HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA73-737BEGINNING OF FILE FILE TITLE 11110P41atit1, , I 1 illk 1 1 , ./ 0- " D*4 — ii iiia 4 .L)- ? ' I do ///---_,,, j1--L- .), , a tem -: yap,,,,,y_.s• avr4-0, da. . i 7/41/," - .1. 0 .6 448•1404 ite -1-4_4741,•:S if.* _4-e\.z - (----- 4lc'litifig '1. kW art fi keiJ i 40.10,08 litt .s,.• *Ill-iiii ko p c\-\ n NSET 114„, BLVD i 1ffNV0`'= c.Ytk4 (CT*. ;61F? t 71 !fir"owl' ru.a., ,° ', life Oft1 alk • ';''''. c" \ \ - s '\-\ p IfiNfirge;" ViPit i 5. W- 7TN — la J SITE APPROVAL : k 3 B— !a 1 E'l1ing Halvorson , Inc. I r 1-N Q lavjo. 1 7 7:72; :, , , , , -: :, , ,I o _ all. m N' _ uFlc MR"c` IIII g1lllllllllllloll ' l iii r 11111r- 1111111-iim - I, A I L R1"E . n II HIO1; wson, l lq h i 1 1 A If700110NIllhx o I II ' n !pI_(Uiin II t rll I : dN `, . g ; - ulllllI I i.ylill: i +.' III II_I ll •1lln II li=• ` 1-( .0 ! ! .;IIb dlh" i /IlNll •, I 11 11111!d IIIII II i L -- 11 III :uWlll 7a...- 2:7,r Er. \ L ,If\s, /A;.. "AO iillt I 111111P1 4111111 :En is—I —.= •— 1 J 3 ,wiamm Em., N\ tar 1: 1111111F ”ai1111111' Ill ,III:It I ., I I , II I I III I. ___ T _ '__-.______ .1 Jr-__ ---r I^ ,:::::1-' YI I I IIII III,, I r ___ __ y 1r I I 1.L...!..._ K-<r ,i ___Ill -1 -_-.I I__ _-:- ,_y_-'r.__y .__, , _.:K_ v_ IV \ ' I 1 n _ II____L I-).' - _-10_..._'1_- _i i. _ _I __ _I ai ZIP - j SITE APPROVAL : ELLING HALVORSON , INC . ; Appl . No . SA-737-73 ; site approval for addition ' to CFS Continental , Inc . building in M-P zone ; property located on Seneca Ave . S . W. and S .-W. 7th St . , Earlingtoh Industrial Park . APPLICANT Elling Halvorson , Inc .TOTAL AREA 207 ,397 . 35 sq . ft . PRINCIPAL ACCESS Seneca Avenue S . W . EXISTING ZONING ZONING M-P EXISTING USE Undeveloped 1 PROPOSED USE Addition to CFS Continental , Inc . , building 1 COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN Manufacturing Park or Light Industrial COMMENT'S 1 . Proposal is in agreement with both Comprehensive,lPlan and Zoning Code . 2 . Proposal is an expansion of a previously approved facility. 3. Parking spaces. required - 31 ; parking pro- vided '; 96 . spaces . 4. Landscaping plan as per Planning Department requirements . CITY OF RENTON APPLICATION SITE APPROVAL FOR OFFICE USE ONLY File No . SA- 77- "f3 Filing Date 2 July 73 APPLICANT TO COMPLETE ITEMS 1 THROUGH 6 : 1. Name Riling Hal vnrcnn, inc_ Phone 762_71135 Address 6n5 So»th R3versid' Drive, Seattle, Washingtnn 9810R 2 . Property location Sene ... nye. S.W. and S.W. Seye e v ai9 vee—•sr Renton, Washington 3 . Legal description (attach additional sheet if necessary) Lot 4, Earlington Industrial Park No. 1 according to the Plat recorded in Volume 83, of Plats, Page 10, in King County, Washington 4 . Number of acres or sq. ft. 207,397.35 Present zoning M_p 5 . What do you propose to develop on this property? Addition to CFS C ontinental,Inc. Building 6 . The following information shall be submitted with this application: Scale A. Sito and access plan (include setbacks , existing structures , easements, and other factors limiting development) 1"=10 ' or 20 ' B. Parking, landscaping and screening plan. . 1"=10 ' C . Vicinity map (include land use and zoning on adjacent parcels) 1"= 200 ' - 800 ' D. Building height and area (existing and proposed) 7 . PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: Date approved 6-1- Date denied Date appealed Appeal action Remarks Planning Dept. 2-73 r A, d J' i CD ,.GLANNINGDEPARTMENTeRENTON,WASHINGTON Q MUNICIPAL BUILDING • RENTON,WASHINGTON 98055 • BA 8-3310 9 O tio I .` August 8, 1973 0,0 CAPITAL 0 . Mt. Frank Lindell 605 South Riverside Drive Seattle, Washington 98108 ' Dear Mr. Lindell, We have reviewed the possibilities with regards to the location of a gas pump at' the proposed C.F.S. warehouse in Earlington park. As' I stated earlier, it was our first impression that it be located inside the building. , This, however, is apparently in violation of the present City building and fire codes. 