HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA 07-120_MiscI ~ ~ lo ~ "". a: "' ,· ~~02 sr C)l(lO 117 , , , , BJ67 SF ,Yo;-, OJ60 ~ "'. "'j 57.40 N.E.16TH 5T -:,;------- R~ lS " JP.Go ~,')" .,.<:-," il -'+.,i~~~ ~ B621 SF a15J sr 0330 0340 75.64 15 . ,~ 99H SF 0320 ,;,11.1• $.'I 3Q,' "t,<':J...._.._,') ,. -~""'"\,_"""> 7862 sr 031l 75J\ If rooo ~. N.L N. ' !/;5 -' N 87-H-16 'II KCSP 486017 8703039001 CORR 87'1§260960 ';,' LOT 3 co1r. KCll A 591l 0103 263.96 427.98 J 0.6 42054 sr 9'170 87-49-0B W N 87-49-0B VI 1911H 0520 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' i ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ,,, -~ 0 0 ""' " o:zeo 42872f 9269 .;,:' "'~ 667 0/ 0250 )9 I RD l UTIL [SIil )-------' - ' - -• ' :=;w •v: ~~ o- ' ' 22J.77 SB7-49-15t SlA ' ' N 87-49-08 W KCSP 584164- .59 N 67-49-08 • ,,.,;;, " LOT i,:, -<..;'-. 15Q50 sr 9276 :a - VOL 230 / 61- ~ "' ,\_ 60 ,, ;:, 0 ~\..":, '24 ~ N 7630/ 0240 15 9.77 B22.H sss10 sr 1.37 .I.C 'i1rT1 N 88-J5-08 W II WHBN RECORDJ3D nml.!RNTO K»Slll, u.c 12320 NB 8TII STIU3BT, SlJITU 100 lIDLU!VL'Ll, WASHINGTON~ 2004092BOO~ot3:001" 'iii' _c_I_·ll_C_A_G_O_T_I_TL_E_I_N_s_u_RAN __ c_E_c_o_M_P_A_N_Y ____ _...,"'(o=""'I \!!I 114463!:I _ ' STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED Dat.,,J; Sl!l'IUMUERM,2004 THEGRANTOR MJLVl<Jil) ~El'tFA, A !':JNOl-E PER.<;ON, for ,ind in consideratioo of TEN DOllAJI.~ AND OTIJEI\ GOOD AND V/\LUAl:UP,CON."101'.!RATION in hand paid, ,;.,;mv,::y:,: and warrants Lo KOO tll, U..C, A WII.SlllNoT{"JN UMITDD UADlLlTY COMt'ANY the following de~c<ibcd real =tate s.ituuttod. in the COUnty of KING TaxA<:count Numlier(s); 032:305-9269 THE ABBREVIATED LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS AS FOLLOWS, St11te of Wuhington; LOT"Z... KING COUNTY BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT NUMBER LOOL0089, RECORDING NUMBER 20020702900007 THE COMPLETE LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS LOCATgu ON PAGE 3 AS EXHIBIT A. SUBJECT TO EX!URIT "B" ATTACHC::0 HERETO AND BY 'I"HJS REFERENCE MADE A PART H!i:1<:EOf,' MILDRED SERRA STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ss 20040928001013.002 ON Tl!J.S .,;.2'/~C DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2001. BEFORE ME, THE UNDERSIGNED, A NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, DULY CCMMISSIONED AND SWORN, PERSONALLY APPEARED MILDRED SERRA KNOWN TO ME TO BE THE INDIVIDUALlS) DESCRIBED IN .AND WHO EXECUTED THE l'IITHIN INSTRUMENT .AND ACKNOWLEDGED 'l'HA'r SHE SIGNED ANO SEA!,F.P THE SAME AS HER r,nEE AND VOLllNTARY ACT AND DEBO, FOR THE USES AND PURFOS!!:S HBR!i:IN MEN'l"IONED, RESIDING AT ef:?s /, ( MY COMMJSSTON EXPIRES2os CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY EXHIBIT A LEG.AL DESCRIPTION The hmd referred to is situated in the ,<;tfl.lt:. ufW.u..\hin.gton, County of KIN<l a., !o!Jowi;: :20040928001013.tl03 EscrDW No.: 1144638 , und .is de.scrihcd LOT 2 AND THE EAST i64 FEET OF LOT 3, KrNG COUNTY SHORT PLAT NUMS~R 486017 AS RECORDED UNDER RECORDLNG NUMBER 8703039001 AND CORRECr80 BY AFPrDAVIT RECORDED UNDER RECORDrNG NUMBER 8?06~Go,so. TOGETHER WITH THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY IN ACCORDANCE WITH DECREE QUIETING TITLE IN KING COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CAUSE NUMBER 86-2-22118-2 ENTERED ON MARCH 23, 1987, THE WEST 840.50 FEE1' OP THE; SOUTH 330 D'SST OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE sourttBAST QUARTER OP SECTION 3, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.ILLAME'JTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON/ EXCEPT THE NORTH 16 5 FEF-T THEREWP' / AND EXCEPT THAT PORTION OP LYING WITHIN TttR SOUTH HJ>.LP OP THE SOUTH HALF OF SAID SUBDIVISION; AND EXCBE-"l' THAT PORTION THEREOF LYING WESTERLY OF THE: NORTHBRLY EXTBNSJ:ON OP A LINE LYINC 16"4. FEET WEST OF AND PARALLEL TO THE EAST LINE OP l,QJ' 3 OF SAID KING COUNTY SHORT PLAT NUMBER 4.86"017, AND EXCEPT THAT PORTION OP' LOT 2, KING COUNTY SHORT PLAT NUMBER 486017, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBRR 8703039001, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMf.:NCI.N<J AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAJ:D LOT 2 1 THF,NCB SOUTH 87° 49' 15" EAST ALONG THE NORTH LIN~ OF SAID LOT, A DISTANCE OF 97.36 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OP BEGINNING; THE:NCt.: SOUTH o;i" 1 0' ~ 5" WEST A DISTANCE OF 150. J.3 t't.:h'T TO THE SOOTH LINE OF SAID 1,0'!' 2 AND A POINT ON A CURVE CONCAVE NORTHWESTERLY, THR RADIAL CENTER 01" WHICll BEARS NORTH 19° 4.4' 42" Wl>':ST1 TimNCE NORTHE.J.STkRL ... ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OP SAID LOT 2 AND THE ARC OP SAID CURVE HAVlNG A RADIUS OF 95.00 FEET, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OP 31" 38' 59", A DISTANCE OF 52.49 FEET TO A POINT OF REVBRSE CURVATURE OP A CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHBASTERLY, 'l'lili: AADXI\.L CENTER OF WHICH BEAR.S smrrH 51° 23' 41" EASTi THENCE C.'ON'fINOINC NORTHEASTERLY ALON()'. TH!i: SOU'tH LINE OP SAID LOT 2 AND THE ARCO OF SAID CURVE HAVLNG A RADIUS OF 65.00 ~BET, THROUGH A CBNTRAL ANGLE OF 53° 34' 26". A DISTANCE 0~ 60.7S FEET; THENCE:: CON'rINlJING At,ON'G T'J.IB SOUTH LINE OF SAID LO'r 2, SOtlTH 87~ 49' 15" I;AST A DI:;"TANC:B OF ~23. ?.J FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOTt THENCE: NORTH 010 24' 12" EAST ALONG THE EhST LINE 0¥' SAID LOT 2 A DISTANCE OF 100. 02 PEET TO THE NORTHEAS'.t CORNER OF SAJD LOT; THENCE NORTH U"/" 49' l.S'' W.b:ST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAJ:D LOT A DISTANCF. OF 3!S .1'\ l'El:::1' TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGI~NING1 ~XCBPT COUNTY ROADS. IALSO KNOWN AS LOT Z, KING COUNT..-BOUNDRY LINE ADJUSTMENT APPLICATION NUMBER L00L0089, RECORDED UNDER RECOnDING NUMBER 2002070290000?.) TOCETHEn WITH AN EASEMENT FOR ROAD AND UTILITIES OVER '!'HE SOUTHERLY PORTION OF LOT i AS DISCLOSED ON 'l'HE F.l\CB OF THE .SHORT PLAT. 2004092800101$,"004 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY EXHIBIT B &~-rowNo.: l.144638 EASEMENT AND THR TERMS AND CONDJ:'1'10NS '!'HERi.OF, GRANTEE, PURP0S!e:, AR€A AFFBC'l'BD, RECORDED, RRCORDING NUMBGR, CAIOS S, BUXON AND LOUJSE M. 6UXTON STORM WATER DETENTrON/RETBN'l'l.ON ANO DRAINAGE SOUTIIBRLY PORTION OP SArD PREMISES AND OTHER PROPERTY MAY 2J, l:'tB6 B605230992 ut'IDERGROUNn lJTH,ITY E:ASBMGNT ANLJ 'l'HB TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF t GRAN'l'Ji:l:i!, PURPOSE:, AREA AFFECTED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT COMPANY, A WASHINGTON CORPORATION ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION AND/OR DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM, TOGETI-IER WI.TH NECESSAnY APPURTENANCES AS CONSTRUCTBD OR TO BB CONSTRUCTBD AUG\JST 15, 1986 8908l.5Ll25 CON't'AINS COVENANT PROHIDITI.NG S'l'RUC'TURES OVER SAID EASl!:MBNT OR Ol'HER ACTIVITIES WHICH MIGH'l' SNDANGER THE UNDERGRO\JND SYST~~M. E:ASl.:MENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF, GRANTEE, PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED, REf.:ORORD: RECORDING NUMBER, KING COUNTY WATER DISTRICT NO. 90, A MUNICI~AL CORPORA.TION WATER MAINS AND APPURTENANCES SOUTHERLY AND EASTERLY PORTION OF SAID PREMISES AND OTHER PROPERTY MARCH 31, 1987 a70.3J1.u;o2 AFFECTS, PORTION OF SAID PRll:MISBS LY'.ING WITHIN r,OT 3 OF SAID SHOR'l' FLA'l'. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS Tff:EREOP: GRANTEE:: PURF0Sb:, AREA AF FJ;:CTED: RECORDED, KING COUNTY WATER DISTRICT NO. 90 WATER MAINS AND APPURTENANCES UNDER, THROUGH, A!lOVE, AND ACRO~S SAID PREMI.SES AUOUST 3L, 2ao~ 20040928001013:006 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY EXHIBIT B (continued) &crowNo.: l.l.44638 RECORDINd N!'JMBER, 20040831000578 COVENANTS, CONDITlON:,;", RESTRICTIONS, EA$EMEN'1'S, NOTES, DEDICATTONS AND SETBACKS, n· ANY, SET FORTH IN OR DELINEATED ON TH!;: SHORT PLAT RECOJ'!.DED UNDER Rr:r.rnmtNG NUMBER 8703039001, COV£Nl\NTS, CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS, EASEMENTS, NO'I'BS, DEDICATIONS AND SETBACKS, IF ANY, SET FORTH IN OR DELINEATED ON THE BOUNDARY/LOT LINB ADJUSn-!ENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NlJMBBR 92091Ql022. COVENANT TO BEAR PART OR ALL OF THE COST OF CONSTRUCTION OR REPAIR OF 8.ASBMBNT GRANTED OVER ADJAC!i:NT PROPERTY: PURPOSE OF EASRMF:N'r, RECORDING NUMBER: ORAINFIELD 20020807000277 HRSERVATIONS AND EXCEFTIONS CONTAINED IN DEED FROM NORTHERN PAC1PIC RAILROAD COMPANY; RESt,;RV ING AND EXCEPTING !"ROM SAID LANDS 80 MUCH OR SUCH FOHTIONS THEREOF AS ARE OR MAY BE MINERAL LANDS OR CONTAIN COAL OR IRON, AND ALSO THE USE AND THE RlCHT ANl.l 'l'!TLE TO THE USE OF SUCH SURFACE GROUND AS MAY BE NECESSARY FOR GROUND OPERATIONS AND THE RIGHT OF ACCESS TO SUCH RESERVE:O AND EXCEPTED MINERAL LANDS, INCLUDING L.i>.NDS CONTAINING COAL OR IRON, FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXPLORING, DEVELOPING ANP WORKING THE SAME, RECORDING NUMBER, 41.1067 ROAD MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT AND THE: TERMS ANO CONDITIONS THEREOF, AS CONTA.LNBD IN KING COUNTY SHORT PLAT NUMBER 486017 R~CORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 8703039001, r.ovi,;r-.•J\NTS, CONDITIONS, Rl>STR.lC'l·roNS, EA.SEMENTS, NOTES, DEDICATl.ONS AND SETBACKS, IF ANY, $ET FORTH IN OR DELINEATED ON TUE': BOUNDARY/LOT LTNE ADJUS'fMBNT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20020702900007. AGREEMENT AND TH~ TgRMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF, BBTWEEN: AND: RECORDED: CLTFFORD AND ClND)' MCCLELLAND KBS III, LLC, A WASHINGTON LIMITED LIJ\BILITY COMPANY AU(lU'ST 7, 2002 exhlbitc rl'" 12 20040928001013.006 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY RECORDING NUMBER, REGARDING, EXHlBff e, (continued) E.scrnwNo.: 1144638 20 02 08 O? 00 027 9 ACCESS EASEMENT AGRERMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF, BETWEEN: /\ND: 11:ECORDED, RECORDING NUMBER: REGARDIN'G, CLIFFORD AND CTNOY MCCLELLAND KBS III, L1,C, A WASHINGTON LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY AUGUST 7, 2002 20 02 Of.l O'/ 00 0279 ACCESS EASEMENT AGREEMENT nND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: BETWBEN, AND: m;coRDED, RECORDING NUMBER: REGARDING: MILDR!,:O A. SERRA K5S III, LLC, A W~SHINGTON LIMITED LIAa!LlTY COMPANY AUGUST 7, 2002 20020007000280 ACCESS EASEMP.NT AGREEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF, BETWllli:N ! AND, R8CORDED: RECORDtNG NUMBER, RBGARl1JNG: VlRGINlA LUCK, A SINGLE WOMAN KEIS III, L.L.C., A WASHINGTON LIMITED LIABILITY COMP~Y ..JUN[;: 29, 2004 2 004 0 62 90 02 3 9 4 ACCESS BASEMENT exhlbltc n 211 After recording return to: Joshua Rosenstein HANSON BAKER LUDLOW DRUMHELLER F 10777 Main Strecl, Sulle 300 Bellevue, Washington 98004 DOCUMENT TITLE n.,it Claim Deed ., .. • j21,m.ll ~ $1, H,1111. PAGEH1 lUmtlt'ENCE NO. OF E2240406 ""'g!~'"'" DOCUMBNTS ASSIGNED/ RELEASED GRANTOR KBS Ill, LLC a Wuhi ..... -limited liabilitv com-~" GRAJ<IEE KBS Develnnment Comoration, a Wa,hin°ton to ration LEGAL mrscRIPTION Lot Z of King County Boundary Linc Adjustment NLOOLOOS9 n recorded under record In& #20020702900007; Lot 3 of King County Lot Line Adjwtmenc No. S92LOI03, recorded under Recording Number 92091010'22, md oilier mo-~-. ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 032305-9269: 032305-9270 CHICAGO TITLE INo. CO 20060929002788.001 OF 111 QUIT CLAIM DEED REF# 'Wi.,,Z,'{-j o *-35 THE GRANTOR, KBS III, LLC, a Washington limited liability company, for and in consideration of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other valuable consideration, conveys and quit claims to KBS Development Corporation, a Washington corporation, the following described real estate, situated in the County of King, State of Washington, together with all after acquired title of the Grantor(s) therein: See Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein. KBS III, LLC, a Washington limited :~#e Its: .-/ I W:\WPD<X:S\l402$\0071TMB7l44.00C 20060929002788.002 STATE OF WASHINGTON ss. COUNTY OF KING THIS IS TO CERTIFY that on this .f:!!_ day of <;,:Ff'ftP1Bc¥1. , 2006, before me, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly conunissioned and sworn, came K1Jt-'1JV B. ~~ • personally known or having presented satisfactory evidence to be a A of KBS III, LLC, a Washington limited liability company, the limited liability company that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said limited liability company for the ~ and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he/she is authorized to execute the said instrument. WITNESS MY HAND and official seal the day and year in this certificate first above written. ~~d~ ... , ..... , .... \\\\\\\\1111 ~ .:' ~ NO..f 111 Print Name: (Ac fit 6 5'c.Ay..efe,- r=~.;,-!<Ir«~'",:,+;:,~, Notaiy Public in and for the ~ '4 State of Wash)!lS!on, residing at ~ • ' " i i: ~ v ""'KLl/r,1~ :: I .. ,i ... ~ ~-%. d ~ ~ $°'lo ff Expiration Date: f. 3t2-t21 ~,,,~~lll\\~,;§ ,,,,, .... n:> ..,,,$ 1\\\\\\\\:,,, .... 2 W:IWPOOCS\2402S\007\TMB7l44.DOC EXHIBITA LEGAL DESCRIPTION LEf.AL DESCR!PJJ9N, Lot "Z" of King County Boundmy Line Adjustment# LOOL()Og9 ., =ided under mording #20020702900007 fl tV1) Lot 3 ofKlng County Short Plat Number 486017, reconled under Reeoiding Number 8703'039001, and corrected by Affidavit recorded under Recording Number 870626095(), together with tho Weat428.00 feot of the South 330 feet of the,N~ guarter of the Soulheast quartet of Seclion 3, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, Willamette Meridian, in King C,ounty, Washington; EXCBPTthc North 165 feet thereof; EXCEPT !hilt portion lying within the South half of the South halfof the South half of said subdivision and EXCEPT County roads; IN ACCORDANCE with Decree Quieting Title in King County Court Cause Number 86-2·22118-2 entmd on March 23, 1987: BXCBPT the Be,t 164 feet of said Lot 3; (BB!NG KNOWN AS Lot 3 of King County Lot Line Adjusttnent No. S92LOI03, n,corded under Recording Number 92()9101022, and other property.) 3 W:IWPDOCS\24Cl'lSI007\TMB714'.00C 20060929002788,003 20030303001422.001 AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO Wa'lhin.gton Federal SaY1ngs LOAN ADMIN•WA Office 425 Pike Street ~ttle WA 98101 Attention ----------111•111111n1111 20f3 303,01422 ~~i"'ii1 TUI.I-DT U .•• 11,a•ii1:1ir.!- Loan Number 075 208 264442..S SHORT FORM DEED OF TRUST Cr/ /07?,3s-t>-/ THJS DEED OF TRU~3T ("Secunly Iustnunent") 1s made Febn1ary 21st 2003 KnS 101,..~.~. A WASHINGTON LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY between -~--~=~====~~=====~==~---as Grautor ("Borrower~). whose address 1s 1S722 SE 160'JH PL1 BELLEVUE WA 980S8 , and WASIDNGTON SERVICES, INC., A WASWNGTON CORJ:"OlUTTON as tru$tee, whose addrc311 11•6125 SQUTI[ MORGAN RQAD, FREELAND, WA. 98'149 an<.! WASHINGTON FEDERAL SAVINGS. a Urmed States Corporation. a::i Bcncl'1cwry ("Leruler"/ G..antoo), whose address 1~ 425 Pike Street, ~attle, Wuluogtcm 98101 Bonower hereby 1rrevoc.bly grants, bU¥111ll11 . .clb uud <.X.>uveys to Trustee m trust, wLth power of ~ale ,u,:,::oni:mg to W=h•ng1on l;lw. all 'Rt>rr<1wer'K estate, naht. title. mtere~t. clmm 8Ild deoumd. now owned or hereafter 11<.:qu1red. m tmd to the followmg described property 1n,!KIN"1SG"=~=cc-===---c= County, Washmgton (th1;1 "Property~, wblC.b tenn 8haU wclude all or any pan of the Property. any unprovements thereon and all the property descnbed rn Pncagraph 2 of the Ma,iter Porm Deed of Tro,t hereinafter referred to) l'Ok'flON OF LOT J, XlNG COUNTY SIIORT l'l,AT NtJll.fflER -1!16017, RRCORDING NUMBER 87;l03901H SEE Tim STA' PAOE OF nns DOCUMENT l'Olt THE COJ\fPLJ,,"1'£ L£GAL DESCKlrnON, ATl'AClllill .t8 EXHIBIT ''A'' AND 8Y THIS llEIIERRNClt lNCORPORATlm H:V.IUUN A~r's Property Tax Par~~ Acrount Number(5): 032305927009 TOGETHER WITH all the tcr:1cm=u, hefe<luaments Arni >1ppummances, now or hereafter Lher,:,onto bclongmg or m any way appenammg. lease~ an,:J other a1i:rcc,111e11ts for the use nnd occupancy p,,rlammg !hereto. and rile rents, issues and profits thereof anc:I all other property or nghts of any kmd or n11tun, whatsoever further set forth m tlle Mru;rer Form Deed of Trust heremafter referred to. SUBJECT. HOWEVER, to the nght, power an4 authonty licceina.flet given to and conferred upon Lender to collect and apply 611Ch rentll, issues and profits Th19 Se<!unty Irunrumem shall coost1tute a security agreement under the Utuform Commercial Code or Wll:!ihmgton between Bozrower as d~btor 11nd l..en:der M secured party Borrower grants a secuoty interest to Lender Ul any of the Property wbich i.s perl:l(>llal property nnd 11100 grants a ~ecurity rn1erest n1 the prnµcrty de6Cnbed m Paragraph 3 of the MastCT Fonn DCOO of Trust heremaner rtfel'TC<.I ti.'>, now owned or h,ereafter acqulred by Borrower (the Property, as defined above, and the propeny dc....,nbcd m g,ud Par>1graph 3 are h"reafter collectively referred to as the flO:illateral~) s,f'< n, BOl'l'<tWCT•• Intlt:W~ r"' (P"l:trln/4) L020-T IWAI 01/07197 THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT IS FOR THE PURPOSE OF SECURING the folJowmg (a) Payment of the suoi of TWO HUNDRED EJCHTY FOUll THOU"'"'"""""""=o0N°o0,0,,0,o,c--------------o=o0L"L"A"R°"S ( $2S4,000,00 ), with mierest thenx>n accordmg 10 the li::nllS of a prormssocy note of even dnle herewith, p11.y11ble to Lem1er or order and made by Borrow<:lr {the "Note", which Lenn shall lllClude all O.Otci cv1dencm.g the mdebledlleSII lie(..-ured by this Security lnstn.une:nt, 1ncludmg all l'elleWals, modifica11on5 or cxtcns10ns. thereoO. b) Payment of anY further = advanced or loaned by LcnoJer to Borrower, or nuy of 11s successors or R!l9J.g115, if (l) The Noto or oth<:lr wntmg ev1dc:ncmg the future advance or loan spec1fically states that Lt 1, accured b;y lhls Secumy Instrument, or (2) the advance. mclud1ng costs and c,;:pcnses mcurred by Leader, 1s made pur,iuant Lo thu Security IU$tn11tu1nt or any other docu~nts executro by Borrower evidencing, sccurmg, or relating to the Note and/or the Collaterlll, whi:ther =ecu1ed prior to, contemporaneously w,1h, oT rnbsequeot to ibis S.C..::unty Insttument (1h1s Se,i;;unty Instrument, the Not'-' and such otber doi11lilent.s., mcluduig uny construction loan, land loan or oiber loan agreement, are J1en,,naft<:lr collectJ.vely referred to as the "Loan Docume::iu11"), together with mterest thet-eon at the rnle !let forth m the Nort: unless othcrw111e speerfkd m the Loan Documents or aitn:cd lo in wntmg, c} Per[Onnunce of each agreement, t= aTid cond1t10n set forth or mco[Jlorated by reference m the Loan DocumeDtll, mcludmg wtchout lloullrtlon the low 11grcement of even date h.erew1th, whn:h are 11li:orporated berCJn by refereuce or oontained berem THB MATURITY DATF.. OF THESE SECURED OBLIGATIONS. AS CONTAINED IN THE LOAN DOCUMENTS, INCLUDINO THE NOTE. IS Februftry 1.1,;t 200S By e.J[i:cutmg and dellvenng thas Socumy Instrument ,u1d the Nott! secun>:d hereby, the parues agree thAt all provmons of Paragraphs 1 through 69 mclus1v¢ of the Master Fonn Deed of Trnst ht:rcmuftl."r refl."rrcd to, ex.cepr s1.1d1 paragraphs as are 8POOtfically exeluded or modlfled hen:1.0. are hereby mcO[JJoratcd ru:'rem by ref<m:J1= uod made an mtegrnl part lteroof for all purposes the same as 1f set forth l)erem at le.n,glh, and the Bormwer .hereby makes smd wv«aonts and agr-«cs LO fully perform Ill! of A,ud prov1s1ons The Ma1ter Form Deed of Trust above rcfcttcd Co was recorded on the dates bt:1ow shnwn. in tho, O!fic1al Records of the offices. of the. Cow:1ly Auditors or County Recorders of" the followmg countJ.CS m thte State of Wa.•hmgton a\>COJ'dmg to Ille enumerated rc.cordat1on des1gnauons appearmg b<:llow after the name of each cOl.lruy, 10 wlt DRAWER, REEL, fltAME OR RECORDJNO OR DATE OF £.Q!UiI.'i JlQQK QB YQLPMIJ fAGENQ(1;;) ,OUJ;![IQB'~ fll !;; NQ RfCO~lm:m ADAMS '29 260-271 239483 October 12, 199S ASOTIN 217406 Ocrober ll. 1?95 RENTON "' 6:!-76 95-2.3049 Ocrober 12, 1 ')9,, CHELAN 10.'i"l 1633,1644 95!0120008 October LI, 1995 CLALLAM J !11 694-70.'i 729425 October 11, J9')S CLARK 9510] 10089 October 11, 199S COLUMBIA ,o 712-723 8601 October ll, 1995 COWLITZ 1213 0637-0648 9SIU12074 Oc\pb<,r 12. 1995 DOUGLAS M"" 09-W 307858 oc,ober 12, l99S FERRY [MP ofOk} 232892 Oc1obcr ll, 199S J."RANKLIN ""' 0564-0S?S 524669 October 11, 199!1' GARFIELD 3317 Oc!<lber 11, 1995 GRANT OMI l9S4-l965 951012004 Ocrobcr 11, 1995 ORA YS HARDOR " 33136-33147 9SIOL2026 October 11, 199S ISLANl> 696 1410-[421 9S0163% October II, l99S IE.PFERSON "' 328-339 3&5SOS OC1obi:r t I, t99S KJNG 9510)00421 October 10, 1995 KITSAP 0879 2392-2403 9510130066 October 13, 199S KJTTITAS "" m 586108 October IL. 19!>5 KLICKITAT 327 "' 249676 Oc1obcr 11, 199.'i LEW'5 "" 3S0-36L 9514582 Oc1ub<lr 11, 1995 LINCOLN " 00J034-00J04S 40087:'i Ocrober II, 1995 M,\SQN "' 144-155 61S408 Oc!obe< IJ. l99S OKANOGAN rn 1089-1100 833848 Octub<lt ll, l99S PACIFIC 95HI :'159-570 62332 O<:tobcr ll. l995 PENO ORIBl.LE "' 1099-1110 230779 October J'l. 1995 J>lF.RCe 1163 :2Sll-2S22 9'10110478 Oc!<Jh<.:r l 1 , l 99.'l SAN JUAN "' 230-241 95HH20l October 12, 1995 SKAGIT 1483 0172--0383 95\0] 1()()46 October 11. l99S SKAMANIA "" 850-871 L23494 Octob"1' 11, 1995 SNOHOMISH "''' 1623-1634 95l0l!Ol89 ~tober I l, 199S SPOKANE "" 1737-174S 9510110230 October 11 • I 99S STEVENS '" 2:mi-23s1 95101,7 October l l, 1995 THURSTON ,... 702-713 9S10110097 Oclober 11. 1995 WAHKIAKUM '°' 0579-0S90 454"'7 Oc.tnbcr 12, 1995 WALLA WALI..A ,,, LS93-1604 9509789 October 11. 1995 WHATCOM "' 1133-1144 9Sl011197 Ocl(Jbcr 11, 1995 WHITMAN M1cr(lfilm No 5!!04118 October 11, l99S YAKIMA "" J8l9e[830 1110734 October ll, 1995 (Pagtl o/-1) L{J20· T (WA) 20030303001422.003 075 208 264442-6 A copy of such Mauer Fonn Dcod of TtuSt hll.ll been ftumallt;d t0 the person executing Uui. Secunty [n51rument, and by ex~utlng tl11s Sccunty ln:;trumcnt th,; Borrower ~knowlcdgC$ bavmg recetved such MMkr Form D-1 of Tnist "(be Property wluch 15 tbe subJect of th LS Security hwtrument LS not used pnne:tpl\lly or pnmanly for acgncultural or famung purposes lbe 1111denng11.t!d Bmrower requests that a copy of any Nouce of Default artd of any Nouce of Sale hereunder, u requll'Cd by Waahmgto11 law m CUR' of uon-Jud1CJal foreclowre of a deed of tru~t, be mailed ro Borrower ai; Borrower's address u here1nabove set forth Bonower ~ t,:, obtam all 111.5urance. roqmn:d frnm. time In ttmc by Lender and Ill< <::bc:wbcn: prov1dc<l. m Lhc Loan Docwnents. mcludmg flood 1MUt1Ulce If Borrower fads lo mnmtnm such insurance ».Usfactory to the Lender, Lender may make the payment on behalf or U:le Bonow(>l' and any ,rums expended shall be added to pnnc1pal and bear interest at tbe nte provided m the Note If the box precech.ng any of the fullowmg statenumts ooutams an "X", tbllt statement 1s a part of th1~ Securuy Instrument If the box is 1!Q! so checked, the corrt?:SpOJldrng statement 1, D2l part of tbls Secunty Jnstromrnt D Paragraph 49 of lhe MaslCT Funn Detld of Trust (wlm:h refers to the exu;tence, 1f any, of an adJustable rate feature in the Note) 1s hereby dcfotcd [RI The Note secured hen:by evidences a con~1ruct10n loan or land loan bw 1s not a combmat:Jon Note ~aragraph 53 of the Master Forni Deed of Tn1sl ,s l1ereby deleted D The Note ~=red hereby IS a combma.t10n consm1cuon loan/pcrma.ncru IQ.Ill\ Note Refer 10 paragraph 53 of the Master Form D-1 of Tru~t 0 Toe Property or a pan thereof lS a Condonumum Refer to pur11graph 50 of the M11.11ter Funn Deed of Trust D A fee owner and a le11sdtold owner of the Property, or a porl.lon thereof, have executed ll1.1s Sec\ll'JCY l~trumenc Refer w paragraph 51 of the Mllllttt Form Deed of Trust 0 The Property or a pan thereof is a leasehold estate Refer to paragrapb 52 of the Mas«::r Ponn Deed of Trust D See also Schedule • A'" of this Shon Form Deed of Trutt, aniu;:hed hereto aml wcoiporntoo herein by this reference WITNESS U1e hand(s) and seal(s) of the Borrower, and each of them 1f more than one, on the ,;lay and ycai-first above wn11cn (Over for notary acknowledgements) l020-T (WA) 01/07197 STA TB OF ) ) " COUNTY OP ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory cv1dCIIce lhl'lt ----------------- tNamt:{s) of person(s)J is/are the person(s) who appeared before me, and 3fll.d pcrson(s) IIClooowlcdged that (h"'1she/they) signed tlus instrument and 11.Cknowledged 1t to be (h1s/her/theu) free and voluntllr)' 11cl for th"' usei. and 1mr_poscs (Tle(\UOned m the 111$1.tumi:nt Dated -------- (Seal or Stamp) STATE OF t,J~ Wl ('.L,mr-t (S1anature) Notary Pubhc m and for the State of ______ _ resu1mg at My <.'Onuru.ss1on expire.!: ------------ ) " COUNTY OF f'\I 1\1.11:\, ) + I know or have .s .t1sfactory ev,deuce lhai {Name()) of per:9on(s)J ~e per:son{s) who appeared before me, and ll&ld penon(.s) acimowled&:ed lhat (~ signed this msuument, on oath stated thal (ftehll.,,~ ~ authonzcd to e:,:ecutc !he 1I1Strume:ut Rnd 11eknowledged 1t 1111 the _.L21',ct&~i,,."--~----==---------------- of J{Bs ~ (Type of Authomy, e g , Officer, 'I'tustee) o:.ou 1&1~:,s71 l020·T (WA) 20030303001422.005 LOT 3 OF KING COUNTY SHORT PLAT NUMBER 486017, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 8703039001 AND CORRECTED BY AFFIDAVIT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 8706260950, TOGETHER WITI-l THE WEST 428.00 FEET OP THE SOUTH 330 PEET OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 3, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAME'ITB MERIDIAN, IN KING COONI'Y, WASHINGTON, EXCEPT THE NORTH 165 FEET THEREOF, EXCEPT THAT PORTION LYING WITHIN THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOOTH HALF OF SAID SOBDIVISION AND EXCEPT COONTY ROADS; IN ACCORDANCE WITH DECREE QUIETING TITLE IN KINO COUNTY CA.USE NO. 66-2-22118-2 ENTERED MARCH 12, 1967; EXCEPT THE EAST 164 FEET OP SAID LOT 3; {BEING KNOWN .AS LOT J OF KING COUNTY LOT LINE ADJUS'l'MENT NUMBER S92L0l03, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 9209101022, AND OTHER PROPERTY}. 2005031100222t:oot WHEN RECORDED, RETUUNTO: WASHINGTON FEDERAL SAYINGS 425 P~ka Screet .• ,.,,,, W!m1.fft1~ .... ~$eattl~ W11 98101 KtNG ci5GN'n, ~2 Aun: Ili I e1 fj ))~le ___ 2.Ll..L/.0,0>~-------J...?an No. _ __.2,6s4a4a,,_2c_ oS~---- NOTICE OF MODIFICATION OF n~bfpufl) '7 .3 .::S.::>£1,----/ NOTJC..'E TQ ALL PBRSbNS Is give.o. that Washln ton Federitl Savin as the Beneficiary/(G.r,mtee) of thal Doed of Truat dated 02 21 03 r=rded under AudH;of' g f:l.1e No. 20030303001422 in the Records of Kin County. State of WaShington · has, tllis (I.ate, modified I.lie terms of lbe Note sccun:d by the Deed of Tn,,t (-the Loan C(:,111.Pel and Security h1s1rumeot"), as approved by ----------------- CHIGAGQ TTTI B JNSUBANGB CPMP.ANY , Gr,mfor (or Successor Orantor) urul;,r the .Security lnstrnment llll foUows: Check. ,1pJITOpriate lJo.JC(e11) 1MPORTANT, Any num.bered puagraph, which LI higli.ligl,LC:d by the muk ol an "X" i11 the box opposite it and whooe blank lines or spacea are filled in, ie part o'r th.fa notice. Any other numbered parag.ri,ph not ~o bJgbli.ghted, ill not part of Ibis mJtiw. Iii] I. The Malurity Dflte of !he Loan Contract and Security lo.strume:nt has bun changed from t.o __ ,0,2,1,2,1,1,0,•~-------- --~ .. g 2 -Tlie-Loab "t::milract Md security·Jnst.nuneili1Ul9 alfo been niod1i'ii,:fin 'ii . .irumner. ~ther th~ change in !.he M"~~city Dnte. The purpose of this document ls to provide record notice:, when required, of a modification Jn the tenu.s of the loan contract and security instrument. It is not intendt:d 11.1 n1.1r shall It be deemed ln alte[ in nay lllllruler the actual lerms of ,my loan modification agree.111e:11L betw,;,;n the graotor of the secudLy iru;trumerit {or the succeiJsor of gun.tor) and WASHINGTON FEDERAL SAVINGS as beiteficiary, Notice ls given to all persona that. e1'cept for t~ teems of any Joan modification ngreement. the ternl$ of the original lorui contract and security iustromcnl ~hall In alt' other re1<p....,11:1 remain in full fon:e and effect. Grantor(s) by d.£41,/PD {.c_ (l_ ~v__ .f,e,.,_: _ X - WASHING:f_?NFED1i;¥LSA~I ,S Ks .7Y JAMES E. CADY --~-,,<OOLCI-N-""TSA,l<',«'•'-;><-------4'""/<L"--'""' -,"- Title: SR. VICE PRESIDENT/ SR. CR. O~CEc•~---1-"---------'------ (Over for nolary acknowledgments) Pcige I o/2pages. l0122 WA 07119/01 STATE OF ) ) ss. COUNTY OF ) J ccrtity Uu,( ( know or h.ive .. atisfactory evidence that================= !Name(~) of person(s)'J ls/an, the person($) who appc.art.'d before mu, Wld s"id 1rnraon(R) atknowledged that (hc/sln:/thcy) siJ;!.IIC<.l Lhis iustrumeut :md acknowledged lt to he (his/her/their) frcll 11.lld 1101'.mlary acl for the uses and puqio~es menti=d in lhl' ilu.(rum~~ll. Pated· {Seal 01 Sta,up) ~ATEOF ) ) 9£. COUNTY OF ) (Signature) Nornry Puh!ic in and for the State Of------- resldin.g al My r;ommission expires --------________ _ I certitY that l know or have satisfactory evJdenc.e that ===============,~,,;M==~;,,;,=,,;::fp===· =o=n(;•~)l=== isfare the penmn(6) who appeared before me, and snid persoJ1(s) 11clu1DwledgcJ that {he/5he/they) sig11cd ll,ia iru.trumei.t, on oath ~tated tllat (he/she/ ey) wv.lwcre a1.1thorizt"1 to eJu:cuu: the imtrumeot and m.:.km.>wledged it as the D c{/i:'!: of Authority, e.g., Officer, Trustee) or ~5' EVfl.OPhl Cage. (Nani.e of the Party on Behalf of Whom the lns!rument wn P.,:"""r,,d) to 1-,e the free and voluntary llCl of such v~rly for tl-,e u..es nnd purpo~e11 mentioned in !he ins1rumcnt. u .... , 3-/j,o.i;--_ ~~&:2"....4-:::~ ~ (Signature) Notary Public in nncl for l.b.e Stat" of J.L.A:S/11:M~ residing at l<(dk'l, tjnd) ·My COlllUlis5ioll expires ______tf__ -'Ja4 Page 2l1(2 WHEN RF.CORDED, R.K'l"UkNTO, WASHINGTON FEDRRAJ. SAYI.NGS 425 PIKE ST, 2ND FLOOR SEATTLE, WA. 98101 Atm: STACEY HARPER 20060316001278.001 n .. 1., .. .2/17 06 1.onn No. 075 208 264".t . .C..~=i....._ NOTICE OF MODIFICATION OF DF:~D OF TRUST . o, Io 7"!>3.S>-I NOTICJ} TO:A Ll~.~i,RSONS is givm that Washington FHleral Sa"Yings 0 as the Benefi,l:iary/(Giantc,;-) of that Deed of Trust dated 92 / 2 j /03 recorded #~t ... ·4;~:r~'. S FILE No. 10030301001422 , m the R~,Wa-.{ "._~__::;.· County, State of WASHINGTON has. thi! <1:a~.~liifid·,1h~nns of the Note secured hy 1hc Deed of TTUZlt ("the [.,()an Contract and Security inH_J;'iifnelll?'),~~s-~r<m:d by ICBS III-ITC A WASHINGTON .......... .ltlHUED""J1IABILiTY C • Grantor (or Succ~ssor Grll[ltor) under the Security Ins1rum1mt 11s follow~; Check Appmpl'Ultl Box(es) lMPORT ANT: Any ru:,mhered p"ragraph, which lR bl!:blighlod by the mark of an •x• In the box oppo~llc ll and whose blank Hues or space.~ are filled in, is ran. of 1hts notice. Any other numbered. p11ragraph no1 so highlighted, is no\ p;u-t of U>is 11otice. ~ I. The Maturity Date of the Loan Contract and Security lrnitrument lu1S been chauge,J fwm 2 21/06 hl _;2,;2ol;_s0"7 _________ _ 0 2 The Loan Contr11ct anti Securily lnsm.mumt I.las 11100 b=1i mudified in a miumer nther than change in the Maturity Date. Tirn p11rpnsc of rhi5 document is to pro"Yide record notice, when rcq11ircd. of II iuodi[ication itl the leml.!: of the loan =mract and security ininromen\. 11 is not lntemled to nor shall i( be tkem<..-<l 10 a.lter in any m,11u1t;Sr lhc ac1ua1 1enn.~ of any loan modification agreement between the i;:rantor of tllc security instrument (or the :Au.:cessor of grantor) ru.cl WASHINGTON FEDERAL SAVINGS ,u ])c:ucfieiary. Notice is given to all persons tl1at, except for 1hc terms of any loan modifo:ation agreement, the tcnn5 of the original loan contrad 1111d security inRln1~,r shall ln 11,\L other rc5pect5 remain in full force and effeci. (O"Yer for notary acknowledgments) Page. J of 2 pages. L0122 WA 07/19/0t STATE OF ) ) ss. COUNTY OF ) I certify that 1 know or haYe satisfactury evidence !hat ---------------- lName(sJ ol petilon(~)] is/are lhe person(s) who appeared before me, IUld said per.son(s) w.±tiowl~'dgcd thl\L (l1e/$l).C/\hey) siti:ncd this lnstnune,u 1111d acknowledged It to be (bls/her/cheJr) free and voluntary acl for the uses and purpose$ rnenCLoocd in the Instrument. DAfed: STATU OF COUNTY OF (Seal or Stamp) K:n,.!J ) ) sa. ) {Signatut"r) Notary Public in and for the Stole of ______ _ fe:Siding at My commissmn. expires------------ I ~ertify th.at I know or hav satillfactory evidence that (Name(s) of pcuon(s)J ill~e person(s) who appeared hefrmi me, ;1,11d F.."