HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA82-055 & LUA82-071BEGINNING OF FILE FILE TIT ' 5/101tb O555a MICROFILMED OF RA, o BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT RONALD G. NELSON - DIRECTOR MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 • 235-2540 09It 60 SEPS 00P BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH MAYOR MEMORANDUM April 2, 1984 TO: Maxine Motor, City Clerk FROM. er Blaylock, Zoning Administrator SUBJECT: Rancourt Short Plat, File Short Plat-055-82, Variances, V-056-82, V-057-82, V-071-82. The applicant, D.A. Pancourt, has not filed a mylar on this application, and in fact the Land Use Hearing Examiner held a public hearing on a new configuration for the Short Plat on the subject property. Therefore, these application files are being transmitted to your office for placement with the permanent records. RJB:JMS/dm i` I I el low O OF R5 c` ; P ® o THE CITY OF RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR • CITY CLERK • (206) 235-2500 o 0, 9A co, 0, 9gT D SEPI ' O September 21 , 1982 APPEAL FILED BY DEWEY AND LOIS RANCOURT Re: Appeal and Reconsideration of Hearing Examiner's Decision Dated August 30, 1982, D. A. Rancourt and L. A. Rancourt Short Plat Application, File No. SP 055-82 To Parties of Record: Pursuant to Title 4, Chapter 30, City Code, written appeal of Land Use Hearing Examiner's decision has been filed with the City Clerk along with the proper fee of $25. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the written appeal and other pertinent documents will be reviewed by the Council 's Planning and Development Committee and will be considered by the City Council when the matter is reported out of Committee. Please contact the Council Secretary at 235-2586 for date and time of the committee and council meetings should you desire to attend. Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON Maxine E. Motor Acting City Clerk MEM:j km September 21 , 1982 The Honorable Mayor Barbara Shinpoch and Members of the Renton City Council Subject: Appeal of Land Use Hearing Examiner Denial of Short Plat Application Ref: File No. Sh. Pl . 055-82 , V-056-82 , V-057-82 The referenced application requests the subdivision of approxi- mately one acre located at 3720 Lake Washington Blvd. No. into four (4) lots ranging in size from approximately 7372 square feet to 8539 square feet. The site is zoned R-1 (Single Family Residential; minimum lot size 7200 square feet) and the City Comprehensive Plan designates the area in which the site is located as suitable for single family uses. The site presently has one single family residence on the westerly quarter of the site which faces Lake Washington Blvd. A driveway on the north side of the property provides automobile access to the existing residence from Lake Washington Blvd. The application for subdivision proposes a 357 foot long , 30 foot wide private street on the south side of the property to gain access to the easterly portion of the property. The site rises significantly from west to east and will afford each of the lots an attractive lake and island view without requiring construction of residences to maximum allowable heights . As indicated in the reference, the application for short plat includes two variances to the Subdivision Ordinance; (i) a request for a private street rather than a public street since abutting properties are already served by existing streets and k, private access , and (ii) a reduction in the depth of the lots to 77 .6 feet rather than 85 feet as required by zoning ordinance. The City Building and Zoning Department recommended to the F iHearingExaminerthattheshortplatandvarianceforreduced lot depth be approved and the private street variance be denied in favor of a half (25 foot wide) dedicated public street for access to the lots. Following a public hearing on the application, the Hearing Examiner issued a denial on the basis that such short plat would create a non-conforming yard for the existing residence which would violate the building setback requirements of the zoning ordinance. The Honorable Major Barbara Shinpoch and Members of the Renton City Council Page Two We cannot dispute the fact that a non-conformity would exist; however, we believe consideration should be given to the following practical aspects of the situation: 1. The existing residence has its own access and egress and will not be served by the street providing access to the interior lots. 2 . The requested street is essentially a driveway to serve 3 residences and the limited traffic on the street should not disturb the occupants of the existing residence. 3. The existing residence is set back approximately 40 feet from Lake Washington Blvd. which allows substantially more than the required distances for pedestrian and automobile traffic safety at the junction of the requested street with Lake Washington Blvd. In conclusion , we believe the requested short plat is in keeping with the progressive and orderly development of the Renton area as envisioned by the authors of the zoning ordinances . Such subdivision will permit the construction of high quality residences on these island and lake view sites thus providing additional tax base to the City. It is our intention to include restrictive covenants which will assure that the view integrity of abutting properties will be maintained and the entire community will be enhanced by such development. Accordingly, we respectfully request your approval of the short plat application and look forward to your affirmative action on this matter. Very truly yours , Dewey and Lois Rancourt 1116 No. 38th Renton, Washington 98056 Te. 255-8697 C 1 OF R A. DEPARTMENTiBUILDING & ZONING RONALD G. NELSON - DIRECTOR np MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 • 235-2540 9, o to' o9, 4TF0 SEP ' e' BARBARA Y. HINPOCH M/YO September 12, 1983 Mr. Dewe Rancourt 1116 N. 38 Renton, W' 98056 RE: D. • . Rancourt Short Plat 055-82 Dear Mr. ' ancourt: On Tuesd.y, September 6, 1983, you consulted with Mr. Jerry Lind of our office concernin. the deferral of recording the subject short plat. Based upon your letter of that same date it appears that you believe a single-family residence can be constructed on proposed of #3 of that short plat. Mr. Lind was unaware of the background concerning the applic tion and the fact that a single-family residence presently exists on the front portion of hat lot. The zos • : code only allows the placement of one single-family residence on an establishe. lot in the R-1, Residential Zone. Therefore, the city will be unable to issue a building p=rmit for a second residence on the lot without appropriate short platting of the parcel. T• e only apparent method to allow construction of an additional house at this time woul' be to request a separate short plat for only two lots with a pipestern access. However, •ou are aware of the previous discussions before both the Hearing Examiner and the City C•uncil concerning the issue of the potential east-west street. The short plat which was formally approved on January 24, 1983 by the City Council is valid for three year period under both state law and city ordinance. Therefore, the short plat oes not have to be filed until January 24, 1986. Sincerely, 1tl-k-e--' (-) iLc%. i• Roger J. Blaylock J Zoning Administrator RJB:se 11 September 6 , 1983 1 If c s The City of Renton Municipal Bldg. 200 Mill Street Renton, WA 98055 SEP 7 Attention: Mr. Ronald G. Nelson, Director Building and Zoning Department Subject: D. A. Rancourt Short Plat 055-82 Gentlemen: This is to confirm my telephone conversation today with Mr. Jerry Lind of your office regarding the deferral of recording of the subject short plat. Preliminary estimates of the costs to incorporate the required improvements indicate it is not economically feasible for me to proceed with the short plat at this time. Accordingly, I would appreciate your withholding the completed mylars from recording with King County. Since I am not familiar with the procedure to defer development of this plat, I would appreciate your comments and/or recommendations as to what I must do to keep the plat valid during the deferral period. My current planning is to proceed with a single residence for my own occupancy on lot 3 of the plat. Access is to be by a standard width driveway and any such construction will be under provisions of a City building permit. I further understand that utilization of the remainder of the plat during the effective period of the approved short plat must include the improvements set forth in the approved short plat. Thank you in advance for your help in this matter. Dewey Rancourt 1116 No. 38th Renton, WA 98056 Tel. 255-8697 N - 1 I C„ Celmc PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT TO : Renton City Council gpFROM:Planning and Development Committee January 21 , 1983 RE : DIETSCH APPEAL I The Planing and Development Committee heard the Dietsch appeal from the RanCourt Short Plat and finds that the Hearing Examiner' s Report is correct and should be affirmed in all respects except that the Examiner was in error by not requiring that the access to and from the lots be by a dedicated public street . Therefore , the Planning and Development Committee would recommend that the access require- ment be changed to require a one-half public street with the exact length and terminus to be determined by the Public Works Department after considering the grades on the property. If there are no grade problems, then the public streets should be extended the entire length of the oroperty so as to serve later potential development i'n thee area. ti k I i t Nm Renton City Council January 24, 1983 Page Four AUDIENCE Joel Haggard, 720 Olive Way, Seattle, requested the recommendation of COMMENT the Planning and Development Committee be read regarding the One Valley Place PUD appeal . MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY HUGHES, SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE TO PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Planning and Planning and Development Committee Chairman Rockhill presented a report Development recommending adoption by the City Council of the Examiner's report with Committee the following amendments: 1 ) Condition No. 1 to read as follows: The One Valley applicant provides proof to the satisfaction of the Environmental Review Place PUD Committee that a mechanism, whether city initiated LID or otherwise, Appeal will provide that the roads in the area are improved to accommodate the FPUD-061-82 projected traffic of Phase I of such development prior to the issuance of a building permit. 2) Delete the second sentence of Conclusion No. 9. i 3) Delete the last 14 words in the first sentence of Finding No. 9 and delete the second sentence in Finding No. 9. 4) Delete the first sentence ! ' in Conclusion No. 6 and substitute in its place, "Increasing stall width to nine feet and aisle width to 22 feet while providing a 10% reduction in the required number of parking stalls is appropriate. Applicant has voluntarily agreed to modify Section 4.03 of the CCR's (Exhibit #6 of Files PPUD-032-81 and PP-044-81 ) to conform with the above." 5) Delete the second paragraph of Conclusion No. 7. 6) Delete wording on Recommendation No. 2 and substitute in its place, "The CCR's shall be revised in conformance with Conclusion No. 6." MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. Following discussion regarding parking configuration, MOTION CARRIED. Audience Lois Rancourt, 1116 N. 38th Street, requested Planning and Comment Development Committee report be read regarding Dietch appeal of continued Rancourt Short Plat 055-82. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY REED, SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE TO PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Planning and Planning and Development Committee Chairman Rockhill presented a report Development recommending affirmation of the Hearing Examiner's report with the Committee exception that the Examiner was in error by not requiring that access Rancourt to and from the lots be by a dedicated public street . The committee Short Plat recommended that access requirement be changed to require a one-half Appeal public street with the exact length and terminus to be determined by Sh. Pl . 055-82 the Public Works Department after considering grades on the property. If no grade problems, the public streets should be extended the entire length of the property to serve later potential development in the area. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. Upon request, letter from Dewey Rancourt was read. The letter requested concurrence in the Examiner's recommendation for approval of a private road and denial of the appeal . CARRIED. Request for Rhonda Bryant, 1518 S. 28th, requested letter from Lawrence W. Ashley Sewer Connection be read. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE TO CORRESPONDENCE. CARRIED. Letter was read requesting Council permission to connect Cascade Vista residential lot outside city limits to Renton sewer system for purposes of sale. Following Council discussion regarding disposition of the matter, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, REFER LETTER TO UTILITIES COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION. Councilman Clymer requested display in the Chambers of a map designating sewer lines for Council reference. MOTION CARRIED. Consent Agenda James Colt, P.O. Box 547, requested Item 8.c. of the Consent Agenda Item 8.c.be read. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, SUSPEND THE RULES AND Reversion of ADVANCE TO CONSENT AGENDA, ITEM 8.c. CARRIED. Building and Zoning Ordinance #3113 Department requested reversion of Ordinance No. 3113, rezone from G-1 ERADCO) to variety of multiple family zones on February 22, 1977, approved with restrictive covenants to enforce reversion of zoning on property owned by Stoneway Concrete, Inc. (ERADCO) if construction not commenced in accordance with time schedule. New ordinance to correct zoning map required for subject property to designate reverted G-1 zoning. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, MATTER OF REVERSION OF ORDINANCE NO. 3113 BE REFERRED TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. ArokialommummE to C= , l l January 22, 1983 The Renton City Council 200 Mill Avenue So. RECEIVED Renton, Ida. 98055 Attn; Mr. Randy Rockhill, Chairman JAN 2 1983 Planning and Developement Committee CITY CF RENTON CIT' COUNCIL Subject; Appeal of Land Use Examiner's Decision- Filed by C. Dietsch Reference: Rancourt short plat SP -055-82, Variances, V-056-82, V-057-82, V-071-82 Dear Mr. Rockhill, I regret that business requires that I will be outside the U.S. next week and not able to address the City Council when the subject appeal will be acted upon. However, I respectfully request that you submit the following for consideration prior to a final decision on the appeal by the Council. All of the documents which have been filed, reviewed and anproved in connection with +.he referenced short plat and variances clearly indicate that the Land Use Hearing Examiner gave careful consideration to; 1. The recommendation of all seven (7) City Department/Agencies contacted for comments and anproval, 2. The topography of the site, 3. The proximity of existing residences on the site and adjacent properties, 4. The developement potJtial of adjacent properties, 5. The existing access to adjacent properties, and conclude that the requested short plat with a private road should be approved. Therefore, Mr. Kaufman, acting under the provisions of th City Ordinance No.1628, subsection 23A (9) of Section 9-1108, rendered t r 1 i i his prof'ess,ional judgement that the community would be best served by approva] of the short plat as requested. j In consideration of the foregoing, I respectfully request that the City Council su. port the Land Use Hearing Examiner's decision and deny the subject ap eal. Thank you flor your consideration and courtesy in this matter. 67.4.(7e.,. / 442-kt, _..r.ridC Dewey Rancourt 1116 No. 38th Renton t If 1 4 i THE CITY OF RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 csa. 0, BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR MAXINE E.MOTOR, CTSEV CITY CLERK • (206) 235-2500 4)0 0, 9 D SEPSti O January 28, 1983 Mr. Charles C. Dietsch 3737 Park Avenue N. Renton, WA 98056 RE: File No. Short Plat 055-82; D. A. Rancourt request; Appeal of Hearing Examiner 's Report. Dear r. Dietch: At its regular meeting of January 24, 1983, the Renton City Council reco ended affirmation of the Hearing Examiner 's report with the exce tion that the Examiner was in error by not requiring that access to a d from the lots be via a dedicated public street. The access requirement was thus changed to require a one-half public street with the exact length and terminus to be determined by the Public Work Department after considering grades on the property. grad problems exist, the public street should be extended the enti e length of the property to serve later potential development in the area. There is a possibility a late-comers fee will be charged. Please feel free to contact our department for further assistance or info mation regarding this matter. Very truly yours, CITY OF RENTON• Maxi e E. Motor City Clerk cc: Hearing Examiner Zoning Administrator OF RED 4THE CITY OF RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055A.i O RINGEXAMINER0i © 0 LAND USE HEARING i JL i BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR I fir FRED J. KAUFMAN. 235-2593 o ammo 9, 0 Q 0, 91 Et) Se91°/' January 25, 1983 Mr. D. A. Rancourt 1116 N. 38th Renton, WA 98056 PL. 055-82;D. A. Rancourt Short Plat. RE: File No. Sh. i Dear Mr. Rancourt: applicationthereferencedappishecity whichhhil I Tay; Eubli nee' s nR Decemberct 6,regarding82 was modified by was published o n 6, provided by ordinance. Therefore, this matterrthi sconsidered asfi a1transmitted to the City Clerk f i nail and i s being filing. contact the Building & If you have not already done So, please theBu dofi the Zuni ng Department for information regarding preparation County. f- nal short plat mylar which must be filed with King contact the above department to determine whether of You should also agreement forthagreementcouldpermit you to sharethethyoeanenterintoaSuchean°agrs ag the yuired road. parties who utilize it. cost of the road with other P may contact If urther assistance or information i s desired, you thi office. Si ncerely, TJA-,Itk(1.- 0 _,____ Fred J. KYufman Heari ng Exami ner cc: City Clerk Department Building & Zoning j 1 3, 1 1 1 I 0 For. Use By City Clerk's Office Only A. I . # b AGENDA ITEM RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING s sasxsa _ oaa axaeaa=asx=xxa ass:sssxar=oxmassssssasasax=axsssssaass=a SUBMITTING Dept./Div./Bd./Comm. City Clerks Office For Agenda Of December 27, 1982 Meeting Date) Staff Contact Maxine E. Motor Name) Agenda Status: SUBJECT: Appeal 1- 4 Charles Dietsch of Consent Hearing Fxdniinpr' c flericinn Public Hearing Correspondence of December 6, 1982 for D_A. and Ordinance/Resolution L.-A-. Rancourt Old Business Exhibits: (Legal Descr. , Maps, Etc. )Attach New Business A. Short Plat - SP-055-82, Study Session Other B. Variances - V-056-82, V-071-82 C. Appeal Approval : Legal Dept. Yes No N/A COUNCIL ACTION RECOMMENDED: Refer to Planning Finance Dept. Yes No. N/A and Development Committee Other Clearance FISCAL IMPACT: Amount Appropriation-Expenditure Required $ Budgeted Transfer Required SUMMARY (Background information, prior action and effect of implementation) Attach additional pages if necessary. ) Appeal by Charles Dietsch for D.A. and L.A. Rancourt. See above. ie Ali PARTIES OF RECORD/INTERESTED CITIZENS TO BE CONTACTED: G js1 Renton City Council December 27, 1982 Page 2 CONSENT AGENDA continued Bid Opening City Clerk reported bid opening of December 20, 1982 forTaylorTaylorPlacePlacewatermainreplacement (Water Project #W-704) . SixbidsWaterm,iin received. Refer to Public Works Department andUtilitiesReplacrsmentCommittee. Bid Opining City Clerk reported bid opening of December 17, 1982 for LID320LID320watermainextensiononNE27thStreeteastofEdmondsAvenueNEWatermainWaterProject #W-614) . Nine bids received. Refer toPublicExtens' on Works Department and Utilities Committee. Park Department Park Department requested transfer of funds in the amount of $5,000FundTransferfromUnanticipatedRevenue (Rotary Club donation) and $14,616.24 from Community Facilities for completion of improvements to Renton High School 's west field, designated for co-use by the CityandRentonSchoolDistrict. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. (Seelateraction - Ordinance #3695. ) Rancourt_ Appeal Appeal filed by Charles Dietsch re; D.A. and L.A. Racourt ofHearingSP-055-> 2, Examiner Recommendation of December 6, 1982 for Short Plat (SP-055-82)V-055-82/056-82 and Variances (V-055-82, V-056-82, V-057-82, V-071-82) at 3720LakeV-057-82/071-82 Washington Blvd. North. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. Claim for Claim for damages in the amount of $306.72 filed by Richard R.Damages Obermeit, 24825 Marine View Drive South, Kent, for sewage back-upCL61-8? damage to rental home located at 918 Glennwood Avenue NEallegedlycausedbyblockedCitysewerpipes (10/30-11/01/82) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance carrier. Court C,ise - Court case filed by Ida M. Shelton for injuries alleged inaIdaSheltonfallonsidewalkbetweenSouthSecondandSouthThirdonWilliamsAvenueSouthonJanuary29, 1981 . Refer to City Attorneyandinsurancecarrier. Consent Agenda MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE CONSENTAGENDAApprovedASPRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Marshall J. Nelson, Davis, Wright, Todd, Riese & Jones,Group W Cable 4200 Seattle-First National Bank Building, Seattle, attorneyforPendingRateGroupWCable, requested the matter of the pending Group WCableIncreaserateincreaserequestbeplacedontonight ' s agenda. The letter also forwarded a copy of the City of Seattle Hearing Examiner ' s decision agreeing to Group W's rate increase proposal to Seattle identical to the Renton proposal ) . The City of SeattleHearingExamineralsoaddressedthethreemainunresolvedissuesofthe Renton proposal : (1 ) Treatment of revenues from basic services versus "pay" services - that basic service rates should not be reduced simply to offset large profit earnings on "pay" services; that the basic rate provide for a fair return; that theproposedbasicrateberegardedas 'fair ' . (2) Installation charges - need not be adjusted in light of the fact that the overall returnwasfair. (3) Rate of $9.95 (as opposed to the $10.55 rate requested) that the lower rate to match other charges would appear to result l in less than a fair return and could not be required. continued Letter from A. J. Ladner, Executive Director, City of RentonHousingAuthority, P. 0. Box 2316, Renton, requested discount viewing prices for cable television at the following low-income senior housing projects: Evergreen Terrace, 3017 NE 15th Street; Hillcrest Terrace, 1442 Hillcrest Lane NE; Sunset Terrace, 970 Harrington Avenue NE; and Cedar River Terrace, 51 Burnett Avenue South. Total residents: 202. Councilman Stredicke noted that if the proposed rate increaseisnotacteduponpriortoJanuary15, 1983, the pending increase is approved by non-action according to the agreement with Group W. Councilman Stredicke also voiced concern over the non-responsiveness NE!.COPIES TO: SENT X. CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE RECORD CHRONICLE (PRESS) X MAY"OR S OFFICE CITY COUNCIL 1/ K" FINANCE DEPARTMENT C HEARING I1L { NER STING DEPARTMENT X PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR UTILITY ENGINEERING PET ITIONER,/APPLIGANT Cam, ets 415-AR- i STREET DEPARTMENT 7c1--y‘ -h..Q —4 r BUILDING DEPARTMENT r OF RED 6 o THE CITY OF RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 oamiL BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR MAXINE E.MOTOR, 4:4 co- CITY CLERK • (206) 235-2500 60 SEP1v4O December 21 , 1982 APPEAL FILED BY CHARLES C. DIETSCH RE: Appeal of Land Use Examiner' s Decision Dated December 6, 1982, Rancourt Short Plat, SP-055-82; Variances, V-056-82, V-057-82, V-071-82 To Parties of Record: Pursuant to Title 4, Chapter 30, City Code, written appeal of Land Use Hearing Examiner's decision has been filed with the City Clerk, along with the proper fee of $75.00. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the written appeal and other pertinent documents will be reviewed by the Council ' s Planning and Development Committee and will be considered by the City Council when the matter is reported out of Committee. Please contact the Council Secretary 235-2586, for date and time of the committee and council meetings, should you desire to attend. Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON Maxine E. Motor, City Clerk MEM/ss BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON In re the Application of : EC E I V E SH. PL. 055-82 V-056-82 , V-057-82, OEC 2 0. 4 . V-071-82 D. A. FANCOURT AND l, OU T. A F;AN $T TICE OF APPEAL TO THE CITY CLERK CITY COUNCIL The undersigned interested party hereby files its Notice of Appeal from the Decision or Recommendation of the Land Use Hearing Examiner in the above-mentioned matter dated December 16 , , 19 82 • 1 . Identification of Party : Appellant :Representative : Name :Charles C. Dietsch Name : Address : 3737 Park Ave. N. Address : Renton, WA 98056 Telephor e No . Z2S_363g gy Telephone No . 2 . Specification of Errors : Set forth below the specific errors of fact or law upon which this appeal is based : Findings of Fact No .1 Error : See Addendum, re: Specifications of Error #1 Correction : See Addendum, re: Specifications of Error #1 NO.Error : Correction : Conclusions No. 2 Error :See Addendum, re: Specifications of Error #2 Correction: See Addendum, re: Specifications of Error #2 Na. 3 Error : See Addendum, re: Specifications of Error J3 Correction : See Addendum, re: Specifications of Error #3 Other No . 4 Error : See Addendum, re: Specifications of Error #4 Correction : See Addendum, re: Specifications of Error #4 No . 5 Error : See Addendum, re: Specifications of Error #5 Correction : See Addendum, re: Specifications of Error #5 No. 6 Correction and Error: See Addendum, re: Specification of Error 3 . Summary of Relief Requested : 6 The City Council is requested to grant the following relief : Reverse the Decision or Recommendation and grant thefollowingiXIrelief : See Addendum, Relief Requested. Modify the Decision or Recommendation as follows : I. x I See Addendum, Relief Requested. Remand to the Examiner for further consideration as follows : Ixi See Addendum, Relief Requested. IOther : Dated : December 20 , 1982 App l.lant) NOTE : Please refer to Title IV , Chapter 30 of the Renton Municipal Code , and in particular to Section 4-3016 thereof , for the specific procedures for consideration of this appeal . Please attach additional pages if necessary to specify additional errors and the relief requested. BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON In re the Application of: No. SH. PL. 055-82 V-056-82, V-057-82, D. A. RANCOURT and V-071-82 L. A. RANCOURT ADDENDUM TO NOTICE OF APPEAL TO CITY COUNCIL; SPECIFICATION OF ERRORS AND RELIEF REQUESTED 2. Specification of Errors: A. Findings of Fact. No. 1, Error: The hearing examiner failed to enter any findings or take into account in the Findings Nos. 1-15 inclusive, the testimony and evidence submitted by Charles C. Dietsch from the prior hearing at which the variances were denied, partly as a result of the testimony and evidence of Charles C. Dietsch as well as the Building & Zoning Department, City of Renton, Report. This error was very significant because there was a new variance application heard for the first time at the last hearing. Charles C. Dietsch had no opportunity to oppose the last variance application. As noted above, the first two variances had originally been denied. Just as the applicant had an opportunity to present new evidence, Charles C. Dietsch should also have had the opportunity to present new evidence and oppose these variances. The hearing examiner has taken a position which appears to be of questionable validity. He has taken the position that because this is "a hearing on an entirely new application" , therefore, notice to the opponent, Charles C. Dietsch, was not required. He has also taken the position that even though this was an entirely new hearing, he somehow incorporated prior testimony of Charles C. Dietsch, when Charles C. Dietsch had no opportunity to testify with respect to the new application. Correction: The only possible correction for this error is to reverse the decision of the hearing examiner, vacate the findings of fact and conclusions of law entered in his memorandum decision, and remand the matter to the hearing examiner for a full and proper hearing with due notice to all interested persons, as required by law. B. Conclusions. No. 2, Error; Conclusions Nos. 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, and 8 are all in error because they each fail to properly take into consideration the public policy of the City of Renton that subdivisions will not be allowed without dedication of a public street. That statement of public policy was clearly identified in Finding of Fact No. 8, sentences 3 and 4. Conclusion No. 1: In direct opposition to that finding, the hearing examiner found that the subject short plat appeared to serve the public use and interest. Such a short plat would not serve the public use and interest if it hampers other development, which it would do. The only solution to further the overall public policy of filling in the urban areas of the city is to require a public street to be installed in connection with the subdivision. Conclusion No. 3 has the same problem in that it states 2- en) b. that each of the three variances is justified given the nature of the exisiting development in the area. There is no justification for the variance granting the development using a private easement road, rather than a public street. A public street is essential for the proper development of that property and the surrounding area in an acceptable manner. Conclusion No. 4 clearly demonstrates in various points that a public street is needed, even for the development of that property. Nevertheless, the conclusion states that the applicants would be denied reasonable development rights and suffer undue hardship without the variances requested. That part of the conclusion is not true. It is entirely possible to develop the property in a proper manner with a public street, and the development of a public street would create no undue hardship given the circumstances, because such a development of a public street is one of the alternatives which would normally be required for this kind of subplat. Conclusion No. 5 ignores the fact that unless a public street is developed, the granting of the other variances will in fact impact and create problems in both the subplat and in the surrounding community. While the other variances may be the minimum relief necessary in order to develop the property in a reasonable manner, there is no necessity to ignore the requirement of a public street as stated in the Renton City Code. Conclusion No. 7 directly addresses the problem, and concludes that simply because prior development had been 3- ir n U done, before the imposition of the Renton City code, to permit easement access, that such is now a proper public policy after the areas have been annexed into the City of 1 Renton. That conclusion ignores that the other development was done during times when the property was essentially rural in character. It is important that, for public policy reasons, urban development be done properly using public streets. The creation of a private road will create a special privilege in this area within the meaning of the Code of the City of Renton, because no such departure has been permitted in this area since the Renton City Code became applicable to it. Every other development will ultimately need to meet the same requirements. If this area is to be properly developed as a part of the city, public roads will have to be developed. That requirement should not be undermined beginning with the first applications for redevelopment after the imposition of the Code of the City of Renton to this area. Conclusion No. 8 is totally in error in that a public road would serve to connect other property which does not have access by public road. As previously indicated, the mere fact that other parts of other premises are served by easements does not facilitate the redevelopment of those other large parcels of land. For example, the only feasible way to approach the property of Charles C. Dietsch with a public road would include the development of a public road along the private road now proposed by applicant Rancourt. 4- 1 f tV' CORRECTION: The only possible correction for this set of errors is to reverse the decision of the hearing examiner and remand the matter to the hearing examiner for entry of correct conclusions based on the findings and the evidence which demonstrate that the Renton City Code requires that a public street be opened the purpose of the subplat of the property which is the subject of these pending applications. 