HomeMy WebLinkAboutP_Landscaping_Plan_240610_v2General notes: general: ·,ismet %esign proQides measurement serQices Aor design use =ut said measurements and design documents created Arom tCose measurements are /05 to =e considered a legal surQeT oA tCe propertT 4ite measurements taFen =T ,ismet %esign are Aor scCematic purposes and are approSimate onlT ,ismet %esign does not taFe responsi=ilitT oA accuracT Aor surQeTs or propertT inAormation proQided =T otCer parties ·Contractor is responsi=le to call Aor utilitT locates prior to anT RorF =eing done ·PropertT oRner can call Aor utilitT locates =T calling  ·"nT material cCanges or design modiAications to =e approQed =T propertT oRner CCange orders Aor anT cCanges must =e approQed =eAore tCe RorF is started Permits: ·PropertT oRner or contractor to o=tain all necessarT permits Aor RorF to =e completed ·&AAorts CaQe =een made to conAorm design to all FnoRn codes and regulations =ut no guarantee is made Codes AreLuentlT cCange and are su=Eect to interpretation CCanges or clariAications to tCe design maT =e reLuested upon Eurisdiction reQieR ·%esigns must =e su=mitted to goQerning Eurisdiction to ensure code conAormance Construction practices: ·"ll installation metCods to AolloR material manuAacturer guidelines ·"ll Cardscapes to maintain a minimum  slope aRaT Arom structures ·"ll damages caused =T construction access to =e repaired and cleaned aAter completion oA construction ·Contractor sCall =e licensed =onded insured and proQide a RarrantT oA RorFmansCip Aor a minimum oA one Tear ·#est practices sCall =e used in all construction metCods and sustaina=le tecCniLues used RCereQer possi=le ·"ll construction de=ris and Raste to =e remoQed Arom tCe site and disposed oA properlT &9residence decF sCed sCed Restern red cedar %ouglas Air atlas cedarRestern red cedar Restern red cedar %ouglas Air %ouglas Air %ouglas Air %ouglas Air %ouglas Air %ouglas Air %ouglas Air red alder red alder %ouglas Air  RCite alder red alder red alder red alder red alder Air saRara Aalse cTpress saRara Aalse cTpress -05 # ~ sA -05 a ~ sA concrete Patio CQac tC "7& 4&                  remoQe stump oCuoCuoCuoCuconcrete concrete driQeRaT oCp oCp oCp 4& tC "Qe  PriQate driQe  'GS88°18'17"E 293.88'124.54'N88°28'16"W 293.93'S0°24'36"W123.68'114.00' 179.88' eSisting graQel driQeRaT C"3P*/64 #&56-64 `'"45*G*"5"`  -&6C05)0& '0/5"/&4*"/" `/"/"`  P0-:45*C)6. .6/*56.  %3*7&8": 50 "CC&44 -05 " P*&3*4 +"P0/*C" .06/5"*/ '*3&  3*#&4 4"/G6*/&6. `,*/G &%8"3% 7**`  P36/64 -"630C&3"464 `.06/5 7&3/0/`  3ooA oQerCang eSisting catcC =asin to =e remoQed mail =oS  8*%& landscape strip Rater Aeature poRer meter utilitT pole no neR trees RitCin  per citT oA renton tree list eSisting Rood Aence eSisting cCainlinF Aence to remoQe eSisting tree to #& remoQe% eSisting tree to #& 3&moQe% eSisting tree4 to #& remoQe% eSisting tree4 to #& remoQe% eSisting tree to #& remoQe% eSisting tree to #& remoQe%  roR landscape strip per citT oA renton  A cur= gutter &9*45*/G street sign eSisting storm drainage to =e diQerted to east side oA road no neR trees RitCin  oA driQeRaTs per citT oA renton tree list no neR trees RitCin  oA driQeRaTs per citT oA renton tree list "3C5045"P):-04 67"634*  P):40C"3P64 0P6-*'0-*64 4&8"3% 5.  4P*3"&" +"P0/*C" ."G*C C"3P&5  28' WIDE UTILITY EASEMENT Ride sideRalF landscape strip Per citT oA renton pu=lic street Arontage 4ection  A 1 1 P&//*4&56. 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THIS DOCUMENT SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED A LEGAL SURVEY. SITE MEASUREMENTS ACQUIRED BY KISMET DESIGN LLC ARE INTENDED FOR CONCEPTUAL PURPOSES. KISMET DESIGN SHALL NOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR ERRORS, OMISSION OR MODIFICATIONS TO DESIGN MADE BY OTHERS. KISMET DESIGN LLC MAINTAINS OWNERSHIP AND COPYRIGHT OF DESIGN DOCUMENTS. KISMET DESIGN IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE INSTALLATION OR MAINTENANCE OF ANY PORTION OF THE DESIGN. PROPERTY OWNER AND/OR CONTRACTOR ARE RESPONSIBLE TO ACQUIRE ALL NECESSARY PERMITS PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. CONSTRUCTION CONSULTATION SERVICES PROVIDED BY KISMET DESIGN LLC ARE AN EXTENSION OF DESIGN SERVICES AND MAINTAINING DESIGN INTENT AND ARE NOT A PROJECT MANAGEMENT SERVICE. OWNER OR CONTRACTOR SHALL CALL FOR UTILITY LOCATES PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES. DESIGN MODIFICATIONS SHALL BE APPROVED BY KISMET DESIGN LLC OR OWNER PRIOR TO INITIATING AND ANY COSTS INCURRED TO BE PROVIDED AND APPROVED. SHRUB PLANTING NTS TREE PLANTING DOUBLE STAKE PLANTING AT TURF AREAS. PLANTING AT SHRUB AREAS. 0201  4C"-&: Aeet    NTS