HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA72-697BEGINNING OF FILE MICROFILMrD FILE TITLE L. d/ 0 • 9977g APPLICATION FOR SITE APPROVAL IN P-1 ZONE CITY OF RENTON FOR OFFICE USE ONLY • Appl. No. 45A- b(A1- 1a- Hearing Date Filing Date b-"'r- Z 7 Plano Com. Action 14Q002d APPLICANT TO ANSWER ALL THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS NEATLY AND ACCURATELY: Name Warren A- rains t1 TiS_ Jt $ Address55 - Lake Wash. Boulevard S,E B4l4ov uc y WA.,4 i, 7 22b- 3ASo oC-Eir•e) Telephone No . „Ft r . 6 „% . , Property petitioned is located on Tinrh nor- r between Fi,Pes.r;-1y and Talbot isoa Total square footage in property 335,847 - a c, F3et (7.71 " i r,) LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY 1 "4' r'03 attache Existing Zoning --igippw What are the uses you prolpose to devEdop on this property existing resi denno fnr MPIdi c 1--Pentad Off' coC„ e0 EiiFM 1 7 19 .• Number of permanent of -street parking• spaces that wi4/4e, pro 4.'de'd onDEP %r' property? 2.$ Spies Number required 2$ ,r, reS Renton Planning Department ) 1968 y. 1 0,-;:.-;. .;;.--'------ -.1..*: '---7.-,,rit--,.-2,7, '..•-,..,4,-`1•74.' ,7.--`7"•,‘; -.4-k).-....-.-,•:-.•-^. f••',',3--.',"•-.-. ;',,....7-'_•.. ---. -•..1-_._ " ' :': •''' - - -,•:',;-',",- ••---.•:-••.;'"...-• ..--, 4,,,..,,...--;-..-.77';';!..: •7-• . • rw -•+, ryr -t:.hr-. '4 ti ter.•'• i;• '..k c' tYa j 5T3 r.1.1.Sri APPLICATION, FOR-CHANGE OF ZONE IN THE CITY OF RENTON =-- ATTACHMENT SHEET ONE1 ' Dr. Warren E. gain LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS f,_ _ That nortion .lying easterly of State lti'hway -=107 of the fellcwing descrited property:T:1at por.tl,on of the _ -E`>'" ci Sec 30-23-5 P Party, described as r 1C :5: Beginning at the 7 1 corner C•2 Said Se ralenothe' and"S center I=i e- of said section 30, '250 feet thence :< 8y r cr` ;G• i 9JC '03" 1vJ, feet-_; thence S 4."3`.+ e ,i" Corlesstotiewesterlyineof .tie S rin Brook County y• z '`' P g Read: thence scut:'erly a;lc;: the ,.,ester y 1`ne (,•` sa: .nr,•`Road, o0 feet ' rcre or less:, to the 5 line' of said sect r' 30;- westerlyatCt .e, point of .beginnira eYcept tile' west 30 feet tl:ere0` T' LCf Sc?:d southerly li e 1 / ., i_Ct feet G the following described trac•t`s-: `the .a v: .r_east '' O`:_.tlt.e :'ort :•/est 4 GF :the .NGrtheast 1 O: - CCt1 G,1 ,Also tr: z...r. st.)Y r .'V - r i. _ OP. 31, T r s hip 73 North Ran ,,-, 5 Fast • Np , io..l tt r i. s i C O t: e _C. t:...'est t r t..of } t t - i t! {; t p'6,i of e _Jest the Nora_:east a. 3e _ a; l tnFay ..C;.. Primary Stot2 •}:lol`'a;` -.`J 5, 1C r ti S d .x'`r !' aS s•a. 1 gh, J 1 t J i r.• e e f llr.'e- :,' d1tCr.S Ti:"le l 's 381`'n, G,. r*ay .:a_S CG VEye t LCZ ` talc O' itiaS},ir rGn t deCc F a` pc ton '01 '.thG \cr 4eSt O the Northeast 80 ,t. 4 o the Northeast said Section ' i i L. r P j '-.r, r?dC pC t.i r!r t C :VO r_i. b feat thereof. v eastof a h, u 9 l i l• CS - 1;: 3r f: _ or said subdiis icn, distant '/st 300 i _ line which runs south irc.: a poi,.t . t' .: _ !, . a e_et from the intersecti P .,` said north linec1situateintheAlt" of Re=a" n CuCi i r. wit the west' line of: Cur...t a.' _.t:Kin,,-;,, State -ot- :ash:^gr_ore g x r. n ems • „- 5..'-.y,a . .. .. :r--5+- Pv rems .•ac<. . • .."8 ,. -,' a ..: , Z'v. 5.' -3;: sue-" s b.,• - x : ,. w.:. €=. •s' ;Ear.-trJ. ,.+- x ry, 3.a R. r • - q- w.;.,,r •:'. ,r .4.. Ys , r^ ram:... Renton Planning Commission Meeting June 28, 1972 Minutes - Page 5 Mola asked the Assistant Plannerif" the.'applicant had agreed to the various staff recommendations shown on the staff report• . , furnished each Commissioner. The Assistant Planner replied that Puget Power had indicated it would abide by the conditions noted in the staff report. ACTION. MOVED BY MOLA , SECONDED BY DENZER , THAT THE PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVE THE PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT COMPANY SITE. PLAN APPLICA TION FOR AN ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION. SUBSTATION SUBJECT TO t COMPLIANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF ADDITIONAL LANDSCAPING AND DEDICATION OF THIRTY FEET FOR RIGHT-OF-WAY PURPOSES ON THE NORTHERLY PROPERTY LINE FOR NE. 12TH STREET AS RECOMMENDED.