HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA71-669BEGINNING OF FILE FILE TIP4CROFILMED I t P- 1 APPLICATION FOR SITE APPROVAL IN SWO ZONE CITY OF RENTON FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Appl. No. 6k- lok,ck• ik Hearing Date Filing Date V5, _g Y2'n, Pi COTY1, Action :AT-1%io APPLICANT TO ANSWPRALJ fTLGiW fl 1417,ALY AND ACCURATELY: Name 74.e,vo p ...4A/‹.__ vp Address 30o A / v,„ by Telephone No . /57,4 6 .570 0 Property petitioned is located on dA/24()At A- e/70 fr-t4 between and Total square footage in property LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY Existing Zoning P What are the uses you propose to develop on this property? A / Number of permanent off-street parking spaces that will be provided on property? C") A Number required N7N, yiro A-A Renton Planni4g 1968 Renton Planning Commission Meeting February 24, 1971 Minutes - Page 5 right-of-way southerly along the easterly property line 372 feet. Mr. Jensen stated he would require control of one foot k of property along the northerly border of his property to in- sure that adjacent property owners would also dedicate 25 feet for right-of-way purposes, or arrangements made for a late- comers ° agreement. After further discussion, it was MOVED BY FORGAARD, SECONDED BY ROSS, THAT THE HEARING ON THE JENSEN REZONE REQUEST BE CONTINUED FOR ONE MONTH FOR FURTHER STUDY. MOTION CARRIED . Upon query, Mr. Jensen stated he would be available to meet with the Commission of the Whole in study session if requested. 4. NEW PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS SITE APPROVAL APPLICATION b) AERO DYNE CORP. , Appl. No. SA-669-71; site approval in P-1 zone; property located on Renton Airport The Planning Director stated the Planning Commission previously considered and approved an earlier request by the applicant for three buildings in this area. Current request is for construc- tion of an additional hangar facility of similar type to exist- ing hangars. A plan of the proposed hangar was displayed. Questions were raised and discussed with reference to access, parking, and circulation of airplanes to the proposed facility. Ross stated that in view of existing conditions on the site, the proposed development would improve the area in his opinion. Following further discussion, it was MOVED BY DENZER, SECONDED BY TEEGARDEN, THAT THE HEARING BE CLOSED. MOTION CARRIED. ACTION: MOVED BY DENZER, SECONDED BY HUMBLE, THAT THE SITE APPROVAL APPLICATION OF AERO DYNE CORP. BE APPROVED. MOTION CARRIED. 5 . ADMINISTRATIVE a) COMMITTEE REPORTS 1. SIGN CODE REVISION--Committee Chairman Scholes read a memorandum to all Planning Commission members stating that his committee had duly reviewed the proposed revis- ions to the Sign Code Ordinance which were referred to the Planning Commission by the City Council and had found all revisions to be consistent with good planning practices. These revisions are a portion of a continuing process ,of ordinance updating. A brief summary of the proposed revisions was discussed. It was the recommendation of the Sign Code Revision Committee that the Planning Com- mission approve these proposed revisions. A brief dis- cussion by Commission members followed. ACTION: MOVED BY SCHOLES, SECONDED BY DENZER , THAT THE PLANNING COMMISSION HAVING REVIEWED THE PROPOSED SIGN CODE REVISIONS IN DETAIL APPROVE THE PROPOSED REVISIONS AND FORWARD A RECOMMENDATION FOR APPROVAL TO THE CITY COUNCIL. MOTION CARRIED. Renton Planning Commission Meeting February 10, 1971 Minutes - Page 3 Teegarden stated he had one more suggestion to make concern- ing the proposed Subdivision Ordinance. He recommended that on page 25, Section 9-1108 . 7.J, the sentence be changed to read: ' "The City may require that street widths in commercial areas be increased to provide for traffic movement and to reduce or eliminate traffic congestion" . ACTION: MOVED BY TEEGARDEN, SECONDED BY HUMBLE, THAT THE PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVE THE PROPOSED SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE AS CORRECTED BY THE ITEMIZED LIST DATED FEBRUARY 5, 1971 , AND THE SUGGESTION STATED ABOVE, AND THAT THE CORRECTED DOCUMENT BE FORWARDED TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR ITS CONSIDERATION. MOTION CARRIED. 