HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA97-167 I • t . • Ma. E. i'.• J-I •�,/1 I .A a :. . z\I b.....?i ,.N . . .. . : . SCALE: I'=30' 1 ! .N 89'2835" !^/ 30.00' \ `��— . 96.00' —)-- 7 ---———— �! 1- /0'SANITARY TARY SEWER EASEMENT T W i `� LOT 25 �' I�J �' o POWELL'S 1st ADD.• °o ti N CZ M o o h Q 011, 0 N d' I 1 N 89'28 35" W /0 1VFi� 1 l;�iQ%`" Eti 4 • EXPIRES:3/8!q ,ter w,: q tir .�'.'..tG..�ls4`.a1i:AtZTZ•:�:i:tUiL'G^..'.Vr'r - .,ii. i, NE /6 th S TREE T H:\FORMS\KCRECORD\EASEMENT.DOC\ Page 5 FORM 03 0000/bIVCA2-2 1-97 � mw� ` AVE. � N.E. _ ' it January 19, 1998 OFFICE OF THE HEARING EXAMINER CITY OF RENTON REPORT AND DECISION APPLICANT: James H.Jacques Jake Short Plat#2 File No.: LUA-97-167,ShP1 LOCATION: 1708 Aberdeen Avenue NE SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To subdivide 33,128 square foot parcel into five lots ranging in size from 5,141 to 9,561 square feet for single family homes. SUMMARY OF ACTION: Development Services Recommendation: Approve with conditions DEVELOPMENT SERVICES REPORT: The Development Services Report was received by the Examiner on December 31, 1997. PUBLIC HEARING: After reviewing the Development Services Report,examining available information on file with the application,field checking the property and surrounding area;the Examiner conducted a public hearing on the subject as follows: MINUTES The following minutes are a summary of the January 6,1998 hearing. The legal record is recorded on tape. The hearing opened on Tuesday,January 6, 1998,at 9:30 a.m. in the Council Chambers on the second floor of the Renton Municipal Building. Parties wishing to testify were affirmed by the Examiner. The following exhibits were entered into the record: IExhibit No. 1: Yellow file containing the original Exhibit No.2: Vicinity map application,proof of posting,proof of publication and (other documentation pertinent to this request. IExhibit No.3: Short plat map Exhibit No.4: Petition from adjacent neighbors 'Exhibit No.5: Corrected plat map II ,The hearing opened with a presentation of the staff report by MARK PYWELL,Project Manager,Development Services,City of Renton,200 Mill Avenue South,Renton,Washington 98055. The applicant requests pproval to subdivide a parcel into 5 lots that will range from approximately 5,000 to 9,500 square feet in area. . H James H.Jacques Jake Short Plat#2 File No.:LUA-97-167,ShP1 January 19, 1998 Page 2 The short plat is exempted from environmental review in accordance with the City's environmental ordinance and the regulations governing the SEPA process. The Comprehensive Plan(CP)designation for this area is single family residential. The proposed short plat will also be in compliance with the development standards of the R-8 single family residential zone. The CP allows for a density of 5 to 8 dwelling units per acre. The applicant proposes a density of 6.6 units to the acre. The minimum lot size for this zone is 4,500 square feet and the proposal has a minimum lot size of approximately 5,100 square feet. This is an infill project; it will be taking an existing parcel that was developed under past policies and plans that are no longer in effect and is now redeveloping the property in accordance with the standards established today. The lot sizes proposed are smaller than the existing lots in the same area;however,they are not out of character with the recent subdivisions and short plats that have already occurred in this area of the City. 1 Access to the lots will be from Aberdeen Avenue. The applicant will be creating no new public streets,but will i provide a private street for access to Lots 1,2,and 3. A dual driveway will provide access to Lots 4 and 5. The applicant originally indicated that Lot 3 would be rectangular in shape and that there would be an easement for the shared driveway to Lots 4 and 5 across Lot 3. Staff recommends that the lot boundary for Lot 3 follow the proposed easement. This will keep a small triangle up in the upper right-hand of Lot 3 from being isolated I I from the remainder of the lot and would allow Lot 4 to provide a fence along its boundary if so desired. No new blocks will be created through the short plat. Fire,traffic and parks mitigation fees will be required from this development. Police and Fire Departments will be able to provide service to this area and have noted that there are code required improvements that will be required. The Renton School District has indicated there is no impact on their ability to provide services. The applicant will be bringing a sewer main from Blaine Avenue down through an adjacent parcel into the east side of this development as there is no sewer service in Aberdeen right now. The front is on Aberdeen Avenue on the west;the east side backs up against the lots on Blaine Avenue and the adjacent lots to the north and south. The applicant will be creating a storm water infiltration system in accordance with the standards established by the City of Renton. This plat is in Aquifer Zone 2. There is a 6-inch water main to service this site. Staff would recommend approval of the short plat with the conditions established in the staff report. I I James Jacques,2509 Aberdeen Avenue NE,Renton,Washington 98056,applicant herein,thanked the staff for their presentation of this project. Neil Watts,Plan Review Supervisor,Development Services Division,City of Renton,200 Mill Avenue South, Renton,Washington 98055,explained the City's position on private easements versus public roadways to access interior lots. Several options were discussed pertaining to easements on this particular parcel. Ron Patten,Jr., 1632 Aberdeen Avenue,Renton, Washington 98056,spoke in opposition to the proposal. He stated he did not dispute the legalities of the plat,but rather was concerned over its impact to the adjacent neighborhood. He submitted a request from several neighbors requesting a privacy screening of some type to be erected between this proposal and those yards backing onto it. He further stated that they would prefer a !James H.Jacques 'Jake Short Plat#2 ;File No.: LUA-97-167,ShP1 (January 19, 1998 Page 3 'four-parcel plat instead of the requested five. The increase in traffic from this proposal to an already busy 'roadway is of concern. Ken Beckwith, 1733 Aberdeen Avenue NE,Renton,Washington 98056,an adjacent resident,asked if there were plans to put a sewer line down Aberdeen Avenue. He wondered why this project was bringing in sewers from a side location and not Aberdeen. Mr.Watts responded that this particular block is a very difficult one to serve as it is so shallow. Mr.Watts indicated there are no immediate CIP plans for installing a sewer main in 'Aberdeen. The Examiner called for further testimony regarding this project. There was no one else wishing to speak, and no further comments from staff. The hearing closed at 10:05 a.m. FINDINGS.CONCLUSIONS &DECISION Having reviewed the record in this matter,the Examiner now makes and enters the following: FINDINGS: 1. The applicant,James H.Jacques,filed a request for approval of a five-lot short plat. 2. The yellow file containing the staff report,the State Environmental Policy Act(SEPA)documentation and other pertinent materials was entered into the record as Exhibit#1. 3. The Environmental Review Committee(ERC),the City's responsible official,determined that the proposal is exempt from an environmental assessment. 4. The subject proposal was reviewed by all departments with an interest in the matter. 5. The subject site is located at 1708 Aberdeen Avenue NE. The subject site is three lots north of NE 16th Street. Blaine Avenue NE is located east of the subject site. 6. The subject site was annexed to the City with the adoption of Ordinance 1827 enacted in May 1960. 7. The subject site is zoned R-8(Single family residential- 8 dwelling units per acre). It received this classification in June 1993. 8. The map element of the Comprehensive Plan designates the area in which the subject site is located as suitable for the development of single family uses,but does not mandate such development without consideration of other policies of the Plan. 9. An existing home is located on the western third of the site. Two outbuildings are located elsewhere on the site. The home will remain while the outbuildings will be removed. There is also a deck at the east side of the home that will have to be removed as it would overlap the proposed property line. O. The subject site is 33,128 square feet in area. The site is approximately 252.41 feet deep(east to west) by approximately 131.10 feet wide along its Aberdeen frontage. The lot is slightly less than rectangular. • James H.Jacques Jake Short Plat#2 File No.:LUA-97-167,ShP1 January 19, 1998 Page 4 11. The subject site is relatively level. 12. The plat design shows an easement across Proposed Lot 1 for access to the interior portion of the site. There does not appear to be any particular reason to burden Proposed Lot 1 with an easement across it. 13. The applicant proposes dividing the subject site into five single family lots. Proposed Lot 1 would contain the existing home and would be the only lot with direct frontage along Aberdeen. Proposed Lot ,1 1 would be approximately 74 feet deep and approximately 105 feet wide,if the proposed easement roadway is separated from Proposed Lot 1. Proposed Lot 1 would be approximately 7,751 square feet. With the easement roadway it would be approximately 9,561 square feet. 14. The remaining four lots would be interior to proposed Lot 1 and would gain access via a 26 foot wide (20 feet of pavement)easement roadway and shared driveway. 15. Proposed Lot 2 would be 50 feet wide(east to west)and approximately 131 feet long. If the panhandle were part of the lot it would be approximately 8,432.9 square feet whereas without the panhandle it !j would be 6,560.9 square feet. 16. Proposed Lot 3 would be similar to Proposed Lot 2. It would be 50 feet wide and approximately 131 feet long. It was originally proposed to be 6,564.3 square feet. The shared driveway for Proposed Lots 4 and 5 would run diagonally southeast across its northeast corner. This would leave a small remainder triangular parcel on the far side of the driveway belonging to it. At the hearing it was determined that the triangle should be part of Proposed Lot 4. 17. Proposed Lot 4 would be located in the northeast corner of the site. It would be approximately 79.49 feet deep(east to west)and approximately 66.33 feet wide. It was to be 5,302.7 square feet. That would be enlarged somewhat by the addition of the triangular remainder. 18. Proposed Lot 5 would be 78.59 feet deep(east to west)by approximately 65.11 feet wide. It would be approximately 5,141.7 square feet. 19. As noted,a 26 foot wide easement driveway with 20 feet of paving would provide the main access to the interior parcels. At its easterly end,approximately 172 feet from Aberdeen,the shared driveway would angle off to the southeast. This driveway would be 20 feet wide with 12 feet of pavement. 20. The four new lots will generate approximately 40 new daily vehicle trips. The five lots will generate a total of approximately 50 trips. Staff has reported that the local road system can handle these new trips. 1 21. The five homes will generate approximately three(3)students. These students will attend the Renton j School District system and are assigned on a space available basis. 22. The neighbors objected to the proposed subdivision,noting that the proposed lot sizes,particularly lot width,did not match the existing community. They objected to the plat as out of character with the surrounding development. 23. The subject site will receive sewer service from the east,from a line that runs along Blaine. Other neighbors were interested in the possible extension of sewers to serve other parcels in the vicinity of the subject site since no sewer is available along this section of the Aberdeen corridor. 24. The subject site is located in Zone 2 of the Aquifer Protection area. James H.Jacques Jake Short Plat#2 File No.: LUA-97-167,ShP1 January 19, 1998 Page 5 CONCLUSIONS: 1. The proposed plat appears to serve the public use and interest. The plat will create additional housing opportunities in an area that can be served by urban services. 2. While certain aspects of the plat are somewhat out of character from the surrounding development in terms of lot size and dimensions,in the main it is compatible with surrounding development. The proposal creates additional lots for single family development which is not only compatible with the Comprehensive Plan's goals but is compatible with the surrounding single family development. In addition,the frontage lot,Proposed Lot 1, is truly the only visible portion of the plat and it is fairly comparable to surrounding development. The smaller,narrower lots are interior lots and will not be visible nor confronting directly larger parcels. 3. Because the applicant will be providing an access roadway serving four interior lots immediately adjacent to single family development,that adjacent property deserves some protection and isolation from the additional traffic and noise four homes will generate as opposed to the normal one lot's neighboring driveway. To provide sufficient buffering,the applicant shall be required to construct a solid fence and landscaping along the north edge of the proposed private roadway. The applicant shall coordinate this effort with the adjoining property to provide an acceptable location for the fence and landscaping. 4. As noted earlier,there seems to be no reason to-burden Proposed Lot 1 with an easement for a private roadway. If Proposed Lot 1 does not use that roadway,there will be fewer trips on the private road to adversely affect the neighboring lot. Therefore,Lot 1 shall not be included in the easement arrangement,and what was to be the easement across it shall instead be a pipestem extension of Proposed Lot 2. 5. The applicant shall also modify the boundary between Proposed Lots 3 and 4 as represented in Exhibit No. 5. 6. The new development will increase the demand on recreational,fire and transportation services. Therefore,the applicant shall have to pay the appropriate mitigation fees that the City has established for each of these services. 7. In conclusion,the development of the proposed property will increase the population and traffic in the area but not in any unexpected way. The development of single family homes was clearly envisioned for this neighborhood and will not materially alter the general single family character of the area. DECISION: The proposed five-lot plat is approved subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall modify the boundary between Proposed Lots 3 and 4 as represented in Exhibit No. 5. 2. Lot 1 shall not be included in the easement arrangement,and what was to be the easement across it shall instead be a pipestem extension of Proposed Lot 2. James H.Jacques Jake Short Plat#2 File No.: LUA-97-167,ShP1 January 19, 1998 Page 6 3. The applicant shall be required to install a solid fence and landscaping along the north edge of the proposed private roadway. The applicant shall coordinate this effort with the adjoining property to provide an acceptable location for the fence and landscaping. 4. The applicant shall remove the existing garage,shack and patio prior to recording the short plat. A demolition permit from the City of Renton is necessary for the applicant to complete this work. 5. The applicant shall pay a transportation mitigation fee of$75.00 per average daily trip prior to recording of the plat. 6. The applicant shall pay a fire mitigation fee of$488.00 per new lot prior to the recording of the plat. 7. The applicant shall pay a parks mitigation fee of$530.76 per new lot prior to the recording of the plat. ORDERED THIS 19th day of January, 1998. FRED J.KA HEARING E ER TRANSMITTED THIS 19th day of January, 1998 to the parties of record: Mark Pywell James Jacques Neil Watts 200 Mill Avenue S 2509 Aberdeen Avenue NE 200 Mill Avenue S Renton, WA 98055 Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98055 Ron Patten,Jr. Jim Beckwith Mr.and Mrs.Ronald Leckie 1632 Aberdeen Ave NE 1733 Aberdeen Ave NE 1604 Aberdeen Ave NE Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 Mr.and Mrs.Jahnke Mr. and Mr.David Alder Kermit Marsalis&Vicki Raub 1717 Aberdeen Ave NE 2819 Aberdeen Ave NE 1901 Aberdeen Ave NE Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 Raye Holmes Melody Blufton Mr.and Mrs. Gary Jannusch 1822 Aberdeen Ave NE 1724 Aberdeen Ave NE 1633 Blaine Ave NE Renton,WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 John Patten Melvin Readnour&Zita Noll Harold Woodin 1624 Aberdeen Ave NE 1701 Aberdeen Ave NE 1801Aberdeen Ave NE Renton, WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 Mr.and Mrs.Berle Green Andy Rynning Cherrie Palm 1831 Aberdeen Ave NE 1924 Aberdeen Ave NE 1816 Aberdeen Ave NE Renton,WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 i I James H.Jacques 'i Jake Short Plat#2 File No.:LUA-97-167,ShP1 January 19, 1998 ,Page 7 ;Wayne Otto Mr.and Mrs.Raymond McDade Daun Lunz 1 2009 Aberdeen Ave NE 1617 Aberdeen Ave NE 1617 Blaine Ave NE Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 Mr.and Mrs.Dean Westcott Mr. and Mrs.Ronald Short,Jr. Jillene Cochran&Narda Bjczek 1701 Camas Ave NE 2116 NE 16th Street 1709 Aberdeen Ave NE Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 1 Mr.and Mrs.Thor Bostrom Julianne Vig Jim Nation 11809 Aberdeen Ave NE 1833 Aberdeen Ave NE 1832 Aberdeen Ave NE Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 Jloyce Stewart Marie Sayre Robert Hutchinson 1732 Aberdeen Ave NE 2005 Aberdeen Ave NE 2124 NE 16th Street RI lenton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 I John Driscoll Bill Johnson Adele Howard 1g25 Blaine Avenue NE 2302 NE 16th 2117 NE 16th Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 Mr.and Mrs.Baker 1 ,16 Aberdeen Ave NE • Renton,WA 98056 TRANSMITTED THIS 19th day of January, 1998 to the following Mayor Jesse Tanner Gregg Zimmerman,Plan/Bldg/PW Administrator Members,Renton Planning Commission Jim Hanson,Development Services Director ' Art Larson,Fire Marshal Mike Kattermann,Technical Services Director Lawrence J. Warren,City Attorney Larry Meckling,Building Official Transportation Systems Division Jay Covington,Mayor's Executive Assistant Utilities System Division Councilperson Kathy Keolker-Wheeler South County Journal Pursuant to Title IV,Chapter 8, Section 15 of the City's Code, request for reconsideration must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m.,February 2. 1998. Any aggrieved person feeling that the decision of the Examiner is ambiguous or based on erroneous procedure,errors of law or fact,error in judgment,or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the prior hearing may make a written request for a review by the Examiner within fourteen(14)days from the date of the Examiner's decision. This request shall set forth the specific ambiguities or errors discovered by such appellant,and the Examiner may, after review of the record,take further action as he deems proper. An appeal to the City Council is governed by Title IV,Chapter 8, Section 16,which requires that such appeal be filed with the City Clerk,accompanying a filing fee of$75.00 and meeting other specified requirements. , Copies of this ordinance are available for inspection or purchase in the Finance Department,first floor of City Hall. James H.Jacques Jake Short Plat#2 File No.: LUA-97-167,ShP1 • January 19, 1998 Page 8 If the Examiner's Recommendation or Decision contains the requirement for Restrictive Covenants,the executed Covenants will be required prior to approval by City Council or final processing of the file. II You may contact this office for information on formatting covenants. The Appearance of Fairness Doctrine provides that no ex parte(private one-on-one)communications may occur concerning pending land use decisions. This means that parties to a land use decision may not communicate in private with any decision-maker concerning the proposal. Decision-makers in the land use process include both the Hearing Examiner and members of the City Council. r All communications concerning the proposal must be made in public. This public communication permits all ' interested parties to know the contents of the communication and would allow them to openly rebut the evidence. Any violation of this doctrine would result in the invalidation of the request by the Court. The Doctrine applies not only to the initial public hearing but to all Requests for Reconsideration as well as Appeals to the City Council. . . • II it I l • it it II 'I� IItl II it ', II III jl II� + •i • • • • • • • . • • • • •��•�.�,� i+ . : ...� �y^•.�tz'.ti�:wG�C''`'�. Y�^'1�n: .•:.•' .a:ians 1 pr. M•M /2a I ! IIL le ,y 0 , '�0 Al ij. • }r'. 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Cr: .113i g Q)2 , 4 :�•+1 .h+/ I: 1 -15:7 1--- w (.- •, ,a'°+ Lam` 1 • . C s °-` } °S .5 lal. 6' I N 5 ----- 11 1 1 04. ° •s1. Z // `'—W ) 5 (rr IIJJ � � 1Q/ ;�� �/� t • • i • • 1 N — • EAST D,coRAER CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT Nos. • SEC S,T2JK RJE WJ,L . G/R aWWWDL l Z J&9 • • N 00 J2'49'E t Z - • ' 18J.52'MEAS •.I k DC` AMONT:SS D WITH N. E. 20 th STREET _ • r-.J'0/A BRASS DISK _ • f�, f. - - —--- N 607029'E 1,322.5r ¢ FIELD 7R4t EJts�tAY77aC W/7N ,,y�H EX C0.'.5 ANN'T,w/7H . , 7AKQV-G7S.C-/D•EQ14 0.il• N.91' - J'D/A BRASS DISK 20 MEETS W..C-JJ2-/J0.90 N 89'43 42'E 252.42' I p + • i 30.00' ^� • 80.42' 4i I• . . '• � / SQN/TgRY SCNfR S..,t 4:•:/� • L -26'PR/VA rE ROAD EASEMENT • FOR-_-'__ _ , _ 8' ,NORTH r f •.:::. -. iO°AVV�TORE:ss s VfIOfIEs NL �� - ---_— 20PAVED 11" \•-20-- LOT 4 - 2a - ,,1 W I •y tv\ 5,302.TS0.F7: M �, � �, �•. OWNER'S CERTIFICATE .3 :a31 .- 1.,- -,1' 1`- N ? `N�,a ` ' M '0 p±u L.TIE UNDERSIGNED,HEREBY CERTIFY THAT/AM THE 3 •0\:r'r A' .k- OWNER IN FEE SIMPLE OF THE LAND IN THIS SHORT PLAT o• y m a LOT 2 u� �' \s a �'r �• to : 3 ZO` t. JAMES K JACQUES Net Tice 6,560.9 S0.FT. ro h L _.J r 9 �(V N �"� 38 LOT 3 W 1 N o • �7 • w b N 6,564.3 SO.FE , '•nor \ N 89'43'42'E „, 4 - • c h 79,49' ACKNOWLEDGMENT Q l ? •00� I 2 ^1'... ` / I STATE OF WASHING7ON _ COUNTY OF KING • W, �o • , ALIG -1 THIS IS 70 CERTIFY THAT ON THIS ' DAY Or •4.D, W N ` I- b c m • Inn, „• r .••••7;rn•auryl, A NOTARY PUBLIC P£R- I.. \ t is O }. ro DE SONALLYAPPEARED✓AMES K.ACOUES• 70 M£KNOWN 70 BE • mil! `� q armo`� THE INDIVIDUAL WHO SIGNED THE ABOVE CERTIFICATE AND • 4 O o V 2 w • ACKNOWLEDGED 70 ME THAT HE SIGNED THE SAME AS HIS FREE 2 LOT II 70 EC&Ma D • 2 LOT 5 W ; AAD VOLUNTARY ACT AND DEED. • .. 9,561.1 S0.F.T. 5/4/.7 Sp FT. �O r:"= IN WITNESS WHEREOF I HAVE HEREUNTO SET MY HAND AND �� `-•� `"{""' " ' ""'i"` "'�n'.; OFFICIAL SEAL THE DAY AND YEAR FIRST ABOVE WRITTEMN' w 2tNOTARY PURL/C/N AND f0R THE STATE OF W4 /l1G7ON r,t4 JR00• 73.82' 1 50.00' S0.00' ,.. I 78.59' RESIDING AT 1 i N 89'4821-1- • 25241' 1 I i h �- i 5 N _L PORTION OF TRACT 245 _. •• "� Cl'.H/LLMIA/FS LIG WAVE GARDEN OF EDEN DIV.No.4 r,ESCRIPTION - �ROVA/S • 1 . I N. E. /6th STREET 7HF SOUTH.4 OF 7'HE.iOH•••I S¢OF TRACT 245•C.D.HILLMAMS LAKE .1 EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS DAY OF -A.D. 1997 WASHING7ONV r^RD£N OF EDEN,DI VISION No. 4,AS PER PLAT RECORDED 1 S 893729'E l32LB6 -'�" IN VOLUME/I OF PLATS,PAGE 82,RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, �+ J i EXCEPT THE SOUTH/3 FEET'T//�'R£OF.SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, I E/lY OF'1fEiVfO/✓-Adti1/NLS./7i1}`Ok OF • 3' IA 8.4 0 writ COUNTY OF KINW STATE OF WAS!l!NOW K PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS -fX. IA NOAR.WITH J'D/A BRASS DISK 33 W.as BRASS PIN i� = ALL IN SECTION S, 7CN YSH%P 2 NORTH RANGE'S EAST, fi:.. EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS DAY OF -A.D. /997 o AQUIFER PROTECTION NOTICE • ry,� p.`2 THE LOTS CREATED HEREIN FALL WITHIN ZONE 2 OF RENTON CITY OF RENTON HEARING EXAMINER C 0, • AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA AND ARE SUBJECT 70 THE RE- EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS .DAY OF A.D. 1997 kl OU/REMEN7S OF THE CITY OF RENTON ORDINANCE NA4367. • EX CCNC Horn w/7N .1^ W THIS CITY'S SOLE SOURCE OF DRINKING WATER IS SUPPLIED • J'D/a BRASS DISK—N.,1 rr FROM A SHALLDW..7Q1/rrER UNDER THE CITY SURFACE.EXTREME KING eO1/NTY ASSESSOR DEPUTY CARE SHOULD BE EXERCISED WHEN HANDLING OF ANY LIQUID SE Sac CORERME w,e SUBSTANCE OTHER THAN WATER 70 PROTECT FROM CONTACT WITH C/R 0.7. TAN267RGL MKT.J7 • THE GROUND SURFACE IT IS THE HOMEOWNERS RESPONSIBILITY 70 • • PROTECT THE CITY'S DRINKING WATER N.E. k4, S.E. %4, SEC. 5, T. 23 N., R. 5 E., W.M. • ,a^•*" :-... KENNETH a OYLER C.f.t L.S. !425 1255 5050 RECORDING CERTIFICATE SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE �'""' -'i ...' �� P.O.BOX 2258 RfNTON, WASHINGTON 98036 FILED FOR RECORD THIS..._...DAY OF 4 0 AT---- .AL THIS MAP CORRECTLY REPRESENTS A SURVEY MADE BE ME OR UNDER a/. •i•,•.' \' IN BOOK__:..,.OF SURVEYS. ON PAGE AT THE AEOUt S-T MY DIRECTION IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE ' `.•;1 •! I JAKE SHORT PLAT No. 2 OF KENNETH J.OYLEA. SURVEY RECORDING ACT AT THE REQUEST OF JIM JACQUES IN } •rJ. .,"4• :. OCT.1997. 1 'i�o:::+ u R � uN y 4� 4.-REBAR/CAP JOB No. — " — — — SCALE. /•..20' OR AS SHOWN 97002 MANAGER SUPERINTENDENT OF=RECOR05 --- -- — fRTIFlCA o.5524__ _ W__ 'r O 0 0 CITY OF RENTON 200 Mill Avenue South-Renton,Washington 98055 �a . '::All 01‘,4to = 0 .5 5 = f ezamil a ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED p * )I50,i64 U.S. aosr,aG1 (f--;-- _ oA4A)"/ \-1.)\)° \) / U ,,,c,\9,0iu i , ,, ..Mr. and Mrs. David Alder . --- . 2819 Aberdeen Ave NE Renton, WA 98056, ! 1"_ "� .i NO SUCH '-� �Sb� L j' NUMBER ' "'' :x s,e� • (RETURN -1.G>..SENDEi ,, „ 0 �f co , . /g/ iffs, !r--k•-<,,,°' N [6h1 �O U I 1 .J �-- 252.3 "WII58.62, /0 26�, 9 --- 23 -- it sa S 3 /4 9T v --- ------- ni � '�; 44 i ': 96.1E ! i; I a 14, 27 q �n /- - - - 3 0'7 I a W e,� - 17 D °71T.E -8T1- S1. � 1 I I�s /✓'0 256.E ___,, ti ;^`_ 96./8 I 1 ].35 \\`--./40 55 p O ` 96.0/ 112 .99.SI I.� 625 28 _. .� a 1733 - -- 1 i 9 m. 8 c•4 "`- 1\� 6 - -`J , .-- 22171 ® 21 a`oi ya m �� ,v -.� 96 90 -9 I ooW \' ''.' 92.' 161--z---„-_- 245 mir, . ,trin 20 tp.k i 37 77 e t 0.,, ..4,3 ti 1 ^,a W r� J L. �• • o V , I 7. 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IE",71 : !-raj-'7' . •tr; -Z.. ..' 5- 5 Z rarui °t • Mr.Ken Patten/Rove;P latfeh,O, Mr.John Patten Mr.&Mrs.Ronald Short,Jr. 1632 Aberdeen Avenue NE 1624 Aberdeen Avenue NE 2116 NE 16th St. Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 Mr. &Mrs.Ronald Leckie Mr.Melvin Readnour Ms.JiRene Cochran 1604 Aberdeen Avenue NE Ms.Zita Noll 1709 Aberdeen Avenue NE Renton,WA 98056 1701 Aberdeen Avenue NE Ms.Narda Bjczek Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 • Mr. &Mrs.Jahnke Mr.Harold Woodin Mr.&Mrs.Thor Bostrom 1717 Aberdeen Avenue NE 1801 Aberdeen Ave.NE 1809 Aberdeen Ave.NE Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 Mr.&Mrs.David Alder Mr. &Mrs.Berle Green Ms.Julianne Vig 2819 Aberdeen Ave.NE 1831 Aberdeen Ave.NE 1833 Aberdeen Ave.NE Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 Mr.Kermit Marsalis Mr. Andy Rynning Mr.Jim Nation Ms.Vicki Raub 1924 Aberdeen Ave.NE 1832 Aberdeen Ave.NE 1901 Aberdeen Avenue NE Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 Mr.Raye Holmes Ms. Cherrie Palm Ms.Joyce Stewart 1822 Aberdeen Ave.NE 1816 Aberdeen Ave.NE 1732 Aberdeen Ave.NE Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 Mr.Arthur Beckwith Mr.Wayne Otto Ms.Marie Sayre 1733 Aberdeen Ave.NE 2009 Aberdeen Ave.NE 2005 Aberdeen Ave.NE Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 Ms.MelodyBlufton Mr. &Mrs.Raymond ymond McDade Mr.Robert Hutchinson 1724 Aberdeen Ave.NE 1617 Aberdeen Ave.NE 2124 NE 16th Street Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 Resident Ms.Daun Lunz Mr.John Driscoll 2200 NE 16th St. 1617 NE Blaine Ave.NE 1625 Blaine Ave.NE Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 &Mrs. Gary Jannusch Mr.&Mrs.Dean Westcott Mr.Bill Johnson 1633 Blaine Ave.NE 1701 Camas Ave.NE 2302 NE 16th Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 Ms.Adele Howard Mr.&Mrs.Baker Resident 2117 NE 16th 1516 Aberdeen Ave.NE 1517 Aberdeen Ave.NE Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 S*P-?7-147 y Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 S Grady Way . • Renton, WA 98055 Title: UTILITIES EASEMENT 5-t3Gido Property Tax Parcel Number: 334390-1644 Project File#: LUA-97-167,SHPL-H Street Intersection or Project Name: Aberdeen Ave NE&NE 17th Place(Private Road) Grantor(s): Grantee(s): 1. James H. Jacques 1. City of Renton,a Municipal Corporation LEGAL DESCRIPTION: A fifteen foot wide strip of land for sewer main over the north 15 feet of the east 190 feet,and,the east 10 feet of the north 100 feet of the following described parcel: Parcel: The South 1/2 of the North 1/2 of Tract 245, C.D.Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden, Division No.4 as per plat recorded in Volume 11 of Plats,page 82,records of King County,Washington; EXCEPT the South 15 feet thereof. ,tr Situate in the City of Renton,County of King, State of Washington. All in Section 5,Township 23 North, Range 5 East,W.M.. Cr) 1.7) r� • Ceti zz S iu L)l 7 LLI 21. H C.? ORoP�L5 t..77.i.r'. 1 :-i C:\WINWORD\JACQUES.DOC\ Page 1 of 2 uO 0 Lv w• cu Cu A m That said Grantor(s),for and in consideration of mutual benefits,do by these presents,grant,bargain,sell, convey,and warrants unto the said Grantee, its successors and assigns,an easement for public utilities (including water,wastewater, and surface water)with necessary appurtenances over,under,through,across and upon the following described property(the right-of-way)in King County,Washington,more particularly described on page 1. For the purpose of constructing,reconstructing, installing,repairing,replacing,enlarging, operating and maintaining utilities and utility pipelines, including,but not limited to,water,sewer and storm drainage lines, together with the right of ingress and egress thereto without prior institution of any suit or proceedings of law and without incurring any legal obligation or liability therefor. Following the initial construction of its facilities, Grantee may from time to time construct such additional facilities as it may require. This easement is granted subject to the following terms and conditions: 1. The Grantee shall,upon completion of any work within the property covered by the easement,restore the surface of the easement,and any private improvements disturbed or destroyed during execution of the work,as nearly as practicable to the condition they were in immediately before commencement of the work or entry by the Grantee. • 2. Grantor shall retain the right to use the surface of the easement as long as such use does not interfere with the easement rights granted to the Grantee. Grantor shall not,however,have the right to: a. Erect or maintain any buildings or structures within the easement;or b. Plant trees,shrubs or vegetation having deep root patterns which may cause damage to or interfere with the utilities to be placed within the easement by the Grantee;or c. Develop,landscape,or beautify the easement area in any way which would unreasonably increase the costs to the Grantee of restoring the easement area and any private improvements therein. d. Dig,tunnel or perform other forms of construction activities on the property which would disturb the compaction or unearth Grantee's facilities on the right-of-way,or endanger the lateral support facilities. e. Blast within fifteen(15)feet of the right-of-way. This easement shall run with the land described herein,and shall be binding upon the parties,their heirs, successors in interest and assigns. Grantors covenant that they are the lawful owners of the above properties and that they have a good and lawful right to execute this agreement. By this conveyance,Grantor will warrant and defend the sale hereby made unto the Grantee against all and every person or persons,whomsoever, lawfully claiming or to claim the same. This conveyance shall bind the heirs,executors,administrators and assigns forever. iN IN WITNESS WHEREOF,said Grantor has caused this instrument to be executed this 7/ day of 19 q Crl B,CANA.24 u. INDIVIDUAL FORM OFACKNOWLEDGMENT Notary Seal must be within box STATE OF WASHINGTON )SS COUNTY OF KING I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that p,,„&p„ Pr• •""'' ":o); ' signed this instrument d •` '�','-'i�.''.°��`° acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntaryact for the uses and purposes g P rP r Q�d+.�3gy mentioned in the instrument C;.• 7 1 .�er.r 1' (:1 o.r. .r / oro,yy, '�;.;a°��•''Incie,.o`era Notary PublicCu-ifnd forkpit f 'EFF C� �fi{�a :�;. Notary(Print) My appointment expi Dated: Qt,,Aa. 7 , 13 8 C:\WINWORDUACQUES.DOC\ Page 2 of 2 • M1 3j�� Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 S Grady Way Renton, WA 98055. • Title: UTILITIES EASEMENT 5•Xl ao Property Tax Parcel Number: 6 8 8 2 2 0—0 2 5 0 Project File#: Lu -?7-/67,5/m. -/.1 Street Intersection or Project Name:B la me Ave NE Reference Ni ber(s) of Documents assigned or released: Additional reference numbers are on page rantor(s): G 1a r2)/ C,. J n hf r/'s C 4 Grantee(s): 1. De-N 1 s'E E S g N n)U s 1. City of Renton, a Municipal Corporation ,Additional legal Cori page of document. (Abbreviated legal description MUST go here.) 1/) LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 0 The north 10 feet of Lot 25 of Powell's 1st Addition as recorded in Vol. 84 of Plats, Pg. 3, records of King County, C) Washington. All situated in Section 5, TWP. 23 N. , R.5E, W.M. • �9--0o03- )(Lip Sens Page 1 That said Grantor(s),for and in consideration of mutual benefits,do by these presents, grant,bargain,sell, convey,and warrants unto the said Grantee,its successors and assigns,an easement for public utilities (including water,wastewater,and surface water)with necessary appurtenances over,under,through,across and upon the following described property(the right-of-way)in King County, Washington,more particularly described on page 1. (or if full legal is not on page 1--Exhibit A.) For the purpose of constnicting,reconstructing, installing,repairing,replacing,enlarging,operating and maintaining utilities and utility pipelines, including,but not limited to,water, sewer and storm drainage lines, together with the right of ingress and egress thereto without prior institution of any suit or proceedings of law and without incurring any legal obligation or liability therefor. Following the initial construction of its facilities, Grantee may from time to time construct such additional facilities as it may require. This easement is granted subject to the following terms and conditions: 1. The Grantee shall,upon completion of any work within the property covered by the easement,restore the surface of the easement, and any private improvements disturbed or destroyed during execution of the work,as nearly as practicable to the condition they were in immediately before commencement of the work or entry by the Grantee. 2. Grantor shall retain the right to use the surface of the easement as long as such use does not interfere with the easement rights granted to the Grantee. Grantor shall not,however,have the right to: a. Erect or maintain any new buildings or structures within the easement(existing 8' x 10' shed may remain);or b. Plant trees,shrubs or vegetation having deep root patterns which may cause damage to or interfere CO with the utilities to be placed within the easement by the Grantee; or c. Develop, landscape,or beautify the easement area in any way which would unreasonably increase the costs to the Grantee of restoring the easement area and any private improvements therein. d. Dig,tunnel or perform other forms of construction activities on the property which would disturb the compaction or unearth Grantee's facilities on the right-of-way, or endanger the lateral support facilities. e. Blast within fifteen(15)feet of the right-of-way. This easement shall run with the land described herein,and shall be binding upon the parties,their heirs, successors in interest and assigns. Grantors covenant that they are the lawful owners of the above properties and that they have a good and lawful right to execute this agreement. By this conveyance,Grantor will warrant and defend the sale hereby made unto the Grantee against all and every person or persons,whomsoever, lawfully claiming or to claim the same. This conveyance shall bind the heirs,executors,administrators and assigns forever. I-I:\FILE.SYS\FR\l\03EASEMv\00I3.DOC\ Page 2 FORM 03 0013/bh/CA2-21-97 Form 84 0001/bh IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand and seal day and year written ow. ter C AI ay1h� . . (1. a or)&diSe E.`J IUI • INDIVIDUAL FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT Notary Seal must be within box STATE OF WASHINGTON )ss COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that CAN t-'( .``'' 1 ••�l9y1tii i f{►SC C— .J l&v,( ILS signed this instrument and ,0 • stON ,to V t ' ••• acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and luntary ac e uses and purposes U'v NOTARY�9R`N men ione in the instrument U • �'.\ PUBLIC ry,� y.yN o 2o��0� otary Public in and for the State f Washington � LARY 2, .� Notary(Print) • ,,o ill AS .,`, My appointment expires: ( — '�—rr— Ot Dated: /0 REPRESENTATIVE FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT Notary Seal must be within box STATE OF WASHINGTON )ss COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that signed this instrument,on oath stated that he/she/they was/were authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the and CV C.) of to be the free and voluntary act of such party/parties for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary(Print) My appointment expires: Dated: CORPORATE FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT Notary Seal must be within box STATE OF WASHINGTON )ss COUNTY OF KING ) On this day of , 19 ,before me personally appeared to me known to be of the corporation that executed the within instrument,and acknowledge the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation,for the uses and purposes therein mentioned,and each on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print) My appointment expires: Dated: • EXHIBIT"A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION (Must be stamped by a P.E.or L.S.) • See Page 1. • CO • L l7' H:\FORMS\KCRECORD\EASEMENT.DOC\ Page 4 FORM 03 0000/bh/CA2-2 I-97 Return Address: - City Clerk's Office City of Renton 200 Mill Avenue South • Renton, WA 98055-2189 • 33 3 ya-16 BILL OF SALE S-027ck Property Tax Parcel Number: 6-841. ^ 0 Project File#: SN Pl. Street Intersection: Address: \�� !-1 .l - v i -/t 1- 11 F1zvckee.un�%k - I10� f�'Je'cectJ Reference Number(s)of Documents assigned or released:Additional reference numbers are on page L7 Grantor(s): Grantee(s): M 1. ' --srA u gS ® 1. City of Renton,a Municipal Corporation 2. The Grantor,as named above,for,and in consideration of mutual benefits,hereby grants,bargains,sells and delivers to the Grantee,as named above,the following described personal property: 3 9, g 1 i t�v se Y'12 rYl iq 1� / $� i i rn R 1`? e)-E , y 6 (h AA-71-10 of s ci o By this conveyance,Grantor will warrant and defend the sale hereby made unto the Grantee against all and every person 0 or persons,whomsoever,lawfully claiming or to claim the same. This conveyance shall bind the heirs,executors, administrators and assigns forever. •- z4fol _DD so D:197\04\BOSDB.DOC\bh Page 1 li Form 84 0001/bh IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year as written below. ' N INDIVIDUAL FORM OFACKNOWLEDGMENT Notary Seal must be within box STATE OF WASHINGTON )ss COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that i, signed this instrument and • ac owled d it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument ' _ , • _ %ma c '. NotaryPubl in and for the State of ashington Notary(Print) 319 S31:1IdX3 NOISSIIN jOO My appointment ejii3HOINV>1 NA1I�v Dated: 1„i .a 3 -g4? CD REPRESENTATIVE FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT Notary Seal must be within box STATE OF WASHINGTON )ss L/) COUNTY OF KING I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that • 0 signed this instrument,on oath stated that he/she/they was/were authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the and of to be the free and voluntary act of such party/parties for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary(Print) My appointment expires: Dated: , I CORPORATE FORM OFACKNOWLEDGMENT Notary Seal must be within box STATE OF WASHINGTON )ss COUNTY OF KING On this day of , 19 ,before me personally appeared to me known to be- of the corporation that executed the within instrument,and acknowledge the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation,for the uses and purposes therein . I mentioned,and each on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary(Print) My appointment expires: Dated: Return Address. City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton,WA 98055 DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS Property Tax Parcel Number: p''b Grantor(s): .knot- L..S4-1Ink ti a. str y1e person ,are tl:e o ners of the D. following real property in the City of Renton,County of King,State of Washington as described below: l LEGAL DESCRIPTION:(Abbreviated legal description MUST go here.)Additional legal is on page_of document. CV L.orf Rt talk 471 Itfr.30n Milklovkd No, 2. (Correctr0 i Ve/. 5-7/ P . 92- LI tVWhereas the Grantor(s),Owner(s)of said described property,desire to impose the following restrictive Q covenants running with the land as to use,present and future,of the above described real property. NOW,THEREFORE,the aforesaid Owner(s)hereby establish,grant and impose restrictions and covenants running with the land hereto attached described with respect to the use by the undersigned,his successors,heirs, and assigns as follows: Installation of Off-site improvements: The owner(s)of the above described property,their successors, heirs and assigns,hereby agree and covenant to participate in,sign a petition in support of,and accept any future 0,-. • Local Improvement district(LID)or city initiated proposal,and pay their fair share therefore,for the purposes of providing the necessary off-site improvements required by the Renton Subdivision Ordinance. Said improvements shall include but may not be limited to the installation of curbs,gutters,sidewalks,street paving, sanitary sewers,storm sewers,undergrounding of utilities,and street lighting. These covenant are imposed in lieu of Section 9-1105(6)of Title IX of Ordinance#1628 of the City of Renton. t Duration: These covenants shall run with the land: If at any time improvements are installed pursuant to these j g covenants,the portion of the covenants pertaining to the specific installed improvements as required by the _c' Ordinances of the City of Renton shall terminate without necessity of further documentation. Any violation or breach of these restrictive covenants may be enforced by proper legal procedures in the Superior Court of King County by either the City of Renton or any property owners adjoining subject property who are a adversely affected by said breach. ' IN WITNESS WHEREOF,said Grantor has caused this instrument to be executed this2?,k`day of Nov, 19 7r�. It „ I _ de/0% STATE OF WASHINGTON)S0 kg COUNTY OF KING ) i , I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that J aact Le 5 i-1 Mae.n. signed this instrument and acknowledged .k..1 •A ' t , it to be lie/her/tin*free and volunt the uses and purposes mentioned in A r'•' _,1 a • ., the instrument. ,v,- ,- '... " "' ` NotaryPub c in and or the State of Washington l —r,fr 3 . - o : c, Notary int) 1-S c v k` i 'Y �. 0 My a ointment expi es: 25 `\ Tu k Dated: 2 3 o, Page 1 FORM 01 0010/bh Exhibit A Legal Description Lv+ It 16(c .k 47, Corrcird Pla-1, l2JuroN k(atEu4rVDs NUMRER. Z to rdt r � / -/ � a.c cJ k0 e to. 1-Aere r corclr try Uu(itme 51 of PlwFs, Pao es 4' Z -1-4‘rouk 9� to Kc►5 Coc4.„-Ey klarlAi , 51 i Ct f y of- 2er4o rt (Oa,* Ki"3I Waskiv1/4.0 40n to 0 4 CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: January 22, 1999 TO: Marilyn Petersen, City Clerk's Office NI FROM: Carrie K. Olson-Davis,Plan Review,x7235 SUBJECT: ABERDEEN HAVEN SHORT PLAT LUA 97-167-SHPL ABERDEEN AVENUE NE/NE 17TH PLACE Attached please find the above-referenced original mylar, and four(4) copies of the mylar for recording with King County. The recording instructions in order are as follows: 1. Record the two EASEMENT documents and write in recording number in spaces provided at • notations: "Sanitary Sewer Easement Granted to the City of Renton Under KC Recording No. .", on mylar. 2. Record the short plat. Please have the Courier take these documents via 4-hour service 10:00 a.m. deadline. A check in the amount of$12.45 is attached. According to Finance,the King County recording fees for this and all subsequent plat recordings should be charged to account#000000.007.5590.0060.49.000014. Please call me if you have any questions. Thank you. cc: Neil Watts(Notice of Recording) Jan Conklin(Please provide PID/recording#'s to Sonja,Carrie,and Sandi) Sandi Seeger(Notice to final short plat on Sierra) Came Olson-Davis(Provide any unpaid SDC/SAD fees to Jan for posting to parcels on Sierra) (Provide a copy of receipts of paid SAD/Latecomers fees to Tom Boyns) Yellow File \\TS SERVER\SYS2\COMMON\C:\PlanReview\Cdavis\ShrtPlat'Abhaven9.doc CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: February 18, 1999 TO: Gregg Zimmerman,Administrator FROM: Carrie K. Olson-Davis,x7235 SUBJECT: ABERDEEN HAVEN SHORT PLAT LUA 97-167-SHPL Aberdeen Avenue NE/NE 17th Place Per your memo dated February 17, 1999,please see the attached review comments from Neil Watts regarding this short plat. Also,per Neil, drainage was to be handled by use of infiltration trenches to be installed at the time the homes are built. And,a private road sign and street sign has been installed. If you require more information,please let me know. 0 K . A 7 • • cc: Neil Watts Yellow File \\C:\P1anReview\Cdavis\ShrtPlat\Abhaven8.doc CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGBUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: December 23, 1998 TO: Neil Watts, Plan Review FROM: Carrie Olson-Davis, Plan Review SUBJECT: ABERDEEN HAVEN SHORT PLAT LUA-97-167-SHPL Attached is the most recent version of the above-referenced short plat. If all review concerns have been addressed,please sign below and return to me. Thanks NOTE: Mr.Jacques has changed the short plat name from Jake Short Plat No. 2 to Aberdeen Haven with the same short plat number. FIYC 11ofdVadtt I0SfAlid a 14 i1011 Se u.YA wt a hi �Xe w 5 t em wt r I e 1e d 57r6a- m pyv wa4 ((efe✓✓fa hi P, Plac). A-II ✓e4(v lye t/ S tY& av4Gt o7 /1!G/ )W1 fry k ?) cOltif D /etccJ I Approval: Ala vz6 , Date: I24 1 Neil Watts CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGBUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: February 17, 1999 TO: Carrie Olson-Davis FROM: Gregg Zimmerman SUBJECT: Aberdeen Haven Short Plat I have looked at this short plat, and before signing,would like the following information: 1) A brief memo from Plan Review indicating which improvements have been installed or deferred. According to the plan review comments in the packet, a sewer line was to be extended from Blaine Ave.,the private road was to be paved, and a water line was to be extended from Aberdeen. Also, a fire hydrant is needed within 300 feet of the building pad for each lot. Drainage was to be handled by use of infiltration trenches,I assume to be installed at the time that the homes are built. 2) It looks like the private road is NE 17th Place. Has a"Private Road"sign been installed? Upon receipt of satisfactory information,I will sign the short plat. Thanks. cc: \\TS SERVER\SYS2\COMMON\Document2 CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGBUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: February 17, 1999 TO: Gregg Zimmerman,Administrator FROM: Carrie K.Olson-Davis,x7235 act SUBJECT: ABERDEEN HAVEN SHORT PLAT LUA 97-167-SHPL Aberdeen Avenue NE/NE 17th Place Technical Services and Development Services have reviewed and recommended approval for the above mentioned short plat. Requirements and conditions have been fulfilled,fees paid. The attached mylar is submitted for your review and signature. Please return mylar to me for recording. Thank you. cc: Neil Watts Yellow File \\C:\PlanReview\Cdavis\ShrtPlat\Abhaven8.doc • ;y L CITY OF RENTON " tFf Planning/Building/Public Works Department Jesse Tanner,Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator January 16, 1998 Mr. James Jacques 2509 Aberdeen Ave NE Renton WA 98056 SUBJECT: ABERDEEN HAVEN SHORT PLAT LUA-97-167-SHPL Dear Mr. Jacques: The final review submittal on the above-mentioned short plat has been completed and you may submit the signed and notarized original short plat mylar, (no copies)for final processing and recording with King County. Please bring the mylar to the Customer Services Counter on the 6th floor of Renton City Hall. We have your check in the amount of$12.45 (current courier fee) made out to CD&L. Should you need to discuss any portion of this letter please contact me at(425)430-7235. Sincerely, C� KAd77 Carrie K. Olson-Davis Development Services,Plan Review cc: Neil Watts Yellow File C:\PlanReview\Cdavis\ShrtPlat\ABHAVEN7.DOC 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 J CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGBUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: February 10, 1999 TO: Bob Mac Onie,Technical Services Sonja Fesser,Technical Services FROM: Carrie Olson-Davis,Plan Review OP-1-- SUBJECT: ABERDEEN HAVEN SHORT PLAT LUA-97-167-SHPL Attached is the most recent version of the above-referenced short plat. If all review concerns have been addressed,please sign below and return to me. Thanks Approval: \csOurn e J . �r6mfk J,Date: 2- c� Robert T Mac Onie,Jr. So I Fester lsk-r .-li t1= c r_ ,F iLi4 ) car iu1 1-11)1,4tE4 o -��-► 64t-11 T y (TO "THE C1 ( 4 - Lrr2f)14) — t—1 rr Zr .t 47:41q1Lk lu TH- s '�cE5 -p#;avltoat) C:\P1anReview\CDAVIS\SHRTPLAT ABHAVEN4.DOC PROPERxcZ SERVICES FEE REVIEW FOR SUB;.;,tJISIONS No. 97- 5_,_-_-?: -. APPLICANT: JAce;?l) / J A6 , - RECEIVED FROM date " JOB ADDRESS: I-Toe, 3E -�I A.v> ' LJ • WO# "7� 0,_r=, NATURE OF WORK: 5 SL-bD T �" • tO N- 'CI .PRELIMINARY REVIEWOF SUBDIVISION BY LONG NEED MOREINFORMATIO ❑-LEGAL DESCRIPTION SHORT PLAT,BINDING SITE PLAN,ETC. 0 ND Ps 0 VICINITY MAP Plk FINAL REVIEW OF SUBDIVISION,THIS REVIEW REPLAC 0 SQUARE FOOTAGE 0 OTHER PRELIMINARY FEE REVIEW DATED ►1/4,/g9 I I/2ap7 ❑ . / FRONT FOOTAGE Id SUBJECT PROPERTY PARENT PID#,9_3.4.`�j90- 16,44 I�7 NEW KING CO. TAX ACCT.#(s)are required when assigned by King County. It is the intent of this development fee analysis to put the developer/owner on notice,that the fees quoted below may be applicable to the subject site upon development of the property. All quoted fees are potential charges that may be due and payable at the time the construction permit is issued to install the on-site and of site improvements(i.e.underground utilities,street improvements,etc.) Triggering mechanisms for the SDC fees will be based on current City ordinances and determined by the applicable Utility Section. Please note that these fees are subject to change without notice. Final fees will be based on rates in effect at time of Building Permit/Construction Permit application. l\ The existing house on SP Lot if 4 ,addressed as' I-7- 141�1=Gki-) ..E .1 4,V Li . has not previously paid SDC fees,due to connection to City utilities prior to existance of SDC fee Ord. SP Lot# ' will be subject to futurel� t3f_ca�R�,ts.BE fees if triggering mechanisms are touched within current City Ordinances. XWe understand that this subdivision is in the preliminary stage and that we will have the opportunity to review it again before recordation. (The following quoted fees do NOT include inspection fees, side sewer permits, r/w permit fees or the cost of water meters. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT PARCEL METHOD OF ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS NO. NO. ASSESSMENT UNITS OR FEE Latecomer Agreement(pvt) WATER _Q Latecomer Agreement(pvt) WASTEWATER _0 - Latecomer Agreement(pvt)OTHER _p - Special Assessment District/WATER /o U5T k>=IJL1YbM J 54.7z, q'204 I I q �)y cctlLl �1 Special Assessment District/WASTEWATER Joint Use Agreement(METRO) _a- Local Improvement District Traffic Benefit Zones - $75.00 PER TRIP,CALCULATED BY TRANSPORTATION -a- FUTURE OBLIGATIONS -a- SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE-WATER ❑ Estimated #OF UNITS/ SDC FEE ❑ Pd Prey. 0 Partially Pd (Ltd Exemption) ❑ Never Pd SQ. FTG. kf 1I Single family residential$850/unit x 4- 17' +3,400.dO ' Mobile home dwelling unit$680/unit in park R Q8a2O1 Apartment,Condo$510/unit not in CD or COR zones x G 48007.E Commercial/Industrial, $0.113/sq. ft.of property(not less than$850.00)x Boeing,by Special Agreement/Footprint of Bldg plus 15 ft perimeter(2,800 GPM threshold) , SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE-WASTEWATER 0 Estimated ❑ Pd Prey. 0 Partially Pd (Ltd Exemption) ❑ Never Pd tvIl ° Single family residential$585/unit xS -p�-�1.7 PZ.9 66 Mobile home dwelling unit$468/unit x ftg8c1ecoI Apartment,Condo$350/unit not in CD or COR zones x egaoo72 Commercial/Industrial$0.078/sq. ft.of property x(not less than$585.00) SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE-SURFACEWATER ❑ Estimated „�qg ❑ Pd Prey. ❑ Partially Pd(Ltd Exemption) ❑ Never Pd g ? 1:7 $t 9 Single family residential and mobile home dwelling unit$385/unit x 1 _ram nw All other properties$0.129sq ft of new impervious area of property x 1198meooI (not less than$385.00) e4800're PRELIMINARY TOTAL $ $ 7,85.cDO I Signal of Re sewing Authority Lyinoi. DAT ❑ `If subject property is within an LID, it is developers responsibility to check with the Finance Dept. for paid/un-paid status. 6\ ❑ Square footage figures are taken from the King County Assessor's map and are subject to change. a ()I ❑ Current City SDC fee charges apply to c:/template/feeappI/tab EFFECTIVE July 16. 199clnrd Nine denA de07 AcnQ AC)C .,...i AC9L CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: February 8, 1999 TO: Bob Arthur,Code Compliance FROM: Carrie Olson-Davis,Plan Review SUBJECT: Aberdeen Haven Short Plat 1708 Aberdeen Av NE Please inspect for compliance of decision#3 on the attached page4 and let me know what your findings are. Thanks for your help with this matter. nr cc: Yellow File \\TS SERVER\SYS2\COMMON\S:\USR\CDAVIS\BK121898\CDAVIS\SHRTPLAT\.STIMACHS.DOC January 19, 1998 OFFICE OF THE HEARING EXAMINER CITY OF RENTON REPORT AND DECISION APPLICANT: James H.Jacques Jake Short Plat#2 File No.: LUA-97-167,ShP1 LOCATION: 1708 Aberdeen Avenue NE SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To subdivide 33,128 square foot parcel into five lots ranging in size from 5,141 to 9,561 square feet for single family homes. SUMMARY OF ACTION: Development Services Recommendation: Approve with conditions DEVELOPMENT SERVICES REPORT: The Development Services Report was received by the Examiner on December 31, 1997. PUBLIC HEARING: After reviewing the Development Services Report,examining available information on file with the application, field checking the property and surrounding area;the Examiner conducted a public hearing on the subject as follows: MINUTES The following minutes are a summary of the January 6, 1998 hearing. The legal record is recorded on tape. The hearing opened on Tuesday,January 6, 1998, at 9:30 a.m. in the Council Chambers on the second floor of the Renton Municipal Building. Parties wishing to testify were affirmed by the Examiner. The following exhibits were entered into the record: Exhibit No. 1: Yellow file containing the original Exhibit No.2: Vicinity map application, proof of posting, proof of publication and other documentation pertinent to this request. Exhibit No. 3: Short plat map Exhibit No.4: Petition from adjacent neighbors Exhibit No. 5: Corrected plat map The hearing opened with a presentation of the staff report by MARK PYWELL, Project Manager, Development Services, City of Renton, 200 Mill Avenue South, Renton, Washington 98055. The applicant requests approval to subdivide a parcel into 5 lots that will range from approximately 5,000 to 9,500 square feet in area. James H. Jacques Jake Short Plat#2 File No.: LUA-97-167,ShPl January 19, 1998 Page 5 CONCLUSIONS: 1. The proposed plat appears to serve the public use and interest. The plat will create additional housing opportunities in an area that can be served by urban services. 2. While certain aspects of the plat are somewhat out of character from the surrounding development in terms of lot size and dimensions, in the main it is compatible with surrounding development. The proposal creates additional lots for single family development which is not only compatible with the Comprehensive Plan's goals but is compatible with the surrounding single family development. In addition,the frontage lot,Proposed Lot 1, is truly the only visible portion of the plat and it is fairly comparable to surrounding development. The smaller,narrower lots are interior lots and will not be visible nor confronting directly larger parcels. 3. Because the applicant will be providing an access roadway serving four interior lots immediately adjacent to single family development,that adjacent property deserves some protection and isolation from the additional traffic and noise four homes will generate as opposed to the normal one lot's neighboring driveway. To provide sufficient buffering,the applicant shall be required to construct a solid fence and landscaping along the north edge of the proposed private roadway. The applicant shall coordinate this effort with the adjoining property to provide an acceptable location for the fence and landscaping. 4. As noted earlier,there seems to be no reason to burden Proposed Lot 1 with an easement for a private roadway. If Proposed Lot 1 does not use that roadway,there will be fewer trips on the private road to adversely affect the neighboring lot. Therefore,Lot 1 shall not be included in the easement arrangement, and what was to be the easement across it shall instead be a pipestem extension of Proposed Lot 2. 5. The applicant shall also modify the boundary between Proposed Lots 3 and 4 as represented in Exhibit No. 5. 6. The new development will increase the demand on recreational,fire and transportation services. Therefore,the applicant shall have to pay the appropriate mitigation fees that the City has established for each of these services. 7. In conclusion,the development of the proposed property will increase the population and traffic in the area but not in any unexpected way. The development of single family homes was clearly envisioned for this neighborhood and will not materially alter the general single family character of the area. DECISION: The proposed five-lot plat is approved subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall modify the boundary between Proposed Lots 3 and 4 as represented in Exhibit No. 5. Cerr.'\ �}'44..CA ' 2. Lot 1 shall not be included in the easement arrangement, and what was to be the easement across it shall instead be a pipestem extension of Proposed Lot 2. James H.Jacques Jake Short Plat#2 File No.: LUA-97-167,ShP1 January 19, 1998 Page 6 3. The applicant shall be required to install a solid fence and landscaping along the north edge of the tti�� 1, proposed private roadway. The applicant shall coordinate this effort with the adjoining property to provide an acceptable location for the fence and landscaping. 4. The applicant shall remove the existing garage, shack and patio prior to recording the short plat. A D� lQ9 ' demolition permit from the City of Renton is necessary for the applicant to complete this work.hcf, 5. The applicant shall pay a transportation mitigation fee of$75.00 per average daily trip prior to recording of the plat. 6. The applicant shall pay a fire mitigation fee of$488.00 per new lot prior to the recording of the plat.1 - 7. The applicant shall pay a parks mitigation fee of$530.76 per new lot prior to the recording of the plat.S' ORDERED THIS 19th day of January, 1998. FRED J. KA N HEARING E MINER TRANSMITTED THIS 19th day of January, 1998 to the parties of record: Mark Pywell James Jacques Neil Watts 200 Mill Avenue S 2509 Aberdeen Avenue NE 200 Mill Avenue S Renton, WA 98055 Renton,WA 98056 Renton, WA 98055 Ron Patten,Jr. Jim Beckwith Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Leckie 1632 Aberdeen Ave NE 1733 Aberdeen Ave NE 1604 Aberdeen Ave NE Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Mr. and Mrs. Jahnke Mr. and Mr. David Alder Kermit Marsalis&Vicki Raub 1717 Aberdeen Ave NE 2819 Aberdeen Ave NE 1901 Aberdeen Ave NE Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Raye Holmes Melody Blufton Mr. and Mrs. Gary Jannusch 1822 Aberdeen Ave NE 1724 Aberdeen Ave NE 1633 Blaine Ave NE Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 John Patten Melvin Readnour& Zita Noll Harold Woodin 1624 Aberdeen Ave NE 1701 Aberdeen Ave NE 1801Aberdeen Ave NE Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Mr. and Mrs. Berle Green Andy Rynning Cherrie Palm 1831 Aberdeen Ave NE 1924 Aberdeen Ave NE 1816 Aberdeen Ave NE Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 .: • 911•11d 1 N':: . -• ••-•:...,•:•.;•;;••• ::,•,.....;:::::••• _ ;;Ritt, '1111:1 .. . • Illi di'i,: . 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It. -.rnmnrunq-.-.-A v.0 s---,--.-./k/c*-.----.--.-. •- Permt B9 a 0036 DATA SHEET Page : 1 02/08/1999 11 : 05 Data: Process Tables Screen No: 01 Demolition Permit Base Information Screen Parcel No:334390-1644 Status : FINALED Owner:JACQUES JAMES S/F/U: Zoning: Description Level-Lot"�and Clear 'Debris/DETACHED GARA Permit Dates -> App it ed: 06/251-998 Issued: 06/25/1998 Finaled: 02/04/1999 Expires : 08/03/1999 Permit Type: SDMO (S=SFR, C=Com,M=Multi Family + DMO) Census Class Code : 649 Dwelling Units : 1 Building Count : 1 Public Owned: N Permit Fee : 15 . 00 Code Fee: 4 . 50 Total Fee : 19 . 50 Data: Fee Summary Calculated Fees : 19 .50 Total Fees : 19 . 50 Additional Fees : . 00 Payments : 19 . 50 Total Fees : 19 .50 Balance : . 00 Data: Full Description Description: Level Lot and Clear Debris/DETACHED GARAGE Data: People OWNER JACQUES JAMES 06/25/1998 Phone: 425-255-2362 2509 ABERDEEN AVE NE RENTON WA 98056 CONTRACTOR J & J CONSTRUCTION 06/25/1998 Phone : (425) 255-2362 2509 ABERDEEN AVE N E RENTON, WA JACQUES, JAMES 98056 License : JJCON**161BF 8577 Data: Addresses 1708 ABERDEEN AV NE 06/25/1998 Data: Parcels 3343901644 / /00 Permit B980363 DATA SHEET Page : 2 02/08/1999 11 : 05 Data: Conditions Id: B1 ALL CONSTRUCTION, DEMOLITION AND LAND CLEARING WASTE MUST BE RECYCLED AT A KING COUNTY LICENSED OR APPROVED FACILITY, OR TAKEN TO REGIONAL DISPOSAL FACILITIES. Data: Comments Data: Locks, Holds, Notices Data: Approvals Item: 00002 SEWER AND WATER PERMITS ISSUED Dept : BLDG Division: 02 06/25/1998 SCASH Action: APPR APPROVED. Cost : 19 . 50 Data: Inspections Item: 00100 :1+FTnalq Dept : BLDG Division: C.g�"' Action: APPR'APP-.RO�IED Time : 00 : 00 Permit Conditions B980363 1 . ALL CONSTRUCTION, DEMOLITION AND LAND CLEARING WASTE MUST BE RECYCLED AT A KING COUNTY LICENSED OR APPROVED FACILITY, OR TAKEN TO REGIONAL DISPOSAL FACILITIES . is w CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGBUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: February 4, 1999 TO: Carrie Olson-Davis FROM: Sonja J.Fesser SUBJECT: Aberdeen Haven Short Plat,LUA-97-167-SHPL Format and Legal Description Review Bob Mac Onie and I have reviewed the above referenced short plat submittal and have the following comments: Comments for the Applicant: No provision has been made for a private water(utility) easement for Lot 5. Is it to be included 6, within the boundaries of the shared driveway as a separate easement? If it is part of the driveway itself,then note that the driveway is a"SHARED DRIVEWAY AND UTILITY EASEMENT." The"Utility Easement Note"block does not apply to this short plat since it is assumed that PSE,US of") West and TCI will each have their own recorded easements. Is this a true statement? If true,remove said block from the drawing. Also, if all three easements are pending,then note that there are recording numbers(Nos.)pending,not just one recording number(No.). Note that the word"MAINTENANCE"is misspelled in the last line of Note#1 of the Maintenance ' Agreement Note (top of drawing sheet). '6 U� LJTIL-1 N ILI \\TS SERVER\.SYS2\COMMON\D:\TEMP\RV990203.DOC ......�.a.acaz-"--- ... -.... .,,• _-.,•�r--zC....