HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA65-239CITY OF RENTON ' OFFICE OF CITY CLERK Date ra"z k' .. ° From: Del Mead, City Clerk d CAC1-(4eA_ To : Mayor Avery Garrett Councilman Bruce Councilman Clymer Councilman Delaurenti Councilman Grant Councilman Perry Councilman Schellert Councilman Stredicke Airport Building Department. City Attorney Finance Fire Library Personnel Planning Police Public Works Purchasing Street Traffic Engineering Utilities Other Re : For appropriate action For your information Remarks : FILE COPY 8/73 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS OLD BUSINESS: (cont.) Councilman Perry inquired regarding status of a request for annexation to the City of properties in the Kennydale area. Mayor Custer advised of receiving various inquiries from the residents of the Kennydale area some who thought they had been annexed and others had requested the City to pursue the matter including other areas. Petitions have not been filed to date with required signatures, There was no comment further on the matter. NEW BUSINESS: President of the Council Pedersen announced a meeting of the Committee of the Whol on Tuesday, June 15th at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers. The, Insurance Commission members will be present and the City Clerk, 13pnty Clerk, City Attorney and Mayor were invited to be present, as well as the Library Board and Architects. Councilman Schellert remarked that the people here who complain about the core..'. area of Renton should witness the Tacoma area which, even though it .received an award as "All American City" evidences much greater a problem. Mr. Schellert called attention to a matter he found of .interest- at the Tacoma convention which was the Municipal Fire Alarm System which the Fire..Underwriters . . ' . ' recommended be seen as now operating at Burien. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded byBruce, •to approve City of Renton Vouchers No. 9441 through 9513 as previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee with breakdown by funds as follows:, Current Fund No. 9441-9476, $2,0OB.63 s Street Fund 9477-9483 1,384.11 Arterial Street 9484 54.00 Equipment Rental 9485-9493 2,025,.43 Parks 9494-9505 489.24 Water Works Utility 9506-9512 4,188,33 Airport 9513, 43.32 Total - $10,0.3061 The motion carried. Councilman Delaurenti, Chairman, requested a short meeting of the Police and Licensl_, Committee immediately following this meeting. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Morris;' Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee, reported;.that the three rezone ordinances proposed, were all In order and second and final reading was now recommended, the agreements being taken care of. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Poll., to place the proposed ordiraice on second and final reading. Carried. (lst reading 6-14-65.) A proposed Ordinance of 'the City of Renton was read changing the zoning classification of certain property within the city from General Classification District (g-7200) to Business District (B-1) and Residential District (R-3) .(Hokenson property in vicinity of S.E. 112th Street and 132nd S.E.) Moved by Poll, seconded by Morris, to 'adopt Ordinance No. 2162 as read. Roll call resulted in all ayes. The motion carried. . . The Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington changing the zoning classification of certain properties within the City of Renton from General Classification District (G) to Heavy Industry (H-1) and Light Industry? (L-1) respectively, which was introduced for first reading on 6-14-65. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Perry, to place the proposed Ordinance on its second and final reading. Planning Director Jensen reported that on all three rezones signed . agreements and instruments have all been filed with the exception of one- which will be forthcoming tomorrow. The pending motion carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Poll, seconded by Schellert, that Ordinance No. 2163 be adopted as read. ' Roll call vote following resulted in all Council Members:present voting aye. The motion carried. A proposed Ordinance was presented, with first reading held on. 6-14-65, changing the zoning classification of certain property within the City of Renton from General Classification (GS-1) to Trailer Park .(T-1). Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to place the document on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to adopt Ordinance No. 2164 as read. Roll call resulted in unanimous aye vote carrying the motion. (Frew Dickson rezone) 7- 263 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 6-7-65 Planning Commission Recommendations - (cont.) Roe Dykeman & Selvino Mencias, Appl. R-237-65 Owners further agreed to posting of a bond to insure establishment' of landscaping at the time building permits are applied for or issued on the L-1 portion and to dedicate or reserve by easement, the South 20' of the property abutting upon South 180th Street for roadway and utility purposes. . This property is located in vicinity:of. 80th Ave. '.So. and South 80th Street. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Perry, to concur in the recommendations of the Planning Commission. The motion carried.. Dahlquist voted No. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, that the prior two items be referred to the Planning Committee• for a recommendation. Garrett spoke in opposition stating the proper procedure being to refer to the Ordinance Committee which• was .the intent, of the successful motion. Schellertdefended the motion urging affirmative vote asserting that only the Planning Committee can be sure conditions are taken care of before referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Trimm pointed out that the vote taken was on the recom- mendation to rezone and in any .eventy :tor rezone:tistthelegislative recommendation, The ques- tion was tailed on the pending motion and the motion was declared lost by majority no vote. Moved by Perry, seconded by Poli, to' refer the two prior Planning Commission recom- mendations to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Mark Hokenson & Ieroy Hokenson, Appi. No. R-239-65, requesting rezone to. B-1 and R-s from G-7200. HRezone was recommended. with B-1 covering the North 290' of that portion of the property described in the.application lying west of 134th Ave. S.E., extended, and to R-3 on balance of property' described including that portion lying East of the 'extenRion of 134th- Ave. S.E. originally proposed.for B-1. Applicant agreed to (a). Dedicate and • improve 134th Ave. S.E. .consistent .with the: City Subdivision requirements and (b) To • quit claim or reserve,.b' easement the_West 12' of the. property along 132nd Ave. S.E. for roadways and utility purposes. This property is located in the vicinity of S.E. 112th, Street (12th Ave. No.) mand 132nd Avenue S.E. Moved by, Garrett, seconded by;Perry, to concur in the recommendations 'of,the Planning Commission. Carried. Moved by Garrett, seconded,by,•Perry, .,to;refer the matter to the Law-and Ordinance. . Committee. Upon dissenting voice vote,, roll call was requested as. required and resulted as follows: Aye: . Pedersen, Bruce,.Garrett, Trimm,.'Perry, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. No; Hulse, Schellert and Dahlquist:. . The motion carried with 8 Aye votes and 3 No votes. In other action• the Commission recommended denial of Application P-236-54 which would allow relocation of an existing sign for the Shell Station at 115 Rainier Avenue. North. . In the denial the Commission had suggested that the sign be adjusted back to the line of the signs previously located thereat which was the understanding of the wording in the request, the new sign extending too far into the right of. way. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert,• to concur in the recommendation.. After. discussion on problems relating to .sign encroachments heretofore, the motion carried. City Clerk Nelson submitted outline of new statutes pursuant to Chapter 116, Laws • of 1965 wherein new Voucher Approval methods, will become operative.L The Vendors no:: longer need to sign Claimant Certifications which may now be signed by the Department and saves much time for ail.ipw, in lieu' of individual voucher signing, the program of blanket voucher approval will be -recognized. It would seem the blanket approval in- voivc3 much more work and detail by the Department setting up Vouchers and will place additional certifying responsibility upon the Auditing and Accounting Committee. A sample Voucher Approval Certification was attached and a meeting of the Committee was suggested for discussion of the new provisions. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to refer the matter to the Auditing and Accounting Committee. Carried. • The following Notices and Bulletins were announced as being available and on file in the Clerk's office as distributed by. the Association of, Washington Cities: . . 1. Convention Committees - Nominations Committee will welcome any recommendations List of 11 Districts of the Association.. 2. Parks and Recreation Workshop - Post-Convention - Tacoma •7,Friday, .,June,,18 at. , 2:00 p.m. in Presidential Conference Room, Winthrop Hotel 3. President's Golf Tournament = June 16th .- 12:00 Noon atTacoma's Meadow .Park . ,..,, Golf Course (Register with Mr. Tyson BEFORE 10:00•a.m. on Wed., June 16.) Registration card in Clerk's office. 4. Request for ideas for Roundtable Discussion Meetings 5. P-blicati.ons - Information ^t.t"^t-ins: Water Rates in Washington Fringe Benefits in Washington 7- Y -G Cr REN'< E N WTO A HIS NGTO N Q FFI f:IC6:0 C T.Y.ATT R EY tar` t Attr`G d'' h-i `C t o deNC''• e l e' Arthur.l:'Htau "an"Ass't.;Cit 4itoriie9y 9: u f. om h G 4•` r. 1 U,(. 1i V I'1 p 51'Y z t., j 1, r, q'1file 1181.00121 eta rit ,,'1y as s;'' A a Qga aag JD akaraaand`:, 7 Y$ 3 b p' s 1 . .,! Diahooa propertiaae G"' P,art the` ro posed.' e oaaiaa't'-- 7•td: a zri handing cau,,lad'e.t h these ntcaac Lla for.P fi Ordinsncae as above captioned: It is ' aug$ee.ted't : ,. fir.v hlat h tl a i,az I i'r1 c'tor,f`, 1{ id'C E ia eor roofread the' legal carefe ilia as two.a k c: ;.; p py Gi Q40.yr t3 F,' 1' 1,rel the •caa ditione r cedentyes' case set, 'we have cittec any re p 1' it pdeed .by the panning Ca iapion end concurred iu by the „pity ou cf, 'e'_ F pile' have• heretofore aspleined again• d e.gaita that in o9 at' .ohs 7:.',,-.' tt e planning Co tee,on nor, ttee City. Council bee s :rigt t •'t.o impose c s StRaaa pr ced nt lab ieh 'iiould. arecuire .a 'propeg y 9 f t. • • iv a.' ro ert y fre of coat •to,'the City. ' ,`Phe Go .f:' ::razc ing, o g p. p y ea ett:. 'r: l %''^ :i -•,: ' ' - tr'a c dmate in the aoi, r ud undaubtedl . .ovld,;s•;; f'have , tti oesa any . Leh ra nlr p t i`,,, .!h' itia ka;es-teamed' the rcp i r'c 'owner •''oa a. str'iotlp."vo;'. t ,,r: 4` :4; , . ',f'a'\ aillttg. to dedicate some right 'al. way, either .autrf,ijht or°by:,`bcEt0a n24.,,',. 1:;l.T • ' '.to the dit , there,.certainly_wou .d'be, ao' objection to accep,tLn aa®.';; rzd i,. ;""`re' er' radn tin 44 Ordinance tenoning the pr opertyl if':ouch:`'x,et iin$,', . „thethereafter g it and in coo Uence with. .its' O'rdli aspcoe.' ;-i aa '..a.,: ea• i tare of, t a C. . p r Y ce ou d then -be reaordcd ,b .the Cif O.1.er1s', a : i ra eib e . 4'resaa"e r,acti.c+ i. at t1tPO ®.'. a,ws'`•tie td ait4:bt i,&eve. h ,t;; . +Q' p f;.'.` '';:;e .b i• comp a tc iaeus '4 ,bond-'covering maintenance ',off. lander',apcdr. ,:' get. . ..tad g ?., Y ,,', ; p,rov aentG We have sun into this pr'bb ,,before ,and no bond1ag:'.co palsy, „ • ' 1" j ee 'to be in` r positio t eaves 'eta s. type 'of m c9udit9aira si a• it i i" ladefi,nite op b©' enforced'. . Caere aacem4d. to be no standard. apt:.4,1 ;: i teich a+aaald establish the•hind maintenance, the Plenutag.Departaa1en.t:' n ih i V. i ;, 3' A id . woaa3.d 'Tc:c±aa cueaa,d tb at.szmy,ag' theme a®-called coad ic`aanm.,i g affi iaa c esion eimoil4 be copitaianed, in a proper' .o.rdin, i,...=,'at;`c,Ra;;.'' by' Clio.-Phan $ ' . i F r- i,, r r',r. 1ti'ty.' r':r: fir: 1;i,..'' r•: ittol. a. f•r:ij":.r, t J.t.J t. f^JL 2!4.t'u j4, t^rlA. T;,1• i f i. L')I. r ii' t t'Yy q.j'1{. i f • F I Ar Lam-•V thy' _t t! 1! 'O E1 d! 1:t - e hi ch.thu".cisr ,theu csa'. axa than' r # srv'. Y' P Again-Ago,would iiu gent..jig me have done so.o f a i the p• a t,,• •,t `'tit'::'::':•V" a-r t,,',, A en- Ago. se0° ( , -,y •:o'aneid•ix..•:au udw txtat tk',,typa,.ordLnen4e: '.;; j'' . i"! 11: : cti' u ''-•" " tp1d3.gM •Yd r'rea-•Lima `any o• the fatci is .that ark .. - .be '..- ti •. ''c $ e• So3 tr.tioua 1[QC •ae, 4 a3'iu>';;r4,t17 .dr3x d Y. t „h. ,.. ncl p a reaaa eaidatIzehoiid..r ca''`h ' '• '' ;li ad;the t.oa eod on .,*-. xc ant o.... i tii.:t'4. '.l ,,i l.'a . o L.. Pl:•' R1 p_ tit_ : eubro tt 't o us by, t e P)*nAt g.Depsttraomt• there. ie .o0 legal way...that' '. the City could' eifo '•c '.-•t'he:•.various conditions '..., .. ed or .ct e_ abov .. ' t •_',, Y, J, ,•, t.o •t swear id calla ,.they detdt ro .aher tbei minds and a ..i,•::to;''`:4 : ,.!,p e":d • t_ ion nd-Other covenan s. 1.e , .... 1• joemiy...vli h -th s tes a r certainly' u '••••. s:.l, that• t' a City •.Counci'l, avid• especially the ,Plateau_ .'.avcal.—..:.•+io ;' U.• n: -:;,.;-.,: .,i r i.•j:A'• .%..,J:r';p;• ti • act'.,above• 4 1 + leatit6lteh 'e 'poiidy .tat.h :,e loga ... a sll..re.,p t•ie• i p•.-1,;' ..,•.;,. '.`;., e tir l• L'f 1• r f: yl.cde omaia..,' xt,i Y ,i' r t•I i=I+ i; FS a L;111t Y, ir.,Y r Your ,ve 3,ir.. 4it i:1f t1aairL1i isry^A. i+1i71 gg 713d i1'.r, rt,r,yrr tir ti''tv r. l.. 9 rrw r S'if-'t 1!'yy.h rt l..'K''h t'T a,I,'K:t 7.' t '1.`'r fir' c+ S, L7.- i`tom;.l i rf. z` J' I tf,• d rt Y. v1 iI I. f..;t7Y 1"<3 L'r d Lrlti" A:/4J``i'J„r T.. Jtt t,1•. LS d •M. "rho 761 i t. 1)•R'`r,' ''1' frT„r.yi: l 14; r.q.,. 1.,, t t:` t J t V 15 '; t' r it.sx•' tt neJ' p, •'3u' • tt r ra'1 U 1, Y' n n t,i•0 1+ YT• 1 4 J.: r s .7-r Lty tt 4._ •'qK:. s f iq- G'ri E.h.y:f kf:"-i;r d'a. r'S. r3 1 r_ N_C•-i,1,)I y`Y Yr l.J.7 tf:' r i•• 1, dd qq ' R ry:l rrf rr:, 4-lf:N• r 1' y 1~•- 1rl j l, e 3` it cran t ..n i7' Tllam}} p4 i,.Y f j' 1 h yt17Yj.Qom. A- ' I Fe Wit''' 1`. 1yt,f r' 4eyM1I. 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I - r a , t,"d K^n,».r 4 .i; i ni., iv(:,:%.: ty.c,:; ! . 1 r 4. 7'r a ei.,,i;• 1 ':iiI :^, r. n ,A te1, :"!ris 1 et,}'y'"r :tti' ikt LTait t taY' 7e:* ; >.) 9 w t`rx r r' l 7 lc,r rl'h?«''' h!:H 0... 'r 7-!4J1 t r 6; td- - t a` n,i r K« :` f to j t;,• ' e L'r'tu`1! ;,. `•i„ ;Jfrr,.„N..,uJ.-.:, ,c,t _ 'a t• .::. l ar;" .1s: J j' ,rl r ,.,e is•r! c 1 is i i^':• 0t• S . `•r tJ r ;h ' ii ;;y'' rr,.a, .a t„ ri,,:S w.rA;?: : . .,F , y0,y0e.,X . :.' t,•: ,4, i 1, n: t, j.:,s..a:rl fl,:y,y r y,i 1),,,,,,.t•^, t-„ tp .,.`aZj:.,, ' 'fl'rf . •:l .;i::ji.;o ,..I v_- '\ l- +_. : • a• 't!' f ''" 3 r .a1¢;','L'*:.T v'f'4t" 'rt lu "•;1: li•' •i dt ..•wr#ri ...,ti '4', fir.n!, d tt ::i 4, t 'i ar m•' r r+ c a4- w r1;i ' 9 r„`' I ` {,.,o x r ,.'.;i.rje ti '::• !ai''5" e,, z41' L k p.:4 nr. F„'y,•j.• t:•S/•fitiNiii14'r 7d:.}t 11 ti:t!°'lt 41- 4,44 Ta t'' hk :. ,S o L,^ '' '`sf ya, } •' - :.ra7rr'•^. +„.'C,; _ fir' 'n ?3 it7Ti.V9.f'1 Mn t 1 i•riEJ?1:{-_`'1!