HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA82-047BEGINNING OF FILE LICROFILMED as FILE TITLE MU, 047 ---- Bod n , LiteAkEri alivffl) Applicant JERRY AMON File No. R-047-82 Project Name SAME Property Location North side of N.E. 4th Street approximately 200 feet west of Duvall Avenue N.E. HEARING EXAMINER: Date 9-23-82 Recommendation Approval with restrictive covenants RF C n I IV(; 0<15 q / Req./Rec. Date Received Date Response Appeal - Date Received Council Approval - Date Ordinance/Rese4v4-inn # 3(.) '2n Da to jl//j9',2, Mylar to County for Recording Mylar Recording # Remarks: Li CT 4,0198? eGo OF R4 z BUILDING ZONING DEPARTMENT RONALD G. NELSON - DIRECTOR o 0 Z. MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 • 235--2540 09gT6-0 SEP1c0C3 BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH MA' OR August 1, 1983 Mr. Tim McClincy 21021 SI. 82nd Issaquah, WA 98027 RE: USE REQUEST/4600 NE 4TH STREET JERRY AMON REZONE R-047-82 Dear Mr McClincy: After review of the restrictive covenants place upon the subject property under the rezone request by Mr. Jerry Amon (R-47-82), your requested use of the subject site for a interior design and decorating service would be acceptable. The covenants appear to be quite specific in that it states, "development on the property shall be limited to professional or personal services and structures shall be designed to allow future integration into development on the properties located directly to the north." At the time of the rezone, it was proposed that the existing structure would be removed and the new structure would be constructed which would tie in with the intent of the general area as an office park. Please be aware that any future construction would have to comply with this condition. The business itself is limited strictly to personal service which would be the consultation of clients for interior decorating. Samples could be maintained in the premises but could not be sold directly or provide storage on site. Again, the specific intent of the rezone was to allow a professional service in the form of offices. Sincerely, RtIte Roger J. Blaylock Zoning Administrator RJB:cl 262Z OF RA, 4 ti „ OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY • RENTON,WASHINGTON CI V `$ 0 'z POST OFFICE BOX 626 100 S 2nd STREET • RENTON, WASHINGTON 98057 255-8678 1 al CS 0 LAWRENCE I.WARREN, CITY ATTORNEY DANIEL KELLOGG, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY 9, c CO' DAVID M. DEAN, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY 09gTD SEP14O4Q MARK E. BARBER, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY July 27 , 1983 ZANETTA L.FON3ES, ASSISTANT CITY ATTPRNEY TO : Roger Blaylock, Zoning Administrator FROM: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney rJUL 2 7 1983 RE : Restrictive Covenants/Jerry Amon Rezone 4-047-82 Dear Roger : The Declaration of Restrictive Covenants on the Amon property presents some unique problems in interpreting those covenants . As I understand it , we now have an application to use the Amon property for a design center which includes sales . The restrictive covenants themselves deal with structures and development on the property . The paragraph that I see as being critical states : Development on the property shall be limited to professional or personal services and structures shall be designed to allow future integration into development on the properties located directly to the north. . . " I suppose a remodeling of the existing structure could be termed "development" . However, I have some doubt that the use for retail sales would be for professional or personal services . A retail sales outlet is usually not within the definition of professional or personal services . However , if the property was to be used by an interior decorator who did a complete design of a project and the customer was largely going to that individual for design services , this would probably be personal services . On the other hand, if one went to a Color Tile outlet primarily to buy the retail materials available there, that would not be professional or personal services . It would appear to me that Mr . McClincy will have to further define his use before we can determine whether or not it falls within the definitions in the Restrictive Covenants . awrence . Marren LJW:nd cc : Mayor ri, CITY OF RENTON, THE CITY OF RENTON, Affidavit of Publication WASHINGTON WASHINGTON, FOLLOWS:S: O OR- ORDINANCE NO. 3670 DAZE TI FOLLOWS: AN ORDINANCE OF THE SECTION I: Thee followingo CITY O F RENTON, described property in thebSTATEOFWASHINGTONCityofRentonishereby COUNTY OF KING ss•WASHINGTON, CHANG- rezoned to Business District ING THE ZONING CLAS- ( B-1) as hereinbelow SIFICATION OF CERTAIN specified;subject to the find- PROPERTIES WITHIN THE ings, conclusions and deci- CITY OF RENTON FROM sion of the Hearing Examin- 4txdrey...Ile.Jn3..e being first duly sworn on GENERAL CLASSIFICA- dated September 23, TION DISTRICT (G 1) TO 1982;the Building and Zon- BUSINESS DISTRICT(B-1) ing Director is hereby au- oath,deposes and says that sem..is the ..Ci11.6f....c1®rk of ( R-047-82 AMON) thorized and directed to WHEREAS under Chap- change the maps oftheTHEDAILYRECORDCHRONICLE,a newspaper published six(6)times a ter 7,Title IV(Building Regu- Zoning Ordinance, asweek.That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been lations) of Ordinance No. amended, to evidencesaidformorethansixmonthspriortothedateofpublicationreferredto, 1628 known as the"Code of printed and published in the English language continually as a newspaperrezoning,Westto wit: published four(4)times a week in Kent,King County,Washington,and it is GeneralityofRenton," Ordinances m the The 70 feet of the now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the City n theom" as and e- South One-Halffeetoftheaforesaidplaceofpublicationofsaidnewspaper.That the Daily Record • ed, and maps and re- East the Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior ports adopted in conjunction Southwest Quarter of the Court of the County in which it is published,to-wit,King County, therewith, the property Southeast Quarter of the hereinbelow described has Southwest Quarter of heretofore been zoned as Section 10,Township 23 Washington.That the annexed is a... General Classification Dis- North, Range 5 East, flrd•iziar ee- `•to. 3670 trict(G-1); and W.M., in King County, WHEREAS a proper peti- Washington. g3 tion for change of zone EXCEPT the South 42 classification of said proper- feet thereof conveyed to ty has been filed with the King County for road pur- as it was published in regular issues(and Building and Zoning Depart- poses under King Coun- not in supplement form of said newspaper) once each issue for a period ment on or about May 17, ty Auditor's File No. 1982, which petition was I 5790502. Subject to duly referred to the Hearing I easements of records. Examiner for investigation,Said property being lo- of 1 consecutive issues,commencing on the study and public hearing, , cated on North side of and a public hearing having , N.E. 4th Street approxi- been held on or about Sep- mately 200 feet west of t,,.41 day of uo.ven b S 19...02..,and ending the tember 14, 1982, and said' Duvall Avenue N.E.) matter having been duly , AND SUBJECT FURTHER considered by the Hearing ' to that certain Declaration of th..day of i7.YE3A1ber 19..•.i.,both dates Examiner and said zoning Restrictive Covenants ex- request being in conformity ecuted by Petitioner-ownersinclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its sub- with the City's Comprehen- on or about October 14, scribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee sive Ptan,aS amended,and 1982 and recorded in the the City Council having duly office of the Director of Re- consideredcharedfortheforegoing all matters relev- cords and Elections,Receiv- g g g publication is the sum of $ 00 which has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred;wor s for the ant na thereto, and all parties ing No. d2 Covenants and first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for each subsequent , having been heard appear- which said are insertion.ing in support thereof or in hereby incorporated and opposition thereto, NOW made a part hereof as if fully THEREFORE set forth. Z.adf • • THE CITY COUNCIL OF SECTION II: This Ordi- nance shall be effectivee up- on its passage,approval and 4;t1•iet •Gierk five days after its publica- tion. PASSED BY THE CITY Subscribed and sworn to before me this trtr2 day of COUNCIL this 1st day of November, 1982. 19 s/Marine Motor, November 2 Acting City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 1st day of November, 1982. Notary Public in and the State(____ de o Washington, s/Earl Clymer, re Kling at K King County. Mayor Pro tern F e rs1 77, S Approved as to form: s/Lawrence J. Warren, Passed by the Legislature,1955,known as Senate Bill 281,effective June City Attorney 9th, 1955. Published in the Daily Re- cord Chronicle November 5, Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, 1982. R8293 adopted by the newspapers of the State. VN#87 Revised 5/82 OF I 0 THE CITY OF RENTON Z MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 i eeloBARBARAY. SHINPOCH, MAYOR MAXINE E.MOTOR, 90 Pam' CITY CLERK • (206) 235-2500 9ITED SEP-i November 15, 1982 Jerry Amon 6520 W. Mercer Way Mercer Island, WA 98040 Subject: City of Renton - Ordinance 3670 and 1 Declaration of Restrictive Covenants Rezone 047-82 Dear Mr. Amon: The Renton City Council at its regular meeting of November 1, 1982 has adopted Ordinance 3670 rezoning your property from General Classification District (G-1) to Business District (B-1) . The rezone was approved with Restrictive Covenants filed with King Co. Records and Elections receiving Recording No. 8210250419. A copy of the above-referenced Ordinance and Restrictive Covenants is enclosed for your records. Very truly yours CITY OF RENTON f• Maxine E. Motor Acting City Clerk MEM:db Enclosures: 2 cc: Hearing Examiner Renton City Council November 1 , 1982 Page 4 OLD BUSINESS continued Wiemann Rezone the city is without power to extend Rezone R-364-79 as requested. continued The report also suggested that the applicant submit a new rezone application when development is imminent on the subject property. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Public Safety Public Safety Committee Chairman Hughes presented a report Committee recommending that no policy changes be made in existing Smoke Detector regulations governing smoke detector systems for day care Systems centers although new provisions of the Washington Administrative Code require installation of automatic smoke alarm systems in all new licensed day care centers. The provision does not apply to existing centers which require manual pull -type fire alarm systems. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. Councilman Reed questioned applicability of battery operated smoke detectors to the new requirements. Councilman Hughes explained views of Fire Marshal that such devices offer false sense of security and are not easily monitored. MOTION CARRIED. Police Mutual Public Safety Committee Chairman Hughes presented a report Aid Agreement recommending authorization of the city to enter into the Police Mutual Aid Agreement subject to approval of the City Attorney. Agreement to voluntarily aid cities of Auburn, Des Moines, Kent , Normandy Park, Renton, Tukwila and Port of Seattle based upon urgency of the incident and availability of personnel and facilities. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC -SAFETY COMMITTEE. CARRIED. ORii I ivANCES & RESOLUTIONS Ways & Means Committee/second and final reading: Ordinance //3670 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of certain Amon Rezone property located on the north side of N. E. 4th Street approximately 1R-047=$2 — i200 feet west of Duvall Avenue N. E. from General classification G-1 ) to Business District (B-1 ) , Jerry, Amon, File No. R-047-82. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE lAS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES . CARRIED. Ordinance 113671 An ordinance was read amending Chapter 41 of Title I (Administrative) Fee Schedule of Ordinance No. 1628 relating to Land Use Regulation Fees. MOVED BY Ordinance ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AND SUMMARY AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: 5 AYES: TRIMM, MATHEWS, REED, ROCKHILL, HUGHES . 2 NAYS: CLYMER, STREDICKE. MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance 113672 An ordinance was read amending Chapter 9 and Title V, Chapter 30 Fire Department Business Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 relating to fees under Permit Fees the Uniform Fire Code. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: 5 AYES: TRIMM, MATHEWS, REED, ROCKHILL, HUGHES. 2 NAYS: CLYMER, STREDICKE. CARRIED. Chamber of Councilman Stredicke hoped the Administration would accept the Commerce invitation from the Chamber of Commerce to respond in the Chamber Newsletter Newsletter with an explanation of the fee increases. Ordinan..:e //3674 An ordinance was read establishing a procedure for filing claims Claim for Damages and damages against the City of Renton. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED Procedure BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED . ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. First Readings The Ways & Means Committee recommended the following ordinances for first reading: File No. R-047-82 J4rry Amon it:'' f. . , DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS DCT 1 ,C5 Fi+n WHEREAS, Jerry I . Amon and his wife Roberta J . Amon are the owners of the following real property in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington, described as follows : ri West 70 feet of the South 130 feet of the East 1/2 of the SW l/4 of the SE l/4, of t )e SW l/4, Section 10 , Township 23N, Range 5 East, W.M. in King County , WA. EXCE 'T, the South 42 feet thereof conveyed to the County of King for road by Odeed recorded under Recording No. 5790502. Subject to easements of records. r4 OD WHEREAS, the owners of said described property, hereinafter "the property ," desire to impose the following restrictive covenants running with the land as to use, present and future, of the property ; NOW, THEREFORE, the aforesaid owners hereby establish, grant and impose restrictions and covenants running with the land as to the use of the land hereinabove described with respect to the use by the undersigned, their successors , heirs and assigns , follows : DEVELOPMENT DESIGN AND LAND USE All structures constructed on the property shall be designed to provide a dual north/ south entry. This requirement shall be subject to approval of the Building & Zoning Department and the Policy Development Department. Developmert on the property shall be limited to professional or personal services and structures shall be designed to allow future integration into development on the properties located directly to the north if and when they are developed for office park use. Specifically required to be included shall be access , landscaping, parking , and design of the facade of the building. Y:2.- 10.:.. 5 i t419 REC E' F 4. 00 1-1_t-i L 4 »:.+4. Q 0 DURATION 22 These covenants shall run with the land and expire on December 31 , 2025. If at any time improvements are installed pursuant to these covenants , the portion of the covenants i)ertaining to the specific installed improvements as required by the Ordinances of the City of Renton shall terminate without necessity of further documentation. Proper legll procedures in the Superior Court of King County may be instigated by either the City of Renton or any property owners adjoining subject property who are adversely :)ffected by any violation or breach of these restrictive covenants . Reasonable attorneys ' fees incurred during an enforcement proceeding will be borne by the pareies whom the court determines are in error and shall be entered as a r• judgment in such action. rry I . mon Robe J . Amo 14 ul STATE OF WASHINGTON) r,( COUNTY OF KING 00 Ock-okbPr 41 On this ly day of 19 4,2 , before me personally appeared Jerry I . Amon and Roberta J. Amon, the persons who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said persons for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. IN WITNESS WHEREOF , I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal' the day and year forst above written. f t Q.JC`t i4 Notary Public in and.1 -'l'2 tate of Washington, resid: -`_inrQ. 4p1,, FILED FOR MOR EEQ""EST OF OFFISH - RBI Nr 20O Mill RENTON, WA 90455 2- K04-1 - 2' CITY OF RENTON , WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO . 