HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA65-222o PROPERTY RESTRICTIONS We the undersigned , J.E.C. INC. , a Washington Corporation, and WAYNE W. JO'A. Oii and EVELYN E. 7OIINSON, his wife, .being the fee owners of the following doocribod reel property, situated in the City of Renton, County of King, State of ''l,Oshington, `.o-wit: T.oto four through. 13, Block 18 and Lots through 3, AND lots 14 through 16, Block 19, Al'. in Lati.mer'o Lake Park Addition according to plat thereof recorded in Vol , 18 of Plato , page 63 , records of King County, Washington OOET:ilR WITH vacated street lying between said Block 18 and 19 do bercl)y est:lba.ish, 'nip: and impose the following restrictions , conditions and or:''teetive covenants '.1:, run with the abovedescribed land: 1. That the southerly, westerly and northerly 10' of the abovedescribed property be reserved nn-1 established as a planting and screening area , to be free from all obstructions and such planting strip to be adequately maintained at all times. 2. That no access to 90th Avenue South along the westerly margin of the above property shall be developed or maintained, including any access for ingress or egress.. That no lit?ii(li.'gs , objects or structures of any kind other than en- closing feucos or hedges shall be erected or maintained within the westerly 20' of the abovedescribed property. 4„ Any amendments Or modifications to the above restrictions shall. he in 'writing and be subject to the prior written approval of the City Council of the City of Renton, 5, T a e restrictive covenants shall be binding upon the successors, heirs , and ns„ir'ns of the signatories hereto. • la. Those restrictions shall remain in force and effect until December 31 , ic1/5, at which time they shall automatically terminate. DATED .:h i.. ' ,, day of February, 1965. c, kk• J.F.C. INC• T.t s 4./ 1• ril . Johnson, his wife It L'i ( r 4 11. r„. STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss, COUNTY OP KING I On this I "-.--.--f` day of February, 1965 before me personally appeared t , .,_j .,,../%2:,•,,,..„...:, _pi., ..`..-•-•:-.h-ift)..,.. c•,,_•w and C.: V_ t;,-i..„.. 21.: 1---- .- ..),--7;.41 r-i'7:.,•j to me known to be the /,-.)i,•? •L and 1 i.(.....,7 '''''y?,..::.:, ; 1., 'IC'. respectively of 7.F.C. INC. , the corporation that c..,. ecuted the within and foregoing instrument. • • and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned , and on oath stated that they were authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seat of said corporation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed- my official seal the day and year fri.st above written. 6., 11 1 .,, o ' , ., 1•C'."'-:•---,:i '-•-,:-.,,i.:1--_-->Z: Notary Public in and for the Stater , c., \, 1 1 7 ,'" of Washington, residing at Seattle. • STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss. COUNTY OF KING if.,. .2-': On this c•••-• day of February, 1965, before me a Notary Public in and for the county and state personally appeared WAYNE 1,7. JOHNSON and EVELYN E. JOHNSON known to be the individuals who executed the above and foregoing instrument , and acknowledged to me that they signed and sealed the said instrument as their free ' and voluptary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. . . WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year in this certificate above written. g-,:.--2x.-;.z.--,....-...--,--/---' •2,...... iN ,.-.,'••-f.) - Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at Seattle.F r., , I;I f / ".,, • . - . 2f.:.n .\•• "'" ' :" '': ' •- 0 `.-.1 T.i f:.1 \s" , : s•.. ' k• Hed for Rcocci f.,;.,.4.... /? 196:5 [2,,, r.';_ri Li est c f /44-:2-9-7.a.,,,,-),(2::_ tr,-- 6),,,-,-.4--/ ROBE:Cr A, MbRRiS, Co. unty(;Auditor v 71- '' '..;T' .. ::! '"..:',•.!:". ' --.-P.'''7.77'-•7---';r.r:-'-":*: ::!-'.;!!,":'!'' L•'. 9.,'',:'fT,'"ff:17::;',..:;:ii . ."•%-j,i''','";!,,','.'a:7ij..Q1Ci.11 ,;',"i;;;:".!....f,'.71.„';',,-,'77,;•.”.::;• '.,;,c .,'•'',."::: :;fii;':';::-,'i';',.. .I.;,,..,• ,:, • ;-. .-,:,;"'1,'::ii„;;:::'',.1%-.':,,,'"1”,''' fl:.-'••41'""""ni'•. ''•'':I. "'" ' ' ' '' ' • •.:•'I."'-'.' t''''• T.!:.' ,-..:.:;•.:., '„':. : "!*;::;'1'. :,1, : 1:. '!:';!..igi..,;:y.;.it:' ':::l:'.•,•!.t!'-:',,-14:':i,.::',:!, ' 1,': " • ;,"' ''' ', ..:,.;';',':!,';:. ,'..',:-',:! i,:, '„:,i.!;i';':•.