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This is to permit development on the subject site of a proposed 47-unit condominium project. SUMMARY OF Planning, Department: Approval to SR-1 or R-2 subject to RECOMMENDATION: development by special use permit. Hearing Examiner: Denial. PLANNING DEPARTMENT The Planning Department staff report was received by the REPORT: Examiner on October 5, 1978. PUBLIC HEARING: After reviewing the Planning Department report, examining available information on file with the application, and field checking the property and surrounding area, the Examiner conducted a public hearing on the subject as follows: The hearing was opened on October 10, 1978 at 11:15 a.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building. Parties. wishing to testify were affirmed by the Examiner. It was reported that the Hearing Examiner and the applicant had received and reviewed the Planning Department report, and the report was entered into the record as Exhibit #1. Gordon Y. Ericksen, Planning Director,• assisted by David Clemens, Associate Planner, reviewed Exhibit #1, and entered the following additional exhibits into the record: Exhibit #2: King County Assessor's Map Exhibit #3: Site Characteristic Map Exhibit #4: Aerial Photograph, dated May 7, 1978 The Examiner inquired if the applicant concurred in Exhibit #1. " Responding was: Frank Lindell 13240 Northup Way Bellevue, WA 98005 Mr. Lindell indicated his concurrence in most of the report, but clarified that although the requested R-3 zoning allows maximum density of 75 units, the applicant intends to construct a maximum of 50 units on the subject site. He also indicated plans. to change the contour of the land to preclude obstruction of views from surrounding properties by the construction of condominiums. He concluded his testimony' by emphasizing that the proposed development would be an attractive asset which will be beneficial to the surrounding community. The Examiner referred to the site plan displayed in the CouncilChambers and inquired if the, plan was conceptual in nature since final plans are not required as part of a rezone hearing. Mr. Lindell confirmed that the plan was conceptual in intent and the exhibit was subsequently labeled by the Examiner as follows:.. Exhibit #5: Conceptual Site Plan ' • Lindell objected to the,Planning Department "recommendation for S-1 or R-2 zoning for reason of prematurity of development in a predominantly single family. residential area. He. advised that surrounding' properties had not previously been developed;due to ,,.'.``: • ', lack of existing sewer lines, 'but reported that installation of lines will expedite development of commercial and, higher density zoned city and-'county;properties in the near R-217-78 Page Two future. He emphasized that development of single family residential homes on the site would not be feasible due to the terrain and swamp area located on the property, and indicated that R-3 zoning would provide a buffer between existing single. family residential use and proposed commercial development to the south and east. The Examiner requested further testimony in support of the application. There was, no response. He then requested testimony in opposition to the request. Responding.was: Jerry Slatter 5032 Lake Washington Blvd. N.E. Renton, WA 98055,, Mr. Slatter was affirmed by the Examiner. He opposed the rezone request for the three following reasons: 1) inappropriateness of 'condominium development in a primarily' single family residential area; 2) existing heavy traffic along Lake Washington 'Boulevard N.E. , a roadway which currently does 'not provide sidewalks or shoulder for pedestrians; and 3) existing drainage problems in the area of the hillside. He 'requested that geology - tests be accomplished prior to development of the site to assess 'the cause and extent of the drainage problems. The Examiner advised that storm drainage facilities will be required and approved by the 'Public Works Department at the time of development. Responding was: Susan Hudson 808 N. 33rd Renton, WA 98055 Mrs. Hudson indicated her opposition to the request due to allowance of multifamily dwellings in a single family residential •area. . She recalled proposed plans by the Planning Commission to review the north Renton area on 'the Comprehensive Plan and requested that the rezone decision be delayed until such''a review.is accomplished. She advised that existing traffic on Lake Washington'Boulevard N.E. is extremely heavy from Lake Washington Beach Park to the N. 44th Street overpass and the roadway in certain areas is lacking shoulders and contains soft gravel which disallows pedestrian traffic. She requested that all rezones of property to higher density located north of N. 44th Street along Lake Washington Boulevard N.E. stipulate requirements'for. installation of sidewalks and street improvements to protect pedestrians and cyclists. Mrs. Hudson felt that because plans have not been formulated to widen FAI-405 in the ' near future, motorists will utilize Kennydale as a short-cut to avoid congested freeway traffic. She also objected to the applicant's intent to utilize R-3 zoning to provide a buffer for existing residential areas because of the possibility of allowing an additional R-2 zone for aSecond buffer which will allow encroachment 'of apartment development upon existing single family residential uses. Responding was: Gloria Minnick 11215 S.E. 74th Street Renton, WA 98055 Mrs. Minnick was affirmed by the Examiner. The Examiner disclosed being acquainted ' with Mrs. Minnick, a city employee, and reported that discussion regarding the proposed • rezone had not occurred and the relationship would not affect his ability to render an objective decision on the matter. He inquired if parties in attendance objected to . proceeding with the hearing on the basis of the disclosure. There was no objection. Mrs. Minnick indicated that she was not speaking either in support of opposition to the request, but questioned feasibility of the. development in view of existing heavy traffic on access roadways in the area. She referred to hazards created by narrow, winding roads which limit visibility and create dangerous safety problems for pedestrians. Mrs. Minnick also expressed concern regarding existing drainage problems in the area. She corrected Exhibit #1, Sections G.4 and G-5 which report existing public-services of • schools and parks' in the area, and noted that developments and schools such as Newport '" Heights, Newport Glen, 'and Hazlewood Elementary provide schools' and parks to the surrounding area in lieu of schools and parks listed' in the report which are located far south of the property.. The Examiner inquired if off-site improvements would normally be required in any development of the subject property. Mr. 'Ericksen reported that curbs, gutters and sidewalks would be required along Lake Washington Boulevard N.E.: and..S.E. 76th Street for. all uses. Mr. Lindell .responded to previous testimony regarding. existing .quiet. neighborhoods and indicated that.noise levels from traffic .on EAI-405 were high•and'the level.would not be affected by an addition of 50 .residences on sthe subject .site. Referring to :concerns regarding pedestrian safety, he advised that all _off-site improvements would be':provided as well as construction 'of an attractive Metro..:transitshelterein.:the"area:.: >Regardiing ':;. B L R-217-78' Page Three the necessity of geology studies, Mr. Lindell indicated that such tests would be accomplished if required by the city prior to construction, and conformance to city requirements 'for storm drainage retention will occur. Regarding existing,traffic in . the area, he advised that entries to the development have been designed in 'alternative locations away from the intersection of Lake Washington Boulevard N.E. and S.E. 76th Street to avoid' congestion. He noted that construction of 11 driveways ,would be required if single family residences were recommended for the site and would •contribute, : ' to additional. congestion and traffic hazards .in the area. The Examiner inquired if. ;i.mprovement "of,_Lake Washington.. Boulevard,NE. is included'i:n;., the city's Six-Year Street-Plan: Mr. Ericksen' indicated that since he 'was uncertain , of the status of the street, he would research the matter with the Traffic Engineering Division•and provide the information to the Examiner subsequent-to closure of. the public hearing. The Examiner inquired, if. a buffer would be required between the existing single family residential areas and the proposal if R-3 zoning were approved. Mr. Clemens 'indicated a.minimum requirement fora high landscaped screen, but reported'concern that such a visual screen would obscure views from property' located above the site. ' He advised that building heights relating to the eastern property line would be carefully reviewed as well as buffering in the form of fencing or landscaping of the proposed substantial parking area on the eastern portion of the site. Mr. Clemens advised that the site slopes down from east• to west and from north to south, the zoning ordinance would limit building'heights to 40 feet adjacent to a single family residential area, and the primary concern of the Planning Department is to evaluate the proposed plan to provide buffering and screening between the buildings, the parking areas and the residential areas to the east. The Examiner inquired if the_ declaration of environmental; non-significance would be • .:•,; revised if the property were rezoned.-to R-3.' Mr: Ericksen anticipated- that environmental impact would be re-examined if the Planning Department recommendation for R-2 or •S-1 zoning were revised, and noted' that approval to an R-3 zoning category would allow the applicant to apply directly for a building permit for construction on the site although the Planning Department would have an opportunity to review the proposal and the necessity of further environmental review. The Examiner inquired if zoning of the property under the R-3 zoning category would qualify for a negative declaration of environmental significance. Mr. Ericksen indicated that specific site development plans would be reviewed in determination of density limitations and buffering requirements. He also advised that based upon the 40-foot height allowance in' the R-3 zone, an impact statement 'may be required to determine impact to the adjacent single family residential areas. The Examiner inquired if parties in attendance would 'objectito a time extension to 21 days to allow thorough review of the application in view of an existing backlog in the Examiner's .'office. There was no objection. The Examiner requested further. comments. Since there were none, the hearing on,File No. R-217-78 was closed by the Examiner at 12:00 p.m. 1 FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS:. Having reviewed the record in .this matter, the Examiner now makes and enters the following: FINDINGS: 1. The request is for approval of a reclassification Of 2.52 acres from G-9600 to R-3 in order. to construct a 50-Unit condominium development. 2. The Planning Department report accurately sets forth the issues, applicable policies and provisions, findings of fact, and departmental recommendations in this matter . and is _hereby attached as Exhibit #1 and incorporated in this report by reference as set forth in full therein. . •• 3. Pursuant to the City.of Renton's Environmental Ordinance and the State Environmental Policy Act of 1971, as amended by R.C.W. ' 43.21.C. , a Declaration of Non-Significance has been issued for the proposal by Gordon Y. 'Ericksen, responsible. official. This declaration is based on further environmental review at the• time 'of site development, ' , . reduction in site density, retention of significant natural.,features 'of site, provision of adequate• buffers and site landscaping' and screening, together with other developmental controls. Mr. Ericksen testified that 'a rezone'.to R-3 probably may require an Environmental' Impact. Statement. . i 5.' All existing .utilities are available and in. close proximity', except sanitary sewer which will be installed approximately December, 1978. A R-217-78 Page Four 6. A conceptual site plan was submitted (Exhibit #5) , but due to its nature was not reviewed by staff for conformance to the applicable zoning regulations. 7. Existing structures on the site are to be removed. 8. Access to the development will be at the northwest and southeast corners of the triangular site (Exhibit #5) . . 9. Per the attached memorandum of October 13, 1978, the Public Works. Department stated after closure of the public hearing that the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program of 1979 'to 1980 includes the' portion of Lake Washington Boulevard .abutting the site., ' However, the scheduled improvements depend upon funding. 10. The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map indicates the property to potentially be, Medium Density Multiple Family and Commercial (Section 4-3014. (B)) . . 11. Testimony was not provided relative.to previous land use analysis of the area Section 4-3014. (A) ) . 12. Testimony was not provided relative to significant improvements in the area since the previous land use analysis (Section 4-3014. (C) ) . 13. Land uses in the immediate area east of FAI-405 and north of N.E. 44th Street are single family (Exhibit #4) . The zoning in this same 'area is a mixture of commercial, multifamily and single family zoning (Exhibit #2) . Single family development is the only development witnessed in the aforementioned area in the recent past. 14. A stand of trees exists along Lake Washington Boulevard N.E. abutting the site. The southwest corner of the site, contains a depression-where, storm.water and/or surface water drainage 'accumulates (Exhibit #3) .. ' 15. Off-site improvements are required in conjunction with development of the. property according to staff. - CONCLUSIONS: 1. While the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map indicates the potential for the property to be reclassified to Medium Density Multifamily (R-3) , it appears that in this instance the issue of timing pertains. .The Comprehensive Plan is a "general guide" Section 1.II.1, Ordinance No. 2142) . Land use principles, such as timing of development, are appropriate for consideration (page 9, Summary, Comprehensive Plan, Renton Urban Area, July, 1965) . R-3 zoning would not constitute ". . .coordinated development.,. ." (Ibid) , ". . .orderly growth. . ." (page 17, Objective No. 1, Comprehensive Plan, Land Use Report, July, 1965) , ". . .effective control of land use. . ." (Ibid, Objective No. 4) , and ". . . promote the best interest of the community. .'." (page 18, Ibid, Objective No. 6) .' This zone would be too intense relative to the surrounding land use of single family at this time. Until the southerly commercial and multifamily zones are developed, a rezone to R-3 appears premature and in conflict with the Comprehensive' Plan (Section 4-3014. (B) ) . 2. It has not been demonstrated that: a. The proposed rezone was not specifically considered at the last area land use analysis and area zoning (S,ection 4-3014. (A) ) . b. The proposed rezone is appropriate according to the Comprehensive Plan goals and objectives (Section 4-3014. (B) ) , or c. Circumstances have significantly impacted the property since the last area land use analysis and area zoning (Section 4-3014. (C) ) . 3. From the record and testimony the Examiner is provided with insufficient evidence ' to substantiate a reclassification from the existing zoning of G-9600. It appears that any change in the zoning will depend' upon the type of development and when it is constructed in the immediate area., At present sufficient pressure, and circumstances to change the existing land use and'zoning has not been' shown tO be'present• 4. . FAI-405 is located close to the property, separated 'by Lake Washington Boulevard N.E. Noise from these .two roadways certainly impacts the property; however, the amount. . . of noise impact was not quantified relative to residential living., Single family uses exist on the property in the immediate vicinity and in the neighborhood. It was not adequately shown that single'family residential.,living,,:is.incompatible,with the.. adjacent_roedways. y R-217-78 Page Five DECISION: Based upon the record, testimony, findings and conclusions, it is the decision of the Examiner to deny the requested reclassification from G-9600 to R-3 or other zoning classification at this time. ORDERED THIS 19th day of October, 1978. 4044 L. Ri k Beeler Land Use Hearing Examiner TRANSMITTED THIS 19th day of October, 1978 by Affidavit of Mailing to the.' parties of ,record: Mr. Frank Lindell, 13240 Northup Way, Bellevue, WA 98005 May Creek Associates, P.O. Box 622, Kirkland, WA 98033 Mr. Jerry Slatter, 5032 Lk. Wash. Blvd. N.E. , Renton, WA 98055 Mrs. Susan Hudson,. 808 N. 33rd, Renton, WA 98055 Mrs. Gloria Minnick, 11215. S.E. 74th Street, Renton, WA 98055 Mrs. Miriam Mendez, P.O. Box 2373, Renton, WA 98055 Mrs. Laura L. Pratt, 11235 S.E. 76th, Renton, WA 98055 Mrs. Susan Rendahl, 7805-113th S.E. , Renton, WA 98055 Mrs. Gayle Baumgartner, 7425-114th, Renton, WA 98055 Mrs. Hazel Williams, 344 W. 400 S. , Provo, Utah 84601 Mrs: Bonnie Platz, 6317 126th Ave. S.E. , Renton, WA 98055 • Mrs. Clifford Hoof, 7420 Lk. Wash. Blvd. N.E., Renton, WA 98055 TRANSMITTED THIS 19th day of October, 1978 to the following: Mayor Charles J. Delaurenti Councilman Richard M. Stredicke Councilwoman Patricia Seymour-Thorpe Warren C. Gonnason, Public Works Director Gordon Y. Ericksen, Planning Department Ron Nelson, Building Division Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Pursuant to Title IV, Section 3015 of the City's Code, request for reconsideration must be filed in writing on or before November 2, 1978. Any aggrieved person feeling that the decision of the Examiner is based on erroneous procedure, errors of law-or fact, error in judgment, or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the prior hearing may make a written request for review by the Examiner within fourteen (14) days from the date of the Examiner's decision. This request shall set forth the specific errors ;relied upon by such appellant, and the Examiner may, after review of the record, take further action as he deems proper. An appeal to the City Council is governed by Title IV, Section 3016, which requires that such appeal be filed with the City Clerk accompanying a filing fee of $25.00 and meeting other specified requirements. Copies of this ordinance are available for inspection in the City Clerk's office, first floor of City Hall, or same may be purchased at cost in said office. RECEIVED CIS OF RENTON HEARING EXAMINER OCT 1 01978 PLANNING DEPARTMENT AM PM PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER 7i8r3il0illi1Zile21a4156 PUBLIC HEARING OCTOBER 10 , 1978 APPLICANT : MAY CREEK ASSOCIATES FILE NUMBER: R-217-78 EXHIBIT NO. f ITEM NO. 2 / 7- 71A. SUMMARY OF REQUEST : Applicant requests approval of a rezone from G-9600, Single Family Residence District to R-3 , Multiple Family Residential District. This is to permit development on the subject site of a proposed 47-unit condominium project. B. GENERAL INFORMATION: 1 . Owner of Record : Hazel M. Williams 2 . Applicant: May Creek Associates 3 . Location : On Lake Washington Blvd. N. E . adjacent to and north of S . E . 76th Street. 4. Legal Description : A detailed legal description is available on file in the Renton Planning Department. 5 . Size of property: 109 , 771 square feet or 2 . 52 acres 6. Access :Via S . E . 76th Street and Lake Washington Blvd N. E . 7 . Existing Zoning : G-9600 , Residential Single Family 8. Existing Zoning in the Area : G-6000 , Residence Single Family ; B-1 , Business Use ; R-4 , Residence Multiple Family; H-1 , Heavey Industrial 9 . Comprehensive Land Use Plan : Medium Density Multiple Family , Commercial 10 . Notification : The applicant was notified in writing of the hearing date. Notice was property published in the Record Chroncile and posted in three places on or near the site as required by City ordinance C . PURPOSE OF REQUEST: The purpose of the request is to provide zoning consistent with proposed multiple family housing. D . HISTORY/BACKGROUND : The subject site was annexed into the City by Ordinance #1823 dated April 21 , 1960. T r PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING ; MAY CREEK ASSOCIATES , FILE No. R-217-78 OCTOBER 10, 1978 PAGE TWO E. PHYSICAL BACKGROUND ; 1 . Topography: The site rises from west to east with slopes varying from 14% near the south property line to 9% in the middle portion and approximately 6% in the north . 