HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA77-064BEGINNING OF FILE FILE TITLE EZO E 7--,?8- 77 il (727 cw,51/ 064 - 77 MICROFILMED DRA\III 1 1 4. •. i, . ' G S££35ram . F1 1..14 ...... • . 7 I SEE 35mm I m DRA I 'Ii SEE 35mm I\'' V7) . C11 h'. I a•: o. i,_I , ..i. h: '. 4 SEE a35mm 0. . Lm siiii: O. li A :,;:, 1 '• L-, 0. N - I . r o. jDR. A. SEE 35mm FaLm I 031:1 iDRtill •1 G . SzE 35vv1vvi. 3.... Faii ..-.. •r • ,., s qr. ram` Of Affidavit of Publication STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ss. Max'.t?lim t_llaS'.Jau h being first duly sworn on i s ' . oath,deposes and says that.SS i 1e..is the Gi h te. ....Q1 ar'k of THE RENTON RECORD-CHRONICLE, a newspaper published four(4) times a week.That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and RDINANGE NO.'3179?FihasbeenformorethansixmonthspriortothedateofpublicationreferredCITYOF,RENTON, ''""to, printed and published in the English language continually as a news- f y,. :' paper published four(4)times a week in Kent,King County,Washington,WASH•NANCE'1.0 ,and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained T'N, ORD.INA'NCE'.OF; at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper.That the Renton THA,S,;1 '° ROF'REN'TON,' Record-Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the W A=S•H l'N` G'T O N A, Superior Court of the County in which it is published,to-wit,King County, CHANGING;THE ATION1 ,, ?;, ING CL'ASSIFICATION1OFCERTAINPROPER-Ord3nonce No. 37.79 TIES WITHIN,THE CI.Washington.That the annexed is a OF'RENTON;FROM RE-, i SIDENCE SINGLE' ' FAMILY DISTRICT(R=1),:• TO- RESIDENCE„DIS-',:,i as it was published in regular issues(and WHEREASdunder'Chapt-I not in supplement form of said newspaper) once each issue for a,period er7„'Title;IV(B'uilding;Regu=;7 i• 'Iatlons); fbf,;Ordinance',:No.:l l628 known as the- Code of'fGeneralOrdinancesof,the"of 1 consecutive issues,commencing on the City.'.o`f,.Re,n"ton,'.' ,as. 2 Decmber 77 c ' aniended,;and the rhepsand; day of 19 and ending the reports'adopted in conjunc,'!. temner ro, , ..,-,. atter 'havingbeen duly imoonsidered' by-the Hearing, I day of 19 both dates iExaminer and;said zoning inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its sub- request'being in-cohformity:` scribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee twith':the'City's Comprehen- live:Plan,'as amended;and i th'e;City',,.,-l'havi'ng duly'charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of $- •9 , which cor,.isidered'at matters teiev' has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words for the ant thereto;'and-,all'parties'first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for each subsequent having been;.heard',appear-insertion. lngin support,thereof Or In,1 n j roHEREiFO. E:,, to, N;OW L l k THEREFORE: .. J i..;THE;CITY COUNCIL;OF.. Chief Clerk THE 'CITY OF RENTON,' yWASHINGTON, DO ,OR:- '} DAIN AS FOLLOWS: '• SECTIONS I:The following Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2 day of described, property;,le;..the•; i •'City;••of 'Renton li hereby',•• 4ezoned.to,Residence Dip- iUe.c.emb.er , 19.7..7... trtict..:•(R3)-•as'•hereinbelow ';, r specified;subj'ectto,ttiefind=.:;i Sion 'dated'Septernbe 12! J Ins, Notary Pub n nd for the State of Washingt , r 12, residing at Kent, King Co ty. 1977'of'the Citys Hearing_i Examiner;,,the Planning DI-I i rector Is hereby.authorized i and direotedc',to•change•tt10 Passed by the Legislature,1955,known as Senate Bi1l281,effective June maps;of•the•Zoning;;"Ordi-1 9th, 1955. j,'nance;'as•amende'd to'?evi-'I dence,said reioning,-to;wit: Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, Lots 1:4•and';1:5,•Block49;• ;l,adopted by the newspapers of the State. Town;;iof Renton''Plat ',% Sall property ;located; .,, i,,,v;;midway::betweepc:South/ ,, f-,;5th"Street:and?Soath;'4th ",,3 Street on'the:west side;.of',C,.y1 t.,":1Nelis,Avenue;,South•di ^' rectiy.'across"from.;'.the..''j,V.P.C.Form No.87 Renton'Saliool'Administ- .,. ration'Building) .' ; • ,,, l•-,' SECTION''II:"This Ordl?;; r:trance• shill.'be,:effective`, t;upon+its:passage,'approval, 1 and•flve •(5) days:,after-its;:'; I-pblication ••uPASSED BY-THE,CITY' I,4COUNCIL•this '28th:day,of 'r. i[:November; 1977.' ' ` I• ' Delores'.•Mead CityCierk?I A•1. P PROVED;:,BY`:THE;'l i !MAYOR•';THIS28th;day.,•of;,. November, 1977: Charles J. Delaurenti i Mayor,1 Approved,as,to'form: .;i k, LawrenceJ:Warren.; rt+" Acting City Attorney: - 'aka;,I;'` i,'-Published In:the Renton,; Re'cor.d-C hro'nl ct,e,-De.-;''.; 1 camber 2,,1977."R469:1't'/CC;`_;'4gar _s; Renton City Council 11/28/77 Page 3 Correspondence and Current Business - Continued Bid Award MOTION FAILED. ROLL CALL VOTE ON ORIGINAL MOTION: 3-AYES: PERRY, Repainting Tank SHINPOCH, STREDICKE; 1-NO: THORPE. Councilman Clymer was absent and Reservoir from the Chambers during the roll call vote. MOTION CARRIED to concur in request of Public Works Director that Council rescind prior action, accepting low bid withdrawal/ and award contract to second low bidder, Olsen Brothers Drywall and Paint, Inc. , upon approval of the City Attorney. Revision Letter ,from Robert E. McBeth, Attorney, retained to represent Comprehensive Plan Center Court Sports, Inc. , owners of property located in the vicin- Southwest of . ity of Valley General Hospital , asked to participate in review of Hospital the Comprehensive Land Use Plan and asked the City Council to consider changes in the Comprehensive Plan as it affects the Center Court Sports Inc. The letter recalled the property was annexed into the City as part of the Allenbach Annexation at which time a conditional use permit had been granted by King County for con- struction of a commercial recreational facility containing tennis courts, hand ball courts and spa; Center Court Sports was unable to raise the capital to proceed within year's time limit and per- mit expired. The letter noted G-1 zoning of the property, funding now secured, and asked that changes be made in the Comprehensive Land Use Plan to allow development of the commercial recreational facility as planned, noting application would be made to the Hear- ing Examiner in the near future. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND THORPE, COUNCIL REFER COMMUNICATION TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COM- MITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Crestview Manor #1 Letter from Robert E. McBeth, Attorney, asked the City Council Preliminary Plat to reconsider their 11/21/77 decision to affirm the Hearing Exami- ner' s decision re Crestview Manor No. 1 , Preliminary Plat and appeal , file PP-068-77, E-069-77 and W-070-77) , which denied the appeal . The letter, explained the appeal requesting to connect through street from Blaine Ave. N.E. to Dayton Ave. N.E. and expressed the belief requiring installation of stub street to the edge of the develop- ment imposes unnecessary additional costs on the developers and fails to accomplish any purpose as concerns the City. The letter also noted adjacent property owner would have to develop his prop- erty in such a way that Council could later require him to con- ftribute 15 feet for through street which may never develop. The letter asked that cul de sac be approved as well . Councilwoman Thorpe asked permission to leave the Chambers and took no part. in discussion of this subject. Motion by Shinpoch, Seconded by Perry that the City Council reconsider this particular decision, was later withdrawn. Rolling Hills Letter from Robert E. McBeth, Attorney, opposed the granting of a Moratorium Request moratorium on the issuance of building permits in that area south of Renton Hill and north of Rolling Hills; moratorium requested 11/21 by James McClelland, President of the Rolling Hills Homeowners Association. In the letter McBeth explained that he was a ' member of the Rolling Hills Homeowmers Association and a property owner in the area that would be affected by such a moratorium. The letter explained why a moratorium was requested for Renton Hill and why it would be illogical and unnecessary for the new area which has developed as multi-family with no internal traffic prob- lems. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND THORPE, COUNCIL REFER LETTER TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Ways and Means Com- mittee Chairman Clymer explained the committee met with Mr. McBeth and Mr. McClelland, report awaiting Planning and Development report. Revision Letter from Robert E. Kenkman, 924 Bronson Wy.S. (Benton McCarthy Comprehensive Plan Realty, Inc. ) asked denial of request for moratorium of area be- tween Grant Ave. and Puget Drive westerly to Benson Rd. , or that the matter be placed in committee for future discussion. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER, COUNCIL REFER MATTER TO PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Renton City Council Ov 11/28/77 Page 4 OLD BUSINESS Planning and Upon presentation of Planning and Development Committee Report Development by Chairman Perry concurring in the recommendation of the Hearing Committee Report Examiner on the final plat of Farrell ' s 1st Addition, MacLand, Inc. , which had appeared on the Consent Agenda (Page 2) , Council Members agreed on the procedure: When an item from the Hearing Examiner appears on the Consent Agenda, the Planning and Development Commit- tee will not make a report. RR XX Councilman Stredicke requested information relative to railroad crossings, Mayor Delaurenti asked Public Works Director Gonnason to check with the State Utilities Commission. Park Budget Councilwoman Thorpe made inquiries of budgeted funds for Earlington and Glencoe Parks and work accomplished and called attention to need to complete requirements of Phase I prior to commencing pay- ment for the Glencoe Park property, per ordinance conditions. Acting City Attorney Warren noted need to meet any conditions of the ordinance prior to transfer. Councilwoman Thorpe felt that large expenditures for consultant fees was unnecessary. Hearing Examiner MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND CLYMER, IN ORDER TO CLARIFY COUNCIL'S MOTION Referral OF 11/21/77 REFERRING RENTON HILL ZONING TO THE HEARING EXAMINER, COUNCIL REFER THE MATTER TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE TO REPORT TO COUNCIL. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means ays and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented committee Committee Report report recommending second and final reading of an ordinance Ordinance #3179 rezoning property located between S. 5th St. and S. 4th St. on QNalesis Rezone) west side of Wells S. accross from the Renton School Administra- R-1 to R-3 tion Bldg. , from R-1 single family to R-3. Following readings, South Renton area it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND SHINPOCH, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDI- First Reading NANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: 4-AYES: CLYMER, SHINPOCH, STREDICKE; 11/21/77) AND THORPE. Councilman Perry left the Chambers during the presen- tation of this material and took no part. MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance #3180 Ways and Means Committee report recommended the following ordinances Membership of be placed on second and final readings , first reading 11/21/77: Board of Ethics An ordinance relating to the membership of the Board of Ethics. Following readings, MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND SHINPOCH, COUNCIL' ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3181 An ordinance authorizing acquisition of property, including condem- Property nation proceedings, for Senior Citizens Center and a Park for the Handicapped Park & handicapped. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND THORPE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE Senior Citizens ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3182 An ordinance was read ordering construction and installation of L. I .D. #307 street and appurtenances thereto - Raymond Ave. S.W. running south- Raymond Ave. SW erly from S.W. 16th St. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: 4-AYES: PERRY, CLYMER, SHINPOCH, STREDICKE; 1-NO: THORPE. MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance #3183 An ordinance was presented specifying and adopting a system or plan Waterworks Utility for making additions and betterments to the waterworks utility of the City including the sewerage system. Following readings , it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND SHINPOCH, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Recess Moved by Stredicke, Second Shinpoch, Council recess for 10 minutes. Roll Call : 2-Ayes : Shinpoch, Stredicke; 3-No' s Perry, Clymer and Thorpe. Motion Failed. Garbage Rate An ordinance was presented revising the garbage collection rates Ordinance for residential , business and commercial accounts. Rates increased due to increase dump fees by King County as reported by the Public Works Director and that change from volume to weight effective 1/1/78. Following readings , it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND SHINPOCH, 1 WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE REPORT November 28, 1977 The Ways and Means Committee recommends the following ordinance for second and final reading: An Ordinance re Malesis Rezone r Earl Clymer, Chairman Barbara Shinpoch Renton City Council 11/21/77 Page 4 Ordinances and Resclutions - Continued Public Services The Public Services Committee report recommended that four referrals - Minority Report Brad P. McElroy sewer connection; Eagle Ridge Drive name change; Continued . Vertex Energy System's modifications to the City Hall heating system and garbage rate increase, be referred hack to committee in order that committee be fully informed prior to recommendation. MOVED BY STREDICKE Referrals SECOND THORPE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND STREDICKE, GARBAGE RATE ORDINANCE BE PLACED ON FIRST READING. CARRIED. Garbage Ordinance MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND BRUCE, COUNCIL PLACE. ORDINANCE AMENDING THE Revised Rates GARBAGE ORDINANCE ON FIRST READING. CARRIED. Following reading, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND STREDICKE, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE BACK TO THE WAYS AND MEANS .COMMITTEE PENDING REPORT FROM THE PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Ordinance 3178 The committee report recommended first reading of an ordinance repeal- Amendment to ing a portion of the Sign Ordinance relating to removal of non- Sign Code conforming signs. Following reading, Councilman Stredicke requested explanation of the City Attorney for the record;.. being advised by Acting City Attorney Warren of the change in State law requiring removal of the amortization schedule form ordinance to protect City from increased expenditures, matter having Public Works Department recommendation. Following readings , it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Board of Ethics The Ways and Means Committee report recommended first reading of an Ordinance ordinance amending Code. of Ethics Ordinance as pertains to membership. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER, COUNCIL REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Waterworks Committee Chairman recommended first .reading of an ordinance relating Utility Ordinance to the waterworks utility including the sewerage system and adopting a system or plan for making additions , extensions and betterments , defined as -the "Plan of Additions and Betterments" and to be part of the "Comprehensive Water System Plan dated 10/76 prepared by Harstad Assoc. Following reading, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND STREDICKE, COUNCIL REFER BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. LID #307 The Committee Chairman recommended first reading of •an ordinance Ordinance ordering construction of Raymond Ave. SW from SW 16th St. southerly 1200 ft. , establishing L. I .D. #307. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND BRUCE, COUNCIL REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Ordinance The Committee Chairman recommended first reading of an ordinance Senior Citizen & superseding 'Ordinance No: 3157 10/10/77 regarding acquisition of prop- Handicapped Park erty (including condemnation) for construction of a Senior Citizen Acquisition Center and a park for the handicapped. Following reading, MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND SHINPOCH REFER BACK TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Malesis Rezone Upon recommendation by the Committee Chairman for first reading of Ordinance an ordinance rezoning property from R-1 to R-3, known as the Malesis Rezone, Councilman Perry left the Chambers and took no part in the matter. Following reading , it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND STREDICKE, COUNCIL REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Councilman Perry returned to the Charbers. RESOLUTIONS The Ways and Means Connnittee report recommended reading and adoption Resolution #2142 of a resolution setting hearing date of 12/12/77 concerning vacation Alley Vacation of an alley-way in the Kennydale area. Following reading, MOVED BY Fawcett et al CLYMER, SECOND THORPE, COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution #2143 The report recommended reading and adoption of a resolution approving Final Plat final plat for subdivision located at the southwest corner of N.E. Glencoe Dvn. #5 24th St. and Union Ave. N.E. , known as Glencoe Division No. 5. Follow- ing reading, MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND THORPE, COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. f.= ( ORDINANCE NO. 3179 , CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON , WASHINGTON , CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTIES WITHIN THE CITY OF RENTON FROM RESIDENCE SINGLE FAMILY DISTRICT (R-1) TO RESIDENCE DISTRICT R-3 ) WHEREAS under Chapter 7 , Title IV (Building Regulations ) of Ordinance No, 1628 known as the "Code. of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" , as amended, and the maps and reports adopted in conjunction therewith , the property hereinbelow described has heretofore been zoned as Residence Single Family District (R-1) ; and WHEREAS a proper petition for change of zone classification of said property has been filed with the Planning Department on or about July 28 , 1977 which petition was duly referred to the Hearing Examiner for investigation, study and public hearing, and a public hearing having been held thereon on or about September 6 , 1977 , and said matter having been duly considered by the Hearing Examiner and said zoning request being in conformity with the City' s Comprehensive Plan, as amended, and the City Council having duly considered all matters relevant thereto, and all parties having been heard appearing in support thereof or in opposit.io:n. thereto , NOW THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON , DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I : The following described property in the City of Renton is hereby rezoned to Residence District •(R--3 ) as hereinbelow specified; subject to the findings conclusions and decision dated September 12 , 1977 of the City' s Hearing Examiner.; the Planning Director is hereby authorized and directed to change the maps of. the Zoning Ordinance, as. amended, to evidence said rezoning, to- wit: Lots 14and 15, Block 19, Town of Renton Plat. 1- Said property located midway between South 5th Street and South 4th Street on the west side of Wells Avenue South directly across from the Renton School Administration Building) SECTION II: This Ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval and five (5) days after its publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 28th day of November, 1977 . Delores A, Mead, City .,_ erk APPROVED 3Y THE MAYOR this 28th day of November , 1977 , Charles, J”, laurenti , Mayor Approved as to form: Law nde J . Warrn, Acting City Attorney Date of Publication : 12-2-77 2- Renton City Council 11/7/77 Page 5 Correspondence and Current Business Increased Garbage Management Division information that new scale system for weighing Collection Rates garbage at Renton Transfer Station will soon be completed, anticipated Continued 12/1/77 with rates of $10.00 per ton. The letter reported agreement with General Disposal provides increase in dumping fee portion of their service when County dumping fees are increased; noting General Disposal reports 33.6 percent increase in residential dump fees based on dump fee portion of said fees; on commercial accounts, increase on single cans and containers up to 2 years will be 80.7 percent: Residential-1 can within 25' - $2.95 current to $3.07 proposed. Commercial -Cans $. 71 to $.80 proposed; Containers-2 yds. $6.30 to $7.75 The letter recommended referral to Ways and Means Committee for ordi- nance. MOVED BY THORPE, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL REFER MATTER TO THE PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Street Name Letter from Mayor Delaurenti recommended the City Council authorize Change the street name change requested by the Renton Elk Lodge from Eagle Requested 10/24 Ridge Drive to Elk Ridge Drive, reporting estimated cost should not exceed $100. MOVED BY THORPE, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL REFER MATTER TO THE PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Modifications Letter from Public Works Director requested Council approval of the City Hall installation of a Vertrex Energy Manager system from the Vertrex Corp. Heating System of Bellevue to modify the heating system in City Hall , being recom- mended by Supervisor of the General Services Division. The letter recommended referral to the Ways and Means Committee for appropriation of funds in amount of $12,890.42, being estimated annual savings of 8,856; noting the installation would pay for itself within a year and one-half. The letter also recommended referral to the Mayor's Committee on Energy Conservation for review and recommendation. MOVED BY THORPE, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL REFER MATTER TO THE PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. 