-::;••i;',•:•;.:.;,'-',';',''.i:;-. .•'••.:•';,•:.;','.;':,',...:..',:,'t: !n.i-''';.•;:.''i'. :':,.i.- i, : . ,. '';'. • .,,." :.-:' : .:: , s .'''', i...' ?'•i,:. ', ''.. - . -• .:', “!',,:-, ' -:::.: R 1: :: ,'' .,,;::;„•,:,.?,`.::'.',Ii't.;:'•!:•i:',-..':''.::"::.j': ..... '',- :;• --::::,;:';; ;:,:,,:':;"::.-:':1:1'';V11„', ':'...'•': '. ' .,. •''.":.\'. :•:,:..."''',:'•,:: , '.',•: -,-:'•'. :!. -, :,:'.i..',-;,:', ' ,:. .:.f''' ''. :.:'•I ::!':.",.• :':',,-,:'• :'r: ''.:::,...''''''.:'::'::''-'•''''...-,.-•:,:2;'",''':''''.r-.,::,!-4:,':-..'",:,•:vi:';':"!':.',. ::':.::;'::`:, PROPERTY RESTRICTIONS C!. We the undersigned , J.F.C. INC. , a Washington Corporation, and WAYNE W. ' f;; JOHNSON and EVELYN E. JOHNSON, his wife, being the fee owners of the following i described real property, situated in the City of Renton, County of King, State r ` of Washington, to-wit: Lots four through 13, Block 18 and Lots 1 through 3, AND lots 14 through 16, Block 19, ' ' All in Latimer's Lake Park Addition according to plat thereof recorded in Vol. 18 of Plats , page 63 , records of King County, Washington .. TOGETHER WITH vacated street' lying between said Block 18 and 19 do hereby establish, fix and impose the following restrictions , conditions and pr otective covenants to run with the abovedescribed land: 1. That the southerly, westerly and northerly 10' of the abovedescribed property be reserved and established as a planting and screening area , to be free from all obstructions and such planting strip to be adequately maintained at all times. 2. That no access to 90th Avenue South along the westerly margin of the above property shall be developed or maintained, including any access for ingress or egress. 3. That no buildings , objects or structures of any kind other:than en- closing fences or hedges shall be erected or maintained within the westerly 20' of the abovedescribed property. 4. Any amendments or modifications to the above restrictions shall be . " in writing and be subject to the prior written approval of the City Council . of the City of Renton, 5. These restrictive covenants shall be binding upon the successors,' heirs, and assigns of the signatories hereto, ' 6. These restrictions shall remain in force and effect until December 31 , 1975, at which time they shall automatically terminate. e"--, ,,,, th (.,i 61 DATED) this ' i-., day of February, 1965. Jt, ; 11 ty?,,, tc nr.) i, J.F.C. INC. Jrc.... 7., I t s7 Z/jC c, 1, r . i,r, / _.____ ....,,....,r,,. Evelyn E. Johnson, his wife Its 1('f-7 , J 1/:2/.,i / STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss. COUNTY OF EING On this day of February, 1965 before me personally appeared c• •,..) and cn td.;1,1 . to me known tC, tne yr. and respectively of the corporation that executed the within and foregoing instrument and ani..r.iii.-71edgcd said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and 'dead of said corpovation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned , and on oath stated that they were authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal n'!fixe.1 is the enrnorate seal of said corporation. iN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto ,set my hand and affixed my official seal :he day and year frist above written. If Ncitary Public. in and for the state of Washington, residing at Seattle. qTAT';', 07 1..1ASIfINGTON ) so. curry OF KING On this e day of February, 1965, before me a Notary Public in and for the county and state personally appeared WAYNE W. JOHNSON and EVELYN E. JOHNSON tn-nin to be the individuals who executed the above and foregoing instrument , and z=,cknr,-,-..iledged to ma that they signed and sealed the said instrument as their free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. WITNSS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year in thin certificate. above written. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at Seattle.N,•c 1 L.f 1 A. Mon!:'"), 7 Citgl Of Rent®bv WASillNGTON the Jet Transport Capital of the World 6.