`'J.Y.C_Y(:i''t f:'iyA .:r.::ln'ti'1°:(.,7:ul}•tat'al:'::.:ife 1'f .. n l',i t..4T„3a,at 3w:7.IiJ,, 'N. •,(.1 r,. 1+' tt 1" t.f, NT.E:R -OFFICE MEMO Date ., June '21 , 1965 is Frorri.;1.00„rsr 1.4„ §-kitA11an, City Attorney'. _' Der.,;a.rt:nientai Accou-,,t No . '` •• Re Ho/tenson progarty I : To: iir. .J, David Jensen, P1efl ning. . Expenditure Acco:xnt" No , ce:• 'ire Helmie Nelson ter.• Douglas CC, F 1k r Law and Ordinance Committee Dear Dave Time Le to advise yeti that Doug Felker head delivered to our office proposed Quit Claim Deeds' to the' City from Marne end Agnes Hot won together with Easements from Leroy and Agree Rolsenson and certain proposed Agreerente between Mark and Agneo_Hotenson and the. City a lltng ;out the torte of the variance to be granted. We have talked to :9r.: Valuer over " the ph0av and imposed a tip limit of S ycete on each proposed Agreement,; . We youth suggest that you and the .City. Engineer verify the legal descripta.ona ecknteirned' in eacti'of, said instruamonts to be anvil that it meats with the City's full approval; 'other ,aioa, the documents are' acceptable aa to -legal form. , If you have tiny further ,queationa i saath Eattitx; please:let .uo lnow.. We remain, Yours very trtaly t : t.. NAV t S l'i, 3 . Go M. She an VO14671•'PAGE C7 .r 'a', PEEP.ETU L EASEMENT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That T'FROY M. HOKENSON, as his sepa to property,• A4 1Teie o as"party of the first part" for and in consideration of ONE DOLLAR and i,:1 other good and valuable consideration,receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant;release and convey . unto the CITY OF RENTON, a Municipal Corporation of the State of Washington, as "Party of the second part," an easement appurtenant and perpetual over,on, and to the following described properties:C The West 10 feet of the North 120 feet of the. West ' 124. feet of the northwest one-quarter of the north- west one-quarter of the northwest one-quarter of Section 10, Township .23 North, Range: 5 EWM, County of King, State of Washington. And the party of the second part to have for the purposes of construction, repair, service, and maintenance of sewage pipelines and any other public utilities and services. and for roadway purposes,. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the said parties have hereunto set their hands and seals this 1. :- 4--°- day of J-une-,---.-1965 1222. I a-i4/J GRANTOR - . STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING S3, I, the;undersigned Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing in Renton, 'Washington, do ti hereby certify that on the c day June 5 personally appeared'before me T,EROY M, HOKENSON a d xwi to me known to be the individual1described in and who executed the same as tmi gfree and voluntary act and deed for the uses arid purposes herein mentioned. GIVEN under„,tny+Taancc%and ofncial seal this ---- '`S day of Juno..., 3 C 1•a•,'N1'•Q•S •s ,f'iA. 'it fS..;r r, .';';,,....,';1: /)" ( t."--. i.,(, ,.... y,• >-. or.,) I, Nofa.ry 1'40)110 hi and for tiu; flr11itto of WtL Milton, R r residing In Rin rtonr r . ira •'••a. 3. Filed'For Record "r, 19 `a ' ROBERT A, MQRRI?, County AudiI ' vn , L, ._1T'' ii4` Al .,':° t?";!, .C:Y T'aillt; m I"" rv 5•, •,` rI I';. .Trap:hr:sp. cu:..v.Yilt ^nHt. 1 1: ,•" i 4....•.. Ky{"', i-,,..,,:»r• ,}alt%aIt's a`t`i'' -.x' w w i'r t, t s,',r :'a,. 2 S?,•,,,,i,"af."` rSZv ry'' emu•. f• r'4 i 1: ,itF., 7' J i., S I.:.`c '''',"a.. '.ini' .t+t,,•,f`:, 1'Y.f.:..,,•I A.. :1.!, t!!, 7« i',T ;10!ii" f i '•, a 9`• t•, r., „ t;1';'i 7:'f, 1t ..L. ',r S} " >.,..,i};'" u f'i". ' ,I:,. rf;'' a' t 9+ 1.!t,:, SY, i Iti.a3 st}'fir Y't a't ',1i` I 4 n 41.XF...., ,!1'i ,,. >. V - i.l'•,,,. .--.,.:d'vt...,. .. . ,'1 .n l fo....n ,., .^t"..rl .. :, u. .... .. .. ...:.e:k., a.!its,, . r 'fir . 6 6`P -` v0146 di PAGE 7 PERPETUALL EASEMENT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That AGNES `HOKENSON, as her separate estate,' c,; xasm ereina e o as "party of the first part” for and in consideration of ONE DOLLAR and cfp other good and valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant, release and convey in unto the CITY OF RENTON, a Municipal Corporation of the State of Washington, as "Party of the second part,'.' - an easement appurtenant and perpetual over,on, and to the following described properties:• cn lf . The West 10 feet of the South 388. 83 feet of the North 495 feet of -the northwest one-quarter .of. the northwest one-quarter of the northwest one- quarter of 'Sect'ion 10, Township 23 North, Range 5 EWN,,, County o.f .King', State .of Washington. i• And the'party of the second part to have for the purposes of construction, repair, service, and maintenance of sewage pipe lines and any other public utilities and services, and for roadway purposes . IN WITNESS WHEREOF the said parties have hereunto set their hands and seals this .. .ns.u' e day of June, 1965. bnc. GRANTOR STATE OF WASHINGTON SS. COUNTY OF KING I, the undersigned Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing in Renton, Washington, do. hereby certify that on the day Jun.e., 1,9.6 191IR, personally appeared before me AGNES HOKENSON W„lica lateen , to me known to be the individulha described in and who executed the same as mi' • free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes herein mentioned. OIvBilr-fll('•'m h I li'iiihd ollicial seal this — '-;.day of Jun. 1,96,5' 2r3G2: ftES .• ,fin', 1 . kt c: j r . ;; Notary Public in and fort /S.tate-of'Washington, residing in Renton. 1 \ 4hN. -f%ilud for Rocur „%,.a• ' E9l. n". :,/ G Rog';lo ! of jc... _.4- .,.'/.'./''`'P,••_, (6. 1-- 7(,,.g ,t4.•-, RO(BERT A. MORRIS, County A14far 4h:: '<n•a`+ . •l r*t-•};-.,=-,v. 5;,..• t^:,Ir '"'bi: ••"'e,.;_n;5^f:.it.,,r; _r g•.'n. -•,.>.,y.r,. 1 1+.-., .,r: :e1:) t- :,1". Wrv... :.Ir• 1'::K'I..ti'^`'. 1 i f^^,.i•.li t7T o pan5'c. .1., f y';1':•):+w".re I.„1 ,f .,'>f',' :,'ri. Ta':...=ti:'•: .., r. „j=,. .t• -r y,I' t .i.rs ra 4 1eis •E': l3t',;'s i i.. rrii'ti'(' i•1.18" v{A{i lri4:CIF' f.i. t• t tom. 1;t: rS 4 t r Dig/INGE NO;; c7V6.2,. AN ORDINANdE OF THE CITY OF RENTON; WASHINGTON CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF RENTON FROM GENERAL CLASSIFICATION DISTRICT (G-7200) TO BUSINESS DISTRICT (B.1) AND RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT (R-3) WHEREAS under Chapter VII, Title IV (BUSineas Regulations) Of Ordinance No. 1628 known as the "Code of General Ordinances Of the City Of Renton"; as athended, and the maps adopted in conjunction ihetewith, the property hekeinbeloW described has heretefore been zoned as General Classification (37200) , and WHEREAS a proper petitiOn for change of zone classification of said property has been filed with the City Clerk on or about May 5, 1965; Which petition WAS then and a public hearing having been referred to the Planning Commission for investigation, study and public hearingiiheld thereon on or about May 26, 1965, all pursuant to notice of hearing dUlY published and posted as provided by law; said matter having been duly considered by the Planning Commission; and all parties having been heard appearing in StippOtt thereof or in opposition theteto; NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON AS FOLLOWS: . • Section li The following described prOpeity in the City of Renibh is heteby rezoned to Residential District (R-3) except for the north 290 feet of the herein- below properties lying WeslE.of 14fh.AVenue S.Ei ektended, Whidti iii: hekeby rezoned to Business District (13.4) ; the City Engineek and the Planning Director are hereby authorized to change the maps of the Zoning Ordnance, as amended, to eVidende said rezoning: The Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 