\id person(s) ackm;iwledged lllat (he/sit~ ~igned this instrument, an <Jath ~tateo:1 thM (he/s~ wo~~uiiwri;:etl to e.J1oxute !hi,, Jilstrum~m ,m<l acku<Jwledged u us t11e -?f TW r :::: c-&c?:t? :re Sj!I::: qry 'm~,; u'l!3 r . (Type <Jf Authority, e.g., O[fo.:er, Trustee) of ________ ct:!J~c'Sc'--'=..,171--",~/~/....,.c~-~---------~---- (Namc oi'ch(f>arcy on Behalf ofWhom'the Iruu:ument was Executed) to bi., lhe t"rre and volumary act of such pany fur the use5 and purpo~ei; men.tinned ir, the instrumem. ~a~ Dated: -~2~·-'J~--o_,; __ Giignaturc) NotAcy Public in and for the St~\e l>[ 4,ft!~ residing at K'Pf'Kl 4rlP My coJJUJU~-sion expires ?: '3 D -· otJ Pagl! 2 of2 ~00"8.Lt J.009 ~&0900~ 20061007001686,001 M•~l'ER RECORDING RUTURN TO: Wuhinglon FOOerBI SBvings LOAN ADMIN-WA Ofl'.ice S-ttl<: WA 98101 IIIIUllllllllllmlllllllllll 425 Pike Street 20051007001585 9'!.85 ,~H m!Afi !!Tt.S CIT S'1.II K ~~TY, IJA Loan Number 075 207 309262-4 SHORT FORM ctM Tr:r5 D?f'ri _ 1 @ THIS DEED or TRUST ("Security klstrumeDt") i~ made O(;tolet' 5th 2005 lletwee KBS DEVELOPMENT COkPORATTON A WASHINGTON CORPORATION g as Grantor CBorro~r·J, whusc address is 12320 NR 8TH ST SUITE 1001 BELLEVUE WA 9S00S ; and ~~-~HINGTON SERVICES, TNC., A W ASIIINGTON CORPQRA TU)N u tmstee, whose addl'CU is6125 SOUTH MORGAN ROAD1 FREELAND, WA. 98249 and WASHINGTON FEDERAL SAVINGS. a United States Co11mratlon, a1:1 Benel1clary ("Lender"/ Grantee), wh1.1:re addr<'Ss i$ 4l5 Pike Strttt, Seullle, W1111hingt<>n 98101 Burrower herc:hy irrevocably gran($, bargains, sells and conveys 10 Tnucee In trust, with power or ~ale according to '\Yuhlngtou law, all Borrower'.s enatc, rl.ghl, title, in1crc:,it, clo.im IU\d demand, now owned or hereafter acquired, in llll<l LO the following Wcribcd property ineION=eG~---~---- CO\Jnly, WMhingwn (the "Property", which 1enn llluill include all or any pan of the J:>roperty. any 1mprove.me11hl thereon ruld all the property dc5cribe<l in Pan,gro:ph 2 of the Maste.r 1'0:rm Deed of Trust hereinafter referred to): PARCllL A, LOT W, KING COUNTY BOUNDARY UNE ADJUSTMENT NUMB~ LOOLOO" RECORDED UNDER RECOKDING NO. 100207mSIG00(17, PARCEL D, LOTZ, KC »LA NO. LOOl.0089, RF.C, NO. 1002U7029000Q7. rARCl'.L c, WT], KC LLANO, snLI.11113, Rt;C. NO. nano 1012. SEE THF, STII PAGE OF TfllS DOCUMENT FOR UIE COMPLIITF. u;:GAI, DESCRIPTION, ATTACHl!:D ASEXHmrr "A" AND flY 'l'H1SRBFERENCE INCOlll'ORATE() mm.EJN. Af;5"56or's .Properly T>lX l"arcel Account Number(11): 032SQS4;1035, -9270 -926? TOGl:,THER WITH all rhe tenements, hcrcd.itaments and appurteuances. now or hereafter thercunco belonging or in any way appertaining, leases and other agreements for Lhe U$t und occupancy pcrtaini11g thereto, and lh<.: rcn1s. !s~ue>< and profits tl\cl'c:<1f and :ii.I other property or right~ of any kind or nature whatsoever further SCI forth in lhe Moster Form Deed of Trust hereinafter referred to, SUBJBCT, HOWEVER, to the right, power and authority hen;inufler giveil to and conferred op,m Lender to ,;ollecL ;md apply Sll~h r<onl>L, issm:s and r,roflls. Thi~ Scc.uri[y lrut~"ll! .lihall coni.titutt a security agreement under 1be Uniform Commercial Code o( Washington between Borrower as debtor and L=der n secured p.ir1.y. Borrower grntr.s. a $1.lCuriiy inlere.~l to Lender in any of the Propeny which i9 personal property and alw grants; a see11rlt)' interesc in the property described in P11ragraph 3 of die MPS!er Form Deed of Trust hereinafter referred 10, MW owned or hereafter acquired by Borrower (tile Property, u deflned above. and the property descrihed in said Paragraph 3 arc hereaf'tCI' collecliYely refecred lo 1111 the "r'.ollateral"). (7>uirt I vf4) L020.T tWAI 01/07/97 THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT I.'i FOR THE PURPOSE OF SECURING the following: TWO M11tlC::t~~i;:::r ~(/~~;~~ .. ~~=.0~=0°rn","•"•»~A7N7o0,0o0,0 .. 0•0,-----------0=0°L7LACCR~S ( S.2.18500000,00 ), with interest thereon e.ccording tu lhe terms of a 111-om.issory mite of even do.te llerewith, payahle to Lender or order and made by BotTower (the "Noto", which tenn shall inc.lude au note$ evide:nciug the indeb1,:d-s,a,cun::d by this Security In.srrumem, including all renewals, modlfieati.ons or extcnsiorui therc:of); h) Payment of any further "'1llll5 advanced or loaned by Lender to Borrower, or any of its successor& or nssigns, if (l} 1he Note or otl1er writing evldenelng the future advance or loan specifically state11 thw it is secured by this Sccudty ln~tru1wmt. or {2) the ndvance, h:icluding costs and exp=s incurrc,;I by Lender, is made pursuant to tltis s,,curity lw:HrUJnent or uny other documents e;ic;e<:uted by Oorrower evidCflclng, ~ecw-iog, or relating to the Note and/or the Collatcnll, whether exec\lted prior to, contemporaneously with, or sub~"'Quent to this Security Tnstrumenl (this Security Instrument, the Null: ,md such o!hcr d="\.11lll!!l1Lil, iucJuding any co11slnu;tio11 1mm, lru1d Loan or other loan agreement, are hcr~ina.fi,a:r collectively referred to as 1be "Loan Documents"'), together with imere,,;t thereon at !he cate &ct forth in the Note unless otherwise specified in rhe Loan Documents or a£(CCd to in wri1in11:: c) Perfonnnnce of eiich agreement, !enn 1tnd cum'lition ~e! forth or incorporated by reference in the Loo.n Uocuments. in<..:fotlin11: without lin:rituliun lhe luan ugrt<t!meut of "'veu llate J1erew1th, wl11cl1 are Incorporated. herein by refetencc or oon1ained herein. THE MATURITY DATE OF THESE SECURED OBLIGATIONS, AS CONTAINED IN THE LOAN DOCUMENTS, INCLUDING THE NOTE. lS Odob-,r 5th, 2Q..Q_7~----- Dy =uting and delivering: !his Security Instrument and the Nute sixw:cd hereby, ilic parLics 31:ree that all provisions of Paragraphs I through 69 inclusive of tbe Mule!" Form Deed of Trust hereinafter referred 10. except ~ucil pau.grnplu ~<J are specifiClllly excluded or modified herein, arc Jicreby lncorporared herein by reference and made an integral part hereof for all purposes the 9.D.Jm: as lf set 10l1h herein at length, and lhe Dorrower hereby makes said covenants and agrees to tuny perfortll all of said provisions. The Master Form Deed of Trust above referred to was recorded oo ihe dates below shown, in the Official Re<.-ords of the offices of the County Audi1ors or Coun\y R<:<.:order~ of tht' fallowing <.:ounfi<:,s in the Sutic of Washington according to Ilic 1.:numcrotcd r=orclati,m d1:signaiions appearing bek1w after the name of each county, to wit: ORA WER, RBEL, FRAME OR RECORDING OR DAT"E or COUNTY l!QQK QB VQI l!Mll £0~ll tiQ£S l 6111:!IIQB'S: Elle l::l:Q B~CQl:U.m:·~i;:i ADAMS "" 260·271 239483 Oct<>bcr 12, 1995 ASOTIN 2[7406 O<.:mbeT ll, 199."i RENTON ,,. 65•76 95.23049 October 12, 199:S CHELAN \052 l6'.13-l6'14 9:no12000~ October n, 1995 CLALLAM Ill! 694-70S 729425 OctoOOr 11. 1995 Cl.ARK 9SIOLl0089 Octo~r J t, 199S COLUMBIA ,0 712·723 "'" Oc!uher l L, 1995 COWLITZ 1213 0637-0648 951012074 October 12. 1995 DOUGLAS M+H 09-20 307858 October 1"2, 1995 FERRY (M.F. ofO.R.) 232S92 Ocmher 11, 1995 FRANKLIN 0)77 OS64-0HS :524669 October 11, 199:5 GARFJEJ.J) 3317 October 11, 1995 GRANT °'' 1954-L965 9Sl012004 October ll, 1995 GRAYS HARBOR " 33136-33147 !.15l0l:W.Z6 Oc.lober ll, 1995 ISLAND "' 1410·1421 95016396 October l l, J!:195 IEJ'FERSON "' 328-339 385505 October 11. L995 KINO 9510100421 Octobu 10. 1995 KITSAP .,..,, 2392-2403 9Sl01J()(J66 Octub.,,. 13, 1995 KITTITAS '70 m :586108 O.::tober IL, 199S KLICKITAT m "' 249676 October 1 L, 1995 LEWIS ,,, JS0-361 9514'.SZ Oc,ober 11. 1995 LINCOLN " 003034..00304:5 400875 October 11. 1995 MASON "' 144.15:5 615408 Octoh"r l I , l 995 OKANOGAN "' l089-IJOO 833848 October ll, L995 f'ACTFIC 9S10 559.570 62332 Ocklbcr 11, 1995 l'F:!NU ORlELLf.! "' 1099-1110 230779 ()ctobt,T J?:, 1995 PJERCE ]]63 2:511-2S22 9'SJ0l10478 October 11. 1995 SAN JUAN "' 230-241 9SHH201 OcfnlK,r )2. 1\195 SKAGIT 1483 0372-0383 9510110046 October ll, 1995 SKAMANIA "' 860-871 123494 October II, 1995 SNOHOMISH 3081 1623-1634 9510110189 October ll IW5 SPOKANE 1781 1737-1748 9.'HOl 10230 October 11. 1995 STEVENS "' 2376-2387 9SJOLS7 Octnbcr l l, 1995 'J"HIJJ!Sl"ON "" 702-713 9."ilOl\0097 Ot.:tober 11, 1995 WAHKIAKUM '"' 0579-0590 45447 Ocrnber 12, 1995 WAl.LAWAl.J,,'t. ,,, 1593·1604 95()!,1789 OCl<>b.er 11, 1995 WHATCOM "' 1133-1144 9510\J 197 Oc!uber JI, 199.~ WHITMAN Microfilm No. 580488 Oc1ober ll, 1995 YAKIMA "" 1819·l8JO 3110734 Oct<1b~r l L 1995 (Pa1t2of<I) L020·T (WAI l.:oo·sesi.oo.t.oo i.sool.: ., 20061007001585.003 076 207 309282.'4 A copy of such Master Form Deed of Tru3t haa l)i;cn fumisht!d to !he peOIOn excculit'lg lhfa S"curH)' Jnstn11ne1.1t, an'1 by cxeculi.ng tbis Security lnatrument the Bonower acknowledge.~ having r<:eciv<'d ~uch Master Form Deed of Trust. The Property which is ,11.., subject of tl,iR Security lns1rurrwnl i~ rwt used principally or primarlly fur agril-'ultural or farming purposei;. The unili:nig11o::I Borrower requests th.at a copy of .n_y Notice of Default and of any Notice or Sule hereun'1er, as required t,y Washington Jaw in ca~ of non-judicial forixlosure of a deed of lrust, be mw.iled to Borrower ar Borrower'II" address u hert!inabove «:l forth. Borrower agrees to obta:in all Insurance required from time to time by Lend,;.r and u el1>DWh.eni provW"d in the Loan Documents, including Rood insurance. If Borrower fall~ to maintain such Insurance sati~factory to th.e Lender, I.e11der may rllllkc the p11.ymen1 on behalf of the Bof'l'Owr,r and any 1,1m1.~ expended shall be add~ to princip11l and bear inter~! at the rate provided in the Note . .. ..,. If the box p~i:_ec!i:"{Q: ·aiiy ,t:,f the following slatements oontail1$ an "X", that starcment ls a pa1t ot' this Security InS1tut1li!:# .. If tht;,-\:fl;IX·fa lli!! $0 checked, the C(lrrespondlng statcmt:nl is !!Q! pat1 of 1hls Securily Jnstrnm~t '.:·'t' Jt_ :· .. i; 1~ ~ { D ~Ill···\d:tp'1, 4pJ ~lr,Ss. ier Form Deed of Trust (which refers ta> Ille ex1slence, if any, of an a~st.!!,~O~,t'.~\tt,;1~:.~c Nole) is heri,by i'le\eted. r: .. :f:t.tl2 ~ ,,~'· [xi The N6ti--~i'.r.e,,.l ,U.e\.eby evidences a con~truction Joan or Jund loan bijt is not a combination NOIC, Paragraph 53 of the Ma::itcr Form Deed of Trost is hereby deleted. D The Note secured her&ly is a coml:>inatlon conscru,tion lollTl/pcrnaumut loan Note. Refer to paragraph S3 of the Masu:r Porm Dee<J of Trust. 0 The Property or a part thereof i~ a Condominium. Refer to p11rngrnph ."iQ of the Master Form Dec<I of Trust. 0 A fee 1>wner and a leasehold owner of the Property, or a prn1lon thereof, bave e,,:ecutt!d this Security Instrument. Ro:!fur 10 paragra[)h 51 of the Muter Porm Deed ofT11.1~1 D Th" Propeny or a pan thereof is a leascllold C::8U1te. Refer 10 paragraph 52 of the Master Ponn Deed of Trust. 0 See al~o Sclledule "A" of thi~ Shon Form Deed of Trust, attached hereto and lnccrrponatcd herein by 1hia refe1euce. WITNESS the hancl(s) and seal(s) of the Borrowe~, amt each nf them if more than one, on the day and year firgt above written, (Over fot notary acknowledgements) L020,T tWAt 01/07197 STATE OF ) ,~. COUNTY OF ) I oertlf'y that I know or have: satisfactory cvidcn~ that ----------------- [N111ne(s) of persM.(s)} isfare 1tu, person(s) who appeaced hefore me. and said person(s) ndnowledged th;:Jt (he/she/they) signed Lhi~ i11,.,uunl¢nt und ucknowledged it to be (his/her/their) free and voluntary act for the uses and p\1rposes mentioned in the instrument. (Signature) (Seal or Scamp) No1ary Public In and for the State oJ ______ _ re,;iding at My commissi.on expire$------------ STATE OF l,,IAS~1Z),,J ) .,,,.._, ) ~- COUNTY OF Jr'l:Yri ) I cenlfy t t I know r ave satisfaclory cvldence thnt • 0 [Name{s) of person(s)] i=l@the person(s) wllo app=icd before me, and said per5on(s) acknowledged that (he/stie/'6} signed this instrument, on oath teated that (he/she e w ,...,.,., uthorized. to execute the instn.iment and acknowledged it M the ~ tr1',... <:'\ (Type of Authority, e.g., Officer, Trustee) of ~ -ve,(@.Qffl'J{f>.I'( t!offd,MTI.1Jv (Name of the Party on Bebalf of Whom the lru;trum=t wa:t. &c,;uJ(.'d) to be the free and voluntacy act of such party for the uii;~~s meruioned In the in.,trument. D,«d, (0/C,/ef ~~ ~ (Signature) Not,uy Public in and for tlw Slate of~~ , 1esidin1, at k(:c;PKLAIV~ My commission e,;plres~J IJ -t:J q onu 135• 2171 l020-T IWAJ 't00"9891,00.L001,900Z: Pl'-RC:IU .. A, t,O'l' \ii, Kllm COUNTY, BClDNDAJI.Y LlNE ADJU9~ IITT.JMIIIUI, LOOL0081', RECQIW£CI Ulfill;:R RBC:ORDUIQ; N'OMBE:11:. 20020702!101),;,,;,7, 1N JUNG CCUN'I'r, llABMI~T¢N. e.s.:um A i'ORT'!Ol( CF TBS llOR=T QWU!.TIIR o.-'nU: SOVTKEll,ST Qtlll!.T111R CJ' 5BCTfON ), l'QWN!lllIP 23 NOii.Tri, RJ\NG3 S IUUIT, fflLLN'!BT'J'!l MERIDlAN, DI' KINQ COOl'ITY, ltA$!iIN'C.'t'ON. PARCEL It, t.OT 2 IINl) TNS ='I' 1'4 nST OJ' L0'1' 3, :K7lfG c::O'O'NT"!C SJIOII.T n.Ji.T. Nl.llGmt 4.H017 AS RECOROBII UNCl'lt:11; IUl:CORt<IIStG NIJMB!:R 87031'31'001 AND CORJI.Bc:tBD "S,Y An"UlJLV'!T 11.li:CORO"IW tJ!IIDER RBCORDnffl mJM;9ER nc,:UOHC. TQGETHER wnv TlG: f'OW,o,iVl(i V$lSC1UBm> PROE'BRTY nl ACCQRl):,,NCJC MJTK :DBa!D QlJlETlNG TI'l'Ll!i IN ICnffl COUNT'! J;ltJi'U:tOR ~'r CAOS.S NUMSBJI. 86-2-221.18-2 Em'Ell,lm ON M!IJI.CH :;i), 1,in, Tfffl WEBT 84,(> .SO PSE'l' OF THE SOUTH 330 l'UT Ol' TD NORTXKA.S'r Q~1'111( <"JF T1l1!l .!IOUTHaASt' QUU.t'B'I. OF SBCTION 3, TQl!l)fSKIP :ll, NORTN, lUUi'Glli !I ltA&T, WILLAMBT'Hi MXltID::CAA, IN XING c=, WA81ilNG'l'ON1 J;XC!:PT THAT POll"C'lOW OJ' LYJ:NQ WITMIN TW!l $0'1JTR HAl,P 01' 'llllii IICO'nl ilAL1' Ol" SAID Stlil1JIVl8I0N; AND l'S):Cl,PT T'Jtl\.T PORTION 'l'ZUSll.?10!' LYING WESTl!lll.LY ~ Tim Nlll!.TJU!:IU..Y SXTBNSION 01' Jli LINB L':i':rNG l.11"'1, ~ WliS.T 01' Jim) PiUAl.I.,lCL TO Tfil!l IUl&T LINS 017 t..OT 3 01" 6.AID ,nm COUNT!{ SUORT l'LJ\,. i-ro,,i:a.n U50171 1\ND EXCEl'T THAT l'OJI.Tl:ON O'F LOT 2, IC;l;NG C::OVNT'i S~li.T PLAT lruMBKJI. <11'11'11017, RECOJlDB!.> UNDIIJt. "-SC'.OJlDt .. 0 NOMBUlil B7030J~001, D:F.So:tl.lllst> "'5 l"<:>LI.otfS• G'OMMSN~l:NG A'I Tir.l!l NOR'l'ltOl'l!:ST ¢0ltX11Z-"-OP ilAl:D LOT 21 'tHE:NC'I!. SO!J'nt 87" ,i,,• 1.:5" ZASt' ALONG 'I'S!;l bl'C,R;):tt UlN'E O'J' SJliID LO'l, A Dl:$l'AKCl'l OJ" ~7. 36 -PBl'n' TO 'ITIZ t'Rtm PO'!.NT Of' llll!IOlNN.Ii<O; ~ SOtITII 0,i." 1.0' foS" 1'1<ST A DlS'IANCS 011' lU.l.~ nmT 'IO THI! SOUTH LlJR; OT SAl:D LOl: 2 AND A POUl't' 0~ A CIJII.Vll CCt.CI\.VE bl'ORTRWEIITWU,'l, THE :RAIJlAL =1t OF W:UlCH !IXA!t$ NOR'I"tl lll" "'~' "'~" i.n;:,ST: l'HEJl'C::J: RQl<~IITSJll/{ JI.LONG 'I'll£ 510\JTX LlNJr OJ' SAlt> LQ'l' 2 AlolD 'l'J.16 UC QF SJLID C'.IJAVE RAVING A AADTUS OI> ~$.CC J'g]IT, nmOUtaM A C&PT1UU. AB~ OP 31~ )II' 51'". A DU'?AACli: OJ' 52 •• e FU7 TO A l'OUIT ov RBVl:RS>S euKVATOP.11 or A CURVB: C::Ol<CAVB SOUTB~Tml.LY, TH1'I UDIJU. C:Eln'Slt OT "1'1ICB :B!IIO.:Rlll Sotrnll SL• 2~" '11" BAST; THBNC!i CON1"INOINO NOJt'l'KVISTULl' ALOl'IG Tl<!C SOtrl'B LIN!! or 8AID LOT 2 AND 'l'HE ARCO OF $Alt> ctrRV!1 HAVING A 1UUlilHI 011' ,;;5, OQ FBBT, 'fflROUOll A CalnAL ANOLS Ot' $)• :J, .. ' 2(>", A t'.IUITANl:;IZ or ,;o, 78 l'l!:ET, TUBNCI! C01!1'1'l:ISIQXNl3 ALON(! TRll Sot.ml J;.XNiZ 01' SAID tot' 2, SOU'l"K 9.7° .a~, l.S" BA61T A O'.t$T11NCB OJ' 2;.!3,2:) PERT TO nni SOUTll=T OORNM OJ' •11.~ u:n:, TH.IINC!I: NORTH Ol• ~,4,' 12" EA9'1' ALONQ TllE llAS'l' LIN:! OP SA.ID LOT 2 ll ?!%$'l'Me& OP 1.00.02 FEJ;;T TO THE NORTHSA.B'l' CORNJllll Ot' SAID LOT; 'l'HSNCJ; NOR.'l'lf BP 4~' 1..!P W:li.$1T A1,0Nl;I 'l:m!I :NOR't"K l.lNR OP .IIAffi LOT A 'DTST.Ml'CII Or 31S.l.<1. !'Ur TO TH.a TJI.UZ: POl:NT OF BE0:nGflN~; EXCl!:l)'l' COON.n" ROADS. {JI.I,60 JQlO\bl AS !JJT Z, Kn«J COUNT\' r,=ay LDIE ADJll8'l'MKNT JUl1n,l:CJIIT;l;Ol'I t1mlilli:ll LOOL008:,1, RSC:Oltl>li!O Qt;a;,BJI. RBCOROD«J N\.IMiiBR :1002:o,02,aooo'?.) TOGli't'K'BR 1fl'l:'ll JUI' l!IJL:9~ t'OR ROJID AblD U'l'lLl'l'I1'8 QVJllt TH.B SatlTBDLY P01tI'IOH Oi' UII' l. Alli DlSCLOll:stl ON THJ! PAC&: Oi' 'nm Slrolt't' P!A't, LO'l' 3 Oi' KJ:NQ. COON'l":i' 8llDll.T PLAT H\!MR-191110:17, R=<JRDIU> tffi'tllnl. RIICOJUJDl!il NUl'GIQ 870303,oOl. AND COJUU:Crlm BY Al"PrDAVJ:T )U.COR.fiRD UNDER RECORDllfll ~1!2 e~0~21>01'50. = Wl:TH THe Wl!il'l' 4,:211.co :n:ff OF TH!: BOUTU 330 l'hT Ol" THJr NO~$'l OVI\RTl::R OF ra11: &o=sT QOJIRTER Cl' s.i;:=:i:ou .). 't'Qlffl'.!tttlii> 2) NOii.TH, JlANQE ~ EAS:T, WlLt..">MB'l''l'B MERIDJ:JUI', lK J!:XNO COUNTY, WJLSX:INO'rail'; ..XC!;lP'l' Tlll!: l'ION.'£R 1£5 ~1:.1.."'T 'l'JlliRBOl'1 lrXCEl'T -ncAT PORTJ:ON LYl'!fO WI'l'HTlf 'T'l{];l SO!J"l'H HALF OF THE SOUTH KAI..l' OJ' '1'flE: l:l"Otml llA.L,. Oi" SAIP SUlJOJ:VISJ:Obl lUID ll:XCBl'T COUNT\' ROADS; IN ACCCIRDANC'lll OIJ:TH PECR= QVlSTUIG TlI'Llli IN KlN<i COtJNTY CJ\U.Elll 1'10. 8i"·i-:1::11io-:2 RN'l~RI,:D MA.llCll 12, 1Plil7; SXCSPT 'l~ nAST .1.11"'11 Ji'1l.ET OJ' .IIAID WT l1 (Dl!llN'C l<lK>WN A.Iii LOT 3 011' l<:lNG COUNTY LOT LTWE Al>,!l'(J$'IM!m']' NtlMB'IIR S~~l..01.Cl, ltECOROSO um,n 11.~RD= mJMBBII. ~:iog1010:i:;i, AND OTlWR i'ROi'ER.'rTl, 20051007001585.006 , After recording mall to: Washington Federal Savings 425 Pike St., 2"" Floor Seattle, WA 98101 Attn: Stacey Harper 2ooso2oeoo2290.001 11;m11111111n1111 ,~0,~208002290 S!!'~U:1\1• l'\DT ;14.H ,ii .. m .. IClN C UNT'f, IIJI Loan Number 309262-4 MODIFICATION TO DEED OF TRUST Grantor: KBS Development Corporation. A Washington Corporation Trustee: Washington Services, Inc., A Washington Corporation Bene.ficiary: Washington Federal Savings, A United States Corporation Abbreviated Legal Description: Ptn NE SE S3 T23N R5E & Lot 34. V230. PGS 61-65 Additional Legal Description: As shown on page 2 Assessors Tax Parcel Numbers: 032!059035, -9270, -9269, -9014 Ri.tference Number of Deed of Trust: 20051007001585 This ModlficaUon of Deed of Trust (this "Modification") ls entered Into as of January 25, 2006, by end between KBS Development Corporation, A Washington Corporation ("Granter") and Washington Federal Savings ("Beneficiary"). RECITALS A. This Modification pertains to that certain Deed of Trust dated as of October 5, 2005 executed by Grantor to Washington Services, Inc. as Trustee, In favor of Benefida,y, and recorded on October 7, 2005, as auditor's file number 20051007001585, records of King County, Washington. 8. Grantor desires to provide ;;idditional real property collateral to secure repayment of the obllgatlons of Granter to beneficiary, as referenced in the Deed or Trust ( the "Added Property•). C. The Beneficiary has agreed to accept the Added Property as security under the Deed of Trust securing the obligat!ons owing to Beneficiary by Grantor, and to amend the real property legal description contained in !he Deed of Trust accordingly. Now, THEREFORE; the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Exhibit ~A~ to the Deed of Trust is amended to Include the real property described as follows: THAT PORTION Of THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER Of' SECTION 3, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, JN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE NORTH 396 FEET THEREOF; AND EXCEPT THE COUNTY ROAD, KNOWN AS 148™ AVENUE SOUTHEAST; MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS; BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY; THENCE SOUTH 87 37' 3B"EAST, ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID NORTH HALF, A DISTANCE OF 399.99 FEET; THENCE NORTH 02 22' 22" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 125.00 FEET TO A LINE 125 FEET NORTH AND PARALLEL WITH SAID SOUTH LINE; THENCE NORTH 87 37' 38n 20060208002290.002 WEST, ALONG SAID PARALLEL LJNE, A DISTANCE OF 402.08 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF SA/0 SU80JVISION; THENCE SOUTH 01 25' 01" WEST, ALONG SAID WEST LINE, A DISTANCE OF 125.02 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. 2. The real property and the whole thereof described in the Deed of Trust shall remain subject to the lien. charge or encumbrance of the Deed of Trust and nothing herein contained or done pursuant hereto shall affect or be constructed to affect the liens, charges or encumbrances of the Deed of Trust, or the priority thereof over other liens, charges or encumbrances. or to release or affect the llabilily of any party or parties who may now or hereafter be liable under or on account of any promissory notes, obligations, and/or the Deed of Trust. 3. All terms and conditions of the Deed of Trust not expre:.sly modified herein remaining full force and effect, without waiver or amendment. This First Modification and the Deed of Trust shall be read together as one document. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the parties hereto have caused this Modification to be executed as of the day and year first above written. BENEFICIARY: GRANTOR: WASHINGTON FEDERAL SAVINGS KBS DEVCLOPMENT CORP. / J nt 20060208002290.003 State of l,,)a..s.hl ~Y\) ) ss. County of i(.i~ } I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that James E Cady ls the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that he signed this instrument, on oath stated that he was authorized to execute the Instrument and acknowledged It ;;is the Senior Vice President of Washington Federal Savings, A United States Corporation, to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentloned in the instrument. Dated: i\ 'J \ 01.4 State of County or ) ) ss. ) Notary Public !n and for the state of residing at t...J My commissio expires 0 I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Kolin B Taylor, Robert W Ruddell, & Solomon V Av.zaradel are the persons who appeared before me. and said pArsons acknowledged that lhey signed this Instrument. on oath stated that they are authoriZed to execute the instrument and acknowledged It as the officers of KBS Development Corporation to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned \n the instrument. Dated,-~/ _-~'.3~/~-0,__(,~ ~~- igature Notary Public in and f<X the state of residing at My commission expires l?t~r,, rJ-4:,-II.~~. . t. 1~~(. o.~. ~..,r •. 1?-,,4.,, ;f . .c.· C-"o...c.~ ~",;..,:...,:.,......, ?'t .. -, .. ~-{~ J(cr.: .. 1-:' ii'(,<..,(,(.--,"". !."-y,._o. ~ tuL.).. ~ tf.w. ~...L._r-Ut..,.,_·,..,{ ....... -~r-q .:,{ r,-1.4., "!.• 4-i.;~ .1.1u,,r ~ '1"1',.,... lJ__....J ~~~---J~ /,,,. ...... ....,A,._...),_).,,.,/ .i.-<.,'K,.., Ir, ---~,,'4,.c ?-;,r,,:.1j.·r;,,1, ._ .. :':. .. v,,./-:.:~ tt'~.-~ .:; ..... ~..r,,--.,.. ..... ~,, ;.:. ,::.:i-·rr~-r-,!1-;'-_;,, .. .;;t.',..,,.·., ;..,.!'.t.~·~t) l<-·n.-J_.:./' °UL.-t. · ~J tr(. t,~ dip_!.· ,{ )-"}'~,,,-n~ . ./,.~ • (';.~~ 17·-fP;..·_r~'.,..,f- ~-~,,~:~;,.~• !7/:1:;o' 1 ~~~~-~:;, C=~•f r,f { A~. •'1 <" o,,.( l . >y;z-,,,-~·•·c°r,.~I ), .... ~.I I (,"l,((:!..,:':'••.;i,-,,.,.~-i ... ~. 1,c,-,...;.:<., .. 7 .:·.-,_~•.,._,r.,., ,:,. ,';-I', u::, tf; ~~~ ~'1 P'f:-:'Y-·-f<-· 4. ,J~•, t2M--~-r(' ;;,. 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J .... ~~and dr'\inage, over, acroae:. und.er 1 a1'4. ~ a now •xi.•tlng roadway bet"9M) their tvo ...I"J adjoining ~ropert.1..-a. ,j.aid 8 .-se~t bei.nc p;;irtially on both prope,rt.:t..es ..:.r n-r""tora, rmd parties l\"""'9to (i!!l'"En'l.t to each other• th• r~ht to UH the propN'ty of tne other on mc:1.ot.3.ng n;adwq • eie:,ement • • Milclred. .l. Sel'l"a widower) is owner ot tha tollold.ng de~bed. propert,1 Beginning at the 1,onta•~t corner of the narthlast. quarter of tne aou:tbea1t quarter or Seot.1.on 3,. Townllhip 2.,.-Hortb, Range .5 I.W ... , 1n r1nc Count.,, Wa~1 tberlce north 65 toet al= tl'.• eaat line or •~ci S.OU.on. ,, thanoa -at 670,1 _, thei,oe ..,,.h 65 C"tw.t. t.a thf!I eonth Jine at eaid nal'tbeaat qv.arter ot tlw IIOUtheaat quarter ot •aid Section ) ; thence e;:st along srld DOuth line 6?o.2 teat. to the point ot beclmd-nR• IXCEPT roads. Said iJlll 1'1. Serr, , anti Yiildred .l. Sen-a are ~e ot' pl'Op8rt adjoir,1 ng on the north. EAStMENT 11u:.. 1jsrRuM£NT ...uu.1.1::: tH1s, ___ ,.I.Jf'----'0A1 oF__.1'1......_ .. .,'lv,_ __ .• u.J!.I, -I ••t'f.tsi9// Q, E:1&: .. , i\l!D 'H~...,=T1•~c~,,,.,..==o~t•~•~·~c~.....,==~~--.~~=o~•~tr~r,~~~~M.s••&~a=,-~=o~•"iTu~,,~.~.~JU<A=~- iti:HElH CI.LU:O THE •GRANTBF;•. 'l'll.\1 5,UO GR~'tOR OOJ::S ~Eil.C:B'l CON\'t:'! ltliD CONF1R!4 UllTO TH~ SJ\ID GIV.NTte, AN £ASt::.:it:..~T FOR INGRES:; ;t..."fO E~t<:.ESS OVER, THROUGH: A-.::ROSS }>.NO uro,~ l'Ht; FOLL0'1i:ISC DESCRIBED PROPER!'¥ lN KWC COl!N'l'Y 1 _WASHl:lO:.'TO~, MOIU: PAR'UCUU.R'i D.ESCRI9.E:D AS FOLLOWS: A PORTIOH Of' ffl.E S 1/'1. OF TH.E S 1/2 OF THl i:: !/2 OF tHE NE l./4 Of THE SE 1/~ OF SEC?ION l TOWNS~IP 23 N, RM-iu~ SE, W.M., IN KINC COUN1''l; fs.i:'.GINNING AT 'l'HE SE': CORUER CF' Tt{f: NE 1/4 Of Tr:IE Sk: l/4 OF OF SAID S£CTI0N 3: THE.'rlCE NOP..'tHE:Rl.Y 55.00 F££T ALOt~G 'fH~ EAST LINE OF SAID SC.:CTlON 3; Th~l-lCE ~ B7 O' os· w, 30.C!O f'E:ET TO T!'E WEST ~AHGHl Ot" 1481'f'I AV!::i>.0 1JE 88 AND TH.,:; TRUE: POrn'l.· OF' BEGI:frtINGr '(.,i:NC.t: N 87 49' 0::1" W, 180.00'; TfiEt-lCE fl Jl 28' -o• 'r/. ~0.5'5' ; 'l'hi::NCI'.: ::; S7 49' Ge~ i::, 269.87' 't'O 'l'Hi:: 1.·,.::::n MARGIN or H8'1·H !.VENUE SE; ·rnc:::,icc::.;;. \,ll 2~' OZ" w, 1-0.00' ALC~G ~HE: WE~'r KP,RGl:-1 Or' l4BTH J..VE:1u;: SE ·ro T:-!t "i'RUC PO!NT Of OEGW!HNG. i:.~o P.t.SO GRP1...'l1.'[NG TO Tili:: GkJ..."l't£E AND TO THOS8 AC:·rrnc U!iD!:'.R S~J D GRANTEE T.'-1.C: t.lSE Of SUCH ADDIT!Ot~AL AAU lHMEOIATELY ADJACE!il' TO SAID &ASE:i·1E:NT AS SHALL DE. ~EQU!ll.E:b FOR TllE C0<1ST:fiUCTl0:i A..\D r:Al;'ffE.iA:~Cf-: Vi' TH::,; ROAD,DRAIN/\CI> Alm UT.!.LU-i.E::5 HI Tflf; !,~O\'£ OE.SCRihE:n £">.s2:.o,:NT1 SUC.i h!)Dl'l'ION"AL 1-.Ri-.:A TV B:E lU::~o '?O A ,HSit--.r.::-r A:•u m::'rU!l.Nl::D ro ITS ORIC!~AL, STATI:; BY Till:: GRANTEE OR 'l\1EftE .AGl::cJTS. ,a.,e ir,l'.6 '"''""1't"" ""¥.IIC tT,4,J~-,._,...,.. TO ill .. A ....... ,C:MVA.4; •F la "'"IL".r 1"'5Jt ~111(. 1n/li.corr1 oi,F•H1wJlfN¥(.•f E-.r•'-'p,f'ltlA• r"l&U. ft: NIIJU• 'cliutau.J cv '°"'"ill'"'"t.r1u 1'11.rn ~hSJ::,U:,n .":,ii,"..LL-ri:·: ,\ co;,, __ /A.l:'i" ~u~;r.;I~.,:; h'ITii T:k L/1.~{!) .t.,.~.:; SCiALL ac: _.:;:,.. .. ~··...:,s;;,'\.'C::-.:.-.... ·., .a:11<.;. A'.'i[l .!.3~IG~1S Of t-":IW h'cld res Hl::kEO,.;. I, THE: u:1orR:;1c;tJEO, .'fEfl:E,n:' C!'.:R'tH'Y 'Il:lAT A?PE:I.RJ::D B£F0ItE Mt A NOTi\iW PUBLIC lt1 AUO F'OR Tf.£ ~'ft\'f.E OP 01: TlClSJ!.._DAY or M A-7 , 1'9-A._, "'~ l. I} /) f l~;,\Nll :~A311I:-iCTON, PtliSONALL'! TARY POB Ie IX AND FOR ST~Te OF ( W SHUi"GTO!II, Cl:f'.SJDUIG AT ,..,.f.14 =11 .. I T • ! ' I I ' 1 l j ; ....... .. •, .· ... , . . '.· '=.Jt:i{<t ,: ' ORIGINAL )·· .. " ·. . . IIWIEMENTl'OR UNDERGaOUNDEl.l!CfflCSYBTEM .'(,,, . ,.,.. .Fr>r and in conaiderat.ion of One Dollar ($1, oo; l>nd other ·. jv&· i.iibi• oonaiderat.ion, the receipt of whiQh i• hereby aclt;1cwled:9ed~ . __ ;.,,,., ·11LL N, SB1U1A MP M!l;DRP!D SIBRA., hueJMnd and Yi f• 1,;Grilnl!Jr" Jmndn), pull. oonw,a ud wammtt Iv PUGEi' BOUND POWER I: UGHT COMPA.~'Y. • Wfllhl~ COl'- pc,alm ("Crantet'" lMnklt, f• die potpoNII hentnaflet m for,h 4 pel"P('!ual e3Rlllen1 ..1ncb!r err.au •nd o-• ..r lhe ,o1. lowtnr -ml ........ ~the "l'"'l"tly'' b....._l I 1 D9 Counly. Wuhi"I'""· The South hnlf of the South halt of th~ South half of the Northeast qws.rter of the Southeast q-Q.s.rtor of Section 3, Township 23 Noi:-th, Ranse s Beat, W.M .• BXCBPT countv roa.ds and EXCEPT the fol~cwinq described o~operty, Beginning at tha Southeaat co~r.ar of the Northe••t quarter ot the South- east qu.arter o£ aai4 Section 3; thence North 6S feet elcug the Ei11st line of aa..id Section 31 -thence West 670.0~ feet; thence South GS feet to th& South line of the Kortheaat quart•r cf che So~theaat GWlrter of said Section 31 thence east along seid So~th 1:ne 670.02 faet to the point of beginning. e,vos.,15 RECD F CASHSL ~-00 1'1325 *""+--*/$. 00 11 Exmpl u may be o'lhuwiae Nl forth hemo Grantee's ripls ahaU be e:r..~n:iMNI ISpCA", l'bal ponion of 1ne Property !ll'te ""Rl&!l1· GI Way• honlaJ deocrlbed u lollowsc A Rlpk)f-WQ ~ 10 feet In width ba\'l:Q(: __ _,,5 ____ feer a! !Pich wklL'ii o:i MO sl.it-al a CffllBr• .. denlbad ., tollO'lff. The cente~ill!..!B:f Grant;.6 ·. • facilities a& eonatruC'ted or to be constructed, exM:nded ur-x:·fiif!cated "'ithin tb.e ~bov-e describ~a Property .. i a ;,r: • .::-,_ wa ..:.-· ·- ': ~ ~ ~ (°",.. •. ~...:5 ~-~ ~&~1' EXCISE TAX NOT PEQtJtREO !!:c.~ ~ffiRECORO AT REQUEST Of; (ii .I ;:8 I I lli•;,i7 ... ,crs 01Vis:on llfAL ESTAT! DMSION • "' m"',..~ !'Ulla POWal IIUlG. ATTN: DICK DOWNS "'' · ~er~1tv IEtJ.lWE. WA$HINGTON IIOQI L Pu!lp,oli&.Gnntll'tl sha!lhave !he rfabtto .act.opera!<! raemt1m. ~r. ntplac.eand eD1~an WtderpJ!Jnd.!!i~ trnncmtnl:l)fl i:md/w distr1budon l)'St6m t!pon and und~r lh~ Rlp:-cf•Wa.y tof!81'""e:r •.\.'Im ell tl<!fZINI'}' or 001"/\lfl!nlt-ini •P- pu~ 1hNefor. whidl IY)' lnclude but ere r::o! itmlla:I :c th follilwitllf anderaronnc:i. conduit!, cab!ea. commur.l01tion, lines: \mlhs. manholes. swik:hea, 800 tr2ndorm,H,: and 'WP!-h11rl!'d or ground moun1ed faciliti~. F1Jllr..wir.J the in1uz.: r.on- atruc:t«m of Its {.u:Wtms, GrantN ~y !rem time, lD ti.TMi omstrncr euch arldllli'llW fad.lines .a ll ma~· require L Aomet.Cnntffslu.llltaw. tb• rishf af~ kl me Rljl:~r-\\1",1.y over and •ctoathePropertytoea•bltf Gnn\ee toexllrl'- dN ltadel!~ 1'we-.-der. provtd4Mi, :hat G~mtne Aha'.!I a:itnpt_... Gru1orfor 211y da111181! lo die Proput).·eaused by ch,;i, uar JN of Aid .... al - t. . .. · ... .-.11oo,w,11•obl•-ol ... pm!:> l1,al1 ,..,. !Odie b<Nflt of oad bo WlnallJl!ln lMlr ----........ 11-2326 KJ-ACOOl ;;505261 235•·12 . ',~ .;~r.'·· ·'='.~.•·,,.•.·-::;~ . ."!'lt.\;r!'i l l ... u. ... 0n 1im day pem11nally appear.C ~ou me _..»ILL ...JL__jgR,RA AND MILD~™------'° me bowra to be tha tr.diYidual _a_ delCrlbed ia 1nd whir. Ul!CU.ted lbt. widun and fort":;i,i.ng iDltrUment. and •~wbdattl thal they stgned lhe rmo as their rne and t'Uiuntan· ad .:,nd def!d for the tises. and purpmes 1berein mon!loned. CIVBNundermybndmdofftd&lsed~~-•"i<i3o!/t p«-ty=, 1 ,·~ ,19...J.i..._. -6.td:..v~,(Z",c_,,~---- I ss I =:~blk-~i,;~}~~"""" ____ _ penonalty appHTed WON! 1M ---·-· ·------·--- be the i.'Miiwfua\ _ descn"bed In and who ,p..<ecul.d U.i:: wlthi:l and J,:.rt!(Oinr ~ and &ekncmledged th.t ----fral! 8lltl v.,;hm:.i.f) ad r.ad ased !::,:-lh'! 11s,es aild putpotc4 ,twr.-'!in mentlonud. r•.d orficisiJ ,ca: lhls ____ dt)' o{ ------------·--·-----·-.111 ______ . STATEOFWASHINCTON I &8 l "-, ", N°('l!f') Pvbiic in and fer the Stflte ~ Wai,bl"*"an. ! JSidi~-i! at ----·------------ \. Olt dlls ~ ~lly api,earod b9tore me ~ -------- lo nm known to be zhe k,dh"ihl1 __ ~bed tn ~ho exeaallld dH! wHlrin 100 faregmr?g b..t i .and aclmi;wledpd lhal ---·--• al Md ~ .r.ao ca '"" am! ~IU'Y act ar.d dead rur fn;11 nsa, and purpaNI l1ll,.,dr. mentioMd GIVIN um!r sm· hand a."KI cfi1t:laS ~ th!, ---day~,.----.19 ___ , I I i j pa"*--day al , 11 __ , befoni Dllf, l i .. --.. ....... ::i _________ .,.. ______ ._.,clw!y _____ ,< ·-:-;;:i;;;;;;,j;ji~;i;;;;ii,;;;:;;mt~~ji;;j;;;;;i;_;;,·----Ibo Clll1)onllan bf "' N ionfpDf lllllli wt ·1· ..i_....., --, .......... , .... bo 111e ;, .. •lldwlmltuy ..,..,,i _ o1 ,aid co,ponl!on, ,.. ... ..,,. __ . ..-.n11 .. --..111o1 .. -.... -...... .... ....... 1 · .... tllb:od III lloo .......... ., 111d ...,..... .... 1· -.,1w1.1eni1om.i., .... .._._ .. 4,, ... ,,_11m,-"'.-· t,..;,,,. ~ Pabltc I• and 1w fl, -el W.W-, .-.. .. • I 1. :l'h~ r,o<th HS t~ot <JI !.he U'>O<h llO f,o<,~ <>f l)l• tmt.>,•••t ""'"'~' Q' t.h~ ,.,,,Uw..ot qn,ct,., •>f ~""'•~~n J, 1'n••">hip l) llort~, R•o,u ~ F••• ~.>I., a~ Kil",I C~~nLy, , .. ,01,'-"'""• =~vr """"'" ,~,d,. ,.,,. r,oecll US f.,., "r Uw> ....,•'--" ••~ •~·~ ~, ""' ..,,t.heut ~~"""'" o( -"" •""""°""~ '1'1•<t•->: o! Se-=~l<>n l. ->iip i:, t,>:,rth, 1>4.n,-.. ~ uat ~-"'·• J,.,; JU->-9 """"'·1• w,,,hJ.o~oon. t.>:U ,.,~,v,tlono Ly H. ~. ~•H""f ""· .... LEGEND _..-,;:,:*,,,_.,,..,,..,.'II :r0·~~J\,,-::1~~"'· SCAU., /", 100' .. "'K.C.A.~; MER!..QIAN ..;:,,,,,,.o,pt,,;,Jt,.D') .. · , .. 703039001 54__-,g 8 3-l,2 1 /4 COANER (EXIST. MON l '' KING COUNTY SHORT PLAT NO. 486017 A PORTION OF" S(C. 3 T\JP 23N RGE ':if. l ' -~1~ C, --~ • •,~r, s"l.l. "''-· ,,,.,,, "~•. ~,w• L -n-:,.'I> 451.98' ,4~ .. LOI_ J..~~~4:t·w /' /~ _g • .-. .i<i ~v~'-%-1 :! r .. ~ .ff'! ".'i' oew -45198' ~~-------..1 - MERIDIAN SCALE,1'"'100' 0 100 KCAS H.V 200 CURVE DATA •''97• .-. ,. /,/ I • O AOAl>I.IAY £ N~ ,;..; .:.::.,..,.. ........... :l49' O~ii.r 640-20' t Cll'tJ•v '?J, ,' -"'S..,.,,:~x.. u:,,:;~1'-~,:Z---~ ------·--i J-' 15· unurv A1111tJ N 01,.:~9, oa• '>I MAINAGI:. / ... ::'· .. /·., ... _,_ . ~ .U:il.! .