HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA77-077f GS— I Q i..- Ir.' IPPP - I . N... s, L .r .•, ... ,L______, e' P) T T\ `R— e 'O I 12 le q e I 19I 20 x1' mc Trod.A. co 31Ci • '\ ' e t 'en' T t s ' ktfta ':r t e / t 440R ' s 37 W v `J o°o fac 0o`4 ":, s F! . > ; 4. r R-3E a 00©00 e„ D ©: k .' i 01t, S"rSR— z tt•.r: 4a. iN14 ,,,: t..",.L-711:1 2S I R-k_i___± f W 7 3E r - ,rTh re I I j t. D e • 7 ) 1 aa 11p9 , S R— I i p i /;:7. 4 ' '• - 7 H : \,.. , . Se '60 Sr IwII 1. y i"1;.'' ' w t7134 R 3 t el ti REZONE ; SCS and STIRSKEY HOLDINGS ; Appl . No . R-077-77 ; Rezone from SR-1 to R-2 property located approximately 100 feet west of Rolling Hills Avenue S . E . along the east side of Puget Drive S . E . between the Parkwood single family residence subdivision and the BPA Carr Line right-of-way APPLICANT SCS and STIRSKEY HOLDINGS TOTAL AREA Approx . 21 ,400 sq . =t . PRINCIPAL ACCESS Puget Drive S . E . EXISTING ZONING SR-I EXISTING USE Undeveloped 1 PROPOSED USE Multi -family COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN High Density Multi -family COMMENTS v '+ tk. o THE CITY OF RENTON fit.4- MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 NIL op CHARLES J. DELAURENTI MAYOR • LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER O L. RICK BEELER . 235-2593 4TfO SEP1C° October 20, 1977 Members, Renton City Council T22RE: File No. R-077-77 Renton, Washington SCS & Stirskey Holdings Dear Council Members: The appeal period for the attached rezone request expired on October 19, 1977, and we are transmitting copies of the Examiner's recommendation for your review prior to adoption of an ordinance. This matter will be placed on the consent agenda at the Council meeting of October 24, 1977, and we request that you include it with your material for that meeting. If you desire additional information regarding the subject application, please contact the office of the Hearing Examiner. Sincerely, 1Y L. Rick Beeler Hearing Examiner LRB:mp Attachment cc: City Clerk Planning Director Y i a . R-077-77 ' Page Two In response to the Examiner's inquiry regarding recommendations relating to building architecture, Mr. Smith indicated that minimum criteria had been' established to ensure reasonable compatibility with adjacent single family residences; although he advised that proper design could not necessarily be legislated. Mr. Smith entered an additional exhibit, Conceptual Elevation Drawing and Floor Plan, into the record, which was labeled Exhibit #6 by the Examiner. The Examiner requested 'a representative from the Traffic Engineering Division to testify regarding proposed access to the site. Responding was: Paul Lumbert Traffic Engineering Division Mr. Lumbert reviewed traffic volumes already existing in the area as well as anticipated traffic generated from.the proposed project, and indicated that a single access would sufficiently accommodate additional traffic. The Examiner asked the representative for the applicant if he concurred in Exhibit #1. Responding was: John Anderson 9819 Vineyard Crest Bellevue, WA Mr. Anderson indicated the applicant did not concur with the report because of setback requirements established in the final recommendation. The Examiner advised Mr. Anderson. of binding technicalities involved in submittal of a concept plan in conjunction with a. request for rezone and inquired if the applicant intended to be obligated to strict compliance with configurations designated on Exhibit #6. Mr. Anderson indicated that the concept plan would be subject to revisions due to location of easements and setbacks which would interfere with placement of' structures on the site. He further objected to recommendations for a 40-foot buffer and screening fence on the eastern boundary of the property because of a 10-foot grade separation which he felt precluded the need for dense screening. He testified that because of the residential character of the proposed structures and limited density, a requirement did not exist for intense screening and would interfere with building height, design and placement of the structures due to the odd shape of the site. The Examiner asked for testimony in support of the application. There was no response. The Examiner asked for testimony in opposition to the application. Responding was: James McClelland 1922 Jones Court S.E. • Renton, WA 98055 Mr. McClelland advised that as President of the Rolling Hills Homeowners' Association, • he represented adjacent single family residents in the area. He inquired about comments from the Utilities Division regarding negative effects on the Rolling Hills sewer trunk line which he reported as being inadequate at the present time. The Examiner reported, that a representative from the Utilities Engineering Division would answer concerns later in the hearing. Mr. McClelland stated that a recent vote taken at a Rolling Hills. Board of Directors' meeting indicated opposition to the proposed rezone and a desire to retain the area as SR-1 zoning. He further objected to the creation of spot-zoning as a result of the proposed rezone. Responding was: , Frank Jacob Olympic Pipe Line Company P.O. Box 236 Renton, WA 98055 Mr. Jacob stressed requirements involved in development of the site in conjunction with existing pipeline easements and outlined restrictions imposed by the company. He indicated that the developer and the engineering division of Olympic Pipe Line Company would be required to sign an agreement prior to construction operations to ensure safety protection in the area. Mr. Smith reported receipt of an interoffice memorandum to Warren C. Gonnason, Public Works Director from Richard C. Houghton, Utilities Engineering Division, dated November 23, 1976 relative to the Rolling Hills trunk sanitary sewer, which he read into the record. The memorandum was labeled Exhibit #7. The letter reported that the October 5, 1977 OFFICE OF THE LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER CITY OF RENTON REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION TO THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL. APPLICANT: SCS and Stirskey Holdings FILE NO. R-077-77 LOCATION: Property located approximately 100 feet west of Rolling Hills Avenue S.E. along the east side of Puget Drive S.E. between the Parkwood single family residence subdivision and the BPA Carr Line right-of-way. SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Applicant requests a rezone from SR-1 to R-2 to permit construction of a proposed five-unit townhouse type development. SUMMARY OF Planning Department: Approval with conditions. RECOMMENDATION: Hearing Examiner: Approval with conditions. PLANNING DEPARTMENT The Planning Department staff report was received by the REPORT:Examiner on September 21, 1977. PUBLIC HEARING: After reviewing the Planning Department report, examining available information on file with the application, and field checking the property and surrounding area, the Examiner conducted a public hearing on the subject as follows: The hearing, was opened on September 27, 1977 at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building. Parties wishing to testify were sworn. It was reported that the Hearing Examiner and the applicant had received and reviewed the Planning Department report, and the report was entered into the record as Exhibit #1. Michael Smith, Planning Department, reviewed Exhibit #1, and entered the following additional exhibits into the record: Exhibit #2:. King County Assessor's Map Exhibit #3: Preliminary Site Plan Exhibit #4: Landscape Plan In response to the Examiner's inquiry regarding landscaping, Mr. Smith indicated that because the site serves as a transitional area adjacent to single family residences the landscape plan as submitted requires certain revisions to provide for a sufficient landscape buffer. He also recommended a reduction of density from five to four units to allow for construction of townhouse duplex units to be approved within a special permit by the Examiner and to further provide a suitable transition in land use. The Examiner questioned Mr. Smith regarding ordinance requirements for setbacks. Mr. Smith reviewed ordinance requirements, but indicated that the odd shape of the lot as well as location of existing pipeline and powerline easements would determine setback configurations. Mr. Smith entered the Olympic Pipe Line Company easement agreement which was labeled Exhibit #5. In response to the Examiner's inquiry regarding access, Mr. Smith reported the department's recommendation to require one access to Puget Drive and indicated no additional access would be provided through residential areas across the powerline right-of-way. In view of the Planning Department recommendation for a proposed 40-foot buffer along the easterly property line, the Examiner asked Mr. Smith to indicate future impact of a screening fence to adjacent property owners on either side of the boundary. Mr. Smith advised that the design of the fence would be residential in character and would provide proper screening in conjunction with the landscape proposal. He indicated that the odd shape and size of the property would allow a 10-foot reduction in the buffer area to still maintain proper screening. R-077-77 Page Four FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS: Having reviewed the record in this matter, the Examiner now makes and enters the following: FINDINGS: 1. The request is for reclassification of less than one-half an acre from SR-1 to R-2. 2. The Planning Department report accurately sets forth the issues, applicable policies and provisions, findings of fact, and departmental recommendations in this matter, and is hereby attached as Exhibit #1 and incorporated in this report by reference as set forth in full therein. 3. Pursuant to the City of Renton's Environmental Ordinance and the State Environmental Policy Act of 1971, as amended by R.C.W. 43.21.C. , a Declaration of Non-Significance has been issued for the subject proposal by Gordon Y. Ericksen, responsible official. 4. Plans for the proposal have been reviewed by all city departments affected by the impact of this development and no adverse comment was expressed. 5. All existing utilities are available and in close proximity. 6. The proposal is compatible with the required lot coverage and height requirements with the required setbacks of Section 4-708, Title IV, Code of General Ordinances. 7. Section 4-708 (R-2) requires that the proposed configuration of attached buildings Exhibit #3 - Site Plan) be approved through the Special Permit process. Only concept plans were submitted in the rezone application, and these plans were only to illustrate, not specify, the intent of the applicant. 8. A maximum of two single family or five multifamily (R-2) units can be placed on the site. 9. This unusual, small, triangular piece of property lies between a large utility right-of-way and the new developing single family plat of Parkwood Division No. 1. A rezone of this property would represent the initial non-single family zoning in the southeast corner of the Bonneville Power Administration right-of-way and Puget Drive and north of the Bow Lake Pipe Line. The property slopes to the west and is oriented to the B.P.A. right-of-way and the Benson Apartments on the west side of the right-of-way. Olympic Pipe Line and Northwest Gas Pipeline easements divide the property in half diagonally and intersect the south quarter respectively of the site. Buildings cannot be erected and landscaping and paving are limited on the easements. Any improvements on the easements require approval by the respective utilities. 10. Puget Drive can accommodate the projected traffic volumes generated by the proposed five units. The Traffic Engineering Division testified that the proposed single access to Puget Drive was most desirable, and traffic hazards were not anticipated at the access point. 11. Previous rezones north of Puget Drive have been to R-2 with a 50-foot landscape buffer to protect the adjacent single family area (GS-1) . More property than the subject site was contained in these rezones to accommodate the buffer without severe impact upon the resultant development. Vegetation exists on the eastern portion of the site, abutting the new plat of Parkwood Division No. 1. CONCLUSIONS: 1. The proposal conforms to the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan. Indicated on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map is single family; however, this map is merely a guide to and not a determinant of land use decisions. As a general principle, the B.P.A. right-of-way might be considered an adequate buffer of incompatible uses. In this instance precedent was established to the north and south along the eastern boundary of that right-of-way. Also the site orients to the right-of-way and the multifamily use (Benson Apartments) on the west side of the right-of-way. But the Benson Apartments have been developed a great distance from the B.P.A. right-of-way thereby in itself exerting no real pressure for a land use change on the subject site. j• R-077-77 Page Three line contained five severely damaged areas which could cause potential pipeline failure and indicated that repair and restoration were imminent. The Examiner questioned whether statements contained in the letter related only to existing physical problems or potential capacity of the sewer line and indicated that a representative from the Utilities Engineering Division would report on the matter later in the hearing. Mr. McClelland restated previous objections to inadequate utilities and unsuitable protection between single and multiple family residential areas. The Examiner asked the representative for the applicant to explain reasons for the requested five-unit density on the site. Mr. Anderson reported that the elevations, shape of the parcel, and location of easements required planning for clustered units surrounded by open space. He further indicated that the applicant would cooperate with engineering divisions of the pipeline company to ensure compliance with safety requirements. In response to comments made by Mr. McClelland, Mr. Anderson advised that the Parkwood development was located to the north of an existing R-3.zone and felt that low density development in the proposed rezone would provide a compatible transition. He also noted that the recommended 30 and 40-foot setbacks compose 57% of the entire site. Discussion ensued between the Examiner and Mr. Smith regarding utility provisions to the site. Mr. Smith indicated that a pumping mechanism or connection extension to Grant Avenue S.E. may be required, although he was unsure whether sewer lines would be endangered by additional development. In response to the Examiner's inquiry regarding significant utility problems created by the proposed development versus a single family residences, Mr. Smith advised that because of the expense involved in installation of a pumping extension, construction of a single family residence on the site was not probable and would preclude development of the site in existing SR-1 zoning until a future date. He also indicated that a reduction in density would reduce the requirement for parking space, thereby creating additional open space area compatible with adjacent residential areas. Mr. McClelland noted that it was not possible for future owners of homes under construction in abutting areas to be represented at the rezone hearing. The Examiner advised that the developer of the plat had been notified. The Examiner called for a ten-minute recess at 10:25 a.m. The meeting reconvened at 10:35 a.m. The Examiner asked the representative of the Utilities Engineering Division to review capabilities of existing utility lines in response to previously expressed concerns. Responding was: Ronald Olsen Utilities Engineering Division The Examiner referred to comments made by the division regarding the Rolling Hills sewer trunk line and asked Mr. Olsen if the proposed five-unit development would create additional problems relating to capacity of the line. Mr. Olsen indicated that problems with capacity would not occur. The Examiner asked for further comments. There was no response. He then requested the representative from the Northwest Gas Pipeline Company to testify. Responding was: Thomas Courter Northwest Gas Pipeline Co. 22821 Redmond-Fall City Road Redmond, WA 98052 Mr. Courter reported that no permanent structures would be allowed on the easement and reviewed easement locations; requirements for landscaping, power and cable line installation; and other aspects of the proposed development. In response to the Examiner's inquiry regarding parking provisions on the easement, Mr. Courter indicated that approval of the request would come under the jurisdiction of the main office in Salt Lake City. The Examiner asked for further comments. Since there were none, the hearing on Item #R-077-77 was closed by the Examiner at 10:40 a.m. R-077-77 Page Six Pursuant to Title IV, Section 3015 of the City's Code, request for reconsideration must be filed in writing on or before October 19, 1977. Any aggrieved person feeling that the decision of the Examiner is based on erroneous procedure, errors of law or fact, error in judgment, or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the prior hearing may make a written request for review by the Examiner within fourteen (14) days from the date of the Examiner's decision. This request shall set forth the specific errors relied upon by such appellant, and the Examiner may, after review of the record, take further action as he deems proper. An appeal to the City Council is governed by Title IV, Section 3016, which requires that such appeal be filed with the City Clerk accompanying a filing fee of $25.00 and meeting other specified requirements. Copies of this ordinance are available for inspection in the City Clerk's office, first floor of City Hall, or same may be purchased at cost in said office. R-077-77 Page Five This triangular site is comparatively unique in configuration, size, environment, impact by utilities, and orientation. A reclassification to a duplex (R-2) zone would be in keeping with the Comprehensive Plan and precedent in the general area (Section 4-3014(B) ) . While the rezone may imply on the surface to be spot-zoning, " in fact the reclassification represents a response to the environmental constraints of the site and application of the Comprehensive Plan and land use planning principles. Single family use could be made of the property, but duplex use would be more reasonable. 