HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA75-834 �/ MP3 BEGINNING OF FILE FILE TITLE SPECI p L PERMIT SP- 83y- 75 .TOE AG05TlNO �I� I75 •S..y • ROUTE SCHEDULE PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE ROUTED 7 7 5' PLEASE REVIEW THIS APPLICATION FOR; REZONE MAJOR PLAT SITE APPROVAL J ,r�')L'-11N() • SHORT PLAT SPECIAL PERMI TO FIB 4 C Z4cjF, WAIVER SHORELINE MANAGEMENT PERMIT OR EXEMPTION . AND RETURN TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT WITH ANY COMMENTS YOU MIGHT HAVE, BEFORE V t h/7S ` SIGNATURE OR INITIAL DEPARTMENT APPROVAL DENIAL DATE BUILDING �� � _d9 RAFFIC ENG. ENGINEERING s FIRE HEALTH REV1EWER T S COMMENTS OR APPROVAL CONDITIONS : • I f I i I I w 1 ,,,,,----"',..,:r. ''':.',:`,..- '.''' . •-•,,,.:'.6":',-..',''sic.'7''' tr. .'e.- • „ • ' • " f -;;00•11, • .. ., i: £.....",1 7" ,— '-:-.,:. . . * •: ,,,, ••••,, 11,1' • en00 ° ,. •••,. , • e• - al, I 7:, r'•, . . . . n ii.„,t N., 1," . , • tt.• 1 7, •oft 4 ' : ... . ' i l' • T,- , • i -..- ...,., -... ...... 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"1'•I`I 1.y.• • • L 1 .... -. 4 W I •l). I.... .4 t'. C.77.....•2,..•••u:' ...... ' •• ' '.''1 t .. •‘1•••• " •4'" Fl. .1 • 1 .C. •.• • S. . , . .V .1 ... .14.•414:1' . ' .• '',1 ' . ',4 t•....... i '1 i :i .: ' • ....• • 41 i 10 I ,' • . , . , ...., ... • R.I 1 4 Zik ' V ••,1 . ' el, . 11. ' , • 1 ., i • ...... .4SR*1, .. ..... . _ . . .. . .. .. _ _ , ,,,•;" ..6*.' SPECIAL PERMIT, . -, — ii. ., •47 , . 1' , G . . •. ,i .., /4 ,7*.il : .-1:J.-..--i 1 ::1 '4 '. • 1.0 4.• r • 40 '. #' . • • 0'. ,..4. • , 0. :. ' •I 'i . 0 . ,,. .. 4.. ,o • , .t , 1 , • & Al iii . , . .0. • ,• • ,. 40 c ..." ' tt. . ". )1 0 . 1 • tt WI i . : :.4',7 A It'. • I t .0 ! : 1 t 4••• A'••••4 0,• • rf /. ' 1.7.1 i • • °' 64' ,at • ., I J A' . i I 1 c . • , • s ' : G410.9600 , • . • , , ,:.,,,, . , . 4 . 1 • if • • 1 ' t, i • i i ":. . I. • L LEP I •I • s I: ,7 's , .,,,•, ',..')'"::"4":' "4;...v?. •.•••''',1 . . ;"7,„'k !,1.—.1-t.4 7,.L.,•:.? '0.- .., , , • i• \\ s '" • -''''' :' . • , , i I I t • 'I. ' I t I t .... . 1 ' . . . b . :. 1 . .. . . . 4112:171ENIMOSIINE. : IAL PERMIT : .... : AGOSTINO; Appl . No . SP-834-75 ; Special Permit to fill & grade ; located on EaF, t ' Ti 1 ey F-vc.way between Sou f•-.1iVe s t—Frsi..-7:,;t . and Southwesl. 23rd St. ... .. .... . _... . , , , •.„,....... TOTAL AREA 2 . 1 acres APPLICANT JOE AGOSTINO • --____— PRINC: ?AL ACCESS East V,:. - 1 e v F r e ew a y ... _ ----- EX ! 5; IN',3 7-P.,, NG M—P EXISTING USE . Vacant _ ___. PROPOS':..D USE Contractors Yard , Office Warehouse is planned for future . ......_........ ... 1 c E .. PU Id CNOrrIC PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, RENTON, WASHINGTON, ON July 23 , 1975 - 8 : 00 p .m . TO CONSIDER THE ITEM DESCRIBED BELOW: SPECIAL PERMIT: JOE AGOSTINO ; Appl . No . SP-834-75 ; Special Permit to fill_& grade ; r property located on East Valley Freeway between Southwest 21st St . F. s and Southwest 23rd St . ,,- n ilimusa I ,,.. . v _ --4�': - ' t--�` ------ -may-_--- g, -tu' el( ._ innif Ow ' .11j7 tt we. �Ir' .'' ■ �j\� 11) //yy �L�}i iit ..),r, : -1,1/4,,,, , iii .. .. ._ ,.‘,.. li -7,..\4_ ,4.1- as 1 1 , .rr "4'Jll.r:'-V hi.:l' �!i ( - ��' '. .j r---r. .• la;r1• I' / • aLP4i _ 1. '. , •1 OM 1....%:;-1kR-i-'- d 1--;--;;;;::'1:F7.,--..1t.14-7--.:.-:- -;'-'..-...-1....7,---... . 7-600 " 11117, ``I ' --11- --tt--:‘ - 12' '<ik ' II.1..." '' " it : ._;,.\it!.i _ _/I- i !rra --r-.--k_11 I- -,,t,r--°-; -1;) i . i : ----: /,,,, 17, ..„, ___k_., •• ,.. ,..:,-,. . . .,.,. .F:7 • _ -----'-r--- _._- _-- - -.___- W .f1, ay I +�--. , ,-.... -�. a1i LT /1r Rr JOE AGOSTINO ""�' •. el I I ,. J 11,t :— SPECIAL PERMIT - - -- - ` -' 1 / r—"' ''''''.777; J , ....... ., 4:..0. 1 I.11 .1„:41/ I i 'Li*, 1 �� rcr •r,j\0 IF flIl MO 2, " . •4 !-' ' 4, .1-•,• 4., Ilj G ..::.01... .----A _ . JAI-7_ \ ,i1,303h...10,4 '-"-)V1 --. ---E-',' 't .".1. -'400,r -,• .40 i 'I; . G-9 CSC T I f}I.Y \.., r.. p M"•tIA' 1k ' I % l �0v N�, V cab O F ' ON A LICATIOff SPE1 IAL PERMIT t 4 - 9f-A9e FOR OFFICE USE ONLY -9,P ' File No . SP- /81-.7,5- N/NG �E4 Fee A x2R $50 .00 Date Rec' d 7_/_ 75 Receipt No. (12C APPLICANT TO COMPLETE ITEMS 1 THROUGH 6 : 1. Name Joe Agostino Phone 455-2570 Address 959 - 108 Avenue N.E. , Bellevue, Washington 98004 2. Property location N.W. corner of S.W. 23rd Street & East Valley Road 3 . Legal description (attach additional sheet if necessary) Lots 8 through 21, Block 1, C. D. Hillman' s Earlington Gardens Addition to C. S. Division No. 1, Vol. 1, Plat 74, King County, Washington 4 . Number of acres or sq. ft. Approx. 92,000 sfPresent zoning G-6,000 approved MP 5. What do you propose to develop on this property? 