HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA65-248D is r... 1 , Ifl', '• 4.V I July W f/0 Y VW'iQ Hr. Gordon If. Bric3 en. C .ty off Renton` l•;: - • City f aontof, 14c ohington 98055 Me: Allegtd rovcsc ion o2 p?o 2rty o to by Robert Sirollr usc„ ateetas Me Or and Richard Giovi r,g46 3 1e hsve recaiv eTOM you,thio draw, your,batter o2 i'uly 2a. t ich og a t ely its en answer to cue c eication of December 8Il, 1965 r® the ©bortsoaptgondnatter. • Our oC2ice, og colts'€O I io not in a position to szper 'te a a: , . ; . , optraiSea se to %tether the revcraionsSy cloltee, them in egged, is app icable to the oitustion, ` lig'eidavitoQtatsittCd by the co• p rty ©gars would oo indicate e certainly CE.09to. 0 pr atr,IpmiQn r ; se t " t that ®t`o. T...'^!. work was done within t oat gr"!' pt'14 do t3.. r`` City has evidence to the contraey., which sp resatfiy. yO do ttto' the A22idevitsehould be accepted as written. y,••:,, I e notice to our Rile that youms;e G®iu'i to cbs ch 'With the 1 o ti1 . Planning Director, t D. emble,,, to Betas ai uhatt he has pan s,.recollection ca this c€tter. k • Y''' to of leamo 1 t Q3 1 ill.,, Ys. 4,' 'r,'. Z8 c can L ®Z any E aeeh.er ns®€vta a y a 1 tli r ip 1. 0. .!. 'r: ":2'. ; '.:'.::.:','.'''.• ;:: ./__akl, — (\\\,"\ .\V,\). °/1: i- .:A'"'' 9\ C. P z Gerard ki. Skel1sa , • - , . 4 N1 N,' \"1.:' f' it f, c in: 1 r r)l',3'',. 1 v. 1 `.' r.f'..'.!p j ',4'i`S . C.) , tea.- ! '2. OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY • RENTON,WAS HINGTON o POST OFFICE BOX 626, 100 2ND AVENUE BUILDING, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 ALPINE 5-8678 a ® 04 P GERARD M. SHELLAN, CITY ATTORNEY 94,t'Z ARTHUR L. HAUGAN, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY DRT CAPITAL Crr July 25, 1966. Mr. Gordon Y. Ericksen, Planning Director • • ,. City of Renton City Hall Renton, Washington 98055 Re: Alleged reversion of property owned • by Robert Strellnauer, Eugene Meter and Richard iovi. Dear Sir: We have received from you, this date, your letter of July 21 , 1966 which apparently is an answer to our communication of December 21 , 1965 re the above captioned matter. Our office, of course, is not in a position to express a final opinion as to whether the reversionary clause, then in effect, is applicable to the situation. The Affidavits submitted by the pro- perty owners would so indicate and certainly create a presumption that some work was done within the one year period. Unless the City has evidence to the contrary, which apparently you do not, the Affidavits should be accepted as written. We notice in our file that you were going to check with the former Planning Director, Mr, D. Humble, to determine whether he has any recollection on this matter. If we can be of any further assistance-t,? you, please let us know. We remain, i Yours.very truly, r s 4,,3•`'+1 i r 4?, HAUGAN & SHELLAN 1/1•1 1" „ if,. '' I.,1\r, ',„;,',c - A , i i Yt, 6' i • I+i L't• (l it 1I r' Gerard M. Shellac. I) f City Attorney GMS.hb. t` I tviRENT•N RENTON, WASHINGTON OFFICE OF WY ATTORNEY Gerard M.Shollan, City Attorney ArthurL Haugan,Ass't.City Attorney December 21 , 1963 Mr, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director City of Renton City Hall I Renton, Wadi ington 6 r., Dear Gordon!' We had on inquiry the other day from Mr. George Fiori, attorney ,and) thers, regarding certain properties along Rainier Avenue that are owned-by Robert D. Strellnauer, Eugene R. Meyer and Richard Giovi. We understand from these, gentlemen tbarE- T51'73112-'slin2p_prgoert