HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA82-023a BEGINNINu oF FILE FILE TITLE F.' It; 5 7 a 63 14 amomo 1 . i I Applicant DEAN W. BITNEY File No.R-023-82 Projec . Name SHADY GLEN Proper y Location West side of Union Ave. SE & adjacent to the southerly boundary of existing LeisureEstatesMobileHomePark HEARING EXAMINER: Date 9-14-82 Recommendation Approval I Req./Rec. Date Received Date Response Appeal - Date Received 9-27-82 Council Approval - Date Ord i nan eiR n—ff 6, 7 Date //// ' Mylar to County for Recording Mylar Recording # i I Remarks: Li1\ - I r C T 28 lggz 1.11/ ay tys 61t,y I I I I 7:. t it: ,I. i".ter, 4'f. • "4 i. S, t trl.% 1-! 1 'i•i' add'.i`Yr.'.,,' s.' H, I;'. I`'i ..k' ¢„ `rt,"5...'•'ki --•'•Ki,• .4,,p.r, ,w§:M1'.,:' 1.' V=. k:: `W 1. k_•i nR'•' Yi •.. ..In_ t,.,t).:..s.. > r Y4, 41 pC JS2'..T;( a; II 4 r-,' ih, 7 zrrs"fir, :i'• i--• .,L•i e{!,"{.t g.;:? 'rd.a kxi, 'iS .3'tM 4n. 4i2 t,. .f{ r•f:'v..+,+., 'fit!;.. .}::...'.` 3r.V.4 I ".s 'F+'.' tl..ft^ sr... J; }fir.:•i, _y r. . f 4 •` L ryr. ,,. .,^'; y,Cw .'.-uy 1 it 1. wJl„ iHi_ .TOY alLIEN OBILE HOM COMMUNITY IrySp,- - VIP,- • r ihriii i: lit; [k \a p 1 CITY OF RENTON TU\ f4 u u - ;?1982 AUG Z POLICY BUILDING/ZONING DEPT., LACY LOPMPNT r PT. ADDITIONAL RESPONSE TO RENTON ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW. COMMITTEE I DEAN W. BTTNEY'S SHADY GLEN" MOBILE HOME COMMUNITY ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT PREPA''ED IN RESPONSE TO THE SPECIFIC CONCERNS EXPRESSED BY THE CITY OF RENTON ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE JULY, 1982 Lill RRR AUG 2 198g B'UiLD NG/ZONING DEPT. i Prepared by: Land Planning & Management, Inc. Pacific Land Research TDA, Inc. CONTENTS DESCRIPTION PAGE NO. Storm Drainage A. Existing Conditions 1 B. Impacts 2 C. Mitigating Measures 2 II Geology/Topography A. Existing Conditions 3 B. Impacts 4 C. Pitigating Measures 4 III Recreation A. Existing Conditions 5 B. ¶mPacts 6 C. Mitigating Measures 7 IV Traffic A. Existing Conditions 8 B. Impacts 8 C. Mitigating Measures 9 V Emergency Access A. Existing Conditions 10 B. Impacts 10 C. Mitigating Measures 10 1 I Storm Drains e A. E istin Conditions T e subject site ls. located on the uplands area above the Cedar River, a d is presently n an undeveloped state with no existing storm drainage c ntrol facilitie . The existing runoff pattern on the site is generally f om east to west although the existing topography and porous,- gravelly s it structure of the site traps much of the runoff which then percolates . i to the soil . T e existing storm drainage pattern leaving the site at i s westerly edge follows an existing natural drainage swale, extending i a southwester) direction, to the Cedar River Valley bottom. The runoff i then collected in a combination of existing storm drainage "tightline" s stem and open channels within the Maplewood residential subdivision, a d then ultimate y conveyed by outfalls into the Cedar River. These o tfalls were con tructed as part of the SR 169 realignment by the State o Washington Dep rtment of Transportation. This will also be the primary route of runoff f om the City-County shop facility and other development t at falls within this ultimate drainage basin. A analysis of th s existing system and its capacity, indicates several a eas of concern hich can be mitigated and controlled. The existing ightline" storm drainage system within the Maplewood subdivision is'H not sized to' acce t additional storm drainage beyond its own boundaries, e cept for that atea' tributary to an 18" diameter outfall (first outfall point) lying with n Southeast 141st Street terminating opposite - lot line. 8' and 9 xtended south. Therefore, drainage from the subject s to and other ne rby developments, i .e. , City-County shop facilitie , e c. , -will be dir cted into the existing drainage channel along the north side of the Maplewood subdivision. The runoff then flows' west- word .to. the "Edwa ds Gravel Pit" area, and across SR 169 at the second o tfall point. A capacity study has indicated that this outfall point i .. 'sufficiently: s 'zed to handle the runoff from upland developments, if t o pre-developme t condition for controlling runoff is maintained p r t e Ci'ty's Storm rai'nage Ordinance. T e second outfal (approximately Sta. 1505 + 50 on the State Transporta- t 'on Department. ' R 169 plans) indicates a .maximum capacity of 23.3 CFS w 'thout surcharge The entire uplands area potential runoff to this point of discahrg into the river will be approximately 17.6 CFS for a t n (10) year sto m duration, based on adherance to the City Storm D ainage Ordinanc . Based on the same parameters, and a 100.-year storm i tensity, the pe k discharge at the outfall would be 26..4 'CFS. There- fore, the exi's'tin outfall would adequately handle this 100-year storm runoff under 'a su charge condition (see sketch exhibit) . While the o! tfalls have cap city to handle upland runoff, the existing 'uplands p oblems are prim rily centered at the John C. Edwards Gravel' Pit area a d the channel a ong the north side of Maplewood. T e John C. Edwar s Gravel Pit operation was approved by the. Renton P'fi'anti Ping Commission .by spe ial permit, (file No. SP-752-74) , on December 3, 1975. T e special. permi outlined '17 conditions of approval . Some of these i cluded provisions fora maintenance of a proper storm water drainage s stem and retention/detention/sedimentation control facility as well a• other drainage and erosion control measures. Inspection of the existing 9 Page two torm drainage f ci1'.ties indicates a' lack of maintenance and/or con-I truction and restoration of the facilities necessary to control silta- ion and malfunctioning of the system during peak runoff periods. There xists a serious problem during high-intensive storm durations, which Create peak runoff conditions thereby overflowing the sidewalk and Curb along SR 169 between station 1500 + op and station 1505 + 00. It' I:s at this point that the s i l tati on "build-up" in what may have once been retention/detention pond is so great that it is equal to or greater I„ han the sidewal -curb elevation. A small makeshift trench has been pug through the siltations build-up" area of the pond which does not dequately handle a peak runoff situation or control siltation. he other area that will require maintenance and restoration is the drainage Channel along the north side of the Maplewood subdivision which carries he natural drainage flow from the upland area, including the subject site, . o the outfalls. If this facility were restored, and property maintained, long with the required drainage 'facilities on the Edwards Pit site, or onstruction of an intertie between lots 8 and 9 to the existing 18" diameter Collection line, the facilities would satisfactorily handle the runoff, from he uplands areas. B. meacts i ncreased runoff may result from the increase of impervious surfaces, and oecrease in vegetation and permeable soils. Mobile homes, streets ands larking areas on the site will account for a major change in the drainage tharacteri'sti'cs of the site. This increase in impervious surfaces could esult in an increase in erosion hazard and may impact downstream areas ith increased loads of sediment and pollutants typical of a residential evelopment, e.g. , oil , gasoline, pesticides, fertilizers, etc. This unoff cannot be handled by the original storm drainage system within he Maplewood subdivision since the system was not sized to handle areas outside the development. The lack of maintenance and restoration of he system is an additional reason for problems during peak runoff periods. he two (2.) outfall systems constructed as part of the SR 169 improvements hich discharge into the river will , however, handle runoff from said Uplands reas. l 11 new development within the City is required to submit a drainage plan or review and approval in accordance with the City's storm and surface ater drainage o dinance. Except for situations of direct discharge nto receiving w ter, no increase in peak flow for a given storm fre- uency is allowe by this ordinance. Conformance to this ordinance by he uplands developers will significantly reduce the impacts mentioned! above. In addition, the mitigating measures stated. below will virtually liminate the re aining impacts.I C. iti'•atin• Measures As part of the site planning for "Shady Glen" , a conceptual storm drainage elan has been prepared. Detailed plans will be prepared at the time of trial design; the City will then review and approve. This storm drainage plan will o) \ h Y."------- I o ,,,, , 9)/ Ji41fLIIit_ _ __ __ 41 c--------i:-.:'`4) 0 1 l I P N„ 14 \ . Page three in lude proper sto m water detention facilities per ordinance requirements Pr-liminary, compu.t tions indicate that the upland 12 ± acre portion of th- site would be allowed to discharge 1.82 CFS per the City requirement. Th's would require a storm detention volume of 8,500 cubic feet. The to er 18 '± .acre. potion of the site would be permitted to discharge 2-53 CF. , requring. , a ' etention storage volume of 11,800 cubic feet. These po ds are located n the site plan near the westerly side of the site an. will be constructed during the grading of the site. Ot er mitigating measures suggested to substantially reduce or eliminate dr:i'nage impacts dpwnstream of the subject site are listed below: 1). Discharge from the detention pond control structures should be released though dispursal trenches to eliminate "point" dis- charges. 2) A recharge ystem, i .e. , perforated pipe, should be utilized in permeable soils throughout the site, together with the detention s stems. No reduction i'n storage volumes should be made due to the incorporation of said recharge system. 3) ' An open-cha nel shoul d_.be reconstructed from the natural ravine below Shady Glen ' to a point at the lot line between lots 8 and 9 of the plat of Maplewood Division No. 1 extended north, and a drainaline installed from the channel south along said lot lie to an existing catch basin/manhole, or An open-channel should be reconstructed from the natural ravine below Shady Glenl' to a point at the east end of the "tightline" drainage system to be constructed by the City of Renton through the John C. Edwards gravel pit area owned by Anna McMahon. II Geolog, and Topography A. Ex-sting Conditions Th- land form comp ising the "Shady Glen" site and surrounding area was fo med by successive periods of continental glaciation during the Pleistocene Epoch. After retr at of the glaciers, the area was left with scarred va leys and rollin drift plains marked by .irregular features such as dr mlins, kames , eskies, and kettle depressions holding lakes or bogs. Th- area is covere with deposits of glacial till , and an assorted mixture of clay, silt,. san and gravel , well consolidated at depth. The surrounding gel-logy in this area consists of glacial outwash and stratified drift; com= pr's-ing layers, chiefly of sand and gravel deposited by runoff from the glaciers. Such abundance of glacial -till sand and gravel deposits provides a irm foundation for roads, utilities and structures. The high degree of pe meability provides for a potential of absorption of a certain amount of th- on-site drainage waters. Th natural topogr phy of the site and surrounding area has been substantially al eyed by many ye rs of sand and gravel extraction operation. The existing topography of the site is quite irregular and unsightly as a result of the. Page four ex ensive gravel r' moval . The site is comprised of two general topographic co ditions consisting of an upper and lower plateau. The upper plateau coipri'ses approxim tely 12 acres of relatively flat or gently sloping to rain. The rema'ning southwesterly portion of the site, comprising th, lower plateau, is where the extensive gravel pit operation, occurred. Th's left the approximately 18-acre area in a deep excavation covered , by numerous stockp.leso creating a relatively irregular surface. A .teep bank exist along the south property line and runs diagonally from the so theast corner to the northwest corner of the site. The westerly edge of the property al o drops off steeply. The topography of the site as it pr-sently exists w uld make it extremely difficult for reasonable develop- me t of the site f r any residential land use.. B. .Im o acts. Th- alderwood (AgC) soils of the site and the gravelly subsurface strata ar- capable of sup orting urban-type development. Runoff is slow to me•ium and the haz rd of erosion is moderate. The susceptibility of erosion is dependent of the characteristics of the soil , vegetative co er, topography (slope) , and the intensity and duration of storms. Storm water runoff is the greatest single factor affecting erosion in th- Puge.t Sound Basin. No reclamation plan for the abandoned surface mining operation has ever be-n initiated. ' In its. present state', it is an unattractive scar on th- landscape. Much of the vegetation from the site has been removed. Ad•itional vegetation will be removed as part of an extensive re-grading op-ration. Plans for such grading have been submitted as an exhibit o th`s assessment. The existing topography of the site will be altered ) cr-ating more uniform slopes. The chances for erosion problems increase du ing the course Hof such a grading operation. Initially, vegetation is re oved by clearing and grubbing the existing surface. Because of the existing topographic character of the site, and the necessity to balance th- "cut-and-fill " quantities i'n a comprehensive grading and reclamation ac ivi'ty, the entire site must be involved. It would be more advantageous from an impact standpoint to complete the grading operation at one time cr-ating a more uniform, desirable and manageable situation. During the grading activity, impacts may occur relative to dust, mud,, noise and erosion. These should be controlled through proper construction techniques and temporary erosion control measures. The grading operation will not affect thle existing utility systems, but will make them more accessible through, improved slope condition, right of way dedication, and access easement provisions. C. Miti 'atino Measures The grading of th site shall be performed as part of the mobile home park construction in a cordance with the plans and specifications prepared by the Applicant, re iewed and approved by the City of Renton.. The pro-1 posed reclamation through grading, and re-use of an existing blighted a ea, can be considered to have certain positive benefits which serve to co-:, --,---_.--- ----- 4. -- .'' s, :---,-----_--___—__-_,---;,-- 7 - 2---,•--- .---- ,----,,,.<„,0-:„.-- . - C„.\_______.....„. 1% • -- 7--- 4 It . \ .---175.e',V. / _,.., 2, -.1‘ • , _\ 777"----.-, i . 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It eliminates an unsightly area which is presently u policed causing severe nuisance and safety problems. Its remote, { i regular and unke,pt nature attracts nuisance motorcyclists and off- read vehicles, and generally creates a potential for safety hazards and public nuisance. Development of a viable mobile home community in con- formance with the comprehensive plan will provide an excellent example for reclaiming and revising an otherwise unappealing abandoned surface mi ing operation. Otter mitigating m-asures associated with the proposed grading and site re use include: 11 Installati'on of siltation control facilities as part of a temporary er•sion and sedimentaiton control plan prior to commencement of grading activities. Straw bales shall be utilized for erosion control and silt fences for sedimenta- tion control as necessary. 1 Once the grading is complete, all disturbed areas will be hydroseeded to assist in reducing on-and-off site erosion. Although the site cannot be logically graded in phases, hydroseeding of an area can occur immediately upon completion of a certain segment of the site, if necessary. Permanent landscaping will be added to the ultimate develop- ment as the mobile home park is constructed and lots occupied. This will asist in mitigating the vegetation loss which occurred from the grali'ng operation. Al Greenbelt-recreation and buffer areas will be established in accordance with the revised mobile home park site plan which will further help to mitigate loss of vegetation and poten- tial erosion problems. Grading activities will not impact existing utility systems. Suitable gracies will be established along' such existing utility lines and proposed roadway rights-of-way as per public works department approval . 6) The. grading operation will be limited to certain hours of the day and certain times of the year. (Recommend 7:00 a.m. to 6:OQ p,m. ; and March to November. ) This will , assist in reducing potential noise and nuisance problems for nearby residents , and reduce potential for erosion by eliminating mass-grading work in the wetter. months. III Recreat'on A. Exi:.tin• Conditions The: subject site is presently part of an abandoned-unreclaimed surface minr,ng operation. although it presently is undeveloped, it lacks the quality, character, and location for a viable open space area. The site is 'presently used bar motorcycles and all-terrain vehicles creating noise and air pollution, and policing problems for the neighborhood and City of Denton. 1 i age six S rrounding land uses include "Leisure--Estates" Mobile Home Park, to the north; Heather Dohns, and Fernwood single-family subdivisions to the northeast; Seattl Water Department booster pump station to the east; a d' an undevelope greenbelt hillside area to 'the south. These wooded g eenbelt areas, s designated and preserved on the City Comprehensive Plan, provide an extensive area for informal. recreation. Even though . t e adjacent bluff area is not a designated park it will continue to f nction simply bY virtue of its existence as an area for "exploration" a d informal play by the neighborhood children. The undeveloped area w:st of the site, may be similarly utilized but is not designated for g eenbelt presery tion on the City's Comprehensive Land Use Plan. E .isting City pars and Renton School District facilities located in t e. general area f the proposed "Shady Glen" mobile home community i clude the foilosing: 1) Kiwanis. Park. - Located approximately. 1 mile north of the subject site on Union Avenue Northeast. This park consists of approxi- mately 8.5 acres. Recreation facilities include open-field area, tennis court, basketball court, etc. 2) Honeydew Elementary School - Located approximately 1 mile north of the subject site on Union Avenue Northeast. The recreational area around the school consists of approximately ± 10 acres and includes op n field area, baseball diamond, playground area, etc. 3) Hazen High chool - Located approximately 1.5 miles northeast of the subject site on Duval Avenue Northeast. The recreational area around the school consists of approximately ± 10 acres and includes open-field area, baseball diamonds, tennis courts, etc. T e existing immediate neighborhood lacks a developed city neighborhood p.rk. The comprehensive land use plan recommends that a new park be constructed in the gereal area sometime during the life span of the comprehensive plan, i.e. , within the next 10 ± years. The City pre- s:ntly owns property in the vicinity north of the existing "Leisure E. tates" Mobile HQQ me Park along the west side of Union Avenue South- e. s.t. A portion of this property is planned to be utilized as a future w.ter reservoir site. It is possible that the remaining property can b utilized for some type of neighborhood park purposes for primary u.e of th.e immedite surrounding area south of Northeast 4th Street i which the subject site is located. T e Mobile Home Psrk Ordinance requires a minimum 10% of the site to b: used for playground-recreation area. It is assumed that this would i clude various formal and informal recreational uses such as open-play a eas, ball field tot lots, jogging trail/exercise trails, sports court, and even open-informal viewing and exercise areas. B. I 'acts T e proposed 203 Mobile Home Park is expected to have a total population o between 44Q and 490 persons. The population per household will probably by somewhere betw en that of multiple family residential (1.9±) and single fmtly res-idental land use (2.8+) , but less than the overall City average Page seven of 2.4 p.p.h. This is primarily because the age of the residents is generally older aslin the case of "Leisure Estates" Mobile Home Park. However, because "Shady Glen" will be designed as a "family park" which does not exclude children, there will probably be a wide mixture of age groups and family sizes, from single adults to families with one to two children. Because of such a mixture, the average number of children, under 18 per household will be less than the 1.67 per house- hold experienced Cl'ty wide. The range will most likely be between .5 to 9 per household, for a total school age population of between 100 and 180 children. Th.e impacts of these children and certain adults on the City's existing park system is not overly significant in itself. The recreational needs of the children will be divided, between school associated recreation, formal organized team or programmed recreation, i .e. , park department, leagues, little league, gymnastics clases , private recreational programs, skiing, horseback riding, etc. , and unorganized neighborhood-type recrea- tion. The informal play-type recreation associated with the neighborhood level is the scale of recreation which is most impacted by the subject development. The ew development essentially places an impact on itself in terms of its recreational needs:. This: was recognized when the Mobile Home Park Ordinance was adopted and a recreation. requirement of 10% of the site area was sttptlated. Such recreation should consist of_a variety of elements to attract a broad range of age groups from toddlers to adults.. The site plan envisions recreation to be everything from formal sport court and ballfield areas, to informal open-field and jogging/exercise areas. Even quiet overlook areas for meditating and observing„ and picnic areas .can. be added to the assortment of recreational elements 'suitable to this residential . environment. C. Mitigating Measures Because this informal neighborhood-type recreational requirement is the most impacted by development, planning efforts for the "Shady Glen" Mobile Home Community have included a variety of recreational elements. These elements are scattered throughout the site and interconnected by either a jogging trail , or pedestrian sidewalk system. The ordinance requirement for recreation area is 10% or 3 acres for the subject 30 acre development. The revised site plan attached as an exhibit to this assessment contains a total of approximately 5 acres devoted. to a variety of recreational uses. These include: 1) A community-recreational clubhouse with ajoining tot-lot play area and convenience parking. This facility will be constructed in the first phase of the development. it 2) An extensive greenbelt-recreation corridor extending diagonally across the si e, strategically centered through the development. This corridor will contain a meandering jogging-pedestrian trail , with associat d exercise/rest/play stations. This area is proposed to be hydrose ded and landscaped. Page eight The jogging/pedestrian course interconnecting all of the recrea- tional elements which include exercise/rest/play/stations scattered throughout the site. A sport cour near .the westerly edge of the site where most of the active recreation areas, i .e. , larger group, participation with associated noise nuisance, will be located. Such court facilities are adaptable to a number of games including pickle- ball ,. badminton, volleyball , and basketball . 'They, therefore, provide recreation for a variety of age groups and interests, as opposed t tennis courts which are provided in nearby City and school d'strict parks, and "Leisure Estates" Mobile Home Park. A softball field which can also be used for other open-field and informal activities. Another informal open-field recreation area north of the soft- ball field for various activities including exercise, tag, tug-o-war,. catch, playi g with a frisby, etc. Additional play areas under the powerline easement extending along the westerly edge of the site. Some of this area is wooded. The trees will 6 preserved with the area brushed and Grassed for an.. adventure/E xploration" type of play area. 8) A second tot-lot in the westerly portion of the site, with vehicular parking provided and shared with the sport court area. 9) The jobbing/pedestrian trail extended to the southwest corner of the site which is near an otherwise unaccessible lookout point over the Cedar River Valley. This has been utilized in the past and will continue to be used as an informal picnic viewpoint area. IV Traffic A. Eiistin. Conditiors A traffic study d ted April , 1982, was prepared for the "Shady Glen" Mobile Home Park project, and is included by reference in this assess- mint. Copies of aid traffic study were previously submitted to the . E vironmental Review Committee. B. I leacts T e above referenced traffic study discussed the traffic related impacts o ' the proposed project. S:veral other pot ntial impacts and mitigating measures have been discussed w th the City sta f as described in the following section: The impacts of he development on the existing intersections at N.F. 4th St. and Union: N.E. 4th St. and Monroe: and N.E. 3rd St. and Sunset Blvd. are enumerated in the traffic study. The percentage impacts to thes intersections appear to be relatively minor, and Page nine issipate the further the distance from the site. he potential impacts to Union Ave. S.E. are also relatively minor. owever, two alt rnati'ves for the developers fair-share contribution o upgrading thi$ street are outlined in the following section. Th: relationship o the site to the potential extension of the roadway system in the area particularly along the southerly boundary of the site ha. also been discussed. It would appear that the potential for a future ea. t-west roadway grid connection along the southerly boundary of the su o ject site might be a possible alternative to solving the problem with li tle impact to tijie "Shady Glen" private circulation system. There ap"ears to be sufficient area for suitable dedication of right-of-way fo such purpose a,d for the protection of the existing utility system. Th: revised site and grading plans take these impacts into consideration. C. Mi i 'atin. Measures Th: following mitigating measures have been discussed with the Public Wo ks Department and Traffic Engineering Division Staff: City of Rent n estimates of improvement costs at the intersections are: N.E. 4th St. and Monroe Ave. N.E. , (new controller and detection moidficati'ons) , $17,500. N.E. 3rd St. and Sunset Blvd.• N.E. , (channelization, curbs and gutters, rebuild signal with new controller and detection) , 100.,000'. N.E. 3rd St. and Edmonds Ave. N.E. , (full signalization and channeli:zation) , $125,000. At the 3%, 1. and 2% suggested by staff, the "Shady Glen" share of the cost bf these improvements would be about $4,000. If the City is able to obtain Federal Aid Urban, Systems funds for the N.E. 3rd and Sunset improvement, the Applicant's contribu- tion could be lower. The Appli'canr will dedicate 30 feet of right-of-way along the south line o; the subject site for the purpose of the City's eventual continuation of the east-west roadway grid. Easements) will also be granted at specific areas to provide suitable access to the City's existing sewer line and manholes. Preliminary designs indicate that the toe of the slope of the roadway grading would not extend over the sewer line. The Applicant is willing to either install the necessary off-site improvements along tits portion of Union Ave. S.E. or participate in an LI'D fo the street improvements along Union to N.E. 4th Si. to the exten of his fair share of frontage along said street. Page ten V Emer•:nc Access A. E istins Condi:tio s T e subject site Is located at the end of the improved portion of U iron Ave. S.E. No alternate access point presently exists to the s te. This leave only one possible emergency vehicle access route f om N.E. 4th St. vie. Union Ave. S.E. . It is generally. felt that p ojects of the size and magnitude of the Applicant' s. should have al least two .emer ency vehicle access routes. B. I •acts' T e potential saf ty hazards of development off a single access point are apparent. Response time of•emergency vehicles can be r:duced substantially if for some reason a blockage occurs along tie access route, i .e. , Union Ave. S.E. T e on-site roadways have been designed to provide sufficient width a d grades for emcrgency vehicles to operate effectively. C. M ti •atin• Measures T ,e.. revised •site lan submitted With- this assessment provides for two e ergency access points to. the west of the site in addition to the p imary• access point from Union Ave. S.E. The first point is an e ergency vehicle access road 20 feet in width which will connect tie. Internal street. pattern of "Shady Glen" with "Leisure Estates" street and emergency vehicle access system. .The second emergency aacess, point will eventually connect to the City of Renton/King Conty shop. compl x when it is constructed. Discussions with the F re Marshall indicate that this emergency access plan is acceptable. N. i4._ ir — vwx. 1 ii LI 1 0.. .. 44- k' s), 4.. Al i° os, 1, .. i0 IIIr.etfW AiC y i i,. LB ..acir-irs v,....,, .... ... N . i k i 1 c, , . v' r g i-,t h — 1---- r..i4s AV6-A& 1 H i/ s 0, 0,,, :7,7 . 5/ 7 1, c__ 1 .4 _ LI nk 1 k- F1 i L 4 1—. r k.'; fdn/AC Se Ih , C7\ 1 ..-01,P. ------ r- N. 4,.. RI 't—)*--,;••--- — -''in ki - -- ,- - _- „T_______ _ , __ F--- tn N. _ r _______ p.. c1 4 , 1 4.. ' R-. ''- 'zit R ' illilIII a I' l' 4 1- I 1 t -z`i' Illt- . , 411, 11 r''. , 1, 'iti . t r I 1.: 11. i - ' s ::! ii:!-I,' 11. ,,'''Ilii; ' 11 11 i li 11..Pi ---J A r - 11.pAiii S/TE P N 31-lAny 6LEn1 t 'L. lloc9 commun/fry OEAi N.. .617i E1'145%aA {1L9. 1 b Land Planning & Management 2 627-152nd S.E., ent,WManagement0 1 (206)682-2296 El 0' -1 .1:, • , • ' - .-,-- ,_-.:- r Jy 4 _- k • '-11+'////.73.f, ti tLIIlY 1 WW d y ata51 DI i' R.. , . , .. 7f--.4..-::: :;:.. : . 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A i .,®,* 4 I l d I V‘. # 1/4, 1/4 % l0.' , 'S W-==:1-..=i III ale 4 %\ in 4 / . 1it INZfr E:''..ii1=''.I-1 7.4.tqa,,, 4\ Ir.--- --r-1 0 H7 v.O I u'/o D / 4, DD ,• ./ to, , kg 71 4 0 0 ImmoeE r7 I Eu 7 ®1 r or i a gee ' oD • ® 4 i . 0 PPf J 0 , ' D J O 0 t1 ci-v 1. Nt .%km _Iwzmi i.„-,1 LiIIIqpiI411i I- 1-, r 1 v v ,\ ,. - V v O „%_ - T, - ip / 0 --,--,,,,,„ a I m ?I i r=r 1 J / J 044in7p r! lam - 10\t„lc ,00 Wi P/ O ' e; 0 % I I r, p D,/,;;; L3op , .,, 1."=/". 1 14i 0 • eat‹..• AA 'a;,J I ;;, if?,rE:711 \17:1311. rilliillii‘C‘il 41. 11111. . I it‘ L) NV 1111€' Ni ok , tetv - itiOr ti' Ir--1'''II ittt' '' \ 1 V iip' 6 q 1411711V 1 , 1 . 0. A `\ I__. I 1_ •if 5 I' „ ., " * k o® " I / hit v „ i -- t. tu We r I ,•F-1 I at i I v iv „ „ iv., i v, i 404E1 ie%.io' 0;$4.411 O• . O %At ' c0000.1V,0... • ',a'; • • T_ Ck0 arc%,.•, se. 1 r i q r\ pM5z 40y C-N l,b ,bM GYJMMCIU.(Nl7Y N N I aX N, l tI7 J,f,0,;nSIM,Wx a Land Plannina & Manaaement 'I g Z-;','`F'MO,wfOg ou''„ cx,/,n, „ 1 e nH- 02q -62 03 • OF 4, CI! PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DIVISION • 235-2620 0 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE.SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 O 0 Q 90 SEP1- BARBARA Y. S INPOCH MAYOR SHADY GLEN MOBILE HOME COMMUNITY SITE DEVELOPMENT May 5, 1982 Prior to approval of the above-titled development it is the recommendation of this office that 50 feet of right-of-way be dedicated to the City whic coincides with the south line of the NE 1/4 of SE 1/4 of Section 16, Twn. 23 N. , Range SE, W. M. for the proposed future roadway which parallels the south boundary line of the proposed development. Asses.ment Participation The S ady Glen Mobile Home Community will contribute the following percentage of the cost of traffic improvements to the following listed intersections based op the percentage that the development will contribute to the increase in traffic volumes . NE 4th St. & Monroe Ave. NE 3% NE 3rd St. Edmonds Ave. NE 2% oNorth3rdSt. & Sunset Blvd. NE O1/ t / 12.. Gary A. irris, P.E. CEM: .d OF 8A 0 THE CITY OF RENTON U ig z MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 i : ARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR MAXINE E.MOTOR, D9, o co. CITY CLERK • (206) 235-2500 POA" TFD 'SEP 6 November 15, 1982 Mr. Dean W. Bitney 108 Factory AvE. N. Renton, WA 98055 Subject: City of Renton - Ordinance No. 3673 Dear Mr. Bitney: The Renton City Council at its regular meeting of November 1, 1982 adopted Ordinance No. 3673 rezoning your property from General Classification (G-1) to Trailer Park (T) . A copy of the above-referenced ordinance is enclosed. Very truly yol.s, CITY OF RENTON Maxine E. Moto Acting City Clerk MEM:db Enclosures 1 cc: Hearing Examiner ed, and the maps.and re- ports adopted in conjunction 1 therewith, the property CITY OF RENTON, I hereinbelow described has WASHINGTON- heretofore been zoned as ORDINANCE NO.3673 I General Classification (G- AN ORDINANCE OF THE ' 1);and: CITY OF RENTON, ; WHEREAS a property Affidavit of Publication WASHINGTON CHANG r i petition for change of zone 1 I ING THE ZONING CLAS- ' 1 classification of said proper- SIFICATION OF CERTAIN 1 ty has been filed with the j PROPERTIES WITHIN THE , Building & Zoning Depart- STATE OF WASHINGTON CITY OF RENTON FROM^ ment on or about March 12, COUNTY OF KING ss. GENERAL CLASSIFICA- • ; 1982, which petition was TION (G-1) TO TRAILER duly referred to the Hearing PARK (T) (023-82 DEAN . Examiner for investigation, V BITNEY) study and:public hearing, Audrey DeJ®i@ 1 WHEREAS under Chap- and a public hearing having being first duly sworn on ,ter 7,Title IV(Building Regu- ,been held thereon on or r lations) of Ordinance No. about August 31,1982,and g jg hl®2 clerk 1628 known as the"Code of : said matter having beendulyoath,deposes and says that is the of General Ordinances of the considered by the Hearing THE DAILY RECORD CHRONICLE,a newspaper published six(6)times a . City of Renton,"as amend- ' Examiner and the conditions week.That said n•wspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been having been appealed to the for more than six months prior to the date of publication referred to, City Council.of the City of printed and published in the English language continually as a newspaper Renton and the applicant published four(4;times a week in Kent,King County,Washington,and it is having withdrawn the appe- now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the al, and said zoning request aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper.That the Daily Record i being in conformity with the 1 Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior City's Comprehensive Plan, Court of the County in which it is published,to-wit,King County, r as amended, and the City Council having duly'consi- dered all matters relevant Washington.That the annexed is a....O.I,?d vane e...No....3673 I thereto, and all parties hav- ing been heard appearing in support thereof or in opposi- tion thereto, NOW THERE-I FORE, as it was ublished in regular issues(and THE CITY COUNCIL'OF THE CITY OF RENTON,1notinsupplementformofsaidnewspapr) once each issue for a period WASHINGTON, DO OR-- IDAINASFOLLOWS: SECTION I:The following of 1 consecutive issues,commencing on the described property In the City of Renton is hereby rezoned to Trailer Park (T) J:j+ti day of November 19 82 ,and ending the as herein-below specified: The Building&Zoning Direc- tor is hereby authorized and id NovemberGIl1ber 82 directed to change the maps day of 19 both dates of the Zoning Ordinance,as inclusive, and that such newspaper was k egular1y distributed to its sub- amended, to evidence said . , scribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee rezoning, subject to the re- • , port of the Hearing Examiner. Jas amended by theCitychargedfortheforegoingpublicationithesumof $..14.8.P.?t)vhich Council,to wit: has been paid in °ull at the rate of per fgho of one hundred words for the The Northeast quarter of - ' first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for each subsequent the Southeast quarterofinsertion. , Section 16,'Township 23 North, Range 5 East, - 1 Ge a W.M., Except North 330 feet thereof, situate in the City of Renton, • . phi of Glerk King County, Washing- ton,subject to easement . , for right-of-way for electr • ic transmissionlineSub"scribed and sworn to before me this.... ...8: h day of granted, under applica- tion No. 18840. 