} ", ^, PLANNING DEPARTMENT February 6 , 196 honorable Mayor Donald Custer Members of the City Council Gentlemen: The Planning Commission at its public hearing of January 27 , 1965 recommended favorably upon the follow- ing applications: APPL. NU. K-222-65, WAYNE JOhNSUN, request for rezone from R-3 to 8-1 of property located northerly of South 128th Street and westerly of Rainier Avenue: The Planning Commission recommends that the properties as described in the application be rezoned from k-3 to 8-1 with the following stipulations having been agreed to by the owner: a. That the southerly, westerly and northerly 10' of the proposed rezone be reserved and planted by the owner as a landscaped area for screening purposes. b. That the owner shall not develop access to 90th Avenue South along the wee nrly margin of the property. c. That the owner agrees to not construct or locate any buildings or structures other than enclosing fences within the westerly 20' of the property. The foregoing stipulations will be imposed on the land in the form of protective covenants effective through December 31, 1975. 2. APPL. NO. V-219-65, BRUCE PICKERING, request for Variance to construct a residence to 5' of the rear lot line of property located in the vicinity of Langston Rd. and Thomas Street, described as Tract A, Earling- ton Acre Tracts, less the East 90' : The Commission recommends that a Variance be granted to allow construction of a residence 5' from the rear lot line of the property. 1- T-1r 1 tat. .t„ tielfCO C.:,"V dn."VCiYY ':" 31Pu bit sgeyj r cNisl; eldteitow.; K. t.45. it r?1 k ilt l"l _?.j"j is ct 4 •-Ai:r J; : D Sr i yry ," " :i Q-_Ifi'. ^jritt•r aril. ., !.. F : r! fi ,1 f. „. Ctt is 41t°` D S •L 1 i .l `.1. dS Y r'.:'•.:`y •t:,^..A `:'''1a `- '-S+S•i•;.j.' :1.').ta. ellvs, j{`J.:. t 4A. i a,. •t 1.t .`t Yrop y :F; ! .L:i it" 1.1 +;i•,j .,j11 •? 2 ;5 .: '', :i..l D. .i a . r. a ..r 3.. 5!')' .i\J '3 t,f ,.Rii r 1' j: ',. •, •. . 14 ftOurf.t..`f ` } t' D'fR•4.' :' oi.`s „.i" t to 4 n..,. . i i ry J A.1. .D 3 461.t s, .i... 0. a. s._r-^= . 3iar''_D7 d}{ w f: J a5.. :: C:{v'.. *F.'..r:.s i :art.,},9 c{,D.,i of 1 c ssoilrov'"1:1r. o'GS **Lib COb4 ad1iS"f'3 APPLICATION FOR CHANGE OF ZONE IN THE CITY OF RENTON FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Application No . : g 2,2_ aS- Sec . - Twp . - R . Date of Filing: b Y- Area Map: Plan. .Comm. Action: ,71 Kroll Page: Date: City Council's Action: Date: Ord. No . APPLICANT TO ANSWER ALL THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS NEATLY & ACCURATELY: Name of Applicant Wayne W. Johnson Address 1233 S. W. 300th Place Telephone No.VE-9-3910 Federal Way, Washington Property Petitioned for rezoning is situated xx West of Rainier Blvd.Street, between 90th Avenue South Street and 91st Avenue South Street . Legal Description of Subject Property Lots l4 thru 13, Block 18, and Lots 1 thru 3, and lots 14 thru 16, Block 19, All in Latimerts Lake Park Addition according to plat thereof recorded in Vol. 18 of Plats, Page 63, records of King County' Washington. TOGETHER with vacated streets lying between said Blocks 18 and 19. Existing Zoning R-3 Zoning Requested B-1 What are the uses you propose to develop on this property? Automobile service facilities and Sales yard. Number of permanent off-street parking spaces that will be provided on this property? Will he mainly automobile Sales & Service Number required NOTE TO APPLICANT: The following factors are considered in reclassifying property. Evidence or additional information you desire to submit to substantiate your request may be attached to these sheets . 1 . In what way is this proposed change in zoning in the public interest? The property is not useable for itts present zoning, and it is contiguous with the business zoned property facing on Rainier Blvd. Also, as shown on the Plot Plan, the property will be lower than the adjacent R3 zoned property. 2. On what basis is there a real need in this community for more zoning of the type you request? The automobile dealership involved must have more property to expand their operations to keep pace with the growth of the community, 3. Do you consider the property involved in this application to be more suitable for the uses permitted in the proposed zone than for the uses permitted in the present classifica- tion? Please explain. Yes. The access is very poor for the present zoning. If used in conjunction with the property facing Rainier Blvd. it could be improved to make it much more suitable, 4. What provision would you make to protect adjacent and surrounding properties from the detrimental effects of any uses permitted in the proposed zone ? As shown on the Plot Plan, the