1 No. 3, Error: Failure to give notice of hearing to Charles C. Dietsch and other protestants, including failure to give notice of the variance application hearing. Charles C. Dietsch received no notice of the new variance application or the hearing date on the variance application. Therefore, he was denied the opportunity to present new and additional evidence on the subject opposing these variances. This is such a serious error that it amounts to a denial of due process because it adversely affects the property of Charles C. Dietsch and his property rights, as well as the rights of the public to be sure that all facts are reviewed prior to the granting of variances. CORRECTION: Reverse and Remand For New Hearing. No. 4 , Error: The hearing examiner refused to vacate his decision and hold a new hearing, after he was advised of the failure of the City of Renton to give notification to Charles C. Dietsch of the new variance application and the new hearing date on the subject variances. This is true even though the hearing examiner, himself, claimed that the 5- V whole matter was a new hearing. This refusal to honor the concept of due process notifications and the opportunity to be heard when property rights are involved is an even more serious error than the failure to give notification, for the reason that it indicates that a possible unwillingness of the hearing examiner to properly rehear the matter even if it is remanded to him since he was given the opportunity to hold a rehearing and refused. No. 5, Error: The protestants had requested that a condition of granting of the variances should be imposed that limited the height of the buildings to be placed on the subplated properties to somewhat less than 35 feet so as to preserve the normal view of the other Upland properties. The hearing examiner refused on the technicality that there "had been no variance requested for height requirements" . The protestants were simply requesting conditions to the variances so as to avoid adverse effects produced by the variances on surrounding properties. The hearing examiner has given no justification whatsoever for his refusal to consider reasonable height limitatations that could preserve in a somewhat better manner the existing views of the other Upland properties. The height limitation of between 25 and 35 feet would not be unreasonable. The hearing examiner mistakenly treated this question as one of whether or not the applicant had a right to build to 35 feet in height. The proper answer is that the applicant does not have the right when he is requesting other variances, because such height limitations, if reasonable, can be imposed 6- r as condition for the other variances. The hearing examiner refused to consider that approach. Failure to consider that appraoch is itself arbitrary and unreasonable. If there were reasons why the height limitations requested by other interested adjoining neighbors, the hearing examiner did not give them in his written decision. CORRECTION: The hearing examiner ' s decision should be reversed, and remanded with instructions that the hearing examiner is to consider any reasonable requests for height restriction as a condition to the variances without imposing the super technical conclusions that "no variance was requested. " No. 6 Error: There is an unclarified boundary problem between property of Charles C. Dietsch and the subject property owned by applicant Rancourt. Mr. Rancourt has attempted to claim that the boundary line runs through portions of the rockery which appears to be on the property of Charles C. Dietsch. Therefore, the boundary for the proposed subplat has not been properly varified. Lot #4 of the proposed subplat, as drawn, may include portions of property which is actually owned by Charles C. Dietsch. This matter would have properly been brought to the attention of the hearing examiner in the last hearing provided the proper notice had been sent to protestant Charles C. Dietsch as an interested party. CORRECTION: The only solution to this error is to reverse the decision of the hearing examiner, remand for a rehearing and permit 7- r f V OPthe introduction of this evidence by Charles C. Dietsch. C. Summary of Relief Requested. The City Council is requested to grant the following relief: 1. Reverse the Decision of the Hearing Examiner and Remand for a new hearing; 2. Modify the Decision of the Hearing Examiner, so as to deny the application for variance for use of a private road, and require, instead, that the Renton City Code provision requiring a public street be treated as clearly stated public policy which requires the denial of the variance in this instance; and 3. Remand to the Hearing Examiner for further consideration of the additional request of the interested parties with respect to the following subjects: A. Imposition of the height restriction on the development as a subject to the granting of the variances for lot depth and adjustment of side yard set back; and B. Requirement that the applicant clarify the boundary location between the applicants' property and the property of Charles C. Dietsch, so that it becomes clear that nothing included in the proposed subplat is not considered to be a part of the improvements on the property of Charles C. Dietsch. END OF ADDENDUM DATED this 20th day of December, 1982. Charles C. Dietsch, Interested Party and Appellant 8- n OF R4,, 0 THE CITY OF RENTON U 40 © z MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 0 . rn BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR MAXINE E.MOTOR, 09A P( 0 CITY CLERK • (206) 235-2500 0917' 0 SEP-W° g December 21 , 1982 CERTIFICATE OF MAILING STATE OF WASHINGTON) 9 ss. COUNTY OF KING MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk of the City of Renton, being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and says that she is a citizen of the United States and a resident of the State of Washington, over the age of 21 and not a party to nor interested in this matter. That on the 21st day of December, 1982, at the hour of 5:00 p.m. , your affiant duly mailed and placed in the United States Post Office at Renton, King County, Washington, by first class mail , to all parties of record, a true and correct NOTICE OF APPEAL OF THE HEARING EXAMINER'S DECISION FILED BY CHARLES C. DIETSCH. RANCOURT SHORT PLAT, SP-055-82; VARIANCES, V-056-82, V-057-82, V-071-82. Y 1 l' IMaxine E. Motor, City Clerk SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE me this 21st day of December, 1982 1-x1)0S: -)(\/\ . k.kkt Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing in King County ss t OF I THE CITY OF RENTON`-, ,, o 1 U `$ © Z MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 t rL E. BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR MAXINE E.MOTOR, o90 o CITY CLERK (206) 235-2500 o9, 17, SEP1 % O December 21 , 1982 k I APPEAL FILED BY CHARLES C. DIETSCH RE: Appeal of Land Use Examiner' s Decision Dated December 6, 1982, f Rancourt Short Plat, SP-055-82; Variances, V-056-82, V-057-82, V-071-82 4 t To Parties of Record: Pursuant to Title 4, Chapter 30, City Code, written appeal of Land Use Hearing Examiner' s decision has been filed with the City Clerk, along with the proper fee of $75.00. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the written appeal and other pertinent documents will be reviewed by the Council ' s Planning and Development Committee and will be considered by the City Council when the matter is reported out of Committee. Please contact the Council Secretary 235-2586, for date and time of the committee and council meetings, should you desire to attend. a Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON mayy,, Maxine E. Motor, City Clerk MEM/ss 0,. 1,...m..........11....mj i BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON In re the Application of: !EC SH. PL. 055-82 V-056-82 , V-057-82, oEc2ft yo, V-071-82 D. A. RANCOURT AND r. A RnrTrnrTRm 1OOTICE OF APPEAL TO THE 1 CITY CLERK CITY COUNCIL 9 The undersigned interested party hereby files its Notice of Appeal from the Decision or Recommendation of the Land Use Hearing Examiner in the above-mentioned matter dated December 16 , 19 82 1 . Identification of Party : Appellant : Representative : Name :Charles C. Dietsch Name : Address : 3737 Park Ave. N. Address : Renton, WA 98056 Telephone No. 22-3O38 00-Z2k-/Tf7 Telephone No . 2 . Specification of Errors :. Set forth below the specific errors of fact or law upon which this appeal is based : Findings of Fact No.1 Error : See Addendum, re: Specifications of Error #1 Correction: See Addendum, re: Specifications of Error #1 NO. Error : Correction: E R 1 tl Conclusions No . 2 Error :See Addendum, re: Specifications of Error #2 Correction: See Addendum, re: Specifications of Error #2 NO. 3 Error : See Addendum, re: Specifications of Error #3 Correction : See Addendum, re: Specifications of Error #3 Other No . 4 Error : See Addendum, re: Specifications of Error #4 Correction : See Addendum, re: Specifications of Error #4 No . 5 Error : See Addendum, re: Specifications of Error #5 Correction : See Addendum, re: Specifications of Error #5 No. 6 Correction and Error: See Addendum, re: Specification of Error 3 . Summary of Relief Requested : 6 The City Council is requested to grant the following relief : Reverse the Decision or Recommendation and grant the following x relief: See Addendum, Relief Requested. lx I Modify the Decision or Recommendation as follows : L J See Addendum, Relief Requested. Remand to the Examiner for further consideration as follows : I x See Addendum, Relief Requested. IOther : Dated: December 20, 19821 Appel ant) NOTE : Please refer to Title IV, Chapter 30 of the Renton Municipal Code , and in particular to Section 4-3016 thereof, for the specific procedures for consideration of this appeal . Please attach additional pages if necessary to specify additional errors and the relief requested. 0 BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON In re the Application of: No. SH. PL. 055-82 V-056-82 , V-057-82, D. A. RANCOURT and V-071-82 L. A. RANCOURT ADDENDUM TO NOTICE OF APPEAL TO CITY COUNCIL; SPECIFICATION OF ERRORS AND RELIEF REQUESTED F 2. Specification of Errors: A. Findings of Fact. No. 1, Error: The hearing examiner failed to enter any findings or take into account in the Findings Nos. 1-15 inclusive, the testimony and evidence submitted by Charles C. Dietsch from the prior hearing at which the variances were denied, partly as a result of the testimony and evidence of Charles C. Dietsch as well as the Building & Zoning Department, City of Renton, Report. This error was very significant because there was a new variance application heard for the first time at the last hearing. Charles C. Dietsch had no opportunity to oppose the last variance application. As noted above, the first two variances had originally been denied. Just as the applicant had an opportunity to present new evidence, Charles C. Dietsch should also have had the opportunity to present new evidence and oppose these variances. The hearing examiner has taken a position which appears to be of questionable validity. He has taken the position that because this is "a hearing on an entirely new application" , therefore, notice to the opponent, Charles C. Dietsch, was not required. He has also taken the position that even though this was an entirely new hearing, he somehow incorporated prior testimony of Charles C. Dietsch, when Charles C. Dietsch had no opportunity to testify with respect to the new application. Correction: The only possible correction for this error is to reverse the decision of the hearing examiner, vacate the findings of fact and conclusions of law entered in his memorandum decision, and remand the matter to the hearing examiner for a full and proper hearing with due notice to all interested persons, as required by law. B. Conclusions. No. 2, Error; Conclusions Nos. 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, and 8 are all in error because they each fail to properly take into consideration the public policy of the City of Renton that subdivisions will not be allowed without dedication of a public street. That statement of public policy was clearly identified in Finding of Fact No. 8, sentences 3 and 4. Conclusion No. 1: In direct opposition to that finding, the hearing examiner found that the subject short plat appeared to serve the public use and interest. Such a short plat would not serve the public use and interest if it hampers other development, which it would do. The only solution to further the overall public policy of filling in the urban areas of the city is to require a public street to be installed in connection with the subdivision. Conclusion No. 3 has the same problem in that it states 2- that each of the three variances is justified given the nature of the exisiting development in the area. There is no justification for the variance granting the development using a private easement road, rather than a public street. A public street is essential for the proper development of that property and the surrounding area in an acceptable manner. Conclusion No. 4 clearly demonstrates in various points that a public street is needed, even for the development of that property. Nevertheless, the conclusion states that the applicants would be denied reasonable development rights and suffer undue hardship without the variances requested. That part of the conclusion is not true. It is entirely possible to develop the property in a proper manner with a public street, and the development of a public street would create no undue hardship given the circumstances, because such a development of a public street is one of the alternatives which would normally be required for this kind of subplat. Conclusion No. 5 ignores the fact that unless a public street is developed, the granting of the other variances will in fact impact and create problems in both the subplat and in the surrounding community. While the other variances may be the minimum relief necessary in order to develop the property in a reasonable manner, there is no necessity to ignore the requirement of a public street as stated in the Renton City Code. Conclusion No. 7 directly addresses the problem, and concludes that simply because prior development had been 3- i done, before the imposition of the Renton City code, to permit easement access, that such is now a proper public policy after the areas have been annexed into the City of Renton. That conclusion ignores that the other development was done during times when the property was essentially rural in character. It is important that, for public policy reasons, urban development be done properly using public streets. The creation of a private road will create a special privilege in this area within the meaning of the Code of the City of Renton, because no such departure has been permitted in this area since the Renton City Code became applicable to it. Every other development will ultimately need to meet the same requirements. If this area is to be properly developed as a part of the city, public roads will have to be developed. That requirement should not be undermined beginning with the first applications for redevelopment after the imposition of the Code of the City of Renton to this area. Conclusion No. 8 is totally in error in that a public road would serve to connect other property which does not have access by public road. As previously indicated, the mere fact that other parts of other premises are served by easements does not facilitate the redevelopment of those other large parcels of land. For example, the only feasible way to approach the property of Charles C. Dietsch with a public road would include the development of a public road along the private road now proposed by applicant Rancourt. 4- m CORRECTION: The only possible correction for this set of errors is to reverse the decision of the hearing examiner and remand the matter to the hearing examiner for entry of correct conclusions based on the findings and the evidence which demonstrate that the Renton City Code requires that a public street be opened the purpose of the subplat of the property which is the subject of these pending applications. No. 3, Error: Failure to give notice of hearing to Charles C. Dietsch and other protestants, including failure to give notice of the variance application hearing. Charles C. Dietsch received no notice of the new variance application or the hearing date on the variance application. Therefore, he was denied the opportunity to present new and additional evidence on the subject opposing these variances. This is such a serious error that it amounts to a denial of due process because it adversely affects the property of Charles C. Dietsch and his property rights, as well as the rights of the public to be sure that all facts are reviewed prior to the granting of variances. CORRECTION: Reverse and Remand For New Hearing. No. 4, Error: The hearing examiner refused to vacate his decision and hold a new hearing, after he was advised of the failure of the City of Renton to give notification to Charles C. Dietsch of the new variance application and the new hearing date on the subject variances. This is true even though the hearing examiner, himself, claimed that the 5- r whole matter was a new hearing. This refusal to honor the concept of due process notifications and the opportunity to be heard when property rights are involved is an even more serious error than the failure to give notification, for the reason that it indicates that a possible unwillingness of the hearing examiner to properly rehear the matter even if it is remanded to him since he was given the opportunity to hold a rehearing and refused. No. 5, Error: The protestants had requested that a condition of granting of the variances should be imposed that limited the height of the buildings to be placed on the subplated properties to somewhat less than 35 feet so as to preserve the normal view of the other Upland properties. The hearing examiner refused on the technicality that there "had been no variance requested for height requirements" . The protestants were simply requesting conditions to the variances so as to avoid adverse effects produced by the variances on surrounding properties. The hearing examiner has given no justification whatsoever for his refusal to consider reasonable height limitatations that could preserve in a somewhat better manner the existing views of the other Upland properties. The height limitation of between 25 and 35 feet would not be unreasonable. The hearing examiner mistakenly treated this question as one of whether or not the applicant had a right to build to 35 feet in height. The proper answer is that the applicant does not have the right when he is requesting other variances, because such height limitations, if reasonable, can be imposed 6- as condition for the other variances. The hearing examiner refused to consider that approach. Failure to consider that appraoch is itself arbitrary and unreasonable. If there were reasons why the height limitations requested by other interested adjoining neighbors, the hearing examiner did not give them in his written decision. CORRECTION: The hearing examiner' s decision should be reversed, and remanded with instructions that the hearing examiner is to consider any reasonable requests for height restriction as a condition to the variances without imposing the super technical conclusions that "no variance was requested. " No. 6 Error: There is an unclarified boundary problem between property of Charles C. Dietsch and the subject property owned by applicant Rancourt. Mr. Rancourt has attempted to claim that the boundary line runs through portions of the rockery which appears to be on the property of Charles C. Dietsch. Therefore, the boundary for the proposed subplat has not been properly varified. Lot #4 of the proposed subplat, as drawn, may include portions of property which is actually owned by Charles C. Dietsch. This matter would have properly been brought to the attention of the hearing examiner in the last hearing provided the proper notice had been sent to protestant Charles C. Dietsch as an interested party. CORRECTION: The only solution to this error is to reverse the decision of the hearing examiner, remand for a rehearing and permit 7- t the introduction of this evidence by Charles C. Dietsch. C. Summary of Relief Requested. The City Council is requested to grant the following relief: 1. Reverse the Decision of the Hearing Examiner and Remand for a new hearing; 2. Modify the Decision of the Hearing Examiner, so as to deny the application for variance for use of a private road, and require, instead, that the Renton City Code provision requiring a public street be treated as clearly stated public policy which requires the denial of the variance in this instance; and 3. Remand to the Hearing Examiner for further consideration of the additional request of the interested parties with respect to the following subjects: A. Imposition of the height restriction on the development as a subject to the granting of the variances for lot depth and adjustment of side yard set back; and B. Requirement that the applicant clarify the boundary location between the applicants' property and the property of Charles C. Dietsch, so that it becomes clear that nothing included in the proposed subplat is not considered to be a part of the improvements on the property of Charles C. Dietsch. END OF ADDENDUM DATED this 20th day of December, 1982 . Charles C. Dietsch, Interested Party and Appellant 8- CITY OF RENTON N° 25606 FINANCE DEPARTMENT RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 19S -- RECEIVED OF Q.\\CLti ,`ls L` (' r a 1,41 . 10 ) 1" TOTAL l 9 Finance Director WEN EC. MAROIIALL, FINANCE DIRECTOR BY ya M. I 1 OF R4, BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT RONALD G. NELSON - DIRECTOR mi 0 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 • 235-2540 o9, 4), SEP1E P BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH MEMORANDUM MAYOR DATE : DECEMBER 7 , 1982 TO: FRED J. KAUFMAN, LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER FROM: ROGER J. BLAYLOCK, ZONING ADMINISTRATOR SUBJECT : RANCOURT VARIANCE/ V-071-82 Please find attached comments from both the Public Works Department and the City Attorney concerning the side yard variance request by D.A. & L.A. Rancourt . The information was received after the public hearing and has been so noted on each page. Please place in the official yellow file to complete the record. RECEIVED CITY OF RENTON HEARING EXAMINER DEC 7 1982 AM PM I'18,9it0,11d211,213I415,6 a . Received after public hearing. Not part of data that decision was based ul 2 2102 (ems 7 OF I V o PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT DESIGN/UTILITY ENGINEERING • 235-2631 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055O co o P INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM CITY OF RENTON9 rFD SEPSE RRBARBARAY. SHINPOCHDMAYORuuDEC21982 Date: December 1 , 1982 BU.ILDNG-70NNG L EPV To:Roger Blaylock, Building & Zoning Department From: Bob Bergstrom, Engineering Supervisor Subject: Rancourt Variance The Rancourt variances places this existing building too close to the future roadway. As advised by the City Attorney, a Hold Harmless Agreement should be a condition of the variance to place the developer's liability clearly on the property and not upon the City. A liability waiver such as this could change our department' s concerns and reservations on this short plat. A;4 K.A4264.M— REB:jft Received afi- r public hearing. Not part of data that the decision w: based upon . I Z f.f 2 kg . 24.,,l,OA. OF i OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY • RENTON,WASHINGTON POST OFFICE BOX 626 100 S 2nd STREET • RENTON. wASHINGTON 98057 255-8678 mmr LAWRENCE J.WARREN, CITY ATTORNEY DANIEL KELLOGG, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY 0 O DAVID M. DEAN, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY 09gT D SEP e P MARK E. BARBER, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY November 18 , 1982 ZANETTA L.FONTES, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY TO: Gary Norris , Traffic Engineer FROM: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney RE: Short Plat Variance Request - 3720 Lake Washington Blvd. N. Rancourt Dear Gary : In response to your Memo of November 17 , 1982 , the City does not place itself in an unfavorable legal position if the corner of the house was struck as the owner of the house would have voluntarily placed himself in the path of danger . On another issue , I think the language of the Ordinance permitting variances should be looked at carefully to see whether or not the variance can even be granted . It is normally against City policy to grant a short plat that would place property in violation of other City ordinances . I would suppose that the variance request is the proper way to go to remove the violation of the setback ordinance. However , the variance can be granted only if the applicant meets the conditions of the variance ordinance . As a final thought, if the City has any concern that granting of the variance might expose it to any liability, then I think the City should require , as a condition of the variance , and of the short plat , that the owner sign a hold harmless agreement running with the land as to any claims , causes of action, damage , etc . caused or contributed to by the establishment , maintenance , and use of the roadway. Lawr: c- J. Wa1Len LJW:nd cc : Mayor REf N BUILDING & ZONING DE ;TMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - x - x APPLICATION NO(S) : SHORT PLAT-055-82, V-056-82, V-057-82 PROPONENT : D. A. Rancourt & L. A. Rancourt PROJECT TITLE : Rancourt Short Plat BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Application to short plat approximately 1 acre into 4 lots and variances to permit (1) , a private street 30 feet wide and 357 feet long and 2) , a lot depth of 77.6 feet in lieu of an/i 80 foot depth. LOCATION : Property located at 3720 Lake Washington Blvd. North. TO : F-] PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : x El ENGINEERING DIVISION TRAFFIC ENG . DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : 8-17-82 El UTILITIES ENG . DIVISION n FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU n PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT n BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT 14POLICE DEPARTMENT POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT n OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING , PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5: 00 P . M. ON 7-12-82 CIRCULATED: 7-2-82 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : pLICE APPRCVED APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS 0 NOT APPROVED 1 ) Both sides of the proposed street be designated as fire zones to prevent parking as the police have problems on narrow streets when parking is allowed. Emergency vehicles(fire& police) often have problems naining access in an emergency. If a fire zone is not established on a private street neither police or fire have authority to keen the street open for emergency access. Persson DATE : 8/11/82 SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 REN N BUILDING & ZONING DEF ITMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET RECEIVED AFTER PUBLIC HEARING. NOT ECF - x _ - X PART OF DATA THAT THE DECISION WAS BASED UPON. !2 -/ 4-,L APPLICATION NO(S) : VARIANCE (V-071-82) V PROPONENT : D.A. & L.A. Rancourt PROJECT TITLE : BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Variance application from Section 4-706 (C) (4) to reduce the sideyard setback to the required public street. LOCATION : The property is located at 3720 Lake Washington Boulevard North. TO : n PUBLC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : x DENGINEERING XTRAFFIC DIVISION ENG , DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : 11-23-82 n UTILITIES ENG , DIVISION n FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU n PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT n BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT n POLICE DEPARTMENT n POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT n OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING , PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5 : 00 P . M . ON November 16, 1982 REVIEWING .DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : 7 P A r 1' ; L -" ; r n APPROVED n APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS NOT APPROVED 4-9e-c/2_, rt-0-4 044trexi eArt-X" etZ7 etc-a-g-c_ 44t4. 1 ) 14h/- , DATE : P /7. SIGNATURE OF `DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 REN N BUILDING & ZONING DEF TMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET RECEIVED AFTER PUBLIC HEARING. NOT PART OF DATA THAT THE DECISION WAS ECF - x - X BASED UPON. /2/7/ 2 /,',y , a y1x - APPLICATION NO(S) : VARIANCE (V-071-82) PROPONENT : D.A. & L.A. Rancourt PROJECT TITLE : BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Variance application from Section 4-706 (C)(4) to reduce th_> sideyard setback to the required public street. LOCATION : The property is located at 3720 Lake Washington Boulevard North. TO : 0 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : x ENGINEERING DIVISION TRAFFIC ENG , DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : 11-23-82 E] uTILITIES ENG , DIVISION l I FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU I ( PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT i ( BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT L ( POLICE DEPARTMENT I ( POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT FlOTHERS : COMMENTS CR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING , PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5 : 00 P ,M, ON November lb, 1982 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : 71 APPROVED n APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS NOT APPROVED DATE : / /8/61 SIGNATURE 0 DI ECTOR R THORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING State of Washington) County of King Willis Roberts being first duly sworn, upon oath disposes and states: That on the 6th day of December 1982 , affiant deposited in the mails of the United States a sealed envelope containing a decision or recommendation with postage prepaid, addressed to the parties of record in the below entitled application or petition. C; Subscribed and sworn this 6th day of December 19 82 . 164? ao .) 0 ' Not y Public in an .or - e St2e of Washington, residing at ry Short Plat 055-82 Application, Petition or Case: V-056-82, V-057-82, V-071-82 The minutes contain a W,t a6 the panties 06 necond. ) December 6, 1982 OFFICE OF THE LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER CITY OF RENTON REPORT AND DECISION. APPLICANT: D. A. Rancourt & L. A. Rancourt FILE NO. SH. PL. 055-82, V-056-82, V-057-82, V-071-82 LOCATION: 3720 Lake Washington Boulevard North SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The applicant seeks approval of a four-lot short plat along with variances to (1) allow a lot depth of 77.6 feet in lieu of the 85 foot requirement, (2) a side yard of 3.7 feet instead of 20 feet, and (3) allow construction of a private street 30 feet wide and 357 feet long. SUMMARY OF ACTION: Building & Zoning Department Recommendation: Approval of short plat and variances V-057-82 and V-071-82 with conditions. Denial of variance V-056-82. Hearing Examiner Decision: Approval of short plat and variances V-056-82, V-057-82 and V-071.82. BUILDING & ZONING The Building & Zoning Department report was received by the DEPARTMENT REPORT: Examiner on November 16, 1982. PUBLIC HEARING: After reviewing the Building & Zoning Department report, examining available information on file with the application, and field checking the property and surrounding area, the Examiner conducted a public hearing on the subject as follows: The hearing was opened on November 23, 1982, at 9:08 a.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building. Parties wishing to testify were affirmed by the Examiner. Roger Blaylock, Zoning Administrator, presented the staff report. He noted that the short plat had been originally reviewed by the Hearing Examiner on August 10, 1982, with two variances requesting reduction in lot depth and approval of a private street. Following denial and appeal, it was remanded back to the Examiner for consideration of the entire application in conjunction with a third variance to adjust a side yard setback. Mr. Blaylock entered the following exhibits into the record, in accordance with a request from the Examiner to number them consecutively in the order established at the first public hearing: Exhibit #6: Supplemental staff report. Exhibit #7: Survey of the exact location of the residence on proposed Lot 1. The staff report was discussed in detail including justifications of staff recommendations for dedication of a 25-foot wide half public street in lieu of a private street and revi- sions to the variance requests submitted by the applicant. The Examiner requested testimony by the applicant. Responding was: Dewey Rancourt 1116 N. 38th Renton, WA 98056 Mr. Rancourt, referring to subsequent and future use of properties to the south, noted close proximity of the house on the first lot near Lake Washington Boulevard to the north- ern property line and expressed doubt regarding future development of the other half of the public street due to its location. In response, Mr. Blaylock acknowledged recogni- tion of the problem presented by this house but advised that an analysis was made based on the general development pattern of the entire block and that future development could necessitate removal or relocation of the house. Mr. Rancourt also indicated that his major concern involves the extent of his obligation with respect to the end of the street at its eastern edge in view of the sharp rise in topography. In response to a question by the Examiner, it was established that the survey shows the elevation and approximate 1 Sh. P] 55-82 Page Two 4- height of the rockery at that point. Mr. Blaylock discussed any future obligation of the City upon completion of construction of the roadway and noted possible future considera- tions at the time of further development to the east. Indicating that,while the private road offered certain features that were more desirable for his purposes, Mr. Rancourt stated that he is satisfied that the staff recommendation would b sically take care of his request. Noting o further comments, the Examiner requested that the record show that there were no fur er people in attendance. The hearing regarding File No. Short Plat 055-82, V-056-82, V-057-82, and V-071-82 was then closed at 9:30 a.m. The Examiner advised that his Report and Decision will be sent to Charles C. Dietsch, who, while not present today, provided testimony at the previous hearing. FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS & DECISION: Having reviewed the record in this matter, the Examiner now makes and enters the following: FINDING: 1. The applicants, D. A. Rancourt and L. A. Rancourt, filed a request for a short plat together with variances for a private street, for a lot of less than the required depth, and for a yard of less than the required dimensions. 2. The, application file containing the application, SEPA documentation, the Building and Zoning Department report, and other pertinent documents was entered into the record as Exhibit #1. A supplemental report was entered as Exhibit #6. 3. Pur uant to the City of Renton's Environmental Ordinance and the State Environmental Pol'cy Act of 1971, RCW 43.21C, as amended, the subject proposal has been determined exe pt from the threshold determination by the Environmental Review Committe (ERC) , responsible official. 4. Plans for the proposal have been reviewed by all city departments affected by the impact of this development. 5. The subject property is located at 3720 Lake Washington Boulevard. The site is east of Lak Washington Boulevard and just south of N. 38th Street. 6. Thel subject site rises from west to east at a significant grade. An existing single fam4y home is located on the westerly quarter of the subject site. The remainder of thel lot is undeveloped. 7. The applicant proposed subdividing the subject lot into four lots, with the existing home situated on proposed Lot 1. Lot 1 would contain 8,539 square feet while Lots 2 thri ugh4 would contain 7,372 square feet, 7,814 square feet and 8,447 square feet, res ectively. 8. The subject property is approximately 107.6 feet wide. The applicant has proposed providing a 357-foot long, 30-foot wide private road to gain access to the three intrior lots. The lot width remaining would be approximately 77.6 feet, whereas the Zoning Ordinance requires lots to be no less than 85 feet in width (Section 4-706(C) (2) ) . The Subdivision Ordinance prohibits the use of private streets. A variance may be granted only if a public street will not be required to serve other adjfcent or abutting properties (Section 9-1108(23) (A) (9) ) . 9. Thel' existing home on proposed Lot 1 is located 33.7 feet from its nearestpropertylink. The 30-foot wide private road proposed by the applicant would create a three foot yard, while a 25-foot wide, one-half road would create an eight foot yard. The lot created would be a corner lot (Section 4-706(C) (4) (a) and (c) (ii) , so in either case, the road would create a non-conforming yard less than the required 25 feet. 10. The applicants have applied for variances for the creating of a private road; 4 lots of less than the required depth; and a yard of less than the required depth. 11. The subject site is zoned R-1 (Single Family Residential; minimum lot size - 7,200 squ re feet) . The Comprehensive Plan designates the area in which the subject site is ocated as suitable for the development of single family uses. 12. The subject site was annexed into the city in December of 1969, at which time it was classified G-7200 (General; Single Family Residential) . The G zoning was converted to R-1 by Ordinance No. 3634 in June of 1982. Sh. P )55-82 Page Three 13. The area in which the subject site is located is predominantly single family in char- acter. Immediately north and south of the subject site are single family uses. The Kennydale Beach Park is located south of the subject site. 14. The area contains a mix of lot sizes ranging from older platted lots of 4,000 and 6,000 square feet to lots of over an acre in size, the size of the subject property. Immediately east of the subject property are four lots served by a private easement to the interior. Additional easements of this nature serve a number of Kennydale properties as a result of the earlier large lot platting which resulted in lots of almost four hundred (400) feet in depth. 