1 a4iver alae ' 19•82•• said property beinb lo- cated on the West side of Union Ave.S.E.and ad- Notary Public in aid fie State of Washington, 5f1 3W 1000V residing at King County. I S3 3N0 ot4 Federal $sy i- AVG S,1i3H1Vd Passeded by the Legislature,1955,known s Senate Bil1281,effective June 6 9th, Western Unioi Telegraph Co. rules f r counting words and figures, r adopted by tha newspapers of the Stage. v` A \1 cam•. VN#87 Revised 5/82 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 3673 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTIES WITHIN THE CITY OF RENTON FROM GENERAL CLASSIFICATION (G-1) TO TRAILER PARK (T) 023-82 DEAN BITNEY) WHEREAS under Chapter 7 , Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 known as the "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" , as amended, and the maps and reports adopted in co junction therewith, the property hereinbelow described has heretofore been zoned as General Classification (G-1) ; and WHEREAS a property petition for change of zone classification of s.id property has been filed with the Building & Zoning Department on oY about March 12, 1982 , which petition was duly referred to the Hearing Examiner for investigation, study and public hearing, and a public hearing having been held thereon on or about August 31 ,' 1982 , and said matter having been duly considered by the Hearing Examiner and the conditions having been appealed to the City Council of t e City of Ren on and the applicant having withdrawn the appeal , and -aid zoning request being in conformity with the City' s Com- prehensive Plan, as amended, and the City Council having duly considered all matters relevant thereto , and all parties having been heard appearing in support thereof or in opposition thereto , NOW, THEREFORE , THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I : The following described property in the City of Renton is hereby rezoned to Trailer Park (T) as herein- belo ' specified: The Building & Zoning Director is hereby authorized and directed to change the maps of the Zoning Ordinance , as amended, to e idence said rezoning, subject to the report of the Hearing Exam ner as amended by the City Council, to-wit : 1- N The Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 16 , Township 23 North, Range 5 East , W.M. , Except the North 330 feet thereof, situate in the City of Renton, King County, Washington , subject to easement for right-of-way for electric transmission line granted under application No. 18840. said property being located on the West side of Union Ave. S. E. and adjacent to the southerly boundary of the existing Leisure Estates Mobile Home Park) SECTION IT : This Ordinance shall be effective upon its .assage, approval and five days after its publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this lstday of November, 1982 . Maxine oto , ctin ; witty erk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 1st day of November, 1982. sO\. E•ar C1ymef Mayor Pro' tem Approved as to form: Lax —nce J . Ilartn, City Attorney Date of Publication: November 5 , 1982 2- Renton ,Ci y Council October 25, 1982 Page 4 AUDIENCE COMMENT Sandy Webb, 430 Mill Avenue South, supported public officials' rights to speak on specific subjects without censorship or re- quired disqualification such as he felt was being recommended by Renton's City Attorney' s Office. Mayor Pro-tem Clymer reminded Mr. Web that the City Attorney's Office is required to advise Council on all legal matters; the final decision as to disqu lifi- cation is up to the Councilperson. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are adopted by one motion which follows the items included. North Eighth Public orks/Traffic Engineering Department requested ordinance Street at Park to appropriate unanticipated revenue from the Boeing Company) in Avenue; Traffic the amount of $46,000 for contract construction to upgrade traffic Signal , signal system and channelization on North Eighth Street at Park Avenue North. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. LID 320 City Clerk reported bid opening of 10/15/82 for LID 320, NE 27th Bid Opening Street latermain Extension (Water Project w-614) ; four bids re- ceived. Refer to Utilities Committee. (Tabulation attached. ) Dissolution of Policy Development Department reported dissolution of Water District Water District #78, as resulted when the City took responsibilities for water supply 78 to the rea within the Talbot Hill Island annexation in 1979, cannot be completed without an election or Superior Court order per King County iiotification. Refer to Utilities Committee. Airport Lease Public Works/Airport Department submitted Supplement 2 to Lease LAG 08-81 LAG 08-81 (Cedar River Hangar General Partnership) and related Supplement Aviatioi Committee report recommending five-year extension vith added o tion to renew for another ten years; also that additional area of 5,616 square feet be included to use as taxi-way (or by specific authorization as temporary tie-down facility) . Recommenda- tion provides ten years current lease plus ten-year renewal option. Council approve lease supplement as recommended and authorize Mayor and City Clerk to sign, Claim for Claim fpr damages filed by Jack Belcher in the amount of $61 ,622.76 Damages for damages and injuries sustained in a motorcycle accident allegedly CL 52-j82 caused y City of Renton Police vehicle (9/16/80) . Refer to City Attorne and insurance carrier. Claim for Claim for damages filed by Anthony Roller in the amount of $1 ,360.04 Damages for damage to living room ceiling and carpet due to alleged pressure CL 51-82 surge caiming City Water Department caused pipe to break (9/14/82) . Refer t City Attorney and insurance carrier. Tele- Parks a d Recreation Department/Building Superintendent submitted communications a consultant contract for telecommunications study for a total Study evaluation of the present City telephone system and recommendation of modi ication or acquisition of new system; expenditure of $7,500. Refer t Ways and Means Committee. Consent Agenda MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL ADOPT THE CONSENT Approved AGENDA S PRESENTED. CARRIED. 1 OLD'BUSIKESS Planning and I Planning and Development Committee Chairman Rockhill presented a Development report recommending the Hearing Examiner's decision be affirmed Committee on the D.W. Bitney Rezone Appeal and the change of zone cla!sifica- D.W. Bitn, tion and preliminary mobile home park application, as modified by Rezone Appeal removal of four variance applications, be approved. By stirulation R-023-8Z of the applicant, four variance requests have been withdrawn. The PMH-029-82 applicant had requested rezoning of the west side of Union Avenue SE V-0411,82 and adjacent to the southerly boundary of the existing Leisure Estates V-04282 Mobile Home Park from G-1 to T along with preliminary mobil home V-043=82 V-044-82 14 Renton City Council October 25, 1982 Page 5 1 I OLD BUSINESS continued Planning and park approval to construct a 203-lot mobile home park. Committee - DeveloPment further recommended the matter of modifications to the mobile home Committee park ordinance be referred to the Planning and Development Committee continued for stud . MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. 1 CARRIED. CHG/Sunpointe Council discussed a report submitted by the Public Works Dep rtment On and 'Off-site detailing progress by CHG/Sunpointe development on Sunset Blid. and Improvement Stevens Avenue as to required on and off-site improvements. The Progress report indicated progress was satisfactory. Councilman Stredicke objecte to the fact that no represehtative of the Public Works Departm Departm nt was present to answer questions and requested a r port at the next meeting regarding the status of Fourth and Union (the 1 inconsistencies involved there) and the status of SW 43rd Street project Councilman Stredicke requested a representative of the Public Works Department be present to give the presentation. street lights would be usedforDowntownCouncilmanReedinquiredwhetherg Christmas downtown Christmas lighting decoration. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED Lighting BY STREDICKE, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES 1 COMMITTEE. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 1 Ways alnd Means The Way and Means Committee recommended the following ordirance Committee for second and final reading: Ordinance #3668 An ordiance was read changing the zoning classification of certain GM Associates propertly located at the northeast corner of Duvall Avenue NE and Rezone NE Fourth Street from General Classification (G) to Business District R-019i82 B-1) , pm Associates Rezone, File #R-019-82. Committee Chairman I Stredicke noted covenants have been filed and recorded on this matter. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ADOPT THIS ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. First 'Readings The Ways and Means Committee recommended the following ordinances for first reading: Amon Rezone An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of certain R-047-82 property located on the north side of NE Fourth Street approximately 200 fet west of Duvall Avenue NE from General Classification (G) 1 to Business District (B-1) , Amon Rezone, File #R-047-82. M VED BY STREDIOKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE I FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Resident al An ordinance was read amending portions of Ordinance 1628 relating Open House to residential open house signs. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY Real Estate ROCKHIIL, REFER THIS MATTER BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. Signs ' Counci man Stredicke spoke against the revision of the sign code, noting violations by two major Realtors of provisions not yet even in eff ct and the inequity of this applying to one industry only. MOTION CARRIED. Fee Schedule An ordinance was read amending Chapter 41 of Title I (Administrative) I of Ordinance 1628 relating to Land Use Regulation fees. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED BACK 0 COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Fire•Department An ordnance was read amending Chapter 9 and Title V, Chap er 30 Permit Fees Business Regulations) of Ordinance 1628 relating to fees finder the Uniform Fire Code. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, THIS M TTER BE REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. r 1 Ren on City Council Octl'ber 25, 1982 Pag 6 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS continued Cla m for An ordinance was read establishing a procedure for filing claims DamMges for damages against the City of Renton. MOVED BY STREDICKE, Pro edure SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, REFER THIS MATTER BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. The Ways and Means Committee recommended the following resolutions for reading and adoption: Resilution #2480 A resolution was read setting the public hearing for 11/22/82 to Chr stopherson consider vacating a portion -of Hardie Avenue NW, south of NW Fifth Str=et Vacation Street (Christopherson Street Vacation, File #V-06-82) . MOVED BY VAC '06-82 STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL. COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Resolution #2481 A resolution was read endorsing the proposed mutual nuclear weapons Nuclear Weapons freeze between the United States and the Soviet Union. MOVED BY Freze - STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRE- SENTED. Councilman Rockhill spoke against this resolution and requested his "NO" vote be recorded. MOTION CARRIED. Vou'her Ways and Means Committee recommended approval of Vouchers 42274 Appjoval through 42519 in the amount of $447,448.70 having received depart- mental certification that merchandise and/or services have been received or rendered. Vouchers 42269 through 42273 machine voided. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN APPROVAL OF THE VOUCHERS. CARRIED. ADJPURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. 10• 5 p.m. e MAXINE E. MOTOR, Acting City Clerk raw RECEIVED November 1 , 1982 NOV 1 1982 CITY OF RENTON CITY COUNCIL City of Renton Ways : Means Committee Attn: Richard M. Stredicke, Chairman Subject: Final approval of Rezone Application, File No. R-023-82. Dear Mr. Stredicke, I wo ld very much appreciate your consideration of the following request. If al all possible, could both the first and second reading for the final approval of the above referenced file on rezone be completed at the Council Meet ng on November 1 , 1982. This would finalize the rezone into Ordinance this week which is extremely important to me. I would like to submit the following reasons for this action: 1 . he rezone request was held up, along with File numbers PMH029-82, V041 82, V042-82, V043-82 and V044-82 which was an appeal of the plat and vari.nces. The rezo a should have been processed on its own rather than held and we discovered this only last week. 2. he reason for the urgency is a financing commitment with good rates whic is pending subject to the rezone completion. Any extensions of this commitment, past our November 5th deadline could adversely affect the loan. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Sinc-rely, Dea W. Bitney 108 Factory Ave. No. Suite 2 Renton, Washington 98055 255-1325 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT OCTOBER 25, 1982 BITNEY APPEAL - SHADY GLEN MOBILE HOME COMMUNITY (Referred 10/4/82) R-023'-82; PMH 029-82; V-041 -82; V-042-82; V-043-82 and V-044-82 The Planning and Develop ent Committee has considered the above-mentioned appeal . By stipulation f the applicant, the four variance requests have been withdrawn without prejudice to the reapplication therefor. The Committee .finds no error in the decision of the Hearing Examiner relating to the change of zone classification and preliminary mobile home park application and therefore recommends that the Examiner's decision be affirmed and the change Df zone classification and preliminary mobile home park application, ap modified by the withdrawal. of the four variance applications, be approved. The Committee further recommends that the matter of modifications to the mobile home park ordinanbe be referred to the Planning and Development Committee for study. Rar(51/Rock ill , Chairman C John Reed Robe , Hug es A„ k OF , J tc O ' o THE CITY OF RENTON 0 %0 02. POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT • 235-2552 Li amp 1 i MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH.9 55 9 1, G3' IQ BARBARA Y:i S INPOCH L5 (e' O V E ' MAYOR - MEMORANDUM OCT 2 2. 1:,;',2 DATE: • October 20, 1582 J CITY CLERK TO: ! Planning & Development Committee FROM: David R. Clemens, Policy Development Director SUBJECT: BITNEY VARIANCE APPEALS The appel ant submitted four variance applications with the mobile home park proposed for the p operty at the southerly end of Union Avenue Southeast. These variances were for of coverage, sidewalk width, the requirement for sidewalks on cul-de-sac , and the r .uirement for providing washers and dryers. The Examiner's denial of ea ol of these variances is based upon the criteria set forth in Section 4-722-3 of the Municipal ode. In order for the Hearing Examiner to approval any variance application, the applicatio must meet all four criteria established in this section. If the variance applicatio fails to meet any of the four criteria, the Examiner is without power to approve the variance. The criteria are as follows: a) "Hardship . . . . because of special circumstances." I b) "Not . . . . det imental to the public welfare." c) "Not . . . . a 11ant ofspecialigprivilege." Id) " Minimum varia ce," The mobil; home park is very similar in application to a subdivision whereby it sets forth the location of building lot areas, streets and access, pedestrian ways, and similar 1 cir umstances. The first three variance applications apply to all lots, all. streets;j an. all cul-de-sacs within the proposal. Although it is agreed that there may be some topographical circumstances within the site which may make a variance for a portion ; of the street, a few lots, or one or more cul-de-sacs appropriate for a variance, he proposal for expanding lot coverage, reducing sidewalk width, and eliminating sidewalks on cul-de-sacs clearly does not meet the requirements for special circumstani es as established by Section 4-722-3(a). If the Examiner were to approv such a bla 1 et variance, it would be a grant of a special privilege not established to Planning,&" b evelopm€ —ommittee October 20, 1982 Page Two other pro.-rty owners in a similar zone or similar location, thus clearly not meeting the restrict on set forth in Section 4-722-3(c). Finally, as a variance app 1 ing to all lots, all st eets, and all cul-de-sacs within a thirty (30) acre parcel, the variance clearly doe. not meet the requirements for a "minimum variance," thus failing to meet the require ents of Section 4-722-3(d). With regards to the variance for washers and dryers, no special circumstances have been show , the proposal would be a grant of special privilege, and is clearly not the minimum variance necessary to provide for this development. Thus this application fails to'1me t the requirements of Section 4-722-3(a), (c), or (d). If this .1ap•eal is granted, it will have the effect of destroying the city's established ordinance with minimum s andards for development, and abrogate the legislative authority uo adopt such ordinances by allowing a quasi-judicial action on the variance application to invalidate cr cial provisions of the ordinance. We believe that such ap action 'two Id be clearly n t in the general public interest thus failing to meet requireme is of Section 4-722-3(b). If, as the appellant argues, the ordinance is not correct; t e ordinance should be reviewed through the normal legislative proces including :ppropriate hearings to establish whether the policies set forth in tha ordinance :re appropriate, reasonable, and meet their legislative intent. RECOMh1 NDATION The appe.l regarding the four Bitney variances should be denied, and the Hearing Examiner's decision affirmed. f If the'Pla ning and Develo ent Committee finds that the mobile home park ordina e deserves further review, th matter should be referred to the Planning Commission for review, p blic hearings, and recommendation to the Council. Renton ICit Council October 4, 1982 Page 2 I I CONSENT A ENDA continued I Holvick d Aegt Holvick deRegt Koering requested a Latecomers Agreement be Koering established for the construction of the traffic signal at the Latecomer-intersection of SW Seventh Street and Edwards Street, pursuant Agreement to Hearing Examiner Report and Decision for site plan appro al , SA-094-81 , SA-095-81 and Ordinance 3622. Refer to Transportation 1 Committee. 1 Holvick deRegt Holvick deRegt Koering requested a Latecomers Agreement be Koering established for the construction of the traffic signal at the Latecomer intersection of Powell Avenue SW and SW Grady Way, pursuant to Agreement Hearing Examiner Report and Decision for site plan approval , SA-094181 , SA-095-81 and Ordinance 3622. Refer to Transportation j Committee. 1 Common, Holvick deRegt Koering requested review by Council committ a of Curb Cuts requirements for common curb cuts as they apply to industrial Requireme is and commercial sites. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. Construction Holvick deRegt Koering requested a construction funding agreement Funding9 be established for the construction of the traffic signal at SW Agreement Seventh Street and Edwards Street. Refer to Planning and Develop- ment Committee and City Attorney. i J. Cliffordl Land Use Hearing Examiner submitted report on the J. Clifford Gray . Gray Rezone RequestI for Rezone #R-051-82 of the north side of SW 12th Street R-051_I82 between Maple Avenue SW and Lind Avenue SW. Applicant see s rezone from R71 to L-1 to construct a warehouse. Refer to Ways ad Means Committee. Planning Mayor Shinpoch announced reappointment of Virginia Houser to the Commislsi •n Planning Commission for a three-year term effective to June 30, Reappointment 1985. Mrs. Houser has served on the Commission since 1980. Other members of the Planning Commission include: Frank Jacobs, Eugene Ledburly, Michael Porter, Barbara Schellert, Joan Walker and Anita Warred. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. D. W. Bi ney Appeal filed by Dean Bitney regarding Hearing Examiner Decision Rezone A.peal of 9/14/82 - D. W. Bitney Rezone, Variance and Preliminar' Mobile R-0282 Home Park Applications (Files No. R-023-82, PMH-029-82, V-II041-82 , PMH-029-2 V-04282, V-043-82, V-044-82). Applications requested rezoning V-041-82 of the west side of Union Avenue SE and adjacent to the southerly V-042-82 boundary of the existing Leisure Estates Mobile Home Park from V-043-82 G-1 to T along with preliminary mobile home park approval to con- V-044-82 struck a 203-lot mobile home park. Four variances from design criteria were sought. Refer to Planning and Development Committee se HearingExaminer submitted report on the Donald E. Mc Donald E Land U McWillia s Williams Preliminary Plat (File #PP-031-82) for approval of a Preli,min.ry nine-hot subdivision to allow construction of 18 dwelling units on Plat 1 1 .88 acres located on the east side of Union Avenue NE be{weep NE PP-031-8 Fourth Street and NE Sixth Street (extended). Hearing Examiner recomiendation: Approval with conditions. Council concur. Street orward nanPFice •De artment requested resolution authorizing up to an Thrust and additional $500,000 being borrowed from the Street Forward Thrust Borrowi g Fund. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Consent Agenda • MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL APPROVE THE Approve. CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. y RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting Oct . ber 4 , 1982 Municipal Building Mon . ay , 8 : 00 P .M . Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROL CALL OF RICHARD M. STREDICKE, Council President Pro tem, ROBERT J. HUGHES, COU CIL MEMBERS RANDALL ROCKHILL, JOHN W. REED, NANCY L. MATHEWS, THOMAS W. TRIMM. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL PRESIDENT CLYMER BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. CITI STAFF BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; LAWRENCE WARREN, City Attorney; MICHAEL IN TENDANCE PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; MAXINE E. MOTOR, Acting City Clerk; CAPT. DONALD PERSSON, Police Department. h PRE S Jan Hinman, Renton Record Chronicle MIN TE APPROVAL MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 27, 1982 AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CON ENT AGENDA The following items are adopted by one motion which follows the items included. Deleted item Mayor Shinpoch announced that item 5b had been withdrawn from the Consent Agenda. 4 LID 320 Interim Finance Department recommended interim financing be provided from Fin "ncing the Waterworks Utility Fund for LID 320, water main extension on NE 27th Street just east of Edmonds Avenue NE (Devils Elbow Road) . Interest rate to be established at the prevailing rate at the time of the initial draw down; financing shall be repaid from Bond pro- ceeds after project completion. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Cum lative Finance Department requested an ordinance to establish a Cumulative Reserve Fund - Reserve Fund for deposit of Special Utility Connection Charges. Spe itl Utility Monies received to be used for support and/or betterment of the Charges Water and Sewer Utility. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Shoreline Master Policy Development Department requested Public Hearing be set for Program Update October 25, 1982 to consider the Shoreline Master Program update. This program, originally adopted in 1976, is to provide specific development regulations for areas within 200 feet of Lake Washington . the Cedar and Green Rivers and portions of Springbrook and May Creek' Council concur. Unincorporated Policy Development Department requested review of City policy re- Territory Sewer garding sewer service to unincorporated territories within the city, Service specifically the "Liberty View" project. Refer to Utilities Committr Re eal of Finance Department/City Clerk requested repeal of Ordinance #3383. Ordinance #3383 Change in Federal law to Social Security reporting requirements removes present exemption of sick pay. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Handicapped Proclamation by Mayor Shinpoch declared the month of October, 1982, Parking Awareness as DAV Handicapped Parking Awareness Month, sponsored by Disabled Mo th American Veterans. Council concur. m before Legal DepartmentrequestedCl ordinance be established requiringai Su t Ordinance Claim for Damages be filed prior to suit against the City. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. V 4 - . For. Use By City Clerk's Office Only A. I . # b t) AGENDA ITEM RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING rasa ass:s==a=a a®aa.z=== SUBMITTING Dept./Div./Bd./Comm. City Clerk For Agenda Of October 4.. 1982 Meeting Date) Staff Contact Maine Motor Name) Agenda Status: SUBJECT: Appeal of Hearing Examiner's Decision Consent XX of 9/14/82 - D.W. Bitney Rezone, Variance and Public Hearing Correspondence Preliminary Mobile Home Park Applications; Ordinance/Resolution Files No. R-023-82, PMH-029-82, V-041-82, Old Business V-042-82, V-043-12, V-044-82 Exhibits: (Legal Iescr. , Maps, Etc. )Attach New Business Study Session A. Appeal Other B. Hearing xaminer'c Decision C. City Cle k's Letter of 9/27/82 Approval : Legal Dept. Yes_ No N/A COUNCIL ACTION RE OMMENDED: Refer to Finance Dept. Yes_ No. N/A Other Clearance Planning and D-velopment Committee FISCAL IMPACT: Expenditure Required $ Amount $ Appropriation- $ Budgeted Transfer Required SUMMARY (Background information, prior action and effect of implementation) Attach a.ditional pages if necessary. ) Appeal filed by vean W. Bitney, Owner PARTIES OF RECORD INTERESTED CITIZENS TO BE CONTACTED: i I OF 0 THE CITY OF RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 o e BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR • CITY CLERK • (206) 235-2500 9gTS0 SEP1s° P l Sep ember 28, 1982 CERTIFICATE OF MAILING STATE OF WASHINGTON) ss. COU TY OF KING MAXINE E. iMOTOR, Acting City Clerk of the City of Renton, being first duly swOrn on oath, deposes and says that she is a citizen of :he United States and a resident of the State of Washington, over the age of 21 and not a party to nor interested in this matter. That on the 28th day of September, 1982, at the hour of 5:00 p.m, , your affiant duly mailed and placed in the United States Post Off ce in Renton, King County, Washington, by first class mail , to all par ies of record, a true and correct NOTICE OF APPEAL OF THE HEARING EXAPINER'S DECISION 'FILED BY DEAN W. BITNEY FOR THE DEAN W. BITNEY REZ NE, VARIANCE AND PRELIMINARY MOBILE HOME PARK APPLICATIONS, FILES NO. R-023-82, PMH-029-82, V-041-82, V-042-82, V-043-82, V-044-82. Max ne E. Motor, Acting City Clerk SUB'CRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE me this 28th day of September, 1982. No -Try Public in and for the State of ashington, residing in King County. jkm y 1 OF R y 0 THE CITY OF RENTON C-Z MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON. WASH. 98055 Z .211 : o BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR • CITY CLERK • (206) 235-2500 0 1 09- 1 Q EDSEP 1 Sep ember 27, 1982 1 APP AL FILED BY DEAN W. BITNEY Re: Appeal and Reconsideration of Hearing Examiner's Decision Dated September, 14, 1982, Dean W. Bitney Rezone, Variance and Preliminary Mobile Home Park Applications, Files No. R-023-82, PMH-029-82, V-041-82, V-042-82, V-043-82, V-044-82. To 'arties of Record: Pur uant to Title 4, Chapter 30, City Code, written appeal of Land Use Healing Examiner's decision has been filed with the City Clerk along with the proper fee ;of $25. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the written appeal and other pertinent documents will be reviewed by the Council 's Planning and Development Committee and will be considered by the City Council when the matter is eported out of Committee. Ple.se contact the Council Secretary at 235-2586 for date and time of the committee and council meetings should you desire to attend. You s very truly, CIT OF RENTON P e 4?---- 2_, Maxine E. Motor Acting City Clerk MEM:j km Tecuel • 1-tiviA Apec14. NEED 1 COPIES SENT 7 CITY ATTORNEY'S . OFFICE Clbe V/ RECORD CHRONICLE (PRESS) 9/196 MAYOR' S OFFICE 9.&II 'CITY COUNCIL FINANCE DEPARTMENT OARING EXAMINER . 44=ilr DEPARTMENT J 1(. PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR 10, wiLIT3 ENGINEERING ti PETITIONER/APPLICANT CIAS vigin-P0401 IvAielcvnex* 'VP'S INSURANCE CARRIER • STREET DEPARTMENT BUILDING DEPARTMENT 605 8 . 