• ' . . IN THE STAFF REPORT DATED JUNE 28 , 1972 . On the motion, Seymour stated it was still her point that :while , she was not opposed to locating the facility on this site;. she was not convinced that since such a facility has an impact on residential areas that the Commission has done everything ;possi- ble to eliminate as many of the detrimental effects as possible. ,' Seymour stated further she felt that the questions raised 'were. not resolved fully and the whole matter should 'be. looked into further. Ross disagreed with Seymour' s contentions, stating that he has . Seen new residential developments that were more detrimental to existing neighbors than the proposed site with adequate maintenance, low noise levels , screening and landscaping. PENDING MOTION CARRIED, SEYMOUR DISSENTING. The meeting was recessed at '10 : 40 p.m: and was reconvened at 110 : 50 p.m. Roll call was .taken .with all Commissioners previously listed responding present. With further reference to the Puget Sound Power & Light. Company ' matter, it was MOVED BY SEYMOUR, SECONDED BY ROSS, THAT A LETTER BE FORWARDED TO PUGET POWER, SIGNED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION CHAIRMAN, RECOMMENDING CONSULTATION WITH THE PLANNING STAFF PRIOR TO ACQUISITION OF PROPERTIES FOR SUBSTATIONS. MOTION CARRIED. c) BRAIN, DR. WARREN, Appl. No. SA-697-72; site plan approval for medical offices in P-1 zone; property located north of Walley General. Hospital between Talbot.'Rd. . S. and freeway; The Chairman described the application, noting it was the ,same 0 property recently before the Planning Commission for rezone from G-9600 to P-1. The Assistant Planner displayed vicinity map, site and landscap ing plans. It is the applicant' s intent to convert the upper floor of the residence into dental offices and• expand the;.parking areas to meet ordinance requirements . All existing landscaping will be retained. In addition, two parking areas to the west r` •'. ' are shown for future development in the event the lower floor is converted for professional office use. The Engineering Department has requested an additional ten feet of right-of- way along the westerly side ,of Talbot Road S. Dr. Brain has stated he would be in agreement with the dedication requested. Renton 'Planning. Commission Meeting June 28, 1972 Minutes - Page 6 Commission comments were invited. .. Seymour asked regarding the property owner' s intentions concerning the undeveloped property to the west. , The Assistant Planner noted the applicant has indicated no development plans at this time. . Any future develop merit would require site plan review and. approval by. the Planning Commission. In response to Commission query, the Assistant Planner stated that while the applicant does not intend to utilize the lower level for professional offices at this time, he has, made pro- vision for future parking requirements should such use occur. The uses permitted in the P-1 district were reviewed. Audience comments were invited. Mr. Don Gross of Design Studio' II, planners for Dr. Brain, spoke on behalf of the site plan approval application. Question was raised regarding the swim- ming pool on the property. Mr. Gross stated the pool area is completely fenced and separate from the parking areas and public access to the building. Should the lower level be developed for professional offices in the future, access would be through the front door and allowance would be made for increasing the width of the stairway. There would be no separate back entrancekfor th'e lower level and the swimming pool would not be concerned. MOVED BY DENZER, SECONDED BY- .ROSS, . THAT THE HEARING BE CLOSED. MOTION CARRIED. ACTION: MOVED BY ROSS,, SECONDED BY MOLA, THAT THE.,PLANNING.. COMMISSION APPROVE THE SITE PLAN APPLICATION OF DR . WARREN BRAIN SUBJECT TO DEDICATION.. OF TEN FEET ON THE WESTERLY. MARGIN OF '.TALBOT ,ROAD SOUTH FOR RIGHT-OF-WAY PURPOSES. . MOTION .CARRIED. 4. ADMINISTRATIVE a) REQUEST OF TOM WARREN--regarding permit to construct ,.:' residence in G5-1 zone pending rezone of property located on S. 19th Street, approximately. 