HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA64-215NOTICE OF PUBLIC . HEARING • RENTON PLANNING COMMISSI.ON RENTON, . WASHINGTON A PUBLIC .HEARING WILL BE. HELD BY THE RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION AT ITS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY' HALL, RENTON, WASHINGTON, ON Nov. 25 , 19._G4 AT 3 : 00 P.M. TO CONSIDER A PETITION FOR !e-:a;_ne. FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: 2. From R-1 to 13-1: Lots 5 & '6 , Weed's Vire Tracts and that portion of the JE 1/4 of Sec. 8, T 23 N , R 5 E, W.M. , described as follows: . Beginning at the north right of way line of 10th Avenue North , said point being 160' east of the easterly right of way line of Sunset Blvd. E. , thence N 0°1 4 ' 30" try, distance of 100' , thence W parallel with the north right of way line of .10th Avenue North and 100' N of said right of way line to the easterly right of way of Sunset Blvd. Easy , thence southwesterly along said easterly right of way line to the North right of way line of 10th Avenue North, thence avast along said north right of way line to the point of beginning. ANY AND ALL PERSONS INTERESTED OR OBJECTING _TO SAID Rezone ARE : INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ON Nov. 25 , 196 AT1100 P.M. TO VOICE THEIR PROTESTOR OBJECTION .TO SAME. PUBLISHED Nov. 16, 1964 JAMin NAZER SECRETARY RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION I, JAM ES HAG S'.'= DT hereby certify that 'three (3) copies of the above ' document: were posted by me in three conspicuous places on the property described above as prescribed by laws. ATTEST: Signed o 7/2 NQr PUBLIC 'Ilf AND !OR THE STATE 0r WAS INGTON, RESIDING AT RENTON. INTER-OFFICE MEMO Date December 10, 1964 From: Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk Departmental Account No. TO: Renton Planning Commission d Expenditure Account No . J. Davi MESSAen, Planning Director The Renton City Council, at its regular meeting of 12-7-64 has received an appeal of your decision relative to rezone of Fred Callen et al properties. The date of December 21, 1964 has been set for hearing on the matter, at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. You are invited to be present at this time. Helmie December 10, 1964 St. Mathews Lutheran Church 2612 5th Avenue North Renton, Washington Attention: Mr. Martin E. Evans Re: Application for Rezone-Appeal of Planning Commission Decision Dear Sir: The Renton City Council, according to law, has set the date of December 21, 1964 at 8:00 p.m. in the Council. Chambers, Renton City Hall, as the time and place for hearing on :the above-captioned matter.. You and the other petitioners are invited to be present. Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk HWN/dm f. r December 10, 1964 Mr. James Weed 2102 - 10th Ave. No. Renton, Washington Re: Application for rezone and Appeal of Planning Commission Decision Dear Sir: The Renton City Council, according to law, has designated the °date of December 21, 1964 at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, Renton City Hall, as the time and place for hearing on the above-captioned matter. You and the other petitioners are invited to be present. Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk HWN/dm INTER-OFFICE MEMO Date December 10, 1964 From: , Helmie W. Nelson, City 'Clerk Departmental Account No. To: Renton Planning Commission and J. David Expenditure Account No. Jensen, Planning Director MESSAGE The''Renton City 'Council, at its regular meeting of 12-7-64 has received an appeal of your decision relative to rezone of Fred Callen et al properties. ' The date of'December 21, 1964 has been set for hearing on the matter, at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. You are invited to be present at this time. Helmie OLVgantrt'bo,C1Q'4Clerk Mr. Fred Callen 928 Sunset Blvd. Renton, Washington Re: Application for Rezone- Appeal of Planning Commission Decision Dear Mr. Callen: The Renton. City Council, according to law, has set the date of December 21, 1964 at 8:00 p.m. in the, Council Chambers, Renton City Hall as the. time and place, for hearing on the above-captioned matter. You and the other petitioners are invited to be present. Yours very truly,. CITY OF RENTON Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk HWN/dm Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) COMMUNICATIONS: A letter was read from the Renton Lions Club requesting a fireworks license for the applicable period in 1965. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to refer the request to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. A letter from E. .T. Nelson, and Charlotte Nelson, Maple Leaf Restaurant, was read advising of reopening in December and requesting a Dance Hall license. Invitation was extended to inspect the new facilities believed to be the finest in the Renton area. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Perry, to refer the application to the Police and License Committee to report back. Carried. A Summons and Complaint was received from Attorneys Roberts & Anderson on behalf of William F. Bagley and Seattle Rendering Works, Inc. rendered in connection with Claim of December, 1963 when vehicle failed to clear the underpass at South 153rd Street near Longacres. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to refer the documents to the City Attorney and the Insurance Carrier. Carried. A letter from the Citizens' Advisory Council of tle City of Renton, submitted by John Swanson, Chairman recommended that the Mayor and Council immediately have a study made for widening of Second Avenue to five lanes from Main Street to Logan to determine the cost for acquisition, engineering, labor and materials which will be required to complete this phase of the program.. Also, Phase II, from Logan Street to Rainier Avenue should be studied for costs which may be involved in realignment and widening. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the recommendations to the mmittee of the Whole. Carried. A letter from Fred Callen, James Weed and Martin E. Evans (for St. Mathews Lutheran Church) filed appeal of the Planning Commission decision to deny rezone request for Lots 5 and 6 of Weed's View Tract and a portion of Tax Lot #59 to B-1. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Schellert, that the date of December 21st be set for hearing on the matter. Mr. Callen inquired whether this could be expedited however a hearing must be held by law and the motion was carried. A letter from the Renton Union Card and Label Council, Carpenters Hall, 412 Thomas Street, Chas. E. Taylor, Sec.-Treas., extended the Mayor and Council an invitation to a fund or food raising campaign party on Tuesday, December 8th at 8:00 p.m. Admission will be canned food or non-spoilable items. Twenty-seven baskets were distributed last year. Food and refreshments will be served and there will be music for dancing. A letter from Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, requested transfer of 3,897.19 from Street Maintenance Account 3240, M. & 0. 417, unto Street Maintenance Account 3240, M. & 0. 315. This transfer will balance the Equipment Rental Account. Moved by Perry, seconded by Gianini, to concur in the request with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. A letter from Helmie Nelson, City Clerk,advised that specifications are being prepared for the City's 1965 Legal Publications and it was recommended that the date of December 21, 1964 be set for opening of the bids. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation of the City Clerk and to authorize the bid call as requested. Carried. A letter was read from City Engineer Wilson reporting that the petition submitted by Hub Real Estate for the re-location of a portion of the alley in Block 8, Car Works Addition to Renton contains signatures of 100% of the adjoining property owners. The Planning Commission recommendation submitted by J. David Jensen, Planning Director was read recommending approval of the relocation and proposal for vacation on the basis of the plans submitted. Upon motion by Schellert and second by Garrett to set a date of hearing on the proposed vacation, several dates were discussed after which City Attorney Shellan advised the matter should be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee for a Resolution and that deeds would be required from abutting fee owners for rededication of the portion relocated as well as a proper description from engineering as to what part of the alley is to be vacated. Garrett withdrew his second to the motion and it was subse- quently moved by Schellert, seconded by Morris, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. 3- r C- m J=2/7/,51 gi December 3 , 1964 1./1) ),(f Mr. D. Felker, Secretary Renton Planning Commission Renton, Washington Dear Sir : We hereby file written notice, of appeal of the Planning Commission's decision to deny our rezo e request for Lots 5 and 6 of Weed's View Tract to B-1. C-N• Very truly yours, e, 64.4 2i7az%/44'-' FILED DEC 4196414, CITY LERK RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING NOVEMBER 259 1964 Members present: Doug Felker, James Denzer, John Racanello , Wes Busch, Dr. Baird Bardarson, Louis Pcretti , Dayle Garrison, Clark Teegarden. Ex-officio member Jack Wilson. Gerald Cordell was excused. Staff present: Planning Director David Jensen. Others present: Councilman Henry Schellert. It was moved by Racanello , seconded by Busch , to approve the Min- utes of October 28 . Motion carried. HEARINGS : 1. CLARKE BROTHERS , APPL. NO. R-214-64 , from R®2 to B-1, of property located on 3rd Place North between Marion Street and the alley. Director' s report: A review of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan indicates this area as suitable for multiple residential uses. However , other properties in the immediate vicinity are presently zoned for busi- ness or are used for industrial or business purposes. If a rezone is deemed desirable by the Commission, it is recommended that the Comprehensive Plan be amended to indicate commercial use for the area lying north of Marion Street and East of Factory Street north to the industrial district. Mr. Denzer stated that this is an area which was left after the State Highway constructed Third Place North. He felt that business zoning would be compatible with other uses in the area. Councilman Schellert commented that in regard to the south side of Marion to 3rd North the use seems to be more adaptable to Business or Light industrial. The north side is built up with better homes , but he felt that an appraisal of the entire area should be made with a view to changing the land use map. After discussion, it was moved by Peretti , seconded by Denzers that the area west of Third Place North and east of Factory Street and north of 3rd Avenue North be changed to Business Use and that the area east of 3rd Place North north to 4th Avenue North and west of the Railroad tracks be changed to Light Industrial use on the Land Use Map, and further, that these recommendations be set up for hearing on December 23 . Motion carried. Relative to the zoning of this area, Chairman Felker asked the Planning Director to get in touch with the Applicant to determine if he is favorable to the change from B-1 to L-1 zoning. 