HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA72-687BEGINNING OF FILE FILE TITLE F% ICROFILMED ISA de a I 1• • GöT72 ui 4 v q 1 ) ,, 1T of i z I 11 1f Z f b 7 6 ,i 1` C J1 z < 1 / N N T'- I 5 ST. Ivn4 x _ r. 1 p f no 1 I I , r t' I I. 1 46,, / s -- - W w i 2I Z: si sites s g m E , I mi__ a . Et r0 as' noy 4 a mi. Pa 5 . rr 012 z al= mi IIMIM yry rrs Iif= f si 7 S I Jt) N 5,6 ST ',grits 1 F 7 ER a O i m ism q s I.o, MIII 1M-. d illill MI m Joay• i7 F71!i7Widf'=WfT i Fl sl 'ul t 1 AERO-DYNE 57':ari1QISfs3 C. a, ; w m, ,11 a 4 l" t PLAN APPROVAL 2er .sgrN.6—z . ,2>a; " i SITE rt v,, 17 f I MI MI elm7 7 7 N T i oEi!PIVOI: •. 39 Q IdI. oZMMIIrr, on 7I i T Z a r i\ i G sr " In = `' _ em n 4zll), Y k „ s 45 tin 7 M a . ay at.C+ A' S3 Z y rf"i Ili.i 1lilt"".NZ ,lli MI M•7 Tam ut aaa' kin'3 VAC l i.! a f:., 1 tf no 7 = IS 7aC 7 WNW iir ir 1, c 7 C 1 r lS .ti g _ 6y. T I Y GSf Y.\,. , # 3 N'— am or eisimmon 7.. 1„ h 'rdk . i.. I 11 1 . f i"+... [fit HE sf .. t b, NI IN J. I V Mg MI rim `I, CAI `T" tJ 2 ff 1_ fS TO®IN S. <'`<!' MiF e f. f I,ii. E 111 I Q 9 ow -_ _, ildlillikiligi . i. _ ii C L/BERT Y . ICT _ 1 23 „ tt.,_ PARK Iiii\ ' • p. pI 1 Am rii in 1 , . i .sue i ai .EZ!F - I Z 7 `1 7a now. .. N E Bs P .. fff n Q K. SENIOR JUNIOR s 1.4 ^ ` ! ,, J} NIGH NIGH `6. - • 23 l 1 \5 I= * f III// i Ir,... ; SCHOOSCHO o...,...._ .,,..,, Rio" sue.`,, \. i Jnil E Aero-Dyne Corp. , Appl. No. SA-687-72; site plan approval for aircraft storage hangar in P-1 zone; property located on Renton Airport. APPLICANT Aero-Dyne Corporation TOTAL AREA 3 ,240 Sq. Ft. PRINCIPAL ACCESS Logan Street EXISTING ZONING P-1 EXISTING USE Airport PROPOSED USE Hangar for aircraft storage ' COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN Public COMMENTS Applicant is proposing to move a hangar a distance of approximately 400 feet to a site near the Cedar River. W N 181,184.83 E 1,658,077.44 t i 1 l ii I I I I I - I - 1-I 1`l 1//:rN_181,256.10 h i X il 1 I 111 X ilt/ I 1 660,674.84 53 t, I 1 24 U i, 1 1 EL. 27.0U1IIIIII111 \ x S T A D I M jf I I I I I i i I 1 i i 1 x 25 —LJ i o 1 K 0 1 it ____ I 1 i 1 I • I I I I 11 x- x— / // / %t 11 I C I r/ I I 1 I I I 27 X / A'I I M 11 24 25 I I I r- ---, t --------.\ / 29 1,,, / eR IZI 1 t 1ilii i27 i I I I n i #'t I III [ I• 1 j I III I I l I r 26\\\ t" X 726 1 ,` Li I I I I k29 i Pa I I1,i x251 Ia°' 29 I I I j j \\ \ I;IIIt1ILiiiirl [r /i 1 I1'I1 Ii\ I j I % I [ 16 2 / j I I 1 1 I Ik-•-----=1 26/ X \ W 1 .1 l I L -- x 28 28 x 29 J 1 // Q / / zI I tr:i o Q I1 ` 127 j--- i\---'// / \\ \ iL \ l l 8l I O x-iml 0 1 1 CITY OF RENTON AIRPORT rJ \ r x 28 II / 1 [ I• 1 t El I 1 1 I / i C j 11IiI ,-J 291 X 0iI 1 ii 2Pli \ ,I 1.,/ 29r,1\ \ t\iif t3 0 2-_____1,11. 1) I II C] 1 I IIA 1 \ i/ I \ \\X 29 28/ r I' I S r I 1 ,---__..ace_`=_--•--_- I 11:1 I I aI L-- I t I _ 1 i l I o ** X 29 AIRPORT J L- ----- r la 1 UM Ilk ' I r___-- ----- x 29 WAY J __ i N If 80 t pi u I I 1 R31- 1t7;11 X 31 __---- X 31 3! I l L 3 i , 23 I 27 i X---- TILLICOM-_- AVEJ I 27 _--- 1 \ n I 1 I 1.3 1 14:1,0T- 11.\ 1 a JrT 7Jr I x 1 I N' pzFfl29 Q , 1 bbT s A50 r-t I I I ;X I I36 / TOBIN X J l___ I CxJJ R LL-i j iojargi c3 111 ECEIVED o I ti``i 28, r---------- 1 X 28__--_ST. 30 J 1 C C 197] 11 I x TOJjIN AVE. I 0 x 1I 1 Jo0 I O1 I ELIOl C 9 ii1IIJv \, 1 X 31 L c 111 i ll C I X T o I 1 I J r- I 1 I I ra \ ,-. - _i n I RENTON I-I 1 I i ii P-1 APPLICATION FOR SITE APPROVAL IN ZONE CITY OF RENTON - FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Appl. No. SA- b$-i--i-.Hearing Date Filing Date lx-2k-t1 Plano Com. Action kpi Mu EA, r Z APPLICANT TO ANSWER ALL THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS NEATLY AND ACCURATELY: Name f. AEROjDYNE CORPORATTON Address =3A.0-400' AIRPORT. WAY RENTON, WASH. ' 980.5:5 Telephone No. BA6-5100. - Property petitioned is located on RENTON ATRPORT be'L'weell IMMEDIATELY SOUTHEASIE .OF FORMER WASH. STATE PATROL RUILDTNG Total square footage in property 3 , 240 'Square Feet LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY Southeast corner of Renton Municipal