HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA76-866 BEGINNING OF FILE FILE TITLE SPECIAL PERMIT SP- BGG- 7Co VALLEY BCIILDING A550G . 1/I7�7G - - 0A-• ./d9z iL z (7 /GZ -_ 5/, ;v., 7,7-, • • 04- 74 / „TA ---C 4,7 - • • -61(27 ay / / fr Ai :1.1;•4 P-17777_2. "a /7- HI • - —4 F.71- (71c0-713,- . =4,7 4-1;77. • • cYlet—ege-ef y 7 C12-Gd 7/9 asp c*9.OB ,. n1 II 1i, , 4 LS ..tl Ili 3 i l I : — : ---F r - \ '.. h wsl1.1 CT. t. 1 = --1 - r- j\ ------ -1 E -'- - '3 llll M — 1 —Q .,' " � t — y t I •F --- -- -- L� — ,- �; { is to 1: iW . ire r9 :�.'3 _ B ----- 1 �--�� .n kkkkkiiiii I, 1 1 , t I , •� r-ir'- T f �I - I I 1 •r 1rt I I yz '! 1 - _ 93 9B 691�0 it I y ..,aT I: I I 1 is . } - -- I Is ��� l e \ // l-- \\ 1f 2I I s sl 1 i �� W ' r \\ `i .�S. 51 :B .9 I. �e W2 '.3 I 1 e5 I 'I I ::::: : Qm ' jilt/ // 1 \ . - \j I 1, li 1 ,3 re 3 P , l l 63 be 'I We 'II „/' ]T ............ . i r if.i , 1 I J w //1 I, Wi II `� i i I �1U as • ° / �,I � ' SE 117 Si 34 .4 J, PO 51 I , i. la�ro1i ays,, Om0 II /I Iz ,ia1 r1zaa , % 51 P—I GI)/ 1 ill // 1 - 1� 1 -. -_.- ,T VALLEY BUILDING ASSOCIATES I _,� , SPECIAL PERMIT ; 1 R-2 "_t TI T 1 -1 i1 A I T Q. r_ Cl Pc SPECIAL PERMIT: ' VALLEY BUILDING ASSOCIATES ; Appl . No . SP-866-76 ; Special Permit to construct a • professional office building in an R-3 zone ; property located on the S . W . corner of S. 43rd St. and Talbot Rd . S . • ai I 1 it APPLICANT VALLEY BUILDING ASSOCIATES TOTAL AREA ±. 82 acres F PRINCIPAL ACCESS S . 43rd St. and Talbot Rd . S . EXISTING ZONING R-3 EXISTING USE Vacant ° PROPOSED USE Professional Office Building i COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN Medium Density Multiple Family District r COMMENTS . • . z CITY OF RENTON APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL PERMIT v 1 ptPR 7 1916 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ,p No. SP- � G- Fee �30 �4 `q� + File 7� /V Date Rec'd I- 7_ 7e Receipt No. %ZP LNG APPLICANT TO COMPLETE ITEMS 1 THROUGH 6: 1. Name Valley Building Associates Phone 454-0400 Address 2200 - 112th N. E. Bellevue. . Washington 2. Property location 401 South 43rd. Street Renton, Washington 3. Legal description (attach additional sheet if necessary) See Attached 4. Number of acres or sq. ft. 38,000 Present zoning R-3 5. What do you propose to develop on this property? Medical Office Building 6. The following information shall be submitted with this application: Scale A. Site and access plan (include setbacks , existing structures, easements, and other factors limiting development) 1" = 10' or 20' ' B. Parking, landscaping and screening plan . .1" = 10' C. Vicinity map (include land use and zoning on adjacent parcels) 1" = 200 ' - 800' D. Building height and area (existing and proposed) E . A special permit required by the Renton Mining, Excavation and Grading Ordinance shall submit the information listed in Section 4-2307 . 5 in addition to the above . 7. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: Date approved t/--_1t'-7 , Date denied Date appealed Appeal action Remarks' k,rr cn.vrJ,1 Planning De ' 2-73 revised/ ti ' {' _ , ' LEGAL. DESCRIPTION ' u _ ' - - Parcel. "A" ' . . The North =230 feet of 'the East 166.36- feet ,cif the East half , • of the Northeast quarter.,of .:the Southwest quarter.• of ..thee ! ,_ : . Northeast quarter. EXCEPT the North- 30 feet. thereof for county • road, Section 31, Township 23' North, Range 5 East, :W.M. , in • King County, Washington; EXCEPT any portion of Springbrook , , . Road lying in the above' described 'property• and AL$0. EXCEPT - . . the North. 20 feet -and Easterly .-10 feet measured perpendicular • . - . to Southerly margin, of South 180th Street 'and. Westerly margin . of.Springbrook Springbrook Road as- deed.'to City .of Renton -for- street, . alley and any other public.uses and purposes 'by deed 'r"ecorded J . • 'under Auditor's' file'.No.