1 Our second alternative was at the back of your southernmost parking lot where it would less likely be seen. This was unfeasable for you stating that the facility would be too distant from its potential user. Therefore, having reviewed these and other alternatives we felt that a location on the west side of the building just south of the loading docks would be suitable. It was felt - that this would be a better location for all concerned. It is proximate to its potential users but at the same time it is adjacent to Seneca Street which is a side street as opposed to a main arterial, SW 7th St. This location would also preclude the elimination of additional parking spaces which,as I Stated in our previous discussion, could became critical in your final expansion phase. To be formally approved this gas pump must be shown on your building plans, and be approved by both the building and fire • departments. The pump must be located on a concrete foundation island. It must be screened by a wood slatted cyclone fence of sufficient . height, and must also have the necessary guard posts to insure that it will not be hit by any vehicles. Theiattached plan shows not only our gas pump location recatmenda- tion, but also the additional landscaping rbquirements as per your most recent site approval application. Ifthere are any further questions please do not hesitate to contact this Department. I V yo s 01C0cI O chael L. Smith Assistant Planner MI,S td OF .e 41 Q PLANNING DEPARTMENT ® RENTON,WASHINGTON jo MUNICIPAL BUILDING • RENTON,WASHINGTON 98055 • BA 8-3310 July 30, 1973 a'9I CAPIT- °' Elling Halvorson, Inc. 605 South Riverside Drive Seattle, Washington 98108 Attn: Mr. F. R. Lindell Subject: Planning Commission public hearing - Wednesday August 1,1973 Gentlemen, This letter is a reminder that the Planning Commission will be holding a special hearing this wednesday, August 1st, at 8:00 p. m. in the Municipal Building's second floor Council Chambers. As you know the agenda for the regular public hearing last Wednesday, July 25th was so lengthy and involved that a number of items were refered to this special meeting. This was done so that people would not have to sit through the meeting only to have it adjourn before their particular request was heard. Very truy4y s, 11//4e,;;g47/9"; L. Smith Assistant Planner MLS:td 4 - r7-- Z.5-15,2APPLICATION : Site ApprovalV APPLICANT: Elling Halvorson , Inc . LOCATION : Seneca Ave . S .W . and S .W . 7th St. , Earlington Industrial Park ZONING: M-P APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE ZONING CODE : 4-730 : M-P , Manufacturing Park District ; Chapter 22 : Parking and Loading . REQUEST: Approval by the Planning Commission of a site plan to expand previously approved facilities for CFS Continental Inc . with the same general uses intended . COMMENTS : 1 . Landscaping plans should be the same as that for the previous building . 2 . Applicant agrees to Planning Department ' s suggested landscaping . 3 . Proposed expansion eliminates 25 parking spaces from the previously approved plan . Proposed expansion of facility requires 31 additional parking spaces . An estimate of a possible second expansion would require an additional 25 spaces . This gives a total requirement of approximately 81 additional parking spaces . There are a total of 96 new spaces provided . 4. A minimum 5 ' landscape strip will be required between the new parking lot and the railroad right-of-way . 5 . Uses will be similar to uses in previously approved facility . STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS : Recommend approval subject to conditions-_ _ listed above , installation of landscaping approved Planning Department , and posting of a bond for - installation and maintenance of landscaping . NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION RENTON , WASHINGTON A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION AT ITS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS , CITY HALL , RENTON , WASHINGTON , ; ON July 25th 19 73_, AT 7 : 30 P . M . TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING PETITIONS : 1 . BROADACRES , INC . , Appl . No . OSC-730-73 ; application for Open Space Classification for that property known as Longacres Race Track , located south of SW 16th St. between railroad r/w on the west and Oakdale Ave .: SW , extended southerly , on the east. Legal description on file in Planning Department office . 