2. Soils : Alderwood gravelly sandy loam, 6 to 15% slopes AgC ) . Permeability is moderately rapid in the surface layer and subsoil and very slow in the substratum. Runoff is slow to medium and the hazard of erosion is moderate. This soil is used for timber, pasture , berries , row crops and for urban development. Bellingham silt loam, less than2% slopes (Bh ) . Permeability is slow, runoff is slow, and the erosion hazard is slight. ' This soil is used mostly for pasture and a few areas are used for row crops . Kitsap siltloam, 8-15% slopes (KpC ) . Runoff is medium and the erosionhazardismoderatetosevere . This soil is used for timberandpasture. 3 . Vegetation : The site consists primarily of fairly dense lowgroundcoverintheformofscrubbushesandgrass . Stands of deciduous trees are also scattered throughout the site. 4 . Wildlife : Existing vegetation on the site provides suitablehabitatforbirdsandsmallmammals . 5. Water: No surface water is evidenced on the subject site. 6 . Land Use : The land use of the site consists of two existingsingle-family residences and an accessory building . To the north and east are scattered a few single-family dwellings .The property to the south remains largely undeveloped . FA1 405islocatedtothewestofthesubjectsitewithamixtureof residential and industrial uses to the west of the freeway. F. NEIGHBORHOOD CHARACTERISTICS : The area east of FA1 405 is largely undeveloped with the existingusescomposedprincipallyofsingle-family dwellings . To thewestofthefreewaythelandusesareamixtureofindustrial, commercial and some multiple family uses . G . PUBLIC SERVICES : 1 . Water and sewer : Existing 12" water mains extend along LakeWashingtonBlvd . N . E. and S . E . 76th Street. No sewer lines existintheimmediatevicinityofthesubjectsite. However , the JonesAvenuesewerproject (which will be located immediately south ofthesiteacrossS . E. 76th Street) will extend north-south and becomposedofa12" pipe to be completed in December 1978. 2. Fire Protection : Provided by the Renton Fire Department as perOrdinancerequirements . Future development of the site will be subject to the City of Renton standards . 3 . Transit: Metro Transit Route 240 operates along Lake WashingtonBlvd . N. E . adjacent to the subject site. 4. Schools : Kennydale Elementary School is located approximately11/4 miles southeast of the site and McKnight Junior High School is within 2 1/2 miles to the southeast while Hazen High School is approx-imately 4 miles to the southeast. PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING : MAY CREEK ASSOCIATES , FILE NO. R-217-78 OCTOBER 10, 1978 PAGE THREE 5 . Parks : Kennydale Lions Park is within 1 1 /4 miles to the southeast of the subject site and the North Highlands Park is approximately 2 1 /2 miles to the southeast while Lake Washington Beach Park is within 2 1/2 miles to the southwest. H. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF 'THE 'ZONING CODE : 1 . Section 4-706 ; R-1 , Residence Single Family 2 . Section 4-709A; R-3 , Residence Multiple Family I . APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OR OTHER OFFICIAL CITY DOCUMENT: 1 . Land Use Report; 1965, Residential , P . 11 , and objectives 4 and 6 , pp. 17-18. J . IMPACT ON THE NATURAL SYSTEMS : Rezoning of the subject site will not have a direct impact upon the existing natural systems . However , the proposed future development of the site will cause an increase in storm water runoff, traffic movement, noise levels , and disturb soil and vegetation . K. SOCIAL IMPACTS : Development of the subject site will provide increased opportunities for social interaction . L . ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT/THRESHOLD DETERMINATION: Pursuant to the City of Renton ' s Environmental Ordinance and the State Environmental Policy Act of 1971 , as amended , RCW 43-21C , a declaration of non-significance has been issued for the subject rezone only, based on further environmental review at time of site development ,reduction in site density, retention of significant natural features of site , provision of adequate buffers and site landscaping and screening , together with other developmental controls . M . ADDITIONAL INFORMATION : A vicinity map and a site map are attached . N. AGENCIES/DEPARTMENTS CONTACTED : 1 . City of Renton Building Division . 2 . City of Renton Engineering Division . 3 . City of Renton Traffic Division . 4 . City of Renton Utilities Division . 5 . City of Renton Fire Department. 0 . PLANNING DEPARTMENT ANALYSIS : 1 . The proposed rezone is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan map element which designates the site as medium density multiple family an'd commercial . 2. The proposal is generally consistent with existing zoning to the south ( i . e. B-1 zone , City of Renton Tract 185 ; also B-C , Community Business-King County, for Tract 182 and RM 1800 , High Density Multiple Family , King County for Tract 167 ) . Tract 168 located east of the site within King County is zoned RS-9600 or equivalent to the zoning of the subject site , and is presentlyusedassinglefamilyresidential . It appears that the propertynorthofN . E . 44th Street both within the City of Renton and KingCountyhasnotbeendevelopedtoitspotentialzoning . Therefore zoning of the subject site seems premature for the area considering PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING : MAY CREEK ASSOCIATES , FILE NO. R-217-78 OCTOBER 10 , 1978 PAGE FOUR the present surplus of high intensity zoning. This does not preclude the favorable rezone of the subject site in the future depending on the pattern of development of the existing multiple and commercial zoned land south of the site. 3. Although the proposal is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan , the existing land use in the vicinity is predominantly single family residential . Certain measures to protect these residential inhabitants should be provided as conditions of any rezone and subsequent site development . (Comprehensive Plan , Land Use Report , 1965 , Objective #1 , page 17 . ) Objective 4 also states that "property values should be protected within the community for the benefit of its residents and property owners , through effective control of land use and enforcement and application of building and -construction codes . " Objective 6 also encourages "the development and utilization of land to its highest and best use in such a way as to promote the best interest of the community and contribute to its overall attractiveness and desirability as a place in which to work , shop , live and play. " 4. The subject site is located across and north of S . E . 76th Street. Because of the lack of development south of the site and the existing single family uses east and north , rezone to R-3 may be considered an environmental intrusion into the area at this time . However , R-2 with special development consideration may be reasonable especially when considering the close proximity of the site to FA1 405 . 5 . The site contains a considerable number of significant trees along the Lake Washington Blvd . N . E . frontage and for the length of the eastern boundary line . These should be retained as much as possible as part of site development. The negative declaration of environmental impact has been issued subject to the item as a mitigating measure of development impacts . The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Report , 1965 , Page 11 , states that residential development may be successfully planned to take good advantage of the amenities which such location often provide . Natural features such as rock outcroppings , streams , stands of native trees , and views often available from these locations should be used to greatest advantage. " , 6. The R-3 standards would permit a gross density of 75 units on the subject site. Given the existing land uses and the topo- graphic and other site characteristics a more compatible density would be single family residential SR-1 (7500 square feet minimum or possibly R-2 , 11 dwelling units per acre. ) 7. Points 1 -5 demonstrate a need for conditions which insure protection of the nearby single family uses and enhance the existing character of the site . These conditions may include density limitations , preservation of particular trees : and vegetation , provisions for setbacks and landscape buffers suitable to protect adjacent properties and provisions for detailed site development and landscape plans . 8. The applicant has submitted a conceptual site development plan . This plan is quite sketchy and will necessitate considerable refinement to provide compatibility with existing site conditions , adjacent land uses and recommended development conditions . Such plans are usually not considered necessary as part of the rezone application and review process . The staff recommendation therefore, has not specifically addressed said plan . However, specific site development review should be required as part of any rezone approved for the site . PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING : MAY CREEK ASSOCIATES , FILE NO. R-217-78 OCTOBER 10 , 1978 PAGE FIVE 9. Suitable access is available to the subject site. However, subsequent development of the property will require some utility extensions (Jones Avenue sewer) and/or upgrading of existing facilities . (See Utilities Engineering report for comment. ) 10. See also the Fire Department and Engineering Division comments concerning Fire Code , access , storm drainage , and utility requirements as part of specific site development. P. PLANNING DEPARTMENT RECOMMENDATION: Because of the existing conditions and large amount of undeveloped high intensity zoned land available in the area identified in items E through 0 of this report, rezone to SR- 1 is recommended . However, R-2. zoning subject to development by special use permit may be a reasonable alternative based on the above analysis subject to the following conditions to be established as restrictive convenants which combined will serve to mitigate environmental impacts of the property and fulfill objectives of the Comprehensive Plan as addressed in items 1 -6 including : 1 . Site development approval by special permit. Specific site development plans including site plan , landscape plan , building elevation design , utilities plan , and parking and circulation shall be reviewed and approved by the Hearing Examiner. e I t = it t\ A- tt \ k. 1: 1 \\S-- PI F 72wiir 1 4r i, v IGL ui_ 15j 1 lOb I!T I'!O 0 i, i •..-`il• -9 00 - z '/ f -4/ //,);/, ,„, ,,,,,, i 6rw L sT---ij i 4 IBS lez I If.7 `s"•'>-I T6L 2! 14e I35 uz 6 LS, 1l1,:C-_s J B(9 ZB L9 j/1/0 t I 9 f ebb Ib9 150 149 . ' :5 h'"-'e4 ,e! e i !• 6 Afl, t I /\.(tAi 1,(..rz _ .1 2 :::, 2 I 2 Q Z I T ,Z ' e Li a w I 5 // - .0 9 I 1 10 I 9 .0 I APPLICANT MAY CREEK ASSOCIATES TOTAL AREA 2 . 52 acres PRINCIPAL ACCESS Via S . E . 76th Street and Lake Washington Blvd . N . E . EXISTING ZONING G-9600 , Residence Single Family ; B-1 , Business Use 1' EXISTING USE One single family dwelling , remainder undeveloped . PROPOSED USE Multiple Family Housing COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN Medium Density Multiple Family, Commercial i COMMENTS l i 1 I 8L-L1 C-b/ 'OA'9*Qz.9 sa1v1,0$5v N&3Y hil w Yll s 173.C905 00r „/ 37b' $ Csow- -- - - i I b IIIIII1 1 . r.:; I-, tZI\).'' a , Aa zsI 1 sa! s L91 s 1441 1 1• 4S--i.t9L -9S RE£z o 9 9.1 a ti I s1 S91 x obi, y src C c. 0 J k ramw WNW ww040.*s4.. t' A .. M3jIW17 1 I,, bzos- N. s12:7 a 1,, ........ i .,... Lt% II pS I 1 ir zq Srz30oeOit veoS 7 v o 44 o\."-- MS0/1Q1J0r \.. ell Soil 1 0 vs f i t1 1 ROUTING SCHEDULE FOR APPLICATION TO : O Finance Department Fire Department Library Department OPark Department Police Department Publi Works Department Building Div. 0 Engineering Div. (Please verify legal description ) g Traffic Engineering Div . 0 Utilities Engineering Div. FROM: Planning Department, (signed by responsible official or his designee) 1 I i7 0 ei,5 DATE : 4/1e/1/5 PLEASE REVIEW THIS APPLICATION FOR: V.. REZONE r'' LI1--16 MAJOR PLAT SITE APPROVAL SHORT PLAT SPECIAL PERMIT WAIVER SHORELINE MANAGEMENT PERMIT OR EXEMPTION AND RETURN TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT n d WITH ANY COMMENTS YOU, MIGHT HAVE , BEFORE TJ REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : Department : f)( CET—Approved fJ Not Approved Comments or conditions : 25---A)72-...--p. ir Signature -Director or Authorized Representative Date REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : Department : —/—/ En Approved Not Approved Comments or conditions : CCZ-SS S Qc-r i dy Fi4'- C71i'7=_ Gr " L /i2: IrGOG /f 42uI/45-0 /cJ /27 G7_ F/,q`_ gV/32 L7S f(3 Signature of Director or Authori ed Representative Date REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : Department : 7;2 G l z _p1 ti r. Ae'llier= oved Not Approved Signature of Director or Authorize Representative 'Date REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : tpartment: en-e'ir,de'r°•io- e7 Approved 7LJ Not App1Foved Comments : Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : Department : Eamehlicoved El Not Approved Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : Department : El Approved Ca Not Approved Comments : Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : Desartment : 777-4?4‹: J"? RA Approved . E=3Not Approved om ents 'or conditions : 14 . 1)6? Signature of Director or Authorized Representative / Date REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : Department : ci-t.9 /eee-/...t 23 Approved 101:3 Not Appi.oved Comments or conditions : e:1• 4 s-1-6) . ) 4 d v_, cl p da d"„J-r.. I I CArt C z) RA 12 le'c s 6 -c-ivc-y .74) tj Ctr) fieje"2) • Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : Department : UT) (- 1Z3 Approved 1=1 Not Approved Comments or conditions : T 0,3 co" l /I-weg Gi -n) 31),,,-;...s 1 L.AAT t-H lr °;) 0°S..% Cu t"hr C.r10:•: rftcy.,,r,A 2)- Signature ofof Director or Authorized Representative Date REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : Department : Approved 1=I Not Approved Comments or conditions : Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date ROUTING FOR REVIEW OF ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORMS TO: 0 Finance Department Fire Department Library Department Park Department Police Department e Public Works Department Building Div. I. Engineering Div. e Traffic Engineering Div. 4 Utilities Engineering Div. FROM: Planning Department , (signed by responsible official or his designee) a , Duly e; SUBJECT : Review of ECF- li2*--lb ; Application No . : e0//7.- 75 Action Name :NY CemK. vrtOM /Al/v tz, Please review the attached. Review requested by (date) : 167"g'"Z5 Note : Responses to be written in ink. REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : Department : ZC1/ G El Approved Q Not Approved Comments : 9/9".2 I/h C Cfl--."- ---- .....- ---;-s--" c2,..e....qi— c.,-..., cr-__ All-ex.,.__7=:).2--;Z)) Signature o aeector or Authorized Representative Date REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : Department : C FV Ap roved Not ApprovedComment: ec4f sS fS ('Ecuree/J /SY fitec Cam'1,(i6 v/77-- Eh es . %Go&i ,2 u/4-crJ c-- h /7,//O, ,(- lS , 4'ci/, o SignatuFDirector or Autho ized Representative Date J -Iasn a.,av ems:+a::a i'YZ'.r,:. V.i 1101 III,, I `• - I , 1' . ' --'• vir i' -`iii . . ! '. 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Business Use EXISTING USE ' One • single family dwelling",' remainder undeveloped. , PROPOSED USE Multiple Family Housing COMPREHENSIVE, LAND, USE' PLAN Medium Density Nul,.tip1• ,Family• Commercial COMMENTS - ct: p 4,t 4 '. o ,.1, ,,;,. . - 1 i.6 t.i 1; '41;:.'4,.',.-, :. .. 't i? k se. to A.am me...•.••77 0. w .nm.••• II• UP aili ilie Min•One Nor 0 wig. III la IS. a n. • Iii U i . u OS I i I 1 ae 166 01••••• 14a- • 1igib Solst. , •1 sessaN1 766:y - csibir, t,,,,,%.;I II 049far . sow , 4 4 II itwom> 01 . ..Nil C84°0 e.: 7610a1.4f 11 k i ail 4%4 %• I C LI 1 I % A, ' ft. e• • - 0 479 \ As ine. . 0 k. ft4 IN. 1 • • y• k• deci..... lig, v ' els 17t • dt. I hb. I 81•••• . OWIlb In IOW li, ,, II I 1 IP I 0 I 1 'i9i •••••••• 14 f sa,VC ram lio•••••••••••• lel 1 iips 4111\.. 16„. i 11‘ s i,e- 71,01-61% II I NC I 1$l Ossea e•ow NO..eiwifil W as••••••mf NOP S . 13 teI I 1 L e........ a WW17 W all. IIIWINIIIIIIMP if .• sc44.1- i. -200• 08.1Scir sinE'. SIM aeilt ASSoclares • AO. A 211.-7111 ' ' • MEMORANDUM DATE: October 13, 1978 TO: Rick Beeler FROM:Clint Morgan SUBJECT: Construction Schedule Lake Washington Blvd. North - North Park Dr. to NE 51st St. As per your request, please be advised that the above-referenced portion of Lake Washington Blvd. North is listed on the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program of 1979 to 1984. The schedule for construction is estimated between the 4th and 6th years. The type of proposed construction includes drainage, paving, curb, side- walk, illumination and channelization. There is no definite assurance that the project will be initiated. It all depends on the availability of funds. Should you need additional information, please. let .me know. CEM:ad RECEIVED CITY OF RENTON HEARING EXAMINER bCT131978 AM PM 718,9,10111M12,1.2,3,4,5,6 6 AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING State of Washington) County of King Marilyn J. Petersen being first duly sworn, upon oath disposes and states: That on the 19th day of October 1978 , affiant deposited .in the mails of the United States a sealed envelope containing a decision or recommendation with postage prepaid, addressed to the parties of record ' in the below-entitled application or petition. Subscribed and sworn this \qt- day of OCA-p j e..r 19 X I) Au44/ Notary Public in and for the, State of Washington, residing at Renton Application, Petition or Case : May Creek Associates, R-217-78 The. minutes c.cnta4.n a tiis-t oti the pa/a-La o6 necond) MEMO R. A N D U M DATE: October 13, 1978 TO: Rick Beeler FROM: Clint Morgan SUBJECT: Construction Schedule Lake ,Washington Blvd. North - North Park Dr. to NE 51st St. As per your request, please_ be advised that the above-referenced portion of Lake Washington Blvd. North is listed on the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program of 1979 to 1984. The schedule for construction is estimated between the 4th and 6th years. The type of proposed construction includes drainage, paving, curb, side- walk, illumination and channelization. There is no definite assurance that the project will be initiated. It all depends on the availability of funds. Should you need additional information, please let me know. CEM:ad RECEIVED CITY OF RENTON HEARING EXAMINER OCT 131978 AM PM 718t9t10,1111211t2t.`3'a4t.5t6 tv.,..11.;q••.',•..1•.."...1,:','.;,•••,•.:',•,'"••••...•',,'••'.•.• . i.... '• ' ••; • ', ...:. 2.-.•:',...,',•,'...f:•.,.".••'.;:•.,,c,......,:.•,•:...• •• :••••,...-:•.;••••,..,,•.--•..•••••••i•.• , , : • , • y,• ..,'••••••••••:;.......; ,..2.•:,••••i,•.•••••:,',....:.. 2. . 3411,,';.•.,••••.•:;... .1x.'-• .'.**,,1.',-:,.,":••••••;!.....1.:..,•,-.:,....!...:,:,, L. .••,..!•,..,,...;.,-•..„,..,.,,,,• •.• •.. , ,. ,. , • , •,,,, .! 1.2...••'.:,;...:.•••••••••-:••••1%,''• •• •-',.;1:kt, •*'•ii:V. 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LIVENGOOD POST OFFICE BOX L GRANT J. SILVERNALE, JR.1313 MARKET STREET PHILIP L. CARTER KIRKLAND,WASHINGTON 98033 12061 822-9281 ROBERT P.TJOSSEM JOHN HALLOCK 10031 MAIN STREET SCOTT W. WYATT BOTHELL, WASHINGTON 98011 206)486-2707 GERALD L. BOPP REPLY TO KIRKLAND 1 1 JAMES S. FITZGERALD REPLY TO BOTHELL I 1 R. PAUL TJOSSEM OF COUNSEL November 2, 1978 RECEIVED CITY OF RENTON HEARING EXAMINER N O V 21978 AM PM L. Rick Beeler 718r911011111211121314,5,6 Land Use Hearing Examiner City of Renton Municipal Building Renton, WA 98055 Re: Request for Reconsideration of Denial of Rezone Application of May Creek Associates Dear Mr. Beeler: By this letter, May Creek Associates hereby formally requests reconsideration of the decision rendered October 19, 1978, which denied reclassification of the May Creek property. Pursuant to Title IV, Section 3015 of the Renton City Code, we respectfully submit that the decision of the Examiner was based on errors of law, fact and in judgment as set forth below. 1. The Subject Reclassification was not Specifically Considered at the Time of the Last Area Land Use Analysis and Area Zoning The subject site was annexed into the City on April 21, 1960. At that time, it was zoned by the county as G-9600. When the City annexed the property, it did not change the zoning classification. In fact, the zoning designation has not changed since the property was annexed. The City has never specifically considered the propriety of the zoning classification until this application was made. In 1965, Renton adopted a comprehensive plan. At the time of adoption of the plan, no request had been made to rezone the subject property. Thus, there was no specific consideration of reclassification of the property at that time. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER RENTON, WASHINGTON A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER AT HIS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, RENTON , WASHINGTON, ON OCTOBER 10 19 78 , AT 9 :00 A. M. TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING PETITIONS: 1 . MAY CREEK ASSOCIATES , File R-217-78 , REZONE FROM G-9600 TO R-3 ; property located on Lake Washington Blvd . N . E . between S . E . 