2 . ST MATHEWS LUTHERAN CHURCH, FRED CALLEN AND JAMES WEED, APPL. NO. R-215-64 , of Lots 5 and 6 , Weed' s View Tracts from R-1 to B-l. Director' s report: The Comprehensive Land Use Plan indicates the suitability of this area for residential purposes . To avoid the down-grading of this general district by the establishment and encouragment of a strip zone, it is recommended that this property be reclassified for Multiple Residential purposes only. This will not be in con- flict with nor affect the status of existing business or residen- tial uses. If this proposal is deemed desirable by the Commission it will be necessary to amend the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. Such an amendment would be contrary to the stated objectives of the Comprehensive Plan text. Mr. Jensen showed the subject area on the map. Reviewing the pertinent information and background on this matters he stated that an ordinance was written reclassifying several pieces of property, which included the Callen and Weed properties and some other properties Planning Commission Novo 25 , 1964 Page 2 for which no applications were submitted, and one property the owner of which protested the rezoning of his property. Further, one property on which an application had been received had been ex- cluded. In accordance with the reversion clause then in effect , some of the property reverted back to its original status , R-1. How- ever the City Attorney determined that since a change of use had been started on part of the properties involved in the Ordinance, all of the properties for which applications were received were legally zoned to business. This matter has been held in a questionable statu- since 1962.. In order to get the matter of zoning finally settled the three owners have now filed a joint rezone application for B-l. Chairman Felker stated that in order to grant this rezone it will be necessary to change the Comprehensive Plan as stated by the Plan- ning Director' s report. Mr. Peretti recommended that if these properties are zoned to business the zoning should extend to the Drugstore on the north, Mr. Busch felt that the Commission is obligated to zone thee properties to business , since they were granted the B®1 zoning, how- ever faulty the Ordinance may have been at the time, Chairman Felker asked if there was anyone who wished to speak on this matter. Mr. Martin Evans, speaking for the St. Mathews Church,stated that they have a buyer for their property now for a business use . Mr. Peretti ' s motion that the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map be changed to show this area extending to the Drugstore as B-1 lost for want of a second. Mr. Teegarden asked why we have a Comprehensive Land Use Map if every time a rezone is requested you are going to change the Land Use Map. Mr. Garrison commented that the rezoning of this area to B-1 will create more strip zoning, which he felt was not good planning. It was then moved by Garrison, seconded by Peretti , that we accept the Director' s report and deny the request for rezone to B-l. Motion carried. 3. PROPOSED CHANGES TO THE COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN MAPS a. Mark Hokenson proyerty: In the discussion on this proposal the members stated that it had been the intention of the Commission to include the School property (the old Honeydtew School site) located on the corner of Sunset Highway and 132nd S.E. in the hearing. Mr. Jensen stated that the other three corners should be considered at the same time. It was moved by Denzer„ seconded by Peretti, that the hearing be set for December 23 to consider all four corners 'includin the Hoken- son property. This wou Inc ude t e Bale , avage and Dalpay pro-per-.ties .an` School property. Motion carried. b. The area on the north side of the Maple Valley Highway in the vicinity of the Northeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of the South- west 1/4 of Section 16-23-5 to be enlarged as Business Use on the Land Use Map. Director' s reports Recommend amendment to the Comprehensive Land Use Plan to indicate commercial uses on property westerly and northerly of the present mapped area. This would be a natural extension to cover Minutes of the Rentoh'::City Council Meeting 11-9-64 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) A letter from Mayor Custer requested concurrence of the Council in granting a one year extension of compulsory retirement date, to Octobcr 1, 1965, for Frank A. Henry, Assistant Police Chief, it being optional for uniformed personnel, under Civil Service regulations, to retire at the age of 55. Mayor Custer advised that the policy of the City fob^ retirement of its employees is 65 years of age. Moved by pelaurenti, seconded by Gianini, to concur in the extension. A letter from Chief of Police Williams likewise requested the extension. Referral to the L.