2. One access point to Puget Drive is appropriate. 3. Some vegetation buffering is required along the eastern boundary of the site to reduce potential visual impacts upon adjacent single family residents. These single family residents warrant the same amount of buffer as was required in the rezones north of Puget Drive. Due to the small 21,400 square foot area of the site this 50-foot buffer would involve approximately 10,600 square feet, slightly less than a half of the site. A thirty foot buffer would involve about 6,400 square feet of property, or a little more than 25% of the site. Owing to the diagonal intersection of the site by the Olympic Pipe Line easement, a maximum of two units (one duplex) can be located between it and the east property line. The effect of a two-unit building will be approximately of the same mass and height as a two-story single family structure. Therefore, it appears that the two units can be satisfactorily buffered from the single family units by a 30-foot landscape buffer. RECOMMENDATION: Based upon the record, testimony, findings and conclusions, it is recommended that the City Council approve the rezone application subject to: 1. One access point to Puget Drive, and this point be at the northeast corner of the site per approval of the Public Works Department. 2. 30-foot landscape buffer along the east property line to consist of existing vegetation and supplemental plantings so as to constitute an effective sight screen per approval of the Planning Department. 3. Maximum of two stories in building height. 4. Maximum of two units (one duplex) to be constructed east of the Olympic Pipe Line easement. ORDERED THIS 5th day of October, 1977. L. Rick Beeler Land Use Hearing Examiner TRANSMITTED THIS 5th day of October, 1977 by Affidavit of Mailing to the parties of record: Paul Lumbert John Anderson James McClelland Frank Jacob Ronald Olsen Thomas Courter TRANSMITTED THIS 5th day of October, 1977 to the following: Mayor Charles J. Delaurenti Council President George J. Perry Councilman Richard M. Stredicke Warren C. Gonnason, Public Works Director Gordon Y. Ericksen, Planning Director Ron Nelson, Building Division Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney 4, GS-1 i 9 9 4149,9 4 0 d KA 49191,..,.. el'T79'T1 w 6,11p ,,, , 4.1,•,.. a f. ' '•":•... 74, I 111 ZA: , 'sc. • 4 tl A• I-tiIett,te, ,,,R-1 . A-4:112Ati • ...1 . . _ . .., . '.. PA,"•.. ; c4e1. 7/.,. .i.,itgr.. 4ct pr ,,S1?-1.0, . , t*.,e,(. r i , fir. r 4 • •.•4:14ec..". 1;' . 0.A r ° „ 7... .,.( R-3 (- r--' T. / sr' '7.:7-:;'ti i :1.• i -------. 1 ea.... v.6t11Wcr.SR''.I I I f\\--?‘ • cIEa!7i.- .. , r•••• 1 t , r -• 1 1 i G-72001 .0 • . •. '.•.. i . t 3 . 31 • • ' • 4 '1, I i I AU<I n M; 1R) 1 I 1 1... ':"1 N. cl J: -..vAl.....SR-1 a arse r ••• • - 1• • • . -1• ; r - . ,,. :cc 441.1e1F/.\tAr..111 ' . . . • • -i s • •''.. I ' •. :l. :.-.. • .....,-;.: s% . • I ‘•• vioi1 : “` •-•,-• • ",,n—t!--:,-,: 1:-. , 4;:+ 1 • • '7' ' 6 's •:....1.%' 5 7:.:•: i.ev.t..76 • 4,i. r\;r I 1 I . -1 k.',.:te;....",* :..! :.11 ,,?,.:.-..•;,:",.... i ' ara5 . TP I I, . ‘.•.-,-..", ::; "--- r ,,f7:??.!•• o .4 , ' •4 • "'- F -3 Ii i , _ ,. ..._ .i 1... Ma 4 REZONE: SCS and STIRSKEY HOLDINGS; Appl . No. R-077-77; Rezone from SR-1 to R-2 property located approximately 100 feet west of Rolling Hills Avenue S.E. along the east side, of Puget Drive S.E. between the Parkwood single family residence subdivision and the BPA Carr Line right-of-way APPLICANT SCS and STIRSKEY HOLDINGS TOTAL AREA apprax_ piano sq. q. PRINCIPAL ACCESS Puget Drive S. E. EXIS1ING ZONING SR-1 EXISTING USE Undeveloped PROPOSED USE Multi-family COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN High Density Multi-family COMMENTS 1 1 LL-410 ntar/ ,r oviiWos QM,boo M'>nN 104 10mr sn4 t1_ 001i/ gnog C P 1 I \ I 1 1 tooN N •yr r Oa to all S r"....** 4. 4,. I 4s Itvn 1 3s vy cr /s opI1mr J to.MOM Ib. s. 44. it t 14 0 I/ ° C lig" x5it. <SA. '1/4. 110;gral. di 4, 1 : 24: 11: 1b°°11111‘ 11/Rill I at° t61- 1511m \ 1144: 159444.4. 9, e4\' I 271 11A i•i" Dai111‘ "q' are 9ttiM oal1 1:17°4°1 1 r3 . 13"" 4 cgliC)" IR 4%. li I A , • I. Invoice No 645 CITY OF RENTON 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 CITY CLERK Department or Division Date January 18, 1978 r Please make checks S . C. S . & Stirskey Holdings/payable . to Hans Schwabl Finance Department 115 Burnett Ave . S . Renton, Wash. 98055 City of Renton I Recording Fees for the following document filed at King County Records & Election Department: 4. 00 I DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS ( copy attached ) recording No. 7710240830 ( copy attached ) file No. R-077-77 Ord. No. 3171 ( copy attached ) II II Total Due 4. o0 CITY OF RENTON', WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. . 311 AN ORDINANCE OF .THE CITY .OF RENTON , WASH'INGT"ON, CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN 'PROPERTIES WITHIN':' ' THE CITY OF RENTON FROM .SUBURBAN RESIDENCE NO . 1 SR-i) TO RESIDENCE DISTRICT (R-2) WHEREAS under" Chapter 7,, Title IV (Building Regulations) of *inance No. 1.628 .known as the "COde of General Ordinances of, the City of Renton" , as amended, and the maps and reports adopted in conjunction therewith, the property hereinbelow described has heretofore been zoned as Subur.ba.n .Residence NO. 1 ( SR-1) ; and WHEREAS a' proper petition for change. of zone classification . of said property has been filed with the Planning. Department on or about September, 1, 1977 which petition was duly referred to the Hearing Examiner for investigation, study and public hearing, and a public hearing having been held thereon on or about September 27 , 1977 , and said matter having been duly considered by the Hearing Examiner and said zoning request being in conformity with the . City' s " . C ompriehens_ive Plan, as amended, and the City Council having duly considered all matters relevant thereto, and all parties having been heart appearing in. support thereof or "in opposition thereto, NOW THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE , CIT OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS : 0 SECTION I : The following described property in the City of R nton is hereby rezoned to Residence District (R-2)as hereinbelow specified, SUBJECT. TO the findings , conclusions and decisions datedg October 5 , 1977 , of the City' s Hearing Examiner ;the Planning Director is hereby authorized and directed to change the maps of the. Zoning Ordinance, as amended , to evidence said rezoning , to-wit: That portion of ,the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 20 , Township. 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. , desdribed as follows : Beginning at the South . quarter corner of. said Section 20 ; thence North 1°46 ' 02" ` East a distance of '3 21 . 7 7. feet to the NOrtheasterly ' margin of the Bonneville .Power Administration right of way and the true point of beginning of the tract herein described ; thence North l°46 ' 02" East a distance of 213 . 79 feet;. thence South' 89°10 ' 20" West a distance of 200e44 feet to. the Northeasterly margin of the Bonneville Power. Administration right of way; thence to theSouth42°35 54 .East a distance of 286 . 36 feet true point of beginning, s'itted in King County, Washington. Property located app. 100 ft west of Rolling Hills Ave. S.E. .along t,, e side of pp i e T r S.E betwe Paok oo single family residence . subdivision and thy' .BPA Carr Line rig it-off-way AND SUBJECT FURTHER to that certain "Declaration of Restrictive Covenants" executed Petitioners-Owners or or about October 20 , 1977 ' and rThich said• Covenants are hreby incorporated and made a part hereof as if fully set forth. SECTION II : This Ordinance shall be effective upon its. passage, approval and five ( 5 ) days after its publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 21st day of liovembe.r , 1977 . ,, " zee. a Delores A Mead,' City erk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 21st day of November, 1977 . Charles. J . Delaurenti, Mayor ApprPved as to form: Lawrence J. War.(en, City Attorney Date of Publication: a1-25-i7 I I I 66 ... / 1 4 Ik44•% gio Nit • .. elliiimo; migammeo-- savinnim ato 0 . L' \ 1 8° 12 ' •. . • mc ipi A-- o DO po‘ x. sfrie , fi N- 14.„- 0 ..,::' : e.,". • t..\ milk tiit% 01b a pocvic Dg• 56. • It v 25/ 7 /./. 3,%, fil P v, C)). \* - '." 0/ . — . lip < slook ki s IN_‘.",/.". 21 i .. • . cit. \ wog gar 4 sE ss gp or uwieN co 1 4\, vM, , 2\ wa r : I. . r., c T.? SCALE !' Rao ' SeeiEcf Oa , Nc b! N& 5/ Kars scil 401- ',, fjtcwE 077- 7 7 DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHEREAS, Sigfried Ullrich and Hans Schwabl are the owners of the following real property in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington, described as follows: That portion of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SE 1/4 SW 1/4) of Section 20, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W. M. , described as follows: CD Beginning at the South quarter corner of said Section 20; thence North 1 46'02" OD East a distance of 321.77 feet to the Northeasterly margin of the Bonneville CD Power Administration right of way and the true point of beginning of the e?' CV tract herein described; thence North 1 46'02" East a distance of 213. 79 feet; Q thence South 89 10' 20" West a distance of 200.44 feet to the Northeasterly margin of the Bonneville Power Administration right of way; thence South 42 35'54" East a distance of 286.36 feet to the true point of beginning. All in King County, State of Washington. WHEREAS, the owners of said described property, hereinafter "the property," desire to impose the following restrictive covenants running with the land as to use, Present and future, of the property; NOW THEREFORE, the aforesaid owners hereby establish, grant and impose restrictions and covenants running with the land as to use by the undersigned, their successors, heirs and assigns, as follows: ACCESS Vehicular access shall be only by one access point to Puget Drive and at the northeast corner of the property per approval of the Public Works Department, City of Renton. LANDSCAPE BUFFER An intensive landscape area will be implemented along the easterly 30 feet of the property, and said landscape area shall constitute an effective sight-obscuring buffer consisting of retained existing vegetation and supplemental vegetation per approval of the Planning Department, City of Renton. BUILDING HEIGHT A maximum of two stores above average grade will be permitted for the height of any buildings. DENSITY The density of duplex units allowable under applicable ordinances of the City of Renton is permitted west of the Olympic Pipe Line easement intersecting the property. A maximum of one duplex (two single family dwelling units) is permitted on the east side of said easement across the property. 2- DURATION These covenants shall run with the land and expire on December 31, 2050, provided all of these covenants are fulfilled and completed in accordance herewith. Any violation or breach of these restrictive covenants may be enforced by proper legal procedures in the Superior Court of King County by either the City of Renton or any other property owners adjoining described property who are adversely affected by said breach. Reasonabie. attorneys' fees incurred during an enforcement proceeding O will be borne by the party or parties whom the court determines is in error andOD O shall be entered as a judgment in such action. CV 0 I 1, Sidgfried Ullrich Hans Schwabl (by Sigfried Ullrich with Power of Attorney) , STATE OF WASHINGTON) COUNTY OF KING on this day of ( C's 1977, before me personally appeared Jf the person who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said, person for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day, and year first above written. Notary Public in and fare .he,. ,tate - of Washington, residing_ at:L_ r Renton City Council 11/21/77 Page 3 Ordinances and Resolutions - Continued Ordinance 3170 Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented committee report Land Use Hearing recommending second and final readings of ordinance amending Land Examiner Use Hearing Examiner Ordinance per procedures; first reading 11/7/77. ' Amendment Following readings , it Was. ' MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND THORPE, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES.- CARRIED. Ordinance 3171 The Committee report recommended second and final readings of an Stirskey Rezone ordinance rezoning property located 100 ft. West of Rolling Hills SR-1 to R-2 Ave. S.E. along east side. of Puget Dr. S.E. between Parkwood sub- division and BPA Carr Line right-of-way; first reading 11/7/77. Following readings, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND SHINPOCH, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES . CARRIED. Ordinance #3172 The Conini'ttee report recommended second and final readings of an . Salant Rezone ordinance rezoning property located at northeast corner of S.Puget GS-1 to R-2 & 3 Drive and Grant Ave. S. Following readings , it Was MOVED BY CLYMER, . SECOND BRUCE, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3173 The Committee report recommended second and final readings of an Industrial ordinance amending fees paid for preliminary and final plats of indus- Subdivision trial subdivisions. .Following. readings (first reading 10/24/77) , it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND PERRY, .COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3174 The Committee report recommended second and final readings of an Storm & Surface ordinance establishing and creating a .surface water runoff ordinance Water Drainage to o'e known a.; the Storm and Surface Water Drainage Ordinance regulat ing the design, standards; procedures and the submission of drainage plans in conjunction with' land development proposals and imposes• fees . Exemption included, for single ,family residential structure of less than 5,000 sq. ft. not including surfaced driveway or patio. First reading of ordinance 11/7/77. Following readings ,it was MOVED BY ' CLYMER, SECOND THORPE, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES ,-.' CARRIED. Ordinance #3175 The Coiinnittee report recommended second and final readings of an Abandoned Vehicle ordinance establishing abandoned vehicle regulations; first reading, Regulations 11/7/77. Following readings , it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL 'AYES . CARRIED. Ordinance applies to abandoned vehicles. and hulks on private and public property. Ordinance #3176 The Committee report recommended second and final readings of an Vehicle Impound ordinance establishing Vehicle Impound Regulations; first reading Regulations 11/7/77. Following readings , it was MOVED BY . CLYMER, SECOND THORPE,,. . : COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE. ROLL' CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3177 The report recommended second and. final readings of an Ordinance Parking establishing Parking Regulations; first reading 11/7/77. Following, Regulations readings, it was MOVED' BY CLYMER, SECOND BRUCE, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE,. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Garbage Rates ' The Committee report recommended first reading. of an ordinance amending ' , Public Services the garbage coilection' fees. ' Councilman :'Stredicke requested reading' " ,.. Committee of Minority Report of ',th'e Public' Services Committee. The full committee Minority. Report recommended concurrence with recommendation of Mayor and Public Works ' Inspection Unit Director for acceptance of the low bid from Cues for furnishing the ' '' . Sewer TV Monitor TV inspection unit 0(10/26/77 bid opening) , in amount of $55,823 includ- Bid Award ing •sales tax. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND THORPE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION AND'AWARD BID. CARRIED. Repainting The Public Services Committee report recommended (by full committee) Bid Award concurrence with Public Works' Director recommendation for award bid to.::' low bidder, Sunset Coatings in amount of $35,992 for the repainting , of the Highlands Tank and Mt. Olivet Reservoir. The report noted Municipal Arts Commission reviewed proposal and made recommendations. :. Bid Opening 11/3/77)., It was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BRUCE,: COON- CIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION AND AWARD BID. CARRIED. t' V1 r ti II VI Affidavit of Publication v. STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ss. MArtscsret nrbsug 2 being first duly sworn on i oath,deposes and says that r is the Chiefr of CITY OF RENTON THE RENTON RECORD-CHRONICLE, a newspaper published four(4) I • WASHINGTON times a week.That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and ORDINANCE NO.3.171 has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication referred AN /ORDINANCE; OF -1 to, printed•and published in the English language continually as a news- THE CITY OF RENTON, paper published four(4)times a week in Kent,King County,Washington, W A S H..I N G T O N , and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained I• CHANGING THE-ZON- at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper.That the Renton ING CLASSIFICATION Record-Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the OF CERTAIN PROPER- ` Superior Court of the County in which it is published,to-wit,King County, TIES WITHIN THE CITY OF RENTON\,FROM • , Washington.That the annexedisa Ordinance No. 3171 SUBURBAN RESI- DENCE NO.1(SR-1)TO ._ _ RESIDENCE DISTRICT fi R-2) (STIRSKEY) WHEREAS under Chapt- er 7,Title IV(Building Regu- , as it was published in regular issues(and lations) or Ordinance No. not in supplement form of said newspaper) once each issue for a period I '1628 known as the"Code of E General.Ordinances of the ; I !City.of Renton'.', as i••-i ., amended;and the maps and of 1 consecutive issues,commencing on the irerts aped in junc- I {lionpo therewithdot, the conproperty 1 • 2r a November hereinbelow described has day of 19 and ending the I heretofore been zoned as , 1 I Suburban Residence NO. 1II (SR-1);and • WHEREAS a proper peti- , day of 19 ,both dates I, lion for change of zone inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its sub- I classification of said proper-scribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee ty has been filed with the Planning Department on or charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of $ 60•.;-which about September 1, 1977 has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words for the I which petition was duly re- first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for each subsequent ferred to the Hearing Exa- insertion, miner.for investigation, study and public hearing, ; 4 1/ , 7 and a public hearing having hi. . . I been held thb n2 on o7r about September 27, 1977, Chief Clerk and said matter having been 1 duly considered'bythe Hear- ing Examiner and said zon- Subscribed and sworn to before me this 25 day of ingmityrequestwiththebeingCity in,' s confor- Com- prehensive Plan, as November 19• 77 amended; and the City Council having duly consi-a dered all matters relevant , thereto, and all parties hav- p ` ; Notary Publ. in and for the State of Wash' gton, ing been heard appearing in residing at Kent, King ounty. support thereof or in Opposi-f ., A Lion thereto, NOW THERE THEits; FORE t THECITY COUNCIL OF sr 1egislature,1955,known as Senate Bill 281,effective June T^• hq 0--. ,'fi, , e„O3ps' q Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, a'a newspapers of the State. V.P.C.Form No.87 f-. CITY :°OF RENTON,.' WASHINGTON ORDINANCE 'N0 3171 AN .ORDINANCE OF •.THE;.CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, `.CHANGING, THE ZONING, CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTIES WITHT;N;; ;.' ;;';',;_,:', THE CITY:OF RENTON FROM SUBURBAN RESIDENCE NO,. 1 SR-I) ' 'TO RESIDENCE DISTRICT (R-2) WHEREAS under, Chapter 7 , Title IV (Building Regulations)_ of Ordinance No. 1628 known as the "Code of General Ordinances of- the City of Renton" , as amended, .and ;the maps and reports adopted;',; in conjunction therewith, the property hereinbelow described, has' . H heretofore been zoned as Suburban Residence NO: • 1 (SR-1) ; and WHEREAS a proper petition for change of zone classification ; of said property has been filed •with, 'the Planning Department, onon.: September . .1977 whichpetition was. dulyreferredorabout1, Hearing Examiner for investigation, :study and public .hearing, 'and',; a public hearing having been held thereon on or about September 27 1977 , and said matter having been'.duly considered b:y the Hearing; Examiner and said zoning request being in conformity with .the, City' s' Comprehensive. Plan, as'' amended, `,and'; the City Council having -diu'ly,4 considered all matters_ relevant thereto, and• all parties having been.. heard appearing in support thereof- or. :in opposition. thereto,; NOW THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL:OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ` :'DO, ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS SECTION I.. :Thefollowingdescribed property in the:',City:'•: of Renton is hereby rezoned to Residence District (R-2)as 'hereinbelow specified, SUBJECT TO the ,findings , conclusions and decisions ,dated October 5 , . 1977, of the City' s Hearing Examiner;the Planning Director is hereby authorized and directed to-change the .maps of the ::Zoning. „": :..r.::, Ordinance, as amended, ,to evidence said rezoning, to-wit: That portion' of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest' , Quarter of Section 20 , Township 23 North, Range• 5;.:East; ` • W.M. , described, as follows ,Beginning at the • South , quarter corner of said Section 20; thence North '1a4+'6!•02" . !1 East a distance of' :321 77 :feet to the NOrth yeasterl margin of the Bonneville Power Administration right of; .'way: r and the true point of beginning of the tract herein described; thence North 1°46 ' 02" East a distance of 213 . 79 feet; thence South 89°10 ' 20" West a distance of 200 . 44 feet to the Northeasterly margin of the Bonneville Power Administration right of way; thence South 42°35 ' 511 " East a distance of 286 . 36 feet to the true point of beginning, sitated in King County, Washington. Property located app. 100 ft west of Rolling Hills Ave. S.E. along Dr S E between P., _kwol single family residence 26dMsiglearigNnPA Cari, Line ragnt-ot-way) - AND SUBJECT FURTHER to that certain "Declaration of Restrictive Covenants" executed Petitioners-Owners or or about October 20 , 1977 and which said Covenants are hEreby incorporated and made a part hereof as if fully set forth. SECTION II : This Ordinance shall be effective upon its oassdge, approval and five ( 5) days after its publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 21st day of govember , 1977 . Delores . Mead , City _erk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 21st day of November, 1977 . Charles J . Delaurenti, Mayor Approved as to form: 4 4,1t.vt Lawrence. J. Warren, City Attorney Date Of Publication: 11-25-77 II J6.5 OPa A-0 t 4c) \ : f, , :,••.,, ',:-:... ', •N4.‘,. , c... \ , 4 : .:.:, :. :: ,.. .,,, : 0 451A ,,.. , . ..,-.. .'„: ,.. : Ne. \, il set,. . ., 6% fig. 5E- • C›). \* vir 1:..: 1 A tvN co tif's I s c I.e r 0 f.D ,...4.4p14 J .. ,,,641c41001-- i ,,,,,.,:i.:, 5 ALE !ZOO tif4 3u0J6Cr. f-, f T c.55 eIAc 5 XA^kElf Na.b,Nvs/I4 O' iletaile 7 077- '7 PwAtte4.6. Renton City Council 10/24/77 Page 2 CONSENT AGENDA The following Consent Agenda items, previously distributed to all Council members are considered routine and are enacted by one motion unless removed by Council action for separate consideration. Voucher Approval Ways and Means Committee recommended Council approval for payment of Vouchers #15567 through #15744 in amount of $406,913.88, and LID #302 Revenue and Cash Warrants R-6 $87, 062.36, C-7 $10,000 & C-8 77,062.36' with departmental certification as to receipt of services and/or merchandise. Council approval . Proclamation Mayor Delaurenti 's Proclamation declared 11/7 - 14/77 as Hire a , Hire Disabled Disabled Veteran Week urging employers to be instrumental in this Veterans"undertaking by realizing contributions and sacrifices of veterans . Bid ,Opening City Clerk Mead reported 10/21/77 bid opening for signalization and S. 2nd St. road widening for South 2nd St. from Mill Ave. S. to Main Ave. S. Improvements Two bids received as shown on attached tabulation. Refer to the Public Services Committee. SCS and Stirskey Hearing Examiner Beeler transmitted records and recommendation for Holdings approval with conditions Rezone SR-1 to R-2, SCS and Stirskey Rezone Holdings; property located approximately 100 ft. west of Rolling R-077-77 Hills Ave. SE along the east side of Puget Dr. SE between Parkwood single family residence subdivision and the BPA Carr line right-of- way. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for proper ordinance. Rubin Salant Hearing Examiner Beeler transmitted records and recommendation for Rezone approval with conditions RezoneGS-1 to R-2 and R-3 with conditions R-071-77 for property located at the northeast corner of South Puget Drive and Grant Ave. S. ; property extended approximately 550 ft. north of South Puget Dr. along Grant Ave. S. Applicant: Rubin Salant. Purpose: Construction 150-160 units on 7.8 acre site. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for proper ordinance. Consent Agenda MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN CONSENT AGENDA. Approval CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Appointment Letter from Mayor Delaurenti appointed Mr. Lawrence J. Warren as Acting City the Acting City Attorney for the City effective November 1 , 1977, Attorney noting state law and City Code applicable, as well as necessity of appointment due to Gerard M. Shellan's resignation effective as of 10/31/77 to assume new position as King County Superior Court Judge. The letter explained an Asst. City Attorney will be appointed by the Acting City Attorney, notice to be filed pursuant to City Code. Consideration of permanent appointment of City Attorney will be made in due time with consultation with Council at that time. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Mayor Delaurenti introduced Acting City Attorney Larry Warren. Renton Hill Letter from Robert McBeth of Gouge, McBeth & Faull , submitted copy Rezone Request of legal memorandum prepared in response to questions by members of the Planning Commission; submitted to Council for review in evaluating•.requests being made to change the Comprehensive Land Use Plan and applicable Zoning Ordinances on Renton Hill . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND THORPE, COUNCIL REFER CORRESPONDENCE TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE UNTIL TIME OF PUBLIC HEARING ON THIS MATTER 0-1/21/77 . CARRIED. Latecomer Request. Letter from King County Department of Public Works, D. R. Horey, King County County Road Engineer requested Latecomer's agreement on 12-inch Shop Facility sanitary sewer trunk serving the County consolidated office and shop facility and also the 12-12 inch extension connecting into the City system in SE 141st St. The letter noted intent by County to recover portion of the sanitary sewer installations costs when shared with adjacent property owners; 15 year agreement requested. Total cost of both trunks quoted by general contractor to County is $152,697. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL REFER REQUEST TO THE PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting October 24 , 1977 Municipal Building Monday, 8 : 00 P . M . Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor C. J. Delaurenti led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the regular meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CAL OF GEORGE J. PERRY, Council President; RICHARD M. STREDICKE, BARBARA COUNCIL Y. SHINPOCH, KENNETH D. BRUCE, EARL CLYMER AND PATRICIA M. SEYMOUR-. THORPE, who noted absence last week due to duties of supervising 6th Graders at Camp Waskowitz. STAFF IN CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , Mayor; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; GWEN ATTENDANCE MARSHALL, Finance Director; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; GORDON Y. ERICKSEN, Planning Director; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; RICHARD GEISSLER, Fire Chief; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; DONALD CUSTER, Administrative Assistant. PRESS GREG ANDERSON, Renton Record Chronicle. SPECIAL AWARD Mayor Delaurenti presented Gerard M. Shellan with plaque for out- City Attorney standing service to the City as City Attorney for 27 years, express- G. M. Shellan ing appreciation, noting Mr. G. Shellan's recent victory for the Leaving Vicinity City in the Health Department case. Mr.Shellan recalled his years as But Not in unforgettable and challenging, expressing appreciation for all Spirit" the past considerations and help in resolving the mutual problems. COUNCIL MINUTE Minutes of 10/17/77. Correction Page 5, second paragraph re Histori- APPROVAL 10/17 cal Railroad Car, third line to read: Referred to Administration for consideration in its preparation of a proposal for development Historical RR Car of Burnett Ave. S. between S. 4th and S. 7th St. MOVED BY THORPE, SECOND STREDICKE, COUNCIL APPROVE CORRECTION TO 10/17 MINUTES. CARRIED. Addition: Page 5, Ways and Means Committee Report. The Ways and - Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented committee report recommend- Senior Center ing that City' s Bonding Council prepare an ordinance for the Senior Bond Issue Citizens' Center in the amount of $900,000 and the length of bond issue be twenty years and the principal payment be deferred until 1980 with only interest payments in 1978 and 1979. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN WAYS AND MEANS. COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED; MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND SHINPOCH, COUNCIL AMEND MINUTES TO INCLUDE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND THORPE, COUNCIL ACCEPT MINUTES OF 10/17/77 AS CORRECTED. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notice having been published Federal Shared and posted, Mayor Delaurenti opened the public hearing to consider Revenue Funds the City' s Planned Use of the General Revenue Sharing Money as 1978 presented by the Mayor for inclusion in the 1978 budget. Report H.R. 13367)• was presented explaining the Mayor' s recommended use of the Federal Revenue Funds for the year 1978 totalling $641 ,724 with expenditures for Puget Sound Conference• of Governments; CATV Cable Television services with City of Seattle; Public Safety, Police Patrol and Fire Suppression Salaries; Seattle-King County Public Health Services; Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency; Parks and Recreational salaries; Library salaries. Upon inquiry Finance Director Marshall explained guidelines for use of the funds , noting the City has chosen to use the revenue sharing money in similar manner• in most years, that use of funds for salaries is easiest for auditing purposes. Upon further inquiry, Finance Director Marshall explained formula for determining the amount of funds , being determined by unemploy- ment rate and City's tax effort; that City' s increase in utility tax was taken into consideration in arriving at $641 ,724 figure. Upon further inquiry, Mayor Delaurenti explained legal requirements for hearing and opportunity for public participation; that Council will make final determination on use of the funds at time of budget hearing and adoption. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND SHINPOCH, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. The Mayor had invited audience comment, none forthcoming. e k Air A ,-7X pF 0:411t 0 THEE CITY OF RENTON N., t;• ,ra;K,.. , a MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 ark K,xo N: 241 CHARLES J. DELAURENTI I MAYOR • LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER L. RICK BEELER , 235-2593O 14T 6'0 SEPt- October 20, 1977 Members; Renton City Council RE: File No. R-077-77 Renton, Washington SCS & Stirskey Holdings Dear Council Members: The appeal period for the attached rezone request expired on October 19, 1977, and we are transmitting copies of the Examiner's recommendation for your review prior to adoption of an ordinance. This matter will be placed on the consent agenda at the Council meeting of October 24, 1977, and we request tha `''you include it with your material for that meeting. If you desire additional information regarding the subject application, please, contact the office of the Hearing Examiner. Sincerely, L. Rick Beeler Hearing Examiner LRB:mp Attachment cc: City Clerk Planning Director I b October 5, 1977 OFFICE OF_HE LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER CITY OF RENTON. REPORT ,AND RECOMMENDATION TO THE RENTON .CITY COUNCIL. APPLICANT: SCS and Stirskey Holdings FILE NO. R-077--77 LOCATION: Property located approximately 100 feet west of Rolling Hills Avenue S.E. along the east side of Puget Drive S.E. between the Parkwood single family residence subdivision and the BPA Carr Line right-of-way. SUMMARY OF REJEST: Applicant requests a rezone from SR-1 to R-2 to permit construction of a proposed five-unit townhouse type development. SUMMARY OF Planning Department: Approval with conditions. RECOMMENDATION: Hearing Examiner: Approval with conditions. PLANNING DEPARTMENT The Planning Department staff report was received by the REPORT: ` Examiner on September 21, 1977. PUBLIC HEARING: After reviewing the Planning Department report, examining available information on file with the application, and field checking the property and surrounding area, the Examiner conducted a public hearing on the subject as follows: The hearing was opened on September 27, 1977 at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Cha:rbers of the Renton Municipal. Building. Parties wishing to testify were sworn. It was reported that the Hearing Examiner and the applicant had received and reviewed the Planning Department report, and the report was entered into the record as Exhibit #1. Michael smith, Planning Department, reviewed Exhibit #1, and entered the following • additional exhibits into the record: Exhibit #2: King County Assessor's Map Exhibit #3: Preliminary Site Plan Exhibit #4: Landscape Plan In response to the Examiner's inquiry regarding landscaping, Mr. Smith indicated that because the site serves as, a transitional area adjacent to single family residences the landscape plan as...submitted requires certain revisions to provide for a sufficient landscape buffer. He also recommended a reduction of density from five to four units to allow for construction of townhouse duplex units to be approved within a special permit by the Examiner and to further provide a suitable transition in land use. The Examiner questioned Mr. Smith regarding ordinance requirements for setbacks. Mr. Smith reviewed ordinance requirements, but indicated that the odd shape of the lot as well as location of existing pipeline and powerline easements would determine setback configurations. Mr. Smith entered the Olympic Pipe Line Company easement agreement which was labeled Exhibit #5. In response to the Examiner's inquiry regarding access, Mr. Smith reported the department's recommendation to require one access to Puget Drive and indicated no additional access would be provided` through residential areas across the powerline right-of-way. In view of the Planning Department recommendation for a proposed 40-foot buffer along the easterly property line, the Examiner asked Mr. Smith to indicate future impact of a screening fence to adjacent property owners on either side of the boundary. Mr. Smith advised that the design of the fence would be residential in character and would provide proper screening in conjunction with the landscape proposal. He indicated that the odd shape and size of the property would allow a 10-foot reduction in the buffer area to still maintain proper screening. C4 ?A- a, of R - v o THE CITY OF RENTON al 7 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 r, p CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , MAYOR • LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER p 2- L. RICK BEELER , 235-2593 TED SEPI‘. 4s October 20, 1977 Members, Renton City Council RE: File No. R-077-77 Renton, Washington SCS & Stirskey Holdings Dear Council Members: The appeal period for the attached rezone request expired on October 19, 1977, and we are transmitting copies of the Examiner's recommendation for your review prior to adoption of an ordinance. This matter will be placed on the consent agenda at the Council meeting of October 24, 1977, and we request that you include it with your material for that meeting. If you desire additional information regarding the subject application, please contact the office of the Hearing Examiner. Sincerely, L. Rick Beeler Hearing Examiner LRB:mp Attachment cc: City Clerk Planning Director n122 32i' 4 ® FR oft. Flo THE CITY OF RENTON fir i 2. MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 cn mob 0. i. q CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , MAYOR 0 LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER p L.L. RICK BEELER . 235-2593 it0 SEP't g October 20, 1977 Mr. Siegfried Ulirich RE: File No. ' R-077-77 P.O. Box 964 Renton, WA 98055 Dear Mr. Ulirich: This is to .notify you that the above referenced request, which was approved subject to conditions as noted on the Examiner's report . of October' 5, 1977, has not been appealed within the time period set by ordinance, and therefore, this application is being submitted to the City Clerk for transmittal to the City Council for final approval. You will receive notification Of final approval upon adoption of an ordinance by the City Council. Sir cerely, L. Rick Beeler Hearing Examiner LRB:mp cc: /City Clerk Del Mead Gordon Y. Ericksen, Planning Director DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHEREAS, Sigfried Ullrich and Hans Schwabl are the owners of the following real property in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington, described as follows: That portion of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SE 1/4 SW 1/4) of Section 20, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W. M. , described as follows: Beginning at the South quarter corner of said Section 20; thence North 1 46'02" East a distance of 321.77 feet to the Northeasterly margin of the Bonneville Power Administration right of way and the true point of beginning of the tract herein described; thence North 1 46'02" East a distance of 213.79 feet; thence South 89 10'20" West a distance of 200.44 feet to the Northeasterly margin of the Bonneville Power Administration right of way; thence South 42 35'54" East a distance of 286.36 feet to the true point of beginning. All in King County, State of Washington. WHEREAS, the owners of said described property, hereinafter "the property, " desire to impose the following restrictive covenants running with the land as to use, present and future, of the property; NOW THEREFORE, the aforesaid owners hereby establish,' grant and impose restrictions and covenants running with the land as to use by the undersigned, their successors, heirs and assigns, as follows: ACCESS Vehicular access shall be only by one access point to Puget Drive and at the northeast corner of the property per approval of the Public Works Department, City of Renton. LANDSCAPE BUFFER An intensive landscape area will be implemented along the easterly 30 feet of the property, and said landscape area shall constitute an effective sight-obscuring buffer consisting of retained existing vegetation and supplemental vegetation per approval of the Planning Department, City of Renton. BUILDING HEIGHT A maximum of two stores above average grade will be permitted for the height of any buildings. DENSITY The density of duplex units allowable under applicable ordinances of the City of Renton is permitted west of the Olympic Pipe Line easement intersecting the property. A maximum of one duplex (two single family dwelling units) is permitted on the east side of said easement across the property. 2- DURATION These covenants shall run with the land and expire on December 31, 2050, provided all of these covenants are fulfilled and completed in accordance herewith. Any violation or breach of these restrictive covenants may be enforced by proper legal procedures in the Superior Court of King County by either the City of Renton or any other property owners adjoining described property who are adversely affected by said breach. Reasonable attorneys' fees incurred during an enforcement proceeding will be borne by the party or parties whom the court determine is in error and shall be entered as a judgment in such action. c-\ I \1) \I 1, ‘\Ai ill , . .„! Siegfried Ullrich A,V0‘, Hans Schwabl (by Sigfried Ullrich with Power of Attorney) STATE OF WASHINGTON) COUNTY OF KING On this ,.20--day of (.-('C. -/(U. . 1977, before me personally appeared j,Cillei f=47/ /;!i,--; /, the person who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said, person for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. Notary Public in and fore the:-State of Washington, residing at f___=:)-'-- R-077-77 Page Two In response to the Examiner's inquiry regarding recommendations relating to building architecture, Mr. Smith indicated that minimum criteria had been established to ensure reasonable compatibility with adjacent single family residences; although he advised that proper design could not necessarily be legislated. Mr. Smith entered an additional exhibit, Conceptual Elevation Drawing and Floor Plan, into the record, which was labeled Exhibit #6 by the Examiner. The Examiner requested a representative from the Traffic Engineering Division to testify regarding proposed access to the site. Responding was: Paul Lumbert Traffic Engineering Division Mr. Lumbert reviewed traffic volumes already existing in the area as well as anticipated traffic generated from the proposed project, and indicated that a single access would sufficiently accommodate additional traffic. The Examiner asked the representative for the applicant if he concurred in Exhibit #1. Responding was: John Anderson 9819 Vineyard Crest Bellevue, WA Mr. Anderson indicated the applicant did not concur with the report because of setback requirements established in the final recommendation. The Examiner advised Mr. Anderson of binding technicalities involved in submittal of a concept plan in conjunction with a request for rezone and inquired if the applicant intended to be obligated to strict compliance with configurations designated on Exhibit #6. Mr. Anderson indicated that the concept plan would be subject to revisions due to location of easements and setbacks which would interfere with placement of structures' on the site. He further objected to recommendations for a 40-foot buffer and screening,fence on the eastern boundary of the property because of a 10-foot grade separation which he felt precluded the need for dense screening. He testified that because of the residential character of the proposed structures and limited density, a requirement did not exist for intense screening and would interfere with building height, design and placement of -the structures' due to the odd shape of the site. The Examiner asked for testimony in support of the application. There was no response. The Examiner asked for testimony in opposition to the application. Responding was:. James McClelland 1922 Jones Court S.E. Rentofi, WA 98055 Mr. McClelland advised that as President of the Rolling Hills Homeowners' Association, he represented adjacent single family residents in the area. He inquired about comments from the Utilities Division regarding negative effects on the Rolling Hills sewer trunk line which he reported as being inadequate at the present time. The Examiner reported that a representative from the Utilities Engineering Division would answer concerns later in the hearing. Mr. McClelland stated that a recent vote taken at a Rolling Hills Board of Directors' meeting indicated opposition to the proposed rezone and a desire to retain the area as SR-1 zoning: He further objected to the creation of spot-zoning as a result,of the proposed rezone. Responding was: Frank Jacob Olympic Pipe Line Company P.O. Box 236 Renton, WA 98055 Mr. Jacob stressed requirements involved in development of the site in conjunction with existing pipeline easements and outlined restrictions imposed by the company. .He indicated that the developer and the engineering division of Olympic Pipe Line Company would be required to sign an agreement prior to construction operations to ensure safety protection in the area. Mr. Smith reported receipt of an interoffice memorandum to Warren C. Gonnason, Public Works Director from Richard C. Houghton, Utilities Engineering Division, dated November 23, 1976 relative to the Rolling Hills trunk sanitary sewer, which he read into the record. The memorandum was labeled Exhibit #7. The letter reported that the October 5, 1977 OFFICE OF THE LAND USE HEARLNIa EXAMINER CITY OF RENTON REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION TO THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL, APPLICANT: SCS and Stirskey Holdings FILE NO. R-077-77 LOCATION: Property located approximately 100 feet west of Rolling Hills Avenue S.E. along the east side of Puget Drive S.E. between the Parkwood single family residence subdivision and the BPA Carr Line right-of-way. • SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Applicant requests a rezone from SR-1 to R-2 to permit construction of a proposed five-unit townhouse type development. SUMMARY OF Planning Department: Approval with conditions. RECOMMENDATION: Hearing Examiner:Approval with conditions. PLANNING DEPARTMENT The Planning Department staff report was received by the REPORT:Examiner on September 21, 1977. PUBLIC HEARING: After reviewing the Planning Department report, examining available information on file with the application, and field checking the property and surrounding area, the Examiner conducted a public hearing on the subject as follows: The hearing was opened on September 27, 1977 at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building. Parties wishing to testify were sworn.U It was reported that the Hearing Examiner and the applicant had received and reviewed the Planning Department report,. and the report was entered into the record as Exhibit #1. Michael Smith, Planning Department, reviewed Exhibit #1, and entered the following' additional exhibits into the record: Exhibit #2: King County Assessor's Map Exhibit #3: Preliminary Site Plan Exhibit #4: Landscape Plan In response to the Examiner's inquiry regarding landscaping, Mr. Smith indicated that because the site serves as a transitional area adjacent to single family residences the landscape plan as submitted requires certain revisions to provide for a sufficient landscape buffer. He also recommended a reduction of density from five to four units to allow for construction of townhouse duplex' units to be approved within a special permit by the Examiner and to further provide a suitable transition in land use. The Examiner questioned Mr. Smith regarding ordinance requirements for setbacks. Mr. Smith reviewed ordinance requirements, but indicated that the odd shape of the lot as well as location of existing pipeline and powerline easements would determine setback configurations. Mr. Smith entered the Olympic Pipe Line Company easement agreement which was labeled Exhibit #5. In response to the Examiner's inquiry regarding access, Mr. Smith reported the department's recommendation to require one access to Puget Drive and indicated no additional access would be provided through residential areas across the powerline right-of-way. • In view of the Planning Department recommendation for a proposed 40-foot buffer along the easterly property line, the Examiner asked Mr. Smith to indicate future impact of a screening fence to adjacent property owners on either side of the boundary. Mr. Smith advised that the design of the fence would be residential in character and would provide proper screening in conjunction with the landscape proposal. He indicated that the odd shape and size of the property would allow a 10-foot reduction in the buffer area to still maintain proper screening. R-077-77 Page Four FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS: Having reviewed the record in this matter, the Examiner now makes and enters the following: FINDINGS: 1. The request is for reclassification of less than one-half an acre from SR-1 to R-2. 2. The Planning Department report accurately sets forth the issues, applicable policies and provisions, findings of fact, and departmental recommendations in this matter, and is hereby attached as Exhibit #1 and incorporated in this report by reference as set forth in full therein. 3. Pursuant to the City of Renton's Environmental Ordinance and the State •Environmental Policy Act of 1971, as amended by R.C.W. 43.21.C. , a Declaration of Non-Significance has been issued for the subject proposal by Gordon Y. Ericksen, responsible official. 4. Plans for the proposal have been reviewed by all city departments affected by the impact of this development and no adverse comment was expressed. 5. All existing utilities are available and in close proximity. 6. The proposal is compatible with the required lot coverage and height requirements with the required setbacks of Section 4-708, Title IV, Code of General Ordinances. 7. Section 4-708 (R-2) requires that the proposed configuration of attached buildings Exhibit #3 - Site Plan) be approved through the Special Permit process. Only concept plans were submitted in the rezone application, and these plans were only to illustrate, not specify, the intent of the applicant. 8. A maximum of two single family or five multifamily (R-2) units can be placed on the site. 9. This unusual, small, triangular piece of property lies between a large utility right-of-way and the new developing single family plat of Parkwood Division No. 1. A rezone of this property would represent the initial non-single family zoning in the southeast corner of the Bonneville Power Administration right-of-way and Puget Drive and north of the Bow Lake Pipe Line. The .property slopes to the west and is oriented to the B.P.A. right-of-way and the Benson Apartments on the wtst side of the right-of-way. Olympic Pipe Line and Northwest Gas Pipeline easements divide the property in half diagonally and intersect the south quarter respectively of the site. Buildings cannot be erected and landscaping and paving are limited on the easements. Any improvements on the easements require approval by the respective utilities. 10. Puget Drive can accommodate the projected traffic volumes generated by the proposed five units. The Traffic Engineering Division testified that the proposed single access to Puget Drive was most desirable, and traffic hazards were not anticipated . at the access point. 