76th and Lake Washington Blvd . N . E . Legal descrip- tion on file in the Renton Planning Department . ALL INTERESTED PERSONS TO SAID PETITIONS ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PUBLIC HEARING ON OCTOBER 10 , 1978 AT 9 :00 A.M. TO EXPRESS THEIR OPINIONS . GORDON Y. ERICKSEN PUBLISHED September 29 , 1978 RENTON PLANNING DIRECTOR CERTIFICATION I ,.,_ . ' a,. .. STFVF MUNSON HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE COPIES ' OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENT WERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW. ATTEST: Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public , on the 27th day of September , 19_78 SIGNED ; 74 4 pF R- } 0 THE CITY OF RENTON z NA N , 8 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 011 CHARLES J. DELAURENTI, MAYOR • PLANNING DEPARTMENT 0 235-2550re Tf0 SEPI": 3 September 26, 1978 May Creek Associates P . 0. Box 622 Kirkland , Washington 98033 RE : NOTICE OF APPLICATION ACCEPTANCE AND PUBLIC HEARING DATE FOR APPLICATION FOR REZONE FROM G-9600 TO R-3 ; property located on Lake Washington Blvd . N . E. between S . E . 76th and Lake Washington BlvJ. N . E. , File No . R-217-78 Dear Sirs : The Renton Planning Department formally accepted the above mentioned application on September 19 , 1978 . A publichearingbeforetheCityofRentonHearingExaminerhasbeen set for October 10 , 1978 at 9 : 00 a . m. . Representatives of the applicant are asked to be present .All interested .persons are invited to attend the hearing .If you have any further questions , please call the Renton Planning Department , 235-2550 . Very truly yours , Gordon Y . Ericksen Planning \irectorD'` h B y f a i('` 1 avid-R. k Clemens Associate Planner cc : Frank R. Lindell 13240 Northup Way - Suite 6 Bellevue , WA 98005 Hazel M. Williams 4904 Lake Wash. Blvd . N . E . Renton , WA 98055 2- 1. Location of proposal (describe the physical setting of the proposal , as well as the extent of the land area affected by any environmental impacts, including any other information needed to give an accurate understanding of the environ- mental setting of the proposal ) : Wing shanedLbuilding set into hill around egist4,ug—primatioPant knoll will maximize views from individual units while minimizing impact on adjacent properties. Building located on site to maximize utilization of land and provide attractive structure to passing motorists. 8. Estimated date for completion of the proposal : June 1980 9. List of all permits, licenses or government approvals required for the proposal federal , state and local --including rezones) : City of Renton Building Permit and Grading Permit 10. Do you have any plans for future additions , expansion, or further activity related to or connected with this proposal? If yes, explain: No 11. Do you know of any plans by others which may affect the property covered by your proposal? If yes, explain: No 12. Attach any other application form that has been completed regarding the pro- posal ; if none has been completed, but is expected to be filed at some future date, describe the nature of such application form: II. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS Explanations of all "yes" and "maybe" answers are required) 1) Earth. Will the proposal result in: a) Unstable earth conditions or in changes in geologic substructures? X YET— MAYBE NO b) Disruptions, displacements, compaction or over- covering of the soil?X YES MAYBE NO c) Change in topography or ground surface relief features? Y g FrATI d) The destruction, covering or modification of any unique geologic or physical features? X Yam— MAYBE TO— e) Any increase in wind or water erosion of soils, either on or off the site? X YES MAYBE NO f) Changes in deposition or erosion of beach sands , or changes in siltation, deposition or erosion which may modify the channel of a river or stream or the bed of the ocean or any bay, inlet or lake?X YES MAYBE 0- Explanation: Intend to reduce high spot and fill in swamp area in lower corner of property. Reduction of height will reduce obstruction created by construction of buildings. Filling in of small swamp area site. fJ CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON 0 ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORM Pfi 1/1\h +®\ 2978 FOR OFFICE' USE ONLY r/ Application No. 211- /1 bEpt\ max= Environmental Checklist No. - Er,F-3 2.-757 PROPOSED, date: FINAL, date: Declaration of Significance Declaration of Significance 0 Declaration of Non-Significance O Declaration of Non-Significance COMMENTS: Introduction The State Environmental Policy Act of 1971, Chapter 43.21C, RCW, requires all state and local governmental agencies to consider environmental values both for their own actions and when licensing private proposals. The Act also requires that an EIS be prepared for all major actions significantly affecting the quality of the environment. The purpose of this checklist is to help the agencies involved determine whether or not a proposal is such a major action. Please answer the following questions as completely as you can with the information presently available to you. Where explanations of your answers are required, or where you believe an explanation would be helpful to government decision makers, include your explanation in the space provided, or use additional pages if necessary. You should include references to any reports or studies of which you are aware and which are rele- vant to the answers you provide. Complete answers to these questions now will help all agencies involved with your proposal to undertake the required environmental, review with- out unnecessary delay. The following questions apply to your total proposal , not just to the license for which you are currently applying or the proposal for which approval is sought. Your answers should include the impacts which will be caused, by your proposal when it is completed, even though completion may not occur until sometime in the future,. This will allow all of the agencies which will be involved to complete their environmental review now, with- out duplicating paperwork in the future. NOTE: This is a standard form being used by all state and local agencies in the State of Washington for various types of proposals . Many of the questions may not apply to your proposal . If a question does not apply, just answer it "no" and continue on to the next question. ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORM I . BACKGROUND 1. Name of Proponent MAY CREEK ASSOCIATES 2. Address and phone number of Proponent: P.O. Box 622 Kirkland, Washington 98033 3. Date Checklist submitted September 6, 1978 4. Agency requiring Checklist City of Renton 5. Name of proposal , if applicable: May Creek Condominiums 6. Nature and brief description of the proposal (including but not limited to its size, general design elements, and other factors that will give an accurate understanding of its scope and nature) : A 47 unit concrete and masonry building consisting of two levels of flats and one level of townhouses in each of two wings. Structure to be stepped into hill side and completed in two phases. Project will include sitework, amenities and landscaping. Units will-be in the range of 100 square feet to 1700 square feet each. Amenities will include: club room, sauna, swimming pool. Two parking spaces will be provided on site for each unit. 4- 5) Fauna. Will the proposal result in: a) Changes in the diversity of species , or numbers of any species of fauna (birds, land animals including reptiles, fish and shellfish, benthic organisms , insects or microfauna)? X V! MAYBE NO b) Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered species of fauna? X YES MBE NO c) Introduction of new species of fauna into an area , or result in a barrier to the migration or movement X of fauna? VET— MAYBE NO d) Deterioration to existing fish or wildlife habitat? X YES MAYBE NO Explanation: 6) Noise. Will the proposal increase existing noise levels? X YES MAYBE NO Explanation: Additional vehicular traffic due to increase in number of residents in the area 7) Light and Glare. Will the proposal produce new light or glare? X YES MAYBE WU— Explanation: Some attractive lighting will be added near the vicinity of the stiucture to illuminate parking lots and the building per a 8) Land Use. Will the proposal result in the alteration of the present or planned land use of an area?X YET— WEE NO Explanation: 9) Natural Resources. Will the proposal result in: a) Increase in the rate of use of any natural resources? X YES MAYBE NO b) Depletion of any nonrenewable natural resource? X YES M YBE NO Explanation: 10) Risk of Upset. Does the proposal involve a risk of an explosion or the release of hazardous substances (including, but not limited to, oil , pesticides , chemicals or radiation) Xintheeventofanaccidentorupsetconditions? YES MAYBE PTU— Explanation: 11) Population. Will the proposal alter the location, distri- bution, density, or growth rate of the human population X of an area? YES MAYBE NU— Explanation:Addition of condimium units will alter the number of residents in the immediate area 3- 2) Air. Will the proposal result in: a) Air emissions or deterioration of ambient air quality? X YES MAYBE NO b) The creation of objectionable odors? X TM MAYBE U. c) Alteration of air movement, moisture or temperature, X or any change in climate, either locally or regionally? VET— MAYBE Explanation: 3) Water. Will the proposal result in: a) Changes in currents, or the course of direction of X water movements, in either marine or fresh waters? Y MAYBE NU b) Changes in absorption rates , drainage patterns, or the rate and amount of surface water runoff? X YET— X c) Alterations to the course or flow of flood waters? YES MAYBE No d) Change in the amount of surface water in any water X body? YES MAYBE NO e) Discharge into surface waters, or in any alteration surface water quality, including but not limited to X temperature, dissolved oxygen or turbidity? YES MAYBE Wil— f) Alteration of the direction or rate of flow of ground waters? X t — MAYBE NO g) Change in the quantity of ground waters, either through direct additions or withdrawals, or through X interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations? YES MAYBE NO h) Deterioration in ground water quality, either through direct injection, or through the seepage of leachate, phosphates, detergents, waterborne virus or bacteria, X or other substances into the ground waters? ES MAYBE AU i ) ' Reduction in the amount of water otherwise available X for public water supplies?VET— MAYBE AOl Explanation: Portions of the site will be covered by buildings, or paved, The resultant impervious areas will be drained, retained, .and discharged consistant with present rates and amounts in accordance with City of Renton requirements. 4) Flora. Will the proposal result in: a) Change in the diversity of species, or numbers of any species of flora (including trees, shrubs, grass, crops, X microflora and aquatic plants)? Y•EY— MAYBE Af b) Reduction of the numbers of any, unique, rare or X endangered species of flora? TEE— Mir wu— c) Introduction of new species of flora into an area, or in a barrier to the normal replenishment of existing X species? Y MAYBE F(- d) Reduction in acreage of any agricultural crop? X V MAYBE W15— • Explanation: 6- d) Sewer or septic tanks? X YES MAYBE NO e) Storm water drainage? X YES MAYBE NU— f) Solid waste and disposal? X YES MAYBE NO Explanation: Additional sewer and water lines have already been authorized for installation in the area. Other utilities may require addition in order to handle the increased number of residents. 17) Human Health. Will the proposal result in the creation of any health hazard or potential health hazard (excluding mental health)? YES MAYBE Nx Explanation: 18) Aesthetics. Will the proposal result in the obstruction of any scenic vista or view open to the public, or will the proposal result in the creation of an aesthetically offensive site open to public view? X YES MAYBENO Explanation: 19) Recreation. Will the proposal result in an impact upon the quality or quantity of existing recreational opportunities? X YES MAYBE NU— Explanation:Increasing the number of residents in an area will r place an additional burden upon the recreational facilities. 20) Archeological/Historical . Will the proposal result in an alteration of a significant archeological or historical site, structure, object or building? X E- MAYBE NO Explanation: III. SIGNATURE I , the undersigned, state that to the best of my knowledge the above information is true and complete. It is understood that the lead agency may withdraw any decla- ration of non-significance that it might issue in reliance upon this checklist should there be any willful misrepresentation or willful lack of full disclosure on my part. Proponen . signe FRANK R. LINDELL name printed) City of Renton Planning Department 5-76 5- r 12) Housing. Will the proposal affect existing housing, or create• a demand for additional housing? X YES MAYBE NO Explanation: 13) Transportation/Circulation. Will the proposal result in: a) Generation of additional vehicular movement? X YES MAYBE .NO b) Effects on existing parking facilities, or demand for „new parking? X YES M YBE NO c) Impact/ upon exi•sti.ng transportation systems? X YE MAYBE NO— d) Alterations to present patterns of circulation 'or X movement of people and/or goods? YEE- MATTE NO e) Alterations to waterborne, rail or air traffic? • X YES MAYBE NO f) Increase in traffic hazards to motor vehicles , X bicyclists or pedestrians? YET- MAYBE NO Explanation: Addition of approximately 66 residences will increase the vehicular movement when people occupy the units. As a result there will likely be an increase in .traffic hazards 14) Public Services. Will the proposal have an effect upon; or result in a need for new or altered governmental services in any of the following areas : a) Fire protection? X YES MAYBE N b) Police protection? X YES MAYBE NO c) Schools? X YES MAYBE ' NO d) Parks or other recreational facilities?X YES MAYBE NO e) Maintenance of public facilities , including roads? YES MAYBE NO f) Other governmental services? YES MARE NO Explanation: Addition of 66 living units will cause a need to maintain , roads and other public facilities 15) Energy. Will the proposal result in: a) Use of substantial amounts of fuel or energy? X YES MAYBE NO b) D'emand upon existing' 'sources of energy, or require the development of "new sources of energy? X YET- MAYBE ITS Explanation: 16) Utilities. Will the proposal result in a need for new systems, or alterations to the following utilities: a) Power or natural gas? X YES MMY-BE NO b) Communications systems? YES MAYBE NO c) Water? X YES MAYBE NO AFFIDAVIT J ti, gl'v r ` fa" h'z ! c Williams-being duly sworn, declare" that I am the owner of the property involved in this application and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Subscribed and sworn before me this day of aa, 102, Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing a L4 Name f Notary Public Sigture of Owner) f-5.-tSLLIA iigey /ake Wash. tIvoia• ( Ad res ) Address)ss) er,9-a-n Wash . City) State) 2.26 -- i 73/ Telephone) FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) CERTIFICATION This is to certify that the foregoing application has been inspected by me and has been found to be thorough and complete in every particular and to conform to the rules and regulations of the Renton Planning Department governing the filing of such application . Date Received 19 By: Renton Planning Dept . 2-73 6CITYOFRENTON 2\i 1 ;. ` u _ FOR OFFICE USE ONLY 0,REZONE APPLICATION CEP n LAND USE HEARING 1 T8 APPLICATION NO. r -... yZ7"7 J' EXAMINER 'S ACTION ' 1 1'. APPLICATION FEE $ 4 ;170 APPEAL FILED i„ A\ti/ RECEIPT NO.6.41.33 - C9-i9-71)Re CITY COUNCIL ACTION UEPA FILING DATE giffflt! 7g ORDINANCE NO. AND DATE HEARING DATE APPLICANT TO COMPLETE ITEMS 1 THROUGH 10 : 1 . Name /°"/r S(2/ / Phone cCO 1 Address p }} 7! (' r a z.z + 44-,I z 110-.1,A boi . 9"go33 3. Property petitioned for rezoning is located on 1-Gr C RA/rS 1111UJ-'t 3%/ M between , '/_ ;c i.4 14.5andJa /61 )rr%sls/i'43 1,7ii B..ff/J /j, .5- 4 . Square footage or acreage of property /09 7 7/ 2 ..51).4. 1&ve9,. t<4.--,,v2Z. 5 . Legal description of property (if more space is required, attach aIseparatesheet) ,e M_ Sec 4 c TTU"V Z4- F g O J iv(24;2 g leof"(_t? I/1/7 S 4 iOf / 1 i, 617/Pawl 0i0-4 i0.,!/.7 ___-_-____-7 I Existing Zoning gGOO -/}e Sje 424 Zoning Requested 1' I vJOTETOAPPLICANT: The following factors are considered in reclassifying property. Evidence or additional information to substantiate your request, may be attached to this sheet. (See Application Procedure Sheet for specific requirements . ) Submit this form I in duplicate. Proposed use of site nn i 7r) fP t,%/ e J/i,{_,..0 ilT7 4 a/r/. Zrf5G % 1.54.j `F'/4, ,/p,1J //,. 'r a 71/G% ' 4`kr 1 -isi OM List the measures to be taken to reduce impact on the surrounding area. I' 1 a 1i/ 47 .cif/r, 7 eiej'X°S /}..5 /i?SS//3,/G f''• (3/ 1 1 % l//`f,1 1 )3(' C/1,r/r )P P4.s. 'g/ 3 5/) 1_, '.14`/1)/ -/‹ i/-I I/ .1:v'2 2`' d'g'f lY '//%.., t I A/i /4ct.. Uc/v1/t/ i /! 1 I . How soon after the rezone is granted do you intend to develop the site? 14 ?i ii 3?ke _1,,6,, -2,0 t'.4-y- o itit7. ..P.Pie-i/ • 0 L'/-_S l7':'i 7/ 51:::54,i/-71-/-o/iii/5, .-,-, A4, L. ,1,...Ly 0/ I i‘://_,.7-pi-7 4 72 Two copies of plot plan and affidavit of ownership are required. I Planning Dept. 1-77 L. Rick Beeler Page 2 November 2, 1978 2. The Proposed Rezone is Appropriate According to the Goals and Policies of the Comprehensive Plan The 1965 comprehensive plan designated the subject property as appropriate for medium density multi-family residential use, represented by the symbol R-3. The definition of this classification per the comprehensive plan is "an area intended for medium density/medium rise residential uses such as apartments and.townhouses. " The 1965 designation of this property as R-3 has continued through 1978. The Examiner recognized in Finding Number 10 that the comprehensive plan indicates the property to potentially be medium density multi-family and commercial. In Finding Number 2, the Examiner incorporates by reference the preliminary report by the Planning Department. The Planning Department in that report states clearly at 0.1. that the proposed rezone is consistent with the comprehensive plan map element which designates the site as medium density multiple family and commercial. The comprehensive plan, as revised August, 1976, makes the statement that "the land use element of the comprehensive plan is an official public document adopted by the City Council as a policy guide to decisions regarding the physical development of the community. It indicates in a general way what the people of the community consider as desirable future land use development." In Chrobuck v. Snohomish County, 78 Wn.2d 858, at page 72, the court made the following statement: Zoning merely for the benefit of one or a few, or for the disadvantage to some and with no substantial relationship to the public health, safety, general welfare or morals, in conflict with either the comprehensive zoning plan or ordinance is arbitrary and capricious and unlawful. Emphasis supplied. ) In State ex rel Standard Mining v. Auburn, 82 Wn.2d 32, at 330 (1973) the court stated that ". . . it is, however, the plain import of the statute, taken as a whole, that a city which adopts such a plan (comprehensive plan) should be guided by it in its zoning regulations until it is amended in the manner prescribed by statute or appeal." (Emphasis supplied The applicant respectfully submits that, in view of the importance attached to comprehensive plans by the State Supreme Court and the legislature, the recognized consistency of the proposed use to the L. Rick Beeler Page 3 November 2, 1978 designated comprehensive plan use should be a strong factor in reaching a favorable decision on this application. It is an error in law and judgnent by the Examiner to not give more weight to the comprehensive plan in his decision. The efficacy of the proposed use of the subject property was demonstrated as far back as the 1965 comprehensive plan. In the policy statement report, adopted by Ordinance No. 2204, the statement is made several new concepts such as the condominium (inherited from the ancient Romans) planned unit developments, cluster subdivisions, and townhouses on the green, are now in experimental stages in the Puget Sound area, and are expected to gain in importance and public acceptance." 