HomeMy WebLinkAboutMFP24002899.pdfDEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Minor Franchise Permit: MFP24002899 IVR Number: 24002899 Permit Information Permit Name: Puget Sound Energy - Electric Address/Location:06/06/2024Application Date:6403500230Parcel Number: 4401 NE 6TH PL Permit Type:06/18/2024Issue Date:Franchise Permit Work Class:06/18/2025Expiration Date:Minor Utility Job Number: 101162385Franchise Type:Electric Description: Puget Sound Energy Electric CREW TO PARK IN ROW TO UPGRADE EXISTING PADMOUNT TRANSFORMER AT V01 (318287 167221). NO HS CUTS Contacts Name Address PhoneTypeBilling Corrie Rydberg Puget Sound Energy 3702 71st Ave W University Place, WA 98466 C: (253) 905-5031ApplicantX Vicki Henson Potelco Inc 8001 212th St S Kent, WA 98032 B: (253) 863-0484Contractor Business License Number: 5109Electrical Contractor: POTELI*344O4 Construction Contractor: POTELI*227PL Puget Sound Energy Inc 10885 NE 4th Street, PSE08-N08 Bellevue, WA 98009 B: (888) 225-5773Emergency Contact CITY OF RENTON ROW 1055 S Grady Way Renton, WA 98057-3232 Owner Corrie Rydberg Puget Sound Energy 3702 71st Ave W University Place, WA 98466 C: (253) 905-5031Specialized Billing General Conditions & Signature Permission is hereby given for the work described on this permit according to the conditions hereon and according to the approved plans and specifications pertaining thereto, subject to compliance with the Ordinance of the City of Renton. Ÿ This permit and plans must be posted at the job site at all times.Ÿ I hereby certify that no work is to be done except as described above and in approved plans, and that work is to conform to Renton Trench Restoration and Street Overlay Requirements. Ÿ Call 425.430.7203 or go to: https://permitting.rentonwa.gov one working day in advance to schedule an inspections and for ANY work in the Right of Way. Ÿ Call 8 1 1 to locate underground utilities at least two full business days prior to any excavation.Ÿ In accordance with RCW 19.122.033(4) the permit holder is required to contact (Williams Northwest Pipeline at 425.868.1010) (Olympic Pipeline at 425.235.7736) (Puget Sound Energy at 425.375.3397) to request a consultation with the transmission pipeline company prior to performing any construction or excavation activities. This requirement to consult with the transmission pipeline company is in addition to the requirement to Call before You Dig as required in RCW 19.122. Ÿ (Date)(Signature) Page 1 of 1THIS PERMIT AND PLANS MUST BE POSTED AT THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES Note: The Applicant is responsible for compliance with all codes and regulations, whether or not described in this document. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Page 1 of 3 | Published: 10/27/2021 Transportation Division | 1055 South Grady Way, 5th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7380 Website: rentonwa.gov TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN APPLICATION Published: 10/27/2021 TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN (TCP) MUST BE SUBMITTED TO PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION DIVISION FOR REVIEW/APPROVAL AT LEAST FIVE (5) WORKING DAYS BEFORE THE DATE OF WORK. The City of Renton requires any contractor, firm, corporation, or other public/private agency to prepare a traffic control plan (TCP) and obtain city's approval of that plan when construction, repair, or maintenance work is to be conducted within the city's right-of-way. 1. Fill out the Traffic Control Plan (TCP) Application form and prepare required submittal documents. 