15. The easterly end of the subject site rises approximately 30 feet including the eleva- tion difference with the adjoining easterly property. A rockery separates the two properties. CONCLUSIONS: 1. The subject short plat appears to serve the public use and interest. The subdivision will create three additional in-city parcels, thereby realizing additional infilling in the urban areas of the city and lessening the pressure for development in the more remote and undeveloped rural areas of both the city and the county. 2. The creation of additional lots will increase the tax base by permitting additional residential development to be created in the city with only a minimal increase in a demand for services. Sewer and water service are available to the subject site. 3. Each of the three variances is justified given the nature of the existing development in the area and the different purposes served by the zoning versus the Subdivision Ordinance. 4. The applicants have a lot which is more than four times the area required by the Zoning Code. Access to the internal portions of the lot is precluded by the existing nature of the early plat for the area. The large lots were created early in the century, when the area was principally rural. Urban density has superseded this large lot development with many of the lots in the area now under the 7,200 square foot minimum required by the Zoning Code. The applicants would be denied reasonable redevelopment rights and suffer undue hardship without the variances requested. In an area of single family dwellings on 5,000 square foot lots, the applicant has one dwelling on approximately an acre of property. 5. Again, the Zoning and Subdivision Codes impose slightly different development stand- ards. While the proposed subdivision would create lots of an appropriate standard for development under the Zoning Code, the Subdivision Code would impose a greater lot depth requirement. The reason for this result is that the Subdivision Code gen- erally affects land which has not undergone platting or prior development. The imposi- tion of the Subdivision Code's requirement upon already developed land creates a hard- ship. Therefore, the requirements for variances from both lot depth and yard depth are appropriate. They are the minimum necessary for relief and will enable reasonable development of the subject property. 6. A number of homes in this area are developed on lots of about 5,000 square feet with lesser yard depth and lot depth than that proposed by the applicants. The approval of the variances will not create a special privilege. 7. The creation of a private road will serve to connect the interior lots with Lake Wash- ington Boulevard. There are similar access easements immediately adjacent to the south and the east. The creation of the private road will, therefore, not create a special privilege in this area. 8. While a public road would permit access to the interior, it would not serve to connect any other inaccessible property, as the property to the east and immediately to the south are themselves served by easements to their respective interiors. The gradient at the east end of the subject site is quite steep, resulting in either the road ending at the incline or at the private road which approaches the easterly property line from Park Avenue, and this private road already serves as access for the easterly property. The dwelling located immediately south of the subject site intrudes into any potential right-of-way so that the development of a full street is probably foreclosed. This southerly property itself is also served by its own private access on its south, and to carve an additional roadway on its northern property line would be inappropriate. 9. The approval of the variances will not adversely affect neighboring properties any more than the usual development of additional single family homes in the area. Private I Sh. P. u55-82 Page Four easements already pass through or are utilized by many of the immediately adjoining nei4hbors who have already had the benefits of resubdivision. While there is the potential for some view blockage to the east, it is not more than would be reasonably anticipated in this area, where undeveloped acreage would be expected to be developed. The height limitation of the single family zone limits development to 35 feet, and no variance from the height provision has been requested. 10. Theeasement roadway may not exceed the length standards prescribed by ordinance, and any turnaround must be approved by the Fire Department for emergency vehicle access. DECISIONII : The shoat plat presented in Exhibit #2 is approved as are the associated variances for private access, lot depth, and yard depth. ORDRED THIS 6th day of December, 1982. 4.:•,1 . \‘441.A Fred J. Kaufm n Land Use Heari g Examiner TRANISMITTED THIS 6th day of December, 1982, by Affidavit of Mailing to the parties of record: Dewey Rancourt, 1116 N. 38th, Renton, WA 98056 Charles C. Dietsch, 3737 ParkAvenue N. , Renton, WA 98056 Harold E. Kloes, 3706 Wells Avenue North, Renton, WA 98056 TRANSMITTED THIS 6th day of December, 1982, to the following: Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch Councilman Richard M. Stredicke Richard Houghton, Public Works Director David Clemens, Policy Development Director Members, Renton Planning Commission Ron Nelson, Building & Zoning Director Roger Blaylock, Zoning Administrator Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Renton Record-Chronicle Pursuant to Title IV, Section 3015 of the City's Code, request for reconsideration must be filed,in writing on or before December 20, 1982. Any aggrieved person feeling that the decision of the Examiner is based on erroneous procedure, errors of law or fact, error in judgm nt, or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the prio hearing may make a written request for review by the Examiner within fourteen 14) day from the date of the Examiner's decision. This request shall set forth the specific errors relied upon by such appellant, and the Examiner may, after review of the record, .ake further action as he deems proper. An appeal to the City Council is governed by Title IV, Section 3016, which requires that such app al be filed with the City Clerk accompanying a filing fee of $75.00 and meeting other sp6cified requirements. Copies of this ordinance are available for inspection or purchasejin the Finance Department, first floor of City Hall. V OF RF v z BUILDING & ZONINGDEPARTMENT4$ z o RONALD G. NELSON - DIRECTOR 0, 9 co MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 • 235-2540 0 fD SEPSEMO P BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH MAYOR MEMORANDUMrY DATE: December 2, 1982 Dr''Dr''' 21237L . IvJ TO: Bob Bergstrom, Engineering Supervisor 7,SiJ,1 ,114 ! ;2;314,7 FROM: Roger J. Blaylock, Zoning Administrator SUBJECT: RANCOURT VARIANCE, V-071-82 The Building and Zoning Department notes your concerns of December 1, 1982. However, the Public Works Department's comments are not part of the public record because they are untimely. The public hearing before the Land Use Hearing Examiner was held on Tues ay, November 23, 1982. This department will not submit any comments after the public hearing. It is our position that it violates the fairness and intent of the law along with the rights of the applicant in responding to the city's concerns to submit untimely information. Based upon the dates of the intial review by Mr. Monoghan (November 8, 1982); by Mr. Norris (November 10, 1982); your letter to the City Attorney (November 17, 1982); and his response (November 18, 1982), it appears there was sufficient time for the Public Works Department to make a responsible review and comment prior to the public hearing on November 23, 1982. The Building and Zoning Department can only present the departments' concerns if we have them prior to the public hearing. We will not force a response on pending items. If a response is not made, we will assume that you approve without reservations. cc: Richard C. Houghton, Public Works Director Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Gary Norris, Traffic Engineer r1-`red J. Kaufman, Land Use Hearing Examiner OF R& 4 o THE CITY OF RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON.WASH.98055 okal BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH. MAYOR • LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER 9, 0 O FRED J. KAUFMAN. 235-2593 0, 9gTFO SEPZEIAN December 2, 1982 Charles C. Dietsch 3737 Park Avenue North Renton, Washington 98056 RE: D. A. Rancourt & L. A. Rancourt File No. Short Plat 055-82, V-056-82, V-057-82, V-071-82 Dear Mr. Dietsch: I have received your letter regarding the above entitled matter. While the matter was "remanded" to this office in one sense of the word, the origi- nal denial was predicated upon failure of the applicants to file for an additional variance without which the short plat could not be approved. The denial was in fact upheld, as the item could not be approved without the new variance. Therefore, the entire matter had to be set for a new public hearing, if and when the applicants applied for the new variance. The applicants did apply for the additional variance, and the entire matter of the short plat and the variances was republished and the property posted in a manner consistent with law. While it may have been courteous to have specifically notified you of the new hearing, an oversight omitted any notice but that legally required. That was because the matter was handled by staff as an entirely new application. Since the record of the first hearing was incorporated into the new hearing, your testimony was again considered. Other than the new variance, which concerns the proximity of the existing house to the proposed street, the remaining concerns were the same regarding the roadway and the short plat. If the decision of this office is unsatisfactory from your perspective, you may request a reconsideration of the matter by this office or you may file an appeal with the City Council. Sincerely, Fred J. Ka fman Land Use Hearing Examiner FJK:wr Office of the Land Hearing Examiner December 1, 1982 City of Renton RECEIVED Municipal Building 200 Mill Ave So. CITY OF RENTON HEARING EXAMINER Renton, WA 98055 D F C 2 1982 SUBJECT: Short Plat Modification by D. A. & L. A. Rancourt AM NA FILE NO. SH. PL. 055-82,V-056-82, V057-82 7,8,9,10,11,12,1,213,415,6 Non-notification of parties of record to a modified applicati,n scheduled for the week of Novemeber 23, 1982 Gentlemen; I wish to vigorously protect your failure to all notify,as required by law, all parties of record of the hearing for the modified short plat for the above property. Neither myself or my neighbor, Mr. Kloes, were notified. Since this application had a previous appeal and was also reviewed by the Planning and Development Committee, I cannot accept your failure to follow prescribed requirements which might directly effect the Land Hearing Examiner's Decision. The modified application is not nor should it ever be considered without the taking into account all of the information, documentation, or decisions of the original application. Your mistake will almost certainly result in another appeal. Charles C. Dietsch 3737 Park Ave. No. Renton, WA 98056 REN"N BUILDING & ZONING DEF TMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION R BEETRentonFireDept. Fire Prevention Bureaurai ECF - x - x APPLICATION NO(S) : VARIANCE (V-071-82) PROPONENT : D.A. & L.A. Rancourt NOV 8 1982 PROJECT TITLE : BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Variance application from Section 4-706 (C)(4) to reduce the sideyard setback to the required public street. LOCATION : The property is located at 3720 Lake Washington Boulevard North. TO: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : x 0 ENGINEERING DIVISION I: TRAFFIC ENG . DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : 11-23-82 OUTILITIES ENG , DIVISION TRIFIRE PREVENTION BUREAU OPARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT OPOLICE DEPARTMENT OPOLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DOTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING . PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5:00 P .M. ON November 16, 1982 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : El APPROVED El APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS NOT APPROVED eO/y?/2f "/r 1"S IQ,PC Sf'/ ! , . ?er r/r/•1/ / G/ Si CC'c7 f e' 2 r 42 '7 7 ?-;i U/U eo®C ,'e=Qv///c'E 1 -,6)7-f p.e. gh--7 O O/•B,IJ r r= O/ l7Cf D N,D Po.4Qwv f /ti e65S O, /mod Ao S S gpf3DGz).47 /S O /5d / ,Q/IE 21//'Ep 72-(74///c2 I 7-ti f , c;t1/L e //'E r9P,i9.ei9 Tl)s .may D k ,tom e/T,/ 040;Ii¢-o+lCc 7-WPl ;LS ,49 aP/ ! _5Wc AV JC/.f v6 A/9D/b'5 it/ DATE O‘'SIGNATURE OF I ECTO OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 REN'N BUILDING & ZONING DEF TMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - x - x APPLICAT; ON NO(S) : VARIANCE (V-071-82) PROPONEN— : D.A. & L.A. Rancourt PROJECT "-ITLE : BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Variance application from Section 4-706 (C) (4) to reduce the sideyard setback to the required public street. LOCATION The property is located at 3720 Lake Washington Boulevard North. TO : PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : x C] ENGINEERING DIVISION L] TRAFFIC ENG , DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : 11-23-82 UTILITIES ENG , DIVISION n FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU PARh.S & RECREATION DEPARTMENT BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT n POL] CE DEPARTMENT n POL] CY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT n OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITIPLG , PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5 : 00 F' ,M, ON November 16, 1982 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : 11APPF:OVED n APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS l ] NOT APPROVED 1 u ii TY APPROVAL SUBJECT TO 1 ip _ 6„ LATE COMERS AGREEMENT - WATER NO LATE COMERS AGREEMENT - SEWER ND SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE - WATER 5.u4j. Specs--L SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE - SEWER u.64 Ord 3S SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AREA CHARGE • NATER No CluZtf"{ n ?G 9 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AREA CHARGE - SEWER Aip APPROVED WATER PLAN APPROVED SEWER PLAN APPROVED FIRE HYDRANT LOCATIONS BY FIRE DEPT. FIRE FLOW ANALYSIS DATE : L SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 frGvfri/tAi'v 01 R'l. ti O THE CITY OF RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 n r rn BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR • CITY CLERK • (206) 235-2500 O, 9A 0. 0 P 9ED SEPtE' 0 November 2, 1982 1r. D. A. Rancourt 116 North 38th Renton, WA 98055 RE: File No. SP-055-82, V-056-82, V-057-82; Council Action regarding Appeal of Hearing Examiner' s Decision. Dear Mr. Rancourt : At its regular meeting of October 11 , 1982, the Renton City Council adopted the Planning & Development Committee recommendation to remand the application back to the Hearing Examiner for consideration thereof in conjunction with a variance request from the sideyard setback requirements of the code. In order to expedite disposition of this matter, please contact Roger Blaylock, Zoning Administrator, Ext. 235-2550, to review your intent regarding the variance request and to discuss scheduling of this application at a future public hearing. Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON Maxine E. Motor A,;ting City Clerk MP BUILDING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING NOVEMBER 23 , 1982 APPLICANT: D. A. RANCOURT & L. A. RANCOURT FILE NUMBER: SHORT PLAT 055-82, V-056-82, V-057-82, V-071-82 A. SUMMARY & PURPOSE OF REQUEST: The applicant seeks approval of a four-lot short plat along with variances to (1 ) allow a lot depth of 77. 6 feet in lieu of the 85 foot requirement, (2) a side yard of 3. 7 feet instead of 20 feet, and (3) allow construction of a private street 30 feet wide and 357 feet long. B. GENERAL INFORMATIO!\, : 1 . Owner of Record: D.A. & L.A. Rancourt 2. Applicant: D.A. & L.A. Rancourt 3. Location: Vicinity Map Attached) 3720 Lake Washington Boulevard North. 4 . Legal Description: A detailed legal description is available on file in the Renton Building & Zoning Department. 5. Size of Property: 1 acre. 6. Access:Via Lake Washington Boulevard North. 7. Existing Zoning: R-1 , Residence Single Family; minimum lot size 7200 square feet. 8. Existing Zoning in the Area: R-1 9. Comprehensive Land Use Plan: Single Family Residential 10. Notification: The applicant was notified in writing of the hearing date. Notice was properly published in the Daily Record Chronicle on November 12, 1982, and posted in three places on or near the site as required by City Ordinance on November 10, 1982. PRELIMINARY REP1 TO THE HEARING EXAMINER RANCOURT, D.A. _ .A. ; SHORT PLAT 055-82, _ 56-82, V-057-82 V-071-82 NOVEMBER 23, 1982 PAGE TWO C. HISTORY`' ACKGROUND: The subject site was annexed into the City by Ordinance #2531 of December 24 , 1969 , at which time it was zoned G-7200. The G-7200 classification was replaced by the R-1 designation with the adoption of the new zoning map by Ordinance #3634 of June 13, 1982. A public hearing was held on August 10, 1982, before the Land Use Hearing Examiner. The application was denied. After appeal, the City Council remanded the application to the Hearing Examiner. D. PHYSICAL BACKGROUND: 1 . Topography: The subject site rises significantly from west to east. 2. Soils : Indianola Loamy Fine Sand, 4-15% slopes InC) . Permeability is rapid and the available water capacity is moderate. Runoff is slow to medium and the erosion hazard is slight to moderate. This soil is used for timber and for urban development. 3. Vegetation: The greatest portion of the site is composed of lawn grass with some short to medium growth shrubs and trees interspersed. 4. Wildlife: The existing vegetation provides suitable habitat for birds and small mammals. 5. Water: No surface water was observed on the subject site (November 12, 1982) . 6. Land Use: An existing single family residence and garage are located on proposed Lot #1 . The portions to the east are undeveloped while other single family residences are to the north, south, and west. E. NEIGHBORHOOD CHARACTERISTICS: The surrounding properties are principally single family residential in nature. F. PUBLIC SERVICES: 1 . Water and Sewer : An eight-inch water main and an eight-inch sanitary sewer runs north-south on Lake Washington Blvd. North adjacent to the subject site. The METRO gravity sewer is also located on this street. 2. Fire Protection: Provided by the City of Renton as per ordinance requirements. 3. Transit : METRO Transit Route #240 operates along Lake Washington Blvd. North adjacent to the subject site. 4 . Schools : Kennydale Elementary School is approximately 3/4 of a mile to the southeast of the subject site while McKnight Middle School is approximately 1-3/4 miles southeast and Renton Senior High School is within two miles to the southwest. PRELIMINARY REPO] TO THE HEARING EXAMINER RANCOURT, D.A. & __ A. : SHORT PLAT 055-92 , V-,,,.,;-82 , V-057-82 , V-071-82 NOVEMBER 23, 1982 PAGE THREE 5. Recreation: Kennydale Beach Park is within 1/4 of a mile to the south while Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park is approximately 1/2 mile south. G. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE ZONING CODE: 1 . Section 4-706 , R-1 ; Single Family Residence District. H. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE COMPRE h*i\'SIVE PLAN OR OTHER OFFICIAL CITY DOCUMENT: 1 . Subdivision Ordinance, Section 9-1105 ; Short Subdivisions. 2 . Subdivision Ordinance, Section 9-1108-23 (A) (9) ; Private Streets. I. IMPACT ON THE NATURAL OR HUMAN ENVIRONMENT: 1 . Natural Systems : None. 2. Population/Employment: Minor. 3. Schools: Minor. 4 . Social: Minor. 5. Traffic : Minor. J. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT/THRES1 OLD DETERMINATION: Pursuant to the City of Renton' s Environmental Ordinance and the State Environmental Policy Act of 1971, as amended, RCW 43-21C, the subject proposal is exempt from the threshold determination of environmental significance. K. AGENCIES/DEPARTMENTS CONTACTED: 1 . City of Renton Building & Zoning Department. 2. City of Renton Design Engineering Division. 3. City of Renton Traffic Engineering Division. 4 . City of Renton Utilities Engineering Division. 5. City of Renton Fire Prevention Bureau. 6. City of Renton Parks & Recreation Department. 7. City of Renton Policy Development Department. L. DEPART ANALYSIS : 1 . The proposed short plat has been remanded to the Hearing Examiner to consider the entire application in conjunction with the variance request to adjust a side yard setback. The Examiner has full authority to reconsider all aspects under a remand situation originally presented in the public hearing on August 10, 1982, and any new information submitted in the present public hearing. 2. The proposal can logically be divided into two questions'. The first, is whether it is compatible with (1 ) the Comprehensive Plan, (2) the existing zoning, and (3) the existing land uses in the vicinity. The second issue is whether the short plat is technic- ally possible under the limitations of the Subdivision Ordinance and subsequent variances requested by the applicant. PRELIMINARY REP TO THE HEARING EXAMINER RANCOURT, D.A. a SHORT PLAT 055-82, 4-u56-82, V-057-82, V-071-82 NOVEMBER 23, 1982 PAGE FOUR 3. The proposed short plat is consistent with the existing R-1 , residential use zoning classification and the Comprehensive Plan designation of Single Family Residential for the subject site and surrounding area. 4 . The proposal is compatible with the adjacent single family residential uses and small lot subdivision pattern in the general vicinity. 5. As per proposed by the applicant in the variance request , file V-056-82, the thirty (30) foot wide private street is not appropriate in this area. Both the parcels to the south and east have the potential to be further subdivided under Section 9-1108-23 (A) (9) . Private streets can only be utilized when the Hearing Examiner finds that the proposed private street is not reasonably anticipated to be necessary for existing or future traffic and/or pedestrian circulation through the subdivision or to serve adjacent properties. This case specif- ically shows there is potential for further development base upon providing access through the subject site. Therefore, variance V-056-82 should be denied by the Examiner. 6. The fact that the variance for a private street cannot be granted, modified the application of the side yard requirements in an R-1 zone. Specifically, if the private street had been approved, the side yard setback would have been only six (6) feet. This is a result of applying two sections of the Zoning Ordinance. Section 4-706 (C) (4) (c) (2) , requires a twenty (20) foot setback adjacent to a street. However, the definition of a street under Section 4-702 (S) (6) states, "a dedicated area for public use for vehicular and/or pedestrian use with a paved or otherwise improved surface. " Therefore, for a strict interpretation, it would appear that a private street, since it is not dedicated, is not a street as defined by the zoning code and the special setback for a corner lot would not apply. 7. All of the proposed lots meet the Subdivision Ordinance requirements. for size and frontage. However, a variance has been requested to permit a depth of 77. 6 feet instead of the required 85 feet per Section 4-706 (C) (3) on all of the four lots. In addition, a variance request, file V-071-82, has been applied for on proposed Lot #1 to allow a side yard of 3. 7 feet instead of twenty ( 20) feet per Section 4-706 (C) (4) (c) ( 2) . The following variance criteria can be fairly uniformly applied to both of the variances requested : a. That the applicant suffers undue hardship and the variance is necessary because of special circumstances applicable to the subject property including size, shape, topography, location or surroundings of the subject property in a strict application of the zoning code is found to deprive the subject property owner of rights and privileges enjoyed by other property owners in the vicinity and under identical zone classifications. PRELIMINARY REPOF r0 THE HEARING EXAMINER RANCOURT, D.A. & -.A. : SHORT PLAT 055-82, V ., .6-82, V-057-82, V-071-82 NOVEMBER 23, 1982 PAGE FIVE The justification, under this first criteria, is based upon the historic development of the original subdivision and construction of the single family residence on the subject site. This historic devel- opment created a specific shape for a function envisioned to be the ultimate function of the land in 1900. Since 1900, the City of Renton has become an urban area. This transition from the rural environment intended at the turn of the century, has resulted in a hardship that is areawide in portion. The specific shape of the lot which is approximately 107 feet by 427 feet precludes the normal development pattern anticipated in newly developing subdivisions. The Subdivision Ordinance of the City of Renton is designed to develop new property as the city expanded. It was not anticipated for redevelopment of individual lots and therefore, a strict application of the subdivision code combined with the shape created from the original plat provides the undue hardship which is a special circumstance applicable to the subject property. In addition, it can be argued that the ultimate construction of the existing residence on that original plat lot followed the intent of the general development of the area. Subdivisions under current provisions will create non-conforming lots and variances should be granted. b. That the granting of the variance will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the property or improvements in the vicinity and zone in which subject property is situated. The reduction in lot depth from 85 to 77 feet still leaves a buildable area suitable to present building standards on each lot. The reduction in lot depth will not impact the adjacent properties because setbacks will still be maintained and lot coverages will still be maintained. Many of the lots in the Kenneydale area were developed under the 6,000 square foot criteria and, therefore, they are smaller in size than the existing R-1 zone which requires 7, 200 square feet. Granting of the variance for the side yard setback on Lot #1 will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare because the structure is located far enough from Lake Washington Boulevard that a sight clearance problem are not created with the intersection of the proposed roadway. c. That approval shall not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitation upon uses of other properties in the vicinity and zone in which the subject property is situated. During the last 30 years, various density standards have been imposed on the Kenneydale area. Lots ranging from 4, 000 square feet up in size are very common. Many of the older large parcels are now being subdivided for home sites. It can be stated that the general land use pattern is of proportionately smaller lots with existing non-conforming structures than the proposal would create. PRELIMINARY REPS TO THE HEARING EXAMINER RANCOURT, D.A. -.A. : SHORT PLAT 055-82, V „36-82, V-057-82, V-071-82 NOVEMBER 23, 1982 PAGE SIX d. That the approval as determined by the Examiner or Board of Adjustment is a minimum variance that will accomplish the desired purpose. Granting of the variances, as requested, is greater than the minimum necessary. Since the private roadway is not an appropriate variance, the only alternative would be to construct a half-street in place of the proposed private easement. This would allow a modification to the variances. A variance of 2.4 feet would be necessary for lot depth. The lots would be 82. 6 feet in dept. The request for reduced side yard could be modified from 16. 3 feet to 11 . 3 feet. Thus the side yard would be 8. 7 feet at its narrowest and 16. 9 feet at its widest. Both of these modifications are only possible with the creation of a twenty-five 25) wide half public street. 8. It would appear that the Hearing Examiner has the authority to grant a variance which is less than the variance requested by the applicant. Legal notifications have been published twice to allow the general public the opportunity to speak on the entire proposal. The evidence dictates that a private road is not appropriate and that a half public street would be considered adequate to meet the immediate needs of the short plat with the ability to be expanded with future adjacent develop- ment. 9. Fire Prevention Bureau notes that adequate turnaround area for fire apparatus must be provided. A 40 foot by 80 foot hammerhead is recommended by the Policy Development Department. This hammerhead could be of a temporary nature since the road has the potential of expanding in the future. The roadway should extend along the southern property line for the full length of the project. 10. Off-site improvements will be required on Lake Washington Boulevard North as per Design Engineering Division comments. 1 1 . The proposal will be subject to area charges for water, sanitary and storm sewer when in effect as noted by the Utilities Engineering Division. In addition, hydrant locations are to be approved by the Fire Department. M. DEPARTMENTAL RECO DATION: Based upon the above analysis, it is recommended that the short plat request, 055-82, variance V-057-82, and variance V-071-82, be approved subject to the following conditions : 1 . Dedication of a twenty-five ( 25) foot wide half-street with construction per Public Works Department standards. 2. Revise the lot depth to 82. 6 feet. 3. Reduction of the side yard from twenty ( 20) feet to 8. 7 feet. The variance for a private street, V-056-82, should be denied. REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DID _..ION ; L`"'"•% OAPPROVED I ( APPROVED WITH CO ITIONS l ( NOT APPROVED Ai/toel aa u/4'/4Y fj' G rivet Ac seh' 0/i$1-iti 71; I . 74/4/6 dg+1-11/0/red 4 . by,z1/(44 4-7 41-p/ ,le cif 2 b &its/er 14/e/e.1 /°°i# Y i i/- 5r4ec t4`loie-Ope-4/ 4fit 5.1•44/„,de p id9//(-----940.14,0 DATE: SI URE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION ; c:' 4J-K r . jj APPROVED F-1 APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS NOT APPROVED DATE ; / SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : I ] APPROVED I ] APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS l lNOT APPROVED d iotact Y/7"/-- DATE : A& Ash DEV.OPMENT APPLICAffON REVIEW SHEET ECF - X - x CITY OF RENTON J U L 61982APPLICATIONNO(S) : SHORT PLAT-055-82, V-056-82, V-057-82 DEVFI.OPMFNDcprPROPONENT: D. A. Rancourt & L. A. Rancourt PROJECT TITLE : Rancourt Short Plat BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Application to short plat approximately 1 acre into 6 lots and variances to ermit (1) , a private street 30 feet wide and 357 feet long ar a lot depth of 71. feet in lieu of anlr 80 foot depth. LOCATION: Property located at 3720 Lake Washington Blvd. North. TO: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE: x OENGINEERING DIVISION OTRAFFIC ENG. DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE: 8-1/ DUTILITIES ENG. DIVISION OFIRE PREVENTION BUREAU OPARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT EIBUILDING & ZON,ING DEPARTMENT OPOLICE DEPARTMENT POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DOTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING . PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5:00 P.M. ON 7-12-82 CIRCULATED: 7-2-82 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: /11 APPROVED • APPROVED •WITH CONDITIONS NOT APPROVED M' hei A/6 12 /d.ee 7,-def is/ e/ eX/ 5/ Jed// 5/3ed wifmt/d /1// / J0 2 do//e!,{,--ig e4,0'4,(-!%v /7ey, r L DATE: 74 SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 6/10 D APPRO' D APPROVED WITH CONDITIO.._D NOT APPROVED CDyei,,,,z>C,.._ V/-•-"rl- r- N'-f•.r... jV t.-{/(/C-s 41v'- e-t_ (/VL i L.y ( sA„ 4?4,of 4,DATE, 24z3, ------ SIGNATURE OF DIR TOR OR AU H CRIZED REPRESENTATIVE 44 REVISION 5/1982 L1 •Lr1 IiV LLff1I\ 11.1L1 1/ L1v1J1V1\ , D APPROVED n APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS @NOT APPROVED X7. ---s's O' /SO ' /iU L •,v67",-/ TO ,5Co, 2 - f/4L.6;14/,4T, i T' iP 7' c G i. p,9iP.9T1/1' 7°"// S4YDJ i.r .3 S 7 ' /C) Lc-,t> 7 1 ,9,0.oZ)1 -S /lb7 /Q/',i9•P 7a .eo trio 7-3//J 77, ; ) c), ,4, :.AIL . DATE; /-- -AvZ-SIGN .4RE OF IRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : n APPROVED D APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS i---- I NOT APPROVED ET, . _ SUBJECT TO 79/gZ ifrl s Cc,++jrce,:CEMENT - HATER MO 1_ CitigAgr I:ENDII • SEVER AiR S\Si AI t z Ni rum • MATER f. .Cctbj. to Q-r1Z C Cu eS 5c:grPg `,XJI:':iNT CHARGE • SEVER t1 A e4t 14 e d-rU1 z r, cQ i S7Jr'rr. uV 0 l 4 Lcc'EN1 ALFA CHARGE • MATER ND SPECIAL A tcSEN1 AREA CHARGE • SEVER Ivo APPROVED !:ATER PEAI Y APPROVE.^ STAIR PLAN likS `1i5 APPROVED FIRE HTDR.AM1 LOCATIONS 31 FIRE DEPT. yEs FIRE Rolf ANALYSIS NO II DATE : 7 1Z/c. SIGNATURE Oil DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 ATRAFFIC Ili. '.VISION EL _ED HEARING DATE: 8-17-8: DUTILITIES ENG , DIVISION 0 FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU ri PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT II BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT 0 POLICE DEPARTMENT fj POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 0 OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING. PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5:00 P.M. ON 7-12-82 CIRCULATED: 7-2-82 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : Tk,f=t/c c Luj=FP1Afc EtROVED gi APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS n NOT APPROVED edaj 44-' DATE: 7/7f/2-- SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUT ORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1902 CIRCULATED: 7-2-82 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : Z-D X APPROVED • ii APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS n NOT APPROVED 4 - (--zA'-,e)- t DATE: SiaSIGNATURE /- DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE 7 REVISION 5/1902 i _ 3 iy i e N 40sT- ss toy 1 87 Z ioS 6 1.... . .. •' 104 -/ t 5 o 4.8 1 "4. ' !% Mt ;rItiL.:i .-' '1 •';-1_105_ " -—*" CIl 11 Z N_ T- 8 T _ ST_ i. F:a21455-81 9zi I./4_ . _ IWff.. 1" 'a-z,_:Lf . 98 79 SSN T . i 7 I .. t' 7'_ _I L,ri 1 ( - 9 21 I 78 95 l _ 96 L 2 • S t. t . ID h iS t w 1r • 2 Li t t Zs i i DALE c It ZZ Z3 Z 4.`Q I 1 1S t S I. 1 e •eels t s N A It: .• le0.1111 It t.Ltl- Ni...' w.t ii r0 10 1t ri r ftr lfo h t ti 735.1 C11 MITI a T w 27 24 is C. e °1 I"I I I 1 I I I ( iJ1Tll1L51.E: P L - F t/b Ill i----- At -1111111111121111111111. :I 'i ..1::/- i It*2.8 29 34 iiiiiiftrimi-le a ti Es • 'pi ..! • • ••-iiiirt•ITLJ n rITTIITTP_ 1t j SZ i D.A. RANCOURT & L.A. RANCOURT Short Plat 055-82, V-056-82, V-057-82, v-071-82 APPLICANT IAA_ RAN1fflI1RT k I _A_RANCOURT TOTAL AREA+ 1 acre PRINCIPAL ACCESS Via I ake Washington Boulevard North EXISTING ZONING R-1, Residence Single Family; minimum lot size 7200 square feet. EXISTING USE Single family residence. PROPOSED USE Four single family residences COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN Single Family Residential COMMENTS EWE R A OURT . 