HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA71-686BEGINNINU OF FILE FILE TITLE SA oo 686 :11 I // ywAPPLICATION FOR SITE APPROVAL Ili M-P ZONE CITY OF RENTON FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*, ; Appl. ' No. SV- lib'I 1.1• bHearing ate' 2y_ --1 „ , Filing "Date 3 Z1 Plan. Com. Action n6\OQQ.d. :\\ • k4•1\` APPLI NTO ANSWerci EALL THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS NEATLY AND ACCURATELY: • '' Name' "A 2V-1 • L.,„„tev,,,Avs,„.....„:::01e n 44FEL$ ddress ' '';-,P. ;O X ' ' M.+'4,,,t' p'R' f 6 15:fin ry 1;1:'`•:4i1 }'r N- F.,iJ .., Yd"1' li or,,,,,.„ A V ql,ill N or, . ' 3 ,„•••,,,, v .,6,,,' ,, , i,) 1t l. :4 :,4'. tI9 , cc,, fi4 1,,w Tele hone No 2'•b: "P 0' 0 , :. . Prop•e•rty petitioned is located on e Xa AevC Affj ' ` -4, rta c4a y4 aA el q • s" 3 cl;; eel ) X d a.3,e b5 I;+ ron•A` ; gx,, and Cfif a,t:-e' ; ` „ p,. qi. F ''i 4, D ,5 ::tic; rW4 la Total square footage in property ' ".,, ` '(/' SF;" j,a! '' ' ' LEGAL , DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY i mp,,,,,prp Ai e;F"'-.1 r3rNPW4°h a.. M 1. e1,571c.,,•,4X .-A 'rp:4ngG k'd x'.N 1 r V' 1t:4'':,Lt"'4f,;ie,,, I+7'e, 4, ,,,n' at R LS± ,..,e^7 s tr ;hy„yi,Wvd{y,,a k' dt t.' r' Pr f+'r'l A IA, to. irr, a w•u ' . a A ] Z: A`s: $1 2 i'v 'f 1,.F'!p7 ``-`•. IT 'r F,'{- r i ,k,,?.?'",:t.$-i, "^ 'wnr'"qq' e t ;) i';.c u, ,t,''•w'>- f 4 g v ? : :: C, 'r'j . ''1 Ui ,". q,;. 41 P1W,.d A . ($ 1t ulW D ;`"•i XM.. ':.9.)1..fitP Fi:f 4.'N • X'S 'F1 k.tw.v f q vAI JJ t',0,,:.,„, r,"40tt +' ,I.,..p X ate. 4ryt: 1' w'"} : f tLR s !'s3 (r wa 'r,",4 n Hfi^'rP 41,i„q),,,irPi V". S ,':g P.7'' e%i` ro U'7ikX9y;ify s tri;) ;; KS ..uir,kx „ 21, 1' ExistingZoningt'`_..` t ( 4 r7 .4 ,. a1,k;, f ry e ' w Xl .0.A !, :: 4., ;i'tPfcsCl { d Li 2 '! h l What are the uses 'you propose to develop on this property? np 0 MO 4 mm9 r.ra j ,RA II `- i s K k alp A 4" ^q APR r Wier ;'t s' R3 Y-; 3 :1.: o1CkX)Sy {F-;;I .tr_? ' 7 d + r9 a t l rS 4},. rt, 'R'"'"" /' •{'g °'"1,.,t:« } f3:^.c4` 1 ` , Q P; i''y j ,t Zp Qr j ,Vf('{'.j'`r r ,s. Yai r},. 4 A'.:,,r, w}+ i1 b] 4, 11 (gyp 411 * Fkf 2 "` f ;;:,L. rf:=1 , t A1.,1 A, X Pit+^i , ,[y)I;sE• y:•-x`.4 J4 i kli'.:+) to J t', i ,;a a. s zfr c e dh rr R W .k i_r A c1 Pry ec4a':.c pL. r R..kt,,r.,., 8 L 4h Y', 7 t s t t-;..i'} Number' of: permanent off-street parking spaces that will' be provided on property? o,v f ,,.$,:r;.,A,0,k.4>• RE/li6:o1 fay ,r;v? fi=;ua,v., b -p'F''ip 1 Number required r:. };r" "6_, ,-;4. , 's I . '4/ 1 mentRentonPlanningDept 1968 sit z- LNG D° P/ Renton Planning Commission Meeting November 24 , 1971 Minutes - Page 5 Audience comments in support of the application were invited. Mr. James Wright of Mercer Island, one of the applicants , spoke at length on behalf of the application. He displayed his slides of subject property. Mr. Wright indicated the existing resi- dence on the property would be refurbished for use as care- taker' s quarters . The rest of the property would be gravelled for use as parking for cars and trailers, with as much of the natural foliage as possible left intact to act as a buffer. between the parking lot and adjacent properties . Audience comments in opposition to the proposed rezone were invited. Mr . Mark Robbins , 5029 Ripley Lane N. , Mrs. Thomas Buckingham, 5025 Ripley Lane N. , and Mr. George Cassidy, also of Ripley Lane N. , objected vigorously to the proposed devel- opment. Mr. Robbins stated that he and his neighbors feel a rezone of subject property would be completely out of order as there are two single family residences between subject property and the Ripley Lane Apartments and a rezone would constitute spot zoning. Mr . Cassidy stated that moorage for 250 boats in a residential area would present a danger for children swimming in the area and the noise, traffic and pollution generated would be intolerable. Mrs . Buckingham added her agreement with the arguments in opposition to the proposed rezone. Denzer stated he felt the request for rezone was not compatible with the area, that access problems exist, that opposition from adjacent property owners