11. Previous rezones north of Puget Drive have been to R-2 with a 50-foot landscape buffer to protect the adjacent single family area (GS-1) . More property than the subject site was contained in these rezones to accommodate the buffer without severe impact upon the resultant development. Vegetation exists on the eastern portion of the site, abutting the new plat of Parkwood Division No. 1. CONCLUSIONS: 1. The proposal conforms to the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan. Indicated on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map is single family; however, this map is merely a guide to and not a determinant of land use decisions. As a general principle, the B.P.A. right-of-way might be considered an adequate buffer of incompatible uses. In this instance precedent was established to the north and south along the eastern boundary of that right-of-way. Also the site orients to the right-of-way and the multifamily use (Benson Apartments) on the west side of the right-of-way. But the Benson Apartments have been developed a great distance from the B.P.A. right-of-way thereby in itself exerting no real pressure for a land use change on• the subject site. R-077-77 Page Three line contained five severely damaged areas which could cause potential pipeline failure and indicated that repair and restoration were imminent. The Examiner questioned whether statements contained in the letter related only to existing physical problems or potential capacity of the sewer line and indicated that a representative from the Utilities Engineering Division would report on the matter later in the hearing. Mr. McClelland restated previous objections to inadequate utilities and unsuitable protection between single and multiple family residential areas. The Examiner asked the representative for the applicant to explain reasons for the requested five-unit density on the site. Mr. Anderson reported that the elevations, shape of the parcel, and location of easements required planning for clustered units surrounded by open space. He further indicated that the applicant would cooperate with engineering divisions of the pipeline company to ensure compliance with safety requirements. In response to comments made by Mr. McClelland, Mr. Anderson advised that the Parkwood. development was located to the north of an existing R-3 zone and felt that low density development in the proposed rezone would provide a compatible transition. He also noted that the recommended 30 and 40-foot setbacks compose 57% of the entire site. Discussion ensued between the Examiner and Mr. Smith regarding utility provisions to the site. Mr. Smith indicated that a pumping mechanism or connection extension to Grant Avenue S.E. may be required, although he was unsure whether sewer lines would be endangered by additional development. In response to the Examiner's inquiry regarding significant utility problems created by the proposed development versus a single family residences, Mr. Smith advised that because of the expense involved in installation of a pumping extension, construction of a single family residence on the site was not probable and would preclude development of the site in existing SR-1 zoning until a future date. He also indicated that a reduction in density would reduce the requirement for parking space, thereby creating additional open space area compatible with adjacent residential areas. Mr. McClelland noted that it was not possible for future owners of homes under construction in abutting areas to be represented at the rezone hearing. The Examiner advised that the developer of the plat had been notified. The Examiner called for a ten-minute recess at 10:25 a.m. The meeting reconvened at 10:35 a.m. The Examiner asked the representative of the Utilities Engineering Division to review capabilities of existing utility lines in response to previously expressed concerns. Responding was: Ronald Olsen Utilities Engineering Division The Examiner referred to comments made by the division regarding the Rolling Hills sewer trunk line and asked Mr. Olsen if the proposed five-unit development would create additional problems relating to capacity of the line. Mr. Olsen indicated that problems with capacity would not occur. The Examiner asked for further comments. There was no response. He then requested the representative from the Northwest Gas Pipeline Company to testify. Responding was: Thomas Courter Northwest Gas Pipeline Co. 22821 Redmond-Fall City Road Redmond, WA 98052 Mr. Courter reported that no permanent structures would be allowed on the easement and reviewed easement locations; requirements for landscaping, power and cable line installation; and other aspects of the proposed development. In response to the Examiner's inquiry regarding parking provisions on the easement, Mr. Courter indicated that approval of the request would come under the jurisdiction of the main office in Salt Lake City. The Examiner asked for further comments. Since there were none, the hearing on Item #R-077-77 was closed by the Examiner at 10:40 a.m. R-077-77 Page Six Pursuant to Title IV, Section 3015 of the City's Code, request for reconsideration must be filed in writing on or before October 19, 1977. Any aggrieved person feeling that the decision of the Examiner is based on erroneous procedure, errors of law or fact, error in judgment, or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the prior hearing may make a written request for review by the Examiner within fourteen (14) days from the date of the Examiner's decision. This request shall set forth the specific errors relied upon by such appellant, and the Examiner may, after review of the record, take further action as he deems proper. An appeal to the City Council is governed by Title IV, Section 3016, which requires that such appeal be filed with the City Clerk accompanying a filing fee of $25.00 and meeting other specified requirements. Copies of this ordinance are available for inspection in the City Clerk's office, first floor of City Hall, or same may be purchased at cost in said office. R-077-77 Page Five This triangular site is comparatively unique in configuration, size, environment, impact by utilities, and orientation. A reclassification to a duplex (R-2) zone would be in keeping with the Comprehensive Plan and precedent in the general area (Section 4-3014(B)) . While the rezone may imply on the surface to be. spot-zoning," in fact the reclassification represents a response to the environmental constraints of the site and application of the Comprehensive Plan and land use planning principles. Single family use could be made of the property, but duplex use would be more reasonable. 2. One access point to Puget Drive is appropriate. 3. Some vegetation buffering is required along the eastern boundary of the site to reduce potential visual impacts upon adjacent single family residents. These single family residents warrant the same amount of buffer as was required in the rezones north of Puget Drive. Due to the small 21,400 square foot area of the site this 50-foot buffer would involve approximately 10,600 square feet, slightly less than a half of the site. A thirty foot buffer would involve about 6,400 square feet of property, or a little more than 25% of the site. Owing to the diagonal intersection of the site by the Olympic Pipe Line easement, a maximum of two units (one duplex) can be located between it and the east property line. The effect of a two-unit building will be approximately of the same mass and height as a two-story single family structure. Therefore, it appears that the two units can be satisfactorily buffered from the single family units by a. 30-foot landscape buffer. RECOMMENDATION: Based upon the record, testimony, findings and conclusions, it is recommended that the City Council approve the rezone application subject to: 1. One access point to Puget Drive, and this point be at the northeast corner of the site per approval of the Public Works Department. 2. 30-foot landscape buffer along the east property line to consist of existing vegetation and supplemental plantings so as to constitute an effective sight screen per approval .of the Planning Department. 3. Maximum of- two stories in building height. 4. . Maximum of two units (one duplex) to be constructed east of the Olympic Pipe Line easement. ORDERED THIS,5th day,of October, 1977. L. Rick Beeler Land Use Hearing Examiner TRANSMITTED THIS 5th day of October, 1977 by Affidavit of Mailing to the parties of record: • Paul Lumbert John Anderson James McClelland Frank Jacob Ronald Olsen- Thomas Courter TRANSMITTED THIS 5th day of October, 1977 to the following: Mayor Charles,-J. Delaurenti Council President George J. Perry Councilman Richard M. Stredicke Warren C. Gonnason, Public Works Director Gordon Y. Ericksen, Planning Director Ron Nelson, Building Division Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney s-_,..,-,i.:-,„;..4..., 1 . GS i.—1•. B 1R - - -- 1 1 . rirgliff-;RII. 6, r. 4., k3_ 0 je 4tib. a r„, 0:0 9.l'' 0. 0406-a .R..2.. f4„, 1444,1 4% • - ''',' • .. .l..""..s.._ 4 cf.40 1120Rd.I/ • '. .VP:"'.....11 .. am I .. .,7. .; ,. 'WA."'• 4 • lir_ .11',,,Nd . L, • 5.v \r 0 • . ,'...-116t,.tate .t.1 r el 4..1 t“... 7--,.. : -... ty IQ ,1 I.R-3 . i- ri--':• 4„.........,..,...__ ' f.,..,i•. • • .. • ,j , .4.,,._, • _ • ,. 5 rWISR-11. . z.\\,.._441%. •.. I I N \ ,._ PL__L.....i_• ' l' .iv*,,IP.i;.,., .. — I- : 1 1 i • G-7200 v; . ,it, io .• ... .. , 3 • • . kt 4 i .--4:175. 1Ili‘i . i CI ' jkSR...i Affpi. 1 • .• ' • 'T ....,.,...-1 1''''' - - - •.. I kIrlia,"j6k \prilii ' . .... 11 . • t ,,,,,,..i it- i. • . . ,, • •. . ...i . ••••r• • ---- r, 14'14P: I • •• I• . ! •i''.. 1v• 6 .• k•:•.1''.5 i•• ,'.• m •* r. 1...-'::. 67... .:• • . •"*.'! * • 1 4\•', 1.4 ..**. `•••••:::t' 1 1 1_.s, 1 u' •..., r")••\. .1 . •1 ' •' . ,. 2i'....1::.. '' 1 ' • . • 1 5,13-3 If REZONE: SCS and STIRSKEY HOLDINGS; Appl . No. R-077-77; Rezone from SR-1 to R-2 property located approximately 100 feet west of Rolling Hills Avenue S.E. along the east side of Puget Drive S.E. between the Parkwood single family residence subdivision and the BPA Carr line right-of-way. • . . 1 APPLICANT SCS and STIRSKEY HOLDINGS . TOTAL AREA Apprex- 91 ,4O0 .5q. 't. PRINCIPAL ACCESS Puget Drive S. E. EXIS1ING ZONING SR-1 i EXISTING USE Undeveloped PROPOSED USE Multi-family COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN ' High Density Multi-family COMMENTS • 41t•S 14:o 1Mt0 Zt 36 NIT Asia 10'1. •S 1fwu4,6 44° . PS# Q o Ns r fir' A-L......\ t...s. i W .0 To fu&or bg• .5 • 4I Cr. \,. wia2/1,, 11 j s.72 N.\ \ 1W4e. INi‘ \ TT 1,1044 i?-•4 LWNWnan sE 2SRD sr 1 NfVH coop umirs s 111111 ct\ I 1 ' S...\ r . 1fat•No- 1 Iv 0 aV 1 1 II I I I 4 1 I 1 1 564Lt /Ctoo ' SugJacf *re. ice, s.c.s ! orAlel 1 N01-0INCsS/H414S SCMVAAL rfiov1: 071-79 I I 1 a AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING State of Washington) County of King Marilyn J. Petersen being first duly sworn, upon oath disposes and states: That on the 4th day of October 19 77 , affiant deposited in the mails of the United States a sealed envelope containing a decision or recommendation with postage prepaid, addressed to the parties of record in the below-entitled application or petition. Subscribed and sworn this 'A: day of c\A-Pc 19 '(1 . kkd S/".' 41'"..(4 Notary Public in and for the Sta'8n `p- of Washington, residing at Rer ..,, . u„ "'`' ' Ya ly Application, Petition or Case: scs & Stirskev Holdings. R-077-77 The mi.nutez contain a Zit ob the paAtim necon.d) rict-ctvcu 4614 14CIS(' OF RENTON - ' t.1e305 d 1.VOL FACE HEARING EXAMINER 91 3) S E P 2 7 197 7 RIGHT OF WAY KI-2 28A AM PM 718,9110111112111213141516 EXHIBIT NO ' THE STATE OF WASHINGTON ITEM 1 1NO. l --O 7 7 7 County of KING FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of the sum ofTHREE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED - Dollars 3, 500. 00), the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Harold M. Syrstad and Irene Syrstad, his wife hereinafter referred to as GRANTOR (whether one or more), does hereby grant and convey to OLYMPIC PIPE LINE COMPANY, a Delaware corporation, with a permit to do business in the State of Washington, its successors and assigns, hereinafter referred to as GRANTEE, the rights of way, easements and privileges to construct, maintain, operate, repair, replace, change the size of, and remove in whole or in part, a pipe line glicykipaltifecs, for the transportation of oil and gas, and the products thereof, water, or any other fluid or substance, with the necessary fittings, fixtures, valves, appurtenances, and cathodic protection devices, and the right- to maintain the right of way clear of trees, underbrush, buildings, and other obstructions, along a route to be selected by Grantee, on, over, across and through the following described property situated in the County of Ring State of Washington: 47 That portion of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SE 1/4 SW 1/4) of Section 20, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W. M. , described as follows: Beginning at the South quarter corner of said Section 20; thence North 1° 46' 02" East a distance of 321.77 feet to the Northeasterly margin of the Bonneville Power Administration right of way and the true point of beginning of the tract herein described; thence North 1° 46' 02" East a distance of 213.79 feet; thence South 89° 10' 20" West a distance of 200.44 feet to the Northeasterly margin of the Bonneville Power Administration right of way; thence South 42° 35' 54" East a distance of 286.36 feet to the true point of beginning. Said pipe line to be installed along the route delineated in red color on Grantee's Drawing No. F-551, dated August 1, 1964, which is attached to and made a part hereof, AS/ V I .,,Si WAS!/ pC L:F & %vø ..23 : r' O° ka;,'' Co\ _1 7C7tqVi1jt lM'11 o{W, / 1 e" 7 IA I 4f:• ky i t r 1 }y J_ ,A i y J fe!1 t wr it ` n L' . li I-- tiii;'rZ.yam , . v in'_ i v.,o„'1 ) 4.M {d , ..`4.... ( 1`COZ Rp,4e;,,,, 07ses'11+1W ii 5J L6 oIgIW C c•SlW` 0 a k+11 4.C'. '®...._... J„ J V r u A Y_.__- ^'I lawifrt•tre. CEMTS together with the right of ingress and egress to and from said line dexlicat.X. Grantor shall have the right to fully use and enjoy the above described premises, except as to the rights herein granted. Grantee agrees to pay any damages which may arise to crops, timber, or fences of Grantor, re- sulting from the exercise of the rights herein granted, said damages, if not mutually agreed upon, to be ascer- tained and determined by three disinterested persons, one thereof to be appointed by Grantor, one by Grantee, and the third by the two so appointed, and the written award of such three persons shall be final and conclusive. 81+k 3IxriWSxt lix 4x }Q 3K 20 t x ,g X Ex r Urar li&laf c4Mt irdkiV 423SXIMk AmpeggswedxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxAmptm.waLwnsaxmAxmangpaxitawkwpmxpa.ls It is agreed that any payment due hereunder may be made direct to Grantors or any one of them. Any pipe line constructed by Grantee, its successors or assigns, across lands under cultivation at the time of construction thereof, shall be buried to such depth as will not interfere with ordinary cultivation. The rights of way, easements and privileges herein granted are each divisible and are each assignable or transferable, in whole or in part. The terms, conditions, and provisions of this grant or any contract resulting from the exercise thereof shall extend to and be binding upon the heirs, executors, administrators, personal representatives, successors, and assigns of the parties hereto. Grantee shall have the temporary use of land adjacent to said easement for working space during construction. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has executed this instrument this day of _4'4eCit 7'196—. n cf JA,...J7; t•.0 m .„,rb It ft,,.... x ' 7'1 .,1' t M tn76"- v Wk..- ' '- VUL'JUIg YAGE ..111 io 11 SEC. 20, T 23•N , R.5 E kING CO , G1/AS/-//NG TON PUGET OP/VE B3' s Harold M syyrsfad Properly r I Proposed O'ROPY 0 1-,, r. O 9 13 / O/ r— Os i X R/ti Tiacf,t/o le/22BA 12' = el.GRoo's 2• N. B. No. _N8.-78 _. pp.---/ 2-/3 y//1/ -_____ County, State of QSH//l/ TO/ DESIGN QNGR. P,C%OPo5EO /0/20D )CT5 P/PEL/Nt DRAWN Hry%/a CROSS/NG THE PPOPE, T Y Of CHECKED H,QOLD M. SY/QST40 APPROVED DATE OLYMPIC PIPE LINE COMPANYNY GEATTLE,WASHINOTON Filed for Record p—• / nab--2 •/cM. n SCALE fix GO'I DRAWING NO. / —55/ a E'Reuost of /r ,..,.-,s..J P.,,e w X._.7,..) RENTp4 D Qczj Q A4ANNING El I.U CITY OF RENTON• HEARING EXAMINER SEP2, 1977 INTEROFFICE ' '. C 0 R R E' S P 0, N D"E N ,C'E, . AM.';-' . 11111111, 1 . t Date "November TTIm Warren C. .GonnasonI :v.;._.. TTrry i ;f: FROM: Richard C. Houghtpn 11 • SUBJECT: Sanitary Sewer, o1ling Hills Trunk The Sewer Ma i,ntenance..Division reported to this ,office :Problems with 'the': Rolling Hills trunk ',sewer"main'.•: :This sewer trunk was `instal led in..1965`,by; Puget Power, the developers of the;•Rolling Hills area ~',The 's'ewer;•was i nsctal.led as 10" asbestos cement'••pipe'."Class :150 by a 'private, contractor`°.in"a "rav;ine`': ' behind RolRolling Hills' :and Thunder •-:H 111 . t: In the past twelve'years since construction, thi's sewer 1 ine 'has been the;':' ` object of:vandalism:severa;l:.times" ; The most recent oc;curred on`October :3a Halloween night. A :manhole,.was plugged with;,:trash :'end .,caused''a backup into: the creel'. 