HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA77-053 BEGINNING OF FILE FILE TITLE ajGa No. 5P=oo - 77 6/3o/ 7 g IcW Jed,ci; r) \62,„ ayaD ORONO OF R4, �� ® ° BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT Z o RONALD G. NELSON - DIRECTOR 0,9 co� MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 • 235-2540 • 09gr`D SEPSc,40' BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH MAYOR MEMORANDUM March 12, 1984 • TO: Maxine Motor, City Clerk FROM: ( ,Roger Blaylock, Zoning Administrator SUBJECT: Richard C. Houghton, ;Special Permit SP-053-77 The applicant, Richard C. Houghton, on June 3, 1981, with- • drew his application for a special permit to fill property along Lake Washington together with a variance and a shore- line substantial development permit to construct a bulkhead. Therefore, this application file is being transmitted for placement with the permanent records. RJB:JMS/dm June 3, 1981 41* .1)(„ Dave Clemens [Ca �� U Planning Department City of Renton Renton, WA 98055 Subject: Shoreline Permit Dear Dave: As per our conversation, please void my request for the fill , variance, and substantial development permit. Please apply the1342 permit to the new request which follows shortly. Sincerely, Richard C. Houghton 1032 Shelton Ave. NE Renton, WA 98055 OF R4,4 • h.-: • 10, 0 THE CITY OF RENTON U tbZ MUNICIPAL BUI LDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 iaLLJ *,} BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR • PLANNING DEPARTMENT 04 GO. 235- 2550 • 0 '11-0 SEPT August 14, 1980 Richard C . Houghton 1032 Shelton Avenue N .E . Renton , Washington 98055 RE : SHORELINE APPLICATION, SPECIAL PERMIT/VARIANCE Dear Mr . Houghton: Upon review of your letter of August 12th and attached informa- tion , it is my understanding that you intended that your letter of March 13, 1979 , to Rick Beeler, Hearing Examiner, be a request for Variance. Dave Clemens ' memo of Octo- ber 24 , 1978 , however , .indicated that a previous similar letter of October 3 , 1978 , was not acceptable in view. of the lack of sufficient detail to support said request . As you will recall , reference was made to Section 8 ( Variances and Conditional uses ) of the Shoreline Master Program . Said section outlines the basic findings necessary in granting of a Variance (note attached copy) . It is , therefore, essential that supporting documentation be submitted in order to justify your request . As provided in the Master Program, Section 2 .02 .04 and Section 6 .02 .02, the burden of proof rests with the applicant (note attached copies ) . An applicant must provide such information in order for the Hearing Examiner to find that there are unusual circumstances and hardships that prevent the property owner from enjoying substantial property rights, which are possessed by other shoreline property owners in the vicinity . It is my understanding that you have reviewed this with Roger Blaylock , Associate Planner , and have discussed the necessary applications and justification material that is needed for' presentation to the Hearing Examiner . However, . I assume by your letter of August 12, 1980 , you wish to stand on the information already presented. If this is not the case , please advise me. As it stands at this time, and in order to resolve the issue , I feel I would have to concur with the position as stated in Dave Clemens ' memo in that the application is not sufficient to proceed with further processing. You may, however, submit the justification information to activate said request so that further processing can be initiated. Please contact I • Richard C . Houghton August 14, 1980 Page Two Roger Blaylock or myself, if you wish to do this . I would be happy to provide you with .a detailed list of the types of material that should be submitted , if you desire. As you will also recall from my letter of August 7 , 1980 , that at such time the revised Variance application is submitted, the request will go to the Environmental, Review Committee (ERC) for review of the question of environmental impact . Should you wish to appeal the, above decision , said appeal should be filed with the Hearing Examiner in accordance with Chapter 30 , Section 4-3010-(8) and 4-3011 (recently revised ) . If no further action is taken, on this matter within 30 days from the date of this letter , this department will consider the application file closed . • Please contact me, if you have further questions regarding your request . Very • ruly yours , A . 4rdony , Lr .cen ' lanninu rirector GYE :wr Attachments cc : Barbara Shinpoch, Mayor Fred Kaufman, Hearing Examiner Ted LaValley . • • • I ' SECTION 6 GENERAL USE REGULATIONS 6 . 01 Applicability : This section shall apply to all Shore- line uses whenever applicable . Items included here will not necessarily be repeated in Section 7 , Specific Use Regulations , and shall be used in the evaluation of all permits . 6 . 02 Environmental Effects 6 . 02 .01 Pollution and Ecological Disruption : The potential effects on water quality , water and land vegetation , water life and other wild life (including, for example , spawning areas , migration and circulation habits , natu- ral habitats , and feeding ) soil quality and all other environmental aspects must be considered in the design plans for any activity or facility which may have detrimental effects on the environment . 6 . 02 . 02 Burden on Applicant Applicants for permits must explain the methods that will be used to abate , avoid or otherwise control the harmful effects . 6 . 02 .03 Erosion : Erosion is to be controlled through the use of vegetation rather than structural means where feasible . 6 . 02 . 04 Geology : Important geological factors - such as possible slide areas - on a site must be considered . Whatever activity is planned under the application for the devel - opment permit must be safe and appropriate in view of the geological factors prevailing . , 6 . 03 Use Compatibility and Aesthetic Effects 6 . 03 . 01 The potential impact of any of the following on adjacent , nearby and possibly distant land and shoreline users shall be considered in the design plans and efforts made to avoid or minimize detrimental aspects : ., A . View obstruction : buildings , smokestacks , machinery, fences , piers , poles , wires , signs , lights and other structures ; J - 10- 2 in the area where said development iz proposed ; provided , however, that the Planning Department shall have the right to require additional publications by the applicant 4 in a newspaper of general circulation in a neighboring jurisdiction if it appears that the proposed project may affect the environment of such neighboring jurisdiction . Three (3) copies of the notice shall be posted prominently on the property concerned and in conspicuous public places within three hundred (300) feet thereof. Each said notice shall include a statement that any person desiring to pre- sent his views to the Planning Department with regard to said application may do so in writing to said Department and any person interested in the Planning Department ' s action on an application for a permit may submit his views in writing or notify the Planning Department in writing of his interest within thirty (30) days from the last date of publication of such notice . Such notification or submission of views to the Planning Department shall entitle said per- sons to a copy of the action taken on the application . The applicant shall submit proof of publication to the Planning Department within ten (10) days after the last date of publication . An affidavit of publication by the newspaper shall be sufficient . 2 . 02 . 03 Review Guidelines Unless exempted or authorized through the variance or conditional use permit provisions of this master program , no substantial development permit and no other permit shall be granted unless the proposed develop- ment is consistent with the provisions of this Master Pro- gram , the Shoreline Management Act of 1971 , and the rules and regulations adopted by the Department of Ecology thereunder . 2 . 02 . 04 Burden of Proof on Applicant The burden of proving that the proposed substantial development is consistent with the criteria which must be met before a permit is granted shall be on the applicant . 2 . 02 . 05 Conditional Approval Should the Planning Director find that any application does not substantially comply with criteria imposed by the Master Program and the Shore- -48- 7. 04 Bulkheads 7 . 04 . 01 General : All bulkheads are subject to the regulations set forth in this master program, except that bulk- heads common to a single-family resiuence are exemkted from the permit system set forth in this Master Program. 7 . 04 . 02 Bulkhead Permitted A bulkhead may be permitted only when : A . Required to protect upland areas or facilities ; and B . Riprap cannot provide the necessary protection ; and C . The bulkhead design has been approved by a licensed engineer , and the design has been approved by the Renton Department of Public Works . 