HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA64-2147 471( ORDINANCE NO. ,c=2/7 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTIES WITHIN THE CITY OF RENTON FROM RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT (R-2) TO BUSINESS DISTRICT (B-1). WHEREAS under Chapter VII, Title IV (Business Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 known as the "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton", as amended, an'd the maps adopted in conjunction therewith, the properties hereinbelow described have heretofore been zoned as Residential District (R-2) and WHEREAS .a proper petition for change of zone classification of said properties has been filed with the City Clerk on or about November 3, 1964, which petition was then referred to the Planning Commission for investigation, study and public hearing, and a public hearing having been held thereon on or about November 25, 1964, all pursuant to notice of hearing duly published grid posted as provided by law; and said matter having been duly considered by the Planning Commission, and all parties having been heard appearing in support thereof or in opposition thereto, NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF. RENTON AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: The following described parcel of property in the CITY OF RENTON is pereby rezoned to Business District _(B-1); the City Engineer and the Planning Director are tereby authorised and directed to change the maps of the Zoning Ordinance, as amended, to evidence said rezoning: Lots 21 and 22, Block 12, Car Works,Addition to Renton, according to the Plat thereof recorded in Volume 15 of Plats, page 47, records of King County, Washington; Less State-Highway. SECTION II: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its paspagg;" approva'l,>and legal publication. err,2 1, 4. PASSED BY THH CITY COUNCIL this 26th day of April 1965 i SEAL i + o Helmie Nelson, City. Clerk APPROVED' 'THE MAYOR this 26th day of ARer , 1965. I 4/1X0f-f/U 7.744=- Donald W. Custer, Mayor Approved as to Form: Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney MAY 5 1965DATFOFPUBL?C,:H . ;\J µ :, ,el'' 1 P:70 Renton.. . 12 W A S H N G T O N the Jet Transport Capital of the World ire144 = PLANNING DEPARTMENT April 13 , . 1965 Honorable Mayor Donald Custer Members of the City Council Gentlemen:. The Planning Commission at its public hearing of December 23, 1964 :did upon motion recommend to the City Council the reclassification of properties as described in. Application No. R-214-64 from R-2 to B-1. This recommended rezone is in agreement with the Comprehensive Plan as amended. Your concurrence in this , proposed rezone is requested. Respectfully, J. David Jensen Planning Director JDJ:pc 0 at 4PPLICATION FOR CHANGE OF ZONE IN THE CITY OF RENTONif, FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Application No . : 7-6' Sec. - Twp , - R . Date of Filing: 3_W1 Area Map: Plan. .Comm. Action: . i Kroll, Page: Date: J--a3_6, 37 City Council's Action: Date: Ord. No . APPLICANT TO ANSWER ALL THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS NEATLY & ACCURATELY: Name of Applicant Clarke Bothers Address3669 55th.. S.W. Settle Telephone No . ,,,T,,,,t 101. 0 Property Petitioned for rezoning is situated on 3rd. Place No Street, between Marion St xlintx.ittitnyxto. Street and alley to the north Street. ecronLealDescriptionofSubjectPropertyY "s+s 'l. -,1,<1 : block "!?. Car 7,rorks Addition less gm±:ex State Highway Existing. Zoning post dentia:L 2 Zoning Requested k? What are the uses you propose to develop on this property? . r rkinr, a ci '..dvorti.in Number of permanent off-street parking spaces that will be provided on this property? Number required None NOTE TO APPLICANT: The following factors are considered in reclassifying property. Evidence or additional information you desire to submit to-,substantiate your request may be attached to these sheets . 1 . In what way is this proposed change in zoning in the public interest? `;rrl . pi +cQ un to Marion is B-1 and north of alley is Light Commercial 2, On what basis is there a real need in this community for more zoning of the type you request? This area is hAin„ developed into commercial as witnessed .by Pichf.ield Oil station across 3rd Place ter Pir'--re. 3. Do you consider the property involved in this application to be more suitable for the uses permitted in the proposed zone than for the u,-es permitted in the present classifica- tion? Please explain. yes No one wants to build. Ft house here. It is too small due to the State taking so much of' the property. 4. What provision would you make to protect adjacent and surrounding properties from the detrimental effects of any uses permitted in the proposed zone ?.;-;', r,roar_t_u-s,*i 11 be cleaned up and blackbory vines will be removed. Come trees and shrubbery will be left for screening. By rezoning we will get some income which will warrant keeping the o,roerty better AFFIDAVIT I , Richard K. Clarke being duly sworn, declare that I o-o+ner am the owner of property involved in this application and that the fore- going statements and answers herein contained and the information here- with submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief° Subscribed and sworn to me this n.