new Service Building would be located adjacent to the present business zoned property, and the remainder of the property would be used primarily for Sales and Display of automobiles. Also, the finished grades shown will be considerably lower than the adjacent R-3 zoned property. Planting will be provided at the grade transition areas. t AFFIDAVIT I , Wayne W. Johnson being duly sworn, declare that I am the owner of property involved in this application and that the fore- going statements and answers herein contained and the information here. with submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Subscribed and sworn to me this 5th day of January 19 6l Notary Public in and for the State of W-shington, c/-- ri-- ., ,.......„:,...._--A, 4)C t 1 ame of wner residing at Seattle® 122 S W 00th Place wiling A ress 1OO84.7th South Federal W tisTashir ton Tess City 5( 'bate) VE .9®391• r e ephone a OFFICE USE ONLY) CERTIFICATION This is to certify that the foregoing application has been inspected by me and has been found to be thorough and complete in every particular and to conform to the rules and regulations of the Planning Department governing the filing of such application. Date received 196® By: NOTICE OF PUBLIC • HEARING RENTON PLANNING COMMISSI.ON RENTON, WASHINGTON A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION AT ITS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, RENTON, WASHINGTON, ON Jan.. 27 , 19 65 AT 8 :0o P.M. TO CONSIDER A PETITION FOR REZONE. FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: From R-3 to B-1: Lots 4 thru 13 , Block 18 , and Lots 1 thru 3 , and Lots 14 thru 16 , Block 19 , All in Latimer° s Lake Park Addition according to Plat thereof recorded in Vol. 18 of Plats , Page 63:.records of King County Washington, Together with vacated streets lying between said Blocks 18 and 19. ANY AND .ALL PERSONS . INTERESTED OR OBJECTING TO SAID Rezone ARE . INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ON Jan. 27 , 1965 AT8 : 00 P.M. TO VOICE THEIR PROTEST OR OBJECTION TO SAME, PUBLISHED Jan. 13 , 1965 JAMES DENZER SECRETARY RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION I, JAMES MAGSTADT hereby certify that three (3) copies of the above document were posted by me in three conspicuous places on the property described above as prescribed by laws. ATTEST:' Signed:(;) iitwk ifitr4C' INAND FOR THE STATE OF Sign RESIDING AT RENTON. . ' Planning Commission Jan. 279 1965 Page 2 attractive, competitive city center. Chairman Felker thanked Mr. Cysewski for the presentation and asked if there were any questions which the audience wished to address to Mr. Cysewski. Relative to a question by Mr. Storey whether any local bankers had indicated willingness to back this up9 Mr. Cysewski stated that this is beyond the scope of the John Graham and Company study. As there were no further questions , it was then moved by Racanello, seconded by Cordell , that the hearing be continued at the regular meeting of the Planning Commission on February 24 at 800 P.M. HEARINGS on other items were as follows 2 . A letter was read from the Great Northern Railway Company, stating that since the filing in September 1964 of the application by the Glac- ier Park Company for rezone to H-1 of certain properties , the Company now feels that this application was premature. They now request that only a portion of the area be rezoned to H=l, as described in the letter. The letter also stated that because of the necessity that Olympic Pipe Line Company commence construction not later than April 19 they wish to expedite the amended rezone as quickly as possible. Mr. Jensen explained that the Planning Commission had recommended to the City Council on November 99 1964 , that a portion of the area be rezoned to L-1 with the remainder of the described property to be re- zoned to H-19 with provision for development to industrial park stand- ards of property along South 180th Street, the East Valley Highway and 87th Avenue South. Councilman Schellert advised that the Ordinance has been written and is in committee pending receipt of the requested agreements on the setbacks . After discussion relative to the procedure by which the former application can be amended and the matter brought out of Committee, it was moved by Racanello , seconded by Garrison, that we recommend to the City Council that the proposed ordinance be amended to delete all of that portion in the original application except that described in the letter from the Great Northern Railway Company dated January 189 1965 . Motion carried. 