1)14/Aisvi Corvmsswo Y9-8 i D . I I mr—rzovar'emoN September 24, 1982 SEP 2 7, 1982 asimmenib Am/ CITY CLERK I I Honorable Barbara Y. Shinpoch, Mayor City of Renton 200 M''ll Avenue South! Rento , Washington 98055 Attention Ms. Maxine Motor, Acting City Clerk Rega ding: Land Use Hearing Examiner Decision Appeal Dean W. Bitney's "Shady Glen" Mobile Home Community File Nos.! R-023-82, PMH-029-82, V-041-82, V-142-82, V-043-82 V-044-82 1 Dear Mayor Shinpoch: In accordance with Title IN, Section 3016 of the City's Code, we hereby appe.l the Hearing Examiner's decision to deny our request for variances for our mobile home community, "Shady Glen" , which variances were granted by a previous Planning Commission and Board of Adjustment for incorpora- tion in "Leisure Esttes", our completed mobile home park lying contiguous to a d northerly of the proposed "Shady Glen" park. It is especially disc hear eni'ng to have our variances denied when you consider that the City's mobt e home park ordinance was to be amended after we developed "Leisure Esta es'; uttl i'zing the planning and design results jointly accomplished by t e previous City Council and ourselves, thereby eliminating the need for he requested variances. We o 'fer hereinb:elowIour rationale to support of our request for the vast noes as part of our proposed "Shady Glen" mobile home community: 1. Sidewalk width reduction from 5' to 3'6" (Section 4-2006-1 (J)) ,'i a) As- was ;the case in "Leisure Estates" , "Shady Glen" will be designed as a private community with a private street system q The very nature of this community is to provide a private and safe residential atmosphere. The streets within I this community will function without the "through traffic" that a standard public street and subdivision system!must contend with. Speeds within the park will be limited to 15 miles per hour. This reduction in use intensity diminishes the need for full improvements of a "h: rgher use" public street. Leisure Estates 201 'Union Avenue S.E., Renton, Washington 98055 206/235-4545 Honorable Barbara Y. Shinpoch, Mayor Septe her 24, 1982 Page. wo The redicti on of si,dewal k..width. from to 3.5"" does not • substantially reduce the effective functioning of th.i's improvement for its design purpose. There is not the .sub-- stanttai need to separate vehicle and pedestrian ;given the lower use intensity level and much slower speeds. In fact, for all' practtcal purposes, the streets in_mapy. similar scaled private residential communities are used jointly by Vehicles and ,pedestrians without undue hardships to either. The sidewalks. ell be planned as part of A total pedestrian system and will he. similar to "Leisure Estates". This will provide compatibility with what has been developed adjacent to the site and i'n the same zone cl assi'fi cation. uy We have previously answered much of the arguments with. re- gard to; the, granting of this requested variance as it relates to creating negative impacts to the.public welfare, surround- ing properties, or the zone in which it is situated. One good way of measuring this is to review the successful ope.ratiion„of "Leisure Estates" mobile home park under simil r stnadards. It .can lhe. said without a doubt by both the residents of this park. and .the surrounding community that no negative effects have:been cr•,eated by the construction of sidewalks to a width - of 3.5 feet, or_ as a result-of any of the other requested variances that were granted. Because "Shady Glen wi11 be -a similar planned private nei'gh f boyhood, the effects Of these interior street _variances on the surrounding neighborhood and general public will be un- nottcable, Also, the' fact that "Shady Glen" will have a fully planned and vehicular circulation system designed to j the speci'fi'c needs and intensity of the proposed use assures:. that the welfare of the residents of the park will be fully protected. The proposed reduction does. not eliminate the safe functioning of the sidewalk system. c) The granting of the variance or exception will not constt- tute al ""'grant of„speci'al pri i1ege i'nconsi'stent with., , t . other pr-operties..... . .i'n the vicinity. . .,.". The only other simil air use i'n the vicinity is 'Leisure Estates", which was developed under the same standards as 'those being requested. However, to comparing the proposal with Other mobile home parks ii'n. Renton, the proposed-.development is incomparable to its qual i'ty and l ivabi'l ity. It is difficult to compare the proposed development with. surrounding subdivisions be- cause the inherent differenttcharacteristics of a private mobile-home park community and standard lot-by-lot subdi- vissi:on. Honorable Barbara Y. Shinpoch, Mayor, September 24, 1982 Page three d) The subject request is the minimum variance that will accomplish the desire for a separate pedestrian circula- tion system designed and scaled to the specific needs of the proposed residential community. The term "residential" is important when reviewing the scale and intensity of de- velopment. The streets and circulation system are designed to a residential scale which will be very limited in inten- sity of use. The streets and sidewalks will , therefore, not function to the capacity of a normal city street. 2.. Sidewalk elimination on stub and cul-de-sac streets (Sec. 4-2006.1(j)) . a) Much of the rationale used for the Var.iancecTequest No. 1 can be dtillitad for this request as well . The concept of the proposed plan is the same; provide a safe functional pedes- trian system to the scale and intensity of the proposed use, and create flexi'bi'li'ty of design, and reduce improvement costs which convert to more affordable housing alternatives. I't is the same concept that was utilized in the design of Leisure Estates" and has operated successfully without detrimental effects. The stub and cul-de-sac streets will have even less traffic than the other streets within the park, because of their short length (approximately 150 feet) and limited number of residences (approximately 6 units) fronting on them. This results in a very short walk to link with the main pedes- trian system; and will have no detrimental effects on the safety'; aesthetics or welfare of the residents or surround- i'ng community. b). No detrimental effects will be caused by granting this variance as has been demonstrated by the existing "Leisure Estates" community. The need for sidewalks on every seg- ment of roadway in a private street system is questionable. It is 'n these instances that we need to provide realistic standards designed to the intensity of the use rather than over-designing" to the point of being superfluous and costly. The subject request is just such an example. The stubs and/or cul-de-sac streets act as a driveway to a limited number of units, and therefore can serve a varietyi of functions safely and effectively. c) See No.. 1cc). d) The request is the minimum variance necessary to accomplish th.e de'si'red purpose of eliminating costly and unnecessary sidewalk improvements without sacrificing the health, safety, welfare and livability of the community. It is identical to the improvements granted previously to "Leisure Estates" , s , Honor.ble Barbara Y. Shinpoch, Mayor Septe ber 24, 1982 Page our which h ve funtioned safely and effectively for a number of years. A greater improvement than that proposed would ii not be functionally necessary. The stub and cul-de-sac streets as designed will adequately and safely provide for the limited amount of vehicle and pedestrian useage, while filfilling certain open space needs as well . 3. Lot coverage increase from 40% to 60% (Section 4-2006.1(I)) . a) The intent of this variance request is to provide flexibility in the blot coverage requirements, as well as alleviating th conflic1t with other ordinance requirements such as minimum lot size, dimensions and setbacks. The proposed project wi 1 meet or exceed these other requirements of the ordinance. Yet, with certain mobile home units, together with accessory struc- tures, such as covered patios, carports, porches, etc. , the lot coverage limit will be exceeded. This does not appear to be consistent with the other lot and setback requirements of the ordinance, and actually deprives the residents of enjoying additional mobile home accessories. The residents of "Leisure Estates" have enjoyed such added structures, ex deeding the lot coverage limit by a .similar variance reques . It would -be inconsistent and unfair to deprive the residents of "Shady Glen" the same rights and privileges enjoyed by the residents of "Leisure Estates". b) The granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the residents of "Shady Glen" or the adjacent community of _"Lei sure Estates". Residents favor the use of accessory struc- tures and enjoy-the freedom of small compact, low maintenance yard an'd open space areas. The overall density established by the mobile home park ordinance is not exceeded, and the open space provisions have been met or exceeded. A community clubhouse will also be provided together with active open recreation space, sports courts and tot lots. All of these provisions comply with or exceed ordinance requirements and insure a safe livable environment. They also comply with the res-tdent''s desires for a compact low maintenance residential alternative. Because of the site screening and relative isolation of the subject site from the surrounding community.,(greenbelt and vacant property on the south and west, and "Leisure Estates ' on the north), impacts on the general area will be minimal . The proposed overall density of 6.8 dwelling units per acre is less than the 8 dwelling units per acre allowed by the Mobile Home Park Ordinance and considerably less than the 12 dwelling units per acre designated on the Comprehensive Plan, repres:entfng only 58% of that allowable Comprehensive Plan density. The public welfare will be served by provid- ing a safe, livable and affordable residential environment. c) As stated previously, the requested variance is the same as that granted to "Leisure Estates', located adjacent to the Honorable Barbara Y. Shinpoch, Mayor Septe ber 24, 1982 Page ive site and within the same "T" zone classification as the subH ject proposal . It will enable the residents of "Shady Glen" the enjoyment of similar unit appurtenances (covered carports , patios,' porches, etc. ) that the residents of "Leisure Estates" enjoy, .and therefore, cannot be considered a special privilege. It is our experience that mobile home park residents favor minimum landscaped area and maintenance as a desired alter- native to standard single family residential living. d) The subject request is the minimum variance necessary to providel for all the variations of unit and appurtenant structures that may occur on a lot with the minimum size lot dimensions and setbacks established in the ordinance. It is not anticipated the coverage will exceed 60%. This will le!aVe 40% or more for open space and landscaping which has been found in other circumstances (i .e. , "Leisure Estates" III and other modern parks) to be very adequate. Any less of a variance might cause problems in permitting the total range of mobile home and accompanying structures on a lot. As indicated previously, the overall density of the proposed park will be less than the 8 lots per acre required by ordinance and therefore, will not be affected by the pro- posed variance. Lot size, dimensions, setbacks, and open space requirements of the ordinance will be unaffected by the variance request. Approval of the subject variance will assist in providing an affordable housing alternative without compromising the living envir•onment. The proposed mobile home community will be a planned environment with private and common open space. Land- scaping will be installed on individual lots as well as in the commonlarea. This, together with the required setbacks will be theicontrolling visual factor from the street. Therefore, the visual impacts on the streetscape will be unaffected byl the subject variance request. 4, Reduction of washer and dryer requirement in service building to' two (2) each (Section 4-2006.2 (Q)) . a). The mobile home parks as we know them have evolved from Trailer Parks" (to which the "T" zone still refers) to Mobile Home" or "Manufactured Housing" parks. Such en- vironments are less transient than they once were. A mo- bile home is generally used as a permanent residence, and if a move is necessary, generally the resident moves , leav- ing the mobile home in-place in the park, similar to a stand- ared "stick built" residence. Mobile homes have also become more sophisticated and similar to standard housing in the luxuries" that they provide. One of the "luxuries" provided with most new' mobile homes that was not provided when the ordinance was written, is space within each home for a washer and dryer. Therefore, the required one (1) washer and one (1) dryer for each 15 dwelling units is not necessary nd is generally' out of date with the industry standards. The i Honor:_ble Barbara Y Shinpoch, Mayor Septe.,her 24, 1982 Page .ix ordinance requirement was established for the earlier more transient trailer parks and would be appropriate for today's travel trailer or camper parks. However, this condition ret presents 15 washers and 15 dryers for the subject proposal requiring a room of approximately 950 square feet. This is a larger facility than most commercial laundromats in the City, Such strict compliance of the ordinance would creat undue expense and devote unnecessary space for an outdated regulation. Especially considering that as a whole, the wash..-. - LC d, ' ers and dryers provided in individual mobile homes should certainly exceed such a requirement. Three (Q) washers and three (3) dryers will be provided in the clubhouse similar to that provided In "Leisure Estates" , which has functioned adequately for its 250 homes. b) Granting of the proposed variance will hot be materially detrimental to the public welfare or surrounding properties Residenits will most likely purphase and install a washer an dryer in their units. Surrounding properties will not be affected because they will not be using the park facilities. The proposed three (3) washers and three (3) dryers will be sufficient for the occasional user that the experience in Leisure Estates" indicates. No unsightly or unsanitary conditions will be created by the variance. c) Granting of the variance will not be a special privilege in that the adjacent"Leasure Estates" was granted a similar variance. Modern -mobile- homes have washer and dryer hook- ups similar to standard single family houses. d). The subject request is the minimum variance necessary to provide for those residents who do not purchase a washer and dryer for their homes. The proposed Washer/dryer to unit ratio has been- adequate in similar circumstances in Lei'sure Estates". The proposed three (3) washers and three (3) dryers will be added clubhouse conveniences for those who do not choose to use a local cleaners or laundromat. We .r-spectfully- request.your consideration, and approval , of said variances, whtc` are an integral part of our park design. As stated earlier, a precedent was -stab.lfshed for approving these variances since they were granted after exte s:ive meetings/hearings with the staff, City Council , Planning Commission and :oard .of Adjustment, and for over four (4) years have functioned success- full, in "Leisure Estates" , providing- a quality living environment without any neaa iive impact to the public welfare. Sinc rely yours, Dean W. Bitney Owner Attachment; $25,00 filing fee September 14, 1982 OFFICE F. THE LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER CITY OF 'RENTON REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIO TO THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL. APPLICANT:, Dean W. Bitney FILE NO. R- 0V 3-82, PMH-029-82, -041-82, V-042-82, V- 43-82, V-044-82 LOCATION: ! Weslt side of Union Avenue S.E. and adjacent to the sout erly ' boundary of the existing Leisure Estates Mobile Home Park. SUMMARY OF REIUEST: The applicant seeks to rezone the subject site from G-1 to T along with preliminary mobile home park approval to construct a 203-lot mobile home park. Four variances from design criteria are also sought: increase lot coverage from 40% to 60%; redLL'ction of sidewalk width; elimination of sidewalks a'ong cul-de-sacs ; and reduction of laundry facilities. SUMMARY OF Building & Zoning Department: Approval of the rezone; approval RECOMMENDATIS'N/ of the preliminary mobile home plan with conditions; aproval DECISION: of the variance for increase in lot coverage; denial of the variances relating to sidewalks; and approval of the variance for reduction in laundry facilities . Hearing Examiner: (Recommendation) Approval of the rezone. Decision) Approval of the preliminary mobile home plan subject to modifications and conditions; denial of the variances . - j BUILDING & DINING Thel Building & Zoning Department report was received by the DEPARTMENT R:PORT: Examiner .on August 24, 1982. PUBLIC HEART G: After reviewing the Building & Zoning Department report, ex mining available information on file with the application, an c field checking the property and surrounding area, the Examiner conducted a public hearing on the subject as follows : l The hearing as opened on Aucust 31 , 1982 at 10:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Munic pal Building.. Parties wishing to testify were affirmed by the Examiner. Roger Blaylock, Zoning Administrator, presented the Building & Zoning Department report , and entered he following ex ibits into the record: Ex ibit #1 : Application File, R-023-82, containing Building Zoning Department report and other pertinent documents Exhibit #2: Application File, PMH-029-82, containing Building j. Zoning Department report and other pertinent documents j Exhibit #3: Application File, V-041-82, V-042-82, V-043-82, V-044-82, containing Building & Zoning Department report and other pertinent documents Exhibit #4: King County Assessor's Map Exhibit #5: Site Plan for Mobile Home Park including variances Referencing .ection 3. 1 . 1 . o the Preliminary Mobile Home Park section of the report, the Examiner req ested clarification of the hardship which must exist in order to grant a 1' variance he matter. Mr. Blaylock advised that although a definite hardship does not exist resulting from size, shape, topography other physical limitations of thesubjectPoP9PYorPYJ site, non-applicable provisions of the ordinance seem to create the hardship. Ttie Examiner noted that as he understands variance law, a hardship applicable to each lot musti be in evidence,. and none are cited in the departmental report. Mr. Blaylock stated the intent a of the park towards family living in providing large recreational areas of open space to compensate f r each lot area. Mr. Blaylock noted a revision to the staff recommendation to allow provision of emerge cy access and access to the recreational vehicle storage y area in the odification of hase I development. I1 P R-023-82 Page Two The E -miner requested testimony by the applicant. Responding was: w Dean W. Bitney 2727 Mountain View Avenue N. Renton, WA 98056 Mr. Bitney, owner of Leisure Estates Mobile Home Park to the north of the subject site, descried the development of that park as a model for many communities in the northwest, noting his intent to duplicate many of the development features in the new .park. He stated that a, a result of the rezone and mobile home park development, the area will be impro ed through elimination of hazardous topography and numerous trespassers on the site, land affordable housing will be provided to future park residents , where a scarcity now e ists. He submitted a petition signed by owners of residences directly across the street from the site on Union Avenue S.E. The letter was entered as follows by the Examin r: Exhibit #6: Letter of support signed by adjacent residents Respon ing in support was: Michael L. Smith Pacific Land Research 1140 140th Avenue N.E. Bellevue, WA 98005 Mr. S ith, l representing the applicant for the rezone proposal , reviewed his educational and p ,ofessional background. He indicated that the subject rezone is timely and appro•lriate and is a logical progression of development in the area. Proposed density, acces to the site, Comprehensive Plan designation, and surrounding land uses and zoning categ•'ries were discussed by Mr. Smith, who indicated an increased demand for housing of th= type offered by the applicant. He cited Comprehensive Plan Policies 3.A. ; growth and d=velopment should occur in a timely and logical progression of the existing urban area; and subsections (4) and (5) within that general policy concerning public utilities; priority for development should be given land where adequate public utilities are avail -ble; and a balance of residential , commercial , and industrial areas should be achie ed; to demonstrate the conformance of the proposal to these policies. Respo ding to the Examiner's inquiries regarding capacity of existing sewer lines to accom odate the subject development, Mr. Smith advised that a sewer line is located along the s•luthern boundary of the site extending down to the Metro facility. Also available are adequate water and roadway capacity for increased transportation useage of 3% at the inter ection of N.E. 4th Street and Union Avenue N.E. Other projected traffic increases would be 2% at the intersection of N.E. 4th Street and Monroe Avenue N.E. and 1% at the S nset Boulevard and N.E. 3rd Street intersection. The Examiner inquired regarding curre t capacity level of the latter intersection. Mr. Smith referred to the applicant's traffic study which projects the 1983 level of service at that intersection at LOS D with or without the Shady Glen development. Mr. Smith concluded his comments by supporting approla1 of the rezone and the mobile home park design as submitted, noting that the projeat offers affordable housing in a desirable setting with a shifting of open space from Irivate, as found in single family residential neighborhoods to a common, more easil maintained open area. Responding in support was: David Millard Land Planning & Management 22627 152nd S.E. Kent, WA 98031 Mr. Millard, respresenting the applicant for the mobile home park proposal , indicated the suatus of his firm as the area's leading expert in the design of manufactured housing. He ad ised the difficulty in design of a mobile home park since lots have to be tailored to ho sing units, and noted that Leisure Estates Mobile Home Park was the first to utilize the st down technique •of siting units in which the lot is excavated out to allow the home o set down in a lower silhouette. Landscaping, common open space, and setbacks were ' iscussed by Mr. Millard, and he noted that typical lot sections G and H,. which.do not met minimum lot size dimensions, will be eliminated. Responding to the Examiner's inqui y regarding specifications of lots C and D, Mr. Millard indicated the applicant's inten to provide lot lengths of a-minimum of 75 feet and an average of 80 feet. Drainage facil ties were discussed and it was noted that drainage runs off site at the midpoint of the wst side and traverses along the southwest in a natural ravine and terminates about 200 f:et to the east of the old Edwards Gravel Pit. The applicant proposes to implement the drainage ordinance within the development using detention as well as utilization of an in iltration process. Responding to the Examiner's inquiry regarding sanitary sewer, Mr. M Ilard stated that the sanitary sewer trunk line which was constructed three years r R-023-82 Page Three ago on the south side of the subject site provides sufficient capacity to serve the proposal . , Responding to the Examiner's further inquiry regarding secondary access, Mr. Millard advised that access is proposed through the Leisure Estates street system, and once the shop facilities are completed by the county and the city, the roadway wi 'll be tied in for emergency access. Justification for approval o' the variance requests were reviewed by Mr. Smith, t e first being an increase in lot coverage from 40 to 60% to allow appurtenant structures uch as covered carports and patios for the benefit of residents. The Examiner stated th t a variance may only be granted based upon physical aspects of the subject propertywhichcreateahardshipindevelopment. Mr. Smith cited the precedent of Leisure Estat s in which such a variance was approved; therefore, a special privilege would not be granted to the applicant in this cast . He also felt that the mobile home park environment places emphasis on smaller, useable lots which provides, active open space within the covered patio area. He noted severs conflicts in the Mobile Home Park Ordinance for setback requirements and lot coverag limits , and indicated that granting the variances Would not affect the residents in the rea or the Comprehensive Plan. Addressing the variance for reduction in the quality of laundry facilities , Mr. Smith advised that newer mobile home units provide washer and dryer hookups and provision of 15 each of tiese machines would require a facility at least 950 square feet in size. He felt that three each wash rs and dryers would more than adequately serve the esidents of the park. The variance for sidewalk wi th was discussed, and Mr. Smith indicated the prece ent established in Leisure Estates as well as the fact that the roadway system in the park will be private, not open to public access, and a reduced speed limit will be imposed. Mr. Bitney discussed the landscaping requirement along the southern property line, noting that instead of a 50-foot setback required from the property line because of location of a sanitary sewer easement as cited in the report, the easement for the sewer link is unique in that it does not parallel and is not adjacent to the south property lire. Instead, 'the 10-foot wide easement cuts through the property 50 feet north of the south property Him over the sewer line, and landscaping in back yards of lots can be installed on top of the easement. Mr. Bitney requested that landscaping along the western portion be limited in height due to existence of a valley view which should be protected.. Addressing the variance for lot coverage, Mr. Bitney noted the decision to approve the varianceiipreviously for the Leisure Estates development had required a 15-month period of review by the Planning Commission and City Council ; however, although revisiol of the ordinance had been referred to committee, the matter had died without a recommendation. Mr. Bitney stated that conformance to the existing ordinance would provide an ultimate development of a trailer park instead of a mobile home park such as Leisure Estates , and residents would be inconvenienced by lack of covered patios and carports. He noted the development goal of providing affordable housing by utilizing a higher density to residents who do not desire maintenance of large lots. The Examiner requested final comments. Mr. Smith stated that the site consists •f an abandoned gravel pit and irregular topography, and even through grading, physical limitations create a hardship in meeting ordinance requirements for the proposed development. Since there sere no further comments , the hearing regarding this atter was closed by the Examiner at 11 :53 a.m. FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS & REC C;MMENDATIONS/DECISION: Having reviewed the record in this matter, the Examiner now makes and enters the following: FINDINGS: 1 . The applicant, Dean W. Bitney, filed a request for approval of a reclassification of approximately 30 acres from G-1 (General ; Single Family; Minimum lot size - 35,000 square eet) to T (Mobile Home Park) together with approval of a preliminary plan for !a m bile home park Ind variances from design standards. 2. The application file containing the application, SEPA documentation, the Building and Zoning Department r-port, and other pertinent documents was entered int• the record s Exhibit #1 . 3. Pursl!uant to the City of Renton' s Environmental Ordinance and the State Envirionmental Policy , ct of 1971 , RCW 43.21C, as amended, a Declaration of Non-Significance has I been issued for the subject proposal by the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) ,I responsible official . 1 1 4. Plans or the proposal ave .been reviewed by all city departments affected y the impact of this developm-nt. 4 R-023-82 Page Four 5. Th- subject site is located on the west side of Union Avenue S.E. , just south of the Le sure Estates Mobile Home Park. 6. Th- subject site was annexed into the city in 1977 by Ordinance No. 3143. The site wa. classified G-1 upon annexation. A hearing for a special permit (SP-028-82) to fi11 and grade the subject site was held concurrently with this application and was ap•roved. 7. Th- Comprehensive Plan designates the area in which the subject site is located as suitable for the development of low density multiple family housing and greenbelt. 8. Th- site is in an area which was extensively quarried for gravel and the site retains disturbed by such action but is otherwise undeveloped. The fill permit will al ow the applicant to recontour the site for eventual development. The steeper slipes localized in the central portion of the site will be maintained for open space, greenbelt and recreation. 9. So th of the site is the northern boundary of the Maplewood Golf Course and the bllffs near the course's northern boundary. East and southeast of the site are siIgle family homes. The Leisure Estates Mobile Home Park also developed by the applicant is located immediately north of the subject site. A power transmission life and various governmental uses including the city and county shops are located we.t of the subject site. 10. Th- applicant proposes establishing a 30-acre mobile home park with 203 separate living un ts. The density would be approximately 7.28 units per acre. The 203 units would generate a population of approximately 507 persons (2.5/unit) . Approximately 50 sc ool age children would be expected to live in the complex (.25 students/unit) . Thl- development would generate approximately 1 ,238 vehicle trips per day (7 vehicle trips per day/unit) . 11 . Lo ated within a raduis of three miles are Honeydew Elementary School ; McKnight Mii•dle School ; and Hazen High School . All three schools are generally north of the subject site. 12. Ki anis and Highlands Parks are located approximately one mile from the subject site. 13. ThT applicant has requested four separate variances from the provisions of the Mo• ile Home Park Ordinance. The applicant wants approval of 60% lot coverage, whLreas the ordinance requires not more than 40% coverage (Section 4-2006. (I ) (I )) . Th- applicant proposes reducing the width of sidewalks from five feet to three and onl--half feet in width and eliminating sidewalks from cul-de-sacs (Section 4-2006(I) (J) ) . Thy- final variance the applicant proposes is to reduce the number of laundry facilities fr.m one washer and dryer per each 15 units to three complete sets for the entire coI p l ex (SEct i on 4-2006(l) (Q) ) . 14. Thl- primary access to the subject site will be via Union Avenue S.E. A second access re uired of mobile home parks will be provided via an easement to the west in the vicinity of the shop sites. 15. Th applicant proposes occupancy open to family units including families with children. 16. Si ilar variance requests for Leisure Estates were heard by both the Planning Co mission and the Board of Adjustment prior to the establishment of the Hearing E miner system. Certain of the variances were granted for that property. There was protracted debate about the impact of the ordinance on design standards for new m bile home parks. The matter was thoroughly explored by the then Planning C. mission and referred to the City Council . The Council voted to retain (at its M-rch 12, 1979 meeting) the standards reflecting the continuation of policy. The City Attorney in correspondence of December 26, 1978 indicated that each request f.r variance for separate parcels of property must be judged against that particular p-Ircel 's meeting the variance criteria. 17. T e applicant, with the exception of the variances requested, has proposed to comply with the criteria and standards for parking, patios , streets , setbacks, open space a landscape buffers required by ordinance. R-023-82 Page Five CONCLUSIONS: Rezone 1 . The prop•nent of a rezon must demonstrate that the request is in the public interest and will not impair the public health, safety and welfare. In addition, the rezone must com.l•y with at leasi one of the three criteria listed in Section 4-3014 hich provides in part that: a. The .ubject site has not been considered in a previous area rezone or land use ,nalysis; or b. The .ubject site is potentially designated for the new classification pe the Comp ehensive Plan; or c. Ther- has been mater al and substantial change in the circumstances in t e area in which the subject site is located since• the last rezoning of the property oIr a ea. The applicant has demonstrated that the request is in the public interest an. should be appro ed u by the City runcil . 2. The Ti di . trict permits ses of up to eight units per acre which is a density both comparable and compatible with the density permitted in low density multifamily residential districts , the type of district recommended by the Comprehensive Plan. 1 3. The areas surrounding th subject site will not be affected by the development of the mobile h.me park on the ite. A similar development, although restricted to adults , is located immediately north of the subject site. This proposal would be a consi,:st=nt extension of that type of use southward. The separation afforded by Union A enue in this locetion along with the setbacks both required by ordin nce and 1 propose. by the applicant will buffer the proposal from the low intensity single I family ses to the east. The southerly property, the golf course, will be u affected by the •evelopment, and the bluffs provide a topographical separation to per it reasonable residential enjoyment on the mobile home site property. Mobile Home Park 4. The app icant's proposal complies with the general standards of the Mobile H me Park Ordinance, but the proposal will have to be modified in light of the denial of the variances. The 30 acres is more than the minimum five acres required by ordinance, and the lots will be eq al to or larger than the minimum 3,000 square feet required. 5. The app icant proposes he appropriate access, and driveways will be relocat d to conform to the requirement of a 50-foot distance from a cross-street. The a plicant willlha a to provide landscaping and/or screening along all property lines as require. by ordinance and this will include the northern boundary between the site and Lei .ure Estates. This will lessen the intensity of development and provide some relief rom the development intensity along the west side of. Union Avenue. 6. The app icant will provide the required two parking stalls per unit and will also provide each unit with patio and required outdoor storage space. j Variances I 7. The app icant has faile to demonstrate that special circumstances affect the subject property in a manner that denies the applicant reasonable use of the subject site, an. causes undue hardship. i 1 As indi ated in the findings above, the standards for sidewalks, lot. coverage and launjdri -s are imposed bi ordinance and were meant to apply to any mobile hoe park unless here is some special circumstances affecting the property which makes the imposition of those standards unreasonable. The fact that the applicant proposes larger odules than are ordinarily utilized is not a unique property conditilon, but is one caused by the applicant's desire to overburden the lot. While the ordinance may !den the applicant the ability to ,develop his specific proposal , there is no undue ardship which justifies overcrowding the lots with 20% more developm nt. 8. Simile limitations exist in all zoning districts. It would be as inappropriate grto a t a variance to Permit a large, sprawling rambler in excess of lot s andards i. in an '-1 zone as it would be to permit larger mobile units on 3,000 square foot lots. Simile ly, it would be inappropriate to allow covered decks in a required s}deyard. Such global changes represent policy differences with the ordinance, not issues of I ill R-023-82 Page Six un -asonable application of a standard to specific parcels of property. 