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\ \'7 °""� VISITOR'S BLEACHERS way,ESNE sE.ow,teao �-.m \` e R"z 7 R I — I e mow rllll E .ma,.,z,..,M r .�x..a<=ox�.a :9V6� wR or.xess l r..w+w, r,v�,or s.„�„sA - \1. aws I ED.use Nnr ar PENCE �•x 0 REMOVE EXISTINGOX ,0 FENCE 1 REww., ropi CORNERpm.l O (ttv.) Tree praJ 0 y� w PROJECT PRO, y "�`�'�"�� ' r x u,(�) (�J �,ea tt-n x� (T.) arr a•axxM R1 Q N�33e 1 �(� f, .... u�,w �° e„ x J , nn�x ._,.. .�,.,c xc O. ,x. 0m4 I\1i „r s� Q ./ I 'N n'rC}/ 0- ..%.,oNq `p ? — „ off. . " °R,F -x.x (,., O r b e y e x..xw.wa v.0 Ow" '' airo`n a w) m7 m.) wr.x. X Q)\ __—_ VE iTE DISPOSE wr OFF "'°A' F © DISPOSE EXISTINGRUOVE " rr SITE Hors FF BOARDS" REMOVE AU.eoE... DISPOSE cr crr SITE(,m) ERE —nisr oc ORGANIC REM• IS cs 1071 T.E OFF TRATS J..PIT AND rrort Iir>a.x.. . • ''1 (rv.) 114i. k ( • �)l (� O t sEa PAVEMENT _ (MI t • � r.s. sI,DEPOSE or w E or ovE OF OFF snE III 0 .E..°", �c.Rc om OT orr slTEorsvcsE REMOVE COSTING ° .) Y.) O A °""`RFY FP 0.-1 DISPOSE PAVEMENT e F. 1 (,xv) 5 `4 REM rrM\ � ;�_- (m.) (�}�\\, .Ac rox nc-,. tE, • 5\trort,i..i'vu 1 t m7 m.7 © 1 • FENCE ( ) t uuwu ` 170au . a1OE'roa °07 ;: \ i , �u a o (ra) :, ron1i — ..:rz„ . . aw' � ROOTDARNER.TRE ENCOUNTER t -11 m.x,. Iw, e DEPOSE or Orr DIE wools _ vraa 3 0 0 r�� o °�:a� EN,E7 o d; n ) .) MK.R UOVAL ,M �.) ac wwc REwRT Or w O (072................. P, z ,E� 0 m a + © . I A.FOCIONOS o F ,°, RLYN OfEwwk `E I C I d - - - - - -. ,.., -- o _0 0 EXISTING � o'�0 udL c WORE 01` CONCRETE GRANDSTAND COMPLEX 0 e" LJ .,,,, w, r—N FENCE I N.. REMOVAL N. t \\` J, TREE PROTECTION NOTES DEMOLITION NOTES \ . w. reINM OF [ Q REM. swc .N,tinx NW AND .b AND DISPOSE OF OTT SITE _ o °. t OF PROJECT QRow EXISTING A/C OR CONCRETE PAYMENT�wRs.N DISPOSE mu,or SWANO ( anFnMaN' OM. E`msriu95Fttc McTE E or OFF SITE.BACKER/ t W` c... , ikai4A- �0 0 ` oll • 01. 4 n \ DLOW J °tillOMMillmoi NE �/`r AND DISPOSE OF OFF SITE. (m.) • ° • .. m° u. a a' TRACK w�osl reor� ,AREAS O s n w O a/ a`'EXISTING P" w mE DUSTING RRI ASPHALTIC OF ME S.C.A.DEPOSE Or OFT SITE Owi E. FOR SAFETY PURPOSES A.TO PREVENT ROOT DAMAGE TO NM AND EXISTING PAVEMENT. PROTECT EXISTING TRESS TROY DAMAGE we cwNs,R�mo" LEGEND a --——- Ow,OF w lb wRw1Q �� ax. ...5, ° Pun .m.,Nebel,woes: i EXISTING D.FMCE Inch(11 al tree coil,. ../•A 1V, 1111k. . a \ (► SE wOF 4 t 1,,,,...T msPo aL AYpeR� D-A.HOGAN&ASSOCIATES e+. sr REHroRsawo�p srwer sFFt .'�.sI a•' d. M... w RENTON MEMORIAL STADIUM ® NO cwrrnmi o.wA nocw A usan.ns CONSULTING ENGINEERS muffin me NORTHWEST CORNER ,Nn/sr vERwI,suewl„u �,T•,a°,,•° I O3 DEXTER AVE N.SEAT Ewq eeroa FIELD&TRACK REPLACEMENT C-2 mu. sko DATE 9Y RMSIDN 'x^^w;•` DEMOLITION COMIC.p,° I aos)zesa<oo ramo.vrt eowusr urn(Port.) 0 "°"",m,. °r„ I Vram,°„ VISITOR'S BLEACHERS �p °�e rG ...\"\\....,...,. ., w..I l wore..a.e..�IN,r.o,.ma..,aRnnn vs a..Y.wM "°� %��, e'.aaEw� -- r„r woo r.. ;osz --- u,a � 30.62 / ,J , �� xmT OF PdRG03 nsvx,l, - - A 1 POROUS A9PxALT r'I M.) .,-wR or PO x n �'1 "; wIT Br / PA„NG MMT OF CONC. —_ ` 1';1 ti `��J095 a5 I30.60 309 ;i %ei ;2 v; f [ NI TEMPORARY cINt4 J - ,r rw.�--� \i t� ® s j r� v / Jbb a" 1 a� .6,.L.w,ru.wa �j �/ ( FINISH GRADE 0� ( ' POROUS ASPHALT ) )II font: PAVEMENT 30.95 1II I \, I / -; >� 1 , 6=.s Jx �I 5 I .Jb F r. • ...:-, ,,,,r., 1 .0... \ ) J \I 1 / I /\\ xr.ay Y� 2z c\ ,x\� ) s Ill s _ �• �� �„ �- �_ 1, �l. I _ :t o65•pn e NM a.ab8 x \ pv,e II Aga ado d9 ua , y, r--/- r • `--�r-.�- 1. �' ,err � l�1}� b`o ti LAP, POROUS wSPrw 'l% (NEW TYPE.IL RAP 30,5 I (�) orcrlp ' (rn.)cons r \56 Rex :/ : rM�,aP• L -is^r*risP�.e�wv��-P ,ra- f.�r1.p-r-Yr-+�+�-ter':+: �-rr-r-r+rv�-•rrt`.r-rv-rr,..r..P - L 8 / a�.�d- w p x1�0 ...---_6? `` k 1- - ®_ _ ® ® ® - C�;° ',� a %"isFoc �^w y ..hire I"a are rsti _ CONCRETE GRANDSTAND COMPLEX �, 1: tor LEGEND ll EROSION CONTROL NOTES `„. _____---d,.N,-"----- NEW FIAL CONTOUR 1. Before any constmstion o development activity oa trul meeting must be held Br e Lily oRenton OevelopmnlServces o.ian,plan review project manager. -Jt5 - x0v ItLL mMauR LINE 2. seabed on Me p anon e. = 3r bo--_- EXa1/NG CONTOUR LINE 0 20' 40' clearly limits of lee field observed during preservation ° 3. erred sedimentation/erosion Comm t be narrated end; ration a GRADING NOTES SCALE:/•=20• t°and required n/ur Ire construction sediment laden ruler not enter the nuturol d ogge system I erosion s d nest lail'tie a1 trine III u satisfactory condition sad such One that clearing ant/or constructionbi completed and +Ja.95 NUN Sao,OrvnnaN ...mu for°u site eurnirontu control s possed The implementation,n mum..., epucerr AL'etru g alec. ME ENTIRE FLUD AND TRACK AREA 4. Thee o1E rsedimentationluc rolls s°rns shall be the deleted a wing tiility of the er lotendedp to be 31,00 EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION roMmurn systems cv11 sn progress.Pond GRADE one requirements seasonalrol I e conditions dictate.the csvry to in ISllabanttee shall anticipate that mc control an PAW.. TM EXISTING PERIVETER SOS CONSTANT SLOPE the proposed t `sae,`Oaring facilities tc sell al construction,it shallbe complete a dl billy°I the p rmrllees l°°address° ndrlr°ns that the created by N NEw,xOlerr awuN aclvllies and to rov,de 0ddilanot locif. over 0nd above minimum requirements,os may ben o protect adjacent properties and waler quality of.the receiving vngad nage system. ADP CATON IusIN b 5. Appr of t 010,p an/sedimentation c only. 010.01e an MET 1101E t approval storm dip nege design,size or location pipes,reslncl°rs,channels,or retention Q xE'x CATCH essm w117 TroE 2 s. 6. Ou�nlge the ltime period ember t ` Pugh March n Jt,a e d sortgreate R NEW DRY WELL than 5,000 s tot ore to he left a Red for more to n twelve(1])hou s, 7. sholl he covered h ripped aof vegelulosbc i°nvrtly n a further work Is antiupled �'�'m TEMVORAm sRTATmv rENawG for uperiod o disturbed a sluhilized w molaurm,gross partings or other approved °controlttreatment pplcable la the lime ul year Crass se willa cepluble only during the months a April b ANOe> through September Inclusive may proceed, wheneverd sin the Interest A wh BENIGN Sf]IOOL018TNCE SLEET of inee,but m Seedingdy thetting.orher'treatmnt°POMP d e`'s D.A.HOGAN&ASSOCIATES rv,o, 2.t^y' RENTON MEMORIAL STADIUM a. Pitaof Renton, control Bathe dead storage depth exceed.6 inches, or`o� CONSULTING ENGINEERS rx,AlE r_za erosion/sedimentation3 feet high is moth°3:1,side` a DRAWN o FIELD&TRACK REPLACEMENT C-3 B. A temporary nstrrtccton entrance.3d s 50'x 8" slopes. in quarry polls shall be I II/11/69 PERMa SUBMITTAL �'erowu., 17030IXTEa AVE N.SEATTLE,WA MOB aa0lea at a points a1 vehicular nlgress'mw egress to the construction site. No BATE BY B OS Pa o ox, GRADING&T.E.S.C. COPYRIGHT®ta97.aA Baca a AbsoaAn. I .nr.. I (208)28 00 0 n.�c I �u-� VISITORS BLEACHERS z,D v \r`, �'�wT+c..oxws u,:A«v f snu,G..• - c......,,,r eE.oxo ., �: '} �..x. EncE or Rueswzm . � — ,.r,rams .r*.�, s„uAClxc - .�� -, u.vxM,V,<. - _-_ __— - E.@.,....w C ;;>. : ------'--——>: ! nx�—DT : —: --;—; : i 0 w / wc � �;:;:..>;;.. ;.., : RC ::: ".:i " Jr'i :i ::1Sis'i;;ii;:� � .". .;.:.';.,`�� xxA/crA c MO Ie xxP Po,t vA uucA - ; ; : : v> . >:;r.:>';:::':<>s::z:ca::c :;i:?:B;LANETAK:;:" : • i:::1 . : . : . 1 , .......... iii� i;>is:?'>�`;' '.�'� 'art" n.ax ........ •; � > 8e wmmEncm i i " rvrTxw e n "fp e ® ` " "s IIII lilt IIII III I111 IIII IIII Illl llll llll IIII IIII IIII IIII IIIIIlll IIII IIII IIII IIII r 1 0 -0 T —02 -0 E -0� 0 5 0 TA 0 E— 0 Z- 0 i- G NPi I^InR''''Alb,4/1 p `i i::.;$>a:qD:: w\ tea. .:::: ,:uir`cr:;:f 94..p4�- SYNTHETIC TURF FIELDge '''.....` O ..."�. IIII_II II.11 I_IIII_IIII IIII IIII IIII.IIII I'(I_111�1111_IIII_IIII_IIII_III LIIII,I II-IIII.IIII 1:.: mxc ,Am/,wr¢mw r a.R!D s,f >::>:.>::::: - \ IIII IIII "Illy -� e kE.::.:' 1 / f ` -,..•cam--...'} O 4 .: ,ba'c s'-' I x — I I ,X,Eon,or L.,s,x,PE O •w p. I EI fir: '::W::>::>: L—' . E u— .aw^z `s'.... *, RA : � ' a�'�:' ::..� "T'�I 11-IIII'III I-IIII IIII'IIII'III I IIII'IIII u II-IILY�III'IIII'IIII III I-I II I—IIII—IIII—IIII-IIII f'�'��:���:: NEW Ow,2 i ME 2 �` G �10 �20 �30 �40 50 40= 30� 20� 10� G r:::•.::<':::::_:., I�� p _ �� : : i:: \ IIII I1111 IIII II11 IIII IIII IIII IIII IIII IIII IIII IIII IIII IIII IIII III III Irl lnllll IIII'Iclll �""� O .-.—..: ,I or s'xmrnc nmr x[w cxl./. conc,nme ` cowENorn rn, E , .14 Baum oR .......... ����/, 'J�• • • • W„o<ti.�.,. a L L t� �xR o x�xDxl, . .. s nnvn. . -' 8 LANE TRACK :::. ":a;:;".zs>:::;:;:::a<;rc:;:.;::;::;;»;:<;;::<:>.:: >:: : :::.;..:. ..;:;::::::<>;; ;: '�Dr:;' % -ate cl'!x„eswzm :.:.:'>;..>:;::..>: . ": :':: iJ c i`.i>;':;;;:;`j i;:i' .. s, x,w w/C PnVwc a D9 ,/s x,w A/c aAnxc ` . - ::::: :::�:; A�xEw p.w.0¢ W. Eoo• rvW=o rvrvn _ _ _ _ yv, ary jn •�� \ a c O p O O O p' r p ,.P, ,, CONCRETE GRANDSTAND COMPLEX .... . N LEGEND NOTES 0 Ks",Ts. p Gi 6M ,�Ez nD RDnT o n M ...o� xI„wn o�w w r DnE aa°"rDmusu o IMMINa L =a m 00000 .—. xEw nx,IxW.rExnE TIE c,x ,[nO�iuRf Axn LL ID rox,s V. Wrt Or voxuus AcaxA,i PAVEu.FM AnucENI MEM xxn Otxux A .-w, 0 20' 40' w ,s u II.,.,: ..:.,I HEW xw60xxED SIIVACE w ..rza...s SCALE.' 1'=20. a a,_Ah(le (s D.A.HOGAN&ASSOCIATES a,E "/„/sT c • R>:mox salooEolarwa steer E ���� CONSULTING ENGINEERS o RENTON MEMORIAL STADIUM 111/11/s1 PERMIT SORMIITAL • 1703 DEXTER AVE N. SEATTLE.WADA,00 DRAWN J. FIELD&TRACK REPLACEMENT C-4 Im 0,191E Rr REVISION '-'.,,,. Izos)2ESO.00 GZGRD OM LAYOUT naarxmm U,00,.o.xonAx.Asso�u,es A \\...I.5 rrcri ccello;m .,n K VISITOR'S BLEACHERS :. LE 9(DunsE °'I I .F�a.m..1.,„m..00nw.w>U1.sa w ,.,. ,.er.1 777II I v.�..�.wF,re ?1®�5 ~POROUS LINT OF RUBBERIZED iE]9aD �rtz9D- rs - - =5 � Tic z9n -]oFe sl uliueew]m Non �I 1.11.111 OF IN.61 o �a 5•, I V 11 DROP TEE DONNED➢ o .<.. ,4 IE 29 00 J I O :9.D0 • MOD UD➢N p _-_ _ns I"-. -- SUBSURFACE DRAMA.p ¢]Y.� it, IV „0.0 Q I�6] 5(MI [636 27.54 sE'rel -_ _ D]J OO 1E729 DO CIE 25 vn RAJ PI))SE 9�� [` E TO(vut)w -\�-v� tart 2633))� {a ])�4 -- 6 29.0 _ MVO.CONTRACTOR 'L. \ SUBSURFACE DRAINAGE Arli . na.o DR.SECTOR Ark IV �E]J c0 _In IE P)s9 -- LE]u0 Arli ia.P'E m 29.00 `" - 48 `` 'x - - I- �y '`"' Oro: p O E 0DROP DONNED ➢,,,IL Am ]9.9D m IEss:'fins. .. --- - - ,-,F . - - r��LE 27.75 I�]N ,1.N� - - - - ----- ---rt-� ej\ • IEz;o;2wn. POROUSLAW OF ASPHALT IC 27.69 12� zz➢��E'9. \4.. - -i '2iz ' ,REN - NAT OF IYLi Ra1Is _ OS -X OWN - TO ulnl POROUS ASPHALT _ _ _-¢ s �RnebiD. • O ° ulnunm mm9 OBIS°L 0" € �-__ ® OF POROUS=__ 'w. I11I ® sw: a u.„w) L�9 a<rRENCR DRNN \ K,;,;Smw I o 0 0 0 0 0 CONCRETE GRANDSTAND COMPLEX O DRAINAGE E LEGEND DRAINAGE NOTES ma PC0.1 .uu/RSEn D WATER DUNA.NORM O COl " --_-e CORP.POLY COLLECTOR DRI vnm.ee.e.pmnl 040P".....Tx*mo9p ma:NM.ne v 9 Gms rtm b.ems h"eernnnrg m.wm m.m¢a..1.1�m PO 11 Am v POOP pw1 a.I roods.S.;a.,1.nu45 wL be a en.,FM,Iw Im..I ° .'v[Jv.CO..POLY RAMC 1'Dry a mIm o..0eo^mI L�«e,OW,tlA.,e«..ro�m MOW, ePeY..a n .n.e.na x..eronim n o im.�.w.nnm.m aasd N°e.m' . m If romI lee m.ny.v e�.o:_ma p.mq,]: • p z M.w"",...„. a am Well m F.a IN sa n*Mean.. roi°v -. N -r Ioi-]9E 9,F P. + emEE oL NOTED JA,s l•n�Du)w INtEi TYPE IL J m. • h FSDOI..e II..+.il.m Naa Y.na 9. ob• anmemm, :, a ao.,,F, hmeelm F a en.rc.,.seJw 15.:NYe.9 xn. aIF9 bwu s..n MmvNN b Im.Imm odnwF m+m v0. 'ie meuem F IN vowed a Peee. mil m r D .vodltme,Im no.a ma emw roau.mn .0.0,1 h Pe Prelnpme swm wax .mv Y mm.w.ma a m.a m-wI .1111 isD sR °en s^"r°^"^""m'^iem®W°we05.4 oF...'ws mnk.a '+ b d u.I.rtrc.w.1 m.d pavF bd...IYen"9....0.m ex Eq n ummeu...5.5 .R M mnbi Imm D.mro.m pm h.W.m.N.bPaa I.m.a vIY m M..m mmpmtm a�wFod ee.A9 mach w�m w'•m.a IK mDe v f a Ifi. e a me Won u mwvh.Rem,nY o..7 m w.m roe aI Ie.x D.a ue A u SPIs SE BOLT (Jim Jos) u¢Ei 'm l.•.pled se.Ye,wmn aw41 m.+v m-z,-,mam.1_"bmr.9 v.-S v nomux 1,A copy nf Una d ro.mv..m be m by pe me.Nnx.mmlvuen F Fnq.6m me�Cr.b uviM.m A.m w5i u k ra�m D muawe ssa o q"�y "°y'� `m a�161''Jm.0 Good enlm mer ° "s 9d+R hmu9.wf ee .mPI'ew b Pe m.w Aw.nF9 ed meFtmo.e el.. EAST I.E.]s]s IL INVERT ELEVATIONOF VISITORS 5.Da 0 . Ge apro.ee q[by d Rm¢n wero.,e b .m...hi ere oeled NI No rimy n' ' rt '�' 11 t e'u,.nm.wn y rt,Fnme rtI.rnm9 oeeyne ulmme,eany ee+ee,,pelew.e .e Fav a u2 are E_I E.J e1 evutcsuR Iw.EAl ELE0..DON 4,:rm•.mre m. �uert j.„e ,..,yho �, l0.tos=ed"pp Oros.:0:d xea 550 Iw a ew..9.IamY.SD e....mnn Imlme.I `4J IIIen..ea,sp oar aF....be>iW..I.4I.f w R"..e.nn.m.I.r,d ue wbn. Ai' v - ob ury.,m1 . d.ee.n mde ea a _aF I " •• • �e0es,u<Imam°°�mpri imw='un rF lu.xF..a<e d.m m..<e h IN rmnmJ.N work s0 7 E.v uP emn 9.a 11. 5 mR km are.19 Id a n:504 ev a.,m.m�mnvge ape+Is IF. ��ok0 by Pe 1nwmlma Mon val." 'a II..9.1..."•0 m spvmtwa�be Iah D CAT ON ).M0..x.A., ......N I"ai.On.p.e.t k0'�+.1."0mn�e"�•^n a 'Tu n b.,F pro fol o-we.m 610 I.n wm p.....on I.+J oI-)1 . ..m..oY o v w MANHOLE s' r uaen a.N,.n•.m 1. Qi mod o..d9.INmgn eesrt.9 wda xgnl-a-Pry n M be eWen..tu.pearcn.y 18 stm ba.ge m.m,,,,o be.wpm n the P. Loge I..ImF ue.we.,proem..men o .e by Pe mrm n.Nx p I GEau POST FOR SCOREBOARD D L"WOP ° g'6 D.A.HOGAN&ASSOCIATES ... IDISTRICT.i9) RENTON SCNGOI.DISTRICT SHEET 0 20 ao ob'•`�Y., CONSULTING ENGINEERS c`"`fi ' 'D RENTON MEMORIAL STADIUM sca e: 1 =zo I ./IIaS), .9,Fw.sue..., '....6,. I700 DEXTER AVE.N.SEATTLE.WARMMOS olxwN i0 FIELD AND TRACK REPLACEMENT C-6 NO OnTO 'BY REVISION C.0020 Du DRAINAGE COMIC..©100].D.OCO.N w ASSOCIATES '"'"'v.,- I me)zasalOO CO Wirlo eXtE2T & �a �O pLfn2, V Po fq-Prei fr ri 6 _ j oF- NEB -re �oCti �N � 1`I �J ( • �c 1St'INU GRAN -- — -- I 1 of-DN.Prrz.y fit PARK t41C�N \Wf1-E2 • Ck1:�S 6 I R 1`aN( 5T" ►�Nl • FI 1,tc izEpLAcEmmy- &ALE I"=1aD' 1 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Kristina Thompson, being first duly sworn on oath states that he/she is the Legal Clerk of the r SOUTH COUNTY 1VTAT TY JOURNAL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON HEARING EXAMINER 600 S. Washington Avenue, Kent, Washington 98032 RENTON,WASHINGTON A Public Hearing will be held by the Renton Hearing Examiner at his regular a daily newspaper published seven (7) times a week. Said newspaper is a legal meeting in the Council Chambers on the newspaper of general publication and is now and has been for more than six months second floor of City Hall, Renton, prior to the date of publication, referred to, printed and published in the English language Washington, on January 13, 1998 at 9.00 AM to consider the following petitions: continually as a daily newspaper in Kent, King County, Washington. The South County RENTON STADIUM TRACK&FIELD Journal has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the LUA-97-171,SA-H,SP,SM ton for KingCounty. The Renton School District seeks site State of Washington plan approval, a shoreline permit and a The notice in the exact form attached,was published in the South County special permit for fill and grade to remove Journal (and not in supplemental form)which was regularly distributed to the subscribers the existing crowned track and field facili- ties and replace them with new facilities. during the below stated period. The annexed notice, a Location:405 Logan Ave. No. LF gal descriptions of the files noted Renton Stadium -Track & Field abo a are on file in the Development • Services Division, Third Floor, Municipal as published on: 1/2/98 Building, Renton.All interested persons are invited to be present at the Public Hearing The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of$30.05 to express their opinions. Legal Number 4050 January 2, 19ed 98.t40 South County Journal Legal Clerk, Sou ounty J mai ,�V Subscribed and sworn before me on this )c day of 7Y L , 19 L �.� �,v.•��Ssicsi�,,;•.!��'%� Notary Public of the State of Washington . ti�:o%' •'4�••�.'� residing in Renton Q tioTApp c: King County, Washington • N— /'VDLI mot' `,_-^ • " ? g 20 . 0\`�. ,/,OF W A SN010`\\ IIIIt •>rF. tt ,, .\yam y/'� iMNy STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY Northwest Regional Office, 3190 - 160th Ave S.E. • Bellevue, Washington 98008-5452 • (425) 649-7000 DEVELOPMENT PLANNING March 6, 1998 Cr: OF tE;lT, y MAR 0 9 1998 Robert Brown E. 11••..pC�C��� Renton School District No. 403 [1 435 Main Ave. S. Renton, WA 98055 Dear Mr. Brown: Re: City of Renton Permit # LUA-97-171,SA-H;SM RENTON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 403 - Applicant Shoreline Substantial Development Permit # 1998-NW-10011 The subject Shoreline Management Substantial Development Permit, to replace the field and track at the Renton Memorial Stadium, has been filed with this office by the City of Renton on February 26, 1998. The development authorized by the subject permit may NOT begin until the end of the 21-day appeal period, March 19, 1998. The Shorelines Hearings Board will notify you by letter if this permit is appealed. Other federal, state, and local permits may be required in addition to the subject permit. If this permit is NOT appealed, this letter constitutes the Department of Ecology's final notification of action on this permit. Sincerely, Alice Kelly, Shorelands Specialist Shorelands and Environmental Assistance Program AMK:amk SDP.DOC cc: Mark Pywell, City of Renton 4% CITY JF RENTON %. L; ..LL Planning/Building/Public Works Department Greggimmerman P.E. Administrator Jesse Tanner,Mayor gg February 24, 1998 State Department of Ecology Northwest Regional Office 3190 160th Ave. SE Bellevue, WA 98008-5452 SUBJECT: Shoreline Management Substantial Development Permit for File No. LUA-97-171,SA-H;SM Gentlemen: Enclosed is the Shoreline Substantial Development Permit for the above referenced project. The permit was issued by the City of Renton on February 23, 1998. We are filing this action with the Department of Ecology and the Attorney General per WAC 173-14-090. Please review this permit and attachments and call me at (425) 277-5586 if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, 0411 Mark ell, AICP Projec anager Enclosures: Copy of Original Application Affidavit of Public Notice/Publication Site Plan SEPA Determination • cc: Office of Attorney General City of Renton, Transportation Systems City of Renton, Utility Systems • Applicant DOELTR.DOC 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 iJ CITY OF RENTON SHORELINE MANAGEMENT ACT OF 1971 PERMIT FOR SHORELINE MANAGEMENT SHORELINE SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPLICATION NO.: LUA97-171,SAH,SM DATE RECEIVED: November 13, 1997 DATE OF PUBLIC NOTICE: January 2, 1998 DATE APPROVED: January 26, 1998 DATE DENIED: N/A TYPE OF ACTION(S): [X] Substantial Development Permit [ ] Conditional Use Permit [ ] Variance Permit Pursuant to Chapter 90.58 RCW, the City of Renton has granted/denied a permit: • This action was taken on the following application: APPLICANT: Renton School District#403 PROJECT: Renton Stadium Track and Field Replacement DEVELOPMENT DESCRIPTION: The Renton Memorial Stadium was originally constructed several years ago with a crowned playing field in order to facilitate drainage. The surface of the playing field is covered with an artificial turf surface. Adjacent to the playing field is a running track and a variety of track & field facilities. The School District will be replacing the surface of the playing field, running track, and some of the other sport facilities. Portions of the construction work will be located within 80 feet of the Cedar River. The project includes the removal of 9,000 cubic yards of surface material and fill used to create the crown in the playing field. Approximately 4,560 cubic yards of fill material will be required to provide a level area that can support the proposed sport facilities. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: See attached. SEC-TWNP-R: Sec. 7, T23N, R5E WITHIN SHORELINES OF: Cedar River APPLICABLE MASTER PROGRAM: City of Renton SUBDVPRM.DOC City of Renton P/B/PW Department Shoreline Substantial Development Permit Page 2 of 3 The following section/page of the Master Program is applicable to the development: Section Description Page 4.05 Recreation Element page 18. 5.04 Urban Environment page 22. 7.13 Public Recreation page 36. Development of this project shall be undertaken pursuant to the following terms and conditions: 1. The applicant shall install & maintain temporary erosion control measures to the satisfaction of the Development Services Division. 2. The applicant shall install a fence along the western boundary of the property line to separate the track and field events area from the Cedar River Park. This permit is granted pursuant to the Shoreline Management Action of 1971 and pursuant to the following: 1. The issuance of a license under the Shoreline Management Act of 1971 shall not release the applicant from compliance with federal, state, and other permit requirements. 2. This permit may be rescinded pursuant to Section 14(7) of the Shoreline Management Act of 1971 in the event the permittee fails to comply with any condition hereof. 3. A construction permit shall not be issued until thirty (30) days after approval by the City of Renton Development Services Division or until any review proceedings initiated within this thirty (30) day review period have been completed. >2)4e419 (bt/Vorks -ors 2/2 3/�I 1 Planning/B in Administrator Date SUBDVPRM.DOC City of Renton P/B/PW Department - Shoreline Substantial Development Permit Page 3 of 3 THIS SECTION FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY IN REGARD TO A CONDITIONAL USE OR VARIANCE PERMIT DATE RECEIVED: APPROVED: DENIED: If Conditional Use, Section of the City's Shoreline Master Program authorizing the use: If Variance, Section(s) of the City's Shoreline Master Program being varied: This Conditional Use/Variance permit is approved/denied by the Department pursuant to Chapter 90.58 RCW. Development shall be undertaken pursuant to the following additional terms and conditions: Date Signature of Authorized Department Official cc: Attorney General's Office City of Renton, Plan Review(Neil Watts) City of Renton, Surface Water Utility(Ron Straka) Applicant SUBDVPRM.DOC CITY OF RENTON CURRENT PLANNING DIVISION AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING On the Z5 , day of " bvu'av-k , 1998, I deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing gknoreatne Pavw+•t- documents. This information was sent to: Name Representing art' o{ aco,0 1 1 . Attowhe.i Getlera i iTtov► Sc.koc1 1Z. ►gtKci . Lbv►d Pwlekso n a.A. Attlav► a4 ASsoc►ate,S (Signature of Sender) +'- V-. STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that a?fiAct,e,e * . Se¢�j signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act fa'r the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated: �,�,, . 0Z1 I *mry") Notaryin for the State of lygshington Notary (Print) MARI-LYN KAMGH-EFF My appointment expir COMMISSION EXPIRES 6/29/99 Pr:iect Name: _ siov‘ Stack 0A,vv\ —T-rn.ck arvdt F►c-k d Project Number: LUA . 91• i11 I SW -t{, 5P,SYr NOTARY.DOC - c, h .F. RED ,,�:.•. ITY N ae - - •1•t SYto„- t - g �Examiner�.,. �.,,.:• Jesse Tanner,Mayor 'Fred J •Kaufman.• - - • • February 16, 1998 Mr. David Anderson D.A. Hogan&Associates 1 703 Dexter Avenue N Seattle, WA 98109 Re: RENTON STADIUM TRACK&FIELD FILE No. LUA97-171,SA-H,SP,SM Dear Mr, Anderson: The Examiner's Report and Decision on the above referenced matter,which was issued on January 26, 1998,was not appealed within the 14-day period established by ordinance. Therefore,this matter is considered fmal by this office and the file on your application is being • transmitted to the City Clerk as of this date. -: • Please feel free to contact this office if further assistance or information is required. Sincerely, Fred J. Kaufman • • Hearing Examiner FJK/mm ' cc: Mark Pywell Sandi Seeger, Development Services • 200 Mill Avenue South-Renton,Washington 98055 - (206)235-2593 This paper contains 50%recycled material,20%post consumer AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss. County of King ) MARILYN MOSES , being first duly sworn, upon oath, deposes and states: That on the 26th day of January ,1998, affiant deposited in the mail of the United States a sealed envelope(s) containing a decision or recommendation with postage prepaid, addressed to the parties of record in the below entitled application or petition. Signature: CIO 1 l 1/1 6 SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this : / day of "1/6tli U ' 1998. Notary Public 'n and for the State of Washington, residing at , therein. Application, Petition, or Case No.: Renton Stadium Track& Field LUA97-171,SA-H,SP,SM The Decision or Recommendation contains a complete list of the Parties of Record (—} � ►� � II t Xc4 hers R f P°t HEARING EXAMINER'S REPORT January 26, 1998 OFFICE OF THE HEARING EXAMINER CITY OF RENTON REPORT AND DECISION APPLICANT: Renton School District#403 Renton Stadium Track&Field File No.: LUA-97-171,SA-H,SP,SM LOCATION: 405 Logan Avenue N SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Applicant seeks site approval, shoreline permit and special permit for fill and grade to remove existing crowned track and field facilities,to be replaced with new facilities. SUMMARY OF ACTION: Development Services Recommendation: Approve with conditions DEVELOPMENT SERVICES REPORT: The Development Services Report was received by the Examiner on January 6, 1998. PUBLIC HEARING: After reviewing the Development Services Report,examining available information on file with the application, field checking the property and surrounding area;the Examiner conducted a public hearing on the subject as follows: MINUTES The following minutes are a summary of the January 13, 1998 hearing. The legal record is recorded on tape. The hearing opened on Tuesday, January 13, 1998,at 10:10 a.m. in the Council Chambers on the second floor of the Renton Municipal Building. Parties wishing to testify were affirmed by the Examiner. The following exhibits were entered into the record: Exhibit No. 1: Yellow file containing the original Exhibit No.2: Vicinity map application, proof of posting,proof of publication and other documentation pertinent to this request. Exhibit No.3: Site plan with finish grade Exhibit No. 4: Site plan with field layout and track Exhibit No. 5: Site plan showing fill material removal and field layout The hearing opened with a presentation of the staff report by MARK PYWELL,Project Manager, Development Services,City of Renton,200 Mill Avenue South,Renton, Washington 98055. The applicant has applied for a Renton School District#403 Renton Stadium Track&Field File No.: LUA-97-171,SA-H,SP,SM January 26, 1998 Page 2 special permit and site plan for the existing stadium. The applicant seeks approval to replace the surface of the football/soccer field and also some of the track and field events. The special permit is needed to remove some fill from the site and to import a small amount. The existing field is a crowned field which is suitable for football games,but it is also used for soccer. The crown does not work with the ball being able to roll on its own off the field. A new surface has been developed which will allow a level playing field. That will include the removal of all the fill material that exists on the site now. An environmental review for this project was conducted by the School District and a Determination of Non-Significance was issued for the project. A shoreline permit is required since the property is within 200 feet of Cedar River. The City issues shoreline permits,but the Department of Ecology has a comment and appeal period on it. This site is located in an industrial area and the majority of the adjacent uses are industrial in nature. Staff believes the stadium is consistent with this in that at times it is an intense land use that generates a level of noise and light that would be inconsistent with a residential area. This site is zoned as a light industrial zone with a."P" suffix attached to indicate a public use at the site. The use of the particular site as a stadium has been found to be very consistent with the surrounding industrial uses and has not had an impact upon them. There are existing storm water systems that the new facility will be able to tie into. The applicant will not be creating any new impervious area; in fact,the proposed facilities will allow more storm water to permeate into the ground and therefore actually reduce the amount of storm runoff entering into the system in this area. The proposal should not have an adverse impact upon the property values in the area. Community Services has recommended that the fence along the west side of the project which separates it from the linear park along Cedar River be retained after the project has been completed. This is to keep the two facilities separated so that there is no temptation for people to either access the school facilities at inappropriate times from the linear park, or having people from the stadium spill over into the landscaping that exists along the park. Regarding the special permit,there are approximately 9,000 cubic yards of material to be removed from this site. Approximately 4,500 cubic yards of permeable aggregate will be imported to form the new base for the playing fields and facilities. If all the material to be removed was first removed and then the fill brought in after,there would be approximately 678 truck trips required if 20 cubic yard trucks were used. This number could be reduced somewhat if the applicant uses the same vehicles to import and export the materials. In accordance with City regulations,once the applicant has chosen a final site for the material to be deposited, and the location of the importation of the new fill material,they will have to submit a truck hauling route as required by code. At this time the applicant has not yet identified where the fill will be exported to. During the construction phase the applicant will be required to have temporary erosion control measures in place. Once the construction is completed,the area will be resurfaced with astro turf on the playing field,paved in some of the track and field facilities, or in turf. Staff would recommend approval of the project with the one condition that the fence along the west side of the project site be restored or maintained as part of the project. David Anderson,D.A.Hogan&Associates, 1703 Dexter Avenue North, Seattle,Washington 98109, applicant representative herein, stated that the 50th season for this stadium is coming up and that the site will still function for football, soccer and track events. Regarding export and import of fill material,he stated that the export will be coming off the site well in advance of the imported material because there are various field systems to be installed after the sub-grade is Renton School District#403 Renton Stadium Track&Field File No.: LUA-97-171,SA-H,SP,SM January 26, 1998 Page 3 established such as sub-surface drainage system,moisture application system,and replacement of some communication conduits. It would not be feasible to do a reverse haul relative to the export and import of the material. The permeable aggregate material that will be imported is a highly processed crushed rock material. It is not a fill material that is brought in from another site.There will be a certified testing laboratory on site during construction to test that material for contamination. The existing fence along the west side of the stadium site between the Cedar River and the stadium area is in poor condition and will be replaced with new fencing. All of the poplar trees along the west side of the site will remain. Some to the south of the track will be coming out. They are creating a significant amount of root damage to the surrounding track and pavement area. With the prevailing south winds,a somewhat unsafe condition is created on the track with the amount of leaves that get blown down. The Examiner called for further testimony regarding this project. There was no one else wishing to speak,and no further comments from staff The hearing closed at 10:30 a.m. FINDINGS,CONCLUSIONS&DECISION Having reviewed the record in this matter,the Examiner now makes and enters the following: FINDINGS: 1. The applicant,Renton School District,filed a request for approval of a Site Plan, Special Permit for Grade and Fill and a Shoreline Management Permit. 2. The yellow file containing the staff report,the State Environmental Policy Act(SEPA)documentation and other pertinent materials was entered into the record as Exhibit#1. 3. The Renton School District assumed responsible official status for this project and issued a Declaration of Non-Significance(DNS)for the subject proposal. 4. The subject proposal was reviewed by all departments with an interest in the matter. 5. There was no opposition from the public regarding the subject proposal. 6. The subject site, an approximately 5.87 acre site, is located at 405 Logan Avenue North. The site is north of what would be the westerly extension of North 4th Street. The Renton Stadium Track and Field is located on the site. 7. The Cedar River is located immediately west of the site. The location of the river adjacent to the subject site explains the need for a Shoreline Management Permit. That permit will be approved by the State. 8. The subject site was part of the original townsite of the City of Renton. 9. The map element of the Comprehensive Plan designates the area in which the subject site is located as suitable for the development of industrial uses,but does not mandate such development without consideration of other policies of the Plan. Renton School District#403 Renton Stadium Track&Field File No.: LUA-97-171,SA-H,SP,SM January 26, 1998 Page 4 10. The subject site is zoned IL-P(Light Industrial with a P suffix). The P suffix denotes public ownership. The site received this zoning with the adoption of Ordinance 4573 in January 1997. 11. The stadium's field surface is crowned which means that it is raised or higher in the center. This crown profile is to facilitate drainage of rain and storm water from the playing surface. 12. Apparently this crown interferes with certain activities and sports, such as soccer, in which the crown distorts the movement of the ball over the surface. The District proposes removing the materials that create this crown, altering the subsurface to maintain or enhance surface drainage and restoring the playing surface. 13. In order to level the site approximately 9,000 cubic yards of material will be removed and exported and an additional approximately 4,560 cubic yards of materials would be imported. 14. The Zoning requires that the site undergo Site Plan review by the Hearing Examiner. 15. The separation between the stadium and the Cedar River Trail now protected by a fence will be maintained by fencing. The trees will be retained on the west side,but some poplars to the south will be removed. 16. There is not anticipated to be any change in use or frequency of use for the facility. 17. The applicant stated that the nature of the work will require separate trips to remove excess fill materials and import new materials. Using 20 cubic yard trucks,the exportation will require approximately 450 round trips while importation will require 228 trips. 18. Trucks will probably be routed along Logan and Park to I-405 or to Rainier. 19. The subject site is served by the City for utilities. Adequate capacity is available to serve the site. 20. Any material imported or exported will meet appropriate standards and will be tested for contamination. CONCLUSIONS: Site Plan 1. The site plan ordinance provides a number of specific criteria for reviewing a site plan. Those criteria are generally represented in part by the following enumeration: a. Conformance with the Comprehensive Plan; b. Conformance with the Building and Zoning Codes; c. Mitigation of impacts on surrounding properties and uses; d. Mitigation of the impacts of the proposal on the subject site itself; e. Conservation of property values; Renton School District#403 Renton Stadium Track&Field File No.: LUA-97-171,SA-H,SP,SM January 26, 1998 Page 5 f. Provision for safe and efficient vehicle and pedestrian circulation; g. Provision of adequate light and air; h. Adequacy of public services to accommodate the proposed use; The proposed use satisfies these and other particulars of the ordinance. 2. As staff has pointed out,the stadium is a large facility which draws many patrons. It also operates at odd hours and generates lots of traffic and noise. The stadium is appropriately located in an industrial area to minimize the intrusive aspects of its normal functions. 3. The proposal is permitted in the IM zone. There will be no alteration to any of the existing setbacks or bulk. 4. While there are some single family uses across Logan,it is a very wide street. In addition,both have been neighbors for years and the impacts are well tolerated. The changes are quite modest and should not be intrusive. 5. Most of the changes to the site will be limited and other than the activity related to the exportation and importation of materials,there will be few noticeable changes to the site. 6. There should be no impact on property values. There will be no changes,after construction,to traffic or pedestrian patterns. There will be no changes to the provision for adequate light and air. 7. There are adequate utilities to serve the site. 8. In order to avoid any misunderstanding regarding the fence that separates the subject site from the linear park,the applicant shall be required to maintain a fence equivalent to the existing fence. Special Permit for Fill and Grade 9. The proposed special permit to alter the profile of the crowned field serves the public use and interest. The current field does not serve well for sports where the ball may roll. The crown distorts the motion of a soccer ball or any dropped or rolling ball. 10. The activity will have only minor impacts on the surrounding community. The site is served by appropriate arterial streets to allow reasonable hauling routes to and from the site. 11. The amount of material should not take too long to export and import to the site. 12. The site will be restored to its current use which has been in the area for quite some time. There will be no additional development. 13. In conclusion,the proposed approvals are appropriate. Renton School District#403 Renton Stadium Track&Field File No.: LUA-97-171,SA-H,SP,SM January 26, 1998 Page 6 DECISION: The Site Plan is approved subject to the following condition: 1. The applicant shall be required to maintain a fence equivalent to the existing fence that separates the subject site from the linear park. The Special Permit is approved. ORDERED THIS 26th day of January, 1998. FRED J.KA N HEARING E MINER TRANSMITTED THIS 26th day of January, 1998 to the parties of record: Mark Pywell David Anderson Renton School Dist.#403 200 Mill Avenue S 1703 Dexter Avenue N 1220 N 4th Street Renton,WA 98055 Seattle,WA 98109 Renton,WA 98055 TRANSMITTED THIS 26th day of January, 1998 to the following: Mayor Jesse Tanner Gregg Zimmerman,Plan/Bldg/PW Administrator Members,Renton Planning Commission Jim Hanson,Development Services Director Art Larson,Fire Marshal Mike Kattermann,Technical Services Director Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Larry Meckling,Building Official Transportation Systems Division Jay Covington,Chief Administrative Officer Utilities System Division Councilperson Kathy Keolker-Wheeler South County Journal Pursuant to Title IV, Chapter 8, Section 15 of the City's Code, request for reconsideration must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m.,February 9, 1998. Any aggrieved person feeling that the decision of the Examiner is ambiguous or based on erroneous procedure, errors of law or fact,error in judgment, or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the prior hearing may make a written request for a review by the Examiner within fourteen(14)days from the date of the Examiner's decision. This request shall set forth the specific ambiguities or errors discovered by such appellant,and the Examiner may, after review of the record,take further action as he deems proper. An appeal to the City Council is governed by Title IV, Chapter 8, Section 16,which requires that such appeal be filed with the City Clerk,accompanying a filing fee of$75.00 and meeting other specified requirements. Copies of this ordinance are available for inspection or purchase in the Finance Department,first floor of City Hall. Renton School District#403 Renton Stadium Track&Field File No.: LUA-97-171,SA-H,SP,SM January 26, 1998 Page 7 If the Examiner's Recommendation or Decision contains the requirement for Restrictive Covenants,the executed Covenants will be required prior to approval by City Council or final processing of the file. You may contact this office for information on formatting covenants. The Appearance of Fairness Doctrine provides that no ex parte(private one-on-one)communications may occur concerning pending land use decisions. This means that parties to a land use decision may not communicate in private with any decision-maker concerning the proposal. Decision-makers in the land use process include both the Hearing Examiner and members of the City Council. All communications concerning the proposal must be made in public. This public communication permits all interested parties to know the contents of the communication and would allow them to openly rebut the evidence. Any violation of this doctrine would result in the invalidation of the request by the Court. The Doctrine applies not only to the initial public hearing but to all Requests for Reconsideration as well as Appeals to the City Council. •1,093•Aff'104, . . • • '.:.PT 01:.• . . • .,„,,, . „ ku,„•,.„, • ;„ 6,. • • .,,,,,,04, . •;:,ig,•30)„,• .• , . .1,:f,,,.W0,),,s1:,`: • •1/4;::• • • ''':;s:i$A 0,-),;;• • .s4f.'•,•i" .•. , •".4$1.•' ti.J,•te:'• . ,• • ..:',I,Ii4g:1:,.,:. •••:rt sf4„, q,),tioisY, .!:•{,,,,,zu,,to: • :,,t,immi*.: •. :. : 'ii,1,41) . • • • •I-4% p.,.d. • , . , , • ;,4t tvi,••. . . --:-,-,,', -, • . '...34t, --------J i(--- • 1 I . '/ . . ';:PR4P,0't4.; ' •••• ' :1 ...-"'T'tTiiW-7'-dr.,VIVnT* '-------. Al-'7•'7-%-•7:3/1G4—* , ,.,:1A,k,„ty,,,, •,, . 3. PIO. n , t-7."" • I -*-"".': • .r,, :. !f.- "1 li:'1• . , • ::':..11Milili .i , ::'. --.4 ---. b 0, '" i •e"\?,:. '."/ , 0. • 1k4V{k,ei),, ;F: • .....i. : ;•..a ss,..11 I IN' • • . .g51.i1.4 i,. . . 1 s"..- ---->---- e r 1.". 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LAYOUT rotercrut o-)r.R,r..,r .R...a„., Cit, __ Renton Department of Planning/Building/ c Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: f'((c, COMMENTS DUE: DECEMBER 9, 1997 APPLICATION NO: LUA-97-171,SA-H,SP,SM DATE CIRCULATED: NOVEMBER 25, 1997 APPLICANT: D.A. HOGAN &ASSOCIATES (DAVID PROJECT MANAGER: MARK PYWELL ANDERSON) PROJECT TITLE: RENTON STADIUM TRACK& FIELD WORK ORDER NO: 78310 REPLACEMENT LOCATION: North 4th and Logan Avenue North SITE AREA: 5.87 Acres BUILDING AREA(gross): N/A SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The Renton School District seeks permit approval to remove the existing track and field facilities and replace them with new facilities. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water LightGlare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic./Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet • 77 ,L m l G 71 )0ol/Ce-- .• 2 UtCeAa. , 6977/77.erripole& cimde • B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly ass this proposal. (ter r)(7/4_ Signature of D' for or Authorize Representative Date DEVAPP.DOC Rev.10/93 PROJECT LUA-97-159 SA-A, SHPL-A, ECF Renton Stadium Track & Field Replacement City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL &DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET (Continuation) • CONSTRUCTION PHASE Theft from construction sites is one of the most common reported crimes in the city. To protect materials and equipment it is recommended that all materials and tools be locked up when not in use. The site will need security lighting and any construction trailer should be completely fenced in with portable chain-link fencing. The fence will provide both a physical and psychological barrier to any prospective thief and will demonstrate that this area is private property. Construction trailers should be kept locked when not in use, and should also have a heavy-duty deadbolt installed with no less then a 1-1/2" throw when bolted. Glass windows in the trailer should be shatter-resistant. I also recommend the business post the appropriate"No Trespassing" signs on the property while it's under construction(flier attached). This will aid police in making arrests on the property after hours if suspects are observed vandalizing or stealing building materials. Page 1 of 1 . .. �► i Trespass USINES Enforcement WATCH• :':: Quite often, business owners and managers are faced with crimes that occur on the property after the businesses are closed and the employees have gone home. Some of the crimes that occur are burglary, vandalism, graffiti, trespassing, drug dealing and robbery in the parking lots. There is a way for police and business owners to discourage these types of crimes from taking place on private property, and that is by enforcing the City of Renton's Municipal Trespass Code 6-18-10. In order for police to be able to make an arrest for Trespass, business owners or managers need to purchase signs and display them in conspicuous areas on the property. These signs need to include the following language: 1. Indicate that the subject property is privately owned and; 2. Uninvited presence on the specified property is not permitted during the hours the business is closed, and; 3. Violators will be subject to criminal sanctions pursuant to Renton City Code 6-18-10. MOST IMPORTANTLY-THE SIGNS SHOULD BE CONSPICUOUS FROM ALL POSSIBLE POINTS OF ENTRY TO THE PROPERTY,AND ALSO BE PLACED ON THE EXTERIOR OF THE BUILDINGS. This way when a suspect is arrested, he/she will not be able to claim as a defense that he/she did not know he or she was trespassing. EXAMPLES FOR TRESPASS SIGNS: NO TRESPASSING NO TRESPASSING This is private property. Persons without specific No Trespassing after business hours business are not authorized to be on the premises between (insert specific times). Anyone on the the hours of(insert the hours your business is closed). premises after business hours is subject to Violators are subject to arrest and/or citation for criminal arrest and/or citation for Criminal Trespass pursuant to Renton City Code#6-18-10.. Trespass and/or impoundment of vehicle. Per Renton City Code#6-18-10. By enforcing the Trespass Ordinance, business owners and police will be sending a message to criminals that they are not allowed to conduct criminal activity on the property. In making arrests for Trespass, police may be preventing the more serious crimes from taking place. 1'Y 0 COURTESY OF RENTON POLICE DEPARTMENT • .1 CRIME PREVENTION UNIT �'`'N • 235- 2571 CITY OF RENTON CURRENT PLANNING DIVISION AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING 4-6 On the tv day of -3zmuai'-t , 199V, I deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing Pere -1e Heart K I elduiv'‘w.Y- documents. This information was sent to: Name Representing David tincle►snrtn D. . tiog0.n i NSSockti l lReiAov% School bArtrtcX _ _ (Signature of Sender) Sunink. IC-. Se ey- STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that ,,dt,c 4- ct, signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the' uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated:K)1,11 ic,9 3 7)a 1 u f)d)-Y—) '�hl�fs4i' ' Notary Pubf in and for the State of ington Notary (Print) MARILYN KAMCHEFF My appointment (' Pror j ci Name: o d‘uv� �1,�,k- arvd F�eId • [ PrcJectNumber: L UA• 91 , 111 , SR-1't, Sr, Srn NOTARY.DOC • • //p�al`/i�� EC0;., . <:: LOO >, :.:.>;,E, TON:MUNICIPA•>`}`B ALDI <»` <> <<` :CO:UNCth1�#�A�RE4�S ��C...:IVp.:�L:..::..:.::. .:�...N. :.....:. M:...�.:..:.:.::,��,::...::...:....p� NCB.....::::::::.::..::..:..:. <:r er'� i t � hich �Tit :a. .ItC�..►..ors.s._I.:�tgcl.,a.:e.�n.:+ard..::,:of.:�..p:fCattgn::nur�Ib��'::on.. .:�rtd.:n.Afi.:p+�c.,ssan. .:::.kle.:ord�t:::�:w..:.:.:.:.:: e <:»Ite. >: I d::: f::: :.. } t e ;:v�ntl::t� h .ard,.... ..rk$:wrll;.be..ca I$ ..fc�r..h .anr� tit::fie:>d� r:.et�v .v..the.He .r,nm. .. ;: <> ::>:: <::< :> :: PROJECT NAME: Renton Stadium Track& Field PROJECT NUMBER: LUA-97-171,SA-H,SP,SM PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The Renton School District seeks site plan approval, a shoreline permit and a special permit for fill and grade to remove the existing crowned track and field facilities and replace them with new facilities. Location: 405 Logan Avenue North. • PROJECT NAME: Plat of Whispering Pines PROJECT NUMBER: LUA-97-135,ECF,PP - • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant has requested preliminary plat approval and environmental review for the development of an 11-lot plat on 2.8 acres. A variance is also requested in order to construct a stormwater flow spreader at the toe of the steep slope adjacent to a Category II wetland. The new lots would range in size form 5,603 square feet to 8.914 square feet. A two-story shop building would be demolished for the proposal. Location: 2612 Jones Avenue NE. AGNDA.DOC City of Renton PUBLIC Department of Planning/Building/Public Works HEARING PRELIMINARY REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER A. SUMMARY AND PURPOSE OF REQUEST: Public Hearing Date: January 13, 1998 Project Name: Renton Stadium Track& Field Applicant/ Renton School District#403 Address: 1220 North 4th Street Renton, Washington, 98055 Owner/ Renton School District#403 Address: 1220 North 4th Street Renton, Washington, 98055 File Number: LUA-97-171,SA-H,SP,SM Project Manager.: Mark R. Pywell, AICP Project Description: The Renton School District seeks site plan approval, a shoreline permit and a special permit for fill and grade to remove the existing crowned track and field facilities and replace them with new facilities. Project Location: North 4th Street and Logan Avenue North (405 Logan Avenue North) 6TH ST --___ ----1 — . 1; NEIGHBORHOOD UI Gal col h T, VICINITY MAP l'o'• 2170 Acres — —— ! h eosin,, Lo. ii ,I I k.k.:,::3_... :'1 •I • 1 SCALE:1,200' I i7' I. .. *. .,:k 1;13 ..:: .4:k I'Xiakill • ?T.. . 