HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA64-208f `ljt"61 y ORDINANCE*NO. ,-Z/.30 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTIES WITHIN THE CITY OF RENTON FROM "CENERAL CLASSIFICATION DISTRICT" TO HEAVY INDUSTRY DISTRICT" (H-1) . WHEREAS under Chapter VII , Title IV (Business Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 known as the "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" , as amended , and the maps adopted in conjunction therewith, the properties hereinbelow described have heretofore been zoned as General Classification District, and WHEREAS a proper petition for change of zone classification of said properties has been filed with the City on or about September 25, 1964, which petition was then referred to the Planning Commission for investigation, study and public hearing, and a public hearing having been held thereon on or about October 28, 1964; all pursuant to notice of hearing duly published and posted as provided by law; and said matter having been duly considered by the Planning Commission, and petitioners having duly amended their petition, and all parties having been heard appearing in support thereof or in oopposition thereto, NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: The following described parcel of property in the CITY OF RENTON is hereby rezoned to Heavy Industry District (H-1) ; the City Engineer and the Planning ' Director are hereby authorized and directed to change the maps of the Zoning Ordinance, as amended , to evidence said rezoning: The NWg of the NA, of Section 30, Township 23 North, Range 5 E.W.M. , Renton, King County, Washington, except the north 30 feet thereof. The following portions of Section 25, Township 23 North, Range 4 E.W.M. , Renton,, King County, Washington: 1. All of Government L.ot,9 lying south of the south line of the Bow Lake Pipe Line right of way. 2. That part of the Henry Meader Donation Claim lying southerly of the Bow Lake Pipe Line right of way and easterly of the northerly extension in a straight line of the east line of Government Lot 10, said Section 25. All situate in Renton, King County, Washington. SECTION II': This 'Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and `.legal publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this eh_day of Frey,ff 7 1965. r Helmie Nelson, City Clerk 5;', •.APP OVEIS•.BY)THE MAYOR this /fh day of February; 1965. APPROV 5ip g,0 : r fr h Ei /V GL/• C cT /3.yam Donald W. Custer, Mayor Gerary ,: ,,ahel lan.; Sty` Attorn y Date df f4bLi,cctioit: INTER-OFFICE MEMO Date Mar.l.h ..,! , 1(jCili From: Gerard V— Thelian, :;ity Attorney Departmental Account No . To: Heie 0.,,lson, c : ; 11,L Expenditure Account No . cc: M.D. ol rlanning 1.)1r3ctor Message: Vc1=n =°1:1=is , Guairman La.).: & Ordinncae Gond-nit:Lee Dear Helmie: Snolosed you will find o.::iginal of 1.rote.ctive. Covenants that we have received this date from. the Great or tire Ra7.1way Compani . lould you please have Mr. Jensen check this over and Li it meets ,Jitn his approval, please record same as quickly as possble. After reco-rding the ociF,inal siuDuici be returned to Mr . R. M. Boyd, 'jester:a Land and Tax Commissioner, Great Northern Railway Company, 404 Union street., Sea'rtie, 'Lasnington ; a101. The recordime; fee should be raid for by the Railroad and you may bill them accordingly. If you are any questons at all in this matter, please let us know. Je remain Yours very truly, 7.--- HMG .,11 & S1110,1.2.13)1 c 1 t"------) M L. Gerard M. Shellan City Attorney f-2,TVIncl l, 1, • o ii 1 H Z • i ig, 1"-e .t-t; 1 T, t:. d Y ' BY •'THESE pmENTs, 'that GLACIER.PARK--c ANY; a corporation, :.as the.:o er; :of the :Northwest •Quarter. of the Northwest .Quarter ,of-. Section North, :Range' -5,,. E. .IDS;:',, Renton,•'King, County;, Washington, except the:•north;•30 feet and,•the West. 20:'•feet''thereof',:,does,''hereby ,•establish ,the Mutual 'protective covenant hereinafter •set, forrth, Which. said cove nt. shall .attach • • " • TJS:. to and shall::pass.,with,Said :real_property and;. .eaach and:;',:every;;pert and parcel,:,thereof,. .'and.,shall.be binding upon .the •pure, aser -or purchasers',of any part thereof: aatnd:`:his air:.their: heir•s ass igns, Successors, ,.devisees: and...administrators; I.. ' Na ,structure :or .bu lding shall be lo•cated••`within:::lob..feet of the easterly 'rcargin .of.:said p operty. TSB' The foregoing shall Diet prevent the•use..of the :easterly . .. 100 feet of said'property for streets, railroad .r'ights' of.;way, 'or' • . pedestrian,•,vehicular.: d utilityF:access:•ways. wag restriction,.set_:'out:in paragraph' "I.1hereof..:shall remain in force and effect'..until December 31,:. .1975. IN WITNESS: OOr , said- corporation has caied this i stru dent to be executed.,by its •proper. officers s a d`:fps corporate .s a . to bra.:hereunto ,as f ixed'' dayof r(] 196i5 GLACIER :PARK COMPANY ' By J. C. KENADY Vice President • CORPORATE SEAL) ; ' Attest: .R. M. '0`KELLx Secretary . STATE Off° iiNNESQTA ). County.of 'Rey On'•this 16t1i'' ay .`o Februar'y ,= 1965 : before me,. : : • • rile undersigned, a.Notary lio:.in and •for 'the State Of, Mi nesata,. duly :ca issioned•.and :sworn, personally appeared • , to 'a ae:known,'to-.be the:.Vice :President; and 'Secretary, respectively, of- the corporation ,that 'executed` the: oregoing i_nstr sent, 1, acknowledged the 'said.: instrument' to:'b:e :the free and.3t1untary act.. and-"deed of said c`orporation..,;''for the. uses and purposes'.'