2 . SPECIAL PERMIT to remodel existing home for a medical clinic; file No . SP-741 -73 ; property located. at 4509 Talbot Road South ( Springbrook Rd .) Legal description on file in Planning Department office . ( R-2 Zone ) . SITE APPROVAL for addition to warehouse in M-P Zone ; file No . SA-737-7'3 ; property located on Seneca Ave . S . W . and S . W. 7th St . , Earlington Industrial Park . Legal description on file in Planning Department office . 4. SITE APPROVAL for industrial laundry facility in M-P Zone ; file No . ' . •. SA-742-73 ; property located on S . W . 7th St . near Seneca Ave . S . W . - Earlington Industrial Park. Legal description on file in Planning Department office . 5 . SITE APPROVAL for addition to Highlands Community Church to provide space for religious education and recreation in an R-1 Zone ; file No . SA-738-73 ; property located on Kirkland Ave . N . E . between N . E . 9th and N . E . 10th Sts . Legal description on file in Planning Department office . 6 . SITE APPROVAL for bus storage garage and bus parking facility in R-1 and R-3 Zones (for Renton Assembly of God Church ) ; file No . SA-739-73 ; property located on S . W. corner of Taylor Ave . N . W . and N . W . 2nd Place . Legal description on file in Planning Department office . 7. WAIVER OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS ; file No . W-740-73 ; property located west of 1740 N . E . 16th St. - near Jones Ave . N . E . ALL PERSONS INTERESTED OR OBJECTING TO SAID PETITIONS ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ON WEDNESDAY , JULY 25 1973 AT 7 : 30 P . M . TO VOICE THEIR PROTESTS OR OBJECTIONS TO SAME . BYLUND V . WIK , :SECRETARY PUBLISHED July 15 , 1973 RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION I , Michael L . Smith HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENT WERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW . ATTEST : Subscribed and sworn to before me , a Notary, Public , SIGNED ,4_- on the day of AIFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP STATE OF ILLINOIS ) SS : COUNTY OF C 0 0 K ) TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RENTON , WASHINGTON Gentlemen : The undersigned, DANIEL MORRIS , the duly elected and acting Secretary of CCC REALTY , INC . , a Delaware corporation , being first duly sworn on oath deposes and states that CCC REALTY , INC. is the owner and title holder of certain real property in the City of Renton , King County , State of Washington , legally described as follows : Lot 4 , Earlington Industrial Park No . 1 , according " to the Plat recorded in Volume 83 ,. of plats , Page 10 , in King County, Washington as amended by Affidavit filed July 1 , 1968 under Auditor ' s File No . 6370461 , together with, An easement for the construction and maintenance of footings for a building on and 18 inches under- neath the surface of the West 3 feet of the North 653 . 22 feet of Lot 6 of said Earlington Industrial Park No . 1 , which CCC REALTY , INC. acquired from BURLINGTON NORTHERN, INC . , a Delaware corporation, by a certain Statutory Warranty Deed recorded in King County, Washington on June 21 , 1973 . • Further Affiant sayeth not . DANIEL MORRIS Secretary of CCC REALTY , INC . , a Delaware corporation SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me t eday o - June , 1973 . 13LIC My c c6:11aiss.i.on expires : 4/ Renton Planning Commission Meeting August 1 , 1973 Minutes - Page 2 Commissioners then discussed the proposed plan . Mr . Erick- sen noted that a different type of landscaping should be provided adjacent to the residence on the north and that grading would be required for the parking area . He then described the'--changes in elevation of the prope;My>>, He stated that staff is recommending approval of the proposal subject to the posting of a bond for the installation and maintenance of landscaping . Art Scholes , chairman of the Community Services Committee , reported his committee had met on this subject and took a field trip and found it was difficult to specify design standards