10, Twp. 23 N, R 5 E;W;M. ; EXCEPT the SOuth 833' thereof and LESS County Rd. The above described property being located in the vicinity of S F. 112th 12th AVenue North) and 132nd Avenue Si E;) SECTION 2.: This Ordinance shall be in full foide and effect from and after passage, approval and legal publication; PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this AY Of June; 1965: ist Helinie Nelson, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this /-' day Of June, 1965; Donald W. Custer, Mayor Approved as to form: Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney Date of Publication:11 A g 8 5(591 VOL 4U/1 PAGE QUIT CLAIM DEI;:o THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH, That yEa AGNESI-IOKENSON , as her sole separate property, of King County, State of Washington, for and in consideration of the sum of One ($LLOO) Dollar.to us in hand paid and in further consideration of the general public welfare and the special benefits accuring to us. therefrom, do, by these presents grant, convey and quit-claim to the City of Renton, I) a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, for street, alley and any other C") public uses and purposes, the following lots, pieces and parcels of land lying and CO being in said King County, State of Washington, and described as follows A) The West 28.87 feet of the northeast one-quarter of the northwest one-quarter of. the northwest one-quarter o.f Section 10, Township 23 North, Range 5 EWM, EXCEPT the South 833 feet thereof and EXCEPT the North 328.45 foot thereof. B) The East 31.13, feet of the northwest one-quarter of the northwest one-quarter of Section 10, Township 23 North, Range 5 EWM, EXCEPT the South 833 feet thereof. TO HAVE AND TO IIOLD the said described premises unto the said. City of Renton, its successor or successors for the use of the public forever. WITNESSETH our hands and seals this 7 . day of June 196 44. SEAL). . SEAL) WITNESSES STATE OF.W'1SHINGTON) ss COUNTY. OF KING I, _1-irl"/?Ce S /4 • Jo/7 Jl a:Notary Public in and for the said State, do hereby certify that on this 7 0 day of June 19 9 personally appeared before me AGNEs ITQKEIIS..Q.SL__-- to me 1moim to be the individual described in and who executed the within instrument, and acknowledge that __ha_ signed and scaled the same as . q--_+--r y - free and vel.iint.ax'y actr and deed., ,[or the uses and purposes therein mentioned° IN t1L'1'NEa 1 [Pftki3OF I have hereunto set, me hand and a:['f:i.;x.ed my of:no.dal seal the day and.'" ba 'I'a.kkithis certificate first above written„ CJt o frj Notary Public in and fd Efate of Washington Residing at B.en a . / in said County. N"rr (:.' y., 1; 4\\\ ' t\,.` .: I ilrtd tot Roc.Mc ', .,, ., •7y/i :' r'S'-/pM. Roque ot :`v'° i..•..< ^'^)/t'/'t 1- 5.8956(1 UOl 9 d PAGE 5 QUIT CLAIM DEED THIS INDENTURE WITi` SSETH; That lee„ __ MARK A. HOKENSON ashis solee larate property, of King County, State of Washington., for and in. consideration of the sum of One ($loOO) Dollar to us in hand paid and in further consideration: of the general public welfare and the special benefits accusing to us - m therefrom, do, by these presents grant, convey and quit-claim to- the City of Renton,, 0 a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, for street, alley and any other C7) public uses and purposes, the folloWin.g lots, pieces and parcels of land lying and O.) being in said King County, State of Washington, and described as follcwso The West 28.87 foot of the northeast one-quarter of the , northwest one-quarter of the northwest one-quarter of Section 10, Townsh:Lp 23 North, Range 5 TWNi, LESS the South 986.61 foot thereof. TO HAVE AND. TO HOLD the said described premises unto the said City of Renton., its successor or successors for the use of the public forever. WITNESSETH our hands and seals this Q day of June 19_65 o SEAL) WITNESSES STATE OF WASHINGTON) ss COUNTY OF KING I., J QjTT,A S Fuze,_ a Notary Public in and for the said State, do hereby certify that on this _% NJcday of June 19 (5 , personally appeared„bcfor.p me MARK A,IOUNIXSON to cue',1 ;1o}4'n 't;Q?,-be, the individual described in and who executedno within. :i.nu_u'trurne.n.t.. and Ot rlecge%that he signed. and sealed the sarne as Ida free:,'andavoi-unitary`act^and deed, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. IN Ntr.MESS NI_IEREOF, I have hereunto set me hand and affixed my official seal the day'a2id yeA.r,: .pztliis certificate first above written. Nc,'t.ur.v Fut),I.,i i ;i.rl,sl ,1'or 't.h e i.i•Lato U.I. W nbington, Il.w"I i it .UBull:Lo.1,1.........._.....,._......... 1 i i ;,c.t.i d Filed for Rocortlf',v.. _.s 1`3/a, /' :An. Request- e' r at n.oroT A1f2R14 PounvAUdittr e O 4. •• , F liability shall rest solely upon owner and/or other property owners in event of such improvement being undertaken and completed by means of Local Improvement Districts as , provided by law. The CITY furtherQ reserves' the 'right to waive: any conditions or obligations herein , a. assumed by. OWNER. C) 3. OWNER further agrees and covenants, in any event, to n) • com:ple;te' such improvement of the street right-of-way as hereinabove Specified at such time as OWNER shall make application -for building permits and improvements on said above-described property, and the completion of such improvement of the street right-of-way shall be, and, ,t -is hereby made, a condition precedent to the" issuance of ;such building pe.rrnit. All such improvements shall be at the OWNER'S pole cost .and expensed and said street right of way ( 134th Ave. S. C,) to be completed , in any event,. within five '(5) 'years from date at Owner's sole cost and expense. 4, The purpose of the foregoing provisions is to commit OWNER to the improvement of said street right-of-way, as further defined in, said variance, . at OWNER'S sole cost and expense within a certain given period of time as determined by the CITY and to not impose ;any liability on CITY, to provide for any such ,improvement. It is: further understood and agreed that this obligation and covenant on the. part of the OWNER shall run with the land and be binding on OWNER, hi.s sudcossors and assigns. GIVEN 'at Renton, King county, Washington, this ',,.• _•,(d day of• dune', 196S, A..,.-,,; ti 0 CITY OF RENT pIQ 1 1)'''''V4:41n)i.'''f7-‘2-: .---- . • C7 lam. Cl or " By y' ,/ '. V n „ eict.,, Clerk ee WNERIr) STATE .OF WASHINGTON ) SS COUNTY. OF KING . On this day personally appeared before me AGNES HOKENSON, tome known to be the individual described inland who executed the within, and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that she signed the same as, her free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes herein' mentioned. G V.l,N under, my hand and official seal thin , :,' -'•-- day of•June, 196% - tiw•aeti\\ ‘ i flf'!.^epO`b i llJ Cif--vC C-.cr /;+'/ 7 / : i,,.._4 O •\t `, '• ',., Notary Public in' a -c} J fo'r the State -o f 3r:, 7- " -:' Washington, residing at Renton., 1 ,is t. Filed for Recor ':%'i r v25 94S °-g i Slia f o z 2- - R09ERT A. MO RIS; Count Audi S;{'9:, .'w• ..'til:^crrr• ,v" •`,v9r.: ,• 'tav -71:r..iYiF' ,.r_.a,• yu c r4't:rr •:x:. a;fy,n:::n:: 7ritirt' .,. 1'1,, ;L;,._.r's. ''S,•: .i ,J: t1..r`"S:}, i +1 i'.T stiri ti, a'+::„'-:x• lw:,.. vt.,. 'r,"lrtt=r,c-:: r'..;. w7q -:- r:.-!1%7T S,I<, $,ar11u ,t ct.ti'. ,,,, I,: ""'i',S. M!). , 1 ,k , t ?.:.1{ ..1 tf(;::Y•:;' ,.1 .I.{t;: totC.: t,•(, t u'1y,r. ar` `ti;. i,1 , le::,• ,. J.c,t.,t., J,. :A ILa i't :[t, a•> ' .J,i^ ,c,.. e.{. ,,.,: '•h,..tr .L,,,t. t r?x. .1; ,t f• :'1`G(..>I:h,t::; R „k i': ;'i.i,4.. { i .1.:'r'11,.1;t« I 1. ELF 4l: :R nl 1+f ,.i' •^.i, is..., :l,I:' ,'Lt 1 •.I a f:'r'::'- 1 tl..