , be -rezoned from GS-1 Bto_. -1,"wi.th .the:.EXCEPTIO.N of that portrion. of the 'a.foredescribeci property ly"- in east of the west" Margin of the Puget Sound "Poorer: and Light Company transmission lines "easement:: This property is located east of the Renton Hig;nlands ' duplex area north of Sun- set .:Boulevard East,,': and abuts business zoned property to the south: and faces business zoned property on the -east side of Sunset Boulevard East. 2. GEORGE MCNEIL, JR:. The. -Commission recommends that a .Varies ance be granted. to ..George McNeil to add additional rooris to an existing residence. The .existing residence is located in the, vicinity of 5th Avenue North, west of 132nd Avenue : S E. The property does not abut upon a 'public right of way, but is served by an 'easement from 132nd Avenue S. E. Mayor and City Council November 4 , 1963 Page 2 Your concurrence iri the foregoing recommen- dations is respectfully requested. Sincerely, J. . David Jensen Planning Director APPLICATION FOR CHANGE OF ZONE IN THE CITY OF R.ENTON FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Application No. : 57-C Sn Sec . Twp . R „ Date of Filing: Y. 6w..~w-.— Area Map Plan. .Comm. Action: Kroll Page: Date: c- - _ City Councils, Action: _.- m...0.1Ly /._ iwaeL Date: Ord. No . L.J..,...w......,..,>m•.:.. ..,.-,-..._.WW.•<.wW....,m-........._.,.,..,-,Y-._ .. ....-..m,.........,-_....:_-......,...J,.,.• .. ,... ,,.,W,-.................w......wJ.J APPLICANT TO ANSWER ALL THE FOLLOVITING QUESTIONSS NEATLY & ACCURATELY: Name of Applicant HIGHLANDS ENTERPRISES, INC Address' 315 Morris Street, Renton, Wash. Telephone No..ALviza_5_,1536, a/Property Petitioned for rezoning is situated W, abutting Sunset Blvd. East Srtriott, between _-12tth venue North and north oWtli thereon., , . t . Legal Description of Subject Property as attached hereto as a se?aarate exhi knit. Y. ... .w-. .._. .-. . Heisting, Zoning ... S . Y.. ... .Y. . Zoning Requested B-1 What are the uses you propose to develop on this property? CornplOmentary to the adjoining business areas includ9 ng a nursery-garden store, and T V repair shop. Number of permanent off-street parking spaces that'will be provided on this property? A,t..least.,as reanired 1.2z.zonin limMk4MbMtVAirka ordinance with a minimum of 3 to 1 parking. NOTE TO APPLICANT: The following factors are considered in reclassif iri proaernr Evidence or.additionalin1or°matiooniou iree teo .sazbmit to substantiate r rYre 'hest may be, attached todes w...w.mwW.J .J., WW...,., these sheets . I . In what way 'is this proposed change in zoning in the public interest? There is a need for the tme„ ,f bossiness to belocated whicti,.a••d_,j,2,n question is not suitable for any other use.d•.-—.•.--uaWJ,m.u.u.YYJi itlous.Le.a-._..s.uanvuW,.Wur.u:.ifiHe.,uu.rYaeiu.mu m.uv.L..J..ai-ur.M..a,i.rluMua rY,..b+.J+w:iinw:.aJ.[mal.uf...1.x+uJ.uNHJu•Y..uaiuslL"r.__•._. +r++.t4„+.Ywuwsu.uH.u+,u::ualu.Ls,uu,.. u1•_._. •• - . W4Jr uxatu..¢.J.1 nu.uJt.aY3u•Ycwewx.u.—_ —,Liu<MaY w .•.. u..,LL _ __ On what basis is there a real deed in this community for more zoning of the type you.. request? It is com l men-arrand su lementary to other business uses in the immediate vicinity and adj Dining and provides a type of business needed in the general community,. 3. Do.you consider the property involved in this application to be more suitable; for the uses permitted in the proposed zone than for the uses permitted in the present classifica- tion? Please explain. _Certainly do L see answer•..to auestiionss above..,, y Larna.diaLi.easas 4. r mL w Y.m.......w ..._;.._ 4. . What provision would you make to protect adjacent and surrounding .properties from the detrimental effects of any uses permitted in the prof osbd zone?? None needed as Petitioner also owns the abutting roperties• Sproperties to the soutl are ahead business zoned and are in use therefor; property, to the ,east is also used for businessVa.JrrJ:iw.Y.urWc.)... , purposes. i• ,::,.i Y.> i`t.,ry 2'f'•t: r d '1 -'Y,., .yi ji,, r1.' 4,•r a., t A i •,,,•„ x,4 .-i1 .,,,,, 1':. ,•..,: rti } ity .iiri t•t.i .1';. s' ,'•'t '.a './y, .. • 44 . t 7E. rr y". 'fY,;:„. r•ui„ ,, {r,.., ..::::i ,ash 'i' ,, vlhrt•, r?ii •'YIt-1 rJ; 1i1 ;7 , 3,,,tr b 1.. pp i f s . i1.4: ••,-,",•". ''-i',14:•'_)q4,.'1. . ZiCiiii'llfrrii r ,J•-• `.11. .. - r r. 'ti ,c r.'Y.•.ys rty: .'