7, \:',AVAI .k • G0v'LLol 2 ov .o „ . ,:, ., 12.10 Acres n \ ..10 Ac es / I.p 11 . •I, • Dz TON Al PORT Q r , Lea µ � r. t — I o o�`ti ` TN ' A/RPORT W WAY c '4P.p G.I,Ic l o'4 l h 1,rffir :a:1°1-rd "r r :.p-mr.:r„It.talAP si„ _ • - --� City of Renton P/B/PW Department Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner RENTON STADIUM TRACK AND FIELD REPLACEMENT LUA-97-171, SA-H, SP,SM PUBLIC HEARING DATE:January 13, 1998 Page 2 of 8 B. GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. Owner of Record: Renton School District 2. Zoning Designation: IL-P (Light Industrial -- Public Use) 3. Comprehensive Plan Employment Area-- Industrial :Land Use Designation 4. Existing Site Use: Renton Stadium 5. Neighborhood Characteristics: North: Industrial East: Commercial/Residential South: Commercial/Residential West: Cedar River, Renton Airport 6. Access: Logan Avenue 7. Site Area: 5.87 acres 8. Project Data: area comments Existing Building Area: N/A New Building Area: N/A Total Building Area: N/A C. HISTORICAL/BACKGROUND: Action Land Use File No. Ordinance No. Date Annexation Incorporated 1901 Comprehensive Plan 4498 2/20/95 Zoning 4404 6/7/93 D. PUBLIC SERVICES: 1. Utilities: Water: 12"Water main on west side of property. Sewer: 8"Water main on west side of property. Surface Water/Storm Water: 10" Storm drain on-site. 2. Fire Protection: City of Renton Fire Department 3. Transit: N/A HEXRPT.DOC City of Renton P/B/PW Department Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner RENTON STADIUM TRACK AND FIELD REPLACEMENT LUA-97-171, SA-H, SP,SM PUBLIC HEARING DATE:January 13, 1998 Page 3 of 8 4. Schools: N/A 5. Recreation: N/A 6. Other: N/A E. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE: 1. Section 4-31-11.1, Light Industrial Zoning 2. Section 4-31-27, Mining, Excavation, and Grading Ordinance F. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: 1. Section 1-28 - Employment Area- Industrial 2. Chapter 8- Environmental G. DEPARTMENT ANALYSIS: 1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION/BACKGROUND The Renton Memorial Stadium was originally constructed several years ago with a crowned playing field in order to facilitate drainage. The surface of the playing field is covered with an artificial turf surface. Adjacent to the playing field is a running track and a variety of track & field facilities. The School District will be replacing the surface of the playing field, running track, and some of the other sport facilities. Portions of the construction work will be located within 80 feet of the Cedar River. The project includes the removal of 9,000 cubic yards of surface material and fill used to create the crown in the playing field. Approximately 4,560 cubic yards of fill material will be required to provide a level area that can support the proposed sport facilities. 2. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The environmental review for this project was completed by the Renton School District staff on November 11, 1997. The School District issued a Determination of Non-Significance. 3 COMPLIANCE WITH ERC MITIGATION MEASURES N/A HEXRPT.DOC Y City of Renton P/B/PW DepartmentPreliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner RENTON STADIUM TRACK AND FIELD REPLACEMENT LUA-97-171, SA-H, SP,SM PUBLIC HEARING DATE:January 13, 1998 Page 4 of 8 4. STAFF REVIEW COMMENTS Representatives from various city departments have reviewed the application materials to identify and address site plan issues from the proposed development. These comments are contained in the official file, and the essence of the comments has been incorporated into the appropriate sections of this report and the Departmental Recommendation at the end of the report. 5. CONSISTENCY WITH SITE PLAN APPROVAL CRITERIA Section 4-31-33 (D.) "The Hearing Examiner and City staff shall review and act upon site plans based upon comprehensive planning considerations and the following criteria. These criteria are objectives of good site plans to be aimed for in development within the City of Renton. However, strict compliance with any one or more particular criterion may not be necessary or. reasonable. These criteria also provide a frame of reference for the applicant in developing a site, but are not intended to be inflexible standards or to discourage,creativity and innovation. The site plan Review criteria include, but are not limited to, the following: (5A) GENERAL CRITERIA: (1) CONFORMANCE WITH THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, ITS ELEMENTS & POLICIES The subject property is located within an area designated as Employment Area -- Industrial on the Land Use Map of the Comprehensive Plan. The objective of this area is to "Create and sustain industrial areas which function as integrated employment activity area and include a core of industrial uses and other related businesses and services, transit facilities and amenities". Although the stadium is not an industrial land use in itself, it does function in a similar manner that makes this an ideal location for the stadium. The use of the stadium in the evening and on weekends can generate high noise levels, light and glare, and high traffic impacts. In other areas of the City the noise, light, and traffic generated by the stadium could be an impact on adjacent residential and commercial uses. However, in the industrial area, the roadways can accept the traffic level and the noise level generated from the stadium area is lower than the noise level associated with the adjacent industrial uses. Therefore, adjacent land uses are not adversely impacted by the use of the stadium. The stadium is consistent with the intended land uses within this area. (2) CONFORMANCE WITH EXISTING LAND USE REGULATIONS The following requirements and development standards are contained in Section 4-31- 11.1 Light Industrial Zone. The suffix"P" is added to the zoning designation to show that the land use is a public use. The Light Industrial Zone (IL-P) development standards are applicability to this proposal. The applicant has provided the parking, landscaping and setbacks required for this land use. No further zoning Code requirements are triggered by the proposed upgrades to the site. HEXRPT.DOC City of Renton P/B/PW Department Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner RENTON STADIUM TRACK AND FIELD REPLACEMENT LUA-97-171, SA-H, SP,SM PUBLIC HEARING DATE:January 13, 1998 Page 5 of 8 (3) MITIGATION OF IMPACTS TO SURROUNDING PROPERTIES AND USES; The proposed project should have no impacts on the surrounding properties. The boundary landscaping will not be impacted by this proposal. The project is limited to the playing field and adjoining track facilities that are located within the stadium. The exterior area of the stadium will not be disturbed except for some minor trenching to connect the new water lines and drain lines to the existing facilities. The applicant is proposing to remove the existing fence along the west side of the subject property. This fence separates the School District property from the Cedar River Trail area. Community Service staff strongly recommend that this fence be retained as part of the project. The fence not only defines the border of the two areas but also keeps people from crossing over from trail into the sports area for unauthorized activities. (4) MITIGATION OF IMPACTS OF THE PROPOSED SITE PLAN TO THE SITE; The areas of the project site that are impacted by the proposed project will be restored. Storm water and water run-off from the playing field will be directed into the existing storm water system. The applicant will not be creating any new impervious area that is subject to vehicle traffic. Therefore, the storm water system improvements that would be triggered by such improvements are not required for this project. (5) CONSERVATION OF AREA-WIDE PROPERTY VALUES; The site will be fully improved after the proposed upgrades are installed. This site has not been the subject of neglect nor has it been used for purposes that would adversely impact are property values. The upgraded site should help to maintain area property values. (6) SAFETY AND EFFICIENCY OF VEHICLE AND PEDESTRIAN CIRCULATION; The vehicle and pedestrian systems have been in place for a number of years without any deficiencies being identified. The applicant will be maintaining the vehicle and pedestrian circulation systems. It is not anticipated that problems will occur in the future. No improvements are identified or required at this time. (7) PROVISION OF ADEQUATE LIGHT AND AIR; The work that is proposed, grading the playing field and rebuilding other adjacent track and field courts will not alter or adversely impact the provision of adequate light and air. The only tall structure on the site is the stadium bleachers. These will remain as they are today. (8) MITIGATION OF NOISE, ODORS AND OTHER HARMFUL OR UNHEALTHY CONDITIONS; No noise, odors, or other harmful conditions have been identified with the use of this facility and none are anticipated in the future. HEXRPT.DOC City of Renton PB/PW Department Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner RENTON STADIUM TRACK AND HELD REPLACEMENT LUA-97-171, SA-H, SP,SM PUBLIC HEARING DATE:January 13, 1998 Page 6 of 8 (9) AVAILABILITY OF PUBLIC SERVICES AND FACILITIES TO ACCOMMODATE THE PROPOSED USE; AND Adequate public services are available to service the site. The applicant will need to provide some new connections but no difficulties are anticipated and no upgrades are being required. (10) PREVENTION OF NEIGHBORHOOD DETERIORATION AND BLIGHT. The continued use of this sports facility will not cause neighborhood deterioration or blight. The facility has been well maintained in the past and it is anticipated that this maintenance will continue in the future. 6. CONSISTENCY WITH SPECIAL PERMIT FOR DREDGING APPROVAL CRITERIA To grant a special permit, the Hearing Examiner shall make a determination that the activity would not be unreasonably detrimental to the surrounding area. The Hearing Examiner shall consider, but not be limited to, the following: GENERAL CRITERIA: (6A) SIZE AND LOCATION OF THE ACTIVITY The subject property is 5.87 acres in area. The site is located along the east side of the Cedar River and south of the Boeing Apron D area. Only a portion of the site will be disturbed for the proposed work on the stadium. There will be approximately 9,000 cubic yards of material removed from the site and 4,560 cubic yards of permeable aggregate imported. The material being removed will consist mainly of the fill material used to create the existing crowned football field and the sports courts that are being removed. The fill material being imported will provide the new base for the field activities and sport facilities. (6B) TRAFFIC VOLUMES AND PATTERNS; The exporting of the old fill material and the importing of the new fill material will require a maximum of 678 truck trips if 20 cubic yard trucks are used. The truck trips may be reduced if the applicant can use the same trucks to remove the old fill material and on the return trip bring in the new fill material. If it is possible to combine the trips, the truck trips could be reduced to approximately 220 trips. Trucks will access the site from Logan Ave. N. Truck trips will most likely will occur along Logan Ave. and then to Park Ave. to reach 1-405. Trucks could also be routed South to South 2nd Street and Rainier Ave. The final route will be selected when the actual disposal site and fill material site are selected by the contractor. In accordance with City regulations the applicant will need to submit a construction mitigation plan that includes the truck hauling routes. HEXRPT.DOC City of Renton P/B/PW Department Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner RENTON STADIUM TRACK AND HELD REPLACEMENT LUA-97-171, SA-H, SP,SM PUBLIC HEARING DATE:January 13, 1998 Page 7 of 8 (6C) SCREENING, LANDSCAPING, FENCING AND SETBACKS; The existing screening and landscaping around the perimeter of the parking area will not be impacted by the proposed development. As noted by the Community Services Department, the applicant intends to remove the fence that separates the School Districts property from the Cedar River Trail property. The Community Services Department staff have requested that the fence be maintained as part of the project. The Community Services staff believes that the fence helps to prevent the more active sports occurring on the School District property from intruding into the more passive park area. The fence also keeps people from using the trail as a means of access the sports facilities when these facilities are closed to the public. (6D) UNSIGHTLINESS, NOISE, DUST; The proposed construction could generate noise and dust during the construction phase of the project. This will only be a temporary impact and will be controlled to the extent possible by existing City Codes and the temporary erosion control measures that will be required. Noise during the use of the sport facilities has not been a problem. The facility is adjacent to the airport and for the most part is surrounded by industrial uses that are not impacted by the noise generated at this location. (6E) SURFACE DRAINAGE; Through the use of new materials the applicant will be reducing the impervious area at this location from approximately 68% to 13%. The majority of the surface drainage will now be allowed to infiltrate into the ground. The applicant will still be providing a storm water system that will connect into the existing storm water system. As no new impervious area is being created,the applicant will not be triggering any of the special storm water requirements. (6F) REUSE OF SITE Any future reuse of this site would need to be reviewed against the City standards that existed at the time of the application submittal. (6G) TRANSFERABILITY OF SPECIAL PERMIT This permit will run with the land and should be transferred to future property owners. (6H) PERMIT EXPIRATION: The special permit shall be null and void if the applicant has not begun activity within six (6) months after the granting of the permit, unless the Hearing Examiner grants an extension of time. The applicant intends to initiate this work on April 13, 1998, and complete the work on August 7, 1998. HEXRPT.DOC City of Renton P/B/PW Department - .. Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner RENTON STADIUM TRACK AND FIELD REPLACEMENT LUA-97-171, SA-H, SP,SM PUBLIC HEARING DATE:January 13, 1998 Page 8 of 8 9. REVOCATION OF A PERMIT: The Planning/Building/Public Works Department is authorized to revoke any annual license issued pursuant to the terms of this Ordinance if after due investigation they determine that the permittee has violated any of the provisions of this Ordinance. Notice of revocation shall have reasonable time not to exceed forty-five (45) days in which to remedy the defects or omissions specified. In the event the licensee fails or neglects to do so within the time period, the order of revocation shall be final. A total or partial stop work order may be issued for good reason. H. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the , Project File No. LUA-97-171,SA-H, PP, SM subject to the following conditions: (1) The applicant shall install a fence or similar system to provide the requested separation of activities along the West property line that separates the School Districts sport facilities from the Cedar River Trail. This fence shall be installed prior to final sign-off for the grading activities. EXPIRATION PERIODS: Special Permit and Special Fill & Grade Permits (SP): Two (2) years from the final approval (signature) date. Site Plan Approvals (SA): Two (2)years from the final approval (signature) date. HEXRPT.DOC C If Renton Department of Planning/Building. :blic Works ENVIRONMENTAL& DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: TAMS COMMENTS DUE: DECEMBER 9, 1997 APPLICATION NO: LUA-97-171,SA-H,SP,SM DATE CIRCULATED: NOVEMBER 25, 1997 APPLICANT: D.A. HOGAN&ASSOCIATES(DAVID PROJECT MANAGER: MARK PYWELL ANDERSON) PROJECT TITLE: RENTON STADIUM TRACK&FIELD WORK ORDER NO: 78310 REPLACEMENT LOCATION: North 4th and Logan Avenue North SITE AREA: 5.87 Acres I BUILDING AREA(gross): N/A SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The Renton School District seeks permit approval to remove the existing track and field facilities and replace them with new facilities. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g.Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing - Air Aesthetics Water Llght/Glam Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Alrpo►t Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS g�zrz 8 f:i0z,50 �ce , �7 ��a 7 Get-,ar C7 a,., 12-) -)e2-0(0-er---- gt,i, ..2-,2t...eex? . s 7cai td nC 2 i.",e-oz____, cao o-Flude - cm:9#1.er-c-.)V.:ri / &-/-go_pup.... -W7 ceLe.,7-2,(--- -2e Gr,2,0' '-/-7 -e-7'-'it.h4P-7o4r/l ''' .,_ n -60 , C. COD - LAT OMMENTS c7s �7 i72 e 4 a -l/ H"7 gT rZ � eK Grice \; f1,vim- C -� c�.2 � �ezhajgdgeof ‘ / �� occc (.�s-1-+.R.'fGr9-/c7' e 7"-----�zecf /le �.6e_ J7 d' t 6(... We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertis nd have identified iris a e a or a Ss where additional Information is needed to properly assess this proposal. . X6(LGe-6, 7 \B_->47a,-Zi ) gab, `l; /99? Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date DEVAPP.DOC Rev.10/93 City, Renton Department of Planning/Building/PL. ..c Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT:544009k4c 1 WiISk COMMENTS DUE: DECEMBER 9, 1997 APPLICATION NO: LUA-97-171,SA-H,SP,SM DATE CIRCULATED: NOVEMBER 25, 1997 APPLICANT: D.A. HOGAN &ASSOCIATES(DAVID PROJECT MANAGER: MARK PYWELL ANDERSON) CRY OF R.F.nr-f-ON PROJECT TITLE: RENTON STADIUM TRACK&FIELD WORK ORDER NO: 78310 RECr' REPLACEMENT NOV Z 5 1997 LOCATION: North 4th and Logan Avenue North SITE AREA: 5.87 Acres I BUILDING AREA(grossPUIb,isai .- v IJION SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The Renton School District seeks permit approval to remove the existing track and field facilities and replace them with new facilities. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g.Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major information Environment Minor Major Information impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water LighVGlare Plants Recreation Land/Shorellne Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS - g I✓O c li�- i;I-;!r'r/ice_ re" f ri I.JI /� � rrr�� i er % 7 /: ly 1rri. / - %- he i;�// /';,.:r: r. :!ir F.:'Pice!' V`jl!FI . 4,1, cGr//,I ' !!s(,g . f-C (I" 1I//),' l•l(.Ij �rr'r �( We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. 1i1,�l�r.J (,ck24 i z/; /(j Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date DEVAPP.DOC Rev.10/93 S7'1r3 • EXiST I h)& .sy fo-PL-fsire_d E TRESS i l V Y 6f �r(1E I 1,\4 j \� LoGAN /}VE N. E �of tii • EX.ISTINU GRyirND5-rAt.(rs1 (! - of NEw -r2Ac.l; t`I. t I► la - oo' 11Di - e o eat u. Y t�ICtiF4 NKITTE2., MPTP�K _ I CA,Dss 5 -GT1tYr J R Ta1\( ReLb F LE I" Ic d ,7 wa a� { \��` ° — :,r I -Iy�r,LAC°-wtrr.ru,�y -- VISITOR'S 57 BLEACHERS �_^tee— 1011 LINT°town FMCS w'�� o wrr or,..w„ I rarrf `` r_'-"' 'u= - - •-_.'- ` m A.[Ad,our.sot. _• _�.=a—*a, Lk w w v LW Or r Er w s j j` tea O n'Ira , r� �yxm�'e�� Q� Ql iw ors o rr rwuc,uMOW i"j 7� r�r vrrt (t s.l Om.) mo (rm.) Of 5 e �Croi ur�� 7r MT z N Ire) ("".)• 11 • �)� I \ ,—, I( l ., r. (wPa rtPa I (wra .,, n\ (0\I °(�°Mr it.rA j"') rrs�r bratArl • WPM (�.) 1 (rtr) n '1 ( ) ' I.') mT) I 1 In N .Y o.,rrr u .1 "t r r. weer°srz o"r"°".vrtois`vosi° w v¢ •ws° a \ IS)1 • =�I 'rcO�srw�'� -IAA ;NA': u:SIT •of ,J Ar7 ,a„r„,,e yam" • I °°i.v°rt 'u (,m.) u:'.< <_...m . i 3� a. 1111:\ Cr•P) .,V9K. (re) 1 c. (QQ 7 (O I lint 1 �n u A. O I 1 (rn.7 \ rerswu\,o )a,y�w, Imo) (m.) \ ..r:m..x-,a. �; I ��c lO) \----(1)) Iwr.) • I RLANNAL / dr: _ \\�= aa. . ..,r'-n•(0) e tc e yx . /pn.7 fern) . io¢true t:7e�.,x..+µ, ort, o�� ' o I n cv osc . 1 .� ° Uw ew,x w, (wPl I v,x 1 O C� fra,,d7,7z., O '° L wrr (1 :::::......0 '�J , ��m.l (^T) --...woo.axone ".n •n-f!t�g°4'�.n Om.) �r�.•ew� rx®ac r¢rrn ar..4 tit f 1' Om.l • V _ a 9 ,r,v. w.�/ P s ®�=L=- - = —_ _ �_�; o .ao 0 0 rot° o ;e LIM Or. .- I J 0 0 (� �� vAy G CONCRETE GRANDSTAND COMPLEX C) tihrii rDK 1 w� Ns . .i 1 ° 11 11 .\ � act .� = S 4 1 '� — DEMOLITION NOTES �— — p r TREE PROTECTION NOTES ( rr„u cunmot .x�b'l.'�w°M°M Q o it ^^ we r :y tree protection pure..w 70 a0 r.onoan°5.uw a+TA ` ( •e,a vmvt`J ,rr e..^,+ O tarty[P,5rxu./e mwcOxa¢ .rnrtre,A.u,�ra Ai °°srux'°r ore vrt. SCALE: ("=lo' !r \ �' �u Itm.) ..vo"t w..on. rmiras°nn uur'� .1.g sip R1 'rt•` ( �•/\ a sos m1ne,"..;,iw:el""i M u.ern M.mom" , o q`ru,wrx stew A.M....w FEW.00 utus k urwu'ON %t ,;.� _.c.o P pines :"� ,� C� �r E.rsw ut "°. �o on- xr t�ARIA LEGEND F if V rr _ 0 N�r vor°r"ter° g#rr wrn2.r,.wtr-w.— • ' p Ti /A r „e ( ) ,... .N"" rwa min.mare,.`; Qi xis Ara.I.REMOVED r r"vuru,. r°" s.»wr unc I01 (tm) _returned. wen rr• x AM m>uv.rz o,au.ee WO t� N I '� a "° .ever �v = ..e n v°rrtc,CAVING RUE r«r°0.W.L MENG communal. �� I .f i�mr.r y u,.ev)r °eo-a w.rKEnsroN>,Dtu d• �'; ;,;fit ato3 �,.t..tree , `..=...ex.r.": n MM. • V 4... D.A.HOGAN&ASSOCIATES a,E tt„v., REHM SCHOOLD19iNCT SHEET 1 M PAYEE. /� add m 'stew'm urr w DEPOSE OF y`,egry v" CONSULTING ENGINEERS RENTON MEMORIAL STADIUM ® NORTHWEST CORNER _tti), °<t rRrt%t,o)'��" 1 •e...r r' w FIELD&TRACK REPLACEMENT CQ' /. 'learn i. 1703 DEGER AVE.N.SEATTLE.WA 00100 • )._aD• rD tyre 'Dr REVISION moo°° w DEMOLITION w.emc mu.=r si rS.o r el TI vie..;,—TM" o a RS g wl 1 ; —:—__-„,„- -1.-i_' 1%.`I Ip_r wa TM 4 �,,.,�,_.,; ail .. .m r,.,,.,.„,.e r.>U,,..,x .IINI `�----- J. a� , wa o.> y ..AHD a Ig _ rD,, Lg I aDRD= ,l 1 0 erg, o ' wtl pl� �o , a rt„ Ag PM 1 \)1' I s-'. ,r,„„ /x..15 „,„,, . ..... • FINISH GRADE OF— ( / 1 � LT I `Q \ /1 1 �1 �NN ! PAVEMENTL30.95POROUSASPHA I 1 / • f N�rq�oex y, �fwu/ 1•. • /; ,,,,z,/ 1'l \-doss `` 1 yrt.fa QfsW {, • • / 1. I �� / /. j N I °M11 rD a�° -- N"A ass _ \ \ P. ",or as sn.ut. \ iii r mE Or m�lr pally s • NEW car is an, CDT.) u; sr 1.. _- ,<.va.e=�= - � r-!_'n.r-a��..r-3is.r.re�e�r-ms-o-�••wi-m .�•�r-tee _.00y—ewr ie-ra-✓ r- - -L�-.--r-T-mo-r}-ram r��e-wr-s.c'ww•-• . Ili � n`vi4.,nip/! .® w aal� o W_ ®= _I ® e3 m 'You 'y�n. A//�_ ; D° r a F = = _ _ = y�,j �4 �^o,l' o,aNr, Cif-yl E sr \rat r�r—"""='-'—o, mama w _ CONCRETE GRANDSTAND COMPLEX -----'- 11111. LEGEND EROSION CONTROL NOTES art. v NEW MP CONTOUR DM I. Before urry s Mt,an o ar,l Nelivity occurs Ilny must be held -dt.s —_ • \ e Gay oDevelopment Services Drision•'p review manager.r - NEw fM.CONTOUR NNE 1. N scribed on Ir e plan shall he d,.00.--- Exrs,mo CONmtm LINE 0 20' 40' early limits n the 1,41 and .verl during er. wino.m a. N red sedimentation/erosion control eill.,nr ,m,. GRADING NOTES SCALE: I.=20' In n'utuclearinguarinl/orsystem ...ruction to ll d 'h scilinirrit lilladen water doe: enter - the al ,.Ivry condition uhlilz I,Inne tt irg'nn'd/ai"con uclmnl v completed a .ss NEW 000 DLv.DUN ten Ir�ylen�ndoHun,Irr Qi +R, in/d inl mns to un/se luliur,controlsystems sr .0 sin 4. the le rrIoy it the penance. ton flee 3100 MONO.%POI EUVATION minimum requiremerkts to meet Oihens d �O 'anticipate that moressro o [ ri PEAR.. WPM unexpected or PE season. sion ME noon OWE SM.I.TICAP.MION ond sedimentation Moonocilifies will be In necessary n,it sh.etate.the permitter to all he h dcomplete siltation control on FLUSHmAlppp x¢v4 �'� COWAN, My.tNEN VUOw,m Ilee l ndd,nnz Ih do by his c `ons and of the lpro vide additional u and above m requirements. may neededhe to Nplecl.odineenl a andrwater a receivingdrainage asystem. NI NEW nELr Dagm INLET Eras,. 5. Approvalzan S0'I the noes not constitute un approval of slam.drainage design, or lam„bona pipes.reel, .channels•or relemmn p v.w ewTo,x.,sm mtcc„a<a facilities 6. our.ng 1through moron a1•yed for.all project disturbed than 1.e,re(ea)hoara.as P NEo oqv aw greater than 5,00 square feel. I u r,r RMaORNn skint.FENCING ]. ushollr,hu sr been astripped o pvegetation`n where w anticipated for a 1 rio w,f cV M1 drays ore•of must he immediately wink "th s ling•grms lig u other amp "mini,treatment dnol,N„bl'to the lone of thrr in ough September uesbon Cn dnSeedinalone V o mA ,only Phene9 the sa.Mehs l.temPl vgM••'a t's`(• yyyC RQIIOR�tl100l DIIfIUCf 51EET through oily l e hul`mu'st be augmeotedt.h mulching.netting. other'Irealme.Opp oral s D.A.HOGAN&ASSOCIATES Itnl/PE by IM1 R aate.de the d krn'"Re a. ° ,_,p RENTON MEMORIAL STADIUM R. erosion/sedimentation contra s where the den l moms 6 inches. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS of.6feel high'is required."nth`aa s % n.•F .r.R FIELD&TRACK REPLACEMENT C-3 6. me a construction entrance."14•a 50'a Er -slopes. V marry spas shall be I Il/11/gt 'ERNIE 500MIRAL • Ioctuledaat um psi,0%of rr..tutor nyreas and egress la Inc wnatmuctiar,'sila o.r° 11N DETER AVE N.$EArnE,WA Bl1W � 001 Na oA,c av' REVISION GRADING&T.E.S.C. - - - - - - COPYRIGHT U met.D.Hato,-000001.11s I- R--•a.^- 1- (zoal zesgioD - - - - - - x �.rt• a �x�Rl -- - Z" � _ , VISITOR'S BLEACHERS r un,�; L.E.OR MOT .004.LIMAY•1114J14.1•11•104/1.011,./1119X SURFACING U or NUMMI/ED . m x< xwtilx" IIIROUS xfw /. WF - :; ;:: I. ::';." ; - x[w[✓c PaW,° x PML"'" ::::'' . :..: :. :'.: LANETR.ACK;: z;;:c; :::;;::<> >;:' `>'::>;z>:>'"G:;;:..-. - .. .. .. !J/.1 . PIT on E9 .,.;umuuvorn I :�.: > �:::"i: %:.: — I111 II11 II11 IIII IIII n 11 IIII IIII IIII I111 I111 I111 IIII a 11 IIII II11 IIII IIII IIII 1111 ` : `: I n. D -0 I —0 Z -0 E 0 b 09 0 l7 OE- 0 Z r 0 i' 7 e I UM FRIMIS r,1 ,( xtr/.s'��:: SYNTHETIC TURF FIELD@ •• :" �V.....,, !mini 11.1111.1111 Hu III: IIII II11_II11 IIII -IIIF.IIII_IIII.IIII_IIII_II 1 IIII.IIII.IIII Hu ^• n+¢eu<.;' �.'":;;.:::'::, ° OW/TUTU2MIP 1 +u` ° I}III 7IIII �?IIII � r 1 vnx°,e,.��";'. I:r,:{.,;o:;.., ,I !� [ro Dt s[q;'K[ •; \ I I / I - \\ /'+ —~. ,i;'.;:,j;i:ei_::;::-.: 4..},L....-i ' 0 '''''�Lc w lEP ?� • /I —_ - 1 _ 1 i— .l,o!' I 1 \ :.,MT,:,ii rw''::.II:::.: :.'..' 0 , Et L..T.NSE:. / I / / I I pM. w/RF°BP 1r.r. ::ii .. I <• ', // -— / L —_ swim°[.:,: ' f::i 5::.:I mjr`n �'or :: "'"'I''''"'"II11 IIII ay., I111'IIII 1111'1111'1111 IJII Ilu lil l'IIII'II11 II IIII I111'Ilil'IIII'1111 ::j e tl I �;, t. NEW° WM OM,r J -A . I 1 1 G -10 -'2 0 -30 -40 50 40- 30- 2 0- 1 10- G • • ,.xr xrr o xm 0 I •\ I I I IIm I IIM mll I II I III I111 IIII IIII I111 IIII IIII 1111 1111 1111 III I II 1 III I III II'll cmc curve TL n nr.,mnrtnc nmr umr Or smoo= / ".: : Ig wad— ww-/� C) • _ \ .L''r'''''' _ A_ 1 ..,«r,+.x.n.,�n,a°. 4, - />, - - rw _I- -1 _ ._J P: N0 � ,'.,,... ��_� ,•,� -- .� �_-- AG�`'` �-x;.`�� M ^x.�.° �max---,�,°r r=f �W x xWrM. " F �& c —_ - _-- _ _ = _ _ — _ t. a„r --`0 0 0 _0 0 0' NM m•[`a'�' CONCRETE GRANDSTANDCOMPLEX 0 j pi MR.IV LEGEND IR MM. ,ME IT NOTES CAM wx 0 �, e MC"M�MIL,TYPE: EXISTING[wR FENCE [PROMCI al.[rrr.x u n TURF.am All"M� Q �x x �xr,,.., 4 N°OF POROUS ,l Pam w, 1—�—� ✓.L'IO u '- ` N[w SNmM2CO Slr°rAC[ 0 20' 40' • rt.vx c 1:;....:: [l SCALE: 1-=20 0 su..re S ,IT.... I • ° µRR l4" D.A.HOGAN&ASSOCIATES a ; art Ir✓rl/., RENTONG11001.DOMIICf SHEET 1 o' +�9 RENTON MEMORIAL STADIUM ^ .•.•. "`0 < , ❑/II/9I EECEEIr SuflMITIOC �T,,...•V F CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1703DEIRERAVE.N.SEATRE.wA93109 MOW '°a FIELD&TRACK REPLACEMENT C-4 - - .0_nn,c ur ErmsiON — a t20e>2e3-6400 - - LAYOUT - CORMIGIM U,. • • • • • mnomArt Mao..Loy(wry A .GIs,0 tl ems" ` _ VISITOR'S BLEACHERS "' - ram ma ALLMMI MIS mx ,E:s.9t«m9E I n1 I °..9..,, ..m.,AM.m,.a.�,..w,a.,,� I suw.clMmre,xvm _ — r r 9', MROUS ASPNAL�_`^� ss CaueeuarEn .00 • vaAl .r,us -- 20. - ----- --- - -O2 2e.991 --------- - - - - - - --- .w, ,----: ' ,L 79 W Assx.E, . '''' : "Lkil,Faal . ..?y/ 6 a 017----„,......- 15.(PP) I ,h•(I,.) \c, DROP. Dax@ F. . „�L — . is 17 >o� • -E.,9a9 — — — — ' — — = �'4°tee 0 55 . ot Pa.aa I j T 2 1awMt °^ \r' �E DmMa:E CR „ M��SECTION — — —$4� b a o — — T— CT,. = -- K 1 15 t6n1 ,(MS __ ,.,E,-.x•rM I- --- - - -- — ------ 5. D o11.404 DR. SURFACING v �J. Ala, 9ups 3 � a m 9a,GNO F°�,� Ooeall DRAIN. c . e1 ,246. -c-7----7,._7! , E. .(WT)m, a _�, ,•,r 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 �,. • CONCRETE GRANDSTAND COMPLEX • DRAINAGE LEGEND DRAINAGE NOTES • i un,/meD m.E,ER WWN.LE rO. a flu NO,D —__— putr..cum.awl 'DRAM NBmc ..... .....p........1 vMry a wamwra au. te w.m •M E .N Mm�S a .mv w. ON a 6.1.• 'SS.. wa m a rmw...aa.....ew..a.....n w x O Ca,a„�:ew u.Fr+a Sam wFFn N.ewe.seF�r+^w,n Pee aw..man re s..amw y 2 IMAM ern .en M ay. Lvaee F•+,FVF+b am, come Sea owes b.r°.rr'x an.a'w M. p M �n O r mn va...,me ee rm.e9 amseli�. '-C/,°s-mE,..+.a> m w�(+°W.a a' e-vw•+M.sDar..a e.Mi..9n.Pak ane .9. d.wa axua...un rae wr '•r/ - RAM:ee a•.v,/,9...oaFF 0 w'��0. wu F O.'N M,n TLI m mr an.a sx'w manly oeuvre m.,ae.I.mme...an Ii.v FV W m.nme w rab sem NN M55...5.5.......ewe"'"--°'wen iiip SO SET 9.M a ......ea.N....n.....m.M r.,. wnyn svaw'Tr'. .Rvl,..t.ti be.me..v ra.,nebn M A M t*•Mwa sham Wen h a.^s.ne,.m•r.-Fa1 N ■ cp.:e. naiv mE„ *.e.uM wm.rw en.�a pw.s,•m w .'u...w M ea iw M ear .,..a M, Malie. ea M,s.J.nM1 ;.a Mane a.Mw°,x.ev b b°tee OM1 a,wv,w+.•mv., a e. .. dw.� m•..'.F.n." na.17.:a...1:l 7 wmim�re. ERA " .m' 16.ema MB.afvm.mean..".,=m.b.yr v4.°.* aM .r °•-rws, OILJ s (]i ]Dl Rtxrw,...TM 9rtFo..,.w OwM. a to..b.i.w w. ,M..eb.^.,, rep gVVt.ed,�lea M, v. ... A ..1 a c..wvvee r,r....b.�...M me N..v wtvu.e e M me C.am rx AIM L v e eF. eepp,,,.r.en w.rt'e,�ae^M va.m�.�en EL]Sf E.iM'EP, AWN 5. N.e b em.ee e.ve..b cry a Rankin Yrnne NeM.w'F[�mnm w o.DM.N.sm 0-1ss,-,a Pea.LLn wa. M......5.69•e.tw Ma.ay Wed an M tlr � , II.M[a.mm xe M.mw+9x b pwbq.eewne Wm.,anp ve,••nn ...enamy.va. ............0..'b neel e.e enmq 19 r=a.�eF� ..tr.n a.e np a.a m..e romFr sr'we s*Ss's' ,.y.nn aMy..ea...aF...af.uw m v.w1 M v..r.t w�.h a M wee.. - Iy■■■ pd .n1 S.era�n•,�w.emnm.M1 MM.w wet.*F tn..M me M.M,. -n 1 s u . .h n� �mF M.e.era.n ..Mr.erne,Mr.n DO m Auurrbsrr xvtaawxD ]s,Rr ton e� Me a. va m., r.t.et F.al.aw en,a ,'..nine;i•,w am„„,,,,...,..wa.,r........0...t5r., aatiipM 'ne.tsF.ovw �,.e.r eml o.�] ,sm bler AOm s..�i,"�r.wave. .w,vs ra e.v..a e,M D000 I fvdm w.w II pr.., ,wn emn a..r+e e.en.n•ea O t0 r.a ene....mrm x.! r-ii,mre u.,mx.°°q (0▪ amarak•SD.MANROLI1].�m.ab MO'°e.„,,n enn...*.y.d-en...a m e..aw..v..., I9.es.m°a...wen a ee am 9tw.mFu beat.m.1,M ew..e mask.ma O w h'°R" ��— 4 D.A.HOGAN&ASSOCIATES D+h "i"i9' RENTON SCHOOL DI°n°`r SHEET - }j . 1 RENTON MEMORIAL STADIUM 0 zo aD e a £ CONSULTING ENGINEERS MAN 111 FIELD AND TRACK REPLACEMENT C 6 scat£: i'=70' r1.rp, .rmwnu �om7....i ]TD3 DEXTER AVE.N.SEATTtE.WA N.W C'6 N1�11A1L D,• " REVISION --— - --- - ---- - -- - - -— ronwen.U 1e».ocDODw•-:D�.re9 I Nm. I --- -- DRAINAGE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON HEARING EXAMINER RENTON, WASHINGTON A Public Hearing will be held by the Renton Hearing Examiner at his regular meeting in the Council Chambers on the second floor of City Hall, Renton, Washington, on January 13, 1998 at 9:00 AM to consider the following petitions: RENTON STADIUM TRACK&FIELD LUA-97-171,SA-H,S P,S M The Renton School District seeks site plan approval, a shoreline permit and a special permit for fill and grade to remove the existing crowned track and field facilities and replace them with new facilities. Location: 405 Logan Ave. No. Legal descriptions of the files noted above are on file in the Development Services Division, Third Floor, Municipal Building, Renton. All interested persons are invited to be present at the Public Hearing to express their opinions. Publication Date: January 02, 1998 Account No. 51067 HEXPUB.DOC S L ST:1.' ..F...SURRDUND �I`G P 'ART'1(.:::::....::1ll .I . ... .:...:::::::::::: • PROJECT NAME: I E-1 (ro MF-r''10121kL 57 Dl v►fl SY nleTiC F1&L 112/izK kscoNsT2)GT?c 1 APPLICATION NO: U�1A' '�-I l ' SP ,SNA SSA'N The following is a list of property owners within 300 feet of the subject site. The Development Services Division will notify these individuals of the proposed development. NAME ADDRESS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER 5 E- ATrr roil 2 5 E-TS • • • • • • Q e▪ '?ffauc\ • A • ' • ,llrrtlt,,. •.t� r • . • „ •r.. i • • (Attach additional sheets, if necessary) . • (Continued) NAME ADDRESS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER • • Applicant Certification I, DAV iv A"N1 E4Z,SON1 , hereby certify that the above list(s) of adjacent property ' (Print Name) owners and t addresses were obtained from: ❑ City, of Renton Technical Services Records ❑ Title Company Records A / � ;J g County Assessors Records Signed i ,/igiLI/it!.'/a�i1�.�.. Date // 12f� �r "Fri,. cant) (J/ /5/ ,2 NOTARY ATTESTED": Suf?s rib d and sworn before me; a �N�otary Public, in and for the State of Washington, residing_at on the/ kday of `/Zd rIl , 19 92 Signed, otary Public) • ......Fo . Cv • :•::: •:::. :.: f... h.e:. r o .. d.a . .lication were ma ed to ..:..,. ..:. #.. �'+�/*::ii:+ii:�:•,:::::iiii:isjj;?ii:jji':::iiiy„i::i:::::i::i::('::::::::i::?::is:i{::'r,::i::::ii::::::::i:::ti� •'.�':>.�.i::i:{�i�:i�.......:,i::• �: ::::.; . �* .. ...............Date.�. ..f........................... .........;;::;:;:;;:;:>;>:;:;;:;::;::..::::: - :' :>:.: : .<:<:: :•:.:::::::.. ..�:::.,...:..:...;....:.:..:.::: ........:-..;....:.....::.. . .:....:': .: ...:. ....>:: n::: n �::>for>: h..':5::. ..Q.........a.......... to............... „ . .. . .:.. ..:::�:'>::.:.::<.:'.:::�.:' ::>ors::ahe::::� �::::.::::.d�.;:;ofi:>'�.:��' �:':::::..:.:.::.:::::::::::::.::::::::.�:�:.;;.1.;��..�...;:»::»»::>::>:>:;:> :''ice✓; »: .:;;;:.;:.:;::.::. • . .....:.>:: J _ • v listprop.doc REV07/95 MARILYN KAMCHEFF 2 COMMISSION EXPIRES 6/29/99 . *.>c* ;c*$cic>;cae• *******'** ica;u;<** c�cr;<�cic���;u4ie�;c; *)'; * BATCH NUMBER?: YF * CUSTOMER NAME OA HOGAN g A.SSC * J..'•.'•vY.A..J•aL.'.L J•A.'.A.A.y J.J..IL.'JI..11..11..A.J1.J.J.d1..'. � 072305-9001-01. THE BOEING COMPANY 530653 • r)O BOX 3707 M/S 1F-09 SEATTLE WA • 92124 • 072305-9001-92 THE BOEING COMPANY 530653 PO BOX 3707 • MS 1F-09 SEATTLE WA 98124 072305-9007-05 CITY OF RENTON 644452 200 MILL AVE S RENTON WA 98055 072305-9.007=83 ' ' EIGHT SIXTY BUILDING L P 629800 950 WEST PERIMETER ROAD RENTON WA. 98055 • 072.305-9085-00 RENTON SCHOOL DIST 403 712777 435 MAIN AVE ' S • RENTON WA 98055 ; 072305-9098-05 i BURATI MAR JOR.:IE E 749999 85 EAST CIRCLE DRIVE EAST LONGMEADOW MA 01028 • ' 072305-9100701. THE BOEING COMPANY 650035 • 1 PO BOX 3703 M/S .:1.1F-09 SEATTLE WA. 98124 • 722550-0090-04 TRAN PHUOC+THI • NUOI FANG TU667..026 438 BURNETT AVE N RENTON WA 98055 722550-0095-09 MEAD ROBERT C 0975 432 BURNETT ST N RENTON WA 98055 e I CRECELIUS LEWIS • 6N0925 • • 428 g" 'NETT ' N • RENT( WA 9805 722550-0105-07 1995. MANN LIMITED FAMILY PA679999 •i • 1821E 1.14TH AVE SE • RENTON WA' 98055 i . 722.550-0110—CO ... ONEAL TERRY C 741093 2716 MEADOW A.VE N RENTON WA 98056 -. -7.22550-0115-05 :.... WAGGONER R LAWRENCE 819999 420 BURNETT AVE N' RENTON WA 98055 722550-0120-08 CANNON WYNNE J+JOANN CN9999. . 414 • OURNETT AVE NO RENTON WA 98055 - 72.2550-0125-03 . . CRAWFORD ALFRED • L'OUIS 500462 553 FOWLER ST • RAYMOND WA 98577 72.2550-0130-06 - DELIZO. STEVEN R+ELIZABETH A919999 . 406 BURNETT AVE NORTH S RENTON WA 98055 • 722.550-0135-0.1. HUNT JAMES' 9N0030 11877 SE 87TH AVE • RENTON WA 98056 rcY + NER4 + • INTO NOTICE OF APPLICATION PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS • DATE: NOVEMBER 25, 1997 A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Development Services Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. . PROJECT NUMBER/NAME: LUA-97-171,SA-H,SP,SM/RENTON STADIUM TRACK&FIELD ' REPLACEMENT 1 DESCRIPTION: The Renton School District seeks permit approval to remove the existing track and field facilities and replace them with new facilities. GENERAL LOCATION: North 4th and Logan Avenue North • STUDIES REQUIRED/OR AVAILABLE: N/A PUBLIC APPROVALS: Special Fill&Grade Permit Shoreline Substantial Development Permit Site Plan Approval • Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing to Mark R:Rywell;'Project Manager,Development Services Division,200 Mill Avenue South,Renton;WA 98055,by'5:00 PM on December 9,1997. This matter is also scheduled for a public hearing•on January 13;1998 at 9i00 AM,Council Chambers;Second Floor Municipal Building, 200 Mill Ave.South. If you are interested in attending,the'hearing,,please contact:the;Development Services Division, 277-5582,to ensure that the hearing has!not been rescheduled:r Ifcomments cannot.be submitted in writing by the date • indicated above,you may still'appear at,the hearing and present your comments on the proposal before the Hearing Examiner. If you have questions about this;proposal;orwishlto be made a party of record and receive additional' information by mail,contact Mark Pywell at 277-5586:-Anyone:who submits written.comments will automatically become a party of record and will be notified of any decision on this project: - • PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION 1 DATE OF APPLICATION:. NOVEMBER 13,1997 - NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: , NOVEMBER 25,1997 - , , DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: NOVEMBER 25,1997 I --- 27.10 Acres. ; tn.. l :1la ? , t.• . • • ••\:. ' SCALE:MOO' 1 1 11 . '1:. 1t, 'i "i._... .. ., ,r. :i' - ,Go•i L ,. _, - C1 %1. 17,2 IO Ae es' • I•. ••, ;. .$L' t': _1 .. ..,.., .. _;L' '."•. ,. - �•S^. .ii n::,n .a„uir �•• -;I' li l::.. .. ,. ;; -I; \ .. .. :6:?j ,,1,✓ .. is 1 •I , • •• =- i ,c:vm.ml'•� ' , • : I a' TON Al'I' PORT'` ''.• r ':ter. :u�'v.--.:ia. `,;-Ar,r.—s;Y-nr.T:::�t—' � - I l. ** GENMALOT.DOC • 9 Snrlvonr WAY e .p�•.1m.M;..,4..16T1'y-Vri-T-rriw"I.1 rrourF;DT 5 _ .. ' . • ' , ;''',1.. ..._•,, '. :1; '',,.)i; ,, ':: ,.::,.1 . 1 ,,-- :, ....: :..,,c i I 1 i 11 IIIII 11111111 111111 11111111 111 ' i i 1 1 I 1 I ill)1 I I I i 1 i I 1 I 1 i I I 1 l l i 11 l liiiiiiii I 1: ti .2_..... ... - - 7:i!A-..'".! ., ' ' 'It• ';i:. ''%0‘ . .-_ • --- - . .. . r r CiTV OF Ff..10:?,',1 Development SeRilcos DIvc:on N\. 4."-r- • 4 glibro 200 Milh Renton,Washington 98055 . , r 4, 4 ,.*:1,Lit! '3,e..43.,' :t.t.bs. ! r'•.; t..._ !!,.6:: 'il'oy 2 54-..7',,; fji„,ikeni.. r:`,..',,,,,v •c<,,,,- .---, - I. -,,..., NOV &EOM T,-,...„,:',..,,.,,,r,,,,,,..7H,•!-. iiA''.-,,0 ::, I' PBiaii '''':- ..-'.....: . ,. sr;. 072305-9007"88 .' EIGhi SIXTY MILOING L P 6- 29500 950 WEST PERD4FTE1 ROAD RE NT 0 N 1,;4., 98 C 55 ,,\, [ rl— i c,„,;,, 1 ,i7.,•„:, 4 i Siitl..-1,`:%_:,P*A.."Ak• I Iliiiiiiiiillimitlittiltithininitililtlitlitillitmillil I 0 • 01 u� - • '��A�'� • 4. NT • NOTICE OF APPLICATION • • PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS DATE: NOVEMBER 25,1997 & A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Development Services Division of the City of Renton. The . following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. PROJECT NUMBER/NAME: LUA-97-171,SA-H,SP,SM/RENTON STADIUM TRACK 8.FIELD ' REPLACEMENT DESCRIPTION: The Renton School District seeks permit approval to remove the existing track , and field facilities and replace them with new facilities. GENERAL LOCATION: North 4th and Logan Avenue North STUDIES REQUIRED/OR AVAILABLE: N/A PUBLIC APPROVALS: Special Fill&Grade Permit Shoreline Substantial Development Permit Site Plan Approval Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing to Mark R.Pywell,Project Manager,Development Services Division,200 Mill Avenue South,Renton,WA 98055,by 5:00 PM on December 9,1997.This matter Is also scheduled for a public hearing on January 13,1998 at 9:00 AM,Council Chambers,Second Floor Municipal Building, • I 200 Mill Ave.South. If you are interested in attending the heating,please contact the Development Services Division, 277.5582,to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled. If comments cannot be submitted In writing by the date Indicated above,you may still appear at the hearing and present your comments on the proposal before the Hearing Examiner. If you have questions about this proposal,or wish to be made a party of record and receive additional Information by mail,contact Mark Pywell at 277-5586.Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of record and will be notified of any decision on this project. PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION 1 DATE OF APPLICATION: NOVEMBER 13,1997 ' NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: NOVEMBER 25,1997 DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: NOVEMBER 25,1997 4 • ii fJ • : 1.i . ''. [ .i y „K, I < : i. 1...I. • I \ .. q ,,, n O • • ITO Al PORT ` "'••. ^� :,�',1 • .' - ;'CI ' O.. . 9 .r. o mo "_ — - ' • CERTIFICATION • i, •8!-1'rrAlI WVtn , hereby certify that 3 copies of the above document were posted by me in 3 conspicuous places on or nearby the described property on • 440IrFMcr 2s/y?f-7 • Signed: : ' �77 • .. STATE"QF WASHINGTON ) . ) SS COUNTY-OF KING ce.rtif � that I know or have satisfactory evidence that 1�QJG - ih��71-/'' ' .: sigi�•rl thi instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses - ' and purposes mentioned in the instrument. _ / Dated: �oC • :2. , t S 1" I �C� C� 2v1 � Notary Pu is in and (or the Stale oF•Washinglon Notary (Print)--MARIL-YN AMCHEFF My appointmen PIRES 6/29/99 ,..nrccv nv- , + 111R4 + . 41.,N�o� NOTICE OF APPLICATION • PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS DATE: NOVEMBER 25, 1997 A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Development Services Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. ' PROJECT NUMBER/NAME: LUA-97-171,SA-H,SP,SM/RENTON STADIUM TRACK&FIELD . ' REPLACEMENT 1 DESCRIPTION: The Renton School District seeks permit approval to remove the existing track and field facilities and replace them with new facilities. GENERAL LOCATION: North 4th and Logan Avenue North ' STUDIES REQUIRED/OR • AVAILABLE: N/A PUBLIC APPROVALS: Special Fill&Grade Permit Shoreline Substantial Development Permit Site Plan Approval . Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing to Mark R.Pywell,Project Manager,Development • Services Division,200 Mill Avenue South,Renton,WA 98055,by 5:00 PM on December 9,1997. This matter is also scheduled for a public hearing on January 13,1998 at 9:00 AM,Council Chambers,Second Floor Municipal Building, 200 Mill Ave.South. If you are interested in attending the hearing,please contact the Development Services Division, 277-5582,to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled. If comments cannot be submitted in writing by the date indicated above,you may still appear at the hearing and present your comments on the proposal before the Hearing Examiner. If you have questions about this proposal,or wish to be made a party of record and receive additional information by mail,contact Mark Pywell at 277-5586. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of record and will be notified of any decision on this project. PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION 1 DATE OF APPLICATION: NOVEMBER 13,1997 • NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: NOVEMBER 25,1997 DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: NOVEMBER 25,1997 27.10 Acres\,.... \ .`--- —,.. • 4 .• • 1,1 ' .., , N c • '\•.. • • SCALE:rem. • 1 , • • e,�e1 Z ---z.IOAV e, v., 12.100 Acres \L o / / z 1TON AI PORTQ...."••, Q •;3c:v,ean I • .•••',O. .yam p I] 0 % GENMALOT.DOC l .:. :1 :, U I 1�''' •�� cs v A'neon T WAY e .V L �9 • C f Renton Department of Planning/Building blic Works ENVIRONMENTAL. & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: YAM 'S COMMENTS DUE: DECEMBER 9, 1997 . APPLICATION NO: LUA-97-171,SA-H,SP,SM ' DATE CIRCULATED: NOVEMBER 25, 1997 APPLICANT: D.A. HOGAN &ASSOCIATES(DAVID PROJECT MANAGER: MARK PYWELL ANDERSON) PROJECT TITLE: RENTON STADIUM TRACK&FIELD WORK ORDER NO: 78310 • REPLACEMENT . LOCATION: North 4th and Logan Avenue North SITE AREA: 5.87 Acres I BUILDING AREA(gross): N/A SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The Renton School District seeks permit approval to remove the existing track and field facilities and replace them with new facilities. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g.Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet criu rrqaa-c - da _ - B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS / arm W� 8 �7 a)-6 S`� 7C6(;-L �e_ex "y' • c e moo.)Oa v`7` /? P C' Au`-coe f,&_) / 0-77g7g)t_pd-V4 ceZer-72.A—c7-2e c;772-e '---(7- -e.--7" 4". 2.`-- -1° -Go , ..-0 C. COD - LAT OMMENTS de ccr2 \_ ,�'-?/lam C�/Le ��/J c. c/ �U7 c��U. ‘cYa' \ D-44uc.e.�or/7 occaxS (, -?i2,tC J ;yam-� i -�-7� Cf /zeEj 7 .& /2ec71-02ed' c&_ 'e6so ro a e r •a'e�!f We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertis nd haver endfied Sre or ar as where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. A&6a-SX IB,Y7‘1,(_,Z___} 46,- 1 /9e77 Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date DEVAPP.DOC ` Rev.10/93 City tenton Department of Planning/Building/F',, Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT:Iyf'.tGl 1 S[WYt4.GI/ COMMENTS DUE: DECEMBER 9, 1997 APPLICATION NO: LUA-97-171,SA-H,SP,SM DATE CIRCULATED: NOVEMBER 25, 1997 APPLICANT: D.A. HOGAN&ASSOCIATES(DAVID PROJECT MANAGER: MARK PYWELL ANDERSON) CITY OF R.F.MTONi PROJECT TITLE: RENTON STADIUM TRACK&FIELD WORK ORDER NO: 78310 RECr REPLACEMENT LOCATION: North 4th and Logan Avenue North NOV 5 1997 SITE AREA: 5.87 Acres I BUILDING AREA(grossIN/Lute v�4 v awo} " SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The Renton School District seeks permit approval to remove the existing track and field facilities and replace them with new facilities. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g.Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts impacts Necessary impacts impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glan3 Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS - rUo 5 7C c_IiVvc(es (q ui✓et f� t/Li� pvofl cc �ec() GQiiurer�ccte 7ac1/i tom) he ye e cluvi>tc h�r,lc(rec e0/4-4 yfuter ) . addrtir)mai de-kW-Ito' ('S' G4/ ) y)/111,ki,4 We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. d 60 7-4 A Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date DEVAPP.DOC Rev.10/93 j ti City_ Renton Department of Planning/Building/ 'c Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT:'rromspoY , COMMENTS DUE: DECEMBER 9, 1997 APPLICATION NO: LUA-97-171,SA-H,SP,SM DATE CIRCULATED: NOVEMBER 25, 1997 APPLICANT: D.A. HOGAN&ASSOCIATES(DAVID PROJECT MANAGER: MARK PYWELL ANDERSON) CITY OF RENTON PROJECT TITLE: RENTON STADIUM TRACK&FIELD WORK ORDER NO: itsctr"rVn REPLACEMENT NOV 2 5 1997 LOCATION: North 4th and Logan Avenue North SITE AREA: 5.87 Acres I BUILDING Afttligliale04494ViSION SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The Renton School District seeks permit approval to remove the existing track and field facilities and replace them with new facilities. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g.Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS �o ���, t►ow:c� t vc p levlel/ 4l6o r�ssoccalfa tlr� pvo eti • J C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS 1144,vOVe l?2ba) Vp6(14IVe/ IV a/.rr) pi/010 sof We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have Identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information s needed o properly assess this proposal. A) G1/a I <�� 1/47 Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date DEVAPP.DOC Rev.10/93 Ci_. Renton Department of Planning/Building i. _.Jic Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: FireRrtV 4t'IA COMMENTS DUE: DECEMBER 9, 1997 APPLICATION NO: LUA-97-171,SA-H,SP,SM DATE CIRCULATED: NOVEMBER 25, 1997 APPLICANT: D.A. HOGAN&ASSOCIATES(DAVID PROJECT MANAGER: MARK PYWELL ANDERSON) • PROJECT TITLE: RENTON STADIUM TRACK&FIELD WORK ORDER NO: 78310 ' REPLACEMENT ' LOCATION: North 4th and Logan Avenue North SITE AREA: 5.87 Acres I BUILDING AREA(gross): N/A SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The Renton School District seeks permit approval to remove the existing track and field facilities and replace them with new facilities. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g.Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major information Environment Minor Major information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth --- Housing Air Aesthetics Water --- Light/Glare Plants --- Recreation Land/Shoreline Use --' Utilities Animals --- Transportation Environmental Health --- Public Services Energy/tural --- PmseHistorivatlon ral Natural Resources Preservation A00 Feet i1rt Environment 00 Feet R 1.. RE DEPT. p q W 14 !.7'-;, ,e 1 TION BUREAU ,\c NOV ,_ 5 lzA7 RECEW D B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS rV, ,M. . C. CODE-RELATED COTE TS We have reviewed thi application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional info ation is needed tof'••erly assess this proposaL ifSignature of Di ec r or Authorized Represent� e Date DEVAPP.DOC , Rev.10/93 Cit. Renton Department of Planning/Building/ _.c Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: WOW. COMMENTS DUE: DECEMBER 9, 1997 APPLICATION NO: LUA-97-171,SA-H,SP,SM DATE CIRCULATED: NOVEMBER 25, 1997 APPLICANT: D.A. HOGAN&ASSOCIATES(DAVID PROJECT MANAGER: MARK PYWELL"....OF RENTON ANDERSON) - PROJECT TITLE: RENTON STADIUM TRACK&FIELD WORK ORDER NO: 78310 DEC 0 2 1997 • REPLACEMENT LOCATION: North 4th and Logan Avenue North ..,..del-i.+loo.:11 uI V l iON SITE AREA: 5.87 Acres I BUILDING AREA(gross): N/A SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The Renton School District seeks permit approval to remove the existing track and field facilities and replace them with new facilities. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g.Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information impacts impacts Necessary impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing l 1 Air Aesthetics Water LighVGlare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet i r B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS . 1J A We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have Identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional inf ation' need d to properly assess this proposal. 1 ZAA 7 Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date DEVAPP.DOC Rev.10/93 Cite. _ Renton Department of Planning/Building/ ,is Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: CJY1Skru,( ( COMMENTS DUE: DECEMBER'9, 1997 • APPLICATION NO: LUA-97-171,SA-H,SP,SM DATE CIRCULATED: NOVEMBER 25, 1997 APPLICANT: D.A. HOGAN&ASSOCIATES(DAVID PROJECT MANAGER: MARK PYWELJiTY OF RENTON ANDERSON) RECEIVED PROJECT TITLE: RENTON STADIUM TRACK&FIELD WORK ORDER NO: 78310 NOV 2 5 1997 REPLACEMENT LOCATION: North 4th and Logan Avenue North BUILLANU DIVISION SITE AREA: 5.87 Acres I BUILDING AREA(gross): N/A SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The Renton School District seeks permit approval to remove the existing track and field facilities and replace them with new facilities. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e. .Non-Code COMMENTS ( g � Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants • Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS I _ C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS /V6 We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional i ormation Is needed to properly assess this proposal. # ///0020 7 Signature 6 Director or A onzed epresentafive Date DEVAPP.DOC Rev.10/93 CIT OF. RENTON ama Planning/Building/Public Works Department Greggimmerman Administrator Jesse Tanner,Mayor gg P.E., November 25, 1997 Mr. David Anderson D.A. Hogan &Associates 1703 Dexter Avenue North Seattle, WA 98109 • SUBJECT: Renton Stadium Track&Field Replacement Project No. LUA-97-171',SA-H,SP,SM Dear Mr.Anderson: The Development Planning Section of the City of Renton has determined that the subject application is complete according to 'submittal requirements and, therefore, is accepted for review: You will be notified .if;any additional information is required to continue processing your application.. The date of Tuesday, January 13, 1998, at 9:00 a.m., has been set for a public hearing to review the above-referenced matter. The hearing, before Mr. Fred Kaufman, Renton Hearing Examiner,will be held in the Council Chambers on the second floor of City Hall, Renton, Washington. The applicant or representative(s) of the applicant is required to be present at the public hearing. A copy of the staff report will be mailed to you one week before the hearing. Please contact me, at(425)277-5586, if you have any questions. Sincerely, Mark R. P ell,AICP Project Manager cc: Rrenton School District#403/Owners • ACCPATRAOC 200 Mill Avenue South =Renton, Washington 98055 :'J This paper contains 50%recycled material,20%post consumer ' ' • — • DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISIL.. = WAIVER OF SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LAND USE • • APPLICATIONS - • • LAND USE PERMIT SUBMITTAL WAIVED MODIFIED COMMEN IS •-•• REQUIREMENTS ' 'BY BY • . . . Calculations, Survey, Drainage Control Plan 2 Drainage Report 2 Elevations,ArchItecturaI3AND4 • 1 • Elevations, Grading 2 .)11 Existing Covenants (Recorded Copy)4 Existing Easements (Recorded Copy) 4 ...„„.„. • • ••• • ••., • • • • • PF eo.6°.trC hi Plans D4 r jc Report AN :1111M*, cligrS:f114:. Grading Plan, Conceptual 2 Grading Plan, Detailed 2 King County Assessor's Map Indicating Site 4 , aK• Landscaping Plan, Conceptual4 •''''''''''''''''''''''' Legal Description 4 List of Surrounding Property Owners 4 . ...,• .. . Mailing Labels for Property Owners 4 Map of Existing Site Conditions Master Application Form Monument . Parking, Lot Coverage & Landscaping Analysis 4 •'' • • •'• ' Plan•Re.ductiOpS:(PMIs) 4 '. ' ..... • • '' . Postage 4 . . Public Works Approval Letter2 Title Report or Plat Certificate 4 Topography Map (5' contours)3 40 Traffic Study 2 • '• • Tree CuttingNegetation Clearing Plan 4 , .„... Utilities Plan, Generalized 2 .. .. Wetlands Delineation Map4 Wetlands Planting Plan 4 . • . •• • • •,•.• . . , • •• .•• •••••: • •• : Wetlands.Study 4 :. • This requirement may be waived by: 1. Property Services Section PROJECT NAME: ReAlr/W) ffrtelirrit;(V) • NOV :4 Vier/ 2. Public Works Plan Review Section• / 3. Building Section 9°997 DATE: nil /617 4. Development Planning Section Cin'OF Pi-111VN/N N G h:Ndivision.s1develop.ser\dev.planing\waiver.xls CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: November 14, 1997 TO: File FROM: Lesley Nishihira, x6170 SUBJECT: Renton Memorial Stadium, Project#LUA97-171 This project has been placed on hold until the following items have been received by the Development Services Division: Opc 1. Four (4) copies of a Drainage Report. The report must be stamped by a licensed • A� engineer and must comply with the requirements of the Renton Municipal Code. y.S�'r\0\ 2. Twelve (12) copies of a revised Project Narrative. The narrative must address the d��� nature,of the existing shoreline including a detailed description. ,��� 3. Eleven (11) copies of a revised Site Plan or map which shows the existing Ordinary JO High-Water Mark (OHWM) of the Cedar River. The applicant has been notified and will submit the required information early next week. MEMO.DOC/ 1 • ::;:•;::er%:>'::'>:#€:`<>; >>>�< »<> <<>>><> PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAM E: natanzed:�:Mi3st'e�A'ppliaatiori;:forieacli'>�wn, ,.;..;.;,..:. ..................................... P,ENITON1 Ail emo t? t J L, STAbr u/"M NAME: $Yi✓Ti-l'Ey(c FIELD '"f IL'l P ECol..J5i 1U CIIONi To 5cHooL. bl5rgAcT 4t-qa3 PROPERTY/PROJECT ADDRESS(S)/LOCATION: ADDRESS: 12_247 RoerH 9th 3G NOIeh-k 1til A-4•O 1-o&A'N i4V . Mofl1 R ENTON-( , V../ ' ' € Oc' 12ENToM .t.VA- 95655 5 CITY: �, �, ZIP: Crgp5s KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): • tr:C-)(. ilk 0-72305 -- 9o53--90 TELEPHONE NUMBER: 425� 1 20 .- 49 03 • EXISTING LAND USE(S): . I S PO 0_T 3 ,4-N u RgG12EAT(o&l OPEiI( Fd2 P(t3t--I G U S E . f� PROPOSED LAND USES: NAME: P/q-\1 D ANDE42-�i71.V 3Poer-3 A►J D F'Eci2.6fj'i'hok1 fL- r4 Gl LI l- (p'Ei.4 1 or- eo L1(.- • U ) ,-SSO 2(A EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: COMPANY(if applicable): DA� FA • ADDRESS: . - D3 1Yf`� 14-‘1E-- N PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION (if applicable): • NA CITY: 5EAT'7-LE ZIP: 9gjio9 • • • EXISTING ZONING: • IL—P LIGFtT ImpJsre.kTrL - ,PLAu� 4 use • • • TELEPHONE NUMBER: ( c (c) • PROPOSED ZONING (if applicable): A- • SITE AREA (SQ. FT. OR ACREAGE): NAME: ,Q-k1'I,(7• .w)Fiz_saf..1, NOVI 3 1997 . J�,g`7 �q-GRES J�VkLUr�V�i'�'r PLANNING• PROJECT VALUE: • CITY OF'RENTON COMPANY(if appdicebl „ _ Ai,' (E - = r571r'11 rb-P N r,ConNsr►WCrroNt Cobs i,952)7 c ADDRESS: `ti 1;7.D3: `DG. r E-e- IS THE SITE LOCATED IN THE AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA? • 14 D CITY: 5e }'1'rurz___ ZIP: 18 IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY OTHER TYPE OF ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AREA? • TELEPHONE NUMBER: `20(0 SrrE Ekic,gOU4-S ON A- 100 YK Ft.oDo-pl.41.14 ) ZS 0`�-00 E ;..RI •0111>::0F:>:P:RU!PERTY:.;aAtta04e.p:.: :........................ :.<::::::»:<::<:::> >:> ;::.::.;:.:>:»::»:<:>::»:::Ch.sck:aY[:;a.p.pl:caii,�n:,>'ty.P..�$.;::tit P.A..:XfY............ ..... ..... _ANNEXATION .$ SUBDIVISION: _ COMP. PLAN AMENDMENT ' ' ''S ' ' • ` _REZONE $ ' _ LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT $ _SPECIAL PERMIT $ _ SHORT PLAT $ , • • ' _TEMPORARY PERMIT • ' S'.• • _TENTATIVE PLAT $ _ CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT $ _ PRELIMINARY PLAT . $ X SITE PLAN APPROVAL .$ 60. P _ FINAL PLAT $ • X GRADE & FILL PERMIT , ., -$ IODD. ,• ' (NO. CU. YDS: • • ) • PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT: $ VARIANCE $ (FROM SECTION: ) • PRELIMINARY •WAIVER , . $ _ FINAL • _WETLAND PERMIT $ . , _ROUTINE VEGETATION • MOBILE HOME PARKS: $ MANAGEMENT PERMIT $ ' _ BINDING SITE PLAN S . • SHORELINE REVIEWS: • ! • • SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT $ D,"' • CONDITIONAL USE $ . VARIANCE $ ' EXEMPTION $No Charge ': _ ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW $ REVISION $_ . . • I:P:n»::»::;::::»<::::»:::: ::::::»::»::<::::>:>::::>::>::»::::»>::::»::::<:»:::>:::>::»::;;:»::>::»::<:»»::»::>:: • Do/ryes 7. ‘,`6bails I, (Print Name) `'"6 "`"'G"`"' ,declare that I am(please chock one)A the owner of the property involved in this application, the authorized representative to act for the property owner(please attach proof of authorization), and that the foregoing statements end answers,hereir contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. � ATTEST: Subscribed and:sworn to before me, a Notary Public,in and bQ/Ot -- ' 5 . �,I,d d©"Zs for the Stgte,of esiding at (Name of Owner/Representative) c� ,on ihe./.r`tsy of r �' 19 ' • (Signature of Ow r/Representative) Lel ,,)= �P 9 (Si nature of tay Pithlic)", ::':: ::. . .........:........ .::>:::;:::.:::;<:;>:;<:>::>:<::.;::;;::>:<::.;> : :. ;: om leted:::ti:•:::Ci. �:..St :f..:.).::::..................:..................... .�.:�.:...................:...::.:: ;.;::...........:..::.<:::.::.............................:::.�::::........................Th s.s.action..to..b.e.�....:...R................. .......tY..�:.�::.::.:......................................:....::::::.:.:....... . ..................:::..:... :::.::.::::.;:.;::::. 1 ..:�:: .., .....:.::.. .:::::.>::.;.;.::.:.:::: .:::::..... ;.::;.: ::<::::4":04::.1 AID:..U;:.:::C)tiA111:01. ::A:::14-9.:::9-11::.:1=.C1.::::LLA.::::.;:;.;;:.:. ::::::::::::::::::. 1=11e:.N mb r..:: .ice. :.:...:. :::.: :. •:..:.......::::::: ::::.::::::::::::.: : ::::: .. .. ..... :. .: ..�::.: :::.�. . ..:.S.MI"::::>::::TP::::::>::>:V.-A::::::>V:->�::<>:sV-H:>::>::W: ;:.;;;; :.:.< ;::<::<: .::;::;P::.R.:;;::R�I::MP>»::::SA-A:<:::<:;• ::;:>SH.PI.:.:A ::SH.P[...1-i...... .P ... :. .. ... ... �.��..::.,....:..::. ..............,,,,,,,,,,,,,.............v.w.w.............................................................,........X.,,.................,,,,,,,...........w.w.w.w:,...we.w.w.....w.w.v.w...............w.w...w.........w,...........,,.......,,.............w.,.........,...,,,,:...:.:.......:•:•:,.........v.......w..... MASTERAP.DOC REVISED 8/97 4. `-ar?- . r l?, RENTON STADIUM LEGAL DESCRIPTION A strip of land 137.70 feet wide in that portion of the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section 7, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, Lying easterly of commercial waterway District No. 2 right- • of-way and westerly of Logan Street North extension as deeded to the State of Washington by deed recorded under Auditor's File No. 3261297, described as follows: Beginning at the South Margin of 6th Avenue North and West Margin of Logan Street North: thence South 0°25'49" West Lambert Meridian; North Zone, .574.15 feet to the point of curvature of'a curve to the right of radius 1710.08 feet; thence southwesterly along said curve and along said west margin 279.44 feet to a point from whence the curve center bears north 80°12'26" west, said point being the true' point of beginning:• thence continuing southwesterly along said curve, 140.90 feet: thence north 89°59'56" west 830.55 feet, more or less, to the easterly line of Commercial Waterway Dist. No. 2 right-of-way: thence north 12°47'42" west, along said right-of- way, 141.21 feet: thence south .89°59'56" east 891.48 feet to the true point of beginning. • • „ ,-)1 ,,1A11NG .• t GO TTTT.E INSURANCE COMPAI • �h n. h �E�IF� • Order No.: 489917 PLAT CERTIFICATE F` 1 SCHEDULE'1LE A ' • (continued) , u LEGAL rIkESCIMMON PARCEL A: • A STRIP OF LAND 137.70 FEET WIDE IN THAT .PORTION OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OP THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF.SECTION 7, TOWNSHIP :23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE .' MERIDIAN, 7N KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, .LYING EASTERLY OF COMMERCIAL•WATER4AY DISTRICT NO. 2 RIGHT OF WAY AND WESTERLY OF LOGAN STREET NORTH EXTENSION AS DEEDED TO THE STATE OF WASHINGTON BY DEED .RECORDED. UNDER RECORDING NUMBER • 3261297, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: ' • BEGINNING AT THE SOUTH MARGIN OF 6TH AVENUE NORTH AND THE WEST MARGIN OF LOGAN STREET NORTH; THENCE. SOUTH 0°25'49” WEST 574.15 FEET TO. THE POINT OF CURVATURE OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT OF RADIUS 1710.08 FEET; • THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE AND..ALONG SAID WEST MARGIN 279.44 FEET TO A POINT FROM WHICH THE CURVE CENTER BEARS'NORTH '80°12'26" WEST, SAID. POINT BEING THE. TRUE POINT OP BBGIN14TNG; THENCE CONTINUING SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE, 140.90 FEET; . THENCE NORTH 89°59'56" WEST 830.55 FEET, :.MORE OR LESS, TO THE EASTERLY LINE OP COMMERCIAL WATERWAY DISTRICT NO. .2 RIGHT'OF WAY; THENCE NORTH 12°47'42" WEST, ALONG SAID RIGHT OF .WAY, 141.21 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89059'56" EAST 891.48 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL E: . • THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER,OF •THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF .SECTION 7, TOWNSHIP. 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAME'rrE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, AND OF GOVERNMENT LOT 1, SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN NING,COUNTY, .WASHINGTON, LYING:EASTERLY OF COMMERCIAL WATERWAY i DISTRICT NO. 2 RIGHT OF WAY AND WESTERLY OF LOGAN STREET 'NORTH EXTENSION AS DEEDED TO THE STATE OF.WASHINGTON BY DEED, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER '3261297; EXCEPT THAT PORTION LYING NORTH OF THE FOLLOWING-DESCRIBED LINE: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTH MARGIN OF 6TH AVENUE NORTH AND THE WEST MARGIN OF LOGAN ' STREET NORTH IN THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF:THE SOUTHEAST .QUARTER OP SAID SECTION 7; THENCE SOUTH 0°25'49" WEST 574.15 FEET TO THE POINT OF CURVATURE OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT OF RADIUS 1710.08 FEET; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE AND ALONG SAID WEST MARGIN.279.44 FEET TO A POINT' FROM WHICH THE CURVE CENTER BEARS ,NORTH 80°12'26" WEST; THENCE CONTINUING SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE, 140.90 FEET.TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING OF THIS LINE DESCRIPTION; . THENCE NORTH 89°59'56" WEST 830.55 FEET ' MORE OR LESS, TO THE EASTERLY LINE OF COMMERCIAL WATERWAY DISTRICT NO. 2 RIGHT OF WAY, AND THE TERMINUS OF THIS LINE •DESCRIPTION. ® ..,,,Wy ._..-. _ CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY• . ' SS:ST L6, 20 33Q E0d 2VT S19ICOe d'.-1U1I dd9 Gal 9LVb-170E-90E+ CHIICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY Order No.: 489917 PLAT CERTIFICATE SC} E L 7T,1 This certificate does not insure against loss or damage by reason of the following exceptions: GENERAL EXCEPTIONS: • - A. Defects,liens,encumbrances,adverse claims or other matters,if any,created,first appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires for value of record the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. 33. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. ' C. Encroachments,overlaps,boundary line disputes,and any other matters which would be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the premises. • D. Easements or claims of easements not shown by the public records. E. Any lien,or right to lien,for contributions to employee benefit funds,or for state workers'compensation,or for services,labor,or material heretofore or hereafter furnished,all as imposed by law,and not shown by. the public records. F. Liens under the Workmen's Compensation Act not shown by the public records. G. Any service,installation,connection,maintenance or construction charges for sewer,water,electricity or garbage removal. H. General taxes not now payable;matters relating to special assessments and special levies,if any,preceding or in the same becoming a lien. I. Reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; Indian tribal codes or regulations,Indian treaty or'aboriginal rights, including easements or equitable servitudes. I. Water rights,claims,or title to water. . . • K. THIS REPORT IS ISSUED AND ACCEPTED UPON THE UNDERSTANDING THAT THE LIABILITY OF THE COMPANY SHALL NOT EXCEED ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS($1000.00). • • PLA7CRTS/t731 4/sac CHICAGO'ITILE'INSURANCE COMPANY 9S:Sti 2.6 d 20 03G 20d 217E S193f Dad -ltil I dti9 as 92.PP-170E-90E+ • r AGO TITLE INSURANCE COMP.'' FLAT csuer FICATE Order No.: 4 8 9 817 SCHEDULE E • (Continued) EXCEPTIONS A 1. COVENANT TO BEAR PART OR ALL OF THE COST OF CONSTRUCTION OR REPAIR OF EASEMENT GRANTED OVER ADaACENT PROPERTY:. PURPOSE OF EASEMENT: SEWER RECORDING NUMBER: 5907009 2. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRACE: CITY OF RENTON PURPOSE: RIGHT OF WAY, LANDSCAPING, UTILITIES ' AND OTHER RELATED PURPOSES WITH NECESSARY APPURTENANCES AREA AFFECTED: EASTERLY 13 FEET OF SAID PREMISES RECORDED: AUGUST 25, 1972 RECORDING NUMBER: 7208250389 c 3. UNDERGROUND UTILITY EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTEE: PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT COMPANY PURPOSE: ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION AND/OR DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM AREA AFFECTED: AS CONSTRUCTED OR TO BE CONSTRUCTED OVER PARCEL B RECORDED: CCYLY 29, 1980 RECORDING NUMBER: 8007290427 CONTAINS COVENANT PROHIBITING •STRUCTURES OVER SAID EASEMENT OR OTHER ACTIVITIES WHICH MIGHT ENDANGER THE UNDERGROUND SYSTEM. n 4. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTEE: CITY OF RENTON PURPOSE: PUBLIC UTILITIES WITH NECESSARY APPURTENANCES AREA AFFECTED: EASTERLY 20 FEET OF SAID PREMISES RECORDED: DECEMBMR 29, 1980 RECORDING NUMBER: 8012290368 • S. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTEE: GTE MOBILNET INCORPORATED PURPOSE: VEHICULAR AND PEDESTRIAN INGRESS AND CHICAGb TrrLE INSURANCE COMPANY c 9S:Sti L6: 20 DEG b0d 2bI ` ��lOElOZId.-113lId'dU QaI 92,17b-170Z-90c+ +206-204-4476 RSD, CAPITAL PROJECTS': ' 143 P05 DEC 03 '97 15:57 , AwayklOD 3DNv?IfiSNtI TJ.L1 L ODVDIHO S alai fi Sr3O2IVa :S=S33S OZ90SOT0£6 :2Iaswofl DNIO110Daa E66t 15 XIIVOLIV.0 :a3a%I0D32i J I\2'dWOD srzoHda'TIaOW•3,Lh'SS'ei3.%I I :33sS3r £OT, "oN SDI'dssia 'IOOHas 'Nosliatt '2zossaa :NIS 2ISH.L a:IsO' sia 35v3r ai L ao Smisiamoo aimed sw2ISs osiah'IoNII 'Esvau . o WnamVaow w '8 a 13DUfa :SID33d • I 00'00E 109 .$ INaliam idWI-arrIVA OJSSaSsV 00'006'L5o'£ $ atifd'I^Sarivn. aassSssK ootz :3C00 xA.ar SO--£SO6-S0£ZLO :2iSSWf1N IN0.0D0K X I '3S'da .vH/ W02I3 H*d . EL 30 30.RTI U SH.7. 1103 Sax'a A/ 3dotIa rivatt 30 Nair' Rw.L OI J,DaDaf1S aaw .7 LIJ.Na .S'ISKxvI V O,L SOMAS/MO v 30 ioi i.')SxS all/ do &Iva SHZ NO 3r8'TdXVs 31003E 'I'IIM .T..I I mOH 'Iawsxa S`d SrrOH XV.L S1LL NO a3I2i'MO SI oaaI?IOSaa Ni2ii'3H x.L2i3d02id. BH.L 'L K 'ISOHKa :sInaadV 0 00'005 '8t' a :LttlaNatO dWl-3'II'IvA a3SS3SSv 00"008'Z5S $ :ai VI-3q.Td11, a$ssassv O0tZ :3a00 7,.l13r 00-5806-90EZL0 vilasWDN mcia0DD! Xv.L "'S.LZia =H.L W02ia ,73'aH.X 3H.L 30 a3NK'Ilia SH1L uoa Sara xs7i3d0'tIa alma do mar/ 38S OJ IowanS arm X.LIS.NS 3'Ia'dXYJ. Y os JONvizANOD e dO bloimmara mu, 30 anta aim KO .S'ISftx ds SWODSa arum sI us/email 1,4143X3 S'd S'3'IO1 XK.L ala No oardavO SI: a3SzHDSSa NIISZisli 1IZiadOha am '9 d 6£ttT,Z4046 :ZT3SWIIN DNIa2IO032z L661 'bZ xriTIC =a3mOoax 3 rlamiVa 30 SHOilZT.Qa :43,L,?&d3v vautz S3Is,i'Ilsil amv SS3Hfl3 (Pann9u0:0 - �[ C1aagIos LtsGST7 :•om saw° aivoia tarn,d.V1d tamp wrzifansta a'LLLL ODV- _-.- • +20S-204-4476 RSD CAPITAL PROJECTS :'. 143 P06 DEC 03 '97 15:58 ANVd1,100 SJhiY 1f 1SNI WLU.L ODVZ U D asotossealittl*. awou=mmw Ewa.. - s aanasxos . o ama a 7aouFla :s 333`1Z 0 • . oot Z :3aTQD AArl 80-£S06-SQEZ6Q :waawati SNf1ODDV X'L SZ'Y $ :arid Imaowv SZ'z $ :QaTIIS mmaowv L 6 6I :2iti5X :3Sod2IL]d 2Y3mo io (oiLOasoua aII3 Isauoa 2iO3 saris, `IKIDBaS :Z 2IIEWIIM 3,LOZF • 0 0 Z Z :3a00 �C113'I 00-S806-S0EZLO :2II8WQN.ILZW1ODD"! Xb'L S Z'T .�" • :Urfa INLIOWt! • SZ'Y $ :Q3'I'TIS SNnQ4' L 66T :WAX :asod IL1d ammo 2I0 NOIS.03.L01id 32TI3 SSa2tO3 wa'sr'IXKs 'wID3dS 'C .'d38WAct 3,L0I1 • 'I 3 Ya aO rloz xoa =sizes .. , 8£Y'ZL01.6 •:2i38zniaN Dmicalopau L661 'i'Z MIL1 ' :Qaa2IODatt Qas't2iOalTO0ZII .IgNWIISON. ax0 :sassa'I EOV 'OK XDIILISIc '100150$ ido 73 :1105S31 • :XISEHHI aZSOTJSIO 35tz'3ri SFT1 SO SMOIZIOl1OO at l .Slum. 3HL JNIaD IZJ iI 'a$ti3'I 30 Ir1ammum Id '6 M. .. 1ok (U3tt II00) a fIaai os Lt 6 6 8 T' :ON iapsp 3.L'6'JIt£LYarao Jbb''Id •�,`•rd3RI00 Nv tflSN•II r3'LLLL 001 -.3' • • I 1• 1 r 1rH+CAV O TITLE. ii-V CE. OM: • '• . 1800 COLUMBIA CENTER, 701 5TH AVE,'SEATTLE, WASHINGTON,'98104. IMPORTANT: This is not a Burney. It famished as a rAAVGillence to locate the land indicated hereon with reference to streets and other'land.- No liability is assumed by reason of reliance'hereon. •Y .M 11��Y 1, �. . �' ti •ii.•A� „z=lr. 4.rr . ,As': ..•�•. r.1.... ... r Z 1 sEOq,��L 1 f i`` X�Y•y t • •a Ai- 1 1 r Yr , ,.s,. . a, . ..,.: • . .. i - I - . 1 • 1 S • S^ 1 1• r. �y L r x . : ' t. .1 r('w r / S tit .._ - .u•' •, . ,r::. l. �•r A L. • eV.•• . v,� a 1... 4. i cdl. \, 1 . 2' . 14 1 1 1 1• 1� w 1 5 j ", r , ••1 u .t i 1[ wit \\ . \.. , I f M \\\ '1 to • f rr ,4,r� t p j \ ,\ 1' - m t n,;{� tiff» ! \; \ `•1 1�� i 1 t V L.j � D 4. f �... ,1 i f f�1 •ALl• yi 1 r • • • • \•. 'i 7•Y i 4". 1 1 . _ ... • :• i 1 �� .•.` `z { S V CI ` tip • / F -.---..-------- •._ 7k• '\ 's. h»4 1 ` ./ 1 r CON CACU_ ..f AV C• 1 1 41. !JJIJ1I NL. N . . . \ • , . ' 11"ii1111111111"1111111 el ll.11 alv + ..- SS SZ L6. 20 SSQ Lod EbZ .S103fONd i WIdUO as 9Lbv-POE-9©c-1- Project Narrative: RENTON MEMORIAL STADIUM FIELD AND TRACK REPLACEMENT The stadium area is approximately 5.87 acres in size located at North 4th and Logan Avenue North, approximately 80 feet east of the Cedar River. The site is currently used by the school district for athletic practices and events, and by the general public as a jogging track. The project will replace the existing crowned, impervious synthetic field and track with new, vertically draining • synthetic turf and rubberized track over porous asphalt. A subsurface drainage system, field wet- down and wash water systems are provided. The replacement of the stadium field and track will include the following components: 1. Installation of temporary erosion and sedimentation control facilities, 2. Removal and off site disposal of the existing fencing, synthetic turf and pad, rubberized track and asphalt substrate; 3. Earthwork, excavation and grading with disposal of non-usable and excess materials off site; compaction and subgrade establishment; 4. Construction additions to the existing storm drainage system including new trench drain and storm drain piping; 5. Installation of a new automatic wet down system including a new controller, back flow prevention device with vault; and quick coupler system; 6. Installation of a new recessed perforated subsurface drainage system; 7. Replacement of existing electrical conduits and boxes and installation of new conduits for future track timing system; 8. Installation of imported free-draining base aggregate and porous asphalt materials over the field and track area; 9. Installation of new free draining synthetic turf system; 10. Installation of new free draining rubberized track and field event surfacing; 11. Installation of track and field event striping; 12. Installation of new 4' chain link fencing; • 13. Installation of two new long jump pits and runways with take-off boards, trays and rubberized surfacing; 14. Installation of new football goals and footings; • 15. Installation of new a/c pathway; 16. Fog coating of new and existing paving. The Cedar River has a low bank beach consisting mostly of mud and clay rock. The completed project will not obstruct any views associated with existing or potential structures and/or residential units and will not add any additional lighting to the site. —7-7 ON D These improvements will provide a safer more enjoyable playing area. NOV 1 9 1997 BUILDING DIVISION Construction Mitigation Description: RENTON MEMORIAL STADIUM FIELD AND TRACK REPLACEMENT The proposed beginning and ending dates for the replacement of the field and track are April 13, 1998 and August 7, 1998 respectively. During construction the hours of operation shall be 7am 5pm, Monday _ through Saturday. Water shall be applied to the site as necessary to protect persons and property from damage and discomfort from dust. Wheel cleaning stations shall be provided to clean wheels and undercarriage of trucks before leaving the site as necessary to prevent dirt from being carried onto public streets. If streets are fouled, they must be cleaned immediately in conformance with City of Renton requirements, as applicable. This requirement applies to all vehicle movements for the entire period of construction. Hauling and transportation routes shall be determined when a contractor for the project has been selected. These routes will be submitted to the city for approval. NOV 1 3 1997 U�VELu�-,,,,trvr N�NNING CITY OF RENTON 0. 111106BH c ASiJCIfITFS PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS 1703 DEXTER AVENUE NORTH TELEPHONE(206)285-0400 SEATTLE,WASHINGTON 98109 FAX(206)285-0480 November 12, 1997 • Mark Pywell, AICP, Senior Planner City of Renton Planning/Building/Public Works Municipal Building -3' Floor 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, WA 98055 RE: Renton Memorial Stadium Dear Mr. Pywell: • Enclosed are 12 copies of the SEPA Checklist for your review. The Renton School District is functioning as lead agency for the SEPA Review and Determination. If you have any questions or comments, please contact D. A. Hogan &Associates at(206) 285- 0400 or b Brown at the Renton School District.at(425) 204-4408. Since ely,/ Day . der , . . P ect Engineer cc: Bob Brown, Renton School.District RECFNE' NOV 199� OEVELOWIvYEi4+T"C�LF1NfVING CITY OF REIVTON DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISIC._ WAIVER OF SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS _ • D: E> .E IT:.::.SU BM IT:TA` ':': : ...; E • Calculations, Survey, • _::::a.::.;2.'• Drain Coritro PI • j s Drainage Report 2 Elevations, Grading z )11) Ezistin :.Covenants::: Recorded:Co ... .... . .. ............ •....:..... ...::....::........:.:..�._:.. .:..:..............:.::.:::::.:::..�::::.:..::......:::..........:....::..........:..:::::::.�. Existing Easements (Recorded Copy) 4 _Flo......................................... Floor Plans 3ANoa GeotechnicaLRe 01't2�ANg3 : Grading Plan, Conceptual 2 King County Assessor's Map Indicating Site 4 .Conce tua °a. .Landsca in :Plan o Legal Description 4 ' : :ro a Ow ersa Li St.o :Surroundi � Pr rt n List n ...:... .:: . Mailing Labels for Property Owners 4 E is i g i e Conditio s:a Ma of xi tin S t n Master Application Form 4 Monument Cards one. er:monument,,I :.. :.:;:;:;;;'<;.:::::.:::::::::>:> ;;<>:::.»>:<::;::::.:.;:.:::.....::>::.:::::>::<:;>;:;>::;<:::»:>::;;:,.:::;.::.::;:::,:;::>:::::»>:; . .. ... .: :.. .::. Parking, Lot Coverage & Landscaping Analysis 4 Plan Reductions: PMTs a.:• Postage 4 • Public Works Approval Letters Title Report or Plat Certificate 4. Topography.MaP (5 contours)3 40 Traffic Study 2 Tree Cut 'n e e ation Iearin9 PI an 4 Utilities Plan, Generalized 2 Wetlands Delineation:•Ma a Wetlands Planting Plan 4 Wetlands Study 4 • This requirement may be.waived by: :G e-%„=.1q r•-% 1. Property Services Section P JECT NAME: 1 7-C/V I 2. Public Works Plan Review Section 0 VW)3. Building Section NO‘f 1 1997 DATE: JI/i J/4q71 • 4. Development Planning Section CITY OF RENTON h:\division.s\develop.ser\dev.plan.ing\waiver.xls D.A. Hogan & Associates 1703 Dexter Avenue North Seattle,WA 98109 Phone(206)285-0400 Fax(206)285-0480 Letter of Transmittal To: . Planning/Building/Public Works City of Renton Attn: Mark Pywell, AICP, Senior Planner Re: Renton Memorial Stadium Date: November 12, 1997 We are sending you: COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION 12 Master Application 1 JARPA Form 2 List of surrounding property owners .2 Mailing labels .12 Project Narrative 5 Construction Mitigation Description 1 Plan Sheet Reductions (8 '/z" x 11") 11 Neighborhood Vicinity Map 12 Cross Section 12 SEPA Checklist 12 Plan Set 1 ,Neighborhood Vicinity Map Reduction These are transmitted for: Your review. Remarks: Mi4.,€17-y1 V"-Z;7r ., Marilyn Flatten Administrative Assistant J I **************************************************************** City of Renton WA Receipt **************************************************************** Receipt Number: R9707220 Amount: 3 , 510 . 88 11/13/97 15 :27 Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #13351 D.A.HOGAN Init: LMN Project # : LUA97-171 Type: LUA Land Use Actions Total Fees : 3 , 510 . 88 This Payment 3 , 510 . 88 Total ALL Pmts : 3 , 510 . 88 Balance: . 00 **************************************************************** Account Code Description Amount 000 . 345 . 81 . 00 . 0011 Grading & Filling Fees 1, 000 . 00 • 000 . 345 . 81 . 00 . 0016 Shoreline Subst Dev 500 . 00 000 . 345 . 81 . 00 . 0017 Site Plan Approval 2 , 000 . 00 000 ; 05 . 519 . 90 .42 . 1 Postage 10 . 88 0723C5-9100-01 THE BUING CCMPANY • • 650035 P0 90X 3703. Pis 41F-09 . • SEATTLE .WA • 98124 : 1 • 722550-009004 . . TRAN PHU0C4THI NUOI FANG TU667.026 • A3F. BURNETT AVE N . FENTON WA 98055 • 722550-0095-09 • MEAT ROBERT C • 0975 432 BURNETT ST N . RENTON WA • 96055 :A • 72255070100-02 Hr • • CRE.:CELIUS LEUIS • • f.,N0925 42$3 BURNETT • RENTON WA 98055 722550-0105-07 1995.. MANN LINITEC FAMILY PA679999 ( 18218 114TH AVE SE • _ • RENTON WA 0 98055 72255C-0[10-00 ONEAL TERRY G 741093 2716 .,MEAOCW AVE N • RENTON WA . .98056 722550-0115-05 WACCONEP P LAWRENCE Bi9999 • ' A20 BURNETT AVE N • RENTON. WA 98055 •42 ; . . 722550-0120-U8 CANNON- WYNNE J+JCANN 0N9999. 41A' BURNETT AVE NC RENTON WA . 98055 • 772.2550-0125-03 CPAWFORD ALFREC LOUIS 500462 553 FOWLER. ST ' . RAYMOND WA • 98577' , 722550-013C-06 0ELIZO STEVEN Pi-ELIZABETH A919999 406 BURNETT AVE NORM.RENTON WA : 98055 ' _ • • , -• -• • 722550-0135-C1 HUNT JAMES • 9N003.0 11827 SE 87TH AVE . RENTON WA 98056 ' • ***** ******* ' ! . •. . , . . _ COMMENTS ,k- . • 072305-9001-01 ; ‘ THE 'BOEING COMPANY 530653 ! - '- . PC BOX 3707 -... MIS 1E-09 • . ..,,,,,-1 SEATTLE WA 98124 072305-9C01-92 THE BOEING COMPANY 530653 E 1 PO BOX 3707 ,,. ..... , . MS 1H-09 • SEATTLE WA . 98124 ' 072305-9007-05 - CITY OF - RENTON 644458 200 *ILL AVE • S - RENTON WA WA 98055 -..-. : .• . --.4. - 072305-9007-E8 FIGHT SIXTY BUILDING L .P 6298.00 • 950 WEST PERIMETER ROAD RENTON WA WA 98055 . • v.i i''''': -4 t 072305-9025-00 RENTON SCHOOL OIST 403 712777 ',..,„J 435 MAIN. AVE S (-0'i,•' RENTON , WA • 98055 ,. •. . "16-•• 072305-9098'-05 • • A'lli i g BURATI MARJORIE F 749999 .... 1 ' F5 EAST CIRCLE DRIVE ..,,,. '.?". EAST LONGMEADOW MA 01028 :--- ,. 6m;] .. *****4,c*** *Var,,c .)7,,c V V'.+;(V V.<),:$Yit ;{ 1;.<.Y.t 3;1 3:,(•Y.0 skt ):$ 3ATC1-1 NUMBER YE CUSTOMER NAME CA HOGAI\I & ASSC • v. ' • , -44ft• • • • " • = V. •,";":'?„'!"4" :,• 4 • 5 • 1> 1 Yr.; "t 4,471V:4' 4,:2•, , • ;': ,, .4 . '44‘. 072305-9007-05 CITY OF. RENTaN 644458 • 200 MILL AVE S RENTON WA G8C55 • • 1. , • , • ' , ' ; • ksdlit't444IS '7 ...%; 4 1 4 -`4,t4,4,* • v, " = -••••;" 4• fr , i: ' ;A'? • Z; " : • ft, , ",. 14 : ;`;'"; '•1:• 't • • .• "1: ". 1}` "" C ';„ "*". . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . , . . . • ,. • . . . , . ...•. . . . . , . . . . . . . . .. . . . , - . . . . . . . . . . . ., .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . .. • • ., • , . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . , , . . . . . _ . . . , , . . . , . . . . . . ., , . . . . . . , • . . . . . _ . . . , , . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . , . .- , . ..• . . . . . .,, . ,. . . . . . - . . . . - . . . ..,• . . .. .... . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .. . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . „ . . . . . .. , . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . .. . . , „ • . . . . , . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . , . . . . . . . ,. . . . .. . •• • . , ...•' , . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . , . .. . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . , . . - . . . . . , . . , . . , . . . . . , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . , . . . . . . . . ,. , . . . . , . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., - ..• _ . . . . . . . . . . , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _-. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . , . . . ,• . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . ...• . . . ,....., . • . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . , - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . ., ' ,• , . . . . . . .. . . .. .. . . , . . . . • . . . . . . . . . ... ., _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '. _ , • . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . .. C. . . 1: , . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . , . . . . • . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . .. , . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. , . . . . . . . . , . . . . .. . . . EXISTING HIGH WATER MARK ' (WILL NOT BE IMPACTED BY STADIUM PROJECT) oef • •(:::. m • z • . , _ ? e.E 0 . • rn 12' ENC IT OF 12'" \ -(NOTE 3) CONC. CURB E.p4,Tww SURFACE u u ° / SSMH C •=29(: (•;• UNI3 . • IE 6" IN SE=23.2 ® @ IE 6" IN NE=23.9 LIMIT OF NEW 4' CP 4 • IE 8" OUT NW=23.1 CHAINLINK FENCE 0 / 0 48" BRICK • 9 Mr 20" MAPLE o / • 0 /• . ..• .,. • CO C OF /,PA S 41° LIMIT FENCE IN , PI CONC. CURB 0 . . ' / • 0 / N . IF I i 1 EXISTING il 1 0 0 LANDSCAPI, el • I \--1-\ . x li 4 C-9 Cj .1 , S OREB . --- . Di .] 1 . • LI' M CT. BOXES , 1,1 0 1:EAM A-) - \I , T. STUB OUTS ' ELECTRICAL NEW 4' CHAINLINK • STUB OUT' ' FENCE CONC.- CURB " CONNECTEDdyp.) • d - - - - ---- - -) TO FENCE Mr I\ il ‘\ ----- ----- \ in NEW C.B.I. #1 TYPE 2 \\ ---. 3 , (2) \ \ . x x —A— — • -11 6" CONC. CUT rpy , PAVING 12" BEYOND 0 ; \ \\ 1 ' 411 • EXISTING HIGH WATER MARK (WILL NOT BE IMPACTED BY STADIUM PROxJECT) • 0 LIMIT OF NEW 4'- CHAINLINK FENCE 9,)( rillp v..: oNvAc:hAo „ R)LIMIT OF 12 \,,\ V CONC. CURB -\, LIMIT OF POROUS • .DGE OF RUBBERIZED 1 - - - - N.:FACING - --,-,-Q POW lr, . IsER , e..-...- 0 / ,,' s" ..z, 14 • ''fir] • ' -`'-'7.41, • XX ! c, i•-.4 9,7 ...T,= • ,0,,-.0_/.2..„•,,,..•.C.Z‘„C s•),„'‘e'l'.ia,tr1.a _-. , ••,,,.ee;.,_J-,l 7I EXTRUDED C l i(c) p I • c • h0 20 40 \ A 1"" /// SCALE. 1 " = 20' M . ATTACHMENT TO LAYOUT SHEET C-4 _ _._ ,....,...,_.„......___.- . 4.. \k' .• 4.1 • , r 1\11 I . .. I \. • • �1 I C.-/1 ADS/T S-LAKE-N'ASHINGTON PLAT �C 11 - ., �\ \• '• r11 ... COl 1-- 1\1 �, ; 90 l - N. S T 1-1 S T. �99� N. mol 1 11 50° L +Lv+'Ivirly TOi\\ 1 • 1\i, Z I .�y�,rrof� � .. NEIGHBORHOOD Gov t. Lot 4 .; VICINITY MAP �I27,70 Acres % w'; Z.0 2Ac. 1-1 1- t1 tt d ' O. • ." . 11 re, 1 t I , IV JI 1\• " \ `:`1 . • T CING G0 • • • U .. , . . ... • • 1..1 Vt..... \" ' , I \t 11 • \ I 11 \ , \T. \ ' ` SCALE: 1"=200' I 1\ 111 \\111 ' ` 1 t1\\1 ��_ • i .. 11 11 411 �—�_ lk, Q 1\ \t �....,� 1111116.‘V‘ ''‘ i. . \ , . /6 .• . . . '..• 1\1 1J4t \, t1\\\\\ . i11 ,11 I‘k-k.--•'\.,. --• lie\#f ��. ..- — .-- •-- 300 GRAND STAND giiI'I,i Gov't. Lofi 2 1ov . �:.10 Ac es 'a4' 12.10 Acres C(.,, , 73Z; 1 ! 1 `\\\ \ `ram. \ / -�.�„ // EL .! ; , : PLFILD66C. . 1 \ 1 1 . tA� N '.':I' ,\'\\ \ %t`\\ • T.!,l9B 3251 `I • \ \ \ \ TL. 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(;P °C,-- .� .,n'' .�.i m 7:•.c. tom____ gip;,:, f 'it ,rfrob'' A i V r I •• . . 1117/V#1447..P!4. I ." 4116%' OIMS*; I. i laseitiii.'4' ik ibistk4g. ift:"' '.,1* *weir-1"1". Ni 'Ft 4 . t ,•ti.4' (Ir., • 4t• . , el IP •• to . , •. . . ,, .1'41 •••• 4 `II , 4. ‘' \ 4. • .,:r3tt-,, v .. . .. "r , . S I. . . . .., It' ' ' 'N . . . 1--t• ' . aillaagialgairlair. . •\\:1l' . 0 , '4• 01 , • 4 ' ••1 ,4 Renton Memorial Stadium Field & Track Replacement SEPA CHECKLIST Prepared for: Renton School District No. 403 Prepared by: D.A. Hogan & Associates 1703 Dexter Avenue North Seattle, WA 98109 �� (206) 285-0400 .fin OevC/n'OF R�LNNI ON NG October 31st , 1997 1 I _ Environmental Checklist A. BACKGROUND 1. Name of proposed project, if applicable: Renton Memorial Stadium, Field and Track Replacement 2. Name of applicant: Renton School District No. 403 435 Main Ave. S. Renton, WA 98055 (206) 204-2300 3. Address and phone number of applicant and contact person: Robert Brown David Anderson, P.E. Renton School District No 403 D.A. Hogan &Associates 435 Main Ave. S. 1703 Dexter Ave. N. Renton, WA 98055 Seattle, WA 98109 (425) 204-2300 (206) 285-0400 4. Date checklist prepared: October 31, 1997 5. Agency requesting checklist: Renton School District- Lead agency for SEPA review City of Renton -Agency with permitting jurisdiction. 6. Proposed timing or schedule (including phasing, if applicable): The project is scheduled to start in the spring of 1998 for completion by fall of 1998. 7. Do you have any plans for future additions, expansion, or further activity related to or connected with this proposal? If yes, explain. No 8. List any environmental information you know about that has been prepared , or will be prepared, directly related to this proposal. Geotechnical Report prepared by Giles Engineering Associates (Attachment B) Storm Drainage Calculations prepared by D.A. Hogan &Associates (Attachment C) 9. Do you know whether applications are pending for governmental approvals of other proposals directly affecting the property covered by your proposal? If yes, explain. No RECE E NOV 1 3 1997 DCVELOPivMES'IT PLANNING Renton Memorial Stadium,Field&Track Replacement ciTY OF R NTON SEPA Checklist Page 1 Environmental Checklist fi 10. List any government approvals of permits that will be needed for your proposal, if known. City of Renton - Grade & Fill Permit City of Renton - Shoreline Substantial Development Permit City of Renton - Site Plan • 11. Give a brief, complete description of your proposal, including the proposed uses and the size of the project and site. There are several questions later in this checklist that ask you to describe certain aspects of your proposal. You do not need to repeat those answers on this page. (Lead agencies may modify this form to include additional specific information on project description.) See attached project description (Attachment A) and site plans (Figures 2 - 6) 12. Location of the proposal. Give sufficient information for a person to understand the precise location of your proposed project, including a street address, if any, and section, township, and range, if known. If a proposal would occur over a range of area, provide the range or boundaries of the site(s). Provide a legal description, site plan, vicinity map, and topographic map, if reasonably available. While you should submit any plans required by the agency,you are not required to duplicate maps or detailed plans submitted with any permit applications related to the checklist. The property address is: 405 Logan North, Renton, WA 98055 For Vicinity Map see Figure 1. -_ For legal description of Renton Memorial Stadium see Figure 2. For Topographical map see Figure 3 For Site Plan see Figure 4 • For Grading Plan see Figure 5 For Drainage Plan see Figure 6 For FEMA Flood Area Map see Figure 7 B. ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS 1. Earth a. General.description of the site : Flat b. What is the steepest slope on the site? (approximate percent slope)? Approximately 3% c. What general types of soils are found on the site (for example, clay, sand, gravel, peat, muck)? If you know the classification of agricultural soils, specify them and • note any prime farmland. Alluvial deposits of silt, sand and gravel deposited by the Cedar River. Renton Memorial Stadium,Field&Track Replacement Page 2 SEPA Checklist Environmental Checklist r. 1 d. Are there surface indications or history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity? If so, describe. -- There are no surface indications of unstable soils or slopes within the project limits. e. Describe the purpose, type and approximate quantities of any filling or grading proposed. Indicate source of fill. The project includes approximately: 9000 CY of excavation and off site disposal 4560 CY of imported permeable aggregate. f. Could erosion occur as a result of clearing, construction or use? If so, generally describe. Erosion is unlikely at this site due to the flatness of the site and the existing conditions. Minimal erosion could occur during the demolition and grading phases of the project as a result of clearing and removal of the existing synthetic and asphalt materials. The erosion across the field and track areas will be limited due to the flat configuration of the project area. The perimeter areas around the field also have minimum slopes. percent About what of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after project construction (for example, asphalt or buildings)? 13%: The project area is approximately 5.87 acres. The project will replace 3.34 acres of impervious synthetic turf and track surfacing with vertically draining synthetic turf and track underlain with porous asphalt and subsurface drainage systems. The project area will include approximately 0.75 acres of impervious ,-` surface in the form of paved pathways, field event pads,existing buildings and • grandstands or bleachers. This project will reduce the amount of impervious surface at the project area from 68% to 13%. h. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion or other impacts to the earth, if any: , = The demolition and earthwork portions of the project will be performed in the spring and summer months when drier weather conditions are prevalent. Erosion control measures will be in place during the construction on the project. This will include catch basin protection including filter fabric between frames and grates and a construction access pad. • 2. Air a. What type of emissions to the air would result from the proposal(i.e., dust, i automobile odors, industrial wood smoke) during construction and when the project . is completed? If any, generally describe and give approximate quantities if known. Renton Memorial Stadium,Field&Track Replacement Page 3 SEPA Checklist it t - )_' Environmental Checklist - I Dust emissions could occur during grading operations. Construction equipment will produce exhaust emissions. There will be no emissions resulting from the completed project. b. Are there any off-site sources or odor that may affect your proposal? If so, generally describe. No c. Proposed measure to reduce or control emissions or other impacts to air, if any: Water will be applied to the subgrade as required to quell dust. 3. Water a. Surface Water: 1) Is there any surface water body on or in the immediate vicinity of the site (including year-round and seasonal streams, saltwater, lakes, wetlands)? If yes describe type • - and provide names. If appropriate, state what stream or river it flows into. The Cedar River flows along the west border of the site and Lake Washington is approximately 1 mile north of the site. 2) Will the project require any work over, in or adjacent to (within 200 feet)the described waters? If yes, please describe and attach available plans. Yes, The western limit of the project area is located approximately 80 feet from the Cedar River. 3) Estimate the amount of fill and dredge material that would be placed in or removed from surface water or wetlands and indicate the area of the site that would be affected. Indicate the source of fill material. None 4) Will the proposal require surface water withdrawals or diversions? Give general description, purpose and approximate quantities if known. No 5) Does the proposal lie within a 100-year flood plain? If so, note location on the site plan. Yes, The western portion of the project area is located in the 100-year flood plain. See Figure 7 - 6) Does the proposal involve any discharge of waste materials to surface waters? If so, describe the type of waste and anticipated volume of discharge. No Renton Memorial Stadium,Field&Track Replacement Page 4 SEPA Checklist Environmental Checklist b. Ground Water: 1) Will ground water be withdrawn or will water be discharged to ground water? Give 'general description, purpose and approximate quantities if known. No 2) Describe waste material that will be discharge into the ground from septic tanks or other sources, if any, (for example: Domestic sewage; industrial containing the following chemicals...; agricultural; etc.). Describe the general size of the system, the number of such systems, the number of houses to be served (if applicable) or the number of animals or humans the system(s) are expected to serve. None c. Water Runoff(including storm water): 1) Describe the source of runoff(including storm water) and method of collection and disposal, if any(include quantities, if known). Where will this water flow? Will this water flow into other waters? If so, describe. There will be no surface runoff from the track or field. This water will drain through the new surfaces and underlying porous asphalt and permeable aggregate layers and be collected by the new subsurface drainage system. The project area drains to the existing storm drainage system on the west side of the site which discharges into the Cedar River. The projected runoff rates are summarized below. The hydrograph analysis and time of concentration calculations are included in Attachment C. STORM EXISTING PEAK PROPOSED PEAK EVENT RUNOFF RATES RUNOFF RATES (24 HOUR) (CFS) (CFS) 2 YEAR 2.23 0.88 10 YEAR 3.35 1.41 100 YEAR 2.23 2.03 The peak runoff rates from the project area will be reduced as a result of the proposed improvements. This reduction is a result of the decrease in the area of impervious surface and the extensive time of concentration associated with the vertically draining field construction. The void spaces in the permeable aggregate become saturated between the subsurface drainage trenches during storm events. Due to the relatively flat gradients, the travel velocities as water • percolates laterally through the aggregate are very slow. These void spaces, in Renton Memorial Stadium,Field&Track Replacement SEPA Checklist Page 5 Environmental Checklist effect, function as temporary storage resulting in low runoff rates from the subsurface drainage system. 2) Could waste material enter,ground or surface waters? If so, generally describe. No. • d. Proposed measures to reduce or control surface, ground and runoff water impacts, if any: _ With the installation of the permeable aggregate and porous asphalt materials as well as the subsurface drainage system, there will be a significant increase in the time of concentration for the runoff from the field areas. The completed project will result in a net reduction of the peak runoff from the site. The hydrograph analysis and time of concentration calculations are included in Attachment C. 4. Plants a. Check or circle types of vegetation found on the site: X deciduous tree: alder, maple, aspen, other X evergreen.tree: fir, cedar, pine, other X shrubs X grass pasture crop or grain wet soil plants: cattail, buttercup, bulrush, skunk cabbage, other water plants: water lily, eelgrass, milfoil, other other types of vegetation b. What kind and amount of vegetation will be removed or altered? Seven poplar trees and one birch tree will be removed for safety purposes. The root systems and leaves are detrimental to the running track and pathways. • • c. .. List threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. None d. Proposed landscaping, use of native plants, or other measures to preserve or enhance vegetation on the site, if any: None ,- 5. Animals a. Circle any birds and animals which have been observed on or near the site or are known to be on or near the site: • birds: hawk, heron, eagle, songbirds, other: mammals: deer, bear, elk, beaver, other: i Renton Memorial Stadium,Field&Track Replacement SEPA Checklist Page 6 Environmental Checklist fish: bass, salmon, trout, herring, shellfish, other: b. List any threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. None c. Is the site part of a migration route? If so, explain. No d. Proposed measures to preserve or enhance wildlife, if any: None , - 6. Energy and Natural Resources a. What kind of energy(electric, natural gas, oil, wood, solar) will be used to meet the completed project's energy needs? Describe whether it will be used for heating, manufacturing, etc. Electricity will be utilized for the wash water controller. b. Would your project affect the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties? If so, generally describe. No c. What kind of energy conservation features are included in the plans of this proposal? List other proposed measures to reduce or control energy impacts, if any: None 7. Environmental Health a. Are there any environmental health hazards, including exposure to toxic chemicals, risk of fire and explosion, spill or hazardous waste that could occur as a result of this proposal? If so, describe. No 1) Describe special emergency services that might be required. None 2) Proposed measures to reduce or control environmental health hazards, if any: None b. Noise 1) What type of noise exist in the area which may affect your project(for example: traffic, equipment operation, other)? None Renton Memorial Stadium,Field&Track Replacement Page 7 SEPA Checklist Environmental Checklist 2) What types and levels of noise would be created by or associated with the project on a short-term or a long-term basis (for example: traffic, construction, operation, other)? Indicate what hours noise would come from the site. There will be minor equipment noise during portions of the construction period. There will continue to be noise from the athletic events on the site after the project is completed. The noise levels from these events are typically less than 55 dba at 100 feet. These activities will not take place after 11:00 PM. Due to the limited duration and occurrence of these activities, and the proximity of project area the noise impacts will not be significant. 3) Proposed measures to reduce or control noise impacts, if any: None 8. Land and Shoreline Use • a. What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties ? The use of the project area is primarily athletic and recreational. This type of usage will not change as a result of the project. The adjacent properties are commercial. b. Has the site been used for agriculture? If so, describe. No c. Describe any structures on the site. The site includes existing grandstands, maintenance and concession buildings. d. Will any structures be demolished? If so,what? No e. What is the current zoning classification of the site? The current zoning of the site is light industrial - public use. f. What is the current comprehensive plan designation of the site? EAI g. If applicable, what is the current shoreline master program designation of the site? Urban h. Has any part of the site been classified as an "environmentally sensitive" area? If so, specify. • No . . t Renton Memorial Stadium,Field&Track Replacement SEPA Checklist Page 8 Environmental Checklist i. Approximately how many people would reside or work in the completed project? The stadium can accommodate approximately 4000 spectators. This project does not change the use or seating facilities of the stadium. • j. Approximately how many people would the completed project displace? None k. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce displacement impacts, if any: None I. Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with existing and projected land uses and plans, if any: The type of site usage will not be impacted by the project. The project will replace and improve existing facilities at the site and enhance its use for both school and ' community use. 9. Housing a. Approximately how many units would be provided, if any? Indicate whether high, middle or low-income housing. None b. Approximately how many units, if any,would be eliminated? Indicate whether high, middle-or low-income housing. None c. Proposed measures to reduce or control housing impacts, if any: None 10. Aesthetics a. What is the tallest height of any proposed structure(s), not including antennas:what is the principal exterior building material(s) proposed? The project will include installation of 2 goal posts. The maximum pole height will be 30 feet above finish grade. b. What views in the immediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed? This construction will not impact any views. . c. Proposed measures to reduce or control aesthetic impacts, if any: None • • Renton Memorial Stadium,Field&Track Replacement Page 9 SEPA Checklist Environmental Checklist _ 11. Light and Glare a. .What type of light or glare will the proposal produce? What time of day would it mainly occur? None, The project will not alter the existing field illumination system. b. Could light or glare from the finished project be a safety hazard or interfere with views? No c. What existing off-site sources of light or glare may affect your proposal? None d. Proposed measures to reduce or control light and glare impacts, if any: None 12. Recreation a. What designated and informal recreational opportunities are in the immediate vicinity? Recreational facilities are available on the site for soccer, football, jogging, running and field events. b. Would the proposed project displace any existing recreational uses? If so, describe. No. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts on recreation, including recreation opportunities to be provided by the project or applicant, if any: Recreational opportunities will be enhanced with the renovation of the existing field and track. 13. Historic and Cultural Preservation a. Are there any places or.objects listed on, or proposed for, national, state or local preservation registers known to be on or next to the site? If so, generally describe. No b. Generally describe any landmarks or evidence of historic, archeological, scientific or cultural importance known to be on or next to the'site. None c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts, if any: • None Renton Memorial Stadium,Field&Track Replacement Page 10 SEPA Checklist Environmental Checklist 14. Transportation a. Identify public street and highways serving the site and describe proposed access to the existing street system. Show on site plans, if any: The site is accessed from Logan Avenue North. Regional access is from Interstate 405. No change to the site access is proposed in this project. b. Is the site currently served by public transit? If not, what is the approximate distance to the nearest transit stop? The site is served by Metro Transit. c. How many parking spaces would be the completed project have? How many would the project eliminate? The completed project will not alter the existing parking on the site. d. Will the proposal require any new roads or streets improvements to existing roads or . streets, not including driveways? If so, generally describe (indicate whether public or private). No e. Will the project use (or occur in the immediate vicinity of)water, rail or air transportation? If so, generally describe. • No f. How many vehicular trips per day would be generated by the completed project? If known, indicate when peak volumes would occur. The use of the site will not altered as a result of the project. Some additional trips may be generated to the site during weekends as a result of the improvements to the field and track generating some additional community use. g. Proposed measures to reduce or control transportation impacts, if any: None 15. Public Services a. Would the project result in an increased need for public services (for example: fire protection, police protection, health care, schools, other)? If so, generally describe. No b. Proposed measures to reduce or control direct impacts on public services, if any. None Renton Memorial Stadium,Field&Track Replacement SEPA Checklist Page 11 Environmental Checklist 16. Utilities a. Utilities currently available at the site: • Electricity, water, sewer, refuse service, telephone b. Describe the utilities that are proposed for the project, the utility providing the service and the general construction activities on the site or in the immediate vicinity which might be needed. None C. SIGNATURE • r I, the undersigned, state t to the best .f my knowledge the abo e t formation is true and complete. It is understo.• :t the I•ad agency may withdraw a d:clarati% of non- - significance that it migh in r:'anc. ;son this checklist sh. Id t ere s- an/ �Iful misrepresentation or :ck • full ` losure on my part. j A 1 f 0.--_ Proponent:. ... � •• . 44 Pt Name Printed: &V/b../»• • • • •••• ,o- ' Date: ...lit..(.1. .P7 • I . i I Renton Memorial Stadium,Field&Track Replacement Page 12' - SEPA Checklist ATTACHMENT A Renton Memorial Stadium Field and Track Replacement: PROJECT OVERVIEW Renton Memorial Stadium,Field&Track Replacement SEPA Checklist ATTACHMENT A Project Overview: RENTON MEMORIAL STADIUM FIELD AND TRACK REPLACEMENT The stadium area is approximately 5.87 acres in size. The project will replace the existing crowned, impervious synthetic field and track with new, vertically draining synthetic turf and rubberized track over porous asphalt. A subsurface drainage system, field wet-down and wash water systems are provided. The replacement of the stadium field and track will include the following components: 1. Installation of temporary erosion and sedimentation control facilities, 2. Removal and off site disposal of the existing fencing, synthetic turf and pad, rubberized track and asphalt substrate; 3. Earthwork, excavation and grading with disposal of non-usable and excess materials off site; compaction and subgrade establishment; - 4. Construction additions to the existing storm drainage system including new trench drain and storm drain piping; 5. Installation of a new automatic wet down system including a new controller, back flow prevention device with vault; and quick coupler system; 6. ! Installation of a new recessed perforated subsurface drainage system; 7. Replacement of existing electrical conduits and boxes and installation of new conduits for future track timing system; 8. Installation of imported free-draining base aggregate and porous asphalt materials over the field and track area; 9. Installation of new free draining synthetic turf system; 10! Installation of new free draining rubberized track and field event surfacing; 11 i Installation of track and field event striping; 12! Installation of new 4' chain link fencing; 13 Installation of two new long jump pits and runways with take-off boards, trays and ; rubberized surfacing; 14j. Installation of new football goals and footings; 15. Installation of new a/c pathway; 16. Fog coating of new and existing paving. The renovated track and field will provide a safer, more attractive and more playable field and track and improved facilities for field events. Renton Memorial Stadium,Field&Track Replacement ___ SEPA Checklist ATTACHMENT B Renton Memorial Stadium Field and Track Replacement: GEOTECHNICAL REPORT Renton Memorial Stadium,Field&Track Replacement SEPA Checklist 1v2'(/ '( b 1 Ltt tNb 1 I`{ttK 1 IVU y Gut:. GGJ o44OU ,"• ... " AFT Geotechnical Engineering Exploration and Analysis Renton Memorial Stadium Track and Field Improvements 405 Logan Avenue North Renton, Washington Prepared for: • Renton School District No. 403 Renton, Washington October 27, 1997 Project No. 6G 970901 S { 10/27/87 1 :12 GILES ENGINEERING 4 205 285 0480 NU. d4 reU3/U37 GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING EXPLORATION AND ANALYSIS PROPOSED RENTON MEMORIAL STADIUM TRACK AND FIELD IMPROVEMENTS RENTON, WASHINGTON PROJECT NO. 60-9709015 1.� EX1 CUTIVE_S1IMMARY. The following is a brief summary outline of the geotechnical conclusions and recommendations developed for this project. This summary should be read in complete context with the accompanying report for proper interpretation. Subsurface Conditions o The subsurface exploration program completed to date has consisted of completing 19 borings within the existing track, areas between the end zones and the track, as well as areas east and west of the track. An additional 4 borings remain to be completed within the football field. The subsurface exploration program disclosed that the track track area is coverd with an average of 2 inches of asphalt pavement which in turn is supported on 2 to 3 inches of crushed sand and gravel base course. The pavement section is underlain by variable thickness,man-palced fill,typically in the range of 1 V2 to 3 feet thick. The fill consists of a variety of materials consisting of cinders, silt, fine sand, pit-run sand and gravel, and cobbly gravel. The cinders were encountered in all but 2 borings beneath the track and varied in thickness from 6 to 10 inches. In many of the borings within the track, a 1 to 2 foot thick layer of gravel and cobbles was encountered at a depth of 2 feet below existing grades. This appeared to be the deepest layer of fill over the native soils. More detailed subsurface descriptions are presented in the boring logs which are included in this report. Groundwater seepage was encountered in borings,B-1,B-2,B-4,B-5,B-7,B-9,B- 10,B-11,B-13,and B-14 at depths ranging from about 6.7 to 8.5 feet below existing 'grades. Site Development Recommendations 2 The surficial soils underlying the track are variable with respect to the fines content and relative compaction. As such, some areas are considered moisture sensitive. Earthwork should be performed .during dry periods of the year to minimize disturbance of the near-surface soils. Dry weather: In existing landscape areas, strip 6 to 9 inches of sod and topsoil to expose non-organic soils. Additional overexcavation may be necessary across :12 G I LES ENb 1 NttK 1 Nia 1 trio co-J u.-+or, r / • Proposed Renton Memorial Stadium Track and Field Improvements Renton, Washington �, Project No. 6G-9709015 z.rage 2 portions of the site to remove loose, wet, or compressible materials or existing, unsuitable till soils, o Wet weather: Removal of additional soil below all exposed subgrades or other stabilization methods are expected to be necessary to develop a stable subgrade, if the subgrade is allowed to become wet or is disturbed by construction activities. 0 Trenches from existing utilities within the track and field areas which are to be removed or relocated should be backfilled with compacted structural fill. Alternatively, such utilities beneath the new football field could be grouted and left r in place. di Exposed subgrades will be difficult to compact even during dry weather due to the ;' low relative density of the underlying fill and native soils. e Compact structural fill to at least 90 percent of modified Proctor maximum dry density or in accordance with project specifications,whichever is greatest. Place in L lifts of not more than 8 inches loose thickness, at moisture content within 2 percent of optimum,and compact uniformly with suitable equipment. i a Compact subgrades and structural fill within upper one foot of field and track surfacing subgrades to at least 92 percent of modified Proctor maximum dry density and to a firm and unyielding condition. I . Retaining Walls and Shallow Foundations • • o Conventional,shallow footings may be designed for a net maximum allowable 1,500 psf bearing capacity provided they are founded upon a prism of structural fill compacted to a minimum of 90 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density. The prism of structural fill should be at least 2 feet thick and extend laterally out from both sides of the footing at least 2 feet. Drainage ' e , Most soils encountered across the site would not be considered to have good - infiltration characteristics. However, medium sand was encountered in boring B-2 was encountered between 4 and 9 feet below grade. Groundwater was encountered at a depth of 8 feet at the time of drilling. Therefore,it appears that this area may be suitable for a subsurface infiltration system. However,the lateral extent of the sand has not been defined adequately for infiltration system design. Further exploration should be completed to define the extent of the area and groundwater monitoring through the wett winter months should be performed. 2.0 SCOPF.OF SERVICES • The authorized scope of services performed by Giles Engineering Associates,Inc.(Giles)for this project included a visual site reconnaissance, subsurface exploration, laboratory testing 10/27/97 18:13 GILES ENGINEERING y 206 285 0480 NU.704 1 Proposed Renton Memorial Stadium Track and Field Improvements Renton,Washington Project No. 6G-9709015 Page 3 geotechnical engineering analysis, and preparation of this report, as described in Giles proposal (6GP970731) submitted to Mr. Robert Brown of the Renton School District. Geotechnical recommendations relative to design of the track and field improvements are presented herein. General comments and other limitations relative to the project are presented in appendicies of this report. This report has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering practices for the exclusive use of the Renton School District,D.A. 1'-logan&Associates, and their agents, for specific application to this project. 3.0 SITE AO PROJECT DESCRIPTION The project site is located at 405 Logan Avenue North in Renton,Washington. The project is bounded on the north side by the Boeing flight line,Logan Avenue North to the east,a large paved parking lot to the south, and the Cedar River(and trail)to the west. The project site is that of the existing Renton Memorial Stadium, located in Renton, Washington(see Figure 1, SiteLocation Map). Memorial Field consists of an atificial turf covered football field with a rubberized-surface track as well as a grass-covered area east of the track and field. Large covered bleachers are situated along the north and south sides of the field. We understand that renovating the track and football field area will likely consist of removing the existing artificial turf and underlying asphalt,regrading the field with its current crown to a flat field, constructing a subfield drain system, providing.a drainage layer of imported fill material, constructing a porous asphalt surface,and providing a new synthetic turf-surfaced football field. In general, grades would likely change least near the edges of the field, while larger changes in the finish grade,with excavation cuts of up to about 2 feet,may occur near the center of the football field where existing crown is the highest. It is anticipated that the track grades would remain essentially unchanged. Track improvements would include removing the rubberized track surfacing and the underlying asphalt. A standard porous asphalt track section would then be reconstructed. At This time, we understand that an area east of the track, which is landscaped, will be developed for track events such as the polevault and long jump. Furthermore,we understand that underground storage and infiltration of stormwater runoff is desired in this area. Borings.B-1 and B-2 were completed in this area for general soil characterization. Our comments and opinions regarding the proposed development in this area relative to the soil conditions encountered are presented later is this report. 4.0 $UBSLIRFAC1 EXPLO 4TlON ' s 10/27/97 18:13 G I LE5 ENG I NEEK 1 Na dUb GbJ u=tou -'-- " - Proposed Renton Memorial Stadium Track and field Improvements Renton, Washington Project No. 6G-9709015 Page 4 The subsurface conditions discussed below were simplified for ease of report interpretation: Relative densities noted in the boring logs are based on the Standard Penetration Test method, as described in ASTM:D-1586. The Standard Penetration Test(SPT)procedure and sampling method consist of driving a standard 2-inch outside diameter split spoon sampler a distance of 18 inches into the soil with a 140-pound hammer free falling a distance of 30 inches. The number of blows for each 6-inch interval is recorded. The number of blows required to drive the sampler the final 12 inches is considered the standard penetration resistance (N) or blow count. The blow count is presented on the boring logs attached with this report. The resistance or"N"value provides-a measure of the relative density of granular soils or the relative consistency of cohesive soils. We have estimated the ground elevations of the explorations based on interpolation between contour lines on the side plan provided. More detailed descriptions of the conditions encountered at the boring locations are provided on the boring logs enclosed in Appendix B. Field and laboratory test procedures are presented in Appendices C and D,respectively. The approximate locations of the borings completed for this phase of the project are presented on Figure 2, Site and Exploration Plan, attached with this report. The subsurface exploration program completed to date has consisted of completing 19 borings within the existing track,areas between the end zones and the track,as well as areas east and west of the track. An additional 4 borings remain to be completed within the football field. The subsurface exploration program disclosed that the track track area is coverd with an average of 2 inches of asphalt pavement which in turn is supported on 2 to 3 inches of crushed sand and gravel base course. The pavement section is underlain by variable thickness, man-paiced fill,typically in the range of 1 V2 to 3 feet thick. The fill consists of a variety of materials consisting of cinders, silt, fine sand, pit-run sand and gravel, and cobbly gravel. The cinders were encountered in all but 2 borings beneath the track and varied in thickness from 6 to 10 inches. In many of the borings within the track,a 1 to 2 foot thick layer of gravel and cobbles was encountered at a depth of 2 feet below existing grades. This appeared to be the deepest layer of fill over the native soils. More detailed subsurface descriptions are presented in the boring logs which are included in this report. Grain size distribution and moisture content tests were performed on representative samples of the underlying subgrade soils,.Results of the laboratory tests are included in Appendix C at the end of this report. The U.S.D.A.,Soil Conservation Service,Soil Survey for the King County Area,Washington reports that the near-surface site soils consists of"Urban Land"which consists of areas covered by streets,buildings,.parking lots and other structures that obscure or alter the soils so that identification is not feasible. Based on the soil survey map and the USGS Geologic Map of the Renton Quadrangle,the project area is underlain by soils that can be described as alluvially deposits of silt, sand, and gravel deposited by the Cedar River. The subsurface conditions were evaluated by coring through the asphalt,where applicable, at the approximate locations presented on Figure 2, Site and Exploration Plan. The rubberized track - surfacing was typically between 1/8 and 1/4 inch. The underlying asphalt surfacing varied in f, thickness from 2 to 2 V2 inches. Base course beneath the asphalt typically consisted of 3 inches of i . 10ii27/97 18: 14 GILES ENG1NEtK1Nu euo eoJ a4ou Proposed Renton Memorial Stadium Track and Field Improvements Renton,Washington Project No..6G-9709015 'Page 5 1/2-inch minus crushed gravel over varying thicknesses of old cinder track material averaging about 8 inches in thickness. The Soils could be described as having the following characteristics in an undisturbed condition: Slightly susceptible to frost action due to fines sands and silt. 0 Low shrink-swell potential. Poor infiltration characteristics due to seasonal high groundwater and silts. 4~. r,, Permeability of 0.6 to 6.0 inches/hour in the upper 5 feet,depending on location. Designated in Hydrologic Soil Group B or C which implies moderate to slow infiltration rates and moderate to moderately high runoff potential. f Risk of corrosion to uncoated steel and concrete is low. Unified Soil Classification system designation of ML, SM,and SP. Locally, soluble sulfates are typically less than 150 parts per million which is considered "negligible"sulphate exposure according to ACI.318, Section 4.3,Table 4.3.1,Sulphate Exposures. Conventional Type 1/Type 2 cements may be used for this project. Utility designers should determine if special corrosion designs are necessary. Groundwater Conditions • Groundwater seepage was encountered in borings,B-1,B-2,B-4,B-5,B-7,B-9,B-10,B-11, B-13, and B-14 at depths ranging from about 6.7 to 8.5 feet below existing grades. Groundwater seepage should be expected in deeper excavations across the site which extend more than about 61/2 below existing grades. Groundwater conditions,including elevations and quantities are expected to vary with season,rainfall, surface improvements, and other on and off site factors. The soils encountered on this project are also susceptible to development of a perched , groundwater condition. Perched groundwater develops where vertical infiltration of surface precipitation,is-impeded by the lower permeability silty soils at depth, resulting in horizontal migration. Perched groundwater conditions should be expected to develop within the granular soils which are underlain by less permeable silts during the winter months and following periods of sustained precipitation. Perched groundwater conditions can typically saturate the near surface sods rendering them difficult to work with during the winter months. Site soil moisture conditions and the presence of perched groundwater will depend upon season, precipitation, and on and off site utilization. 5.0 CONC USIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5_1 site Development Recorninnktipns 10%27/ 7 uiLtn L'IYU11\CCR1Itiu ��-- 'Proposed Renton Memorial Stadium Track and Field Improvements Renton,Washington Project 1sT0. 6G-9709015 Page 6 Based upon the subsurface conditions encountered during exploration, the following site preparation recommendations are presented. Site preparation will be dependent upon the time of year that construction proceeds. Reels and Tlcld Improvements Based on our experience on similar track football field projects, we understand that the synthetic turf football field and rubberized track will be reconstructed in the following manner: 1. Subgrade will be compacted to a minimum of 90 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density; 2. Recessed perforated PVC drainlines will be installed in trenches excavated in the subgrade and enveloped with clean,washed pea gravel; 3. Reinforcement fabric may be placed over the subgrade but not the drain lines; 4. Eight inches or more of permeable aggregate with a low fines content will be placed in lifts and compacted to a minimum of 90 percent of its modified Proctor maximum dry density; 5. Three or more inches of porous asphalt will be placed atop the permeable aggregate; 6. The synthetic field and rubberized track will be placed above the porous asphalt. In our opinion; the section provided above is adequate provided the recommendations presented subsequently are incorporated. Site Stripping Site preparation will likely require the removal of all sod and organic topsoil or other deleterious materials in existing landscaped areas. About 6 to 9 inches of topsoil was encountered at the surface at most of the boring locations. Deeper removal of unsuitable organic-rich or man- ,— placed fill soils may be needed between'boring locations and/or in unexplored areas of the site. Actual removal-,dep the should be determined by a qualified geotechnical engineer at the time of grading based on the subgrade material's organic content and stability. Prior to initiating site grading,we recommend that all practical measures be taken to collect or divert surface water runoff which may drain onto the exposed subgrade within the construction areas. The existing football field drainage system, as well as temporary controls, should be routed to appropriate discharge locations during construction. Runoff should be routed away from the field areas in order to perform earthwork and minimize disturbance due to wet subgrade conditions. Once the surface runoff is controlled,the existing asphalt pavement may be removed from areas requiring earthwork, as necessary. • 10/27/97 18:15 G I LES ENGINEERING y 206 285 0480 Proposed Renton Memorial Stadium Track and Field Improvements Renton, Washington Project No. 6G-9709015 Pane:7 Depending on the final grades,it may be necessary to overexcavate and replace unsuitable or wet fill soils beneath the proposed track and field improvements if the subgrade soils cannot be compacted to a minimum of 90 percent of their modified Proctor maximum dry density. The exposed subgrade and replacement fill should be compacted to a minimum of 90 percent of its modified Proctor maximum dry density except for the upper 1 foot which should be compacted to a minimum of 92 percent of its modified Proctor maximum dry density. Any overexcavation and replacement below final subgrade will improve the long-term performance of these facilities. The addition of a geotextile reinforcement fabric would also provide additional reduction in apparent differential settlement by distributing loads over'a greater area of the subgrade. In the event that abandoned utilities exist below the field, we recommend that they be removed from beneath the field and the resulting excavations be backfilled with structural fill as described below. Alternatively, the utilities could be grouted and left in place. All utility work should be completed in accordance with applicable regulations. Upon completion of stripping, we anticipate that the soils exposed will typically consist of loose, silty fine sand,cinders,or silt. Some variations in subgrade conditions (i.e. type of fill, relative density or moisture levels) should be expected and addressed by a Giles representative at the time of construction,if necessary. Dry Weather Conditions If construction (site stripping/grading)activities are performed during extended dry weather periods, extensive subgrade stabilization is not expected to be necessary. For this reason, we the subgrade duringperiods when wet soils can be dried to compactable preparing A recommendP P S �moisture contents. It may become necessary to add moisture to the exposed soils in order to achieve the specified compaction levels. Construction traffic should be restricted to specific drive areas to prevent excessive disturbance of the subgrade. Wet Weather Conditions The subgrade soils are silty,and therefore moistuure-sensitive. These moisture-sensitive soils are readily'disturbed by equipment traffic when wet. We recommend that the contractor take , precautions to maintain a dry construction site. and protect the subgrade from disturbance. The contractor should be prepared to control surface water runoff from precipitation with the use of interceptor trenches, pumped sumps, etc., prior to entering the work site. It may be advisable to construct the field in sections in order to minimize the amount of exposed subgrade to inclement weather and possible disturbance at any one time. If construction proceeds during a generally wet construction period;typically associated with early spring,late fall and winter construction, and the moisture sensitive silty soils are allowed to increase in moisture content,they will became unstable. Therefore,we recommend that the bids for 10/27/S7 12:15 GILES ENGINEERING --> 2bb dun e4de • Proposed Renton Memorial Stadium Track and Field Improvements Renton, Washington Project No. 6G-9709015 Page 8 sits grading operations should be based upon the time of year that construction will proceed. It is expected that in wet conditions,a minimum of an additional 6 to 9-inch-thick layer of soil may need to be removed below the exposed subgrades and stabilization methods used such as a coarse crushed rock working mat to develop a stable condition may be necessary. This estimated overexcavation depth is based upon the moisture sensitivity of the soils and the assumed effect during a wet weather grading period. If undercutting is necessary,it should be confirmed through continuous monitoring and testing by a qualified geotechnical engineer. ?rr ofrollipg.and Zubgrade Compaction Due to the relatively soft and/or loose nature of the native soils,it may be difficult to achieve the level of compaction typically recommended for such applications. However, every attempt should be made to compacted the exposed subgrade soils to the levels specified in the project specifications. Prior to receiving structural or drain sand fill, subgrade areas should be proofrolled and compacted with a roller or other suitable heavy equipment to a finn and non-yielding condition,and in order to achieve a minimum compaction level of at least 90 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density as determined by ASTM:D-1557 test procedure or the project specifications, whichever is greater. Within the upper foot below field and track surfacing subgrades, a minimum compaction level of 92 percent of modified Proctor maximum dry density is recommended. The ability to compact the subgrade soils will he dependent upon the moisture conditions of the soils at that time. If subgrade soils are exposed to traffic during wet weather, the subgrade soils may be reduced to mud,requiring removal of the affected soils with attendant increased costs. Due to the silty nature of the near-surface site soils,prerolling and adequate compaction can only be achieved when the soils are at or near their optimum moisture content. My soft,wet or significantly organic areas disclosed by proofrolling should be excavated as necessary to reveal firm soils and backfilled with"structural fill"as discussed subsequently. Ultimatelyi the subgrade compaction may not meet project specifications. Yf this is the case, the geotechnical engineer of record may need to observed proofrolling of the subgrade to determine its adequacw foi support of the track and field. The stripped subgrade within the field areas should be proofrolled with heavy rubber-tired construction equipment, such as a fully-loaded tandem-axle i dump truck, (approved by and in the presence of the geotechnical engineer) to detect soft, loose yielding soils which should be removed to a stable subgrade. The suitability of the soils within the foundation influence zone of footings should be checked as noted in the FQundation Uesign Aar moors section of this report. The subgrade should then be scarified, adjusted in moisture content,and recompacted to the required density. Low areas and excavations may then be raised to the planned finished grade with compacted structural fill. Structur l Fill 1 @/2 /'�+? 1 b:1 b U 1 Ltb tNU l Nttr 1 NU -, GUO•COJ YJ40U • -- . --- Proposed Renton Memorial Stadium Track and Field Improvements Renton, Washington Project No. 6G-9709015 Pane 9 All fill material placed to establish grade for the new fields,backfilled drains or utilities, or below any structural area should be placed in accordance with the recommendations presented herein for structural fill. The sand drainage fill materials should conform to gradation requirements established by the design engineer,and should be placed in accordance with these recommendations. Any soil used for general structural fill (fill not subject to gradation requirements by the design engineer),should be free of organic materials, debris,or other deleterious materials. The maximum individual particle size of soils used for general fill should be less than 3 inches in diameter. Structural fill should be placed in horizontal lifts, no greater than 8 inches in loose thickness, and each lift should be uniformly compacted to a minimum of 90 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density as determined by ASTM:D-1557 test procedure. Within the upper foot below field and track surfacing subgrades,a minimum compaction level of 92 percent of modified Proctor maximum dry density is recommended. We recommend that a representative of Giles be present during grading so that an appropriate number of density an/or performance tests may be conducted as structural fill placement occurs. In this way, the adequacy of earthwork may be evaluated as it proceeds. Some of the granular on-site soils are anticipated to be suitable for common structural fill use provided moisture is adjusted for compaction to specified densities. The she soils would be difficult to use for structural fill except during drier periods of the year when the moisture content can be carefully controlled. Even during the summer, delays in grading can occur due to excessively high or low moister conditions within the soils or clue to precipitation. Scarifying and watering,or drying, of the soils may be required for filling with the site soils. If wet weather occurs,the upper wetted portion of the site soils may need to be scarified and allowed to dry prior to further earthwork. All soil used for structural fill should not contain particles larger than 6 inches in diameter and be free of organic and other deleterious materials. The suitability of soils for general structural fill use depends primarily on the particle size distribution and moisture content of the soil when it is placed. As the amount of fines (that soil fraction passing;the U.S. No. 200 sieve) increases, soils become increasingly sensitive to small changes in-Moisture content and adequate compaction becomes more difficult or impossible to achieve. Generally, soils containing more than about 5 percent fines by weight(based on the soil fraction passing the U.S. No. 4 sieve) cannot be compacted to a firm and non-yielding condition when the moisture content is more than a few percent above optimum. The optimum moisture content is that which yields the greatest soil density under a given compaction effort. Most of the . near-surface soils at the subject site are silty and therefore very sensitive to moisture conditions more than about two percent above or below optimum when being placed as fill. At the time of our - • explorations,the moisture contents of the site soils varied from near optimum to about 5 percent over the estimated optimum. The reuse of site soils for structural fill should be carefully monitored,and may require that the soils be moisture conditioned prior to placement in order to achieve the recommended compaction levels. - ' • I • .1tve(f ( cYJV tJ-tuu • ---- - Y i Proposed Renton Memorial Stadium Track and Field Improvements - 'Renton, Washington Project No. 6G-970901.5 Page 10 In the event that inclement weather or wet site conditions preclude the use of on-site soils as general structural fill, we recommend that only clean, free-draining granular materials be used. If import general fill soil is required in wet site or weather conditions,such materials should generally contain less than 3 percent fines passing the U.S.No. 200 sieve,based on that soil fraction passing the U.S.No. 4 sieve, and should have at least 50 percent of the materials retained on the U.S.No. 4 sieve. It should be noted that the placement of structural fill is in many cases weather-dependent. Delays due to wet weather are common, even when using select granular fill. If at all possible, we recommend that site grading and subsurface utility work be scheduled for the drier summer months. Site preparation and selection, placement, and compaction of structural fill should be performed under engineering controlled conditions in accordance with the project specifications (approved by the geotechnical engineer). Reuse of On-Site Soil • Some of the granular on-site soils may be reused as structural fill provided the soil does not contain significant organic content or other deleterious materials and is placed and compacted at a suitable moisture content. The fill soils may contain some cobbles and/or boulders. Sorting of cobbles/boulders and other unsuitable material should be expected. The silty soils must be placed within a relatively narrow range of the optimum moisture content for proper compaction. Some drying of on-site soils is expected to be needed if grading occurs during the winter or spring months, and the feasibility of grading with on-site soils will depend on whether adequate drying time occurs. Typically, drying is difficult or impossible during wet winter and spring months. Recompaction problems and disturbance of completed subgrades exposed to weather should be expected in wet weather due to the moisture sensitivity of the soil. Fxcavatiop/Gracling Dif f cultieR During excavation and grading of existing site tills and native soils,the site contractor should• be aware of potential difficulties that may be encountered. Specifically, the possible presence of cobbles and/or boulders should be anticipated larger than 6 inches prior to earthwork and foundation or utility excavation. During or following heavy rains, a perched groundwater table should be expected. Conventional sumps and pumps should be used to drain excavations or areas of significant . water accumulation . Care should be exercised when grading following extended periods of wet weather to avoid disturbance of the moisture sensitive silty site soils. The contractor should make provisions for the interception and diversion of surface waters around work areas. Exposed grades should be crowned, sloped, and smooth rolled at the end of each day to allow drainage. Utility Trenching and Backfilling • 10/27/97 18:15 C I L b 1 f IttK 1 NU - euu Go,� ei4ou ' ---- Proposed Renton Memorial Stadium Track and Field Improvements Renton, Washington - Project No, 6G-9709015 Page 11 It is recommended that utility trenching,installation,and backfilling conform to all applicable Federal, State, and local regulations such as WISHA and OSHA for open excavation. In order to maintain the function of any existing utilities, it is recommended that temporary excavations not encroach upon the bearing splay of existing utilities. Likewise, utility excavations should not encroach upon the bearing splay of footings or floor slabs. This bearing splay should be considered to begin 3 feet away from the widest point of the pipe or foundation and extending down at a 1H:1V slope. If, due to space constraints, an open excavation cannot be completed without encroaching on a utility, shoring the new utility excavation with a slip box or other suitable equipment is recommended. it is recommended that all utility subgrade be firm and unyielding,and free of all soils which are loose, disturbed, or pumping. Such soils should be removed and replaced, if necessary. All structural fill used to replace overexcavated soils should be compacted as specified and as recommended in this report. - Structures such as manholes and catch basins which extend into soft or wet soils should be underlain by a minimum of 12 inches of granular fill compacted to a minimum of 90 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density. This granular material could consist of crushed gravel,pit- run sand and gravel, quarry spalls,or coarse crushed concrete. Where water is encountered in the excavations, it should be removed prior to fill placement. Alternatively, quarry spalls or pea gravel could be used above the water level. It may be necessary to place geotextile fabric over the native subgrade soils if they are too soft,to provide a separation between the bedding and subgrade soils. After firm subgrades have been achieved,it is recommended that a minimum of 6 inches of bedding material be placed in the trench bottom. Bedding material for rigid and flexible pipe should confirm with Sections 9-03.15 and 9-03.16, respectively, of the 1994 WSDOT/APWA Standard Specification for Road,Bridge,and Municipal Construction. All trenches should be wide enough -- to allow for compaction around the haunches of the pipe. Otherwise,materials such as controlled density fill or pea gravel could.be used to eliminate the compaction required. Back-filling for the remainder of the trenches could be completed utilizing common fill or select granular fill, depending on soil moisture and weather conditions. Compaction of backfill material should be accomplished with soils within±2 of their optimum moisture content in order to achieve the minimum specified compaction levels. A 1 to 2 foot thick layer of large gravel and cobbles was encountered in many of the borings beginning at a depth of about 2 feet below existing grades. This material should be expected to collapse into excavations which penetrate through it, As such,the contractor should be prepared I . • �✓.J/�.f/7f ..O•ll L.1 LLJ LI`IV 11`ILLI\111V GVV GVJ V-tVV • . • -- --- • • • Proposed Renton Memorial Stadium Track and.Field Improvements Renton, Washington Project No. 6G-9700015 Page 12 -- I with the appropriate means and methods to shore the excavations and/or replace that material which has caved into the excavation. Any caving would undermine overlying soils shich would settle over time due to the loss of support. &ubgride Protection The silty soils which will be exposedby the subgrade preparation operations are considered to be moisture and disturbance sensitive,and will become unstable if allowed to increase in moisture content or are disturbed (rutted) by construction traffic. Cohesianless soils (sands) are also disturbance sensitive and are susceptible to erosion in the presence of flowing water. The site should be graded to prevent water from ponding within construction areas and/or flowing into excavations. Accumulated water must be removed immediately along with unstable soil. Retaining wall foundation concrete should be placed and excavations backfilled as soon as possible to protect the ' bearing grade. Soils that become unstable are recommended to be (I) dried and recompacted (if feasible), (II)removed to a suitable bearing subgrade and replaced with structural compacted fill, (III)mechanically stabilized with a coarse crushed aggregate compacted into the subgrade(possibly placed with a geotextile or geogrid), or(IV)chemically modified with kiln dust or Portland Cement (depending on soil type)and recompacted. 5.2 Site Development Considerations Existing Utilities Any existing underground utilities should be located,and those utilities which are not reused should be removed and capped and the utility trenches that are in the influence zone of new construction are recommended to be bacicfilled with structural compacted fill or rerouted as needed. l j Alternatively,the abandoned utilities could be grouted and left in place. Underground utilities which are to be reused should be evaluated by the structural engineer and utility backfill should be evaluated by the geotechnical engineer,to determine their potential affect on the new development. If any existing utilities are to be preserved,grading operations must be carefully performed so as to not disturb or damage the existing utility. Depending on the depth of the subfield drain systems, we anticipate that some existing utilities may be encountered. Construction Dewatering Filtered sump pumps placed in the bottoms of excavations or other conventional dewatering techniques are anticipated to be suitable for dewatering excavations that may terminate above the water table. More specialized dewatering techniques, such as vacuum wells, well points, etc. may be needed for excavations extending below the water table: 1 12/27/57 18:17 G I LES ENGINEERING 4 20b "dt3i W41:1 9 riLJ• I , Proposed Renton Memorial Stadium Track and Field Improvements Renton, Washington Project No. 6G-9709015 Page 13 Caving Some excavation bank stability problems for drainage system and utility construction may occur where excavations extend into cohesionless soil or the layer of gravel and cobbles referenced in this report, and due to the presence of existing fill and groundwater. Relatively flat slopes, benching or temporary bracing may be needed. Excavations should be performed in accordance with local, state and,federal (OSHA)regulations. 5.3 Retaining Wall and Shallow Foundation Design Parameters ?nundation Type and Allviaralc @ems Capgc-!ty At this time, we are unaware of shallow foundations planned in association with the improvement project. however, we have included foundation design recommendations in the possibility that it is necessary to design small structures. We recommend that foundations be supported on a minimum 2-foot thick prism of structural fill compacted to a minimum of 90 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density. We recommend that such foundations be constructed with a minimum width of 18 inches,and embedded at least 18 inches below exterior finish grade for frost protection. Foundations designed and constructed in this manner may be planned with an allowable soil bearing pressure of 1,500 pounds per square foot (psf). The allowable bearing capacity may be increased by one-third to resist transient, dynamic loads such as wind and seismic forces. We recommend that we be contacted to provide structure-specific foundation recommendations for anything other than possible small retaining walls or lightly loaded structures, j in which case foundation design parameters could be provided after a deeper subsurface evaluation is completed to address liquefaction risks. ti The suitability of the actual foundation support soils must be determined during construction by a qualified geotechnical engineer so that the foundations are supported within and underlain by -- suitable bearing materials. All footing overexcavations should be backfilled with structural compacted fill nr,altematively,lean mix concrete.(100+psi)backfill may be used in shallow vertical excavation§-below the foundations. The lean mixalternate,however,may not be practical in some areas of the site due to caving of cohesionless soils. Stepped or thickened strip footings and uniformly thickened footings could also be used to extend to suitable bearing soils. Estimated aettloiout Post-construction total and differential settlements for a foundation system designed in accordance with the above recommendations are estimated to be 1 and Y2 inches respectively,with an angular distortion of less than 0.002 inch per inch for a span of 20 feet or greater.. Estimated settlements are,therefore, considered within tolerable limits for the proposed structures. Retaining Wall Lateral Earth Pressures lU/ .•-. • _ .__ Proposed Renton Memorial Stadium Track and Field Improvements Renton, Washington Project No, 6G-9709015 Page 14 The lateral soil pressures acting on a retaining wall will primarily depend on the degree of compaction and the amount of lateral movement permitted at the top of the wall during and after backfilling operations. If the wall is free to yield at the top an amount equal to at least 0.1 percent of the height of the wall, the soil pressure will.be less then if structurally restrained from lateral movement at the top. Retaining walls can be designed using an equivalent fluid pressure of 35 pcf (pounds per cubic foot) and 50 pcf for yielding and non-yielding backfilled walls, respectively. These equivalent fluid pressures assume that the wall backfill is compacted to approximately 90 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM:D-1557). Assuming level ground conditions at the toe of the wall, an allowable passive pressure value assuming an equivalent fluid weight of 250 pcf may be used,neglecting the upper 1 foot of soil. This recommendation assumes • that the soil providing passive pressure resistance will extend horizontally away from the wall a distance equal to at least 2.5 times the depth of embedment of the wall. If not,the allowable passive pressure resistence should be reduced accordingly. We recommend that Giles be allowed to review the design drawings and calculations for these walls and recommend modifications,if necessary,if they are applied to walls greater than 12 feet in height. We recommend an allowable base friction value of 0.30,utilizing a factor of safety of 1.5. The above equivalent fluid pressures are based on the assumption of a uniform horizontal backfill and no buildup of hydrostatic pressure behind the walls. Surcharge pressures due to sloping ground, adjacent footings, vehicles, construction equipment, etc., must be added to these values. Sloping surcharges within a distance from the top of the wall equal to the height of the wall should be factored into the wall design. The equivalent surcharge of the slope within the distance previously descdbed should be equal to %the height of the slope. Vehicle surcharges could be modeled as an equivalent 2-foot thick soil surcharge of 250 psf. To prevent the buildup of lateral earth pressures in excess of the above design pressures,over compaction of fill materials immediately behind the walls should be avoided. Only light, self propelled or hand compaction equipment should be allowed within close proximity to the walls. Backfill placedbehind walls should be placed in accordance with our recommendations for structural fill, except-the maximum compacted fill density should not exceed 90 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry'density. At the base of the wall, we recommend providing a continuous footing drain. The footing drain(with cleanouts)should consist of perforated pipes, sloped to drain, with perforations placed down and enveloped by at least 6 inches of pea gravel in all directions. Weepholes should be installed at the wall base as a backup system. Free draining backfill adjacent j to the backfilled walls should be continuous to and freely communicate with the pea gravel surrounding the drains. A minimum width of 2 feet of clean,granular, free draining backfill should extend from the footing drains at the base of the wall to within 1 foot of the ground surface,to prevent the buildup of hydrostatic forces. Wall backfill should consist of aggregate with less than 3 percent passing the U.S. No. 200 Sieve, based on that fraction passing the U.S. No. 4 Sieve, with at least,50 percent 1 /27/Ye 1'i:1U L71 Lt5 tNb 1 NttK 1 NU eub cMJ ULFOU Proposed Renton Memorial Stadium Track and Field Improvements Renton, Washington Project No. 6G-9709015 Parr.