• 6371346. ' . Parcel "B" . ' . . , Also that portion' of .the east One-half 'of the Northeast 'quarter _ of the Southwest quarter of the Northeast quarter .of Section 31, township. 23 :North, range 5 East', W.M. ,' King County, - ' - . Washington, described as follows:- Commencing at the Northeast corner of said East„one=half; thence N, 89°01 48" W along the V ' North line of one-half, a distance of 166.36 feet; V , thence S .0°59 . 42. W parallel to the East line of said one-half V a distance of 230.00 feet to the true point of beginning-of . the tract hereinafter described; thence continuing S 0°59'42" - ' . • W a distance of 77.31 feet; 'thence S 89°01'48" E- parallel to . - the North line of said East one-half a distance of. 125.73 - feet. . • • :to a point 40.00 feet .distant, measured -at right: angles to the • - center line of Springbrook ,t'Road; N. 6°19'16"-E along a line, parallel to and: 40.00' distant from said. center line, a - . - . distance of 77.65 feet; thence NS9°01'48" W parallel - to the ' North „line of •said: East .one-half, a distance of 132.97 .-feet to the true point -of beginning, containing 10;000 sq.' ft. of - • . • land. - V - - V AFFIDAVIT •I, t. p I Ne Lsc5/°.) , being duly sworn, declare that I am the owner of the property involved in this application and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Subscribed and sworn before me this day of /-/-PR/&-- , 19 -A5 , Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at`' /,r4 9lcle • VAt -�-1 v,C. ,�� ` ., toe „t7P,, („,./ , _ X ,e'_,,,,/4.,5,4/271 Name of Notary Public) (Signature of Owner i4cT1V e✓ (A_)4a,;:e.... 2 :4- • 1'1'0o jtv --- Arv-e .A ET ress) (Address) �J e aJ?; * ity) (State) , . ,4iry—0)5/0 f) (Telephone (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) CERTIFICATION This is to certify that the fore oing application has been inspected by me and has been found to be tho omplete in every particular and to conform to the rules and r up n n6 the Renton Planning Department governing the filing of sa �ftag2 U Date Received ,PR, 919 By r— G DES Renton Planning Dept . 2-73 - 2 - 6 . Legal description ( if lengthy , attach as separate sheet) See Attached Irregular 7 . Area 38,000 s.f. + Dimensions125,7 x 258.71 x 150.99 x 260.06 8. Intended use of property or project ( include details : number of units , volume , etc . ) : Medical Office Building of two floors at 6,000 s.f. per each for a total of 12,000 s.f. It is anticipated that there will be eight to twelve tenants. 9. Generally describe the property and existing improvements : Property slopes approximately 26' in Southeast to Northwest direction in a distance of approximately 288 feet. The ground is presently unimproved, however all utilities are either stubbed into property or immediately adjacent to it. The City of Renton is presently installing curbs and sidewalks on two sides of property. 10 . Total construction cost or fair market value of proposed project including additional developments contemplated : $385,000. 11 . Construction dates (month and year) for which permit is requested Begin June 1976 - End January 1977 /70 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTONeVED ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT WORKSHEET C� APR 7 1976 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY : Application No . illi_ � �-�� Negative Dec . r �xw 'I N Date Received 7-7 - 7' - EIS II INSTRUCTIONS : The purpose of this information is to assist the vari - ous departments of the City to determine whether an environmental impact statement will be required before approving and issuing a per- mit for a proposed project . Single family residential uses in non -sensitive areas are exempt from this requirement as established by ;I Washington . Administrative Code 173-34 . In addition to the following information , please submit a vicinity map (recommend scale : 1" representing 200 ' to 800 ' ) and a site map ( rec- ommended scale.: 1" representing 10 ' to 40 ' ) . I' APPLICANT TO PROVIDE INFORMATION REQUIRED IN ITEMS 1 THROUGH 30 BELOW : 1 . Name of applicant Valley Building Associates 2 . Mailing address 2200 - 112th N. E. Bellevue, Washington Telephone 454-0400 1 3. Applicant is : XlOwner I _'Lessee I 'Contract purchaser I . 