+is+mrrs�-s ' /•11',V4Tt_ RCCAL V4-4Y ;i`,—L•'•';1'I 1./.t:-!;:4`.'' .1/,'AI_7-—,"gI'I::c At.I LLr IV7 iY'C'TC._. /- NEW PRIVATE EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS; EGRESS AND UT IL IT/ES IS 70 BE CREATED i.PON THE . SALE OF LOTS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT. THE OWNERS OF LOTS 2, 3, 4 AND 5 SHALL HAVE AN EQUAL D UNDI_VLQED INTEREST IN THE MAINTENANCE OF THE PRIVATE ACCESS AND UT/CITY EASE- MENT. NATITI SNANCE\C STS SHALL BE SHARED EQUALLY 2- THE OWNERS OF-LOTS 4 AND ,` SHALL HAVE A,`;EQUAL AND UNDIVIDED INTEREST IN THE MAINTENANCE oF 7HE PRIVATE DRIVEWAY WITH MAINTENANCE COSTS BEING SHARED EQUALLY. FARK/;VS ON THE F'<f20.00)!i%iV:� INFEE T'T./E ACCESS EASEMENT IS PROHIBITED UNLESS PAVEMENT W_WIDTH IS GREATER .THAN TWENTY S TREE • -N 83'20'29" E 1,322.57' - _ E. • = :r*I,1> - 245 . . N 8 '43'42" E 252.42' ¢ 36,09` \ 94.33'. t T • 1 •/` /~ ` N \—:SAN'TARY 'E I.-R EASEMENT GRAAIT D ' �' . - L. t'w�ics) • TO TtIE C/7 i UF-RENTU,V U.�.:E<< 'A ,E ROAD EASEMENT FOR - , .: • / K.O RECORDING No. _L IGRE,SS d UTIL I TIES N L - - -- 10' �?S.E, US WEST & TCI� s_^ • ' •7 UTILITY EASEMENT— \ M1K ' ? 5,477.17 sq. ft. 1 % .\O \.-a • Ho, No. 2/27 CO �CO 1 L O �1 - _ l0'P.S.E, US WEST ( TCI E t` k , '-7� 7 . •\•,x•f . -2 ��\ UTILITY EASEMENT 1 Q. 8,437.u 9 Q. O !! ,.J' ,10 \, r EN13- ? N I Ho. No. 21/5 co 22.s7' �,� N 89'43'42" E 7.14 , 1 6,38�.E?2 s q \ 79.49' . O co • Z Ho.•No. 212/ O . UTILITY EASEMENT-AWE . • AN EASEMENT IS HEREBY RESERVal FOR AND CONVEYED TO PUGET - SOUND ENERGY COMPANY, U.S. WEST TELEPHONE COMPANY,AND TC/ (1) • t CABLE COMPANY, AND THEIR RESPECTIVE SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS WI•,17111 111.1:4g.1. 1�t,1c4t.: C '7"fS7"f7•Y/'L 7rT7L�7� 'T'£'il�'R' cz, . TEN-(I0I FC£T OF ALL Ae�! Hti r • -,L=YINGEPARALrLBEaalrW THwANDIADdG1NPIG L'&'SH?EeTfS3"IN'WFIIC -V- - Z �� 110 CONSTRUCT, OPERATE.; 'MAINTAIN RP'AIR, REPLACE AND ENLARGE • . . UNDERGROUND PIPE, CONDUITS', CABLES, AND WIRES WITH. ALL.NECES- SARY OR CONVENIENT UNDERGROUIVP OR GROUND MOUNTED APPURTE ' NANCES THERETO FOR THE PURPOSE OF.SERVING THIS SUBDIVISION 5,141. 73 sq. ft • .,4ND dER ERORFR. Y WITH ELECT?/C, GAS,.TELEPHONE.AND OTHER pIzilVA • UT/LIT/ES SERVICES,- TOGETHER WITH THE RIGHT TO ENTER UPON ' -THE G'+TRE ro; LOTS, *TRA8f9'41,186,BRACEPAT ALL TIMES FOR THE Ho. No. 2/33 PURPOSES HEREIN STATED. . - 50.00' . 50.00' 78.58' �I - N 89'48'21' E . 252.4/' • i h 1 :o. . RAC T 24.5 E11:.4 OF r DEN D,rV zUN 4 DESCRIPTION - . CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGBUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: February 1, 1999 TO: Bob Mac Onie, Technical Services Sonja Fesser,Technical Services FROM: Carrie Olson-Davis, Plan Review COD SUBJECT: ABERDEEN HAVEN SHORT PLAT LUA-97-167-SHPL Attached is the most recent version of the above-referenced short plat. If all review concerns have been addressed,pleasesign below and return to me. Thanks Approval: \ Date: Robert T Mac Onie,Jr. Sonja Fesser C:\WINWORD\CDAVIS\SHRTPLAT\ABHAVEN3.DOC •• , ti, CIT" L OF RENTON ..LL ' Planning/Building/Public Works Department Jesse Tanner,Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator • January 8, 1998 Mr. James Jacques 2509 Aberdeen Ave NE Renton WA 98056 • SUBJECT: ABERDEEN HAVEN SHORT PLAT LUA-97-167-SHPL Dear Mr. Jacques: The second review submittal on the above-mentioned short plat has been completed and the following comments have been returned. Please review these comments and make the necessary changes. Once all comments have been completed please resubmit four copies of the short plat drawings (bluelines). SHORT PLAT DRAWING COMMENTS: • The city's land record number was erroneously noted as "LND-20-018" in our memo dated November 26, 1997. The correct land record number is LND-20-0218. Please make that change to the drawing. • Change the"ACKNOWLEDGMENT"and"APPROVALS"blocks references from"1998"to 1999. • Note the dimensions from the existing house on proposed Lot 1 to the lot boundary lines. • 1. The sanitary sewer easement as noted over proposed Lots 2, 3, 4 and 5 is an easement to the City of Renton. Indicate on the drawing that the easement is granted to the City of Renton. Also, if recorded concurrently with the short plat, provide a space for the King County Recording No. on the drawing and note the King County Recording Number on the drawing at the time of recording. 2. The 10' wide sanitary sewer easement by Gary&Denise Jannusch is an easement to the City of Renton. Indicate on the drawing that the easement is granted to the City of Renton. If recorded concurrently with the short plat,provide a space for the King County Recording No. on the drawing and note the King County Recording Number on the drawing at the time of recording. 3. If the 10 feet wide easement to P.S.E., US West and TCI has been recorded, also note that recording number on the drawing, or provide a space for the recording number if recording concurrently with the short plat. • Add a private utility easement note near the 20' wide private driveway for lot 5 and locate area with arrows. C:\WINWORD\CDAVIS\SHRTPLAT\ABHAVEN2.DOC 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 era_ . . . ... . Page 2 January 8, 1999 • A roadway and driveway maintenance agreement is required for this short plat and should read as follows: PRIVATE ROADWAY AND DRIVEWAY MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT NOTE: 1. New private exclusive easement for ingress, egress and utilities is to be created upon the sale of lots shown on this short plat. The owners of Lots 2, 3, 4, and 5 shall have an equal and undivided interest in the maintenance of the private access and utility easement. Maintenance costs shall be shared equally. 2. The owners of Lots 4 and 5 shall have an equal and undivided interest in the maintenance of the private driveway with the maintenance costs being shared equally. Parking on the paving in the access easement is prohibited unless pavement width is greater than twenty(20.00)feet. FEES The fees listed below are required to be paid prior to recording of the short plat mylars with King County. Mitigation Fees: Transportation: 2,865.00 Parks: 2,123.04 Fire 1,952.00 TOTAL 6,940.04 These fees can be paid at the Customer Services Counter on the 6th floor of Renton City Hall. When these items are completed, you may submit the signed and notarized original short plat mylars along with a check in the amount of$12.45 (current courier fee)made out to CD&L. Should you need to discuss any portion of this letter please contact me at(425)430-7235. Sincerely, 6,644,7-Da Carrie K. Olson-Davis Development Services, Plan Review cc: Neil Watts Yellow File CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGBUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: January 7, 1999 TO: Carrie Olson(Davis) FROM: Sonja J. Fesser SUBJECT: Aberdeen Haven Short Plat, LUA-97-167 • Private Roadway and Driveway Maintenance Agreement Note Bob Mac Onie and I have reviewed the above referenced agreement note and find it appropriate for inclusion on the drawing. However, a review of the easement area of the drawing has raised some questions. Please check with Plan Review concerning the following: How does Lot 5 get water? There does not appear to be a utility easement(either private or public)to Lot 5 that would include w.ter. The 20 feet wide private driveway makes no provision for a water easement. • Item No. 2 of the Note excludes Lot 3 from having an interest in the private driveway. Is this true? Vfa— _ I . I . \\TS_SERVER\SYS2\COMMON\\\TS_SERVERlSYS2\COMMONWTLE.SYS\LND\20\0218kv990107.DOC ' Project # LUA97-167 DATA SHEET Page: 2 SHORT PLAT 01/07/1999 13 : 54 Data: Full Description Continued. . . WILL BE REMOVED IN ORDER TO MEET REQUIRED REAR SETBACK. EXISTING GARAGE ON LOT 2 & 3 WILL ALSO BE REMOVED. PROPOSAL INCLUDES A 26 ' WIDE PRIVATE ACCESS AND UTILITY EASEMENT ACROSS NORTHERN I PROPERTY BOUNDARY & A 20 ' ACCESS EASEMENT FROM PRIVATE ROAD TO LOTS 4 & 5 . Data: People 'APPLICANT JACQUES, JAMES H. 11/10/1997 Phone: 425-255-2362 2509 ABERDEEN AVE NE RENTON, WA 98056 'OWNER JACQUES, JAMES H. 11/10/1997 Phone : 425-255-2362 2509 ABERDEEN AVE NE RENTON, WA 98056 Also is Applicant ' ALIAS JAKE SHORT PLAT #2 11/10/1997 ' ALIAS J & J CONSTRUCTION 11/10/1997 Phone: 255-2362 2509 ABERDEEN AVE NE 1 RENTON, WA 1 98056 JAMES JACQUES PLANNER PYWELL, MARK 11/10/1997 Phone: 277-5586 ( ALIAS JACQUES JAMES 11/10/1997 IALIAS JACQUES SHORT PLAT #2 12/05/1997 Data: Addresses 1708 ABERDEEN AV NE 11/10/1997 1 Data: Parcels 3343901644 11/10/1997 'Data: Conditions 'Data: Comments Data: Locks, Holds, Notices 1 1 Project # LUA97-167 DATA SHEET Page: 1 j ' SHORT PLAT 01/07/1999 13 : 54 Data: Process Tables 1 l Screen No: 01 Land Use Actions Project Screen Parce1 :334390-1644 Zoning: Status :APPROVED Owner:JACQUES, JAMES H. Project Title :JAKE SHORT PLAT #2 Address : 1708 ABERDEEN AV NE . Location: Description: 5 SF LOT SUBDIVISION OF 33 , 130 SQFT SITE Comprehensive Plan Designation: RSF Reconsideration Y/N: Associated Land Use Actions : SHPL-H /N: 11 Application Date : 11/10/1997 Wetlands Y/N: Acceptance/Notification/Routing: 11/13/1997 Monitoring Date : 11/27/19971 Publication/Posting/State Agency: 00/00/0000 ERC Date: 00/00/0000i End of Appeal Date: 00/00/0000 Appeals Filed (Y/N) : Public Hearing (Y/N) : Y Administrative Decision (Y/N) : N File Sent to HEX (Y/N) : Y Date File Sent : 12/29/19971' Hearing Examiner Date : 01/06/1998 HEX Decision Date : 01/19/1998 End Appeal Period: 02/02/1998 Appeals Filed Y/N: N Project Decision Date : 01/19/1998 Project Expiration Date : 01/19/2000 I Screen No: 02 Planning/Zoning Fee Schedule p TYPE OF FEE FEE TYPE OF FEE FEE I Annexation: . 00 Lot Line Adjustment : . 00 j Appeals/Waivers : . 00 Mobile Home Park: . 00 Short Plat or BSP: 1, 000 . 00 Park Mitigation: . 00 1 Comp Plan Amendment : . 00 Rezone: . 00 Conditional Use : . 00 Routine Vegetation: . 00 Conditional Approval : . 00 Environmental Review: . 00 Shoreline: . 00 I Preliminary Plat : . 00 Site Plan: . 00 Final Plat : . 00 • Special Review: . 00 II PUD: . 00 Variance: . 00 Grading & FIlling: . 00 Other Planning Fee: . 00 Temporary Use Permit : . 00 Temporary Use Deposit : . 00 Maps : . 00 Publications: . 00 II Copies : . 00 Postage: 15 . 68 Tax: . 00 TOTAL FEE: 1, 015 . 68 1 Data: Fee Summary Calculated Fees : 1, 015 . 68 Total Fees : 1, 015 . 68 Additional Fees : . 00 Payments : 1, 015 . 68 Total Fees : 1, 015 . 68 Balance: . 00 Data: Full Description Description: 5 SF LOT SUBDIVISION OF 33 , 130 SQFT SITE IN R-8 ZONE. BACK DECK OF EXISTING RESIDENCE ON LOT 1 CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGBUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: January 4, 1999 TO: Carrie Olson-Davis FROM: Sonja J. Fesser SUBJECT: Aberdeen Haven Short Plat, LUA-97-167-SHPL Format and Legal Description Review Bob Mac Onie and I have reviewed the above referenced short plat submittal and have the following comments: Comments for the Applicant: The city's land record number was erroneously noted as "LND-20-018"in our memo dated November 26, 1997. The correct land record number is LND-20-0218. Please make that change to the drawing. Change the"ACKNOWLEDGEMENT" and"APPROVALS"blocks references from"1997"to 1999. Note the dimensions from the existing house on proposed Lot 1 to the lot boundary lines. The sanitary sewer easement as noted over proposed Lots 2,3,4 and 5 is an easement to the City of Renton. Indicate on the drawing that the easement is granted to the City of Renton. Also note the King County Recording Number on the drawing if the easement has already been recorded. If recorded concurrently with the short plat,provide a space for the King County Recording No. on the drawing and cross-reference at the time of recording. If the 10 feet wide easement to P.S.E., US West and TCI has been recorded, also note that recording number on the drawing, or provide a space for the recording number if recording concurrently with the short plat. Is there a road maintenance agreement for this short plat? Check with the Project Manager. Comments for the Project Manager: Is the City of Renton requiring a road maintenance agreement? If so, is it to be a separate document to be recorded and cross-referenced on the drawing, or is it to be noted on the drawing itself? \\TS SERVER\SYS2\COMMON\H:\FILE,SYSU.ND\20\0218\RV981228,DOC ''''PLAN REVIEW JAN 0 41998 ISSUED BY TRANSNATION TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY RECEIVE[ uARANTEE Transnation GUARANTEE NUMBER Ml6-004564 . SUBJECT TO THE EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE,THE LIMITS OF LIABILITY AND THE CONDITIONS , AND STIPULATIONS OF THIS GUARANTEE, TRANSNATION TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY a corporation,herein called the Company GUARANTEES the Assured named in Schedule A against actual monetary loss or damage not exceeding the liability amount stated in Schedule A which the Assured shall sustain by reason of any incorrectness in the assurances set forth in Schedule A. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,TRANSNATION TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY has caused its corporate name and seal to be hereunto affixed by its duly authorized officers,the Guarantee to become valid when countersigned on Schedule A by an authorized officer or agent of the Company. TRANSNATION TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY jaw I NS041I ((�� / (,I : i: : L1 BAttest: ii y: / Jretary � , . President 1k IZONN 41. CLTA Guarantee Face Page(Rev 12-15-95) Form 1 025-1 0 nRir.1n1A1 TRANSNATION TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY 14450 N.E. 29TH PLACE BELLEVUE, WA 98007 J & J CONSTRUCTION COUNTERSIGNED: 2509 ABERDEEN AVE. N.E. RENTON, WA 98056 /40W4/4:1WW Attn: 2/2 JAMES JACQUES By: (425) 646-8586/1-800-441-7701 BRUCE H. ANDRUS, SUE ORRINO, ANNE THORPE or LORI ANN FORBES (FAX #(425) 646-0541) Order No. 4020339 Liability: Premium: $200. 00 Customer No. Tax: $ 17 .20 Total: -5217 . 20 SECOND SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE 1. Name of Assured: J & J CONSTRUCTION 2 . Date of Guarantee: December 14, 1998 at 8 : 00 A.M. THE ASSURANCES REFERRED TO ON THE FACE PAGE HEREOF ARE: That according to those public records which, under the recording laws, impart constructive notice of matters affecting title to the following described land: See "LEGAL DESCRIPTION: " The estate or interest in the land which is covered by this guarantee is: Fee Simple Title to the estate or interest in the land is vested in: JAMES H. JACQUES, AS HIS SEPARATE ESTATE subject to the Exceptions shown below, which are not necessarily shown in order of their priority. EXCEPTIONS: 1. Taxes or assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the records of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on land or by the public records. EXCEPTIONS (continued) Order No. 4020339 2 . (a) Unpatented mining claims; (b) reservations or exceptions in Patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; (c) Indian treaty or aboriginal rights, including, but not limited to, easements or equitable servitudes; or, (d) water rights, claims or title to water, whether or not the matters excepted under (a) , (b) , (c) , or (d) are shown by the public records. 3 . Title to any property beyond the lines of the land expressly described herein, or title to streets, roads, avenues, lanes, ways or waterways on which said land abuts, or the right to maintain vaults, tunnels, ramps or any other structure or improvement; or any rights or easements therein unless such property rights or easements are expressly and specifically set forth in the land described herein. 4. General Taxes, as follows, together with interest, penalty and statutory foreclosure costs, if any, after delinquency: (1st half delinquent May 1; 2nd half delinquent November 1) Tax Account No. Year Billed Paid Balance 334390-1644-01 1998 $1, 804 . 94 $ . 00 $1, 804 . 94 The levy code for the property herein described is 2100 for 1997. 5 . Conservation (CON) Service Charge, as follows, together with interest, penalty and statutory foreclosure costs, if any, after delinquency: (1st half delinquent May 1; 2nd half delinquent November 1) Tax Account No. Year Billed Paid Balance 334390-1644-01 1998 $ 5. 00 $ . 00 $ 5. 00 6. Liability for Surface Water Management (SWM) Service Charge, if any, which are not presently assessed, but may appear on future rolls. 7 . Ordinance No. 4362 and the terms and conditions thereof as disclosed by instrument recorded under Recording No. 9209021077. 8 . Covenants, conditions and restrictions imposed by instrument recorded under Recording No. 9804101149, including, but not limited to, rights or benefits which may be disclosed affecting land outside the boundary described in Schedule A. 9. Covenants, conditions and restrictions imposed by instrument recorded under Recording No. 9804101150, including, but not limited to, rights or benefits which may be disclosed affecting land outside the boundary described in Schedule A. Page 2 EXCEPTIONS (continued) Order No. 4020339 10. DEED OF TRUST AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTOR: James H. Jacques, an unmarried man TRUSTEE: First American Title Insurance Company, a California corporation BENEFICIARY: World Savings and Loan Association, a federal savings association, its successors and/or assignees ADDRESS: 1901 Harrison Street, Oakland, CA 94612 LOAN NO. : 0001957422 ORIGINAL AMOUNT: $125, 250. 00 DATED: August 7, 1996 RECORDED: August 7, 1996 RECORDING NO. : 9608071262 Investigation should be made to determine the present balance owing with the appropriate lender/agency/individual. 11. The land described in this commitment appears to be residential in nature and may be subject to the provisions of R.C.W. 6. 13 . 060 provided the land is occupied as a homestead. If the land is occupied as a homestead, all instruments conveying or encumbering the land must be executed by each spouse, individually, or by an attorney-in-fact. NOTE 1: The tax assessor's records disclose the current property address to be: 1708 Aberdeen Avenue NE, Renton, WA 98056 NOTE 2 : Assessed Valuation: Land: $69 , 000. 00 Improvements: $68 , 000 . 00 NOTE 3 : The above captioned description may be incorrect, because the application for title insurance contained only an address and/or Parcel Number. Prior to closing, all parties to the transaction must verify the legal description. If further changes are necessary, notify the Company well before closing so that those changes can be reviewed. Closing instructions must indicate that the legal description has been reviewed and approved by all parties. NOTE 4 : The following may be used as an abbreviated legal description on the documents to be recorded, per amended RCW 65. 04 . SAID ABBREVIATED LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR A COMPLETE LEGAL DESCRIPTION WITHIN THE BODY OF THE DOCUMENT. PTN OF LOT 245 C.D. HILLMAN'S LAKE WASHINGTON GARDEN OF EDEN DIV #4 VOL 11 PAGE 82 so ENCLOSURES: Sketch Vesting Deed Record encumbrances Page 3 Order No. 4020339 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: THE SOUTH 1/2 OF THE NORTH 1/2 OF TRACT 245, C.D. HILLMAN'S LAKE WASHINGTON GARDEN OF EDEN DIVISION NO. 4, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 11 OF PLATS, PAGE 82, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY; EXCEPT THE SOUTH 15 FEET THEREOF; SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. Page 4 • �,; . P` ri - n �00 .N-- - - - - - - - � - 1 ••• r. ^ ti' r g. j•OV N. t • \� _ A I V L "� 4 Q O �o . .i izs w1 96 tI- r ii. -11J r r'j roe r i 10 U . h ' �y - v�rA/) cr) I• - t rl f- Coy \ iti — - ~� .. 4 .y9 lilt"13 1 c > N C).._. N ;I ` . 1�S oj ' `I I w / kI .�w� - A joio ` • Qi7�' r' ��01 •. lE` �18 „E S ''• �� :e3 ,l (/) — A,4.7 .3I.s di.a 'IC 1,0 v 3 - 114 \ &!•II �Ss ,,ren-re-31.14- : we N As CI I ��� 19`� .1 1. Zo o A • u b 4V �t n w i of L r --> , ....,.., 1-- - ---s..t; . • 1) V et ,8+; 4.. 0 CO i V I v,} r • 00 49 ` r 5 v, 4(.\ \''Yzs LS j - - - - , j\N L� " + J 41 t° P ♦ • /7 Ni 0 . 8' IV-Jv ow - n �► pp '• N. =S — l - 8 0 T 70 • o•'" ^ 4-09-le-•L, . , t I mac.ov ,,,,,ri 10 3 y ,p W 4'SJ 57 u I S..0 C i. 46e' 1 i 4, -1 - t.,...,-7. e 1 %. T p :2 v This sketch is provided, without charge, for your informanon. It is not intended to show all matters related to the. property including, but not limited to, area, dimensions, easements, en- croachments, or iocanon of boundaries. It is not a part of, nor does it modify, the commitment or- policy to which it is attached. The Company assumes NO LIABILITY for any matter related to this sket`^. References should be made to an accurate survey for further informanon. CHEDULE OF EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE-us THIS GUARANTEE obtaining witnesses,prosecuting or defending the action or lawful act which in the opinion of the Company may be necessary or desirable to establish the title to the estate or interest as . Except to the extent that specific assurances are provided in Schedule A of this stated herein,or to establish the lien rights of the Assured. If the Company is prejudiced by Guarantee,the Company assumes no liability for loss or damage by reason of the the failure of the Assured to furnish the required cooperation,the Company's obligations to 'following: the Assured under the Guarantee shall terminate. (a) Defects,liens,encumbrances,adverse claims or other matters against the title,whether or not shown by the public records. 5. Proof of Loss or Damage. (b) (1) Taxes or assessments of any taxing authority that levies taxes or In addition to and after the notices required under Section 2 of these Conditions assessments on real property;or,(2) Proceedings by a public agency which may result in and Stipulations have been provided to the Company,a proof of loss or damage signed and taxes or assessments,or notices of such proceedings,whether or not the matters excluded sworn to by the Assured shall be furnished to the Company within ninety(90)days after the under(1)or(2)are shown by the records of the taxing authority or by the public records. -Assured shall ascertain the facts giving rise to the loss or damage. The proof of loss or ' (c) (1)Unpatented mining claims;(2)reservations or exceptions in patents or dam-age shall describe the matters covered by this Guarantee which constitute the basis of loss in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof;(3)water rights,claims or title to water,whether or or damage and shall state,to the extent possible,the basis of calculating the amount of the not the matters excluded under(1),(2)or(3)are shown by the public records. loss or damage. If the Company is prejudiced by the failure of the Assured to provide the required proof of loss or damage,the Company's obligation to such assured under the 2. Notwithstanding any specific assurances which are provided in Schedule A of this Guarantee shall terminate. In addition,the Assured may reasonably be required to submit to Guarantee,the Company assumes no liability for loss or damage by reason of the examination under oath by any authorized representative of the Company and shall produce following: for examination,inspection and copying,at such reasonable times and places as may be (a) Defects,liens,encumbrances,adverse claims or other matters affecting the designated by any authorized representative of the Company,all records,books,ledgers, title to any property beyond the lines of the land expressly described in the description set checks,correspondence and memoranda,whether bearing a date before or after Date of forth in Schedule(A),(C)or in Part 2 of this Guarantee,or title to streets,roads,avenues, Guarantee,which reasonably pertain to the loss or damage. Further,if requested by any lanes,ways or waterways to which such land abuts,or the right to maintain therein vaults, authorized representative of the Company,the Assured shall grant its permission,in writing, tunnels,ramps or any structure or improvements;or any rights or easements therein,unless for any authorized representative of the Company to examine,inspect and copy all records, such property,rights or easements are expressly and specifically set forth in said description. books,ledgers,checks,correspondence and memoranda in the custody or control of a third (b) Defects,liens,encumbrances,adverse claims or other matters,whether or party, which reasonably pertain to the loss or damage. All information designated as not shown by the public records; (1)which are created,suffered,assumed or agreed to by confidential by the Assured provided to the Company pursuant to this Section shall not be one or more of the Assureds;(2)which result in no loss to the Assured;or(3)which do not disclosed to others unless,in the reasonable judgment of the Company,it is necessary in the result in the invalidity or potential invalidity of any judicial or non judicial proceeding which administration of the claim. Failure of the Assured to submit for examination under oath, is within the scope and purpose of the assurances provided. produce other reasonably requested information or grant permission to secure reasonably (c)The identity of any party shown or referred to in Schedule A. necessary information from third parties as required in the above paragraph,unless prohibited (d) The validity,legal effect or priority of any matter shown or referred to in by law or governmental regulation,shall terminate any liability of the Company under this this Guarantee. Guarantee to the Assured for that claim. GUARANTEE CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS 6. Options to Pay or Otherwise Settle Claims: Termination of Liability. 1. Definition of Terms. In case of a claim under this Guarantee,the Company shall have the following additional The following terms when used in the Guarantee mean: options: (a)the"Assured": the party or parties named as the Assured in this Guarantee, (a)To Pay or Tender Payment of the Amount of Liability or to Purchase the or on a supplemental writing executed by the Company. Indebtedness. (b)"land":the land described or referred to in Schedule(A)(C)or in Part 2,and The Company shall have the option to pay or settle or compromise for or in the name of the improvements affixed thereto which by law constitute real property. The term"land"does Assured any claim which could result in loss to the Assured within the coverage of this not include any property beyond the lines of the area described or referred to in Schedule Guarantee,or to pay the full amount of this Guarantee or,if this Guarantee is issued for the (A)(C)or in Part 2,nor any right,title,interest,estate or easement in abutting streets,roads, benefit of a holder of a mortgage or a lienholder,the Company shall have the option to avenues,alleys,lanes,ways or waterways. purchase the indebtedness secured by said mortgage or said lien for the amount owing (c)"mortgage":mortgage,deed of trust,trust deed,or other security instrument. thereon,together with any costs,reasonable attorneys'fees and expenses incurred by the (d) "public records": records established under state statutes at Date of Assured claimant which were authorized by the Company up to the time of purchase. Guarantee for the purpose of imparting constructive notice of matters relating to real property Such purchase,payment or tender of payment of the full amount of the Guarantee shall to purchasers for value and without knowledge. terminate all liability of the Company hereunder. In the event after notice of claim has been (e)"date": the effective date. given to the Company by the Assured the Company offers to purchase said indebtedness,the owner of such indebtedness shall transfer and assign said indebtedness,together with any 2. Notice of Claim to be Given by Assured Claimant. collateral security,to the Company upon payment of the purchase price. An Assured shall notify the Company promptly in writing in case knowledge shall come to Upon the exercise by the Company of the option provided for in Paragraph(a)the Company's an Assured hereunder of any claim of title or interest which is adverse to the title to the estate obligation to the Assured under this Guarantee for the claimed loss or damage,other than to or interest,as stated herein,and which might cause loss or damage for which the Company make the payment required in that paragraph,shall terminate,including any obligation to may be liable by virtue of this Guarantee. If prompt notice shall not be given to the' continue the defense or prosecution of any litigation for which the Company has exercised Company,then all liability of the Company shall terminate with regard to the matter or its options under Paragraph 4,and the Guarantee shall be surrendered to the Company for matters for which prompt notice is required;provided,however,that failure to notify the cancellation. Company shall in no case prejudice the rights of any Assured under this Guarantee unless the (b)To Pay or Otherwise Settle With Parties Other Than the Assured or With the Company shall be prejudiced by the failure and then only to the extent of the prejudice. Assured Claimant. To pay or otherwise settle with other parties for or in the name of an Assured claimant any 3. No Duty to Defend or Prosecute. claim assured against under this Guarantee,together with any costs,attorneys'fees and The Company shall have no duty to defend or prosecute any action or proceeding to which expenses incurred by the Assured claimant which were authorized by the Company up to the the Assured is a party, notwithstanding the nature of any allegation in such action or time of payment and which the Company is obligated to pay. proceeding. Upon the exercise by the Company of the option provided for in Paragraph(b)the Company's obligation to the Assured under this Guarantee for the claimed loss or damage,other than to 4. Company's Option to Defend or Prosecute Actions;Duty of Assured Claimant to make the payment required in that paragraph,shall terminate,including any obligation to Cooperate. continue the defense or prosecution of any litigation for which the Company has exercised Even though the Company has no duty to defend or prosecute as set forth in Paragraph 3 its options under Paragraph 4. above: (a)The Company shall have the right,at its sole option and cost,to institute and 7. Determination and Extent of Liability. prosecute any action or proceeding,interpose a defense,as limited in(b),or to do any other This Guarantee is a contract of Indemnity against actual monetary loss or datnage sustained act which in its opinion may be necessary or desirable to establish the title to the estate or or incurred by the Assured claimant who has suffered loss or damage by reason of reliance interest as stated herein,or to establish the lien rights of the Assured,or to prevent or reduce upon the assurances set forth in this Guarantee and only to the extent herein described,and loss or damage to the Assured. The Company may take any appropriate action under the subject to the Exclusions From Coverage of This Guarantee. terms of this Guarantee,whether or not it shall be liable hereunder,and shall not thereby The liability of the Company under this Guarantee to the Assured shall not exceed the least concede liability or waive any provision of this Guarantee. If the Company shall exercise its of: rights under this paragraph,it shall do so diligently. (a)the amount of liability stated in Schedule A or in Part 2; (b)If the Company elects to exercise its options as stated in Paragraph 4(a)the (b)the amount of the unpaid principal indebtedness secured by the mortgage of Company shall have the right to select counsel of its choice(subject to the right of such an Assured mortgagee,as limited or provided under Section 6 of these Conditions and Assured to object for reasonable cause)to represent the Assured and shall not be liable for Stipulations or as reduced under Section 9 of these Conditions and Stipulations,at the time and will not pay the fees of any other counsel,nor will the Company pay any fees,costs or the loss or damage assured against by this Guarantee occurs,together with interest thereon; expenses incurred by an Assured in the defense of those causes of action which allege matters or not covered by this Guarantee. (c)the difference between the value of the estate or interest covered hereby as (c)Whenever the Company shall have brought an action or interposed a defense stated herein and the value of the estate or interest subject to any defect,lien or encumbrance as permitted by the provisions of this Guarantee,the Company may pursue any litigation to assured against by this Guarantee. final determination by a court of competent jurisdiction and expressly reserves the right,in its sole discretion,to appeal from an adverse judgment or order. 8. Limitation of Liability. (d)In all cases where this Guarantee permits the Company to prosecute or (a)If the Company establishes the title,or removes the alleged defect,lien or provide for the defense of any action or proceeding,an Assured shall secure to the Company encumbrance,or cures any other matter assured against by this Guarantee in a reasonably the right to so prosecute or provide for the defense of any action or proceeding,and all diligent manner by any method,including litigation and the completion of any appeals appeals therein,and permit the Company to use,at its option,the name of such Assured for therefrom,it shall have fully performed its obligations with respect to that matter and shall this purpose. Whenever requested by the Company,an Assured,at the Company's expense, not be liable for any loss or damage caused thereby. shall give the Company all reasonable aid in any action or proceeding,securing evidence, CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS CONTINUED ON BACK COVER CLTA Guarantee Conditions and Stipulations Form 2015-7 (Rev. 12-15-95) ORIGINAL CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS CONTINUED , (b)In the event of any litigation by the Company or with the Company's consent, 12. Arbitration. the Company shall have no liability for loss or damage until there has been a final determination by a court of competent jurisdiction,and disposition of all appeals therefrom, Unless prohibited by applicable law,either the Company or the Assured may demand adverse to the title,as stated herein. arbitration pursuant to the Title Insurance Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration (c)The Company shall not be liable for loss or damage to any Assured for Association. Arbitrable matters may include,but are not limited to,any controversy or claim liability voluntarily assumed by the Assured in settling any claim or suit without the prior between the Company and the Assured arising out of or relating to this Guarantee,any service written consent of the Company. of the Company in connection with its issuance or the breach of a Guarantee provision or other obligation. All arbitrable matters when the Amount of Liability is$1,000,000 or less 1 9. Reduction of Liability or Termination of Liability. shall be arbitrated at the option of either the Company or the Assured. All arbitrable matters All payments under this Guarantee,except payments made for costs,attorneys' when the amount of liability is in excess of$1,000,000 shall be arbitrated only when agreed fees and expenses pursuant to Paragraph 4 shall reduce the amount of liability pro tanto. to by both the Company and the Assured. The Rules in effect at Date of Guarantee shall be binding upon the parties. The award may include attorneys'fees only if the laws of the state 10. Payment of Loss. in which the land is located permits a court to award attorneys'fees to a prevailing party. (a)No payment shall be made without producing this Guarantee for endorsement Judgment upon the award rendered by the Arbitrator(s)may be entered in any court having of the payment unless the Guarantee has been lost or destroyed,in which case proof of loss jurisdiction thereof. or destruction shall be furnished to the satisfaction of the Company. (b)When liability and the extent of loss or damage has been definitely fixed in The law of the situs of the land shall apply to an arbitration under the Title Insurance accordance with these Conditions and Stipulations,the loss or damage shall be payable within Arbitration Rules. thirty(30)days thereafter. A copy of the Rules may be obtained from the Company upon request. 11. Subrogation Upon Payment or Settlement. Whenever the Company shall have settled and paid a claim under this Guarantee,all right of 13. Liability Limited to This Guarantee;Guarantee Entire Contract. subrogation shall vest in the Company unaffected by any act of the Assured claimant. (a)This Guarantee together with all endorsements,if any,attached hereto by the The Company shall be subrogated to and be entitled to all rights and remedies which the Company is the entire Guarantee and contract between the Assured and the Company. In Assured would have had against any person or property in respect to the claim had this interpreting any provision of this Guarantee,this Guarantee shall be construed as a whole. Guarantee not been issued. If requested by the Company,the Assured shall transfer to the Company all rights and remedies against any person or property necessary in order to perfect (b)Any claim of loss or damage,whether or not based on negligence,or any this right of subrogation.The Assured shall permit the Company to sue,compromise or settle action asserting such claim,shall be restricted to this Guarantee. in the name of the Assured and to use the name of the Assured in any transaction or litigation involving these rights or remedies. (c)No amendment of or endorsement to this Guarantee can be made except by a writing endorsed hereon or attached hereto signed by either the President,a Vice President, If a payment on account of a claim does not fully cover the loss of the Assured the Company the Secretary,an Assistant Secretary,or validating officer or authorized signatory of the shall be subrogated to all rights and remedies of the Assured after the Assured shall have Company. recovered its principal,interest,and costs of collection. 14. Notices,Where Sent. All notices required to be given the Company and any statement in writing required to be furnished the Company shall include the number of this Guarantee and shall be addressed to TRANSNATION TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY,1700 Market Street,Philadelphia, PA 19103-3990. tp O 0 H H IV y p O Z n z r d C h A —• 4pn D Gs• o a b O cz 4 z W w tz PLAN REVIEW • CITY OF RENTON.. • JAN041998 • RECEIVED • • • Return Address: City Clalc'a Office City of Renton 200 Mill Avenue South • Renton,WA 98055-2189 DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS [Property Tax Fast Namber.33y 3 40-/6 V Kw v.1 Grantor(s): Z1A m E S >a fa e.fir v S S ,.e the owners crew following real property is the City of Reateo,County of Kitts.State of Washirmon oa desaitrcd below LEGAL DESCRIP ION:(A dlegal deferiptien MUST p )Additiond hal uon pale_of dpculacilt?' Ll }IC. S Yr- ob ru e.. Al A of Tftpl.tr a51 r C.4 HmilrrmAw+r LKc.r4s); Uarrdt,'ode Ct,* J btu try As per Piwkg R.tordeta/N Vol-ll oFPlair,Pq �taro f of 1(eeu►Cwro�y fir[ r�7�'}•l,i S V./CAA-rib!r F S,•1vnlht IA) +k of i�If�y.0 1�' CY v M�i >;YAI'E�c�L}/�ii 7[i �A�i SEAlY Yf.flT- 777Wharas the Creator(.).Owings)of aid deQib l property,desire to impose the following restrictive mrmanta mains with the land as to i.e.present and future,of the above described real properly. NOW,THEREFORE,the afarcwid Owner(a)booby entablig,tad sad impose restrictions and covalent' running with the land hereto arched described with ten c t to the use by the undemigned,his immeneors,boors, and assigns as follows: Imtallation of On-dte itmmIyemnta: The owaa(s)of tee shove de wnl ed property,their wroes oaors, heirs and assigns,hereby woe to install shared driveway i mmoventmla upon ismsoce of a building permit fer newtira• Pgrader Terse covenants shall non with the land. If at any time improvements we installed peeaead to theca covenants,the portion of the comma polaiaing to the specific Walled baprosmente as naiad by the Ordinances of the City of Rolm tall terminate without moessity of timber dseoomtati— Any violation«breath of these restrictive rarrnsnta may be enforced by papa kpl madame in the Suapaior 8 Cowl of King Comity by either the City of Renton or any property owners adjoining subject property who ere adversely affected by said breach. INTNESS WHEREOF.said Grantor has causd thin inalntment to be areeuted this j, ,.day of Atia ru t., 19 IF4rej1R UU STATE OF WASii>H0TON)SS cowry OF KING ) ER.�/ • I certify that I know or hare asfisfacfory evidence them.Tt'uvM4� *• G• Mc fit,e- signed this mumm,mt and acknowledged ' M.P .► it to be hiniher/ ,led vduttary act for the tunes and moms ttxdiaeed: "WAN?r-sue de hatruenat L- Notary Public in and for the Washington t n.win\' Notary(Print) l..tUDA- • F 2 t s AD My appointmentexpires: its: 2 Dated: 31? 1 rig'rig' !fi _ b High I IM01WIG% • • • • • • • Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 200 Mill Avenue South . Renton.WA 98055-2189 O DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS (Property Tax Pine,Number: 33413go-/4yyol L7 Graetor(a):'3-sa•rn64 N C(DUe i ,are the ownersofthe Ialkai.ag.al,noperry in the City of Rr,,tana Cuunty of King,Slate of Waohington as douibed below: LEGAL DESCRIPTION:(Abbreviated last desalpdoa MUSTIo Aram)Additiocal legal is oo page_of documatt Tt+c 5 lc Tim efTeAcr2.dT C. Nuns1us t.Kr..ws 6wr$v.oecoi.) DhvahlyAS. p.R Pi 4 gcebts�co /at VoLf1 ofPl.daa Y1 r;t Kteenfak: r l(aw)Co.iu+y Eaecfs+ C S 1 r Fcc - +).ttvoF S.+ue, c, 1 al C rayy of ?2.40+ Ir.at9 ecw.uly I?Chit of WAf)► Id. sac r -rt., RAu4t• S Of W.h+t. Whereas the Grantor(s),Owna(s)of said described propaly,desire to impose the following rcsvkgve �i covenants owning with the land as to use.present and future of the above described real property. NOW.THEREFORE,the aforesaid Owner(s)hereby establish,grant and impose rem and covenants running with the land hereto attached described with respect to the use by the undersigned,bis suoohssots,bears, and assigns as follows: Installation of Of-slte improvements: The owna(s)of the above described property.theirarea:wars, heirs and assigns,hereby agree and covenant to participate in,sign a petition in support of and accept any future Local Improvement district(LID)or city initiated proposal,and pay their fair share therefore,for the purposes of providing the nemnry of site improvements required by the Renton Subdivision Ordinance. Said improvements shall include but may not be limited to the installation of curbs.gutters.sidewalks,sweet paving. sanitary sewers,storm sewers,snsdergrou ding of utilities,and street lighting Them covenant erne imposed in lieu of Section 9-I 105(6)of Title IX of Ordinance/162E of the City of Raton. Duration: These covenants shall run with the land. If at any time improvements are Installed pursuant to these $ covenants,the portion of the covenants pertaining to the specific instated improvernas s as required by the Ordinance of the City of Renton shall terminate ate without necessity of Author docemaatstioa Any violation or bleach of these restrictive covenants may be enforced by proper legal procedures in the Superior Court of King County by either the City of Rental or any property owners adjoining subject property who are adversely affected by said breach. IN WITNESS WHEREOF.said Grantor has mused this instrument to be executed this ZI.day of Mari, l9•gz • Ceur-r � A H 1dTA7E OF WASHINGTON)SS ,,,,.1an...ua„ COUNTY OF KING f lf it/.C• I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that 3-(Mt.In 44 • -Tat signori this Monument and acknowledged ? f+ Ode it to be• free and voluntary act for therm end proposes mentioned in 2 if sviA.Qrs}a w the instrument. -,• PUSIA ♦4f 46014 - - Ig 7f�•w `• _ Notary Public in and for the S e o Washington it WfS° Notary(Print) kltLDi1' INGSTAP My appointment expires: tut .ZIIQa Dated: g/.3 lqk rg past 1 FORM Ol 0010Ibh a • a + I i _ This Space Reserved For Recorders Use: G Filed for Record at Request of F3 Main Street Escrow, Inc. S M ' AFTER RECORDING MAIL TO: rT Name JIM H. JACQUES Address 509 Aberdeen Ave. N.E. City,State,Zi RENTON, WA 9805f; I 1) (�( Escrow Number: 96-6071 4 f Statutory Warranty Deed gal In w O THE GRANTOR DALE EVERT and FENJE EVERT, WHO ACQUIRED TITLE AS FENJE SCHUCHARD, HUSBAND AND WIFE ci r 0 for and in consideration of TEN DOL AND OTHER GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION S•• in hand paid,conveys and warrants to JAMES H. JACQUES, AN UNMARRIED MAN . 464 S ) 6 6 1 M ' the following described real estate,situated in the County of KING ,State of Washington: THE SOUTH 1/2 OF THE NORTH 1/2 OF TRACT 245, C.D. HILLMAN'S LAKE WASHINGTON GARDEN OF EDEN DIVISION NO. 4, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 11 OF PLATS, PAGE 82, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY; EXCEPT THE SOUTH 15 FEET THEREOF; SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. 4 See Attached Exhibit A CD N FILED FOR R ECORp TRANSNATION TITLE AT REQUEST OF © Dated this 2nd day of August, 1996 N`SURANPE O CO up BY A .J'. -. By DALE EVERT By 2- E exe..-,e By FENJC✓EVERT STATE OF Washington } SS: County of King } I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that DALE EVERT AND FENJE EVERT are the person s who appeared before me, and said person s acknowledged that they signed this instrument and acknowledge it to be their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in this instrument. Dated: August 5TH, 1996 n n Pauline M. Weber fAU7 Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Residing at Pierce County ,�}.�_alles ,M,,, My appointment expires: 06/19/97 jrQP' NE l 1 `O•F"_*rV,vfy y• �I V y4;• Ut/C I J, „��iO�▪ Fr9�y't'.�O�,,w [11�U_ i �%qh�sm'tw���r, tl�,P 110o Transnation Tittl- .• Ei499550 08/07/96 2972.60 i6r ODO.UO Exhibit A • SUBJECT TO: Easements, restrictions, reservations, rights, covenants, and • conditions, as shown on the preliminary title report issued by TRANSNATION TITLE under their order no: 3102595. ACKNOWLEDGED, ACCEPTED AND APPROVED. C JAS H.H. JACQ ES rt • roi • co Transnaaon Titl- G17 , . r7 F - RECORDING REQUESTED BY: 1 - WORLD SAVINGS AND LOAN r , ASSOCIATION i • WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: gl WORLD SAVINGS 8 CENTRAL PROCESSING CENTER ( It• CLOSING DEPARTMENT P.O. BOX 659548 \ SAN ANTONIO, TX 78265-9548 ) LOAN NUMBER: 0001957422 N) NOTE AMOUNT: S125,250.00 to FOR RECORDER'S USE ONLY --- I/N DEED OF TRUST I `f c" This IS A FIRST DEED OF TRUST WHICH SECURES A NOTE WHICH CONTAINS 8 O PROVISIONS ALLOWING FOR CHANGES IN MY INTEREST RATE, FREQUENCY AND AMOUNT OF PAYMENTS AND PRINCIPAL BALANCE (INCLUDING FUTURE co ADVANCES AND DEFERRED INTEREST). AT LENDER'S OPTION THE SECURED NOTE • MAY BE RENEWED OR RENEGOTIATED. THE MAXIMUM AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL BALANCE SECURED BY THIS DEED OF TRUST IS S158,562.50 WHICH IS 125% OF THE "NOTE AMOUNT'. I. DEFINITIONS OF WORDS USED IN THIS DEED OF TRUST (A) Security Instrument. This Deed of Trust, which is datedAUGUST 07.. 1996, will be called the "Security Instrument" (1j (B) Borrower. JAMES H. JACQUES, AN UNMARRIED MAN GD N FILED FOR RECORD AT REQUEST OF O TRANSNATION TITLE INSURANCE CO CD COsometimes will be called "Borrower" and sometimes simply "I" or "me." (C) Lender. WORLD SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, A FEDE:111' SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION • • • • * * " • , ITS SUCCESSORS ANDIOR ASSIGNEES, will be called "Lender." Lender is a Federal Savings and Loan Assc:.'-'irn wr.._:I is organized and exists under the laws of the United States. Lender's address is 1�i:: HARRISON STREET, OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA 94612. (D) Note. The note signed by Borrower and having the same date a.. Security Instrument will be called the "Note." The Note shows that I owe Lender the original p,incipal . amount of U.S. S125,250.00 ("Note Amount"), plus accrued and deferred inter tst and such other amounts as stated in the Note. I have promised to pay this de. " biweekly payments and to pay the debt in full by AUGUST 26, 2026. (E) Property. The property that is described below in Section III entitl• 'r•,escriptioll of the Property" will be called the "Property." (F) Sums Secured. The amounts described below in Section II entitled 'Borrower' Transfer of Rights in the Property" sometimes will be called the "Sums Secured" (G) Person. Any person, organization, governmental authority or oth-• pal 1) will be called "Person." (H) Trustor, Beneflclsry, Trustee. Borrower is the "Trustor," ..ends, is the "Beneficiary" and FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, a Californi Corporalw'• .s the "Trustee." HhIHhI IIIIO)III A 0 0 ' • 7I ED SDOIEAI 102.29.9511.951 AIRA Pogo I WA Ll, DEFERRED INTEREST DEED OF TRUST-ADJ.BIWEEKLY Trananation Titi-. LFIIOFp'f OSF _ &UG i7 • • 0001957422 • • II. BORROWER'S TRANSFER OF RIGHTS IN THE PROPERTY I irrevocably grant and convey the Property to the Trustee, in trust for Lender, with a • power of sale subject to the terms of this Security Instrument This means that, by signing this Security Instrument, I am giving Lender and Trustee those rights that are stated in this • Security Instrument and also those rights that the law gives to lenders who are beneficiaries of a deed of trust and to trustees of a deed of trust I am giving Lender and Trustee these • rights to protect Lender from possible losses that might result if I fail to: (i) pay all amounts owed to Lender under the Note and all other notes secured by this Security Instrument, called the "Secured Notes," including future advances made by Lender and any changes to the Secured Notes made with the written consent of Lender; (ii) pay, with interest, any amounts that Lender spends under Paragraphs 2 and 7 below to protect the value of the Property and Lender's rights in the Property; and (iii) keep all of my other promises and agreements under this Security Instrument, the Secured Notes and any changes to the Secured Notes made with the written consent of Lender. III. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPERTY I give Trustee rights in the Property described below. (i) The property which is located at 1708 ABERDEEN AVENUE NE, RENTON, WA 98056. • • • • • • * • • • • • * * • • • • • • • • • • The legal description of the Property is attached as Exhibit "A" which is made a part of this Security Instrument This Property is called the "Described Property." WI All buildings and other improvements that are located on the Described Property; (iii) All rights in other property that I have as owner of the Described Property. These rights are known as easements, rights and appurtenances attached to the Property; • (iv) All rents or royalties and other income from the Described Property; (v) All mineral, oil and gas rights and profits, water rights and stock that are part of the Described Property; (vi) All rights that I have in the land which lies in the streets or roads'In front of, tv behind or next to, the Described Property; 9,1 (vii) All fixtures that are now or in the future will be on the Described Property or on the property described in subsection (ii) of this Section; OD (viii) All of the rights and property described in subsections (ii) through Ivii) of this Section that I acquire in the future; CD 0') (ix) All replacements of or additions to the p property described in subsections (ii) through (viii) of this Section; and (x) All of the amounts that I pay to Lender under Paragraph 2 below. • IV. BORROWER'S RIGHT TO GRANT A SECURITY INTEREST IN THE PROPERTY AND BORROWER'S OBLIGATION TO DEFEND OWNERSHIP OF THE PROPERTY • I promise that (i) I lawfully own the Property; (ii) I have the right to grant and convey the Property to Trustee; and (iii) there are no outstanding claims, charges, liens or encumbrances against the Property, except for those which are of public record. • I give a general warranty of title to Lender. This means that I will be fully responsible for any losses which Lender suffers because someone other than myself and the Trustee has some of the rights in the Property which I promise that I have. I promise that I will defend my ownership of the Property against any claims of such rights. COVENANTS • I promise and I agree with Lender as follows: 1. ' BORROWER'S PROMISE TO PAY I will pay to Lender, on time, all principal and interest due under the Secured Notes • and any prepayment and late charges due under the Secured Notes. 2. PAYMENTS FOR TAXES AND INSURANCE (A) Borrower's Obligations I will pay ell amounts necessary to pay taxes and hazard insurance premiums on the Property as well as assessments, leasehold payments, ground rents or mortgage insurance premiums (if any). . SO04e5 102.20.9511-95)AMID DEED OF TNUST-ADJ.BIWEEKLY WA ;u.( m / Peps 2 Trananation Titl- • rglitiKe • 0001957422 • • (B) Escrow Accounts Subject to applicable law, no escrow shall be required except upon written demand by Lender, in which case, I shall pay to Lender on the day payments are due under the Note, until the Note is paid in full, a sum ("Funds") for. (a) yearly taxes, penalties and assessments which may attain priority over this Security Instrument as a lien on the Property; lb) yearly leasehold payments or ground rents on the Property, if any; (c) yearly hazard or property insurance premiums; (d) yearly flood insurance premiums, if any; and (e) yearly mortgage insurance premiums, if any. These items are called "Escrow Items." Lender may, at any time, collect and hold Funds in an amount not to exceed the maximum amount a lender for a federally related mortgage loan may require for en escrow account under the federal Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act of 1974 as amended from time to time,;12 U.S.C. • e 2601 et seq ("RESPA"), unless another law that applies to the Funds sets a lesser amount If so, Lender may, at any time, collect and hold Funds in an amount not to exceed the lesser amount Lender may estimate the amount of Funds due on the basis of current data and reasonable estimates of expenditures of future Escrow Items in accordance with applicable law. CD The Funds shall be held in an institution whose deposits are insured by a federal `• agency, instrumentality, or entity (including Lender, if Lender' is such an institution) or in any ;\ Federal Home Loan Bank. Lender shall apply the Funds to pay the Escrow Items. Lender may not charge me for holding and applying the Funds, annually analyzing the escrow account, or verifying the Escrow Items, unless Lender pays me interest on the Funds and/or applicable law permits Lender to make such a charge. However, Lender may require me to pay alone—tim.l CO charge for an independent real estate tax reporting service used by Lender in connection with 09 this loan, unless applicable law provides otherwise. Unless an agreement is made'or. applicable .. law requires interest to be paid, Lender shall not be required to pay me ene interest or earnings on the Funds. Lender shall give to me, without charge, an annual accounting of the Funds, showing credits and debits to the Funds and the purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additional security for all sums secured by this Security Instrument If the Funds held by Lender exceed the amounts permitted to be .he'd applicable law, Lender shall account to me for the excess Funds in accordance] with'the requirements of applicable law. If the amount of the Funds held by Lender at any.time is not • sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due, Lender may so notify me in writing, and, in such case I shall pay to Lender the amount necessary to make up the deficiency or shortage. I shall make up the deficiency or shortage in accordance with the requirements of the (.ender, at its sole discretion, in the manner and times prescribed by RESPA Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument, (-ender shall promptly refund to me any Funds held by Lender. If, under paragraph 28, Lender shall acquire or sell the Property, Lender, prior to the acquisition or sale of the Property, snail apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisition or sale as a credit against the sums secured by this Security Instrument SD04EC 102.23.9511-951 A4ED DEED OF TRUST-ADJ.BIWEEKLY WA IUD!: Pi0s 3 • Trananation Titl-• • •II 0001967422 • ' ' 3. APPLICATION OF BORROWER'S PAYMENTS Unless the law requires otherwise, Lender will apply each of my payments under the • Secured Notes and under Paragraphs 1 and 2 above in the following order and for the following purposes: First, to pay prepayment charges due under the Secured Notes; Second, to pay any advances due to Lender under this Security Instrument; Third, to pay the amounts due to Lender under Paragraph 2 above; Fourth, to pay interest due under the Secured Notes; Fifth, to pay deferred interest under the Secured Notes: 1 Sixth, to pay principal due under the Secured Notes; Last, to pay late charges due under the Secured Notes. 4. BORROWER'S OBLIGATION TO PAY CHARGES, ASSESSMENTS AND CLAIMS I will pay all taxes, assessments and any other charges and fines that maybe imposed on the Property and that may be superior to this Security Instrument I will also make payments due under my lease if I am a tenant on the Property and I will pay ground rents (if any) due on the Property. I will pay these amounts either by making the payments to Lender that are described in Paragraph 2 above or by making the payments on time to the Person owed them. Any claim, demand or charge that is made against property because an t o'•.lation has not been fulfilled is known as a Hen. I will promptly pay or satisfy all liens ..Dint the Property that may be superior to this Security Instrument However, this Security Insb ument does not require me to satisfy a superior lien if: (A) I agree, in writing, to pay the obligation • which gave rise to the superior lien and Lender approves in writing the way in which I agree CD to pay that obligation; or (B) in good faith, I argue or defend against the superior lien in a lawsuit so that, during the lawsuit, the superior lien may not be enforced and ix, p;•►t of the Property must be given up; or (C) I secure from the holder of that other lien e.1 ','Bement, approved in writing by Lender, that the lien of this Security Instrument is superior 'o the lien held by that Person. If Lender determines that any part of the Property is sub!,ct to a superior lien, Lender may give to me a notice identifying the superior lien. I will pay or satisfy CD the superior lien or take one or more of the actions set forth above within 10 days of the giving of notice. 5. BORROWER'S OBLIGATION TO MAINTAIN INSURANCE At my sole cost and expense, I will obtain and maintain hazard insurance to cover all buildings and other improvements that now are or in the future will be located on the Property. The insurance must cover loss or damage caused by fire, hazards normally covered by "extended coverage" hazard insurance policies and other hazards for which Lender requires coverage. The insurance must be in the amounts and for the periods of time required by Lender. I may choose the insurance company but my choice is subject to Lender's approval. Lender may not refuse to approve my choice unless the refusal is reasonable. it!! of these insurance policies and renewals of the policies must include what is known as a Standard Mortgagee Clause to protect Lender. The form of all policies and renewals must be acceptable to Lender. Lender will have the right to hold the policies and renewals. If Lender requires, I will promptly give Lender all receipts of paid premiums and renewal notices that I receive. If I obtain earthquake insurance, any other hazard insurance, credit life and/or disab.lity insurance, or any other insurance on or relating to the Property or the Secured Notes and which are not specifically required by Lender, I will name Lender as loss payee of any proceeds. If there is a los's or damage to the Property, I will promptly notify the proper insurance company and Lender. If I do not promptly prove to the insurance company that the loss or damage occurred, then Lender may do so. The amount paid by the insurance company is called "Proceeds." Any Proceeds•received will be applied first to reimburse Lender for costs and expenses incurred in connection with obtaining the Proceeds, and then, at Lender's option and in the order and proportion as Lender may determine in its sole and absolute discretion, regardless of any impairment or lack of impairment of security, as follows: (A) to the extent allowed by applicable law, tr. the Sums Secured in a manner that Lender determines and/or (B) to the payment of costs a'dr expenses of necessary repairs or to the restoration of the Property to a condition satisfactory to Lender, such application to be made in the manner and at the times as determined by Lender. • S004EO(02.2E.9511.95) A4EE DEED OF TRUST-ADJ.BIWEEKLY WA Peggy 4 Transnation Titl-' • A�1G � 7 ':� • 0001957422 • If I abandon the Property or if I do not answer, within 30 days, a notice from Lender stating that the insurance company has offered to settle a claim, Lender may collect the Proceeds. Lender may use the Proceeds to repair or restore the Property or to pay the Sums Secured. The 30—day period will begin when the notice is given. If any Proceeds are used to reduce the amount of principal which I owe to Lender under the Secured Notes, that use will not delay the due date or change the amount of any of my biweekly payments under the Secured Notes and under Paragraphs 1'and. 2 above. However, Lender and I may agree in writing to delays or changes. If Lender acquires the Property under Paragraph 28 below, all of my rights in the insurance policies will belong to Lender. Also, all of my rights in any proceeds which are paid • because of damage that occurred before the Property is acquired by Lender or sold will belong to Lender. However, Lender's rights in those proceeds will not be greater than the Sums Secured immediately before the Property is acquired by Lender or sold. If I am required by Lender to pay premiums for mortgage insurance, I will pay the premiums until the requirement for mortgage insurance ends according to my written agreement with Lender or according to law. 6. BORROWER'S OBLIGATION TO MAINTAIN THE PROPERTY AND TO FULFILL ANY LEASE OBLIGATIONS I will keep the Property.in good repair. I will not destroy or substantially change the Property and I will not allow the Property to deteriorate. I will keep and maintain the Property in compliance with any state or federal hazardous materials and hazardous waste laws. I will not use, generate, manufacture or store any hazardous materials or hazardous waste on, under or about the Property. I will indemnify, defend and hold harmless Lender and its employees, officers and directors and their successors from any claims, damages or costs tor required or necessary repair or the removal of hazardous waste or any other hazardous materials claim. If I do not own but am a tenant on the property, I will fulfill my obligations'under my lease. I also agree that, if I acquire the fee title to the Property, my lease interest and the fee title will not merge unless Lender agrees to the merger in writing • 7. LENDER'S RIGHT TO PROTECT ITS RIGHTS IN THE PROPERTY If: (A) I do not keep my promises and agreements made in this Security Instrument, or (B) someone, including me, begins a legal proceeding that may significantly affect Lender's rights in the Property (such as a legal proceeding in bankruptcy, in probate, for condemnation or to enforce laws or regulations), then Lender may do and pay for whatever is necessary to protect the Lender's rights in the Property. Lender's actions may include appearing in court, paying reasonable attorneys' fees and entering on the Property to make repairs.Lender must GO give me notice before Lender may take any of these actions. Although Lender may stake action under this Paragraph 7, Lender does not have to do so. Any action taken by Lender under this Paragraph 7, will not release me from my obligations under this Security Instrument Cr) I will pay to Lender any amounts which Lender advances under this Paragraph 7 with interest, at the interest rate in effect under the Secured Notes which have not-been paid. I will pay those amounts to Lender when Lender sends me a notice requesting that I do so. • Interest on each amount will begin to accrue on the date that the amount is advanced by Lender. However, Lender and I may agree in writing to terms that are different from those in this Paragraph 7. This Security Instrument will protect Lender in case I do not keep this promise to pay those amounts with interest B. LENDER'S RIGHT TO INSPECT THE PROPERTY Lender, and others authorized by Lender, may enter upon and inspect the Property. They must do so in a reasonable manner and at reasonable times. Before or at the time an inspection is made, Lender must give me notice stating a reasonable purpose for the inspection. 