3670 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON , WASHINGTON, CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTIES WITHIN THE CITY OF RENTON FROM GENERAL CLASSIFICATION DISTRICT (G-1) TO BUSINESS DISTRICT (B-1) (R-047-82 AMON) WHEREAS under Chapter 7 , Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No . 1628 known as the "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" , as amended , and the maps and reports adopted in conjunction therewith , the property hereinbelow described has hereto- fore been zoned as General Classification District (G-1) ; and WHEREAS a proper petition for change of zone classi- fication of said property has been filed with the Building and Zoning Department on or about May 17 , 1982 , which petition was duly referred to the Hearing Examiner for investigation, study and public hearing , and a public hearing having been held on or about September 14 , 1982 , and said matter having been duly considered by the Hearing Examiner and said zoning request being in conformity with the City ' s Comprehensive Plan, as amended , and the City Council having duly considered all matters relevant thereto , and all parties having been heard appearing in support thereof or in opposition thereto , NOW THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON , WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I : The following described property in the City of Renton is hereby rezoned to Business District (B-1) as hereinbelow specified ; subject to the findings , conclusions and decision of the Hearing Examiner dated September 23 , 1982 ; the Building and Zoning Director is hereby authorized and directed to change the maps of the Zoning Ordinance , as amended, to evidence said rezoning, to-wit : 1- See Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein . Said property being located on North side of N. E. 4th Street approximately 200 feet west of Duvall Avenue N. E. ) AND SUBJECT FURTHER to that certain Declaration of Restrictive Covenants executed by Petitioner-owners on or about October 14 , 1982 and recorded in the office of the Director of Records and Elections , Receiving No . 8210250419 and which said Covenants are hereby incorporated and made a part hereof as if fully set forth . SECTION II : This Ordinance shall be effective upon its passage , approval and five days after its publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 1st day of November , 19 Maxine Motor , Acting City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 1st day of November , 1982 . Earl Clymer , "ayor Pro tem Approved as to form: C1 Lawrence J. Waefren, City Attorney Date of Publication : November 5 , 1982 2- EXHIBIT "A" Rezone R-047-62 - Jerry AMON ) The West 70 feet of the South 130 feet of the East One-Half of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 10 , Township 23 North, Range 5 East , W.M. , in King County, Washington. EXCEPT the South 42 feet thereof conveyed to King County for road purposes under King County Auditor' s File No . 5790502 . Subject to easements of records . INTEROFFICE CORRESPONDENCE Date - - TO: :: axime Motors , Acting City Clerk FROM: Abdoul Gafour, Engineering Dept . SUBJECT: Rezone R-047-82 - Jerry AMON e . have checked the legal description as submitted by the applicant for the subject rezone and found it to be satisfactory. ched please find said legal description presented under Exhibit "A" . Very truly yours , i attachment RECEIVED CITY OF RENTON HEARING EXAM;,_R AM j}FM 1 1911JIt11 , 121•t1'11.71 A EXHIBIT "A" Rezone R-047-82 - Jerry AMON ) The West 70 feet of the South 130 feet of the East One-Half of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 10 , Township 23 North , Range 5 East , W.M. , in King County , Washington. EXCEPT the South 42 feet thereof conveyed to King Counts for road purposes under King County Auditor' s File No . 5790502 . Subject to easements of records . Renton r8ity Council October 25, 1982 Page 5 OLD BUSINESS continued Planning and park approval to construct a 203-lot mobile home park. Committee Development further recommended the matter of modifications to the mobile home Committee park ordinance be referred to the Planning and Development Committee continued for study. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. CHG/Surpointe Council discussed a report submitted by the Public Works Department On and Off-site detailing progress by CHG/Sunpointe development on Sunset Blvd. and Improvement Stevens Avenue as to required on and off-site improvements. The Progress report indicated progress was satisfactory. Councilman Stredicke objected to the fact that no representative of the Public Works Department was present to answer questions and requested a report at the next meeting regarding the status of Fourth and Union (the inconsistencies involved there) and the status of SW 43rd Street project. Councilman Stredicke requested a representative of the Public Works Department be present to give the presentation. Downtown Councilman Reed inquired whether street lights would be used for Christmas downtown Christmas lighting decoration. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED Lighting BY STREDICKE, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means The Ways and Means Committee recommended the following ordinance Committee for second and final reading: Ordinance #3668 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of certain GM Associates property located at the northeast corner of Duvall Avenue NE and Rezone NE Fourth Street from General Classification (G) to Business District R-019-82 B-1 ) , GM Associates Rezone, File #R-019-82. Committee Chairman Stredicke noted covenants have been filed and recorded on this matter. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ADOPT THIS ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. First Readings The Ways and Means Committee recommended the following ordinances for first reading: Amon Rezone An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of certain R-077- 2— property located on the north side of NE Fourth Street approximately 200 feet west of Duvall Avenue NE from General Classification (G) to Business District (B-1 ) , Amon Rezone, File #R-047-82. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Residential An ordinance was read amending portions of Ordinance 1628 relating Open House to residential open house signs. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY Real =state ROCKHILL, REFER THIS MATTER BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. Signs Councilman Stredicke spoke against the revision of the sign code, noting violations by two major Realtors of provisions not yet even in effect and the inequity of this applying to one industry only. MOTION CARRIED. Fee Schedule An ordinance was read amending Chapter 41 of Title I (Administrative) of Ordinance 1628 relating to Land Use Regulation fees. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Fire Department An ordinance was read amending Chapter 9 and Title V, Chapter 30 Permit Fees Business Regulations) of Ordinance 1628 relating to fees under the Uniform Fire Code. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT OCTOBER 25, 1982 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS The Ways and Means Committee recommends the following ordinances for second and final reading: GM Associates Rezone (R-019-82) The Ways and Means Committee recommends the following ordinances for first reading: Amon Rezone (R-047-82) esidentiai "Open House" Signs Fee Schedule Ordinance Fire Department Permit Fees Ordinance Requiring Claim For Damages be Filed Prior to Suit The Ways and Means Committee recommends the following resolutions for reading and adoption : Setting Public Hearing 11/22/82 - Christopherson Street Vacation (V-06-82) Mutual Nuclear Weapons Freeze Endorsement APPROVAL OF VOUCHERS The Ways and Means Committee recommends approval of Vouchers No. 42274 through No. 42519 in the amount of $447,448.70. 4m1k;;-......4 `!! GAmir-- L -C Richard Stredicke, Chairman Robert ghes and R khil Renton City Council October 18, 1982 Page 2 AUDIENCE COMMENT continued Proposed Dr. Mack Richey, 17930 Talbot Road South, requested the matter LID near of the proposed Local Improvement District on South 43rd Street Valley be brought before Council . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY General MATHEWS, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE TO THE ITEM OF Hospital THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE REPORT. CARRIED. Committee of the Committee of Whole Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending the staff The Whole proceed with formation of preliminary LID boundaries and guide- lines for the area near Valley General Hospital . The Committee further recommended this matter be referred to the Ways and Means Committee for proper resolution. Dr. Richey reported he is a partner in a plastic surgery clinic at the northeast cornerofTalbotRoadandSouth43rdStreetwhichwouldbeseverelyimpacted by the proposed widening of South 43rd Street, bringing road noise and vibration within feet of an area of the clinic where surgery is performed. Dr. Richey requested Council consideration of his objections. Councilman Stredicke noted that Council action would only authorize formation of the LID; that proposals within the LID were not definite and there would be opportunity for discussion. Mayor Shinpoch stated the matter would be forwarded to the Public Works Department and discussed at the staff meeting of 10/19/82. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE REPORT. CARRIED. CONSEN1 AGENDA The following items are adopted by one motion which follows the items included. Federa' Shared Administration requested Public Hearing be set for 10/25/82 to Revenue Public consider the City' s proposed use of Federal Revenue Sharing Money Hearing for 1983. Information. Police Mutual Police Department submitted an Inter-Departmental Mutual Aid Aid Agreement Agreement for police services in potential civil disturbances or riots between Auburn, Des Moines, Kent , Normandy Park, Tukwila , the Port of Seattle and Renton. Refer to Public Safety Committee. J. Amon Rezone Land Use Hearing Examiner submitted report and recommendation of R-047-B2 approval with restrictive covenants for Jerry Amon request for rezone of the north side of NE Fourth Street approximately 200 feet west of Duvall Avenue NE from G-1 to B-1 to permit construction of a one-story building to house a hair styling salon and rental space. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Christopherson City Clerk submitted application by R. L. Christopherson for vacation Stree Vacation of a portion of Hardie Avenue NW south of NW Fifth Street. Refer to V-O6-1i2 Board of Public Works for appraisal and retention of easements and to the Ways and Means Committee for resolution setting Public Hearing for 11/22/82. Conseit Agenda MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL ADOPT THE CONSENT Approved AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. OLD BJSINESS Planning and Development Committee Chairman Rockhill presented a report recommending the City Council require restrictive covenants Planning and to be recorded in form satisfactory to the City Attorney prior to Development final approval of the rezone for Bennett-Multivest (#R-24-82) . Committee Rezone was requested for the north side of NE Fourth Street approxi - ennttt-Nultivtst mately 950 feet east of Union Avenue NE from G-1 and R-3 to B-1 for Rezore Appeal development of a proposed community shopping center. Appeal filed R-24- 82 8/05/82. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. For. Use By City Clerk's Office Only A. I . # 5e, AGENDA ITEM RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING as.ar a a aaaassaaasax sa .aso=_ SUBMITTING Dept./Div./Bd./Comm. Land Use Hearing Examiner For Agenda Of October 18, 1982 Meeting Date) Staff Contact Marilyn Petersen Name) Agenda Status: SUBJECT: File No. R-047-82: Jerry Amon Consent X Public Hearing Request for Rezone Correspondence Ordinance/Resolution X Old Business Exhibits: (Legal Descr. , Maps, Etc. )Attach New Business Study Session A. Examiner's Report, 9-23-82 Other B. Approval : C. Legal Dept. Yes No_ N/A_ COUNCIL ACTION RECOMMENDED: Approval with Finance Dept. Yes_ No. N/A restrictive covenants , 15.4; el") Other Clearance G!/ILt.1ai FISCAL IMPACT: Expenditure Required $ Amount $ Appropriation- $ Budgeted Transfer Required SUMMARY (Background information, prior action and effect of implementation) Attach additional pages if necessary. ) The appeal period for the attached Examiner's Report and Recommendation expired on October 7, 1982, and the matter is hereby forwarded to the City Council for review and referral to the Ways and Means Committee for preparation of an ordinance. 1q$; 516>>>, 9 o 9a2 -, r O00 R: CIN of BATON PARTIES OF RECORD/INTERESTED CITIZENS TO BE CONTACTED:a Kg ligta ;;• L See page 4 of the attached report. E 6G 411/1 File No. R-047-82 Jerry Amon DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHEREAS, Jerry I . Amon and his wife Roberta J . Amon are the owners of the following real property in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington, described as follows : West 70 feet of the South 130 feet of the East 1/2 of the SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4, of the SW 1/4, Section 10, Township 23N, Range 5 East, W.M. in King County, WA. EXCEPT, the South 42 feet thereof conveyed to the County of King for road by deec recorded under Recording No. 5790502. Subject to easements of records. WHEFEAS, the owners of said described property, hereinafter "the property ," desire tc impose the following restrictive covenants running with the land as to use, present and future, of the property ; NOW, THEREFORE, the aforesaid owners hereby establish, grant and impose restrictions and covenants running with the land as to the use of the land hereinabove described with respect to the use by the undersigned, their successors , heirs and assigns , as follows : DEVELOPMENT DESIGN AND LAND USE All structures constructed on the property shall be designed to provide a dual north/ south ent -y. This requirement shall be subject to approval of the Building & Zoning Departmen : and the Policy Development Department . Development on the property shall be limited to professional or personal services and structure,:, shall be designed to allow future integration into development on the propertie, located directly to the north if and when they are developed for office park use. Specifically required to be included shall be access , landscaping, parking, and design of the facade of the building. DURATION These covenants shall run with the land and expire on December 31 , 2025. If at any time imprcvements are installed pursuant to these covenants , the portion of the covenants pertaining to the specific installed improvements as required by the Ordinances of the City of Renton shall terminate without necessity of further documentation. Proper legal procedures in the Superior Court of King County may be instigated by either the City of Renton or any property owners adjoining subject property who are adversely affected by any violation or breach of these restrictive covenants. Reasonable attorneys ' fees incurred during an enforcement proceeding will be borne by the parties whom the court determines are in error and shall be entered as a A judgment in such action. 1-111-16 rry I . mon Robe J. Amo STATE OF WASHINGTON) COUNTY OF KING O c vkD P r On this ly' day of/ , 19 e .z, before me personally appeared Jerry I . Amon and Roberta J. Amon, the persons who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said persons for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year forst above written. Lc Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing i n_ Ig,AlO.11 2- ov R4., oivTHECITYOFRENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 oa `'` ° BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR • LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER 90 FRED J. KAUFMAN. 