6. The following information shall be submitted with this application: Scale A. Site and access plan (include setbacks , existing structures , easements , and other factors limiting development) 1" = 10 ' or 20 ' B. Parking, landscaping and screening plan . . 1" = 10 ' C. Vicinity map (include land use and zoning on adjacent parcels) 1" = 200 ' - 800 ' D. Building height and area (existing and proposed) E . A special permit required by the Renton Mining, Excavation and Grading Ordinance shall submit the information listed in Section 4-2307. 5 in addition to the above . 7. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: Date approved AFFIDAVIT Joe Aaostino , being duly sworn, declare that I am the owner of the property involved in this application and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Subscribed and sworn before me this 5th day of May , 19 75 , Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at Seattle (//44g1 (Name of Notary Public) (5ignat-±'e of Owner) ' 2043 So. 113 St. . Seattle. Wa. 959-1.0 Ave- N-1'-o RP11P.vnR (Address) (Address) Ea. (City) , (State) 455-257Q (Telephone). (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) • CERTIFICATION This is to certify that the foregoing application has been inspected by me and has been found orough and complete in .every particular and to conform to the r ..jpsC) ndilkt ations of the Renton Planning Department governing the fgn( II c O plication . Date Received !I • 1 m5 19 By : DEP Renton Planning Dept . -2-73 • CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON OR F ��TO ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT WORKSHEET ;� aE�FI\lEo FOR OFFICE 'USE ONLY : JUL 1 1915 • Application No . die'-f -7.5 Negative Dec . 4 Date Received i 7 S EIS iyNI ' INSTRUCTIONS : The purpose of this information is to assist the vari - ous departments of the City to determine whether an environmental impact statement will be required before approving, and issuing a per- mit for a proposed project . Single family residential uses in non sensitive areas are exempt from this requirement as established by Washington Administrative Code 173-34 . In addition to the following information , please submit a vicinity map ( recommend scale : 1" representing 200 ' to $00 ' ) and a site map ( rec- ommended scale : 1 " representing 10 ' to 40 ' ) . APPLICANT TO PROVIDE INFORMATION REQUIRED IN ITEMS 1 THROUGH 30 BELOW : 1 . Name of applicant_ jT e Agostino ' 2 . Mailing, address 959 - 108 Avenue N.E. , Bellevue, Wa. 98004 Telephone 455-2570 3. Applicant is : nOwner ( ILessee (`JContract purchaser rjother ( specify ) 4 . Name and address of owner , if other than applicant : Telephone 5 . General location of proposed project ( give street address if any or nearest street and intersection N.W. corner of S.W. 23rd Street & East Valley Road 6 . Legal description ( if lengthy , attach as separate sheet ) Lots 8 through 21, Block 1, C. D. Hillman' s Earlington Gardens Addition to C. S . Division No. 1, Vol. 1, Plat 74, King County, Washington. 7 . Area Approx. 92,000 sq. ft. Dimensions Approx. 280 ' x310 ' 8. Intended use of property or project ( include details : number of units , volume , etc . ) : //t/ 9 . Generally describe the property and existing improvements ; Vacant lot below grade. 10 . Total construction cost or fair market value of proposed project including additional developments contemplated : $39,000 11 . Construction dates (month and year) for which permit is requested : Begin ? End ? - 3 - i 12 . List any other permits for this project from state , federal , or other local governmental agencies for which you have applied or will apply, including the name of the issuing agency , whether the permit has been applied for , and if so , the -date of the applica- tion , whether the application was approved or denied and the date of same , and the number of the application or permit : Date Agency ' Permit Type Submitted* Number Status** • aCs•• 1.1344610/4" Orni.4"kP ' 0.0.4 „r;.,." S . .amt i tir * Leave blank if not submitted . ** Approved , denied or pending . 13 . Has an Environmental Impact Statement or an Environmental Assess- ment been prepared for the proposed project? I Jyes WinoIf "yes " submit copy with this environmental impact worksheet . 