was rezoned to B-1 on or about j1ily134_143 par Ordinance No 1,5,2„ Mr. Fiori submitted to us certain Affidavits by the present and former owners alleging, in summary, that said property, after such rezoning and within a period of one year, was substantially improved and at least a portion thereof used for business purposes. We oleo understand that at the time of said rezoning and until a few years ago, WC) had in our Zoning Ordinance a certain reversionary clause that you aar© undoubtedly famfriar with. We had previously, and in a similar situation, issued to your office a written opinion relating to the applicability of such clause to the property owners. Assuming the matters contained in the aforesaid Affidavits to be correct, which undoubtedly should be verified by your office, it would be our opinion again that as long as all or portion of the propeetyyresoned to business had been utilined for said purpose within the then enisting one-year reversionary ' period, the property would not boa its business cone classification. We s, also assume, of course, that after the one-year period and prior to the City's repeal of the reversionary &tense, the subject property had been utilized for commercial purposes. If you need any additional information or opinion in this matter, please let us know. We rmain, fours very truly, HOGAN & SHELLAN 23/ Gormrd M. Shalom 1() GMS:mr • • city Attorney cc-Mayor City Clerk 1 June 2, 1967 Messrs .. Robert D. Strellnauer, Richard Giovi and Gene Myer 12500 Rainier Avenue Renton, Washington" 98055 . " Re.: Rezone Application No. R-248-65 Status of Rezone Request Pending Action Gentlemen: . As you will recall, your zoning application for the property described in your application was held to resolve the ques- tion of the previous zoning of the property and its reversion back to a ' residential classification. This matter has been reviewed by the Planning Department and. the City Attorney. We have also contacted the Planning Di- rector who was in office at the time of the rezone, the Building Director and former Commission members . As indica- ted in the affidavit by Mr. Edwards , portions of the property were apparently utilized for business purposes . It is, there- fore, our opinion that the reversion of the property , in the ravine area was in error and s.hou'ld be corrected on our maps. However, the property described as Lot 8 and portion of Lot - 7, Block 3 , Wo.o'dy Glen Addition, was zoned at the time R-1 and would remain in this classification. We are, therefore, making_ the appropriate changes on our zon- ing map, in accordance with the Wallin-Edwards rezone request dated April 5, 1955, and as further described in City of Renton Ordinances Nos. 1520 and' 1521 . The Zoning Map will be corrected as, of June 1 , 1967 . Should you have any questions_ or desire further information, please contact us. Very truly yours,. Gordon Y. 'Ericksen, S Planning Director cc: C//it.y Clerk._ City ;Attorney GYE :hh i APPLICATION FOR CHANGE OF ZONE IN THE CITY OF RENTON FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Application No. : e ai$'_C,,s' Sec. - Twp. --R . Date of Filing: 2, 6s- Area Map: Plan. .Comm. Action: Kroll Page: Date: 22- Cos— City Council's Action: Date: Ord, No . APPLICANT TO ANSWER ALL THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS NEATLY & ACCURATELY: Robert D wtrellnauer & Raenara ulovi & Name of Applicant Gene 1ltyer Address . 