.therein mentioned, and,-:coca .oat a''s.tated that-'they Vie:auth ri ed :ta execute, • - • the said instr nt: and ;t iat, tt a seal affixed' is the corporate seal; 'of said 'corporation.. Witness •air ,.hand and official" seal hereto affixed the day , , and year. first ,•ahei.re itten:. R: -H. BROKOPP' NOTARIA'L`SEAL)`, • ::. aryr..''ublic. in;.,end .for 'phe State',of -Min esota 9 reaidIng .at ' I' • _ R ORDINANCE.NO.. .2/3g/ ` AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, CHANGING ' THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTIES WITHIN THE CITY OF RENTON FROM "GENERAL CLASSIFICATION DISTRICT" TO • HEAVY INDUSTRY DISTRICT" (H-1) . • WHEREAS under Chapter VII ; Title IV (Business Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 known as the "Code of General Ordinances of the City Of Renton", as amended, and the maps adopted in conjunction therewith, the properties hereinbelow described have heretofore been zoned as General Classification District, and WHEREAS a proper petition for change of zone classification of said properties has been filed with the City on or about September 25, 1964, which petition was then referred to the Planning Commission for investigation, study.and public hearing, and a public hearing having been held thereon on or about October 28,. 1964; all pursuant to notice of hearing duly published and posted as provided by law; and said matter having been duly considered by the Planning Commission, and petitioners having duly amended their petition, and all parties having been heard appearing in support thereof or in opposition thereto, NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: The following described parcel of property in the CITY OF RENTON is hereby rezoned to Heavy Industry District (H-1); the City Engineer and the Planning Director are hereby authorized and directed to change the maps of the Zoning Ordinance, as amended, to evidence 'said rezoning: The NW4 of the NW4 of Section 30, Township 23 North, Range 5. E.W.M. , Renton, King County, Washington, except the north 30 feet thereof. The following portions of Section 25, Township 23 North, Range 4 E.W.M. , Renton, King County, Washington: 1. All of Government Lot 9 lying south of the south line of the Bow Lake Pipe Line right of way. 2. That part of the Henry Meader Donation Claim lying southerly of the Bow Lake Pipe Line right of way and easterly of the northerly extension in a straight line of the east line of Government Lot 10, said Section 25. All situate in Renton, King County, Washington. SECTION II: This Ordinance shall be in full' force and effect from and after its• passage, approval and legal publication. 4P§SED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this ri(. day of may, 1965. Heimie Nelson, City Clerk stea A'P$I.t0'BD BY THE MAYOR this ,,}- clay of 1965. RAJ RCYVE15t,A ,V FORM: o lc1J.- Custer, Mayor Gerard. M. Shel.lan, City Attorney Date of Publication: INTER-OFFICE MEMO Data November 13, 1964 Nelson.9 City Clerk From: Departmental Account No. Jack Eilson, City EngineerTo:Expenditure Account No. Message: Attached hereto are four ordinances relating to the proposed resonings of the Austin Company, Glacier Park Company, W. C. Siegelman and S. P. Ozholt. Please check all legals and return to the Clerkts Office. Helmie Nelson, City Clerk G..—AT NORTHERN RAILWAY COM. —NY 1:L. LAND & TAX DEPARTMENT JAMES C. KENADY LAND Be TAX COMMISSIONER J ST. PAUL, MINN. 55101 M. E. FREY ASSISTANT COMMISSIONER Seattle, Washington J. R. SEVERSON ST.PAUL, MINN. 55101g GENERAL TAX AGENT R M. BOYD September 24, 1964 WESTERN COMMISSIONER H. D. HAYMAN SEATTLE, WASH. 98101 GENERAL.LAND AGENT A. G. BELL Orillia, Wash. - 1021 B. J. STASSON LAND&TAX AGENT 3I1 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG. Et n 150/, GENERAL LEASE AGENT HELENA, MONT. 59601 F ST.PAUL, MINN. 55101 7 T L) „ t Y r r3l Mr. David Jensen 1 Director of Planning 4 City of Renton Q Renton, Washington r 1i 1w ;,f,,,, Dear Sir: Please refer to our discussion yesterday concerning the proposed application to rezone Glacier Park Company properties in the Orillia area of Renton. Our Draft No. 1203 in the amount of $50.00, payable to the City of Renton, to cover the fee in this connection is enclosed. We understand hearing on this application to rezone and the associated permit to establish petroleum storage and distribution facilities to accommodate the proposed plant of Olympic Pipe Line Company will be placed on the agenda for public hearing October 28th. We will arrange to be present at that time, and will also arrange to have a representative of the Olympic Pipe Line Company available to answer any questions which may arise. Yours very truly, P : 1/ ,41 Western Land & Ta ommissioner Enc. cc: Olympic Pipe Line Company r APPLICATION FOR CHANGE OF ZONE IN THE CITY OF RENTON FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Application No. : if' 4 D r=6,2 Sec. - Twp• --R . Date of Filing: 31 /96s/ Area Map: Plan. Comm. Action: / y, Kroll Page: Date: O_ -78- 61 tom' 9a6s City Council's Action: Date: Ord. No . APPLICANT TO ANSWER ALL THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS NEATLY & ACCURATELY: Glacier Park Company and 404 Union Street Name of Applicant Great Northery Railway Company Address Seattle, Washington Telephone No . Main 4-1900 Property Petitioned for rezoning is situated on Street, between Street and Street. Legal ,Description of Subject Property See legal description attached. Existing Zoning erG" Zoning Requested Ii-I What are the uses you propose to develop on this property? Number of permanent off-street parking spaces that will be provided on this property? Not yet determined. Number required ' NOTE TO APPLICANT: The following factors are considered in reclassifying property. Evidence or additional information you desire to submit to substantiate your request may be attached to these sheets . 1 . In what way is this proposed change in zoning in the public interest? To enable industrial development in area heretofore recommended in Comprehensive Plan. Z. On what basis is there a real need in this community for more zoning of the type you request? Present_lan_ds n are insufficient and not competitive with similar property in nearby communities. 3 . Do you consider the property involved in this application to be more suitable for the uses permitted in the proposed zone than for the uses permitted in the present classifica- tion? Please explain. Present zoning "Residential" is not in keeping with the proposed use as provided in the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Renton. 