9. •Fu ther, a blanket variance for lot coverage is also inappropriate as a variance is property specific, as defined by the City Attorney. The applicant has not cited an circumstance to justify the variance for each of 203 separate lots. 10. Th issue is rather a policy question of whether or not the standards of the Mobile - Ho e Park Ordinance are too rigorous to allow mobile home development in the city as proposed by the applicant. The City Council resolved this specific question in th ' negative after review and left the ordinance unchanged. The standards are therefore ap ropriate and demonstration of undue hardship because of property -condition becomes ne„essary. 11 . Th: topography in the center of the site has no bearing on the individual lot co erage; nor the sidewalk question; nor the laundry. It serves to provide the open space and recreational needs of the proposed residents and fulfills the 10% plyground/open space required. It is also compatible with and required as part of the greenbelt which is designated in the general area of the subject site on the Co prehensive Plan. 12. •Th- variance to provide narrower sidewalks is also without merit. The units will be occupied by families presumably with toddlers and young children. Standard sidewalks will provide safe corridors for walking and play. Cul-de-sac streets should not be treated any differently and should be connected to the sidewalk sy• tem as a whole. Again, there is no unique property condition which warrants decreasing the size of the sidewalks or eliminating sidewalks from portions of the de elopment. 13. Th-re is similarly no property condition which would or should permit the applicant to deviate from the standard laundry requirements of one washer and dryer per 15 un ts. Just because such facilities can be accommodated in individual units does no mean they will . Providing washers and- dryers in insufficient numbers will not melt the code requirements and will cause residents to have to purchase those fadlities if they are not provided. 14. Whlle similar variances were granted for Leisure Estates, those variances applied to different property and were issued before the City Council restated its position th-'t the ordinance was, in fact, operating as they intended. Again, there is nothing in the record to demonstrate this property and each lot has unique property conditions to justify any of the variance requests. The standards imposed are expected of each mobile home park and if the applicant in this case wishes to provide more generous lois to accommodate larger units , that choice is his; but to overcrowd the lots is un ustified. To provide fewer sidewalks and of less than standard dimensions is un ustified and to force residents to purchase their own washers and dryers when the or.inance specifically requires fourteen is unjustified. The requests for the va iances are therefore denied. RECOMM. NDATION: The Ci y Council should approve the rezone of the subject site. DECISION: The Pr, liminary Mobile Home Park is approved subject to the modifications required by the denial of the variances and the approval of the rezone by the City Council . The requests for the variances are denied. ORDERED THIS 14th day of September, 1982. Fred J. Kauf a , Land Use Hearing Examiner TRANSMITTED THIS 14th day of September, -1982 by Affidavit of Mailing to the parties of record: Dean W. Bitney, 2727 Mountain View Avenue N. , Renton, WA 98056` Michael L. Smith, 1140 140th Avenue N.E. , Bellevue, WA 98005 David Millard, 22627 152nd S.E. , Kent, WA 98031 R-023-82 Page Seven TRANSMIT ED THIS 14th day of September, 1982 to the following: Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch Councilman Richard M. Stredicke Riclhard Houghton, Public Works Director David Clemens , Policy Development Director Merr'bers , Renton Planning Commission Ron Nelson, Building & Zoning Director Roger Blaylock, Zoning Administrator Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Renton Record-Chronicle Pursuant to itle IV, Section 3015 of the City's Code, request for reconsideration must be filed in riting on or before September 28, 1982. Any aggrieved person feeling that the decision of the Examiner is based on erroneous procedure, errors of law or fact , error in judgment, or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the prior he=ring may make a written request for review by the Examiner within fourteen 14) days fr•m the date of the Examiner' s decision. This request shall set forth the specific err.rs relied upon by such appellant, and the Examiner may, after review of the record, take further action as he deems proper. An appeal to the City Council is governed by Title IV, Section 3016, which requires that such appeal be filed with the City Clerk accompanying a filing fee of $25.00 and meeting other specified requirements. Copies of this ordinance are available for inspection or purchase in the Finance Department, first floor of City Hall . D 1 • I_____ II -- I . w I I I lIT i R' 1 I 1 T - 1 r. 1:1 ,f 1, 1? rap, i 1 eio,' ft ., ., 4, „ r, I A._ c• IV/ " I I?rpv, ., co c, 1cr , r193Is. Is I 7• F/ 17 1# a 0 y 0 (d. Lf t• IT i japolal. "I I s i a"10 .- i-ci.14 Id 1 '--. 7- • -- - - A a. . .. 3 43 1 61111.410Fig it5kuANWO*10. I r: Vgli,,r-'4llttr47 •• 41 M •1 11111 ifill' ifi kill ' III00I14:.°:• • ri1:1.1I1,.k, I 4 il 33333 V ; 111 . ov:. * I 7 14 I 7 1 1 I is `• I m ... _ , „,_. •\\• 'I 4 • to 3 .' 1 4-ram,_ ge*.., r zTk. .t63"t.q, Lt-. ''Sj }. $, .?}..i p•ti+ is• r: . i . - w.,, +,fo`•;2 g l.. Y q + 'C..• ! .t t f 4J..4 - ,GAT r.=..' 3F +},. " vL- i C 1417M PRELIMINARY MOBILE HOME PARK APPROVAL/VARIANCES FROM MOBILE HOME PARK ORDINANCE: DEAN W. BITNEY, PMH-029-82; V-041-82, V-042-82, V-043-82, V-044-82 APPLI ANT DEAN W. BITNEY TOTAL AREA ±30 acres PRIM 'IPAL ACCESS Union Avenue S.E. EXIS SING ZONING G-1. General Classification District EXIS ZING USE Undeveloped PROP SED USE 203-lot mobile home park I COMP 1 HENSIVE LAND USE PLAN Low Density Multiple Family/Greenbelt COMMENTS 1 1\1.. bl I T . a' 'e..e< uswr ar.+s NY,W eDT+Acs awls, .Mtn( /[r .b`t W 3`.:s I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1iLIe1n1illId6nl I la iIiI r,,;„ ! I i , 12 p 6 J 1.•r•.a1\01\‘• llit I -!'.. r C•r. r .. •,I r.. r. . r•!•r. Q_!' i , i i i 1 1 r i m t,ra.wl;_ _ _a aw0 \tiN U v I V V. e= • I. 0tir L,u.v.v b i .. t a ' s . / -r OI f-a rI li l NI ii,--,. ..4 ir', ------------,., . 1: 1111111Milli--= h. 11 • i e 4 0, st. ,. " ##„,...„ - i, e 1 y ; 00 INi ,/,'0.. t irir I tc I 1 g".-\ . O,ars+o 4.0 stmg-u, et:•Cl 1i r, fe .0I r' , i We i• i \ •; o s, I f..pw O.11 : 1 ' ' :.... ..j `'1- H`i/' 'Gasi /"li or"•.+` rm t , -- e.rxc 1© • II'.; _ :''.. 1 rt 1 _ ._ • I 0 • lrl I jar. Nw,aa d p mow' I Q i j14,I / i11111, p•a y elfi giliOri 0.0. V1, P 4 ei .....'..--; j. t e Q, I Its 1 - . ° Y witig r(—.. 1 i, a 11; 1$ Ili 1 •V' r,./ i." rigel,Ii17. 7 .;10::///. ''' •//- -''. '-‘*L4=24te- 4. 7-4E.C„___Ii.,e-F, a I 61.1aii' fi NM" ...\'‘. 116,. 4113311. 11ralt 111 11 ut451° 1: 14/4111, . • 41k. 4%*** 1 ' . iii,, 0 till. 1*: i y //' ir e , n 1 1 1 Ilr i• f n ` • t j r`Q'° r r.r. It. ..- 71-::: ._ ,,, E- 4A .; fif ll r 11n :1,ar'' m . 1 : i is 1 1:. .._.a I a Imo-G4 i tit C.rLdly wo.Ira. 1. sifferi d ®, law /: I m Na lin o ' n..:r u q r: rr gle nleumr...bil II .,. ' _ I I ` e _ 1'i i17 I rr/ s s I s 1 1 s 11 i ; 1 s s jIIk' `V z.v nev a r AAR. l 1 lla sit) 11 .•_ 11 . 1 e S.as aM sinew nne e J— ——— _ o. t1 r .• C Ay s w/ wausi.eres l '' TaMi iP. —..- 11 C - 1 r 1s Mr' 2 II c L-- e wrr / frs/a treor. PMH-029-82; V-041-82, V-042-82, V-043-82, V-044-82 f CITY OF REN TONoONN. ;24569 FINANCE DEPARTMENT RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 oZ 7 19 a ' t RECEIVED OF 06 -t-c_O-) ,%C-4%4 C v e,Lz. At € C T.LiCrP /GQ • /e - d a 3 - 8 a) ka TOTAL 6" Cr 0 GWEN E. MARS HALb F ANCE DIRECZ'IOR . BY • AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING Stale of Washington) Count of King M-rilyn J . Petersen being first duly sworn, upon oath dispo.es and states: That on the 14th day of September 1982 , affiant deposited in the mails of the United States a sealed envelope containing a decision or recommendation with postage prepaid, addressed to the parti s of record in the below entitled application or petition. Subscribed and sworn this /6-4/day of 2,, 4„ ) , 195,2• Nota y Public in and for t Sta e of Washington, residing at Application, Petition or Case: Dean W. Bitney; R-023-82, PMH-029-82 The nni.nuteA contain a t iU.t a u the pat i.ee4 a fi ne.cand. ) i September 14, 1982 OFFICE OF THE LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER t CITY OF RENTON REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION TO THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL, APPLICANT: De n W. Bitney FILE NO. R-023-82, - PMH-029-82, V-041-82, v-042-82, V-643-82, V-044-82 LOCATION: West side of Union Avenue S.E. and adjacent to the southerly ' boundary of the existing Leisure Estates Mobile Home Pai-k. SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Thee,, applicant seeks to rezone the subject site from G-1 to T aiding with preliminary mobile home park approval to con truct a 203-lot mobile home park. Four variances from design criteria are i also sought: increase lot coverage from 40% to 60%; reduction of sidewalk width; elimination of sidewalks along cul-de-sacs; and reduction of laundry facilities. SUMMARY OF Building & Zoning Department: Approval of the rezone; approval RECOMMENDATICN/ of the preliminary mobile home plan with conditions ; approval DECISION: of the variance for increase i.n lot coverage; denial of the variances relating to sidewalks ; and approval of the variance for reduction in laundry facilities. Hearing Examiner: (Recommendation) Approval of the rezone. Decision) Approval of the preliminary mobile home plan subject to modifications and conditions; denial of ,the variances. BUILDING & ZCNING The Building & Zoning Department report was received by the DEPARTMENT REPORT: Examiner on August 24, 1982. PUBLIC HEARING: After reviewing the Building & Zoning Department report examining available information on file with the appliction, and field checking the property and surrounding area, the Examiner conducted a public hearing on the subject as follows : The hearing was opened on August 31 , 1982 at 10:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building. Parties wishing to testify were affirmed by the Examiner. Roger Blaylock, Zoning Administrator, presented the Building & Zoning Department report , and entered the following exhibits into the record: Exhibit #1 : Application File, R-023-82, containing Building Zoning Department report and other pertinent documents Exhibit #2: Application File, PMH-029-82, containing Building Zoning Department report and other pertinent documents Exhibit #3: Application File, V-041-82, V-042-82, V-04 -82, V-044-82, containing Building & Zoning Department report and other pertinent documents Exhibit #4: King County Assessor's Map Exhibit #5: Site Plan for Mobile Home Park including variances Referencing Section 3. 1 . 1 . of. the Preliminary Mobile Home Park section of the report, the Examiner requested clarification of the hardship which must exist. in order to grant a variance in the matter. Mr. Blaylock advised that although a definite hardship does not exist resulting from size, shape, topography or other physical limitations of the subject site, non-applicable provisions of the ordinance seem to create the hardship. Th Examiner noted that as he understands variance law, a hardship applicable to each lot must be in evidence, lanc none are cited in the departmental report. Mr. Blaylock stated the intent of the park towards family living in providing large recreational areas of open space to compensate fcr each lot area. Mr. Blaylock noted a revision to the staff recommendation to allow provision of emergency access and access to the recreational vehicle storage area in the modification of Phase I development. 1 r R-023-82 Page Two The Ex;miner requested testimony by the applicant. Responding was: Dean W. Bitney 2727 Mountain View Avenue N. Renton, WA 98056 Mr. Bivney, owner of Leisure Estates Mobile Home Park to the north of the subject site, descrited the development of that park as a model for many communities in the northwest, notinglhis intent to duplicate many of the development features in the new park. He stated that a,: a result of the rezone and mobile home park development, the area will be improved through elimination of hazardous topography and numerous trespassers on the site, find affordable housing will be provided to future park residents, where a scarcity now e sts. He submitted a petition signed by owners of residences directly across the street from the site on Union Avenue S.E. The letter was entered as follows by the Exami r: I Exhibit #6: Letter of support signed by adjacent residents Respo ring in support was: I Michael L. Smith Pacific Land Research r 1140 140th Avenue N.E. Bellevue, WA 98005 Mr. S ith, representing the applicant for the rezone proposal , reviewed his educational and p+ofessional background. He indicated that the subject rezone is timely and approtriate and is a logical progression of development in the area. Proposed density, access: to the site, Comprehensive Plan designation, and surrounding land uses and zoning categ1ories were discussed by Mr. Smith, who indicated an increased demand for housing of th:- type offered by the applicant. He cited Comprehensive Plan Policies 3.A. ; growth and development should occur in a timely and logical progression of the existing urban area; ' and subsections (4) and (5) within that general policy concerning public utilities ; priori ty for development should be given land where adequate public utilities are available; and a balance of residential , commercial , and industrial areas should be achi = ed; to demonstrate the conformance of the proposal to these policies. Resp ding to the Examiner's inquiries regarding capacity of existing sewer lines to acco Iodate the subject development, Mr. Smith advised that a sewer line is located along the southern boundary of the site extending down to the Metro facility. Also available • are .equate water and roadway capacity for increased transportation useage of 3% at the inte .ection of N.E. 4th Street and Union Avenue N.E. Other projected traffic increases woulbe 2% at the intersection of N.E. 4th Street and Monroe Avenue N.E. and l% at the 1unset Boulevard and N.E. 3rd Street intersection. The Examiner inquired regarding currnt capacity level of the latter intersection. Mr. Smith referred to the applicant's traffic study which projects the 1983 level of service at that intersection at LOS D with or wIthout the Shady Glen development. Mr. Smith concluded his comments by supporting approval of the rezone and the mobile home park design as submitted, noting that the proj;lct offers affordable housing in a desirable setting with a shifting of open space from private, as found in single family residential neighborhoods to a common, more easi y maintained open area. Responding in support was: David Millard Land Planning & Management 22627 152nd S.E. Kent, WA 98031 Mr. illard, respresenting the applicant for the mobile home park proposal , indicated the .tatus of his firm as the area's leading expert in the design of manufactured housing. He . 'vised the difficulty in design of a mobile home park since lots have to be tailored to 'using units, and noted that Leisure Estates Mobile Home Park was the first to utilize the 'set down technique of siting units in which the lot is excavated out to allow the horn: to set down in a lower silhouette. Landscaping, common open space, and setbacks wen discussed by Mr. Millard, and he noted that typical lot sections G and H,. which.do not meet minimum lot size dimensions , will be eliminated. Responding to the Examiner's inquiry regarding specifications of lots C and D, Mr. Millard indicated the applicant's intent to provide lot lengths of a minimum of 75 feet and an average of 80 feet. Drainage fac lities were discussed and it was noted that drainage runs off site at the midpoint of the' west side and traverses along the southwest in a natural ravine and terminates about 200 feet to the east of the old Edwards Gravel Pit. The applicant proposes to implement the drainage ordinance within the development using detention as well as utilization of an Infiltration process. Responding to the Examiner's inquiry regarding sanitary sewer, Mr. Millard stated that the sanitary sewer trunk line which was constructed three years R-023-132 Page Three ago on the s.uth side of the subject site provides sufficient capacity to serve tl1e proposal . Responding to the Examiner's further inquiry regarding secondary access, Mr. Millard advised that access IS proposed through the Leisure Estates street system and once the sIho• facilities are completed by the county and the city, the roadway will be tied in for emergency access. Justificatlio for approval of the variance requests were reviewed by Mr. Smith, the first being an ilnc ease in lot coverage from 40 to 60% to allow appurtenant structures Such as covered carp.rts and patios for the benefit of residents. The Examiner stated that a variance May only be granted eased upon physical aspects of the subject property 1rhich create a hardship in development. Mr. Smith cited the precedent of Leisure Estates in which such a variance was approved; therefore, a special privilege would not be granted to the appli •ant in this case. He also felt that the mobile home park environment places emphasis on mailer, useable lots which provides active open space within the covered patio area. •He noted several conflicts in the Mobile Home Park Ordinance for setback requirements and lot coverage limits, and indicated that granting the variances w uld not affect the r-sidents in the area or the Comprehensive Plan. Addressing t e variance for reduction in the quality of laundry facilities , Mr. Smith advised Oat newer mobile home units provide washer and dryer hookups and provisionof15eachoftesemachineswouldrequireafacilityatleast950squarefeetinsite. He felt that three each washers and dryers would more than adequately serve the residents of the pa lk. The variance for sidewalk width was discussed, and Mr. Smith indicated the precedent established in Leisure Estates as well as the fact that the roadway system in the park will be priv-te, not open to public access , and a reduced speed limit will be imposed. Mr. Bitney discussed the landscaping requirement along the southern property line, noting that instead of a 50-foot setback required from the property line because of location of a sanitary s=wer easement as cited in the report, the easement for the sewer line is unique inIth• t it does not patrallel and is not adjacent to the south property line. Instead, the 10-foot wide easement cuts through the property 50 feet north of the south property lin. over the sewer line, and landscaping in back yards of lots can be installed on top of: th- easement. Mr. Bitney requested that landscaping along the western Portion be limited i height due to existence of a valley view which should be protected. I Addressing t e variance for lot coverage, Mr. Bitney noted the decision to approv the variance pre iously for the Leisure Estates development had required a 15-month p riod of review by the Planning Commission and City Council ; however, although revision of the ordinenc: had been referred to committee, the matter had died without a recom endation. Mr. Bitney s ated that conformance to the existing ordinance would provide an ultimate development •f a trailer parr instead of a mobile home park such as Leisure Estates , and residents)wo ld be inconvenienced by lack of covered patios and carports. He noted the development goal of providing affordable housing by utilizing a higher density to residentslwh• do not desire maintenance of large lots. The Examier requested final comments. Mr. Smith stated that the site consists of an abandoned gr=vel pit and irregular topography, and even through grading, physical limitations reate a hardship in meeting ordinance requirements for the proposed development. Since there were no further comments , the hearing regarding this atter was closed b, the Examiner at 11 :53 a.m. FINDINGS, CO CLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS/DECISION: Having reviewed the record in this matter, thel xaminer now makes and enters the following: FINDINGS:' I . The alpplicant, Dean W. Bitney, filed a request for approval of a reclassific tion of approxim-tely 30 acres from G-1 (General ; Single Family; Minimum lot size - 35,000 square f-et) to T (Mobile Home Park) together with approval of a preliminary plan for all mobile home park a' dvariances from design standards. 2. The alpplication file containing the application, SEPA documentation, the Building and Zoning Department report, and other pertinent documents was entered into the recor1d as Exhibit #1 . 3. Pursuan to the City of Renton' s Environmental Ordinance and the State Environmental Policy Act of 1971 , RCW 43.21C, as amended, a Declaration of Non-Significance has been ''issued for the subject proposal by the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) , respdnsible official . i 1 4. Plans f.r the proposal have been reviewed by all city departments affected by the impact .f this development. I 1 i R-023-82 Page Four 5. Th- subject site is located on the west side of Union Avenue S.E. , just south of the Leisure Estates Mobile Home Park. 6. Th- subject site was annexed into the city in 1977 by Ordinance No. 3143., The site wa- classified G-1 upon annexation. A hearing for a special permit (SP-028-82) to fill and grade the subject site was held concurrently with this application and was apiroved. 7. Th- Comprehensive Plan designates the area in which the subject site is located as su table for the development of low density multiple family housing and greenbelt. 8. Th1 site is in an area which was extensively quarried for gravel and the site re ains disturbed by such action but is otherwise undeveloped. The fill permit will al ow the applicant to recontour the site for eventual development. The steeper sl1pes localized in the central portion of the site will be maintained for open space, greenbelt and recreation. 9. Solth of the site is the northern boundary of the Maplewood Golf Course and the bluffs near the course's northern boundary. East and southeast of the site are siligle family homes. The Leisure Estates Mobile Home Park also developed by the applicant is located immediately north of the subject site. A power transmission li e and various governmental uses including the city and county shops are located we of the subject site. 10. Th- applicant proposes establishing a 30-acre mobile home park with 203 separate living u ts. The density would be approximately 7.28 units per acre. The 203 units would i g=1erate a population of approximately 507 persons (2.5/unit) . Approximately 50 s• ool age children would be expected to live in the complex (.25 students/unit) . T - development would generate approximately 1 ,238 vehicle trips per day (7 vehicle trips per day/unit) . 11 . Located within a raduis of three miles are Honeydew Elementary School ; McKnight M ddle School ; and Hazen High School . All three schools are generally north of the s bject site. 12. K'wanis and Highlands Parks are located approximately one mile from the subject site. 13. Tile applicant has requested four separate variances from the provisions of the Mtbile Home Park Ordinance. The applicant wants approval of 60% lot coverage, w1ereas the ordinance requires not more than 40% coverage (Section 4-2006. (I ) (I )) . Tile applicant proposes reducing the width of sidewalks from five feet to three and o e-half feet in width and eliminating sidewalks from cul-de-sacs (Section 4-2006(I ) (J)) . T e final variance the applicant proposes is to reduce the number of laundry facilities f om one washer and dryer per each 15 units to three complete sets for the entire mplex (SEction 4-2006(1) (Q)) . 14. e primary access to the subject site will be via Union Avenue S.E. A second access quired of mobile home parks will be provided via an easement to the west in the icinity of the shop sites. 15. e applicant proposes occupancy open to family units including families with hildren. 16. 'imilar variance requests for Leisure Estates were heard by both the Planning aommission and the Board of Adjustment prior to the establishment of the Hearing xaminer system. Certain of the variances were granted for that property. There as protracted debate about the impact of the ordinance on design standards for new lobile home parks. The matter was thoroughly explored by the then Planning commission and referred to the City Council . The Council voted to retain (at its arch 12, 1979 meeting) the standards reflecting the continuation of policy. The city Attorney in correspondence of December 26, 1978 indicated that each request or variance for separate parcels of property must be judged against that particular Lmarcel 's meeting the variance criteria. t17. he applicant, with the exception of the variances requested, has proposed to comply lith the criteria and standards for parking, patios , streets , setbacks, open space nd landscape buffers required by ordinance. I R-023-82 Page Five CONCLUSIONS: Rezone 1 . The proponent of a rezone must demonstrate that the request is in the public interest and will not impair the public health, safety and welfare. In addition, the rezone must com"l•y with at least one of the three criteria listed in Section 4-3014 which - provides in part that: a. The ubject site has not been considered in a previous area rezone or land use analysis; or b. The .ubject site is potentially designated for the new classification per the Comp ehensive Plan; or c. Ther- has been material and substantial change in the circumstances in the area in which the subject site is located since the last rezoning of the property or a ea. The applicant has demonstrated that the request is in the public interest an. should be appro ed by the City Council . 2. The T: di .trict permits uses of up to eight units per acre which is a density both comparable and compatible with the density permitted in low density multifamily residntial districts , the type of district recommended by the Comprehensive Plan. 3. The ajrea. surrounding the subject site will not be affected by the development of the mobil,'e h.me park on the site. A similar development, although restricted to adults , is locat-d immediately north of the subject site. This proposal would be a consiste t extension of that type of use southward. The separation afforded by Union' Av-nue in this location along with the setbacks both required by ordinance and proposed by the applicant will buffer the proposal from the low intensity single family uses to the east. The southerly property, the golf course, will be unaffected by the development, and the bluffs provide a topographical separation to permit reasonable residential enjoyment on the mobile home site property. Mobile Ho',me Park 4. The applicant's proposal complies with the general standards of the Mobile Home Park Ordinance, but the proposal will have to be modified in light of the denial of the varinc=s. The 30 acres is more than the minimum five acres required by ordinance, and the lots will be equal to or larger than the minimum 3,000 square feet rquired. 1 5. The applicant proposes the appropriate access , and driveways will be relocated to conform to the requirement of a 50-foot distance from a cross-street. The applicant will ha e to provide landscaping and/or screening along all property lines a requi.,re. by ordinance anld this will include the northern boundary between the site and Lei -ure Estates. Thiis will lessen the intensity of development and provide some relief rom the development intensity along the west side of Union Avenue. 6. The app icant will provide the required two parking stalls per unit and will also provide each unit with atio and required outdoor storage space. Variances 7. The pp icant has failed to demonstrate that special circumstances affectthesubjectpropertyinamannerthatdeniestheapplicantreasonableuseofthe subject siteLan. causes undue hardship. As indi ' ated in the findings above, the standards for sidewalks , lot coverage and laundri -s are imposed by ordinance and were meant to apply to any mobile home park unless here is some special circumstances affecting the property which makes the imposit on of those standards unreasonable. The fact that the applicant proposes larger odules than are ordinarily utilized is not a unique property condition, but is one aused by the applicant's desire to overburden the lot. While the ordinance may den, the applicant the ability to develop his specific proposal , there is no undue h=rdship which justifies overcrowding the lots with 20% more development. all zoningdistricts. It would be as inappropliate8. Similar limitations exist in to grant a variance to Qermit a large, sprawling rambler in excess of lot standards in an R 1 zone as it would be to permit larger mobile units on 3,000 square foot lots. Similarly, it would be inappropriate to allow covered decks in a required sideyard. Such' gl .bal changes represent policy differences with the ordinance, not is ues of R-023-82 Page Six un =asonable application of a standard to specific parcels of property. 9. Further, a blanket variance for lot coverage is also inappropriate as a variance is ' roperty specific, as defined by the City Attorney. The applicant has not cited any circumstance to justify the variance for each of 203 separate lots. 10. The issue is rather a policy question of whether or not the standards of the Mobile Horn Park Ordinance are too rigorous to allow mobile home development in the city as 'proposed by the applicant; The City Council resolved this specific question in thelnegative after review and left the ordinance unchanged. The standards are therefore appopriate and demonstration of undue hardship because of property -condition becomes nee ssary. 11 . Theiltopography in ,the center of the site has no bearing on the individual lot cov=rage; nor the sidewalk question; nor the laundry. It serves to provide the ope space and recreational needs of the proposed residents and fulfills the 10% pla ground/open space required. It is also compatible with and required as part of the greenbelt which is designated in the general area of the subject site on the Co •rehensive Plan. I 12. -Th= 'variance to provide narrower sidewalks is also without merit. The units will be .ccupied by families presumably with toddlers and young children. Standard si •;-walks will provide safe corridors for walking and play. Cul-de-sac streets sh.I d not be treated any differently and should be connected to the sidewalk sy- em as a whole. Again, there is no unique property condition which warrants de• reasing the size of the sidewalks or eliminating sidewalks from portions of the de - lopment. 13. Th=re is similarly no-property condition which would or should permit the applicant todeviate from the standard laundry requirements of one washer and dryer per 15 un ts. Just because such facilities can be accommodated in individual units does no. mean they will . Providing washers and dryers in insufficient numbers will not melt the code requirements and will cause residents to have to purchase those facilities if they are not provided. 14. WhIle similar variances were granted for Leisure Estates, those variances applied to different property and were issued before the City Council restated its position th:it the ordinance was, in fact, operating as they intended. Again, there is nothing in the record to demonstrate this property and each lot has unique property conditions to justify any of the variance requests. The standards imposed are expected of each mo•ile home park and if the applicant in this case wishes to provide more generous logs to accommodate larger units , that choice is his; but to overcrowd the lots is unjustified. To provide fewer sidewalks and of less than standard dimensions is un ustified and to, force residents to purchase their own washers and dryers when the or• inance specifically requires fourteen is unjustified. The requests for the variances are therefore denied. RECOMt NDATION: The Ci y Council should approve the rezone of the subject site. DEC I S Its N: The P - liminary Mobile Home Park is approved subject to the modifications required by the d; ial of the variances and the approval of the rezone by the City Council . The requests for the variances are denied. 0DERED THIS 14th day of September, 1982. 1 Fred J. Kauf Land Use Hearing Examiner TRANSMITTED THIS 14th day of September, 1982 by Affidavit of Mailing to the parties o record: Dean W. Bitney, 2727 Mountain View Avenue N. , Renton, WA 98056 Michael L. Smith, 1140 140th Avenue N.E. , Bellevue, WA 98005 David Millard, 22627 152nd S.E. , Kent, WA 98031 R-023-82 Page Seven TRANSMIT ED THIS 14th day of. September, 1982 to the following: Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch Councilmani Richard M. Stredicke Richard Houghton, Public Works Director David Clemens, Policy Development Director . Members, Renton Planning Commission Ron Nelson, Building & Zoning Director Roger Blaylock, Zoning Administrator Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Rer1ton Record-Chronicle Pursuant to itle IV, Section 3015 of the City's Code, request for reconsideration must be filed in riting on or before September 28, 1982. Any aggrieved person feeling that the decision of the Examiner is based on erroneous procedure, errors of law or fact, error in judgment, or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the prior he.:ring may make a written request for review by the Examiner within fourteen . 14) days , from the date of the Examiner's decision. This request shall set forth' the specific errors relied upon by such appellant, and the Examiner may, after review of the record, teke further action i s he deems proper. An appeal,: to the City Council is governed by Title IV, Section 3016, which requires that such appeal •e filed with the City Clerk accompanying a filing fee of $25.00 and meeting other specif ed requirementsi Copies of this ordinance are available for inspection or purchase in he Finance Department, first floor of City Hall . 