14. Are there similar projects , both public and private , existing or planned in the immediate area : X yes i ino I ' don ' t know If "yes " explain . Renton City fill plus private fill north and west of site 15 . Is the proposed project located in or adjacent to an area or structure having unique or exceptional historic , cultural , or other values considered important by some sectors of the - popu- lation? yes [X I no If '!yes " gxpl al n . • 16 . Is the proposed project located in' an area that may be considered sensitive and is subject to erosion , landslides , floods , etc . ? yes IX I no If "yes " explain . - 4 - 17 . Is the proposed project located in an area that has a number of large trees or other natural landscaped areas , waterways , marshes or wildlife? [ ]yes I x no -If "}yes " explain . ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF PROPOSED PROJECT : In the following questions summarize what the applicant feels will be the environmental impact , both beneficial and adverse , of the proposed project . Consideration should be given to both the human and natural environmental as well as physical , social , and aesthetic aspect . For projects which are part of a more extensive plan , consider the implications of the entire plan and not just the project now being proposed . 18. Land Use : Will the project have a significant -effect on land use in the surrounding area? i x lyes Lino Explain : Will conform to City of Renton comprehensive plan for future Manufacturing Park. 19 . Project Design and Appearance : Will the project design , appear- ance , landscaping , etc . , assure the maximum protection for the natural environment? rxlyes I__ino Explain : Will conform to code. 20 . Ground Contours : Does the proposed project have an effect on the existing ground contours of the project location? x`yes ` lno . Is the project likely to cause erosion or sedimentation? fl1yes LX1no? If "yes " to either , explain . Fill will be to grade of East Valley Road. - 5 - 21 . Air Quality: Will construction of the project and use of the completed project have a substantial effect on the existing air quality? (Consider the effect of any gas , chemicals , smoke , dust , particulate matter , and odors ) ? yes [x ,no If "yes " explain . 22 . Water Quality : Will construction of the project and use of the completed project be likely to have an effect on the existing water quality of the area? (Consider the adequacy of drainage and runoff and the likely endpoint of any liquids draining from the project. ) , ,no . Is there a good possibility that this project will requirean expansion of local water and/or sewer facilities? I x yes Ino If "yes" to either , explain . Drainage of site will conform to City of Renton off-site comprehensive plan for drainage. 23 . Noise : Will construction of the project or use of the completed project significantly affect the existing noise levels of the area? (—lyes [lino . Will the project be affected by airports , freeways , railroas or other sources of noise? Elyes 5-dno If "yes" to either , explain . 24. Population Density : Will a noticeable population change result from this project? ( Consider the present density per acre in the surrounding community to the proposed density of the project and including daytime density . ) fxiyes r]no . Will the pro- ject cause periodic or temporary fluctuatiorTi in population due to tourism , employment , shopping , schools , etc . 1___jyes If "yes " to either , explain . Daytime workers will be on site---approximately 10 to 15 persons. • - 6 25 . Effect on Population : Will the proposed action directly or in- directly cause the relocation of a sizeable number of persons or the division or disruption of existing community patterns of liv- ing? yes Dino - If "yes" explain . 26 . Schools and Parks : Will the proposed project have an effect on schools and parks in the area? (_.jyes � no If "yes " explain . • 27 . Transportation : Will construction of the project or use of the completed project have a significant impact on transportation in the area? r---. byes IxIno Explain ; • 28 . Public Use : Will the project be available for use by all sectors of the public? yes lx1 n o Explain : 29 . Other Impacts : Identify any other beneficial or adverse environ- mental impacts which may result from the construction or comple- tion of the proposed project. -This fill will eliminate a swamp and eliminate a mosquito infestation. On completion will add to the landscaping of a clean, industrial park. - 7 - 3p . VIEWS OF LOCAL GROUPS : Have you made your plans known to interested community groups or neighbor's in the vicinity of the project? F—lyes rxino If "yes " what are their reactions? If "no" do you, intend to ct:ntact these people?( 7 yes Fino Closest neighboring party is a half mile away. CERTIFICATION BY OWNER/REPRESENTATIVE The Owner/Representative identified in. Item No . 