HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA77-065I I 1 tl-Imo-d5 •op/ iwidrod 7p120.45 I 1 thb3 Xi* QViv ntnyri 1 1 1 lif AVritn 1007 1 1-1V20 1 I 1 I ii I 4 I1 WO 1I .10. Hi i immummil it 0 I I I 1 1 6.14 1 f , Iti AD i0 7 Dal dA 1 S g rl1xu g Ow l'iics r• 4 ti. v• r• co* Awinbtoi H 014410tit 0519 2; 1 b. z . - - • . \ t I) 0,..t...00. . 0.1------- Po x •••-:-\\. N\ N\ rA 4 I vt 140 4 -0 41r" 07 Loom 1 u i•VIA o, ....• 14 Atilf '• 40,01 0 , I . 4 0-, . vo2iiint 1 1 1 vh, d fe.W ..1,spicY2 -2 0 Ord tad ilr'd 71;121.100(ml % 1 k- Nolilti teg 1 amillii J S. W- 7N— - 1: TB_i131.it 1 -- - - ova- so i-.. I v i oipZ E T R I A.....,.:::::. r\ I-—— —-- — R„ - ,, %... III1111111111U 111!IV F1c c--, Jiiiir ! mSALN`- ' P' A I • 1W 011kil-III• ° 1111111: F•l111111111111111:1 ;: n q11 flll 1 ILr..1 (: -;j 11;1ijtIUI1i7ll.".R—3 s I-14111 f ;I ,r1ol, l 111g1 3I II .I II II. d ow 111 ll MOIL i 1pn'0 I ;oti Pre I , 9111111._ in=n tat 1.40 1 1 W1: Tui'L% i*. !TP1tt , -5,--:: 14 1 T T.- Y T 1 _ - ' _--1.,' t- _- , ,... ,eg,j_t_r.bi.P. ., --:.-tj.1:.;.-:44 011 IlLin .1 tsli* 1;..p -.Ifi'r.:-t' 4+-„1 ;j:l_-{'1'4 Igi y p,V G 1 I I YY \ flY r I F r . f' Sim i ` n I ; 1 ao 1 4l - •1. 1,. Ia w I 1 - l - -• _ - ;. - _1 Ir Q yIF' W i4.. ,' . . l :..: W.-. f..--•-14, ' ->!l > :.i 0 f T Imo.: . --•lI _ .. _ I: i I111 444-V1 Mk ALER 044 TION LA.1M• . - I— 7 w. 71 _ _ _IL Li II 0 1 I I Q d h h 1 , I I I i r w V L po i I I i ' Ii ' s : E- REZONE APPLICATION ; AND SPECIAL USE PERMIT APPLiICATION : i MALIBU GRAND PRIX CORPORATION : Appl . No . R-065-77 , rezone from GS-1 to B-1 ; special ,Uase permit in a B-1 zone ; ; property located between FAI-405 and S . W. Grady Way directly west of the existing Cummins Diesel facility . I APPLICANT MALIBU GRAND PRIX CORP . TOTAL AREA. ± 5. 7 Acres i PRINCIPAL ACCESS S . W. Grady Way EXISTING ZONING B-1 and GS-1 EXISTING USE Undeveloped 1 PROPOSED USE Commercial Recreational COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN Manufacturing Park 1 I 1 I COMMENTS I• I 1 1 1 1 r ehri..4=1 T. f.Ai'LI fobL____. 3 i6cIb f A - II ?AU PIG COAsfr 6r 4 00 * 1.. o° I voi ts ,• A oki , , 1 i 0e i 1 ,y I Yob 1 &1 I 801 1.01101110111. 11.111\\7111171 ,C4, 1 i eta Nicripa I 4b5 . A 11 4.0 ; isio40. 1 N Er r 2 li I . I ANON ming WEIL al!" 1 04.° t I 0 0 ii 40. 1 , .I I AIIE.Zpo' I v8 Jf, Prig %%% 1Bf E iIO. ¢-,040--77 i iI 1 1--- 0---____- 1 2.:_:___--- -_----...,(v-_..";;--_- .--=------ f-k C., _....--ss\0 :.--.. Ft..AtI9B-sC --1-,-T--------- G mg- 1 \ I V\ • 5 P.E- TiPROPOSED- S REET . _ A. AT or.„-;--ii ---- _ isigioni f_;0-4-Lool'IL-------- ----V-•-•-° -7. . it„.T.,-- .• . .1 - - -1). 60. c. i• c„kr...t..) ir. gg 0.111117--: • -_ ,,j---t-J----k so A\--0 • -- . • I tilflifiTill' 'C., -7si•1_.T itrl..."0.1r0ii, 00 ii--1,- i pin-, <, , , I -,-- 1 I . ! j„,-- z '.1 , , _.1 1 sal..r ri 7 di 7-_/ 7-------::. 7---------------:7-----7-:::----- 4"-'D -"_---------- J 1 . ' j: 1'''' • N,1.---1" I • 0 y IQ- 1- s. 5 4, 17 i 1,9::i 0...:I; i 2. 3 0- 1- I J. • zr 1 1:-.-i4 ' 1._ 1 te-Lit. — 5.,./.i filimi111;11:: I Lii! in 1111111 ! III ' 1111_1151_111LiJr1-11-1-1-1-1W 1-- 11 -:i— — !-- -7— /-----::::< il r--_-.-,-,-.; .;-7--;---t--- - 1-7...7---zfr.--i---:- 1/1 I t- -;- -- d - 3(.. J. . D....i!.,..7-2.7: AT:-7R-0. P0-SED STREET. VACATION I ARE EVIOUSLY VACATE011 BY OROIA10.2475 . NORTH 1-- i II 1 I1'1 1DAEfiERDO . T1ON. Ct-A1M 1---1. IUIi It I .U 0 i SCALEr II= 400'ea — t: C I I 0 2 j 1 • I k 1 . 6 1 CC CC1CC w cvW 0 ill I • k k i----' 14 — ----.+—",•7: — 1 CITY 'CLERK ' S OFFICE INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Larry Warren, City Ai,:torriey DATE : LieIn. 8, 1973 FROM: Del Mead, C lerk Rezoi Grady Way, between OaLsdale SW and Ray3lcruiAAve. S e-.) Malibu Grand Prie,z, Inc. We attach rezone, special permit and appeal files R-065-77 and SP-067-77. The Hearing Lzaminer has previously approved rezone of the above-referencec property, however, no Ordinance was adopted by the Council, tole effect the zoning change. The Hearing Examiner feels the rezone should be consummated. A new buyer has shown interest i1,1 the property and Rick does not feel he should have to re-hear that rezone again. Will you please advise of any possible alternate procedure that might properly be taken. Thanks for your opinion in the matter. Yours very truly, CITY OF Itimou Delores A. Mead, C.N.C. City Clerk DAM/st Attachment oz6.2J-)7 4. (), • Renton City...COUnci 1 •„ 9/1 8/78 page 4 ., Ordinances and. Resolutions.,":COnti First Reading- • The WayS'. and Means Coniiiittee.::i.,...'0,CO,*-erided..f.1.,rtt,•read.i.ng,•• of an. •-••.• Horan Rights •- limiting terms Amendment • of. 0,ff TCe,for •the'..Human Rights and Affairs C'Oniiission,.Meflbers. MOVED .BY. STREDICKE;...SECONO.,,.:1H0k0f/.,..REF.,Eh:-.10h0INANCE,':8ACK LID #307 • I.• The Ways and Means Committee subjecto of. Consultants Street Improvement f Or.; L be referred.tO':.the Administration' for .appropri.ate Raymond Ave: _SW action and; Utilities.. Committee., MOVED' BY, STREDICKE,•;.SECOND CLYMER, CONCUR IN COMMFTTEE.. REPORT. CARRIED Rezone R-065-77 j The Ways and Means- Comm. 'ittee":„reported•:-.-,thati.;an•Inquiry has been made Grand Prix re property."'contained,-1n referredRezone request .R-965,77.and l.Special SP-067-77, ffMa1i,bu.:- to Ways and Means cIpminthei•Committee, however,originally tter abandoned 'by,the -aPP.11-tan,t-Wnen,!;',.the,•:.,SpeCi t was: not a pprOVed;,',....::;;,,i,;,„J-,'• and that the committee', retOrwiends..;that:any;:,new application.for rezone must follow Oe'AP.1*'05.0)ate,'-:'4601"ng application procedures MOVED BY2.3HORPE cOUNCI..L.'.•CONc0h.s...111,.COMMITTEE REPORT'. CONSENT AGENDA The following yitems appear•On the Consent Agenda,: are considered. by: 'al 1.. Council.:MetrtherV;•.;an4.-adopted by one motion which'. follows items Police Auction'Letter 'froth Police -Chi ef 'Darby.-..4nriounce4, •pol ce..--Department Auction' 7:00 p,m Tuesday 9/26/78 unclaimed property Information. v.': • ." Proclamation Proclamation.:Of Mayor Delaurenti declared Fire Prevention Wee 10/8 thrOUgh-'-10/ Proclamation of Mayor Delaurenti declaedImunization Action for • the.•Month'.of. October Concur Damages Claims'Claims for ,,Damages led,‘:.by and, . by,Eugene R. • •!•,.,• Methven.,...-131,6•Monroe 1and: ..r10.:blasting•dam- age .a 1 legedly..due,',..•.to..s.:C.ontraCtOr,',:)tiai.. .::,iqaterto!Ner ., Refer to City Attorney and• Insurance Carrier Claim for Damages Richard N Scott, 14234;,1 69th. SE, 2 •i ng. damage;duettd:.:.exposed manhole cover. "•",:Refer City Attorriev;i:,,,;.....:, An& Insurance Carrier Consent Agenda - MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND SHINPOCH,:...:-,CopN41. .;CONCUR-:IN, :CONSENT; Approved.•AGENDA. AMEN DI NG,,MOT, STREDIC1cE I NG ITEM' BE:,CONS I DERED,'):SEPAOICARRIED'. MOTI0N AS AMENDED Bi-d Opening ".2 One .bidwasrec'eived at the 9/13/78 bid opening for surplus restau- Surp1,us .Equipment rant equi-pment.I.,-,,••••MOVE.D. hr.:STRE.P.IGIE,,,..;--..i..:::gCOND.::,S.HANE,.;'.,:;..gI,UNI.L REJECT BID RECEIVED.':" ;-(Seen,',,„.',attiChed:_,f.',•tabOtatiOn,) qkkaltp-4 :-. :(ipon..,.jriA0,1*::,-,:v• ,:6'..:1...:i. ...A,. P1 anni ng bi re6 tor JEr-iCkseii.,.,,:hOteC.$1.400,0•:VajUe.'•,..{, MOVED BY THORPE, SECOND.'SHANEi REFER MATTER OF THE SURPLUS RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT TO THE4DMINISTRATION4TO4pTEFOINg0Itt- NbApit0,0S11-40,1:,MCARIRAgeN44 CORRESPONDENCE Letter.'Planning Commission' Planning presented,the:;.ConimtS-SIOnT-Anntial :ikePervf.Or!:-.,the?••year: 1977-78 Ordinance No Thedescribes projecLs t-ompl during the past year, -gi progress on continuing prOgranis,:,and sets,Annual -Report.-: 1977-78 priorities. for work';:to,-,be,...Litidertaken.:„..1n,;thenear,,TlItUre. Councilman. Perry called attentionto:';Fage:,:t8,: apd-'319,,,::.Rlann:tng.,i,,Comrpssi on Priori- ties: Completion rant of'the City; ti onalr 'pri Ori ti,es1,‘for consideration: Review.of Comprehensive Plan for northeast. quadrant of the City, north and south areas, northwest quadrant; Review of Subdivision..,' MOVED.BY',PERRY.;. SECOND"tLYMERi; c0,uNgtOE,QU(ST,'s..T4E'"PLANNING.COMMISSION'.; •,:,, e- o ‘617741, EC7 1 r` WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT SEPTEMBER .18 , 1978 GRAND PRIX REZONE An inquiry has been made regarding the property that was contained in the Request for Rezone #R-065-77 and Request for Special Permit #SP-067-77 by Malibu Grand Prix Corp. The matter was originally referred to the Ways and Means Committee, however, it was abandoned by the applicant when the Special Permit was not approved. Therefore, it is the recommendation of the Ways and Means Committee that any new application for rezone must follow the appropriate zoning application procedures . i5( Richard S'tredicke, Chairman Barbara Shinpoch George Perry 1,-.;-,----*•;;',ce,,q, 1.-.2-•,,,,-4,,,z,,,:,,,-;;.:,:?;,-..:i., •'-‘",,,',-,•,-X--,?,-)R--.ii-,.°--,-;-,,,:.,.,,-..,.. .,,,,,..•:-..t...::-...,.--.,:.,,..---,•:-..-_•---. c,•.,-".----.-'-:-.--:....-.....:•. ...:„ . . -"•-.. .:-------,,' 7'..-•....,'•-•-„...`,:,..-;,"„A-',-,4,,e1-,-,4 i .!,,,, ,,,;'....„-- :- , ","..;',;:--;,--1';'"'4:::•-. .'.,.'.:. , . .,...-.--,..:„: ;;•-•;--,-, ... 4q.,'.'"c.,P,-;."- ,:",-,-;, -.'•"-,, i-;:,,e7, ,-,:---:, ,, ,,;;-',.,' ,-,;:-',, ,'"•"i',,,.-,,,,`,,••'.•,,,,-,-,-;.f.;.:,. ,,, . ,-;;I:;,..---,:. ,..-', .:.'. •'-.,-..... .;. .-- -,.,.: -,.,--•,..-.;-. ,',..--:,-,?..,..,,,-,- r.--,?,:;;kg...,_* r,•-;,,,,---....., J.,,,,,,,,..-;;-...,,,,-....=,,,.,..,,:„..,,,,,,,,,:-,,:,,,,,i,....,,,,:-.,. - .:,,.,.,,,,-,.:,t,.,!..-...-..,..:- •-.,-- 1..,-,:,;-;:,..,":':.•-:',..-,-.,(t*,,,i'.,-,,-,,,,',!:';‘,:-.-1,,,,-.,,,:_,:---,,,,,....:,.....,!:::::„.n.;,,,,,,,,:.,,,,,,,,,,-4,,, ,,, :j,, ,...,41,,,;?.... ..,;,_,.....,,..-... 4.-- '4''''.!---. !,',.:::',",'-'-':-';',- -,',I•-•-• -r:,---0.-•:-;-,:',;...•--,:.,-t-. .-.•-'T,..,-,•-•,','.',..:. •e,,1,-..-:',..--."..:-..--,,,.;';:,%-,- -:,-;:;;-,-,....;•: y,!:,:c.:,,-...-:,,,,, z-,,..,.-., ,,,:..-.,-,-;:---,... ,,,.•;-,;,:.,,-;.........,:...:::-. ..,,,,,..:,•:-."-,, si-,---,•,..,:.,:::.--..::.,;;-_-,r••;„--,.,.. ,- . . ,--;., --,,.. ,--,.!;',;" ;:',:;`'.. 2, 1;:,!,,,,,14,,,72; 4-,,..:.:e.'.'':1.''',''''...'i.',.',''.. 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I.;'...Y...- ,'...,,,,,, • '. .-. - ';--- ; • - :. • LI 1 . Rezone77, i al Permit 7FileClosed' 11/21/7 i SO,.067-77 -spec i.,..,,-,,•-• MR-a...6111)5u_ Grand Prix Inc. f.,:,.-‘,,..-: Hi story, 1' c Prospective- or Priz, n , along Grady Way, Special Permit Malibu Grand 1 forandalsoapplied buyer of subject property, reflect filed application forfor rezone for this :propert ., located bev,twdefenifiles dsod•alneo.tS.r A,--.,,, d iving skill Raymond Ave'. So. , r r , tO•B-1 Classification,. On the applications. waswhichdecision Midget racerace' ca actual fee-ti tle owners the special permit • s of , facility on the site. Record 4•,-,„, -,-.-',".;, denied any signatures 2,,,,..,,•,-,---..,. Co TheHe a r itnoge fl. City Council . adopted by the .Council, Examiner ld lby the was approved the rezone but appealed and. uphe tee) Permit?and thus no Development Commit rezone was contingentrup on approval J.,--•.,-,: bf-.:-..thO 'SpecialOrdinanceThe was receivedeffecttii ' Z'Ontng• change.(11'er.Planning and Dev, im'i- was subsequentlyTheland- sale L ' dropped and -r10 further i,,•- regardingrega - matter••g the 1 word . 4.,...,::&,..-,.s.-• s 1 n .' 's now -expres ns GS 1 A,new buyer -1 . . , h' resently remains' ' g interest and has raised unconditionally a question. of status onally of.'t•he:•zontng whl c P does not•n4 ExaminerThe -fleari 1,,t,,,,y/.-.4.744, wish to re-hear this InatterS, i t was Atant0O.,„....„..i i P.,..!,-.:n 1 7,4i,..4., 03,tvio 1,114-.,04 Nw,,,,,, r` f r t OF R4, A Z OFFICE OF THE:, CITY`ATTORNEY• RENTON,WASHINGTON.•" I• POST OFFICE BOX626 100'2nd AVENt1E BUILDING '• RENTON.wASHINGTON 98055 255-8678 I ' 'i' LAWRENCE;:J.WARREN, CITV'_ATTONNEY.:; DANIEL KELLOGG, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY'' :':;':''• 15Ab q g' September 14 1978 . 9T,D SEPI MEMORANDUM - " TO. Del Mead, 1 City Clerk.: FROM: Lawrence J, Warren, 'City'4=A:ttorney Re: Rezone of Property on::.S;W `Grady;Way filed-'.by Malibu Grand Prix, Inc Dear Del Since the property i'ri--question '.was'''determined-"to be rezoned to another classification by the ,Hear ng:"'Examiner",. and;"the appeal was not pursued by Malibu Grand Prix, the ,proper=ty therefore should be rezoned by ,the :' appropriate :Ordinance':: The.;•_only ';Other;'.alternati-ve is for ..the applicant - or the property.`'owner.r:';-to request;.;'that the.:rezone. .application be withdrawnr. Anticipating: th'at' the :Ci.ty Council.:;wil:l rezone•. the :property, we will prepare `the necessary Ordinanc:e,- ' III aa`` fVC-' - i; /^`/:' i r',,:Lawrenn ce J 'L,W rren LJW:'nd J 1:: SA r. III fie,•t 1+ 1: OF R4, ti a - w O OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY e RENTON,WASHINGTON Es-YAnA POST OFFICE BOX 626 100 2nd AVENUE BUILDING • RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 255-8678 n ® £ `I ^ LAWRENCE J.WARREN, CITY ATTORNEY DANIEL KELLOGG, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY0ACO 09g7-D SEP0-0e September 15 , 1978 MEMORANDUM TO: Del Mead, City Clerk FROM: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Re: Rezone Ordinance - Malibu Grand Prix. Dear Del: Enclosed please find the original of a proposed Ordinance as above captioned. Please have the legal description verified. Lawrence J. WArren LJW:nd Encl. cc: Ways and Means Committee Mayor Council President Public Works Dept. CITY OF RENTON , WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO . AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTIES WITHIN THE CITY OF RENTON FROM GENERAL CLASSIFICATION DISTRICT (GS-1) TO BUSINESS DISTRICT (B-1) WHEREAS under Chapter 7 , Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 known as the "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" , as amended, and the maps and reports adopted in conjunction therewith, the property hereinbelow described has heretofore been, zoned as General Classification District (GS-1) ; and WHEREAS a proper petition for change of zone classification of said property has been filed with the Planning Department on or about July 29 , 1977,which petition was duly referred to the Hearing Examiner for investigation, study and public hearing, and a public hearing having been held thereon on or about September 6 , 1977, and said matter having been duly considered by the Hearing Examiner and said zoning request being in conformity with the City' s Comprehensive Plan, as amended, and the City Council having duly considered all matters relevant thereto, and all parties having been heard appearing in support thereof or in opposition thereto, NOW THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I : The following described property in the City of Renton is hereby rezoned to Business District (B-1)as hereinbelow specified; subject to the findings , conclusions and decision dated September 29, 1977 of the City' s Hearing Examiner; the Planning Director is hereby authorized and directed to change the maps of the Zoning Ordinance, as amended, to evidence said rezoning, to-wit: 0 Lots 21 through 41 in Block 41 of C. D. Hillman' s Earlington Gardens Addition to the City of Seattle, Division No. 1 as per plat recorded in volume 17 of plats on page 74, records of King County Said property located between FAI-405 and S .W . Grady Way directly west of the existing Cummons Diesel facility) SECTION II ; This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval and five days after its publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this day of September, 1978 . Delores A. Mead, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this day of September, 1978 . Charles J . Delaurenti, Mayor Approved as to form; Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney • Date of Publication: INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO : L`5t: WORKS DEPARTMENTAR!M.,_,+.1 DATE : "72,'1 .; a. FROM: Del Mead, City Clerk RE : Ordinances and Resolutions L LoNE ORDINANC.J:1 KALX J G i MD P IZ We attach Resolution (s ) and/or Ordinances (s) which have been prepared by the City Attorney. Please verify content , legals , description and general location of the improvements and return to this office for further processing and presentation to the Legislation Committee. rr At' OF R4,, 0 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY• RENTON,WASHINGTON POST OFFICE BOX 626 100 2nd AVENUE BUILDING • RENTON. WASHINGTON 98055 255-8678 MI 00 LAWRENCE J.WARREN, CITY ATTORNEY DANIEL KELLOGG, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY 9,0 Go' oq September 14 , 1978 gTFO SEPI0 MEMORANDUM TO: Del Mead, City Clerk FROM: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Re: Rezone of Property.:'onSW 'Grady Way filed by Malibu Grand Prix, Inc . Dear Del: Since the property in question was determined to be rezoned to another classification by the Hearing Examiner, and the appeal was not pursued by Malibu Grand Prix, the property therefore should be rezoned by the appropriate Ordinance. The only other alternative is for the applicant or the property owner to request that the rezone application be withdrawn. Anticipating that the City Council will rezone the property, we will prepare the necessary Ordinance .2 0 44, Lawrence J. lW rren LJW:nd File Closed 11/21/77 Malibu Grand Prix Inc. R-065-77, Rezone SP-067-77 Special Permit History, Malibu Grand Priz, Inc, Prospective buyer of subject property, filed application for rezone for this property located along Grady Way, between Oaksdale S.W. and Raymond Ave. So. , to B-i Classification, and also applied for Special Permit for Midget race car driving skill facility on the site. Record files do not reflect any signatures of actual fee title owners on the applications. The Hearing Examiner approved the rezone but denied the special permit which decision was appealed and upheld by the City Council . The rezone was contingeWupon approval of the Special Permit?and thus no Ordinance was adopted by the Council to effect the zoning change.(Per Planning and Development Committee) The land sale was subsequently dropped and no further word was received regarding the matter. A new buyer is now expressing interest and has raised a question of status of the zoning which presently remains GS-1. The Hearing Examiner does not wish to re-hear this matter,as it was unconditionally granted. it 3, 1-City Cou w h 7nfvy" ton. yPagemay17 bu ed'-to- all •1'- AGENDA foa.low ien' '.,Consent:'A` en"da- aems.. prev i ousl-y,di stri tCONSENTThe9. , . .._,.. .. ..,,9." Council"Members;',area_cons=idered`routi ne and',are "enacted by° one• motion ' . unless, removed,:by ;Counc; l: act:i-on.`ufor separ:ate.`:consideration. i ter from`James'.-R'r:'Mc',C1'el)and ;<Presi'dent",,' ,Ro1'l'i n ,Hills• `Vi l•l ageRollng`.Hills Let 9`,.. Homeowners re • Homeowners:::Associatlon` `>>;Rent,p-.;-(-re uestedCouncil`.,decla,rer-90-day multi Com rehens i ve f ami,ly..,building ;permi t`';morator::;um' i;n:the;.area<;::'sou'th: of -Renton Hi'l 1 ..or. unti'1'-the:,'Renton,`R'1`annn' J Commtisai:'on',,can.,compi.ete`,the,Comp.rehensi,ye,.;`;,. _.ri Moratorium • Plan. nevi:ew The ;:).',etter'`]: .s,ted'sthe:, area as gen_eral•ly 'b'ounded.: by•;.theL Puget Power'-tran'SM10si'on>:ri.'ght-of:=way:;on the':.North, Benson-:Rd.` on j West Puget':Dri.ve':on. South:• and,:Edmonds Awe:'' SE •on the'East,- including ~-- area.'east' of Renton•::Hi 11 to°•'the• CSPM&P Rai1 road right-of-way; noting 11/9/77::`Pl•ann;ing-.Commissi•on.;''public 'hearing and referral to committee K ' ' • .for:; s:tudy::`and=,:eventual, ':recommendati.on,:to the .C.i ty Council: :.:{.Refer to the'`Plann:i;n' and:-Developments::Commi t•tee '-for` report back to Council and informati:o_n:. ;; See.'Pa es 2:'and .7::.jtothe ,P'1 anni.ng 'Commi'ssi on for:; 9 J r.:.n sroJe:.,,t:::ow entin >51:%''o,f•'ahe': rforPetiaio'n -bearing 352'•s 'gna;tia res"re rese g:.. p. ..p Y:.•' Underg'roundi ng• • . •of Monterey:.;;,Terrace requested,-.unde.rground':,wiri ng-`'and. meetings with the Ut:i l i ty Wires • community :to``:p'l an:;:proj:ect ` ',P;et ::ti'on ;submi tted-J'.by Shari Fi:sher,' 118 Monterey Terrace ,Monterey. Dr. •N:E „}'hRe.fer',to ,the:.Public_Works Department .for validation • of.. eti.ti.on' and l're ort=':b'a'ck 1:to-:,<Counc'i 1. L.Pol i ce Department Letter' fr.om:.;Po'1.i'ce'.'}Chi ef•••;Da'rby requested authorization• and 'advancep Travel travel funds •;for,,De=tecti,ve- JameFoust•for.attendance at-the quarterly, meeting ,,of: Narcoti;c.,Inves;tigators :Port'land•._ Ore.•;:'-12/:8, and .9/77, - funds bud eted. Council conc'urrence.: r. i• Consent Agenda • MOVED, .BY .CLYMER,.,;:SECOND•:PE'RRY:;,`'COU,NCIL;APPROVOE :C GENDA_-P S'ENT: A AP rov e d CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT=BUS:I NES S, i' 1:0208'`T38th'er,:'.from Henr.. ,M,i: t 1 T•er .1';020:O,rl38th' SE::and .Jame.'srrCa`ine:: _Request to , Lett y`.,.... Connect to ' SE,'"re'nested erml1ssion; ;fo:''connect-.thei.r °hous;es• to' the:;;.City;, sewerl.i fie ; .. City Sewer located i n, t he;,'street ;i n.:f.r.ont,-.of.:'homes, be:i ng= 'City 'l imiits.:i'n'' the,- :'''. vi.cin'i.ty,'ofa::Eas.twootl';,Park ::',The:`;-letter explai:ne.d :wi:1-1 i ngnessr •to annex;;-,:A should a petition be circulated; explaining septic tank ;problems and hea'l;th:,<ha.zard..;':;.MOVED=;BY".THORPE; rS-E'COND, CLYMER;, ,CO.UNCIL':;REFER,,MATTER , ;.;.;,, ;•... TO THE' PUBLIC';•-SERVI,CES`' COMMITTEE1.' CARRIED ::: ' Unem to Ment Let'te;r'••from:::Person`nea_,`D'i:r=ector ;;Gr.een reported:::agreement ha's been'••• om ensati on negotiated..w:i:.th,;,tGi.,b,benst° Co:.,.;,-,,,I f.c".,:y;to'=act `as' City'a: sere- `ce';agency for- Agreement .for unemployment :compe'ns'ation ;'p.rogram"; > The:Letter,-expl'ained:-agreement:, Consultant effective,'.l/1/7.8°w:i".th;'cost-=of•,3+:-;;•per' .$1.00•of;;gross• .annual;;;payrol'l d a'yrol`1:1 oost woul:d: .be :$;1:,;:692: Contract .based :on:19.78:estfma'te 'p y ,:;... cancel_l able.:an`, t ':me; wi th:.''ahre -month:,:n,oti:ce :, Author$zat, ;on '1'eguested, Mayor: and City :Gl,erk .to;.;execute';•:;eq'reement, MOVE,Dr BY :THORPE< ; SECOND CLYMER, COUNCIL', CONCUR;;AND;;REFER;;,.TO`,-.THE; WAYS AND MEANS,, COMMITTEE. ,CARRI`ED: Christmas Letter.,-.fr'om F:1`o d'H hes;;, Sr: `President, Renton Merchant'sy:Associ•ation Banners_ asked permission' to'..hang'' four;'':,Chris.tmas banners ;.thr.ee::on;,:South'{3rd at..200,;,:7,00 and';;9;00,,:B1.ocks ,.and'.;':.one ,on. South:',2nd,,on the .900:Block. ,' , MOVED.BY CLYMER,.;-SECOND• PERRY, COUNCIL,,CONCUR I,N.REQ;UEST ;AND; REFER TO- THE ADMINIS.TRAT;ION. , CARR.I;ED '`,:;:`sti:, Nr a'` ': OLD BUSINESS Planning & Planning_and. Development''Comm.i''ttee, Chai`rman :Perrk,prese'nted.'.committee • Development rep ort,regarding;appeal, of .Hear,:ing: Examiner decision for Mal;i`bu '•Grant . . • Committee Report •Pri x' Corp.',':Spec:$al'`:'Permi t 'S'P-Q`67'=7.7, and ;after exami nati on/'of the a Malibu Grand Pri' •records ,,and,written°•appeal', ;determined that:.no,:error in-.'fact or.law SP-067-77 exi`sts :pursuant'°''to ,Secti.on's;4-301,6.; The report ,recommended;:that• the Council: con'cur• i;n°:;the ,decisio.n of:;'.the Hearing,°Examiner. ;. MOVED;BY;: PERRY,' SECJOND'•'CLYMER,{ COUNC:I'L` CONCUR` IN RECOMMENDATION OF. THE'.COMMITTEE. RichardDent,•:'representing, Ma:li:bu';Grand Prx.-Corp::, San D.iego,..Cal if:, potentdispu`ted'''act.i;on;-taken.:_oy.er:?4 al ',.problems;'and:,offe-red' so.l;utons Arne Hubner -:11,0.'.11,9:Ren:ton^:Ave`' S= 'Seattle':; represented Renton Police Department and`:.'spoke ag"ainst..,thecom anY<;operatin9 'the,Renton, area': Councilman'=Stredicke'=ex l,alne:dExami,ner re'coNhendatio was to approve a i:t':an'd• a eal>„was f't.l'ed.Maa ibu 's 'zon:i ng.'reGues't..but',detiy,.spec a-1-,.perm. pp MOT'ION :CARRIED: ;MOVE'D. BY THORPE;;::SECOND°PERRY- . ;RECORD SHOW' COUNCILWOMAN.;;' .;': SH'INPOCH'`D•ID'NOT ATTEND COMMITTEE;,MEETINGSAEGARDING (THIS' MATTER. NOR : PART.ICIPATE;,;LN.:-VOTI'N.G:°,r;CARRIED, :`: '. s R-065-77 Page Two SP-067-77 Mr. Smith made two additions to Exhibit #1. He stated that vehicles must be properly muffled and maintained at all times, and that the permit would be revocable at any time for failure to meet requirements of the State Noise Act, nuisance laws or other city codes and conditions established with the special permit. In response to the Examiner's inquiry regarding application of bulk storage regulations to the request, Mr. Smith reported reference had been made only as an example for the purpose of defining noise requirements as part of enforceable state laws. The Examiner asked Mr. Smith if the proposal conforms to applicable city goals and objectives. Mr. Smith felt that the application was consistent with the Comprehensive Plan if developmental controls are maintained and regulations properly met and enforced. He reported that because the applicant intended to lease the property every five years up to 20 years, thereby creating an interim transitional use, covenants would be established to ensure maintenance of landscaping for future development. In light of the nature of the proposed facility, the Examiner asked if alternate zoning had been considered for the property. Mr. Smith responded that because city codes did not specify this particular use for any existing zone, compatibility with existing uses in surrounding areas to the site had been considered, and noted that application for a special permit was required for any zone specified. In response to the Examiner's inquiry regarding analysis of the subject site and its proximity to the adjacent freeway, FAI-405, Mr. Smith indicated that the concern had been addressed and to ensure consistency with the Comprehensive Plan, provision must be made for buffers and landscaping around the perimeter of the site to meet requirements of Soil Conservation Service referenced in City Resolution No. 1923. The Examiner noted that both the resolution and S.C.S. recommendations require suitable wildlife habitat mitigation and asked for impacts of noise generation on the existing habitat. Mr. Smith reported that ambient noise levels generated from the facility should not be a deterrent on wildlife compared with heavy and light industrial uses already existing in the area, and referred to statements from the Audubon Society regarding ecological effects of noise. In response to the Examiner's questions regarding signing, hours of operation, and issuance of a special permit for fill, Mr. Smith reported that the city can restrict signing, the facility would operate from 10:00 a.m. until midnight, and that a special permit was necessary unless part of a valid building permit for on-site construction. He also reported that in conversations with owners of similar facilities in California, no problems existed with traffic, parking or policing. The Examiner asked the representative for the applicant if he concurred in Exhibit #1. Responding was: Richard C. Dentt 315 Laurel Street San Diego, California 92101 Mr. Dentt indicated his concurrence in Exhibit #1, but wished to comment on the application. He submitted photographs of additional existing facilities which were labeled Exhibit #8. Mr. Dentt reviewed facility safety standards which included four and one-half acres of lawn area to buffer track, requirements for seatbelts and helmets, speed limits of 28 to 30 miles per hour, and stringent insurance requirements, and noted that other existing facilities had not had an accident or near-accident in the history of the operations. He reported that the facility would maintain a snack bar and a game room containing electronic games such as air hockey and pong, although it would not be a significant portion of the business. He emphasized that no alcholic beverages would be sold or allowed on the site and stated that because cars do not exceed 25 to 30 miles per hour, the facility did not appeal to the racing crowd and fees of $1.25 per lap did not appeal to younger drivers. Regarding Exhibit #1, Mr. Dentt indicated that a revision could be made to signing, lighting would be shielded and located on the perimeter of the property, and vehicles would be well maintained. He reported that additional parking had been planned because of variable climate conditions in this area and requested a reduction in the building setback requirement from 60 to 52 feet to allow for two additional parking spaces. He also noted installation of maximum driveway widths to ensure good access and expressed a concern for inclusion in the landscape plan of trees planted in close proximity to the race track because they would create a safety hazard. September 29, 1977 OFFICE OF THE LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER CITY OF RENTON REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION TO THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL, APPLICANT: Malibu Grand Prix Corporation FILE NO. R-065-77 SP-067-77 LOCATION: Between FAI-405 and S.W. Grady Way directly west of the existing Cummins Diesel facility. SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Applicant requests rezone from GS-1 to B-1 and a special use permit in a B-1 zone for a proposed midget car driving skill facility and amusement center on approximately six acres of land located between FAI-405 and S.W. Grady Way just west of the existing Cummins Diesel site. The majority of the site is to be used for a scaled down version of a race course for driver skill testing. A 5,127 square foot building is also proposed which would house an amusement area, display area, and other support facilities for the proposed use. The remainder areas are to be used for spectator areas, parking and landscaping. SUMMARY OF ACTION: Planning Department Recommendation: Approval with conditions. Hearing Examiner Decision: Approval of Rezone; denial of Special Permit. PLANNING DEPARTMENT The Planning Department staff report was received by the REPORT: Examiner on August 30, 1977. PUBLIC HEARING: After reviewing the Planning Department report, examining available information on file with the application, and field checking the property and surrounding area, the Examiner conducted a public hearing on the subject as follows: The hearing was opened on September 6, 1977 at 9:45 a.