1978 Preliminary Letter from Mayor Delaurenti submitted his proposed annual budget for Budget 1978, balanced at a total of $20,171 ,698, an increase of $3,993,402 120,171 ,698 or 24.7% over last year' s total of $16,178,296. The letter listed estimated tax-supported funds for 1978 - $9,319,578 with Special funds from state; federal or other grant sources and "enterprise funds")- 10,852.120 or 33% increase from last year. The letter listed reduction by five positions in the 303 employees for 1977, with 298 for 1978, reduction to be accomplished through retirements and resignations; and added 14 Comprehensive Employment Training Act (CETA) employees. The letter listed distribution of $641 ,724 in Federal Shared Revenue Funds and distribution of $5,331 ,447 Economic Development Administra- tion Grants. The letter noted City costs continue to rise without corresponding increase in tax revenues and possibility of tax revenue reduction if state voters approve elimination of portions of sales and gas tax. The budget included 5% "across the board" salary increase for City employees (except Council members) with limit placed on medical and dental premiums for dependents of employees at rates in effect 7/1/77 due to anticipated medical and dental insurance premiums increase of at least 30% from 1977 rates in 1978; City to continue to pay full cost of premiums for employees. Minor increase in fees and fines noted to help 'defray cost of enforcement and administration of basic police and court programs. The letter extended thanks to budget staff. Notice from City Clerk Mead reported public hearing for the 1978 Budget on 12/5/77 inviting citizen comments regarding entire bud- get or revenue sharing entitlement funds. MOVED BY THORPE, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN PUBLIC HEARING AND REFER THE 1978 BUDGET TO THE COUNCIL' S BUDGET COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Councilman Perry announced Budget Committee meetings (see attached schedule) . Upon inquiry, the Mayor noted inclusion in the budget of tax revenues from food and gasoline. Council President Perry posed three questions to the Administration regarding Contingency Fund request showing $645,000 with only $365,728 budgeted; Public Works Department street improvement allowance for materials; Police Department 20,000 rounds of ammunition. OLD BUSINESS Planning and Planning and Development Committee report was presented by Committee Development Member Shinpoch; Committee Chairman Perry disqualified himself and Committee Report left the Chambers due to involvement in the matter by his relatives . Amen Renton City Council 11/7/77 Page 6 Old Business - Continued Malesis Rezon The Planning and Development Committee report noted examination of Appeal the Appeal of the Hearing Examiner decision, Louis G. Malesis rezone R-064-77 R-064-77 and determined that no error in fact or law exists pursuant No Error Found to Section 4-3016. The Committee report recommended that the City Council concur in the recommendation of the Hearing Examiner and refer the matter to the Ways and Means Committee for proper ordinance. MOVED BY SHINPOCH, SECOND THORPE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Public Servicer Nublic Services Committee report upon review of request from Renton Committee Report Housing Authority for exemption from permit fees for Senior residence Senior Citizen recommended that one-half of the building permit fee be waived in Residence amount of $1 ,026.50 (building permit fees $2,053) and that the Building Permits plan check fee in amount of $1 ,334.45 not be waived; and made findings: a) The City desires to cooperate and assist the Housing Authority in housing development; (b) Funding is limited; (c) Reduced amount of City inspection will be required in view of the inspection require- ments by HUD. The report asked that in event the Housing Authority obtains sufficient funding that the entire fee be paid. MOVED BY SHINPOCH, SECOND THORPE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS. CARRIED. Road Widening and The committee report recommended award of contract for road widening Signalization at South 2nd St. from Mill Ave. to Main Ave. S. in connection with S. 2nd at Mill S. EDA Fire Station Project, to the low bidder Signal Electric in an EDA Funds amount not to exceed $50,000 and the scope of the project be modified to reduce the cost to that amount. The report stated the engineer' s estimate was $48,059.50 with low bid of Signal Electic at $60,027.05. MOVED BY SHINPOCH, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION. Latecomer' s The committee report recommended that a 10-year latecomer's agreement Agreement be entered into as requested by King County Public Works Department King County regarding sewer line for new shop facility, also recommending the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign agreement. MOVED BY THORPE, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Sign Code as Councilman Stredicke request reconsideration of statutes concerning Concerns political signs , noting lack of"teeth" in ordinance. MOVED BY STREDICKE, Political Signs SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL REFER SIGN CODE ORDINANCE TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW. Councilwoman Shinpoch suggested obtaining ordi- nances of other jurisdictions; Clymer asked enforcement; Perry noted King County ordinance required filing of written permission prior to placement of signs. MOTION CARRIED. Housing &Councilman Stredicke inquired regarding notification to Council of Development Housing and Development Coordinator appointment, as well as Citizen Coordinator Advisory Committee. Planning Director Ericksen noted notification of Community Development Committee. Cedar River Trail Planning Director Ericksen reported plans for Phase One of the Cedar System - Phase I River Trail System with bid award planned for first of December and Bid Call construction to commence by mid December in order to meet EDA deadlines. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN CALL FOR BID AND RECOMMENDATION TO PROCEED. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented committee report Committee Report recommending second and final readings of an ordinance changing the Ordinance #3166 zoning classification on the Harold Hill property from G to MP. Harold Hill Following readings of ordinance rezoning property located along the Rezone east side of West Valley Rd. (SR-181 ) south of Northwest Hobby and Toy Company, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. (First reading of ordinance 10/24/77) Ordinance #3167 The committee report recommended second and final reading of an ordi- Unemployment nance which was on first reading 10/24/77, establishing an unemployment Compensation Fund compensation fund in amount of $5,000. Following readings, MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND PERRY, ADOPT ORDINANCE. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Renton City Council 1.4 11/7/77 Page 5 Correspondence and Current Business Increased Garbage Management Division information that new scale system for weighing Collection Rates garbage at Renton Transfer Station will soon be completed, anticipated Continued 12/1/77 with rates of $10.00 per ton. Thee letter reported agreement with General Disposal provides increase in dumping fee portion of their service when County dumping fees are increased; noting General Disposal reports 33.6 percent increase in residential dump fees based on dump fee portion of said fees; on commercial accounts, increase on single cans and containers up to 2 years will be 80.7 percent: Residential-1 can within 25' - $2.95 current to $3.07 proposed. Commercial -Cans $. 71 to $.80 proposed; Containers-2 yds.$6.30 to $7.75 The letter recommended referral to Ways and Means Committee for ordi- nance. MOVED BY THORPE, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL REFER MATTER TO THE PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Street Name Letter from Mayor Delaurenti recommended the City Council authorize Change the street name change requested by the Renton Elk Lodge from Eagle Requested 10/24 Ridge Drive to Elk Ridge Drive, reporting estimated cost should not exceed $100. MOVED BY THORPE, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL REFER MATTER TO THE PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Modifications Letter from Public Works Director requested Council approval of the City Hall installation of a Vertrex Energy Manager system from the Vertrex Corp. Heating System of Bellevue to modify the heating system in City Hall , being recom- mended by Supervisor of the General Services Division. The letter recommended referral to the Ways and Means Committee for appropriation of funds in amount of $12,890.42, being estimated annual savings of 8,856; noting the installation would pay for itself within a year and one-half. The letter also recommended referral to the Mayor' s Committee on Energy Conservation for review and recommendation. MOVED BY THORPE, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL REFER MATTER TO THE PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. 1978 Preliminary Letter from Mayor Delaurenti submitted his proposed annual budget for Budget 1978, balanced at a total of $20,171 ,698, an increase of $3,993,402 120,171 ,698 or 24.7% over last year' s total of $16,178,296. The letter listed estimated tax-supported funds for 1978 - $9,319,578 with Special funds from state, federal or other grant sources and "enterprise funds")- 10,852.120 or 33% increase from last year. The letter listed reduction by five positions in the 303 employees for 1977, with 298 for 1978, reduction to be accomplished through retirements and resignations; and added 14 Comprehensive Employment Training Act (CETA) employees. The letter listed distribution of $641 ,724 in Federal Shared Revenue Funds and distribution of $5,331 ,447 Economic Development Administra- tion Grants. The letter noted City costs continue to rise without corresponding increase in tax revenues and possibility of tax revenue reduction if state voters approve elimination of portions of sales and gas tax. The budget included 5% "across the board" salary increase for City employees (except Council members) with limit placed on medical and dental premiums for dependents of employees at rates in effect 7/1/77 due to anticipated medical and dental insurance premiums increase of at least 30% from 1977 rates in 1978; City to continue to pay full cost of premiums for employees. Minor increase in fees and fines noted to help defray cost of enforcement and administration of basic police and court programs . The letter extended thanks to budget staff. Notice from City Clerk Mead reported public hearing for the 1978 Budget on 12/5/77 inviting citizen comments regarding entire bud- get or revenue sharing entitlement funds. MOVED BY THORPE, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN PUBLIC HEARING AND REFER THE 1978 BUDGET TO THE COUNCIL' S BUDGET COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Councilman Perry announced Budget Committee meetings (see attached schedule) . Upon inquiry, the Mayor noted inclusion in the budget of tax revenues from food and gasoline. Council President Perry posed three questions to the Administration regarding Contingency Fund request showing $645,000 with only $365,728 budgeted; Public Works Department street improvement allowance for materials; Police Department 20,000 rounds of ammunition. OLD BUSINESS Planning and Planning and Development Committee report was presented by Committee Development Member Shinpoch; Committee Chairman Perry disqualified himself and Committee Report left the Chambers due to involvement in the matter by his relatives. k Renton City Council 11/7/77 Page 6 Old Business - Continued Malesis Rezone The Planning and Development Committee report noted examination of Appeal the Appeal of the Hearing Examiner decision, Louis G. Malesis rezone R-064-77 R-064-77 and determined that no error in fact or law exists pursuant No Err r Found to Section 4-3016. The Committee report recommended that the City Council concur in the recommendation of the Hearing Examiner and refer the matter to the Ways and Means Committee for proper ordinance. MOVED BY SHINPOCH, SECOND THORPE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Public Servic Public Services Committee report upon review of request from Renton Committee Report Housing Authority for exemption from permit fees for Senior residence Senior Citizen recommended that one-half of the building permit fee be waived in Residence amount of $1 ,026.50 (building permit fees $2,053) and that the Building Permits plan check fee in amount of $1 ,334.45 not be waived; and made findings: a) The City desires to cooperate and assist the Housing Authority in housing development; (b) Funding is limited; (c) Reduced amount of City inspection will be required in view of the inspection require- ments by HUD. The report asked that in event the Housing Authority obtains sufficient funding that the entire fee be paid. MOVED BY SHINPOCH, SECOND THORPE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS. CARRIED. Road Widening and The committee report recommended award of contract for road widening Signalization at South 2nd St. from Mill Ave. to Main Ave. S. in connection with S. 2nd at Mill S. EDA Fire Station Project, to the low bidder Signal Electric in an EDA Funds amount not to exceed $50,000 and the scope of the project be modified to reduce the cost to that amount. The report stated the engineer' s estimate was $48,059.50 with low bid of Signal Electic at $60,027.05. MOVED BY SHINPOCH, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION. Latecomer' s The committee report recommended that a 10-year latecomer's agreement Agreement be 'entered into as requested by King County Public Works Department King County regarding sewer line for new shop facility, also recommending the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign agreement. MOVED BY THORPE, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Sign Code as Councilman Stredicke request reconsideration of statutes concerning Concerns political signs , noting lack of"teeth" in ordinance. MOVED BY STREDICKE, Political Signs SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL REFER SIGN CODE ORDINANCE TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW, Councilwoman Shinpoch suggested obtaining ordi- nances of other jurisdictions; Clymer asked enforcement; Perry noted King County ordinance required filing of written permission prior to placement of signs. MOTION CARRIED. Housing &Councilman Stredicke inquired regarding notification to Council of Development Housing and Development Coordinator appointment, as well as Citizen Coordinator Advisory Committee. Planning Director Ericksen noted notification of Community Development Committee. Cedar River Trail Planning Director Ericksen reported plans for Phase One of the Cedar System - Phase I River Trail System with bid award planned for first of December and Bid Call construction to commence by mid December in order to meet EDA deadlines. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN CALL FOR BID AND RECOMMENDATION TO PROCEED. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented committee report Committee Report recommending second and final readings of an ordinance changing the Ordinance #3166 zoning classification on the Harold Hill property from G to MP. Harold Hill Following readings of ordinance rezoning property located along the Rezone east side of West Valley Rd. (SR-181 ) south of Northwest Hobby and Toy Company, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. (First reading of ordinance 10/24/77) Ordinance #3167 The committee report recommended second and final reading of an ordi- Unemployment nance which was on first reading 10/24/77, establishing an unemployment Compensation Fund compensation fund in amount of $5,000. Following readings , MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND PERRY, ADOPT ORDINANCE. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. RENTON CITY COUNCIL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT November 7 , 1977 TO: Council Members FROM : Planning and Development Committee RE : APPEAL OF HEARING EXAMINER DECISION , LOUIS G . MALESIS REZONE , FILE NO. R-064-77 The Planning and Development Committee , after examination of the record , the Hearing Examiner' s written decision , findings , and conclusions , and the written appeal , has determined that no error in fact or law exists pursuant to Section 4-3016 . Therefore , it is the Committees recommendation that the City Council concur in the recom- mendation of the Hearing Examiner on the above mentioned item and refer it to the Ways and Means Committee for proper ordinance preparation . George Perry , Chairman Barbara Shinpoch , Member S Richard Stredicke , Member v I t RENTON CITY COUNCIL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT November 7 , 1977 TO:Council Members FROM: Planning and Development Committee RE : APPEAL OF HEARING EXAMINER DECISION , LOUIS G . MALESIS REZONE , FILE NO. R-064-77 The Planning and Development Committee , after examination of the record , the Hearing Examiner' s written decision , findings , and conclusions , and the written appeal , has determined that no error in fact or law exists pursuant to Section 4-3016 . Therefore , it is the Committee ' s recommendation that the City Council concur in the recom- mendation of the Hearing Examiner on the above mentioned item and refer it to the Ways and Means Committee for proper ordinance preparation . George Perry , Chairman Barbara ShinP och , Member S Richard Stredicke , Member RENTON CITY COUNCIL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT November 7 , 1977 TO : Council Members FROM: Planning and Development Committee RE : APPEAL OF HEARING EXAMINER DECISION , LOUIS G . MALESIS REZONE , FILE NO. R-064-77 The Planning and Development Committee , after examination of the record , the Hearing Examiner' s written decision , findings , and conclusions , and the written ' appeal , has determined that no error in fact or law exists pursuant to Section 4-3016. Therefore , it is the Committee ' s recommendation that the City Council concur in the recom- mendation of the Hearing Examiner on the above mentioned • item and refer it to the Ways and Means Committee for proper ordinance preparation . George Perry , Chairman Barbara Shinpoch , Member Richard Stredicke , Member i c lip w 1 j, THE CITY OF RENTON 0 f• MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE SO. RENTON. WASH 98055 0 CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , MAYOR DELORES A. MEAD pp O CITY CLERK O, p.' tO SEPIt- October 24, 1977 Mr. Louis G. Malesis 313 Rainier Avenue South Renton, WA 98055 • Re: Appeal of Hearing Examiner's Decision R-064-77, Property Located Midway Between S. 5th & S. 4th Sts, West Side of Wells Ave. S. Dear Mr. Mal.esis: Your letter of appeal has been submitted to the City Council , at its regular meeting of October 17, 1977. The matter was referred to the Council 's Planning and Development Committee for review and recommendation. Please contact the Council secretary for further information regarding committee meetings or date of the Council meeting when the matter will be reported out of committee, Telephone 235-2586. Very truly yours, CITY OF RENTON difrtgv Ntead Delores A. Mead City Clerk DAM:jt 0•-te` 1 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting October 17 , 1977 Municipal Building Monday, 8 : 00 P . M. Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor C. J. Delaurenti led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the regular meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF GEORGE J. PERRY, Council President; RICHARD M. STREDICKE, BARBARA COUNCIL Y. SHINPOCH, KENNETH D. BRUCE, EARL CLYMER. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND BRUCE, COUNCIL EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCILWOMAN PATRICIA M. SEYMOUR-THORPE. CARRIED. STAFF IN CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , Mayor; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; W. E. ATTENDANCE BENNETT, Deputy Finance Director; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; GORDON Y. ERICKSEN, Planning Director; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; RICHARD GEISSLER, Fire Chief; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; DONALD CUSTER, Administrative Assistant. PRESS GREG ANDERSON, Renton Record Chronicle. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND BRUCE, COUNCIL APPROVE COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF OCTOBER 10, 1977 AS WRITTEN. CARRIED. Community Service Special award was presented to Maurice J. Bauer by Mayor Delaurenti Placque Awarded for service to the City as Member of the Board of Adjustment. AUDIENCE COMMENT Hazen High School 's homecoming queen and court extended invitation to Mayor, Council members and audience to attend homecoming activi- Hazen Homecoming ties and football game .10/20/77 with Kent-Meridian. The girls presented flowers to the Mayor and Council Members. Council Salary Mrs. Elizabeth Paulman, 1713 Davis Ave. S. , objected to proposed Increase and salary increase for incoming Council members, asking the residents Benefits be allowed to vote on matter rather than Council ordinance. Mrs. Rescinded Paulman also noted loss to City with retirement of City Attorney Shellan. Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke, Councilman Perry recalled on 10/10/77 the salary increase and benefits for new council members was removed from the Budget Committee,, approved and referred. to Ways and Means Committee. Costs were discussed. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND SHINPOCH, COUNCIL RESCIND ACTION TAKEN RECOMMENDING SALARY INCREASE AND MEDICAL BENEFITS FOR COUNCIL MEMBERS. MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set by Resolution No. 2136 and proper notices Street Vacation having been published and posted according to law, Mayor Delaurenti Portion of opened the public hearing to consider vacation of all that portion of SW Harris P1 . SW Harris Place having a width of 60 feet between Hardie Ave. SW and Rainier Ave. S. (State Road No. 5). Public Works Director Gonnason restated Board of Public Works recommendation presented at previous public hearing 9/19/77 for vacation of portion of SW Harris Place. The -Board recommended imposing of the City's minimum acceptable standards as a condition of street vacation because of special access and safety considerations for businesses located on the street and the public utilizing street. The- Board opposed reduction of street to alley width, 23 ft., but found no objection to reduction of the right- - of-way to 36 feet provided adjacent property owners improve the 36- _ foot right-of-way with 26 feet of paving curb-to-curb with gutter and sidewalk on both sides of the street. Public Works Director Gonnason showed slides of property showing encroachment of rockery onto public right-of-way by 182 feet, and encroachment of used cars onto public r/w. , explaining width of 112 feet from centerline of; SW Harris P1 . to rockery and 20 feet from centerline to back bumper in used car lot. Gene Farrell , 11112 Rainier Ave. S. , owner of buildinb viewed in slides at 280 Hardie SW 'explained search through title insurance company archives and presented pictures and maps noting lawsuit. and stipulation agreement, also claiming encroachments have remained since. 1953. Public Works Director Gonnason explained that plans Renton City Council 10/17/77 Page 2 Public Hearing - Continued Street Vacation as submitted showed improvements on owner's property, that Farrell ' s Portion of survey different from the City' s by 18 feet... . City Attorney Shellan SW Harris P1 . explained judgement in 1953 gave city no less than 60-foot right-of- between way apd based on City Engineer _ Jim Highton's survey, only acceptable Hardie SW and survey; noting property owned by public body. cannot be acquired by Rainier Ave. S. encroachment. Jim Cooks, 75 Monterey Dr. NE, part owner of used car lot, .noted agreement with Farrell 's surveyor on centerline in recent survey by Oyler; noting no objections to reducing right-of-way. Coun- cilman Perry noted payment required of 1/2 assessed valuation. Joseph Regis, 299 Rainier S. property owner, opposed reduction of width of street to 36 ft. , also curb and sidewalk. Public Works Director Gonnason explained Bd. of Public Works favored reduction to 36 ft. , however, hearing was for vacation of entire street and Council could vacate any portion thereof. Mr. Regis presented letter of proxy from Jerry Rutherford against sidewalks and curbing on any portion of Harris Place, favoring reduction of street width to 23 ft. Mr. Regis favored reduction to 23 ft. with no curbs or sidewalks. City Attorney Shellan explained procedure if Council determined to vacate portion of right-of-way with payment of 1/2 appraised value; ordinance not being effective until payment received, explaining if street right-of-way vacated to 23 feet, rockery would not have to be moved. Upon discussion of effect on Rutherford property (B-1 zone) would be landlocked if entire street vacated, Fire Chief Geissler noted restrictions on property if right-of-way reduced to 23 ft. , such as no parking on street. Mr,. Farrell noted King County Assessor valuation of area property at $1 . 50 to $2.25 per' sq.ft. City Attor- ney"Shellan advised need to consider easements; also need for written consent with indemnity clause from abutting property owners if street vacated to 23 ft. Councilwoman Shinpoch inquired as to continuance of matter even with vacation, being advised. by the City Attorney that Farrell would withdraw his complaint if he doesn' t have to move rockery; that centerline is in location described by Public Works Director. Gonnason noted in-house appraisal would be completed within two weeks. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BRUCE, COUNCIL CONTINUE STREET VACATION HEARING FOR THREE WEEKS AND REFER TO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT, THAT LETTER OF APPROVAL BE OBTAINED FROM EACH ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNER AND RIGHT-OF-WAY REDUCED TO 23 FEET. Councilman Clymer inquired re improvements, Public Works Director noted Bd. of Public Works recommendation for 36 ft. right-of-way with curb, gutter and Hearing sidewalks, noting not favored by abutting property owners. Council- Continued man Clymer noted understanding that if improvements added it would to 11/7/77 " be by local improvement district. MOTION CARRIED. Hearing continued of November 7, 1977 Revenue Sharing Mayor Delaurenti noted public hearing scheduled 10/24/77 to consider Public Hearing Federal Revenue Sharing' and explained requirements for two hearings , 10/24/77 one on preliminary budget with Mayor's proposed use and the second on Council ' s determined use in the final budget, allowing citizen comment on use of the money at both hearings. Recess MOVED BY BRUCE, SECOND SHINPOCH, COUNCIL RECESS FOR 10 MINUTES. CARRIED. Council recessed at 9:20 p.m. and reconvened at 9:30 p.m. Roll Call : All Council members present as previously shown. CONSENT AGENDA The following 'Consent Agenda items, previously distributed to all Council members are considered routine and are enacted by one motion unless removed by Council action for separate consideration. Louis G. Malesis Hearing Examiner Beeler' s letter of. 10/17/77 presented his 9/12/77 Rezone R-064-77 recommendation concerning Louis G. Malesis application for rezone Appeal of property located midway between S. 5th St. and S. 4th St. , west side of Wells Ave. S. from R-1 to R-4 for the purpose of building a ten-unit apartment building. The Examiner recommended approval to R-3 with conditions . Also presented is letter of appeal of Examiner's decision by Woo & Park, Architects , on behalf of Louis Malesis pro- testing R-3 recommendation. Refer recommendation and appeal to the Planning and Development Committee for recommendation. C-1; - 2 o THE. CI;TY'., OF RENTON 80. MUNICI'PAL BUILDING* 200.MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 A NIL CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , MAYOR • LAND USE HEARING EXAMINERop lb Q, L. RICK BEE 5-2593 qy;` qTEp SEP1t h • c„ b. 0 r-, October 17, 1977 0,"; A „o`" L Members, Renton CityCouncil el Renton, Washington t Ch\4, RE: File No. R-064-77, Louis G. Malesis ' Dear Council Members: Attached is the recommendation from the Hearing Examiner on the referenced application, dated September 12, • 1977. Also attached is a letter of appeal from Gerald A. .Park, representative of the applicant, dated October 14, 1977; letter of reconsideration from the. applicant, dated September 29, 1977; and the Examiner's letter of denial of reconsideration , dated September 30, 1977. If you desire additional information regarding the subject application, please contact the.office of the,:Hearing. Examiner. . Sincerely, ' qt---. L. Rick Beeler Hearing Examiner LRB:mp Attachments i cc: ,-6e1 Mead, City :clerk Gordon Y. Ericksen, Planning Director 11 7-1 OF R. A 1 z THE CITY OF RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 op CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , MAYOR • LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER p L. RICK BEE,:071 , 5-2593 . i'O SEP1 . 1"‘ . r ~`-‹-, October 17, 1977 OF.' •v "' Members, Renton City Council CP C`' O' Cv Renton, Washington 9> 4' c®. RE: File No. R-064-77, Louis G. Malesis Dear Council Members: Attached is the recommendation from the Hearing Examiner on the referenced application, dated September 12, 1977. Also attached is a letter of appeal from Gerald A. Park, representative of the applicant, dated October 14, 1977; letter of reconsideration from the applicant, dated September 29, 1977; and the Examiner's letter of denial of reconsideration, dated September 30, 1977. If you desire additional information regarding the subject application, please contact the office of the Hearing Examiner. Sincebely; L. Rick Beeler Hearing Examiner LRB:mp Attachments cc: t Del Mead, City Clerk Gordon Y. Ericksen, Planning Director o THE CITY OF RENTON etcMUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 0 p mai CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , MAYOR • LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER o 42- L. RICK BEELER . 235-25930, p4T6.4 SE PI October 17, 1977 Members, Renton City Council Renton, Washington RE: File No. R-064-77, Louis G. Malesis Dear Council Members: Attached is the recommendation from the Hearing Examiner on the referenced application, dated September 12, 1977. Also attached is a letter of appeal from Gerald A. Park, representative of the applicant, dated October 14, 1977; letter of reconsideration from the applicant, dated September 29, 1977; and the Examiner's letter of denial of reconsideration, dated September 30, 1977. If you desire additional information regarding the subject application, please contact the office of the Hearing Examiner. Sincerely, L. Rick Beeler Hearing Examiner LRB:mp Attachments cc: Del Mead, City Clerk Gordon Y. Ericksen, Planning Director y 4 Y tti 0o THE CITY OF R.ENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 c p MIME1 • CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , MAYOR . LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER co- 60 4Z-• L. RICK BEELER . 235-259.30 '' tb October 17, 1977 Members, Renton City Council Renton, Washington RE: File No. R-064-77, Louis G. Malesis Dear Council Members: Attached is the recommendation from the Hearing Examiner on the referenced application, dated September 12, 1977. Also attached is a letter of appeal from Gerald A. Park, representative of the applicant, dated October 14, 1977; letter of reconsideration from the applicant, dated September 29, 1977; and the Examiner's letter of denial of reconsideration, dated September 30, 1977. If you desire additional information regarding the subject application, please contact the office of the Hearing Examiner. Sincerely, ' L. Rick Beeler Hearing Examiner LRB:mp Attachments cc: Del Mead, City Clerk Gordon Y. Ericksen, Planning Director FINANCE DEPARTMENT y: y ON, HASRINGTO 98055 - C•.' . n CEIVED OF A i 6sy Urj f GWEN E. J4ARS_ , FINANCE DIRECTOR i r 1g t 707-0" om'r.+^ 4 WOO & PARK • AIA • ARCHITECTS 402E EAST MADISON SEATTLE WASHINGTDN 90 112 041516 p0, OCR 1g_ October 14,. 1977 co C Cc, I O tv R fGV4o% Po Honorable Members uP C1E1ZK S 41C City Council of the City of Renton a C1.. C %Renton, Washington 98055 Gentlemen: We appeal the decision of the City Hearing Examiner, Mr. L. Rick Beeler, in the rezone application (File No. R-064-77) of our client Mr. Louis Malesis for property located at 417-425 Wells Avenue South. Mr. Beeler denied the R-4 classification requested and has recommended R-3, a decision which he has maintained in response to our request for reconsideration. Our application is consistent with the land use provisions of the City of Renton Comprehensive Plan, and was recommended for approval by the Planning Department in its preliminary report to the Hearing Examiner. No negative impacts are cited in any of the other City Department comments other than that a substandard water main would need to be upgraded. No citizen opposition to this rezone has been expressed. The Examiner's rationale for recommending R-3 zoning rather than R-4 i$ "the issue of timing". This implies that if Mr. Malesis were not the first person to attempt a multifamily development in the area, he would be given greater consideration in rezoning to R-4. The Examiner says, "At some future time R-4 may be appro- priate for the area, but not at this time:. or this location." The Examiner thus sets his judgement against the policy decisions of the elected officials and citizens of the City of Renton as ex- pressed in the Comprehensive Plan, If we accept the Examiner's argument that R-3 is the appropriate transition from the P-1 and B-P uses on the east and north to the single family uses to the west and south, then what would be the appropriate transitions to follow? Would a subsequent applicant in the same block seeking R-4 zoning be subjected to the argument that R-2 would then be the more compatible transition between Mr. Malesis' R-3 use and the single family structures remaining. It would seem that the land use intent expressed by the Comprehensive . Plan is being subverted by the: Examiner's bias for the "appropriate transition." RECEIVED CITY OF RENTON HEARING EXAMINER OCT 141977 AM PM BENJAMIN WOO • GERALD A. PARK • • 323.2450 tR,9t10t11,i2t1 t2t3t4,5,6 Appeal: File No. R-064-77 Finally, .although Mr. Malesis' did express a desire and an interest in acquiring additional property to the north of his site, it should not affect the Examiner's decision on the merits .of the application, which was amply documented with drawings detailing the intent and scope of the development. We urge your careful consideration of the record and of the arguments we raise. We believe you will come to the conclusion that R-4 zoning is fully justified for the site in question, and that Mr. Malesis' proposal not only carries out the intent of the Comprehensive Plan but also is an important step in stimulating redevelopment of an important community in Renton. Very truly yours, 0 & PARK, ARCHITECTS fa a AL Gerald A. Park 6p% fro -ht•-&.44; Ch C i7- - WOO & PARK • AIA • ARCHITECTS 4029 EAST MADISON • SEATTLE•WASHINGTON SB 112 A \\ \ l 1b J S October 14, 1977 co E° Honorable Members fRENTON City Council of the City of Renton N GLOWS ° DGEc"1 Renton, Washington 98055 1eR 82Leg Gentlemen: We appeal the decision of the City Hearing Examiner, Mr. L. Rick Beeler, in the rezone application (File No. R-064-77) of our client Mr. Louis Malesis for property located at 417-425 Wells Avenue South. Mr. Beeler denied the R-4 classification requested and has recommended R-3, a decision which he has maintained in response to our request for reconsideration. Our application is consistent with the land use provisions of the City of Renton Comprehensive Plan, and was recommended for approval by the Planning Department in its preliminary report to the Hearing Examiner. No negative impacts are cited in any of the other City Department comments other than that a substandard water main would need to be upgraded. No citizen opposition to this rezone has been expressed. The gaminer's rationale for recommending R-3 zoning rather than R-40f/)) "the issue of timing". This implies that if Mr. Malesis were`fiot the first person to attempt a multifamily development in the area, he would be given greater consideration in rezoning to R-4. The Exam;ner,' says, "At some future time R-4 may be appro- priate for the area, but not at this time or this location." The Examiner thus sets his judgement against the policy decisions of the elected officials and citizens of the City of Renton as ex- pressed in the Comprehensive Plan. If we accept the Examiner's argument that R-3 is the appropriate transition from the P-1 and B-P uses on the east and north to the single family uses to the west and south, then what would be the appropriate transitions to follow? Would. a subsequent applicant in the same block seeking R-4 zoning be subjected to the argument that R-2 would then be the more compatible transition between Mr. Malesis' R-3 use and the single family structures remaining. It would seem that the land use intent expressed by the Comprehensive Plan is being subverted by the Examiner's bias for the "appropriate transition." BEN N,LWOO • GERALD A. PARK • • 323.2450 Appeal: File No. R-064-77 Finally, although Mr. Malesis' did express a desire and an interest in acquiring additional property to the north of his site, it should not affect the, Examiner's decision on the merits of the application, which was amply documented with drawings detailing the intent and scope of the development. We urge your careful consideration of the record and of the arguments we raise. We believe you will come to the conclusion that R-4 zoning is fully justified for the site in question, and that Mr. Malesis' proposal not only carries out the intent of the Comprehensive Plan but also is an important step in stimulating redevelopment of an important community in Renton. Very truly yours, W 0 & PARK, ARCHITECTS ihaia. Gerald A. Park ail deF V Y iri er — ' •irsushmiawn Iy WOO S. PARK • AIA • ARCHITECTS 4029 EAST MADISON SEATTLE •WASHINGTON 9e I t2 31 ' >j4' October 14, 1977 CO t® Honorable Members s' C0 6, pFFIC 7i City Council .of the City .of Renton r5 y,EitKS ,fig Renton, Washington 9805.5•2L Gentlemen: We appeal the decision of the City Hearing Examiner, Mr. L. Rick Beeler, in. the rezone application (File No. R-064-77) of oulr' client 'Mr. Louis Malesis for .property located at 417-425 Wells Avenue South. Mr. Beeler denied the:R-4 .classification .requested and has recommended R-3, a decision which he haa maintained in response to our request for reconsideration. Our application is consistent with the land use provisions of the City of Renton Comprehensive Plan, and was.recommended for approval by the Planning Departkent ,in its preliminary report ' to-the Hearing Examiner. No negative. impacts are Cited in any of the other City Department comments other than that a substandard water main would need to be upgraded. No citizen opposition- to this rezone has been expressed. ' The 'Examiner's rationale for recommending R-3 zoning rather than R-4 i$'"the issue 'of' timing". This implies that if Mr. Malesis were not the first person to attempt a multifamily development. in the area, he would be' given greater, consideration in 'rezoning to R-4. The Examiner says, "At some future time. R-4 may be appro- priate for the area, but not at this timeS Or this location." The Examiner thus sets his judgement against the policy decisions of the 'elected 'officials and .citizens of the City. of Renton as 'ex- pressed in the. Comprehensive Plan. If we accept the Examiner's argument that R-3 is the appropriate transition from the P-1 and B-P uses on the east' and north to the single family uses to the west and south, then what would be the appropriate transitions to follow? Would a subsequent applicant in the same block seeking R-4 zoning be subjected to.the argument that R-2 would then be the. more compatible transition between Mr. Malesis' R-3 use and the single family structures remaining. It would seem that the land use intent expressed by the comprehensive Plan is being subverted by the Examiner's l .as for the "appropriate transition." ' RECEIVED CITY OF RENTON HEARING EXAMINER OCT 141971 AM PM BENJAMIN WOO • GERALO A. PARK • • 323.2450 7,S19t10,1111211 i213i4iri16 Appeal: File No. R-064-77 Finally, +although Mr. Malesis' did express a desire and an interest in acquiring additional property to the north of his site, it should not affect the Examiner's decision on the merits of the application, which was amply documented with drawings detailing the intent and scope of the development. We urge your careful consideration of the record and of the arguments we raise. We believe you will come to the conclusion that R-4 zoning is fully justified for the site in question, and that Mr. Malesis' proposal not only carries out the intent of the Comprehensive Plan but also is an important step in stimulating redevelopment of an important community in Renton. Very truly yours, W 0 & PARK, ARCHITECTS Naa Gerald A. Park AYP b to doc 1 • s of spo WOO & PARK • AIA • ARCHITECTS 4029 EAST MAbISON SEATTLE •:WASHINGTON 9E012 1415164>j b) oc-r 1 911 177October14, 9 0L) 0C® to 000 Honorable Members SI 01 Oi, S OfV1C City Council of the City of Renton CLRK La' Renton, Washington 98055 1 6Z 2. Gentlemen: We appeal the decision of the City Hearing Examiner, Mr. L. Rick Beeler, in the rezone application (File. No. R-064-77) of our client Mr. Louis Malesis for property located at 417-425 Wells Avenue South. Mr. Beeler denied the R-4 classification requested and has recommended R-3, a decision which he has maintained in response to our request for reconsideration. Our application is consistent with the land use provisions of the City of Renton Comprehensive Plan, and was recommended for approval by the Planning Department in its preliminary report to the Hearing Examiner. No negative impacts are cited in any of the other City Department comments other than that a substandard water main would need to be upgraded. No citizen opposition to this rezone has been expressed. The Examiner's rationale for recommending R-3 zoning rather than R-4 i#y "the issue of timing". This implies that if Mr. Malesis were not the first person to attempt a multifamily development in the area, he would be given greater