1965 Land Use Report, at page 15. In medium and high density residential use districts, the proximity to major employment centers, shopping districts, financial districts, and the office centers is important, as is convenient access to major arterials and highwa s." (Emphasis supplied. ) Since the May Creek interchange of FAI is immediately adjacent to the subject property, a medium density zoning is entirely appropriate and consistent with this segment of the Comprehensive Land Use Report. Furthermore, to the south and southwest there is significant commercial and industrial use providing employment to the area residents, as will be more fully discussed below. Thus, the proposed use of the subject property appears even more apropos. 3. Significant Circumstances and Changes Have Impacted the Property Since the last Land Use Analysis and Area Zoning As stated above, when this property was annexed by the City of Renton, it retained its original county zoning of G-9600. Several parcels in the immediate vicinity, when annexed, also came in with a G classification._ In 1969, parcels 184 and 193 were reclassified from G- 9600 to B-1 by Ordinance No. 2487. In 1970, parcel 185 was reclassified from G-9600 to B-1. Those parcels are..to the immediate south of the subject property. Across the freeway, in 1966, the strip of land where the Misty Cove Apartments now sits was rezoned from G-6000 to R-4. The property immediately south of the Misty Cove Apartments was apparently annexed at its present zoning of H-1, or heavy industrial. It is evident that these zoning changes that have taken place in the past are entirely consistent with the comprehensive plan. They also indicate the changing nature of the area. L. Rick Beeler Page 4 November 2, 1978 A physical inspection of the subject property and its immediate vicinity provides ample evidence that the development' of the area indicates sufficient pressure and circumstances to change the existing land use and zoning. Examiner finding number indicates that all existing utilities are available and in close proximity, except sanitary sewer, which will be installed approximately December, 1978. Installation of sanitary sewer facilities is considered a significant change to property for purposes of a rezone.. Also, Washington Natural Gas was installing a gas main on Southeast 76th, the southern border road of the subject property. Both of these changes will have an impact on how the property is used in the future. Even more important, Lake Washington Boulevard is currently scheduled under the 6-year transportation improvement program of 1979 to 1984 to be improved. Improvements include drainage; paving, curb, sidewalk, illumination and channelization. This is a significant change which should help to eliminate any potential traffic problems caused by any increase of residents in the area. On property immediately to the northeast of the subject property, there is a dozing, excavating and dump truck hauling business currently being operated. This property is zoned G-9600. A conversation with the owner of that property indicated that there was no substantial opposition to the proposed reclassification of the subject property by neighbors in the immediate vicinity. South of Northeast 44th Street, a large steel building is presently being erected. Across the freeway, immediately west_ of the subject property, is a large log processing operation. To the north of those commercial operations, there is a large apartment building. Standing on the subject property at most hours of the day indicate substantial freeway noise from FAI 405. It is submitted that the proposed use of the subject property would be entirely beneficial to those currently residing in the few existing single family residences to the east and northeast. A condominium project would provide an excellent transitional barrier to the commercial uses presently on property to the south and west. It would provide a buffer of noise to the residents, have minimal environmental impact, and be vastly more esthetically pleasing than any possible commercial use. The topography indicates steep hills, so there is virtually no chance that any views of the residences on the hillside would be affected. L. Rick Beeler Page 5 November 2, 1978 It is interesting to note that Mayor Avery Garrett and the City of Renton proposed on April 30, 1970, that the property immediately to the west where log processing operations are currently occurring, would be an excellent location for a convention center, hotel, motel and marina complex. See Renton's Community Profile and Proposed Projects, April, 1970, Project P-9. While the present status of this project is unknown by the applicant, it is evident that this attitude towards development in the area would be highly favorable to the proposed use of the subject property. On October 21, 1968, by Ordinance No. 2439, the comprehensive plan for the North' Kennydale lakefront vicinity', to the west of the subject property, was amended from medium:density multiple family use to heavy industrial use. In April, 1977, by Ordinance No. 3126, the Renton City Council amended the comprehensive plan for the area abutting Ripley Lane located north of the Misty. Cove Apartments and' extending to the northerly city limits. The comprehensive plan was changed from a medium density 'multi-family-designation to a low density multi-family designation for the apartment property and a portion' just,'north of the apartment property, and the balance was changed to single family residential. In a December 3, 1976, memorandum from the Land Use Committee to the Planning Commission, the Committee' stated "A buffer or transitional use between the apartment and the single family development that is' proposed seemed in order." The above changes provide additional significant support for the applicant's proposed reclassification. There has been a decrease in R-3 'property in the vicinity, but an increase in commercial and industrial use. Designation of the subject property to R-3 would provide a buffer or transitional use zone between the commercial and industrial use and the single family residents to the east and northeast. A significant change that has occurred in the county in the last few years is a serious shortage of affordable housing. Developments such as the May Creek Condominiums have the effect of alleviating the housing shortage in an effective and attractive manner. It is evident from the above facts and analysis that there should not be any significant issueof timing in this proposed rezone. Signi- ficant changes have occurred all-around the property, and continue to occur. The proposed use is consistent with the comprehensive plan, and would provide an' excellent'baffer or transition zone from the commercial and industrial developments to the south and west. It is highly unlikely that single family residences of any quality would be built on the subject property; considering the 'development' of the immediate vicinity over'the past years. The noise level can' be very disturbing L. Rick Beeler Page 6 November 2, 1978 at times. However, condominium units have been built in similar locations, and shown to be largely successful, even when single family residences would not be. The single family residences in the area for the most part are set back further from the freeway, or have a buffer of trees so as to reduce the impact of the noise and industrial property uses. The subject property does not have this advantage. A condominium development would be entirely appropriate on this type of parcel at this time. The design, landscaping and amenities of a condominium development will all serve to enhance the property values in the area rather than detract. These same features can and will be designed so as to reduce the weight that might be given by the Hearing Examiner to objections made by some of the surrounding neighbors. It is important to note that while an R-3 designation would allow a gross density of 75 units on the subject site, the plan is only to construct a maximum of 50 such units. It is also important to note that the May Creek rezone application was approved by every single other City department. It is respectfully submitted that the proposed use of the property would meet the following community goals and objectives: 1. Prevent blight by protecting residential and other exclusive districts from the unwarranted infiltration of in- compatible uses which would contribute to premature decay and obsolescence, and prevent the development of orderly growth patterns. 2. Increase community livability by improving environmental factors which are closely related to the residential districts in other community areas. 3. Protect property values within the community for the benefit of its residents and property owners., through the effec- tive control of land use and the enforcement and application of building and construction codes. 4. Promote the development of a viable, progressive com- munity which provides ample opportunity for citizen participation in a broad spectrum of economic opportunities, social achievements, educational attainments., physical development, and political activites. L. Rick Beeler Page 7 November 2, 1978 5. Encourage the development and utilization of land to its highest and best use in such a way as to promote the best interest of the community and contribute to its overall attractiveness and desirability as a place in which to 'work, shop; live and play. See Objectives 1 through 6, Land Use Report, pages 17 and 18 (1965). As demonstrated above, requiring the applicants to wait for rezones of the immediately adjacent property would be unreasonable, arbitrary, and capricious, particularly when considering the rapidly escalating costs of construction. The proposed use of the property is beneficial to the community. For all of the above reasons, applicants respectfully request that upon reconsideration of this application, the Hearing Examiner grant the request for reclassification of the subject property. Very truly yours, L giGOOD, SILVERNALE, CA'I nr & TJOSSEM c - *.e-eligOZ, FitzgeraldPhilipL. rter & James S. Fitz g Attorneys for Applicants PLC:JSF: :seg RECEIVED CITY O EXAMINERHEARADDENDUM AM DEG 51978 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 7,8i9,PO,pI,` L^ (" P d PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER RECONSIDERATION PUBLIC HEARING NOVEMBER 28 , 1978 APPLICANT : MAY CREEK ASSOCIATES E FILE NUMBER : R-217-78 ITEM NO. A. SUMMARY OF REQUEST : May Creek Associates has requested reconsideration of the Hearing Examiner ' s action to deny a requested rezone from G 9600 to R-3 Multiple Family. B . GENERAL INFORMATION : 1 . Owner of Record : Hazel M. Williams 2 . Applicant :May Creek Associates 3 . Location : On Lake Washington Blvd N . E . adjacent to and north of S . E. 76th Street . 4. Legal Dscription : A detailed legal description is available on file in the Renton Planning Department . 5 . Size of Property: 109 , 771 square feet or 2 . 52 acres . 6 . Access : Via S . E . 76th Street and Lake Washington Blvd . N . E . 7 . Existing Zoning : G-9600 , Residential Single Family 8 . Existing Zoning in the Area : G-6000 , Residence Single Family ; B- 1 , Business Use ; R-4 , Residence Multiple Family ; H- 1 , Heavy Industrial 9 . Comprehensive Land Use Plan : Medium Density Multiple Family , Commercial 10 . Notification : The applicant was notified in writing of the hearing date . Notice was properly published in the Record Chroncile and posted i three placed on or near the site as required by city ordinance . C . PURPOSE : The purpose of the request is to reconsider the Hearing Examiner ' s action of denial of this rezone R-217-78 following a public hearing on the matter on October 10 , 1978 . D. HISTORY : The subject site was annexed into the City by Ordinance #1823 dated April 21 , 1960 . The G-9600 zoning was carried from the same classification in King County . A public hearing was held on R-217-78 to rezone the subject site to R-3 . On October 19 , 1978 , the Hearing Examiner issued his Report and Recommendation of Denial of R-217-78. On November 2 , 1978 , attorneys for the ADDENDUM, PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER RECONSIDERATION PUBLIC HEARING : MAY CREEK ASSOCIATES , FILE NO : R-217-78 NOVEMBER 28 , 1978 PAGE TWO applicant filed a request for reconsideration including documentation to be considered . On November 7 , 1978 , the Examiner determined to hold a public hearing to reconsider this application R-217-78 on November 28 , 1978. E . ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT/THRESHOLD DETERMINATION : On October 6 , 1978, a declaration of non-significance was issued for this project with the following stipulation : This declaration is based on further environmental review at the time of site development , reduction in site density , retention of significant natural features of the site , provision of adequate buffers and site landscaping and screening , together with other developmental controls . " (emphasis added ) The subject declaration of non-significance was predicated upon the staff recommendation that the rezoning be to SR-1 or R-2 with conditions to mitigate environmental impacts of the property, and fulfill objectives of the Comprehensive Plan (Staff Report , page 5 , Section P ) . This consideration was noted in the Examiner' s Report (Findings . paragraph 3) which states , in part, that a rezone to R-3 would probably require an Environmental Impact Statement . Further consideration of the Environmental Checklist and review Of facts contained in the applicant ' s request for reconsideration has led this department to determine that an EIS will undoubtedly be required if a rezoning to R-3 is recommended by the Examiner. This determination is based upon , but not necessarily limited to : 1 . Growth inducing impacts of a use of this intensity in an area developed only sparsely with scattered single family homes . 2 . Potential adverse traffic impacts in the area in light of the lack of full street improvements for Lake Washington Blvd . in the subject area , and none are expected for between 4 and 6 years ( Examiner ' s Report , Findings , paragraph 9 ) and dependent upon available funding . Further, no plans are proposed for improvement of other streets providing access to community facilities such as schools . 3 . Adverse land use impacts of a use of this intensity introduced into this sparsely developed area . 4 . Noise impacts of FA1 -405 and Lake Washington Blvd . along with the necessary mitigation . F. PLANNING DEPARTMENT ANALYSIS : 1 . In the applicant ' s request for reconsideration , considerable emphasis was given to the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map identifying the subject site as potentially suitable for multiple family. It should be noted that , first, the Comprehensive Plan is a "generalized" document, and further , that the Plan consists of both a map document and goals , policies and objectives contained elsewhere which must be given equal weight in the consideration of any specific rezoning application . 2 . The original Planning Department analysis demonstrated a need for conditions to be applied to this rezoning to insure protection of nearby single family uses and was not contested ADDENDUM , PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER RECONSIDERATION PUBLIC HEARING : MAY CREEK ASSOCIATES , FILE NO . R-217-78 NOVEMBER 28 , 1978 PAGE THREE in the original public hearing. .The applicant ' s request for reconsideration fails to address these concerns . 3. On page 3 , paragraph 3 of the applicant ' s request for reconsideration , the applicant places considerable emphasis upon access from the site to FAI-405 . The Com- prehensive Plan Statement : " In medium and high density residential use district , the proximity to major employ- ment centers , shopping district , financial districts , . and the office centers is important , as is convenient access to major arterials and highways , " this statement places equal emphasis to five criteria . Shopping dis- tricts , financial districts , and office centers clearly are not in evidence in the vicinity , but are in fact located a minimum of two to four air miles to the south . 4. In the applicant ' s analysis of "significant circumstances and change" , a number of rezonings , and comprehensive plan changes are identified. Further, a comment from Mayor Avery Garrett indicating proposed uses of the Barbee Mill area for intensive commercial activity is identified . Even with these items in evidence, only minimal development has occurred in the actual area of the subject site, and all such physical development has been in the form of single family homes . 5 . The appliiant concludes that the proposed R-3 development meets the following objectives of the Comprehensive Plan : 1 ) Prevent blight by protecting residential and other exclusive districts from the unwarranted infiltration of incompatible uses which would contribute to premature decay and obsolescence , a.nd prevent the development of orderly growth patterns . 2 ) Increase community livability by improving environmental factors which are closely related to the residential districts in other community areas . 3) Protect property values within the community for the benefit of its residents and property owners , through the effective control of land use and the enforcement and application of building and construction codes . 4 ) Promote the development of viable , progressive community which provides ample opportunity for citizen participation in a broad spectrum of economic opportunities , social achievements , educational attainments , physical development , and political activities . 5 ) Encourage the development and utilization of land to its highest and best use in such a way as to promote the best interest of the community and contribute to its overall attractiveness and desirability as a place in which to work , shop , live and play . The Planning Department in its analysis finds : a ) That the proposed use ( R-3 Multiple Family ) introduced at this time into an undeveloped and scattered single family neighborhood constitutes in itself an " incompatible use , " adversely impacting orderly growth . PLANNING DEPARTMENT , ADDENDUM PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER RECONSIDERATION PUBLIC HEARING ; MAY CREEK ASSOCIATES , FILE NO : R-217-78 NOVEMBER 28 , 1978 PAGE FOUR b) Such an intrusion without_ specific develop-- ment controls would clearly have a signifi - cant adverse effect upon the environment and neighborhood . c ) An adverse environmental impact upon the neighborhood is expected to adversely affect property values , and deter the neighborhood from achieving the physical and social amenities envisioned by the Comprehensive Plan . These conclusions are drawn from the overall potential development impact allowable on the subject site (75± dwelling units ) . The applicant desires to introduce a less intensive use , at this time . The proposed site development is now, however , an issue of this rezoning hearing and the applicant is not bound to any development plan by approval of the requested rezoning . Thus any discussion must address the most intensive land use condition . 6. At least two previous rezoning applications at other locations but under similar circumstances evaluated in a similar fashion to number three above . Both of the following applications were for the introduction of intensive uses in lightly developed neighborhoods . The following are excerpts (typed in italics ) from R-050-77 and R-114-77 : R-050-77 : G (SINGLE FAMILY ) TO R-3 (MULTIPLE FAMILY ) ; NORTH SIDE OF N . E . 