9. AGREEMENTS ABOUT GOVERNMENTAL TAKING OF THE PROPERTY I assign to Lender all my rights: (A) to proceeds of all awards or claims for damages resulting from condemnatjon, eminent domain or other governmental taking of all or any part of the Property; and (B) to proceeds from a sale of all or any part of the Property that is made to avoid condemnation, eminent domain or other government taking of the property. All of.those proceeds will be paid to Lender. If all of the Property is taken, the proceeds will be used to reduce the Sums Secured. If any of the proceeds remain after the amount that I owe to Lender has been paid in full. the remaining proceeds will be paid to me. Unless Lender and I agree otherwise in writing, if only a part of the Property is taken, the amount that I owe to Lender will be reduced only by the amount of proceeds multiplied by the following fraction: (A) the total amount of the Sums Secured immediately before the taking, divided by (B) the fair market value of 01-e Property immediately before the taking. The remainder of the proceeds will be paid to me. �{I�II 50040E(02.20.9511-951 A4OF DEED OF TRUST-ADJ.BIWEEKLY WA ED fULgR� Pepe 5 Trananation Titl G 79• - F 0001957422 . If I abandon the Property or if I do not answer, within 30 days, a notice from Lender stating that a governmental authority has offered to make a payment or to settle a claim for damages, Lender has the authority to collect the proceeds. Lender may then use the proceeds to repair or restore the Property or to reduce the Sums Secured. The 30-day period will begin when the notice is given. — • • If any proceeds are used to reduce the amount of principal which I owe to Lender under the Secured Notes, that use will not delay the due date or change the amount of any of my biweekly payments under the Secured Notes and under Paragraphs 1 and 2 above. However, Lender and I may agree in writing to delays or changes. 10. CONTINUATION OF BORROWER'S OBLIGATIONS AND OF LENDER'S RIGHTS (A) Borrower's Obligations Lender may allow a Person who takes over my rights and obligations subject to this Security Instrument to delay or to change the amount of the biweekly payments of principal and interest due under the Secured Notes or under this Security Instrument Even if Lender does this, however, that Person and I will both still be fully obligated under the Secured Notes and under this Security Instrument Lender may allow those delays or changes for a Person who takes over my rights and obligations, even if Lender is requested not to do so. Lender will not be required to bring a lawsuit against such a Person for not fulfilling obligations under the Secured Notes or under this Security Instrument, even if Lender is requested to do so. (B) Lender's Rights Even if Lender does not exercise or enforce any of its rights under this Security Instrument or under the law, Lender will still have all of those rights and may exercise and enforce them in the future. Even if Lender obtains insurance, pays taxes, or pays other claims, charges or liens against the Property, Lender will have the right under Paragraph 28 below to demand that I make immediate payment in full of the amounts that I owe to Lender under the • • Secured Notes and under this Security Instrument w1 11. OBLIGATIONS OF BORROWER AND OF PERSONS TAKING OVER BORROWER'S {� RIGHTS OR OBLIGATIONS Any Person who takes over my rights or obligations under this Security tr trument will have all of my rights and will be obligated to keep all of my promises and agreements made f 0 in this Security Instrument Similarly, any Person who takes over Lender's rights'or(obligations CD under this Security Instrument will have all of Lender's rights and will be obligated to keep all of Lender's agreements made in this Security Instrument If more than one Person signs this Security Instrument as Borrower, eath'of us is fully obligated to keep all of Borrower's promises and obligations contained in this Security Instrument Lender may enforce Lender's rights under this Security Instrument against each of us individually or against all of us together. This means that any one of us may be required to pay all of the Sums Secured. 12. MAXIMUM LOAN CHARGES If the loan secured by this Security Instrument is subject to a law which sets maximum loan charges, and that law is finally interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges collected or to be collected in connection with the loan exceed permitted limits, then: (A) any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce the charge to the permitted limits and (B) any sums already collected from Borrower which exceeded permitted limits will be refunded to Borrower. Lender may choose to make this refund by reducing the principal owed under the Secured Notes or by making a direct payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces principal, the reduction will be treated as a partial prepayment without any prepayment charge under the Secured Notes. 13. LEGISLATION AFFECTING LENDER'S RIGHTS If a change in applicable law would make any provision of the Secured'Notes 'or this Security Instrument unenforceable, Lender may require that I make immediate payment•in•full of all Sums Secured by this Security Instrument 14. NOTICES REQUIRED UNDER THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT Any notice that must be given to me under this Security Instrument will be given by delivering it or by mailing it by first class mail unless applicable law requires use of another method. The notice will be addressed to me at 1708 ABERDEEN AVENUE NE, RENTON, WA 98056. . • . . • , . . . * . » . . . a . r r w ® • * 0 . • It • • A notice will be given to me at an alternative address if I give Lender a notice of my alternative address. I may designate only one mailing address at a time f or notification SD046F 102.28.9Sf1.951 A4ED DEED OF TRUST-ADJ.BIWEEKLY WA =iiDlf Bi: Pape E • Transnation Titl , I . 0001957422 • os .purp es Any notice that must be given to Lender under this Security Instrument will be given • by mailing it by first class mail to Lender's address stated in Section ICC) above entitled, "Definitions of Words Used In This Deed of Trust," unless Lender gives me notice of a different address. Any notice required by this Security Instrument is given when it is mailed or when it is delivered according to the requirements of this Paragraph 14 or of applicable law. ' 15. GOVERNING LAW; SEVERABILITY This Security Instrument and the Secured Notes shall be governed by and construed under federal law and federal rules and regulations Including those for federal savings and loan associations, celled "Federal Law." In the event that any of the terms or provisions of this Security Instrument or the Secured Notes are interpreted or construed by a court of competent jurisdiction to be void, invalid or unenforceable, such decision shall affect only those provisions so construed or interpreted and shall not affect the remaining provisions of this Security Instrument or the Secured Notes. 16. BORROWER'S COPY I acknowledge the receipt of one conformed copy of the Secured Notes and of this Security Instrument 17. LENDER'S RIGHTS TO RENTAL PAYMENTS AND TO TAKE POSSESSION OF THE PROPERTY If Lender requires immediate payment in full or if I abandon the Property, then Lender, Persons authorized by Lender, or a receiver appointed by a court at Lender's request may: (A) collect the rental payments, including overdue rental payments, directly from the tenants; 1B), .enter upon and take possession of the Property; (C) manage the Property; and (p) sign, cancel and change rental agreements and leases. If Lender notifies the tenants that Lander•has the right to collect rental payments directly from them under this Paragraph 17, I agree•that the tenants may make those rental payments to Lender without having to ask (i) Lender whether I have failed to keep my promises and agreements under this Security Instrument. or (ii) me for my permission to do so. If Lender acts to have the Property sold after a Breach of Duty es defined in f d0 Paragraph 28, I understand and agree that (A) my right to occupy the Property ceases at the time the Property is sold; (B) I shall have no right to occupy the Property after.such sale without the written consent of the new owner of the Property; and ICI my wrongful and unlawful possession of the Property may subject me to monetary damages, including the loss GO of reasonable rent and the cost of eviction. All rental payments collected by Lender or by a receiver, other than the rent paid by me under this Paragraph 17, will be used 11a st to pay CG the costs of collecting rental payments and of managing the Property. If any part,of the rental ;T) payments remains after those costs have been paid in full, the remaining part will be used to reduce the Sums Secured The costs of managing the Property may include the receiver's fees, reasonable attorneys' fees and the costs of any necessary bonds. 18. INJURY TO PROPERTY; ASSIGNMENT OF RIGHTS An assignment is a transfer of rights to another. I may have rights.to bring legal action against persons, other than Lender, for injury or damage to the Property or in • connection with the loan made to me by Lender and which arose or will arise before or after the date of this Security Instrument These rights to bring legal action may include an action for breach of contract, fraud, concealment of a material fact or for intentional or negligent acts. I assign these rights, and any proceeds arising from these rights, as permitted by applicable law, to Lender. Lender may, at its option, enforce these rights in its own name and may apply any proceeds resulting from this assignment to any amount that I may owe to Lender under the Note and this Security Instrument after deducting any expenses, including attorneys' fees, incurred in enforcing these rights. At the request of Lender, I will sign any further assignments or other documents that may be necessary to enforce this assignment 19. CLERICAL ERRORS In the event Lender at any time discovers that this Security Instrument, the Secured • Notes or any other document related to this loan, called collectively the "Loan Documents." contains an error which Was caused by a clerical mistake, calculation error, computer error, printing error or similar error, I agree, upon notice from Lender, to reexecule any Loan Documents that are necessary to correct any such efforts) and I also agree that I will not hold • Lender responsible for any damage to me which may result from any such error. 20. LOST, STOLEN OR MUTILATED DOCUMENTS If any of the Loan Documents are lost, stolen, mutilated or destroyed end Lender delivers to me an indemnification in my favor, signed by Lender, then I will sign and deliver to Lender a Loan Document identical in form and content which will have the effect of the original for all purposes. I',I S0046G 102.28.9611.961 A46H DEED OF TIIUST•ADJ.BIWEEKLY . WA 1 7 Transnation Ti - Pegs tl G 7 • 00019S1422 21. WAIVER OF STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS I will waive, within applicable law, the pleading of the statute of limitations as a defense to enforce this Security Instrument, including any obligations referred to in this Security Instrument or Secured Notes. _ 22. CAPTIONS • The captions and headings at the beginning of each paragraph of this Security Instrument are for reference only and will not be used in the interpretation of any provision of this Security Instrument 23. MODIFICATION This Security Instrument may be modified or amended only by an agreement in writing signed by Borrower and Lender. Lender may modify the Security Instrument and the Secured Notes at Lender's sole discretion in the event that I have failed to make my biweekly payments in the manner set forth in the Secured Notes. In the event of a modification to monthly payments. Lender will substitute the term "monthly payment" at each point that the term "biweekly payment" appears in this Security Instrument 24. CONDOMINIUM, COOPERATIVE AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT OBLIGATIONS If the Property is a unit in a condominium, cooperative or planned unit development, each of which shall be called the "Project." and I have an interest in the common elements of the Project, then Lender and I agree that • (A) If an owners association or other entity, called "Owners Association,"'holds title to Property for the benefit or use of the Project and its members or shareholders, the • Property also includes my interest in the Owners Association and the uses, proceeds and tD benefits of my interest • ri (B) The following are called the "Constituent Documents:" (i) The declaratlbrt or any Iti other document which created the Project; Gil By—laws of the Owners Association: (iii) Code of regulations for the Project; (iv) Articles of incorporation, trust instrument or equivalent document which creates the Owners Association; Iv) The Projects covenants, condltions and restrictions; (vi) Other equivalent documents. I shall perform all of my obligations under the Constituent Document* including my obligation to pay, when due, all dues and assessments. If I do not pay the' dues and assessments when due, Lender may, at its option, pay them I will pay to Lender Si* amounts which Lender advances under this Paragraph 24 according to the terms described in Paragraph 7 above. (C) If the Owners Association maintains, with an insurance company_reasonably acceptable to Lender, a master or blanket policy on the Project which is sattafactory to Lender and which provides insurance coverage on the terms, in the amounts, for"till periods. and against the hazards Lender requires, including fire and hazards included within,the term "extended coverage," and Lender is provided with evidence of such master or blanket rolicy, then: (i) Lender waives the provision in Paragraph 2(B) above for the payment to Lenddr of the estimated yearly premium installments for hazard insurance on the Property; and (ii) hazard insurance coverage on the Property as required by Paragraph 5 above is':deemed?to be • satisfied to the extent that the required coverage is provided by the Owners:.Association policy. I shall give Lender prompt notice of any lapse in the required hazard' insurance coverage. I shall provide a copy of such master or blanket policy to Lender annually • In the event of a distribution of hazard insurance proceeds in lieu of restoration or repair following a loss to the Property, whether to the unit or to common elements, any proceeds payable to me are hereby assigned and shall be paid to Lender for application to the Sums Secured by this Security Instrument, with any excess paid to me. I shall take such actions as may be reasonable to insure that the Owners Association maintains a pOblic liability insurance policy acceptable to Lender in form, amount and extent of coverage. (D) I shall not, except after notice to Lender and with Lender's prior written consent. either partition or subdivide the Property or consent to: (i) the abandonment or termination the Project, except for abandonment or termination required by law in the case of Substantial' destruction by fire or other casualty or in the case of condemnation, eminent domain or Whet governmental taking; (ii) any amendment to any provision of Constituent Documents unless the' 111: SDO4EH 102.2E.9511.951 A401 DEED OF TRUST-ADJ.BIWEEKLY WA yj PLO.E • Trananation Titl- • AUG 7 9• • • 0001967422 • provision is for, the express benefit of Lender or of lenders generally; (iiil termination of professional management and assumption of self—management of the Owners Association; or (iv) any action which would have the effect of rendering the master or blanket hazard insurance policy and/or the public liability insurance coverage maintained by the Owners Association unacceptable to Lender. • 25. FUTURE ADVANCES At Borrower's request, Lender, at its option (but before release of this Security Instrument or the full reconveyance of the Property described in the Security Instrument) may lend future advances, with interest, to Borrower. Such future advances, with interest, will then be additional Sums Secured under this Security Instrument 26. AGREEMENTS ABOUT LENDER'S RIGHTS IF THE PROPERTY IS SOLD OR TRANSFERRED Acceleration of Payment of Sums Secured. Lender may, at its option, require immediate payment in full of all Sums Secured by this Security Instrument if all or any part of the Property, or if any right in the Property, is sold or transferred without Lender's prior written permission. Lender also may, at its option, require immediate payment in full if Borrower is not a natural Person and a beneficial interest in Borrower is sold or transferred without Lender's prior written permission. However, Lender shall not require immediate payment in full if this is prohibited by Federal Law in effect on the date of the Security Instrument If Lender exercises the option to require immediate payment in full, Lender will give me notice of acceleration. If I fail to pay all Sums Secured by this Security' Instrument immediately, Lender may then or thereafter invoke any remedies permitted by 'this Security Instrument without further notice to or demand on me. Exception to Acceleration of Payment of Sums Secured. If the sale or transfer of all or any part of the Property, or of a beneficial interest in Borrower, if Borrower is not a natural Person, is the first one to occur after the date of this Security Instrument, Lender will • not exercise the option to accelerate payment in full of all Sums Secured and the loan may H be assumed if: (i) Lender receives a completed written application from transferee to evaluate the CO creditworthiness of transferee as if a new loan were being made to the transferee by Lender; (ii) Lender approves the creditworthiness of the transferee in writing; Cr) (iii) transferee makes a cash downpayment sufficient to meet Lender's 'Then current underwriting standards; (iv) an assumption fee, in an amount to be determined by Lender (but not to exceed 1% of the balance of principal and interest due under the Secured Notes at 'the time of sale or transfer of the Property or of the interest in the Borrower) is paid to Lender; end (v) the transferee executes an assumption agreement which is satisfactory to Lender, such assumption agreement providing for transferee opening a deposit account with Lender, or with a bank or savings and loan which has been approved by Lender, for direct payment • as provided in the secured notes. The loan may be assumed under its then existing terms and conditions with one exception; the Lifetime Rate Cap may be changed. The Lifetime Rate Cap shall be changed to • an interest rate which is the sum of the interest rate in effect on the date of a sale or transfer of the Property or beneficial interest in Borrower plus 5 percentage points, if that sum exceeds the Lifetime Rate Cap stated in the Secured Notes. 27. SUBSTITUTION OF TRUSTEE I agree that Lender may at any time appoint a successor trustee and that Person shall become the Trustee under this Security Instrument as if originally named as Trustee. 28. RIGHTS OF THE LENDER IF THERE IS A BREACH OF DUTY It will be called a ;Breach of Duty" if li) I do not pay the full amount of each biweekly payment on the date it is due; or (ii) I fail to perform any of my promises or agreements under the Note or this Security Instrument; or (iiil any statement made in my application'for this, loan was materially false or misleading or if any statement in my application•for this loan was materially false or misleading by reason of my omission of certain facts; or (iv) I.have made any other statement to Lender in connection with this loan that is materially false or misleading. If there is a Breach of Duty by me, Lender may demand an immediate,payment of all sums secured. If there is a Breach of Duty by me, the Lender may take action to have thi Property sold under any applicable Federal Law, rule or regulation and, where Federal Law is not applicable, under the law of the state where the Property is located, which will be called the "Applicable Law." • BI; SD0451 102.25.E511-95)A4EJ DEED OF TRUST•AOJ.BIWEEKLY WA - - Page Y Transnation Titl-• AUG + 79a • 0001957422 Lender does not have to give me notice of a Breach of Duty unless notice is required by Applicable Law. If Lender does not make a demand for full payment upon a.Breach of Duty, Lender may make a demand for full payment upon any other Breach of Duty. If there is a Breach of Duty, Lender may also take action to have a receiver.appointed under the Applicable Law to collect rents from any tenants on the Property and to manage • the Property. The action to appoint a receiver may be taken without prior notice to me and regardless of the value of the Property. The sale of the Property may be postponed by or at the direction of Lender except as limited or prohibited by the Applicable Law. If the Property is sold under the Applicable Law, I agree that it may be sold in one parcel. I also agree that Lender may add to the •• amount that I owe to Lender all legal fees, costs, allowances, and disbursements incurred as a result of the action to sell the Property, except to the extent that the Applicable Law limits or prohibits any such charges. Lender will apply the proceeds from the sale of the Property in the following order. (A) to all fees, expenses and costs incurred in connection with the sale, including trustees' and attorneys' fees, if any; (B) to all Sums Secured by this Security Instrument; and ICI any excess to the Person or Persons legally entitled to it. 29. RECONVEYANCE When Lender has been paid all amounts due under the Secured Notes and under this Security Instrument, Lender will request Trustee to reconvey the Property and will deliver this Security Instrument and the Secured Notes to Trustee. Trustee will reconvey the Property without warranty to the Personls) legally entitled to it Such Person(s) will pay all costs incurred by Lender or Trustee relating to the delivery of the Secured Notes and the Security Instrument, the reconveyance and its recordation. • 30. STATEMENT OF OBLIGATION • Gp To the extent allowed by law, I will give Lender a fee for furnishing any statement of obligation with respect to this Security Instrument or the Secured Notes. CD 31. USE OF PROPERTY I will not use the property for agricultural, timber or grazing purposes. 32. QUICK QUALIFYING LOAN PROGRAM I have qualified for this loan by making statements of fact which were•relied:upon by Lender to approve the loan rapidly. This loan is called a "Quick Qualifying Loan' j have stated and I confirm that (A) I do not have any other Quick Qualifying Loans with Lender: (B) I have agreed to not further encumber the Property and do not intend to further .encumber the Property for at least six months after the date of the Secured Notes andi this Security Instrument; and (CI If I am purchasing the Property, all of the terms of• the purchase agreement submitted to Lender are true and the entire down payment is cash•from my own funds. If any of the statements of fact that I have made are materially false or misleading, I will be in default under the Secured Notes and this Security Instrument If I am in such default, Lender may, at its option, increase the interest rate and margin subject to the Lifetime Rate Cap stated in the Secured Notes. 33. OWNER OCCUPANCY Lender has relied upon statements of fact which I have made to qualify for this loan. I have stated and confirm that (A) the Property is my personal and primary residence; (B)'I will occupy the Property not later than 30 days after this Security Instrument is recorded; and (CI • I will use the Property as my residence for at least 12 months from the date this Security Instrument is recorded. If any of the statements of fact that I have made are materially false or misleading. I will be in default under the Secured Notes and this Security Instrument If I am in such default, Lender may, at its option, increase the interest rate and margin, subject to the Lifetime • Rate Cap stated in the Secured Notes. THIS SPACE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK; SIGNATURE PAGE FOLL'WS. • SD045J5 102.20.9511.9SI A460 DEED OF TRUST-ADJ.BIWEEKLY WA Transnation Tid- Page 10 AUG 7 ' • • . 0O01957422' • BY SIGNING BELOW, I accept and agree to the promises and agreements contained in this Security Instrument and in any riderls) signed by me and recorded in proper official records. • (PLEASE SIGN YOUR NAME EXACTLY AS IT APPEARS BELOW) BORROWERS): 4S H. 1A •Q JEriVelJ (Seal) J JAC ES U CD _ (Seal) CD (Seal) • (Seal) ACKNOWLEDGMENT ATTACHED TO and made a part 440 QpkyL NFl4�i� of DEED OF TRUST 4iiiiS'1D,�:•.,1y% i I. .` STATE OF Washington ) County of King ) SS: �) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that JAMES H. 31,16QUEST.JACQUES is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that he signed this instrument and acknowledge it to be his free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in this instrument. Dated: August 7TH, 1996 i)i • • Pauline M. Weber Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Residing at Pierce County My appointment expires: 06/19/97 ATTACH INDIVIDUAL NOTARY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT • SD040K1 (02.20.9011.951 AIRS DEED OF TRUST-ADJ.BIWEEKLY WA UD Br, Pogo 11 of 11 •Transnation Till- . AUG I 9• WORLD SAVINGS EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOAN NO. 0001957422 ALL THAT CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY SITUATED IN THE COUNTY OF K I NG STATE OF WASH I NGTON " • • * • , DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: THE SOUTH 1/2 OF THE NORTH 1/2 OF TRACT 245, C.D. HILLMAN'S LAKE • WASHINGTON GARDEN OF EDEN DIVISION NO. 4, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 11 OF PLATS, PAGE 82, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY; EXCEPT THE SOUTH 15 FEET THEREOF; SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. Lit - O (t) TAPE ONLY THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION TO THIS PAGE. O CD O • • — GF139A1 101.21.9511-55)1439A ALL STATES EXCEPT CA.DC.IL ED it Transnation Titl MG I ' • ,• 1: - uo • . . 4,1411T4G ORK MS= k. •.. ..* •.."1•6* •16r4.011. .41 d — Cs now Idward S. Sattli4mdlt41ssiiis 8113.124:111.Altai and herewith grant and taveme • . , • . polk- an easement for the purpose of,FonstructLmay sdielwiteS and maintenance of • . • _ • e • • ' ...11•4:sr (7% ,r sanitary sewers and store severs in favor 40.6Citty of Renton, located in the State 1 • s..) of Wash!ngton, over the- following descriied property situated in King County. WashintTtoh, . . 1.13•• to wits The wet 5,00 feet in width•ef east 10.00 feet in width of the north 170.00 feet Ln width of Tract 228 in the plat-of C. D. H11.1marsta Lake Washington Garden of Eden ."'"• --• Division No. 14, recorded in volume 11 of Plats on page 82 in records of King County, ',in. This easement is given and granted as of this/its:lay of 1968, for and in cm•sideratIrn of $10.00 paid by the City of Renton. • 1.2 ,/ i• / , -'77) Edward bnith Y.1..lootae Smith • *IQ ) ) 53 LMLnty of King On this day permenrlly appeared te'cre me E.U.1A111) S. 51.1.1TH and :'1, .;i• tcmo knnwn to be the individual d'rcribed In And executed •.! r I J.1 end tnstrunent. end icknow;edred that they signed and seale-i r :,re as t! r •r•-•1 •..6,-;:ffnentary act A nd dced, for the uses and r.:rrosos therein re-..,,eny's. • i(e,;f•,; •I :Tr:N under ry i.and gm, r,ff!vin.1 t:ral t' •‘• •. T • •-•• • • i r . - . .1: • • , -API;S 114, ' •, • • • • • •;;, 7.:Ye ry • I.r, r •• ( .•• • nn rest's:1r,, • - '• I • Iwo to,AK 0...;&-Z- •J 194 . &JD A.M. R awns gi PIONEER NAT'L. RTLE'iNLao. nnsit N T A. mulatifi...CoustAt Anew • WHEN RECORDED RERYWDOR Office of the City Clerk Renton Mtuddpel Building n 1 21M)Mill Avenue South CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON 1 Keaton,WA 98055 ORDINANCE NO. 4362 • o 0 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, ESTABLISHING n AN ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FOR SANITARY SEWER SERVICE IN A PORTION OF THE RENNYDALE SUB-BASIN AND ESTABLISHING THE AMOUNT OF THE z CHARGE UPON CONNECTION TO THE FACILITIES. Z THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN i AS FOLLOWS: I SECTION I. There is hereby created a Sanitary Sewer o Service Special Assessment District for the area served by the West Kennydale Interceptor in the northeast quadrant of the City of Renton, which area is more particularly described in Exhibit 'A" m O • ' attached herein. A map of the service area is attached as Exhibit o • "B" . The recording of this document against parcels of land within i N the boundary of the West Kennydale Interceptor area is to provide N. I CD — Notification of Potential Assessment and interest charges. While CV CD CT', the assessments may be paid at any time, the City does not require CD CV payment until such time as the parcel is connected to and thus s benefiting from the sewer facilities. SECTION II. Persons connecting to the sanitary sewer facilities in this Special Assessment District and whiich properties have not been charged or assessed with all costs of the West Kennydale Interceptor, as detailed in this ordinance, shall pay in addition to the payment of the connection permit fee and in addition to the special utility connection charge, the following additional fees: A. Per Unit Charges (See Exhibits "A" and "B" ) . New connections of residential dwelling units or equivalents shall pay d fee of $525 . 00 per dwelling unit. 1 ORDINANCE NO. 4362 B. Zoned Front Footage (ZFF) Charges (See Exhibitz "C" and "D` ) . There is hereby created a sub-district within the West Kennydale Interceptor Special Assessment District consisting of properties fronting on the interceptor sewer. The properties to be assessed for zoned front footage and the amount each property is to be assessed is described in Exhibit "C" attached herein. A map identifying the properties within the sub-district is attached as Exhibit 'D. ' The properties located within this sub-district are subject to both charges (Unit and ZFF) . SECTION III. In addition to the aforestated charges, there shall be a charge of ten per cent (10%) per annum added to both the Per Unit Charges and Zoned Front Footage Charges, but in no case shall such added interest charge be in excess of one hundred per N cent ( 100%) of the original assessment cost. Interest charges CD should be simple interest and not compound interest. ;11 D SECTION IV. This ordinance is effective upon its passage, CD N approval, and thirty (30) days after publication. • ON PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 17th day of August , 1992. • r-44.29It(44./ arilyn 4ersen, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 17 ay of August , 1992. r er, Mayor: Approved s to form: Ate La ''" • it' y At'orney Date of Publication: August 21, 1992 ORD. 251-7/10/92 :as. 2 . . i Ilh EXHIBIT"A" WEST KENNYDALE INTERCEPTOR SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT BOUNDARY The lands included within the West Kennydale Interceptor Special Assessment District boundary arc contained within Sections 4 and 5, Township 23 North, Range 5 East W.M. The boundary for the district is described as follows: Beginning at the NW corner of the Urch subdivision as recorded in Volume 88 of Plats, page 79 records of King County, Washington, within the NW 1/4 of said Section 5; • Thence easterly along the north line of said Nat to the NE corner of Lot 2; Thence southerly along the cast line of Lot 2, said Plat of Urch subdivision and its southerly extension, to an intersection with the south line of NE 27th CT. Said point of intersection also being a point on the north line of Lot 8, said Plat; Thence west along the north line of Lot 8 to the NW corner thereof; Thence south along the west line of Lot 8 to the SW corner thereof; • Thence cast along the south line of Lot 8 to the SE corner thereof. Said SE corner also being a point on the west right-of-way margin of Jones Ave NE; • N- Thence easterly along the easterly extension of the south line of Lot 8, to a point of r` intersection with the cast right-of-way margin of Jones Ave NE, within the NE 1/4 of said Section 5; CV Thence north alongsaid right-of-way ma in to the NW corner of Tract 277, C.D. �T B `7 Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden, Div. No. 4 as recorded in Volume 11 of N Plats, page 82 records of King County, Washington; Thence N 89° 43' 59" E. along the north line of Track 277, said north line also being the north line of Lot 1, as established by LIA #010-85, bearing King County recording #85 1 0 1 8900 1, a distance of 90 ft., to the NE corner of said Lot 1. • Thence S.00° 33' 45" W. along the east line of said Lot 1, a distance of 87.28 ft., to the SE corner thereof; Thencc N. 89° 52' 13" W. along the south line of said Lot 1, a distance of 69.85 ft., to the beginning of a curve to the right having a radius of 20 ft.; Thence along said curve and said south lot li.te, through a central angle of 90° 25' 5S" an arc length of 31.57 ft. to a point on the east right-of-way line of Jones Ave NE; l Thence S. 00° 33' 45" W. along the cast right-of-way line of Jones Ave NE, a distance of 90 ft., to the beginning of a curve to the right having a radius of 20 ft.; 1'Agt. I H/17/92 9)2 txx!N>( A\11I1)h • Thence along said curve and the northerly line of Lot 2, LLA li 010-85, through a central angle of 89° 34'02"an arc length of 31.26 ft.; Thence S. 89° 52' 13" E. along the north line of said Lot 2, a distance of 70.15 ft., to the NE corner thereof; Thence S. 00° 33' 45"W. along the cast line of said Lot 2, a distance of 87.28 ft., to the SE corner thereof. Said SE corner also being a point on the south line of Tract 275 said Plat of C.D. Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden, Div. No. 4; Thence easterly along the south line of said Tract 275 and continuing easterly along the south line of Tract 255 to the NW corner of Tract 254,said Plat; Thence southerly along the west line of said Tract 254 to the north line of the S 1/4 of said Tract; Thence easterly along said north line to the west line of the E 70 ft. of the S 1/4 of said Tract 254; Thence southerly along said west line and its southerly extension to an intersection with the south right-of-way line of NE 24th St; Thence westerly along the south right-of-way line of NE 24th St to the NE corner of Track 262, C.D. Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden, Div. No. 4; ~ Thence southerly along the cast line of said Track 262, to the SE corner thereof. Said 0 SE corner also being the NW corner of Tract 252, C.D. Hillman's Lake Washington • IT Garden of Eden, Div. No. 4; O SThence easterly along the north line of said Tract 252 to a point of intersection with the northerly extension of the west line of the east 150 ft. of said Tract 252; Thence southerly along said northerly extension and said west line, to a point 150 ft. west and 150.6 ft. north of the SE corner of said Tract 252, within the SE 1/4 of said Section 5; Thence southeasterly, a distance of 84.58 ft., to a point 91 ft. north and 90 ft. west of the SE corner of said Tract 252; Thence southeasterly to a point on the east line of Tract 252, which point lies 70 ft. north of the SE corner of said Tract 252; Thence south along said cast line of Tract 252, a distance of 70 ft., to the SE corner thereof. Said SE corner also being a point of intersection of the west right-of-way line of Aberdeen Ave. NE. with the north right-of-way line of NE 20th St; '!hence easterly along the easterly extension of the south line of Tract 252 to the east right-of-way line of Aberdeen Ave. NE. and the SW corner of Tract 243, C.D. Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden, Div. No. •;; I'.aI;t 2 K/I7/92 92 )( .AM)11 h Thence northerly along the west line of said Tract 243 to the NW corner thereof, within the NE 1/4 of said Section 5; Thence easterly along the north lines of Tracts 243, 234 and 225, C.D. Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden, Div. No. 4, to the NE corner of said Tract 225; Thence southerly along the east line of said Tract 225, a distance of 30 ft., to the NW corner of Lot 1, Block 2 of the Edendale subdivision as recorded in Volume 60 of Plats, page 81 records of King County,Washington; Thence easterly along the north line of said Block 2 and its easterly extension across Dayton Ave. NE to the NE corner of Block 1 of said Edendale subdivision; Thence southerly along ►'.e east line of said Block 1 and the westerly right-of-way line of Edmonds Ave. NE to the SE corner thereof, within the SE 1/4 of said Section 5; Thence northeasterly to an intersection with the NW corner of Lot 1, Block 1 of the Husclands 1st Addition subdivision as recorded in volume 54 of Plats, page 26 records of King County, Washington, within the SW 1/4 of said Section 4. Said NW corner also being a point on the east right-of-way line of Edmonds Ave. NE; Thence easterly along the north line of said Plat to the NE corner thereof; Thence southerly along the cast line of said Plat to the SE corner thereof; r` Thence westerly along the south line of said Plat and its westerly extension to an Q intersection with the west right-of-way line of Edmonds Ave. NE, within the SE 1/4 of N said Section 5. Said intersection also being a point on the cast line of Tract 208, C.D. O s Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden, Div. No. 4; O • Thence southerly along the east line of said Tract 208 and the westerly right-of-way line of Edmonds Ave. NE. to an intersection with the north line of the S 1/4 thereof; Thence westerly along the north line of the S 1/4 of said Tract 208 to an intersection with the east line of Tract 215, said Plat; Thence southerly along the east line of Tract 215 to the SE cot::er thereof; Thence westerly along the south line of Tract 215 to the SW corner thereof; Th.•nce northerly along the westerly line of Tract 215 to a point which is 35 ft. soutn of the most southeasterly corner of Lot 5, Woodland Terrace as recorded in Volume 71 of Plats, page 96 records of King County, Washington. Said point also being 91 ft. north of the SE corner of Tract 226, C.D. Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden, Div. No. 4; Thence westerly on a line which is parallel to and 35 ft. southerly of the south line of Lot 5, said Plat of Woodland Terrace, to a line which is parallel to and 101.91 ft. westerly of the cast line of said Tract 226; i':,gc 3 M/I7/'12 92-i8?U'(X./A Mt l i/bh Thence northerly along said parallel line a distance of 35 ft. to the SW corner of said Lot 5. Said SW corner also being the SE corner of Lot 6, Plat of Woodland Terrace; Thence westerly along the southerly line of Lots 6 and 7 to the SW corner of said Plat. Said SW corner is also a point on the cast line of Tract 233 C.D. Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden, Div. No. 4; Thence northerly on the east line of said Tract 233 to a point which is 475 ft. south of the north line of said Tract 233; Thence westerly on a line which is parallel to and 475 ft. south of the north line of Tract 233, to an intersection with the east right-of-way line of Blaine Ave. NE; Thence westerly to a point on the west right-of-way line of Blaine Ave. NE. Said point being 110.96 ft. north of the south line of said Tract 233; Thence continuing westerly on a line parallel to and 110.96 ft. north of the south line of Tract 233 to a point on the west line of said Tract 233; Thence southerly along the west line of Tract 233 to the SW corner thereof. Said SW corner also being the NE corner of Tract 245, C.D. Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden, Div. No. 4; Thence southerly along the cast line of Tract 245 to the SE corner thereof. Said SE corner also being a point on the north right-of-way margin of NE. 16th St; t` Thence westerly along said north right-of-way margin and its westerly extension across Aberdeen Ave. NE to an intersection with the cast right-of-way line of Monterey 0 Court NE, as shown on the Plat of Vicw Terrace as recorded in Volume 12 of Plats, page 32 records of King County, Washington; Thence N 0° 31' 55" E along the east line of said Plat, a distance of 237.00 ft.; Thence N 89° 58' 15" E following said Plat boundary, a distance of 25.00 ft.; Thence N 0° 31' 55" E, a disltance of 346.60 ft., more or less, to the NE corner of said Plat; Thence S 89° 39' 40" W along the north line of the Plat of View Terrace, a distance of 252.35 ft., more or less, to the NW corner of said Plat; Thence S 0° 31' 19" W along the west line of said Plat, to the SE corner of Lot 30, Plat of liigate, as recorded in Volume 113 of Plats, pages 44-46 records of King County, \r'ashington; Thence S 59° 43' 54" W along said Lot 30, a distance of 74 ft., more or less, to an intersection with the east right-of-way line of Monterey Ave. NE; I'age 4 14/17/92 92.484+.1)()c/AU1I/bh • Thence southwesterly along the southwesterly extension of the south line of said Lot 30, a distance of 50 ft., more or less, to the west right-of-way line of Monterey Ave. NE; Thence southerly along the west right-of-way line of Monterey Ave. NE to a point of intersection with the north line of the south 200 ft. of Tract 265, C.D. Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden, Div. No. 4 extended easterly; Thence S 89' 59' 33' W along said easterly extension and the north line of the south 200 ft. of said Tract 265, to the west line of Tract 265; Thence N 0' 32'05'E along said west line,a distance of 25.00 ft.; Thence S 89' 59' 33'W, a distance of 252.33 ft., more or less, to the SW corner of Lot 3 of said Higatc Plat; Thence northerly along the west line of said Higate Nat to the NE corner of Lot 9, Crescent View Addition, as recorded in Volume 97 of Plats, page 49 records of King County, Washington. Said NE corner also being the SE corner of Tract 285, C.D. Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden, Div. No. 4; Thence westerly along the south line of said Tract 285 to the SW corner thereof. Said SW corner also being the SE corner of Tract 292, C.D. Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden, Div. No. 4; CD Thence northerly along the west line of said Tract 285 and the cast line of said Tract N 292, to the SE corner of Lot 4, City of Renton SP 130-78, A.F. # 7807210769. Said Plat C) being a portion of said Tract 292; 1 � 1 Thence westerly along the south lines of Lots 3 and 4, said Short Plat, to the SW corner of Lot 3; Thence northerly along the west line of said Lot 3 to the NW corner thereof. Said NW corner also being a point on the south right-of-way line of NE 20th S:.; 11hcnce easterly along said right-of-way line to an intersection with the southerly extension of a line which lies parallel to and 155 ft. cast of the west line of Tract 293, C.D. Hillman's Lake Washington, Garden of Eden, Div. No. 4; Thence northerly along the southerly extension of said parallel line, a distance of 60 ft., wpm or less, to a point on the north right-of-way line of NE 20th, which point lies 155 ft. east of the SW corner of said Tract 293; Thence continuing northerly on said parallel line a distance of 120 ft.; Thence westerly on a line 120 ft. north of and parallel to the south line of said Tract 293, a distance of 155 ft., to a point on the east right-of-way line of Jones Ave. NE; • Kw:5 A/17/92 92•i}4ri ix)0AM11I/hh .._..._..�_1,a:•..;;J._...,.. ."�.. . ...... ..,.. _ _.. . ,.,e...r..'!+..?='.."".b"' 4':'j ';3ul`25:.. .a..r:+•y a.. ._......._. .vim r. .,'-- Thence westerly to an intersection with the north line of the S 96.66 ft. of Tract 326, C.D. Hillman's Garden of Eden, Div. No. 5 as recorded in Volume 11 of Plats, page 83 records of King County, Washington, as said north line intersects the west right-of- way margin of Jones Ave. NE,within the SW 1/4 of said Section 5; Thence westerly along the north line of the S 96.66 ft. of said Tract 326, to an intersection with the easterly right-of-way line of State Highway 1 (SR 405); Thence northerly along said easterly right-of-way line of State Highway 1 (SR 405) to ' the NW corner of the Urch subdivision, within the NW 1/4 of said Section 5. Said NW corner also being the point of beginning. I 1'rpc G 8/17/92 92.48M IX>I./AMIIMh . • • .. • - . , . . , , • I-11. 1.-1.1. 1 1 I••-•-• • \„,.11- NE 31st ST i tlflti“SifilifIL.1 - - 1 1- . . 1 1 . ".., - ...1 .______. c41-1. 7.7.17, (JT // 1 --,1 1 , . - ..\ . I . 4-1i904-ir if ii , i . 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IIIIIIII1 — II II -\- r• - ci.:_. .,-Inir •- - \ \ \ \35 \--• _1:-_-_-111-------r----- ,111;----1 ---,/- ELI riA.2L, \\ l• , \ ‘.„. \ cic.)... ii , \ \ , \ . \ \ _________\ -1[ ,1 . r „ 'IL, 1 , _±,r-1 NcittiAN - -tffriEl I_Lititl_ , _ . \ • \ \,.....„. \ 1-i 1 _, Crr- \ ‘711--- ---1...11r — ' -114-1 2,011---,N-i- :' 'd ,41- ST (-1 NE 20th it -,- i _ . 1. ..., cv S ' \ \ // -'I, V :'-' .1 !-L• . __ .1 F.:::::: i._:_.7... - , gil 6:A-A 1 th : - -- 1-----: . , \ ii \ ..\._,,,,,, ,__, . . 1_1- \..r..__ • ,t i. 2 -11 -7 ' • --1---1' . . • \ \ \<:<.11 \ .___, -- 7-, - - -_-_-- i NTS \„ \,.: • I i• ill 'It141 --' II-Jr-Il ill k ---- \‘:\\ I ., 1 : • -- r'm i. 1 - -- -I ' ,.-1 -.- : - ,. / . _ , \ \ '‘ .. ,I. • ; 1 1 . .-1 I 1 ' r. r. . I .' --1 al ! \ • .k \\ I 1 1-. til • , pi . i, L., l in 11 : : 11iil . ed 1 .--- . GEM_ COU. ON ' ' F .Jr : • f -1•• f-- ,. t....t 4 ; , __, -..:--;•. I .J. 1 1m; H;--i)--. I ! ? . to, V1 1 ; , -I 4- 1 hec 11 . 1 F ; 1111 •-) • _I _ i .C...),,d BEACH PARK 1 • . . - ( i•• --.I 1.)1-- - 1 ' NA . I 1 1 f-T7 .11i-1. I Ipi ! I i ---'‘ ,•• I •, k. ‘ \ i • NE , • 1 J Hi tili 13 \i- - i 1 . • I ,, , . . : .. . A • ,__.1 ..._ , ._ , . .. . , • I i ill 1 Lii 1 rl. - - —I i , ., I , '' i ! * .I : ' I'' . • 11 4 1 .1 1,11 t.-----1 1 1 1 i. " ---:'---- t.' ! EXHIBIT B . 17f-- '-• 1 I 1 . - @ . WEST KENNYDALE INTERCEPTOR 40•. , . 1 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT . , . _ \ . • 1 Arils ! . • • . • ••••-. •"• " • .." jaw **************************************************************** City of Renton WA Reprinted: 02/01/99 15 : 16 Receipt **************************************************************** Receipt Number: R9900432 Amount: 6, 940 . 04 02/01/99 15 : 16 Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #6006 J&J CONSTR Init: LN Project #: LUA97-167 Type: LUA Land Use Actions Parcel No: 334390-1644 Site Address : 1708 ABERDEEN AV NE Total Fees: 7, 955 . 72 This Payment 6, 940 . 04 Total ALL Pmts : 7, 955 . 72 Balance: . 00 **************************************************************** Account Code Description Amount 105 . 000 .20 . 345 . 85 Park Mitigation Fee 2, 123 . 04 105 . 000 . 09 . 345 . 85 Fire Mitigation-SFR 1, 952 . 00 105 . 000 . 16 . 344 . 85 Traffic Mitigation Fee 2, 865 . 00 **************************************************************** City of Renton WA Reprinted: 02/01/99 15 : 34 Receipt **************************************************************** Receipt Number: R9802001 Amount : 9, 357 . 00 04/07/98 11 : 04 Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #5616/JACQUES Init : TB Permit : C980072 Type : ENG ENG Construction Per Parcel No : 334390-1644 Site Address : 1708 ABERDEEN AV NE Location: 1708 ABERDEEN AV NE Total Fees : 10, 134 . 00 This Payment 9, 357 . 00 Total ALL Pmts : 10, 134 . 00 Balance : . 00 **************************************************************** Account Code Description Amount 000 . 343 . 20 . 00 . 0000 Public Works Inspection 276 . 00 421 . 388 . 10 . 00 . 0020 Spec Util Connect Sewer 2 , 925 . 00 401 . 343 . 90 . 00 . 0002 Sewer Inspection Approvl 501 . 00 401 . 322 . 10 . 00 . 0015 Sewer Permit 300 . 00 000 . 322 . 40 . 00 . 0000 Right-of-way Constructn 30 . 00 421 . 388 . 10 . 00 . 0010 Spec Util Connect Water 3 , 400 . 00 421 . 388 . 10 . 00 . 0040 Spec Util Connect Stormw 1, 925 . 00 CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGBUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: December 23, 1998 TO: Bob Mac Onie, Technical Services Sonja Fesser,Technical Services nn;;�� FROM: Carrie Olson-Davis, Plan Review l � SUBJECT: ABERDEEN HAVEN SHORT PLAT LUA-97-167-SHPL Attached is the most recent version of the above-referenced short plat. If all review concerns have been addressed, please sign below and return to me. Thanks NOTE: The last review I have from you is dated November 26, 1997, and listed Jake Short Plat No. 2 as the name of the short plat with the same LUA number. Mr.Jacques has since change the short plat name per your request. Approval: _ \ _ , Date: Robert T Mac Onie, Jr. Sonja Fesser C:\WINWORD\CDAVIS\SHRTPLAT\ABHAVEN 1.DOC A. SUM_ J 9'7I(1 Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, WA 98055-2189 ' ® DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS Property Tax Parcel Number: 53i q o-/Gyy-o l L,) Grantor(s): -Sc-rn F o 14 rA c Cp 4e S ,are the owners of the fallowing;eat properry in the City of Renton,County of King,State of Washington as described below: LEGAL DESCRIPTION:(Abbreviated legal description MUST go here.)Additional legal is on page_of document. ' 0 "r),v $ tit 0FTb h c fT4Acr z1 rc--D H.ur„ ►.+$ t-K i..' s C�ArSlcr• of r c,1 D,viv 't AS p, c Pia} Reco' t IN 1/at. il ofPl4 ..i Al S2. fe-ec4.,rait.i 0 I(iA9 Ca�iv4y EAc.ep# i) e.t.a w kiwi COu.vty Stc}c of L✓AS� t �' 5ec, s- -rr 3/..) RAvgcG 0AS7- G Whereas the Grantor(s),Owner(s)of said described property,desire to impose the following restrictive CO covenants running with the land as to use,present and future,of the above described real property. Cr) NOW,THEREFORE,the aforesaid Owner(s)hereby establish,grant and impose restrictions and covenants running with the land hereto attached described with respect to the use by the undersigned,his successors,heirs, and assigns as follows: Installation of Off-site improvements: The owner(s)of the above described property,their successors, heirs and assigns,hereby agree and covenant to participate in,sign a petition in support of,and accept any future - Local Improvement district(LiD)or city initiated proposal,and pay their fair share therefore,for the purposes of providing the necessary off-site improvements required by the Renton Subdivision Ordinance. Said improvements shall include but may not be limited to the installation of curbs,gutters,sidewalks,street paving, sanitary sewers,storm sewers,undergrounding of utilities,and street lighting. These covenant are imposed in lieu ' of Section 9-1105(6)of Title IX of Ordinance#1628 of the City of Renton. Duration: These covenants shall run with the land. If at any time improvements are installed pursuant to these g covenants,the portion of the covenants pertaining to the specific installed improvements as required by the °O Ordinances of the City of Renton shall terminate without necessity of further documentation. ' Any violation or breach of these restrictive covenants may be enforced by proper legal procedures in the Superior Court of King County by either the City of Renton or any property owners adjoining subject property who are • adversely affected by said breach. g IN WITNESS WHEREOF,said Grantor has caused this instrument to be executed this 2.3 day of M iwc.1, 19 q '. g g Ca,r�,o H.. Cl�a� TATE OF WASHINGTON)SS W `,�`a���in+�:;;i,,, COUNTY OF KING ) 1' �, i �•`‘ f t /�'• I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that ill/p pn `l 4 • - - ,..• : C .Ta f a, signed this instrument and acknowledged . ; eje,,I4. �1 it to be his/her/th ,free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in • .f• o.A�, " p, c the instrument.. . A . -IPSO .,e., Notary Public in and for the St. e o Washington /F w'S`‘ Notary(Print) I. VOA— K.-IN N •S'. . My appointment expires: . (i/ __ I a I: Dated: S J D.,3 /qg Ta b • E Page 1 FORM 01 0010/bh i Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 200 Mill Avenue South Renton,WA 98055-2189 • 111 DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS Property Tax Parcel Number. 33,4 3`10-/6d y/4/X 4r4 Grantor(s): :t;1M E s 1-1 ''z'A C.C,1 V a S ,are the owners of the 4". following real property in the City of Renton,County of King,State of Washington as described below. O LEGAL DESCRIPTION:(Abbreviated legal description MUST go Isere.)Additional legal is on page_of document —rhG S t/z F -rht, N A of Trou.r ayr C. Hotharrai tKcuASII p 6Arckewo/C COstu biu #4f As Pey plc}g Recorc4lteai ;AI Vol- ik oF"PIa� ,Pi fi (c ws O' KIND uru-40 PL T tl, S Ir ee. -r•hpr FS,4v�cc1•N C.�hof o9 Cy u keri sra a n l. 75r C.le i..► s ha FAANe C EA iv- W 4 m. Whereas the Grantor(s),Owner(s)of said described property,desire to impose the following restrictive covenants running with the land as to use,present and future,of the above described real property. NOW,THEREFORE,the aforesaid Owners)hereby establish,grant and impose restrictions and covenants running with the land hereto attached described with respect to the use by the undersigned,his successors,heirs, and assigns as follows: Installation of On-site improvements: The owner(s)of the above described property,their successors, heirs-44nd'assigns,hereby agree to install shared driveway improvements upon issuance of a building permit for new construction.. Duration: These covenants shall run with the land. If at any time improvements are installed pursuant to these covenants;the portion of the covenants pertaining to the specific installed improvements as required by the Ordinances of the City of Renton shall terminate without necessity of further documentation. Any violation or breach of these restrictive covenants may be enforced by proper legal procedures in the Superior g Court of King County by either the City of Renton or any property owners adjoining subject property who are adversely affected by said breach. IN SS WHEREOF,said Grantor has caused this instrument to be executed this z3 day of 1Vt.4.ttt...k 19eZ. e H. STATE OF WASHINGTON )SS A COUNTY OF KING ) •c..1< .R ) • I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that .1-O./Mad:, 4• rr� 3-O e. .1-O./Mad:,signed this instrument and acknowledged ' • ' q4' ' l r.+w .% it to be his/her/ elr free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in R.4 1Q1a,ir�li • b the instrument la I CA = to :Malt V Am-Lit C O. ..E. . J •••:IfessiO,cf • Notary Public in and for the f Washington _ - \;:..:,, of wpS\\ Notary(Print) 1..tkJDA- • F lz t si �=' My appointment expires: 2. - Dated: 3 l z 3 !qg b . i - Page 1 FORM 010010/bh kir llow qi - I1on, SLIP • OFF-SITE DEFERRAL,LILY NELSON SHORT PLAT, LUA 97-146, 1517& 1519 Aberdeen Ave NE- applicant requests a deferral for the installation of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and driveway paving. Discussion: Paving of a shared driveway is required for the proposed short plat. Applicant is requesting deferral of driveway improvements until actual construction begins on either of the two lots,and a waiver to curb,gutter and sidewalk improvements. Action: MOVED BY GRAY,SECONDED BY CHRISTENSEN to grant a deferral of curb,gutter and sidewalks subject to the following conditions: 1) Paving of the shared driveway shall be done when construction begins on either of the two lots;and 2)that a Restrictive Covenant be signed agreeing to participate in any future LID or City initiated proposal for curb,gutter and sidewalks. MOTION CARRIED. • OFF-SITE DEFERRAL,BRODKA SHORT PLAT,LUA 98-025, 2005 NE 20th Street - applicant requests a deferral for the installation of curbs, gutters, and sidewalks along Aberdeen Ave NE and NE 20th Street. Action: MOVED BY MECKLING,SECONDED BY CHRISTENSEN to grant a deferral of curb,gutter and sidewalks subject to the following conditions: 1) Paving of the shared driveway shall be done when construction begins on either of the two lots; and 2)that a Restrictive Covenant be signed agreeing to participate in any future LID or City initiated proposal for curb,gutter and sidewalks. MOTION CARRIED. 4. OLD BUSINESS: • OFF-SITE DEFERRAL, JAKE SHORT PLAT,LUA 97-167, 1708 Aberdeen Ave NE- Tabled on February 25, 1998, for more information. Action: MOVED BY CHRISTENSEN, SECONDED BY GRAY to grant a deferral of installation of curb,gutter and sidewalks, subject to the following conditions: 1) Paving of the shared driveway shall be done when construction begins on any one of the five lots; and 2)that a Restrictive Covenant be signed agreeing to participate in any future LID or City initiated proposal for curb,gutter and sidewalks. MOTION CARRIED 5. REFERRALS FROM CITY COUNCIL: None 6. -.- COMMENTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS: None 7. CONSENT AGENDA: None 8. ADJOURNMENT: Chairman Hanson adjourned the meeting at 9:15 a.m. BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS 8.30 a.m. Renton Municipal Building Wednesday,March 11, 1998 5th Floor Conference Room IN ATTENDANCE: Jim Hanson, Chairman Larry Meckling,Building Official Dave Christensen,Utilities System Jim Gray,Fire Prevention Ameta Henninger,Plan Review Dennis Gerber,Police Department Mickie Flanagn,Recording Secretary VISITORS: Bart Treece,Powell/Unifirst Short Plat Joyce E. Jones,Lily Nelson Short Plat Lily A.Nelson,Lily Nelson Short Plat Helmut Brodka,Brodka Short Nat James Jacques,Jake Short Plat 2 MINUTES 1. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Hanson Called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Moved by Christensen,seconded by Meckling to approve meeting minutes dated,February 25, 1998 with the following correction: In reference-Variance Request to underground Utilities,QFC development at NE 4th and Duvall Ave.NE. " Action: Moved by Christensen, seconded by Meckling to grant a variance to the utility pole on the corner of Duvall and NE 4th, and to underground all remaining utility poles along Duvall, as required by the Underground Ordinance. MOTION CARRIED " 3. REQUESTED ACTION: • OFF-SITE DEFERRAL, POWELL(UNIFIRST) SHORT PLAT, LUA 97-159,Lind Ave SW& SW 39th St- applicant requests a deferral for the installation of curbs, gutters, and sidewalks. Discussion: The applicant is in the process of purchasing an adjoining parcel(Lot 3)and would prefer to construct the required improvements in conjunction with site development of Lots 1, 2, and 3,allowing this facility to be undisturbed by other effects such as utility connections,driveway installation and site grading. Action: MOVED BY CHRISTENSEN,SECONDED BY MECKLING to grant a deferral to off-site improvements until March 31, 1999, subject to applicant posting a letter of credit or other acceptable security device in the amount of 150%of the estimated cost for completion of said improvements. MOTION CARRIED. PROJECT NUMBER / NAME LUA-97-167,SHPL-H / JACQUES SHORT PLAT #2 We the undersigned, neighbors of the subject short plat do request a barrier for the purpose of privacy and security. Signed this 5th day of January, 1998. Name Address Phone M4- A K✓i rs 1 . 'Cl )C, . --"4" 1 fir- z f f--: 15 S 4s9.�.b P A _69 774-i A /6,.3Y 4,85el�EFAJ Alt.1u.C. (q r) 077-66 Ze k leo I� (-61-1. �/ /(3z APU/e,0�, 211 � C�z —, z �i� -)et 14 0 2124-10 A 'f ik 29/-Q047 �.1 /4 z c k(,, :4 ei --+ — g z3S 7 v34, , . , NO3ela-rhe Alm ,ti" 6 4i-xv-) 4lfitne, z/39- ‘ r v4,I. //2-`( megerh/ Iti ti'�°/2 `✓ Y 2C-27 7C-Gvb f A �7 /1,- f G am- . c /t(/ If- EAST ly CORAER SEC. 5, T23K R5E. WMf C/N CONTROL*r.X8 ")J N 00:32'49"E r Li i83.52'MEAS EX IA.SC.BRASS WITH N E. 20 th S TREE T 1 - A,, - N 89'2029"E 1,322.57' - _— 7 3 ' 00 p + * 8.4/' -/3.9i' 3"DI BRASS DISKX GONG MON7. /TH 4 ' I (1,.., I TIARA r,. ,A T.245 J N 89'43'42"E 252.42' , ,'",:,--30 • f 7200' • 50 00' -� ..-- 80.42' I (1 _ W 'war )- ____L-_ —26'PR/VA rE ROAD EASEMENT FOR•- o SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT , .H4j - -—=- INGRESS, rGRESS 6 UT/L!TIES 20 PAVED N - • =- - - - �-- - - - - - _ - - LOT - 20,' T ? A9� Llj ' 5,302.7 SQ F7. OWNER'S r �v Z / y i -- 5' - 5' 5"� : �o a 3 3 J \..' :l�1 'o+�t 3 /,,THE UNDE1 _ us. `t OWNER IN FE • w � o CO 1 r LOT 2 T,\ pX� • �N =u EC o 92 ~ 6,560.9 SO. FT. 3 LOT 3 -20�' o ,64MES H. �14( W N p 3�'! —�� �709 W N 22.87' \ h N 89'43'42"E S0 6,564.3 SO. FT. y , �. 0 - a� i M h 79.49' r ,! ACKNOWI it 3 ? 900 s4' m -,s' — f STi F Wi W .(v i t N CO OF, k0 h (�'tl �� o° 2 3 fflot 1 THIS IS TO ., j + ft co 'gyp O + _\ SONAL�YAPP,2LOT Ima 143. op. THE EX IGRASE WTO REMOVED LOT .5 w .. AND VOLUNT. ,ti yz - i. 5,141.7 SO. FT. �° :t" IN WITNESS Q — Is f 1 ::,tip - . ---20' - _ 2O __ .Q h i OFFICIAL SE N , l Z4 /% ____L NOTARY PUB 30.00'_ • 73.82' • i 50.00' . • 50.00' . i.. h 78• .59' 1 S RESIDING Al I } N 89'4821"E 252.41' 1 i h '�C h i.., I S • . _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - �L s ' PORTION OF TRACT 245 I rn I CD- HILLM N-5 LK WASH SARD N OF EDEN D/V No 4 DESCRIPTION � jS�i� -- �ROV 1 I A/ • L /C f/, C TQ/'C T 7Nc cn/ITJ/ i t) TNc A/nOTlJ /4 AC ronrr Oea r•n uu i AAAu'C I Ain- I BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS 8:30 a.m. Renton Municipal Building Wednesday, February 25, 1998 5th Floor Conference Room IN ATTENDANCE: Jim Hanson, Chairman Larry Meekling, Building Official Dave Christensen,Utilities System Jim Gray, Fire Prevention Arneta Henninger,Plan Review Mickie Flanagan, Recording Secretary VISITORS: James Jacques,Applicant MINUTES 1. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Hanson called the meeting to order at 8:30 am. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Moved by Meckling, seconded by Christensen to approve meeting minutes dated,February 18, 1998. MOTION CARRIED. 3. REQUESTED ACTION: • OFF-SITE DEFERRAL, JAKE SHORT PLAT, LUA 97-167, 1708 Aberdeen Ave NE - applicant requests a deferral for the installation of curb, gutters, sidewalks and additional asphalt. Discussion: Following brief discussion, it was suggested staff map out all deferrals along Aberdeen in order to get a more comprehensive picture and then ask Administration how serious they are about having walkways on arterials in the Highlands. Action: Moved by Meckling, seconded by Gray,to table this item until the March 11 meeting when the abovementioned information is available. , MOTION CARRIED. • OFF-SITE DEFERRAL, PIERCE SHORT PLAT, LUA 96-102, 1455 Pierce Ave NE - applicant requests a deferral for the final lift of paving. Action: Moved by Christensen, seconded by Meckling,to grant a deferral per applicant's request until September 30, 1998 subject to the posting of a security device in the amount of$5,925.00. MOTION CARRIED. • Board of Public Works Minutes February 25, 1998 Page 2 • VARIANCE REQUEST TO UNDERGROUND UTILITIES, QFC development at NE 4th and Duvall Avenue NE. Action: Moved by Christensen,seconded by Mechling to grant a variance to the utility pole on the corner of Duvall and NE 4th, and to underground the two existing utility poles along Duvall, as required by the Underground Ordinance. MOTION CARRIED. 4. REFERRALS FROM CITY COUNCIL: None 5. COMMENTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS: None 6. CONSENT AGENDA: None. 7. ADJOURNMENT: Chairman Hanson adjourned the meeting at 8:50 am. 'I ISSUED By GUARANTEE TRANSNATION TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY Transnation GUARANTEE NUMBER Mib — OO2b68 SUBJECT TO THE EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE,THE LIMITS OF LIABILITY AND OTHER PROVISIONS OF 1 THE CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS HERETO ANNEXED AND MADE A PART OF THIS GUARANTEE,AND SUBJECT TO THE FURTHER EXCLUSION AND LIMITATION THAT NO GUARANTEE IS GIVEN NOR LIABILITY ASSUMED WITH RESPECT TO THE IDENTITY OF ANY PARTY NAMED OR REFERRED TO IN SCHEDULE A OR WITH RESPECT TO THE VALIDITY,LEGAL EFFECT OR PRIORITY OF ANY MATTER SHOWN THEREIN, TRANSNATION TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY a corporation, herein called the Company Fni 'flVEjl GUARANTEES NOVibq 1997 DEVELurie,"vI ,-L,„yNING the Assured named in Schedule A against actual monetary loss or damage not exceeding the 1[Nl1ii/y:—mit stated in Schedule A which the Assured shall sustain by reason of any incorrectness in the assurances set forth in Schedule A. • IN WITNESS WHEREOF,TRANSNATION TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY has caused its corporate name and seal to be hereunto affixed by its duly authorized officers,the Guarantee to become valid when countersigned on Schedule A by an i authorized officer or agent of the Company. TRANSNATION TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY • Attest: v 0GpQ 10 By: . ."-? r.i Secretary , * *= President CLTA Guarantee Face Page(Rev. 12/94) L • • TRANSNATION TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY 14450 N.E. 29TH PLACE BELLEVUE, WA 98007 J & J CONSTRUCTION COUNTERSIGNED: 2509 ABERDEEN AVE. N.E. RENTON, WA 98056 Attn: 2/2 JAMES JACQUES By: (425) 646-8586/1-800-441-7701 BRUCE H. ANDRUS, SUE ORRINO, ANNE THORPE or LORI ANN FORBES (FAX #(425) 646-0541) • SCHEDULE A SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE Order No. 40 20339 Liability: . Premium: $200. 00 Customer No. Tax: $ 17 .20 Total: -5217 . 20 1. Name of Assured: J & J CONSTRUCTION 2 . Date of Guarantee: October 14, 1997 at 8: 00 A.M. THE ASSURANCES REFERRED TO ON THE FACE PAGE HEREOF ARE: (That according to those public records which, under the recording laws, ,impart constructive notice of matters affecting title to the following ,described land: See "LEGAL DESCRIPTION: " ,The estate or interest in the land which is covered by this guarantee is: ! Fee Simple Title to the estate or interest in the land is vested in: JAMES H. JACQUES, AS HIS SEPARATE ESTATE subject to the Exceptions shown below, which are not necessarily shown in order of their priority. EXCEPTIONS: 1. Taxes or assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the records of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on land or by the public records. 