3 . NEW BUSINESS REZONE APPLICATION a) KAMPE CONSTRUCTION CO. , App1. No. R-670-71; rezone from GS-1 to R-l; property located on Pierce Ave. NE. between NE llth St. and NE llth Pl. The Planning Director described the rezone application and pointed out property location on the zoning map. The appli- cant is requesting rezone to R-1 to allow construction of four single family residences and has indicated his willingness to dedicate right-of-way for street purposes. The minimum size of the lots will be 6 , 840 square feet. Slides of the property and surrounding area were shown. Discussion ensued concerning the necessity for the proposed widening of Pierce Avenue NE to 60 feet. The Planning Director stated this matter will be researched in depth and report made to the Commission at the public hearing meeting on February 24. SITE APPROVAL APPLICATION 4- (b) AERO DYNE CORP. , Appl. No.. SA-669-71; site approval in P-1 zone; property located on Renton Airport The- Planning Director stated the Commission had previously ap- proved site plans for hangars in this area at which time esthetic considerations and landscaping, etc. were discussed. The applicant proposes to construct a new hangar to the east of the previously approved hangars which would constitute an extension of his development. Slides of the property were shown. 4. ADMINISTRATIVE b) COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN REVIEW The Chairman stated that he and the other officers of the Com- mission had reviewed some of the items pending before the Commission. Particular concern was felt regarding the three requests for changes to the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. The Chairman felt the Commission should have a plan to act on these requests as soon as possible. The Commission officers felt it would be desirable to set up a policy to review such requests on an annual basis .hereafter. AFFIDAVIT • I , J !t'k j/ !1f t L. being duly sworn, declare that I am the VrWifewr of the property involved in this application and that the foregoiffcligMements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and' correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Subscribed and sworn before me this / _ day of `L. c-\on.,< v 19 1 , Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing atC e*vl Name of Notary Public)Si•, ature of Owner) 0f A dress) Address) A., ( a cal City)State) gA6'- &-iva Telephone) FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) CERTIFICATION This is to certify that the foregoing application has been inspected by me and has been fous• t,horough and complete' in every particular and to conform to the , 44's a0ehulations of the Renton Planning Department governing the ;.1li suaapplication . Date Receive.2 1911 i 5 1 9 B y i G ;tjr 1L 17;/ v-i,a r iz.•-C•: :'V••^J rYi'i NG iE Renton Planning Dept. Revised May 1970 Aar=.. . I - I 7:-.... mic.4 '''ir--1- 4- e --'' N II.1 1. ,.—.< .. ' ' S.. . L ' 4. , (11 t. it 14.?VI ef,4z.xii - 0>AL.•-, 0,i.,•;r .in - r , . z,,,s4,.,.,. NI '-'- --1--- - . . ____ w•11--., 1i4.S N I iii0 1...'Sr • - ...— • ' .. .-.LS VP X . 70'411 E:F1 .. ''..a.-, 7- .._. - ._,.. I ,:- 1 . 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I 1,2 1 ILO- 83 I it r CT z k 1 w- 1-- --a: I C '4---- '--41 • 1C) qi 13 1, i-li. e/i/a Ao L-T 9 ' g , ! lo 'L.--- '-'-ir , 1 7 rn M ‘ -.--•- •-• --- - -• •,------ . i .-- •• . 1 ,./". k..1 .._. __...\,_...z_,..3.,....„:....A,,,,.;,,a. .4.,.,,......1, N 4 MObt-. 5- 0*, LT-6 1 ...:.' ,-,\P 1 s-r. - , y I. 1 III _ N n. 1 yT i II i g 14 al w ,w ;a c. wn11 --He 1", a O l F-' _ 1 rr- 7 i,li/ a?F— s —. r. i ' i jli " {my,. 1 I1\ SrAD1 Un.+ /I U 7 ice,l^ ka ci%k. 1. . .TE O c t i: ''vli` ) ; a a ; 2_ ' r, r I 43 r . •1 ir, .. 3sl "ck k../ ' , A 13-/- :-' -4 .a 7 ' e:. s,: r, Aero Dyne Corp . \8I' -1 k_ EI _` - 4 e Q JI` 5 Q ` ., ? Site Approval1ilL l 'x11 ,•.© ' _ o ° v_c f e 3 L rfn t k s mall 0.1. iti. '7757 ,.'a ,' 53 Z. iiTii ^&A `r I: er ask-=-- • : Q y\`; , JIIIi1 i 1- , Q - Z` w ru• , VAC i If r D \ 1 . p 1Lj 1 -- AI i' ,,; tea© I iliifi_ iiiiiiith N; 1 rill,-` • S—I1 j . _ _ _ -R ell _T — rs \::f;r. rL1 è/iT Y , ri--------O eit I 'S Ifi ,,.„ RE, P R K r J SENIOR JUNIOR 1. r 4SCHOOLSCHOOL .LHIGH HIGH a. 3 -/O Lw_, ' X.,‘„,....hh. i/ /i Z si ,.., 2 1 ll- . : : ril—c.•liv0-1-2, 7,..__--..-- r_E;i1 ' KR 1 u.rwil__-•;', !rum C-__10 ,),..... 7:,,/... DO ia.o x T „r . _. QOQ w ,,z CC,, f , s ` . ZIg S I \ c-, 1 '_' • \:.'' 4 r L h' 1 I i --. i_ --J° r=' a 1 SITE APPROVAL APPLICATTON Aer,o Dyne Corp . ,, Appl . No.• 'SA-6'69-71 ; s•i•te 'approval in P-1 zone; property located on Renton Airport APPLICANT Aero Dyne Corp . PRINCIPAL ACCESS Airport Way t EXISTINGZONINGj P-1 EXISTING ' USE . Undeveloped 9 PROPOSED , USE Airplane Hanger COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Public Use Area COMMENTS_Site plans for hangers constructed to the west of the proposed building were approved by the Planning Commission in June of 1970 . The i new hanger is an extension of the existing development. 1 a ENDING OF FILE FILE TITLE