'During that 'sewer':,'backup, an inspection was made of':the enti =e:-.;sewer line What Was found:was very ',discouraging. In five ".loca.tions:there are, problem areas: which have,:;th'e, .potential, for :a p'ipel in'e" :fai lure. The creek, ,:next to which the. plpel ine i s located, has,, received more and more'" rain wa tei- from 'the urban i zed',areas above. ,The creek has eroded and; undercut the sewer pipe's.othat a sewer ;fa.i,lure is imminent.- 1st exposed area One length of:,!AC p i pe exposed and undercut ,by:creek.' P i,pe resting on rock. , ' 20'. of .5' , high:' bank protection ,.,requi red, ",creek channel,:needs to: be cleared, and backf i 11 required to support pipeline. : ; I:ra ' , '2 2nd .exposed-:a-rea'i 'Three ,,lengths of AC, pipe exposed. •,Pipe ,•resting` on rock:.' 40' of 4' high;.'bank'`protection, required, creek channel uirin cl.ear'In Creek ''bank'Ori 'CiOgiosite Of creek )-needs' protect i.on :to; revert s,i de. failure , d Creek. which..might am'rahe: ,r 3rd exP os'ed iarea,: ',Two 1 engeiviof AC pipe .exposed. 'This Wes, 'once e Creek under- crossing.' `' However.; the:,.creek has 'eroded so 'now :the sewer pipe is in the air about 5' high' above'the creek;'" A collapse of this segment , seems 1 i'kel ' a,nd this' area be 'repaired. ;.'A ,culvert should be instal led :to."convey the creek., under the.:sewer 1 ine and;,thi-s segment should be rep la'ced:'.wl.eh-) duct ile"_:'iron,,,pipe, backf._i 11' and bank protection will be''-requ i red,, 4.th 'exposed area: 4`' lengths Of AC pipe exposed. This area •is also c,ritical,, wi'th'e failure;'a .nigh probability The, AC pipe resting ,on sharp boulders • and, bed ;rock 4h ifch.;.cen cause,.failures_:on' this weak pipeline. 60' of 6' :high bank,`p,ro't,e_ct ion': will be requ i'red to;;,;protect . the 'l i ne:r the pipe should replaced with duct le,.,iron `:pi',pe:'' Some rock excavationf.;w•i'l.l: be re u.i,r:ed t lace the: :creek: i n a-.'channel. 't.o.°con,trol`:'further erosion. r:'' r Gn isr:•1`il"; i 1 • . it• 16•f- 1.r il1 1 , 1''` i It' • page 2''' L.., 1, it` o embe r' 2'. ` ,1' 6., '1, 11 1 I .d'll' Iv L I. I, ,f' ',.r;,f. I 1. . II n',I' ,ilfli ,!,,5, 6,•„ r,I. -'I•;,P I!.y,:Y,i p e,,, .)'. is - ql+' 't,^ ,::('.1<`'•'/t `)1 •ll'rt° ,t,1:'; I'' I: 1 r' , I' J:'f'`' • ;1';.I -d'ia;,', ',r•crr(ay,, ,.I,u' f: r 5th, e'xp osed" area•:'' -S'i'.x'i.1•en th's',:of":., C.,; pi e,:'are.ex osed; T-.lere,wag''''a .evious:.','' k;"''. 1cLi' repair' here •and 'some.,.b:roken'' i: i- eppe,'tias°been l eft l syi ng l'aibout`:• i Here''aga in; ';'the _I' chance'fore.p.,i.pel ine .failure••'1s-:so,:''very -.high. :The`pipel..i'sl''layi:ng directly on • , bed rock::'and.'the,`coupling '.Joints;•a're-:.def,lec,ted' too..'far:'.''"1'00! of•,•new :duct,i;'e' , • iron' pipeline wi':l:l','be' requireds` >l 00' -0 6' .ha h bank' i otect on, will be;:,' e to keeP' the•:creek'withi'n i-t's' 'banks':' •••- ,h'i,s.`sect ion •is '.the' mos.t <serious1 ;damaged - ort ion, of 't'he.pro 1ect. Also.,''';the; acces.suroad• way. a'1ong;t(,the?''p'i.vel•"in•e' is•' overg•r:own`;;and•.•' i'n...seve'ra)'::pl'a4,es'1 i.washed out',.' A':repa1 r,!;,proj ect, will require. rebuilding ,ofr the•access::r'oadway;' the.'ent"'i re''.:length ,of•''•the, p'ipe'l'i:ne. ;14Thi'say'.road will help':'to'Lfpat,ro1 the' p. pe',and provide an:;.acc'e•ss. for:-'emergency repai'rs"•';,that we do not have'''capabilities for,,,how. ' -' L`• -Ili f'''I' .I'.I I,:. t •is 'our.:hope• thatl'',a: •e air 1and.•.res;toret,ion',contract.,,'could:i,'begl;n :a-f.ter ..the fi'rst ''. Of the ear: Thi'sproject Lre a i:'re `'s prom Pt act ion 'to 're e'i r',..th'i:s ke faci l i•,t 1: .' Fa;i lure .of••:..this''sewer line:'.wou:ld= ;cu't 'off from sewer,'servie ':t'he;•entire `Rol;„11•:ng . H11 ls';•plat';: .the:easter•l:y;'po'rtion' of.,Thunder 'Hill and`i a'he:;ParkWood .P,'lats..-'•,;., Plans Hand specifications 'for.'',this .project-, will. begin .shortly;, Your a ro a'l for.:'a epa.1r''. `ro.'ect''is ,hereb 'r.e " •ues't•ediq.i''` • I,'-' j • , i i-4.,,,'.{6}',,r..,. _ t% ?I,1,;,• ltil +:.,.5>,;::•''c: ^-.J + J ,', i' 'r ll•. 61(•; ' I' 1, a1. .: ''..' 1'.: ..tl ri'1',q'ti'''I `I. i',, •,' ,: „{, ,,..9i 1,1i,' rl .}" ns'' I•'i.%"Y;°j I• r:+,I y i•O• i IY d fi/c I,•, f: :.it t,,, • d ,. :.1''.1-! `t. ,' i • J t ' I.•,•. ',• .. F;ali• III ,,• I; r; .;I`,i•' .. C.I. . I 1'. I : l' 1 ,. 1.• tip+Li' I,,.• i l I "ii, ,u ill', Ilyi:' -'.j '.,i''I,: b' .;; iI. 'ai,1 Ir i" F• C 'l¢'Y "I 11I, 1,L:, c.' I 11' r+k I n ..ii Ii, :i e Vli 'I', l. ;a ,I:,a' I r'' 1il` I i1 I! I L 1;, .....:•.__ _ ..us,..L,-,..1 J:4 r,47..- . .,_ ..Y'N:A. 1`'.•,.._ .._ '.! 1r, VICINITY MAP , ...,,..,,'...:- ,-:,.., . , .,- 1 , , mu . 11 ':'. 1 ;. .. 1 ' ' , : - i,. e• I t:,1, l ii I l A• H N. 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N .\ 1 II St% ?‘ ( 1\) ii - / iiii.. ,, qk4III '11' 1" 41 144t'"1 • : lirft :1: wc4 eil z .'- 7,1-_—_-7-1:L:1-:< - ' it 1 I 4//-•/7 4,11,110 it)i tii# I 7' RFC ' r 15,, ,ig n' S(riii, i i s 1/ /Ili ZJ ' /.. i 1 l'1 / i kt, cP 10 1N I \ 1 X 1 1 N \ d , Il/ i p. i / (-4 i . -. 4 il 7 F,,. .., • p i Aar.- r (4, cs) tAlkcm / // 6 uI I cw g ls IL 1 r/ ,/ . - a ' ' 44,,..„ ..,,__,/. ,1 1it 4 4 ' 1 i11' 7/- J O i 30,E RECEIVED CITY OF RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT HEARING EXAMINER PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER SEP2 71977 PUBLIC HEARING AM PM 718o9110a111121112,1 314rsa6 SEPTEMBER 27 , 1977 g EXHIBIT NO. / APPLICANT : SCS AND STIRSKEY HOLDINGS ITEM N®• , d77- 77 FILE NO . : R-077-77 , REZONE REQUEST FROM SR-1 RESIDENCE DISTRICT , TO R-2 RESIDENCE DISTRICT DUPLEX A. SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Applicant requests a rezone from SR-1 to R-2 to permit construction o',f a proposed five-unit townhouse type development. B : GENERAL INFORMATION : 1 . Owner of Record : HANS SCHWABLE 2. Applicant : SCS and STIRSKEY HOLDINGS 3 . Location : Property located approximately 100 feet west of Rolling Hills Avenue S . E . along the east side of Puget Drive S . E . between the Parkwood single family residence subdivision and the BPA Carr Line right-of-way. 4'. Legal Description : A detailed legal description is available on file in the Renton Planning Department. 5. Size of Property: Approximately 21 ,400 square feet. 6. Access : Via Puget Drive S . E . 7 . Existing Zoning : SR-1 , Single Family Residence District. 8. Existing Zoning in the Area : SR-1 , Single Family Residence District , GS-1 , General Classification District , Single Family Residence R-2 , Duplex Residence District , R-3 , Multiple-Family Residence District , R-4 , High Density Multiple-Family Residence District. 9. Comprehensive Land Use Plan : According to the interpretation the designation could range from single family residence up to high density multiple-family. Based on the inherent flexibility in the Comprehensive Plan document. 10. Notification : The applicant was notified in writing of the hearing date . Notice was properl.) published in the Record-Chronicle and posted in six places on or near the site as required by City Ordinance. Notice was distributed to surrounding property. owners . C. PURPOSE OF REQUEST : To obtain proper zoning to allow future development for a proposed five unit townhouse type apartment development. PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING OF SEPTEMBER 27 , 1977 PAGE TWO RE : , R-077-77 , REZONE REQUEST FROM SR-1 RESIDENCE DISTRICT TO R-2 RESIDENCE DISTRICT DUPLEX D . ' HISTORY/BACKGROUND : . The subject site was annexed into the City by Ordinance No . 1871 dated March 8, 1961 . The subject site is in an area of extensive high , medium and low density multiple family zoning and uses , and is also directly west of the existing Parkwood single family residence subdivision and south of the existing Rolling Hills single family residence subdivision . Previous rezones in the area have contained certain covenants and conditions to assist in mitigating any impacts on the existing single family residence community. E . ;PHYSICAL BACKGROUND : 1 . Topography: The site gently rises from west to east . 12. Soils : Alderwood , gravelly sandy loam, (AgC) . Permeability is moderately rapid in the surface layer and subsoil , runoff is slow to medium and hazard of erosion is moderate . This soil is used for timber , pasture , row crops and urban development. 3 . Vegetation : Site consists of the scrub brush and grass and has some trees scattered throughout the site . 4. Wildlife : Existing vegetation on the site provides suitable habitat for birds and small mammals . 5. Water : No existing streams are apparent on the subject site . A drainage ditch does run along the north adjacent to the northerly boundary to the subject site along Puget Drive S . E . and connects with an existing 24" storm drain approximately 500 ' . west of the subject site . 6. Land Use : The area south and west of the subject site consists of power line transmission easements . Further west of the subject site are the Benson Apartments . Further south and west of the subject site is "the Fred Nelson Middle School . Directly east of the subject site is the existing Parkwood single family residence subdivision . Presently single family homes are being constructed within this plat . South and east of the subject site is the existing Rolling Hills single family residence subdivision. North of the subject site and across Puget Drive S . E . there are several single family residences . However , some of these are on either existing or proposed multi -family zoned property. The Thunder Hills apartments is located further north and west of the subject site. F. NEIGHBORHOOD CHARACTERISTICS : The general area west of Rolling Hills and Parkwood single family residences subdivisions is a combination of developed apartment and townhouse complexes , undeveloped properties , power line transmission easements and scattered existing single family residences . PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING OF SEPTEMBER 27 , 1977 PAGE THREE RE : R-077-77 , REZONE REQUEST FROM SR-1 RESIDENCE DISTRICT TO R-2 RESIDENCE DISTRICT DUPLEX G. PUBLIC SERVICES : 1 . Water and Sewer : An existing water main is available near Rolling Hills Avenue S . E . There is also a proposed water main to be located along Puget Drive and funded by an EDA Economic Development Administration ) grant. There are existing 8" sewer mains located in Rolling Hills Avenue S . E . and in the existing Parkwood subdivision . There is also an existing 8" sewer main located along Grant Avenue South . Sewer and water utility extensions will be necessary for development of subject site. An existing 24" storm drain is located approximately 500 ' west of the subject site along Puget Drive S . E . An existing drainage ditch running along Puget Drive connects with the storm drain . 2 . Fire Protection : Provided by the Renton Fire Department as per Ordinance requirements . Any future development of the site will be subject to the City of Renton standards . 3'. Transit : Metro Transit Route 155 operates along. Puget Drive South. 4'. Schools : The site is within one mile of Tiffany Park Elementary School , within one-quarter mile of Nelson Middle School and within 2 miles of Lindberg High School . 5. Parks : Nelson Middle School site provides a certain amount of open space and recreation areas . The site is also within one mile of Tiffany Park, within( one mile of Talbot Hill Park , within one mile of Phillip Arnold Park and within one and one- half miles of Liberty Park. H. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE ZONING CODE : 1 . Section 4-725 ; Amendments . 2 . Section 4-704 ; SR- 1 Suburban Residence #1 31. Section 4-706 ; R-1 Residence Single Family 4. Section 4-708 ; R-2 Residence District I . APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OR OTHER OFFICIAL CITY DOCUMENTS : 1 . Policy Statement, Comprehensive Plan , Renton Urban Area , 1965 , Summary, Pages 9 and 10. 2'. Land Use Report , 1965 , Residential , page 11 and Objectives , pages 17 and 18. J . IMPACTS ON THE NATURAL SYSTEMS : Rezoning of the subject site will not have a direct impact on the natural systems , however , the eventual development of the site will disturb soil and vegetation , increase storm water runoff, and have an effect on traffic and noise levels in the area . However , these can be mitigated by proper development controls and procedures . K. SOCIAL IMPACTS : Changing the use from relatively undeveloped property to multiple- family residential may result in additional social interaction at the site as well as in the surrounding area . 1 PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING OF SEPTEMBER 27 , 1977 PAGE FOUR RE : R-077-77 ; REZONE REQUEST FROM SR-1 (RESIDENCE DISTRICT ) TO R-2 RESIDENCE DISTRICT) DUPLEX L . ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT/THRESHOLD DETERMINATION : Pursuant to the City of Renton ' s Environmental Ordinance and the State Environmental Policy Act of 1971 , as amended , RCW 43 . 21C , a Declaration of Non-significance has been issued for the subject proposal ( see attached ) . This declaration is based on City require- ments consistent with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan for the area together with the proper development control and procedures ,as well as retaining some of the natural character of the site . M . ADDITIONAL INFORMATION : A vicinity map and site map are attahced . N . AGENCIES/DEPARTMENTS CONTACTED : 1 . City of Renton Building Divison 2 . City of Renton Engineering Division 3. City of Renton Utilities Division 4. City of Renton Traffic Engineering Divsion 5. City of Renton Fire Department Copies of certain memoranda are attached . 0. PLANNING DEPARTMENT ANALYSIS : 1 . The subject site is within a fringe area in terms of interpretation of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan . Assuming that the plan is a flexible document , it appears that a limited R-2 zone between the high density multiple family to the west of the site and the single family residence area east of the site would be a reasonable use , and act as a buffer between the two density extremes . On the other hand a strict interpretation of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan would limit the farthest eastward encroachment of any multiple family densities to the approximate middle of the powerline easements , utilizing the powerlines as a buffer area . 2. The existing SR-1 zoning would allow subdivision of the subject site into single family residential lots a minimum of 7 , 500 square feet in size. The 21 ,400 square feet of lot area will allowa maximum number of two lots . 3. It can also be assumed that any short plat of the subject site would create front yard situations along Puget Drive. This would allow a minimum 5-6 foot side yard adjacent to the Park- wood single residence subdivision (2 lots within this subdivision have rear yard areas adjacent to the easterly boundary of the subject site ) . 4. Single family residence subdivison of the site could also create as many access points onto Puget Drive SE as there would be lots . This would not necessarily be the most optimum traffic control situation . s. Properties north of the subject site in a similar situation have been rezoned to R-2 with special development controls in the form of restrictive covenants , which protect adjacent properties and help mitigate other potential impacts ( see Hutchins Rezone) . The property directly north of the site across Puget Drive S . E . has just recently been the subject of a similar rezone request. Property south of the subject site and east of the powerline right-of-way has been previously zoned R-3 . PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING OF, SEPTEMBER 27 , 1977 PAGE FIVE RE : R-077-77 ; REZONE REQUEST FROM SR-1 (RESIDENCE DISTRICT) TO R-2 RESIDENCE DISTRICT) DUPLEX 6. If the property were rezoned to R-2 , townhouses could be built by special permit only to a maximum density of 11 units/acre. Given the 21 ,400 square foot site a maximum 5 units could be constructed . Given the limit of two lots under the existing SR-I zoning , and the adjacent single family zoning , a more reasonable maximum density would be 4 dwelling units ; which is twice the density that could be achieved under the existing zoning . This will also allow for similar buffering , screening , and setbacks as recommended and utilized in other rezones in the area . 7 . Certain access and density controls should also be required to ensure compatibility with the single family residence zone and uses . This should include limiting the access to one driveway onto Puget Drive SE and utilization of cedar , brick , as masonary siding , shake roofs , suitable colors , and provision of attached carports or garages with the units . 8. Retention of as much natural vegetation in certain areas especial at the perimeter of the site should be required for added screeni and buffering . 9. Utilities are available in the area . They may however , require certain extensions or pumping because of location and topography. 10. The applicant has presented preliminary plans for a proposed 5 unit townhouse complex together with landscape and screening plan 11 . An existing gas pipeline easement crosses the southerly corner of the subject site and an existing oil products pipeline crosses the site in a diagonal configuration . These companies have been notified of the application . Construction should not conflict with these utilities . P. PLANNING DEPARTMENT RECOMMENDATION : Recommend approval of the R-2 rezone request subject to the following conditions to be established as restrictive covenants running withtheland : 1 . Density : The maximum total site density shall not exceed four 4) dwelling units . 