HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA72-711BEGINNING OF FILE FILE TITLE ICkOF1LMED APPLICATION FOR SITE APPROVAL IN M-P ZONE CITY OF RENTON FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Appl. No.Hearing Date Filing Date Plano Com. Action APPLICANT TO ANSWER ALL THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS NEATLY AND ACCURATELY: Name JOHN D. 0`DONNELL Address 500 Newport Center Drive, Ste. 640 Newport Beach, California 92660 Telephone No . (714) 640-1811 Property petitioned is located on S.W. 10th Street between Thomas Avenue S.W. and Powell Avenue S.W. Total square footage in property 444,352 sq.ft. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY Lot 1 , Less North 533.98 feet, plus Lot 3, Less North 596 feet, Earl i ngton Industrial Park, No. 2 ' 4-4 Existing Zoning MP Manufacturing Park What are the uses you propose to develop on this property? Warehouse Distribution Facility fUJL oE / G 1972 DEPPR Number of permanent off-street parking spaces that will be provided on property? Phase 1 = 129 Phase 2 + 3 = 169 Total = 298 Number required Phase 1 = 110 Phase 2 + 3 = 154 Total = 264 Renton Planning Department 1968 Renton Planning Commission. Meeting. October 25 , 1972 Minutes - Page 8 ACTION : MOTION WAS MADE BY SCHOLES TO APPROVE THE SITE PLAN APPLICATION AS SUBMITTED BY B & H LEASING WITH THE EXCEPTION OF PROVIDING A 15 FOOT SETBACK FROM THE PERIMETER ROAD. Point of Order was raised by Seymour as to whether this was a legal motion . Chair accepted the motion . MOTION WAS. SECONDED BY MOLA. MOTION CARRIED , Seymour opposed . d) O ' DONNELL , JOHN D. , Appl . No . SA-711 -72 ; site plan approval for warehouse in M-P zone ; property located on SW 10th St. between Thomas and Powell Ayes . SW, Earlington Industrial Park 1 The Chairman introduced the application , and the Planning Director described the proposed development plan . The plan as presented meets the Manufacturing Park zone standards ; however , the Planning Department recommends that the areas adjacent to the railroad right-of-way also be landscaped . Chairman noted it was his impression that the applicant plans to build the first phase of the development at this time , but is asking for approval . of the entire plan . He questioned if some of the landscaping would , there fore , be delayed. Mr. Ericksen indicated that in previous cases landscaping was required per each phase of construction rather than total development . Mr. Lance Mueller , member of Bouillon-Rich & Associates , architects for Mr . O ' Donnell , indicated the total develop- ment would take 12 years , and the first stage would be built as shown on the drawings. The second phase might be subject to change , but would be conferred upon with the Planning Commission . Further discussion concerned the location of the refuse containers and screening , and the architect said he would submit the latest set of plans which show screened dumpster areas . In response to a question by the ar- chitect , Chairman said the Commission could recommend approval of Phase 1 , with the understanding that Phase 2 and 3 would have to come back for further review by the Commission . Roger Fagerholm, a representative of O ' Donnell with Henry Broderick , stated the applicant agreed with the landscape proposals , but he asked that the total plan be approved with the understanding that if Phase 2 and 3 were subsequently changed they would then come back before the Planning Commission for approval . After further discussion , it was MOVED BY SCHOLES , SECONDED BY SEYMOUR , THAT THE HEARING BE CLOSED . MOTION CARRIED. ACTION : MOVED BY SCHOLES , SECONDED BY SEYMOUR, THAT THE PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVE THE SITE PLAN AS SUBMITTED BY JOHN D . O ' DONNELL , SUBJECT TO A DOUBLE BONDING AGREEMENT , ONE IN THE TERMS OF 150% FOR INSTALLATION OF LANDSCAPE AS PRE- SENTED , AND ONE FOR 150% OF MAINTENANCE COST FOR A PERIOD OF THREE YEARS ON THE LANDSCAPING PLAN , AND AS PER STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS . MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY . Renton Planning Commission Meeting October 25 , 1972 Minutes Page 9 Following the action above , Mr. Fagerholm stated : I have appreciated your guidance . I ' m an industrial real estate broker and specialize in industrial real estate . Mr. O ' Donnell is an industrial real estate developer of warehouses and he is exposed to indus trial properties throughout the West Coast . With the. resurgence of the Renton and Seattle economies , Mr . O ' Donnell felt that Renton is a good investment town and he spent a terrific amount of time locating a place for his, investment . Mr . O ' Donnell picked Earlington Industrial Park because of the controls and the things that you people are addressing yourselves to here . I would like to give you a vote of confidence from the industrial development community to the effect that the things you are doing -- that is , exerting controls and not letting yourself be bound by past mistakes made by you to the effect that no inter- spatial landscaping has been put in , that dumpsters haven ' t been screened , and things like that -- are appreciated. I ' m glad to see that you don ' t encumbe'r your thinking , and I really appreciate the fact that you are exercising some planning directive in Earling- ton . I think it ' s really something necessary , and it ' s the key to the future industrial park development and , also , it' s really the thing that ' s -going to determine strength vs . weakness and success vs . failure in industrial development. Again , you ' rethink doing a fine job , and I think it ' s a job that ' s got to be done with discretion within the framework of definite standards , such as you are doing , and I appreciate the direction . " Chairman Teegarden thanked Mr. Fagerholm .for his comments , and indicated he was sure the Planning Commission members appreciated' his kind words . 