7 . 04 . 03 Bulkhead and Fill A bulkhead for the purpose of creat- ing land by filling behind the bulkhead shall be per- mitted only when the landfill has been approved. The application for a bulkhead shall be included in the application for the landfill in this case . 7 . 04 . 04 General Design Requirements A. The burden rests upon the applicant for the permit to propose a specific type of bulkhead design which has been approved by a licensed engineer. B . All approved bulkheads are to be constructed in such a manner as to minimize damage to fish and shell fish habitat . In evaluating the application for a proposed bulkhead, the Planning Department is to consider the effect of the bulkheads on pub- lic access to publicly owned shorelines . Where possible , bulkheads are to be designed so as not to detract from the aesthetic qualities of the shoreline . C . Bulkheads are to be constructed in such a manner as to minimize alterations of the natural shore- line and to minimize adverse effects on nearby beaches . -49- • D . In cases where bulkheading is permitted, scienti- fic information suggests a rock riprap design should be preferred. The cracks and openings in ;l such a structure afford suitable habitats for certain forms of aquatic life . However, consid- eration must be given to the fact that such cracks and openings above the water line may pro- vide resting sites for rat populations . i t -55- 7. 08 Landfill 7. 08 . 01 Landfills shall be permitted only in the following cases : A. For detached single-family residential uses when the property is located between two (2) existing bulkheads the property may be filled to the line of conformity provided the fill does not exceed one hundred twenty-five (125) feet in length along the water' s edge and thirty-five (35) feet into the water and provided the provisions of Section 8 . 02 . 01 through 8 . 02 . 05 are satisfac- torily met ; or, B. When a bulkhead is built to protect the existing perimeter land, a landfill shall be approved to bring the contour up to the desired grade ; or C . When in a public use area , landfill would be advantageous to the general public ; or , D . When repairs or modifications are required for existing bulkheads and fills ; or , E . When landfill is required for flood control pur- poses ; or , F . Justification for landfill for any other purpose than those listed in subsections A through E above will be allowed only with prior approval N.CAi'//j - Exi,v N� of the Renton Planning Commission . OF ! 4 ;� z THE CITY OF RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 mi o BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR • PLANNING DEPARTMENT 09,� 235- 2550 O,9gT�O SEPS��O�P MEMORANDUM August 14, 1980 TO : Lawrence Warren City Attorney FROM : Gordon Y . Ericksen Planning Director RE : REQUEST FOR VARIANCE FROM SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM We have received a request for a Shoreline Substantial Permit. pursuant to the City of Renton Shoreline Master Program . Said permit involves filling of a portion of waterfront which would exceed the maximum allowable under the Master Program , and a Variance is therefore required. A City of Renton Fill and Grading Permit would also be necessary. Review of all three applications - the Substantial Development Permit , the Filling and Grading Permit and the Variance Request - would be heard by the Hearing Examiner . Procedurally , the Variance must be approved prior to issuance of the Shoreline Permit . However , it would seem reasonable that these appli- cations could be considered simultaneously and reviewed at one hearing rather than at a series of hearings . I would appreciate your review of this situation and your comments regarding this approach . GYE :wr OF R4� kft w ' THE CITY OF RENTON 1Qw MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE.SO. RENTON.WASH.98055 0 sawn BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH. MAYOR 0 PLANNING DEPARTMENT o��pe 6MO�� 235- 25 50 O SEP August 7, 1980 Richard C. Houghton 1032 Shelton Avenue N.E. Renton, Washington 98055 : RE: SHORELINE APPLICATION AND SPECIAL PERMIT REQUEST Dear Mr. Houghton : Based on my review of the records , I am unable to determine whether or not the issue of the environmental impact statement requirement was resolved, as you previously indicated to me . The EIS was originally requested by my staff with ref- erence to your application for the Shoreline Development Permit and a Special Permit for filling and grading. However, my review indicates that your request exceeds the amount of fill allowed under the Shoreline Master Program; and, therefore, a variance would be required prior to the issuance of permits . Dave: Clemens indicated this to you in a memorandum dated October 24, 1978. This memorandum addresses this variance question, and he requested a more extensive letter with reference to Section 8 of the Shoreline Master Program. The record does not indicate any further response from you on the request at that time. Assuming this is valid, it is my suggestion that you file for a variance in order to resolve the issues at hand. At such time as a variance is requested, the matter of environmental review will again be considered by the Environmental Review Committee and will have to be addressed prior to any action being taken by the City 's Hearing Examiner. If you have further questions regarding the process, please call me, and I will be glad to discuss it with you. Very truly yours, - • Go' don V. 'ckse ' lanning -b i rector cc: 6 : • ara Shinpoch, Mayor T:,• LaValley • RJR • file RECEIVED . DE 18 2279 December 18, 1979 +4Q1) 'NG DEf› Subject: Fitt Pe onit Request and Van-iance Gordon: Last week Rogex spoke with me about owc shonetand neque4.t. I was somewhat .swcpAised when he toad me the question o4 the E.I.S. had never been 4 e tied. As you witt necatt at the meeting we had with FL he u ea, EPA, City Harming Dept., and PubeLc Wanks you tad me that the E.I.S. would not be equ Led. Based on that I did not pursue the question 04 the EIS any 4wrthe4 and have . now made a nequest 4on a variance on the depth o4 gU (Snam shone out) . As you know our pneaent Shone.P.and6 Management only addnes4e4 4itts between existing builzhead4 and .then coat only a tow 4iXting out 35 ieet. Since there -us no buLlzhead on one side and I must 6.c U out appnaximatety 100 fleet to meet existing ba bzhead on the south, a van.Lcince is .in onden. I am very .Lntenested .in nesotving this matter and obtaining the nece scuLy peiunit4 fion a bus head and Wt. so we can punute const'tuc tLon 04 a new home son my 5ami.2y. Dick Houghton ' NNNJ Q) • OF RA, . tb 0 THE CITY OF RENTON Co MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 o CHARLES J. DELAURENTI, MAYOR • PLANNING DEPARTMENT 9,0 co' 23 5-2550 09gT�D SEP1°° MEMORANDUM October 24 , 1978 TO : Richard C. Houghton , Engineering Supervisor FROM: Gordon Y . Ericksen , Planning Director By : David R. Clemens , Associate Planner RE : SHORELINE MANAGEMENT APPLICATION We have reviewed your application and your letter of October 3rd to Rick Beeler regarding this application . We will need a more extensive letter conforming to Section 8 of the Shoreline Master Program. Attached are copies of the appropriate section . Your letter request- ing a variance should address all of the items specified in Sections 8. 02 . 01 through . 05 . If you have any questions or need any assistance on this , please contact me at ' your convenience . We will agendize your variance and special permit applications as soon as the letter is received . DRC :wr Attachments I . -74- SECTION 8 VARIANCES AND CONDITIONAL USES 8 . 01 Variances and Conditional Use Permits The Renton Plan- ning Commission shall have authority to grant conditional use permits and variances in the administration of the Renton Master Program. The power to grant variances and conditional use permits should be utilized in a manner which, while protecting the environment , will assure that a persb' will be able to utilize his property in a fair and equitable manner . It shall be recognized that a lawful use at the time the Master Program is adopted is to be considered a permitted use and maintenance and restoration shall not require a variance or a conditional use permit . Both variances and conditional use permits are forwarded to, the Department of Ecology and the Attorney General ' s Office for approval or denial . 8 . 02 Variances Upon proper application , a substantial devel - opment permit may be granted which is at variance with the criteria established in the Renton Master Program where , owing to special conditions pertaining to the specific piece of property, the literal interpretation and strict application of the criteria established in - the Renton Master Program would cause undue and unneces- sary hardship or practical difficulties . The fact that the applicant might make a greater profit by using his property in a manner contrary to the intent of the Master Program is not , by itself, sufficient reason for a vari- ance . The Planning Commission must ind each of the following : 8 . 