100 feet west. of Talbot Rd: S. The Chairman noted receipt at start of meeting of letter from Mr. and Mrs. Tom Warren requesting conditional permit for con- struction of a residence on property located at 502 S. 19th Street pending rezone from GS-1 (35 , 000 sq. ft. ) to SR-1 (7 ,500 sq. ft. ) . The letter stated that when the property was purchased the applicants were not aware that rezoning was required to a lesser lot size requirement in the single family zone, and; com- mitments were made with a contractor. Inability to start con- struction soon would result in considerable financial hardship. It was, noted by . the Planning Director that Mr and Mrs. Warren have filed an application for ,rezone from GS-1 to SR-1, .which application will be presented to the Planning Commission at the regular July. meetfng:' The City Attorney has advised that as the request is of, an emergency nature, the Planning Commission could grant a conditional permit, at the owner' s risk, fort construction of a single family residence at subject site. ; The Planning Director stated that the request for SR-1 zoning requiring a minimum lot size of 7 ,500 square feet is logical for the area. . Lyman Houk of the Engineering Department noted the necessity . for additional right-of-way of ten feet on S. 19th Street. , The applicant, Mr. Tom Warren, in the audience, agreed to adjust siting of the house to allow for the right-of-way required: June- 14, 1972 TO: Dick Hansen, .Pl anni nrg Department FROM: R. Lyman :Houk, Engineering Department SUBJECT: : - Dr: Brain Site Plan Approval, . Talbot Road South Dear dick: In response toyour memo of:June 12,-1972, I .have'reviewed the questions. 1 . It would probably be wise to request dedication of .tile .easterly 10 feetofthispropertyforthefuturewideningofTalbotRoadSouth. 2. Off-site improvements•will be requi red. _. 3. There is no storm sewer existing to service this ,property. The' stormwateronthesitewillhavetobecollectedandhandledonsite. 4 Sanitary sewer services available from the:-line installed by ValleyGeneralHospitaladjoiningthewestlineofthisproperty. Please let me knew, 'if you need.any additional information regarding this siteplanapproval. - RLH:mj Renton Planning Commission Meeting June, 14, 1972, ' ' . Minutes, - Page' 3 to seleation .of substation sites would be desirable.. The ap plicant, however, has _purchased subject'. property for the use a proposed. During the course of .•:'the lengthy discussion,..it was generally agreed by the Planning Commission that contact should. be .es- tablished with the applicant' to determine future expansion plans for subject :site and that existing substations' would be .' visited on''a Planning. Commission field trip prior to the public hearing• meeting of June 28, 1972. c) BRAIN, 'DR. WARREN, Appl. No. •SA-697-72; site plan. approval for medical offices in P-1 zone, property located north of , Valley General Hospital between Talbot Road S. and freeway T• he Assistant Planner..described the application, pointed out location and displayed vicinity map, site plan,. and landscaping and parking plan. It is the 'intent of the appli- cant' to remodel the main floor of the existing residence for dental offices. Proposed parking includes not only required parking 'for,' the main' floor dental. offices to be readied for immediate use, but additional -parking for he lower level should suitable tenants be found in the future. . The applicant has indicated he has no intention at this time of utilizing the lower level. All existing landscaping will be retained:. Slides of the 'property and the existing . landscaping were shown. The Commission noted that with the exception of. the additional parking areas shown for future use, the plan is essentially t• he same as viewed during the recent rezone hearing on subject property.:' Ross ."stated'. that until. the. applicant .:is more. specific regarding 'the lower level..occupancy, .approval of . the additional parking areas shown would be premature. 4'. .,, 'ADMINISTRATIVE TRIP AND .STUDY.