-w and Ordinance Committee was included as part of the motion which subsequently carried. A letter from Mayor Custer submitted monthly Fund Transfer within Budget Classi- fications for October, per RCW 35.33.120 and City of Renton Resolution No. 1232 as follows: From: Municipal Buildings, Acct. 417, Material and Supplies, $200.31, Unto: Municipal Buildings, Account 315, Equipment Rentals, $200.31. A letter Faas received from Jerry Zubrod, managing editor of the Renton Chronicle, and Mayor Custer advised that he had been asked to express Jerry's thanks to The CityClerk, Treasurer, and other Department Heads and offices with whom the Chronicle has dealt over the past years, for the cooperation extended him in his associations therewith. Mayor Custer advised that Mr. Zubrod has been promoted to the position of Manager-Director of the Washington Newspaper Publishers' Association and will be located in Seattle. A letter signed by(St. Mathews Church, )Martin E. Evans, James Weed and Fred Callen requested that the City of Renton Zoning Map be corrected to reflect rezone of properties in accordance with City of Renton Ordinance No. 1840, from R-1 to B-1 zoning. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, that the necessary changes be made as requested. Discussion on the question ensued, Mr. Joe Keuffler, 1032 Sunset Blvd., advising that he had not petitioned for rezone and had filed a written protest at the time of the hearing on the matter. Mr. John Zanatta advised that he did not wish the rezone if it would restrict building of a single family residence on the property. These properties along with the Church property had been included in the Ordinance per legal.'description.a? = The map had not been changed to reflect the reclassification as so described; one of the parcels having been deleted which had been properly petitioned and two parcels added and not petitioning.for the rezone. Mr. Fred Callen, 928 Sunset Blvd. advised that when the petition was originally filed the single family dwelling construction was permissible , The Church has since requested to be included in the rezone. Upon inquiry, following further discussion, City Attorney Shellan recommended that the three parcels] being tax dots 5, 6 and 59' assuming they Are contiguous; be re- considered for reclassification with the owners re-applying afid the regular fees, having been paid once, be waived. This action would be followed by repeal of the prior ordi- nance which is clearly erroneous. Councilman Delaurenti, advising he had not known of the irregularities involved when making his motion withdrew same with consent of second and moved to concur with the recommendations of the Counsellor waiving the fees for any new rezone application for tax lots 5, 6 and 59 if the owners thereof wish to spbthit an application • for same. The Keuffler and Zanatta properties thereby would remain R-1. The motion carried. A letter was read from Mayor Custer recommending, subsequent to receipt from the John Graham Company of a revised proposal for improvements in the Central Business Dis- trict and scheduling factors to implement the initial 701 program, the following: 1. Authorization for the Mayor to retain Mr. Charles Mattaini and Mr. Carl Dahlstrom to appraise the properties located in the area commonly known as "site 4" . 2. Authorization for transfer of $3,500.00 from Cumulative Acct. No. 1894, the maxi- mum to be allowed for payment of the aforesaid appraisals. 3. Authorization for the Mayor and City Attorney to negotiate in the name of the City for purchase and/or option agreement affecting those parcels which can be acquired for the appraisal price, each proposal for purchase to be presented to the Council for pay- ment approval. The following recommendations were made and it was requested that they be referred to the Citizens Advisory Council, the Planning Commission and the Council's Committee of the Whole for further discussion: 1. That first priority be given to acquisition of "site 4" and to further study of plans for a new City Hall. 2. That first priority among arterial projects in the core area be given to the connecting of Main and Mill Streets, utilizing a 100'R/W curving northward from opposite the 'Barei property on Main Street and proceeding behind the Wood Building to a junction with Mill Street near the present intersection of Third Avenue and Mill. This project includes widening of Mill from Third Ave. to Bronson Way and a revision of the Mill and Bronson way intersection. 4- 0"/ '// November 9, 1964 Hon. D. W. Custer, Mayor and Members of the Renton City Council Renton, Washington Dear Mayor Custer and Council Members: City of Renton Ordinance No. 1840, passed by the City Council on 7-26-60, Changes the zoning classification of certain properties within the City from Single Residence District =0R-1) to Business District (B-1). To date the City of Renton Zoning Map does not reflect the rezone of the property in accordance with said Ordinance, and it is hereby requested that the Mayor and Council direct the maps to be corrected and the proper zoning recorded thereon.. 21:- Akff-kal I Q CITY OF RENTONA.- 1 RE NTON .WASHINGTON. . I OFF C'E OFCITYATTORNEY, < ' ,, : Gi : =,- G M. t t. : , r ,. _ • i1k-,)_october 3,: 1964turd .§..ellan;9Otorne j a•..- s-: \J ! .Arthur L:Nau on,Ass'i.ciry Airorn ti L ,.' • ' y _ a . 1' .. , M Y O • . .. lir:`.:David 1Jensen a Planning_Director. r,' CLty,Iiarll ke ntoti; 'Washington b j' Re: Fred-Callen et•al - Rezoning Dear: ;Dave a'r. fi'iis._is.:t'4•eaP:aaowledge receipt'of your ",Statement Of Facts" dated ',Qctoher.-1',=.;,1964 s :,;:' Which °outlines in chronological- order the intriguing,`case history:of`.a'..reZontng`_ 1,:,,'_ . applicatioai'.• AS we understand it thtyeriginal:application, in, letter.