1 or 4 above hereby certifies that the information furnished in this Environmental Work- sheet is true and accurate to the best of their knowledge . F Owner 5-5-75 !f. Si nature Title Date • I • - 8 - TO BE FILLED IN BY CITY DEPARTME^;Ts REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : Department: �--T Comments : / 7 6.4 ,vk c)--uta 02./KA-tiu-eAd v_ej Q C 14,42/7 2-1-7/ Sign u of Director or Authorized Representative Date REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : Department : Comments : �10 6I014IFIati•ST Iw•pArc-? --D&\111) T. Prkm..1 Signature of Director or Authorized Representative at , . 1. • - 9 - REVIEW Sr OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : Department: Comments : 4Ar740664.40,---." • 7 /iii Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : Department: Comments : Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date • - 10 - • ACTION BY RESPONSIBLE OFFICIAL A. Staff review determined that project : Has no significant environmental impact and application should be processed without further consideration of environmental effects . May have significant environmental impact and a complete environmental assessment should be prepared by applicant prior to further action on request for permit. B . Reasons for above conclusion : • Signature of Responsible Official or Authorized Representative Date : Form : EIS-1 Planning Department October 15 , 1973 Nc cx.51 E fl( . NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION RENTON , WASHINGTON A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION AT ITS REGULAR MEETING IN THE -COUNCIL CHAMBERS , CITY HALL , RENTON , WASHINGTON , ON JULY 23 , 1975 , AT 8 : 00 P. M. TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING PETITIONS : 1 . REZONE FROM G TO B-1 , file No . R-821-75 ; property located on east side of Union Ave . N . E . approximately 400 feet south of N . E . 401 St . 2 . REZONE FROM G TO R-3, file No . R-827-75 ; property located on east side of Union Ave . N . E . approximately • 500 feet south of N . E . 4th St. 3 . SITE APPROVAL FOR CONSTRUCTION OF AIRCRAFT HANGARS IN P-1 ZONE AND CEDAR RIVER WATERWAY , file No . SA-829-75 ; property located in the Renton Municipal Airport adjacent to the Cedar River . 4 . SITE APPROVAL TO CONSTRUCT AT CHURCH IN A GS-1 ZONE , file No. SA-830-75 ; property located on the N . E . corner of N . E . 10th Ave . and Monroe Ave . N . E . 5 . SITE APPROVAL FOR WAREHOUSE ADDITION IN AN M-P ZONE , file No . SA-831-75 ; property located at 865 Lind Ave . S . W . �(� 6 . SPECIAL PERMIT TO FILL AND GRADE IN M-P ZONE ; file No . '�` SP-834-75 ; property located on East Valley Freeway between Southwest 21st St. and Southwest 23rd St. 7 . WAIVER OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS IN R-2 ZONE , file No . W-833-75 ; property located on Union Ave . N . E . between N . E . 15th St . and Glencoe Subdivision . ALL INTERESTED PERSONS TO SAID PETITIONS ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ON JULY 23 , 1975 AT 8 : 00 P . M. TO EXPRESS THEIR OPINIONS. LARRY GIBSON , SECRETARY PUBLISHED July 13 , 1975 RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION I , WILLIAM C. TURNER , HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENT WERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW. ATTEST : Subscribed and sworn / to before me , a Notary Public , SIGNED / g (� �� on the 10th day of July , 1975 . , ,.. iUBLIC . NQE ri IC PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, RENTON, WASHINGTON, ON July 23 , 1975 - 8 : 00 p .m . TO CONSIDER THE ITEM DESCRIBED BELOW: • SPECIAL PERMIT : • JOE AGOSTINO ; Appl . No . SP-834-75 ; Special Permit to fill & grade ; 7 property located on East Valley Freeway between Southwest 21st St . and Southwest 23rd St. F I[ .t: '14 4 ..Pi /7 _,, • . 04'. la, I 4-11 r ;. fir- -„1-1 ` 1 \ 7, .1.lt! 'I:I 1 ° •`4 ' Tsk , 1 s to L_. B . as .T ;i.t..1..� " ill _ r- '' / .� L ' 1_ 1 i IJ „;,..,,_,1-__; ___I.,. I bk mi: 4--.. 1 ., I ; L � I o TTi-* ,, r, -t.-7UTr- ,.r:_ lw-±--' __' ', -1 :_ 1 =-ii _+ -s 1 6 - -- VYJ + ft -I" _v`l�, r . /' y - •J � '{ -7} ..-'. ' " .-1- i .' I 1. �L .iL I -t --ipi� -1. _l . ram - a 4_ h! Y � - ~__�Miyy� I - ' J __ .. y.- am _ _ 1 « 1 �1j] —1 —"_ S W' . .\ 1-1 it..—— - ,--; JOE AGOSTINO "" ,. SPECIAL PERMIT 'i` -— - -- r" r— - '1 • ' , 'e. WPM .._ - ....M. .. —. ? ---— ':1 ty, '-rill 1 G-9 4•.O.. C 1, . : � ,;-1- is • I I „ - I V . "I.7: �.• , +1i 1. ..1ltY ! . 