02 . 01 Exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or condi- tions applying to the subject property or to the in- tended use thereof that do not apply generally to other properties on shorelines in the same vicinity. 8 . 02 . 02 The variance permit is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right of the applicant possessed by the owners of other properties on shorelines in the same vicinity , -75- 8 . 02 . 03 The variance permit will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to property on the shorelines in the same vicinity. 8 . 02.04 The variance granted will be in harmony with the general purpose and intent of this Master Program. 8 .02 .05 The public ilfare and interest will be pre- served; if more harm will be done to the area by granting the variance than would be done to the applicant by denying it, the variance will be denied, but each property owner shall be entitled to the reasonable use and development of his lands as long as such use and development is in harmony with the general purpose and intent with the Shoreline Management Act of 1971 and the provisions of this Master Program. 8 . 03 Conditional Use Upon proper application , a con- ditional use permit may be granted. The objective of a conditional use provision is to provide more control and flexibility for implementing the regulations of the Master Program. With provisions to control undesirable effects , the scope of uses can be expanded to include many uses . Uses classi- fied as conditional uses can be permitted only after consideration and by meeting such performance standards that make the use compatible with other permitted uses within that area . A conditional use permit will be granted subject to each of the follow- ing conditions : 8. 03 . 01 The use must be compatible with other permitted uses within that area. • October 3, 1978 1032 Shelton Ave. NE Renton, WA 98055 Mr. Rick Beeler Hearing Examiner City of Renton 200 Mill Ave. S. Renton, WA 98055 - i. Subject: Substantial Development Permit Shorelands Dear Mr. Beeler: In early 1977 application was made to the City of REnton for a permit to fill -Lot, 31, 32, 33, 34 and 35, Block "A", C. D. Hillman's Lake Washing- ton Garden of Eden Division #1. We have met with the City Planning Department, Corp of Engineers , Game Department, Department of Natural- Resources, Department of Ecology, Washington Department of Fisheries, US Fish and Wildlife Service and others regarding this project. There has not been a refusal from any entity to date. In our meetings with the City Planning Department we have been able to agree with that department that an E.I.S. is not necessary. However, a variance must be requested on the filling because the Shorelands Master Program does not address filling where bulkheads do not exist on both sides. This then is the nature of our request. Also, we are requesting to be able to fill out to the existing bulkhead line (approximately 100 ft.) and this is not covered in the Master Program either. We have been directed by the Corp of Engineers to clear up the City por- tions of this request before the Corp will proceed with the process. They apparently act as a clearinghouse for this type of permit. If you have any questions on this matter we would be most happy to answer them for you. Very truly yours, isi. R' chard C. Houghton r°1 it I (. `.) �- RECEIVED :, i CITY OF RENTON HEARINQ, EXAMINER OCT /!•• AM PM ;;/ `1141%1001aIJ2/314,51 October 3, 1978 1032 Shelton Ave. NE Renton, WA 98055 Mr. Rick Beeler Hearing Examiner City of Renton 200 Mill Ave. S. Renton, WA 98055 Subject: Substantial Development Permit Shorelands Dear Mr. Beeler: In early 1977 application was made to the City of REnton for a permit to fill Lot, 31, 32, 33, 34 and 35, Block "A", C. D. Hillmao,'s Lake Washing- ton Garden of Eden Division #1. We have met with the City Planning Department, Corp of Engineers, Game Department, Department of Natural Resources, Department of Ecology, Washington Department of Fisher es, US Fish and Wildlife Service and others regarding this project. There has not been a refusal from any entity to date. In our meetings with the City Planning Department we have been able to agree with that department that an E.I.S. is not necessary. However, a variance must be requested on the filling because the Shorelands Master Program does not address filling where bulkheads do not exist ,t,n both sides. This then is the nature of our request. Also, we are requesting to be able to fill out to the existing bulkhead line (approximately 100 ft.) and this is not covered in the Master Program either. We have been directed by the Corp of Engineers to clear up the City por- tions of this request before the Corp will proceed with the process. They apparently act as a clearinghouse for this type of permit. If you have any questions on this matter we would be most happy to answer them for you. Very truly yours, if 144,14.4.-tdRI rd C. Houghton • October 17, 1977 Mr. Richard C. Houghton 1032 Shelton Avenue N. E. Renton, WA 98055 • SUBJECT: PROPOSED SHORELINE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT FOR FILL IN LAKE WASHINGTON (SM-51-77) Dear Mr. Houghton: . We have received your letter of October 10, 1977, requesting a meeting with the Department of Ecology regarding the proposed project. October 17, 20, and 21, are days that I will be available to discuss the proposal with you. You may call me to set a time that is most • convenient for you. . Additionally, this .office has received a copy. of a proposed '— Declaration of Environmental Significance from the City of Renton. Based on our preliminary review, we concur with their determination. An official response will be transmitted to the City by October .25, 1977. Please call me at 885-1900. Sincerely, Herman H. Huggins District Supervisor • HRH:mw • cc: Michael L. Smith /;C) •-.! I, yeti City of Renton Planning Dept. .�� OcT 1g ---------- EP l• —''-'�.; STATE OF n DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY i_ f: 1 WASHINGTON � ✓ 4350 150th Ave.N.E..Redmond,lVashin9:on 98052 206/8&5.1900 -' Di:ty Lee Ray \` Governor 1 October 24, 1977 • Mr. Michael L. Smith Associate Planner City of Renton, Planning Dept. • 200 ill Avenue South Renton, Washington 98055 SUBJECT: Proposed Shoreline Substantial Development Permit For Fill In Lake Washington; (SM-51-77) • Dear Mr. Smith: Our Environmental Quality and Resource Management Sections have reviewed your Declaration of Environmental Significance and both concur with your determination. As 'you realize, our main concern is the amount of shallow. lake area that will be reduced as a result of this proposal alone and its cumulative effects. The Departments of Fisheries and Game should have adequate ' data that could be used to show results of habitat modifications of this type. Additionally, this proposal was discussed with Mr. Richard Houghton on October 20, 1977. 'I indicated to him the EIS is to provide information only, with discretion reserved to the local agency to take into con- sideration all the Federal, State and local regulations (examples - Section 10 Corps Permit, WAC 173-14, 173-97 and local Master Program) prior to approving or denying a project. We concluded our discussion by reviewing a project authorized by the city for Mr. R. Martindale. I indicated our office felt Renton would provide him every opportunity to present his proposal. The. city can, if they desire, accept an EIS prepared by Mr. Houghton if he can prepare one or they can contract with a consultant to prepare one. We hope this information will prove helpful. Sincerely, 4e/2440/ 14077"T HERMAN H. HUGGINS • ' ' ' -. 41 ..-\ Resource Management • • KRfCE / • HI 1H:jw OCT 26 1971 \•ts A. y�ING DEPP'16 0F �� • z THE CITY OF RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 .ALL :; ,,. • o� p CHARLES J. DELAURENTI ; MAYOR • PLANNING DEPARTMENT A 235-2550' 0tf0 SE PI V.4‘Ot' September 29 , 1977 State of Washington Department of Fisheries Stream Improvements and Hydraulics • 115 General Administration Building Olympia, Washington 98504 ti Attention: Lynn Bailey Regarding: PROPOSED SHORELINE SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT FOR FILL IN LAKE WASHINGTON (Ref. : #SM-51-77) • • Gentlemen: The City of Renton Planning Department is in the process of reviewing a proposed fill within Lake Washington (see attached • plans and information) . The project as proposed appears to be inconsistent with both the City of Renton Shoreline Master Program and the Lake Washington Regional Goals and Policies. Given the nature of the proposal, the relatidnship to adopted laws, and the character of the area the Planning Department has issued an affirmative Declaration of Environmental Signifi- cance and required that an EIS be prepared for .the. subject proposal. The applicant has objected to this decision (see attached letter) . • As an agency with jurisdiction and expertise we would appreciate . • your review and comments on the declaration of environmental significance and the proposed project itself. If you have any questions, please contact this department. Very truly yours, • Gordon Y. Ericksen Plan ng D' ector • M chael L. Smith Associate Planner MLS:ms Attachments • cc: Richard C. Houghton Ted LaValley • • pF .