HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA72-701BEGINNINU OF FILE FILE TITLE 70 s( 4•-•7 y APPLICATION FOR SITE APPROVAL IN M-P ZONE CITY OF RENTON FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Appl. No. 1 SK- 1pk•'(1. Hearing Date 26 • 12.• Filing Date 1- 3•-ty Plan, Com. Action {attratiel `(•,'fib=y l APPLICANT TO ANSWER ALL THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS NEATLY AND ACCURATELY: Name HALVORSON & ASSOCIATES Address 605 South Riverside Drive Seattle, Washington 98108 Telephone No. 762 7185 Property petitioned is located on S.W. Seventh Avenue 4 Seneca Avenue S.W. between and Total square footage in property 206,403.88 square feet LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY Tract 4, Earlington Industrial Park No. 1, according to the Plat recorded in Volume 83 of Plats, Page 10, Records of King County, Washington Existing Zoning M-P What are the uses you propose to develop on this property? Warehouse activity and associated business office Number of permanent off-street parking spaces that will be provided on property? For Phase I - 64 stalls are required and 75 will be provided Number required For Phase II - 126 stalls are required and 126 will be provided Renton Planning Department 1968 r/// ' Renton Planning Commission Meeting July ,26, 1972 Minutes - Page 2 ACTION: MOVED BY MOLA , SECONDED BY DENZER , THAT THE WARREN APPLICATION FOR REZONE FROM GS-1 TO SR-1 BE APPROVED AND FORWARDED TO THE CITY COUNCIL WITH THE DEDICATION DOCUMENTS. THE REZONE REQUEST IS IN AGREEMENT WITH THE COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN. Discussion ensued concerning dedication by applicants of prop- erty for right-of-way purposes , utility easements, etc. , in view of questions raised at the last City Council meeting concerning the legality of such Commission requirements . It was suggested that acceptance of dedications could be handled in a separate Commission action from the one recommending approval of the application. The Chairman stated he felt that until the Commission was officially notified otherwise, it should not vary its present procedures which in his opinion were in the best public interest. Pending MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. SITE PLAN APPROVAL IN M-P ZONE b) HALVORSON & ASSOCIATES, Appl. No. SA-701-72; site plan approval for warehouse in M-P zone; property located on south- east corner of Seneca Ave. SW and SW 7th Street, Earlington Industrial Park The Chairman described the application; the Planning Director pointed out property location. The site is presently undeveloped. The northerly portion of the site is slated for development at this time. The proposed plan is in accordance with the require- ments of the Manufacturing Park zone with reference to parking, loading areas, landscaping and setbacks. Slides of the property were shown including vicinity map, site plan and landscaping plan. In response to Commission query, the Planning Director noted that future development of the southerly portion of the site would require Planning Commission review and approval. The Planning Director stated that in view of problems encountered in the area with reference to maintenance of landscaping, it is recommended that the applicant post a performance bond for in- stallation of landscaping and maintenance for a three-year period. Seymour indicated concern regarding the undeveloped portion of the site. Mr. Frank Lindell, an associate in the applicant' s firm, stated the landscaping revisions suggested by the Planning staff met with his approval and that his firm would be glad to furnish the performance bond requested. He stated the land- scaping shown on the cul-de-sac street would be installed the length of the site even though the southerly portion would be undeveloped as he felt it would be best to have the trees grow to the same size the full length of the street. His firm antici- pates expansion of the proposed warehouse probably within five years. He also noted that the ground has to be pre-loaded and allowed to settle prior to construction, and that paving or blacktopping the undeveloped portion of the site would be economically unfeasible. Suggestion was made that some type of ground cover , perhaps clover, could be planted to keep weeds down, and improve the appearance of the site. Commissioner Scholes joined the meeting at 8 : 55 p.m. S Renton Planning Commission Meeting July 26, 1972 Minutes - Page 3 Seymour inquired regarding exterior storage of trash containers. Mr. Lindell responded that there would be no exterior trash container storage; that he is recommending installation of a large compactor for trash. The Planning Director noted that any exterior storage would require screening. Scholes inquired as to the status of Modern Manufacturing who had previously applied for and received Commission site plan approval for this same property. The Planning Director stated that the Planning Department had been advised that Modern Manufacturing had withdrawn from the purchase of the property. Following Commission discussion of the application and Mr. Lindell' s comments, it was MOVED BY DENZER, SECONDED BY SEYMOUR, THAT THE HEARING BE CLOSED. MOTION CARRIED. ACTION: MOVED BY SEYMOUR, SECONDED BY DENZER, THAT THE HALVORSON & ASSOCIATES SITE PLAN APPLICATION BE APPROVED SUBJECT TO ACCEPTANCE BY THE APPLICANT OF REVISIONS TO THE LANDSCAPING PLAN SUGGESTED BY THE PLANNING STAFF AND POSTING OF A PERFORM- ANCE BOND FOR INSTALLATION OF LANDSCAPING AND MAINTENANCE THEREOF FOR A THREE-YEAR PERIOD; SAID BOND TO BE IN AN AMOUNT EQUALFTO 150% OF THE COST. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Seymour stated she wished the applicant to understand that should exterior storage occur that screening of said area would be required; and that she strongly urged the applicant to plant the undeveloped portion of the site in clover. SPECIAL USE PERMIT IN M-P ZONE c) EARLINGTON GOLF COURSE, Appl. No. SU-699-72; extension of previously granted special use permit allowing trailer for restaurant and pro shop on Earlington Golf Course located at 1115 SW 7th St. The Chairman described the application. The Planning Director pointed out location of subject trailer and stated that in June11971 Burlington Northern submitted a request for the temporary placement of a mobile home structure to shelter the golf! course restaurant and pro shop which was being displaced due to the enlargement of the Metro Treatment Plant. Permit was requested for a two-year period at which time it was antici- pated the future of the golf course operation would become defined. Burlington Northern indicated that it has no intention of permitting this property which is zoned for ManufacturingParkandwhichhasbeengradedandfilledforthatpurposeto be used any longer than necessary as a golf course. During the Planning Commission deliberations at that time it was agreed that while the request was reasonable, it was felt, however, the permit should be issued for a one-year period, renewable for a second year with approval of the Planning Commission. The Planning Director noted that the situation at the golf course remains the same as when previously reviewed by the Commission; subject application refers to request for one- year extension of previously granted permit. The Building Department has advised of some items pertaining to the trailer structure which are in need of correction; namely, a permit for the propane tank and installation of protective posts therefor, as well as replacement of electrical receptacles on the outside of the trailer which are not approved for outdoors. i :.I • III.I'`,: '„ rll,,,.., I; I'• fit IJ'' f'f',i. I 1• . 1'IGUCER 1OFPB'L'I A,- CE' HNOTI i„ ,b:,('f',l III',. 7. • • I O PLANNING„ COMMISSION. RENTON, WASH INGTQN A ,PUBLIC, HEARING WILL"': BE ,•HELD , BY• THE " RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION 'AT ITS G.., CQUNC I L CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, . RENT,Ot'I, WASH I NGTON ON ''JULY 26 " ' ., 19,72•' , AT 8 : 00 P .M. TO .CONSIDER THE FO LQWING PET I T''I ONS S IREZONE, 'FROM GS-1, TO 'SR-1 (#R-700-72) property located at '502 S:' 19 St. p file in Plannin Dept. office. I; legal' descri tion on`g P SPECIAL1,USE PERMIT (extension) IN M-P ZONE (#SU-699-72)', property;,rlocated on; SW;.7 St. and Powell Ave. SW, , Earlington Industrial Park. ,, SITE''`PLAN APPROVAL ;4IN .M-P }ZONE (#SA-701- 2 ware house',to be located on , SE, coiner Seneca Ave. SW and SW 7 .St. , Earlington Industrial Park,,. j' f1• 1. f-.-...,.,•:,,-".-..:,.'..,....,...'..,.,,...,..,.'..,,,..-.,,.„....,..-:..-.,.,•..-:.--.:'.,,,....-"..„..,..',:.....,-..:. 7,.....:..,,,...‘‘7.,,:„.,,.:,;-,.:'" 11.,...„-:-...•„.-..,.:.'„.":•..,:•.„'..,.,.:,".•••,,..',-...,.-:..,„..'.,..,.-',."„.•r......,!..,,,..,•,,,•:,.._-.,,'.• 1:',,..'..,:..-..,':',:,.,',,..„.....-;;.,',,,'!;,......-.,.:-..,;..,".,,'..‘-,,-',,.,:,....•,,:,„. a.;':;°°<, '`;,ALL':HPERSONS INTERES JEGTING'''TO, SAID'' PETITIONS ARE INVITED .;TO BE I,,,,.,`.r,, PRESENT ,AT' THE-PLANNING CQMMISSION MEETING ON JULY 26., 19Z2 r; ''':'! AT;;`:8 ' 00''''P.M., TO., VOICE THEIR PROTESTS OR OBJECTIONS. TO SAME . n ,s t"R MOLA TARYANTHONESE'CRE O•:': COMMISSIONPU¢L':gS:HEpv" July 12'.,`,''1972 RENTON PLANNING i. T,ICERT C IONI 1 i,I'TH -A 0 VEITTHREECOPE0ti, Cb d'',i,` 1• '`- Q , HEREBY CERTIFY Ti HA i':'''I ' DOCUMENT •'WERE••'.F OSTED . BY;IME IN THREE CONSPCUOUS' PLACES .ON THE PROPERTY y '; Ar DESCRIBD 'ABOVE' AS 'PR-ESCRIBED BY LAW . lisir :I" id. tl D C/SIG rTT', 5,., s'crb'ed` ri d sworn c l lz A E' ,. tub c%; I,',; : 1 to,'''b os1a.''.ie a Notary'. Public, • r.c- 'the dry of JU t IjY'+ 1 E1 41 1" airpktv d'll. f I tal•i''11 1- 1'" -,, 'lit :.,1 r- A •it I:' :j,, 1 ir:..:,•.,/ • ' • 1—•„..•.....,..— 1.:.;_ i...:_ i::.-..."-:',.;!.i.. .,•;.;•,,-.,....:,:...,..:..:-fi.,..::',•.7,`L.,,t/,.....,.:„... ....A,..._;"'" 1 :- s i . .0.74'.4,e, VI*:.Illiiiiii,.._.:iv. ;,,,,-..iltiii:."::,.\.' .‘,„.. T.:,--.: 7;.,-7.: -,.,..-_,- - 7- 7.7. i` ' ' i11111!„*"146„,ess: * ilittirif.;`,.., ,---,-g-i__1.11.4iifil„,..._ ,4,-,if88 .:ItL1140 • ' ,,aiigt.:.;:- - - .,• -. 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