2. The following items are all required for submittal of the TCP Application: ☐Electronic Copy of the TCP Application ☐Electronic Copy of the TCP Layout, on 11” X 17” paper size format, which shall: Include map(s) showing the location of the project and work area. Be legible lettering and clear, contrasting, symbols of viewing or printing. Must indicate street names, and north arrow and scale. Types of plans required: o Work hour plan – show all mobility impacts during construction hours. o Non-work plan - show all mobility impacts after work hours when limited or no work is happening in the right-of-way (ROW), if applicable. o Changing construction phases – show construction sequence and each construction phase change even if the traffic control is not modified, if applicable. o Pedestrian access/detour plan, if applicable. - Shall conform to the Washington State Traffic Control Flagger Certification handbook, by the Evergreen Safety Council. 3. Submit Application via email to TCP@rentonwa.gov with the subject line “TCP Application – [Project Name].” Project Name: Permit #: Site Address: Work Date: From _____________ To _____________ Work Time: Start ______________ End ______________ Construction Company: Contact Name: Phone/Cell: _________________________ Business Address: City/State: Zip: Description of Work: Approval By: _________________________________________________ Date:____________________ Transportation Engineering PLEASE SEE ATTACHED POTELCO, INC 6905 S 228TH ST KENT, WA 98032 101162385 4401 NE 6TH PL ADRIAN CENTENO 253-308-8953 MFP24002899 Monday - Friday 8:00AM - 3:00PM Scott Warlick CED 6/18/2024 Note: The Applicant is responsible for compliance with all codes and regulations, whether or not described in this document. Page 2 of 3 | Published: 10/27/2021 PERMIT HOLDER AGREES TO ALL THE FOLLOWING: Must have approved Traffic Control Plan (TCP) prior to commencing the work. Maintain existing pedestrian access. The work on pedestrian facilities, shall be limited to one corner at a time, with the least possible inconvenience or delay to pedestrians. WORK TIME begins when any street or travel lane is fully or partially closed. This includes set up within the traveled way. Comply with all traffic regulations of the City of Renton and the State of Washington. Prepare a traffic control plan and obtain City approval of that plan. That plan shall be implemented for all street and lane closures, and the plan shall be performed in compliance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. Notify emergency services (253-852-2121) twenty-four (24) hours before any street or lane closures. Contractor or entity must call Renton School District (425-204-4455) or any public/private agency, including public transit, to be affected by a temporary lane or road closure a minimum of five business days (excluding weekends and holidays) prior to starting any work. Contractor or entity must notify King County Metro in writing at construction.coord@kingcounty.gov a minimum of five business days (excluding weekends and holidays) prior to starting any work impacting bus stops, a temporary lane or road closure. Work requiring removing a bus shelter or sign requires notification in writing a minimum of 30 business days (excluding weekends and holidays). Please call King County Metro at 206-477-1140 with any questions. Any lane or street closures not in conformance with the approved traffic control plan and/or without notification of emergency services may result in receiving a citation for violation of R.C.W. 47.36.200 Signs or Flaggers at thoroughfare work sites and R.C.W. 9A.36.050 Reckless Endangerment, and other applicable State and City codes. Indemnify and hold harmless the City of Renton from any and all claims, actions, and judgments, including all costs of defense and attorney’s fees incurred in defending against same, arising from and related to implementation of the approved traffic control plans including claims arising from towing of private vehicles and the acts of the Permit Holder’s agents and employees. The City of Renton shall be entitled, in its reasonable discretion, to settle claims prior to suit or judgment, and in such event shall indemnify and hold harmless the City for any such claims paid, including the City’s reasonable attorney’s fees and litigation costs incurred resulting from such claim. In the event any claim or suit is brought