235-2593 O P 9l teo SEP1°' October 14, 1982 Mr. George Lucker, Architect 810 Rainier Avenue S . Seattle, WA 98118 FE: File No. R-047-82; Jerry Amon ; Request for Rezone. Dear Mr. Lucker: Now that the required restrictive covenants have been signed by the applicants , this matter is being submitted to the City Clerk this date for transmittal to the City Council for review. You will receive notification of final approval as well as a copy of the enacting ordinance and the restrictive covenants upon adoption by the City Council . If further assistance or information is desired, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely , 471:—.1 ,\CO-LAN'. Fred J . Kaufman Hearing Examiner cc: City Clerk Building & Zoning Department For Use By City Clerk's Office Only A. I . # AGENDA ITEM RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING x x:aac saga SUBMITTING Dept./Div./I,d./Comm. Land Use Hearing Examiner For Agenda Of October 18, 1982 Meeting Date) Staff Contact Marilyn Petersen Name) Agenda Status: SUBJECT: File No. R-047-82; Jerry Amon Consent X Public Hearing Reuaest for Rezone Correspondence Ordinance/Resolution X Old Business Exhibits: (Legal Descr. , Maps, Etc. )Attach New Business Study Session A. Examiner's Report , 9-23-82 Other B. C Approval : Legal Dept. Yes_ No_ N/A_ COUNCIL ACTION RECOMMENDED: Approval with Finance Dept. Yes No. N/A restrictive covenants Other Clearance FISCAL IMPA;T: Amount Appropriation- Expenditure Required $ Budgeted $ Transfer Required $ SUMMARY (Background information, prior action and effect of implementation) Att,+ch additional pages if necessary. ) The appeal period for the attached Examiner's Report and Recommendation expired on October 7, 1982, and the matter is hereby forwarded to the City Council for review and referral to the Ways and Means Committee for )reparation of an ordinance. PARTIES OF RECORD/INTERESTED CITIZENS TO BE CONTACTED: See page 4 of the attached report. SUBMIT THIS COPY TO CITY CLERK BY NOON ON THURSDAY WITH DOCUMENTATION. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING State of Washington) County of King Marilyn J _ Petersen being first duly sworn , upon oath disposes and states: That on the 23rd day of September 19 82, affiant dcpositcd in the mails of the United States a sealed envelope containing i decision or recommendation with postage prepaid, addressed to the parties of record in the below entitled application or petition. e4G37-14///G4f,„--„// Subscribed and sworn this , day of p 19 g0. 469ad Not ry Public in and for the Stale of Washington, residing at Application, Petition or Case: Jerry Amon ; R-047-82 The mtnuteb contain a /st og the paAtia 06 necond. ) September 23, 1982 OFFICE OF THE LAND USE HEARING EXAMINERNER CITY OF RENTON REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION TO THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL. APPLICANT : Jerry Amon FILE NO. R-047-82 LOCATION: North side of N. E. 4th Street approximately 200 feet west of Duvall Avenue N.E. SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The applicant seeks a rezone of the subject site from G- 1 to B- 1 to permit construction of a one-story building to house a hair styling salon and rental space. SUMMARY 0= Building & Zoning Department: Approval with restrictive RECOMMENDATION: covenants. Hearing Examiner: Approval with restrictive covenants . BUILDING ; •ZONING The Building & Zoning Department report was received by the DEPARTMENT REPORT: Hearing Examiner on September 7, 1982. PUBLIC HEARING: After reviewing the Building & Zoning Department report , examining available information on file with the application , and field checking the property and surrounding area, the Examiner conducted a public hearing on the subject as follows : The hearing was opened on September 14, 1982 at 9: 35 a.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building. Parties wishing to testify were affirmed by the Examiner. Roger Blaylock, Zoning Administrator , presented the Building & Zoning Department report , and entered the following exhibits into the record: Exhibit ##l : Application File containing Building & Zoning Department report and other pertinent documents Exhibit #2: King County Assessor' s Map Exhibit #3: Conceptual Site Plan (not binding on city or applicant) The Examiner requested testimony by the applicant. Responding was : George W. Lucker, Architect 8101 Rainier Avenue S. Seattle , WA 98118 With the exception of one item, Mr. Lucker advised concurrence in the report , noting that written jistification for approval of the rezone submitted with the application speaks for itsell . Responding to Recommendation No. M. l , adequate sewage disposal system certification, he advised that the system is currently functioning satisfactorily , and the proposed use will burden the system much less than the current use. Referencing Section M. 2, N.E. 4th Street improvements , he inquired if an LID will be formed. Mr. Blaylock responded affirmatively. Referencing Section M. 3, provisions of safety and security neasures , he felt those requirements would be more appropriate during filing of building Flans ; and clarification was requested regarding Section M.4, which requires conformance to the office park policies of the Northeast Renton Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Blaylock encouraged establishment of an employment center offering personal services to the commurity such as banking , restaurants , beauty salons , and health spas : and at the same time discouraging all uses allowed in a B-1 zone such as a hardware store or residential living space. Mr. Lucker inquired regarding the impact on bulk requirements and whether B- 1 provisions would be allowed. Mr. Blaylock stated the recommendation of the Policy Developmert Department that all policies be included; however, Building & Zoning Department staff had recommended application of only the use policies due to the small lot sizes. Further discussion regarding sideyard requirements occurred, and it was determined that although the land use to the east is business, the site is zoned G-1 and requires buffering from the subject site in conformance to code requirements . The Examiner noted that approval of the rezone would thwart the objectives of the Comprehensive Plan for development of an office park in the area of the subject site, and inquired if Mr. Blaylock would justify the departmental recommendation for approval . Mr. Blaylock cDmpared the proposed development on a small lot to similar small lots located R-047-82 Page Two in the city's southwest portion designated Manufacturing Park on the Comprehensive Plan, but typically rezoned to L-1 , Light Industrial , to allow development on the smaller lots. The Examiner noted concern that approval of the rezone would establish a precedent in the area; however,. all information presented at the hearing would be considered including provisions of the Northeast Renton Comprehensive Plan which set different guidelines for bulk provisions than the B-1 zone. Responding to the issue of precedence, Mr. Lucker felt that additional subdivision of larger parcels to the north of the subject site would be totally under control of the city. He also advised the possibility of orienting the proposed building towards the interior undeveloped lots for coordination with future development of an office park in that location, which would benefit both the building owner and the city. The Examiner requested further comments in support or opposition to the proposal . Since there was no response, the hearing regarding File No. R-047-82 was closed by the Examiner at 10:00 a.m. FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS: Having reviewed the record in this matter, the Examiner now makes and enters the following: FINDINGS: 1 . The applicant, Jerry Amon, filed a request for approval of a reclassification of approximately 6, 160 square feet of property from G-1 (General ; Single Family Residential ; Minimum lot size - 35,000 square feet) to B-1 (Business/Commercial ) . 2. The application file containing the application, SEPA documentation, the Building and Zoning Department report, .and other pertinent documents was entered into the record as Exhibit #1 . 3. Pursuant to the City of Renton's Environmental Ordinance and the State Environmental Policy Act of 1971 , RCW 43.21C, as amended, a Declaration of Non-Significance has been issued for the subject proposal by the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) , responsible official . 4. Pljans for the proposal have been reviewed by all city departments affected by the impact of this development. 5. The subject property is located approximately 200 feet west of Duvall Avenue N.E. on the north side of N.E. 4th Street. A vacant building now located on the site will be removed to permit development of a hair styling salon and other rental space. 6. The subject lot generally slopes downward from south to north. The site is covered with blackberries , scrub brush, and a few Douglas fir trees. 7. The Comprehensive Plan which was amended in December of 1981 designates the area in which the subject site is located as suitable for the development of office park uses . The city's Zoning Code at present does not provide a framework for developing office park uses. 8. The subject site was annexed into the city in June of 1981 by Ordinance No. 3553 at which time the current G-1 zoning classification was applied. 9. The site is not served by sanitary sewer and the Health Department has not yet approved a septic tank or other waste disposal system. It should be noted here that the proposed use is a hair salon and generally such uses employ a variety of chemicals. The effects of such chemicals if a sewer hookup is unavailable upon the functioning of a septic system and upon ground water and environment was not addressed. 10. The area contains a mix of commercial uses , single family homes , and undeveloped properties . To the east is a small commercial center, with a real estate office, bank and grocery store located to the south. Immediately to the west is a single family home. The properties to the north are developed with scattered single family uses. 11 . The subject site is part of a large G-1 site located in the newly annexed area north of N.E. 4th Street. A single B-i parcel is located west of the site with an R-3 district further west. 12. The applicant proposes developing a 1 ,600 square foot building on the site to house his styling salon and other rental space. The site plan submitted by the applicant, while not binding on the city or applicant, indicated parking for eight venicles along N.E. 4th Street. The applicant indicated willingness to orient and construct the R-047 Page Three builcings so that they would be accessible from either the south, the N.E. 4th Street side or from the north. The north access would serve to allow the building to be identified with future office park construction on the northerly interior lots . The buildings would be designed so that either the north or south could serve as the entry rather than have the north serve as the traditional blank rear wall of the structure. CONCLUSIONS: 1 . The proponent of a rezone must demonstrate that the request is in the public interest and will not impair the public health, safety and welfare. In addition, the rezone must comply with at least one of the three criteria listed in Section 4-3014 which provides in part that: a. The subject site has not been considered in a previous area rezone or land use analysis ; or b. The subject site is potentially designated for the new classification per the Comprehensive Plan ; or c. TFere has been material and substantial change in the circumstances in the area it which the subject site is located since the last rezoning of the property or area. The applicant has demonstrated that the request to reclassify the subject property is generally timely and appropriate subject to the conditions indicated below. 2. The area is generally in transition from scattered single family uses to newer commercial uses especially along the N. E. 4th Street arterial corridor. The proposed use, a service business , would, be an appropriate expansion of these growing uses . B- 1 zoning is appropriate to accommodate the proposed use. 3. While the Comprehensive Plan which indicates office park potential for the area suggests that a single parcel reclassification to B- 1 would not be entirely appropriate the current lack of an office park classification in the zoning codes presents problems of implementation. The reclassification of the subject site which is more or less centrally located in the area designated for office park may hamper desired development and foster further strip development along N.E. 4th Street , the alternatives would be to deny the request and any similar small parcel requests until a unified development scheme was presented to the city. Denial of the request and similar requests might encourage consolidation by a single development interest . While such denials might foster development desired by the city , it would prohibit small parcel property owners from developing individual enterprises . 4. The applicant has attempted to accommodate the site for eventual incorporation into unified campus by providing a dual design which would allow the building to function either with entry via N,E. 4th Street or from the interior where larger acreage would eventually permit office park campus style development. 5. In order to insure the property may eventually be incorporated into a developing office park, the applicant should execute restrictive covenants providing for such incorperation. A complementary agreement can be required of the adjoining property when reclassification and development of that property is proposed. 6. The lack of a sewer to service the site requires that the applicant demonstrate that the site is suitable for the use of some other approved sanitary water disposal system. Such system must be approved by the King County Department of Health and be specifically approved for a hair styling enterprise. 7. The location of single family zoning adjacent to the subject property will require the subject site to provide yards per the ordinance to buffer those zones . 8. The use; on the site should be limited in nature and only those uses generally compati )le with the Comprehensive Plan designation of office park should be permitted. RECOMMENDAT ON: The City Council should approve the reclassification of the subject site from G- 1 to B- 1 subject to _he following conditions : 1 . The execution of restrictive covenants requiring the building to be designed so that a dual north/south entry is possible subject to the approval of the Building & Zoning Department and the Policy Development Department. 2. The execution of restrictive covenants providing for the incorporation of the subject site into an integrated development with the northerly parcels if they are developed R-047-82 Page Four as an office park. 3. The execution of restrictive covenants limiting development on the site to professional or personal services. 4. Approval by the Health Department of a sanitary waste disposal system capable of handing the potential effluent generated by a hair styling salon prior to the adoption of the Ordinance reclassifying the subject site. ORDERED THIS 23rd day of September, 1982. C.