• '...l...L~ ~ 1166 7 / ;;:. ~.;-•,; ~\.:;:.::;;;: ~~:.;·;.:;" ~ .... -... ............. " '""ft",.. . t ·sr SEC C!JRNER CURVE RA1lJUS ~E~T~ ARC , ,. ~, ,,,. ...-, ,\w,,,.,., ...... ,~ ... ·:.;·~" •'", ,, , .. ,,.,.,, ~ .. T (EXlST "ION> NO. f~<:t fee1: ,:..·ti;~~.·:-;;::.::~ ~~~t .. "':::~-~!:::::...-:-;;, :;,:t,:~.::~:..~f:. ' . :r:,:... ... ~~~.,t·,::.-7"::.·~:-::-;iih'i' .. "'Nr":.:i'::i.:~.-:::;.r,::.~:.= .. ,. . --N EASEMENT WAUJNt>I (11.rii"i:;,t,i;,., ~.._, "":.iN,...,11!<, .. t;;_· -,.., ,...Ii, ll'lf'-, ..... .-.a.,. <>! ~ .............. "~"'" I'll~ "'~"" ""'"s e.,,u,.;ri· • .,."'~ <>.l · ,,.,,.,,~,,,;· A p p R D V A L ~fi~,,,u ,.,, rd• ••-lrr ..... 11.":",::i. "''' ;" ·S/1#1/Tlbl'. ;: ,., ..... ,_""'"'"'''''''" .... ,j\trff"""'··-•·"'I••"''"''"' ( ?~)·!~'!" .. -;;t.~!'~l;~.·=~T.E!i; ·-.~·~'f.::.~:. ·;,.·.:,:~!;!-':£:11"""" j ). "'"""""'-,.'"''4-"'<-tl'..i{O• '"'IX""''"'' ,l!t _,,,, .... w, , ~-·~:-,, ··~ '''"'"' ............. "~ , _ _;-'" .. ,;1_,.,....,. ,~ ......... " \ ..... I C I. C 2. C 3. C 4. C ~ C • C , • 65.00 95.00 95.00 65.00 ,WOO 40.00 25.00 53 34 37 60.78 53 34 37 88.83 53 3~ 37 88.83 53 34 '37 60,78 90 00 00 3L,4C: 90 00 00 62.83 'JO 45 !50 39.60 ··-' l r, l•d lor t-.:,rd ot <h ....,,,_,Q,: au,( M SJl1!1A - ···~·~ t<r: t11il,,;>J,:,qft.,,,,JD<,...,t,._t ill ,ao xc .l,M,:!,t""'«"" IIW,- S...tta. "4•qtc,, JIJDI LLGA1. CIES<:.,..,-IOOI >\lrA.I. lAACtL ;: •• ~ (' .-~ .,,,~, ... ,., .. , .... ,., ... >t '*" '".tj'"-• .. ,,c 1 ....... ,... ~ 4, .. -:.,·~"',!' .. ~ ... , ....... c-, •. ,,t:"!=.~.~".r!:.": .. -;-·-··;~· ,_ ..,,,,., •""ft U.'> ,_I=• Jf'"'""I .... •••-« Of ..Jrt".,: i':!! OO ,,,_ .'""' ~ "''~'• "" .. ,1":""."'•<lu,. '"''"":i '-"-"'~"~-·:. ·- ;,;~~·;t::!;';':f~:J-:f,;~;:,:,:i::..;'.~j~::.:~.;!;,!.::.'.::;;~;:''"C{):tJ D ~1-JRV s...r'bR ._):ER TI FI CATE NO~ PLAT · . .-.. IHOIIT lfll'.fG cquNTY, :~~'\"'" ............... ~.!~~-=·~ .,, .......... o'lo-... ,.,. ........ z:r-··.,-.... • ,, .. :.. .. W Al HIN GT ON ,, ;_;.\,~.:;:.;_ .. r,,,. , .. , .... ..-,.._.._,.,.._.""':,!! ;::_:;":t' 'lt"' l"'..,. ,..,"', l h,.reby C"~P"tlFj"" 1:hot -Kt ~hort Plo1: 486017 ?:.;;,.';;-•:,,.;,, ~.;,<,:;:;;;'!~"',:;.:::;:_.; •"!'i• .. ; .".~. ;:,:":;:..;~/f.'!°·dS loo.se~_:ilpon.-.o:n ot.:t;il su,-,.,ey o.ntl 5LtbolM5'1cin "'"''"· .;,~;:,;~':;• :!,"'''"'· ''"" 1, .. ,,,,/t!;;:!,.~ ".''!t~' ''. ,~1,,.;:} ~,,,._-:of o. p_o-,...1:tc,n.~f Sec.Hon 3 TVP 23N RGE SE:. \il.M. ~· "•••-<;L,. ' ·•"' '' ""' ''"""" -"-" .,,·.,; ~.:~.t'!!,;t1.Ni.;'. o.nd *!'io-t t~l?· dlJ;1:(!.flC.~ o..rid Lour;es show11 ::' _ ,...J .. ,. ::;; ;~··;;;;''.:.: ... ":t';!~'7,:·.:;-~-::,,;! ~::..":..!~/;..7;.'."~;.~,"t:T-l•>1 ... _. th~ciri__/'f-e c~'.".!Jc_t. \ . ' L1..,, o.po.r.:_., M PUllnJ~ ..... ,,_l<ll -J~-~~ "'lJ<';f~ -lA<M" -..l<o-t OJv.i•J"" -..,.., __ • ..,.._., t/11• 3 111v of •• .,,. .. _. ""ut ' ,· \ S · ~--·' · · ·,/. \' ... ,: .. •' .,,.,. -. .· a," .. ,""',.,_-,-•••· \..;<tJHN t. . .NOR!'!AN1PLS\ ,· . M. ~.-,; t., . :="i: . .' i,u__ •..:i·, .,::, cert,)'IO, 9175, .. :· ,_ \. · :Vr-... 7:T . ·., .. 1<>/iJIM ~ll"r, s,J~ 2:1,a;n.:.!i,;,.:... iil~uJw, .tJi,' ~-~-·-· -. , __ .:_,..,____.___ . . .:· ;,'/ .': -:°:· . _ If,--------·----AN (/\S(MENT IS IIER[BY Gl!Al'm:b TIJ ¥.ING COUNH : ; ""'"*"jo• "''~'fl·~·~""~""./ ... ,-'" ···: 11u.--··--·----=---·-------g~ PPJ/:~ ~us:Pt.:~~ f~~E:J~~~ T~~~ro'.:i~S ·t ~-"'":4'""'1: qp,.._ ,,,,,_· t~ · 81 of.. Sf; DETENllOH fAC!l..ITY ANb CCNV(Y~O: DiTCf£S. . ,; ~ ··' :• --.. u•t"i· n, ~'""'"":"" I 4 IIINIMUM 1S·BUILDINC. SET.IIJ>Cli: lS TD Bl:: 11/IINIA!t.cD .. _ · •. 19G./.. '""«i' ~,L,,, ·· ... : _... "IIOH Tl£ D11111iu,G<: n,cu.11irs AND r[;P rs ~~~·:M·.r ,..:'lt' . : ,,_.._; · .... ,::;??.; v=~~"'''' •w·~,w .. ,~ .. -~f? ' ~ErrR~Y~C~Tfilc:~ "P:L~~~~r~\SillN ·:·: ro-;./(J..trf,.!fi.:1,'f-:-!,,,jg1~ .. ~•,J *:..;.i·.t:0 -,;,e,;,,;r;,;;..Ti\,r,; ~~~~t«.i 11fl c:iL~=s r~t!~l(i'c P~W.in ~,.w-,,, ~1 ....... ..,.;.:-... :~~'.'"".-.~~:~~-:;·_~~~~.:;~"';.t'~ ,i':.~'. -~·-·:::--.~· .!!;..:: :~~N~ ~Jl~Dl~~A t~t ~~;s L~~tovtD 8)" fu"'1N'd •...r •• ,,.,~ tiu, .... ,, .. ~ &/ u,,,.,o ~•ii<T<i""· ;; ·· .. .j.... KING COLNTY S1..1'1"AC£ \JATER HANAG(ll!'.NT AN~ , • , ;/,~ of ~"•~ .....,., ..., ,.,,.; , .. oU/~"' .,,)" '"" ~ 0_, <>1~, ButLmllG AND L4Nll MAN.o,c;(H£/o/T '.. r:_,~ . i,fl. u,U_ I) J -~· fl,.,rl/~ f?.-.•V::,t=: .... -'. •. ~~~ "'~-t ... ,...c ~-.-,o, ft'O:~~•~•'""' "~'"' -"-~-.4--- llapu,~ :~~.::. ~.)' · ~:.:v-:, .. =r.1~t~,~ .• i'6 u5'1"~.,ei;<>10 .,.,,...~ •t"l'I ~-::in, SA,,, ~;Asf2tU<'I'~ "' !f MACMl,.;MtJI ... u.,~ ..... 1111~/(IIL ~~&ULT ~v ·:u.;. \Jlll<tR5 ,);' ·~~ PU(~I.S ..... (!K, LIX'•r. A~~.,~ ,-iltR.l<H(li'I AJ<I) ,~.,,. KY.:•s. A~sr,:N> <.Ill SU~1'.0~~lll!S, ~~~· ,~ A>U ut<l'I\ ~,,c,i .COA.l~ M~ , .. v,r,,;.:o Til HIO.; rr~INTY ~'JAIL'i>A:UlS Mill ••• niJ,LC,\l'f;;I ,.,.u ,.,,n1··•~n ~l K!~ ,:oo",Y i·o• ...,,1,t,~M!oN<""· • ·t;·lr."1' '• ,~·,". ;; i1FffCTllo/G SEEAt-)UM'lff •. S,T,:t.;° lbP1 ';"" """ ,· ·.;, (k 1·,1r c tr,<>>' •r,i,: s 11, of t>W "~ :/~ , .•• 1·.,~ ~I-; ;1, o,· ,~c·,·1v,1 J, ':'Olr.lS11I~ ;<J .~. ~"""~ ', ' ~.,1. '" •r,.,, C!J1,1<-;-~. \,/AS>l:~M ,:l<"Cef'l" <:OUN'l'Y ~o:.r,,. "~-' ~~c~~,, rn:; ro1.1.CJWr,,1,; l.>£:.Ckii;;;.-, n~r~~, , ... .,.,~ "'" "''"" ,.,., .• ,, ,.~ "''-"""m""'"''"""".,_ .. , ~.: :--~::.!' ;·~.::·:.~ \• ~'.J:.::1!:r,~;'.~ll~:li~~;~~!f:1?q~~~£k:r::.:· , •. "*'I~ :.-:r~-.~<:~:::.~oo:~~;<~;:;:·:·t;r. ~.;" .::;ii,,~--~-,...,.,._.'""'°' (~UU) po>wu1 to .... ll,U 00'."LOJ hU .i-,,.,,_._. ;,.•,•,o"S',,',• s/e~;I ... V•-" ~~C;~NC.~(, 1: TH;; SB C()Jml•:R <)t> ·;t,H IIC: )14 f,,-1.,~· ,;1; /~ r.1· SA!,) .,;f,L'\';ON J; -r,,,:):c. ""~ ke~: .. i o~.o;: Ff.J';l" ~i.01,c. ·.,;~ t~:;·1 ;,,>,~ t:,-'•~ c> SLC'l'/(}N ): '"~ .. ,.:~· N • ~s· o'l'h' , 01u.n, ~·:c-:-, ,-,,~)IC£ ~ ,; b' oi•w , os.uc ~~,:,·:· 1·0 Tlll: :,(",•_;1i-f 1,an o,· 1;i~ t<,: lf~ o~ 'lc!il' H! ti~ Of m, <>•ic, n:~ .. ;,vN l: Tll~lfn: --~S·J'~1'LY ,,l,ot/G SAl(> 5()U1'H :..i~·~ ··~-io ~!:i.1' "!() 'rliE l'.2.f.t.:! . .£!:. - ... ,,,,_, -• ,..,Joe• _,..., ... ~, U.~ e-.,, ... ._. •• d'!"llt..., n.:Uro ... ..,~ -u. ... ..,,(,) "'°' ,., -••<• , ..... ,q,o<• <f •l ...... _ H ~ • )~). r:.1U<e O! Oh• !e"'l''-"O oi ,,,o ''"'; o• o,._., ,,;.;\.,..,v.;..01 pr,,J""' ,.,u o, ~,......_. ... ~1 UN C• ... ~1-T"IL• """' _.,,,,._.,._. r~~:1~~:~:~~~lli::~i~~:~%:1~~~i:~s:ijt;:t:~::·~ .. u • •ltloh -•••0" ot p-ro,..,« .. 1u,icloo<1 .. 10 ,i.. '""'"!.•• ~;~~·~ •• ;: :!!~•,•:~,!';"!~u"::;~.•;~i,~';~~'. ~~:;:: ~!.!~~ _....,. d,., ... ,. ,«., tht ob•d.,~ 4Jl•ll ;ro•UI. RE co·R:o.£R;"j:-CER"F.iFICAtj; 9 1()303'.l:JO()j Fd~d fo;.f0c.,,.-d· 1~,~ .. t!:l. __ day of frlA~, JS'l3_ ,1 .. , ~~ :,it~t{~~~;·~/""_:54...-ot ~,"' ... 1S ~,-.Ps-~ ..... 01v1s1ots OF fl£1.0A:C,.S: a tLEC.TION$ ., JANE ,-,>,o_UE . J.A.M!S S. )Yt"!",'(S .· N~_ · 1">1pf. o(:·Raeordtf-. -· ·- • ®· ·v BOUNDARY LiNE ADJUSTM£NT APPLICATION . F111 Nn.____,,,S~'r.""'.t~(,.=.()..:..to.S=--------------- ..... Ta .... 11 _ .. _ --~~-~ o3ol3o$· w.P.-*To Stf'r.'c. ilkf~a.__, ·--..... _ --&#,Q~f/,. ~ _., o3 WP-*9o fU,'.e,. ----.... _ --· .... ......... .... -IMC- ,,. ... ,,. ... .... RecOl"aing .No 870)0)9001 a.'"ld 670626o9SO Be.illg in t.te lit 1-/l, ot SE 1/L o! Seetion 0)-2~ l.d" .,,. ... ___ .,. _____ _ I.or 3 Recorl!lr.g ffo 870))39001 and 6'105260'J50 Being in 11le NE 1/l, of SE 1/4 or S<cti<n 0:14:i.,,s I.lie:-·-··------------.............. -.......... _ ... --...................................... ______ _ ·--:. ,: •' - RECEIVED ..lWIBml • .. • .• .. • I· • l ·-• • • • . , __ ... __ .. . r--· ' . • - · _ ... ., v In I ~?X - ::: -,._• z w -~ '~ -.., ~ : i:::v ; .. --· .., I~ ,._ 0 z ,_ ... :'> i! -I ·l----- !- f I N N 0 0 8 N ' ' & • • --· .• .J., '·-~·---·~·.·--. ~·, -~· •. .;.~~.,.;.-:_.~-~_.,., .......... ,,. ·-"'--·---· LBGa.L Dlacatfftc>a 01' .LOT 12 / Im f2 OP XING COUNTY SHOR'!'· PLAT #486017, TOG-BfflD wrl'H THE U.ST 16t ff. OP J.r.tr fl OP me COUNTY SBQRT PLAT f48601 '?. t.sGIL DUCU1'l!IOII 01' LOI' t> IDT fl CF ICING COUIITY SHORT PLAT 1486017 LESS THI EAST 16'4 "'· O'----------- • / ... . ' • ' • .. ·-• ! ' 1 . :, .. • i -~, -:-,.,.,,, a 7 .. ; [~~ BOUNDARY LINE NO . . ,,.· ADJUSTMENT 10010089 .,, .... .,"' ··.,.,,··:'.r@ .r _,.~ .,Y _,4/' .. A PORTION OF THE NE 1/4 KING COUNTY, OF THE SE 1/4 SEC. 03, T. 23 N., R 5 E., W.M. WASHINGTON OLD LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS: ,.,.J.)£C.f.ARAT,1Clft; J ........... ,.. APPROVAI.'3: .. ~ts~:~ l~~mr:~~TS-'T~tiitowf"oJt£w~~~¥t .. •· -0.PDr..\~~t ot Qpve-lDPlffnt. 11mt fnYlf"Ch11tnt11l S.rlflCU ,,, .. ,.,., '~ M),JU~l,11;:NT T a=.,l'Lf!SUAHT TO" ._._ ,•' AIJP"OVI\J tl'lon ~ o;i., gf C: k,w,,... ,l.D .• :!(lo,.,' !l&r,1.0.10 DECl..lflE THIS-& tNENT ro.ee· GIUPHJt:· ~-.. ,.,"!" H"' --- l'l!~SENl: lc-t OF.-fl"IE' s.u,e; TNAl S4-]ti .liD..JU!ltlilENT Ut" .:· , ............ IIAOE ll:al Tl-£ f~ C0!,'9ft,11' .It. lN ACCll'l:IANCE IO'.Tl-1 IHt :: ,:.-' •·• OESll'ES OF T'i'IE ~R (SI.:;· IJ,11.wllltESS.-.~~EOf ~ 111,Vf. .;: ,,,-·-·-.,,. , LO"lor.CT»:r..,.,:e.~.!Kl3!11 TI1li -1" In fUT ,. Tit! Si).lt~ ""5 nu T(I J)'E _,ttf.AS1 ~Ol'~~~ .. ~;,.r~~= \ii~~ ... ll'.o.BH1...il•C91- t0l O:: !lo\lC~~li)<(il !iET OUR ~Ams .SEAi.A". :··· \,, •••. ,,.-'';,· , •• ,,./,/" ·:? ., ,,.:-.,,_J~•:/r,,,,./ ~z,~::•c,.;, -~~·,,. j .J r:) '•:, .,.,· .J' 1($ cou~r't' C£PJ~TIENr. Ol' ..... ~ESSl"i(ijJS: ... -L mt•, .. 111 :' ~~~ •:,,.,~ .• ,•· .,,· ~•lnll!d •.'ld '1!11t)lrq~d \°Nl,1. ____oL___. "lfi" .,>..._,~,~--....... , -'!lf'\f!~J ' .·. ···-I': ·• --~~l'.I -; Ill Dr-ell Serra .,-' ./· ,,,Ji:o:oun\:,.rl.i;;r _&kio"i_:;,'<~!IS M, 'fl ( 9141 . ~ . '€. ,J. .J. t-J...:..,.l ~.,, .' •, ., .. ' . •' ... " i' h;°t(\r~~Looi JI i••ll.111 i. Yll!ll~n~----S:rlt+: N4W ,,--__ ,,,'t,J,/w .,;,p}l&,. ./ /' ~,=~,,:,:~~J~~i.ttf. T~lP 2' Ts~~ tl!Jl. 11ru..uETJ£ IEAJOI...._ IOI ~~~·Pll!liiQM~II' f:l'IKJIIIIUI "8 ~ 11Ul ... ll5 ~I j P1110 191 tMf IOITk L-Ill' MW ~Sllll< f!i':-~fi'1: ,1.t-r;r.; ~J\Hh~..W-J ~91."ro'~rc .. l.e,,tE IIOlllll W •»· JIii· IIIE!lr "'-""' SAtO -™ UtE 12' #E[T: >~ ml!TH ~':l!ll'OII" 161T Jz:1'.H FU:T: i>E.>U 90UTl< p•,11;1·09· t'.,IST tl'll Ffl!f: ;= ;::':Jf'C ~1u~iJ·n.."~~ l:f.n':°INI m, IHittflt..;; 1l K~l'l.t, A1Ba1'110r • b.;.Ji. .11}.n'jj ti,Jn~ 'i?HuDr -, ...... ACKNOWLEDGEMENT • _,,· .,' .< _ _._.• •• • -~''"I\ ., • LIii ?. IUX l"UIQI. IDDllll.llDl•I ' ·• • .-\· .:· .., _._-_-.'" ,,,• •:,,. _:; ,-}· • -~ l>t ic;t,Al:,f, 'iii ~Tit -,&t IJ/F fiE IDl1WIS'I ~L 1(: :• ;. ., ·•· •. , .·." ,,. ,~' -Hf91 Ill' Ill f l l~ !I!' ~Jll!M ll. T-IP llJ St•l• rif ltl!llll1111t,;,n J Tni• -1>&111-Ht ~a.Hf~ll!s for -iitt~UDn ul'ld!r' 'l':'-r,g c-tri..lnt~ . ~·-_,...._ "" D , 11 nl -till.IN. bol tCIIC aunv. -r.:.. ..i...-ss Cod• 19A·.·a..,.;. It dq0H not. •urantll!I! tl'let u,, loJ,lf -:· ..... ···"~li,~11;111. ..• County of 4QU-tSrnu ! ,,,. 111111 D11 :suh:•ble fa,: oevd01Hnt..-n9W Dr ln tl!-t,'1'\ltllra .• ,--> ·RI,:!!"'" KIIIW, .-.~-.-,, .,' ·•,--:-. 5~ Th• legol tr.en•ftr 'II.! lht 111rOi:IWl"i·111J:"it De dDiiir by .,,· .•:",': ':. .,;• '1;,- r-tlt la to i:ertJfy .t-Nlot on l'twl_ ..h..._ :i,v of 111per.1ta ln11tru1ant;•,1,1n~•..,, ill] tt,t-1,;,,,• h111'*)n .,..., .,· -~,.,.. ., •• lJIT, r, IUlC'IWIC:l:S L <nnB "5111 ,;-~':-,;;;;:;,;,±·'i,. a.,~=~ "21liOJ, ~o-•, ae. tne unClll!r the s-uie 0111111rlll,1.q, _.• ,0 • .F ~,,.,.., Lat ·:f,..-i 'IMl.~!~~LDt::i 1<n;a «utTY _,-PUIT und1.r I Iii. r111t Y, ub ~r-ondl"1,.~11p,aar•d __ :, ••• ,-•·' ' •· r" ,-, .... , ......... _~.fi~ii~~~Jw ' ,:-t:>f. H knOWl1 tD btf tt'lt _,,,• ;;j:°iJlXw;':;:-·/ ,,: . per!oni1I -1icee11tea t'6.!,e-'9li'lt19 a~1c11tion 111<'ld :.-, .•• ----·-~;,0111E1~M 11-11 l'ti.l.CIMP<il .:t11a111KD _, IN .-ra; ~vrri \:,:~:~~~t~a~d:~d t~==t~~; ~~s •.. !' f; \ .... -~····'· =~~~1~~· ... ~~:r.a,u,n and P'f"'PD!IH Jtil-reln ••nJt'ii""d· ./ _::: NOTES; •' • if" w,t\r ~.:.W.1,t/1'£ ..,rJ,aw.:..~. ~~J1 "llltn,aa>·a, n1na add aifl.cJ.11// !ltill thit-~·.say snd :,,Hr -.-.--, •• ,, .. •·;· S £&SI'. ~ IIEfltllUI~. Ill '1'114 CG#(t'lt. Hl'$t .aba1~·.-wr-1tten .• ,-,: :J" ,,~ • I ~ .,' .<· ,-·-_ :'· .•· -·•· ..... ,. 1) SUD:l•ct tD •n ••s•-nt in r,vor e>r Pi,;et &o~na Pv....,r ·.,,,,. ~ ti;.;. l~~~~~"~J-.-:· ··-~~---fr~~m~~1::,~,t'?irul1:r:;.r::w:~d :au~:;J:;:n,11 ·------=~:, =-· ;I,.."~ = ·•-•• o:11n•lr-ucu10 or t11 ti• conrtl"IJl!U<I, 11s ru.-d un<1r I S:!':-~m Hat~Y ~:~o~~~~Ya~11:::11~~~~~~i11~!~ ~~=~~t~~~Y ~!::1ct f~~~~!!t._~ ,,!;~!,-,,•· .-,ta.'!.•~nt an thtli ntrve,, ,,' 21 s..iti,,ut~-.~i, Gl"llilFi1lO ease••nt, '"" lo,:11t1011 of Mhtch 2~:r=~~~01~1U~~RL~~~ •' St•l11 Qt 11199':'ll"IJtOn l ,,,"',_. V • )SS ,,• Ccunt, Df "'-\ ~ ) ·-"""· Thl),..,1• t._o\e1rtlf~ that en thh '2.n.JrL. Cl¥f DP It'• 2~Drl!' llt, tht U/1..R!\11:rt \'tp~11;: P~.Ii ~.,~0.f&\_lY.,!!_qf'!I"~~--- • to 11e known ~ .~· . ~ t'Il:'~Ytel) t):h?rfOln!} 1l~rJ1,;8t10ii tin., !i\);,";1,J.Trge t:ri~• v~~~~tll Y PC: !~~q~:~11 l~gr "~h: ~:e, 11no purpPIPII tl'Wor1eln _.,,1oned 111,:.~; ... \; .. e fl • .,;~'.\ ~~~&ct~ c.iinnnl 011·:;r1111"1ic1lly r1orl',11mted Dn th1!1 .. ...-vay, ~•r •• .ar;,unC111ry 1;;1.ne J.Uil!lt!leflt NO. S9.!L0103 fJ.ll'II unller __ ,_ .. .-· ~:.a •"g ;!'. 9 .-:·· !0-1.f:'_~~-- _., J) SUD111!Ct,ito·c:DY1'flllnt11. ci,r,(1111on:a 1 r••trlctl<1n,o, ,t •I. · ~~~l~c;~;)ii~n~0 ~~~-~~}:-P·.~~-, ~o . .aso17, lilfd •:,.,:,./ :~l'Ct tn.-ii.rN l!J.J" condit..i.'~& oF ~-;'ng CQant_Y 1!!1Dun011ry ~-,\ll~•nt ~-S92\.0!Jl3. Ulf:!l-·un11e.~' r.Corq~ng no . • ,,,.,,51,-··Sl.!Dl::-:to ~111118t11"1::1a111.t11 u.,.i~::10~,i-,,~-o,itat~"t~--~~~':. fro11 Nl!lrth•rn PkHi~.'flll1lra•Jl·t:,;,,rp"""1. Ul~ ul'lder'" 1'"'11Curcri11g no •.. ·,:~1. -·-.::·· .:'' .:-····",··:, -;; ... --·-· 61 5ub:ll'<:t·~tp rnati.ftl.$nt'"n•nc•· rQra•11nt &nJa'0tl!lrJ1e. c;..ints:1,.,.11 ~-l(~~s~=r~~ Plart«,·)~17. y1~ und_r·'r11,;11~~-JJIQ..,. !:iUDJE"<:t to e po11siPJ"e::;l'f'lt"e<.·.~-ncro~<:mil~nt .u i>l'~clos!!,.,fon QUrva, / 1 ltD unaar, reccDrd ln~·-11{1_-B?,a-127!1C127 _,_-.' _,: " lli!091Q1Gtf) ,~ .. WHI< .... -HII Fllil~lr ~ uTI~ITlP a,u '"' -Tf'Olllll)tl DI" ~DI I '-SD115Q.05f'll ... """UO: II' TNI!: .... , ....... r. :=-•... __ .... , .,;;.:.~.:} RECORDING CERTIFICATE: l.AND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: ... -•• , ·.-"--'!" ""''"',,·~-.-~ ,•·-·' --·.' .,' ,,,· I Centre '""'' "'".,t,,..,._,, .... .,, "~',",., ''" "'~· ~ (2~) ~ • • _. "i2SO!i. a~ -:siaoo~ ;, :j in,. "'-r.i .... , .. ,..,.. <OfTKtl1 -·--"'I i.,ardl1>9,-.~ -., ... , ........ ,... ...... c.-...... n di -.. ... ,1... ,&'I, ~ ... 11>-lil·· ........... ..,..le_ tt\llO 'i-·· • .-.r ,...., Pointe ' .. ·,,,i.,v,, ".:' INGTO"··'' • · · WASH Surveymg KING COUNrY,c: -t ::mi:iD iff N L,r!Jgn -.... ff S Ilg,;,¢~ ;q.. !-4!5R !,J,,1~ ~OQ - ····-.. ·-z~ e.,,u, ..... ..,. zzm ~b rt,.,, j !IS'l~• .. V ... ,.::,:k: -"'" 1--,.,, Jl SHEET 1 0 F '$, ,., .. .;:," i1 =:.-. '\'.t~~ ,-:-··;' ._,· "'"•:,, -~ .. .,• ... •·· .•. ,,.,.,.,·' ./ ,,/· _/l. ,;e .<:: "-'d,;:::>OO 7 BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 10010089 A PORTION OF THE NE 1/4 OF THE SE 1/4 SEC. 03, T. KING COUNTY, 23 N., R 5 E., W.M. WASHINGTON w"""""" '} /fJ --~ _.-·""' ~•l iu1rt•r corn1er Sllc.1 ,. ,. ~'~C!lll''TfCll5. ~i,~tDtHTU.Nii l.01'!5 11 Nl'l ~ • •""""•· ~lat: fHr.l LlNli J~ TIO CIJ:"~AElff 111.1,Y& ~ '' ,, QC.oTl Jl ~ICII• .. ~"'-~O'T ,,• ,,, ~;~• l-r-" u~~_i.·i ·~.lf' ~···,, . ./' ,.~ •' -;,,,, .. .:r ,,,,,., ___ , ...... -----LOT .,.,,1·:· 1.:,.ef .ti·· ,. j;:;.. L.V • "-l 1..r 01' • VI 01' IC 1/4 o, -= I/~ " " J:~d ~,-l~,Q-~i;Ql'\~.N. ' 1110r'l\la1rn o.r:;· II' CJf ,4· x 4· ~ renct1 p,i,t I!!' top <>f dHch. ,.; ., »· -----J . ;...;.. I :111.IIO· ·I'": .ti:,. o:.,, f:,o.- ~" r !·1' ~f ,./ 0' • ' " •. "! 0 1J17'"-~;~f:--'--""'"'"t·c.... _____ ,,.,.;,.'<,,,,.,~,;.,~r~7~,,~:~'.~-,t,i ... ~,~,t~··~-l"~·~";'~·;,··;··; .. j'j!i!~~~;'i//i:_[ __ ~ .. ~.'.~~~~-:;:~-,~-~:~:':~i~;~;~:~~:~~.~· Jrl ./:? ~-q·l·· . . >:·_, •• -·.· >' ,t(_ ' "T L.VI LOT Y .-.Lt-0""' Of •:\l)T ~ ·:, 8.lllil. II' 11' t}: Of Notes: " ~~t~~~:\~ ~~:;:a~:!t:M~~~11~i~ln11 .,..u.-~ an ~rc:11 .?3. 19117 21 TI\ef'e u e HP tiet..e~ the nortn Hne ol u,., south 1~ ,.,.,t el\d the north line o-1 ~i.nQ Co1.1nt 11 Short Plat ~. 48Mll1, wh'l.ch '11119 i:il.,tt•II to the 11ub-dhnt"n l111e. rne nof'th ll.nc ot tt, .. ::iouln 165 re .. t .. .,, 1 .. ,ld for tMe ~~~f~~~~111f"'""t~~~;·~~u~:·:~z.-~ts,e-~ . " ..,.tered on Merer. 23. L987. ii. dl.ffarcnt '1iCCt1an breakoo~n "'"" u:,ea for u,,,. 6U. tMn tnll' ,.,tt,0<1 t,r .. &kdc""1 u"~a tw· 11111 ori'Slin•l Short Pht. T!ilS.. and tlla Uill "' prcr•li<:1'1, c,:plonnlS. tn~ 1111ferences iri ll!Oll'e' ccu~s cet..,.er, the ar-1,;iln.,l 9-,nrl Plat and tt-111 E:11..A. :~', I r,.T a ·,"J~ [/) <>-~----L ~.VI ' I ,... 1 1~1-:""d'H'( mp· t? SE 107th PJ---------i--.,.. •_)"(.dW!I.W ' ------T---::;==::===-:::: ===.. ~'\\i '"> ,< I~ lO" ...c.crss 14St'•Wr~ r I "11 &.ONO. IWLUQ:I. 10' !-~ ~ .... ~==~ ~t~?:~.1 ............. ----· ' ,·.-51luth1a-.t. ,orner-Sec:. 3~ .;· -;·... rwi;i. l!3N .• 11n '5E. •• "-"' ;:: /·F~~~-.o.-..,Hnt toc.asea · 9 ~ _;·_.,.. ··-··::. so l ·.,,,,., ... ,. .. ········•· "'"·--·· 100 20D Scale: 1" = 100' Easemerit. .. f"-!~~; / .. .. ·' ti 4n N11t1m1mt tor P·~Q,l!!t,":Soi.;ncl ~rg._ .t'x1~ts ~-l'lll""t'l'l % Tn;s 9a,lllftlll1l ill II ll1"1'14o:ll. .. u ... ,:u. •<:l'OS!ir.'U•~ .. u.-- anlf 1a nat 11taU11~l1. Fi 1"11 und~r~c ~-&608l~l!l25 . ;,--·t:.;gend: ......... • • "'°~"nt 1nund Y,~itffd ocutt1:r !5, 19!1!1 ·-· .... , .. · . • • ._::f F111lll!'"-.iflti" fi."c)·.ph,St1i: UQ stMDea ;:·~ .ii!':338" to De seL'.:. Basis of Eearing: llll!hin11ton Stat6 LJi,,.,,,.rt CriO-NOrth Zone ~ deter"~fned ./ Dy GPS ot,!.ef'Vatior.. ··-· f entre ,,_ ""· ·-·· ~ • ., ,..i.-.1 t..,.~JA. !'l&I08 -Pointe (~I Si)f"-\'IIOk--···· --~urveying ,amF N L&r!on .::· .... ~-,i. _,-:~~o~~~i:i:o ~~ 121?.-/ a.,ih~iie. l,j~ "98ocs f. KING COON11',/WASHINGTO!I/" ~ ··-r I¥= 12-1:.-2001 J IL--.Jvh (13. ?{)(JO I.,.., U5~ j• , ___________________ .:.._ ______________ Lt,:::::::Jzf·,E-~"l (rn t". ir,o-'U'IIIU,.lllr.1459L SHEET 2 01'' ~~ . J ., ... _:/ .. ·.:.1, ,-,a:;,,,, //·,:::,/(@ , .•. , .. /' .. , .,:'.,·' .(j'•·-~· .. I -{,. BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 10010089 A PORTION OF THE NE 1/4 OF THE SE 1/4 SEC. KING COUN'l'Y, 03, T. 23 N., R 5 E., W.M. WASHINGTON ,,, ...• -···"' __ .. ,,. .•. -······ . .J.·=··· .,· . ,' . ._,, ...... •· ,, .... ____ , ... ,-········ _/"~./ __ .. ---~---·.:~;>-· ........ ,,. . ;/_ ,'t,._)i • ~-··-'' ·;;>· ,'~:,. ~tn querter t:Dl"nl!r Si,~. 3. <;-i'""'» !i ~-···-hip. ~3k-, Ang. ~--1111.ol . .. .< " , .... ,,, .,. ·" t c.,~, .... ·~· '"' "' ""' /-", <}~? / ···•··· ,;~'.~l ~-' 1'U.t ,,j,arttir ciir[:>'!t''"-Sac;. ) .. , •. •' \. N /,:' • -.. Ent q.,ar-t•" ,;arno,r Sec. J. -._~;• T..p.:-:l'.!N., ~-~-. If.•_,;· •.,,, .. !: "!,f ,,i T•p. ~3N .• ltnil. 5E. IOI.I<. F~d br111s=1>.'ilhi;:ln ccnc~ui ·-:.,,~-9-' ·.' fllljnd "I(" 1n 10" ston11 .. ~raa,;;eo -tif!J. !n,;lised. -~· -n I ,.,• ,·······-•··h,.Jllll'l.uPll!nt o.&' wot 11.· ~ o11· r ... ,,,,· :; ''·. ., .,,.,. ,,.,.,. ,,.,,_.,,., .,,,,., "'"'' "' •Y'"'<~ • .-:sfu .. t"··~i:;, ----~'•.~!''.~ ~:,r :(> ::~:":',f 7~~/ I 15~~'") I . ,~-._ .... /' ,·'· f. I ·~;· :. ~ -~ " : t-____ '..J _ , " , 1~ I I ;>ca~:~,,· · ... ,/ --·" ~.,--- 'f',,., '".::::?.?.P:.···· /. Surveyor's Noles: ,,f tJ Tl'le mnu111erit ~ntrDl Sl't1l"" t,ir tl'o1~',.S11,r ~, •cc~·j':~ tf H1tld tranrn utHUln,g 11 ,,.,.. !ti u•r:111·'8o-Ul'IJoanl\t~: ~~~~d} :m"t~t e~~~o~!~ 1 d}~~:n~~ n:.:~~~i"Jr~r~r-St11t1~, uaa11 1'os1t11111tng 5Yst111 !&P~I -l.1M1.;u• ~n,:1 •nw.,hr · clnaur~ or t~II trneraH aeet the ,itancl11rd:, of WAC 332-130-MO. 2) >JtUitiU atl'IIIII'" thltfl t.ha'I• ~MNn AIIY IX11t pn tMII IIHII Cril1 tn.DH which ar~ vill~ble or 1'1$vll'I\I v1,;1ble .,...1~nc111 or tntir lnHaU;aUon are shown 1'1$r.un. " Tl'lis S'11'Yllf l"lllPrnltf1h l)l'IJal"l l•l)l'OVHlffit COl'ldlttona - thay 1r~lst1-c Octoo11r 22. 1898. tne allle 01 tn18 tield !!!lurve,. ,ii) :~!~~~i~a:~. '~e~'Bi~~~·~ 1r~!0~1 t fe(l r~~~~onDIJ, m~:g~ :.!~:~ ~~~,-~~' 1~;~~anz 0 c::;;~ ~~:~: I ocdar He. r111,.,e11r~h ha~ btlf!n lltt111Ptt1C. S) Oflnt cu11111n1lan11 f.hown '1era~n ere lae$BUred perp,:ndlc~lar td ~roaert~ iinc:s. Legend: • ~ ~uHnt •nu~n v,~itvd Cttoiier 1~. 1999 • ~ f-'I R!!tJ.llr 111th r~ clastlc. ca,i sl;in:ied "LS 22331! · to b~ :iet , ........ . .. ,•' ··:,., .. ,-'::, /.:·' . , ./ .,,,,.; •:,,,.,, ...... .. ·., ...•. _;.-· J<,'.·?" -, .. 7•7•0/ j S87 ',tg,· j~·F ;,,._,., n•· I . M,·-·•-=• J aasa.c, 1 ~ e ~ I ~ i ~ . I" I" -• • --. South QlJllrter cnrnl!'I" j ~ 1 . j ~ ~ ;"t /3 ~0 .. n11 I~ ;:t~::i om '" I ~ ...... --Piae~!:!n:.su &.1 ---- ·:,suu~h••11t c:urnar S:ec .. ::·"'-··~. :_.,...,. 23~ .• ""'Q-SE. II.lo!, :." ,: Fuund _-llt, 1nca:i~II. -_·. ,,· -, -1····•:_. ·-.,.· .,"·-· .,' .:·:·; .. ,- I Centre :3363& ~--"-~ "~-•• _,.. -: N Rr.· .--:4..- • ,~,~, ,.,:,u w<m • •• ,NE-SF;. 03, 'l'.23 , oE., .•M -=-Pointe (~lJ &•u-·tm,., ••• •· ~.,. ~~ >'1rt,.,.-;:"~ :. .· :"·j2505 B1rl Ae" AO&d 1212.0''. t Surveying ___ · e.-llt~~-..... _:?:IE!oOs _ _.:.-· iuiNrt 5 llood, -ft N Llll"!On KING coUNT-Y,;::-WASHiil"GTON,/ .blv ll'.., .-000 w l•S9 ·.. -·-· r % 5:Jo· llotUll:IIJIB.14159-SHEET 3 OF 3. = WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO· Zeno, Drake and Hively, P,S, 4020 Lake Washington Blvd. NE " .. :1!!~a!~~ WA 98033 ~,1~e!~!~8 ~,~G COUNTY,,~:.ea .... ~ ........ .. @Chicago 1itle Insurance C-OJnpany 701 5th Avenue -Suite1700 • · Seattt._ Washin ton 98104 PAGE IH OF IHll DOCUMENTTITLE(S) n,/-sqyg7S-/ 1 Easement Agreement \,,j i @ 4. REFERENCE NUMBER(S) OF DOCUMENTS ASSIGNED OR RELEASED: tJ Addrbonal nUll'lb«a on page r dotumc:nt: GRANTOR(S): l. Clifford and Cindy McClelland 2 3 4 GRANTEE(S): f;BS III, LLC 2 ). 4 [J AddJ.tiow,J names on page_ of document ABBREV!ATED LEGAL P&SCJUPTION Lot-Unit Block. Sce!Jon Townslup. VoJumo. Range. CHIGAOO lTTI.[ INSURANCE COMPANY has placed the ~ <11 reeo,d as a. CUS10ITNII co1.1rt!S)' and ampts no IJatl~IIY for !he a~uracy or valld.(y ol the docume:rtt Page Portion: Lot 3, King County Short Plat H 486017 r~corded under Recording I Plat Name: 8703039001 0 Cornplclc., 191 de,;cnption on poae __ af dacumc.n1. ASSi"SS0R'S PROPERTY TAX PARCEL ACCOUNTNUMBER(S): 0)2305-9270 [J Additu,nn.1 tax accoun1 mimbm on pi,.ge _of document X Q:qJ:::.lie~ i/ applzcab/i '11W srg,t below) 1 am provuied 111RCW3611010 lw1~d lhattherei: oome part of the 1.1.M of the onemal d.ocilmcri'L nn~ covt:r-iluiet h ro..-lh1= CaQnty Retonkt' s ib.mlnr; )UIM.I~ cni,ly. Th, IwtardBf'tlW rely an 1.be tllfo.rmJltlon pnmded on. ttr.e fonu. Tb.e tmffwaD not rca.11 the doeurn.t:t1t td nnl'y tbu •C'CUJ'K)' •r eomplehlle,1 ortm 1nd:emQ! JDt'ortution pmvl.dt;d huei'II -------------·· -.. ~ .. ~-~ ~~ ... ,-~-----·· ·---·--·---·-· -. ----- i Ftled at Request of ZENO, DRAKE & HIVELY, PS 4020 Lake Washington Blvd NE, #100 Kirkland, WA 98033 DOCUMENT TITLE GRANTOR GRANTEE LEGAL DESCRIPTION ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NOS. Easement Aoreement McClelland. Chfford and C1nAv KBS III.LL C See Exlub,t C Addmonal leoal descrmttons on naoes IO -13 of llus document 032305-9270, 032305-9035-05, 032305-9046-02, 032305-9034-06, 032305-9033-07, 032305-9269 EASEMENT AGREEMENT THIS EASEMENT AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is entered into tlus A".1-6, day of~,\ , 1999, by and between Clifford and Cindy McClelland, a marital co ~ty ("McClelland") and KBS ill, L L.C., a Washington hmited ltab1ltty company and/or successors or assigns ("KBS") RECITALS A McClelland IS the owner of certam real property located at 14410 SE 107"' Place, Renton, WA 98059, legally described m Exhibit A attached hereto ("McClelland Property"), and B KBS 1s the purchaser under an executory Purchase and Sale Agreement of certain real property which is adJacent to the McClelland Property, legally described in Exh1b1t B attached hereto ("KBS Property"), the closmg of purchase and sale of which will be contemporaneous with the conveyance of this Easement Agreement, C KBS mtends to obtam approval for a formal subd1v1S1on or PRD for the KBS property, and construction drawmg approval of the same as a condition to the closing of the purchase and sale transaction as well as to the conveyance of the easement descnbed herem, and EASEMENTAGREEMENT-1 W\wpdoca\33041\101\klsl 726 tioQ GHloAGo nrL£ INSURANCE COMPANY has plated 111& document or rirnoiU M a custome< courtesy ana &O"'f'S no Uablllty for lh<l :rroricy or vel~lty of 116 '<!<ll:Oil'>llll DUPLICATE ORIGINAL D KBS desires to obtam as easement across a portion of the McClelland Property for the purpose of a mstalbng and mamtaining underground uttlmes, and E McClelland xs willmg to grant such easements accordmg to the terms des en bed herem, NOW, THEREFORE, m cons1derat1on of $25,000 paid by KBS to McClelland ($2,000 which 1s payable upon McClelland's execution of this Agreement and the approval by KBS of its feas1b1hty study, and the remamder 1s payable w1thm thirty (30) days of approval of a p1ehmmary plat and approved construction drawings for said subd1v1smn or PRD), the mutual promises contatned herem, and the benefits denved therefiom, the undersigned parl!es hereby agree as follows I Grants of Easements and License 1 1 Easement for Underground Uttl1t1es. McClelland hereby grants to KBS a perpetual, non-exclusive easement over, under, and across that portion of the McClelland Property legally descnbed m Exhibit C attached hereto ("Easement Area") for the purposes specified m paragraph 2 below McClelland shall have the nght to use the ...,. Easement At ea for any and all purposes not inconsistent with the nghts granted to KBS ,_ herem Such nght shall mclude, but not be limited to, the 1nstallat10n of underground c.... c::, utilities, sidewalks, gutters, pipes and culverts, so long as said uses do not unreasonably ~ mterfere with the mstallation, mamtenance and operatmn of the underground utilities m the .... Easement Area = = = 1 2 License McClelland also grants to KBS a temporary bcense to enter upon the McClelland Property for the l1m1ted purposes of completmg construction and installation of the underground utlhtles, provided, however, KBS shall exe1 t its most reasonable efforts to confme such entry to the Easement Area and areas 11nmed1ately adJacent to the Easement Area 2 Use of Easement Area KBS' s use of the Easement Area shall be lmuted to the construction, installation, mamtenance, repair, operation and use of underground ut1ht1es to serve the forty-eight houses to be buxlt on the Property descnbed m Exhibit B, subject to the right of mumc1paht1es and utility dxstncts to use as they may require after dedication of the ut1l1t1es as set forth m paragraph 8 1 below In addition, 1f any more parcels of property are added to the proposed subdms10n, any residences buJ!t on those parcels will also have the same nght to use the easement 3. KBS 's Warranties KBS warrants that the underground ullht!es for the KBS property shall be constructed m accordance with all applicable drawmgs, spec1ficattons, EASEMENT AGREEMENT -2 W\YIPdoo:s~1,101\kls1ns doc ClilCAGO TITU: INSURANCE COMPANY he, plac,d 111, document o1 record as a customer courtesy and accepts no iabllity for Iha accuracy or vahdi!y of !Mlillourrent ~====~---------~-~~~---- pemuts, approvals and other legal requirements imposed by crty, county, state or federal laws and/or regulatrons 3 l D1hgent Constructron. KBS shall prosecute the construction and mstallat1on of the underground utilities diligently and contmuously until they are completed 3 2 Ownership KBS or assigns will be the owner of the KBS Property upon closmg of the above-referenced purchase and sale transaction 4 McClelland's WarrantJes. McClelland warrants that they are the owner of the McClelland Property and that there are no liens or encumbrances affectmg the McClelland Property winch would mterfere with the mtended use of the Easement Area 5 Cost of Construction of Underground Utthties KBS shall, at Its sole cost and expense, design, construct and install the underground uulrues m comphance with all applicable requ!fements Pnor to commencmg rnstallatron of the underground utlhties, KBS shall have a licensed surveyor survey the west property !me of the McClelland Property, and shall place surveyor's rebar stakes at the northwest corner and the southwest corner of the McClelland Property At the complet10n of installation of the underground uuhues, KBS shall f1msh grade the Easement Area and adJacent ground which may have been disturbed by KBS' s construction act1v11Ies, and shall also re-seed the re-graded area with grass seed KBS shall take care not to damage the McClelland Property, and any improvements thereon, dunng the exercise ofKBS's rights hereunder. In the event any damage 1s suffered dunng tins work, KBS agrees to promptly repair said damage, or to reunburse McClelland for the entire costs of the repair work KBS will replace any trees or shrubs removed or disturbed to the nearest location allowed 6 Water Lme KBS agrees to loop a water !me m the Easement from the existing water mam to the proposed subdiv1s1on if allowable by Water D1stnct #90 upon construction of said subdivision If further easements are necessary to loop said water mam in easement to be purchased, Seller agrees to grant such add1t1onal easements, at no further cost to KBS 7 McClelland's Connection to Utthtles. KBS agrees to connect McClelland's ex1stmg residence, as legally pernussible, to the sanitary sewer to be installed m the easement and to leave one add1tional sewer stub-out on the north boundary !me of the McClelland parcel, approximately 250 feet from the western-most property !me of tax parcel No 032305-9270 at the time of the construction of the proposed subdiv1s1on In add1t10n, KBS agrees to pay the followrng sewer connectton charges for the ex1stmg McClelland enc)'[rom Kmg County and the City of Renton 1 ~ \\ ll.y M• \-""f 'tc< e."-\-r"' s\-"~ \\q ~ v<, l iq\ ().~ EASE ENT AGREEMENT -3 w \wpdo&&\330~ 1\ 10~\~1725 doc CHICAGO nm INSURANCE COMPA~ has placed 111, document of record as a customer courtesy ano ac<epts no habllrty for tho accur11<y or validity of 1h, 11oouroont c:;:, = = a City fees· System Development Charge Honey Creek Special Assessment D1stnct $ 585 $ 250 Permit fees ~11~1i Subtotal $ 895 I. $1,098 40 (hfetune payoff) 'Ml I' 11'1" V/•~ l'l't tr' $1.984 )(~r ""'*' b Krog County-Capacity Charge TOTAL 9 ,µ;< f-1-I. J,-In the event McClelland connects into and uses any other of the undergro !lit I s ~·J z :;ewe~ """"17; McClelland shall pay all construction expenses associated with said connection to, e "' ~ I utllilles, and said connection shall be free of all hens on the KBS Property, and shall be m ~ / comphance with all applicable legal requirements Notw1thstandmg the foregomg, KBS I r agrees that McClelland shall not be required to pay any connection fee, surcharge or othe fil)f. construction or mstallat10n of th.e uuhues ~'()Vv \ If/ q I); if'., fee to KBS for the purpose of reimbursmg KBS for the cost of all or any portlo~nf the \J 8. Mamtenance and Repair Expenses All expenses associated with ~ °' mamtammg, repamng, restormg, cleanmg or semcmg the completed underground uuhues shall be paid entirely by KBS until such time as KBS dedicates the underground utilities to the Association Thereafter, all such expenses associated with mamtammg, repamng, restormg, cleanmg or serv1cmg the completed underground utilities shall be paid by the Association or appropnate utility d1stnct 1f utilities are dedicated pursuant to paragraph 8 l; provided, however, 1f repair or mamtenance of the underground utilities 1s required as a result of the sole action or mactton of McClelland, McClelland shall pay the entlfe expense of such reparr 8 1 Ded1cat1on to Governmental Entities/Commercial Utility The ut1ht1es may be dedicated to the City of Renton, Kmg County, Water District No 90 or any uuhty company m the future by KBS or by the homeowners' association, provided that the City of Renton, Kmg County, Water D1stnct No 90 or any utility company agrees to operate, mamtam, reparr and 1eplace the uuhtles Upon such ded1callon, the obligation of the property owners to contnbute to the operation, mamtenance, reparr and replacement of the underground utilities shall termmate Further, the nght to use such uul!ties will thereafter be at the discretion of the utility company or mun1cipahty which owns the utilities and not limited to the 1es1dences m the proposed subd1v1s1on EASEMENT AGREEMENT -4 WWlpoocs\33041\101'1<.