-form, dated: 7; r 4' TIA..ay.' 16.,-..,1 6O,.;requested rezoning of Lot, '6,° Tax Low 59 end 68, duly.•e gned,by"-the' , j.; eecord o!amers,of said parcels ' ,Then," as'you :i,tato, ,in some „eurrcptitioua:manner x,`; ',Tatia, Lots 97•-= and`,112,, together with..Lot 5 are added,_ apparently °Withoutt-the owners er ig tterol'or :possibly•..their consent. ••• In fact the owner of Tax Lot '112 objects.. TberaiigOnithe Planning Cos miseion,.and; the city Council `passed Crdinance ,No: 1840, r,,. reiesbin-g:1al1 of ...said properties '.including those areas not initially: included in. j:,,.the•ilDetit, 'o a ' '. 2. i : i ail is We;:r use assume:'that the City,ConncI1:wee not aware of these belated amends uts :tii. ". - l' f;: ;,he Pretiti•oni' which would classify thia Whole ,procedure.,as .Somewhatwhat .irregailar, ,:tea,= :' ':. j, ..'...-.lay the 'l1 ast. We must .therefore ''find•as',fol.lows:' 4 `..4,' ae'a', "'It- is fundamental' that •a'manes property cannot be rezoned, .,under' y' ' ' t.:•,. • our Ordinances,. without :'h.t consent 'unless ,the City, initiates ree- V ontng on Its own a+indtii eei'f.;notice.•to all property owners':_ ' This r• apparently VISA not the ;ease;since this: is a -Petition by, property j 'owners'only.: -,The City; was limited-to rezoning Lot 6,• Tax Lots,' 9 , _ end b8 only,•s"ince the Petitioncontains the names of these.'owners;;. ; Only. If any other .property owner wanted to join in :the.'Petition and. enlarge,-the area to', ba+' rezoned, he could, certainly do'•36 .if such. . .M were timely made' and the Planning Commisaion and the Council permitted ' e' , .'''':, •i't. ' Certainly in this. cave Tax Lot 112 could not :be rezoned 'under..thee procedure 'outlined .by".you since the owner's property.''.e as included-, without hie knowledge *cid against Ms will. The .reezoni'ag.of hiab .}, I ''parcel therefore is clearly illegal. ta, ' Please reefer to our letter, to you dated rebrsaary 7,. 1?62;which <. should clear up this Matter of reversion as to tar., Csl..9eq'.s property,. Said optni,on should- cover... the ,ratter of change of use during the .: L. specified period and .cae.asee no reason to change that opinion.. We . -. ' . are also wondering ahethear the City.•.hied ever received any, cortumi-',., - :': • cations, .oral or•in writing," from the property owners of•Tax -Lot, 97 awl Lot -5, which could,be .interpreted as:'retifyfng. the :action of• the other Petitioners';in including their propeertiees •in they p:ivrevised" F.atait+en ,for rezoning. 61atf There been any change'in .tea:. . ";. t use of the property' 5afnee. the alleged rezoning and 1.>a there,:aany ' ''. .. s, - ishowingthansayofthepropertyo nfers', •who .were not,.nrorj lsr- Peti.tioners,.. - Mr.;•David l•Jensen, ,lage' .2 October 3,,• .1e64 have relied on the City's subsequent,..rezoning as far as the .', '.': : 'development, sale'or•use :9f' their .various properties' are. " r• concerned? If all off the.foregoing have to be 'answered, ;in the •',:. negative, it would seem to'r ,that the only sensible thing at.'.-,..:' " •• . this-stage of the game would be to leave the properties :rezoned, T.- to B-1 as on _i 11. 'petitioned.• •The balance of Said properties could, then be rezoned,...-either by petition, .'or upon, the Courici.l.'s. own initiative provided ,that Such rezoning does not' run afoul our comprehensive plan. It• seems :the. 'thee City" omay he in'a'somewhat'.eaibarrissing position, .four years'.•'• after• the;adoption of Ordinance No.. ' 1840, ;to: rescind or saodify same by deleting- Otte of the properties involved if there is the slightest- indication "that there, - es'been' a>d,'change of use or ,reliance.by. any .of. the property owners' involved on the '.alleged `rezoning even.. though' it way have been grossly defective.; ° • : It' might.lie advisable for you to determine.:the attitudes Of the property owners - 0:€•'Lot 5, and Tax Lois 97 and 112 at this• p eseat time., 'Please let me, know when yoea.:have. ascertained come -of the answers to• the questions raised herein so ..t:iat.• we .. may get to ether and resolve the issue' once and for all. . ' • We remain ouws -very, 'trail By: Gerard' M.;p Sheellan City Attorney scc -FT_o.ai 'Do'neld •i. CusGer;'Mayor six fir.-.pan OF RENT®9 ali,7.' Ft EN TON. WASH INGTON •. ter' Febru•ary 7, l9ti 7% • = - -. i` i rir.}:`tea. rbTY.A'f1ON;!'._Y r .. Mr; David :Jensen,- Plr:nning- Director ' and'Members of., the• Planning •Council ssion. City of Rent.en - ' Ci.ty',1ia11 1:ent.on,•' Wash i ii r,t on Par Sir. r„-..... This.^'is• to confirm 'our telephone conversation of yesterday and'-to ,ac).noWledge• receipt ,of the building permit's. issued,, to.rred:.'C,,.Callen-under dates of +;. r. January,'6'1,.. 1960 and April :1;"'•1960.''' You .also indicated_ that the` subject '.•:' a;yproperty 'aas-•rezoned to business under' date of August 11 , 1960, As;-we 'under- stand •yo:'tt orat report', •the property ceased to' retain its bus a,ne:;s :'zonnig after August.' .tl , 196'1 'due to the fact. ';that -it was not put to A dif.ferent.'.use'. than ei. tccL .ha tor' to. the rezoning. As-inent'ioaed-:to.you ove,,r• the ' tc'lephone• there. seems .to' .be sonac doubt as':ts : .ther. a....bu i.1 d ing ppermit was validl y issued by the City or,'..in the ,colter-•'. native, wlaet.her. 'correct: 'information was .given by the •,petitioner° to 'the'. CS.t.y :,< in'. applying'for. such permit.: The..permit shows that this was .to 'be an-addition -. t.o.'