` ,n.y:}-:n:r' .t ',f, i4'1 „1 V ;S.. 1::,'. ::'.,•„k :`.i!„ t, n1 I.,, 4i r'•':irar,. .1,V` J';" t!h. t t•, (, '1 2 I !ri•", .k' 11 ttltV". 'Id° !' Y ,-1 .h.. 4R!,'li"t '.• ai,`. i," :r:,.,: i2:.,'oii:: '«at•.,J,.,:..x.. t ':fi;• cir;:C'.. T ,e', tii A tt,,.. >1rA , ,,,'I,.? L:i,...('71'. ,I. Y' i w.;,l':'r :1 ., t:l Lr(J;"•,.ii+...d,•,:r l. t,. .( Y4:4: .-1,,,:!::n t t. J' n{, yk%. t i S' is:'•i;n..,}.,.:::" +•:,,: t L'1 b. yi5(s "} , ' i!` %S. r;.t „r,,:a'• U'.,.,h..,,a,:... ii I• ,'7J'1 r ','• ,.1.. q, ',:1. -rt° Y,'' 'r t".at:" 9.Y"i 11 L, ti T} el" d 1:l d JS:.. a;.t : i Z tY'' z1@h .d i 1' 'GIs, .d'• .l. at.,T a11r14„• '7 t„ r: t-:,, t n. 4.y l:" ;I .:. Is 't'.+ i'' ! t t I i, nb,..,„u.. r,,.'i;'.•' Ut,a';:•v. 7• P..,. t..:C., : +C: .%r t t h' y ,yii:,., L" ,`! +t:„. t,:p.: r ,.tl 1.' ",n.l• - t,,.; r,,. i;;.: d 1.Jk„ `; k.r: r' ,: ,h. {;':!}' (4Ab di p r• .:`{F•: a':, A b+'tIi, t' ri',::f rf% t' t'ol J.1V 1 ''} A .4.h qq ty,.i^ .Ft t,d' 'at- i.i Lt' e( tf;it,1r,i n t.t }t•ra 5.ti., :: yy,, r. 77 SL91;`a::^;a,5:: Wit. 7; ! .1., cs "'i . L - t,Cf a. x V ......., S..e. ,/. ,..^".'::w•a :...:. .. ,..... ... ., .. .....,. -. ,....,_., .., , ,. A G R E. E. M.E N 'T li i" ' 7 j 1 : ' r d,Fed' • `'w.r J _ '^ ." 'T'•.,. THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this a ` , ,,J day of. f''June, ' 1965,• by the CITY OF RENTON, hereinafter referred to as CITY" and AGNES HOKENSON, hereinafter referred to as "OWNER" . . - . WT T. NE S S. E THo WEEREAS, OWNER has heretofore applied unto CITY for a certain varianCe permitting-. OWNER to erect and construct: a certain building on OWNER'S property, which property; however, does not. abut upon a public street as required by .the laws and- ordinances of the -CITY OF RENTON, and WHEREAS',. CITY; ' by_ and through its Planning Commission; is willing to- issue and deliver unto' OWNER a variance,- subject to certain terms and conditions , • NOW, 'TUEREFOR , it is hereby agreed and covenanted as follows : 1. . -CITY' agrees to issue and deliver' unto OWNER a Variance to ' . permit owner to 'construct ..certain improvements 'on property described in said 7ariance. It. is realized .that such proposed im.pr-ov:ement does not abut upon a public street as, required by the laws. and ordinances of the CITY. OWNER, therefore,.,,;agrees and covenants to execute and deliver, simultaneously with. this AGREEMENT and its executions a. proper QUIT - CLAZM...DEED, granting and coz iieying ' unto the CITY the =following-described property o A) ' The West . 28. 87 feet' o.f the northeast one-quarter of, the .northwest one-quarter of the northwest on©-quarter of Section 10, Township 23 'North,. Range 5 EWM, County' of King, State of '. Washington,. EXCEPT the South 833_ feet thereof and . EXCEPT the North 328,45 feet thereof, 03) . The East 31. 13 feet- of the northwest one- quarter of the .northwest one='quarter' of Section 10, Township 23 North, Range 5: EWM;, EXCEPT the South 833 feet thereof, as fur•rhor described in said. variance for the. pu'rrposo of public rights-of-way and other municipal purposes. 2e OWNER',further covenants and agrees to construct; improve' and pave said right-of-way all as more particularlyspecified in CITY'S so-called Subdivision and Platting Ordinance No . . 1688, all 'at OWNER'S ' sole cost and expense,' or'. in the alternative, OWNER agrees to affirm atively. participate . in. ._a- Local Improv,e: ent District relative to . improve-- ment of said right-of-way and other adjoining street rights-of-way, 'and said Local Im.provem.ent District may be initiated on the part of the ' CITY or by petition by OWNER and other property owners In 'subject area, and '. OWNER covenants and agrees to join in any such petition and/or to support any such Resolution for such improvements and to pay his fair , share thereof as may be determined by . the CITY, all as provided by law. It is. expressly understood and agreed that. the CITY'S acceptance of said Quit Claim shall not be construed as an imposition of liability on the CITY to make any, such improvements; that such responsibility and' wl . r,,' J•.i_.,-9•r;... r^.a::`irc>5 T-;crs.".>yZ'.' ^,:-Rro r::--r:;r.a.. n:tz:x=„-..:_. •a.; ,., '.;i R!^" .1. ."5"'Tf ytp,., .-:;'!"..-:..._ T," N.. 1 :. :':"-`_ „k;`?i i, T{ ...M..T•. }ks. ..`` 5'.r. Ik,fl 1: • ,{ ,'Q',I.... .I:,. !,. V:'`..:', ..,f::;o!;rn r. .•{ '';'y., tio:. `';(` ry,,, t: y. h.. .h. > , t f ny" >:a' 'i .it 't 1<:'':' .,U",,.ifti%:'..:±1[.<I r'•6'' Yt'•, t r,•4f': y .ry{!'r. fix, SL in ii.`rt•Ifit"a. , ..... .4-... :'.<; *-•' .=r:: a , Y R l a r;r, '+'4 v7i. 'i'e";':"%.,. :. t '4:','i .qi:'e 4 r' 1k' .t• air;' f i''• i: t dx x',J ti Y';bp .t M d•: c1.ii.'.Sa' Y,• i^A{t:.. .,,t^.r . f _, •,, q.: ,S.I 7 rfr., tro:: h.,y'• n'','i?+:' », 'ti"•ti, t r ''t' n:,:. WV5'.e;., k>"?s:i"•:. .i':'.,•4..,ro: , itf,.,,,1.,..,,,.,...Yf'. %' t<-, le>L: ,.Tx i li 11ii:" , -w: n"s S; r l t.,1E, t{r n`,1 K'w' Y. 4.F:Y:y l.:jt t....,.,, r s•.le, t ii y,,,, vY F'.i i`i t,•i1t'r :1 5. f 1. 1 1 t t•ip.t1 J- 9 is ,..,. 1'i:1. N• 1"h•.....r 1. ..'i..,. ..! N._... r -. ,-:. .1. ..... _ •..,_ ,- .. a.. t... .,.. .. :f+.}' Y...-_. ., a _........_., 4..P7? D Mrit40.4-ti- l'ffti. 4''' • . ''---. c- 41 r• 3. OWNER further agrees and .Covenants,-. in any. .event, .(..to .. • eotrip1e.-esi such 'improvement of the street right-of-way as hereinabove :' . ,•:: . specified at .such time as owner shall make. application for .building . . , permits and improvements on said. above-described property, and the. CO .v ..Completion of such improvement of the street right-of-way shall be, : .-. ' L.0 . ... and it is hereby',made, ' a condition precedent ' to the issuance of such . 1-0 building permit. All such improvements shall be at the OWNER'S . sole CD • . -cost and •expense., and said 'street right of way .(134th Ave. S. E.) to be, completed, any event;within .five (5) years from date at Owner's sole cost and elquense. . . . . .. .tr.) '• - 4.4 . The purpose of .the foregoing provisions is to commit . 1- . . , - OWNER to the improvement of said street right-of-way, as .Purther . de- fined ,.in said variance, at OWNER'S_ sole cost: and •expense within .a. ,cer- . '• tain -given .period of time as determined by the CITY and -60 : not impose H v. any liability on• CITY."TO provide for ' any' such imprbVement. .. It' is further understood and ' a.greed that this obligation and covenant on the . . ' . part of the OWNER shall run' with the, land and be biladinon OWNER, his • l ,6.successors .and assigns . 01....lift,.‘,. ' 's‘ , , , gov.• ••, h,•„;,,,,;•, 0',..s,,, . . GIVEN at Renton, King County, Washinktcbia4"'47t11. 7,1,a.- e... /:::' ,.\ •',Q . - , . . day of June, 1965.: Q : . . ' .r. . :. , • , CITY OF RE rz,.7. •' By. " , .k) (...:4 , rf,; . e.',-,;••t,' ,.!, ,,,, ,•,,,„ r 4, ef" 't " r,"--4., V ,-,•, v1: t'll r1:7-7 ' ' ""' ' By - ,e.-- -7,-. i 1?,.,. A.„•<,-,,-, ,. • icity Clerk - • 4/.4•41",,,-('' 1.,1 ..4,i70,7, el.,--24.-,-4..:[--.26:'.,,,,---,---c- _..----- inINER) i STATE .OF WASIIINGTON ) - . . ' i COUNTY:- OF KING On this day personally ,appeared before me MARK A. HOKENSON; .. to me' known to be the individual described in and who executed the . Within' and foregoing instrument,: and acknowledged that he• signed the J-.. .. •''.- . same,••as....hs free and voluntary act and deed, for ;the uses and pur- poq,iaq.111rnin.•mentioned.• . • fo, •, f,"..'‘,;: s N i•i,.0'.„0,,,,,f,':.:p ,4,-,. . .. . . . 4-, 169.. . under my. hand and seal this 2' day of . r• r'r A...ifie',_.''.'196,5%;•„fc'-.a. ' ' 2. -- -irvl, ., n's .•:,...: D ; - r.., - r ''. ",••, .;),:. 4 7.- . ' . 1- 10 tc,i ''Z'1'" • • . ' 7 1 ' ''•''7% ' ` .*•"...? 