► ->>. THE CITY OF RENTON 0 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON. WASH. 98055 ch CHARLES J. DELAURENTI MAYOR • PLANNING DEPARTMENT pp • 235-2550 oTfo SE131 -° September 29 , 1977 U. S. Environmental Protection Agency Region X 1200 Sixth Avenue Seattle, Washington 98101 4 Attention: Harold E. Geren, Chief Water Compliance and Permits Branch Regarding: PROPOSED SHORELINE SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT FOR FILL IN LAKE WASHINGTON (Ref. #SM-51-77) Gentlemen: The City of Renton Planning Department is in the process of reviewing a proposed fill within Lake Washington (see attached plans and information) . The project as proposed, appears to be inconsistent with both the City of Renton Shoreline Master Program and the Lake Washington Regional Goals and Policies. Given the nature of the proposal, the relatioAship to adopted laws, and the character of the area the Planning Department has issued an affirmative Declaration of Environmental Signifi- cance and required that an EIS be prepared for the -subject proposal. The applicant has objected to this decision (see attached letter) . As an agency with jurisdiction and expertise we would appreciate - your review and comments on the declaration of environmental significance and the proposed project itself. If you have any questions, please contact this department. Very truly yours, • Gordon-Y. Ericksen Planning Director • • Michael L. Smith Associate Planner MLS:ms • Attachments • cc. Richard C. Houghton • Ted LaValley r • • 4 I Ft .► :;,. o THE CITY OF RENTON U 0 .47 • ' MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 ' CHARLES J. DELAURENTI MAYOR • PLANNING DEPARTMENT -73 co. 235—2550 �v o4)4' S E V416 September 29 , 1977 State of Washington Department of Ecology Northwest Regional Office 4 4350 - 150th Northeast Redmond, Washington 98052 RE: PROPOSED SHORELINE SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT FOR FILL IN LAKE WASHINGTON; (Ref. : #SM-51-77) Gentlemen: The City of Renton Planning Department is in the process of reviewing a proposed fill within Lake Washington (see attached plans and information) . The project as proposed appears to be inconsistent with both the City of Renton Shoreline Master Program and the Lake Washington Regional Goals and Policies. Given the nature of the proposal, the relationship to adopted laws, and the character of the area the Planning Department has issued an affirmative Declaration of Environ- mental Significance and required that an EIS be prepared for the subject proposal. The applicant has objected to this decision (see attached letter) . As an agency with jurisdiction and expertise we would appreci- ate your review and comments on the declaration of environ- mental significance and the proposed project itself. If you have any questions, please contact this department. Very truly yours , Gordon Y. Ericksen Planning Directgr / /Michae L. ith Associate Planner MLS :ms Attachments cc: Richard C. Houghton Ted LaValley 0F R 4 0 THE CITY OF RENTON • - MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 o CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , MAYOR a PLANNING DEPARTMENT • (O 235-2550 4),4FO SEPIt' September 28 , 1977 Messrs . Richard C . Houghton and Ted LaValley 1032 Shelton Avenue N . E . Renton , Washington 98055 RE : ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT , SHORELINE MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT PERMIT # SM-51 -77 • Gentlemen : . • In response to your letter dated September 15 , 1977 , we are • sending a copy of our Declaration of .Environmental Significance to the Department of Ecology , Department of Fisheries , and the Environmental Protection Agency for their comments as • agencies with jurisdiction and expertise pursuant to. the State Environmental Policy Act . These agencies have in the past.' expressed concern regarding any fill in Lake Washington . You will also need permits from these agencies . Attached for your information is a copy of the City ' s Shoreline • Master Program and the Lake Washington Regional Goals and Policies as they relate to landfills . We will notify you as to any information received from the various consulted agencies . Very truly yours , Gordon. Y . Ericksen Planning Director "2/2 /1/ Michael L . Smith • Associate Planner GYE : MLS : lml Attachments: � n1Tt�i.1 T :; zflux742-4 -55- 7 . 08 Landfill 7 . 08 . 01 Landfills shall be permitted only in the following cases : A . For detached single-family residential uses when the property is located between two (2) existing bulkheads the property may be filled to the line of conformity provided the fill does not exceed one hundred twenty-five (125) feet in length along the water' s edge and thirty-five (35) feet into the water and provided the provisions of Section 8 . 02 . 01 through 8 . 02 . 05 are satisfac- torily met ; or, B . When a bulkhead is built to protect the existing perimeter land , a landfill shall be approved to bring the contour up to the desired grade ; or C . When in a public use area , landfill would be advantageous to the general public; - or, D . When repairs or modifications are required for existing bulkheads and fills ; or , E . When landfill is required for flood control pur- poses ; or, F . Justification for landfill for any other purpose than those listed in subsections A through E above will be allowed only with prior approval of the Renton Planning Commission . Lk. \Aim, .i&lov 1 Fsei lot.14.L C� S epLiCIE5 I a LANDFILL AND DREDGING Landfill is usually contemplated in locations where the water is shallow and where rooted vegetation often occurs: In their natural condition these same areas provide suitable habitat for fish and wildlife feeding, breeding and shelter. Biologically 1 the shallow vegetation areas tend to be highly productive portions of the Lake. For these reasons governmental agencies and scientific experts have generally taken a stand against landfill. In most cases when dredging is done it also occurs in shallow • areas and may disturb the environment in the following ways: 1) temporary reduction of water clarity from suspended sediments, 2) losses in aquatic plants and animals by direct removal or from the sedimentation of suspended materials, 3) alteration in the nutrient and oxygen levels of the water column, and 4) suspension of toxic materials from the sediments into the water column. • • I 25 . POLICIES • • NOTE: The policies set forth within the Components Element are to apply "across the b',oard" to all components. • 1. Landfill and 'dredging should be prohibited LANDFILL: CIO in unique or fragile areas. Cneat.ion on mainten- 2. Landfill or dredging should not be anee d� beach on except in the following cases, and permitted area bycteationthe deposition should generally be discouraged. os. sand, soA2, gaavee a) Landfill or dredging maybe on other maten,iaLs g g permitted .into ahoaetine areas . where necessary for the development and maintenance of public shoreline DREDGING: parks. Remova.L of earth prom • b) Landfill or dredging may be permitted the bottom of a body where necessary to improve water os water usua t y ion quality where no other possible the pwtpose os deepen- alternatives are available. ing ' a nay.igat.ionat c) Replenishing sand on public and private channel on obtaining community beaches should be allowed. bottom matenia.es. d) Landfill or dredging may be permitted where additional public access is pro- vided, and/or where there is anticipated • to be a significant improvement to fish or wildlife habitat; provided there is no net reduction upon the surface waters of the Lake. 3 . In those limited instances where landfill is f.) permitted, the waterside perimeter of the fill should be stabilized with vegetation and/or materials that would promote fish • and wildlife. 4 . Dredging spoils should be 'deposited on approved dumping sites. Dumping sites should not be allowed in the Lake or in unique or fragile areas. 5. Dredging should be permitted to maintain water flow and navigability. 