4TH , 800 FEET EAST OF UNION AVENUE The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map indicates some justification for the change of land use, but the Map is ' a general design for future growth' and the policies must be applied (p. 2, Comprehensive Plan) . According to the Comprehensive Plan , page 9, the City is to utilize land use principles to promote the coordinated development of undevel- oped areas . ' The neighborhood of the subject property is essentially rural in character and not developed to the density allowed by zoning. Several parcels remain undeveloped, some of which have been previously rezoned to R-3 . These characteristics indicate that the principle of timing, a fundamental of land use planning, must be applied to this rezone application . The existence of two parcels of already zoned R-3 property which have yet to be developed pro- vides a strong indication that the timing of the subject application is premature and that multi- family development is not yet feasible/marketable for the immediate neighborhood. As witnessed by existing development , it appears that higher density single family is somewhat premature as well . However, given possible changes in the development picture at some future time, the timing of development of the property may become more favorable . In terms of the Objectives of the Land Use Report, Objective number 1 requires protection of residential PLANNING DEPARTMENT , APDENDUM PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER RECONSIDERATION PUBLIC HEARING : MAY CREEK ASSOCIATES , FILE N . R-217-78 NOVEMBER 28 , 1978 PAGE FIVE districts from incompatible uses . It seems that the proposed medium density multifamily would require buffering adjacent to the existing low density single family. Objective number 4 specifies protection of property values. The proposed R-3 zoning category will raise the property value of the subject parcels , but may not so favorably impact the values of adja- cent parcels. A scaling down of land use intensity of other adequate buffering techniques would be needed. Objective number 6 requires development of land to its ° highest and best use. " In this case , R-3 is probably the highest intensity of land use accept- able in this area. However, R-3 appears to be less than the best use owning to existing development, the timing of the proposal , and the need for a scaling down of land use intensity . Therefore, while the application specifically con- forms to the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and generally conforms to the Comprehensive Plan poli- cies which would seem to require scaling down of the proposal for buffering purposes, the proposal is premature in terms of timing for the existing neighborhood. As the area continues to develop, including access and utilities, it is very probable that the timing will become more favorable for a reclassification to multi-family at least along a portion abutting N.E. 4th Street. RECOMMENDATION: Based upon the record, findings and conclusions, it is recommended that the rezone application be denied. " The Examiner ' s records indicate no appeal was requested , and the Examiner ' s action was final . R- 114-77 : G (SINGLE FAMILY ) TO R-2 ( LOW DENSITY MULTIPLE FAMILY ) , NORTHWEST CORNER OF SUNSET BOULEVARD WEST AND 81ST AVENUE SOUTH 5. Two considerations of the Comprehensive Plan would 'indicate that the proposed rezone which con- stitutes an island within a single family area should receive the area zoning and land use analysis . The change in land use should be an ' . . . orderly and well planned use of the land within and adjacent to the City. ' (Page 1 , Comprehensive Plan , Renton Urban Area, July, 1965) . The proposal should represent ° . . . coordinated development of unde- veloped area . ' (Ibid, Page 9. ) It is difficult to find that the proposal meets these two guidelines of the Comprehensive Plan . 6. A reclassification to R-1 would meet the density guideline of six units per acre (ibid, page 5) and be more compatible with the existing residential neighborhood. (Objective No. 1 , Comprehensive Plan, Land Use Report, July, 1965, Page 17) . R-2 would be less protection of the property values within the community , but would be of disproportionate benefit PLANNING DEPARTMENT , ADDENDUM PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER RECONSIDERATION PUBLIC HEARING : MAY CREEK ASSOCIATES , FILE NO . R-217-78 NOVEMBER 28 , 1978 PAGE SIX solely to the applicant (Ibid, page 17, Objective No. 4) . On the other hand, R-1 would be' preserving and continuing the residential community. The rezone to R-2 represents a "higher" use of the property than currently allowed under G zoning; however, it was not shown that this would be in the best interest of or contributary to the community Ibid, page 18, Objective No. 6) . Clearly, the interest of the individual property owner/applicant has been demonstrated, but the best interests of the community in general would seem to be served by a reclassification to R-1 . RECOMMENDATION: Based upon the record, testimony, findings and con clusions, it is the recommendation of the Examiner that the City Council approve a reclassification of the subject property from G to R-1 . Such reclassi- fication would be in the best interests of the com- munity and public health, safety and welfare and in the most conformance with the Comprehensive Plan . " The Examiner ' s record indicates that no appeal was filed , and the City Council adopted the recommended zoning . G . PLANNING DEPARTMENT RECOMMENDATION : Based upon the foregoing analysis , the Planning Department recommends , as it did at the initial hearing , a rezoning to SR- 1 , Suburban Residence , or R-2 , Low Density Multiple Family subject to conditions to be established as restric- tive covenants which will serve to mitigate environmental impacts of the property and fulfill the objectives of the Comprehensive Plan : 1 . Site development approval by special permit. 2 . Specific site development plans including site plan , landscaping plan , building elevation design , utilities plan . 3 . Parking , circulation , and access shall be reviewed and approved by the Hearing Examiner. The applicant ' s letter requesting reconsideration is attached . R' 1' y EN®LIVDOD. aILVERNALE. CARTER A TJOi11EM c THE CITY OF F$ENTON ATTORNEYS AT LAW P' Z MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE SO. RENTON.WASH.98055 GO•GOM A Ur[r 0000 e.6ca` 1 CHARLES J DELAURENTI,MAYOR ® LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER c• ,• a' •"'r°•"^ IO66 Cr r,•6r•66••a•, L. RICK BEELER, 235-2593 O.' 1O°°a• r•rr 6 COTT r..TATT r age,•ba1o ••G,r SE PS n6•A.,o 4. •oor A0.1p 6 Trtt,. TO a.•al•ro.r November 7, 1978 o66cr i6 Of ce.rc.. Mr. Philip L. Carter Attorney at Law 0 O. Box L November 2, 1978 RECEIVED rkland, WA 98033 CITY OF RENTON HEARING EXAMINER RE: File No. R-217-78; May Creek Associates Request for Rezone. NOV 2 1978 AM PM Dear Mr. Carter: Rick Beeler d1$19110.1111111121314w16 Land Use Hearing Examiner Pursuant to your request for reconsideration, dated November 2, 1978, City of Renton I am reopening the public hearing on this application in order to take Municipal Building additional testimony. The information you supplied should be made a Renton, WA 98055 part of the record, and the opportunity allowed for comment and/or rebuttal by staff and/or other interested parties. Re: Request for Reconsideration of Denial of Rezone Application of May Creek Associates The public hearing will reconvene at 9:00 a.m. on November 28, 1978 in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building. Dear Mr. Beeler: Respec" ul,_, By this letter, May Creek Associates hereby formally requests reconsideration of the decision rendered October 19, 1978, which denied 1 reclassification of the May Creek property. IN: --r ", Pursuant to Title IV, Section 3015 of the Renton City Code, we L. Rick Beeler respectfully submit that the decision of the Examiner was based on Hearing Examiner errors of law, fact and in jud gment as set forth below. cc: May Creek Associates 1. The Subject Reclassification was not avid Clemens, Associate Planner Specifically Considered at the Time of the Last Area Parties of Record Land Use Analysis and Area ZonirXpt The subject site was annexed into the City on April 21, 1960. At f that time, it was zoned by the county as 0-9600. When the City annexed t.:the property, it-did not change the zoning classification. In fact, IIJ v 2 . the zoning designation has not changed since the property was annexed. The City has never specifically considered the propriety of the zoningjiclassificationuntilthisapplicationwasmade. r In 1965, Renton adopted a comprehensive plan. At the time of adoption of the plan, no request had been made to rezone the subject r: ^=-j°'F, roperty. Thus, there was no specific consideration of reclassification f the property at that time. L.ru=f. Beeler Rick heeler Fade _ Page 3 ov=-:er 2, 197E Sovember 2, 1978 2. e Proposed Rezone is Appropriate designated comprehensive plan use should be a strong factor in reaching a favorable decision on this application. It is an error in law andAccordingtotheGoalsandPolicies Judgment by the Examiner to not give more weight to the comprehensivecftheComprehensivePlan plan in his decision. The 1965 comprehensive plan designated the subject property as The efficacy of the proposed use of the subject property wasappropriateformediumdensitymulti-family residential use, represented demonstrated as far back as the'1965 comprehensive plan. In the policyeethesymbolR-3. The definition.of this classification per the statement report, adopted by Ordinance No. 2204, the statement is mademprehensiveplanis "an area intended for medium density/medium rise several new concepts such as the condominium (inherited from thesidentialusessuchasapartmentsandtownhouses. The 1965 designation ancient Romans) planned unit developments, cluster subdivisions, andofthispropertyasR-3 has continued through 1978. The Examiner townhouses on the green, are now in experimental stages in the PugetrecognizedinFindingNumber10.that the comprehensive plan indicates Sound area,.and are expected togain inthepropertytopotentiallybemediumdensitymulti-family and commercial. importance and public acceptance." In Finding1965 Land Use Report, at page 15.Number 2, the Examiner incorporates by reference the preliminaryreportbythePlanningDepartment. .The Planning Department in that In medium and high density residential use districts, the proximityreportstatesclearlyat0.1. that the proposed rezone is consistent to major e to shopping districts, financial districts,with the comprehensive plan map element which des employment centers,agnates the site as and the office centers is important, as is convenient access to majorradiumdensitymultiplefamilyandcommercial, arterials and hi s." (&.phasis supplied.) Since the May Creek The comprehensive plan, as revised August, 1976, makes the statement interchange of F is immediately adjacent to the subject property, a medium densityf zoning is entirely appropriate and consistent withthat "the land use element of the comprehensive plan is an official this segment of the Comprehensive Land Use Report. Furthermore, topublicdocumentadoptedbythe.City Council as a policy guide to decisions the south and southwest there is significant commercial and industrialregardingthe_physical development of the community. It indicates in a use providingemploymentgeneralwaywhatthepeopleofthecommunityconsiderasdesirableyment to the area residents, as will be more fully future land use development." discussed below. Thus, the proposed use of the subject property appears even more apropos. In Chrobuck v. Snohomish County, 78 Wn.2d 858, at page 72, 3. Significant Circumstances and Changesthecourtmadethefollowingstatement: Have Impacted the Property Since the last Land Zoning merely for the benefit of one or a Use Analysis and Area Zoning few, or for the disadvantage to some and with no As stated above, when this property was annexed by the City ofsubstantialrelationshiptothepublichealth, Renton, it retained its original county zoning of-G-9600. Severalsafety, general welfare or morals, in conflict parcels in the immediate vicinity, when annexed, also came in with a Gwitheitherthecomprehensivezoningplanor classification. In 1969, parcels 184 and 193 were reclassified from G-ordinance is arbitrary and capricious and unlawful. 9600 to B-1 by Ordinance No. 2487. In 1970, parcel 185 was reclassifiedemphasissupplied.) from G-9600 to B-1. Those parcels are to the immediate south of the Ln State ex rel Standard Mining v. Auburn, 82 Wn.2d 2 at subject property.3 330 (1973)the court stated•th—a.t . . it is, however, the plain import of the Across the freeway, in 1966, the strip of land where the Mistystatute, taken as a whole, that a city which adopts such a plan (comprehensive Cove Apartments now sits was rezoned from G-6000 to R-4. The propertyplan) should be guided by it in its zoning regulations until it is immediately south of the Misty Cove Apartments was apparently annexedamendedinthemannerprescribedbystatuteorappeal."—emphasis at its present zoning of H-1, or heavy industrial.supplied The applicant respectfully submits that, in view of the importance It is evident that these zoning changes that have taken place in attached to comprehensive Plans-by the State Supreme Court and the als pi are entirelyt ginginatur withf the comprehensive plan. They legislature, the recognized consistenc of thealso indicate the changing nature of the area.gal- y proposed use to the r r'+, L. - Beeler FickBeeler Pace Page ove:l . _, ly;: November 2, 1975 It is interesting to note that Mayor Avery Garrett and the City ofAphysicalinspectionoftheaubje:t prop•rty and its ins diate Renton proposed on April 30, 1970, that the property immediately to thevicinityprovidesampleevidencethatthedee'c :rent of the area west where logprocessingindicatessufficientpressureand •:its ;stars.. to change the existinglocation for operations are currently occurring, would belanduseandficianexcellentforaconventioncenter, hotel, motel and marinazoning. Examiner finding number :: indicates that all complex. See Renton's Camunity Profile and Proposed Projects, April,existing utilities arm available and in close proximity, except sanitarysewer, which will be Installed approximately December, 1978. Installation 7t, Project Pt While the present status of this project is unknownnr sanitary sewer facilities'is considered a significant change to by theh applicant, aw ite is evidenty thatb this attitude towards development operty for purposes of a rezone. Also, Washingtonin the area would be highly favorable to the proposed use of the stalling a s Hair on Southeast 76th, the southern border road ofsubject property. the subject property. Roth of the.ie changes will have an impact on how On October 21, 1968, by Ordinance No. 2439 the' comprehensive planthepropertyisusedinthefuture.' for the North Kennydale lakefront vicinity, to the westt ooff the subject Even more important, Lake Washington Boulevard is currently property, was amended from medium density multiple family use to heavyscheduled• E under the 6-yearns, k Washington improvement i 1979industrial use. In April, 1977, by Ordinance No. 3126, the Renton Cityprogramof Council amended the comprehensive plan for the area abutting Ripleytc1984tobeimproved. Improvements include drainage, paving, curb, Lane located north of the Misty Cove Apartments and extending to thesidewalk, illumination and channelization. This is a significant northerly city limits. The comprehensive plan was changed from achangewhichshouldhelptoeliminateartypotentialtrafficproblems medium density multi-family designation to a low densityrtulti-familycausedbyanyincreaseofresidentsinthearea. designation for the apartmentpropertyand a portion Just north of the On property immediately to.the northeast of the subject property, apartment property, and the balance was changed to single family there is a dozing, excavating and truck hauling business currently residential. In a December 3, 1976, memorandum from the Land Use beingo erated. This Committee to the Planning Commission, the Committee stated "A buffer orFpropertyiszoned0-9600. A conversation with transitional use between the apartment and the single family developmenttheownerofthatpropertyindicatedthattherewasnosubstantialthatisproposedseemedinorder." The above changes provide additionaloppositiontotheproposedreclassificationofthesubjectpropertybysignificantsupportfortheapplicant's proposed reclassification.neighbors in the immediate vicinity. There has been a decrease in R-3 property in the vicinity, but an South of Northeast 44th Street, a large steel buildingis increase in commercial and industrial use. Designation of the subject oeinC outhtof Across the freeway, is large sy el bolt subject property to R-3 would provide a buffer or transitional use zone between property, is a large log processing operation. TO the north of those the ea andindustrial use and the single family residents to commercial operations, thel is a large apartment building. Standing the easterst and north east. on the subject property at east hours of the day indicate substantial A significant ct nge that has occurredewaynoisefromFAI405. few years is a serious shortage of affordablenhousing. Developthecountyin ments last It is submitted that the proposed use of the subject such as the May Creek Condominiums have the effect of alleviating thewouldbeentirelybeneficialtothosecurrentlyjpropertyhousingshortageinaneffectiveandattractivemanner.residing in the few existing single family residences tc, the east and northeast. A condominium It is evident from the above facts and analysis that there shouldprojectwouldprovideanexcellenttransitionalbarriertothecommercial_ not be any significant issue ofusespresentlyonpropertytothesoutnandwest. It would provide a timing in this proposedproperty, and cont. eitobufferofnoisetotheresidents, have minimal environmental impact, fccurt changes have occurred all around the ompr plan, continue to and be vastly more esthetically pleasing than any possible commercial occur. l The proposeduse is consistentr withn the comprehensive mme and se. The topography indicates steep hills, so there is virtually no would provide an excellent buffer or transition zone from the commercial r:r,r'e that any views of tie residences on the hillside would be and Industrial developments to the south and west. It is highlyeffected. unlikely that single family residences of any quality would be built on the subject property, considering the development of the Immediate vicinity over the past years. The noise level can be very disturbing Rick Reeler L. Rick Beeler Page 6 Page 7 November 2, 1978 November 2, 1978 at times. However, condominium units have been built in similar 5. Encourage the development.and utilization of land to its locations, and shown to be largely succesful, even when single family highest and best use in such a way as to promote the best interest residences would not be. The single family residences in the area for of the community and contribute to its.overall attractiveness and the most part are set back further from the freeway, or have a buffer desirability as a place in which to work, shop, live and play.of trees so as to reduce the impact of the noise and industrial property uses. The subject property does not have this advantage. A condominium See Objectives 1 through 6, Land Use Report, pages 17 and 18 (1965).Aevelopment would be entirely appropriate on this type.of parcel at ais time. The design, landscaping and amenities of a.condardnium As demonstrated above, requiring the applicants to wait for rezonesaveloprentwillallservetoenhancethepropertyvaluesinthearea of the immediately adjacent property would be unreasonable, arbitrary,rather than detract. These same'features can and will be designed so and capricious, as to reduce the weight that might be given by the Hearing Examiner to s particularly. The wheno consideringt the rapidly ssbeneficicostsofconstruction. proposed use of the property is beneficialobjectionsmadebysomeofthesurroundingneighbors. to the community. It is important to note that while an R-3 designation would allow For all of the above reasons, applicants respectfully request that a gross density of 75 units on the subject site, the plan is only to upon reconsideration of this application, the Hearing Examiner grantconstructamaximumof50.such units. the request for reclassification of the subject property. It is also important to note that the May Creek rezone application Very truly yours, was approved by every single other City department. SILItisrespectfullysubmittedthattheproposeduseoftheproperty ID, C"+i n" & TJ0SS 4 cNALE, SSEM would meet the following community goals and objectives: 1. Prevent blight by protecting residential and other exclusive districts from the unwarranted infiltration of in- Philip L. ter & James S. Fitzgerald compatible uses which would contribute to premature decay and Attorneys for Applicants obsolescence, and prevent the development of orderly growth patterns. 2. Increase community livability by improving environmental PLC:JSF::seg factors which are closely related to the residential districts in other conrunity areas. 3. Protect property values within the community for the benefit of its residents and property owners, through the effec tive control of lard use and the enforcement and application of building and construction codes. 