~17';!5 COc CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY has placed the document of record as a customer courtesy and .accepts 'l'lO bab1hW for the acc1Jracy or val1d1ty of tha docun)Qnt 0 0::, = -== ..... ....--..,...,,---------· ... ---------- 9 Entry on McClelland Property to Perform Mamtenance and Repair Work KBS and successors shall have the perpetual nght, at such times as may be necessary, to enter upon the McClelland Property for the purpose of accessmg, mamtallllng, repairmg, restonng, clearung or serv1cmg the utilities McClelland agrees that said nght of entry shall be no less than twenty feet (20') m width. KBS and its successors agree that such work shall be accomphshed m such a manner that the surface of the ground and any private improvements existing on the McClelland Property shall not be disturbed or destroyed, or m the event they are disturbed or destroyed, they will be replaced m as good a condIUon as they were immediately before the McClelland Property was entered upon by KBS or its successors 10 Hold Harmless and Indemmty Prov1s1ons 10.1 Muma! Indemmficat10n. KBS and McClelland hereby agree to hold each other harmless, to mdemnify and defend each other of and from any and all cl arms and/or damages which either party may sustain as a result of any breaches of their respective obhgattons described herem. Without lumtmg the generality of the foregomg, KBS spec1f1cally agrees to hold harmless, mdemrufy and defend McClelland, until transfer of the utlhttes to the homeowners associatton whlch will be fonned or KBS's successors rn interest to the KBS P1 operty, or for a penod of two (2) years from the date of completion of the construction of the uttlmes, whichever occurs last, from and against any and all clrums and/ or damages relatmg to. 10.1 1 KBS's construction and installation of the utthttes, 10 1 2 The f1lmg of any hens or assessments ag31DSt the McClelland property as a result of the 1nstallat1on of the utilities, 10 1 3 The overflow of water from the utll1t1es, provided, however, KBS shall have no hab11ity hereunder 1f said overflow 1s caused solely by McCJelland's action, 10 .1 4 The contanunation of the McClelland Property with hazardous or toxic waste or matenal as a result of KBS' s installat10n of the ut1ht1es, 10 1 5 The discharge of hazardous or toxic waste or matenal through the ul!hty system, unless said contamination or discharge IS caused by McClelland, or ong1nates w1thm the McClelland Property, 10 1 6 Any governmental agency or other party or person contending that the uulmes were not properly constructed or otherwise damaged the1r property or the environment EASEMENT AGREEMENT -5 W\Wl)d.OC!i\33041\101\lds1726 doe CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY nao placed the document of reoord' as. a cusl-Om!r courtesy and accepts no ,ability for tno accuracy or veildt~ or the <Joau~,,nt Notw1thstandmg any prov1S1on hereof seemmgly to the contrary, the Assoc1at1on and/or KBS's successors m interest shall continue to be bound by the obligations contamed in this paragraph 9 m perpetuity. 11 Extensions Twenty-six (26) months after s1gnmg and mutual acceptance of this Agreement, 1f KBS has not received final engmeenng and construction drawmg approval for the above-mentioned subd1vis10n, McClelland agrees to extend the closing of tins transact10n fm three (3) mnety (90) day periods at a cost of seven hundred fifty dollars ($750) for each extens10n, to be paid at the beginning of each extens10n All earnest money deposits and extension payments shall apply to the purchase pnce at closmg 12 Termmauon of Easement Notw1thstandmg any other prov1s10n contamed herein seemmgly to the contrary, m the event KBS has not completed mstallatmn of the ut1ht1es within ten years of the date that this Agreement 1s recorded with the King County Recorder, this Agreement shall automaucally termmate and shall thereafter be null and vmd KBS's wmk shall be deemed complete at such time as City and/or County fully and finally accept all of KBS's wmk on the utilities as complete 13. Covenants Runmng with the Land. McClelland and KBS agree that the terms and conditions contamed herem shall benefit and burden the McClelland and KBS Properties, and shall conslitute covenants that run with both Properties, and shall benefit and burden the hem, successor and assigns of the McClelland and KBS Properties 14 Null and Void Tlus contract and the contents herem will become null and void and unenforceable m the event KBS fails to receive final engmeermg and construction drawmg approval for a formal subdivision or PRD for the property shown on Exlub1t B 15. Fence KBS agrees to place a six foot (6') fence along the North hne of tax parcel No. 0323059270 m the event the aforementioned subd1v1S1on receives approvals acceptable to Purchase, 16. Dramage. KBS agrees to protect and defend McClelland from dramage from the proposed KBS subd1v1s1on and development efforts KBS shall resolve any drainage problems arismg directly as a result of the development and construction of the property described on Exh1b1t B, and repau: any damage caused to McClelland's property from any such drainage problems. 17 Entire Agreement There are no other agreements between KBS and McClelland that modify or affect tins Agreement This Agreement 1s fully integrated and all pnor negotiations regardmg the terms of the Easement Agreement are merged mto and have become a part of this Agreement EASEMENTAGREEMENT-6 W\wpdoee\33041\101\Jds.1725 doc CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY has placed the document ot record as a customer cou11esy and acc,pts no l1ab1l1ty ,or !he ae<:ur,cy or validity ot thiJ Cl()CUITI9nt v....,....,...~,..,,.. ,, • ....._.,. ... ,.,...,...,....,~.-.,..._._ _____________ , c:> o;, = 18. N ottces. All notices, consents, approvals and other communications provided for herem or given m co1U1ect1on herewith shall be validly given, made, delivered or served 1f m wntmg and delivered personally or sent by registered, certified mad, or receipted overmght services, postage prepaid, or by facsunile to, with confirmed receipt at the followmg addresses KBS KBS III, LL C 12505 Bel-Red Road Bellevue, WA 98005 Attention· Kolm Taylor Fax 425/452-9016 McClelland Clifford and Cmdy McClelland 14410 SE 107'h Place Renton, WA 98059 19 Attorney's Fees In the event any party employs an attorney to enforce any of the provisions o{ this Agreement, on any issue of state, federal or bankruptcy law, the prevaihng p~rcy shall be entitled to recover tts costs, ht!gatlon expenses and reasonable attorney's fees m connection therewith from the non-prevailing party. 20 Govermng Law. This Agreement shall be construed under and governed by the laws of the State of Washington. 21 Severab1hty If any provmon of th1S Easement Agreement is determined by a court to be mvahd or unenforceable, the remainder of tlus Easement Agreement shall remam m full force and effect 22 Successors Tins Easement Agreement bmds the heus, successors and assigns of the parties CHICAGO Tlllt 1l1SURANCE C0~171\NY has plac.ed the document or recl).(d as a customer courtesy and accepts no l1abdrty for the accur.1::y or VJm.l1ty of the d::icurrnr r EASEMENT AGREEMENT -7 W\Wpdocs'\33041\101\kls1725 doc;; KBS III, L L.C., a Washington IIIlllted habtl1ty company ________ l"'L",....,..-'I')-:,...,,..~.=· ------------------------------ ---'°" = = = ... ' . STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss COUNTY OF KING ) THIS IS TO CERTIFY that on this -2.!1.. day of fllr,I , t 9 if_, before me, a Notary public 111 and for the State of Waslungton, duly comm1ss1oned and swo1n, came Kohn Taylor, pe1so1mlly lnown or havmg presented satisfactory evidence to be a Member of KBS Ill, L LC , the !muted ltab1hty company that executed the foregomg instrument, and acknowledged the said mstrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of ~aid hmited l1ab1hty company for the uses and purposes therein ment10ned, and on oath stated that he 1s authorized to execute the ~aid mstrument on behalf of said !muted habihty company MY HAND and oftlcial seal the day and year m this certificate first STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ) ) ss ) ... ~°#6~ Notary Pubhc 111 and for the State oJWash(gton, 4'.idmg at A b1(JA 111 Exp1rat10n Date ~ • 2 :2. • C/ f ' THIS IS TO CERTIFY that on the:>"\11:L-day of Afr\\ , l 9'14before me, a Notary public in and for the State of Waslungton, duly comm1ss1oned and ~worn, came Clifford McClelland, personally known or havmg presented satisfactory evidence to be the 111d1V1dual desc11bed 10 and who executed the w1lhm 111strument, and acknowledged that he signed the same as Im free and vohmtaiy act and deed for the uses and purposes the1em mentirn1cd EASEMENTAGREEMENT-8 w 1wpoocs\3:ro41\\0111d1. rns ooc CMICAGQ nm tNSUR/\NCE GOMPAl'I'/ has plated the doc:um<!nt ol r,ecord a~ a customer oourlesy and ampts no l1ab1l1ty 1or lhe accu1 J.cy or va11drty of tho document = co = WITNESS MY HAND and olficial seal the d~y ,md yea, m tlus ce11llicate first above wutten STATE OF WASIIING10N ) ) ss COUNTY OF KING ) Nota1y Public m and for the State of W slungton, res1d(n~ at € r... .r THIS IS TO CERTIFY that on the;}"\kt,. day of frfi{1 \ , ]9"1'lbefore me, a Notary public m and for the State of Washmgton, duly comm1ss1oned and sworn, came Cmdy McClelland, personally known or havmg presented sausfacto1 y evidence to be the mdiv1dual descnbed m and who executed the within mstrument, and acknowledged that she signed the same as her l!ee and voluntaty act and deed for the uses and purposes therein ment,oned WITNESS MY HAND and official seal the day and year m tlus certificate first above written EASEMENTAGREEMENT-9 W\wfldocs\33041\101\1..lsl 125 c1oc ~~~ ~i Prmt Name MARIALICE FLEMING Notary Pubhc m and for the State o ashmgton, res1dmg at t..J (o..<:;:<f l ~ Exp1ratton Date l.{ ~ ~ do C>Ci ~ CH!r/M 111LF. INSURANGE COMPANY 11.-11 pl.i:t:od lh.i ciocument of rocori os a customer courtesy ,ni mopls no onb,kty for lhfl ncouracy or va11d1ty of 1a t'ocun1G.nt c::, = c::> EXHIBIT A Lot 3 ofK.mg County Short Plat Number 486017, recorded under Recording Number 8703039001, and corrected by Affidavit recorded under Recording Number 8706260950, together with the West 428 00 feet of the South 330 feel of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 3, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, Willamette Meridian, in King Cowity, Washington; EXCEPT the NorthJ65 feet thereof; EXCEPT that portion lying within the South half of the South half of the South half of said subdivision and EXCEPT County roads; IN ACCORDANCE with Decree Quieting Title in King Cowity Court Cause Number 86-2-22118-2 entered on March 23, 1987: EXCEPT the East 164 feet of said Lot 3; (BEING KNOWN AS Lot 3 of King Cowity Lot Line AdJustment No. S92L0!03, recorded under Recording Number 9209101022, and other property) EASEMENT AGREEMENT -10 W \.,,,pdot!.\3~1\101\',l• 171r, ,Jc,,-- CHICA(,0 TITLL !Nf.UHANCE COMP1\NY hds plau!:d tha document of record as a customer courtesy and accepts no hsblb1y (or the accurGtY or va11dity of ,:,t c .. )Cllment Luck Parcek EXHIBIT B Parcel A. The North 165 feet of the South 495 feet of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 3, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, Willamette Meridian, in King County, Washington (No Road exception has been noted in this description for Parcel A) Parcel B. The North half of the North half of the South half of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 3, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, Willamette Meridian, in King County, Washington; EXCEPT that portion described as follows: Beginning at a point on the North line of said subdivision which bears South 01°25'02" West 633.38 feet and North 89°37'38" West 30 feet from the East quarter comer of said Secuon 3, thence North 87°37'38" West along said North !me 125 feet, thence South 01 "25'02" West 122.17 feet, thence South 87°49'08" East 125 feet; thence North 01 "25'02" East 121. 75 feet to the Point of Beginning; Except the East 30 feet thereof for County Road. (There is an overlap of approximately 17 feet between Parcets A and B.) Yelland Parcel: The North 165 feet of the South 330 feet of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter ofSect100 3, Tawnshlp 23 North, Range 5 East, W1Uamette Mend1an, in King County, Washing1on; EXCEPT County roads Bennett Parcel: Lot I, King County Short Plat Nwnber 486017, recorded under Recording Number 8703039001, and amended by Affidavit of Correction recorded under Recording Number 87062609 50, in Kmg County, Washington, being a portion of the South half of the South half of the South half of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 3, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, Willamette Mendian, m Kmg County, Washington; EASEMENT AGREEMENT -11 W\v. ~OOC$\aJl)<t1\i!l1u.1~17 /5 rtoc CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY has placed the document of racom as a customer courtesy and 3Ctap~ no lrabilrty for the occuraoy or va,dity a/ 111, <'oCurnont =~~~~~~~ ··-····· .· .... -·· ..... --·· TOGETHER WITH the following described property in accordance with Decree Qwetmg Title in King County Superior Court Cause Number 86·2-22118-2 entered on March 23, 1987. · The South 330 feet of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 3, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, Willamette Meridian, in Kmg County, Washington: EXCEPT the West 840.50 feet thereof, and EXCEPT the North 165 feet thereof; and EXCEPT that portion of lying within the South half of the South half of the South balf of said subdivision: and EXCEPT County roads. Serra Parcel: Lot 2 and the East 164 feet of Lot 3, Kmg County Short Plat Nlihlbel.'-486017, recorded under Recording Number 870303900 l, and corrected under Recording Number 8706260950, being a portion of the following: The South half of the South half of the South half of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 3, Township 23 North, Range S East, Willamette Meridian, in King County, Washington, EXCEPT County roads: AND EXCEPT the following described parcel. BEGINNING at the Southeast comer of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of said Section 3; Thence Northerly 65.00 feet along the East line of said Section 3: Thence North 87°49'08" West 670 20 feet; Thence South 01°25'02" West 65.00 feet to the South line of the NoI1heast quarter of the Southeast quarter of said Section 3; Thence Easterly along said South line 670 20 feet to the Point of Beginning; (ALSO KNOWN AS Lot A, King County Boundary Line Ad;ustment application number S92LOIOJ, recorded under Recording Number 9209101022) TOGETHER WITH an easement for road and utilities over the Southerly portion of Lot I as disclosed on the face of the short plat. EASEMENT AGREEMENT -12 W'\Wpdoc~~3041'101\1<1~ 1 n: dc>c CHICAGO Til\, INSURANCE COMPANY has pl<Ced the document of record ~s a customer courtesy and acc,pts no liabilrty for !Ila aco\i/,cy or val1drty of the -r!OCU'T'~nt c:, <X) = -----=-··=·-·-=·-=·= ----..... ------------ EXIIIlllT C The West 20.00 feet of the following described parcel: Lot 3 of King County Short Plat Number 486017, recorded under Recording Nwnber 8703039001, and corrected by Affidavit recorded under Recording Nwnber 8706260950, together with the West 428.00 feet of the South 330 feet of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 3, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, Willamette Meridian, in King County, Washington; EXCEPT the North 165 feet thereof, EXCEPT that portion lying within the South half of the South half of the South half of said subdivision and EXCEPT County roads, IN ACCORDANCE with Decree Quieting Title in King County Court Cause Number 86·2·22118-2 entered on March 23, 1987: EXCEPT the East 164 feet of said Lot 3; (BEING KNOWN AS Lot 3 of King County Lot Line Adjustment No S92L0103, recorded under Recording Nwnber 9209101022, and other property.) EASEMENT AGREEMENT -13 W\w.pdoc.s\33041\101\kl,;;17;>~ doc \'WURANCE cor~1PAfl.i'Y 1 , 11'1~ dllCUrnent o1 .Jr,, -~ a customer courtef;,y ,' 1 , 1ct~pts: no l1ab1l1ty for , ,•";',1<1,yorvalld1lyof t licurnent ~~JN~LUDWW DRUMm \1(11111111119)111 10777 Mani Street;' Suite 300 200406290023 Belle','Ue, WashingtQll·98004 CHICAGO Tll~t EAS 33 00 ·, . · .. .. ... •. ., PAG£001.2F1 18~31 DOCUMENT nn· GRANTOR GRANTEE LEGAL DESCRIPTION ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NOS. CHICA~OTITLE INSURANCE COMPAN'I l\ai~lared lli•.document ol record as a cusiomer courtesy and accep~ no l~Jru,ty for :·1he accll/i!CJ or vah<il1i of .i lne do1ument .,._ ... ,-08/29/2•• y lolA KJNG COUN , .. ill 3fo6f/~./-;,, ,:. .. .. -··· , ......... ,._,._._:." :; } ,/ EASEMENT AGREEMENT,/' .. _,· lf ~H~SE1SE?1ENT A. GREEMENT ("Agreement") i_s e~tel:1,_clgi.to. tfusa'J5 day of . tA~·Uf,..J i ..... , 20~, by and between Virg1ma Luck,:,a s1ngle woman ("Luck") and'.'icii~ir, .. t.LC.,a Washington !united ltabthty company ("KBS").indior siiccessors or assigns of eitheqfatty. · ·. · ... ·' -· RECITALS A Lucki,i, the.~'-rier 9f~ttaief~pi'-0perty located at 10601-148th Avenue SE, Renton, WA 98059, ie~·any iiesc.\-ibed in El(liibif A a~hed hereto ("Luck Property"); and .. ,'':, .. . B. KBS is the pur~illlser fr~ Luckunder ari ef ~~lltory Purchase and Sale Agreement dated April 16, 1997 elf certain re~! pr6petty \Vh1rlh'is the subject of King County Boundary Line Adjustment No LOOL0089 (tht"BLA "): P!Jrs11ant tll··the.,terms of said Purchase and Sale Agreement, KBS will he purchasiniParcel X created m the BLA, as legally described m Exhibit B-1 attached hereto. KBS bl!S also contr;ited'tdpurchase.tQe property legally described on Exhibit B-2 from one or more third.parties.· 'Thci property described on Exhibits B-1 and B-2 are herein collecnvely called the·•'KB,S Pl:operiy"_;-"/ . C. KBS has obtained prehnunary approval to subdiv1cJ.~ tl)e KBS.Property as thif' Plat of Stone Ridge, Kmg County DDS File No. L99P3008 (the ''Plat of. St6ne'~dge"); EASEMENT AGREEMENT· 1 W \WPDOCS\3304l\103\AMB0074 DOC 8n2/01 . ·o KBS desires to obtam an easement across a portion of the Luck Property for the purpose of ingress and egress and for the installation and maintenance of underground utdiues if any are i'equired; and ,, .:· .; ,' ·· ... ij, · ._ Liick is willmg to grant such easements according to the terms described herein; i NOW, .THEREFORE, m corul~ation of $10 and other good and valuable C!?nsiderationpaid 1?.tKBS ~ µuek, t11:c{inutua1 promises contained herein, and the benefits derived therefrt>m/the.und¢rsigned part!e~lil':tepy agree as follows· l. / Onrilcl :rE:slentsJ 00 '.l~k )1ef!~~·¥clares, grants and conveys to KBS a non- exclusive easeniept ov11f; w1iler /and'lleross ~t poi11on of the Luck Property legally described in Exhibit C attached''i1ereio (~Easement .Ari:i)'for the purposes specified in paragraph 2, below. Said easement sni!n tie perpetuiµ" except/as ?,Jhe!:1Vise set fqr~ in paragraph 7, below. The easement shall vest (a)·as to the p,ropcefty described on._Exhib_it B/1, upon execution of this Easement Agreement, and (b) aa-)o the propeitfdesc;ril?ed Qn El(iilbi'i B-2 and any other property within the Plat of Stone Ridge/at such tillie as:'~s atqUl,t'es an ownership interest in said property. Luck shall have the right. t9 us~ th¢ Easem~nt;;\rea for,any and all purposes not inconsistent witli the rights granted to KBS herein: · -Sw;h w,es sh'all,fuclude;'~µt not ]Ie Jµnited to, the installatioh qf underground utilities, side!,Valks, .gutters, pipes' 'and 'culv~~ •. ito l~itg as said uses do not UllrfflSOnably interfere With the ini!ta!lat~on, µtat.n'ienaiice-iind i>p~fatiOll of the underground Util.1.ties 'in the Easement Area or the use of the Eas°ementArea for ingr:e°ss and egress. Aftl)i' cotnple\1on by KBS of an underground saniU!ry sewcir system_.'W'1bin.the Easeni'ent Area, 1.ucl<, at Luck's sole expense including but not1iqtj!aj. to Jio9k up fees, may into Jiook_,into sa.id ~w~-sy~iem, The Luck Property is the burdened'.pri)perty ;fud the KBS Property a11,<J.-~y 9fl)er property mcluded within the Plat of Stone Ridgtisjhe Jienefited projlei:1)'. · · · ' 2. Usci oftascineni Af;~· 0 :KBS's use of the Easement Area shall be limited to the construction, insta1lat!on;' ma,1n_tenan,ce, rep;lir,. operation and use of underground utilities and for mgress and egre.$S. ·· _. 3 KBS's Warranties.·, ... · 3 1 Constructlon.St:fud;in!s{ KJ3S w~rlints,:th:it -if any underground utilities, except Luck's hook up to the sewer syst~, are.insWle<f in-~~ Eas~en.t Area, they shall be constructed at KBS's sole cost in accordance _',Ytth l\U applicable drawings';-specifications, penmts, approvals and other legal requuements inipqsed by cjfy, i:-ouµty' $late or federal laws and/ or regulations. · · ·· · · · " 3 2 Ownership. KBS or assigns will be !lie 9wner oftlie KB~ Property upon closing of the above-referenced purchase and sale transactions. · ·-. .- EASEMENT AGREEMENT -2 W \WPD0CS\33041\103\AMB0074 DOC 8/22/01 1:· /4 Luck's Warranties Luck warrants that she is the owner of the Luck Property .and tti~t,there are no liens or encumbrances affectmg the Luck Property which would mterfere with.thl: iiitended use of the Easement Area ' .-. ,.· . . .. 5:: ····. M'.:1intenance and Repair Expenses. All expenses associated with constructmg, ·fuaintainingi repilirjng;·re~toring, cleanmg or servicing the underground ut11it1es shall be paid entirely byl<B.S,.,except that if Lu11kliboks into the sewer system, Luck shall pay any expenses a;sociate\i wititi:onstrfu?ting, 11Jaihtamidg, reparrmg, restoring, cleaning or servicing Luck's hookup: . . . ,'' ,, .. , 6. Hold Ifamtless'am! lri~,~1tf~:~~ibns. _,. . . ,·. . .. _ ,: 6'.1 "···t1utu~l I,i~ernnlfical16~(~s and Luck hereby agree to hold each other harmless, to indemmfy atid d¢fend,eacl),'oth¢r o(and.frQlll any and.,ajl claims and/or danlages which either party may sustafo as.a resiilt of any .breaches of thei~'re{pective obligatmns described herem. Without limitiµg tjie generality of,!h~ fo~goi!)g; KBS specifically agrees to hold harmless, indemnify and defend L1fok,,fot a period,,Qf tw<c{(2)years from the date of completion of the construction of the uttli.ffes,:\'lhicliever ocqii-s 1ast,.JroI1l,,and agatnst any and all claims an,d/or damages relating to: ··· ···.'.. ·•,, . ...-,<. ./· ./ ,/ · .. ,"':.. ,/'''•> ·• \6.1.1 KBS's constructi;;alldi~ilatl~n6f';;:·~~tlitJJ a¢rts; -:· .. .. -· .. . ,. , . 6.1.2 The filmg of any liens or asse'ssm~ntiagafust thel,uc,k property as a r~ult .of the insWlation of the utilities, · . 6.1.3 ·The overflow of water from the utthties·;· ... . 6:'i .4' TJl.e collta!nination of the Luck Property with hazardous or toXlc waste or material iis airesliit ofKBS's ins~ation of the utilities; .--· ,• •' .. . S.,,.6.1.?,.... The ji'cliarge of hazardous or toxic waste or material through the .,., .. ,, .. -·· . .,· ... ,. . .. •·. utility system; 6 1.6 Any go~~l'mrien!Af agency~r.;th~rparty or person contending that the utilities or road were not'pt6per}y coiistrµcted o(otherwise damaged their property or the environment. ... ·· · Notwithstanding any provision hereof seemingly 16 tl.ie contr~' tii.eAss<'iiatjona.nd/or KBS's successors Ill interest shall continue to be bound by 11\e 9'bligatioris C!i'ntained in this'··, paragraph 9. · ·· · · 7 Termmation of Easement. The easement gr;ied li~re1il shall';~ ~ tithe ·• portion of the Easement Area legally described on Exh1b1t D attache!i h!:reth{tbe :1;Tlttllp9rary · .. . . . ' ;: EASEMENT AGREEMENT • 3 W \WPDOCS\33041\103\AMB0074 DOC 8/22/01 Easement Area") on the later of (a) the recording of the Plat of Stone Ridge, or (b) the e~pir;Uioq or termination of the Purchase and Sale Agreement dated April 16, 1997 between Charies and ,Y.irginia Luck (Seller) and KBS Partners (Purchaser). After the termination of the ~111ent vtithu:i:the Temporary Easement Area, the easement granted herem shall continue m f,uU force an,d efl'ect as to the poruon of the Easement Area legally descnbed on Exhibit E (the ,.,.,. .. , ... ,.,;,Pertmnient::Easi:menfArea") In the event a formal document evidencing the termination of t4e easement oii .rhe TempQ1'.ary ~eiii6;!t Area JS required, both parties hereto agree that the prep~at1!,in of siich.do·ti,untjlt wllt be . .i:rthe expense of KBS, and both parties will cooperate in the sigajng and recordll\.g of ~ch d(J(;)llll~i '"• > 8. .. Co~en~ts·~iingw'i~~e d.£''~uck and KBS agree that the terms and conditions contiii~ l)erein·sha!fbeni\fit anq'qU1;det1 the Luck and KBS Properties, and shall constitute covenanis'ihat nin with both ~e$', and shall benefit and burden the heirs, successor and assigns of ·~e ¥uck aild r$s}•ro~ertj.es,· , .. 9, Entire Agreement/ Thfue lire 110,bthe{ agr~ments'bei\Veen KBS and Luck that modify or affect this Agreement .. this ,Agreeni~nt IS fuily integ~ated and all prior negotiations regardmg the terms of the Easement Agtec:tnej'lt ate mergei:I into atd paveJ,iecome a part of this Agreement. · · · ·· · · ·.. •·· 10/ Noti~s All nonces, consents, approvals and ~ oonurnifucatio~ provided for here1;i' or given mconnectJon herewith shall be validly g1vel):; m13de,,deliverc:d 01:,'served if in writil]g and dei;ivered personally or sent by registered, dirttfied mi,.U{or t-fceipted overnight services, poitage:prepatd, or by facsimile to, with confirmed rci:i;:ipt a.t the:foUowilig addre§ses i ·· · ···· ,· ·· ·· · KBS:. ···:= ..... , ... .,,. .• ---·'/ Luck: KaSlll, t LC. 1250S Bei~Red.R.oad iiel~ej WA 98005 A~nti9n/ KojiRTaylor Fax. A25/45f9Cil6 .. · ... V rrginii Luck· . .•· 285 Sand))une l)rivt: Ocean Shoti:s~ WA.· CHICAGO TIil£ l~SIIAANCE COMPANY his placed In, oocumenl o/ record as a '"'lo~er courlesy ana accept "'l1ab11t1y for /he acc,racy or val1d1ty of lhe document 11. Attorney's Fees In the e~ent~y p.ttty.employ~ an attorn~y to enforce any of the provisions of this Agreement, on any issue o(state, federal or 6ruilcruptcy l.aw, the prevailing party shall be entJtled to recover tis costs;Jitigation expeJll,es alK.I 'reasonable attorney's fees m connection therewith from the non-pt~vailing.Pat1Y. · · · 12. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be construe~ under alldgtlv~rhc;d by:the laws of the State of Washington ·· .. c' .,,. · ..•.... ·'., •. ·.,., ,•' EASEMENT AGREEMENT -4 W \WPDOCS\J3D41\l03\AMB0014 DOC 8122/01 / / 13. Severabtlity. If any provision of this Easement Agreement JS determined by a • court tci b~.'!nvahd or unenforceable, the remainder of this Easement Agreement shall remain in fuµ' force iirid ·effect. .-i4. Sticcessors. This Easement Agreement binds the hetrs, successors and assigns of the parties. ' ' '' J(BSJU;sLL C., a Washmgton lllllited liability company )'.-·''·':.;' / ? STATE Oil.,1SH}NGTON ./''·,. ) ', ' ) ss .... ,,, COUNTY ORKING\ ) ' ' No~~~c~'~dJ!~~~~~~;~~~i~ :ry 0 #~d.~e~~:r~~o7i~ a Taylor, per.,o,nally !mown or havmg presented sat:tsfactory evtdence to beii. bllember ofKBS III, L.t:C , th~hm1t~'lp1biliJY,;ompany that executed the foregomg mstrument,'W acknowledged the saJd,l)lStrwµentfo be;' thef free an~.vo\untruy act and deed of said lumted hab1hty company for the uses and purposes \herein nientfoned, ·and on oath stated that he 1s authonzed to execute the said mstrument on'beha!f'bf sir\f hmtte4 halnlity company . ., .... ,, .•' ,. . . ·'.- WlTNESS ~Y·HANI) and officiais~al t)itl d.iy.and year in thts certlficate first above written. ,., .. ni•!,.,~:·, .... -.-==\ .. : .. ~~-uA6M1 "''°''4: ,, .. - $'~4, ~ ........ ~·:t·Q'~·),·~· ---~h .. ;} / ;,,~ .-"o\l.M E,t_.•· '<> ~ §:;,/ ~OTA~ \~1, :"':~ •i. = * · ~·---· *.. ..J~atYJ>u \ <l'\l'c:;PUBL\0 s,.. : · .. 1' ~ ·.G f'J..~ •• 0 i ,.,,_., .. vsrs, .. ·~$ ... ~o·, ...... :,~ •• .,.,,,.,,. F WA.St' ~~.,_ ..... , .. 11111t.t.'-' EASEMENT AGREEMENT -5 W \WPD0CS\33<M1 \103\AMB0074 DOC 8/22/01 ,,,.··· STA'fEOFWASHINGTON CO~T~:~5#1) . . ) ) ss. ) ii·. • .. .-tms ISTO.CEl~.::nFY that on the .,23_ day of .4 U q u.sl. 2001 before me, a Notary p11bhc'm arid for tne State.ofWash1ngtot1, duly conuruss1onel and sworn, came Virgmia Luck, persq11ally knti'Ytl or.,having·:pr~ted s~isfactory eVldence to be the mdividual descnbed in and who exe,<iuted the withm ms~ent, aii'd ~krt9i,y\edged that she signed the same as her free and voluntary !\Ct ;¢.d dee<).cfor ~e\1ses ruid,p)ifposef~q:em mentioned. WITNEss ~ k aµf ~fucial s~a~:ie iy and year m th•s certificate first above written. ·, ·· · ·. :-.. · •····-~,::~·i.lh ~/ ,[} ii J, )., ~ .......... ~ ........... ~ ......... ·...: ...... "' ... :' -----:fo ft'm:'R : HOLLY M. ROHR '.l .. i }'oiintNaiµe: 2~4· ~oh( : NOTARY PUBLIC :-i N\itary,Public tri at)dfor the : STATE O, WASHINGTON : State !)fW~hifiID{ln, fbsidjng,at ; MyComm,l("""""esFeb 01,2005: //i(tJ/ .{)I~ tn_,u, .. /411 iJ.:f,j . ... ~ .--:-. . ..... , ,. Exprration ))ate: (-fa, .. (Fl '@tJS:;' EASEMENT AGREEMENT -6 W \WPDOCS\33041,103\AMB0074 DOC 8/22!01 . ,· . .. ,,. ..... ClilCAGO'll!LE INSU!\ANCE COMPAtlY .. hafplaced ll\e·jlocumenl ol ··reiordas a ,11¢1omer.c_outlesy and !tt'l'ISJIO haM.1{yfor ., ... "'·· lhe 11W1rat) or val\111~ of:, lhfdocu~ent · ., . ... , .. , ....... ·,,,, .... / EXHIBITA Thai ~itlon of the follow mg de:icr1bcd property . . •' ·, /. Tho North 165 foot of tho South 495 foot ofllie Northeast Quarter of tho Southeast Quarter /'·cifSeciion 3, Township 23 North, Range 5 Eas~ Wlllrunette Meridian, Ill Kmg County, · Washthgt_c;»t;""··· · Tog'.~thei with .. ·· .. , . . :The . .N.Orth h~( of ~c N~ry.h half ~'fthc South half of the Nonheast Quarter of the · So)ltlieast Q'uaiter of S;t'ciion 3 .•. fownsh,p 23 North, Range 5 East, Willamette Mend tan, 1n;'K!hg 9'unty, w~;~1ngton/ __ .. , ._ ........... ,.,,:,. Eite¢pt t!Jat P.~rt100· t~eof de;~n~d as ~o11p,~s· -·Beg~nnui:g_J,i a pg:int 911 the. l'jo,t.ff hne,...of'sa_fd S~bd1vis1on which bears South 01 °25'02" West.633 38 fe~ and'Nort1i119°37~8;,,WCSI 3Q feet from the Ea,,t Quarter of said Sectl~n}~ _ ·· ,· . .. \ /: ;: . ···· " Thence Ji.rorth 87".n'JS.i°Wesfalong $aid lifl,e l25 feet, Thence South O 1.?25 102" Wen I 2'i 17 feet,} Thence South 87.'.~9'~" ~.St 12f fee.f; :." . , ···-. ,· ... , Thence North 01 °1S'.02" Etlst 12i 7'/ foetito 1he pomfofbegmp'rngj' All lymg easterly of the followink.4e~~~tl:~fd l1i::f. . . .t COMMENCING at lhe Northeat~-curOet:·oft~e South'hetf0fth'e Nocthe~t qud.rter of the So~!~teast quarter of said Section 3:/ ::. :.:. .,:. ./ / _,/ .,,·.• ... ,\.. :\,. Thi;tk:e North 87°37'38" West, a.long thO.Norilrlil\e of $aid North half, a d1$tance of ··., sefa.39 "re.i;t to the True Point ofBegmnin9, ,/ _./ /. ··),.,,;./ .. -.,\'. ·,:.,_ / } Thence sO~h 21°52'52" West, a distance Of:l~ . .20 fet\t; · ,, ...... , ·-· ·' _11 hen_l",;~ Sou~ 08°31 '42" East, a distance of20 35 fqet, .-· .-· The,ttc&Soutli 42°54'50" West, a distance of7 05 fC~t, .. ; Thcitce '~out~ 25°15'32" West 1 a distance of 9 82 feet/' Th~nce . .Sout4 65°29'00" West, a distance ofJl .15 feet, Thenct.South 12°101 41 .. West, a distance ot 29 24 feet 1 fheni SoqU\ l§..~4f30" East. a distance of43 66 feet; .'Theiic< Soulli,52"26')4" Ea,t, a distance of14 34 f .. t; ··'fkt'nce s"buth 46°48'4 Ii• Wost, a distance of 6.71 feet;. Thence:So:/ith op~~-'25~. West, a distance of37 .70 feet. ·::.., The11_\i S~uth {9°'2f'141 Eas.l.1-,~--~isfencc of55.64 feel, •· Thchce S!)uth.·43"il' 14" !;<it, , distance of 14.29 feet; Thence $:outli., 10~46 1 4_S1",.Eo.st, a d1stg,nce of3.20 feet; Thence S:«;lllth 20°0 l '}2~ We$f";·a d1sfance of21 40 feet, Thence sOuth 12°Jf>,-1&" Wist, ~',.dist8n~~ O{Jt 61 feet; Inence So\.llli Q_J_?;iO•f7'1 E_3st, a d.istA\nce of 4.98.feet to a point ot1 the South line of the North 165 feet of the $outb 495 feet of the .Nortb.·C8s( quarter of the Southe~t quarter of said Section 3 and the')ernlimii.of deitibC'd li11C, · . ',• . . EXHIBITB-1 ~p<>rttan of the following descnl!ed property: The N~;· 16S.feet ofth~-Soulli 495 feetof lhe Northeast Quartl'!'of the Southeast Quarter iof'Sect1gn}. T~shif23 Nor;tb, Range S East, Will&lllette Meridian, in Kmg County, :·· Washihgtqh; ) { 'i,: ..... ,j ,1'og~wi1b: :' / / \. · / .... ,_,':, · O ": Thc.No[lh half of loo Nort!fltalf of the $olilh.~alfof the Northesst Q"arter of the .. :--~tite~stQ~artetofSP'Clioo 3, Towiisfop'231'/orth. Range S East, W1Uamette Meridian. ·1n_ King C9unty;\V~],ingti>lJ; ) _ . '•-/ Excep1-tliat poiiioo Jhe~f bri!