6. gredging for the purpose of obtaining fill or construction material should be prohibited. RECONMIVIENOATIONS 1. When reviewing applications for landfill intended to improve water quality, local jurisdictions should consult with appro- priate governmental agencies to determine the necessity and proper location for such fill. . • 2. Appropriate governmental agencies and local jurisdictions I should approve funding and/or personnel to undertake a short term mtotdevise suitableocriter aimpacts guidelinesifor and suchlandfills activities. v September 15, 1977 r " Mr. Gordon Y. Ericksen i Renton Planning Department 200 Mill Ave. S. Renton, WA 98055 Dear Mr. Ericksen: Reference is made to your letter of August 3, 1977 and our application for shoreline permit #SM-51-77 and special permit #SP-053-77. It is hereby requested that your determination of these applications having a significant adverse impact upon the environment and requiring an Environmental Impact Statement be reconsidered. It is our opinion that the fill of five residential lots for approximately 160 lineal feet along the Lake Washington Shoreline can in no way constitute a development which would have a significant adverse impact upon the environment. You have stated in your reasons for declaration of environmental significance • that the subject proposal is located within Lake Washington which is designated as a shoreline of statewide significance. We have no basic disagreement with that statement as Lake Washington is a shoreline of statewide significance. Your statement that the subject fill will displace a large amount of shallow lake bottom area, thus affecting fishery habitat, is substantially overstated. It may have some slight impact on fishery habitat, but it certainly does not represent a displacement of a "large amount of shallow lake bottom area". You furth er state that the proposal does not conform to the city's Shoreline Master Program and will stimulate additional fill and development in the area. We are ignorant as to what way this proposal would not conform to the city's Shoreline Master Program and certainly it will not necessarily stimulate additional fill and development in the area. When you consider the rights and privileges of single family residential developments that have already occurred along Lake Washington, it would be extremely unfair and the taking of a substantial property right to deny us the right to fill and develop the property in a fashion similar to those proper- ties adjacent thereto. This proposed development is insignificant when compared to the development already completed in the area and the city's plan for the filling and develop- ment of Lake Washington Beach Park. Page 2 We hereby request that you reconsider this finding and find that it does not have a significant adverse impact on the environment and that an EIS is not required. We would be please to meet with you to discuss this matter further if that is necessary. Sincerely, Richard C. Houghton / Ted LaValley" RCH:TL:PMP /. September 15, 1977 • • Mr. Gordon Y. Ericksen • Renton Planning Department - 200 Mill Ave. S. Renton, WA 98055 Dear Mr. Ericksen: Reference is made to your letter of August 3, 1977 and our application for shoreline permit #SM-51-77 and special permit #SP-053-77. • It is hereby requested that your determination of these applications having a significant adverse impact upon the environment and requiring an Environmental Impact Statement be reconsidered. It is our opinion .that the fill of five residential lots for approximately 160 lineal feet along the Lake Washington Shoreline can in. no way constitute a development which would have a significant adverse impact upon the environment. You have stated in your reasons for declaration of environmental significance that the subject proposal is located within Lake Washington which is designated as a shoreline of statewide significance. We have no basic disagreement with that statement as Lake Washington is a shoreline of statewide significance. Your statement that the subject fill will displace a large amount of shallow lake bottom area, thus affecting fishery habitat, is substantially overstated. It may have some slight impact on fishery habitat, but it certainly does not represent a displacement of a "large amount of shallow lake bottom area". You further state that the proposal does not conform to the city's Shoreline Master Program and will stimulate additional fill and development in the area. We are ignorant as to what way this proposal would not conform to the city' s Shoreline Master Program and certainly it will_ not necessarily stimulate additional fill and development in the area. When you consider the rights and privileges of single family residential developments that have already occurred along Lake Washington, it would be extremely unfair and the taking of a substantial property right to deny us the right to fill and develop the property in a fashion similar to those proper- ties adjacent thereto. • This proposed development is insignificant when compared to already completed in the area and the city's plan for the fillinge and odevelop- ment of Lake Washington Beach Park. s Page 2 We hereby request that you reconsider this finding and find that it does not have a significant adverse impact on the environment and that an EIS is not required. We would be please to meet with you to discuss this matter further if that is necessary. Sincerely, • Richard C. Houghton , Ted LaValler RCH:TL:PMP • • • September 15, 1977 Mr. Gordon Y. Ericksen ,i i' Renton Planning Department ____ 200 Mill Ave. S. -7; Renton, WA 98055 Dear Mr. Ericksen: Reference is made to your letter of August 3, 1977 and our application for shoreline permit #SM-51-77 and special permit #SP-053-77. It is hereby requested that your determination of these applications having a significant adverse impact upon the environment and requiring an Environmental Impact Statement be reconsidered. It is our opinion that the fill of five residential lots for approximately 160 lineal feet along the Lake Washington Shoreline can in no. way constitute a development which would have a significant adverse impact upon the environment. You have stated in your reasons for declaration of environmental significance that the subject proposal is located within Lake Washington which is designated as a shoreline of statewide significance. We have no basic disagreement with that statement as Lake Washington is a shoreline of statewide significance. Your statement that the subject fill will displace a large amount of shallow lake bottom area, thus affecting fishery habitat, is substantially overstated. It may have some slight impact on fishery habitat, but it certainly does not represent a displacement of a "large amount of shallow lake bottom area". You further state that the proposal does not conform to the city's Shoreline Master Program and will stimulate additional fill and development in the area. We are ignorant as to what way this proposal would not conform to the city's Shoreline Master Program and certainly it will not necessarily stimulate additional fill and development in the area. When you consider the rights and privileges of single family residential developments that have already occurred along Lake Washington, it would be extremely unfair and the taking of a substantial property right to deny us the right to fill and develop the property in a fashion similar to those proper- ties adjacent thereto. This proposed development is insignificant when compared to the development already completed in the area and the city's plan for the filling and develop- ment of Lake Washington Beach Park. I , Page 2 We hereby request that you reconsider this finding and find that it does not have a significant adverse impact on the environment and that an EIS is not required. We would be please to meet with you to discuss this matter further if that is necessary. Sincerely, Richard C. Houghton ,! I j Ted LaValle RCH:TL:PMP • OF ,1) o THE CITY OF R --1:NTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 p -°' CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , MAYOR m PLANNING DEPARTMENT • 235- 2550 c 94To SEP� ' August 3 , 1977 Messrs . Richard C . Houghton and Ted LaValley 1032 Shelton Avenue N . E . Renton , Washington 98055 RE : PROPOSED SHORELINE AND SPECIAL PERMITS FOR FILL AND GRADE WITHIN LAKE WASHINGTON Gentlemen : In response to your July 21 , 1977 request we are enclosing the Notice of Publication form for the subject Shoreline Substantial Development Permit . The notice must be published once a week for two consecutive weeks in the Renton Record-Chronicle . You will also need to make written application to the Land Use Hearing Examiner for a variance from the City ' s Shoreline Master Program. Attached are copies of applicable sections of the Master Program . An Army Corps permit will also be necessary for the proposed project . This department has also reviewed the subject proposal and the environmental checklist , as they relate to the State Environmental Policy Act . . It is our determination that because of the nature , size , potential for increased future fill activity , and location of the proposal within a Shoreline of Statewide Significance an Environmental Impact Statement pursuant to SEPA will be necessary . Attached is a copy of the subject Declaration . Formal acceptance of the applications and public hearings cannot be accompli-shed until after the Final Environmental Impact Statement is issued . If you have any further questions , please contact this. department . Very truly yours , Gordon Y . Ericksen Planning Director .' /c `r% Michael L . Smith Associate Planner MLS :ms Attachments cc : Ted LaValley CI ' 01 0 • THE CITY OF R. P;NTOr\ MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE SO RENTON. WASH 98055 2 o CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , MAYOR o PLANNING DEPARTMENT p Q- 235- 2550 '94lFDSEPI°° August 3 , 1977 • Messrs . Richard C . Houghton and Ted LaValley 1032 Shelton Avenue N . E . ►tenton , Washington 98055 RE : PROPOSED SHORELINE AND SPECIAL PERMITS FOR FILL AND GRADE WITHIN LAKE WASHINGTON Gentlemen : In response to your July 21 , 1977 request we are enclosing the Notice of Publication form for the subject Shoreline Substantial Development Permit . The notice must be published once a week for two consecutive weeks in the Renton Record -Chronicle . You will also need to make written application to the Land Use Hearing Examiner for a variance from the City ' s Shoreline Master Program . Attached are copies of applicable sections of the Master Program . An Army Corps permit will also be necessary for the proposed project . This department has also reviewed the subject proposal and the environmental checklist , as they relate to the State Environmental Policy Act . It is our determination that because of the nature , size , potential for increased future fill activity , and location of the proposal within a Shoreline of Statewide Significance an Environmental Impact Statement pursuant to SEPA will be necessary . Attached is a copy of the subject Declaration . Formal acceptance of the applications and public hearings cannot be accomplished until after the Final Environmental Impact Statement is issued . If you have any further questions , please - contact this department . Very truly yours , Gordon Y . Ericksen Planning Director �- Michael L . Smith Associate Planner MLS :ms Attachments cc : Ted LaValley • PROPOSED/FiNAL -CL C - • Si-iOPvrr;7- PE._:"IT -c•._51-77 Application No . SPECIAL PF.=_iIT =SP-053-77 PROPOSED Deciar ` , Environmental Checklist No . ECF-256-77 FINAL Declaration Description of proposal Fill and grade approximately 5,OGOcubic yarc s, 125 feet into Lake 6',7ashington, for approximately 160 lineal feet along the shoreline. • Proponent Richard C. Houghton and Ted LaValley Location of Proposal Directly north of 3233 Mountain View Avenue North Lead Agency • RENT ON PLANNING DEPARTMENT This proposal has been determined to Q .have not have a significant adverse impact upon the environment . An EIS ® is is not required under RCW 43 . 21C . 030 (2 ) ( c ) . This decision was ma e after review by the lead agency 'of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency . Reasons for declaration of environmental significance : 1. The subject proposal is located within Lake Washington which is designated as a Shoreline of Statewide significance. 2. The subject fill'will displace a large amount of shallow lake bottom area, thus ariecting fisnery habitat. 3. The proposal does not conform to the City's Shoreline Master Program, and will stimulate additional fill and development in the area. Measures , if any , that could be taken to prevent or mitigate the environmental impacts to such an extent that the lead agency would withdraw its declaration of significance and issue a ( proposed/final ) declaration of non-significance : • Responsible Official Gordon Y. ERicksen • Title Planni J Dir ctor Date July 29, 1977 Signature .if City of Renton /' Planning ar e1, RF1 o° 0 THE CITY OF RU--r:NTON ''' MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON WASH 98055 2 3+. 8 o °' CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , MAYOR 9 PLANNING DEPARTMENT O Q 235 2350 -it FD SEPIA' M E M • "" 1; ND U July 29, 1977 TO: Files FROM: Michael L. Smith, Associate Planner RE: RICHARD HOUGHTON/TED LA VALLEY PROPOSED FILL IN LAKE WASHINGTON; SHORELINE MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT DEVELOPMENT PERMIT, #SM-51-77 I talked with Herman Huggins of the State Department of Ecology 'today, and asked him how D.O.E. would consider the subject application. He said that they would con- sider it a major action, and would more than likely appeal any approval to the Shoreline Hearings Board. He said that the proposal would be contrary to the goals and policies controlling the creation of new land for non- water dependent uses, even single-family residential. MLS:ms f • 047 R 4 41 VT 44_• J �, -� E CITY OF RENTON z MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE SO RENTON WASH 9E055 O2 kr CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , MAYOR ® PLANNING DEPARTMENT 0�q <2- 2 35 23 SO t b SEP&' MEMORANDUM July 29, 1977 TO: Files FROM: Michael L. Smith, Associate Planner RE: RICHARD HOUGHTON/TED LA VALLEY PROPOSED FILL IN LAKE WASHINGTON; SHORELINE MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT DEVELOPMENT PERMIT, #SM-51-77 I talked with Herman Huggins of the State Department of Ecology today, and asked him how D.O.E. would consider the subject application. He said that they would con- sider it a major action, and would more than likely appeal any approval to the Shoreline Hearings Board. He said that the proposal would be contrary to the goals and policies controlling the creation of new land for non- water dependent uses, even single-family residential. MLS:ms • • PROPOSED, = I ,A )ECi-ARAT I ON OF S I GN I F I CAN NON—SIGNIFICANCE • SHOPET LINE PERMIT 4S1-51—7 7 Application No . SPECIAL PER1IT 4SP-053-77 Ej PROPOSED Declaration Environmental Checklist No . ECF-256-77 ® FINAL Declaration Description of proposal Fill and grade approximately 5,000cubic yards, 125 feet into Lake Washington, for approximately 160 lineal feet along the shoreline. Proponent Richard C. Houghton and Ted LaValley Location of Proposal Directly north of 3233 Mountain View Avenue North Lead Agency RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT This proposal has been determined to ® have ® not have a significant adverse impact upon the environment . An EIS ® is is not required under RCW 43 . 21C . 030 ( 2 ) ( c ) . This decision was mane after review by the lead agency of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency . Reasons for declaration of environmental significance : 1. The subject proposal is located within Lake Washington which is designated as a Shoreline of Statewide significance. 2. The subject fill will displace a large amount of shallow lake bottom arca, thus arfecting rishery hacitat. 3. The proposal does not conform to the City's Shoreline Master Program, and will stimulate additional fill and development in the area. Measures , if any , that could be taken to prevent or mitigate the environmental impacts to such an extent that the lead agency would withdraw its declaration of significance and issue a ( proposed/final ) declaration of non- significance : Responsible Official Gordon Y. ERicksen Title Planni Dirctor • Date July 29, 1977 Signature ✓, r City of Renton Planning Department CITY OF RENTON No. 1377 FINANCE DEPARTMENT RENTON, WAS HI19TON 9 8 0 5 5 19 7 RECEIVED OF1,rA 7i„ y 0 0 TOTAL )7/ j GWEN E. M •AMP" FINANC DI CTOR BY • • • I , o CITY OF RENTON, WASH[NGTONVR.1) �O ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORM 1 �� ,PUN 1911 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY p 053-77 i44 Ate,egri�� - - - 4/ (,Application No. �M .5/- 97- /o"Ye//We Nr,T. •Si d.cbz Oa Pe04Y \1/j -� Environmental Checklist No. E'er 26-C-77 f�G PROPOSED, date: FINAL. date: Declaration of Significance D Declaration of Significance ' ElDeclaration of Non-Significance O Declaration of Non-Significance COMMENTS: Introduction The State Environmental Policy Act of 1971, Chapter 43.21C, .RCW. requires all state and local governmental agencies to consider environmental values both for their own actions and when licensing private proposals. The Act also requires that an EIS be prepared for all major actions significantly affecting the quality of the environment. The purpose of this checklist is to help the agencies involved determine whether or not a proposal is such a major action. Please answer the following questions as completely as you can with the information presently available to you. Where explanations of your answers are required, or where you believe an explanation would be helpful to government decision makers, include your explanation in the space provided, or use additional pages if necessary. You should include references to any reports or studies of which you are aware and which are rele- vant to the answers you provide. Complete answers to these questions now will help all agencies involved with your proposal to undertake the required environmental review with- out unnecessary delay. The following questions apply to your total proposal, not just to the license for which you are currently applying or the proposal for which approval is sought. Your answers should include the impacts which will be caused by your proposal when it is completed, even though completion may not occur until sometime in the future. This will allow all of the agencies which will be involved to complete their environmental review now, with- out duplicating paperwork in the future. NOTE: This is a standard form being used by all state and local agencies in the.State of Washington for various types of proposals. Many of the questions may not apply to your proposal. If a question does not apply. just answer it "no" and continue on to the next question. ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORM I. BACKGROUND 1. Name of Proponent RICHARD C. HOUGHTON — TED LAVALLEY 2. Address and phone number of Proponent: 1032 SHELTON AVENUE N.E. 3227,MT. VIEW AVE. N. RENTON, WA. 98055 RENTON, WA. 98055 3. Date Checklist submitted 4. Agency requiring Checklist CITY OF RENTON 5. Name of proposal, if applicable: 6. Nature and brief description of the proposal (including but not limited to its size, general design elements, and other factors that will give an accurate understanding of its scope and nature): • • WE PROPOSE TO FILL APPROXIMATELY 150 X 100 (1i.000 B.F.) AND CONSTRUCT A ROCK BULKHEAD ON WEST AND NORTH SIDES. I -2- 7. Location of proposal (describe the physical setting of the proposal, as well as the extent of the land area affected by any environmental impacts, including any other information needed to give an accurate understanding of the environ- mental setting of the proposal): ON THE EAST SHORE OF LAKE WASHINGTON APPROXIMATELY N. 33RD ST. & MT. VIEW AVE. N. 8. Estimated date for completion of the proposal: APPROXIMATELY ONE 'YEAR FROM APPROVAL 9. List of all permits. licenses or government approvals required for the proposal (federal, state and local--including rezones): CITY OF RENTON SPEOIAL PERMIT DEPT. OF FISHERIES — GAME DEPARTMENT DEPT. OF ARMY 10. Do you have any plans for future additions, expansion, or further activity related to or connected with this proposal? If yes, explain: YES, WE WILL BUILD SINm1,fEf0.1rAmil.WW0NEN 11. Do you know of any plans by others which may affect the property covered by your proposal? If yes, explain: No 12. Attach any other application form that has been completed regarding the pro- posal; if none has been completed, but is expected to be filed at some future date, describe the nature of such application form: II. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS (Explanations of all "yes" and "maybe" answers are required) (1) Earth. Will the proposal result in: (a) Unstable earth conditions or in changes in geologic• substructures? X yr— MAYBE WU— (b) Disruptions, displacements, compaction or over- covering of the soil? x FILL OVER LAKE BOTTOM (c) Change in topography or ground surface relief features? Y � FILL TO APPROX. 39 ABOVE HIGH WATER ELEV. yam" (d) The destruction, covering or modification of any unique geologic or physical features? F•Er— MAYBE 1� (e) Any increase in wind or water erosion of soils. either on or off the site? x vrr— MAYBE .NO (f) Changes in deposition or erosion of beach sands. or changes in siltation, deposition or erosion which may modify the channel of a river or stream or the bed of the ocean or any bay, inlet or lake? x — MAYBE Explanation: I� -3- (2) Air. Will the proposal result in: (a) Air emissions or deterioration of ambient air qual i,ty? X YES MAYBE NO (b) The creation of objectionable odors? X PET" F AY t NO (c) Alteration of air movement, moisture or temperature, or any change to climate, either locally or regionally? YES MAYBE NO Explanation: (3) Water. Will the proposal result in: (a) Changes in currents, or the course of direction of • water movements, in either marine or fresh waters? x DES MAYBE NO . (b) Changes in absorption rates, drainage patterns, or the rate and amount of surface water runoff? x 1E - M B NO (c) Alterations to the course or flow of flood waters? X YES MAYBE NO (d) Change in the amount of surface water in any water body? THIS PROPOSAL WILL CREATE ABOUT 15,000 S.F. Y MAYBE NO OF NEW LAND.SURFACE (e) Discharge into surface waters, or in any alteration surface water quality, including but not limited to temperature, dissolved oxygen or turbidity? X F€S MAYBE N- (f) Alteration of the direction or rate of flow of ground waters? X • YE AWE .NO (g) Change in the quantity of ground waters, either through direct additions or withdrawals, or through ' interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations? lTES M YBE NO (h) Deterioration in ground water quality, either through direct injection, or through the seepage of leachate, phosphates, detergents,-waterborne virus or bacteria, or other substances into the ground waters? YES FI Y t NO (i) Reduction in the amount of water otherwise available • • for public water supplies? X vrr -S RAYS AU- .Explanation: • (4) Flora. Will the proposal result in: (a) Change in the diversity of species, or numbers of any species of flora (including trees, shrubs, grass, crops, microflora and aquatic plants)? X yrs— RAYWr AT- (b) Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or X endangered species of flora? vrr- MAYBE 0- (c) Introduction of new species of flora into an area, or in a barrier to the normal replenishment of existing species? • vrr- MAYBE KU— (d) Reduction in acreage of any agricultural crop? X PS RATTE Explanation: -4- (5) Fauna. Will the proposal result in: (a) Changes in the diversity o.f species, or numbers of any species of fauna (birds, land animals including reptiles, fish and shellfish, benthic organisms, insects or microfauna)? vrr MAYBE Fir (b) Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered species of fauna? YET— MAYBE NO (c) Introduction of new species of fauna into an area, or result in a barrier to the migration or movement of fauna? • Y FATE E 0— (d) Deterioration to existing fish or wildlife habitat? x Y M NO Explanation: • • (6) Noise. Will the proposal increase existing noise levels? x YES MAYBE NO Explanation': (7) Light and Glare. Will the proposal produce new light or glare? x Yt MAYBE AC— Explanation: (8) Land Use. Will the proposal result in the alteration of the • present or planned land use of an area? x Y Mom€ 0— Explanation: (9) Natural Resources. Will the proposal result in:' (a) Increase in the rate of use of any natural resources? x Yt s MAYBE 0— (b) Depletion of any nonrenewable natural resource? Y BE WO-- Explanation: • (10) Risk of Upset. Does the proposal involve a risk of an explosion or the release of hazardous substances (including, but not limited to, oil, pesticides, chemicals or radiation) in the event of an accident or upset conditions? x YES MAYBE ' N� Explanation: • • • (11) Population. Will the proposal alter the location, distri- • button, density, or growth rate of the'human population of an area? x YET— MAYBE 0— Explanation: • r , -5- (12) Housing. Will the proposal affect existing housing, or create a demand for additional housing? x YES MAYBE NO Explanation: (13) Transportation/Circulation. Will the proposal result in: (a) Generation of additional vehicular movement? x YES MAYBE NO (b) Effects on existing parking facilities, or demand for new parking? x YES FATETE NO (c) Impact upon existing transportation systems? x YEf- MATFIT (d) Alterations to present patterns of circulation or x movement of people and/or goods? S Mom— ! (e) Alterations to waterborne, rail or air traffic? x F M YBE NO (f) Increase in traffic hazards to motor vehicles, x bicyclists or pedestrians? VET- MAYBE 07 Explanation: • (14) Public Services. Will the proposal have an effect upon, or result in a need for hew or altered governmental services in any of the following areas: (a) Fire protection? x YES RITNE NO (b) Police protection? x • VET- MAYBE NO (c) 'Schools? x YES Wit, NO • (d) Parks or other recreational facilities,? x YES MITE. NO • (e) Maintenance of public facilities, including roads? x a- MAYBE NO (f) Other governmental services? x VS ['Ilk-VIE NO Explanation: (15) Energy. Will the proposal result in: • (a) Use of substantial amounts of fuel or energy? x YES Will- NO (b) Demand upon existing sources of energy, or require x the development of new sources of energy? YET- MAYBE RT- . Explanation: I • (16) Utilities. Will the proposal result in a need for new systems, or alterations to the following utilities: (a) Power or natural gas? x • YES MAIe NO (b) 'Communications systems? x YES MAYBE NO (c) Water? •x YES MAYBE NO i -6 • - (d) Sewer or septic tanks? x YES- I'I�m Rd— (e) Storm water drainage? x YES MAYBE NU— (f) Solid waste and disposal? x YES MAYBE N0 Explanation: • (17) Human Health. Will the proposal result in the creation of any health hazard or potential health hazard (excluding mental health)? x TES MAYBE Explanation: (10) Aesthetics. Will the proposal result in the obstruction of any scenic vista or view open to the public, or will the proposal result in the creation of an aesthetically offensive site open to public view? YES M YBE NO planation: (19) Recreation. Will the proposal result in an impact upon the quality or quantity of existing recreational opportunities? YES MBA BE NO Explanation: (20) Archeolo ical Historical. Will the proposal result in an alteration of�a significant archeological or historical site, structure, object or building? x YES MAYBE WO— . Explanation:• 111. SIGNATURE I, the undersigned, state that to the best of my knowledge the above information is true and complete. It is understood that the lead agency may withdraw any decla- ration of non-significance that it might issue in reliance upon this checklist should there be any willful misrepresentation or willful lack of full disclosure on my part. Proponent: C (s gned) RIOHARD C. HOUGHTON (name printed) RIOHARD C. HOUGHTON TED LAVALLEY T_ 4 f!U .