4. Promote the development of a viable, progressive com- munity which provides ample opportunity for citizen participation in a broad spectrum of economic opportunities, social achievements, educational attainments, physical development, and political activites. November 18, 1978 L. Rick Beeler RECEIVED Land Use Hearing Examiner City of Renton . CITY OF RENTON Municipal Building HEARING EXAMINER Renton, Washington 98055 N O V 2 71978 AM PM RE: Rezone Application of May Creek Associates 7e8r9,10o11,12,1,2,3,4,5,6 Dear Mr. Beeler: The undersigned parties to this letter are residence and property owners in the immediate neighborhood surrounding the parcel of land shown on the enclosed exhibit. We, for the most part, were present at the original hearing and made what we feel were very significant and important points as to our objection to the proposed rezone of this parcel. The decision by yourself as Hearing Examiner to deny the rezone was entirely proper and correct, and we ask that this decision stand. To summarize some of the objections as to the rezoning of the parcel are: A school system that is at full capacity, with no plans or financing available for immediate future expansion, a totally inadequate road system, in particular the steep hill known as S.E. 76th, which by the county's own admission is impossible to keep in good repair due to the unstable soil conditions and natural springs on the hillside. Related to this is an already overburdening traffic condition that has produced a serious accident potential on the very narrow existing roadways of which a further intensification would be intolerable. Lastly, the condition on the soil surrounding the entire hillside is one of extreme unstableness and landslide potential. Due to numerous springs, any disturbance of the soil to the magnitude of a development the size of the one proposed would seriously impair the property of those above. These soil and water table conditions can be verified through the local King County Health Department and Soil Conservation Service. As further proof, a most superficial examination of the property in question along with the property immediately across S.E. 76th street to the south, will show an abundance of spring and run-off activity even in the driest months. In closing, we respectfully request that these points be given the utmost consideration and that the rezone denial stand. We are single family property owners who have invested heavily in homes for our families in the immediate neighborhood. Thank you for your consideration. RECEIVED Sincerely, CITY OF RENTON HEARING EXAMINER DEC 51978 AM PM The Undersigned 7,8,9,10,11,12,1,2,3,4,5,t Neighborhood Property Owners Attachment: Signature Pages EXHIBIT NO. 7 ITEM NO. _7 7A/ PROPERTY OWNER'S Nit ADDRESS ZO cLiL,C' c., /7046-C4k i-O t _5- 7 7/Jf- //`? r(4 F s',e". 7 7. ioc3/, i°/2 sE 76±k S. a/As 114- 1- L_ r1(0+it 4-i, 4, G= c ZVa-20 / 0/6 SO_ i ati,,r A f, 7614 77, 4,/eys-,s4---- J A„,),todt,:b J 3 2 3 is 72 — PROPERTY OWNER'S N 0 ADDRESS n 7-) / 7VVI,4 7 ,r';'"7/ 11-.L.cz,40,(-•.., 114 V 75z2.1- //x: z-4 -5E-• 7.- VL ,-.• \,--/, i I 2. L y s-E 765-' (SY-- i x, 0 g -c--- -. - X 27, 3-(t- 5, --, 7C 7t7t t,"...oe ,f9 - 1 1.2_0 s-E. 7 r-. A. . 7‘- 64- i L 14. 4 451. 0 lIE! I i ti; A I 1 11005 l -_ 61X 1.\, s I S/O/ c p 5032 I i 6.5; 7 t woos oa a9 b. l i a S I, JJ 5031 e Cf. . e zoz 111 arc" ``% ‹/ •41 4-45029 S •? i i 69 CITV l It 1 4. s libill LIMITtyframpsomarirOrocoauloramoIDMDor .. ior f f t' 4 , k„ k 7 c1f . Av 0 iei k\ 4. i x y' .Y90- f it,i 191\ il t, 1.1 1. „rx fi j I r337' 5E ?440-St 4 i I 2 1 I ku t3,- 4, I 0116 tt ell'h L .. i mi.ir Mira ' C/k E if=2 00' u SUBTEcT s ITE SO Ylll4 CREEK /tSSDCMTE5 IQEzo4/6-No. /q-2!7-78 OF RA, y ;•- - • o THE CITY OF RENTON 0. Z' MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE.SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 n c' S CHARLES J. DELAURENTI, MAYOR • PLANNING DEPARTMENT 9, Q3• 235- 2550 0, 9q'6'D SEPS - P November 28 , 1978 CITE OFREC 1VE® HEARING EXAryflryJE® MEMORANDUM AM 0re 51978 IO,1 a I2 pp ccp Ap Pm 9 A 8 le t`41.+.IYrTO: Larry Warren, City Attorney A FROM:Gordon Y. Ericksen, Planning Director By: David R. Clemens, Associate Planner RE: THRESHOLD DETERMINATION; REZONING Per our discussions of Monday, November 27 , we are requesting further clarification of the legal issues and/or the require- ment for a threshold determination on a rezoning. The subject request involves rezone application #R-217-78 for May Creek Associates which is under reconsideration by the Hearing Examiner at this time. Due to the concern- over the legal issues and E. I.S. requirements, the reconsidertaion public hearing was continued from November 28 to December 5. An early response to the following items would be appreciated: 1) Does a rezoning as an "action" . (WAC 197-10-040 (2) (c) (ii) require a threshold determination (WAC 197-10-100 (3) ) ? 2) Assuming a threshold determination is required, does not the rezoning as "The beginning of the pro- cess" constitute the time when an E. I.S. , if required, should be completed (WAC-197-10-055) ? 3) You have indicated that case law may exist clarifying these issues. Could you elaborate on those caes and their implications? Does the final detemination of an E. I. S. rest with the responsible official?. As this matter is under review at public hearings, your prompt consideration .would be appreciated.. GYE:DRC:ms RECEIVE® cc: Rick Beeler, Hearing Examiner0 c' of: 47- 0, HEARINGNER EXHIBIT NO. AM N°v2 ITEM 8r9,10,)di12pTc4 I .1 EM NO, i5 4 4 Of o THE CITY OF RENTON Z MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , MAYOR • LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER O Q' L. RICK BEELER . 235-2593 ' 4IFD O November 30, 1978 Mr. Philip L. Carter Attorney at Law P.O. Box L Kirkland, WA 98011 eff0 3 RE: File No. R-217-78; May Creek Associates Request for Rezone. Dear Mr. Carter: Per your request at the public hearing held, on November 28, 1978, please find enclosed a copy of the letter and petition from neighboring property owners, dated November 18, 1978. The letter will be read into the record at the continued public hearing on December 5, 1978 and will be entered as an exhibit. Sincerely, Marilyn J/, ersen Hearing Administrative Assistant OF OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY • RENTON,WASHINGTON POST OFFICE BOX 626 100 2nd AVENUE BUILDING • RENTON,WASHINGTON 98055 255-8678 Z o 00 mi. am' LAWRENCE I.WARREN, CITY ATTORNEY DANIEL KELLOGG, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY 9' Oo CO' December 4, 1978 911-ED SEP-re° TO: DAVID R. CLEMMONS, Associate Planner FROM: Daniel Kellogg, Assistant City Attorney RE : Threshold Determination; Rezoning We have received your memorandum dated November 28, 1978 concerning the above matter. We understand you question to be whether a proposed rezone is an "action" requiring a threshold determination of a significant adverse effect upon the quality of the environment. The adoption or amendment of comprehensive land use plans or zoning ordinances is defined as a governmental action of a non-project nature and is an activity protentially subject to the Environmental Impact Statement requirements of RCW 43. 21C.. WAC .197-10-040 (2) (c) (ii) . In the recent Supreme Court Case of Lassila vs City of Wenatchee, 89Wn2d 804 March 16, 1978) , the Supreme Court held that a municipality' s amendment of its Comprehensive Plan without such a threshold determination violated the requirements of SEPA. That case also involved the question of whether a "negative threshold determination" in relation to a proposed rezoning was "clearly erroneous" . The record indicated that the City' s legislative body- considered the Planning Commission' s findings of "no environmental impact" and found that the rezone would substantially eliminate the negative impact of incompatible uses . Therefore, the court was not left with a definite and firm conviction that the legislative body had made a mistake in reaching their threshold determination of "no significant impact" . The court limited the application of this holding as follows : We 'do not suggest, however, that all rezones will have an insignificant effect upon the quality of the environment. Rather, we specifically hold only that this rezone and this record do not suggest such an impact. " E F1VED RECEIVED C'a '2 OF RENTON 9 C911( OF RENTON HEARING LamEXAMINER i ' ;v u % HEARING EXAMINER 1L - 5 1978 D E C 41978 Am PIS ITEM O@ 7„F 1 r10111t12t 112131415,E 748t /10111a12/1 Therefore, it is our opinion that a threshold determination of environmental significance must accompany any rezoning proposal as well as any proposed comprehensive plan change . You have also inquired concerning the authority of the responsible official in making the threshold determination, and the timing of the EIS , if required. It is clear that the final determination of the necessity of an EIS does rest with the responsible official. WAC 197010-040(30) . The responsible official is required to make the threshold determination ". . . at the earliest point in the planning and decision-making process when the principal features of a proposal and its impacts upon the environment can be reliably identified. " WAC 197-10-055(1) . The responsible official is required to consider a direct impact of a proposal as well as reasonably anticipated indirect impacts which are likely to result from any activity induced by the proposal. These impacts may include growth induced by the proposal, or the likelihood that the proposed action will serve as a precedent for future actions . WAC .197-10-060(3). . , At any' rate', the threshold determination must be completed prior to the undertaking of any proposed major action. . WAC 197-10-055 (2) . Therefore, having determined that a rezone is an "action" requiring: a threshold determination, we are of the opinion that an EIS, if required, should be completed at the first point in the decision making process that the relevants can be identified as having a significant adverse impact upon the environment. If you have further questions , please do not hesitate to contact me. Ver ours , Daniel Kellogg DK:bjm cc: Mayor Council President Gordon Ericksen Rick Beeler v. PROPOSED/FINAL`- .,,LCLARATION OF SIGNIFICANCE., 'JON-SIGNIFICANCE Application No . R-217-78 PROPOSED Declaration Environmental Checklist No . ECF-382-78 FINAL Declaration Description of proposal Applicant requests rezone from G-9600, Single Family Residence District, to R-3, Residential Multiple Family. Proponent MAY CREEK ASSOCIATES Location of Proposal Lake Washington Blvd. N.E. adjacent to and north of S.E. 76th Street. Lead Agency CITY OF RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT This proposal has been determined to El have 0 not have asignificantadverseimpactupontheenvironment . An EIS ® isnoisnotrequiredunderRCW43 . 21C . 030 (2 ) (c ) . This decision was ma a after review by the lead agency of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency . Reasons for declaration of environmental significance : (1) Growth inducing impacts of a use of this intensity in an area developed only sparsely with scattered single family homes. (2) Potential adverse traffic impacts in the area in light of the lack of full street improvements for Lake Washington Blvd. in the subject area, and none are expected for between 4 and 6 years. (3) Adverse land use impacts of a use of this intensity introduced into this sparsely developed area. (4) Noise impacts of FAI-405 and Lake Washington Blvd. along with the necessary mitigation. Measures , if any , that could be taken to prevent or mitigate the environmental impacts to .such an extent that the lead agency wouldwithdrawitsdeclarationofsignificanceandissuea ( proposed/final )declaration of non-significance : Reduction of residential density to R-2 11 units per acre) and retention of natural amenities and other development techniques to mitigate the above impacts.RECEIVED CITY OF RENTON RECEIVED HEARING EXAMINER CITY OF RENTONE2- ter`.. ` V D 1`: 51978 HEARING EXAMINER AM PM DEC 41978ITEMNO. k- 02/ 7— 7/ i8,9,10o11e12i1.i2s3o4i5o6AM 7a8e9:nne12115213141516 Responsible Offici 1 Gordon Y. Ericksen Title Plan nq Doctor _door. Date December 4, 1978 Signature eL/tA. ' i City of Renton Planning flenartmant 17 - 7. S 1 Hearing- on I 1 Mayy Creek condo i :plan. 1scheduled Residents of the May Creek area in I i North Renton`will have to wait awhile longer to know whether a 50- unit`condominium will be construct- ed in a single-family home neighbor- hood. In October, Hearing Examiner I Rick Beeler held-a public hearing to 1 consider an application to rezone a' 2.5-acre parcel of land on Lake f Washington Boulevard and South- east! 76th Street to allow for con- struction of multi-family residences. Beeler recommended denying the rezone on the basis it would be"too i 'intense relative to the surrounding land use of single-family." But the applicants for the rezone, , 1 May Creek Associates,applied fora reconsideration and Beeler granted , jthe request.I May Creek Associates claims con- ;• struction of condominiums would be • beneficial" to the neighborhood ` r because it would serve as a buffer between single-family homes and' f commercial development. (Land ac- 1 . k ross the street from the 2.5-acre j I parcel is zoned for commercial de- 1 1 velopment.) Residents of the area are opposed ! J to the condominiums.About 25 com- munity members sent a letter to , 1 Beeler stating the rezone'would be , inappropriate. The citizens say schools in the area are already "at full capacity" and that the road 1 1 system in the neighborhood is"com- I pletely inadequate."They say more traffic would be "intolerable." j They asked,that the denial of the rezone application stand. 1 The reconsideration hearing is scheduled for Tuesday at 9 a.m Hearing Examiner hearings are held in the-council chambers,-Renton City 1 Hall. I LIVENGOOD, SILVERNALE, CARTER & TJOSSEM ATT RNEY5 AT LAW GORDON A. LIVENGOOD POST OFFICE BOX L GRANT J. SILVERNALE, JR. 1313 MARKET STREET KIRKLAND, PHILIP L. CARTER September 25, 1979822-9-9 2 2261 9BD33 2061 ROBERT P.TJOSSEM 10031 MAIN STREET JOHN HALLOCK BOTHELL. WAS HIN GTON 980II JAMES S. FITZGERALD 2061 486-2707 R. PAUL TJOSSEM REPLY TO KIRKLAND I 1 OF COUNSEL 1 REPLY TO BOTHELL I 1 City of Renton Municipal Building 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, Washington 98055 Attn: Marilyn J. Petersen Hearing Adm. Asst . Re : File No. R-217-78; May Creek Associates ; Request for Rezone Dear Ms. Petersen : Thank you for your letter of September 21, 1979 . From an examination of the communications from Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney, it would appear that the applicant can move to reopen the public hearing and have his new request heard and that that matter should be presented to the Hearing Examiner and a new public hearing scheduled. You may treat this letter as a request to utilize that procedure. If the procedure is acceptable, as soon as the determination on the SEPA issue has been made , we would request that a new public hearing be scheduled with a new notice published and the like . We would appreciate your confirmation of this procedure. Ve truly yours , LI GOOD, SILVERNALE, CA'1 ' R & TJOSSEM P, lip L. arter PLC/maf RECEIVED CITY OF RENTONcc : Mr. Norman W. McCue HEARING EXAMINER S EP 2 61979 AM PM 718a91101111121112131415,6 L VENGOOOo S0LVERNALE, GARTER & TJOSSEM ATTORNEYS AT LAW GORDON A. LIVENGODD POST OFFICE SOY.L GRANT J. SILVERNALE, JR. 1313 MARKET STREET KIRKLAND.WASHINGTON JDO:x3, PHILIP L. CARTER I2061 022.97.81 ROBERT P. TJOSSEM JOHN HALLOCK 10031 MAIN STREET BOTHELL, WASHINGTON 9OO41' SCOTT W. WYATT 12061 413 G•2707 GERALD L. BOPP REPLY TO KIRKLAND I 1 JAMES S. FITZGERALD REPLY TO BOT/HEI.L I 1 R. PAUL TJOSSEM OF COUNSEL RECEIVED CITY OF RENTONNovember2, 1978 HEARING EXAMINER NOV 21978 AM PM 718.r9ft0i11112111213i415 6 L. Rick Beeler Land Use Hearing Examiner City of Renton Municipal Building Renton, WA 98055 Re: Request for Reconsideration of Denial of Rezone Application of May Creek Associates Dear Mr. Beeler: By this letter, May Creek Associates hereby formally requests reconsideration of the decision rendered October 19, 1978, which denied reclassification of the May Creek property. Pursuant to Title N, Section 3015 of the Renton City •Code, we respectfully submit that the decision of the Examiner was based on errors of law, fact and in judgment as set forth below. 1. The Subject Reclassification was not Specifically Considered at the Time of the Last Area Land Use Analysis and Area Zoning The subject site was annexed into the City on April 21, 1960. At that time, it was zoned by the county as G®9600e When the City annexed the property, it did not change the zoning classification. In fact, the zoning designation has not changed since the property was annexed~ The City has never specifically considered the propriety of the zoning classification until this application was made. In 1965, Renton adopted a comprehensive plane At the time of adoption of the plan, no request had been made to rezone the subject property. Thus, there was no specific consideration of reclassification of the property at that time. i L. Rick Beeler Page 2 November 2, 1978 2. The Proposed Rezone is Appropriate According to the Goals and Policies of the Comprehensive Plan The 1965 comprehensive plan designated the subject property as appropriate for medium density multi-family residential use, represented by the symbol R-3. The definition of this classification per the comprehensive plan is "an area intended for medium density/medium rise residential uses such as apartments and townhouses." The 1965 designation of this property as R-3 has continued through 1978. The Examiner recognized in Finding Number 10 that the comprehensive plan indicates the property to potentially be medium density multi-family and commercial. In Finding Number 2, the Examiner incorporates by reference the preliminary report by the Planning Department. The Planning Department in that report states clearly at 0.1. that the proposed rezone is consistent with the comprehensive plan map element which designates the site as. medium density multiple family and commercial. The comprehensive plan, as revised August, 1976, makes the statement that "the land use element of the comprehensive plan is an official public document adopted by the City Council as a policy guide to decisions regarding the physical development of the community. It indicates in a general way what the people of the community consider as desirable future land use development." In Chrobuck v. Snohomish County, 78 Wn.2d 858, at page 72, the court made the following statement: Zoning merely for the benefit of one or a few, or for the disadvantage to some and with no substantial relationship to the public health, safety, general welfare or morals, in conflict with either the comprehensive zoning plan or ordinance is arbitrary and capricious and unlawful. Emphasis supplied. ) In State ex rel Standard Mining v. Auburn, 82 Wn.2d 32, at 330 (1973) the court stated that ". . . it is, however, the plain import of the statute, taken as a whole, that a city which adopts such a plan (comprehensive plan) should be guided by it in its zoning regulations until it is amended in the manner prescribed by statute or appeal." (Emphasis supplied.) The applicant respectfully submits that, in view of the importance attached to comprehensive plans by the State Supreme Court and the legislature, the recognized consistency of the proposed use to the L. Rick Beeler Page 3 November 2, 1978 designated comprehensive plan use should be a strong factor in reaching a favorable decision on this application. It is an error in law and judgment by the Examiner to not give more weight to the comprehensive plan in his decision. The efficacy of the proposed use of the subject property was demonstrated as far back as the 1965 comprehensive plan. In the policy statement report, adopted by Ordinance No. 220I, the statement is made several new concepts such as the condominium (inherited from the ancient Romans) planned unit developments, cluster subdivisions, and townhouses on the green, are now in experimental stages in the Puget Sound area, and are expected to gain in importance and public acceptance." 1965 Land Use Report, at page 15. In medium and high density residential use districts, the proximity to major employment centers, shopping districts, financial districts, and the office centers is important, as is convenient access to major arterials and hi wa s." (Emphasis supplied. ) Since the May Creek interchange of FAI is immediately adjacent to the subject property, a medium density zoning is entirely appropriate and consistent with this segment of the Comprehensive Land Use Report. Furthermore, to the south and southwest there is significant commercial and industrial use providing employment to the area residents, as will be more fully discussed below. Thus, the proposed use of the subject property appears. even more apropos. 