5 ,\....:', c, ,.;- . • - • . Nx. r.ir -/-c- . 1%,,e ,- •?.,''r/r,:i?4e,- '--40 -4/7:..---- . otary Pub in and for the State of Washington, residing at Renton. ,I . ' -. I- , . r:: - ,,• .., :, . ' :r, , r.' •r:. r . • ' r.. rr '.r r ' r r. ' r C r •i • 25--iii4fr • '1 .7h4' r 1:.4.: filed for kecor4/"7"-!"- . , ).- '' „.° co. 4_,,,-..ijClIf_..0s4--I • -Request c----.. 2--.. • ' , „ ROBERT A.'MORI:US, Coubty. ts-pwrinromm4,71. . :-/.77;j7,F..N. f.;: lf.EPI.T.Zcri'•.4. {•&:.'-g''P.: M f1FrR!.:Zrt•Pr.1-1-407,61,7477-7,4V4.74PWAI.,0'INFillgligggt::'•750:1.:',g;tn',: 44.iiM,.,i.nl'Ais.•, ,,4n 2:A.V4.-:"..e . r.i•egACT:qi'ST:. .7-P*?iif:)1,'7'X-; •;. ,f;'g::,qci.i:f.'.4ejiliy..:g:',-,45;ii-NigiiikIVg?,?7.rAiNIf,,-4',Hafi';',1i4p.:AVtlietiWitIV;'0•V:ig':in .,,PW.:ii. i . if,:.7,i,K,444,Ifi'j•,:;}.;'MP:V •4• ii.,A_F44N-',44SNi6 ;41:1'4iai*,i*.-:•.e,11::. ,-;:',M41:,-NAi-;i1,4i; *=:i',ii. 1i13-...01',');N:4;'iiitliA.313;:::liW:',tt4i,•44a: 1:'1".',;i4:gi!T'..iiii•:igIR' ri .'-'2i:4'",;:.7:',-;.;',AZ4n,.i.VigntP.1:4:1h;Al.:',..44illIkiNii: !i.ii1-0;:?FfA4i .ii :',il:''!:4:•‘•A'Aj;11%.,11:-n••:iii;`i-ii:i: ',-IiiV*.:ft,n,10'i 'i'i•''.4',INWOIW:14:,? :•i`.VC.:.:: :'' ':tl:lV'i;i1:•:2:!-1*:i';: ' .:.•::1", •:.•,ti, l'zti gg.q:.,; '::!il.:Li '7•;;:inF:! FA'-" il: .7AT'...1;i•'',:t•.i.:;•a0;'..Ki'4:ii.'AKI .,,,V),,V;i1,,WtiocLi!;;:41611,IiN.',V,0',Ot',4«,,Vo;,-,,,iiAtiZ;;;.-::: :,!;-,.(:.!0,c,.i5'... illy:,:i: :,,-.1 ::,,:..-• )....bf9::',.iI "P:• i'i.'-':1• 0:;r:',:i:,:4Pqil'iC:1:t.'il.':!,':: ;:1"iii :M47';•..!* ,iii);'7•Ii"jR.rli? !i:::'. .. .;:..i:,•,.:'..,,i;i00,-,.9,1,'IWIS- 6;,*4ii;TE•;,14: i i , s .. v .. ' ra. ; ttiti^4 11+3' it*,:t...y.4 r W{ lc"(( a'{tt (1. 4 A G R E E' M E T r fi‘(://7 • r. . a v THIS AGREEMENT ,made 'and 'entered into this . ''r7..`. day of rr;; . June, 1965, by the CITY OF. RENTON, hereinafter ' referred ''to as "CITY" and MARK A, HOKENSON, hereinafter referred to 'as "OWNER'. ' W I T N E S S E T H; WHEREAS, OWNER has heretofore applied unto CITY ,for .a CertainI variance .permitting OWNER to erect and' constr.uct a certain building on ' OWNER'S property, which property, however, does not abut' upon .a.: public street ' as required by. the laws and' ordinances of the CITY. OF RENTON, •and ' WHEREAS, CITY, by and through its Planning. Commission,: is I willing .to issue and deliver unto'`OWNER a variance, subject to certain terms 'and conditions, P NOW., THEREFORE, it is hereby agreed and covenanted as 'follows : 1. ' CITY- agrees to issue and deliver, unto OWNER a 'variance' to .,f permit: owner to construct certain improvements on property described in.. .said,'variance. It is realized . that such proposed improvement does' notabut..upon a' public:street as . required by 'the' laws and ordinances' of the 1:CITY.: OWNER, therefore, agrees and covenants .to execute and 'deliver,,. • Esimultaneously.with this AGREEMENT and its execution, a' proper 'QUIT .CLAIM, DEED, .. granting and conveying unto the CITY' the following described PrQ erty1 . ', f The West 28;87 feet of _ the northeast one-quarter of' the northwest one-quarter of the 'northwest One- quarter of Section 10, Township 23 North, ' Range . 5, EtidNi. ,. County of King, State of Washington, i,'RSS the South 986,61 feet , thereof, i as further described • in said variance for the . purpose of public rights-of-way and other municipal purposes, • d 2. ' OWNER further covenants and .agrees '-to construct, ,improveand' pave' said' right-of-way 'all as more particularly specified in CITY'Sso-called .Subdivision and Platting Ordinance No. 1688, all at OWNERVS ' sole cost and expense, or ' in the alternative, OWNER agrees to affirm atively. participate in a Local Improvement District relative to- improve-am.ent of. said right-of-way and other .adjoining street rights-of:-way., and.said Local Improvement District may be initiated on the part of 'the CITY ' , or by petition by OWNER and other property owners . in subject area; andOWNERcovenantsandagreestojoinin -any such petition and/or •to . support any such Resolution for such improvements and to pay ,his ',fairsharethereofasmaybedeterminedbytheCITY,, all as provided . by law. tirIt' is' expressly understood' and agreed, that the CITY!S acceptance of ' said Quit Claim shall not be construed 'as an imposition of liability on i„ the CITY to make .any such improvements; that such re.sponsibi]:i-ty ` andliabilityshallrestsolelyuponownerand/or other property owners in, . -event Of such improvement •being undertaken and completed by moans . of r, Local Im.provemont' Districts. as provided by law. The CITY further:, reserves the. right ' to waive any conditions or obligations herein ' ig; assumed by OWNER. - lic 1., i i:::1 'Til`e?i N1?y_.+'^.*; Syni ^r'^ r'-,•: 'tiw,mr re -!q;iFin,•,,t,. •,ti.. ,.i Y`.r;.. n eT.,,, is x:r.-•x a,,...lqt;,. , a .k"':1:1' .S.?'' 1'?4 ''4R"2,??{{,, r, .t; „in,{ ;t``i'?; Fsµ, ,'•+1 <" ,5`.n :"{ • .F"`,,,,t:9[`S'w_rs_.AC., .i,- 7,:i; t 5 rv.,.!,• .t.1'N K ,S .:',.ti, I '.1, ,:..a..f r'Pi°;c'•;. .t i.;;, r 4';lii.0 1:i .S+ Z, r: r _y'.,,,:,;,...^:,ii,,, t.,. , a,.t,; ,I is '.! . ..k.':.,r,tl':i.•,ii" ',i, a, Q. '•.Iri ,, ,ifi V,1•'`a.,, C.1rr-:r'"V..r, ..'f, t , a..tac. ,ti.,+''.a a. x.:'F'.itl, ..,'1%:.,,.1 ..i....,..t' ii ,.1''; ifs .:It ,. .^s':u'; ' -a _, 3:,,.uti't... , 1'.i.<:ir kt,t r.: v'y d ir's, I',is C. a f 1 (,. lf, t to-+' r., i•? i µ' c^ t.,. is s,aRtt 7?' .'t, 1!` "::;p1`i:+"r'.. ti'.: 3,. F:S• yIu„ ;.t: :firrv: ,,..,..,. .. ..,.,.. „ .. d5=:•,r I:t..f '1-...l,?..r.,:., , r L...d„ ., t .,.,,.., ..... .,r, ,c......,i{.::\ 'S•` nP ?` -.t. a^.' 4p t ,,',:•'.1..,I,i,.,ai1...C,.,.. ,.,.a,.t 1..,.I...... ..... ...t,., • _ „ • .,........,.. ... •.:r 5': 1 ^I.•.(. .l"u• it^`:i i •t iil; 4 4, 1 5: l':7i:i 1 tI•' a. y acifiS.''fis:. n 9' 3v .,, r_ . 4,?; I,I t ,p rr t 3.....,.....tt:....1f .':;., ,. :i:" ........... A ti t:'': c .,„I„r'. ,dlr .r:'6t,1, .'rr :G f i June 7, 1965 1 3. . ItOE DYI EMMMAN & SELVINO MENCIA8,= .A 'PL; NO. R- 37..65, ra uest for rezone from. C to 1i..1 of property on Southlatith Street between the Easet.Valley and the 'West Valley I-lighway ; Tire P aniin;P .4:11otranission recomi en fie reaci ssifica- ticsx:i of the p:rosereties iie escribed in the .pplication froth G j tc 1.3 1 . . l:h the . tut 500' of that portion of the proporty: abuttui .on. South l4Othi Siren:. Tales i::are„slLi Talon races :meads tiaat tic south 500': of Me property abutting !von South' I. l 0th.- Stree t be reclassified from G to L-1. 11 proper`y .owners aL4 a :d...to in-,pot, the ,vllowi=ki staff- art16 ^.xpa h the properties p.:sor to rociO.ssiftcetion: 1\ 1.. 60'. bui1di a; aetba'Cks torxg South.•150t. Street with 0' sitteyerdS along. he oast and. west property lime? with provision within said Fetbacl‘ fOr "ia$.:ar cespzsa. , ce_.et the So.:tt. 2t:.".' and over the : moor earl wese:t iv' of t)* p,,ropexrtiog :to;a ciast:31ied tali L.1. The owu.ei°e further agrees to the posting of a bond to in. sure establishment of landscapinz at the time building permits are applied for or ieerrett on the :L..1 portion., The owners fur then agreed to t edic .te o2' reserve by easenet the south Ztl' of 4,0 property abattiig upon South 180th•Street for roadway and utility purposes. :This property is located in the vicinity of 80th:verve South, arl South 1el0th treet. 