2 . (a) Unpatented mining claims; (b) reservations or exceptions in Patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; (c) Indian treaty or aboriginal rights, including, but not limited to, easements or equitable servitudes; or, (d) water rights, claims or title to water, whether or not the matters excepted under (a) , (b) , (C) , or (d) are shown by the public records. 3 EXCEPTIONS (continued) Order No. 4020339 3 . Title to any property beyond the lines of the land expressly described herein, or title to streets, roads, avenues, lanes, ways or waterways on which said land abuts, or the right to maintain vaults, tunnels, ramps or any other structure or improvement; or any rights or easements therein unless such property rights or easements are expressly and specifically set forth in the land described herein. 4 . General Taxes, as follows, together with interest, penalty and statutory foreclosure costs, if any, after delinquency: (1st half delinquent May 1; 2nd half delinquent November 1) Tax Account No. Year Billed Paid Balance 334390-1644-01 1997 $1, 900 .58 $ 950 .29 $ 950 . 29 The levycodefor the property herein described is 2100 for 1997 . 5 . Conservation (CON) Service Charge, as follows, together with interest, penalty and statutory foreclosure costs, if any, after delinquency: (1st half delinquent May 1; 2nd half delinquent November 1) Tax Account No. Year Billed Paid Balance 334390-1644-01 1997 $ 1 . 25 $ 0 . 63 $ 0 . 62 6 . Liability for Surface Water Management (SWM) Service Charge, if any, which are not presently assessed, but may appear on future rolls . 7 . Ordinance No. 4362 and the terms and conditions thereof as disclosed by instrument recorded under Recording No. 9209021077 . 8 . DEED OF TRUST AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTOR: James H. Jacques, an unmarried man TRUSTEE: First American Title Insurance Company, a California corporation BENEFICIARY: World Savings and Loan Association, a federal savings association, its successors and/or assignees ADDRESS : 1901 Harrison Street, Oakland, CA 94612 LOAN NO. : 0001957422 ORIGINAL AMOUNT: , $125, 250 . 00 DATED: August 7, 1996 RECORDED: August 7, 1996 RECORDING NO. : 9608071262 Investigation should be made to determine the present balance owing with the appropriate lender/agency/individual . 9 . The land described in this commitment appears to be residential in nature and may be subject to the provisions of R.C.W. 6 . 13 . 060 provided the land is occupied as a homestead. If the land is occupied as a homestead, all instruments conveying or encumbering the land must be executed by each spouse, individually, or by an attorney-in-fact . Page 2 EXCEPTIONS (continued) Order No. 4020339 NOTE 1 : The tax assessor' s records disclose the current property address to be : 1708 Aberdeen Avenue NE, Renton, WA 98056 NOTE 2 : Assessed Valuation: Land: $69, 000 . 00 Improvements : $68, 000 . 00 NOTE 3 : The above captioned description may be incorrect, because the application for title insurance contained only an address and/or Parcel Number. Prior to closing, all parties to the transaction must verify the legal description. If further changes are necessary, notify the Company well before closing so that those changes can be reviewed. Closing instructions must indicate that the legal description has been reviewed and approved by all parties . NOTE 4 : The following may be used as an abbreviated legal description on the documents to be recorded, per amended RCW 65 . 04 . SAID ABBREVIATED LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR A COMPLETE LEGAL DESCRIPTION WITHIN THE BODY OF THE DOCUMENT. PTN OF LOT 245 C.D. HILLMAN' S LAKE WASHINGTON GARDEN OF EDEN DIV #4 VOL 11 PAGE 82 DVP/rr ENCLOSURES : Sketch Vesting Deed Record encumbrances Page 3 5r I _ Order No. 40203.39 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: THE SOUTH 1/2 OF THE NORTH 1/2 OF TRACT 245, C.D. HILLMAN' S LAKE WASHINGTON GARDEN OF EDEN DIVISION NO. 4, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN' VOLUME 11 OF PLATS, PAGE 82, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY; EXCEPT THE SOUTH 15 FEET THEREOF; SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. • Page 4 I 47 I i bee,... • �.^ T--4. %V h T vv`py v 4. t 4' ' � �vto o Le. , !L_!' D �: 0 4A ,b I lLl ., ,9.- o, n 1 i s s 1 w . „+' %4 ' • .gib V1 tr) I: I -si 1 ...V- I; \1.,i, ./ ill i -. \ --IA 4 1. �• I w C w I A 30 a0 • 1 c.Ofi (...). Sti.O/ — r, .v try Ji.sc f � \� > � , . f k , i1 A L1+1 \ I — - � sr•i.-.lts,r ,ram-i-3.s4. ~4 r • i rd Ar Ci �� �u�9tt r r , z0 ,0 A n r__ _ ,�. '�' b i ^1 0 , U /ML`v ' t ! \ r A : 5 i -, 24 ‘.. ,v i., , 44. I --1 if k" • • i7 • a p n 1 - — - ---- - -•--. -- - - ,� , ,� v ki ki IC ,. `I pL �� � V 0 .62•N-.Iv_ s j ,d r V,o is-' A 0 /6 `p k r— ,tr —1 80 r 7G+ n j o' ►k .VI,•ss-ua. F sli.Ov L .3 T 4 ae a• • I i pi. ar I 9 IQ/S to A'-i 9� p 0 A V ,i•r • i . i rIt ns�uave 4 I jThis sketch is provided, without charge, for your information. It is not intended to show all I matters reiated to the. property including, but not limited to, area, dimensions, easements, en• 1 croacnments, or location of boundaries. It is not a part of, nor does it modify, the commitment or- • policy to which it is attached. The Company assumes NO LIABILITY for any matter related to this 1 skec References should be made to an accurate survey for further information. -�c SCHEDULE OF EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAL?&THIS GUARANTEE obtaining witnesses,prow..or defending the action or lawful act which in the opinion of the Company may be necessary or desirable to establish the title to the estate or interest as 1. Except to the extent that specific assurances are provided in Schedule A of this stated herein,or to establish the lien rights of the Assured. If the Company is prejudiced by Guarantee,the Company assumes no liability for loss or damage by reason of the the failure of the Assured to furnish the required cooperation,the Company's obligations to following: the Assured under the Guarantee shall terminate. (a) Defects,liens,encumbrances,adverse claims or other matters against the title.whether or not shown by the public records. 5. Proof of Loss or Damage. (b) (I) Taxes or assessments of any taxing authority that levies taxes or In addition to and after the notices required under Section 2 of these Conditions assessments on real property;or,(2) Proceedings by a public agency which may result in and Stipulations have been provided to the Company,a proof of loss or damage signed and taxes or assessments,or notices of such proceedings,whether or not the matters excluded sworn to by the Assured shall be furnished to the Company within ninety(90)days after the under(1).or(2)are shown by the records of the taxing authority or by the public records. Assured shall ascertain the facts giving rise to the loss or damage. The proof of loss or (c) (I) Unpatented mining claims;(2)reservations or exceptions in patents or damage shall describe the matters covered by this Guarantee which constitute the basis of loss in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof;(3)water rights,claims or title to water,whether or or damage and shall state,to the extent possible,the basis of calculating the amount of the not the matters excluded under(I),(2)or(3)are shown by the public records. loss or damage. If the Company is prejudiced by the failure of the Assured to provide the required proof of loss or damage, the Company's obligation to such assured under the 2. Notwithstanding any specific assurances which are provided in Schedule A of this Guarantee shall terminate. In addition,the Assured may reasonably be required to submit to Guarantee,the Company assumes no liability for loss or damage by reason of the examination under oath by any authorized representative of the Company and shall produce following: for examination,inspection and copying,at such reasonable times and places as may be (a) Defects,liens,encumbrances,adverse claims or other matters affecting the designated by any authorized representative of the Company,all records,books,ledgers, title to any property beyond the lines of the land expressly described in the description set checks,correspondence and memoranda,whether bearing a date before or after Date of forth in Schedule(A),(C)or in Part 2 of this Guarantee,or title to streets,roads,avenues. Guarantee,which reasonably pertain to the loss or damage. Further,if requested by any lanes.ways or waterways to which such land abuts,or the right to maintain therein vaults, authorized representative of the Company,the Assured shall grant its permission.in writing, tunnels,ramps or any structure or improvements;or any rights or easements therein,unless for any authorized representative of the Company to examine,inspect and copy all records. >uch property.rights or easements are expressly and specifically set forth in said description. books,ledgers,checks,correspondence and memoranda in the custody or control of a third (b) Defects,liens,encumbrances,adverse claims or other matters,whether or party, which reasonably pertain to the loss or damage. All information designated as not shown by the public records; (I)which are created,suffered,assumed or agreed to by confidential by the Assured provided to the Company pursuant to this Section shall not be one or more of the Assureds;(2)which result in no loss to the Assured;or(3)which do not disclosed to others unless,in the reasonable judgment of the Company,it is necessary in the result in the invalidity or potential invalidity of any judicial or non-judicial proceeding which administration of the claim. Failure of the Assured to submit for examination under oath. is within the scope and purpose of the assurances provided. produce other reasonably requested information or grant permission to secure reasonably (c) The identity of any party shown or referred to in Schedule A. necessary information from third parties as required in the above paragraph,unless prohibited (d) The validity,legal effect or priority of any matter shown or referred to in by law or governmental regulation,shall terminate any liability of the Company under this this Guarantee. Guarantee to the Assured for that claim. GUARANTEE CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS 6. Options to Pay or Otherwise Settle Claims: Termination of Liability. I. Definition of Terms. In case of a claim under this Guarantee.the Company shall have the following additional The following terms when used in the Guarantee mean: options: (a)the"Assured": the party or parties named as the Assured in this Guarantee, (a)To Pay or Tender Payment of the Amount of Liability or to Purchase the or on a supplemental writing executed by the Company. Indebtedness. (b)"land": the land described or referred to in Schedule(A)(C)or in Part 2,and The Company shall have the option to pay or settle or compromise for or in the name of the improvements affixed thereto which by law constitute real property. The term"land"does Assured any claim which could result in loss to the Assured within the coverage of this not include any property beyond the lines of the area described or referred to in Schedule Guarantee,or to pay the full amount of this Guarantee or,if this Guarantee is issued for the (A)(C)or in Part 2,nor any right,title,interest,estate or easement in abutting streets,roads, benefit of a holder of a mortgage or a lienholder,the Company shall have the option to avenues,alleys,lanes,ways or waterways. purchase the indebtedness secured by said mortgage or said lien for the amount owing (c)"mortgage":mortgage,deed of trust,trust deed,or other security instrument. thereon,together with any costs,reasonable attorneys'fees and expenses incurred by the (d) "public records": records established under state statutes at Date of Assured claimant which were authorized by the Company up to the time of purchase. Guarantee for the purpose of imparting constructive notice of matters relating to real property Such purchase,payment or tender of payment of the full amount of the Guarantee shall to purchasers for value and without knowledge. terminate all liability of the Company hereunder. In the event after notice of claim has been (e)"date": the effective date. given to the Company by the Assured the Company offers to purchase said indebtedness.the owner of such indebtedness shall transfer and assign said indebtedness,together with any 2. Notice of Claim to be Given by Assured Claimant, collateral security,to the Company upon payment of the purchase price. An Assured shall notify the Company promptly in writing in case knowledge shall come to Upon the exercise by the Company of the option provided for in Paragraph(a)the Company's an Assured hereunder of any claim of title or interest which is adverse to the title to the estate obligation to the Assured under this Guarantee for the claimed loss or damage.other than to or interest.as stated herein,and which might cause loss or damage for which the Company make the payment required in that paragraph,shall terminate,including any obligation to may be liable by virtue of this Guarantee. If prompt notice shall not be given to the continue the defense or prosecution of any litigation for which the Company has exercised Company,then all liability of the Company shall terminate with regard to the matter or its options under Paragraph 4.and the Guarantee shall be surrendered to the Company for matters for which prompt notice is required;provided,however,that failure to notify the cancellation. Company shall in no case prejudice the rights of any Assured under this Guarantee unless the (b)To Pay or Otherwise Settle With Parties Other Than the Assured or With the Company shall be prejudiced by the failure and then only to the extent of the prejudice. Assured Claimant. To pay or otherwise settle with other parties for or in the name of an Assured claimant any 3. No Duty to Defend or Prosecute. claim assured against under this Guarantee,together with any costs.attorneys'fees and The Company shall have no duty to defend or prosecute any action or proceeding to which expenses incurred by the Assured claimant which were authorized by the Company up to the the Assured is a party, notwithstanding the nature of any allegation in such action or time of payment and which the Company is obligated to pay. proceeding. Upon the exercise by the Company of the option provided for in Paragraph(b)the Company's obligation to the Assured under this Guarantee for the claimed loss or damage,other than to 4. Company's Option to Defend or Prosecute Actions;Duty of Assured Claimant to make the payment required in that paragraph,shall terminate,including any obligation to Cooperate. continue the defense or prosecution of any litigation for which the Company has exercised Even though the Company has no duty to defend or prosecute as set forth in Paragraph 3 its options under Paragraph 4. above: (a)The Company shall have the right,at its sole option and cost,to institute and 7. Determination and Extent of Liability. prosecute any action or proceeding,interpose a defense,as limited in(b),or to do any other This Guarantee is a contract of Indemnity against actual monetary loss or damage sustained act which in its opinion may be necessary or desirable to establish the title to the estate or or incurred by the Assured claimant who has suffered loss or damage by reason of reliance interest as stated herein,or to establish the lien rights of the Assured,or to prevent or reduce upon the assurances set forth in this Guarantee and only to the extent herein described,and loss or damage to the Assured. The Company may take any appropriate action under the subject to the Exclusions From Coverage of This Guarantee. terms of this Guarantee,whether or not it shall be liable hereunder,and shall not thereby The liability of the Company under this Guarantee to the Assured shall not exceed the least concede liability or waive any provision of this Guarantee. If the Company shall exercise its of: rights under this paragraph,it shall do so diligently. (a)the amount of liability stated in Schedule A or in Part 2; (b)If the Company elects to exercise its options as stated in Paragraph 4(a)the (b)the amount of the unpaid principal indebtedness secured by the mortgage of Company shall have the right to select counsel of its choice(subject to the right of such an Assured mortgagee,as limited or provided under Section 6 of these Conditions and Assured to object for reasonable cause)to represent the Assured and shall not be liable for Stipulations or as reduced under Section 9 of these Conditions and Stipulations,at the time and will not pay the fees of any other counsel,nor will the Company pay any fees,costs or the loss or damage assured against by this Guarantee occurs,together with interest thereon; expenses incurred by an Assured in the defense of those causes of action which allege matters or not covered by this Guarantee. (c)the difference between the value of the estate or interest covered hereby as (c)Whenever the Company shall have brought an action or interposed a defense stated herein and the value of the estate or interest subject to any defect.lien or encumbrance as permitted by the provisions of this Guarantee,the Company may pursue any litigation to assured against by this Guarantee. final determination by a court of competent jurisdiction and expressly reserves the right,in its sole discretion,to appeal from an adverse judgment or order. 8. Limitation of Liability. (d)In all cases where this Guarantee permits the Company to prosecute or (a)If the Company establishes the title,or removes the alleged defect.lien or provide for the defense of any action or proceeding,an Assured shall secure to the Company encumbrance,or cures any other matter assured against by this Guarantee in a reasonably the right to so prosecute or provide for the defense of any action or proceeding,and all diligent manner by any method,including litigation and the completion of any appeals appeals therein,and permit the Company to use,at its option,the name of such Assured for therefrom,it shall have fully performed its obligations with respect to that matter and shall this purpose. Whenever requested by the Company,an Assured,at the Company's expense, not be liable for any loss or damage caused thereby. shall give the Company all reasonable aid in any action or proceeding,securing evidence, CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS CONTINUED ON BACK COVER CLTA Guarantee Conditions and Stipulations C....., r)n'tc ,n ... .— „ i _ This Space Reserved For Recorders Use: Filed for Record at Request of !4 Main Street Escrow, Inc. • AFTER RECORDING MAIL TO: } Name JIM H. JACQUES 11 Address 509 Aberdeen Ave. N.E. City,State,Zi RENTON, WA 9805fi IThd Escrow Number: 96-6071 I Statutory Warranty Deed Gj� ICr THE GRANTOR DALE EVERT and FENJE EVERT, WHO ACQUIRED TITLE AS FENJE N SCHUCHARD, HUSBAND AND WIFE 1 CI 0 for and in consideration of TEN DOL AND OTHER GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERcA�TION it• in hand paid,conveys and warrants to JAMES H. JACQUES, AN UNMARRIED MAN. ,4-C i the following described real estate,situated in the County of KING ,State of Washington: • THE SOUTH 1/2 OF THE NORTH 1/2 OF TRACT 245, C.D. HILLMAN'S LAKE WASHINGTON GARDEN OF EDEN DIVISION NO. 4, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 11 OF PLATS, PAGE 82, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY; EXCEPT THE SOUTH 15 FEET THEREOF; SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. .4 See Attached Exhibit A N '4 FILED FOR R i CD TRANs ECORD AT pp NAT1pN TITLE INS"EOL1EST OF Dated this 2nd day of August, 1996 RAN Cp BY A-Q*2- By DALE EVERT • By ,�e lJ�t i By FENJE✓EVERT STATE OF Washington } SS: County of King } I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that DALE EVERT AND FENJE EVERT are the person s who appeared before me, and said persons acknowledged that they signed this instrument and acknowledge it to be their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in this instrument. Dated: August 5TH, 1996 n n fr Pauline M. Weber IA Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Residing at Pierce County csnuss F C E @�E EMy appointment expires: 06/19/9 7 ���JLINE M�'4,, QP ;05,0h' .11.0 NorAfi,{q:m NOV U 7 1997 L,to ;tiF ;'�� c• OLVELCA'NItiVI NLJANNING I_I po,� •.!9 ty..,••,.0 �. CITY OF RENTON TransnationTiff- E1499550 08/07/96 2972.60 i67000.60 • • • Exhibit A SUBJECT TO: Easements, restrictions, reservations, rights, covenants, and • conditions, as shown on the preliminary title report issued by TRANSNATION TITLE under their order no: 3102595. ACKNOWLEDGED, ACCEPTED AND APPROVED. A lQ H avd JAS H.N. JACQ ES /04 n . CC • • • nip I a� Transnadon Trti-. - 3 • RECORD____ REQUESTED BY: I I • WORLD SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION HEN RECORDED MAIL TO: T W WORLD SAVINGS S I CENTRAL PROCESSING CENTER & • CLOSING DEPARTMENT `� P.O. BOX 659548 1R I SAN ANTONIO. TX 78265-9548 I r LOAN NUMBER: 0001957422 • I 1 NOTE AMOUNT: 5125.250.00 m Ni a if) FOR RECORDER'S USE ONLY i •--- _ V) DEED OF TRUST 19 CI THISIS A FIRST DEED OF TRUST WHICH SECURES A NOTE WHICH CONTAINS 13 0 PROVISIONS ALLOWING FOR CHANGES IN MY INTEREST RATE, FREQUENCY AND AMOUNT OF PAYMENTS AND PRINCIPAL BALANCE (INCLUDING FUTURE rn ADVANCES AND DEFERRED INTEREST). AT LENDER'S OPTION THE SECURED NOTE MAY BE RENEWED OR RENEGOTIATED. . I THE MAXIMUM AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL BALANCE SECURED BY THIS DEED OF TRUST IS 5158,562.50 WHICH IS 126% OF THE "NOTE AMOUNT'. .1 • I. DEFINITIONS OF WORDS USED IN THIS DEED OF TRUST (A) Security Instrument. This Deed of Trust, which is dated AUGUST 07.. 1 996, will be called the "Security Instrument" i N (B) Borrower. JAMES H. JACQUES, AN UNMARRIED MAN CD v"I FILED FOR RECORD AT REQUEST OF p TRANSNATION TITLE INSURANCE CO Q) CDsometimes will be called "Borrower" and sometimes simply "I" or "me." . (C) Lender. WORLD SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, A FEDE Z 1:1 SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION • • • • • * • • , ITS SUCCESSORS AND/OR ASSIGNEES, will be called "Lender." Lender is a Federal Savings and Loan Asscr..-inn wr..:.I is • organized and exists under the laws of the United States. Lender's address is :�i:: HARRISON STREET. OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA 94612. (D) Note. The note signed by Borrower and having the same date a.. Security Instrument will be called the "Note." The Note shows that I owe Lender the origina! p.incipal amount of U.S. S125.250.00 ("Note Amount), plus accrued and deferred inter dst and ' such other amounts as stated in the Note. I have promised to pay this de. " biweekly payments and to pay the debt in full by AUGUST 26, 2026. (E) Property. The property that is described below in Section III entitl••. 'r'•escription of the Property" will be called the "Property." I (F) Sums Secured. The amounts described below in Section II entitled Borrower'3 Transfer of Rights in the Property" sometimes will be called the "Sums Securad" (G) Person. Any person, organization, governmental authority or otil•• par tl :vill be called "Person" (H) Trustor, Beneficiary, Trustee. Borrower is the "Trustor," ..ends. is the "Beneficiary" and FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, a Californi Corporatia,• •s the "Trustee." .— liii A 0 0 ' SDO4EA1 102.28.9511.951 A4EA P.S. 1 WA !I BT DEFERRED INTEREST DEED OF TRUST-ADJ.BIWEEKLY LFKOER'S USE Transnation Titl-. JS - --" 1 - 0001957422 • • II. BORROWER'S TRANSFER OF RIGHTS IN THE PROPERTY I irrevocably grant and convey the Property to the Trustee, in trust.for Lender, with a power of sale subject to the terms of this Security Instrument This means that, by signing this Security Instrument, I am giving Lender and Trustee those rights that are stated in this Security Instrument and also those rights that the law gives to lenders who are beneficiaries of a deed of trust and to trustees of a deed of trust I am giving Lender and Trustee these • rights to protect Lender, from possible losses that might result if I fail to: (i) pay all amounts owed to Lender under the Note and all other notes secured by this Security Instrument, called the "Secured Notes," including future advances made by Lender and any changes to the Secured Notes made with the written consent of Lender; (ii) pay, with interest, any amounts that Lender spends under Paragraphs 2 and 7 below to protect the value of the Property and Lender's rights in the Property; and (iii) keep all of my other promises and agreements under this Security Instrument, the Secured Notes and any changes to the Secured Notes made with the written consent of Lender. • III. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPERTY I give Trustee rights in the Property described below. (i) The property which is located at 1708 ABERDEEN AVENUE NE, RENTON, WA 98056, • • « « « • • « « • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • The legal description of the Property is attached as Exhibit "A" which is made a part of this Security Instrument This Property is called the "Described Property." (ii) All buildings and other improvements that are located on the Described Property; (iii) All rights, in other property that I have as owner of the Described Property. These rights are known as easements, rights and appurtenances attached to the Property; • (iv) All rents,or royalties and other income from the Described Property; (v) All mineral, oil and gas rights and profits, water rights and stock that are part of the Described Property; (vii All rights that I have in the land which lies in the streets or roads in front of, behind or next to, the Described Property; rl (vii) All fixtures that are now or in the future will be on the Described Property or on the property described in subsection (ii) of this Section; (viii) All of the rights and property described in subsections (ii) through Ivii) of this Section that I acquire in the future; (ix) All replacements of or additions to the property described in subsections (ii) through (viii) of this Section; and (x) All of the amounts that I pay to Lender under Paragraph 2 below. • IV. BORROWER'S RIGHT TO GRANT A SECURITY INTEREST IN THE PROPERTY AND BORROWER'S OBLIGATION TO DEFEND OWNERSHIP OF THE PROPERTY I promise that (i) I lawfully own the Property; (ii) I have the right to grant and convey ,•; the Property to Trustee; and (iii) there are no outstanding claims, charges. liens or encumbrances against the Property, except for those which are of public record • I give a general warranty of title to Lender. This means that I will be fully responsible for any losses which Lender suffers because someone other than myself and the Trustee has some of the rights in the Property which I promise that I have. I promise that I will defend my ownership of the Property against any claims of such rights. COVENANTS • I promise and I agree with Lender as follows: 1. ' BORROWER'S PROMISE TO PAY I will pay to Lender, on time, all principal and interest due under the Secured Notes and any prepayment and late charges due under the Secured Notes. 2. PAYMENTS FOR TAXES AND INSURANCE (A) Borrower's Obligations I will pay all amounts necessary to pay taxes and hazard insurance premiums on the Property as well as assessments, leasehold payments, ground rents or mortgage insurance premiums (if any). SDO4ES l� 102.28.9571-951 A4EC DEED OF TRUST-ADJ.BIWEEKLY WA MID , Peg. 2 Transnation Tit!- •� ALG ' 7 _ 5 0001957422 • • (B) Escrow Accounts • • Subject to applicable law, no escrow shall be required except upon written demand by Lender, in which case. I shall pay to Lender on the day payments are due under the Note, until the Note is paid in full, a sum ("Funds") for. (a) yearly taxes, penalties and assessments which may attain priority over this Security Instrument as a lien on the Property; (b) yearly leasehold payments or ground rents on the Property, if any; (c) yearly hazard or property insurance premiums; (d) yearly flood insurance premiums, if any; and (e) yearly mortgage insurance premiums, if any. These items are called "Escrow Items." Lender may. •at any time, collect and hold Funds in an amount not to exceed the maximum amount a lender for a federally related mortgage loan may require for an escrow account under the federal Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act of 1974.as amended from time to time,:12 U.S.C. 5 2601 et seq. ("RESPA"), unless another law that applies to the Funds sets a lesser amount If • so, Lender may, at any time, collect and hold Funds in an amount not to exceed the lesser amount Lender may estimate the amount of Funds due on the basis of current data and reasonable estimates of expenditures of future Escrow Items in accordance with applicable I law. CD .The Funds shall be held in an institution whose deposits are insured by a federal • agency, instrumentality, or entity (including Lender, if Lender is such an institution) or in any ;\ Federal Home Loan Bank. Lender shall apply the Funds to pay the Escrow Items. Lender may not charge me for holding and applying the Funds, annually analyzing the escrow account, or verifying the Escrow Items, unless Lender pays me interest on the Funds and/or applicable law permits Lender to make such a charge. However, Lender may require me to pay a?one—time' charge for an independent real estate tax reporting service used by Lender in connection with this loan, unless applicable law provides otherwise. Unless an agreement is made'or applicable law requires interest to be paid, Lender shall not be required to pay me anw interest or earnings on the Funds. Lender shall give to me, without charge, an annual accounting of the Funds, showing credits and debits to the Funds and the purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additional security for all sums secured by this Security Instrument If the Funds held by Lender exceed the amounts permitted to be .he'd ay applicable law, Lender shall account to me for the excess Funds in accordance] with the requirements of applicable law. If the amount of the Funds held by Lender at any.time is not sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due, Lender may so notify me in writing, and, in such case I shall pay to Lender the amount necessary to make up the deficiency or shortage. I shall make up the deficiency or shortage in accordance with the requirements of the Lender, at its sole discretion, in the manner and times prescribed by RESPA • • Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument, (.ender shall promptly refund to me any Funds held by Lender. If, under paragraph 28, Lender shall acquire or sell the Property, Lender, prior to the acquisition or sale of the Property, shall apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisition or sale as a.credit against the suns secured by this Security Instrument • 1 soOIEC 102.25.9511.951 A460 DEED OF TRUST-ADJ.BIWEEKLY WA L3i011 i P999 2 Trananation Titi-• �� 00019E7422 - 3. APPLICATION OF BORROWER'S PAYMENTS Unless the law requires otherwise, Lender will apply each of my payments under the Secured Notes and under Paragraphs 1 and 2 above in the following order and for the following purposes: First, to pay prepayment charges due under the Secured Notes; • Second, to pay any advances due to Lender under this Security Instrument; Third, to pay the amounts due to Lender under Paragraph 2 above; Fourth, to pay interest due under the Secured Notes; Fifth, to pay deferred interest under the Secured Notes: Sixth, to pay principal due under the Secured Notes; Last, to pay late charges due under the Secured Notes. 4. BORROWER'S OBLIGATION TO PAY CHARGES, ASSESSMENTS AND CLAIMS I will pay all taxes, assessments and any other charges and fines that may•be imposed on the Property and that may be superior to this Security Instrument I will also make payments due under my lease if I am a tenant on the Property and I will pay ground rents (if any) due on the Property. I will pay these amounts either by making the payments to Lender that are described in Paragraph 2 above or by making the payments on time to the Person owed them. Any claim, demand or charge that is made against property because an t o-.lation has not been fulfilled is known as a Ilan. I will promptly pay or satisfy all liens ..ainst the Property that may be superior to this Security Instrument However, this Security Instr ument does not require me to satisfy a superior lien if: (A) I agree, in writing, to pay the obligation which gave rise to the superior lien and Lender approves in writing the way in which I agree CD to pay that obligation; or (B) in good faith, I argue or defend against the superior lien in a lawsuit so that, during the lawsuit, the superior lien may not be enforced and no '."t of the • Property must be given up; or (C) I secure from the holder of that other lien e.i Bement, approved in writing by Lender, that the lien of this Security Instrument is superior the lien held by that Person. If Lender determines that any part of the Property is subi Nct to a superior lien, Lender may give to me a notice identifying the superior lien. I will pay or satisfy CD the superior lien or take one or more of the actions set forth above within 10 days of the giving of notice. ' 5. BORROWER'S OBLIGATION TO MAINTAIN INSURANCE At my sole cost and expense, I will obtain and maintain hazard insurance to cover all buildings and other improvements that now are or in the future will be located on the Property. The insurance must cover loss or damage caused by fire, hazards normally covered by "extended coverage" hazard insurance policies and other hazards for which Lender requires coverage. The insurance must be in the amounts and for the periods of time required by Lender. I may choose the insurance company but my choice is subject to Lender's approval. Lender may not refuse to approve my choice unless the refusal is reasonable. J1!i of these insurance policies and renewals of the policies must include what is known as a Standard Mortgagee Clause to protect Lender. The form of all policies and renewals must be acceptable to Lender. Lender will have the right to hold the policies and renewals. If Lender requires, I will promptly give Lender all receipts of paid premiums and renewal notices that I receive. If I obtain earthquake insurance, any other hazard insurance, credit life and/or disab.lity insurance, or any other 'insurance on or relating to the Property or the Secured Notes end which are not specifically required by Lender, I will name Lender as loss payee of any proceeds. If there is a lots or damage to the Property, I will promptly notify the proper insurance company and Lender. If I do not promptly prove to the insurance company lnat the loss or damage occurred, then Lender may do so. The amount paid by the insurance company is called "Proceeds." Any Proceeds•received will be applied first to reimburse Lender for costs and expenses incurred in connection with obtaining the Proceeds, and then, at Lender's option and in the order and proportion as Lender may determine in its sole and absolute discretion, regardless of any impairment or lack of impairment of security, as follows: (A) to the extent allowed by applicable law, tr• Ma Sums Secured in a manner that Lender determines and/or (B) to the payment of costs a'd.expenses of necessary repairs or to the restoration of the Property to a condition satisfactory to Lender, such application to be made in the manner and at the times as determined by Lender. l Ire■Iw1 1 - m5D04E0 102.20.9511-951 A4RE DEED OF TRUST-ADJ.BIWEEKLY WA [ilea+ �� Pape 4 Transnation Titl- • a• AUG ' 7aIti - - 7 • 0001951422 • - -1r I abandon the Property or if I do not answer, within 30 days, a notice from Lender stating that the insurance company.has offered to settle a claim, Lender may collect the Proceeds. Lender may use the Proceeds to repair or restore the Property or to pay the Sums Secured. The 30—day period will begin when the notice is given. If any Proceeds are used to reduce the amount of principal which I owe to Lender under the Secured Notes, that use will not delay the due date or change the amount of any of my biweekly payments under the Secured Notes and under Paragraphs 1'and. 2 above. However, Lender and I may agree in writing to delays or changes. ' If Lender acquires the Property under Paragraph 28 below, all of my rights in the insurance policies will belong to Lender. Also, all of my rights in any proceeds which are paid because of damage that occurred before the Property is acquired by Lender or sold will belong to Lender. However, Lender's rights in those proceeds will not be greater than the Sums Secured immediately before the Property is acquired by Lender or sold. If I am required by Lender to pay premiums for mortgage insurance, I will pay the premiums until the requirement for mortgage insurance ends according to my written agreement with Lender or according to law. . 1 6. BORROWER'S OBLIGATION TO MAINTAIN THE PROPERTY AND TO FULFILL ANY LEASE OBLIGATIONS I will keep the Property.in good repair. I will not destroy or substantially change the Property and I will not allow the Property to deteriorate. I will keep and maintain the Property in compliance with any state or federal hazardous materials and hazardous waste laws. I will I not use, generate, manufacture or store any hazardous materials or hazardous waste on, under or about the Property. I will indemnify, defend and hold harmless Lender and its employees, officers and directors and their successors from any claims, damages or costs for required or necessary repair or the removal of hazardous waste or any other hazardous materials claim. If I do not own but am a tenant on the property, I will fulfill my obligations'under my lease. I also agree that, if I acquire the fee title to the Property, my lease interest and the fee title will not merge unless Lender agrees to the merger in writing. 7. LENDER'S RIGHT TO PROTECT ITS RIGHTS IN THE PROPERTY I N If: (A) I do not keep my promises and agreements made in this Security Instrument, or (B) someone, including me, begins a legal proceeding that may significantly affect Lender's Nrights in the Property (such as a legal proceeding in bankruptcy, in probate, for condemnation or to enforce laws or regulations), then Lender may do and pay for whatever is necessary to N protect the Lender's rights in the Property. Lender's actions may include appearing in court, Q paying reasonable attorneys' fees and entering on the Property to make repairs.Lender must GO give me notice before Lender may take any of these actions. Although Lender may take action O under this Paragraph 7, Lender does not have to do so. Any action taken by Lender under this 1 O�'l Paragraph 7, will not release me from my obligations under this Security Instrument I will pay to Lender any amounts which Lender advances under this Paragraph 7 with interest, at the interest rate in effect under the Secured Notes which have not-been paid. I will pay those amounts to Lender when Lender sends me a notice requesting that I do so. Interest on each amount will begin to accrue on the date that the amount is advanced by Lender. However, Lender and I may agree in writing to terms that are different from those in this Paragraph 7. This Security Instrument will protect Lender in case I do not keep this promise to pay those amounts with interest 8. LENDER'S RIGHT TO INSPECT THE PROPERTY Lender, and others authorized by Lender, may enter upon and inspect the Property. They must do so in a reasonable manner and at reasonable times. Before or at the time an inspection is made, Lender must give me notice stating a reasonable purpose for the inspection. 9. AGREEMENTS ABOUT GOVERNMENTAL TAKING OF THE PROPERTY I assign to Lender all my rights: (A) to proceeds of all awards or claims for damages resulting from condemnation, eminent•domain or other governmental taking of all or any part of the Property: and (B) to proceeds from a sale of all or any part of the Property that is made to avoid condemnation, eminent domain or other government taking of the property. All of.those proceeds will be paid to Lender. If all of the Property is taken, the proceeds will be used to reduce the Sums Secured. I If any of the proceeds remain after the amount that I owe to Lender has been paid in full, the remaining proceeds will be paid to, me. Unless Lender and I agree otherwise in writing, if only a part of the Property is taken, the amount that I owe to Lender will be reduced only by the amount of proceeds multiplied by the following fraction (Al the total amount of the Sums Secured immediately before the taking, divided by (B) the fair market value of 0e Property immediately before the taking. The remainder of the proceeds will be paid to me. . SOUSE(02.2a.9S11-9E1 AAEF DEED OF TRUST-ADJ.EIWEEKLY WA • LJ�✓VY QSOUSEPope E . Transnation Titl- , � AJG 7 9b • 0001957422 • abandon the Property or if I do not answer, within 30 days, a notice from Lender stating that a governmental authority has offered to make a payment or to settle a claim for damages, Lender has the authority to collect the proceeds. Lender may then use the proceeds to repair or restore the Property or to reduce the Sums Secured. The 30—day period will begin when the notice is given. — If any proceeds are used to reduce the amount of principal which I owe to Lender under the Secured Notes, that use will not delay the due date or change the amount of any of my biweekly payments under the Secured Notes and under Paragraphs 1 and 2 above. However, Lender and I may agree in writing to delays or changes. 10. CONTINUATION OF BORROWER'S OBLIGATIONS AND OF LENDER'S RIGHTS (A) Borrower's Obligations Lender may allow a Person who takes over my rights and obligations subject to this Security Instrument to delay or to change the amount of the biweekly payments of principal and interest due under the Secured Notes or under this Security Instrument Even if Lender does this, however, that Person and I will both still be fully obligated under the Secured Notes and under this Security Instrument Lender may allow those delays or changes for a Person who takes over my rights and obligations, even if Lender is requested not to do so. Lender will not be required to bring a lawsuit against such a Person for not fulfilling obligations under the Secured Notes or under this Security Instrument, even if Lender is requested to do so. (B) Lender's Rights Even if Lender does not exercise or enforce any of its rights under this Security Instrument or under the law, Lender will still have all of those rights and may exercise and enforce them in the future. Even if Lender obtains insurance, pays taxes, or pays other claims, charges or liens against the Property, Lender will have the right under Paragraph 28 below to demand that I make immediate payment in full of the amounts that I owe to Lender under the • Secured Notes and under this Security Instrument 11. OBLIGATIONS OF BORROWER AND OF PERSONS TAKING OVER BORROWER'S (� RIGHTS OR OBLIGATIONS Any Person who takes over my rights or obligations under this Security hattrument will Cr) have all of my rights and will be obligated to keep all of my promises and agreements made r O in this Security Instrument Similarly, any Person who takes over Lender's rights'or(obligations CD under this Security Instrument will have all of Lender's rights and will be obligated to keep all of Lender's agreements made in this Security Instrument If more than one Person signs this Security Instrument as Borrower, esth'of us is fully obligated to keep all of Borrower's promises and obligations contained in this Security Instrument Lender may enforce Lender's rights under this Security Instrument igsinst each of us individually or against all of us together. This means that any one of us may be required to pay all of the Sums Secured. 12. MAXIMUM LOAN CHARGES If the loan secured by this Security Instrument is subject to a law which sets maximum loan charges, and that law is finally interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges collected or to be collected in connection with the loan exceed permitted limits, thert IA) any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce the charge to the permitted limits and (8) any sums already collected from Borrower which exceeded permitted limits will be refunded to Borrower. Lender may choose to make this refund by reducing the principal owed under the Secured Notes or by making a direct payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces principal, the reduction will be treated as a partial prepayment without any prepayment charge under the Secured Notes. 13. LEGISLATION AFFECTING LENDER'S RIGHTS If a change in applicable law would make any provision of the Secured'Notes •or this Security Instrument unenforceable, Lender may require that I make immediate payment•in'full of all Sums Secured by this Security Instrument 14. NOTICES REQUIRED UNDER THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT Any notice that must be given to me under this Security Instrument will be given by delivering it or by mailing it by first class mail unless applicable law requires use of another method. The notice will be addressed to me at 1708 ABERDEEN AVENUE NE, RENTON, WA 98056. . . . . . . . . . . woo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A notice will be given to me at an alternative address if I give Lender a notice of my alternative address. I may designate only one mailing address at a time f;r notification �11tetIw1 5004eF 102.2E.9511-95)A4 G DEED OF TRUST-ADJ.SI WEEKLY WA 713 Br: • Pep.e "J ' • Transnation Titl , J : $ � 7 'I'� -I 0001957422 purposes. Any notice that must be given to Lender under this Security Instrument will be given • by mailing it by first class mail to Lender's address stated in Section I.(C) above entitled. • "Definitions of Words Used In This Deed of Trust" unless Lender gives me notice of a different address. Any notice required by this Security, Instrument Is given when it is mailed or when it is delivered according to the requirements of this Paragraph 14 or of applicable law. • 15. GOVERNING LAW; SEVERABILITY This Security Instrument and the Secured Notes shall be governed by and construed under federal law and federal rules and regulations including those for federal savings and loan associations, called "Federal Law," In the event that any of the terms or provisions of this Security Instrument or the Secured Notes are interpreted or construed by a court of competent jurisdiction to be void, invalid or unenforceable, such decision shall affect only those provisions so construed or interpreted and shall not affect the remaining provisions of this Security Instrument or the Secured Notes. 16. BORROWER'S COPY I acknowledge the receipt of one conformed copy of the Secured Notes and of this Security Instrument 17. LENDER'S RIGHTS TO RENTAL PAYMENTS AND TO TAKE POSSESSION OF THE PROPERTY If Lender requires immediate payment in full or if I abandon the Property, then Lender, Persons authorized by Lender, or a receiver appointed by a court at Lender's request may: (Al collect the rental payments, including overdue rental payments, directly from the tenants; (B), enter upon and take possession of the Property; (C) manage the Property; and 101 sign, cancel and change rental agreements and leases. If Lender notifies the tenants that Lander,has the right to collect rental payments directly from them under this Paragraph 17, I agree.that the tenants may make those rental payments to Lender without having to ask (i) Lender whether I have failed to keep my promises and agreements under this Security Instrument or (ii) me for my permission to do so. • If Lender acts to have the Property sold after a Breach of Duty es defined in Paragraph 28, I understand and agree that (A) my right to occupy the Property ceases at the time the Property is sold; (B) I shall have no right to occupy the Property after.such sale rni without the written consent of the new owner of the Property; and (C) my wrongful and unlawful possession of the Property may subject me to monetary damages, including the loss of reasonable rent and the cost of eviction. All rental payments collected by Lender or by a receiver, other than the rent paid by me under this Paragraph 17, will be used )a st to pay the costs of collecting rental payments and of managing the Property. If any part.of the rental payments remains after those costs have been paid in full, the remaining part will be used to reduce the Sums Secured. The costs of managing the Property may include the receiver's fees, reasonable attorneys' fees and the costs of any necessary bonds. 18. INJURY TO PROPERTY; ASSIGNMENT OF RIGHTS An assignment is a transfer of rights to another. I may have rights to bring legal action against persons, other than Lender, for injury or damage to the Property or in connection with the loan made to me by Lender and which arose or will arise before or after the date of this Security Instrument These rights to bring legal action may include an action for breach of contract, fraud, concealment of a material fact or for intentional or negligent acts. I assign these rights, and any proceeds arising from these rights, as permitted by applicable law, to Lender. Lender may, at its option, enforce these rights in its own name and may apply any proceeds resulting from this assignment to any amount that I may owe to Lender under the Note and this Security Instrument after deducting any expenses, including attorneys' fees, incurred in enforcing these rights. At the request of Lender, I will sign any further assignments or other documents that may be necessary to enforce this assignment. 19. CLERICAL ERRORS In the event Lender at any time discovers that this Security Instrument, the Secured Notes or any other document related to this loan, called collectively the "Loan Documents; contains an error which Was caused by a clerical mistake, calculation error, computer error, printing error or similar error, I agree, upon notice from Lender, to reexecute any Loan Documents that are necessary to correct any such error(s) and I also agree that I will not hold • Lender responsible for any damage to me which may result from any such error. • 20. LOST, STOLEN OR MUTILATED DOCUMENTS If any of the Loan Documents are lost, stolen, mutilated or destroyed and Lender delivers to me an indemnification in my favor, signed by Lender, then I will sign and deliver to Lender a Loan Document identical in form and content which will have the effect of the original for all purposes. • I SDO4EG(07.7E.9511.951 A4E1.1 DEED OF TRUST-ADJ.BIWEEKLY ,•• WA rM,O Transnation Titl- 'J • PaIG 79• . 0001957422 21. WAIVER OF STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS 1 I will waive, within applicable law, the pleading of the statute of limitations as a defense to enforce this Security Instrument, including any obligations referred to in this Security Instrument or Secured Notes. _ 22. CAPTIONS • • The captions and headings at the beginning of each paragraph of this Security Instrument are for reference only and will not be used in the interpretation of any provision 1 of this Security Instrument 23. MODIFICATION This Security Instrument may be modified or amended only by an agreement in writing signed by Borrower and Lender. 1 Lender may modify the Security Instrument and the Secured Notes at Lender's sole • 1 discretion in the event that I have failed to make my biweekly payments in the manner set forth in the Secured Notes. In the event of a modification to monthly payments. Lender will substitute the term "monthly payment" at each point that the term "biweekly payment" appears in this Security Instrument • 24. CONDOMINIUM, COOPERATIVE AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT OBLIGATIONS If the Property is a unit in a condominium, cooperative or planned unit development, each of which shall be called the "Project," and I have an interest in the common elements of the Project, then Lender and I agree that (A) If en owners association or other entity, called "Owners Association,"'holds title to Property for the benefit or use of the Project and its members or shareholders, the c Property also includes my interest in the Owners Association and the uses, proceeds and C.7 benefits of my interest (B) The following are called the "Constituent Documents:" (i) The declaratibl or any {� other document which created the Project; (ii) By—laws of the Owners Association; liii) Code of regulations for the Project; (iv) Articles of incorporation, trust instrument or equivalent � document which creates the Owners Association; (v) The Project's covenants, cortdltions and restrictions; (vi) Other equivalent documents. I shall perform all of my obligations under the Constituent Documentt, including my obligation to pay, when due, all dues and assessments. If I do not pay the' dues and assessments when due, Lender may, at its option, pay them. I will pay to Lender ifny amounts which Lender advances under this Paragraph 24 according to the terms described in Paragraph 7 above. (C) If the Owners Association maintains, with an insurance companyr reasonably acceptable to Lender, a master or blanket policy on the Project which is sattifactory to Lender and which provides insurance coverage on the terms, in the amounts, for"tttli periods, and against the hazards Lender requires, including fire and hazards included witflltf'the term "extended coverage," and Lender is provided with evidence of such master or blarfket policy, thert (i) Lender waives the provision in Paragraph 2(B) above for the payment to Lender of the estimated yearly premium installments for hazard •insurance on the Property; anti (ii) hazard insurance coverage on the Property as required by Paragraph 5 above if:deemed!to be satisfied to the extent that the required coverage is provided by the Owners.Association policy. I shall give Lender prompt notice of any lapse in the required hazard insurance coverage. I shall provide a copy of such master or blanket policy to Lender annually In the event of a distribution of hazard insurance proceeds in lieu of restoration • or repair following a loss to the Property, whether to the unit or to common elements, any proceeds payable to me are hereby assigned and shall be paid to Lender for application to the Sums Secured by this Security Instrument, with any excess paid to me. I shall take such actions as may be reasonable to insure that the Owners • Association maintains a public liability insurance policy acceptable to Lender in form, amount and extent of coverage. ' (D) I shall not, except after notice to Lender and with Lender's prior writtAn consent. either partition or subdivide the Property or consent to: (i) the abandonment or termination f the Project, except for abandonment or termination required by law in the case of dubstantial' destruction by fire or other casualty or in the case of condemnation, eminent domain or othet governmental taking; (ii) any amendment to any provision of Constituent Documents unless the' • 1 ■��r��� }: S004EH 102.28.9511.951 A4E1 GEED OF TRUST-ADJ.BIWEEKLY WA �1� Paps B Transnation Till • MG � 79• • - Ii 0001957422 • • provision is for the express benefit of Lender or of lenders generally; (iii) termination of professional management and assumption of self—management of the Owners Association; or (iv) any action which would have the effect of rendering the master or blanket hazard insurance policy andfor the public liability insurance coverage maintained by the Owners Association unacceptable to Lender. • 25. FUTURE ADVANCES At Borrower's request, Lender, at its option (but before release of this Security Instrument or the full reconveyance of the Property described in the Security Instrument) may lend future advances, with interest, to Borrower. Such future advances, with interest, will then be additional Sums Secured under this Security Instrument 26. AGREEMENTS ABOUT LENDER'S RIGHTS IF THE PROPERTY IS SOLD OR TRANSFERRED Acceleration of Payment of Sums Secured. Lender may, at its option, require immediate payment in full of all Sums Secured by this Security Instrument if all or any part of the Property, or if any right in the Property, is sold or transferred without Lender's prior written permission. Lender also may, at its option, require immediate payment in full if Borrower is not a natural Person and a beneficial interest in Borrower is sold or transferred without Lender's prior written permission. However, Lender shall not require immediate payment in full if this is prohibited by Federal Law in effect on the date of the Security Instrument If Lender exercises the option to require immediate payment in full, Lender will give me notice of acceleration. If I fail to pay all Sums Secured by this Security' Instrument immediately, Lender may then or thereafter invoke any remedies permitted by 'this Security Instrument without further notice to or demand on me. Exception to Acceleration of Payment of Sums Secured. If the sale or transfer of all or any part of the Property, or of a beneficial interest in Borrower, if Borrower is not a to natural Person, is the first one to occur after the date of this Security Instrument. Lender will • not exercise the option to accelerate payment in full of all Sums Secured and the loan may be assumed if: (i) Lender receives a completed written application from transferee to evaluate the creditworthiness of transferee as if a new loan were being made to the transferee by Lender; Oil Lender approves the creditworthiness of the transferee in writing; CD (iii) transferee makes a cash downpayment sufficient to meet Lender's liven current underwriting standards; (iv) an assumption fee, in an amount to be determined by Lender (but not to exceed 1% of the balance of principal and interest due under the Secured Notes at 'the time of sale or transfer of the Property or of the interest in the Borrower) is paid to Lender; and (v) the transferee executes en assumption agreement which is satisfactory to Lender, such assumption agreement providing for transferee opening a deposit account with Lender, or with a bank or savings and loan which has been approved by Lender, for direct payment • as provided in the secured notes. The loan may be assumed under its then' existing terms and conditions with one exception; the Lifetime Rate Cap may be changed The Lifetime Rate Cap shall be changed to an interest rate which is the sum of the interest rate in effect on the date of a sale or transfer of the Property or beneficial interest in Borrower plus 5 percentage points, if that sum exceeds the Lifetime Rate Cap stated in the Secured Notes. 27. SUBSTITUTION OF TRUSTEE I agree that Lender may at any time appoint a successor trustee and that Person shall become the Trustee under this Security Instrument as if originally named as Trustee. 28. RIGHTS OF THE LENDER IF THERE IS A BREACH OF DUTY It will be called a ;Breach of Duty" if (i) I do not pay the full amount of each biweekly payment on the date it is due; or (ill I fail to perform any of my promises or agreements under the Note or this Security Instrument; or (iii) any statement made in my application'for this loan was materially false or misleading or if any statement in my application•for this loan was materially false or misleading by reason of my omission of certain facts; or (iv) I,have made any other statement to Lender in connection with this loan that is materially false or misleading. If there is a Breach of Duty by me, Lender may demand an immediate,payment of all sums secured. If there is a Breach of Duty by me, the Lender may take action to have till Property sold under any applicable Federal Law, rule or regulation and, where Federal Law is not applicable, under the law of the state where the Property is located, which will be called the • "Applicable Law." Ern FT, SDOUEI 102.28.9511-951 A4EJ DEED OF TRUST-ADJ. BIWEEKLY WA Pegs 9 r • Transnation Titl " &IL 7 9'.. I • . 0001957422 • • Lender does not have to give me notice of a Breach of Duty unless notice is required by Applicable Law. If Lender does not make a demand for full payment upon a.Breach of • Duty, Lender may make a demand for full payment upon any other Breach of Duty. If there is a Breach of Duty, Lender may also take action to have a receiver appointed under the Applicable Law to collect rents from any tenants on the Property and to manage the Property. The action to appoint a receiver may be taken without prior notice to me and regardless of the value of the Property. The sale of the Property may be postponed by or at the direction of Lender except as limited or prohibited by the Applicable Law. If. the Property is sold under the Applicable Law, I agree that it may be sold in one parcel. I also agree that Lender may add to the amount that I owe to Lender all legal fees, costs, allowances, and disbursements incurred as a result of the action to sell the Property, except to the extent that the Applicable Law limits or prohibits any such charges. Lender will apply the proceeds from the sale of the Property in the following order. (A) to all fees, expenses and costs incurred in connection with the sale, including trustees' and attorneys' fees, if any; (B) to all Sums Secured by this Security Instrument; and (Cl any excess to the Person or Persons legally entitled to it 29. RECONVEYANCE When Lender has been paid all amounts due under the Secured Notes and under this Security Instrument, Lender will request Trustee to reconvey the Property and will deliver this Security Instrument and the Secured Notes to Trustee. Trustee will reconvey the Property without warranty to the Person(s) legally entitled to it Such Person(s) will pay all costs incurred by Lender or Trustee relating to the delivery of the Secured Notes and the Security ~ Instrument, the reconveyance and its recordation. 30. STATEMENT OF OBLIGATION • GO To the extent allowed by law, I will give Lender a fee for furnishing any statement of obligation with respect to this Security Instrument or the Secured Notes. Cr) 31. USE OF PROPERTY I will not use the property for agricultural, timber or grazing purposes. 32. QUICK QUALIFYING LOAN PROGRAM I have qualified for this loan by making statements of fact which were relied'upon by Lender to approve the loan rapidly. This loan is called a "Quick Qualifying Loan' j have stated and I confirm that (A) I do not have any other Quick Qualifying Loans with Lender: (B) I have agreed to not further encumber the Property and do not intend to further oncumber the Property for at least six months after the date of the Secured Notes andi this Security Instrument; and (C) If I am purchasing the Property, all of the terms of the purchase agreement submitted to Lender are true and the entire down payment is cash from my own funds. If any of the statements of fact that I have made are materially false or misleading, I will be in default under the Secured Notes and this Security Instrument If I am• in such default, Lender may, at its option, increase the interest rate and margin subject to the Lifetime • Rate Cap stated in the Secured Notes. 33. OWNER OCCUPANCY Lender has relied upon statements of fact which I have made to qualify for this loan. I have stated and confirm that IA) the Property is my personal and primary residence; (BM will occupy the Property not later than 30 days after this Security Instrument is recorded; and (C) I will use the Property as my residence for at least 12 months from the data this Security Instrument is recorded. If any of the statements of fact that I have made are materially false or misleading. I will be in default under'the Secured Notes and this Security Instrument If I am in such default, Lender may, at its option, increase the interest rate and margin, subject to the Lifetime Rate Cap stated in the Secured Notes. • THIS SPACE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK; SIGNATURE PAGE FOLL'•WS. • • FUT 111S ' : SDO4BJS 107.23.9511.951 A4EO DEED OF TRUST-ADJ. BIWEEKLY /J WA Transnation Titl- Pay. ly 7 Q - 0001957422' • BY SIGNING BELOW, I accept and agree to the promises and agreements contained in this Security Instrument and in•any rider(s) signed by me and recorded in proper official records. (PLEASE SIGN YOUR NAME EXACTLY AS IT APPEARS BELOW) 1 ' BORROWER(S): JS H. A•c1tJESq,ueA (Seal) J S H. JAC ES U • • • GO N (Seal) N O Cr) (Seal) (Seal) ACKNOWLEDGMENT ATTACHED TO and made a part !064� ?,.. ASV.,•f! of DEED OF TRUST •(,A„ °ti'•. ssssssssssssssssss STATE OF Washington } SS: • • County of King ) O[i 1 certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that JAMES H. 31t6QUEST•ZTACCJUES is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that he signed this instrument and acknowledge it to be his free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in this instrument. Dated: August 7TH, 1996 • �Y� � n �IE�.