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building. Parties wishing to testify were sworn. It was reported that the Hearing Examiner and the representative for the applicant had received and reviewed the Planning Department report, and the report was entered into the record as Exhibit #1. Michael Smith, Planning Department, reviewed Exhibit #1 and entered the following additional exhibits into the record: Exhibit #2: Assessor's Map Exhibit #3: Specific Site Plan Exhibit #4: Building Elevations Exhibit #5: Sign Plan Exhibit #6: Building Floor Plan Exhibit'#7: Noise Data Submitted by Applicant Mr. Smith reported communicating with business owners of similar facilities in California. The Examiner asked if comments had been received regarding on-site lighting. Mr. Smith reported that problems with reflection had occurred at the first facility to be constructed at Fountain Valley, California, but lighting planning had since been adjusted and the existing problem corrected. In response to the Examiner's inquiry regarding requirements for fill material, Mr. Smith reported that existing elevations were approximately 14 feet and to meet flood control levels would require an additional 6 to 7 feet or more than 500 cubic yards of fill. The fill, he indicated, would require a special permit unless it was part of. a valid building permit application for on-site construction. R-065-77 Page Four SP-067-77 Mr. Arnett objected to the rezone and special use permit on the basis of incompatible land use and reported that it was the position of the Austin Company that the use of the land should remain light industrial and manufacturing. Responding was: Ralph Vacca Washington Horsebreeders Association 18845 102nd Avenue S.E. Renton, WA 98055 Mr. Vacca reported that during horse-racing season, numerous owners and trainers reside on or near the Longacres site and objected to increase of noise from race cars disturbing residents and horses at late hours. He also expressed concerns with increased congestion of traffic in conflict with hours of operation of Longacres, security at the facility, and increased problems relating to the Renton Loop. Responding was: Carrie Glover Preston, Thorgrimson, Ellis, Holman & Fletcher, Inc. 2000 I.B.M. Building Seattle, WA 98109 Ms. Glover reported that she was representing Longacres Race Track and wished to go on record opposing the request for reasons reported in previous testimony. She cited concerns of traffic congestion, noise level, hours of operation, and attraction of young elements into the general area, security and vandalism. She requested a continuance of the hearing to provide an opportunity for further review since Longacres had not been notified of the request prior to the date of the hearing. The Examiner asked Mr. Smith if the Police Department normally received applications for review and if Longacres Race Track management had been notified of the hearing. Mr. Smith reported that the Police Department was not normally part of the review process and that although Longacres had not been notified, notices had been sent to the Washington Horsebreeders Association, Longacres Trailer Park, and other industrial businesses in the area. The Examiner reported that to provide evaluation and review of concerns expressed in testimony at the hearing related to noise data and police responsibilities, he would continue the hearing. Mr. Dentt testified that recreational uses are currently being incorporated into industrial areas to provide recreation to industrial employees and have proven compatible. He encouraged the Police Department to contact cities where facilities are located to answer concerns previously expressed in the hearing. He felt that hours of operation would not conflict with existing businesses in the area because traffic to and from the facility occurred on a steady basis and not at one specific time of day and referred to a facility located near Anaheim Stadium where no problems exist with congestion. In response to concerns expressed regarding clientele and drinking on the site, Mr. Dentt reported that a security guard was posted in the parking lot for the initial two weeks of operation and noted that a guard had not been necessary after that period at any existing facility. He referred to the noise data study, Exhibit #7, in response to concerns about excessive noise levels and reported no previous problems with the gawk" factor, citing an' example of location of a facility in Redwood City on the freeway. The Examiner requested Mr. Dentt to provide a list of existing facilities including names and addresses of Planning and Police Department representatives to enable City of Renton employees to further review the matter. He indicated that the hearing would be continued until 9:00 a.m. on September 20, 1977 to receive additional testimony relative to research on noise factors and policing problems and asked the representative for the applicant if the continuation was acceptable. Mr. Dentt indicated his concurrence. The Examiner asked for further comments. Since there were none, the hearing on Item R-065-77 and SP-067-77 was continued to September 20, 1977. Time: 11:50 a.m. R-065-77 Page Three SP-067-77 In response to the Examiner's inquiry regarding hours of operation, Mr. Dentt reported that occupancy level was high between the hours of 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and again after 6:00 p.m. and that although patrons may remain until 1:00 a.m. on weekends because of purchase of tickets prior to midnight, the facility normally did not do business past 11:00 p.m. on weekdays. The Examiner asked for clarification regarding the noise survey, Exhibit #7, from Mr. Dentt who reported that the survey had been made at a racetrack located in close proximity to a freeway and data indicated the facility met all noise requirement levels. The Examiner asked for further testimony in support of the application. There was no response. The Examiner asked for testimony in opposition to the application. Responding was: Herb Vernon 13415 N.E. 32nd Lane Bellevue, WA Mr. Vernon reported that he was representing the Cummins Diesel Company and expressed an objection to the proposed rezone and special permit application based on the belief that uses should be compatible in rezoned areas. He felt that the proposed recreational use was incompatible with business and residential elements already. established in the area and objected to noise pollution, traffic hazards on FAI-405 by drivers diverted by the facility, congestion on Grady Way, and vandalism and theft of equipment maintained on Cummins property. Responding was: Lt. Don Persson Patrol Division City of Renton Police Department Lt. Persson reported having no prior notice of a hearing on the subject application. He objected to potential noise as a nuisance law violation within proposed hours of operation, air pollution from vehicle engines, limited access to the site, traffic problems related to proximity of freeway creating accident potential, and lighting impacts on Grady Way. He also expressed concerns regarding the volume of traffic during horse-racing season citing existing traffic problems on Grady Way and FAI-405 near Longacres Race Track. He felt that security would be jeopardized at other businesses in the vicinity and drinking could not be properly controlled at the facility by youthful employees. Lt. Persson referred to already existing problems at the Renton Loop and felt the problem would be augmented by construction of the subject facility . in attracting young people from distant areas. The Examiner asked Lt. Persson if the "gawk" factor was a psychological problem or a real phenomenon in creating traffic congestion. Lt. Persson indicated that it was a real phenomenon. In response to the Examiner's inquiry about previous instances of vandalism at the Cummins facility, Lt. Persson reported gas-siphoning incidents and other vandalism had occurred in the past. Responding was: Arnold Hubner Community Relations & Crime Prevention Officer City of Renton Police Department Officer Hubner requested review of the rezoning of the area and noted that the Police Department had not been given an opportunity to review the application prior to the hearing. He objected to amusement games planned for the facility, citing prior violations by similar businesses operating in the City of Renton. Officer Hubner expressed concerns regarding potential injuries to drivers, vandalism, congested traffic, and noise pollution in relationship to hours of operation. He requested the opportunity to review the concerns of the Police Department with other cities where such facilities are in operation. In response to the Examiner's inquiry, Officer Hubner reported that a week to ten days would be sufficient to research and review the matter. Responding was: Paul Arnett Austin Company 800 S.W. 16th Renton, WA 98055 R-065-77 Page Six SP-067-77 and excessive noise; and Section 6-131: (1) relating to public nuisance as city ordinances enforced by the Police Department. He also reported discussing traffic volumes on Grady Way with representatives of the Traffic Engineering Division who had indicated that plans could be revised to accommodate traffic flows. In response to the Examiner's inquiry regarding responses from other police departments pertaining to potential problems with the proposed facility, Lt. Persson indicated that responses had been received but he questioned whether broad public input had been received by other jurisdictions. Also responding was: Arnold Hubner Community Relations & Crime Prevention Officer City of Renton Police Department Officer Hubner reported receipt of three letters from California police departments which were entered into the record as follows: Exhibit #17:. Letter to City of Renton Police Department from Jimmie D. Kennedy, Captain, Anaheim Police Department, dated September 13, 1977. Exhibit#18: Letter to Chief Hugh Darby from George W. Bold, Police Chief, Redwood City, California, dated September 14, 1977. Exhibit #19: Letter to Chief Hugh Darby from Robert H. McGowan, Police Chief, Pasadena, California, dated September 14, 1977. Officer Hubner felt that attention should be directed to noise impacts on residential areas, and predicted complaints from business owners on adjacent properties. In response to the Examiner's inquiry regarding information received from other cities, Officer Hubner objected to a lack of detail in correspondence received compared to letters solicited by the applicant from the same jurisdictions, and indicated that the police chief in Redwood City had concurred that noise from the facility would be undesirable in a residential area. The Examiner called for a recess at 10:05 a.m. The meeting reconvened at 10:15 a.m. and the Examiner asked the applicant to review previous testimony for additional parties of record. Responding was: Richard C. Dentt 315 Laurel Street San Diego, California 92101 Mr. Dentt reviewed previous testimony including plans for lighting, vehicle maintenance, method of driving and safety. He felt that concerns relating to young people, drinking on the property, and the "gawk" factor had been satisfied by previous testimony. He reported that his company coordinated with police departments in other areas and expressed the desire for continuation of the policy. He emphasized that although gameroom facilities were included in the plan, games were not a major portion of the business. In response to previous testimony regarding noise barriers, Mr. Dentt reported that acoustical walls would be installed to reduce noise levels. The Examiner inquired about employment of security guards on the location, and Mr. Dentt reported that a security guard was posted during the first two weeks of operation and employed on an on-call basis thereafter in the event of large crowds on the site which he estimated to be 125 people at any one given time. He advised that the average customer would remain on the site for 20 to 40 minutes. In response to the Examiner's inquiry regarding reduction of hours of operation, Mr. Dentt reported that no previous problems with hours of operation had occurred and reduction had not been requested in the past. The Examiner asked if the necessity had arisen to install a security fence surrounding the site. The representative for the applicant indicated that although fencing surrounds the track area no problems had occurred in the past involving trespassing. The Examiner reported receipt of an additional exhibit which he entered into the recorc.: Exhibit #20: Letter from Mr. & Mrs. Harold O. McKee, received September 20, 1977, objecting to proposed facility. R-065-77 Page Five SP-067-77 CONTINUATION: The Examiner reopened the hearing on Item #R-065-77 and SP-067-77 at 9:00 a.m. on September 20, 1977 in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building. Parties wishing to testify were sworn. The Examiner asked Michael Smith, Planning Department, if he had received additional information to enter into the record. Mr. Smith reported that he had received several letters in response to a Planning Department memorandum to five California cities requesting information regarding existing facilities as well as letters requested by the applicant. These and other exhibits were entered as follows: Exhibit #8a: Letter to L. Rick Beeler from Dave Mercer, Zoning Administrator, Pasadena, California, dated September 13, 1977. Exhibit #9: Letter to five California cities from Michael Smith, dated September 9, 1977. Exhibit #10: Letter to Mr. Dan Morris, Malibu Grand Prix Corp. , from Harold A. Bastrup, Police Chief, Anaheim, California, dated September 24, 1977. Exhibit #11: Letter to Mr. Dan Morris, Malibu Grand Prix Corp. , from Robert H. McGowan, Police Chief, and Thomas M. Winders, Deputy, Pasadena, California, dated September 24, 1977. Exhibit #12: Letter to Richard C. Dentt from W. B. Kolender, Police Chief, San Diego, California, by B. R. Swaim, Captain, dated September 20, 1977. Exhibit #13: Letter to Mr. Richard C. Dentt from Archie V. Humphrys, Hydro-Scape Products, Anaheim, California, dated September 14, 1977. Exhibit #14: Letter to Mr. Richard C. Dentt from John L. Scripps, Vice President, Graniterock, Redwood City, California, dated September 9, 1977. Exhibit #15: Letter to Mr. Richard C. Dentt from Olson Laboratories, Inc. , Anaheim, California, regarding noise analysis, dated September 13, 1977. Exhibit #16: Noise Analysis Chart Mr. Smith stated that state and city noise standards and city nuisance laws are enforced on a complaint basis only and indicated that no structures exist on the adjacent GS-1 ' zoned property at the present time. He reviewed Exhibit #16 which compared noise levels of an existing racetrack at Anaheim, California with Washington state noise standards, and also reported typical noise decibel levels for various traffic, home and public situations. In response to the Examiner's inquiry regarding the Washington class "B" commercial noise level in comparison to figures derived from the California study, Mr. Smith reported that although a slight difference existed, noise levels did not exceed the ambient noise level of the adjacent freeway, and could be buffered by landscaping and fencing. Discussion then ensued regarding setbacks for landscaping in relationship with reduction of the noise level and the necessity for screening fences. The Examiner asked Mr. Smith to indicate the adjacent GS-1 zone on the map. . Mr. Smith pointed out a small, undeveloped strip of property located just north of the proposed site along Grady Way. The Examiner requested representatives from the Police Department to testify on results of research with other cities where similar facilities are located. Responding was: Lt. Don Persson Patrol Division City of Renton Police Department Lt. Persson reiterated previous concerns relating to gameroom establishments, citing 39 documented complaints in a one-year period against two such businesses. He also referred to Title VI, Section 6-163: (A)12. of the code relating to disorderly conduct R-065-77 Page Eight SP-067-77 Exhibit #22: Letter to Rick Beeler from Gerard M. Shellan, dated September 6, 1977. In response to the Examiner's inquiry regarding the placement of the application under a special permit rather than a conditional use permit, Mr. Smith reported that a special permit was normally used for types of uses not specified in the code, but that because of the similarity between the two permits a conditional use permit may have been used instead. The Examiner noted that although the request specified a rezone to B-1 zoning, the B-1 zone does not specifically contain a category of use for the proposal, and asked Mr. Smith if a P-1 zone had been considered. Mr. Smith noted that because the property contained in the rezone request was a small portion adjacent to the already existing B-1 zoning, it was felt that the rezone was consistent and compatible with existing industrial uses in the area. He indicated that although the P-1 zone could have been applied, the entire site would have required rezoning to P-1 with a special permit for the use. In response to the Examiner's inquiry regarding other recreational uses in a P-1 zone in the city, Mr. Smith advised that the P-1 zone was generally limited to governmental and medical uses within the city. The Examiner asked Mr. Dentt to respond in regards to concurrence with an annual review of the operation by city staff and requirement for security guards if the necessity was determined by the police department.. Mr. Dentt indicated his preference for adherence to the terms of the special permit rather than setting a time limit for review, and reported that although he was not adverse to hiring security guards, he felt it should be an administrative decision from the company. The Examiner asked Mr. Smith for his opinion on whether sufficient data had been submitted to substantiate the Planning Department recommendation. Mr. Smith responded affirmatively, but expressed the desire to allow additional responses from inquiries sent to other cities to be included in the record upon receipt. The Examiner felt that because of the nature of the application, difficulty in disseminating the information would occur and asked Mr. Smith if he felt continuation of the hearing was necessary. Mr. Smith indicated that sufficient testimony and correspondence had been received and continuation was .unnecessary, although he noted a basic conflict with information received from the applicant and other cities containing facilities and property owners in the vicinity of the requested rezone. The Examiner asked for further comments. Since there were none, the hearing on Item #R-065-77 and SP-067-77 was closed by the Examiner at 11:05 a.m. FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS: Having reviewed the record in this matter, the Examiner' now makes and enters the following: FINDINGS: 1. The request is for a rezone from GS-1 to B-1 and a Special Use Permit to allow a midget car driving facility and amusement center. 2. The Planning Department report accurately sets forth the issues, applicable policies and provisions, findings of fact, and departmental Acommendations in this matter, and is hereby attached as Exhibit #1 and incorporated in this report by reference as set forth in full therein. 3. Pursuant to the City of Renton's Environmental Ordinance and the State Environmental Policy Act of 1971, as amended by R.C.W. 43.21.C. , a Declaration of Non-Significance has been issued for the subject proposal by Gordon Y. Ericksen, responsible official. 4. Plans for the proposal have been reviewed by all city departments affected by the impact of this development. 5. All existing utilities are available and in close proximity. 6. The proposal is compatible with the required setbacks, lot coverage, and height requirements of Section 4-711, Title IV, of Ordinance 1628. 7. The proposed recreation facility is not permitted outright in the B-1 zone (Section 4-711) . It is a use which ". . .may be detrimental to the public health, safety, morals and general welfare. . ." (Section 4-722 (B) ) , due to the following anticipated impacts: R-065-77 Page Seven SP-067-77 The Examiner asked for further testimony in support of the application. There was no response. The Examiner asked for testimony in opposition to the application. Responding was: Kathleen Olin 2320 Talbot Crest Drive S. Renton, WA 98055 Mrs. Olin objected to increases to excessive noise already transmitted from existing freeway, FAI-405, and favored maintaining the proposed site for industrial purposes. She also felt that property values in the neighborhood would be jeopardized by construction of the facility because of noise levels. The Examiner asked Mr. Smith to designate the location of Talbot Crest Drive S. on the zoning map. Mr. Smith indicated the area on the map. Responding was: Jay Holmes 150 Capri N.E. Renton, WA 98055 Mr. Holmes indicated that as a property owner in the Earlington area, he objected to construction of the facility as a detriment to the value of his holdings and expressed strong opposition to the application. Responding was: Pat Lennon Cummins Diesel N.W. 390 Taylor N.W. Renton, WA 98055 Ms. Lennon reported that Cummins Diesel remained opposed to the proposed facility for reasons given in previous testimony at the public hearing on September 6, 1977. She inquired if sufficient parking would be provided for 125 customers at peak attendance periods. Mr. Dentt advised that an average of four people per car attend the facility and 63 parking stalls were provided in the plan. Responding was: Nancy Torbenson 2402 Talbot Crest Drive S. Renton, WA 98055 Mrs. Torbenson inquired about fuel and exhaust of racecars. The Examiner referred her to photographs submitted as Exhibit #8, and reported that cars would contain small Mazda engines fueled by gasoline and that exhaust would be muffled. In reference to previous discussion regarding property values, Mr. Dentt reported that within six months of installation of the facility at Pasadena, California, construction of a large restaurant as well as additional commercial building had occurred in close proximity to the facility. He also reported that both Longacres Race Track and the Washington'Horsebreeders' Association no longer opposed the application. The Examiner asked for additional testimony. There was no response. The Examiner asked Mr. Smith for additions, corrections or modifications to Exhibit #1. Mr. Smith summarized previous testimony noting conflicts between information received from other cities which stated that facilities are an asset to the community and have created no problems, and objections from adjacent property owners and the Renton Police Department personnel in regard to potential noise and law enforcement problems. He listed possible alternatives to the request including elimination of the gameroom from the plans, limiting hours of operation, and employing a security guard on a full-time basis. He noted that noise emitted from the facility would be required to meet state and city noise regulation limits and suggested an annual review of the operation under the special use permit application. The Examiner entered two additional exhibits into the record: Exhibit #21: Letter to Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney, from L. Rick Beeler, Hearing Examiner, dated September 1, 1977. R-065-77 Page Ten SP-067-77 CONCLUSIONS: 1. The requested rezone of approximately one acre from GS-1 to B-1 conforms to the Green River Valley Comprehensive Plan. (Section 4-3014(B) ) 2. The requested Special Permit generally does not conform to the Green River Comprehensive Plan, particularly the following goals and objectives: Page 4: Minimize noise, air and water pollutants; transportation difficulties; glare, heat; vibration; and other detrimental effects. Page 5: Light industrial, office, and warehouse uses and those heavy industrial uses that can be made compatible with goals of the Valley are the types of developmental land uses intended for the Valley. Page 6: A landscaped buffer should be established at the periphery of bounding streets to create a favorable image; between areas of imcompatible land use to minimize differences; and along water channels' and wildlife habitats to minimize impact on wildlife and promote recreation. Page 7: Large amounts of landscaping scattered throughout the site including along property lines are encouraged to provide a pleasant environment, minimize the impact of the development and enhance the visual experience from the adjacent properties, including hillsides. Page 8: The site layout and architectural treatment should be compatible with the characteristics of the site and the design standards of the Valley. Upon comparing the noise level readings taken at two existing sites (Exhibits #7 and #15) with the adopted state requirements (W.A.C. 173-60-040) it is apparent that the proposal exceeds the maximum standards relative to noise impact upon the adjacent residential (GS-1) property and commercial (B-1) property. The discrepancy is slight as it affects the commercial property, but is noticeable concerning the residential property. However, the impact upon the residential property for all practical purposes is insignificant since this property will at some time be used more in keeping with the M-P Comprehensive Plan designation. Since the proposal features race cars using internal combustion gasoline engines an increase, however slight, in air pollutants can reasonably be expected in the general surrounding area. No testimony was entered into the record to indicate any problems with air pollution. The Planning Director's review of the Environmental Checklist and data apparently revealed no air quality problems. The proposed use is not included in the ". . .light industrial, office, and . warehouse. . .and heavy industrial uses. . . " intended for the Green River Valley Comprehensive Plan area. It is reasonable to include a recreation facility in this planned M-P area to serve the growing number of workers employed at various businesses. The proposal will be frequented by workers in the area but it is clear that the business will concentrate on the evening and weekend patronage by persons from the entire community and region. An effective sight-obscuring landscape buffer is difficult to accomplish on the site to screen the activity from adjacent properties, FAI-405 and S.W. Grady Way. Dense plant material of considerable size would be necessary to adequately reduce disruption of driver attention along these two roadways. No testimony was given that this "gawk effect" has not or would not occur in connection with the proposal. Due to the apparent incompatibility with adjacent land uses, this landscaping would buffer the land uses and the proposal. The proposed building design features an illuminated facia which includes signing. This design feature appears contrary to the visual character of the area and M-P district. 