for single family residences converted to medi - cal centers . It was their feeling that up-grading of this property would improve the standard of the neigh- borhood, and the committee felt that if the applicant up-grades per plans submitted and the testimony given that the proposal would be acceptable to the committee . Further discussion ensued on the subjects of drainage , parking , elevations , screening required , etc . Following this , it was MOVED BY SEYMOUR , SECONDED BY SCHOLES , THAT THE PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY . ACTION : SEYMOUR MOVED , SECONDED BY SCHOLES , THAT THE SPECIAL PERMIT. APPLICATION OF WILLIAM L . MC LAUGHLIN , JR. , BE GRANTED WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS ATTACHED : I . THAT THE PLAN BE AS SUBMITTED BY THE APPLICANT ' S ARCHITECT , FELIX CAMPANELLA. 2 , THERE BE INCLUDED A PERFORMANCE BOND IN THE AMOUNT OF 150% OF THE LANDSCAPING. 3. WITH THE UNDERSTANDING THAT IT WILL BE USED EXCLUSIVELY FOR A MEDICAL CLINIC . 4. THE ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT WILL BE UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF STAFF TO SEE THE AP- PLICANT COMPLIES WITH THE CONDITIONS REQUESTED . On the question , MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY . 3. NEW PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS : SITE APPROVALS: g, E.LLING HALVORSON , INC. ; Appl . No . SA-737-73 ; site approval for addition to CFS Continental , Inc . build- ing in M-P zone ; property located on Seneca Ave . S .W . s. and S . W. 7th St. , Earlington Industrial Park . Ch 'irman described the application . Mr. Ericksen stated that applicant has submitted a plan for an extension of the warehouse facility totalling 119 x 257 feet . He noted that the proposal meets code and parking requirements . There is sufficient space to meet the parking requirements for the future addition possible on the property. The applicant proposes to landscape as previously agreed in accordance with the landscaping of Washington Whole- salers , and the landscaping will extend all along Seneca RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING MEETING AUGUST 1 , 1973 CONTIN-UATION OF JULY 25TH MEETING) MINUTES OMMMIISSIONN . EMBERS PRESENT: Anthone Mola , Norman Ross , Arthur Scholes , Patricia Seymour , Clark Teegarden , Bylund Wik . COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT: Evelynn Carue , Don Humble and Lucien Lemon . CITY STAFF RESENT: Gordon Y . Ericksen , Planning Director ; Lyman ouk , Public Works Department ; Beulah Imlay , Recording Secretary. The Aut.ust 1st public hearing meeting of the Renton Planning Commission (which is a continuation of the July 25 , 1973 , meet- ing) was called to order by Chairman Teegarden at 8 :05 p .m. 1, ROLL CALL,was taken by Secretary Wik . All members responded present with the exception of Carue (on vacation ) , Humble (press of personal business ) , Lemon (out of town ) , and Ross (had noti - fied he would be late ) . ACTION : MOVED BY WIK, SECONDED BY MOLA TO EXCUSE THE ABSENT COMMIS- SION MEMBERS . MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY . 2, CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING ITEM: SPECIAL PERMIT: A. MC LAUGHLIN , WILLIAM L . , JR. ; Appl . No , SP-741 -73 ; special permit to remodel existing home for a medical clinic in an R-2 zone ; property located at 4509 Talbot Road South . Chairman Teegarden noted this item had been continued from the meeting of July 25th . The Planning Director stated that additional information had been obtained by the staff from the various departments ( Public Works , Building and Health ) , as requested by the Planning Commission . The matter of the plan had been reviewed , and the Health Department has advised that they have no objection to a temporary use of a septic tank system. The staff met with Mr. McLaughlin to clarify the various ques- tions previously raised . Applicant has submitted some addi - tional information , including an architectural sketch to Illus- trate the proposed remodeling . Chairman Teegarden asked the applicant to explain his plans . Mr. McLaughlin stated he had