Airport : located within the Northeast quarter of Section 18 , of Township 23N, Range -S . Existing Zoning p-1 What are the uses you propose to develop on this property? HANGAR FOR AIRCRAFT- STORAGE Number of permanent off-street parking spaces that will be provided on' property? THRRR Number required THREE ' Renton Planning Department 1968 Renton Planning Commission Meeting February 23 , 1972 Minutes - Page 2 It was MOVED BY MOLA, SECONDED BY DENZER, THAT THE PUBLIC HEARING ON THE WRIGHT-MEYER REZONE APPLICATION BE CLQSED. MOTION CARRIED. ACTION: MOVED BY HUMBLE, SECONDED BY MOLA , THAT THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACCEPT THE JAMES WRIGHT LETTER OF WITHDRAWAL OF THE 'WRIGHT- • MEYER REZONE APPLICATION AND TERMINATE, THE MATTER FOR THE RECORD. MOTION CARRIED. SITE PLAN APPROVAL b) AERO-DYNE CORP. , App1. No. SA-687-72; site 'plan approval for relocation of aircraft hangar in P-1 zone; property located on Renton Airport The Chairman described the application, noting it had been con- tinued from the meeting of February 9 , 1972 , as questions had been raised concerning .the proposed location of the hangar as it might relate to the Cedar River right-of-way and the Shore- line Management Act of 1971. The Planning Director reported that the staff had researched the matter with reference to the jurisdiction of the Airport Board, the status of the river right-of-way as well as verifi- cation of some of the distances involved. The proposed location of the hangar partially infringes on the river right-of-way. adjacent to the perimeter road along the river. It was deter- mined that all area to within five feet of the river bank has . been leased by the city to the airport for airport uses . This lease will expire in 1980 . Technically, construction of hangars in this .area could be allowed provided access to the river., is not obstructed. The Planning Director displayed a drawing showing a layout plan of the airport including long range ideas showing an additional runway for small planes . This plan was reviewed with the Airport Director regarding future development. The Airport Master Plan prepared in 1968 by Olson-Richert-Bignold is presently being updated. The Airport Director indicated concern over general security of the airport with reference to development of the river bank. Safety of children playing along the river bank was one item mentioned with regard to possibility of their wandering onto the airport proper. It is the staff recommendation that with reference to subject item the hangar be so located as to not infringe on the Cedar River right-of-way and that landscaping be provided. Slides of the area were shown, and proposed landscaping of the airport along Airport Way as previously presented was reviewed. Lengthy discussion followed concerning the Planning Commission' s authority in the matter of improvements contemplated for the Renton Airport. The appropriate section in the zoning ordinance , 4-710 : P-1 Public District, provides for review of non-municipal improvements as follows : "All structures (except those owned or built by federal, state or county government, school districts and like governmental units which shall comply only with applicable building codes , setbacks and minimum standards for streets) shall have plans, general specifications and uses approved by the Plan- ning Commission. The Planning Commission is charged with the responsibility of ascertaining and determining that the general design and development conform with adjacent surroundings. . . . " Renton Planning Commission Meeting February 23 , 1972 Minutes - Page 3 Audience comments were invited. Mr. Jack Volkel, President of Aero-Dyne, and Mr. Richard Delafield, also of Aero-Dyne, dis- cussed the proposed relocation with the Planning Commission at some length. In answer to query by Seymour, Mr. Delafield indicated the hangar to be relocated is approximately 15 years old and has a useful life of perhaps another 10 years . The hangar will be used for servicing corporate aircraft