.a residence.•while ' actu:ally 'you inform:nae . the 'pet.itioner converted hui.s• . home by providing an •extra apartmeiat for rental •purposes which, of course,',.;.,..:. ., i.s„not•..pc p y- the City' had knowledge',of..rniissiUle under a .R-1 zoning: ossibl, y' the'apartanent"being; built .since; some inspection must have been made.. : It:. would ftirt:her be, our contention •that in the: event worn continued to .progress in •t:he.'' improveinr+aats'made on •petitioner' s property',after. the,: rezon •ing. ordinance became.••ef'f'e`•ctive; then we would take the positron :thaat rio revers• ion took place and' that 1t:he: pc,titloner, had substantial Iv complied With the or diraande:,by .put- ' , . ..... I t.ing-. the• property to" a different use.. r'fhis, I realize , may be ratretchi_ng the point somewhat: .but these statutes,'have to .be, liberally, conattued •i.n..f'avor of,... .the .property owner and the 'City here might riot be complet-ely blameless in 'issuing •the .pez'anit for multiple' residence, units in-a `single fam'il'y residence prior;to the- rezoning becoming effective... . If, `on,the'other :hand,-, all of the -remodel ing 'and' al tern t.iaea'work •hcid`been fully completed: prior to_August 11 , 1960 and no further work was done. in the . H' ensuing one-year. period to put the property to a different-use,:.:then,.'in such case., the 'one-year reversion clause:'would' be applicable. You indicated,' however,1 that some of, the work wQas: completed after August of 1960'and the. apartnaent„rented to third parties.. • '[his',could 'be 'construed` fas' putting.the property' to .a di1're nt.''usc. It atie;,ulit he...•cil a ic t l y understovd. 'e.'•tt. Out' bpi iron; ira I inti.ted. to the peeifti ar fact situation' that you' htaoe-submi ted. to ma. ,al'. you' ( aul: any add it1'ohai i Intel-mat:ion not'IIereIof ore •sibnaat,t.. d to‘ (Air office, please. 11et• t4u I.MM.. . if we caan .be of in further help too/you• in this matter, do :not hesitate to' call ,oil us: Y yua s vc ry tf. 1 c 42.( .--- t r,nc,Y 1S:mr' ate 1ccar1 Cif A tPt -;tie,11n i,Y:1" , ,....i. ';(..'I::.i.,•. - APPLICATION FOR CHANGE OF ZONE IN THE CITY OF RENTON FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Application No . : 4. 1,S% 6 Sec . - Twp . - R . Date of Filing:icfti/,/ Area Map: Plan. -Comm. Action: ////S4W / Kroll Page: Date: City Council's Action: Date: Ord. No . APPLICANT TO ANSWER ALL THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS NEATLY & ACCURATELY: Name of Applicant S7,'4/0///c 5 .&*ERi. c°N0e,.f!-`A6ffress Telephone No . /1/ 7A? Property Petitioned for rezoning is situated on i c/A, 5[s7'- / zvp, between `/4 , NaRf} Sit and /or1f RvE No41-/1 St e-et. Legal Description of Subject Property Lc7" ^ V- Zo7- EW IAA C'TS 4 n ri—L C e. P 7Z.3/1/ it tQ A/az . a-m L2J/- VO ue.,G_/ e 0 g. deil l,z.ee,P ,r 7 rat, `o5 at, ..,/.' & /aefeR.7 icy. . / /a • 'Jetty, ( a . Existih Zoning Zoning Requested G`_ p L7`/ , / zy What are the uses you propose to develop on this property? use 76pRA1 Number of permanent off-street parking spaces that will be provided on this property? Number required NOTE TO APPLICANT: The following factors are considered in reclassifying property. Evidence or additional information you desire to submit to substantiate your request may be attached to these sheets. 1 . In what way is this proposed change in zoning in the public interest? 2. On what basis is there a real need in this community for more zoning of the type you request? 3 . Do you consider the property involved in this application to be more suitable for the uses permitted in the proposed zone than for the u•:es permitted in the present classifica- tion? Please explain. 4. What provision would you make to protect adjacent and surrounding properties from the detrimental effects of any uses permitted in the proposed zone ? r AFFIDAVIT• I , ,. lAittw 1/ C-"v/c, ' being duly sworn , declare that I am the owner 'of property involved in this application and that the fore- going statements and answers herein contained and the information here- with submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and. belief. Subscribed and sworn to me this S 3/ - day of OC.:-T _ s 196i Notary,.Public in and for the ta1'e 'of '00 ing ton, 57' 2)b/2-4-5 d ame o f Owners r s4i d nig at Mailing Address3 Eiv7 a,ram Grid/. d ress Citii9 1-State) 2 -y3s` e ephon e OFFICE USE ONLY) CERTIFICATION This is to certify that the foregoing application has been inspected by me and has been found to be thorough and complete in every particular and to conform to the rules and regulations of the Planning Department governing the fill gtof -such application. . Date received / 196 By: AtOv 1O ?96. brQ Comm\SSU AFFIDAVIT• 19 , 4 a,: '.e.4.C2,-/i/ being duly sworn s, declare that I am the owner ,of property involved in this application and that the fore® going statements and answers herein contained and the information here- with submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best -of my knowledge and belief. Subscribed and sworn to me this 0%day of /1/p V/ s l9 64 Notary Public in and for the St.. - ,. F Washington, 410v/g g Le&m._....7 Name IV me o— f— wner) residi; i ..