3'. WAYNE JOHNSON, APPL. NO. R-222-65 , request for rezone from R®3 to B-1 of property in the vicinity of Rainier Avenue between 90th and 91st Avenue South, as further described in the application. Committee report° Recommend approval . Director's reports Recommend approval of the request provided a. That the southerly, westerly and northerly 10 ' of the pro- posed rezone be reserved and planted by the owner as a landscaped area for screening purposes. b. That the owner shall not develop access to 90th Avenue South along the westerly margin of the property. c. That the owner agrees not to construct or locate any build- ings or structures other than enclosing .fences within the westerly 20 ° of the property. The foregoing may be established by the owner as covenants running_with the land. Chairman Felker questioned the legality of requiring restrictive covenant- on the land as a condition of the rezone. Planning Commission Jan. 27 s 1965 Page 3 32 Continuedh Mr. Jensen stated that the provisions were necessary to pro- tect the residential properties adjoining the proposed B-1 area. Mr. Cadent representative for the Applicants stated that the pro- visions recommended by the Planning Director would be acceptable to the Applicant. Chairman Felker asked if there were any oral or written objections to the proposed rezone. There being ncne , it was moved by Teegardeng seconded by Corde119 that we recommend to the City Council - appro- val of the rezone in accordance with the provisions in the Director' s report. Motion carried. Mr. Busch voted no. 4 . BRUCE PICKERING9 APPL. NO. V-219=65 , request for Variance to con- struct a residence to 5° of the rear lot line of property located in the vicinity of Langston Rd. and Thomas Street, described as Tract A9 Earlington Acre Tracts, less the East 90 ° . Committee report. Recommend approval. Director's reort o Recommend approval of the variance as re- quested. Mr. Cordell , Committee chairman, stated that the Committee had looked at this and felt that a hardship exists here because of the narrowness of the lot and because the pipeline running along the rear lot line restricts the building site area. He felt that the variance should be granted to permit the owner a reasonable use of the lot. Chairman Felker asked if there were any objections either oral or written to this request. There being none it was moved by Garrison seconded by Racanello9 that the Variance be recommended to the City Council for approval. Motion carried. 5 . R. G. RHODES, APPL. NO. V-220-65 , request for Variance to erect and maintain an identification sign as per submitted drawings and plot plan for RD's Triple X Restaurant on Third and Rainier Avenues. Committee report. Recommend approval consistent with the pol- icy heretofore adopted by the Planning Commission for similar requests. Director° s report. Recommend that this matter be referred to the City Council for issuance of a revocable permit consistent with the previous policy of the Commission in similar requests. Chairman Felker asked if there were any objections to this Vari- ance. There were none. After discussion on the matter, it was moved by Cordell , seconded by Racanel1o , that we concur in the Committee and Director' s reports and recommend to the City Council that a street use permit be issued on a revocable basis. Motion carried. 6 . BODCAW COMPANY, APPL. NO. V=221-65 , request for Variance to replace light poles , replacement of existing sign, and erection of fencing on portion of State Highway No. 5 , for the Renton Ford used car lot at 111 Rainier Avenue. Committee report. Recommend approval. Director° s report° Recommend that this matter be referred to the City Council for the granting of a street use permit. The representative for the Applicant stated that the proposals such as have been indicated in the application would be an attractive addi- tion to the property and that some of the improvements would be on r e/ i. ORDINANCE NO. . 