- pe l5 r ! retained on the No. 4 Sieve. It should be realized the primary purpose of the free draining material is reduction of hydrostatic pressure. 5.4 Drainage We understand that a subsurface infiltration system is being considered if suitable soils and groundwater conditons are encountered. Most soils encountered across the site would not be considered to have good infiltration characteristics. However, medium sand was encountered in boring B-2 was encountered between 4 and 9 feet below grade. Groundwater was encountered at a depth of 8 feet at the time of drilling. Therefore, it appears that this area may be suitable for a subsurface infiltration system. However, the lateral extent of the sand has not been defined adequately for infiltration system design. Further exploration should be completed to define the extent of the area and groundwater monitoring through the weft winter months should be performed. 6.0 `LOSI113F, The conclusions and recommendations presented in this report are based, in part, on the explorations accomplished for this study. The number, location,and depth of the explorations were completed within the constraints of budget and site access so as to yield the information to formulate the recommendations. Project plans were in the preliminary stage at the time of this report preparation. It-is therefore recommended that Giles be provided the opportunity for general review of the project plans and specifications when they become available in order to confirm that the recommendations and design considerations presented in this report have been properly interpreted and implemented into the project design package. The integrity of earthwork, structural fill placement, and foundation and pavement performance depend greatly on proper site preparation and construction procedures. It is recommended that Giles be retained to provide geotechnical engineering services during the earthwork and foundation construction phases of the project. If variations in the subsurface conditions".are observed at that time, Giles would be able to provide additional geotechnical engineering recommendations to the contractor and design team in a timely manner as the project construction progresses. Giles Engineering Associates. inc.appreciates the opportunity to have been of service on this project and would be pleased to discuss the contents of this report or other aspects of this project with you at your convenience. If you have any questions,please do not hesitate to call. 1 3.11.72("7-1 i id:.1. el i Lr...-D CI 10 111CGIN.1 I in-.. • L-C-...., i.-...,-,..1 c.r-r,..•,-. 1 i MI y ' -I . 1,H1 o‘4 V T• i4 tV ,.,`':'.,.„''':'' 1I 7:.,':'-:''':'k•i I .- i i• t aA 1a.1l1l1.1 1 I. to "I:" I . vA,,,IN 91 - s -II\ '• 1 . . 1 0 Ils...71011a01101.11111111111 a t \a( ' 1111111 7.14Willa ,, , .• I \ . lk, III • •\• A ' 7 %. Irk • .!,...s' •,'... gili iti - • .1. 1 . III ,!,Nisp.,YN,,t 4,, ,',\L_, ,,,,,,, 2, ,:c...t,„::,•,.:: i r ,, it •. -,..y,. :, t„,, -',..4,AorAst • ...: li, , , . . B %:‘ t• • ea 1 7i N ' , t. 7NWPW 'imi • km 1 \!6 ^ ' 1 k'44A ' hitt. NA, \ ,i.r.ulytleal .L 1111' 1' i Y fv S 1,,,, ........44 , 1 1 Nile! 1 i • 1 (,,,,P*10111103511 'kg . iii 4..1 111 11( .1in IF% . _ 1 - --11,1t.•:;: ..04a:,, ,,1%,___VO 4_11 IL, . .,_ lr- ., . / k - •,` • 411Iffrifil7 Ct bil 0 I, 4 A, -.,;4..r......-, • liallibWr JiA3 41ginimil \ au! - , 4411110iimpui .110,-Arir.,-e fir . ,„,,,_••," - .--,,,,, .401,,, Irp,kir,/ '') WI= 'A:init Ifir i I 16,.. - • r, ..'1 Park. \.114-1 1 -nIrjA5' , N., ' .V ZVA .,,. ol ,, • , ,_______ _,,,r,77,10,11,,,„1,,,,..., ...., . . , 11007,. . . -!Y .;,'` .(:: 'M • Nor t ..,:-.,,, r-- • Ao,,,„ A C 1111111111111111.11110.f r 2,-':.e Alli . -•."N•71•-`a-`4-2-A\•.v.0z.,i( ' 7'--- -4-‘111/11°W.',4111r4"41.41 4 S* -41-1)4 IF°T'i'VleillilliM11.111,11 14..APA , ---- -\,,, lit* , I , ,. ...,._....,..1 'IMMO ' • ..... ' 1 4,_ ..„O.'''. , k , :- 1-41‘100.....:( • 11/korixt'''),`N e7-\ ,, % .....- , , I i . ,, ,.:N.......:411tWar--z . % „MP •3117-Aliii offillr'.1.1:.-:1111.011 1 ..--;;I' --, N a AIL 17Yr. — ' . " 1111W .sle I glittiL AlAratan, .." . 1 ..: • 0-, ff.II. tal so.. 1 . ; ,1,f. 1,, I 1 ' • •• 'orr P Nithell ‘\11, \ 711:11 • :. 4' -. ----0'-_,:.:-,erel 10 p .tralivir‘ )", • ' -,1a*J:5-cai#'6dai'4 "r ri ta ra ?:-. • -. ' 7..0.*'4161!•16' ,:',2,;..1-4. 4 ' f ° •-,-;i00. Isorimim..rimm,..,..,..* fr., _ 1... tst. c (F)4 \17 . , 411 24 !' '' 3111a- WT. V ilL'11,111)644tilt .)Nrir_iai- ROIL_ 1 1 46 I.- <\• • to 1111 \ir011AilKr-Aili 1)7.iirtaliriarlicillimmENIIIIII3 . . ,I ."'"-:19•17iiill A-1 -4TallifilV - 81....... -7. T ')17,,v . .1 al•tat '10444,v/, . kirk n •-. I -, • 1 ....-- ---=- ' . . W $ , 1 . • , 1 , k . 1 RENTON STADIUM TRACK AND Jab No. 60-9709015 - I FIELD IMPROVEMENTS Design: TA! I ans LOGAN AVENUE NORTH . - R.ENTON,WASHINGTON Drawn: TAJ GILES ... .. ... ... _ SITE LOCATION MAP Date: OCT.27. 1997 FIGUR.E 1 CNGINEERING 19SSOCIATES, INC. Scale: -1"=2,0I-HY . . _ 1 II . OF TEST BORING GIl-ES ENGINEERING �'. ASSOCIATES, INC. • HOLE No. E�-i Bothell, Washington PROJECT Renton Memorial Stadium Track and Field Replacement Job No. RG-9708015 i , 405 Logan Avenue North Renton, Washington S.R. • 'Station Offset C.S. Equipment B-24 Casing Ground El N.M. (N.M. m) Method of Baring IISA Start Date September 18, 1937 . Completion Date September 16, 1997 Sheet, 1 of 1 Standard spT z z 1'� -- 13 4.• f. Penetration Teat u a S oBlows/ft a ; 4Description of Material • El tt slowest IN) i y i_ o sa ao as a :1'•.•. a 1-ss %w 2 " sod and topsoil over 2" cinders over 3" crushed sand end gravel(FILL)over loose,moist.brown, silty fine SAND/fine sandy SILT 1 T Grades to gray 1 I 4 2.55 %w Soft,brown-gray with light orange mottling,moist to wet,SILT • - -t G • 4 3-SS %w Soft,wet,gray with heavy orange mottling, SILT with trace fine sand 4 - _q r Loose,moist,orange-brown,interbedded silty fine — I. SAND and fine SAND with little alit 5 — 4-SS 96w Loose,saturated,gray,fine SAND with little alit Q with thin peat stringers 1 C 1/18 Inch thick) " Boring terminated at approximately 9 feet 1 _ • • —4 100/2;/97 18:20 GILES ENGINEERING -> 206 285 0480 NU. ti4 1-bdu/o..1 ! •D t�%..1 ,DF TEST BORING GILES ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. • Ilk HOLE No. &3-2 ! Bothell, Washington PROJECT Renton Memorial Stadium Track and Reid Replacement Job No. 6G-970901 B - I 1 405 Logan Avenue North Renton, Washington S.R. ! Station Offset C.S. I Equipment B-24 Casing Ground El N.M. (N.M. ml Method of Boring HSA Start Date September 18. 1997 Completion Date September 18. 1997 Sheet T1 _of 1 c n Standard • SAT i d • t t t y ti Pmn erne1tuls�ft TUT slows/ft i oaecription of Materiel 71 a �� 10 20 30 40 14 1-SS %w 2"sod over 4" SILT TOPSOIL with fine roots over �i�• loose,moist,brown,fine Sandy SILT(FILL) v • +4 Firm,damp,grey-tan,sandy GRAVEL(Pit-Run FILL) . >a•,, / I _ v • 7 '- 2-SS .dove Loose,damp,brown-gray,interbedded fine to ::'It.. :I medium SAND and SILT - • i. { •.f 6 3•SS • Cleve Loose,damp,yellow•brown, medium SAND with trace slit 0 11 4-s5 %w Firm,saturated,yellow-brown to orange-brown,fine _ to medium SAND with trace gravel; 2"sib layer at _Q _ Grades to gray,coarse SAND with little gravel 10-,_3 r_, . [ . r ! Zr - .. 1 �4 1S 1. _. 1't9%.•(YY( '_d:20 La 1Lt5 t.NL 1 N .tK 1 INLa —' euo GOB U4ae1 ,"•'•-,-, --.- • Li _ OF TEST BORING �"°�`% GILES ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. . HOLE No. 8.43 Bothell, WeBhington - W - PROJECT Renton Memorial Stadium Track and Field Replacement Job No. -6G-9709016 406.Logan Avenue North Renton. Waahin9ton S.A. • Station Offset C.S. ' Equipment 0-24 Ceainp eiround El N.M. (N.M. m) Method of 9orino I-ISA I Start Date September 18,1997 Completion Data September 18, 1997 Sheet 1 of 1 ta Standard 6pT 4 _e t 4 Penetration Teat - �� Blowa/ft a, 3 a Description of Materiel 1 c 4 Blow/ft IN) E F, g 0 20 30 40 el) tal y cI II , l 9 1.$.5 56w 2" and over 4"soft,moist,dark brown,SILT .,(TOPSOIL) . Stiff,moist grading to dry, brown,SILT with trace ' fins send 26 2•sS gbw Firm,moist,yellow•browm,fine SAND with trace , I silt and gravel _ -t - , 6� /4: — . ff 21 3-SS Firm, moist,brown,fine to medium SAND with little ,gravel.Blowcounts overstated. -2 — -, . / 0/ 5 — 4.53 96w Medium stiff,brown,wet, SILT with trace fine sand 1 - . r Loose,moist,orange-brown,fine SAND with trace - I .� silt i I - I �- � i 10--0 • i 1 i I i "`_4 • - I IL 16 I I I I 1 r0/27/57 10:20 G I LLb EN In I NttK 1 NU -• GU'b eb ra.41=3U ••---- ` ' I-C': )F TEST BORING a:7t.":" GILES ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. 1 Bothell, Washington HOLE No. _ '''� i PROJECT Renton Memorial Stadium Track and Field Replacement Job No. •6G-9.709O1P I_ 405 Logan Avenue North Renton, Washington S.R. Station Offset C.S. Casing Equipment 5-24 _-,,,—•w 9 Ground El N.M. (N.M. m) I Method of goring HSA Start Data September 1 B,1097 Completion Date September 18, 1997 Sheet I of I ! u N • V I Standard g� i x° n oPonetrgtioA Tea Blows/ft m 2 ' Description of Materiel i 5 `t Blow�lft (N) 2 iR 5 1 10 20 30 40 ?,,,,kA^ 3.5"asphalt over 3.5"crushed send and gravel 1 \ _ F - :•.1.I a 1.n %w •i ILL) f Loose,moist,brown,fine sandy SILT grading to • . •.I.I - brown with orange mottling,silty fine SAND 22 2•ES %w Firm,damp,gray. gravelly SAND 6-42 3•SS 96w Very soft,wet,brown with orange mottling,silty I • fine sand grading to fine sandy SILT • i .. ..•• 7 • •i \ I _ •. • 1 - i:•.;• . L - T I Very soft,wet to saturated,blue-grey end brown, - — organic SILT with trace clay ..-..r...• .. •. ". '--• ' Loose,saturated,gray,fine SAND with trace silt 10—-3 -- I • r . .. - 1 B - • 14J/ (/ ( lO.Gt.1 U i L-.ZJ LJ 1,-1111L_L l 'u • cc.,...• �.�.+ ....-�.+.� LI .DF TEST BORING '"-'... MILES ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. 0 It HOLE No. B- Bothell, Washington a PROJECT kentonMemorial Stadium Track and Fleld Replacement Job No. 6G 9709015 405 Low Avenue North Renton, Weehlniton S.R. Station Offset C.S. Equipment B-24 Casing Ground El N.M. (N.M. rn) Method of Boring HSA Start Data September 18, 1997 Completion Date September I a.1897 Sheet 1 of 1 I d F E o - Standard Sirr H z Penetration Test Blows/ft H 1 r, Deocrlption of Materiel g Flows& (N) , �- 2 10 20 30 40 y U t.�: : L-I 2" asphalt over 3"crushed sand and gravel (FILL) 1 e 1-55 %w Firm,moist,black,cinders (FILL) 14� Medium stiff.moist,light brown,SILT with trace (i , 0 fine eend - - r l r b P 20 2.SS wi,,, Firm,damp,gray,sandy GRAVEL/gravelly SAND Op Q -1 ':.•.:q _ ':. �' 4 3-SS %IN Loose,,moist,brown-gray, silty fine SAND - I I ^� II I 2 4-SS %w Very soft,saturated,mottled orange and gray,SILT 71 _ 1C-1_3 i T r. I- } - - I I � 1 ► I l � H __1 15 , LC )F TEST BORING Crie GILES ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. HOLE No. B-S Bothell, Washington . PROJECT Renton Memorial Stadium Track and Field Replacement Job No. 6G 970901 S 1 405 Logan Avenue North Renton, Washington S.R. Station Offset C.S. Equipment ii-24 Casing Ground El N.M. (N.M. m) I j Method of Boring HSA Start Date September.1a, 1997 _ Completion Date 8ejntember 18,1887 • Sheet 1 of 1 .Fc Standard S P T + g d 1 o Penetration Teat mI Blows/ft 3 .2g Dscription of Mated&t it r I 2" asphalt over 3" crushed eendand gravel (FILL) Z19 _._ 1•SS Firm,damp,black,cinders (FILL) - 22 — 2-SS Firm,moist brown-gray,gravelly SAND with little alit - - —1 — — 6—r Tj 7 3-SS Loose,wet,gray,fine SAND with trace silt — 1 _l_ 4•SS %w Very soft,wet,gray, SILT with little clay _ li I t - —2 — i - I . • 1 - • - Ii • it lUr i/:j i ' l .!U U 1 LCz, CIVU 11VCCf[11YU - GY10 GO_J Cl.-tuu LC_ iF TEST BORING `� GILES ENGINEERING ^-- ; ASSOCIATES, INC. HOLE N . 8-7 `" Bothell, Washington PROJECT Renton Memorial Stadium Track and Field Replacement Job No. 8G-97090'15 • 1 405 Logan Avenue North Renton, Washington S.A. Station Offset C.S. Equipment R-24 Cueing Ground El N.M. IN.M. ml i Method of Sorinp HSA Start Date September 18, 1997 Completion Date. September 19. 1997 Sheet 1 of 1 • 2 E Standard SPT I o d Penetration Tout Slows/it u ~$ Xi Deecrivtion of Material ,r Hlnwalk IN) th t fj ~ 0 S 10 20 30 40• o 2" asphalt over 3" crushed nand and gravel WILL) �t�4 0 17 1-SS %w Firm,moist,black,cinders (FILL) - . 0 - , 1113 1 II - • 4• 1e 2•33 %v, Firm,moist,black-brown,sandy GRAVEL with tra 1 I cobbles NJ,_/1 .. [ • :::: .. .:.. : 6— eo -brown fine to medium SAND • Looe ell w , 7 3-ss gbw ,moist,Y with little silt and silt Interbeds to-1"thick 2 I: Grades to wet to saturated and gray with interbeds - - ..1 of silt with trace clay 3 4-SS %w r ' t 1 1 Very soft,wet to saturated,gray SILT 2- 1 _3 10— I 4 — I 1 10/27/9 7 18:21 L-:1 Lt5 hNb 1 NttK 1 NU - dUb dO ULIOf0 1 , LOB OF VTEST BORING - '"` GILES ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. HOLE No. 8_8 _. Bothell, Washington I , PROJECT Renton Memorial Stadium Track and Field Replacement Job No. SG-8708015 40S Logan Avenue North Renton, Washington S.R. V _ Station Offset C.S. -•. 1 Equipment B-24 Casing Ground El N.M. (N.M. m) Method of Boring H A _ Start Date September 10,1097 Completion Date September 18. 1897 Sheet 1 of 1 • I P. E Standard SPT x t t i i Penetration Teat Blowalft a ° 0ascription of Materiel SiPwtlft IN) E I- s 10 20 30 40 y O i . _ 2" asphalt over 3"crushed send and gravel (FILL) 17 1-SS 96w Firm,moist,black cinders(FILL) �j b Firm,moist,brown,sandy GRAVEL with cobbles - P tsb V _ Auger refueel at approximately 2.2 feet due to ' I ' cabbies ]-1 1 • a - • . ' • - j 101-3 `- 1 I . I w • L - _ 4 1 1 _ tS • • ,_ 1 1 G-1/27/97 18:21 G 1 LES ENG I NEEK 1 NG -i 216b dun 04tib iti�•_.,,,-, ' ,' 1 • LU OF TEST BORING • _. GILES ENGINEERING • --i ASSOCIATES, INC. HOLE No. B-9 Bothell, Washington • PROJECT Renton Memorial Stadium Track and Field Replacement Job No. _�+ � 7d9016______ . 405 Logan Avenue North Renton, Washington S.R. _ Station Offeet C.S. Equipment B-24 Casing Ground El N.M. N.M. ml Method of Boring HSA 1 Stert Date September 18,1897 Completion Date September 18.1997 Sheet 1 of 1 E m Standard SPT g a n _ t t P1. Penetration Tea @lowalft m x Description of Materiel Blowtl#t (r�) $ i- 1 10 20 30 40 W j ,{ — 2" asphalt over 3"crushed send and gravel (FILL) .0 1-55 `kw Flrm.moist,black cinders(FILL) .I Firm,moist,yellow-brown, fine to medium SAND _ — with trace zllt _ - Loose moist,brown,gravellySAND 6 2 SS 95w -1 I - I Soft,west grey,SILT $ Q 6 3•SS sieve Loose,damp,orange-brown grading to gray,fine to . medimu SAND with trace silt•• • _ _ .,.,.,,. `-,, - • • • •1 - 9 4-SS "%w Loose,wet grading to saturated,brown,gravelly 1 _ SAND/sandy GRAVEL with little silt _ i _ .• Q II 10- - _ _ I - - y_s rQ _ _ ,a i �__._._ i , 119/d(f'a( It:Z1 'U1Lt5 tN 1IYCCrd1IVU - GKlo GOJ 1 JMO J '"•'•-"-' ' ' "`-- --- 1 , 1 Lf.;.r-`)F TEST BORING - - .'1....."• GILES ENGINEERING "--- ,• ASSOCIATES, INC. • I HOLE No. B-1 0 _ ! Bothell, Washington PROJECT Renton Memorial Stadium Track and Field Replacement Job No. SG-9700016 405 Logan Avenue North Renton, Washington S.R. i I Station Offset C.S. Equipment S-24 Casing _ Ground El N.M. IN.M. m) { Method of Boring 31SA IJ Start Date September 18,1997 Completion Date September 19,1997 Sheet 1 of 1 Standard SPT x • ci o Penetration Test Biowelft .• g 3 b Description of Material 3 aBlowst/ft MI in ~ 1 I 10 20 30 40 - u 2.5"asphalt over 2" crushed sand and gravel WILL) 1 14 1•SS %w ;} I Firm,moist,yellow-brown,fine SAND with trace slit 4 - I- and gravel I I 1 ii 4 2-SS %w . Interbedded loose,damp,orange,fine to medium _ SAND with trace alit end soft,wet,brown with - 1 I orange mottling,SILT with trace clay ,, I • , 11 i - - • 6 1 3-SS %w , j 1 I\ \ • • 0 6 4-£8 %w Very soft to soft,saturated,orange end gray,fine 4 ' sandy SILT - 10 1-3 —7 I • rJ j j _ _4 I _ I I 16 - --- I 1 EV::_,•(/_-:r' 1 b:21 b 1 LC:m LNU 1 IVCCIC 1 fYU - rJo GO.,..) ri-,cry - ---_ L_ OF TEST BORING ►`r'`% GILES ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. HOLE Na. -;d - P Ili Bothell, Washington PROJECT Renton Memorial Stadium Track end Field Replacement , - Job No. 6G-9709015 • 405 Logan Avenue North Renton, Washington S.R. Station Offset C.S. Equipment E-24 Casing — Ground El N.M. (N.M. ml Method of Boring HSA Completion8 897 Sheet 1 of 1 Start Date September 18, 1887 Date September 1 , 1 i E Standard sir _ 2 y fI Penatratlon Teat Blowofft m 1 t Deacrlption of Materieli 1 fig,- 1 2 814weftt IN) i • r ca 10 20 30 40 - �.� 2" asphalt over 3"crushed sand and gravel (FILL) ,1�. Q 8 1-SS 96w I 1 Loose,moist,brown,gravelly SAND(FILL-) I x> 1 i �r - 2 2-as 5i,w very soft,wet,orange and brown, SILT with truce clay ., -1 - -T .0t• 6-- i_ _ - 1 l 4 3.3S ckw I:;. Loose, moist to wet, mottled orange end gray, fine SAND with trace to little aitt —2 I: I - 1 .:..• - L i. I 8 4-SS %w Q- 13- 3 ... i i I I . 1 I 1 1 1 US'G I/:I -J•C_ 1.11LCJ I-IV-Ill'ILLI\111,1 , GC,-; / 1 LC _ )F TEST BORING 1 GILES ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. HOLE No. _B-12 Bothell, Washington PROJECT Renton Memorial Stadium Track and Field Realecement Job No. 613-9709O15 i 405 Logan Avenue North Renton, Washington S.R. • Station Offset C.S. Equipment E-24 Cesing Around El N.M. (N.M. rn) Method of Boring NSA - Start Date September 18,1897 Completion Date September 18, 1997 Sheet 1 of 1 i z g 3 Standard SPT - x e it, m Penetration Tait x Blawalft Slava/ft t. 2 F Paacriptinn of Materiel $ A , NI N a10 20 30 40 �' iktatb, 0 1.2" asphalt over 3" crushed sand and gravel IFIL1-) 25 1 sS 96w .`emu I Firm,moist,black, cinders (FILL} Firm,moist,brown,gravelly SAND with trace alit ,- I - - - Auger refusal at approximately 2.2 feet on cobbles _-1 f I E_ 1 1 . —2 — i I - I 10w-3 I -- I i t I I I - I- 15 I- I I L . - I 1 10/27/97 18:22 G I!ES ENGINEERING -> 2P16 "4db 041:316 nu.7o4 r C-1.7 i'u.,� a L(J J OF TEST BORING 'a`+ GILES ENGINEERING �1' ASSOCIATES, INC. HOLE No. B-1 :- Bothell, Washington , PROJECT Renton Memorial Stadium Track and Field Replacement Job No. 8a-9709°16 405 Logan Avenue North Renton, Washington S.R. ;, Station Offset C.S. — • Equipment B-24 Caeina Ground El N.M. (N.M.,Jill a' Method of Boring HSA Start Data September 19. 1997 Completion Data September 10,1887 Sheet 1 of 1 i — Standard SP7 -_9: 3 Penetration Teat Blowerft 2 Description of Material Za 5 • �,. Slows/ft !ND E a g ii 2 7 10 20 30 40 to C.5 I X} _------ 2" asphalt over 3"crushed sand and gravel(FILU - 13 1.3S 96w Firm,moist, orange-gray,fine to medium SAND with trace alit and gravel - Ig — 2-SS %w Soft grading to very Soft, wet,grey-brown grading to gray. SILT with trace clay _ —1 — 6 1 3-SS 96w ' I - 1 Very loose,eeturated,gray,silty fine SAND 3 4-SS %w r ' —3 I I H 10— [ - _ r., _ a I I L is I 1 l 10/2.(/ 'r 113:2- L-i 1 Lt5 tNia 1 Nthk!NU i -� -2tJb dti5 04ti1‘1 NU.7d4 Mae,YJJ7 • LL..4J OF TEST BORING W GILDS ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC: (MOLE No. B-14 • Bothell, Washington PROJECT Renton Memorial Stadium Track and Field ReaiacoVment ._..w Job No: 6B-97Q901& 405 Lon Avenue North Renton, Washington S.R. • �,, Station Offset G.S.. quipmont 0-24 _ Casing Ground Et N.M. (N.M. m) Method of Boring NSA rtert Data September 19, 1887 Completion Date September 18, 1987 Sheet 1 of 1 — 1 � _ - -- E Standard SPT z° d • e 5 g Penetration Teat x � � Elnwe/ft E?�N'ift $ $ .� �' � beecriptien of Malarial A It:w 10• 20 30 40 y , <' I _ 2" asphalt over 2.5" crushed sand and dravei{FILL) 26 1-SS 96w Firm. Moist,Black,cinders (FILL) - Firm,moist,brown,silty SAND with little gravel s t 3 — 2•SS %w Gravel and cobbles —1 Vary eoft.to soft, motet to saturated,grey, SILT — 6-- - •2 3-SS •96w - ' —2 _ - 2 .• 0 6 4•SS . %w Vary loose,saturated,orange-brown,silty fine SAND/fine sandy SILT Loose,saturated,gray,fine to medium SAND with . traco slit 1c— F- V r _, - 16 - --- ' 1U/=(/`_i( id:�-' L-,1Lt:) .NL71NtK1NU -7 GUo GOrJ U40u LC— OF TEST BORING '"^"°` GILES ENGINEERING � �.., ASSOCIATES, INC. i ioi E.tio. -1 B Bothell, Washington ' PROJECT Renton Memorial Stadium Track and Field Replacement Job No. 6G-9709015 405 Logan Avenue North Renton, Washington S.R. Station Offset C.S. - - Equipment E-24 Casing - Ground El N.M. (N.M. rn) __ r ' Method of BorIncl VISA Start Date _ September 19. 1997 Completion Date September 19, 1097 Sheet 1 __of ' 1._._ fi Standard SPT '" 4 o VI T d i 1.j. Penetrat oet ~l3fowalft g g Z 3 g Description of Material t Fliaws/it (NI ~ i , 10 20 30 40 1 T 2"asphalt over 3" crushed send end gravel (FILL) 31 1-SS • %w i Firm.moist,black cinders (FILL) Firm,moist,light brown,silty SAND with gravel _ I • & ' Gravel end Cobbles Auger refusal at approximately 2.6 feet due to - cobbles - l f r — 0--3 ^ 1 1 • i • — 1f r _—. >..( ..bF TEST BORING CoQ". GILES ENGINEERING I ASSOCIATES, INC. HOLE No. B-16Bothell, Washington PROJECT Renton Memorial Stadium Track and Field Replacement Job No. 6G-9709015 405 Logan Avenue North Renton,Washington S.R. Station Offset C.S. I Equipment 9-24 Casing Ground El N.M. 1N.M. mi Method o!Boring EISA • _ Start Date September 19,1997 Completion Date September 19. 1997 Sheet 1 of 1 - I - t g "c m Etandsrd SPT ° c t Penetration Test • Ejlnwelfi I-t;lowe/ft -� (rat ,� ; Description of Materiallsl ��` C F b g - I 10 20 30. 40 in °� -- -`�. .. .... .. i ? ,- 3" asphlet over 3"crushed send and gravel (FILL) Il >".'j Y 9 1-SS 96w _ Loose,damp,orange-brown,fine SAND•with little _ silt WILL) '•I I - 10 2-SS 96w Loose to firm,damp,gray,gravelly send (FILL) 1 1-1 H I1 . - _ I. Loose,damp,orange-gray,fine SAND with trace mitt . s I — . I G 3•SS 96w • 1 • I I = I — 1 4-SS 96w very soft,wet,dark brown, SILT with trace organics I I I I . r , - • j 1 i - I ' 11 lU/. (/=( _C. __ U1LGJ a Yu1ru...u,.a,1u . cv,.+ cu... .-.—.,+.., it _ OF TEST BORING GILES ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. HDLF No Bothell, Washington PROJECT Renton Memorial Stadium Track and Field Replacement Job No. 60-9709O15 _ 406 Logan Avenue North Renton, Washington S.R. i I Station Offsst C.S. i Equipment D-2•3 — Casing Ground El N.M. MINI. m� 1 1 Method of Boring HSA Start Oats September 19, 1997 Completion Date September 19, 1997 Sheet 1 01 1 . E Standard g� F, i 1,), t , r-t Penetration Tact Slaws/ft * m .in a Bforrslft (NI h Description of MaterielI i 1 S ~ - I 10 20 30 40 _._ 2" eaphelt over 4" crushed sand and gravel WFILLI . 1 V . . 019 ~ 1-SS %w Firm,moist,red-brown grading to black,cinders II IFILL}+ , - Firm,moist,brown,fine SAND with trace silt end r -� ,gravel 1 0 , Gravel end Cobbles I I • 14 2-SS slave 1 Firm,moist,brown,fine SAND with trace sift " 1 L: : I 5.—I � —9 3.55 %w iwith silt interbeds to 1"thick _ 2 4-SS %w Very aoft,wet,dark brown,slit with trace organics I III - II Vary soft,wet,gray,SILT with trace clay �• r - . 10 ' — t i . I - 1 _ a 15 - , i I . • I I i 10/27/G7 18:23 G I LES ENGINEERING .- 206 285 0480 NU.7oY+ re.,-)r'e....r_p LOG OF TEST BORING ' . ""°.% GILES ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. HOLE No. B-19 'Ilk Bothell, Washington PROJECT Renton Memorial Stadium Track and Field Replacement Job Na. 60-97®901 5 405 Logan Avanuo North .Renton, Washington S-R- __,__ Station Offeat C.S. _ Equipment i3-24 Casing Ground El N.M. (N.M. m) Method of Boring NSA Start Data September 19, 1997 Completion Date September 19, 1997 Sheet 1 of 1 P. 1 Z Standard S ( 2 a Penetration Test L>Iewa/ir d -j.p .0 Description of Material Tr 10 20 _ 30 40 _ ! 7,I 2"asphalt over 3" crushed send and gravel (FILL) le — 1.ss 96w Medium stiff,moist,dark brown, SILT Loose,moist,brown,silty fine SAND '• . '•! �� 7 2-SS sievs Loose, molet,brown,fine SAND with trace alit end thin silt interbeds _1 (< 0.5"thick) _ --- m-16.2% - Interbedded loose,moist,orange and gray,fine 4. SAND with trace silt and medium stiff moist, . gray-brown SILT ISIl I d.. .. j) 3-SS 96w _ Soft,moist to wet,brown-gray with orange mottling, SILT L - rn.'36.1% ' ' -2 -- H 2 4-SS %w Very loose,wet to saturated,brown with orange .:'•I �. mottling,silty fine SAND with random pieces of gray _ silt in matrix I•it i mn29.7% j 10- I I . _I ! 4 - - ,S \- . _ - 1 0 d'y f l i :4=1 O i LCC CIVu i riCCFC i Ivu -Z C LI ci....., -,,,,,_r I MOISTURE CONTENT DETERMINATION RESULTS 1BORING& MOISTURE a`O�NT"NTMOISTURE BORING& SAMPLE CONTENT • 1 ' SAMmy. CONTENT :i::; SAMPLE , NUMBER (%) ;} % NUMBER (°%0) l'; NUMBER 13-1,S-I 22.2 .�ry B-9,5-2 40.9 t.:; B-17,S-3 A-1,S-2 33.9 F + 13-9,Qi1'3. 7.2 .,••r. R-17,S-4 B-1,S-3 33.4 ,, + B-9,t314 10.6 B-18,S-1 B 1,S-4 27.9 B-10,13.2 11.3 : B-19,S-1 3-2,9-1 I 23.4 /1 B-10J5,2 24.0 .0 B-I9,S-2 I v 1 13-2,S-2 16.2 ' 13-103Svb 36.2 > • B-19.S-3 ' V. B-2,5-3 j 6.6 f;1 B-IO2SJ 33.6 :a!ii B-19,S-4 i B-2,S-44 29.1 :� B-11,S-1 18.6 �is B-3,S-1 14.7 B-11.S-2 • 39.0 Cr • N B-3,S-2 5.0 B-11,S-3 18.6 . .t ii B-3,5-3 N.T. I,r 8-1 I,S-$ 21.3 .J.� 3-3 S; 33.6 1I' ©-12,S-1 23.8 f t„1 ; I• 13-4,S-I 20.0 t B-13,S-1 14.1 °` . B-4.S-2 3.6 .„ B-I3,S-2 38.7 ' tr B-4.S-3 44.7 B-13,S-3 37.5 ti 13-4,5-4 47.8 I .. 8-13,S-4 30.7 '' 1 II-S,S-1 ..'N.T. ' , 8-14,S-1 21.3 ;. B-5,S-2 2.1 I B-14,S-2 6.1 c . B-S,S-3 23.9 i' B-14,S-3 29.2 ', 1.1. 3-S.S-4 39.6 q,i' B-14,5-4 29.S '.I ' ii 13-6,S-4 42.2 II B-15,5-1 16.3 "• - • 26.8 I' B-16,S-1 18.5 — I B-? S- 7.0 :;1 B-16,S-2 23.9 a!, B-7,S-3 19.0 t.: B-16,S-3 7.8 I. G-7,S-4 37.7 ;''' B-l6,S-4 88.5 t, rii,i i B-9,S-1 23.1 _{ 13-17,S-1 23.5 •• . 13-9,S-1 20.5 . B-17,S-2 9.2 , N.T. • =Not tested due to insufficient sample size ' . I -- I I . I . 1 +U.S. SIEVE OPENING IN INC', I U.S. SIEVE NUMBERS HYDROMETER '} A 4 3 21.5 1 _ 1/2 _83 6 810141°203°4050701001;,_ :) r100 1 ii I 90 1 1 • • 80 - • r+ C70 i i ' i li. ' F • I - r 1 Ii , 1 .NI • T60 1 . . C ;N • I I e50 ;R I • Y40 I W 1 [ , 1 ik _' • : I : ' . •I G30 - - - _ -r , - . , 1 T 10 I Ill1 i 1 • 1 t , 1 • 1 t 0 100 10 1 0.1 0.01. 0.00 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS • . COBBLES GRAVEL SAND - SILT OR CLAY coarse fine coarse • medium I fine Specimen Identification Classification MC% LL PL PI Cc Cu 0 R-17 3.5 SAND with little silt and trace gravel 1.30 4.1 m B-19 3.5 Fine sandy SILT • ,s B-2 3.5 Silty fine SAND * 3-2 - •6.0 Medium SAND with trace silt 1.62 4.6 x B-9 6.0 •SAND with trace silt end gravel 1.26 3.8 Specimen Identification D100 D60 1 D30 D10 %Gravel %Sand %Silt j %Clay j ! 0 0-17 3.5 19.00 0.29 0.162 9.8 77.8 12.4 . air B-19 - 3.5 4..71E 0.12 0.0 47.9 62.1 A 6-2 3.5 4.75 0.18 0.0 53.4 41.6 * 6-2 5.0 9.50 0.69 .0.352 0.1298 0.2 91,7 1.1 X 6-9 6.0 10.00 0.68 0.330 0.1518 1.6 92.0 6.4 PROJECT Renton Memorial Stadium Track and Field-` - ' JOB NO. 6 -9709015 ; 1 Replacement -406 Logan Avenue North DATE 10/26/07 •; Renton, Washington GRADATION CURVES 1 1 Giles Engineering Associates, Inc. i Bothell, Washington ATTACHMENT C Renton Memorial Stadium Field and Track Replacement: DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS Renton Memorial Stadium,Field&Track Replacement SEPA Checklist 10/31/97 2 : 8 : 36 pm D.A. Hogan & Assoc . page 1 --- Renton Memorial Stadium SEPA Checklist Existing Conditions BASIN SUMMARY BASIN ID: El NAME: Existing Site 100yr SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA • 5 . 87 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0 . 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE TYPE1A PERV IMP PRECIPITATION • 3 . 90 inches AREA. . : 0 . 55 Acres 5 . 32 Acres TIME INTERVAL 10 . 00 min CN • 86 . 00 98 . 00 TC • 14 . 79 min 6 . 10 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 . 20 TcReach - Sheet L: 70 . 00 ns : 0 . 1500 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0 . 0100 TcReach - Channel L: 558 . 00 kc :42 . 00 s : 0 . 0100 TcReach - Channel L: 100 . 00 kc :42 . 00 s : 0 . 0200 impTcReach - Sheet L: 157 . 00 ns : 0 . 0110 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0 . 0080 • impTcReach - Channel L: 666 . 00 kc :42 . 00 s : 0 . 0100 impTcReach - Channel L: 100 . 00 kc :42 . 00 s : 0 . 0200 PEAK RATE: 4 . 60 cfs VOL: 1 . 74 Ac-ft TIME: 480 min BASIN ID: E2 NAME: Existing Site 10yr SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA • 5 . 87 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0 . 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE • TYPE1A PERV IMP PRECIPITATION • 2 . 90 inches AREA. . : 0 . 55 Acres 5 . 32 Acres TIME INTERVAL 10 . 00 min CN • 86 . 00 98 . 00 TC • 14 . 79 min 6 .10 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 .20 TcReach - Sheet L: 70 . 00 ns : 0 . 1500 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0 . 0100 TcReach - Channel L: 558 . 00 kc:42 . 00 s : 0 . 0100 TcReach - Channel L: 100 . 00 kc :42 . 00 s : 0 . 0200 impTcReach - Sheet L: 157 . 00 ns : 0 . 0110 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0 . 0080 impTcReach - Channel L: 666 . 00 kc :42 . 00 s : 0 . 0100 impTcReach - Channel L: 100 . 00 kc :42 . 00 s : 0 . 0200 PEAK RATE: 3 . 35 cfs VOL: 1 . 26 Ac-ft TIME: 480 min BASIN ID: E3 NAME: Existing Site 2yr SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA • 5 . 87 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0 . 00 cfs RAINFALL -TYPE TYPE1A PERV IMP PRECIPITATION • 2 . 00 inches AREA. . : 0 . 55 Acres 5 . 32 Acres TIME INTERVAL 10 . 00 min CN • 86 . 00 98 . 00 TC • 14 . 79 min 6 . 10 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 . 20 TcReach - Sheet L: 70 . 00 ns : 0 .1500 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0 . 0100 TcReach - Channel L: 558 . 00 kc:42 . 00 s : 0 . 0100 TcReach - Channel L: 100 . 00 kc :42 . 00 s : 0 . 0200 impTcReach - Sheet L: 157 . 00 ns : 0 . 0110 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0 . 0080 impTcReach - Channel L: 666 . 00 kc :42 . 00 s : 0 . 0100 impTcReach - Channel L: 100 . 00 kc :42 . 00 s : 0 . 0200 • PEAK RATE: 2 . 23 cfs VOL: 0 . 83 Ac-ft TIME: 480 min z • 10/31/97 2 : 8 : 37 pm D.A. Hogan & Assoc . page 2 --- Renton Memorial Stadium SEPA Checklist Existing Conditions • • DETAIL BASIN SUMMARY • • BASIN ID: El NAME: Existing Site 100yr SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA • 5 . 87 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0 . 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE • TYPE1A PERV IMP PRECIPITATION • 3 . 90 inches AREA. . : 0 . 55 Acres 5 . 32 Acres TIME INTERVAL • 10 . 00 min CN 86 . 00 98 . 00 TC • 14 . 79 min 6 . 10 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 . 20 TcReach - Sheet L: 70 . 00 ns: 0 . 1500 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0 . 0100 TcReach - Channel L: 558 . 00 kc:42 . 00 s : 0 . 0100 TcReach - Channel L: 100 . 00 kc:42 . 00 s : 0 . 0200 . impTcReach - Sheet L: 157 . 00 ns : 0 . 0110 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0 . 0080 impTcReach - Channel L: 666 . 00 kc :42 . 00 s : 0 . 0100 impTcReach - Channel L: 100 . 00 kc :42 . 00 s : 0 . 0200 PEAK RATE: 4 . 60 cfs VOL: , 1 . 74 Ac-ft TIME: 480 min TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) v 10 310 0.9853 610 1.1875 910 0.7904 1210 0.5731 1510 0.0004 20 320 1.1909 620 1.1354 920 0.7958 1220 0.5679 1520 0.0002 30 330 1.2219 630 1.1295 930 0.7966 1230 0.5674 1530 0.0001 40 0.0082 340 1.2340 640 1.1229 940 0.7909 1240 0.5733 1540 50 0.0384 350 1.2431 650 1.1282 950 0.7963 1250 0.5681 1550 60 0.0787 360 1.2510 660 1.1291 960 0.7970 1260 0.5675 1560 70 0.1490 370 1.2133 670 1.0294 970 0.6433 1270 0.5734 1570 80 0.2321 380 1.1698 680 0.9180 980 0.4832 1280 0.5682 1580 90 0.2873 390 1.1638 690 0.9047 990 0.4633 1290 0.5677 1590 100 0.3309 400 1.1670 700 0.9082 1000 0.4535 1300 0.5736 1600 110 0.3665 410 1.1766 710 0.9024 1010 0.4573 1310 0.5684 1610 1 120 0.3961 420 1.1755 720 0.9017 1020 0.4573 1320 0.5678 1620 130 0.4531 430 1.7941 730 0.9076 1030 0.5519 1330 0.5203 1630 140 0.5163 440 2.4910 740 0.9026 1040 0.6637 1340 0.4672 1640 __ 150 0.5434 450 2.5821 750 0.9022 1050 0.6776 1350 0.4606 1650 160 0.5594 460 3.4731 760 0.9083 1060 0.6804 1360 0.4534 1660 170 0.5805 470 4.4580 770 0.9033 1070 0.6814 1370 0.4582 1670 180 0.5954 480 4.5957 780 0.9030 1080 0.6819 1380 0.4585 1680 I 190 0.6038 490 3.4706 790 0.8086 1090 0.6348 1390 0.4526 1690 200 0.6201 500 2.1906 800 0.6973 1100 0.5761 1400 0.4579 1700 210 0.6316 510 2.0445 810 0.6838 1110 0.5689 1410 0.4584 1710 _ _ 220 0.6369 520 1.9221 820 0.6812 1120 0.7513 1420 0.4526 1720 230 0.6506 530 1.8117 830 0.6804 1130 0.5888 1430 0.4579 1730 240 0.6594 540 1.7977 840 0.6801 1140 0.3930 1440 0.4585 1740 250 0.7086 550 1.5494 850 0.7274 1150 0.5531 1450 0.2567 1750 1 260 0.7619 560 1.2746 860 0.7861 1160 0.5644 1460 . 0.0368 1760 270 0.7746 570 1.2417 870 0.7935 1170 0.5661 1470 0.0093 1770 280 0.7878 580 1.2418 880 0.7891 1180 0.5726 1480 0.0037 1780 290 0.7899 590 1.2351 890 0.7950 1190 0.5676 1490 0.0018 1790 300 0.7957 600 1.2343 900 0.7959 1200 0.5671 1500' 0.0009 1800 1 10/31/97 2 : 8 : 37 pm D.A. Hogan & Assoc . page 3 - Renton Memorial Stadium • SEPA Checklist . Existing Conditions DETAIL BASIN SUMMARY BASIN ID: E2 NAME: Existing Site l0yr I SBUH METHODOLOGY. TOTAL AREA • 5 . 87 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0 . 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE • TYPE1A PERV IMP PRECIPITATION • 2 . 90 inches AREA. . : 0 . 55 Acres 5 . 32 •Acres TIME INTERVAL • 10 . 00 min CN 86 . 00 98 . 00 TC • 14 . 79 min 6 . 10 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 . 20 TcReach - Sheet L: 70 . 00 ns: 0 . 1500 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0 . 0100 TcReach - Channel L: 558 . 00 kc:42 . 00 s : 0 . 0100 TcReach - Channel L: 100 . 00 kc:42 . 00 s : 0 . 0200 impTcReach - Sheet L: 157 . 00 ns : 0 . 0110 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0 . 0080 impTcReach - Channel L: 666 . 00 kc :42 . 00 s : 0 . 0100 • impTcReach - Channel L: 100 . 00 kc :42 . 00 s : 0 . 0200 PEAK RATE: 3 . 35 cfs VOL: 1 . 26 Ac-ft TIME: 480 min TIME DESIGN TIME DESI GN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) 10 310 0.6936 610 0.8709 910 0.5822 1210 0.4229 1510 0.0003 20 320 0.8411 620 0.8329 920 0.5863 1220 0.4191 1520 0.0001 30 330 0.8652 630 0.8288 930 0.5869 1230 0.4187 1530 40 340 0.8759 640 0.8242 940 0.5827 1240 0.4231 1540 - I 50 0.0040 350 0.8845 650 0.8284 950 0.5868 1250 0.4193 1550 60 0.0198 360 0.8921 660 0.8292 960 0.5874 1260 0.4189 1560 70 0.0598 ' 370 0.8668 670 0.7559 970 0.4738 1270 0.4233 1570 I 80 0.1102 380 0.8371 680 0.6741 980 0.3557 1280 0.4194 1580 90 0.1509 390 0.8342 690 0.6645 990 0.3413 1290 0.4191 1590 100 0.1850 400 0.8378 700 0.6673 1000 0.3341 1300 0..4234 1600 110 0.2138 410 0.8459 710 0.6632 1010 0.3371 1310 0.4196 1610 120 0.2384 420 0.8462 720 0.6628 1020 0.3371 1320 0.4192 1620 130 0.2798 430 1.2962 730 0.6673 1030 0.4070 1330 0.3841 1630 140 0.3256 440 1.8031 740 0.6637 1040 0.4896 1340 0.3448 1640 ' 150 0.3488 450 1.8707 750 0.6635 1050 0.4997 1350 0.3400 1650 160 0.3645 460 2.5234 760 0.6681 1060 0.5018 1360 0.3347 1660 170 0.3830 470 3.2453 770 0.6645 1070 0.5025 1370 0.3383 1670 180 0.3971 480 3.3497 780 0.6643 1080 0.5029 1380 0.3386 1680 190 0.4061 490 2.5284 790 0.5948 1090 0.4681 1390 0.3342 1690 200 0.4197 500 1.5939 800 0.5128 1100 0.4247 1400 0.3381 1700 210 0.4294 510 1.4908 810 0.5030 1110 0.4195 1410 0.3386 1710 _ 220 0.4346 520 1.4035 820 0.5013 1120 0.5545 1420 0.3343 1720 230 0.4453 530 1.3241 830 0.5008 1130 0.4342 1430 0.3382 1730 240 0.4526 540 1.3152 840 0.5006 1140 0.2895 1440 0.3387 1740 250 0.4882 550 1.1336 850 0.5356 1150 0.4081 1450 0.1893 1750 260 0.5270 560 0.9325 860 0.5790 1160 0.4164 1460 0.0267 1760 • 270 0.5377 570 0.9092 870 0.5844 1170 0.4177 1470 0.0066 1770 280 0.5488 580 0.9099 880 0.5811 1180 0.4225 1480 0.0026 1780 j 290 0.5520 590 0.9054 890 0.5855 1190 0.4188 1490 0.0012 1790 1 300 0.5577 600 0.9052 900 0.5862 1200 0.4185 1500 0.0006 1800 10/31/97 2 : 8 :37 pm D.A. Hogan & Aoc . page 4 Renton Memorial Stadium SEPA Checklist • Existing Conditions . • DETAIL BASIN SUMMARY BASIN ID: E3 NAME: Existing Site 2yr SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA ▪ 5 . 87 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0 . 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE ▪ TYPE1A PERV IMP PRECIPITATION ▪ 2 . 00 inches AREA. . : 0 . 55 Acres 5 . 32 Acres TIME INTERVAL 10 . 00 min CN 86 . 00 98 . 00 TC 14 . 79 min 6 . 10 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 . 20 TcReach - Sheet L: 70 . 00 ns : 0 . 1500 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0 . 0100 TcReach - Channel L: 558 . 00 kc:42 . 00 s : 0 . 0100 __ TcReach - Channel L: 100 . 00 kc:42 . 00 s : 0 . 0200 impTcReach - Sheet L: 157 . 00 ns : 0 . 0110 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0 . 0080 impTcReach - Channel L: 666 . 00 kc :42 . 00 s : 0 . 0100 impTcReach - Channel L: 100 . 00 kc :42 . 00 s : 0 . 0200 PEAK RATE: 2 . 23 cfs VOL: 0 . 83 Ac-ft TIME : 480 min ' TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) 10 310 0.4337v 610 0.5857 910 0.3944 1210 0.2874 1510 0.0002 20 320 0.5283 620 0.5603 920 0.3972 1220 0.2848 1520 30 . 330 0.5458 630 0.5579 930 0.3977 1230 0.2846 1530 40 340 0.5551 640 0.5550. 940 0.3950 1240 0.2876 1540 - - 50 350 0.5630 650 0.5581 950 0.3978 1250 0.2850 1550 60 360 0.5702 660 0.5588 960 0.3982 1260 0.2848 1560 70 0.0057 370 0.5559 670 0.5094 970 0.3209 1270 0.2878 1570 80 0.0245 380 0.5385 680 0.4541 . 980 0.2407 1280 0.2852 1580 90 0.0497 390 0.5383 690 0.4480 990 0.2312 1290 0.2850 1590 100 0.0726 400 0.5422 700 0.4502 1000 0.2265 1300 0.2880 1600 110 0.0928 410 0.5489 710 0.4475 1010 0.2286 1310 0.2854 1610 120 0.1107 420 0.5503 720 0.4474 1020 0.2286 1320 0.2852 1620 ' 130 0.1368 430 0.8480 730 0.4506 1030 0.2764 1330 - 0.2612 1630 140 0.1657 440 1.1835 740 0.4482 1040 0.3325 1340 0.2344 1640 150 0.1834 450 1.2305 750 0.4482 1050 0.3393 1350 0.2313 1650 1 160 0.1969 460 1.6680 760 0.4514 1060 0.3406 1360 0.2277 1660 • 170 0.2116 470 2.1529 770 0.4491 1070 0.3411 1370 0.2302 1670 180 0.2235 480 2.2279 780 0.4491 1080 0.3414 1380 0.2304 1680 190 0.2323 490 1.6811 790 0.4019 1090 0.3177 1390 0.2274 1690 200 0.2435 500 1.0582 800 0.3464 1100 0.2882 1400 0.2301 1700 210 0.2523 510 0.9930 810 0.3400 1110 0.2848 1410 0.2304 1710 220 0.2581 520 0.9369 820 0.3390 1120 0.3769 1420 0.2275 1720 230 0.2670 530 0.8853 830 0.3388 1130 0.2947 1430 0.2302 1730 240 0.2736 540 0.8807 840 0.3388 1140 0.1961 1440 0.2305 1740 250 0.2972 550 0.7591 850 0.3626 1150 0.2773 1450 0.1285 1750 260 0.3226 560 0.6244 860 0.3921 1160 0.2830 1460 0.0176 1760 270 0.3308 570 0.6097 870 0.3957 1170 0.2838 1470 0.0042 1770 280 0.3391 580 0.6109 880 0.3936 1180 0.2871 1480 , 0.0016 1780 290 0.3423 590 0.6083 890 0.3966 1190 0.2846 1490 0.0008 1790 300 0.3470 600 0.6085 900 0.3971 1200 0.2844 1500 0.0004 1800 10/31/97 2 : 8 : 37 pm D.A. Hogan & Assoc . page 5 Renton Memorial Stadium SEPA Checklist Existing Conditions HYDROGRAPH SUMMARY PEAK TIME VOLUME HYD RUNOFF OF OF Contrib NUM RATE PEAK HYDRO Area cfs min. cf\AcFt Acres 1 4 . 596 480 75700 cf 5 . 87 2 3 .350 480 54697 cf 5 . 87 3 2 . 228 480 35971 cf 5 . 87 Hydrograph #1 - 100 yr storm Hydrograph #2 - 10 yr storm Hydrograph #3 - 2 yr storm 10/31/97 2 : 8 : 37 pm D.A. Hogan & Assoc . page 6 Renton Memorial Stadium SEPA Checklist Existing Conditions DETAIL HYDROGRAPH SUMMARY • . HYDROGRAPH No. 1 Peak runoff : 4 . 5957 cfs Total Vol : 1 . 74 ac-ft TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) 10 410 1.1766 810 0.6838 1210 0.5731 1610 20 420 1.1755 820 0.6812 1220 0.5679 1620 30 430 1.7941 830 0.6804 1230 0.5674 1630 40 0.0082 440 2.4910 840 0.6801 1240 0.5733 1640 50 0.0384 450 2.5821 850 0.7274 1250 0.5681 .1650 ' 60 0.0787 460 3.4731 860 0.7861 1260 0.5675 1660 70 0.1490 470 4.4580 870 0.7935 1270 0.5734 1670 80 0.2321 480 4.5957 880 0.7891. 1280 0.5682 1680 90 0.2873 490 3.4706 890 0.7950 1290 0.5677 1690 100 0.3309 500 2.1906 900 0.7959 1300 0.5736 1700 110 0.3665 510 2.0445 910 0.7904 1310 0.5684 1710 120 0.3961 520 1.9221 920 0.7958 1320 0.5678 1720 130 0.4531 530 1.8117 930 0.7966 . 1330 0.5203 1730 140 0.5163 540 1.7977 940 0.7909 1340 0.4672 1740 150 0.5434 550 1.5494 950 0.7963 1350 0.4606 1750 160 0.5594 560 1.2746 960 0.7970 1360 0.4534 1760 170 0.5805 570 1.2417 970 0.6433 1370 0.4582 1770 180 0.5954 580 1.2418 980 0.4832 1380 0.4585 1780 190 0.6038 590 1.2351 990 0.4633 1390 0.4526 1790 200 0.6201 600 1.2343 1000 0.4535 1400 0.4579 1800 • 210 0.6316 610 1.1875 1010 0.4573 1410 0.4584 1810 220 0.6369 620 1.1354 1020 0.4573 1420 0.4526 1820 230 0.6506 630 1.1295 1030 0.5519 1430 0.4579 1830 240 0.6594 640 1.1229 1040 0.6637 1440 0.4585 1840 250 0.7086 650 1.1282 1050 0.6776 1450 0.2567 1850 260 0.7619 660 1.1291 1060 0.6804 1460 0.0368 1860 270 0.7746 670 1.0294 1070 0.6814 1470 0.0093 1870 280 0.7878 680 0.9180 1080 0.6819 1480 0.0037 1880 290 0.7899 690 0.9047 1090 0.6348 1490 0.0018 1890 300 0..7957 700 0.9082 1100 0.5761 1500 0.0009 1900 310 0.9853 710 0.9024 1110 0.5689 1510 0.0004 1910 320 1.1909 720 0.9017 1120 0.7513 1520 0.0002 1920 330 • 1.2219 730 0.9076 1130 0.5888 1530 0.0001 1930 ' , 340 1.2340 740 0.9026 1140 0.3930 1540 1940 • I 350 1.2431 750 0.9022 1150 0.5531 1550 1950 360 1.2510 760 b.9083 1160 0.5644 1560 1960 1 370 1.2133 770 0.9033 1170 0.5661 1570 1970 380 1.1698 780 0.9030 1180 0.5726 1580 1980 390 1.1638 790 0.8086 1190 0.5676 1590 1990 400 1.1670 800 0.6973 1200 0.5671 1600 2000 1 • 10/31/97 2 : 8 :37 pm D.A. Hogan & Assoc . page 7 Renton Memorial Stadium SEPA Checklist Existing Conditions . - DETAIL HYDROGRAPH SUMMARY HYDROGRAPH No. 2 Peak runoff : 3 . 3497 cfs Total Vol : 1 . 26 ac-ft TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) 10 410 0.8459 810 0.5030 1210 0.4229 1610 20 420 0.8462 820 0.5013 1220 0.4191 1620 30 430 1.2962 830 0.5008 1230 0.4187 1630 40 440 1.8031 840 0.5006 1240 0.4231 1640 50 0.0040 450 1.8707 850 0.5356 1250 0.4193 1650 60 0.0198 460 2.5234 860 0.5790 1260 0.4189 1660 70 0.0598 470 3.2453 870 0.5844 1270 0.4233 1670 80 0.1102 480 3.3497 880 0.5811 1280 0.4194 1680 90 0.1509 490 2.5284 890 0.5855 1290 0.4191 1690 100 0.1850 500 1.5939 900 0.5862 1300 0'.4234 1700 ' 110 0.2138 510 1.4908 910 0.5822 1310 0.4196 1710 120 0.2384 520 1.4035 920 0.5863 1320 0.4192 1720 130 , 0.2798 530 1.3241 930 0.5869 1330 0.3841 1730 140 0.3256 540 1.3152 940 0.5827 1340 0.3448 1740 150 0.3488 550 1.1336 950 0.5868 1350 0.3400 1750 160 0.3645 560 0.9325 960 0.5874 1360 0.3347 1760 170 0.3830 570 0.9092 970 0.4738 1370 0.3383 1770 180 0.3971 580 0.9099 980 0.3557 1380 0.3386 1780 190 - 0.4061 590 0.9054 990 0.3413 1390 0.3342 1790 200 0.4197 600 0.9052 1000 0.3341 1400 0.3381 1800 210 0.4294 610 0.8709 1010 0.3371 1410 0.3386 1810 220 0.4346 620 0.8329 1020 0.3371 1420 0.3343 1820 230 0.4453 630 0.8288 1030 0.4070 1430 0.3382 1830 240 0.4526 640 0.8242 1040 0.4896 1440 0.3387 1840 250 0.4882 650 0.8284 1050 0.4997 1450 0.1893 1850 260 0.5270 660 0.8292 1060 0.5018 1460 0.0267 1860 270 0.5377 670 0.7559 1070 0.5025 1470 0.0066 1870 280 0.5488 680 0.6741 1080 0.5029 1480 0.0026 1880 290 0.5520 690 0.6645 1090 0.4681 1490 0.0012 1890 300 0.5577 700 0.6673 1100 0.4247 ' 1500 0.0006 1900 310 0.6936 710 0.6632 1110 0.4195 1510 0.0003 1910 320 0.8411 720 0.6628 1120 0.5545 1520 0.0001 1920 330 0.8652 730 0.6673 1130 0.4342 1530 1930' 340 0.8759 740 0.6637 1140 0.2895 1540 1940 350 0.8845 750 0.6635 1150 0.4081 1550 1950 360 0.8921 760 0.6681 1160 0.4164 1560 1960 370 0.8668 770 0.6645 1170 0.4177 1570 1970 380 0.8371 780 0.6643 1180 0.4225 1580 1980 . 390 0.8342 790 0.5948 1190 0.4188 1590 1990 400 0.8378 800 0.5128 1200 0.4185 1600 2000 10/31/97 2 : 8 :37 pm D.A. Hogan & Assoc . page 8 Renton Memorial Stadium SEPA Checklist • Existing Conditions DETAIL HYDROGRAPH SUMMARY HYDROGRAPH No. 3 Peak runoff : 2 . 2279 cfs Total Vol : 0 . 83 ac-ft TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) (min) ' (cfs) (min) (cfs) 10 410 0.5489 810 0.3400 1210 0.2874 1610 20 420 0.5503 820 0.3390 1220 0.2848 1620 ' 30 430 0.8480 830 0.3388 1230 0.2846 1630 40 440 1.1835 840 0.3388 1240 0.2876 1640 50 450 1.2305 850 0.3626 , 1250 0.2850 1650 60 460 1.6680 860 0.3921 1260 0.2848 1660 70 0.0057 470 2.1529 870 0.3957 1270 0.2878 1670 80 0.0245 480 2.2279 880 D.3936 1280 0.2852 1680 90 0.0497 490 1.6811 890 0.3966 1290 0.2850 1690 100 0.0726 500 1.0582 900 0.3971 1300 0.2880 1700 110 0.0928 510 0.9930 910 0.3944 1310 0.2854 1710 120 0.1107 520 0.9369 920 0.3972 1320 0.2852 1720 130 0.1368 530 0.8853 930 0.3977 1330 0.2612 1730 140 0.1657 540 0.8807 940 0.3950 1340 0.2344 1740 150 0.1834 550 0.7591 950 0.3978 1350 0.2313 1750 160 0.1969 560 0.6244 960 0.3982 1360 0.2277 1760 170 0.2116 570 0.6097 970 0.3209 1370 0.2302 1770 180 0.2235 580 0.6109 980 0.2407 1380 0.2304 1780 190 0.2323 590 0.6083 990. 0.2312 1390 0.2274 1790 200 0.2435 600 0.6085 1000 0.2265 1400 0.2301 1800 . 210 0.2523 610 0.5857 1010 0.2286 1410 0.2304 1810 220 0.2581 620 0.5603 1020 0.2286 1420 0.2275 1820 230 0.2670 630 0.5579 1030 0.2764 1430 0.2302 1830 240 0.2736 640 0.5550 1040 0.3325 1440 0.2305 1840 250 0.2972 650 0.5581 1050 0.3393 1450 0.1285 1850 260 0.3226 660 0.5588 1060 0.3406 1460 0.0176 1860 270 0.3308 670 0.5094 1070 0.3411 1470 0.0042 1870 280 0.3391 680 0.4541 1080 0.3414 1480 0.0016 1880 290 0.3423 . 690 0.4480 1090 0.3177 1490 0.0008 1890 300 .0:3470 700 0.4502 1100 0.2882 1500 0.0004 1900 310 0.4337 710 0.4475 1110 0.2848 1510 0.0002 1910 320 0.5283 720 0.4474 1120 0.3769 1520 1920 330 0.5458 730 0.4506 1130 0.2947 1530 1930 340 0.5551 740 0.4482 1140 0.1961 1540 1940 350 0.5630 750 0.4482 1150 0.2773 1550 . 1950 360 0.5702 760 0.4514 1160 0.2830 1560 1960 370 0.5559 770 0.4491 1170 0.2838 1570 1970 380 0.5385 780 0.4491 1180 0.2871 1580 1980 • 390 0..5383 790 0.4019 1190 0.2846 1590 1990 400 0.5422 800 0.3464 1200 0.2844 1600 2000 10/31/97 2 : 37 : 58 pm D.A. Hogan & Assoc . page 1 Renton Memorial Stadium SEPA Checklist Renovated Conditions BASIN SUMMARY BASIN ID: P1 NAME : Renovated Synthetic Turf 100yr SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA • 3 . 72 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0 . 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE TYPE1A PERV IMP PRECIPITATION • 3 . 90 inches AREA. . : 3 . 72 Acres 0 . 00 Acres TIME INTERVAL 10 . 00 min CN • 86 . 00 0 . 00 TC • 301 . 36 min 0 . 00 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 .20 PEAK RATE: 0 . 52 cfs VOL: 0 . 76 Ac-ft TIME: 670 min BASIN ID: P2 NAME: Renovated Synthetic Turf 10yr SBUH METHODOLOGY 1 TOTAL AREA • 3 . 72 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0 . 00 cfs , RAINFALL TYPE TYPE1A PERV IMP PRECIPITATION • 2 . 90 inches AREA. . : 3 . 72 Acres 0 . 00 Acres TIME INTERVAL • 10 . 00 min CN • 86 . 00 0 . 00 TC • 301 .36 min 0 . 00 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 . 20 PEAK RATE: 0 . 32 cfs VOL: 0 .49 Ac-ft TIME: 780 min BASIN ID: P3 NAME: Renovated Synthetic Turf 2yr SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA • 3 . 72 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0 . 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE TYPE1A PERV IMP PRECIPITATION • 2 . 00 inches AREA. . : 3 . 72 Acres 0 . 00 Acres TIME INTERVAL 10 . 00 min CN • 86 . 00 0 . 00 TC • 301.36 min 0 . 00 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 . 20 PEAK RATE: 0 . 17 cfs VOL: 0 .26 Ac-ft TIME: 780 min BASIN ID: P4 NAME: Renovated Grass 100yr SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA • 0 . 32 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0 . 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE TYPE1A PERV IMP PRECIPITATION • 3 . 90 inches AREA. . : 0 .32 Acres 0 . 00 Acres TIME INTERVAL 10 . 00 min CN • 86 . 00 .0 . 00 TC 9 . 58 min 0 . 00 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 .20 TcReach - Sheet L: 30 . 00 ns : 0 . 1500 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0 . 0150 , TcReach - Channel L: 250 . 00 kc :42 . 00 s : 0 . 0050 TcReach - Channel L: 130 . 00 kc :42 . 00 s : 0 . 0050 . TcReach - Channel L: 301 . 00 kc :42 . 00 s : 0 . 0050 TcReach - Channel L: 160 . 00 kc :42 . 00 s : 0 . 0200 PEAK RATE: 0 .17 cfs VOL: 0 . 07 Ac-ft TIME: 480 min 10/31/97 2 : 37 : 58 pm D.A. Hogan & ... roc . page 2 Renton Memorial Stadium SEPA Checklist Renovated Conditions BASIN SUMMARY BASIN ID: P5 NAME: Renovated Grass l0yr SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA • 0 . 32 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0 . 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE TYPE1A . PERV IMP PRECIPITATION • 2 . 90 inches AREA. . : 0 . 32 Acres 0 . 00 Acres TIME INTERVAL 10 . 00 min CN • 86 . 00 0 . 00 TC 9 . 58 min 0 . 00 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 .20 TcReach - Sheet L: 30 . 00 ns : 0 . 1500 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0 . 0150 TcReach - Channel L: 250 . 00 kc :42 . 00 s : 0 . 0050 TcReach - Channel L: 130 . 00 kc :42 . 00 s : 0 . 0050 TcReach - Channel L: 301 . 00 kc :42 . 00 s : 0 . 0050 TcReach - Channel L: 160 . 00 kc :42 . 00 s : 0 . 0200 PEAK RATE: 0 . 11 cfs VOL: 0 . 04 Ac-ft TIME: 480 min BASIN ID: P6 NAME: Renovated Grass 2yr ' SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA • 0 .32 Acres BASEFLOWS: 0 . 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE TYPE1A PERV IMP PRECIPITATION • 2 . 00 inches AREA. . : 0 . 32 Acres 0 . 00 Acres TIME INTERVAL 10 . 00 min CN • 86 . 00 0 . 00 TC 9 . 58 min 0 . 00 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 . 20 TcReach - Sheet L: 30 . 00 ns : 01. 1500 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0 . 0150 TcReach - Channel L: 250 . 00 kc :42 . 00 s : 0 . 0050 TcReach - Channel L: 130 . 00 kc :42 . 00 s: 0 . 0050 TcReach - Channel L: 301 . 00 kc :42 . 00 s : 0 . 0050 TcReach - Channel L: 160 . 00 kc :42 . 00 s : 0 . 0200 PEAK RATE: 0 . 05 cfs VOL: 0 . 02 Ac-ft TIME : 480 min BASIN ID: P7 NAME: Renovated. Impervious 100yr SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA • 1 . 83 Acres BASEFLOWS: 0 . 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE TYPE1A PERV IMP PRECIPITATION • 3 . 90 inches AREA. . : 0 . 00 Acres 1 . 83 Acres TIME INTERVAL 10 . 00 min CN 0 . 00 98 . 00 TC 0 . 00 min 4 . 83 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 . 20 impTcReach - Sheet L: 20 . 00 ns : 0 . 0110 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0 . 0100 impTcReach - Channel L: 681 . 00 kc :42 . 00 .s : 0 . 0050 impTcReach - Channel L: 160 . 00 kc:42 . 00 s : 0 . 0200 PEAK RATE: 1 .49 cfs VOL: 0 . 