-CIA-- Fred J. Kauf Land Use Hear g Examine TRANSMITTED THIS 23rd day of September, 1982 by Affidavit of Mailing to the parties of irecord: George W. Lucker, Architect, 8101 Rainier Avenue S. , Seattle, WA 98118 TR'NSMITTED THIS 23rd day of September, 1982 to the following: Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch Councilman Richard M. Stredicke Richard Houghton, Public Works Director David Clemens , Policy Development Director Members , Renton Planning Commission Ron Nelson, Building & Zoning Director Roger Blaylock, Zoning Administrator Lawrence J . Warren, City Attorney Renton Record-Chronicle Pursuant to Title IV, Section 3015 of the City's Code, request for reconsideration must be filed in writing on or before October 7, 1982. Any aggrieved person feeling that the decision of the Examiner is based on erroneous procedure, errors of law or fact , error in judgment, or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the prior hearing may make a written request for review by the Examiner within fourteen (14) days from the date of the Examiner's decision. This request shall set forth the specific errors relied upon by such appellant, and the Examiner may, after review of the record, take further action as he deems proper. An appeal to the City Council is governed by Title IV, Section 3016, which requires that such appeal be filed with the City Clerk accompanying a filing fee of $25.00 and meeting other specified requirements. The Examiner's review and report regarding this matter is in the form of a recommendation to the City Council , and under authority of Section 4-3016(G) , if, upon appeal from a recommendation of the Hearing Examiner upon an application submitted pursuant to Section 4-3010(B) or (C) , and after examination of the record, the Council determines that a substantial error in fact or law exists in the record, or that a recommendation of the Hearing Examiner should be disregarded or modified, the City Council may remand the proceeding to the Examiner for reconsideration or enter its own decision upon the application pursuant to Section 4-3010(B) or (C) . I le i i L 1I i t 1 r 1 Sri= 1111•1=16 ilitlifl9 14.- 51T I R- 3 6 I it 7.. z,kil . uij,p1 . Q 1 R-3 ^_ - 0 insit l y -'' SSA 0,... 1 1 1 ii Ny REZONE: AMON, Jerry, R-047-82 APPLICANT AMON, Jerry TOTAL AREA ±6, l60 sg. ft. PRINCIPAL ACCESS Via N.E. 4th Street EXISTING ZONING G-1, General Classification District EXISTING USE Unoccupied single family residence. PROPOSED USE One-story building to house hair styling salon and rental sn_ace. COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN Office Park COMMENT:; 1 AUILDING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING SEPTEMBER 14 , 1982 APPLICANT: AMON, JERRY FILE NUMBER: R-047-82 A. SUMMARY i PURPOSE OF REQUEST: The applicant seeks a rezone of the subject site from G-1 to B-1 to permit construction of a one-story building to house a hair styling salon and rental space. B. GENERAL INFORMATION: 1 . Owner of Record: Jerry Amon 2. Applicant: Jerry Amon 3. Location : Vicinity Map Attached) North side of N.E. 4th Street approximately 200 feet west of Duvall Avenue N.E. 4 . Legal Description : A detailed legal description is available on file in the Renton Building & Zoning Department. 5. Size of Property: 6, 160 square feet. 6 . Access:Via N.E. 4th Street. 7. Existing Zoning: G-1 , General Classification District; Minimum lot size 35 ,000 square feet. 8 . Existing Zoning in the Area: G-1 , R-3. 9. Comprehensive Land Use Plan: Office Park. 10. Notification: The applicant was notified in writing of the hearing date. Notice was properly published in the Daily Record Chronicle on September 3, 1982, and posted in three places on or near the site as required by City Ordinance on September 2 , 1982. C. HISTORY/BACKGRUND: The subject site was annexed into the City by Ordinance 3553 of June 8 , 1981 , at which time the present zoning classification was applied. The Comprehensive Plan for the subject area was reviewed and amended in December, 1981 . PRELIMINARY REP TO THE HEARING EXAMINER AMON, JERRY: R-v4 ,-82 SEPTEMBER 14 , 1982 PAGE TWO D. PHYSICAL BACKGROUND: 1 . Topography: The subject site slopes slightly downward from south to north. 2 . Soils : Alderwood Gravelly Sandy Loam, 6-15% slopes AgC) . Permeability is moderately rapid in the surface layer and subsoil and very slow in the substratum. Runoff is slow to medium and the erosion hazard is moderate. This soil is used for timber, pasture, berries , row crops and for urban development. 3. Vegetation: Most of the site is covered with blackberries and scrub brush, although a few large Douglas Fir trees are found on the property. 4 . Wildlife: The existing vegetation may provide some habitat for birds and small mammals. 5. Water: No surface water was observed on the subject site (September 2 , 1982) . 6 . Land Use: A vacant building presently occupies the subject site. To the east is a small commercial center while to the outh are located a real estate office, bank and convenience grocery store. A single family residence is to the west and the land north of the site is scattered single family or undeveloped. 1E. NEIGHBORHOOD CHARACTERISTICS: The surrounding area is a mixture of light commercial, scattered single family and undeveloped properties . F. PUBLIC SERVICES: 1 . Water and Sewer: No sanitary sewer is available at this location. However, an 8-inch water main is located on the south side of N.E. 4th Street. 2 . Fire Protection : Provided by the City of Renton as per Ordinance requirements. 3. Transit: METRO TRansit Route #107 operates along Union Avenue N.E. within 1 mile to the northwest of the subject site. 4 . Schools : Not applicable. 5. Recreation : Not applicable. G. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE ZONING CODE: 1 . Section 4-702 , G-1 ; General Classification District. 2 . Section 4-711 , B-1 ; Business District. H. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OR OTHER OFFICIAL CITY DOCUMENT: 1 . Policies Element, Comprehensive Plan (1981 ) , Commercial, 5.B-3, B-4 , B-5. I . IMPACT ON THE NATURAL OR HUMAN ENVIRONMENT: 1 . Natural Systems: Minor. PRELIMINARY REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER AMON, JERRY: R-047-82 SEPTEMBER 14, 1982 PAGE THREE 2 . Population/Employment: Minor. 3. Schools: Not applicable. 4 . Social: Minor. 5. Traffic : Minor. J. ENVIRONMENTAL'AL ASSESSMENT/THRESHOLD DETERMINATION: Pursuant to the City of Renton' s Environmental Ordinance and the State Environmental Policy Act of 1971, as amended, RCW 43-21C, a Final Declaration of Non-Significance was issued for the subject proposal by the Environmental Review Committee on August 30, 1982 . K. AGENCIES/DEPARTMENTS CONTACTED: 1 . City of Renton Building & Zoning Department. 2 . City of Renton Design Engineering Division. 3 . City of Renton Traffic Engineering Division. 4 . City of Renton Utilities Engineering Division. 5. City of Renton Fire Prevention Bureau. 6 . City of Renton Parks & Recreation Department. 7 . City of Renton Policy Development Department. L. DEPARTMENT ANALYSIS: 1 . The proposed rezone can be considered consistent with the Comprehensive Plan Land Use designation of Office Park, although the existing land use in the area is a mixture of commercial and single family residential. (Section 4-3014C1-b) 2. No areawide rezone has occurred in the vicinity with the exception of the adoption of the Northeast Comprehensive Plan in December, 1981 . (Section 4-3014C1-a) 3. A rezone to B-1 is sought because the applicant desire to relocate his personal service business hair styling salon) to the subject site. Proposed is removal of the existing dwelling and construction of a +1 , 600 square foot one-story building to also include a small rental space. 4. Established commercial uses in the area include a bank, real estate office, convenience store, automotive repair shop, floor covering business and several service stations along N.E. 4th Street within 1/4 of a mile of the subject site. In addition, a parcel to the west of the subject site at 4508 N.E. 4th Street was rezoned to B-1 by Ordinance 3627 of May 7, 1982 (R-005-82) . These factors together with the applicants letter of justification would suggest that the rezone request is appropriate. Section 4-3014C1-c) . 5. Water is available to the subject site, although sanitary sewer is not. Both the Design Engineering and Utilities Engineering Division indicate that an approved sewage and disposal system must be provided prior to any future development. Pursuant PRELIMINARY REPC'Dl TO THE HEARING EXAMINER AMON, JERRY: R-C •82 SEPTEMBER 14 , 19oc PAGE FOUR to this , the ERC has determined that certification is to be provided by the King County Health Department that the proposed development will not affect the septic tank and drainfield and that the existing system will adequately serve the proposal. 6. The Traffic Engineering Division advises that the developer should be conditioned to participate in the eventual widening of N.E. 4th Street to five lanes as future traffic and development will most likely warrant such a design. 7. Security locks, windows and doors should be provided with any building constructed as noted by the Police Department. Also, any outside lighting on the property should be on the perimeter so it shines inward and doesn 't blind traffic or police officers responding to calls after dark. See other comment. 8. A latecomer ' s agreement for water will be required as per Utilities Engineering comment. 9. The Policy Development Department urges that proposed rezone be limited to personal services only to be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan for the area. In addition, the on-site design is to be as per the Office Park policies element of the Northeast Comprehensive Plan. DEPARTMENTAL RECOMMENDATIONS: Based upon the above analysis, it is recommended that the rezone request, file R-047-82, be approved subject to: 1 . Adequate sewage disposal system certification by the King County Health Department as per L-5. 2 . Participation in N.E. 4th Street improvements as per L-6. 3. Provisions of safety and security measures as advised by the Police Department. 4 . Conformance with the Office Park policies of the Northeast Comprehensive Plan by the filing of restrictive covenants limiting uses to office and/or professional services, i.e. beauty parlor, banks or restaurants. I 1 r 1_ el ,„ laitwi-al 656_ ,v, 6U err k gli* 6, W It: t i___________ _ L r__, a 1 6 91 i R.3 4 Ea •: H oiz ---J d .13 1 - 5:.. 'jami G'-' MIMI 1 s REZONE: AMON, Jerry, R-047-82 APPLICANT AMON, Jerry TOTAL AREA ±6,160 sq. ft. PRINCIPAL ACCESS Via N.E. 4th Street EXISTING ZONING G-1, General Classification District EXISTING USE Unoccupied single family residence. PROPOSED USE One-story building to house hair styling salon and rental space. COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN Office Park COMMENTS LzevsL. PLx21PTI0i4I T{r wr+7 V r.F 1t.-x rnl Ito r7 a ilr 10s7 4'aw 1YE EffolfsdJ ow w• wifI.4'4vr,¢ r ii seniJ T w T fir 1211 92 fwr lttl[r I iroer4 Y1C llr.r.==1Na IUW RR fdieD oY Utitp r RAO LLiW 1014OR0e4 .,.7b9Ot• sRUDTre,1,111,f<ODUDf of 1g1.y•r Mir f w,6•11414TON. RETdI SWMr Y1 6e1 f b RE 31O a 6UTO PARTS 1 RCSIGF.JG6 Cvnese vtYtJ4 41/ i. O ( i r -r I vwfu.ISYi 13412 Si 12Y* a I— FISEISIJes ISSN) rn oe Iwro off Ult. w sr w Nruf[ i 9"21'" C3 000000000 00cj.ql r TtLJ ' f.ISI t_ L_J.;+-_tom-- _—__ - arwM R KVHo-- re went Mbtbe lee wDib) C E sr) I H N a asip/M4s•1(Crry F risils A)? O yy2 W 9Awur 4 Ar0 N V Y` N, c•----., i I M." I i vewrwv w twat 1 3,,4 1 W. 10' 1 by1,r comzev e y HlNf iN.s.1v i anq it ran Iia j I WI L1dL-ry1rl ON Crt/eN Beene 0,0.401,TB Urals CINssas-la1) SITE PLAN f= 201-0. N 1 6 II R-oyT—BZa RVW ate WIT. PROPOSEDLLD o MSUaCSS DCMGLOoPHCa4usr1l a % 13812 S.E. 128 th. ST. RENTON, WA. MRr_ RRY- -A-MO - - - _ OWNER GEORGE W. LUCKER - ARCHITECT "' VICINITY MAP NO SCALE OUT.4,7EI RENTON BUILDING & ZONINr ^EPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - 048 - 82 APPLICATION NO(S) : REZONE (R-047-82) PROPONENT: Jerry Amon PROJECT TITLE BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Application to rezone property from G-1 to B-1 for a small business building. LOCATION: Property located on the north side of N.E. 4th Street and approximately 200 feet west of Duvall Avenue N.E. TO: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 8-11-82 SCHEDULED ERC DATE : ktt:AR 0 ENGINEERING DIVISION TRAFFIC ENG . DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : UTILITIES ENG . DIVISION FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU El PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT 0 BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT Q POLICE DEPARTMENT ISPOLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DOTHERS: COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING, PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5:00 P.M. ON August 10, 1982 CIRCULATED: August 3, 1982 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : x, ((I/ DAPPROVED D APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS n NOT APPROVED 6c)///_ -iiz/go ()/p i(f/.s> i- e7/04- d( A 1, 1r) /k1 dy# /2e"/ /?7//e6-- 4/1. fi /cfl 4 k 6/ . l / 4F'e/d/ 74A/Zd y& %az/ff/5d/ l l i 7( e// 2d /4l5aft 71/ ,et/ /_ Aelzr>// 3 /T (W/ lzZ l} $ C! SlL/d YS //dG d/eL wJ 7Cf'i L a/ DATE: SI NATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1882 RENTON BUILDING & ZONINC "EPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - 048 — 82 APPLICATION NO(S) : REZONE (R-047-82) PROPONENT : Jerry Amon PROJECT TITLE : BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Application to rezone property from G-1 to B-1 for a small business building. LOCATION : Property located on the north side of N.E. 4th Street and approximately 200 feet west of Duvall Avenue N.E. TO III PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 8-11-82 SCHEDULED ERC DATE : k . ENGINEERING DIVISION TRAFFIC ENG, DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : A UTILITIES ENG , DIVISION 0 FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU El] PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT 0 BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT POLICE DEPARTMENT El POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING , PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5:00 P .M. ON August 10, 1982 CIRCULATED: August 3, 1982 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : APPROVED n APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS EINOT APPROVED E.I OBE 0&4 / UTILITY APPROVAL SUBJECT TO S/¢, / LATE COMERS AGREEMENT • WATER LATE COMERS AGREEMENT • SEWERWi X2 3D _ '' GI. SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE • HATER SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE • SEWER W, SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AREA CHARGE • WATER CHASPtCIA. ASSES:I:fNT AREA ARE SEER ` ' A Fr'1:) AsIR PLAN APT SE1<;R PLAN VARI APPRC ED FIRE HTCCANT LOCATIONS BY FIRE DEPT. 11111FIREFLOWANALYSIS _ Amm MM. git__DATE: SIGNATURE IF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRES NTATIVE DGvIcinu a,,en', v tea nisipatae I / • a-avn . (. /LCL 0 APPROVED r APPROVED WITH CONDITIO 1: NOT APPROVED 6-72) ocg-o Z°O'U /'UC le -'';."---e--e"e- r / ez-------- DATE : 2-/6 -.J)f--/ SIGNATURE OF1Bft OR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : a APPROVED n APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS n NOT APPROVED I C42' DATE : m' '( l Z SIGNATURE OF DIRECTO OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 REVIE'JING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : `1 7A - s-APPROVED n APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS ONOT APPROVED C - Zi&A,1 6)ti'&Cy . i DATE: c SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHO ED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 nLY1Y41i`IV UCI'# i iri IY1/UIVIJIUIV ; F"ULILL APPROVED XX APPROVED WITH CONDITI DNOT APPROVED , 1) Should agree to narticinate in a two wa" left turn lane in the area when the lane is installed. 2)ny outside li1hting on the rronerty should be on tie nerirleter so it shines inward so it does not blind traffic or police officers who respond to nrnnerty after dark. 3) Any building should be egu i reed with security locks, windows doors. Lt. D.R. Persson DATE : 8/11/22 SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION ; 4WnAPPROVEDAPPROVEDWITCONDITIONS NOT APPROVED P Q-'/ /e- </ 741 f Az/ wri4Ylefi ee.1 A DATE: 4.- SIGNATURE OF RECTOR. OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION ; ElAPPROVED APPROVED WtTt#)CONDITIONS El NOT APPROVED ea 7) 'JR.c. 7 1.7bA-40. S7'nl aIr'4 s M%c G,.,rw. SC.0..,4- 7`. '$ L eelv I p/yvc r+.