4. What provision would you make to protect adjacent and surrounding properties from the detrimental effects of any uses permitted in the proposed zone? All necessary protections to adjacent properties as required by zoning ordinance will be provided. AFFIDAVIT I, Robert M. Boyd , being duly sworn, declare that I am the authorized agent of the owner or contract vendee of property involved in this application and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Subscribed and sworn to me this 4:='day of f/ 1964 Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, Great Northern Railway Company 9 ;Glacier Park Company Name) By: Name of Owner) residing at 404 Union Street filing Address) f Seattle Washington Y" = City) State) y4 'vB u ii Main 4-1900 mil Telephone) OFF f OFFICt: T E ONLY) C C1T ICATION This is to certify that the foregoing application has been inspected by me and has been found to be thorough and complete in every particular and to conform to the rules and regulations of the Planning Department governing the filing of such application. Date received 1964 By: RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OCTOBER 28 , 1964 ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS; Doug Felker, James Denzer, John Racanello , Wes Busch, Gerald Cordell, Dr. Baird Bardarson, Clark Teegarden , Louis Peretti, Dayle Garrison° STAFF PRESENT; Planning Director David Jensen , Assistant Planner James Magstadt° COUNCILMEN: Henry Schellert° The minutes of the previous meeting of October 14 , were approved as written° HEARING ; l° THE AUSTIN COMPANY; R---207-6'4 , request for rezone from G and GS-1 to L-1 , of Block 37 , Co D. Hillman' s Earlington Gardens Division No. 1, except that portion previously taken by the Washington State Highway Department as further described in the application. Committee report: Recommend approval of the request upon the same basis and with the same provisions as other properties reclassified to L-1 and abutting upon the Freeway in this same vicinity. Director' s report : Recommend approval of the request provided adequate land- scaping and setback standards are observed in the development of the property. Building setbacks should be 60 ' from FAI 405 right of way, and South 153rd Street. Side street setbacks should be 30 ' , provision for landscaping in a 20 ' band to encompass the en- tire property, and the south 15 ' of the property should be dedi- cated for public right of way, or an easement granted the City for roadway and utility purposes. The above requirements are consid- ered the minimum necessary to assure development to the standards heretofore deemed necessary by the Planning Commission and the City Council , including adequate provision for the development of an arterial on South 153rd Street° Chairman Felker asked if there were any objections to this rezone, There were no oral or written protests to the rezone. Mr.. Jensen stated that in the previous instances the proper- ty owners have applied deed restrictions to their properties and that in talking with these people they are willing to go along with these standards° It was then moved by Busch, seconded by Denzer, that this re- zone request be approved according to the Director' s report and that the rezone be recommended for approval to the City Council. Motion carried. 2 . . GLACIER PARK COMPANY 6 GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY, R-208-64 , request for rezone from G to H-1 of portions of Sections 25 and 36 , 23-4 , and portions of Sections 30 , 21 , 23-5 , as described in the application and comprising approximately 567 acres. Committee report ; Recommend approval of these properties lying westerly of the East Valley Highway and the Union Pacific, Chicago Milwaukee Railroad ' s right of way, The Committee recomemnds that the portion lying westerly of the Union Pacific , Chicago Milwaukee Railroad right of way be reclassified to L-1 with adequate provision for setbacks from State Secondary Highway 5M. 1- I Planning Commission October 28 , 1964 Page 2 2_,! Continued, DirectorBs. reporte Recommend approval of the request with the exceptions as contained in the Committee report , and with the further recommen- dations that setbacks of sufficient depth for industrial park stan- dards be established along South 180th Street and East Valley High- way and along 88th Avenue South and its proposed extension. Mr. Jensen pointed out the subject area on the map and explain- ed that setbacks would be very important along 88th Avenue South,whic is proposed as a major arterialsana also on South 180th and also on the East Valley Highway. In the discussion that followed Mr. Boyd, Great Northern Rail- road representative, stated that one objection would be to the application of industrial park standards on the area between 88th and the West Valley Highway. He stated that excessive setbacks would not leave sufficient room for the building already proposed for this area. Mr. Boyd further outlined the Railroad' s plans for their pro- perties in the area. Generally, the areas to the west , including Tukwila, between the Railroad and the West Valley Highway would be for heavy industrial uses . The remainder would be for lighter in- dustrial or industrial park type uses. It was moved by Peretti, seconded by Denzer that the rezone be approved on the basis of the Committee and the Director' s re- ports , and that if necessary,modifications can be made at a later date, with adequate setback provisions on the East Valley Highway and South 180th. In the discussion on the motion, Mr. Jensen emphasized the importance of adequate setbacks on the major arterials in order to provide for future traffic circulation within the proposed in- dustrial district. Mr. Busch stated that he felt that some kind of plot plan should be worked out for this area. Mr. Felker stated that this would be understandably difficult until the property owners know what their building plans are to be. Question being called, the motion carried. 