3. Illumination within the proposal appears excessive and will produce an effect similar to a ball park. The height and wattage of the proposed luminaires should be reduced to a reasonable level. R-065-77 Page Nine SP-067-77 a. Noise generation. b. Traffic generation. c. Night-time activity in essentially a day-time activity area. d. Probable distraction of motorists traveling on FAI-405 and S.E. Grady Way. e. Contribution to air quality deterioration. f. High illumination levels. For these reasons a Special Permit is required. 8. The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map indicates Manufacturing Park for the area encompassing the site. A recreation facility is not permitted outright in the M-P zone (Section 4-730) . For the same reasons specified in the previous finding, a Special Permit would be required. M-P is a more intense zoning category than B-1. 9. A Special Permit (Section 4-722(B) ) requires approval by the Examiner who may impose ". . .conditions, modifications and restrictions as the Examiner finds necessary to make the application compatible with its environment and carry out the objectives and goals of the Comprehensive Plan, the Zoning Ordinance,. . .and other codes and ordinances of the City of Renton." (Section 4-3010(B) ) 10. W.A.C. 173-60-040 specifies maximum noise levels that may impact adjacent properties. See Exhibit #1, Staff Report.) A noise study of two existing Malibu Grand Prix facilities was submitted in Exhibits No. 7, 15, and 16. This data indicated that noise generated by the proposal would exceed the state noise limitations for the adjacent residential property at night and commercial property during most of the day and night. 11. Testimony was given that the proposal would produce traffic problems on S.W. Grady Way and FAI-405 due to people accessing the facility from S.W. Grady Way and people watching the race cars from S.W. Grady Way and FAI-405. The Traffic Engineering Division did not foresee this impact; however, the Police Department testified that it can be expected. The site lies in a depression_ between FAI-405 and S.W. Grady Way. No vegetation of sufficient size exists to visually obscure the proposal from passing motorists. 12. In the past the city encountered complaints and police problems regarding amusement games facilities. 13. Illumination of the race track area is to be accomplished via 1000 watt sodium vapor luminaires mounted on 24-foot and 50-foot poles. The Traffic Engineering Division of the Public Works Department raised concerns about this high mounting height and amount of illumination. 14. Testimony from business owners and city personnel in California where similar facilities are located expressed no problems incurred relative to the proposal. Each location appeared to be very similar to the site in Renton. 15. Part of the right-of-way for S.W. 12th Street and Thomas Avenue S.W. exist on the site and require vacation. 16. Section 4-102 requires installation of off-site improvements along S.W. Grady Way unless a waiver is granted by the Board of Public Works. The off-site improvements are not included in the proposal. 17. Over 10,000 square 'feet of area is contained in the parking lots, therefore Section 4-2204.8.B (Parking and Loading) requires at least 5% of the parking areas to be landscaped. The proposal does not conform to this requirement. 18. Resolution No. 1923 requires 2% of the site to be landscaped suitable for wildlife habitat per the Soil Conservation Service. This site is within the Green River Valley Comprehensive Plan area which in addition to the foregoing requirement necessitates approval of a Flood Zone Control Permit by the King County Hydraulics Division. The proposal lacks the specified amount and type of landscaping, and application has been made for the Flood Zone Control Permit. 19. Storm water drainage plans were not submitted; however, these can be reviewed by the Public Works Department at a later date. 1 eAff, .14, _ ,,,,,, NA imbt,irgiAL. t L___ Ace fic, co,45,r A4...p ,,. pAAs NI. PA 1140,4 . co 4 N.. fo 9r. C. 0 10 n f 411 ulAi Of of l o• g f 4, f°• - / 4 ViAl AAD1 14 N-• „,,, \ I .\,‘,`‘ N \\• i,,,`,',:,,,,,,'\„\• ' s' • Of 6 li II. OCIOD 4110Li 14 0$0.- • x s 65-40 Igar.gorAfe NI&Oviiii 405 41 Jo 4 A 0 it 4 10 1. 1 1 v, 3 1-(••1 a 2. x G t. t 601 1601 Or D 0. I , ii:, $ CALE. II zoo, 10Jeor pcd 4 M4L1e) dirAb rim/ coo, 4pte-mL, pglefAir Jo. p_0 4,7 77 N1 R-065-77 Page Eleven SP-067-77 4. The central issue is the appropriateness of the proposed use in the proposed location. If the use is considered to be inappropriate, the subordinate issues become moot. As previously mentioned, the Green River Comprehensive Plan indicates that the M-P district is not intended for this use. However, a less intense and smaller scale commercial recreation facility which undoubtedly serves the district workers for the most part may be appropriate. In contrast, the proposal is an outdoor recreation facility generating noise, visual and air quality impacts potentially into the early morning/late evening by patrons from anywhere in the Seattle-Renton area. Therefore, it can reasonably be concluded that the use does not conform to the Comprehensive Plan and use district in which is is proposed. . RECOMMENDATION AND DECISION: Based upon the record, testimony, findings and conclusions, the Examiner recommends that the City Council approve the rezone application. Furthermore, it is the Examiner's decision to deny the Special Permit application. ORDERED THIS 29th day of September, 1977. L. Ric Beeler Land Use Hearing Examiner TRANSMITTED THIS 29th day of September, 1977 by Affidavit of Mailing to the parties of record: Richard C. Dentt Herb Vernon Lt. Don Persson Officer Arnold Hubner Paul Arnett Ralph Vacca Carrie Glover Kathleen Olin Jay Holmes Pat Lennon Nancy Torbenson TRANSMITTED THIS 29th day of September, 1977 to the following: Mayor Charles J. Delaurenti Council President George J. Perry Councilman Richard M. Stredicke Warren C. Gonnason, Public Works Director Gordon Y. Ericksen, Planning Director Ron Nelson, Building Division Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney Pursuant to Title IV, Section 3015 of the City's Code, request for reconsideration must be filed in writing on or before October 13, 1977. Any aggrieved person feeling that the decision of the Examiner is based on erroneous procedure, errors of law or fact, error in judgment, or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the prior hearing may make a written request for review by the Examiner within fourteen (14) days from the date of the Examiner's decision. This request shall set forth the specific errors relied upon by such appellant, and the Examiner may, after review of the record, take further action as he deems proper. An appeal to the City Council is governed by Title IV, Section 3016, which requires that such appeal be filed with the City Clerk accompanying a filing fee of $25.00 and meeting other specified requirements. Copies of this ordinance are available for inspection in the City Clerk's office, first floor of City Hall, or same may be purchased at cost in said office. G i1 5, v:_ ?TM.., - - t . 1 i '' ' ' ''' B-I _rl: N 01% F 1.. . I iETR S I! oR Lr y" _ II t11111N,, 1 I 1iii,III • IttIIIII I IOSALN "4g44$ ,- - IQlio III II! . o g.14-Ect.L'_ . lnI !1 !ill i c.i .. ti• Y1tyI R 4. .„ roil I I t . T , I iii IN •• 411111111111141 S 91° ij111V'/ i,j61110I . 1 I1NI IIIL III ' r . N im.Ii i: 1,34:1 j...' ;',i , ; 7,..11 k,‘ _..._,..,):, 1 t ," • ,.ram 1 I. 0) : 1 # ! ! irs pow i a hi ,R-4 • B-1 :Li I,''GI G 6 0 3 1 h I Q iA 1.:. ,;:. i 1 I : .5: i: V VI \\ d\ I \Ar I I(' I +I — '3• rIli I. 1 \\` 0 i IQ: 1 „,. WI 7' 4. I•i .'•,,,,.. ,.. 1•u t•,.ja nun. ,_..,w, I IIII -I r.ii, 1. I I Lti it li :' 0. 13 ele I I 1 I J _t W I G 1 j a b u I k Q 1, ' w LI I Nip-p REZONE APPLICATION; AND SPECIAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION : ' MALIBU GRAND PRIX CORPORATION : Appl . No . R-065-77 , rezone from GS- 1 to B- 1 ; special use permit in a B-1 zone ;;property located between ' FAI -4.05 and S . W. Grady Way directly west of the existing Cummins Diesel facility . APPLICANT MALIBU GRAND PRIX CORP . TOTAL AREA ± 5. 7 Acres PRINCIPAL ACCESS. S . W. Gray Way EXISTING ZONING B-1 and GS- 1 EXISTING USE Undeveloped PROPOSED USE Commercial Recreational COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE. PLAN Manufacturing Park COMMENTS AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING State of Washington) County of King Marilyn J. Petersen being first duly sworn, upon oath disposes and states: That on the 29th day of September 19 77 , affiant deposited in the mails of the United States a sealed envelope containing a decision or recommendation with postage prepaid, addressed to the parties of record in the below-entitled application or petition. Subscribed and sworn this AR- day of 5°b PA 19 ` 1 0•11.(-- - Notary Public in and for the State . of Washington, residing at Renton Application, Petition or Case: Malibu Grand Prix Corp. , R-065-77, SP-067-77 The minute4 contain a £t the pant-La necond) MICh1AEL Ht l l IiVlitFi, M.H. Consultant on Acoustics 5007 Haskell Avenue - Encino, Calif. 91436 Phone: 784-3985. MEMBER OF Acousticat Society of America Audio Engineering Society Motion Pictures& Television Engineers Academy of Motion Picture Arts& Sciences institute of Noise Control Engineering January 30, 1 976 Ii.r. Ronald C . Cameron, lresident Malibu •;:rand 1-rix.- 2430 a-s_t_Y ±e 11 a—Aven_ue_- - Anaheim, California 9280E Dear D6r. Cameron: nclosed please find my report "Noise Exposure Level Survey of I•.alibu Grand Prix Drivin.= .Course , 2430 East Katella Avenue , Anaheim, 'California . esj.ec tfully ;:ours , Rettin.;er i..R/d r RECEIVED CITY OF RENTON NEARING EXAMINER SEP 61977 AM PM 7a8P9al0i21olZrl r21Q$f4r5f6 . A • EXHIBIT O. NOISE EXPOSURE LEVEL SURVEY b.ALI3U GRAND PRI : DRIVING COURSE 2430 East Katella Avenue Anaheim, California CONTENTS 1 . General 2. Definition of Terms 3 . . Site Description 4. N:easurements 1 . General The National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 , the En- vironmental Quality Improvement Act of 1970, and finally the Noise Control Act of 1972 are either partially or wholly directed towards noise abatement in the United States . Section 2 of the Noise Control Act states : "Congress declares that it is the policy of the United States to pro- mote an environment for all Americans free from noise that jeopardizes their health and welfare . " For this reason, Environmental Impact Statements are now required for all new construction, relocation of existing establishments , and the rehabilitation of old structures . The purpose of a noise exposure level survey or an en- vironmental noise impact statement is to place a description of the existing and potential noise conditions about a specific building project before the various government and community representatives concerned with the enterprise . The descrip- tion or analysis is not a criticism, but a disclosure of the prevailing and anticipated sound character of a parcel of land , small or large , and its relationship to living or working ccn- ditions in this area . It is an assist to compatible land use planning. 1- 2 . Definition of Terms There is a difference between a noise level measurement and a noise exposure level measurement. The former represents no more than the reading of a sound-level meter made at a given place and time , while the latter requires also the assessment of the noise durations of thevario-us noise events , for the statistical evaluation of the noise climate . The object of statistics is to reduce a series of obser- vations to a few descriptive measures for the better under- standing of the data . In noise level surveys , deckle noise levels are generally employed . Used are such .quantities as L10 and L50, where the subscripts indicate the percentage of exposure time . Thus a reading; of L10 = 70 d3-A means that for; say 6 minutes out of an hour, that is, for 10%/hour, the noise level exceeded 70 d3-A, .and for 54 minutes of the same hour it was below that value . L10 is defined as the decile A-weihted noise level exceeded 10 of the test time . The "A" in the above quantity "70 dB-A" refers to the A-weighting scale in. the standard sound level meter. This is in accord with the present practice of so specifying- noise level limits in noise regulations , like the Los Angeles Anti- Noise Ordinance No . 144, 331 , the Title 4 of the Californiae- partment of- Aeronautics , the California Vehicle Code , and others . The A-level is a single number index of a noise contain- ing a wide range of frequencies , which index is representative 2- of the subjective impression received by the ear. Since the human hearing mechanism does not respond equally well to sounds of all frequencies , but is less efficient at the low notes than at the medium or speech range frequencies (although highly sen- sitive to the treble) , allowance is made in the acoustic data acquisition system to reduce or weigh the aural influence• of the low notes with respect to the mid-range notes . The elec- tron-i-c_davi cP empl_oyed_ to-accompl-is_h-this_ transformation is known as the "A" network of the sound level meter, or as the A" frequency-response shaping unit. The "C" network introduces only a minor frequency dis- crimination in the sound level meter, so that it provides a practically "flat" response and therefore a good measure of the sound-pressure level when the associated microphone is also frequency-invariant. Another term frequently employed in the assessment of an acoustic climate is the energy equivalent sound level Le . It represents that level of a steady-state noise which has the same total energy during the test period as that of the actual time-varying disturbance . When Le is reproduced continuously, the source provides or radiates the same acoustic energy (eras or watt-secs) as the noise history contained in the time in- terval t2 - t• l . The popular use of Le rests on the fact that hearing- damage risk is determined by the total amount of noise energy to which the ear is exposed in a given period . 3- EPA in its "Information on Levels of environmental Noise Requisite to Protect Public Health and Welfare with an Adequate IV:arr=`in of Safety, " Public Document 550/9-74-004, employs a term called Ldn which is based on the noise-eequivalent level for both day and night, when properly weighted for nighttime . By properly weighted is meant that a 10 decibel penalty is attached to nighttime A-weighted equivalent sound levels be- cause of-th-e-Brea-ter -an-royance effect which nocturnal distiir-- bances have on the population. Accordingly, any measured hourly equivalent noise level measured at night, say A deci- bels , must go into the computation of Ldn as A + 10 decibels . Thus , even .only one hourly equivalent noise level of 60 d:-A between 10 p.m. and 7 a .m. should be assessed as 70 d= A . Similarly, if a steady noise existed .only for 6 minutes dur- ing, the nighttime period - say, between 10 p .m. and 10 : 06 p.m. the noise would be counted as lasting 10 times as long , that is , one hour, because of the penalty clause . Appendix A provides a detailed description of Le and Ldn. 4- 3 . Site Description The subject miniature racecar (28 horsepower) track is contained in a rectangle approximately 350 ft. by 600 ft. , and thus represents an area of 210 , 000 square feet or 24-1/2 acres . The non-banked course is not laid out in the conven- tional shape of an oval, but consists of numerous curves , turns, twists , and switchbacks to provide the half-mile len&th advertised. In the competitive contests , the speed of the vehicles rarely exceeds 40 miles/hour. Cars compete only against the clock rather• than against each other, 5- 4. P,.easurements The test was made between 4: 00 p.m . and 4 : 19 p .m. on November 11 , 1975. This was a state holiday (Armistice Day) , durin which school was not in session and activity on the track was pronounced. The recordings were made with a magnetic tape recorder. which were later reproduced in the laboratory onto a Bruhl & Kjar Graphic Level Recorder Type 2304 to secure a visible record of the noise history . Coupled to the instrumentation was a statistical distribution analyzer to provide percentile and cumulative data of the exposure level distribution. From this , the following noise assessments were obtained : At 50 ' from track At 100 ' from track L10 = 71 d3-A L10 = 65 d3-A L50 = 67 d3-A L50 = 61 d3-A Lao =. 63 d3-A • L90 = 57 d3-A Le = 68 d3-A Le . = 62 d2-A V 6- APPENDIX A Day-Night Average Sound Level Ldn The noise equivalent level Le is that constant noise level which produces the same total noise exposure for a given period as the sum total of all noise events occurring in the same in- terval t2 - t. Mathematically it is defined by Le = 101og t - t integral 10 dt 2 1 where Li is the instantaneous sound pressure level measured with the A-weighting network characteristic in the circuit. When the time period is an hour, the hourly noise equiva- lent level may be written as L 101og 1 integral 60010Li/10 dt 3600 EPA employs Ldn as baseline or criterion level for the noise exposure level of a given environmental area. It is defined as the equivalent A-weighted sound level during a 24- hour time period with a 10 decibel weighting applied to the equivalent sound level during the nighttime hours of 10 p.m. and 7 a .m. This is identical to saying that a 10 decibel penalty is applied to the nighttime A-weighted equivalent sound levels because of the greater annoyance effect which nocturnal disturbances have 'on the population. Fig. A-1 , taken from EPA 's publication, shows the rela- tionship between the percent highly annoyed of the population and the day-night average sound level Ldn; and the judged noisiness values of a site in variation with Ldn. Another 1- EPA figure , Fig . N-1 , shows guidelines for environmental land use in respect to exterior noise . It is seen- that when the - outdoor noiselevel Ldnis lower than 55 dB-A , less than 20% of the households is expected to complain about the noise . When Ldn is 65 dB-A , more than 30% of the population will complain. Summarily, it may be stated that in outdoor residential areas where people spend widely varying amounts of time , where quiet is a basis for leisure use of land, Ldn should not be greater than 55 dB-A . For indoor residential areas , Ldn should not be greater than 45 dB-A . Mathematically Ld and L• n are defined by Ld = 1.01 og sum of loHNLD/10 15 sum of 10HNLN/10x10 Ln = 101og. 9 where HNLD = hourly noise equivalent level for daytime HN'LN =- hourly noise equivalent -level for nighttime Ldn = 101og(10Ld/10 + 10Ln/10) - 3 Should the hourly noise equivalent levels be the same for every daytime hour, and should the hourly equivalent levels be the same also for every nighttime hour, Ldn may be more simply written as L = 101ogdn i5x10HNLD/10 + 9x10x10HJLN/10 24 where , as noted before , HNLD refersato the noise levels between 7 a .m. and 10 p.m. , and HNLN refers to those between 10 p. m. and 7 a.m. 2- In practice , Le is usually obtained with a statistical distribution analyzer which classifies noise levels into ampli- tude bands . Time read-out of the -rFe-j -e level-dwe rng in the various ranges is by clock or counter. A pictorial des- cription of such an analyzer appears in N. Rettinger 's "Acous- tic Design and Noise Control, " page 275, published by the Chemical Publishing Co. , 155 West 19th Street, New York, N.Y. 10011 . The advantage of an analyzer, over an instrument which develops Le only, is that it provides data on the cumula- tive distribution of the noise levels, which in turn may be used for the obtainment of percentile noise levels and for es- timative purposes of future noise exposures . Assuming that the statistical distribution analyzer has 6 level ranges of 5 decibels each, with median (daytime ) levels of L1 , L2 6 and that the corresponding hourly dwells for a 15-hour daytime test period are T1 T2 . . ... .T6, then T1x10Li/10 + T2x10L2/10 + . . ,T6xioL6/10 L = l0logd 15 - Similarly, ,for the nightime exposure level we have LI/10 L2/10 L6/10 T1x10x10 T2x10x10 Tgx10x10 Ln = l 01 og 9 where L1 , L' 2 L6 = mean nighttime levels T12 T6 = hourly dwell in the various level ranges CNEL, the Community Noise Equivalent Level , as called for in Title 4 of the California Department of Aeronautics , is de- fined by sum of 10HNLD/10 + 3xsum of 10HNLE/10 +10xsum of 10HNLN ' CNEL=101og 24 where HNLD = hourly noise levels between 7 a .m. and 7 p.m. HNLE = hourly noise levels between 7 p.m. and 10 p.m. N-LN— -hourly__noise_lev_e_ls_between_10__p.m. and 7 a .m. CNEL, therefore, represents the average noise level during a 211-hour day, adjusted to an equivalent level to account for the lower tolerance of people to noise during the evening and nighttime hours relative to the daytime period . 4- LANti uJ:: RESIDENTIAL - SINGLE tMs IlUAIIUM:=rp ILY DUPLEX, LEG i MOBILE HOMESIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII El RE-S3D N-T—I—AL-_— OM i..:.i..:....:..i.iii. i.i.:i::::.:::i.:.i..: MULTIPLE FAMILY CLEARLY ACCEPTABLE SCHOOLS , CHURCHES, M.::E•i•:•:•:•:::: •::::••••:••:-:. HOSPITALS OUTDOOR SPECTATOR l-,- I __ _ 11111 NORMALLYNEIGHSPORTS, PLAYGROUNDS , 1111-...... . ........ ACCEPTABLE NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS GOLF COURSES, - NORMALLY RIDING STABLES, 11111111.--W:::::. WATER RECREATION, CEMETARIES UNACCEPTABLE OFFICE BUILDINGS, t: ..:::: BUSINESS EZ PERSONAL, CLEARLY AND PROFESSIONAL. UNACCEPTABLE COMMERCIAL - WHOLESALE, SOME. RETAIL, INDUSTRIAL, . MANUFACTURING, d UTILITIES Figure N-1 - Guidelines for Environmental Exterior) Noise Compatible Land Use Definition - L•dn Day-Night Average Sound Level The Daya -Night Sound Level is a measure ofothehcumulati e noiseourly expure in -the community . frIt, results Le over a 24-hour time period with an increased weighting factor is Q nighttime time period .. For Ldn calculations , applied to the Night is defined at 7am to 10pm with a weighting :,factor of unitys e period defined as rlOpmoes to significant occurrences those occurring in the daytime . deemed 10 times as significant eitta/ /of ci)A904000Lext/ou of PAS;.' 04,... U 7 Zi ONE HUNDRED NORTH GARFIELD AVENUE 9A•. I".. RgrED JJ?I PASADENA, CALIFORNIA 91109 RECEIVED COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT September 13, 1977 CITY OF RENTON HEARING EXAMINER SEP201977 AM PM 71819,10111,12,1,2,3,4,5I6 Mr. L. Rick Beeler Land Use Hearing Examiner City of Renton 200 Mill Avenue, South EXHIBIT NO. ra Renton, Washington 98055 ITEM NO. -a6S 7e o 7--7 Dear Mr. Beeler: Malibu Grand Prix This is in reply to your letter of September 7. We received a similar inquiry from the City of Oakland last July, and the following is our reply to them. The situation has not changed. If you have further questions, feel free to call me at (213) 577-4152. 1. The Malibu Grand Prix facility in Pasadena complied with provisions of our zoning ordinance. The operators needed no zoning variances approved. The facility is located in a manufacturing zone. 2. The track is adjacent to a freeway, and we have received no complaints about noise. Our City code requires that noise produced at the facility be no greater than the ambient noise level in the vicinity. Malibu Grand Prix has easily complied with this provision. In addition, our Environmental Health Department reviewed a study made of the noise caused by this type of facility and found that the noise level was compatible with the zone and nearby uses. 3. The only specific problem we've encountered to date is the parking. 4. As things stand now, we would not hesitate to approve another Malibu Grand Prix facility here. However, if the Use Permit control is available to you in this situation, I would advise that you use it, and perhaps apply a condition that the applicant appear for a review of the permit in a year or two. Sincerely, RECEIVED CITY OF RENTON' AVE MERCER HEARING EXAMINER Zoning Administrator S E P 1 5 1977 213) 577-4152 AM 71819110a11112111213141516. JC:lml 201/92 R A 1 i THE CITY OF RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON WASH 98055 p CHARLES J. DELAURENTI I MAYOR • PLANNING DEPARTMENT 235 255O qTF SEP-1° 4 MEMORANDUM September 9 , 1977 TO:Michael Smith FROM: Maurita Schwartz . RE:LETTERS TO SEVERAL CITIES THAT HAVE A MIDGET FORMULA CAR SKILL FACILITY WITHIN THEIR JURISDICTION Letters mailed to the following: City of Pasadena Planning Dept. 100 North Garfield RECEIVED Room 207 CITY OF RENTONPasadena, CA__91109 (213) 577-4152 HEARING EXAMINER Attention: Dave Mercer E P 2 01977 AM PM City of Anaheim Planning Dept..