consideration in rezoning to R-4. The Examiner says, "At some future time R-4 may be appro- priate for the area, but not at this time or this location." The Examiner thus sets his judgement against the policy decisions of the elected officials and citizens of the City of Renton as ex- pressed in the Comprehensive Plan. If we accept the Examiner's argument that R-3 is the appropriate transition from the P-1 and B-P uses on the east and north to the single family uses to the west and south, then what would be the appropriate transitions to follow? Would a subsequent applicant in the same block seeking R-4 zoning be subjected to the argument that R-2 would then be the more compatible transition between Mr. Malesis' R-3 use and the single family structures remaining. It would seem that the land use intent expressed by the Comprehensive Plan is being subverted by the Examiner's bias for the "appropriate transition." RECEIVED CITY OF RENTON HEARING EXAMINER OCT 141977 AM tl PM BENJAMIN WOO GERALD A. PARK • • 323.2450 7,g1g1141)1412111213,415'6• 7 Appeal: File No. R-064-77 Finally, 'although Mr. Malesis' did express a desire and an interest in acquiring additional property to the north of his site, it should not affect the Examiner's decision on the merits of the application, which was amply documented with drawings detailing the intent and scope of the development. We urge your careful consideration of the record and of the arguments we raise. We believe you will come to the conclusion that R-4 zoning is fully justified for the site in question, and.. that Mr. Malesis' proposal not only carries out the intent of the Comprehensive Plan but also is an important step in stimulating redevelopment of an important community in Renton. Very truly yours, 0 & PARK, ARCHITECTS d/ikaa /g4 Gerald A. Park 46 THE CITY OF RENTON oftva,,p f{ ,,,MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH 98055 A AIL ''.: 0 111 rah J$CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , MAYOR . LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER L. RICK BEELER , 235 -2593 4rf0 SE Pity. September 30, 1977 Louis G. Malesis RE: File No. R-064-77 313 Rainier Avenue South Renton, WA 98055 Dear Mr. Malesis: Your letter of September 24, 197.7 and Gerald A. Park's letter of September 29, 1977, request that the Examiner reconsider this application on the basis of an alleged "error in judgment" (Section 4-3015, Title IV, Code of General Ordinances) . Pursuant to these requests, the record was again reviewed and your arguments considered. It was subsequently concluded that the Examiner's recommendation dated September 12, 1977 should remain unchanged and should be forwarded to the City Council for final action. The area surrounding the subject property is without question in a state of transition. Which direction the transition is taking is not visible, except that the Comprehensive Plan envisions High Density Multifamily R-4) uses. To date, Medium Density Multifamily (R-3) is the predominant multifamily zone in the area extending from the west side of Burnett Avenue South to Main Avenue South. However, the dominant existing land use is single family which also occupies the R-3 zoned land. The proposed R-4 zone and multifamily development represent the initial occurrence in the immediate area of completing the transition from •the dilapidated single uses to the multifamily uses. Therefore, the issue. of timing arises from the viewpoint of the extent that a land use 'change is made. Either the existing trend of R-3 zoning is continued or intensification to R-4 zoning is begun. The R-3 was chosen because of its lesser degree of transition. from and greater degree of compatibility with existing land uses and zoning. At some future time R-4 may be appropriate for the area, but not at this time or at this location. Adjacent land uses and zoning do not exert sufficient pressure in and of themselves to change the zoning to R-4 as opposed to R-3. Transition is needed from the P-1 zone (to the east) to single family on the west of Wells Avenue South and from the B-P at the southwest corner of the site. This transition can be adequately accomplished by R-3, considering the low scale of development on the P-1 and B-P property. From the record the impact of this recommendation on the proposed multifamily development was to reduce the proposed density by two units and require an additional 10 feet of front yard setback. . Underground parking would remain feasible as intended. Louis G. Malesis Page Two September 30, 1977 It is unfortunate that very definitive architectural drawings were prepared for the rezone application. This was unnecessary but, as always, remains the applicant's prerogative and risk. The planning Department is very willing to guide you and your architect in evaluating and making the necessary revisions. In the hearing, mention was made of possibly acquiring the property immediately north of the site. Perhaps this will provide the optimum solution to preserving your 10 unit building and potentially adding more units. Again, please consult with the Planning Department to gain any assistance you may need. Sincerely, ' L. Rick Beeler Hearing Examiner LRB:mp cc: Gordon Y. Ericksen, Planning Director Gerald A. Park, Woo & Park AIA Architects o THE CITY OF RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH 98055 O0 •• A NA CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , MAYOR • LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER 42- L. .RICK BEELER , 235 -2593 O4,41-EQ SE Pit° September 30, 1977 Louis G. Malesis RE: File No. R-064-77 313 Rainier Avenue South Renton, WA 98055 Dear Mr. Malesis: Your letter of September 24, 1977 and Gerald A. Park's letter o,f September 29, 1977, request that the Examiner reconsider this application on the basis of an alleged "error in judgment" (Section 4,-3015, Title IV, Code of General Ordinances) . Pursuant to these requests, the record was again reviewed and your arguments considered. It was subsequently concluded that the Exa4miner's recommendation dated September 12, 1977 should remain unchanged and should be forwarded to the City Council for final action. The area surrounding the subject property is without question in a state of transition. Which direction the transition is taking is not visible, except that the Comprehensive Plan envisions High Density Multifamily R-4) uses. To date, Medium Density Multifamily (R-3) is the predominant multifamily zone in the area extending from the west side of Burnett Avenue South to. Main Avenue South. However, the dominant existing land use is single family which also occupies the R-3. zoned land. The proposed R-4 zone and multifamily development represent the initial occurrence in the immediate area of completing the transition from the dilapidated single uses to the multifamily uses. Therefore, the issue of timing arises from the viewpoint of the extent that a land use change is made. Either the existing trend of R-3 zoning is continued or intensification to "R-4 zoning is begun. The R-3 was chosen because of its lesser degree of transition. from and greater degree of compatibility with existing land uses and zoning. At some future time R-4 may be appropriate for the area, but not at this time or at this location. Adjacent land uses and zoning do not exert sufficient pressure in and of themselves to change the zoning to R-4 as opposed to R-3. Transition is needed from the P-1 zone (to the east) to single family on the west of Wells Avenue South and from the B-P at the southwest corner of the site. This transition can be adequately accomplished by R-3, considering the low scale of development on the P-1 and B-P property. From the record the impact of this recommendation on the proposed multifamily development was to reduce the proposed density by two units and require an additional 10 feet of front yard setback. Underground parking would remain feasible as intended. Louis G. Malesis • Page Two September 30, 1977 It is unfortunate that very definitive architectural drawings were prepared for the rezone application. This was unnecessary but, as always, remains 'the applicant's prerogative and risk. The Planning Department is very willing to guide you and your architect in evaluating and making the necessary revisions. In the hearing, mention was made of possibly acquiring the property immediately north of the site. Perhaps this will provide the optimum solution to preserving your 10 unit building and potentially adding more units. Again, please consult with the Planning Department to gain any assistance you may need. Sincerely, L. Rick Beeler Hearing Examiner LRB:mp cc: Gordon Y. Ericksen, Planning Director Gerald A. Park, Woo & Park AIA Architects eT 4 OF v 0 THF,, CITY OF RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON. WASH. 98055 2 Ai pmaleam. t+ ° CHARLES J. DELAURENTI MAYOR • LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER A0 5- L. RICK REELER , 235 -2593 4tf1) SEPi•t September 30; 1977 Louis G. Malesis RE: File No. R-064-77 313 Rainier Avenue South Renton, WA 98055 Dear Mr. Malesis: Your letter of September 24, 1977 and Gerald A. Park's letter of, September 29, 197.7,' request that the Examiner reconsider this application on the basis of an, alleged "error in judgment" (Section• 4-3015, Title IV, Code of General Ordinances) . Pursuant to these requests,, the record was again reviewed and your arguments considered. It was subsequently concluded that the Examiner's recommendation dated September 12, 1977 should remain unchanged and should be forwarded to the City Council for final action. The area surrounding the subject property is without question in a state of transition. Which direction the transition is taking is not visible, except that the' Comprehensive Plan envisions High Density Multifamily R-4) uses. To date, Medium Density Multifamily (R-3) is the predominant multifamily zone in the area extending from the west side of Burnett Avenue South to Main Avenue South. However, the dominant existing land use is single family which also occupies the R-3 zoned land. The proposed R-4 zone and multifamily development represent the initial occurrence in the immediate area .of completing the transition from the dilapidated 'single uses to the multifamily uses. Therefore,-the issue of timing arises from the Viewpoint of the extent that a land use change is made. Either the existing trend of R-3 zoning is continued or intensification to.R-4 zoning is begun. The R-3 was chosen because of its lesser degree of transition from And greater degree of compatibility with existing land uses and zoning. At some future time R-4 may be appropriate for the area, but not at this time or at this location. Adjacent land uses and zoning do not exert sufficient pressure in and of themselves to change the zoning to R-4 as opposed to' R-3. Transition is needed from the P-1 zone (to the east) to single family on the west of Wells Avenue South and from the B-P at the southwest corner of the site. This transition can be adequately' accomplished by R-3, considering the low scale of development on the P-1 and B-P property. From the record the impact of this recommendation on the proposed multifamily development was to reduce the proposed density by two units and require an additional 10 feet of front yard setback. Underground parking would remain feasible as intended. v Louis G. Malesis Page Two September 30, 1977 It is unfortunate that very definitive architectural drawings were prepared for the rezone application. This was unnecessary but, as always, remains the applicant's prerogative and risk. The Planning Department is very willing to guide you and your architect in evaluating and making the necessary revisions. In the hearing, mention was made of possibly acquiring the property immediately north of the site. Perhaps this will provide the optimum solution to preserving your 10 unit building and potentially adding more units. Again, please consult with the Planning Department to gain any assistance you may need. Sincerely, L. Rick Beeler Hearing Examiner LRB:mp cc: Gordon Y. Ericksen, Planning Director Gerald A. Park, Woo & Park AIA Architects WOO & PARK • AIA • ARCHITECTS 4029 EAST MADISON • SEATTLE •WASHINGTON 98112 29 Sept. 1977 L. Rick Beeler Land Use Hearing Examiner The City of Renton Municipal Building 200:Mill Ave. So. Re: Louie A. Malesis Application for Rezone File No. R-064-77 Property located at 417-425 Wells Ave. South Dear Mr. Beeler: Pursuant to title IV, Section 3015 of the City of Renton Code, we are filing a request 'for reconsideration on behalf_ of the Qwner., Louie: A. Malesis, of the Hearing 'Examiners 'recommendation to'rezone the above mentioned property to R-3 instead of the R-4 requested. The Hearing Examiners conclusion is in error. By zoning to R-3, it is not creating less density. According to submitted exhibits, the proposal. for ten units is under the maximum density •allowed arid.the. building height is to be limited to 3 stories. ' The increase in lot coverage -and reduction in front yard. set back allowed .in R-4 is more compatible and logical: transition. with the B-P off-street Parking and B-1 Business District zones ajoining on' the North. Majority-of existing. residences fronting' on Wells Ave. So. have a ' front yard set back less than required for the R-1 zone. The general area is transitional in character. . Directly accross Wells Ave. So.' from site is the Renton School District Administration Bldg. zoned P-1 . B-P zone. is 2 lots away to the north and at the northwest corner.of the site with B-1 zoning ajoining on.the north end of the block from Burnett Ave. So. to'Main Ave. So. In view of the above, we respectfully request your favorable reconsideration. V eyy truly your lUd 1 RECEIVED CITY OF RENTON HEARING EXAMINER F,FP301977 BENJAMIN WOO • GERALD A. PARK • • 323.2450. AM PM 71R19110,1i s t21 112,:31415,6 WOO & PARK • ALA • ARCHITECTS 4029 EAST MADISON • SEATTLE •WASHINGTON 98112 29 Sept. 1977 L. Rick Beeler Land Use Hearing Examiner The City of Renton Municipal Building 200 Mill Ave. So. Re: Louie A. Malesis Application for Rezone File No. R-064-77 Property located at 417-425 Wells Ave. South Dear Mr. Beeler: Pursuant to title IV, Section 3015 of the City of Renton Code, we are filing a request for reconsideration on behalf of the Owner, Louie A. Malesis, of the Hearing Examiners recommendation to rezone the above mentioned property to R-3 instead of the R-4 requested. The Hearing .Examiners conclusion is in error. By zoning to R-3, it is not creating less density. According to submitted exhibits, the proposal for ten units is under the maximum density allowed and the building height is to be limited to 3 stories. The increase in lot coverage and reduction in front yard set back allowed in R-4 is more compatible and logical transition with the B-P off-street Parking and B-1 Business District zones ajoining on the North. Majority of existing residences fronting on Wells Ave. So. have a front yard set back less than required for the R-1 zone. The general area is transitional in character. Directly accross Wells Ave. So. from site is .the Renton School District Administration Bldg. zoned P-1 . B-P zone is 2 lots away to the north and at the northwest corner of the site with B-1 zoning ajoining on the north end of the block from Burnett Ave. So. to Main Ave. So. In view of the above, we respectfully request your favorable reconsideration. Ve truly yo7peititAdair erald A. Park, Partner RECEIVE" CITY OF RENTON HEARING EXAMINER S ER 3 0.1977 BENJAMIN WOO • GERALD A. PARK • • 323.2450 AM PM 7i8a9ol0ollo12e41 s$1 s r6 WOO EL PARK • AIA • ARCHITECTS 4029 EAST MADISON • SEATTLE •WASHINGTON 99'1'12 29, Sept. 1977 ' L. Rick Beeler Land-Use Hearing Examiner. The City of Renton Municipal Building 200 Mill Ave. So. Re; Louie A. Malesis Application for Rezone File No. R-064-77 Property located at 417-425' Wells Ave, South Dear Mr. Beeler: Pursuant to 'title IV, Section 3015 of the City of Renton,Code, we are filing a request for reconsideration on behalf of the'0,wner, Louie A. Malesis, of the Hearing.Examiners recoMiendation to rezone the above mentioned property to R-3 instead of.the R-4 requested. • The Hearing Examiners conclusion is in error. By zoning'to R-3, it is not creating less density. According to submitted exhibits, the proposal for ten. units is .under the maximum density allowecl and the building height, is to be limited to 3 stories The increase in lot..coverage and reduction in front yard set back. allowed in R-4. is more .compatible and logical transition with the B-P off-street Parking and B-.1 Business District zones ajoining on the North. Majority of existing residences fronting on Wells Ave. So. have a ackfrontyardsetbless than required for the R-1 zone. The general area is transitional in character.' Directly accross Wells Ave. So. from site is the Renton School District Administration Bldg. zoned P-1. B-P zone is 2 lots away to the north and at the northwest corner.of the site with B-1 zoning ajoining on the north end of the block ,from Burnett Ave. So. to Main Ave. So: • • S In view Of the above, we respectfully request your favorable reconsideration. Very truly your it") ,uti,ia RECEIVED CITY OF RENTON HEARING EXAMINER SEP 3 01977 AM PM BENJAMIN WOO • GERALO A. PARK • . • 323.2450 67,R,9,tn.,11c?1 1 ,2,:,4!s, 1 •.., ; LOUIS & MARY MALES IS, Owners ' ktieh Afale4101e4 FLOWERS & GIFTS 313 RAINIER AVE. SO. RENTON, WA. 98055 Phone: 228-6622 Rick Beeler September 24, 1977 Land Use Hearing Examiner 200 Mill Ave. So. Renton, WA 98055 Mr. Beeler: I Louis G. Malesis, residing at 2822 N.F. 8th Place , Renton and in reference to application file number R. -064-77 dated September 12 , 1977 in which I requested R-4 as indicated in the Land use map •and planning departments approval. You have recommended only R-3. I am asking for your reconsideration to R-4 with a Three story limi- . tation. A letter will follow with 'specifics. Sincerely, mam O)2 1 Lo.0uis Malesis RECEIVED CITY OF RENTON HEARING EXAMINER SEP261977 AV PM TAI,9u I0,11,I2,11213,415,6 WE SERVICE & DELiVER ALL SEATTLE & GREEN RIVER VALLEY LOUTS 8 MARY MALESIS, Owner's 166 IW FLOWERS & GIFTS 313 RAINIER AVE. SO. RENTON, WA. 98055 Phone: 228-6622 Rick Beeler September 24, 1977 Land Use Hearing Examiner 200 Mill Ave. So. Renton; WA ,98055 Mr. Beeler: I Louis G. Malesis , residing at 2822 N.E. 8th Place , Renton and in reference to application file number R. -064-77 dated September 12, 1977 in which I requested R-4. as indicated in the Land use map and planning departments approval. You have recommended only, R-3. I am asking for your reconsideration to R-4 with a Three story limi- tation. A letter will follow with specifics. Sincerely, mam Lou;"/!) r„ 1/4.)/_„.`-! /77/ (1.-111k-I Malesis RECEIVED CITY OF RENTON HEARING EXAMINER SEP261977 PM T4849110,1111211 121314 1516 4 WE SERVICE & DELIVER ALL SEATTLE & GREEN RIVER VALLEY f R-064-77 Page Two Mrs. Moran indicated that she was not speaking in support or opposition but wished to inquire about the application. She stated that she was representing relatives who reside on Wells Avenue South who reported that the subject site had not been properly maintained in the past. She also indicated that the residents she represented were opposed to construction of a three-story building on the property. Mr. Malesis stated that the previous owner of the property, Renton School District, had not properly maintained the site, but gave assurance that the property would be landscaped and maintained responsibly in the future. The Examiner asked for further comments. Mr. Smith 'reported that the city's landscaping ordinance enforces proper maintenance of landscaping. The Examiner asked for further comments. Since there' were none, the hearing on Item #R-064-77 was closed by the Examiner at 9:40 a.m. FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS: Having reviewed the record in this matter, the Examiner now makes and enters the following: FINDINGS: 1. The request is for reclassification of 11,500 square feet from R-1 to R-4 to permit construction of a ten-unit multi-family structure at approximately what would be 419 and 421 Wells Avenue South. 2. The Planning Department report accurately sets forth the issues, applicable policies and provisions, findings of fact, and departmental recommendations in this matter, and is hereby attached as Exhibit #1 and incorporated in this report by reference as set forth in full therein. 3. Pursuant to the City of Renton's Environmental Ordinance and the State Environmental Policy Act of 1971, as amended by R.C.W. 43.21.C. , a Declaration of Non-Significance has been issued for the subject proposal by Gordon Y. Ericksen, responsible official. 4. Plans for the proposal have been reviewed by all city departments affected by the impact of this development and no adverse comment was expressed. 5. All existing utilities are available and in close proximity; however, the water line is substandard to meet multi-family fire flow requirements and the sewer line may require replacement. 6. The proposal is compatible with the required setbacks, lot coverage and height requirements of Section 4-7090 (R-4) of Title IV. 7. A building concept of three stories, of which the first story is under-cover parking, is proposed. The density would be ten multi-family units. If the adjacent northern property is purchased, this concept may be altered subject to another rezone request. The intent of the applicant was not to exceed three stories. 