•a, :;• ", Cu70N 9v LL -_ wiling Address Add 's' 441 t)UC i.11 t;Ty .,,.Ci State) Telephone OFFICE USE ONLY) CERTIFICATION This is to certify that the foregoing application has been inspected by me and has been found to be thorough and complete in every particular and to conform to the rules and regulations of the Planning Department governing the filing of such application. Date received F 196® By e a 7 r N0V Z J r•9, 2, Q CO MMc:;\ AFFIDAVIT I , J/q/ WEED being duly sworn , declare that I am the owner of property involved in this application and that the fore- going statements and answers herein contained and the information here- with submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief° Subscribed and sworn to me this D-day of.i4- 8196L Notary: Public in and for the Stat,ec101--.G1 shington,t . C,"F,•;;, h.: ' x• ' i 0 . . e 0,z,e-i0 -, d meof Owner Z res ri'g', at a7,2 t ,W, Failing Address i EZ-r2. 'ddress)Cit State) r I i SI-171- / 7 " C1'elephone salaSnftelamsems. vs,Sif,a OFFICE USE ONLY). CERTIFICATION This is to certify that the foregoing application has been inspected by me and has been found to be thorough and complete in every particular and to conform to the rules and regulations of the Planning Department governing the filing of such application: Date received f \ 196 By: T- 57--tia NCV 10 1964 RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING NOVEMBER 253 1964 Members present Doug Felker, James Denzer, John Racanello , Wes Busch, Dr. Baird Bardarson, Louis Pcretti , Dayle Garrison, Clark Teegarden. Ex-officio member Jack Wilson. Gerald Cordell was excused. Staff present planning Director David Jensen. others present 06411c3.3,man Henry SEh.P.,llert, It was moved by Racanello, seconded by Busch , tp approve the Min- utes of October, 28,o Motion carried, HEARINGS ° 1,9 CLARKE B.RQTHERS9 APPL. NO, Rm214®64 , from R=2 to E91 of property located On 3rd. Place North between Marion Street and the alley. Direotgr S rep,oft o A. review of the Qomp.rehonsive Land Use Plan indicates this area as suitable for multiple residential uses. Mows vor, other properties in the immediate vicinity are presently .zoned for busies Pass. or are used for .industrial or business purposes. If a rezone is deemed desirable by the Commission Q it is, recommended that the Comprehensive elan be amended to indicate commercial use for the area lying north of Marion Street and East of Faotory Street north to the industrial district. Mr, Dense` stated that this is an area which was left after the. State Highway constructed Third Place North. He felt that business zoning would be compatible with other uses in the area. Councilman Schellert commented that in regard to the south side of Marion to 3rd North the use seems to be more adaptable to Business or Light industrial. The north side is built up with better homes, but he felt that an appraisal of the entire area should be made with a view to changing the land use map. After discussion,, it was moved by Peretti, seconded by Denzer, that the area west of Third Place Nor-tp and east of Factory Street and north of 3rd Avenue North be chars ;ed to Business Use and that the area east of 3rd Place North north to 4th venue Forth and west of the Railroad tracks be changed to Light Industrial use on the Land Use Map, and further, that these recommendations be set up for hearing on December 23. Motion carried. Relative to the zoning of this area, Chairman Felker asked the Planning Director to get in touch with the Applicant to determine if he is favorable to the change from B-1 to L-1 zoning. 2. ST MATHEWS LUTHERAN CHURCH, FRED CALLEN AND JAMES WEED, APPL. NO. R-215-64 ,,, of Lots 5 and 6, Weed's View Tracts from Rml to B-l. Director' s report The Comprehensive Land Use Plan indicates the suitability of this area for residential purposes . To avoid the down-grading of this general district by the establishment and encouragment of a strip zone , it is recommended that this property be reclassified for Multiple Residential purposes only. This will not be in con- flist with nor affect the status of existing business or residen- tial uses. If this proposal is deemed desirable by the Commission it will be necessary to amend the 'Comprehensive Land Use Plan. Such an amendment would be contrary to the stated objectives of the Comprehensive Plan text. Mr. Jensen showed the subject area on the map. Reviewing the pertinent information and background on this matter, he stated that an ordinance was written reclassifying several pieces of property, which included the Callen and Weed properties and some other properties 1- Planning Commission Nov. .25 , 1964 Page 2 I for which no applications were submitted, and one property the owner of which protested the rezoning of his property. Farther, 1 one property on which an application had been received had been ex- cluded. In accordance with the reversion clause then in effect , some of the property reverted back to its original status, R-1, How- ever the City Attorney determined that since a change of use had been started on part of the properties involved in 'the Ordinance, all of the properties for which application's were received were legally zoned to business . This matter has been held in a questionable status since 1962 . In order to get the matter of zoning finally settled the three owners have now filed a joint rezone application for B-1. Chairman Felker stated that in order to grant this rezone it will be necessary to change the Comprehensive Plan as stated by the Plan- ning Director' s report, Mr. Peretti recommended that if these properties are zoned to business the zoning should extend to the Drugstore on the north, Mr. Busch felt that the Commission is obligated to zone thee properties to business , since they were granted