-_ ri819110,11,12,1e2,3,4,5,6 204 East Lincoln Avenue P.O. Box 3222 Anaheim, CA 92803 (714) 533-5711 EXHIBIT NO. q On_ty of San Diego Planning Dept. 202 'C' Street ITEM NO.D 6 27 d67-77SanDiego, CA 92101 (714) 236-6460 Attention: Fred Knosman ti5ity of Fountain Valley Fountain Valley Planning Dept. 10200 Slater Avenue Fountain Valley, CA 92708 (tel.#not available) Attention: Don Contraman Redwood City Planning Department P .O. Box 391 Redwood City, CA 94064 415) 369-6251) Attention: Joel Patterson 1. .4 0 R 4 o THE, CITY OF RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON. WASH. 98055rl NIL o pp CHARLES J. DELAURENTI, MAYOR • PLANNING DEPARTMENT 235-2550o0 41'ED SEPTE4O September 7 , 1977 Redwood City Planning Department P . O. Box 391 Redwood City, CA: 94064 Attention : Joel Patterson Gentlemen : The City of Renton Land Use Hearing Examiner is presently reviewing an application for a Special Use Permit in a B-1 commercial ). zone , submitted by Malibu .Grand Prix Corpor- atiori . The :proposed-u-se is a midget formula car drivingskillfacility -with a separate game room and 'observation area . The subject site is adjacent to a major freeway andarterialinaproposedcommercial / industrial park area . We understand that you have such a facility within your community. p g the ------- ------ -'--_-- ai-l-==a^e-a s==of o n-c e^n= hair-e=b e e n-=-ex e s s e d u c;;;, review processr:: : We: would greatly. appreciate any - information or'` problems you .:have -encountered. as- a 'result of the operation of _ such a_fac i l i,ty. .i nc1.u.ding_:__. . 1.. -. Adverse_ noise impact inthe.__area . 2. Traffic , traffic safety, and parking problems . 3 . Law enforcement problems including loitering , vandalism and theft on adjacent properties , alcohol and drug use on-site , and juvenile problems . 4. Problems related to the lighting system. 5. Detrimental effects on stimulating high quality development in the area . 6. General maintenance and operation of the facility. 7 . Adverse air pollution . 4 r' Redwood City Planning Department September 7 , 1977 Page Two r 8. Visual or aesthetic problems . 9: Any measures required within the permit or subsequent to its issuance to reduce or miti - gate adverse impacts of the operation. The public hearing on this matter has been continued untilSeptember20, .1977 . We would appreciate any response youmighthaveby.=th-is -date . Thank you for your assistance . Very truly yours , Gordon Y. Ericksen Planning Directaw Michael L. Smith Associate Planner MLS : lml Land Use Hearing Examiner Hugh Darby, Police Chief j RECEIVED 1. > . l'''> SEP 2 8 1976 t CITY OF ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA N .- ,' Police Department UEo September 24 , 1976 Mr. Dan Morris Malibu Grand Prix Corporation 1746 West Katella Avenue Orange , California 92667 Dear Mr . Morris : In answer -to your question as to .whether the Malibu Grand Prix Tract located at 2430' East Katella Avenue , • Anaheim , has 'been' a problem , I am happy to state that in its eighteen ( 18) months of operation it has not presented any police problem whatsoever . i There have been a few calls of a minor nature to that address ; however ,-they were not directly related to the . track or its operation but to minor incidents in the parking lot . 1 We have found that your track has been a good source of recreation for .the young adults in our community . dery truly yours , d5(:=:>_...1. G , AROLD A . BASTRUV CHIEF OF POLICE HAB :.pc RECEIVED • CITY OF RENTON HEARING EXAMINER SEP 2-0 1971 AM PM 71.8191I®1It1 1112 141516 i . 17_ ...........__ -1'i :77: .1 7X IBIT 1 TO- -/D iiEM NO. P- a 6. 77, -P— a 6,7 ``7' U soP.O-BvA 3379,Arr lieirn,California e t,l J / /V / rj//V tJ J"C'l."l to 1 1 ' t/U 1 ,,_ a -, z cD nStW co : NORTH ARROYO PARKWAY RECEIVED O•'9.o°a, OHA)E D 3J?' PASADENA, CALIFORNIA 91109 SEP 2 9 1976 POLICE DEPARTMENT September 24, 1976 577-4533 Mr. Dan Morris General Manager Malibu Grand grix 1746 W. Katella. Avenue Orange, CA 92667 Pursuant to your request for testimony regarding the impact of your raceway operation recently inaugurated ' in our City, we are pleased to comment as follows : 1. The physical plant is attractive and seems • to be well planned and soundly constructed. 2 . Facilities- :for participants and spectators, parking and traffic flow apparently. were thoughtfully considered by the ' designer. Neighborhood dis- ruption has been practically nil. 3.. - The management has been conscientious in striving to prevent unsafe or unpleasant situations , has sought the advice and assistance of our personnel • in reducing the potential of incidents requiring police responses and has been cooperative in response to suggestions for deterrent measures . 4. The operational system effectively minimizes problems with clients. Employees seem to be carefully selec • ted and fully trained to implement the RECEIVED 1 ,,system. CITY r\,. HEARING EXAMINER ' • 0•• (..) e r__Li?•/v • 1 ON SEP201977 I AM PM • RR 1 718191I0i111121.1 o213i41516 r - .ji ITEMNO. -o 6- 77, 15, o 7-77 Mr. Dan Morris September 24 , 1976 Page 2 5. No inordinate increase in calls for police service has occurred. 6. Our general impression is the raceway provides wholesome recreation and amuse- ment and that it is a community asset rather than a liability. ROBERT H. McGOWAN Pol ' e chiefC.!!:/ THOMAS M. WINDERS Deputy Police Chief TMW:gw ii.'• :` to s 1,/ 4 a n a co•srgT THE CITY OF y a POLICE DEPARTMENT• 801 WEST MARKET STREET• SAN DIEGO•CALIFORNIA 92101 frMe• ev,00s,714) 236-6566 IN REPLYING PLEASE GIVE OFFICE OF THE OUR REF.NO. 15.22 CHIEF OF POLICE September 20, 1977 Mr. Richard C. Dentt Norwich-Kaiser--Dentt 315 Laurel Street San Diego, California 92101 Dear Mr. Dentt: 0 Per your request concerning the maintenance and operation of the Malibu Grand Prix facility on Miramar Road in San Diego, I offer the following observations :. Traffic flows to and from the facility are easily handled.. Parking on site shows careful design. The facility itself was well-planned and is neat and clean in,appearance. Noise generated from the facility has proved to be no problem. Management of the facility has proven to be very cooperative with my beat officers and have been very receptive to. the few minor suggestions we have made. The control over the parking lot areas and track areas have been successful in keeping .problem makers from visiting the facility. The' Malibu track attracts persons who are looking for good clean entertainment and the facility has not caused an increase for police service in the area. Sincerely, RECEIVED. CITY OF RENTON. ' W. B. Kol ender, •hi of of Police HEARING EXAMINER SEP 2 01977 AM FM By: B. R. Swaim, Captain7,8,J,l0,lI,t211:2,3,4a5,6 Northern Division EXHIBIT NO. /aZ ITEM NON . R-.6 =.7, 67-77 SCADS . p'Z C . . COHPLETE LINE P.RiGAT10N AND LANDSCAPE PRODUCTS RECEIVED CITY OF RENTONNOW)GCAPE PR.0011,:S SAN DIEGO HEARING EXAMINER 58(d•Kearny Vied Pd SnnUwrin,C:IhI•r.., S EP 2 019771il•f rrl,li Ir•I I AM PM i8,191101111I21112131415,6 N1'L,12o PRODticr SAN DERNARDINO n•,r,l p,r..,;nlnmVn+.v.1c„ September 14, 1977 Snn IL rn•n di'c.Caid,92.108 82a_3612 EXHIBIT NO. 13 Norwich-Kaiser-Dentt MDPO CAP.. PR.ODUCn: j15t Laurel Street; ITEM ® g, d 6, 7 7 5/° O 6ANAHEIM 7 7.30n E.K- nIlrl Ave. van D , ' . .92101Amdeem.Calif.92806 3 Diego, 1-714.614-2 766 1-21 d.921.3309 Dear -Mr. Richard C. Dentt: In reply to your letter' of September 9, 1977, we wish to commend the Malibu Grand Prix Corp. for the manner in which they operate their. facility in Anaheim. The grounds are very attractive and are well maintained. The design and operation of this facility is such that ic, as next door neighbors, forget that miniture race cars are run on .the property. The Malibu Center has proven to be an excellent rec- reational facility •for. our community and would be, in our opinion, for any c-.n:: :.ni Sincerely, Archie If. Hur,phtys Partner J U dc RECEIVE®ri CITY 0 REN1®11i EXAMINER GranitepO©G A 2 o 7Ml81'9I10I11, I1i2as71a314i5 6 14 September 9 , 1977 EXHIBIT NO ITEM ivnPer. Richard C . Dentt Norwich-Kaiser-Dentt 315 Laurel Street San Diego, CA 92101 Dear Rick: Now that. Malibu Grand Prix has been operating for three or four months on our property in Redwood City, we have had a fair opportunity to observe the operation firsthand. I am -happy to say that the overall operation seems to be well run, well maintained, and very busy.And, as you suggested during our negotiations , the noise from the track is nothing compared to the normal everyday noise produced by traffic on the freeway adjacent to the track. We congratulate you on what appears to be a • successful operation and we look forward to continued cooperation - in the future . Sincerely, GRANITE ROCK COMPANY LcE•PL .Prd John L. Scripps Vice President JLS :jb j pElt-IlP 'L G \ C3 f I 1 T.--• v GRANITE ROCK COMPANY • MAIN OFFICE WEST LAKE AVE. AND WALKER ST. • P. O. BOX 151 • WATSONVILLE, CALIF. 95076 • AREA 408/724.5611 RECEIVED CITY OF RENTON HEARING EXAMINER SEP201977 AM PM giN fi OLSon LfBOffTOfles. Inc. ,/ =7,8,9,to,lt,12,1,2,3,4,5,6 September 13, 1977 1, I An Envirodyne Company Mr. Rick Dentt 1'%/ Norwich-Kaiser-Dentt 1 IT O• /5 315 Laurel Street San Diego, CA 92101 ITEM NO. R`` b (,S- 77 _ D d Subject: . Compliance of ,Proposed Miniature "Formula" Car Driving Course with Applicable City/State Noise Ordinances. Dear Mr. Dentt: In response to your request, Olson Laboratories has analyzed the compli- ance of a proposed Malibu Grand Prix race track with local noise standards. . • The property is on the corner of Interstate 405 and Thomas Avenue in Renton, Washington. The project, on Class C (Industrial ) land, is in a commercial industrial area. There are no residential developments near the property. The most stringent standards applying to the proposed project are the Washington State standards; Chapter WAC 173-60-040. The State standards sets ti maximum permissible noise that a nontransportation noise source can create at nearby property lines. The following table lists the daytime and nighttime noise standards not to be exceeded by a Class C noise source (proposed pro- ject) for more than 30 minutes in any one hour. In addition, the noise standard plus 5 dBA may not be exceeded for more than 15 minutes, or the noise standard plus 10 dBA for more than 5 minutes, or the noise standard plus 15 dBA for more than 1.5 minutes in any one hour. This is summarized in terms of statistical noise levels below. 1.No. of Min. in Corres. Noise Standard of Receiving Property (dBA) I,in 1-Hr. Noise Statistical Class A Class B Class C Level Cannot be Noise Residential Commercial Industrial Exceeded Level Daytime*' Nighttime* Any time of Day Any time of Day 30 L 60 50 65 70 15 L50 65(61)55 C5?-) 70 (c)75 (7°) 5 • L25 70(67)60 ( .7) 75 (70)80 Cis) 1. 5 L3 75 (. )65 (bz) 80 (7S) 85 (ao) Daytime hours - 7:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.A GLss`1'.'(r w µIsra AL) Nighttime hours - 10:00 p.m. - 7:00 a.m. jo,st S000,r.E 1360 So. Anaheim Blvd:,Suite 139 • Anaheim. California 92805 • Telephone: (714) 533-6541 Mr. Rick Dentt Norwich-Kaiser-Dentt September 13, 1977 Page Two Sound level measurements have been taken at an existing Malibu Grand PrixfacilityinNorthridge, California. This facility is very similar to theproposedprojectwithcomparablemini-cars, operations and layout. The twofacilitiesshouldhavesimilarnoisegenerating. characteristics. The following table lists the sound level measurement results at theNorthridgetrackpropertyline, at the loudest part of the track (no acousticalbarrier). Attachment 1 contains the plot of the statistical distribution ofthemeasurementresults. STATISTICAL SOUND PRESSURE LEVEL NOISE LEVEL dBA L50 58 L25 59 Lg 61 3 . 64 Comparing the two tables, it can be concluded that the proposed projectwillbewithinthenoisestandardsforClassB, Class C and Class A daytimesoundlevels. The property is boarded by the freeway and by. Class B andClassClanduses. There is also, boardering on the property, a small parcelofvacantlandthatistemporarilyClassAwiththemasterplancallingforClassC. land. use. If the zonal change is not carried out at that property,then barrier development will be needed at the property line to meet theClassA (Residential ) noise' standard for nighttime if and when residentialstructuresarebuiltonthatland. It is Olson Laboratories ' conclusion that the Malibu Grand Prix facilitywillbeagoodneighborwithrespectto •noise. The proposed project will be substantially in harmony with the surrounding commercial and industrial landuseandthecorrespondingnoiseregulations. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call . Very truly yours, Paul Dunholter Environmental Engineercc: R. Cameron Attachments PD/jp Pi. 40 II. IMEM Urn 11-- NM 1 - i MI n lin IL: -Iji - .111111 1111'"I'- M IIII IMAM. I MI 11: i I TIME il " M ill III IN .-_ MiM MI II 1M -7 m ingMMEMEMI MI II 1 III III - ENME NMI t' l - 1,Ti Iiiiiiiiiilli 11 11 ill I 111111E1 1111 1-1 : milmM • ME •SIMEMUM MEEMMEMI" EMI" m i. hil1rii,_-_+__Hiii:TM li ri•N\\•.'•• C---) 1 1 . c:,:, 17---,•5if- f i____,-..._ _il LI u i 11 0 i i 1 P ely tic-,: I 1 1 Ci d c?IL . Li, .1-;,01 1 .c, I t , i i!) ' II ll l•jl' 1!I 1,-,bi- :::,/c`--D t---------•:---- . !):- 1 4.,.1 4 1 1\ Cp' I -I J 1 4 f V r'1 17:::>-. :i J' :.)'-' `-' . • . r.70',2 it• Y' w 2- 4;—,-7,-;;;;;;;; P.,-, '''.7. ' - ,: ., •.:;:-.•.:-'.::- 1,,-;•:: . 8t 3::..:.:,, •,...•:,.:• „:‘,. ...:......:••,..,,.::::•:• • :•...., ..•,... .. • . ,..,,,,...z,,......,.:: .,......,,,.::\ .;\, s.,.....::•.!::..... .., ,, ,,.,..,:::,....„..,:.„..,,,,....,, f•if:-•...::.•, „.. . .4:::..,;„ :•:, , „ :::.:::::.:.;‘,.:3::, .- i ..„-- , z ...3: •.. • i .:•..„..:..:::::• •• .- Li cii Q1--- v _.----. • 1'`)1 . : . •"'....... !: I '. I 1 H. : ; ...:::.' ,; y1,'*' '''-'''''' j0,0.:.,..... PA..;.2. - I'l t r\ 1 pit J• ri 1 i-----------.---- ---..:-- r T-7------- fl r 2k/ I \•:.' j'-- 0-) 4 - ---'---- t------ 1 ---:.------ -" r,^-91`,) i:i i'.' -"":---- 1 ..• _......-- r 7 i r• `..........._---r-- c---' -- •?!..7( ':-"-----;------ r..•e ,•;•..,------- r1 7 . •.' ..:------ 11 n e,. li----- r:1 2ii j a- .„..-----' c• 1 • 1 •_) 11---- ---,_,... C.:" i ) 1'' 1 „. t' / 1;V.I , -•-• / 1 - c,-.) . VOy:rjvi i-:) 1 L:..,.... 41 5 1 .‘l 4. 1.11).2.; '1•' \.. 4 4.• jL. p r NORWICHH--KAIISER-DENTT Lea`(ipp4r6 315 LAUREL STREET SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92101 0 It)e ` 714) 234-51155 y i l l F1l s'1\ I .I_ l..lS September 15, 1977 SEP 16 p97< DEPp,,-,-- Mr. Mike Smith City of Renton , Municipal Building 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, Washington 98055 Dear Mike: Enclosed per our telephone conversation today is a copy of the letter from Olson Laboratories relating to the Washington noise ordinance and the Malibu Grand Prix facility, and also letters from some of Malibu' s neighbors and police departments in cities where Malibu currently has tracks operating. Please give me a call if you have any questions. V tru y yours, Rick Dentt RD:mi Encls . CITY OF ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA O` NpEt3 + e Police Department September 13 , 1977 City of Renton Police Department Municipal Building 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, Washington 98055 Attention: Officer A. J. Hubner Dear Officer Hubner : This is in reply to your questionnaire concerning problems arising from the Malibu Gran Prix located in our city. This facility is located in an industrial area and is quite isolated from other businesses . There have been no problems connected with the facility other than an occasional response to the silent alarm. To my knowledge, none of the businesses located in the area have had problems with the racetrack. I hope this infotniation will be of assistance to you. Very truly yours , HAROLD A. BASTRUP CHIEF OF POLICE yJ TIE D. KENNEDY, CAPTAIN RATIONS DIVISION COMMAND JDK:j s EXHIBIT NO. ? ITEM NO 7dc77. . P.O.Box 3369,Anaheim,California 92803 Police Department 1020 Middlefield Road Redwood Redwood City, California 94063 Telephone (415) 365-7100 Doty On!lf®roinGifuFoundedMB1 ITIgi17/September 14, 1977 Mr. Hugh R. Darby Chief of Police Renton Police Department 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, Wash. 98055 Attention: A. J. Hubner Dear Sir, Reference is made to your letter of 9-8-77 concerning the Malibu Grand Prix operation in this City. To date, we have experienced no .police problems from this operation. The proprietor occasionally hires off-duty officers to supplement their own security force for .handling :large crowds . The facility in this City is located adjacent to the Bayshore Freeway (U. S . 101) in a predominantly industrial area. Thus , the considerable noise generated does not affect residents or businesses . We suspect that the noise would be undesirable in a residential area, although such judgement is quite subjective. We submit that only your City can set such standards for your own needs . So far, the facility seems to operate in a safe and responsible manner and does attract large crowds . Yours truly, 141111 Ge 7e\W. Bold CHIEF OF POLICE cilia,cy,,,,,A„,te,././ F2 I 1 142 NORTH ARROYO PARKWAY bo0. oar co o•., PASADENA, CALIFORNIA 91109 POLICE DEPARTMENT September 14, 1977 Hugh R. Darby Chief of Police Police Department 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, WA 98055 This response is sent to you personally because of the manner in which the inquiry was made. The Malibu Grand Prix Corporation operates a facility within the City of Pasadena. The physical aspects of the raceway place it in the category of an asset rather than a liability to the community. There has been no substantial adverse impact on nearby business operations or residents as far as we know. We have not interviewed persons to elicit specific responses. The management seems to us concerned, responsible and effective, , 7 6ROBERT . McGOWAN Police Chief RHM:TMW:se enclosures EXHIBIT 1 T .• os 61-( 71(/ 7/_ .j‘e), RECEIVED CITY OF RENTON HEARING EXAMINER SEP 2 01977 PA AM 71€31911011111211 E2t3'415,6 EXHIBIT NO. 26 y4 ..... ITEM NO. of v ft.. 41 e o THE CITY OF RENTON Z MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE.SO. RENTON.WASH.98055 CHARLES J. DELAURENTI,MAYOR • LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER Q- L. RICK BEELER . 235-2593 rf0 SEP1" September 1, 1977 TO:Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney PROM: L. Rick Beeler, Hearing Examiner SUBJECT: Malibu Grand Prix Corporation .Rezone Request, R-065-77 Attached is the Planning Department staff report for. the subject rezone which is',on'the public hearing agenda for next Tuesday, September 6, 1977. Prom my review of the report, I have a legal interpretation question which bears directly upon the application. The Planning Department opinion on page 4, paragraph..2 of the report is that a commercial recreation facility .can be allowed in the B-1 zone, by the special permit process under the authority Of Section 4-722(B) ,- Title-. IV. •.'My question is whether or not Section.'4-722(B) can be. applied thus without, specific provision.in the B-1 zoning district; (Section 4-711) permitting commercial recreation uses subject to the special permit process. My opinion is that Section 4-722 (B) only states the purpose of a epecial.permit but does. not, categorically project any use into any zoning district ,subject to that process. If that were the case, We would have zoning by special permit. . Utilizing Section 4-711, that is My interpretation of•the' applicability• of Section 4-722(B) . However, I would appreciate any information and your legal opinion. Please provide your opinion in writing so that I may be able to enter it into .the.record. RECEIVED Sin a CITY OF RENTON HEARING EXAMINER f :e• SEP201977 AM PM L. Rick Beeler 7181911011L1211121314,5'I6 Hearing Examiner LRRB:up cc: Gordon Y. Erioksen, ,Planning Direct T - -:- Mike Smith, Planning Department N . ot Attachment ITEM NO. £ a 6 S= 77. 7-z7 RECEWED CITY OF RENTON HEARING EXAMINER EXHIBIT OF 019!7 7 ga,2,3,4,5 6, ITEM NO® 7 r ° J_2 • U ®j OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY• RENTON,WASHINGTON 0 POST OFFICE BOX BM1OO 2nd AVENUE BUILDING • RENTON,WASHINGTON 98055 255.8870 ti A o. 45' GERARD M.SHELLAN,CITY ATTORNEY LAWRENCE J.WARREN, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY AlpEDSEPIts I September 6 , 1977 Dictated Sept. 2 , 1977) RECEIVED CITY OF RENTON TO: Rick Beeler, Hearing Examiner HEARING EXAMINER SEP 71971 FROM: Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney AM PM 7s8,9110,1111211;2131415,6 Re: Malibu Grand Prix Corporation Rezone Request Dear Rick: Thank you for your Memo of September 1, 1977 regarding the above captioned matter, , In answer to your inquiry, it would be our .opinion that Section 4-722 (B) (Special Permit) relates to situations and uses of property, not permitted or covered in a specified zone and which activity or use may be detrimental to the public health, safety, morals and general welfare: Assuming that a proposed midget car driving facility is not a use expressly covered in a B-1 zone, you would then have to decide whether a special permit is required by reason of the fact that the proposed use may be detr±iental to the public health, etc. as above set forth. If there is no such detrimental effect to the public, then such activity may be permitted, without .a special permit, if a finding is made by you that its use is compatible or similar to other uses permitted specifically in a B-1 zone . In this connection, We notice, for instance , that. under our existing • Ordinances, parks , playgrounds , tennis courts and like recreational uses (emphasis ours) are permitted as a matter of right in Section 4-710 (E)- We must also assume that the P-1 District is more restrictive than B-1. You may also' consider Section 4-722 (F) and (G) (Conditional Use Permit) by reason of the speci 1 conditions imposed on this proposed activity. We hope that the abo e information will allow you certain alternatives to handle this par •icular ap lic io but if you need any other specific ' infor.mation, please 1 . m n i We remain 1 rard 'I. Il fit. GMS :nd 1 R H. E. Vernon--Vice President CUMMINS NORTHWEST DIESEL, INC. 811 S. W. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Statement Presented Sept' ', 1977 Our purpose in being here is to ask the City of Renton to reject the request of Malibu Grand Prix for the rezoning and special permit application for a recreation facility adjacent to our business on Grady Way. We have no general objection to the Malibu Grand Prix business, nor do we wish to cause them any. inconvenience . Simply stated, our request to deny the Malibu Grand Prix appli- cation is based on the premise that the rezoning of areas should result in business or residential zones being made up of compatible elements. We believe the Malibu Grand Prix Racetrack is incompatible with business and residential elements already established in the area. Our concern for incompatibility includes the following: 1. Noise Pollution--I-405 has traffic noise but occasionally a vehicle or motorcycle (probably in violation)passes, whose noise far exceeds the normal traffic noise level. I have never heard a quiet race car engine. Whether it is a go-cart, a stock car, or a formula race car, they are loud and noisy. We will not be having an:...occasional noisy vehicle going by-- we will have that noise interruption all the time. We employ. approximately 98 office and shop personnel to be interrupted by this activity. 2. . . Since I-405 is elevated over the racetrack area, it will be difficult or impossible to screen off the sight of the 4 racetract. A potential traffic hazard exists due to drivers attention being diverted by the sight or sound of the race cars. 3. Congestion and hazardous driving conditions will be created--. This section of Grady Way is already congested at various times of the day. ' Assuming the Malibu Grand Prix business attracts enough patrons to be successful, it will add substantially to the congestion. Add to this congestion, a "race car driver" who has just had his adrenalin charged up with a turn or two around the race track--take him out Page 2 of the race car and put him into his hot Camero,or whatever he drives, on the street and turn him loose in the heavy traffic in and around this area--to me it is potentially very hazardous. 4 . The equipment left at our facility to be repaired is expensive and contains radios, and various other electronic equipment that is a popular target of theft. The additional people in our immediate area at all times of the day and on weekends, perhaps even using our parking lot when the Malibu race track lot is full, presents a definite security problem for us. Whether it is car race patrons going or coming from the track or people loitering around such a recreation facility, they will be attracted to the "Big Rigs" on our lot. We don' t look forward to the negative impact on our business. We try very hard to be a good neighbor in the pursuit of our business, and in meeting our responsibilities of the area. As a respected and established neighbor, we ask Malibu Grand Prix to find a more compatible area for their race track, and we beg the City of Renton to decline their application at this location. 4 r' a RECEIVED PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF RENTON HEARING EXAMINER PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER SEP 61977 AM PM PUBLIC HEARING 71819iiodhew21314r5i6 SEPTEMBER 6 , 1977 —` 11B h 1. I ` ). ITEM NO. /g--a -5_ 7 APPLICANT: MALIBU GRAND PRIX COfPORATION II, OG7- 77 FILE NO. : REZONE , FILE FVO . R-065-77 ; AND SPECIAL USE' PERMIT ; "TILE NO : ISP=067-77 1 A. SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Applicant requests rezone from GS-1 to B- 1 and a special use permit in a B-1 zone for a proposed midget car driving skill facility and amusement center on approximately six acres of : landlocated betteen FAI -405 and S . W. Grady Way just west of the eXisting, Cummins Diesel site . The majority of the site is toibe used for a 'scaled down version of a race course for driver skill testing . A 5 , 127 sggare foot buildinc is also proposed Whichlwould house an amusement area , display area , and other sudport facilities for the proposed use . The remainder areas are to be used for spectator areas , parking and landscaping . I i B. GENERAL INFORMATION : 1 . Owner of Record : THE PORTIONHEOFT SITE ' TO BE REZONED TO G-1 IS OWNED BY E`, R:• TURNER and the, REMAINING PORTION OF!iTHE SITE IS OWNED BY RICHARD F . EV , NS ! i THE APPLICANT PROPOSES , I ' TO LEASE THE SUBJECT SITE FOR THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT. 1 I II 2 . Applicant: 'MALIBU GRAND PRIX CORPORATION 3 . Locat onl: Between FAI -405 and , S . W. Grady Way directly eWestofthe xistingCummins Diesel facility; 4. Legal Description : ;Detailed .l descriptionegalderIiption is available and on file in the Ren Planking Department .i i htb, I 1 5. Size of Property: ' Rezone areaapproximetely one acre , total site area approxiinatelylsix acres . 