against City within the scope of this Agreement, Permit Holder will pay for legal counsel chosen by the City to defend against same. Flagger and sign placement are subject to revision by the City Inspector on site, if needed to address traffic or pedestrian safety or travel. All permit conditions shall be met. NOTES: Total road closure lasting more than twenty-four (24) hours is subject to the approval by the City Council. Work Zone Traffic Control shall be in accordance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) and shown by a traffic control plan layout or reference to WSDOT. Approved Temporary Traffic Control Plan must be at the work site during work hours. Complete assistance and accommodation shall be provided to all kinds of pedestrian traffic when sidewalk or walkway is impeded to safely redirect pedestrians around a work zone. Signage shall be used to warn motorcyclists/bicyclists of the potential hazards on any uneven surfaced or slippery road conditions during work and non-work hours. Any vehicle, equipment, barricade, or portable tow-away sign used within the work area must display a company logo or any legally acceptable sign showing the company name, address, and telephone number at a conspicuous place on the vehicle or equipment. Note: The Applicant is responsible for compliance with all codes and regulations, whether or not described in this document. Page 3 of 3 | Published: 10/27/2021 In the case of Temporary No Parking Zones, all the following apply in addition to previous: Contractor must complete form to show limits of Temporary No Parking Zone identifying barricade locations for vacate parking or curb lane usage. Contractor must post notice of dates and time of Temporary No Parking Zone with at least two signs per block seventy-two (72) hours in advance of effective date and time. The cover sheet of this Traffic Control Plan form must be attached to each Temporary No Parking Sign on the project site. Temporary traffic control devices must be removed immediately when work is done or no construction activities are going on. If deemed abandoned, City crews will remove and store them at the City’s maintenance shop (3555 NE 2nd Street). I certify that the information on this application and within the submittal documents are accurate to the best of my knowledge and I acknowledge all the requirements on this application. Applicant’s Signature Date Applicant’s Name (Print) CORRIE RYDBERG DRIVEWAYDRIVEWAYDRIVEWAYROADWORKAHEAD BEPREPAREDTO STOP BEPREPAREDTO STOP ROADWORKAHEAD ROADWORKAHEADBREMERTON AVE NEBREMERTON AVE NE100'+/-100'+/-100'+/-NE 6 TH P LV01Pedestrian Escort: Stop work, securepassable ADA compliant pedestrian accesson existing sidewalk (4' min.). Clear zonemust be free of overhead hazards whenpedestrians are moving through the work zone.MANDATORY PLEASE SCHEDULEWITH DISPATCH@ 800-343-4049 OPT.1AND PROVIDE ACOPY OF THE APPROVEDTRAFFIC CONTROL PLANK&D Services, as the preparer of this trafficcontrol plan makes no representation as to its'general adequacy or being approved for implementation.Approval must result from the Traffic Engineer orother Public Official having statutory enforcement authorityin the jurisdiction. Utilization and implementation of thisplan shall be a result of that approval.Ref. MUTCD 2009 6A-01 (10)LegendConeFlaggerSpotterBEPREPAREDTO STOP W3-4 Be Prepared To StopROADWORKAHEADW20-1 Road Work AheadW20-7a flaggerWork Area Notes:1. Maintain ped. access to and through crosswalks2. Maintain Min. 10' lanes3. Maintain local access4. Notify Transit Authority at least 48 hrs. in advance of bus stop closure5. Traffic control plan and all devices shall comply with MUTCD, PROWAG & WSDOT6. DEVICE SPACING Flag Taper 20' Signs per WSDOT Tapers per WSDOT7. 