Felix Campanella , siding archi - tect , review the proposed remodeling . The architect has sug- gested Texture ill on the front of the house and on the garage , awnings over the windows , garage doors on the garage , and a self-supporting canopy over the entrance door . The roofs on ' the garage and house will be redone with hot tar and gravel . The breezeway connecting the house and garage will also be cov- ered with Texture 111 , and the balance of the house will be painted to match. Renton Planning Commission Meeting August 1 , 1973 Minute's - Page 3 Avenue . He discussed the landscaping which will be put in and stated that the applicant is working with the staff landscape architect at the present time . Mr. Ericksen stated that staff is recommending approval subject to posting of a bond for installation and maintenance of landscaping and an • approved landscape plan . Commission comments were invited . Seymour questioned if the 15 parking spaces more than required were necessary at this time , or could the area be landscaped instead . Mr . Ericksen said it would be conceivable that the parking on the south could be eliminated and put into landscaping . The Chairman noted that one parking space every 50-feet or so could be taken out and the area land-scaped. Mole. suggested a turn- around on the east side of the south parking lot . The Chairman asked for audience comments . None were made . SCHOLES MOVED THAT THE PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED , SECONDED BY MOLA. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY . ACTION : SEYMOUR MOVED , SECONDED BY MOLA , THAT THE SITE PLAN SUBMITTED BY ELLING HALVORSON , INC , BE APPROVED SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS : 1 . POSTING OF A PERFORMANCE BOND FOR THE INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE OF LANDSCAPING ( 150% ) . 2 . THAT THE APPLICANT WORK OUT WITH STAFF ADDITIONAL LANDSCAPING TO THE PLAN SUBMITti E!: TO CONVERT A LARGE PORTION OF THE 15 EXTRA PARKING SPACES TO LANDSCAPING . Question on the motion , MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY , C . BUFFALO SANITARY 'WIPERS CO . ; Aul . No . SA-742-73 ; site approval for industrial laundry facility in M-P zone ;• property—located on S . W . 7th St . near Seneca Ave . S . W. , Earlington Industrial Park . Chairman Teegarden read a letter dated July 31 , 1973 , from Dave Benoliel of the Morris Piha Company requesting that the application of Buffalo Sanitary Wipers Company be withdrawn from the agenda as . they , have decided not to proceed with building plans in Earlington Park at this time . Do HIGHLANDS COMMUNITY CHURCH ; Appl . No . SA-738-73 ; site approval for an addition to 2.tovide space for religious education and rect^eat1 inn i n an R-1 zone;property eared on Kirkland Ave . N . E . between N. E . 9th and N . E . 10th Streets . Chairman Teegarden presented the application , and the Planning Director described it in detail and pointed out the property location . .The request involves a site of approximately 2-1/2 acres in an -R-1 zone , The Comprehensive Plan , however , indi - cates the area as .a future medium-density multiple use , and the property to the west is zoned B-1 . There is a public right-of-way along the west side of the property , and a sig- nificant change in elevation from the lower to the upper por- tion of the property . The property to the north is zoned R-3 , and the property to the east and south is R-1 . The Planning Director noted there is no proposed expansion of the existing sanctuary . The proposed addition would require Renton Planning Commission Meeting August 1 , 1973 , Minutes - Page 4 93 additional parking spaces and the plan does meet the requirements . of the Parking and Loading Ordinance . He stated that applicant will provide landscaping along all abutting public right-of-ways , which requires a minimum of 5 feet within the property lines . Staff is recommend- ing a change in the parking proposed on the upper parking lot at the entrance to the_ sanctuary for safety reasons . There would have to be some changes to the landscape plan of a minor nature . With those