12500 Rainier Ave4Renton Wn Telephone No . PA$5 6510 - PA 5 6$13. Property Petitioned for rezoning is situated on Rainier Ave Street, between So 126th Street and SO 125rd Street. That portion of Lots 1 and 2 Block 1 lying southerly F; easterly of center line of vacated South 123rd . Street EXCEPT that portion thereof lying northerly of a line which is 110 ft. southerly from 8 parallel to the southerly margin of South 122nd Street. That portion of Lot 3 , Block 1 , lying westerly of the center line of vacated South 123rd St. Lots 4 F7 , Block 1 , EXCEPT that portion lying northerly & easterly of Vacated South 123rd Street. The north 3.50 feet of Lot 2 ; and the West 61 . 72 feet of the north 150 feet of Lot 3 ; ALL in Block 2 ; The north 125 feet of the east 28 . 28 feet of Lot 3 ; 8 the ;North 125 feet of Lots 4 65 ; and The north 125 feet of the West l4 . 99 feet of Lot 6 ; ALL in Block 2 ; The north 1!I 0 feet of Lot 6 , EXCEPT the west 11; „ 99 feet , 131 cck 2 ; ALL of Lot 7 :il.ock 2 , The southerly 10.9 neat of Lot 7 , and ALL of Lot 8 , Block 2 ; ALL in the Plat of Woody Glen Addition , accordins to flat recorded in Volume tt7 of plats , rage 92 , in King County , Washington. Gonang^r-ce-qu-estea What are 'the uses you propose to develop on this property? u1ti Apt: j Number of permanent off-street parking spaces that will be provided on this property? Number required NOTE TO APPLICANT: • The £ollowing,factors are considered in f reclassifying property. Evidence or additional information.you, desire to submit to substantiate your request may be attached to these sheets . In what way is this proposed change in zoning in the public interest?presently this property is without substantial economic or aesthetic value_ This change will permit Of th reward the public t- ereb Ghrt to pulaLie I 2. On;what ,basis,is there a real peed in this: community for more zoning of the tualtaoi ia.% reque.st? .presently there..:, s *an urgent need.,..to-' educe traffic congestion forBoeing ;employees &..to provide housing for same. (Note: See further explanation onattached'`. sheet) 3. Do' you consider the property involved in this application to be more suitable for the uses permitted in the proposed zone than for the uses permitted in the present classifica- tion? Please explain. Under the present zoning the property could not bia tiedmatallbecauseofitstopography. 4. . What provision would you make to protect adjacent and surrounding .properties from the detrimental effects of any uses permitted in the proposed zone ?There would be nn detrimental effects to the surrounding properties as there already exists 31 'zoning adjacent to the properties in question. 1 AFFIDAVIT ggFticfiardDGsovillnauer Gene Dyer I , being duly sworn, declare that I am the owner of property involved in this application and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the in- formation herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Subscribed and sworn to me this 2nd day of August 196 5 Notary Public in and for the State of Washington , am e- - ammeV^Ao caner V4.1)residing gat ' 0 TWai1ing ress 12500 Rainier Ave Renton Washington Address City) State) PA 5 6510 PA 5 6811 elephone) OFFICE USE ONLY) CERTIFICATION This is to certify that the foregoing application has been inspected by me and has been found to be thorough and complete in every particular and to conform to the rules and regulations of the Planning Department governing the filing of such applica- tion. Date received 196 Bya Attachment to Application for Change of Zone in The City of Renton I am sure that as informed members of the City Government, you are conscious of