+z d. dk;4 fJ 966'' DATE: 4 -a-- SIGNATURE OF DIRE TOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE QCUICIAP 4/10A02 FINAL DECLARATION OF NOA1-SIGi.IFICANCE Application No (s) : R-047-82 Environmental Checklist No. : ECF-048-82 Description of Proposal : Application to rezone property from G-1 to B-1 for a small business building. Proponent: Jerry Amon Location of Proposal: Property located on the north side of N.E. 4th Street approximately 200 feet west of Duvall Avenue N.E. Lead Agency: City of Renton Building Zoning Department This proposal was reviewed by the ERC on August 11 , 1982,and August 25, 1982, following a presentation by JerryLindoftheBuilding & Zoning Department. Oral commentswereacceptedfrom: James Matthew, Roger Blaylock, David Clemens, Jerry Lind, Ronald Nelson and Richard Houghton. Incorporated by reference in the record of theproceedingsoftheERConapplicationECF-048-82 are the following: 1 ) Environmental Checklist Review Sheet, prepared by: George W. .Lucker DATED: May 17, 1982 2) Applications: Rezone (R-047-82) 3) Recommendations for a declaration of non-significance: Police Department, Building & Zoning Department, ParksRecreationDepartment, Fire Prevention Bureau, DesignEngineeringDivision, Traffic Engineering DivisionandUtilityEngineeringDivision. More Information: Policy Development Department. Acting as the Responsible Official, the ERC has determined this development has a non-significant adverse impactontheenvironment. An EIS is not required under RCW 43.21C. 030 (2) (c) . This decision was made after review by the lead agencyofacompleteenvironmentalchecklistandotherinformationonfilewiththeleadagency. Reasons for declaration of environmental non-significance: Will not adversely impact the environment or adjacentpropertiesandthatthefollowingrequirementshallbecompliedwith: 1 ) Certification is to be provided by the King CountyHealthDepartmentthattheproposeddevelopmentwillnotaffect the septic tank and drain field and that theexistingsystemwilladequatelyservetheproposal . FINAL DECLARATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE JERRY AMON, ECF-048-82, R-047-82 AUGUST 25, 1982 PAGE TWO Signatures: Rona fd V. Nelson D id R. ClemensBuilding & Zoning Director Policy Development Director Ri and C. Hou ton Public Works Director DATE OF PUBLICATION: AUGUST 30 , 1982 EXPIRATION OF APPEAL PERIOD: SEPTEMBER 13, 1982 f ' Date circu. d : AUGUST 3, 1982 C cents due : August 10, 1982 ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET ECF - 048_ 82 APPLICATION No (s ) . REZONE (R-047-82) PROPONENT : Jerry Amon PROJECT TITLE : Brief Description of Project : Application to rezone property from G-1 to 8-1 for a small business building. Property located on the north side of N. E. 4thStreetLOCATION : approximately 200 feet west of Duvall Avenue N.E. SITE AREA : 6 . 160 sq . ft . BUILDING AREA (gross ) DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (°; ) : IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) Topographic changes : X 2 ) Direct/Indirect air quality : X 3 ) Water d water courses : X Plant life : X Animal life : X c; i '.un. e : X 7 ) Light S glare : X 9 ) Land Use ; north : east : south : west : land use conflicts :With adjoining residence to west. View obstruction : Minimal. 9 ) Natural resources : X 10 ) fast of upset : II ) Population/Employrment . X X 12 ) Nu'•Jer of Dwellings : X 13 ) Trip ends ( IIE ) : traffic imparts : 14 ) Public services : I X 15 ) Energy : X 16 ) Utilities : X 17 ) Human health: X 18 ) Aesthetics : X 19 ) Recreation : X 20) Archeology/history : X COMMENTS : Signatures: 7 a/7(../ .:( - ( (?. 1/4144 7 Ronald G. Nelson David R. Clemens Building Official Policy Development Director ej404 Ri and C. H ugh on, cf Public Works Director CITY OF RENTON LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING SEPTEMBER 14 , 1982 AGENDA COMMENCING AT 9:00 a.m. : COUNCIL CHAMBERS, SECOND FLOOR, RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING The applications listed are in order of application number only and not necessarily the order in which they will be heard. Items will be called for hearing at the discretion of the Hearing Examiner. SP-036-82 C. A. PARKER Application for special permit to allow the excavation of approximately 342, 957 cubic yards of gravel; property located in the vicinity of the 2700 block of Royal Hills Drive S.E. R-047-82 JERRY AMON Application to rezone 6, 160 square feet of property from G-1 to B-1 for a small business building; property located on the north side of N.E. 4th Street approximately 200 feet west of Duvall Avenue N.E. R-062-82 JERRY HARDEBECK Application to rezone 5 , 720 square feet of property from R-1 to L-1 ; property located at 412 S.W. 16th Street. RER . -IN BUILDING & ZONING DEL ..,.ITMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF — 048 _ — 82 APPLICATIJN NO(S) : REZONE (R-047-82) PROPONENT : Jerry Amon PROJECT TITLE : BRIEF DES:RIPTION OF PROJECT: Application to rezone property from G-1 to B-1 for a smm:ll business building. LOCATION : Property located on the north side of N.E. 4th Street and approximately 200 feet west of Duvall Avenue N.E. TO : n 8-11-82 l IPUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : txAxtR LI ENGINEERING DIVISION j TRAFFIC ENG , DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : FUTILITIES ENG , DIVISION I ! FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU l IPARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT n BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT OPOLICE DEPARTMENT POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT F-1 OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITINO , PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5: 00 PM, ON August 10, 1982 CRCULATED: August 3, 1982 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : Wy (AdOi '/ n APPROVED APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS n NOT APPROVED 67 7, 1 54&7 e - 0 , 4 ees/s4/0/- d(,i; 4%46) A? 0 6--g- ,,i--- at.4e:, ,i-d-- 4e6 /4/ies ple/ e) t55 ,/,,/_ ,,,-, 4e,e/d/ ggia e0t// ,7SI ii/./ - e/Zofi' 7-dd efzale/sdt a`/1,5 life d e—ot d °,, z,_ csC /5 u/6 ,d - yd 4n; 2//14 'wee= )• S7e& W DATE SI NATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 RER . _IN BUILDING & ZONING DE, .4RTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF — 0L8 — 82 APPLICA1ION NO(S) : REZONE (R-047-82) PROPONENT : Jerry Amon PROJECT TITLE : BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Application to rezone property from G-1 to B-1 for a snail business building. LOCATION : Property located on the north side of N.E. 4th Street and approximately 200 fee: west of Duvall Avenue N.E. TO : 8-11-82 PUBS-IC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : txAxtg ENGINEERING DIVISION i] TRAFFIC ENG . DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : El UTILITIES ENG , DIVISION I I FIRE. PREVENTION BUREAU IPARkS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT MPOLICE DEPARTMENT n POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ri OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITIN3 . PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5: 00 P ,M. ON August 10, 1982 CIRCULATED: August 3, 1982 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : POLICE I ! APPROVED APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS 1NOT APPROVED 1) Should agree to participate in a two way left turn lane in the area when tile lane is installed. 2)Any outside lighting on the property should be on the perimeter so it shines inward so it does not blind traffic or police officers who respond to property after dark. 3) Any building should be equiped with security locks, windows « doors. Lt. U.,t. Perssnn DATE : 8/11/32 SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 REN ON BUILDING & ZONING DEwARTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - 048 — 82 APPLICATION NO(S) : REZONE (R-047-82) PROPONENT : Jerry Amon PROJECT TITLE ; BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Application to rezone property from G-1 to B-1 for a small business building. LOCATION : Property located on the north side of N.E. 4th Street and approximately 200 feet west of Duvall Avenue N.E. TO: 8-11-82 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : El ENGINEERING DIVISION OTRAFFIC ENG , DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : UTILITIES ENG , DIVISION El FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT El BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT El POLICE DEPARTMENT POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING. PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5: 00 P.M. ON August 10, 1982 CIRCULATED: August 3, 1982 4 ere;e_e_r,REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION ; APPROVED APPROVED WIT CONDITIONS NOT APPROVED ve- 4,7s Ape,/ wriZeL/- 4,6e_d A 61DATE : 4 SIGNATURE OF D RECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 RER ON BUILDING & ZONING DErARTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - 0L8 - 82 APPLICA1ION NO(S) : REZONE (R-047-82) PROPONENT : Jerry Amon PROJECT TITLE : BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Application to rezone property from G-1 to B-1 for a snail business building. LOCATION : Property located on the north side of N.E. 4th Street and approximately 200 fee: west of Duvall Avenue N.E. TO : n 8-11-82 l l PUB,_IC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : tt ENGINEERING DIVISION LTRAFFIC ENG , DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : UTILITIES ENG , DIVISION n FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU I ( PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT n BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT l ( POLICE DEPARTMENT I ( POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT I ! OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITIN3 , PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5 : 00 P .M. ON August 10, 1982 CIRCULATED: August 3, 1982 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : APPROVED APPROVEDnnW1'a CONDITIONS I ( NOT APPROVED w,o(-euc 9 s o , sue, J DATE : 94 7 SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 REt` . JN BUILDING & ZONING DEL-MRTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - 0L.8 - 82 APPLICAI ION NO(S) : REZONE (R-047-82) PROPONEI\T : Jerry Amon PROJECT TITLE : BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Application to rezone property from G-1 to B-1 for a snail business building. LOCATION : Property located on the north side of N.E. 4th Street and approximately 200 fee` west of Duvall Avenue N.E. TO : 8-11-82 n PUB _IC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : tx -x Ei ENGINEERING DIVISION O TRAFFIC ENG , DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : UTILITIES ENG , DIVISION n FIRE PREVENTION BUflEAU n PARk.S & RECREATION DEPARTMENT n BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT n POLICE DEPARTMENT n POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT n OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING . PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5 : 00 P .M. ON August 10, 1982 CIRCULATED: August 3, 1982 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : APPROVED n APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS ONOT APPROVED ezatiE Otti„Ly UTILITY APPROVAL SUBJECT TO ( gP/i / LATE COMERS AGREEMENT - WATER S kV' 1710 7O X )2. 30 t7 t 4s. LATE COMERS AGREEMENT - SEWER NO SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE • WATER SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE • SEWER SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AREA CHARGE • WATER A/0SPLASSESS€;ENT AREA CFARGE • SEWER No APFa?IzD L"A;ER PLAN APPRINZ SEWER PLAN Yt5 APPRGED FIRE kiLEANT LOCATIONS BY NU DEPT. YES FIRE FLOW ANALYSIS ND DATE : SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRES NTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 RER . JN BUILDING & ZONING DErMRTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - 048 — 82 APPLICA1 ION NO(S) : REZONE (R-047-82) PROPONENT : Jerry Amon PROJECT TITLE : BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Application to rezone property from G-1 to B-1 for a s;nall business building. LOCATION : Property located on the north side of N.E. 4th Street and approximately 200 feet west of Duvall Avenue N.E. TO : 8-11-82 I ( PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : txttlig LI ENGINEERING DIVISION TRAFFIC ENG , DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : UTILITIES ENG , DIVISION n FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU 0 PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT I4BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT POLICE DEPARTMENT 0 POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ri OTHERS : COMMENTS DR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING , PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5 :00 P ,M , ON August 10, 1982 CIRCULATED: August 3, 1982 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : I lAPPROVED C APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS 0 NOT APPROVED 0-02) 0 2.,O&) /4) C r %ate DATE: G SIGNATURE OF TOR OR AUTHORIZ REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 REN i ON BUILDING & ZONING DE1'MI TMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - 0L 8 - 82 APPLICA1 ION NO(S) : REZONE (R-047-82) PROPONENT : Jerry Amon PROJECT TITLE : BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT : Application to rezone property from G-1 to B-1 for a small business building. LOCATION : Property located on the north side of N.E. 4th Street and approximately 200 fee : west of Duvall Avenue N.E. TO : 8-11-82 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : tcbtgl ENGINEERING DIVISION TRAFFIC ENG . DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : UTILITIES ENG , DIVISION FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU gPARI< S & RECREATION DEPARTMENT I ( BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT l ( POLICE DEPARTMENT 11POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT I ( OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING . PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5: 00 P ,M. ON August 10, 1982 CIRCULATED: August 3, 1982 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : i APPROVED n APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS C NOT APPROVED du" 4 / DATE : F2 SIGNATURE OF DIRECTO OR , f UTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 RER . .1N BUILDING & ZONING DE,maTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - 018 - 82 APPLICATION NOS) : REZONE (R-047-82) PROPONEt, T : Jerry Amon PROJECT TITLE : BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Application to rezone property from G-1 to B-1 for a small business building. LOCATION : Property located on the north side of N.E. 4th Street and approximately 200 feet west of Duvall Avenue N.E. TO : n 8-11-82 i ! PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : txAxtR LII ENGINEERING DIVISION I] TRAFFIC ENG , DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE , UTILITIES ENG , DIVISION FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU I ( PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT n BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT l 1POLICE DEPARTMENT n POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING , PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5 : 00 P ,M, ON August 10, 1982 IRCULATED: August 3, 1982 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : cam.. r}- PPROVED n APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS NOT APPROVED 7T:-// 7 s<4(/ DATE : Gf c SIGNATJRE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER RENTON, WASHINGTON A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER AT HIS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, RENTON, WASHINGTON, ON SEPTEMBER 14 , 1982, AT 9:00 A.M. TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING PETITIONS: C. A. PARKER Application for special permit to allow the excavation of approximately 342 ,957 cubic yards of gravel, file SP-036-82; property located in the vicinity of the 2700 block of Royal Hills Drive S.E. JERRY AMON Application to rezone 6 , 160 square feet of property from G-1 to B-1 for a small business building, file R-047-82; property located on the north side of N.E. 4th Street approximately 200 feet west of Duvall Avenue N.E. Application to rezone 5 ,720 square feet of property from R-1 to L-1 , file R-062-82; property located at 412 S.W. 16th Street. Legal descriptions of the files noted above are on file in the Renton Building and Zoning Department. ALL INTERESTED PERSONS TO SAID PETITIONS ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PUBLIC HEARING ON SEPTEMBER 14, 1982, AT 9 : 00 A.M. TO EXPRESS THEIR OPINIONS. PUBLISHED: SEPTEMBER 3, 1982 RONALD G. NELSON BUILDING AND ZONING DIRECTOR CERTIFICATION I, STEVE MUNSON, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENTS WERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW. ATTEST: Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public, in