4. lvlAfil HOK.1NSON & LE}WY t EENSO.N.: A 1 .L. NO. a-Z39., 65 request for rezone to 13.1. and 1 -3 from G..7Z00. The CoMzrxiotior z.'ecor xr aond :reclaesficatic 'of the proper. ties described in the application to R--3 and 3-i as follows:. Tay13,1: T'he ncirth 490' of that portion of the.property described in the application lying west of 134th_.Averue S. E. extended. To A•3: - The blanks of tho property described in the application in,;. eluding that portion. lying eaet of the extension of 1.34th Avenue S. E. ari, ixxally.proposed for A.:1. June .7, 1965 4. Continued: In consideration of the future use and development of the property the Applicant agreed to: za.. Dedicate and irnprove 134th Avenue S. E consistent with the City's subdivision requirernenc b To quit claim or reserve by easement the west 12' of the property *Jong 132nd Avenue S. E. .for'roadwaya and utility purposes. This property is located in the vicinity of S. E 112th Street (12th Ave. N. ) and 13.2nd Avenue S.E. In other action the Commission reconimended.deenial of Application P-2,36-65 which wozld allow relocation of an exist. Jag sign for the Shill Station at 115 Rainier Avenue North, In denying this request the Plarauing:Cornxnission recommended that the large recently placed sign on the, auto sales _lot immediately south be adjusted back to the line of the previous signs.Att the time appli cationu for the subject sign was requested it was understood by the Planning Commission from the wording of the request that said sign was to replace. an existing align at theJ /1Z revious location and did not involve a new:locatfonl• 4 y 407l-6 The concurrence of the Council in the foregoing recommendai. tious is respectfully-requested. Very truly yours e S. David Jensen Planning Director JDJapc Planning Commission May 26 , 1965 Page 2 3 . ROE DYKEMAN SELVINO MENCIAS , APPL. NO. R-237-65 , request fOr rezone from 0 to H-1 of property on South 180th between the :East Valley and the West Valley Highway, Committee and Director's report : Recommend reclassification to H-1 o7-T37 ots 3 C a 3 ,-ant e adjacent rear portion of lax Lot 30 . Recommend that the south. 500 ' of Tax Lot 30 be reclassified to L-1 with the provision that the owners are agreeable to the follow- ing minimum standards as necessary and desirable by the Comm: ssion and the Planning Director: a . The establishment of industrial standards to include 60 ' building setbacks along South 180th Street with 20 ' side yards along the east and west property lines , and provision within . these setback areas for landscaping over the south 20 ' and the east and crept 10 ' of Tax Lot 30 . b. The dedication or reservation by easement to the City of the south 20 ' of Tax Lot 30 for roadway and utility purposes . c. The posting of a bond to insure establishment of 'landscaping at the time building permits are applied for or issued. Mr. Dykeman stated that he and the other applicant are willing to accept the findings of the Committee and the Director. Chairman Felker asked if there were any objections to the rezone of this property. There being none , it was moved by Peretti , seconded by Recanello , to close the hearing and recpmmend to the City Council the rezone of the subject properties according to the provisions a , b , and c, as stated in the Director and Committee ' s report. Motion carried. C4 ,9 MARK HOKENSON C LEROY HOKENSQN, APPL. NO . R-239-65 , request for rezone from G-7200 to B-1 of the north 290 ' and Rr3 on the balance of the • property. Committee and Director 's re ort : Recommend that the properties descried in the 'application fie"rezoned to R-3 from G-7200 , The re- classification of any additional property to B-1 uses is considered to be premature at this time , It is further recommended that the ap- plicants grant unto the City by quit claim deed or by reservation of an easement for roadway and utility purposes of the west 12 ' of the property described in the application along. 132nc Avenue SE), This recommendation is consistent with the action taken by adla,c: nt de el olament of 134nd.. ; avpnu.e , E. to arterial. .st, r ,r4$"4 Mr. Donald' Gou d' tge, repro enting the applicants , stage t since, the properties, 'fronting. on Sunset Highway are zoned 13-14411#'01e Comprehensivee :Plan indicates the suitability of busineee' lAaie, to SOO ' in depth along Sunset Highway, the applicants are asking for the 290 ' to develop more depth for the proposed business. He alsb .brought out the point that the development in depth would be desirable in helping to counteract the effect pf strip zoning . He further poiiteci put that the R 3 zoning would act as a buffer between the B*1 and single family residential districts . In reply to a question as whether actual plans have been made for the business and apartment;';uses , Mr. Gouge stated that actual plans have been made contingent upon tie granting of the rezone requests. Mr. Jensen aslced if the rezone is granted would it be reasonable to expect that the owner would improve and extend 134th Avenue SE, Mr, Gouge thought this was a good suggestion. A 10 ' easement is shown within the right of way of 134th S, E. Y1.annang Commission May 26 , 1.965 Page 3 4 , Continued : Mr. Teeg:.trdcn brought out that only a portion of the proposed Bal area is within the 500 ' shown on the Comprehensive Land Use Map as suitable for business use , but the remainder would not be con- sistent with the Land Use Map It was then moved by Peretti , seconded by Denzcr, to recommend the granting of 2-.1 on the , p-r.o crty west of 134th Avenue SE to a depth of 290 ' ,, and that the remainder of the subject property be re- zoned to R-3 , and further, that the applicant agrees to the dedica- tion and improvement of 134th Avenue SE, Motion carried. 5 . MATHEWSON PROPERTY, INC. , APPL. NO. P-236-65 , request for a change in location of the existing sign, for the Shell station on Rainier Avenue , Committee and Director's report : Recommend that the request be denied and taltthe sign p ace y Renton Ford on the car lot immed- iately adjacent and south be moved back to prevent interference with other existing signs along the street consistent with the previous location of signs on this car lot prior to the installation of re- cent improvements. After discussion of the request it was moved by Peretti , secon- ded by Racanello, that we concur in the Committee and Director' s report and refuse the request for the permit. Motion carried, ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS: 6 , Mr. Jensen read the letter to Mr. Shane relative to the correction of the zoning map to reflect B-1 zoning on the Shane property lying between the westerly boundary of Monterey Terrace and the easterly boundary of the Freeway, Mr. Jensen stated that after careful con- sideration and determination of the facts the zoning map was correc- ted on Mav 19 to reflect the proper zoning classification on the property described in Ordinance No, 1.522 , 7,, Mr, Denzerp Mr. Busch and Mr. Jensen commented on the matters dis- cussed at the State Planning Association meeting in Walla Walla on May 2.1 and 22nd, There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 9 :10 P,M, mes Tenzer, Sia ry o"g"1-eJJ er', air`man fI a I. Y 1. stL i"®1 1 i-.WAS IH I IV G T O IV the Jet Transport Capital of the World ty p r IJ ) F 1,` PLANNING DEPARTMENT I,t+ t rvA'!!,-p-- r, 77 p ,_'.- •.. Y 4)::;;`y ITS. x 3-7- 1, :;,,4, i,(-d ¢% .'c •ri it+j F ..° s'-1,r'6'.P'ti1 r.,.;• 4Py. 16 RENTON ENTERPRISE — Wed., May 12, 1965, LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF along said Drainage Ditch PUBLIC HEARING - to a ' point S 3°49' west e. 1. RENTON PLANNING- from point of beginning; COMMISSION thence N 3'49' east 923.