13/1 SHORT PLAT g THE S. E. 1/4 OF N. W.. 1/4, SECTION 32 , TOWNSHIP 24 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W. M. RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON e,._:%0 _ON;,,:__.T 1 i PW45HnvO rO,v RD/N6 TO PL4T GE 64, esc e s B9 r 370./'jj 1 95' io3' aji •r Itt0OJ85 °' n 7372 c w 8ca i P l v-re .p y41 ZD t i I t A. 704273 Q 1 I / SHORT PLAT 055-82 V-056-82 and V-057-82 V-071-82 IGNED, THE OWNER(S) m IN THIS SHORT PLAT. i SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE Cal Rj. o THE CITY OF RENTON 2. aimMUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE SO RENTON, WASN. 98055 oBARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR • CITY CLERK • (206) 235-2500 90 o' 0gtED SEP114 November 2, 1982 Ir. D. A. Rancourt 1116 North 38th tenton, WA 98055 RE: File No. SP-055-82, V-056-82, V-057-82; Council Action regarding Appeal of Hearing Examiner' s Decision. Dear Mr. Rancourt: At its regular meeting of October 11 , 1982, the Renton City Council adopted the Planning & Development Committee recommendation to remand the application back to the Hearing Examiner for consideration thereof in conjunction with a variance request from the sideyard setback requirements of the code. In order to expedite disposition of this matter, please contact Foger Blaylock, Zoning Administrator, Ext. 235-2550, to review your intent regarding the variance request and to discuss scheduling of this application at a future public hearing. Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON 7 -cam_,.- 7 Maxine E. Motor 4.:ting City Clerk MP RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting October 11 , 1982 Municipal Building Monday , 8 : 00 P . M . Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President, ROBERT J. HUGHES, RANDALL ROCKHILL, COUNCIL MEMBERS RICHARD M. STREDICKE, JOHN W. REED, NANCY L. MATHEWS, THOMAS W. TRIMM. CITY, STAFF BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; LAWRENCE WARREN, City Attorney; IN ATTENDANCE MICHAEL PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; MAXINE E. MOTOR, Acting City Clerk; JOHN MCFARLAND, Personnel Director; MICHAEL MULCAHY, Finance Director; JAMES MATTHEW, Fire Marshal ; CAPT. DONALD PERSSON, Police Department; ROBERT BERGSTROM, Engineering Supervisor. PRESS Jan Hinman, Renton Record Chronicle MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINUTES OF OCTOBER 4, 1982 AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT William Clarke, 11112 SE 73rd Place, addressed Council regarding slippage of soil from the bank in front of his house onto the City street causing movement of his water meter and damage to landscaping. Mr. Clarke felt this was due to rain erosion of the bank following installation of a water meter and removal of the lateral and sub- adjacent supports by Water District 107 sub-contractor two years ago. Although Mr. Clarke' s residence lies in the County, the mud slides were affecting City streets. Because of this mutual concern for future damage, it was agreed the City Attorney Warren would con- tact Water District 107 and/or their sub-contractor for possible resolution to the problem. D. A. Rancourt 'Dewey Rancourt, 1116 North 38th, requested the Planning and Devel- hort_ Plat opment Committee report regarding appeal of Hearing Examiner decision File SP-055-82 of 8/30/82 be brought before Council . Short Plat application was V-056-82 for four-lot short plat and variances to permit a private street V-057-82 thirty feet wide and 357 feet long and a lot depth of 77.6 feet in Planning and lieu of the 85-foot requirement at 3720 Lake Washington Blvd. North. Development MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE REGULAR Committee ORDER OF BUSINESS AND ADVANCE TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMIT- TEE REPORT. CARRIED. Planning and Development Committee Chairman Rockhill presented a report recommending this matter be remanded back to the Hearing Examiner. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Fire Department Mayor Shinpoch noted the first item on the Consent Agenda announced Promotions commissioned officer promotions in the Fire Department. The Mayor introduced newly-promoted Captain Glen Gordon, Captain John McLaughlin, Lieutenant Greg Bergquist, Lieutenant Steve Baima, and Lieutenant Talmon Hall and congratulated them. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are adopted by one motion which follows the items included. Fire Department Executive Department submitted Renton Fire Department promotional Commissioned appointments of Glen G. Gordon and John J. McLaughlin to Captain; Officer and Greg A. Bergquist, Steve A. Baima and Talmon H. Hall to the Promotions position of Lieutenant. These officers have been certified by the Fire Civil Service Commission and are at the top of the eligibility list. Promotions to be effective October 1 , 1982, subject to six- month probationary period. Information. Renton City Council October 11 , 1982 Page 2 CONSENT AGENDA continued Traffic Letter from Mij Miller, Secretary, 131st Street Traffic Light Light Committee, 3909 SE 11th, invited Council to dedication ceremonies Dedication for the new traffic light at the corner of Maple Valley Highway and 131st Street on Saturday, 10/16/82, at 11 :00 a.m. Refer to Council Secretary to advise Committee as to Council Members attending. Claim for Claim for damages in the amount of $284.60 filed by Washington Damages Natural Gas Company for alleged placement of a 3/4" water service CL-50-82 over a two-inch gas main causing it to lose cathodic protection at 2533 NE 29th (3/29/82) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance carrier. Claim for Claim for damages in the amount of $71 .89 filed by Louis D. Brees Damages for sewer back-up into his basement allegedly caused by clogged CL-49-82 City line (9/28/82) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance carrier. Durwood Blood Court case filed by Durwood and Delores Blood alleging City zoning Court Case error of property located at NE 14th Street and Edmonds Avenue NE March, 1979 - September, 1980) . Refer to City Attorney and insur- ance carrier. S. J. Humphreys Court case filed by Sally Jo Humphreys alleging unconstitutional Court Case strip search and illegal vehicle impoundment by Renton Police Department (2/25/82) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance carrier. GM Associates Land Use Hearing Examiner submitted report and recommendation of Rezone approval with restrictive covenants for GM Associates request for R-019-82 rezone of the NE corner of Duvall Avenue NE and NE Fourth Street from G-1 to B-1 for a community shopping center. Matter had been removed from the agenda of 9/13/82 because of a technicality in the restrictive covenants. Corrected covenants have now been received. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Consent Agenda MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE CONSENT Approved AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 131st Street Councilman Stredicke commended the efforts of the 131st Street Traffic Light Traffic Light Committee and urged Council to attend the dedication Dedication ceremonies. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Surplus Letter from Finance Director Michael Mulcahy reported net proceeds Equipment/ of the Surplus Equipment and Police Evidence Auction to be Police Evidence $23,751 . 15. The auction was held 9/15/82. This was the first Auction time the two auctions had been combined, done in an effort to conserve advertising and auctioneer costs. OLD BUSINESS Executive Council President Clymer announced Council would meet in Executive Session Session following item 11 (Audience Comment) on the agenda to Scheduled discuss the Police Guild contract. Public Safety Public Safety Committee Chairman Hughes presented a report reviewing Committee Fire Department permit fees and recommending the following: Fire Department Permit Fees 1 . Uniform Fire Code - no change 2. Fireworks Stand Permits - increase fee from $10 to $50. 3. Burning Permits - no fee be charged. 4. Fire Safety Inspections - no change PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT OCTOBER 11 , 1982 RANCOURT APPEAL (Referred 9-27-82) SP 055-82 , V 056-82 and V 057-82 The Planning and Development Committee has considered the above-referenced appeal . The appellant has requested an opportunity to file a variance application from the sideyard setback requirements from the existing house to the proposed road. The Committee recommends that the City Council remand this matter back to the Hearing Examiner for consideration thereof in conjunction with the variance request to be filed by the applicant, if any. R ea-PI- ndy ` oc i l l , ha i rman John Reed Robert ughes OF R4, 4 y © ° BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT RONALD G. NELSON - DIRECTOR 0, 9 solL MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 • 235-2540 Ao 09gTo SEPT O P BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH MEMORANDUM MAYOR October 7, 1982 TO: Planning and Development Committee FROM: Roger J. Blaylock Zoning Administrator ` 2.15 SUBJECT: RANCOURT SHORT PLAT APPEAL File Numbers: Short Plat 055-82, V-056-82 and V-057-82 FACTS The applicant does not dispute the fact that the nonconforming setback situation would exist, if the short plat were approved. The Hearing Examiner is precluded from creating a new nonconforming situation. Procedurally a variance could be sought to allow the reduced setback. However, there does not appear to be proper justification because the applicant would be creating the situation as a result of short platting. The applicant is not deprived of reasonable use of the property. In fact, it appears possible to short plat the property into two lots by using a pipestem lot. The potential nonconforming situation can be corrected by relocating the existing house on the 8,500 square foot lot. RECOMMENDATION Confirm Hearing Examiner's decision of denial. RJB:wr Pr' a OF 1? 4 ,1 I © THE CITY OF RENTON POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT • 235-2552 o MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH.98055 cp. 4r6-0 SEPTEfO BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH MAYOR MEMORANDUM DATE: October 6, 1982 TO: Planning & Development Committee FROM: David R. Clemens, Policy Development Director SUBJECT: RANCOURT SHORT PLAT APPEAL, FILE NOS. SHORT PLAT 055-82, V-056-82 AND V-057-82 The applicant has appealed the Hearing Examiner's denial of the requested short plat application with the following arguments: 1. The existing residence faces and accesses directly from Lake Washington Boulevard. 2. That the requested private street would serve as a driveway only to Lots 2, 3 and 4. 3. That the existing residence is located at least forty (40) feet from Lake Washington Boulevard thus minimizing any sight distance problems at the intersection of the private road and Lake Washington Boulevard. 4. The corner lot setback does not permit full development of the property and denies the owner's rights and privileges of others in the vicinity. DISCUSSION The proposed private driveway would not serve only Lots 2, 3 and 4, but could potentially serve unplatted property to the south and immediate east (testimony in the record). The recent amendment to the Subdivision Ordinance requires theHearingExaminertofind, "that the proposed private street is not reasonable anticipated to be necessary for existing or future . . . subdivision or to serve adjacent property." The record is clear, the Examiner is precluded from approving the requested variance for private street. Having been precluded from considering private street access, the Examiner is required to apply the setback standards established under Section 4-706(C) which requires a minimum of a twenty (20) foot setback from a public street to any residence. In this case, the existing residence located at the westerly end of the property, would be less than ten (10) feet from the required street right-of-way to serve Lots 2, 3 and 4. Subdivision in this manner violates the Zoning Ordinance and the Examiner is precluded from approving a subdivision in violation of the city's zoning provisions. Planning do Development Committee ancourt Short Plat Appeal October 6, 1982 Page Two RECOMMENDATION Based upon the applications submitted by the applicant, the decision of the Hearing Examiner is the only decision which could be reached. ALTERNATE SOLUTIONS Even though the Examiner is precluded from approving the application as submitted with the proposed two variances, the applicant could resubmit with a variance application to reduce the required sideyard setback adjacent to the required public street which would serve Lots 2, 3 and 4. Alternately, the applicant could reduce the intensity of the application and resubmit using a pipestem lot approach to a lot located east of the existing residence. Although this would reduce the lot density from four (4) lots to two (2) lots, it would also remove the requirement for construction of over three hundred (300) feet of public street improvements. RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting September 27 , 1982 Municipal Building Monday , 8 : 00 P . M . Council Chambers MINUTES CALL 10 ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President, NANCY L. MATHEWS, JOHN W. REED, COUNCIL MEMBERS RICHARD M. STREDICKE, RANDALL ROCKHILL, ROBERT J. HUGHES. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCILMAN TRIMM BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. CITY STAFF BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; DANIEL KELLOGG, Assistant City Attorney; MICHAEL PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; MAXINE MOTOR, Acting City Clerk; DAVID CLEMENS, Policy Development Director; ZANETTA FONTES, Assistant City Attorney; ALAN WALLIS, Chief of Police; CAPT. DONALD PERSSON, Police Department. PRESS Jan Hinman, Renton Record Chronicle MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 20, 1982 AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. SPECIA_ Mayor Barbara Shinpoch presented an award of special recognition PRESENTATION for Versie Vaupel in appreciation of her service to the Planning Commission. Mrs. Vaupel has been a member of the Commission for three years, 1979-82. The award was accepted by Warren Vaupel , Versie' s husband. CONSEN- AGENDA The following items are adopted by one motion which follows the items included. Added Item MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY CLYMER, ADD TO THE CONSENT AGENDA REFERRAL OF FIRE DEPARTMENT PERMIT FEES REFERRING THEM TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. CARRIED. (See item, this page) South King Public Works Department submitted a list of needed road improve- County Roads ments for submission to the newly-formed South King County Task Task Force Force, formed to gain support for road improvements. Refer to Transportation Committee. D. A. Rancourt Appeal filed by Dewey and Lois Rancourt of Hearing Examiner Short Plat Decision of 8/30/82 which denied the requested four-lot short Appeal - plat and variances to permit a private street thirty feet wide e SF-055-82 and 357 feet long and a lot depth of 77.6 feet in lieu of the 85 foot requirement at 3720 Lake Washington Blvd. North. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. Claim for Claim for damages in the amount of $95.94 filed by David E. Rudd Damages for boots allegedly lost by the Renton Police Department on CL-48-82 9/13/82. Refer to City Attorney and insurance carrier. Police Executive Department submitted Mayor Shinpoch' s appointment of Department Donald R. Persson to position of Police Captain; Michael J. Appointments Magula to position of Lieutenant; and Garry C. Anderson to the position of Sergeant in the Renton Police Department effective 10/03/82. Each appointment is subject to a one-year probation period. Council concur. Fire Department Fire Department submitted recommended permit fee increases to Permit Fee provide additional revenue for Fire Department services. Also Increases submitted was a comparison chart for fire service fees in sur- rounding cities. Refer to Public Safety Committee. Renton City Council September 27, 1982 Page 2 Consent Agenda MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE CONSENT Approved AGENDA WITH ITEM E ADDED. CARRIED. Mayor Shinpoch congratulated the police officers receiving pro- motion, noting that these positions were achieved via the Assess- ment Center process. OLD BUSINESS MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, CORRESPONDENCE OF GROUP W CABLE BE BROUGHT BEFORE THE COUNCIL AT THIS TIME. CARRIED. Group W Cable Letter dated 9/20/82 from James Robinow, General Manager, Group Rate Increase W. Cable, Inc. , 15241 Pacific Highway South, Seattle, was read. Letter requested reconsideration of Council action of 9/13/82 which granted a basic rate increase of $9.95 including city taxes. The letter also requested (1 ) Council direction regarding refund of the inadvertent tax overcharge by Group W, and (2) clarification of the matter of secondary and installation fees which had been included in the basic rate increase request. continued James Robinow, General Manager, Group W Cable, Seattle, addressed the Council , agreed that the matter of the tax overcharge had been settled by Council action of 9/13, but requested reconsideration of the basic rate increase and clarification of secondary and installa- tion charges. Marshal Nelson, Attorney for Group W Cable, 4200 Seattle-First National Bank Building, Seattle, stated these requests were being made on the grounds of accounting and legal matters; the rate of return used in Council ' s consideration was calculated including premium service revenues and Group W had notreceivedallmaterialsusedinarrivingatCouncil ' s decision of 9/13/82. Mr. Nelson defined secondary and installation fees as charges for connection of more than one cable outlet for basic service only. Councilman Stredicke noted that an ordinance pertaining to this matter was scheduled for second and final reading later in this meeting and requested that portion pertaining to charges be read by the Clerk for clarification. It was questioned whether this section should mention secondary outlet and installation fees, and whether the wording regarding "pass through" was enforcing Council ' s decision that tax not be charged over and above the 9.95 rate. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL SUS- PEND THE RULES AND BRING THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE REPORT AND THE ORDINANCE BEFORE THE COUNCIL AT THIS TIME. CARRIED. An ordinance was read approving an increase in the basic service charge for cable TV services for Group W Cable, Inc. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO AMEND THE ORDINANCE FOR CLARIFI- CATION BY CHANGING SECTION I TO READ: "THE RATE FOR BASIC SERVICE WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF RENTON IS HEREBY APPROVED AT THE RATE OF $9.95 PER MONTH INCLUDING ANY PASS THROUGH OF FRANCHISE OR UTILITY TAX TO THE CUSTOMERS". Group W Attorney Nelson protested Council ' s action on this ordinance predicated on his contention that Group W had not received all correspondence from the City' s tele- vision consultant, 3H Management. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE SECONDED BY CLYMER, SECTION III BE ADDED TO THE ORDINANCE: RATES AS PROPOSED BY GROUP W FOR CONNECTIONS, INSTALLATIONS AND OTHER FEES RELATIVE TO BASIC SERVICES SHALL HEREBY BE APPROVED. A list of these rates, as submitted by Group W, was read. MOTION CARRIED. In regard to Mr. Nelson' s protest, it was MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL TABLE THIS MATTER FOR ONE WEEK AND PROVIDE GROUP W WITH ALL CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED ON THIS MATTER. CARRIED. Council• man Reed requested the consultant' s recommendations be provided for the 10/04/82 Council meeting regarding connection charges and the Council ' s recourse if Group W does not meet the 18-month construc- tion deadline. For. Use By City Clerk's Office Only A. I . # p AGENDA ITEM RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING SUBMITTING Dept./Div./Bd./Comm. City Clerk For Agenda Of September 27 , 1982 Meeting Date) Staff Contact Maxi e Motor Name) Agenda Status: SUBJECT: Appeal of Hearing Examiner ' s Consent XX Decision of 8/30/82 - D. A. Rancourt Public Hearing Correspondence and L. A. Rancourt Short Plat Ordinance/Resolution Application. File SP-055-82 Old Business Exhibits: (Legal Descr. , Maps, Etc.)Attach New Business Study Session A. Appeal Other B. Hearing Examiner ' s Decision C. City Clerk' s Letter of 9/21/82 Approval : Legal Dept. Yes No N/A COUNCIL ACTION RECOMMENDED: Refer to Finance Dept. Yes No. N/A Other Clearance Planning and Development Committee FISCAL IMPACT: Expenditure Required $ Amount $ Appropriation- $ Budgeted Transfer Required SUMMARY (Background information, prior action and effect of implementation) Attach additional pages if necessary. ) Appeal filed 9/21/82 by Dewey and Lois Rancourt PARTIES OF RECORD/INTERESTED CITIZENS TO BE CONTACTED: SUBMIT THIS COPY TO CITY CLERK BY NOON ON THURSDAY WITH DOCUMENTATION. OF R4, 1, y o THE CITY OF RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON. WASH. 98055 nNA a, BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR • CITY CLERK • (206) 235-2500 9% co. 0, 9gT D SEP-C September 21, 1982 CERTIFICATE OF MAILING STATE OF WASHINGTON) ss. COUNTY OF KING MAXINE E. MOTOR, Acting City Clerk of the City of Renton, being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and says that she is a citizen of the United States and a resident of the State of Washington, over the age of 21 and not a party to nor interested in this matter. That on the 21st day of September, 1982, at the hour of 5:00 p.m. , your affiant duly mailed and placed in the United States Post Office in Renton, King County, Washington, by first class mail , to all parties of record, a true and correct NOTICE OF APPEAL OF THE HEARING EXAMINER'S DECISION FILED BY DEWEY AND LOIS RANCOURT FOR THE D. A. RANCOURT AND L. A. RANCOURT SHORT PLAT APPLICATION, FILE NO. SP-055-82. 4;,420-lee •c..e 6422Z4.725i4., Maxine E. Motor, Acting City Clerk SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE me this 21st day of September, 1982. No1 y Public in and or the State of Washington, residing in King County j km OF I 00 THE CITY OF RENTON U , MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON. WASH. 98055 n CT) BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR • CITY CLERK • (206) 235-2500 090 0 O P 47' D SEP1- September 21, 1982 APPEAL FILED BY DEWEY AND LOIS RANCOURT Re: Appeal and Reconsideration of Hearing Examiner's Decision Dated August 30, 1982, D. A. Rancourt and L. A. Rancourt Short Plat Application, File No. SP 055-82 To Parties of Record: Pursuant to Title 4, Chapter 30, City Code, written appeal of Land Use Hearing Examiner's decision has been filed with the City Clerk along with the proper fee of $25. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the written appeal and other pertinent documents will be reviewed by the Council 's Planning and Development Committee and will be considered by the City Council when the matter is reported out of Committee. Please contact the Council Secretary at 235-2586 for date and time of the committee and council meetings should you desire to attend. Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON Maxine E. Motor Acting City Clerk MEM:j km Raui,,CDurt p `— NEED COPIES TO• t""" SENT Y CITY ATTORNEY' S OFFICE CVO. Y RECORD CHRONICLE (PRESS) MAYOR' S OFFICE 11 CITY COUNCIL W/{- f E aepor± Je91 FINANCE DEPARTMENT I HEARING EXAMINER Y DEPARTMENT-R•fsitleic Q121 JI PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR n/ a1 UTILITY ENGINEERING ttt c:9, PETITIONER/APPLICANT lb col" Uu ICV efit INSURANCE CARRIER STREET DEPARTMENT BUILDING DEPARTMENT-4Z.N215on C/ 8 `Play, ezrnvvu.s ovv CITY OF REN1 FN NI 24477 FINANCE DEPARTMENT RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 J-. ›.)/ 19 RECEIVED OF iJc- n J`I TOTAL GWEN E. BYRS INANCE DIRECTOR September 21, 1982 The Honorable Mayor Barbara Shinpoch and Members of the Renton City Council Subject: Appeal of Land Use Hearing Examiner Denial of Short Plat Application Ref: File No. Sh. P1 . 055-82 , V-056-82 , V-057-82 The referenced application requests the subdivision of approxi- mately one acre located at 3720 Lake Washington Blvd. No. into four (4) lots ranging in size from approximately 7372 square feet to 8539 square feet. The site is zoned R-1 (Single Family Residential; minimum lot size 7200 square feet) and the City Comprehensive Plan designates the area in which the site is located as suitable for single family uses. The site presently has one single family residence on the westerly quarter of the site which faces Lake Washington Blvd. A driveway on the north side of the property provides automobile access to the existing residence from Lake Washington Blvd. The application for subdivision proposes a 357 foot long, 30 foot wide private street on the south side of the property to gain access to the easterly portion of the property. The site rises significantly from west to east and will afford each of the lots an attractive lake and island view without requiring construction of residences to maximum allowable heights. As indicated in the reference, the application for short plat includes two variances to the Subdivision Ordinance; (i) a request for a private street rather than a public street since abutting properties are already served by existing streets and private access , and (ii) a reduction in the depth of the lots to 77 .6 feet rather than 85 feet as required by zoning ordinance. The City Building and Zoning Department recommended to the Hearing Examiner that the short plat and variance for reduced lot depth be approved and the private street variance be denied in favor of a half (25 foot wide) dedicated public street for access to the lots. Following a public hearing on the application, the Hearing Examiner issued a denial on the basis that such short plat would create a non-conforming yard for the existing residence which would violate the building setback requirements of the zoning ordinance. The Honorable Major Barbara Shinpoch and Members of the Renton City Council Page Two We cannot dispute the fact that a non-conformity would exist; however, we believe consideration should be given to the following practical aspects of the situation: 1. The existing residence has its own access and egress and will not be served by the street providing access to the interior lots. 2. The requested street is essentially a driveway to serve 3 residences and the limited traffic on the street should not disturb the occupants of the existing residence. 3. The existing residence is set back approximately 40 feet from Lake Washington Blvd. which allows substantially more than the required distances for pedestrian and automobile traffic safety at the junction of the requested street with Lake Washington Blvd. In conclusion, we believe the requested short plat is in keeping with the progressive and orderly development of the Renton area as envisioned by the authors of the zoning ordinances. Such subdivision will permit the construction of high quality residences on these island and lake view sites thus providing additional tax base to the City. It is our intention to include restrictive covenants which will assure that the view integrity of abutting properties will be maintained and the entire community will be enhanced by such development. Accordingly, we respectfully request your approval of the short plat application and look forward to your affirmative action on this matter. Very truly yours, Dewey and Lois Rancourt 1116 No. 38th Renton, Washington 98056 Te. 255-8697 rSelEIVE fr, k. CL- if/ ei< EP 2 I. I CITY CLERK r August 30, 1982 OFFICEIOF THE LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER CITY OF REI'NTON REPORT ND DECISION . APPLICANT: D. A. Rancourt & L. A. Rancourt FILE NO. SH. PL. 055-82 . V-056-82, V-057-82 LOCATION:11 3720 Lake Washington Boulevard North. SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The applicantseeks approval of a four-lot short plat and variances to permit a private street thirty feet wide and 357 feet long and a lot depth of 77.6 feet in lieu of the 85 foot requirement. SUMMARY OF AITION: Buil ding & Zoning Department Recommendation: Approval of the short plat; approval of the variance for reduction in lot depth; denial of the variance for a private street. Hearing Examiner Decision: Denial I ti BUILDING S ZSNING The Building & Zoning Department report was received by the DEPARTMENT R:PORT: Examiner on August 3, 1982. PUBLIC HEARI G: After reviewing the Building & Zoning Department report, examining available information on file with the application , . and field checking the property and surrounding area, the Examiner conducted a public hearing on the subject as follows : The hearinlg as opened, on Auglust 10, 1982 at 10:05 a.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building. Parties wishing to testify were affirmed by the Examiner. Roger Blaylock, Zoning Administrator, presented the staff report, and entered the following exhibits into the record: Exhlibit #1 : Application File containing Building & Zoning Department report, letter of protest from H. Kloes , and other pertinent documents Exhibit #2: Short Plat as submitted Exhibit #3: Short Plat with staff comments Exhibit #4: Segment of Zoning Map Exhibit #5: Land Use Map Respondinglto the Examiner's inquiry, Mr. Blaylock advised that a setback consisting of four to five feet appears to exist from the private road to the existing residence which creates a non-conforming situation for a public street. The staff recommendation would provide anladditional five feet of property to comply with the setback requirement. Referencing Exhibit #5, Mr. Blaylock described various easements , lot configurations , and location Of existing residences currently served by easement in the area. The Examiner equested information regarding existing slopes on the property as well as the need for edication of 251feet from the rear lot of an existing residence on Wells Avenue N. ,1Mr Blaylock advised that information regarding elevations would be provided, and although 5 feet would be required, the lot in question would probably be redivided. The Examiner requested testimony by the applicant. Responding was: Dewey Rancourt 1116 N. 38th Renton, WA 98056 Mr. Rancourt bjected to the Building & Zoning departmental recommendation for denial of the request for variance fdr a 30-foot wide private street and approval of a 25-foot wide dedicated public street. I His concerns included difficulty in making a connection from the end Of the public street to adjoining eastern properties due to sudden 30-foot rise in topography and reluctance of residents at the end of Tract 1 to dedicate 25 feet I I I 1 1. Sh. . 055-82 Page Three FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS & DECISION: Having reviewed the record in this matter, the Examiner now makes and enters the following: FINDINGS: 1 1 . The applicants , D. A. Rancourt and L. A. Rancourt, filed a request for a short plat together with variances for a private street and for a lot of less than the required depth'. 2. The application file containing the application, SEPA documentation, the Building and Zoning Department report, and other pertinent documents was entered into the record a Exhibit #1 . 3. Pursuant to the City of Renton's Environmental Ordinance and the State Environmental Policy Act of 1971 , RCW 43.21C, as amended, the subject proposal has been determined exempt from the threshold determination by the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) ,. responsi le official . 4. Plans' folIr the proposal have been reviewed by all city departments affected by the impact of this development. 5. The subject property is located at 3720 Lake Washington Boulevard. The site is east of Lake Washington Boulevard and just south of N. 38th Street. 6. The subj ct site rises from west to east at a significant grade. An existing single family home is located on the westerly quarter of the subject site. The remainder of the lot is undeveloped. 7. The applicant proposed subdividing the subject lot into four lots , with the existing home situated on proposed Lot 1 . Lot 1 would contain 8,539 square feet while Lots 2 through I• would contain 7,372 square feet, 7,814 square feet and 8,447 square feet, respectively. 8. The subject property is approximately 107.6 feet wide. The applicant has proposed providin a 357 foot long, 30 foot wide private road to gain access to the three interior lots . The remaining width would therefore be approximately 77.6 feet, whereas the Zoning Ordinance requires lots to be no less than 85 feet in width Section 4-706(C) (2)) . The Subdivision Ordinance prohibits the use of private streets without a variance and only if a public street will not be required to serve other adjacent or abutting properties (Section 9-1108(23) (A) (9) ) . 9. The applicant has therefore applied for the two variances to permit the private road and the lots to have less than the required width. The existing home is located 33. 7 feet from its nearest property line and a 30-foot wide road would create a three foot yard, while a 25-foot wide road would create an eight foot yard. In either case, the road would create a non-conforming yard less than the required 25 feet as the lot created would be a corner lot (Section 4-706(C) 4) (a) and (c) (i i ) ) . 10. The subject site is zoned R-1 (Single Family Residential ; Minimum lot size - 7,200 square feet) . The Comprehensive Plan designates the area in which the subject site i . located as suitable for the development of single family uses. 11 . The subject site was annexed into the city in December of 1969 at which time it was classified G-7200 (General ; Single Family Residential ) . The G zoning was converted to R-:1 by Ordinance No. 3634 in June of 1982. 12. The area in which the subject site is located is predominantly single family in character. Immediately north and south of the subject site are single family uses . The Kenn6rdale Beach Park is located south of the subject site. CONCLUSION & DECISION: The proposed short plat would create a non-conforming yard which would violate the provisions of Section 4-706(C) (4) , and therefore the request must be denied. ORDERED THIS 30th day of August, 1982. CLaa. Fred J. Ka an Land Use Hearing Examiner r OF R4, 4. t '„ ° THE CITY OF RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 o BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR • LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER 9. 0 co• 0 e` e FRED J. KAUFMAN. 235-2593 1 D SEP1 I i September 9, 1982 Mr. & Mrs. D. A. Rancourt 11116 N. 38th Street Renton, WA 98056 RE: File No. Short Plat 055-82, V-056-82, V-057-82 ; D. A. and L. A. Rancourt . Dear Mr. & Mrs. Rancourt: Your request for reconsideration in the above entitled matters has nb merit: since approval of the short plat together with the vori .ince5 would create a non-conforming lot which violates the provisions of the Zoning Code. It would permit the creation of a non-conforming . building tine and create a special privilege. As reflected in the testimony, the subject lot is not unlike other lots in the arca which are large and spacio',us. To allow the subdivision would set a precedent and encourage others to also apply to create non-conforming lots in violation of the Zoning Code. A: ne appeal period has now been established for this matter to expire on September 23, 1982. Sinc rely, 4311+4)*".---- Fred. J. Kau man Hearing Examiner i ce: Parties of Record I 4J September 8 , 1982 RECEIVE® CITY OrRENTONOfficeofLandUseHearingExaminerHEARING8XAMtNER City of Renton SEP 81982 AMAttention: Mr.' Fred J. Kaufman Land Use Hearing Examiner a7 ,43440']143?al'i2f.3,4II',,; Reference: File No. Sh. P1. 055-82 , V-056-82 , V-057-82 Dear Sir, On August 30 , 1982 , you issued a denial of the referenced sh rt plat application based upon a non-conformingyardfo4theexisting; house located on lot one of the requested subdivision. The basis for denial of the application is the finding that the access street to the 3 interior lots causes lot 1 to be a corner lot subject to applicable corner lot building set back requirements. Sueih finding, we believe, is a strained and highly technical dh racterization of the proposed access for the purpose of determining set back requirements and we respectfully request that the following additional facts be given further consider- ation: 1. The existing' house faces Lake Washington Blvd. and has its own driveway access on the north side of lot 1. There will be no access or egress to lot 1 from the requested private street. 