and for the State of Washington residing in King County, on the 1st day of September, 1982. L{)Ley CI4 t1 SIGNED: litteNe„,"44.0%. NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE RENTON, WASHINGTON The Environmental Review Committee (ERC) has issued a final declaration of non-significance for the following projects : JERRY HARDEBECK (ECF-063-82) Application to rezone 5,720 square feet of property from R-1 to L-1 , file R-062-82; property located at 412 S.W. 16th Street. CITY OF RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION (ECF-065-82) Shoreline Master Program, Revision 1982. Update of basic language of Shoreline Master Program. The primary intent is to clarify language and make more positive statements concerning public access, private property rights , marinas and setbacks for commercial and industrial uses. The program is city-wide in scope. The Environmental Review Committee (ERC) has issued a final declaration of non-significance with conditions for the following project: JERRY AMON (ECF-048-82) Application to rezone 6 , 160 square feet of property from G-1 to B-1 for a small business building, file R-047-82; property located on the north side of N.E. 4th Street approximately 200 feet west of Duvall Avenue N.E. Further information regarding this action is available in the Building and Zoning Department, Municipal Building, Renton, Washington, 235-2550. Any appeal of ERC action must be filed with the Hearing Examiner by September 13, 1982. Published: August 30, 1982 S FINAL DECLARATION OF SIGNIFICANCE Application No (s) : R-047-82 Environmental Checklist No. : ECF-048-82 Description of Proposal: Application to rezone property from G-1 to B-1 for a small business building. Proponent: Jerry Amon Location of Proposal: Property located on the north side of N.E. 4th Street approximately 200 feet west of Duvall Avenue N.E. Lead Agency: City of Renton Building Zoning Department This proposal was reviewed by the ERC on August 11 , 1982, and August 25, 1982, following a presentation by Jerry Lind of the Building & Zoning Department. Oral comments were accepted from: James Matthew, Roger Blaylock, David Clemens , Jerry Lind, Ronald Nelson and Richard Houghton. Incorporated by reference in the record of the proceedings of the ERC on application ECF-048-82 are the following: 1 ) Environmental Checklist Review Sheet, prepared by: George W. .Lucker DATED: May 17, 1982 2) Applications: Rezone (R-047-82) 3) Recommendations for a declaration of non-significance: Police Department, Building & Zoning Department, Parks Recreation Department, Fire Prevention Bureau, Design Engineering Division, Traffic Engineering Division and Utility Engineering Division. More Information: Policy Development Department. Acting as the Responsible Official, the ERC has determined this development has a non-significant adverse impact on the environment. An EIS is not required under RCW 43. 21C.030 (2) (c) . This decision was made after review by the lead agency of a complete environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. Reasons for declaration of environmental non-significance: Will not adversely impact the environment or adjacent properties and that the following requirement shall be complied with: 1 ) Certification is to be provided by the King County Health Department that the proposed development will not affect the septic tank and drain field and that the existing system will adequately serve the proposal. FINAL DECLARATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE JERRY AMON, ECF-048-82, R-047-82 AUGUST 25, 1982 PAGE TWO Signatures: 6/A6((.44"/ Ronald G. Nelson D0id R. Clemens Building & Zoning Director Policy Development Director Ri• and C. `Hou hton Public Works Director DATE OF PUBLICATION: AUGUST 30, 1982 EXPIRATION OF APPEAL PERIOD: SEPTEMBER 13, 1982 Date circulated : AUGUST 3, 1982 Comments due : August 10, 1982 EKVIRO\INEKTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET ECF - 048_ 82 APPLICATION No (s ) . REZONE (R-047-82) PRUPONENT : Jerry Amon PROJECT TITLE : Brief Description of Project : Application to rezone property from G-1 to B-1 for a small business building. Property located on the north side of N.E. 4thStreetLOCATION : approximately 200 feet west of Duvall Avenue N.E. SITE AREA : 6 . 160 sq. ft, BUILDING AREA (gross ) DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (%) : IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) Topographic changes : X 2 ) Direct/Indirect air quality : X 3 ) Water & water courses : X 1 ) Plant life : X 5 ) Animal life : X b ) \uise : X 7 ) Light & glare : X 8 ) Land Use ; north : east : south : west : land use conflict:, :With adjoining residence to west. Vieu obstruction : Minimal. 9 ) Natural resources : X 10 ) Risk of upset : y 11 ) Population/Employment : X 12 ) Nur.'Jer of Dwellings : X 13 ) Trip ends ( IUE ) : traffic impacts : 14 ) Public services : I X 15 ) Energy : X 16 ) Utilities : X 17 ) Human health : X 18 ) Aesthetics : X 19 ) Recreation : X 20 ) Archeology/history : X COMMENTS : Signatures : Y)::7 ( 7(2/</_4 ' ////: 1 Ronald G. Nelson David R. Clemens Building Official Policy Development Director L-ditiRiandC. H ugh on, Public Works Director likS=IFF14.0 Date circulated : August 3, 1982 Comments due : August 10, 1982 E\VIROMIHEP TAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET ECF - 048 - 82 APPLICATION No (s ) . REZONE (R-047-82) PROPONENT : Jerry Amon PROJECT TITLE : Brief Description of Project : Application to rezone property from G-1 Lo B-1 for a small business building. LOCATION : Property located on the north side of N.E. 4th Street andapproximately00feetwestofDuvallAvenueN.E. SITE AREA : 6,160 sq. ft. BUILDING AREA (gross) DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (°b) : IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) Topographic changes : 2 ) Direct/Indirect air quality : 3 ) Water & water courses : 4 ) Plant life : 5 ) Animal life : t/. 6 ) Noise : l 7 ) Light & glare : l r< 8 ) Land Use ; north : east : south : west : Land use conflicts : View obstruction : 9) Natural resources : I/ 10 ) Risk of upset : 11 ) Population/Employment : 12 ) Number of Dwellings :f 13 ) Trip ends ( ITE ) : p/wIt traffic macip ts : 14 ) Public services : T 15 ) Energy : 16 ) Utilities :ci 17 ) Human health : 18 ) Aesthetics : 19 ) Recreation : 20 ) Archeology/history : COMMENTS : ' f1JJQ h.ja i S- d /u1;x ,c, a4, /uE etap7 4-0-a,/ J4e-- ut4,e9V 6-1". Recommendation : DNSI DOS More Information Reviewed by : d 4 title : 01r, ee—ti Date : Arb 62., FORM: ERC-06 OI(1P4, Date circulated : August 3, 1982 Comments due : August 10, 1982 ERVIRONHEHTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET ECF - 048 - 82 APPLICATION No (s) . REZONE (R-047-82) PROPONENT : Jerry Amon PROJECT TITLE : Brief Description of Project : Application to rezone property from G-1 Lo B-1 for a small business building. LOCATION : Property located on the north side of N.E. 4th Street andapproximately200feetwestofDuvallAvenueN.E. SITE AREA : 6,160 sq. ft. BUILDING AREA (gross ) DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (%) : IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) Topographic changes : 2 ) Direct/Indirect air quality : r% 3) Water & water courses : 4 ) Plant life : 5 ) Animal life : 6 ) Noise : 7 ) Light & glare : 8 ) Land Use ; north : east : south : west : Land use conflicts : View obstruction : 9) Natural resources : 10 ) Risk of upset : 11 ) Population/Employment : 12 ) Number of Dwellings : 13 ) Trip ends CITE ) : traffic impacts : 14 ) Public services : 15 ) Energy : 16 ) Utilities : 17 ) Human health : 18 ) Aesthetics : 19 ) Recreation : 20 ) Archeology/history : COMMENTS : n/ j/ lJC4- -ie r 1iNo Gt v rCs/n 6!- e c fU S Recommendation : DNSI DOS More Information Reviewed by : Title : Date : 8,y/8Z„— FORM: ERC-06 fUfltS Date circulated : August 3, 1982 Comments due : August 10, 1982 EWVIRO\HEPTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET ECF - 048 - 82 APPLICATION No (s ) . REZONE (R-047-82) PROPONENT : Jerry Amon PROJECT TITLE : Brief Description of Project : Application to rezone property from B-1 for a small business building. LOCATION : Property located on the north side of N.E. 4th Street and approximately 00 feet west of Duvall Avenue N.E. SITE AREA : 6,160 sq. ft. BUILDING AREA (gross ) DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (%) : IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) Topographic changes : v//; 2 ) Direct/Indirect air quality : 3 ) Water & water courses : 4 ) Plant life : 5 ) Animal life : t 6) Noise : 7 ) Light & glare : 8 ) Land Use ; north : east : south : west : Land use conflicts : View obstruction : 9) Natural resources : 10 ) Risk of upset : 11 ) Population/Employment : 12 ) Number of Dwellings : 13 ) Trip ends ( ITE ) : traffic impacts : 14 ) Public services : 15 ) Energy : 16 ) Utilities : 1, 17 ) Human health : 1.// 18) Aesthetics : tX , 19 ) Recreation : 20 ) Archeology/history : COMMENTS : Recommendation : ip SI " 4;:lk DOS More Information I foOP7Reviewedby : Title : !)611T .j/e51041ERZy Date : g2'0017 FORM: ERC-06 tY lekrr Date circulated : August 3, 1982 Comments due : August 10, 1982 ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET E C F - 048 - 82 APPLICATION No (s ) . REZONE (R-047-82) PROPONENT : Jerry Amon PROJECT TITLE : Brief Description of Project : Application to rezone property from G-1 to B-1 for a small business building. LOCATION : Property located on the north side of N.E. 4th Street andapproximately200feetwestofDuvallAvenueN.E. SITE AREA : 6,160 sq. ft. BUILDING AREA (gross) DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (%) : IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) Topographic changes : 2 ) Direct/Indirect air quality : 3 ) Water & water courses : 17 4 ) Plant life : V. 5 ) Animal life : V/ 6 ) Noise : 7 ) Light & glare : 8 ) Land Use ; north : east : south : west : Land use conflicts : AO . tl/ / 3/c? / Z/ 4 d-K/ View obstruction :A[/4/ / 9 ) Natural resources : 10 ) Risk of upset : 11 ) Population/Employment : 12 ) Number of Dwellings :V 13 ) Trip ends ( ITE ) : Co/ Q/ /-jX/4 c7' traffic impacts : /j(/474A 744 /4 256 gg=5 14 ) Public services : 15 ) Energy : 16 ) Utilities : 17 ) Human health : 0718 ) Aesthetics : 19 ) Recreation : 20 ) Archeology/history : e., COMMENTS : to% e, isli! 7 ; ,/ . . . 7/ a0 ' ' v40/ e 4>0 v/i a 'rs'ei' may ter Recommendation : NSI DOS Mo e Information Reviewed by : Af Yiliall. Iitle : ! D A/ / Date : 0/ge FORM: ERC-06 Date circulated : August 3, 1982 Comments due : August 10, 1982 ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET ECF - 048 - 82 APPLICATION No (s) . REZONE (R-047-82) PROPONENT : Jerry Amon PROJECT TITLE : Brief Description of Project : Application to rezone property from G-1 to B-1 for a small business building. LOCATION : Property located on the north side of N.E. 4th Street and approximately L00 feet west of Duvall Avenue N.E. SITE AREA : 6,160 sq. ft. BUILDING AREA (gross ) DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (%) : IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) Topographic changes : 2 ) Direct/Indirect air quality : 3 ) Water & water courses : 4 ) Plant life : 5 ) Animal life : 6 ) Noise : 7 ) light & glare : 8 ) Land Use ; north : east : south : west : Land use conflicts : View obstruction : 9 ) Natural resources : 10 ) Risk of upset : il ) Population/Employment : 12 ) Number of Dwellings : 13 ) Trip ends ( ITE ) : traffic impacts : xxx 14 ) Public services : XXX 15 ) Energy : 16 ) Utilities : 17 ) Human health : 18 ) Aesthetics : 19 ) Recreation : 20 ) Archeology/history : COMMENTS : PROPERTY OWNER SHOULD NAVE TO DEDICATE ENOUGH LAND TO ALLOW FOR A TWO WAY LEFT TURN LANE ON N.E.4th, Recommendation : DNSI xxYx DOS More Information Reviewed by : L . ''• Perssnn Iltle : Date : 11/82 FORM: ERC-06 riztr Kc Date circulated : August 3, 1982 Comments due : August 10, 1982 ERVIROMIHENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET ECF - 048 - 82 APPLICATION No (s) . REZONE (R-047-82) PROPONENT : Jerry Amon PROJECT TITLE : Brief Description of Project : Application to rezone property from G-1_to B-1 for a small business building. LOCATION : Property located on the north side of N.E. 4th Street andapproximately200feetwestofDuvallAvenueN.E. SITE AREA : 6,160 sq. ft. BUILDING AREA (gross ) DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (°o) : IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) Topographic changes : 2 ) Direct/Indirect air quality : 3 ) Water & water courses : 4 ) Plant life : 5 ) Animal life : 6) Noise : 7 ) Light & glare : 8 ) Land Use ; north : east : south : west : Land use conflicts : View obstruction : 9) Natural resources : 10 ) Risk of upset : 11 ) Population/Employment : 12 ) Number of Dwellings : 13 ) Trip ends CITE ) : traffic impacts : 14 ) Public services : 15 ) Energy : 16 ) Utilities : 17 ) Human health: 18 ) Aesthetics : 19 ) Recreation : 20 ) Archeology/history : COMMENTS : rCie- / r'es Recommendation : DNSI '''' DOS More Information aiLReviewedby : litle : Date : RUC `/ — g/o2 FORM: ERC-06 t4 oING, Date circulated : August 3, 1982 Comments due : August 10, 1982 E\IVIR0INIHENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET ECF - 048 - 82 APPLICATION No (s ) . REZONE (R-047-82) PROPONENT : Jerry Amon PROJECT TITLE : Brief Description of Project : Application to rezone property from G-1 to B-1 for a small business building. LOCATION : Property located on the north side of N.E. 4th Street andapproximately200feetwestofDuvallAvenueN.E. SITE AREA : 6,160 sq. ft. BUILDING AREA (gross) DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (%) : IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) Topographic changes : 2 ) Direct/Indirect air quality : 3 ) Water & water courses : 4 ) Plant life : 5 ) Animal life : 6 ) Noise : 7 ) Light & glare : 8 ) Land Use ; north : east : south : west : Land use conflicts : View obstruction : 9 ) Natural resources : S 10 ) Risk of upset : 11 ) Population/Employment : 12 ) Number of Dwellings : 1K 13 ) Trip ends ( ITE ) : traffic impacts : 14 ) Public services :PK 15 ) Energy : K 16 ) Utilities : 17 ) Human health : 18 ) Aesthetics : 19 ) Recreation : C 20 ) Archeology/history : COMMENTS : Recommendation : NSI DOS More Information Reviewed by : C :- _— I itle : Date : FORM: ERC-06 Date circulated : August 3, 1982 Comments due : August 10, 1982 ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET ECF - 048 - 82 APPLICATION No (s ) . REZONE (R-047-82) PROPONENT : Jerry Amon PROJECT TITLE : Brief Description of Project : Application to rezone property from G-1_to B-1 for a small business building. LOCATION : Property located on the north side of N.E. 4th Street and approximately 200 feet west of Duvall Avenue N.E. SITE AREA : 6,160 sq. ft. BUILDING AREA (gross) DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (%) : IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) Topographic changes : 2 ) Direct/Indirect air quality : 3 ) Water & water courses : 4 ) Plant life : 5 ) Animal life : 6 ) Noise : 7 ) Light & glare : 8 ) Land Use ; north : east : south : west : Land use conflicts : View obstruction : 9) Natural resources : 10 ) Risk of upset : 11 ) Population/Employment : 12 ) Number of Dwellings : 13 ) Trip ends ( ITE ) : traffic impacts : 14 ) Public services : 15 ) Energy : 16 ) Utilities : 17 ) Human health : 18 ) Aesthetics : 19 ) Recreation : D ( Fire Preventio RlpipR cwnBur n.. eau 20 ) Archeology/history : v. JgEEDV2 D COMMENTS : rAU G 3 1"" Recommendation : -D N DOS More Information Reviewed by Title : r Date : ( 41 /)q2 A." FORM: ERC-06 GEORGE W. LUCKER ARCHITECT 9wg2 RAINIER AVENUE SOUTH • SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98118 • PA. 2-0272 8101 23 August, 1982 Environmental Review Committee City of Renton 200 Mill Ave South Renton, WA 98055 RE: Rezone Application, Mr, Jerry Amon, Proponent 4500 Block NE 4th Street, Sanitation Gentlemen : The purpose of this letter is to address the question raised by the Public Works Department concerning sanitary sewers and sanitation for the subject property. Although records of the sewage disposal system are not available from King County Health Department, a functioning septic tank and drain field exists on the site, serving a three bedroom dwelling, with bathroom, kitchen, and laundry facilities. According to the 1979 Edition of The Uniform Plumbing Code, this is a fixture unit count of 12 units. The proposed development will have a toilet room and possibly two sinks in the Hair Styling Shop, with a total of ten fixture units. Sanitation load for the proposed use is less than now existing. According to King County Health Department standards, the existing system should be adequate on a temporary basis. It is not feasible for the Owner to unilateraly construct sanitary sewers to serve this property. However it is understood sanitary sew- ers and storm drains are included in the upcoming improvement of NE 4th Street by L. I,D. , thus the use of the existing sanitation system would be short term at most. Very truly z.7) AO ' - t George I. Lucker, Architect _ Cr i4Fi 1. CC Mr, Jerry Amon 111 1982 RRRJJJ CITY OF RENTON Rc.7ONE APPLICATJON OR OFFICE USE ONLY LAND USE HEARING PPLICATIOV NO. D J1 Dc2) EXAMINER 'S ''TION 1PPLICATIOV FEE $3 C hd. APPEAL FILED ECEIPT NO. A11,11,// CITY COUNCIL ACTION ILING DATE J'iJ yam . ORDINANCE NO. AND DATE TEARING DATE PPLICANT TO COMPLETE ITEMS 1 THROUGH 10 : 232 - 9Z8Z ge5 Name r/y 4>0/7 Phone 723 2333 seep. AddresE 6520 G[/. A ercei' GOa/ . /er-cer f8010 Property petitioned for rezoning is located on A/E 474' Sz;` . 