1 I I U r r i 1 T R MI r I R- 1i-------- - ii_ n " t. a 1r +r 111. r atI a h r 1 tf r,* 1 ../ rote it I 1 c p itMEPG- 1__ L._ 1 I 62 , v © v©'01prt.. i sa f Z a ilpPPP" e 1 II ., seeIs r1 41T il• i• M •! 10011111111,7 tit ' 1 I tig&.b". ' 0 1 II I r ri.?r,'.+ifi s 1 ' x Y'v`tY L,4 , :- 4.1C 10 ,_ .: t' ' 1 4t ' T`-.' rf `:*. iF, '' rr 7{ ...• T '. ' dd e v, d ri'i.^.7 :-. ., .P '2'!_T r r4' of a Af.' a (Ay". ,A PRELIMINARY MOBILE HOME PARK APPROVAL/VARIANCES FROM MOBILE HOME PARK ORDINANCE: DEAN W. BITNEY, PMH-029-82; V-041-82, V-042-82, V-043-82, V-044-82 APPL CANT DEAN W. BITNEY TOTAL AREA ±30 acres PRIN.IIPAL ACCESS Union Avenue S.E. EXIS ZING ZONING G-1. General Classification District I EXIS I nING USE Undeveloped PROPOSED USE 203-lot mobile home park COMP' HENSIVE LAND USE PLAN Low Density Multiple Family/Greenbelt COMMA, NTS t/ 1 1 / 1 1 1 1 l!. 1, 1,,,, 1 s'1,\ \ 11 ,n 1 1 1 1 1 t It. I/ , f 1T,ge,111,,,1 1• -.. Po• /: c ahar :•fir! r r r r. 'sa. 1. f t........ •ter 1 gi r, 1 ,.4 A 10-14111=1= —. 0111. 10‘. 4 il i at— r f lir IiiiiLJi4.01,1 Il'D I.• mar..04winiirdct1v1. ct,..).,,,,,..::a... Ole° ---itVOfir/ `• • - 1,1 Y: / 4$, , o „% ,j .: IVitV ;,\ e' I;.4::t1 ! l ft** ' ', A` %/J'" ; v` 6.':•rr 01 4P ,'' • v• a r •• i,. b---+ I La.w.7 i N PAW 44 •`- 4 , ` n`4. i,,," ' '' S., 0,/, I ..,\` . fly. S ' ".___-- a ji,--_A.I.,,..0.......:i im..1-.4.---,.. ...A7-----:„.,-.7., ay./ t; ,.,,,...,,,,,e,,,,....;,.... ,". ..„ , rj:MOCr. pi-me.-....10 r. V a •,.• yO K :: i. t. °V;i9',41.1* rp _ t/ \ V/ I \ / I, o i . . T\a 1 OHO - s 9 I-a; 1 'L yill C. ,[, .• ' 4 /-, ;; irr4,piI7 ..;. O 4, I ' , `"_i ; ..,. y r 1it/i T ` 'O • 17 • '. ..ci. 1 rV•f r p.` ;=11 i'- i d Il /©' yam 1•/.. Z adrst Oir- r • v AI*/ - c_ ri, l i '® v ..I i Irl I. j r r an.ara.sei CS 1 0 tlleirishL9i L'4(, r i% ,r k. 1' &LINV. ` At, d_• ,,V Fie wsZ^ I c I, a 4. f • I Ill'IN,6 .. - J C j l •., -, •. , ^ t M•'. "wr ei- n nI ;11 iMill \ / s l, y f r • 1 pie a mn 0 lad d z 1Its 0. 4 _ v 2 5 o.l opt T ' ?~ A f. II r% ' ram :r'r—' , c ti 1 i .. •`ie i . wo 1' 4, 0 / 1011 n M j 4 n.rev.,or ir.». • s.ei, df I one as kiiiiiing woe, ,rdV • r ous.rrrrpoic oil,riti Qi t 4- vi3O. 1 Ia+.vr r_, _ 4 A 1 , u1 N1 !q 11 1I011a1,1 16 1l,1A11111I c . teI II f( l tiserq PMH-029-82; V-041-82, V-042-82, V-043-82, V-044-82 Approximately 30 acres lying west of Union Avenue SE and south of Leisure Cst.tes is owned by Dean W. Bitney. The comprehensive plan for the 30 acres calls for low density multiple zoning which allows 11 to 12 units per acre. We are submitting plans to the City of Renton for a rezone to . "T" Trailer Park designation which allows a denisty of up to 8 units Per acre for a Mobile Home Park. There will be approximately 205 total pad upon completion, or a density of under 7 per acre. The setback fro the street right of way is proposed at 20 feet. The owner will also complete the construction of Union Ave. SE to the water district fac lity including curbs, gutters and sidewalks as part of the construc do .s The undersigned understands the above and does not object to the proposed Mobile Home Park. r NAMES,•-1 ADDRESS 9 7/,./2-4-49--Oci.' ((X] r 1-4I e° t U LV lJ./!/-42CS,_ - iT, dVa,c ,_. ( r f ‘;) 'L 41,1 177 1.-L 4.4 t RECEIVED CITY OF RENTON HAtH111U EXAMINER EXHIBIT 1Q O. Vj AUG 21 199? PM ITEM NO. r- o 3, o 718i911011111F1 f. 12,3. ,F.5,6 l IUILDING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO THS HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING AUGUST 31 , 1982 APPLI ANT: DEAN W. BITNEY FILE UMBER: R-023-82,, PMH-029-82, V-041-82, V-042-82, V-043-82, V-044-82. A. 4>11Pih<i Y & PN!!;4r'toSE OF ;*IDTEST: he applicant seeks to rezone the subject site from 1 to "T" along with preliminary mobile home park approv. l o construct a 203-lot mobile home park. Four variances ram design clfiteria are also sought. B. , i. ENEIRAL INFO'n,<i!. IcI 1 . Owner of ,Record: Dean W. Bitney P . Applicant: Dean W. Bitney Location• Vicinity Map Attached) West side of Union, Avenue S.E. and adjacent to the southerly boundary of the existing Leisure Estates mobile home community. A . Legal Description: A detailed legal description is available on file in the Renton Building & Zoning Department. Size of Property: 30 acres. Access : Via Union Avenue S.E. 7. Existing Zoning: G-1 , General Classific tion District; Minimum lot size 35 ,000 sq, ft. 8 . Existing Zoning in the Area: G-1 , "T" , R-1 . 9 . Comprehensive Land Use Plan: Low Density Multiple Family, Greenbelt. 10. Notification: The applicant was notified in writing of the hearing date. Notice was properly published in the Daily Record Chronicle on August 20, 1982 and posted in three places on or near the site as required by City Ordinance on August 20, 1982. C. m ISTORY/IACKGOUHND: The subject site was annexed into the City by Ordinance 3143 of June 13, 1977 . PRELIMINARY REPO1«- TO THE HEARING EXAMINER DEAN W. BITNEY,,_ R-023-82-, PMH-028-82, V-041-ti2, V-042-82, V-043-82, V-044-82 AUGUST 31 , 1982 PAGE TWO D. Pa SICAL ;s rGROU D: 1 . Topography: . The subject site slopes generally from northeast to southwest at grades ranging from 5-9%. 2 . Soils : Alderwood Gravelly Sandy Loam, 6-15% slopes AgC) . Permeability is moderately rapid in the surface layer and subsoil and very slow in the substratum. Available water capacity is low. Runoff is slow to medium and the erosion hazard is moderate. This soil is used for timber, pasture, berries, row crops, and for urban development. 3. Vegetation: The majority of the site consists of scrub brush, blackberries, and weeds. 4 . Wildlife : The existing vegetation provides some habitat for birds and small mammals. 5 . Water: No surface water was observed on tie subject site (August 20, 1982) . 6 . Land Use: The subject site is undeveloped. E. NEIOHBlt:J OOD CHAT A I STICS: The surrounding properties are a combination of single family residence, mobile home dwellings, power transmission lines and undeveloped properties. F. P F;::LIC SERVICES: 1 . Water and Sewer: A 12-inch water main extends north-south along the east side of Union Avenue S.E. to the east of the subject site. 2 . Fire Protection: Provided by the City of Renton as per ordinance requirements. 3. Transit: METRO Transit Route #107 operates along Union Avenue N.E. approximately 3/4 of a mile north of the subject site. 4 . Schools: Honeydew Elementary School is located approximately one mile north of the subject site. McKnight Middle School is approximately three miles north and west of the subject site and Hazen High School is located approximately two miles north and east of the property. 5 . Recreation: Kiwanis Park is located approximately one mile north of the subject site while Highlands Park is approximately one mile northwest of the site. APPLICALE SEcTI 4P w s OF THE Z m III G CO 1 . Section 4-714, "T" , Trailer Parks . 2 . Section 4-722B, Special Permits . 3 . Section 4-729, G-1 , General Classification District. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE G."u" a mir Ai\iSIV PLAN 01. OTHER OFFICIAL CITY DOCUMENT: . 1 . Policies Element, Comprehensive Plan (1981 ) ; Section 4 , 4 .A. 1 , p. 8 ; Section 4 .C, 4 .C. 3, p. 9 ; Section 4 .C. 10, p. 10. I ' Y f PRELI INARY REPS. TO THE HEARING EXAMINER DEAN . BITNEY, ',R-023-82, • PMH-029-82, V-041-82, V-042-82 , V-043 82, V-044-82 AUGUS 31 , 1982 PAGE 'HREE I I. ACT ON THE NATURAL OR ;a m i i N, 1N]C T: Natural Systems: Rezoning will not directly affect the property. However, construction of the mobile home park! will remove the vegetation, disturb the soils, increase storm water runoff and have an effect on, traffic and noise levels in the area. Through proper development and procedures, however, these impacts can be mitigated. Population/Employment: The proposed development would increase the area population by approximately 507 persons (203 units X 2. 5 persons/unit) . c . Schools: The school population would increase by approximately 50 pupils (203 units X . 25 pupils/unit) . 4 . Social: Increased opportunities for social interaction would be 'available for the future residents of the area.' l 5 . Traffic : Rezoning the site will not directly affect traffic. Total development will generate approximately 1 , 238 vehicle trips. J. I"kmwr Iv i AL SES T/TEIRES OLD DI t q 1 TIO: Pursuant to the City of Renton' s Environmental Ordinance and the State ,Environmental Policy Act of 1971, as amended, RCW 43-21C, afinal Declaration of Non-Significance was issued for the subject proposal by the Environmental Review Committee on August 16 , 1982. K.. ACID/DIP TS CONTACTED: i 1 . City of Renton Building & Zoning Department. 2 . City of Renton Design Engineering Division. 3 . City of Renton Traffic Engineering Division. 4 . . City of Renton Utilities Engineering Division. 5 .• City of Renton Fire Prevention Bureau.. 6 . City of Renton Parks & Recreation Department. 7. City of Renton Policy Development Department. L. DEPARTMENT ANALYSIS: The applicantl Mr. Dean W. Bitney has submitted an application. to allow the construction of a mobile home park. The application is actually in three segments. The first segment is rezoning the subject property from present G-1 , General Use Classification, to "T" , Trailer Classifi- cation. The second segment is the submission of Preliminary Mobile Home Park plans which must accompany the rezone application, while the third segment is a series of variances from the mobile home park design standards. The background information presented above will be identical in all cases.! REZONE 1 . The applicant is seeking a rezone request on 30 acres from the present G-1 classification to "T" , Trailer .Park. This is in compliance with the Com- prehensiive Plan designation of Low Density Multiple Family. The site was specifically evaluated at the time of the Northeast Quadrant Comprehensive Plan Amendments conducted in 1981 . Thus , this would appear to comply with Section 4-3014 (C) (1 ) (b) ! Y+Y PRELIMINARY REPOk.- r0 THE HEARING EXAMINER DEAN W. BITNEY, ; R-023-82, PMH-029-82, V-041-82 , V-042-82, IV-043-82, V-044-82 AUGUST 31 , 1982 PAGE FOUR 2. The subject site was originally annexed into the City in 1977, by Ordinance #3143. It has not been specifically considered for rezoning since that time. This would comply with the first criteria in Section 4-3014 (C) (1 ) (a) , Land Use Hearing Examiner Ordinance. 3. The PlanningCommission, :in- their evaluation of recent land use developments in the area and improve-_ ments to the specific vicinity, considered the established trend of new mobile home parks adjacent to the north of the subject site and concluded that the extension of a mobile home area would be appropriate. The development of "Leisure Estates" and the single family residential areas to the east of Union Avenue S.E. suggest a major residential development trend in the vicinity.. 4 . The comments submitted by the City departments reflect mainly design considerations of the Preliminary Mobile Home Park. These have been attached for the public' s and the Examiner ' s review. PRELIMINARY MOBILE HOME PARK 1 . The plan submitted generally complies with the intent of the Mobile Home Park Ordinance and specifi- cally meet nine out of the eighteen criteria. established under Section 4-2006 (1 ) . Variances have been requested concerning three of these design criteria. Section 4-714 in unclear as to specifically whether the rezone request and the development plans are to be reviewed simultaneously. In the past, both applications have been submitted together to allow complete review of_ the requested proposal. 2. The proposal for the subject site is in compliance with the Land Use Comprehensive Plan designation of Low Density Multiple Family. 3. The following is a point-by-point analysis of the eighteen design criteria as specified under Section 4-2006 (1 ) of the Mobile Home Park Ordinance. A. Site: The minimum site shall have five (5) developable and useable acres. The proposal includes 30 acres thus complying with this conditions . B. Access: There shall be at Least two places of access of which at least one must be upon a major or secondary street as defined by the City of Renton Comprehensive Arterial and Street Plan. The primary access is directly off of Union Avenue S.E. Union Avenue is designated as a secondary arterial by the City of Renton Comprehensive Arterial and Street Plan. There is no secondary access provided except for emergency access to the west to the City shop site. The proposal does not specifically comply with this requirement by the intent is met for emergency access. PRELI INARY REP TO THE HEARING EXAMINER . DEAN . BITNEY, ^n 023-82, PMH-029-82, V-041-82, V-042-82, V-043 82, V-044-82 -- - AUGUS 31 , 1982 PAGE IVE C. DRIVEWAYS: Any driveways providing entrance to or exit from the park shall not be closer than fifty (50) feet to street intersection measured from the nearest right-of-way line of the intersection street. Thejproposal does not comply with this require- ment. The main entrance is within fifty (50) feet of S.E. 4th Street. D. SCREEN: A solid wall or view obscuring fence, edge or equivalent barrier not less than five (5) feet in height shall be established and maintained around the entire perimeter of the park except for openings for driveway purposes. The1site plan shows provisions for twenty 20) feet of landscaping along the eastern property line adjacent to the existing public right-of-way for Union Avenue S.E. The site plan does not show continued landscaping around the perimeters of the site as required. Along the. southern property line is shown a dedication of thirty (30) feet for future street extension. A similar buffer should be provided along this right-of-way to buffer the project in thej future. It should be noted that because of topography, the street will be above the mobile home park looking down into it so it is Imperative that landscaping be included at this point. Also a landscaping buffer should be provided between the existing "Leisure Estates" south annex and the new proposal to help lessen the cummulative intensity of both mobile home parks. Presently, there is a fifty (50) foot setback required from the existing southern property line because of a sanitary sewer easement. Therefore, landscaping the twenty (20) feet along the souithern boundary of the proposed mobile home lots would not create a hardship on the applicant. Landscaping should consist of evergreen trees which would do better in the soil type and survive more readily without immediate provisions for an irrigation system. E. PERMANENT DWELLINGS: The only permanent dwelling allowed on the mobile home park shall be the single family dwelling of the owner or manager. There is not a proposal to include permanent dwellings on the subject site for this purpose. F. LOT SIZE: Each mobile home lot shall contain a minimum of 3,000 square feet with the length not less than seventy-five (75) feet and the width not less than forty (40) feet. Each lot shall be laid out as to optimize the view, privacy and other amenities. The site shows three types of lots : G, H and K which could be less than the required forty (40) feet in width. If completed as proposed, this would total forty-one (41 ) lots which would possibly not be in compliance with the code. Presently, all of the lots appear to meet the minimum length requirement oflseventy-five (75) feet. I PRELIMINARY REPO1.- TO THE HEARING EXAMINER DEAN W. BITNEY, , R-023-821 PMH-029-82,_ V-041-82, V-042-82, IV-043-82, V-044-82 - - I AUGUST 31 , 1982 PAGE SIX G. DENSITY: There shall not be more than eight 8 acreoflotspergross the' mobile home park. The gross area of the mobile home park will be thirty (30) acres, however, approximately 2. 1 acres will be dedicated for roadway purposes to the Cityof Renton. Therefore, this area should be excluded in the calculations of density. Based upon the remaining 27 :9 acres, a total of 223 dwelling units could be placed on the subject property. The applicant proposes placing 203 thus complying with the code require- ment. H. SETBACKS: Each lot shall be -clearly defined and landscaped. Mobile homes or accessory structures, including patios awnings and related devises shall be located not less than five (5) feet from any side or rear lot line or closer than ten (10) feet (exluding chassis hitches and draw-bars) from the front lot lines abutting a street. No mobile home shall be located within ten (10) feet of another mobile home measured from side to side or end to end. No mobile home shall be parked closerthano twenty (20) feet to any public street or driveway. It shall be illegal to allow or permit any mobile home to remain in the mobile home park unless proper space is available for it. Joint storage facilities may be exempt from lot setback requirements. At the present time this appears to be complied with. The actual location of the mobile homes must be determined at the time of issuance of a building_ permit for the structure. I. LOT COVERAGE: No more than forty (40) percent of any lot shall be covered by mobile homO and accessory structures. VARIANCE REQUEST, V-041-82 The applicant is seeking a variance to this requirement to allow lot coverage to increase to sixty (60) percent. The applicant bases his justification upon experience in "Leisure Estates" mobile home park, which is immediately to the north of the subject site. The variance was granted by the Board of Adjustment in 1978 , and the project has functioned satisfactorily since that time, The Land Use Hearing Examiner must specifically review four criterial in determining if a variance is appropriate: 1 . That the applicant suffers undue hardship and the variance is necessary because of special circumstances applicable to the subject site, including size, shape, topography, location or surroundings of the subject property, and the strict application of the zoning code is found to deprive the subject property owner of rights and privileges enjoyed by other property owners in the vicinity and under identical zoned classifications; PRELIMINARY REP TO THE HEARING EXAMINER DEAN W. BITNEY, Yc-023-82,, PMH-029-82, V-041-82, V-042-82, V-043 82, V-044-82 AUGUS 31 , 1982 PAGE EVEN The applicant contends that this situation is identical to the one existing to the north. The hardship is a result of the strict application of the Mobile Home Park Ordinance. The Ordinance appears Ito establish an extreme design standard in this situation. The Mobile Home Park Ordinance and the P.U.D. Ordinance are similar in that the intent appears to allow the reduction of development standards for on-site amenities and specific purpose. In this case, the proposal is designed for families and therefore we would anticipate a large number of young families with small children. The site plan has provided additional diverse recreational areas for children and adults including tot-lots, racquet ball court, and a ball field. 2 . That the granting of the variance will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurous to the property or improvements in the vicinity and zoning which subject property is situated; In general, increasing the lot coverage will not be materially detrimental to the general public except that covering more area will increase storm water run-off which will have to be controlled downstream. 3. That the approval shall not constitute a grant of special priviledge inconsistant with the limitation upon uses of other properties in the vicinity and zone in which the subject property is situated; It is difficult to argue that a special priviledge will be granted when the ordinance itself appears to have never been followed initially. The only example of a new mobile home park under the present provisions of the city code is the adjacent one to the north, "Leisure Estates . " 4 . i That the approval as determined by the Examiner or Board of Adjustment is a minimum variance that will accomplish the desired purpose; The applicant' s purpose is to increase the total number of lots on the property. Increasing each of the lots by twenty 20) percent would reduce the total develop- ment by approximately twenty ( 20) percent. This is the minimum variance that would accomplish this purpose. J. STREETS, CURBS AND SIDEWALKS: Asphaltic or concrete streets and concrete curbings shall be provided to each lot. The minimum width of streets shall be thirty (30) feet. Concrete sidewalks of at least five (5) feet in width shall be placed along at least one side of each street or located in the back or side of each lot so that there is sidewalk access to all lots. 1 PRELIMINARY REPO , TO THE HEARING EXAMINER DEAN W. BITNEY, ,R7023-84 PMH-029-82, 'V-041-y-c.', V-042-82, V-043-82, V-044-82 AUGUST 31 , 1982 PAGE EIGHT VARIANCE REQUEST, V-042-82, V-043-82 Both variances relate to the construction of sidewalks within the mobile home park. The applicant -proposes reducing the width of the sidewalks from five feetet to three and one-half (3 1/2) feet (V-042-82) and eliminating the sidewalks along the cul-de-sacs (V-043-82) . Both of these variances should be considered together because of their potential joint impact. The following four criteria are applied to determine if the variance is appropriate:riate: 1 . That the applicant suffers undue hardship and the variance is necessary because of. special circumstances$ applicable to su bjectproperty, s '7 including size, shape, r P r topggraphy, location or surroundings of the subject property, and the strict application of the Zoning Code is found to deprive subject property owner of rights and privileges enjoyed by other property owners in the vicinity and under identical zone classification; The applicant contends that the site plan with reduced sidewalks is identical to the development of "Leisure Estates" to the north. The Board of Adjustment granted the variances in 1978, but it should be pointed out that the circumstances are not identical. At that point, the argument was that the mobile home park was primarily for senior citizens and there would not be major pedestrian/vehicular conflict because of the nature of the residents and reduced traffic speeds. The applicant has clearly stated that the mobile home park is to be for families. Families generate small children and the park has included recreational space to cater to small children. Therefore, there is a great need for the standard size sidewalks to provide a separate area for the children to ride their bicycles and tricycles, and also access the recreational areas. 2 . That the granting of the variance will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the property or improvements in the vicinity and zone in which subject property is situated; In general, it could be stated that reducing the sidewalks and eliminating them in some cases, would result in creating a conflict between pedestrian and vehicular traffic within the park even though the speeds have been reduced. 3 . That approval shall not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitation upon uses of other properties in the vicinity and zone in which the subject property is situated; PRELIMINARY REPO TO THE HEARING EXAMINER - DEAN W. BITNEY, , rcc-623-82; PMH-029-82, V-041-82, V-042-82, V-043-82, V-044-82 ! AUGUST 31 , 1982 PAGE I\INE Again, the applicant contends that the proposal is identical to the north, "Leisure Estates. " However, it is clearly not a project of similar intent and the intent means the difference in design criteria that should be applied. 4 . ' That the approval as determined by the Examiner or Board of Adjustment is a minimum variance that will accomplish the desired purpose. The applicant' s purpose in eliminating the sidewalks appears to be economic in nature. Even though there is a distinct difference in intent from this project compared to the previous project, the applicant has not reflected that change in the design of the park except for additional recreational space. From the applicant' s view-point, the variance necessary is the minimum to allow their desire. K. PARKING: Each mobile home lot shall have a minimum of two (2) automobile parking spaces. Mobile home parks shall provide screened parking for boats , campers, travel trailers, and related devices on a ratio of one space per ten (10) lots, in a secluded portion of the park. The site plan shows compliance with the required parking spaces and also the requirement for recreational vehicle storage in the northwest corner of the subject site. Temporary RV storage will be necessary in each phase unless the roadways are constructed to the proposed standards. L. ' RECREATION AREA: A minimum of ten (10) percent of the total area of the park shall be reserved andlshall be used solely and exclusively for a playground-recreation area. The applicant has provided major areas for on-site recreation including racquet ball court, baseball field, and several tot-lots, along with passive recreation in some of the remaining open space areas in the central portion of the mobile home park. In total, both the passive and active recreation areas equal the required ten (10) percent of the total project. Accessibility of the passive recreational areas may be difficult because of the steep slopes involved. M. ILLUMINATION: Sufficient illumination shall be provided between sunset and sunrise to illuminate adequately the roadways and walkways! within the mobile home park. This criteria is specifically in relationship to the final mobile home park plans and should be evaluated at that time. PRELIMINARY REPO ... TO _THE HEARING EXAMINER DEAN W. BITNEY, ,R-023-8 , PMH-029-82, !V-041-0-2, V-042-82, V-043-83, V-044-82 AUGUST 31 , 1982 PAGE TEN N. LANDSCAPING: Landscaping shall be provided on both the individual lots and the remainder of the mobile home park site according to a landscape plan approved by the Hearing Examiner. The general landscapingping proposed along the eastern property line appears adequate. Greater concern should be stressed in approaching the landscaping the open space area because of the slopes involved and along the southern property line. The Fire Department has recommended that the landscaped islands in the .middle of the cul-de-sacs should be eliminated for emergency vehicle turn-around. The Planning Division ' has traditionally argued that the landscaping in the cul-de-sacs does not interfere with the emergency access needs of the Fire Department. In addition, the landscaping provides a break in the sea of asphalt created by paving an entire cul-de-sac . 0. STORAGE: A permanent storage facility shall be provided for each of not less than two hundred ( 200) cubic feet. No other structure except the mobile home and carport shall be permitted on the lot. The development plan shows the installation of storage facilities for each lot complying with the code requirement. P. SERVICE BUILDINGS: There shall be at least one service building located in a mobile home park. All service buildings shall have adequate inside and outside lighting. The service • building shall have heating equipment adequate to maintain a temperature of seventy (70) degrees during cold weather, An adequate supply of hot water shall be provided at all times for facilities in a service building. One primary service building is shown on the site to be constructed in Phase 1 , thus complying with the criteria. Q. LAUNDRY: There shall be a minimum of one clothes washer and one dryer for each fifteen 15) mobile home lots or fraction thereof; such facilities shall be located in a service building. VARIANCE REQUEST, V-044-82 1 The applicant is seeking a variance from the requirement that one clothes washer and one clothes dryer be provided for each fifteen 15) mobile home lots within the mobile home park all to be located within the service building. Under Section 4-722 (G) the following four criteria are established to determine whether the variance is. warranted: PRELIMINARY REP TO THE HEARING EXAMINER DEAN W. BITNEY, 1,_, 023-82,,. PMH-029-82, V-041-82, V-042-82, V-043 82, V-044-'8-2 -- "- AUGUST 31 , 1982 PAGE . LEVEL 1 . That the applicant suffers undue hardship and the variance is necessary because of special circumstances applicable to subject property, including size, shape, topography, location or surroundings of the subject property, and the strict application of the Zoning Code is found to deprive subject property owner of rights and privileges enjoyed by other property owners in the vicinity and under idential zone classification; The hardship created is a result of the lot size in that by providing a larger lot, on which a self contained mobile home can be located 'on, the need for laundry facilities decreases. If we were creating a travel trailer type facility with minimum sized lots, many of the individual units would be dependent upon a major service building for laundry facilities. Therefore, the variance request is warranted in that it is reverse of the typical limitation of size because if the lot size is increased, the need decreases. 2 . That the granting of the variance will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the property or improvements in the vicinity and zone in which subject property is situated; In general, decreasing the number of clothes washers and dryers within the mobile home park will not be detrimental to the general public because the service is provided independently, in most cases, within the units that will be placed on the site. It will not increase or decrease the amount of waste water generated on the site, because the same volume of clothes will be washed in either case. 3. That approval shall not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitation upon uses of other properties in the vicinity and zone in which the subject property is situated. The variance has been granted in the past by the Board of Adjustment based upon the logic that the units were more independent in character because of the design and quality of the park. The Mobile Home Park Ordinance does not specifically give allowances for variations and, therefore, the variance criteria must be applied to meet this goal. 4 . That the approval as determined by the Examiner or Board of Adjustment is a minimum variance that will accomplish the desired purpose. PRELIMINARY REPO:.: TO THE HEARING EXAMINER DEAN W. BITNEY, R-023-8 , PMH-029-82, 'V-041-82, V-042-82, V-043-82, V-044-82 AUGUST 31 , 1982 PAGE TWELVE In determining whether this is minimum variance necessary, we must point to the example of "Leisure Estates. " The service has functioned effectively. Therefore, should be considered the minimum variance ,necessary by known example within the 'City of Renton. 4 . • In general, the proposal as submitted complies with the intent of the Mobile Home Park Ordinance to aprovide comprehensive development plan providing services to the perspective residents of the mobile ' Home park. I M. DEPARTMENTAL REC•t' Ii"iI: i\i*AT]Cc: Based upon the above analysis, it. is, recommended that: 1 . The Rezone request; file R-023-82, be recommended for approval t- -pp o the City Council. 2 . The Preliminary Mobile Home Park development plans, file PMH-029-82 be approved subject to thefollowingPP7 conditions : A. Approval of the Rezone, R-023-82, by the City . Council. B. Relocation of the main access to comply with the design criteria #3. C. Dedication of public rights-of-way for street purposes as shown on site plans received on August 2, 1982. D. . Installation _of a twenty (2Q) foot landscaped strip along the public rights-of-way dedicated to the City of Renton.. 3. Approval of Variance ,request, V-041-82, which allows increase in lot coverage to sixty (60) percent. 4 . Denial of Variances, V-042-82 and V-043-82, dealing with the reduction of sidewalk width and elimination of the sidewalks in the cul-de-sacs. 5. Approval of Variance request, V-044-82, . allowing the reduction of laundry facilities within, the service building to three washers and three dryers. A RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET Appl cation: REZONE (R-023-82), Loa ion: Located on Union Avenue SE between NE 4th Street and Maplewood Golf Cour; Appl 'cant: Dean W. Bitney IQ:Publics Works Department iEngineering Division SCHEDULED ERC DATE: 4-7-82 1'/ Traffic Eng. Division Utilities Eng. Division SCHEDULED HEARING DATE: I , Fire Department Parks Department Building Department Police Department Others: Policy Development Dept, COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDEDINWRITIG. PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT BY 5 :00 P.M REWIE ING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION:7 4 /r`e- E re OZ3 8Z A rovedApprovedPPAroved with Conditions ® Not Approved e ext S4Q ruigftees. a 4-O'zelc. uy . tIl? 12) mrova.,•-sio. 14e. • rfr-t"44 Signa ure of D' ector or Authorized Representative DATE:LEI' REVIEW'.NG DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: Approved Approved with Conditions O Not Approved DATE: Signat re of Director or Authorized Representative COMMENTS OR SUGG IONS REGARDING THIS APPL:- "PION SHOULD BE PROVIDED •INWRITING. PLEASE YxOVIDE COMMENTS TO THE PIA. [NG DEPARTMENT BY 5:00 P.N REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: rt,-D G R-®Z 3,8al Ipproved ® Approved with Conditions 0 Not Approved PG DATE: V.) - --,2 Signatures. . Director or. Authors ed epr•esentative Aer REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: POLICE Approved GI /Approved with Conditions E] Not Approved 1. A se and access to the site as shown on the plans is necessary. This access should be a pa ed access road(macadam type surface would be sufficent) . 2) Impr vements to Union S.E. should all be installed prior to opening of the tlr. park. 3) All lr. units should have 4" numbers that are clearly visible day and night. 4) At t e entrances(2) there should be a directional signing indicating the proper direction DATE:_ Signature of Director or Authorized Representative to t avel to locate a tlr. Lt. D.R. Persson 4/7/82 A. rsat;-rittint- D1 T:Ulf Y:M VIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: ePteKS 12-Ot38t-t; Ea Approved Ei Approved with Conditions [J Not Approved f.e ,.,.,. .