the ever-pressing problem of housing and 'transporting the employees of Boeings. It is bur belief that the change in zoning that thereby affords us the opportunity of constructing a multi-million dollar apartment house complex will also merit consideration by Boeing in coordinating bus transportation from this complex to their plant. . Also, the traffic flow problem appears to be of a less serious nature with regard to the northbound Boeing. vehicles when you compare it to the soutbound vehicles.: Besides these practical advantages it is ever so apparent that this property would afford the citizens with : living accomodations that would, be especially .pleasant. The natural beauty of the City of Renton and of its geographical surroundings would be architecturally emphasized in the development, thereby affording the apartment residents with a panoramic view of breath-taking proportions. y INTER-OFFICE MEMO To: Mr. Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director Date Sept. 23, 1966 From:' Gerard M. .Shellan, City Attorney Re: Alleged reversion of property owned by Robert Strellnauer, . Eugene.:.Meyer and Richard Giovi Dear Gordon As per your request, we are forwarding to you photostatic copies of certain. Affidavits. by Edwards,. Strellnauer and Giovi that you had naked us for, together ciith the City's map. Also please find copies of our letter to you dated December 21, 1965, you answer of July 21, 1966 and our last letter dated July 25, 1966 which should complete your file. If you have any further questions, please let us know. tie remain, f' `• ours ve•.y truly, IIAUGAN Ra SIIELLAN o c : 1,_ GMS:mr ware M. Shellan• w f;` Enclosures r AFFIDAVIT f'4 r rr 4'' r ',` STATE OF WASHINGTON SS. J -;4'.- COUNTY OF KING f I, Richard Giovi, being first duly sworn on oath, state that-during Ll1C' yoar'i 1955 sand 1956 , and as a pra to of fact Ma E xth th© rho Subsequent years to date, I have been acquainted s! use of the property herein. That I' am presently ones of, the f said property. r r yF:;'That during the year 1955 and 1.956 I .recall rho° exte E3' . excavation and drainage work that was done on the property, property for car lots and a , Ps the utilization o thep P Y n 1 7}' 30,„,1 restaurant.' r J T. 5= have, been utilizing. said +property j,, That I am presently, and property beingforacarlotThat: I recall the northerly P p y f '' '4'iatilized 1t one time; with a miniature railroad. That Z am presently desirous of utilizing thin property .ta7 ,...,,: , ,,,, s s a substantial part of said''property has.xti' cc mcrcia.l E:uxl cc G, seven earsbeen'=used for the past years. t. +,.. • • it i ,'H •„ R r day 6f •1/'•G 0 Subscribed..nd sworn to before me this 4'. ',,, L„ , ''19 6.-3. , .. ,- ciiv\ii4 - ',0 C 0`j: r ice ' / ( jGxrl/ 14 f otary Publ in .a 02C-t ,e '. 'P,. o - - .. -•AAwl State of Was ugt®n, 'residing- N G DS, -at L E. FFI DAV IT • . ST'ATE'OF WISITINGTOIdA w'. '•{ , COUNTY OF KING t' Robert: Strellnrt.uer9 being ;first` duly sworn on oath9 '`9tate' that dut'jn the c. tlrl.l `I`a`.>!i. :iitl I)`f,, ;cr ci an- t. in+tt,i Or of:'i'n t the,subsecluent y ert I I ttrve'`'.'; • •• ao. ,the irti rtaglull att'd wi t,h; the uno''_of':,tile p;t'upior,'ty heroin. T o of said property...,' +;.. y ",.lhrit I cam Tiro l•'.l,y o tt. 'ui' alp.. owne;r,4 E; ,. : . ;' a"' • That during the.years 1955 and 1956' I recall', the •extensive,:: !•4 .. r ire';•'excavr.tion—and e'Cdra,.ina ,e work that :wars clone on the' property9' , he.; tit .ligationt is t', • •' ` ''o,'."t,he prctpcir.ty. i'c•t car 1ctt,rt and en A to W x'ectttuirant, f.' c,40 t 1I.z:irt 13t,1d tr.o )c:)r't fcn? Fa 'carihrtt .