1 a+1151 i...1 fir, : l,:a` , 1 il''' \ ' 4 THE PUBLIC IS INVITED TO ATTEND AND TO EXPRESS OPINIONS OR SUBMIT COMMENTS IN WRITING. IF ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS DESIRED, CONTACT: CITY OF RENTON - PLANNING DEPARTMENT, 235-2550 MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 200 MILL AVE. S. RENTON, WA. 98055 STAFF REPORT JULY 23 , 1975 APPLICATION : SPECIAL PERMIT APPLICANT: JOE AGOSTINO LOCATION : Property is located at the N . W. corner of S. W. 23rd Street and East Valley Road. ZONE : M-P APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE BUILIDING ORDINANCE : Chapter 23 , Mining , Grading. & Excavating Ordinance . REQUEST : Applicant requests to fill & grade his site on M-P zone in anticipation_ of future development. COMMENTS : 1 . The proposed project would require approximately 25 ,000 cubic yards of fill material . 2 . Fill should not encroach upon adjacent properties and the slope for such fill is set at 2 : 1 by ordinance . 3 . Erosion control for the steep slopes of the fill will be needed. 4 . The property is presently zoned M-P Manufacturing Park and subsequent site development plans will require Planning Commission approval . 5 . A street can be built over the City of Seattle Easement. 6 . The location of the proposed P.-9 channel is along the south side of the S . W. 23rd Street. 7 . Further Environmental Impact Review was not considered necessary and a deter- mination that the proJect was minor and had an insignificant impact because : 1 . this area has not been determined by S . C . S . or other agencies to be particularly valuable as wildlife habitat . 2 . the small Size of the subject property (± 2 acres ) STAFF RECOMMENDATION : Recommend approval subject to : 1 . Staff approval of suitable erosion control methods . 2 . Additional drainage facilities and retention pond(s ) for control of runoff and water quality , with engineering Department approval . 3. Dust shall be controlled by frequent watering when necessary. 4. All public rights-of-way shall be kept free from mud , dust , rocks and other debris . r" STAFF REPORT JULY 23 , 1975 JOE AGOSTINO CON ' T STAFF 5 . Maximum 2 : 1 grade on all slopes . RECOMMENDATIONS CON ' T: 6 . Hours of operation shall be from 7 : 00 a . m. to 8 : 00 p . m. 7 . A five foot earth berm shall be installed around the perimeter of the site . The berm is anticipated to be necessary as a portion of the screening of the proposed activity. The drainage plan shall be revised accordingly to facilitate such a berm. Placement of the berm and erosion control methods shall be subject to Planning Department approval . • ROUTE SCHEDULE PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE ROUTED S 7J- PLEASE REVIEW THIS APPLICATION FOR; REZONE MAJOR PLAT SITE APPROVAL SHORT PLAT JQe. Aoospro0 SPECIAL PERMIT _� ,F ( r, I z 'WAIVER SHORELINE MANAGEMENT PERMIT OR EXEMPTION AND RETURN TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT ITH ANY COKMENTS YOU MIGHT HAVE, BEFORE S ODOA., AS 1 SIGNATURE OR INITI1L , DEPAP \I NT APPROVAL DENIAL DATE diaMP 1111111100. 1 _ c5-75 I NGINEERIN BoF' 71 --Q FIRE HEALTH I:LV 1E\ LR'S COMMENTS uR APPROVAL CONDITIONS : FLFASr. r l l , Ou THE. „ r �'\/. A-s© -- � f � 400skvo 1 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ss. R7'l-)•-•r?••••Y '3!: c- Q being first duly sworn on • oath, deposes and says that the chit'.I el'.11c of 'THE RENTON RECORD-CHRONICLE, a tri-weekly newspaper. That NOTICE OF said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for ' RENTON PLANNING more than six months prior to the date of publication referred to, COMMISSION. • printed and published in the English language continually as a tri- . RENTON,WASHINGTON • weekly newspaper in Renton, King County, Washington, and it is now A public hearing will be held by and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the the Renton Planning Commission at aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper. That the Renton its regular meeting in the Council Record-Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of Chambers, City Hall, Rentoh,. the Superior Court of the County in which it is published, to-wit, King Washington, on July 23, 1975 at County, 8:00 p.m.to consider the following petitions: • . .cZ011( !C t0 6to. 1.REZONE FROM GTOB-1 e Washington.That the annexed is a No.R-821-75;Property located on east side of Union Ave.N.E. approximately 400 feet south of N.E.4th St. 2.REZONE FROM G TO R-8, as it was published in regular issues (and file.No. R-827-75; prop'erty not in supplement form of said newspaper)once each issue for a period located on east side of Union Ave. N.E. approximately 500 feet south of N.E.4th St... of MC 3.issues, commencing on the 3.SITE APPROVAL FOR CON- STRUCTION OF AIRCRAFT • x., HANGARS IN P-1 ZONE AND 13 day of Lally , 19 75., and ending the ;CEDAR RIVER WATERWAY; file No. SA-829-75; property day of , 19 ,both dates IocatedIn the RenonMunicipal ; ; •.between Southwest 21st St inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its `; Airport adjacent to the Cedar..