HomeMy WebLinkAboutRenton HB 1110 _06-01-24 Open House Presentation HB 1110 MIDDLE HOUSING COMPLIANCE RENTON MIDDLE HOUSING Online Open House | June 1, 2024 PROJECT TEAM Angelea Weihs Project Manager Katie Buchl-Morales Project Manager City Staff Markus Johnson Associate Planner Rachel Miller Project Manager MAKERS Staff •Mute your microphone when not speaking •Use the chat function to ask questions or raise your virtual hand to indicate you wish to speak •Remember that this is a public meeting that is being recorded and that the chat box is also part of the public record of this meeting VIRTUAL MEETING INSTRUCTIONS •Washington State needs 1.1 million new homes over the next 20 years. •In April 2023, Washington State Legislature passed House Bill (HB) 1110 to promote the development of “middle housing.” •HB 1110 defines “middle housing” as: ➢Buildings that are compatible in scale, form, and character with single-family houses and contain two or more attached, stacked, or clustered homes including duplexes, triplexes, fourplexes, fiveplexes, sixplexes, townhouses, stacked flats, courtyard apartments, and cottage housing. THE BASICS WHERE HB 1110 APPLIES •HB 1110 provisions are required in all primarily residential lots in the city •There are seven current zones in Renton’s zoning code that HB 1110 will affect ZONING MAP HB 1110 COMPLIANCE AND DEADLINE •Renton will prepare a middle housing ordinance with a process that includes public and stakeholder engagement to communicate the implications of HB 1110 and help assist staff in drafting the ordinance. •If a city has not passed development regulations by the statutory deadline, state- approved Model ordinances preempt and supersede the local development regulations and remain in effect until the city takes all actions necessary to implement RCW 36.70A.635 •Compliance required by June 30, 2025. APPLICABILITY •77 cities statewide are subject to HB 1110 ➢55 in the four-county central Puget Sound region (King, Snohomish, Pierce, and Kitsap) ➢Beaux Arts Village (population: 317) to Seattle (population: 737,015) •Commerce has categorized cities into three “tiers” based on HB 1110 requirements ➢Tier 1: 16 jurisdictions; 75,000 > ➢Tier 2: 27 jurisdictions; 25,000 < 75,000 ➢Tier 3: 34 jurisdictions; 25,000 < and contiguous with the urban growth area that contains the county’s largest city, in counties exceeding 275,000 ➢First deadline: June 30, 2025 UNIT REQUIREMENTS Unit allowance on all residential lots where HB 1110 is applied INCREASE FOR: Located within ¼ mile walking distance of a major transit stop INCREASE FOR: Inclusion of affordable housing* TIER 1: Population of 75,000 or more 4 units per lot 6 units per lot 6 units per lot if at least 2 units are affordable TIER 2: Population 25,000 – 75,000 2 units per lot 4 units per lot 4 units per lot if at least 1 unit is affordable TIER 3: Population under 25,000 that are contiguous with an UGA that includes the largest city in a county with a population over 275,000 2 units per lot ---- •Major transit stop: Light rail, commuter rail, streetcar, bus rapid transit, trolley buses, and other transit funded or expanded under RCW 81.104 (i.e., Sound Transit express busses, King County Metro). •Affordable owner-occupied housing available at or below 80% median income •Affordable rental housing available at or below 60% median household income RENTON PARKING STANDARDS •HB 1110 precludes cities from requiring off-street parking as a condition of middle housing approval when located within ½ mile walking distance of a major transit stop •Transit routes: ➢King County RapidRide F line ➢Future Sound Transit Stride ➢Future King County RapidRide I line PARKING STANDARDS – LOT SIZE •Parking requirements determined by lot size ➢Lots 6,000 sq. ft. or smaller: One off-street parking space per middle housing unit is the max that can be set ➢Lots greater than 6,000 sq. ft.: Two off-street parking spaces per middle housing unit is the max that can be set EXEMPTIONS •Any lots designated with critical areas or their buffers •Lots in impaired or threatened watersheds •Lots that have been designated as “urban separators” by countywide planning policies •Areas that are currently served only by on-site sewage systems may be limited to two units per lot until sewer service is provided •Lots served only by private wells or private water systems with less than 50 connections •City or water utility systems/providers which do not have adequate water supply or available connections to serve the increased number of units Cities are not required to update their capital facilities plan element to accommodate