2. In essence, the requested private street is a driveway for lots 2 , 3 and 4. As a consequence, the traffic to and from such lots will be limited and cause minimal disturbance to the occupants of the existing house. 3. The most westerly corner of the existing house on lot 1 is set back approximately 40 feet from Lake Washington Blvd. thus providing substantially more than minimums necessary for automobile and pedestrian vision at the junction of the requested private street with Lake Washington Blvd. Mr. Prod J. Kaufman Page Two 4 . The corner lot set back requirement imposes a hardship on the owners , which (i) does not permit the development and best use of the property, and ii) denies the owners the rights and privileges of other properties in the vicinity. In conclusion, it is our opinion that approval of the ire•uested short plat will have a positive and beneficial effect in the community and enhance the surrounding properties. In consideration of the foregoing, we respectfully request your reconsideration and approval of the short plat ap•lication. Very truly urs , Mr. & Mrs. D. A. Rancourt September 8 , 1982 RECEIVED CITY OFRENTONIOfficeofLandUseHearingExaminer1-teAkffia eXANIttl.n City of Renton SEP 81982 AM At ention: MrJ Fred J. Kaufman t'M Larid Use Hearing Examiner 1 w aDaie `W`WiW' W+vW Re erence: File No. Sh. Pl. 055-82 , k V-056-82 , V-057-82 Dear Sir, On August 30 , 1982 , you issued a denial of the referenced short plat application based upon a non-conforming yard for the existing house located on lot one of the requested s division. 1 T e basis for denial of the application is the finding that the access street to the 3 interior lots causes lot 1 to be a corner lot subject to applicable corner lot building set back requirements. Such finding, we believe, is a strained and highly technical c aracterization of the proposed access for the purpose of d termining set back requirements and we respectfully request t]iat the following additional facts be given further consider- ation: I 1. The existing house faces Lake Washington Blvd. and has its own driveway access on the north side of i lot 1. There will be no access or egress to lot 1 from the requested private street. 2, In essence,1the requested private street is a driveway for lots 2 , 3 and 4. As a consequence, the traffic to and from such lots will be limited and cause minimal disturbance to the occupants of the existing house. 3 . The most westerly corner of the existing house on lot 1 is set back approximately 40 feet from Lake Washington Blvd. thus 'providing substantially more than minimums necessary for automobile and pedestrian vision at the junction of the requested private street with Lake Washington 'Blvd. Mr. Fred J. Kaufman Page Two 4 . The corner lot set back requirement imposes a hardship on the owners , which (i) does not permit the development and best use of the property, and ii) denies the owners the rights and privileges of other properties in the vicinity. In conclusion, it is our opinion that approval of the re•uested short plat will have a positive and beneficial ef -ect in the community and enhance the surrounding properties. In consideration of the foregoing, we respectfully request your reconsideration and, approval of the short plat koplication. Very truly urs , I 4241.e.etw-dr I i I Mr. & Mrs. D. A. Rancourt I'I I AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING State .f Washington) County of King Marilyn J . Petersen being first duly sworn, upon oath disposes and states: ' That on the 30th day of August 19 82 , affiant deposited in the mails of the United States a sealed envelope containing a deciion or recommendation with postage prepaid, addressed to the parties of record in t'he below entitled application or petition. i i Subscribed and sworn this Ot day of kU0\0Sk— 19 c6,2... kW<t)31C. ern Notary Public in and for tlx : Jtate o1` Washington, residing at ato()_ Application, Petition o'r Case: D. A. Rancourt & L. A. Rancourt; Sh. P1 . 055-82 The. 17 (.11(11:CA C.ovrtCL j. ci .f:u5.l_ 'o( the. palitiez 0(1 'cecoJr.cf. ) August 30, 1982 OFFICE OF THE LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER CITY OF RENTON REPORT AND DECISION . APPLICANT: D. A. Rancourt & L. A. Rancourt FILE NO. SH. PL. 055-82, V-056-82, V-057-82 LOCATION: 3720 Lake Washington Boulevard North. SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The applicant seeks approval of a four-lot short plat and variances to permit a private street thirty feet wide and 357; feet long and a lot depth of 77.6 feet in lieu of the 85 foot requirement. SUMMARY OF ACTION: Building & Zoning Department Recommendation: Approval of the short plat; approval of the variance for reduction in lot depth; denial of the variance for a private street. Hearing Examiner Decision: Denial BUILDING & ZONING The Building & Zoning Department report was received by the DEPARTMENT REPORT: Examiner on August 3, 1982. PUBLIC HEARING: After reviewing the Building & Zoning Department report, examining available information on file with the application, and field checking the property and surrounding area, the Examiner conducted a public hearing on the subject as follows : The hearing was opened on August 10, 1982 at 10:05 a.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building. Parties wishing to testify were affirmed by the Examiner. Roger Bla;ylolck, Zoning Administrator, presented the staff report, and entered the following exhibits into the record: Exhibit #1 : Application File containing Building & Zoning Department report, letter of protest from H. Kloes , and other pertinent documents Exhibit #2: Short Plat as submitted Exhibit #3: Short Plat with staff comments Exhibit #4: Segment of Zoning Map Exhibit #5: Land Use Map Responding to the Examiner's inquiry, Mr. Blaylock advised that a setback consisting of four to five feet appears to exist from the private road to the existing residence which creates a non-conforming situation for a public street. The staff recommendation would provide an additional five feet of property to comply with the setback requirement. Referencing Exhibit #5, Mr. ' Blaylock described various easements , lot configurations , and location of existing residences currently served by easement in the area. The Examiner requested information regarding existing slopes on the property as well as the need, for dedication of 25 feet from the rear lot of an existing residence on Wells Avenue N. Mr. Blaylock advised that information regarding elevations would be provided, and although 25 feet would be required, the lot in question would probably be redivided. The Examin r requested testimony by the applicant. Responding was : D;ewey Rancourt 1116 N. 38th Renton, WA 98056 Mr. Rancourt objected to the Building & Zoning departmental recommendation for denial of thereq est for variance for a 30-foot wide private street and approval of a 25-foot wide dedicated public street. His concerns included difficulty in making a connection from the eid of the public ,street to adjoining eastern properties due to sudden 30-foot rise in topography and reluctance of residents at the end of Tract 1 to dedicate 25 feet O l°", Sh. 055-82 Page Three FINDINGS, CONC_USIONS & DECISION: Having reviewed the record in this matter, the Examiner now makes and enters the following: FINDINGS: 1 . The applicants, D. A. Rancourt and L. A. Rancourt, filed a request for a short plat together )ith variances for a private street and for a lot of less than the required depth. 2. . The application file containing the application, SEPA documentation, the Building and Zoning Department report, and other pertinent documents was entered into the record as Exhibit #1 . 3. Pursuant to the City of. Renton'.s Environmental Ordinance and the State Environmental Policy 'Act of 1971 , RCW 43.21C, as amended, the subject proposal has been determined exempt from the threshold determination by the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) , responsible official . 4. Plans for the proposal have been reviewed by all city departments affected by the impact of this development. 5. The subject property is located at 3720 Lake Washington Boulevard. The site is east of Lake Washington Boulevard and just south of N. 38th Street. 6. The subject site rises from west to east at a significant grade. An existing single family home is located on; the westerly quarter of the subject site. The remainder of the lot is undeveloped. 7. The applicant proposed subdividing the subject lot into four lots , with the existing home sitOated on proposed Lot 1 . Lot 1 would contain 8,539 square feet while Lots 2 through 4 would contain 7,372 square feet, 7,814 square feet and 8,447 square feet, respectively. 8. The subject property is approximately 107.6 feet wide. The applicant has proposed providing .a 357 foot long, 30 foot wide private road to gain access to the three interior lots . The remaining width would therefore be approximately 77.6 feet, whereas the Zoning Ordinance requires lots to be no less than 85 feet in width _ Sect'ion 4-706(C) (2)) . The Subdivision Ordinance prohibits the use of private streets without a variance and only if a public street will not be required to serve other adjacent or abutting properties (Section 9-1108(23) (A) (9) ) . 9. The applicant has therefore applied for the 'two variances to permit the private road and the lots to have less than the required width. The existing home is located 33. 7 feet from its nearest property line and a 30-foot wide ,rord would create a three foot yard, while a 25-foot wide road would create an eight fgot yard. In either case, the road would create a non-conforming yard less . than the required 25 feet as the lot created would be a corner lot (Section 4-706(C) 4) (a) and (c) (i i ) ) . 10. The subject site is zoned R-1 (Single Family Residential ; Minimum lot size - 7,200 square feet) . The Comprehensive Plan designates the area in which the subject site is located as suitable for the development of single family uses. 11 . The subject site was annexed into the city in December of 1969 at which time it was classified G-7200 (General ; Single Family Residential ) . The G zoning was converted to R,-1 by Ordinance No. 3634 in June of 1982. 12. The area in which the subject site is located is predominantly single family in character. Immediately north and south of the subject site are single family. uses . The Kerinydale Beach Park is located south of the subject site. CONCLUSION & DECISION: The propos d short plat would create a non-conforming yard which would violate the provisions of Section 4-706(C) (4) , and therefore the request must be denied. ORDERED THIS 30th day of August, 1982. Fred J. Ka an Land Use Hearing Examiner 1 1 RECEIVED CITY OF RENTON HEARING EXAMINER U G 11982 pM August 9, 1982 7,8i9rl0,ll.12,,2,3,41 6 3706 Wells Avenue North Renton, Washington Hearing Examiner City of Renton Re ton, Washington r 8 V- 0, Re. Short Plat 055 82, 056 2, 057-82V Applicants D.A. and L.A. Rancourt We are owners of the home and property directly abutting the property being considered for this short plat. Further, possible future requests for the tracts immediately south .of.us and Tract 92, directly above us Blood) all pose similar questions and concerns. We believe this particular request must be considered in light of recent developments on the next street (38th) ; the desire of the City of Renton forI properplanning' and construction and past problems, e.g. drainage. During the past five years a large number of homes were built on 38th Street, Park Avenue and Lake Washington Boulevard. The small lot sizes resillted in homes being constructed which almost completely obstructed the view of homes built just months earlier. Proper street planning and construction is a must so as to meet accept- able standards set by ordnance, allow for future development, meet safety needs and alleviate problems, e.g. drainage. In this respect one large tract directly to the south of the one under consideration has suffered from severe water drainage coming from Park Avenue down 37th. We would suggest that the deviations from city code not be allowed unless: 1 . One level, restrictions be placed upon the height of any homes to be built upon these smaller lots. To allow homes with daylight basements on these proposed lots would perpetuate the problem found on 38th and elsewhere and, also, set a precedent for development on at least three large plats immediately adjoining us. 2. Road construction meet present standards and obvious future needs. Thark you for consideration of these views. Aricat a. iclokr- Harold E. Kloes Peggy J <1or UILDING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT prNLIMINARY REPORT TO THE ;: r, ;]ECG EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING AUGUST 10, 1982 APPLICANT: D. A, Rancourt & L. A. Rancourt FILE NUMBER: Short Plat 055-82, V-056-82, V-057-82 A. , SUMMAR`Y & PURPOSE OF lVEST: The applicant seeks approval of a four-lot short plat and variances to permit a private street thirty feet wide and 357 feet long and a lot depth of 77 . 6 feet in lieu of the 85 foot requirement. B. GENERAL INFO TION: 1 . Owner of ,Record: D.A. & L.A. Rancourt 2. Applicant:PP D.A. & L.A. Rancourt 3. Location: Vicinity Map Attached) 3720 Lake Washington Boulevard North. 4 . Legal Description: A detailed legal description is available on file in the Renton Building &• Zonir}g Department. 5. Size of Property: 1 acre Access: Via Lake Washington Boulevard North. 7. Existing Zoning: R-1 , Residence Single Family; minimum lot size 7200 square, feet. Existing Zoning in the Area: R-1 9. Comprehensive Land Use Plan: Single Family Residential 10. Notification: The applicant was notified in writing of the hearing date. Notice was properly published in the Daily Record Chronicle on August 5, 1982, and posted in three places on or near the site as required by City Ordinance on July 29 , 1982. C. H ISTORY/,c w. ,•;GROUND: T1Ie subject site was annexed into the City by Ordinance 2531 of December 24 , 1969, at which time it was zoned G-7200. The G-7200 classification was replaced by the R-1 designation with adoption of the new zoning map b Ordinance #3634 of June 13, 1982. A REL IMINARY REP OE_ r THEHEARINGPOF0IG D.A. & L.A. RANCOURT AUGUST 10, 1982 PAGE THREE H. ' PLICABL;: SECTIONS OF THE COMP Ia:t miNSIVE PLAN OR OTHER OFFICIAL CITY DOCUMENT: 1 . Subdivision Ordinance, Section 9-1105 ; Short Subdivisions. 2. Subdivision Ordinance, Section 9-1108-23 (A) (9) ; Private Streets I. ' IMPACT ON TEE 'EATQURAL OR ;:UMAN ENVIRONMENT: 1 . Natural Systems : None 2. Population/Employment: Minor 3. Schools : , Minor Social: Minor 5. Traffic: I Minor J. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSIl NT/THRESmOL® DETERMINATION: pursuant to the City of Renton' s Environmental Ordinance and the State Environmental Policy Act of 1971, as amended, i2CW 43-21C, the subject proposal is exempt from the threshold determination of environmental significance. K. . AGENCIES/DEPARTMENTS CONTACTED: 1 . ' City of Renton Building & Zoning Department. 2. City of Renton Design Engineering Division. 3. City of Renton Traffic Engineering Division. 4. City of Renton Utilities Engineering Division. City of Renton Fire Prevention Bureau. 6. City of Renton Parks & Recreation Department. 7. City of Renton Policy Development Department. L. ' DEPARTMENT ANALYSIS: 1 . The proposed short plat is consistent with the existing G-1 , General Use zoning and Comprehensive Plan designation of Single Family Residential for the subject site and surrounding area. 2. The proposal is compatible with the adjacent single family residential uses and subdivision patterns in the vicinity. 3. All of the proposed lots meet the Subdivision Ordinance requirements for size and frontage. However, a Variance has been requested to permit a depth of 77 .6 feet instead of the required 85 feet [Section 4-706 (C-3)1 on all of the lots . The proposed lots rise abruptly to the northeast ' and previous platting and development have severely limited the potential of the subject site. Such factors together with the long, 'rectangular shape of the property would appear to provide justification for the Variance criteria of Section 9-1109. 4 . As proposed by the applicant, the thirty foot wide private street may not be appropriate in this area. The parcel to the south (Tract #81 ) has potential for future, subdivision and Tract #92 to the east may also be platted. Because of this situation, the Policy Development Department has advised that the proponent dedicate a twenty-five foot right-of-way 1 1 1 1 R— 3 i...-.--• 1, s8 4•• 7: i.. O4v N7,,.!•.88 57.. 4. 747: 4:_/i. 1.*_•-: 0i_,1100• 0, 0. i 4: 7I7/ 2452... 3TiT 10-" 7/ 1 5On2 1.,11slIm01iot3eaoB, 490 t: f41 I„;' ' 83 ' ill'',;..•:. — ,.. 4' I— ',.•i' t'..T"..125 114 0, a i 91 .s. . .i .. .J 100 k4-1 I'.• 124 7." 1 t.- : -.81 1 , 1 ., : 92 A ITI___ 9C LiI I_. 4, i,. • ' ': ' 80 ' 114 . fa. 1111 ._;:.,,,....c) p. I3714-----__) 1 I I_ iZZ . 117 79 I — 1 97-_ I tni-- I 1 [III L Ici 78 1 95 96 tio .. 14..j° 1196NNK. , / •04/1- i i • _ r--- 4- - s . , Z z z Z3 L . 4474 , 2 k 4 5 t. 7 8,92o till2 if 44 ri 1/ ON it 10 Z1 ZA1111'- 44Arr 39 )7 16 94 )1 je)4 ii - i 3 I l'i 4 70''inn. N• .• Fit i . •II 4L7i — III. TT b • Pow A1111111111 k. 4 / c. ,... .. . N./.. ' IL, • _L. 4 ' P • • • i. .R.Pli, 11111111111 P 11111111111:111- 91. t2/ 1 ue 2.7. ST. 24 t 5 .. L_ b7 64 I.:!,-. .. , )n...m. 4AMIik61AIM -, '-'1 41-A., .n.:;tlillE111111111111.:.till3411.....:,„. ••... .. . 1111, .. : ,- iiivc.„, j' 41:111 II Flil . i 111. 1111111 %'• 1:1T11If T 4 s 10 sn t is rITITTT. fit. 1 III IT:Eft 3 . 3Z li N. I 33' • T. ' I 1 1 ID,A, RANCOURT & L.A.•RANCOURT. Short lat 055-821 V-056182, V-057-82 1 1 APPLICANT R.A. RANCOURT & L.A. RANCOURT TOTAL AREA+ 1 acre PRINCIPAL ACCESS Via Lake Washington Boulevard North EXISTING ZONING R-1, Res dence Single Family; minimum lot size 7200 square feet. 1 EXISTING USE Single family residence. PROPOSED USE Four .single-family residences COMPREHEN IVE LAND USE PLAN Single Family Residential 1 COMMENTS I I. . i - i 1 F7TON BUILDING & ZONING 'PARTPIENT 1 DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET CITY OFRENTONECF - 1 JUL 6 1982 APPLICATION NO(S) : SHORT PLAT-055-82, V-056-82. V-057-82 POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPT. PROPONENT: D. A. Rancourt & L. A. Rancourt PROJECT TITLE: Rancourt Short Plat BRIEF IDE CRIPTION OF PROJECT: Application to short plat approximately 1 acre into 4 lots a d variances to permit (1) , a private street 30 feet wide and 357 feet long and 2) , a lOt depth of 77.6 feet in lieu of and 80 :foot depth. LOCATION I° Property located at 3720 Lake Washington Blvd. North. TO: f ' 0 PIUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE: x I: ENGINEERING DIVISION • 11111 TRAFFIC ENG. IDIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : 8-17-82 UTILITIES ENG. DIVISION j FIR PREVENTION BUREAU PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT ByIL ING & ZONING DEPARTMENT P©LICE DEPARTMENT I 1 POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT I 11OHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITINi . PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5:00 P M. ON 7-12-82 CIRCULATED: 7-2-82 ' i REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : /7d( / k",/./. I APPR VED: • gi APPROVED -WITH CONDITIONS NOT APPROVED A(:// 06i Ihed i,*47 57sid I xbfad `Ain e JD w&/-/(fLed 4) 1 q7z„w 17-efa-A-3 Of' Ad/4/4m ce. y' 0/1,10, l fCC.4D DATE: //"/" fr SIGNA ROE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE I REVISION 5/1982 U 7NUI tCKI W U1JV11UIV o RAFFIC ENG. :_ ,, VISION SCHED LLD HEARING DATE : 8-1/-82 0 TILITIES ENG . DIVISION El FIRE REVENTION BUREAU 0 PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT 0 BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT El POLiIC DEPARTMENT 0 POLIC DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 0 OTHERS: COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING. PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5:00 P.M. ON 7-12-82 CIRCULATED 7-2-82 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : TR,4r:ric 1\1GINE-F,e1NG s APPROVED t APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS 0 NOT APPROVED i'e2„di N-zi I DATE: 7/7 /2 SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUT ORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1882 CIRCULATED: 712-82 I i REVIEWING iDEPARTMENT/DIVISION : z-7)4 INAPPR VED El APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS ONOT APPROVED 2--,_Lr,-, r-erv r DATE: 7 --a Z SIGNATURE 1 / DIRECTOR OR AU HORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1282 CITY OF RENTON LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING AUGUST 10, 1982 AGENDA COMMENCING AT 9 :00 a.;m. : COUNCIL CHAMBERS, SECOND FLOOR, RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING CONTINUED ITEM THE AUSTIN COMPANY Spcial Permit application for the construction of an earthen mound for purpose of surcharging underlying compressible soil, file SP-046-82; property located at the southwest corner of Lind Avenue S.W. and S.W. 16Th Street. NEW ITEMS I DENNY' S INC. Site Approval application to build a 6 ,300 square foot restaurant, file SA-050-82; property located on the east side of Lake Washington Blvd. N.E. and south of S.E. 76th Street. VENTURA PARTNERSHIP (ONE TALBOT PLACE) Application fora final planned unit development for 325 multiple family units to be constructed in two phases, Mile FPUD-054-82; property located in the vicinityofthesouthwestquadrantofS.W. 43rd Street and Talbot Ro.d South about 1 , 200 feet south of Valley General Hospital. RANCOURT Application for a four-lot short plat for single family residences., file Short Plat 055-82, along with variance requests to allow a 30 feet wide private street, file V-b56-82, and a 'reduction in lot depth from 85 feet Ito 77.6 feet, file V-057-82; property located at the vicinity of 3720 Lake Washington Boulevard North. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER RENTON, WASHINGTON A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER AT HIS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, RENTON, WASHINGTON, ON AUGUST 10, 1982, AT 9 : 00 A.M. TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING PETITIONS : CONTINUED ITEM THE AUSTIN COMPANY Special Permit application for the construction of an earthen mound for purpose of surcharging underlying compressible soil, file SP-046-82; property located at the southwest corner of Lind Avenue S.W. and S.W. 16th Street. NEW ITEMS DENNY' S INC. Site Approval: application to build a 6 ,300 square foot restaurant, file SA-050-82; property located on the east side of Lake Washington Blvd. N.E. and south of S.E. 76th Street. VENTURA PARTNERSHIP (ONE TALBOT PLACE) Application for a final planned unit development for 325 multiple family units to be constructed in two phases, file FPUD-054-82; property located in the vicinity of the southwest quadrant of S.W. 43rd Street and Talbot Road South about 1 , 200 feet south of Valley General Hospital. D. A. RANCOURT Application- for -a four-lot short plat for single family residences, file Short Plat 055-82, along with variance requests to allow a 30 foot wide private street, file V-056-82, and a reduction in lot depth from 85 feet to 77.6 feet, file V-057-82; property located at the vicinity of 3720 Lake Washington Boulevard North. Legal descriptions of the files noted above are on file in the Renton Building and Zoning Department. ALL INTERESTED PERSONS TO SAID PETITIONS ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PUBLIC HEARING ON AUGUST 10, 1982, AT 9 : 00 A.M. TO EXPRESS THEIR OPINIONS. PUBLISHED: August 5, 1982 RONALD G. NELSON BUILDING AND ZONING DIRECTOR CERTIFICATION I, STEVE MUNSON, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENTS WERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON TIIE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW. ATTEST; Subscribed and sworn to befo*e me, a Notary Public, in and for the State of Washington residing in King County, on the 2nd day of August, 1982. SIGNED: A '# OF ' R4, BUILDING & ZONINGDEPARTMENTrZ ma : RONALD G. NELSON DIRECTOR o MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH.98055 o 235-2540 09gT D SEPT- BARBARA Y. SHINPOCI-t MAYOR August 2, 1982 D. Am & L. A. Rancourt 1116 No. 38th Renton, WA 98055 Re: APPLICATION FOR ,A FOUR-_ LOT SHORT PLAT FOR SINGLE FAMILY REOIDENCES, FILE-:SHORT PLAT 055-82,:, ALONG WITH VARIANCE REQUESTS TO' ALLOW A 30 FOOT WIDE PRIVATE STREET, FILE V-056-82, AND A ,REDUCTION IN LOT DEPTH FROM 85 FEET TO 77.6 FEET, FILE V-057-82; PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE VICINITY OF 3720 LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD NORTH. Gentlemen: The Ren on Building and Zoning Department formally accepted the above mentioned application on July 30, 1982. A public hearing before the City of Renton Hearing Examiner has been set for August 10, 1982, at 9 :00 a.m. Representatives of the applicant are asked to be present. All interested persons are invited. to attend the hearing. If you have any further questions, please call the Renton Building and Zoning Department, 235-2550. Very 'truly yours, Roger J. Blaylock Zoning Administrator RJB:cl REt. . JN BUILDING & ZONING DEL ,ATMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET CITY OF RENTON ECF - x - x JUL 6 1982 APPLICATION NO(S) : SHORT PLAT-055-82, V-056-82, V-057-82 POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPT. PROPONENT: D. A. Rancourt i& L. A. Rancourt PROJECT TITLE : Rancourt Short Plat BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Application to short plat approximately 1 acre into 4 lots and variances to permit (1) , a private street 30 feet wide and 357 feet long and 2) , a lot depth of 77.6 feet in lieu of and oot ept . LOCATION: Property located at 3720 Lake Washington Blvd. North. TO: 0 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : x ENGINEERING DIVISION • TRAFFIC ENG. DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : 8-17-82 UTILITIES ENG. DIVISION 0 FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT D .BUflLDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT POLICE DEPARTMENT XPOLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DOTHiRS: COMMENTSOR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING. PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5.:00 .M. ON 7-12-82 CIRCULATED• 7-2-82 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : i j ,i, APPRO ED •i APPROVED °WITH CONDITIONS NOT APPROVED 1 4/ deLi 71 1/ szsid 4 „/ G i/d s r beams 56 SAS 1 1,4 ( e-g/ em0 43j 1) 2 hia DATE: SIGMA RE OF DIRECTOR OR ' AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 REPI,:._,7N BUILDING k ZONING DEI.MTMENT EVELOPMENT APPLI CATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - x i - x APPLICATIION NO(S) : SHORT PLAT-055-82, V-056-82, V-057-82 PROPONENTi: D. A. Rancourt & L. A. Rancourt PROJECT TITLE: Rancourt Short Plat BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Application to short plat approximately 1 acre into 4 lots an'd variances to permit (1) , a private street 30 feet wide and 357 feet long and 2) , a lo't depth of 77.6 feet in lieu of ant 80 foot depth. LOCATION: Property located at 3720 Lake Washington Blvd. North. TO: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : x E GINEERING DIVISION • • ITRAFFIC ENG. DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : 8-17-82 UTILITIES ENG . DIVISION FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU OPARKS : RECREATION DEPARTMENT EIBUILDI G & ZONING DEPARTMENT OiPOLICE DEPARTMENT DPOLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING. PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5:00 P.M. ON 7-12-82 CIRCULATED: 7r2-82 REVIEWING D:PARTMENT/DIVISION : APPROVED JAPPROVED -WITH CONDITIONS NOT APPROVED V 1 I t V C'Gy_w( DATE: C7/ SIGNATUREiOF DIRECTOR OR AUTHO IZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 j RER,_, N BUILDING k ZONING DEL-ptaTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - xl - x i APPLICATION NO(S) : SHORT PLAT-055-82, v-056-82, v-057-82 PROPONENT: . D. A. Rancourt & L. A. Rancourt ' PROJECT TITLE: Rancourt Short Plat BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Application to short plat approximately 1 acre into 4 lots and variances to permit (1) , a private street 30 feet wide and 357 feet long and 2) , a lot depth of 77.6 feet in lieu of and 80 foot depth. LOCATION: Property lOcated at 3720 Lake Washington Blvd. North. 1 TO: 0 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : x ENGINEERING DIVISION • 111 TRAFFIC ENG. DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : 8-17-82 U ILITIES ENG . DIVISION Q Renton Fire Dept. Fire Prevention Bureau DFIRE,' PREVENTION BUREAU CE'ERnjTB El PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT EI .BUILI G & ZONING DEPARTMENT JUL 2 1982 POLICE DEPARTMENT POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 0 OTHERS . COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING. PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5:00 P.M. ON 7-12-82 I CIRCULATED: i 712-82 REVIEWING1DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : F-11 O APPROVED • 0 APPROVED -WITH CONDITIONS @NOT APPROVED I CO/yJ j/w eo o"- .ek-Q e//2&-s ,ices ,Po.90 Gr/fys LI SS- pr- --se, ' /N . L /r>6T/ TO /'.a!//,OE- #9.0-U.4 7 E t;l/pti'. A90 6/4/C7 , •A E, - o/e 7' 'Abg49, c 2.J; 7`7-/p e/ //9 E 5--7/P l' J6iOe l-k) /S a S 7 / 'it1 G.•G 7 ' ,4A-1 g) i /S/9 E' ' Td ieeo d/1J ii'/J 7Z4 :)A4,Pav4),n ,Q. -.4. . i I i9P0/i 7/1pDATE; SIGN, 'E OF IRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 r/ REI'I _ JN BUILDING & ZONING DEL .,.ITMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - x - x APPLICATION NO(S) : SHORT PLAT-055-82, V-056-82, V-057-82 PROPONENT: D. A. Rancourt .& L. A. Rancourt PROJECT TITLE : Rancourt Short Plat BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Application to short plat approximately 1 acre into 4 lots and variances to permit (1) , a private street 30 feet wide and 357 feet long and 2) , a lot depth of 77.6 feet in lieu of and 80 foot depth. LOCATION : Property located at 3720 Lake Washington Blvd. North. TO: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : x 0 ENGINEERING DIVISION EI1RAFFIC ENG . DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : 8-17-82 UTILITIES ENG . : DIVISION FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT 0 BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT POLICE DEPARTMENT POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT LI OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING . PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5:00 P.M. ON 7-12-82! CIRCULATED: 7-2-82 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : APPROVED APPROVED -WITH CONDITIONS ONOT APPROVED Ul i p j r.: ".: I::= SUBJECT TO 77g/$Z Oijak, *`£EMENT • WATER AJO - 1..gfrp 041,ter i 4MENT - SEWER A/0 S\ -ra ..ttiti.OT CHARGE - WATER 1 , 1.4.. - -td dtaler AA T CHARGE : SEWER 8r Gv 'r _C-t S r.,,,-,- u te,i_Ga et=tec./ spag,tiy...mvENt AREA CHARGE • WATER A/O SPEthL A ENJ AREA CHARGE • SEWER No APPROVED 12,11R IiLAN Y,Oj APPROVED SEVP[R PLAN iliVir, APPROVED FIRE HYDRANT LOCATIONS BY FIRE DEPT. y FIRE FLOW ANALYSI f r_ 7/2ftDATE : SIGNATURE 0/ DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/19821 11 REPG': N BUILDING k ZONING DEI-A. TNIENT w EVELOPM'ENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF — x — x APPLICAT°ION NO(S) : SHORT PLAT-055-82, V-056-82, V-057-82 PROPONENT: D. A. Rancourt & L. A. Rancourt PROJECT TITLE : Rancourt Short Plat BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Application to short plat approximately 1 acre into 4 lots and variances to permit (1) , a private street 30 feet wide and 357 feet long and 2) , a lot depth of 77.6 feet in lieu of and 80 foot depth. LOCATION; Property located at 3720 Lake Washington Blvd. North. TO: PUBLI• WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : x NGINEERING DIVISION • RAFFIC ENG. DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : 8-17-82 TILITIES ENG . DIVISION FIRE 'REVENTION BUREAU PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT POL°IC: DEPARTMENT POLIC DEVELOPMENT EPARTMENT DOTHER COMMENTSIO SUGGESTIONS ¶EGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5:00 P.M. ON 7-12-82 CIRCULATED: 7-2-82 i I REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVSION : RAlt g/c e\l G 1 l(EF1!VG PPROVED APPROVED °WITH CONDITIONS ONOT APPROVED DATE : 7/ 7 /2 SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR ORIAUT' ORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 I I REN, .±1N BUILDING & ZONING DEL- ..RTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET I ECF - x J - x I APPLICATION NO(S) : SHORT ,PLAT-055-82, V-056-82, V-057-82 PROPONENT: D. A. Rancourt & L. A. Rancourt PROJECT TITLE : Rancourt Short Plat BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Application to short plat approximately 1 acre into 4 lots and variances to permit (1) , a private street 30 feet wide and 357 feet long and 2) , alot depth of 77.6 feel in lieu of and 80 foot depth. LOCATION : Property located at 3720 Lake Washington Blvd. North. TO: LI PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : x ENGINEERING DIVISION • T'AFFIC ENG. DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : 8-17-82 U ILITIES ENG . DIVISION FIRE ' P'EVENTION BUREAU PARKS : RECREATION DEPARTMENT BUILDI G & ZONING DEPARTMENT POLICE DEPARTMENT POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OTHERS=: - i COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING. PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5:00 P'I.M. ON 7-12-82 CIRCULATED: 71 2-82 REVIEWING D PARTMENT/DIVISION : (FL-D El APPROVED • J APPROVED °WITH CONDITIONS 0 NOT APPROVED I I I I I r if DATE: SIGNATURE DIRECTOR OR AU HORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 I H CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT PLAT APPLICATION FILE NO. P- 05v `- a GMAJORPLAT1t-4DATE REC'D. y`S V ?0, I TENTATIVE CITY OF RENTON APPLICATION FEE $, ` 7 PRELIMINARY D E@ , 11 \ E O ENVIRONMENTAL y` o FINAL r1 Q J.UN 1 8 1982 RECEIPT NO. '5 l 1 o SM NO. BUILDING/ZONING DEPT. PUD NO. I APPLICANT TO COMPLETE ITEM 1 THROUGH 7 .. 1. Plat Namei & Location IR4NCOVR s''•(."t30,0,/iSil an/ 3 7 o 2IIX'E lI a &L J . yee„i 7-0"I ln/a . 2 . No. Lots,74 Total Acreage / (APPRoN ) Zoning /C 7Zo o • 3 . Owner 1)_ A . /PA^/C o V i v A , RAj CO v2Y Phone zsS- e 6 9 7 Address Y//6 NO•. 31 — . • 2e•roN l•J4- , . 5 . Undergrouhzd Utilities : Yes No Not Installed Telephone v ) Electr' c Street Lights Natura Gas TV Cab e 6 . Sanitatio & Water: City Water Sanitary Sewers Water District No . Dry Sewers Septic Tanks 7 . Vicinity nd plat maps as required by Subdivision Ordinance. 8. DATE REFERRED TO: ENGINEERING PARKS 1 I BUILDING HEALTH TRAFFICENG. STATE HIGHWAY' FIRE I i COUNTY PLANNING BD. PUBLIC WORKS •I OTHER 9 . STAFF ACT ON: TEN ATIVE PLAT APPROVED DENIED i APPEALED EXPIRED 10. LAND USE EARING EXAMINER'S ACTION: SHO T PLAT APPROVED DENIED PRE IMINARY PLAT APPROVED DENIED FINAL PLAT APPEALED EXPIRED 11 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVED DENIED FINAL PLAT APPEALED EXPIRED 12. DEFERRED IMPROVEMENTS : DATE DATE BOND NO. AND TYPE GRANTED EXPIRES AMOUNT l 1 j Planning Dept . Rev. 1/77 I 4 RENT BUILDING & ZONING DEN MENT D VELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET I ECF - x - x APPLICATION 0(S) : SHORT PLAT-055-82, V-056-82, V-057-82 PROPONENT : Jli. A. Rancourt & L. A. Rancourt PROJECT TITL : Rancourt Short Plat BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Application to short plat approximately 1 acre into 4 lots and 'va iances to permit (1) , a private street 30 feet wide and 357 feet long and - 2) , a lot ;depth of 77.6 feet in lieu of and 80 foot depth. LOCATION : Property 'loated at 3720 Lake Washington Blvd. North. I TO : fl PUBLIC W RKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : x 1 ENGINEERING DIVISION -i11 1:1 TRA=FIC ENG. DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : 8-17-82 UTI_ITIES ENG . DIVISION ' . FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU El PARKS I& ECREATION DEPARTMENT 1 El BUILDIING & ZONING DEPARTMENT fl POLICE; DEPARTMENT POLICYi DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 0 OTHERS': COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING.' iLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5:00 P .M1. OIN 7-12-82 CIRCULATED: 7-2182 li REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : APPROVED APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS NOT APPROVED i I I DATE: SIGNATURE CIF Di RECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 AFFIDAVIT CITY OF RENTON , od1 p JUN 18 1982 ggU DiNG/ZONING GE!'T. I , 4. '. ilk, ZA beingdu sworn, declare that I w/C.O,w Ncov Y am the owner of the property involved in this,, application and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the informationit, herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief Subscribecl and sworn before me this day of i4P.e%L 19_ _ , Notary ru lic in and for the State of Washingto , residing at', i I Name of otary Public) Signature of Owner) I tea,. 