-ei--, G C-ii". e C'..DATE i nature ofDi9 ctor or A horized Representa ive REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION:pZ3-8Zt Approved E "Approved with Conditions 0 Not Approved 1 % /11 e 7GL C)G L cJ IJCs % Ii/ e / A)A1- 6 -' S L i ,s. J C'G-b s Od d, f ..4 _,,,,,,_4_DATE: /- 7 - ---'- Signature of Director or Au orized Representative i I r j RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET Application: REZONE (R-023-82 Location: Located on Union Avenue SE between NE 4th Street and Maplewood Golf Cou Applicant: Dean W• Bitney 11 10:OPublic Works Department 0Er gineering Division • SCHEDULED ERiC DATE: 4-7-1 Trlaffic Eng. Division SCHEDULED HEARIN , DATE: Utilities Eng. Division i Fire Department Parks Department 1 Building Department II 0 Police Department E]Others: Policy Development Dept. i 1 COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED :WRITING. _ PLEASE 'PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE PLANNING. DEPARTMENT BY 5 :00 P, 1 DM Y APPROVAL'SUBJECT TO 2/g2 LITE COMERS AGREEMENT • MAIER AR, LATE COMERS AGREEMENT • SEVER • 6a5 S 255 $44, g/rf. 6_D jSYST.M OfirioPMENT CRAM • MAIEA j Co• FfjG „s l!SYST M DEVELOPMENT CROCE • SEWN GA Ct`ft4/ Nn CoNGF_ r EFFECT SRF.0 Al ASSESSMENT AREA CHARGEST441 - . Ala RS oF 1102 jsliC Al 113SESSMENT AREA CODE • 9bc42 No T TEO WATER PLAN y65 F,;F OYEZ- SEER P(HI Y APP MD FIRE 9TDBANI LOCATIORS Il B1 FIRE 'OPT. yiES 1 ._ FIRE FLOW ANALYSIS yoy I REIN' IEWING .DEPARTMENT/DIVISION.: . t`A'Yru 7r Q- 02.3-02 Approved (Approved with Conditions Not Approved E e'.. \/,E.: S.X Z .is- . (A 6 Dv a ) • i Cic-7-42 ' 0 DATE: 4 4itSignatureofDirectororAuthorizedRersee9pertotive r\ RENTON PLANNING DEPAR iINT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET Application: PRELIMINARY MOBILE HOME (PMH-029-82) Lc c a tion: Located on Union Avenue SE between NE 4th Street and Maplewood Golf Course. Applicant: Dean W. Bitney 14c OPublic Works Department Engineering Division ' SCHEDULED ERC DATE: 4-7-82 4: 7i Traffic Eng.` Division SCHEDULED NEARING DATE:D Utilities Eng. Division Dire Department Parks Department Building Departip nt tlPolice Department 0 Others: Policy Development Dept. CO NTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDEDINWRING. PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT BY 5:00 P.M. Ci REV' EWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : -77;,efT4( 4/ncam; P 0n•82 0 Approved IE Approved with Conditions 0 Not Approved mk.,,,A,1„ biuri,....i.e fl- r-1,--vez In. 4 4.4-et-.44,--e, ,4,-,,,/, y an, i.,.. WA ez,,Z,,,d s" re,,,ii,,,,..4 24„.../ 241,e, ftif.e..3 4..f.,-."-,...:-E-. 7 ii-fin‘ 2-f-074- 0. SGv OLGam 1 d .. .. A f/'`, e--Ale- t. 2 7,'tSLC. ... J 7/wile J, e, . DATE:. 9 4 -k° PL Sigature Abor or Authorized Representative REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: POLICE ipRA-Deg/R.ov -8z Approved ® Approved with Conditions 0 Not Approved 1a A s cond access to the site as shown on the plans is necessary. This access should be a p ved access road(macadam type surface would be sufficent) . 2) Imp vements to Union S.E. should all be installed prior to opening of the tlr. park. 3) All tlr. units should have 4" numbers that are clearly visible day and night. 1) At tie entrances(2) there should be a directional signing indicating the proper direction DATE: Signature of Director or Authorized Representative to travel to locate a tlr. Lt. D.R. Persson 4/7/82 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: A A.,. . rialaiz,L' irxvvjLL LOr111JNT5 TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT BY 5:00 P.M. O', ri. '.I 1 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION:7-7 PAR-®29- Q? Q pproved [Approved with Conditions J Not Approved r 5r /- 4 Gdf c. it Cc/0 /' ox,a,v/t S f1u.s r ' i e.X 5v 5 ',c7f S o/-=/ Pc,e4)7ff.S mi eciG/k S/3C /W e'rx g J'-/Vz evc> z1,5 /70 ' u t/i j2/t7 1 41?// f7 r /-!sue/Gr1 1 ,c''/'4 4.4e --2;e6- S ''Vce"/2-t z7 641 C-4- 1 4-a7-6S5 4e S: ,fir A-s. /e6V(-11 -r- is 4 :::: Ye1-- DATE: ignature of Direct or Authorized Representative REVIEWIN DEPARTMENT/DIVISION:+ L pm 02.9 - ez pproved Approved with Conditions Not Approved Xr4:tp g(eP-ems c -,,v 4/e., r Z't%yee---U" I A)d7,,,./ cr...4 t DATE: I Z Signature of Director o u orized Representative REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: -- ,. Ks plif{i oaq-82 i 1[2Approved ® Approved with Conditions ® Not Approved r I , . , 74f 7 t ...e,.,, c... DATE: P 6_ Signature of Dir&tor or Authorized Representative K' I REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : 0 Approved ['Approved with Conditions ONot Approved DATE: Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Rc'.fON BU1LD0WG & ZONING DIE ; °RYMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET EC - AP LICATION NO(S) : VARIANCES (V-041-82, V-042-82, V-043-82, V-044-82) PR PONENT: Dean W. Bitney PR JECT TITLE: • Shady Glen Mobile Home Park BR 'EF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Variance applications for sidewalk reduction width, s dewalk elimination on stub and cul-de-sac streets, lot coverage increase, and reduction of washer/dryer 'recuirement. LOCATION: Property located contiguous to and southerly of the 'Leisure Estates" Mobile Home Park,, adjacent and westerly of Union Avenue Southeast Lapproximately 1C0 Union Ave. TO: II PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : r,-JENGINEERING DIVISION OTRAFFIC ENG.' DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : 0 UTILITIES ENG . DIVISION I! FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT h BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT 10 POLICE DEPARTMENT 12 POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT li OTHERS: CO NTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN ITING. PLEASEyy ' VI E ' 0 j E' TS TO BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY :00 P.M. ON REVI WING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : bt*ifieV D'If.0644-sL I APPROVED El APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS NOT APPROVED yeil .?"/ .444/ t 4a" . 11 Yids )dam A(if i/eiddAtoVeAle recr 1J. /eit'fiMw/ y Aig micro u//lloo 6.10-4/da f0d7/6)(240iy,v,, DATE: 1?///,W2SIGN' '•R OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENT ATIVE REVISION 5/1982 r 2 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: c l C . .; V-oY/-Oy4- $2 aP!R VED APPROVED WITH CONDITIIvti';.`EJ NOT APPROVED it it DATE: SIGNAT rDIRECTOR OR A THORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 REVIEWII NPOLICEIDEPARTMENT/DIVISION : U_04( _ oyy 82 P OVED J APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS NOT APPROVED Side; walks should be installed on all streets, because of the number of people who walk i in the mobile home complex. Everytime I have been in the present complex I have seen people walking. Also if the new complex is going to have children the sidewalks will be needed for there safety in walking & playing. Full sidewalks should be instal throughout the complex. 2) !The variance on washer & dryers does not affect this dept. it L t Persson DATE: 6/2/ 82 SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 6/1982 REVIEWIN1 DEPARTMENT/ DIVISION: V-0141- wig- 82 J ' PPOVED Ei APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS NOT APPROVED ij DATE: 8 SIGNATUR OF DIRECTOR OR A THORIZ D REPRESENTATIVE REI IEWING DEPARTMENT '" VISION ; r/ , - r, 11•bba APPROVED APPROVED WITH CONDITIO{ ri _ NOT APPROVED I. re.G„anLc, i sf v (--- c1 I - Q 2., C .,, i,4 ,.",.,k K" e 3 J h' r l l s fr. V_ e, 4 2 - t ` ,d ec<'..Y. E./1,-•.• -if,,, (,JI" `-r 4 2. (.. i L-- Cc', V'''I .7,..re...-.)3 < I\e. LC.L.,4..... 4 t ./ z I , --1 Y C. 1,,,,.. „,-;\- -------- etc-- cc-)z-e..,, '-' 2_,_) V DATE: -h/ 7/ L SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 REV EWING DEPARTMENT/DIV "SION ; V•041• 4, 41-Ba APPROVED APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS NOT APPROVED 02-- c")61*--a-oe___ _.ec,e7-Pee.4free.-& 1< O g/ 5/ d 41— b.f Af-/-c l.a a Li Vii V / ce O g3 / o yf/ C 40 DATE: -5-/e-‘?--- SIGNATURE OF DI TOR OR AU HOR ZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 A D '1. • • 1 1 1 I 1. 1 I . 1 Il•tmot I 1r T • i lr 11 . ii i 1 77 1f ® 1• I, II ii 0- le I, is 7slig 11 177 prikr r Iii0111!:°: I i ofi• 44,& f I r' i6v j0 V)`o it St 71 i7 raw-74 71 17 7i 70. i / 47 (s 0 •91116 rII• r NEli, millaPP"Pru I\ h. .1k.ii!, . r S2 4pA1101• O, Si o e%! l\'. i%\' ti5 t,'. k'\ i'ks!.l.k% ihl•b, P. 6 0 1 ee 1 O 0• l1i 11 j1 4e f r 47 46 •S M 43 1 r i 734 = 6 7 I '1 LIilfI. 1 r 2 t. li lOI'" rii 91 i i 04is t l1 aqktooi . . 1,, , , , ,.. ,, . j .,,, . • - -_-- 1:14 VA4 .. ' I 1 Str.. PRE IMINARY MOBILE FOME PARK APPROVAL/VARIANCES FROM MOBILE HOME PARK ORDINANCE: II D W. BITNEY, PMH-029-82; V-041-82, V-042-82, V-043-82, V-044-82 1 1, i II i APPLICANT DEAN W. BITNEY TOTAL AREA ±30 acres PRINCIPAL •CCESS Union Avenue S.E. I EXISTING. ZINING G-L General Classification District it EXISTINGI U' EUndevelopedI. PROPOSED1 WE 203-1o.L mobile home park COMPREHENS VE LAND USE PLAN Low Density Multiple Family/Greenbelt II COMMENT I 1, 1 1\\ I I' o-'` ro=' Mcst cs7 =s sarnJ arPr r•txCG ..b. naw;-- i., _ I i I U1i1Cl111ii ihiiYI°1I?' Ol.r 1301 OE1 Ol i CI I III 0. I 1MiIi9 4u is sa-.•. .6 _ t a: i.. . m{Lris m mi i wittii, zi, 11n\ f.iivir' -.uet4 t• dar•fn' : 0E13 w:+' r maven q r r p r r r p r I ray i O , a111lit I cue g ev-,,,,tiz le _.,11 .,, ,, ,,,,L. ®, Vey e rto/ . /,- 4 z •.: M 44-4.....,ei. ..It's.,...„---------„,... i i( •i'' •` / i 1 : w Ili y.:v. L smrF pita4, ,..• Afr, . ...,.. 4000. // I._ .71,....:,•,...,„:: ,,__._L___ ..., z,„....,,,, 41A2, , 0 ,• 4.4v(44. 1> ,, 4 z, d . ,,, 4 .:., r.;,,, 11: r. ti i q .. CP' .. ,________.+- 4f--"I."IP.."..6-10_ ' ' 4‘.‘ it‘//..' N.//, •. * i / Z#44\ ,./,., , 110 113 1119N /'f•- • f / 42/ // t4 . 1 ,,,,y1, 744: 4 i to Ayi 47 -:-.L=„: I rim_,-,_lik, • - -mi.. _ „'" n, N, t , / . , i ,„,‘,., , o ii,,. q ,....„, , 4* - or ipi. t4._.... imimil ,.4„. .• , 4: allr--"C;r7 '41 a mr-t----mi i ' mt..- * i . , ,, st, -.,;/, -. -‹*4.0 .- 4‘. 4, ;4% 44;• — * - I Trri e....CF7/VII •• ••iLIZMINE:111 ' i fiooj.r oe v!, to, I m c.n 5L 4 3, :1 ' " i ( 7' Ac' h7r4;-"=.5Y I lar-....-4.1 i•i-illia 41,4-'41 ',-,-.1440-1fi./14/ , ‘.! .,- 9.'f' 0 °fr `. _!!_ 1". "'") r„..,• 2142r,1,...`iiji es72./..setaism/ g a,sw,mM 1 1 J i .1 1 ••,, %_"i I ,•., V/ 1.T I I/I i-\ 0 . c,n o t sw 013 9J•f1.Ge,•4r-i. p C•0r 7^+ilA O p t' I n/''. ' ((((.i/ tfir.i SSC I V I .,.... I , _e Nam .\ , I, I' . ir,. ', ... . . H. r J 10 . M-- it• f5 • I r I', °I -fIiNk . r Q. ,// r • j A 1i • VVV h` I' Gfi , ife I ,/ t \ j o,• ;+•,,,,,.+••'!' e. 1 yl' ..,., n,uM,. / •i J r A 1-O. .sn/. Z C I !,A h .•" r \/ O'/// ,;jam`.. i© • , J i.„,.„.1:_.;;±37,35 — •1 t ; [Al . 1111. . 1 t N O. 1 . t ti r V , e3j Q j`t cac m ncc o- m,. 1 O Vi' ,- s t4I 1 N t .,ao © p,-. 1 rf .. 1' . b A EM f: i ., o. aE Y rNrr 1.. e Is,_.•s•.s••_a1iS,a•; ,•< I t3 tII I ` • II V_ , / 0 , Cifill. ape s. ":Os ; • pg tt•` •'. q• s• t•r.r p f r: U ! a i Air,,- ey1 e. 1 r.e„r/ 1e _ L ` dj ill 1 ryy 1h `1 r 1 r ' I r 1 r +r • I l i • I, tom ©' 0 7•IIt I 11,1 I 1l NII a.ca,J o-LY L."7NJ01,.ot7- il ersV szwast e4501IZA,7—— --— M\A_.1 any OL M 574/7 Ml,R..L7z7 A' f -gam ro 37 GLJ CJPLRJY o•---- dtvsmo_ rr n rr ov,e PMN—f1 JQ s • v_ _ v 1 1' l' 1 31: 10W• iiiis. ki ' LL' iiil: A. i • IA- 61/41.,' . 1-,'-',- 14- li ii 14 1-"-‘ 1`-'•-"- liCi i-••-•,-' i higliTiLi---'_ 2:::: 1 14 ee) r Nme. sti IR, coo M/* go 1/ NIX./ A/ 00 glAr1 - 7/ 1i/ Gres/ t• ra- 79 # 401475 • TallIll . N Nli I 111 pi I 1,) 11-„ Its, itti- - 11 1 i - -, c i 1 ;; 1 ti g li ! Iliii e/ z. 1 • ' - i‘- i -, , i L 3 1111 ; 1 . M . - g lorNol 1 ; 1 A IIIIIIIIiiiiiii 5'rq. A Y-.- .. 1111vv 171 1111111' 111" x I ii 1 t . — Ilc, 7 WPC jA 1 mnsoiv,. I 7 ik R. 1,, t% it) IIIlen 1 t t . IP • r7 1 Iti •. - . - 4 k , • 111 imi mr... 1 . tt 1. c. lro 7LIE ._ M.- 171 j. 1 k I ti ,.. LNIIIIPHIP.. x. i,,,,....... _ 2. 1 pl 1-- P-777- 1-- 11- I 11: 41: 1 11 04/.... g c0 t i h 1 1 iti t i g hatoi lb 100 h gl. - A,-. . 744 ivy r . L. _.. MIMI .-. 1 ill 1E li 1 1 J I 4 I 11 I - bi 101 1 1..:... erar.. 7- 1- 1 A 10 Li: V. Iiii IA 4u1 1- I.., 1 . III ." j11119• 1. IA I, 5.. : I, 1 i 1 1 r ... - .... Fir.. - 71 . 71 irtr• filr711 1) SunEl...- A Li it • 1 NM • . .. 1 ki L._____. _ T 1 I il kt• I I. ' 1 • il '' : 71 iii 0 , g Egr. ow,• li 1 1 • L. 1 i k 0 v. BOA WI IM rEaMMNI 3 7 ,_ blit 17139111" ' t ' 11. ''''' 1 ' ' ". 1, E . • L 1 117 A.- 711-- d- L-.. 4 i lir i 1 P.---- -,- 4' . i • . . liil i • FINAL DECLARATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCH: Application No (s) : R-023-82, SP-028-82, PMH-029- Environmental Checklist No. : ECF-022-823i Description of Proposal: Applications for rezone, special permit and preliminary mobile home for a 203 lot mobile home community comprising single and double wide units. Proponent: Dean W. Bitney Location of Proposal: property located on. the11 west side of Union Avenue S.E. and lying contiguous with and southerly •of the mobile home community Leisure Estates" and norti of the Maplewood Golf Course. Lead Agency: City of Renton Building Zoning Department. This proposal was reviewed by the ERC on April 7 , 1982, June23, 1982, August 4 , 1982 and August 11 , 1982, following' apresentationbyJerryLindoftheBuilding & Zoning Department.Oral comments were accepted from: Ronald Nelson, Gary Norris, Jerry Lind, Richard Houghton, and Donald persson. Incorporated by reference in the record of the proceedings of the ERC on application ECF-022-82 are the following: 1 ) Environmental Checklist Review Sheet, prepared by: David R. Millard DATED: March 5, 1982. 2) Applications: R-023-82, SP-028-82, PMH-029-82. 3) Recommendations for a declaration of non-significance: Building & Zoning Department, Parks & Recreation Department, Design Engineering Division, Utility Engineering Division. Recommendations for a declaration of significance: • Fire Prevention Bureau. More Information: Policy Development Department, Police Department and Traffic Engineering Division. Acting as the Responsible Official, the ERC has determined this development has a non-significant adverse impact on the environment.An EIS is not required under RCW 43.21C. 030 (2) (c) . This decision was made after review by the lead agency of a complete environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. Reasons for declaration of environmental non-significance: Will not adversely impact the environment or adjacentpropertiesandthatthefollowingrequirementshallbecompliedwith: A gravel walkway is to be constructed along the shoulder Imue within existing parameters, from the Shady Glen Mobile Home Community Estates to N.E. 4th Street. A u •: 4.,4 tit 4i i F y k 1+ f 4 FINAL DECLARATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE D •N W. BITNEY, R-023-82, SP-028-82, PMH-029-18AGUST16, 1982 P•GE TWO S gnatures: 47104.71 Ro 'ald 'G. Nelson David R. ClemensBilding & Zoning Director Policy Development Director R chard C. Houghtgr P blic Works Director D'TE OF PUBLICATION: August 16, 1982 E PIRATION OF APPEAL PERIOD: August 30, 1982 Ij Date circul, ,. d: C, ,'.ants due : EtdVIHO 1EKTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET ECF - 022 _ 82 APPLICATION No (s ) . R-023-82, SP-028-82, & PMH-029-82 PROPONENT : DEAN W. BITNEY PROJECT TITLE ;Shady Glen Mobile Home Community Estates Applications for Rezone, SpecialPermiBriefPescriptionofProject : and preliminary mobile home for a203lotmobilehomecommunitycomprisingsingleanddoublewideunits. Property located on the west side of Union Avenue S.E. andLOCATION: lying contiguous with and southerly of the mobilehomecommunity "Leisure Estates" . and. north of the MaplewoodGolfSITEAREA :30 acres BUILDING AREA (gross) DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (o) ; IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) Topographic changes : X 2 ) Direct/Indirect air quality.:X— 3) Water 6 water courses:: a ) Plant life : X 5 ) Animal life : X 11 6 ) 'Oise : X 7 ) Light 6 glare : X 8 ) Land Use ; north : Leisure Estates Mobile Home Park east : Single Family Residential south : Maplewood Golf. Course west : Undeveloped. land use conflict:; l"iinor Vieu obstruction : Minor 9) Natural resources :_ X 10 ) Risk of upset : X 11 ) Population/Employment : 1 1" X 12 ) Nurber of Dwellings : X 13 ) Trip ends ( IIE ) : 5 .4 trips/unit x 203 = 1 ,096 i traffic impacts : 14 ) Public services : 1 • x 15 ) Energy : X 16 ) Utilities: X 17 ) Human health: X 18) Aesthetics : X i 19) Recreation : X 1 20 ) Archeology/history : X COMMENTS : Signatures: Aif Ronald G. Nelson David R. Clemens Building Official Policy Development Director Ric-hard C. Houghton, Public Works Director i CITY!:///OF RENTOH LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC. HEARING AUGUST 31 , 1982 A G " D A COMME CING AT 9:00 a.m. : COUNCIL CHAMBERS, SECOND FLOOR, RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING The a•plications listed are in order of application number onliy =nd not necessarily the order in which t } y will be heard Items will be called for hearing at tb discretion of th- Hearing Examiner. R-023 820 DEAN W. BITNEY Application .to rezone 30 acres ofpropertyfromG-1 to 'T' for a 203-lot mobile home community, comprising single and double wide units; property located on the west. side of Union Avenue S.E. and lying contiguous with and southerly of the mobile home community Leisure Estates" and north of the Maplewood Golf Course. SP-02 : -82 DEAN W. BITNEY Application for a special permit for fill and grade to remove approximately 30,000 cubic yards of material; property located on the west side of. Union Avenue S.E. and lying contiguous with and southerly of the mobile home community Leisure Estates" and north of the Maplewood Golf Course. PMH-0 . 9-82 DEAN W. BITNEY V-041 82 Application for preliminary mobile home park V-042 82 approval to allow construction} of a' 203-lot V-0;43 82 mobile home community on 30 acres of property V=044 82 along with four variances to design requirements as follows : 1 . Reduction of sidewalk width. 2. Elimination of sidewallks on stub and cul-de-sac streets. 3. Increased lot coverage. 4 . Reduction of washer/dryer requirements. Property located on the west side of Union Avenue S.E. and lying contiguous. with and • southerly of the mobile hone community "Leisure Estates" and north of the Maplewood Golf Course. I CU-059-82 RICK D. BROWN/CENTENNIAL VILLAS, INC. V-060 82 Application for conditional use permit to construct a retirement center in a R-3 zone and variance application to allow reduction in. the required parking; property located at the southwest corner of Hardie Avenue S.W. and S. W. Victoria Street. OF R A. I 0 z BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT RONALD G. NELSON - DIRECTORml O i`q MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 • 235-25409, 0 co 0, 9gTp 4 SEP1 BARBARA Y: S INPOCH MAYOR August 19 , 1982 Dean W. Bitney 108 Fac ory Avenue North Renton, Washington 98055 Re: SHaDY GLEN MOBILE HOME COMMUNITY: -REZONE, _FILE' R-023-82; PR:LIMINARY MOBILE HOME PARK APPROVAL, FILE PMH-029-82; VA•IANCES, FILE V-041-81 , V-042-82, V-043-82 AND V-044-82; AN& SPECIAL PERMIT, FILE SP-028-82.- Dear Mr. Bitney: The Ren on Building and Zoning- Department formally accepted • the abo e mentioned application on March_ 25r 1982. A public hearing before the City. of Renton Hearing Examiner has been set for August 31 , 1982, at 9-:00 a.m. Represe tatives of th'e applicant are asked to be present. All iht_rested persons are invited to attend the hearing. If yo,ii ave any further questions, please call the Renton Build:in• and Zoning Department, 235-2550. Very tr ly yours, c---( 4e4 La,(\itA_ Roger, J Blaylock Zoning administrator RJB:c; cc: Da id R. Millard, P.E. , P.L.S. Wyman K. Dobsonpa Planning & Management Dobson, Houser & Dobson 22: 27 - 152nd S.E. 229 Williams Avenue S. Re t, WA 98031 P.(:),O., Box 59 Renton, WA 98057 it NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER RENTON, WASHINGTON A PUBLIC HEARINGiWILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER AT HIS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, RENTON, WASHINGTON., ON AUGUST 31 , 1982, AT 9:00 A.M. TO CONSIDER ;THE FOLLOWING PETITIONS: A%aii{d'7 . B Application ; to rezone 30 acres of property from G-1 to 'T' for a 203-lot mobile home commu-n.ity comprising single and double wide units, file -01 '' property located on the west side of Union Avenue S.E. and lying contiguous with and southerly of the mobile home community Leisure Estates" and north of- the Maplewood Golf Course. 1 DEAN W. BITNEY Applicationlfor preliminary mobile home park approval to allow construction of a 203-lot mob4.1e home community on 30 acres' of property, file PMH-029-'82, along with four variances to design requirements as follows : (1 ) reduction of sidewalk width, file V-041-82, (2) elimination of sidewalks on stub and cul-de-sac streets, file V-042-82, 3) increased lot coverage, V-043-82, and (4) reduction of washer/dryer requirements, file V-044-82; property located on the west side of Union Avenue S.E. and lying contiguous with and southerly of the mobile home community . Leisure Estates" and north of the Maplewood Golf Course. • DEAN W. BITNEY Applicationifor a special permit for fill and grade to remove approximately 30,000 cubic yards of material, file SP-02d-82; property located on the west side, of Union Avenuie S.E. and lying contiguous with and-southerly of the mobile home community "Leisure Estates" and north of the Maplewood Golf Course. RICH D. BROWN/CENTENNIAL VILLAS, INC. Application for conditional use permit to construct a retirement center in a R-3 zone, file CU-059-82, and variance application to allow reduction in the required parking, file V-060-82; property located at the southw st corner of Hardie Avenue S.W. and S.W. Victoria Street. I Legal descriptions of the files noted above are on file in the Renton Building and Zoning Department. ALL INTERESTED PERSONS TO SAID PETITIONS ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PUBLIC HEARING ON AUGUST 31 , 1982, AT 9 :00 A.M. TO EXPRESSiTHEIR OPINIONS. PUBLISHED: August 20, 1982 RONALD G. NELSON BUILDING AND ZONING 1 DIRECTOR CERTIFICATION I STEVE MUNSON, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE COPIES OF THE OVE DOCUMENTS WERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES O THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW. A TEST: Subscribed and sworn to b fore me, a Notary Public, in a d for the State of Washington r siding in King County, on the 1 th day of August, 1982. SIGNED: jj&e 774"firl ncv IJ IUII J/ I7 I RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT ' DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET Applica •ion: REZONE (R-023-82) Loc a tlo : Located on Union Avenue SE between NE 4th Street and Maplewood Golf Course. I I Applica t: Dean W. Bitney TO:Public Works Department Engineering Division SCHEDULED ERC DATE: 4-7-82 jTraffic Eng. Division SCHEDULED HEARING DATE: l;Utilities Eng. Division I Fire Department Darks Department Building Department Police Department others: Policy Development Dept. COMMENT' OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION ' SHOULD BE PROVIDEDINWRITING. PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT BY 5 :00 P.M. 0 1 REVIEWI G DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: f4 fi`L sa.6i,` R- 023-82f Approved g Approved with Conditions ® Not Approved 5 .„dj ram a 4-d- _ o G A ,: / 7'4f' 13-t-oPeii 6. 27-e , DATE: r 1 Signatur: of D. ector or Authorized Representative REVIEWINe DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: 0 Approved ®Approved with Conditions ®Not Approved DATE: Signature of Director or Authorized Representative I voV J/ I7OI I RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET Applicatiion: REZONE (R-023-82) I Location: Located on Union Avenue SE between NE 4th Street and Maplewood Golf Course. I Applicant: Dean W. Bitney TO :Public Works Department Engineering Division SCHEDULED ERC DATE: 4-7-82 Traffic Eng. Division SCHEDULED HEARING DATE: Utilities Eng. Division Fire Department Parks Department Building Department Police Department Others: Policy Development Dept. COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDEDINWRITING. PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT BY 5r:00 P.M. 0 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: P LD R,o;z 3,82 pr,\ EJ Approved with Conditions ® Not Approved ICI A.J DATE: z,2 Signatur o Director or Authors ed Representative REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: D Approved ®Approved with Conditions ®Not Approved DATE: Signature of Director or Authorized Representative na v I J w wri i/ I VO I RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET Application: REZONE (R-023-82) Loc a tlo : Located on Union Avenue SE between NE 4th Street and Maplewood Golf Course. Applicant: Dean W. Bitney I IL:Public Works Department Engineering Division SCHEDULED ERC DATE: 4-7-82 Traffic Eng. Division SCHEDULED HEARING DATE: Utilities Eng. Division Fire Department Darks Department Building Department iPolice Department 0 Others: Policy Development Dept. COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDEDINWRITING. PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT BY 5 :00 P.M. 0: REVIEWINI DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: POLICE R-o 3_82 approved ® Approved with Conditions ®.Not Approved 1) A second acces , to the site as :shown on the plans is necessary. This access should' be a paved access road(macadam type surface would be sufficent) . 2) Improvements to Union S.E. should all be installed prior to opening of the tlr. park. 3) All tlr. units should have 4" numbers that are clearly visible day and night. 4) At the entranc-s(2) there should be a directional signing indicating theDATE:proper direction Signature of Director or Authorized Representative to travel to locate a tlr. Lt. D.R. Persson 4/7/82 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: approvedpproved ['Approved with Conditions ONot Approved DATE: Signature of Director or Authorized Representative II RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT ' DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET Application: REZONE (R-023-82) I Location: Located on Union Avenue SE between NE 4th Street and Maplewood Golf Course. Applicant: Dean W. Bitne y LQ; Public Works Department Engineering Division SCHEDULED ERC DATE: 4-7-82 Traffic Eng. Division SCHEDULED HEARING DATE: Utilities Eng. Division Fire Department 74 Parks Department Building Department Police Department Others: Policy Development Dept. COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING. PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT BY 5 :00 P.M. 01 o I I REVIEWIING DEPARTMENT/DIIVISION: PA 1 iC,S 12-023-$a El1pproved ® Approved with Conditions ® Not Approved 8_-s„ DATE: 0.4,2,<.:.,1 . g Signature of DiUctor or A horized Representative I I II REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: fpApproved ®Approved with Conditions D Not Approved DATE: Signature of Director or Authorized Representative vision i/ I9 I I I I RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT ' DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET Applica ion: REZONE (R-023-82) i I Location : Located on Union Avenue SE between NE 4th Street and Maplewood Golf Course. Applicant: Dean W. Bitney Public Works Department Engineering Division SCHEDULED ERC DATE: 4-7-82 Traffic Eng. Division SCHEDULED HEARING DATE: Utilities Eng. Division Fire Department Parks Department Building Department Police Department Others:. Policy Development Dept. COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDEDINWRITING. PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT BY 5 :00 P.M. OP I REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: R-OZ3-82 Approved Approved with Conditions ® Not Approved 46! S / it//ems A Gl//,E/ C S 441-72,?Otcy d L tes7/(--/G 7-1/ r5ie, , u , 1DATE: Signature of Director or Au orized Representative I REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION-: U1nLi i - pproved EKproved .with.ConditiOs Not Approved a____DATE: 4 , /e), Signatu'r f Director or Authorized Representative J I( 11 UTILITY APPROVAL SUBJECT TO 4/2/g2 LAT' COMERS AGREEMENT • WATER O EftCOmELIS A6REEMEJIT • SEWER 55 S- g55 04t g77 <o® SYS IA Dr. iPMENT CHARGE - WATER Coofse• fMG m DEVELOP EtT CHARGE • SEVER GAA/AJ Cc • Vr;'1AL ASSESSMEGT AREA CHARGE • VA- r-- PE JAL ASSESSP;1ENT AREA URGE • SVAg O CF>!- 71 NM PLAN 5 A 'OVEIJSL YER PLAN yam. APPIF.0 ED FIRE NYDIIANT LOCATIONS BY FIRE DEPT. 5 -_.. FIRE FLOW ANALYSIS y. s I tI F D TIO OF MO1 -SIGNIFIC E Appli ation No (s) : R-023-82, SP-028-82, PMH-029-82 I Environmental Checklist Na. : ECF-022-82 Description of Proposal: Applications for rezone, special permit and preliminary mobile home for a 203 lot il I mobile home community comprising single and double wide units. Proo ent:P Dean W. Bitney ' LocatCon of Proposal: Property located on the west side of Union Avenue S.E. and lying Contig uous with and southerly oftheImobilehomecommunity Leisure' Estates" and no of the Maplewood Golf Course. Lead 4gency: City of. Renton Building Zoning Department. This •roposal was reviewed by the ERC on April 7, • 1982, June 23, 1 :82, August 4 ,1 1982 and August 11 , .1982, 'following a prese tation by Je21ry Lind of the Building & Zoning Department; Oral omments were !accepted from: Ronald ..Nelson, Gary Norris, Jerry Lind, Richard Houghton, and Donald Person. Incor•orated by reference in the record of theproceedingsoflth- ERC on application ECF-022-82 are the following: 1 ) nvironmentalChecklist Review Sheet, prepared by: avid R. Millard DATED: March 5, 1982. I I 2) •pplications: I R-023-82, SP-028-82, PMH-029-82. 3) ! 'ecommendations for a declaration of non-significance: uilding & Zoning Department, Parks & Recreation Department, Design Engineering Division, Utility Engineering Divisionsecommendationsforadeclarationofsignificance: ire Prevention Bureau. ore Information: Policy Development Department, Police I Department and Traffic Engineering Division. Actin• as the Responsible Official, the ERC has determined this development has a non-significant adverse. impact 'on the environment. AnIEI. is. not required under RCW 43.21C. 030 (2) (c) . Thisdecisionwallm= de after review by the lead agency of a complete environmental check ist and other information on file with the lead agency. Reaso s for declaration of environmental non-significance: Will of adversely impact the environment or adjacent properties and t at the following requirement shall be complied with: A gra el walkway is to be constructed along the shoulder 1 of Union Avenue within existing parameters, frbm- the Shady Glen obile Home Community Estates to N.E. 4th Street. 1 1 I I I I FINAl DECLARATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE DEAN W. BITNEY, R-023-82, SP-028-82, PMH-029-18 AUGUUT 16, 1982 PAGE TWO Sign-tures: Ro- a d G. Nelson David R. Clemens Building & Zoning Director Policy. Development Director Rich rd C. Hough-tap/ Public Works Director DATE OF PUBLICATION: August 16, 1982 EXPIATION OF APPEAL PERIOD: August 30, 1982 Date circulated : Comments due : EPVIRONMENiTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET ECF - 022 _ 82 1 APPLICATION No(s )• I R-023-82, SP-028-82, & PMH-029-82 PROPONENT : DEAN W. BITNEY 1 Shad Glen Mobile Home CommunityEstatesPROJECTTITLE :Y y Applications for Rezone, Special Permit,Brief Description : of Project : and preliminary mobile home fora 203 lot mobile home community comprising single and double wide units. 1 Property located on the west side of Union Avenue S!E. and LOCATION : lying contiguous with and southerly: of the mobile home community "Leisure Estates" and north' of the Maplewood Golf Co SITE AREA :30 acres BUILDING AREA (gross) DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (%) : IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINT MAJOR rVORE INFO 11) Topographic changes : X 21 Direct/Indirect air quality.:X 3) Water & water courses :X iI) Plant life : i X 5 ) Animal life : 1 X 6,) Noise : 1 X 7) Light & glare : X 8) Land Use ; north :Leisure Estates Mobile Home Park east : Single Family Residential south : Maplewood Golf Course wept : Undeveloped. Land use conlflictsPinor , 1 View, obstruciion : Minor , , 1 91) Natural resojurces : X i 110 ) Risk of upset : X 111 ) Population/Elmployment : X ' f2 ) Number of Dwellings : X 13 ) Trip, ends ( ITE ) : 5 .4 trips/unit x 203 1 ,096 1 traffic impacts : 1,'4 ) Public servilices : x f5 ) Energy : X. ll6) Utilities : ; x; 17 ) Human health : 8 ) Aesthetics : 1 X 19 ) Recreation : 1 X 20 ) Archeology/history : . X COMIENTS :1 1 i 1 Signatures: i L onald G. Nelson ; David R. Clemens Building Official ; Policy Development Director 1 i Richard C. Hought rY Public Works Dire for I I NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE RENTON, WASHINGTON The Env'ronmental Review Committee (ERC) has issued a final declaration of non-significance with conditions for the following projects : EAN M Jo MAW ( 6-00 24..a R) Applications for rezone, preliminary mobile home and spelcial permit for a 203 lot mobile home communityon30acrescomprisingsingleanddoublewideunits , files 0. 3 0 PMH-029-82, SP-028-82; property located on the west side of : Union Avenue S.E. and lying contiguous wit and southerly of the mobile home community "Leisure Estates" and north of the Maplewood Golf Course. II RICO D. BROWN CENTENNIAL VILLAS, INC. (ECF-062-82) Application for conditional use permit to construct a retirement center in a R-3 zone and variance application to . 