- lay of (14 e.„e,„ ,196) Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, U Clarke Brothers/ IJ am e o f Owner( T residing at 3669 ` h.3.1 . Seattle K w Flailing Address Seattle itiash. ddress ta. n. State) West 2 4420 t :4, Telephone) OFFICE USE ONLY) CERTIFICATION This is to certify that the foregoing application has been inspected by me and has been found to be thorough and complete in every particular and to conform to the rules and regulations of the Planning Department governing the filing of such application° Date received 196 By: 7't f 6r1) O 9 y Nov v2' L G 00MM`. 0 4111 Planning Commission December 23 , 1964 Page 2 3. Continued : use in the area east of 3rd Place North , south of 4th Avenue North , and west of the Pacific , Coast Railroad tracks. The Chairman inquired if there were any comments from the aud- ience . There being none , the Chairman declared, the hearing closed. It was then moved by Denzer, seconded by Peretti , to recommend to the City Council the amendment of the Comprehensive Land Use Map to in- dicate light industrial use in the area bounded by 3rd Place North , 3rd Avenue North and the Pacific Coast Railroad tracks . Question being called for, the motion carried . 4 . CLARKE BROTHERS , APPL. NO. R=214-64 , request for rezone from R=2 to B-1, continued from November 25 , 1964 . The application was reviewed and the property location identim fied. on the map. It was then moved by Denzer, seconded by Racan,L ello , to recommend to the Council the reclassification from R-2 f6-B'-1 of properties descries under App ication 6 , su ject to adoption by the City 'Council of a change in the Land Use Map to reflect an industrial use on this and other property in the immediate vicinity. Question being called for, the motion carried. 5. ADA LOUISE WHEELER, APPL . NO . V-216-64, request for a Variance to construct an addition to an „existing building on , Lots 15 and 16 , Block 22 , Town of Renton. Committee report : Recommended denial as this would reduce the amount of parking space available in the C. B. D. Director' s report : Recommend approval provided the applicant discontinues storage display of boats in the parking area and pay into the off= street parking fund the amount required by ordinance , or enter into an agreement to- participate in any LID for the pro- vision of parking facilities which would benefit the property. The Chairman then invited comments from the Applicant. Mr. Wheeler, speaking on behalf of the property owner, indicated a willingness to consider reducing the storage area on the second story of the building to compensate for the loss of existing park- ing by the building addition . Mr. Wheeler also expressed his be- lief that adequate parking facilities exist for the building and that other parking at the Safeway Parking lot , Tradewell , and the Peoples Bank is more than adequate for the need and that parking in the store ' s parking lot is most generally available and has been for many years. Mr. Denzer stated that parking in the downtown area is crit- ical and that the granting of a variance would be contrary to the purpose' and intent of the 701 Program. Again speaking on the subject Mr. Wheeler indicated that the tenant is a stable tenant in a good location , desires to remain , but must have opportunity to expand to meet the heeds of his business. After further discussion and rebuttal the hearing was declared closed , and it *as then moved by Peretti , seconded by Racanello, to recommend to the Council the aclo ion of the Diree- tor° s report . ____ Question being called for, the motion carried. 6 . PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK: APPL . NO. V-218-64 , request for Variance J:. , . K'" , , 67 friiett -- R aDLtODOD f 1 u 43.m ,WA S H I Ell G T O 1 the Jet Transport Capital of the World Y ` trim,r,,:M4 PLANNING DEPARTMENT La. i:.};• may lor' ;.May 27 , 1965 7 14:j 1\ ))))' , . Honorable Mayor Donald CusterVA' ll Members of the City Council Gentlemen: At the request of Mr. Charles Shane a review has been made of the facts and circumstances re- garding the zoning of properties owned by him ly- ing between the westerly boundary of Monterey Terrace and the easterly boundary of the Freeway. The following facts were determined by investiga- tion of the circumstances. a. The property as described in Ordinance No'. 