4• ADMINISTRATIVE A) Committee Reports Comprehensive Plan Committee Chairman Humble gave an in- formal report of the Committee meeting on the Rivily request . A formal report will be presented on November 29 , 1972 . B) Conference Reports Planning Director reported that he attended the American Institute of Planners Conference the first part of October in Boston and took quite a number of slides , and he would like to make a presentation to. the Planning Commission at a convenient time . Commissioner Scholes asked Chairman Teegarden if' he had submitted a letter to the Mayor regarding remuneration of Planning Commission members . Chairman indicated it was written and would be submitted to the Mayor. Commissioner Scholes discussed the Planning Association of,' Washington Convention and the report he had submitted . 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No. SA-711-72; site plan approval for warehouse in M-P zone; property located. on SW 10th St. betweeniThomas and Powell Ayes. SW, Earlington ' Industrial Park APPLICANT John D. O 'Donnell TOTAL AREA 10 . 2 acres PRINCIPAL ACCESS Thomas and Powell Avenues Southwest EXISTING ZONING M-P EXISTING USE Undeveloped PROPOSED USE Warehouse and related offices COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN Light Industrial, or Manufacturing Park i COMMENTS i RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OCTOBER 25, 1972 STAFF REPORT Dr. and Mrs. Oscar Schmuland have applied for a rezone from R-2 to R-4 on property located at the. northeast corner of the inter- section of N. 3rd Street and Pelly Avenue. N. The proposed rezone is in 'compliance with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan and has been , requested in conjunction with a Special Permit application to allow a medical clinic. in -a residential zone. A medical clinic could be allowed by Special Permit under the existing R-2 zoning classifi- cationi however, Dr. Schmuland has requested rezoning of the property to anR-4 classification because of the.. front yard setback requireM. ment which would be ten feet rather than twenty feet as required under the R-2 classification. Andover Investment Company. has applied for Site Plan Approval of a proposed warehouse in Earlington Industrial. Park located north ' of S.W. 7th' Street and west of Seneca Avenue S.W. extended norther- ly. The proposed warehouse would be adjacent to the existing Hormel, Packing Company. The proposed plan is in conformance with . ordinance' requirements, however some revisions to the landscape plan were requested by Commissioners on the October 21st 'field trip.. The request was that landscaping be provided along the railroad right-of-way. The staff recommendation is to provide a three foot wide planting strip along the railroad right-of-way and plant 26 Lombardy ' poplar :,trees at 15 '. on center with gravel groundcover:. This three feet, when combined with the ,graveled railroad right- of-way, will provide adequate space for tree growth. The poplar ' trees are columnar :trees which will grow to` 50 - 75 feet tall with an approximate spread of 5 - . 6 ' (these trees are planted around the High School Stadium), . 'They have provided a screened area near the rear of the building for garbage container storage. B & H Leasing have applied for, Site Plan Approval. for an office ' building for the fixed-base operations and scheduled air taxi services of Fancher Flyways to be located at the southwestern corner of the Renton Municipal Airport. The proposed plan is in conformance with ordinance requirements, however we have requested that landscaping be included on the west side of the proposed building and that the westernmost driveway be moved easterly. The owners have agreed to both suggestions and will be discussing these with their designers: and with the Commission at the Public Hearing meeting. John D. O'Donnell has applied for Site Plan Approval for two proposed warehouses in Ear'lington Industrial Park, located north of SW 10th Street and between Thomas and Powell Avenues SW. The proposed plan is in conformance with ordinance requirements, how- ever we have requested additional landscaping along. the north property line. The architect has agreed to discuss the possibili- ty with the owners and give the Commission an answer at the Public ' Hearing meeting. We also recommend that the railroad right-of-way be screened with a 3' wide planting strip planted with Lombardy poplars as in the case of the Andover Investment Company, and that the southerly end of the railroad right-of-way be landscaped to within 20 ' .of the southerly line