-E, 'wr', ;;y ', • ' ;:,H; 1. r,. J T . r Al 1' a a i r,,,\• •{ fp i,`;•*ter YQ 1 A A Ths qii74-iTT. .14+ Icalov.tvis pr7, Atiou are to he rawenad to 1ual:yeas-1 uf.t: a. That portiaa o: t.1* mutheast quirtW of the tout quarter of the southwest qAarter sostiot toahahip 23 north, range 5 e&$t W.M , in fl Consty, Wiehingtono described as follows: Beginning et a point on the vest line of said subdivision 180 feet north of its tateresstLec with the north margin of County Road No. 431 (12th AVODU4 NerkAU); thanes east pwrallel with *aid north road margin to the noetbsesterly margin of said State Highway No. 2 (Sunset B.INd. Zest); thecae norttmasterly along Yy margin to lvtve.:Tsttionth t)ln rcrth line of °NT. south half of said sUbdiy-Lniov4 le0141 jPA to 1-,14,7) west line of said slihdivision; thence south along the uevt line 117.21 feet to the point of beginning. b. The south )400 feet of the following described property: That portion of the south half of the northeaet quarter of the lowtheast quarter of the osuthwest quarter, and of the north half of the southeast quarter of the moutheas quarter of the southwest quarter lying northwesterly of Primary State Highway No. 2, all en section b, township 23 North, range 5 eaet W.L, in Xing County,. Washington. AFFIDAVIT 19 D. J. Laviolette, being duly sworn 9 declare that I am the President of the Petitioner owner of property involved in this application and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith sub- mitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Subscribed and sworn to me this jr day of September 919 63 Notary Public.,in and for the State of Was pii4g pn9 residing at Renton. 1 • R` xis 1,Na e eName of. Owner) restd g,it,'Renton.315 Morris Street Mailing Address) t;::.i : ;n`: : Renton Washin r'AYdress . . P a s,a ity State AL p ine 5-4536 Telephone No. ) OFFICE USE ONLY) CERTIFICATM— This is to certify that the foregoing application has been inspected by me and has been found to be thorough and complete in every particular and to conform to the rules and regualtions of the Planning Department governing the filing of such application. y Date received v% 26 /va7 RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OCTOBER 23 , 1963 Members present: James Denzer, John Racanello , Jay Holmes , Mike Lotto , Louis Peretti9 Charles McGarrigle , Jack Wilson, Burt Andersen. Staff present : Director David Jensen , Planning Assistant James Magstadt: Pearl Carter. Others present: Mayor Frank Aliment , Councilman Bruce Hulse The regular meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman Denzer at 7 : 30 P.M. The minutes of the meeting of September 25 were approved as written and amended. HEARINGS : 0) HIGHLANDS ENTERPRISES : request for rezone from GS-1 to B-1 of property in the vicinity of Sunset Highway and 12th Avenue North. Two members of the Rezone Committee gave a verbal report recommen- ding approval of the rezone as was discussed at the Committee meeting on October 9 . However, in the absence of the Chairman of the Rezone Committee , formal voting was held in abeyance. The Director gave a verbal report recommending approval of the re- zone from GS-1 to B-1 with the exception of that portion of the proper- ty lying east of the west margin of Puget Sound Power and Light Company transmission lines easement. This property is located east of the Renton Highlands duplex area north of Sunset Boulevard East and. abuts bus- iness zoned property to the south and faces business zoned property on the east side of Sunset Boulevard East. After the appearance of the Committee Chairman , the matter was discussed further. It was then moved by Racanello, seconded by McGar- rigle, that this rezone be recommended to the City Council for approval with the exception of that portion lying east of the west margin of the Puget Sound Power and Light Company transmission line easement. Motion carried. Mr. Peretti abstained from voting because he stated that he had not studied the matter fully. Mr. Lotto abstained from discussion and voting on this matter be- cause of a personal interest. 2 , FINAL PLAT OF HONEYDEW ESTATES NO . 2 : Mr. Jensen stated that the Preliminary Plat had been approved previously by the Commission and .the City Council. There were no changes from the preliminary plat. . City Engineer Wilson has signed the Final Plat. It was moved by McGarrigle , seconded by Lotto , . that the Final Plat be recommended to the City Council for adoption. Motion carried. 3 . GEORGE MCNEIL: request for variance to construct additional rooms to an existing residence in the vicinity of 5th Avenue, west of 132nd Avenue Southeast. The property does not abut upon a public right of way , but is served by an easement from 132nd Avenue S. E. Mr. Jensen stated that a permit had been given previously for the construction of the residence. He believed that the granting of the variance would be _proper in order to allow the applicant reasonable use of his property, and would not be harmful or injurious to adjoining properties . It was moved by McGarrigle , seconded by Racanello , that we recom- mend to the City Council the granting of this Variance. Motion carried, RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION OCTOBER 239 1963 PAGE 2 4 . A letter, referred to the Planning Commission by the City Council , was read from the Friends of Youth, Inc. requesting permission to stock sheep on property occupied by the Griffin Home for Boys. The letter stated the following factors as being favorable : 1. An opportunity for interested boys to care for the animals as a project. 2. Easier removal of weeds and grass from the difficult hill1 sides of the property. 