with utilization of the old highway patrol office located directly north as office space. Aero-Dyne proposes to construct a new nose hangar at the site presently occupied by the hangar to be relocated. Mr. Volkel stated the site under discussion is the only one available on the airport at this time large enough to accommodate the existing hangar. Aero-Dyne is presently quali- fying for federal certification to service large aircraft which will be done in the new nose hangar to be constructed. Existing hangar will not accommodate the larger aircraft, but could be used to service smaller corporate aircraft at the new location. Considerable discussion ensued concerning alternate methods of siting the hangar to eliminate infringement on the Cedar River right-of-way. Mola suggested that perhaps enough of the old state patrol building could be removed so that the hangar could be placed in front of it rather than to the side of it. Mr. Volkel stated he was agreeable to such placement and stated he would provide some landscaping where possible since most of the area around the site is paved and blacktopped. At the conclusion of the discussion, it was MOVED BY DENZER, SECONDED_ BY SCHOLES, THAT THE HEARING BE CLOSED. MOTION CARRIED. ACTION: MOVED BY DENZER, SECONDED BY SCHOLES, THAT THE• PLANNING COMMISSION GRANT APPROVAL OF THE SITE PLAN APPLICATION OF AERO-DYNE AS AMENDED TO ELIMINATE INFRINGEMENT ON THE CEDAR RIVER RIGHT-OF-WAY; SUBJECT TO STAFF APPROVAL OF SATISFACTORY LANDSCAPING AND PARKING PLANS. On the question, Seymour voiced strenuous objections to the approval, citing reasons of unsightliness of the building to be moved and the fact that the Planning Commission would be compounding the untidy and ugly appearance of the airport. She also felt the plans submitted were inadequate to enable the Planning Commission to locate the site on the airport. PENDING MOTION CARRIED, SEYMOUR OPPOSED. SPECIAL USE PERMIT c) BURLINGTON NORTHERN, INC. , Appl . No. SU-688-72 ; temporary special use permit for container storage in M-P zone for 60 days with option to renew contingent on status of dock strike; waiver of fencing requirement also requested; four sites proposed in Earlington Industrial Park between Grady Way and SW 7th St. APPLICANT ADVISES WITHDRAWAL OF APPLICATION DUE TO DOCK STRIKE SETTLEMENT The Chairman stated that the applicant advised the staff this day by telephone that due to settlement of the dock strike , the application for special use permit would be withdrawn. ACTION : MOVED BY DENZER , SECONDED BY ROSS, THAT THE HEARING ON THE BURLINGTON NORTHERN SPECIAL USE PERMIT BE CLOSED AND THE APPLI- CATION WITHDRAWAL BE ACCEPTED. MOTION CARRIED. vv C.) zs'Ei PLANNING DEPARTMENT 0 RENTON,WASHINGTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 0. RENTON,WASHINGTON 98055 BA 8-3310 CRr CAPITA\- February 14 , 1972 Aero-Dyne Corporation 300-400 Airport Way Renton, Washington 98055 Subject: Application No. SA--•687-72 , Site Plan Approval for Aircraft Storage Hangar in P-1 Zone, Property Located at Renton Airport Gentlemen: The matter of the above noted request was continued to the meeting of February 23 , 1972 to allow time for additional study by the Planning Commission. It is the opinion of the Commission that since a Shoreline Management Permit is presently pending on this matter, a two-week continuance would not be detrimental . If you have additional questions on the subject matter, please contact us . Very truly yours , fP. GOrdon Y. Firicksen Planning/ ir_ector MEMORANDUM TO: Dick Hansen DATE : February 14 , 1972 FROM: G. Y. Ericksen SUBJECT: Aero-Dyne Corporation, Aircraft Storage Hangar in P-1 zone Please check the maps and file data with regard to the Aero-Dyne storage hangar with specific reference to allowing the use in the right-of-way of the Cedar River. Due to the location of the hangar in the Cedar River right-of-way, it appears that the Airport Board approval might exceed its area of jurisdiction to the nature of the right-of-way. It also appears that the right-of-way