6v. SinE'J between Li/kiieW A et.and i:),./VAL-t- ,Vs Squaire footage or acreage of property i /( oU SF. Legal description of property (if more space is required, attach a separate sheet) We 70 ft 074 7-Lie c) 4ast lz 44' ;14e e4 the SW/v 541ror/ JO/ rrdwaskia 23, eal7ge 5, Fist sW./q. Excepe 4z7e 7/0-60/ Cony/&eel 4e Ga" o ar roa 4 deed" -ecordei vkder tecord/ rry A. 57?0 502 . Fxistino Zoning Zoning Requested GTE TO APPLICANT: The following factors are considered in reclassifying property. Evidence or additional information to substantiate your request may be attached to this sheet. (See Application Procedure Sheet for specific requirements . ) Submit this form in duplicate. JZ1 s;.°7. :' n tl• iProposedposeduseofsitegT.[,Z. rYlerAl owe S aYt, v171 7-r)' hh : /ir A4.1 a Sii-zeta 3. List the measures to be taken to reduce impact on the surrounding area. r" 1.-em.,/r i 5u 1 'z4ITC boa/, doer in, Sarre etfe ade r/2 /411i.;.•_ Maintaio iktil,tard 4oPpeeZ atoi (wloes. eo c Q/ dee-vehpnJ s / T)/ nov and NJ. teepee'/n S/'rrzrrrt a/a • 9 . How soon after the rezone is granted do you intend to develop the site? eLvnl asp 7' A/esti Esc ii 7 rd es bti ems . O . Two copies of plot plan and affidavit of ownership are required. Planning Dept. 1-77 TO : Land Use Hearing Examiner City of Renton RE: Rezone Application 4500 Block, NE 4th Street Renton, WA Mr, Jerry Amon, Owner-Applicant BACKGROUND INFORMATION The Applicant, contract purchaser of the subject site fronting on the north margin of NE 4th Street about 200 feet west of 138th SE, requests the rezone of that parcel from G designation to B-1. The intent of the Applicant is to relocate his personal service business, a hair styling salon to this site from his present location in Seattle where he has been established for more than fourteen years. At the time of purchase, the subject site was situated in unincorp- orated King County, however the Comprehensive Plan for the City of Renton designated this and surrounding area for commercial use. Applicant relied upon the Comrehensive Plan and the pattern of sur- rounding development for his decision to purchase the site for the intended use. The area containing the Applicant' s property was annexed to the City of Renton in the Cascadia Annexation on June 8, 1981, with the re- sulting land use designation of G. Referring to the Site Plan included herewith, development will be limited to a one story building of approximately 1,600 square feet, together with required off street parking, landscaping, and reten- tion of existing trees where possible Since the time of purchase, additional business uses have been de- veloped on the south side of NE 4th street for a branch bank, and a convenience store. A rezone has been granted for a service/retail shop in this block, further west, çCflfl3 1982 AU BUIl.C1iM01ZANIP1G Utr, Page 1 JUSTIFICATION FOR REZONE A. Current zoning of this property is G, and was designated G when annexed to the City of Renton in June, 1981. Since annexation, the Northeast Renton Comprehensive Plan has been adopted, and the subject site along with the surrounding area has been des- ignated "Office/Office Park". The previous Comprehensive Plan indicated this area for Business Use. No previous application for a rezone has been filed with the City of Renton. B. New development along both sides of NE 4th Street, in the immed- iate area of the subject site, are for services, retail business, and banking, all consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Additional retail development is being processed for permit by King County at the Southeast corner of NE 4th Street and 138th SE. These events further reinforce the pattern of small retail and service business in this area. C. Although the present Comprehensive Plan designates this area for Office/Office Park, properties along NE 4th Street are small in- devidually owned parcels, inadequate for that use as described in Item No. 5 of the Implementing Policies of the NE Comprehensive Plan. The pattern of land ownership will create continued strip commercial development along NE 4th Street, and should be permit- ted as indicated in the Commercial Development Objectives, Policy Item No. 2, in the Comprehensive Plan. The use proposed by the Applicant is consistent with the Plan as stated, and will pro- vide accessory retail/service uses for future development in the neighborhood. The proposed building could be oriented to a larger interior development when it occurs. In conclusion this rezone would be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and Policies. It is consistent with present land use patterns in the area, and will provide accessory business uses to a future Office Park complex when it becomes reality. Impacts on traffic and utilities is very small due to the size of the development. Adequate distance to the intersection of NE 4th and 138th SE, and a very low daily number of vehicles transiting the site will permit safe ingress and egress. New demand for utilites will not be required. Proposed requirements will not exceed those of the residence on the site. Water service is adequate for fire protection required for the pro- posed development. Referring to the Area Plan included herewith, and for reasonsgivenabove, the Applicant' s request for B-1 zoning is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and established land use in the immediate area. He should be entitled to use his property in the same way as others in the surrounding area. Page 2 RENT BUILDING & ZONING DEPA 'MENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF — 048 — 82 APPLICATION NO(S) : REZONE (R-047-82) PROPONENT : Jerry Amon PROJECT TI--LE : BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT : Application to rezone property from G-1 to B-1 for a small business building. LOCATION : Property located on the north side of N.E. 4th Street and approximately 200 feet west of Duvall Avenue N.E. TO : 8-11-82 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : tKAxtt ENGINEERING DIVISION i TRAFFIC ENG , DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : UTILITIES ENG , DIVISION 11FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU 11PARKE & RECREATION DEPARTMENT n BUIL: ING & ZONING DEPARTMENT 11POLICE DEPARTMENT I POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OTHEF'S COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITIN(:i , PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5 : 00 P ,M, ON August 10, 1982 CIRCULATED: August 3, 1982 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : I ( APPROVED l ( APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS 1 NOT APPROVED DATE : SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 1 r , ITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORM il FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ' Applicaticn No.3/7"fifes Environmental Checklist No. 1?F- P if fZ' PROPOSED, date:FINAL , date: 2. 5 2,. EjDeclaration of Significance 0 Declaration of Significance 0 Declaration of Non-Significance 1 Declaration of Non-S-ignificance COMMENTS: /i5OnrncftC . i a-. r a - Introduction The State Environmental Policy Act of 1971 , Chapter 43.21C, RCW, requires all state and local governmental agencies to consider environmental values both for their own actions and when licensing private proposals . The Act also requires that an EIS be prepared for all major actions significantly affecting the quality of the environment. The purpcse of this checklist is to help the agencies involved determine whether or not a proposal is such a major action. Please arswer the following questions as completely as you can with the information presentl3 available to you. Where explanations of your answers are required , or where you believe an explanation would be helpful to government decision makers , include your sKs explanation in the space provided, or use additional pages if necessary. You should include references to any reports or studies of which you are aware and which are rele- vant to the answers you provide. Complete answers to these questions now will help all agencies involved with your proposal to undertake the required environmental review with- out unnei.essary delay. The following questions apply to your total proposal , not just to the license for which you are currently applying or the proposal for which approval is sought. Your answers I should include the impacts which will be caused by your proposal when it is completed, even though completion may not occur until sometime in the future. This will allow all of the agencies which will be involved to complete their environmental review now, with- out duplicating paperwork in the future. I NOTE: This is a standard form being used by all state and local agencies in the State of Washington for various types of proposals. Many of the questions may not apply to your proposal . If a question does not apply, just answer it "no" and continue on to the next question. ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORM II . BACKGROUND 1. Name of Proponent *•1G2ce A iC-KJ : 2. Address and phone number of Proponent: 6 2 : VV . cct t p t/ il 1 / l rtcuZ SSLrA-.3c> [/UJ (-1• f tc? > 2 — .72 g Z W4 z 3 — 2 .?) Date Checklist submitted c . Agency requiring Checklist 6iT`( OF /Z iC-7--i. il Name of proposal , if applicable: ii. Nature and brief description of the proposal (including but not limited to its size, general design elements , and other factors that will give an accurate understanding of its scope and nature) : l L((r h 7c /S _ >4th Ce-A.JT 7P? - dc0105S Fes" rrt'(`sczIs, 11 I', 6'rc1 cz inch',Ni ) <>c n'6o v z-&lid'cria.Ce Z/'nt cc) 41 Cle)41141cerrctAiti ( Tc -t`'c-c 'Ai Q4'z,, c.4: J / 4 7e /2c TCt ) c-,--c' 4 e,v.... Rh se -0 pz-z fir7 619 s-62 _ 2- 7.Location of proposal (describe the physical setting of the proposal , as well as the extent of the land area affected by any environmental impacts , including any other information needed to give an accurate understanding of the environ- mental setting of the proposal ) : u s 7 WCs r erg 6 S ctJ i I`" sSf J .<,. Cl 14- c-607 7V F ,e4rS Grr we Br<f C tien!i cca¢c c) 8. Estimated date for completion of the proposal : 9. List of all permits , licenses or government approvals required for the proposal federal , state and local --including rezones) : v Cx1 Cry i E zz,v , 811112/,JG M14 as 60g‹.70c 10. Do you have any plans for future additions , expansion, or further activity related to or connected with this proposal ? If yes , explain : ti 11. Do you know of any plans by others which may affect the property covered by your proposal ? If yes , explain : 12. Attach any other application form that has been completed regarding the pro- posal ; if none has been completed, but is expected to be filed at some future date, describe the nature of such application form: II . ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS Explanations of all "yes" and "maybe" answers are required) 1) Earth. Will the proposal result in: a) Unstable earth conditions or in changes in geologic substructures? 1, YES MAYBE N7— b) Disruptions, displacements , compaction or over- covering of the soil ? Yam- MAYBE N( c) Change in topography or ground surface relief features? YES MAYBE N- d) The destruction , covering or modification of any unique geologic or physical features? YES MAYBE N(T e) Any increase in wind or water erosion of soils , either on or off the site? YES MAYBE NO f) Changes in deposition or erosion of beach sands , or changes in siltation , deposition or erosion which may modify the channel of a river or stream or the bed of the ocean or any bay, inlet or lake? TT— MAYBE N— Explanation : 3- 2) Air. Will the proposal result in : a) Air emissions or deterioration of ambient air quality? YES MAYBE NO b) The creation of objectionable odors? YES MAYBE it— c) Alteration of air movement, moisture or temperature , or any change in climate , either locally or regionally? Y S MAYBE NO Explanation: 3) Water. Will the proposal result in: a) Changes in currents , or the course of direction of water movements , in either marine or fresh waters? YES MAYBE NO b) Changes in absorption rates , drainage patterns , or the rate and amount of surface water runoff? MAYBE N'b c) Alterations to the course or flow of flood waters? T YES MATTE NU d) Change in the amount of surface water in any water body? YES MAYBE NO e) Discharge into surface waters , or in any alteration surface water quality, including but not limited to temperature , dissolved oxygen or turbidity? Y S MAYBE TT— f) Alteration of the direction or rate of flow of ground waters? YET— MAYBE NO g) Change in the quantity of ground waters , either through direct additions or withdrawals , or through interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations? YES MAYBE NO h) Deterioration in ground water quality, either through direct injection , or through the seepage of leachate, phosphates , detergents , waterborne virus or bacteria , or other substances into the ground waters? YES MAYBE NO i ) Reduction in the amount of water otherwise available for public water supplies? YES MAYBE NO Explanation: A) A4 !/Lc h o J Vov l i'7 ye.A. / //117 fi7 irk 4) Flora. Will the proposal result in: a) Change in the diversity of species , or numbers of any species of flora (including trees , shrubs , grass , crops , microflora and aquatic plants)? YES NO b) Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered species of flora? MAYBE N c) Introduction of new species of flora into an area, or in a barrier to the normal replenishment of existing L/ species? yrs-- Md E fir d) Reduction in acreage of any agricultural crop? YES MAYBE NO Explanation: 4- 5 ) Fauna. dill the proposal result in : a) Changes in the diversity of species , or numbers of any species of fauna (birds , land animals including reptiles , fish and shellfish , benthic organisms , insects or microfauna)? L YES MAYBE NO b) Reduction of the numbers of any unique , rare or endangered species of fauna? YES MAYS NO c) Introduction of new species of fauna into an area , or result in a barrier to the migration or movement of fauna? YB MAYBE NO d) Deterioration to existing fish or wildlife habitat? YES MAYBE Explanation : 6) Noise. Will the proposal increase existing noise levels? YES RT7TE NO Explanation : 7) Light and Glare. Will the proposal produce new light or glare?L YES MAYBE 1f0 Explanation: 8) Land Use. Will the proposal result in the alteration of the present or planned land use of an area? Tr$- MAYBE it Explanation: 9) Natural Resources . Will the proposal result in: a) Increase in the rate of use of any natural resources? Y S MAYBE NO b) Depletion of any nonrenewable natural resource? Y S MAYBE 07/ Explanation: 10) Risk of Upset. Does the proposal involve a risk of an explosion or the release of hazardous substances (including , but not limited to, oil , pesticides , chemicals or radiation) in the event of an accident or upset conditions? YES MAYBE NI-- Explanation: 11) Population. Will the proposal alter the location , distri- bution, density, or growth rate of the human population of an area? r- MAYBE 111V. Explanation: 5- 12) Housing. Will the proposal affect existing housing , or create a demand for additional housing? YES MAYBE NO Explanation : 13) Transportation/Circulation. Will the proposal result in : a) Generation of additional vehicular movement? YES MAYBE NO b) Effects on existing parking facilities , or demand for new parking? YES MAYBE NO c) Impact upon existing transportation systems? YTS MAYBE d) Alterations to present patterns of circulation or movement of people and/or goods? YrB MAYBE NO e) Alterations to waterborne, rail or air traffic? YBE — MAYBE Fit-- f) Increase in traffic hazards to motor vehicles , bicyclists or pedestrians? S MAYBE FitZ Ex lanation: YO531ble__/vu'rM5 5 /ze, e, C1`u J laic lf i fJ- . 