was valid, and that everything points to the fact that the proposed use is not permitted in the zone requested. Considerable discussion ensued concerning the proposed use in relationship to the multi-family residential zone requested, and it was felt an opinion of the City Attorney should be requested concerning permissibility of the proposed use in the R-3 zone. ACTION : MOVED BY ROSS , SECONDED BY SEYMOUR , THAT THE WRIGHT-MEYER AP- PLICATION FOR REZONE BE CONTINUED TO THE MEETING OF JANUARY 12 , 1972; THAT THE MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE ZONING COMMITTEE FOR STUDY AND RECOMMENDATION; AND THAT AN OPINION BE REQUESTED OF THE CITY ATTORNEY CONCERNING PERMISSIBILITY OF PROPOSED MARINA USAGE IN THE R-3 ZONE. MOTION CARRIED, DENZER DISSENTING , SITE PLAN APPROVAL APPLICATION b) FERGUSON, HUGH, A pl. No. SA-686-71; site plan approval for warehouse in M-P zone; property located on the northwest corner of intersection of. Thomas Ave. SW and SW 10th St. Earlington Industrial Park) The Chairman described the application. The Planning Director pointed out property location and displayed the plot plan of the proposed development. The plan meets all ordinance require- ments with the exception of landscaping, but it is felt the landscaping requirements can be worked out at the staff level . Following Commission discussion of the item, it was MOVED BY DENZER, SECONDED BY SEYMOUR, THAT THE HEARING BE CLOSED. MOTION CARRIED. Renton Planning Commission Meeting November 24 , 1971 Minutes - Page 6 ACTION: MOVED BY DENZER, SECONDED BY SEYMOUR, THAT THE HUGH FERGUSON SITE PLAN APPLICATION BE APPROVED SUBJECT TO PLANNING DEPART- MENT APPROVAL OF LANDSCAPING. MOTION CARRIED. 5 . ADMINISTRATIVE CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL a) COAL CREEK SANITARY LANDFILL--Commission review and recom- mendation requested The Planning Director described property location and indicated that the proposed sanitary landfill site is located in the county, northeast of the City of Renton. An application is presently pending in King County concerning this matter. Chairman Teegarden referred the item to the Community Services Committee. MEETING NOTICE b) TRANSIT MEETING Each Commissioner was furnished information concerning a transit meeting to be held in the Renton High School Cafeteria on Tues- day, November 30, 1971, at 7 : 30 p.m. The Chairman recommended Planning Commission attendance. As there was no further official business before the Planning Com- mission, it was MOVED BY DENZER, SECONDED BY YANKEH, THAT THE MEETING BE ADJOURNED. MOTION CARRIED. The meeting was adjourned at midnight. 67;]:„2,7h.c, Knthone R. Mbla, ecretaryY Clark Teegarden, Chairman Renton Planning Commission Meeting November 10, 1971 Minutes - Page 2 4. : NEW PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS FOR PLANNING COMMISSION CONSIDERATION AT MEETING OF NOVEMBER 24, 1971 : REZONE APPLICATION a) WRIGHT, JAMES AND MEYER, BORGE, Appl. No. R-685-71; rezone from G-6000 to R-3; property located on west side of Ripley Lane, directly south of N. 52nd St. The Planning Director described the rezone application and pointed out property location. The applicants ' development plans propose a private small boat marina containing 248 spaces for boats on the lake with parking and other facilities on the land. The applicants have been advised that the zone requested, although in agreement with the Comprehensive .Land Use Plan, does not permit the development proposed; however, they wished to file for rezone as requested. SITE PLAN APPROVAL APPLICATION b) FERGUSON, HUGH, Appl. No. SA-686-71; site plan approval for warehouse in M-P zone; property located on northwest corner of intersection of Thomas Ave. SW and SW 10th St. Earlington Industrial Park) The Planning Director described the application and pointed out property location. The proposed plans for warehouse and _ . landscaping were displayed. Negotiations by the staff with the applicant resulted in the present plan, which complies i with ordinance requirements . At' 8 : 00 p.m. , the Planning Commission recessed