11ow a reduction in the required parking, files CU-059-82, V-060-82; .proper..ty located at the southwest Gorier of Hardie Avenue S.W. and S.W. Victoria Street. The Environmental Review Committee (ERC) has issued a proposed declaration of non-significance for the following project: C. A . PARKER ECF-040-82 Epp ication for special permit to allow the removal of 59 , 309 cubic yards of gravel, file SP-036-82; propertylocatedinthevicinityofthe2700blockofRoyalHills Dri e S.E. Further 'nformation regarding this action is available in the Building and Zoning Department, Municipal Building, Renton, Washingt.n, 235-2550. Any appeal of ERC action must be filed with the Hearing Examiner by August 30., 1982. Publihe. : August 16 , 1982 I I I 1 I 13474Vi Dafe circulated : hpril 1, 1982 - Comments du'e : April 6, 1982 E'WIWI:EM DENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET ECF - 022 _ 82 APPLICATION No (s ) . REZONE (R-023-82) PROPONENT : Dean W. Bitney PROJE T TITLE : Shady Glen Mobile Home Community Brief Description of Project : Application to rezone property currently G-1 to T for a 203-lot mobile home community, comprising single: and double wide units. L OCA T ON : Located on Union Avenue SE between NE 4th Street and Maplewood Golf Course. I SITE REA : 30 acres BUILDING AREA (gross ) IDEVELIPMENTALCOVERAGE (%) : IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) , opographic changes :J 2 ) ' Direct/Indirect air quality : 3 ) ater & water courses : 4 ) , °lant life : 5 ) ' nimal life : . 6 ) oise : 7 ) Light & glare :, 8 ) Land Use ; north : east : south : west : Land use conflicts : iew obstruction : r 1 9 ) atural resources : D 10 ) isk of upset : 11 ); opulation/Employment : 12 )' umber of Dwellings : 13 ) j"rip ends ( ITE ) : trafficl impacts : 14 ) ublic services : 111111111111111 15 ) nergy : 16 ) tilities : 17 ) uman health : 18 ) esthetics : 19 ) ecreation :1.1: 20 ) rcheology/history : COMME TS . FLA CL„,,,_e...t.. .,--( t<,.e.--A. c. k-J ',._. -49- e1-! L °'En.P P C. 6_1--..1. C ' ....v)....' u d l Ilf'S%i':d t,p,t., i_.0 cA 0,.- 6 Az^ R.-1,., C I t .,, - .e4y,/-p-- c r y U /, Y/7N U- vi L i C LCii3.Gc-t.' V C Recommendation : DNSI DOS More Information 1 7Revieedby : r1- ,, r 1,: u 1 • V" T i t l e : c e>, " tie r l t-- V" Date : -C r FORM: ERC-06 i' 1 eoi .®. 4 Date circulated : april 1, 1982 - Comments due : April 6, 1982 ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLISTT RENJIIEItg SHEET ECF - 022 - 82 APPLICATION No (s ) . REZONE (R-023-82) PROPONENT : Dean W. Bitney i 1 PROJECT TITLE : Shady Glen Mobile Home Community Brief Description of Project : Application to rezone property currently G-1 to T fog a 203-lot mobile home community, comprising single and double wide units. 1 LOCATION : Located on Union Avenue SE between NE 4th Street and Maplewood Golf Course. SITE ' REA : 30 acres BUILDING AREA (gross ) DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (%) : IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR , MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) opographic changes :11116111 2 ) )irect/Indirect air quality : _1=111- 3 ) ater & water courses : 4 ) °lent life : MIMI5 ) ' nimal life : Ma- 6) oise : 1111E11 7 ) ight & glare : MI J 8 ) and Use ; north : east : south : west : and use conflicts : iew obstruction : a i 9 ) atural resources : 111E111 10 ) isk of upset : 11 ) opulation/Employment : 12 ) umber of Dwellings : MIIII 13 ) rip ends ( ITE ) : 1 raffic impacts : 14 ) r ublic services : 15 ) nergy : MIIIUIIIIIIIII 16 ) tilities : x . . 17 ) uman health : 11111111 18 ) esthetics : 19 ) Recreation : 20 )' Archeology/history : IMO COMME TS : Recom endation : DNSI DOSk More Information Revie ed by : . .4,_,,, _6--„,,,.„_,, Title : G Date : 47 FORM: =RC-06 r//2 Date circulated : npiil 1, 1982 - Comments due : April 6, 1982 . ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET ECF - 022 _ 82 APPLICATION No (s ) 0 REZONE (R-023-82) j 1 PROPONENT : Dean W. Bitney 1 PROJECT TITLE : Shady Glen Mobile Home Community Brief Description of Project : Application to rezone property currently G-1toI T fou a 203-lot mobile home community, comprising single and double wide units. LOCATION : Located on Union Avenue SE between NE 4th Street and Maplewood' Golf Course, SITE ' REA : 30 acres, BUILDING AREA (gross ) DEVELDPMENTAL COVERAGE (%) : IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) opographic changes : 2 ) , Direct/Indirect air quality : -I, 3 ) ater & water icourses : V M 4 ) 'lant life : 5 ) ' ' nimal life : 1111APII 6 ) - 1 oise : 7 ) ight & glare : 8 ) land Use ; north : east : south : west : and use conflicts : iew obstruction : 9 ) atural resources : 10 ) " isk of upset : 11 ) "opulation/Emp,loyment : j/ 12 ) umber of Dwellings : 13 ) rip ends ( ITE') : raffic impacts : j 14 ). "ublic services : 15 ) : nergy : 111111111 16 )' tilities : 17 ) uman health : 18 ) esthetics :17 19 ), ecreation : IIPAPIII 20 ) rcheology/history : w-.-_ COMMENTS : i 1 i Recommendation DNS DOS ,/ More ' Information Reviewed by : Title :Z2, LLI Date : FORM: RC-06 UjTILI-rift Date circulated : April 1, 1982 Comments due : April 6, 1982 ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET ECF - 022 _ 82 APPLICATION No (s ) , REZONE (R-023-82) PROPONENT : Dean W. Bitney PROJECT TITLE : Shady Glen Mobile Home Community Brief Description of Project : Application to rezone property currently G-1 to T ' I fo. a 203-lot mobile home coituuunity, comprising single and double wide units. l LOCATION : Located on Union Avenue SE between NE 4th Street and Maplewood GQlf Course. SITE ' REA : 30 acres! BUILDING AREA (gross ) DEVELIPMENTAL COVERAGE (%) : IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) , opographic changes : IIIIIIIII 2 ) , lirect/Indirect air quality : 3 ) 4ater & water courses : 1/ _. 4 ) plant life : 5 ) ' nimal life : L_ 6 ) oise : tl/ 7 ) ; ight & glare : 111111111'11111111!Iliffill 8 ) and Use ; north : east : south : west : Land use conflicts : iew obstruction : 9 ) atural resources : 10 )' isk of upset : 11 ). Population/Employment : A/ 12 )' umber of Dwellings : V 13 )i rip ends ( ITE ) : raffic impacts : 14 ) public services : IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 15 ), Inergy : Illiall 16 ) 'tilities : 17 ) uman health : 18 ) ' esthetics : 19 ) 'ecreation : 111=. _ 20 ) ' rcheology/history : COMME TS : 1 Recom endation : 0 a DOS More Information Revie ed by : . '1^— Title Date :6 fy FORM: ERC-06 Date circulated : April 1, 1982 Comments due : April 6, 1982 U1VIMlR®MENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW :!}BEET ECF 022 - 82 APPLICATION No (s ) . REZONE (R-023-82) PROPONENT : Dean W. Bitney PROJECT TITLE : Shady Glen Mobile Home Conuuiunity Brief Description of Project : Application to rezone property currently G-1 to T fo, a 203-lot mobile home community, comprising single and double wide units. LOCATION : Located on Union Avenue SE between NE 4th Street and Maplewood Golf Course. SITE AREA : 30 acres BUILDING AREA (gross ) DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE 06) : IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) Topographic changes : 2 ) Direct/Indirect air quality : 3 ) ater & water courses : 4) slant life : 5 ) ' nimal life : 6 ) oise : 1•1111111 7 ) ight & glare : 8 ) . and Use ; north : east : south : west : and use conflicts : iew obstruction : 9 ) atural resources : 10 ) ' isk of upset : 11 ) 'opulation/Employment : 12 ) umber of Dwellings : 13 ) rip ends ( ITE ) : raffic impacts : v// 14 ) "ublic services : 1111111111111111 15 ) Inergy 16 ) tilities : 17 ) uman health : 18 ) " esthetics : 19 ) "ecreation : 20 ' rcheology/history : COMME TS : 60' /'r7eiL,,'Q/ tP iel"GQi eZ/off _ui L 6Of 12,y 7' v+.G 7(j C-a-rvr.P l al/ Recommendation : DNSI / DOS More Information Revie ed by : 1e i Title : 6----7, 17. Date : FORM: RC-06 r ;TKAFFIL Date circulated : April 1, 1982 Comments due : April 6, 1982 IENVItROMPTENITAL CHECKLIST{ REllJ[[ J SI EIEIF ECF 022 - 82 APPLICATION No (s ) . REZONE (R-023-82) PROPONENT : Dean W. Bitney PROJECT TITLE : Shady Glen Mobile Home Community I Brief Description of Project : Application to rezone property currently G-1 to T fo, a 203-lot mobile home community, comprising single! and double wide 'units. LOCATION : Located on Union Avenue SE between NE 4th Street and Maplewood Golf Course. SITE AREA : 30 acres BUILDING AREA (gross) DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (%) : 1 IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) Topographic changes : 11E111 2 ) Iirect/Indirect air quality : 1111111R A1111111111111111 3 ) ater & water courses : X 4 ) Plant life : I 5 ) animal life : 6 ) oise : 7 ) ight & glare : i 8 ) and Use ; north : east : south : west : and use conflicts : iew obstruction : 1 9 ) atural resources : X 10 ) ' isk of upset : X 11 ) maculation/Employment : c ' 12 ) umber of Dwellings : X 13 ) rip ends ( ITE ) : 5.q files/ J _ ' / 9UM.r C2173 a raffic impacts : 14 ) °ublic services : 15 ) I nergy : X 16 ) tilities : K _— 17 ) uman health : x 11111111 18 ) ' esthetics : 1 19 ) "ecreation : 20 ) " rcheology/history : Wall__ COMME TS : Re0 44/7,....e..." _ &,,r.,j,,Le.j_. x_.r7L, Q__ /1,&-ct.e.e.ocr.,/ IL, 0.1 X .ell--;:e-: ;-. 4ee--4-1-e—/-__ ,:,._ ii,A, ....442 r4-(1-/A-4/‘ 24'o:;;a, c'*'--Tr"'-'- wi6Afe_ ia7.432! 17-4-(--g-- — 44"- fil/1/1"4."D xw-ef4. 2: 4,,, t ;,,,i 1, - 7/.24 .0( L7-0416-- 7" r DOS More Information Revie ed b •Y • y Title : ..1.1.-e4ffc-c17-) gur:ii:L,---- Date : i , gL 1 FORM: IRC-06 O6,/. - Date circulated : npil 1, 1982 _ Comments due : April 6, 1982 ENVIRONMENTALfCHIEC LIST REVIEW SELF T i ECF; - 022 _ 82 APPLICATION No (s ) . REZONE (R-023-82) PROPONENT : Dean W. Bitney PROJECT TITLE : Shady Glen Mobile Home Community Brief Description of Project : Application to rezone property currently G-1 to I T fora 203-lot mobile home community, comprising singlel and double wide units. LOCATION : Located on Union Avenue SE between NE 4th Street and Maplewood Golf Course. SITE AREA : 30 acres BUILDING AREA (gros's) DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (%) : I IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR I MAJ R MORE i INFO 1 ) ' Topographic changes : 2 ) I Direct/Indirec air quality :V 3 ) Water, & water courses : V I 4 ) I Plant life : 5 ) I Animal life : j 6 ) Noise : r/ ' 7 ) i Light & glare :J1 8 ) j Land Use ; north :4/ W See. H east : ,.......6/ Wilitcp 1 south . b12 west f Land use conflicts :.---'/ 7 1IViewobstruction :J /, 9 ) i Natural resources : f 10 ) . ! Risk of upset : ler- 11 ) Population/Employment : 12 ) Number of Dwellings : j 13 ) Trip ends ( ITE ) : f1,1 traffic impacts : 1( /f.i2/4) `59/L 14 ) r' Public services': rr iI 15 ) I Energy : 16 ) Utilities : 17 ) Human health : 18 ) Aesthetics : 719 ) 4Recreation : 20 ) ! Archeology/histiry : ar COMM ENTS :474e e// y/5 1o1 //,/ e¢ff d074fr 6) 9/7et/ s fit k e#1k If(fn e) Sc Li ter°e eti S //vi , 6 : 5#1 , Recommendation : NS DOS 2) nrormat :onh< 9de0,,Wilit Date:0 1 i FORM:,j ERC-06 j rota I I I Date circulated : 1, 1982 - Comments ' du!e : April 6, 1982 ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET ECF - 022 _ 82 APPLICATION No (s ) 0 REZONE (R-023-82) PROPONENT : Dean W. Bitney PROJE T TITLE : Shady Glen Mobile Home Community Brief Description of Project : Application to rezone property currently G-1 to T for a 203-lot mobile home community, comprising single' and double wide units. L O CA T ON : Located on Union Avenue SE between NE 4th Street and Maplewood Golf Course. SITE REA : 30 acres BUILDING AREA (gross ) DEVEL PMENTAL COVERAGE (%) : IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) opographic changes : 2 ) irect/Indirect air quality : 3 ) 1 ater & water 'courses : 4 ) lant life : 5 ) ' nimal life : . 6 ) oise : 7 ) Light & glare :_ 8 ) Land Use ; north : east : south : west : I Land use conflicts : View obstruction : 9 ) atural resources : f 10 ) ' isk of upset : 11 ) 'opulation/Employment : 12 ) umber of Dwellings : 13 ) , rip ends ( ITE ) : uraffic impacts : xxx 14 ) ; 'ublic services : 11111111111111111 15 ) ; Inergy : 16 ) ; tilities : 17 ) uman health : 18 ) , ' esthetics : 19 ) ' 'ecreation : 20 ) . ' rcheology/history : 11111111 COMME TS : Recommendation : DNSI DOS More InformationXXXX Revie ed by : Lt. D.R. Persson Title : Date : 4/7/82 FORM: ERC-06 I i July 26, 1982 Mr'. Roger Blaylock, Zoning Administrator Build`ng & Zoning Department_ City of Renton 200 M'll Avenue South' Rento , Washington 98055 Regarding: Environmental Assessment - Dean W. Bitney's Proposed Mobile Home Community, "Shady Glen" , Renton, Washington Dear 'oger: We ar transmitting, herewith, six (6) copies of an environmental assessment for D an W. Bitney's proposed mobile home community, "Shady Glen" , in Renton, Washi gton. This assessment specifically addresses five (5) issues raised' in'yo r letter dated June 25, 1982, i.e. , storm drainage, traffic, topography, emerg ncy access and recreation. In order to prepare a document which accur- ately and unbiasly, describes the impacts, and mitigating measures, of the propo ed project, we organized the following individuals into a team as follo s: ike Smith, Planner - Editor '/ Land-Use Specialist i ill Eager, P.E. ;/ TDA -_ Traffic Engineer avid B. Diehl , P.E. / LPM - Hydraulics Engineer i avid R. Millard, P.E. / LPM - Development Engineer As a eam, we met indivntdually with personnel from the City of Renton De- par,tm nts of Public Works, Planning, Building and Public Safety to discuss, and r view, the various issues concerning the City. The results of these ' meeti` gs have been documented to the assessment. The a sessment outlines numerous mitigating measures which would not only minimize potential impacts of the proposed development, but would also corre t existing problem areas plaguing the City, especially in the area of !st rm drainage. We, are agreeable to undertake and complete at our cost all; the mitigating measures stated in the assessment. Since two (2) miti- gating measures involve off-site improvements, we suggest the following: Ca) Under the section on "Traffic" , where our study indicates we will CITY O5 nENTON i , E x # AUG 2 198/ „., L9 ._ 1 ' "1 o m nip BUILDfIVG/Zvwi.,Leisure Estates. 201 Union Avenue S.E., Renton, Washington 98055 206/235-4545 i A • , Mr. 'oger Blaylock July 22, 1982. Page two impact specific intersections (3) , and will thus contribute to traffic volumes creating warrants for'::the necessity Of signal installation. We will deposit $4,000.00 in an interest-bearing account for use at these intersections; the accrued interest will be the property of the undersigned. b) Under the section on "Drainage" , where our study indicates we will contribute' to the lowlands drainage problem, we will do one of the following as you direct: 1) Construct an open-channel from the natural ravine below Shady Glen" to a point at the lot line between lots 8 and 9 extended north, and the installation of a drain line from the channel south along said lot line to an existing catch basin/manhole, OR 2) Reconstruct an open-channel from the natural ravine below Shady Glen" to a point at the east end of the "tight-line" drainage system to be constructed by the City of Renton through the gravel pit area owned by Anna McMahon, OR 3) Deposit $10,000 in an interest-bearing account for use in restoring the storm drainage system in this lowlands area adjacent to the "Maplewood" subdivision; the accrued interest will be the property of the undersigned. We tr st this letter, and accompanying environmental assessment, will satisfy the C'ty's concerns in this matter, and will facilitate the issuance of a negative Declaration of Impact for the proposed project. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely yours , Leisure Estates 61DeanW. Bitney Partner Attachments: Environmental Assessment, six (6) copies cc: ravid R. Millard, P,E. , P.L.S. I Li t 5 1tF 9 f ; a n ti jLAIAUG2198 BUILDING/ UN NG i.;_,, i OF; RA, 4 i ti ''. ° ' BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT Z o RONALD G. NELSON - DIRECTOR 09 v MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 o 235-2540 Ao 0, 9gT0 SEP1E P June 25, 1982 BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH MAYOR Mr. Dean Bitney 108 Fact ry North Renton, ‘ A 98055 SUBJECT: SHADY GLEN MOBILE HOME COMMUNITY ECF-022-82, R-023-82, SP-028-82, PMH-029-82 Dear Mr. itney: The Envi onmental Review Committee on Wednesday, June 23, 1982, issued aproposeddeclaratinofsignificancefortheaboveprojects. The Committee has identified the following five major areas of concern: (1) storm drainage, (2) traffic, (3) topography, 4) emerg ncy access, and (5) recreation. During t e last two months, the Committee has requested and received from you additiona information concerning the proposed development on the site. However, the above ar as of concern may be specifically addressed by you with proposed mitigating measures for the Environmental Review Committee to evaluate further and possibly issue a d claration of non-significance on the proposed projects. Based u on the information presently available in the files and review of the additiona information presented by your consultants, the Building & Zoning Departme t would suggest ' to you consideration of the following possible mitigating measures that could be included as a project design factor. ST RM WATER DRAINAGE Because of past excavations for gravel in this general area, a shift in the on anal natural drainage of the subject site has resulted. It would appear that on finally drainage could have gone to the north and northwest. However, with the excavation it now proceeds to the south and southwest. Presently, there is a choke point which limits the amount of water that can go underneath the Maple Valley Highway and be discharged into the Cedar River. It would appear that the present volumes exiting the site could not increase at all since this ch+ke point is at capacity and we have had some recent sluffing of slopes and flo ding along the Maple Valley Highway. Po sible Mitigating Measures: 1 1.Complete retention of all storm water on the subject site. 2.Discharge of 'storm water into the aquifer by the use of wells or a large seepage system. s Mr. Dean Bitney Shady,G1 n Mobile Horn_ _Dmmunity June 25, 982 Page Tw 3.Increasing the size of the pipes running underneath Maple Valley Highway to allow for the additional storm water drainage. T AFFIC Traffic along the N.E. 3rd and 4th Street corridor has been increasing during the last ten years and, at some points, is to a critical level because of choke points along 405. The traffic study prepared by TDA for your proposal provided sufficient information to evaluate general traffic impacts. The Traffic En:ineering Division, therefore, suggested to the Environmental Review C•mmittee that two conditions be placed upon the development. However, you m.y wish to consider the following mitigating measures in your proposal. Po sible Mitigating Measures: 1.Dedication of fifty (50) feet of right-of-way that coincides with the south line of the N.E. a of the S.E. a of Section 16, Township 23N, Range 5E. This parallels the southern boundary line of the proposed develoment and will provide for the continuation of the east-west roadway grid. 2.Participation in improvements at the intersections of N.E. 4th Steet and Monroe Avenue N.E. - 3%, N.E. 3rd and Edmonds Avenue N.E. - 2%, and, N.E. 3rd Street and Sunset Blvd. N.E. - 1%. 3.Improvement of Union Avenue S.E. to include pavement and curbs and gutters from N.E. 4th Street. 4.Participation in an L.I.D. to make full street improvements to Union Avenue S.E. from N.E. 4th to the subject site. 5.Dedication and improvement of the east-west roadway along the southern property line of your proposed development. It would appear that at least the first two proposed mitigating measures would b: imposed by the ERC based upon the recommendation by the Traffic E gineering Division. However, you may wish to evaluate the other three m;asures in your proposal. EMERGENCY ACCESS A a result of the specific location of the subject site at the end of a dead-end street, emergency access to the subject site becomes critical. The intent of the east-west roadway grid system is to eventually tie this newly developing area together. As you know, the City of Renton is building a new shop facility to the west across the powerline right-of-way from your development. In addition, there will be new District Court facilities also located on N.E. 2nd Street. N.E. 2nd and Monroe Avenue N.E. will be improved by the City and King County. Based upon Fire Department requirements, a secondary emergency access point mist be provided to'any development. Mr. Dean Bitney Shady Gle-1 Mobile Homes _ommunity June 25, l982PageThr=e Po-sible Mitigating Measures: 1.Provide secondary emergency access from Leisure Estates Mobile Home Park (this access may not be considered appropriate by the Fire Department because it presently has its emergency secondary access by connection through another development so it is possible that two gates or restrictions would slow down emergency access to the subject site). 2.Emergency access to the west through the City shop site and to N.E. 2nd Street. Em-rgency accesses require a minimum of 20' in width usually paved, however, if . certification can be provided by a licensed engineer that states that the sublgrade will support the fire truck, then that may be considered acceptable. TOOGRAPHY Pat excavation of the site has dramatically changed the original ground levels an vegetation. The present site suggests a difficult but not unsurmountable deslign problem in laying out the proposed mobile home park. The efforts that you- engineer has done in showing the finished contours has provided the ERC with the knowledge that the site can generally be developed and that an east-west road is a functional reality. The primary concern is a result of grading the two plateaus together and providing access without infringing upon thq existing major public utilities along the southern property line. It would appear that since you are proposing the development in phases that the fol owing mitigating measures might be appropriately considered. Pro posed Mitigating Measures: 1.Limiting on-site grading to that specific phase under construction except for the necessary utilities and storm drainage retention areas. 2.Hydroseeding any disturbed areas prior to actual construction of a residence upon the lot. 3.Preparation of temporary erosion control plans during grading activities. 4.Enlarging the open space area around the extreme steep slopes in the central portion of the project. RECREATION T4 Environmental Review Committee since its inception has become more concerned about the provisions for recreation in any residential development. Du ing the last two years, this has resulted in several cases where on-site recreation was required to try to comply with the Comprehensive Parks Plan and also a major consideration in the City's development of community facilities ch.rges. The ERC has required that the applicant provide at least 100 square 4 1.r Mr. Dean Bitney Shady Glen Mobile Horn_ —ommunity June 25, 1 82 Page Four fee of open active recreational- area per dwelling unit and provisions for payment to acquire and develop neighborhood park facilities in the amount of 300 per unit. Since your proposal is to develop a family style mobile home par , it would appear that you would want to place a fair amount of on-site rec eation which would include areas for children, teen-agers and adults. In the dev lopment of the Sunpointe Condominiums, they recognized the need for div€rsified and scattered recreational facilities on-site and, therefore, located several recreational buildings and tot-lots and play areas. I would assume that a family park would cater to the young family with several small children. Proposed Mitigating Measures: 1.Provision for 100 square feet per unit of active recreational area. 2.Placement of two or three strategically located tot-lots for children. i 3.Inclusion of active recreational facilities adjacent to your recreational building to include such things as a sport court for basketball, tennis, etc. 4.Construction of the recreational facility in Phase I development. It should be pointed out that active recreational open space should not exceed a grade of 2-4% so that the site can still be utilized for active games like volleyball, badminton,'playing with a frisby, etc. The abov suggestions in the five areas of concern from the Environmental Review Committe are not specifically proposed by that Committee. They are proposed by myself an the Building &, Zoning Department to help focus and realize possible solutions o those general points. Our department believes that there is a solution to most prob ems. How we reach that ultimate goal may not be the same for each of us. However, hose options must be clearly presented to the applicant. I hope t is provides some assistance to you in addressing the concerns of the Environme tal Review Committee. I would suggest that you relate back to them in writing sp cific proposed mitigating measures that you are willing to undertake as part of the 'development. This functionally changed the application and allows the ERC to consider t e modified application in more positive terms. Sincerely, 1.-611 q • e,ittArc-te.'weii Roger J. Blaylock Zoning:A inistrator RJB:cI i SEED DECLARATION OF SIG1IFIC C,• Application No (s) : 2 0,% Environmental Che klist No. : ECF-022-82 Desci tinpo of Proposal: Application to rezone property from G-1 to T for a 203-lot mobile home community, comprising single and double wide units. Proponent: DEAN W. BITNEYI I Location of Proposal: Located on the west side of Union Avenue S.E. and lying contiguous with and southerly of the mobile home community "Leisure Estates" and north of ', the Maplewood Golf Course. Lead Agency: City of Renton Building Zoning Department. This proposal was reviewed by the ERC on April 7 , 1982, and June 23, 1982, following a presentation by Jerry LindoftheBuilding & Zoning Department. Oral comments were accepted from: Ronald Nelson, Roger Blaylock, Gary Norris, Jerry Lind, Richard Houghton, David Clemens, Donald Persson and James Matthew. Incorporated by reference in the record of the proceedings of the ERC on application ECF-022-82 are the following: 1 ) Environmental Checklist Review Sheet, prepared by: David R. Millard DATED: March 5, 1982 2) Applications: R-023-82 3) , Recommendations for a declaration of non-significance: Design 'Engineering Division, Utility Engineering Division, Parks & Recreation Department, Building & Zoning Department. Recommendations for a declaration of significance: Fire Prevention Bureau. More Information: Policy Development D epartment, Police Department, Traffic Engineering Division. Acting as the Responsible Official, the ERC has determined this development has a significant adverse impact on the environment. An EIS may be required under RCW 43. 21C. 030 (2) (c) . This decision was Made after review by the lead agency of a complete environmental checklist and other information on 'file with the lead agency. Reasons for a proposed declaration of significance: The Committee has identified the following five major areas of 'concern: (1 ) storm drainage, ( 2) traffic, (3) topography, 4) emergency access, and (5) recreation. PROPO'•ED DELCARATION OF SIGNIFICANCE DEAN i. . BITNEY,. R-0123-82 JUNE 8, 1982 PAGE IWO Signatures: 1,4.6)) fie! Ronal(; G. Nelson Da ' R. Clemens Build ng & Zoning Director Policy Development Director R' hagd C. Houghton Publi. Works Director DATE IF PUBLICATION: June 28, 1982 EXPI ' aTION OF APPEAL PERIOD: July 12, 1982 I . Date circulateL _ April 1 , 1982 Comme - due : April 6, 1982 ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET ECF - 022 _ 82 APPLICATION No (s ) . REZONE (R-023-82) PROPONENT : DEAN W. BITNEY PROJECT TITLE : SHADY GLEN MOBILE HOME COMMUNITY Brief Description of Pro 'ect : Application to rezone property from p J G-1' to T for a 203-lot mobile home comm nity, comprising single and double wide units. Located ion the west side of Union Avenue S.E. andlyingLQCAION : contiquoUs with and southerly of the mobile homecommunityLeisureEstates" and north of the Maplewood Golf Course. SITE AREA : 30 acres BUILDING AREA (gross) DEVELOPMENTAL COV RAGE (%) : IMPAC REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) Topographic changes : X 2 ) Direct/Indirect air quality :X 3 )' Water & water courses : X 1 ) Plant life : X 5 ) Animal life :X 6 ) %oise : X 7 ); Light & glare : X 8 ) Land Use ; north : Leisure Estates Mobile Home Park. east : Single Family Residential soul h :Maplewood Golf Course west : Undeveloped land use conflicts : Minor View obstruction : Minor 9 ) : Natural resources : X 10 ) Risk of upset . t• X 11 ) ! Population/Emloyment : X 12 ) Number of Dwellings : X 13 ) Trip ends ( ITE ) : 5. 4 trips/unit x 203 = 1 ,096 traffic impacts : Major on Union, Significant west of N.E. 4th St. , 14 ) Public' services : X 15 ) Energy : X 16 ) Jtilities : X 17 )' -iuman health : X 18 ) Aesthetics : X 19 ) Recreation: X 20 ), Archeology/history : X COMMENTS : Signatures : Ro a'ld G. Nelson D Id R. Clemens Building Official Policy Development Director 7N'A2/41,4, 5, 4'):: R' hard C. Houghton,' Public Works Directs* June 21 , 1982 Ci of Renton Building & Zoning Department 208 Mill Ave. So. Re ton, Wn. 98055 Atm: Roger J. Blaylock Zoning Administrator Re ': Your letter dated May 28, 1982 regarding Shady Glen Mobile Home Park/Environmental Review De.r Mr. Blaylock, I relieve that an error has been made regarding the City's 50 foot ea-ement as stated in the last paragraph of your letter. Please check yo r records concerning this easement as ours indicate that you only ha e a 10 foot easement located parallel to and approximately 50 feet no th from the south property line. Our title report also verifies th s. Thank you. Si cerely, Den W. Bitney Pa tner cc David R. Millard F 1'' g x. Leisure Estates rrS • a'...k' rSrP l:s.+,..ry et'.c.rM -.4 es,*'."_.a1 ..40 201 Union Avenue S.E., Renton, Washington 98055 206/235-4545 OF R v tv 4 ° BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT ar RONALD G. NELSON — DIRECTOR MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON.WASH.98055 • 235-2540te 0. 94, ED SEP E IMP May3, 1982 BARBARA Y. SHI' POCH MAYOR David R. Mi lard, President Land Planni g and Managemen 22627 152nd S.E. Kent, WA •8031 RE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION/SHADY GLEN MOBILE HOME COMMUNITY. Dear Mr. Mi lard: Thank you very much for responding so quickly concerning the additional environmental, information requested for the Shady Glen Mobile Home Community proposed by Mr. Dean W. Bi ney. The information has been circulated and hopefully we will have a response from the Environmental Review Committee this Wednesday. However, the' traffic info mation may have to be digested by our Public Works Department and comments m:y not be completed until the following Wednesday. Reviewing 'he justification for the four variances requested for the mobile home park does not appear that you followed the format established in the application which, requires th.t you address the following conditions: (a) that the applicant suffers undue hardship an+ the variences necessary because of special circumstances applicable to' the subject project, including size, shape, topography, location or surrounding of the subject pro terty, and the strict application of the zoning code is found to deprive the subject property owner of rights and privileges enjoyed by other property owners in the vicinit and under identical zone classification, (b) that the granting of the variance w" I not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurous to the property or improvements in the vicinity and zone in which the subject property is situated, (1) that approval shall not constitute a grant of special priviledge inconsistent with the limitation upon uses of other properties in the vicinity and the zone in which the subject property is situated, (d) that the approval is determined by the Hearin• Examiner is a minimum variance that will accomplish the desired purpose. These four criteria must be utilized when evaluating the need for each of the variances requested. Simply Because the Planning Commission and Board of Adjustment granted variances in the past does not determine that the variances are appropriate at this time. It still app=ars that there is plenty of time for you to submit proper justification to be review wit 'n the same time table. Variance applications do not require environmental review, 'onl the project itself. Sincerely, Roger J. Bl:ylock Zoning Ad inistrator April 29, 1982 s Cry,of fp ENT00 n , , APR 2 9 8Io2tiJ F Cit of Renton JPi 0(,nj / zoly i -Mun cipal Building Y7 200 Mill Ave. So. Ren on, Wn. 98055 Att : Roger J. Blaylock Zoning Administrator Subject: Shady Glen Bobal.e.-Home Community ECF-022-82,\R-.023-82, SP-028-82, PMH-029-82 Dea Mr. Blaylock, Thi letter is a follow up to our meeting of April 23, 1982 concerning sub 'ect property. We wish to clarify the purpose of the two applications, one for grading and one for rezone and plat approval . The two requests ' are not for the same purpose and therefore should be individually considered on their own meritsl. The application for grading is required to clean up ex ess material and the overall site condition which was left in a deplorable co dition from past mining with elevation variations of up to 50 feet. 1The site improvement is necessary regardless of the rezone application or plat approval . Si cerely, De.n W. Bitney Ow er Leisure Estates 201 Union Avenue S.E., Renton, Washington 98055 206/235-4545 OF R& I 4 BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT RONALD G. NELSON - DIRECTOR 09 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 • 235-2540 0gTF0 5; P April 13, 1982 SEP BARBARA Y. S INPOCH MAYOR Mr. Dean W. Bitney 108 Factory Avenue North Renton, Washington 9.8055 Subject: Shady Glen Mobile Home Community ECF-022-82, R-023-82, SP-028-82, PMH-029-82 Dear Mr. Bitney: On April 7, 1982 the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) evaluated the above mentioned project. It was determined that an expanded check list with the following additional information will be required in order for the Committee to render an environmental determination: 1. Please submit a detailed traffic impact analysis for this project. 2. The design of an east-west road connecting Union AvenueI S.E. to the west property line will be required. 3. Union Avenue S.E. will need to be widened an additional 30 feet to the west to form a 60 foot wide street. 