8. Existing land use in the residential zones of the area is almost entirely single family residential. Long strips of R-3 zoned property are located on the west side of Burnett Avenue South and Williams Avenue South between approximately Houser Way and South 6th Street and on the east side of Wells Avenue South between South Grady Way and South 5th Street. Development in these R-3 areas remains single family residential. In general, this general area between Main Street, Houser Way South, South 7th Street, and at least Smithers Avenue South is transitional in character; the predominant single family housing stock is old, in many cases in disrepair, and deteriorating near the point of renewal via redevelopment to the existing zoning densities. (See attached maps extracted from the Staff Report, Exhibit #1. ) Directly across the street (Wells Avenue S. ) from the site is located the Renton School District Administration Building, zoned P-1. To the west of the site is an R-2 zone of an area of one lot. At the northwest corner of the site is a B-P zone. 9. The Comprehensive Land Use Map indicates High Density Multi-Family (R-4) for this general area. 10. In terms of scale the predominant existing building height is 11 to 2 stories. A height of six stories is allowed in the R-4 zone and approximately five stories in R-3. A density of almost 44 units/acre (two-bedroom units) is permitted in R-4 and a maximum of 30 units/acre in R-3. 1 I f t•I.' L: September 12, 1977 OFFICE OF THE LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER CITY OF RENTON REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION TO THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL. APPLICANT: Louis G. Malesis FILE NO. R-064-77 LOCATION: Midway between South 5th Street and South 4th Street on the west side of Wells Avenue South directly across from the Renton School Administration Building. SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Applicant requests approval of rezone from R-1, Single Family Residence District, to R-4, Multiple Family Residence District to allow construction of a ten-unit apartment building. SUMMARY OF Planning Department: Approval with conditions. RECOMMENDATION: Hearing Examiner: Approval to R-3 with conditions. PLANNING DEPARTMENT The Planning Department staff report was received by the REPORT: Examiner on August 30, 1977. PUBLIC HEARING: After reviewing the Planning Department report, examining available information on file with the application, and field checking the property and surrounding area, the Examiner conducted a public hearing on the subject as follows: The hearing was opened on September 6, 1977 at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building. Parties wishing to testify were sworn. It was reported that the Hearing Examiner and the applicant had received and reviewed the Planning Department report, and the report was entered into the record as Exhibit #1. Michael Smith, Planning Department, reviewed Exhibit #1, and entered the following additional exhibits into the record: Exhibit #2: Assessor's Map Exhibit #3: Site Plan Exhibit #4: Building Elevations Exhibit #5: Floor Plan The Examiner stated that any exhibits entered into the record would require conformance at the time of development and asked Mr. Smith if the applicant had been appraised of this requirement when the exhibits were submitted. Mr. Smith indicated that the applicant intended to conform to all exhibits. The Examiner asked the applicant if he concurred in Exhibit #1. Responding was: Louis G. Malesis 2822 N.E. 8th Place Renton, WA 98055 Mr. Malesis indicated his concurrence in Exhibit #1.. The Examiner asked the applicant if he had been appraised of the conformance requirement for all exhibits entered into the record. Mr. Malesis reported his intent to purchase adjacent property if it becomes available which would allow modification to site plans which were submitted as a general and flexible concept. He indicated that all revisions would be reviewed and approved by city departments. Mr. Smith reported that the adjacent site would require a rezone if purchased by the applicant. The Examiner asked for further testimony in support or opposition. Responding was: Kathy Moran 428 Williams Avenue S. Renton, WA 98055 1 R-064-77 Page Four Pursuant to Title IV, Section 3015 of the City's Code, request for reconsideration must be filed in writing on or before September 26, 1977. Any aggrieved person feeling that the decision of the Examiner is based on erroneous procedure, errors of law or fact, error in judgment, or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the prior hearing may make a written request for review by the Examiner within fourteen (14) days from the date of the Examiner's decision. This request shall set forth the specific errors relied upon by such appellant, and the Examiner may, after review of the record, take further action as he deems proper. An appeal to the City Council is governed by Title IV, Section .3016, which requires that such appeal be filed with.the City Clerk accompanying a filing fee of $25.00 and meeting other specified requirements. Copies of this ordinance are available for inspection in the City Clerk's office, first floor of City Hall, or same may be purchased at cost in said office. R-064-77 Page Three 11. No testimony was given regarding any land use pressure for the reclassification. CONCLUSIONS: 1. The proposal essentially conforms to the Comprehensive Plan goals and objectives and the Land Use Map (Section 4-3014(B) ) ; however, a less intense zone is more appropriate. High Density Multi-family is indicated as the ultimate land use for the site and surrounding area but the predominant land use is single family residential of a transitional nature. The predominant zoned multi-family density is currently R-3, Medium Density Multi-family. It appears, therefore, that sufficient opportunities for development of multi-family structures exist in the area but for one reason or another (in all probability the result of timing) this development has not occurred. 2. Further import to the question of timing of multi-family zoning is the inadequacy of the existing water line to provide required fire flow and the uncertain adequacy of the existing sewer line. It appears that an LID would be the most reasonable and equitable solution to these utility problems for the benefit of the subject property and others, particularly the existing R-3 zoned properties abutting Wells Avenue South. 3. The scale of R-4 would be, in large, a contrast to the scale of the existing land use and zoning. More in keeping with this scale would be R-3 or the proposed three story multi-family structure. 4. The existing zoning pattern of R-3 indicates that the area is essentially committed to that density and scale of development. Some L-1 exists along the east side of Burnett Avenue South. Similar to the large R-4 zone west of Burnett Avenue South the entire area forms transition from the C.B.D. to the L-1 zone along S. Grady Way. 5. While R-4 is indicated in the Land Use Map, the Map is only a general guide to decision making. More in keeping with the existing land use and zoning character would be R-3. However, at some time in the future the timing for R-4 may be more appropriate. RECOMMENDATION: Based upon the record, testimony and evidence presented at the public hearing, it is recommended to the City Council that a reclassification of R-1 to R-3 be approved subject to: 1. Submittal by the applicant of adequate plans for utilities or other measures satisfying the requirements of the Fire Department and Utilities Division. 2. Submittal by the applicant of a final landscape and screening plan for approval by the Planning Department. 3. Submittal by the applicant for Public Works Department approval a storm water drainage plan. ORDERED THIS 12th day of September, 1977. L. is Beeler Land Use Hearing Examiner TRANSMITTED THIS 12th day of September, 1977 by Affidavit of Mailing to the parties of record: Louis G. Malesis Kathy Moran TRANSMITTED THIS 12th day of September, 1977 to the following: Mayor Charles J. Delaurenti Council President George J. Perry Councilman Richard M. Stredicke Warren C. Gonnason, Public Works Director Gordon Y. Ericksen, Planning Director Ron Nelson, Building Division Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney A3.cl. 1:3 L.VLalr- : Li1111 i_k____LIAI ® 0, 0 300 El 0 On 13 D 0 0 0 0 o 1 S Rile -r»w oi 44 r. N ‘td! ft sot Atengioxii 7 ,1s taw, t*,,i4 lk 1 1 w if / 4 - t 0 3 1 a 4( 5 Rnr NWww. IPA 14 1 1 1-c-, 1 klu gio °1Ili' 0 - 14, ill It5itt 1 00 D opt. f IIII ts 3iootl:51"MAqtr. i 117131 '\r;lii P! - V ii 9 11 I il C ril 44 a t 4: ,/, 1...1 0 , cra 95.\-m * a .g 9 .: 1 2 14 gl 6 94 A A A t`35 0 luiIIflIkJ irçQ riD ® oa ftiftftil II1 \ LLUq0 04 0D oDS 5 7AY S15/eing In 7 0 0 ( . I\ 9, 0 ® 1 'I 00 o - t Q-. i r Y r e i I I I I i a O® September 12, 1977 OFFICE OF THE LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER CITY OF RENTON REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION TO THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL. APPLICANT: Louis G. Malesis FILE NO. R-064-77 LOCATION: Midway between South 5th Street and South 4th Street on the west side of Wells Avenue South directly across from the Renton School Administration Building. SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Applicant requests approval of rezone from R-1, Single Family Residence District, to R-4, Multiple Family Residence District to allow construction of a ten-unit apartment building. SUMMARY OF Planning Department: Approval with conditions. RECOMMENDATION: Hearing Examiner: Approval to R-3 with conditions. PLANNING DEPARTMENT The Planning Department staff report was received by the REPORT:Examiner on August 30, 1977. PUBLIC HEARING: After reviewing the Planning Department report, examining available information on file with the application, and field checking the property and surrounding area, the Examiner conducted a public hearing on the subject as follows: The hearing was opened on September 6, 1977 at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building. Parties wishing to testify were sworn. It was reported that the Hearing Examiner and the applicant had received and reviewed the Planning Department report, and the report was entered into the record as Exhibit #1. Michael Smith, Planning Department, reviewed Exhibit #1, and entered the following additional exhibits into the record: Exhibit #2: Assessor's Map Exhibit #3: Site Plan Exhibit #4: Building Elevations Exhibit #5: Floor Plan The Examiner stated that any exhibits entered into the record would require conformance at the time of development and asked Mr. Smith if the applicant had been appraised of this requirement when the exhibits were submitted. Mr. Smith indicated that the applicant intended to conform to all exhibits. The Examiner asked the applicant if he concurred in Exhibit #1. Responding was: Louis G. Malesis 2822 N.E. 8th Place Renton, WA 98055 Mr. Malesis indicated his concurrence in Exhibit#1. The Examiner asked the applicant if he had been appraised of the conformance requirement for all exhibits entered into the record. Mr. Malesis reported his intent to purchase adjacent property if it becomes available which would allow modification to site plans which were submitted as a general and flexible concept. He indicated that all revisions would be reviewed and approved by city departments. Mr. Smith reported that the adjacent site would require a rezone if purchased by the applicant. The Examiner asked for further testimony in support or opposition. Responding was: Kathy Moran 428 Williams Avenue S. Renton, WA 98055 R-064-77 Page Two Mrs. Moran indicated that she was not speaking in support or opposition but wished to inquire about the application. She stated that she Was representing relatives who reside on Wells Avenue South who reported that the subject site had not been properly maintained in the past. She also indicated that the residents she represented were opposed to construction of a three-story building on the property. Mr. Malesis stated that the previous owner of the property, Renton School District, had not properly maintained the site, but gave assurance that the property would be landscaped and maintained responsibly in the future. The Examiner asked for further comments. Mr: Smith reported that the city's landscaping ordinance enforces proper maintenance of landscaping. The Examiner asked for further comments. Since there were none, the hearing on Item #R-064-77 was closed by the Examiner at 9:40 a.m. FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS: Having reviewed the record in this matter, the Examiner now makes and enters the following: FINDINGS: 1. The request is for reclassification of 11,500 square feet from R-1 to R-4 to permit construction of a ten-unit multi-family structure at approximately what would be 419 and 421 Wells Avenue South. 2. The Planning Department report accurately sets forth the issues, applicable policies and provisions, findings of fact, and departmental recommendations in this matter, and is hereby attached as Exhibit #1 and incorporated in this report by reference as set forth in full therein. 3. Pursuant to the City of Renton's Environmental Ordinance and the State Environmental Policy Act of 1971, as amended by R.C.W. 43.21.C. , a Declaration of Non-Significance has been issued for the subject proposal by Gordon Y. Ericksen, responsible official. 4. Plans for the proposal have been reviewed by all city departments affected by the impact of this development and no adverse comment was expressed. 5. All existing utilities are available and in close proximity; however, the water line is substandard to meet multi-family fire flow requirements and the sewer line may require replacement. 6. The proposal is compatible with the required setbacks, lot coverage and height requirements of Section 4-7090 (R-4) of Title IV. 7. A building concept of three stories, of which the first story is under-cover parking, is proposed. The density would be ten multi-family units. If the adjacent northern property is purchased, this concept may be altered subject to another rezone request. The intent of the applicant was not to exceed three stories. 8. Existing land use in the residential zones of the area is almost entirely single family residential. Long strips of R-3 zoned property are located on the west side of Burnett Avenue South and Williams Avenue South between approximately Houser Way and South 6th Street and on the east side of Wells Avenue South between South Grady Way and South 5th Street. Development in these R-3 areas remains single family residential. In general, this general area between Main Street, Houser Way South, South 7th Street, and at least Smithers Avenue South is transitional in character; the predominant single family housing stock is old, in many cases in disrepair, and deteriorating near the point of renewal via redevelopment to the existing zoning densities. (See attached maps extracted from the Staff Report, Exhibit #1. ) Directly across the street (Wells Avenue S. ) from the site is located the Renton School District Administration Building, zoned P-1. To the west of the site is an R-2 zone of an area of one lot. At the northwest corner of the site is a B-P zone. 9. The Comprehensive Land Use Map indicates High Density Multi-Family (R-4) for this general area. 10. In terms of scale the predominant existing building height is 11 to 2 stories. A height of six stories is allowed in the R-4 zone and approximately five stories in R-3. A density of almost 44 units/acre (two-bedroom units) is permitted in R-4 and a maximum of 30 units/acre in R-3. R-064-77 Page Three 11. No testimony was given regarding any land use pressure for the reclassification. CONCLUSIONS: 1. The proposal essentially conforms to the Comprehensive Plan goals and objectives and the Land Use Map (Section 4-3014(B) ) ; however, a less intense zone is more appropriate. High Density Multi-family is indicated as the ultimate land use for the site and surrounding area but the predominant land use is single family residential of a transitional nature. The predominant zoned multi-family density is currently R-3, Medium Density Multi-family. It appears, therefore, that sufficient opportunities for development of multi-family structures exist in the area but for one reason or another (in all probability the result of timing) this development has not occurred. 2. Further import to the question of timing of multi-family zoning is the inadequacy of the existing water line to provide required fire flow and the uncertain adequacy of the existing sewer line. It appears that an LID would be the most reasonable and equitable solution to these utility problems for the benefit of the subject property and others, particularly the existing R-3 zoned properties abutting Wells Avenue South. 3. The scale of R-4 would be, in large, a contrast to the scale of the existing land use and zoning. More in keeping with this scale would be R-3 or the proposed three story multi-family structure. 4. The existing zoning pattern of R-3 indicates that the area is essentially committed to that density and scale of development. Some L-1 exists along the east side of Burnett Avenue South. Similar to the large R-4 zone west of Burnett Avenue South the entire area forms transition from the C.B.D. to the L-1 zone along. 'S. Grady Way. 5. While R-4 is indicated in the Land Use Map, the Map is only a general guide to decision making. More in keeping with the existing land use and zoning character would be R-3. However, at some time in the future the timing for R-4 may be more appropriate. RECOMMENDATION: Based upon the record, testimony and evidence presented at the public hearing, it is recommended to the City Council that a reclassification of R-1 to R-3 be approved subject to: 1. Submittal by the applicant of adequate plans for utilities or other measures satisfying the requirements of the Fire Department and Utilities Division. 2. Submittal by the applicant of a final landscape and screening plan for approval by the Planning Department. 3. Submittal by the applicant for Public Works Department approval a storm water drainage plan. ORDERED THIS 12th day of September, 1977. L. Ric Beeler Land Use Hearing Examiner TRANSMITTED THIS 12th day of September, 1977 by Affidavit of Mailing to the parties of record: Louis G. Malesis Kathy Moran TRANSMITTED THIS 12th day of September, 1977 to the following: Mayor Charles J. Delaurenti Council President George J. Perry Councilman Richard M. Stredicke. Warren C. Gonnason, Public Works Director Gordon Y. Ericksen, Planning Director Ron Nelson, Building Division Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney R-064-77 Page Four Pursuant to Title IV, Section 3015 of the City's Code, request for reconsideration must be filed in writing on or before September 26, 1977. Any aggrieved person feeling that the decision of the Examiner is based on erroneous procedure, errors of law or fact, error in judgment, or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the prior hearing may make a written request for review by the Examiner within fourteen (14) days from the date of the Examiner's decision. This request shall set forth the specific errors relied upon by such appellant, and the Examiner may, after review of the record, take further action as he deems proper.. An appeal to the.City Council is governed by Title IV, Section 3016, which requires that such appeal be filed with .the City Clerk accompanying a filing fee of $25.00 and meeting other specified requirements. Copies of this ordinance are available for inspection in the City Clerk's office, first floor of City Hall, or same may be purchased at cost in said, office. A derJ I 1 1 I I I I I 1 IA., 1 I III _,,,,a,, a ' i a a rDUO N100 _0 o D_ Da 340c erf AIE S. ID Do 00 00 li, 1 000 I IP 0 00 11, Ga - 5,n_ i .. n 0 6 8 i .1t,6 6 A 8 0 8 h 11111 t41- _ Ave S • s el V, VV. @ eqYlvNifilir: 611 3 NQ7 0 1 , Q8 ® il l (6 & A ii616d s WEt.LStroot i t I. Vit-4, 14, va-le Iii;1111iN:qd.,.. hii, oaaulia------0 I_ cif Q-1 It- 1 Na '4 I OD a 1 I , I it_ 1 o W 1• MAIN AVE 5 orb 0Za v w t 4tit i^ir Arc 11rc0IWAy 40g s) I 4 ra If VI iliz ., N vk p mat- AVE S. t ., I D D Q I I r s 1 if T I 1 i la 4 r 41 n 11 f1>- R13,:t9e134153 .. N.,,. / . R*31, . I ,i. riP TY 1 y;. 1'\'.\ - ;.ifEj.bi Il1 4,,,.1P 1„,_. R p)..1BI I i PL •7P4RK t- -I y 1 0,..p I> 7iNNO0NL SW:0'L ' ' y Q? ' • x, lar + a i . \ // j/ aIP Rw i , I.:I q,,,,,1 1 1:, ,ri,1 la,. 1P.; r, :i :l.ilk 2:-,,, 11.11. :. I i N',' l Riil: :, ,,,f,. ..,. 11; 11 It....zuirtni I,11 II 1, r O, y t- IiIF I III L ` Y-' 311 .it . !•:4-' '. : 1172- ' • . is 41 ' 1 . l' • ',.-. -:- - • Ifr"-------- 4?" -4: a I-f III 1 i M..__I 1 1 I • :, • 1 ' 1 t i'7:1** li.7 It 14 • . ii 1 tit-Li L - Mil i L, r - • 1 i d R-3, :Ili • 1 i 7 j ratI, 11 „ b10' +` `\ tit y O -,i d 1,I.. L I o-4 F A Gs,iGAP WO"R..3 F.T,i:.4. i j 1ti JI 11 .i L iinviVIA I I 1- REZONE APPLICATION : R-1 'TO R-4 LOUIS G . MALESIS : Appl . No.' R-064-77 , Rezone from R-1 to R-4 ; property located midway ' between South 5th Street ans South 4th Street 'on the west side of Wekks Avenue South, directly across , from' the Renton 'School Administration Building . APPLICANT ' LOUIS G . MALESIS TOTAL AREA 11 , 500 Sq. Ft. PRINCIPAL ACCESS . Wells Avenue South ' 1 EXISTING ZONING R-1 EXISTING USE Vacated Parking Lot PROPOSED USE. Multi -Family Residential COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN ' 4-ligh Density Multiple. Residential ' I COMMENTS 1 I I f I A a I i 1 I r. Nall II .I, ;;.`- , j F. ; I / 8ERTY I v,P PJgRKell I:1' P-1 NOOr. SCHOOL k t s' --:.._-:////, ---. 1 - 7I l• lll/lael.i I•• •: : 1 .. 1 ,1r1 1 is AN I r r ., AO nwn l.1 ...Tag 1IZ{ 9 1.- T.i.'n ir,' -", Trj": .- 4 L,,,. , 14 la -.1.--,k,:.1 > i --t!i Ir. 1,. Dill' L7w 'I r1127 • - 1y' s Tr r. 1. 1 a¢ i F En s. 1_ I 1'I J: - " ' E ,' 1 I, a 4:= 1-9 I I ' 4 ! 