its meeting to join with the City Council Committee of the Whole for presentation of a progress report on the Downtown Area Redevelopment project given by Del Bennett, Public Works Coordinator; Gordon Y. Ericksen, Planning Director; and Dale Jorgensen, architect and design con- sultant. The Planning Commission resumed proceedings of its administrative meeting at 9 : 55 p.m. , with all Commissioners previously listed responding present to roll call. 5 . ADMINISTRATIVE ' a) PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE The Chairman stated that as the hour was late and discussion on proposed revisions and amendments to the Planned Unit. . Development Ordinance could be lengthy, he would schedule a work session of the Planning Commission for Wednesday, • November 17, 1971, at 7 :30 p.m. The Chairman also requested that background information be provided to the Commission for the new items of business at the study session. b) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COMMITTEE Jay Holmes application for rezone from R-3 to B-1 for that property located on the east side of Jefferson Ave. NE, im- mediately north of Sunset View Apartments. NOT CE', OF PUBLIC HEARINGNIA RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION RENTON, WASHINGTON i.• PUBLIC HEARING''-WI`LLBE .'HELD BY THE RENTON PLANNING' COMMISSION .AT I'TS REGULAR MEETING :IN ' THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, • CITY HALL, RENTON, : WASHINGTON ON NQVEMBER 24 • :'.,;. 19 71 , ; AT 8 : 00 P .M. TO : CONS IDER „THE.. FOLLOWING PETITIONS : REZONE FROM G-6000 TO -R-3'; property located on •the west side•of 41 Ripley, Lane, directly, south of N. 52nd St. Legal description file in Planning Dept:- office. • 1 •Rt. SITE :PLAN APPROVAL FOR WAREHOUSE IN M-P ZONE;' property' located on ' _ NW corner of intersection of Thomas Ave. SW and SW 10th St. , Earington :f Industrial Park REQUEST: FOR CHANGE.' IN' COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN DESIGNATION MEDIUM DENSITY MULTI-FAMILY ,RESIDENTIAL TO COMMERCIAL for that in the general vicinity,, of the intersection of Jefferson -Ave. • NE with Index Ave NE. :; t" ALL PERSONS INTERESTED' OR OBJECTING TO,'.SAID PETITIONS •ARE INVITED:-TO BE; PRESENT AT THE PLANNTNG COMMISSION • MEETING ON NOVEMBER 24, ' 1971 AT ' : 00 ' P .M, TO VOICE .;THEIR PROTESTS OR OBJECTIONS TO SAME . - i•• SECRETARY'ANTHONE R. ' MOLA , S PUBLISHED November :14, 1971 RENTON PLANNING ,COMMISSION, I . . CERTIFICATION Richard'1 . II nsen ,: HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE ' COPIES OF THE ABO VE I DOCUMENT ,WERE . POSTED. BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON 'THE • ESCRIBED ABOVE 'AS•. 'PRESCRIBED BY LAW . • ATTEST Subscribed .and 'sworn SIGNE to before me','• a Notary ;Public , on the. I- • clay 19 71 xS/ fI 1 7t I ra 7 - 19; r , r 0 ,i p w ry Suv E7- aL.ao op T P yr- r' R '= ', .. i%\ 1 "r. p it G r— WHUGHFERGUSON Ma x r SITE APPROVAL j 1>I 31 _ a ril i, r p, +. z I R (/ r I Y q lp,lllll ., p 1:111,----- 1------TH,..-„,,:ic, S ' ._ 111 Nh i'I IIIM mih I IIU .k CSP1LRNGARS , 1 IIQ I ll II IRI R-_ iflll Ilp!' i 11 II li .q! '1 1 i1,y ` R i.^n11.,. Ilhw ti GI L. Ild1 to- t. iit 1ui• , •, Illillallllll LI11111.l.1..111',II Ip :IIh 1 ,Ip allrjllll¢ Ip, II II 6 11 IIIN uuw d* ice 101010 ,• 1 , O II114' '' og `, i , s s ' L IIII !! it• li bill! ll;+..:I T -I = P J W LI I I u"- l 1.1 i 1- 1' I' 006--- Jun I -I r u -'- ,Q -F -\fit} 151- r w f y1- 0_ -_IT_J 1 171 W l_ . 1 F J I Z. QED _ l J 1 -1 ,°, , 3J I 1 I 7 w 1 Y ;l>I I__-1 ter— _ - n*'uT! II s C SITE PLAN APPROVAL APPLICATION b) Ferguson, Hugh, Appl. No. SA-686-71; site plan approval for warehouse in M-P zone; property located on northwest corner of intersection of Thomas Ave. SW and SW 10th St. (Earlington • Industrial Park) APPLICANT Hugh Ferguson TOTAL AREA 242 ,660 Sq. Ft. PRINCIPAL ACCESS Thomas Avenue S .W. EXISTING ZONING M-P EXISTING USE Undeveloped PROPOSED USE Warehouse COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN Light Industrial or Manufacturing Park COMMENTS ENDING OF FILE FILE TITLE 404 g/P 6) 8 -71