exceptions noted in the staff report of August 1st , the plan does meet the require- ments of the Zoning Ordinance and the Parking and Loading Ordinance . Lyman Houk , of the Public Works Department , explained the deed restrictions on this property ( in regard to mineral resources ) and the fact that when the property was turned over to the City they assumed the repair and maintenance of the water system , sewer system , etc. , as well as the streets themselves . Discussion ensued as to whether applicant is proposing to landscape the northern side of the property . Mr. Ericksen replied he did not think it was their intent to do so . In reply to a question by Seymour , he- stated he did not think the landscaping requirement of the Parking and Loading Ordinance could be applied retroactively to the existing development (since there was no landscape requirement at the time it was developed ) , but would only apply to the portion to be newly developed . Commissioner Ross arrived at 9 : 00 p .m. Discussion then followed on the possibility of the vacation of Jefferson Avenue to the west of subject property , and Lyman Houk explained the procedures which would be involved . Seymour questioned if off-site improvements would be re- quired Iand the Planning Director stated in his opinion it 'might be more appropriate to put in additional land- scaping rather than off-site improvements on the west property line , and he felt it might be feasible for the church to request that the off-site improvements requirement be waived in view of existing improvements . Slides of the property were shown , as well as the surround- ing uses and the proposed plans . Mr. Ericksen pointed out that it would be a two-story structure from the ground level ( the lowest level) ,• and would probably be about 32 plus feet in height. He also showed the south eleva- tion view in relation to the existing church structure . Chairman Teegarden asked for comments from a representa- tive 'of the church . Mr . John Nason , 11807 S . E . 192nd St . , stated he had been working with the church in coordinating the design , and that they had gone to the flat roof because of the height problem. From the mean grade , he noted , they would be within the 35-- foot limit . Mr . Ericksen said the mean grade level would probably be taken on the east ele- vation . Mr . Nason stated this structure is being stepped down one level from the existing building , and the top of of this structure will be 10-ft . below the existing building . The question of landscaping the north side of the property was discussed , and Chairman felt if the landscaping and parking areas were defined as indicated on the drawing it would be a much better situation both from a traffic and appearance standpoint . j(h/4v.(/ - Renton Planning Commission Meeting July 11 , 1973 Minutes - Page 2 - Wes Hodge , 905 Norton Building , Seattle , and attorney repre- senting Shell Oil Company , stated he had received the draft Environmental Impact Statements late that afternoon , and presented them to the Planning Director . He requested their application be on the July 25th agenda , if at all possible , due to a construction timing problem . The Planning Director informed Mr . Hodge that the State Environmental Policy Act requires certain procedures be followed in regard to Environmental Impact Statements . Initially , after the draft EIS is accepted , it is distributed to various other agencies in the area for their review and: commments , This requires a minimum of 30 days . Mr . Ericksen noted that' it would probably be the end of August before the Planning saff could make a final ruling on the EIS , and the public hearing could probably be held in September or , possibly , October . He explained this was a requirement of the state law over which , ,, the Planning Department had no control . Mr . Humble asked if this application was considered of regional significance . The Planning Director replied it is due to its location in the valley , the drainage system , and the location of the P-1 Channel it is considered to be of regional significance particularly if accidental spillage were to occur . Commissioner Seymour joined the meeting at this point . j . . Leo NEW PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS : Chairman Teegarden requested the Planning Director to present the new application ,' SPECIAL PERMIT; Co MC LAUGHLIN , WILLIAM L . , JR. ; Appl . No . SP-741 -73 ; special permit to remodel existing home for a medical clinic in an R-2 zone ; property located at 4509 Talbot Road South . The Planning Director described the application and pointed out property location . The property is zoned R-2 and allowing clinics by special permit from the Planning Commission . 