14 Public Services. Will the proposal have an effect upon , or result in a need for new or altered governmental services in any of the following areas : a) Fire protection? YES MATTE NO b) Police protection? YES MAYBE NO c) Schools? l YES MI—B NO d) Parks or other recreational facilities? YES MAYBE NO e) Maintenance of public facilities , including roads? YES MAYBE NO f) Other governmental services? YES M YbE NO Explanation: 15) Energy. Will the proposal result in : a) Use of substantial amounts of fuel or energy? TES— MBE N6' b) Demand upon existing sources of energy, or require the development of new sources of energy? YES MAYBE WU- Explanation : 1f ) Utilities . Will the proposal result in a need for new systems , or alterations to the following utilities : a) Power or natural gas? 7- MAYBE NO b) Communications systems? YES MAYBE N c) Water? J YES MAYS.. NO 6- d) Sewer or septic tanks? l, YES MAYBE NO e) Storm water drainage? Yam- MAYBE Nu f) Solid waste and disposal ? YES MAYBE N Explanation: 17) Human Health. Will the proposal result in the creation of any health hazard or potential health hazard (excluding mental health)? YES MAYBE Nu- Explanation: 18) Aesthetics. Will the proposal result in the obstruction of any scenic vista or view open to the public , or will the proposal result in the creation of an aesthetically offensive site open to public view? Y MAYBE TY— Explanation: 19) Recreation. Will the proposal result in an impact upon the quality or quantity of existing recreational opportunities? YET- MAYBE Wt Explanation: 20) Archeological/Historical . Will the proposal result in an alteration of a significant archeological or historical site, structure , object or building? YES MAYBE NZ Explanation: III . SIGNATURE I , the undersigned, state that to the best of my kn ledge the above information is true and complete. It is understood that the lead ncy may withdraw any decla- ration of non-significance that it might issue in re ce upon this c ecklist should there be any willful misrepresentation or willful 1 c of full disci re on my part. Proponent: s e name printted) City of Renton Planning Department 5-76 AFFIDAVIT 1 , de rrti Ill eCK being duly sworn, declare that I am the owne of the property involved in this application and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Subscribed and sworn before me this \3 day of 1 19y 2- , Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at I Name f Notary Public) Si ture of Owner) 5 - 2.9'Zara Sd ' 65.o - W. Mercer a./ty Address) Address) Menu- L wA.104.0 City) State) 232- 9zez (h) 123 - Z333 (bus.) Telephone) FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) CERTIFICATION This is to certify that the foregoing application has been inspected by me and has been found to be thorough and complete in every particular and to conform to the rules and regulations of the Renton Planning Department governing the filing of such application . Date Received 7 19 ,By: Renton Planning Dept . 2-73 ORDER NO : 71279 TRACT OWNERSHIP DATA REPORT FOR : George W. Tair6r 8101 Rainier Ave So ( CUSTOMER ) 722-0272 ADDRESS) PHONE) REPUTED OWNER : Jerry I . Amon and Roberta J. Amon, H/WF ADDRESS OF PROPERTY UNDER SEARCH not available Austin Wolff and Harry Gamble , DBA Delta APPARENT OWNER (FROM LAST DEED ) Construction DESCRIPTION : PER ATTACHED ) The West 70 feet of the North 100 feet of the South 130 feet of the East half of the Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of Sec 10, Twp 23N, Range 5 EWM, Except roads. CONTRACT PURCHASER : Jerry I . Amon and Roberta J. Amon, a marital community; See No. 8006260223 attached. MORTGAGES & LABOR & MATERIALMENS LIENS : Mortgage, No. 6076198 attached. Assignment of Mortgage, No. 6079326 attached. DATED : May 7, 1982 Information furnished is based upon our tract indexes without regard to sufficiency of title or entent of incumbrances thereon and no liability is assumed for errors and omissions , if any . First American Title Insurance Co . 133/ :671(442` t S f .. . A•IS164 Pioneer National Title Insurance Company REAL ESTATE CONTRACT tWFD FOR RtICOND AT R.6(rJf1 Oa WASHINC;TON TITLE DIVISION TRANSAMERICA TITLE 4, INSURANCE COMPANY Ju THIS CONTRACT,made and entered into this 1st day of ne, 1980 10635 N. E. Srh STREET 1.' I ,7f, k\.''•\F-ZfNGTON uglk,• between ***Harry Gamble and Diana Joy Gamble, his wife and Austin Wolff and Margaret M. Wolff his wife, d/b/a Delta Financial Services, formerly Delta Construction;***** hereinafter called the"seller," and ***Jerry I. Amon and Roberta J. Amon, his wife, a marital community; hereinafter called the"purchaser," j Cr) NWITNESSETH: That the seller agrees to sell to the purchaser and the purchaser agrees to purchase from the seller the following O described real estate, with the appurtenances, in King County, State of Washington: C\J C.D C"; The West 70 feet of the North 100 feet of the South 130 feet n of the East half of the SW 1.4 of the SE 1.4 of the SW 1/4 CO of Section 10, Township 23 North, Range 5, East, W.M. in King County, Washington, subject to easement for pole line over said property as granted to Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company by instrument recorded under Auditors File #3575600 and less County road. The terms and conditions of this contract are as follows: The purchase price is *** Th i rty-Two-Thousand F i ve- Hundred and 00/100ths- 5 •'*32,500.00**e) Dollars, of which Ten-Thousand and 00/100ths 10,000.00 * ) Dollars have been paid,the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, and the balance of said purchase price shall be paid as follows: Two-Hundred Twenty-Five and 00/100ths- - T'j** ($**225,00-.:.:. ) Dollars, or more at purchaser's option, on or before the 1st day of August 19 80 , and ***Two-Hundred Twenty-Five and 00/100ths*** T'' 225.00*** ) Dollars, or more at purchaser's option, on or before the 1st day of each succeeding calendar month until the balance of said purchase pr a shall have been fully paid. The purchaser further agrees to pay interest on the diminishing balance of said purchase price at the rate of twelve per cent per annum from the fourth day of June 19 80 ' which interest shall be deducted from each isstalhnent payment and the balance of each payment applied in reduction of principal. All payments tobe made hareundcr shall be made at 4311 NE Sunset Boulevard, Renton, Washington 9SO or at such other place as the seller may direct in writing. Monthly payment is to be adjusted periodically to include 1/12th of the yearly taxes t;; insurance. Prepayment penalty shall be at the,same rate and similar terms as are contained in any underlying mortgage. Purchaser shall not sell or rent the prcperty without cashing down to the underlying mortgage. If any installment is not paid within 10 (ten) days after the date due, purchaser promises to pay a late charge 9f five cents ($.05) for each dollar overdue. Structural changes and additions to the property must be completed in a workmanlike manner within six (6) months of initiation. Purchaser further agrees to pay in full the entire balanc oweing including all principal and interest five (5) years from the date of this contract June 4 1980. As referred to in this contract,"date of dosing" shall be 1) The purchaser assumes and agrees to pay before delinquency all taxes and assessments that may as between grantor andgranteehereafterbecomealienonsaidrealestate; and if by the terms of this contract the purchaser has assumed payment of any mortgage, Ise) contract or other encumbrance, or has assumed payment of or agreed to purchase subject to, any taxes.of ys_ Yss s ntts now IitFn gn s"8•aedton real estate, the purchaser agrees to pay the same before delinquencySa I d taxes w t 1 I oe a t u b 2) The purchaser agrees, until the purchase price is fully paid, to keep the buildings now and hereafter placed on said realestateinsuredtotheactualcashvaluethereofagainstlossordamagebybothfireandwindstorminacompanyacceptabletothesellerandtor the_4:11t 's benefit, as his interest may appear, and t pay all premiums therefor and t de ye licies and renewals thereui to the seller. Sa i d premiums will be paid by se t--1 er-S a-uue0 to die a` 1 ' .-- f\ 3) The purchaser agrees that full inspection of said real estate has been made and that neither the seller nor his assigns shall be held l to any covenant respecting the condition of any improvements thereon nor shall the purchaser or seller or the assigns of either be heldtoanycovenantoragreementforalterations, improvements or repairs unless the covenant or agreement relied on is contained herein or is in writing and attached to and made a part of this contract. 4) The purchaser assumes all hazards of damage to or destruction of any improvements now on said real estate •r hereafterplacedthereon,and of the taking of said real estate or any part thereof for public use; and agrees that no such damage, destruction or takingshallconstituteafailureofconsideration. In case any part of said real estate is taken for public use, the portion of the condemnationawardremainingafterpaymentofreasonableexpensesofprocuringthesameshallbepaidtothesellerandappliedaspaymentonthepurchasepricehereinunlessthesellerelectstoallowthepurchasertoapplyalloraportionofsuchcondemnationawardtotherebuildingorrestora- tion of any improvements damaged by such taking. In case of damage or destruction from a peril insured against, the proceeds ofsuchinsurancerenrainin•after payment of the reasonable expense of procuring the same shall be devoted to the restoration or rebuilding ofsuchimprovementswithinareasonabletime, unless purchaser elects that said proceeds shall be paid to the seller for application on the purchase pric e herein. 5) The seller has delivered, or agrees to deliver within 15 days o` the date of closing, a purchaser's policy of title insuranceinstandardform, or a commitment therefor, issued by PIONEER NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY , insuring the purchaser to the full amountofsaidpurchasepriceagainstlossordamagebyreasonofdefectinseller's title to said real estate as of the date of closing and containing no exceptions other than the following: a. Printed general exceptions appearing in said policy form; b. Liens or encumbrances which by the terms of this contract the purchaser is to assume, or as to which the conveyance hereunder is to se made subject; and c. Any existing contract or contracts under which seller is purchasing said real estate, and any mortgage or other obligation, whichsellerbythiscontractagreestopay, none of which for the purpose of this paragraph (5) shall be deemed defects in seller's title. f 6) If seller's title to said real estate is subject to an existing contract or contracts under which seller is purchasing said real estate, or any mortgace or other obligation, which seller is to pay, seller agrees to make such payments in accordance with the terms thereof, andupondefault, the purchaser shall have the right to make any payments necessary to remove the default, and any payments so made shall be applied to the payments next falling due the seller under this contract. 7) The seller agrees, upon receiving full payment of the purchase price and interest in the manner above specified, to execute and deliver to purchaser a statutory warranty deed to said real estate, excepting any part thereof hereafter taken for public use, free of encumbrances except any that may attach after date of closing through any person other than the seller, and subject to the following: KING COUNTY' EXCISE TAX PAID JUN251980 EO5962'74 8) Unless a different date is provided for herein, the purchaser shall be entitled to possession of said real estate on date ofclosingandtoretainpossessionsolongaspurchaserisnotindefaulthereunder. The purchaser covenants to keep the buildings and other imprnvc- ments on said real estate in good repair and not to permit waste and not to use, or permit the use of, the real estate for anyillegalpurpose.The purchaser covenants to pay all service,installation or construction charges for water, sewer,electricity, garbage or other utility services furnished to said real estate after the date purchaser is entitled to possession. 9) In carve the purchaser fails to make any payment herein provided or to maintain insurance,as herein required, the seller may mat,- such payment or effect such insurance,and any amounts so paid by the seller, together with interest at the rate of 10O/o per annum the • from date of payment until repaid, shall be repayable by purchaser on seller's demand, all without prejudice to any other right I! might have by reason of such default. 10) Time is of the essence of this contract, and it is agreed that in case the purchaser shall fail to comply with or p c rn. condition or agreement hereof or to make any payment required hereunder promptly at the time and in the manner herein rear, seller may elect to declare all the purchaser's rights hereunder terminated, and upon his doing so, all payments made by the t. hereunder and all improvements placed upon the real estate shall be forfeited to the seller as liquidated damages, .nci have right to re-enter and take possession of the real estate; and no waiver by the seller of any default on the part of eke pr.'.b be construed as a waiver of any subsequent default. Service upon purchaser of all demands, notices or other papers with respect to forfeiture and termination of purchaser's rie,hts ne,vhrmadebyUnitedStatenMail, postage pre-paid, return receipt requested, directed to the purchaser at his address last known to the seller. 11) Upon seller's election to bring suit to enforce any covenant of this contract, including suit to collect any paymentrequiredhereunder,the purchaser agrees to pay a reasonable sum as attorney's fees and all costs and expenses in connection with such suit, which sums shall be included in any judgment or decree entered in such suit. If the seller shall bring suit to procure an adjudication of the termination of theopurchaser's rights hereunder, and judgment is. ., entered, the purchaser agrees to pay a reasonable sum as attorney's fees and all costs and expenses in connection with such suit, the reasonable cost of searching records to determine the condition of title at the date such suit is commenced, which sums shag• included in any judgment or decree entered in such suit. IN WITNESS WHEREOF parties here h executed this instrument as of the date first wri n abo e.• Jerry I . Amon ny) Austin Wolff Pf Roberta J. Amon Margaret M. Wolff;J Harry Gamble Q4 Diana Joy Gamble STATE OF WASHINGTON, as. County of King On this day personally appeared before me Austin Wolff, Margaret M. Wolff, Harry Gamble, Diana Joy Gamble, Jerry I. Amon and Roberta J. Amon;*** to me known to be the individual g described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and adcnowledged that they signed the same as their free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and pur o cs therein mentioned. GIVEN under my hand and official seal this 28 t h day of May, 1980 Notary Publi ' and for the State of Washington, residing at Renton. 11. IQ Jka$ _..... ...... Nit C):. FINti+ Nr.:t1.3313 SS086 uol6uigseM `uolua21 paenainoa lasunS 3N ' aft n c 8 nv 96 NIT 086t o.I, S33I A213S 1VI 3NHN I J V1130 086Loz nr Jo lsanba'1 le ptoaoj .loj pap NOISI".'7 1,11.1.NOI!NIHSVM Mi dwo3 93f ism ail!1 !rllO!19t! IOaumd 3sn S.M1021OD38 210A 03A213S3M 3DVdS SINt T eipt # CITY OF RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT NAME DATE PROJECT & LOCATION Application Type Basic Fee Acreage Fee Total Environmental Checklist Environmental Checklist Construction Valuation Fee TOTAL FEES Please take this receipt and your payment to the Finance Department on the first floor. Thank vou. ENDING OF FILE FILE TIttF