1 mac'-----. I f C 7rw ' a III I ` 1r: R3 h 00 00 4 4 ' 4 I 4 1 u si 'u itu, I G Sli61.1 ii'p P. , a ..1.. I i Q 1 y N ro 1 is n-I •e i MI 1 iQG,..TRN VIIIAG' P. j I i J i a - - I 1 REZONE APPLICATION : R-1 TO R-4 LOUIS G. MALESIS : 'Appl . No . R-064-77 , Rezone from R-1 to R-4; property located midway between ' South 5th Street ans South 4th Street on the west side of Wekks Avenue .South , directly across from the Renton School Administration Building . APPLICANT ' LOUIS G . MALESIS TOTAL AREA_ 11 , 500 Sq .. Ft. PRINCIPAL ACCESS Wells Avenue South EXISTING ZONING R-.1 EXISTING USE Vacated Parking Lot PROPOSED USE ' , Multi -Family Residential COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PL,....'J _ High Densi ty_ Multiple Residential I COMMENTS i e COS LOUIS & MARY MALESIS, Owners r4cs- Majejid, FLOWERS & GIFTS 313 RAINIER AVE. SO. Next to Firestone) RENTON, WA. 98055 Phone: 228-6622 Rick Beeler September 24, 1977 Land Use Hearing Examiner 200 Mill Ave. So. Renton, WA 98055 Mr. Beeler: I Louis G. Malesis , residing at 2822 N.E. 8th Place , Renton and in reference to application file number R. -064-77 dated September 12 , 1977 in which I requested R-4 as indicated in the Land use map and planning departments approval. You have recommended only R-3. I am asking for your reconsideration to R-4 with a Three story limi- tation. A letter will follow with specifics. Sincerely, mam Louis G. Malesis RECEIVED CITY OF RENTON HEARING EXAMINER SEP 2 61977 Ata PIS igt,91101111121It21314i516 A WE SERVICE & DELIVER ALL SEATTLE & GREEN RIVER VALLEY AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING State of Washington) County of King Marilyn J. Petersen being first duly sworn, upon oath disposes and states: That on the 12thday of September 19 77 , of f iant deposited in the mails of the United States a sealed envelope containing a decision or recommendation with postage prepaid, addressed to the parties of record in the below-entitled application or petition. 2)1 Yr- g2 ON Subscribed and sworn this '\ day of S eQ,w 1,2-t 19 '11 . kLfr(6,1( LIA.• tk-&-i4) Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at Renton Application, Petition or Case: Louis G. Malesis, R-064-77 The minutea contain a tiist 06 the paAtia o hecotd) PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING SEPTEMBER 6 , 1977 APPLICANT: LOUIS G. MALESIS FILE NO. : R-064-77 ; REZONE REQUEST FROM R-1 , SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE DISTRICT, TO R-4 , MULTIPLE FAMILY RESI•D;ENCE' 'DTSTRTCT A. SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Applicant requests approval of rezone from R-1 , Single Family Residence District, to R-4, Multiple Family Residence District to allow construc- tion of a ten-unit apartment building. B. GENERAL INFORMATION: 1 . Owner of Record : LOUIS G. MALESIS 2. Applicant : LOUIS G. MALESIS 3 . Location : Midway between South 5th Street and South 4th Street on the west side of Wells Ave- nue South directly across from the Renton School Administration Building . 4. Legal Description : A detailed legal desc'fiption is available on file in the Renton Pl4nning Department . 5 . Size of Property: 11 ,500 square feet d 6. Access : Via Wells Avenue Sout 7. Existing Zoning : R-1 , Single Family Residence District 8. Existing Zoning in R- 1 , Single Family Rei'dence . District the Area : R-2 , Duplex Residence !District R-3, Multiple Family Residence District P-1 , Public Use District B-1 , Business District L- 1 , Light Industry B-P, Business Parking' 9. Comprehensive High Density Multiple. Residential Land Use Plan : 10. Notification : The applicant was notified in writing of the hearing date. Notice was properly published in the Record-Chronicle and posted in three places on or near the site as required by City ordinance . Notice was distributed to surrounding property owners . C. PURPOSE OF REQUEST: The purpose of the request is to provide zoning consistent with a proposed ten-unit apartment building. D. HISTORY/BACKGROUND: The subject site had been utilized for the school administration build- ing parking lot until the school district developed their own parking facility just south of the school administration': building approximately ' two years ago. The subject site has remained relatively unused since that time, and the lease for the parking was not' renewed. E. PHYSICAL BACKGROUND: 1 . Topography : The site is level . RECEIVED CITY OF RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT HEARING EXAMINER SEP 6 1977 PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER AM PM PUBLIC HEARING 718,9,10a111 2)1121` ,4,540 SEPTEMBER 6 , 1977 EXHIBILT APPLICANT: LOUIS G. MALESIS 9. 46 i j) 7 FILE NOS : R-064-77 ; REZONE REQUEST FROM TEmR-,SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE DISTRICT, TO R-4 , MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENCE 'DISTRICT OF REQUEST: H IA. SUMMARY Applicant requests approval of rezone from R-1 ,0ir?gle' Family Residence District, to R-4, Multiple Family Residence District to allow construc- tion of a ten-unit apartment building. B. GENERAL INFORMATION: ii 1 . Owner of Record : LOUIS G. MALESIS 2. Applicant : LOUIS G. MALESIS 3 . Location : Midway between South 6thStreet and South 4th Street on the west; side of Wells Ave- nue South directly across from the Renton School Administration) Building. 4 . Legal Description : A detailed legal description is available on file in the Renton Plia.nning Department . 5 . Size of Property : 11 ,500 square feet : I 6 . Access : Via Wells Avenue South, 7 . Existing Zoning : R-1 , Single Family Residence District 8. Existing Zoning in R-1, Single Family Re'$$idence• District the Area : R-2 , Duplex ResidenceiDistrict R-3, Multiple Family .Residence District P-1, Public Use District B-1 , Business DistrictL-1 , Light Industry 1, B-P, Business Parking ' 1. 9. Comprehensive High Density MultipleiResidential Land Use Plan : 10. Notification : The applicant was notified in writing of the hearing date. Notice was properly published in the Record-Chronicle and posted in three places on or near the site as required by City ordinance . Notice Was distributed to surrounding property owners . C. PURPOSE OF REQUEST: The purpose of the request is to provide zoning, consistent with a proposed ten-unit apartment building. D. HISTORY/BACKGROUND: The Subject site had been utilized for the school administration build- ing parking lot until the school district developed their own parking facility just south of the school administratiorf ' building approximately • two years ago . The subject site has remained relatively (unused since that time, and the lease for the parking was not renewed . E. PHYSICAL BACKGROUND: 1. Topography : The site is level . PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING OF SEPTEMBER 6, 1977 PAGE TWO RE : LOUIS G. MALESIS REZONE REQUEST FROM R-1 TO R-4 2. Soils : The entire site is presently asphalted; the underlying soils consist of Urban Land (Ur) . 3 . Vegetation : The site is almost completely Paved . Minor amounts of landscaping are located adjacent to Wells Avenue South . 4 . Wildlife : Because of the lack of vegetation on the site , there is little possibility of wildlife habitat . 5 . Water: No surface water or streams are apparent on the subject site. 6 . Land Use : The subject site is presently an! unused paved parking lot facility. There are existing older single family residences located north, south, and west of the subject site , which are in. various levels of physical condition. The general area is in a similar situation , with some existing houses being well maintained, while others are in a fairly dilapidated condition. The School Administration Building is located directly east of the subject site across Wells Avenue South . North of the Administration Build- ing is an existing large residence that appears to have been con- verted to a multi -unit dwelling . North of that is an existing commercial laundry facility. F. NEIGHBORHOOD CHARACTERISTICS: The general area contains a mixture of single fmily residences , vacant lots , parking lots , some apartments , and commer' ial uses . The area can be characterized as being in a slow transitlon from single family residence to higher density residential uses'. . A G. PUBLIC SERVICES: 1 . Water and Sewer: A four inch water main exists along Wells Avenue South , and, an eight inch water main exists along South 4th Street and along South 5th Street. Indications from the Utilities Engi - neering Division are that one of the eight inch mains must be extended to the subject site for proper water and fire flow require- ments for the proposed use (see memo) . An Bight inch sewer main exists along Wells Avenue South. There is 4 twelve inch. storm sewer line along alley adjacent to propertyJ 2 . Fire Protection : Provided by the Renton Fire Department as per ordinance requirements . Any future development will be subject to the City of Renton standards . Additional fire hydrants will be necessary per the Fire Department ' requirements . 3. Transit : Metro Transit Route 107 operates along South 3rd Street, approximately two blocks north of the subject site . 4. Schools : The site is within two miles of Talbot Hill Elementary School , one mile of Nelson Middle School , and within one-half mile of Renton High School . 5. Parks : The subject site is within one-half mile of Phillip Arnold Park and within one-half mile of Liberty Park . H. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE ZONING CODE: 1 . 4-706 , R-1 , Residence , Single Family 2. 4-709D, R-4 , Apartment Houses and Multiple Dwellings 3. Chapter 22 , Parking and Loading PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING OF SEPTEMBER 6 , 1977 PAGE TWO RE : LOUIS G . MALESIS REZONE REQUEST FROM R- 1 TO R-4 2 . Soils : The entire site is presently asphalted ; the underlying soils consist of Urban Land (Ur) . 3 . Vegetation : The site is almost completely .'paved . Minor amounts of landscaping are located adjacent to Wells Avenue South. 4 . Wildlife : Because of the lack of vegetation on the site , there is little possibility of wildlife habitat. 1 5 . Water: No surface water or streams are apparent on the subject site . 6 . Land Use : The subject site is presently a'n unused paved parking lot facility. There are existing older single family residences located north , south , and west of the subject site, which are in various levels of physical condition. ! The' 'general area is in a similar situation , with some existing houses being well maintained, while others are in a fairly dilapidated condition. The School Administration Building is located directly; east of the subject site across Wells Avenue South . North—of the Administration Build- ing is an existing large residence that appears to have been con- verted to a multi -unit dwelling . North of that is an existing commercial laundry facility. F. NEIGHBORHOOD CHARACTERISTICS: The general area contains a mixture of single i` mi1y }residences , vacant lots , parking lots , some apartments , and commercial uses. The area can be characterized as being in a slow transition from single family residence to higher density residential uses . G. PUBLIC SERVICES: 1 . Water and Sewer: A four inch water main eh$ists along Wells Avenue South , and an eight inch water main exi5tsl long South 4th Street and along South 5th Street, Indications from the UtilitiOs Engi - neering Division are that one of the eight .inch mains must be extended to the subject site for proper water and fire flow require- ments for the proposed use ' (see memo) . An bight inch sewer main exists along Wells Avenue South . There is a twelve inch storm sewer line along alley adjacent to property. 2 . Fire Protection : Provided by the Renton Fire Department as per ordinance requirements . Any future development will be subject to the City of Renton standards . Additional fire hydrants will be necessary per the Fire Department requirements . 3. Transit : Metro Transit Route 107 operates along South 3rd Street , approximately two blocks north of the subject site . 4 . Schools : The site is within two miles of Talbot dill Elementary School , one mile of Nelson Middle School , and within one-hal.f mile of Renton High School . 5 . Parks : The subject site is within one;half mile of Phillip Arnold Park and within one-half mile of Liberty Pat* . H. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE ZONING CODE: 1 1 . 4-706 , R-1 , Residence , Single Family ' 2 . 4-709D, R-4 , Apartment Houses and Multiple Dwellings 3. Chapter 22 , Parking and Loading PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING OF SEPTEMBER 6 , 1977 PAGE THREE RE : LOUIS G. MALESIS REZONE REQUEST FROM R-1' TO R-4 I . APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OR OTHER OFFICIAL CITY DOCUMENTS: 1 . Land Use Report, 1965, Residential , page 11 ; and 'Objectives , pages 17 and 18. J. IMPACTS ON NATURAL SYSTEMS: The rezoning of the property will not have a direct impact on the natural systems . However, the proposed development may have minor impacts on noise levels and adjacent single family residences . The existing site is presently permanently surfaced. K. SOCIAL IMPACTS : The proposed increase in density on the site may have some minor social impacts through increased opportunities for social interaction . L. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT/THRESHOLD DETERMINATION: ' Pursuant to the City of Renton Environmental Ordinance and the State Environmental Policy Act of 1971 , as amended ( RCW 13. 216 ) , a Declara- tion of Non-significance has been issued for the subject proposal see attached) . M. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The vicinity map and site map are attached. N. AGENCIES/DEPARTMENTS CONTACTED: 1. City of Renton Building Division 2. City of Renton Engineering Division 3. City of Renton Traffic Engineering Division 4. City of Renton Utilities Division 5. City of Renton Fire Department 0. PLANNING DEPARTMENT ANALYSIS ; 1 . The subject request is consistent with the ,and use element of the Comprehensive Plan. 2. Suitable utilities are available , although the Utilities Division indicates that the water main will need to be upgraded to an 8" main for proper fire flow and provision of fire hydrants for the proposed density. The existing 8" sewer main , although adequate , may be in need of some repair. 3 . The existing land use and zoning within the block and area is a mixture of single family residential , business , business parking , public use, multiple family residential , and even some light industry. The subject site is presently an underused parking area previously leased for the school Administration Building located directly across Wells Avenue South . North of the Administration Building is a multiple residence with a commercial laundry facility located directly north of it. Single family residence uses are located directly adjacent to the subject site on the south and north and across the existing 10 foot alley west of the site . Although the single family residences south and west of the site are well maintained , viable uses , the structures north of the site are in poor condition ; and one of the residences to the. west is presently zoned R-2 residence district , allowing duplexes and townhouse, multiple family units by Special Permit . Across the alley northwest of the subject site is another existing parking PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING OF SEPTEMBER 6 , 1977 PAGE THREE RE : LOUIS G. MALESIS REZONE REQUEST FROM R-1 TO R-4 I . APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OR OTHER OFFICIAL CITY DOCUMENTS: 111 1 . Land Use Report , 1965, Residential , page 11, and Objectives , pages 17 and 18 . J . IMPACTS ON NATURAL SYSTEMS: The rezoning of the property will not ' have a Orr impact on the natural systems . However., the proposed development mayl' iave minor impacts on noise levels and adjacent singlefamfly residences . The existing site is presently permanently surfaced. . K. SOCIAL IMPACTS : I , The proposed increase in density on the site may have some minor social impacts through increased opportunities for soclialinteraction . L. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT/THRESHOLD DETERMINATION : Pursuant to the City of Renton Environmental Ordinance and the State Environmental Policy Act of 1971 , as amended ( OW , 43. 216) , a Declara- tion of Non-significance has been issued for the subject proposal see attached) . H M. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The vicinity map and site map are attached. I N. AGENCIES/DEPARTMENTS CONTACTED:' 1 . City of Renton Building Division 2. City of Renton Engineering Division j 3. City of Renton Traffic Engineering Divi ioh,' 4. City of Renton Utilities Division ' h 5. City of Renton Fire DepartmOet 0, PLANNING DEPARTMENT ANALYSIS: 1. The subject request is consistent with the land use element of the Comprehensive Plan . 2 . Suitable utilities are available , although .the Utilities Division indicates that the water main will need to be upgraded to an 8" main for proper fire flow and provision of fire hydrants for the proposed density . The existing 8" sewer main , ,although aciequate , may be in need of some repair. 3. The existing land use and zoning within thel block and area is a mixture of single family residential , business , business parking , public use , multiple family residential , and even some light industry. The subject site is presently an, underused parking area previously leased for the school Administration Building located directly across Wells Avenue South . North Of the Administration Building is a multiple residence with a coOerci al laundry facility located directly north of it. Single family residence uses are located directly adjacent to the s ubjecti site on1he south and north and across the existing 10 foot alley west pf the site . Although the single family ,residences sduth ,and, west pf the site are well maintained , viable uses , the structures north of the site are in poor condition ; and one of the 'residencesIto the west . is presently zoned R-2 residence district , allowiYig duplexes and townhouse , multiple family units by SpeciallPermit . Across the alley northwest of the subject site is another existing parking PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING OF SEPTEMBER 6, 1977 PAGE FOUR RE : LOUIS G . MALESIS REZONE REQUEST FROM R-1 ' TO R-4 lot, zoned B-P business parking , and farther north at the south- southeast corner of Williams Avenue South and South 4th Street is an existing business use. Vacant lots exist north of the subject site on Wells Avenue South. The iminediate area of the rezone appears to be in a transition from single family residen- tial uses to a mixture of commercial , office , and multiple family residential . 4 . The proposed 10 unit apartment meets all the density , setbacks , and parking requirements of the R-4 zone . An alternative might be to rezone the site to R-3 as other similar parcels in the area . This would then yield a maximum density of 8 dwelling units as opposed to the 10 proposed. The two additional units do not appear to make an appreciable difference in impacts , except that the front yard setback would be !greater with the R-3 zone (20 feet) as opposed to the R-4 zone ( 10 feet) . In both cases a three-story building with parking under the structure would most likely be utilized. 5. Proper screening, landscaping, and setbacksH ''from the existing single family residence uses will be of primary importance to ensure minimal impacts and compatibility with adjacent uses . A minimum 6 foot sight-obscuring architectural type fence , together with landscaping suitable for screening purposes , should be required around the entire site f r this purpose. The plans as proposed appear to provide the fence. 6 . The parking stalls under the structure that ,are not adjacent to landscaping must be 20 feet in length as per. the Parking and Loading Ordinance . it 7 . In reviewing the Comprehensive Plan , Land Use Report 1965 , it appears that the subject request is consistent with objectives 2 , 4 , and 6 . The proposed use will upgradethe existing site and perhaps stimulate redevelopment of other vacant sites and various poorly maintained structures scattered throughout the area. The rezone also appears timely due to the transitional character of the area . P. PLANNING DEPARTMENT RECOMMENDATION': Recommend approval of R-4 rezone, subject to the site plans and elevations as proposed . Based on the above analysis and the proposed plans , the rezone is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and can be a positive addition to the site and area , provided proper screen- ing is provided . Screening should consist of a minimum 6 foot archi - tectural type fence , together with landscaping around the site . The landscaping must consist of trees and shrubs of sufficient height and density to buffer the proposed use from adjacent single family uses . A detailed landscape plan for the entire site development must be submitted to and approved by the Planning Department at the time of Building Permit review. The rezone shall be further subject to provision of adequate utilities and storm drainage with oil /water separator as per Public Works Department requirements . 0 PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING OF SEPTEMBER 6 , 1977 PAGE FOUR RE : LOUIS G . MALESIS REZONE REQUEST FROM R-1 TO R=;4 i I , lot , zoned B-P business parking , and farthe1i 'north at the south- southeast corner of Williams Avenue South 0,10 South 4th Street is an existing business use . Vacant lots est north of the subject site on Wells Avenue South. The immediate area of the rezone appears to be in a transition from S fgle family residen- tial .uses to a mixture of commercial ,• offi ' , and, multiple family residential . 