- SESSI.ON DATES A• f'ter discussion, it was determined. that, the Planning Commission uld conduct 'a field trip on Wednesday, June 21, 1972 , members to meet at the Municipal Building at .7 .30 , p.m.., to view the new r`;,items. of business, particularly the Puget Sound Power -& '.Light Company ':site approval application site and existing substations in the area. COMMITTEE MEETING DATES AND REPORTS 1) ZONING' COMMITTEE--Committee Chairman Ross announced a tentative meeting date with the Downtown Steering Committee for Thursday, June 15, 1972 , 7 . 30 p.m. 2)'"'t''COMMUNITY SERVICES"COMMITTEE--Committee: Chairman Scholes stated his committee had met with reference to the Environmental Awards program and had reviewed summary report submitted by the original Environ Mental Awards. Committee prior to referral of the it Services Committee for imple-, matter to the Communy mentation. This summary report laid down guidelines . concerning purpose of awards, primary areas of concern,' procedure for granting of awards, format, and possible nominations. The committee has 'decided to duplicate I• it NOTICE OF PUBLIC NEARING RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION RENTON, WASHINGTON A PUBLIC' HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION AT ITS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, RENTON, WASHINGTON ON JUNE 28 1972 , AT 8 : 00 P .M. TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING PETITIONS : SITE PLAN APPROVAL. FOR ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION SUBSTATION IN RESIDENTIAL ZONE; property located on south side of NE 12 St. , 145 ' west, of Edmonds Ave. NE. grdiw SITE PLAN APPROVAL FOR MEDICAL OFFICES IN P-1 ZONE; property located north of Valley General Hospital between Talbot Rd. S . and freeway. REZONE FROM' P-1 TO B-1; , property located on S . 4 P1. between Rainier and, Shattuck Ayes. S. Legal description on file in Planning Dept.. office. ALL PERSONS INTERESTED OR OBJECTING TO SAID PETI.T IONS ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ON JUNE 28 , 1972 , AT 8 : 00 P.M. TO VOICE THEIR PROTESTS OR OBJECTIONS TO SAME . ANTHONE R. MOLA ,SECRETARY PUBLISHED ' June 1.6, 1972 RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION I, Richard B. Hansen , HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENT WERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW . . ATTEST : Subscribed and sworn SIG E to before me, a Notary Public, . oil the 16, day of June ' 1972 1, I3 '4.I 2129 I ll it128 I 11 I 5 31STCT. I ij 1 11 I T S I Ji 1 20'21 23 L4 25,26 ; i8 29 30'3 I 1 yI r i ti Dr. Warren Brain14443I4i .I ao 39, 30 3 If 4-,a L•, Site Plan Approval f ..6C 0 I J I I I1 5T S) 54 S5 is 5] 56 - a• I„ b 2 a 3 „4 I„5 1 77 LiL [ TtTiI±6 11111111111111* a/ 19 9 'S® ST I i 2930I3132/ 33 r5E 1 . 1 ST d il/I p I tir.,'I 36! o 0 I 5 1'' Q_ 3] I 25 I J•S r z 1 sez5 Y 24 T 40.,4! 42 IB -:'I 120 Z G 4S 44 43 El a III' a. I _..- ll',J 1 I ZOINING CC G CITIY- - LIMITS CC SITE PLAN APPROVAL c) ' 'Brain, Dr. Warren, Appl. No.' SA-697-72'; site plan approval , for medical offices in P-1 zone; property located north of Valley General Hospital. between Talbot Rd. .S. and freeway APPLICANT Dr. Warren Brain TOTAL AREA 7 . 71 acres ' PRINCIPAL ACCESS Talbot Road South EXISTING 'ZONING P-1 EXISTING USE '.Single Family Residential PROPOSED USE Dental Clinic COMPREHENSIVE 'LAND USE PLAN Public Use and Single Family Residential COMMENTS z531 TCT 1 1 -i I- hAl7‘I r- 1,1 ii 1 li 1 I 1 1--i , 1 i t j--- J ,.1Q 1 , ' , I . 1 r —,— 1, SRi I- I I. 23 L9 1 25.2b • 26 29 30'3i T— 9 lat_i II J!'22, -ice' f l - . .-..i Q I j iA, TI l- I i i Dr. Warren Brain 1 44 43 1 az I ,4 a 39 90 IGI. I 4-.?a -- Site Plan Approval i lV r I II 1 r lg 4:r If.a oee „ 1,1 vTT 4T - T j Ji 9 e ,,. T fl ST d1"/------ ll' I i.. . ., O w f)\\; / I\ 290 3132/ 33 IG1.3 C16 e z i 'y 2''7 . z1r 2 23P a 4c I9 19 20 22 45 44 43y q 3tJ11 i 1 Z 01 N I N G G HCIYLJIMITS CC SITE PLAN APPROVAL c) Brain, Dr. Warren, Appl. No . SA-697-72; site plan approval for medical offices in P-1 zone; property located north of Valley General Hospital between Talbot Rd. .S. and freeway APPLICANT Dr. Warren Brain TOTAL AREA 7 . 71 acres PRINCIPAL ACCESS Talbot Road South EXISTING ZONING P-1 EXISTING USE ' Single Family Residential PROPOSED USE Dental Clinic COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN Public Use and Single Family Residential COMMENTS ENDING OF FILE FILE TITLE 097 -72