1/14 No. 3 8 - Address) Address) Zol/%0 41/1 . it City) State) d'6 9 7 Telephone) FOR OFPIC USE ONLY) CERTIFICATION This is Ito certify that the foregoing application has been inspected by me and hasbe -n found to be thorough and complete in every particular and to conformllto the rules and regulations of the Renton Planning Department governing he filing of such application . Date Recei ed 19 By: it Renton Planning Dept . 2-73 CT' OF RENTON JUv 1 b BULDING/ZONING DEFT• Variances Requested A. Pursuant to Renton Subdivision Ordinance Section 9-1108, 23 (A) (9) as amended by Ordinance 3606 published January 29, 1982, a variance is requested to permit a private street thirty feet (30 ' ) wide and three hundred fifty seven feet (357 ' ) long. B. A variance to Section 9-1108, 23 (F) (3) (b) to permit a lot depth of seventy seven point six feet (77. 6 ' ) in lieu of an eighty foot (80' ) depth. Reasons for Requested Variances Prior platting of this area does not allow access to the property by other means. Granting of the requested variances will permit development of this view property consistent with the rights and privileges enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity under similar circumstances. 21 Meceivea arter .public nearing. Not part of data that the decision w- based .upon. ladf e2 R - A or.. I F. 1 . . OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY•.RENTON,WASHINGTON U `/^ Z POST OFFICE BOX 626 100 S 2nd STREET. • RENTON.WASrHINGTON 98057 255-867B z oNIL O mom LAWRENCE I.WARREN, CITY ATTORNEY DANIEL KELLOGG, ASSISTANT CITYATTORNEY09AODAVIDM. DEAN, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY 9ii.g. SEP1 43- MARK E.BARBER, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY I November 18, 1982 ZANETTA L.FONTES, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY 1 TO: Gary Norris ,, Traffic Engineer i FRO. : Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney RE: Short Plat Variance Request - 3720 Lake Washington Blvd. N. Rancourt Dea, Gary: In esponse to your Memo of November ..17,,. 1982, the City does not place itself in an unfavorable legal position if the corter of the house was struck as the owner of the house ctou d have voluntlarily placed himself in the path of danger. On -nother issue, I think the . language of the Ordinance . perllitting variances should..be :looked .at • carefully to see whether or not the variance can even be granted. It is no Rally against City policy to grant a short plat that would 14a•a property in violation of...other City ordinances . I would, sup•ose that the variance request is the proper way to go to rem•ve the violation of the setback ordinance. However, the var ance can be granted only if-the applicant meets the c'on•itions of the variance ordinance. As - final thought, if the City has any concern that granting of die variance might expose it to any liability, then I think the City should require, as a condition of the variance, and o'f 'he short plat, that the owner sign a hold harmless agreement run ing with the .and as to any claims , causes of action, damage, etc. caused or contributed to by the establishment, maintenance, and use of the roadway. C7‘frc J.c7ren L' :nd cc: Mayor Received;'after' public hearing. Not part of data that decision was-based: u i r toe.. z PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT t . . DESIGN/UTILITY ENGINEERING • 235-2631 o I _ MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE.SO. RENTON,WASH.98055 9,0 4 eP 0' INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM CITY OFRENTON0 FD sEP W/ 111BARBARAY. HINPOCH MAYO- DEC 2 1982 Da t- : December 1 , ' 1982 BUILDING,ZONING' DEPT. To:Roger Blaylock, Building ,S Zoning Department From: Bob Bergstrom, Engineering Supervisor Subject: Rancourt Variance The Rancourt variances places this existing building too closetothefutureroadway. As advised by the City. Attorney, a Hold Harmless Agreement should be 'a condition of the variance to place the developer's lia ility clearly on the property and not upon the City. A liability waiver such as this could change our department's cdncernsV ', and reservations on 'this short plat. r REB:j f t I OFR : z BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT S RONALD G. NELSON - DIRECTOR 9 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE.SO. RENTON,WASH.98055 • 235-2540m• 0, 9gTc0 SEP1E BARBARA Y. $HINPOCH MEMORANDUMMAYOR DATE: DECEIIBBER 7, 1982 Ti : FRED J. KAUFMAN, LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER F'OM: ROGER J. BLAYLOCK, ZONING ADMINISTRATOR SIBJECT: RANCOURT VARIANCE/ V-071-82 P ease find attached comments from both the Public Works D:partment and the City Attorney concerning the side yard v-riance request by D.A. & L.A. Rancourt .. The information, • w- s received after the public -hearing and has been so noted o each page. Please place in- the official yellow file to' complete the record. RECEIVED CITY OF RENTON HEARING EXAMINER DEC7 1982 AM PM 4718191101111121112131415,6 Y_ AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING State o Washington) . County • f King I. I i I Willi- Roberts being first duly sworn, upon oath dispose and states: 1 hat on the 6th ! day of December 1982 , affiant 1 IdepositedinthemailsoftheUnitedStatesasealedenvelopecontai.nin-g -.,x a dc;isi n or recommendation with postage prepaid, addressed to the parties .f record in the below entitled application or petition. 1 Subscribed and sworn this 6th day of December 19 82 ,1 I I 4//-41 0 1---i7 & Not y Public in an or Sta of Washington, residing at 4Z -// I Short Plat 055-82 Application, Petition or Case: V-056-82 V-057-82, V-071-82 I - The mi.nu.ea contain a .eid.t o'S the paiiti.ee o 6 aecond. ) 1 RENT( BUILDING & ZONING DEN MENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET RECEIVED AFTER PUBLIC HEARING. NOT PART OF DATA THAT THE DECISION WAS ECF - x - X BASED UPON. /2//82 /f'd.B 1 APPLICATION NO(S) : . VARIANCE (V-071-) PROPONENT: D.A. & L.A. Rancourt PROJECT TITLE : BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Variance application from Section 4-706 (C)(4) to reduce the sideyard setback to the required public street. LOCATION : The property is located at 3720 Lake Washington Boulevard North. TO: 0 PUBLIC WORKS 'DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : x ENGINEERING DIVISION- El TRAFFIC ENG. DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE: 11-23-82 UTILITIES ENG . DIVISION OFIRE PREVENTION BUREAU El PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT DBUIIDI & ZONING DEPARTMENT El POLICE DEPARTMENT OPOLICY DEVELOPMENT, DEPARTMENT DOTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING. PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5:00 P.M. ON November 16, 1982 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION JAPPROVED JJAPPROVED WITH CONDITIONS IJNOT APPROVED DATE: SIGNATURE 0 DI ECTOR R THORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 RENTI- — BUILDING & ZONING DEPA MENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION. REVIEW SHEET RECEIVED AFTER PUBLIC HEARING. NOT ECF - X - X PART OF DATA THAT HE DECISION WAS BASED UPON. tell 84 6e - lvttt. APPLICATION NO(S) : VARIANCE (V-071-82) It PROPONENT: D.A. & L.A. Rancourt PROJECT TITLE: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Variance application from Section 4-706 (C)(4) to reduce the sideyard setback to the required public street. LOCATION: The property is located at 3720 Lake Washington Bouievard North. TO: OPUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : x ENGINEERING DIVISION - INTRAFFIC .ENG. DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : 11-23-82 UTILITIES ENG , DIVISION D FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU DPARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT El BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT El POLICE DEPARTMENT 0 POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DOTHERS: . COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING. PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5:00 P.M. ON November 16, 1982 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : TgAFFic Etor) 1JE.P2JNG 0 APPROVED E] APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS NOT APPROVED r),,,,.._ eL , a2,. ..0_..„" Lui , , , - 1 , , - . 4.9e., „,„04- ...,,,,e4, ,,,,,,,, et:,, „,,,„,..„:„. aca...„,._ t„ 4 P.12141A. /rt/i, 1 At /tom DATE I" - z. SIGNATURE OF IRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE , REVISION 5/1982 December 6, 1982 OFFICE OF THE LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER CITY OF RENTON REPORT AND DECISION. APPLICANT: D. A. Rancourt & L. A. Rancourt FILE NO. SH. PL. 055-82, V-056-82, V-057-82, V-071-82 LOCATION: 3720 Lake Washington Boulevard North SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The applicant seeks approval of a four-lot short plat along with variances to (1) allow a lot depth of 77.6 feet in lieu of the 85 foot requirement, (2) a side yard of 3.7 feet instead of 20 feet, and (3) allow construction of a private street 30 feet wide and 357 feet long. SUMMARY OF ACTION: Building & Zoning Department Recommendation: Approval of short plat and variances V-057-82 and V-071-82 with conditions. Denial of variance V-056-82. Hearing Examiner Decision:. Approval of short plat and variances V-056-82, V-057-82 and V-071.82. BUILDING & ZONING The Building & Zoning Department report was received by the DEPARTMENT REPORT: Examiner on November 16, 1982. PUBLIC HEARING: After reviewing the Building & Zoning Department report, examining available information on file with the application, and field checking the property and surrounding area, the Examiner conducted a public hearing on the subject as follows: The hearing was opened on November 23, 1982, at 9:08 a.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building. Parties wishing to testify were affirmed by the Examiner. Roger Blaylock, Zoning Administrator, presented the staff report. He noted that the short plat had been originally reviewed by the Hearing Examiner on August 10, 1982, with two variances requesting reduction in lot depth and approval of a private street. Following denial and appeal, it was remanded back to the Examiner for consideration of the entire application in conjunction with a third variance to adjust a side yard setback. Mr. Blaylock entered the following exhibits into the record, in accordance with a request from the Examiner to number them consecutively in the order established at the first public hearing: Exhibit #6: Supplemental staff report. Exhibit #7: Survey of the exact location of the residence on proposed Lot 1. The staff report was discussed in detail including justifications of staff recommendations for dedication of a 25-foot wide half public street in lieu of a private street and revi- sions to the variance requests submitted by the applicant. The Examiner requested testimony by the applicant. Responding was: Dewey Rancourt 1116 N. 38th Renton, WA 98056 Mr. Rancourt, referring to subsequent and future use of properties to the south, noted close proximity of the house on the first lot near Lake Washington Boulevard to the north- ern property line and expressed doubt regarding future development of the other half of the public street due to its location. In response, Mr. Blaylock acknowledged recogni- tion of the problem presented by this house but advised that an analysis was made based on the general development pattern of the entire block and that future development could necessitate removal or relocation of the house. Mr. Rancourt also indicated that his major concern involves the extent of his obligation with respect to the end of the street at its eastern edge in view of the sharp rise in topography. In response to a question by the Examiner, it was established that the survey shows the elevation and approximate Sh. Pl. u55-82 Page Two height of the rockery at that point. Mr. Blaylock discussed any future obligation of the City upon completion of construction of the roadway and noted possible future considera- _ tions at the time of further development to the east. Indicating that,while the private road offered certain features that were more desirable for his purposes, Mr. Rancourt stated that he is satisfied that the staff recommendation would basically take care of his request. Noting no further comments, the Examiner requested that the record show that there were no further people in attendance. The hearing regarding File No. Short Plat 055-82, V-056-82, V-057-82, and V-071-82 was then closed at 9:30 a.m. The Examiner advised that his Report and Decision will be sent to Charles C. Dietsch, who, while not present today, provided testimony at the previous hearing. FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS & DECISION: Having reviewed the record in this matter, the Examiner now makes and enters the following: FINDINGS: 1. The applicants, D. A. Rancourt and L. A. Rancourt, filed a request for a short plat together with variances for a private street, for a lot of less than the required depth, and for a yard of less than the required dimensions. 2. The application file containing the application, SEPA documentation, the Building and Zoning Department report, and other pertinent documents was entered into the record as Exhibit #1. A supplemental report was entered as Exhibit #6. 3. Pursuant to the City of Renton's Environmental Ordinance and the State Environmental Policy Act of 1971, RCW 43.21C, as amended, the subject proposal has been determined exempt from the threshold determination by the Environmental Review Committe (ERC) , responsible official. 4. Plans for the proposal have been reviewed by all city departments affected by the impact of this development. 5. The subject property is located at 3720 Lake Washington Boulevard. The site is east of Lake Washington Boulevard and just south of N. 38th Street. 6. The subject site rises from west to east at a significant grade. An existing single family home is located on the westerly quarter of the subject site. The remainder of the lot is undeveloped. 7. The applicant proposed subdividing the subject lot into four lots, with the existing home situated on proposed Lot 1. Lot 1 would contain 8,539 square feet while Lots 2 through 4 would contain.7,372 square feet, 7,814 square feet and 8,447 square feet, respectively. 8. The subject property is approximately 107.6 feet wide. The applicant has proposed providing a 357-foot long, 30-foot wide private road to gain access to the three interior lots. The lot width remaining would be approximately 77.6 feet, whereas the Zoning Ordinance requires lots to be no less than 85 feet in width (Section 4-706(C) (2) ) . The Subdivision Ordinance prohibits the use of private streets. A variance may be granted only if a public street will not be required to serve other adjacent or abutting properties (Section 9-1108(23) (A) (9) ) . 9. The existing home on proposed Lot 1 is located 33.7 feet from its nearest property line. The 30-foot wide private road proposed by the applicant would create a three foot yard, while a 25-foot wide, one-half road would create an eight foot yard. The lot created would be a corner lot (Section 4-706(C) (4) (a) and (c) (ii) , so in either case, the road would create a non-conforming yard less than the required 25 feet. 10. The applicants have applied for variances for the creating of a private road; 4 lots of less than the required depth; and a yard of less than the required depth. 11. The subject site is zoned R-1 (Single Family Residential; minimum lot size'- 7,200 square feet) . The Comprehensive Plan designates the area in which the subject site is located as suitable for the development of single family uses. 12. The subject site was annexed into the city in December of 1969, at which time it was classified G-7200 (General; Single Family Residential) . The G zoning was converted to R-1 by Ordinance No. 3634 in June of 1982. Sh. L. . 055-82 Page Three 13. The area in which the subject site is located is predominantly single family in char- acter. Immediately north and south of the subject site are single family uses. The Kennydale Beach Park is located south of the subject site. 14. The area contains a mix of lot sizes ranging from older platted lots of 4,000 and 6,000 square feet to lots of over an acre in size, the size of the subject property. Immediately east of the subject property are four lots served by a private easement to the interior. Additional easements of this nature serve a number of Kennydale properties as a result of the earlier large lot platting which resulted in lots of almost four hundred (400) feet in depth. 15. The easterly end of the subject site rises approximately 30 feet including the eleva- tion difference with the adjoining easterly property. A rockery separates the two properties. CONCLUSIONS: 1. The subject short plat appears to serve the public use and interest. The subdivision will create three additional in-city parcels, thereby realizing additional infilling in the urban areas of the city and lessening the pressure for development in the more remote and undeveloped rural areas of both the city and the county. 2. The creation of additional lots will increase the tax base by permitting additional residential development to be created in the city with only a minimal increase in a demand for services. Sewer and water service are available to the subject site. 3. Each of the three variances is justified given the nature of the existing development in the area and the different purposes served by the zoning versus the Subdivision Ordinance. 4. The applicants have a lot which is more than four times the area required by the Zoning Code. Access to the internal portions of the lot is precluded by the existing nature of the early plat for the area. The large lots were created early in the century, when the area was principally rural. Urban density has superseded this large lot development with many of the lots in the area now under the 7,200 square foot minimum required by the Zoning Code. The applicants would be denied reasonable redevelopment rights and suffer undue hardship without the variances requested. In an area of single family dwellings on 5,000 square foot lots, the applicant has one dwelling on approximately an acre of property. 5. Again, the Zoning and Subdivision Codes impose slightly different development stand- ards. While the proposed subdivision would create lots of an appropriate standard for development under the Zoning Code, the Subdivision Code would impose a greater lot depth requirement. The reason for this result is that the Subdivision Code gen- erally affects land which has not undergone platting or prior development. The imposi- tion of the Subdivision Code's requirement upon already developed land creates a hard- ship. Therefore, the requirements for variances from both lot depth and yard depth are appropriate. They are the minimum necessary for relief and will enable reasonable development of the subject property. 6. A number of homes in this area are developed on lots of about 5,000 square feet with lesser yard depth and lot depth than that proposed by the applicants. The approval of the variances will not create a special privilege. 7. The creation of a private road will serve to connect the interior lots with Lake Wash- ington Boulevard. There are similar access easements immediately adjacent to the south and the east. The creation of the private road will, therefore, not create a special privilege in this area. 8. While a public road would permit access to the interior, it would not serve to connect any other inaccessible property, as the property to the east and immediately to the south are themselves served by easements to their respective interiors. The gradient at the east end of the subject site is quite steep, resulting in either the road ending at the incline or at the private road which approaches the easterly property line from Park Avenue, and this private road already serves as access for the easterly property. The dwelling located immediately south of the subject site intrudes into any potential right-of-way so that the development of a full street is probably foreclosed. This southerly property itself is also served by its own private access on its south, and to carve an additional roadway on its northern property line would be inappropriate. 9. The approval of the variances will not adversely affect neighboring properties any more than the usual development of additional single family homes in the area. Private Sh. P. uo5-82 Page Four easements already pass through or are utilized by many of the immediately adjoining neighbors who have already had the benefits of resubdivision. While there is the potential for some view blockage to the east, it is not more than would be reasonably anticipated in this area, where undeveloped acreage would be expected to be developed. The height limitation of the single family zone limits development to 35 feet, and no variance from the height provision has been requested. 10. The easement roadway may not exceed the length standards prescribed by ordinance, and any turnaround must be approved by the Fire Department for emergency vehicle access. DECISION: The short plat presented in Exhibit #2 is approved as are the associated variances for private access, lot depth, and yard depth. ORDERED THIS 6th day of December, 1982. Fred J. Kaufm n Land Use Heari g Examiner TRANSMITTED THIS 6th day of December, 1982, by Affidavit of Mailing to the parties of record: Dewey Rancourt, 1116 N. 38th, Renton, WA 98056 Charles C. Dietsch, 3737 Park Avenue N. , Renton, WA 98056 Harold E. Kloes, 3706 Wells Avenue North, Renton, WA 98056 TRANSMITTED THIS 6th day of December, 1982, to the following: Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch Councilman Richard M. Stredicke Richard Houghton, Public Works Director David Clemens, Policy Development Director Members, Renton Planning Commission Ron Nelson, Building & Zoning Director Roger Blaylock, Zoning Administrator Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Renton Record-Chronicle Pursuant to Title IV, Section 3015 of the City's Code, request for reconsideration must be filed in writing on or before December 20, 1982. Any aggrieved person feeling that the decision of the Examiner is based on erroneous procedure, errors of law or fact, error in judgment, or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the prior hearing may make a written request for review by the Examiner within fourteen 14) days from the date of the Examiner's decision. This request shall set forth the specific errors relied upon by such appellant, and the Examiner may, after review of the record, take further action as he deems proper. An appeal to the City Council is governed by Title IV, Section 3016, which requires that such appeal be filed with the City Clerk accompanying a filing fee of $75.00 and meeting other specified requirements. Copies of this ordinance are available for inspection or purchase in the Finance Department, first floor of City Hall. December 6, 1982 OFFICE OF THE LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER CITY OF RENTON REPORT AND DECISION. APPLICANT: D. A. Rancourt & L. A. Rancourt FILE NO. SH. PL. 055-82, V-056-82, V-057-82, V-071-82 LOCATION: 3720 Lake. Washington Boulevard North SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The applicant seeks approval of a four-lot short plat along with variances to (1) allow a lot depth of 77.6 feet in lieu of the 85 foot requirement, (2) a side yard of 3.7 feet instead of 20 feet, and (3) allow construction of a private street 30 feet wide and 357 feet long. SUMMARY OF ACTION: Building & Zoning Department Recommendation: Approval of short plat and variances V-057-82 and V-071-82 with conditions. Denial of variance V-056-82. Hearing Examiner Decision: Approval of short plat and variances V-056-82, V-057-82 and V-071.82. BUILDING & ZONING The Building & Zoning Department report was received by the DEPARTMENT REPORT: Examiner on November 16, 1982. PUBLIC HEARING: After reviewing the Building & Zoning Department report, examining available information on file with the application, and field checking the property and surrounding area, the Examiner conducted a public hearing on the subject as follows: The hearing was opened on November 23, 1982, at 9:08 a.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building. Parties wishing to testify were affirmed by the Examiner. Roger Blaylock, Zoning Administrator, presented the staff report. He noted that the short plat had been originally reviewed by the Hearing Examiner on August 10, 1982, with two variances requesting reduction in lot depth and approval of a private street. Following denial and appeal, it was remanded back to the Examiner for consideration of the entire application in conjunction with a third variance to adjust a side yard setback. Mr. Blaylock entered the following exhibits into the record, in accordance with a request from the Examiner to number them consecutively in the order established at the first public hearing: Exhibit #6: Supplemental staff report. Exhibit #7: Survey of the exact location of the residence on proposed Lot 1. The staff report was discussed in detail including justifications of staff recommendations for dedication of a 25-foot wide half public street in lieu of a private street and revi- sions to the variance requests submitted by the applicant. The Examiner requested testimony by the applicant. Responding was: Dewey Rancourt 1116 N. 38th Renton, WA 98056 Mr. Rancourt, referring to subsequent and future use of properties to the south, noted close proximity of the house on the first lot near Lake Washington Boulevard to the north- ern property line and expressed doubt regarding future development of the other half of the public street due to its location. In response, Mr. Blaylock acknowledged recogni- tion of the problem presented by this house but advised that an analysis was made based on the general development pattern of the entire block and that future development could necessitate removal or relocation of the house. Mr. Rancourt also indicated that his major concern involves the extent of his obligation with respect to the end of the street at its eastern edge in view of the sharp rise in topography. In response to a question by the Examiner, it was established that the survey shows the elevation and approximate Sh. Pl_ _35-82 Page Two height of the rockery at that point. Mr. Blaylock discussed any future obligation of the City upon completion of construction of the roadway and noted possible future considera- tions at the time of further development to the east. Indicating that,while the private road offered certain features that were more desirable for his purposes, Mr. Rancourt stated that he is satisfied that the staff recommendation would basically take care of his request. Noting no further comments, the Examiner requested that the record show that there were no further people in attendance. The hearing regarding File No. Short Plat 055-82, V-056-82, V-057-82, and V-071-82 was then closed at 9:30 a.m. The Examiner advised that his Report and Decision will be sent to Charles C. Dietsch, who, I, while not present today, provided testimony at the previous hearing. FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS & DECISION: Having reviewed the record in this matter, the Examiner now makes and enters the following: FINDINGS: 1. The applicants, D. A. Rancourt and L. A. Rancourt, filed a request for a short plat together with variances for a private street, for a lot of less than the required depth, and for a yard of less than the required dimensions. 2. The application file containing the application, SEPA documentation, the Building and Zoning Department report, and other pertinent documents was entered into the record as Exhibit #1. A supplemental report was entered as Exhibit #6. 3. Pursuant to the City of Renton's Environmental Ordinance and the State Environmental Policy Act of 1971, RCW 43.21C, as amended, the subject proposal has been determined exempt from the threshold determination by the Environmental Review Committe (ERC) , responsible official. 4. Plans for the proposal have been reviewed by all city departments affected by the impact of this development. 5. The subject property is located at 3720 Lake Washington Boulevard. The site is east of Lake Washington Boulevard and just south of N. 38th Street. 6. The subject site rises from west to east at a significant grade. An existing single family home is located on the westerly quarter of the subject site. The remainder of the lot is undeveloped. 7. The applicant proposed subdividing the subject lot into four lots, with the existing home situated on proposed Lot 1. Lot 1 would contain 8,539 square feet while Lots 2 through 4 would contain7,372 square feet, 7,814 square feet and 8,447 square feet, respectively. 8. The subject property is approximately 107.6 feet wide. The applicant has proposed providing a 357-foot long, 30-foot wide private road to gain access to the three interior lots. The lot width remaining would be approximately 77.6 feet, whereas the Zoning Ordinance requires lots to be no less than 85 feet in width (Section 4-706(C) (2) ) . The Subdivision Ordinance prohibits the use of private streets. A variance may be granted only if a public street will not be required to serve other adjacent or abutting properties (Section 9-1108(23) (A) (9)) . 9. The existing home on proposed Lot 1 is located 33.7 feet from its nearest property line. The 30-foot wide private road proposed by the applicant would create a three foot yard, while a 25-foot wide, one-half road would create an eight foot yard. The lot created would be a corner lot (Section 4-706(C) (4) (a) and (c) (ii) , so in either case, the road would create a non-conforming yard less than the required 25 feet. 10. The applicants have applied for variances for the creating of a private road; 4 lots of less than the required depth; and a yard of less than the required depth. 11. The subject site is zoned R-1 (Single Family Residential; idinimum lot size - 7,200 square feet) . The Comprehensive Plan designates the area in which the subject site is located as suitable for the development of single family uses. 12. The subject site was annexed •into the city in December of 1969, at which time it was classified G-7200 (General; Single Family Residential) . The G zoning was converted to R-1 by Ordinance No. 3634 in June of 1982. Pr Sh. F )55-82 Page Three 13. The area in which the subject site is located is predominantly single family in char- acter. Immediately north and south of the subject site are single family uses. The Kennydale Beach Park is located south of the subject site. 14. The area contains a mix of lot sizes ranging from older platted lots of 4,000 and 6,000 square feet to lots of over an acre in size, the size of the subject property. Immediately east of the subject property are four lots served by a private easement to the interior. Additional easements of this nature serve a number of Kennydale properties as a result of the earlier large lot platting which resulted in lots of almost four hundred (400) feet in depth. 15. The easterly end of the subject site rises approximately 30 feet including the eleva- tion difference with the adjoining easterly property. A rockery separates the two properties. CONCLUSIONS: 1. The subject short plat appears to serve the public use and interest. The subdivision will create three additional in-city parcels, thereby realizing additional infilling in the urban areas of the city and lessening the pressure for development in the more remote and undeveloped rural areas of both the city and the county. 2. The creation of additional lots will increase the tax base by permitting additional residential development to be created in the city with only a minimal increase in a demand for services. Sewer and water service are available to the subject site. 3. Each of the three variances is justified given the nature of the existing development in the area and the different purposes served by the zoning versus the Subdivision Ordinance. 4. The applicants have a lot which is more than four times the area required by the Zoning Code. Access to the internal portions of the lot is precluded by the existing nature of the early plat for the area. The large lots were created early in the century, when the area was principally rural. Urban density has superseded this large lot development with many of the lots in the area now under the 7,200 square foot minimum required by the Zoning Code. The applicants would be denied reasonable redevelopment rights and suffer undue hardship without the variances requested. In an area of single family dwellings on 5,000 square foot lots, the applicant has one dwelling on approximately an acre of property. 5. Again, the Zoning and Subdivision Codes impose slightly different development stand- ards. While the proposed subdivision would create lots of an appropriate standard for development under the Zoning Code, the Subdivision Code would impose a greater lot depth requirement. The reason for this result is that the Subdivision Code gen- erally affects land which has not undergone platting or prior development. The imposi- tion of the Subdivision Code's requirement upon already developed land creates a hard- ship. Therefore, the requirements for variances from both lot depth and yard depth are appropriate. They are the minimum necessary for relief and will enable reasonable development of the subject property. 6. A number of homes in this area are developed on lots of about 5,000 square feet with lesser yard depth and lot depth than that proposed by the applicants. The approval of the variances will not create a special privilege. 7. The creation of a private road will serve to connect the interior lots with Lake Wash- ington Boulevard. There are similar access easements immediately adjacent to the south and the east. The creation of the private road will, therefore, not create a special privilege in this area. 8. While a public road would permit access to the interior, it would not serve to connect any other inaccessible property, as the property to the east and immediately to the south are themselves served by easements to their respective interiors. The gradient at the east end of the subject site is quite steep, resulting in either the road ending at the incline or at the private road which approaches the easterly property line from Park Avenue, and this private road already serves as access for the easterly property. The dwelling located immediately south of the subject site intrudes into any potential right-of-way so that the development of a full street is probably foreclosed. This southerly property itself is also served by its own private access on its south, and to carve an additional roadway on its northern property line would be inappropriate. 