itself is either not zoned or zoned single family resi- dential rather than industrial or P-1 . Please advise me accordingly, l ' Renton Planning Commission Meeting February 9, 1972 Minutes - Page 5 referred to the Comprehensive Plan Committee for study and recommendation. The committee has met and studied the appli- cation. The property is in the Highlands business area. Committee report was requested. Comprehensive Plan Committee Chairman Humble stated that his committee looked not only at the subject property but also the property immediately to the north shown on the Plan as multi- family but presently zoned and used for business . After thorough study, it is the Comprehensive Plan Committee' s recommendation that the applicant' s property as well as the property immediately adjacent to the north presently zoned and used for business be changed on the Comprehensive Land Use Plan from multi-family residential to commercial, as indicated by map prepared and labeled "Holmes Exhibit A" . Commission comments were invited. Scholes stated in view of the Comprehensive Plan Committee' s previously noted advice regarding buffer zones to prevent abrupt changes in residential densities, did the committee consider the protrusion into the multi-family designation of the proposed commercial designation that might cause the buffer zone to be ineffective. Humble replied that the committee did consider this matter. However, it was felt that the topography of the area provided a natural buffer between business and residential. The applicant' s property is felt to be more naturally associated with property presently zoned and used for business than with multiple residential. Slides of the area were shown, as well as the map indicated as "Holmes Exhibit A" which illustrates the changes to the Comprehensive Land Use Plan proposed by the committee report. There were no audience comments either for or against the application or the committee report. MOVED BY DENZER, SECONDED BY SEYMOUR, THAT THE HEARING BE CLOSED. MOTION CARRIED. ACTION MOVED BY DENZER, SECONDED BY SCHOLES, THAT THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACCEPT THE COMMITTEE REPORT RECOMMENDING THAT THE COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN BE CHANGED IN ACCORDANCE WITH MAP LABELED "HOLMES EXHIBIT A" ATTACHED. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 4. NEW PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS SITE PLAN APPROVAL a) AERO-DYNE CORP., Appl. No. SA-687-72; site plan approval for aircraft storage hangar in P-1 zone (existing hangar to be moved approximately 400 feet to the east) ; property located on Renton Airport The Chairman described the application. The Planning Director reviewed slides of the area. The proposed landscaping along the north side of Airport Way was discussed and slides of the proposed landscaping plan were shown. Due to the location of existing Aero-Dyne hangars at the southeasterly portion of the airport, the landscaping along Airport Way will be of a limited nature . Renton Planning Commission Meeting February 9 , 1972 Minutes - Page 6 The Planning Director noted that preliminary research by the staff indicates that the Cedar River right-of-way is 300 feet in width at this point, and it appears that the proposed hangar would..be located in this right-of-way. It was felt that additional time should be allowed to investigate this matter. The Planning Director noted that inasmuch as the applicant has .a Shoreline Management Act permit application pending, a continuance would not be detrimental. Scholes requested that the staff obtain a legal definition of the Planning Commission' s jurisdiction over properties on the airport in order to avoid possible legal action from property owners to the south. ACTION: MOVED BY ROSS, SECONDED BY DENZER, THAT THE AERO-DYNE SITE PLAN APPROVAL APPLICATION BE CONTINUED TO THE MEETING OF FEBRUARY 23 , 1972 . MOTION CARRIED. SPECIAL USE PERMIT b) BURLINGTON NORTHERN, INC. , Appl. No. SU-688-72 ; temporary special use permit for container storage in M-P zone for 60 days with option to renew contingent on status of dock strike; waiver of fencing requirement also requested; four sites pro- posed in Earlington Industrial Park between Grady Way and SW 7th St. The Chairman described the application. Some discussion ensued concerning the dock strike and reports of settlement being near. ACTION: MOVED BY SCHOLES, SECONDED BY SEYMOUR, THAT THE BURLINGTON NORTHERN SPECIAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION BE CONTINUED TO THE MEETING OF FEBRUARY 23, 1972, IN VIEW OF POSSIBLE DOCK STRIKE SETTLEMENT. MOTION CARRIED. 