28" Cones 36" Barrels 48" Signs 24" Paddle8. Adjust to field conditions OFFICE: 800-343-4049DIRECT: 425-923-9086WATCP@KNDSERVICES.NET CUSTOMER:CONTACT:LOCATION:DATE:W/O #ADRIAN CENTENO253-308-895305/17/20 11941638...4401 NE 6TH PLRENTON, WA 98059 WSTCS#012693EXP:1/31/25DESIGNED BY: WHITNEY PATERNO PLACE SPOTTER AT ANY OPEN DRIVEWAY ORENTRANCE LOCATED WITHIN THE WORK ZONE TOASSIST TRAFFIC OUT OF WORK ZONE.MAINTAIN DRIVEWAY ACCESS, IF UNABLE TO NOTIFYHOMEOWNERS OF TEMPORARY CLOSURE.SIDEWALK TO REMAIN OPEN WITH SPOTTER TOASSIST PEDESTRIANS AROUND WORK ZONE. www.invarion.com 05/17/24 MFP24002899 '4401' '4406' '4309' '4315' '4400' '4314' '4302' '4303' '4308' '4413''4321' '4419' '4407' V01 318287 167221 25kVA120/240V REPLACE EXST XFMRW/ 50kVA 120/240V NE 6TH PL VASHON PL NENE 6TH CT B R EM E R TO N A V E N E NE 6TH ST V01 318287 167221 25kVA120/240V REPLACE EXST XFMRW/ 50kVA 120/240V JOB SITE Potelco, Inc.DESIGNED BY THIS SKETCH NOT TO BE RELIED UPON FOR EXACT LOCATION OF EXISTING FACILITIES CALL (800) 424-5555 2 BUSINESS DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG No No No Yes Yes Yes "Flagging Required" "Outages Required" "Locates Required" MAKE NO CHANGES TO THIS JOB WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL Notify Customers and Service Area 48 HRS Prior To Planned Outages ORDER#NOTIF#PROJECT PHASE MAINTENENCE O & M SUPERIOR FAILED SILICONE REMOVAL EXPENSE 11941638 101162385 N/A N/A N/A 584050310 594160497 For contacts below dial 1-888-CALL PSE (225-5773) Contact Information FOREMAN (CHECK BOX WHEN COMPLETED) PSE Equipment LOCKED/SECURED & Work Area left in CLEAN/SAFE Condition.Grid, Cable, and Switch numbers INSTALLED & VERIFIED.Field Changes RED-LINED on As-built. Indicate correct FUSE SIZE on As-built & VERIFY proper PHASE. Foreman's Signature _______________________________________________ Print Name ___________________________________ Date ______________ Material VERIFIED and CHANGES noted on Paperwork.Total PRIMARY Cable noted on As-built.Company ID#'s RECORDED in correct location on As-built. Deviations noted on the As-built and their reason. I certify that the work performed meets PSE's standards and proceduresand that all quality requirements are met. N/A N/A N/A GENERAL UNDERGROUND NOTES: CONSTRUCTION OF ELECTRICAL SYSTEM MUST COMPLY TO PUGET SOUND ENERGY STANDARDS. OWNER/DEVELOPER RESPONSIBILITIES: PROVIDE ALL TRENCHING, BACKFILL (SELECT BACKFILL AND COMPACTION TO 95% OF ORIGINAL DENSITY IN CROSSINGS) AND RESTORATION WITHIN THIS PROJECT. LOCATE: THE ONE CALL CENTER (1-800-424-5555) MUST BE NOTIFIED 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF CONSTRUCTION SO ALL UTILITIES CAN BE LOCATED PRIOR TO ANY DIGGING. INSTALLED BY PSE MUST BE 18 INCHES MINIMUM IN WIDTH & SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM OF 36 INCHES COVER OVER THE TOP OF THE CONDUCTOR OR FROM THE TOP OF THE CONDUIT TO THE POINT OF FINAL GRADE. PROVIDE3 INCHES OF SAND BEDDING BELOW & 6 INCHES OF SAND BACKFILL. THE REMAINING BACKFILL MAY CONSIST OF NATIVE MATERIALS IF SUITABLE (I.E.; FREE FROM ROCKS, SHARP OBJECTS OR CORROSIVE MATERIALS THAT MAY DAMAGE CABLES OR CONDUITS). IF NATIVE MATERIALS ARE UNSUITABLE,AS DETERMINED BY PSE OR ITS INSPECTOR, SELECT BACKFILL SHALL BE SUPPLIED BY THE CUSTOMER. BACKFILL THE EXCAVATION TO FINISHED GRADE AT 2 INCHES BELOW THE VAULT TOP AS SOON AS PRACTICAL AFTER FACILITIES ARE PLACED AND INSPECTED.THE SPOILS PILE MUST BELOCATED A MINIMUM OF 24 INCHES FROM THE OPEN TRENCH.THE TRENCH SHALL PROVIDE ADDITIONAL WIDTH AS NEEDED TO MAINTAIN A 12 INCH MINIMUM HORIZONTAL SEPARATION BETWEEN POWER CONDUITS OR CABLE & ADJACENT UTILITY SERVICES. TRENCHING-SERVICE: THE CUSTOMER'S SERVICE TRENCH MUST MEET STATE & LOCAL REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS. SECONDARY TRENCHES SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM OF 24 INCHES COVER. PROVIDE 3 INCHES OF SAND BEDDING BELOW & 6 INCHES OF SAND BACKFILL. A 48 SQUARE INCH WORK PIT MUST BE PROVIDEDAT THE METER BASE. THE TRENCH SHALL PROVIDE ADDITIONAL WIDTH AS NEEDED TO MAINTAIN A 12 INCH MINIMUM HORIZONTAL SEPARATION BETWEEN CONDUITS OR CABLE & ADGACENT UTILITY SERVICES. THE SPOILS PILE MUST BE LOCATED A MINIMUM OF 24 INCHES FROM THE OPEN TRENCH. VAULT EXCAVATION: SIX INCHES (6") OF