9. The approval of the variances will not adversely affect neighboring properties any more than the usual development of additional single family homes in the area. Private Sh. P. u55-82 Page Four easements already pass through or are utilized by many of the immediately adjoining neighbors who have already had the benefits of resubdivision. While there is the potential for some view blockage to the east, it is not more than would be reasonably anticipated in this area, where undeveloped acreage would be expected to be developed. The height limitation of the single family zone limits development to 35 feet, and no variance from the height provision has been requested. 10. The easement roadway may not exceed the length standards prescribed by ordinance, and any turnaround must be approved by the Fire Department for emergency vehicle access. DECISION: The short plat presented in Exhibit #2 is approved as are the associated variances for private access, lot depth, and yard depth. ORDERED THIS 6th day of December, 1982. 4d+A Fred J. Kaufm n Land Use Heari g Examiner TRANSMITTED THIS 6th day of December, 1982, by Affidavit of Mailing to the parties of record: Dewey Rancourt, 1116 N. 38th, Renton, WA 98056 Charles C. Dietsch, 3737 Park Avenue N. , Renton, WA 98056 Harold E. Kloes, 3706 Wells Avenue North, Renton, WA 98056 TRANSMITTED THIS 6th day of December, 1982, to the following: Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch Councilman Richard M. Stredicke Richard Houghton, Public Works Director David Clemens, Policy Development Director Members, Renton Planning Commission. Ron Nelson, Building & Zoning Director Roger Blaylock, Zoning Administrator Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Renton Record-Chronicle Pursuant to Title IV, Section 3015 of the City's Code, request for reconsideration must be filed in writing on or before December 20, 1982. Any aggrieved person feeling that the decision of the Examiner is based on erroneous procedure, errors of law or fact, error in judgment, or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the prior hearing may make a written request for review by the Examiner within fourteen 14) days from the date of the Examiner's decision. This request shall set forth the specific errors relied upon by such appellant, and the Examiner may, after review of the record, take further action as he deems proper. An appeal to the City Council is governed by Title IV, Section 3016, which requires that such appeal be filed with the City Clerk accompanying a filing fee of $75.00 and meeting other specified requirements. Copies of this ordinance are available for inspection or purchase in the Finance Department, first floor of City Hall. Ye 44/ F R4, v C$ © z BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT Z o RONALD G. NELSON - DIRECTOR o co MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 • 235-2540 04 FO SEF'1 ". P BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH MAYOR MEMORANDUM DATE: December 2, 1982 TO: Bob Bergstrom, Engineering Supervisor FROM:j Roger J. Blaylock, Zoning Administrator SUBJECT: RANCOURT VARIANCE, V-071-82 The Building and Zoning Department notes your concerns of December 1, 1982. However, the Public Works Department's comments are not part of the public record because they are untimely. The public hearing before the Land Use Hearing Examiner was held on Tues ay, November 23, 1982. This department will not submit any comments after the public hearing. It is our position that it violates the fairness and intent of the law along with the rights of the applicant in responding to the city's concerns to submit untimely information. Based upon the dates of the intial review by Mr. Monoghan (November 8, 1982); by Mr. Norris (November 10, 1982); your letter to the City Attorney (November 17, 1982); and his response (November 18, 1982), it appears there was sufficient time for the Public Works Department to make a responsible review and comment prior to the public hearing on November 23, 1982. The Building and Zoning Department can only present the departments' concerns if we have them prior to the public hearing. We will not force a response on pending items. If a response is not made, we will assume that you approve without reservations. cc: Richard C. Houghton, Public Works Director Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Gary Norris, Traffic Engineer Fred J. Kaufman, Land Use Hearing Examiner OF RA, 0 THE CITY OF R,ENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 a BARBARA' Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR • LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER 9, 0 O FRED J. KAUFMAN. 235-2593 0, 9gT b P SEP1E O December 2, 1982 Charles C. Dietsch 3737 Park Avenue North Renton, Washington 98056 RE: D. A. Rancourt & L. A. Rancourt File No. Short Plat 055-82, V-056-82, V-057-82, V-071-82 Dear Mr. Dietsch: I have received your letter regarding the above entitled matter. While the matter was "remanded" to this office in one sense of the word, the origi- nal denial was predicated upon failure of the applicants to file for an additional variance without which the short plat could not be approved. The denial was in fact upheld, as the item could not be approved without the new variance. Therefore, the entire matter had to be set for a new public hearing, if and when the applicants applied for the new variance. The applicants did apply for the additional variance, and the entire matter of the short plat and the variances was republished and the property posted in a manner consistent with law. While it may have been courteous to have specifically notified you of the new hearing, an oversight omitted any notice but that legally required. That was because the matter was handled by staff as an entirely new application. Since the record of the first hearing was incorporated into the new hearing, your testimony was again considered. Other than the new variance, which concerns the proximity of the existing house to the proposed street, the remaining concerns were the same regarding the roadway and the short plat. If the decision of this office is unsatisfactory from your perspective, you may request a reconsideration of the matter by this office or you may file an appeal with the City Council. Sincerely, i\CII*44" Fred J. Ka fman Land Use Hearing Examiner FJK:wr Office of the Land Hearing Examiner December 1, 1982 City of Renton RECEIVED Municipal Building 200 Mill Ave So. CITY OF RENTON HEARING EXAMINER Renton, WA 98055 DEC 2 1982 SUBJECT: Short Plat Modification by D. A. & L. A. Rancourt AM PM FILE NO. SH. PL. 055-82,V-056-82, V057-82 7,8,9110,11t12111213141516 Non-notification of parties of record to a modified applicat4n scheduled for the week of Novemeber 23, 1982 Gentlemen; I wish to vigorously protect your failure to all notify,as required by law, all parties of record of the hearing for the modified short plat for the above property. Neither myself or my neighbor, Mr. Kloes, were notified. Since this application had a previous appeal and was also reviewed by the Planning and Development Committee, .I cannot accept your failure to follow prescribed requirements which might directly effect the Land Hearing Examiner's Decision. The modified application is not nor should it ever be considered without the taking into account all of the information, documentation, or decisions of the original application. Your mistake will almost certainly result in another appeal. Charles C. Dietsch 3737 Park Ave. No. Renton, WA 98056 OF /24, 4$ BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT rLL RONALD G. NELSON - DIRECTOR 0, 9 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 • 235-2540 co- 0g O SEP rc_03 BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH MAYOR MEMORANDUM a°SEC?NE.r CM OF RENTO N DATE: December 2, 1982 NEARB\IG EXAMINER DFl2 1982 TO: Bob Bergstrom, Engineering Supervisor FROM:(6 Roger J. Blaylock, Zoning Administrator 7e8t3sif6es`l:lii; 74.21 ; r' SUBJECT: RANCOURT VARIANCE, V-071-82 The Building and Zoning Department notes your concerns of December 1, 1982. However, the Public Works Department's comments are not part of the public record because they are untimeel . . The public hearing before the Land- Use Hearing Examiner Was held on Tues ay, November 23, 1982. This department will not submit any comments after the public hearing. It is our-position that it violates the fairness and intent of the law along- with..the_.rights of_the applicant in responding to the city's concerns to submit untimely information. Based upon the dates of the intial review by Mr. Monoghan (November 8, 1982); by Mr. Norris (November 10, 1982); your letter to the City Attorney (November 17, 1982); and his response (November 18, 1982), it appears there was sufficient time for the Public Works Department to make a responsible review "and comment prior to the public hearing on November 23, 1982. The Building and Zoning Department can only present the departments' concerns if we have them prior to the public hearing. We will not force a response on pending items. If a response is not made, we will assume that you approve without reservations. cc: Richard C. Houghton, Public Works Director Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Gary Norris, Traffic Engineer fired J. Kaufman, Land Use Hearing Examiner UILDING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT . PRELIMINAAR ' ..PORT TO THE IrAMING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING NOVEMBER 23, 1982 APPLICANT: D. A. RANCOURT & L. A. RANCOURT • FILE NUMBER: SHORT PLAT 055-82, V-056-82, V-057-82, V-0.71-82 A. S c r,oP; `'r & PURPOSE OF REQUEST: The applicant seeks approval of a four-lot short plat along with variances to (1 ) allow a lot depth of 77. 6 feet in lieu of the 85 foot requirement, (2) a side yard .of 3. 7 feet instead of 20 feet, and (3) allow construction of a private street 30 feet wide and 357 feet long. B. GENERAL INFO'':P !\TION: 1 . Owner of Record: D.A. & L.A. Rancourt 2. Applicant: D.A. & L.A. Rancourt 3. Location: Vicinity Map Attached) 3720 Lake Washington Boulevard North. 4 . Legal Description: A detailed legal description is available on file in the Renton Building & Zoning Department. 5. Size of Property: 1 acre. 6. Access :Via Lake Washington Boulevard North. 7. Existing Zoning: R-1 , Residence Single Family; minimum lot size 7200 square feet. 8. Existing Zoning in the Area: R-1 9. Comprehensive Land Use Plan: Single Family Residential 10. Notification: The applicant was notified in writing of the hearing date. Notice was properly published in the Daily Record Chronicle on November 12, 1982, and posted in three places on or near the site as required by City Ordinance on November 10, 1982. PRELIMINARY REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER RANCOURT, D.A. & A. ; SHORT PLAT 055-82, V- 5-82, V-057-82 V-071-82 NOVEMBER 23, 1982 PAGE TWO C. ;:IS ORR/;:ACIGR UND: The subject site was annexed into the City by Ordinance #2531 of December 24 , 1969 , at which time it was zoned G-7200. The G-7200 classification was replaced by the R-1 designation with the adoption of the new zoning map by Ordinance #3634 of June 13, 1982. A public hearing was held on August 10, 1982, before the Land Use Hearing Examiner. The application was denied. After appeal, the City Council remanded the application to the Hearing Examiner. D. Pm`'SILL B CXG'<* D: 1 . Topography: The subject site rises significantly grom west to east. 2. Soils: Indianola Loamy. Fine Sand, 4-15% slopes InC) . Permeability is rapid and the available Water capacity is moderate. Runoff is slow to medium and the erosion hazard is slight to moderate. This soil is used for timber and for urban development. 3. Vegetation: The greatest portion of the site is composed of lawn grass with some short to medium growth shrubs and trees interspersed. 4. Wildlife: The existing vegetation provides suitable habitat for birds and small mammals. 5. Water: No surface water was observed on the subject site (November 12, 1982) . 6. Land Use: An existing single family residence and garage are located on proposed Lot #1 . The portions to the east are undeveloped while other single family residences are to the north, south, and west. E. NEIGHBQD,e:,CO® 311,\,e;•Lul fl8I 7 IcC: The surrounding properties are principally single family residential in nature. F. Pw,:LIC SERVICES: 1 . Water and Sewer : An eight-inch water main and an eight-inch sanitary sewer runs north-south on Lake Washington Blvd. North adjacent to the subject site. The METRO gravity sewer is also located on this street. 2. Fire Protection: Provided by the City of Renton as per ordinance requirements. 3. Transit : METRO Transit. Route #240 operates along Lake Washington Blvd. North adjacent to the subject site. 4 . Schools: Kennydale Elementary School is approximately 3/4 of a mile to the southeast of the subject site while McKnight Middle School is approximately 1-3/4 miles southeast and Renton Senior High School is within two miles to the southwest. PRELIMINARY REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER RANCOURT, D.A. E A. : SHORT PLAT 055-92 , V. 6-82 , V-057-82 , V-071-82 NOVEMBER 23, ' 1982 PAGE THREE 5. Recreation: Kennydale Beach Park is within 1/4 of a mile to the south while Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park is approximately 1/2 mile south. G. 1PPLIC TLE SECTIONS OF THE ZCNIhG CODE: 1 . Section 4-706, R-1 ; Single Family Residence District. H. 14PPLIC ;:1I,E SECTIONS OF THE CCIIP' m oSIVE PLAN 0' OTHER OFFICIAL CITY T: 1 . Subdivision Ordinance, Section 9-1105 ; Short Subdivisions. 2. Subdivision Ordinance, Section 9-1108-23 (A) (9) ; Private Streets. I. IMPACT ON .T'm) NATURAL OR HUMAN ENVIRONMENT: 1 . Natural Systems : None. 2. Population/Employment: Minor. 3. Schools: Minor. 4 . Social: Minor. 5. Traffic : Minor. J. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESS T/'ITIRESmOLIID DETERMINATION: Pursuant to the City of Renton' s Environmental Ordinance and the' State Environmental Policy Act of 1971, as amended, RCW 43-21C, the subject proposal is exempt from the threshold determination of environmental significance. K. AGENCIESPEPARTMENTS CONTACTED: 1 . City of Renton Building & Zoning Department. 2. City of Renton Design Engineering Division. 3. City of Renton Traffic Engineering Division. 4. City of Renton Utilities Engineering Division. 5. City of Renton Fire Prevention Bureau. 6. City of Renton Parks & Recreation Department. 7. City of Renton Policy Development Department. L. DEPARTMENT ANALYSIS: 1 . The proposed short plat has been remanded to the Hearing Examiner to consider the entire application in conjunction with the variance request to adjust a side yard setback. The Examiner has full authority to reconsider all aspects under a remand situation originally presented in the public hearing on August 10, 1982, and any new information submitted in the present public hearing. 2 . The proposal can logically be divided into two questions. The first, is whether it is compatible with (1 ) the Comprehensive Plan, (2) the existing zoning, and (3) the existing land uses in the vicinity. The second issue is whether the short plat is technic- ally possible under the limitations of the Subdivision Ordinance and subsequent variances requested by the applicant. PRELIMINARY REPOT-T TO THE HEARING EXAMINER -- RANCOURT, D.A. E A. : SHORT PLAT 055-82, V 6-82, V-057-82, V-071-82 . NOVEMBER 23, 1982 PAGE FOUR 3. The proposed short plat is consistent with the existing R-1 , residential use zoning classification and the Comprehensive Plan designation of Single Family Residential for the subject site and surrounding area, 4 . The proposal is compatible with the adjacent single family residential uses and small lot subdivision pattern in the general vicinity. 5. Pis per proposed by the applicant in the variance request, file V-056-82, the thirty (30) foot wide private street is not appropriate in this area. Both the parcels to the south and east have the potential to be further subdivided under Section 9-1108-23 (A) (9) . Private streets can only be utilized when the Hearing Examiner finds that the proposed private street is not reasonably anticipated to be necessary for existing or future traffic and/or pedestrian circulation through the subdivision or to serve adjacent properties. This case specif- ically shows there is potential for further development base upon providing access through the subject site. Therefore, variance V-056-82 should be denied by the Examiner. 6. The fact that the variance for a private street cannot be granted, modified the application of the side yard requirements in an R-1 zone. Specifically, if the private street had been' approved, the side yard setback would have been only six (6) feet. This is a result of applying two sections of the Zoning Ordinance. Section 4-706 (C) (4) (c) (2) , requires a twenty (20) foot setback adjacent to a street. However, the definition of a street under Section 4-702 (S) (6) states, "a dedicated area for public use for vehicular and/or pedestrian use with a paved or otherwise improved surface. " Therefore, for a strict interpretation, it would appear that a private street, since it is not dedicated, is not a street as defined by the zoning code and the special setback for a corner lot would not apply. 7. All of the proposed lots meet the Subdivision Ordinance requirements for size and frontage. However, a variance has been requested to permit a depth of 77. 6 feet instead of the required 85 feet per Section 4-706 (C) (3) on all of the four lots. In addition, a variance request, file. V-071-.82, has been applied for on proposed Lot #1 to allow a side yard of 3. 7 feet instead of twenty (20) feet per Section 4-706 (C) (4) (c) ( 2) . The following variance criteria can be fairly uniformly applied to both of the variances requested: a. That the applicant suffers undue hardship and the variance is necessary because of special circumstances applicable to the subject property including size, shape, topography, location or surroundings of the subject property in a strict application of the zoning code is found to deprive the subject property owner of rights and privileges enjoyed by other property owners in the vicinity and under identical zone classifications. PRELIMINARY REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER RANCOURT, D.A. & A. : SHORT PLAT 055-82, 56-82, V-057-82, • V-071-82 NOVEMBER 23, 1982 PAGE FIVE The justification, under this first criteria, is based upon the historic development of the original subdivision and construction of the single family residence on the subject site. This historic devel- opment created a specific shape for a function envisioned to be the ultimate function of the land in 1900. Since 1900, the City of Renton has become an urban area. This transition from the rural environment intended at the turn of the century, has resulted in a hardship that is areawide in portion. The specific shape of the lot which is approximately 107 feet by 427 feet precludes the normal development pattern anticipated in newly developing subdivisions. The Subdivision Ordinance of the City of Renton is designed to develop new property as the city expanded. It was not anticipated for redevelopment of individual lots and therefore, a strict application of the subdivision code combined with the shape created from the original plat provides the undue hardship which is a special circumstance applicable to the subject property. In addition, it can be argued that the ultimate construction of the existing residence on that original plat lot followed the intent of the general development of the area. Subdivisions under current provisions will create non-conforming lots and variances should be granted. b. That the granting of the variance will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the property or improvements in the vicinity and zone in which subject property is situated. The reduction in lot depth from 85 to 77 feet still leaves a buildable area suitable to present building standards on each lot. The reduction in lot depth will not impact the adjacent properties because setbacks will still be maintained and lot coverages will still be maintained. Many of the lots in the Kenneydale area were developed under the 6, 000 square foot criteria and, therefore, they are smaller in size than the existing R-1 zone which requires 7, 200 square feet. Granting of the variance for the side yard setback on Lot #1 will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare because the structure is located far enough from Lake Washington Boulevard that a sight clearance problem are not created with the intersection of the proposed roadway. c. That approval shall not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitation upon uses of other properties in the vicinity and zone in which the subject property is situated. During the last 30 years, various density standards have been imposed on the Kenneydale area. Lots ranging from 4, 000 square feet up in size are very common. Many of the older large parcels are now being subdivided for home sites. It can be stated that the general land use pattern is of proportionately smaller lots with existing non-conforming structures than the proposal would create. PRELIMINARY REPC`- TO THE HEARING EXAMINER RANCOURT, D.A. & A. : SHORT PLAT 055-82, V• 5-82, V-057-82, V-071-82 NOVEMBER '23, 1982 PAGE SIX d. That the approval as determined by the Examiner or Board of Adjustment is a minimum variance that will accomplish the desired purpose. Granting of the variances, as requested, is greater than the minimum necessary. Since the private roadway is not an appropriate variance, the only alternative would be to construct a half-street in place of .,the proposed private easement. This would allow a modification to the variances. A variance of 2.4 feet would be necessary for lot depth. The lots would be 82. 6 feet in dept. The request for requced side yard could be modified from 16.3 feet to 11 . 3 feet. Thus the side yard would be 8. 7 feet at its narrowest and 16. 9 feet at its widest. Both of these modifications are only possible with the creation of a twenty-five 25 ) wide half public street. 8. It would appear that 'the Hearing Examiner has the authority to grant a variance which is less than the variance requested by the applicant. Legal notifications have been published twice to allow the general public the opportunity to speak on the entire proposal. The evidence dictates that a private road is not appropriate and that a half public street would be considered adequate to meet the immediate needs of the short plat with the ability to be expanded with future adjacent develop- ment. 9. Fire Prevention Bureau notes that adequate turnaround area for fire apparatus must be provided. A 40 foot by 80 foot hammerhead is recommended by the Policy Development Department. This hammerhead could be of a temporary nature since the road has the potential of expanding in the future. The roadway should extend along the southern property line for the full length of the project. 10. Off-site improvements will be required on Lake Washington Boulevard North as per Design Engineering Division comments. 11 . The proposal will be subject to area charges for water, sanitary and storm sewer when in effect as noted by the Utilities Engineering Division. In addition, hydrant locations are to be approved by the Fire Department. M. DEPARTMENTAL RECOl'm'm:NN in I : Based upon the above analysis , it is recommended that the short plat request, 055-82, variance V-057-82, and variance V-071-82, be approved subject to the following conditions : 1 . Dedication of a twenty-five ( 25) foot wide half-street with construction per Public Works Department standards. 2. Revise the lot depth to 82. 6 feet. 3. Reduction of the side yard from twenty ( 20) feet to 8. 7 feet. The variance for a private street, V-056-82, should be denied. g NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER RENTON, WASHINGTON A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER AT HIS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, RENTON, WASHINGTON, ON NOVEMBER 23, 1982, AT 9 : 00 A.M. TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING PETITION: D. A. RANCOURT Application for a four-lot short plat for single family residences , file Short Plat 055-82, along with variance requests to allow (1 ) a thirty (30) foot wide private street, file V-056-82, (2) a reduction in lot depth from eighty-five (85) feet to 77. 6 feet, V-057-82, and 3) a reduction in the side yard of a corner lot from twenty (20) feet to 3. 7 feet, file V-071-82; property located in the vicinity of 3720 Lake Washington Boulevard North. Legal descriptions of the file noted above are. on file in the Renton Building and Zoning Department. ALL INTERESTED PERSONS TO SAID PETITION ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PUBLIC HEARING ON NOVEMBER 23 , 1982, AT 9 : 00 A.M. TO EXPRESS THEIR OPINIONS. PUBLISHED: NOVEMBER 12 , 1982 RONALD G. NELSON BUILDING AND ZONING DIRECTOR CERTIFICATION I , STEVE MUNSON, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENTS WERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW. ATTEST: Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public, in and for the State of Washington residing in King County, on the 10 h day of November , 1982. it 7,; 17 / 11 i;Li-_, SIGNED: ,%T . / REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/D] ;ION :44W4 OAPPROVED EJ APPROVED WITH CO ITIONS ONOT APPROVED its aJ ed/zrAde Au s 0/10-t/a "A 744/6 obaifiz4/041 /4. 4-1- 41. I 4 k as f Offttvr,,,,,e. At, fietdiy 4/ 67405/141e, it160WITI el.P/eitt," 5/1-eue(44 6/4/Atecl pie& o cie ffigit.) 5/ DATE, 81 SI URE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 6/1982 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION :t A.---c-. APPROVED JJ APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS NOT APPROVED DATE: C SIG NATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION ; El APPROVED El APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS NOT APPROVED VOA. k,CVIA/C42' fl-eee/°Q-eri DATE: CT(;N1TIIRI=flTDGCTAI) ('O AIITL'I1317Ci'i ormoer-ea.• rr iL DEVI ;DPMENT APPLICA1 _:N REVIEW SHEET cny OF RENTOPECF - x - x JUL 6 1982APPLICATIONNO(S) : SHORT PLAT-055-82, V-056-82. v-057-82 DEVF_I.OPM FNT 1 . .PROPONENT: D. A. Rancourt Si L. A. Rancourt PROJECT TITLE: Rancourt Short Plat BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Application to short plat approximately 1 acre Intl 4( lots and variances to yeruit (1) a private street 30 feet wide and 357 feet long al 2) . a lot depth of 7. feet in lieu of ana 80 fgot depth. LOCATION: Property located at 3720 Lake Washington Blvd. Forth. TO: UPUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE: x ENGINEERING DIVISION 1=1 TRAFFIC ENG. D;VISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE: 8-1; EJUTILITIES ENG. DIVISION El FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU El PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT OBUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT OPOLICE DEPARTMENT IE(1,20LICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OTHERS: COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING. PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5:00 P.M. ON 7-12-82 CIRCULATED: 7-2-82 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: DAppRovED CONDITIONS El NOT APPROVED sAmh /hei 1 rye ,/ de se A/6 4/de//,, 1),fizia 77de 5*-e/ er/ pohd r«1,101( j' /1.t 5/ da„.7,74/ 474,6,/ im)14,e44) w-efi jad r WrAi DATE: 04k SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 8/11; APPROVED APPROVED •WITH CONDITII' `j NOT APPROVED fi Awvot 41g, c4, s r- y DATE: 7 6 64—• SIGNATURE OF DIR TOR OR AU H 12IZ ED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 I.L• /Lt1/1 V ULINnIIIL1l1/ L1;r1J1VII1 0 APPROVED Ei APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS 50 NOT APPROVED poi90 G,.l9yS4/ - )(47 -sS c: f .- O ' ,A) .c..c.GTh+ 7-0 O az,J,e0i) "F eo P614- gyp/e At S 7 /A) Z c c , - /Q/ E 9•P Ta .eo dio f//J TI/.P.v,(v.Pov t).,==, A A SIGN E F IRECTOR OR A DATE: 7 S-- AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1082 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : El APPROVED El APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS D NOT APPROVED SUBJECT TO I y9782, r C,o,Nj fUllENT • WATER 1/19 Citi,key •i EHENT • SEVER 5 rW:TENT CHAtCE • WATER Subj. •, a4 cz CA4r7ec Stprg togL,;.NI CNAACE • SEWER r f_ca,,t / S rrh eUA.e,4t et-mu EEC 1 S L MIMENT AREA CHARGE • WATER NO SPECIAL s :ENT AREA COARSE • SEVER NO APPROVED I RTER PLAN YO3 APPROVE: $ [R PLAN Y5 APPROVED FIRE HYDRANT LOCATIONS yesBYFIREOEPT. FIRE FLOW ANALYSIS No PI • DATE:7/2 ASIGNATUREOTDIRECTORORAUTHORIZEDREPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 ATRAFFIC ENG. ;VISION SCHEL.. .ED HEARING DATE : 8-1/-82 IIuTII.iT1 IG. DIVISION OFIRE PREVENTION BUREAU OPARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT OBUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT POLICE DEPARTMENT OPOLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DOTHERS: COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING. .PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5:00 P.M.: ON 7-12-82 CIRCULATED: 7-2-82 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: TRAr /c n!Gl =F1LIG ROVED • APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS ONOT APPROVED • 1 f)dx:1 DATE: 7//f SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUT •RIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 6/1982 CIRCULATED: 7-2-82 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : (FLD APPROVED • APPROVED •WITH CONDITIONS n NOT APPROVED l? ' C—rZl•?c ;/ DATE: 7- - a, SIGNATURE j DIRECTOR OR AUtHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 i f- 4r. T:7, 3 i • 7...•7//N 40T" ST. •_ 99 •07 roe ' 1,4 7 //1_ 138 Z l03 1 7 los 66 1... .. .i 104 i a_ I 1 ' '' I 5 : r.• -- ,.,.- ',4 CM . . :02 7 7 i,,,• : • — i T.- -,. •10.-1-- 12 5• tn43.1. , , i? l it l f 4.1 L-1 81 921 •.• 1...'' .1 eTi - —{ 7• r OM I3.,4Fl Lr !• 1f • 98 ... 4 173 1_ 7 T T 1 .. C 97.._ r flf.. i21789596 120 Cr Li k RIK / ' t 3 4 (. 7 e 1 so Is a if M iS lb[121-1-61:11014124 J _-- --'--•—• `—,; f oQc f , Ssasse NE,. jilt 14:1-• Z z Z3 z, EQTii it n to ri tt r Li_ ,Ir , Iii iii . T ri Th1-T 1-1-1 1`1 1 s 11111 Il 111I111_gw.l 27 • 24 t S : b uuinnhi 1 1IJ Ill FLU U ,•IQ L%{ . c Pq, sI1111I1 P ! 111. 11111 , r s r. 1 I.. 3 11I11111111111111 . . . :. to VS 29 iJ% F a• , t ro1 fiTTITTI-11' 1_ z D.A. RANCOURT & L.A. RANCOURT Short Plat 055-82, V-056-82, V-057-82, V-071-82 I APPLICANT l.A_ RANCOURT A. 1 .A. RANCOURT TOTAL AREA+ I acre PRINCIPAL ACCESS Via 1 ake Washington Boulevard [North EXISTING ZONING R-1, Residence Single Family; minimum lot size 7200 square feet. EXISTING USE Single family residence. PROPOSED USE Four single family residences COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN Single Family Residential 1 COMMENTS I r E wE y RAN c ouRT SHORT PLAT 1 Fg i r11 g E T 'm THE S. E. 1/4 OF N.W. 1/4, SECTION 3 R , TOWNSHIP 24 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M. JUN 2519,?? RENTON, KING- COUNTY, WASHINGTON EI:: :7G ZON:'::::VT.i i . IiWASHIMO2OA1 ORDING TO PL47 111146g d4, aescaeas 3 70./.a6P.t•i 9.5' 225°at° s r--. 1 ) 0 / oy' Ii 1," 7372'4 t% gas 7 D-•14%. I I 1 1 ..ao•4 10/.t• -95.G.CV Al I it 1 t4. 70, dZ).'a A.. k.;* J Ni‘; / 5CA LE••/WO. SHORT PLAT 055-821-':-1 V-056-82 and V-057-82 V-071-82 MED, -THE OWNER(S)S) p IN THIS SHORT PLAT. F---- i. SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE 1 RENTON BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION R EET Renton Fire Dept. Fire Prevention Bureau D ECF - x - x APPLICATION NO(S) : VARIANCE (v-071-82) PROPONENT: D.A. & L.A. Rancourt NOV 8 1982 A PROJECT TITLE: BRIEF .DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Variance application from Section 4-706 (C)(4) to reduce the sideyard setback to the required public street. LOCATION : The property is located at 3720 Lake Washington Boulevard North. TO: El PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : x ENGINEERING DIVISION LITRAFFIC ENG. DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : 11-23-82 UTILITIES ENG . DIVISION FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU 0 PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT POLICE DEPARTMENT OPOLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING. PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5:00 P .M. ON November 16, 1982 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : APPROVED APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS 3J NOT APPROVED G/On7M - /7T ,P A;25' PL/ --.47-76.J. rgq&SS ,C,g„p‘4, 1/4. / 2j. 'J /tOar V44 /e°, i ee=fz /Ztti -7427 f o e C iTI/ o eov1,. e•6 c— Q 'xe'ESS O` //S , A0c6s c f FXGESS Or Awe i2Eu`ZJ/CEO %a e `rr E /9PP29//-79 rvs / S' D,ciN2)9 > J c 67/ry C,0/.i¢a/GC 61/J1 -/7-SAG t)/ 5l' oU i,r G 1/,P,v/."6 ,f9P/ds kb DATE 02 SIGNATURE OF I ECTO OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 RENTON BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - x - x APPLICATION NO(S) : VARIANCE (V-071-82) PROPONENT: D.A. & L.A. Rancourt PROJECT TITLE: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Variance application from Section 4-706 (C)(4) to reduce the sideyard setback to the required public street. LOCATION : The property is located at 3720 Lake Washington Boulevard North. TO : PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : x 0 ENGINEERING DIVISION 1:1] TRAFFIC ENG , DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : 11-23-82 N UTILITIES ENG , DIVISION D FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU OPARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT OBUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT OPOLICE DEPARTMENT POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DOTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING , PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5: 00 P .M, ON November 16, 1982 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : DAPPROVED n APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS ENOT APPROVED f dii11TY APPROVAL SUBJECT TD +11/49 - ga„ LATE COMERS AGREEMENT - WATER No LATE COMERS AGREEMENT • SEWER NO SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE - WATER Su 6J• S'Pe ra- JYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE - SEWER u.67t SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AREA CHARGE • WATER Ciu P ?e OY 3 9r No SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AREA CHARGE • SEWER Alp APPROVED "'ATER PLAY 4PPRDYUD SEWER PLAN APPRdYLD FIRE HYDRANT LOCATIONS BY FIRE DEPT. FIRE FLOW ANALYSIS DATE: // cra, SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE O ./44 D . D1--sA-1v REVISION 5/1982 RENTON BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT t rr DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION. REVIEW SHEET ECF — x — x APPLICATION NO(S) : VARIANCE (V-071-82) PROPONENT: D.A. & L.A. Rancourt PROJECT TITLE: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Variance application from Section 4-706 (C)(4) to reduce the sideyard setback to the required public street. LOCATION : The property is located at 3720 Lake Washington Boulevard North. TO : 0 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : x ENGINEERING DIVISION LI TRAFFIC ENG. DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : 11-23-82 UTILITIES ENG . DIVISION El FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT 0 BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT 0 POLICE DEPARTMENT POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT El OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING . PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5: 00 P.M. ON November 16, 1982 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : APPROVED El APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS fl NOT APPROVED duIUTY APPROVAL SUBJECT TO 11/0 - 8 LATE COMERS AGREEMENT • WATER NO LATE COMERS AGREEMENT - SEWER NO SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE - WATER Su6i. ./ .5.Pel=ra.