>~ ia fc,)Jows: Beginning at-ii poi\tl on the No¢> tll1' of :,aid subdivision whioh bean South O 1°25'02" West 633 38'.feet,lind Nlltlh 8?°37'311" w'cst ~Dmtfrom the Edt·Quarterof saKI Section 3; "· · ·' · · · · ' ·, :... .: : :· .· /·····.; All lymg westerly of the fol10W1J1g'desiribe4·11Jie ./ · / :· ;. ,_ ·=·.( COMMENCING at the Northeast comtr oft he South half onhc Northrisi'q~~ of the ' Squthe~t quarter of said Section 3; -:.__ · · '· ·-_. ,..-· · <.. . ... , , ·"-: f Thenoe N'Ol)h 87"37'38" West, alolll! the North.line ofi.aid'Nortii hal_f, ;j"distai\l:e of S82.39 feedo the True Pomt ofBcgummg; •-, ....... ·" / .-·· ,.:-'· ........ _ ... ,· c' -' Toeu<ie-Soulli:21°52'52" West, a distance of 16.20 feel,'. : -, .. " , · . Theitce Soutli 08°31 '42" Ea!i~ n dista11ce of20,3S feel:. ·-' Thencc.Sout1{42°54'50'' WC$!, a dis!anC<oof7 05 feel; ~nc~·Sou\h 25°15'32'' West,• di<lnru:eof<J 82 fut; ·Then_ce So1/lh 65"2~'0!)" West, a distanca of3 I IS feet; -Tui,nce Spotld:ZOl0'41'•_West. a distmaof29.24 feet; Thence $ouih I 8~4''.30" ·East, a digtance of 43.66 leet; Then<;e"s,;i,th S:2"2~34" ,East, a distan~e of 14,34 feet; --·Thcni:eSouth#6"43'41''.W~"a~of6.7l feet; Thence Sou1h06°»'25" w~ "dlsta®o of37.70feet; Thence S(lulh 1~21 'l,-41',t!ast,.ad••• of "°'64 feet; Tho11cc Soalh 43°01,'141' ~~ "d~noi: of-'14;29 f~ Thence Souti\'10946'4!1'' East, a di91anie ofJ.20 feet;. Thence South 20"01'32" W~11dlrtanc<iof21AO feei; CHICAG'o TiltE IN~n,. 'ICE COMPANY has place1l lhe oo,,,moll! ol record as a cuslomer co1J1lesy and accep~ no lrab1l11y for the accuracy or valrdrly ol lhe documenl Thcnoe Sou1h 12"36'16'' Wes~ &."diJ1aJ1CCof31.6l°fect;• . Thence South 07"20' 17"~~ adlstaiieof-4.98-feetlDa]IOint.i>nthe South line i;,fthe Norah 165 feet of tho Souch'49's'feet oftho:Nol'!fiwtqll4iter ohlio SO)llheasl quamr of said Sccboo 3 and the torminus of d<iocrlbcd'lnie; ·· · W \WPD0CS\33041'103\IIR1079 DOC 08/22101 08/22/01 .i . / ,..:. .. ,-._,) ,· EXHIBITB-2 / f .,,":.,• \· .:,, i; ,;, 1' / /" ·:,; .,.. .. j' ./ '·\ ._. .... ," ' ... , ::: :i -~ / .,)' HE 'NORTH $65 FEET ,tJF lHE 330'• FW. ibF THE NORTHEAST iu.a.RTER OF'' THEi soutHEAST OUARiE:R. OF SECTION 3k TOHNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE .5 EA.ST, ~ILL"iHEtfE ".'811DIAN, IN INS COUNTY, HASHINGTON; ;. , : .' .. .· EXCEPT COUNTY .. RQAOS • .' ' . ' .. -"" · AND LOT 2 AND THE EAST 164 FE!:T OF =i.oT/3, KINS: COUNri SHORT' PLAT NUMBER 4B6017 AS RECCl!lDEO~OE9 RECCllDING NUMBEII ~030SQ001 :~~e~~f1ED RECORDED UN ~~OR0I~.~U~I3ER;,S7~~:~~.5,c); r ·" j foGElHER . WITH THE FOLLOWIN6 DESCFII8EO···PROPERfY ltl'··ACCQROANl:!E i .'HITH DECREE GUIETING TITLE IN KIN6 ·couNTV SIJPE.RtOR COURT i . :' CAUSE .. NUMBER 86-2-22118-2 ENTERED ON MAAi::tt ,23.:; 1Sp7: .. ,, / ,' THi llES'f a.io. 60 FEET IF Tl£ SOUTH 390 PEE'f';-fme' .NORTHE/ISTi OU'il.RTER OF.' THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF' SECTION 3.', TOWNSHIP, '23c" IIIORTH/ RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN K ING .. COUNTY, : . IIASHlNGTON; t ,· .' .: ,:' :;. ,, .. ---,,, .. ,. ~ . ·.,,, .. ,.:' ..'" .. ,.EX<;!;PT T~,NORTH-165 FEET THEREOF: '·,ANO . / , El!CEPT ,THAT PORTION OF t. YING WITHIN THE SOUTH HALF OF TIE,, -" SOUTH .HALF Qf.,·'Tl:iE SOUTH HALF OF SAID SUBDIVISION: AND ' EXCEPT THALPORTIO[il THEREOF LYING WESTERLY OF THE NORTHERLY .EXTENSION OF A ·LINE L¥Itl'G· !64 FEET HEST OF ANO PARALLEL TO ri'IE EAST LINE .OF LOT/3 OF SAID KING COUNTY SHOflT PLAT NUMBER 496017;: ANQ / :' , · EXCEPT l::~UNt'f RO,~DS, .c' . . ·. ) , (ALSO KNOWN AS .. ·LOT AJ KfNG' .c()UIITV BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT APPLICATIOW~MBER S92L0103, RECORDEO.'UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 9209101022.) :· . ,, . ,. TOGETHER WITH AN ~,'.SEMENT:FOR ROAD ANO JrI(ITtES OVER THE ~~g~~Elh~ORTION OF L~J/1 AS D1SCL0SEQ ON Tlil:. FACE OF THE ' EXIDBITC Temporary Offsite Utility & Access Easemtnt for Stone Ridge . 'TI,e'Soui.h 20 feet 1>fthe North 165 feet 1>fthc South 495 feet of the N1>rtheast quarter of the Southeast quirter'~rse'i:t1<;m 3, TO\,.n,,l1.1p 23 North, Range 5 East of the Willamette Mend,an m ~ing Counfy,,Washmgton,o,lyi'!ts ,'ster1y,.\,f the followmg descnbed lme .. /) ,./ X" ) .. /··~ .··"/,/ ···'"'<'•, COMMENCING at the Norfh\last iiorner·~f the South half of the Northeast quarter of the .... ;So.iihea~t <1.!ikrter'ofslnd Se'it{1ti1.S, ... / /' \ Thence North ~.1°37?38" West', along''ihe N'.ort!J hne of said North half, a distance of 582 39/eet to·ihe True j/omt'qfBegm,!119g, '·/ Thence ·stftlfo 21°52'5t· Wesi, a c\is.tii~e of 16.20 feet, Thence South ~031 '(2" East, a \f1~'ce ~(20 35,.feet, Thence South 42°S4.ISO" West,i disranceiof;7:05 feet, Thence South 25°15'32" West(a d1Itanc~ or'9.82 feet,\ Thence South 65°29'oo·(we~t. a dist8JIC~;Of3 J.,'iS''.feet;: Thence South 12°10'41" West, ~·'d1stanc¢ oq9 24 fec,t/ Thence South l S°46'30" East, aaJStanco of 4) 66 feet,' . Then,;e South 52°26'34" East, a dis'ianci>of 1'4J4.,feet; .i Then~e• S.outh 46° 48 · 41" West, a d1stanc.i·,of 6. 71 f~et./ .Thence Solith 06°33'25" West, a d1stance6f3,7,70''fe¢i, · 11,em;e Sooth 19°21' 14" East, a distance of55 64 fett, Therice,SoutJ.1 43°0 l' 14" East, a distance of 14 29 feet;) Tb:ence.Soutlt 10"46'49" East, a distance of3 20 feet; Thence· Souih 20°01 ·3r West, a distance of 21 40 feet, . .'Thenie So)ith l.2•J6.' 16" West. a distance of 31 61 feet, , . . Th~nce Sf:iuth 07°20'17" East, a d,stance of 4 98 feet to a pomt on th~·Sotith line of the ·North 165 feet of the S<'!uth 495 feet of the Northeast quarter of the SouthtM{quarter of said Sootibn 3 ifud ihc te'nnmus of descr,bed hne . ,· . . . ·: ·······-·,·,,:,,. .. -· '" " ~ ; . . ... ··.f .{ .. _.(···, .. "•, ... ,·• ' South L1rf~ N \ 165 .. ;. ·, S 495·, f'l£J/4, ~E.1'/4,7)} Sec 3 •. T23N, R5E; WM · . ... -: .. ·• ·. -.... -. .;:._ . ·. . " -. · .. ; .... -...\ Sc a l,e, ·1,. · F 200 < ," NE cor. 51/2. ,.. ... NEl/4. SE 1/4: Sec 3, T23N. i R5E. WM . r ·· ... , " .. ···1· ... . .. ·.· .. \ ......... _ •':, ..... /'··.-.. , ~.,. .-!i 20 ie~poi'-ai;y1 ::2:_·· t · l···-....... . u_ t} l 1 ty .E:. A_ c_ te'SS-{ ,'. , 1 E.as-e·m.~nt .. , ... _ '·-... , ", .. · .d - EXlllBITD Temporary Offsite Utility & Access Easement for Stone Ridge (To Be Extinguished) The Sou1h 20.fe,if"of th-~'"North 165 .feet,i;,f the South 495 feet of the Northeast quarter of the : Sbutheiist qtiaiter ofS.ectici.n 3, TQivnshil),i23 North, Range 5 East of the Willamette Meridian m · ... King_Couiity{ Wa,shmgton,,iying''ea~I§ of t~.\'Jollowmg described lme •. · .. :COMMtNC~G~t ~. Nort~f~st-'~mer.irtiie .South half of the Northeast quarter of the ·, ., '". ) . ' .f' ' I ·' ,\ { Southeast quaritr ofsa1dSe'ttron 3; ;. .<. / Then~_North'87°3?'38/Wes\; along tlu,.N6rth line of said North half, a dlstance of 582 39 feeYro the TruePorntcfBeg,.rinJhg:'.' Thence South 2l0 52'S'2" West, a,d1sl:ll,nce pf 16 20 feet; Thence South 08°3.f.42" East, ~'distance hfzoj);" i'e·~, Thence South 42°54·50·•.,West{adJtan~ of7 05 feet,"'· "-/ Thence South 2S 0 15'32''·\¥0$!, a .d,stariceiof9 8'.fl'eet, : ., •·. Thence South 65°29'00" Wist, ld1stiinC.: of ll 15 ·teet;' o Thence South 12°10'41" West, ;,·d,:iian~e ofi9.24 feet, i' ]1,ence South 18"46'30" East, a d,sian~ of 43 -6~.feet, / Thence~uth 52°26'34" East, a distance"rif 14 34 feet{ !Thence So~th 46°48'41" West, a dostance ;;'fa6]1·-fee{, Th"Jl'<!' So~ih 06°33"25 'West, a distance of37 70 riet; ./ Thenc~•Sout.b 19°21" 14'" East, a distance of 55.64 feet;·,' Thence-'South 43°01' 14•· East, a distance of 14.29 feet; :rhencii South I 0°46'49" East, a distance of3 20 feet; r"'·•·· ·'''"··. .,,.,,. ···;· )Thernie So.Jth ;!Q0 0,\,'32" West, a dlstance of2 l 40 feet, . Th.ence S6uth 12°36;l6'' West, a distance of3 I 61 feet, . . ··thence.,S(!tith 0('.?20' 11'.' East, a distance of 4 98 feet to a pomt on the S~~ih.J1ne of the "lortll 'l 6{ fee~<>f tl;c S9uth 49~ feet of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quaner of · s&td Section '}' and:the \i>rn;uiius ·ofqescribed ltne Except tJw..t pcinl°on ~#t-1 bep li"sfo!l~s.. · . -~ '·,:-.' The West 3)'tfeet odhe 6st 496 f~~t 6fth.;' Smitb.10 feet of the North 165 feet of the South 495 feet oftl1e1"ortbeastqua~t ofthe S~uth,last quarter of Section 3, Township 23 North, Range 5 East ofthe W1ll11ff1et.ie M<,nd1in in,Kinil Countv Wash, ·. ,,,•' ,• ,• . ' '<I' - ~- ,,'° ·.-.L . ·.·, •. , ... ~ .. _ South Line N ···.J65 . .···-· -. S 495· .. NE1/_LI.·· S·E.1/ll.~.,/· Sec 3. T23N. R5E,_ WM· .... · · .. -. > ~ ~ ._ .. ·.-... .. .-. ·.· .. ·:-c.•.· • NE Cor. Sl/2. NE1/4. SE 1/"1, Sec 3, T23N. R5E. WM .···1····.·· •....• c·.C'.•.· .. • .. ··i··. ···-•, w L1ne, E "196 · . NE!/4. SE!/4. Sec 3. T23N. · .•. , R5E. WM -i.1 PortlO~ bf.._go · · :; 1 e.tnporary · .,. .... Easement tll_ "·· ... •.·,' .. be. ext rngu1sne'1 · ,:l;: E Lrne. W 317 . E SE 1/4, Sec 3. T23N. '.496 t NEl/4,---"--./ I"··, R5E .• /WM .._ •. · ·--..:.c Sea le: ::f·:··~ ·29ci'' · ..... ' EXIDBITE Permanent Offsite Sanitary Sewer Easement for Stone Rldge ·Toe,Wc,;13 l 7·tee\.of.tb,tEast 496 feet of the South 10 feet of the North 165 feet of the South 495 fe~ of I.he Northeast quart~r of the ~11111!,ast quarter of Section 3, Township 23 North, Range 5 East or'the W,llamette.Meijdr8l} i1i'Krng founty, Washmgton. :· .... '. .. = .. f .. <' > ) .. }~ '·!,) ........ )f ,,,,,,_ " " ,. l ,. "· NE'. Car, 51/2. -NE1/4. SE 1/4, Sec 3. T23N, RSI::. NM W L 1ne. E 496 NEl/<1, SEl/4, Sec 3 T23N. ... RSE WM :·.. ·. . .,! •. south une N i'B5:··. .. · 10 Perm-a~enf .... , ·!··1.:;: s 495 ·. NE f/4; .. SE 1; 4:·~ . San 1 tary Sewer " ··-1-. sec 3_ T:~N. {R.~~··: w~.. · · Easemerit · .. -~: :yf .::::· · · .. ·E L 1 ne. W 31 7 ', E 496', \NE 1 / 4'.. ··-.. / ,:,· SE l / 4 sec 3. T23N, RSC··.,J<iM '° ···-., Scale. r'\ = -~ .... ...p-... ··. >Aftef rJ~~fding return to· ·' : •: .,·· . J6~h£a LRosenitein /liANSON, l!Al{ER;LlJI?LOW DRUMHELLER, PS. 10777. Mairi Street'. Suite 300 Bellevue,/W ashlhgtQlf .. 980il4 ' . ·• ,• . ·' ·: .. LEGAL DESCRIPTION · ... PomonofNE\lofSEi4()1:'$ec 2S,T 23N iR SE WM ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NOS 032305-9014 032305-9.047, 0323os:91s9, 0~23JiS-9046 •. ME~6~JJM~~-,~~9;,~8~~;~ This_ MEfy!ORANDUM OF AGRE~~Nf 1s,to,provide •n?~-t!ia.t an Ag,ement Regarding Easemefitl;, dated ~,;/ (,-'·, ... i<;X'A ("Agieel)lent.).l)#s been,ex~Uted by and betwlien Richard A and~erly J Wolf (''Wol.f"),/owners of reaLprqj:,et:fy legally described on £xb,ibit A, attached hereto and incorporaied,;her~in {ihe)'Wqif ri°optrty"), and KBS Ill, LL C .. ; a )Vashmgton hlDlted liability company ait\i/ or·· 1is siicessor$ or assigns ("KBS''), \Ybich.is Ul)der contract to purchase the adjoimng reai'prop.~rtyo'legall)":described on Exhlbit B; alt!Ched.he~et6'ahd incorporated herein (the "KBS Properfy·"}' · ' · ··. Pursuant}~_cthe ~mis of the Agreement, Wolf has agreed to conve/an easement for sewer ahd an-ciseriient''for):onitrt1cttoh· of said sewer across the Wolf Property for the benefit of the KBS Propi,ty/._ The ~wer line ea!>Cment will be recorded concurrently with KBS's purchase of the Kll.S Prope~y ./I<IIS· lias agreed,0at upon closing of the purchase of the KBS Property, KBS wiit •CQ!I1Jli:ru(ate ,.Wolf'fQt _the ease111ent and mstall the sewer line. The Agreement imposes add1ttona( obl1ga,\ions on .. KBS, Wolf.and their respective heus, successors and assigns, and by Its ternis. and· hy,r~rding _6f tl):is .Memorandum runs with the land. Pursuant to the Agreement, if't:b/: KJ,S si:wef EaiemcnLhas.)1,ot _been recorded on or before December 31, 2004, the Agreement.'shallbe n~\!.iind _voi\l .:... < s, d dooull'ent(a) wtlfe flied 1111 record of Pec,fic Northwest TIii• • ..,..,,,,nniodst,on only II ha, nol been ....,,m,ood •• to proper execution "' • I!> ilO -upon tllle MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT [Sigmuare/i,.gefolli>W{i] ORIGINAL W \WPDOCS\330411105\RDM069l DOC 415/2004 i Pagel of3 pATED tins t,sf! day of_.,,_Ap,1="'_._( _____ , 2004 WOLF: ·.,· i ·~o.vt> MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT W\WPOOCS\33041\105\RDM0693 DOC 415/l004 KBS: KBS III, L.L.C. ember ighth St., Suite 100 Bellevue, WA 98005 ./ .-/ .::: / Pate 2 of3 ' STATEOF WASHINGTON . . CO~TY 6F iJNcj .• .. •, . ) ) ss. ) /'"I.fi: . .. . •/ :rins.is T~ 5iERTifY that on the ~ day of if?_A{$.?f' _i, 2004, before Ill", a No!/ll'Y Pubhc m and fqr the State of Washington, duly comD11ss10(].ed .JUld sworn, came K61qi Taylor,/aiMe)llber of KBS III, L.L.C., personally known or.<baving presented satisf'licl!>cy ... evidehce io 1,¢ the" in~vidiial described in and who executed the within instrument, and acknowledged tl:\at ~ si~ the same as his free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes the~in ilk:ntiqn¢. . .. · ·· •· ' . .:"··· .:· .• ·:. MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT W\Wl'DOCS\3l041\l05\RDM0693 DOC 41512004 j!i; . i!; ; t J?-·-··-·...... a ·· .. r lfl 11i ~ rrr 1r.·_·-_i1_. :11 ,~> i'i ~1/,i __ -.--~i·:_Ji,. a· ( 5'.. r a ~ > --.. -. I _ -.-.·-· ! · I _ ~ ·.. . l f "f }1 g r/ I.Jill"• ..... 1, f Et. .. .}f f ',/ i ill ,• !: ___ .1··-__ · __ a _J;ij:3i . .' Ir ~ fl ____ , __ ..,_·:_.:_:fa_. ·_·._i_.·_:>l_. __ i_ ----~ li '! !i! ~·'. -~-~si~i::ii Ii" o 0 ~ . ·.f i{~ ~ .., -· · • '"1 •1., -~ ... 5 ·.·.. ft !:I :,::2, 1· ( ... .-:11:I [=-( .... --.. , --,·-.. If") ~ 2.fif ·t·· ._ •. _. ,:'=.tCiEca.l .• < J->a·-.. . . . ... 2:'! I 21 " ::i, • , .. -• 2, °' :iii • ··-o,i·. • ---Y :; • ; ! ___ :::; __ tf ·-·-_·._·· I JIJJliJ, a.1. ____ .-:·---····_·_·.····-···1·-f·._··_··-. > ··--.. / f. itt \ttfi iii if::) :,tl)I !( i · #fl! it .. 1~i( ft :.11-.. l 11 ~ ;_._d !? f i!i_ ::, '._:_ i __ ·. ! .. ,r __ -__ ) it··'° I r ; °'It sta il:t .JJ ; "1R .. -f ··-·. °'·I: ··-........ ,~· .. < Jo ,. , · !i • Ii. [ ~ f ···-1-.:.-.,,. -r. l I. •. 8 " ... . -O w ,_.··-.-·•· = - "• •O • r'"(II . ,, .. . --- EXBIBITB LEGAL DE&:lllPTION or KBS PROPERTY \1111111111111111 20040924002!§80 CHICAGO T iTI.E MEIIO .' .· . PIIGEC.I OF ,1\e Joshua .R~enst~n :til4 ~i~h, WR .,/ HANSON BAKER-tUDJ.,OW DRUMHEL1.,i= t',;:s, tfurf Main Stn;et. Suite )00 / '; ijellevue; Wisltington ;980!)4/J ,.. / ,,•· A~er r~coi<.\i11~ return to: GRANTEE LEGAL DESCRIPI'ION .' ·······.-.'\.,;.,_ -· .. ,. ,· ~ .. ,, .. ,/'"''·;, . _.:-.i' THIS MEM()RANDUM OF AGREEMENJ· ··is .,to ptovide-ll()ij¢ that ~ii A;greement RegardiQg W:ater Line, Turnaround and Constructiqii ~as~ents . of ey~ /<lat¢' herewith ("Agretinent") has ~n executed by and between Richard A/ anfB;verly J.,:Woif ("Wolf"), owneii of feal property legally described on Exhibit A, attached herefo,andiincorporated hereifi (the "W6lf ~operty"), and KBS III, L.L.C., a Washirigton)imitecfliability company and/or its successors or iiiisigus ("KBS"), which is under contract to pur.ch(!Se tl;ie adjoining real property 'legally .!le.scribed on''Exbibit 8, attached hereto and incorporateq .herein (the "KBS Property"). · ·· ··· ·. · " Pursuant to th~ tt!hns)>fthe Agri:ement, Wolf has agreed to convey an easement for a water line, an easement' for;.fohstruttl\lII of sald-.water line, an easement for turnaround across the Wolf Property·ilad a-gerjera\constru¢ti9n eisell!ent for the benefit of the KBS Property. The easements will be recorded coqcurrently i,yith lffiS's purchase of the KBS Property. KBS has agreed that upon closing\>fthepi'u:chase gftht(KUS Property, KBS will compensate Wolf for the easements and install tlii::<.waq:;r ·line aIJd tupiaroi.md. The J\greement imposes additional obligations on KBS, Wolf and th~lr respecti~<,_ ljeirs; s11~ces~ors a~d assigns, and by its terms and by recording of this Memorandum ·runs w.ith the land('Pµrsuanffo. the Agreement, if the Easement has not been recorded on or befor~:.•Jim¢ 30, 2005 ,/the Agreement shall be null and void. '·· · · ·· · · ' :· W;\WPDOCS\33041\l05\JHC349S.D0C 6,'2412004 [Signature page follow$;] .. ·. Page 1 of 3 .,',' .· ;f ,. ··, .. ,.- .. • 1)1\TED this 4 day of~(}l~IIY\~~~------' 2004 . . wbtF: i W:\WPD0CS\3304l\l05\lHC34!)8.00C 6124n004 KBS: KBS III, L.L.C. Page 2 of 3 ¥em&;;;'i;d!1m ~f Aef~ent i •. ,/' .. : . '-~ . ,;.; STATE OF WASHINGTON . ·'. · cotJNTt·OF KING ·"' ' ·' ...... ) ) ss. ) /// T~,s !~TO CERTIFY that on the ~ f/Jlt day of cru,.,1£ , 2004, before ·· me, a .Notary l?ubl,ic·in· and for the State of ashington, duly commissioned and sworn, came ~ (4. J BiY6'J{!,J .r ·. !liJLf / , .. '?~rso~lly known or having p_r~ent_ed satisfactory e)'ldence• to.·be tht;-·tn!iiv1duljlstdescribed m and who executed the within mstrument, and ackrtowiedgei that they signcil the ,siifue .. .as· their free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purwses Thetein,foentfo~d. ? ,, .. / / ·'• _,: .•. -:,·/ ,/' .('';.,· ( WITNESS MY HAND ,and 'officiat,lieal mf day and year in this certificate first above written. =~-;;~Ii.~\'·,·./ ·· ·•/ ,,:· ,~?fr . ;~" ~\At;~, '',i ~it.i·~ > ' a. -i ~ · N~tary·Publi~ iii Md for the State of Washington, ~ ~~~· ~ J J f Residing at ·2{:J:(!K?~ , ~ ',~. ,,i.l ,----~G .! Expirati<>Q Date:' / /f--Jp ~/ •, ':: •1.:··. " ~, .... \,. ~ ..... - ,,,,, 4~'-0I'~" ---··.,. . ,, .. .... ..... ''""~·~,,, ST ATIIOF WA)HJ::rif GTON COVNTY'OFJGN<1 ) ) ss. ) . TIUS IS T6·2ERTIFf that on the :) f(llt day of CJ'uMfr. · , 2004, before me, a N,'otary fub)ic in and fof the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, came Kolin Taylor, ai: M¢m.be'i' of )IB·s··1u, L.L.C., personally known or having presented satisfactory evideµce 'tQ.be th,e" ihdivi\1Ual described in and who executed the within instrument, and acknowledged .. that he signed _the ~.ame as:·rus free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes thereiri"menti'o~ed . .,-· · · · · WITNESS MY HAN~ ;u;J ~fficial seal the day arid year in this certificate first above written ............ -.,,.,,,,,, · ·· /~/ ::· .·· ,/ ···. --SCHCJ. 1 1 •· ·' · ' . · •· ---8• ~ .. , .... \\ ~.>.'', '··.,, .... .-;· .: .. _,· . ·._. ~,:;, ml!? __ .,,, ~·, «'-,, . . . . :,.-···" . i : lA.~~1~'-p I~ · .. _ .. ~~ : f ~-'Iii~ : PJ,:intNai:ne:~1;;, ~ ~~ 1 : No~ l\lbl,ic in.,andforthe Sta,etlf•\.i'as.hington, ,, ..,,.\(I,~\" .-· R ~ Res1dmg~~ J<:#:/cM-,uJ· t,,,11 ··, ', •• · • -~G -E · · · 'n · .. ,-, '"' · ,11 ~ 11 ~· 0 ; ..,,,.Cl'-__-.: xp1ration ate: , ?S:c-/0'-0S-:::··.· ,, •·.,. \ ~-\\,,,,, ... , ... W:\WPDOCS\33c»t\105VHC3498.DOC 612412004 Page 3 of3 ( ( EIHlmA LEGAL DUCRIPI'ION OJ WOLr PROPERTY Tbe~ .. %~ttbelllll1beul.quwroftbeaoudieutqustero£Secdolll. Townsblp23 1JOi1b, R,qo, .. W:M., ~1Clna County, W•sbln&fOD; :· .:· ,,· ' . ;'. ,.. .. ,,_,· EXc8n.lhe 11«1bl96r.et~~,> \ ··:-..,, ...... / >/ .. /·'" .,,··· .. -;/'/:~ ·-:,.. ·:. , . .? ANDBXCBPT~roacl · S~TO.tu1~~~ndralricdot11111d,excepllouofNCOtd. ·: .... ,._, . AND :ai-a ... _.-.:.*.~~::.T'-.1'! .. :: ..... ··.:··· =.· ... ~ ... a,.:J;~.::-. , , .. 11imcta1a~orwt28!.,-N.to~~Pll1-ofbeai'nlnf /?> ., ~nartla 1'1"26 1 orW11111:zs "** .,: , .' ,,, ...... ,,~ ,.p;, / ,·· lhmctala12°33 52"wtl91ftltl·,,"··"· i ./ .·.'""· .... · • }'' .: : 11lmce -17"26'09" eat 125 feet; / / ,.:·· . . . . ' ,. .:n.e.2"33''2""""'191t'eetlOdaetnlli~C,hefJii,iJ1111 i ,imctBn'1111 IOlllla 30 feet tbereofllllGMd fbr IIINt; . ... . . AND iricCBPT.;,. 1!11-11, inl:hadlna-1111111 lroa, 11111 die~ ... aph)N 1br aacl " .. IIIDl!I ~-.-,~in deed hm N011ba Pacifc RailwayCaoiCWny 1'tCOlded undiir NCGl;lllqNo. 411167. ::·· :: _.,,· 1'00il'I1D!,ll-'1m ;,rea:;OJ!ll ti roed llld udllty purpoeea oa, cmr and uad« the IOUth 30feetd'lblaoc1h.1968illtoftbeweiit371,96re.eofdleeut401.!J6re.tofdie '. ~!4.(lfdit ~ %0/s.:tlali. 3, 'fC>Wlllblp 23 nmdi, Rlnal_,reut. W.M.; 5" .J, ~~ . ,,,.' EXBIBITB LEGAL DESCJUPrlON Oil' KBS PROPERTY . ~. •x~ of King Coulliy Bouruluy Line Adjustment I L00Ul089, u i , ieco~ under J9ns.fountY Recording No. 20020702900007. . . • J )QnS,,~~. WasbJniton ;' .. . .. ·t ···"'···,··,·. -~~ .. ~, ' \1[11111111111111 Filed at Request of 20050318000897 , . .. ' . CHICAGO TITU. TERl'I 22.00 · PAGE091 QF 004 Joshua Rosenstein 03/ l8/Ze0!v 11,:,p. ·· · KING COUN ,. , "" ''HANSON, BAKER, I:;UOLOW & DR~ r.;,. I0777Maiit Stre«; Suite 300 B.e11¢vue, wa~hlngt9n911001 DOCUMENT TITLE ,. REFERENCE NO, OF . DOCUMENTS ASSIGNEDl. RELEASED GRANTOR GRANTEE LEGAL DESCRIPTION ASSESSOR'SPARCEL NO. ent ·'Gailis S. !3Uld9n and Louile M. J3oxton;'kusband and wife Iql$ Devel · .· n: .i LotsX;.Y aru1z;King Co. BLA:'N~LOQL0089, Recording No. 200207029000\)7; Ll>ts 1, 2 and 3;-0fK,ing C<f Slilllt.Plat No. 51!,4:163, Rec. No. s1om l l 7~'Uit$ 1, 1.,/3 aQd 4 ,iKing Co.'$hort Phjt Ng, S84164, Rec. Nri,870923 tJ74;-'Lotir2 and '3,.afKuig drunty Sho\f Plat No. 778093 Rec. No,"7!l03290830: .... ·"" "' '" ..... ·' '' i / 0323059277" 'ftRMINATION OF EASEMENT AND HOOKlffeAGREE~,0 . ··_·.... <····.·@ \ , TIIlS TEllMINATION OF EASEMENT AND HOOKUP AGREE.Mm'IT is entered into this i?!:". .. ,day of __ /Mil/Cl:{_,···· .. , 2005, by Gaius S. Buxton and Louise M Buxton, husband and wife{"Bi1xt911") iµidKBS Development Corporation (''KBS 10 ) WHEREAS; ;~ 9~· rel~JpJ, (!~ Property") located in King County, Washington, legally described as follows: ,, / i i c Lots X, Y and Z f)f~'.CQhntyBoimd~ l:,hle Adjustment No. LOOL0089, recorded-under King County'Recof\iing No. 20020702900007; Situate(:in :rdng COllli.ty/W,~)pngto\)._ . . .. .. .. ;:-• . WHEREAS, Buxton owns real propei~;:(''I!uxthn I>ropetty"}·l~ted in the King County, Washington adjacent to the KBS Property, legally described a{followf W:\WPD0CS\2402l\008\JIR2378.DOC 3116/2005 1 ·•. r ~.. ' Lots l, 2 and 3 ofKing County Short Plat No. 584163, recorded under Recording Number 8709231179, in King County, Washington; Tpgether with Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 ofKing County Short Plat No. 584 l/>4;{!:COrded under Recording Number 8709231174, in King . torinty, W 1111hingt0I); ...... . . / r t ogdhd with ¥,rit~ 2 and 3 ¢.King County Short Plat No. 778093, .••• recordl!(i m1tieiJleco~Numb;ii-7.903290830, in King County, •:._Wiishihgt~. ,.-C' rJ:'/ .. , i·./ ... ~AS,~~rkt ,,~brtsJclµi~( egress and utilities over, under and across a portion of the KBS Property and t)ie BµxfoiiPflii,erty, respective!}'., were created as follows: ( a) Easeniifilt Jbr stotm watefdetenti,onli'ete,!ltion a.n4 or?inage, recorded under King County Recording No• 8605230992(the .JI3uxton Easement"), '.file Buxton Easement benefits the Buxton Property and burden!ia pjirtion qfthll KBS l,':rQperty; ,•,• . . . ;: ,;, .. ;. ·: .. · .. (b) Easement for stonn ,1~ dclertli~n/ret~ticlll allii dnrlbage, recorde4 µnder King County Re!;ording No. 8605230994 (the ''J(BS·e'asem~t")/ ~ KBS EasementbeJ?efits the KBS Property'lllld burdens a portion of the 8~on ffoperty; ··· i · · · · . ,• ··,,.,, ,., . . '\VHEBBAS, t.\le parties wish to expressly termina4, rclint'l~§h-a~ reconvey tli~ Buxton Easem¢nt 8J!,d th(\ KBS Easement as set forth herein; " ;'. <, -· · i _{ ·· .. / NOW, TlIEREFOJlE, the parties hereby agree as follows:'' · .... · :. ;" : ·" _ ........... , · ·... i. ·· / , ~ 6'fBuxton Easement. Buxton hereby relinquii/h_(,ls,,ltll ofits right, title 811d interest toJhe 8tixfon );asernent and hereby reconveys all of its right, 'title and interest in the Buxton Ease~t ti> KBS. .. .. . .•· 2. &f:oq~evanc_fofKBS Easement.. KBS hereby relinquishes all of its right, title and interest to the Ka S ~nt _;lrtd hel'.el.>y recoilveys all of its right, title and interest in the KBS Easement to BuxWti . · · .,. ·" · 3. Termination. Ex~ as expressly provided to the contrary herein, the Buxton Easement and the KBS Easemenbre·hereby t~ed and sblill cease to exist as to the Buxton Property and the KBS Property as of the date ofiliu:l,\ltion he~c,f. · 4. Sanitary Sewer and Gas Stubs:<At Slicli time as KBS-eoµstnii:ts a gas and sewer system within Lot Z ofKing County Boundary Lirie Adjustmlliit :No. r,i)oL00!!9';'fee(11'ded under King County Recording No. 20020702900007, KBS sh,n, at,KBS's ~le i;ost and expense, install a sanitary sewer stub and a gas line stub up to ten feet (10') onto.the Bux.ton Propetty for Buxton W,\WPDOCSl2402S\OOS\JIR2378.DOC 3/16/200l 2 . ,. .. •' ·;=,.i ·. -;._ i l,. to hook into said sanitary sewer system and said gas supply system, respectively. The location of the stubs shall be determined by KBS and agreed upon by Buxton. Buxton shall pay any hookup .• feefto.theJll?plicable municipality, but shall not be liable to KBS for any latecomer charges. , .. 5,. .. . . Storm Water Hookup. KBS has, at its cost and expense, hooked up the Buxton iProperty tojhe bYP!l!IS.$l9fID water system located on a portion of the KBS Property (the "Storm ..... , · Wate(Bypass Area'') 1ocatr4 on Lo1;~.lJl .. and 22 and Tract A of the Plat of Stone Ridge (AK.A. Windstor¥i,), Gitf ofllei1tonFili;J~i>. LUj\05001, which will be recorded in the King County R~rds/ Buxton, their suc'*'5~brs, heir.A an4.11$,signs, shall have the right to convey stonn water from th~ Buxt9n Propeity tliniµgh th6,Stqrfu Wilier Bypass Area, as constructed or reconstructed by KBs,···;1, successors anf as~gns, //''"' .,../ .,·. 6. Iiideqmifi.~ation. :~~·shall ~~fy and hold Buxton harmless from any loss, cost or damage directly re,ated . .fo an{de1µiln1fby .King County for any alteration to the Buxton Property and/or the adjace.rrt sfonn .deteJl(ioni,ond w)J.ich, ;Iteration is, 1,1 direct result of any alterations within the Buxto'lf Eas~men{area ml)de by KBS\ . / / ,. . ,· .• . .• ·, ... ; 7. Counterparts. ThisT~at\~~if~~t inay'he;~ecuted in any number of counterparts, which together shall constitµte a liinglt origiriai.. .· ·· ' ··::' . ,: .• ·\. KBS: :· . ·~. . ',," ~· :i" '· ~«f;-~ GAIUS S. ~UX'l'ON ·.· KBS oive.toPMElf.f com>oRA'tioN, a Washfuston i:oqiiir~i>n ./ / / •: .. ······.,,.~··· ... W,IWPDOCSl24025\008\JIR2378.DOC 3116/2005 3 .,i' '. ··=····"' \ STA'Jll OF WASHINGTON ) •COlriITYOFKING ~ ss. . / .··· / . ..-···.. 5}t / .·· TIDS rs to CERTIFY that on this __rr day of /JJIIK(II , 2005, before me, a Notaiy ,,J?ublic in'and for 1he State ofWashington duly commissioned and sworn, came Kolin Taylor, personally · known,br h,lving-j,reseitteo·satisfuctory evidence to be the President ofKBS Development Corporation, tlie cqrponitionJhaf executed tlie foreg6iii{(i11strument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and yi,luntary act.mid:.deaj ofsald co!J!6ration for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stat¢d that he ~ iiutbiirized t.6 execute 'ibe ,said·in,strument on behalf of said limited liability company. \WINllSS ~. · .. ··~.~. ~~-;~ .. -.. :.~. '~~·.:./~ y r in this certifi' cate first above written. --~~~~o~o'··'•, / > ./,~-~~ ;;~-~ -',,"w~{~'\, / ' ·,;,~Name:. . .,.. G~== ;; : ~Al;~~ f ~ . / ,:Notary ,Pub!1cJn and for11:ie ~ 0 ; '"' . ~. } ~ / state. ofW~ .. · :.~ n, re$idi .. 11g at ,~,.,--····~-· ~I. V ~-~$-,/ j . ~:.··· /f';; o-os ,, '•, 13 ~ _ .. . . · ... ,• , I J>. ,~ -.,._,, ',•,, .. ir ~!" ---- ,: ··:.,'_\\\,,,,, ......... STATEQFWASIDNQTON ) ) ss. COUNJ'Y OfKil'j'G .· ) ·.· ,· , , ii 1'¢·~ r~io qj,RTJFY that on the _rf day of /)?M_ CH :., ' '"'29'os,k,~re Jfi~, a Notary Pul)lic in ;ind for the State of Wasl)ington, duly corrnnissioned and sworn, came andGai,us S. Buxton and L<iujse M. Buxton, fui11band.;111d wife, personally known or having presented satiafuc19),j, evidence to be the in:dividuals d\1$Ctibed .m illld wijo executed the within instnnnent, and acknowledged that they signed the same·as.theif°fre,, andvo!\iDta& a<:truid·d~ for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. ,• ·: .t :' ,' .. W;IWF00CSl24<l25\0081JIR2378.00C 3/16/2005 4 -· 20050621002061.001 After recording return to: Joshua Rosenstein 111111111111111111 20050621002061 jljl~'Ti JJT~ AG :Z4 ,N 16/2il:ZN5 115:15:Z KING COUNTl I WI HANSON BAKER LUDLOW DRUMHELLER P.S. 10777 Main Street. Suite 300 Bellevue, Washington 98004 DOCUMENT TJTLE Memorandum of A ent I\ GRANTOR Llora S. Maertins, as Trustee ofLlora S. Macrtins Revocable Trust { (i um 3-14-0:5 GRANTEE KBS Dcvclnnment ration a Washinoton cnrnoration - LEGAL DESCRIPTION Portion of SE !.<I of Sec. 3, T. 23 N., R. :5 E. Wu. ASSESSOR'S PARC EL NOS. 03230:5-9021 , ~l l l.\ MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT [J) 0 3 sV h 1 I THIS MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT is to provide notice that an Agreement Between Neighbors of even date herewith ("Agreement") has been executed by and between Llora S. Maertins, as Trustee of Llora S. Macrtins Revocable Trust UID 3-14-0S ("Maertins"), owner of real property legally described on Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein (the "Maertins Property"), and KBS Development Corporation, a Washington corporation and/or its successors or assigns ("K.BS"), owna-of the adjoining real property legally described on Exhibit B, attached hereto and incorporated herein (the "KBS Property'~- Pursuant to the temis of the Agreement, Maertins has agreed to convey certain easements for access and slope and construction across the Maertins Property for the benefit of the KBS Property. The easements will be recorded upon the occurrence of certain events described more fully in the Agreement. The Agreement imposes additional obligations on KBS, Maertins and their respective heirs, successors and assigns, and by its terms and by rCCQnling or this Memorandum runs with the land. Pursuant to the Agreement, if the Plat of Windstone IV, City of Renton File No. LUA-04-13:5, SHPL-H ("Windstone IV"), which plat subdivides a portion of the KBS Property, has not been recorded on or before December 31, 2008, the Agreement shall be null and void and two of the Easements described in the Agreement and held in escrow shall not be recorded and shall be returned to Maertins. This Memorandum may be signed in any nwnber of counterparts., which together shall constitute a single document. W:\WPD0CS\2402S\Q04\J1R2411.00C 61!5/200S [Signature page follows.] Page 1 of6 Memorandwn of Agreement 20050621002061.002 DATED this /~ay of __ :J"li::....::....._('le' ___ ~ 2005. MAERTINS: KBS, ~~~ KBS Development Corporation, a Washington LLORA S. MAERTINS, as Trustee>ofLlora S. Maertins Revocable Trust UID 3-14-05 corporation. W;\Wt00CS\Mo2S\004\/lR24T7 .DOC li/15/200,'i Page 2 of6 Memorandum of Agreement 20050621002061.003 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) THIS IS TO CERTIFY that on th, /s,t't day of ;w..C , 2005, before me, a Notary Public in arui for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, came Llora S. Maertins, Trustee of Llora S. Maertiru Revocable Trust UID 3-14--05, personally known or having presented satisfactory evidence to be the individual described in and who executed the within instrument, and acknowledged that she signed the same as her free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. WITNESS.~~ and official seal the day and year in this certificate first above written. --\._G. Sc,,'•, ~~~ ./~-~--·· ,,;:i'o)J,,,;,~G,"'t,'i, : ~: ',,, ~ ~ Print Name::-~-<--cu'.,.._._.~S,"-~""!£'"',~---~ ! , ~ ~ ~ NotaryPubliciq<!.,ndfortheSt_aJ:eofWashington, $ \ f ; Residing at _,_K,.~~""'"J(UW,Nf'~;;'De..,.