6 . Access : Via S . W. Grady Way. I 7 . Existing Zoning : GS-1 , General Classification District and 1 B-1 , Business District. 8. Existi1, g , Zbning GS- 1 , General Classification District , in The' IArea : B-1 , Business District , I 1 L-1 , Light Industry District , and M-P , Man facturing Park District. 9. Comprehensive Manufacturing Park Land Ule Plan : 0 10. Notification : The applicant was notified in writing of the hearing dati: . Notice Was properly 1 published in thy:, Record;Chroni cl a and posted 1 in three places , pn ornear the site as required by City 'brdinance . Notice was also distributed td sr4rrounding property owners . C. PURPOSE QF , R :QUEST: To allow construction 'of a midget car driving skill facility together with a bqi " ding of approxirately 5 ,000 sql re feet WhiO would con- sist of aa ticket counter , lobby , rest rooms , , family arcade games , and garage area for storage and minor repair of cars . The facility would I 1 PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING OF SEPTEMBER 6 , 1977 it PAGE TWO RE : MALIBU GRANT) PRIX CORPORATION REZONE REQUEiT .FROM GS- 1 TO B- 1 , ' FILE R-065-77 , AND SPECIAL USE PERMIT , FILE SP-067 -77 allow individuals holding a valid driyer ' slicense to drive the , operators ' scaled down formula cars arounda one-half mile curved track , racing solely against the clock and ' notlwith other vehicles . I 1 D. HISTORY/BACKGROUND : The subject site was annexed to the City o IA5 ail 141, 1959 by Ordinance No ; 1745 . The subject site is a portion of an old residential plat consisting of blocks ' of s all lots . ' The site has . remained as pasture land for many years . ma jeri ty' of ;the site was rezoned to B-1 on April 15 ,. 1965 by Ordinance ' No'. 2085 . E. PHYSICAL BACKGROUND : i . 1 . Topography : The site is relatively le el andis; approximately three to 'five feet lower in elevation ' h,an' the Freeway and S . W. Graly Way. i 2 . Soils : Woodinville Silt Loam (Wo) . P : r,mieability is moderately slow. There is a seasonal high water able at Or near the surface . Runoff is slow and hazard of erpp ion is ' slight. This soil is used for row crops , pasture and uhban development. 3. Vegetation : The site consists priinari y it scrub `grasses and . native sfirubs . I 4 . Wildlife : The existing vegetation on h!e si.te' provides suitable habitat for birds and small , ma ma s . ' , l 5 . Water : Surface water and streams i are , ot! #pp::rept on the sub- ject site , however , the property is : in a l wlndIarea and may be subject to seasonal high water H ; i) 6. Land Use : The subject site is presently bndeveloped . ' The ,property directly east of the subject site ; cont , inls1the Cummins Diesel Engine Cempany development r4. FA 05 i le ated directly adjacent to the Iscuth property line of. tie subj , c tl site . The area ' ' adjacent to the west to Springbrook !Cr ek is presently Undeveloped . S . W. Gray Way is adjacent to the 'nort erl. property line of the subject site , and Earlington Ma ufactu ing Park and Earlington Golf course are located beyond $ . W. Gr d!y! Way north and east of the sibj ,ct site . F. ' NEIGHBORHOODICHARACTERISTICS: I The general ; area is in' a slow transition from low density single family residence and undeveloped pasture land to commercial and industrial ,utesl G. PUBLIC SERVICES: 1 i 1 . Water anc Sewer : An existing 12 inch Water main is located along S . W. Grady Way ending just east of Thorilas Avenue S . W. Extension will be required . An existing 8 inch ewe main is located along S . W . urady Way . An existing 12 inch t orni, 'sewer line is located in f.ayMorid Avenue S . W . east of the su ec,t, sit• e . . .. . . i ' 1 , 2 . Fire protection : Provided by the Renton Fbre Department as per Ordi nance requirements : Any fUture ' de!tel b ament of the site will be subject to the City. of Rentdn standa'dsi, ( see comments from Fire Department) . I 3 . Transit.: ; Metro Transit Route 161 operates along, S .W. Grady Way adjaeent ' to the subject site . 4 .. Schools : Not applicable. 5. Parks : Not applicable.I . I I ' I PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING OF SEPTEMBER 6 , 1977 PAGE THREE RE : MMALIBU GRAND PRIX CORPORATION REZONE REQUEST FROM GS- 1 TO B- 1 , FILE R-065-77 , AND SPECIAL USE PERMIT , FILE ,SP-067,'77 1 H . APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE ZONING CODE: 1 . Section 4-729 ; G , General Classi'ficationistrict . I 1 2. Section B-1 ; B-1 , Business District. ' 3 . Chapter 22 , Parking and Loading . H I . APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE RAW ; . , ' OR OTHER OFFICIAL CITY DOCUMENTS : 1 . Green River Valley Comprehensive Plan , Jurje 1976 , Objectives , pages 5 through 7 . 1 2 . Resolution No . 1923 , relating to City z.doption of SCS require- ments for landscaping suitable for wildlife habitat„ 3 . Valley Comprehensive Map Element designating site and general area for Manufacturing Park type usage . J , IMPACTS ON NATURAL SYSTEMS ; Development of the subject site will add alddit;ion al impervious • surfaces to the site affecting existing soils:and storm water runoff. Development of the site will creaitedditi?nal traffic and noise on the site. ll K. SOCIAL IMPACTS ; Not applicable . L o ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT/THRESHOLD DETERMIINAI);ON : i , Pursuant, to the City of Renton ' s Environm 'ntal, ' Ordinance and the State Environmental Policy Act of 1971 , a aTended , RCW 43 . 21C , a Declaration of Non-significance has ;been issued for the subject' proposali (see attached ) . This declaratio Lit based on provision of suitable landscaping to SCS and City requilrements consistent with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan fo-r the area together with other suitable1developmental standards , consistent With planning objectives for the 4rea , M. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION : A vicinity map and site map are attached . ' N. AGENCIES/DEPARTMENTS -CONTACTED : 1 . King County Hydraulics Division 2 . City of Renton Building Division 3 . City of Renton Engineering Division 4 . City of Renton Utilities Division 5 . City of Renton Fire Department Copies of certain memoranda are attached . I 0, PLANNING."DEPARTMENT ANALYSIS : 1 . The subject rezone is consistent with :the Comprehensive Plan , existing zoning , and existing uses inrthe area . Although the Comprehensive Plan for the Green River Valley , June 1976 , ' establishes the area for munaufacturirtg park Usage , less ' intensive zoning , such as B-1 business 'district ,' is : considered compatible , provided the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan are met by the proposed site development . i 1 PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING OF SEPTEMBER 6 , 1977 I PAGE FOUR i , RE : MALIBU GRAND PRIX CORPORATION REZONE REQUEST FROM GS-1 TO B-1 , FILE R-065-77 , AND SPECIAL USE PERMIT , FILEISP-067=77 2 . The proposed site development is classifi,e,c as a commercial recreation facility . Although : not specifically a permitted use , , it could be allovled by Special UselPermit pursuant to Section 4-722 ( B) , depending on the facts of ; the particular case , its impacts to adjacent properties , , and other pertinent circumstances . Special conditions of approval are usually, , required for a Special Permit to ensure ' cqmpatibility with the purpose and intent of the Comprehensive Plan and , zoning , as, well as to protect adjacent properties , and provide reasonable aesthetic and safety measures . The Land Use Hearing Examiner may require such conditions , modifications , and ' restrictions as stated in Section 4-3010 (B ) . 3. As stated in number one above , the proposed use must conforM to the goals and objectives of the Green River° Valley Comprehensive Plan ; pages 5-8, specifically With regard to suitable landscaping and site design . Areas of the site plan needing additional land- scaping include the area adjacent t.o Grady Way , ` the area within and around the parking lot and proposeld ; building , the area along the freeway , and the areas near adjacent properties . The pro- posed landscape materials must meet Soil Conservation Service requirements for provision of wildlife habitat. , 4. The propsed development should also be, consistent with the , Comprehensive Plan and manufacturing Park , zone v4ith respect to setbacks and signing . The proposed buillding should maintain a minimum setback of 60 feet adjacent tot pi lic ' rights=of-way and a minimum 20 feet from all other property, lines , All signs and light poles must be set back a minimum' 20 feet from FAI -405 , a primary,' state highway , per Section 4-7116 . The height and size of the pole sign is excessive with respecit to the aesthetic objectives of the Comprehensive Plan and relative, to .Jadjacent uses ( ike. , the Cummins Diesel sign) . The sign adjacent to Grady Way must be entirely on private property and of reasonable scale and height. Final sign design and approval shall besubject to Sign Design ReviewICommittee approval . All lighting 'shall be subject to Public ,,Works Department approval, i ncl'udi ng hei ht , intensity , and , provision of suitable shielding frOm ,,,adjace rt properties and public streets and highways . (See memo from Traffic Engineering Division . ) 5. Utilities are available to ,the site . However , Water and sewer mains gill require extension per Public Works Department approval . A wate' and sewer system charge of 1¢ per square foot each will be required . Fire flow and hydrants will be required per ISO Insdrance Services Office 'Guide ) and Fire Department require- ments . (See comments on review routing sheets . ) 6 . The applicant proposes to fill to the 100 year flood level approxiCnately 20 . 8 feet) . Existing site elevation is approxi - mately ' 15-17 feet. A Soils Engineering REport will be required for approval of all structures . Proposed 'development plans shall be subject to Flood Zone Control Permit approval of the King County Hydraulics Division . The applicant has applied for this permit. The Planning Department has requested review comments from .King County but has yet received no 'riesponse . Verbal com- munication with King County indicates that there appears to be no significant problems at this stage of their review process . 1 7 . Storm drainage plans have not been sub'mittled . Detailed storm drainage plans , with suitable on-site retention and oil /water separation facilitiesi shall be approved 'by the Public Works Department. A temporary settling basi''n may be required by the Public. Works Department for control of storm drainage during construction . 1 PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING OF SEPTEMBER 6 , 1977 ti PAGE FIVE RE : MALIBU GRAND PRIX CORPORATION REZONE REQUEST FROM GS-1 TO B-1 , FILE R-065-77 , AND SPECIAL USE PERMIT, FILE . SP-067-77 8 . The miniature cars are powered by a small . Mazda; engine , which is heavily muffled . Cars race against the•;clock and not each other . A noise analysis has been 'prepared 'by . the applicant and is included in the file. Comparing this dah with the State Noise Law , WAC 1.73.60 , indicates ' that the Orly problems in compliance might occur in the remaining undeveloped , uninhabited ' GS-1 zone. There does not . appear ' to beta dorrfl i ci with the existing surrounding business and industrial zoning and the . freeway. In fact , the location adjacent, td!,the' freeway and within commercial / industrial area , will result in few conflicts due to noise. AttachedIs ' a copy of a comp',osite of the State noise requirements established within the c,Ity ' s Bulk Stora9e Regulations . The proposed use must meetithese requirements , although enforcement is only by specificicomplaint. i 9, Off-site improvements shall be required pur ,;uant to Section 4-102 along the portion of S .W . Grady Way adjacent to the subject site. 1 i 10 . Certain previously platted public streets a'nd alleys exist within the subject site. These will neel tQ ,beivacated prior to development of the site . i i j P. PLANNING DEPARTMENT RECOMMENDATION : ' ii Recommend approval of the rezone ' to 671 and the; Special Permit application based' on the above analysis subject;ito the following conditions : ! i i i 1 I 1 . Final approval by King County Hydraulics !Divisionjpf the State Flood Zone Control Permit. 2 . A detailed landscape plan for the entire 'isitd development con- sistentlwith the Green River Valley, Comprlehen$iVe Plan objectives , pages 548 , and the Soil Conservation SEri/i cce requirements for ! wildlife habitat area established . in Residlht on 193 shall be submitted to and approved by the RentonIP;lan' ing Department. Such landscape plan shall include , but n,ojt b e , limited to : a . , A minimum five feet of landscaping adjacent to Grady Way , together with landscaping of the , unimpr•oved portion of the right-of-way . 1 b. Provision of landscaping along the FAI.405 . c . Pr, oviion of a minimum five foot landscape strip , together with 0 minimum six foot screening fence along all other property lines for screening and Ouffering of adjacent properties . d . Additional landscaping within the parking area .and adjacent to the proposed building , as per the abovementioned docu- ments and Chapter 22 , Parking and Loading . i e. All such landscaping shall consist o' a sutabl e. combination . Of trees , shrubs , and groundcover that meet the objectives . established in the abovementioned documents , 3. All signing shall maintain the appro , riatq setbacks ' establish•ed ' ' . • . . by , ordinence and be of a height and size ooinsistent with the adjacent' pse (Cummins ' Diesel ) and ' the objectiVes ' of: the Compre- hensive Plan . I i i PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING OF SEPTEMBER 6 , 1977 PAGE SIX 1 RE : MALIBU GRAND PRIX CORPORATION REZONE ' REQUEST, FROM GS-1 TO B-1 , FILE R-065-77 , AND SPECIAL USE PERMIT , FILEI.SP-067'-77 4. All lighting shall be subject to Public °Works Department approval of its size , height , location , lumination ' power, and shielding . 5 . The proposed building and bleachers dial (maintain a minimum setback of 60 feet from all public right of-way' and 20 feet from all other property lines . II 6. Detailed drainage plans , including suitable sto'm water retention and oil /water separation facilities co s stent with _King . County standards , shall be submitted td and approved by the Public Works D art ent at the time of Building' Permit appli - cation . I 4 rainage plans may be required by the Public Works Department to control drainage • dUring constructign . II 7 . All utilities and service charges shall belsub,ject to Public Works Department approval , together with ' proper fire flow and hydrants to ISO standards . 8. Off-site improvements subject to SEctionL-102 requirements. I '. !. 9. The proposed development shall meet State Environmental Noise regulations established in WAC-173-60.1 10. Final approval of proposed street vac'atidns' as oulined on the attached map. I I i' • ' I ' 1 • I 4 t, 0 ICITY---=OF 11,EN TON-- 2 ftitiMCMC-IMILLDING 2001tiltitt-AVE SO__:RENTON.---VMSEL-98055 C HARt-ES—JFDELA URENTi- PLANNING-DPIrilrE-770 c - 0 cfr41-to-sEPA---- August 26 , 1977 George Wannamaker King County Division- 'of Hydraulics Room 976 King County Administration Building . W-ashington - 9_810:4 Dear Mr. Wannamak_er : RE: MALIBU GRAND PRIX CORPORATION PROPOSED DRIVI.N.G_S_KILL FACILITY This department is presently re_v_irewing. a_ request_ by Malibu__ Grand. Prix_ Corpo_ration.:_foir . a rezone and . special permit to . ." • corn-s_truct_ami=n_ta car driving s facility a:nd-iamuse- raent -c-e-nter. T-he pro-peTty s- located al-ong the -south -side r of _S.11._ Grady .14-ay, north of FAI-405 , and_between- aa-kesdaleL A-v-e-n ue- S . W-. -and Thomas- Av-e-.. the-Ci-ty- of Ren-to-n We- understand .that the applicant has sent a -set -of pla-n-s to you as part of a Flood Zone Control- Permit applica-tion . We -would -appreciate your review and comments as soon as possible so that they might be entered into the September 6 , 1977 , public hearing record . If you have any questions , please contact this department. Very truly yours , Gordon Y . Ericksen P1 alyfin-g pvtirector ? t• Michael L . SrFith Associate Planne-r MLS : wr IN-IPTMENTAL HVIEW HOUEST TO : PUBLIC WORKS DI R-E-C T-0 BUILDING DIVISION , • GINEERING TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DIVISION ) pUTILITIES DIVISION A141- - FIRE DEPARTMENT HEALTH DEPARTMENT FROM-: —PLANNING .DEPARTMENT Cu frt-a-c-t------P-e-rs-o-n---' 7 ,,,-(./es/ c_77- - cif Please review the attached information regarding the subject pro-pos7al- and return it to the Planning -Department by 46(f / -S/YlZ. with your written re_comm.end.atio_n_. Your response will., be inclu_ded as part of the staff _re_p_ort to _the_Heari ng--Exar-i-ner. Thank you , PLANNING- DEPARTMENT 46 7 ./ • ROUTG__FOR _REVIEW, OF E_N IIRONMENTALIN C E.CKLIST FORMS 1; : h Finance Department I Fire Department Library Department I: 'I , . 0 Park Department aPo1ice Department 1• Public orks ,Department BuildingDiv. TrAffic Eit ibeerin Div .9 9 Engineering' Djv . itilities , Engineering Div. • FROM : Planning Department , (signed by res'po sible• official: or his designee ) I ,; , . I , • SUBJECT : Review of ECF- `' -265-77 1•Applicatioh No . i_ R-065.777 . Action Name :APPLICATIONH. FOR REZONE FROM S-•1 TO B71 ; i GRADY WAY BETWEEN OAKESDILE S . W : .& RAYMOND SO . 1, Please review the attached . Review requested' by ( date ': . 8/24/77 REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : j ; ', Department . A/14 I, Comments: 6/0 P h?,- Zie_ie,,,.._, LL:L'2,1' . - ' ' ' ..g>/Z%72 Signature if Di rector or Authorized Represeni:O ve 'Date REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : Department : 1rNeer, Y] Com,'ehts : `70 v bl.ecy(,'o„ 4. _ • • Signatur 1f Direc or or Authorized Representative Date' 6-76 OVER) k I. T. v I.i t., 3`i 010 I. it CT) ' E RA RI.riE.N I S : i • ii:.." p a r t me n t• 1 , ‘...1 'V\ ...i. r-t fr. 3 I Commnts : 1/4..,— ttize Qb.se ri.Ik-1-17t 1-4 1.-‘oi-LS lb rt+14-. ki-7-4 t._ , c , i . I Q12,3/7 7 nature of Di rector or Authorized Represent tive p4te 1 VIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : Department : C\QN=. , C o m me n t s : ‘._ C) CDD \E\e._—c 1 1 1\,1 IL,. • le- itrlic17 i q;ult.ure of i rectorAis; '-A ize Repre'SenttiVe , —Date i , . .• I . REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : I Department : tett ' / - ---.(9)44 ::: 1:E, ieL9/J-7e6-)P./ly ,L . ../ : , . • Comments : 4/0 • 5.-,i, fr./, ./ (. c:ar......,_77(- 1 ',...-4--/...,,67,y7f---.- 7 ' ./ / / e---eey0 _:, As lilz,41-r X/ C.-a zi li( e )--J a-)-A 00 • ' 45 c-- 7 0 4,.. J .,-,E...,.., -7L-a.) n /---1/,?.}.. .11—• 4 7 ci e ic'le•, ,•a,1 : .Ztl-r'''''."-.7- _ ce1 t s /-' _- g h e—---------- c---------------y. Signature 6 Dire- tor or Authorized Representatjv p Date I i REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : 1 Department : CoMMents : I i I I 1 1 , Signature .6f. bi rector or Authorized- RepreSentati ye Date I . I • . r•I 1 I i L iu; + t,,L_ _` I Ev1 ;EU.!JL T TO : PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR' 4411 afr: BUILDING DIVISION 411111:4e: ENGINEERING DIVISIONS _ TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DIVIS I i r, UTILITIES- DIVISION c--. FIRE DEPARTMENT HEALTH - DEPARTMENT FROM-:. -PLANNING -DEPARTMENT ern, C-ont-a-c t--P-e-rs=o-n of / ,1 Ftv J 74• C .571ree-C A07'c' T (la L ef'// ) .-rGN ' `f/u"r-/, Please review the• attached information regarding the s-ubje-ct/// proposal and return it to th-e Pia-nni-ng Department by 4ifw.5-7/ -72•X with your written recommendation . Your- re-s_po-ns-e--w-il-l--b.e in_c1u-dad=-a-s- part -of the- s-t-aff--r.epor.t__ta__the—Heari_n•g -Ex-a-mi-n:er. __ y Thank you , PLANNING- -DEPARTMENT ROUTING_FOR REVIEW OF ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORMS ICH C Finance Department 1 . Fire Department 0 Library Department CDPark Department, Police DepartmentRj Public Works Department 8Building Div.Traffic Engineering Div : Engineering Div . UtiOties Engineering Div. i I FROM : Planning Department , (signed y respons;ibl e official or his designee ) is i SUBJECT : Review of ECF- 265-77 Application No . : SP-067-77 Action Name : SPECIAL PERMIT TO CQNST UCT , MIDGET CAR FACILITY , GRPDY1 WAY ' . Please review the; attached . Review requested by ( date) : • 8124177 r kEVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : I; .• 1 Department : C o min e n t s : ` $i 4 o--,".v/t) s o/c•s e-c ct 'ae. ii ex,fre..Qca-L. J7/o+ u-c r J y I ! 1 I . 7 G4.4-' arc i . , ,. , 1 ri-47 7 i. ., ' !'..1 Signature ' of Director r .Authori zed' Repr'esentati ve Date i REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : C o rr n e n t s : ) &-c-F S,` ; r e ve. s ,-,q, r'---e,Q- a) CJt S_i_t r+ _ ,„_,.1.,a,c. /,t C. c.....f w..+r o,..-s 'r e q (..iVe4.. 3) J„a p c r a../ sa.rY-4, bb a;i i A- el 6- rz.e .,v c J 1'.{ S- a.- - 0n r l Signature of Director or Authorized Rep es'entative Date 6-76 OVER) kf_ V rE W B 0 1 ii(. k C I 1 E PAk' ifl:NTS : Uepartucnt : l TtL Tits. 5 Conner) ts : co S h R.46 1°rty roan.r/ 4- Po s 1 t3 ; ?f7 w z.,z /t S Lk, iz SYS17Y,'.1 Lk G. I ci. pi fi•Ac f- i 23/77 i )natu e of Director or Authorized Representative Date i LCVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : Department : 7\R'E Comments : H‘s• QgO,Ec• t,,\\ QF C2E h APP(?ov EX) ykP\\/ CA 'r o . SuQQA ke3 0 G b -Low. A So. o1r— S' . 4 N'Pc Ak` C A9P c rafixiam SvcZAvCE `t7ECZV\Ct_ O ‘c C \V` • i ;n; ture of Dir:.•f'•1, . ' o e ized ' Representative Date REVIEW BY OITHER 'CITY DEPARTMENTS : D,epar4ment : iJ77' T, E l/11!eit Comments: 412 r ri 1 , y I;un11 4• C 4e/10 1?7^-L Co7 pd • Q ki .;, _ kjc' Ccc J•4Y-1 j I Si gnaturti' of 'Director or AuthTpMnepresentative Date REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : Department : Comments : Signature of Director or Authorized Represehtative Date EAXIAMM_EI_YSNOIRE.NThb d;SE-ZEIELS 173-60-- or-reso,inti-on- desk-gnats- -EDJE-s-t-o. -_c_Qnf,Qte- - -i-tb- the-zoning= __-_- _ -_---- _:. ._ - ordinance--as follows: a)_Resident-.1--,ones--- Classes-EDNA- _ - b) COmmarri'a1_2nr^^ - Class .8 EDNA= l( cj IriAtvstria-i-zones—Class=C--EDNA- - Upon-appro -ny the-=departaent,=EDNAs_so:designated--shall =_ - be -as-set-±orth_in-sach---local_deter.aination. EDNA-designations sha-l-1 -b-easended s necessary-to-conform-to-zone-c2rangs under- - ----- -- - T- h_zon-ing uL371-make.- 3) I-r --areas-=not=coveted by-a- local--zoning=ordi-ance- but_ within-t-h-e-coverage of an adopt-ed--comprehensive plan the ------- IegislMtive-slitheri-tf -.the loca-l-government-may, --by--ordinance or resolution=desigeate EDNAsto conform withtlie-coapra-'seasiTe: a)-Residential areas= Class-A_EDEA b)-Coamercia-l-areas-- Class B EDNA c) Industrial areas - Class C EDNA Upon approval by the department EDNAs so designated shall • be as set forth in such local determination. EDNA designations shall be amended as necessary to conforn to changes in the comprehensive plan. 4) The department recognizes that-on-certain lands, se renity, tranquillity, or quiet are an essential part of the quality of the environment-and serve an important public need. Special designation of such lands with appropriate noise level standards by local government may be adopted subject to approval by the department: The director may make-such special designation- -pursuant to the procedures of the Administrative Procedure Act, chapter 34.04 RCM. (Order 74-32, § 17-3-60-030, filed ,`adf..), efi. 9/1,175. j wAc 173-60-040 MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE ENVIRONMENTAL NOISE LEVELS. (1) No person shall cause or permit noise to intrude into the property of another person which noise exceeds the maxiauLperaissible-noise_ levels set ..forth below. in this section._ 2) (a) The noise limitations established are as set forth - in the following table-after-any applicable adjustments provid- a: - ed-for -herein are-applied. EDNA-of EDIA-OP BOIZp, SOURCE RECEI9IpG P$QQ$gTL-- cjygg A - Class B- Class C _ CLASS A _ T 55 dBA- 57 dBA- -60 -dnA- CLASS B 57 60 65 CLASS C- El-----§1__ 70 b) Between the hours -of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. the r;:;•r; noise limitations of the foregoing table-shall be reduced by 10 dBA for receiving property within Class A EDNAs. c) At any hour of the day or night the applicable noise limitations in (a) and (b) above may be- exceeded for any eceiving property by no more than: l• _ r ( i) S dBA for a total of 15 minutes in any one-hour period; or iii iV dBA for a total of 5 minutes-in- any--one-hour period; or iii) 15 dBA for a total of 1.5 minutes in any one-hour period. [order 74-32, § 173-60-040, filed 4/22/75, eff. 9/1/75.1 ti Supp. •16(2/5/76) WASHINGTON ADMIN. CODE ( 173-60-p 31 CITY or RENTON, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO . 1923 WHEREAS the United States Department of Agriculture, Soil ; : Conservation Service , has submitted to the City of Renton,as well as other cities ,/Rigg County, a letter agreement dated June 3 , 1974 , for the purpose of evaluating environmental setting within the Green River area, and WHEREAS the City of Renton elects to become ' aLparty to any such agreement , NOW THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON DO RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS : • SECTION I : The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute that certain Letter Agreement dated June 3 , 1974 , a true copy being attached hereto and incorporated herein, on behalf of the City of Renton. SECTION II : No City funds shall be expended for the acquisition of any property within the subject area, or commitments made therefor, without prior approval of the City of Renton, and subject to applicable budget laws. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 22nd day of' July, 1974 . Delores . Mead , Cay Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 22nd day of July, 1974 . A .ry G,-Ir4tt; May41—'-- lrved as tojw: 52,,Wier Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney 7574 itS I. C. Asee,,7A-t1-0,,. 4). t-to-RN) e.!•1 UN ITEr `WIT:14' `EPARTIVIENT'OF—A RICOLTUt SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE 1 I Room 360 U. S. Courthouse, Spokane, Washington 99201 1 June 3, 1974 Mr. John D. Spellman iiI .County Executive, King County King County Courthouse I'I; Seattle, Washington 98104 j:,, p King County Engineers Office Green River Flood Control Zone District Room 400 King County Courthouse Seattle, Washington 98104 Mr. Ralph Backstrom Chairman, King Co. Conservation District 35 South Grady Way Renton, Washington 98055 Mayor Frank E. Todd ' City of Tukwila City Hall 14475 59th Avenue South 1,Tukwl1a, Washington 98067 Mayor Avery Garret City of Renton City Hall 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, Washington 98055 jl Mayor Isabel Hogan City of Kent City Hall P.O. Box 310 Kent, Washington 98031 Mayor Stanley P. Kersey fCityHall City of Auburn L20AStreetNorthwest Auburn, Washington 98002 Gentlemen and Ms. Hogan: It is essential that environmental considerations he fully recognized incarryingouttheEastandWestSideGreenRiverWatershedWorkPlans. AnevaluationofenvironmentalsettingandprojectmeasureimpactrevealstheneedforagreementbetweenthesponsoringlocalorganizationsandSoilConservationServiceonthefollowing. a .