3. Significant Circumstances and Changes Have Impacted the Property Since the last Land Use Analysis and Area Zoning As stated above, when this property was annexed by the City of Renton, it retained its original county zoning of G-9600. Several parcels in the immediate vicinity, when annexed, also came in with a G: classification. In 1969, parcels 184 and 193 were reclassified from G- 9600 to B-1 by Ordinance No. 2487. In 1970, parcel 185 was reclassified from G-9600 to B-1. Those parcels are to the immediate south of the subject property. Across the freeway, in 1966, the strip of land where the Misty Cove Apartments now sits was rezoned from G-6000 to R-4. The property immediately south of the Misty Cove Apartments was apparently annexed at its present zoning of H-1, or heavy industrial. It is evident that these zoning changes that have taken place in the past are entirely consistent with the comprehensive plan. They also indicate the changing nature of the area. L. Rick Beeler Page 4 November 2, 1978 A physical inspection of the subject property and its immediate vicinity provides ample evidence that the development• of the area indicates sufficient pressure and circumstances to change the existing land use and zoning. Examiner finding number 5 indicates that all existing utilities are available and in close proximity, except sanitary sewer, which will be installed approximately December, 1978. Installation of sanitary sewer facilities is considered a significant change to property for purposes of a rezone. Also, Washington Natural Gas was installing a gas main on Southeast 76th, the southern border road of the subject property. Both of these changes will have an impact on how the property is used in the future. Even more important, Lake Washington Boulevard is currently scheduled under the 6-year transportation improvement program of 1979 to 1984 to be improved. Improvements include drainage, paving, curb, sidewalk, illumination and channelization. This is a significant change which should help to eliminate any potential traffic problems caused by any increase of residents in the area. On property immediately to the northeast of the subject property, there is a dozing, excavating and dump truck hauling business currently being operated. This property is zoned G-9600. A conversation with the owner of that property indicated that there was no substantial opposition to the proposed reclassification of the subject property by neighbors in the immediate vicinity. South of Northeast 44th Street, a large steel building is presently being erected. Across the freeway, immediately west of the subject property, is a large log processing operation. To the north of those commercial operations, there is a large apartment building. Standing on the subject property at most hours of the day indicate substantial freeway noise from FAT 405. It is submitted that the proposed use of the subject property would be entirely beneficial to those currently residing in the few existing single family residences to the east and northeast. A. condominium project would provide an excellent transitional barrier to the commercial uses presently on property to the south and west. It would provide a buffer of noise to the residents, have minimal environmental impact, and be vastly more esthetically pleasing than any possible commercial use. The topography indicates steep hills, so there is virtually no chance that any views of the residences on the hillside would be affected. L. Rick Beeler Page 5 November 2, 1978 It is interesting to note that Mayor Avery Garrett and the City of Renton proposed on April 30, 1970, that the property immediately to the west where log processing operations are currently occurring, would be. an excellent location for a convention center, hotel, motel and marina complex. See Renton's Community Profile and Proposed Projects, April, 1970, Project P-9. While the present status of this project is unknown by the applicant, it is evident that this attitude towards development in the area would be highly favorable to the proposed use of the subject property. On October 21, 1968, by Ordinance No. 2439, the comprehensive plan for the North Kennydale lakefront vicinity, to the west of the subject property, was amended from medium density multiple family use to heavy industrial use. In April, 1977, by Ordinance No. 3126, the Renton City Council amended the comprehensive plan for the area abutting Ripley Lane located north of the Misty Cove Apartments and extending to the northerly city limits. The comprehensive plan was changed from a medium density multi--family designation to a low density multi-family designation for the apartment property and a portion just north of the apartment property, and the balance was changed to single family residential. In a December 3, 1976, memorandum from the Land Use Committee to the Planning Commission, the Committee stated "A buffer or transitional use between the apartment and the single family development that is proposed seemed in order." The above changes provide additional significant support for the applicant's proposed reclassification. There has been a decrease in R-3 property in the vicinity, but an increase in commercial and industrial use. Designation of the subject property to R-3 would provide a buffer or transitional use zone between the commercial and industrial use and the single family residents to the east and northeast. A significant change that has occurred in the county in the last few years is a serious shortage of affordable housing. Developments such as the May Creek Condominiums have the effect of alleviating the housing shortage in an effective and attractive manner. It is evident from the above facts and analysis that there should not be any significant issue of timing in this proposed rezone. Signi- ficant changes have occurred all around the property, and continue to occur. The proposed use is consistent with the comprehensive plan, and would provide an excellent buffer or transition zone from the commercial and industrial developments to the south and west. It is highly unlikely that single family residences of any quality would be built on the subject property, considering the development of the immediate vicinity over the past years. The noise level can be very disturbing L. Rick Beeler Page 6 November 2, 1978 at times. However, condominium units have been built in similar locations; and shown to be largely successful, even when single family residences would not be. The single family residences in the area for the most part are set back further from the freeway, or have a buffer of trees so as to reduce the impact of the noise and industrial property uses. The subject property does not have this advantage. A condominium development would be entirely appropriate on this type of parcel at this time. The design, landscaping and amenities of a condominium development will all serve to enhance the property values in the area rather than detract. These same features can and will be designed so as to reduce the weight that might be given by the Hearing Examiner to objections made by some of the surrounding neighbors. It is important to note that while an R 3 designation would allow a gross density of 75 units on the subject site, the plan is only to construct a maximum of 50 such units. It is also important to note that the May Creek rezone application was approved by every single other City department. It is respectfully submitted that the proposed use of the property would meet the following community goals and objectives: 1. Prevent blight by protecting residential and other exclusive districts from the unwarranted infiltration of in- compatible uses which would contribute to premature decay and obsolescence, and prevent the development of orderly growth patterns. 2. Increase community livability by improving environmental factors which are closely related to the residential districts in other community areas. 3. Protect property values within the community for the benefit of its residents and property owners, through the effec- tive control of land use and the enforcement and application of building and construction codes. 4. Promote the development of a viable, progressive com- munity which provides ample opportunity for citizen participation in a broad spectrum of economic opportunities, social achievements, educational attainments, physical development, and political activites. L. Rick Beeler Page 7 November 2, 1978 5. Encourage the development and utilization of land to its highest and best use in such a way as to promote the best interest of the community and contribute to its overall attractiveness and desirability as a place in which to work, shop, live and play. See Objectives 1 through 6., Land Use Report, pages 17 and 18 (1965). As demonstrated above, requiring the applicants to wait for rezones of the immediately adjacent property would be unreasonable, arbitrary, and capricious, particularly when considering the rapidly escalating costs of construction. The proposed use of the property is beneficial to the community. For all of the above reasons, applicants respectfully request that upon reconsideration of this application, the Hearing Examiner grant the request for reclassification of the subject property. Very truly yours, LIVENGOOD, SILVERNALE, CARTER & TJOSSEM Philip L. Carter & James S,, Fitzgerald Attorneys for Applicants PLC:JSF: :seg pF Rk stir 41 o THE CITY OF RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 z ; . .. o CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , MAYOR ® LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER cry O L. RICK BEELER . 235-2593 44TED S E P1 V' November 7, 1978 Mr. Philip L. Carter Attorney at Law P.O. Box L Kirkland, WA 98033 RE: File No. R-217-78; May Creek Associates Request for Rezone. Dear Mr. Carter: Pursuant to your request for reconsideration, dated November 2, 1978, I am reopening the public hearing on this application in order to take additional testimony. The information you supplied should be made a part of the record, and the opportunity allowed for comment and/or rebuttal by staff and/or other interested parties. The public hearing will reconvene at 9:00 a.m. on November 28, 1978 in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building. Re spe c L. Rick Beeler Hearing Examiner cc: May Creek Associates David Clemens, Associate Planner Parties of Record LIVENGOOD. SILVERNALE. CARTER & TJOSSEM ATTORNEYS AT LAW GORDON A. LIVENGOOD POST OFFICE BOX L GRANT J. SILVERNALE. JR.1313 MARKET STREET PHILIP L. CARTER KIRKLAND.WASHINGTON 98033 12061 G22•9201 ROBERT P. TJOSSEM JOHN HALLOCK 10031 MAIN STREET BOTHELL. WASHINGTON 98011 SCOTT W. WYATT 12061 4B6.2707 GERALD L BOPP JAMES S. FITZGERALD REPLY TO KIRKLAND I 1 REPLY TO BOTHELL I 1 R. PAUL TJOSSEM OF COUNSEL November 2, 1978 RECEIVE® CITY OF RENTON HEARING EXAMINER NOV 21978 AM PM L. Rick Beeler 718,911011111211121314,5,6 Land Use Hearing Examiner City of Renton Municipal Building Renton, WA 98055 Re: Request for Reconsideration of Denial of Rezone Application of May Creek Associates Dear Mr. Beeler: By this letter, May Creek Associates hereby forMally requests reconsideration of the decision rendered October 19, 1978,. which denied reclassification of the May Creek property. Pursuant to Title IV, Section 3015 of the Renton City Code; we respectfully submit that the decision of the Examiner was based on errors of law, fact and in judgment as set forth below. 1. The Subject Reclassification was not Specifically Considered at the Time of the Last Area Land Use Analysis and Area Zoning The subject site was annexed into the City on April 21, 1960. At that time, it was zoned by the county as G-9600. When the City annexed the property, it did not change the zoning classification. In fact, the zoning designation has not changed since the property was annexed. The City has never specifically considered the propriety of the zoning classification until this application was made. In 1965, Renton adopted a comprehensive plan. At the time of adoption of the plan, no request had been made to rezone the subject property. Thus, there was no specific consideration of reclassification of the property at that time. L. Rick Beeler Page 2 November 2, 1978 2. The Proposed Rezone is Appropriate According to the Goals and Policies of the Comprehensive Plan The 1965 comprehensive plan designated the subject property as appropriate for medium density multi-family residential use, represented by the symbol R-3. The definition of this classification per the comprehensive plan is "an area intended for medium density/medium rise residential uses such as apartments and townhouses. " The 1965 designation of this property as R-3 has continued through 1978. The Examiner recognized in Finding Number 10 that the comprehensive plan indicates the property to potentially be medium density multi-family and commercial. In Finding Number 2, the Examiner incorporates by reference the preliminary report by the Planning Department. The Planning Department in that report states clearly at 0.1. that the proposed rezone is consistent with the comprehensive plan map element which designates the site as medium density multiple family and commercial. The comprehensive plan, as revised August, 1976, makes the statement that "the land use element of the comprehensive plan is an official public document adopted by the City Council as a policy guide to decisions regarding the physical development of the community. It indicates in a general way what the people of the community consider as desirable future land use development." In Chrobuck v. Snohomish County, 78 Wn.2d 858, at page 72, the court made the following statement: Zoning merely for the benefit of one or a few, or for the disadvantage to some and with no substantial relationship to the public health, safety, general welfare or morals, in conflict with either the comprehensive zoning plan or ordinance is arbitrary and capricious and unlawful. Emphasis supplied. ) In State ex rel Standard Mining v. Auburn, 82 Wn.2d 32, at 330 (1973) the court stated that ". . . it is, however, the plain import of the statute, taken as a whole, that a city which adopts such. a plan (comprehensive plan) should be guided by it in its zoning regulations until it is amended in the manner prescribed by statute or appeal."(Bhasis suppliedT The applicant respectfully submits that, in view of the importance attached to comprehensive plans by the.State Supreme Court and the legislature, the recognized consistency of the proposed use to the L. Rick Beeler Page 3 November 2, 1978 designated comprehensive plan use should be a strong factor in reaching a favorable decision on this application. It is an error in law and judgment by the Examiner to not give more weight to the comprehensive plan in his decision. The efficacy of the proposed use of the subject property was demonstrated as far back as the 1965 comprehensive plan. In the policy statement report, adopted by Ordinance No. 2204, the statement is made several new concepts such as the condominium (inherited from the ancient Romans) planned unit developments, cluster subdivisions, and townhouses on the green, are now in experimental stages in the Puget Sound area, and are expected to gain in importance and public acceptance." 1965 Land Use Report, at page 15. In medium and high density residential use districts, the proximity to major employment centers, shopping districts, financial districts, and the office centers is important, as is convenient access to major arterials and hi wa s." (Emphasis supplied. ) Since the May Creek interchange of FAI 0.5. is immediately adjacent to the subject property, a medium density zoning is entirely appropriate and consistent with this segment of the Comprehensive Land Use Report. Furthermore, to the south and southwest there is significant commercial and industrial use providing employment to the area residents, as will be more fully discussed below. Thus, the proposed use of the subject property appears even more apropos. 3. ' Significant Circumstances and Changes Have Impacted the Property Since the last Land Use Analysis and Area Zoning As stated above, when this property was annexed by the City of Renton, it retained its original county zoning of G-9600. Several parcels in the immediate vicinity, when annexed,, also came in with a G classification. In 1969, parcels 184 and 193 were reclassified from G- 9600 to B-1 by Ordinance No. 2487. In 1970, parcel 185 was reclassified from G-9600 to B-1. Those parcels are to the immediate south of the subject property. Across the. freeway, in 1966, the strip of land where the Misty Cove Apartments now sits was rezoned from G-6000 to R-4. The property immediately south of the Misty Cove Apartments. was apparently annexed at its present zoning of H-1, or heavy industrial. It is evident that these zoning changes that have taken place in the past are entirely consistent with the comprehensive plan. They also indicate the changing nature of the area. L. Rick Beeler Page 4 November 2, 1978 A physical inspection of the subject property and its immediate vicinity provides ample evidence that the development of the area indicates sufficient pressure and circumstances to change the existing land use and zoning. Examiner finding number 5 indicates that all existing. utilities are available and in close proximity, except sanitary sewer, which will be installed approximately December, 1978. Installation of sanitary sewer facilities is considered a significant change to property for purposes of a rezone. Also, Washington Natural Gas was installing a gas main on Southeast 76th, the southern border road of the subject property. Both of these changes will have an impact on how the property is used in the future. Even more important, Lake Washington Boulevard is currently scheduled under the 6-year transportation improvement program of 1979 to 1984 to be improved. Improvements include drainage, paving, curb, sidewalk, illumination and channelization. This is a significant change which should help to eliminate any potential traffic problems caused by any increase of residents in the area. On property immediately to the northeast of the subject property, there is a dozing, excavating and dump truck hauling business currently being operated. This property is zoned G-9600. 'A conversation with the owner of that property indicated that there was no substantial opposition to the proposed reclassification of the subject property by neighbors in the immediate vicinity. South of Northeast 44th Street, a large steel building is presently being erected. Across the freeway, immediately west of the subject property, is a large log processing operation. To the north of those commercial operations, there 'is a large apartment building. Standing on the subject property at most hours of the day indicate substantial freeway noise from FAI 405. It is submitted that the proposed use of the subject property would be entirely beneficial to those currently residing in the few existing single family residences to the east and northeast. A condominium project would provide an excellent transitional barrier to the commercial uses presently on property to the south and west. It would provide a buffer of noise to the residents, have minimal environmental impact, and be vastly more esthetically pleasing than any possible commercial use. The topography indicates steep hills, so there is virtually no chance that any views of the residences on the hillside would be affected. L. Rick Beeler Page 5 November 2, 1978 It is interesting to note that Mayor Avery Garrett and the City of Renton proposed on April 30, 1970, that the property immediately to the west where log processing operations are currently occurring, would be an excellent location for a convention center, hotel, motel and marina complex. See Renton's Community Profile and Proposed Projects, April, 1970, Project P-9. While the present status of this project is unknown by the applicant, it is evident that this attitude towards development in the area would be highly favorable to the proposed use of the subject property. On October 21, 1968, by Ordinance No. 2439, the comprehensive plan for the North Kennydale lakefront vicinity, to the west of the subject property, was amended from medium density multiple family use to heavy industrial use. 