0 C AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTIES WITHIN THE CITY OF RENTON FROM RESIDENCE DISTRICT (R-3) TO BUSINESS DISTRICT (B-1) WHEREAS under Chapter VII, Title IV (Business Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 known as the "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton", as amended, and the maps adopted in conjunction therewith, the properties hereinbelow described have heretofore been zoned as Residence District (R-3), and WHEREAS a proper petition for change of zone classification of said properties has been filed with the City on or about January 6, 1965, which petition was then referred to the Planning Commission for investigation, study and public hearing, and a public hearing having been held thereon on or about January 27, 1965, all pursuant to notice of public hearing duly published and posted as provided by law; and said matter having been duly considered by the Planning Commission, and all parties having been heard appearing in support thereof or in opposition thereto, NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: The following described parcel of property in the CITY OF RENTON is hereby rer'oned to Business District (B-l); the City Engineer and the Planning Director are hereby authorized and directed to change the w.aps of the Zoning Ordinance , as amended, to evidence said rezoning: Lots 4 thru 13, Block 18, and Lots 1 thru 3 inclusive, and Lots 14 thru 16 inclusive, all in Block 19, All located in Latimer's Lake Park Addition according to plat thereof recorded in Vol. 18 of Plats, Page 63, records of King County, Washington, TOGETHER with vacated streets lying between said Blocks 18 and 19. SECTION II: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and legal publication. 21 del-ri/t/ PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this/ 4- day of February, 1965, . A ___ ; u -- Helr_lie I?el son Gi ::clef?=: L i'Y,`}s ° 4 J" ° `. APPROVED BY THEijAYOR this /yJay of , , , 196'_ ;. a a' N t°`r:I,' i , .. '' . C.. , Donald ?. Custer, 'l'aybr..' APPROVED AS TO FORT Gerard L. Shel.lan, City Att}r ey Date of Publication:nili,Gs IJ 27//)745 ORDINANCE NO. .2/_ 6 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTIES WITHIN TEE CITY OF RENTON FROM RESIDENCE DISTRICT (R-3) TO BUSINESS DISTRICT (B-1) WHEREAS under Chapter VII, Title IV (Business Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 known as the "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton", as amended, and the maps adopted in conjunction therewith, the properties hereinbelow described have heretofore been zoned as Residence District (R-3), and WHEREAS a proper petition for change of zone classification of said properties has been filed with the City on or about January 6, 1965, which petition was then referred to the Planning Commission for investigation, study and public hearing, and a public hearing having been held thereon on or about January 27, 1965, all pursuant to notice of public hearing duly published and posted as provided by law; and said matter having been duly considered by the Planning Commission, and all parties having been heard appearing in support thereof or in opposition thereto, NW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE LAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: The following described parcel of property in the CITY OF RENTON is hereby re-oned to Business District (B-1); the City Engineer and the Planning Director are hereby authorized and directed to change the ' aps of the Zoning Ordinance , as amended, to evidence said rezoning: Lots 4 thru 13, Block 18, and Lots 1 thru 3 inclusive, and Lots 14 thru 16 inclusive, all in Block 19, All located in Latimer's Lake Park Addition according to plat thereof recorded in Vol, 18 of Plats, Page 63, records of King County, Washington, TOGETHER with vacated streets lying between said Blocks 18 and 19. SECTION II: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and legal publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this/W- day of a-ry, 1965. He:Cmie Nelson, City Cler'.-. 21z -J APPROVED BY THE i1AYOR this / ' day of Fly, 1965. 