3. SLAVO OZBOLT2 R-209-64 , request for rezone from S-1 to B-1 of cer- tain properties abutting upon Edwards Street as described in the Application. Committee and Director' s reports recommended approval of the request. Chairman Felker asked if there were any oral or written objec- tions to this rezone. There were none. Mr. Jensen stated that the rezone is requested for additional parking space in connection with the existing car wash business on the adjoining property. It was then moved by Denzer, seconded by Racanello that the Committee and Director' s reports be accepted and that the Commission recommends to the City Council the granting of the rezone from .S-1 to B-l. Motion carried. 4. W. C. SIEGELMAN, R-210-64 , request for rezone from GS-1 to B-19 of Block 39 and that portion of Block 38 of C. D. Hillman' s Earlington NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON PLANN°ENG COMMISSION RENTON, WASHINGTON A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION AT ITS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, RENTON, WASHINGTON, ON October 28 , 19 64 AT 8 : 00 P.M. TO CONSIDER A PETITION FOR Rezone. FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: From G to H-1: All those parts of Sections 25 and 36 , Twp. 23 N, R 4 E. W.M. , and Sections 30 and 31, Twp. 23 N, R 5 E. W.M. , bounded by theffollow- ing described lines : Beginning at the northwest corner of Section 30 , Twp. 23 N. , R 5 E. W.M. ; thence east to east line of fractional NW 1/4 NW 1/4 ; thence south to south line of NE 1/4 NW 1/4 ; thence east along s .d south line of NE 1/4 NW 1/4 to East Valley Highway; thence south along said highway to south line of section; ;thence west to 88th Avenue South; thence south to 180th Street ; thence west on 180th Street to the west line of Section 31; thence north to north line of Section 31; thence west on south line of Section 25 to a point 881. 37 feet west of SW corner of SE 1/4 , SE 1/4 , Section 25 ; thence south 3°40 ' west 730 . 69 feet ; thence north 84°34 ' west 649. 70 feet ; thence south 644. 78 feet ' to 180th Street ; thence west on 180th Street to Northern Pacific Railway right of way line ; thence north along said Northern Pacific right of way to City limits.; thence east , north and west along City limits to West Valley Highway; thence north to right of way of Bow Lake pipeline of City of Seattle; thence east to Northern Pacific Railway right of way; thence south to south line of Henry Meader Donation Claim; thence east along south line of said donation claim to east line of Government Lot 10 ; thence north along an extension of east line of Government Lot 10 to right of way of Bow Lake Pipeline of City offSeattle ; thence northeasterly and easterly along said right of way to point of beginning except right of way of railroads and power companies. (All as shown outlined blue on attached print) ANY AND ALL PERSONS INTERESTED OR OBJECTING TO SAID REZONE ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ON OCTOBER 28 , 19 64 AT8 ; 00 P.M. TO VOICE THEIR PROTEST OR OBJECTION TO SAME. PUBLISHED October 14 , 1964 JAMES DENZER SECRETARY RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION I, hereby certify that three (3 ) copies of the above document were posted by me in three conspicuous places on the property described above as prescribed by laws. ATTEST: Signed : 4 / 0„ , tIOTARY PUBLIC IN AND rOR 'SHE- STATE OF WASHINGTON, RESIDING AT RENTON. . INTER-OFFICE MEMO Date February 2, 1965 From: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk Deparmental Account No . To:Gerard Shellan, City Attorney Expenditure Account No . Re: Glacier Park Co. & Great N. Railway Co. Please note the certification from Jim Nagstadt, Assistant Planner, page two of the attached communication. Helmie Nelson, City Clerk GREAT. NORTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY EXECUTIVE*DEPARTMENT ow iro 404 UNION STREET CLARK A. ECKART, VICE PRESIDENT SEATTLE 1, WASHINGTON /'.! I January 18, 19 c Mr. J. David Jensen f': 17 , r- I Planning Director a City of Renton Renton, Washington Dear Mr. Jensen: C ' v In September, 1964, Glacier Park Company filed its application to rezone all of its properties in the Orillia area of Renton. We have now concluded that this applica- tion was premature, as explained to you at our meeting last Friday, for the reason that our engineering studies are not sufficiently advanced. Enclosed is a print showing outlined yellow the property which we propose to sell to the Olympic Pipe Line Company for the establishment of their new pipe line terminal. You will observe that the easterly margin of the property to be sold is 70 feet westerly of the 1/4 1/4 line in order to provide 40 feet for the west half of an 80-foot street and 30 feet for spur track right of way. We are also re- serving substantial strips along the north and west margins of the property for drainage ditches , in accordance with the Soils Conservation Services current plans. However, there will be an agreement between ourselves and the Olympic Pipe Line Company that we will sell and they will buy any portions of these strips which are ultimately not required for such purposes. Because of that agreement, any rezoning should cover a sufficiently large area to include any property that may not be required for those purposes. We, therefore, request rezoning to Classification H-1 of the following described property, all situated in Renton, Washington: CR Mr. J. David Jensen 2- January 18, 1965 The NWT of the NW-, of Section 30, Township 23 North, Range 5 E'.W.M. , Renton, King County, Washington, except the north 30 feet thereof. J The following portions of Section 25, Town- ship 23 North, Range 4 E.W.M. , Renton, King County, Washington: 1. All of Government Lot 9 lying south of the south 44) line of the Bow Lake Pipe Line right of way. 2. That part of the Henry Meader Donation Claim lying ti southerly of the Bow Lake Pipe Line right of way and L. easterly of the northerly extension in a straight line of the east line of Government Lot 10, said Section 25. Until such time as the proposed extension of 87th 4i,, Avenue is completed, Olympic Pipe Line plans to use the Bow Lake Pipe Line