56 Ac-ft TIME: 470 min 10/31/97 2 : 37 : 58 pm D.A. Hogan & Assoc . page 3 Renton Memorial Stadium SEPA Checklist . • Renovated Conditions BASIN SUMMARY BASIN ID: P8 NAME: Renovated Impervious 10yr SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA • 1 . 83 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0 . 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE TYPE1A PERV IMP PRECIPITATION • 2 . 90 inches AREA. . : 0 . 00 Acres 1. 83 Acres TIME INTERVAL 10 . 00 min CN 0 . 00 98 . 00 TC 0 . 00 min 4 . 83 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 .20 impTcReach - Sheet L: 20 . 00 ns : 0 . 0110 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0 . 0100 impTcReach - Channel L: 681 . 00 kc :42 . 00 s : 0 . 0050 impTcReach - Channel L: 160 . 00 kc :42 . 00 s : 0 . 0200 PEAK RATE: 1 . 10 cfs VOL: 0 .41 Ac-ft TIME: 480 min BASIN ID: P9 NAME: Renovated Impervious 2yr SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA • 1. 83 Acres BASEFLOWS: 0 . 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE TYPE1A PERV IMP • PRECIPITATION • 2 . 00 inches AREA. . : 0 . 00 Acres 1 . 83 Acres TIME INTERVAL • 10 . 00 min CN 0 . 00 98 . 00 TC • 0 . 00 min 4 . 83 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 . 20 impTcReach - Sheet L: 20 . 00 ns : 0 . 0110 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0 . 0100 impTcReach - Channel L: 681 . 00 kc :42 . 00 s : 0 . 0050 impTcReach - Channel L: 160 :00 kc:42 . 00 s : 0 . 0200 PEAK RATE: 0 .74 cfs VOL: 0 . 27 Ac-ft TIME: 480 min 10/31/97 2 : 37 : 58 pm D.A. Hogan & ASSOC. page 4 Renton Memorial Stadium SEPA Checklist Renovated Conditions ' DETAIL BASIN SUMMARY BASIN ID: P1 NAME: Renovated Synthetic Turf 100yr SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA ▪ 3 . 72 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0 . 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE TYPE1A PERV IMP PRECIPITATION • 3 . 90 inches AREA. . : 3 . 72 Acres 0 . 00 Acres TIME INTERVAL 10 . 00 min CN 86 . 00 0 . 00 TC 301 . 36 min 0 . 00 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 . 20 PEAK RATE: 0 . 52 cfs VOL: 0 . 76 Ac-ft TIME: 670 min TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) a 10 310 0.0341 a 610 0.5132 910 0.4769 1210 0.3890 1510 0.2694 20 320 0.0420 620 0.5155 920 0.4757 1220 0.3868 1520 0.2606 . 30 330 . 0.0503 630 0.5178 930 0.4746 1230 0.3848 1530 0.2521 40 340 0.0591 640 0.5199 940 0.4734 1240 0.3829 1540 0.2438 50 350 0.0683 650 0.5222 950 0.4724 1250 0.3810 1550 0.2359 60 360 0.0779 660 0.5245 960 0.4715 1260 0.3791 1560 0.2282 I 70 370 0.0872 670 0.5249 , 970 0.4674 1270 0.3775 1570 0.2207 80 380 0.0962 680 0.5232 980 0.4605 1280 0.3758 1580 0.2135 90 390 0.1053 690 0.5217 990 0.4538 1290 0.3741 1590 0.2066 100 400 0.1146 700 0.5204 1000 0.4472 1300 0.3727 1600 0.1998 110 410 0.1240 710 0.5191 1010 0.4409 1310 0.3711 1610 0.1933 120 420 0.1335 720 0.5179 1020 0.4349 1320 0.3696 1620 0.1870 130 430 0.1515 730 0.5168 1030 0.4311 1330 0.3672 1630 0.1809 140 440. 0.1786 740 0.5158 1040 0.4295 1340 0.3638 1640 0.1750 150 450 0.2063 750 0.5148. 1050 0.4280 1350 0.3605 1650 0.1693 160 460 0.2483 760 0.5140 1060 0.4265 1360 0.3573 1660 0.1637 170 470 0.3051 770 0.5131 1070 0.4251 1370 0.3542 1670 0.1584 180 480 0.3633 780 0.5123 1080 0.4238 1380 0.3513 1680 0.1532 190 0.0002 490 0.4017 790 0.5097 1090 0.4215 1390 0.3483 1690 0.1482 200 0.0008 500 0.4195 800 0.5051 1100 0.4182 1400 0.3456 1700 0.1434 ' 210 0.0017 510 0.4371 810 0.5007 1110 0.4150 1410 0.3429 1710 0.1387 220 040.31 520 0.4528 820 0.4964 1120 0.4158 1420 0.3402 1720 0.1342 230 0.0048 530 0.4667 830 0.4923 1130 0.4127 1430 0.3378 1730 0.1298 240 0.0069 540 0.4803 840 0.4884 1140 0.4060 1440 0.3354 1740 0.1256 250 0.0094 550 0.4892 850 0.4856 1150 0.4033 1450 0.3287 1750 0.1215 260 0.0125 560 0.4934 860 0.4840 1160 0.4007 1460 0.3180 1760 0.1175 270 0.0160 570 0.4976 870 0.4824 1170 0.3981 1470 0.3076 1770 0.1137 280 0.0197 580 0.5018 880 0.4809 1180 • 0.3957 1480 0.2976 1780 0.1099 290 0.0238 590 0.5060 890 0.4795 1190 0.3934 1490 0.2878 1790 0.1064 • 300. 0.0281 600 0.5101 900 0.4782 1200 0.3911 1500 0.2784 1800 0.1029 . • 10/31/97 2 : 37 : 58 pm D.A. Hogan & ii. soc . page 5 Renton Memorial Stadium SEPA Checklist Renovated Conditions DETAIL BASIN SUMMARY TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN _ RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) =(min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) 1820 0.0963 2020 0.0496 a 2220 0.0255 2420 0.0131 2620 0.0068 2820 0.0035 1830 0.0931 2030 0.0480 2230 0.0247 2430 0.0127 2630 0.0065 2830 0.0034 1840 0.0901 2040 0.0464 . 2240 0.0239 2440 0.0123 2640 0.0063 2840 0.0033 1850 0.0872 2050 0.0449 2250 0.0231 2450 0.0119 2650 0.0061 2850 0.0032 1860 0.0843 2060 0.0434 2260 0.0224 2460 0.0115 2660 0.0059 2860 0.0031 1870 0.0816 2070 0.0420 2270 0.0216 2470 0.0111 2670 0.0057 2870 0.0030 1880 0.0789 2080 0.0406 2280 0.0209 2480 0.0108 2680 0.0055 2880 0.0029 1890 0.0763 2090 0.0393 2290 0.0202 2490 0.0104 2690 0.0054 2890 0.0028 1900 0.0738 2100 0.0380 2300 0.0196 2500 0.0101 2700 0.0052 2900 0.0027 1910 0.0714 2110 0.0368 2310 0.0189 2510 0.0098 2710 0.0050 2910 0.0026 1920 0.0691 2120 0.0356 2320 0.0183 2520 0.0094 2720 0.0049 2920 0.0025 1930 0.0668 2130 0.0344 2330 0.0177 2530 0.0091 2730 0.0047 2930 0.0024 1940 0.0647 2140 0.0333 2340 0.0171 2540 0.0088 2740 0.0045 2940 0.0023 1950 0.0625 2150 0.0322 2350 0.0166 2550 0.0085 2750 0.0044 2950 0.0023 1960 0.0605 2160 0.0312 2360 0.0160 2560 0.0083 2760 0.0043 2960 0.0022 1970 0.0585 2170 0.0301 2370 0.0155 2570 0.0080 2770 0.0041 2970 0.0021 1980 0.0566 2180 0.0292 2380 0.0150 2580 0.0077 2780 0.0040 2980 0.0020 1990 0.0548 2190 0.0282 2390 0.0145 2590 0.0075 2790 0.0039 2990 0.0020 2000 0.0530 2200 0.0273 2400 0.0140 2600 0.0072 2800 0.0037 3000 0.0019 2010 0.0513 2210 0.0264 2410 0.0136 2610 0.0070 2810 0.0036 2020 0.0496 2220 0.0255 2420 0.0131 2620 0.0068 2820 0.0035 10/31/97 2 :37 : 58 pm D.A. Hogan & nadoc . page 6 Renton Memorial Stadium SEPA Checklist Renovated Conditions . DETAIL BASIN SUMMARY BASIN ID: P2 NAME: Renovated Synthetic Turf l0yr SBUH METHODOLOGY - TOTAL AREA • 3 . 72 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0 . 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE • TYPE1A PERV IMP PRECIPITATION • 2 . 90 inches AREA. . : 3 . 72 Acres 0 . 00 Acres TIME INTERVAL • 10 . 00 min CN 86 . 00 0 . 00 TC • 301 .36 min 0 . 00 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 . 20 PEAK RATE : 0 . 32 cfs VOL: 0 .49 'Ac-ft TIME: 780 min TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) 10 310 0.0091 610 0.3111 910 0.3090 1210 0.2612 1510 0.1842 20 320 0.0126 620 0.3135 920 0.3088 1220 0.2600 1520 0.1782 30 330 0.0165 630 0.3160 930 0.3086 1230 0.2589 1530 0.1724 40 340 0.0208 640 0.3183 940 0.3084 1240 0.2579 1540 0.1668 50 350 0.0255 650 0.3207 950 0.3082 1250 0.2568 1550 0.1613 60 360 0.0305 660 0.3232 960 0.3081 1260 0.2558 1560 0.1561 70 370 0.0356 670 0.3243 970 0.3058 1270 0.2549 1570 0.1510 80 380 0.0406 680 0.3240 980 0.3016 1280 0.2540 1580 0.1461 90 390 0.0457 690 0.3239 990 0.2975 1290 0.2531 1590 0.1413 100 400 0.0511 700 0.3239 1000 0.2934 1300 0.2523 1600 0.1367 110 410 0.0566 710 0.3238 1010 0.2896 1310 0.2515 1610 0.1322 120 420 0.0622 720 0.3238 1020 0.2859 1320 0.2507 1620 0.1279 130 430 0.0728 730 0.3239 1030 0.2837 1330 0.2493 1630 0.1237 140 440 0.0888 740 0.3240 1040 0.2830 1340 0.2471 1640 0.1197 150 450 0.1055 750 0.3241 1050 0.2824 1350 0.2451 . 1650 0.1158 • 160 460 0.1311 760 0.3243 1060 0.2818 1360 0.2430 1660 0.1120 170 470 0.1663 770 0.3245 1070 0.2813 1370 0.2411 1670 0.1083 180 480 0.2031 780 0.3247 1080 0.2808 1380 0.2393 1680 0.1048 190 490 0.2280 790 0.3236 1090 0.2796 1390 , 0.2374 1690 0.1014 • 200 500 0.2402 800 0.3212 1100 0.2777 1400 0.2357 1700 0.0981 210 510 0.2524 810 0.3189 1110 0.2759 1410 0.2340 1710 0.0949 220 - ' 520 0.2633 820 0.3167 1120 0.2768 1420 0.2324 1720 0.0918 230 530 0.2732 830 0.3146 1130 0.2750 1430 0.2308 1730 0.0888 240 0.0001 540 0.2830 840 0.3126 1140 0.2707 1440 • 0.2293 1740 0.0859 250 0.0005 550 0.2897 850 0.3113 1150 0.2692 1450 0.2248 1750 0.0831 . 260 0.0012 560 0.2934 860 0.3109 1160 0.2677 1460 0.2175 1760 0.0804 270 0.0021 570 0.2971 870 0.3105' 1170 0.2663 1470 0.2104 1770 0.0777 1 280 0.0034 580 0.3008 880 0.3100 1180 0.2650 1480 0.2035 1780 0.0752 290 0.0049 590 0.3045 890 0.3097 1190 0.2636 1490 0.1969 1790 0.0728 300 0.0066 600 0.3081 900 0.3094 1200 0.2623 1500 0.1905 1800 0.0704 i 10/31/97 2 : 37 :58 pm D.A. Hogan & 1- soc . page 7 Renton Memorial Stadium SEPA Checklist Renovated Conditions DETAIL BASIN SUMMARY TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) 1820 0.0659 2020 0.0339 2220 0.0175 2420 0.0090 2620 0.0046 2820 0.0024 1830 0.0637 2030 0.0328 2230 0.0169 2430 ,, 0.0087 2630 0.0045 2830 0.0023 ' 1840 0.0616 2040 0.0317 2240 0.0163 2440 0.0084 2640 0.0043 2840 0.0022 1850 0.0596 2050 0.0307 2250 0.0158 2450 0.0081 2650 0.0042 2850 0.0022 1860 0.0577 2060 0.0297 2260 0.0153 2460 0.0079 2660 0.0041 2860 0.0021 1870 0.0558 2070 0.0287 2270 0.0148 2470 0.0076 2670 0.0039 2870 0.0020 1880 0.0540 2080 0.0278 2280 0.0143 2480 0.0074 2680 0.0038 2880 0.0020 1 1890 0.0522 2090 0.0269 2290 0.0138 2490 0.0071 2690 0.0037 2890 0.0019 1900 0.0505 2100 0.0260 2300 0.0134 2500 0.0069 2700 0.0036 2900 0.0018 1910 0.0489 2110 0.0252 2310 0.0130 2510 0.0067 2710 0.0034 2910 0.0018 ' 1920 0.0473 2120 0.0243 2320 0.0125 2520 0.0065 2720 0.0033 2920 0.0017 1930 0.0457 2130 0.0235 2330 0.0121 2530 0.0062 2730 0..0032 2930 0.0017 1940 0.0442 2140 0.0228 2340 0.0117 2540 0.0060 2740 0.0031 2940 0.0016 1950 0.0428 2150 0.0220 2350 0.0113 2550 0.0058 2750 0.0030 2950 0.0015 1960 0.0414 2160 0.0213 2360 0.0110 . 2560 0.0057 2760 0.0029 2960 0.0015 1970 0.0400 2170 0.0206 2370 0.0106 2570 0.0055 2770 0.0028 2970 0.0014 . 1980 0.0387 2180 0.0199 2380 0.0103 2580 0.0053 2780 0.0027 2980 0.0014 1990 0.0375 2190 0.0193 2390 0.0099 2590 0.0051 2790 0.0026 2990 0.0014 2000 0.0362 2200 0.0187 2400 0.0096 2600 0.0049 2800 0.0025 3000 0.0013 y .' 2010 0.0351 2210 0.0181 2410 0.0093 2610 0.0048 2810 0.0025 2020 0.0339 2220 0.0175 2420 0.0090 2620 0.0046 2820 0.0024 r' , 10/31/97 2 :37 : 58 pm D.A. Hogan & Assoc . page 8 Renton Memorial Stadium SEPA Checklist ' Renoyated Conditions ' DETAIL BASIN SUMMARY 1 , BASIN ID: P3 NAME: Renovated Synthetic Turf 2yr SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA 3 . 72 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0 . 00 cfs __ RAINFALL TYPE • TYPE1A PERV IMP PRECIPITATION • 2 . 00 inches AREA. . : 3 . 72 Acres 0 . 00 Acres TIME INTERVAL 10 . 00 min CN 86 . 00 0 . 00 TC • 301 . 36 min 0 . 00 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 .20 PEAK RATE: 0 . 17 cfs VOL: 0 .26 Ac-ft TIME: 780 min • TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) (min) • (cfs) (min) (cfs) 10 310 610 0.1497 910 0.1671 1210 0.1499 1510 0.1089 , 20 320 0.0003 620 0.1518 920 0.1675 1220 0.1494 1520 0.1054 30 330 0.0009 630 0.1539 930 0.1679 1230 0.1490 1530 0.1020 40 340 0.0018 640 0.1559 940 0.1682 1240 0.1487 1540 0.0986 50 350 0.0030 650 0.1580 950 0.1686 1250 0.1483 1550 0.0954 • 60 360 0.0045 660 0.1601 960 0.1690 1260 0.1479 1560 0.0923 70 370 0.0061 670 0.1614 970 0.1681 1270 0.1476 1570 0.0893 80 380 0.0079 680 0.1620 980 0.1660 1280 0.1473 1580 0.0864 90 390 0.0098 690 0.1626 990 0.1640 1290 0.1470 1590 0.0835 100 400 0.0119 700 0.1633 1000 0.1620 1300 0.1468 1609 0.0808 110 410 0.0141 710 0.1640 1010 0.1601 1310 0.1465 1610 0.0782 120 420 0.0165 720 0.1646 1020 0.1583 1320 0.1463 1620 0.0756 130 430 0.0210 730 0.1654 1030 0.1574 1330 0.1456 1630 0.0732 _ 140 440 0.0280 740 0.1661 1040 0.1574 1340 0.1445 1640 0.0708 150 450 0.0356 750 0.1668 1050 0.1574 1350 0.1435 1650 0.0685 160 460 ' 0.0477 760 0.1676 1060 0.1575 1360 0.1424 1660 0.0662 170 470 0.0648 770 0.1683 1070 0.1575 1370 0.1414 1670 0.0641 180 480 0.0836 780 0.1690 1080 0.1576 1380 0.1405 1680 0.0620 190 490 0.0967 790 0.1690 1090 0.1572 1390 0.1396 1690 0.0600 200 500 0.1037 800 0.1683 1100 0.1564 1400 0.1387 1700 0.0580 - 210 510 0.1107 810 0.1675 1110 0.1557 1410 0.1379 1710 0.0561 220 520 -0.1172 820 0.1668 1120 0.1566 1420 0.1370 1720 0.0543 230 530 0•.1231 830, 0.1662 1130 0.1558 1430 0.1363 1730 0.0525 240 540 0.1291 840 0.1656 1140 0.1535 1440 0.1355 1740 0.0508 250 550 0.1335 850 0.1654 1150 0.1530 1450 0.1330 1750 0.0491 260 560 0.1362 860 0.1656 1160 0.1524 1460 0.1286 1760 0.0475 270 570 0.1390 870 0.1659 1170 0.1518 1470 0.1244 1770 0.0460 280 580 0.1418 880 0.1662 1180 0.1513 1480 0.1204 1780 0.0445 290 590 0.1445 890 0.1665 1190 0.1508 1490 0.1164 1790 0.0430 , 300 600 0.1473 900 0.1668 1200 0.1503 1500 0.1126 1800 0.0416 • 10/31/97 2 :37 : 58 pm D.A. Hogan & n� oc. page 9 Renton Memorial Stadium SEPA Checklist ! ' Renovated Conditions I DETAIL BASIN SUMMARY TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) 1820 0.0389 2020 0.0201 2220 0.0103 2420 0.0053 2620 0.0027 2820 0.0014 1830 0.0377 2030 0.0194 2230 0.0100 2430 0.0051 2630 0.0026 2830 0.0014 1840 0.0364 2040 0.0188 2240 0.0097 2440 0.0050 2640 0.0026 2840 0.0013 1850 0.0353 2050 0.0182 2250 0.0093 2450 0.0048 2650 0.0025 2850 0.0013 1860 0.0341 2060 0.0176 2260 0.0090 2460 0.0047 2660 0.0024 2860 0.0012 1870 0.0330 2070 0.0170 2270 0.0087 2470 0.0045 2670 0.0023 2870 0.0012 1880 0.0319 2080 0.0164 2280 0.0085 2480 0.0044 2680 0.0022 2880 0.0012 1890 0.0309 2090 0.0159 2290 0.0082 2490 0.0042 2690 0.0022 2890 0.0011 1900 0.0299 2100 0.0154 2300 0.0079 2500 0.0041 2700 0.0021 2900 0.0011 1910 0.0289 2110 0.0149 2310 0.0077 2510 0.0039 2710 0.0020 2910 0.0010 1920 0.0279 2120 0.0144 2320 0.0074 2520 0.0038 2720 0.0020 2920 0.0010 1930 0.0270 2130 0.0139 2330 0.0072 2530 0.0037 2730 0.0019 2930 0.0010 1940 0.0262 2140 0.0135 2340 0.0069 2540 0.0036 2740 0.0018 2940 0.0009 1950 0.0253 2150 0.0130 2350 0.0067 • 2550 0.0035 2750 0.0018 2950 0.0009 1960 0.0245 2160 0.0126 2360 0.0065 2560 0.0033 2760 0.0017 2960 0.0009 1970 0.0237 2170 0.0122 2370 0.0063 2570 0.0032 2770 0.0017 2970 0.0009 1980 0.0229 2180 0.0118 2380 0.0061 2580 0.0031 2780 0.0016 2980 0.0008 1990 0.0222 2190 0.0114 2390 0.0059 2590 0.0030 2790 0.0016 2990 0.0008 2000 0.0214 2200 0.0110 2400 0.0057 2600 0.0029 2800 0.0015 3000 0.0008 2010 0.0207 2210 0.0107 2410 0.0055 . 2610 0.0028 2810 0.0015 . 2020 0.0201 2220 0.0103 2420 0.0053 2620 0.0027 2820 0.0014 • 10/31/97 2 :37 : 5rs pm D.A. Hogan & -..:-3oc . page 10 1 Renton Memorial Stadium SEPA Checklist Renovated Conditions j - DETAIL BASIN SUMMARY I • j BASIN ID: P4 NAME: Renovated Grass 100yr SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA ▪ 0 . 32 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0 . 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE ▪ TYPE1A PERV IMP ' PRECIPITATION ▪ 3 . 90 inches AREA. . : 0 . 32 Acres 0 . 00 Acres 1 TIME INTERVAL 10 . 00 min CN 86 . 00 0 . 00 j TC 9 . 58 min ' 0 . 00 min • ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 . 20 TcReach - Sheet L: 30 . 00 ns : 0 . 1500 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0 . 0150 TcReach - Channel L: 250 . 00 kc :42 . 00 s : 0 . 0050 TcReach - Channel L: 130 . 00 kc:42 . 00 s : 0 . 0050 TcReach - Channel L: 301 . 00 kc:42 . 00 s : 0 . 0050 TcReach - Channel L: 160 . 00 kc:42 . 00 s : 0 . 0200 I PEAK RATE: 0 . 17 cfs VOL: 0 . 07 Ac-ft TIME: 480 min TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) • . 10 310 0.0167 610 0.0531 910 0.0378 1210 0.0281 1510 20 320 0.0215 620 0.0512 920 0.0380 1220 0.0280 1520 30 330 0.0244 630 0.0507 930 0.0381 1230 0.0280 1530 1 40 340 0.0266 640 0.0505 940 0.0380 1240 0.0282 1540 I 50 350 0.0286 650 0.0508 950 0.0382 1250 0.0281 1550 I 60 360 0.0303 660 0.0511 960 0.0383 1260 0.0280 1560 70 370 0.0310 670 0.0477 970 0.0325 1270 0.0283 1570 80 380 0.0313 680 0.0431 980 0.0253 1280 0.0281 1580 90 390 0.0321 690 0.0418 990 0.0231 1290 0.0281 1590 100 400 0.0331 700 0.0417 1000 0.0221 1300 0.0283 1600 I 110 410 0.0343 710 0.0415 1010 0.0221 1310 0.0282 1610 1 120 420 0.0353 720 0.0415 1020 0.0221 1320 0.0282 1620 , 130 430 0.0518 730 0.0418 1030 0.0257 1330 0.0263 1630 140 440 0.0743 740 0.0418 1040 0.0307 1340 0.0239 1640 150 450 0.0842 750 0.0419 1050 0.0323 1350 0.0231 1650 160 460 0.1148 760 0.0422 1060 0.0329 1360 0.0226 1660 170 - - 470 0.1538 770 0.0421 1070 0.0331 1370 0.0227 1670 180 480 0.1720 780 0.0422 1080 0.0332 1380 0.0228 1680 190 0.0003 490 0.1451 790 0.0388 1090 0.0314 1390 0.0226 1690 1 1 200 0.0011 500 0.1017 800 0.0340 1100 0.0288 1400 0.0227 1700 210 0.0022 510 0.0888 810 0.0326 1110 0.0280 1410 0.0228 1710 1 220 0.0033 520 0.0823 820 0.0322 1120 0.0349 1420 0.0226 1720 230 0.0043 530 0.0777 830 0.0321 1130 0.0299 1430 0.0228 1730 240 0.0054 540 0.0769 840 0.0321 1140 0.0216 1440 0.0228 1740 250 0.0068 550 0.0687 850 0.0339 1150 0.0260 1450 0.0149 1750 260 0.0083 560 0.0581 860 0.0365 1160 0.0272 1460 0.0047 1760 270 0.0096 570 0.0550 870 0.0374 1170 0.0276 1470 0.0015 1770 280 0.0108 580 0.0545 . 880 0.0375 1180 0.0280 1480 0.0005 1780 , 290 0.0119 590 0.0543 890 0.0378 1190 0.0279 1490 0.0001 1790 ;# 1 300 0.0129 600 0.0545 900 0.0379 1200 0.0279 1500 1800 , 1 1 10/31/97 2 : 37 : 58 pm D.A. Hogan & Assoc. page 11 Renton Memorial Stadium 1 SEPA Checklist Renovated Conditions DETAIL BASIN SUMMARY , I BASIN ID: P5 NAME : Renovated Grass 10yr SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA • 0 . 32 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0 . 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE • TYPE1A PERV IMP PRECIPITATION • 2 . 90 inches AREA. . : 0 . 32 Acres 0 . 00 Acres 1 TIME INTERVAL • 10 . 00 min CN 86 . 00 0 . 00 1 TC • 9 . 58 min 0 . 00 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 .20 ' TcReach - Sheet L: 30 . 00 ns : 0 . 1500 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0 . 0150 TcReach - Channel L: 250 . 00 kc:42 . 00 s : 0 . 0050 TcReach - Channel L: 130 . 00 kc :42 . 00 s : 0 . 0050 TcReach - Channel L: 301 . 00 kc :42 . 00 s : 0 . 0050 , TcReach - Channel L: 160 . 00 kc :42 . 00 s : 0 . 0200 I PEAK RATE: 0 .11 cfs VOL: 0 . 04 Ac-ft TIME :, 480 min TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN A I RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) ' 10 310 0.0064 610 0.0350 910 0.0258 1210 0.0195 1510 20 320 0.0089 620 0.0338 920 0.0260 1220 0.0194 1520 I 30 330 0.0107 630 0.0336 930 0.0261 1230 0.0194 1530 40 340 0.0122 640 0.0335 940 0.0260 1240 0.0196 1540 50 350 0.0136 650 0.0338 950 0.0262 1250 0.0195 1550 60 360 0.0149 660 0.0340 960 0.0263 1260 0.0195 1560 1 70 370 0.0156 670 0.0318 970 0.0223 1270 0.0197 1570 80 380 0.0161 680 0.0288 980 0.0174 1280 0.0196 1580 90 390 0.0168 690 0.0280 990 0.0159 1290 0.0196 1590 100 400 0.0177 700 0.0279 1000 0.0152 1300 0.0198 1600 I 110 410 0.0186 710 0.0278 1010 0.0152 1310 0.0197 1610 120 420 0.0194 720 0.0279 1020 0.0152 1320 0.0196 1620 130 430 0.0290 730 0.0281 1030 0.0177 1330 0.0184 1630 140 440 0.0424 740 0.0281 1040 0.0212 1340 0.0167 1640 1 150 450 0.0488 750 0.0282 1050 0.0223 1350 0.0161 1650 1 160 .460 0.0681 760 0.0285 1060 0.0227 1360 0.0158 1660 170 470 0.0930 770 0.0285 1070 0.0228 1370 0.0159 1670 180 480 0.1059 780 0.0285 1080 0.0229 1380 0.0159 1680 190 490 0.0904 790 0.0263 1090 0.0217 1390 0.0158 1690 1 200 500 0.0640 800 0.0231. 1100 0.0199 1400 0.0159 1700 210 510 0.0564 810 0.0221 1110 0.0194 1410 0.0160 1710 220 520 0.0526 820 0.0218 1120 0.0241 1420 0.0158 1720 I 230 530 0.0500 830 0.0218 1130 0.0207 1430 0.0160 1730 240 0.0002 540 0.0497 840 0.0218 1140 0.0149 1440 0.0160 1740 250 0.0008 550 0.0446 850 0.0231 1150 0.0180 1450 0.0104 1750 260 0.0015 560 0.0378 860 0.0249 1160 0.0189 1460 0.0033 1760 ' ' 270 0.0023 570 0.0359 870 0.0255 1170 0.0192 1470 0.0010 1770 280 0.0031 580 0.0357 880 0.0256 1180 0.0194 1480 0.0003 1780 290 0.0038 590 0.0356 890 0.0258 1190 0.0194 1490 0.0001 1790 i 300 0.0046 600 0.0358 900 0.0259 1200 0.0194 1500 1800 1 .I 10/31/97 2 :37 : Su pm D.A. Hogan & .-soc . page 12 Renton Memorial Stadium SEPA Checklist - Renovated Conditions - DETAIL BASIN SUMMARY BASIN ID: P6 NAME : Renovated Grass 2yr SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA • 0 . 32 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0 . 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE • TYPE1A PERV IMP PRECIPITATION • 2 . 00 inches AREA. . : 0 . 32 Acres 0 . 00 Acres TIME INTERVAL • 10 . 00 min CN 86 . 00 0 . 00 TC • 9 . 58 min 0 . 00 min I ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 . 20 TcReach - Sheet L: 30 . 00 ns : 0 . 1500 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0 . 0150 TcReach - Channel L: 250 . 00 kc :42 . 00 s : 0 . 0050 TcReach - Channel L: 130 . 00 kc :42 . 00 s : 0 . 0050 TcReach - Channel L: 301 . 00 kc :42 . 00 s : 0 . 0050 TcReach - Channel L: 160 . 00 kc :42 . 00 s : 0 . 0200 PEAK RATE: 0 . 05 cfs VOL: 0 . 02 Ac-ft TIME : 480 min 1 TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) 10 310 610 0.0193 910 0.0152 1210 0.0118 1510 20 320 0.0005 620 0.0187 920 0.0153 1220 0.0118 1520 - 30 330 0.0012 630 0.0187 930 0.0154 1230 0.0118 1530 40 340 0.0021 640 0.0187 940 0.0154 1240 0.0119 1540 - 50 350 0.0029 650 0.0189 950 0.0155 1250 0.0119 1550 60 360 0.0038 660 0.0191 960 0.0156 1260 0.0119 1560 70 370 0.0044 670 0.0179 970 0.0132 1270 0.0120 1570 80 380 0.0049 680 0.0163 980 0.0103 1280 0.0119 1580 1 90 390 0.0055 690 0.0158 990 0.0094 1290 0.0119 1590 100 400 0.0061 700 0.0158 1000 0.0091 1300 0.0120 1600 110 410 0.0067 710 0.0158 1010 0.0091 1310 0.0120 1610 120 420 0.0073 720 0.0159 1020 0.0091 1320 0.0120 1620 130 430 0.0115 730 0.0161 1030 0.0106 1330 0.0112 1630 I 140 440 0.0174 740 0.0161 1040 0.0126 1340 0.0102 1640 150 450 0.0209 750 0.0162 1050 0.0133 1350 0.0099 1650 160 460 0.0306 760 0.0164 1060 0.0136 1360 0.0097 1660 170 - ' 470 0.0436 770 0.0164 1070 0.0137 1370 0.0097 1670 , 180 480 0.0515 780 0.0165 1080 0.0137 1380 0.0097 1680 190 490 0.0450 790 0.0152 1090 0.0130 1390 0.0097 1690 200 500 0.0325 800 0.0134 1100 0.0120 1400 0.0097 1700 , I 210 510 0.0291 810 0.0128 1110 0.0116 ' 1410 0.0098 1710 1 220 520 0.0275 820 0.0127 1120 0.0145 1420 0.0097 1720 ' , 230 530 0.0264 830 0.0127 1130 0.0125 1430 0.0098 1730 240 540 0.0264 840 0.0127 1140 0.0090 1440 0.0098 1740 250 ' 550 0.0239 850 0.0135 1150 0.0109 1450 0.0064 1750 260 560 0.0204 860 0.0145 1160 0.0114 1460 0.0020 1760 F 270 570 0.0195 870 0.0149 1170 0.0116 1470 0.0006 1770 ' 280 580 0.0194 880 0.0150 1180 0.0117 1480 0.0002 1780 290 590 0.0195 890 0.0151 1190 0.0117 1490 1790 ; i I 300 600 0.0197 900 0.0152 1200 0.0117 1500 1800 I 1 • • i 10/31/97 2 : 37 : 58 pm D.A. Hogan & ti�soc . page 13 Renton Memorial Stadium SEPA Checklist Renovated Conditions DETAIL BASIN SUMMARY BASIN ID: P7 NAME: Renovated Impervious 100yr SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA • 1 . 83 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0 . 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE • TYPE1A PERV IMP PRECIPITATION • 3 . 90 inches AREA. . : 0 . 00 Acres 1 . 83 Acres TIME INTERVAL • 10 . 00 min CN 0 . 00 98 . 00 TC • 0 . 00 min 4 . 83 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: . 0 . 20 impTcReach - Sheet L: 20 . 00 ns : 0 . 0110 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0 . 0100 impTcReach - Channel L: 681 . 00 kc:42 . 00 s : 0 . 0050 - i impTcReach - Channel L: 160 . 00 kc :42 . 00 s : 0 . 0200 1 PEAK RATE: 1 .49 cfs VOL: 0 . 56 Ac-ft TIME : 470 min ti TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME . DESIGN TIME DESIGN RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF , (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) 1 10 310 0.3381 610 0.3750 910 0.2495 1210 0.1809 1510 20 320 0.4068 620 0.3580 920 0.2518 1220 0.1787 1520 30 330 0.4080• 630 0.3583 930 0.2517 1230 0.1788 1530 ' 40 0.0032 340 0.4100 640 0.3562 940 0.2496 1240 0.1810 1540 II 50 0.0145 350 0.4118 650 0.3585 950 0.2518 1250 0.1787 1550 I 60 0.0288 360 0.4134 660 0.3585 960 0.2518 1260 0.1788 1560 70 0.0543 370 0.3978 670 0.3214 970 0.1949 1270 0.1810 1570 80 0.0835 380 0.3824 680 0.2850 980 0.1433 1280 0.1787 1580 I 90 0.1012 390 0.3815 690 0.2856 990 0.1442 1290 0.1788 1590 • 1 100 0.1157 400 0.3824 700 0.2878 1000 0.1420 1300 0.1810 1600 110 0.1276 410 0.3853 710 0.2856 1010 0.1442 1310 0.1788 1610 120 0.1375 420 0.3838 720 0.2857 1020 0.1442 1320 0.1788 ' 1620 130 0.1583 430 0.6160 730 0.2879 1030 0.1792 1330 0.1613 1630 140 0.1804 440 0.8471 740 0.2857 1040 0.2159 1340 0.1440 1640 150 0.1881 450 0.8454 750 0.2858 1050 0.2152 1350 0.1443 1650 160 0.1931 460 1.1715 760 0.2880 1060 0.2153 1360 0.1421 1660 1 170 0.2006 470 1.4930 770 0.2858 1070 0.2153 1370 0.1444 1670 180 0.2054 480 1.4912 780 0.2859 1080 0.2153 1380 0.1443 1680 190 0 2079 490 1.0593 790 0.2509 1090 0.1978 1390 0.1422 1690 200 0.2135 500 0.6336 800 0.2144 1100 0.1784 1400 0.1444 1700 I 210 0.2167 510 0.6414 810 0.2150 1110 0.1787 1410 0.1444 1710 220 0.2176 520 0.6046 820 0.2150 1120 0.2466 1420 0.1422 1720 230 0.2221 530 0.5708 830 0.2150 1130 0.1775 1430 0.1444 . 1730 240 0.2243 540 0.5716 840 0.2150 1140 0.1130 1440 0.1444 1740 250 0.2422 550 0.4803 850 0.2325 1150 0.1821 1450 0.0698 1750 260 0.2599 560 0.3905 860 0.2520 1160 0.1787 1460 1760 1 1770 270 0.2617 570 0.3922 870 0.2516 1170 0.1787 1470 280 0.2655 580• 0.3944 880 0.2495 1100 0.1809 1480 1700 290 0.2651 590 0.3923 890 - 0.2517 1190 0.1787 1490 1790 300 0.2667 600 0.3924 900 0.2517 1200 0.1787 1500 1800 • I . 10/31/97 2 :37 : 59 pm D.A. Hogan & ._...3oc . page 14 Renton Memorial Stadium I SEPA Checklist _ • Renovated Conditions . - DETAIL BASIN SUMMARY -- i BASIN ID: P8 NAME: Renovated Impervious 10yr SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA 1 . 83 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0 . 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE TYPE1A PERV IMP I PRECIPITATION 2 . 90 inches AREA. . : 0 . 00 Acres 1 . 83 Acres TIME INTERVAL 10 . 00 min CN 0 . 00 98 . 00 TC 0 . 00 min 4 . 83 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 . 20 impTcReach - Sheet L: 20 . 00 ns : 0 . 0110 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0 . 0100 impTcReach - Channel L: 681 . 00 kc :42 . 00 s : 0 . 0050 ' impTcReach - Channel L: 160 . 00 kc :42 . 00 s : 0 . 0200 PEAK RATE: 1 . 10 cfs VOL: 0 .41 Ac-ft TIME: 480 min 1 TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF I (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) (min) v 3(cfs) (min) =(cfs)====(min) (cfs) (min) =(cfs) I I 10 310 0.2411 610 0.2774 910 0.1850 1210 0.1342 1510 20 320 0.2910 620 0.2648 920 0.1866 1220 0.1326 1520 30 330 0.2927 630 0.2651 930 0.1866 1230 0.1326 1530 40 340 0.2950 640 0.2636 940 0.1850 1240 0.1343 1540 50 0.0015 350 0.2970 650 0.2653 950 0.1867 1250 0.1326 1550 60 0.0075 360 0.2988 660 0.2654 960 0.1867 1260 0.1326 1560 , 70 0.0223 370 0.2881 670 0.2379 970 0.1445 1270 0.1343 1570 80 0.0401 380 0.2774 680 0.2110 980 0.1063 1280 0.1326 1580 I 90 0.0537 390 0.2772 690 0.2115 990 0.1069 1290 0.1327 1590 100 0.0651 400 0.2782 700 0.2131 1000 0.1053 1300 0.1343 1600 110 0.0748 410 0.2806 710 0.2115 1010 0.1070 1310 0.1326 1610 120 0.0831 420 0.2799 720 0.2116 1020 0.1069 1320 0.1327 1 620 130 0.0981 430 0.4499 730 0.2132 1030 0.1329 1330 0.1197 1630 140 0.1140 440 0.6195 740 0.2116 1040 0.1601 1340 0.1069 1640 150 0.1210 450 0.6193 750 0.2117 1050 0.1596 1350 0.1071 1650 I 160 0.1261 460 0.8599 760 0.2134 1060 0.1596 1360 0.1055 1660 170 0.1326 470 1.0976 770 0.2117 1070 0.1597 1370 0.1071 1670 180 0.1372 480 1.0981 780 0.2118 1080 0.1597 1380 0.1071 1680 190 0.1401 490 0.7808 790 0.1859 1090 0.1467 1390 0.1055 1690 200 0.1450 500 0.4674 800 0.1588 1100 0.1323 1400 0.1072 1700 210 0.1481 510 0.4734 810 0.1593 1110 0.1326 1410 0.1071 1710 I - 220 0.1497 520 0.4464 820 0.1593 1120 0.1829 1420 0.1055 1720 230 0.1536 530 0.4215 830 0.1593 1130 0.1317 1430 0.1072 1730 240 0.1559 540 0.4223 840 0.1594 1140 0.0838 1440 0.1071 1740 250 0.1691 550 0.3549 850 0.1723 1150 0.1350 1450 0.0518 1750 260 0.1822 560 0.2886 860 0.1867 1160 0.1325 1460 1760 • I , 270 0.1842 570 0.2899 870 0.1865 1170 0.1326 1470 1770 280 0.1876 580 0.2916 880 0.1849 1180 0.1342 1480 1780 290 0.1879 590 0.2901 890 0.1866 1190 0.1326 1490 1790 • 300 0.1896 600 0.2902 900 0.1866 1200 0.1326 1500 1800 I r. _ i j 10/31/97 2 : 37 : 59 pm D.A. Hogan & .'.-.joc . page 15 Renton Memorial Stadium SEPA Checklist • - ! Renovated Conditions - DETAIL BASIN SUMMARY BASIN ID: P9 NAME: Renovated Impervious 2yr SBUH METHODOLOGY • TOTAL AREA 1 . 83 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0 . 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE TYPE1A PERV IMP PRECIPITATION 2 . 00 inches AREA. . : 0 . 00 Acres 1 . 83 Acres I TIME INTERVAL • 10 . 00 min CN 0 . 00 98 . 00 TC 0 . 00 min 4 . 83 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 . 20 impTcReach - Sheet L: 20 . 00 ns : 0 . 0110 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0 . 0100 impTcReach - Channel L: 681. 00 kc :42 . 00 s : 0 . 0050 impTcReach - Channel L: 160 . 00 kc :42 . 00 s : 0 . 0200 PEAK RATE: 0 . 74 cfs VOL: 0 . 27 Ac-ft TIME: 480 min . TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN I RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) I10 310 0.1530 610 0.1891 910 0.1267 1210 0.0921 1510 20 320 0.1856 620 0.1806 920 0.1278 1220 0.0910 1520 I I 30 330 0.1878 630 0.1808 930 0.1278 1230 0.0910 1530 40 340 0.1903 640 0.1798 940 0.1267 1240 0.0921 1540 1 50 350 0.1925 650 0.1810 950 0.1279 1250 0.0910 1550 60 360 0.1944 660 0.1811 960 0.1279 1260 0.0910 1560 1 70 0.0022 370 0.1882 670 0.1624 970 0.0990 1270 0.0921 1570 I 80 0.0092 380 0.1817 680 0.1440 980 0.0728 1280 0.0910 1580 I 90 0.0182 390 0.1821 690 0.1444 990 0.0733 1290 0.0910 1590 100 0.0260 400 0.1832 700 0.1456 1000 0.0722 1300 0.0922 1600 110 0.0328 410 0.1853 710 0.1445 1010 0.0733 1310 0.0910 1610 i 1 120 0.0388 420 0.1852 720 0.1446 1020 0.0733 1320 0.0911 1620 130 0.0482 430 0.2987 730 0.1457 1030 0.0911 1330 0.0821 1630 140 0.0583 440 0.4124 740 0.1446 1040 0.1097 1340 0.0734 1640 150 0.0639 450 0.4137 750 0.1447 1050 0.1094 1350 0.0735 1650 160 0.0683 460 0.5766 760 0.1459 1060 0.1094 1360 0.0724 1660 170 0.0734 470 0.7384 770 0.1448 1070 0.1094 1370 0.0735 1670 180 0.0774 480 0.7412 780 0.1448 1080 0.1095 1380 0.0735 1680 190 0.0803" 490 0.5281 790 0.1271 1090 0.1006 1390 0.0724 1690 i 200 0.0843. 500 0.3167 800 0.1086 1100 0.0907 1400 0.0736 1700 11 210 0.0872 510 0.3210 810 0.1090 1110 0.0909 1410 0.0735 1710 i 220 0.0890 520 0.3030 820 0.1090 1120 0.1254 1420 0.0724 1720 I 230 0.0922 530 0.2863 830 0.1090 1130 0.0903 1430 0.0736 1730 -- 240 0.0944 540 0.2870 840 0.1090 1140 0.0575 1440 0.0736 1740 1 250 0.1033 550 0.2414 850 0.1179 1150 0.0926 1450 0.0356 1750 260 0.1121 560 0.1964 860 0.1278 1160 0.0909 1460 1760 1 • 270 0.1141 570 0.1973 870 0.1277 1170 0.0909 1470 1770 280 0.1170 580 0.1986 880 0.1266 1180 0.0921 1480 1780 I • 290 0..1179 590 0.1976 890 0.1277 1190 0.0909 1490 1790 I 300 0.1196 600 0.1978 900 0.1277 1200 0.0910 1500 1800 . J i I 10/31/97 2 :37 : 59 pm D.A. Hogan & Assoc . page 16 Renton Memorial Stadium SEPA Checklist Renovated Conditions HYDROGRAPH SUMMARY PEAK TIME VOLUME HYD RUNOFF OF OF Contrib NUM RATE PEAK HYDRO Area cfs min. cf\AcFt Acres 1 2 . 026 480 60336 cf 5 . 87 2 1 .407 480 40838 cf 5 . 87 3 0 . 876 480 24228 cf 5 . 87 Hydrograph #1 - 100 yr storm Hydrograph #2 - 10 yr storm Hydrograph #3 - 2 yr storm 10/31/97 2 :37 : 59 pm D.A. Hogan & :Assoc . page 17 Renton Memorial Stadium SEPA Checklist . Renovated Conditions 'DETAIL HYDROGRAPH SUMMARY i . HYDROGRAPH No. 1 Peak runoff : 2 . 0265 cfs Total Vol : 1 . 39 ac-ft TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) 1 10 410 0.5436 810 0.7483 1210 0.5980 1610 0.1933 20 420 0.5526 820 0.7436 1220 0.5935 1620 0.1870 30 430 0.8193 830 0.7394 1230 0.5915 1630 0.1809 40 0.0032 440 1.1001 840 0.7355 1240 0.5920 1640 0.1750 50 0.0145 450 1.1359 850 0.7520 1250 0.5878 1650 0.1693 1 60 0.0288 460 1.5347 860 0.7724 1260 0.5859 1660 0.1637 70 0.0543 470 1.9519 870 0.7714 1270 0.5867 1670 0.1584 80 0.0835 480 2.0265 880 0.7678 1280 0.5826 1680 0.1532 90 0.1012 490 1.6061 890 0.7690 1290 0.5810 1690 0.1482 1 100 0.1157 500 1.1547 900 0.7678 1300 0.5820 1700 0.1434 110 0.1276 510 1.1674 910 0.7641 1310 0.5781 1710 0.1387 1 120 0.1375 520 1.1397 920 0.7654 1320 0.5766 1720 0.1342 130 0.1583 530 1.1152 930 0.7644 1330 0.5548 1730 0.1298 140 0.1804 540 1.1288 940 0.7609 1340 0.5317 1740 0.1256 I 150 0.1881 550 1.0382 950 0.7624 1350 0.5280 1750 0.1215 160 0.1931 560 0.9420 960 0.7616 1360 0.5220 1760 . 0.1175 170 0.2006 570 0.9448 970 0.6948 1370 0.5213 1770 0.1137 i 180 0.2055 580 0.9507 980 0.6291 1380 0.5184 1780 0.1099 . 190 0.2084 590 0.9526 990 0.6211 1390 0.5130 1790 0.1064 200 0.2154 600 0.9570 1000 0.6113.. 1400 0.5127 1800 0.1029 - 210 0.2206 610 .0.9414 1010 0.6073 1410 0.5101 1810 0.0995 220 0.2240 620 0.9246 1020 0.6012 1420 0.5050 1820 0.0963 230 0.2313 630 0.9268 1030 0.6360 1430 0.5049 1830 0.0931 , 240 0.2365 640 0.9267 1040 0.6761 1440 0.5026 1840 0.0901 1 250 0.2584 650 0.9315 1050 0.6756 1450 0.4134 1850 0.0872 260 0.2807 660 0.9341 1060 0.6747 1460 0.3227 1860 0.0843 1 270 0.2872 670 0.8940 1070 0.6735' 1470 0.3091 1870 0.0816 280 0.2961 680 0.8513 1080 0.6723 1480 0.2980 1880 0.0789 290 0.3008 690 0.8492 1090 0.6507 1490 0.2880 1890 0.0763 300 0.30.76 700 0.8499 1100 0.6254 1500 0.2785 1900 0.0738 310 0.3888 710 0.8463 1110 0.6217 1510 0.2694 1910 0.0714 . 320 0.4703 720 0.8451 1120 0.6973 1520 0.2606 1920 0.0691 1 330 0.4827 730 0.8466 1130 0.6202 1530 0.2521 1930 0.0668 , 340 0.4958 740 0.8433 1140 0.5405 1540 0.2438 1940 0.0647 i 350 0.5087 750 0.8424 1150 0.6114 1550 0.2359 1950 0.0625 360 0.5216 760 0.8441 1160 0.6066 1560 0.2282 1960 0.0605 370 0.5161 770 0.8410 1170 0.6044 1570 0.2207 1970 0.0585 . 380 0.5098 780 0.8404 1180 0.6047 1580 0.2135 1980 0.0566 390 0.5189 790 0.7993 1190 0.5999 1590 0.2066 1990 0.0548 400 0.5301 800 0.7535 1200 0.5977 1600 0.1998 2000 0.0530 i 1 ' i l I D.A. Hogan & issoc . page 18 10/31/97 2 :37 : 59 pm g Renton Memorial Stadium SEPA Checklist Renovated Conditions DETAIL HYDROGRAPH SUMMARY HYDROGRAPH No. 1 I Peak runoff : 2 . 0265 cfs Total Vol : 1 . 39 ac-ft TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) 2010 0.0513 2210 0.0264 2410 0.0136 2610 0.0070 2810 0.0036 2020 0.0496 2220 0.0255 2420 0.0131 2620 0.0068 2820 0.0035 2030 0.0480 2230 0.0247 2430 0.0127 2630 0.0065 2830 0.0034 2040 0.0464 2240 0.0239 2440 0.0123 2640 0.0063 2840 0.0033 2050 0.0449 2250 0.0231 2450 0.0119 2650 0.0061 2850 0.0032 2060 0.0434 2260 0.0224 2460 0.0115 2660 0.0059 2860 0.0031 1 2070 0.0420 2270 0.0216 2470 0.0111 2670 0.0057 2870 0.0030 • 2080 0.0406 2280 0.0209 2480 0.0108 2680 0.0055 2880 0.0029 1 - , 2090 0.0393 2290 0.0202 2490 0.0104 2690 0.0054 2890 0.0028 2100 0.0380 2300 0.0196 2500 0.0101 2700 0.0052 2900 0.0027 2110 0.0368 2310 0.0189 2510 0.0098 2710 0.0050 2910 0.0026 2120 0.0356 2320 0.0183 2520 0.0094 2720 0.0049 2920 0.0025 2130 0.0344 2330 0.0177 2530 0.0091 2730 0.0047 2930 0.0024 ' 2140 0.0333 2340 0.0171 2540 0.0088. 2740 0.0045 2940 0.0023 i 1 2150 0.0322 2350 0.0166 2550 0.0085 2750 0.0044 2950 0.0023 2160 0.0312 2360 0.0160 2560 0.0083 2760 0.0043 2960 0.0022 1 2170 0.0301 2370 0.0155 2570 0.0080 2770 0.0041 2970 0.0021 1 2180 0.0292 2380 0.0150 2580 0.0077 2780 0.0040 2980 0.0020 2190 0.0282 2390 0.0145 2590 0.0075 2790 0.0039 2990 0.0020 2200 0.0273 2400 0.0140 2600 0.0072 2800 0.0037 3000 0.0019 I 2210 0.0264 2410 0.0136 2610 0.0070 2810 0.0036 • • ir I , . 1 i I I - 1 I 1 • ' 1 10/31/97 2 :37 : 59 pm D.A. Hogan & tissoc . page 19 1 Renton Memorial Stadium SEPA Checklist ' Renovated Conditions • DETAIL HYDROGRAPH SUMMARY , HYDROGRAPH No. 2 Peak runoff : 1 .4071 cfs Total Vol : 0 . 94 ac-ft 1 TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) I 10 410 0.3558 810 0.5003 1210 0.4150 1610 0.1322 1 20 420 0.3615 820 0.4979 1220 0.4121 1620 0.1279 30 430 0.5517 830 0.4958 1230 0.4109 1630 0.1237 ' 40 - 440 0.7507 840 0.4938 1240 0.4117 1640 0.1197 50 0.0015 450 0.7736 850 0.5067 1250 0.4089 1650 0.1158 I 60 0.0075 460 1.0591 860 0.5225 1260 0.4080 1660 0.1120 70 0.0223 470 1.3568 870 0.5224 1270 0.4089 1670 0.1083 1 80 0.0401 480 1.4071 880 0.5205 1280 . 0.4062 1680 0.1048 I 90 0.0537 490 1.0992 890 0.5220 1290 0.4.053 1690 0.1014 100 0.0651 500 0.7715 900 0.5218 1300 0.4064 1700 0.0981 110 0.0748 510 0.7821 910 0.5198 1310 0.4038 1710 0.0949 120 0.0831 520 0.7623 920 0.5214 1320 0.4031 1720 0.0918 130 0.0981. 530 0.7447 930 0.5213 1330 0.3873 1730 0.0888 140 0.1140 540 0.7550 940 0.5194 1340 0.3707 1740 0.0859 150 0.1210 550 0.6892 950 0.5211 1350 0.3683 1750 0.0831 I ' 160 0.1261 560 0.6199 960 0.5211 1360 0.3643 1760 0.0804 ' 170 0.1326 570 0.6229 970 0.4726 1370 0.3641 1770 0.0777 180 0.1372 580 0.6281 980 0.4252 1380 0.3623 1780 0.0752 . 190 0.1401 590 0.6302 990 0.4202 1390 0.3587 1790 0.0728 200 0.1450 600 0.6342 1000 0.4139 1400 0.3587 1800 0.0704 210 0.1481 610 0.6235 1010 0.4117 1410 0.3571 1810 0.0681 220 0.1497 620 0.6122 1020 0.4080 1420 0.3537 1820 0.0659 230 0.1536 630 0.6147 1030 0.4343 1430 0.3539 1830 0.0637 240 0.1562• 640 0.6154 1040 0.4643. 1440 0.3525 1840 0.0616 I 250 0.1704 650 0.6198 1050 0.4643 1450 0.2871 1850 0.0596 I 260 0.1849 660 0.6225 1060 0.4642 . 1460 0.2208 1860 0.0577 ' 270 0.1886 670 0.5940 1070 0.4638 1470 0.2114 1870 0.0558 280 0.1941 680 0.5638 1080 0.4634 1480 0.2039 1880 0.0540 290 0.1966 690 0.5633 1090 0.4480 1490 0.1970 1890 0.0522 300 0.2007" 700 0.5649 1100 0.4299 1500 0.1905 1900 0.0505 1 310 0.2567 710 0.5632 1110 0.4278 1510 0.1843 .1910 0.0489 320 0.3124 720 0.5633 1120 0.4839 1520 0.1782 1920 0.0473 330 0.3199 .730 0.5653 1130 0.4275 1530 0.1724 1930 0.0457 ' 340 0.3280 740 0.5637 1140 0.3695 1540 0.1668 1940 0.0442 I 350 0.3361 750 0.5640 1150 0.4223 1550 0.1613 1950 0.0428 360 0.3442 760 0.5661 1160 0.4191 1560 0.1561 1960 0.0414 370 0.3393 770 0.5647 1170 0.4180 1570 0.1510 1970 0.0400 ' 1 380 0.3341 780 0.5650 1180 0.4186 1580 0.1461 1980 0.0387 390 0.3397 790 0.5358 1190 0.4156 1590 0.1413 1990 0.0375 I - I 400 0.3469 800 0.5031 1200 0.4143 1600 0.1367 2000 0.0362 I 1 . . . I • I 10/31/97 2 : 37 : 59 pm D.A. Hogan & Assoc . page 20 Renton Memorial Stadium ' 1 SEPA Checklist I Renovated Conditions DETAIL HYDROGRAPH SUMMARY HYDROGRAPH No. 2 Peak runoff : 1 .4071 cfs Total Vol : 0 . 94 ac-ft TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN _ RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) ( . 1 2010 0.0351 2210 0.0181 2410 0.0093 2610 0.0048 2810 0.0025 1 2020 0.0339 2220 0.0175 2420 0.0090 2620 0.0046 2820' 0.0024 2030 0.0328 2230 0.0169 2430 0.0087 2630 0.0045 2830 0.0023 2040 0.0317 2240 0.0163 2440 0.0084 2640 0.0043 2840 0.0022 2050 0.0307 2250 0.0158 2450 0.0081 2650 0.0042 2850 0.0022 2060 0.0297 2260 0.0153 2460 0.0079 2660 0.0041 2860 0.0021 2070 0.0287 2270 0.0148 2470 0.0076 2670 0.0039 2870 0.0020 2080 0.0278 2280 0.0143 2480 0.0074 2680 0.0038 2880 0.0020 2090 0.0269 2290 0.0138 2490 0.0071 2690 0.0037 2890 0.0019 2100 0.0260 2300 0.0134 2500 0.0069 2700 0.0036 2900 0.0018 2110 0.0252 2310 0.0130 2510 0.0067 2710 0.0034 2910 0.0018 1 2120 0.0243 2320 0.0125 2520 0.0065 2720 0.0033 2920 0.0017 1 2130 0.0235 2330 0.0121 2530 0.0062 2730 0.0032 2930 0.0017 2140 0.0228 2340 0.0117 2540 0.0060 2740 0.0031 2940 0.0016 2150 0.0220 2350 0.0113 2550 0.0058 2750 0.0030 2950 0.0015 2160 0.0213 2360 0.0110 2560 0.0057 2760 0.0029 2960 0.0015 2170 0.0206 2370 0.0106 2570 0.0055 2770 0.0028 2970 0.0014 2180 0.0199 2380 0.0103 2580 0.0053 2780 0.0027 2980 0.0014 2190 0.0193 2390 0.0099 2590 0.0051 2790 0.0026 2990 0.0014 2200 0.0187 2400 0.0096 2600 0.0049 2800 0.0025 3000 0.0013 2210 0.0181 2410 0.0093 2610 0.0048 2810 0.0025 I 1 I I I I . 1 - I I I 1 1 I I • i 10/31/97 2 :37 : 5 pm D.A. Hogan & .:..Joc . page 21 Renton Memorial Stadium SEPA Checklist Renovated Conditions j •DETAIL HYDROGRAPH SUMMARY HYDROGRAPH No. 3 Peak runoff : 0 . 8762 cfs Total Vol : 0 . 56 ac-ft 1 TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF I (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) I I10 410 0.2062 810 0.2893 1210 0.2538 1610 0.0782 20 ' 420 0.2090 820 0.2885 1220 0.2522 1620 0.0756 30 430 0.3311 830 0.2879 1230 0.2518 1630 0.0732 40 440 0.4578 840 0.2873 1240 0.2527 1640 0.0708 50 450 0.4702 850 0.2968 1250 0.2511 1650 0.0685 60 460 0.6550 860 0.3080 1260 0.2508 1660 0.0662 70 0.0022 470 0.8468 870 0.3085 1270 0.2517 1670 0.0641 80 0.0092 480 0.8762 880 0.3077 1280 0.2502 1680 0.0620 90 0.0182 490 0.6699 890 0.3094 1290 0.2500 1690 0.0600 100 • 0.0260 500 0.4528 900 0.3098 1300 0.2510 1700 0.0580 110 0.0328 510 0.4608 910 0.3090 1310 0.2495 1710 0.0561 120 0.0388 520 0.4476 920 0.3106 1320 0.2493 1720 0.0543 130 0.0482 530 0.4358 930 0.3111 1330 0.2389 1730 0.0525 140 0.0583 540 0.4425 940 0.3103 1340 0.2280 1740 0.0508 150 0.0639 550 0.3987 950 0.3120 1350 0.2268 1750 0.0491 160 0.0683 560 0.3530 960 0.3125 1360 0.2245 1760 0.0475 170 0.0734 570 0.3557 970 0.2803 1370 0.2247 1770 0.0460 180 0.0774 580 0.3597 980 0.2491 1380 0.2238 1780 0.0445 190 0.0803 590 0.3616 990 0.2467 1390 0.2216 1790 0.0430 200 0.0843 600 0.3647 1000 0.2432 1400 0.2220 1800 0.0416 210 0.0872 610 0.3581 1010 0.2425 1410 0.2212 1810 0.0403 220 0.0890 620 0.3511 1020 0.2407 1420 0.2192 1820 0.0389 230 0.0922 630 0.3533 1030 0.2591 1430 0.2196 1830 0.0377 240 0.0944 640 0.3544 1040 0.2798 1440 0.2189 1840 0.0364 250 0.1033 650 0.3579 1050 0.2802 1450 0.1749 1850 0.0353 260 0.1121 660 0.3603 1060 0.2805 1460 0.1306 1860 0.0341 270 0.1141 670 0.3418 1070 0.2806 1470 0.1251 1870 0.0330 280 0.1170 680 0.3223 1080 0.2807 1480 0.1206 1880 0.0319 290 0.1179 690 0.3229 1090 0.2708 1490 0.1165 1890 0.0309 300 0.1196- ' 700 0.3247 1100 0.2591 1500 0.1126 1900 0.0299 310 0.1531 710 0.3243 1110 0.2582 1510 0.1090 1910 0.0289 320 0.1864 720 0.3251 1120 0.2965 1520 0.1054 1920 0.0279 330 0.1900 730 0.3272 1130 0.2586 1530 0.1020 1930 0.0270 340 0.1942 740 0.3268 1140 0.2200 1540 0.0986 1940 0.0262 350 0.1984 750 0.3277 1150 0.2564, 1550 0.0954 1950 0.0253 360 0.2026 760 0.3298 1160 0.2546 1560 . 0.0923 .1960 0.0245 370 0.1987 770 0.3295 1170 0.2543 1570 0.0893 1970 0.0237 380 0.1945 780 0.3303 1180 0.2551 1580 0.0864 1980 0.0229 390 0.1974 790 0.3114 1190 0.2534 1590 0.0835 1990 0.0222 400 0.2012 800 0.2903 1200 0.2530 1600 0.0808 2000 0.0214 1 I I I . • • • 10/31/97 2 : 37 : 59 pm D.A. Hogan & rissoc . page 22 Renton Memorial Stadium SEPA Checklist Renovated Conditions ' DETAIL HYDROGRAPH SUMMARY HYDROGRAPH No. 3 • Peak runoff : 0 . 8762 cfs Total Vol : 0 . 56 ac-ft TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN TIME DESIGN RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) (min) (cfs) 2010 0.0207 2210 0.0107 2410 0.0055 2610 0.0028 2810 0.0015 2020 0.0201 2220 0.0103 2420 0.0053 2620 0.0027 2820 0.0014 2030 0.0194 2230 0.0100 2430 0.0051 2630 0.0026 2830 0.0014 2040 0.0188 2240 0.0097 2440 0.0050 2640 0.0026 2840 , 0.0013 • 2050 0.0182 2250 0.0093 2450 0.0048 2650 0.0025 2850 0.0013 2060 0.0176 2260 0.0090 2460 0.0047 2660 0.0024 2860 0.0012 2070 0.0170 2270 0.0087 2470 0.0045 2670 0.0023 2870 0.0012 2080 0.0164 2280 0.0085 2480 0.0044 2680 0.0022 2880 0.0012 2090 0.0159 2290 0.0082 2490 0.0042 2690 0.0022 2890 0.0011 2100 0.0154 2300 0.0079 2500 0.0041 2700 0.0021 2900 0.0011 ' 2110 0.0149 2310 0.0077 2510 0.0039 2710 0.0020 2910 0.0010 2120 0.0144 2320 0.0074 2520 0.0038 2720 0.0020 2920 0.0010 2130 0.0139 2330 0.0072 2530 0.0037 2730 0.0019 2930 0.0010 2140 0.0135 2340 0.0069 2540 0.0036 2740 0.0018 2940 0.0009 • 2150 0.0130 2350 0.0067 2550 0.0035 : 2750 0.0018 2950 0.0009 2160 0.0126 2360 0.0065 2560 0.0033 2760 0.0017 2960 0.0009 2170 0.0122 2370 0.0063 2570 0.0032 2770 0.0017 2970 0.0009 2180 0.0118 2380 0.0061 2580 0.0031 2780 0.0016 2980 0.0008 2190 0.0114 2390 0.0059 2590 0.0030 2790 0.0016 2990 0.0008 2200 0.0110 2400 0.0057 2600 0.0029 2800 0.0015 3000 0.0008 2210 0.0107 2410 0.0055 2610 0.0028 2810 0.0015 • RENTON STADIUM FIELD &TRACK RECONSTRUCTION I I ( I TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATION FOR PERMEABLE SYNTHETIC TURF FIELD Reach Surface Permeability Length Upper Lower Cap T of C Reach Type Description "k"(ft/min) Feet Elev EIev GRAD. Vel-FPM CFS Min. AB Percolation TURF&PAD .0200 0.10 31.05 30.95 1.00_ . 0.020 NA 5.00 BC Percolation POROUS AC 2.6500 0.30 30.95 30.65 1.00 2.650 NA .11 CD Percolation AGGREGATE .4921 0.33 30.65 30.32 1.00 0.492 NA .67 Gradient Buildup-assume earlier storm-no time DE Percolation AGGREGATE .4921 7.00 30.32 29.98 0.05 0.024 NA 292.86 EF Percolation PEA GRAVEL 9.3388 0.98 29.98 29.00 1.00' 9.339 NA 0.10 Length Upper Lower Pipe Feet Elev Elev Slope Diam FG Pipe CPEP 0.009 250 29.00 27.75 0.50% .4 2.229 0.19 1.87 GH Pipe CPEP 0.009 130 26.87 26.22 0.50% 6 2.926 0.57 .74 HI Pipe CPEP 0.009 301 26.22 24.72 0.50% 6 2.917 0.57 1.72 IJ Pipe CONCRETE 0.015 160 22.00 . 21.20 0.50% 10 2.463 1.34 1.08 Total Tc= 301.36 SYNTHETIC TURF PERMEABILITY: _ _ TESTING PREFORMED ON THE NEWPORT H.S. SYNTHETIC TURF FIELD 1989 15 INCHES PER HOUR WITH LIMITED STANDING WATER(HEAD) 15 INCHES/HOUR=0.02 FEET/MINUTE I I AGGREGATE PERMEABILITY: APPROXIMATE.10th PERCENTILE PARTICAL SIZE IS BETWEEN No. 30 &40 SIEVE K=100(DxD)WHERE D = 10th % PARTICAL SIZE IN cm & K= PERMEABILITY IN cm/sec D =0.05cm K=0.25 cm/sec=0.492 ft/min I I GRADIENT BUILDUP: ASSUME DESIGN STORM OCCURS IMMEDIATELY AFTER ANOTHER STORM EVENT AND A 3 INCH GRADIENT IS IN PLACE IF DESIGN STORM EVENT OCCURS WITHOUT AN EXISTING GRADIENT,THE TIME OF CONCENTRATION WILL BE SIGNIFICANTLY INCREASED TO ALLOW FOR ADEQUATE PRECIPITATION TO PROVIDE A GRADIENT I I LATERAL PERCOLATION: FLOW VELOCITY IS THE PRODUCT OF THE PERMEABILITY AND THE GRADIENT(DARCY'S LAW) 1 PIPE FLOW: THE TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATION ESTIMATES FLOW VELOCITIES ASSUMING THE PIPES ARE FLOWING FULL THE FLOW THROUGH THESE PIPES WILL BE SIGNIFICANTLY LESS THAN THEIR CAPACITY THEREFORE,THE ACTUAL VELOCITIES WILL BE LESS THAN THOSE INDICATED ON THE CALCULATION AND THE ACTUAL TIME OF CONCENTRATION WILL BE GREATER THAN THAT CALCULATED • • • • • • REMOVE PEA GRAVEL TO 2" BELOW SUBGRADE ® TIME OF PLACING PERM. AGGREGATE 2" • RUBBERIZED TRACK SURFACE • • t.LATERAL SPACING LATERAL SPACING ;010 V NEW SYNTHETIC TURF 15' TYP 15' TYP RUBBERIZED AND PAD SYNTHETIC TURF FIELD A tit 8 "D" AREA TRACK TRACK SURF• " o� g,o� __ .tiM . g 3-1/2" POROUS ASPHALT 0.• ��� 0`�� off o`�YfJ`K` j'� �� 0O -.=-• � 0 0�$ 0 '-•$ `� o •� 8' IMPORTED PERMEABLE AGGREGATE 4" PERF. CORR. POLY W ��� �I I 0 • '�'� "`"� DRAIN TUBING N ®I otpi CLEAN, WASHED PEA SEE DRAINAGE SHEET FOR . GRAVEL AS NECESSARY INVERT ELEVATION INFORMATION C� t; sy���'�-"-�- ��O` � FOR LEVELING • • 11Sj 2" MIN. 2" MIN. 2" MIN. PEA GRAVEL y 6" 13' STRUCTURAL FABRIC• 6„ STRUCTURAL SOIL BEARING FABRIC MUST BE FLAT ON SUBGRADE FOR FULL WIDTH, FIELD CUT AS NECESSARY. PEA GRAVEL INSTALLATION NOTE: 1. INSTALL PEA GRAVEL WITH 2" CROWN • • TO FULL DEPTH OF TRENCH 2. REMOVE PEA GRAVEL CROWN TO 2" BELOW & 2" CROWN SUBGRADE PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF AGGREGATE FIELD DRAIN SECTION (FIELD &TRACK) NOT TO SCALE I ! KING COUNTY, W ; HINGTON, SURFACE WA ' R DESIGN MANUAL I FIGURE 3.5.1C 2-YEAR 24-HOUR ISOPLUVIALS . • • . I ''I 'otyeA Atir ,, 411,A g i4.4 A A : I Ai3rvaRii&L. IP,'-. 10FINICN '''' A - e •• T •Tetr-i 1 , lq may, Chita ' 'c",,...i*A , . . ,,r, 1 . . : .. .. . , I i ' � . va � 2• ji III - , ,., till 44, �, Nii,00 cq .iiima y ',liiS Ire .�i \ . ,•44iptifiti __ . . 1 ka. , , ./ 400,1 1 .. 2.:Q. v,,,A411..Pmc . , . r No '� • .•+ 4 111•ik, � MEW ! F 1iw' �� JO ��'i ,,__ i .'N. '-.. ..e.,.„ Nissiart . - • f r . 1m.4.i.t,3. , " ar/—I—NR7="1INSI 41.r per./ , , . ‘0:-.• vigivii \, • ir tit rilifrie---. 75,a,-a-Pr... -- 0. _ i ! .... i 1 10\4, 'I - 0 -(' 1/2 1st( -,-orriord„ •^4-44 , \ * .tkl. - • , ilk4 _„ ' t, ! - ' -flpittV .. . - ;,. p • fip ditiNtst‘h:, ,-Ntip,.. - _ie ... :. . -.,,,,i6\4„.. —1. : . I - -.• -._ Rai% \1%**'11* WillAN‘,.. -. ItN ''-' * .4"1,. Ni.;•'cf/ir N/IN. -*- L'i • • ..ii= 1 t : " ,. ileili110:,-0.• . . 71.IIIIk% N. ....-' rm • Io • • -44(Tt', i i I i -It `' l - -• ,y; ��If � r12.0 INCHES 7 i . 1j \. - - II ice' ww \ - * `'�. . 'Ps` • / , -"-.7.:: .1 , :.51. 1,-_.- ''''.- - 'Mk J: , 1, ), aukto.,„miii ... . 1 r ir 1 Nbikt ,,. 41 II ' ‘• all .... - 1 '.\) : ' 4P:__/'.. ‘ --.1 i • far' 1 Rpm'. viNi i , • . ...•I1-,; .. Rim 4moloom. ,. 10 de illfitilliNk tireAllINT r q -. .....---.---- , • \. - • ,-- . • 1 oil in .• , ,I . ihll4-i‘,I 11' . -/1.11t4 14 N - ,r,,r ,„,i T ���'11f 6k p i -------„-,. ".-\ .IF" y � 9 kr ,‘,. . r, , , At',i, If it Pl.( ili Ix , ,Iik, 77,,,_t, Apr `1.GP4rtat j ,r .. i (v. • .,,,,i._. ....::..! .4, kalit7 • ril -- wig/���T�ll •' ` ' ._.. 2-YEAR 24-HOUR PRECIPITATION 4.,� al`1 � ' r. - 3.4 TOTAL PRECIPIITATION ININCHES CV ����rlir4, .� 35 0 1 2 3 4 5• 6 .'7 6MIIes N ... � , ft. 1:300.000 3.5.1-8 .--IT 1/90 ) I . • I ' ' ' KING COUNTY, ', SHINGTON, SURFACE WA 3R D. ESIGN MANUAL, - FIGURE 3.5.1E 10-YEAR 24-HOUR ISOPLUVIALS , . ' 1. 2 ' „fip - ; c ��,e4ifikwet) i . .,A . .-. • .2 1114..*l Bo itfi " e • , 23` ;. .!1. . ff , ir ,-. . 10," AI ) tillikl . . .. , it 4.21101k mAis sIt. .7 11011,01lian � r ' i V . I . �a , "� r � „,„*, ' 29 \, tirjr0 ,„,..'\t.24/tirMITP-1 -1K1 r ,,,tir . ,__ ‘..41, Pdaktriglir, t.,,AllIttil A .... \ , 3.0 \ ` ' .-. '....191114 LitittW.4%'"Wilij 116. lirell .[,... ( 4 . 1 ...,,, .`1,•zie reljilir , ig, i I Illifit* . % 3,y ; _ M, ti to :`,/I1. at.01111,10111\,,: . 11elp IVA . . Ns: 17. , ribs& -.,\,,,...10.0FatisiAller.:: .. -_, , . _ K....al ik,, ' 40:-tigorr.- ---( a*%,..4,- ; az . , , • Illgte, 4,4-- (D I i frivlar ti477 . 4A 0111416Slits Atli ' A E� 1 z ,;i Algt41.11-, _. „..a3 .!. , _ - \ Rao% I Bit _ wit lik,„ • Nk.,it.-0- '41\- . ( .. , ,, , . .. 1.1123,,,A. .04.1k. r iky vimi- likik, , mit,. _ . i . ./ .-' A . . illirst, 7.*)'".„4.1 '.101 skl..11km, ,- . '-. ' . . ...,...1.. i k 7 \ alr., War 1 P'ilitt''' --. • ‘4" ) °. .c.ilik , •SP / ,1 ill % •• .---leati 9\ \ ' . I \ • ,A ! ► "y T:k t 2.9 INCHES " \ J ,F. - \.. 1 . • \,7 .....e, , HANN, - . ,, .,,i Twi ii. 1 .:._, , __, • . ., , Ir.,. ..... ..,.., ... ., , , , ;km_ ,....., , G !NPR . 11,0111 1 OM .* , ‘•,. . ' iiik..*11- . , / - . ( I ..row., p • �k . - wain ,lor- ..lis�vemor ,era 1 ;,R - , .„:, ./ ,.'f gib l am,- , \\ .! Iig Ball. -=-111P/Viouni 410 al JO • - 01111_ 1111 . . lifilk tigrop.r � 411,---, _PAIR" �,�' 1 1 • .4tt, .: ilrgyz ,),k lip . :... elittifivitil , ,i . ..• lot \ / 7„fan - \ • 0, ., ..„, . , ._,,,_._, •_.___. •__, •. , �I V4Z. IOC��, •� r . - •... ..0 1O-YEAR 24-HOUR PRECIPITATION •• •• j �,�,• ' i lit P _ ' ••3.40' ISOPLUVIALS OF 10-YEAR 24-HOUR �'• • �� ff4 �I� r' : - TOTAL PRECIPITATION IN INCHES • 30 - 0 1 2, 3 4 5 6 7 8 Mlles 'b• (1, 1110P,-- -. : 41. Y - - 3a/� t 1:300,000 3.5.1-10 `$* 1/90" . 