•; -and Southwest 28rd St.. subscribers during all of said period.That the full amount of the fee River.,• 7.WAIVER OF OFF-SITE IM• 4.SITE 'APPROVAL"TO-CON---. ' :PROVEMENTS IN R-2 ZONE, STRUCT A CHURCH IN A GS= . file No. W-833-75;.property • 20.16 1 ZONE, file No. SA-830-75;: • located on Union Ave.N.E.be- charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of$ , which property located on.the-N.E. . tween N.E. 15th St. and has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words • corner of N.E. 10th Ave..and ' Glencoe Subdivision. • for the first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for each Monroe Ave.N.E. • . All interested persons to said peti- • subsequent insertion. n / 5.SITE .APPROVAL - FOR tions are Invited to be present at the -, WAREHOUSE ADDItION IN Planning Commission meeting on ` AN M-P ZONE, file No. SA- July 23, 1975, at 8:00 p.m. to „f /-l{,./, ¢; 831-75;property located at865 express their opinions. p,,,....6/ chief cle Lind Ave.S.W. :R • : LARRYtGIBSON,SECRETARY r6 SPECIAL PERMIT TO FILL RENTON PLANNING - .AND GRADE IN-M-P ZONE; '- COMMISSION 1jl , file No. SP-834-75; property' Published in the Renton Record- located on East Valley Freeway Chronicle July 13, 1975.R3350. Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of 'j July 75 ,19 eLkv•;--c,-9.---(2n/vs-9"/ Notary Pu i in and for the State of Washington, re i ng at Renton,King County. �,st OF j��' • —Passed by the Legislature, 1955, known as Senate Bill 281, effective Pfvf/Uth/PIk Twee 9th,1955. O —Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, JUL 2 adopted by the newspapers of the State. "O 3 in r GOEPAS"' 400- `' � THE CITY OF RENTON •n �+ 8i MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH.98055 op . AVERYGARRETT, MAYOR • PLANNING DEPARTMENT AO 235 - 2550 4T4.0 SEPO' August 11 , 1975 Joe Agostino 959- 108 Avenue N . E. • Bellevue , Washington 98004 RE : Special Permit to Fill & Grade SP-834-75 . Dear Mr. Agostino : The Planning Commission approved your special permit to fill & grade at the August 6 , 1975 public hearing , subject to the compliance with the following conditions : 1 . Staff approval of suitable erosion control methods . 2 . Additional drainage facilities and retention pond (s ) for control of runoff and water quality , with engineering department approval . - - 3 . Dust shall be controlled by frequent watering when. necessary. 4. All public rights-of-way shall be kept free from mud , dust , rocks and other debris . 5 . Maximum 2 : 1 grade on all slopes . 6. Hours of operation shall be from 7 : 00 a.m. to 8 : 00 p .m. 7 . A 5 ' earth berm shall be installed around the peri - meter of the site . The berm is anticipated to be necessary as a portion of the screening of the pro- posed activity . The drainage plan shall be revised accordingly to facilitate such a berm . Placement of the berm and erosion control methods shall be subject to Planning Department approval . 8. Provision that no fill will be permitted on public rights-of-way . Joe Agostino August. 11 , .197-5. Page Two You may now submit four ( 4) copies of the proposed fill & grade plans for your site to the public works department building division for your annual license . Upon receipt of your annual license you can begin construc- tion . As you are probably aware the property is zoned M-P Manufacturing Park and any development of the site would require site plan approval of the Planning Commission . If you have any further questions please feel free to contact this department . Very truly yours , Gordon Y . Ericksen Planning Director /(1 //, C William C . T rner Planning Technician WCT : kh OFF c.) THE CITY OF RENTON t, c MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE.SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 21 pA AVERYGARRETT, MAYOR PLANNING DEPARTMENT O� , SEPitear / MEMORANDUM July 23 , 1975 TO : Files FROM: Bill Turner Planning Technician RE : Joe Agostino ' s Special Permit I discussed our recommendations with Mr. Agostino concerning his special permit application to fill and grade. Mr. Agostino concurred with our rec- ommendations . WCT: rh 4 OF R47 U PLANNING DEPARTMENT • RENTON,WASHINGTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING • RENTON,WASHINGTON 98055 • 235-2550 O °MR fp 113 ��`�`� MEMORANDUM DsEPZ July 21 , 1975 TO : Files FROM: Bill Turner SUBJECT: Environmental Impact , Joe Agostino Proposal to Fill & Grade SP #834-75 Upon review of the Special Permit application , the Environmental Impact Worksheet , and field check on the site , it is felt that a negative declaration of impact is in order for the following reasons : 1 . The site is small - 2 . 11 acres . 