3 . Mbre meat on the table. After discussion it was moved by Holmes , seconded by Raeanello9 that we recommend to the City Council the granting of a revokable permit to allow the keeping of sheep at the Griffin Home as requested. Question arose as to whether a limitation is to be placed on the number of sheep the permit would allow. It was felt that a reasonable number would be taken for granted, this to be up to the discretion of the Council. Question being called, the motion carried. Chairman Denz-e-r stated this concludes the regular business of the Plan- ning Commission. The remainder of the meeting was to be devoted to discussion on the proposals for the Comprehensive Plan. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON PLANN°ENG COMMISSION RENTON, WASHINGTON A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION AT ITS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, RENTON, WASHINGTON, ON October 23 19 63 AT 7 : 30 P.M. TO CONSIDER A PETITION FOR Rezone. FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: From GS-1 to B-1 : a. That portion of the southeast 1/4 of the southeast 1/4 of the southwest 1/4 of Section 4 , Twp 23 North, R 5 E , W.M. , in King County, Washington, described as follows : Beginning at a point on the west line of said subdivision 180 ' north of its intersection with the north margin of County Road No. 431 (12th Ave. N. ) ; thence east parallel with said north road margin to the northwesterly margin of said State Highway No. 2 (Sunset Blvd. East) ; thence northeasterly along said highway margin to its intersection with the north line of the south half of said subdivision; thence west along said line to the west line of said subdivision; thence south along the west line 117. 21 ' to the point of beginning. b. The south 400 ' of the following described property: That portion of the south half of the northeast 1/4 of the southeast 1/4 of the southwest 1/4 , and of the north 1/2 of the southeast 1/4 of the southeast 1/4 of the southwest 1/4 lying northwesterly of Primary State Highway No. 2 , all in Section 4 , Twp 23 N, R 5 E, W.M. , in King County,Washington. ANY AND ALL PERSONS INTERESTED OR OBJECTING TO SAID Rezone ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ON October 23 19 63 AT 7 : 30P.M. TO VOICE THEIR PROTEST OR OBJECTION TO SAME. PUBLISHED October 9 , 1963 DOUG FELKER SECRETARY RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION I , J. DAVID JENSEN hereby certify that three ( 3 ) copies of the above document were posted by me in three conspicuous places on the property described above as prescribed by laws. ATTEST: Signed: O0,4s C.• 0 $181 . H STA OF WA `f I$ '''T3 g t7RFrSIDING AT RENTON. 8 '. LEGAL NOTICE I NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING j'RENTO.N PLANNING COMMISSION RENTON, WASHINGTONApublic' hearing will be held IbytheRentonPlanningCommis- sion at its regular meeting intheCouncilChambers, City Hall, , Renton, Washington, on October23, 1963 at 7:30 p.m., to con-sider a petition for Rezone. IFollowing, described property:jFromGS=i",'to B-1:PThefoll,'okwing properties are itoberezonedtoBusiness-1 'Dis- rtrict, to-wit: . Renton Town Talka. That portion of the south- Ieastquarterofthesouth- east quarter of the south_ Renton, Wash. west quarter of section 4,Itownship23north, rang el5east, W.M., ' in King 1County, Washington, de- icrs Proof of Publicationbedasfollows:scribed n in g at' a point on li This is a copy of your Begi the west ne of said sub-i division 180lfeet north of NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGitsintersectionwiththe north margin of County, 1. Road No. 431 (12th Aver As it appeared for the first time this week. nue North); thence east It will be published on the following dates: parallel with said north' road margin to the north- westerly margin of said State Highway No, 2 (Sun.- set Blvd. East); thence northeasterl tosaidYalongsaid Immediately following the last insertion thehighwaymargintoitsin-• affidavitof publiction willbe delivered t0tersectionwiththenorth!line of the south -half of 1 your office.said subdivision; thenc e west along said line to thee;Pwestlineofsaidsubdivi-I Cost of notice 8.08 F ion; thence south along the' at the regular statutory rate, will tewestline1I7.21 feet to; the point of beginning. O$b:'The south 400 feet of the 1 t#>r°llowing described prop- 1 erty: That pprtion of the south; half of the northeast quar-1Iterofthesoutheastguar-I Thank You ter of the southwest guar-'ter, and of the north half; We are pleased to have this oppor- of the southeast quarter of tunity of serving you and hope thatthesoutheastquarterofthe. southwest quarter lying you will favor us with your next northwesterly of Primary publication.State Highway No. 2, all on section 4, township 23 'North, range 5 east, W.M., , in King County, Washing- +ton. Any and all persons interestediorbbjectingtosaidRezoneI •invited to be are I present at the Plan- 1 mng Commission meeting on Oc-'Itober23, I 63 at 7:30 p.m., to voice theirprotest or objectiontosame. i_, DOUG,FELKER, 1 ; Secreta?fy'l I Renton Planning Commission. Published in The Renton TownWalk, October 9, •1963.