•:' r„i.' '4i.n ' 4.. 1:,,• r.. •'',`.'!,•. • r`' 4, ,.., ,.•, , yam'4.',.. " ,, ..,.,, •I'",.•..,- ' ......:,,• .' i 2- i The sponsoring local organizations wil : Ii '. 1 . Purchase in title or perpetual easement and maintain Iin public control 0duringthelifeoftheprojectsatleast110acresofsuitablewetlandr habitat .at locations approved by the SCS and the. Washington State Department of Game. 2 . . In granting commercial-industrial development permits"with the Green River Flood Control Zone District require: a.' A landscape development plan that will provide reasonable consider- ation _for wildlife and esthetic values (environmental quality) p6'for the area planned for buildings and parking lots ; r' b. a significant i g portion (not less than two percent) of the land involved be designated and commerce-industry managed for the life of the project to produce wildlife habitat for species best suited to site, conditions, and location; M l L c. all land not needed or used for other purposes, bed planned andmanagedforwildlifeopen-space until such time as'jt is utilized r in additional developments. 3. With Soil Conservation Service 'assistance, preserve or replace existing 1,wildlife habitat along affected channels .II • • 1 4. With Soil Conservation Service assistance, provide fish passage through fstructuralmeasureswheredeemednecessarybytheServiceandthelb, Washington State Department of Fisheries, I - 5. Adopt and enforce a land use plan (policy) consifstent kith the regional lwlandusepolicyofthePugetSoundGovernmentallConferenceorthe ' 4. Regional Planning Authority having .jurisdiction ibefore Public Law 566 I:funds are expended on any part of an independent system. I am in agreement with ' the above. If'you are in agreement, please sign in the space provided and return to the Coordinating 5ponsar (King County) for rfurtherprocessing. 4(<7, ..../2.'..-3:.-;-7...r(-. c_____. iTGalenS. Bridge 7:, g I`Date , .•',- >/ / / State Conservationist 1. L.... Green River Flood Control Zone District B`y 2 l Local Organization Room 900 K .C. Adm. Bldg. Seattle Wa.i % i ector ul_lic Works Address ZipCode tate l-7, /f.7 iv eAty- - s. r°4 vil L____ 1 /NAv,rT,JAL w Au r1G CoA 1 T Cap p va 14.____---7-- N- 2A Go• 40. 6. 4 ion+• 1:k. AND V GO' I'I''4A._,---Jj-)-"---7-------- ci i I ' 460 it 1 . •to : , .tiell A+tJs'IJ+ 1 ir g] L H WEIR ' • 1 , : ,, , ,I 1' 0 t 1 V F G . 1 ! 4 SGAca too' SvBJECY $+TE %'• I 1 IM641./80 f4A b TPA/. et ftcwi nlo. %- o45-71 r OAF -:(&rON L......NA N..p ‘,„ / N4.„.:00AL? AU lG GoA5I. Frl ILIZO 4 , Go 6.4 004: 6N4 i q.. i. , 1 i ,, , ,. . , st Ci . iii(,Nf V •• p. AND Vim 041 • ! '; • s 2, 0000 s, N. fy...rol,v ',\ \\ \ . ,' \\\ . \\\\\\ N%, \,\ N s\ , , ,,j,,, x, ..,----40) - Gr L• I g oo y 41 qlt 0 IC Vi ENS r 0 3 lim 1111.I a! . . a II I SVV - O6of/ Sf P 0 eli 4 411111.771ILi 1 1 i scht a /_ too 0Jeer pre ,., MALaU 6 RdiD ,,x O p . . 6?a&AL pE Ir • No. Sp-o67-77 i I ) -•.,.___, ...\ a' 8 I w Vjj ID .` ____W II I F• I _-____ W j y 5 1- Q I sIfX i Ir \ `1r : , r\ ...... F1i. : 5 ::''J E T R li)r1 I I n y l 1lll lIllll R 111111110 I0001lltCi OSAL RI .444t/ I II 1 IIlllifir ,_,' 100106 RsAD ` II10 i I11 i ("J 11 R-3 III ; II - 0I ' 'ii:"- Jo. OM A. 1'.,1111 . 1 il0 O''f I ". I I6 11:0 T, ilII11.I 11I 1Im Sllll i 0' l I@ to' llll nl , WYi pl a i 7. 0 offi%,°,1 ii IEEI!lIIIF: 11"L",!:;;`4.41.".",..g,4:::„4,..E.::::!la-17:pS.91L1.\\.,. R - 1 i i 1 a 1. .1 1.., ' .• it/ ' •<- 11, I. Surf,•00.110 e a ;,. Ca ':, au!.I -,.a,,„„. .,:. i„.,,,,,,, .....r. 2,1L-...L.::•:i‘..A.-.12:L.:... : i _ T 113_' i ii , 1 !11 W--I1:11 _ Er_-- " _ _.1, ' _4U1 717 ')(----. : -4":1-c*-4r-0-YU,U.• --•-:1,1:::=44-0.6-i IL6-5 .) n ._f.- ' i••--. • y P NI A' 7 I II _ J 1L . II-'-- -1 Di_._ _-__I - q___ ." I It V fei I 0 i 1 ">I T-.._ SWI'___.. 1 ..1 i - 1 i I Y 1 ! ! ( 0I10 O -'W a Q)I ill 4 T . IF sW... --19 M I 71} . _NNl-_. k 4p_-R CO fIOh ClA.1 I I _ , j ^ .li _- . . lW oi 4 d I n I6 ET T . W 0 1I G ,I V tt II Q o i om Z . . ) REZONE APPLICATION ; AND SPECIAL USE PERMIT APPLIICAT.ION : MALIBU GRAND PRIX CORPORATION : Appl . No . R-065-77 ; irezone from GS- 1 to B-1 ; special use permit in a B-1 zone ; ; property located between FAI-405 and S . W. Grady Way directly west of the existing Cummins Diesel facility . APPLICANT MALIBU GRAND PRIX CORP . TOTAL AREA ± 5. 7 Acres PRINCIPAL ACCESS S . W. Grady Way EXISTING ZONING B-1 and GS-1 EXISTING USE Undeveloped PROPOSED USE Commercial RecreaEiona1 I CO ManufacturingLANDUSEPLAN Pal' 1 COMMENTS I s•- C)I ci C.._-ASS\O_ - GRAC N 1"ARC 1 Illa PROPOSED— S- REET _ ,4 AT Se- TT 11 t OP"'.a- ' " -II A I I.4 1— NI*7-- i 41 1._.v.... 1 III " 01°• I : •t 11- I i 0 'r./ti i • . .* - J . 2..-- I ...:..:1::,,::• . N 1\"-Vi______ OF-0 I t...)--------I- 1 luir____-_-_17T . 1 je 1.i,-...P:r: L.I 5•L. i I , I I I I I I I I I 1 i I III-I t 1-rl I I I I 1 1 1 1II • IllIUi >j_1 1L1_ci I_I i J-W I j- at- l-- ,Q . I. 1117- v y A A ROPOSED STREET Iki4 CA T1ON I 1 r..- I—( X.x I I I NORTH 11. #_, ARE EVIOUSLY VACATEC BY ORD.INO.2475 H 1 I 1EADER CEOk_E________ I I- CLAIM I NO, 4E, ILI U I o SCALE r 1 '= 400' Q it: oZ 1 Iz In 01 1 ` 313 • W is v . n C...) EC! ec cc1 Pv WI N A I 9 PROPOSED/FINAL DECLARATION--OF SIGNIFICANCE-fNDN-=SIGNI-FICANCE R-065--77 and- Appl i cat-ian_Jlo ..__ #SP-067-77 PR-OP.DSED Declaration-on _ Environmental Checklist Na. ECF=2-65=7:7 F_I.[ AL De.clar-a-ti-o-n--__ DescrTFt-i-on--of- proposal- - -Midget--car -skill_.=driving facility together with amusement center. Proponent MALIBU GRAND PRIX CORPORATION Between FAI-405 and. S.W. Grady Way, west of Cummins Location of Proposal Diesel Co. , and east of Oakdale Avenue S .W. Lead Agency CITY OF RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT This proposal has been determined to have © not have a significant adverse impact upon the environment . An EIS is pis not required under RCW 43 . 21C . 030 ( 2 ) (c ) . This decision was ma --e after review by the lead agency of a completed environmental checklist and other information _o-n file with the lead__agency . negative Reasons for/decl-_arati_o-n- o_f envi_r-an-me-n-t-al significance : 1. Proposal is consistent_ with Comprehensive Planning., Zoning, _and existing_use_ s in the a-r_ea_: 2. Location__befween existing freeway and heavily traveled S.W. GradyWayinanon-residential area, appears appropriate for the pro- posed use. 3. This negative declaration is further based on the proposed develnp-ment meeting the State Environmental Noise Regulations, WAC-173-60 and the provision of landscaping consistent with the SCS requirements established in Resolution 1923 and the Green River Valley Compre-hensive Plan. Measures , if any , that could be taken to prevent or mitigate the environmental impacts to such an extent that the lead agency would withdraw its declaration of significance and issue a (proposed/final ) declaration of non-significance : Responsible Official Gordon Y. Ericksen Title PLANN_., .:r DIREC 4R Date August 30, 1977 Signature 1 :'i ;. . City of Renton D_ei_a_r- t m P_n.t RECEIVED CITY OF RENTON HEARING EXAMINER SEP 61977 AM PM 71R19110,11112111213i4 t5,6 IH,1 NO. F liti lip _III 1 1 , ti--- K.: V. '-`:`.„,-- '''''' r- 51*- 1'14°44141°4' , 4, _ ill _ aWY i pf r x no ..:t'."•\«s.'i 1rfi.a AY.xF'^n'YN '' 1 IMy,M rm.,..+...:.w... °--awl.+!.- ;' sr -•.._w'..` il i.'. f'N•, y F 4 r r rf 4•, f0.,FJ S i it . E' r .f jO - 1 s m l Y 4 W a.:. Y; Y A y4.. M j"['Y TY A ifi,. tu r, c;s1 r r Vs ` m t_ a p...... .s.,. s-.-, <,...,. i.......,:..,.. ,._ ,'..te.e•. ._..,:,.. ,,....-_,....-.,.._.-.,...r.......-...... a_. ....:.-....:............._-.:..,...,.. k.-....,. .._.>.-.:.. i:....-,,.,-. .r.-. - ..-..,.....:.:.:..-. 0..n„:.. 4.n:v,_ R eecc''X Y - 9# .. sk . r ., 3 . . f>+ o . . n.,t . .. . . .. _ r1. ....S ». .;, i.. : 1::::. ::, '7'. f ,fi 1 d.;ff k . i) tl M F 4} y • rout.:.` 1' 1z :,;y'fir` a.x'.' tti i ski ' r`;,f .1`, 1 *. J •, I i M • f y It P r"+Y• I C I 1. 1 •t't I A 1 M LFEe/4 W r• M 7 „• t t Y 4. G f W ._. 4 r yr/ • y 1 1 r Y*'i •r C EGA, F - at t.. 4 - 4" • W y` 3 wf., Rom:. va '. r s• p- fir. t«r rat r ki r L "!'Y .•.Ss 2 a:r pa Ott M h+ ¢, 4 ' r ti u1n6x r L' 4' 1.,''..',-. '' ' '',.'.'*-:,;'.:,-1.5;e! ' ."'' " : :::".''''''''''.:7if.-.:1'..: '''':':'. :::'-':'-‘ e...:'...'. 4°' Ii q P y 1a64" t: y N If tti." t!,*!, ' _ v f A. z}, 8 ai r , r`r• i•r. +tt x::. w. 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Mar.g.ar.e.t...I rb.a.0 .h being first duly sworn on NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING oath,deposes and says that..She is the Chie.f...C.lerk of RENTON LAND USE THE RENTON RECORD-CHRONICLE, a newspaper published four(4)THE EXAMINER times a week.That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and RENTON,WASHINGTON has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication referred A PUBLIC HEARING to, printed and published in the English language continually as a news- WILL BE HELD BY THE paper published four (4) times a week in Kent,King County,Washington, RENTON LAND USE and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained HEARING EXAMINER AT at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper.That the Renton HIS REGULAR MEETING Record-Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the IN THE COUNCIL CRAM- Superior Court of the County in which it is published,to-wit,King County, BERS, CITY HALL, RE- NTON,WASHINGTON,ON SEPTEMBER 6, 1977, AT Washington.That the annexed is a..NQ.te.to.A...Qf...Pub1t.0 9:00 A.M.AND 1:30 P.M.TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOW-. 1e£•r.in ING PETITIONS: TO BE HELD AT 9:00 A.M.: as it was published in regular issues(and 1. LOUIS G. MALESIS, not in supplement form of said newspaper) once each issue for a period REZONE FROM R-1 TO R-4; .file No. R-064-77; property located between 417 and 425 Wells Avenue of 1 consecutive issues,commencing on theSouth. • .. 2..MALIBU GRAND PRIX CORP., REZONE FROM 26....day of .LlL;.uS.t 19..7.7...,and ending the GS,1 TO B 1; file No. R-065-77; property''lo- cated between S.W.Grady day of 19 both dates Way' and FAI-405, adja- cent to and east of Oakes- inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its sub- Idale Avenue S.W. scribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee 3. MALIBU GRAND PRIX CORP., SPECIAL PER- charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of $.42...Q9which MIT TO DEVELOP has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words for the MIDGET CAR DRIVING first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for each subsequent SKILL FACILITY: file No. insertion. SP-067-77; property lo- cated between S.W.Grady f riQil 'a Way and FAI-405 between Oakesdale Avenue S.W. and Thomas Avenue S.W. Chief Clerk 4.ENVIRONMENTAL RE- SEARCH AND DE- VELOPMENT CORP. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 26 day of O NO. 1),1), APPLICATION FOR 10-LOT PRELIMI- A ug US t 19 77 NARY PLAT APPROVAL, WAIVER OF OFF SITE IMPROVEMENTS, AND 7 g2 f. e'r . EXCEPTION TO SUB- Notary Public ' -and for the State of Wagton, DIVISION ORDINANCE residing at Kent, K,pig County. RE. C U L DE S A C STREET LENGTH: files PP-068-77, W-070-77, and E-069-77;property lo- Passed by the Legislature,1955,known as Senate Bill 281,effective June cated on Blaine Avenue 9th, 1955. N.E. between N.E. 14th and N.E. 12th Streets. Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures,TO BE HELD AT 1:30 P.M.: adopted by the newspapers of the State. 5.DUANE A.WELLS,RE- ZONE FROM G TO M-P, FILE No. R-072-77, and DUANE A. WELLS AND VAL BAIN,APPLICATION FOR SITE APPROVAL TO V.P.C.Form No.e7 CONSTRUCT OFFICE AND LABORATORY BUILDING IN G(M=P) ZONE,file No.SA-061-77; property located at the southwest corner of Lind Avenue S.W. and S.W. 10th Street. Legal descriptions of all applications noted above are on file in the Renton Planning Department ALL INTERESTED PERSONS TO SAID PETI- TIONS ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PUBLIC HEARING ON SEPTEMBER 6, 1977 AT 9:00 A.M. AND 1:30 TO EXPRESS THEIR OPI- NIONS. GORDON Y. ERICKSEN RENTON PLANNING DIRECTOR Published in the Renton Record-Chronicle August 26, 1977. R4520 0 o of R 4 A. A. 0 0 THE CITY OF RENTON o MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 op = CHARLES J. DELAURENTI MAYOR • LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER o Q. L. RICK BEELER , 235 -2593 ea SEPtt7e September 1, 1977 TO:Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney FROM: L. Rick Beeler, Hearing Examiner SUBJECT: Malibu Grand Prix Corporation Rezone Request, R-065-77 Attached is the Planning Department staff report for the subject rezone which is on the public hearing agenda for next Tuesday, September 6, 1977. From my review of the report, I have a legal interpretation question which bears directly upon the application. The Planning Department opinion on page 4, paragraph 2 of the report is that a commercial recreation facility can be allowed in the B-1 zone by the special permit process under the authority of Section 4-722(B) , Title IV. My question is whether or not Section 4-722 (B) can be applied thus without specific provision in the B-1 zoning district (Section 4-711) permitting commercial recreation uses subject to the special permit process. My opinion is that Section 4-722 (B) only states the purpose of a special permit but does not categorically project any use into any zoning district subject to that process. If that were the case, we would have zoning by special permit. Utilizing Section 4-711, that is my interpretation of the applicability of Section 4-722(B) . However, I would appreciate any information and your legal opinion. Please provide your opinion in writing so that 1 may be able to enter it into the record. Sinc- e aw L. Rick Beeler Hearing Examiner LRB:mp cc: Gordon Y. Ericksen, Planning Director Mike Smith, Planning Department Attachment r/- 1 ''.--,' ' 1' L 111--,, '.:,: , , CITY OF RENTON II Lu 6-\, 1ijLD REZONE APPLICATION . J,977 A. LAND USE HEARING APPLICATION NO. R—Nos-- r7 EXAMINER 'S ACTION ip. 4” APPLICATION FEE $ . 1(P0 "--APPEAL FILED - RECEIPT 110. ' 17110 CITY COUNCIL ACTION FILING DATE T- ? g--- '77 ORDINANCE NO. AND DATE HEARTATG, „'DATE: D "-- /7 71 APPLICANT TO COMPLETE ITEMS 1 THROUGH 10 Agent:. Richard C. Dentt 315 Laurel St.. , San Diego,- CA -92101 714) 234-5155 1 . Name:- Maiihu Grand Prix Corporation Phone (714) Ali-Igo:VI Address . 1746 West Katella Ave., Orange, CA 92667 3. 'proper:,ty petitioned for rezoning is located on Gramtwav Gymplia betW•een. ., Oakdale Ave. SW ' ' and Raymant: Ave. S. 4 . Square Ootage or acreage of property 6 acres 5 . Legal description of. property (if more space is required, attach - a' -,-: separate sheet) in BI jL4Lofi , D. Hillman's EWlingtrin SardOns Addition to the' . Cit :of Seattle Division No. 1 as er pitje,corj ijj.Viojume 1J...nft pade74, records of King County. I 6 . Existing Zoning A S - 1 Zoning Requested s _ i NOTE TO APPLICANT : The following factors are considered in reclassifying . property. Evidence or additional information to substantiate your request may be attached to this sheet. (See Application Procedure Sheet for specific requirements . ) Submit this form in duplicate. 7. Proposed use of site A midg.etcarskill facility Thnd a I Approximately4-3/4 a s 8. . Lis-t'the measures to be taken to reduce impact on the surrounding area. The project offers commercial recrea ional amenities with a large pernehtage n# ' ' . open space and landscaping, The surrounding areas are not effected herankellf the amounts of open space s 9 . How soon after the rezone is granted do you intend to ,deyelople site? • • i i i Immeliately• 10 . TWO copies of plot plan and affidavit of ownership are- required. , . Planning. 'Dept. ,'/ 1-77 /;. '1 ' a.- i I •,. Legal Description: Lots 29 through 41 in Block 41 of C . D. Hillman's Earlingtor Gardens Addition to the City of Seattle Division No. 1, as per plat recorded in Volume 17 of Plats , on page 74, records of King County; Situate in the County of King, State of Washington. Turner Parcel I AFFIDAVIT I , E. R. Turner and. A. M. Turner, being duly sworn, declare that I am the owner of the property involved in this application and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information . herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. OF iy, \ Subscribed and sworn before me CIFDI/ this 22nd'day of July, 19 77 , Notary Public in and for the State of o 1r 7 d wee. Washington', residing at Seattle.4,• D E P PSCC°/ iyf bl a-:7. z . Name of Notary Puic) Signature of Owner) Notary Public for the State of Washington, residing 'at Seattle. yye/o C. W. Minaker, Attorney 5904' California Ave. S. W. SeattCalif y p'36ve. S. W. Address) Address) Seattle, Washington Tel: 937 - d077 City) State) Telephone) FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) CE'6-ifi C4'I .:rI\ i This is to certify that the f o'e`oigaVpg1i \'on has been inspected by me and has been found to be thorn and compleC4in every particular and to conform to the rules and re ulationl o e Renton Planning Departmentartment governing the filing of such plication I, v gDateReceivedr9,UEP p Renton Planning Dept . 2-73 Legal Description: Lilts 29 through 41 in Block 41 of C . D. Hillman' s Earlington Gardens Addition to the City of Seattle Division No . 1, as per plat recorded in Volume 17 of Plats , on page 74, records of King County; Situate in the County of King, State of Washington. Turner Parcel R VPECIlVED JUL 29 1977 y r Legal Description Lots 1 through 14 inclusive and Lots 42 through 56 inclusive in Block 41 of C. D . Hillman' s hnrlington Gardens Addition to the City of Seattle Division No . 1 , as per pint recorded in Volume 17 of Plats , on page 74 , records of King County; TOGETHER WITH that portion of vacated alley adjoining said Lots and that portion of the North 'g of vacated S .W. 12th Street , formerly So . 150th Place adjoining said Lc is 43 through 56 and that portion of vacated Thomas Avenue S .W. formerly 83rd Avenue So . , adjoining Lots 1 and 56 vacated by Ordinance No . 2475 which upon vacation attached to said property by operation of law. EXCEPT that portion thereof conveyed to King County by Deed recorded under Auditor ' s File No . 2919081 . AND that portion of Block 40 lying North of Primary State Highway No . 1 ; TOGETHER WITH the vacated alley within said Block 40 , and TOGETHER- WITH that portion of the South 'I of vacated S .W. 12th Street , formerly So . 150th Place , adjoining said Block 40 , and TOGETHER WITH that portion of vacated Thomas Avenue S .W. , formerly 83rd Avenue So'. , adjoining Lots 1 and 56 in said Black 40 , vacated by Ordinance No , 2475 which upon vacation attached to said property by operation of law. Situate in the County of King , State o.f Washington. Evans Parcel y It • r•' ra C` +' NORWICH-KAISER-DENTT Am/Fak4 315 LAUREL STREET 01I V f SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92101 ii 714) 234- 5155 July 25, 1977 r'r-EN ,;', Mr., Mike L. Smith CitY of Renton 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, Washington 98055 Re:; Malibu Grand Prix rezoning, special permit and environmental applications Dear. Mike: Attached please find the above applications and accompanying checks for processing. I understand that you can xerox copies of the vicinity maps required for applications . I have enclosed 2.00 in cash to cover this cost. We are going to lease the property for the driving skill facilityfromtwoparties : the larger parcel (5 acres) from Mr. Richard Evans et al (zoned B-1) , and the smaller parcel (43, 000 sq. ft. ) from Mr. Turner (zoned GS-1) . If you need .any additional information, please call -collect. Very tru y yours, r la Rick Dentt RD:mi Enc1s. NORWICH-KAISER-DENTT JUL 29 y !f 494, ATTACHMENTS G r'"` 1. Rezoning application 2. Rezoning fee check # IY1- for $160. 00 3. Special peiutit application 4. Special permit fee check # / a) for $160. 00 5. Environmental checklist form 6. Environmental checklist fee check # )( ; for $38. 00 7. 5 site and landscaping plans (3 for special permit and 2 for rezoning) 8. Executed ownership affidavits 9 . Legal descriptions for both parcels 10. 2 sets of building elevations and floor plans 11. Brochures explaining the Malibu Grand Prix facility 12. - $2 . 00 cash for vicinity maps 3 .2 ;15. , pb-ir, 2- 7. Location of proposal (describe the physical setting of the proposal , as well as the extent of the land area affected by any environmental impacts , including any other information needed to give an accurate understanding of the environ- mental setting of the proposal ) : he---si-te is 1 nortt-h--and--ad j aeent to-- and-adj -en-t---to--Grady--Wad:---The-site--is-curr ^ ly vas- w"th grass and--sma-1 --s#i^ub-s---prevalent. 8. Estimated date for completion of the proposal : December-_15-s4977 9. List of all permits , licenses or government approvals required for.the proposal federal , .state and local --including rezones) : Spec perna-fts-re-zene3--end--sate--€lood--con-rol permit- 10. Do you have any plans for future additions , expansion , or further activity related to or connected with this proposal? If yes , explai-n: No 11. Do you know of any plans' by others which may affect the property covered by your proposal ? If yes , ' explain: 12. Attach any other application form that has been completed regarding the pro- posal ; if none has been completed , but is expected to be filed at some future date, describe the nature of such application form: Spec-iel--permit--and.-.r-eazone-a-ttac-#red.----State---flood- contrai---per --to- _ be--s t ed-a-t---future date.. ._.. II .. ENVIRONMENTAL ..IMPACTS Explanations of all ''yes" and "maybe" answers are required) 1) Earth. Will the proposal result in : a) Unstable earth conditions or in changes in geologic substructures? YES MAYBE NO b) Disruptions , displacements , compaction or over- covering of the Soil ? X . YES MAYBE NO c) Change in topography or ground surface relief features? X ES MAYBE NO d) The destruction, covering or modification of any unique geologic or physical features? y YES MAYBE NU e) Any increase in wind or water erosion of soils , either on or off the site? YES MAYBE Nb' f) Changes in deposition or erosion of beach sands , or changes in siltation, deposition or erosion which may modify the channel of a river or stream or the bed of the ocean or any bay, inlet or lake? YES MAYBE NO Explanation: B & C. Building and parking area will he filled to provide for a grade above the 100 year- flood per King County Division of Hydraulics, G CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON CFtj (l 11 l' L ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORM JAIL 29 l977 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY • DET,F, Application No. ' — 06267. / /.. Environmental Checklist No. i'c 26.-19 PROPOSED, date: FINAL , date: Declaration of Significance Declaration of Significance Declaration of Non-Significance a Declaration of Non-Significance COMMENTS : Introduction The State Environmental Policy Act of 1971, Chapter 43.21C, RCM, requires all state and local governmental agencies to consider environmental values both for their own actions and when licensing private proposals . The Act also requires that an EIS be prepared for all major.actions significantly affecting the quality of the environment. The purpose of this checklist is to help the agencies involved determine whether or not a proposal is such a major action. Please answer the following questions as completely as you can with the information presently available to you. Where explanations of your answers are required, or where you believe an explanation would be helpful to government decision makers , include your explanation in the space provided, or use additional pages if necessary. You should include references to any reports or studies of which you are aware and which are rele- vant to the answers you provide. Complete answers to these questions now will help 'all agencies involved with your proposal to undertake the required environmental review with- out unnecessary delay. , The following questions apply to your total proposal , not just to the license for which you are currently applying or the proposal for which approval is sought. Your answers should include the impacts which will be caused by your proposal when it, is completed, even though completion may not occur until sometime in the future. This will allow all of the agencies which will be involved to complete their environmental review now, with- out duplicating paperwork in the future. NOTE : This is a standard form being used by all state and local agencies in the State, of Washington for various types of proposals . Many of the questions may not apply to your proposal . If a question does not apply, just answer it "no" and continue on to th,e next question. ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORM I . BACKGROUND 1 , Name of Proponent Malibu Grand Prix Corp, L. Address and phone number of Proponent : 1746 West Katella Ave. _Agent: Richard C. Dentt Orange, CA 92667 315 Laurel St. , San Diego, CA 9210 714) 633-3693 . 714)' 234-5155 3. Date Checklist submitted 4. Agency requiring Checklist 5. Name of proposal , if applicable: Malibu Grand Prix Midget Car_Driving Skill Facility 6. • Nature 'and brief description of the proposal (including but not limited to its size, general design elements, and other factors that will give 'an accurate . understanding of its scope and nature) : The project site 'consi sts_saf 6 acres_.approximately 4-3/4 acres is• devoted to open space area and landscaping. Individuals holding a valid drivers license drive the operator's scaled-down formula cars around a mire czurved track which is surrounded by grass. A 5.500 sq. ft. single story wood frame and stucco building will be constructed , to house a ticket counter, lobby, restrooms, family arcade games, and a garage area for storage and minor repairs of cars. Only the operators' cars are allowed on the track. 4- A 5) Fauna. Will the proposal result in: a) Changes in the diversity of species , or numbers of any species of fauna (birds , land animals including reptiles , fish and shellfish, benthic organisms , insects or microfauna)? YES MAYBE b) Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered species of fauna? YES MAYBE c) Introduction of new species of fauna into an area , or result in a barrier to the migration or movement of fauna? yy YES MAYBE N'0 d) Deterioration to existing fish or wildlife habitat? YES MAYBE NO Explanation: 6) Noise. Will the proposal increase existing noise levels? YES MAYBE NO Explanation: 7) Light and Glare. Will the proposal produce new .light or glare? Y4S MAYBE N E a n a t i o n: ----J i ghting_wiit_be_..installed._at-pxoject. However_all is shielded--away_ from.asijacent_..properties, All 1itfht his directed onto subject_pro erty 8) Land Use. Will the proposal result in the alteration of the present or planned land use of an area? YES MAYBE NO Explanation: 9) Natural Resources. Will the proposal result in : a) Increase in the rate of use of any natural resources? yy_ YES MAYBE 0 b) Depletion of any nonrenewable natural resource? X YES MAYBE NO Explanation: 10) Risk of Upset. Does the proposal involve a risk of an explosion or the release of hazardous. substances (including, but not limited to, oil , pesticides , chemicals or radiation) in the event of an accident or upset conditions? XX YES _ MAYBE N6' Explanation: 11) Population. Will the proposal alter the location , distri- bution, density, or growth rate of the human population of an area? YES— MAYBE NC?