- RENTON, WASHINGTON 69' to the point of begin-t A public hearing will be held ping; by the Renton Planning Corn- Beginning at the NE cor. of mission at its regular meeting the NWa of the NEa of Sec- in the Council Chambers, City • tion 36, Twp. 23 N, R 4. Hall. Renton, Washington, on East W.M.; thence West May 2'6, 1965 at 8:00 p.m., to 628,47';thence south 3°49', I. consider a petition for Rezones w e s t 747.9'; t h e n c e i , and Preliminary Plat. SWesterly 40'; thence south' FOLLOWING DESCRIBED 60' to center of Drainage i-PROPERTY: Ditch accord, to S.C. Cause PRELIMINARY PLAT: No. 32912 thence north- LAKE VIEW PARK NO. 2 easterly along,center of said LEGAL DESCRIPTION Drainage Ditch to the east That portion of the S .of line of the NWa of the•NE*; the NI of the SWa of the 'thence north to the begin- SWa of Sec. 7, Tn. 23N., • ning.R.5E., W,M., in King Coun- 2 rom -7200 to B-1: ty, Washington lying west of The 'NWa of the 'NWa of 1, the following described line: Section 10, Twp. 23 N, Rr,, •-Beginning at a point on the 5 E W.M., EXCEPT the 1 - south line of said subdivision• south 833' thereof and LESS lying S.,•88'31'3-5" E. along County Rna ,. I said south line -496.41 ft. ` FOLLOWING DESCRIBED from the southwest corner PROPERTY: From GS-1 to T-1Ithereof; thence N. 24'33'14" (Trailer Park)' ' aW. 374,50 ft._ to a point on 3. Beg: at point 350' w of in- the north line of said sub- tersection of N. Marginal division,and the end of line Road No. 10 & W margin description, lying S. 89'05' of C. D. Hillman's Earling-50" E. along the North line ton Gardens No. 1, thence , of said subdivision 337,02 ft. N to the intersection-of S. from the northwest corner margin of "Hwy. PIA 405; thereof, LESS the west 30 thence Easterly along said 'ft. AND LESS the east 110 S. margin to the westerlyft, of the west 140 ft. of the margin of Drainage District - 1 south 160 ft. thereof. No. I, thence southeasterly1. From G to H-1: along said westerly marginA. The east 3932' of the NWa' of Drainage Dist. No. I to of the NEa of Section 36, an intersection with west Twp. 23N," R 4 E. W,M., 'margin of C. D. Hillman's f lying. south of Drainage Earlington Gardens No. 1. • Ditch according to S.C. Any and all persons inter- 1 , Cause No. 32912; less ested or objecting to said Re- County Ropd. i zones & Prelim. Plat arc in-I •- I3: Beg. at a point 881.37' vited to be present at the Plan-`1: • •'-'- west of the 'NE cor. of the ning" 'Commission meeting onfNWaofthe 'NE* of Sec. May 26, 1965 at 8:00 p.m., to 36, Twp. TA N, R 4 east voice their protest or objection W.M.;•,thence east 252.9'; to same. I thence south 3°49' west ,JAMES DENZER, I 747.90'; thence SWesterly Secretary , i 40' thence S 3°491tiwest 60' Renton'Planning to Draina•e Ditch accord Commission ing to y, ;4, l%n:K v..... -O. .. he Renton En- i 32912 t • ti i,40, W M r2d::.:::.::i' s:`.:: -!,_ 1i_`,_.__'„_r-!_,-..I ifilr,, li NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING i ` iii RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION i st RENTON, WASHINGTON 10 PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION AT ITS REGULAR i; EETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, RENTON WASHINGTON$ ON May 26 , 965 AT R 00 P,M, TO CONSIDER A PETITION FOR Rezone a'.;i.' OLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY'4 r=!!=1::ki 2 . From G-7200 to B-1: Ss: '` The NW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 10 , Twp. 23 N, R 5 E W.M. , irii EXCEPT the south 833 ' thereof and LESS County Rd. eiQ iir IvTi d;j, a(liFj i :'IJ! I;it i''fig 11ii;;f; i;r'i ni iic r trt••1 n!1 I;Y.i'•t h:ti,• 10rYANDALLPERSONSINTERESTEDOROBJECTINGTOSAIDRezoneAi INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PLANNING COMMISSION 1 ffiT 1_U1 Maz 26 , i a 3 u AT 8 0 00 P,M. TO VOICE THEIR PROTEST OR OBJECTION TO SAME, Iae1;'yt;Ti::il, JBLI SHED g 6 5 JAMES DENZER SECRETARY t i;.,i' RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION li'vii unit CERTIFICATION 1,11jczaul hereby certify that three (3 ) copies of the above ii., cumen were ostenhy me in three conspicuousplaces on the i;..!','iPYppropertydescri- 1, d above as prescribed by law. 5 d i i,; n a i': CTEST o f .,i l t/ S. fit Yit WASHINGTON, RESIDING AT RENTON SIB' i i I};;itl}jij pi.'.rC';1: 11 L.I: APPLICATION FOR CHANGE OF ZONE IN THE CITY OF RENTON FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Application No. : Sec . - Twp . - R . /02,3- St ,/al Date of Filing:S7,S7S- Area Map: Plan. Comm. Action: Kroll Page: OS OJ Date:j A 36 aCityCouncil's Action:v Date: Ord. No . APPLICANT TO ANSWER ALL THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS NEATLY & ACCURATELY: Mark A. Hokenson c/o H. Donald Gouge, Atty, at law Name of Applicant kg°X ligt2nsnxni Address Renton, Washington Telephone No. AT, 5-5600 Property Petitioned for rezoning is situated on Sunset Highway Street, between S. E. 131st Street and S. E. 132nd Street. Legal Description of Subject Property The Northwest Qii rter of the Northwest Ouar.ter of Section 10, Township 23 North, Range 5 East W. M. , EXCEPT the South 833 feet thereof and LESS County Road. J G` Existing. Zoning G-7200 Zoning Requested B-1 for the North 290 feet anc What are the uses you propose to develop on this property? balance R-3 Business and two story apartments Number of permanent off-street parking spaces that will be provided on this property? Asi required by City of Renton Ordinance Number required Same NOTE TO APPLICANT: The following factors are considered in reclassifying property. Evidence or additional information you desire to submit to substantiate your request may be attached to these sheets. 1 . In what way is this proposed change in zoning in the public interest? City of Renton Land Use Map designates this property for the proposed use. 2. On what basis is there a real need in this community for more zoning of the type you request? Need a "buffer strip" between present B-1 zoned property and single family residence zoned property. 3 . Do you consider the property involved in this application to be more suitable for the uses permitted in the proposed zone than for the uses permitted in the present classifica- tion? Please explain. Property presently unclassified. Property situated on Sunset Highway with its heavy traffic. 4. What provision would you make to protect adjacent and surrounding properties from 1 the detrimental effects of any uses permitted in the proposed zone ? Natural protection /, afforded single family residences by "buffer strip" of apartments between them and hnsiness properties. T AFFIDAVIT WE. MARK A. HOKENSON, 'LeROY HOKENSON 1 $ - tic 1 being duly sworns declare that Frei oR the owner of property involved in this application and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the in- . formation herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Subscribed and sworn to me this a`' dayof W )U ( 1...__ _ , 19 6 , y;e.A ci v ! Q"N• Notary Public in and for the State Y• .? nla's`-- %.,. , of Washington! i(• ame a e o: ner residing at Renton, Washington c/o H. DONALD GOUGE Tailing . Tess 312 Wells Street, P.O. Box 26 Renton Washington - Address a City,)— State ALpine 5-5600 elephoner— OFFICE USE ONLY) CERTIFICATION This is to certify that the foregoing application has been inspected by me and has been found to be thorough and complete in every particular orm to the rules and regulations of the Planning De ibr), c`% ing the filing of such applica® tion. nOY\i Date received J 9 196 13 y fil STATE OF WASHINGTON,y' County of KING r:::=" 1 On this,day personally appeared before me MARK A. ,HOKENSON to me known to'.be the individual described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged-that. he signed the same as his free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and puoses. :therein mentioned. 4U/ItIYCmYder•;my hand and official seal this 5th day of May 19 65 Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, FORM 202, ACKNOWLEDGMENT. INDIVIDUAL residing at Renton