4 . The proposed 10 unit apartment meets all t density , ' setbacks , and parking requirements of the R-4 zone . ' 1 alternative might be to rezone the site to R-3 as other; simi1'aor parcels in the area . This would then yield a maximum den ' ty of8 dwelling units as opposed to the 10 proposed . The t o additional units do not appear to make an appreciable differrence in impacts , except that the front yard setback would be!' greater with the R-3 zone ( 20 feet) as opposed to the R-4 zone ( 10 feet) . In both cases a three-story building With parking under the structure would most likely be utilized . 5 . Proper screening, landscaping , and setback from the existing single family residence uses will be of priOary i ' portance to ensure minimal impacts and compatibility w ;th adj cent uses . A minimum 6 foot sight-obscuring architect ' al ty a fence , together with landscaping suitabieiforiscrelning urposes , should be required around the entire site fdh thi purpose . The plans as proposed appear to prdvide the fence . 6 . The parking stalls under the Structure that 'bre not adjacent to landscaping must be 20 feet in length as p 'r the Parking and Loading Ordinance . I ' iii 7 . In reviewing the Comprehensive Plan , a d se Report 1965 , it appears that the subject request i c n isl'!ht with objectives 2 , 4 , and 6 . The proposed use will u g ad ; the existing site and perhaps stimulate redevelopment o dther vacant sites and various poorly maintained structur s scattered throughout the area . The rezone also appears tim ly due tethe transitional character of the area . P. PLANNING DEPARTMENT RECOMMENDATION: Recommend approval of R-4 rezone, subject to the site plans and elevations as proposed . Based on the above analysis and the proposed plans , the rezone is consistent with tije Comprehensive Plan and can be a positive addition to the site and area , provided proper screen- ing is provided . Screening should consist of, minimum 6 foot archi - tectural type fence , together with landscaping around the site . The landscaping must consist of trees and shrubs of sufficient height and density to buffer the proposed use from adjacent single family uses . A detailed landscape plan for the entire site development must be submitted to and approved by the Panning bepartment at the time of Building Permit review. The rezone' snall be further subject to provision of adequate utilities and storm irajinage . with oil/water. separator as per Public Works Department requirements . 1 i i R EN- 1 Eoo Affidavit of Publication o 51 1-11 z STATE OF WASHINGTON ss. IQ- OF KING Ilan',aret...En.Y'.b.E.Ug,h. being first duly sworn on j Y;:', E^,"'''.iNOTICE OF '•. 1 PUBLIC HEARING; oath,deposes and says that..S.he is the Cihie.f...C.1 ark of RENTON LAND USE • Y• ,IEAFIING EXAMINER ";THE RENTON RECORD-CHRONICLE, a newspaper published four(4) RENARIN WASHINGTON.• times a week.That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and PUBLIC;]HEARINGhasbeenformorethansixmonthspriortothedateofpublicationreferred y, .) i,-BE HELD:BY;THE';to, printed and published in the English language continually as a news- paper published four(4)times a week in Kent,King County,Washington, j ;;AENTON i LAND•::US , and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained rHEARING! EXAMINER 'AT: at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper.That the Renton j %IiIS REGULAR'MEETING' Record-Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the IN:THE•COUNCIL;CHAM- Superior Court of the County in which it is published,to-wit,King County, BERS;;.CITY HALL, • RE-' NTON;'•WASHINGTON,•ON• fEEPTEMBER 6, 1977,'AT' Washington.That the annexed isa.. Q.tr.,r.E...Qf„.PL1b15C CONSIDER! AND P.M. THE ING PETITIONS:Gi°"r'ln TO'BE HELD AT. 9:06_ as it was published in regular issues(and 1.:LOUIS G.,'MALESIS, not in supplement form of said newspaper) once each issue for a period REZONE;FROM R0 1 i7O,RR...4; f le.No:'. R-064-77; irope'rty located between•.] c•417 antl•425 Wells Avenue', of 1 consecutive issues,commencing on the i SoutN. .'<<: o:'2. MAPLIBUGRAND PRIX s' Fj ics,REZONE FROM. 2 T....dayof 1Ug.US. 19..77.,.,andendingthe GS11,:;TO •Es1;.;file:,No..) F1=d65-71f,;:property;:la'sated l etvvtien S.W.GI•ady day of 19 ,both dates d Wa4&lavid'FAf 405,•adja-'; A•cent;to'and east of Oakes inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its sub- tdale,'Av •enue.$:W: ;' `.' , scribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee i;j 1,3. MALIBU,GRAND PRIXta, CORP., SPECIAL PER- . charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of $.4Z..Q9which i ' •MIT!;TO' D E V E L O p•'.:' has beenpaid in full at the rate of MIDGET.CAR DRIVINGperfolioofonehundredwordsfortheaSKILLFACILITY: file No..first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for each subsequent i'i:SP-067-77;''•,property lo-. •insertion. Gk„c,R k I ;i cated tietween S.W.Grady, 1 Way Arid FAI-405 between;, Q G 1,v,and Thomas Avenue S.W.; , Chief Clerk 1I'S.' 4.ENVIRONMENTAL RE- I'1 ;,., EAR CH .,AND': E-D. .:•: VELOPMENT CORP.., Subscribed and sworn to before me this 26 dayof ORESTV,IPP G A ION,NO. '.1), APPLICATION I'p FOR' 10-LOT PRELIMI=• August 19. 7777 i NARY PLAT APPROVAL,1.1.. WAIVER ' OFF AD IMPROVEMENTS, AND t ev / ,.(2-ceef,/ i EXCEPTION TO SUB- Notary Pub ib and for the State of Wa ington, DIVISION ORDINANCE residing at Kent, K p County. RE. C U L DE S A C v STREET LENGTH: files PP-068-77, W-070-77, and E-069-77;property lo-. Passed by the Legislature,1955,known as Senate Bill 281,effective June cated on Blaine Avenue 9th, 1955. N.E. between N.E. 14th and N.E. 12th Streets. Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures,TO BE HELD AT 1:30 P.M.: adopted by the newspapers of the State. 5.DUANE A.WELLS,RE- ZONE FROM G TO M-P, FILE No. R-072-77, and DUANE A. WELLS AND . VAL BAIN,APPLICATION FOR SITE APPROVALTO V.P.C.Form No.87 CONSTRUCT OFFICE AND LABORATORY BUILDING IN G(M-P) ZONE,file No.SA-061-77; property located at the southwest corner of Lind • Avenue S.W. and S.W. 10th Street. Legal descriptions of.all applications noted above are on file in the Renton' Planning Department' • , ALL• INTERESTED` PERSONS TO SAID PETI TIONS ARE INVITED TO; BE PRESENT;AT .•THE? PUBLIC HEARING ON SEPTEMBER 6, 1977 AT• 9:00 A.M. AND 1:30 TO EXPRESS THEIR "OPI- NIONS. GORDON Y. ERICKSEN• RENTON PLANNING DIRECTOR . Published in the Renton Record-Chronicle August 26, 1977. R4520 . : NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER RENTON, WASHINGTON A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER AT HIS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS , CITY HALL , RENTON , WASHINGTON , ON SEPTEMBER 6 1977 , AT 9 : 00 A. M. U MD/MDOE i74#X XFXOQXIXOaXD(N(IX XFXH(Zx D(1K D(0(( S(X AND 1 : 30 P.M. TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING PETITIONS : TO BE HELD AT 9 :00 A.M. : 1 . LOUIS G. MALESIS , REZONE FROM R- 1 TO R-1. ; file No . R-064-77 ; property located between 417 and 425 Wells Avenue South . 2. MALIBU GRAND PRIX CORP. , REZONE FROM GS ;1 TO B- 1 ; file No R-065-77 ; property located ' be een S . W. Grady Way and FAI-405 , adjacent to and east o Oakesdale Avenue S. W. 3 . MALIB,U GRAND PRIX CORP. , SPECIAL PERMIT , TO DEVELOP MIDGET CAR DRIVING SKILL FACILITY; filg No . $P-067-77 ; property located between S. W. GradyWa. , and FAI-405 between Oakesdale Avenue S . W. and Thomas Avenue S. W. 1 4 . ENVIRONMENTALJUSEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT,.CORP . (CRESTVIEW MANOR NO. 1 ) , APPPLICATION FOR 10-LOT PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL , WAIVER OF 'OFF-SITE IMPROV4MENT , ,AND EXCEPTION ' TO SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE RE.' CU( bE ,SAC , STREET LENGTH; files PP-068-77 , W-070,-77 , and E-069-7f ; , property located on Blaine Avenue N. E. between EF. 14th and N . E. 12th Streets . TO BE HELD AT 1 : 30 P.M. : 5. DU4NE A. WELLS, REZONE FROM G . TQ M-P , FILE No. R-072-77 , and DUANE A. WELLS AND VAL BAIN, APPLICATION FOR SITE APPROVAL TO CONSTRUCT OFFICE AND LABORATORY BUILDING IN GO-P) ZONE, file No . SA-06147'; I roperty located at the southwest corner of Lind Avenue S . W. and S . W. 10th Street. 1 , Legal descriptions of all applications noted above are on file in the Renton Planning Department. ALL INTERESTED PERSONS TO SAID PETITIONS ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PUBLIC HEARING ON SEPTEMBER 6 , 1977 AT 9 : 00 A. M. xX Eta(R tN X { XAX14xlsl)4X1 1tX AND 1 : 30 P. M. TO EXPRESS THEIR OPINIONS . GORDON Y . ERICKSEN PUBLISHED August 26 , 1977 RENTON PLANNING DIRECTOR CERTIFICATION I , Michael L . Smith HEREBY CERTIFy1THAT THREE COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENT WERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE AS PRESCRIBED'IY LAW . ATTEST : Subscribed and sworn 7 J to Re,e, a Notary Public , on the 3 da k1U vSyof 19 /1 SIGNED Z, i II p t.. :H l' ' : PROPOSED/FINAL DECLARATION OF' SIGNIFICAi CE/NON °SIGNIFIANCE I 1 Application No . R-064-77 ROPOSED Declar,Ztion Environmental `Checklist No .. ECF-264-77 i X "'INAL 'Declaration ! ' Description oft proposal A l icant re uests'rOval o'f' rezone from R-1 , l i ' Single Family Residence District, to R-4 , Mul i le Family Residence District, to allow construction of a ten-unit a 'a ^tmerh't building: H _. Proponent LOUIS G., MALESIS ; i Midway between S. 5th St. i ar d . : 4th St!. On the west' side of Location of Proposal Wells Ave. S. directly across from the Renton Schoo' . I Administration Building. ' " 1 . ' Lead Agency Renton Planning' .Department, This proposal has been determined to hay Q hot' have a significant adVens'e impact upon the . enirorjrh ntr. HAn IS is X is not regUirted under 'RCW 43 . 21C . 030 ( 2 )'O . This decision was' mae after 'review by the lead agency of a completed environmental, ' • checklist and other information on file with the leadagency . Reasons 'for declaration of , envi ronmental si gni f i Lance':>,i is ; . I 1 ;• I - ,; • r•HI 1 Measures , ifljany ,, that could be taken to prevent or mitigate the environmentailllmpa;cts to such . an'. extent that the lead agency would withdraw i s! co,cla'rati on of significance an, issue a ( proposed/final ) declaration Of ,nonL-significance : Responsible Of„";i ci;al Gordon Y' Eri;cks'en , I 1 i ' I,; Title p1 ahri ng D • rector,' pe August '29 , 1977 ` i Signature F.H I f 1 I City of • Rentony Pl emi ng Depar`tment. 5 . 7 . i 1 1 , ' PROPOSED/FINAL L..-LARATION OF SIGNIFICANCE/.__ 4-SIGNIFICANCE Application No . ,R-064-77 iPROPOSED Declaration Environmental Checklist No . ECF-264-77 aX ;FINAL Declaration I . Description of proposal Applicant requests appr,dval olf rezone from R- 1 , Single Family Residence District, to R=4 , Multipl Family Residence District , to allow construction of a ten-unit apartment building.! Proponent LOUIS G. MALESIS I1 Midway between S. 5th St. and S. 4th St. on the west side of Location of Proposal Wells Ave. S. directly across fr9m the Renton School Administration Building. Lead Agency Renton Planning Dep.3rtment This proposal has been determined to 0 have ® not' have a significant adverse impact upon the environment .! An EIS is ma-dx is not required under RCW 43 . 2-1C . 030 ( 2 ) (c ) . This 'decision was de after review by the lead agency of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the: lead agency . Reasons for declaration of environmental significance : h . Measures , if any , that could be taken to preventtor ; mitigate the environmental impacts to such an extent that the:llead agency would withdraw its declaration of significance and issue a ( proposed/final ) declaration of non-significance : i ii Responsible Official Gordon Y . Ericksen Title Plan ing D ' rector Date August 29 , 1977 I , Signature sd City of Renton Planning Department 5-76 REVIEW BY OTHER CIT1 EPARTMENTS : Department : _ c Comments : Nou l I . it ii j Signature of Director or AuthorizerQresent'ati ve ;Date Il REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : i Department : V•T ri it S 1 Comments : WATr 12, fri AA1,4 I 1.1 V;:i tl-`g rs S 0, 5 T IJ , ci L-u I L. R If 4 U I i2 r4 V P V A Ta PIG, t'2) v L. (..it. I. 81/Z.V77 Signature of Director or Authorized Represent'ative ., Date. • REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS :1 Department : T€AFFI C EN6iNFE/,,,1/(0 Comments : MO.S/64e/flcilw7 l' Z9-77 Signature of •Director or Authorized Represen.fative Date REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : Department : Comments : Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date REVIEW BY OTHER CITY APARTMENTS : Department : n.1/ n I i Comments : NL) C, ca,.tiI i I c?--49/77 Signature of Director or Authorizeresen Live j Date REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS ' j II! Department : Comments : w 1-1 i 12, 14 t J-4 hi V 1 a L-`S S SL 11, TIJ cl U1`L R.if 0, 1.)1PIjA141 ni V) R UK i I L ( it i I Signature of Director or Authorized Repr9ntative Date. REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : Department : TeArFI G. eN6/Nbee eir; I I I Comments : /i/p. tegw 7l ' .4;t`" 5-29-77 Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : Department : Comments : I Signature of Director or Authorized Representative ' Date I i r. REVIEW BY OTHER CIT) _ = EPARTMENTS : Department : h Novi Comments : No 5: .tit C e4..- f F.-A9/77 Signature of Director or Authorizeresentative Date ti REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : Department : UT ri S Comments : wAT W aLL-5 \ s so, Sro , ,t; IZIt isk0 • cj V pU/hTo NIG vw . . 8/29/77 Signature of Director or Authorized . Representative Date. REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : Department : TRAFFIC £N6/AIE,E/p/Q, Comments : A1/0.S/64//fl cAN T 2." ip14 '" ad 1:44.aegoo.t„ Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : Department : Comments : Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date ROUTING FOR REVIEW OF ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORMS TO : Finance Department Fire Department Library Department Park Department Police Department n Public Works Department Building Div. Traffic Engineering. Div. Engineering Div . Utilities Engineering Div. FROM : Planning. Department , (signed by responsible official or his designee) SUBJECT : Review of ECF- Application No . : ' Action Name : Please review the attached . Review requested by (date) : REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : Department : Comments . 06 1 ge-i 12 Signature of rector or Authorized Representative Date REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : Department : --C• ,S: ' Comm e n t s -G s-t./C:.AA-4A m-v-, ick,,. . ,,, :vv :..v.v.t Q'-NN..k.. A k-`^, a , ca....,.. CW,--trk . e5r.O 9 P., G ?fYl t L_ r.9,3,-+..,s .v.?- J—- Sv,_ n t W.,V3Ck' .\:-0-.-Lk. F}4.. t.e.:_V -:-t_Q , O•'Y,..C.. ...NJ:AV.v. \S b f 0. ow." k . t \i, t n.L. c -b1:..._. '.ft%L,.:.,ava rv.r. l-VJ.4• oVJ(o, c\ L ••- ., . ,, k`:.Ct1`t'-.i { ‘3.. .v‘,„,c1. e ketNC..,.,..-l.` ;-). - ';" &IV.Jk..ks •D-\... ;.Q 0 xy,,Z.C.\ 1 ,.. ,,,_ viti„,„ , A\c\— Qakr\z-QA,\_._ Signature of D ector or Authorized Representative to 6-76 OVER)'•. ROUTING FOR REVIEW OF ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORMS TO : Finance Department 11 Fire Department Library Department Park Department Police Department ji : '.: Public Works Department Building Div. Traffic i Etjgibeering Div. Engineering Div. Utilitles; Engineering Div. FROM : Planning Department , (signed by responsible'. official or his designee) j l„ SUBJECT : Review of ECF- Application NO . : . I Action Name : lI I. Please review the attached . Review requested by; :(date) : REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : Department : IComments : ,00 Zeff-.-61—i'.."-i;.Ze-li--Va Signature of rector or Authorized Representative Date REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : Department : 71-3f7,,-_ ,. ..N.ci) Comments rti„. ` ,..,•,,.. iL_ c -jvV%-. Y j<12v: Ah1a- (...• -. wt 41 li — 10 3 Vim= e3`:>. ( , ii • !S} 1 e.„„. C C.-o 0 7 6. ` fYl t=..r..,_ !-\.r1.,, w?V \L1-t. . .^.. 13_ +....L. . 1 ,:.: \'.t.,,s-, L1 ` w-. 1+ s?"-'b_',L t" s.--- t- j---;'-'Q , o-v•-s. ..Ta—.Vt,vim, \`.>b ` 9 T,rOa___ V o_•v.. ?,, Qv(1_ W- Sig .... 3 O 7 Cv iw.r .,- t . 0.;..-O- Q . . , Yj.- 4L, VL.„,,,„...iY C'.,,,L Wpm ro.„:_c_k lsr,...c., .V),..,„_ \''. .,e,-..3 . k.\\. Q14.\toz-\, _ Signature of DI'rector or Authorized Representative . te . 6-76 OVER)... • ROUTING FOR REVIEW OF ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORMS TO : Finance Department j , Fire Department Library Department Park Department Police Department Public Works Department I ' a)) I Building Div . Traffic Engineering Div . Engineering Div . Utili ies 'Eingineering Div. 11I FROM : Planning Department , (signed by respOns'1frle official pi' his designee ) i • ,• I • SUBJECT : Review of ECF- Application; No ; : li Action Name : I I . . Please review the attached . Review requested by ( dat ) :I REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : ' j ., . , Department : 47e Comments . ,61 1 s j i I; i 1 I I. I., . lj I 1 1jr4i6L7,........ ...____ I r-i fr )/ Signature of rector or Authorized Representative Date II REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : i Department : 7.---, _ \ is,',...:_._ \ J 0 I C o m mme n t s 1 `,,,.) 7.1*-..,v.;, `i,..,ti.,. c:J-•"..v.r.:....,..1..:'\ l)-v_•v;., j 1 =` d ,>- \>-:. ,,•;w_R 3_ ! •a\. o:Y.; C •3?"' kA ''' TL., 'ems-^-Vt ` '•CV4..V%- Ns" Cti;%.i..0. Ct` :AN.•Y 9 ice- " 7.=-4V- -).'`"— 1 .:._•ps-0.:(..:;•-l.\ •..--"-- \ 9) r 1.2v.:-3:. •?1.. L..1%0x2j ; CitU lYuC-. , ' _. %.... \ 1)... 4:3"Q.) c. c r\ .vim 1°<ti'Z Signature Of D-i ector or Authorized Represer9'tat• ve to I 6-76 I OVER),., . 1 INTERDEPARTMENTAL REVIEW REQUEST TO : X 1p BLIC WORKS DIRECTOR 1, BUILDING DIVISION 4—ENGINEERING DIVISION Xfa. TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DIVISION X UTILITIES DIVISION X ,(A FIRE DEPARTMENT HEALTH DEPARTMENT Ii FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT MIKE SMITH Contact Person RE : LOUIS G. MALESIS REZONE REQUEST, R- 1 to R-4, at 419-423 Wells Ave . S . Please review the attached information regarding ' the subject proposal and return it to the Planning •Depari'tment by August 19 , 1977 your written recommendation . Your response will be incl ded as part of • the staff report to the Hearing Examiner. Thank you , PLANNING DEPARTMENT Date 8-8-77 INTEROFFICE C ORRESPONDENCE Date August 10, 1977 TO:Planning Department FROM: Donald Monaghan SUBJECT:Louis G. Malesis 419-423 Wells Ave. S. The subject property will not require storm detention, since any new develop- ment will not increase the runoff. This division will require that the existing catch basin be modified to accommodate an oil separator. The water main in Wells Ave. is a sub standard 4" and will have to be replaced with an8" with hydrants added to -meet fire flow requirements for higher density zone. The condition of the existing 8" sewer in Wells Ave. may require some repair due to age. ClICEIVEb 0 AUG 10 1977 FFICE CORRESPONDENCE' DateH August 10, 1977 TO:Planning Department FROM: Donald Monaghan I SUBJECT:Louis G. Malesis 419-423 Wells Ave. S. The subject property will not require storm detention, since any new develop-ment will not increase the runoff. This division will .i-equire that the existing catch basin be modified to accommodate an oil separator. The water main in Wells Ave. is a sub standard 4" and will have to be replacedwitha18" with hydrants added to meet fire flow requirements for higher densityzone.i The condition of the existing 8" sewer in Wells Ave. may require some repairduetoage. i I III ,D O. I( kj.; 10 1977 iiiiiiiiil , 64 0El Na 0 0 11111\1 _D 0 § -10E1 goo va um err AV 1 ° I] ° 0 0 OD iiii3 000 : 1 an 0‘ D • ' tillI.,.. „.. .:_,i a......... itaftTft' D 0 C3 b 6 8 i Le El* 8* A A b 6 L 1111111ti -.-:- N1 /... . /.: :, AVE 5 • V%0 CIEISSElyq : Et1 2 tit' 1 Vti FT +1 - A imi 4-0 0 1 7- IIIIILA14‘ 0 .s 0 08t1818 66A ' . / •iii§ 6 kik P/61tiwAVO 5 1 d IA 0 Cil 01 I V`11 h. 11111 MMILj- i e 4" 611111.4, r1°. tai li ii 0EnID 1,64 ._i. II: hi H - \ . .:-:.4 - -- ---o--E3--->4*--0 . . - -- ----N----11 ----0 --- Li4:3 W ism-tAi AVE. 5. 0 . 0 x U I .1111 I_ I1fe-g61-ArE mcvammy . 405-4 .2 I 4 tw 1 f 1\ 40A ?ii MILL AVE 5.E i0Ii fit /1'.-7LAI4000Ia - 0 i& Do D100 030 D 0 II ri'" I in 1 1 ii r I- ift. A mis•me 111 • •,., `r-Fr-T T -I- T S.TOBINS ,I f^ 1 • e I a Elk'f'' ,-..., . L/B£RTY / 7-\\13.01 w 'hf' IWI_ u' ., PARK V I si P'p.m 4 V R 2 I1 S NIGH HR JNIGH ,'i , l' 0/a•aHIONNIGH R 1 =AM a0 h\ \ •SC moo,. SCNOOL •_ i le MI Wt. Mai l.) , 1'•mb am mawmow taan4cmdi,. r 5 "/ 4111h\„ PIIN ram N E rf am of Q _ A tisi)i ' Q • _ !m - no no / '—\ -- 0 VNerjr l'.. Ilirk-tP''' iiiiir IN lin—wig-al 1 4= --- ,\1 1 •':. " 6. © s.— ii ' ohm , s':‘‘", '''' •- ' TIMM i ... . ..ail/ 'i I- I t[._ ::I_ ._,,•, ,,,,, ...— 4 ------:\,.___\ 6. 01"---- i s . - _ - _:- '_ ___ lit anommo s. 1, 7,_ ,. 0 IOt m xI 7 PQ 5 B N1:1 ,I ! .9 G J\-II % Ca v ST R-3 ro 1//I. ® I zr is ,o .. I I I I a Ls a I I I ii ; N \N r S RENrOLI VILLAGE DL I R4 REZONE APPLICATION : R-1 TO R-4 LOUIS G . MALESIS : Appl . No . R-064-77 , Rezone from IR-1 to R-4 ; property located midway between South 5th Street ans South 4th Street on the' west side of Wekks Avenue South , directly across from the Renton School Administration Building . APPLICANT LOUIS G . MALESIS TOTAL AREA 11 , 500 Sq . Ft. PRINCIPAL ACCESS Wells Avenue South EXISTING ZONING R-1 EXISTING USE Vacated Parking Lot MultiPROPOSEDUSE Y Residential COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN High Density Multiple Residential COMMENTS E F I C E C O R R E S P O N IDI E N C E Date,. August 10, 1977 • I Tn:Planning Department FROM: Donald Monaghan SUBJECT:Louis G. Malesis 419-423 Wells Ave. S. The subject property will not require storm detention, since any, new develop-ment will not increase the runoff. This division w' 11 ;equirethat the existing catch basin be modified to accommodate r an. oil s'eparat r. i The water main in Wells Ave. is' a sub standard 4" 'end, Will have to be replacedwithan8" with hydrants added to meet fire flow req' i rements fqr higher density zone. The condition of the existing 8" sewer In Wells Ave may rewire some repairduetoage. 