[ 'rtni l't.t :"t3ni,.l,y rirui h:cv : tti.t n u i y 4,,;'r• lott'm Thr,t T rt)ci11l the ,northerly ,property being conditioned at one 'time , rt.ilroad,o,' .F• :;` for' a miniature ,. r That T• am resently desirous of utilizingthis ro ert for. commercialpPPY:, of Y' { `` 'i: . 'p a epo'se,e•as a substantial;, part of said property been used ,for the,•past. • _r 4,M f t.,.K L 4Alaaofria th.3 Jdtomebeforeors,t ry.3 Qr1andv i_ tC/V NQttiry Public in and ,f-or the State of i r'',-' !( 1 .(" Welihingtcpn, reoldi,n ,,,, i .' 1 N'' Gpp S` r^1' 1 ' f 1jai',.{: , :' •'irlt; a i`rs t° -rAu•I worn r511 ti<It:h .. a f ST2:. t': t t i. :e t' ,tI'` o f:"2' Y•O .t`t 't: t t7.t: f LJ (i i°r •c T r•ic c }l ..r k:of`rs"rc. rind=tlavc_- I tr ;at,).•.r, Eugene 1 yer ; 'ar` _ r w ,8 1'4.1t.1 i's ntt_.ct uncles .the ca•ws . of, E..i uzi .>C nth.; 'and. a. ,l i rt;. ,--p' tt'X_.-Kk,•.i r) .t11£,. lt,i t: r•ef [: "- ''' T.; t e pie a!; 1' e.1iI\',t q i 1 ",- 1.1 CH 'i"t:itIIlt- 4.C1 'I :l .s<1FIIRl iJ. I l. C3 .' S.t' i1ca1;r` t1t,.i. 1 ,, t,llc` ,rr') :t r, tl:h°t .,, : sii% q,'- :1 . f .y't. ..I,•'k r t.c°c [ -,r. r- 1 :}: 'u it:ctl l actior : o'E tile.',t':Ity ,,of'' ?ePenton ; r. T : r a 1.Z,t.e:4,' L'r>i1 .• r•t.cI , : : .. , g' -' f` s m; 4Wit" 1 •,wt' a' pr_cciuru would expedite z latir p ; City h7Cltt'4 f i .c' the 'Lit.y ,of.'RentGn-for==l usan9ss.,:;.: - S' l•r;; i; .i, t k. .ztlf.l: , "ttnc.. w_, ..'r n c.rt1r1:' t. same-.by; t ties"(,aft ;*S: Y; r. rr 4. r 1 ak. a r t f tttl . lt I t r hr, 4..n 14= A5X L':c.I` t ilr r ,, rc. r.t. .l.Ci n I{s l..`I l'1 .o,"iT `/':}?fl Ut. ,i,,,: 5.i I i C\ tL. 1 1l J l `r 1 iry. v fir 47-', Si br •, t'1 a r c. czol lirs in moviri(', . 4•% :r.'tai .f:xpm 1' c.-A) and ta&iri , iri t}. lowportirh a.. IA.Y S' 1t: 1+ ,t_ UiICC_..C il,ll tc7• r." - '("lc"!t' t}11.\ wa "t 1. Z, lC l .1 L' tCYi, •.t 3 t _: ti;t:' t'c .n}:;, t'.. {:. i if 1 t' _, I.c:rit.cin E3u.1%l,i.iicx [. :,a triic-= t JI:F;r ` CIt; lr I ' t1 ht 1 Pcrra i:P r- . .<;t.:17xe: - - '.i c4-02''•; .l- r .L C : ICl - . a : , a3s f P,.; rtr teas utili cd as. use car Iat. aril some a` 1:1YK'd r1• y7 I. AT a- f e ' ' i x s`" aic e t:ei-t. Svc. excavatibin 'and u;raaraa €: :sub- i'-' y.' a _. ttrtt' "t'"' lic:.txC: z\ J. 1oz .> .z .ks'r ii.n .c'>t o xta-cin''Uf" Llc c} .;1`'anr. 1 tlJ. 9•r 11is C_'. ,r 1, i t=a xi ',ii c to c:r rl k. t chi <1 w- , r Y 4 t i 1"4 I.t' r' aidater' -'1 4'•.ClR;t l ..! tl '1 t:i j c' v' Y a-j z ,f.ia. .rrr, .i w",,I,, t c,. .c7rz!.ci 'i.r • .,tt,,i.f .,, 1`Yt fiC)lr.' •S_c.rt'r:, 1:.1 fir' L tr i" y Jy;y Ir f ) C1f• IniM1 t'Y f f f. J, L • 1, %r 1• l.. l'" r5 t 3 i eft t,w r".r 5 ram_v,i yr . f,.f i I I in 1t 7 Y J ia. ':i 1I 1?t '' C' s;i, t.a I,.r,r. c:fkt?. i 1`lr t':f>.u 1fie..-... tr;T, tr.: s1° E tt Yrl„e•r litii. s nk' t.'j.!J,- fi. y3-ry' y'y rt.. C'C; F;i'' lain.t..r.. /f( :f< art,, 1i" g, r i k A ..I:'.ii q rr:_ l1. rr r i 5.,. a YE.11"E,c",• r 1i=ent ;sea.er:l. thousands of cio llar.s, ri •additional- l.i'tia :ac mot: c l.f,.,r. in - furt her..y r m'i s-ov•_ ement. :Th h C'it o .h * o 1n t1t:1r' fuS :". i en ri' h'a , les huildif;= '- pexmi c „' ;:.:c' ri'.. ` f )t.l'4 IS'tq e.' n'5 E C'ions fo . E,iz•a in ige, rout racs s of onstruc- j t t ha!, ,viElc:nrc s that thr • f'° Y. '.ccjarc3ed"said t 1'k, °zip, k-I. 1....).E t' -Y a I._k Y I t E .l i<.. c:ci],1(,„ ,. ,,c t1 lhat a j,CS ., _Z 1 C 1.'t' i tw.i.c-ri o f k,u a i n t 1 r.. 71E t fi v' ... s .