5 . NEW, PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS FOR PLANNING COMMISSION CONSIDERATION AT MEETING OF FEBRUARY 23, 1972 At the Chairman' s request, the Planning Director reviewed the following items of new business and showed slides of each property. Preliminary discussion among Commission members and the Planning Director regarding subject applications ensued. SITE PLAN APPROVALS a) AERO-DYNE CORP. , Appl. No. SA-689-72; site plan approval for new aircraft maintenance hangar in P-1 zone; property located south end of Renton Airport approximately 300 ° north of Airport Way It was noted this new hangar building will occupy the space which is presently the site of the hangar proposed to be moved in 'the site approval application of Aero-Dyne previously dis- cussed (item 4 (a) ) . 1 J NOTICE 1 OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION C THE RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 26, 1972, HAS BEEN CANCELLED AND THOSE ITEMS PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED AND SCHEDULED FOR HEARING, WILL BE CONSIDERED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION AT ITS ADMINISTRATIVE MEETING OF WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1972, IN THE RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING COUNCIL CHAMBERS STARTING AT 8 : 00 P .M. ANTHONE R. MOLA, SECRETARY RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION Published January 28 , 1972 f MEMORANDUM T0: Files. DATE:'. January 14, 1972 FROM: Gary R. Kruger. SUBJECT:. Aero-Dyne .Corp. Site Plan Application Detailed Site Map I telephoned Dick Delafield of Aero-Dyne requesting a more detailed site plan as requested by Chairman Teegarden. The following information was requested: scale -. 1"=lO' river right-of-way line parking landscaping relationship of proposed building to site, including. . . river and adjacent buildings Mr. Delafield indicated that it, would be impossible for the map to be drafted by this Friday for Saturday's field trip. The, map will be submitted prior to the January public hearing. Renton Planning Commission Meeting January 12, 1972 Minutes - Page 2 4. NEW PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS FOR PLANNING COMMISSION CONSIDERATION AT MEETING OF JANUARY 26, 1972 SITE PLAN APPROVAL a) AERO-DYNE CORP. , Appl. No. SA-687-72; site plan approval for aircraft storage hangar in P-1 zone; property located on Renton Airport The Planning Director pointed out property location on the zoning map and displayed applicant' s aerial photograph depict- ing the site. It was noted this application also comes under the jurisdiction of the Shoreline Management Act of 1971, and Aero-Dyne has made application to the City of Renton for a shoreline management development permit. Subject application proposes moving an existing hangar approximately 400 feet to the east. The Chairman stated he felt the applicant should submit a new site plan of a more specific nature. The Planning Director advised that according to the Airport Director, the Airport Board has approved the relocation of the hangar. Discussion ensued concerning landscaping and the desirability of beautification of the airport property. Lyman Houk advised that considerable landscaping will be installed on Airport Way under an Urban Arterial Board street widening project to be undertaken in the near future. The Airport Board will be considering this item at its next meeting scheduled