( Explanation: 3- 2) Air. Will the proposal result in: a) Air emissions or deterioration of ambient air . quality? YES MAYBE N'O b) The creation of objectionable odors? st. DES MAYBE N'` c) Alteration of air movement, moisture or temperature,, or' any change ih climate-, either locally or regionally? j YES MAYBE NO Explanation: 3) Water. Will the proposal result in: a) Changes in currents , or the course of direction of water movements , in either marine or fresh waters? YES MAYBE NIl b) Changes in absorption rates , drainage patterns , or the rate and amount of surface water runoff? YES MAE NO c) Alterations to the course or flow of flood waters? X YES MAYBE N0. d) Change in the amount of surface water in any water body? YES MAYBE NO e) Discharge into surface waters , or in any alteration surface water quality, including but not limited to temperature, dissolved oxygen or turbidity? YES . MAYBE Nt7 f) Alteration of the direction or rate of flow of ground waters? y YES— MAYBE NO g) Change in the quantity of ground waters , either ' through direct additions or withdrawals , or through interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations? YES MAYBE NO h) Deterioration in ground water quality, either through direct injection, or through the seepage of leachate, phosphates , detergents , waterborne, virus or bacteria , or other substances into the ground waters? y_ YES MAYBE N`D i ) Reduction in the amount of water otherwise available for public water supplies? xx YES MAYBE N Explanation: B & F:__ 4-1'Ig--AA— irements_ 4) Flora. Will the proposal result in: a) Change in the diversity of species, or numbers of any species of 'flora (including trees, shrubs, grass , crops , microflora and aquatic plants)? YES MAYBE NO b) Reduction. of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered species of flora? TES- RTYRE NO c) Introduction of new species of flora into an area, or in a barrier to the normal replenishment of existing species? YES M YBE d) Reduction in acreage of any. agricultural crop? YET-' MAYBE N4 Explanation: ' Q; Grass and shrubs will be removed to allow for grading to raise site to the 100 year flood level. Grass will be re-planted and landscaping shrubs and trees installed (approximately 80% of site). 6- d) Sewer or septic tanks? YES MAYBE Wilt- e) Storm water drainage?yyHE'S M A'T B E N r . f) Solid waste and disposal? YES MAYBE NO Explanation: grading to bring the site above the 100 year flood. 17) Human Health. Will the proposal result in the creation of any health hazard or potential health hazard (excluding mental health)? MAYBE NO Explanation: 18) Aesthetics. Will the proposal result in the obstruction of any scenic vista or view open to the public, or will the proposal result in the creation of an aesthetically offensive site open to public view? YES MAYBE NO Explanation: 19) Recreation. Will the proposal result in an impact upon the quality or, quantity of existing recreational opportunities? X YE'S MAYBE NO Explanation:The proposal will offer another recreational amenity to the citizens of Renton and surrounding area. 20) Archeological/Historical . Will the proposal result in an alteration of a significant archeological or historical site, structure, object or building? YES MAYBE N Explanation: III . SIGNATURE I , the undersigned, state that to the best of my knowledge the above information is true and complete. It is uhderstood that the lead agency may withdraw any decla- ration of non-significance that it might issue in reliance upon this checklist should there be any willful misrepresentation or willful,,.hac- of full djsclosure on my part. Proponent: signed) l . O ti;Ni `\ name printed) City of Renton Planning Department 5-76 H t P F 5- 12) Housing. Will the proposal affect existing housing, or create a demand for additional housing? YES MAYBE NU Explanation: 13) Transportation/Circulation. Will the proposal result in: a) Generation of additional vehicular movement? YE'S MAYBE NO b) Effects on existing parking facilities, or demand for new parking? YES MAYBE NO c) Impact upon existing transportation systems? YES MAYBE , O d) Alterations to present patterns of circulation or movement of people and/or goods? YES MAYBE NO e) Alterations to waterborne, rail or air traffic? y_ YES MAYBE NC1 f) Increase in traffic hazards to motor vehicles , bicyclists or pedestrians? YES MAYBE N17 Explanation: A: The f&ci1ity will bring customers, but at hours of non-peak travel time. The facility will not add additional traffic to peak hours (to and from work) traffic. 14) Public Services. Will the proposal have an effect upon , or ' result in a need .for new or altered governmental services in any of the following areas :' a) Fire protection?X YES MAYBE NO b) Police protection? X YES MAYBE NO c) Schools? YES MAYBE N(I d) Parks or other recreational facilities?X YES MAYBE NO ' e) Maintenance of public facilities , including. roads? YES MAYBE NO f), Other governmental services? X YES MAYBE NO Explanation: 15) Energy. Will the proposal ,result in: a) . Use of substantial amounts of fuel or energy? X YES MAYBE NO b) Demand upon existing sources of energy, or require Xthedevelopmentofnewsourcesofenergy? YES MAYBE Explanation: 16) Utilities. Will the proposal result in a need for new systems, or alterations to the following utilities : a) Power or .natural gas? YES MAYBE NO b) Communications systems? X YES MAYBE NO c) Water? X YES MAYBE NO • NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER RENTON, WASHINGTON • A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD . BY THE RENTON LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER • AT HIS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS'o CITY HALL , RENTON , WASHINGTON , ON SEPTEMBER 6 1977 , AT 9 : 00 A. M. X XEDAE)IDD imp XFXO(IXIXOgD(N(Q(XFXH(11(MT(D{0 ma x AND 1 : 30 P. M. TO CONSIDER; THE FOLLOWING , PETITIONS : 1 TO BE HELD AT 9 : 00 A. M. :i 1L LOUIS G. MALESIS , REZONE FROM R- 1 TO R-' ; file No . R-064-77 ; property located between 417 firld 425 Wells Avenue South . k 2 MALIBU GRAND PRIX CORP . , REZONE FROM GSr1 TO B- 1 ; file No R-065-77 ; property located : between S . W. Grady Way and '; FAI-405 , adjacent to and east o Oakesdale Avenue S . W. 3. MALIBU GRAND PRIX CORP . , SPECIAL PERMIT TO DEVELOP MIDGET CAR DRIVING SKILL. FACILITY ; file No . SP-067-77 ; property located between S .W. GradyjWay and FAI-405 between Oakesdale Avenue S . W. and Thomal' Avenue S . W. 4. ENVIRONMENTAL, .RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMNT,..CORP . (_CRE$TVIEW _, MANOR NO. 1 ) , ARPLICATION FOR 10-LOT PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL , WAIVER OF OFF-SITE IMPROV MEN ' , .AND EXCEPTION: TO SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE RE . CUL DEjSAC STREET LENGTH; , . files' PP-068-77 , W-070-77 , and E-O69-77 ; . property located :on Blaine Avenue N. E. between N. E. 14th and N . E . 112th Streets . TO BE HELD AT 1 : 30 P.M. :1 5 . DUANE A. WELLS , REZONE FROM G TO M-P , FILE No. R-072-77 , and DUANE A. WELLS AND VAL BAIN ; APPILICA ION FOR SITE APPROVAL TO CONSTRUCT OFFICE AND LABORATORY BUILDING IN G(M-P) ZONE , file No. SA-061-77; :roperty located at the southwest corner of Lind1Aven elS ; I. and S . W. 10th Street. Legal lescriptions of all applications nloted above are on file in the Renton Planning Department. ALL INTERESTED PERSONS TO SAID PETITIONS ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PUBLIC HEARING ON SEPTEMBER 6 , 1977 AT 9 : 00 A. M. R1 CO§XXXMAXXAMMUIXX1l X AND 1 : 30 P. M. TO EXPRESS THEIR OPINIONS . GORDON Y . ERICKSEN PUBLISHED August 26 , 1977 RENTON PLANNING DIRECTOR CERTIFICATION I , Michaell L. Smith HEREBY CEa7IFY THAT THREE COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENT WERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE AS PRESCRIBEDiBY LAW . ATTEST: Subscribed and sworn to before Re, a Notary Public , 1 24 on the Z3 day of A u vSir 19 /1 SIGNED kkaXit'i LY11. 1, .Q _ 4pF o THE CITY OF RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON. WASH. 98055 2 v....; .. 0 CHARLES J. DELAURENTI I MAYOR • PLANNING DEPARTMENT 0 235- 2550 P4TED SEP-W- O jAugust 10 , 1977 Richard Dentt 315 Laurel Street San Diego , CA 92101 RE : NOTICE OF APPLICATION ACCEPTANCE AND PUBLIC HEARING DATE FOR REZONE APPLICATION R-065-77, GS-1 TO B-1, AND SPECIAL PERMIT APPLICATION SP-067-77, SPECIAL PERMIT TO DEVELOP A MALIBU GRAND PRIX MIDGET CAR DRIVING SKILL FACILITY; property located on Grady Way between Oakesdale Ave. S.W. and Raymond Ave. So. Dear Mr. Dentt : The Renton Planning Department formally accepted the above mentioned application on July 29 , 1977 A public Ihearing_ before the City of Renton Hearing Examiner has been set for September 6 , 1977 at 9 : 00 a . m . Representatives of the applicant are asked to be present . All interested persons are invited to attend the hearing . If you have any further questions , please call the Renton Planning Department , 235-2550 . Very truly yours , Gordon Y . Ericksen Planning Director B y Michael L . Smith J Associate Planner wr cc : Malibu Grand Prix Corp . 1746 W. Katella Ave. Orange, CA 92667 EAIIIIIIA-E1QlRONNEN?AL7)10?SE- `LEVELS- 173-60"-- o esnlnt nn designate EDICTS=t=o --c_onts r- s'=*itb --the--zoning' ordinance--as follows: a)-Reside-ntia-l-zones--- Class-=A=EB-A b)-CO_. c:e>-zones-_Class B EDN& Opon appr-oval-by--th lepattaent, EDNIts-so- designated shall = be-as-- e-t_±orth_in__snch-local_detereina.tion. EDNA designations shall -be=a-nended-ims necessasy=to-coafers-to tone_chwrgPs inter ----- 3)-In----areas-:not-covered-by a- ).scar zaai-ng--o;-l-inance-.but withi n-the-coverage- of an -adapted--comprehensive plan tire Ie414ra ive=sathortty -the: locate gorernsent-may, by-ordinance or resolution-=designate EDYAs-to coofors_iitA the-cosprebencive. plan-as-FolYO*s _. a)--Residential-areas-- Class--A=EDNA-- b)-Coaserci-a=l--areas .- Class B EDNA- c) Industrial areas - Class C EDNA Upon approval by the department EDNAs so designated shall • be as set forth in such local determination. EDNA designations shall be amended as necessary to conforn to changes in the comprehensive plan. 4) The department--recognizes that- on-certain lands, se-- renity, tranquillity, or quiet are an essential part of the quality of the environment and serve an important public need. Special designation- of such lands with appropriate,noise level standards by local government say be adopted subject to approval by the department. The director may make-such special designation: pursuant to the-procedures of the Administrative Procedure Act, chapter 34.04 RCN. [Order-74-32, g 17-3-60-030, filed=4/22/75,-eff. 9/1/75-.-] 1111-VAC -173.6Q-040- -MARINOM PERMISSIBLE ENVIRONMENTAL NOISE LEVELS. (1) No person shall cause or permit noise to intrude into the property-of another person which noise exceeds the maximum=permissible- noise levels set forth- below in this section. 2) (a) The noise limitations established are as set forth in the following table-after_auy-applicable adjustments provid= ed for herein-are-applied. EDNA-of-EDN11-0T HQIu SOURCE Cl g-A C1aS$,B Class C CLASS A-. 55 dBA - 57 (IBA60-dBA- CLASS e- 57 60 65 CLASS C _ —__--_41 --__—_65 ,— 70 b) Between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00- a.m. the- noise limitations of the foregoing table shall be reduced by 10 dBA for receiving property within Class A EDNAs. c) At any hour of the day or -night--the applicable noise limitations in (a) and (b) above say be exceeded for_ any receiving property by no more than.: i) 5 dBA for-a total of 15 minutes - in any one-hour period; or tO dBA for a- total-of-5 .ivazes in any one-hour period; or- iii) 15 dBA for a total of 1.5 minutes in any one-hour period. [Order 74-32, 8 173-60-040, filed 4/22/75, eff. 9/1/15.] Supp. •16(2/5/76) WASHINGTON ADMIN. CODE [173-60--p 3] s PROPOSED/FINAL DE.,LARATION- OF SI-GNIFICANCE/Iv'viv=SIGNI-FICANCE R-065-77 and Appl i cati..ox_ N ._ #SP-067-77 P-RDPOSED Declaration E n v i r o n m en t o 1- Check l i-s-t N o__-_E.CF= 1;5=7.7 El-F_I-[SAL- D e c-.l a r-a t-i o n .-- Des cri ptton---of- proposal -Midget-car skill__driving facility together_- with amusement-- center. -- - Proponent MALIBU GRAND PRIX CORPORATION Between .FAI-405 and S.W. Grady Way, west of Cummins Location of Proposal Diesel Co. , and east of Oakdale Avenue S .W. Lead Agency CITY OF RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT This proposal has been determined to 0 have © not have a significant adverse impact upon the environment . An EIS is Bois not required under RCW 43 . 21C . 030 (2 ) ( c ) . This decision was maae after review by the lead agency of a completed environmental checkli:st and other i nformat-i on on file with the lead agency . negative Reasons_ f o r/dec_La-r-_a_t ion_ o_f e_n_vi_r o_n_me.n t a l_ significance : _ _' .- 1. Proposal is consistent with Comprehensive Planning, Zoning, and 2. Location between -existing freeway and -heavily -traveled _S.W. GradyWaylinanon-residential area, appears appropriate for the pro- posed use. 3. This negative declaration is further based on the proposed dQvPlnp-ment meeting the State Environmental Noise Regulations, WAC-173-60 and, the provision -of landscaping consistent with the Sas requirements _ established- in Resolution 1923 and the Green River Valley Compre- hensive Plan. Measures , if any , that could be taken to prevent or mitigate the environmental impacts to such an extent that the lead agency wouldwithdrawitsdeclarationofsignificanceandissuea ( proposed/final ) declaration of non-significance : Responsible Official Gordon Y. Ericksen Title PLANN 1a!,:= DIREC ,iR Date August 30 , 1977 Signature 1 :a . City of RentonI, P l a_n n i n o De_nar t m.ent- I' PLANNING DEPARTMENT IPRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING SEPTEMBER 6 , 1977 APPLICANT: MALIBU GRAND PRIX ,CORPORATION FILE NO. : REZONE , FILE NO R-06577 ; , AND SPECIAL USE PERMIT ; FILE NO : ' SP-067-77' I A. SUMM1ARY OF REQUEST: III Applicant requests rezone from GS-1 to B-lana ,e. special use permit in a B-1 zone for a proposed midget car driving skill facility, and amusement center on approximately six acres of land located between FAI -405 and S . W. Grady Way just west of the existing Cummins Dieselsites. The majority of the site is to be used or a scaled down version of a race course for driver skill testing : A 5 , 127 square foot, building is also proposed which would house on amusement area , display area, and other support facilities orithe proposed use . The remainder areas are to be used for spectator areas , parking and l andiscapi erg 1 B. GENERAL INFORMATION: 1 1 . Owner of Record : THE PORTION OF THE SITE TO, BE REZONED TO j B-1 IS OWNED BY E:I R. TURNER and the REMAINING PORTION '0F! THE SITE IS OWNED BY RICHARD F . EVANS . THE APPLICANT PROPOSES TO LEASE THE SUBJECT' SITE FOR THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT . 2 . Applicant: : MALIBU GRAND PRIX CORPORATION 3 . Location :g'etween FAX-405and S . W. Grady, Way directly west of the existing : Cummins Diesel facility . 4. LegalIDescription : Detailed legal description is available and h qn file in the Rehtof' Planhing Department . i 5. Size of property: :Rezone area , approximately one acre , total site area approxirilately six acres . 6 . Access;:, Via S . W. Grady Way . i 1 7 . ExistiOgLZoning : GS-1 , General Classification District and B- 1 , Business District. 1 I 8. ExistinsiiZoning GS- 1 , General Classification District , in The 'Area : B-1 , Business D stri t , L- 1 , Light Indu try District, and M-P , Manufacturing Park District. 9 . Comprehensive Manufacturing Park Land Use Plan : 10. Notifi;cation : The applicant was ndtified in writing of I the hearing date . NpticeIwas properly published' in the iiecOrd-Chronicle and posted d ' in three places on or near the site as. required bSr City, Ordinance . Notice was also distributed to surrounding property Fi owners . C. PURPOSE OF REQUEST: To allow on tl'uction' of a midget car driving skill facility togetherogether with a building of approximately 5 ;000 Square feet which would con- , sistiof a ticket counter ; lobby , rest roomg ; family arcade games , -and garage area for storage and minor repair, of cars . The facility would i PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING OF SEPTEMBER 6 , 1977 PAGE TWO i RE : MAILIBU GRAND PRIX CORPORATION REZONE REQUEST FROM 0S-1 TO B- 1 , FILE R-065-77 , AND SPECIAL USE PERMIT , FILEiSP-067-177 allow individuals holding a valid driver ' s license to drive the operators sealed down formula cars arounda pie-half mile curved track , racing solely against the clodk an not with other vehicles . D . HISTORY/BACKC,ROUND : h The , subject site was annexed to the City of Ap 'jl 14', 1959 by Ordinance No . 1745 . The subject site is a . por ion of an old residential plat consisting of blocks of s all . 'lots ., The site has remained as pasture land for many years . , majority of the site was !rezoned to B- 1 on April 15 , 1965 , by Ordinance No . 2085 . E. PHYSICAL BACKGROUND: 1 1 . Topography: The site is relately level : aiivnd is' approximately three to five feet lower in elevationtha 'the Freeway and S . W. Grady Way. i I' j 2 . Soils : Woodinville Silt Loam (Wo) . Permeability is moderately jslow. There is a seasonal high water table at or near the surface . I Runoff is slow and hazard ofierosion is slight. This soil is Used for row crops , pasture and urban development. II p 3 . egetation : The site consists primarily of scrulb 'grasses and native shrubs . 1' 4. Wildlife :. The existing vegetation on ' he;' 'iite provides suitable habitat for' birds and small mammals . ; 1 , 5 . Water : Surface water and streams are r ot' apparent on the sub- ject site , however , the property is inla lowland, area and may be subject to seasonal high water .i' 6. Land Use : The subject site is presently Undeveloped . The property directly east of the subject site contains the Cummins Diesel Engine Cgmpany development. FAI7405 iS to ated ,directly adjacent to the south property line of the ' subject{ a,ite . i The area adjacentto the west to Springbrook Creek presently undeveloped . S . W. Grady Way is djacent to the ' northerl! property line of the subject site , and Earlington Manufacturing Park and Earlington Golf Course are located beyond S . W. Grady Way north and east of the subject site . F. NEIGHBORHOOD ;CHARACTERISTICS: The general area is in a slow transition from low density single family residence and undeveloped pasture 14nd to commercial and industrial uses '. 1 ' G. PUBLIC SERVICES ; 1 . Water and Sewer : An existing 12 inch water main is located along S .W. Grady Way ending just east of Thq as, Avenue' S . W. Extension will be required . An existing 8 inch ewer main is located along S . W . Grady Way. An existing 12 inch s- ori sewer line is located iln Raymond Avenue S . W. east of the subject site ,, 2 . Fire Protection : Provided by the Rentyr1 Fire Department as per Ordinance requirements . Any future deyelopmentlof the Site Will be subject to the City. of Renton stand,Ad's , (see comments from Fire Department) . Transit: ; Metro Transitit Route 161 operates along S .W. Grady Way adjacent , to the subject site. 4 .. Schools : Not applicable. 5 . Parks : Not applicable. 1 PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT .TO HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC1HEARING OF SEPTEMBER 6 , 1977 PAGE THREE RE :MALIBU GRAND PRIX CORPORATION REZONE REQU ST' FROM GAS- 1 TO B= 1 , FILE R-065-77 , AND SPECIAL USE PERMIT , FIFE SP-067-77 H. APPLICABLE SECTIONS F TWE ZONING CODE: 1 . 1 Section 4-729 ; G , General ClassificationlDistrict. 2. ' Section B-1 ; B-1 , Business District. 3 . , Chapter 22 , Parking and Loading . I,'-; I I :; IOFCOMPREHENSIVELANHI . APPLICABLE SECTIONS THEp OR OTHER OFFICIAL CITY DOCUMENTS; III '' 1 . Green River Valley Comprehensive Plan , June 1976, Objectives , pages 5 through 7. 2. Resolution No . 1923 , relating to City adoption of SCS' require- ments for -landscaping suitable for wildlife habitat, 3 . IValley Comprehensive Map Element designating site and general area for Manufacturing Park . type usage . J , IMP(ACTS ON NATURAL SYSTEMS : I Development of the subject site will •add ' aidditional , impervious surfaces to the site affecting existing sajlsland storm water runoff. Development of the site will crelte ' gdditional traffic andInoise on the site. i K, SOCIAL IMPACTS; 1 Notlapplicable. L, ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT/THRESHOLD DETERMIN1.ATION: Pursuant' to the City of Renton ' s Environmental Ordinance and the State Environmental Policy Act of iv1 , as; antended , ' RCW 43. 21C , a Declaration of Non- significance has ,been jlssted for the subject proposal (see attached ) . This ' declaration is based, on provision of suitable landscaping to SCS and City requiirements consistent with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan for' the area together with other suitable1developmental standards , consistent with panning objectives, for 'lthe area, M. ADDIITIONAL1INFORMATION : A vicinity map and site map are attached . N. AGENCIES/DEPARTMENTS CONTACTED : 1 1 . King County Hydraulics Division 12 . ' city o'f Renton Building Division 3 . City of Renton Engineering Division 4 . City of Renton Utilities Division 1 5 . ;City of Renton Fire Department j Copies of certain memoranda are attached . 0, PLANNING,DEFARTMENT ANALYSIS : i 1 . The subject rezone is consistent with .the ; Comprehensive Van , existing zoning , and. existing use inithe ! area , Although the Comprehensive Plan for the Green Rivet41 Valley , June 1976 ; ' establishes the area for munaufacturing park usage , less intensive zohing , such as B1 business district , is considered compatible , provided the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan are Met by the proposed site development . ; PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING OF SEPTEMBER 6 , 1977 PAGE FOUR RE : MALIBU GRAND PRIX CORPORATION REZONE REQUEST FROM GS-1 TO B-1 , FILE R-065-77 , AND SPECIAL USE PERMIT , FILE SP-067-77 2 . IThe proposed site development is classified as a commercial recreation facility . Although not specifically a permitted use , it could be allowed by Special Use Permit pursuant to Section 4-722 ( B) , depending on the facts of the particular case , its impacts to adjacent properti ,es , ! nd other pertinent circumstances . Special conditions of approval are usually required for a Special Permit to ensure co patibility with the purpose and intent of the Comprehensive Plan and zoning , as well as to protect adjacent properties , and provide reasonable aesthetic and safety measures . The Land Use Hearing Examiner may requiire such conditions , modifications , and restrictions as stated in Section 4-3010 (B ) . 3 . As stated in number one above , the proposed use must conform to the goals and objectives of the Green diver Valley Comprehensive Plan , pages 5-8 , specifically with regard to suitable landscaping and site design . Areas of the site plan needing additional land- scaping include the area adjacent to Grady Way , the area within and around the parking lot and proposed building , the area along the freeway , and the areas near adjacentiproperties . The pro- posed landscape materials must meet Soil1Conservation Service requirements for provision of wildlife' habitat . 4 . ;The propsed development should also bejconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan and manufacturing park zone with respect to setbacks and signing . ! The proposed bu;ildi,ngshould maintain a minimum setback of 60 feet adjacent to! public rights-of-way and a minimum 20 feet from all other property lines . All signs and light poles must be set back a minimum 20 feet from FAI -405 , a primary state highway , per Section 4-716 . The height and size of the pole sign is excessive with respect toy the aesthetic objectives of the Comprehensive Plan and relativeito .iadjac4nt uses ( i . e . , the Cummins Diesel sign ) . The sign adjacent to Grady Way must be entirely on private property and of reasonable scale and height. Final sign design and approval shall be subject to Sign Design Review Committee approval . All light!ingIshall be subject to Public Works Department approval , inc;liuding height , intensity , and provision of suitable shielding from adjacent properties and public streets and highways . (See memo from Traffic Engineering Division . ) 5 . Utilities are available to the site . However , water and sewer mains pill require extension per Public Works Department approval . A wate and sewer system charge of 1& per square foot each will be required . Fire flow and hydrants will be required per ISO Insurance Services Office Guide ) and Fire Department require- ments . (See comments on review routing sheets . ) 6 . The applicant proposes to fill to the 100 year flood level approximately 20 . 8 feet) . Existing site elevation is approxi - mately! 15-17 feet . A Soils Engineering REport will be required for approval of all structures . Proposed development plans shall be subject to Flood Zone Control Permit approval of the King County Hydraulics Division . The applicant has applied for this permit . The Planning Department has regiested review comments from King County but has yet received no response . Verbal com- munication with King County ' indicates, 'that there appears to be no significant problems at this stage! of their review process : 7 . Storm drainage plans have not been submitted . Detailed storm drainage plans , with suitable on-sitexetention and oil /water separation facilities , shall be approved by the Public Works Department . A temporary settling basin may berequired! by the Public Works Department for control ' of! storm drainage during construction . PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING OF SEPTEMBER 6 , 1977 PAGE FIVE i RE : MALIBU GRAND PRIX CORPORATION REZONE REQUEST FROM GS- 1 TO B-1 ,FILE' R-065-77 , AND SPECIAL USE PERMIT, FILE SP,-067-77 III 8. The miniature cars are powered by a small Mazda engine , whichisheavilymuffled . Cars race against the clock and not eachoither. A noise analysis has been prepared by the applicant ' andisincludedinthefile . Comparing thisidata with the State Noise Law , WAC 173-60 , indicates that the only problems in compliance might occur in the remaining undeVeloped , uninhabitedGS-1 zone. There does not appear to be a .cpnflict with the existing surrounding business and industrial zonir}g and thefreeway. In fact , the location adjacentlt4Ithe freeway and within commercial/industrial area , will result in few conflictsduetonoise. Attached is . a copy of a composite of the State noise requirements established within the City ' s Bulk StorageRegulations . The proposed use must meet these requirements , although enforcement is only by specific complaint. 