4. Provide a detailed storm water sewer plan. 5. The Secial Permit and Preliminary Mobile Home Park applications are not detailed enough with information to evaluate thoroughly. Specifically a plan should be provided showing all proposed grading. For your reference are attached the re- quirements for the Special Permit for fill and grade and Preliminary Mobile Home Park applications. Please submit the above information at your earliest conven- ience so that an environmental determination can be made. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact this office. Sincerely, 1?e V e 9.7(61,4„ct.t _ Roger J. Blaylock Zoning Administrator RJB/JFL/mp March 12 , 1982 Mr. Fied Kaufman, Land Use Hearing Examiner Build'ng and Zoning Department City .f Renton 100 M 11 Avenue South Rento , , Washington 98055 Regarding : Rezone Justification - Dean W. Bitney' s Mobile Home Community, "Shady Glen" , Renton, Washington Dear _ r. Kaufman: In .ac ordance with our application to establish a land-use classi- ficat on on our 30-acre parcel lying contiguous with,and southerly of th- mobile home 'community, "Leisure Estates" , we submit, here- with, justification for said rezone . First, the property described as the Northeast quarter of the. , South-ast quarter of Section 16 , Township 13 North, Range 5 Eaat , W.M. , except the North 330 feet thereof, is presently unclassified, being annexed into the City with a "General" or holding zone . Therefore , the property must be rezoned prior to any type of development. Since the property- is~ served with sewer and water facilities , has access to a secondary arterial street , Union Aven e Southeast, and is "close in" the Northeast Renton Com- preh.e sive Plan land-use objectives state it should be given priority for development . Seco d, the Northeast Renton' Comprehensive Plan, complete with Envi onmental Impact Statement, recently finalized and adopted by t e City, designates this property for low-density, multi-family land-use. It was the intent of the Planning Commission to provide this type of land-use so that the property could be developed for manufactured housing (mobile homes) . As you know, mobile home's , are .nly allowed in 10147 , medium- and high-density multi-family resi.ential and commercial areas designated on the City' s Com- prehensive Land Use Plan (Trailer Park Ordinance Section 4-714) . Leisure Estates 201 Union Avenue S.E., Renton, Washington 98055 206/235-4545 u I Mr. Fred Kaufman March 12, 1982 1 Page wo Third, the adjacent land-uses and physical constraints are ideal for t e contemplated use . The property is bounded on the north by th mobile home community, "Leisure Estates" ; on the east by Union Avenue Southeast , City of Seattle Water Department facili- ties nd single-family detached lots ; on the south by "unbuild- able" steep slope; hand on the west by "unbuildable" steep slope , City f Seattle transmission line facilities and King County/ Rento. •maintenanceiand equipment yard. And, inally, in reviewing the text for the Northeast Renton Com- prehe sive Plan, we quote from page 8 of the text of the Compre- hensi e Plan where it says : C rrent City policy states that urban growth and development , as well as services and utilities to support such growth, sh uld only occur in a logical and timely progression. The. distinction between lands which are "potentially appropriate" a . sites which are "ready now" for a specific land-use is i .ortant . S-ction 3 ,A. of the adopted Policies Element of the Compre h-nsive Plan recommends maximizing the use of available util i..y and service resources and provides crucial guidance to the Hearing Examiner and City Council in making this distinction. POLICIES : 1. To minimize the necessity for re-development, premature development should only be allowed where it can be shown to be 'compatible with future uses in the vicinity. 2 , Development beyond the urban fringe should only be allowed where it is a consistent extension of urban services . 3 . Vacant land surrounded by developed land should be given priority for development. 4, Land where adequate public utilities are available should be given priority for development . 5 , A balance of residential , commercial and industrial areas should be achieved, " In e amining the objectives contained in the present Comprehensive Pla , which have been adopted as City policy, specifically Items 1 t ' ough. 5 , we find that said property located south of "Leisure Est.tes Mobile 'Home Park" is extremely well-suited for manufactured housing and fits all of the priorities and policies of the .Compre- hen ive Plan text. This parcel is classified as "ready now" . Mr . Fred Kaufman March 12 , 1982 Page hree being serviced by all utilities , and is compatible with the type of la d-uses proposed. The oily potential problem to any type of development within this area s access . The City' s Environmental Impact Statement gives a dai y traffic volume for Union Avenue Northeast as 5 ,000 vehi- cles . Based on the City' s ratios for peak hour volume to average daily volumes , the peak hour volume on Union Avenue would be appro. imately 500 i ehicles . Since the left turn \signalization , and clannelization was completed at the intersection of Northeast 4th S reet and Union Avenue Northeast , there have been no acci- dents , in accordance with the local newspaper . The traffic , based -on our visual observation, from Union onto 4th during peak hours has been relatively minor and certainly has not been con- geste• . We contend, therefore , that the traffic projected for , this -rea will be somewhat less than estimated and will not , in fa t, create the congestion, delays and conflicts anticipated . In o opinion, it is imperative that our property be rezoned to T" or a trailer park so that the citizens of the City of Renton will of be deprived of individual ownership of a single-family home hich they could afford to purchase. Manufactured housing prov' des the only affordable housing available in the market now and for the forseeable future , Sinc=rely yours , Le' s )re Estates IL Dean W. Bitney cc : David R. Millard V .I CITY OF RENTON 1 Rr'OalE APPLICATION OR OFFICE USE. ONLY LAND USE HEARING APPLICATION Nb. R—//&EXAMINER 'S ACTION 1PPLICATION FE5$ YW APPEAL FILED r ECEIPT NO. C9'1 / ' CITY COUNCIL ACTION ILING DATE a- ` / ORDINANCE NO. AND DATE TEARING DATE PPLICANT TO COMPLETE ITEMS 1 THROUGH .10 : Name Dean W. Bitney Phone 255-1325 Address 108 Factory Avenue North, Renton, Washington 98055 3. Property petitioned for rezoning is located on Union Avenue Southeast between' Northeast 4th Street and Maple Valley Golf Course 1 . Square fodtage or acreage of property 30 acres 5 . Legal description of property (if more space is required, attach a separate heet) laTheNorthe, st quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 16, Township 23 North, Range 5 East,W.M„ Except ..the North a3,l faPt; h eof. si tuateLn the City of Renton, King County, Washington, subject to easement for right-of-way for electric transmission line granted under application No. 18840. S . Existing Zoning General Use (G)Zoning Requested Trailer Park (T) Comprehensive Plan shows area as low-density multi-family, 4OTE TO APPLICgANT: The following factors are considered in reclassifying property. Evidence or additional information to substantiate your request may be attached to this sheet. (See Application Procedure Sheet for specific requirements . ) Submit this form in duplicate. 7 . Proposed use of site finnstr. i its (ln .) for dnuhle- and lionas...;_cualitylallising for families at a reasnnahle rust Approximate density - 7 UPA. ) 3. List the measures to be taken to reduce impact on the surrounding area. a) Creation of landscaped berm buffer along Union Avenue S.E. (b) Reclamation of unsightly and hazardous depleted gravel pit (c) Elimination of dirt bikers and R.V. ' s (d) Installation of, exterior fencing. 9 . How soon after the rezone is granted do you intend to develop the site? Immediately. 0 . Two copies of plot plan and affidavit of ownership are required. Planning Dept. 1-77 Date I circulated : April 1, 1982 Comments due : April 6, 1982 EIMVIIRONIIMENITAL CHECKLIST REVIIE+. SHEET ECF = O22 - 82 APPLICATION No (s ) . REZONE (R-023-82) PROPONENT : Dean W. Bi4.ey PROJECT TITLE : Shady Glen Mobile Home Community Brief Description of Project : Application to rezone property currently G-1 to T for a 203-lot mobile home community, comprising single and double wide units. LOCATION : Located on Union Avenue SE between NE 4th Street and Maplewood Golf Course. SITE AR A : 30 acres BUILDING AREA (gross ) DEVELOP ENTAL COVERAGE (%) : IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) Topographic changes : 2 ) IDirect/Indirect air quality : 3) 'Water & water courses : 4) Plant life : 5 ) Animal life : 6) Noise : 7) Li ht & glare : 8 ) (aid Use ; north : east : south : west : Lard use conflicts : View obstruction : 9) Natural resource : 10 ) Riks of upset : I 11 ) Population/Employment : 12 ) Number of Dwellings : 13 ) Trip ends ( ITE ) : traffic impacts : i 14) Public services : 15 ) Energy : 16 ) Utilities : 17 ) Human health : 18 ) Aesthetics : 19 ) Recreation : 20 ) Arc eology/history : COMMENTS : Recommen •ation : DNSI DOS More Information Reviewed by : Title : Date : FORM: E;RC-06 Revision 3/1981 RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET Application: REZONE (RT023-82) Location: Located on Union Avenue SE between NE 4th Street and Maplewood Gol Course. Applicant: Dean-W. Bitney, ZQ;Public Works Department Engineering Division SCHEDULED ERC DATE: 4-7-82 Traffic Eng. Division SCHEDULED HEARING DATE: Utilities Eng. Division Fire Department Parks Department EJ Building Department Police Department Others: Policy Development Dept. COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING. PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT BY 5 :00 P.M. ON REVIEWING hEPARTMENT/DIVISION: Aproved ® Approved with Conditions ® Not Approved DATE: Signature o Director or Authorized Representative REVIEWING D PARTMENT/DIVISION: DApiroved ['Approved with Conditions ®Not Approved DATE: Signature .:of Director or Authorized Representative 1-i CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORM FOR OFFiC: USE ONLY Envi ronmer tal Checklist No. PROPOSED, date: FINAL , date : DDeclaration of Significance Declaration of Significance aDeclaration of Non-Significance El Declaration of Non-Significance COMMENTS : Introduction The State Environmental Policy Act of 1971 , Chapter 43.21C, RCW, requires a 1 state and local governmental agencies to consider environmental values both for their own actio s and when licensing private proposals . The Act also requires that an EIS be prepared 'or all major.actions significantly affecting the quality of the environment. The purpo e of this checklist is to help the agencies involved determine whether or not a proposal is such a major action. Please answer the following questions as completely as you can with the information presently available to you. Where explanations of your answers are required , or where you believe an explanation would be helpful to government decision makers , include your explanati •n in the space provided, or use additional pages if necessary. You should include references to any reports or studies of which you are aware and which are rele- vant to the answers you provide. Complete answers to these questions now will help all agencies involved with your proposal to undertake the required environmental review with- out unnecessary delay. The follo ing questions apply to your total proposal , not just to the license for which you are currently applying or the proposal for which approval is sought. Your answers should include the impacts which will be caused by your proposal when it is completed, even though completion may not occur until sometime in the future. This will allow all of the agencies which will be involved to complete their environmental review now, with- out duplicating paperwork in the future. NOTE : This is a standard form being used by all state and local agencies in the State of Washington for various types of proposals . Many of the questions may not apply to your proposal . If a question does not apply, just answer it "no" and continue on to the next question. ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORM I . BACK. ROUND I . Name of Proponent Dean W_ Bitney Address and phone number of Proponent: 108 Factory Avenue North, Renton, Washington 98055 206) 255-1080 or (206) 255-1325 3. Date Checklist submitted March 5, 1982 4. Agency requiring Checklist __City of Renton (Department of Planning) 5. Name of proposal , if applicable; Shady Glen'`Mobile Home CommunitZ_ 1100_Union_ Avenue Southeast) 6. Nature and brief description of the proposal (including but not limited to its size , general design elements, and other factors that will give an accurate understanding of its scope and nature) : The Applicant proposes to develop a 203-lot mobile home community, com- prising single- and double-wide units on a 30-acre parcel . The proposal incorporates a loop street system and cul-de-sacs with a primary entrance from Union Avenue S E and an "emerge cy„ exit into the King County._ City of Renton complex to the west. See Site Plan (2 sheets) _,_ 2- 71. Location of proposal (describe the physical setting of the proposal , as well as the extent of the land area affected by any environmental impacts, including • any other information needed to give an accurate understanding of the environ- mental setting of the proposal ) : See Exhibit "A" , attached hereto. 8. Estimated date for completion of the proposal : December. 31, 19$3 9. List of all permits , licenses or government approvals required for the proposal federal , state and local--including rezones) : Rezone and site plan approval - City of Renton Department of Planning Servicing approval City of Renton Department of Public Works 1J. Do you have any plans for future additions , expansion, or further activity related to or connected with this proposal? If yes, explain: No. 11. Do you know of any plans by others which may affect the property covered by your proposal? If yes, explain: No. 12. Attach any other application form that has been completed regarding the pro- posal ; if none has been completed, but is expected to be filed at some future date, describe the nature of such application form: II. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS Explanations of all "yes" and "maybe" answers are required) 1) Earth. Will the proposal result in: a) Unstable earth conditions or in changes in geologic substructures? BENOEMMAY( b) Disruptions, displacements , compaction or over- covering of the soil? x- 4 YES MAYBE NO c) Change in topography or ground surface relief features? X YES MAYBE NO d) The destruction, covering or modification of any unique geologic or physical features? X YES TATITE NO e) Any increase in wind or water erosion of soils , either on or off the site? X YES MAYBE NO f) Changes in deposition 'or erosion of beach sands , or changes in siltation, deposition or erosion which may modify the channel of a river or stream or the bed of the ocean or any bay, inlet or lake? X YES RATITE NO Explanation: See. Exhibit "A" , attached hereto. - 3- 2) Air. Will the proposal result in: a) Air emissions or deterioration of ambient air quality?X YES. MAYBE NO b) The creation of objectionable odors? X 1TES MAYBE NO c) Alteration of air movement, moisture or temperature, or any change in climate , either locally or regionally? X YES MAYBE NO Explanation: See Exhibit "A" , attached hereto. 3) Wa er. Will the proposal result in: a) Changes in currents , or the' course of direction of water movements , in either marine or fresh waters? X YES MAYBE NO bi Changes in absorption rates , drainage patterns , or the rate and amount of surface water runoff? X_ YES MAYBE NO ' c Alterations to the course or flow of flood waters? X YES MAYBE NO dr Change in the amount of surface water in any water body? X YES MAYBE NO e Discharge into surface waters , or in any alteration surface water quality, including but not limited to temperature , dissolved oxygen or turbidity? X YES MAYBE NO f Alteration of the direction or rate of flow of ground waters? X YES MAYBE NO g Change in the quantity of ground waters , either through direct additions or withdrawals , or through interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations? X YES MAYBE NO h Deterioration in ground water quality, either through direct injection, or through the seepage of leachate, phosphates , detergents , waterborne virus or bacteria, or other substances into the ground waters? X YES MAYBE NO i ) Reduction in the amount of water otherwise available for public water supplies? X YES MAYBE NO Ex•lanation: See Exhibit "A" , attached hereto. 4) Flora. Will the proposal result in: a) Change in the diversity of species , or numbers of any species of flora (including trees , shrubs , grass , crops , microflora and aquatic plants)? YES MAYBE NO b) Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered species of flora? X YES MAYBE NO c) Introduction of new species of flora into an area, or in a barrier to the normal replenishment of existing species? X YES MAYBE NO d) Reduction in acreage of any agricultural crop? X YES MAYBE NO Exp anation: See ,Exhibit "A" , attached hereto. to 4- O Fauna. Will the proposal result in: a) Changes in the diversity of species, or numbers of any species of fauna (birds , land animals including reptiles , fish and shellfish, benthic organisms , insects or microfauna)? X YES MAYBE NO b) Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered species of fauna?X YES MAYBE NO c) .Introduction of new species of fauna into an area , or result in a barrier to the migration or movement of fauna? X YES MAYBE NO d) Deterioration to existing fish or wildlife habitat? X YES MAYBE NO Explanation: See explanation for 4. Flora on Exhibit "A" , attached hereto. 5) Noise. Will the proposal increase existing noise levels? _)( YES MAYBE NO Explanation: . ' See Exhibit "A" , attached hereto. 17) Light and -Glare. Will the proposal produce new light or . glare? X YES M BE NO Explanati_on: See Exhibit "A", attached hereto. 8) Land Use. Will the proposal result in the alteration of the present or planned land use of an area? X YES MAYBE NO Explanation: See Exhibit "A" , attached herto. i 9) ' Natural Resource's. Will the proposal result in : a) Increase in the rate of use of any natural resources? X YES MAYBE NO b) Depletion of any nonrenewable natural resource? X YES MAYBE NO Explanation: See Exhibit "A" , attached hereto. d0) Risk of Upset. Does the proposal involve a risk of an explosion or the release of hazardous substances (including, but not limited to, oil , pesticides , chemicals or radiation) in the event, of an accident or upset conditions? X YES MAYBE NO Explanation: The, normal hazards related to constructionwork will be present during actual development phases although no long-term hazards are expected. 11) •Population. Will the proposal alter the location, distri- bution, density, or growth rate of the human population of an area? X YES— MAYBE WO-- Explanation:See Exhibit "A" , attached hereto. r 5- 12) Housing. Will the proposal affect existing housing, or create a demand for additional housing? X YES MAYBE NO' Explanation: See Exhibit "A" , attached hereto. 13) Transportation/Circulation. Will the proposal result in: a) Generation of additional vehicular movement? X YES MAYBE NO b) Effects on existing parking facilities , or demand for new parking? X YES MAYBE NO c) Impact upon existing transportation systems? X YES MAYBE WU— d) Alterations to present patterns of circulation or movement of people and/or goods? X YES MAYBE NO e) Alterations to waterborne, rail or air traffic? X YES MAYBE NO f) • Increase in traffic hazards to motor vehicles , bicyclists or pedestrians? X YES RTYRE NO Explanation: See Exhibit "A" , attached hereto. 14) Public Services. Will the proposal have an effect upon, or result in a need for new or altered governmental services n any of the following areas : ia) Fire protection? X YES MAYBE NO lb) Police protection?X YES MAYBE NO c) Schools? X YES MAYBE NO d) Parks or other recreational facilities? X YES MAYBE NO e) Maintenance of public facilities, including roads?, X YES MAYBE NO f) Other governmental services? X YES MAYBE NO Explanation: This proposed.rezone would create additional demands on, police, fire emergency and'.city maintenance services. The project would comply with all applicable regulations governing fire prevention and pro- tection measures. 15) Energy. Will the proposal result in: a) Use of substantial amounts of fuel or energy? X YES MAYBE NO b) Demand upon existing sources of energy, or require the development of new sources of energy? X YES MAYBEN0 xplanation: See Exhibit "A" , att.hpd' hprpto_ 16) Jtilities. Will the proposal result in a need for new systems, or alterations to the following utilities : a) Power or natural gas? X YES MAYBE NO b) Communications systems? X YES MAYBE NO c) Water? YES MAYBE NO 1 6 d) Sewer or septic tanks? X YES MAYBE NO e) Storm water drainage? YEXS RATIE 0— f) Solid waste and disposal?X__ YES MAYBE NO Explanation:See Exhibit "A" , attached hereto. Ii • 1' ) Human Health. Will the proposal result in the creation of any health hazard or potential health hazard (excluding mental health)? X YES MAYBE W Explanation: The normal hazards related• to construction work will be pre- sent during actual development, but no health hazards are expected. 1' ) Aesthetics. Will the proposal result in the obstruction of any scenic vista or view open to the public, or will the proposal result in the creation of an aesthetically offensive, site open to public view? X YES MAYBE NO Explanation: This development would follow the proposed rezone requirements which would change the visual character of the site from vacant property, 1 I comprising a large depleted-gravel pit, to 'a developed site. The proposed landscaping would partially screen the development_from the adjacent street and single-family lots. 19) Recreation. Will the proposal result in an impact upon the quality or quantity of existing recreational opportunities? X YES MAYBE NO Explanation: The proposed development will provide a community center with racquetball court to help mitigate the impact on existing City of Renton park and recreation facilities. 20) Archeological/Historical . Will the proposal result in an alteration of a significant archeological or historical site, structure, object or building? X YES MAYBE Nf Explanation: No known significant archeological or historical site, structure, , object or building are_part of, or near,- the site. III . SIGNATURE I , the undersigned, state that to the best of my knowledge the above information- is true and complete. It is understood that the lead agency may withdraw any decla- r t ion of non-significance that it might issue in reliance uponnthis checklist should there be any willful misrepresentation or willful lack of full dis losure on my part. I Proponent: ``'1 ii p signed) ' David R. Millard name printed) City of Renton Planning Department 5-76 EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHMENT TO ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST I. B1CKGROUND 7. Location of Proposal : The property is located adjacent to and southerly.: of the mobile home community "Leisure Estates" with Union Avenue Southeast lying along the east border. The terrain has divided the property into an uplands parcel , comprising approximately .12 1.acres,=.arad a_low- lands parcel , comprising approximately 18 acres. The uplands parcel is relatively level and is covered with dense brush and second growth trees. The lowlands parcel is irregular in topo- graphy since it is a depleted gravel pit, left unrestored or un- reclamated, devoid of any vegetation ,except scattered stands of brush. Sewer and water lines are existing in Union Avenue South- east and sewer exists along the south line of the parcel . II. E VIRONMENTAL IMPACTS 1. Earth. The site will be graded to facilitate the construction of streets and mobile home pads. There will be extensive cut and fill re- quired in merging the uplands and lowlands parcels , as well as disposing of large stockpiles of materials left from the gravel extraction operation. Most of the vegetation and topsoil will be removed from areas of the site where grading will occur. The potential for erosion will increase due to temporary exposed soils. A "dry-weather" schedule of construction will theoretically avoid periods of heavy rainfall thus reducing the erosion. 2. Air. Normal construction activities will produce localized hydrocarbon emissions and discernible odors caused by equipment and dust which may become air-borne. The proposed generated traffic will cause a slight long-term increase in emissions in the area. The use of carpools and transit facilities by residents may help in reducing long-term emissions. 3. Water. Erosion during construction phases could temporarily increase the turbidity of surface water runoff. Impervious surfacing over the site will reduce the absorption rate and increase runoff from the property. Runoff on the site of the completed development may pick up some contaminants from paved surfaces. Temporary settling ponds will be used during the site preparation phase to remove suspended silt from the storm water. The Developer will construct an on- site storm water detention system which will maintain peak runoff rates in accordance with the City of Renton. Silt traps and gravity oil/water separators will be incorporated into the on-site detention system, if required by the City. 4. Flora: 5. Fauna: Virtually all vegetation will eventually be removed from the "uplands" portion of the site which is covered with brush and second-growth trees. The "lowlands" portion of the site is devoid of vegetatlion, except for clumps of brush at random locations. Mobile home yard areas will be replanted with ornamental planting and/or grass. The removal of this vegetation, however, will greatly reduce the site' s function as a natural habitat. Many small mammals and birds will be displaced to the permanent open space areas , comprising steep unbuildable" slopes along the south and west sides of the property. No rare or endangered species of plants or animals are known td inhabit this site. Plant species native to the Pacific Northwest region would be used to promote continuity of vegetation on the site as the homeowners land- scape thei -.lots. EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHMENT TO ENVIRONEMTNAL CHECKLIST, (CONTINUED) 6., Noise. Heavy equipment to be used during site preparation and construction activities would temporarily increase noise levels in the vicinity of the site. Ambient noise levels will increase due to daily residential traffic estimated at approximately 1,015 to 1,218 trips (one-way) . 7. Light amd Glare. This development will create light sources on the now-unlighted site. Sources of light would include headlights from vehicular traffic operating on or near the site at night and light spillage from buildings. Screening landscaping on the east,side of the site along Union Avenue Southeast could create a partial light shield which would reduce the amount of light visible from adjoining property. 8. Land Use. The proposed development is consistent with the comprehensive plan designated land use (low density, multi-family) and compatible with the existing mobile home community, "Leisure Estates" , located immediately north of the proposal . 9. Natural Resources. This project will increase the rate of use of materials associated with the buiding industry. Gasoline and oil will be consumed for construction equipment. Electrical energy will be utilized for heating, cooling and lighting the: homes. Such consumption will occur regardless of this development until the demand for afford- ablenhousi;hg in the City of Renton and King County has been satis- fied. 11. Population. Based on estimates by the Washington State Office of Population and EnrollEnent, average household size will be 2.3 to 2.6 persons per household. The population that will occupy the completed development is estimated to range from 467 to 528 persons. The final Environmental Impact Statement prepared by the City of Renton in support of the Comprehensive Plan update estimated the popu lation at approximately 700 to 750 persons based on a low-density multi-family land use. 12. Housing. The proposed development will provide family housing at an attainable cost, which is presently in short supply or non-exiistent. A total of 203 lots will be constructed by the proposed development. This increase should not affect the existing housing market but it will positively affect the diversity of housing types and housing opportunities. 13. Transportation/Circulation. The projected traffic generation of "Shady Glen" is estimated to be from 5 to 6 vehicle trips per unit (one-way) . The average is 5.4 VTPU for a mobile home park. This results in a daily total of 1,015 to 1,218 vehicle trips (one-way) . Due to the close proximity of the north-south freeway (I-405) and east-west arterial street (N.E. 4th Street) , the proposed develop- ment will be adequately served by the existing circulation systems. Due to the type of park, the mass-transit (bus) system will have increased usage. Increased traffic on Union Avenue, a two-lane paved collector street, coupled with turning movements into the mobile home park, will create additional opportunity for vehicle, bicycle and pedestrian conflict. a y EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHMENT TO ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST, (CONTINUED) 15. Energy. The energy demand for the proposed development is moderate and attainable. The impact of this proposal related to energy on a regional basis is not known. The energy efficient design and construction of the units will include the installation of thermal insjlation which will help to reduce energy demands of the completled project. 16. Utilities. Utility and drainage lines have been constructed to service the' proposed development. The demand for service is relatively moderate and within the means of the City and private utility companies to provide. Construction of the development would require gasoline and diesel fuel and electricity to energize heavy equipment and machinery. Gasoline/diesel would be used by residents commuting to and from the site. This fuel requirement could somewhat be reduced if residents were encouraged to use public transit facilities or carpools. AFFIDAVIT I , s Ce r2_ being duly sworn, declare that I am the owner of the prope'rtyfinvolved in this application and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Subscribed and sworn before me this day of / (o rc f- 19 Fa , Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at 2..p ,1-71-0 . 1./://421,2;7- aine of Notary Public) Signature of Owner) 43 / - / 121Li'0 vi4r 8_06, 1_ cio Address) eevr4-0 ._ t) go,S n® VN City) State) wc.P :7 : PU B L G Cb.• q90 r a ems= s ti<4(‘ .. .....15. m,. VAS Telephone.d FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) CERTIFICATION This is to certify that the foregoing application has been inspected by me and has been found to be thorough and complete in every particular and to conform to the rules and regulations of the Renton Planning Department governing the filing of such application . Date Received 19 By: Renton Planning Dept . 2-73 I ci.rema•••••! e:.: 7 ".... KING COUNTY ti EXCISE TAX PAID 0,n, flE021 4mi PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE 'S DEED i i,, ',•::,:7,-:. :, • ; : 1--'': -'' '•:'1:;:.. .:''',': THE GRANTOR ANNA G. McMAHON, Personal Representative of the Estate of OHN C. EDWARDS, Deceased, for and in consideration of TEN ADOLLAR $10, 00 and other valuable consideration, in hand .paid', . ;. graiits ba gains, sells,; conveys, and confirm to DEAN W. BITNEY and JONELL M. ITNEY; husband and wife, and DAVID R. MILLARD and BARBARA f MttLARD hi Sband and wife the following described real estate; Situated 'i the County of King, State of Washington:4 „ oftth'''''':-: :::: -=L:::,• The oreas quarer the Southeast quarter of Section 2316, ownship North, Range 5 East W.M. in King County, toWash ngton; EXCEPT the North 330 feet thereof, TOGETHER with an:_:, asement for ingress , egress, ;utilities and road purposesi theEast 30 •f t of the North 330 feet of the_Northeast :-,-,,s .::.:TPr.. eiquarer: of the Southeast quarter of Section 16 , Townshipi23, Nort ':-: Range 5 'Eas W.M. , in King County, Washington. SUBJ CT TO:: Easement for right of way for electric trans- miss 'on line granted under application No. 18840 , all other ; ,- , Aease 'eiits,',.restric.tions: and reservations of record, and a11- 1: .. ,..,,,,, Aa, T,' ass'e Sments,-: if any, for sewer, water or other utility improve- ment i fiti•t; ment ITOGEHERwithallthe right, title, estate and interest held Or Cs -hed:.ifi said :Premises by the said John C. Edwards .at. the I4''''''':•' ':,'; -nme- of his-'death The Irantbr; for herself and for her successors in interest :does1 i)y,' -the:Se,,:pesentS expresly limit the covenants of the deed to thoe-:,:g'.!,:::',4 herein exp essed, and excludes all covenants arising or to arise by iltAiitorSt,.:si: othei.-iritiiilcation., and does hereby covenant that against 411:,,=:Terson',... Atthomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim- by, through or under said Grantor and not ,otherwise; she will forever warrant and defend the said described real estate. i , . ,- ,,,, ,:V•4;,4; L H:.'''' ',-,•''''''W4i,:h.,, ::,:71-i;.-• ,. •i :,;,t '': ' " ;• i '' _,-,V, H.': ' '' 'Y.: (14! jATE10,-,this :- ;(4 -,-7 day of December, A.D. 1981. Anfi617G. McMa1i, Executrix STATE OF- WZHINGTON ,) Ss: tOONTY Or ' . - K I 14-6 ) 6r1 t is ‘41, personally appeared before me ANNA G. McMAHON, to me knowntknownt.the individual described in and who executed the within an forego ng instrument, and acknowledged that she signed the samp. as her fre-' ancL:v6luntarY act and deed, for the uses and purposes:4.,.,'L,.'',''--', ,,,,-,.,: . . : ,: ttierein me txoned. I GIVE' under my hand and official seal this Ibqk day o 1)edember 1981. .. .r: r !,', ..'1..44 Z‘•:*;< 77,77'' • ' •, . 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