-t-SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE • SEWER j' it'6 ' r 54451 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AREA CHARGE • WATER C +" No e 9 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AREA CHARGE - SEWER Np APPROVED WATER PLAN APPRCYFD SEWER PLAN APPFTZVLD FIRE HYDRANT LOCATIONS BY FIRE DEPT. FIRE FLOW ANALYSIS DATE: // Cra- SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE EOw4b D aL . D,[..s,-N REVISION 5/1982 RENTON BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT M i DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION R EET • Renton Fire Dept, Fire Prevention Bureau 11g0WgECF - x - x APPLICATION NO(S) : VARIANCE (V-071-82) PROPONENT: D.A. & L.A. Rancourt NOV 8 1982 PROJECT TITLE: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Variance application from Section 4-706 (C)(4) to reduce the sideyard setback to the required public street. LOCATION : The property is located at 3720 Lake Washington Boulevard North. TO: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : x a ENGINEERING DIVISION TRAFFIC ENG. DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE: 11-23-82 UTILITIES ENG . DIVISION Er FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT 111 BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT POLICE DEPARTMENT El POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT El OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING. PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5:00 P.M. ON November 16, 1982 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : APPROVED APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS NOT APPROVED vrgc' S oc,cs /JoT' tit P 7—i74-.E7 u/(J/, r'A4 e;7 o e6',J4' )r O l7c D—eii D 40e4.4-51,11- ,,v Xe6S5 O' /Aoe_ s s or4D )A2/S he) FXGSS Of /5-0 / p< e i2F121///E,// off/vE ri (r/:9.ea//000 51ppi9.<j?r?Js D&,-/A, d t e/ v ae.Di vi¢,/cZ r, S G/i/ -- c c/c/ U /pg fi/"„)//06 ,fD/v-f- DATE( i . SIGNATURE OF I ECTO OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 r 4 UICLDING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT . PRELIMINARY REPORT TO TUE trioaNG EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING NOVEMBER 23 , 1982 APPLICANT: D. A. RANCOURT & L. A. RANCOURT FILE NUMBER: SHORT PLAT 055-82, V-056-82, V-057-82, V-071-82 A. SUMMARY 5 PURPOSE OF REQUEST: The applicant seeks approval of a four-lot short plat along with variances to (1 ) allow a lot depth of 77. 6 feet in lieu of the 85 foot requirement, (2) a side yard of 3. 7 feet instead of 20 feet, and (3) allow construction of a private street 30 feet wide and 357 feet long. B. GENERAL II O NI,ATIO : 1 . Owner of Record: D.A. & L.A. Rancourt 2. Applicant: D.A. & L.A. Rancourt 3. Location: Vicinity Map Attached) 3720 Lake Washington Boulevard North. 4 . Legal Description: A detailed legal description is available on file in the Renton Building & Zoning Department. 5. Size of Property: 1 acre. 6. Access :Via Lake Washington Boulevard North. 7. Existing Zoning: R-1 , Residence Single Family; minimum lot size 7200 square feet. 8. Existing Zoning in the Area: R-1 9. Comprehensive Land Use Plan: Single Family Residential 10. Notification: The applicant was notified in writing of the hearing date. Notice was properly published in the Daily Record Chronicle on November 12, 1982, and posted in three places on or near the site as required by City Ordinance on November 10, 1982. PRELIMINARY REP1 m TO THE HEARING EXAMINER r,. RANCOURT, D.A. r L.A. ; SHORT PLAT 055-82, \ _56-82, V-057-82 f' V-071-82 NOVEMBER 23, 1982 PAGE TWO C. IS RY/;rACKGROUND: The subject site was annexed into the City by Ordinance #2531 of December 24 , 1969 , at which time it was zoned G-7200. The G-7200 classification was replaced by the R-1 designation with the adoption of the new zoning map by Ordinance #3634 of June 13, 1982. A public hearing was held on August 10, 1982, before the Land Use Hearing Examiner. The application was denied. After appeal, the City Council remanded the application to the Hearing Examiner. D. PHYSICAL BACKGROUND: 1 . Topography: The subject site rises significantly from west to east. 2. Soils: Indianola Loamy Fine Sand, 4-15% slopes InC) . Permeability is rapid and the available water capacity is moderate. Runoff is slow to medium and the erosion hazard is slight to moderate. This soil is used for timber and for urban development. 3. Vegetation: The greatest portion of the site is composed of lawn grass with some short to medium growth shrubs and trees interspersed. 4. Wildlife: The existing vegetation provides suitable habitat for birds and small mammals. 5. Water: No surface water was observed on the subject site (November 12, 1982) . 6. Land Use: An existing single family residence and garage are located on proposed Lot #1 . The portions to the east are undeveloped while other single family residences are to the north, south, and west. E. EI ed,:,,:;tI)r, AD CHARACTERISTICS: The surrounding properties are principally single family residential in nature. F. Pv,:LIC SERVICES: 1 . Water and Sewer: An eight-inch water main and an eight-inch sanitary sewer runs north-south on Lake Washington Blvd. North adjacent to the subject site. The METRO gravity sewer is also located on this street. 2. Fire Protection: Provided by the City of Renton as per ordinance requirements. 3. Transit : METRO Transit. Route #240 operates along Lake Washington Blvd. North adjacent to the subject site. 4 . Schools : Kennydale Elementary School is approximately 3/4 of a mile to the southeast of the subject site while McKnight Middle School is approximately 1-3/4 miles southeast and Renton Senior High School is within two miles to the southwest. PRELIMINARY REPOF- TO THE HEARING EXAMINER RANCOURT, D.A. & SHORT PLAT 055-92 , V-,— -82 , V-057-82 , V-071-82 NOVEMBER 23, 1982 PAGE THREE 5. Recreation: Kennydale Beach Park is within 1/4 of a mile to the south while Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park is approximately 1/2 mile south. G. APPLIC ILL SECTIONS OF i r ZONING CODE: 1 . Section 4-706 , R-1 ; Single Family Residence District. H. APPLICABLE SECT]COm S OF THE COMP" 1 I:00 SIVE 'LA Ow OTHER OFFICIAL CITY 1 . Subdivision Ordinance, Section 9-1105 ; Short Subdivisions. 2. Subdivision Ordinance, Section 9-1108-23 (A) (9) ; Private Streets. I. IMPACT ON THE NATURAL OR m aL i"A I" ENVIRONMENT: 1 . Natural Systems : None. 2. Population/Employment: Minor. . 3. Schools : Minor. 4. Social: Minor. 5. Traffic : Minor. J. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESS T/ThRESI:OL;r DETERMINATION: Pursuant to the City of Renton' s Environmental Ordinance and the State Environmental Policy Act of 1971, as amended, RCW 43-21C, the subject proposal is exempt from the threshold determination of environmental significance. K. AGENCIES/DEPARTMENTS CONTACTED: 1 . City of Renton Building & Zoning Department. 2. City of Renton Design Engineering Division. 3. City of Renton Traffic Engineering Division. 4. City of Renton Utilities Engineering Division. 5. City of Renton Fire Prevention Bureau. 6. City of Renton Parks & Recreation Department. 7. City of Renton Policy Development Department. L. DEPARTMENT ANALYSIS: 1 . The proposed short plat has been remanded to the Hearing Examiner to consider the entire application in conjunction with the variance request to adjust a side yard setback. The Examiner has full authority to reconsider all aspects under a remand situation originally presented in the public hearing on August 10, 1982, and any new information submitted in the present public hearing. 2. The proposal can logically be divided into two questions. The first, is whether it is compatible with (1 ) the Comprehensive Plan, (2) the existing zoning, and (3) the existing land uses in the vicinity. The second issue is whether the short plat 'is technic- ally possible under the limitations of the Subdivision Ordinance and subsequent variances requested by the applicant. PRELIMINARY REF r TO THE HEARING EXAMINER RANCOURT, D.A. SHORT PLAT 055-82, .J56-82, V-057-82, V-071-82 NOVEMBER 23 , 1982 PAGE FOUR 3. The proposed short plat is consistent with the existing R-1 , residential use zoning classification and the Comprehensive Plan designation of Single Family Residential for the subject site and surrounding area, 4 . The proposal is compatible with the adjacent single family residential uses and small lot subdivision pattern in the general vicinity. 5. As per proposed by the applicant in the variance request, file V-056-82, the thirty (30) foot wide private street is not appropriate in this area. Both' the parcels to the south and east have the potential to be further subdivided under Section 9-1108-23 (A) (9) . Private street can only be utilized when the Hearing Examiner finds that the proposed private street is not reasonably anticipated to be necessary for existing or future traffic and/or pedestrian circulation through the subdivision or to serve adjacent properties. This case specif- ically shows there is potential for further development base upon providing access through the subject site. Therefore, variance V-056782 should be denied by the Examiner. 6. The fact that the variance for a private street cannot be granted, modified the application of the side yard requirements in an R-1 zone. Specifically, if the private street had been approved, the side yard setback would have been only six (6) feet. This is a result of applying two sections of the Zoning Ordinance. Section 4-706 (C) (4) (c) (2) , requires a twenty ( 20) foot setback adjacent to a street. However, the definition of a street under Section 4-702 (S) (6) states, "a dedicated area for public use for vehicular and/or pedestrian use with a paved or otherwise improved surface. " Therefore, for a strict interpretation, it would appear that a private street, since it is not dedicated, is not a street as defined by the zoning code and the special setback for a corner lot would not apply. 7. All of the proposed lots meet the Subdivision Ordinance requirements for size and frontage. However, a variance has been requested to permit a depth of 77. 6 feet instead of the required 85 feet per Section 4-706 (C) (3) on all of the four lots. In addition, a variance request, file V-071-82, has been applied for on proposed Lot #1 to allow a side yard of 3. 7 feet instead of twenty ( 20) feet per Section 4-706 (C) (4) (c) ( 2) . The following variance criteria can be fairly uniformly applied to both of the variances requested : a. That the applicant suffers undue hardship and the variance is necessary because of special circumstances applicable to the subject property including size, shape, topography, location or surroundings of the subject property in a strict application of the zoning code is found to deprive the subject property owner of rights and privileges enjoyed by other property owners in the vicinity and under identical zone classifications. PRELIMINARY REPOR 'O THE HEARING EXAMINER RANCOURT, D.A. & : .:,. : SHORT PLAT 055-82, V- .,`,6-82, V-057-82, V-071-82 NOVEMBER 23, 1982 PAGE FIVE The justification, under this first criteria, is based upon the historic development of the original subdivision and construction of the single family residence on the subject site. This historic devel- opment created a specific shape for a function envisioned to be the ultimate function of the land in 1900. Since 1900, the City of Renton has become an urban area. This transition from the rural environment intended at the turn of the century, has resulted in a hardship that is areawide in portion. The specific shape of the lot which is approximately 107 feet by 427 feet precludes the normal development pattern anticipated in newly developing subdivisions. The Subdivision Ordinance of the City of Renton is designed to develop new property as the city expanded. It was not anticipated for redevelopment of individual lots and therefore, a strict application of the subdivision code combined with the shape created from the original plat provides the undue hardship which is a special circumstance applicable to the subject property. In addition, it can be argued that the ultimate construction of the existing residence on that original plat lot followed the intent of the general development of the area. Subdivisions under current provisions will create non-conforming lots and variances should be granted. b. That the granting of the variance will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the property or improvements in the vicinity and zone in which subject property is situated. The reduction in lot depth from 85 to 77 feet still leaves a buildable area suitable to present building standards on each lot. The reduction in lot depth will not impact the adjacent properties because setbacks will still be maintained and lot coverages will still be maintained. Many of the lots in the Kenneydale area were developed under the 6, 000 square foot criteria and, therefore, they are smaller in size than the existing R-1 zone which requires 7, 200 square feet. Granting of the variance for the side yard setback on Lot #1 will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare because the structure is located far enough from Lake Washington Boulevard that a sight clearance problem are not created with the intersection of the proposed roadway. c. That approval shall not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitation upon uses of other properties in the vicinity and zone in which the subject property is situated. During the last 30 years, various density standards have been imposed on the Kenneydale area. Lots ranging froth 4, 000 square feet up in size are very common. Many of the older large parcels are now being subdivided for home sites. It can be stated that the general land use pattern is of proportionately smaller lots with existing non-conforming structures than the proposal would create. PRELIMINARY REP ' TO THE HEARING EXAMINER RANCOURT, D.A. a ' .A. : SHORT PLAT 055-82, N. .:56-82, V-057-82, V-071-82 NOVEMBER 23, 1982 PAGE SIX d. That the approval as determined by the Examiner or Board of Adjustment is a minimum variance that will accomplish the desired purpose. Granting of the variances, as requested, is greater than the minimum necessary. Since the private roadway is not an appropriate variance, the only alternative would be to construct a half-street in place of the proposed private easement. This would allow a modification to the variances. A variance of 2.4 feet would be necessary for lot depth. The lots would be 82. 6 feet in dept. The request for reduced side yard could be modified from 16. 3 feet to 11 . 3 feet. Thus the side yard would be 8. 7 feet at its narrowest and 16. 9 feet at its widest. Both of these modifications are only possible with the creation of a twenty-five 25) wide half public street. 8. It would appear that the Hearing Examiner has the authority to grant a variance which is less than the variance requested by the applicant. Legal notifications have been published twice to allow the general public the opportunity to speak on the entire proposal. The evidence dictates that a private road is not appropriate and that a half public street would be considered adequate to meet the immediate needs of the short plat with the ability to be expanded with future adjacent develop- ment. 9. Fire Prevention Bureau notes that adequate turnaround area for fire apparatus must be provided. A 40 foot by 80 foot hammerhead is recommended by the Policy Development Department. This hammerhead could be of a temporary nature since the road has the potential of expanding in the future. The roadway should extend along the southern property line for the full length of the project. 10. Off-site improvements will be required on Lake Washington Boulevard North as per Design Engineering Division comments. 11 . The proposal will be subject to area charges for water, sanitary and storm sewer when in effect as noted by the Utilities Engineering Division. In addition, hydrant locations are to be approved by the Fire Department. M. DEPARTMENTAL S`F'm'IIi I\ wATION: Based upon the above analysis , it is recommended that the short plat request, 055-82, variance V-057-82, and variance V-071-82, be approved subject to the following conditions : 1 . Dedication of a twenty-five ( 25) foot wide half-street with construction per Public Works Department standards. 2. Revise the lot depth to 82. 6 feet. 3. Reduction of the side yard from twenty ( 20) feet to 8. 7 feet. The variance for a private street, V-056-82, should be denied. REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIV _lON ; OAPPROVED APPROVED WITH CONbITIONS ONOT APPROVED 1,1 Am". tic.. #0/ /4e4 edi-aAee Ateljfdy 014 71` 4'alOireatyl is le dileao-liekt il),z41(40 eter- et dvt, P. •iil %(/ /1"#,91 441 76 -44.6546? 41/4/ 4dai rizi6ould. ea-lediy- 5,4,444 1 6441,..4.1 i P fA_V DATE: SI URE OF DIRECTOR' OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : ka,z--r-s2 . 4 APPROVED APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS NOT APPROVED A DATE: /6--- SIGN ATURETURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : DAPPROVED OAPPROVED WITH CONDITIONS ENOT APPROVED JOA V ce-• DATE: SIGNATURE 45g:::Lk117pn PFPIPPgP i'i'%:'TT1/1= DEV .OPMENT APPLICA'i ION REVIEW SHEET C11y OF RENTONECF - _s__ JUL 6 1982 APPLICATION NO(S) : SHORT PLAT-055-82, V-056-82, V-057-82 POLICY DEVELOPMENT DrPTPROPONENT: D. A. Rancourt & L. A. Rancourt PROJECT TITLE: Rancourt Short Plat BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Application to short plat approximately 1 acre intc 4 lots and variances to ermit (1) , a private street 30 feet wide and 357 feet long ar 2) , a lot depth of 77.6 feet in lieu of and 80 toot depth. LOCATION: Property located at 3720 bake Washington Blvd. North. TO: • ' PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE: x E:J ENGINEERING DIVISION • TRAFFIC ENG. ITISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : 8-11 OUTILITIES ENG. DIVISION EJ FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU DPARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT OBUILDING & ZON,ING DEPARTMENT OPOLICE DEPARTMENT al POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DOTHERS: _ COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING. PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5:00 P.M. ON 7-12-82 CIRCULATED: 7-2-82 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: / 4& 0//1W<-4( DAPPROVED • jg APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS ONOT APPROVED AG14 Imo/ e A/6 eide/z* 37 /6/e 7 -de,i/ g 573141 Xe poi 5i r . X 4G it°,i ce•IQ zt d(//g4,:i4 IoGi i/e /ads jai 7hIT/ /d-7 d"-g I/ I /y; 1// ' / ///(.7/( DATE: //.4* SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/I 0 11APPR0VED APPROVED -WITH CONDITIOr.NOT APPROVED • 7DATE:• GAc9y SIGNATURE OF DIR TOR OR AU H L4 IZED REPRESENTATIVE. REVISION 5/1982 I I.,vaLIIal V LLf Mf ll•IL I11/ L},i J1V11 APPROVED APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS NOT APPROVED l//fr"-p,"/z1 eo-o' - / '. 5 41CL'ECS ,eo 9v Sys EX Let, 7/7, TO /it'a AQFp e44? e dvrF sl,P'- do,9.P.A.r. SNOI.vk) /,l 3 S 7 • i ' Gc r;,r ,f/J C —S itb - ,s ,9•P Tao /17.ea d/O ac 7vY/J 7Z/42 v/041,t tAa' ,4 e•A- DATE: /--/J -,oZ- SIGN' IFE OF IRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: APPROVED fl APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS Ei NOT APPROVED Ulltc; :: . '°" '_ SUBJECT TO.I 79/E2, lPITOCi I ;tEMENT .• PATER NO Rc1;(Apex •i:EWENT • SEVER Spr>M 'C t,:'EIIT CBAARE WATER ce.4 bj- '7 a4lra. CLa, e. 4Stigrpf1:0 1:0:NT CHARGE • SEVER 1 rG<I ar/, / s4ekh ei4-€-‘t !a eilccd' Tied RL ASEMENT AND CNARGE • WATER No SPECIAL Acs :EOT AtEA CRAM • SEVER, NO APPROVED I ATER PLAN Vta5 APPROVE: SLIVER PLAN 111-'l55 APPROVED FIRE HYDRANT LOCATIONS BY FIRE DEPT.yES FIRE FLOW ANALYSIS 1U 1 It. 7 2 AZ.DATE: SIGNATURE O; DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1082 K7AFFIC F"'7 , `VISION EL.. _ED HEARING DATE : 4-17-82 OUTILITIES -tNG. DIVISION OFIRE PREVENTION BUREAU OPARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT J BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT OPOLICE DEPARTMENT OPOLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DOTHERS:. COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING. PEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING 4 ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5:00 P.M. OBI 7-12-82 CIRCULATED: 7-2-82 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : 7'Rt..,7 c n7c K1=Fz11V APPROVED APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS ONOT APPROVED DATE 7/7. SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUT ORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 6/1082 CIRCULATED: 7-2-82 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION ; (FtD4 El APPROVED 0 APPROVED -WITH CONDITIONS ID NOT APPROVED c9:t DATE: SIGNATURE j2D RECTOR OR AU HORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1082 5 r F M 4 4• 7 4 4OTN 57 0* 89 • 107 _ 108 fi L- 88 1 7 3-_ io, k ili 87 z 1og 105 ---- ,f/aB Lt ; ;2 11Z 83 y `.{ 101 InL4It_i, . ? 1_5" 12• 80 LI! i•fl s4 1. I 96 Ili 9. 49 1 -9 — 1:1171ili 1.' . I-- 1-1........ — 1 /"" itiN. --- -- i s 17-: !. Mil L1 " °Cr w 12G r / ee s . ee , ® so rni I ias I MINI!! n .4 i 41 23 z . Mii N. t 95 t s 1 1111a1 . P . 1I1II11r: , 27.ic. Is I l C : t!1Ies1111i 11 ZTt['tl:4 1IIIIIuNiu : Hs111111111P! I11 _ 111 . , i ..i t® Z9 34 4.-Acioloig ia • 1110111...1. .. r. I I:;I': liffini - a .; 1e is M.riTTTilli I. cula 91 D.A. RANCOURT & L.A. RANCOURT Short Plat 0551-82, V-056-82, V-057-82, V-071-82 1 APPLICANT D.A. RANCOURT he L.A. RANCOURT TOTAL AREA+ 1 acre PRINCIPAL ACCESS Via 1 ake Washington Boulevard North EXISTING ZONING R-1, Residence Single Family; minimum lot size 7200 square feet. EXISTING USE Single family residence. PROPOSED USE . Four single family residences COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN Single Family Residential COMh1ENTS I I a IWE Y RA-NC OURT • . - S HORT PLAT rici [nom iTHES. E. 1/4 OF N.W. I/4, SECTION 3 2, TOWNSHIP 24 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W. M. lig JU1; 2519 ? RENTON, KING- COUNTY, WASHINGTONi i 1 . i• — WASH/A.)07a)I. O 9 RD/NG TO PLAT te46g ag. &awns I• 97., , 95' ' r•-..... 4C),. . r J18°5; - 11. 11 . 737°2 a 7 (........ / 4 NJ 0 i N1CZ.) see04%. •9.5,6 c?A IIIII11 70 J It N., /SCALE:rite SHORT PLAT 055-82 V-056-82 and V-057-82 V-071-82 IGNEO, THE OWNER(S) p IN THIS SHORT PLAT. SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE1 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER RENTON, WASHINGTON A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER AT HIS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, RENTON, WASHINGTON, ON NOVEMBER 23, 1982, AT 9 : 00 A.M. TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING PETITION: D. A. RANCOURT Application for a four-lot short plat for single family residences, file Short Plat 055-82, along with variance requests to allow (1 ) a thirty (30) foot wide private street, file V-056-82, ( 2) a reduction in lot depth from eighty-five (85) feet to 77 . 6 feet, V-057-82, and 3) a reduction in the side yard of a corner lot from twenty (20) feet to 3. 7 feet, file V-071-82; property located in the vicinity of 3720 Lake Washington Boulevard North. Legal descriptions of the file noted above are on file in the Renton Building and Zoning Department. ALL INTERESTED PERSONS TO SAID PETITION ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PUBLIC HEARING ON NOVEMBER 23, 1982, AT 9 : 00 A.M. TO EXPRESS THEIR OPINIONS. PUBLISHED: NOVEMBER 12 , 1982 RONALD G. NELSON BUILDING AND ZONING DIRECTOR CERTIFICATION I , STEVE MUNSON, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENTS WERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW. ATTEST: Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public , in and for the State of Washington residing in King County, on the 10 ki day of November, 1982. h '1 i t/ - . ,-'911(41401.044."„SIGNED: %i. =. i REN1-_,{1 BUILDING k ZONING DEP.....TIMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION. REVIEW SHEET • ECF — x — x APPLICATION NO(S) : VARIANCE (V-071-82) PROPONENT: D.A. & L.A. Rancourt PROJECT TITLE : BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Variance application from Section 4-706 (C)(4) to reduce the sideyard setback to the required public street. LOCATION : The property is located at 3720 Lake Washington Boulevard North. TO: 0 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : x El ENGINEERING DIVISION El TRAFFIC ENG. DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE: 11-23-82 0 UTILITIES ENG . DIVISION El FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU 0 PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT 0 BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT Fill POLICE DEPARTMENT 0 POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT fl OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING. PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5:00 P.M. ON November 16, 1982 1 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : - ca _ ID APPROVED El APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS 0 NOT APPROVED DATE: // / 2 SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 REN1 _..`I BUILDING k ZONING DEP,_ TMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION. REVIEW SHEET ECF - x - x APPLICATION NO(S) : VARIANCE (V-071-82) PROPONENT: D.A. & L.A. Rancourt PROJECT TITLE: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Variance application from Section 4-706 (C)(4) to reduce the sideyard setback to the required public street. LOCATION : The property is located at 3720 Lake Washington Boulevard North. TO: El PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : x El ENGINEERING DIVISION • LI TRAFFIC ENG . DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : 11-23-82 UTILITIES ENG . DIVISION El FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU El PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT giBUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT n POLICE DEPARTMENT POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING. PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5:00 P .M. ON November 16, 1982 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : APPROVED APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS NOT APPROVED 64- l DATE: SIGNATURE CF./DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE RE--VISION 5/1982 ti(cY 0 ITY OF RENTCN FILE NO(S): , U—o7i-82 14 ES LDING & ZONING DEPARTL...VT ru efP4NrrO MASTER APPLICATION NOTE TO APPLICANT: Since this is a comprehensive application form, only those items related to your specific type of application(s) are to be completed. Please print or type. Attach additional sheets if necessary.) APPLICANT TYPE OF. APPLICATION NAME J L, FEES Iwo C°r Q REZONE*(FROM TO ADDRESS 6 N. 5?2 f SPECIAL PERMIT* CITY J o ZIP ED TEMPORARY PERMIT* 4/17772 ni 9a 0SJ6 D CONDSITEIPLANAL USE APPROVALIT* TELEPHONE A"-S---®p6, CI GRADING AND FILLING PERMIT No. of Cubic Yards: CONTACT PERSON VARIANFromCESection: 4/-706 (C.1- '" Justification Required NAME ADDRESS SUBDIVISIONS: ED SHORT PLAT CITY ZIP D TENTATIVE PLAT ED PRELIMINARY PLAT TELEPHONE Q FINAL PLAT 0 WAIVER I Justification Required) OWNER NO. OF LOTS: NAME PLAT NAME: _ AS A-a 0 G ADDRESS PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT: Q PRELIMINARY CITY ZIP Q FINAL P.U.D. NAME: TELEPHONE 0 Residential Q Industrial 0 Commercial Q Mixed LOCATION MOBILE HOME PARKS: PROPERTY ADDRESS 372-0 L,, frt/BLVD. AI , N/ El TENTATIVE Q PRELIMINARY EXISTING USE PRESENT ZONING R—/ n_/ FINAL PROPOSED USE PARK NAME: R—I NUMBER OF SPACES: 0 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE SQ. FT. ACRES mil AREA: lialLoX 1 TOTAL FEES SO— Tr/„% <; : i0KISTAFF/USE ONLY I-- ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESSING DATE'9T t CCa - 1 a jflij33f : I ( APPLICATION RECEIVED BY: it ' APPLICATION DETERMINED TO BE: N OV 4 1982 Accepted Q Incomplete Notification Sent On By: 1?C g t. .... ,.... ,.., ,. Initials) DATE ROUTED ADDITIONAL MATERIAL RECEIVED BY: II - 25- E52.Q APPLICATION DETERMINED TO BE: QAccepted QIncomplete Notification Sent On By: Initials) ROUTED TO: Building 674 Design Eng. Fire Q Parks 1t Police W: Policy Dev. Traffic Eng. CX, Utilities REVISION 5/1982 Legal description of property (if more space is required, attach a separate sheet). LOT 8z CD 1/4-7aNI s L4/c.E (/l/ Sid, G/-i R,i iJ or' EDL'n1 ,4-.DD if 0A) -Tc C,"l`r io. ACC,o12Jm.3C, YHE PG-'7 ,QGcoi r_D in) Vim i. I ! OF fi-S P46-E cr AFFIDAVIT I, D A , / A( c,o V2 i n-r.Lo LA- . .. ,c,,2i, being duly sworn, declare that I am 0 authorized representative to act for the property owner,L2a9wner of the property involved in this application and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS 4,2-31-DAY OF 7'f 19 j„ . NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON,f{-7 &., RESIDING AT wa.. 4-'4-9-1 ticet-C,...1-H Name of Not y Public) Signature of Owner) o AL 38. Address) Address) ke-ko ro IAA- , 980 6 City) State) (Zip) 97 Telephone) Acceptance of this application and required filing fee does not constitute a complete application. Plans and other materials required to constitute a complete application are listed in the "Application Procedure." RENT, ,'I BUILDING & ZONING DEP, , TMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION, REVIEW SHEET CITY OF RErSJTON E C F - x - x NI0 V 8 1982 APPLICATION NO(S) : VARIANCE (V-071-82) POLICY na1/9LOrMCN7 OF.re. PROPONENT : D.A. & L.A. Rancourt PROJECT TITLE : BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Variance application from Section 4-706 (C)(4) to reduce the sideyard setback to the required public street. LOCATION : The property is located at 3720 Lake Washington Boulevard North. TO: 0 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : x 0 ENGINEERING DIVISION • 0 TRAFFIC ENG. DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : 11-23-82 El UTILITIES ENG. DIVISION ri FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU 0 PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT El BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT POLICE DEPARTMENT POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING. PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5:00 P.M. ON November 16, 1982 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : ' 67* Ai2V/A'/1.4.at/ FAAPPROVED El APPROVED WITH CON6ITIONS El NOT APPROVED fa,. A- Aei#i4Y4`y edi-aAct Aidardy 4 ,4zwá 744,„ d,,, ,,yoyre thei. i t Izea,,w. j 4,t,,,,e 47 ,,,,,,/,./o/eae‘A 6-ea/ detea44*. 7,k, wr. ;(.4/ /// ,otoy lilts 7dot54, 4/e/ ar a i dei6&)41a0i. t! t" 544444 1á' 4 s , t Ati A arrieee shad/ pv' 1 DATE: SI y URE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 CMT Ijk=3 NOV 4 1982• Attachment to Application for Variance Owner ' s appeal of the Hearing Examiner' s denial of Short Plat application 055-82 , V-056-82 , V-057-82 resulted in a City Council suggestion that, relative to an existing house on the property, an additional variance be requested to reduce the sideyard setback to the required public street. 1. Granting of the variance is necessary to provide required street right of way for access to the easterly three quarters of the property. Such access will permit development in accordance with the R-1 residential zoning of the area and is con- sistent with development-of other properties in the area. 2 . Owner intends to install screening shrubbery and plantings adjacent to the street right of way in closest proximity to the existing house (on the westerly one quarter of the property) as a noise and visual buffer to the access street. 3 . Set back of the existing house from Lake .Washington Blvd. N. permits greater than required sight distance at junction of requested street and Lake Washington Blvd. N. thus providing a high degree of safety for pedestrian and automobile traffic to the property. 4 . Approval of the Short Plat application including the attached variance is a minimum requirement to accomplish the subdivision contemplated therein. ie'eyi'. rtbYes . 4a J'V....II• r-'4;;' +Sti .$;rtt -.: .$.- , - p. .,-,!.:?:.':,:::?.,•:', c U d- La_ Q W.(1) W O CT CD CCQN d- LJ LL U W CD O T' Cn U 77 :7 6 Q f\,.‘ tl,"ZiJ : Og Z Z t1 mil S/, 5 v SS Ty obi/ybs ro I 4 I g bay le, a tp.'C.7 c -1 g—t- 171 A / c :ic=7. 1 tu 1\ I I I a pl Ni off- a r i.".:; iNtVy . y I 0 7 SL v o OZ.PL L s hlr tv 1/4' C:gj , C) 1.. . i '61C) C` rr o C) lye a7 : oi S6 be ovv tiaFi„L/ O/•OLE D0 ,Zh o5'9 ele)w6,9aZi„ As ENDING' OF FILE Fig nrE 035 " 4 AM-t ‘a/ A1 5qi8.. E1HMI socropWW who/ II f d RECEIVED i/( dopLAIllril s. 5 E.1:m"miu , 47--4 4, d itC)% J t 1 CITY OF RENTON e HEARING EXAMINER A U G 1 01982 Y i.I: AM PM I R— 3 • r7,8,9110111112111213,41516 M R 9 N T T-4 51. R EXHIBIT. NO. 6y • 107 roe 3 ITEM NO. 1s-/ fx7 88 o, 87 Z os 110 4 86 .... ; :...i... . . .. 104 K! l I J o 2 t f gj r i 101 1 l' i: li.-1e57. Z a I" I-s L, g L. 7. .. • i. !.. 98 23 i 117 9 7—i. l I I,-... f 5 I 1 Z i2! 1 7e 1 95 96 _- Ito 7 6 Id 1-00(- I t 3 4 El 7 8 5 io ti it is 14 i is C4421,4,2..]DALE1: 1 I0 .. s z 2 23 L 69. EGI a • sft eol I!z, .1 1, e z2i arez. _ c i, i „ :ili lwn i 1a1L.L.J1.... 08inJO N. 3 " 5r. +, Jw 27M J so . - 11 I1I t L . 24 LS bT i. is N GG r_.___ S 7. p i 1 A 4=1 ali..0 r i_1111A2111111101111 . 11 1i JUJTh 28 29 3CI1R ! Ili _1 \1 1 Is11 C2 !sN. 5-°_T T 111-1-._ 1 I 1 1. 12' :_Wj" 1 T ll 17_T T HIFI r Tr1 6ZTT I I I:j- i Ala !11 1 1 1 i 1111111111i i 3 a ST psibi3 . t 1. I sa 1s 3t G-1 e 1 l w' ,t ' ',kJ* ,. O1 ©i ill 11 ; 11 MIMI _ Y N 1 Q s s c s'4 • I $ I -59 38 3 I to w 49 4 to 111111111 •III III iliPilii 6'• sa 57 T sserlrrM 4 , s „ t , ir' [ 1 111 11111 1IT7 11 110 i, i,:N $,. ,.Z .,;- r:2 _ Ill 111r I 11111 11. i 44 . 4.* 1 4Z o N. 29 T-- 1 N\s, 1=1;rcs alit 111'..3 TVIE - 43 44 451 NNYDALE VL i' M- 1 { L.5wI1 çlll!; _CP r t II 17 i ''I g-. Z• '- kr* Vft i I t v 111\ v• m t. 11 giiii C 1 Clarissa Fawcett e U r 1...O• 11 1 174 .2 V ri'' 1751 I E ,'S`TMP0 R~T a H1 96 H 12, o C I jA COND. 17T ill Jiat8 ' oi / 1 0h ' Py` Q UNIT ,\ 11 CS.Ac b Rob L 54 x irill a i1Fa Robert A 7W e' r0 SchaefSchaeffer1( lJI Pc'• 37A m%E F cL; h179I 1. Q1-'/ f f.0J , t6 _ 0 hi .82AcpO % 1rIZti 0QDf I AMMER w :—I N. 40TH Z181II r ,— g09 bQov't. Lot 2 T49 32.00 Acres T 1: a931r 2•i6i low - _ - L _ » r let 184 • a i, _ s 821 m4z S.P.0561-77 150 IOg kg t_ 93,E r D.28 41 3i,3- I Root 40 - a o ^ i V v 50 185 V 5 5 s 9 Villa I I • 110 186 I IE.1 aoo ioo a lo-- s r' I s j. l •40 t:1 leT j °. Q. O VV 3 0/ _r" 1230• . ___10 4 I oz_I.II . 22_ +_ d2 i; 4 _ a 9 ijL23ssr 200 I ISLE 0 1 3 I188oL2NDLAKEp0a -'+ g/. L l 2 i j .lEt.N7.E WAS FIN189 V' J 1 • 50 3.• S 5— ;,— '. _ zo LA GT /'/ ZAQ NQ.5 6 _87PN q 3 t' s2 60oa Iit," 1. I .'190 m I r E 7: t' '4 75 l: 26 xa \ i5 I_ 5LI l0 5 1 I O J CP- N. 3AtP I 191 I.,. 1 38TH No. z 5 j - _ 2 75 95T ii 325/,/ S' IA n 90 ti "Ni- 1 ?b• gE I EW w 3 , l I 125 I ., I: I 193 . I yi Q41i43 i/77 0zsm ,. 61 I _ 90 _ o.. on _ f :I 2n11 , I 20 ,3 w It94 2 yI 45 t- /,' Izazi r i E o J 372N Rid 441]; 37 3 la 709 I z 195o 5-"; - j 3. 1zo-- 3 0; - Q=? REQ I1fED 196 1, , '':; P --- So I) SP3 2) 's A78-77 = ' W o I iTY ORNTON i y sj - y':I 253.50- 2 _-- S9 79 I (B) HEARINr,EXAIIAINEA 154$`:37/ . 1. y 37 2 , r i - - ` , ?J^ 6 "I 5 9 9C 2 Epp n - 20 - - z 91 m _— u l. j5o uT c r c1 I97 j a A yI u J'1+Q o f i l t• o)ir 302.1 o la<.1 091 3. I I3o1l1'5:92 V P Y _ I'' m •j°-_`,•o AUG 9 2 Q 2zs o' 38 ao. s 98 f PM NC w 1 I 1 9l m+ 85.69 i F/2 Ate I o=__ Q a r - 5Q i3 A198 I 'r l 3"/ 36 63 N ' N.ST. o i5o .- . _ 950'_ -- 71: '110111:10 h G131415,.7 c 50 199 t ` II I i 3.1 ..////. 2 80r.2 555u-+ 4 .- 1 N as z. r 98_ 42.0I.n Is87 1.50` U 36 ® o', p I L..i 1 J ox5 i p qa' _ I- '- W 1' rs Il 1 1 QcotcII A'/ , 0 71n 2 pel s" _I /{ r \ S . 89 11 J 157 453612 .1 I: , W 20011; 5i1/ 1- t3 f1 s a lSO W Ef I 67 z 36 8 ; O zo 40 jv l_ 3 // C la4 c o so • ao o f' o 3 07 96 ` 201 3..Q ', I a' l i e j LI 210 I 3 50--- -? o __j.3 I O I 117 I a ,4 I T I i t 6. ...II, 1 «,J 10 II 12 Id 15 16 o T i• 3: 2 Z I , q I i; la a I o `)zv I 3 I 'S if,:2oz ,w , I rinEll!-1 - ,`!'- s 6 H 1 E 36Tk1-,I by 're,-..A.:: s '-) 1aa o Ios35 l So ,c oJ It., • o b0 Sod 79 5: o zS 50 161 5. el I 34 25 0 Ft R.pAi.g . el C , 2- 35 2I ._ 1 I I ' i 51 12525!.50 „-r,r,i on 1 ,. r