2 . The site is not designated as wetlands suitable for preservation for wildlife habitat by the Soil Conservation Service . 3. The project is located in a manufacturing park zone . The landscaping requirements of the M-P zone , parking and loading ordinance , and Soil Conservation service would help mitigate any loss of wildlife habitat. WCT : kh MEMORANDUM li TO \A-g DATE s, ; FROM SUBJECT 1,-.>L9 L,L) (---A(Cetr,-- , 1 -!,....,-,..e:' •:"1 ,-''--. : a., .,"-:,r.e•-10„4.4.e•,t , . 44 f 1," ,4„:,-.•ii ;' .T, , 6,...,.4.1.:-.7k-z: iv-• :-- ;.•' -0:-f -I e•.: !; ., „ 0 e—7 7, 7-er---te-, , , .61 I /, ( .-; - .../.1, 9 ej e ;;;‘ )...g.,-. ,,,,...f,-0..- r ....r..‘--' eA -e...&." e, d ., ..,__,.•- .(-Z__e:-:.--- (1- k_(-4,(-•••• '-'1'.--f e 'l t-'2- '44E(' ('' ' ' ?*.-.7fr----- _;.4 _':, t -4.--eil° ':.• / - r e....e- • . -:et...A. .er , 4L—l'="''' , 4...- .cit......s• i. Renton Planning Commission Meeting July 9 , 1975 Page Four The Chairman invited comments and questions from the Commis- sion . Discussion centered around provisions for a street on the southern boundary. The Planning Director noted street right-of-way and waterline easements between the property line and the paved area , the access road to Olympic , and that Olympic Pipe Line Company also has two lines located there . Further discussion ensued with regard to the location of the proposed P-9 Channel , its proposed width , and its relation to the private road . WAIVER OF OFF--SITE IMPROVEMENTS : • B. ROBERT C . JACKSON ; Appl . No . W-833-75 ; Applicant requests Waiver of Off-site Improvements for a Short Plat ; prop- erty located on Union Ave. N . E . between N . E . 15th St . and Glencoe Subdivision . The Planning Director referred the Commission to recent rezoning of the 1 . 27 acre site located in the Highlands to R-2 and noted that the applicant is proposing a short sub- division of the property into three parcels and requesting a Waiver of Off-site Improvements . He stated that the improvements would be required on Union Ave . N . E . and that the request would be reviewed by the Public Works Depart- ment . No questions were offered by Commission members . 5. ADMINISTRATIVE : A. FIELD TRIP It was decided not to have a field trip in view of the Commission ' s familiarity with the sites in connection with recent rezone requests . The Planning Director noted that should Commissioner Garrison be interested in visiting the sites , in view of his recent appoint- ment, the staff would be available at his request . A recess was declared at 9 : 40 p . m. The meeting was resumed at 9 : 50 p . m. with all members noted above in attendance . B. PROPOSED BULK REGULATIONS WITH DEFINITIONS The Planning Director presented for Planning Commission consideration the revised draft " B" of the proposed bulk regulations with definitions . It was noted that the proposed revision incorporated both the input from the Planning Commission and the City Attorney that evolved during the previous work meetings on this sub- ject. Noting the Court ' s deadline requiring the City to establish definitive , written standards and guidelines regulating the issuance of a special permit pursuant to Subsection 4-713 ( b) of the Zoning Ordinance , the Planning Director requested Commission concurrence in the revised draft in order that it might be pre- sented to the City Council at their meeting of July 14 . Gary Kruger , Associate Planner, noted that " Revision A" of the proposed document had been reviewed with the City Attorney and that his suggestions had been incorporated into " Revision B" also . 'MGoTi no Renton Planning Commission - Meeting July 9 , 1975 Page Three .1 ACTION: MOVED BY SCHOLES, SECONDED BY TEEGARDEN, THAT THE ITEM II BE CONTINUED AND REFERRED TO THE ENVIRONMENTAL DEVELOP- MENT COMMITTEE TO ACT WITH THE COUNCIL AVIATION COMMIT- TEE TO RESOLVE UNANSWERED QUESTIONS AND REPORT BACK TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION BY JULY 23, 1975. MOTION CAR- RIED. It was requested by Commissioner Scholes that the Plan- ning Director contact the Council Aviation Committee regarding the Commission ' s action and desires regarding a meeting . 3• OLD BUSINESS : REZONES : • A. GARY MORITZ ; Appl . No . R-821-75 ; Rezone from G to B- 1 ; property located on the E . side of Union Ave .. N . E . approximately -400 feet south of N . E . 4th St. B. DENNIS R. OSTER ; Appl . No . R-827-75 ; Rezone from G to R-3 ; property located on the east side of Union Ave . N . E. approximately 500 feet south of N . E . 4th St . SITE APPROVALS : • C HIGHLANDS CHURCH OF CHRIST ; Appl . No . SA-830-75 ; Site Approval to construct a church in a GS-1 zone ; property located on the N . E . corner of N . E .. 