////_ �+r �'� GL�J� City of Renton Planning Department 5-76 • •!r, . • . ._:,.;•;•:::•';':---- -:_sz. .i, 1 • • . . /7 0 4i:' LI'f.:11; , . I • 1% - ,,n[1.1 11N'' (' • . ii" • • CITY OF RENTON -(,,:' . . APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL PERMIT (3 \\. . . SI.!,'•A i 30 -.C.-!,:l FOR OFFICE USE ONLY . , ''S -,.----------------------' /..- /,'''' File No. SP-iPS3-77 , Fee $25.00 c \ <..•. ,,_ Date Rec'd A-30-7/ Receipt No. /.3 7 7 (ra•r. 17134.°S) 4/ . • 1,/flkiG D j;;"c , . . APPLICANT TO COMPLETE ITEMS 1 THROUGH 6: • 1. Name Richard C. Houghton and Ted LaValley Phone 22E-5949 .. • . . Address 1032 Shelton Ave. N.E. 3227 Mt. View Ave. N. . . • . Kenton, WA 98055 Renton, WA 98055 . , . 2. Property location Mt. View Dr. N. and N. 33rd St. " . . , . , • • .:. .. ,•' ,3. Legal description (attach additional sheet if necessary) . . . . ....- • Lots 31, 32, 33, 31+ and 35, Block A, C. D. Hillman's Lake Washington , ... • . . .• •. . uarden ot tden uiv. No. 1 • . . . . , . .. . . , • . " --•••,:. ... .;••-••. ... ;..:••• ••• .. 4. Number of acres or sq. ft. 31,500 Present zoning G-6000 • •%:•.' ••' : • • •• ' -:5. What do you propose to develop on this property? We propose to fill approximately 15.000 so.ft. and construct a rack , ..., .. .. .. .. .. . 'bulkhead in preparation for construction of single family homes. , • ' .....=. .::' .. ' -'.... . .. • . 6, •The following information shall be submitted with this application: Scale- ..'.= •:, :_. ::...c..:', .,, : . A. Site and access plan (include setbacks, -:!• existing structures, easements, and other . • ' factors limiting development) 1" = 10' or 20' B. Parking, landscaping and screening plan . .1" = 10' . . . . . . . • . • C. Vicinity map (include land use and zoning . . . . . • - on adjacent parcels) 1" = 200' - 800' . ., . . . , .. . . . . , • ' ' . D. Building height and area (existing and proposed) • E ,:.,. . : f , , • • A .special permit required by the Renton Mining, Excavation and Grading Ordinance shall submit the information listed' in Section 4-2307.5 in addition to the above. " • . . . •, . . . • . '' ':• • ,-- . • • . ''.•7'.. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: Date approved Date denied Date appealed ... .. .... . '.'7 . • - • . .. Appeal action :., ",, .,']•'::•••'. ., .' •• ,, .... • . Remarks . . . . .,. , . . , . '•:..?'..,..1..'':•••:•'••,'.1:.:......" • : ,, ''', ' : . , . ....„•,..,... ...• , •.• • , . .. ... , , , . Planning Dept. 2-73 revised 1-74 • 1032 SHELTON AVE. N.E. RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 . MAY 31 , 1977 LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER 200 MILL AVE. SOUTH RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 DEAR SIR: AS YOU ARE PROBABLY AWARE THERE IS VERY LITTLE SINGLE FAMILY LAKE FRONT PROPERTY WHICH STILL EXISTS ON LAKE WASHINGTON WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF RENTON WHICH IS NOT DEVELOPED. HOWEVER, ALONG THE EAST SHORT OF LAKE WASHINGTON FROM APPROXIMATELY NORTH 33RD STREET, NORTH TO THE SOUTH MARGIN OF THE KENNYDALE BEACH, A DISTANCE OF APPROXIMATELY 750 FEET THERE ARE ABOUT 25 PLATTED LOTS. MOST OF THE LOTS ARE UNDER -WATER AT PRESENT. (SEE ATTACHED MAP) WE ARE OWNERS OF FIVE OF THESE LOTS, LOTS 31 , 32, 33, 34 AND 35, AND ARE PROPOSING TO FILL THE LOTS AND CONSTRUCT A ROCK BUILKHEAD AROUND SAME. SOON AFTER THIS IS COMPLETED, WE WILL CONSTRUCT HOMES FOR OUR FAMILIES. WE FEEL BY OUR PROJECT THAT A VERY GOOD PRECIDENT WILL BE SET • FOR THE REST OF THE PROPERTY ALONG THE LAKE SHORE AND THAT AN AREA WHICH NOW IS A TRASH COLLECTOR WILL BE CLEANED UP. SHOULD YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, WE WILL BE HAPPY TO MEET WITH YOU AND DISCUSS THE MATTER IN FURTHER DETAIL. SINCERELY, • ..57/ TED LAVALLEY ' ' / 7 fCtz& RICHARD Co HOUGHTON _-_0'` ,\ Ti-ijrt ( 0 \,15 rlr;i 411, • 1032 SHELTON AVE. N.E. RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 MAY 31 , 1977 ` LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER 200 MILL AVE. SOUTH RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 DEAR SIR: • • AS YOU ARE PROBABLY AWARE THERE IS VERY LITTLE SINGLE FAMILY LAKE FRONT PROPERTY WHICH STILL EXISTS ON LAKE WASHINGTON WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF RENTON WHICH IS NOT DEVELOPED. HOWEVER, ALONG THE EAST SHORT OF LAKE WASHINGTON FROM APPROXIMATELY NORTH 33RD STREET, NORTH TO THE SOUTH MARGIN OF THE KENNYDALE BEACH, A DISTANCE OF APPROXIMATELY 750 FEET THERE ARE ABOUT 25 PLATTED LOTS. MOST OF THE LOTS ARE UNDER -WATER AT PRESENT. (SEE ATTACHED MAP) WE ARE OWNERS OF FIVE OF THESE LOTS, LOTS 31 , 32, 33, 34 AND 35, AND ARE PROPOSING TO FILL THE LOTS AND CONSTRUCT A ROCK BUILKHEAD AROUND SAME. SOON AFTER THIS IS COMPLETED, WE WILL CONSTRUCT HOMES FOR OUR • FAMILIES. WE FEEL BY OUR PROJECT THAT A VERY GOOD PRECIDENT WILL BE SET FOR THE REST OF THE PROPERTY ALONG THE LAKE SHORE AND THAT AN AREA WHICH NOW IS A TRASH COLLECTOR WILL BE CLEANED UP. SHOULD YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, WE WILL BE HAPPY TO MEET WITH YOU AND DISCUSS THE MATTER IN FURTHER DETAIL. SINCERELY, • TED LAVALLEV ‘,14C,./16-5 • RICHARD C. HOUGHTON <! �' -^ - _ raj-----. ._iii 7 &'s ' r.. I -:. . •- --� .\\ \ , . , - 37T 1 F_ _5. :� \ -fir-- . 1 e • .i ..-� . n } II ills 11] :ter a b d .4:,lO looms ` t`. 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BY DATE LOIS 34.¢35 . BL1c.A. GD•}1•txyv,- [.4O 1 1 JOB NO.1.sw._m `.,''✓A,s tUGTo►J !,14.9' H 1G LI WATE- • I- 13.7. Low WAr -2 OSGE G5. • • 1 r !N .-1ER MN AR POP\ , ; ' LIKE 30 ' ) I ( 31_ ex. C_.,z,..-,424'Q`•': '-' -•-'---.T.*:-•584::49d-a1412%.4. , ' i'-' -(,) ' . ,r...,•:,;;.,.5;;..:.-,-,....i.....,a..... ..1./: ,.7..,.,-... -,: • •.. • ,(.-.'-:.•,,-. 33 (/r - , ;_. a -`_'= �/ /;: _ - ''. 's .': sib: :L!. : ::A `, :.;.• ""Y ' - r•�2d 3,K t: . ;-r ,;;.jai C�."_ i"::;.t d ^_''`,', i cr r .l r `Ex, •O 9. /. • • . . Q • 1 . . too'± 14 �. f , • Toe F�►i Avvaox I(.."�' �.��.�.-.+ �._��—.� sl c y , =-- - Roc lc. Bu�tc r to�o ,,.,' `;_:� t o — ,. ,' •F'.� _, : —ice .14 • .;ter.'. -,., ..: — l : -.' ; L` - . MUD BOTTOM g LK. FL0o0. ,'' 0• �' 7/rl� .. D�.AtJ I 1' A FFI DAV I T . I, /65i LA414L.C.Zry , being duly sworn, declare that I tam the owner of the ptoperty involved in this application and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information therewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Subscribed and sworn before me . • this ,fir day of RNt-cL , 19 1 ( , . . ' '., Notary Public in and for the State of • :Washington, residing at Tasw,k� ► i i c 1 'eel/ ' ,---.2-,-__ ,,, , --• : - ,/___(:: , . .' : . .. .\.'V.).. .1/ -Yr, . V Utg) , „{Name of Notary Public) (Signature of Owner) „ .; i 3x33 M/ !/6,zv 4it Al t (Address) ddress) { } ..• ' ZA.roAl IA-. 9teir . : i , (City) (State) • .2.26 - 0573 . (Telephone) (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) ' ' CERTIFICATION This is to certify that the foregoing application has been inspected by me ' ' and has been found to be thorough' and complete in every particular and to conform to . the rules and regulations of the Renton Planning Department governing the filing of such application. Date -Received , 19 By: Renton Planning Dept . 2-73 AFFIDAVIT I, f?cia2D. C• ou�f1;�� , being duly sworn, declare that I am the owner of the property involved in this application and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Subscribed and sworn before me this %tt `� day of, 4v‘A , 19 `(l, , Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at K=)vr-A • Name of Notary Public) S ' nature of Owner ll /0-9-2 NEZTd A/4)6: , - (Address) (Address) iI • NI ?/TG9/✓ �/� (City) (State) (Telephone) • (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) CERTIFICATION This is to certify that the foregoing application has been inspected by me and has been found to be thorough and complete in every particular and to conform to the rules and regulations of the Renton Planning Department governing the filing of such application . • Date Received , 19 By : j." Renton Planning Dept . 2-73 . . , 4-,; , • '' SHEET NO OF „. ,.. . SUBJr^- S%le' t'LP,44 MAS7 BY... ..DATE .t_ JOB NO. CHKD. BY .DATE _ - Lai . 34 35 8 L...tic., Is.. C.:12.4-1.1c.w...14.41, . . . • .- ' '' ' •' . '• . ,, . . . .• . . . • ' . . . . . , „ 14.9' VI tG i-.1 WATEZ.. , •-....• , . - . .1,,7'L Low \NATe--9.... ,,. ,_ - . „ usca G5. _. 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