right of way for access to the property. For this reason we will grant them a roadway as well as a pipe k line easement in the area shown outlined green. In connection with the matter of setbacks , I enclose a copy, of a protective covenant which we are prepared to execute and record, if satisfactory to the City. Because of the necessity that Olympic Pipe Line Com- pany commence construction not later than April 1, we will appreciate anything that can be done to expedite the handling of this application. If any further information is required please let me know. I would appreciate your prompt advice as to whether the enclosed form of protective covenant is satisfactory. Sincerely yours , GLACIER PA COMP lel By cc Mayor D. W. Custer Mr. Gerard Shellan I. 7 INTER='OFF'10E MEMO Date Feb. 4, 1965 From: Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney Departmental Account MD. To: Mrs. Helmie Nelson, City Clerk Expenditure Account No . cc Mr. David Jensen Hon. Donald W. Custer Law and Ordinance Committee Dear Helmie: Enclosed you will find a new stencil concerning the rezoning of the Glacier Park property. We understand that there has been a change in the legal description and we therefore ask you to have the Planning Director and the City Engineer verify the new description to be absolutelysurethatitiscorrect. We also notice that the protective covenant has been prepared by the petitioner. In discussingthismatterwithMr. Clark Eckhart we have agreed that the words "or off street parking" contained in Paragraph II are to be deleted. We also suggest that the Planning Director verifysetbackrequirementstomakesurethattheymeetwithhisDepartment's approval; otherwise the Covenant is in proper legal form. We suggest that the Ordinance not be published until such time as the Protective Covenant has been filed for record. We understand Mr. Eckhart is forwarding same to the home office for proper execution. We 'remain, Yours very truly, Sl JL ,--- GMS:mr erard M. She lan Enclosure Olit GREAT NORTHERN ,RAILWAY COMPANY a: 1; ls}{1 1i111 t J;tri^7i EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT i {;{t,i li`f'1 i!itI "' f 404 UNION STREET `• OM 1ii{lr, °,',i CLARK A. ECKART, t(i,iilGilil{r,. VICE PRESIDENT i.tl f Il' ij,rj{, 1+ t{J{; f1, lSEATTLEI, WASH INGTON O"' .. , ':r. i lttttthJanuary18, 19 l r Mr. J. David Jensen l u- w:,1•,t' Planning Directorr- I,y tl J,,t;•::Ci.,Ji City of Renton t Renton, Washington 4ti ,:•,t Dear Mr. ' Jensen• iJ:::,:Jtt,, t: fit, t:::x,li ul In September , 1964, Glacier Park Company filed its • jAil,il!:ii111,;(il application to rezone all of its properties in the Orillia l itii:i ii;'+, yi area of Renton. We have now concluded that this applica- ji ;.,iilii tion was premature, as explained to you at our meeting 4t': "ii'Ilii: last Friday, for the reason that our engineering studies i:;la,;are not sufficiently advanced. r i,:lt'f s1,!i Enclosed is a print showing outlined yellow the•t'{`' `i``" which we propose i'rt'r",IJ:<f::,:rim;'property p p e to sell to the Olympic Pipe Line • " t;;t;,:,,,;,,;{,,i: Company for the establishment of their new pipe line terminal. . I':;k;;at:t,,8Youwillobservethattheeasterlymarginoftheproperty 1J't,., t ^4 to 'be sold is 70 feet westerly of the 1/4 1/4 line n}Ifi`!iiPili `{ in order r,,. to provide 40 feet for the west half of an 80-foot Street and 30 feet for spur track right of way. We are also 1','y'=',t{" aii,;;.8:"i,serving substantial strips along the north and west margins i'1':''il;;:{,+(1 Z I,,,:uis?,;`of the property for drainage ditches , in accordance with k;;;10,;;,;:;t.,; I,r .tla ,i,jtheSoilsConservationServicescurrentplans. However, 1i7J,,t: ::,i<':y• there will be an agreement between ourselves and the Olympic ',, _ tr,t r„'.l,ln Line Companythatwill sell t".'t•".,f1'•rtPipeweandtheywillbuyanyIlia,''5., `i,v1 t,r.portions of these strips which are ultimatelynot required ttz rq'It,ti,l{' for such purposes. Because of that agreement, anyrezonin i, rJ ,,,i4"i i'g g ;. itti! k;;iicl,Jshouldcoverasufficientlylargeareatoincludeany1',•{j{''; 1,', ail?L,.,;,1d;!„1 property that may not be required for those purposes.i t,,.a,i,Jv,i';I Ji,(ji "I^;FIB We, therefore, request rezoning to Classification i r; L4i' ; H-1 of the following described property, J•II' f all situated 1:'alti;:I:,;,,in tis'1;•.` i!I iai, Renton, Washington: iti t'Iii''ti: ISk;;ir .,ru'r jtiilJrlititi, f{it41III..,1 ,l IJ+FPt ,t 4i'1 I'.r t ,.J't 1, i, I .K., i, r,. ' t{f? ii s t ;; rimy; ;lr.,.t!Y : F.fih at=acr C1it. 't:J:J 1 it5. 1',! rj .1.1 IT 4 ,I irl'l I,bfil,,flvtj't,1'; .- i.:r+i#,. trr ., i +' Brae v t^.^i::":.':,'r" 1, yi.t,1:C:,. ,rt•:<•,71t Pt t. ri{I•: k .a .ra'ti a r, f . a+" n - ! ,i', , ': t,•i:lta. •.ut;t:'tii'i., NI f:7iT 71 J7•'•ii' ,;i..,,,;C•', `.l,. n..., r.y t;N '3. >/i!..yc.tl"uk tU'f+ .4 ,;1 '7., f+rx. ,4,;,i i ali, t i.i' !Ji;' ,. .1tr L rt r i.'.. i Yr. na „r., .w.<t;'• 1 1, ty., '%, Lr: s t ./. d...., , .'•,t,,..,.,.:1: :Ja,i^iei?i.al: .k': x•la.at.r.{ t•r ,Ll r Ott'' 3rt::i, a,,J.i.'t.i 1!•1it •3trt•1te tt,. T ,,, : t: f 'k a- • ,}' e:3,,. ..tr.'' ".:`: x>s". ;,, ,4,.,ii> g.p,::un..:, i4' t ;.,,v1t.,. 'kt ;, Jq,pi •r • , r,.at•I:i.7 a, ts. ,,. }} i.li ''-'^ ata':1' ,. $r. L•. ,,"L• 4r, r,..,-F Jam.r,, t. 'I,i», 4: ), t I t t,1'. +;i,1 . 4 t .1 f r.c,M1,Ir,,,. 4 i-,:'x.x _-.a; i r•"R;,.•n,,;+ ; a,'"d:(h ri. 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JY ;tu .'l+r'tli'"".y,,.. f''c":?. a . t.,y.(•,6,„ ,ip, ,I .1' AIM MI J. ..1 L fX,:'N #-.,_. rit 1„. ., .,x1i1 4i .'i`r i.4 ..''(? 1,y, p r:' i;,if+1 t+•f t4• .a^ .ij°'i'a`:. ..`L+ a's' br. ..r.;ph '_.:3 ,.,.-, 11 w;•; ,,,. II =ti:• ,J. 's „titi«. :::t:. ..,Jp ri :w,,. .'q..; :•R, :4:, .,. t., -t A.. d `:Cf Y:e.'11L`J'.7n t' ..M1h ri!(,[. :.a•':,' ,•: ti, .t. .:#i1.. t, r, 4 'n 1.,. dt;'y-iw,. 47 hI r. t.1L,a°:^ NJ..(,\ 1 1;`'.1„ I° .,. i::!} I• 'S, .; , I <:.' • a!`1]5 r'•..,,, r 1:.p.'ht; ,r. ,.fS",tiV..::ra'Sd'.,..• ,I 4. I,t., rrf,,t j,MT.rfl,.,cJL. ^ ..lit.%cA j". I: t`y J :i:,'.: Y' ' I' ..r :Ir ly Jt .V;i'J ti,. i 1 •M1i'n.,cti..u:', 7:...ti:. t::ti':;J . : 1. 