�.(u,1 r c� fTC • Pauline M. Weber Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Residing at Pierce County My appointment expires: 06/19/97 • ATTACH INDIVIDUAL NOTARY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ,000I ITTT,�I11 TH11� SD01SK1 102.23.9511-9S)A4E5 DEED OF TRUST•ADJ.BIWEEKLY WA •+WJ Dl P.po 11 of 11 Transnation Tit!- . &l!G 17 9. .• 11 • • • • WORLD SAVINGS • EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOAN NO. 0001957422 • • • ALL THAT CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY SITUATED IN THE COUNTY OF K I NG STATE OF WASH I NGTON " " " " , DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: • THE SOUTH 1/2 OF THE NORTH 1/2 OF TRACT 245, C.D. HILLMAN'S LAKE WASHINGTON GARDEN OF EDEN DIVISION NO. 4, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 11 OF PLATS, PAGE 82, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY; EXCEPT THE SOUTH 15 FEET THEREOF; SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. • CD • O TAPE ONLY THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION TO THIS PAGE. O CD C, • • 11=w- GF139A1 101.21.9511.951 H39A ALL STATES EXCEPT CA,DC,IL Transnation Titl MG 7 •• .:--• -171' I • '•• .• • • iutimucr arers • .• ..., c . ••• • .1 - " .Comits now Zdesrd S. asd.th'eridAtlteeee bacithis is.: and herewith grant and tapes' . •„. • At 7:1•10,44% ' . ;14r.. ' an easement for the parse ofoonstrucl:isml, millserrice ard maintenance of • .• • :•-• ; C7's . • r sanitary severs and Store sewers in favor xtbe.City of Renton, located in the State . . of Wssh:ngton, °Tyr tbe- following descried property situated in King County, Waonintch, to wits The wrst 5.00 feet in s•idthiof the east 10.00 feet in width of the north 170.00 .• • foot in width of Tract 228 in the plat of C. D. HLUmarsts Lake Washington Garden of 3.41rn "4'• - ••• Division No. 4, recorded in volt 11 of Plate on page 82 in records of Pang County, This easement is given and granted as of this/ - ay of 1968, for and in cmnideratIrn of $10.00 paid by the City of Renton. /.2 • • i• ' c Ph Edward Pillookae Smith ) ) SD ,ounty of Kinr. On this day permonrlly spreArpd te•''cren EU...kW 5. 3P.71).{ P nd Li :'i! , :.! to me kr.rwrt 5o tx• the individual a •rcribed in and executed r Inatrurtent, nd cknnw;edved the t t?.ey 51 grvPd and sealr-1 Yrro''r-4 Fs D-s.Aiarnentary• act And dced, for tr.r uses and r.:rrosos therrin ••••••?\ undrr ry r. rv1C•nr: •:.ra1 t' • , • !• •• 1 • -; .-•. • • .• •* Eill •••• -` .Ar t • 'sr •• • • IZ)2 s• • •-• .• : • 1.r ry i '.-• tr. -Id :, • • rcsi'..17,./ • _ ' t • • • • tor Norc uto •,r I'frt. It-310 R 60vgs% Fl P•ii R NAT'L. 11.TLE.IMI.GIP. anfit$4T A. mulotts..covvoy hembir /(:;. WHEN RECORDED RETURN Toe Office of the City Clerk Rent Munlcifx!Building 200 Mill Avenue South CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ko:uon.WA 98055 ORDINANCE NO. 4362 o I AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, ESTABLISHING AN ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FOR SANITARY SEWER SERVICE IN A PORTION OF THE KENNYDALE SUB-BASIN AND ESTABLISHING THE AMOUNT OF THE CHARGE UPON CONNECTION TO THE FACILITIES. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. There is hereby created a Sanitary Sewer Service Special Assessment District for the area served by the West Kennydale Interceptor in the northeast quadrant of the City of Renton, which area is more particularly described in Exhibit "A" r 1 attached herein. A map of the service area is attached as Exhibit "B" . The recording of this document against parcels of land within the boundary of the West Kennydale Interceptor area is to provide CD Notification of Potential Assessment and interest charges. While CV CD Q` the assessments may be paid at any time, the City does not require CD N payment until such time as the parcel is connected to and thus s benefiting from the sewer facilities. SECTION II . Persons connecting to the sanitary sewer facilities in this Special Assessment District and whiich properties have not been :barged or assessed with all costs of the West Kennydale Interceptor, as detailed in this ordinance, shall pay in additiot: to the payment of the connection permit fee and in addition to the special utility connection charge, the following additional fees : A. Per _ Unit Charges (See Exhibits "A" and "B" ) . New connections of residential dwelling units or equivalents shall pay a fee of $525 . 00 per dwelling unit. 1 E .1 Aft ORDINANCE NO. 4362 B. Zoned Front Footage (ZFF) Charges (See Exhibitr "C" and "D" ) . There is hereby created a sub-district within the West Kennydale Interceptor Special assessment District consisting of properties fronting on the interceptor sewer. The properties to be assessed for zoned front footage and the amount .each property is to be assessed is described in Exhibit "C" attached herein. A map identifying the properties within the sub-district is attached as Exhibit 'D. ' The properties located within this sub-district are subject to both charges (Unit and ZFF) . SECTION III. In addition to the aforestated charges, there shall be a charge of ten per cent ( 10%) per annum added to both the Per Unit Charges and Zoned Front Footage Charges, but in no case ' shall such added interest charge be in excess of one hundred per Ncent ( 100% ) of the original assessment cost. Interest charges should be simple interest and not compound interest. !V CD SECTION IV. This ordinance is effective upon its passage, CD s approval, and thirty (30) days after publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 17th day of August , 1992 . arilyn jeersen, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 17 ay of August , 1992 . ' c r er, Mayor. Approved s to form: La r a_ , it' y Attorney Date of Publication: August 21, 1992 ORD. 251-7/10/92 :as . 2 / - EXHIBIT"A" WEST KENNYDALE INTERCEPTOR SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT BOUNDARY The lands included within the West Kennydale Interceptor Special Assessment District boundary arc contained within Sections 4 and 5, Township 23 North, Range 5 East W.M. The boundary for the district is described as follows: Beginning at the NW corner of the Urch subdivision as recorded in Volume 88 Of Plats, page 79 records of King County, Washington, within the NW 1/4 of said Section 5; Thence easterly along the north line of said Plat to the NE corner of Lot 2; Thence southerly along the cast line of Lot 2, said Plat of Urch subdivision and its southerly extension, to an intersection with the south line of NE 27th CT. Said point of intersection also being a point on the north line of Lot 8, said Plat; Thence west along the north line of Lot 8'to the NW corner thereof; Thence south along the west line of Lot 8 to the SW corner thereof; Thence cast along the south line of Lot 8 to the SE corner thereof. Said SE corner also . being a point on the west right-of-way margin of Jones Ave NE; I` Thence easterly along the easterly extension of the south line of Lot 8, to a point of intersection with the cast right-of-way margin of Jones Ave NE, within the NE 1/4 of said Section 5; (" 1 Thence north along said right-of-way margin to the NW corner of Tract 277, C.D. NHillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden, Div. No. 4 as recorded in Volume 11 of Plats, page 82 records of King County, Washington; Thence N. 89° 43' 59" E. along the north line of Track 277, said north line also being the north line of Lot 1, as established by LL!A #010-85, bearing King County recording #8510189001, a distance of 90 ft., to the NE corner of said Lot 1. Thence S.00° 33' 45" W. along the east line of said Lot 1, a distance of 87.28 ft., to the SE corner thereof; Thence N. 89° 52' 13" W. along the south line of said Lot 1, a distance of 69.85 ft., to the beginning of a curve to the right having a radius of 20 ft.; Thence along said curve and said south lot li.te, through a central angle of 90° 25' 5S" an arc length of 31.57 ft. to a point on the east right-of-way line of Jones Ave NE; Thence S. 00° 33' 45" W. along the cast right-of-way line of Jones Ave NE, a distance of 90 ft., to the beginning of a curve to the right having a radius of 20 ft.; • I'.I;c I 8/17/92 'i_ t)Q IH)( AMU'NI , • • ... •Thence along said curve and the northerly line of Lot 2, LLA • 010-85, through a central angle of 89° 34'02'an arc length of 31.26 ft.; Thence S. 89° 52' 13' E. along the north line of said Lot 2, a distance of 70.15 ft., to II the NE corner thereof; Thence S. 00. 33' 45" W. along the cast line of said Lot 2, a distance of 87.28 ft., to the SE corner thereof. Said SE corner also being a point on the south line of Tract 275 said Plat of C.D. Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden, Div. No. 4; Thence easterly along the south line of said Tract 275 and continuing easterly along the south line of Tract 255 to the NW corner of Tract 254, said Plat; Thence southerly along the west line of said Tract 254 to the north line of the S 1/4 of • said Tract; Thence easterly along said north line to the west line of the E 70 ft. of the S 1/4 of said Tract 254; Thence southerly along said west line and its southerly extension to an intersection with the south right-of-way line of NE 24th St; Thence westerly along the south right-of-way line of NE 24th St to the NE corner of Track 262, C.D. Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden, Div. No. 4; r` Thence southerly along the east line of said Track 262, to the SE corner thereof. Said • ID SE corner also being the NW corner of Tract 252, C.D. Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden, Div. No. 4; C Cv Thence easterly along the north line of said Tract 252 to a point of intersection with S the northerly extension of the west line of the east 150 ft. of said Tract 252; Thence southerly along said northerly extension and said west line, to a point 150 ft. west and 150.6 ft. north of the SE corner of said Tract 252, within the'SE 1/4 of said Section 5; Thence southeasterly, a distance of 84.58 ft., to a point 91 ft. north and 90 ft. west of the SE corner of said Tract 252; Thence southeasterly to a point on the east line of Tract 252, which point lies 70 ft. north of the SE corner of said Tract 252; Thence south along said cast line of Tract 252, a distance of 70 ft., to the SE corner thereof. Said SE corner also being a point of intersection of the west right-of-way line of Aberdeen Ave. NE. with the north right-of-way line of NE 20th St; Thence easterly along the easterly extension of the south line of Tract 252 to the east right-of-way line of Aberdeen Ave. NE. and the SW corner of Tract 243, C.D. Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden, Div. No. .i; I F Ki 17/92 sxx N x ..1.111.1+11 2C) Thence northerly along the west line of said Tract 243 to the NW corner thereof, within the NE 1/4 of said Section 5; Thence easterly along the north lines of Tracts 243, 234 and 225, C.D. Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden,.Div. No. 4, to the NE corner of said Tract 225; Thence southerly along the cast line of said Tract 225, a distance of 30 ft., to the NW corner of Lot 1, Block 2 of the Edendale subdivision as recorded In Volume 60 of Plats, page 81 records of King County,Washington; Thence easterly along the north line of said Block 2 and its easterly extension across Dayton Ave. NE to the NE corner of Block 1 of said Edendale subdivision; Thence southerly along "se cast line of said Block 1 and the westerly right-of-way line of Edmonds Ave. NE to the SE corner thereof, within the SE 1/4 of said Section 5; Thence northeasterly to an intersection with the NW corner of Lot 1, Block 1 of the Huselands 1st Addition subdivision as recorded in volume 54 of Plats, page 26 records of King County, Washington, within the SW 1/4 of said Section 4. Said NW corner also being a point on the cast right-of-way line of Edmonds Ave. NE; Thence easterly along the north line of said Plat to the NE corner thereof; Thence southerly along the cast line of said Plat to the SE corner thereof; l` Thence westerly along the south line of said Plat and its westerly extension to an intersection with the west right-of-way line of Edmonds Ave. NE, within the SE 1/4 of N said Section 5. Said intersection also being a point on the cast line of Tract 208, C.D. CD Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden, Div. No. 4; O N Thence southerly along the east line of said Tract 208 and the westerly right-of-way line of Edmonds Ave. NE. to an intersection with the north line of the S 1/4 thereof; Thence westerly along the north line of the S 1/4 of said Tract 208 to an intersection with the east line of Tract 215, said Plat; Thence southerly along the east line of Tract 215 to the SE cot.:er thereof; Thence westerly along the south line of Tract 215 to the SW corner thereof; Th.•nce northerly along the westerly line of Tract 215 to a point which is 35 ft. soutn of the most southeasterly corner of Lot 5, Woodland Terrace as recorded in Volume 71 of Plats, page 96 records of King County, Washington. Said point also being 91 ft. north of the SE corner of Tract 226, C.D. Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden, Div. No. 4; Thence westerly on a line which is parallel to and 35 ft. southerly of the south line of Lot 5, said Plat of Woodland Terrace, to a line which is parallel to and 101.91 ft. westerly of the cast line of said Tract 226; 1'at c i Mil 7N1 72-i8M.1`(X./A,1I 1/bh II , • Thence northerly along said parallel line a distance of 35 ft. to the SW corner of said Lot 5. Said SW corner also being the SE corner of Lot 6, Plat of Woodland Terrace; Thence westerly along the southerly line of Lots 6 and 7 to the SW corner of said Plat. Said SW corner is also a point on the cast line of Tract 233 C.D. Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden, Div. No. 4; Thence northerly on the cast line of said Tract 233 to a point which is 475 ft. south of the north line of said Tract 233; , Thence westerly on a line which is parallel to and 475 ft. south of the north line of Tract 233, to an intersection with the cast right-of-way:line of Blaine Ave. NE; Thence westerly to a point on the west right-of-way line of Blaine Ave. NE. Said point being 110.96 ft. north of the south line of said Tract 233; Thence continuing westerly on a line parallel to and 110.96 ft. north of the south line of Tract 233 to a point on the west line of said Tract 233; Thence southerly along the west line of Tract 233 to the SW corner thereof. Said SW corner also being the NE corner of Tract 245, C.D. Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden, Div. No. 4; Thence southerly along the cast line of Tract 245 to the SE corner thereof. Said SE corner also being a point on the north right-of-way margin of NE. 16th St; jThence westerly along said north right-of-way margin and its westerly extension — across Aberdeen Ave. NE to an intersection with the cast right-of-way line of Monterey N Court NE, as shown on the Plat of View Terrace as recorded in Volume 12 of Plats, page 32 records of King County, Washington; N Thence N 0° 31' 55" E along the cast line of said Plat, a distance of 237.00 ft.; Thence N 89° 58' 15" E following said Plat boundary, a distance of 25.00 ft.; Thence N 0° 31' 55" E, a disltance of 346.60.ft., more or less, to the NE corner of said Plat; Thence S 89° 39' 40" W along the north line of the Plat of View Terrace, a distance of 252.35 ft., more or less, to the NW corner of said Plat; Thence S 0° 31' 19" W along the west line of said Plat, to the SE corner of Lot 30, Plat of lligate, as recorded in Volume 113 of Plats, pages 44-46 records of King County, Washington; Thence S 59° 43' 54" W along said Lot 30, a distance of 74 ft., more or less, to an intersection with the east right-of-way line of Monterey Ave. NE; I I Nap •1 H/17/92 92 i14I.I)O(.,A.\1II/hh Z Thcncc southwesterly along the southwesterly extension of the south line of said Lot 30, a distance of 50 ft., more or less, to the west right-of-way line of Monterey Ave. NE; Thence southerly along the west right-of-way line of Monterey Ave. NE to a point of intersection with the north line of the south 200 ft. of Tract 265, C.D. Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden, Div. No. 4 extended easterly; Thence S 89. 59' 33' W along said easterly extension and the north line of the south 200 ft. of said Tract 265, to the west line of Tract 265; Thence N 0. 32'05"E along said west line,a distance of 25.00 ft.; Thence S 89. 591 33'W, a distance of 252.33 ft., more or less, to the SW corner of Lot 3 of said Higate Plat; Thcncc northerly along the west line of said Higate Plat to the NE corner of Lot 9, Crescent Vicw Addition, as recorded in Volume 97 of Plats, page 49 records of King County, Washington. Said NE corner also being the SE corner of Tract 285, C.D. Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Edcn, Div. No. 4; Thence westerly along the south line of said Tract 285 to the SW corner thereof. Said SW corner also being the SE corner of Tract 292, C.D. Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden, Div. No. 4; Thence northerly along the west line of said Tract 285 and the cast line of said Tract N 292, to the SE corner of Lot 4, City of Renton SP 130-78, A.F. # 7807210769. Said Plat O being a portion of said Tract 292; • NThence westerly along the south lines of Lots 3 and 4, said Short Plat, to the SW corner of Lot 3; Thence northerly along the west line of said Lot 3 to the NW corner thereof. Said NW corner also being a point on the south right-of-way line of NE 20th 5:.; I1hence easterly along said right-of-way line to an intersection with the southerly extension of a line which lies parallel to and 155 ft. cast of the west line of Tract 293, C.D. Hillman's Lake Washington, Garden of Eden, Div. No. 4; Thence northerly along the southerly extension of said parallel lint, a distance of 60 ft., more or less, to a point on the north right-of-way line of NE 20th, which point lies 155 ft. east of the SW corner of said Tract 293; Thence continuing northerly on said parallel line a distance of 120 ft.; Thence westerly on a line 120 ft. north of and parallel to the south line of said Tract 293, a distance of 155 ft., to a point on the east right-of-way line of Jones Ave. NE; ' 1 f'Jy c•5 8,/17/92 92 i70K I. x:,A.M11/hh • Thence westerly to an intersection with the north line of the S 96.66 ft. of Tract 326, C.D. Hillman's Garden of Eden, Div. No. 5 as recorded in Volume 11 of Plats, page 83 records of King County, Washington, as said north line intersects the west right-of- way margin of Jones Ave. NE, within the SW 1/4 of said Section 5; Thcncc westerly along the north line of the S 96.66 ft. of said Tract 326, to an intersection with the easterly right-of-way line of State Highway 1 (SR 405); Thence northerly along said easterly right-of-way line of State Highway 1 (SR 405) to the NW corner of the Urch subdivision, within the NW 1/4 of said Section 5. Said NW corner also being the point of beginning. i— N- O N i O ors s Page 6 8/17/97 92 ins 1XX:/A.%111i1)h r 1 " " � '�"" • • NE b ST• { I j11 -- ..'- •, -.-;\ .,. • � 4 i t. .jth1 ii ' t1'1 rTlt l 1t1i1 I I'll \ -• , SPECIALT ASSESS ENT DISTRICT 4 t:f:11 :i , [_J1N12 }} I \ \'\,'� i 11 t II 1 r \ r=l 1�1 I1 111.1 • 11.1 '[- -- 1. . __1.1�; �?�__ L_. E 2 t ..l ._ 1 iii. 1L _..__ -- i j i -if.. ll L yN ,I _.-.-r___. - - -� S.. t Mk �. ZA ./---1.11 .: .: . , - 0 ---i---- t-17---t- 1 ' ..\ I . sji-. 1:3 ...1, 1I .7,:-L.: ---_-.. L 1 i (d/5f),‘ ' 1111113111111411 IN . 1, Ti !FI 1 I �1- \ ll U.EFLIZILITI7h . i \ ! \ rI Z41 _ --•�r i 1 jiv r_4_ .i - \ \' ii : --•r #_ii -� .1 1 l t ST c' _ ___ NE 20th ' 11111 4i- li r i ii a, , ,-' \ \- -- 7, ...... i i_..„--- .1L- 17---r[1:-P_II - i1=-..-.7.-- ;r-Frl__ , i.,,,...„ _if t iF/ R.1 I \ \ \ \\ f/KI ,1 ‘4" 1_-_-, _..1 [7.. r.___. 7-, \ \..,. \ \\ .; . 4 \ çJ . ._I _ 14' -I E \\'..\.. ' \ • 1 il 11 JIV -1 I--T '71 .--; , i 1 i-I 1 1 1---i T-1 ----- ,\`,_ -.:---\-A, V 1 loth 1 ! -, ►�� -{ Lai, ! 1 11 i If: . i i 1 [` I ' I a GENE COi . ON 1 ' II : : 1 11 �{ ] .1_ e 1 It ; 1 i 7 l:l_,. ..; =, '�. - 1 BEACH PARK , , 1 s' 1 1 i `i' 1 [x-- _ I 1 ‘:\ • , 1.NE .1 . . , ! !112th , � ;11 ' . l _ ' 1 , '; I , • • ,' , 1�,., , ''' i1r: l' EXHIBIT B I O WEST KENNYDALE INTERCEPTOR 40 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT • : • CITY �OF REN.TON: Hearing Examiner Jesse Tanner,Mayor= Fred J.Kaufman February 3, 1998 Mr. James Jacques 2509.Aberdeen Avenue NE Renton,WA 98056 Re: JAKE SHORT'PLAT II • FILE No. LUA97-167,SHPL-H Dear Mr. Jacques: The Examiner's Report and Decision on the above referenced matter,which was issued on January 19, 1998, was not appealed within the 14-day period established by ordinance. • Therefore,this matter is considered final by this,office and the file on your application is being transmitted to the City Clerk as of this date. Please feel free to contact this office if further assistance or information is required. Sincerely, Y • Fred J. Kaufinan Hearing Examiner FJK/mm cc: Mark Pywell Sandi Seeger,Development Services 200 Mill Avenue South -Renton,Washington 98055 - (206)235-2593 ®This paper contains 50%recycled material,20%post consumer i t • AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss. County of King ) MARILYN MOSES ,being first duly sworn,upon oath, deposes and states: That on the 19th day of January ,1998, affiant deposited in the mail of the United States a sealed envelope(s) containing a decision or recommendation with postage prepaid, addressed to the parties of record in the below entitled application or petition. Signature: SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this /* day of`i , 1998. Notary Public ' and for the State of Washington, residing at �-7-Gl ,therein. Application, Petition, or Case No.: Jake Short Plat#2 LUA97-167,ShP1 The Decision or Recommendation contains a complete list of the Parties of Record. HEARING EXAMINER'S REPORT January 19, 1998 OFFICE OF THE HEARING EXAMINER CITY OF RENTON REPORT AND DECISION APPLICANT: James H. Jacques Jake Short Plat#2 File No.: LUA-97-167,ShP1 LOCATION: 1708 Aberdeen Avenue NE SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To subdivide 33,128 square foot parcel into five lots ranging in size from 5,141 to 9,561 square feet for single family homes. SUMMARY OF ACTION: Development Services Recommendation: Approve with conditions DEVELOPMENT SERVICES REPORT: The Development Services Report was received by the Examiner on December 31, 1997. PUBLIC HEARING: After reviewing the Development Services Report, examining available information on file with the application, field checking the property and surrounding area;the Examiner conducted a public hearing on the subject as follows: MINUTES The following minutes are a summary of the January 6, 1998 hearing. The legal record is recorded on tape. The hearing opened on Tuesday, January 6, 1998,at 9:30 a.m. in the Council Chambers on the second floor of the Renton Municipal Building. Parties wishing to testify were affirmed by the Examiner. The following exhibits were entered into the record: Exhibit No. 1: Yellow file containing the original Exhibit No.2: Vicinity map application,proof of posting, proof of publication and other documentation pertinent to this request. Exhibit No.3: Short plat map Exhibit No.4: Petition from adjacent neighbors Exhibit No. 5: Corrected plat map The hearing opened with a presentation of the staff report by MARK PYWELL,Project Manager, Development Services, City of Renton, 200 Mill Avenue South, Renton, Washington 98055. The applicant requests approval to subdivide a parcel into 5 lots that will range from approximately 5,000 to 9,500 square feet in area. James H. Jacques Jake Short Plat#2 File No.: LUA-97-167,ShPl January 19, 1998 Page 2 The short plat is exempted from environmental review in accordance with the City's environmental ordinance and the regulations governing the SEPA process. The Comprehensive Plan(CP)designation for this area is single family residential. The proposed short plat will also be in compliance with the development standards of the R-8 single family residential zone. The CP allows for a density of 5 to 8 dwelling units per acre. The applicant proposes a density of 6.6 units to the acre. The minimum lot size for this zone is 4,500 square feet and the proposal has a minimum lot size of approximately 5,100 square feet. This is an infill project; it will be taking an existing parcel that was developed under past policies and plans that are no longer in effect and is now redeveloping the property in accordance with the standards established today. The lot sizes proposed are smaller than the existing lots in the same area; however,they are not out of character with the recent subdivisions and short plats that have already occurred in this area of the City. Access to the lots will be from Aberdeen Avenue. The applicant will be creating no new public streets, but will provide a private street for access to Lots 1, 2,and 3. A dual driveway will provide access to Lots 4 and 5. The applicant originally indicated that Lot 3 would be rectangular in shape and that there would be an easement for the shared driveway to Lots 4 and 5 across Lot 3. Staff recommends that the lot boundary for Lot 3 follow the proposed easement. This will keep a small triangle up in the upper right-hand of Lot 3 from being isolated from the remainder of the lot and would allow Lot 4 to provide a fence along its boundary if so desired. No new blocks will be created through the short plat. Fire,traffic and parks mitigation fees will be required from this development. Police and Fire Departments will be able to provide service to this area and have noted that there are code required improvements that will be required. The Renton School District has indicated there is no impact on their ability to provide services. The applicant will be bringing a sewer main from Blaine Avenue down through an adjacent parcel into the east side of this development as there is no sewer service in Aberdeen right now. The front is on Aberdeen Avenue on the west; the east side backs up against the lots on Blaine Avenue and the adjacent lots to the north and south. The applicant will be creating a storm water infiltration system in accordance with the standards established by the City of Renton. This plat is in Aquifer Zone 2. There is a 6-inch water main to service this site. Staff would recommend approval of the short plat with the conditions established in the staff report. James Jacques, 2509 Aberdeen Avenue NE,Renton, Washington 98056,applicant herein,thanked the staff for their presentation of this project. Neil Watts, Plan Review Supervisor,Development Services Division,City of Renton,200 Mill Avenue South, Renton, Washington 98055, explained the City's position on private easements versus public roadways to access interior lots. Several options were discussed pertaining to easements on this particular parcel. Ron Patten. Jr., 1632 Aberdeen Avenue, Renton, Washington 98056, spoke in opposition to the proposal. He stated he did not dispute the legalities of the plat, but rather was concerned over its impact to the adjacent neighborhood. He submitted a request from several neighbors requesting a privacy screening of some type to be erected between this proposal and those yards backing onto it. He further stated that they would prefer a I - James H. Jacques Jake Short Plat#2 File No.: LUA-97-167,ShP1 • January 19, 1998 Page 3 four-parcel plat instead of the requested five. The increase in traffic from this proposal to an already busy roadway is of concern. Ken Beckwith, 1733 Aberdeen Avenue NE,Renton,Washington 98056, an adjacent resident,asked if there were plans to put a sewer line down Aberdeen Avenue. He wondered why this project was bringing in sewers from a side location and not Aberdeen. Mr. Watts responded that this particular block is a very difficult one to serve as it is so shallow. Mr. Watts indicated there are no immediate CIP plans for installing a sewer main in Aberdeen. The Examiner called for further testimony regarding this project. There was no one else wishing to speak,and no further comments from staff. The hearing closed at 10:05 a.m. FINDINGS CONCLUSIONS &DECISION Having reviewed the record in this matter,the Examiner now makes and enters the following: FINDINGS: 1. The applicant, James H. Jacques, filed a request for approval of a five-lot short plat. 2. The yellow file containing the staff report,the State Environmental Policy Act(SEPA)documentation and other pertinent materials was entered into the record as Exhibit#1. 3. The Environmental Review Committee(ERC),the City's responsible official, determined that the proposal is exempt from an environmental assessment. 4. The subject proposal was reviewed by all departments with an interest in the matter. 5. The subject site is located at 1708 Aberdeen Avenue NE. The subject site is three lots north of NE 16th Street. Blaine Avenue NE is located east of the subject site. 6. The subject site was annexed to the City with the adoption of Ordinance 1827 enacted in May 1960. 7. The subject site is zoned R-8 (Single family residential- 8 dwelling units per acre). It received this classification in June 1993. 8. The map element of the Comprehensive Plan designates the area in which the subject site is located as suitable for the development of single family uses,but does not mandate such development without consideration of other policies of the Plan. 9. An existing home is located on the western third of the site. Two outbuildings are located elsewhere on the site. The home will remain while the outbuildings will be removed. There is also a deck at the east side of the home that will have to be removed as it would overlap the proposed property line. 10. The subject site is 33,128 square feet in area. The site is approximately 252.41 feet deep(east to west) by approximately 131.10 feet wide along its Aberdeen frontage. The lot is slightly less than rectangular. James H. Jacques Jake Short Plat#2 File No.: LUA-97-167,ShP1 January 19, 1998 Page 4 11. The subject site is relatively level. 12. The plat design shows an easement across Proposed Lot 1 for access to the interior portion of the site. There does not appear to be any particular reason to burden Proposed Lot 1 with an easement across it. 13. The applicant proposes dividing the subject site into five single family lots. Proposed Lot 1 would contain the existing home and would be the only lot with direct frontage along Aberdeen. Proposed Lot 1 would be approximately 74 feet deep and approximately 105 feet wide, if the proposed easement roadway is separated from Proposed Lot 1. Proposed Lot 1 would be approximately 7,751 square feet. With the easement roadway it would be approximately 9,561 square feet. 14. The remaining four lots would be interior to proposed Lot 1 and would gain access via a 26 foot wide (20 feet of pavement)easement roadway and shared driveway. 15. Proposed Lot 2 would be 50 feet wide(east to west)and approximately 131 feet long. If the panhandle were part of the lot it would be approximately 8,432.9 square feet whereas without the panhandle it would be 6,560.9 square feet. 16. Proposed Lot 3 would be similar to Proposed Lot 2. It would be 50 feet wide and approximately 131 feet long. It was originally proposed to be 6,564.3 square feet. The shared driveway for Proposed Lots 4 and 5 would run diagonally southeast across its northeast corner. This would leave a small remainder triangular parcel on the far side of the driveway belonging to it. At the hearing it was determined that the triangle should be part of Proposed Lot 4. 17. Proposed Lot 4 would be located in the northeast corner of the site. It would be approximately 79.49 feet deep(east to west)and approximately 66.33 feet wide. It was to be 5,302.7 square feet. That would be enlarged somewhat by the addition of the triangular remainder. 18. Proposed Lot 5 would be 78.59 feet deep(east to west)by approximately 65.11 feet wide. It would be approximately 5,141.7 square feet. 19. As noted, a 26 foot wide easement driveway with 20 feet of paving would provide the main access to the interior parcels. At its easterly end,approximately 172 feet from Aberdeen,the shared driveway would angle off to the southeast. This driveway would be 20 feet wide with 12 feet of pavement. 20. The four new lots will generate approximately 40 new daily vehicle trips. The five lots will generate a total of approximately 50 trips. Staff has reported that the local road system can handle these new trips. 21. The five homes will generate approximately three(3) students. These students will attend the Renton School District system and are assigned on a space available basis. 22. The neighbors objected to the proposed subdivision,noting that the proposed lot sizes,particularly lot width, did not match the existing community. They objected to the plat as out of character with the surrounding development. 23. The subject site will receive sewer service from the east,from a line that runs along Blaine. Other neighbors were interested in the possible extension of sewers to serve other parcels in the vicinity of the subject site since no sewer is available along this section of the Aberdeen corridor. 24. The subject site is located in Zone 2 of the Aquifer Protection area. James H. Jacques Jake Short Plat#2 File No.: LUA-97-167,ShP1 January 19, 1998 Page 5 CONCLUSIONS: 1. The proposed plat appears to serve the public use and interest. The plat will create additional housing opportunities in an area that can be served by urban services. 2. While certain aspects of the plat are somewhat out of character from the surrounding development in terms of lot size and dimensions, in the main it is compatible with surrounding development. The proposal creates additional lots for single family development which is not only compatible with the Comprehensive Plan's goals but is compatible with the surrounding single family development. In addition,the frontage lot,Proposed Lot 1, is truly the only visible portion of the plat and it is fairly comparable to surrounding development. The smaller,narrower lots are interior lots and will not be visible nor confronting directly larger parcels. 3. Because the applicant will be providing an access roadway serving four interior lots immediately adjacent to single family development,that adjacent property deserves some protection and isolation from the additional traffic and noise four homes will generate as opposed to the normal one lot's neighboring driveway. To provide sufficient buffering,the applicant shall be required to construct a solid fence and landscaping along the north edge of the proposed private roadway. The applicant shall coordinate this effort with the adjoining property to provide an acceptable location for the fence and landscaping. 4. As noted earlier,there seems to be no reason to burden Proposed Lot 1 with an easement for a private roadway. If Proposed Lot 1 does not use that roadway,there will be fewer trips on the private road to adversely affect the neighboring lot. Therefore,Lot 1 shall not be included in the easement arrangement, and what was to be the easement across it shall instead be a pipestem extension of Proposed Lot 2. 5. The applicant shall also modify the boundary between Proposed Lots 3 and 4 as represented in Exhibit No. 5. 6. The new development will increase the demand on recreational,fire and transportation services. Therefore,the applicant shall have to pay the appropriate mitigation fees that the City has established for each of these services. 7. In conclusion,the development of the proposed property will increase the population and traffic in the area but not in any unexpected way. The development of single family homes was clearly envisioned for this neighborhood and will not materially alter the general single family character of the area. DECISION: The proposed five-lot plat is approved subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall modify the boundary between Proposed Lots 3 and 4 as represented in Exhibit No. 5. CO-rry'F:.A t_r . 2. Lot 1 shall not be included in the easement arrangement, and what was to be the easement across it shall instead be a pipestem extension of Proposed Lot 2. 0,ef6Nifty.C{ y • James H. Jacques Jake Short Plat#2 File No.: LUA-97-167,ShP1 January 19, 1998 Page 6 4) 3. The applicant shall be required to install a solid fence and landscaping along the north edge of the proposed private roadway. The applicant shall coordinate this effort with the adjoining property to provide an acceptable location for the fence and landscaping: u``v 4. The applicant shall remove the existing garage, shack and patio prior to recording the short plat. Ain ( demolition permit from the City of Renton is necessary for the applicant to complete this work. �19 5. The applicant shall pay a transportation mitigation fee of$75.00 per average daily trip prior to Pow°°� recording of the plat. o 6. The applicant shall pay a fire mitigation fee of$488.00 per new lot prior to the recording of the plat. '" 7. The applicant shall pay a parks mitigation fee of$530.76 per new lot prior to the recording of the plat. .. ORDERED THIS 19th day of January, 1998. GlmN/1 v FRED J.KA N HEARING E MINER TRANSMITTED THIS 19th day of January, 1998 to the parties of record: Mark Pywell James Jacques Neil Watts 200 Mill Avenue S 2509 Aberdeen Avenue NE 200 Mill Avenue S Renton,WA 98055 Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98055 Ron Patten,Jr. Jim Beckwith Mr. and Mrs.Ronald Leckie 1632 Aberdeen Ave NE 1733 Aberdeen Ave NE 1604 Aberdeen Ave NE Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Mr. and Mrs. Jahnke Mr. and Mr.David Alder Kermit Marsalis&Vicki Raub 1717 Aberdeen Ave NE 2819 Aberdeen Ave NE 1901 Aberdeen Ave NE Renton,WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 Raye Holmes Melody Blufton Mr. and Mrs. Gary Jannusch 1822 Aberdeen Ave NE 1724 Aberdeen Ave NE 1633 Blaine Ave NE Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 John Patten Melvin Readnour&Zita Noll Harold Woodin 1624 Aberdeen Ave NE 1701 Aberdeen Ave NE 1801Aberdeen Ave NE Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 Mr. and Mrs. Berle Green Andy Rynning Cherrie Palm 1831 Aberdeen Ave NE 1924 Aberdeen Ave NE 1816 Aberdeen Ave NE Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 I I James H. Jacques Jake Short Plat#2 File No.: LUA-97-167,ShP1 January 19, 1998 Page 7 Wayne Otto Mr. and Mrs.Raymond McDade Daun Lunz 2009 Aberdeen Ave NE 1617 Aberdeen Ave NE 1617 Blaine Ave NE Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 Mr. and Mrs.Dean Westcott Mr. and Mrs.Ronald Short,Jr. Jillene Cochran&Narda Bjczek 1701 Camas Ave NE 2116 NE 16th Street 1709 Aberdeen Ave NE Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Mr.and Mrs. Thor Bostrom Julianne Vig Jim Nation 1809 Aberdeen Ave NE 1833 Aberdeen Ave NE 1832 Aberdeen Ave NE Renton, WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 Joyce Stewart Marie Sayre Robert Hutchinson 1732 Aberdeen Ave NE 2005 Aberdeen Ave NE 2124 NE 16th Street Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 John Driscoll Bill Johnson Adele Howard 1625 Blaine Avenue NE 2302 NE 16th 2117 NE 16th Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 Mr. and Mrs.Baker 1516 Aberdeen Ave NE Renton,WA 98056 TRANSMITTED THIS 19th day of January, 1998 to the following Mayor Jesse Tanner Gregg Zimmerman,Plan/Bldg/PW Administrator Members,Renton Planning Commission Jim Hanson,Development Services Director Art Larson,Fire Marshal Mike Kattermann,Technical Services Director Lawrence J. Warren,City Attorney Larry Meckling,Building Official Transportation Systems Division Jay Covington,Mayor's Executive Assistant Utilities System Division Councilperson Kathy Keolker-Wheeler South County Journal Pursuant to Title IV, Chapter 8, Section 15 of the City's Code, request for reconsideration must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m..February 2. 1998. Any aggrieved person feeling that the decision of the Examiner is ambiguous or based on erroneous procedure, errors of law or fact, error in judgment,or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the prior hearing may make a written request for a review by the Examiner within fourteen(14)days from the date of the Examiner's decision. This request shall set forth the specific ambiguities or errors discovered by such appellant, and the Examiner may, after review of the record,take further action as he deems proper. An appeal to the City Council is governed by Title IV,Chapter 8, Section 16,which requires that such appeal be filed with the City Clerk, accompanying a filing fee of$75.00 and meeting other specified requirements. Copies of this ordinance are available for inspection or purchase in the Finance Department,first floor of City Hall. James H. Jacques Jake Short Plat#2 File No.: LUA-97-167,ShP1 January 19, 1998 Page 8 If the Examiner's Recommendation or Decision contains the requirement for Restrictive Covenants,the executed Covenants will be required prior to approval by City Council or final processing of the file. You may contact this office for information on formatting covenants. The Appearance of Fairness Doctrine provides that no ex parte(private one-on-one)communications may occur concerning pending land use decisions. This means that parties to a land use decision may not communicate in private with any decision-maker concerning the proposal. Decision-makers in the land use process include both the Hearing Examiner and members of the City Council. All communications concerning the proposal must be made in public. This public communication permits all interested parties to know the contents of the communication and would allow them to openly rebut the evidence. Any violation of this doctrine would result in the invalidation of the request by the Court. The Doctrine applies not only to the initial public hearing but to all Requests for Reconsideration as well as Appeals to the City Council. ., , . - ...-;•!,;fiLiiii.rf:, •- • . .:.:;.fi;: II JONES -- — --• - ,... • ,a' AVE. N.E. ,'y� , :i:`'�; -90 r St Cr J.; -f r _Cr t 1 .P> p �. �� .'.'Lip}. r n�;�:to` 110 lorzi I e ��' I ' • [A' 1*,-.I _ •: jjj333tt• I4�t;y"•. 7; Il�• N; rC tja c • its ,tk L•`';l:• .. • :'?:• KENNEWIC +m�_ J y :i =r._:r:.:; . . • t AVE. N.E. t n R op ---- t"'`. `t" 't'� �rt TM — d® a ,. , Ot Sr.," k U ♦ c. :11;••Y:L�LOi. ,,.J Eli "l-� A r �t1 y e= e v. 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(,�.�r Ir-••-,.�yP �(%�('�f,- _ rJ�� I ' �� j�(7)L"�(Jy};:' . • `'' II 1d:,,,-ri'l LE; 14i �f�L 1 'r i ��I j •1 I �f'-•:s i i : u.� JS{t''i ij ,: .t',;' 7C 'C � sl 4t' tl3 s ='.I COns 1 w�„�1 trio, uer'r 60 � ' ;4bERD• EN _ Alit N(� ��. , • � s •-t{#�1�;ils,.7'`y��:� ' I�t s i` r y L y 1. uu ; t"..; ; tin 4 Si' ' ' • :,rrl Iv' - i .c.-. t'''.. :::-D"-:::-' ''i-g-i, p'sT Yc;,. . '1-rs-Y";r eo'i -ra - .,r _. • I ee.yTh '->r'( 7I•-i--- 'is , a�1i�ti;V' • pp �,��Qf I II?'a4 "` b r )•f'•4L.,1: i ; i'01 e°. 0 ti' ,e ® ®I Y °, ' �i t i OI_.° ;.,, i }r!.•, • 11-- ��II�': II f t3: -- �+ + AVE' .` w - �t�?'�'ti. s4 t • • '°,. > , <`;;: I G „> 'Ili:'IOW f L 7l}jI I ; ' Imo+ �rp�7�' 22 xr' ;•'-j>,� f:l}<,.. • I LL, .t�)}t�,., tall" i:• 2 - • ���qyjIyy�e��t 'k � �r{{A70 O s A,1[1�/D}a�-` '•>I 7 `.SLr� ���;({}�i ^`•• ` •®' �A,•,I, 6� l'} t bir lip Td r—� �•:11-•i" -Vl... V. V ---/ t �Gcii v-= `� °'` m y, • <y,1s1Sfi• i;:. • ry CAMAS r s :': n1 t AVE. N.E� a ;2:�=E1' r'c' `, ;o7\tea'`". _ , ,af. h }�,iSS. V'� "m------•• t ��'[ ��. `•ma �., sen +"rj all`_ t 9 s t� {�1,ii'ei}r . 2�, pi'f. • .. • ... '''.Iy ° w m a SS 'I�RI+I''aCC'T;F-0,R8,��y-t. , i?, ftlr, W 11, - • l'..'1. `' ,,.i''� N \1' �i r��i y5 'i'` 1 t DAYTON AVE' N.E".,.•*i '"-" , •��p -'=- =� ,i°a£.4". t•; `e41r > N T I - vn 1 I I„ rc- ; sr. �- • —^1Y � �l :-. ION. I;1. N.L. s "..-, `'� ._ re ,,,r k.. I,,' '.`: >e EIT li u 'IQ~ I —".i •.ej•c: N -��2 7 N ' I eiyrf-}'. ,:( St.:1 I _ I-_ G -A---,.y-�_ c I.meW II'rit y__, ' :W !�+ 3t ",,,,,$���ycc+Ir • . . • _ ,`"•: Ilr' n rf .I _ •,I L�$ail _r >1 ao I� � ; ], � �,' 2 L,',:jt `.: ti ' L• .1„,, .rt.s I!' h I' 'I •ed,I M ,,-_a ££�f. jr: .. I, - -•FnMONOS—•—•=GvF`—•—•—•—•NF—•---'--.—.—. -I—.�:---.—.Y_ ?g h#s5:..,: — ;- EAST Yi CORNER 7 CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT Nos. • SEG 5, Wit R5E.W.M �7' • . C/R CONTROL mars.569 -b1 • N003249'E r� ' 187.52'ACAS. 2 IXLONG Iv' WITH 1. oti i-, D N. E. 201h STREET _ --Y--- - - NB92O 29'E /,322.57' - • - vt FIELD TRAVERSE CONTROL WITH • • EX GONG MOST:WITH TOTCLW-GTS-Z-/0'ELVA • n{ + 9.i/' IJ.9/' - J'D/A BRASS DISK O AE7S WAGJ.72430-90 ••I.' I FOR'r VIM' ,�aGT 245 N 89'43'42-E 252.42' I O !.'.C •TT _a, I 72.00'. • 50.00' a'-• 150.00' •-'• • 80.42' ' _ W ' .I, /4 • $ - p /'\ SANITARY SCn[/!L:rt re.,,'/ , L -26'PRIVATE ROAD EASEMENT FOR __ _ _. o I- ,NORTH pr J %NGRESS;L�GR�SS d Uf1L7flE9 Nl, 'sl 20PAV£D / Z� —2O - LOT 4 2a - v _L Li 14 .c M� 5,302 rso.F7: „�,• OWNER'S CERTIFICATE • • 5.�_ z r 3col s S� �- `M M' • b L.THE UNDERSIGNED,HEREBY CERTIFY THAT l AM THE 3 o\,�sA \ •k OWNER IN FEE SIMPLE OF THE LAND IN THIS SHORT PLAT. rti • Li co ,,F b , LOT 2 3 �\ 1 za JAMES H. J4COUEs N Y1 co W • act O - 6,560.9 SO.FT. L r/0'- 38 LOT 3 W 'a N o /708 . 9 p w b 1 6,569.3 SO.FT. , -2287' h N 8979 Q�42"£ ? ACKNOWLEDGMENT `` ,i z 2 I STATE OF WASHlNG7t7N 4413 m " # ' u w COUNTY OF KING I THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT ON THIS . DAY OF 4 0 _ �'`- x 'b �, Inn> :r.',:i,:•••- r.,••,"7:rr,-•/grCD, 4 NOTARY PUBLIC PER- W 1 �- m t b O +' • T �4 - SON4LLYAPPEARED JAMES H. J4COUES, 70 ME KNOWN 70 BE • `oTHE INDIVIDUAL WHO SIGNED THE ABOVE CERTIFICATE AND Q o v b 4o ACKNOWLEDGED 70 ME THAT HE SIGNED THE SAME AS HIS FREE W LOT II T o LOT ,� h ry� — 9,56/./S0.F.T. b `V � AND VOLUNTARY ACT AND DEED. /�, /. �. 5,/4L7 S0.FT. '+ IN WITNESS WHEREOF I HAVE HEREUNTO SET MY HAND AND �•; --20 20' n OFFICIAL SEAL THE DAY AND YEAR FIRST ABOVE WRl TTEN. N N +fie. 2<a NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WASNING70N I:: sago: 73.82' .ty j 50.00' 50.00' ,.. 'o 78.59' RESIDING AT ; N89'482/-�' • 252.41' ! 1 • I - N PORTION OF TRACT 245 n I C.D.HILL MANS L/G DYAS7L GARDE/✓OF E7EJN DIV.No.4 , EESCRIPTION --- �ROVAL S ••• I N. E. /6th STREET 7HF SOUTH S'2 OF THE.iU"„�y OF TRACT 245, C.D.H/LLMAN'S LAKE .I EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS DAY OF -A.D. 1997 • WASHINGTON I.9RDEN OF£DEN,DIVISION No. 4,AS PER PLAT RECORDED 1 S 89 5779'E. 44. /,321,86' -4" IN VOLUME ii OF PLATS,PAGE 82,RECORDS OF KING COUNTY; ' CX EPT THE SOUTH 5.FEET'T REOF.SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON,, I CITY OF RENTON-ADMINISTRATOR OF LEK CONC MOYT.win/ 2' 8 AMO WITH 41 COUNTY OF KING,STATE OF W /NGTON. _ J'DIA.BRASS DISK PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBL IC WORKS Jfr'O!A BRASS P/N , Z ALL IN SECTION 5, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTI{RANGE 5 EAST, n:... .•^; EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS .DAY OF -A.D. /997 7310 Q AQUIFER PROTECTION NOTICE ^ire CITY OF RENTON HEARING EXAMINER �o, •2 THE LOTS CREATED HEREIN FALL WITHIN ZONE 2 OF RENTON'S o O • AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA AND ARE SUBJECT 70 THE RE- EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS DAY OF A,D. 1997 • 21 OUIREMENTS OF THE CITY OF RENTON ORDINANCE No. 4367. ' • IX GONG AA7N T.WITH '' W THIS CITY'S SOLE SOURCE OF DRINKING WATER IS SUPPLIED 5'DIA.BRASS DISK---, [ FROM ASHALLOW..IQUIFER UNDER THE CITY SURFACE.EXTREME K/NG COUNTY ASSESSOR DEPUTY SEG 5, TEJK R5E.WAL SE.CORNER CARE SHOULD BE EXERCISED WHEN HANDL/NG OF ANY LIQUID SUBSTANCE OTHER THAN WATER 70 PRO)ECT FROM CONTACT WITH • C/R COMM AKN'T 57 THE GROUND SURFACE IT IS THE HOMEOWNERS RESPONSIBILITY 70 • • PROTECT THE CITYS DRINKING WATER N.E. %4, S.E. k4, SEC. 5, T. 23 N., R. 5 E., W.M. • 1 :'"'".�- KENNETH J. OYLER, C.E.d L.S. 1425 1255 5050 RECORDING CERTIFICATE SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE -,: ?• P.O.BOX2258 RENTON. WASHINGTON 98056 I FILED FOR RECORD THIS:-._...DAY OF A0'.AT .M THIS MAP CORRECTLY REPRESENTS A SURVEY MADE BE ME OR UNDER • t/i . T. 7 IN BOOK._:__..OF SURVEYS,ON PAGE ,AT THE REQUEST MY DIRECTION IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE I I I:r, t'.•."i1 '? ' .MAKE SHORT PLAT Na 2 ' SURVEY RECORDING ACT AT THE REQUEST OF JIM JACQUES IN `\ i.4 y I,J OF KENNETH J. OYLER. v .,,. • OCT./997. `h ?,; ;,.%;y- , �'by,L LAO`' , • f sr> +-,� .1!>: MIMS.wu f• , OCT..2Z /997 I •.•%"REBAR/CAP JOB No. L MANAGER SUPERINTENDENT OF RECORDS GERT/FICA o, 5524 ,..._•.;...--,h cv' SCALE.• 1..20' r JR AS SHOWN 9700Z 1 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Kristina Thompson, being first duly sworn on oath states that he/she is the Legal Clerk of the NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON HEARING EXAMINER SOUTH COUNTY JOURNAL RENTON,WASHINGTON A Public Hearing will be held by the Renton Hearing Examiner at his regular 600 S. Washington Avenue, Kent, Washington 98032 meeting in the Council Chambers on the second floor of City Hall, Renton, Waa dailynewspaper seven (7) times a week. Said newspaper is a le al AM toiconsi r January 06, e19sa at 9:00 published9 AM consider the following petitions: newspaper of general publication and is now and has been for more than six months JACQUES SHORT PLAT prior to the date of publication, referred to, printed and published in the English language LUA-97-167,SHPL-H continuallyas a dailynewspaper in Kent, KingCounty, Washington. The South CountyProposal size subdivide lot ximatto five parcels,140 Y g ranging in from approximately 5,140 Journal has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the sq. ft. to 9,560 sq. ft. Access to the pro- State of Washington for King County. posed parcels will be from Aberdeen Ave. NE via a private road and a shared drive- The notice in the exact form attached, was published in the South County way.Location: 1708 Aberdeen Avenue NE Journal (and not in supplemental form) which was regularly distributed to the subscribers Legal descriptions of the files noted duringthe below statedperiod. The annexed notice, a above are on file in the Development Services Division, Third Floor, Municipal Building,Renton.All interested persons are Jacques Short Plat invited to be present at the Public Hearing to express their opinions. as published on: 12/24/97 Published in the South County Journal December 24, 1997.4025 The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of $33.69 Legal Number 4025 L Clerk, Sot County Journal Subscribed and sworn before me on this .A day of - , 199t_ ..................1hy , Notary Public of the State of Washington • ,, • t`•` '�, nton �`c�� residiCountng in ReWashin ton cSiTary :H_ King Y. Washington 2. ;, • • • • •• • :.TERESEERMSENNIEHIOFEINRCURRENTPLANNING D1VISON AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING On the 1.91 day of • Decewl•er , 1997, I deposited in the mails of the United • States, a sealed envelope containing "eI6"M EMOAVAir 1ee0A- • • documents. This information was sent to: • .Name Representing • • • lktnes' aacce.tes • R Iskixasegi) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • (Signature of Sender) ILIALLIAL.V.... STATE OF'WASHINGTON. • ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) . • • _ I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that -5-(24-,c14.44.; eA Q2- signed this • instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voliintary act for thecVses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated: O ql -- t)16t)14:-. • 967/i-n • Notary Public i and for the StatecOlfuVVhington • Notary(Print) 1114p141kY4-1(cAMC46F—E. • • . My appointment __p _ ._ • • COMMISSION e.xia HIES ti/29199 Project Name: •, jittes st,10 lot pi _ • • Project Number LA M 91 • I1 SIPI • NOTARY.DOC 011 I Ir.Ken Patten Mr. John Patten Mr. &Mrs.Ronald Short,Jr. 1632 Aberdeen Avenue NE 1624 Aberdeen Avenue NE 2116 NE 16th St. Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 Mr. &Mrs.Ronald Leckie Mr.Melvin Readnour Ms. Jillene Cochran 1604 Aberdeen Avenue NE Ms.Zita Noll 1709 Aberdeen Avenue NE Renton,WA 98056 1701 Aberdeen Avenue NE Ms.Narda Bjczek Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 . I Mr. &Mrs.Jahnke Mr.Harold Woodin Mr. &Mrs.Thor Bostrom 1717 Aberdeen Avenue NE 1801 Aberdeen Ave.NE 1809 Aberdeen Ave.NE Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 Mr. &Mrs.David Alder Mr. &Mrs.Berle Green Ms. Julianne Vig 2819 Aberdeen Ave.NE 1831 Aberdeen Ave.NE 1833 Aberdeen Ave.NE Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 Mr.Kermit Marsalis Mr. Andy Rynning Mr.Jim Nation ,Ms. Vicki Raub 1924 Aberdeen Ave.NE 1832 Aberdeen Ave.NE 11901 Aberdeen Avenue NE Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 ,Renton,WA 98056 !Mr.Raye Holmes Ms. Cherrie Palm Ms.Joyce Stewart I1822 Aberdeen Ave.NE 1816 Aberdeen Ave.NE 1732 Aberdeen Ave.NE Renton,WA 98056 • Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 II Mr. Arthur Beckwith Mr.Wayne Otto Ms.Marie Sayre 11733 Aberdeen Ave.NE 2009 Aberdeen Ave.NE 2005 Aberdeen Ave.NE Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 Ms.Melody Blufton Mr. &Mrs.Raymond McDade Mr.Robert Hutchinson 1724 Aberdeen Ave.NE 1617 Aberdeen Ave.NE 2124 NE 16th Street Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 Resident Ms.Daun Lunz Mr. John Driscoll 2200 NE 16th St. 1617 NE Blaine Ave.NE. 1625 Blaine Ave.NE Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 Mr. &Mrs. Gary Jannusch Mr. &Mrs.Dean Westcott Mr.Bill Johnson 1'633 Blaine Ave.NE 1701 Camas Ave.NE 2302 NE 16th Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 its. Adele Howard Mr. &Mrs.Baker Resident 2117 NE 16th 1516 Aberdeen Ave.NE 1517 Aberdeen Ave.NE Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 JAN. RY.O. 1998 .......................... .......................................................... ........... .... . ............................................................................................. G • • • OUN .. OHAl11i. ::.:RS, S ON. .F OOR� R NTON MUNI IPAL BU:[ DIIV:C.;:.:>;:.; :The ap: It et n(s st d e e 1rt or r of a plica ion n to er onl end n t n : .5.,are the order m which::. .a e`discr tion :the::::e rin:at fh:..::...sCre.. n: f.th..:::H:.:a..::..g::Each[rt.n...:.. • PROJECT NAME: Austin Site Rezone PROJECT NUMBER: LUA-97-161,R,ECF • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant, Mr. Steve Kramer of Martin Smith Real Estate, has applied to rezone a 3.2 acre site from Medium Industrial (IM)to Commercial Office (CO). An existing 24,400 square foot two-story office building occupies the site. Location: 800 SW 16th Street. PROJECT NAME: Jacques Short Plat II PROJECT NUMBER: LUA-97-167,SHPL-H PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Proposal to subdivide lot into five parcels ranging in size from approximately 5,140 sq.ft. to 9,560 sq.ft. Access to the proposed parcels will be from Aberdeen Ave. NE via a private road and a shared driveway. Location: 1708 Aberdeen Avenue NE. • • AGNDA.DOC r City of Renton PUBLIC Department of Planning/Building/Public Works HEARING PRELIMINARY REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER A. SUMMARY AND PURPOSE OF REQUEST: Public Hearing Date: January 6, 1998 Project Name: Jake Short Plat#2 Applicant/ James H. Jacques • Address: 2509 Aberdeen Ave. NE Renton, WA 98056 Owner/ James H. Jacques Address: 2509 Aberdeen Ave. NE Renton, WA 98056 File Number: LUA97-167,SHPL Project Manager: Mark R. Pywell, AICP • Project Description: The applicant seeks approval of a Short Plat application to subdivide a 33,128 square foot parcel of land into five lots. The lots will range in size from 5,141 sf to 9,561 sf. The existing single family home will be retained as part of the short plat. Project Location: 1708 Aberdeen Ave. NE 1I{'I1I II, - '. �ot'',d,15 1 Sr 2,do I 96'• SS e'!f''wBW% ei 57-1o� .1,6 1, n•6e IS l"v,a ./'V'S0 en^I� „ ^I 60 I~�T511 " s S-+'a'IA-I a .",= . -N.4-.•r, _ e 20TH.,- r ,$r' -- $ I L 1 ,ra es I es 165 '1 ' 2323 De_ a -- - - _ 98 \j.1,.5.31; 60 96,3 too 10es4, I ,ze,f3s.� %nu_ ss,; ,=P Jr. „ li� k - - 333 R 7.1C0 UI �8 Z ib: I ' I. ILI 131 10I'TI SCALE. l = 200 E. �i l6- al';1 '` "" �'`; .. I — l-�_,.._I5 15516 IL.�Jr + r c _N __��_�, 0l9 -'�-- ��11 . ' ® u1 6164 ¢ro `P4 ti 1; ---, M ,-F77-__ I ^Jp'y�]y3__I 109• .2 o 19 -11 :s6r. — i444°4�1 71% a I e m13 „ , - = 1901__� 1tR7 II> _U 9 `"0 Q -'i t -�_—.I a�3 e D � I � --- - e E.a19THtiPL• '.,.2� _Ie--° znz 63 � A/I __ 2 Ds gaol- gN9aa6S Is4 zs: 3 ,• _-- • IB 6 BQ Q L� s" O /r �_ 2 I e la'�' IJ s' 3 29e • ,�' •_-3'• � �/' e Q 1 _ -.__I n e 4 „� _ 4 '� _ 4�W s ,•'n I-.i ei �12 =';4 ___Ssr1 _ 1818 N 3T•,j5�^ ',, ________ __ ___ Y� a ., 1817 t • ,(Jc 1 +:] 15'q° 25^ C�a1 :1 r� a • le o �S �/n& 5 292 •85 k.. 9 e 3t.3 ' 6 4 �����FF]]pp sm 6F...,,u -' •Ir z6e 2 a 44 I-23. --�,�'e�o-e:�9e,�I1'/ 6 215 I 2%I ^ 'IO, ,�V , IL}rTI _ "v�d-e }yr.t� • ,J__ I,3e 6.,6(.dT tet Ja ri0 • ^ ,4 r ':e- :T66a ^, ._ 1 L _� s 75'M-f I I FP'. ,tS ,I.So : E%�I-R}/ r� ^9 n a ----•• 7 • ;X BTh Ty Ie.1a•' 7 i_. 75_I_e-r-7/1 3•� a /!D era6 • I A, Ss$ %,, ; A ,r: 252_7 • gll7Te 8 9g16 y. ? 282.14 's 1� arrl�1r13 _• ';^__ I1121 9 '8 ^"� .u9 8 % •. laJ LLJJI RT ;ha 1,1 $ .B ''^^ 0 �''�a�6 LJ- -At; >_®• �j` -t',, \.� ^ &' 209 I LS .. 1. >'0i ,� 4 ISO ,VF 6,r�f'�N I 7� a y. Z 291 _5a s�xo a :" I�' na b-�`s_ 245 -r.r1-I 9 i 620 II : 4 -N'Cr� g6 ,:. 'i :Pi�r,e6TS9'" 6 JJ 29 .L. -. n d , !L` ,.,.. ., cv, • ;1� •-Kr Ilse°- _Y� 4Thi Q I9c:1 u, •• � :�'v W 6 f•« nv-i 0..1 ZQ1 i�.; k `)0g4 �.SIfi „,, 'Q e❑5 'Ii--,0 a"1 e`a ee:Slsluk 91-010 II„I„ZQ_ a x s: Sys° 4s•'32 -� I2 ;-t, �_'o tie-' i I�i 11-"' , ,o n11Q -,0Y- '''5 M �IT U 1�4 '� r- W _ '4{9n. -U I 1 -_•I' 2. .I I e -_ ' Q __U 1 SP WP-93:9_21_15t J W=816 - g'1 in ry ., �'r$ I V I I I I � 6 I -'1,--- -4LI -----r---�-;;-c�: Z •� '•19 u J .r. Q 6 ' I4 ,Z-. ' . ' I")17. --— 'm,ro• Z - ' U6 j. 2'O �265 ' ." - - '_0-- Q I Q = •,--, d 2 seo44.77 0 e—S`!' Is 6 1n! H-a . 4I3 a -6.1e�.•]!_ S6 '`\Sfle ' ,Ue I v 7 ;-Z'- ,. - , n `--I've z--1 • 1 L (.�e ,. Et ra- �e13 ••ea, •e 4,3 6 MS , 3 Del 16TH 4 ill !,3, ST ,r I N.E. 3J: i2420 } . 14152 Vl x 8I i s _ , W I `I �.-�G�� ;'IZ� '1. j `ARI __L I 11;�® l(,I ro_i -____I < I I is LJ 'In• I 11 __ r Z — I': 2�^j— , I._. 2-LV� •I, '� I-= I --- I S16 ,5 22� 2 Z � ,—rrcT-- O °1504 i I5 9`Z•I• I 12 1-- O. 0.,0 © j_ _6zvr__�W °�1i 7--- 10 Iso1 r - �19 r _ t == °Ili•.: 1 ._, Z :1 4! I'+1^ [-'�'3,�z U1 �� „ �• i I e - .,i¢i7'--' I Goo Ilae�a ,t 213 ,—0- J• ,,,�,p�18 I °9 R O IBa32 4 3,� .,6. C('s +16• '4d3, CM 15 Oo I Y-�s ,----"'--_ c[ 1 11,100 ,y, •� 41- I_14 ----- g 124 p1 1.. —__`_� lr mz30 :3z-To----'41 - I - I LJ ..B ,L� - I 3 4 Li --- --a ocl -1D 1 '''CPS 1 1-----i si Z Z=W W I 4 �'. r,..• I ' ( 4s ,5-4 ,60 d ~ ------? Q I^ 1 n 1 1 w!. Z f .'�,3a ',•_, 5 a' --13 - - I Preliminary Report to the Hearin Examiner City of Renton P/B/PW Department P ry p g :TAKE SHORT PLAT#2 LUA-97-167, SHPL PUBLIC HEARING DATE: January 6, 1997 Page 2 of 7 B. GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. Owner of Record:: James Jacques 2. Zoning Designation: R-8 3. Comprehensive Plan Residential Single Family :Land Use Designation 4. Existing Site Use: One single family home 5. Neighborhood Characteristics: North: Single Family Residential East: Single Family Residential South: Single Family Residential West: Single Family Residential 6. Access: Aberdeen Avenue NE 7. Site Area: 33,128 sf 8. Project Data: area comments Existing Building Area: N/A New Building Area: N/A Total Building Area: N/A C. HISTORICAUBACKGROUND: Action Land Use File No. Ordinance No. Date ,Annexation 1827 5/3/60 Comprehensive Plan 4498 2/20/95 Zoning 4404 6/7/93 D. PUBLIC SERVICES: 1. Utilities: Water: Existing 6"water main in Aberdeen Ave. NE Sewer: Existing 8"sewer main in Blaine Ave. NE Surface Water/Storm Water: None existing in the area. 2. Fire Protection: Renton Fire Department 3. Transit: Routes 106 & 111 on Edmonds Ave. NE HEXRPT.DOC City of Renton P/B/PW Department - Preliminary Report to the Heating Examiner - JAKE SHORT PLAT#2 LUA-97-167, SHPL PUBLIC HEARING DATE: January 6, 1997 Page 3 of 7 4. Schools: Highlands Elementary McKnight Middle School Hazen High School 5. Recreation: McKnight Middle School Play Fields Lyons Park Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park 6. Other: N/A • E. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE: 1. Section 4-31-5, Residential 8 du/acre Zone 2. Section 9-12, Subdivision Ordinance 3. Section 4-34, Street Improvements F. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: 1. Residential Single Family G. DEPARTMENT ANALYSIS: 1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION/BACKGROUND The applicant seeks to subdivide a 33,128 square foot lot into five parcels. The proposed lots will range in size from 5,141 square feet to 9,561 square feet. There is an existing house, a garage, and a small outbuilding on the subject property. The existing house will be retained and the other two buildings will be removed as part of the short plat. The applicant will need to obtain a demolition permit for the removal of the two structures. The applicant will also need to remove the deck from the side yard of the existing house as the existing deck crosses over into the adjacent proposed lot. The applicant intends to bring a sewer main from Blaine Avenue NE to serve the proposed short plat. The applicant has obtained an easement for this line where it crosses private property. A petition has been submitted regarding this project. The petition was signed by 44 people. The petition states that the 50' wide lots constitute a density far in excess of the minimum lot size presently established in this neighborhood. The signers of the petition feel that this represents a degradation of their neighborhood. The residential density allowed in this area has been established by the existing Comprehensive Plan and the Zoning. These documents were adopted by the City Council after a long public hearing process. Growth Management regulations established by the State of Washington state that the issue of density is resolved at the Comprehensive Plan level of review and not at the project review level. HEXRPT.DOC City of Renton P/B/PW Department - Preliminary Report to the Heating Examiner • 'JAKE SHORT PLAT#2 LUA-97-167, SHPL PUBLIC HEARING DATE: January 6, 1997 Page 4 of 7 The proposed short plat represents a density of 6.6 dwelling units per acre. The applicant could subdivide the property into a minimum of four lots and a maximum of six or seven lots depending on the net acreage of the lot once a public street was created. The area surrounding this property has subdivided over several years in accordance with the Codes and regulations that existed at the time that the subdivisions were approved. The majority of the lots in the adjacent area are approximately 65 to 75 feet in width. The past City zoning Code required a minimum lot width of 65' and a minimum lot size of 7,200 square feet. In June 1993, the City of Renton adopted an Interim Zoning Code that allowed a minimum lot width of 50' and a minimum lot area of 4,500 square feet for single family residential development. Subsequently the City has adopted the Zoning Code that is now enforced and maintains the same development standards. Since 1993 a number of short plats and preliminary plats have been approved in the Highlands area under the new development standards. The lots created by these subdivisions have allowed homes to be developed that are compatible with the older developments in this area. 2. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Pursuant to the City of Renton's Environmental Ordinance and SEPA (RCW 43.21C, 1971 as amended), this short plat was determined to be exempt from the Environmental Ordinance and SEPA. 3 COMPLIANCE WITH ERC MITIGATION MEASURES None. 4. STAFF REVIEW COMMENTS Representatives from various city departments have reviewed the application materials to identify and address site plan issues from the proposed development. These comments are contained in the official file, and the essence of the comments has been incorporated into the appropriate sections of this report and the Departmental Recommendation at the end of the report. 