1•11 ,t117/1 I h I 1 G r r' ., may • ((CH'it O . FtL!...I v L \ j1977 I • 4 OpQ oo ° 0 11 ® Q] i I l D D oviewerr Ave s. jIDDO 0 . ol 000 ! fin 0 II`- I 00 68 IlMiglibtlAA ht3 1111111Tit- 1. AJ£ 5 .S 01r9VVWYluitlimil AI§ in 4. r6 11-12 A% 1 1 k4 ...... o v. r , ti `; Iet . I i 13 8AAta - -- -6 & & . ' -ii§ 6 v4111„ :,11.Aftmors...... W&L tiCe4*10 011111b6, E °1111111.111Enei4INg4M iviI iillik, in . , I 0=i)- _ .---- 1,-.1 0 1 Tm ‘ Alb.: 41an" . 1 itM1111 - -11-"' :\ '1 ,4) r -M_ C. n 4- }1-1 - --.4 % I -f tit i i - ILML. AVE 5 f I I 1 Q Q ppo pQt7 % 0 .0 a I r r 1 1 Ns r u in or 0. I 1101101001M00010 UMW" 10•01040005106411UMMC0001000ip EL: 1- 2 ' +.4 1. re ru._---j, ' 7'1-.-- gl Eg-..,4510 ---' 1-- / pl,, .1.41,,,f •., • : r, •iii, .117-7- 7_ _1 h -11 'iti i' ,, ,dej, ••• L.='.. , LhaERTY / B-1 I f-- tiii • '''''' h\ -' * . ' PRI)I I w, at, ., - , • mi= .., 1 R-21 S ENIOR JUNIOR II.• 211'• I SnOg L. S[413'0 L • Z. I- '-.'''' r.zeostr., ,,, s It ; Joao, simne psil h''''•,s,--. ._ N.,\,..........„--„. . . / / P I JD Y 111.412 - .' :Iiijir_: ?lox I pii)-iliti;iliflAmiri?'..‘ 1,rirgui 1 • ,; 1 ' 1_____ 1/ IIIITI 71 . I__ l'110:-riii idillit'. 1. Mir,Qrailitp 0, WW1"...„., .,..,,,,, :'! IIIIIII ,... L....., R- 11.9 -,v 3.-0, • .._,._-- -- - 1.4 ,.• „4 ;-. ' ' ' ...,, ,. j..../ , 1 , 1 . ..:.......... 1 .N,..._______------. I .! T 1 ! M.ri F'fili-TT Ff'''Fl '- •'.0[11117 1. 1 I FN. h 1 F iat ir 16-it 1:a7-i wr; ,-ag7LT....• '" L" t., ' W3 .11 \•.,, _;:. !AP . 11 , - i , .. ...,j2 Z•1,31''. : dmi4 . • . , dr c.--.- .• ..• ..! *• !! S I lit 1:4-"ilict''-' ' ',-3 .." t.:i-'-1-1 -! — , •••:!'t) .q 6 - 1-- mai i ma si ,\c_____ J-- ' , ' ,;_...'r, ._ Eir . 1 -H , !. .WM 0E11 , III MD ti:1 \ w,.. c.zEi miim• .19 ,z,F t z . t \ 4.0„.., 4- ,MO Mr NV 32 A ' i7p, 1 . ,1 .t_ r_. AT.::.,.-..-: aVII° Mile.1M, MIMI i3 ir• 'I M 7) 4--- • !-- r. : pig ;1le e 44,a. Ina - —1.'.11 i ,",., ‘ .,, a 1 „„„,., o• „ t !Li .=E,-,-_-__, rs.ss. Pl!`d •1 i; %it-7 [Thi ..• -II- 4' \ tr, W , t I 1 NMI Orizd A3 i I a v; . m csTaa-l- s \ 0 .. , .... s 1 I 17/ 1 .. z 7 i0 3 C. 1:::,-1;....-:!:.... 411 1--- iL— I 4 . 5 e7 i.,. ...u.+ .1.. , 1/ 3 40 •1 I I 1 a-- 1 C? i4 MU 1 h I , 1 r 00011 II 1 1 1.1 1 I / ./ 11,; I'til...H-.ft...lid I 1..''', 1 I I II N N I , 1- --• H EILAGE Pl. 7 A 1 1 .1 t 3 . 3 7. , • N N 1 ' ''''' -It R— SRNTOW VL il 1 .....- . s,„.. 1 .-. 5.• ' '. ' _,-,.. 5„.=.•-,,-. i I, 1 i ,_1•-•-----„- . r 4' ' — LI.i .:.-----t---. -dog Q' r •al, —- I , j I ,. I . ' ' .-' 4 I . d ' .' . I" . II, I REZONE APPIIDAfION : R-1 TO R-4 * LOUIS G . MALESIS : ; APpl . No . R-064-77, Rezone • from R-1 to R-4 ; property located midwayfteveOn South 5th Street anS South 4th Street on the west side of Wekks AVenue : South ,: directly across frolii, t4 Renton School AdministratiOn gUilding . i1 r 1 001000 1 1 APPLICANT , LOUIS G . MALESIS TOTAL AREA 11 , 500 Sq . Ft. PRINCIPAL ACCESS Wells Avenue South EXISTING ZONING R-1 1 EXISTING USE Vacated Parking Lot 1 PROPOSED USE , ,MUi ti -FaMi 1 Y Residenti4U, _ 1 • fii COMPREHENSIVE LANDi USE PLAN High Density Multiple esidential I —IT • COMMENTS 1 . 1 '! INTERDEPARTMENTAL REVIEW REMUEST TO : X % P BLIC WORKS DIRECTOR BUILDING DIVISION i k-ENGINEERING DIVISION Xa. TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DIVISION : X l UTILITIES DIVISION X cj FIRE DEPARTMENT HEALTH DEPARTMENT FROM : PLANNING DEPARTMENT MIKE SMITH,, Contact Person RE : LOUIS G. MALESIS REZONE REQUEST , '1- 1 to ! R-4, at 419-423 Wells Ave . S . Please review the attached information regarding '!the subject proposal and return it to the Planning Depa,rtme;nt by August 19 , 1977 w1 h your written 41recommendation . Your response will . be included as part of the staff report to the Hearing Examiner. : Thank you , 1 iJJ, PLANNING. D' PAf 1MENT 1 1 Date 8-8-77 I I I I h I A. o THE CITY OF RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 n ..u. CHARLES J. DELAURENTI, MAYOR • PLANNING DEPARTMENT o o 4 235-2550O,p T O SEP O August 5 , 1977 Louis A. Malesis 2822 N . E. 8th Place Renton , WA 98055 RE : NOTICE OF APPLICATION ACCEPTANCE AND PUBLIC HEARING DATE FOR APPLICATION FOR REZONE FROM R- 1 , SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL , 'TO R-4 , MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL , File No. R-064-77 ; property located between 417 and 425 Wells Avenue South Dear Mr: Malesis : The Renton Planning Department formally accepted the above mentioned-application--on August 1 , 1977 A public hearing before the City of Renton Hearing Examiner has been set for September 6 , 1977 at 9 : 00 a .m. . Representatives of the applicant are asked to be present . All interested persons are invited to attend the hearing . If you have any further questions , please call the Renton Planning Department, 235-2550 . Very truly. yours , Gordon Y . Ericksen Planning Director i, '-2 l i7 71 / // ,K.----,7 / . 27/7" Michael L . Smi th' Associate Planner wr cc : Woo & Park , Architects CITY OF RENTON REZONE APPLICATION h 13FOROFFICEUSEONLY tf LAND USE HEARING 't APPLICATION NO.R_z/"_ 77 EXAMINER 'S ACTION\\.••`%', V.APPLICATION FEE $ i O . - APPEAL FILED A RECEIPT NO . ! ;` U 7' / 7 CITY COUNCIL ACTION FILING DATE rf- a-y" •77 ORDINANCE NO. AND DATE HEARING DATE q- a, —177 APPLICANT TO COMPLETE ITEMS 1 THROUGH 10 : 1 . Name L 0 (213' 121 L 1S Phone 2_7_, ('7 2 7_ Address Zr'S ? 2 At, G, 3. Property petitioned for rezoning is located on j, ./ELL c 11 VL g n [ ' go2 1//and q-Z.3 4 . Square footage or acreage of property 6-00 5 . Legal description of property (if more space is required, attach a separate sheet)• 7- 0 i_S q - /.s Ali w 7 F ? E N 7 4 6 . Existing Zoning n — C Zoning Requested / — NOTE TO APPLICANT: The following factors are considered in reclassifying property. Evidence or additional information to substantiate your request may be attached to this sheet. (See Application Procedure Sheet for specific requirements . ) Submit this form in duplicate. 7. Proposed use of site /0 V M,1( 1 1 ( , 4 0 0 8. List- the measures to be -aken to reduce impact on the surrounding area. y?o f to it, -/ru.e_4 , i'1/,Pl i cis hm 'd i,t/d/ 0 /10;1f 0-0 /nil r, r',r aj - old th to c/inj u) r 11 AP, ft Ma Or r m p n0(-9 7O 9 . How soon after the rezone is granted do you intend to develop the site? 7 D // G , 10 . Two copies of plot plan and affidavit of ownership are required. Planning Dept. 1-77 AFFIDAVIT 4 1 I, 4 being duly sworn, declare that I - am the owner of the property involved in this application and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. SubscribtN and sworn before me this2v y of 1977 Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at 27//r6a.J., 1 Name of Notary Public) Signature of Owner) 0 . 5? 6 Address) 0Pa Address) r j24 Via' & tf City) State) 2- 6 6 -a Telephone) FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) CERTIFICATION This is to certifythat-,;:t-he foregoing application has been inspected by me and has been fo- ndPto, be' c'tiorough and complete in every particular and to conform to thef,raule`s nd regulations of the Renton Planning Department Jgoverningthe <failip:g -of` sucla' a,pplication . Date Receive `1 I , 19 By: 4e44: r"------- • 4r,s ' / lifpr Renton Planning Dept . 2-73 vc:?t-T,...r.At.. ',..6.4.,,,,,„10pte-. .f.124,,,911,14,3r,,LIMI.V, i . 1. 3.•-• r_7:, -:G- I •=lirIcr'l 4007-": -14. 2? av•i•,... It., . - ''...‹.-................. s. 4'...V,;/// ... ..1 WI L.-a'1. 1. 4....„. . / „V"NM t • •- 16 • ve• .--y . , 31 18_ 2( 3;11, 4 linil 1 • 135:,.,. ,•, 4-17 •'',''' r. . L? 314 / ' -4)-.'-----..,: i, , t.• ° 13 "---'-z 5 _., ; 7. 3- • ti.45 , 7 - - 7.-7'7. • I-- i '•/ . -'-",:.'„.\ -g,. 1.. 1.. - .-.9„•_ 57, s...•,kII,I,' ii,I3. t I...„,M.. r,.,,,V1' 3-1322M2-3-17--, C,-•.4L 3k 0 e!...../ L'./:1' c,-.., 1vi3,,, s a, lite/',,(' a.• b1 N t-( 22 ' i./.:.. i E • \• Ilt .•-! aN-ai 2 0_ 60 33007 .-,M 3 01 I \ 330 Igt'1.31 S. 1 I.'_ Zr..e% '`: gq . • 14 3'39 i MIIW. 7 io ,,, , 1 r.'•‘\\ . i..i •-ATONKIN PARKS yr 4 TH 1„,.._,,,,,,E, „,,,, ::.: ::: t:: Lii ____ 20 1.10 ° ; . 121. 5 i 45:717:74.L1 . , __I•i\s‘. \ f;•. 1 i • ST IP ( ....N .a . a .s 2 19 CD 1 9 VA. 7- 1.9 ..M2. li.) : , •..... _•(. 1- 6C 3I 18 3 3 18 M3 1-84--, 1--„-,-- la• 4--11" -17- w '... To70,...., Me - L11... 71..,N ooNATio A4 i L4-. i- 1 MIMI 4105 .'.16 10516to 1 igg 5 Is !El __ 5.- 1 •- ..., .----- 6- i'• 6 15 ri13.1 .M 6 4 •• lendall 111......• 6 Is BEI: 1:1 Edi 7 olIPT1.' 7. 140 : .;K •Ell 7' I e. / (i) $. , :4 MI lb,.• 7 14 0.• 14 !ff: ' 8- 11 .. 1 3.-tiii-.. . 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LTA. . 7. •, P11••• MEI 7 14 s-2.g. r- 8 13 Er.i 0 SI 13 FBI . _ran 8 ' 1g:.;„vq.I._ q I 0"'hil li g • Ill .: 8 - 13 Ita ,-..;El 9 12 [35 9 ! 12 Kg je?e ,4, ('ArA -0 3? -. 11- k i. ip 11 .2IEF „I, f•-0ENCIIEU rA 1. 4Ir 1 60 003E533071 .* 10 it El 44, L. L.I.•7• r:!-_d rz.0 El; • (.\--t 13 S.,1r 6Th67.* i. -- :i 1e.1 •\ I•t2 sc,,.4? .. 0 .3S cr n $ at/4 o‘ • - - 1 . •s•I I Egl as, .• so •i., • ri..21 y02 0 0 In' 6PI k • II' 0 1 rai .-4 35* • • 0) 0 ok s./t‘ vr' 12 ,H t,t, ,13 i. . . sO ()/ I ilia....... lir, P.. i'.........,. 19". 1•• 0 oi if„<,c•. rn%sr,.',,\•••. CkQi"' t(^, C--".. 4..3 11 LeI1.zZo- 203 9•5 A17c. / 4 A74111 iM•'8. j2i.. 3I s•..;-.., v• 7 tFi..•;?,,11152rd.us 702 6• , k. 6o kr 60 \,' I .18 Govt t10 1 i8s rOr.. Nvto,1riOi;rl,"l 1. A :5 .. 0?8 Ac. rz 24 -, N 0 T open ia.,-. 1 ....,.. 8 • PO6ET ..SONNO .7/2 73P 4.: -. Z .:. .:. I ,--7------------POlia R . tn.mr co. 12 20 • ATLAS OF SEATTLE -REPRODUCTION IN WI PLANNING DEPARTMENT CHECK • Applicant G00/5 /44L5/5 Application for_ Location 4-/ 5 -- 4 z 3 p/(U5 A tiY6_ S . Checked by Date Received Date Released l Zoning 0 Use 5 r 1-1 Adjacent Uses -/, 73P, 12-- j • Front -Yard 7i Regd . Q r • Rear Yard S • Regd. Side-Yard - g Reqd . o Side Yard 8 Reqd . o Bui.hdang ;Height 2-7/ r Reqd. 40 L.ot.-=Area f/, Se00 Regd . Lot._. Coverage 75l ( 41 /) Regd . 3.51 Lot width 00 Regd . Lot ;Depth - Regd. Density Regd . Landscaping Screening Parking Areas : Stall, width Reqd .7 Stall Length /v Reqd . O I i Aisle Width Reqd . LJ Landscaping Screening Access a 2- 1. Location of proposal (describe the physical setting of the proposal , as well as the extent of the land area affected by any environmental impacts , including any other information needed to give an accurate understanding of the environ- mental setting of the proposal ) : 4I(.-41,3'_1 Sv. , 1DT J .tS AU.. J of I situ c1 i_TAIMI)42 14T_ ae s 0 a - aft. 8. Estimated date for completion of the proposal : 9. List of all permits , licenses or government approvals required for the proposal federal , state and local --including rezones) : 10. Do you have any plans for future additions , expansion, or further activity related to or connected with this proposal? If yes , explain : 11 . Do you know of any plans by others which may affect the property covered by your proposal ?' If yes , explain: NOI 12. Attach any other application form that has been completed regarding the pro- posal ; if none has been completed , but is expected to be filed at some future date, describe the nature of such application form: II . ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS Explanations of all "yes" and "maybe" answers are required) 1) Earth. Will the proposal result in : a) Unstable earth conditions or in changes in geologic substructures? YES MAYBE NO b) Disruptions, displacements , compaction or over- covering of the".soil? YES MAYBE NO c) Change in topography or ground surface relief features? YES MAYBE N d) The destruction, covering or modification of any unique geologic o.r physical features? YES MAYBE NO e) Any increase in wind or water erosion of soils , x.either on or off the site? YES MAYBE NO f) Changes in deposition or erosion of beach sands , or changes in siltation, deposition or erosion which may modify the channel of a river or stream or the bed of the ocean 'or any bay, inlet or lake? YES MAYBE NO Explanation: CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORM M• fr,' 4z ; FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Application No. Environmental Checklist No. EC - (p l - /7 PROPOSED, date: FINAL , date : Declaration of Significance L...J Declaration of Significance DDeclaration of Non-Significance Q Declaration of Non-Significance COMMENTS: • Introduction The State Environmental Policy Act of 1971, Chapter 43.21C, RCW, requires all state and local governmental agencies to consider environmental values both for their own actions and when licensing private proposals . The Act also requires that an EIS be prepared for all major.actions significantly affecting the quality of the environment. The purpose of this checklist is to help the agencies involved determine whether or not a proposal is such a major action. Please answer the following questions as completely as you can with the information presently available to you. Where explanations of your answers are required, or where you believe an explanation would be helpful to government decision makers , include your explanation in the space provided , or use additional pages if necessary. You should include references to any reports or studies of which you are aware and which are rele- vant to the answers you provide. Complete answers to these questions now will help all agencies involved with your proposal to undertake the required environmental review with- out unnecessary delay. The following questions apply to your total proposal , not just to the license -for which - you are currently applying or the proposal for which approval is sought. Your answers should include the impacts which will be caused by your proposal when it is completed, even though completion may not occur until sometime in the future. This will allow all of the agencies which will be involved to complete their environmental review now, with- out duplicating paperwork in the future. NOTE: This is a standard form being used by all state and local agencies in the State of Washington for various types of proposals . Many of the questions may not apply to your proposal . If a question does not apply, just answer it "no" and continue on to the next question. ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORM I . BACKGROUND 1 . Name of Proponent La,)13_ t, _Nktoe'51 2. Address and phone number of Proponent : 2Zg-WaZZ 3. Date Checklist submitted 1/17/17 4. Agency requiring Checklist lilte'( OFgetiCOO____40106, P Aeri( 5. Name of proposal , if applicable : 6. Nature and brief description of the proposal (including but not limited to its size, gener-al design elements, and other factors that 'will give an accurate understanding of -its scope and natur e szieles ylit.. Ryg41)b012 lo_eittes 2 sus AfA 271JT Alms l BzgJM UJrts toz 2- sOroe,, uurrs ?est thew, 4- 5) Fauna. Will the proposal result in: a) Changes in the diversity of species , or numbers of any species of fauna (birds , land animals including reptiles , fish and shellfish, benthic organisms , insects or microfauna)? YES MAYBE NO b) Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered species of fauna?x YES MAYBE NO c) Introduction of new species of fauna into an area , or result in a barrier to the migration or movement koffauna? YES MAYBE NO d) Deterioration to existing fish or wildlife habitat? YES MAYBE NO Explanation: 6) Noise. Will the proposal increase existing noise levels? pc YES MAYBE NO Explanation: ti,'_—t 16_ _ b_ 0 W VIN& to Vete Dort 7) Light and Glare. Will the proposal produce new light or glare? YES MAYBE NO Explanation: ---WW1 Fa'__vidITS_4,tluicorog, PgT 61Alte few mows 8) Land Use. Will the proposal result in the alteration of the present or planned land use of an area? , YES MAYBE I N' E_x p i a n a t i o n: ._OW+A/vC-O'S t .. tom!--ituka- v'S.O 9) Natural Resources. Will the proposal result in : a) Increase in the rate of use of any natural resources? YES MAYBE NO b) Depletion of any nonrenewable natural resource? YES MAYBE NO Explanation: 1 Qg_ 4 Lyng- 10) Risk of Upset; Does the proposal involve a risk of an explosion or the release of hazardous substances (including , but not limited to, oil , pesticides , chemicals or radiation) in the event of an accident or upset conditions? YES MAYBE NO Explanation: 11) Population. Will the proposal alter the location, distri- bution, density, or growth rate of the human population of an area? YET- MAYBE N Explanation: ry 3- 2) Air. Will the proposal result in: a) Air emissions or deterioration of ambient air quality? YES MAYBE NO b) ,The creation of objectionable odors? vES MAYBE NO c) Alteration of air movement, moisture or temperature, or any change in climate, either locally or regionally? k YES MAYBE NO Explanation: 3) Water. Will the proposal result in: a) Changes in currents , or the course of direction of water movements , in either marine or fresh waters? YES MAYBE NO b) Changes in absorption rates, drainage patterns , or the rate and amount of surface water runoff? YES MAYBE NO c) Alterations to the course or flow of flood waters? YES MAYBE NO d) Change in the amount of surface water in any water body? YES MAYBE NO e) Discharge into surface waters , or in any alteration surface water quali-ty, including but not limited to temperature, dissolved oxygen or turbidity?k _ YES MAYBE NO f) Alteration of the direction or rate of flow of Xgroundwaters? YES MAYBE NO g) Change in the quantity of ground waters , either through direct additions or withdrawals , or through Xinterceptionofanaquiferbycutsorexcavations? YES MAYBE NO h) Deterioration in ground water quality, either through direct injection, or through the seepage of leachate, phosphates , detergents , waterborne virus or bacteria ,X or other substances into the ground waters? YES MAYBE NO i ) Reduction in the amount of water otherwise available k for public water supplies? YES MAYBE NO Explanation: 4) Flora. Will the proposal result in: a) Change in the diversity of species , or numbers of any species of flora (including trees, shrubs , grass , crops , 4(microflora and aquatic plants)? YES MAYBE NO b) Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or kendangeredspeciesofflora? YES MAYBE NO c) Introduction of new species of flora into an area, or in a barrier to the normal replenishment of existing species? YES MAYBE WU— d) Reduction in acreage of any agricultural crop? x Yam- MAYBE NO Explanation: 6- d) Sewer or septic tanks? YES MAYBE NO e) Storm water drainage? YES MIT NU- f) Solid waste and disposal? X YES MAYBE NO Explanation: 17). Human Health. Will the proposal result in the creation of any health hazard or potential health hazard (excluding mental health)? V MAYBE W Explanation: 18) Aesthetics. Will the proposal result in the obstruction of any scenic vista or view open to the public, or will the proposal result in the creation of an aesthetically offensive site open to public view? YES MAYBE NO Explanation: 19) Recreation. Will the proposal result in an impact upon the kqualityorquantityofexistingrecreationalopportunities? YES MAYBE NO Explanation: 20) Archeological/Historical . Will the proposal result in an alteration of a significant archeological or historical xsite, structure, object or building? YES MAYBE NU— Explanation: III . SIGNATURE I , the undersigned, state that ,to the best of my knowledge the above information is true and complete. It is understood that the lead agency may withdraw any decla- ration of non-significance that it might issue in reliance upon this checklist should there be any willful misrepresentation or willful lack of full disclosure on my part. Proponent: '1`% 9 f•( rSign"ed)e name printed) City of Renton Planning Department 5-76 5- 12) Housing. Will the proposal affect existing housing, or create a demand for additional housing? YES MAYBE NO Explanation: 13) Transportation/Circulation. Will the proposal result in: a) Generation of additional vehicular movement? YES MAYBE NO b) Effects on existing parking facilities, or demand for new parking? YES MAYBE NO c) Impact upon existing transportation systems? YES MAYBE NO d) Alterations to present patterns of circulation or xmovementofpeopleand/or goods? YES MAYBE NO e) Alterations to waterborne, rail or air traffic? YES MAYBE NO f) Increase in traffic hazards to motor vehicles , bicyclists or pedestrians? YES RIFTE NO Explanation: 14) Public Services. Will the proposal have an effect upon, or result in a need for new or altered governmental services in any of the following areas : a) Fire protection? YES MAYBE NO b) Police protection? YES MAYBE NO c) Schools? YES MAYBE NO d) Parks or other recreational facilities? 3< YES MAYBE NO e) Maintenance of public facilities , including roads? K( YES MAYBE NO f) Other governmental services? K YES MAYBE NO Explanation: 15) Energy. Will the proposal result in : a) Use of•substantial amounts of fuel or energy? YES MAYBE NO b) Demand upon existing sources of energy, or require the development of new sources of energy? YES Explanation: 16) Utilities. Will the proposal result in a need for new systems, or alterations to the following utilities : a) Power or natural gas? YES MAYBE NO b) Communications systems? YES MAYBE NO c) Water? k YES MAYBE NO ENDING OF FILE A a FILE TITLE if 7.7,qe5 , 7/ f t4gtiI tipy, 1 MICROFILLID