40 I ' KING COUNTY, WAS NGTON, SURFACE WATE ,' 1ESIGN MANUAL FIGURE 3.5.1H 100-YEAR 24-HOUR ISOPLUVIALS ,. '•.` 1 .'-' .. t 1litailikkill 444. Imo+; 1' �* 3.i ,;; ‘ 4 1 ../I row !Al !lig" 7,141 . , , , ,,, , ..,_,„„,4 ,„....„, • ..,,, T 1 Pli-Mk% wit it- . . ) .i a' 9S,°Op • ' WAN lk-NO 1 r : ems,,,., 11 ► �� , III tiat._...0,;.t...;..s,...liat Folii..t.... . . , i AT' irei"r Ill"lialV4110v .' 7 ' = .7 i 43 1 -VAIII.O.S10"111114 tIV.W.,q11193ftiliV7iiiiii,4400 ._ A szto -044"01: -IL --'.-ItNreilrisiiildWillase c"--Iii& iii (15,?' , 1. ! • " ... '. :S,9-1.1116 : ' . —"4;.100.11.11,1111 0. % TI1 2 , .1 k 7 . lip.4,..100,-....7 in _ ,..• v. 4S *Mt �dbo, . VI IV`Oak ' 1 1 it4111k rifailliirmarT110.17414 iii5le;It:\v TS a 124,it"' VIT4. 0 44 -11‘IF ="-c> 44'L . ,./. -4111006 \1,1 * ale,IMIk\ ‘ F'' ''-vApporklire' --, - ' g A :. :::-. 616,s ,xikk rits, 0,i.,..2.,..,4„m, ,_. . ., r .OPI'Az. Ilk, ' -' . . 1 V ^ NI51610i0At 11110PN ._ \ .. Vir \ -:14:::.7..-') --- . / t. • litht*k' 1111W • k,h; N „66,, \VI ,,,wt. woe }t'lktik/-- . - .IL 7t-. i ,l^k-1 ;. d rya, it 3.9 INCHES 000.110.4441 , ,=-Ilt , 8,14% w.. .„._ old ipalriiim _ . . •.• , . is 4 1 lifilikt "'% • ' 1 111 "lip lug .iit•,k4d, ! wig/ % , nut .1§ it ilk ,-t Attu • ili ,-4.. . _ . / lair- - 1 NI . . Itkilrelliiirletal VAN 4I Val) , ‘.\ 07,...„p.k.. . i, ,,.,‘,..lit 0,1„,_Ap „ . __ ) „ . alitt,T.111...vaufav iroalimore . li „ma ..1 .41.._ ram. ..., . 1 a , s,.o• , i - , r 11.111 7,7", .-::---- id dir,r ,• ,,‘ • 1, , , , . ,_ _ "TIP" 11,14r61101,110. ) 1,0 Ira i,,, I . .. .. _ ._. . _ - -, .\7 I-- • /N. ..edik 4 Bel , lriwieglOiliVigrill".4, lir _ .u./T_k ._- 1 / ' ' \ 1 --. \ Illipinlill l Sia ie llailirlAiel h lid r/- rif ''.•• , • ‘,._.4 . . ..414. .cei tmple4. RA. .- . , , . . 1 .., 17 I. ,!,i \--..4,„aravolur . , .,.. . .,,,, . ft,.f AM wart , F i - otelfillm , 1 • ) ate. AFIA ydrkii„ 24-HOUR PRECIPITATION Y W A V ris ,,, 6.5_=.- _ 100-YEAR �p � ��i�,���,fw, �% ..¢.0, j. 3.4 ISOPLUVIALS OF 100-YEAR 24-HOUR � �����°�'`�� TOTAL PRECIPITATION IN INCHES ••• 0� tb���� 1� - 5'S,. i . •• ti , , 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B Mlles �• / bt•3.5.1-13• O -v%'�'r ,- . is 300,000 • 43• '' 1/90 I I i 1 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SURFACE WATER 1, .8SIGN MANUAL TABLE 3.5.2B SCS WESTERN WASHINGTON RUNOFF CURVE NUMBERS • SCS WESTERN WASHINGTON RUNOFF CURVE NUMBERS (Published by SCS in 1982) Runoff curve numbers for selected agricultural, suburban and urban land use for Type 1A rainfall distribution, 24-hour storm duration. CURVE NUMBERS BY HYDROLOGIC SOIL GROUP LAND USE DESCRIPTION A B C 'D s Cultivated land(1): winter condition . 86 91 94 95 Mountain open areas: low growing brush and grasslands 74 82 89 92 .. Meadow or pasture: 651. 78. 85. 89 • Wood or forest land: undisturbed 42 64 76 81 Wood or forest land: young second growth or brush 55 72 81 86 • Orchard: with cover crop 81 88 92 94 Open spaces, lawns, parks, golf courses, cemeteries, landscaping. . good condition: grass cover on 75% or more of the area 68 80Eg •90 fair condition: grass cover on 50% • to 75% of the area 77 85 90 '92 Gravel roads and parking lots 76 85 89 91 \ ' Dirt roads and parking lots 72 82 87 89 Impervious surfaces, pavement, roofs, etc. 98 98 pa 98 Open water bodies: lakes,wetlands, ponds, etc. 100 100 100 100 Single Family Residential (2) Dwelling Unit/Gross Acre % Impervious (3) __. 1.0..DU/GA 15 Separate curve number 1.5 DU/GA 20 shall be selected 2.0..DU/GA 25 • for pervious and 2.5 DU/GA 30 impervious portion 3.0 DU/GA 34 of the site or basin 3.5 DU/GA 38 4.0, DU/GA 42 ' 4.5 DU/GA 46 • 5.0 DU/GA 48 . • 5.5 DU/GA- 50 6.0 DU/GA 52 6.5 DU/GA 54 • 7.0 DU/GA 56 Planned unit developments, % impervious condominiums, apartments, . must be computed commercial business and ' •industrial areas. (1) For a more detailed description of agricultural land use curve numbers refer to National Engineering Handbook, Section 4, Hydrology, Chapter 9,August 1972. . — (2) Assumes roof and driveway runoff is directed into street/storm system. (3) The remaining pervious areas (lawn) are considered to be in good condition for these curve numbers. 3.5.2-3 1/90 • • KING COUNTY, WASHI.NGTON, SURFACE WA DESIGN MANUAL FIGURE 3.5.2A HYDROLOGIC SOIL GROUP OF THE SOILS IN KING COUNTY - J. HYDROLOGIC HYDROLOGIC SOIL GROUP GROUP* SOIL GROUP GROUP* Alderwood C Orcas Peat D Arents,Alderwood Material C Oridia D Arents, Everett Material B Ovall C Beausite C Pilchuck C Bellingham D Puget D Briscot • D Puyallup • B Buckley D Ragnar B Coastal Beaches Variable 'Renton D Earimont Silt Loam D Riverwash Variable Edgewick ' C Salal C Everett A Sammamish D Indianola A Seattle D Kitsap C Shacar .. D Klaus C Si Silt C Mixed Alluvial Land Variable Snohomish D Neilton A Sultan C Newberg B Tukwila D Nooksack C Urban Variable Normal Sandy Loam D Woodinville D F' • HYDROLOGIC SOIL GROUP CLASSIFICATIONS A. (Low runoff potential). Soils having high infiltration rates, even when thoroughly wetted,and consisting chiefly of deep,well-to-excessively drained sands or gravels. These soils have a high rate of water transmission. B. (Moderately low runoff potential). Soils having moderate infiltration rates when thoroughly wetted,and consisting chiefly of moderately fine to moderately coarse textures. These soils have a moderate rate of water.transmission. C. • (Moderately high runoff potential). Soils having slow Infiltration rates when thoroughly wetted,and consisting chiefly of soils with a layer that impedes downward movement of water, or soils with moderately fine to fine textures. These soils have a slow rate of water transmission. D. (High runoff potential). Soils having very slow Infiltration rates when thoroughly wetted and consisting chiefly of clay soils with a high swelling potential,soils with a permanent high water table, soils with a hardpan or clay layer at or near the surface,and shallow soils over nearly Impervious material. These soils have.a very slow rate of water transmission.• * From SCS,TR-55, Second Edition,June 1986, Exhibit A-1. Revisions made from SCS, Soil Interpretation Record, Form #5, September 1988. • 3.5.2-2 1/90 • • • RENTON MEMORIAL STADIUM FIELD AND TRACK REPLACEMENT FIGURES: • • • •• • • • • Renton Memorial Stadium,Field&Track Replacement • SEPA Checklist • ry�0. I _ . 1'INML�-�- MINE E7111 r� . 4• RENTON "^� ORIAL STADIUM W W t■ °TM le EI �- .•fir � .�• L . C, s : 1� �" s �y ,9 405 LOG J MOVRIAI i1 NE - 12TH - 6 '4. RENTON, vv BEACH PARK I • 21.• iiir�� 1zT►i - sr r�, N�- , pRK pR ""'C. n . .S 800* A y�� r" \V+.�. `it 1 al. .S �.0,•, ST v, % AUTON IARKy- �'i. q ��S ,'1 il • • 1 ST a0 r AIRP , ., POORT .� .� ■,,ir R(DE \\ _� ." r'�7�1An. ! . s V: ,; MEM -I 1 la BOAT WINCH ` . .or, �'' .-. .,------T-7—:----. _cm.. ,-En , , .. fTM a ���'� i e a RENTON rIP � : PS 1, ni 17TN PL - PLANT =� I �i j ifariLl; ". c vlKL� 118THlag ST e)od = ..rR T'^ ' ' I HANK [ 1�9TH ]T F :TH ST � \ IX ' g 1�i PARK < lir 00 i 1':: s, Ig< -' S 12 ST ME7i RIVER _ t41.1.keiM •• -' R 1 a TRAIL \5 !l M17TH STI if a is' - 1271D E.NG (j '�1 ...%:,;/-6:::.. � aR m • .: +�ar ,,. e'sm P K troa n.a ' � , Illp! • .: . ...cdd� , 1 1 lolls L ---1 ify. w,Y - - 411 7:kto. .4 sr -Art.. kli ker., •.! .:,. sc,rnr I ow „..iiiingi , 900. . 4:1,,,,... • • 128TH ST uen+i `' y - ,(� . � 1 UOtN• Oy St - . r �rA V REMIQfVililkilkillitillY�I. a 3;13146S6- 11114M2Piiiititi7•- 1 d:sL.NE. : .1° . •••• •.::-. r s 13zNo lir < ■ sT nulanf , ,, w�..i, 4. ' Ca - ®�I 70EtN • n©*Lowry... '' ,� �r 0 S r '" < I ..•� VICTgtI < ►ao u' • 1719fr na':" z I 'Mom ST Rarom mrn *.? I ./AR[' .w� IQNT,• mint •'t -_ sr aS 18 HS a 'i"-r a;� ':?1,,,;::,• 1 1.1:: ♦- CDITTRY • '. :....... .. :. .:.... .. . �,�' � 1 ��°, g 3RDEllikliclikViririabh,_900 � "� 16,E , : . • �.lV. ' ,• ,� rat. ,, goo •.,_ _, , 900 .,,, ., 1 U ;.,.., .® ,Ad�� �rtirifi (ii� ....�:, l✓& • RD L4;;,r • ,,„ • . • • L6TH 0 "7. "� 167 ,-,. 0111Ili s>TM a 1hi. PARK a •4 8 1 a IARc •o4 e ., E `8 < a iRro�e Gli 515 `'Eill 't•.. t IE . { maw . • 1 5 v1LWAGE S�A_]nuoc;,•� �p"� �f d 1 15W 1 0 cn emu IT _ OAR M P L i I. i Goviror )„,,, S , ViLIAGE PL. 11' . •fE, 'R i^d, xN 'q'Pf • AOUaAV J .�. >!i`�: . lat 111 • �W rAay. - v. _ , i••• ..111.11. — -•- --:--- ---•••'''-'1g211 lift 20 , �I1 >6TMI ,, 16TH .S� gill mmit, abk.. v..,„,,.. ¢G "t ' �9- `.�i`� ►• .� 1 !, 1...,, c1 I i 1 N _ •u w.'•AL `■. S-18TN e//�. adr" �Y. +r _ . VICINITY MAP • FIGURE 1 ; i • RENTON STADIUM • LEGAL DESCRIPTION A stripof land •137.70 feet wide in thatportion of the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section 7, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, Lying easterly of commercial waterway District No. 2 right- of-way and westerly of Logan Street North extension as deeded to the State of Washington by deed recorded under Auditor's File No. 3261297, described as follows: Beginning at the South Margin of 6th Avenue North and West Margin of Logan Street North: thence South 0°25'49" West Lambert Meridian; North Zone, 574.15 feet to the point of curvature of a curve to the right of radius 1710.08 feet; thence southwesterly along said curve and along said west margin 279.44 feet to a point from whence the curve center bears north 80°12'26" west, said point being the true point of beginning: thence continuing southwesterly along said curve, 140.90 feet: thence north 89°59'56" west 830.55 feet, more or less, to the easterly line of Commercial Waterway Dist. No. 2 right-of-way: thence north 12°47'42" west, along said right-of- way, 141.21 feet: thence south 89°59'56" east 891.48 feet to the true point of beginning. • FIGURE 2 • • • NOTES LEGEND RENTON STADIUM • M O ••.••• or. r.=�. ...'''4 L.. ,I =® ., VISITOR'S BLEACHERS S. } C ' I ‘. 0 . tr.513 .-:... , \,,:.N.7 : . . 411.7.,11:� 'r , n r.., nn ... Inr nn nn nninu nn nrt nn nn Il IIII 111 UII 11I I InI t 1 loW / i . - An.-. 0- .- 0t, -0. 0t, 02 0.7. .1. 1 .......... , � i. . 1 1111 1111 111 111 1111 1111 1III 1111 1111 1III 1111 1III 11 11 Nt: , nll'. i 'yl, ��1 � ' I i 1).! 1 � � \,� .1 I I111 IIII I111 1111 1111 111� IIII II11 IIII 1111 1111 I111 1 1111 II / / 10 20 20 40 -0 40 30 21 1 • AV"/ f i ',. i*Ni) 4_ i,C4rfriY, 1.-.., .:',-- .:3N---____ .:: ',- t....„... _%--- ..,..' 1r4deff :11 • ,.� Q — _= = ___k 1: . 0.2.4C1.1 .7.... � - / M _ CONCRETE GRANDSTAND COMPLEX v �" N CL CD GRAPHIC SCALE • ar/Air/. S[c1_rr1.. c.Mt Um _ { r r r r t JLILLprk ASSOCIATES INC. ;Iona saw.wsncr.cws :•':': ,a snow Ivaww¢wmv Morel lay TA Marl - area-S.GI I-wore-S}rs . '..'wr•-. 1...'. i 71 L J • • /.,�^�llyihI, VISITOR'S BLEACHERS00 a' • \on s /. 0 Yw� Art. '.• wl a w- / /wwv Tr mow 00,•._,.- ...,.-.... air �'.T -! �' ....... -s--1'=a---- 4 •.m..-d.� 'e --- - - - ...,off e.n....e �' ®.aa.+u . �:. e 8 LANE TRACK C I 1- � 17 / 11I1 1111 1111 IIII 1111 IIII 1111 IIII 1111 IIII 1111 1111 IIII 1111 IIII II 1 1111 1111 1111 1111 I _"" F `J 4 T j : ° 7 - 0 0£- 0€- j WI CI 0 T- `J � - m.1'/o��17: SYNETIC TURF FI ® I \ ...R ..a.r al •• , 44 IIII 1111.1111 1111 1111 1111,II11.1111,1111,1n1 ITI/J111 1111,1111 1111,1T IIII II11 1111 1111 aou 14000e /Iyq /n1i,/y • y�� I 'gym _ i i\\\\ r/ - \\\ i iJi 1-"" ,;2.21,,:; /04 e �. 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Q SOUTH 3R1 'yG Z �P� STREET w z m�� 3RD PI Af u; rc Q �, i�1`'�P • - g :7 A - I _ I I ' DEVEL.OP P ,T PLANNING ' DEC 0 f 1997 ,. • • • ' Geotechnical Engineering - . Exploration and Analysis , ' '. Renton Memorial stadiums , . - 'Track and Field'Improvenents • - - _ :40,5 Logan Avenue North . Renton, • Washington Prepared for: . ' • • . Renton School District No: 403 ' - Renton, Washington - ... , .. December 2, 1997 ' Project No. 6G-9709015 . , , , GILES , : _, . . ' • . . , , ENGINEERING l JSSOCIATES, INC. GILES ENGINEERING ( 1SSOCIATES, INC. GEOTECHNICAL, ENVIRONMENTAL & CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS CONSULTANTS •Atlanta,GA •Dallas,TX •Los Angeles,CA •Madison,WI •Milwaukee,WI December 2 1997 •Seattle,WA •Washington,D.C. Renton School District No. 403 Facilities and Operations 1220 North Fourth Street Renton, Washington 98055 Attention: Mr. Robert Brown Subject: Geotechnical Engineering Exploration and Analysis Renton Memorial Stadium Track and Field Improvements 405 Logan Avenue North Renton, Washington Project No. 6G-9709015 Dear Mr. Brown: In accordance with your request, Giles Engineering Associates, Inc. has conducted a Geotechnical Engineering Exploration and Analysis for the above-referenced project. The conclusions and recommendations developed from the analysis are discussed in detail in the accompanying report. We appreciate the opportunity to have been of service to you on this project. If there are any questions or if we may be of further service,please do not hesitate to call at any time. Respectfully submitted, GILES ENGINEERING ASSO � e v 4>, Thomas A. Jones, P.E. Y� z Project Engineer 'n � 29074 " �SLw, S101VAL E , EXPIRES 4/'7 John E. Zipper, P.E. --� ^ �r Regional Manager Distribution: Addressee (3) D.A. Hogan& Associates (3) 11807 North Creek Parkway South•Suite 102•Bothell,WA 98011 425/482-2020•Fax 425/482-6300•E-Mail seattle@gilesengr.com t TABLE OF CONTENTS GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING EXPLORATION AND ANALYSIS PROPOSED RENTON MEMORIAL STADIUM TRACK AND FIELD IMPROVEMENTS RENTON, WASHINGTON PROJECT NO. 6G-9709015 Page COVER LETTER I 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 2.0 SCOPE OF SERVICES 3 3.0 SITE AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION 3 4.0 SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION 4 4.1 Soil Conditions 4 4.2 Groundwater Conditions 5 - 4.3 Infiltration Test Results 6 5.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 6 5.1 Site Development Recommendations 6 5.2 Structural Fill 10 5.3 Utility Trenching and Backfilling 12 5.4 Drainage 13 5.5 Retaining Wall and Shallow Foundation Design Parameters 14 6.0 CLOSURE 16 APPENDICES -Appendix A- General Comments -Appendix B -Figures -Appendix C -Field Procedures and Boring Logs -Appendix D - Laboratory Testing and Classification ©Giles Engineering Associates, Inc. 1997 6G-9709015 GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING EXPLORATION AND ANALYSIS PROPOSED RENTON MEMORIAL STADIUM TRACK AND FIELD IMPROVEMENTS RENTON, WASHINGTON PROJECT NO. 6G-9709015 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The following is a brief summary outline of the geotechnical conclusions and recommendations developed for this project. This summary should be read in complete context with the accompanying report for proper interpretation. Subsurface Conditions • The subsurface exploration program completed consisted of completing 23 borings within the existing track and football field,areas between the end zones and the track, as well as areas east and west of the track. The subsurface exploration program disclosed that the track and football field are covered with an average of 2 inches of asphalt pavement which, in turn, is supported on 2 to 3 inches of crushed sand and gravel base course. The pavement section is underlain by variable thickness,man- placed fill,typically in the range of 1%2 to 3 feet thick. The fill consists of a variety of materials consisting of cinders, silt, fine sand,pit-run sand and gravel, and cobbly gravel. The cinders were encountered in all but two borings beneath the track and varied in thickness from 6 to 10 inches. In many of the borings within the track, a 1- to 2-feet thick layer of gravel and cobbles was encountered at a depth of 2 feet below existing grades. This appeared to be the deepest layer of fill over the native soils. More detailed subsurface descriptions are presented in the boring logs which are included in this report. • Groundwater seepage was encountered in borings B-1,B-2,B-4,B-5,B-7,B-9,B-10, B-11, B-13,B-14, and borings B-20 through B-23 at depths ranging from about 6.7 to 81/2 feet below existing grades. Site Development Recommendations • The surficial soils underlying the track are variable with respect to the fines content and relative compaction. As such, some areas are considered moisture sensitive. Earthwork should be performed during dry periods of the year to minimize disturbance of the near-surface soils. • Dry weather: In existing landscape areas, strip 6 to 9 inches of sod and topsoil to expose non-organic soils. Additional overexcavation may be necessary across portions of the site to remove loose, wet, or compressible materials or existing, unsuitable fill soils. Proposed Renton Memorial Stadium Track and Field Improvements Renton, Washington Project No. 6G-9709015 Page 2 • Wet weather: Removal of additional soil below all exposed subgrades or other stabilization methods are expected to be necessary to develop a stable subgrade, if the subgrade is allowed to become wet or is disturbed by construction activities. • Trenches from existing utilities within the track and field areas which are to be removed or relocated should be backfilled with compacted structural fill. Alternatively, such utilities beneath the new football field could be grouted and left in place. • Compact exposed subgrades and structural fill to at least 90 percent of modified Proctor maximum dry density or in accordance with project specifications,whichever is greatest. Place in lifts of not more than 8 inches loose thickness, at moisture content within 2 percent of optimum, and compact uniformly with:suitable equipment. • Exposed subgrades will be difficult to compact even during dry weather due to the low relative density of the underlying fill and native soils. If the subgrade cannot be compacted, additional stabilization measures will be necessary. • Compact subgrades and structural fill within 1 foot of field and track surfacing to at least 92 percent of modified Proctor maximum dry density and to a firm and unyielding condition. Drainage and Infiltration • Most soils encountered across the site would not be considered to have good infiltration characteristics. However, medium sand was encountered in boring B-2 between 4 and 9 feet below grade. An infiltration test was completed in this area in accordance with the guidelines presented in the King County Surface Water Design Manual. Specifically,the EPA,Falling Head Percolation Test Procedure for on-site wastewater treatment and disposal systems (1980) was followed. An unfactored infiltration rate of 90 inches per hour was measured in the sand layer. Therefore, it • appears that this area is suitable for a subsurface infiltration system. However,the lateral extent of the sand has not been defined. Further exploration would be necessary to define the extent of the area and to monitor groundwater levels through the wet winter months. Groundwater was encountered at a depth of 8 feet at the time of drilling. Retaining Walls and Shallow Foundations • Conventional,shallow footings may be designed for a net maximum allowable 1,500 psf bearing capacity provided they are founded upon a prism of structural fill compacted to a minimum of 90 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density. The prism of structural fill should be at least 2 feet thick and extend laterally out from both sides of the footing at least 2 feet. Proposed Renton Memorial Stadium Track and Field Improvements Renton, Washington • Project No. 6G-9709015 Page 7 Track and Field Improvements Based upon our experience on similar track football field projects, we understand that the synthetic turf football field and rubberized track will be reconstructed in the following manner: = 1. The existing track and field surfacing will be removed,and the crown of the field will be removed to create a flat field; 2. The exposed subgrade will be compacted to a minimum specified level; 3. Sub-field perforated PVC drain lines will be installed in trenches excavated in the subgrade and enveloped with clean, washed pea gravel; 4. Reinforcement fabric may be placed over the subgrade but not the drain lines; 5. Permeable aggregate with a low fines content will be placed in lifts and compacted to the minimum specified level; 6. Porous asphalt will be placed atop the permeable aggregate; 7. The synthetic field and rubberized track will be placed above the porous asphalt. Existing Utilities Any existing underground utilities should be located,and those utilities which are not reused should be removed and the ends of any portions left in place capped. The utility trenches that are in the influence zone of new construction are recommended to be backfilled with structural compacted fill. Alternatively, the abandoned utilities could be grouted and left in place. Underground utilities which are to remain in service should be evaluated by an engineer and existing utility backfill should be evaluated by the geotechnical engineer,to determine their potential affect on the new development. If any existing utilities are to be preserved, grading operations must be carefully performed so as to not disturb or damage the existing utility. Depending on the depth of the subfield drain systems, we anticipate that some existing utilities may be encountered. Site Stripping Site preparation will likely require the removal of all sod and organic topsoil or other deleterious materials in some of the existing landscaped areas. About 6 to 9 inches of topsoil was encountered at the surface in borings B-1 and B-2. Deeper removal of unsuitable, organic-rich or man-placed fill soils may be needed between boring locations and/or in unexplored areas of the site. Actual removal depths should be determined by a qualified geotechnical engineer at the time of grading based on the subgrade material's organic content and stability. Prior to initiating site grading,we recommend that all practical measures be taken to collect or divert surface water runoff which may drain onto the exposed subgrade within the construction areas. The existing football field drainage system, as well as temporary controls, should be routed r Proposed Renton Memorial Stadium Track and Field Improvements Renton, Washington Project No. 6G-9709015 Page 3 2.0 SCOPE OF SERVICES The authorized scope of services performed by Giles for this project included a visual site reconnaissance, subsurface exploration, laboratory testing geotechnical engineering analysis, and preparation of this report, as described in Giles' proposal, number 6GP-970731, dated September 24, 1997, submitted to Mr. Robert Brown of the Renton School District. Authorization for these services was provided by Renton School District No. 403 Purchase Order No. 94068, dated October 13, 1997. Geotechnical recommendations relative to design of the track and field improvements are presented herein. General comments and other limitations relative to the project are presented in appendices of this report. This report is an instrument of service and has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering practice for the exclusive use of the Renton School District,D.A. Hogan&Associates,and their agents,for specific application to this project. It is recommended that the project plans and specifications be submitted to Giles for review to ensure that the geotechnical related conclusions and recommendations provided herein have been correctly interpreted and incorporated into the design. 3.0 SITE AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION • The project site is located at 405 Logan Avenue North in Renton, Washington. The project is bounded on the north by the Boeing flight line, Logan Avenue North to the east, a large paved parking lot to the south, and the Cedar River(and public trail) to the west. The project site is that of the existing Renton Memorial Stadium located in Renton, Washington(see Appendix B, Figure 1,Site Location Map). Memorial Field consists of a crowned, artificial turf-covered football field with a rubberized-surface track, as well as a grass-covered area east of the track and field. Large, covered bleachers are situated along the north and south sides of the field. We understand that renovating the track and football field area will likely consist of removing the existing artificial turf and underlying asphalt,regrading the field with its current crown to a flat field, constructing a subfield drain system, providing a drainage layer of imported fill material, constructing a porous asphalt surface, and providing a new synthetic turf-surfaced football field. In general, grades would likely change least near the edges of the field, while larger changes in the finish grade,with excavation cuts of up to about 2 feet,may occur near the center of the football field where existing crown is the highest. It is anticipated that the track grades would remain essentially unchanged. Track improvements would include removing the rubberized track surfacing and the underlying asphalt. A standard porous asphalt track section would then be reconstructed. A subsurface stormwater infiltration system may be constructed east of the track and field in an existing landscape area. The infiltration system would be designed to dispose of runoff generated from hard surfaced areas east of the track and field. • Proposed Renton Memorial Stadium Track and Field Improvements Renton, Washington Project No. 6G-9709015 Page 4 At this time, we understand that an area east of the track, which is landscaped, will be developed for track events such as the pole-vault and long jump. Furthermore, we understand that underground storage and infiltration of stormwater runoff is desired in this area. Borings B-1 and B-2 were completed in this area for general soil characterization. Our comments and opinions regarding the proposed development in this area relative to the soil conditions encountered are presented later is this report. 4.0 SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION The subsurface conditions discussed below were simplified for ease of report interpretation. Relative densities noted in the boring logs are based on the Standard Penetration Test(SPT)method, as described in ASTM:D-1586. The SPT procedure and sampling method consist of driving a standard 2-inch outside diameter split spoon sampler a distance of 18 inches into the soil with a 140- pound hammer free-falling a distance of 30 inches. The number of blows for each 6-inch interval is recorded. The number of blows required to drive the sampler the final 12 inches is considered the Standard Penetration Resistance(N) or blow count. The blow count is presented on the boring logs attached with this report. The resistance, or"N"value,provides a measure of the relative density of granular soils or the relative consistency of cohesive soils. We have estimated the ground elevations of the explorations based on interpolation between contour lines on the site plan provided. More detailed descriptions of the conditions encountered at the boring locations are provided on the boring logs enclosed in Appendix C. Field and laboratory test procedures are presented in Appendices C and D, respectively. The approximate locations of the borings completed for this phase of the project are presented on Figure 2, Site and Exploration Plan, in Appendix B of this report. 4.1 Soil Conditions The subsurface exploration program completed for the project consisted of completing 19 borings within the existing track,areas between the end zones and the track,as well as areas east and west of the track. An additional four borings were completed within the football field. The subsurface exploration program disclosed that the track and field areas are covered with an average of 2 inches of asphalt pavement which, in turn, is supported on 2 to 4 inches of crushed sand and gravel base course. The pavement and crushed gravel sections are underlain by variable thickness, man-placed fill,typically in the range of 1 V2 to 3 feet thick. The fill consists of a variety of materials consisting of cinders, silt, fine sand, pit-run sand and gravel, and cobbly gravel. The cinders were encountered in all but two borings beneath the track and varied in thickness from 6 to 10 inches. In many of the borings within the track, a 1-to 2-feet thick layer of gravel and cobbles was encountered at a depth of 2 feet below existing grades. This appeared to be the deepest layer of fill over the native soils. More detailed subsurface descriptions are presented in the boring logs which are included in this report. Grain-size distribution and moisture content tests were performed on representative samples of the underlying subgrade soils. Results of the laboratory tests are included in Appendix D at the end of this report. • Proposed Renton Memorial Stadium Track and Field Improvements Renton, Washington Project No. 6G-9709015 Page 5 The USDA Soil Conservation Service Soil Survey for the King County Area, Washington reports that the near-surface site soils consist of"Urban Land" which is comprised of areas covered by streets, buildings, parking lots and other structures that obscure or alter the soils so that identification is not feasible. Based on the Soil Survey map and the USGS Geologic Map of the Renton Quadrangle,the project area is underlain by soils that can be described as alluvial deposits of silt, sand, and gravel deposited by the Cedar River. The subsurface conditions were evaluated by coring through the asphalt,where applicable, at the approximate locations presented on Figure 2,Site and Exploration Plan. The rubberized track surfacing was typically between 1/8 and 1/4 inch. The underlying asphalt surfacing varied in thickness from 2 to 21/2 inches. Base course beneath the asphalt typically consisted of 3 inches of 1/2-inch minus crushed gravel over varying thicknesses of old cinder track material averaging about 8 inches in thickness. The soils could be described as having the following characteristics in an undisturbed condition: • Slightly susceptible to frost action due to fines sands and silt; • Low shrink-swell potential; ♦ Poor infiltration characteristics due to seasonal high groundwater and silts; • Permeability of 0.6 to 6.0 inches/hour in the upper 5 feet, depending on location; • Designated in Hydrologic Soil Group B or C which implies moderate to slow infiltration rates and moderate to moderately high runoff potential; ♦ Risk of corrosion to uncoated steel and concrete is low; • Unified Soil Classification System designation of CL-ML, ML, SM, and SP. Locally, soluble sulfates are typically less than 150 parts per million which is considered "negligible" sulphate exposure according to ACI 318, Section 4.3,Table 4.3.1,Sulphate Exposures. Conventional Type 1/Type 2 cements may be used for this project. Utility designers should determine if special corrosion designs are necessary. 4.2 Groundwater Conditions Groundwater seepage was encountered in borings,B-1,B-2,B-4,B-5,B-7,B-9,B-10,B-11, B-13, B-14, and borings B-20 through B-23 at depths ranging from about 6.7 to 8.5 feet below existing grades. Groundwater seepage should be expected in deeper excavations across the site which extend more than about 6.5 feet below existing grades. Groundwater conditions, including elevations and quantities,are expected to vary with season,rainfall, surface improvements,and other on- and off-site factors. I Proposed Renton Memorial Stadium Track and Field Improvements Renton, Washington Project No. 6G-9709015 Page 6 The soils encountered on this project are also susceptible to development of a perched groundwater condition. Perched groundwater develops where vertical infiltration of surface precipitation is impeded by the lower-permeability silty soils at depth, resulting in horizontal migration. Perched groundwater conditions should be expected to develop within the granular soils which are underlain by less permeable silts during the winter months and following periods of sustained precipitation. Perched groundwater conditions can typically saturate the near-surface soils rendering them difficult to work with during the winter months. Site soil-moisture conditions and the presence of perched groundwater will depend upon season, precipitation, and on- and off-site utilization. 4.3 Infiltration Test Results A single infiltration test (IT-1) was completed in the vicinity of Boring B-2 at a depth of approximately 5 feet within the loose sand encountered between 4 and 9 feet below existing grades. The test was completed in accordance with the EPA,Falling Head Percolation Test Procedure which is considered acceptable in the King County Surface Water Design Manual. The soils were presoaked for 4 hours prior to measuring the percolation rate. Three successive tests were completed, each time measuring the time for the water column to drop 6 inches. On average, the unfactored percolation rate was measured at 0.7 minutes per inch(min./in.), or about 1.4 inches per minute (in./min). However, according to Table 4.5.2 of the King County Surface Water Design Manual, the maximum allowable infiltration rate for medium sand is 8.0 inches/hour or 0.13 inches/minute. In our opinion,these values would be suitable for the soils observed in our borings. B-2. We anticipate that the soil and groundwater conditions will vary significantly in the vicinity of the infiltration test. Without further subsurface evaluation, the subsurface variations will not become apparent until construction. We recommend that the final location of the infiltration system remain somewhat flexible in order to locate it in the most suitable location. 5.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 Site Development Recommendations Based upon the subsurface conditions encountered during exploration, the following site preparation recommendations are presented. Site preparation will be dependent upon the time of year that construction proceeds as well as the condition of the exposed subgrade soils at the time of construction. M Proposed Renton Memorial Stadium Track and Field Improvements Renton, Washington Project No. 6G-9709015 Page 8 to appropriate discharge locations during construction. Runoff should be routed away from the field area in order to perform earthwork and minimize disturbance due to wet subgrade conditions. Once the surface runoff is controlled,the existing asphalt pavement may be removed from areas requiring earthwork, as necessary. If construction(site stripping/grading) activities are performed during extended dry weather periods, extensive subgrade stabilization may not be necessary.However,we recommend preparing the subgrade during periods when exposed subgrade soils, which are anticipated to be wet, can be dried to compatible moisture contents. Construction traffic should be restricted to specific drive areas to prevent excessive disturbance of the subgrade. The subgrade soils are silty, and therefore moisture-sensitive. If construction proceeds during a generally wet construction period typically associated with early spring,late fall and winter construction, and the moisture sensitive silty soils are allowed to increase in moisture content, they will become unstable. These moisture-sensitive soils are readily disturbed by equipment traffic when wet. We recommend that the contractor take precautions to maintain a dry construction site and protect the subgrade from disturbance. The contractor should be prepared to control surface water runoff from precipitation with the use of interceptor trenches, pumped sumps, etc., prior to entering the work site. It may be advisable to construct the field in sections in order to minimize the amount of exposed subgrade to inclement weather and possible disturbance at any one time. We recommend that the bids for site grading operations should be based upon the time of year that construction will proceed. It is expected that in wet conditions, a minimum of an additional 12-inch thick layer of soil may need to be removed below the exposed subgrades, and stabilization methods such as a coarse crushed rock working mat and/or geotextile reinforcement fabrics to develop a stable condition may be necessary. This estimated overexcavation depth is based upon the moisture sensitivity of the soils and the assumed effect during a wet weather grading period. If undercutting is necessary, it should be confirmed through continuous monitoring and testing by a qualified geotechnical engineer. In the event that abandoned utilities are exposed during grading,we recommend that they be removed from beneath the field and the resulting excavations be backfilled with structural fill as described below. Alternatively, the utilities could be grouted and left in place. All utility work should be completed in accordance with applicable regulations. Upon completion of stripping, we anticipate that the soils exposed will typically consist of loose, silty fine sand or soft silt. Some variations in subgrade conditions (i.e., type of_ fill, relative density or moisture levels) should be expected and addressed by a Giles representative at the time of construction, if necessary. jIf • Proposed Renton Memorial Stadium Track and Field Improvements Renton, Washington Project No. 6G-9709015 Page 9 Proofrolling and Subgrade Compaction Due to the relatively soft and/or loose nature of the native soils, it may be difficult to achieve the level of compaction typically recommended for such applications. However, every attempt should be made to compact the exposed subgrade soils to the levels specified in the project specifications. Prior to receiving structural or drain sand fill, subgrade areas should be proofrolled and compacted with a roller or other suitable heavy equipment to a firm and non-yielding condition, and in order to achieve a minimum compaction level of at least 90 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density as determined by ASTM:D-1557 test procedure or the project specifications, whichever is greater. Within the upper 1 foot below field and track surfacing subgrades,a minimum compaction level of 92 percent of modified Proctor maximum dry density is recommended. The ability to compact the subgrade soils will be dependent upon the moisture conditions of the soils at that time. If subgrade soils are exposed to traffic during wet weather, the subgrade soils may be reduced to mud, requiring removal of the affected soils with attendant increased costs. Due to the silty nature of the near-surface site soils,prerolling and adequate compaction can only be achieved when the soils are at or near their optimum moisture content. Any soft,wet, or significantly organic areas disclosed by proofrolling should be excavated as necessary to reveal firm soils and backfilled with"structural fill" as discussed subsequently. Ultimately,the subgrade compaction may not meet project specifications. If this is the case, the geotechnical engineer of record may need to observe proofrolling of the subgrade to determine its adequacy for support of the track and field. The stripped subgrade within the track and field areas should be proofrolled with heavy rubber-tired construction equipment, such as a fully-loaded, tandem-axle dump truck, (approved by and in the presence of the geotechnical engineer) to detect soft, loose,yielding soils which should be removed to a stable subgrade. The subgrade should then be scarified, adjusted in moisture content, and recompacted to the required density. Low areas and excavations may then be raised to the planned finished grade with compacted structural fill. Given the soft consistency and loose relative density of the near-surface fine-grained and granular soils, respectively, it will be difficult to achieve the minimum recommended compaction levels recommended herein unless the soil moisture can be controlled through drying. Therefore, if the subgrade soils cannot be compacted to the minimum recommended levels,we recommend that an additional 1 foot of existing soil below finish subgrade elevation be removed and replaced with granular structural fill. The granular structural fill could be derived from the existing crushed sand and gravel beneath the asphalt pavement. The exposed subgrade and replacement fill should be compacted to at least a minimum of 90 percent of its modified Proctor maximum dry density except for the upper 1 foot which should be compacted to a minimum of 92 percent of its modified Proctor maximum dry density, if possible. Any overexcavation and replacement below finish subgrade elevation will improve the long-term performance of these facilities if the specified compaction cannot be achieved. • Proposed Renton Memorial Stadium Track and Field Improvements Renton, Washington Project No. 6G-9709015 Page 10 Overexcavation of disturbed or uncompactible subgrade soils will not likely result in the exposure of better quality of compactibility soils. Therefore, we also recommend placing a geotextile reinforcement fabric below the replacement fill to improve the compactibility of all subsequent structural fill. This will also provide more support above the existing sensitive soils during paving when the risk of subgrade disturbance by repeated dump truck traffic will be greatest. In order to place a geotextile above the exposed subgrade and subsequently construct the sub-field drainage system, it will be necessary to lay out the drainpipe alignments first so that geotextiles will not be placed in these areas. We recommend using a woven geotextile similar to Amoco 2006 or Mirafi 600X. 5.2 Structural Fill All fill material placed to establish grade for the new fields, backfilled drains or utilities, or below any structural area should be placed in accordance with the recommendations presented herein for structural fill. The sand drainage fill materials should conform to gradation requirements established by the design engineer,and should be placed in accordance with these recommendations. Any soil used for general structural fill (fill not subject to gradation requirements by the design engineer), should be free of organic materials, debris, or other deleterious materials. The maximum individual particle size of soils used for general fill should be less than 3 inches in diameter. Structural fill should be placed in horizontal lifts, no greater than 8 inches in loose thickness, and each lift should be uniformly compacted to a minimum of 90 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density as determined by ASTM:D-1557 test procedure. Within the upper 1 foot below field and track surfacing subgrades, a minimum compaction level of 92 percent of modified Proctor maximum dry density is recommended. We recommend that a representative of Giles be present during grading so that an appropriate number of density and/or performance tests may be conducted as structural fill placement occurs. In this way, the adequacy of earthwork may be evaluated as it proceeds. Some of the granular on-site soils are anticipated to be suitable for common structural fill use provided moisture is adjusted for compaction to specified densities. However, most soils should be considered unsuitable for reuse as structural fill due to their elevated moisture content and fine- ; ; grained nature. The site soils would be difficult to use for structural fill except during drier periods of the year when the moisture content can be carefully controlled. Even during the summer, delays in grading can occur due to excessively high or low moisture conditions within the soils or due to precipitation. Scarifying and watering,or drying, of the soils may be required for filling with the site soils. If wet weather occurs,the upper wetted portion of the site soils may need to be scarified and allowed to dry prior to further earthwork. All soil used for structural fill should not contain particles larger than 6 inches in diameter and should be free of organic and other deleterious materials. Proposed Renton Memorial Stadium Track and Field Improvements Renton, Washington Project No. 6G-9709015 Page 11 The suitability of soils for general structural fill use depends primarily on the particle size distribution and moisture content of the soil when it is placed. As the amount of fines (that soil fraction passing the U.S. No. 200 sieve) increases, soils become increasingly sensitive to small changes in moisture content and adequate compaction becomes more difficult or impossible to achieve. Generally, soils containing more than about 5 percent fines by weight (based on the soil fraction passing the U.S. No. 4 sieve) cannot be compacted to a firm and non-yielding condition when the moisture content is more than a few percent above optimum. The optimum moisture content is that which yields the greatest soil density under a given compaction effort. Most of the near-surface soils at the subject site are silty and therefore very sensitive to moisture conditions more than about 2 percent above or below optimum when being placed as fill. At the time of our explorations,the moisture contents of the site soils varied from near optimum to about 5 percent over the estimated optimum. The reuse of site soils for structural fill should be carefully monitored, and may require that the soils be moisture conditioned prior to placement in order to achieve the recommended compaction levels. - The silty soils must be placed within a relatively narrow range of the optimum moisture content for proper compaction. Some drying of on-site soils is expected to be needed if grading occurs during the winter or spring months, and the feasibility of grading with on-site soils will depend on whether adequate drying time occurs. Typically,drying is difficult or impossible during wet winter and spring months. Recompaction problems and disturbance of completed subgrades exposed to weather should be expected in wet weather due to the moisture sensitivity of the soil. In the event that inclement weather or wet site conditions preclude the use of on-site soils as general structural fill, we recommend that only clean, free-draining granular materials be used. If import general fill soil is required in wet site or weather conditions, such materials should generally contain less than 3 percent fmes passing the U.S.No. 200 sieve, based on that soil fraction passing the U.S. No. 4 sieve, and should have at least 50 percent of the materials retained on the U.S.No. 4 sieve. It should be noted that the placement of structural fill is, in many cases,weather-dependent. Delays due to wet weather are common, even when using select granular fill. If at all possible, we recommend that site grading and subsurface utility work be scheduled for the drier summer months. Site preparation and selection, placement, and compaction of structural fill should be performed under engineering-controlled conditions in accordance with the project specifications (approved by the geotechnical engineer). Proposed Renton Memorial Stadium Track and Field Improvements Renton, Washington Project No. 6G-9709015 Page 12 Excavation/Grading Difficulties During excavation and grading of existing site fills and native soils,the site contractor should be aware of potential difficulties that may be encountered. Specifically,the probability of soft, wet, subgrades which are easily disturbed when subjected to repeated construction traffic. During or following heavy rains,the groundwater table should be expected to rise. Conventional sumps and pumps should be used to drain excavations or areas of significant water accumulation. Care should be exercised when grading following extended periods of wet weather to avoid disturbance of the moisture-sensitive silty site soils. The contractor should make provisions for the interception and diversion of surface waters around work areas. Exposed grades should be crowned, sloped, and smooth-rolled at the end of each day to allow drainage. The type of earthwork equipment used on the site could also impact the quality of the subgrade soils. 5.3 Utility Trenching and Backfilling Some excavation bank stability problems for utility construction may occur where excavations extend into cohesionless soil or the layer of gravel and cobbles referenced in this report, and due to the presence of existing fill and groundwater. Relatively flat slopes, benching, or temporary bracing may be needed. We recommend that utility trenching,installation,and backfilling conform to all applicable federal, state, and local regulations such as WISHA and OSHA for open excavation. In order to maintain the function of any existing utilities, it is recommended that temporary excavations not encroach upon the bearing splay of existing utilities. Likewise, utility excavations should not encroach upon the bearing splay of footings or floor slabs. This bearing splay should be considered to begin 3 feet away from the widest point of the pipe or foundation and extending down at a 1H:1V(Horizontal:Vertical) slope. If, due to space constraints, an open excavation cannot be completed without encroaching on a utility, shoring the new utility excavation with a slip box or other suitable equipment is recommended. It is recommended that all utility subgrade be firm and unyielding,and free of all soils which are loose, disturbed, or pumping. Such soils should be removed and replaced, if necessary. All structural fill used to replace overexcavated soils should be compacted as specified and as recommended in this report. Structures such as manholes and catch basins which extend into soft or wet soils should be underlain by a minimum of 12 inches of granular fill compacted to a minimum of 90 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density. This granular material could consist of crushed gravel,pit- run sand and gravel, quarry spalls, or coarse crushed concrete. Where water is encountered in the excavations, it should be removed prior to fill placement. Alternatively, quarry spalls or pea gravel could be used above the water level. It may be necessary to place geotextile fabric over the native subgrade soils if they are too soft,to provide a separation between the bedding and subgrade soils. Proposed Renton Memorial Stadium Track and Field Improvements p p Renton, Washington Project No. 6G-9709015 Page 13 After firm subgrades have been achieved,it is recommended that a minimum of 6 inches of bedding material be placed in the trench bottom. Bedding material for rigid and flexible pipe should confirm with Sections 9-03.15 and 9-03.16, respectively, of the 1994 WSDOT/APWA Standard Specification for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction. All trenches should be wide enough to allow for compaction around the haunches of the pipe. Otherwise, materials such as controlled density fill or pea gravel could be used to eliminate the compaction required. Backfilling for the remainder of the trenches could be completed utilizing common fill or select granular fill, depending on soil moisture and weather conditions. Compaction of backfill material should be accomplished with soils within±2 percent of their optimum moisture content in order to achieve the minimum specified compaction levels. A 1-to 2-feet thick layer of large gravel and cobbles was encountered in many of the borings beginning at a depth of about 2 feet below existing grades. This material should be expected to collapse into excavations which penetrate through it. As such, the contractor should be prepared with the appropriate means and methods to shore the excavations and/or replace that material which has caved into the excavation. Any caving would undermine overlying soils which would settle over time due to the loss of support. Construction Dewatering Filtered sump pumps placed in the bottoms of excavations,or other conventional dewatering techniques, are anticipated to be suitable for dewatering excavations that may terminate above the watertable. More specialized dewatering techniques, such as vacuum wells, well points, etc.,may be needed for excavations extending below the watertable. 