5. CONSISTENCY WITH SITE PLAN APPROVAL CRITERIA Approval of a plat is based upon several factors. The following short plat criteria have been established to assist decision makers in the review of the plat: a) Compliance with the Comprehensive Plan Designation The subject property is designated Residential Single Family on the Land Use Element Map of the Comprehensive Plan. Objective LU-J: Protect and enhance the character of Residential Single Family neighborhoods, improve opportunities for better public transportation, and make more efficient use of urban services and infrastructure. The proposed short plat will protect the character of the neighborhood. Although the lots are narrower than the existing lots in the immediate area, the lots are sized so that homes similar to those already existing in the neighborhood may be constructed. The increase in allowed density allows for more efficient use of urban services and infrastructure. HEXRPT.DOC City of Renton P/B/PW Department Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner JAKE SHORT PLAT#2 LUA-97-167, SHPL PUBLIC HEARING DATE: January 6, 1997 Page 5 of 7 Policy LU-34. Net development density of 8 dwelling units per acre should be allowed in Residential Single Family neighborhoods. The project as proposed provides a density of 6.6 units per acre. This density is within the acceptable range for a Residential Single Family Comprehensive Plan designation. The applicant could have constructed one to two more lots without exceeding the allowed density in this area. Policy LU-35. A minimum lot size of 4,500 square feet should be allowed in single family residential neighborhoods. The applicant is providing a minimum lot size of 5,302 square feet. The proposed lots are consistent with this policy. Policy-38. Infill development standards should be developed that reflect characteristics or unique features of established neighborhoods. These standards should address: 1) building height, width, and length; 2) front, side, and back yard setbacks; 3) maximum lot coverage; 4) location of driveways and garages; 5) number of garages; and 6) roofline. Building scale in single family neighborhoods should be compatible with existing development. The yard setbacks, lot coverage, and height of structures have already been established in this area through the R-8 zoning designation. The development standards will require the new homes, within this short plat, to appear similar to the existing homes. b) Compliance with the Underlying Zoning Designation The subject property is zoned Residential 8 du/acre (R-8) as is the adjacent residential neighborhood. This zone requires the construction of single family homes with 20 foot deep front and rear yards and a minimum of 5 foot deep side yards. The lots need to be a minimum of 50 feet in width and provide a minimum area of 4,500. All of the proposed lots meet these minimum requirements. c) Compliance with Subdivision Regulations Streets: No new public streets will be constructed as part of this project. A private street will be constructed along the North side of the existing lot to provide access and a utility corridor. The 20'wide paved private road will be located within a 26'wide easement as required by Code. Blocks: No new blocks are being created through this short plat. Lots: Lots in the R-8 zone are required to a minimum width of 50 feet and provide an area of at least 4,500 square feet. All of the proposed lots exceed the minimum requirements. According to the plan submitted by the applicant, the Northeast corner of Lot 3 will include the shared driveway for Lots 4 and 5. This will leave a small triangular portion of Lot 3 on the opposite side of the driveway from the remainder of Lot 3. City staff is concerned that this would become an area that could become a problem for future landowners within this short plat. It would seem more logical to locate the lot line along the southerly side of the driveway and include the shared driveway in Lot 4. This would provide a lot area of approximately 5,559.9 sf for Lot 3 and 6,307.1 sf for Lot 4. This would also allow the easement for the shared driveway to be limited to Lots 4 and 5, the two lots that will use the driveway. HEXRPT.DOC City of Renton P/B/PW Department Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner JAKE SHORT PLAT#2 LUA-97-167, SHPL PUBLIC HEARING DATE: January 6, 1997 Page 6 of 7 d) Reasonableness of Proposed Boundaries Access: Access will be provided via a private road from Aberdeen Ave. NE. It is anticipated that the project will generate approximately 10 daily trip ends per new lot. Credit would be given for the existing house that will be retained as part of the short plat. The existing roadways will be able to accept the increase in traffic. The applicant will be required to submit a Transportation Mitigation Fee of$75 per trip to offset capital improvement cost for the City's overall transportation system. The applicant will need to create easements for all of the joint use areas that include language for the maintenance of these areas. Topography: The proposed lot is fairly level. Extensive grading of the site should not be required in order to prepare the site for the construction of single family homes. Relationship to Existing Uses: Approximately 45 of the neighbors have signed a petition stating the proposed short plat is out of character with the existing neighborhood. They contend that the two 50'wide lots represent a development density that is out of character with their neighborhood. The proposed short plat will allow for the construction of four new single family homes at a density of 6.6 units to the acre. The previous developments in the adjacent area were constructed at a density of approximately 5.5 to 6 units to the acre. Staff believes that the proposed development is consistent with the existing development in the adjacent area. e) Availability and Impact on Public Services(Timeliness) Police and Fire: Police Department staff report that the proposed subdivision will have minimal impact on the provision of service to this area. Fire Department staff note that one fire hydrant capable of providing 1,000 gpm (gallons per minute) must be provided within 300 feet of the residential structures. If the size of the structure exceeds 3600 sf, the fire flow increases to 1,500 gpm and two fire hydrants must be located within 300 feet of the residence. The proposed access road is acceptable. The road must be paved and signed per City fire lane ordinance. The applicant is also required to submit a fire mitigation fee of $488 per new single family residence. The fee is to mitigate the impact to the City's ability to respond to calls for service and is used to purchase additional equipment and facilities. Recreation: There are existing recreational facilities in the general area of the subdivision. The applicant is not intending to provide any additional recreational facilities on-site to supplement the City owned facilities. It is anticipated that the residents of this subdivision will use the existing City recreation facilities and programs. The new residents will also cause an incremental need for new facilities and programs to be created. The applicant will need to submit a mitigation fee of$530.76 for each new lot that will be created. Schools: It is anticipated that the proposed subdivision will generate approximately three new students in the Renton School District. The School District has indicated that it can accept the proposed growth in the City Renton. Storm Water: There are no City storm water systems in close proximity to this site into which the applicant can connect. The applicant has submitted a drainage analysis that has been found to be acceptable. The applicant will be creating infiltration systems in accordance with the King County Surface Water Design Manual that will address the small amount of drainage water created by this site. Water and Sanitary Sewer Utilities: The subject property is located within the Aquifer Protection Zone 2. The applicant will need to comply with the applicable sections of the Aquifer Protection Ordinance. HEXRPT.DOC City of Renton P/B/PW Department Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner JAKE SHORT PLAT#2 LUA-97-167, SHPL PUBLIC HEARING DATE: January 6, 1997 Page 7 of 7 This site can be served from the 6"water main located in Aberdeen Avenue NE. The applicant will need to extend service onto each of the proposed lots. The line has sufficient capacity to serve the proposed development. The applicant intends to extend a sanitary sewer to the 8"sewer main in Blaine Ave. NE. The existing sanitary sewer main in Blaine Ave. flows towards the South. The applicant has obtained the easement that is necessary to locate the proposed sewer line on private property. H. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the Jake Short Plat#2, Project File No. LUA-97-167,SHPL subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall remove the existing garage, shack, and patio prior to recording the short plat. A demolition permit from the City of Renton is necessary for the applicant to complete this work. 2. The applicant shall submit a Transportation Mitigation fee of$75 per average daily trip (Estimate $75 X 10 trips per day X 4 new lots= $3,000.00) prior to the recording of the short plat. 3. The applicant shall submit a Fire Mitigation fee of$488 per new lot (Estimated $488 x 4 = $1,952.00) prior to the recording of the short plat. 4. The applicant shall submit a Parks Mitigation Fee of$530.76 per new lot (Estimated $530.76 X 4 = $2,123.04) prior to the recording of the short plat. 5. The applicant shall revise the short plat to place the shared driveway and the underlying property within Lot 4. This should be done by locating the common property line for Lots 3 &4 along the southwesterly side of the shared driveway. EXPIRATION PERIODS: The Short Plat approval will expire on January 20, 2000, (two years from the original approval date). An extension may be requested. HEXRPT.DOC • CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGBUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: November 26, 1997 TO: Mark Pywell rr�� FROM: Sonja J.Fesser L `� SUBJECT: Jake Short Plat No.2,LUA-97-167-SHPL Format and Legal Description Review Bob Mac Onie and I have reviewed the above referenced short plat submittal and have the following comments: Note all existing easements of record on the drawing. The similarity of this short plat name (Jake Short Plat No. 2) to Mr. Jacques' already existing "Jacques Short Plat No. 2" in the City of Renton can be confusing for those unfamiliar with his projects. There is no graphic scale shown on the drawing. Information needed for final short plat approval includes the following: Note the City of Renton land use action number (LUA-97-167-SHPL) and the city's land record number (LND-20-018) on the drawing. It would be preferable that the type size used for the land record number be smaller than that used for the land use action number. The City of Renton Hearing Examiner's approval is not needed for short plats. Remove this reference from the"APPROVALS"block. Note discrepancies between bearings and distances of record and those measured or calculated,if any. Change the"ACKNOWLEDGEMENT'and"APPROVALS"blocks'reference to"1997"if this year is no longer appropriate at the time of signing the short plat drawing. Note the basis of bearing,per WAC 332-130-050 1.b.iii. Note the date the existing monuments were visited,per WAC 332-130-050 1.f.iv. • Note that if there are restrictive covenants, agreements or easements (to the City of Renton or other third party), they can be recorded concurrently with the short plat. For easements, indicate on the drawing to whom the easement is granted. The short plat drawing and the associated document(s) are to be given to the City Clerk's office as a package. The short plat should have the first recording November 26, 1997 • - Page 2 number. The recording numbers) for the associated document(s) should be referenced on the short plat drawing in the appropriate location(s). The addresses for the proposed lots will be made available to the applicant after the preliminary review is completed. The addresses will need to be noted on the final short plat submittal. A road maintenance agreement will be needed for the driveway and utility easement. If new easments are shown for the benefit of future owners of the proposed lots, then include the following statement, juxtaposed to the subject easements: "area reserved for private exclusive easement for(water, sewer stub, gas, etc.)to be created upon the sale of the lots shown on this short plat." Since the new lots created via this short plat are under common ownership at the time of recording, there can be no easement until such time as ownership of one of the lots is conveyed to others,togther with and/or subject to specific easement rights. Also,add the following Declaration of Covenant language on the face of the subject drawing: DECLARATION OF COVENANT The owner of the land embraced within this short plat, in return for the benefits to accrue from this subdivision, by signing hereon covenants and agrees to convey the beneficial interest in the new easements shown on this short plat to any and all future purchasers of the lots, or of any subdivisions thereof This covenant shall run with the land as shown on this short plat. Fee Review Comments: The Fee Review Sheet for the preliminaryyour review is attached for use and information. i PROPEP SERVICES FEE REVIEW FOR SUBI ,,"r')NS No. 97- oG -. - -'f APPLICANT: JACcc.,U S / J,at..t:- RECEIVED FROM JOB ADDRESS: 17o8 A� date NATURE OF WORK: 5 g, �r' �1 �'v� �� W ?��Q� ❑ .PRELIMINARY REVIEW OF SUBDIVISION BY LONG PLAT .NEE M RE INFORMATION:: ❑••LEGAL.DESCRIPTION ISIO D MOR SHORT PLAT,BINDING SITE PLAN,ETC. , 0 PID//'s ❑ FINAL REVIEW OF SUBDIVISION,THIS REVIEW REPLACES 0 SQUARE FOOTAGE 0 OTHER MAP PRELIMINARY FEE REVIEW DATED ❑ FRONT FOOTAGE 121/ SUBJECT PROPERTY PARENT PID#.3.94.... 90- 16,4 t NEW KING CO. TAX AC I CT./1(s)are required when assigned by King County. It is the intent of this development fee analysis to put the developer/owner on notice,that the fees quoted below may be applicable to the subject site upon development of the property. All quoted fees are potential charges that may be due and payable at the time the construction permit is issued to install the on-site and off-site improvements(i.e.underground utilities,street improvements,etc.) Triggering mechanisms for the SDC fees will be based on current City ordinances and determined by the applicable Utility Section. Please note that these fees are subject to change without notice. Final fees will be based on rates in effect at time of Building Permit/Construction Permit application. • IN The existing house on SP Lot# 4 ,addressed as 1 'rA ,4=N t-, l u SDC fees,due to connection to City utilities prior to existance of SDC fee Ord. SP LoW has not previously paid subject to futur �. will be �,S fees if triggering mechanisms are touched within current City Ordinances. XWe understand that this subdivision is in the preliminary stage and that we will have the opportunity to review it again before recordation. The following quoted fees do NOT include inspection fees,side sewer permits,r/w-permit fees or the cost of water meters. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT I PARCEL METHOD OF ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS NO. NO. ASSESSMENT Latecomer Agreement(pvt)WATER ITS OR FEE Latecomer Agreement(pvt)WASTEWATER • —Q Latecomer Agreement(pvt)OTHER —c, — Special Assessment District/WATER _ tAi---rk>=U1 lyb,64 sAr, cT20.4 . I 1 ct * /�— Special Assessment District/WASTEWATER . . • ..,W Y ec�ll.lE� Joint Use Agreement(METRO) Local Improvement District "Q Traffic Benefit Zones •- $75.00 PER TRIP,CALCULATED BY TRANSPORTATION * — FUTURE OBLIGATIONS . I I _o SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE-WATER 0 Estimated H OF UNITS/ ❑1Pd Prey. 0 Partially Pd(Ltd Exemption) • 0 Never Pd SDC FEE Single family residential$850/unit x SQ• FTG. ' Mobile home dwelling unit$680/unit in park 43,�DO.00 Apartment,Condo$S10/unit not in CD or COR zones x Commercial/Industrial, $0.113/sq.ft.of property(not less than$850.00)x Boeing,by Special Agreement/Footprint of Bldg plus 15 ft perimeter(2,800 GPM threshold) SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE-WASTEWATER 0 Estimated 0 Pd Prey. .0 Partially Pd(Ltd Exemption) 0 Never Pd - Single family residential$585/unit x Mobile home dwelling unit$468/unit x 2,�T2 5:6e Apartment,Condo$350/unit not in CD or COR zones x Coinmercial/Industrial$0.078/sq.ft.of property x(not less than$585.00) SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE-SURFACEWATER 0 Estimated _ ❑ Pd Prey. 0 Partially Pd(Ltd Exemption) 0 Never Pd Single family residential and mobile home dwelling unit$385/unit x . All other properties$0.129sq ft of new impervious area of property x $ I,S.�O.od (not less than$385.00) pp I PRELIMINARY TOTAL $ $ 73 86,5.00 LL I a- I liZeri 2 "' Siglnatu4d of Re ill. Authority • DAT I VV . ❑ *Iflsubject property is within an LID,it is developers responsibility to check with the Finance Dept.for paid/un-paid status. El Square footage figures are taken from the King C ounty:Assessor's map and are subject to change. .' - ❑ Current City SDC fee charges apply to . 01 2 ;:/template/feeappl/tgb EFFECTIVE July 16,1995/Ord.Nos.4506,4507,4508,4525,and 4526 • a C.;'.;of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET • REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: 'Myles COMMENTS DUE: NOVEMBER 27, 1997 APPLICATION NO: LUA-97-167,SHPL-H DATE CIRCULATED: NOVEMBER 13, 1997 APPLICANT: Jim Jacques PROJECT MANAGER: MARK PYWELL PROJECT TITLE: JACQUES SHORT PLAT#2 WORK ORDER NO: 78305 LOCATION: 1708 Aberdeen Avenue NE SITE AREA: 33,128 Sq.Ft. I BUILDING AREA(gross): N/A SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant seeks to subdivide a 33,128 square foot lot into five(5)parcels ranging in size from approximately 5,140 square feet to 9,560 square feet. Access to the proposed parcels will be from Aberdeen Avenue NE via a private road and a shared driveway. II A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g.Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glana Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet • B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS 536 • 5 i • C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS II a70 _ /L0 e ( )) 1, /- We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas In which we have expertise and have Identified areas of probable Impact or areas where additional information Is ne ' properly assess this proposal. /"`t/ ///! 27 gnature of Director or Auihoiized Representative IL/ Date DEVAPP.DOC Rev.10/93 it ) • City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL &DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET Reviewing Department Transportation Comments Due:NOVEMBER 27, 1997 Application No.:LUA-97-167,SHPL-H Date Circulated:November 13, 1997 Applicant: Jim Jacques Project Manager: Mark Pywell Project Title: JACQUES SHORT PLAT#2 Work Order No: 78305 Location: 1708 Aberdeen Avenue NE Site Area: 33,128 Sq. Ft. Building Area(gross):N/A A. Environmental Impact(e.g.Non-Code) Comments No Comment. B. Policy-Related Comments No Comment. C. Code-Related Comments The site will require curb, gutter, sidewalk, driveways, street paving and street lights installed per current City of Renton Codes/Standards. A traffic mitigation fee of$75/trip which amounts to$750/lot is required. • Ae,d 44-11/6" 5— 77 Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date JJ#2 City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL &DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET Reviewing Department: Surface/Wastewater Comments Due:NOVEMBER 27, 1997 Application No.:LUA-97-167,SHPL-H Date Circulated:November 13, 1997 Applicant: Jim Jacques Project Manager: Mark Pywell Project Title: JACQUES SHORT PLAT#2 Work Order No: 78305 Location: 1708 Aberdeen Avenue NE Site Area: 33,128 Sq. Ft. Building Area(gross):N/A A. Environmental Impact(e.g.Non-Code) Comments No Comment. B. Policy-Related Comments No Comment. C. Code-Related Comments SURFACE WATER: Surface water(SDC)fee of$385/single family residence is required. The drainage system and temporary erosion control for the site shall be designed in accordance with the 1990 K.C.S.W.D.M. Surface Water: The drainage system and temporary erosion control for the site shall be designed in accordance with the 1990 K.C.S.W.D.M. as adopted by the City of Renton. WASTEWATER: Sanitary sewer main will require an extension with manholes from the existing main located in Blaine Ave. N.E. via easements to reach the site. Wastewater (SDC) fee of$585/single family residence will be required. Q7 Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date JJ#1 CITY OF. RENTON FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU I+ 41R MEMORANDUM DATE: May 28, 1997 TO: Jennifer Henning, Senior Planner FROM: Corey Thomas, Plans Review Inspector SUBJECT: Preliminary Comments for Jake Short Plat II 1. The minimum fire flow required is 1,000 gpm for dwellings up to 3,600 square feet in area...One fire hydrant is required within 300-feet of the structures. For dwellings over 3,600 square feet minimum fire flow is 1,500 gpm and a minimum of two fire hydrants within 300-feet is required. . 2. The fire mitigation fees are applicable at the rate of$488 per single family residence. This fee is payable at the time of building permit issuance. . 3. The ro osed fire access ap paratus p road is acceptable. It is required to be paved and signed per city fire lane ordinance. CT:ct Jake2 City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL &DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET Reviewing Department: Water Comments Due:NOVEMBER 27, 1997 Application No.:LUA-97-167,SHPL-H Date Circulated:November 13, 1997 Applicant:Jim Jacques Project Manager: Mark Pywell Project Title: JACQUES SHORT PLAT#2 Work Order No: 78305 Location: 1708 Aberdeen Avenue NE Site Area: 33,128 Sq. Ft. Building Area(gross):N/A A. Environmental Impact(e.g.Non-Code) Comments No Comment. B. Policy-Related Comments No Comment. C. Code-Related Comments New water main and additional fire hydrants will be required to meet current Fire Codes/Regulations. New water meters for domestic service sized to meet current UPC Standards are required. Water (SDC)fee of$850/single family residence is required. /9ao ,1-v11' /i-zc--F7 Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date JJ#3 • • EAST Ki CORNER 7 CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT Nos. SEC 5, T23N R5E W.M 1 t ' CM CONTROL AprT 369 N 0032'49-E 1 W • ' /83.52'MEAS. Z EX GANG MOST.WITH N. E. 20th STREET J, .� .; i-.3'a/A.BRASS D/sK� _ _ - N 892029"E /,322.57' _ it—- • T 1• Q N 3' GONG MOST.W/7H 777 CON-G7S-Z-/0'EWA • + 7 RTl/�lil r ;TRACT 2�3 6.4/' /3.9!' - 3'D/A BRASS DISK O MEETS WAG-332-/30-90 N 89'43'42"E 252.42' ;. • 1 • 72.00' ,io00' -- 150.00• ' - 80.42' 1 c"_ . °W - L 'A S4N/TARP SEWER LSSL/•:- -26'PRIVATE ROAD EASEMENT FOR•- o ,/ INGRESS,OGRES$2 UT/LIT/ES - -- Nt-� \ ,NORTH , H:1' 3 2OPAVED �•. f -�_' \ 20.. — - 2 Q ,� ---i— -- ---- —=1 T ILO a • ki 3 \'. ; 5,302.TS0.F7: sue- ,ss- zN`s 11 � M OWNER'S CERTIFICATE N i. M'0 \"' ""Q.Y `O 3 /,.THE UNDERSIGNED,HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I AM THE 3 _�r b `/.co OWNER IN FEE SIMPLE OF THE LAND IN THIS SHORT PLAT. •.�a ;;, a LOT 2 �\ 1'� 'XI- . �a a N An .N co W f to 38 a RES o - 6,560.9 SO.FT. 3 / ®T 7 ZO !o'— g ✓4MES H.✓QCOUES L. �j O } b . 6,564.3 S0.FT. ,,••2287' \ '� N 89'43'42"E W 4 0 900� �W o� 79.49 ��' ACKNOWLEDGMENT 1Q 2 ° m 2 -5'- I STATE OF WASHING70N W • 0� n _, COUNTY OF KING W N r I o�§a i a fs.w,l, THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT ON THIS ' DAY OF 'A.D, 5 o 0, N /99.'.fir:,i",/,,. r:;•''"7;rc-c.Ncp• 4 NOTARY PUBLIC PER- Wri + /5 -- ~ j -1- o + --� SONALLYAPPEAR£D DAMES H.dACOUES, TO ME KNOWN 70 BE FF 2 V 'LOT tt p,i THE INDIVIDUAL WHO SIGNED THE ABOVE CERTIFICATE AND EX BARABB 2`D .ACKNOWLEDGED 70 ME THAT HE SIGNED THE SAME AS HIS FREE W TO.=e REMOVER LOT W AND VOLUNTARY ACT AND DEED. CV 9,561.1 SO.F.*. �i a �� 4 ' r < , 5,141.7 S0.FT. to v"' IN WITNESS WHEREOF/HAVE HEREUNTO SET MY HAND AND 2O, 20. Y;i OFFICIAL SEAL THE DAY AND YEAR FIRST ABOVE WRITTEN. N N �02 • 224 it 3o.00• 73.82' NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF W4S 1ING70N _ -_- i 50.00' 50.00' ,.. • h 7359• RESIDING AT • i',' I 1 N 89'482I"1' 252,4/• ! I i h h • N _L I s N . • PORT/ON OF TRACT 245 ' M I CD.HILLMAN'S L IC a00151L GARDEN OF EDEN Div No.4 DESCRIPTION --- ,APPROVALS N. E. /6th STREET 7HE SOUTH%OF THE a0R..-/%OF TRACT 245, C.D.HILLMANS LAKE .1 EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS DAY OF AD. 1997 _ _ WASH/NG7UN r^.RDEN OF EDEN,DII%S/ON No. 4,AS PER PLAT RECORDED S 89 5729"E. 44. %32L86' -' ` IN VOLUME ii OF PLATS PAGE 82,RECORDS OF KING COUNTY; -/ I EXCEPT THE SOUTH/5 FEET'T REOF.SITUATE IN THE CITY OF REN7VN, LEX.CONC.MOKT.WITH E1:GONG MOST. WITH PLAY INF/BUILDRENTON-ADMINISTRATOR OF I DM.BRASS PIN 3'D/A.BRASS DISK 7 41 COUNTY KING,STATE OF W NORTH,. . PLANNING/BUILDING/PURL/C WORKS - W 2 ALL IN SECTION 5, 7UW.NSH%P 2 NORTH,RANGE 5 EAST, ii:.:: 14 EXAM/NED AND APPROVED THIS DAY OF -A.D. /997 • w10';C • AQUIFER PROTECTION NOTICE • � • �' 6 CITY OF RENTON HEARING EXAMINER • o,N . THE LOTS CREATED HEREIN FALL WITHIN ZONE 2 OF RENTON'S o co ' AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA AND ARE SUBJECT 70 THE RE- ZI Sc QUIR£MENTS OF THE CITY OF RENTON ORDINANCE No. 4367. EXAMINED AND APPROVED.THIS DAY OF .A.D. 1997 • • EX GONG MOST.W/7H "I" W THIS CITYS SOLE SOURCE OF DRINKING WATER IS SUPPLIED • 3'DIA.BRASS DISK--� I PROM A SHALLOW,.7QUIF£R UNDER THE CITY SURFACE EXTREME KING COUNTY ASSESSOR DEPUTY S.E.CORNIER I CARE SHOULD BE EXERCISED WHEN HANDLING OF ANY LIQUID SEC,s, T23N.ASS W.M SUBSTANCE OTHER THAN WATER 70 PROTECT FROM CONTACT WITH C/R CONTROL Marc.57 THE GROUND SURFACE IT IS THE HOMEOWNERS RESPONSIBILITY 70 • PROTECT THE CITY'S DRINKING WATER. NE. k4, S.E. i4, SEC. 5, T. 23 N., R. 5 E., W M iB"' '- "' KENNETH J. OYLER, C.E.6 L.S. f 425/ 255 5050 RECORDING CERTIFICATE SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE '-+/c� i.`, P.O.BOX 2258 RENTON, WASHINGTON 98056 . w.:.L"-..\ I FILED FOR RECORD THISL____...DAY OF AO.AT .M.. PHIS MAP CORRECTLY REPRESENTS A SURVEY.MADE BE ME OR UNDER d r 4 . \ /N BOOK ____.OF SURVEYS, ON PAGE AT THE REOU£ST MY DIRECT/ON IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE i Yam ;tit `A • JAKE SHORT PLA T No. 2 OF KENNETH✓. OYLER. SURVEY RECORDING ACT AT THE REQUEST OF✓IM✓ACQUES IN 3'^ `4P• J p . OCT. /997. \� o,' '! i( mp..UUDSV MANAGER SUPERINTENDENT OF RECORDS "`'e` f.5 `., eNmdE.5 316 41 OCT.22 1997 I •_i"REBAR/CAP JOB No. ER17k1 o.5524 =-+�`� SCALE: /=-20' I OR AS SHOWN 97002 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON HEARING EXAMINER RENTON, WASHINGTON A Public Hearing will be held by the Renton Hearing Examiner at his regular meeting in the Council Chambers on the second floor of City Hall, Renton, Washington, on January 06, 1998 at 9:00 AM to consider the following petitions: JACQUES SHORT PLAT LUA-97-167,SHPL-H Proposal to subdivide lot into five parcels ranging in size from approximately 5,140 sq.ft. to 9,560 sq.ft. Access to the proposed parcels will be from Aberdeen Ave. NE via a private road and a shared driveway. Location: 1708 Aberdeen Avenue NE Legal descriptions of the files noted above are on file in the Development Services Division, Third Floor, Municipal Building, Renton. All interested persons are invited to be present at the Public Hearing to express their opinions. Publication Date: DECEMBER 24, 1997 Account No. 51067 HEXPUB.DOC 1 I ilo"ricE , . , . • 1. 1U f, �i 1 .ep.c., N CITY OF RENTON HEARING EXAMINER _ WILL HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING *REVISED DATE* IN • CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL • ON JANUARY 06, 1998, BEGINNING AT 9:00 AM CONCERNING: JACQUES SHORT PLAT LUA-97-167,SHPL-A The applicant,Jim Jacques,seeks to subdivide a 33,128.square foot lot into five(5)parcels ranging in size from approximately 5,140 square feet-to 9,560 square feet. Access to the proposed parcels `will be from Aberdeen Avenue NE via a private road and a shared driveway. i • GENERAL LOCATION AND/OR ADDRESS: 1708 Aberdeen Avenue NE • .I' ,,a 2 , ' ,.,.Pet•-• "m .__=Ni .ar a.,-• .1 �: ° C:2 245 e5m IJ ¢(^J ., ' ' "µx;''.'�`''� •'}µ"AB. -SITE . ¢ ti:, . .ri=`•=l.'- . �'•, :fJ1 "Ise, _ 1 :II. - �E..::�.; dw • ;�'Q L 2 ` r :f•�DI�gr+m`3'st N.E. —` 16TH ST. , • ' 4.0.--266�'f]n_ •:©W p ..,.i,..1 -. •la' 226 1 f�w4 . • Z FOR FURTHER INFORMATION,PLEASE CONTACT THE CITY OF RENTON,DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION AT 235-2550. • DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION 1 .',- Please`.Include;the project NUMBERwhen calling for prgpetfle,Identification.';,.-,•: '�:. CERTIFICATION I, • �/ ( Mjn/vlrl • , hereby certify that G copies of the above document • were posted by me in to conspicuous places on or nearby the described property on • •z6,t'I?En Pc �/ 1917 • Signed: : • L,,? f/:r., STATE OF WASHINGTON ) • SS ` COUNTY--OF KING ) , • •:i• certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that`P?a,ZZ. . .-signed;this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and'purposes mentioned in the instrument. 1 Notary Pub I in and for the Stale Washington • Notary (Print)MAI YRR MCHEFF My appointmeiegtores EXPIRES 6/29199 NOTARY-DCC O u 'f.+ I ICFIE CITY OF RENTON HEARING EXAMINER WILL HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING *REVISED DATE* IN CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL ON JANUARY 06, 1998, BEGINNING AT 9:00 AM CONCERNING : • JACQUES SHORT PLAT LUA-97-167,SHPL-A The applicant, Jim Jacques, seeks to subdivide a 33,128 square foot lot into five (5) parcels ranging in size from approximately 5,140 square feet to 9,560 square feet. Access to the proposed parcels will be from Aberdeen Avenue NE via a private road and a shared driveway. GENERAL LOCATION AND/OR ADDRESS: 1708 Aberdeen Avenue NE '7W�..r.,.� JJI'•Z,T IR?h • � J,•.'1_ ._^I'^I': , • 1916 r •�(- / r 7 !e 2 ° : . .eon 44 1.123 1 23 215 ^ .Il — 12N.4j8Th ST '.i r.' ' 'e`` s'Z �245 tkinr" Q _ SITE > _�' `�a, W TOL. wa 1 n • r __ cn f.F ; ..., >• ,;'{:, +•'2� Q :_Irtia Jr{ 16 2 7 N -al oi; N.E. 16TH ST. ° . __cn o -2[6p6 ,.Z i _ 228 •3' fj"i-,3 • O ul: O . :; n 1 1 __ ' °;.213 u a N , � r �j rloo. ' 'f n,' , :e 3,• �1 a s [A ' •ti. • FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT THE CITY OF RENTON, DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION AT 235-2550. DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION project.N MBER'when callin .for:' ro' e.r:file::identification: :s':€a::;:::>:>€:::.:.<: PROJECT NUMBER / NAME LUA-97-167,SHPL-H / JACQUES SHORT PLAT #2 We the undersigned, neighbors of the subject short plat are opposed to the present application. Lots only 50' wide constitutes a density far in excess of the minimum lot size presently established in this community. This represents a degradation of the community. We request that the short plat be redesigned to alleviate this problem. RECEIVED DEC o 9 1997 DEVELOPMENT PLANNING Name Address Phone CITY OF RENTON I _ A-7 Li.15-73"aZ.e3 - /a,ri . Y6'a Md d / 4d01' `IZ. 2 GSrles FAR Ts. - r.R ZI (4 )271� is '& * /3e,iy e e' iO e y y ' v - yam D ei3A,4r0L." .1791 /94e toe it) ,4ve- yE oZS-ass-AA/ �L 173 Ala LLL i /, /, l_ 1 /709 hee. I `IiG- 27i-40I2 kktt 3/cze e nen ag--�, r 711 aL- 4,1-5 -7/-•6 Lk, Sri upc 6A (t 4A62 -a:Revv E Ulc_ L (,7 Tom. I661 �fr 1 4 2..7I ' 06Z a/4 Ozio— uudaki S a.G 4/a 5-a-.X-22-( C ee c� r famik oksj2k 16 N 4(Pili-i/n Avfii %OS— 2.6 A 7 � ( Name Address Phone Kiir Mg -1c /qv 4o NE t=Tss� 17/&/z/ /0 -b-rs 12 d 1 /4I-E72h Av. ,rt'E'. �2 1108V ��/A)$ r 901V 6A0 , . � - 1/ b 31 �- fri 0 I iYl Q 4heey(fe Atte .4J 2? ra,• - \ °1 173a , l-Nere/een At ry Q77- 9 6)6, ire. ,oD? eel') ;,4 Pi. 7'7..- to ,g14-�1(2,6 1 p G Aue7�- Me(Mdy 4, 614 i 2, 19-e e er Aver IV,1 aou-ogoa .c.� /4 7 , 5S' I/ 732 .2124- .gaMttSt 47 226-094/ ( - a :c -p ac,Thoo si (9)/ vl u,0 A/E Bkigiu Ave. A 0/ )1 3 kik $� t /G z5- 6 .�: .���ti c.�35-7(-13 6 � f -01# ; :011-(k 1(02.1)%01/10 LV,1 Ow- cO-cao 16›3 6,-( e tik AiS "ezc1 (( e 55 't ,sdifeiti 170\ C- ram t1 , & , `� G A6 - i'` /7 6 t C'. , c /J�. 12e..4.. .. ea s.' ,X30z ,114/6 -- Rotion ??6,55 -a((' 0/>f f ,//2/ve /‘7'4 ,/6 ,,fo4/ =co 9 Z24tAE 4 iriA 151 Lv 14h9:17dep yl. 2SS7/ tr1 ,21 (5/1 �t� gpo >6-0R35 l 9-47 „ by CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGBUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: November 26, 1997 TO: Mark Pywell rr�� FROM: Sonja J.Fesser )`� SUBJECT: Jake Short Plat No.2,LUA-97-167-SHPL Format and Legal Description Review Bob Mac Onie and I have reviewed the above referenced short plat submittal and have the following comments: Note all existing easements of record on the drawing. The similarity of this short plat name (Jake Short Plat No. 2) to Mr. Jacques' already existing "Jacques Short Plat No. 2” in the City of Renton can be confusing for those unfamiliar with his projects. There is no graphic scale shown on the drawing. Information needed for final short plat approval includes the following: Note the City of Renton land use action number (LUA-97-167-SHPL) and the city's land record number (LND-20-018) on the drawing. It would be preferable that the type size used for the land record number be smaller than that used for the land use action number. The City of Renton Hearing Examiner's approval is not needed for short plats. Remove this reference from the"APPROVALS"block. Note discrepancies between bearings and distances of record and those measured or calculated, if any. Change the"ACKNOWLEDGEMENT"and"APPROVALS"blocks'reference to"1997"if this year is no longer appropriate at the time of signing the short plat drawing. Note the basis of bearing,per WAC 332-130-050 1.b.iii. Note the date the existing monuments were visited,per WAC 332-130-050 1.f.iv. Note that if there are restrictive covenants, agreements or easements (to the City of Renton or other third party), they can be recorded concurrently with the short plat. For easements, indicate on the drawing to whom the easement is granted. The short plat drawing and the associated document(s) are to be given to the City Clerk's office as a package. The short plat should have the first recording November 26, 1997 Page 2 number. The recording number(s) for the associated document(s) should be referenced on the short plat drawing in the appropriate location(s). The addresses for the proposed lots will be made available to the applicant after the preliminary review is completed. The addresses will need to be noted on the final short plat submittal. A road maintenance agreement will be needed for the driveway and utility easement. If new easments are shown for the benefit of future owners of the proposed lots, then include the following statement, juxtaposed to the subject easements: "area reserved for private exclusive easement for(water, sewer stub, gas, etc.)to be created upon the sale of the lots shown on this short plat." Since the new lots created via this short plat are under common ownership at the time of recording, there can be no easement until such time as ownership of one of the lots is conveyed to others,togther with and/or subject to specific easement rights. Also, add the following Declaration of Covenant language on the face of the subject drawing: DECLARATION OF COVENANT The owner of the land embraced within this short plat, in return for the benefits to accrue from this subdivision, by signing hereon covenants and agrees to convey the beneficial interest in the new easements shown on this short plat to any and all future purchasers of the lots, or of any subdivisions thereof This covenant shall run with the land as shown on this short plat. Fee Review Comments: The Fee Review Sheet for the preliminary review is attached for your use and information. • PROPEL SERVICES FEE REVIEW FOR SUB ISIONS No. 97-a�3 APPLICANT: JAc4,Us / ' RECEIVED FROM date) JOB ADDRESS: I'708 A 3E -k I 4U - II� WO# ,.7f3 j NATURE OF WORK: 5 l j- SHa 'PLAT(JA. A-lc r LJO.Z) LND# ?_O-Qom) 0 .PRELIMINARY REVIEW.OF SUBDIVISION BY LONG PLAT, NEED MORE INFORMATION: ❑-LEGAL DESCRIPTION SHORT PLAT,BINDING SITE PLAN,ETC. ❑ PID#'s 0 VICINITY MAP 0 FINAL REVIEW OF SUBDIVISION,THIS REVIEW REPLACES 0 SQUARE FOOTAGE 0 OTHER PRELIMINARY FEE REVIEW DATED ❑1 /FRONT FOOTAGE E1/ SUBJECT PROPERTY PARENT PID#_3. . [9' NEW KING CO. TAX ACCT.#(s)are required when assigned by King County. It is the intent of this development fee analysis to put the developer/owner on notice,that the fees quoted below may be applicable to the subject site upon development of the property. All quoted fees am potential charges that may be due and payable at the time the construction permit is issued to install the on-site and off-site improvements(i.e.underground utilities,street improvements,etc.) Triggering mechanisms for the SDC fees will be based on current City ordinances and determined by the applicable Utility Section. Please note that these fees are subject to change without notice. Final fees will be based on rates in effect at time of Building Permit/Construction Permit application. IN The existing house on SP Lot# 1 ,addressed as 116,01 � �- � d,UE has not previously paid C' ' SDC fees,due to connection to City utilities prior to existance of SDC fee Ord. SP Lot# will be subject to futur afe fees if triggering mechanisms are touched within current City Ordinances. We understand that this subdivision is in the preliminary stage and that we will have the opportunity to review it again before recordation. The following quoted fees do NOT include inspection fees,side sewer permits,r/w-permit fees or the cost of water meters. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT PARCEL METHOD OF ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS NO. NO. ASSESSMENT UNITS OR FEE Latecomer Agreement(pvt)WATER -Cr Latecomer Agreement(pvt)WASTEWATER _0 - Latecomer Agreement(pvt)OTHER _O Special Assessment District/WATER /o- Ui y k>I-41Y1:444— SAID 4:32o4 119 � exl.11.8-�1 LiC �!E Special Assessment District/WASTEWATER Joint Use Agreement(METRO) _a- Local Improvement District * _0 - Traffic Benefit Zones $75.00 PER TRIP,CALCULATED BY TRANSPORTATION -0- FUTURE OBLIGATIONS _0 SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE-WATER 0 Estimated #OF UNITS/ SDC FEE 0 Pd Prey. 0 Partially Pd (Ltd Exemption) ❑ Never Pd SQ. FTG. Single family residential$850/unit x 3,4oa.o0 Mobile home dwelling unit$680/unit in park Apartment,Condo$510/unit not in CD or COR zones x Commercial/Industrial, $0.113/sq. ft.of property(not less than$850.00)x _ Boeing,by Special Agreement/Footprint of Bldg plus 15 ft perimeter(2,800 GPM threshold) SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE-WASTEWATER 0 Estimated ❑ Pd Prey. .0 Partially Pd (Ltd Exemption) 0 Never Pd Single family residential$585/unit x 5 ' Z,C 5 00 Mobile home dwelling unit$468/unit x Apartment,Condo$350/unit not in CD or COR zones x Commercial/Industrial$0.078/sq.ft.of property x(not less than$585.00) SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE-SURFACEWATER ❑ Estimated ❑ Pd Prey. 0 Partially Pd(Ltd Exemption) 0 Never Pd Single family residential and mobile home dwelling unit$385/unit x •4 6 I ,54o.oe All other properties$0.129sq ft of new impervious area of property x (not less than$385.00) 1 PRELIMINARY TOTAL $ $ 7,8C'5.CO LcA//'�j�a) t fpnFJt� I Signattxfe!of Re Sic Authority DATIE' ❑ *If subject property is within an LID,it is developers responsibility to check with the Finance Dept. for paid/un-paid status. ❑ Square footage figures are taken from the King County Assessor's map and are subject to change. Oi ❑ Current City SDC fee charges apply to c:/template/feeappl/tgb EFFECTIVE July 16,1995/Ord.Nos.4506,4507,4508,4525,and 4526 Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, WA 98055-2189 Title: UTILITIES EASEMENT Property Tax Parcel Number: 6 8 8 2 2 0—0 2 5 0 Project File#: Street Intersection or Project Name:B l a ine Ave NE & NE 16th St Reference Number(s)of Documents assigned or released: Additional reference numbers are on page Grantor(s)__ ,: ,,.--- Grantee(s): 1. City of Renton,a Municipal Corporation Additional-legali b pan g of document. (Abbreviated legal description MUST go here.) LEGAL DESCRIPTION: The north 10 feet of Lot 25 of Powell's 1st Addition as recorded in Vol. 84 of Plats, Pg. 3, records of King County, Washington. All situated in Section 5, TWP. 23 N. , R.5E, W.M. • • • RECEIVED H:\FILE.SYS\FRM\03EASEMN\0013.DOC\ Page 1 , FORM 03 0o13/bh/CA2-21-97 NOV lO 1997 DEVEL OPMENT PLANNING CITY OF R!NTON That said Grantor(s), for and in consideration of mutual benefits, do by these presents,grant, bargain, sell, convey, and warrants unto the said Grantee, its successors and assigns, an easement for public utilities (including water,wastewater, and surface water)with necessary appurtenances over, under,through,across and upon the following described property(the right-of-way) in King County, Washington,more particularly described on page 1. (or if full legal is not on page 1--Exhibit A.) For the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, installing,repairing,replacing,enlarging,operating and maintaining utilities and utility pipelines, including,but not limited to,water,sewer and storm drainage lines, together with the right of ingress and egress thereto without prior institution of any suit or proceedings of law and without incurring any legal obligation or liability therefor. Following the initial construction of its facilities, Grantee may from time to time construct such additional facilities as it may require. This easement is granted subject to the following terms and conditions: I. The Grantee shall, upon completion of any work within the property covered by the easement, restore the surface of the easement,and any private improvements disturbed or destroyed during execution of the work, as nearly as practicable to the condition they were in immediately before commencement of the work or entry by the Grantee. 2. Grantor shall retain the right to use the surface of the easement as long as such use does not interfere with the easement rights granted to the Grantee. Grantor shall not,however, have the right to: a. Erect or maintain any new buildings or structures within the easement(existing 8' x 10' shed may remain);or b. Plant trees,shrubs or vegetation having deep root patterns which may cause damage to or interfere with the utilities to be placed within the easement by the Grantee; or c. Develop, landscape,or beautify the easement area in any way which would unreasonably increase the costs to the Grantee of restoring the easement area and any private improvements therein. d. Dig, tunnel or perform other forms of construction activities on the property which would disturb the compaction or unearth Grantee's facilities on the right-of-way, or endanger the lateral support facilities. e. Blast within fifteen(15)feet of the right-of-way. This easement shall run with the land described herein,and shall be binding upon the parties,their heirs, successors in interest and assigns. Grantors covenant that they are the lawful owners of the above properties and that they have a good and lawful right to execute this agreement. By this conveyance, Grantor will warrant and defend the sale hereby made unto the Grantee against all and every person or persons,whomsoever, lawfully claiming or to claim the same. This conveyance shall bind the heirs,executors, administrators and assigns forever. H:\FILE.SYS\FRM\03EASEMN\00I3.DOC\ Page 2 FORM 03 0013/bh/CA2-21-97 Form 84 0001/bh IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand and seal day and year written ow. 0( ,2,11(t cloymuceiN . C. a D I$S £JRi\/tily%/L} ./(A/1.a zi • INDIVIDUAL FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT Notary Seal must be within box STATE OF WASHINGTON )ss ZFl:rc N LiSCA COUNTY OF KING I certify that I know or have satisfactory �f evidence that 1 ,{' j>ti LSE:- C— \CAA(14 U.S • signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and oluntary ac e uses and purposes men ione in the instrument -12 otary Public in and for the State f Washington Notary(Print) L Q c F-R_C C--tar My appointment expires: ( - - �r Dated: /0 ...... 2-�_— ' REPRESENTATIVE FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT Notary Seal must be within box STATE OF WASHINGTON )ss COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that signed this instrument,on oath stated that he/she/they was/were authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the and of to be the free and voluntary act of such party/parties for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary(Print) My appointment expires: Dated: CORPORATE FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT Notary Seal must be within box STATE OF WASHINGTON )ss COUNTY OF KING On this day of , 19 ,before me personally appeared to me known to be of the corporation that executed the within instrument,and acknowledge the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation,for the uses and purposes therein mentioned,and each on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary(Print) My appointment expires: Dated: - EXHIBIT"A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION (Must be stamped by a P.E.or L.S.) it See Page 1. 1I i II H:\FORMS\KCRECORD\EASEMENT.DOC\ Page 4 g FORM 03 0000/bh/CA2-2 1-97 .. • Ma. E. .'.' YAfaver...+ , yC N R•� tt 0, ; ,, 1r,� N .,. , ;:: . ----- 1 I SCALE: /".;O' I 1 .N 89'28,35" W r _ --3_0- .00' \ h`- 96.00' 1 z IO' SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT T r W LOT 25 W W{ W N o POWELL'S 1st ADD. Zro N O O Er.") Q 1 . . 1 - ' 96 0' fi 1 N 89'26 35" V/ [X) •.,,,.... ;;tip 11 r 'C ='� ,� ,1. z1 1. 4 I Cr f, ANAL LAw� :l EXPIRE.S:3/6/Qq ti. /` ',,, NE. /6fh STREET H:\FORMS\KCRECORD\EASEMENT.DOC\ Page 5 FORM 03 0000/bh/CA2-21-97 City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/%Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: "P&vV..S COMMENTS DUE: NOVEMBER 27, 1997 APPLICATION NO: LUA-97-167,SHPL-H DATE CIRCULATED: NOVEMBER 13, 1997 APPLICANT: Jim Jacques PROJECT MANAGER: MARK PYWELL PROJECT TITLE: JACQUES SHORT PLAT#2 WORK ORDER NO: 78305 • LOCATION: 1708 Aberdeen Avenue NE SITE AREA: 33,128 Sq.Ft. I BUILDING AREA(gross): N/A SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant seeks to subdivide a 33,128 square foot lot into five(5) parcels ranging in size from approximately 5,140 square feet to 9,560 square feet. Access to the proposed parcels will be from Aberdeen Avenue NE via a private road and a shared driveway. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g.Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Infonnation Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts impacts Necessary Earth Housing • Air Aesthetics Water Ught/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Histodc/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet Gee , a� � /'i�' B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS • C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS CZA-Q_:dto >G /1( We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable Impact or areas where additional information Is ne,ps dd-t.,properly assess this proposal. 4/1/ //// 722 gnature of Director or A 10 ed Representative Date DEVAPP.DOC Rev.10/93 City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL &DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ReviewingDepartmentTransportation Trans ortation Comments Due:NOVEMBER 27, 1997 Application No.:LUA-97-167,SHPL-H Date Circulated:November 13, 1997 Applicant: Jim Jacques Project Manager: Mark Pywell Project Title: JACQUES SHORT PLAT#2 Work Order No: 78305 Location: 1708 Aberdeen Avenue NE Site Area: 33,128 Sq. Ft. Building Area(gross):N/A A. Environmental Impact(e.g.Non-Code)Comments I , No Comment. B. Policy-Related Comments No Comment. C. Code-Related Comments The site will require curb, gutter, sidewalk, driveways, street paving and street lights installed per current City of Renton Codes/Standards. A traffic mitigation fee of$75/trip which amounts to$750/lot is required. eez,wareriA -Z 3- 7 7 Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date JJ#2 • City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL &DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET Reviewing Department: Surface/Wastewater Comments Due:NOVEMBER 27, 1997 Application No.:LUA-97-167,SHPL-H Date Circulated:November 13, 1997 Applicant: Jim Jacques Project Manager: Mark Pywell Project Title: JACQUES SHORT PLAT#2 Work Order No: 78305 Location: 1708 Aberdeen Avenue NE Site Area: 33,128 Sq. Ft. Building Area(gross):N/A A. Environmental Impact(e.g.Non-Code)Comments No Comment. B. Policy-Related Comments No Comment. C. Code-Related Comments SURFACE WATER: Surface water(SDC) fee of$385/single family residence is required. The drainage system and temporary erosion control for the site shall be designed in accordance with the 1990 K.C.S.W.D.M. Surface Water: The drainage system and temporary erosion control for the site shall be designed in accordance with the 1990 K.C.S.W.D.M. as adopted by the City of Renton. WASTEWATER: Sanitary sewer main will require an extension with manholes from the existing main located in Blaine Ave. N.E. via easements to reach the site. Wastewater (SDC) fee of $585/single family residence will be required. 177 Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date JJ#1 Cityof Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works P ENVIRONMENTAL &DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET Reviewing Department:artment: Water Comments Due:NOVEMBER 27, 1997 Application No.:LUA-97-167,SHPL-H Date Circulated:November 13, 1997 Applicant: Jim Jacques Project Manager: Mark Pywell Project Title: JACQUES SHORT PLAT#2 Work Order No: 78305 Location: 1708 Aberdeen Avenue NE Site Area: 33,128 Sq. Ft. Building Area(gross):N/A A. Environmental Impact(e.g.Non-Code)Comments • No Comment. B. Policy-Related Comments No Comment. C. Code-Related Comments New water main and additional fire hydrants will be required to meet current Fire Codes/Regulations. New water meters for domestic service sized to meet current UPC Standards are required. Water (SDC)fee of$850/single family residence is required. l f i Z3—57 Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date JJ#3 • r City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works • ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: 701 ice. COMMENTS DUE: NOVEMBER 27, 1997 APPLICATION NO: LUA-97-167,SHPL-H DATE CIRCULATED: NOVEMBER 13, 1997 APPLICANT: Jim Jacques PROJECT MANAGER: MARK PYWELL PROJECT TITLE: JACQUES SHORT PLAT#2 WORK ORDER NO: 78305 • LOCATION: 1708 Aberdeen Avenue NE SITE AREA: 33,128 Sq.Ft. I BUILDING AREA(gross): N/A SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant seeks to subdivide a 33,128 square foot lot into five(5)parcels ranging in size from approximately 5,140 square feet to 9,560 square feet. Access to the proposed parcels will be from Aberdeen Avenue NE via a private road and a shared driveway. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g.Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics _ Water , Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities _ Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services .-- Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet 772G/u in )001 r cx, udehUi ci_Ad) , B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS • C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS ` • We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to pr arty assess this proposal. nr//.P , rzAtoi ///2— 27 Sign ure of Director or Authorized Representative Date DEVAPP.DOC Rev.10/93 • City of Renton Department of Planning/Building i rublic Works • ENVIRONMENTAL it DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: OnntY14(410% COMMENTS DUE: NOVEMBER 27, 1997 APPLICATION NO: LUA-97-167,SHPL-H DATE CIRCULATED: NOVEMBER 13,4MY OF RENTON APPLICANT: Jim Jacques PROJECT MANAGER: MARK PYWELL PROJECT TITLE: JACQUES SHORT PLAT#2 WORK ORDER NO: 78305 NOV w fl 1997 LOCATION: 1708 Aberdeen Avenue NE _ —, SITE AREA: 33,128 Sq.Ft. BUILDING AREA(gross): N/A SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant seeks to subdivide a 33,128 square foot lot into five(5)parcels ranging in size from approximately 5,140 square feet to 9,560 square feet. Access to the proposed parcels will be from Aberdeen Avenue NE via a private road and a shared driveway. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g.Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable. Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Alr Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/- Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS • • NO life C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS • c We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where ad Nona!Information Is needed to properly assess this proposal. // ilf7?.�f /// nature of Dire r or Authorized Represen ve Date EVAPP.DOC Rev.10/93 . E ' City of Renton Department of Planning/Building rublic Works • ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: Rye 1V /(,{/1ii COMMENTS DUE: NOVEMBER 27, 1997 APPLICATION NO: LUA-97-167,SHPL-H DATE CIRCULATED: NOVEMBER 13, 1997 APPLICANT: Jim Jacques PROJECT MANAGER: MARK PYWELL PROJECT TITLE: JACQUES SHORT PLAT#2 WORK ORDER NO: 78305 LOCATION: 1708 Aberdeen Avenue NE SITE AREA: 33,128 Sq.Ft. I BUILDING AREA(gross): N/A SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant seeks to subdivide a 33,128 square foot lot into five(5)parcels ranging in size from approximately 5,140 square feet to 9,560 square feet. Access to the proposed parcels will be from Aberdeen Avenue NE via a private road and a shared driveway. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g.Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major information Environment Minor Major Information impacts impacts Necessary Impacts impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Llght/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic./Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet Al0 Al'e-k • B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS i . C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS dAige—e/Le-c5e ) 2-32/9 7 • We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable Impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. 02 711-e l,Zt.A It i/ 0/7 ! Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date DEVAPP.DOC Rev.10/93 �Y CITY OF RENTON ���► �� FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU MEMORANDUM �'N`rOY DATE: May 28, 1997 TO: Jennifer Henning, Senior Planner FROM: Corey Thomas, Plans Review Inspector SUBJECT: Preliminary Comments for Jake Short Plat II 1. The minimum fire flow required is 1,000 m for dwellings up to 3,600 square feet in area. One fire hydrant is required within300-feet of the structures. For dwellings over 3,600 square feet minimum fire flow is 1,500 gpm and a minimum of two fire hydrants within 300-feet is required. 2. The fire mitigation fees are applicable at the rate of$488 per single family residence. This fee is payable at the time of building permit issuance. 3. The proposed fire access apparatus road is acceptable. It is required to be paved and signed per city fire lane ordinance. CT:ct Jake2 III • �. NT°� NOTICE OF APPLICATION . -• PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS • DATE: NOVEMBER 13, 1997 A Short Plat Application has been filed and accepted with the Development Services Division of the City of-Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. PROJECT NUMBER/NAME: LUA-97-167,SHPL-H / JACQUES SHORT PLAT#2 1 DESCRIPTION: The applicant,Jim Jacques,seeks to subdivide a 33,128 square foot lot into five (5) parcels ranging in size from approximately 5,140 square feet to 9,560 square feet. Access to the proposed parcels will be from Aberdeen Avenue NE via a private road and a shared driveway. GENERAL LOCATION: 1708 Aberdeen Avenue NE STUDIES REQUIRED/OR AVAILABLE: N/A PUBLIC APPROVALS: Short Plat Approval Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing to Mr.Mark R.Pywell,AICP,Project Manager, Development Services Division,200 Mill Avenue South,Renton,WA 98055,by 5:00 PM on o% R.7,94/This matter is also scheduled.for a public hearing on December 9,1997 at 9:00 AM,Council Chambers,Second Fl6or Municipal • Building,'200 Mill Ave.:South. If you are interested in attending the hearing;please contact,the Development Services Division,i27:7-5582,'to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled. If comments cannot.be_submitted in writing by I • ' the date indicated above,you,may still appear at,ttie hearing and present your comments(on the proposal before the Hearing Examiner(or BOA).If you have questions about-this proposal;or wish to,be made a party of record and receive additional information•by mail,:contact Mr.Pywell,at 277=5586:.;Anyone whorsubmits written comments will automatically become;a party of record,and will be notified of any decision on this project:.,,?- ; : -, • PLEASE INCLUDE THE.PROJECT-NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION DATE OF APPLICATION: NOVEMBER 10,1997 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: NOVEMBER 13,1997 . DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: NOVEMBER 13,1997 r ' r•• •• :..ter 1 L t., jrt e} 2 -' . eon- 44 L: ,25 -I` � /.. 215 s. _ • 4i N' 26:l a `t.!.nil ., �-_ ' D ---,P7T.4F BTH 7 a` ,`;..;'.1 "t is •_, N.04n ` SS y. �p+�U @ _. !!7 s !�r7 2,� � � B . � �.•�r9 B , y..0 . . r :.i w ''a _ SITE tti Q 19.:: ■ LJ ".ly_'' W : 6 I Y265 ', rt L' Q. -' v - o '1:. '„;; ' (.•N:;E:t as)i 'fb:Of::./6TH .;a'.:>,' ..;$T.-.;:: , _• c!' . .. .., .. ,• -- �� r'� ��o 1 •,3r• nde '� 0 : � :. 2 ,o, •::7 � , D- : °,,'213 --o.-- u 4 (r(P ti! Da .17 �1. aS In _1 45 .5 1a,r to d_ ' J C I _ Li ' R..-Z jL• ,,/ % GENMALOT.DOC , . ..-,,. ,-, . ,"sr-' 1 'I I 1 1 I I I 1 I I !)I 1 ] I I I I! Hil HI li ii 1111 1 • 1 133 3,3 I i. Islet s e :., s s . slit 33: 31 11 1313 1 " . c . . :: .. e ..... .1.,• = . , l , . .• . I ‘. ... _ ..., ,. . 1 • _,.. . CiTV OF IIENTION Development Services Division 200 PAill Avenue South Renton,Washington 98055 ., -''''" A . ... -- --.rii-Olgek,i'AX,. ---. ...T., 4 Ird V \ *- 110Y 1 319 T pe;P 4-t.q - 032 _ : . 1 P13 METER , to 1 , ', ' • -',: 71.555,A'. '! 11- "5:r-4-Q ; . ' - - — 1 Isaac & Gwili Blufton 1724 Aberdeen Ave NE I , Renton WA 98056 _ - -----------.- .1 BLUF724* 900563034 1A96 20 11/17/97 FORWARD TIME EXP RTN TO SEND BLUFTON'GWILI E ''''''A77'.`", i 160SB S BROOK CT 11 1.:i 1:: t j 17- i'1 i •,-•••':-••••••- ,1: ey, "41 \ " " Y OR R7045-9204 — I i. v 'C,•• h ,•..:,;,••,,,....,,,,;/ - ; 81 At ItS 1 31 : I Lod A i i • i ' i ii i • " • i , i• - LIN Pi 1 i• -------' ------------ ,_2. iii , i 1;1.1::hillini.::"1. 1•••!..•1 ..1} . 1 __ 1 . . Otis O� ..). • • NOTICE OF APPLICATION . PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS • ! DATE: NOVEMBER 13, 1997 . 1 A Short Plat Application has been filed and accepted with the Development Services Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. PROJECT NUMBER/NAME: LUA-97-167,SHPL-H / JACQUES SHORT PLAT#2 DESCRIPTION: The applicant,Jim Jacques,seeks to subdivide a 33,128 square foot lot into five 1 (5) parcels ranging in size from approximately 5,140 square feet to 9,560 square feet. Access to the proposed parcels will be from Aberdeen Avenue NE via a private road and a shared driveway. GENERAL LOCATION: 1708 Aberdeen Avenue NE • STUDIES REQUIRED/OR , AVAILABLE: N/A PUBLIC APPROVALS: Short Plat Approval Comments on the above application must be submitted in writingto Mr.Mark R.P pp ywell;AICP,Project Manager, Development Services Division,200 Mill Avenue South,Renton,WA 98055,by 5:00 PM on o%A 7 9'This matter is also scheduled foc_a:public.hearing on•December:9,'1997 at:9:00 AM,Council Chambers:Second Floor Municipal • ! Building,;200-Mill Aye.iacutti. If you areinterested in attending.the hearing,please contact the-Development Services Division,'277-5582;.to ensure tliaUthe hearing has not been rescheduled. If comments cannot be submitted in writing by the date indicated,above;,you may still-appear;at the,hearing,and presentyourcolmments on the:proposal before the 1 Hearing Examiner(or BOA).; If you+have'questions about this:proposal;:.orwish to be made a party of record and receive I additional-information by mail,contact Mr.Pywell,at 277-5586. Anyonewho'submits written comments will automatically become;'a party of record and will be notified.of any decision:on this project: : • • n. PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT.NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR,PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION DATE OF 4PPLICATION: NOVEMBER 10,1997 II NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: NOVEMBER 13,1997 , DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: NOVEMBER 13,1997 • - :.4!"I E.x"s 4i'. i ' ;yam,-,rz:n_ • -:I—S.•r .U r . .. n`;t • no 3° � r } :11. ' - eoe 44 I � T - L r� -j,y':. 2 � ( ,23' ,.,,.,. •/.. 215 s — :7.i ' '~"'S� •. y...f. lip- ni •-..4. • " i"•:•'' '.."... " lim.2•--- e45 " - ,.: :1:0 '• f"),M. • cr ••' 1) • - _ 1 r THIL• i'" 1[`, 11 l�r. . 17� J° . 4 Q,INI �, , ,., .. .. • •fir.tl'.., }.. I25 ' ' s. O s: . ;1'. _ i' ,� C - .'Q ifs ',....,i:- 1;7••• , .' • - ;rf , (B ,r;-':•:;, ,i , � IZ av l7"' _��{:.-Fia9,;I� •. I, ;,N.E.•. . .I6TH:...,..._ ._. S.T.: .._ . .. • ;t:,t , , y:' : iifs� -c r,r_lii ;-., a is'• ',U' 'Q. .`• • ..1 ` 1. :' R" `:: . ., j . • . 2 -266r Q:' © 2 =',:1 u6' �' 228 • 1 3rr. eus `13 - ••, E) '' YJiy2,. , . :� 6, ,y0-•.7 .1:213 • ,O. _( In _lU :e • 3 . N u s ' ✓— ��es 51d17a�—.. � - == ` Q _ � ' I`"fi'-Z tom• ,Z , GENMALOT.DOC 1 . . . ; , • , 1! ,, . . • , , - I • • ' d . . • .. . . , • - . . . • , ! i ;I ; ;-.!•!..'.5.:.: ',L.,:•h••:?'••!.. i:.:'. . .' •-i:!...'. . • " . •" • :I, • ,, I,• ^ •..., • . . . . . . .-. .,. • i t t 'i "'i ':' f '''' .7± i"''. :• ..•',' ,''.. ..!..'''':.'"."..; : :: ''',' . '•... .. ..!..ao•:,,.• ',r..• .. .,'' `t,,'..1''i A-,, .: ..2..•;1.. 'fhh . ! • •, . 1 h .. ! ; ! ,, , ____ . -- • • .._____.! _., , , _ • — 1 111 11 1 11 1 11 111 1 1 11 1 11 11 1 1 1 11 11 1111 1 • I . , — I • 1. b. . I! • ,! . , . . • ,, _.„ • •. .. .. , • ! . . . . . • ' ! . .. . • . • •. . . . . , . • • . . . „ .. .. .. ' . 1- • '• -- .• . 1 . • • • „, , . . I . .. . ._ - ,. ,... .,'• • •. r CITY OF RENTON , — — ------;----11517- ---- '6 ' , , ,lopment Services Division . 200 WI Avenue.South : _..„t---.--; 74 • 40*-, czi ..........a..........1.. : Renton,Washington 98055 ' Ir:_..41 *, . . .— 3 2 1 .- tiou 1 319•1 - .gro-lki,a:--.-_ 0 . .... „„.. * • . '1 , : • ' I , PBt4F.Trq . . 715;j54 .,, 0 POST AGE *- ,....•.— ' * . . ••''. , 11 • __ ,.;...-.___ .,_________ ______ ____ 1 Alan & Donna Paszek 1701 Blaine Ave NE . . ' Renton WA 98056 d . iii1598056202 O SEND 9 1996 14 11/17/97 1' 1 ! RETURN - .. :,.: •Nt\sviii RTN T 2918 165TH PL NE q TO xl,; /661 ) BELLEVUE WA 98008-2138 . . • . ) LIMN 1 11A ` 1F-s1TER 1 • • - ,selr.)..ss-• % V-110* 4:3 RETURN TO SENDER ,,.0,2 4T-1?•."'. .2-1,';'?, •• • f. . n .. c.) 'et) .• ' NOTICE OF APPLICATION ` . PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS - ! DATE: NOVEMBER 13, 1997 A Short Plat Application has been filed and accepted with the Development Services Division of the City of-Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. • PROJECT•NUMBER/NAME: LUA-97-167,SHPL-H / JACQUES SHORT PLAT#2 DESCRIPTION: The applicant,Jim Jacques,seeks to subdivide a 33,128 square foot lot into five • (5) parcels ranging in size from approximately 5,140 square feet to 9,560 square feet. Access to the proposed parcels will be from Aberdeen Avenue NE via a private road and a shared driveway. • GENERAL LOCATION: 1708 Aberdeen Avenue NE STUDIES REQUIRED/OR ' i AVAILABLE: N/A • PUBLIC APPROVALS: Short Plat Approval Comments on the above application must be submitted In writing to Mr.Mark R.Pywell,AICP,Project Manager, Development Services Division,200 Mill Avenue South,Renton,WA 98055,by 5:00 PM on "IV.A 7 97 This matter is also scheduled for a public hearing on December 9,1997 at 9:00 AM,.Council•Chambers;,Second Floor Municipal . Building,200 Mill.Ave:South. Ifyou are interested in attending the hearing,please_contact the,Development Services Division,°277-5582;to'ensure.that the hearing has not been rescheduled. if comments cannot be submitted in writing by the date indicated-above,you may still:appear at the;hearing:and.-present.your comments on the proposal before the Hearing Examiner.(or BOA).•If you have questions about this.proposal;or;wish:to be made a party of record and receive additional Information by mail,contact'Mr.Pywell,at 277-5586. Anyone:who:submits-written comments will automatically become a party of record."and will be notified of any decision•on this project:= `• • . `PLEASE INCLUDE THE PRO;IECT'NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE ' ft. 1DENTIFICATION � DATE OF APPLICATION: NOVEMBER 10;1997 • NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: NOVEMBER 13,1997 . DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: NOVEMBER 13,1997' , I � LESS �p • 'yL.r4i • '��` 2. -iYi' nee .44 l "ET,• {"•�2261' • ai5 1. - �a♦,�, ;' I �,° 'n_ '• .: Di: .g..y '� ;Kt •..�9 • e,`•' • ..4._ ;�,1{ ',' 10.2'Z [�2r45 • ,I'•. I'5:o :'•''' • ., . I •`''n:•� .' :I•�e - t�t_ � 4 ' • �- V IfYI. I W . W ' . . ''2** '. • •*""" - . '." kle't 2r$?244-• :**-1;174:.;„ - . Qat. - , u) : - . dJ �. o s ST _ I' e tiJ�. r uq i,,. W {�I � LJ ie .y,. .p] jA� GENMALOT.DOC ' . . • • ' . • . .. . • . . . . .. . •• • . • . ,•,.I• ,, ':.,I I.::::•.,:. . . .. . . .. ''- . -d"'''`',-''•-'''',. . . - ,... .• • :!/I.,..;:.