increased housing until the first periodic comprehensive plan update required on or after June 30, 2034. MAKERS DISCUSSION TOPICS ➢Benefits of Middle Housing ➢Renton Housing Supply ➢Middle Housing Typologies ➢Compliance Updates ➢Middle Housing Lot Examples ➢Middle Housing Photos and Rendering Examples ➢Polling ➢Questions? THE BENEFITS OF MIDDLE HOUSING ➢Affordability ➢Variety ➢Sustainability ➢Homeownership ➢Equity Willowcrest Townhomes, 2550 NE 11th PlCastle Townhomes, 530 Shattuck Ave S RENTON HOUSING SUPPLY & FUTURE HOUSING NEED Extremely Low Income Very Low Income Low IncomeBelow Median Income Meets or Exceeds Median Income Exceeds Median Income Total Units 0 to 30% AMI 30 to 50% AMI 50 to 80% AMI 80 to 100% AMI 100 to 120% AMI > 120% AMI 2020 Housing Unit Inventory 43,362 1,642 6,206 9,259 10,863 6,988 8,404 Additional Housing Units Needed by 2044 17,000 6,271 1,624 1,019 1,062 1,205 5,819 2044 Total Future Need 60,362 7,913 7,830 10,278 11,925 8,193 14,223 Share of Future Housing Need 13%13%17%20%14%24% RENTON HOUSING SUPPLY & FUTURE HOUSING NEED APARTMENTS MIDDLE HOUSING SINGLE-FAMILY •Some middle housing types will help meet moderate income households earning 80 – 120% of the AMI •Fourplexes, fiveplexes, sixplexes, townhouses, stacked flats, courtyard apartments, and cottage housing HOUSING TYPOLOGIES As part of HB 1110, Renton zoning codes must allow at least six out of the nine listed types of middle housing: 1.Duplexes 2.Triplexes 3.Fourplexes 4.Fiveplexes 5.Sixplexes 6.Townhouses 7.Stacked Flats 8.Courtyard Apartments 9.Cottage Housing HB 1110 COMPLIANCE UPDATES Some already known necessary zoning code updates include: •Permitting six middle housing types in all residential zones. •Updating definitions in the code that appropriately incorporate the allowed middle housing types. •Updating maximum number of dwellings per lot from 1 dwelling and 1 ADU to 4 dwelling units. EXAMPLE MIDDLE HOUSING FOR RENTON’S TYPICAL LOTS SMALL LOT W AND W/O ALLEY – ~5,000 SF CONVERSION TO DUPLEX/MULTIPLEX CONVERSION TO DUPLEX/MULTIPLEX ADD REAR YARD ADUS DUPLEX NEW HOUSES SITE 1 – SMALL LOT, 6 UNITS AND NO REQUIRED PARKING ➢Lot size: 5,000 SF ➢Number of units: 6 ➢Parking spaces: 0 FOURPLEX Birmingham Fourplex, apartments.com SITE 1 – SMALL LOT, 6 UNITS AND NO REQUIRED PARKING SITE 2 – SMALL LOT, 4 UNITS AND NO REQUIRED PARKING ➢Lot size: 5,000 SF ➢Number of units: 4 ➢Parking spaces: 2 DUPLEX DUPLEX MULTIPLEX MULTIPLEX SITE 3 – SMALL LOT, 4 UNITS AND 1 STALL PER UNIT ➢Lot size: 5,000 SF ➢Number of units: 4 ➢Parking spaces: 4 TOWNHOUSES TOWNHOUSES TOWNHOUSES TOWNHOUSES MID-SIZE LOTS – ~7,500 SF SITE 4 – MID-SIZE LOT, UP TO 6 UNITS, NO REQUIRED PARKING ➢Lot size: 7,350 SF ➢Number of units: 4-6 COURTYARD APARTMENTS COURTYARD APARTMENTS COTTAGE HOUSING COTTAGE HOUSING SITE 5 – MID-SIZE LOT, FOUR UNITS, 2 STALLS PER UNIT ➢Lot size: 7,500 SF ➢Number of units: 4 ➢Parking spaces: 8 MULTIPLEX Wide parking area in front not allowed MID-SIZE CURVILINEAR AND CUL-DE-SAC LOTS SITE 6 – FOUR UNITS AND UP TO 2 STALLS PER UNIT ➢Lot size: 7,500 SF ➢Number of units: 4 ➢Parking spaces: 8 WHAT DO YOU THINK? YOUR TURN! Options to access the poll: ▪Use your phone’s camera app to scan this QR code → ▪Visit pollev.com/makers350 with your browser ▪Or, text "MAKERS350" to 22333 (not all questions will be included) The poll questions on your phone or browser will advance with the slideshow If you need to change your response, click this icon: NEXT STEPS TIMELINE Month Activity March 2024 ✓Launch webpage and public announcement ✓Project and Public Participation Plan Briefing April 2024 – June 2024 ✓Public Engagement Workshop #1 ✓Ongoing promotion at public events ❑Public Engagement Workshop #2 ❑Public Engagement Summary Briefing June 2024 - November 2024 ❑Draft Middle Housing Regulations Winter/Spring 2025 ❑Final Draft Summary Recommendations June 2025 ❑Adopt ordinance Public Engagement ✓Prepare engagement materials ✓Perform engagement ❑Summarize engagement results Develop Middle Housing Development Regulations ✓Review existing regulations and design standards ✓Review model ordinance prepared by Commerce ❑HB 1110 compliance policy/code audit ❑Draft development regulations Participating via computer or tablet? •Mute your microphone when not speaking •Use the chat function to ask questions or raise your virtual hand to indicate you wish to speak Participating via phone? •Use *9 to "raise hand" •Use *6 to mute/unmute QUESTIONS Angelea Weihs 425-430-7312 aweihs@rentonwa.gov FOLLOW-UP QUESTIONS STAFF CONTACTS Katie Buchl-Morales 425-430-6578 kbuchl-morales@rentonwa.gov STAY INFORMED:www.rentonwa.gov/middlehousing