1522 ,adopted by the City Council on the 2nd day of August, 1955 , was reclassified from resi- dential use RS to B-1 , Business Use District. b. The property following reclassification was used for business purposes including the I storage of, materials and the operation of an ice . house. c . Business use classification was subse- quently removed at an unknown point in time prior to 1961 . This action probably followed the acquisition by the State Highway of that portion being used for business.f d. The then existing provision of the or- dinance providing for reversion of zoning to original status if not used would not have been k applicable if the property was used for business purposes at the time of zoning or subsequent to. t After careful consideration and determination that the above facts are true , the zoning map was cor- rec.ted. on May 19 to reflect the proper zoning class- ification on the property described in Ordinance f No. 1522 , as noted earlier. i If 1- I1 f 1 w. RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING NOVEMBER 25 , 1964. Members present: Doug Felker , James Denzer, John Racanello, Wes Busch, Dr. Baird Bardarson, Louis Pcretti , Dayle Garrison , Clark Teegarden. Ex -officio member Jack Wilson. Gerald Cordell was excused. Staff present: Planning Director David Jensen. Others present : Councilman Henry Schellert. It was moved by Racanello , seconded by Busch, to approve the Min- utes of October 28 . Motion carried. HEARINGS : to CLARKE BROTHERS , APPL. NO. R-214®64 , from R®2 to Bml, of property located on 3rd Place North between Marion Street and the alley. Director' s re ort: A review of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan indicates this area as suitable for multiple residential uses. However, other properties in the immediate vicinity are presently zoned for busi- ness or are used for industrial or business purposes. If a rezone is deemed desirable by the Commission, it is recommended that the Comprehensive Plan be amended to indicate commercial use for the area lying north of Marion Street and East of Factory Street north to the industrial district. Mr. Denzer stated that this is an area which was left after the State Highway constructed Third Place North. He felt that business zoning would be compatible with other uses in the area. Councilman Schellert commented that in regard to the south side of Marion to 3rd North the use seems to be more adaptable to Business or Light industrial. The north side is built up with better homes , but he felt that an appraisal of the entire area should be made with a view to changing the land use map. After discussion, it was moved by Peretti, seconded by Denzer , that the area west of Third Place North and east of Factory Street and north of 3rd Avenue North be changed to Business Use and that the area east of 3rd Place North north to 4th Avenue North and west of the Railroad tracks be changed to Light Industrial use on the Land Use Map, and further, that these recommendations be set up for hearing on December 23 . Motion carried. Relative to the zoning of this area, Chairman Felker asked the Planning Director to get in touch with the Applicant to determine if he is favorable to the change from B-1 to L=1 zoning. 2. ST MATHEWS LUTHERAN CHURCH, FRED CALLEN AND JAMES WEED, APPL. NO. R-215-64 , of Lots 5 and 6 , Weed' s View Tracts from R-1 to B=1. Director' s report: The Comprehensive Land Use Plan indicates the suitability of this area for residential purposes. To avoid the down-grading of this general district by the establishment and encouragment of a strip zone, it is recommended that this property be reclassified for Multiple Residential purposes only. This will not be in con- flict with nor affect the status of existing business or residen- tial uses. If this proposal is deemed desirable by the Commission it will be necessary to amend the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. Such an amendment would be contrary to the stated objectives of the Comprehensive Plan text. Mr. Jensen showed the subject area on the map. Reviewing the pertinent information and background on this matter, he stated that an ordinance was written reclassifying several pieces of property, which included the Callen and Weed properties and some other properties 1- NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION RENTON, . WASHINGTON A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE, HELD BY THE RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION AT ITS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, RENTON, WASHINGTON, ON Nov.. 25 , 1964 AT 8i00 P.M. TO CONSIDER A PETITION FOR Rezone . FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: FROM: R-2 to B-1: 1. Lots 21 8 22 , Block . 12 , Car Works Addition, Less State Highway. ANY AND ALL PERSONS ' INTERESTED OR OBJECTING TO SAID Rezone ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ON Nov. 25 1964 AT P.M. TO VOICE THEIR PROTEST OR OBJECTION .TO SAME. PUBLISHED. Nov. 18 . 1964 JEMTUDPLARENTON NNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION . 1, ETAKRS MAPSXATT hereby certify that three (3) copies of the above document were posted by me in three conspicuous places on the property described above as prescribed by laws. ATTEST: ,r Signed 7 oC 1L11to VI WA HINGTON, RESIDING AT RENTON. . p,r) . v),_ Y p() l Minutes of the Renton City CPsiiouncilMeeting (cont.)W4-19-65 1' HEARINGS: (cont.) c. RETAIL-COMMERCIAL USE: land lying between 3rd Place North, Factory Street and3rdAvenueNorth. The hearing was declared open and there being no comments, it was moved by Delaurenti,seconded by Poli, that the hearing be closed. Carried. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the Planning Commission recommendation fortheproposedchangetotheComprehensiveLandUseMap. Carried. Councilman Schellert abstained from Notting dn` this'matter. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, that the proposed amendment referred to in Item (c) above be referred to the LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE. Carried. COMMUNICATIONS: A letter from Mrs. Ralph H. Niemeyer, representing the Children's Orthopedic Guild, was read wherein she requested permission to solicit funds for the Children's OrthopedicHospitalAnnualPennyDrivefromMay1throughMay14, 1965. There are to be eleven groups working in the Renton Area. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that a no-feepermitbegrantedfortheAnnualPennyDrive. Carried. An application was read from Mamie Svabosky, owner of the Jockey Inn, requesting thatRainierAmusementCompanybegrantedtherequiredlicensetooperateanAmusementMachineinherplaceofbusiness. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to refer this matter tothePOLICEANDLICENSECOMMITTEEwithpowertoact. Carried. A letter was read from Mr. Howard O'Farrell, Renton Golf Range, commending the City regarding the mercury vapor lights which were installed along Lake Washington Boulevard recently. Mr. O'Farrell inquired if it would be possible to extend the installation of additional lights so as to include that portion of Lake Washington Boulevard fronting theRentonGolfRangeandtheadjoiningtrailercourt, both of which are presently without anylightingwhatever. This would involve the addition of two mercury vapor lights which would provide proper protection for the area of ingress and egress to the trailer court. MovedbyMorris, seconded by Schellert, that this matter be referred to the POWER AND LIGHTCOMMITTEE. Carried. The Clerk read three communications regarding the restriction of parking on Main Street as follows: (1) A petition bearing 43 signatures, starting with Arthur W. Folsom, 16127 - 126th S. E., Renton and ending with Mamie V. McMullen, 22024 - 108th S . E., Kent, wherein the petitioners commended the City Council for this parking ban; (2) A letterfromtheHaroldBuildingCompany, signed by Frances E. Carlson, stating that they consider this action to be a breach of specified intent of prior action taken by the Council andbelieveitshouldberescinded. It was further noted that this proposal had been defeated on previous occasions and it was their understanding that it would not again be considereduntilcompletionofthefreewaywhichcouldmakesuchabanunnecessary. The problem ofheavytrafficisevident, however, businesses in this area have been suffering badly for years because of this heavy flow and it is deemed extremely unfair to further penalizethembybanningtheparkingduringoneoftheirpeakbusinessperiods. The letter further requested that the Council reconsider the decision and rescind the parking restriction;3) A letter from R. K. Stevens expressed his appreciation to the Council for the actiontakentorestricttheparkingonMainStreet, greatly improving the movement of trafficwhichisforthebenefitofthemajorityofthepeople. It was moved by Perry, secondedbySchellert, that these communications be referred to the CITY ENGINEER and the STREETANDALLEYCOMMITTEE. Carried. The Clerk read the Association of Washington Cities Convention Bulletin relative to theAnnualStatewideConventiontobeheldJune16, 17, and 18 in Tacoma at the Winthrop HotelandrequestingcertificationofvotingdelegateswhichMrs. Nelson advised has been done,Mayor Custer and Council President Pedersen to represent Renton. The City Engineer's letter was read regarding the Olympic Pipe Line request for route revisions and after reviewing the proposed changes, in the vicinity of 87th Avenue SouthandSouth153rdStreet, it is recommended that the revisions as requested be approved.Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation of the CityEngineer. Carried. retter from J. David Jensen, Planning Director was read relative to the Planning CommissinlichearingofDecember23, 1964 wherein the Commission recommends the reclassification properties as described in Application No. R-214-64 from R-2 to B-1 (Clarke Brothers) . 3- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 4-19-65 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) This recommended rezone is in agreement with the Comprehensive Plan as amended. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission and that the matter be referred to the LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE . Carried. A request from Albert Reisberg, Building Superintendent was read for a transfer of ;funds in the sum of $800.00 from Building Maintenance #1800, Account #309, Building Repair and Maintenance, to Account #609, Capital Outlay, to be used for the purchase of furniture for the Council Committee Room. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation of the Building Superintendent and refer this matter to the LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE. Carried. A letter from Mayor Custer was read recommending concurrence in the request of Police Chief Williams for permission to send one officer to the Northwest Fire and Arson Investigation Seminar to be held in Portland, Oregon May 17 through May 21, funds available from the Officers' Training Account No. 502. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahiquist, to concur in the recommendation of the Mayor. Carried. Mayor Custer's letter was read presenting a proposed "Memorandum of Understanding" between the Highway Commission of the State of Washington and Municipalities not financially participating in the Puget Sound Regional Transportation Planning Program. The Mayor noted that it was his understanding that in order to receive Federal financial aid for the construction of highways in our area, it will be necessary to approve this memorandum. Mayor Custer suggested that the document be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee and/or the Street and Alley Committee for recommendation to the Council. Following the reading of this letter, Mayor Custer explained that the City is being asked to recognize the Puget Sound Regional Transportation Study and that it is being made a requirement for Federal financial assistance. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation of the Mayor and refer this matter to the LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE and the STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE. Carried. A letter from Mayor Custer was read together with a proposed resolution which must be approved by the Renton City Council before further action can be taken to implement the North Renton Interchange project. The basic content of the resolution is that the City recognizes a responsibility for the completion of the western approach to the Interchange. It was pointed out that the Bureau of Public Roads had recently informed the City they would consider participating in the costs of extending the ramp from the Interchange westerly to Park Street, but since that time the Bureau has formally declined to participate in this project. The Mayor requested Council's prompt consideration of this matter and recommended approval of the resolution. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Poli, that the proposed resolution be read and adopted. Upon inquiry from Councilwoman Dahlquistp relative to giving up on Federal Aid, the Mayor stated it is reasonably certain that no funds will be available from the Federal Government, the only recourse being the State. Councilman Garrett expressed the opinion that the City should adopt this resolution, thereby indicating the City's intent to go ahead with the project and then endeavor to secure State participation. Vote on the motion carried. This resolution to be presented under "RESOLUTIONS and ORDINANCES' . A letter was read from Mayor Custer recommending that a study be made of the City's Sick Leave" Ordinance (Title 1, Ch. 25, Code of City Ordinances) . Specifically, it is recommended that some provision be made within this ordinance for policemen or other City employees who have sustained serious injury while in the performance of their City duties, which injuries require convalescent time in excess of accumulated sick leave. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer this matter to the FIRE AND WATER COMMITTEE to report back. Councilwoman Dahiquist felt that this should more properly be directed to the Police and License Committee than to the Fire and Water Committee and Councilman Garrett advised that any matter can be referred to any Council Committee. The motion carried. Mayor Custer's letter was read relative to conversations with several property owners within the "Site 4" area, at which time they were advised of the appraisal figures for their properties, and announced the City's intention to purchase their property for the appraisal price. It was suggested that the Mayor and City Attorney be authorized to proceed with the purchase at the noted prices, and that the City Clerk and Mayor be authorized to sign the necessary instruments on the following properties: (1) Lot 2, except north 5' , Block 2, Town of Renton, being 5,400 sq. ft. @ $1.67 sq. ft. for a total of $9,000, which property is owned by Sydney V. and Hilda O'Neill, 204 Mill Street, Renton; and (2) West 2 of Lots 12 and 13, Block 2, Town of Renton, being 6,000 sq. ft. @ $1.60 per sq. ft. , plus house for a total of $15,000, which property is owned by Frank E. Rhodes, 111 Second Avenue, Renton. It was further recommended that funds be derived from Cumulative Reserve Fund 1894 or the Cedar River Park Acquisition Fund, and that this be 4- May 27 , 1965 Mayor and Council Your confirmation of the above determination is hereby requested. Respectfully, J. :avi Jensen P . nni Director JDJ: pc 2- 1/ I MARION, AVE 7 F- t f. 0 Illffff 1 f c r 3RQ AV€ I f S,r;- : -,,. 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