CRUSHED ROCK IS TO BE USED AS THE VAULT BASE. BACKFILL AROUND VAULTS SHOULD CONSIST OF GOOD COMPACTIBLE MATERIAL SUCH AS CLEAN EARTH FILL, CRUSHED ROCK, OR SAND. NO VOIDS SHOULD REMAIN BETWEEN THE VAULT WALLS & THE SIDES OFTHE EXCAVATION. STAKING: PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION, LOT LINE AND GRADE STAKES WILL BE PROVIDED BY THE CUSTOMER/DEVELOPER. SITE PREPARATION: PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION, THE WORK AREA WILL BE AT OR NEAR FINISHED GRADE AND CLEAR OF ANY SPOILS OR CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS WHICH WOULD RESTRICT CONSTRUCTION ACCESS. TRENCHING-PRIMARY: TRENCHES SUPPLIED FOR PRIMARY SYSTEMS OWNED & EQUIPMENT ACCESS: ADEQUATE SPACE IS TO BE MAINTAINED AROUND PSE'SFACILITIES, UNIMPEDED BY FENCES, ROCKERIES, WALLS, STRUCTURES, ETC. SITE PLAN SCALE: 1:100 Removed at site: Grid Number: kVA Rating: Foreman to redline the following information TRANSFORMER REMOVAL Company ID#: Primary phase connected to: Tested Secondary Voltage V01318287-16722125kVA Installed at site:Grid Number: kVA Rating: TRANSFORMER INSTALLATION (PM) Company ID#: Primary phase connected to: Tested Secondary Voltage Material ID#: Foreman to redline the following information V01318287-16722150kVA 120/240v6247100 EXISTING UG MAP: 2305E039 SCALE: 1:100 101162385VICINITY MAP UTILITIES CONTACT PHONE# COUNTY 1/4 SEC U-MAP NO (POWER) OP MAP Emer Sect Gas Wk Ctr POWER WK CTR PLAT MAP JOINT FACILITIES ARRANGEMENTS DRAWN BY CHECKED BY APPROVED BY FOREMAN #1 FOREMAN #2 MAPPING INCIDENT MAOP Gas Order Elect Order SCALE PAGE ENGR - POWER ENGR - GAS FUNCTION PROJECT MGR PERMITREAL ESTATE/EASEMENT 2 1 REV# 3 DATE DESCRIPTIONBY CONTACT PHONE NO DATE OH CKT MAP CIRCUIT NOUG CKT MAP A. CENTENO 253-308-8953 03/26/24 A. CRAWFORD 425-559-5712 03/26/24 N/A N/A N/A N. COX 253-569-9241 03/26/24 N/A CITY OF RENTON OTEP MAP-17 TRANSFORMER REPLACEMENT UPGRADE (1) PM TRANSFORMER 4401 NE 6TH PL, RENTON, WA 98059 N/A N/A 101162385 AS NOTED 1 OF 1 KING N/A N/A QCSOKE T23N-R05E-10S N/A N/A 2305E039 2305E040 2305E039 MAP-17 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A JOB SITE POWER GENERAL NOTES 1. All materials to be installed in accordance with Puget Sound Energy's (PSE) standards. Any deviation from this work sketch must be AUTHORIZED by Potelco's Project Manager and NOTED on the Foremans' Copy. 2. All switching arrangements and/or outage arrangements are to be made with the Project Manager at least three (3) working days in advance. 3. Contact the Utilities Underground Location Center (1-800-424-5555) at least 48 hours prior tocommencing work to get the underground facilities located.4. All work is to be done in accordance with local municipal and county permit requirements asapplicable.5. Inclement weather conditions may cause delays in construction times and dates. TRANSFORMER Vault & Equipment Table Site Grid Number Vault Size & Cover Type & Size Equipment In Vault Primary Bushings Electric Construction Notes LB DC V01 318287 167221 EXST36X42X38 Minipad HHMatid: 7663001 NEW PM XFMR 50kVA, 120/240V Matid: 6247100 2 0 SITE SPECIFIC NOTES V01 (318287-167221)- REMOVE EXISTING 25kVA 120/240v TRANSFORMER 2-45X- INST NEW 50kVA 120/240v TRANSFORMER IN EXISTING VAULT - INST 2 NEW 1/0 PRI ELBOWS (6041.1000 ELB10J)2-57 (2) - RECONNECT EXIST SEC SVCS K. STOKES 253-308-7359 05/14/24 XFMR SELECTION Existing XFMR Proposed XFMR Location Nameplate Rating (kVA) Residential Peak Demand Peak Demand Percent of Nameplate (%) Max. Allowable Peak Demand Percent of Nameplate (%) (Sec. 6315.0032) kW kVA Nameplate Rating (kVA) Peak Demand Percent of Nameplate (%) V01 25 47.0 49.5 197.9 100 50 98.9 Signature _________________________________________ KATHERINE STOKESPrint Name _________________________________________ POTELCO DESIGN ANDQUALITY ASSURANCE This design complies with PSEDesign/Engineering Standards.Any/all variations have beenpre-approved/documented by theappropriate PSE Representative. Date _________________05/14/24 X MFP24002899