'Other (specify) 4. Name and address of owner , if other than applicant : Telephone 5 . General location of proposed project (give street address if any or nearest street and intersection 401 South 43rd. Street Renton, Washington - 4 - 17 . Is the proposed project located in an area that has a number of large trees or other natural landscaped areas , waterways , marshes or wildlife? yes X no If "yes" explain . ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF PROPOSED PROJECT : In the following questions summarize what the applicant feels will be the environmental impact , both beneficial and adverse , of the proposed project. Consideration should be given to both the human and natural environmental as well as physical , social, and aesthetic aspect. For projects which are part of a more extensive plan , consider the implications of the entire plan and not just the project now being proposed . 18. Land Use : Will the project have a significant effect on land use in the surrounding area? 1 lyes X no. Explain : Area presently being used for Medical Office Buildings and related facilities. 19. Project Design and Appearance : Will the project design , appear- ance , landscaping , etc. , assure the maximum protection for the natural environment? X yes I ' no Explain : Building is sited to take advantage of sloping site. 20. Ground Contours : Does the proposed project have an effect on the existing ground contours of the project location? yes X no . Is the project likely to cause erosion or sedimentation? yes "X no? If "yes" to either , explain . - 3 - 12 . List any other permits for this project from state , federal , or other local governmental agencies for which you have applied or will apply, including the name of the issuing agency, whether the permit has been applied for, and if so , the date of the applica- tion , whether the application was approved or denied and the date of same , and the number of the application or, permit : Date Agency Permit Type Submitted* Number Status** City of Renton Bldg. Permit Not Submitted As_Yet State of Wash. Elec. Permit Not Submitted As Yet City of Renton Plumbing Permit . Not Submitted As Yet City of Renton HVAC Permit Not Submitted As Vet * Leave blank if not submitted. ** Approved , denied or pending . 13 . Has an Environmental Impact Statement or an Environmental Assess- ment been prepared for the proposed project? II If "yes" submit copy with this yes X no environmental impact worksheet. 14. Are there similar projects , both public and private , existing or planned in the immediate area : - I l X lyes [m no don ' t know If "yes" explain . Surrounding Area is developed and planned for use as Medical ' Office Buildings. 15 . Is the proposed project located in or adjacent' to, an area or structure having unique or exceptional historic , cultural , or other values considered important by some sectors of the ,popu- lation? yes x no If "yes " explain . 16 . Is the proposed project located in an area that may be considered sensitive and is subject to erosion , landslides , floods , etc . ? yes (X l no If "yes" explain . } . I - 6 - 25 . Effect on Population : Will the proposed action directly or .in- directly cause the relocation of a sizeable number of persons or the division or disruption of existing community patterns of liv- ing? yes x no If "yes" explain . 26 . Schools and Parks : Will the proposed project have an effect on schools and parks in the area? yes ix no If "yes " explain . 