for Janu- ary 18 , 1972 , as some dedication of airport property for right-of-way purposes will be needed. The Commission requested it be advised of the time and place of the Airport Board meeting and also that a copy of the minutes of the meeting at which the Board approved the Aero-Dyne proposal to relocate the subject hangar be obtained for Commission information. SPECIAL USE PERMIT b) BURLINGTON NORTHERN INC. , Appl. No. SU-688-72 ; temporary special use permit for container storage in M-P zone for 60 days with option to renew contingent on status of possible dock strike; waiver of fencing requirement also requested; four sites proposed in Earlington Industrial Park between Grady Way and SW 7th St. The Planning Director described the application and displayed the site plan depicting the proposed storage areas . Due to the possibility of a 'dock strike, Burlington Northern antici- pates a buildup of empty freight containers. They have an agreement with the Port of Seattle to store on one of the piers , but feel that they may run out of space at the port and would like permission to store the empty containers, if necessary, in the industrial park on undeveloped areas. Considerable discussion ensued concerning the request. Scholes asked that the staff obtain from Burlington Northern a commit- ment concerning how long after the end of the dock strike would the final container be removed. Planning Commission members raised several additional questions, and the Chairman requested that the staff review these with the applicant. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION RENTON, WASHINGTON . I A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION AT ITS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, RENTON, WASHINGTON ON January 26 19 72 , AT 8 : 00 P .M. TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING PETITIONS ; TEMPORARY SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR STORAGE IN MANUFACTURING PARK ZONE; property located in Earlington Industrial Park between Grady Way and SW 7th St. SITE PLAN `APPROVAL IN P-1 ZONE; aircraft storage hangar on Renton Airport. ALL PERSONS INTERESTED OR OBJECTING TO SAID PETITIONS ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ON January 26, 1972 AT 8 : 00 . P,.M,: TO VOICE THEIR PROTESTS OR OBJECTIONS TO SAME . ANTHONE R. MOLA, SECRETARY , PUBLISHED January' 12, 1972 RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION I,Richard B. Hansen , HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENT WERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PRO ERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW . ATTEST,: Subscribed and sworn SIGN C a to before me, a Notary Public , on the 1 day of 191 REGULAR MEETINGRENTONAVIATIONORD TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1971 The December 21 meeting of the Renton Aviation Board was called to 'order at 7 : 30 p. m. by President Day . PRESENT : Day , Dime , Kosney , Grabner , and Bennett . Visitors : Jack Volkel , Allen Fancher, Dick Delafield, John Beu, R. A. Johnson , and Michael Woody . 1 . APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING, NOVEMBER 16, 1971 It was moved by DIME, seconaed by KOSNEY, that the minutes of the regular November 16 meeting be approved as written. MOTION CARRIED. 2 . REVISED LETTER OF AGREEMENT FOR OPERATION OF RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT LIGHT SYSTEMS The Board reviewed the letter of agreement submitted by Mr . Dansky , Renton Tower Chief , pertaining to the elimination of the flashing amber light presently on top of the Renton Tower . Mr. Bennett expressed the Toner Chief' s opinion that the light serves no useful purpose and recommended concurrence in the request , since the Tower is controlled and operated by the FAA. It was noted that the subject letter of agreement would cancel the letter of agreement between Renton Tower and the Renton Municipal Airport dated May 1 , 1967 , the only difference in the two agreements being the deletion of the provision for the flashing amber light . GARY DIME moved that the latter of agreement deleting operation of the flashing amber light be executed by the President of the Renton Aviation Board. THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY KOSNEY AND CARRIED. 