5.4 Drainage The subfield drain system for this project will likely consist of 4-inch diameter, perforated plastic pipes installed to drain to a suitable discharge location. The pipes are typically embedded in a washed pea gravel which extends up to the finish subgrade elevation. Some excavation bank stability problems during drainage system construction may occur where excavations extend into cohesionless soil or the layer of gravel and cobbles referenced in this report, and due to the presence of existing fill. Relatively flat slopes,benching or temporary bracing may be needed. Excavations should be performed in accordance with local, state and federal (OSHA) regulations. We understand that a subsurface infiltration system is being considered, and may be constructed in the landscape area east of the track and field,to dispose of runoff generated from the east side of the project site. Many of the soils encountered across the site would not be considered to have good infiltration characteristics. However, medium sand was encountered in boring B-2 li , Proposed Renton Memorial Stadium Track and Field Improvements Renton, Washington Project No. 6G-9709015 Page 14 between 4 and 9 feet below grade. Groundwater was encountered at a depth of 8 feet at the time of drilling. Based upon the results of the infiltration test discussed previously in this report, it appears that suitable soils are present in localized areas east of the track and field, within an existing grass- covered area. However,the lateral extent of the sand has not been defined. Provided the extent of the sand is suitable for such a system, and that seasonal high groundwater does not interfere with the performance of the system, it is our opinion that the sandy soils in this area are suitable for the intended use. 5.5 Retaining Wall and Shallow Foundation Design Parameters At this time, we are unaware of shallow foundations planned in association with the improvement project. However, we have included foundation design recommendations in the possibility that it is necessary to design small structures. Due to the variable nature of the existing site soils, we recommend that foundations be supported on a minimum 2-feet thick prism of structural fill which also extends laterally away from each side of the foundation at least 2 feet. All structural fill,as well as the exposed subgrade, should be compacted to a minimum of 90 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density. If it becomes apparent that the subgrade cannot be compacted due to an elevated moisture content, we recommend that a smooth-edged bucket on an excavator be used to complete the overexcavation in order to minimize disturbance of the subgrade. If compaction cannot be achieved,we recommend that a woven geotextile fabric similar to Amoco 2006 be placed over the relatively undisturbed subgrade prior to backfilling. We recommend that such foundations be constructed with a minimum width of 18 inches, and embedded at least 18 inches below exterior finish grade for frost protection. Foundations designed and constructed in this manner may be planned with an allowable soil bearing pressure of 1,500 pounds per square foot (psf). The allowable bearing capacity may be increased by one-third to resist transient, dynamic loads such as wind and seismic forces. It is recommended that we be contacted to provide structure- specific foundation recommendations for anything other than possible small retaining walls or lightly-loaded structures, in which case foundation design parameters could be provided after a deeper subsurface evaluation is completed to address liquefaction risks. The suitability of the actual foundation support soils must be determined during construction by a qualified geotechnical engineer so that the foundations are supported within and underlain by suitable bearing materials. All footing overexcavations should be backfilled with structural compacted fill or,alternatively,lean mix concrete(100±psi)backfill may be used in shallow vertical excavations below the foundations. The lean mix alternate, however, may not be practical in some areas of the site due to caving of cohesionless soils. Stepped or thickened strip footings and uniformly thickened footings could also be used to extend to suitable bearing soils. Proposed Renton Memorial Stadium Track and Field Improvements Renton, Washington Project No. 6G-9709015 Page 15 Estimated Settlement Post-construction total and differential settlements for a foundation system designed in accordance with the above recommendations are estimated to be 1 inch and 0.5 inch respectively, with an angular distortion of less than 0.002 inch per inch for a span of 20 feet or greater. Estimated settlements are, therefore, considered within tolerable limits for the proposed structures. Retaining Wall Lateral Earth Pressures The lateral soil pressures acting on a retaining wall will primarily depend on the degree of compaction and the amount of lateral movement permitted at the top of the wall during and after backfilling operations. If the wall is free to yield at the top an amount equal to at least 0.1 percent of the height of the wall, the soil pressure will be less than if structurally restrained from lateral movement at the top. Retaining walls can be designed using an equivalent fluid pressure of 35 pcf (pounds per cubic foot) and 50 pcf for yielding and non-yielding backfilled walls, respectively. These equivalent fluid pressures assume that the wall backfill is compacted to approximately 90 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM:D-1557). Assuming level ground conditions at the toe of the wall, an allowable passive pressure value assuming an equivalent fluid weight of 250 pcf may be used,neglecting the upper 1 foot of soil. This recommendation assumes that the soil providing passive pressure resistance will extend horizontally away from the wall a distance equal to at least 2.5 times the depth of embedment of the wall. If not,the allowable passive pressure resistence should be reduced accordingly. We recommend that Giles be allowed to review the design drawings and calculations for these walls and recommend modifications, if necessary, if they are applied to walls greater than 12 feet in height. We recommend an allowable base friction value of 0.30, utilizing a factor of safety of 1.5. The above equivalent fluid pressures are based on the assumption of a uniform horizontal backfill and no buildup of hydrostatic pressure behind the walls. Surcharge pressures due to sloping ground, adjacent footings, vehicles, construction equipment, etc., must be added to these values. Sloping surcharges within a distance from the top of the wall equal to the height of the wall should be factored into the wall design. The equivalent surcharge of the slope within the distance previously described should be equal to half the height of the slope. Vehicle surcharges could be modeled as an equivalent 2-feet thick soil surcharge of 250 psf. To prevent the buildup of lateral earth pressures in excess of the above design pressures,over compaction of fill materials immediately behind the walls should be avoided. Only light, self • - propelled or hand-compaction equipment should be allowed within close proximity to the walls. Backfill placed behind walls should be placed in accordance with our recommendations for structural fill, except the maximum compacted fill density should not exceed 90 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density. At the base of the wall, we recommend providing a continuous Proposed Renton Memorial Stadium Track and Field Improvements Renton, Washington Project No. 6G-9709015 Page 16 footing drain. The footing drain(with cleanouts) should consist of perforated pipes, sloped to drain, with perforations placed down and enveloped by at least 6 inches of pea gravel in all directions. Weepholes should be installed at the wall base as a backup system. Free-draining backfill adjacent to the backfilled walls should be continuous to and freely communicate with the pea gravel surrounding the drains. A minimum width of 2 feet of clean, granular,free-draining backfill should extend from the footing drains at the base of the wall to within 1 foot of the ground surface, to prevent the buildup of hydrostatic forces. Wall backfill should consist of aggregate with less than 3 percent passing the U.S. No. 200 Sieve, based on that fraction passing the U.S. No. 4 Sieve, with at least 50 percent retained on the No. 4 Sieve. It should be realized the primary purpose of the free-draining material is reduction of hydrostatic pressure. 6.0 CLOSURE The conclusions and recommendations presented in this report are based, in part, on the explorations accomplished for this study. The number, location,and depth of the explorations were completed within the constraints of budget and site access so as to yield the information to formulate the recommendations. Project plans were in the preliminary stage at the time of this report preparation. It is,therefore,recommended that Giles be provided the opportunity for general review of the project plans and specifications when they become available in order to confirm that the recommendations and design considerations presented in this report have been properly interpreted and implemented into the project design package. The integrity of earthwork, structural fill placement, and foundation and pavement performance depend greatly on proper site preparation and construction procedures. It is recommended that Giles be retained to provide geotechnical engineering services during the earthwork and foundation construction phases of the project. If variations in the subsurface conditions are observed at that time, Giles would be able to provide additional geotechnical engineering recommendations to the contractor and design team in a timely manner as the project construction progresses. Giles Engineering Associates, Inc.appreciates the opportunity to have been of service on this project and would be pleased to discuss the contents of this report or other aspects of this project with you at your convenience. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. APPENDIX A GENERAL COMMENTS a. GENERAL COMMENTS The soil samples obtained during the subsurface exploration will be retained for a period of thirty days. If no instructions are received, they will be disposed of at that time. This report has been prepared exclusively for the client in order to aid in the evaluation of this property and to assist the architects and engineers in the design and preparation of the project plans and specifications. Copies of this report may be provided to contractor(s), with contract documents, to disclose information relative to this project. The report, however, has not been prepared to serve as the plans and specifications for actual construction without the appropriate interpretation by the ' project architect, structural engineer, and/or civil engineer. Reproduction and distribution of this report must be authorized by the client and Giles. This report has been based on assumed conditions/characteristics of the proposed development where specific information was not available. It is recommended that the architect, civil engineer and structural engineer along with any other design professionals involved in this project carefully review these assumptions to ensure they are consistent with the actual planned development. When discrepancies exist, they should be brought to our attention to ensure they do not affect the conclusions and recommendations provided herein. The project plans and specifications may also be submitted to Giles for review to ensure that the geotechnical related conclusions and recommendations provided herein have been correctly interpreted. The analysis of this site was based on a subsoil profile interpolated from a limited subsurface exploration. If the actual conditions encountered during construction vary from those indicated by the borings, Giles must be contacted immediately to determine if the conditions alter the recommendations contained herein. The conclusions and recommendations presented in this report have been promulgated in accordance with generally accepted professional engineering practice in the field of geotechnical engineering. No other warranty is either expressed or implied. APPENDIX B FIGURES The Site and Exploration Plan contained herein was prepared based upon information supplied by Giles' client, or others, along with Giles'field measurements and observations. The diagram is presented for conceptual purposes only and is intended to assist the reader in report interpretation. \"--- V Olf. ' - I all )1711%7711101,111121111111alks 1:i\ Vrt 1 $ \f° • its. , CI , ,.„..,..,,, .7.,:.7,......., ., ,, , pro% 1---rimminoriil( • .:- i I % Vika ' '‘ AI ral . oral& Mialuill4(...q\I \ :-; - \ t Ire" .: - ,‘ "h' oft* , , laliiESL. • i N. 1\( u . e �pl!t-4c ` , 21 � I 1 44111 + ' M Iji_ I 4,4% s���� YvLe :VI`�1 �� I '``At�RP:-"� ton I � ` rela\ r ` �i 1442 Z 1% ItSAL i II Ir:- 1 -_---: ,i ,wurittadiu � r16 , 01 i 1\A 41111111111kgr i 1 i ft iti , rip ..._'ft*. a. _,.,7. ..,,d)t) ih il 1'5' Ill'\ 4111E1 iffi 4. I_ .. ;.'-'3' \t‘ ' ___4411710141.11a111 ��=�� ` ` u ,Park 7..7 r l" '� Mil _mime:. t ' t II hr. • / ,, ,ark. ��� =. ,o �� A4�_1� Iir,L• — — ` / � :. ate om 1 '=��ii !I® `� \fib T = i! 'I prialjd��•►� 4 of � ,� 'mil i• ''7-JAINAti 1 .0.7% i gill Pr itly," ..ii}4-______ ,---1„-, 0 1 riTo-- ,____,01-0--- t, ., , , , ft tiiir,...N,Aiii---s.,_\,A _ r III i I� :rill• �r ;: .� II ois. Pow pp-sir/ h;a it k � . _ it 1 1 Plant' Zvi ,• ��� �� Sewage D' ��_.�!�� '... � � Iriftelpir� , Plant �' , ��• 1t 1. F. ,,e4LAir "Iiirolimive.w ' 24 bsta invokoirr Jens, +.; Lg. wilkm4fc ( rie-po.v4Ii.'4174azir-A 1 • - - /". I 0 ‘\,, .. ...1 1 /40 ROW ' 01 6i 46 $4 1,k- ..1‘ M ilk, 11\ C ARIA .tat iirNI , Lnl ifTel•.l I al�Ot l N ►(„`�1 W .;I�t�` E s RENTON STADIUM TRACK AND Job No. 6G-9709015 FIELD IMPROVEMENTS 405 LOGAN AVENUE NORTH Design: TAJ RENTON,WASHINGTON Drawn: TAJ G I L E S SITE LOCATION MAP Date: OCT.27, 1997 W FIGURE 1 — - ENGINEERING l JSSOCIATES, INC. I Scale: -1"=2,000' 1 IN OAP.!LW I MN WI WM% _ w 3• ,I Of NMI VISITOR'S BLEACHERS 1 \of a / —'� J`?sai _•.. ru— -T'-.f in -- -----y SUMP wr m ma r�a� a.am a LP. uu • . -. , B-6 \.ma vea t - WEI "".":1=L Iota /` ` ���lTlT���� .. .. ._siik .. \ ��I �T I'" �r c IZ�T• . ' <U•1Vil?. r i�L:9•.J.T� \ �� a o*io•........w, :::10r.%,-,,t4.?"4",/ .° Imo' I u..a ;�, I 1B�F•;.. ``�"�• \ ?4 `�Ills IIII IIII II11 IIII IIII IIII IIII IIII IIII III( IIII IIII IIiI IIII IIII IIII IIII IIII IIII �� � /2 i ,: I� B-4r. • l. 0 •- 0- 0 g • - 0• 0 •L 1 , B /11111101•0:1 Mt f ` / B-20 B-23 •mh IF // III II I 11 I IIII IIII IIII IIII IIIIIIII IIII IIII IIIIIIII II IF III B-1U IT-11 o , o ' . B-3 I �.. B-17: . . •�q,4, ..' g lit. 111111.11111( _ .T. B-11 ,1e.�� 4. , t I j i / •`� �, , III II II I !Hi 'Hi IIII nil Hit Hi' IIII !Hi IIII IIII II IIII 11 / -B-21 B-22 B-13 ! / 1 V) B-16 , • SO i -�ii, �IIIIAAIA 111111.1111111=11111MEMM 11 ll MI 1• 40 ..7 o i .50 10 • / J` B-18 � �; a.+�c.. 11" .. ice's,.i Jam_ 2��/_ 4 l 7 1 ma ` _ iNZ �� B-15 B-14 �� n;, _ � 4. • S: \ algid=OM MON Lilt - ;:, ........... — CONCRETE GRANDSTAND COMPLEX _"' • GRAPHIC SCAB Tt 20 40 60 100 FIGURE 1, SITE AND EXPLORATION PLAN RENTON MEMORIAL STADIUM TRACK AND FIELD IMPROVEMENTS 405 LOGAN AVENUE NORTH RENTON,WASHINGTON EXPLANATION GEA JOB NO. 6G-9709015 1- 1 S BORING NUMBER AND APPROXIMATE LOCATION B-1 , - - - --_- Ic5c l,:- 0 INFILTRATION TEST NUMBER&APPROXIMATE LOCATION IT-1 Q I i GILES CNGINEERIr1G l JSSOCAATES,INC. • GEOTECHNICAL GEOENVIRONMENTAL ORIGINAL DRAWING TITLED "RENTON STADIUM TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY",DATED 9/16/97,BY HAWN&ASSOCIATES,INC. AND CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS CONSULTANTS I ' - APPENDIX C FIELD PROCEDURES AND EXPLORATION LOGS The field operations were conducted in general accordance with the procedures recommended by the American Society for Testing and Materials(ASTM)designation D 420 entitled "Standard Guide for Sampling Soil and Rock"and/or other relevant specifications. Soil samples were preserved and transported to Giles'laboratory in general accordance with the procedures recommended by ASTM designation D 4220 entitled "standard practice for preserving and transporting soil samples." Brief descriptions of the sampling, testing and field procedures commonly performed by Giles are provided herein. The Exploration Logs and related information enclosed herein depict the subsurface (soil and water) conditions encountered at the specific exploration locations on the date that the exploration was performed. Subsurface conditions may differ between exploration locations and within areas of the site that were not explored. The subsurface conditions may also change at the exploration locations over the passage of time. GENERAL FIELD PROCEDURES Surface and subsurface conditions at the project site were explored on September 18 and 19, 1997. The surface evaluation consisted of a visual reconnaissance, and the subsurface exploration consisted of advancing 19 hollow-stein auger soil borings to a maximum depth of approximately 9 feet below existing grades. The borings are designated B-1 through B-19 on Site and Exploration Plan (Figure 2). Test Boring Locations and Elevations The location and depth of the explorations were selected with regard to the proposed site developments and under the constraints of budget and site access. The locations of the explorations were determined using a site plan provided to Giles and by measuring from existing site features with a handheld measuring tape. As such, the exploration locations shown on Figure 2 should be considered accurate only to the degree implied by the measuring methods. It should be emphasized that the explorations revealed subsurface conditions only at discrete locations on the project site and that actual conditions could vary at other locations. The nature and extent of any such variations would not become evident until construction activities have begun. If significant variations are observed at that time, the conclusions and recommendations may need to be modified to reflect actual conditions. Test Boring Methods Soil borings were advanced with 4'/4"I.D. continuous flight hollow-stem auger, using a truck-mounted drill rig operated by an independent firm working under subcontract to Giles. An experienced geotechnical engineer from Giles continuously observed the boring, logged the subsurface conditions, obtained representative soil samples, and transported the samples to Giles' laboratory for further classification and testing as deemed necessary. Throughout the drilling operation, soil samples were obtained from the borings at 2%foot to 5-foot depth intervals by means of the Standard Penetration Test procedure (ASTM:D-1586). This test and sampling method consists of driving a standard 2-inch (outside diameter)split-barrel sampler a distance of 18"into the soil with a 140-pound hammer free falling a distance of 30 inches. The number of blows required to drive the sampler through each of three 6-inch penetration intervals is counted, and the total number of blows struck during the final 12 inches is considered the Standard Penetration Resistance, or 'blow count. "If a total of 50 blows is struck within one 6- inch interval, the driving is ceased and the blow count is recorded as 50 blows for the actual number of inches of penetration. The resulting Standard Penetration Resistance values (N-values)provide a measure of the relative density of granular soils and the relative consistency of cohesive soils. Test Boring Logs The boring logs describe the various types of soils encountered in the boring, based primarily on visual interpretations made in the field and supported by subsequent laboratory testing of selected samples, if necessary. The logs also indicate the approximate depth of the contacts between different soil types, although these contacts may be gradational or undulating. Where a change in soil type occurred between sampling intervals, the depth of contact was inferred. In addition, the log indicates the Standard Penetration Resistance at each sample location, and any laboratory tests performed on the soil samples. Depth to groundwater is also indicated on the boring logs, where applicable. Groundwater depth is typically estimated from the moisture content of soil samples, the wetted height of the drilling rods, and/or the groundwater level measured in the boring before and/or after the auger has been extracted. Sampling and Testing Procedures The field testing and sampling operations were conducted in general accordance with the procedures recommended by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) and/or other relevant specifications. Results of the field testing(i.e., N-values) are reported on the Test Boring Logs. Explanation of the terms and symbols shown on the logs are provided on the appendix enclosure entitled "General Notes. " LOG OF TEST BORING GILES ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. HOLE No. B-1 Bothell, Washington PROJECT Renton Memorial Stadium Track and Field Replacement Job No. 6G-9709015 405 Logan Avenue North Renton, Washington S.R. 1Station Offset C.S. I Equipment B-24 Casing Ground El N.M. (N.M. m) 'Method of Boring HSA Start Date September 18, 1997 Completion Date September 18, 1997 Sheet 1 of 1 d Standard ° c "' 07 c E Penetration Test SPT F m z a .9 m °' i d c Blows/ft ai a a) m Description of Material o n Blows/ft (N) B •F J F- c m o ?!) 20 30 40 W N co 8 1-SS %w 2 " sod and topsoil over 2" cinders over 3" crushed 1 sand and gravel (FILL) over loose, moist, brown, silty fine SAND/fine sandy SILT Grades to gray 0 4 2-SS %w Soft, brown-gray with light orange mottling, moist - to wet, SILT _ —1 — 5-s 0 — - 4 3-SS %w Soft,wet,gray with heavy orange mottling, SILT with trace fine sand —2 Loose, moist, orange-brown, interbedded silty fine — SAND and fine SAND with little silt • 5 4-SS %w Loose, saturated, gray,fine SAND with little silt _ with thin peat stringers (< 1/16 inch thick) -SZ Boring terminated at approximately 9 feet 10— 3 — —4 — 15 — j• LOG OF TEST BORING GILES ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. ,HOLE No. B-2 Bothell, Washington ,PROJECT Renton Memorial Stadium Track and Field Replacement Job No. 6G-9709015 _. 405 Logan Avenue North Renton, Washington S.R. 'Station Offset C.S. Equipment B-24 Casing Ground El N.M. (N.M. m) (Method of Boring HSA Start Date September 18, 1997 Completion Date September 18, 1997 Sheet 1 of 1 Standard SPT > z° c d H - Penetration Test m z ; E L 2 Blows/ft a m J Description of Material Blows/ft (N) E E H z 2 c cn 10 20 30 40. 14 1-SS %w 2" sod over 4" SILT TOPSOIL with fine roots over loose, moist, brown,fine sandy SILT (FILL) Firm,damp, gray-tan,sandy GRAVEL(Pit-Run FILL) 7 2-SS sieve Loose, damp, brown-gray, g y, interbedded fine to medium SAND and SILT - • 5 5 3-SS sieve Loose,damp, yellow-brown, medium SAND with — - trace silt • —2 • "a„ Firm,saturated, yellow-brown to orange-brown,fine 11 4-SS to medium SAND with trace gravel; 2" silt layer at _Q -7.7 feet =_ Grades to gray, coarse SAND with little gravel 10--3 -- --4 - 15 LOG OF TEST BORING GILES ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. HOLE No. B-3 Bothell, Washington PROJECT Renton Memorial Stadium Track and Field Replacement Job No. 6G-9709015 405 Logan Avenue North Renton, Washington S.R. 'Station Offset C.S. Equipment B-24 Casing Ground El N.M. (N.M. m) 'Method of Boring HSA 1Start Date September 18, 1997 Completion Date September 18, 1997 Sheet 1 of 1 Standard a c L H w Penetration Test SPT F- Z 4.2 cg o Blows/ft d a d CO d Description of Material ct Blows/ft (N) E B ' J ~ g H 2 c 0 20 30 40 Cl) y • 9 1-SS %w 2" sod over 4"soft, moist,dark brown, SILT (TOPSOIL) Stiff, moist grading to dry, brown, SILT with trace fine sand• - 25 2-SS %w Firm, moist,yellow-browm, fine SAND with trace silt and gravel —1 — 5— 21 3-SS — _ Firm, moist, brown,fine to medium SAND with little •,gravel. Blowcounts overstated. —2 — • 5 4-SS %w Medium stiff, brown, wet, SILT with trace fine sand • Loose, moist, orange-brown, fine SAND with trace silt 10— 3 —4 — — 15 LOG OF TEST BORING GILES ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. HOLE No. B-4 Bothell, Washington PROJECT Renton Memorial Stadium Track and Field Replacement Job No. 6G-9709015 405 Logan Avenue North Renton, Washington S.R. Station Offset C.S. Equipment B-24 Casing Ground El N.M. (N.M. m) Method of Boring HSA Start Date September 18, 1997 Completion Date September 18, 1997 Sheet 1 of 1 d Standard SPT T z o c H = Penetration Test I- d Z n 3 o Blows/ft c a N J Description of Material Q a Blows/ftc (N) ~ o 10 20 30 40 N ' 3.5" asphalt over 3.5" crushed sand and gravel � 8 1-SS %w (FILL) Loose, moist, brown,fine sandy SILT grading to brown with orange mottling, silty fine SAND . a •" — 22 2-SS %w Firm, damp,gray, gravelly SAND —1 :°:•:• ,' ,'a' - 5 2 3-SS %w Very soft, wet, brown with orange mottling,silty fine sand grading to fine sandy SILT • —2 — 5 4-SS %w Very soft,wet to saturated, blue-gray and brown, 2-- organic SILT with trace clay Loose,saturated,gray, fine SAND with trace silt ' —3 10— —4 — - 15 LOG OF TEST BORING GILES ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. ,HOLE No. B-5 Bothell, Washington (PROJECT Renton Memorial Stadium Track and Field Replacement Job No. 6G-9709015 405 Logan Avenue North Renton, Washington S.R. 1 'Station Offset C.S. 'Equipment B-24 Casing Ground El N.M. (N.M. m) Method of Boring HSA Start Date September 18, 1997 Completion Date September 18, 1997 Sheet 1 of 1 d w Standard SPT a z° c CO = Penetration Test ~ d z o y 3 _ �, LP Blows/ft a d d Description of Material v 1 o a Blows/ft (N) E (E F J c c 10 20 30 40 N w 2" asphalt over 3" crushed sand and gravel (FILL) � 16 1-SS %w Firm, moist, black, cinders (FILL) • Medium stiff, moist, light brown, SILT with trace I - fine sand - 0 0 0 3 p < 0 20 2-SS %w Firm, damp, gray, sandy GRAVEL/gravelly SAND • — 5— 4 3-SS %w Loose, moist, brown-gray, silty fine SAND —2 — 0 2 4-SS %w Very soft, saturated, mottled orange and gray, SILT 1 - SZ • 10--3 — —4 — - 15 LOG OF TEST BORING GS NRG ASS ILEO CIATESENGIEE, INC IN . HOLE No. B-6 Bothell, Washington PROJECT Renton Memorial Stadium Track and Field Replacement Job No. 6G-9709015 405 Logan Avenue North Renton, Washington S.R. Station Offset C.S. Equipment B-24 Casing Ground El N.M. (N.M. m) Method of Boring HSA Start Date September 18, 1997 Completion Date September 18, 1997 Sheet 1 of 1 Standard SPT > z c m - Penetration Test Z °`= Blows/ft Blows/ft o E j 2 Description of Material 2 m 2 (M E N IV 2 c 10 20 30 40co 2" asphalt over 3" crushed sand and gravel (FILL) • 19 1-SS Firm,damp, black, cinders (FILL) • 22 2-SS Firm, moist brown-gray,gravelly SAND with little silt —1 — 5s • — 7 3-SS Loose,wet, gray,fine SAND with trace silt —2 — 4-SS %w Very soft, wet, gray, SILT with little clay 0--3 —4 - 15 LOG OF TEST BORING GILES ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. HOLE No. B-7 Bothell, Washington PROJECT Renton Memorial Stadium Track and Field Replacement Job No. 6G-9709015 405 Logan Avenue North Renton, Washington S.R. Station Offset C.S. Equipment B-24 Casing Ground El N.M. (N.M. m) Method of Boring HSA Start Date September 18, 1997 Completion Date September 18, 1997 Sheet 1 of 1 - d _ Standard SPT 'a z 0 d y = Penetration Test ~ Z 3 C a� o Blows/ft m a a) Description of Material v 5 C. Blows/ft (N) E cn E ' E- 2 10 20 30 40 N 2" asphalt over 3" crushed sand and gravel (FILL) • 17 1-SS %w Firm, moist, black,.cinders (FILL) 6_ t y •. • • • (f • 18 2-SS %w Firm, moist, black-brown,sandy GRAVEL with 6 _ cobbles _ —1 •• • — 5 7 3-SS %w Loose, moist,yellow-brown,fine to medium SAND — with little silt and silt interbeds to -1"thick • —2 Grades to wet to saturated and gray with interbeds — _ - of silt with trace clay _ 3 4-SS %w Very soft, wet to saturated, gray SILT 10— 3 —4 — - 15 LOG OF TEST BORING GILEASSS ENGINEERING INC OCIATES, . HOLE No. B-8 Bothell, Washington PROJECT Renton Memorial Stadium Track and Field Replacement Job No. 6G-9709015 405 Logan Avenue North Renton, Washington S.R. I • Station Offset C.S. Equipment B-24 Casing Ground El N.M. (N.M. m) ¶lethod of Boring HSA Start Date September 18, 1997 Completion Date September 18, 1997 Sheet 1 of 1 E Standard SPT a z° c d m m Penetration Test ~ a, z a r °' ` Blows/ft Blows/ft .3 a d Description of Material 7 J aai m a (N) E E -? ° c o10 20 30 40 w ra y 0 0 2" asphalt over 3" crushed sand and gravel (FILL) 17 1-SS %w Firm, moist, black cinders (FILL) . 1 . Firm, moist, brown, sandy GRAVEL with cobbles - _ ► im 1 - Auger refusal at approximately 2,2 feet due to cobbles —1 — 5J- — - —2 — 10--3 — _ _ • --4 — - 15 LOG OF TEST BORING GILES ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. HOLE No. B-9 Bothell, Washington PROJECT Renton Memorial Stadium Track and Field Replacement Job No. 6G-9709015 405 Logan Avenue North Renton, Washington S.R. Station Offset C.S. Equipment B-24 Casing Ground El N.M. (N.M. m) Method of Boring HSA Start Date September 18, 1997 Completion Date September 18, 1997 Sheet 1 of 1 � d Standard ° d c d Penetration Test SPT d Z 3 E o Blows/ft a2 a d To d Description of Material ` a o Blows/ft (N) E E ~ ~ o 2 10 20 30 40 2" asphalt over 3" crushed sand and gravel (FILL) 20 1-SS %w • • Firm, moist, black cinders (FILL) Firm, moist, yellow-brown, fine to medium SAND _ with trace silt • 5 2-SS %w Loose, moist, brown, gravelly SAND —1 Soft, wset gray, SILT 5-7 5 3-SS sieve Loose, damp, orange-brown grading to gray,fine to medimu SAND with trace silt —2 — • Loose,wet grading to saturated, brown, gravelly 9 4-SS %w SAND/sandy GRAVEL with little silt• _ 10--3 __4 - 115 LOG OF TEST BORING GILES ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. HOLE No. B-10 Bothell, Washington ;PROJECT Renton Memorial Stadium Track and Field Replacement Job No. 6G-9709015 405 Logan Avenue North Renton, Washington S.R. 'Station Offset C.S. Equipment B-24 Casing Ground El N.M. (N.M. m) Method of Boring HSA Start Date September 18, 1997 Completion Date September 18, 1997 Sheet 1 of 1 Standard SPT z c c t w Penetration Test d Z a y 3 E d o Blows/ft — dco „ Description of Material ` 15 a Blows/ft (N) E E F F- o c 10 20 30 40 W 2.5" asphalt over 2" crushed sand and gravel.(FILL) 14 1-SS %w - Firm, moist,yellow-brown,fine SAND with trace silt and gravel 4 2-SS %w Interbedded loose, damp, orange,fine to medium . SAND with trace silt and soft, wet, brown with _ —1 - orange mottling, SILT with trace clay — I • 15-- — - 1 3-SS %w —2 — _YZ 5 4-SS %w Very soft to soft,saturated, orange and gray, fine sandy SILT _ — l0--3 — —4 — 15 LOG OF TEST BORING GILES ENGINEERING CP ASSOCIATES, INC. HOLE No. B-11 Bothell, Washington PROJECT Renton Memorial Stadium Track and Field Replacement Job No. 6G-9709015 405 Logan Avenue North Renton, Washington S.R. Station Offset C.S. Equipment B-24 Casing Ground El N.M. (N.M. m) Method of Boring HSA Start Date September 18, 1997 Completion Date September 18, 1997 Sheet 1 of 1 cu Standard SPT 'a' z° c m d z P. = Penetration Test ~ a z a iz a, o Blows/ft .3 — 0 m m Description of Material Q a Blows/ft (N) E E 12 J F- 2 c 10 20 30 40 N 2" asphalt over 3" crushed sand and gravel (FILL) 6 1-SS %w Loose, moist, brown,gravelly SAND (FILL) 0 2 2-SS %w Very soft,wet, orange and brown, SILT with trace clay —1 — 5— — - 4 3-SS %w Loose, moist to wet, mottled orange and gray,fine . SAND with trace to little silt - -2 — 8 4-SS a/ow 2 10— 3 — —4 — - 15 ,, LOG OF TEST BORING GILES ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. HOLE No. B-12 Bothell, Washington PROJECT Renton Memorial Stadium Track and Field Replacement Job No. 6G-9709015 405 Logan Avenue North Renton, Washington S.R. Station Offset C.S. Equipment B-24 Casing Ground El N.M. (N.M. m) Method of Boring HSA Start Date September 18, 1997 Completion Date September 18, 1997 Sheet 1 of 1 N z E Standard SPT ? z c m d a, 2 Penetration Test ~ m Z " E ki o Blows/ft °? a a, m Description of Material c 2 o o Blows/ft (N) E ,, H J F- o c 10 20 30 40 N 0 1.2" asphalt over 3" crushed sand and gravel (FILL) 25 1-SS %w Firm,moist, black,cinders (FILL) Firm, moist, brown,gravelly SAND with trace silt - Auger refusal at approximately 2.2 feet on cobbles —1 — 15-- — - —2 — UO— 3 — —4 — - - 1 1'5i - LOG OF TEST BORING GILES ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. HOLE No. B-13 Bothell, Washington PROJECT Renton Memorial Stadium Track and Field Replacement Job No. 6G-9709015 405 Logan Avenue North Renton, Washington S.R. Station Offset C.S. 'Equipment B-24 Casing Ground El N.M. (N.M. m) 'Method of Boring HSA Start Date September 19, 1997 Completion Date September 19, 1997 Sheet 1 of 1 E Standard SPT T z c d Penetration Test Z a Y 3 Blows/ft o ows/t d a 1 ; Description of Material Blows/ft IN) 71. N F J ~ o 10 20 30 40 N 2" asphalt over 3" crushed sand and gravel (FILL) 13 1-SS %w Firm, moist, orange-gray,fine to medium SAND with trace silt and gravel - 4 2-SS %w Soft grading to very soft,wet, gray-brown grading to gray, SILT with trace clay —1 5-- Q —1 3-SS %w —2- Very loose, saturated, gray,silty fine SAND O 3 4-SS %w —3 10— • —4 — - 15 LOG OF TEST BORING GILES ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. HOLE No. B-14 Bothell, Washington PROJECT Renton Memorial Stadium Track and Field Replacement Job No. 6G-9709015 .- 405 Logan Avenue North Renton, Washington S.R. Station Offset C.S. Equipment B-24 Casing Ground El N.M. (N.M. m) Method of Boring HSA Start Date September 19, 1997 Completion Date September 19, 1997 Sheet 1 of 1 Standard SPT >. z c— II d H c. Penetration Test F- Z _ y 3 a o Blows/ft * — m -J d Description of Material v ` y d o Blows/ft (N) E 1- c 2 co cn a c7 10 20 30 40 2" asphalt over 2.5" crushed sand and gravel (FILL) 25 1-SS %w Firm, Moist, Black,cinders (FILL) • Firm, moist, brown,silty SAND with little gravel • 1 • 3 2-SS %w Gravel and cobbles —1 Very soft to soft,moist to saturated,gray, SILT — 5— • — 2 3-SS %w ' —2 - - 2 5 4-SS %w Very loose, saturated, orange-brown,silty fine SAND/fine sandy SILT - Loose, saturated, gray,fine to medium SAND with - \trace silt 1,0— 3 — —4 — 15 LOG OF TEST BORING GILES ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. HOLE No. B-15 Bothell, Washington L PROJECT Renton Memorial Stadium Track and Field Replacement Job No. 6G-9709015 405 Logan Avenue North Renton, Washington S.R.L Station Offset C.S. L 1 Equipment B-24 Casing Ground El N.M. (N.M. m) Method of Boring HSA f- : ,Start Date September 19, 1997 Completion Date September 19, 1997 Sheet 1 of 1 L 2- Standard SPT T z° o m c t y - Penetration Test F- d Z H 3 °' d o Blows/ft d a m m d Description of Material v o 2 a Blows/ft (N) Z. m a -' ~ c 10 20 30 40 y L © 2" asphalt over 3" crushed sand and gravel (FILL) 31 1-SS %w Firm. moist, black cinders (FILL) Firm, moist, light brown,silty SAND with gravel - 7 A Gravel and Cobbles L1 Auger refusal at approximately 2.5 feet due to - cobbles _ —1 - - 5—_ — 1 1 L -2 — 10— 3 -- - i , —4 — I - - 115 L • LOG OF TEST BORING GILES ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. HOLE No. B-1 7 Bothell, Washington PROJECT Renton Memorial Stadium Track and Field Replacement Job No. 6G-9709015 405 Logan Avenue North Renton, Washington S.R. Station Offset C.S. Equipment B-24 Casing Ground El N.M. (N.M. m) Method of Boring HSA Start Date September 19, 1997 Completion Date September 19, 1997 Sheet 1 of 1 E Standard SPT a z o y = Penetration Test ~ Z a y ; o Blows/ft d a m m Description of Material ` a Blows/ft (N) E E -' f- m F. 2 2 10 20 30 40 O 2" asphalt over 4" crushed sand and gravel (FILL) 16 1-SS %w Firm, moist, red-brown grading to black, cinders '- - ",(FILL) Firm, moist, brown,fine SAND with trace silt and _ W.1 gravel 1 • Gravel and Cobbles 10.1 • 14 2-SS sieve Firm, moist, brown,fine SAND with trace silt 5 - • 9 3-SS %w• — : with silt interbeds to 1"thick —2 — • 2 4-SS %w Very soft, wet, dark brown, silt with trace organics Very soft, wet, gray, SILT with trace clay 10--3 —4 — 15 • LOG OF TEST BORING GILES ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. HOLE No. B-18 Bothell, Washington PROJECT Renton Memorial Stadium Track and Field Replacement Job No. 6G-9709015 405 Logan Avenue North Renton, Washington S.R. Station Offset C.S. Equipment B-24 Casing Ground El N.M. (N.M. m) Method of Boring HSA Start Date September 19, 1997 Completion Date September 19, 1997 Sheet 1 of 1 m d Standard SPT > z c to- m L H = Penetration Test y m z y E E Blows/ft Blows/ft a s Description of Material c 2 01 d (N) E 'o Cao g c 10 20 30 40 2" asphalt over 3" crushed sand and gravel (FILL) }C . 17 1-SS %w Firm, moist, orange-brown grading to yellow-brown, silty fine SAND - - j Gravel and Cobbles Auger refusal due to cobbles —1 — 5—^ — - —2 — 10--3 -- -4 — 15 • LOG OF TEST BORING GILES ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. HOLE No. B-19 Bothell, Washington PROJECT Renton Memorial Stadium Track and Field Replacement Job No. 6G-9709015 405 Logan Avenue North Renton, Washington S.R. Station Offset C.S. Equipment B-24 Casing Ground El N.M. (N.M. m) Method of Boring HSA Start Date September 19, 1997 Completion Date September 19, 1997 Sheet 1 of 1 Standard SPT a z° 0 d Penetration Test Z y 2 Blows/ft Blows/ft a ? co Description of Material j 2 IN) c 2 — 10 20 30 40 N N CD 2" asphalt over 3" crushed sand and gravel (FILL) 16 1-SS %w Medium stiff, moist,dark brown, SILT Loose, moist, brown,silty fine SAND m=11.2% • • 7 2-SS sieve Loose, moist, brown, fine SAND with trace silt and _ • thin silt interbeds _ • (< 0.5"thick) m=15.2% Interbedded loose, moist, orange and gray, fine - SAND with trace silt and medium stiff moist, gray-brown SILT 5—r . 0 — 4 3-SS %w Soft, moist to wet, brown-gray with orange mottling, SILT m=35.1% - -2 — : :• 2 4-SS %w Very loose, wet to saturated, brown with orange mottling,silty fine SAND with rqndom pieces of gray _ silt in matrix _ m=28.7% 10--3 -- -4 — — 151 • LOG OF TEST BORING Cp; GILES ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. HOLE No. B-20 Bothell, Washington PROJECT Renton Memorial Stadium Track and Field Replacement Job No. 6G-9709015 405 Logan Avenue North Renton, Washington S.R. Station Offset C.S. Equipment B-24 Casing Ground El N.M. (N.M. m) Method of Boring HSA Start Date November 19, 1997 Completion Date November 19, 1997 Sheet 1 of 1 Standard ° o 6 °1 c E „ SPT z ` - Penetration Test d 3 E L' o Blows/ft 52 a m co m Description of Material 13 oo` Blows/ft (N) E 3 o coF c 10 20 30 40 y c7 2" asphalt over 4" crushed crushed sand and gravel p .`(FILL) 10 1-SS Very loose to loose, moist,gray, fine sandy SILT/silty fine SAND (FILL) - • 4 2-SS —1 • Loose,wet, gray,fine SAND with little silt - 5-- 3 3-SS Very soft, wet grading to saturated, clayey SILT —2 — • 2 4-SS Loose,saturated,yellow-brown, fine to medium \SAND with trace silt (- Boring terminated at approximately 9 feet 10— 3 -- --4 _ - 15 I • • • LOG OF TEST BORING GILES ENGINEERING WASSOCIATES, INC. HOLE No. B-21 Bothell, Washington PROJECT Renton Memorial Stadium Track and Field Replacement Job No. 6G-9709015 405 Logan Avenue North Renton, Washington S.R. Station Offset C.S. Equipment B-24 Casing Ground El N.M. (N.M. m) Method of Boring HSA Start Date November 19, 1997 Completion Date November 19, 1997 Sheet 1 of 1 Standard a. c — -. E d SPT > z 6 �, • Penetration Test au a 3 45 g Blows/ft Blows/ft a Ts = J Description of Material = ` P. of (N) CDE -) 2 c 10 20 30 40 N 2" asphalt over 4" crushed sand and gravel (FILL) 10 1-SS Loose, moist, gray,fine sandy SILT/silty fine SAND RRR (FILL) I 8 2-SS Loose, wet, gray,silty fine SAND with pebbly zones — 5_- — — - 1 3-SS Very soft, wet grading to saturated, gray, clayey I SILT -V —2 — 4 4-SS Very loose, saturated, gray, silty fine SAND Boring terminatyed at approximately 9 feet 10--3 -- I —4 — - 15 E . LOG OF TEST BORING GILES ENGINEERING CT5 ASSOCIATES, INC. HOLE No. B-22 Bothell, Washington PROJECT Renton Memorial Stadium Track and Field Replacement Job No. 6G-9709015 405 Logan Avenue North Renton, Washington S.R. Station Offset C.S. Equipment B-24 Casing Ground El N>M> (N>M> m) Method of Boring HSA Start Date November 19, 1997 Completion Date November 19, 1997 Sheet 1 of 1 d ' F E Standard SPT 'a z° Penetration Test ~ a, Z .n 3 E L Blows/ft . a o 3 d Description of Material Qa Blows/ft (N) E oo c m d 10 20 30 40 N c7 2" asphalt over 4" crushed sand and gravel (FILL) • 5 1-SS• Loose, wet, gray silty fine SAND (FILL) • 8 2-SS Soft, wet, gray clayey SILT —1 — - 5_i_ • — Very soft, wet grading to saturated, gray, clayey — 2 3-SS SILT grading to fine sandy clayey SILT _2 V 2 4-SS Very loose, saturated, orange-gray, fine SAND with little silt Boring terminated at approximately 9 feet 10--3 -- —4 — 15 LOG OF TEST BORING GILES ENGINEERING Cp ASSOCIATES, INC. HOLE No. B-23 Bothell, Washington PROJECT Renton Memorial Stadium Track and Field Replacement Job No. 6G-9709015 405 Logan Avenue North Renton, Washington S.R. Station Offset C.S. Equipment B-24 Casing Ground El N.M. (N.M. m) Method of Boring HSA Start Date November 19, 1997 Completion Date November 19, 1997 Sheet 1 of 1 m _ Standard SPT a z o E y - Penetration Test ~ d Z a 3 E s o Blows/ft n N d Description of Material -o ` o iv a Blows/ft (N) E E J ~ ❑ 2 m0 N F 2 c 10 20 30 40 2" asphalt over 4" crushed sand and gravel (FILL) • 6 1-SS .• Soft,wet,gray,silty fine SAND/fine sandy SILT - (FILL) 0 10 2-SS Soft to medium stiff, wet, gray, clayey SILT with trace sand and gravel . - —1 — 5 —. — - 2 3-SS Very loose, wet to saturated, gray, silty fine SAND —2 — O 3 4-SS Very loose, saturated, orange-brown, SAND with - trace to some silt -SZ Boring terminated at approximately 9 feet — 10--3 — --4 i- — - 15 • APPENDIX D LABORATORY TESTING AND SOIL CLASSIFICATION The laboratory testing was conducted under the supervision of a geotechnical engineer in general accordance with the procedures recommended by the American Society for Testing and Materials(ASTM) and/or other relevant specifications. Brief descriptions of laboratory procedures, testing results, and soil classifications are included herein. LABORATORY TESTING AND CLASSIFICATION Moisture Content(w) (ASTM:•D-2216) Moisture content is defined as the ratio of the weight of water contained within a soil sample to the weight of the dry solids within the sample. Moisture content is expressed as a percentage. Particle Size Distribution (ASTM:•D-421. D-422) This test is performed to determine the distribution of specific particle sizes (diameters) within a soil sample. The distribution of coarse-grained soil particles (sand and gravel) is determined from a "sieve analysis'; which is conducted by passing the sample through a series of nested sieves. Soils passing the U.S. No. 200 sieve are considered fine grained soils consisting of silt and clay. .. - U.S. SIEVE OPENING IN INCHES 1 U.S. SIEVE NUMBERS I HYDROMETER 4 2 1 0 1/2 3 , 6 10 16 30 50 10 00 ---I 1 100 6 3 1.5 4 8 r, 8k� 14 20 40 70 01402 11 I I I r - 1 90 lk 1111 - 1Nj 80 ,` P R70 C \ . E ►4 N T60 F E50 R B Y40 • 1 w E .. I G30 H it 20 10 ; 0 I 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.00' GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS H COBBLES GRAVEL SAND SILT OR CLAY coarse fine coarse medium fine Specimen Identification Classification MC% LL PL PI Cc Cu • B-17 3.5 SAND with little silt and trace gravel 9.2 1.30 4.1 m B-19 3.5 Fine sandy SILT 15.2 A B-2 3.5 Silty fine SAND 16.2 */ B-2 6.0 Medium SAND with trace silt 6.6 1.62 4.6 X B-9 6.0 SAND with trace silt and gravel 7.2 1.25 3.8 Specimen Identification D100 D60 D30 D10 %Gravel %Sand %Silt %Clay • B-17 3.5 19.00 0.29 0.162 9.8 77.8 12.4 m B-19 3.5 4.75 0.12 0.0 47.9 52.1 A B-2 3.5 4.75 0.18 0.0 58.4 41.6 * B-2 6.0 9.50 0.59 0.352 0.1298 0.2 91.7 8.1 X B-9 6.0 19.00 0.58 0.330 0.1518 1.6 92.0 6.4 PROJECT Renton Memorial Stadium Track and Field JOB NO. 6G-9709015 Replacement - 405 Logan Avenue North DATE 10/26/97 Renton, Washington GRADATION CURVES 1 Giles Engineering Associates, Inc. Bothell, Washington y ' MOISTURE CONTENT DETERMINATION RESULTS I BORING& MOISTURE BORING& MOISTURE BORING& MOISTURE SAMPLE CONTENT SAMPLE CONTENT SAMPLE CONTENT NUMBER (%) NUMBER (%) NUMBER (%) ' B-1,S-1 22.2 B-9,S-2 40.9 B-17,S-3 3.2 B-1,S-2 33.9 B-9,S-3 7.2 B-17,S-4 62.1 B-1,S-3 33.4 B-9,S-4 10.6 B-18,S-1 10.6 B-1,S-4 27.9 B-10,S-1 11.3 B-19,S-1 11.2 B-2,S-1 23.4 B-10,S-2 24.0 B-19,S-2 15.2 B-2,S-2 16.2 B-10,S-3 36.2 B-19,S-3 35.1 I B-2,S-3 6.6 B-10,S-4 33.6 B-19,S-4 28.7 B-2,S-4 29.1 B-11,S-1 18.6 1 B-3,S-1 14.7 B-11,S-2 39.0 B-3,S-2 5.0 B-11,S-3 18.6 B-3,S-3 N.T. B-11,S-4 21.3 B-3,S-4 33.6 B-12,S-1 23.8 B-4,S-1 20.0 B-I3,S-1 14.1 B-4,S-2 3.6 B-I3,S-2 38.7 B-4,S-3 44.7 B-13,S-3 37.5 B-4,S-4 47.8 B-13,S-4 30.7 B-5,S-1 N.T. B-14,S-1 21.3 B-5,S-2 2.1 B-14,S-2 6.1 - B-5,S-3 23.9 B-14,S-3 29.2 B-5,S-4 39.6 B-14,S-4 29.8 B-6,S74 42.2 B-15,S-1 16.3 B-7,S-1 26.8 B-16,S-1. 18.5 B-7,S-2 7.0 B-16,S-2 23.9 B-7,S-3 19.0 B-16,S-3 7.8 B-7,S-4 37.7 B-16,S-4 88.5 i ' B-8,S-1 23.1 B-17,S-1 23.5 • B-9,S-1 20.5 B-17,S-2 9.2 N.T.=Not tested due to insufficient sample size I y , UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM. (ASTM D-2487) 1 Group Major Divisions Symbols Typical Names Laboratory Classification Criteria d .o '^ c GW Well-graded gravels, gravel-sand mix- 2 n 060 (D301z c �,.E rn E Cu=—greater than 4;Cc= between 1 and 3 o 71; > o tures,little or no fines Oto Dip X D60 U N a, ` m N H H i d 0 GP Poorly graded gravels,gravel-sand mix- To o -o d tures,little or no fines rn Not meeting all gradation requirements for GW Ut N W N U`1. 2 n 3 O O Z m O (-0c Z '� o_ U (N m co u, 7 O to N H o c 0 w 0 a d 3 N 2 cUi Atterberg limits below"A" Above "A" line with P,I. Z m . GM Silty gravels,gravel-sand-silt mixtures u o ti(n c line or P.I.less than 4 N E. •" ' c u w Z a O between 4 and 7 are border- ...6,-5 d '—° ;m w m (7 0 a`, line cases requiring use of v a, 2 m 'c o GC Clayey gravels, gravel-sand-clay mix- C 5 2' Atterberg limits below"A" dual symbols c '5 T a tures .o ;, (7(.7 m line with P.I.greater than 7 m Q o,— E is rn _ E E o H SW Well-graded sands,gravelly sands,little a, .o D6o ID3012 _ > Cu=—greater than 6;Cc= between 1 and 3 (� E a o or no fines o ` Dlo Dlo X D60 c „ c o '� �' m o SP Poorly graded sands, gravelly sands, c a, Not meeting all gradation requirements for SW �- N r i 01 .4, little or no fines - .E cg U c m .14 ?� : 20 3 5 — 0, o O O rn— m — V O, C O C U - cn c m o a d c o W o a Atterberg Iimit6 above"A" a,0 c E SM Silty sands,sand-silt mixtures m d ,� v a c Limits plotting in hatched t E_- u ` 0--1-' c' N u line or P.I.less than 4 c .0 a a, „ c u, zone with P.I. between 4 --m 3 m SC Clayey sands,sand-clay mixtures v c m r o- Atterberg limits above"A" and 7 are borderline cases v E .� .-Nrequiring use of dual sym- o ado E C▪ o N a, line with P.I.greater than 7 bols 2 0 o. d d N w o o D. 'a t, = J2cn Q 0 O 2 o Inorganic silts and very fine sands, LO ML rock flour, silty or clayey fine sands, „ m or clayey silts with slight plasticity 73 •L > H Plasticity Chart . u Inorganic clays of low to medium o c - CL plasticity, gravelly clays, sandy clays, 60 oN ;IE silty clays,lean clays d = — Z N 7:3a OL Organic silts and organic silty clays of 50 c cr low plasticity CH L J O w x 40 v, N m E tn a 3 '^ o Inorganic silts,micaceous or diatoma- . 30 e oc MH ceous fine sandy or silty soils,elastic �S • c 1p ` silts •-• Q OH and MH dCol it E 2 m CH Inorganic clays of high plasticity, fat p 20 clays 'CL t 10 CL-ML c in= OH Organic clays of medium to high 5 3 plasticity,organic silts %% "./ ML and 2 cr • OL :3 • 0 • 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 >._ Liquid limit .92 o= Pt Peat and other highly organic soils = o I aDivision of GM and SM groups into subdivisions of d and u are for roads and airfields only. Subdivision is based on Atterberg limits;suffix d used when L.L. is 28 or less and the P.I. is 6 or less;the suffix u used when L.L.is greater than 28. • bBorderline classifications, used for soils possessing characteristics of two groups, are designated by combinations of group symbols. For example: GW-GC,well-graded gravel-sand mixture with clay binder. C6....‘ GiiES CNGIf1CCRING 1 5SOCIATEs.INC. -GILES'ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES;.INC:'- ., - ,.:, -- . .. - :: = .Atlanta, GA (770) 458'-3399 • ., • . .. - • • • . - .• i` • „ . .(770)'.458-3998 (Fax'No.).. - : , . ; -,Dallas;TX. ', • ` (214) 358-5885 ' ° , (214)358-5884,(Fax No:) .. - - • . _ . •, ,,T.- Los Angeles, CA . . L.; (714) 779`0052 _ ` . " _ (714):779.0068:(Fax NW::- -- Madison;,Wl� . • - •, . ' ..(608)`838-9708 ; • - ; ' . _ . .. _ . ; . (608),838-3,1'94 (Fax.No.). Milwaukee,WI.' f (414)'S44-0118 , (414).549-5868':,(Fax.No'.)• . -Seattle.;WA _ (425)482-2020 , (425) 482-6300.(Fax No:) - • : r ;.t . . : ,.Washington D:C: . - : .- .• ,. . _ -- : (410) 312-9.95. (410)•312-9955 (Fax No.) . . - - -.. ' -- . m . GILES: . • '.ENGINEERING (9)SSOCIAT•ES, INC. ' - "GEOTECHNICAL, ENVIRONMENTAL'Sc CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS CONSULTANTS .