------- '1, \ "•,, •., ~·~.: f Expiration Date:. __ ~<L'--c,:__-"5='-------11 ~ •1,1,,,... .. ,.. : - 11 • o,.WA ,, ... ,,,,\\\\, ......... , STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) TIIIS IS TO CERTIFY that on this /,5°'1.yof ;,f(,(t(e , 2005, before me, a Notary Public in and for lhe State of Washington, duly conunissioncd and sworn, came Kolin Taylor, personally !mown or having presented satisfactQI}' evidence to be the President of KBS Development Corporation, the corporation that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation for the uses and pwposea therein mentioned, and on oath st.ated that be is authorized to execute the said instrument on behalf of said corporation W:IWPDOCS\2402.SI004\JIR.l41T.OOC ~11'11005 Page 3 of 6 Memorandum of Agreement J EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCR1PTION OF MAERTINS PROPERTY The North 677.44 feet of the West !Ii of the West 112 of the SE !4 of the SE !4 of Section 3, T 23 N., RS E., W.M., in King County, Washington; EXCEPT the West 130 feet of portion lying South of a line 339.5 feet South of the North line; EXCEPT that portion of said North 677.44 feet lying South of the following described line: Beginning at the intersection of the South line of the North 677 .44 feet with the East line of the West \.s. of the West 112 of the Southeast% of the Southeast 14 of said Section 3; THENCE N 87-49-08 W along s!lld South line a distance of 89.01 feet to the beginning of said line; THENCE N 67-07~S7 W a distance of 119.88 feet to intersection of the East line of the West 130 feet of the Southeast ~ of the SouthC11st ~ of said Se.ction 3, said intersection being tenninus of line; EXCEPT portion, if any, conveyed to James L. Dixon, et ux, by deeds recorded under Auditor File No. 6468344 and 7207120398; EXCEPT coal and mineral rights; TOGETHER WITH easement for ingress, egress and utilities by instrument recorded under Recording No. 7609140487; SUBJECT TO easements, reservations, restrictions and rights of record, if any. Page 4 of6 20050621002061.004 W:\WPDOCS\1A02.S\OOIR24TI .DOC i,mnoos Memorandum of Agreement EXHIBITB LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF KBS PROPERTY Lot X, Lot Y and Lot Z of King County Lot Line Adjustment No. Ll.0089, as filed under Recording No. 20020702900007, records of King County, Washington. AND Lot 1, King Cowity Short Plat Number 486017, recorded under Recording Number 8703039001, and amended by Affidavit of Correction recorded under Recording Number 87062609SO, in King County, Washington. being a portion of the South half of the South half of the South half of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 3, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, Willamette Meridian., in King Ctlunty, Washington; TOGETIIER WITH the following described property in accordance with Decree Quieting Title in King County Superior Court Cause Number 86- 2-22118-2 entered on March 23, 1987: The South 330 feet of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 3, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, Willamette Meridian, in IGng Cotmty, Washington; EXCEPT the West 840.50 feet thereof; and EXCEPT the North 165 feet thereof; and EXCEPT that portion of lying within the South half of the South half of the South half of said subdivision; and EXCEPT County roads. AND A portion of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 3 Township 23 N, Range 5 East, W.M. in King County, Washington; BEGINNING at the South~st comer of said Section 3; Thence Northerly 65 .00 feet along the East line of said Section 3; Thence North 87°491()8" West 670.20 feet; Thence South 01 °25'02n West 65.00 feet to the South line of the Northeast qmrter of the Southeast quarter of said Section 3; Thence Easterly along said South line 670.20 feet to the Point of Beginning; Situate in King County, Washington. Page 5 of 6 20050621002061.005 W:IWPDOCS\l4025\004I.IIR2477 .DOC 6115/2005 Memorandum of Agreement --- AND Lot 3 of King C'.ounty Short Plat Number 486017, recorded under Recording Nwnber 8703039001, and corrected by Affidavit recorded under Recording Number 8706260950, together with the West 428.00 feet of the South 330 feet of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 3, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, Willamette Meridian, in King County, Washington; EXCEPT the North 165 feet thereof; EXCEPT that portion lying within the South halfofthe South halfofthe South half of said subdivision and EXCEPT County roads; IN ACCORDANCE with Decree Quieting Title in King County Court Cause Number 86-2-22118-2 entered on March 23, 1987: EXCEPT the East 164 feet of said Lot 3; (BEING KNOWN AS Lot 3 of King County Lot Line Adjustment No. S92L0I03, recorded under Recording Number 9209101022, and other property.) Page6of6 20050621002061.006 W:\WPDOCSl240!~VIR2471.D0C 6/IS/l(l()j Memorandum of Agreement 20050915000018.;;;; Filed at Request of: Joshua Rosenstein HANSON BAKER LUDLOW DRUMHEI 10777 Main Street, Suite 300 1111111111111111 20050915000018 Bellevue, Washington 98004 ZiND DRAKE EAS 43.19 PAGEeet OF 112 ea,1s,zees e&:33 KING COUNTY, YA DOCUMENT TITLE Declaration of Sewer Easement REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENTS ASSIGNED/ N/A RELEASED GRANTOR Richard A. and Beverlv J. Wolf, husband and wife GRANTEE KBS Ill, L.L.C .. a Washington limited liabilitv company LEGAL DESCRIPflON Portion of NE \4 of SE 1A of Sec. 25, T. 23 N., R. 5 E., W.M. ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NOS. 032305,9014; 032305-9047; 032305-9159; 032305-9046 DECLARATION OF SEWER EASEMENT 'fl. THIS DECLARATION OF SEWER EASEMENT (the "Declaration") is executed this ~ day of j,:/ , 20.!J_, by Richard A. Wolf and Beverly J. Wolf. husband and wl ("Wolf"), and KBS III, L.L.C., a Washington limited liability company ("KBS"). RECITALS WHEREAS, Wolf is the owner of certain real property legally described in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein ("Wolf Property"); and WHEREAS, KBS is the owner of certain real property legally described on Exhibit B attached hereto (" KBS Property"); and WHEREAS, the Wolf Property is adjacent to the KBS Property; and WHEREAS, KBS desires a Sewer Line Easement over the Wolf Property to further KBS's planned development activities; and WHEREAS. KBS intends to construct and install a sewer line that will benefit both the KBS Property and the Wolf Property within the sewer easement area; and DECLARATION OF SEWER EASEMENT W ,I WPDOCS\33041 \ t 05\RDM0694.D0C 412/04 ORIGINAL Page I of 5 2005091500001 R,:,-, - WHEREAS, Wolf is willing to grant a Sewer Line Easement on the terms and conditions contained herein; AGREEMENT NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises contained herein, and the mutual benefits derived therefrom, the undersigned parties hereby agree as set forth herein. I. Grant of Sewer Rawment. Wolf hereby declares, grants and dedicates to KBS a m:mexclusive easement ("Sewer Line Easement") over, under and across that portion of the Wolf Property legally described in E:dtibit C, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference ("Sewer Line Easement Area"), for the purposes of construction, installation, maintenance, repair, and reconstruction of a sanitary sewer line, together with reasonable access to and from the KBS Property for said purposes. KBS may further grant to any person or persons the right to use the sewer line, as long as such use will not cause the sewer line capacity to be exceeded. The Wolf Property is the burdened property and the KB S Property is the benefited property. The Sewer Line Easement shall automatically terminate at such time as an easement for the sewer line is dedicated to a public entity. Upon request from KBS and/or the appropriate municipality, Wolf shall execute and deliver such documents as are reasonably required by the governing municipality or other public entity to effect such dedication. 2. Grant of Construction Easement Wolf hereby declares, grants and dedicates to KBS a temporary nonexclusive easement ("Construction Easement") over and across that portion of the Wolf Property legally described in Eibibit D, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference ("Construction Easement Area"}. The Construction Easement shall be for the purposes of construction and installation of the above-described sewer line, including but not limited to the right to bore test boles for necessary soils evaluation, together with reasonable access to and from the KBS Property for said purposes. The Wolf Property is the burdened property and the KBS Property is the benefited property. This Construction Easement shall automatically terminate upon the earlier to occur of(!) completion of the sewer construction and installation described herein and acceptance by a public entity, or (2) December 31, 2007. 3. Payment for Initial Construction of the Sewer Line. KBS shall pay all costs and expenses to design, engineer, permit, construct and install the sewer line, including appurtenances thereto, within the Sewer Line Easement Area, in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the appropriate municipality. In addition, KBS shall, at KBS's sole cost and expense, install three (3) sewer stubs for the benefit of the Wolf Property. Wolf may designate the location of the sewer stubs. KBS construction of the sewer line shall be done in a workmanlike manner, and KBS shall use reasonable efforts to disturb the Wolf Property as little as possible. KBS shall be responsible for the removal of any tree debris and stumps within a reasonable time of clearing trees within the Sewer Line Easement Area, except that an · er from trees fallen as a result of the construction of the ~ewer line shall be all belong to Wolt .f-c: '1 r .+:r4TI tUV:,1H:> Or 3 J "{fa'T J C?e Ui"'y( ;J DECLARATION OF SEWER EASEMENT W:\WPD0CS\J304l\l05\RDM0694,00C 4/8,0f. I ,;.P,f ~,~o Page 2 of5 200509150000111 • -:- 4. Payment for Maintenance of the Sewer Line. After the initial construction of the Sewer Line and until such time as the sewer line is dedicated to a public entity or until a public entity otherwise assumes responsibility for maintenance and repair or the sewer line, if ever, the present and future owners of the KBS Property shall pay all of the costs and expenses of operating, maintaining and repairing the sewer line within the Sewer Line Easement Area, except that Wolf shall pay all of the costs and expenses of maintenance related to any hook-ins to the sewer line which exclusively serve the Wolf Property. During such period, KBS shall have the sole and absolute discretion to decide the manner in which the sewer line will be maintained, repaired, rebuilt or otherwise improved. After the sewer line is dedicated to a public entity or a public entity otherwise assumes responsibility for maintenance and repair or the sewer line, KBS shall not have any further responsibility to pay any costs or expenses of operation, maintenance, repair or reconstruction thereof. 5. Wolfs Right to Hook into Sewer Line. Subject to development, construction and other regulations established by the applicable municipality, Wolf shall, at Wolf's sole cost and expense, have the right to hook into the sewer line to the extent necessary to provide sewer service for up to three (3) single family residences. Any such hook-ins shall be installed in such a manner as not to interfere with sanitary sewer service to the KBS Property, and shall be designed, installed and constructed in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the appropriate municipality. Wolf shall not be liable to KBS for any late-comer fees. 6. Restoration. If the land in the Sewer Easement Area is disturbed or damaged by either KBS, or their agent(s), then KBS, or their agent(s), shall restore the disturbed or damaged land to a condition reasonably approximating its condition prior to construction and shall pay all the costs and expense of such restoration; provided, however that KBS shall not be responsible for replanting any trees and shrubs other than as required by the municipality with jurisdiction over the project. 7. Improvements on Wolf Property. Wolf may not construct new surface or sub- surface structures within the Sewer Line Easement Area without the prior written consent of KBS and the governing municipality, as applicable. Wolf shall have the right to construct new surface or sub-surface structures within any portion of the Wolf Property outside the Sewer Line Easement Area, provided such construction does not interfere with the use of the Sewer Line Easement Area. 8. Attorney's Fees. In any dispute arising from or related to this Declaration, the prevailing party shall be awarded its reasonable attorney's fees and costs, whether such fees and costs are incurred before, during or after trial, or on appeal. 9. Scope of Easement and Restrictions Created Hereby. The Wolf Property and the KBS Property are hereby subjected to the provisions of this Declaration and shall hereafter be owned, occupied, leased, mortgaged, sold or otherwise transferred subject to and together with the covenants, easements and restrictions set forth herein. All of the provisions hereof shall be deemed to be covenants, easements and restrictions running with and appurtenant to the Wol( DECLARATION OF SEWER EASEMENT W:\ WPDOCS\330'1\ I 05\RDM06!>4.DOC 4/2104 Page 3 ofS 20050915000018.:: Property and the KBS Property, or as equitable servirudes, as the case may be, and shall benefit and burden the Properties and shall be binding and enforceable against the successors, assigns, heirs, personal representatives, transferees, mortgagees, grantees and tenants of the Wolf Property or the KBS Property, and all subsequent owners of the Wolf Property or the KBS Property. I 0. Notices. Any notice required hereunder shall be deemed to have been given by one party to the other upon its having been personally delivered or served upon such other party or upon the date of its mailing by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the other party at his, her or their last known residence or business address. 11. Severability. If any part of this Declaration, or any part of any provision hereof, shall be adjudicated to be void or invalid, then the remaining provisions hereof not specifically so adjudicated to be invalid shall be effective and valid without reference to the part or portion so adjudicated. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned parties have set their hands as of the day and year above first written. WOLF: ~{!L1 ·iu ~- BEYERL Y ~ '4f/- DECLARATION OF SEWER EASEMENT W,IWPDOCS\33041\1051RDM0694.D0C 412/04 KBS: KBS Ill, L.L.C., a Washington limited liability company By ;(kl~ 'lin Taylorrnber Page 4 of 5 20050915000018. ,:~.:· STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) THIS JS TO CERTIFY that on this __t;;!!-c1ay of l!-/'d2., , 20~, before me, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, came Kolin Taylor, personally known or having presented satisfactory evidence to be a member of KBS IU, LLC, a Washington limited liability company, the limited liability company that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said limited liability company for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he is authorized to execute the said instrument. WIT~~S-MY, Jlf ND and official seal the day and .-~ .ci. e. sc.,.'o,, ~ -~V' ,, ....... ' '7'G, ,, -;;'!If'. •t. "" ... ..... ~, v~ ', {~! R .. \~ ~ ~ : : ' ' -~ ', ~ "•• .. ,a ..... -· .... ~ : 't "fA i,,,"\'"~"""""' _.0 _: ' rr r.f'' -'•, Op WA!M~ ,,-· \, \ ....... STATE OF WA~tfINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) THIS IS TO CERTIFY that on the /) !lf. day of ,ff'RJ:2, , 20 ~. before me, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, came Richard A. Wolf and Beverly J. Wolf, husband and wife, personally known or having presented satisfactory evidence to be the individuals described in and who executed the within instrument, and acknowledged that they signed the same as their free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. DECLARATION OF SEWER EASEMENT W,IWPDOCSl330411105\RDM0694.00C 412/04 Pages of S AND AND 2005091500001"_·:··:·· EXHIBITA LEGAL DESCRIPrION or WOLJ PROPERTY The nor1h % oftbe IIOl'lbcul quarUr oflbe IOUlheut quarter ofSIC!ioa 3, Towmhip 23 DOl1h, Rqe 5 east, W .M., in Kins County, Wubfnston; EXCEPT Ibo north 396 &ct theftof, AND EXCEPT county road SUBJECT TO eelC!DC'lrtt, raeMlionl 111d remictiom 111111 exceptiom of record. The nor1h I 91 foct of the west S62 foct of die eat 156.06 feet of the DOrtbeut quarter of the aoutbeut qmrmrofSectioa 3, TOWlllbip23111111h, Raqe 5 eat, W.M., in KJna County, Wnblnatc,a; EXCEPT the eat 210 feet tbereof, AND EXCEPT that pordoa, iflll)', lylq within tbe Plat of Cottom 01111, .-dins to tbe plM thmofrecxmlcd ill Volvm186 ofl'llll, pqe 96, In Kins COllllty, WelhJolfOD Bqhmlq It tbe IOlltbeut comer of tm lOlllh 191 felit of tbe IIOl'lla 396 &ct of tbe nartbeul 14 of tbe IOUlbeMt ~ of Socdoa 3, Towmblp 23 ~ Rlntq(11111, W .M.: Tbeace north 17"26'0l" wat 213.96 felit lO die true pold ofbesla~ Tbeace north 87"26'08" welt 125 re.t; Tbeace north 12°l3'52"wat 191 feet; Tbaicc IIOldh 17"26'0&" eat 125 feet; Thence IIOlllh :z-33'52" wt 191 feet to die 1n1e point ofbeslonioa; BXCBPT die IOUdl 30 feet thlreof merved for IINet; AND EXCEPT ell mlaarala, inclndln1 coal 111111 am, 111111 the riaht 10 mcploni for amt mim Ibo Nmt a excludod in deed &om Northern Pllllific Railway ComPIII)' r--i wider recordfna No. 411867; TOOBTIIER wrrH een!MDI for road 111d utility pmpow on, owr 111d under lbe 111111b JO feet ordie north 396felitoftbe wat 378.96 feetofdieeut40l.96 feetoftbo northeaaa ~ of lho Mlllleat ~ of Section 3, Township 23 DOl1h, R.11J81,(' ea1t, W .M.; 5"" Situate la die Coumy ofJCina, Sratc ofWuhlngtao. EXHIBIT A ( ( EXBIBITB LEGAL DESCRIPrION OF KBS PROPERTY Lot "X" of King County Boundary Line Adjustment# LOOL0089, as nicorded under King County Recording No. 20020702900007. Situab:: in King County, Washington 20050915000011'1::··_· c.. Emlblt'l\ Lepl Desertptloa for Sankary Sewer Line Ac.-die Well Propertlel 2005091500001~.:- That portion of the following deacribed properti,ai: AND AND The north~ of tho northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 3, Towmhip 23 north, Rmge S east, W.M., in King County, Washington; EXCEPT the north 396 feet theMof; AND EXCEPT county road SUBJECT TO easements, reservatiom 811d restrictions and exceptions of rocord. The north 198 feet of the west S62 feet of the east 856.06 feet of the nortboast quarter of the southeast quarts of Section 3, Towmhip 23 north, Range S east, W.M., in Kins County, Wt,Sbington; EXCEPT the east 210 feet theniof, AND EXCEPT that portion, if any, lying within the Plat of Cottom Olai, acoording to tho plat thereofIOllOl'lled in Volume 86 of Plats, page 96, in Kins County, Washington. The south 198 feet of the north 396 feet of the northeast \4 of the southeast \4 of Section 3, Township 23 north, Range S east, W.M.; EXCEPT the following descn"becl property; Beginning at the &0uthcut comer of the 90U1h 198 feet of the nmth 396 feet of the northeast 14 of the southeast \4 of Section 3, Towmhip 23 north, Rmge S east, W.M.; thenco north 87°26'08" west 283.96 feet to the true point of beginning; thenco north 87°26'08" west 12S feet; thenco north 12°3 3' S2" west 198 feet; thaK:e IIOUlh 87°26'08" east 12S feet; theace south2"33'S2" we,t 198 feet to the true point of beginning; EXCEPT the south 30 feet thcreof .-ved for Sired; AND EXCEPT all miDerals, including a>al and iron, and the rillht to ciq,lon for and mine the same as a.eluded in deed from Northern Pacific R,ilway Company recorded llllder recording No. 411867; fl a_ W zl-;..t/ ~ Page I of2 '¥ ~;;'f/i,S' 200509150000111-:-:. TOOE1HER. WITH easement for road and utility pmpoaes on, over and 1lllder the south 30 feet of the north396 feet of the west 378.96 feet of the east408.96 feet of the oortbeast l4 of tho southeast 14 of Section 3, Township 23 north, R.ange S east, W.M.; Situate in the County of King, State ofW asbington. Lying in a strip ofland 20 feet in width being IO feet on both sides of the following described centerline: Commencing at the southwest oomer of the north 396 feet of the northeast l4 of the soutbcut l4 of Section 3, Towmhip 23 north, R.ange S east, W.M.; thmce South 87°37'38" East, along tho south line of said north 396 feet, a dilllaDCe of S77. l 8 feet to the Tne Point of. Bepmbia; thmoe North 10011'10" West, a distance of60S.17 feet to the center of an existing sanii.ry sewer manhole; · thence North 4°01 '38" East, a distance of 48.2S feet to the center of an existing Slllli1ary sewer manhole and the terminus of centerline easement. Sidelines should be extended and/or ttuncated to Intersect at property line and intcnections. Si~ in tho City ofRcnton, County of King. State ofWubinaton- ~ClLV 'b / d-f / v( w ~1~)"5 Page2 of2 1 . I i ' SCA.LE: l ":::,100· ( ( Lepl DacriptiOll lar Temporary Comtnadioll Easement for Sallitary Sewer Lille 2oosos1soooo1a.ui That ponion of the following described properties: AND AND The north~ of the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 3, Township 23 north, Range S east, W.M., In King County, Washington; EXCEPT the north 396 feet thereof; AND EXCEPT county road SUBJECT TO euements, rcservationl and restt:ictiOIIJ and exceptions of m:ord. The north 198 feet of the welt 562 feet of the east 856.06 feet of the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 3, Township 23 north, Rqe S east, W.M., In King County, Wuhinston; EXCEPT the east 210 feet thereof; AND EXCEPT that portion, if any, lying within the Plat of Cottom OICD, accordiq to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 86 of Plats, page 96, In Kins County, Washington. Beginning at the southeast comer of the south 198 feet of the north 396 feet of the northeuc Y. oftbe southeast Y. of Section 3, Township 23 north, lunge~ W.M.; Thence north 87"26'08" west 283.96 feet to the true point ofbeginnina; Thence north 87°26'08" west 125 feet; Thence north 12°33'S2" west 198 feet; Thence south B7"26'0r eut I :8 feet; Thence south 2°33' S2" west 198 feet to the true point ofbeginnillll; EXCEPT the south 30 feet thereof reserved for street; AND EXCEPT all minerals, includlna coal and iron, and the right to explore for mcl mine the same u excluded in deed from Northern Pacific Railway Company recorded under n:cordiD& No. 411867; TOGETHER WI1ll easement for road and utility pwposes on, over and under the south 30 feet of the north 396 feet of the west 3 78.96 feet of !he eaat 408.96 feet of the northeast Y. of the southeast Y. of Section 3, Township23 north, Range,8"east, W.M.; S' Situate in the County of King. State of Washington. EXHIBIT D 2oosos1 soooo1 s.u·i. ( Lying in a strip of land 40 feet in width being 20 reet on both sides of the following described centerline: Commencing at the SOU!hwest comer of the north 396 feet of the northHst Y. of the southeast Y. of Section 3, Towmhip 23 north, Range~ W.M.; thence South 87°37'38" Eut. along the south line of said north 396 feet, a distance of 576.86 feet to the True Polal of Bectnnln1; thence North 09°07'01" West, adlstanceof661.9B feet to the tenninus of centerline easement.. RETURN ADDRESS: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, Washington 98055 20051020000338.:: RIIIIIIIIIIIIII 20051020000338 CITY OF RENTON COY 69. ee PAGE001 OF 038 10/2e/zetl5 19:37 KING COUNTI, 11A DECLARATION OF PROTECTIVE COVENANTS FOR THE PLAT OF STONE RIDGE (A.K.A. WINDSTONE) DOCUMENT TITLE Declaration of Protective Covenants for the Plat of Stone Ridge (a.k.a. Windstone) REFERENCE NO. OF N/A DOCUMENTS ASSIGNED/ RELEASED GRANTOR KBS Develomnent Corooration GRANTEE City of Renton The Public LEGAL DESCRIPTION ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. ; 032305-9046; 032305-9034; 032305-9033; -032305-9042 ARTICLE I 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 ARTICLE2 ARTICLE 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 ARTICLE4 4.1 4.2 ARTICLES 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 ARTICLE6 6.1 DECLARATION OF PROTECTIVE COVENANTS FOR THE PLAT OF STONE RIDGE (A.K.A. WINDSTONE) TABLE OF CONTENTS DEFINITIONS Association Association Action Board Building Common Area Declaration Developer Lot Lot Owner Map Member Participating Builder Property PLAT OF STONE RIDGE (A.K.A. WINDSTONE) PHASED DEVELOPMENT Subsequent Development Consent to Adding or Subtracting Properties Rights and Obligations No Requirement to Include Additional Properties DEVELOPMENT PERIOD; DEVELOPER'S RIGHTS DURING DEVELOPMENT PERIOD Development Period Developer's Authority During Development Period WINDSTONE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION Establishment Voting Proxies Adoption of Bylaws and Amendments Initial Board of Directors Management Agreements MANAGEMENT OF COMMON AREAS Control 200510200003.'IR. ,:,;,. 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 9 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 13 W:1WPDOCS\24025\007\JlR234o.DOC 91612005 Declaration of Protective Covenams for Windstone 6.2 6.3 6.4 ARTICLE? 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 Goods and Services Additional Properties Dedication to Governmental Entities PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THE COMMON AREA Association Control of Common Area Restrictions on Use of Common Areas Other Restrictions Association Responsibilities 13 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 ARTICLE 8 COVENANT FOR ASSESSMENTS 16 8. l Creation of Lien and Personal Obligation of Assessment 16 8. 2 Purpose of Assessments 17 8.3 Initial Assessment 17 8.4 Annual Assessments 18 8.5 Estimated Assessments 18 8.6 Payment By Owners 19 8. 7 Record of Assessments 19 8. 8 Special Assessments 20 8.9 Uniform Rate of Assessment 21 8.10 Default in Payment of Assessment-Remedies 21 8.11 Foreclosure of Assessment Lien; Attorney's Fees and Costs 22 8.12 Homestead Waiver 22 8 .13 Curing of Default 23 8.14 Continuing Liability for Assessments 23 8.15 Exempt Property 23 8 .16 Rights of Board -Waiver of Lot Owners 23 8.17 Subordination of the Lien to Mortgages 24 ARTICLE 9 ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL AND BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION RESTRICTIONS 24 9. l Establishment 24 9.2 Design Review Committee 26 9.3 Submission of Plans 26 9 .4 Approval of Plans 27 9.5 Criteria 27 9 .6 Effect of Committee Approval 28 9. 7 No Liability 28 9.8 Size 28 9.9 Building and Construction Restrictions 29 9.10 Conduct of Construction 33 ARTICLE 10 EXTERIOR MAINTENANCE 34 W: \ WPD0CS\24025\0071JlR2:l4li. DOC 916/2005 ii Declaration of Protecti\'e Covenants for Windstonc- IO.I Lot Owners' Obligations 10.2 Trees 10.3 Color Approval 10.4 Roof Approval ARTICLE 11 PROPERTY USE RESTRICTIONS 11.1 Business and Commercial Use of Property 11.2 Signs 11.3 Parking Certain Vehicles 11.4 Motor Vehicles 11.5 Nuisances; Hazardous Activities; Lighting 11.6 Animals 11.7 Trash Disposal 11.8 Unsightly Conditions 11.9 Antenna 11.10 Storage 11.11 Machinery and Equipment 11.12 Oil Drilling, Etc. 11.13 Development Activities Exempted 11.14 Violations ARTICLE 12 EASEMENTS 12.1 Easements 12.2 Maintenance of and Restrictions on Easement Areas ARTICLE 13 GENERAL PROTECTIVE COVENANTS 13.1 Partition 13.2 Subdivision or Combination 13.3 Leases 13.4 Mortgagee Protection ARTICLE 14 INSURANCE 14.1 Liability and Hazard Insurance 14.2 Building Insurance 14.3 Common Area Repair and Replacement 14.4 Building Repair and Replacement ARTICLE 15 ENFORCEMENT 15.1 Rules and Regulations 15.2 Enforcement 15.3 Remedies 15.4. Waiver 15.5 Costs and Attorney Fees Wc\WPD0CS\24025\007\JJR234'3.D0C 916/2005 iii 20051020000338.:: 34 36 36 36 37 37 37 38 38 39 39 40 41 41 42 42 42 42 43 44 44 48 49 49 49 50 50 52 52 52 52 53 53 53 54 54 54 55 Declaration of Protective Covenants for Windstone 20051 Q200QQ~~I'!. ::::_:· ARTICLE 16 AMENDMENT OF DECLARATION 55 16.1 Developer's Reserved Rights 55 16.2 Amendment by Members 56 16.3 Amendments Affecting Maintenance or Operation of Common Areas 57 16.4 Power of Attorney 57 ARTICLE 17 LIMITATION OF LIABILITY; INDEMNIFICATION 58 17. I Limitation of Liability 58 17.2 Indemnification 58 ARTICLE 18 GENERAL PROVISIONS 60 18.1 Term 60 18.2 Subordination 61 18.3 Notice 61 18.4 Examination of Records 61 18.5 Severability 62 18.6 Gender 62 18. 7 Headings 62 W:\WPDOCSl24025\007\JIR2346.DOC 9/6/2005 iv Declaration of Protective Covenanrs for Windsrone DECLARATION OF PROTECTIVE COVENANTS FOR THE PLAT OF STONE RIDGE (A.K.A. WINDSTONE) 200510200003311 ·:··:·· This Declaration of Protective Covenants for the Plat of Stone Ridge (a.k.a. Windstone) (this "Declaration") is made this ..l.Sf!!day of 5e-ft'h:'i J1« , 20 .. ,~::>Y KBS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ("Developer"). RECITALS AND DECLARATION Declarant is the Developer and owner of the real property and improvements thereon legally described in Exhibit A, known as the Plat of Stone Ridge (a.k.a. Windstone) (the "Property", or "Windstone"). The Property is comprised of the real property legally described on Exhibit A attached hereto and shown on maps recorded with the King County Recorder under Recording No. 2QQ$/o'2.oot>033.7 and any other real property added by amendment hereto. Developer hereby publishes and declares that the Property shall be held, sold, conveyed, encumbered, leased, rented, used, occupied, and improved subject to the following covenants, conditions, restrictions, easements, reservations, and agreements, all of which are for the purpose of enhancing and protecting the character, attractiveness, and desirability of W indstone. These covenants, conditions, restrictions, easements, and reservations, shall run with the Property and shall be a burden upon and a benefit to the Property and binding upon any person, firm, corporation or entity of any kind whatsoever acquiring or owning an interest in the Property or any part thereof, and their respective lessees, guests, heirs, executors, personal representatives, successors and assigns. Acceptance of an interest in any portion of the Property shall be deemed acceptance of the terms and provisions of this Declaration. ARTICLE! DEFIMTIONS 1.1 Association The term "Association" shall mean and refer to a Washington non-profit corporation comprised of all of the Lot Owners of the Plat of Stoneridge (a.k.a. Windstone) acting collectively in accordance with its governing documents and this Declaration. The initial name of the Association is "Windstone Homeowners Association." However, the Association's name may be changed by the Developer if the Developer elects· to use a different name for the Plat for marketing purposes. 1.2 Association Action The term "Association Action" shall mean and refer to a resolution of the Association in the form of either a bylaw or resolution duly passed by either the Board or by the Members of the Association at a Members' meeting. W:\WPDOCS\240251007\JIR2346.DOC 91612005 1 Declaration of Protective Covenams for Windstone 200510200003313. ·:··_· 1.3 Board The term "Board" shall mean and refer to the Board of Directors of the Association (or such other governing body the Association shall form) which shall have all powers authorized by this Declaration and the governing documents of the Association. 1.4 Building The term "Building" shall mean and refer to any building or structure constructed or located within Windstone, and all appurtenances thereto. 1.5 Coounon Area The term "Common Area" shall mean and refer to Tracts A, B, C, D, E and Fas shown on the Map, the fence, landscaping and monument easements benefiting the Association, and any other areas owned by or benefiting the Association and/or the Lot Owners for the common use aud enjoyment of all of the Lot Owners. Any streets, tracts or other areas dedicated or conveyed to a governmental entity for public use are not Common Areas. The Developer may add to or subtract from the Common Area during the Development Period, as defined in Section 4.1, by an amendment to this Declaration, provided that the Developer may not withdraw any tract or other Common Area subject to a condition imposed by the City of Renton or otherwise required by state or federal laws without the written consent of the City of Renton. In the event the Common Areas described on the recorded Map are different from those described herein, the Common Areas described on the Map shall be deemed the Common Areas unless this Declaration has been amended or modified to change the Common Areas shown on the Map, except the status of those tracts or Common Areas that were subject to a condition imposed by the City of Renton or otherwise required by state or federal laws may not be changed without the written consent of the City of Renton. 1.6 Declaration The term "Declaration" shall mean and refer to this Declaration of Protective Covenants for Stone Ridge (a.k.a. Windstone), 1. 7 Developer The term "Developer" shall mean and refer to KBS Development Corporation, or a person or entity (including a Participating Builder) to which it assigns its rights as Developer. 