016* 3. REIUEST FROM AERO-DYNE TORELOCATE THE HENRY SAARI HANGAR Consideration was given to Aero-Dyne Corporation' s December 6 request for approval of a plan to relocate the Henry Saari hangar to an area adjacent to the former State Patrol office . Mr . Bennett referred to a map of the airport showing the present and. proposed sites of the hangar . To clarify his request , Mr . Volkel indicated his intention to develop the hangar into a corporate hangar facility and utilize the ground area where the hangar is presently located for a maintenance station for DC- 3 ' s and other large aircraft . Mr . Volkel provided a model of the type of "nose dock" which would be erected to serve as the maintenance station, indicating that it would constructed in such a way to allow relocation at a future date . He stated that Aero-Dyne would assume all costs for moving and renovation and stressed that the maintenance station would be well within his leased property and would not hinder or obstruct any of the other operators and tenants . 1- RENTON AVIATION RnARD wPAGE 2 DECEMBER 21, 1971 Mr . Bennett noted .that the present lease on the Saari hangar expires on February 29 , 1972 , ' and recommended that prior to that ' • time an appraisal of the. hangar be made and a supplement to . Aero-Dyne ' s • present long- term lease be negotiated . It was moved bzy ' KOSNEY;. seconded by DIME, that the Aviation Board approve i47 Aero-Dyne 's request to relocate the Saari hangar subject to the condition that Aero-Dane absorb all costs incurred in relocation and_lease negotiations be started. MOTfONCARRIED. 4. ' LETTER FROM' MR . BOB A. SMITH, CHIEF, 'AIRPORTS PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION BRANCH, FAA Mr. 'Smith ' s ' letter. was submitted •as an item of information ; . • requiring no 'action at this time . The letter. included reference to updating the present Airport Layout Plan, annual airport , financial statement , disposal of property to public agencies , • removal of' obstructions , and establishment of minimum standards for aeronautical activity . Mr . Bennett reported that he is presently discussing the obstructions pointed out in Mr . Smith 's letter with the Building ,Director , who is responsible for . enforcing the . zoning regulations . In addition , the matter ' of .„ airport standards, is being studied , and a report will be given to • the Bloard as soon as a' thorough review has been made . 5 . . LETTERS OF INTEREST FOR FIRE STATION BUILDING • A. • NOVEMBER 29 LETTER FROM HERO-DYNE CORPORATION B . DECEMBER 13 LETTER FROM REY-AIRE INC . C. DECEMBER 14 LETTER FROM THE JOBMASTER COMPANY " D. DECEMBER 16 LETTER FROM WOODY, WOLD & HOLMSTEAD . . . ' E . DECEMBER 16 LETTER FROM R. A. JOHNSON F. DECEMBER 21 PROPOSAL FROM DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Not included on agenda It Was moved by ' DIME, seconded by KOSNEY, that these 'Zetters . be referred ta. the Committee of the Whole and that special meetings be scheduled . to review each proposal individually . MOTION CARRIED. . 6 . REPORT ON PORT-OF-ENTRY STATUS FOR RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT As requested at the November meeting , a report from Chuck Ede , . Federal Funds Coordinator , was submitted pertaining to port-of- entry status' , for the Renton Municipal Airport . The report concluded that . Renton Airport does not now have , nor. does it' appear .. Likely in the . future , sufficient air traffic volume to justify port-of-entry status . The Board asked that Mr . Volkel be given a copy of the. report . No action was required . 7 , QUALIFICATION FOR FEDERAL FUNDS Mr. Bennett offered a brief report of action being taken to update the Master Plan and the City' s zoning• ordinance and rectify„ ENDING OF FILE FILE TITLE Gibt 1 8772