2. Site Development: Any and all development of the subject property shall be subject to City of Renton Land Use Hearing Examiner ' s special use permit approval . This is to ensure design setbacks , landscaping and associated development standards that will be compatible with the adjacent single-family residential uses . 3 .; Setbacks : No building or structure shall be located within forty40) feet of the easterly property line abutting the existing SR-1 zone , within six (6) feet of the property line abutting the existing powerline right-of-way, and within thirty (30) feet of the northerly property line abutting Puget Drive S . E . 4. Landscape/Buffering : A landscape plan for the entire development shall be submitted to and approved by the Planning Department at the time of special use permit application . The first thirty 30) feet adjacent to the easterly property line shall be pre-served in its existing natural state and supplemented with additional landscaping suitable to create an adequate buffer between any proposed development of the site and the adjacent single-family residence area . A minimum six (6) foot architectural type screening fence shall be provided along the entire easterly property line adjacent to existing SR-1 zoned property . A mini - mum twenty (20) foot landscape strip shall be provided along the north property line adjacent to Puget Drive S . E . A minimum six 6) foot landscape strip shall be provided along the propertylineadjacenttothepowerlineright-of-way . All areas not utilized for buildings , parking and circulation shall be appropriately landscaped . I PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING OF SEPTEMBER 27 , 1977 PAGE SIX RE : R-077-77 ; REZONE REQUEST FROM SR-1 (RESIDENCE DISTRICT) TO R-2 RESIDENCE DISTRICT ) DUPLEX 5. Tree Preservation : Any existing significant evergreen and deciduous trees shall be preserved as much as possible and incorporated into the site development plans . No trees shall be removed without prior approval of the Renton Planning Dept . 6 . Access : Access to the site shall be limited to one location along Puget Drive SE 7. Building Height and Design : The maximum building height shall not exceed thirty-five (35 ) feet. Building design and archit- ecture shall be approved at the time of special permit review and shall include , but not be limited to provision of cedar , brick , or other approved masonary, construction , cedar shake roof, and attached garages or carports for each unit. 8 . Duration : These covenants shall run with the land and expire on December 31 , 2050. It is further agreed and covenanted by the undersigned that if a special use permit for total development of the property is not submitted to the City. of Renton pursuant to the abovementioned requirements within two (2 ) years and substantial construction begun within three ( 3 ) years of the filing of these covenants , and said construction and development diligently prosecuted toward completion thereafter , the zoning of said property shall without further City action revert back to the zoning which existed prior to the filing of this document i . e . SR- 1 ) and these restrictive covenants shall become null and void . The term " substantial construction ' shall mean the physical alteration of the land for construction pursuant to City approved development plans as per the abovementioned require- ments and a valid building permit, or construction of required utilities for such development. The abovementioned time periods may be extended for reasonable cause upon written request to and approval by the Renton Planning Department. Such reasonable cause shall include , but may not be limited to , the requirement of an environmental impact statement pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act of 1971 . Approval of the subject request with the recommended conditions is consistent with the objectives of the Comprehensive Plan , Land Use Report 1965 , pages 17 and 18 , and the application of sound planning principles and practices . The recommended condition are necessary to ensure compatibility with adjacent residential zoning and uses , and recent similar land use decisions . ROUTING FOR REVIEW OF ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORMS TO : Finance Department Fire Department Library Department Park Department Police Department Public Works Department 2 Building Div. Traffic Engineering Div . Engineering Div. Utilities Engineering Div. FROM : Planning Department , ( signed by responsible official or his . designee) i i AEI._ sM rn SUBJECT : Review of ECF- ( 74 -77 ; Application No . : /e-077 - 77 Acti on Name :_ S4 K` .... 1 ' / g iais /2-e77-7 az r4.,9eti L _a ,e-L Please review the attached . Review requested by (date) : REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : . Department : ' ,RED 6. Comments : - oir, ,,.a 1• ,--. - er..--0-2-f-e-, •6 /1,1a-se.,......---- 7:--;"---2? Signatu of Director or Authorized Representative Date REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : Department : e , L _.._._._.__._ Comments : S/s',-nv wa7ei 0/e/ram/o.-Li 'a..4,1 o./ SPoe /' y' u,re4/ Cr L ...*-6 4,-4- s;de. .(K -A z ',,.., o Ce -.-fbcv /t..11_ eil-- 9-/2_77 Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date i RLViLN BY (H 1. is (. • . Y i __. (1RTMENTS : Department :_— -rT1 moist Comments : WA V iz ri tt-L VuC, a Z LAV cc. 'tuts YEAH. I Co0Ai-1ifet- t/-F( ECG. SizLA-) rt o To PAnlcw Lc,0/ RCLL/1-4G N1LLS 1O CA -4T ST, lAS iZ/zQLi . 13 Get/>,bit Co/WI-Mt ISQTI4 J To ROLL/NG I.4tLL.S p/t,343L,f,...s 6. 77 Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : Department : TRAFF/e NFF bir/G lie. Comments : We 5/64//F'/LA+I, T I'm //14c.T 7-/F-77 Signature of Director or Author zed Representative Date REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : Department : Comments : I Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date t.V I EW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : Department :___ Comments : ti"I cinriture of Di rector or f uthori zed Representative 1 - 1 GSwI a I J i 1371 RPIPIPPPP O 1 w • •,•i i a 11o,1((a,ll,I•,rallesl la'rz•zln•Tt L•' l s •5 •• 06012 AP% . h R mmmc .ee o, . z" 11„till 12 III% <)4W firi'. 1 .1.," .: P/ a;r::i: iv.i:;::::4......;..:: —-' C).411It.'-.'... .• , ri-.fowk Aa,II dt44,4fA, .im t.,„1,11r74.,,0.1 1 Of O ®® ® b•`ll 1' H1Il'1\' 0.. \ 44® *`...• .:. a t[ i l\!l a 0.itaccovie NIL R-3 E Qoo ,4 7lbodgorrck oum - - . Re Svc.L L1...T. s rE'"'SR-1 G—e t\ II167 L I 3 4 5 fI W, : z ! I I _I 1 9E I 'U DT 1 G-7200 01 3 .; , , , 4- oavaa11 z ! lilt ;TS' R.MIS, 1 J° S R— Lu 2MAIr.-' I I 2 1.- a T'• . : r I i. t I.1 I Z\ 4. to M:t4. t.lI1gi ^ a• o_- Mc 5 m. T _ Q • W A 5 s•tr.Yt,I• 1_'. 3 REZONE : SCS and STIRSKEY HOLDINGS ; Appl . No . R-077-77 ; Rezone from SR-1 to R-2 property located approximately 100 feet west of Rolling Hills Avenue S . E . along the east side of Puget Drive S . E . between the Parkwood single family residence subdivision and the BPA Carr Line right-of-way APPLICANT SCS and STIRSKEY HOLDINGS TOTAL AREA Approx . 21 ,400 sq . =t . PRINCIPAL ACCESS Puget Drive S . E. EXISTING ZONING SR-1 EXISTING USE Undeveloped PROPOSED USE Multi -family COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN High Density Multi -family COMMENTS Tao ArAs LA 0 ntu jle it, o s 4%• 3.pc t. I a" sua 6*66 ••• 1 PIC 1 S L1h AJt *A• .. ZCC fio1, NG NI N.l'IN 4-A,4 q..,, fiyo 4.\ se ke. asps, at, osa i‘... . 93 pu&se-r- ag. se. . Itr..%- \ J• 1 gi 211 .b,, Vo. 16 Iqr \ J'MP IIII SE ZI sr tl.h 11,. . r._. 14ev. \ lkt . t6?VII 8 Ffisori Kam 4Mcf ,rs sE 110 sr N cogyo uMJrs s\ is 5 tie r S ftuD Ni 0 Jf.. „r 1y 004 I 1 ,I 1 1 i SCALE- /'-Roo ' 308-ger Of& ice, 5.c.51yri NOS! s/K443 .eaw4aL 1 tZcwE: 071 77 PROPOSED/FINAL ...1CLARATION OF SIGNIFICANC ON-SIGNIFICANCE Application No .REZONE - #R-077-77 PROPOSED Declaration Environmental Checklist No . ECF-274-77 a FINAL Declaration Description of proposal Requests a rezone approval to permit construction of a proposed five-unit townhouse type development. Proponent SCS AND STIRSKEY HOLDINGS • Property located approximately 100 feet west of Rolling HillsLocationofProposalAve, S.E. alo g the east side of Puget Rrive S E_ between the the Parkwood single family residence subdivision and the BPA Carr Line r/w.Lead Agency RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT This proposal has been determined to 0 have . ® not have a significant adverse impact upon the environment . An EIS ® is is not required under RCW 43 . 21C . 030 ( 2 ) ( c ) . This decision was mane after review by the lead agency of a completed environmental. checklist and other information on file with the lead agency . Reasons for declaration of environmental significance : Measures , if any , that could be taken to prevent or mitigate the environmental impacts to such an extent that the lead agency would withdraw its declaration of significance and issue a ( proposed/final ) declaration of non-significance : Responsible Official Gordon Y . Ericksen Title Plann ' . Di : ctor Date September 20, 1977 Signature /, ' ; City of Renton Planning Department 5-76 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER Affidavit of Publication RENTON, WASHINGTON A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON LAND USE STATE OF WASHINGTON HEARING EXAMINER AT COUNTY OF KING ss HIS REGULAR MEETING' IN THE COUNCIL CHAM- BERS, CITY HALL, REN- TON, WASHINGTON, ON SEPTEMBER 27, 1977,ATN[arg.ar.e.t... a.rba.ugh being first duly sworn on 9:00 A.M. TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING• PETI- oath,deposes and says that..S.he is the G hi e.f C 1.eXk of TIONS: 1.S.C.S. AND STIR- THE RENTON RECORD-CHRONICLE, a newspaper published four(4) SKEY..HOLDINGS, times a week.That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and REZONE-FROM SR- has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication referred 1 TO R-2, File No.to, printed and published in the English language continually as a news- R-077-77;property lo-paper published four(4)times a week in Kent,King County,Washington, rated on south side ofanditisnowandduringallofsaidtimewasprintedinanofficemaintainedPugetDrivesouthofattheaforesaidplaceofpublicationofsaidnewspaper.That the Renton Rolling Hills Dr. bet-Record-Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the wean the powerlineSuperiorCourtoftheCountyinwhichitispublished,to-wit,King County, right-of-way and the Paricwbod single fami- Washington.That the annexed is a..NQ.tU. 98... X...?'.A1?.1.1,Or ly residence subdivi... sion. 2. ERNEST R. COL- 11e.aring EMAN, -APPLICA-- TIONS FOR THREE- LOT SHORT PLAT as it was published in regular issues(and APPROVAL, EX not in supplement form of said newspaper) once each issue for a period CEPTION TO SUB- DIVISION ORDI- NANCE REGARD= of 1consecutive issues,commencing on the ING ACCESS, AND WAIVER .OF• OFF- SITE IMPROVE- 16 day of Sep.tembex 19..7..7....,and ending the MENTS;_ Files No. 078-77,' E-079-77, and W-080-77; prop- erty.located along the day of 19 ,both dates west side of Meadow inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its sub- Ave.No.between No. scribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee 38th St.and No.36th 3. HILL-ROWE IN- charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of $.34..77which VESTMENT CO., has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words for the REZONE FROM G first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for each subsequent TO M-P, File No. R- insertion. 081-77; property lo- f cated on east side of I . 0.44 1:1(.r.L.. W." Valley Rd. and ir#ti-bf S.W.43rd St. ddiieetfy south of G.hie. clerk it.' WOat Hobby and tf ftrt*pticins of ap-. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 16 day of i above- 1 gtrnr=ifiille'in the Renton . Sept ember-, 19..7.7. .nsittf EEDepSTED PER- 1S TOSAIOPETITIONSfPLi. ...Z:t.r .... At.'t `PUBLI , Notary Pu 1 c n and for the S ate of Wash' ton, JN dIB residing at Kent,King unty. w;.•-r#'p 19}T 91)t1 A.pI.. ERICPassedbytheLegislature,1955,known as Senate Bill 281,effective June N I 9th, 1955. ii it1WesternUnionTelegraphCo. rules for counting words and figures, adopted by the newspapers of the State. r; tt#tYteCf'Sep;. g . V.P.C.Form No.87 CITY OF RENTON REZONE. APPLICATION i 271:u FOR 'OFFICE USE ONLY l LAND USE HE IjG4i APPLICATION NO. d 7 7 - 77 EXAMINER 'S A ;'R N APPLICATION FEE $ /•r6 - APPEAL FILED Dt RECEIPT NO . CITY COUNCIL ACTION FILING DATE j -/ - 77' ORDINANCE NO. AND DATE HEARING DATE 7 APPLICANT TO, COMPLETE ITEMS 1 THROUGH 10 : 1 . Name S.C.S. & St i rskey Holdings Phone 2 6-5777 Address 115 Burnett Avenue South, Renton, Washington 98055 3. Property petitioned for rezoning is located on Puget Drive between Bonneville-Power R.0.W. . and Rolling Hills Drive 4 . Square footage or acreage o.f property _ 21 ,400 square feet - 5 . Legal description of property (if more space is required, attach a separate sheet) That portion .of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest. Quarter (SE 1/4 SW 1/4) of.. 1 Section 20, Township 23 North, •Range 5 Est, W, M. , described as fol1owa: r3 ginning at tbe'South quarter corner of said Section 20;. thence North 1° 46' 02" Eaat_a . distance of 321.77 feet to the Northeasterly margin of the Bonneville Power Administration right of 19ay and the true point. of beginning of the tract herein described; thence North 1° 46' 02" East- a distance of 213.79 feet; thence South 89° 10' 20" West a distance of 200.44 feet to the Northeasterly margin of the Bonneville Power Administration right- of way; thence South 42°. 35' 54" East a distance of 286.36 feet_ t.o_the true point of beginning. All -in King County, State of Washington. 6 . ' Existing Zoning Zoning Requested R-2 NOTE TO APPLICANT : The following factors are considered in reclassifying property. Evidence or additional information to substantiate your request may be attached to this sheet. (See Application Procedure Sheet for specific requirements . ) Submit this form in duplicate . 7. Proposed use of site propose to construct '(1 ) . duplex. and. (1) tri-plex condominium townhouses & related .parking. 8 . List the measures to be taken to reduce impact on the surrounding area. • In addition to the natural change of grade of topography and natural undergrowth, additional pJan t i n g s will hp _added un s 1 e no 9 . How soon after the rezone is granted do you intend to develop the site? Immediately 10 . Two copies of plot plan and affidavit of ownership are required. Planning Dept. 1-77 sip ( AFFIDAVIT i I , C. S 4 cr( p_YILC Af 4(-Dtk) (4s , being duly sworn, declare that I am the owner of the property involved in 'this application and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Subscribed and sworn before me this 9day of 02-f , 19 7 7 Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at AL7,47-1, al .j. - Name of Nota Publiy Signature of Owner t-4 AP1 S S cN ‘).4Ac1,L o z' c& 0L# 77- 6 5.- Address' Address) t2 ti TO lJ a City) State) 2 2(e . 6`Z17 Telephone) FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) CERTIFICATION This is to certifvt tithe\foregoing application has been inspected by me and has been foun7d `torbe 'ej2o sough and complete in every particular and to conform to the/%ules- anar gulations of the Renton Planning Department governing thetf lin`g` `of such a'plication . Date Received ,ee,._.....__ _ alb/ , 19 By: r YCtie . Renton Planning Dept . 2-73 INTERDEPARTMENTAL REVIEW REQUEST T0 : PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR IBUILDINGDIyN . L ENGINEERING DIVISION _ TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DIVISION UTILIT..IES DI I0 FIRE DEPARTMENT HEALTH DEPARTMENT FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT MK.44 1 ContactPerson RE: S,C. STi12:skey I of p,r 7&r/e tI- J2-077- 77 Please review the attached information regarding. -the subject proposal and return it to the Planning Department by S s ) l /i77. with your wri tten recommendafion. Your response will be included as par.t of the staff report to the Hearing Examiner. f Thank you , PLANNING DEPARTMENT 441/(474 ' i Date i:J ROIJ,`I ): NG_ FOR_ REVIEW OF ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORMS TO : 0 Finance Department Ft re Department Library Department Park Department Police Department. • Public Works Department Building Div. Traffic Engineering D1 v . Engineering Div . Utilities Engineering Div . FROM : Planning Department , ( signed by responsible official or his designee ) IM( L- SUBJECT : Review of ECF- o74 -77 ; • Application No . : /e-077 - 77 Action Name : 1 kicac.S S_- i . `i t1/2-077-/, OAZ9 tf trL Please review the attached . Review requested by ( date) : Gd.. REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : Department : ' Comments : Cr- Signatu of Director or. Authorized Representative Date REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : Department : eK,_._. — Comments : S 74,r wafer o%/cyt o o./ 5 ,re u ire" C s; tit -4 Le- zz : o Signature of Di rector or Authorized Representati ve Date I - 7(s OVI. f'.) E;l_V i L BY O_i. i B i. . Y Department : !.'1Tt Comments : w A KT rk_ a 'JJ .L.L_ r u(,„ i z • L/S.- C u s yEA,L L As,t3. CC)irll-llf, C(4(, 51iLAJV v_ o To t'Ank Lk)c •t e.oLLI r-i to GrtAk.4T ST. AS iZlzQ. . 