the B-i zoning, how- ever faulty the Ordinance may have been at the time, Chairman Felker asked if there was anyone who wished to speak on this matter, Mr, Martin Evans , speaking for the St. Mathews Church,stated that they have a buyer for their property now for a business use, Mr. Peretti° s motion that the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map be changed to show this area extending to the Drugstore as B-1 lost for want of a second, Mr. Teegarden asked why we have a Comprehensive Land Use Map if every time a rezone is requested you are going to change the Land Use Map, Mr, Garrison commented that the rezoning of this area to B-1 will create more strip zoning, which he felt was not good planning. It was then moved by Garrison, seconded by Peretti , that we accept the Director° s report and den;the request for rezone to B-1. Motion carried, 3. PROPOSED CHANGES TO THE COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN MAPg a. Mark Hokenson property In the discussion on this proposal the members stated that it had been the intention of the Commission to include the School property (the old Honeyd€w School site) located on the corner of Sunset Highway and 132nd S.E. in the hearing, Mr. Jensen stated that the other three corners should be considered at the same time. It was moved by Denzer$, seconded by Peretti, that the hearing be set for December 23 to consider all four corners includin the Hoken- son property. This woul inc u e t e ea e , avage and Dalpay proper- ties and tie`" School property. Motion carried. b. The area on the north side of the Maple Valley Highway in the vicinity of the Northeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of the South- west 1/4 of Section 16-23-5 to be enlarged as Business Use on the Land Use Map. Director° s report ' Recommend amendment to the Comprehensive Land Use Plan to indicate commercial uses on property westerly and northerly of the present mapped area. This would be a natural extension to cover NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON PLANNENG COMMISSI.ON RENTON, . WASHINGTON A 'PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION AT ITS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, RENTON, WASHINGTON, ON Nov. •25 , 19 64 AT 8 : 00 P.M. TO CONSIDER A PETITION FOR Rezone. FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: 2 . From R-1 to B-l : Lots 5 6 6 , Weed' s Vire Tracts and that portion of the NE 1/4 of Sec. 8 , T 23 N, R 5 E , W.M. , described as follows : Beginning at the north right of way .line of 10th Avenue North, said point being 160 ' east of the easterly right of way line of Sunset Blvd. E. , thence N 0°14 ' 30" W, distance . of 100 ' , thence W parallel with the north right of way line of 10th .Avenue North and 100 ' N of said right of way line to the easterly right Of way of Sunset Blvd. East , thence southwesterly along said easterly right of way line to the North right of way line of 10th Avenue North, thence East along said north right of way line to the point of beginning. ' ANY AND .ALL PERSONS INTERESTED OR OBJECTING TO SAID Rezone • ARE . INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ON Nov. 25 , 19 64 .AT8 : 00 P.M. TO VOICE THEIR PROTEST OR OBJECTION TO SAME. PUBLISHED Nov. 18 .. 1964 JAMES DENZER SECRETARY RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION I ,TAMES MA(STAnT hereby certify that three (3) copies of the above document were posted by me in three conspicuous places on the property described above as prescribed by laws. r, a WASHINaihN, RESIDING AT RENTON. . L— LEGAL NOTICE OTICE OF PI 1C HEARING R.EN-,•ON PLANNING COMMISSION RENTON, WASHINGTON A public,heartin •sill be held by the.' enton Planning Com-((' mission at'"its",r'egular meeting in 11 .uncilChambers, City Hal.; •:' e tpn;,Washington, on' Novembers`25; I964 at 8:00 ! p.m. to consider a petition for i ty Renton Town TalkFollowingdescribed• proper- Rezone. I. FROM:•R-2 f9 B-I: Renton, Wash. Lots 21 & 22, Block 12, Car iWorks Addition,'Less StateHighway. 2. From R-1 to >-I:Proof of Publication Lots 5 & 6, Weed's Vire ; Tracts and that portion of ] This is a copy of your the-NE4 of Sec. 8, T ff[ R 5 E, W.M^, described as i Not-ice...of..-_Plab-ifollows: Beginning at the north right-of-way line of j as it appeared for the first time this week. 10th Avenue North, said'It Will be published on the following dates:point being 160' east of the easterly right-of-way line of November 18, 1964 Sunset Boulevard E., thence N'0°I4'30" W; distance of 100', thence W parallel with the north right-of-way line Immediately following the last insertion theof10thAvenueNorthandV affidavit of publiction'will be delivered to100' N of said right-of-way line to the easterly right-of- ' your office.way of Sunset Boulevard 1East, thence southwesterly ! 7.08E •along 'said easterly right-of- ) Cost of notice way line to the North right- I at the regular statutory rate, will beof-way line of 10th Avenue North, thence East along i 70.oa.said north right-of-way' line i to the point of beginning. Arty and all persons inter-; Bated or objecting.to, said Re- zone are ,invited to be present; Thank YouatthePlanningCommission meeting on November 25, 1964'•We are pleased to have this oppor-Iat 8:00 p.m. to voice their pro-I test or objection to same. tunity of serving you and hope that JAMES DENZER, you will favor us with your nextSecretary R 1 publication.Renton Planning Commission. Published in The Renton En-.; terprise,'November 18; 1964: i