'The use is compatible with other uses in the area . SITE APPROVALS: • D0 • ELLING HALVORSON , INC . ; Appl . No. SA-737-73 ; site approval for addition to CPS Continental , Inc . building in M-P zone ; property located on Seneca Ave . S .W. and S .W . 7th St. , Earlington ' Industrial Park . The Planning Director stated that the applicant at the last meeting expected to be coming to the Commission in the near future for the proposed expansion . The present application is to develop an additional 119 feet as an extension of the previously approved site plan . The applicant will be providing additional parking to the south , sufficient to cover the parking required for the balance of the development , and proposes to develop all of the landscaping at this time . The Planning Department staff is presently working with the developer on the landscaping plan . The applicant wishes to make the landscaping symmetrical with the property on the west side of Seneca Avenue . RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION ADMINISTRATIVE MEETING JULY 11 , 1973 MINUTES COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Evelynn Carue , Don Humble , Lucien Lemon , Anthone • Mola , Norman Ross , Arthur-D. Scholes , Patricia Seymour , Clark Teegarden , Bylund Wik . COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT: None . CITY STAFF PRESENT: Gordon Y . Ericksen , Planning Director ; Lyman Houk , Public Works Department ; Beulah Imlay , Recording Secretary. The July 1973 administrative meeting of the Renton Planning Commission was • called to order at 8: 05 p . m. by Chairman Teegarden . ROLL CALL 'was taken by Secretary Mola . All members responded present with the exception of • Seymour ( had notified the secretary she would be arriving late) . She arrived at 8: 15 . 2 , . . APPROVAL OF MINUTES : . As there were no additions or corrections to the minutes of the meetings of May 23rd and June 13th , the Chairman declared them approved as written . Chairman Teegarden commented that some of the audience might be present to hear the committee report on the proposed Recreational Vehicle Ordinance , which will not be presented this evening , , He noted a study session will . be held at 7 : 30 p .m,. July 18th. and .is open to the public . The Planning Director noted that it is 'anticipated that there will be changes in the preliminary .draft ordinance as prepared at this time , and Chairman . Ross of the Zoning Committee stated that the Committee would not- be making a recommendation this evening . • i','' .` CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING .ITEMS : REZONE: . At. RUSHMORE , JOHN C. ; Appl . No . R-728-73 ;• request for rezone from G-7200 to R-3 ; property located on S .W . corner.. 'of .N . E . 12th St. and Edmonds Ave . N . E . Chairman ,:Teegarden noted this item had been continued from ..the:. last meeting , and asked the Planning Director if there . was . anything new to. report . He replied there was nothing. new to report at this time . Ross requested a response '.from. ,the Parks Department as to the feasibility of; consider,ing the. property as a future park site . SPECIAL PERMIT: SHELL OIL CO . ; Appl . No . SP-734-73: Special permit to construct a petroleum marketing plant in H-1 zone ; property" located approx . 1 /2 mile west of East Valley Highway , midway between Olympic Pipeline-Mobil Oil site and Longacres Race Track . Chairman Teegarden noted this item was also continued from the last meeting . 1 ENDING OF FILE FILE TITLE 6°16162 ill :: , .-1/ 'Il • 7SJ 7--- 75