10th Ave. and Monroe Ave . N . E . D. ALASKA FISH FERTILIZER CO. ; Appl . No . SA-831-75 ; Site Approval fora warehouse addition in an M-P zone ; property located at 865 Lind Ave. S . W. It was noted ,that the above items will be heard at the public hearing on July 23rd. The Planning Director advised that input regarding all of the above items would be presented to the Environmental Development Committee for review. Commissioner Teegarden advised the Commission regard- ing the field trip to the Mountlake Terrace Church of Christ , attended by church representatives , the Planning Director, and himself. 4 - NEW BUSINESS : SPECIAL PERMIT: A. JOE AGOSTINO ; ' Appl . No . SP-834-75 ; Special Permit to fill and grade in M-P zone ; property located on _ East Valley Highway between Southwest 21st St. and South- west 23rd St. A staff presentation was requested by the Chairman . The Planning Director pointed out the two acre site situ- ated adjacent to the East Valley Highway, which was recently rezoned to M-P , on the vicinity map . It is proposed to fill the 350 ' x 335 ' site to a depth of 51/2' to 6 ' . A contractor ' s yard , office and warehouse is . planned as' the future use . NOTES FROM PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF JULY 9 , 1975 : RE : AIRPORT SPECIALTIES - SITE APPROVAL Comments from Planning Commission : Teegarden -- concerned about approving first increment only - feels approval would require that second building be located as indicated as well . Should not allow any paving within 20 ' of waterway -- feel whole 20 ' should be landscaped . Feel they are trying to put too much on a minimal piece of property. Mola -- If this were to set up some type of precedent and they started developing continuously south along the River bank , what would happen to trail - ways and access to the River for public, use? Can ' t understand why Council and Airport Director approve building right up to the waterway . • Think it should be known that there should be be some type of trailways , if the Council feels they should develop more public access and pre- servation of waterway rights . Ross -- Question acting on only one part of project, as it might nullify Council ' s .consideration of income on the project. Scholes -- Get F.A.A. approval or denial and obtain further information re . effects of Shoreline Mgt. Mola -- Asked for list of questions that could be posed to Council Aviation Committee . ACTION : MOVED THAT ITEM BE CONTINUED AND REFERRED TO ENVIRONMENTAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE TO ACT WITH COUNCIL AVIATION COMMITTEE TO RESOLVE UNANSWERED QUESTIONS AND REPORT BACK BY JULY 23RD. COMMISSION REQUESTED THAT STAFF ADVISE COUNCIL AVIA- TION COMMITTEE OF P . C. ACTION AND ARRANGE MEETING WITH ENVIRONMENTAL DEV. COMMITTEE . NOTE : AVIATION . COMMITTEE MEETS AGAIN JULY 15TH . RE : JOE AGOSTINO - SPECIAL PERMIT TO FILL AND GRADE Questions were posed regarding where street will be located on the south boundary between property line and paved area . Teegarden -- Can you build the street over the City of Seattle easement? GYE : WE WILL CHECK IT OUT . Feel City ought to set up some sort of minimal street system so developer would have some guidelines . GYE : Union property to the west is a part of that plat. We will refer this information to Public Works Dept. and request their input. Scholes -- Requested width and exact location of P-9 channel . GYE : Located on private road - WE WILL CHECK THAT WIDTH . RE: ROBERT JACKSON - WAIVER OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS GYE : Definitely will consult with Public Works Dept. RE : FIELD TRIP : None scheduled , as sites are familiar to P . C. ti REQUEST FROM TEEGARDEN TO MIKE : Check with Building Department to see what they require in the way of stamps and professional licenses . RE : PROPOSED BULK REGULATIONS WITH DEFINITIONS - Preliminary document reviewed page by page and corrections and additions noted . ACTION : SUBJECT TO THE EXPANSION OF TABLE . 4-734 . 16-1 , RECOMMEND THAT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED IN REVISION "B" , NEW SECTION OF 4-734 , BE REFERRED TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR APPROVAL AND ADOPTION INTO AN ORDINANCE . MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY . RE : ELECTION OF OFFICERS : Following elected: Scholes - Chairman Wik - Vice-chairman Rivily - Secretary RE : GREEN RIVER COMP . PLAN.: GYE advised P . C. that plan had been submitted to the Council 7/7 and referred by them to the Community Services Committee for study, including the matter of acquisition . No public hearing 'has been established at this time . Will keep P . C. advised of progress as it proceeds .