5/ D 0 i Donald ". Custer, 'Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: Gerard i... Shellan, City A torney Date of Publication:4 v IN ER-OFFICE MEMO Date February 10, 1965 From: Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney Department .l Account No. TO: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk Expenditure Account No. IRE: Rezoning for Suburban Dodge Dealership Message: Dear Helmie: Attached you will find a stencil on rezoning certain properties to B-1. We noticed that the Planning Commission and the owner apparently agreed on certain restrictive covenants to run with the subject land. However, as explained so many times before, we do not believe the City can impose these terms as an express condition to rezoning within the language of our present Ordinance. If, on the other hand, the owner himself will wish to impose such conditions and file them for record, on a strictly voluntary basis, then the City, of course, would have no objections thereto and the rezoning then can proceed. Action on passing this Ordinance shall therefore be deferred until these covenants have been approved by the Planning Director and our office and have been filed for record. We again would suggest that possibly the Plann' g ommission should recommend to the Council specific changes in our prese ning ordinance that the City will be in a position to insist on proper etback and requirements. Mayne sr f ile - Form Ml ery truly our GMS:ds HAUGAN & SHELIA_N 4 lam. I i. 3e r41? l.:*1i: .ft Q'' PROPERTY RSTRICTIONS r. WO,n'edersigned , J.F.C. INC. , a Washington Corporation, and WAYNE (•7, J01IN'OI'1 and SVELY:1 2. J0HNSON, his wife, being the fee owners of the following c e:-•c;:i.bo_d real property, situated in the City of Renton, County of King, State of W'ia ih.ing Lou, to-wit: Mots four through 13 , Block 18 and Lots J. through 3 , AND lots 1/; through 16, Block 19, All i.,n loitimer's Lake Park Addition according to plat thereof recorded in Vol . 18 of Plats , page 63 , records of King County, Washington TOMYI.1171M Ul T Il vacated street Lying between said Block 18 and IL9 do iicreb:- (2-,-tabl. ich, fix: and impose the following restrictions , conditions rind protective covenants to ):'.in with the abovedescribed land: Tha r the southerly, westerly and northerl y 10' of the abovedescr I bed property be reserved and establi.,shed as a planting and screening .area , free from all obstructions and such planting strip to be. adequately a irita i_ned at all times. 2. That no access to 90th Avenue South along the westerly margin of the above property shall be developed or maintained, including any access f-'i: ingr'e 35 or egress. 3, 'Ft.iI no buildings , objects or .ctL'.ictures of any kind other than en•- elo•,i'og fences or hedg;rs shall be erected or maintained within the csterly 20' ; .f the abovedescribed property. T'.. r%ny amendments or modifications to the above restrictions shall be in writing and be subject to the prior written approval of the City Council The. City of Renton. 5. These restrictive covenants shall be binding upon the successors , heirs , and assigns of the signatories hereto. • 6. These restrictions shall remain in force and effect until December 31. , L975, at which time they shall automatically terminate. FI ;; ( Rr• tw 4• ,91• • . PATPD ibis . day of February, 1965. J.1 .C. INC. h<•' L. .. 7 t, ,4d , ills it Lr; r r .. ./?/'.• STAT.E, OF WASHINGTON ) ss. COUNTY OF [INC; On this - -" clay or February, 1965 before me personally appeared A) ` '_•_: i_I :,_ _ . =` and l.. y, _dvA., i..:t:},,f:to me known to be the a_ •, 2-- , ' respectively of. 7.T'.C. INC. , the corp :o .iion that etecujted '(-he within and foregoing instrument and acknowiedged saki instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned , and on oath stated that they were authori7,ed to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. - IN WITNESS Wi1E[?FOT , I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year fi'ist above written. No'tary Public in and for, theF;tat:e of Washington, residing at Seattle. STATE OP WASHINGTON ) so. COUNTY OP !CTNG On this `"''' day of February, 1965, before me a Notary Public in andforthecountyandstatepersonallyappearedWAYNEN. JOHNSON and EVELYN N. JOHNSON known to be the individuals who executed the above and foregoing instrument , and acknowledged to me that they signed and sealed the said instrument as their free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year in this certificate above written. Notary Public in and l:or the State of Washington, residing at Seattle. r.Yt•c;i for f?:corJ °!r,!. /`J 19r 5 a chi. 101.''izT PA. !t,",;) !,'!,, I'OUIityt iidit n• n( v / -~ B y0~ ~~' l Y/ -/