--,. ' •. • . • .. . ! . .. . . •• .. . . , _. .. • III WIWI ) I) !I ill 1 )1)1 1 !I IM All 11 II 1111 1! , . • . , .i . .., . ..,_ 1 , •• " 1 • . , . .. -[I. . • •. • _ .. . . ! • , . . .. . . II . .. . • , . • : ,. . II. ... .....„ . ,..., , .... . II, . • II • , l' 1, r CITY OF RENTON -- • II "--c;opment Services Division — ,...,...304&!--, ••••,---a....thr...,;---...-40 -.., ,._.,...,:,,,.,_,A ;„ • II 200 Mill Avenue South -- rr A 4 ...450b • 11 Renton,VVashington 98055 , oci A . 130;f/.7.3 IN '•,., .: ' /.1i - 1 ItOV I 3°9,1--•-• •rote..5 ta . '--- 0, 3.2 ,•• .._ II, ; ..,,:=01 ••• • - I .-.,. w rt ... 715[,[;164.. if !!, pos-.T.A,aa :.• . 1 , , — ---- -- ., ' , Gary Lee Toler 14102 SE••••I40k.E.,:l. #412 I , Bellevue.•:,T4498007 !•.:,...•!.;i,.,!1?!,,, ,,:,•,;•.,,,,,. . .. . ! • .. O1 fiELIVERAr3tH-5::::--[;---, 71 [ S ALJOL,Scu ,,,..-.1::: 2,___,,,; 1 ,,[0.--[. •,-irs .\,. 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':iiiiiii:}iii:iiiiiiii:: iiiiNi: ::ii:•:•iiiiiii :•iiiiiiiiii?:i:i: :i:::iii::::i::iiii::::•niii i::iii..CI'TY;:01=::f EN... .. . •• :.IENT S:ERV..P._<::i<<:>:«` SIO' „iNom>> > > >> > << t e:::: '<' > > <` . sON ........p.EV.EIOPMEN.....SE....LGES.DI.0.. .... . ..........................................................................::: '11 R WIN • • ::::::::i ii i,::::::i:::::::ii::::: i:::i:::ii: i:: iii: i: iiii::: iii::i:::::....„:.„...„•..;.: : :: „....„::: ::::::: : :::::: i ii: i:: i::::.:. ii•••..::.:i:::: i::ii:i::i:...::::ii:i::iiii:::::..:.:ii.:.:._:: <:: , h,. :::f f:::'...................................... ...........: :::::::::::::::.`<»:..w t rt.3.00...eet..o.the:::sui�ect:::oite''>':><::<>:>:: <::: :<::::::::><:>::::::>::>::::>::>::>:::::::>::>::>:<:::>::>::>::<:<><>:>:: PROJECT NAME: JAKE SHORT PLAT NO. 2 ' APPLICATION NO: LUk•411••1101 ., Shp t - {'! The following is a list of property owners within 300 feet of the subject site. The Development Services Division will notify these individuals of the proposed development. NAME ADDRESS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER ' SCHELL, NORA 1809 BLAINE AVE. N.E. 334390 1231 WILLIAMS, JERRY P. & J.A. 1801 BLAINE AVE. N.E. 334390 1236 BUETTNER, LINDA 1732 ABERDEEN AVE. S.E. 334390 1602 HACKMAN LIVING TRUST 1808 ABERDEEN AVE. N...E, 334390_ 1607 PALM, DALE A.. & CHERRIE 1816 ABERDEEN :-AVE: N:E. 2J34390:•1608 POMERVILLE, JOHN A. 1824 ABERDEEN AVE. S.E. ' 334390 1609 HART, VIRGINIA 1624 ABERDEEN CT. S.E. 334390 1640 LECKIE, RONALD S. & BER 1604 ABERDEEN AVE. N.E. 334390 1641 BLUFTON, ISAAC & GWILI 1724 ABERDEEN AVE. N.E. 334390 1642 PATTEN, RONALD C. 1632 ABERDEEN AVE. N.E. 334390 1643 HUTCHINSON, ROBERT E. 2124 N.E. 16TH ST. 334390 1645 SHORT, RONALD R. JR. &, C,._, 2116 N.E. 16TH ST., 334390 1646 NOLL, ZITA M. 'S 1701 ABERDEEN AVE. -N'.E 334'390 1840 COCHRAN, JILLENE L. 1709 ABERDEEN AVE. N.E. 334390 1841 BECKWITH, ARTHUR K. 1717 ABERDEEN AVE. N.E. 3.1404 1842 BECKWITH, ARTHUR KENNE 1733 ABERDEEN AVE. N.E. 3,3 4;3.9.0.'l8 4;3 WHITNEY, JACK LEE . . 1633 ABERDEEN AVE.. N.E. :- .4.390";'.18.4 ' • ASHLEY, ORVILLE 2008 N.E. 16TH 'ST. ` ,,33_ 'a9`0.C.1$48- MC DADt' RA'YMOND t R . 1617 ABERDEEN AVE. 'N.E-.' • 3 3.4 3,9,0k 1 Q:4'5- SHANK BRAD 16 0 2 MONTEREY -CT.• N.E 3.3 t O'118 4 9' .`' WOODI `- lkkofLD'X a:0e:E;) ) 1801 ABERDEEN AVE. N.E. ; 3 3 r;-18 4,:' BOSTROM, THOR & KARLA 1809 ABERDEEN AVE. N.E. 11`4. '2;0 A $8'7 - ALDER, BETTY A. 1829 ABERDEEN AVE. N.E. 33'4;3,9A,, 18'89 BANKS, H. MOULTRY 1719 CAMAS AVE. N.E. 688220 0090 ' TOLER, GARY LEE 1713 CAMAS AVE. N.E. 688220 0100 WESTCOTT, DEAN H. 1701 CAMAS AVE. N.E. 688220 0110 POPVICH, GARY F. 1625 CAMAS AVE. N.E. I .. 688220. .0120 ' FRICKS, KAREN & ROBERT 1621 CAMAS AVE. N.E. 6882200130 PRELL, KAREN 1617 CAMAS 'AVE., N.E. 688220 0140 OWLEY, NORMAN & LYNETT 1612 BLAINE AVE'. N.E. 68822.0•'..015,0 FLANAGAN, COLLEEN K. .. •'. \ .. 1618 BLAINE AVE.: N.E. 688.2?,0',.6160°.•: 1 MANSKE, LEROY R. & TOMO ' 1622 BLAINE AVE. N.E. ' 688 20.,, 0170'',. RHODES, DOUGLAS, JR. 1632 BLAINE AVE. N.E. • 68442'0;0180 SHURTLEFF, GARY E. • 1700 BLAINE AVE. N.E. '68,8'220,„0190.;-, BUNSTINE, DOROTHY C. 1704 BLAINE AVE. N.E. 68#2250C iQ2,G,0c- _ JACOBSON, BERTHA A. 1718 BLAINE AVE. N.E. 6.88,2'2-0` 0210 CLARK, CHRISTOPHER A. 1717 BLAINE AVE. N.E. 68 �(d '2 0K ;; . (Attach additional sheets, if necessary) ®� . eL,i..NOnsIG OEVELO1'wi ReyiYOt4 CITY O� • (Continued) • NAME ADDRESS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER • Applicant Certification I, r c m EL J A d-Qv BEd , hereby certify that the above list(s) of adjacent property (Print Name) owners and their addresses were obtained from: D City of Renton Technical Services Records CI Title Company Records CI King County Assessors Records Signed Clfr&9.A Date //3/97 (App cant) • .{i . • NOTARY A•TTESTED,`Sybscribed and sworn before me, a Notary Public, in and for the State of Washington, . E refidiRg at � 5 '•5, /"/ 7.._ on the 3/co day of `7d i1 - , 195 7. celf+� .:: CAS •,,SigribrastMARILYN KAMCHEFF r e, g : otary Public) IsSION EXPIRES 6/29/99 op.. .. 4.` , • .::.::.;::::.::.:............... w::.�::::.::.:.:.: .. ............ ...............:.:..:. :.....:::::.::.::::::::::::•::::::::?:•:ii::•ii:•ii:•i})ii::::::::::::::: 3":' i ::::.::.......::::::::.:......:::•::•:::•:::.::.�.i'.i':.:w::::•.�:::•iY.• :::•:::'lii: :i:. :•:::•:::•:::•:'}::iv;:;:jii}ii :::'i::i:•:.:•:.:::>:tiiii}i::ii}}iii:ii:!:ii'::iijiiiii :::iiii:::i::}•:':y:.. i}i 'i i < tii:ti•:ti•::vitiv:tiv::::•i::v:::::::.:�::::.:�.�:::::::::: ....�� .tl. :.:: iii •.isi.ri:•ii:':iii::•:::i::i::i::i::ii:::i:iiiii:::i::i :i!iJ:J:viliriii. £. •:. :v.�::.�::::::::::::.::�::.�:::::::::::::::.�::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ................$.......gto.::::.::::::::. r�� I a;;::<:�>.:>r�:<: :;:�:.,,•:>;::>::>:�'�5t �?-::<;;cn..«the: �.a.:>:�f:>: �J:�:�::>:::>::>•<:».;:<;:::;;.;:';»:::...::.::....... ............... listprop.doc REV 07/95 2 JAKE SHORT PLAT NO. 2 Page 2 BABBITT, DAVID B. & LOI 1709 BLAINE AVE. N.E. 688220 0230 PASZEK, ALAN & DONNA M. 1701 BLAINE AVE. N.E. 688220 0240 JANNUSCH, GARY C. & DEN 1633 BLAINE CT. S.E. 688220 0250 DRISCOLL, JOHN P. & ROS 1625 BLAINE AVE. N.E. 688220 0260 MERRITT, ALAN C. & LISA 1617 BLAINE AVE. N.E. 688220 0270 ROY, JOANNA S. 1724 MONTEREY CT. N.E. 89365.0 0050 MOHLER, PATRICIA R. 1716 MONTEREY CT. N.E. 893650 0060 ELDRIDGE, DEBORAH H. 1708 MONTEREY CT. N.E. 893650 0070 BOARD OF GLOBAL MINIS 1700 MONTEREY CT. N.E. 893650 0080 HILLEGAS, CLYDE W. 1632 MONTEREY CT. N.E. 893650 0090 MILONAS, ALIX & BARBARA 1625 MONTEREY CT. N.E. 334390 1850 r , • a s >.t (Continued) • NAME ADDRESS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER Applicant Certification I, S fl m g.t. --SA L 4v,E4 , hereby certify that the above list(s) of adjacent property (Print Name) owners and their addresses were obtained from: ❑ City of Renton Technical Services Records ❑ Title Company Records ❑ King County Assessors Records Signed ...-Cvrnlza 1• LC � Date //3/t 7 (App cant) . - Y ' ' NOTARY )'rTESTED: ''subscribed and sworn before me, a Notary Public, in and for the State of Washington, repiding a• 4' A5' 5.E. /ys477._ on the 3Aa day of -----1'761 i.1. , 195 '7. :1- ; uz � US5 1LYN KAMCHEFF Sigr'�c� �`r��y� • ,'• c its- otary Public) N EXPIRES 6/29/99 op • i`p\• • :::.:: .;:.;;:.;;:.;;:.;:.;:.;.;;;:.;;;:.:.:;::::.;:.:.;;.;:.;:<:.;:.::;.:a;;:;.>:.;:.;:.;;;:For:.dtt.v;.of;.Renton U > ::::+':::qi:? im,::: .mg a ><>< > >>'>;: ;::>:;::<iiii:<:,ii i.:::>::: <>::>:<:::;;:;>:i s .: :::::: :. :.....:...... ...........................:...::........„.:.:.:::G. . ..:f.F.IC.... .I. ......Q.....M...I........„...:.: : ..::::: :::.:::::.....:....,...: ::::::::...................�.::::.: ,;:. » : ;> ::::..>:< <:>:><»«<< <<:; > :>:: >:» K*.:::::::;_:::::<:>:' : :::s:::.*:.:..i:i>:::>» :.::i>�<iff..is>>..0.....:i:::.:: :;: : >>«:: : :.:x:i:; : ;..r d:: y. 4pRp::wer :>mailed<t.:.<::>::>::>:::» : :.;:.. #!�� :<:::>::>:::><<::h r: b.::.: .e:. if..<:: :at:::n:ot)ees::of::the,.: ..:o .ose.. ..aR.p:::G.at..:::.::::.::::�:::::.::::.::.:::o:.:::::..::... oee:> ::::;::::::i:::i::i..:fms2:: :<:::::::>: : ::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::?::::::::::.....::ii::::::i::::::ii:i:::iii::::: ::: : :':2:::: ::: :::>:< :::: ..... ........ <::::<: >::: :. 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PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS DATE: NOVEMBER 13,1997 A Short Plat Application has been filed and accepted with the Development Services Division of the City of Renton.The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. PROJECT NUMBER/NAME: LUA-97-167,SHPL-H/JACQUES SHORT PLAT k2 ' DESCRIPTION: The applicant,Jim Jacques,seeks to subdivide a 33.128 square foot lot into five (5)parcels ranging In size from approximately 5,140 square feet to 9,560 square feet. Access to the proposed parcels will be from Aberdeen Avenue NE via a private road and a shared driveway. , GENERAL LOCATION: 1708 Aberdeen Avenue NE STUDIES REQUIRED/OR AVAILABLE: N/A PUBLIC APPROVALS: Short Plat Approval Comments on the above application must be submitted In writing to Mr.Mark R.Pywell,AICP,Project Mana er, Development Services Division,200 Mill Avenue South,Renton,WA 98055,by 5:00 PM on eV. .This matter Is also scheduled for a public hearing on December 9,1997 at 9:00 AM,Council Chambers,Second FI or Municipal Building,200 Mill Ave.South. If you are Interested In attending the hearing,please contact the Development Services • Division,277-5582,to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled. If comments cannot be submitted in writing by the date Indicated above,you may still appear at the hearing and present your comments on the proposal before the Hearing Examiner(or BOA). If you have questions about this proposal,or wish to be made a party of record and receive additional information by mail,contact Mr.Pywell,at 277-5586.Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of record and will be notified of any decision on this project. PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION • DATE OF APPLICATION: NOVEMBER 10,1997 • NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: NOVEMBER 13,1997 DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: NOVEMBER 13,1997 • _,,�., -__2 '2,• • S. �_ -44.. I 4.taski1 ., 2fi 215 a i J. ,;`: .,..f .y a: 41245 t". �,5.<I ¢ ') : ••_M1 , '.B` SITE chi .,, - 1_ ''LL'• '1 • N.E. . 16TH ST. - 11 •,3 n"'r^ p & 'aI a° 'I _ 1 '.•I.213.I,1- ---- CERTiFICATION it , /911,-77— /tll.✓n/,r, , hereby certify that 3 copies of the above document . were posted by me in 3 conspicuous places on or nearby the described property on • Wt.—noel-2 13//'ter? Signed: ; . • STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that 1 know or have satisfactory evidence that `72')A-i-+ fi-) . on; t signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses . ••and purposes mentioned in the instrument. • Dated: -'Y1 OtA, ) g) N 7 -------M21 A �� --- Notary P tic in and for the S le of Washington Notary (Print) • My appoinlme MOMPOMOICHEFF— COMMISSION EXPIRES 6/29/99 NO f AR Y.CC•C • (; R ) • NOTICE OF APPLICATION } . PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS •_ DATE: NOVEMBER 13, 1997 • A Short Plat Application has been filed and accepted with the Development Services Division of the City of-Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. • PROJECT NUMBER/NAME: LUA-97-167,SHPL-H / JACQUES SHORT PLAT#2 DESCRIPTION: The applicant,Jim Jacques,seeks to subdivide a 33,128 square foot lot into five ' (5) parcels ranging in size from approximately 5,140 square feet to 9,560 square feet. Access to the proposed parcels will be from Aberdeen Avenue NE via a private road and a shared driveway. GENERAL LOCATION: 1708 Aberdeen Avenue NE STUDIES REQUIRED/OR AVAILABLE: N/A• PUBLIC APPROVALS: Short Plat Approval Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing to Mr.Mark R.Pywell,AICP,Project Mana er, • Development Services Division,200 Mill Avenue South,Renton,WA 98055,by 5:00 PM on o% . This matter is also scheduled for a public hearing on December 9,1997 at 9:00 AM,Council Chambers,Second Fl or Municipal • Building,200 Mill Ave.South. If you are interested in attending the hearing,please contact the Development Services Division,277-5582,to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled. If comments cannot be submitted in writing by the date indicated above,you may still appear at the hearing and present your comments on the proposal before the Hearing Examiner(or BOA). If you have questions about this proposal,or wish to be made a party of record and receive additional information by mail,contact Mr.Pywell,at 277-5586. Anyone who submits written comments will . automatically become a party of record and will be notified of any decision on this project. PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION DATE OF APPLICATION: • NOVEMBER 10,1997 : NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: NOVEMBER 13,1997 • DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: NOVEMBER 13,1997 y r•,.,+ ,n'.t traii _ 1' ,s:r •Ilene r .. . '� is- �W lJ iOt'/� • Lit II 26 Oils: � �y�_ hiop.,< ,, 2 ' �9 " eee 44 I;; I'23.'hz.""'d 215 .•1, t 1:0's ., H' . 245 49 • .7,.a •u•:L a, �• • ^•,0', : SI TE N 9. ••": W : R TN x5 n — t' :„I L.Fr r. • _ a. ' "-",'�(�"�1 fir:^., _" -2 _ trj-,12 i1� --'+ c _ : w sz Non gip _ -,f IN_'�.• .___16 4 _ p I, i. y I265 ' W PN Q Q y ..r1/ is ,riw2 s•>-n+,,•ZO .. � v O' 'ZE J li (B) 1- ' 11,'''"c2'_ !'nor? r'1. '7 ^�pi '—,'•- m 3 :®^ • ,. 0 :- N.E. 16TH ST. I �- I „ ` ,:_-L-Sbd! _•0:.1 i I•r� ,,mm �R1 ' i 9, ' , \W Y '� RS "I It 15, i I�JI 'IFl i 'i :� I'�fe' •It cc • to LLJJI riL ,1L. • i®.- z -266L 3 ' fl 2 •,..•11 ---' - ' 016_ I 228 ,. . ,,' 4ia5 �0 0 I I, CC} r �o0 213 a,_ r dy %-.r ' s n I 5167.d— '-'= ,-Q 1 U i r¢ ._Z - Zr :^ —__ GENMALOT.DOC • 4,= • ,CI r T OF •RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works Department Jesse Tanner,Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator November 13, 1997 . . • Mr.Jim Jacques . 2509 Aberdeen Avenue NE Renton, WA 98056 =..• SUBJECT: Jacques Short Plat#2 ;. .. _ Project No. LUA-97-167,SHPL-H Dear Mr. Jacques: The Development Planning Section of the City of Renton has determined that the subject application is complete according to submittal requirements and, therefore, is accepted for review. You will be notified' if any additional information is required to continue processing your application. The date of Tuesday, December 9,.1997, at 9:00 AM, has been set for public hearing to review the above-referenced matter. The hearing, before Mr. Fred Kaufman, Renton Hearing Examiner, will be held in the Council Chambers on the second floor.of City Hall, Renton, Washington. The applicant or representative(s) of the applicant is required to be present at the public hearing. A copy ' of the staff report will be mailed to you one week before the hearing. If you have any questions, please call 277-5586. Sincerely, • f f f )• Mark R. P , AICP ' • Project ager • • • ACCPTI TR non 200 Mill Avenue_South - Renton, Washington 98055 This paper contains 50%recycled material,20%post consumer M.Avil-- :P:;;EN;,,:.....::.:.:::.;;;:•:;;,,;:::<:.:.:.:<__.:<_:::: I:°S O.N>> > >»`<mass»` «<> ><`<< >> >€ > >»>`< <<'> mni :><><:>:::>::<:>:<::>:: ::::>::<:><:::::::>::>:: :<::>::: >::>::: ::»:>:>:>::::>:::€:<::;�:.t1fIwL(�.PM. NT..S. RVICES..I�IVI. .. .... onal 's`"'ti3's"'attach:at'adiliti n . Nate:;:::#F<tFiei`e:ismore::tfiaii'o:n.:e:;l'ega. owner,.p,:,a.,e.,.„.:,: ... ....................... 'notarized`:Master;:A'pplication:far.ea h. .......... ........ .... PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME: NAME:_ 99 PROPERTY/PROJECT ADDRESS(S)/LOCATION: ADDRESS: I.7 0 8 A 6eT&e i A u) ,'� g S 0 ci Al e.Y cR Gw‘ A u ig N.E '2-z/A-a. W A 96 0 s"7 . CITY: ZIP: KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): Re -or. TELEPHONE NUMBER: EXISTING LAND USE(S): c � S.�-33(02_ f S+,;t7le Fo,,,in.,1 i Q >`h"';r wner > >€€ > >«>«< >�� �'�i'tt�et'..f..fin.. PROPOSED LAND USES: ii NAME: S 1,04t sir.r7(C F(''P"A11.1 ---S. A m 6 i -TA Go,,-/F-C COMPANY(if applicable): EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: ADDRESS: S 1-i-<' A,, rc.c'4 PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION (if applicable)• 1`70 e Abe•CCSte'z Au'_ ik d',E if//A CITY: ZIP: EXISTING ZONING: • 14.-trw-�' age/J 6 TELEPHONE NUMBER: PROPOSED ZONING (if applicable): . SITE AREA (SQ. FT. OR ACREAGE): NAME: 33 Ig.g. 0 S 0) Fr . ei COMPANY.(if a plicable): PROJECT VALUE:'" u��F<0A,. 1997 1 -`?p. 7 5/ 4V00 C/�,Mph,/. -T..4. Co &'/� , �'CRev OHN/^,G • ADDRESS: IS THE SITE LOCATED IN THE AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA? ` s'o A 6t.x-ae.e...1 Au AJk die s `z0Ai e, z CITY: ZIP: CS r el., 780:.s-f, IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY OTHER TYPE OF ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AREA? JU0 TELEPHONE NUMBER: • g SS--a3(0/ IAu _' 66c51 -3( 3 i pviek :::::::: ::::::::::.:.::::::::::..LEGAL.:UI:S.CtI IOnr:OF.:.t?Fta.PERT'Y..:: AttaCh;as5. :5 . _... :::::::::::::::: :::::::::: �::::::::::::Y1:::::.:::. ......... ::::: ::1 ....:.:.:::::. T1,(„, s % a F 1A A) ,1/4_ Liss 4 , S ) s" 0 r Ty,,, ,r ) es �D YY t ,J r j � y /� 1\ \ i c lb• I'`�iU...rn OWS LA KV.. 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YDS: 1 PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT: $ i�I _VARIANCE $ 'i1 (FROM SECTION: 1 _ PRELIMINARY II _WAIVER $ _ _ FINAL WETLAND PERMIT S i ROUTINE VEGETATION — MOBILE HOME PARKS: $ i I MANAGEMENT PERMIT_ $ !II _ BINDING SITE PLAN $ ' I I SHORELINE REVIEWS: I 1 _ SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT $ _ CONDITIONAL USE $ _ VARIANCE $ _ EXEMPTION $No Charae _ ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW S _ REVISION $ :...:.:::::;:. ..>:..:.;:..:.::.: : <: :::::::>::>::»>::>:<::<::<:::<::»::>::»»»»»»:<>;:::>:>::><::>::» r= :lD 1��T<�.t=<`QW. ERS . .• ............................................ I, (Print Name)iA iv $ J4-"NA Q`Rdeclare that I am(please check one) •4he owner of the property involved in this application,_the , authorized representative to act for the property owner(please attach proof of,authorization), and that the foregoing statements and answers herein; contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. .„ I l • ATTEST: Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public, in and illil for the State of LOIN-. residing at (Name of Owner/Representative) R.e.cc"Co(4 , on the day of " I, ®cT 19`r7 (Si ture of Own /Repre ntative) • (Signature of N tary Public) II ty Staff )` ':<` si`< »>> >< <> >`< < €'<:. <>€i>»><''i'>»<> <' :»:<:>:::<:>:::>:>::::::»::>::::>::>::»::::::»::::»:«««:>:>::»:<:::»::::»;:::>::::»>::»>::>::::>::>::>:::::>:::::: ct o ::. :::b.e:::com ).ete�:b :>C. :.. .... ................ :. . ....... .. ....... .. .... ...... ;:.;:.:AAC!::::.:;::S.SP>;>::>:;CAI�.<. <:<:<:::CAEU>::>:<gPA:<:::>::O:U.-1�::;::>:C. :-:HnCg.::::g.................... :.;;;>;;:.:.;:.;:.;;;: >:.;: .:. . ;:«:;>: :: .;;:.:.;;;;..: : �:»»: ::>::> -; :::>::5 (.A:::: • .:.::L.B ....S.P...::.;:SI�f; ;:S.l1n>�..........P..........A�......�:.8.....�f.H.. . .. .;::.:..:.::::::MH.P...::.,..�P.U[�;:...PP.�.FR;...R. .MI'....S.A..�.....SA.H..:... H.P. ... ..........:...::....:....:::...... . M.:.�.: ..... .,........ .:.:. .::.: , :::::::::::::..�:.�:::::::::.�::.. ...: .: . :.:. ::::::. : :.:.. :..:::::::.::::::::::::::: :.:. . .:. TAG1w..RRO.1/.).t31"D.::::5::::::..��...: :..��...:::::::.�::.�::: :::.::� :::.> : , :::::::,:::::::: : TOTAL:.FE.ES.....5... . . . .�.. ::::.:: :.::70TA�.#��S :..:........: ........................:::..:... ..�. ��. . ::::....:.::::::::::. ::::aii;ii•;::•::;• •i::a: ; ::a::•::::a:;a:: : >:::::•:::•::::::;::::•. ......:.::i:i:::•:::>:.: :;•:: iaiil:::a:•::ar:a:::ii;i•:•:;::.>::<•i;::,.:•:r:a']i]i :: >:•is::::gsi: ::: :: :::i • •::•::•>::•::•::•::a:a::a]: :•:::•::•::;;: ! MASTERAP.DOC REVISED 8/97 7 ,`r ap- • • i. M 0 1' I . STATE OF WASHINGTON ) COUNTY OF KING ) , being first duly sworn n oath, depo s and says: 1. On the Ip111k., day of AJC9 J c w .w . , 19•crl , I installed 1 public information sign(s) of the property located at 111 S A eY.kev. A uA., ti,6. for the following project: Project name Owner Name 2. I have attached a copy of the neighborhood detail map marked with an "X"to indicate the location of the installed sign. 3. This/these public information sign(s)was/were constructed and installed in locations in conformance with the requirements of Renton Municipal Sections 9-12-8•G and 9-12-9-I 2a. Insta I r Signature SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this/6 day of Ar©( eue( , 19 ' . • •• NOTARY PUzBI IC in and for the State of Washington, residing at J2r.t f'o My commission expireson PuesloNs.00c !VIE /—� ��- REV.8197 c� q NOV 0 1997 ��/ I P99� 0eNitN1 �.„a,alNG DEVC�n'OFNI YLfiNNING ®EV CITY OF R�NTUN R�1VTpN . - - . ILLUSTRATION 1 .• 1I f 4- 1 96.. • I i IIr I 0 e,„ ..ii, PROPOSED LAND USE ACTION o t SITE MAP Laminated I • c Type of Action: } eiv r n i a Project Name: �SA K! S far\- CI 4 kV 3 Site Address: 11 8 A best —e_q.`f Avg •A/4 o • o 1 TO SUBMIT COMMENTS OR OBTAIN ADDTIONAL INFORMATION : PLEASE CONTACT CITY OF RENTON STAFF AT: PUBLIC COPIES b a Development Services Division NOTICE OF PUBLIC NOTICE ! 200 Mill Avenue South 8.5'x 14" IN PLASTIC 1 Renton,Washington 98055 CASE (2061 235-2550 Laminated , • Please reference the project name C • See ILLUSTRATION 4 for a copy of the City.seal. . 2 0 1 to 1 y NOTES: 7 e./t S Z �j\ / Use a'X 4'X 12'POSTS \��( Use 4'XB'X'.i PLYWOOD, �• `\\ j Use i-X 3"GALV.LAG BOLTS W/WASHERS �\�CCC io /14 • LETTERING: C\��i `/ I Use HELVETICA LETTERING, % � ....),,,,,...,, BLACK ON A WHITE BACKGROUND. lam s ' TITLE 9"ALL CAPS. /111� \�"- OTHER I'.CAPS and t'LOWER CASE. y/0 $4 & Seale: 0 t' _\ t ' ))),..._ , I I•I I L , laH 1 11 i' \1 1 LI51 51. W .:.it vi9 $ R 1; 13 N 4 �.r I ,. I tot /,�9s114 W ^0 r. 1, Cr 0 5 2, ;1 _ I eO �ie 0 o W wgas , II I I ., .' 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Ia Imo,11 I I , le .-9. i I N 1 ...._ n. 1 k----I 1 016 : F.:: ,.: 04 I 62.3_- r77.3 13 22 b 3��(n�'� O Do 90 I __=- W 1501 I [ /:�' ' 1 ---Z-_- \1 --=1 C•� ^�- j7i I I 1410 , ,7 Il „w;7 -25?3 -_v7 1k1 moo"..r"--3-- 1-13 no I 1I � o IS 2 j j-100 '�Bs 7�6 213 4 F ' i 1 .tg -` I ----- e N �,�5 s 60i ----- _Q 117 I I 14 •4 • z s• ,Lf'd 8.49 Q I. 5 Z - I ------� I /01/7 roc/7 n7 J _ 1: ti Z N W 1416 1 -�- ---- a I 1------ 5 ^ 04 S o • 6 , 6 r ;08_ ® ---I-- 141 .. '� 140 1 L ±1' . _12 . • 33 24 1/ 0 - Q 3 . 2p77 ^ I 7 j N c 14 9 0 �i.`:.. 101 23 On �- --- p z3 O.oB 1-••10 -- --- -- ,., NJ �,i �ti:�r 2 S T, �� 14 -_ L 13 3 I rNo m1 8 5126 96 J I Rn �c Cr o/./n i / 9 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISIO WAIVER OF SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS ....... REQUIREMENTSLAND USE PERMIT SUBMITTAL WAIVED MODIFIED BY BY COMMENTS ........... Calculations, Survey, : . .. . ... .. .......................... Drainage:i:ContrOtiplan.......2. . ... ......... . Drainage Report 2 j4.3 loGA,y ( AkElevations , .. .... .......................... ...AND4 Elevations, Grading 2 . Existing Covenants (Recorded 4 Existing Easements (Recorded Copy) 4 • ..:*'•••••••••••••'•••/:'•••::'.*::•••••••• •••.••••••••••••."'.':.:•••••••••••' Flood Plain Map, if applicable 4 "' """ • •-"'• • •-•- •• • • Floor Plans 3 AND•4 •• • • ..... • • Grading Plan, Conceptual 2 Jo- ije,AGrading , Plan, Detailed King County Assessor's Map Indicating Site 4 .'•••••••..•..•• .. • Landscaping Plan, Concept uak Legal Description 4 Lit'1.0f..$0tr4(10009:P(Op Mailing Labels for Property Owners 4 • • • •• • • •....••. • •• •••••• •••••'•'.•..- •.•'.•%•. .......... Map of Existing Site Conditions .. Master Application Form 4 Parking, Lot Coverage & Landscaping Analysis 4 Plan Reductions (PMTs) Postage 4 " " •. .....:: : . Public Works Approval cetter2 .• ,)12, .:.:. . Title Report or Plat Certificate 4 Topography Map (5'-contours)3 • • • • ........... .......... Traffic Study 2 v.)(Lir ......... • • • • • .•••••..•.... Tree.CuttingNegetation Clearing Plan 4. ... Utilities Plan, Generalized 2 ..... . Wetlands Delineation Map4 . .... . . Wetlands Planting Plan 4 Wetlands Study 4 This requirement may be waived IgicervED 1. Property Services Section PROJECT NAME: .A133e % , o 1---V S1-- V 2. Public Works Plan Review Section' 3. Building Section • 140V • DATE: tit-71 7 4. Development Planning Section puoiNING DEVELOPiv'Ef,ctietiTort VT' - h:\division.s\develop.serkdev.plan.ing\waiver.xls JAKES SHORT PLAT II PROJECT NARRATIVE The project site is zoned Residential-8 DU/AC (R-8). The neighborhood surrounding the site is also zoned R 8 and consists entirely of single-family residences. There are a variety of lot sizes in the immediate area of the site. Most of the recently developed lots are approximately 7,000 square feet in size. The lakes Short Plat site is a total 33,130.3 square feet. The proposal is to create 5 lots for the • future construction of single family residences. Yard setbacks and the area available for building is shown for each of the lots. The proposed lot sizes are as follows: I' . Lot i - 9,561.1 sq. ft. Lot 2 - 6,560.9 sq. ft. • Lot 3 - 6,564.3 sq. ft. Lot 4 - 5,302.7 sq. ft. Lot 5 - 5,141.3 sq. ft. There is an existing residence on the site, fronting Aberdeen Avenue NE,which would be on Lot 1 of the proposed short plat. A back deck would be removed to comply with building setback requirements from proposed lot lines. There is an existing garage located behind the residence and it is proposed to be removed because it would cross the common lot line between Lot 2 and 3. The site is basically level, it slopes gradually to the northeast at approximately O to 4%. The site is mostly vegetated with turf grass. There is a row of conifers trees along the north and south property boundaries. There are several fruit trees scattered over the site. Access to the lots will be from a private street off Aberdeen Avenue NE. A 26 foot wide private access and utility easement is located along the north property boundary. A 20 foot road width will be paved. A shared driveway, 20 foot easement width and 12 foot paved width, will access Lots 4 and 5 from the private road. There is an existing sewer main in Blaine Avenue NE which will be extended to the site. A utility easement has been secured from the property owner directly east of the site. Water will come from the existing water main in Aberdeen Avenue NE`. Stormwater facilities are not available for • connection to the site. E CF!VFf NOV ® 1 97 DEVELOHvit_ir. : u: hi�ING CITY OF RENTON • Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, WA 98055-2189 Title: UTILITIES EASEMENT Property Tax Parcel Number: 6 8 8 2 2 0-0 2 5 0 Project File#: StreetlntersectionorProjectName:Blaine Ave NE & NE 16th St Reference Number(s) of Documents assigned or released: Additional reference numbers are on page Grantor(s): Grantee(s): 1. 1. City of Renton,a Municipal Corporation Additional legal is on page of document. (Abbreviated legal description MUST go here.) LEGAL DESCRIPTION: The north 10 feet of Lot 25 of Powell's 1st Addition as recorded in Vol. 84 of Plats, Pg. 3, records of King County, Washington. All situated in Section 5, TWP. 23 N. , R. 5E, W.M. • itRra,�J H:\FILE.SYS\FRM\03EASEMN\0013.DOC\ Page 1 FORM 03 0013/bh/CA2-21-97 That said Grantor(s), for and in consideration of mutual benefits, do by these presents, grant,bargain, sell, convey, and warrants unto the said Grantee, its successors and assigns,an easement for public utilities (including water,wastewater,and surface water)with necessary appurtenances over,under,through, across and upon the following described property(the right-of-way)in King County, Washington, more particularly described on page 1. (or if full legal is not on page 1--Exhibit A.) For the purpose of constructing,reconstructing, installing,repairing,replacing, enlarging, operating and maintaining utilities and utility pipelines, including, but not limited to,water, sewer and storm drainage lines, together with the right of ingress and egress thereto without prior institution of any suit or proceedings of law and without incurring any legal obligation or liability therefor. Following the initial construction of its facilities, Grantee may from time to time construct such additional facilities as it may require. This easement is granted subject to the following terms and conditions: 1. The Grantee shall, upon completion of any work within the property covered by the easement, restore the surface of the easement, and any private improvements disturbed or destroyed during execution of the work, as nearly as practicable to the condition they were in immediately before commencement of the work or entry by the Grantee. 2. Grantor shall retain the right to use the surface of the easement as long as such use does not interfere with the easement rights granted to the Grantee. Grantor shall not, however,have the right to: a. Erect or maintain any new buildings or structures within the easement(existing 8' x 10' shed may remain); or b. Plant trees,shrubs or vegetation having deep root patterns which may cause damage to or interfere with the utilities to be placed within the easement by the Grantee; or c. Develop, landscape,or beautify the easement area in any way which would unreasonably increase the costs to the Grantee of restoring the easement area and any private improvements therein. d. Dig, tunnel or perform other forms of construction activities on the property which would disturb the compaction or unearth Grantee's facilities on the right-of-way,or endanger the lateral support facilities. e. Blast within fifteen(15)feet of the right-of-way. This easement shall run with the land described herein, and shall be binding upon the parties,their heirs, successors in interest and assigns. Grantors covenant that they are the lawful owners of the above properties and that they have a good and lawful right to execute this agreement. By this conveyance, Grantor will warrant and defend the sale hereby made unto the Grantee against all and every person or persons,whomsoever, lawfully claiming or to claim the same. This conveyance shall bind the heirs, executors, administrators and assigns forever. H:\FILE.SYS\FRM\03EASEMN\0013.DOC\ Page 2 FORM 03 0013/bh/CA2-21-97 Form 84 0001/bh IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand and seal day and year written ow. nO t eft C,, c)amuuse - �' �z Al D isc. E.J ivozH � �� � INDIVIDUAL FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT , Notary Seal must be within box STATE OF WASHINGTON )ss 1-at•(1V L sc T COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evi - dence that CAN tz � n '•.( ip 2ti LS C ^mil Okat- 1, , i , signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and yoluntary ac e uses and purposes men ione in the instrument ,r ( z - 1 otary Public in and for the State' f Washington Notary(Print) ' Q(:rc E—_f cu'ej<-- My appointment expires: ( - 'LC, - �• Dated: /0 Z 2_-- : -7 REPRESENTATIVE FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT Notary Seal must be within box STATE OF WASHINGTON )ss COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that signed this instrument,on oath stated that he/she/they was/were authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the and of to be the free and voluntary act of such party/parties for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print) My appointment expires: Dated: CORPORATE FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT Notary Seal must be within box STATE OF WASHINGTON )ss COUNTY OF KING ) On this day of , 19 ,before me personally appeared to me known to be of the corporation that executed the within instrument,and acknowledge the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation,for the uses and purposes therein mentioned,and each on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary(Print) My appointment expires: Dated: EXHIBIT"A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION (Must be stamped by a P.E.or L.S.) See Page 1. • H:\FORMS\KCRECORD\EASEMENT.DOC\ Page 4 FORM 03 0000/bh/CA2-2 1-97 , • Ma' E. I' (IS Oi'VY11 isrrii . SCALE: /"-.30 ci N 89'28 35" W _30_00' _\ 96.00' U.•. /0' SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT / W LOT 25 W 44 W - N , o POWELL'S 1st ADD. °o N N 0 O O O .......L-"Li I ,i 9600' !w _y Q N 89°28'35" Vi/ yam .V0 l' \. Cc ern-' '��":��'^jfA$ °/vAL LA a r zi EXPIRES:3/8/QT _ — _ A!ci•i;, N.. E. /6th S TREE T H:\FORMS\KCRECORD\EASEMENT.DOC\ Page 5 FORM 03 0000/bh/CA2-21-97 c , DRAINAGE REPORT LEVEL I ANALYSIS PREPARED FOR V JAKES SHORT PLAT II RENTON, WA. DE Ciry F R ONNNING SH J. 0 ���P0?WASy/N CO `o a 5524 .; 9FGisTEV• ` EXPIRES 3/8/ 49 • Introduction The project site is located in the northeast area of Renton on Aberdeen Avenue NE,just north of the intersection of NE 16th Street. The property is located in the SE Quarter of Section 5, Township 23 north, Range 5 East, W.M. The parcel size is 33,130.3 square feet. There is an existing single-family residence on the site. The short plat will create five new lots on the site. The City of Renton Aquifer Protection Zone Classification map indicates that this parcel is within Zone 2. Domestic water and sanitary sewer are available to the site. Site Description The existing soil type is classified as an Indianola(InC) series soil by the United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service in the"King County Soil Survey." This soil type is characterized as a loamy fine sand, with rapid permeability. Indinaola soils are classified into Hydrologic Group "A", having a high rate of water transmission. The topography of the site slopes gradually to the northeast with a general slope of 0 to 4%. The vegetated ground cover consists of turf grasses, a row of conifer trees along the north and south property boundaries and there are several scattered fruit trees on the site. The site drains toward the northeast and away from the adjacent street, Aberdeen Avenue NE. Aberdeen Avenue NE abuts the site on the west and has about 22 to 24 foot wide asphalt paving with a gravel road shoulder and no ditches. The runoff from the existing street has not created any notable ruts or washing along the existing shoulders. The permeability of the soils is capable of absorbing the runoff from the asphalt street and immediate area. Storm Drainage Analysis During a field inspection of the site there were no indications of water courses, standing water, or flooding. Existing runoff patterns are dispersed and there are no signs of significant drainage patterns or scouring of channels on the site. There is no piped storm drain conveyance system adjacent to the site for connection. Storm drainage improvements for the development will be provided as required by the 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual, as adopted by the City of Renton. Lot improvements will include individual lot and downspout infiltration systems. The permeability of the soils and the low amount of impervious lot coverage from the residences and driveways will allow lot infiltration systems. It is anticipated that the infiltration capability of the soils will allow the street improvements to be installed without exceeding the 0.5 cfs threshold for the 100 year/24 hour design storm. On-site detention would only be required if this threshold is exceeded. If an on-site detention system is requried it would be released downstream in a manner similar to the existing drainage pattern. Water quality treatment of stormwater or biofiltration is also not anticipated because the project will create less than 5,000 square feet of impervious surface used by vehicles. When this site is fully developed, it is anticipated that storm runoff flows will not significantly impact any surrounding property. Temporary erosion and sedimentation controls will be designed and implemented during the construction phase of the project. ) Review of Resources �`��o�WA-Sy�,�� 1. City of Renton Aquifer Protection Map 2. U.S. Soil Conservation Service Map -o / 1°1co �a 5524 W 3, Topographic Map F 9FGISTEPc:"9 SS/ON AL j_�_ EXPIRES 3'8/ 99 1 .',4'.. \r,.;;:\: . " 11.•igl.... i .\,....., ,_ ., /.. i c2 \ .1, fiAkf: • /1.1 ___/- -',...Acc . . )1,/ ..v... 13m. P' )) )) ...i.j..r\''Ilk lin•\‘,,„' 1 ,,,,?,.• ',\ ",,' .1 , • , •_ ' , /1' . •.:'' • c) . v<12:1) • . , .„ 4 --, S.511 . ')--------..-1i. ..vy.. • , BM A • If ig , .> 20 em I . -,--• ' Pleasure 0 .,://i.,' i /..\ r 4,\ (( V '(''''''''' ..11r •-•-:•14 1---.-_-,..it.-41. Y:',•; '., ' ,.... .,,, „,:,:\\i .1\i...\ , ''', '''=---1 ,..,• .. •,' .. , ( ,...o. ,... viii.r/t! srar ,re I _, I r''' '' -:: ! Pc' .. I \Or,/Ir..:•e .. ' -11 ' ---sr I) i j, c),,,, Amc ;1.4 ::,•,• ....7.--•, I Park An:13 ,. _ • • -7 ____-.1 .* ' 1 `•!...• . 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FIGURE 3.S.2A IIYDROLOGIC SOIL CIWLIP OF TI11?SOILS IN KING COUNTY HYDROLOGIC HYDROLOGIC SOIL GROUP GROUP* SOIL GROUP _ GROUP` Alderwood C Orcas Peat D Arents, Alderwood Material C Oridia D Arents, Everett Material B Ovall C Beausite C Pilchuck C Bellingham D Puget D Briscot D Puyallup B Buckley D Ragnar B Coastal Beaches Variable Renton D Earlmont Silt Loam D Riverwash Variable Edgewick C Salal C Everett A/f3 °Sammamisir D Indianola A Seattle D Kitsap 73— Shacar D Klaus C Si Silt C Mixed Alluvial Land Variable Snohomish D Neilton A Sultan C Newberg B Tukwila D Nooksack C Urban Variable Normal Sandy Loam D Woodinville D HYDROLOGIC SOIL GROUP CLASSIFICATIONS A. (Low runoff potential). Soils having high infiltration rates, even when thoroughly wetted, and consisting chiefly of deep, well-to-excessively drained sands or gravels. These soils have a high rate of water transmission. B. (Moderately low runoff potential). Soils having moderate infiltration rates when thoroughly wetted, and . consisting chiefly of moderately fine to moderately coarse textures. These soils have a moderate rate of water transmission. C. (Moderately high runoff potential). Soils having slow Infiltration rates when thoroughly wetted, and consisting chiefly of soils with a layer that Impedes downward movement of water, or soils with moderately fine to fine textures. These soils have a slow rate of water transmission. D. (I runoff potential). Soils having very slow infiltration rates when thoroughly wetted and consisting ' chiefly of clay soils with a high swelling potential, soils with a permanent high water table, soils with a hardpan or clay layer at.or near the surface, and shallow soils over nearly Impervious material. These soils have a very slow rate of water transmission. From SCS, TR-55, Second Edition, June 1988, Exhibit A-1. Revisions made from SCS, Soil Interpretation Record, Form #5, September 1988. • (C)� .3.5.2-2 11/92 's z Z po Z ooC2 o0e14. - OOts.� - � : _ z_ Oob2, m OpQZ m pO2Z 1 �1 2 :2:': .. , rtsrlcs'iil� ii`'�• :- 1 —r tttadstsh s / 1 J - I 1 ,�' l_ t tia��,,io■.°q ,• i. - : 1 , �� sriON•IM N ��t � -.cm. x---`— -- JC SOT=.1 • x • —�— -_ ___ ..�.,mkwATrf._� Ory ,.r`���a' , Q - -li , ::-- s ue, \ I \ :\ `...`. ,:w .,' ': el \\ (*I 11114110..r " 1 it - I, i 1 I I! 1 • 4 II • 11 .� J ��N I �XI ■ I I lig U \ si3m i. rir/ r. Li 1 A - ,. isi. • 1 '' I` y 0 ` Nix '1 I 1 1 its FRI .. .. tti ' ' '*-N. ••••:"14iicc . :El dr/ Y } 1 ::\1/4::":71% _LsH1a a /' —ILIO -= I e-TT— A __ _ _ - L-��f/_ -- ._ I I . 1 1r -'M1 MILL • `M I � o_ 1 ( �,�' I 1 ��`[ ,yl I �` I �,1 •. I �' 1i ' 111 0 1K rim - I L] I . " ------ -u' I I 11 t col -1-1 ,• ,„,5 1 FA I A. 1 (1 i 11 Ir.__ :r L 1 i isi s ` 13 �1—0 ' 1 `aq `. COI ess Q. �n E}'�, II _L �1 h y 1 o � 15•KLSt•a Ii °� rIT • �'I c1 sri�•. = .I` ,0 Z I 11 CI '• ■• I ~~ .I I 01 i . _. W. If 1 1 a ciTi . i' •:, J1,15; it' 1. 4' .11 k2 ,, IP? . , . . ,„,, „. . _ . . , 0 . _ . , . .,,fcv ,„- 0 . o r Lri21 al V' '.. . .i . 1-I II. Ft 3.. S 0 1 "MI . 1 I 1 II I I LJ Elf' 1 1 ' I CFP-iixl I I _ x , • 1 . ,..N I I I 1)iStti 1 - ----a-01(_-� , ,w it _FoT ;4, 1 ,6f70d-" , l ---I „ - 'au •• •ss--49-�i• r-- I li 6- ' ma / (fin] �1 1' jQi—�+I ilit 1 ` •I 1- 1,-,, aJ 1 1' I II 1 40,Q`r ri r 4 :K J •''" I %. - 1 1 ILIni I I I �I t • ' * • 1 i 1 \ . - ' jii.jll L • 1211IF TiI I �,�• Ia A'�� Joil 1 ot. ,rSd/1 U• I 2.14 1 (rm.. . ,... ...).... VIII ` i T-Ir r fr--- ==J ' r �� r N `I\ E , r " 1 � I 1 : 00 0 I' X �!! Iy1 �f 1 1 or-� � ' •I� w r 0 1 a Ix/ 1 i ias x . li k • 1 ii • �>it15� Nei .41 I • /s it I I a 0 1-1 a 11� to Imo' tic• k 1 i3:' s fil • II1I ,. �I� (� 1 1 �13u� 1 L , _ ii11E I r !',/�, 11 w .y 1 , 0 ,MIR IF 1 I' WO p OW ,� x"IN 1. ' ; 1 R �+ i 1J , I --—-- - - -- i , I- - I- EEe,, - - - ' '- -_ _ i1-I �7 -� �• -sex I -�1 - 11--� - I- �1-�- �r -- -1�-•"•'1- - lib 1� 1 : -,r,l- �I� �r- - i E 1S AL°2+!e'f x 1 r--- -- `Y `_J- -- Thr-• '' -! •• - "1 1xf_ -11 i.• `‘ 1 r ct,b. i-�` •I .u., w: yil,l I ,1 ^ Z\ _` ' �, • ISSUED BY TRANSNATION TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY GUARANTEE Transnation GUARANTEE NUMBER M b - D02668 SUBJECT TO THE EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE,THE LIMITS OF LIABILITY AND OTHER PROVISIONS OF THE CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS HERETO ANNEXED AND MADE A PART OF THIS GUARANTEE,AND SUBJECT TO THE FURTHER EXCLUSION AND LIMITATION THAT NO GUARANTEE IS GIVEN NOR LIABILITY ASSUMED WITH RESPECT TO THE IDENTITY OF ANY PARTY NAMED OR REFERRED TO IN SCHEDULE A OR WITH RESPECT TO THE VALIDITY,LEGAL EFFECT OR PRIORITY OF ANY MATTER SHOWN THEREIN, TRANSNATION TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY a corporation, herein called the Company GUARANTEES • the Assured named in Schedule A against actual monetary loss or damage not exceeding the liability amount stated in Schedule A which the Assured shall sustain by reason of any incorrectness in the assurances set forth in Schedule A. • IN WITNESS WHEREOF,TRANSNATION TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY has caused its corporate name and seal to be hereunto affixed by its duly authorized officers,the Guarantee to become valid when countersigned on Schedule A by an authorized officer or agent of the Company. i�„ p 1997 TRANSNATION TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY � 'v NNINC i' \�1 p�VLLuria,`.ti1 �'� f� qy�� OF R / (r :':: f� .Attest: ;0 By:1 <% Secretary = President eikkilRIZOt%Ne g.�� CLTA Guarantee Face Page(Rev. 12/94) Ili , • TRANSNATION TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY 14450 N.E. 29TH PLACE BELLEVUE, WA 98007 J & J CONSTRUCTION COUNTERSIGNED: 2509 ABERDEEN AVE. N.E. RENTON, WA 98056 � Attn: 2/2 JAMES JACQUES By: .,GLiie (425) 646-8586/1-800-441-7701 BRUCE H. ANDRUS, SUE ORRINO, ANNE THORPE or LORI ANN FORBES (FAX #(425) 646-0541) SCHEDULE A SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE Order No. 4020339 Liability: Premium: $200.00 Customer No. Tax: $ 17.20 Total: '5217.20 1. Name of Assured: J & J CONSTRUCTION 2 . Date of Guarantee: October 14, 1997 at 8: 00 A.M. THE ASSURANCES REFERRED TO ON THE FACE PAGE HEREOF ARE: That according to those public records which, under the recording laws, impart constructive notice of matters affecting title to the following described land: See "LEGAL DESCRIPTION: " I The estate or interest in the land which is covered by this guarantee is: Fee Simple Title to the estate or interest in the land is vested in: JAMES H. JACQUES, AS HIS SEPARATE ESTATE subject to the Exceptions shown below, which are not necessarily shown in ' order of their priority. EXCEPTIONS: 1. Taxes or assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the records of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on land or by the public records. 2 . (a) Unpatented mining claims; (b) reservations or exceptions in Patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; (c) Indian treaty or aboriginal rights, including, but not limited to, easements or equitable servitudes; or, (d) water rights, claims or title to water, whether or not the matters excepted under (a) , (b) , (C) , or (d) are shown by the public records. 3 EXCEPTIONS (continued) Order No. 4020339 3 . Title to any property beyond the lines of the land expressly described herein, or title to streets, roads, avenues, lanes, ways or waterways on which said land abuts, or the right to maintain vaults, tunnels, ramps or any other structure or improvement; or any rights or easements therein unless such property rights or easements are expressly and specifically set forth in the land described herein. 4 . General Taxes, as follows, together with interest, penalty and statutory foreclosure costs, if any, after delinquency: (1st half delinquent May 1; 2nd half delinquent November 1) Tax Account No. Year Billed Paid Balance 334390-1644-01 1997 $1, 900 . 58 $ 950 .29 $ 950 .29 The levy code for the property herein described is 2100 for 1997 . 5 . Conservation (CON) Service Charge, as follows, together with interest, penalty and statutory foreclosure costs, if any, after delinquency: (1st half delinquent May 1; 2nd half delinquent November 1) Tax Account No. Year Billed Paid Balance 334390-1644-01 1997 $ 1 .25 $ 0 . 63 $ 0 . 62 6 . Liability for Surface Water Management (SWM) Service Charge, if any, which are not presently assessed, but may appear on future rolls . 7. Ordinance No. 4362 and the terms and conditions thereof as disclosed by instrument recorded under Recording No. 9209021077 . 8 . DEED OF TRUST AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTOR: James H. Jacques, an unmarried man TRUSTEE: First American Title Insurance Company, a California corporation BENEFICIARY: World Savings and Loan Association, a federal savings association, its successors and/or assignees ADDRESS: 1901 Harrison Street, Oakland, CA 94612 LOAN NO. : 0001957422 ORIGINAL AMOUNT: $125, 250 . 00 DATED: August 7, 1996 RECORDED: August 7, 1996 RECORDING NO. : 9608071262 Investigation should be made to determine the present balance owing with the appropriate lender/agency/individual. 9 . The land described in this commitment appears to be residential in nature and may be subject to the provisions of R.C.W. 6 . 13 . 060 provided the land is occupied as a homestead. If the land is occupied as a homestead, all instruments conveying or encumbering the land must be executed by each spouse, individually, or by an attorney-in-fact . Page 2 EXCEPTIONS (continued) Order No. 4020339 NOTE 1 : The tax assessor' s records disclose the current property address to be: 1708 Aberdeen Avenue NE, Renton, WA 98056 NOTE 2 : Assessed Valuation: Land: $69, 000 . 00 Improvements : $68, 000 . 00 NOTE 3 : The above captioned description may be incorrect, because the application for title insurance contained only an address and/or Parcel Number. Prior to closing, all parties to the transaction must verify the legal description. If further changes are necessary, notify the Company well before closing so that those changes can be reviewed. Closing instructions must indicate that the legal description has been reviewed and approved by all parties . NOTE 4 : The following may be used as an abbreviated legal description on the documents to be recorded, per amended RCW 65 . 04 . SAID ABBREVIATED LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR A COMPLETE LEGAL DESCRIPTION WITHIN THE BODY OF THE DOCUMENT. PTN OF LOT 245 C.D. HILLMAN'S LAKE WASHINGTON GARDEN OF EDEN DIV #4 VOL 11 PAGE 82 DVP/rr ENCLOSURES: Sketch Vesting Deed Record encumbrances Page 3 sr • Order No. 4020339 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: THE SOUTH 1/2 OF THE NORTH 1/2 OF TRACT 245, C.D. HILLMAN' S LAKE WASHINGTON GARDEN OF EDEN DIVISION NO. 4, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 11 OF PLATS, PAGE 82, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY; EXCEPT THE SOUTH 15 FEET THEREOF; SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. Page 4 • ':Y— - - •t a g• .e + I s • + t• �,L14 'f SI ) w..04 v CS _ sCo 1. b � I � � .r-.ice— � f` �t ,� •p SiJ .2S 7 ,% 91 _." i ^ 1Z�� w v ��ot• VIP 1 (6t� r, a \ >S h s19in i z S _ _ _�(� ! va ti* r D I _a - - - - ��::: k .ti reo, ��e, — Ae tic. a ,�;&9 Jill Ilio : l � � S 11 7 > • ? H C� N �3•y I11 C �: )` j w I e J0 !o � . j NI /� o. 'r.-,__•.- 01 ......:ERC.` 18 7F1. S I VE — r is H. - ,vsi Jo.s4e w \ } S>tf.oi sa w ;iz ti 0 � , ,.�? 1 i Z C Len�o i 4 — - 1943 c., L'— N.°' '), le ss•lS-J5 _ ..961-zi-l34- ]is ti -�. ,;'j ‹`s? ,9 z' ? 20 r ,a.I ti II \ . _ 7 99 A r__ _ ___.s...t., ) J ti /9 y in .�" N :co: t 5 H L Y zs fs ,, -. . • i jr 'S• ,>u.4.' , 7nn h n e •f lw - ^ f n ! V Z 0 .t b►' V 1' �e 0 . 6t.go-.7l,/� V' r,e ^ i Q p i w • 40 \ ta- n A b Lp ^ �- - ti Yam, t. ✓, c.a.., i, XQ IsJ1s,I 1.y .0 M I ''� • I ,.� :r b Iu � � A /S ,._ •� u I ' This sketch is provided, without charge, for your information. It is nor intended to show all matters related to the. property including, but not limited to, area, dimensions, easements, en- croachments, or iocanon of boundaries. It is not a part of, nor does it modify, the commitment or. • policy to which it is atmched. The Company assumes NO LIABILITY for any matter related to this sket`.^.. References should be made to an accurate survey for further information. I R SCHEDULE OF EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE OF THIS GUARANTEE obtaining witnesses,prosc.,..ung or defending the action or lawful act which in the opinion of the Company may be necessary or desirable to establish the title to the estate or interest as 1. Except to the extent that specific assurances are provided in Schedule A of this stated herein,or to establish the lien rights of the Assured. If the Company is prejudiced by Guarantee,the Company assumes no liability for loss or damage by reason of the the failure of the Assured to furnish the required cooperation,the Company's obligations to following: the Assured under the Guarantee shall terminate. (a) Defects,liens,encumbrances,adverse claims or other matters against the title,whether or not shown by the public records. . 5. Proof of Loss or Damage. (b) (1) Taxes or assessments of any taxing authority that levies taxes or In addition to and after the notices required under Section 2 of these Conditions assessments on real property;or,(2) Proceedings by a public agency which may result in and Stipulations have been provided to the Company,a proof of loss or damage signed and taxes or assessments,or notices of such proceedings,whether or not the matters excluded sworn to by the Assured shall be furnished to the Company within ninety(90)days after the under(1).or(2)are shown by the records of the taxing authority or by the public records. Assured shall ascertain the facts giving rise to the loss or damage. The proof of loss or (c) (I) Unpatented mining claims;(2)reservations or exceptions in patents or dam age shall describe the matters covered by this Guarantee which constitute the basis of loss in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof;(3)water rights,claims or title to water,whether or or damage and shall state,to the extent possible,the basis of calculating the amount of the I not the matters excluded under(1),(2)or(3)are shown by the public records. loss or damage. If the Company is prejudiced by the failure of the Assured to provide the required proof of loss or damage,the Company's obligation to such assured under the 2. Notwithstanding any specific assurances which are provided in Schedule A of this Guarantee shall terminate. In addition,the Assured may reasonably be required to submit to Guarantee,the Company assumes no liability for loss or damage by reason of the examination under oath by any authorized representative of the Company and shall produce following: for examination,inspection and copying,at such reasonable times and places as may be (a) Defects,liens,encumbrances,adverse claims or other matters affecting the designated by any authorized representative of the Company,all records,books,ledgers, title to any property beyond the lines of the land expressly described in the description set checks,correspondence and memoranda,whether bearing a date before or after Date of ' forth in Schedule(A),(C)or in Part 2 of this Guarantee,or title to streets,roads,avenues, Guarantee,which reasonably pertain to the loss or damage. Further,if requested by any lanes,ways or waterways to which such land abuts,or the right to maintain therein vaults, authorized representative of the Company,the Assured shall grant its permission,in writing, tunnels,ramps or any structure or improvements;or any rights or easements therein,unless for any authorized representative of the Company to examine,inspect and copy all records, such property,rights or easements are expressly and specifically set forth in said description. books,ledgers,checks,correspondence and memoranda in the custody or control of a third (b) Defects,liens,encumbrances,adverse claims or other matters,whether or party, which reasonably pertain to the loss or damage. All information designated as not shown by the public records; (1)which are created,suffered,assumed or agreed to by confidential by the Assured provided to the Company pursuant to this Section shall not be one or more of the Assureds;(2)which result in no loss to the Assured;or(3)which do not disclosed to others unless,in the reasonable judgment of the Company,it is necessary in the result in the invalidity or potential invalidity of any judicial or non judicial proceeding which administration of the claim. Failure of the Assured to submit for examination under oath, is within the scope and purpose of the assurances provided. produce other reasonably requested information or grant permission to secure reasonably (c) The identity of any party shown or referred to in Schedule A. necessary information from third parties as required in the above paragraph,unless prohibited (d) The validity,legal effect or priority of any matter shown or referred to in by law or governmental regulation,shall terminate any liability of the Company under this this Guarantee. Guarantee to the Assured for that claim. GUARANTEE CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS 6. Options to Pay or Otherwise Settle Claims: Termination of Liability. 1. Definition of Terms. In case of a claim under this Guarantee,the Company shall have the following additional The following terms when used in the Guarantee mean: options: (a)the"Assured": the party or parties named as the Assured in this Guarantee, (a)To Pay or Tender Payment of the Amount of Liability or to Purchase the or on a supplemental writing executed by the Company. Indebtedness. (b)"land": the land described or referred to in Schedule(A)(C)or in Part 2,and The Company shall have the option to pay or settle or compromise for or in the name of the improvements affixed thereto which by law constitute real property. The term"land"does Assured any claim which could result in loss to the Assured within the coverage of this not include any property beyond the lines of the area described or referred to in Schedule Guarantee,or to pay the full amount of this Guarantee or,if this Guarantee is issued for the (A)(C)or in Part 2,nor any right,title,interest,estate or easement in abutting streets,roads, benefit of a holder of a mortgage or a lienholder,the Company shall have the option to avenues,alleys,lanes,ways or waterways. purchase the indebtedness secured by said mortgage or said lien for the amount owing (c)"mortgage":mortgage,deed of trust,trust deed,or other security instrument. thereon,together with any costs,reasonable attorneys'fees and expenses incurred by the (d) "public records": records established under state statutes at Date of Assured claimant which were authorized by the Company up to the time of purchase. Guarantee for the purpose of imparting constructive notice of matters relating to real property Such purchase,payment or tender of payment of the full amount of the Guarantee shall to purchasers for value and without knowledge. terminate all liability of the Company hereunder. In the event after notice of claim has been (e)"date": the effective date. given to the Company by the Assured the Company offers to purchase said indebtedness,the owner of such indebtedness shall transfer and assign said indebtedness,together with any 2. Notice of Claim to be Given by Assured Claimant. collateral security,to the Company upon payment of the purchase price. An Assured shall notify the Company promptly in writing in case knowledge shall come to Upon the exercise by the Company of the option provided for in Paragraph(a)the Company's an Assured hereunder of any claim of title or interest which is adverse to the title to the estate obligation to the Assured under this Guarantee for the claimed loss or damage,other than to or interest,as stated herein,and which might cause loss or damage for which the Company make the payment required in that paragraph,shall terminate,including any obligation to may be liable by virtue of this Guarantee. If prompt notice shall not be given to the continue the defense or prosecution of any litigation for which the Company has exercised Company,then all liability of the Company shall terminate with regard to the matter or its options under Paragraph 4,and the Guarantee shall be surrendered to the Company for matters for which prompt notice is required;provided,however,that failure to notify the cancellation. Company shall in no case prejudice the rights of any Assured under this Guarantee unless the (b)To Pay or Otherwise Settle With Parties Other Than the Assured or With the Company shall be prejudiced by the failure and then only to the extent of the prejudice. Assured Claimant. To pay or otherwise settle with other parties for or in the name of an Assured claimant any 3. No Duty to Defend or Prosecute. claim assured against under this Guarantee,together with any costs,attorneys'fees and The Company shall have no duty to defend or prosecute any action or proceeding to which expenses incurred by the Assured claimant which were authorized by the Company up to the the Assured is a party, notwithstanding the nature of any allegation in such action or time of payment and which the Company is obligated to pay. proceeding. Upon the exercise by the Company of the option provided for in Paragraph(b)the Company's obligation to the Assured under this Guarantee for the claimed loss or damage,other than to 4. Company's Option to Defend or Prosecute Actions;Duty of Assured Claimant to make the payment required in that paragraph,shall terminate,including any obligation to Cooperate. continue the defense or prosecution of any litigation for which the Company has exercised 'Even though the Company has no duty to defend or prosecute as set forth in Paragraph 3 its options under Paragraph 4. above: (a)The Company shall have the right,at its sole option and cost,to institute and 7. Determination and Extent of Liability. prosecute any action or proceeding,interpose a defense,as limited in(b),or to do any other This Guarantee is a contract of Indemnity against actual monetary loss or damage sustained act which in its opinion may be necessary or desirable to establish the title to the estate or or incurred by the Assured claimant who has suffered loss or damage by reason of reliance interest as stated herein,or to establish the lien rights of the Assured,or to prevent or reduce upon the assurances set forth in this Guarantee and only to the extent herein described,and loss or damage to the Assured. The Company may take any appropriate action under the subject to the Exclusions From Coverage of This Guarantee. terms of this Guarantee,whether or not it shall be liable hereunder,and shall not thereby The liability of the Company under this Guarantee to the Assured shall not exceed the least concede liability or waive any provision of this Guarantee. If the Company shall exercise its of: rights under this paragraph,it shall do so diligently. (a)the amount of liability stated in Schedule A or in Part 2; (b)If the Company elects to exercise its options as stated in Paragraph 4(a)the (b)the amount of the unpaid principal indebtedness secured by the mortgage of Company shall have the right to select counsel of its choice(subject to the right of such an Assured mortgagee,as limited or provided under Section 6 of these Conditions and Assured to object for reasonable cause)to represent the Assured and shall not be liable for Stipulations or as reduced under Section 9 of these Conditions and Stipulations,at the time and will not pay the fees of any other counsel,nor will the Company pay any fees,costs or the loss or damage assured against by this Guarantee occurs,together with interest thereon; expenses incurred by an Assured in the defense of those causes of action which allege matters or not covered by this Guarantee. (c)the difference between the value of the estate or interest covered hereby as (c)Whenever the Company shall have brought an action or interposed a defense stated herein and the value of the estate or interest subject to any defect,lien or encumbrance as permitted by the provisions of this Guarantee,the Company may pursue any litigation to assured against by this Guarantee. .final determination by a court of competent jurisdiction and expressly reserves the right,in its sole discretion,to appeal from an adverse judgment or order. 8. Limitation of Liability. (d)In all cases where this Guarantee permits the Company to prosecute or (a)If the Company establishes the title,or removes the alleged defect,lien or provide for the defense of any action or proceeding,an Assured shall secure to the Company encumbrance,or cures any other matter assured against by this Guarantee in a reasonably the right to so prosecute or provide for the defense of any action or proceeding,and all diligent manner by any method,including litigation and the completion of any appeals appeals therein,and permit the Company to use,at its option,the name of such Assured for therefrom,it shall have fully performed its obligations with respect to that matter and shall this purpose. Whenever requested by the Company,an Assured,at the Company's expense, not be liable for any loss or damage caused thereby. shall give the Company all reasonable aid in any action or proceeding,securing evidence, CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS CONTINUED ON BACK COVER CLTA Guarantee Conditions and Stipulations C srm 9lir:_7 lo..., in_4c nc, This Space Reserved For Recorders Use: — . Filed for Record at Request of 18 Main Street Escrow, Inc. 6 S • AFTER RECORDING MAIL TO: r-----., Name JIM H. JACQUES , -) Address 509 Aberdeen Ave. N.F. City,State,Zi RENTON, WA 9805.E ry Escrow Number: 96-6071 to Statutory Warranty Deed • GjP'! 0' THE GRANTOR DALE EVERT and FENJE EVERT, WHO ACQUIRED TITLE AS FENJE SCHUCHARD, HUSBAND AND WIFE Cam{ .n O for and in consideration of TEN DOL AND OTHER GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATIONL � 8• in hand paid,conveys and warrants to JAMES H. JACQUES, AN UNMARRIED MAN ,�CC M �= ) 5 the following described real estate,situated in the County of KING ,State of Washington: - THE SOUTH 1/2 OF THE NORTH 1/2 OF TRACT 245, C.D. HILLMAN'S LAKE WASHINGTON GARDEN OF EDEN DIVISION NO. 4, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 11 OF PLATS, PAGE 82, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY; EXCEPT THE SOUTH 15 FEET THEREOF; SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. r1 See Attached Exhibit A A� 1 4.4 FILED FOR TRANSNATI4 T�R E IN REQUEST OF 0 Dated this 2nd day of August, 199E SURANCE CO CO By .!_Q.e - - ..•-a- By • DALE EVERT By Z- g rJ-P.f e By FENJC✓EVERT STATE OF Washington } SS: County of King } I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that DALE EVERT AND FENJE EVERT are the person s who appeared before me, and said person s acknowledged that they signed this instrument and acknowledge it to be their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in this instrument. • Dated: August 5TH, 199E — .. . )11 . 1i _ Pauline M. Weber Notary Public in and for the State of Washington �j Residing at Pierce County s„..rru.... RECE, IV E tly appointment expires: 06/19/97 Q '• :1. p - y: d • y F`',�i :� DEVELOPNIEN1 PLANNING G . CITY OF RENTON pp7pp��: ' 4;�ASHN ,.' , ll.FF Transnation Tikl• •, • E1499550 08/07/96 2972.60 167008T O • • • Exhibit A SUBJECT TO: Easements, restrictions, reservations, rights, covenants, and conditions, as shown on the preliminary title report issued by TRANSNATION TITLE under their order no: 3102595. ACKNOWLEDGED, ACCEPTED AND APPROVED. CumuA 1� •pep JAM. S H. JACQ ES 1 CD 6 H U. C 00 C CD cn • f4�► BT: Transnadon Tifl- �. G $ 7S . ,�, 3 . • .. 1 RECORDING REQUESTED BY: • • WORLD SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: ril WORLD SAVINGS 13 CENTRAL PROCESSING CENTER It • CLOSING DEPARTMENT P.O. BOX 659548 SAN ANTONIO, TX 78265-9548 r • LOAN NUMBER: 0001957422 Ni NOTE AMOUNT: S125,250.00 m ,� l 0 FOR RECORDER'S USE ONLY 3 In DEED OF TRUST 19 Ci THIS IS A FIRST DEED OF TRUST WHICH SECURES A NOTE WHICH CONTAINS 8 O PROVISIONS ALLOWING FOR CHANGES IN MY INTEREST RATE, FREQUENCY AND AMOUNT OF PAYMENTS AND PRINCIPAL BALANCE (INCLUDING FUTURE r() ADVANCES AND DEFERRED INTEREST). AT LENDER'S OPTION THE SECURED NOTE MAY BE RENEWED OR RENEGOTIATED. THE MAXIMUM AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL BALANCE SECURED BY THIS DEED OF TRUST IS S156,562.50 WHICH IS 125% OF THE "NOTE AMOUNT'. . I. DEFINITIONS OF WORDS USED IN.THIS DEED OF TRUST • (A) Security Instrument. This Deed of Trust, which is dated AUGUST 07.. 