27 . Transportation : Will construction of the project or use of the completed project have a significant impact on transportation in the area? A r yes IX[ no Explain : 28. Public Use : Will the project be available for use by all sectors of the public? I Explain : i i yes no Providing Health Care to patients of the Tenants. 29 . Other Impacts : Identify any other beneficial or adverse environ- mental impacts which may result from the construction or comple- tion of thee proposed project. - 5 21 . Air Quality: Will construction of the project and use of the completed project have a substantial effect on the existing air quality? (Consider the effect of any gas , chemicals , smoke , dust , particulate matter , and odors) ? . yes X4no If "yes" explain . 22 . Water Quality: Will construction of the project and use of the completed project be likely to have an effect on the existing water quality of the area? (Consider the adequacy of drainage and runoff and the likely endpoint of any liquids draining from the project. ) yes rno . Is there a good possibility - that this project will requirp an expansion of local water and/or sewer facilities? ( yes IX (no If "yes" to either , explain . 23 . Noise : Will construction of the project or use of the completed project significantly affect the existing noise levels of the area? I , yes no . Will the project be affected by airports , freeways , railroclil or other sources of noise? lyes , XLno If "yes" to either , explain . I' 24. Population Density: Will a noticeable population change result from this project? ( Consider the present density per acre in the surrounding community to the proposed density of the project and including daytime density. ) yes , X no . Will the pro- ject cause periodic or temporary fluctuations in population due to tourism, employment, shopping , schools , etc. I iyes fXlno. If "yes" to either , explain. - 7 - 30 . VIEWS OF LOCAL GROUPS : Have you made your plans known to interested communitygroups or neighbors in the vicinity of the project? lx yes no If "yes" what are their reactions? If "no" do you intend to contact these people?n yes ,no A sign has been on site for one year with no response from neighbors CERTIFICATION BY OWNER/REPRESENTATIVE The Owner/Representative identified in Item No . 1 or 4 above hereby certifies that the information furnished in this Environmental Work- sheet is true and accurate to the best of their knowledge. VAlle IL 74,77,;(5clitrit.S Signature Title Date - 8 - TO BE 'FILLED tN 'dY CITY DEPARTMENTS Ij REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : Department: Comments : Signature of Director o.r Authorized Representative Date REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : Department : Comments : Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date • - 8 - TO BE FILLED 'IN BY CITY DEPARTMENTS REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : Department: TRAFFi c EN6 eiN EreeptiG Div, Comments : NO s/641/A/ c4N T Zih/Acr. • Afritestodaidalr-c Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : Department: u ID Comments : 5 !yid ccl nn�'✓S • �- v! c�U U V -e �p�YJ✓t0 , S zr_��✓SyG l � �- n R t / ' r Signature of Director or Aurtrfforized Representative ate 4 . - 9 - REVIEW Br OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : Department : BLID • Comments : Jc /e.Diu 1 j A \ • jfIature of Director or Authorized Representative Date REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : Department: G • Comments : c- c is.2,s 0 Czl: k--0 T vp t •cc---1.2) Co)•'--Y\ C- `-f ci , 6. . Pcg (L• 11 ,-- / r • Signature of Director or Autilorized Representative Date - 10 - ACTION BY RESPONSIBLE OFFICIAL • A. Staff review determined that project : )( Has no significant environmental impact and application should be processed without further consideration of environmental effects . May have significant environmental impact and a complete environmental assessment should be prepared by applicant prior to further