} 1-'r., it:i_i,z,eo fox' Luciner as• within the 'year':• "eri..Qd •rc ui.r--P q c.ci is •tze<.,..i t 'no t .;ya] ll 11 lria .1'• t.4., 1 • _l.-,C?Ci 'il: c• ia-';Z i ll S 7,to f.,a S. S.r, - 1a~ i 1.. artiw s' L it i i,i f=r r: yAjf, p p. J ,;dGY D c:=Mtip• f 44JJ v I 4 Yf Wit' - i. it-+ 1' t i „i fJ t : )+ cX ! k { r f rr..n r{rh 1,. is - bf r a f ( i II 4 r . , l^r tf.a. a kv f7 t y a iirc. f` 7 - I 3: gin_Crt.`a 4A'Y'ci. Citi , Ln 4.0 n s..a ci'i,: n a9. 1: G•f i .. ... ,_ 'ter ilY., ,_ rah,:., P'i s ap 1 ry. r y; k 4h..t , - fy,,,C S c rf£'t 1: y' i' Cis` fl.;':I;.:•'':''',':::i•••7::-',^•::'•'';':'•:•',••••J•:-•- :'''•:;• ••::•-,:,•i.;' ',.•;:.,•;:_•'•,+',."..,-,:, '','•.:'''';''•"•-••,:;!.;::-;!;;,,,..::.;,., •;•.:;::'•:%:.::,.• '',.''•• •'•;:•••-:,:•''''•;••;,''. '••:,`'.',•'• ' 7.:'..c.'.::.•,:;. •-:.. •''.':,,,.:::,:::" ..,:rgi-::....,7,‘.."."-,,';,..:..,',,..,-„- ..;,,...':1,-j'.•:-... ,-;•,..,s7-••' :...:,-..',.. ' f. 1 t y a 1 r.. J\j4rd I- f S S. f J, 1 p rrGt° M1r, r nN,; i Ftj' t f 1.r4 ff'HTr' FeeT7 i.' tip 1 e tqqp) y" r'' f. f:P h.Y,1• r r.r l_' FYI` 1r'f J - r, ..y i c .t C1 }C. 1 u. • i1.,F. p ten q' l/ QD Us®D 1 .. i"'=s'"1 " „. .VA00'B1©Mc "ET CDM the Jet Transport Capital of the World ja.;y,'r PLANNING DEPARTMENT t f July. 21, 1966 G Mr Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney • 100 Second Avenue Building fr .' Renton, Washington Re: . Letter from your office dated Dec.. 1, 1965 : ro''' RobertReversion., of property owned by StY'ellnauex, Eugene Meyer and Richard Giovi Dear Mrs Shellan: ,... . Your i.•0quest for varil'ication of affidavit. regarding use of the above mentioned property, and the rezone of stud property from R-1 to B-1 as noted in. Ordin- . ance No. .1520 and' 1521 dated 7--12-1955. This prop r,, erty .apparently was reverted back to its original ,;, zoning classification RS-1. The Planning -Department has conducted research of the above said affidavits r for varification purposes and has not, been able, te,i, • ' definitely establish pro or con the use within, the one-year time limit prior to reversion. Tt 'appears' that the property was apparently :used for some type ( of commercial purposes , but we have no records indicating such use. If • the affidavits you have legally meet your, satistl faction as to .,proof, of the use or 'intended use Y•' .- within the one .year time limit, please inform ps a.,n •' . 2•• •writing , and we will make necessary changes on our zoning maps. ':,' . Yours very truly', I" tiaR.' ordon 'Y Erickson 4.R FN •, lanniny Director, ram, = r, , . ' Pl-6:iii .r,a ;, Comm i s y;: ;\i Tus.t .2'5`' 1965 Page' 2 o ConCont ti,.t easement over the _trot h 209 " of', the 'property for utility .and roadway 'purposes Motion carried,; ROBERT STRE1.4W,..;YFRR I D. CICtTA?7a. `.1.OVI 6 „ENE MYERa Application No R 248R65request" "for re cute from R=. a.-id Srni to ' B-1, y . property Located onRainier" Avenue' between South l26th and South - 1 23rd" Streets ,', A`"letter -was read from' t:he` :.ipp icants "r. °questing postponementA,;::..„: -e,of the' hearing until 't`.ie -next meting "as ;it was felt that more legalworksho.ul.d bc :done befo r e it is presented" to the "Commission, Directo r ; 're rrt - The cropos d rec d . i fi st ion' Q ihis proper-nvolve5g number .o{ considerations which resolved prior. -Yto action of . the CoMmi scion c a'o`':'.,- The propos ci,rezone involves - the reduction-in s . . e= and areaof. numerous .lots w:i.thi.ra the plat. of Woody Glen Addition', This-"',r g,4,.quest should include a request for re, lass:tfication ce;" the remaining-portions