1996, will be called the "Security Instrument" C1Z (B) Borrower. JAMES H. JACQUES, AN UNMARRIED MAN H N FILED FOR RECORD AT REQUEST OF p TRANSNATION TITLE INSURANCE CO CO CCsometimes will be called "Borrower" and sometimes simply "I" or "me." Cn (C) Lender. WORLD SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, A FEDI-701 SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION ' ' * * * ' ' ' . ITS SUCCESSORS AND/OR ASSIGNEES, will be called "Lender." Lender is a Federal Savings and Loan Asse:.'--`inn wr..::1 is • organized and exists under the laws of the United States. Lender's address is l i•: HARRISON STREET, OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA 94612. (D) Note. The note signed by Borrower and having the same date a.. ••• Security Instrument will be called the "Note." The Note shows that I owe Lender the original p.incipal amount of U.S. S125.250.00 ("Note Amount"), plus accrued and deferred inter(1st and such other amounts as stated in the Note. I have promised to pay this de. ' biweekly payments and to pay the debt in full by AUGUST 26. 2026. (E) Property. The property that is described below in Section III entitl 'f••escriptiorr of the Property" will be called the "Property." (F) Sums Secured. The amounts described below in Section II entitled 'Borrower';, Transfer of Rights in the Property" sometimes will be called the "Sums Secured" (G) Person. Any person, organization, governmental authority or oth'• part) will be calldd "Person." (H) Trustor, Beneficiary. Trustee. Borrower is the "Trustor," •.ends, is the "Beneficiary" and FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, a Californl Corporalkr• •s the "Trustee." fl1IO1I 117II IIJffl1I 50046A1 102.2E1.9S11-951 Al8A F.gs 1 WA FIB�� DEFERRED INTEREST DEED OF TRUST-ADJ.BIWEEKLY LENDER'S Transnation Titi.. J'S ' 1 , G17e . • . • 1111 40 0001957422 • II. BORROWER'S TRANSFER OF RIGHTS IN THE PROPERTY I irrevocably grant and convey the Property to the Trustee, in trust.f or Lender, with a power of sale subject to the terms of this Security Instrument This means that, by signing • this Security Instrument, I am giving Lender end Trustee those rights that are stated in this Security Instrument and also those rights that the law gives to lenders who are beneficiaries of a deed of trust and to trustees of a deed of trust I am giving Lender and Trustee these • rights to protect Lender,from possible losses that might result if I fail to: li) pay all amounts owed to Lender under the Note and all other notes secured by this Security Instrument, called the "Secured Notes," including future advances made by Lender and any changes to the Secured Notes made with the written consent of Lender; (ii) pay, with interest, any amounts that Lender spends under Paragraphs 2 and 7 below to protect the value of the Property and Lender's rights in the Property; and (iiil keep all of my other promises and agreements under this Security Instrument, the Secured Notes and any changes to the Secured Notes made with the written consent of Lender. • III. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPERTY • I give Trustee rights in the Property described below. (i) The property which is located at 1708 ABERDEEN AVENUE NE, RENTON, WA 98056. * • • • • « • • • • • • • « • • • " • " • • • ' ' The legal description of the Property is attached as Exhibit "A" which is made a part of this Security Instrument This Property is called the "Described Property." (ii) All buildings and other improvements. that are located on the Described Property; (iii) All rights in other property that I have as owner of the Described Property. These rights are known as easements, rights and appurtenances attached to the Property; • (iv) All rents or royalties and other income from the Described Property;' (v) All mineral, oil and gas rights and profits, water rights and stock that are part of the Described Property; . � (vi) All rights that I have in the land which lies in the streets or road!'In front of, tv behind or next to, the Described Property; (vii) All fixtures that are now or in the future will be on the Described Property or on the property described in subsection (ii) of this Section; Iviii) All of the rights and property described in subsections (ii) through (vii) of this Section that I acquire in the future; CO (ix) All replacements of or additions to the Cr) (ix) property described in subsections (ii) through Iviii) of this Section; and • (x) All of the amounts that I pay to Lender under Paragraph 2 below. IV. BORROWER'S RIGHT TO GRANT A SECURITY INTEREST IN THE PROPERTY AND BORROWER'S OBLIGATION TO DEFEND OWNERSHIP OF THE PROPERTY ' I promise that (i) I lawfully own the Property; Iii) I have the right to grant and convey the Property to Trustee; and (iii) there are no outstanding claims, charges, liens or encumbrances against the Property, except for those which are of public record . • I give a general warranty of title to Lender. This means that I will be fully responsible for any losses which Lender suffers because someone other than myself and the Trustee has some of the rights in the Property which I promise that I have. I promise that I will defend my ownership of the Property against any claims of such rights. COVENANTS I promise and I agree with Lender as follows: 1. ' BORROWER'S PROMISE TO PAY I will pay to Lender, on time, all principal and interest due under the Secured Notes and any prepayment and late charges due under the Secured Notes. 2. PAYMENTS FOR TAXES AND INSURANCE (A) Borrower's Obligations I will pay all amounts necessary to pay taxes and hazard insurance premiums on the Property as well as assessments, leasehold payments, ground rents or mortgage insurance • premiums (if any). • / 50049E 101.19.9511-991 A49C DEED OF TRUST-ADJ.BIWEEKLY WA - Pegs 2 •Trananation Tit!- � - • AUG $ 7 ' • :. • . • 9, 0001957422 (B) Escrow Accounts Subject to applicable law, norequireduponwritten pp cable a escrow shall be except w Itte demand by Lender, in which case, I shall pay to Lender on the day payments are due under • the Note, until the Note is paid in full, a sum ("Funds") for: (a) yearly taxes, penalties and assessments which may attain priority over this Security Instrument as a lien on the Property; (b) yearly leasehold payments or ground rents on the Property, if any; (c) yearly hazard or property insurance premiums; (d) yearly flood insurance premiums, if any; and (e) yearly mortgage insurance premiums, if any. These items are called "Escrow Items." Lender may, •at 1 any time, collect and hold Funds in an amount not to exceed the maximum amount a lender y related mortgage loan may reqe for an escrow account th e Real for a Estatefederall Settlement Procedures Act of 1974uir.as amended from time tounder time,:12 U.S.Cfederal. § 2601 et seq. ("RESPA"), unless another law that applies to the Funds'sets a lesser amount If so, Lender may, at any time, collect and hold Funds in an amount not to exceed the lesser amount Lender may estimate the amount of Funds due on the basis of current data and reasonable estimates of expenditures of future Escrow Items in accordance with applicable law. • • C1? (.D The Funds shall be held in an institution whose deposits are insured by a federal • agency, instrumentality, or entity (including Lender, if Lender is such an institution) or in any ;\ Federal Home Loan Bank. Lender shall apply the Funds to pay the Escrow Items. Lender may not charge me for holding and applying the Funds, annually analyzing the escrow account, or verifying the Escrow Items, unless Lender pays me interest on the Funds and/or applicable law permits Lender to make such a charge. However. Lender may require me to pay alone-timer Cd charge for an independent real estate tax reporting service used by Lender in connection with this loan, unless applicable law provides otherwise. Unless an agreement is made'or. applicable law requires interest to be paid, Lender shall not be required to pay me anyi interest or earnings on the Funds. Lender shall give to me, without charge, an annual accounting of the Funds, showing credits and debits to the Funds and the purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additional security for all sums secured by this Security Instrument If the Funds held by Lender exceed the amounts permitted to be •he'd applicable law, Lender shall account to me for the excess Funds in accordancet with'the requirements of applicable law. If the amount of the Funds held by Lender at any.time is not sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due, Lender may so notify me in writing, and, in such case I shall pay to Lender the amount necessary to make up the deficiency or shortage. I shall make up the deficiency or shortage in accordance with the requirements of the Lender. at its sole discretion, in the manner and times prescribed by RESPA. • Upon payment in full of all sums secured bythis SecurityInstrument, Lender shall P P Y promptly refund to me any Funds held by Lender. If, under paragraph 28, Lender shall acquire or sell the Property, Lender, prior to the acquisition or sale of the Property, snail apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisition or sale as a credit against the suns secured by this Security Instrument SD045C 102.28.9511-951 A46D DEED OF TRUST-ADJ.BIWEEKLY WA EIDBr: • P.O.3 Trananation Titl-• �� 6 111 0001967422 • 3. APPLICATION OF BORROWER'S PAYMENTS Unless the law requires otherwise, Lender will apply each of my payments under the • Secured Notes and under Paragraphs 1 and 2 above in the following order and for the following purposes: First, to pay prepayment charges due under the Secured Notes; • Second, to pay any advances due to Lender under this Security Instrument; Third, to pay the amounts due to Lender under Paragraph 2 above; Fourth, to pay interest due under the Secured Notes; Fifth, to pay deferred interest under the Secured Notes; Sixth, to pay principal due under the Secured Notes; Last, to pay late charges due under the Secured Notes. 4. BORROWER'S OBLIGATION TO PAY CHARGES, ASSESSMENTS AND CLAIMS I will pay all taxes, assessments and any other charges and fines that may•be imposed on the Property and that may be superior to this Security Instrument I will also make payments due under my lease if I am a tenant on the Property and I will pay ground rents (if any) due on the Property. I will pay these amounts either by making the payments to Lender that are described in Paragraph 2 above or by making the payments on time to the Person owed them. • Any claim, demand or charge that is made against property because an t e••.lation has not been fulfilled is known as a Ilan. I will promptly pay or satisfy all liens •.:alnst the Property that may be superior to this Security Instrument However, this Security Instrument does not require me to satisfy a superior lien If: (A) I agree, in writing, to pay the obligation • nj which gave rise to the superior lien and Lender approves in writing the way in which I agree CD to pay that obligation; or (B) in good faith, I argue or defend against the superior lien in a lawsuit so that, during the lawsuit, the superior lien may not be enforced and no pr't of the • 1"4 Property must be given up; or (C) I secure from the holder of that other lien e.1 ,';;'Bement, Capproved in writing by Lender, that the lien of this Security Instrument is superior 4..o the lien held by that Person If Lender determines that any part of the Property is stiajct to a superior lien, Lender may give to me a notice identifying the superior lien. I will pay or satisfy the superior lien or take one or more of the actions set forth above within 10 days of the giving of notice. • 5. BORROWER'S OBLIGATION TO MAINTAIN INSURANCE At my sole cost and expense, I will obtain and maintain hazard insurance to cover all buildings and other improvements that now are or in the future will be located on the Property. The insurance must cover loss or damage caused by fire, hazards normally covered by "extended coverage" hazard insurance policies and other hazards for which Lender requires coverage. The insurance must be in the amounts and for the periods of time required by Lender. I may choose the insurance company but my choice is subject to Lender's approval. Lender may not refuse to approve my choice unless the refusal is reasonable. A11 of these insurance policies and renewals of the policies must include whet is known as a Standard Mortgagee Clause to protect Lender. The form of all policies and renewals must be acceptable to Lender. Lender will have the right to hold the policies and renewals. If Lender requires, I will promptly give Lender all receipts of paid premiums and renewal notices that I receive. If I obtain earthquake insurance, any other hazard insurance, credit life and/or disab.11ty insurance, or any other insurance on or relating to the Property or the Secured Notes end which are not specifically required by Lender, I will name Lender as loss payee of any proceeds. If there is a lots or damage to the Property, I will promptly notify the proper insurance company and Lender. If I do not promptly prove to the insurance company that the loss or damage occurred, then Lender may do so. The amount paid by the insurance company is called "Proceeds." Any Proceeds'•received will be applied first to reimburse Lender for costs and expenses incurred in connection with obtaining the Proceeds, and then, at Lender's option and in the order and proportion as Lender may determine in its sole and absolute discretion, regardless of any impairment or' lack of impairment of security, as follows: IAI to the extent allowed by applicable law, tr• the Sums Secured in a manner that Lender determines and/or (B) to the payment of costs a•d.expenses of necessary repairs or to the restoration of the Property to a condition satisfactory to Lender, such application to be made in the manner and at the times as determined by Lender. MD7w� t 5D04ED 102.2E.9S/1-951 A40E DEED OF TRUST-ADJ.BIWEEKLY WA �i P4p4 4 Transnation Titl • - 1.G � 7 7 • 000 1957422 • • • If I abandon the Property or if I do not answer, within 30 days, a notice from Lender stating that the insurance company has offered to settle a claim, Lender may collect the Proceeds. Lender may use the Proceeds to repair or restore the Property or to pay the Sums Secured. The 30—day period will begin when the notice is given. If any Proceeds are used to reduce the amount of principal which I owe to Lender under the Secured Notes, that use will not delay the due date or change the amount of any of my biweekly payments under the Secured Notes and under Paragraphs 1'and. 2 above. However, Lender and I may agree in writing to delays or changes. • If Lender acquires the Property under Paragraph 28 below, all of my rights in the insurance policies will belong to Lender. Also, all of my rights in any proceeds which are paid because of damage that occurred before the Property' is acquired by Lender or sold will • belong to Lender. However, Lender's rights in those proceeds will not be grease► than the Sums Secured immediately before the Property is acquired by Lender or sold. If I am required by Lender to pay premiums for mortgage insurance, I will pay the premiums until the requirement for mortgage insurance ends according to my written agreement with Lender or according to law. 6. BORROWER'S OBLIGATION TO MAINTAIN THE PROPERTY AND TO FULFILL ANY LEASE OBLIGATIONS I will keep the Property.in good repair. I will not destroy or substantially change the Property and I will not allow the Property to deteriorate. I will keep and maintain the Property in compliance with any state or federal hazardous materials and hazardous waste laws. I will not use, generate, manufacture or store any hazardous materials or hazardous waste on, under or about the Property. I will indemnify, defend and hold harmless Lender and its employees, officers and directors and their successors from any claims, damages or costs for required or necessary repair or the removal of hazardous waste or any other hazardous materials claim. If I do not own but am a tenant on the property, I will fulfill my obligations'under my lease. I also agree that, if I acquire the fee title to the Property, my lease interest and the fee title will not merge unless Lender agrees to the merger in writing. • 7. LENDER'S RIGHT TO PROTECT ITS RIGHTS IN THE PROPERTY If: (A) I do not keep my promises and agreements made in this Security Instrument, or (B) someone, including me, begins a legal proceeding that may significantly affect Lender's rights in the Property (such as a legal proceeding in bankruptcy, in probate, for condemnation or to enforce laws or regulations), then Lender may do and pay for whatever is necessary to_ n protect the Lender's rights in the Property. Lender's actions may include appearing in court, paying reasonable attorneys' fees and entering on the Property to make repairs.Lender must 1:0 give me notice before Lender may take any of these actions. Although Lender may lake action under this Paragraph 7, Lender does not have to do so. Any action taken by Lender under this Paragraph 7, will not release me from my obligations under this Security Instrument I will pay to Lender any amounts which Lender advances under this Paragraph 7 with interest at the interest rate in effect under the Secured Notes which have not-been paid. I will pay those amounts to Lender when Lender sends me a notice requesting that I do so. Interest on each amount will begin to accrue on the date that the amount is advanced by • Lender. However, Lender and I may agree in writing to terms that are different from those in this Paragraph 7. This Security Instrument will protect Lender in case I do not keep this promise to pay those amounts with interest 8. LENDER'S RIGHT TO INSPECT THE PROPERTY Lender, and others authorized by Lender, may enter upon and inspect the Property. They must do so in a reasonable manner and at reasonable times. Before or at the time an inspection is made, Lender must give me notice stating a reasonable purpose for the inspection. 9. AGREEMENTS ABOUT GOVERNMENTAL TAKING OF THE PROPERTY I assign to Lender all my rights: (A) to proceeds of all awards or claims for damages resulting from condemnation, eminent.domain or other governmental taking of all or any part of the Property; and (B) to proceeds from a sale of all or any part of the Property that is made to avoid condemnation, eminent domain or other government taking of the property. All of.those proceeds will be paid to Lender. If all of the Property is taken, the proceeds will be used to reduce the Sums Secured. If any of the proceeds remain after the amount that I owe to Lender has been paid in full, the remaining proceeds will be paid to me. Unless Lender and I agree otherwise in writing, if only a part of the Property is taken, the amount that I owe to Lender will be reduced only by the amount of proceeds multiplied by the following fraction: (A) the total amount of the Sums Secured immediately before the taking, divided by (B) the fair market value of •he Property immediately before the taking. The remainder of the proceeds will be paid to me. SDO4EE IO2.26.9511-951 ASSF DEED OF TRUST-ADJ. BIWEEKLY WA Paps S Trananation Titl- G 7 9% • 0001957422 ' If I abandon the Property or if I do not answer, within 30 days, a notice from Lender stating that a governmental authority has offered to make a payment or to settle a claim for damages, Lender has the authority to collect the proceeds. Lender may then use the proceeds to repair or restore the Property or to reduce the Sums Secured. The 30-day period will begin when the notice is given. — If any proceeds are used to reduce the amount of principal which I owe to Lender under the Secured Notes, that use will not delay the due date or change the amount of any of my biweekly payments under the Secured Notes and under Paragraphs 1 and 2 above. However, Lender and I may agree in writing to delays or changes. 10. CONTINUATION OF BORROWER'S OBLIGATIONS AND OF LENDER'S RIGHTS (A) Borrower's Obligations Lender may allow a Person who takes over my rights and obligations subject to this Security Instrument to delay or to change the amount of the biweekly payments of principal and interest due under the Secured Notes or under this Security Instrument Even if Lender does this, however, that Person and I will both still be fully obligated under the • Secured Notes and under this Security Instrument Lender may allow those delays or changes f or a Person who takes over my rights and obligations, even if Lender is requested not to do so. Lender will not be required to bring a lawsuit against such a Person for not fulfilling obligations under the Secured Notes or under this Security Instrument, even if Lender is requested to do so. (B) Lender's Rights Even if Lender does not exercise or enforce any of its rights under this Security Instrument or under the law, Lender will still have all of those rights and may exercise and enforce them in the future. Even if Lender obtains insurance, pays taxes, or pays other claims, • charges or liens against the Property, Lender will have the right under Paragraph 28 below to demand that I make immediate payment in full of the amounts that I owe to Lender under the • • Secured Notes and under this Security Instrument 1.4 11. OBLIGATIONS OF BORROWER AND OF PERSONS TAKING OVER iBORROWER'S RIGHTS OR OBLIGATIONS Any Person who takes over my rights or obligations under this Security•Iraitrument will have all of my rights and will be obligated to keep all of my promises and agreements made r in this Security Instrument Similarly, any Person who takes over Lender's rights To(obligations under this Security Instrument will have all of Lender's rights and will be obligated to keep all O of Lender's agreements made in this Security Instrument If more than one Person signs this Security Instrument as Borrower, estt•of us is fully obligated to keep all of Borrower's promises and obligations contained th this Security Instrument Lender may enforce Lender's rights under this Security Instrument against each of us individually or against all of us together. This means that any one of us may be required to pay all of the Sums Secured • • 12. MAXIMUM LOAN CHARGES If the loan secured by this Security Instrument is subject to a law which sets maximum loan charges, and that law is finally interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges collected or to be collected in connection with the loan exceed permitted limits, then IA) any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce the charge to the permitted limits and (B) any sums already collected from Borrower which exceeded permitted limits will be refunded to Borrower. Lender may choose to make this refund by reducing the principal owed under the Secured Notes or by making a direct payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces principal, the reduction will be treated as a partial prepayment without any prepayment charge under the Secured Notes. 13. LEGISLATION AFFECTING LENDER'S RIGHTS If a change in applicable law would make any provision of the Secured'Notes•vir this Security Instrument unenforceable, Lender may require that I make immediate payment•in•full of all Sums Secured by this Security Instrument 14. NOTICES REQUIRED UNDER THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT Any notice that must be given to me under this Security Instrument will be given by delivering it or by mailing it by first class mail unless applicable law requires use of another method The notice will be addressed to me at 1708 ABERDEEN AVENUE NE, RENTON, WA 98056. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . . 00 • A notice will be given to me at an alternative address if I give Lender a notice of my alternative address. I may designate only one mailing address at a time for notification SD04EF(02.28.9511-05I A4e0 DEED OF TRUST-ADJ.BIWEEKLY WA Pegs 0 5 • • Transnation Tit! , :.� � 7all v 1 0001957422 • purposes. Any notice that must be given to Lender under this Security Instrument will be given • by mailing it by first class mail to ,Lender's address stated in Section I.IC) above entitled. "Definitions of Words Used In This Deed of Trust." unless Lender gives me notice of a different address. Any notice required by this Security Instrument is given when it is mailed or • when it is delivered according to.the requirements of this Paragraph 14 or of applicable law. • 15. GOVERNING LAW; SEVERABILITY This Security Instrument and the Secured Notes shall be governed by and construed under federal law and federal rules and regulations including those for federal savings and loan associations, called "Federal Law." In the event that any of the terms or provisions of this Security Instrument or the Secured Notes are interpreted or construed by a court of competent jurisdiction to be void, invalid or unenforceable, such decision shall affect only those provisions so construed or interpreted and shall not affect the remaining provisions of this Security Instrument or the Secured Notes. 16. BORROWER'S COPY • I acknowledge the receipt of one conformed copy of the Secured Notes and of this Security Instrument 17. LENDER'S RIGHTS TO RENTAL PAYMENTS AND TO TAKE POSSESSION OF THE PROPERTY If Lender requires immediate payment in full or if I abandon the Property, then Lender. Persons authorized by Lender, or a receiver appointed by a court at Lender's request may. (A) collect the rental payments, including overdue rental payments, directly from the tenants; (B), enter upon and take possession of the Property; (C) manage the Property; and (D) sign, cancel and change rental agreements and leases. If Lender notifies the tenants that Lender.has the right to collect rental payments directly from them under this Paragraph 17, I agree.that the • tenants may make those rental payments to Lender without having to ask (i) Lender whether I have failed to keep my promises and agreements under this Security Instrument, or (ii) me for my permission to do so. • If Lender acts to have the Property sold after a Breach of Duty as defined in Paragraph 28, I understand and agree that (A) my right to occupy the Property ceases at the time the Property is sold; (B) I shall have no right to occupy the Property after.such sale 1.4 without the written consent of the new owner of the Property; and (C) my wrongful and O unlawful possession of the Property may subject me to monetary damages, including the loss of reasonable rent and the cost of eviction. All rental payments collected by Lender or by a • receiver, other than the rent paid by me under this Paragraph 17, will be used lie at to pay fy the costs of collecting rental payments and of managing the Property. If any par‘.of the rental C') payments remains after those costs have been paid in full, the remaining part Will be used to reduce the Sums Secured. The costs of managing the Property may include the receiver's fees, reasonable attorneys' fees and the costs of any necessary bonds. 18. INJURY TO PROPERTY; ASSIGNMENT OF RIGHTS An assignment is a transfer of rights to another. I may have rights.to bring legal action against persons, other than Lender, for injury or damage to the Property or in connection with the loan made to me by Lender and which arose or will arise before or after the date of this Security Instrument These rights to bring legal action may include an action for breach of contract, fraud, concealment of a material fact or for intentional or negligent acts. I assign these rights, and any proceeds arising from these rights, as permitted by applicable law, to Lender. Lender may, at its option, enforce these rights in its own name and may apply any proceeds resulting from this assignment to any amount that I may owe to Lender under the Note and'this Security Instrument after deducting any expenses, including attorneys' fees, incurred in enforcing these rights. At the request of Lender, I will sign any further assignments or other documents that may be necessary to enforce this assignment. 19. CLERICAL ERRORS In the event Lender at any time discovers that this Security Instrument, thS Secured Notes or any other document related to this loan, called collectively the "Loan Documents; contains an error which Was caused by a clerical mistake, calculation error, computer error, printing error or similar error, I agree, upon notice from Lender, to reexecute any Loan Documents that are necessary to correct any such errors) and I also agree that I will not hold Lerider responsible for any damage to me which may result from any such error, 20. LOST, STOLEN OR MUTILATED DOCUMENTS If any of the Loan Documents are lost, stolen, mutilated or destroyed and Lender delivers to me an indemnification in my favor, signed by Lender, then I will sign and deliver to Lender a Loan Document identical in form and content which will have the effect of the original for all purposes. • • - EDD4EG 102.75.9511.951 A4EH jl� l DEED OF TIIUST•ADJ.BIWEEKLY • WA •lit Paps 7 <J• Transnation Titl- • - AUG 7 9• lv • • 00019S1422 • 21. WAIVER OF STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS I will waive, within applicable law, the pleading of the statute of limitations as a defense to enforce this Security Instrument, including any obligations referred to in this Security Instrument or Secured Notes. 22. CAPTIONS • The captions and headings at the beginning of each paragraph of this Security Instrument are for reference only and will not be used in the interpretation of any provision of this Security Instrument 23. MODIFICATION This Security Instrument may be modified or amended only by an agreement in writing • signed by Borrower and Lender. Lender may modify the Security Instrument and the Secured Notes at Lender's sole discretion in the event that I have failed to make my biweekly payments in the manner set forth in the Secured Notes. In the event of a modification to monthly payments. Lender will substitute the term "monthly payment at each point that the term "biweekly payment appears in this Security Instrument 24. CONDOMINIUM, COOPERATIVE AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT OBLIGATIONS If the Property is a unit in a condominium, cooperative or planned unit development, each of which shall be called the "Project" and I have an interest in the common elements of the Project, then Lender and I agree that (A) If an owners association or other entity, called "Owners Association, holds title to Property for the benefit or use of the Project and its members or shareholders, the 04 Property also includes my interest in the Owners Association and the uses, proceeds and tz benefits of my interest • N (B) The following are called the "Constituent Documents:" (i) The deci ratlbp or any other document which created the Project; (ii) By-laws of the Owners Association; liii) Code Li!) of regulations for the Project; (iv) Articles of incorporation, trust instrument or equivalent document which creates the Owners Association; (v) The Projects covenants, conditions and restrictions; (vi) Other equivalent documents. I shall perform all of my obligations under the Constituent Document* including my obligation to pay, when due, all dues and assessments. If I do not pay the!dues and assessments when due, Lender may, at its option, pay them. I will pay to Lender iinjr amounts which Lender advances under this Paragraph 24 according to the terms described in Paragraph 7 above. (C) If the Owners Association maintains, with an insurance comparir 1'easonably acceptable to Lender, a master or blanket policy on the Project which is sitliiactory to Lender and which provides insurance coverage on the terms, in the amounts, for tt01;periods, and against the hazards Lender requires, including fire and hazards included witiihf'the term "extended coverage," and Lender is provided with evidence of such master or blanket policy, thert (i) Lender waives the provision in Paragraph 2(B) above for the payment to Lender of the estimated yearly premium installments for hazard insurance on the Property; and (ii) hazard insurance coverage on the Property as required by Paragraph 5 above if:deemed!to be • satisfied to the extent that the required coverage is provided by the Owners: Association policy. I shall give Lender prompt notice of any lapse in the required hazard' insurance coverage. I shall provide a copy of such master or blanket policy to Lender annually In the event of a distribution of hazard insurance proceeds in lieu of restoration or repair following a loss to the Property, whether to the unit or to common elements. any proceeds payable to me are hereby assigned and shall be paid to Lender for application to the Sums Secured by this Security Instrument, with any excess paid to me. I shall take such actions as may be reasonable to insure that the Owners Association maintains a pOblic liability insurance policy acceptable to Lender in form, amount and extent of coverage. (D) I shall not, except after notice to Lender and with Lender's prior written consent. either partition or subdivide the Property or consent to: (i) the abandonment or termination a' ' the Project, except for abandonment or termination required by law in the case of substantial• destruction by fire or other casualty or in the case of condemnation, eminent dotnain or othiit governmental taking; Oil any amendment to any provision of Constituent Documents unless the' �{BT: { 513040H 102.2E.9511-951 A4EI DEED OF THUST•ADJ.BIWEEKLY WA !� Peps e • Transnation Titl „--5 , B179 1I 0• 001957422 • provision is for the express benefit of Lender or of lenders generally; (iii) termination of professional management and assumption of self-management of the Owners Association; or (iv) any action which would have the effect of rendering the master or blanket hazard insurance policy and/or the public liability insurance coverage maintained by the Owners Association unacceptable to Lender. — • 25. FUTURE ADVANCES At Borrower's request, Lender, at its option (but before release of this Security Instrument or the full reconveyence of the Property described in the Security Instrument) may lend future advances, with interest, to Borrower. Such future advances, with interest, will then be additional Sums Secured under this Security Instrument 26. AGREEMENTS ABOUT LENDER'S RIGHTS IF THE PROPERTY IS SOLD OR TRANSFERRED Acceleration of Payment of Sums Secured. Lender may, at its option, require immediate payment in full of all Sums Secured by this Security Instrument if all or any part of the Property, or if any right in the Property, is sold or transferred without Lender's prior written permission. Lender also may, at its option, require immediate payment in full if Borrower is not a natural Person and a beneficial interest in Borrower is sold or transferred without Lender's prior written permission. However, Lender shall not require immediate payment in full if this is prohibited by Federal Law in effect on the date of the Security Instrument If Lender exercises the option to require immediate payment in full, Lender will give me notice of acceleration. If I fail to pay all Sums Secured by this Security' Instrument immediately, Lender may then or thereafter invoke any remedies permitted by 'this Security • Instrument without further notice to or demand on me. Exception to Acceleration of Payment of Sums Secured. If the sale or transfer of all or any part of the Property, or of a beneficial interest in Borrower, if Borrower is not a natural Person, is the first one to occur after the date of this Security Instrument, tender will • e not exercise the option to accelerate payment in full of all Sums Secured and, the loan may H be assumed if: lil Lender receives a completed written application from transferee to evaluate the creditworthiness of transferee as if a new loan were being made to the transferee by Lender; (ii) Lender approves the creditworthiness of the transferee in writing; Cr) (iii) transferee makes a cash downpayment sufficient to meet Lender's 'then current underwriting standards; • (iv) an assumption fee, in an amount to be determined by Lender (but not to exceed 1% of the balance of principal and interest due under the Secured Notes at'the time of sale or transfer of the Property or of the interest in the Borrower) is paid to Lender; end (v) the transferee executes en assumption agreement which is satisfactory to Lender, such assumption agreement providing for transferee opening a deposit account with Lender, or.with a bank or savings and loan which has been approved by Lender, for direct payment • as provided in the secured notes. The loan may be assumed under its then existing terms and conditions with one exception; the Lifetime Rate Cap may be changed The Lifetime Rate Cap shall be changed to • an interest rate which is the sum of the interest rate in effect on the date of a sale or transfer of the Property or beneficial interest in Borrower plus 5 percentage points, if that sum exceeds the Lifetime Rate Cap stated in the Secured Notes. 27. SUBSTITUTION OF TRUSTEE I agree that Lender may at any time appoint a successor trustee and that Person shall become the Trustee under this Security Instrument as If originally named as Trustee. 28. RIGHTS OF THE LENDER IF THERE IS A BREACH OF DUTY It will be called a ;Breach of Duty" if (i) I do not pay the full amount of each biweekly payment on the date it is due; or (ii) I fail to perform any of my promises or agreements under the Note or this Security Instrument; or (iii) any statement made in my application'for this loan was materially false or misleading or if any statement in my application}•fOr this loan was materially false or misleading by reason of my omission of certain facts; or (ivl I,have • made any other statement to Lender in connection with this loan that is materially false or misleading. If there is a Breach of Duty by me, Lender may demand an immediate,payment of all sums secured If there is a Breach of Duty by me, the Lender may take action to have the Property sold under any applicable Federal Law, rule or regulation and, where Federal Law is not applicable, under the law of the state where the Property is located, which will be called the • "Applicable Law." I ' BI, soma (02.28.9511-96)A4BJ DEED OF TRUST•ADJ.BIWEEKLY WA • Trananation Titi Pegs El 'S G 79• • l � • _ , • • 0001957422 Lender does not have to give me notice of a Breach of Duty unless notice is required by Applicable Law. If Lender does not make a demand for full payment upon a.Breach of Duty, Lender may make a demand for full payment upon any other Breach of Duty. If there is a Breach of Duty, Leader may also take action to have a receiver:appointed under the Applicable Law to collect rents from any tenants on the Property and to manage • • the Property. The action to appoint a receiver may be taken without prior notice to me and regardless of the value of the Property. The sale of the Property may be postponed by or at the direction of Lender except as limited or prohibited by the Applicable Law. If. the Property is sold under the Applicable Law, I agree that it may be sold in one parcel. I also agree that Lender may add to the amount that I owe to Lender all legal fees, costs, allowances, and disbursements incurred as a result of the action to sell the Property, except to the extent that the Applicable Law limits or prohibits any such charges. Lender will apply the proceeds from the sale of the Property in the following order. (A) to all fees, expenses and costs incurred in connection with the sale, including trustees' and • attorneys' fees, if any; (B) to all Sums Secured by this Security Instrument; and IC) any excess to the Person or Persons legally entitled to it 29. RECONVEYANCE When Lender has been paid all amounts due under the Secured Notes and under this • Security Instrument, Lender will request Trustee to reconvey the Property and will deliver this Security Instrument and the Secured Notes to Trustee. Trustee will reconvey the Property without warranty to the Personls) legally entitled to it Such Person(s) will pay all costs CO incurred by Lender or Trustee relating to the delivery of the Secured Notes and the Security Instrument, the reconveyance and its recordation ,14 30. STATEMENT OF OBLIGATION • To the extent allowed by law, I will give Lender a fee for furnishing any statement of 0 obligation with respect to this Security Instrument or the Secured Notes. • 0') 31. USE OF PROPERTY I will not use the property for agricultural, timber or grazing purposes. 32. QUICK QUALIFYING LOAN PROGRAM I have qualified for this loan by making statements of fact which were•relied'upon by Lender to approve the loan rapidly. This loan is called a "Quick Qualifying Loan' j have stated and I confirm that (A) I do not have any other Quick Qualifying Loans with Lender, (B) I have agreed to not further encumber the Property and do not intend to further ancumber the Property for at least six months after the date of the Secured Notes and;this Security Instrument; and (C) If I am purchasing the Property, all of the terms of• the purchase agreement submitted to Lender are true and the entire down payment is cash:from my own funds. If any of the statements of fact that I have made are materially false or misleading, I will be in default under the Secured Notes and this Security Instrument If I am in such default. Lender may, at its option, increase the interest rate and margin subject to the Lifetime Rate Cap stated in the Secured Notes. 33. OWNER OCCUPANCY Lender has relied upon statements of fact which I have made to qualify for this loan. I have stated and confirm that (A) the Property is my personal and primary residence; (B)'I will occupy the Property not later than 30 days after this Security Instrument is recorded; and (C) I will use the Property as my residence for at least 12 months from the data this Security Instrument is recorded. If any of the statements of fact that I have made are materially false or misleading. I will be in default under•the Secured Notes and this Security Instrument If I am in such default, Lender may, at its option, increase the interest rate and margin, subject to the Lifetime • Rate Cap stated in the Secured Notes. THIS SPACE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK; SIGNATURE PAGE FOLL"WS. , !ID HI: SD049J5 102.26.95/1.951 A460 DEED OF TRUST-ADJ.aIWEEKLY J WA Transnation Titl- P.y. 10 1617 ` • KI . • • 0001957422' • BY SIGNING BELOW, I accept and agree to the promises end agreements contained in this Security Instrument and in any rider(s) signed by me and recorded in proper official records. li • (PLEASE SIGN YOUR NAME EXACTLY AS IT APPEARS BELOW) BORROWER(S): • CAf H. 4\.C�p Vel3 (Seal) .1 J S H. JAC ES U CO _ (Seal) n ' o (seal) • (seal) ACKNOWLEDGMENT ATTACHED TO and made a part At NU.L.INF4f,,,� of DEED OF TRUST e • Ise „1• ry,9SH'NG.1° 00000000 000000000 STATE OF Washington } SS: • County of King } • • I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that JAMES H. JA6QUESF JACQIi S is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that he signed this instrument and acknowledge it to be his free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in this instrument. Dated: August 7TH, 1996 ^ �� • • Pauline M. Weber Notary Public in and for the State of Washington • Residing at Pierce County My appointment expires: 06/19/97 ATTACH INDIVIDUAL NOTARY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT • • SDO4EK1 (02.28.9511-951 A4ES DEED OF TRUST-ADJ.BIWEEKLY WA i • Pogo 11 of 11 Transnation Tit.)- . A � 79• , , J• WORLD SAVINGS EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOAN NO. 0001957422 ALL THAT CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY SITUATED IN THE COUNTY OF K I NG STATE OF WASH I NGTON • • • • , DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: THE SOUTH 1/2 OF THE NORTH 1/2 OF TRACT 245, C.D. HYLLMAN'S LAKE WASHINGTON GARDEN OF EDEN DIVISION NO. 4, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 11 OF PLATS, PAGE 82, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY; EXCEPT THE SOUTH 15 FEET THEREOF; SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. CNI :D v4 • (I) TAPE ONLY THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION TO THIS PAGE. C) • GF129A1 101.21.9511.ESI H39A ALL STATES EXCEPT CA,DC,IL Transnation Titl • { t- • ;, . •,~,•- .•. ••s 9fv rr ... l : - !jt 'f4 zt♦ �:.i Z L�tiC_d+•�.•- j', • • . - • (.1 •Cc sea now rard 8. !!site"sod Kleolae pacti2aa7bia Ore=, and herewith grant and impose •a;. .. • +:i -• ._ Rr:..t;:>if-7.~ • - • . )410-: •- • an easement for the purpose of,occistroctinn. sdaerrite and maintenance of r {•sanitary sewers and story sewers in favor City of Renton. located in the State • of Washington, over the- following descrited property situated in King County, Washington, CO vita The west 5.00 feet in vidthief the east 10.00 feet in width of the north 170.00 feat in width of Tract 228 in the plat'of C. D. Hillmants Lake Washington Garden of Eden --' -- '•' Division No. 4, recorded in volume 11 of Plats on page 82 in records of King County, 'n. This easement is riven and granted as of this Attlay of Ja,,.,.r.; 1968, for and in cc-nsideratirn of $10.00 paid by the City of Renton. 4-}1 _1 f3 t.i1f.r (727L1 ,t.r .:- i')! >r M -Edra:•d S. ankh Hiloowe Smith M - J•gTh C.' ) t.ot.nty of King On this day perMrnrlly appearrd 'r" crc me £!M# tL S. SMITH and h.:L :•in .;i• , :.i:. :••• to re knrvn t•o be the individual c-•:cribed in and w•!.o executed r . y :!.!n :nd ,•'1ir:1 Instrument, and t cknnw;edved that they s{gnvd and sonlc•'i :'r :'•ne as r ''r•-$ ,to" •.�,;.1 entary act And (iced, for ttr` uses and r•::rroaes tt.errin ^r.•:• •`,[.V���•�� ,1,,•� r:IrtZ; undrr ry i,and Ann r,rr`{ri: r.rdl f' �s ~^•?V ^f . .V•'+' • $ (• 19/f). �'1 .,• ���• ✓ 1.rta ry i t:t': 1 • In •rid :'• . . ir,:'.:n :rst%ir.v • • { • ..e,f for*roc wQ t. : •f 1 , RlO IW. Rowell W P ONCCR NAT'L. r{TCC•INaiaD. anHI wT A. Muul15..Couwy Aeliw /G WHEN RECORDED RETURN T Office of the City Ckrk Renton Municipal Building • 200 Mill Avenue South CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON kvaton,WA 98055 ORDINANCE NO. 4362 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, ESTABLISHING AN ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FOR SANITARY SEWER SERVICE IN A PORTION g OF THE RENNYDALE SUB-BASIN AND ESTABLISHING THE AMOUNT OF THE CHARGE UPON CONNECTION TO THE FACILITIES. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. There is hereby created a Sanitary Sewer Service Special Assessment District for the area served by the West ti Kennydale Interceptor in the northeast quadrant of the City of Renton, which area is more particularly described in Exhibit "A" • attached herein. A map of the service area is attached as Exhibit o . "B" . The recording of this document against parcels of land within the boundary of the West Kennydale Interceptor area is to provide I CD Notification of Potential Assessment and interest charges. While CV CD the assessments may be paid at any time, the City does not require CD N payment until such time as the parcel is connected to and thus S benefiting 'from the sewer facilities. SECTION II. Persons connecting to the sanitary sewer facilities in this Special Assessment District and whiich properties have not been :barged or assessed with all costs of the West Kennydale Interceptor, as detailed in this ordinance, shall pay in addition to the payment of the connection permit fee and in addition to the special utility connection charge, the following additional fees : A. Per Unit Charges (See Exhibits "A" and "B" ) . New connections of residential dwelling units or equivalents shall pay a fee of $525 . 00 per dwelling unit. 1 E/ 1 ORDINANCE NO. 4362 B. Zoned Front Footage (ZFF) Charges (See Exhibits "C" and "D" ) . There is hereby created a sub-district within the West Kennydale Interceptor Special Assessment District consisting of properties fronting on the interceptor sewer. The properties to be assessed for zoned front footage and the amount each property is to be assessed is described in Exhibit "C" attached herein. A map identifying the properties within the sub-district is attached as Exhibit 'D. ' The properties located within this sub-district are subject to both charges (Unit and ZFF) . SECTION III. In addition to the aforestated charges, there shall be a charge of ten per cent (10%) per annum added to both the Per Unit Charges and Zoned Front Footage Charges, but in no case shall such added interest charge be in excess of one hundred per N. cent ( 100%) of the original assessment cost. Interest charges CD should be simple interest and not compound interest. CD !'J SECTION IV. This ordinance is effective upon its passage, CD approval, and thirty (30) days after publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 17th day of August , 1992. arilyn etersen, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 17 ay of August , 1992 . r er, Mayor: Approved s to form: AOF La '�a_ 'J3 ity At orney Date of Publication: August 21, 1992 ORD. 251-7/10/92 :as. 2 EXHIBIT"A" r WEST KENNYDALE INTERCEPTOR SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT BOUNDARY The lands included within the West Kennydale Interceptor Special Assessment District boundary are contained within Sections 4 and 5, Township 23 North, Range 5 East W.M. The boundary for the district is described as follows: Beginning at the NW corner of the Urch subdivision as recorded in Volume 88 bf Plats, page 79 records of King County, Washington,within the NW 1/4 of said Section 5; Thence easterly along the north line of said Plat to the NE corner of Lot 2; Thence southerly along the cast line of Lot 2, said Plat of Urch subdivision and its southerly extension, to an intersection with the south line of NE 27th CT. Said point of intersection also being a point on the north line of Lot 8, said Plat; Thence west along the north line of Lot 8 to the NW corner thereof; Thence south along the west line of Lot 8 to the SW corner thereof; Thence east along the south line of Lot 8 to the SE corner thereof. Said SE corner also being a point on the west right-of-way margin of Jones Ave NE; Thence easterly along the easterly extension of the south line of Lot 8, to a point of r` intersection with the cast right-of-way margin of Jones Ave NE, within the NE 1/4 of said Section 5; CV Thence north alongsaid right-of-way ma in to the NW corner of Tract 277, C.D. • T B NHillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden, Div. No. 4 as recorded in Volume 11 of • Plats, page 82 records of King County,Washington; Thence N. 89° 43' 59" E. along the north line of Track 277, said north line also being the north line of Lot 1, as established by LIA #010-85, bearing King County recording #85 1 0 1 8900 1, a distance of 90 ft., to the NE corner of said Lot 1. Thence 5.00° 33' 45" W. along the east line of said Lot 1, a distance of 87.28 ft., to the t SE corner thereof; "Mencc N. 89° 52' 13" W. along the south line of said Lot 1, a distance of 69.85 ft., to the beginning of a curve to the right having a radius of 20 ft.; Thence along said curve and said south lot lL e, through a central angle of 90° 25' 5S" an arc length of 31.57 ft. to a point on the east right-of-way line of Jones Ave NE; . Thence S. 00° 33' 45" W. along the cast right-of-way line of Jones Ave NE, a distance of 90 ft.. to the beginning of a curve to the right having a radius of 20 ft.; Paw: I 8/17/92 92 4HH 1H H . 1I 11th - • Thence along said curve and the northerly line of Lot 2, LLA 0 010-85, through a central angle of 89° 34'02"an arc length of 31.26 ft.; Thcncc S. 89° 52' 13" E. along the north line of said Lot 2, a distance of 70.15 ft., to the NE corner thereof; Thence S. 00. 33' 45"W. along the east line of said Lot 2, a distance of 87.28 ft., to the SE corner thereof. Said SE corner also being a point on the south line of Tract 275 said Plat of C.D. Hillman's lake Washington Garden of Eden, Div.No. 4; Thence easterly along the south line of said Tract 275 and continuing easterly along • the south line of Tract 255 to the NW corner of Tract 254,said Plat; • • Thence southerly along the west line of said Tract 254 to the north line of the S 1/4 of said Tract; Thence easterly along said north line to the west line of the E 70 ft. of the S 1/4 of said Tract 254; Thence southerly along said west line and its southerly extension to an intersection with the south right-of-way line of NE 24th St; Thence westerly along the south right-of-way line of NE 24th St to the NE corner of Track 262, C.D. Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden, Div. No. 4; Thence southerly along the east line of said Track 262, to the SE corner thereof. Said CV SE corner also being the NW corner of Tract 252, C.D. Hillman's Lake Washington • tT Garden of Eden, Div. No. 4; • Thence easterly along the north line of said Tract 252 to a point of intersection with the northerly extension of the west line of the east 150 ft. of said Tract 252; Thence southerly along said northerly extension and said west line, to a point 150 ft. west and 150.6 ft. north of the SE corner of said Tract 252, within the SE 1/4 of said Section 5; Thence southeasterly, a distance of 84.58 ft., to a point 91 ft. north and 90 ft. west of • the SE corner of said Tract 252; Thence southeasterly to a point on the east line of Tract 252, which point lies 70 ft. north of the SE corner of said Tract 252; • Thence south along said cast line of Tract 252, a distance of 70 ft., to the SE corner thereof. Said SE corner also being a point of intersection of the west right-of-way line of Aberdeen Ave. NE. with the north right-of-way line of NE 20th St; Thence easterly along the easterly extension of the south line of Tract 252 to the east right-of-way line of Aberdeen Ave. NE. and the SW corner of Tract 243, C.D. Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden. Div. No. 4: P.igc 2 e;17/92 92 txrt Di .AMMII.1)h •2 0 Thence northerlyalong the west line of said Tract 243 to the NW corner thereof, , within the NE 1/4 of said Section 5; Thence easterly along the north lines of Tracts 243, 234 and 225, C.D. Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden, Div. No. 4, to the NE corner of said Tract 225; Thence southerly along the cast line of said Tract 225, a distance of 30 ft., to the NW corner of Lot 1, Block 2 of the Edendale subdivision as recorded in Volume 60 of Plats, page 81 records of King County,Washington; • Thence easterly along the north line of said Block 2 and its easterly extension across Dayton Ave. NE to the NE corner of Block 1 of said Edendale subdivision; Thence southerly along ►',e cast line of said Block 1 and the westerly right-of-way line of Edmonds Ave. NE to the SE corner thereof, within the SE 1/4 of said Section 5; Thence northeasterly to an intersection with the NW corner of Lot 1, Block 1 of the Huselands 1st Addition subdivision as recorded In volume 54 of Plats, page 26 records of King County, Washington, within the SW 1/4 of said Section 4. Said NW corner also being a point on the cast right-of-way line of Edmonds Ave. NE; Thence easterly along the north line of said Plat to the NE corner thereof; Thence southerly along the cast line of said Plat to the SE corner thereof; ti t` Thence westerly along the south line of said Plat and its westerly extension to an O intersection with the west right-of-way line of Edmonds Ave. NE, within the SE 1/4 of said Section 5. Said intersection also being a point on the cast line of Tract 208, C.D. O Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden, Div. No. 4; O Thence southerly along the east line of said Tract 208 and the westerly right-of-way kTs. line of Edmonds Ave. NE. to an intersection with the north line of the S 1/4 thereof; Thence westerly along the north line of the S 1/4 of said Tract 208 to an intersection with the east line of Tract 215, said Plat; Thence southerly along the east line of Tract 215 to the SE coz;er thereof; Thence westerly along the south line of Tract 215 to the SW corner thereof; Th•.•nce northerly along the westerly line of Tract 215 to a point which is 35 ft. soutn of the most southeasterly corner of Lot 5, Woodland Terrace as recorded in Volume 71 of Plats, page 96 records of King County, Washington. Said point also being 91 ft. north of the SE corner of Tract 226, C.D. Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden, Div. No. 4; Thence westerly on a line which is parallel to and 35 ft. southerly of the south line of Lot 5, said Plat of Woodland Terrace, to a line which is parallel to and 101.91 ft. westerly of the cast line of said Tract 226; Page i N/17/91 92.i8f.1`(X./AM I I/hh Thence northerly along said parallel line a distance of 35 ft. to the SW comer of said Lot 5. Said SW corner also being the SE corner of Lot 6, Plat of Woodland Terrace; Thence westerly along the southerly line of Lots 6 and 7 to the SW corner of said Plat. Said SW corner is also a point on the east line of Tract 233 C.D. Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden, Div. No. 4; Thence northerly on the east line of said Tract 233 to a point which is 475 ft. south of the north line of said Tract 233; Thence westerly on a line which is parallel to and 475 ft. south of the north line of Tract 233, to an intersection with the east right-of-way line of Blaine Ave. NE; Thcncc westerly to a point on the west right-of-way line of Blaine Ave. NE. Said point being 110.96 ft. north of the south line of said Tract 233; Thence continuing westerly on a line parallel to and 110.96 ft. north of the south line of Tract 233 to a point on the west line of said Tract 233; Thcncc southerly along the west line of Tract 233 to the SW corner thereof. Said SW corner also being the NE corner of Tract 245, C.D. Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Edcn, Div. No. 4; Thence southerly along the east line of Tract 245 to the SE corner thereof. Said SE corner also being a point on the north right-of-way margin of NE. 16th St; r` Thence westerly along said north right-of-way margin and its westerly extension across Aberdeen Ave. NE to an intersection with the cast right-of-way line of Monterey N Court NE, as shown on the Plat of Vicw Terrace as recorded in Volume 12 of Plats, page 32 records of King County, Washington; O Thence N 0° 31' 55" E along the cast line of said Plat, a distance of 237.00 ft.; Thence N 89° 58' 15" E following said Plat boundary, a distance of 25.00 ft.; Thence N 0° 31' 55" E, a disltance of 346.60.ft., more or less, to the NE corner of said Plat; Thence S 89° 39' 40" W along the north line of the Plat of View Terrace, a distance of • 252.35 ft., more or less, to the NW corner of said Plat; Thence S 0° 31' 19" W along the west line of said Plat, to the SE corner of Lot 30, Plat of liigate, as recorded in Volume 113 of Plats, pages 44-46 records of King County, \X'ashington; Thence S 59° 43' 54" W along said Lot 30, a distance of 74 ft., more or less, to an intersection with the east right-of-way line of Monterey Ave. NE; Page 4 M/17/92 92-i88.I)OC/AUI I/bh ,2 z Thence southwesterly along the southwesterly extension of the south line of said Lot 30, a distance of 50 ft., more or less,to the west right-of-way line of Monterey Ave. NE; Thence southerly along the west right-of-way line of Monterey Ave. NE to a point of intersection with the north line of the south 200 ft. of Tract 265, C.D. Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden, Div.No. 4 extended easterly; i Thence S 89. 59' 33" W along said easterly extension and the north line of the south 200 ft. of said Tract 265, to the west line of Tract 265; 1 Thence N 0' 32'05*E along said west line,a distance of 25.00 ft.; Thence S 89' 59' 33"W, a distance of 252.33 ft., more or less, to the SW corner of LotA. 3 of said Higatc Plat; Thence northerly along the west line of said Higate Plat to the NE corner of Lot 9, Crescent View Addition, as recorded in Volume 97 of Plats, page 49 records of King County, Washington. Said NE corner also being the SE corner of Tract 285, C.D. Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden, Div. No. 4; Thence westerly along the south line of said Tract 285 to the SW corner thereof. Said SW corner also being the SE corner of Tract 292, C.D. Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden, Div. No. 4; O Thence northerly along the west line of said Tract 285 and the cast line of said Tract N 292, to the SE corner of Lot 4, City of Renton SP 130-78, A.F. ti 7807210769. Said Plat O being a portion of said Tract 292; �T • SThence westerly along the south lines of Lots 3 and 4, said Short Plat, to the SW corner of Lot 3; Thence northerly along the west line of said Lot 3 to the NW corner thereof. Said NW corner also being a point on the south right-of-way line of NE 20th S:.; .Ihence easterly along said right-of-way line to an intersection with the southerly extension of a line which lies parallel to and 155 ft. east of the west line of Tract 293, C.D. Hillman's Lake Washington, Garden of Eden, Div. No. 4; .• Thence northerly along the southerly extension of said parallel line, a distance of 60 . ft., more or less, to a point on the north right-of-way line of NE 20th, which point lies 155 ft. east of the SW corner of said Tract 293; Thence continuing northerly on said parallel line a distance of 120 ft.; Thence westerly on a line 120 ft. north of and parallel to the south line of said Tract 293, a distance of 155 ft., to a point on the east right-of-way line of Jones Ave. NE; I'Jgc S 8/17/92 92 4X14I)OC/AMII/11h y 23 _. ... ......:....._..t...;i3.�..._._.v._,_>.:..'+n::,_•.....; ,.-:.:..... .�_•>..._,_ ,... . _.;aµ.;tf:rs..�._'�,:T.S.-x.H, -*:G ui's4....,. ..Y - Thence westerly to an intersection with the north line of the S 96.66 ft. of Tract 326, C.D. Hillman's Garden of Eden, Div. No. 5 as recorded in Volume 11 of Plats, page 83 records of King County, Washington, as said north line intersects the west right-of- way margin of Jones Ave. NE, within the SW 1/4 of said Section 5; 1,1 Thence westerly along the north lint of the S 96.66 ft. of said Tract 326, to an intersection with the easterly right-of-way line of State Highway 1 (SR 405); Thence northerly along said easterly right-of-way line of State Highway 1 (SR 405) to the NW corner of the Urch subdivision, within the NW 1/4 of said Section 5. Said NW corner also being the point of beginning. 1 O N S Page a 8/17/92 72-bQ IXXaAMIWW1 -, _... , . . . . .. _ ., ........... . . . . . 7 . • ciq ii f411,ipmsii- fti_ti _, 1-- ...i_i__.., 1.T. _ _. .\0-1, _____ I • NE l_ lst ST • /0 )P / ) , , l' kifiqi'll-i§-ii-id Hi IN.14thi Te—i 11 i 1 r— .T ' I . r ! h I gtfQ'' 07 TIIIIIP]irs "If .- / - '.\\Erki?. d'Clk3 / SPECIAL ASSESS ENT DISTRICT 1 . • --.. _ ._•••-. --- _ _ -r i 1 '0*444•1+41... ' - -t- i \.\463 :77-ziF .... , ITIF- . - 1-\ \,----. • \ --if. _. _E..„..2_ ti_NT. 1. 11L.I_______ _/,/,-,-- \--._ _ , i Ai - --- ii . : T -z---r _ . ..1-77 gzi- il- _ t 1 ._ ._ ,---_, - TT T -. . . / ' \\ 1 \\,... . ..... --....-- - -1 ' \:\.- --7-- -- - -1--I .--- • -IT 1 "ffir"11 I _ I '•\ 1 \\ ,• \ ,,,,•\.. : .- 4;1 ------- 1 c•.-.. , \\(. .1 • \ • \ \\co i , \ \ \ L- ___ , _---, .---, , lifitt„,,,\N, -:, --, ,IN \. I ___ 1._ -__,-. ______. --ir—r— , \ ' \ \_ .}-1 I t___ - 1 d--- \ ,.. \ if— ------ Ci.f-- '-'... " c\J \.-. .,,... \ . Li ....-- j I-1 I t1111-71 214*--it -t —Ar ST ,--,1 ___ NE 20th -_...›..i _ ic . . .. _ • , ,, \ \ .\,,,-••• -- LA) , 1 i-1,-._...T, J_ f__, , il -, ,_ NTS , ; \ \\\\‘: 1 . 1 , /TT if— --, Fp- FT 1 riTT y 1 n-T-r1 '''; \ \ '''''•\:\ . - • i ii* j.1 LI r 1 P_T-1,--li " II I-I 11-1-1- 1=j4 -: -----_______ 10..\31) . • \ • \ , , , '. ..c• 1 - -- -1--• -.. . -. -.1 \ \ -'- - ...: 1 I tvItti i 1 p-. Lz-i - '1'14-' ! 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' • - I 1 ; 1 .1. _L.,_.* , i , -.. i 1 •,.._.\...,..\,...,,, 1 BEACH PARK 1 ' .• ( ,• '\Ni .\,•,..‘'', „, I :! 1.I , NE71 -i/iT i; piIT1.,•1 -\----.ii 1 si . : .., , . .,, , i _i __, ,._ _ . 1 . 1 ; . : ,. • 1 7 r .1 •Fr-/- - -•, ir:! , •..,. : ! lim 4 I ;1 i li 1 i / I J • -, . ,• - ___ , ‘---: i • 'il I 'It' L .i EXHIBIT B I. • , 'Llifil '. :'., • ''' I, 1 __. 1 4Nik.'i : 1 : . . , -• ,, . . - WEST KENNYDALE INTERCEPTOR 40 ' SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT • . . . • . . 1 • . . • __. .... •• . - .'" *1*************************************************************** City of Renton WA Receipt **************************************************************** Receipt Number: R9707104 Amount : 1, 015 . 68 11/10/97 11 :48 Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #5354 J&J CONSTR Init: LMN Project #: LUA97-167 Type: LUA Land Use Actions Site Address : 1708 ABERDEEN AV NE ' Total Fees : 1, 015 . 68 This Payment 1, 015 . 68 Total ALL Pmts : 1, 015 . 68 Balance: . 00 *k************************************************************** Account Code Description Amount 000 . 345 . 81 . 00 . 0004 Binding Site/Short Plat 1, 000 . 00 000 . 05 . 519 . 90 .42 . 1 Postage 15 . 68