1'- y w,<$" 4',:"" "j41: .4 F,.L,.{. ::nr.. .•1•ar.,lr;e^ ve•,,:',ry •:vY,,9, t't H1'.i;' I . ,.. f ..} i'F 'P ,k r?'F''?'. of}:, q 6 t.i q hh.u.1, e.r'4'• :IA'.1.:9.i}4, F t ,,,. r 'J'. -t ',,,. ,1,,....9'If.L'`t!i;:+4 t }..} M i1 t, .,; r l •IT 4: 1''• 1'ki';rt 'R''.'lk., ,\: .:Y f J:A. f tl' {1,'' j:i,_;',,,, n :;1^.:11'qi:ik ,"( ,.'}f"r1.•t10.: 1^':t ^::d'4:Y ',}..,. .C. .:.. 't 7 ,f sir.. Y`I IY A .rr t,• Iry't.(,"i71'.'::7,. ', • a' "1 •.r ..qr. ,.,p d`'1. J 1','=' '. •p. w.:. , in.r.. f 41.' dl a rit I. leil'r.,, . ,.r.•&,r i.1t :.r,. :r. 1 '1 A k ti r 1... Sri .'•,• xar. ,')4. P :ii. .4'..T i,4'.t Sny ,Ir.• r i.:,.. 1 .r'.»n".'r t ,J't, .r,.,n ,4..rr,r• yy,,,,kk .d i+. r,• , .t i T^,.•.re h'}' ).:,n d'•0. r.1'; J''n^.,,,,, ., t,t'„l, r i i'iii i'r ai::.::4iS!{a :'1,, 4,:P 'N L'ee 1penah {. k•' 6g.r., ,r •t.,•.ot;;+'1} h J t ,(,;a k, ;'1.. I If .r:, 1.6. .S. ,ri' •'1..,. u8.E.r: .;,..ri'",.Fd .,.,,.i,;i„,7 Yh , .,i,.' l i .l, bit..&•` Q"''!.S.I r,£",.C.h!'.,'.;C.•;,:r e..l tt..l. l,l?}I 'hl::":iit, i.t, t,b'4','il"11' I;•.....4i;:r :..> y,., dl.trt7lta, qp ,:q .j,, p -i4 "„Y^..1. S ,!'• t.ant ,'t 1•, t,. t,a,„I.Y U,n • t d' 'H il.., .,,. .,,.1. ' N'. S,a. 1..1,: F, t t i;I:t, Fr1t A.! 4b': 11 i. ,i'i. li. '1)"' ,LI',:'!l,.t,.i1' t' ,A: i'...t ..t::: ::: 1':Ut ., .k ;h„ a a1..,rv, hat nr. p f.ul.,,•:e i,:( ;I 5 r.,.t e.: Ff• »I .J ,. IJ}%! 1.. 1, i •r hr, ..i ,,. i"a';;,. t ,t..,,,t. T'=i',:::;:i•.'.qi...,,... ,::' .:Y..of,ede•<,.k..• , .S:n`,. +?,:ar....,h:e.r,.,,•n t,:Y",^,,J , :....ur.`..,';fill:eS.4M....,., ily: .- - „ t ^S.t "K......Y-..c ,-.,. ,.rn 1..:1 i,hh.lAq¢ ,#:I,. .:.V,.r ... :; .,h..._t..... . r »i IN.T-ER-OFFICE MEMO Date February 2,, 1965 From: Heard° Nelson, City Clerk Deparmental Account No . To: Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney Expenditure Account No . Re: Glacier Park Co. & Great N. Railt r Co. Please note the certification from Jim Nagstadt, Assistant Planner, page twooftheattachedcommunication. Heinle Nelson, City Clerk f",},.:6friiii ii!:it' l:.r r '• It,l. 71'itifiF' t/ I I 1L +Mr. J. David Jensen 2- January 18, 1965 . li ;,,i1 1 1}#'t' t 1FF11 1. 1t.1111,,1, V ` I j,t1;i:Ml;1i, ill{!,il i 1111 ltt'I i{"fltTheNWToftheNWTofSection30, Township 23 North; Iti1,(;i!li{f;i1 1\ j ` Range 5 EOW,M. , Renton, KingCount Washington, i'''''1'""''''11'b ' except the north 30 feet thereof. y 0;1.,,i;,;!iy r ! 1 1q11 ,tld I,I, The following portions of Section 25, Town- lr l;,;;ih+w L,til{' trr t j ship 23 North, Range 4 E,W.MQ , Renton, King County, i''iii}i;',, 1,i Washington•a'r` . ra N, 1. All of Government Lot 9 lying south of the south 1 j,7y!i111 {line of the Bow Lake Pipe Line right of way.lii I4ii,1j),;j i l! !i{.lit•t S i. the Henry i l ai+:2. That part y Meader Donation Claim lying Olto!viii.,:i southerly of the Bow yl?iVI;Lake Pipe Line right of way andY.` v a 1NjJlf,in,JJSjii". easterly of the northerly extension in a straight line i1ji? 1,ji;;loftheeastlineofGovernmentLot10saidSection25. 1°j ?}yr,!,,,1i1' t IrliiF;{ti:1 Fi{ t F;;i41'o t;ii'1I I,aay:i'iiil Until such time as the proposed extension of 87th ll t,,l,,,,,>.,,, Avenue iscompleted, Olympicil•l r^li•111Y1 17 5 Pipe Line plans to use the Bow 119111,11;,,,i1jiii,,,,1, 111. 1, 1,1, Lake Pipe Line ht of wa for acc•rig y ess to the propertyo For i hisreason we will grant them a roadway as well as a pipe, ti1' - line easement in the area. shown outlined green. i`4''ii{I'''r`ii1(.,ri;i4i in f:t 11, litir; 1ii;l1 ji'71at In connection with the matter of setbacks ,I enclose 1!-M04m :',t14acopyofaprotectivecovenantwhichwearerearedtprepared6.at,: r. execute and record,satisfactory to the City iif lilt r;r thei;k 1i Becausenecessity that Olympic Pipe r:;}a.c;vA•Line Com- tii+'S1?;H ,!ipanycommenceconstructionnotlaterthanApril1, we will 1,ji"'`ru !I II appreciate anything l' r:' F a rec g that can bedone t+; ki4i ii}PP y in to expedite the Y'a"'ii't t"i"f't'• :Y handling of this a t`t'';r",:1i:application. If any further information i:';;' :4l:` is required please let me know. I would appreciate your ' ii prompt advice as to whether the enclosed form of protective F,,;_;,;i:i y!,,:t, covenant is satisfactory; wh0,,`{'`•p-j ,,,, Sincerely yours ri}{j[ 111'jtLC1:Jr:it•vr jill 0 }`1.,re i'LACA COMP fi, ,. 61t1 1i yj / 11 EI 'Ili It'HillByill:IN1,1{,;,ti,,cc Mayor D. W. Custer i,"`I I '''` l+ + "',11 Mr. Gerard Shellan 14,;,,,11.,!:l V. ii1 j0j ,ti,: t 'ra.,SS t r 4. iii!crc?iMf>;tt::?vi^'.I. r,::l a,:i;i" ir ir.r^•', t:r« . k, i :m .c. A a ,:, r,t'.,f r},Ilidiy;ic'Pi,'i;S .k rY i l,. 4:7 .-.t.:1-'` "' 1{:ri +via.. a :,:csri rc•'I„i 7'!js, 7 J.t a a` .fit• h. ;h I t;:,F •f.t:b:i:•,a;, i ttrti:.":•,' FR'!' ,A:r,. a,b. " t'cia,,. sir{iz•ar'y:,•h;v,. t I t. _, u,,Rc+,il.: x ,rlT ,?s;,,T ! „f iii}f 1'1.1.,=1i: :iit 4..,.Jt 4` rt ,:w;:, rr +' .,.,' . F t a.v ffil.: nr I ,t r.!fni'' i,: .,. rz at'N S,.. 1, .1,., r L• :Ih`.i!. 1,.,.r. ,,,,.,P.:IC::Y1 t.A; .; '";,,.,,..ns.Yh ,.a.:A;; '}C,.ife<;'•76 trr a ,I P i pp r I Ii r ,•,¢ I }.. t. ••.1.1.,,r,. Yj.• .tS,i:l:t1T..,1.1:: ,ilr. 'yYf.: '7 C. w},,.." Y., x.J^.1. .:.',Sr,f,.,...t,•': a t, 11' I E : t i+J', ;:r.' t'.i'tt •T,;,:: 1,;r.. a..n F, r,,,,.%,:a, t,,,.l:,., ,c^:r 1 , . f, ,ai r c .1 , PI,P { f 4,;i11 1' -•+„•1.,.1..r,%wi^i .,i t:.r S ?:,_ , ..,>,7;-, 7r'S,. 'i%>Y' '^ ."it='d'asr a: :r1 4}I l.,1a.: ,i ,. 'Fb, J'r'.I. a11::? .,,,,: , w.d.,.r.:: ,G,. rttl? ,r '` { a !;7" I t '-r .h:..,{..I'•ii.. r. .t.,1k:•; ':La,` a:Fi iiiii wd i,• Y• r.:; t:.,'`.,;}'J4.4 .t p t 't' tl t.,J'r'P. f.t i i i ,L:2i.' G 1i::Ag'i, IN..).;...,,a.n,,a.IYo'N'2 ..... tn, •.!1'1, i a.,l J iuu `:';i?d,..t iv ,: ,.,,.: t.'c 1 ,i'"t t, r.... .,. ,.:!,.,. u. .r,.,ik„ } ,A r!'I. VF(t43,.t ,t''YGF 1j+l"' ,V ia., li. v:d'i 9,•C^t: 1"6 1 r.::'1 •J' a}aL.,.. A. 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In,dr:: ,f E , n I. .1'in, :i,. t, ii a?;; }Y tdr y ,.,. .f. il...1 h r.{}' i [ rt3 .L..ISi ..I f i?lltih:+,.?'iit`,"..i A:' a ': u`.;'::L:'; r r,. .• t .' i ..J1lJ,• .J,N;•,vta .t .L' S` I . 'tl 1 "+l:r'p..'::d ..t,F t,.n:. ij`:i}e'";ll,}:9. ,i 4 tiit ':1.'