1.8 Lot The term "Lot" shall mean and refer to any one of the residential lots located within the Property as shown on the Map. If any additional property is hereafter made subject to this Declaration pursuant to the provisions of ARTICLE 3, each tract comprised of a buildable legal lot contained therein shall be considered to be a Lot as defined in this Section. W:\WPDOCS\240251007\J1R2346.D0C 9/612005 2 Declaration of Pro:e,ctivc Covenants for Wirnfstone 20051020000~~~-:: 1.9 Lot Owner The term "Lot Owner" shall mean and refer to the record owner, whether one or more persons or entities, of any Lot, including any persons or entities purchasing a Lot pursuant to the tenns of a recorded real estate contract, but excluding those persons or entities having an interest in any Lot merely as security for the performance of an obligation. The Developer shall be the Lot Owner until it sells the Lot, but the Developer shall not be liable for assessments and fees and may be expressly excluded from other obligations to the Association as stated herein. 1.10 Map The term "Map" shall mean the official plat map recorded with the King County Recorder under Recording No. 2 O o $" / o z_o ooo 3 37 and any subsequent Maps of divisions of Stone Ridge (a.lea. Windstone) which are recorded. 1.11 Member The term "Member" shall mean and refer to every Lot Owner who, as a result of such ownership, holds a membership in the Association with rights and responsibilities as set forth herein and in the governing documents of the Association. Each Lot shall have one (1) membership inseparably appurtenant to it. 1.12 Participating Builder The term "Participating Builder" shall mean a person or entity who acquires from Developer one or more Lots for the purpose of improving the same for resale to future Lot Owners. 1.13 Property The term "Property' shall mean the Property referred to herein as Windstone as more specifically described in Exhibit A, attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. The description of the Property may be amended from time to time pursuant to ARTICLE 3. ARTICLE2 PLAT OF STONE RIDGE (A.K.A. WINDSTONE) This Declaration shall initially subject the Property, the Buildings and other improvements constructed and to be constructed thereon, and the Common Areas, all of which shall be known as Windstone, to its provisions. The plat shall use the common name "Windstone," even though the plat is cal!ed Stone Ridge (a.k.a. Windstone). In the event that Developer subjects additional property to · this Declaration pursuant to ARTICLE 3 hereof, all such properties shall collectively be known as Windstone. W:IWPDOCSl2402S\007IJIR2346.DOC 916flJJ05 3 Declaratlon of Protective Covenant$ for Windscone 20051020000338 .. : .. :. ARTICLE3 PHASED DEVELOPMENT 3.1 Subsequent Development Developer reserves for itself, its successors or assigns, the right, by adoption of amendments to this Declaration, to subject additional properties to this Declaration or to withdraw undeveloped property from it, except those tracts or Common Areas that were subject to a condition imposed by the City of Renton or otherwise required by state or federal law. If the Developer elects to subject additional property to this Declaration, Developer shall grant to the Lot Owners of such additional properties (and Developer, if applicable) all of the rights and benefits to which Members of the Association are entitled. 3.2 Consent to Adding or Subtracting Properties Developer may subject additional properties to this Declaration at any time prior to tennination of the Development Period as def med in Section 4 .1. Developer may also withdraw any undeveloped properties from this Declaration at any time prior to termination of the Development Period, except written consent from the City of Renton is required before the withdrawal of those tracts or Common Areas that were subject to a condition imposed by the City of Renton or otherwise required by slate or federal laws. Each Lot Owner appoints and constitutes the Developer as his attorney-in-fact to adopt and file amendments to this Declaration necessary to add or subtract such properties. The original Windstone Lot Owners shall be benefited by any Common Area on additional property the Developer elects to add to Windstone, either through Association ownership and control of said additional property Common Area or by easements of use and enjoyment in favor of said original Lot Owners on said additional property Common Area. The Lot Owners of such property added by Developer to Windstone shall have an easement for use and enjoyment of the existing Windstone Common Area and shall have all the obligations to pay the cost of maintaining the Common Area unless otherwise provided herein. The Developer reserves the right to extend existing easements and create new easements over the Lots so as to provide access to and service to the additional properties. Neither the Association nor any Lot Owners shall have any right in any additional property nor shall this Declaration have any effect on such additional property until it is subjected to this Declaration by adoption of an amendment to this Declaration specifically describing such additional property. 3.3 Rights and Obligations The Lot Owners of properties added to Windstone (including Developer, if applicable) shall be Members of the Association, and shall be entitled to all benefits and subject to all obligations of a Member, including, but not limited to, the right to vote in Association elections and the obligation to pay assessments as set forth herein. 3.4 No Requirement to Include Additional Properties Nothing contained in this Declaration shall be construed to require the Developer to subject additional properties to this Declaration. W:IWPDOCSl2402510071l!R2346.D0C 9!6!2JXJS 4 Declaration of Prcc:ective Covenants for Winasrone ARTICLE4 DEVELOPMENT PERIOD; DEVELOPER'S RIGHTS DURING DEVEWPMENT PERIOD 4.1 Development Period 20051020000338.;; : The term "Development Period" shall mean that period of time from the date of recording this Declaration until lhe date when all original Lots have been sold, or, if additional properties shail have been subjected to this Declaration, then until the date when all original and additional Lots have been sold, but in any event the Development Period shall terminate ten (10) years after the recording of this Declaration. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Developer, at its option, may elect to terminate the Development Period at any time by recording wilh !he King County Recorder a Notice of Termination of Development Period referencing this Declaration and stating that the Development Period is terminated. For purposes of this Section 4.1, transfer of title to a Lot by Developer to any Participating Builder shall be disregarded and title to any Lot owned by a Participating Builder sha!l not be deemed transferred for purposes of determining the Transition Date until the Lot is further transferred by said Participating Builder to a purchaser who is not either a Participating Builder or Developer. KBS Development Corporation, as the original Developer, shall retain all rights of the Developer set forlh in this Declaration until KBS Development Corporation has conveyed title to all Lots to Participating Builder(s) and/or to another purchaser who is not a Participating Builder. 4.2 Developer's Authority During Development Period Until the termination of the Development Period, the Developer hereby reserves for itself, its successors or assigns, all of the rights, powers and functions of the Association, or the Board thereof, which shall be exercised and/or performed solely by the Developer without further authority from or action by the Members during the Development Period, the Developer shall have no obligation to publish financial statements, hold meetings or otherwise account to or consult with the Members, except as otherwise expressly required herein. Upon termination of the Development Period, administrative power and authority for management of the Property shall pass to the Board of Directors and Members as provided herein and in the Bylaws. ARTICLES WINDSTONE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION 5.1 Establishment There is hereby created an association to be called "Windstone Homeowners Association.• The Association shall be a nonprofit corporation formed and operated pursuant to RCW 24.03 and RCW 64.38. The Association shall use the name "Windstone Homeowners Association" unless Developer or the Association elects to use a different name. 5.2 Voting After the end of the Development Period, each Member shall be entitled to cast, at any meeting of the Association, one vote for each Lot owned by that Member. If any Lot is owned by more than one (1) person or entity, the Owners thereof shall appoint one (I) person to serve as lhe voting Member W:\WPDOCS\240251007\JIR2346. DOC 9/6/2005 5 Declaration of Protective Covenants for Windstone 2oos102000033a.ui and shall file a written statement with the Board signed by all of the Lot's Owners naming the voting Member. Any such designation of a voting Member shall be revoked automatically when the Board receives a subsequent notice signed by all of the Lot's Owners designating another voting Member, when the Board receives notice of the death or judicially declared incompetence of any of the Lot's Owners, or when any of the Lot's Owners conveys its interest in such Lot. The Association may suspend voting rights of any Member as provided in this Declaration or the governing documents of the Association. 5.3 Proxies Members may vote at any meeting of the Association in person or by proxy. A proxy must be in writing, signed by the designated voting Member for the Lot and filed with the Board in advance of the meeting at which such vote is taken. No Lot Owner may revoke any proxy given by a Member to or in favor of a holder of indebtedness secured by any recorded first mortgage (meaning a mortgage with priority over all other mortgages) upon the Member's Lot, without the prior written consent of the holder of such indebtedness. 5.4 Adoption of Bylaws and Amendments Prior to the termination of the Development Period, the Developer, acting pursuant to its authority to act on behalf of the Association, shall adopt Bylaws. During the Development Period, Developer shall have sole authority to amend the Bylaws. After termination of the Development Period, except as expressly provided to the contrary herein, the Bylaws of the Association ("Bylaws") may be amended from time to time by a majority vote of the Members (including Developer, if applicable), at any regular or special meeting of the Association duly called for that purpose, or by a vote of a majority of the Board present at a meeting of the Board duly called for that purpose. 5.5 Initial Board of Directors The Developer shall designate the members of the initial Board. The initial Board shall serve until the Developer transfers the management and administration of Windstone to the Board elected by the Members pursuant to the Bylaws after termination of the Development Period. Except as specifically provided herein to the contrary, the initial Board shall have the right to exercise all powers and perform all functions of the Board. 5.6 Management Agreements The Association may enter into such agreements for the performance of any or all of the functions of the Association with such persons or entities as the Association deems fit and proper in its sole discretion. W:IWPDOCS\2A025\0071JUU346.DOC 9/612005 6 DecJaration of Prottctivc Covenants for Wind.stone 2oos102oooossa.u;. ARTICLE6 MANAGEMENT OF COMMON AREAS 6.1 Control The Developer shall have and hereby reserves for itself, its successors, and assigns, an easement for the right, during the Development Period and any period thereafter in which Developer is a Lot Owner, to utilize the Common Area for its business uses and purposes, including, but not limited to, completion of improvements thereon and other uses and purposes related to the construction, promotion and development of Windstone. Upon termination of the Development Period, said Developer's easement shall automatically terminate. Control and the management and administration of the Common Area shall vest in the Association at the end of the Development Period subject to the Developer's aforementioned rights of use. 6.2 Goods and Services The Board shall acquire and pay for as a Common Expense of the Association, all goods and services reasonably necessary or convenient for the efficient and orderly maintenance of all portions of the Common Areas, including but not limited to installing, maintaining and operating (including paying for electricity for) streetlights. 6.3 Additional Properties If additional properties are subjected to this Declaration pursuant to ARTICLE 3, Developer shall have an easement as described in Section 6.1 on the Common Areas located therein. Upon termination of the Development Period, said Developer's easement shall automatically terminate. Thereafter, the Association shall be responsible for the management, maintenance and administration of such Common Areas. Costs of maintaining and operating the Common Areas located in additional properties shall be paid as provided in Section 10. 6.4 Dedication to Governmental Entities Until the termination of the Development Period, Developer reserves the right to withdraw any undeveloped part of the Property from this Declaration and to dedicate, transfer or convey to any state, county. municipal or other governmental entity any such part of the Property. The rights reserved to Developer in this Section 6.4 shall be exercised by Developer at Developer's sole discretion. ARTICLE7 PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THE COMMON AREA 7 .1 Association Control of Common Area The Association owns and controls the Common Area for the benefit of the Loe Owners. Except as otherwise limited by law or prior restriction, each Lot Owner shall have a non-exclusive right to the use and enjoyment in and to the Common Areas. Subject to the Developer's rights set forth in 5.6, each Lot Owner hereby grants the Association an irrevocable right to manage and control the Common Areas on behalf of and in the interest of the Lot Owners. W:IWPDOCS\24025I007\IIR2J46.D0C 916/2005 7 Declara1ion of Proceccive COvenants for Windstone 2oos1020000338.u , 7 .2 Restrictions on Use of Common Areas Except with regard to utility easements, the Common Areas may be used only by Members and their guests. 7 .3 Other Restrictions The Common Areas shall also be subject to the other restrictions, limitations and reservations contained or provided for in this Declaration or the Bylaws. 7 .4 Association Responsibilities The Association shall maintain the Common Areas and associated landscaping, including but not limited to the storm pond, drainage system, recreation areas, sensitive areas, entry monument(s), entry landscaping, and all other Common Areas shown on the Map or designated herein, as required or advisable. The Association may provide such additional common maintenance which it determmes to be in the best interest of the Lot Owners. ARTlCLE8 COVENANT FOR ASSESSMENTS 8 .1 Creation of Lien and Personal Obligation of Assessment By acceptance of a deed or other instrument of conveyance, whether or not it shall be so expressed in any such deed or other instrument, each Lot Owner is deemed to covenant and agree to pay to the Association all common expenses assessed against said Owner's Lot by the Association. Common expenses include, but are not limited to: (a) annual assessments or charges and (b) special assessments. Said annual and special assessments, together with interest therein and costs of collection thereof (including reasonable attorneys' fees whether or not suit is commenced), shall be a charge on the Lot and shall be a continuing lien upon the Lot against which each such assessment is made. Each such assessment, together with such interest and costs of collection, shall also be the personal obligation of the Lot Owner owning the Lot when the assessment is due. There shall be no assessment on any Lot until after the initial transfer of the Lot to a residential owner. The personal obligation for delinquent assessments shall not pass to the Lot Owner's successors in title unless the lien for such delinquent assessment has been properly recorded prior to transfer of tide or unless expressly assumed by the transferee. Provided, however, that in the case of a sale of any Lot which is charged with the payment of an assessment or assessments payable in installments, the person or entity who is the owner immediately prior to the date of any such sale, shall be personally liable only for die amount of the installment due prior to said sale. The new owner shall be personally liable for installments which become due on or after said sale. 8.2 Purpose of Assessments The annual and special assessments levied by the Association shall be used exclusively for the purpose of promoting the health, safety and welfare of the Members thereof, their guests and invitees, and shall be used to improve, protect, operate and maintain the Common Areas and provide for W:1WPDOCSIZ4025\007\IIR234o,D0C 916flJXJ5 8 Declaration of Protective Covenants for Windstonc 20051020000338.:~ performance of the duties of the Board. All funds collected hereunder shall be expended for the purposes designated herein. 8.3 Initial Assessment At the time of the purchase of the Lot, each Lot Owner (except Developer and any Participating Builder) shall pay the initial annual assessment. The initial annual assessment is the amount that the Board has assessed against the Lot for the year in which the Lot is purchased, which amount shall be prorated for any partial year. The initial annual assessment shall be collected by the escrow agent at the closing of the purchase of the Lot. 8.4 Annnal Assessments Each year the Board shall assess each Lot Owner for an annual assessment in an amount which, in the aggregate, is sufficient to meet the obligations of the Association. Commencing on January 1 following the termination of the Development Period and continuing each year thereafter, die annual assessments shall not be increased by more than twenty-five percent (25 % ) without the approval of seventy percent (70%) of the Members voting at a meeting duly called for such purpose. Notwithstanding the provisions set forth above, the Developer, its successors or assigns shall not be liable for any fees or assessments assessed or due prior to the termination of the Development Period. 8.5 Estimated Assessments Commencing on January 1" following the termination of the Development Period and continuing each year thereafter, but within sixty (60) days prior to the beginning of each calendar year or such fiscal year as the Board may adopt, the Board shall (a} estimate the annual assessments and special assessments for the Lots to be paid during such year; (b) make provisions for creating, funding and maintaining reasonable reserves for contingencies and operations, for maintenance repair, replacement and acquisition of Common Areas and/or (c) take into account any expected income and any surplus available from the prior year's operating fund. If the estimated cash requirement proves inadequate for any reason, including nonpayment of any Lot Owner's assessment, a further assessment may be levied during that fiscal year upon a majority vote of the Board. Within thirty (30) days after the Board's adoption of any proposed regular or special budget of the Association, the Board shall set a date for a meeting of the Lot Owners to consider ratification of the budget. The Board shall give written notice of such meeting to all Lot Owners. Said written notice shall include a summary of the proposed budget. The meeting date shall be not less than fourteen (14) and not more than sixty (60) days after mailing of the notice and summary. Unless at the meeting the Lot Owners holding a majority of the votes in the Association, in person or by proxy, reject the budget, the budget shall be deemed ratified, whether or not a quorum is present. In the event the proposed budget is rejected or the required notice is not given, the periodic budget last ratified by the Lot Owners shall be continued until such time as the Lot Owners ratify a subsequent budget proposed by the Board. W:\WPDOCS\24025\007\JIR2J46.D0C 9/6lllXJ5 9 Declaration cf Protective Covenants for Windstonc 20051020000338 .::c · 8.6 Payment By Owners Each Lot Owner shall be obligated to pay its· annual and special assessments to the Treasurer of the Association. Annual assessments shall be paid in full on or before the annual due date established by the Board. Special assessments shall be paid annually or in equal monthly installments or before the first day of each month during each year or at such time and in such other reasonable manner as the Board designates. 8. 7 Record of Assessments The Association shall keep an accurate record of its receipt and expenditures in chronological order. Such record shall specify and itemize the operation, maintenance, replacement and repair expenses of the Common Area and any other expenses incurred. Records and vouchers authorizing such payments shall be available for examination by the Lot Owners for any proper purpose at any reasonable time. 8.8 Special Assessments In addition to the annual assessments authorized above, the Association may levy in any fiscal year as the Board designates, a special assessment for the purposes of defraying, in whole or in part, the cost of any construction, reconstruction, repair, acquisition or replacement of a capital improvement upon the Common Areas, including fixtures and personal property related thereto. No such special assessment levied against all Lot Owners shall be in excess of $5,000, except upon a majority vote of the Lot Owners in attendance at a meeting duly called for said purposes, or in excess of $25,000 except upon a seventy percent (70%) affirmative vote of the Lot Owners in attendance at a meeting duly called for said purpose. The Board may also levy a special assessment against one (l) or more Lot Owners who are in violation of ARTICLE 10 or ARTICLE 11 and/or any other provisions of this Declaration. The limitation on maximum annual assessments and special assessments shall not apply to an assessment levied against a Lot Owner which ls imposed by the Board to reimburse the Association for costs incurred in bringing the Member or the Lot owned by the Member into compliance with the provisions of this Declaration or the Bylaws. 8.!) Uniform Rate of Assessment Both annual and special assessments must be fixed at a uniform rate for all Lots except for assessments against a specific Lot Owner imposed by the Board to reimburse the Association for costs incurred in bringing the Member or Lot into compliance with the provisions of tl1is Declaration or the Bylaws. 8.10 Defanlt in Payment of Assessment-Remedies If any assessment is not paid within thirty (30) days after it is first due and payable, such assessment shall bear interest at the highest rate permitted by law, or if no limir~rion is imposed by law, at eighteen percent (18%) per annum, from the date on which it was due until paid. In the event any annual or special assessment remains delinquent for more than thirty (30) days, the Board may, upon W:\WPD0CSl24025\007\JIR2346.DOC 91617f.1JS 10 Declaration of Protective Covenants for Windstone 20051020000338.:;~ · fifteen (15) days' written notice to the Lot Owner, accelerate and demand immediate payment of the delinquent assessment, and any assessments which the Board reasonably determines will become due during the next succeeding twelve (12) months. If the assessments and any accrued interest is not paid in full within fifteen (IS) days of the date of the notice, the Association may bring an action against the person or entity personally obligated to pay such assessment and/or record a lien for the amount of the assessments plus interest and attorney fees and costs incurred or estimated to be incurred in enforcing the lien with the county in which the Lot is located. The lien may be foreclosed in the same manner as a real property mortgage. Suit to recover a money judgment for unpaid assessments or charges can be maintained against the Lot Owner in conjunction with or separate from foreclosure of the lien. 8,11 Foreclosure of Assessment Lien; Attorney's Fees and Costs The Developer or Board may initiate action to foreclose the lien of any assessment 011 behalf of the Association. In any action to foreclose a lien against the Lot for nonpayment of delinquent assessments or charges, any judgment rendered against the Lot Owner in favor of the Association shall include a reasonable sum for attorney fees and costs and expenses reasonably incurred in preparation for and pursuit of such action in additiou to taxable costs permitted by law. The Association shall be entitled co reimbursement for all of its attorney fees whether or not suit is filed or prosecuted to judgment, and whether said attorney fees are incurred in negotiation, arbitration, litigation, foreclosure or collection action, bankruptcy or appeal. 8,12 Homestead Waiver Each Lot Owner hereby waives, to the extent of any liens created pursuant to this Declaration, the benefit of any homestead or exemption law in effect at the time any assessment becomes delinquent or any lien is imposed pursuant to the terms of this Declaration, and hereby waives the right to claim such homestead or exemption prior to payment in full of all delinquent assessments. 8.13 Coring of Default If the Lot Owner cures the default prior to foreclosure of the lien of assessment, the Board shall file and record a satisfaction and release of lien. The Board may assess a reasonable fee to cover the cost of preparation and recording of said satisfaction of lien. Said amount shall be paid prior to the filing of the satisfaction of lien. The notice of satisfaction of lien may be executed by any authorized representative of the Board. 8.14 Continuing Liability for Assessments No Lot Owner may exempt himself from his liability for annual or special assessments by abandonment of his Lot or abandonment of the use of any Common Area. 8.15 Exempt Property The following property is exempt from the assessments created.herein: (a) all properties dedicated to and accepted by local public authority; (b) all Common Areas; and (c) all properties the fee Wc\WPD0CS\24025\007\IlR2346.DOC 916/2005 11 Dular::uio11 of Protei;:live Covenants f<>rW- 20051020000338.01 title to which is retained by Developer. However, any land or improvements devoted to dwelling use shall not be exempt from said assessment. 8.16 Rights of Board -Waiver of Lot Owners Each Lot Owner hereby vests in and delegates to the Board or its duly authorized representatives, the right and power to bring all actions at Jaw, including lien foreclosures, whether judicially or by power of sale or otherwise, against any Lot Owner for collection of the delinquent assessments in accordance herewith. Each Lot Owner hereby expressly waives any objection to the enforcement in accordance with this Declaration, of the obligation to pay annual and special assessments as set forth herein. 8.17 Subordination of the Lien to Mortgages The lien of the assessments provided for herein shall be subordinate to the lien of any first mortgage now or hereafter placed on any Lot. Sale or transfer pursuant to a decree of foreclosure of any Lot which is subject to such first mortgage shall extinguish the lien of such assessments as to payments which become due prior to such sale or transfer. No such sale or transfer shall relieve such Lot Owner from personal liability for any assessment due nor shall any Lot be relieved from paying assessments becoming due after foreclosure of the lien thereof. ARTICLE 9 ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL AND BUILDING ANO CONSTRUCTION RESTRICTIONS 9 .1 Establishment An Architectural Control Committee is hereby established as a special conunittee of the Board. The Architectural Control Committee shall review all proposed construction for compliance with the Architectural Controls listed in this Article, The Developer hereby reserves for itself, its successors and assigns, the right to exercise any and all powers and controls given to the Boord or its authorized representatives as enumerated in Section 9.2 herein until the Architectural Control Committee is terminated. The initial Architectural Control Committee ("Committee") is comprised of: Kolin B. Taylor Robert W. Ruddell Solomon A vzaradel 12320 NE 8"' Street, Suite 100 Bellevue, Washington 98005 12320 NE g•h Street, Suite I 00 Bellevue, Washington 98005 12320 NE s• Street, Suite I 00 Bellevue, Washington 98005 A majority of the Committee may designate a representative to act for it. In the event of death or resignation of any member of the Committee, the remaining members shall have full authority to designate a successor or to act alone. Neither the members of the Committee nor its designated W:\WPDOCS\240251007\JIR2346.D0C 916/2005 12 Dcclarntion of Protective Covenants for Windstone 20051020000338.;; ' representative, shall be entitled to any compensation for services performed as a member of the Committee unless authorized by a two-thirds (213) vote of the Board. The term of office of the above- designated Committee shall terminate automatically upon the sale or conveyance of the last initial Lot owned by Developer, if not sooner terminated by Developer in the same way that the Development Period can be terminated by Developer pursuant to Section 4 .I herein. The Architectural Control Committee may continue, even after termination of the Development Period, if the Developer elects to terminate the Development Period before it has sold all of its Lots but does not elect to terminate the Architectural Control Committee. 9,2 Design Review Committee At the termination of the Development Period, the Board or a committee of the Board shall appoint a Design Review Committee. The Design Review Committee shall consist of three (3) or more Lot Owners. The Design Review Committee shall have all the powers and authority of the Architectural Control Committee and any reference in this Declaration to the Architectural Control Committee shall also refer to the Design Review Committee. The Committee must give its written approval before any person may erect, place or alter any Building, fence or other improvement on any Lot, or landscape any Lot. The Committee shall grant written approval upon two-thirds (2/3) affirmative vote of the Committee. 9.3 Submission of Plans No structure shall be constructed or caused to be constructed on any Lot unless the plans for the structure have been approved in writing by the Committee. At least forty-five (45) days prior to commencement of construction, a Lot Owner or prospective Lot Owner Shall submit on~ copy of materials adequate to allow review of a proposed action for each Committee member, plus one additional copy for the files of the Committee. Submittals must include, at minimum: (a) site plan; (b) exterior elevations (all sides); (c) color board showing all exterior colors and materials; and (d) landscape and exterior lighting plan. The Committee may request additional information or details. 9.4 Approval of Plans The Committee shall approve or disapprove of such plans within thirty (30) Jays of said submittal. The Committee's decision shall be in writing. The Committee shall have Lile right to approve a proposal subject to compliance with conditions established by the Committee. If the Committee fails to approve or disapprove a plan within the thirty (30) day periuJ, :,pproval shall not be required, and this Article shall be deemed to have been fully complied with. The Jecisions of the Committee are final. 9 .5 Criteria The Architecrural Control Committee shall consider the following criteria in approving or rejecting the plans submitted to it: (a) the harmony of the external design, color am! appearance of the proposal in relationship to the surrounding neighborhood; (b) the location of the pr"posed Building on the Lot in regard to slopes, soil conditions, existing trees and vegetation, roads and services, existing W: I WPD0CS\240'l5\007UIR2346.D0C 9!6!1i1JS 13 n~c:'..1 r ·tion of Prorc-.:-tive Covenants for W.indstone -20051020000338.;;; buildings and adjoining lots and bui!Qings thereon; 'and (c) the compliance of the proposal with the covenants contained in this Declaration and any rules and regulations promulgated pursuant to this Declaration. 