of . the affected lots from : to any" T her : ore' appropriate'residential, ''one , - b;; The, reclassification of Lots-" andd 8 , flock 2 ; for other than 'single' fami J.y u e s- would eub1 ect South 124th Street to potential bus-.. ":"mess development such as; restaurants or multiple residential useswhichmayinvolve ,the 'use of South 124th Street by many aut .r.obiles ,The.,. .int •oduct ion of unwanted traffic could be detrimental to the pro-perti.es ' abutting upon South .124th Street c, ' The plat- Woody Olen Addition contains deed .restrictions lim--iti:n ; use of the property to single family residential uses , - Whilethecr-4--i dt-i e rdoc nr,t- impose a limitation on- the action of 'theC-,'," ` :, resent problems of a nature which shouldbeconsideredby 'trio :..Comm.t..,-.lion and the Commission should determine .that the enforcement. .of :.hese deed restrictions will not redound tothe ' detriment of the "property owners in the plat or to the City or 'e its :officials, of the e " The resolving several i"xherent problems including therezoningofalltheaffectedproperties, the preservation of existingpropertyvalues ,the `eterminati_on of points of access and -other related problems will require "additional time' and study. Zt isthereforerecommendedthatthismatterbeheldforfurtherstudy? After some discussion of the problems involved - and in view of 1,the request by the Applicant, it was moved by Denzer, seconded by i.Garrisons that the hearing on this matter be postponed for O days .for further study , Motion carried, i; 4 D' RICHARD GRAY 9 Application No, V-2S1 6 5 request for variance to allow .owbuildingofacarportandworkshopabout2 ' from the side lot line, . Director' s report° Recommended that a ' variance reducing thesideyaraEto_ 7. -raih-e725 than the 2 °"', requested be granted, A maximum overhang of ':1. ° inintothe F-e-UmmE:nde.d 3 ° s.ideyard should be ohserved, l.[ i 1s11, .' Ca bat - y , J ()t ", ; , p ;- ,,. c Lil tc tile. adjoining pra-percy,_ . . S. OrA: Ma s t at 'e ala lt l that the proposedxoosec carport .woLld nUt "ba I°:blilt .01 1 ac wit ,idn the adjoipirp property * but woo t ifio}) c, d; I ~iV1L ? IO poom U 'twCun tho buiIdIyfin A1 t.tr ', u7 t}1er ;I.: {'l 4is) nn 1 Wa' y s moved by l)enzert . econde d *..-tijyk. Buschs :,"te concur in: the fi.reCto.1 ' r+eport and recommend to the City . August 259 1965 City of Renton City Planning Committee City Hall Renton9 Washington Dear Sirs: We would like to postpone our appointment for rezoning until your next meeting as we feel more legal work should be done before we present it to you. Thank' t D. St 'ellnauer Dick Giovi Gene Meyer RDS:mk e ^ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION. RENTON , WASHINGTON A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION AT ITS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, RENTON WASHINGTON, ON 19 ,:-. AT 800 P.M. TO CONSIDER A PETITION FOR t -'-:";" FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: From. to3B4-41„ 7 net 7 , ANY AND ALL PERSONS INTERESTED OR OBJECTING TO SAID ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PLANNING COMMISSIOTTEETTRG-bN 19H AT 8 : 00 P.M. TO VOICE THEIR PROTEST OR OBJECTION TO SAME, PUBLISHED SECRETARY RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION I. hereby certify that three (3 ) copies of the above docia-ginWTJ-5EiteE-By me in three conspicuous places on the property descri- bed above as prescribed by law. Signed4,-7:p ATTEST: • Nrirn7114 •T-3A- Xgrl T E STATE OF WAS NRESIDING AT RENTON 6,L.. • r 4'