of the westerly building. it r/i Renton Planning Commission Meeting October 11, 1972 Minutes - Page 2 d) B & H Leasing, Appl. No. SA-710-72; site plan approval for fixed-based operation and scheduled air taxi services in P-1 zone; property located on SW corner of Renton Municipal Airport. Jim Magstadt reviewed the development. A discussion was held concerning the location of the egress to parking area near the curve on the Airport Perimeter Road. It was suggested that the staff check on the access and egress alternatives. After a discussion on the landscaping around the building, Mrs. Seymour stated that she would like a legal interpretation of the working in Section 4 of the P-1 Zone Ordinance dealing with advises and recommendations". Commissioners indicated that the City Attorney had previously given legal interpretation. Mrs. Seymour and Mr. Scholes requested a copy of this opinion. e) O'Donnell, John D., Appl. No. SA-711-72; site plan approval for warehouse in M-P zone; property located on SW 10th St. be- tween Thomas and Powell Ave. SW, Earlington Industrial Park. Jim Magstadt reviewed the development. The proposed plan is in conformance with ordinance requirements. It has been suggested by the staff that they move the building southward 2' and add a planting strip along the rear property line. It has been requested by the commission that the staff check for garbage containers and also check on the proposed plan for office space, noting the amount and location of office facilities. Slides were shown of all applications. 4. ADMINISTRATIVE a) FIELD TRIP AND STUDY SESSION DATES Chairman Teegarden indicated a field trip was in order and suggested Saturday, October 21, 1972, starting at 8 :30 a.m. at the Earlington Golf and Country Club. All members were requested to attend. A committee session is scheduled for next Wednesday evening October 18, 1972, at 7:30 p.m. to discuss the Rivily rezone request. b) COMMITTEE REPORTS 1) Commissioner Scholes reported that the Community Services Committee met with the Library Board six weeks ago to discuss the new Highlands Library. Discussion was held on financing and the budget is in order. The Library Board would like to provide a pathway from the North to the South end of the building, lighting for the pathway and fencing. The Library Board is apprehensive about prowlers and uses of the general area for purposes other than those intended. The majority of the landscaping will be heavy doses of beauty bark. Chairman Teegarden said one question the commission raised was that there was a conflict between vehicular and pedestrian walkway. The height of the berm may also have to be reduced to 22 feet. Scholes said he would stop in the main library when convenient to check on the progress of the plans of the Highland Branch Library. 2) Environmental Awards - Commissioner Scholes reported on the Community Services Committee Action: "It is the recommen- dation of this committee that the following action be taken'with regards to the Environmental Awards for the City of Renton: a) The planning staff, in cooperation with the Planning Commission ' Community Services Committee, prepare a news release requesting: 1) citizen and group input regarding Environmental Awards; 2) describing the purpose for this award; NOTICE OF PUBLIC ,HEARING RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION, RENTON, WASHINGTON A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON PLANNING CrOMMISSION AT ITS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, RENTON, WASHINGTON ON October) 25 1972 , AT 8 :.00 P .M. TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING PETITIONS ; 1 . Rezone from R-2 to R-4 , file No : R-712-72 , and Special Permit for medical clinic in residential zone , file No . .SP-713-72 property located on the northeast corner of N . . 3nd Street and Pelly Ave . N . Legal description on file in Planning Department Office . 2 . Site Plan Approval in M-P Zone, file No . SA-709-72 , property located on S. W. 7th street, west. of Seneca Ave S .W. extended . Legal . description on file in the Plann.ing 'Department Office . 3. Site Plan Approval in M=P' Zone , file No . SA-711 -72 , property • located on S. W. 10th street between Thomas Ave . S. W. and Powell Ave . S.'W. Legal description on 'file in. the Planning Department Office . 4. Site 'Approval in a P-1 Zone , file No . SA-710-72 , property located at the Southwest corner of the Renton Municipal Airport. Legal . description on- file in the Planning • Department 'Office . ALL PERSONS INTERESTED OR OBJECTING TO SAID PETITIONc ,ARE INVITED TO BE ' PRESENT AT THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ON October 25', '1972 AT 8 : 00 P.M, TO VOICE THEIR PROTESTS' OR OBJECTIONS TO. SAME . SECRETARY PUBLISHED C`n3}Q,v I , a7 RENTON PLANNING CQMMI,SSION CERTIFICATION I. Richariq B . Hansen , HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ' THREE COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENT WERE . POSTED BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES QN TH . PRopERTY DESCRIBED ABQVE,,AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW. ATTEST ; Sybscribed and sWorn SIGNE before me, a Notary public, . on 'tile \0 ' day of •Oc t ` ' , 19j. T— ENDING OF FILE FILE TITLE IP 7 (