'In April, 1977, by Ordinance No. 3126, the Renton City Council amended the comprehensive plan for the area abutting Ripley Lane located north of the Misty Cove Apartments and extending to the northerly city limits. The comprehensive plan was changed from a medium density multi-family designation to a low density multi-family designation for the apartment property and a portion just north of the apartment property, and the balance was changed to single family residential. In a December 3, 1976, memorandum from the Land Use Committee to the Planning Couurission, the Committee stated "A buffer or transitional use between the apartment and the single family development that is proposed seemed in order. " The above changes provide additional significant support for the applicant's proposed reclassification. There has been a decrease in R-3 property in the vicinity, but an increase in commercial and industrial use. Designation of the subject property to R-3 would provide a buffer or transitional use zone between the commercial and industrial use and the single family residents to the east and northeast. A significant change that has occurred in the county in the last few years is a serious shortage of affordable housing. Developments such as the May Creek Condominiums have the effect of alleviating the housing shortage in an effective and attractive manner. It is evident from the above facts and analysis that there should not be any significant issue of timing in this proposed rezone. Signi- ficant changes have occurred all around the property, and continue to occur. The proposed use is consistent with the comprehensive plan, and would provide an excellent buffer or transition zone from the commercial and industrial developments to the south and west. It is highly unlikely that single family residences of any quality would be built on the subject property, considering the development of the immediate vicinity over the past years. The noise level can be very disturbing r L. Rick Beeler Page 6 November 2, 1978 at times. However, condominium units have been built in similar locations, and shown to be largely successful, even when single family residences would not be. The single family residences in the area for the most part are set back further from the freeway, or have a buffer of trees so as to reduce the impact of the noise and industrial property uses. The subject property does not have this advantage. A condominium development would be entirely appropriate on this type of parcel at this time. The design, landscaping and amenities of a condominium development will all serve to enhance the property values in the area rather than detract. These same features can and will be designed so as to reduce the weight that might be given by the Hearing Examiner to objections made by some of the surrounding neighbors. It is important to note that while an R-3 designation would allow a gross density of 75 units on the subject site, the plan is only to construct a maximum of 50 such units. It is also important to note that the May Creek rezone application was approved by every single other City department. It is respectfully submitted that the proposed use of the property would meet the following community goals and objectives: 1. Prevent blight by protecting residential and other exclusive districts from the unwarranted infiltration of in- compatible uses which would contribute to premature decay and obsolescence, and prevent the development of orderly growth patterns. 2. Increase community livability by improving environmental factors which are closely related to the residential districts in other community areas. 3. Protect property values within the community for the benefit of its residents and property owners, through the effec- tive control of land use and the enforcement and application of building and construction codes. 4. Promote the development of a viable, progressive com- munity which provides ample opportunity for citizen participation in a broad spectrum of economic opportunities, social achievements, educational attainments, physical development, and political activites. L. Rick Beeler Page 7 November 2, 1978 5. Encourage the development and utilization of land to its highest and best use in such a way as to promote the best interest of the community and contribute to its overall attractiveness and desirability as a place in which to work, shop, live and play. See Objectives 1 through 6, Land Use Report, pages 17 and 18 (1965). As demonstrated above, requiring the applicants to wait for rezones of the immediately adjacent property would be unreasonable, arbitrary, and capricious, particularly when considering the rapidly escalating costs of construction. The proposed use of the property is beneficial to the community. For all of the above reasons, applicants respectfully request that upon reconsideration of this application, the Hearing Examiner grant the request for reclassification of the subject property. Very truly yours, GOOD, SILVERNALE, C i+i or & TJOSSEM Philip L. ter & James S. Fitzgerald Attorneys for Applicants PLC:JSF: :seg PROPOSED/FINAL Dt.CLARATION OF SIGNIFICANCE/NON—SIGNIFICANCE Application No . R-217-78 PROPOSED Declaration Environmental Checklist No . CF-382-78 X FINAL Declaration Description of proposal Applicant requests rezone from G-9600, Single Family Residence District, to R-3, Residential Multiple Family. Proponent MAY CREEK ASSOCIATES Location of Proposal Lake Washington Blvd. N. E. adjacent to and north of S.E. 76th Street. Lead Agency CITY OF RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT This proposal has been determined to have ® not have a significant adverse impact upon the environment . An EIS ! is0isnotrequiredunderRCW43 . 21C . 030 (2 ) (c ) . This decision was ma e after review by the lead agency of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency . Reasons for declaration of environmental significance : (1) Growth inducing impacts of a use of this intensity in an area developed only sparsely with scattered single family homes. (2) Potential adverse traffic impacts in the area in light of the lack of full street improvements for Lake Washington Blvd. in the subject area, and none are expected for between 4 and 6 years. (3) Adverse land use impacts of a use of this intensity introduced into t is sparse y eve ope area. oise impac s o 405 and Lake Washington Blvd. along with the necessary mitigation. Measures , if any , that could be taken to prevent or mitigate the environmental impacts to .such an extent that the lead agency would withdraw its declaration of significance and issue a •(proposed/final )declaration of non-significance : Reduction of residential density to R-2 11 units per acre) and retention of natural amenities and other development techniques to mitigate the above impacts. Responsible Offici 1 Gordon Y. Ericksen Title Plan n D' ctor_ Date December 4, 1978 Signature dd w City of Renton Y 6 P1 Anni nn Ilona rtmor,+ OF R4 A o TH•E CITY OF RENTON. 4$ 0 z MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE.SO. RENTON,WASH.08055 o . CHARLES J. DELAURENTI,MAYOR • LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER 9. 00 P FRED J. KAUFMAN. 235-2593 e 47F13 SEPt ' O • September 21, 1979 Mr. Philip L. Carter Attorney at- Law P.O. Box L Kirkland, WA 98033 RE: File No. R-217-78; May Creek Associates; Request for Rezone. Dear Mr. Carter: Following our telephone conversation on September 20, 1979, I reviewed all correspondence and information contained in the Planning Department and City Clerk's files regarding your request for reconsideration of the Examiner's recommendation, dated November 2, 1978, pertaining to the referenced application. ' It appears that a legal Opinion was obtained regarding the question of whether a new application would be required or if reopening the hearing regarding the previous application would be allowed. It is the opinion of the City' Attorney that submittal of a new application shall berequired for the alternative zoning classification to be reviewed at a new public hearing. We trust. the attached correspondence will clarify this matter and answer any questions you may have: Further contact. should be made to the Planning Department for assistance in processing your request. Sincerely, Marilyn J. Petersen Hearing Adm. Asst. Attachments fy y V,Pr4 ryss0 e. OF R4, ao o THE CITY OF RENTON K>,:. , ,.,. MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE.SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 o S." CHARLES J. DELAURENTI MAYOR m PLANNING DEPARTMENT 9 c' 235- 2550 O' 9 T D SEP1, t4k# January 22 , 1979 co('' k McCue Associates C C Real Estate , Management o53A. o`' .. P . O . Box 622 02,, C4 S C Kirkland , Washington 98033 tr,., c" fie) RE : MAY CREEK ASSOCIATES REZONE it`y`— R-217-78 Gentlemen : It has been several weeks since I indicated that the City Attorney had concluded that a new application would be required on your project located on Lake Washington Blvd . Since we have not received a new application , I am wondering if this department can be of any assistance to you . Our staff is available to consult with you and to otherwise provide assistance that you may require . Please , if you have any further questions on the above matter , feel free to contact this department. Very truly yours , Gord , Y . Ericksen , Pla ning Dire)ire t 2 i 7 ( i'ni 6W 1 remens , Associate Planner GYE : DRC : SH cc : Hazel Williams 344 West 400 South Provo , Utah 84601 rj OF I?. U ;b = 0 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY . RENTON,WASHINGTON POST OFFICE BOX 626 100 2nd AVENUE BUILDING • RENTON.WASHINGTON 98055 255-8678 nEEC LAWRENCE J.WARREN, CITY ATTORNEY DANIEL KELLOGG, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY 09,0 CO' January 3,1979 091TEo SEP1 0TO: Dave Clemens, Associate Planner FROM: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Re: Request for Amendment of Application for Rezoning Dear Dave: In response to your Memo of December 22, 1978, received by this office December 27, 1978, please be advised that it is the opinion of this office that any amendment to an application for rezoning, filed after the public hearing has been held would require a new application. The public had notice of a hearing for rezoning to a certain classification and under certain conditions. After the public had made its decision either to appear \and testify, or not to, the applicant cannot change the ground rules and apply for totally different zoning. The public hearing has been closed after all testimony was taken. Reconsideration is limited to the issues that were presented to the hearing examiner and not to other matters. The applicant can move to reopen the public hearing and have his new request heard but that must be presented to the Hearing Examiner and a new public hearing scheduled. Lawrence J. Warr LJW:nd 2Ge 't j' . it'lr/Y/• ev- 4111 lib OF I o THE CITY OF 'RENTONUZ MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 CHARLES J. DELAURENTI, MAYOR • PLANNING DEPARTMENT 0 to' 235-2550 0 Q, 9 TFO sEP December 22 , 1978 MEMORANDUM TO : Lawrence J . Warren , City Attorney FROM: Gordon Y . Ericksen , Planning Director By : David R. Clemens , Associate Planner RE : REQUEST FOR AMENDMENT OF APPLICATION FOR REZONING Our department has received the attached letter regard- ing a rezoning application . As history , the application was considered by the Hearing Examiner on October 10 , 1978. His decision recommending denial was published on October 19 , 1978. The applicant requested reconsidera- tion on various grounds , and a public hearing was sched- uled . The Planning Director ultimately found that an EIS was required , and the reconsideration hearing was continued to await the EIS. The applicant has now determined that he does not desire to prepare an EIS , and proposes to amend the application to conform to a zoning classification for which this department is prepared to issue a negative declaration . QUESTION : Since the matter is still under reconsidera- tion , even though the application was recommended for denial , does the applicant have the right to amend? This seems to be reasonable , since an appli - cant has the right to amend at the time of an origi - nal application public hearing . Please note that although recommended for denial , the denial was never concurred in by City Council action . DRC :wr Attachment RECEIVED CITY OF RENTON HEARING EXAMINER U. 2 978 tgrgi,tilh.FFc1211c2.241..E1.6- 40 .lib McCue & Associates r n Real Estate• Management McCue & Associates P.O. Box 622 • Kirkland, Washington 98033•Telephone:.(206) 822-6064 December 20, 1973 Nr. Dale Clemens Re: File # R-217-78 The City of Renton May Creek Associates Nunicipal Building Rezone Application 200 Mill Ave. South Renton, Washington 98055 Dear Mr. Clemens: This letter follows our visit with Doctor Frank Rice and myself on December 14th and our subsequent telephone conversation of December 18th concerning the rezone to R-3 of the property as per the above file and the continuance of our appeal for reconsideration of the Land Use Hearing Examiner. Due to the need of an Environmental Impact Statement for the R-3 request, it is our desire to request permission to modify our original application for R-3 rezone to the recommended lower density zoning of R-2. This request is partially made due to the fact that the owner is out: of State and we would be able to process an amended application of lower density without further delays. Please advise us of your decision as soon as possible. Thank you. Sincerely, l NcCuan W. socia Eroker Ce cu ty Asocates RiH\'rb i WM/bmo l c, DEC 21 1918 9 N NG pEP Pam 9717 Juanita Drive N.E. • Kirkland, Washington 98033 LIVENGDOD. SILVERNALE, CARTER & TJ®SSEM ATTORNEYS AT LAW GORDON A. LIVENGOOD POST OFFICE BOX L GRANT J. SILVERNALE,JR.1313 MARKET STREET PHILIP L. CARTER KIRKLAND,WASHINGTON 98033 12061 B22-9281 ROBERT P. TJOSSEM pL p JOHN HALLOCK q R4;1 10031 MAIN STREET TON JAMES S. FITZGERALD IFiBW/ J BOTHEL1L WAS206) 96- HIN 707 90011 R. PAUL TJOSSEM 1)VEb REPLY TO KIRKLAND ( 1 F COUNSEL REPLY TO BOTHELL 1 1 A.U15 28 1919 11, August 27, 1979 C' y City of Renton RECEIVED Office of Zoning & Subdivision Examiner CITY OF RENTON Municipal Building HEARING EX!1M l`R 200 Mill Avenue South AUL 2 8 3979 Renton, WA 98055 AM7 Attn: Mr. Fred Kaufman a8c9Il0o1111201 t tb; Dear Mr. Kaufman: Please be advised that the undersigned has been contacted by May Creek Associates regarding a pending application for re- classification under the City° s File No. R-217-78. I would like to present some brief history regarding this matter. Initially, May Creek Associates applied for a reclas- sification from G-9600 to R-3. The proposal was to construct approximately 50 condominimums on the subject property. Your predecessor, Mr. L. Rick Beeler, on October 19, 1978, recommended denial of the proposed request. I should mention that prior to that the Planning Department issued a recommendation of denial and a negative declaration. Thereafter, on November 2, 1978, the applicant, through our offices, sought reconsideration of the denial of the application. Prior to a scheduled hearing before the Examiner' s office, the Planning Department on November 28, 1978, issued a report indicating that if the R-3 zone were approved for the kind of development contemplated by the developer, that an EIS would undoubtedly be required. In order to not run into the difficulty of having the EIS follow the decision, but rather to be certain that the EIS preceded the decision, the Examiner, with the consent and acknowledgement of the applicant, continued the hearing on the requested recon- sideration, which hearing had been previously scheduled by the Examiner' s office, to await the outcome of the environmental impact analysis. Since twat time, the applicant has decided to scale down the proposal to some 36 to 40 units, with appropriate Mr. Fred Kaufman August 27, 1979 Page 2 site development constraints, such as, landscaping, screening, building locations and the like and has been advised by the responsible official, Mr. Gordon Y. Ericksen, that such scaled- down proposal may not require an environmental impact statement. I am communicating with the Planning Director' s office to confirm this in writing. As soon as a negative threshold determination is issued in conjunction with the scaled-down project, we would appreciate your office scheduling a hearing on our Motion to Reconsider. If you have any questions regarding our proposed procedure, kindly advise. V y truly yours, L \VNGOOD, SILVERNALE, CA TER & TJOSSEM uay - A Pilip L. arter PLC: 1i cc: Gordon Y. Ericksen Norman W. McCue LIVENGOOD, SILVERNALE. CARTER & TJOSSEM ATTORNEYS AT LAW GORDON A. LIVENGGDD POST OFFICE BOX L 1313 MARKET STREETGRANTJ. SILVERNALE. JR. PHILIP L. CARTER KIRKLAND.WASHINGTON 913033 2061 822-9281 ROBERT P. TJOSSEM JOHN HALLOCK 10031 MAIN STREET BOTHELL. WASHINGTON 98011 JAMES S. FITZGERALD 12061 486-2707 R. PAUL TJOSSEM REPLY TO KIRKLAND I OF COUNSEL REPLY TO BOTHELL f 1 August 27, 1979 f et) MCd susr. Gordon Y. Ericksen Planning Director 1 City of Renton v! 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, WA 98055 k/NG iaS Re: May Creek Associates File No. R-217-78 Dear Mr. Ericksen: I have been advised by May Creek Associates that they are willing, under the R-3 Classification to develop their property under a medium density zoning of 36 to 40 units, depending upon site layout to be determined in the future. They are willing to undertake said development with appropriate physical constraints such as landscaping, setbacks, and other screening and site development conditions. I have been advised that with this reduction in density and the willingness of the applicant to undertake reasonable measures to mitigate any potential adverse impacts of the proposal, that your office, being the responsible official under the State Environmental Policy Act, will reconsider its decision and issue a negative declaration based upon the prior assessment submitted and the reduced scope of the project. If this is the case, I would appre- ciate your so advising so that I might follow up with the office of the Hearing Examiner and request a hearing be scheduled to reconsider the decision of the Hearing Examiner on the larger project. If you have any questions regarding the procedure, kindly advise. For your references, I am enclosing herewith a copy of the letter which I have sent this date to the Office of the Hearing Examiner. Ve4 truly yours, LI, NGOOD, SILVERNALE, CA 'rER & TJOSSEM P ilip L. Carter PLC: 1i cc: Mr. Norman McCue 0 If 4 sz THE CITY OF RENT Ntee ' - 7. • MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON. WASH. 98055 calN. CHARLES J. DELAUREN ] , MAYOR 0 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 235-2550 4)9r O SE Pz tI` August 30 , 1979 Mr. Philip L. Carter Livengood, Silvernale , Carter & Tjossem Post Office Box L 1313 Market Street Kirkland, Washington 98033 RE . ' FILE R-217-78 Dear Mr. Carter : We are in receipt of your letter of August 27 , 1979 , indica- ting a proposal for a rezoning classification of R-3 with a density limit of between 36 and 40 units on this site. We have reviewed the files on this application , and it would appear that prior to amending the current Declaration of Significance, we would have to review a more specific site development plan. The environmental concerns which are expressed in the Declara- tion of Significance remain , although the proposed reduction _ in density will have some positive effect in this regard. Upon submission of a more specific plan , we will be happy to further review your request for a determination of non-significance on this proposal . Should you have any questions , please feel free to contact me. Very truly yours , Go don Y. Eri n Planning Direc r t(/. avYd R. Clemens Senior Planner DRC:wr OF 1? TH1R CITY OF ' ENTON st v: MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. REN TON.WASH.08055 2 CHARLES-J. DELAURENTI MAYOR o PLANNING DEPARTMENT 95 235- 2550 Q,g T Q SEP E P October 25, 1979 Mr. Norman W. McCue, CPM McCue & Associates P. 0, Box 622 Kirkland, Washington 98033 RE: MAY CREEK ASSOCIATES REZONE Dear Mr. McCue : We have completed review of your schematic site plan and, after carefully reviewing the site , it does appear that the proposed density exceeds that which would be acceptable on. the site at this time. Therefore , it is our feeling that we would continue to support a rezone application to a R-2 classification. We have reviewed the need for a new rezone application and have concluded that a new application is required. The new application should include a revised environmental checklist with specific emphasis on the area of impacts of this devel- opment on adjoining properties. This can be in the form of a discussion of the intensity of this use compared to the adjoining uses, illustrative sketches, or other means. Utilizing the R-2 zoning classification will negate the need for either a planned unit development or covenant concept of minimizing the density on the site. A future application for special permit to allow a cluster development is , however, required in the R-2 district . Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Very truly yours, Gor on' Y. Eric, en Planning Dire or David R. Clemens Senior Planner DRC:wr Enclosures Of R s o THE CITY OF RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON.WASH.9805 mi. , CHARLES J. DELAURENTI ,,MAYOR • LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER 0, 9gT t e' BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR FRED J. KAUFMAN. 235-2593 , FD SEPIA January 21, 1980 May Creek Associates P,O. Box 622 Kirkland, ,WA 98033 RE: File No: R-217-78;' May Creek Associates,; Request for Rezone. • Dear. Sir: The Examiner may grant a continuance, to a time and date certain for good cause, shown. More than, a year has elapsed since the above captioned item was heard; and no' further action has occurred which would allow the matter to be resolved finally. .Therefore, in.order to'.resolve the matter, it' is appropriate to dismiss 'the application arid send, the ,report to the City Clerk for final disposition. • Because more than 12 months has elapsed, the applicant may refile the application' (Section 4-725(c) (6)'(3) ) . The matter then is set for a hearing by:the Planning Department as is any other new item, and legal notice is posted arid published, If: this office can be of further assistance in the matter, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, Fred J. • Kaufman Hearing Examiner cc: Planning Department City 'Clerk