action on request for permit. B . Reasons for above conclusion : a .USE-5 , '� T c j L �;Jp cCA/N k 3(7 19 pAv(DC 1i,l I , t 4r'ink 4 c i ci 4 'D PR-A. i{ i` ►,v�-C r�-�tP�-Lj s' - • Sign ture o Re ponsible Official or Authorized Representative ` :. Date : 4/47(.. Form : EIS-1 Planning Department October 15 , 1973 ' LEGAL ".DESCRIPTION r.. .' Parcel. "A« ; The, North 230 feet of .the .East 166.36 feet of the East half of. the Northeast quarter of. the Southwest._quarter of . the Northeast quarter .EXCEPT. the North 30 feet thereof for county road, Section:31, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, N.M., :'in King County, Washington; EXCEPT any portion of Springbrook Road lying in the- above described property and ALSO EXCEPT the North 20 feet and Easterly 10 feet measured perpendicular to Southerly margin of South 180th Street and Westerly margin of Springbrook Road as deed to City of Renton for street, alley and any other public uses and purposes by deed recorded under Auditor' s file No. 6371346. Also that portion of the . east one-half of. the- Northeast quarter of the Southwest,quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section , 31, township, 23 North, range . 5 .East, W.M. , King County, • Washington, described as. follows:.- Commencing at the Northeast corner of said East one-half; thence N 89°01 48" W along the North line. of said East one-half, , a distance of 1.66.36. feet; thence S 0°59'42" W, paralle1. to the, East line of. said one-half a distance of 230.00 feet to the true point of-beginning of the tract hereinafter 'described; thence- continuing S 0°59'42n W a distance of •77.31 feet; 'thence: S 89°O1'48"- E parallel to the North line of said East one-half a distance of 125.73 feet . to a point 40.00 feet . distant,- measured at right angles to the center line of Springbrook. Road; thence N 6°19'16" -E along a line parallel to and 40.00' distant from said center line, a , distance' of ,77.65 feet; thence N. .89°01'48". W parallel to , the . :.. North 'line of said East one-half, a distance. of 132.97 feet to the true point of 'beginning, . containing 10.,000 sq. ft. of• land. I \ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION RENTON , WASHINGTON A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION AT ITS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS , CITY HALL , RENTON , WASHINGTON , ON APRIL 28 , 19 76 , AT 8 : 00 P . M. TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING PETITIONS : 1 . APPLICATION FOR PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL , file No . PP-857-76 ; property located on the south side of Puget Drive S . E. between Benson Hill . Apartments and Edmonds Ave. S . E . , north of S . E . 22nd St. ' 2. APPLICATION FOR FINAL PLAT APPROVAL , file . No . FP-864-76; property located at 4309 N. E . 10th St. 3 . REZONE FROM G TO R-2 , file No . R-862-76:.; property located on the east side of Park Ave . N. ±100 feet _ north of N . 30th St. . 4. REZONE FROM P-1TO 'B- 1 , file No . R-865-76 ; property located on the north side of Houser Way S . between Shattuck and. Whitworth . 5. SPECIAL PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT AN APARTMENT COMPLEX (4-plex ) IN R-2 .ZONE , file No . SP-863-76; property located :on the SE corner of Meadow Ave. N . and N. 3rd St. 6 . SPECIAL PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT A PROFESSIONAL OFFICE BUILDING IN R-3 ZONE ; file No . SP-866-76; property located on the SW 'corner of S . 43rd St. and Talbot Rd . S . Legal descriptions of all applications noted above o'n file in the Renton Planning Department . ALL INTERESTED PERSONS TO SAID PETITIONS ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ON APRIL 28 , 1976. . AT 8 : 00 P . M. TO EXPRESS THEIR OPINIONS . ' JOAN WALKER. , SECRETARY PUBLISHED April 18 , 1976 RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION I , .WILLIAM C . TURNER , HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENT WERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE. CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE AS 'PRESCRIBED BY LAW. ATTEST : Subscribed and sworn to before me , a Notary Public , SIGNED ( � on the 15th day of April 1976 . : -•'. i - • ' ' > , • T'LA NN1 NG Di:1 -.