9 . Off-site improvements shall be required pursuant to Section4-102 along the portion of S . W . Grady Way adjacent to the subject site. 10 . Certain previously platted public streets and alleys exist within the subject site. These will need to be vacated priortodevelopmentofthesite. P. PLANNING DEPARTMENT RECOMMENDATION : Recommend approval of the rezone to B-1 and the Special Permit application based' on the above analysis subject to the followingconditions : 1 . Final approval by King County Hydraulics 'Diyision of the StateFloodZoneControlPermit. i , 2 . A detailed landscape. plan for the entire development con- sistentiwith the Green River Valley Complrehe sive Plan objectives ,pages 58 ; and the Soil Conservation SErli0ce ; requirements for wildlife habitat area established in Res'olut1bn 1923 shall be submitted to and approved by the Renton Planning Department . Such landscape plan shall include , but , n;ot' be limited to : a . A minimum five feet of landscaping adjacent to Grady Way ,together with landscaping of the unimproved portion oftheright-of-way.I b. Provision' of landscaping along the FAI-405. c. ' Provision of a minimum five foot landscape strip , togetherwithaminimumsixfootscreeningfencealongallother property lines for sdreening and vuffering of adjacent properties . d . Additional landscaping within the parking area and adjacent to the proposed building , as per thelabovementioned docu- ments and Chapter 22 , Parking and Lo thing . , e. !All such landscaping shall consist ofll; a suitable combination lof trees , shrubs , and groundcover that meet the objectives 'established in the abovementioned documents , 3. All signing shall maintain the appropriate setbacks established by ordinance and be of a height and size consistent with theyadjacentuse (Cummins Diesel ) and the objectives of the Compre-hens ve Plan . I PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING OF SEPTEMBER 6 , 1977 PAGE SIX I1 RE : MALIBU GRAND PRIX CORPORATION REZONE REQUEST , FROM GS-1 TO B-1 , FILE R-065-77 , AND SPECIAL USE PERMIT , F1LEI'SP-067;-77 HI 1 4. All lighting. shall be subject to Public 'W'orks Department approval of its size , height , location , luminatjon ow.er , and shielding . 5 . ' Theproposed building and bleachers shall maintain a minimum 1 setback of 60 feet from all public ridhtrof way and 20 feet from all other property lines .i Ii , 6. IDetailed drainage plans , including suitable storm water retention hand oil /water separation facilities constent » th King County standards ', shall be submitted to rid app.•oved by, the Public 'Works Department at the' time of Building Permit appli - cation . Interior drainage plans may be required by the Public Works Department to control drainage durtrtg construction . I, , . 7 . All utilities and service charges shall be subject to Public Works Department approval , together with '' properfire flow 'and hydrants to ISO standards . I , . 8. Off-site improvements subject to SEctii•bni ,1-102 requirements . 9. TheIproposeddevelopmentshallmeet - St• ate Environmental Noise regulations established in WAC-173-60 . I ' ., I 10. Final approval of proposed street vacati9 s: as oulined .on the attached map. II ' ' ' I LS ii 1 1 I I i II I j 1 e . -- 1 .ENT-ON- MUNICIPAIEUiLDING--200]VIIEL-AVE-SO. RENTON.WASH 98055--=---___-::_ CHARLES J. DELAURRNTI-IANYO#F"- •--'P7LANNING-DEPAYt _NT p Q- D SE PI August 26 , 1977 George Wannamaker King County Division of -Hydraulics Rbom 976 King County Administration Building Seattle , Washington - -98_104 Dear Mr. Wannamaker: RE : MALIBU GRAND PRIX CORPORATION PROPOSED DRIVING SKILL FACIL_I_TY This -department is -pr_e=s_an-t_1y_ revi_ewi ng__a request . by Malibu_ Grand Prix Corporation-=-fo'r a rezone and-_spec-iai permi-t to C[111=st urt.a In =ni_at0=re car d_ri vi ng _c ki-11 faci 1 i--ty and-amuse m e°n- - - e-nte-v: T h=e—p-r o=p e-r t y =r s 10 c a-t-e-d -along the s o u t fi- side of -S. W_. Grady Way , north of FAI-405_, and between Oa-k-esdale --- Avenue S . W. and Thomas Ave . S.. W. , within the- City of Rent-on . We understand that the applicant has se-nt a set of plan-s to _ you as part of a Flood Zone Control Permit application . We would appreciate your review and comme-nts as soon as possible so that they might be entered into the September 6 , 1977 , public hearing record . If you have any questions , please contact this department. Very truly yours , Gordon Y . Ericksen P] a nth i n-g r e c t o/7 y Michael L_•c:" :•ram. Michael L . Associate Planner MLS : wr r EV I EN ),F_CIIJES rd :Q)UBL IC ORKS DI-R-ECTOR_) BUILDING DIVISION GINEERING DI VIS e TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DIVISION '• UTILITIES DIVISION AV- FIRE DEPARTMENT HEALTH DEPARTMENT FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT 27,644-cl z5747,_"/A - C-o-n-t a c t T'PeTs on 7Y2a, Please review the atta-ched informati-on re-garding the subject proposal and return it to the Planning 7Department by with your written mcommendati_on_. Your response =w2F-11--be included as part of the staff -r_e_p_o_r t.to the Hea_ring _ Examtner. Thank you , PLANNING DEPARTMENT P 777 A 7 ROUTING FOR REVIEW OF ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORMS c.,: : c Finance Department I Fire Department c) Library Department C Park Department I 1 l Police Department i Public orks Department Building Div . Traffic Engineering Div. Engineering Div . Utilities Engineering Div. 1 FROM : Planning Department , (signed by r,esppns $ ble official or his designee ) SUBJECT': Review of ECF- 265. 77 Application No . : , R-065-77 I. Action Name : APPLICATION FOR REZONE PROM GS-1 TO B-1 ; I i . GRADY WAY BETWEEN OAKEISDALE S . W . & RAYMOND SO . Please review the attached . Review requested by ( date : 8/24/77 I ! i 1 REVIEW BY OTHER, CITY DEPARTMENTS : Department :4Comments : 4/0 P c h 1 g.--",//%72JZ,-,0.41 H . . Signature of Director or Ahthori zed Representativerese .ati ve Date9P REVIEW BY OtH R CITY DEPARTMENTS : Deprtment : E [heert C o m r i e h t s : MO 6 h '.e-c-,'o,.`- ' ' .J I L___ ' ' ,i , R/45/77 ' Signature Of Direc or or Author zed Representative Date i 6-76 OVER) I V I k 1.., B Y 0-I H f.. k CH '1 EP A.R.TMLNT S : i) p •3 rt me n t. : k..1 T% ..t 1---( I C 0 min n t s : U Si 4_ a r: i r ft! (.,..i..) 1 ..,___ le.42e Qto i "-i-f____ 1 ry'-/1/4 WI 1-4 r,()A-LS rb rt+fl- LQ iti N-k-4- %A Loll 1 1 1 i i , • TA3/7 7 1cInature of Di rector or Authortzed 1 RePrenetati ve Date - 1 i 1 i . . , . • 1 '' : 1 ' P,LVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : ' . ' 1 •1 Department : V\Q . Comments : \-_ ,C.". • CD‘Co. E.e...N‘Ct:AJ 1 . : i - ii, 1 I xv i L . , :. - !-!. t...i..... iel(9 /r17 i ftn d t u re of Di rectorAA, -, TanZize Rep•-reser—i 1 Date REVIEW, BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : 1 i Department borf/ r-2--' 0./44-2,.: corilmen;: :" itlt 7 1 iNo -5-: —. L c•k/ 1. /1' C: 7/-t.,: 74' ' '. 1.. 47 7 ‘. 74:I j j-- 1 A i V e_iz ly 4, ,.,..' ..;:, Oz)e-r/c/. 'C•a__ ii i1,1- 1--. 1' 1 ."7.--4•-i CII:"-4-A °° . . . • gcu -e-- o ,--- •..,r '/. *- 07 : ' c(/___-_. z7.1' ;_s • he( 4,-- i----G-----'-_, -7L-E„) c 2.2-?."5-.:,Ifs' 3 e c ai-e.s. e : , I- -,--- d "'Fs';01 izi( i..c• (')"`5 g-- 2z--21er->fr-e,(7-' , P/. ). 7 Si gnatUtie 'o,.f. Dire- tor or Authorized ReprO.entati vj k Date 1! REVIEW i BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : Department : CoMments : 1 i ' i 1 Signature of Di rector or Authori zed Representative Date 1 nFLI 1,--,FTrINTAL HOUEST TO : PUBLIC WORK-S DTRECTOR> 0 BUILDING DIV ISIONAr 4111.0't ENGINEERING DIVISION ) TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DIVISION= Lig A.. - UTILITIES -DIVISION FIRE DEPARTMENT) HEALTH DEPARTMENT FROM : PLANNING DEPARTMENT Conta-ct Pers-on S/P• C 7- A role (14'4- e//-77) tcrei 0* /ddy Please review the attached information regarding the subject proposal and--return it - to the P1 anni-ng Department by 4674/57/ with your written recommendation. Your• response will _be included as part of the staff report to the Hearing Examine_r_.. _ -- Thank you , PLANNING- DEPARTMENT Ze-a;6=a,(\zdyt• ROJT1riG_FO3 REVIEW OF ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORMS T1: : ( Finance Department Fire Department Library Department Park Department. Police Department 1 . . 1 • Public. Works Department il Building Div . I ItrftiC EAgineering Div . Engineering Div . UtijitiesEngiheering Div. r . . ...; . . ! . 1 FRO : Planning Department , (signed y reSPonSible Official or hi designee) . I. 1 SUBjECT : Review of ECF- 265-77 Application No . :. P-O67-77 2. Action Name : SPECIAL PERMIT TO CONSTROCT ,MIDOET CAR FACILITY , GRADY ' WAY 7Pleasereviewtheattached . Review requested by (date) : 8/24/7 1 . 1 '• • REVIEW BY OTHER CTY DEPARTMENTS - H ! ' . .:.,J.: ; . '..,L.' • Department : 1 • , CoMi merts : / "4)2 4/94,-,7-- , ./7-) so '---.s- ,e-0 i c(- /&e.- re-g /e--U-E>-t-' s-7'ref,-;y4erte-e-,,,,, , .- i ,:. . • - I ' . No/se /NN, ,00r,.b. /? ..,2::,. b.,e..,.;, h,,),--6, p,, .77,,,,a.co .. 1 eedi. A4441 0 10e, re,o/ -(-t-e-,1 ' P'°-17-PPr-11 . , , v 1 •!, '' i . ' :. e*te-I-ch4-;-4`- 4'/)- '-' ..• /L" (re ' . . . ' ' '' ' 2,-efi,/ei.6.e.1•!itr_yc. 1 . I 1 Signature OT ' Director dr Authorized • RepreSentative Date REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : 1 Department : e-,•=j,',7d-ev-iren 7' L C CA.Ar-eckCOMIleritS : ) 6-C-C Si rIt'e- : tfe, 4 2.) )„....., . . w. . .1e fb. IJa,s. n.ei..“ 2 1,-4_ r el:".: irc.ak. 4v- 51-ev-ir— a-P-P- ciwv: cer--- -1-r,....e...+,1"....,. Sigqaturf of Director ,or Alithorilzed R,ep esentative I , Date, , 1 I 6,7 6 'i OVER) 11 1 1 I RL '. It. br ) 13Y Uillf_ R CI_i: ;30'/1K11•lL4:IS : I epar•tm ,nt : UTjL.. P(4, 5 Comments : 1 W‘l.` IZIiQvIILit Li., !!.Turf Hlsa.,_, 1i.x.-0,,r j_r 1 1 I co s 13RV& 10..Lop,-c,.,r7 , d_ po susc.y •Ntlwr40,t ;‘.5 win.1...... ' w iA T ;/_ k 7,(-;LA)it/t-- 'SY, -r,i,t ri.l-(G. 1 I,aT G7 ' rAc{.(. I I aid _ 1 I 'I I I °SSA 7 S i gnatu e of Director or Authorized Rep s,elritati ve 3/ te ' I I I I I I I I I ,I I REVILWIBY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : Department . V•\cE, I ' 1_ I I Commenits : 7iAS. Qc4p r u \\ cZ ARE AA_N AP90-oVEO C‘ e " 2.EN c'-WoU i A\So oe3- ebi ioC2 AeJ AQNbNe. c5C SlVy ‘v , cZe.c ) Zoo 4\ . , bw s e.ck v c by . dipipim '' syso,vcE.• S .CZv c7-.S O c_Gu v • 1 1 ' I NIAAL874AA . . I:; I! r. . !. •'.• .'.. . teArl /77 . i t, 1d ture cif IDi r.•a$ . i zed ' Rep ' esentati ye Date . REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS: I ; Departlment i e."--' . • , ClomMenis : I - _, Z 1p _ j V lii A e & ce.fd C a h:hh i Ai 4fA Cc' L C)Al I 11 f'-s pr// .e ti: i- --a •S, c.12(?7: ic v. 6 .. Air I Signature ' Of :Di rector. or Autho zed Repree'ntati ve Date REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : i Department : I J Comments : I I j I Si, ynaturee of Di rector or .Authbri zed Represe tati ve Date iI BAIINDN ENVIRONNENTAL_NOjSE-LEVELS ` 173=60 or"resolaiion_ d4skgaate EDR-A-s- to . conform with-the- zoning- ordinance-as follows: a) Residential-zones Class A EDNA b)---Coaaerrial zones ---C1a.-B EDIA- cr Irdastrial-zourb--CFsss--C RDNA- Upon-approva3-by t e department EDRAs=so=designat-ed- ska11--- = -- - -- -- be as set- forth-in- such local determination. -EDNA designations sha-11 -be-amended-as--necessary--to-canfora--to-tomes anges_•under------------- -- - --- --------- --.-...-- -- the-zoniW or1inaace.it-3) In- areas--not-covered by a loca3=zoning--ordinance_but- within--the_coverag-e-of-an-adopted coi rehensive plan the reg lati-ve=anetarrt ofthe local-=goceraseat-any,-by -ordinance..------_ or-resolution--designate-EDi conCon Vith i e= plan as=iallera_ a) Residential--areas - Class- A EDNA- br-Co-mser-cial-areas --Class B-EDNA-- c) Industrial areas - Class C EDNA Upon approval by the department EDNAs so designated shall be as set forth in such local determination. EDNA designations shall be amended as necessary to conform to changes in the comprehensive plan. 4) The department recognizes that on certain lands, se- renity, tranquillity, or quiet are an essential part of the quality of the-environment and serve-an important -public need. Special designation of such lands with appropriate noise level standards by local government may be adopted subject to approval by the-department. The-director any-make-such-special--- designation pursuant to the procedures of the Administrative Procedure_Act,_.chapter 34.04 RCM. [Order 74-32, 9 173-60-030, filed 4/22/75,.=eff. 9/1/75..] Mig -173-60-040 --NAIIIMUN PERMISSIBLE -ENVIRONMENTAL NOISE i LEVELS. (1) No person shall cause or permit noise to intrude into the property of another person which noise exceeds the t+An.- nwr i.sible noise levels set forth below _in thi- ' section. 2) (a) The noise limitations_established are as set forth in the following table.after- any applicable-adjustments--provid- _ F ed=for-herein are-applied. EDNA-of ED1 .OT E4L Z SOURCE r EECEiYIAfi PBOPERT7- - -- -`- -- -_-- cllas-A _ Class B Class C CLASS A 55-dBA- 57 dBA-60-dBA- CLASS B 57 60- 65 - cLASs C E 65 70 __ b Between-the-hours-of -10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. the r' noise limitations of the foregoing table shall be reduced by 10 dBA for receiving. property within Class A EDNAs. c) At any hour of the day or night the applicable noise Limitations- in- (a) -and (b) above may be exceeded for_ -any- receiving--property by no- more than:-- i) 5 dBA for a total of - 15 minutes- in any -one-hour period; or ii) 10 dBA-for a total of 5' minutes- la- any one-hour period; or iii) 15 dBA for a total of 1.5 minutes in any one-hour period. [Order 74-32, 6 173-60-040, filed 4/22/75, eff. 9/1/75:] Supp. 016(2/5/76) WASHINGTON ADMIN. CODE [ 173-60-p 3] s T. q.1 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON Xi RESOLUTION NO . 1923 0 74 WHEREAS the United States Department of Agriculture, 'Soil , • Conservation Service , has submitted to the City of Renton,as well as other cities ,/ g County, a letter agreement dated June 3 , 1974 , for the purpose of evaluating environmental setting within the Green River area, and WHEREAS the City of Renton elects to become a' party to any such ' , agreement, NOW THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON DO RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I : The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute that certain Letter Agreement dated June 3 , .1974 , a true copy being attached hereto and incorporated herein, on behalf of the City of Renton. SECTION II : No City funds shall be expended for the acquisition of any property within the subject area, or comMitments made therefor, ' without prior approval of the City of Renton, ad subject to applicable budget laws . J I . PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL thiS22nd ,. day ofJuly, 1974 . Delores . Mead, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this22nd day of July, 1974 . tt-f11-______1172.L. A.2t.a4 1612Tharr.,tt-', Mayor Ap yed as tojwl: 53-0( A Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney Ag- itS $.41.'y Co-Asee0A, -oy, r I UtVITE- 1-Sf ATE:. `EPA}'2TI IFNIT"O1—AGRILuL r urn _._. tip,;.. SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE Room 360 U. S. Courthouse, Spokane, Washington 99 01 June 3, 1974 1 r j Mr. John D. Spellman County Executive, King County i1 King County Courthouse Seattle, Washington 98104 b King County Engineers Office Green River Flood Control Zone District 1' . Room 400 King County Courthouse 1 Seattle, Washington 98104 Mr. Ralph Backstrom Chairman, King Co. Conservation District 35 South Grady Way Renton, Washington 98055 Mayor Frank E. Todd j - City of Tukwila City Hall H .14475 59th Avenue South Tukwila, Washington 98067 Mayor Avery Garret City of Renton City Hall 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, Washington 98055 ' Mayor Isabel Hogan City of City Hall P.O. Box 310 i ',. Kent, Washington 98031 ' Mayor Stanley P. Kersey City Hall City of Auburn 20 A Street Northwest Auburn, Washington 98002 5 Gentlemen and Ms. Hogan: It is essential that environmental considerations he fully recognized incarryingouttheEastandWestSideGreenRiverWatershedWorkPlans. An evaluation of environmental setting and project measure impact reveals theneedforagreementbetweenthesponsoringlocalorganizationsandSoilConservationServiceonthefollowing. 4:.,r' .. •',..:•. .-• -. 1----- - F.-f'•:7;_ ,, . . r• 2 I ' The sponsoring local organizations will : I' . s • I . Purchase in title or perpetual easement and mlintain in puhlic control duringthe life of the projects at least 110 acres of suitable wetland o habitat at locations approved by the SCS and the. Washington State Department of Game. s ., ii 2. In granting commercial-industrial development 'permits'"with the Green ' River Flood Control Zone District require: a. A landscape development plan that will provide reasonable consider- E ation for wildlife and esthetic values (environmental quality) c for the area planned for buildings and parsing lots ; rb. a significant portion (not less than two ps rcent) of the land involved be designated and commerce-indust-y managed for the life of the project to produce wildlife habitat for species best suited to site, conditions , and location; L c. all land not needed or used for other purposes, be planned and managed for wildlife open-space until such time as it is utilized r r in additional developments. i;.ii 3 . With Soil Conservation Service assistance, preerve or replace existing wildlife habitat along affected channels.II i 4. With Soil Conservation Service assistance, proV1de fish passage through fstructuralmeasureswheredeemednecessarybytheServiceandthew. Washington State Department of Fisheries. ' iT. 5. Adopt and enforce a land use plan (policy) consstent With the regional I"land use policy of the Puget Sound Governmental 'Conference or the Regional Planning Authority having jurisdictionbefore 'Public Law 566' funds are expended on any part of an independent system. I am in agreement with the above. ' If'you are in agreement, please sign in the space provided and return to the Coordinating Sponsor (King County) for rfurtherprocessing.i i,• rI 'Galen S. Bridge Date , I% State Conservationist l 'f `" ' r L.. Green River Flood Control Zone District 13`y ':jl, ti.. Local Organization Room 900 K.C. Adm. Bldg. Seattle Wa. a' Director ullic Works Address Zi'p Code ate f7V r.% I 1 6L-s o,-7r 'oN WW1 d ivdt Qr1.9 , nii 7rw 46 Jogroc 1 I 1 I 1 I 1i 1 I I tjl Cil 111 ill el: I 1 1 ilj111! IMS I , i Ledmiddel u 1 ia) 2 b„7 Ow H i mosiasuommumiummiligoZomummiimlarlou1 3 yrrk00)fil y® s f \\\\`I 1 MO 44 My 1 4 1w) I go j 1 • i i j.* P 07 C 4 0217IVI A J Yoff -20ndd iy„af.„„ tk 14/01 tiiit/o I 1 cL- 1 % G\-FI-.,-__-:-- \0N- - GRAD 1 \ NoR AR T __ 111 IIIIIIII PROPOSED S 'EET A .AT l` F SE T'1 0_--_ ; VN- ego ATI 7. al II z ww 7 1 i I ' s 1 IA 1_ 4vc. IZ 1 **.-iq:".. I.. . _ I___ t 16„ i 5.. ` `' 1rIr r I I I IIIIIIIIIII 111111 w11I11 ; 11111111I11_1 .>1_111LI—Ir 1-11 jaW . itli W i_ .:,-= v • f: y A A ROPOSED STREET Ili 4 CATION I 1-X_X II I NORTH D1 z—, ARE EVIOUSLY VACATED I 8Y ORU IN°.2475 1EADaR D01 Tl t, CLAIM !alp. 4E. I ---- LL-1 1-1 it, Q i I SCALE-I = 400 I O I 1 Z I I 313 • W i J, 14ivin D2 U 1 1 I ix l i ec ct Q W. 0 2-1 2 Z w O I LI 3 3 I 1 J - I 1 PROPOSED/FINAL DECLARATION OF SIGNIFICANCE/NuN—SIGNIFICANCE R-065-77 and Application- No . #SP-067-77 Q-pR-0_PO,SED.-De-c_1-a_r..ati o-n Envi ron_men-tal Check-1_1st No .-ECp7-65-77- _ ---_-- EIN-AL Dec-l-a-ration- Description of proposal Midget--car -skill.-driving-facility together- with amusement center. _ Proponent MALIBU GRAND PRIX CORPORATION Between FAI-405 and S .W. Grady Way, west of Cummins Location of Proposal Diesel Co. , and east of Oakdale Avenue S .W. Lead Agency CITY OF RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT This proposal has been determined to 0 have ®_no-t have a significant adverse impact upon the environment . An EIS 0 is is not required under RCW 43 . 21C . 030 ( 2 ) (c ) . This decision was ni,i-Cre after review by the lead agency of a completed environmental checklist and o.ther' informati-on on file with the lead agency . negative Reasons for/decl,a.raji o-n. o-f.-_anvi rc.nme_nta.l si gn_i_f i c.a_nce 1. Proposal is consistent with Comprehensive Planning, Zoning, _and existing _uses_in- -th-e--ar-ea=.— - :_ - 2. Location between existing freeway and heavily traveled S.W. Grady Way in a non-residential area, appears appropriate for the pro- posed use. 3. This negative declaration is further based on the proposed develnp-ment meeting the State Environmental Noise Regulations, WAC-173-60 and the provision of landscaping consistent with the SCS requirements established in Resolution 1923 and the Green River Valley Compre-hensive Plan. Measures , if any , that could be taken to prevent or mitigate the environmental impacts to such an extent that the lead agency would withdraw its declaration of significance and issue a ( proposed/final ) declaration of non-significance : Responsible Official Gordon Y. Ericksen Title PLANN i DIRECTpR Date August 30, 1977 Signature , 1 ; 11 ,i City of Renton P 1 a-n n i n a D e_o_ar t m-e_n t.. INJP!LPTMENTAL rEVIEW HOUEST T-0 :P-U 13 L I C W-O-R-K S D I-R-E-CTOR BUILDING DIVISION GINEERING DIVISION ' TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DIVISION UTILITIES DIVISION A\Ik°- FIRE DEPARTMENT HEALTH DEPARTMENT FROM-: . PLANNING DEPARTMENT- P se r- • I5 Please revi-ew the attached information regarding the subject pro-p-o-sal and return it to the Planning Department by Art s- 5/7Y with your written recommend.ation . Yo_ur response _w_i 1 1_ be i=ncluded as part of the Staff. report to the He_a_ri_ng. ner Thank you , PLANNING DEPARTMENT 7: ---- t---p - THE CITY OF RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 CHARLES J. DELAURENTI-MAYOR----• -PLANN-ING DEPARTPIEFT- - --- 0 235-2550 4TFO SEP - O August 26 , 1977 George Wannamaker King County Division of Hydraulics Room 976 Kiang County Administration Building Seattle , Washington 98104 Dear Mr. Wannamaker: RE : MALIBU GRAND PRIX CORPORATION PROPOSED DRIVING SKILL FACILITY This department is presently reviewing a request by Malibu Grand Prix Corporation for a rezone and special permit to - - construct a miniature car driving- skill facility and amuse- ment center. The property is located-- Tongtho south side of S. W. Grady' Way , north of FAI-405 , and between Oakesdale . Avenue S . W. and Thomas Ave . S . W. , within the City of Renton .. We understand that the applicant has sent a set of plans to you as part of a Flood Zone Control Permit application . We would appreciate your review and comments as soon as possible so that they might be entered into the September 6 , 1977 , public hearing record . If you have any questions , please contact this department. Very truly yours , Gordon Y . Ericksen Pl aryhi g rector Michael L . smith Associate Planner ML' S :wr 1 1 CKLIST FORMSROJT1NGFORREVIEWOFENVIRONMENTALCHE 1 Finance Department I Fire Department Library Department 1 11 ,..)Park Department 1 Police Department Public orks Department i • ! : Building Div . Trf ic Engineering Div . Engineering Div . it tiesties Engineering Div. I i i FROM : Planning Department , (signed by resPorible ?fficial or his deslriee) I A ( I C L 1 i 1 SUBLIECT : Reviey, of ECF- 265-77 AppliCation No . : R-065-77 1 II , 1 Action Name : APPLICATION FOR REZONE FROM ps,-1 TO B-1 ; GRADY WAY BETWEEN OAKOSDALE S . W . & RAYMOND SO . Please review tie attached . Review requested'by (date) : • B/24/77 REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : 1 i i Deparlment : Comets : 1 1 i I 1 1 Signture fiDirector or Authorized Represen”tive Date REVIEW BY OTHER, CITY DEPARTMENTS : De4tilment : E.1.1.../ ;hee„-,`,.. J. 1i1 , COMTeptS : N6 1 d 1 1 C 1 Signature Of Direc or or AuF3zed Representative Date I 6-76 i OVER) I 1 1 ftVIi w BY O_CIIER Cil''. EPARTI•IEN-IS : i)p rtment : VT` L t-c (LS i Comments : v SIB a f-S iTff.U I — l' 1z4e Qc.9 t o-,-/-t rz1,,Tl l, 7 o•LS rb 1-cfric- w4t'vt1 .l. SJ'iwIE i j1MLt t t S , ie •• 41/407 i gnature of Director or Authorized Repreerjtati ve, Date a i PEVIEW' BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : Department : C‘Rr.. Comments . O ©b EC OO‘J 1 i ' 1 I egkri ht./ Y. ignature of Director ze RepreSeta'ti ve Date REVIEW : BY OTHE1 CITY DEPARTMENTS : H ' , Department . l -2--07/ c ' ic. GLy/hec>ll/ Comments : V 5 y lam , 7 ; /'ra,. . 1 if, ,_ y/? fit/e / -r ,,,/ ' t,e-e.44 i 4. //16, ,/"Lj /-• e_iL y if f}47 ''V lilb C'-{./C/ C a z- /171; ' 7 . c-<--4----C-er>57r5e7 2/, / Signature of Dire- tor or Authorized Represehtativi Date REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : Department : . Comments : I; Si y natur,e of Dig Arector or Authorizedzed RepreSentati ve Date i Rp•JIJNGFOl REVIEW OF ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORMS T ) : ( Finance Department Fire Department Library Department Park Department. Police - Department Public Works Department 1 1 I Building Div. Traffic EtjOineering Div . Engineering Div. . Utilitiesjpigineeripg! Div. H 1 • 1 , i FROM : Planning Department, (signed y res0:00Sible OffICial oris designe0) . I Hi: . ' 'I 1 . HI •,, - ! ' 1 ' ! '''.' ABACI' : Review of ECF- 26 -77 . 4PPlicrtion No . : :SP'-067-77' . Action) Name : SPECIAL PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT MIDGET CAR . , FACILITY , GRAD WAY . I, . . . . Please review te! attached . Review reoUested by ( ate) : 8/2447 I 1 1 1 .i„ • I . PEVIEW 1BYOTHERCITYDEPARTMENTS : Y . H : '.• ; :1..,, I Deliartment :.Aged, C oiiime rl t s : /, ,-/. •• /6/1"Vr f -) s 0 7' s' i3O + c•C /a.e._ il cc-wee-Cr-0-u i • 0o i se' mr/ /leri '.e "—Ir- te.-_-! Ihrc)r,0 V4e'r-z-cIP ev/ egf--e14 q ; HItil-tici-TCCet-4- 6 '4-(9- - /"10 8. IY-I . . . . H .' H • . I i Signature, pfIDirector r Authorized1RepreSentative Date REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : Department :eev-i'es- I ! CoMmelts : ) 6-C-P ,s,V-e. ; if sro t/e.... A-4 c1-,C r-ea. EA-Ar Pls-e,_;i4.0. .e._ pla,... z' c.dc.c.,14,71-,::,—s „ea 3. (1 i- 3) 772,,,Pt it,cyca.,,,,.. 1 Se._7171-1 i/11 i:,4,,S, in. et..a b-_ r 1, IL"C -gal_IL-., ' . i_____ 'F/&/ ? . s . ' Signature Of : Director or Authorized Rep esentative 1 Date', . , . H 1 1 . 1. . 6 76 OVER) 1 liE. VIisW IsY O1I11. It CI1 )E.PAk1HEN•IS : Uepartm nt U,r«i D. v, Cn min ents : TO SFrRf& Pn-v 'i .i r7 1 4- PoSSI(31.7• ,r$4)140i 4 (-0 in L ' w 1- 7il LA.)CZ it S c 1 v rIs.— LIiG. i A. 17iac;ll 1_,_..gL___ • 1 ii. 23 77 i;gnatu e of Director or Authorized ' Repr ese'ntati ve Date k[ VIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : Department : V \SE Comments : -H‘s• QRo ; u \\ Q I ; s:m • AAJ APPCZoVEV V I SFc•- w: sLAp\y CAPAbO . PP \\ 3 AW'X' iC -S'o k c cZra c '-S\% 1AO110-'Z O ? 1 .... CAPAie. 0 x\ c i1 S \`I U EQ \ A `cZE bw ' 4 ®CE.tM\w p `®y • daviiiim -K-N- SuCviuCE. S •<zv\«;S Off%c_ 1 Gv\''vc-. 1,' NV-1 /7 7 - i c;noture of !Di r u i zed ' Representative . Date REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS: I A t Department : 7 ra/ J _• E,ife6• i., j ' IY Comments : 1 ` ' , " ' r0 . . ci5/,91, ti/c. 01'14 72-- . --,Z777/aa,C. h Y i.hij j. v, / . I c3kr i k? zt S st 6-.71//l 9-1-y hv d5h e, ! ufnt(/ • Cc'l. Gfifb rite CU?jde 1 ff./ 1dt,f•e- n gi+-r ai -5b/e 1c 7)2a e b 6 . Signatureiof Director or Autho zed Representative Date REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : Department : Comments : Siynature , of Director or Authorized Representative Date i