•,IiY J'.aY I far .t.t .t[::,!l„IJi!;,. , r?ii l, a. to .'.a r .J: ra,:•.11?,R t .L. Fif. ,"{,. .i.k i't ''i:S 'ill '1, .I.' ;4. 1M1:ISI' I,. Y., 1, 1T"k:a'liy tt i .ur ;;:' ;ii :,I, 1!i!kip4.i •.:.,?Iii,u ^:x', i';``'t"'h"' „`..<.,.:)t. ^ .Fa t:; w 1 r f}!{•'i.tl::F, t!'1.t'l;il..., :S 'a,i° F';; ,II ,,il•,.d ';t ;I, .nr .r ,. . .l „.tti t.j,.,,,a.d.i.,. .;ri,,.L ,,,,e:`l rp,.y., t hit,. ,Ut'i" 1,. h :il,' }.r ' t1t•,u tu;if.:}, :.;,i,l': ir, h. .:h':rh.:tr:'F„ ::,. .L``b•'.;ra' t' C, y,; ur',rF•i'e,L`'rt s t, o'..r..,J. i,, ,i :, {t.. i1 IDSrl,61'•F: 1•I:gF,.„I,1.,Iw 1•• A,t. t'S'- < \'Tr :d•I,,rror":r t n.db' rL'+wfr I ri'la, d!; r., i. t'r t:•'.,•t:f1 ,: t:: iiul:: :I' , t. d 7c a^i,...:1.. j,t,, ,ca ,,, ,,! 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'.ut':4 sl:,:i: :,ir ,:1' .'' •i"t 1, ',p :NS;J... ,!"l:a;.t.",t :enf«+..r•4.F.•.t,.. yY:.ir v S. t; :rpt ,.r':.• •.i4 1 l 1 1 J Ap..' ,.: it, 1..+.,.Atl• 1. 'a:F:4'r1 L. •..1 .lY.!, rL1,,1:,.J_f r'IItY..I.1'1...L.'J.......I„;),J..tt:3:Jjtil}r..,a,1, ,.r'.r{,J,...,.:.,,. ,.....,i':. - u,} Xa:• l an4a.,.. KileVii,,,,_,. I ly, ffntil)Y R:v at. ..i„4„,... c' , N ,WAS H I N GTO I I, the Jet Transport Capital of the World r "rt i, PLANNING DEPARTMENT j February 1, 1965 Honorable .Mayor Donald Custer Members of the City Council Gentlemen: The Planning Commission at its public hearing of January 27 , 1966 . considered the letter from . the Great Northern Railway Company dated January 18, 196S, requesting amendment. to Application R-208-6.4, The Glacier Park Company. The Commission upon motion recommends to the- City Council that the Application be amended as per Applicant's are- . quest, together with the suggested Protective. Cov- enants. Your concurrence in this request is respectful- ly requested. Very truly yours, J. 'David .Jensen • ' Planning Director J DJ:pe. p; C s',W Ec w ivJ o Tt+tM = • ALL ;am 'w ...rani. s71 PRESENTS that GLACIER' ."0 FA R @ a Corp 3t ion.® as the o is o to Northwest "ter, of the Northwest g rte . of Section 30, T , s ,y) 23 t1or,tt?„ Range 3, ;elf@ . p ' Renton, King County, !East-411113ton, exceptnorth 3 west 20 feet thereof, deeo .hereby estsab1Ls h the r utu protective cove rant 'hereinafter set forth, tihich atal0 ,coveracynt shell attach to and shell pass withti said ' al property and each and every p sd, pc l" thereof,. and she.11 be binding up the purchasersee 'otwd'a.. upon J 4f 1G.v E4'• '' ^ N (iro pu c a r, of any part thereof and. ;pis or theiv heirs, sse s s, successors 9 devisees and adminict 'et:o s4 1 a 110 strilletTire or building shell: e- 'located 6r o the easterly margin of said property. i egotsig' s oaf: . not prevent the use og the easterly 100 feet o2 sod property i c r 1r'L' °eet t rond rights . pecles t wa a,. vehicular. and utility. Fcaccess " ., . S'.. 9,,. 4 b Or off"'s tr e R4:t1 perking.. The restriction set outin Paragraph I hereofeof se am . remin. 11, force andd a "f'ecc: until r e ; mber, 31 19/'5 P JI T: !z::SS. °d..,>3 IW O 2corporation.. n hcs caused t:. 1 y instrument to' be. executed,ed by its proper officers seal to be .hereunto affinad. thii day of 96 is BIER PARA CeiTtelfg' ec titer 4 ST„tT1 021: Ai if..1 :i O'43.'.r ) 3 tl 1 day't 965.. h 2&e rae the 4• ' ' : - dP 3t yy,ned, a qo vy Public in zerar.1 .=.o tile,• State of rii neeota, duly .r.c; ,mi ss Cored and a wo n, per onal 1' r e .l e . tO ta t le to he the Vice Frey dent : art, ,,?cretary, resi-rrec:.,vely'a , of the corpo fit: ®n tt ev,k3,elste Li 2Crerzoi 14 i s`'rt,°aa aCn , and ' . a"t,eCbTM¢°`J1 ?fl ge,c1 the said 1,,P,,s trznne'-G 3 „ t , be the free an,F.3 volur.Itary act Arid deed of ilalid C °pO; at Ion fat': t'l-.p Fees and puraoseG therein 'b;, "it orie ,aid On o ti stated o' '¢re1:aut aori,,,:e to e:accuse, .he said, .sa :r utp.ent, and , i?..o„ Y the ized ads 3tke corporate teal of said co °po it Sono , ' iitne-e r7 band and o.fiof i Beal hereto &fiaed the' it y ; ._ a andd yc ;f at above.y. /t,ten.,; tgottary Public in s ad toy the .:t, .' oar, M1nne+ot a' - residing. at sPV, F/ 0,/ Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 11-9-64 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) A letter read from Mr. Robert Spielman, 641 "N" Place appealed decision of the Planning Commission regarding request for variance from front and rear setback requirements, on irregularly shaped parcel of ground. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, that next Monday, November 16, 1964 at 8:00 p.m. be set for hearing on the appeal of Mr. Spielman. Carried. A letter read from Planning Director J. David Jensen submitted Planning Commission recommendations from its public hearing meeting of 10-28-64 as follows: 1. Application R-207-64, Austin Company, 2930 - 4th Ave. So. rezone from G and GS-1 to L-1 subject. to setback, landscaping planting strip and dedication of road and utility easement which are standards adopted as minimum requirements for development of industrial uses in this area. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the Planning Commission recommendation with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee following compliance with restrictive covenants. Carried. 2. Application R-208-64, Glacier Park and Great Northern Railway Companies rezone from G to L-1 with adequate setbacks from the -West Valley Road, of properties lying westerly of the Union Pacfic and Chicago, Milwaukee Railroad right-of-way, and rezone of the balance of the property from G to H-1 with provision for development of standards along South 180th, the East Valley Hwy. and 88th Avenue South as proposed. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, that upon coripletion of the covenants the matter be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Ordinance. Discussion ensued regarding ability to comply where the streets are not yet established and the fact that the covenants are upon the land and not retro- active once development has been achieved, the pending motion carried. 3. Application R-209-64, Slavo Ozbolt rezone from S-1 to B-1 which constitutes.! a natural extension of existing business and zoning uses. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation, with referral to the Law & Ordinance Committee. Carried. 4. Application R-210-64, W. C. Siegelman rezone from GS-1 to B-1 with provisions that building setbacks from FAI 405 and landscape planting strip be applied on same basis as with properties lyin;; to the West. Moved by Poli, seconded by Gianini, to concur in the recommendation with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. 5. Application V-213-64, A.M.Roberts Variance to allow construction of addition to existing building at 308 Williams Street provided the payment be made to the City of the required "in lieu of parking fee". Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the recommendation. The motion carried. A letter read from City Engineer Wilson reported results of survey of all street lights within the City taken in May of this year which resulted as follows: 442 - 20,000 Lumen Mercury Vapor Lights on Puget Sound Power & Light Co. poles 133 - 20,000 Lumen Mercury Vapor Lights on City of Renton poles 834 - 7,000 Lumen Mercury Vapor Lights Upon sale to Puget Power of City owned fixtures - the 442 - 20,000 Lumen Lights, the City would own the 133 - 20,000 Lumen Lights as Puget Sound Power & Light Company now owns the 834. Mayor Custer advised he had requested this report that it might be forwarded to the Law and Ordinance Committee for attachment to the pending Resolution declaring the 442 fixtures surplus so that the sale thereof might proceed. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the referral for attachment to the Resolution. Carried. A letter from City Engineer Wilson, signed also by Traffic Division Captain, Ernest E. Henry, Police Department recommended that the present traffic ordinance be amended in order that a 30 M.P.H. speed limit might be established on Puget Drive from 116th Avenue S.E. to the Talbot Road extension. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. 3- 4•15 fx• k' Y It 44.r}•P/U.CV 4J! I L - 1x• -`:_ ' - w p rf -r 1 .71%".yF3C3NICOI0 '' :t!}o id'Transport,Capital',of't;ho V/orici i PLANNING DEPARTMENT 3'.'T'li.A4;? 7• ` ) t b.isE.,, C±r 6 j r;.i.);i e5.•..:1._ r/' r .. L' T3hCOP' t 2.'1n111:1c, -t..o ri t ibrt t`3'•:.)1t4).1-,c': - euv"Itl, tmi^•`..(:%i •)?T,°' 23• ti3E'1f.t $ ;a.-,-s act.. :fiL.ye. r.'a .`r" ?1'.:tlt1 ''C1V ..f,'l caw,7' e; ..=.L'11.?`'31 C.ab-.f.,,e v q, r. g.-•A'x 6 1, t'. Y. .', r.'. ' . g; . • t'' ` t• y.nr ry,R>vC1 C' ; t. c-efirIlr .'. 3s1Fl .a3 S r`}-.1J, F01,1 ',..?%.,. .yi 7 0- --, C„r3Ci • f".^ n ;. . C) , i"'1 . :-}{t %Y'6r t—:y, 1.Ga :, 'CL+rJ- G }C7?..}1.jed.,,t, .. l :'3: - r1 (-L -{,3C1d (a r.tY?`1 S; 3 '-FP 01,71 T"°:`3 •• 12Ctoj4, - • t;'.•7_ ,.)i.l c^:d• t ••1- E..agal Yir J' -1 ;t_. R. t 1^ ,7;E5. a L3? orii.CSti 1C'fY 3 C. s TC,til. .T7';3C ;:i .,c. 1 fat ti wi eV'E.a 1•,e T. :3lit:1171. , . ' prdy,,.icrr L 3.C',.3 .'.iii .t.,ae a' .. ...t::3.PA;a:`1:J: ._..' ti r7. f+1: } `' 1-):C L)( ',•4-•OT1act a,ca .. h 9 5. h•ii .1 .l r.;'Ai« S .I,33L""dr :3t•ti•-q.}4tl`. a. t" - i1, ; f ;:e` r'vC? :.%f?•i` t1rG:':w? (.at 3 r.1 n, 1:a3 tai.1 a.<if.)n 1t .,Cl .,_.eCz"',p_Lan. Y]F.. a 1' .''6 ,a- 20 `..l.Tt. 6'1)_1 1) i reofnp;4 3 :Luls's 't' t;;' e t:..4.,3C'. 1-•'' ' ' o;pk r,-iz r°•r,'. f' C s. • i)et ;1. r?t )n of `of ''all .e.n.po'r1 3T•dt O'U' '0, -!:h , nab..• i' 1.•5 ,:•' o ;tiir °)Tojpe7 rtCP: r)r. '?''oc^_Ld;'2 ty <` nd ,Utz .1}.:1-17'f,'., Trio :Co:t''e,cro'J 81r `+`.c"3:i...C1r_"drdlt`3, `?f: 7 th.c.e ya'cdo.T}f• ?(d,,. 1,.r f.,-st-o 0-e.e :.,y r"E}e ''.i.%i.ib-11.,'1 , ' T' ti:s:',.„...,1i>:'-..,. +.,.. ,..7• : '' t(;f3'l...ri(,,,,, 7S_ d•,J -;i .t.T'Lf 1i? a..' res.r t1,_-d e".l:it 3'Cci f07') ?C1;:1l: 07)1-n21jt 03'!`• '.I:.'cy.t,`}•r..f:l,+1,..t. I q. c.2'e.. +q.)t1.1,-,.`t? '1.0.,1 ,2k.° 1. i .9•. i,r, t't t... :i," P:,Je"r.' S ',., .., , ', 1?.L.A , .: d(l y 4 '. `i L/ .S }C'Y- • ri'C`Fe SiI'b•Js • • .. ., 21 _ 4"3, t.. ..., Y v.•r,I YTrA •C6r'[i..%.':+'0$ :007(:oTari,c,nd 1; 4 '... Ir• 1a 11 _ , .}ii10It Lori t4")ii a . 1fl 1vrS01,: "rty-6i:; 'C Loll : 1t . F ,_ . c r} i ' 5iri, MI.-1.1, 1e0Fj kil:a.I .\OcIt!.S • ••f'}1 till Pa q is an r ; g l I ' 11t. C.'.f• ' MV It: .2'i.s.:leo-swf, io4' i (:),,fl, 1:' () i1-1,11' w, 'tpi "•1..ci e" 's i''lovtr?` ber 9 9 J.95t, , andfit 4'iC1' recommends t}i:i'- ie t7ci! t?.:tcc of the`.proper-- ties de.sori e.d 5.11 U c ;p 7)ic,:at1on be rezoned from (:,..: to i =-t .1.ircvis on for deve'.i.opment: c.).f properties to indu tr; ri1 T„.3,Etrk standards a3.cti `ioutn •18Gth Street , a.st Valley 1-1 .g1'via.y, and f 8th Avenue 'youth .f3 nJrOpo`Ject o' v 0 Application -209-64 , SLf V°. 3r,BOLT The CorLtri ss .can reoc.)mmerlcs. rezone . of the prop-• described in the apulios.tzozL be rozoned from . S--1 to r' 1.„ a'ni5 constitutes :i. L'sni ur .i extension of existing business 7.,:1 fit , t 21 o 6 L;GELi AN o: " '.J,hF? o aetds'of theprop erta,os a,7 eies.cribed. y in the a }1.7_cca TtioTi f roFfi' 5'm l }to (, ty-.1 Kl.. V ''h Fg ro V,L tj d_or that a IA Y_d.ilt •75..1 &CK<37 7..`1r n F'U 405 and .j.; ndsosee plantingg strip e--ap `r1:t d o'_2 LtlC bat1 e i..Si i 41 ,-ar.?.Lic b Fes` '` the 32'i.:J.r 3" l ng to th testt,L L t l., j. a t? t Y 1 '7 ls . . 5 . Ap 1ieation ")3-e54 , A. 013ERTa" fhn r:oi'.lit:'.ssiort 'reco:il ends that ct V;_ir`.o nc(-.1 bC.' granteded to ;i1.1,-;d t on.,31,-.ruction of an ,acidi'r.ion to an, ex is- ' tiny eu. i1C L51 T, at 303, Willi,iaras Street r t v ecthe yilyv,' 1,. cam. .r)ay to talc City the 1-eou.',.?"ed "in lieu. of .:?ra3 f..l.ng W j `" no. C.on?1C:L2 B S C:})'.Cii1`c.-.:10 r: Aiin 'the foregoing rcco2P1c:nw;. d L Za L )•n:.3 3`s "Q 3`i ct ru11 i 1,e.iuef3te 3 r a Otir j II clry tru3.y,,' t./ o f3.\t1.11 jen le.1"}?.'Y PlanningDirector.Director. _ J'DJap^ 2_ ROLL CALL VOTE DATE ORD. -- Ai/bre-1:7-4 cg/if,i. MOTION 0 AYE NO PEDERSEN BRUCE HULSE SCHELLERT DAHLQUIST GIANINI GARRETT TRIMM PERRY DELAURENTI POLI MORRIS Cam' 1 Ic.l.i\`f" . .. - '. 56 , __ .- . .., . . •,.'r , .: .,._ e.+ t"{J c 1i 3 V "T 1 t, i,.`; i% i wn.n vim--• ., `« r . lJ 0i Ir Q I r` T 4--ram r J G 2 2 . !