• :.1!-:1 NT D:\TI, _...---- PLEASE REV1P, THIS APPLICATION FOR: VAI i_. i ZLI:6 . -A, CC REZONE poFe-,,, L, z-,L-06 ifr,) e,z, ea,.--r!,i.\JOR PLAT S,HORT PLAT SPECIAL PERTEIT ' \.:"\IVER PERMIT OR EXEMPT ION • AND RETURN TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT WITH ANY COMMENTS YOU MIGHT 1LAVE, BEFORE 'K- /3-.7G SIGNATURE • OR INITIAL DE PART•IENT APPROVAL DENIAL DATE • TR_A F F IC ENG • i • , , ; , -NGINEF 7---- .,F IRE 1 HEA ET . , ---' )- s, :-' / • !• f ' - 1 p (1 ti c • ,J, REV IEWER'S COMMENTS OR APPROVAL CONDITIONS : d • 1 , _ of R. ,„ •� ; -�: THE, CITY OF RENTON r , -:.- ,� MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 z ,t o O� - ch CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , MAYOR •• , PLANNING DEPARTMENT 4 @- 235-2550 O • ,�glFo SEPlF�� May 3 , 1976 Valley Building Associates _ 2200 - 112th Avenue N.E. • • Bellevue, Washington 98004 • ' RE: SPECIAL PERMIT FOR MEDICAL CLINIC IN R-3 ZONE, LOCATED AT 401 SOUTH 43rd STREET, RENTON, WASHINGTON, #SP-866-76 Gentlemen: The Planning Commission at its April 28 , 1976 public hearing approved your requeEt for a special permit to construct a profes- sional clinic in an R-3 zone subject to the following conditions : 1. Planning Department approval of a detailed landscape plan with additional landscape material and planter widths where necessary for screening purposes and reduction of visual impacts of the development. 2. Provisions of a bond in the amount of 150% of the estimate for installation of landscaping and a three- year maintenance period. 3. Provisions for adequate storm drainage including on- site retention and oil/water separation facilities . These items may be included with your plans for building permit . submittal. Any questions regarding landscaping may be directed to Joan Lankford, Landscape Architect, of our Planning Department staff. Very truly yours , Gordon Y. Ericksen Planning Direct ' ...- Michael L. Smith Associate Planner . MLS:ms cc : Public Works Director Building Division Renton Planning Commission Meeting , April 28 , 1976 Page Eight Slides , maps and aerial photographs of the project were viewed a'nd discussed . A revised landscaping plan , which is to be submitted , was described . Questions followed regarding parking arrangements for the handicapped . Audience comment was invited by the Chairman . Roland Nelson , 1899 - 77th Ave . N . E . , Bellevue , indicated that Earl Thompson has been retained to prepare the land- scape design . Noting no further response , IT WAS THEN MOVED BY WIK, SECONDED BY TEEGARDEN , THAT THE PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED . MOTION CARRIED. Following furt her discussion and deliberation , IT WAS ACTION: MOVED BY WIK, SECONDED BY GIST, THAT THE PLANNING COMMIS- SION APPROVE THE APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL PERMIT TO DEVELOP THE PROPERTY FOR THE SITE PLAN AS IT IS COMPATIBLE WITH THE SURROUNDING USES SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1 . SUBMISSION OF LANDSCAPE PLANS TO BE APPROVED BY THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT. 2 . PROVISIONS FOR ADEQUATE STORM DRAINAGE AND OIL/WATER SEPARATION IN THE PARKING AREAS. 3 . POSTING OF A BOND IN THE AMOUNT OF 150% INSTALLA- TION FOR A 3 YEAR MAINTENANCE PERIOD. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5. ADMINISTRATIVE: COMMITTEE REPORTS Chairman Wik of the Special Studies Committee announced meetings to be held on May 13th at 7 : 30 p . m . regarding the Knutsen rezone request and May 20th at 7 : 30 p . m. with reference to the Perrotti special permit appli - cation . Chairman Teegarden of the Land Use Committee noted a forthcoming meeting on May 3rd at 7 : 30 p . m . to continue study on the revised Zoning Ordinance . B. CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL - LETTER FROM VICTORIA PARK The Planning Director referred the Commission to a letter from the Victoria Park Homeowners Association requesting an additional entrance to their subdivision . He stated it had been referred to them for information only until further development occurs in the area . C. OTHER ( 1 ) ZONING ORDINANCE REVIEW AND PUD ORDINANCE Referring to revised drafts of zoning ordinances con- cerning R- 1 , R-2 , R-3 , R-4 , B-1 , and possibly some re- visions to the parking and loading requirements and a draft of the P . U . D . ordinance to be presented at the public hearing of the City Council on May 11th , Mr . Ericksen indicated that Councilman Perry , Chairman of the Planning and Development Committee , which has been studying the matter , invites input in writing or orally from the Commissioners . Staff review and input has also been submitted . r � Renton Planning Commission Meeting April 14 , 1976 Page Five Following further consideration and due deliberation , IT WAS ACTION: MOVED BY TEEGARDEN, SECONDED BY SCHOLES, THAT IT BE RECOM- MENDED TO THE COUNCIL AVIATION COMMITTEE THAT THEY ENDEAVOR TO FIND AN ALTERNATIVE LOCATION FOR THE PROPOSED STRUCTURE THAT MAY BE INCORPORATED INTO THE LONG-RANGE MASTER PLAN CURRENTLY UNDER STUDY, INASMUCH AS IT IS THE OPINION OF THE COMMISSION THAT THE PROPOSED STRUCTURE IS INCOMPATIBLE WITH THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE MAIN ENTRANCE OF THE AIRPORT. MOTION CARRIED. The Chairman reassumed the chairmanship of the meeting at this time. He noted the items of continued and new business to be considered at the April 28th public hearing and requested staff review. 4. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING ITEM: PRELIMINARY PLAT: A. ROLLING HILLS VILLAGE NO . 4; Appl . No . PP-857-76 ; Prelimi - nary Plat for a 100 Lot Major Subdivision ; property located on the south side of Puget Drive S . E . between Benson Hill Apts . and Edmonds Ave . S . E . , north of S . E . 22nd St . The Planning Director advised that the application had been continued since the March public hearing . Committee meetings had been held with the applicant and neighbors and that a revised plan is being submitted . There was a brief discussion relative to the concerns expressed by the neighbors , devel - oper , and city departments . 5. NEW BUSINESS : The Planning Director then described the new applications listed below to be reviewed by the Commission , noting the following factors : type of application , location , zoning--existing and proposed , if applicable-- , character of the neighborhood , any proposed construction , and_ parking . Appropriate maps and elevation drawings were viewed. FINAL PLAT: A. HONEYDEW ESTATES NO. 3 (JAMES W. DALPAY ) ; Appl . No . FP-864-76 ; Application for approval of a 10 lot single family residential subdivision final plat; property located at 4309 N . E. 10th .St . REZONES: B. LAURENCE KNUTSEN ; Appl . No . R-862-76 ; Rezone from G to R-2 ; property located on the east side of Park Ave . N . ±100 feet north of N. 30th St. C. ALBERT HEGLUND; Appl . No . R-865-76 ; Rezone from P-1 to B-1 ; property located on the north side of Houser Way S . between Shattuck and Whitworth . SPECIAL PERMIT: D. FLOYD PERROTTI ; Appl . No. SP-863-76; Special Permit to construct an apartment complex (4-plex) in an R-2 zone ; property located on the SE corner of Meadow Ave . N . and N 3rd St. * L. ' VALLEY BUILDING ASSOCIATES ; Appl . No . SP-866-76 ; Special Permit to construct a professional office building in an R-3 zone ; property located on the S .W . corner of S . 43rd , St. and Talbot Rd . S .