13y Git•Ak Oft Cor,lTn-1 i3Q1-14 S To R LIt,IG LLS Pn-..U3..,t,-tS Si gnature sof Director. or Authorized Representative Date REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : Department : 7iQI c 0Av6/NFMC/0/ Ivy Comments : Mo 5l64I/F'/Ggr.fT'Jrm rpe.T Signature Director or Author zed R resentative Dateiofp REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : Department : Comments : Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date r_V I EW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : 1 Department : Comments : S i gnature of Di rector or 4uthori zed Represen to r: .+ ve r` i. CITY OF RENTON; WASHI.NGTON-- ENV RONNENTAL, CHECKLIST FOtt N. • iffy\ ',/zi,..,s,•;‘, FOR OFf ICE 'USE' ONLY 9'9 App1 icaion. t No. f(= e'77 7-.7 • a........>., f Environmental C.heckl i st• No.._•_ - If -,j --'77 2/ C`1 VG DEP.P\ PROPOSED, date.' FINAL , date: _ Declaration of %Significance f Decl]aretion of Significan"te i ] Declaration of Non-Significance n Declaratiom of Non-Significance COMMEN.TS:' Int.roduction The State Environmental Policy Act of 1971, Chapter 4-3.21C, RCW, requires all state and local go.lernmental agencies to consider environmental values both for their • own actions and w'hen• li•censing private proposals . The .Act also requires that an EIS be prepared. for.:all ,majo.r.act.ions significantly affecting the quality of the environment. The purpo se -of thi:s, checklist is to. help the agencies involved determine whether or not a proposal is such a- major action.. Please answer the following questions .as• completely as you .can with the information presently 'a:vailable- to you- Where explanations of your answers are required,- or where you: believe an explanation -would be helpful to government decision makers , include your explanation ,in the space provided,. or use additional pages if necessary. You should include„:references :to 'a-n.y, reports or •-studies of..whichryou, are aware and which are rele- vant to the'answers you_provide. Complete answers to. these questions now will help all agencies involved `with' your- p'roposal'7to undertake the".required :environmental review with,with- out •u.nnecessary de.l;ay:- The following -quest,i.ons apply, to- your total proposal ; riot just to the license,-for which y.- ' ou,. are,-'cur.re,nt,l.y,'..apply'ing or 'the.,proposal- for which approval is sought. Your answers shoul d' i nclu'de: the:• i'mpacts..which will, be caused by your: proposal when it is completed even tfiough• comp-Jetionmay' not occur until - sometime in the future. " This will allow all of. the •agencies. which will be involved to complete their environmental review now, with • out duplicating paperwork—in the future. NOTE:`,—This... is ,a °,standard form being used by, all state and local agencies in the State ' of Washington for 'various types of. proposals ., .Many of the questions may ,not apply to ' your proposal . - If' a question does not apply;, :just 'answer it "no" and continue on to the next question. : ENVIRONMENTAL CNECYLI$,T FORM B,4CKGROUNU '. . .. . 1',. Name of.;-Proponent 5.C..S, - 511E54:6' 4-1-0L. 1 GS/ ' .NS. SLR#—w. rat. L: :Addgress and phone number of Proponent: 2..o 2 6 5 11_' - 3. Date Checklist submitted ' : 4. - A9ency requiring Checklist C t-ri tex e'' 1-00 -Pt.,,6, ..1.14-1'N.:i VT 5: Name of proposal , if applicable: 6. Nature and brief description of t-he' proposal (including but not limited to its • size, general design elements , and 'other factors that will give an accurate understanding of its-scope and nature) : Pia P. a -o :' &Ts 'r"2,u c T ( i -e% 4.Co-.`C'd'd..6 y - c ",? _i z.,l,,l N I e,; - 9 7 S e 5. 4`TWO S-r0E" - Via';,,-,z;te 2- 1. . Location of.,=proposal :(descri,be the „physical setting of the proposal , ..as well as -the extent off the. land area -affected.;by-any: en-v:ironmental impacts , including any other 'information needed to, give an accurate. understanding of the .environ mental setting .of the .proposal ) :-` g e).? -rf L EDG.."r D AT IN T'&z.5Ee: -1-d J OF Po6 f,-7 .Dr2 wo• 15a 4 As E.yr1..LE . , 1.'r3 y :- lPaw ez- Te-A.;usmicsiolu Zt4,14r ®F 4u,y - t& a3t oait 1B°1 TL*ae1A er. &)i ' G SUDS. 9IPLs 0A./ p untaPep' l: 't'; A'( A. ccp stt)LS42.4.43LL., Li'?W l9 e EL t.1 A.-rte.c.) TtLf-:Mo .4,AJor•a3'Ai C-i 5(0E°TrxL P.c_$T, 8. -Estimated date for completion of the proposal : c_'C &der T l>t lv 6 Mt)S_ ntz_: . c o\t LI C,t it,pp. VAA— • . 9.. List of all permits , licenses or government approvals required for the proposal federal , state ,and local --including rezones) r, C t``y Z .TO LI___Z.b 1lit/t r C.t-1 V a - (2- .,zon) tc..)tL:"IlM G. P- t 10. Do you have any plans for future additions , expansion , or further activity related to or connected with this proposal? If yes , explain : Li': ':Do`you know of, any 'p-lans by others which .may affect the property covered by yoiur proposal? ''I•f yes,. explain. 1.,2":':, At,ta.ch-.•any -other. app•l`icati.on forin that has been completed regarding the pro- " posal 'i.f none. has been completed., but is expected to be filed at some future date, 'describe ,the: nature 'of- such appi icat"ion •form: ' II .- ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS Explanations of all "yes" and "maybe" answers are required) . 1) . Earth.- Will the proposal result in : a)_ Unstable earth conditions or in changes in,geologic . substructures? YES MAYBE NO b) . Disruptions , displacements, compaction-,or over- covering;`of;,the soil ? YES MAYBE NO . r-;::-:-.( t) Change 'in topography or ground surface relief'' features? MAYBE." d)'. 'The destruction,-"covering or. modification of any unique geologic or physical=..featu"res?', YES MAYBE 0 e), Any increase in wind or water erosion of, soils , - • Jeitheronoroffthesite? - YES ' MAYBE NO f): . Changes in deposition .or erosion of beach sands , .or ' changes in siltation , deposition .or- erosion which , may modify the channel of a river or stream or: the bed of the. ocean- or any bay.,,, ,inle-t- or ,l-ake?. ES MAYBE N0 5,E,xplanation.r_ . : :- - 2) ,Air. Will the proposal result in: a) Air ;emissions or deteri-oration of ambient air quality? . YES MAYBE NO b) -:The creation of .objectionable odors? S MAYBE N0 c) Alteration of air movement; moisture or temperature, or any change in- climate , either locally or regionally? YES MAYBE NO Explanation: .. 3) _Water. Will the proposal result in:. a) Changes in currents , or the course of direction of water movements , in either marine or fresh waters? YES MAYBE NO b) - Changes in absorption rates , drainage patterns.,- or• the rate and amount of surface water runoff? YES MAYBE NO c) Alterations to. the course or flow of flood 'waters? YES MAYBE NO d) Change in. the amount of surface water in any water - body? YES. MAYBE NO e} Discharge into surface waters , or ,in any alteration surface water quality;. including. but not limited to. temperature dissolved oxygen or turbidity?, ground, ors?and Ovate YESMAYBE rrateof w. ofe:ratiom the d ection or M B NO g),;: Change in the quantit of ground waters either through direct additions or withdrawals, or. through interception-of an aquifer by cuts or excavations? X YES MAYBE N0 h) . Deterioration in ground water quality, either through direct injection or through :the seepage of leachate; phosphates, detergents, waterborne virus or bacteria ,. or other substances.:=.into the .ground 'waters.? YES MAYBE NO . i ) Reduction in. the amount of water,',otherwise available for, public water supphies? YES MAYBE NO . Explanation 1 -—Ze , CoULC3 6& P- AArslr4A L clr4•410J4s"E• IL) t iciJ0 tilA CQ.u4 T I, , DuE TO 2€z, PA'4E p R.iir;1 = ot=C ex/s{‘i wtrk+Ta:ft) Peov.sro aas , 4-),.,, Flora,.': Will the Proposal result in:;. a Change: i n' :the divers_ - g ity of species.,. or numbers of any • speci es of flora (including trees-, shrubs, grass;,: crops , : microflora, and aquatic plants)? Y E NO. ES MAYS . b) Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered species of flora? YES MAYBE NO c) Introduction of new species of flora into an area, or in a barrier to the normal replenishment of existing - species?X YES MAYBE WO— d) Reduction in acreage of any agricultural crop? _ - YES MAYBE NO Explanation: 4 s.s LA.) _ aL Qs sLO1J iD BUtc t> J ( L.3.AJt5c.ocr?el) 4.- A..'... • Diue &e-Ass C. .a- PA) D S C Oa 5,=,t, Cra s Pic r. n. 1"-11-:.• t•":-' 5) Fauna. • Will the proposal result in:. :--'•••,:.:,:„7-:,-.., ,, ` - ' . •., -; ...r., 0. a) Changes'ChangeS. in the. diversity of species or dr .numbers of : '-•- • ,,-; , : • any species of fauna (birds , land animals including - . - - re.pti:les, fish and shel I fish, benthic organi sins , insects or ,microfauna.)? 717'S' 7' .. fllAYBE- NO b) Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or ' endangered species of fauna? YES , MAYBE NO C) --Introduction of new species of fauna into an area, or result in a barrier to the. migration or movement of fauna? YES MAYBE NO A) Deterioraticin: to existing -fish or 'Wildl i fe habitat? YES MAYBE NO Explanation: 6) Noise. Will the prpposaj . increase existing noise levels? YES - MAYBE NO E.xplanation: 7) -, Light and Gla.re. Will the proposal produce new light or ' , YES MAYBE E.kf3,14.fia t i d.,6"7:1:;: - L6b4.:_•-:_.X.LLTAlt.,XL: In,P PI-3 t0- ' 41.cr.t.t..W1> 4,1.1%-o. 4.1,E)-rr t oit) 8) Land Use. • Wil'1, ,tlie- vroposal. result in the al teration- of the • -., -:.• J '3. preserit or planned land use of an area? •••, -, -, . ,•„ . . .., .: 2.. - '. •' •,:. • . ' ..• -. YES 'MAYBE NO p:1 a n a t i on: " T -. •P 2..tapinsh,c,_ x.A...r it,L 1pful_v_tow-o?kplomtpbt„e T&in 20-- .:__ tk,etto.W. Pow G17-=_-__: 'rg:Px.40S._144tC St bx) t-ixie. '4 Li.Nu t__+(P&414..tLy. . i‘d-g--ilei.A.A-ty -.R-zw_s_it,e A-) T.t.A.(. .-:L. 9) 'N at u r a 1 Resources. Will the proposal result in : . . . - • 1?,(a) Increase in the rate of use of any natural resources?. •• . , . - si, '. , • X YES MAYBE NO - • T,-.„.•,,i-:-.:(,b)',-. Depletion of 'a ny-...i.fpn renewab1 e naturalresocirce?..;,,-.-th;-57 -- ,'.: - •-•.". : . .- r•.; loV„,_ . - • YES MAYBE NOl‘O Explanation: cplqi71Ti_4_,E-,:-- - elieg„.6V; [....7e0 /.4,/.7-iir. --:__, i 4; _ ',: ..,--' .• 4;;.'2.'17'-'73...1 .-. :. ;.::::::,s., .:'; : .:'::'. :LI'-"::: . :;..,., --: •-•-::', '''''!:-. ' - , • rect --5 - ' F74 Ads ec-les gr .6„,..t-e_otab-44.;,.2- Iz&o ?re. -te .4-1 I,6,--r-- . : .::. ,` 10) - Risk of Upset.-:':•Does,,,t.he. proposal involve•• a risk. of an .:.• "•;- -;:.•.' :1-.:%,',,-.,, , , ' '- ''. - ' ; - • '.1 ' explosion or the release of hazardous •substances, (including '-•.'•::- .--. .-•,,. ' :., -.: ,' . ' _'. . . f• r-but not limited to, 'oil , pesticides , chemical s or radiation) in the event of an accident or upset conditions? • - • 2 •H • . .. 71. YES, :,.MAYBE. NO Explanation:: , 11) Population."•., Will the proposal alter the location, distri- " buti on, density, or growth rate of the human population , iof- an area2 ... .-.:',..,,, ..,, -, :-,.'.; ,..-'' ...--' <- ..,-•.‘ '. •-ii,.. : - -• ,i - ' - ' •,-f-- ‘.", YES MAYBE - NO Explanation: .- ' • - 5:-.::--f:•.-A .-i!.-';''",,,...:,J'...„-..::.,--•';-;•‘•':'-';Q:::::- .•••',.•_:::,,,•::•'-',q,;•,,,,', .. .-_,2-•:',,:•42,::•• • .::/,.-,T,';`,,':"1":.;',,,..:-:3,:•,:• ":••••,;,:,',,:-.••,:;:,,:;':.,•'2 ,;•••::::..;.;,;',.;•'4'_;,.;-.•:-.";'..":.::': -;:•••• !,,-,:.'-i'. ',:'..,:,•,.- -:"•-..-:,-•''.• ••,.-.:?i.' :::‘,. .:,. :: :..,:'.2..•:;-;-:.-: :.'-,..:,-::: .':•:•'-'-''•.::-,', 12) Housing. Will the proposal affect existing housing, or create a demand for additional. housing? YES : MAYBE NO Explanation:i-- .0124fIt/i0 t-' u&'l iS BAJLy 13) . Transportation/Circulation. . Will the proposal result in: a)-° Generation o.f additional vehicular. movement? X- YES MAYBE NO Effects on existing parking facili"ties, or demand-•.p , - for new parking? X YES MAYBE NO c) Impact upon ezisting transportation systems? YES MAYBE NO d) Alterations to present patterns of circulation or movemen.t,.of people an.d/or goods? YES MAYBE NO e) Alterations to waterborne, rail or air traffic? YES MAYBE NO f) Increase in traffic hazards• to motor vehicles, bicyclists ',or pedestrians? YES MAYBE NO Explanati"on: . T ., ma.T,t.-y : .,A/C72EdscE': 'tom ci1.0 J3 2. BED Z.oa tvs 1A') ' Public::Services.._ Will the proposal have an effect upon; or result ih,a need :for :new or altered governmentalgovernmental services - in any..of the following areas. F 1.re. protection7 YES MAYBE" NO b) Police:,pro tectton? YES .MAYBE NO AYB N c) Schools? d) ::.Parks -or .other recreationalfacilities? YES MAYBE NO e) Maintenance of public facilities , including .roads? YES MAYBE NO f) Other governmental services? . ES: MA NO Explanation OIJL- rrti 'sT aem tS-S TN#+- FA i'-J e,5OAlit C.,y t f rill- E- ) .Gtycft;„ 2 1 4,4„.." t.:Q. i u ,2, 15) ',:Energy:. Will the proposal result in: a) ' Use of.. Substantial .amoun,ts of ,fuel L o,r energy?ya. b) Demand upon existing sources of energy, or require the development of new sources of energy? YES ' MAYBE NO Explanation: 15) Utilities. Will the. proposal result in 'a need for new systems; or alterations to the following utilities : a) Power or natural gas? K YES MAYBE NO b) Communications systems? YES MAYBE NO c) Water? YES MAYBE NO ter^ u, Y. 9,- 1x d) Sewer Or septic tanks? . t YES MAY$f- -Iro-- e) Storm water drainage? X YES MAYBE NO— V) '- Sol id waste .and disposal? - C YES MAYBE NO Explanation: tz,Ni_t S-rrib SV ST t s 0 a.cc,( a,.ccn LL,1.-r.' 31 5 S oaf-rrOVA __ t--61.sut.L 17) Human Health. Will the proposal result in •the creation of any health hazard or potenti a]- health hazard (excluding mental health)? X. YES MAYBE NO Explanation: 1. 18) Aesthetics'. : Will the proposal result in the obstruction of any scenic;vista or view open to the public. or will the. proposal.•-res.ult- i'n~:th.e- creation :Of an aesthetically 'offensive site public .v-iew? NOP YES MAYBE Explanation 19) Recreation -- Will. the proposal result in an impact upon the quality-or ,quanti,ty:`of existing recreational opportunities?IC YES . MAYBE NO Explanation:.-,` 20) Archeological/Historical . Will the proposal result in an alteration of a significant archeological or historical site, structure, object or building?' YES MAYBE NO Explanations III. SIGNATURE 1 , the undersigned, state that to the best of my knowledge the above .inf•ormation is true and complete. .It is understood that the lead agency may withdraw any decla ration of non-significance that it might issue in reliance upon this checklist should there be any willful misrepresentation or willful lack of full disclosure on m rt. Proponent: a signed C i( name, printed) City of Renton Planning Department 5-76 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER RENTON, WASHINGTON A PUBLIC; HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER AT HIS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS , CITY HALL , RENTON , WASHINGTON , ON SEPTEMBER 27 19 77 , AT 9 : 00 A. M. TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING PETITIONS : 1 . S. C. S. AND STIRSKEY HOLDINGS , REZONE FROM SR-1 TO R-2 , File No . , R-077-77 ; property located on south side of Puget Drive south of Rolling Hills Dr. between the powerline right-of-way and the Parkwood single family residence subdivision . 2. ERNEST R. COLEMAN , APPLICATIONS FOR THREE-LOT SHORT PLAT APPROVAL, EXCEPTION TO SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE REGARDING ACCESS , AND WAIVER OF OFF-SITE IMPROVE- MENTS ; Files No. 078-77 , E-079-77 , and W-080-77 ; property located along the west side of Meadow Ave. No . between No. 38th St. and No. 36th St. 3. HILL-ROWE INVESTMENT CO. , REZONE FROM G TO M-P , File No . R-081-77 ; property located on east side of W. Valley Rd. and north of S. W. 43rd St. directly south of Northwest Hobby and Toy Co . Legal descriptions of applications noted above are on file in the Renton Planning Department. ALL INTERESTED PERSONS TO SAID PETITIONS ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PUBLIC HEARING ON SEPTEMBER 27 , 1977 AT 9 : 00 A. M. TO EXPRESS THEIR OPINIONS . GORDON Y . ERICKSEN PUBLISHED September 16 , 1977 RENTON PLANNING DIRECTOR CERTIFICATION I , Michael L. Smith HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE COPIES " OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENT WERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW . ATTEST: Subscribed, and sworn to before pe, a Notary P\ubl i c , on t h e `kk d a y of S eS`\-bri‘\1 t?il 1911 SIGNED 4//7 74( p F !R . v 41 L.o THE CITY OF RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON. WASH. 98055 CHARLES J. DELAURENTI, MAYOR • PLANNING DEPARTMENT 235-2550 0 42- 94tr. SEPS-' September 12 , 1977 S . C . S . and Stirskey Holdings 115 Burnett Avenue South Renton , Washington 98055 RE : NOTICE OF APPLICATION ACCEPTANCE AND PUBLIC HEARING DATE FOR APPLICATION FOR REZONE FROM SR- 1 TO R-2 , File No . R-077-77 ; property located on_ south side of Puget Drive south of Rolling Hills Drive between the powerline right-of-way and the Parkwood single family residence subdivision Dear Sirs : The Renton Planning Department formally accepted the above mentioned application on September 6 , 1977 A public hearing before the City of Renton Hearing Examiner has been set for September 27 , 1977 , at 9 : 00 a .m. Representatives of the applicant are asked to be present . All interested persons are invited to attend the hearing . If you have any further questions , please call the Renton Planning Department, 235-2550 . Very truly yours , Gordon Y . Ericksen Planning Director By is a Associate Planner PALS :wr c,c : John Anderson , AIA 10620 N . E . 8th Bellevue , WA 98004