9 .6 Effect of Committee Approval No Buildings shall be constructed or caused to be constructed on any Lot unless the Committee has approved the plans as provided above. Toe Committee's approval of any plan sha!I not constitute any warranty or representation by the Committee, the Board or any of their Mcml,ars that such plans were examined or approved for engineering or structural integrity or sufficiency or compliance with the applicable governmental laws, codes, ordinances and regulations. 9.7 No Liability The Members of the Architectural Control Committee shall have no personetl lial>i!ity for any action or decision made by the Committee. By acceptance of a deed to any Lot, 1h·c Lot Owner agrees and covenants not to maintain any action against any Member of the Architecturcil , '.untrol Co1mnittee which seeks to hold that Member personally or individually liable for damages rcbciug co ur caused by any action or decision of the Committee. Each Lot Owner hereby releases any and all claims of any nature whatsoever against any member of the Architectural Control Connnittee, the Board, and the . Association, their heirs, successors and assigns related to the engineering, structural integrity, sufficiency, compliance of any plans approved by the Committee. 9.8 Si7.e 9.8. l Floor Area. The floor area of the main house structure, c.xc: .1sive of open porches and garages, shall be not less than 2,200 square feet for a dwelling contaiu,ug a single level of 2,500 square feet for a dwelling containing multiple levels. 9.8.2 Lot Size. No Lot or portion of a Lot in this plat shall be divided and sold or resold, or ownership changed or tnmsferred whereby the ownership of any portion of 1his plat shall be less than the area required for the use district in which the Lot is located. 9.8.3 Local Codes. All buildings or structures shall be cons,ruc1c: :n accordance with the City of Renton and any other applicable codes. In the event of a con!lict [ycc, ·ten any applicable codes and this Declaration, the codes shall govern. 9.9 Building and Construction Restrictions All Buildings on a Lot are subject to the following restrictions: 9.9.l Single Family Residence. Only one (1) single-family resid,, ., .. ("i1ou.1e") may be constructed or permitted to remain on a Lat. W:IWPDOCS\24025\007\1!R234'1.DOC 9/6/2!YJ5 14 Decl:11:.1i · .-r,1v.,::c:·:c C\·,yc,1::inr.a for Wind.stone 9.9.2 Exterior Finish. The exterior of all structures shall be ccsigncd, built and maintained in such a manner to blend with the natural surroundings and existing structures within Windstone. Siding shall be solid wood product or approved wood by-product, stucco, stone, faux stone, or brick. All exterior paint colors shall be consistent with surrounding structures. No primary, reflective or fluorescent colors shall be used in any structure. Exterior trim, fences, doors, railings, decks, eaves, gutters and the exterior finish of garages and accessory buildings, if allowed, shall be designed, built and maintained to be compatible with the exterior of the structures they adjoin and the structures on adjacent lots. All structures shall be completed as to exterior appearances, including finish painting, within nine (9) months from the date construction is commenced ,.,hich shall be defined for the purposes of this paragraph as the date the foundation is poured. 9.9.3 Fences. Fences may be erected on property lines, except that fences erected between the front of the house and the street or on corner Lots between the side of the house and the street shall be subject to prior review and approval by the Architectural Control Committee. Nothing in this Section 9.9.3 shall prevent the erection of a necessary retaining wall. No knee, wall, hedge or mass planting shall at any time extend higher than six (6) feet above the ground. ,·,cept for necessary retaining walls or rockeries which conform to the King County Building Code., ... o wire fences shall be used unless approved by the Architectural Control Committee. The finished side of all fences shall face the exterior of the Lot and shall be painted or finished co match or blend with the existing appurtenant structures. 9.9.4 Roofing. The roof shall be an architectural compositiu,, roof wi,11 at least a thirty (30) year life. 9.9.5 Prefabricated Buildings. No prefabricated buildings ur s1. Jcturts of any nature whatsoever, specifically including mobile homes, pennanent or temporary, shall l,c moved, placed, constructed or otherwise maintained on any Lot. 9.9.6 Lighting. All area lighting shall be designed and positioned to ensure that the light source is not visible from any other house in the development. 9.9.7 Temporary Occupancy and Temporary Buildings. Ne, tr,,:•cr, recreational vehicle, boat, basement of any incomplete building, shed, tent, shack, garage or i .,rn ,rnu no t,!mporary buildings or structures of any kind shall be used at any time for a residence, citi1c, tcrHpure;ry or permanent. Temporary buildings or structures used during construction of the improvement of any Lot shall be removed immediately after completion of construction or upon request of the Architectural Control Committee, whichever occurs first. 9.9.8 Storage Sheds and Outside Storage. No storage, buildin~'' or sheds, whether prefabricated metal or any other construction whatsoever, whether permanent or .:,p, ·: ·y, ,hall be moved, placed, assembled, constructed or otherwise maintained on any lot unless ppruvcJ by die Architectural Control Committee. 9.9.9 Landscaping. Landscaping of the Lot on which such hou,,: is consrructed shall be fully completed within one hundred eighty (180) days of the completion of corr 1ructio11 of the house W:IWPDOCS\24025\0071JIR2346.DOC 916/2005 15 DetJ ,: 1t>:1 of l'r ,,l~"Ctivt Covenants for Wind:stone on said Lot. The building area shall be kept reasonably clean during the construc,:<>n period. Landscaping shall emphasize plantings and other features which shall complement and enhance the native existing character of Windstone. Each Lot Owner shall ensure that their landscaping is maintained to provide a neat and attractive appearance. 9.9.10 Yard Art. No yard pieces or yard art, including but not limited to sculptures, statues, and other freestanding or attached works, whether for decoration or otherwise, more tl1an twelve inches {12 ") tall or twelve inches (12') wide shall be permitted outside of ti·,, Buildings and within view from the street without prior written approval of the Architecrurnl C°'"' ol Co11unittee. 9.9.11 Topography. The topographic conditions of any Lot shall :·.ot be "ltered in any way that would adversely affect or obstruct the approved and constructed storm drain system and surface flows without the written consent of the Board. 9.9.12 New Construction. All Buildings shall be of new construe :on, excc;it that used brick, siding or similar decorative materials may be used. 9.9.13 Utility Service. No outdoor overhead wire or service dro1, for the distribution of electric energy or for telecommunication purposes, nor any pole, tower or othe, :tn:cture supporting said overhead wires shall be erected, placed or maintained on the Property. !>.10 Conduct of Construction 9.10.1 Contractor. No house may be constructed on any Lot by c•hcr tl1an a contractor licensed as a general contractor under the statutes of the State of Washi,, .. ton wiu1out the prior approval of the Architectural Control Committee. 9.10.2 Completion of Construction. 'The exterior of any Building ·constructed or placed on any Lot hereunder shall be completed, including exterior finish, paint and trim, within nine (9) months from the start of construction so as to present a finished appearance wh,n viewed from any point, unless completion is delayed by acts of God or labor stoppages not attributnl ,, to the fault of the Lot Owner. All work shall be prosecuted diligently and continuously from the sta, ,jf comlluction until the house is fully completed and painted. No Lot Owner shall reside on any , ,c except in a residential dwelling constructed or placed thereon that shall have received a certific:,te of occupancy or analogous certification from the county in which it is located or any successor gowmmental entity with jurisdiction. 9.10.3 Commencement of Construction. Construction shall not c, :moence umil a building permit and any other applicable permits or approvals from the appropriac, dlJlic : .·c1Jcy or agencies are obtained. All Buildings constructed hereunder shall conform to the,,, .cabk c•,lilding code(s) then in effect. Construction of any strucrure or performance of any other ,,. rcqui, ,ng approval of the Committee must begin within one hundred eighty (180) days after it is appru J. If such construction or performance is not .begun within such period, the approval shall late. .· and 1 ·> void. The applicant must obtain further review and approval by the Committee prior to comrnc:ncement or W:\WPD0CS\24025\007\JIR2346.DOC 9/6/2005 16 Der:1r·:·' 11 of Prnt:'ctive Covenants :·lir WindstOne 2005iCr_2{uJC•J3"~ .-.;._ performance. The Committee may disapprove, condition or require changes in tl1c project upon such further review. 9.10.4 Delay of Completion-Fine During Development Period. :luring the Development Period, if improvements on any Lot are not completed so as to presc ,,t a finished exterior appearance within one (1) year after purchase from the Developer, unless compler:, ,n is ddayed by acts of God or labor stoppages not attributable to the fault of the Lot Owner, such Lot , ':all be assessed Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000). Such assessment shall be payable to Developer, who moy collect it pursuant to ARTICLE 8, This assessment is intended to encourage the prompt ck,, :vpmern of Windstone, enhance the value of other Lots, compensate the Developer for lost sale opportunities, and prevent the reduction in value of other Lots within Windstone that will occur if eac 11 Lot is not promptly developed. Developer will not review plans until such assessment is paid, and if :m assessment is outstanding, the failure of the Developer to review plans shali not be :,ceme(' ,pproval thereof. ARTICLElO EXTERIOR MAINTENANCE 10.1 Lot Owners' Obligations Each Lot Owner shall maintain the exterior of his Lot, including the Bui'.,'. a, in s od condition and repair, adequately painted or otherwise fmished, and in the same cor, · :ion a: reasonably prudent homeowner would maintain his own home so that the Property , ill reflect a high pride of ownership. The Committee may determine when such exterior main'.enaric ,' is required in order to maintain the well kept, neat appearance of all Lots in Windstone. Such d,· ·rrnir.a:ion shall include, but not be limited to, the need to: ( a) Paint any Building or fence; (b) Repair or replace items such as windows, roofs, fences, or alar:n ,, :ems: (c) Maintain and keep up trees, lawn areas and landscaping; ( d) Repair and maintain all roof drains and area storm drains; or (e) Remove recreational vehicles, trailers or camper tops left on the Lot as provided in ARTICLE 11 hereof. If any Lot Owner fails to provide the initial landscaping or to maintain his L ,tor tLc Building or landscaping thereon to the standards set forth above, the Association, after appr,, ,,1 by 1· ... u-thirds (213) vote of the Board, may notify said Lot Owner in writing of the mainte1J"ncc , _ , .rircu. If said notice is delivered to the non-performing Lot Owner and the noted condition is not Lmedied after a period of thirty (30) days, the Association, through its agents and employees, may enter upon said Lot and provide such maintenance, and levy an assessment against the non-performing : A 01\'Jic r and his Lot for the costs of providing said maintenance. Said assessment shall constitute o I', ,n aga',nst the Lot owned by the non-performing Lot Owner, and may be collected in the same manna: ,s any urher annual W:\WPDOCS\24025\007\IIR2346.DOC 9/6/200S 17 Declara' r_ of Pr.~r'.'cnve Covenants fdr Wlndstone 20051uz1_n_n11J~~,x ,-,;- or special assessment as hereinafter provided. If said assessment is not paid within thirty (30) days after it is levied, the Association shall have all the remedies for collection as provided in ARTICLE 8 of this Declaration. 10,2 Trees Each Lot Owner shall maintain tr.ees located on the Owner's Lot and tho,o trees within the street right-of-way abutting the Owner's Lot, unless the City of Renton has adopte<l a 01:>.intenance program. 10.3 Color Approval The Committee shall approve the color of paint to be used on any Building or fence in the same manner outlined in Section 9.2. 10.4 Roof Approval The Committee shall approve the type and the color of roofing materials used in ,be replacement or repair of roofs in the same manner outlined in Section 9.2. ARTICLE 11 PROPERTY USE RESTRICTIONS 11.1 Business and Commercial Use of Property No trade, craft business, profession, commercial or manufacturing enterpriie or business or commercial activity of any kind which constitutes an alDIOyance to the neighborhuaJ, the evidence of which is visible from the exterior of the building on the Lot or which increases traffic beyond usual residential volumes within the Property, shall be conducted or carried on upon any Lot or within any building located within the Property. The Board shall have final authority to determine if business conducted on a Lot is in compliance with this Section. 11.2 Signs . No sign of any kind shall be displayed to the public view on any Lot witi,uut ,he prior written approval of the Board, except (a) customary name and address signs; (b) "Fur SaL .. or "; ur Rent" signs of no more than six (6) square feet in size advertising the Lot for sale or rer:, wllic', .signs must be removed promptly after sale or lease of the residence; (c) signs required by le 6.d µrocceuings (and then the sign shall be no larger than eighteen (18) inches by twenty-four (24) inche.s, unless mandated by statute or court order); (d) temporary signs for political advertising, garage sales, etc. (and then the sign shall be no larger than four (4) square feet and shall be in place no longer th,,., sixty (60) days); (e) promotional and sales signs of the Developer and/or its agents; and (t) permanen; ,, .. :,nun ,ents (entry signage) and Common Area identification signs. W:\WPDOCS\24025\007IIIR2346.D0C 916/1005 18 Deel,· 'iun o~ Prorective Covcnatts. for Wlndstone 20051020000338 .;;: 11.3 Parking Certain Vehicles No motor vehicles classed by manufacturer rating as exceeding one con, recreational vehicle, mobile home, travel trailer, tent trailer, utility trailer, camper, boat, boat trailer, detached camper, camper shell or other similar vehicles or equipment may be parked, maintained, constructed, reconstructed or repaired on any Lot or Common Area within the Property. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any of the above described vehicles may be stored in a garage or behind the building line provided said vehicles are screened from other Lots, the street, or Common Arce,, and said screening device is in compliance with the rules and restrictions in this Declaration and as dclermined by the Committee and the Board. This paragraph shall not apply to cleaning, loading and sllort term parking which shall be permitted for a cunrulative period not to exceed forty-eight (4B) bc,irs in any calendar month. 11,4 Motor Vehicles No automobile, motorcycle, motorbike, or other motor vehicle shall be c•. •icuuc,ed, reconstructed, repaired or rebuilt upon any Lot or Common Area within the Prop, ny, and no inoperable or unlicensed vehicle may be stored or parked so as to be visible from.,,:; ,ic,i:·'.',oring Lot, Common Area or street; provided, however, that this Section 11.4 shall not appi., .. J , ,,., , • idgency vehicle repairs which require less than twenty-four (24) hours to complete, and (b) vehicles parked in garages which are not visible from any Lot, Common Area, or the street. 11.5 Nuisances; Hazardous Activities; Lighting No noxious or offensive activities shall be carried on, in or upon any Loi, . "'' dr.ill .inything be done therein which may be or become an annoyance or nuisance to other LO\ 0; . , . ,,,_:,xs or loud noises shall be permitted to arise or emit from any Lot or Common Arca ,:,, . '" : , .... ,, -<llY such property or portion thereof, or activity thereon, unsanitary, unsightly, offensive c1. ,,c.u1,:cu,l to any other property in the vicinity thereof or to the occupants of such property. ·No other nuisance or unsafe or hazardous activity shall be permitted to exist or operate upon any Lot so as to k offensive or detrimental to any other Lot or to its Owner or occupants. No firearms shall be cic .. ·hcrged within the Property and no explosives of any kind shall be discharged or stored upon any of ': · Lo:, or rermitted within the Property. No open fires shall be lighted or permitted on the L()[s, c\c · : i" :i e<>Jll:, ned outdoor fireplace or barbecue unit while attended, Decorative holiday ligh1ing :: :.J no later than thirty (30) days after the date of the holiday. 11,6 Animals A Lot Owner may keep dogs, cats and other conventional, indoor house:, · .: , :! , :,uhjcct to rules and regulations adopted by the Association. No animal may be kept, llrecl .:JI.: Cur any commercial purpose. No animal shall be kept in number or under condi1i,1:1s ic: , _1 ... ,,nable in a closely built-up residential community. All animals must be kept sold;: : c Other animals may be kept on Lots only upon written approval of the Association. The ·c:uc: :\c,n shall have the right to exclude any animal from the Property even though it allows other anir.'.:·.·, to remain. When not confined to the Owner's Lot, pets within the Property shall be leashed and accurnp:inisd ,,ya person W:\WPDOCS\24025\007\JIR2346.DOC 916/2005 19 nc-cl 1 ;·.·r Covenants :(·~ \'{indstone 2005102000033Rl'r." responsible for cleaning up any animal waste. No animal shall be allowed to mci:c an Lli::c:,sc•r:able amount of noise or become a nuisance, as determined by the Board, at its sole discretion. 11.7 Trash D~sal Neither trash, debris nor rubbish of any kind shall be dumped, allowed to accumulate or maintained on any Lot or Common Area. All garbage and other waste shall be kpt in arrropriate sanitary containers located in appropriate areas and concealed from view from th: street :,ml from adjoining Lots. Yard waste, such as rocks, lawn and shrubbery clippings, dirt a ... : .,:::c: .:.:.t·c:ial resulting from landscaping work, shall not be dumped into public streets or ditci .:o ,.,1 c,, :rny of the Conunon Areas. The individual Lot Owner shall be solely responsible to remo,•e ,mil dispose of all such materials. Should any Lot Owner fail to comply with this covenant within ten (10) days following the date on which notice is mailed to him by the Association informing him of st,eh violation, then the Association may have said materials removed and charge the expense of removal t,, s ,:u uit Owner, which shall be collectible as a special assessment, No outside incinerators are allu .. T,i o:, :a Lot. 11.8 Unsightly Conditions No lot Owner shall permit any unsightly condition to exist on his Lot. \J, •. ,,~;111'· c,rnditions shall include, without limitation, litter, trash, junk or other debris; inappropriate, brnl:ci1, ,::,inaged or ugly furniture or plants; non-decorative gear, equipment, cans, bottles, ladders, 1 · ·J, and other such items; and air conditioning units or other projections placed on the exterior ·, ii, , , ' · · '! uilding. The Committee, in its sole discretion, may grant a written waiver of this Scctio:, t. 1·· .. J. application by a Lot Owner as provided in this Declaration. 11.9 Antenna An antenna, satellite dish or other device for the transmission or receptic•n er ·:.c,vn or radio (including ham radio) signals, or any other similar device may be located, used , 1 . · , utdoors on any lot only if such device is screened from view from other Lots and tile .,111 : . cile Committee shall approve installation of any such device one (I) meter or less in ,. ,: . :. '· .... ut such screening if the Lot Owner desiring to install such device demonstrates to the Cc, .. uit•·.'l' .: c.uch screening would unreasonably delay or prevent installation, maintenance, or use .. r sllci, de·. ice, unreasonably increase the cost of insta]lation, maintenance or use of such device, .~r-;1 r·\_··:..: :11(1~ r..::ception of an acceptable quality signal. The Committee shall review and grant an excepti · 11 r, .. c:: ·'• <',.:vice on a case-by-case basis upon written request by such Lot Owner desiring an excrp11 11.10 Storage No storage under decks or overhangs or anywhere else on any Lot wllicL , , .. :, .ru1,1 any point outside the Lot shall be permitted. W:1WPD0CSl240251007\JIR2346.DOC 9/o/2005 20 Dec!,,:,·.·: •1 ~,: l'i ut~Tti1·~ Covenants !"•·~ Windstooo 2005102000033R ..-:-- 11.11 Machinery and Equipment No machinery or equipment of any kind shall be placed, operated or ma :C1Jir1ed up<>n or adjacent to any Lot except such machinery or equipment as is usual and custom:,·:· in cc•nncecrion with the construction (during residential construction only} of a Building, appurtena11: . :rnc1ure or improvement on a Lot, and machinery and equipment customarily used in the m ir:rc,mcee of landscaping. 11, 12 Oil Drilling, Etc. No oil drilling, oil development operations, oil refining, quarrying or n, kind shall be permitted upon or in any Lot, nor shall oil wells, tanks, tunnels, 1,. shafts be permitted upon or in any Lot. No derrick or other structure designed . or natural gas shall be erected, maintained, or permitted upon any Lot 11.13 Development Activities Exempted ·:'.,: Uj,'~·r.-.~>-,'IL'i-of any S..:!"~1: \_,,.C: • ---li.JUS, or ''·" ;,, 1, ,·iug for oil Nothing in this Declaration shall prevent Developer, its successors and :ni 0 us, .0c1d their contractors and employees from performing, developing and marketing the Pro: .. J . . erecting and maintaining snch structures and signs and conducting such business as Dev, .,cessary in order to accomplish such purpose. As used in this Section, 'successors and :, , , . ,._. ,;cally shall not include purchasers of Lots improved with completed residences. 11,14 Violations The Board, Developer, Lot Owner or their authorized representative sk ·11 notice of a violation of the restrictions of this Declaration to the Lot Owner or occupant, i. :,·n (IO} days from the date of receipt of said written notice to take whatever actions arc ' -' , , , 1edy said violation. If the Lot Owner or occupant fails to comply within said ten (H,_ ". ·"" Board, Developer, Lot Owner or their authorized representative may take whatever actk. is are cecessary to bring the Lot Owner into compliance with these restrictions, including but not limited levying reasonable fines after notice and an opportunity to be heard. The Lot Owner in violotion shall be responsible for paying all costs associated with enforcing these restrictions (inclu """ ,,rtnr:'c'v foes) and the Association may collect such amounts as provided in ARTICLE 8. Said Lo, grant to the Association an express easement for the purpose of enforcing these resrric ARTICLE12 EASEMENTS 12.1 Easements The following nonexclusive, perpetual, appurtenant easements and those s' .\' 1 ,,,, ·' .' 'lap are hereby reserved for the benefit of and created, granted and conveyed to the Lot 8 Association or other parties as identified below: W:IWPDOCS\240?S\007\IIR2346.DOC 916/2005 21 D~.!a: .. Covenants Windstone 2005102000033R fr1 12.1.1 Utility Easements. Utility easements are granted to utility c-11: , :s :is s11own on the Map. The utility entities shall use the easements in such mauner as to minimize i:.:,,nvc:11icnce to the Lot Owners, damage to the roadway and existing structures and interference with other utilities. Said utility entities shall, at their own expense, repair any damage and restore tlle Property to as good a condition as existed prior to the performance of said work by said utility companies. Each Lot Owner agrees not to place locks on structures enclosing utility meters or to in any mauner interfere with utility representatives' access to said meters at all times 12.1.2 Private Ingress, Egress and Utility Easements. (a) Lot 8. The Lot Owner of Lot 9 hereby grants, cc, .. , \·, :.ncl liansfers to the Lot Owner of Lot 8 a mutual, non-exclusive, perpetual ingress, egress and UL:'.,,:, . .1,.m, Ht over and across that portion of Lot 9 shown on the Map ('Easement Area") for the purpos, . f i .. pcs, :ind egress ro and from Lot 8 and for utilities serving Lot 8. The Owner of Lot 8 shall maim:.1:., "'": ,_-i::cessary, repair the pavement and those utilities which serve Lot 8 within the Easement Ar,·:1. T!i,: cr,:cr, of such maintenance and repair work shall be paid by the Owner of Lot 8. This easement :i':i ! nm wi:h the land and shall bind the heirs, successors and assigns of the Owners of Lots 8 aml q. (b) Lots 30, 31, 32 and 33. The Lot Owners of Lot ' : : .ot :,2 hereby grant, convey and transfer to the Lot Owners of Lots 30, 31, 32 and 33 a mutuai. '" i ,,e, perpetual ingress, egress and utility easement over and across that portion of Lor. . . __ , _. , l shown on the Map ("Easement Area") for the purpose of ingress and egress to and frorn, .. ,,,. · ,_ .•, .. ,2 and 33, and for utilities serving Lots 30, 31, 32 and 33. The Owners of Lots 30, 31, . ~ ;· . _. _ .,'. Jll jointly maintain, and if necessary, repair the pavemenl and utilities within the Easemell: . . . "' , .•sts of such maintenance and repair work shall be paid equally by the Owners of Lot lu, ;aJt ii anC: Lot 12, respectively. This easement shall run with the land and shall bind the heirs, succ·,"· •r,·: 1d :•ssigns of the Owners of Lots 30, 31, 32 and 33. (c) Lot 35. The Lot Owner of Lot 34 hereby grant . .1 t:ansfers to the Lot Owner of Lot 35 a mutual, non-exclusive, perpetual ingress, egress a, · · ·:nt over and across that portion of Lot 34 shown on the Map ("Easement Area") for the , . c1s and egress to and from Lot 35 and for utilities serving Lot 35. The Owners of Lots _: : , ,, : I jointly maintain, and if necessary, repair the pavement within the Easement Area and U1u: _. ,,::,.:ies \Vhich serve both Lots 34 and 35. The costs of such maintenance and repair work s!,c,:. . •j •.lle Owners of Lots 34 and 35. This easement shall run with the land and shall bind the heir · ,r, and assigns of the Owners of Lots 34 and 35. (d) Lots 44, 45, 46, 47, 48 and 49. The Lot Owucic 48 and 49 hereby grant, convey and transfer to the Lot Owners of Lots 44, 45, . mutual, non-.:xclusive, perpetual ingress, egress and utility easement over and "' . Lots 44, 45, 46, 48 and 49 shown on the Map ("Easement Area") for the pucpu to and from Lots 44, 45, 46, 4 7, 48 and 49 and for utilities serving Lots 44, 4:, , The Owners of Lots 44, 45, 46, 47, 48 and 49 shall jointly maintain, and if nee. pavement and utilities within the Easement Area. The costs of such maintemnc, : be paid equally by the Owners of Lots 44, 45, 46, 47, 48 and 49, respectiwly. WclWPDOCS\24025\007\IIR2346.D0C 91612005 22 ':, 46, ,g a hat pl uu of ngrc·s; .md egress 47, ,, and 49. ·. r-~, ;.i.~ the :p .' ,xk shall ,• '!,all of Pr,· ,ve Covenants ,: Windstone 20051020000:J.:J.R ,-,; run with the land and shall bind the heirs, successors and assigns of the Owners ( · ! .ots 4 i, 45, 46, 47, 48 and 49. 12. l .3 Sanitary Sewer Easement. The Lot Owners of Lots 33 :•: J 34 and Tract D hereby grant, convey and transfer to the Lot Owners of Lots 31 and 33 a mutual. :. ,:1-exc: ive, perpetual sanitary sewer easement over, under and across that portion of Lots 33 a,icJ 34,, i Tract D shown on the Map ("Easement Area") for the purpose of installing, maintaining. '" iag, rer: i: ing and reconstructing a sanitary sewer to and from Lots 31 and 33. The Owners of Lm,. ': and J_c ,l•?Jl jointly maintain, and if necessary, repair the sewer appurtenances within ,i1c Ea,_ · .1t Ar,.,. rhe costs of such maintenance and repair work shall be paid equally by the Owners of Lou _ ; and 3:,, respectively. This easement shall run with the land and shall bind the heirs, sue-, •1)rs an,' 1ssi~ns of the Owners of Lots 31, 33, 34 and Tract D. 12.1.4 Landscape, Fence and Entry Monument Easement. Tk· L and 8 hereby grants, conveys and transfers to the Association a non-exclusive, 1 and across that portion of Lots 7 and 8 shown on the Map ("Easement Arc·:i ") f,_,. constructing, using, maintaining, repairing and reconstructing an entry mu11u11:,· and for installing, maintaining and replacing landscaping. The Association sliai, . restore any improvements and/or landscaping that it constructs or installs .-. itl1i11 The cost of such construction, use, maintenance, repair, reconstruction and i,,r i' by the Association as a common expense. If the water for irrigation of tile l:tnd.· Association is oot separately metered from the water serving Lots 7 and/r>t· 8 _ ti: : reimburse the Owner(s) of Lots 7 and/or 8 for the reasonable cost of the ,-. :i L:r : , u Association. This easement shall run with the land and shall bind the hci: ''"' the Owners of Lots 7 and 8 and the successors and assigns of the Associa11,·::. 12.2 Maintenance of and Restrictions on Easement Areas The Association, its employees, agents and contractors, shall hav·_· :, 1:ic1 easement over, under and across the Property with a right of immediate e. :: ,_. '" the construction, improvement, maintenance and repair of the sanitary se'> _: sy. en drainage system, detention pond, water system, roads, open spaces, cou:r ·,, L growth protected areas, wetlands and all other Common Areas for whicl1 ., .-\, No struc1llre, planting or other material shall be placed or permitted to rc 1 oi11 u easement which shall interfere with the use of the easement or which may· 1:t111c·· installation and maintenance of the roadway, sewer or utilities, or which r,w d:•. change the direction or flow of drainage facilities within easements for in --, . :,r,. roadway, utilities, sewer and drainage facilities. W:1WPDOCSl24025\007\JIR2J4'S.DOC 916/1005 23 De·(' U\VL -,,r Lots 7 _·l·,Jal c: ~-. • 1'-·nt over llUtp• sign i .J:. fence ·.;:1ai11, . :pair and • aSt rea . ·1atior-:1] be paid ,,,., ir· ·I by the <' ..ci;.i <1r1Il :,I hv .) ;!: ~ns of : ,~ive .:h ...:ss for ti. · · ~r , I J:_ . .tl .:,-,:[ i .. ,. ·cronsible, :)jl\' ':i:1y inte,. ,: ·:. ith the 1n:.·,! ··,~ with or 1, 1ce of , ;·:· I': ,, ,, .. Covenants ·,Vindstone ARTICLE 13 GENERAL PROTECTIVE COVF:'IAt: 13.1 Partition No part of the Property shall be partitioned, nor shall any loot Owner or :, · · ,,,.ee·son : .:·quiring any interest in the Propeny or any part thereof seek judicial partition, except in ,r.·c,li,!:11\CC ,, i'1 the express provisions of this Declaration. 13.2 Subdivision or Combination No Lot or any part of the Property shall be divided or combined except or. :1:,provol ,,r seventy percent (70%) of the Members attending a meeting of the Association duly celled : · that pu:: ·c•sc. Upon such approval, the Association shall file an amendment to this Decl,i: .. , ion :. .y c, 1 ,ary to describe fully such combined or subdivided Lot or Lots or Property with tL.· !~in; :11:: , .'er. 13.3 Leases Any lease agreement between the Lot Owner and a lessee shall be in \\'rit' agreement shall provide that the terms of the lease shall be subject in all re. , . _ cs . this Declaration and the Bylaws, and that any failure by the lessee to comp I: ., i,:, default under the lease. If a lease agreement fails to so provide, the lessee .. " , respects to the provisions of this Declaration and the Bylaws by virtue of ti.," he· . 13.4 Mortgagee Protection The following provisions shall apply to and benefit each holder of" ,,,1111 a deed of !rust given for the purpose of obtaining funds for the constructioL .. Ji:. c on any Lot or the improvement of any Lot ("Mortgagee" herein), notwiths: '", ·1 any other provisions of this Declaration, the Bylaws, or any rules, regulau, ,r . " agreements: Sut'h l, .1sc ·~ pri,. : :·1s of . ce, 1 I be a . $.,. : , :di · ur L ·r, · · · :ary of e Ol J. , .iIJg ')f(:' \Vet ',l',, 13.4.1 Before Possession. Prior to the time a Mortgagee is entith' w posss:r· 'on of a Lot, Mortgagee shall not be personally liable for the payment of any assessrn:·,it ,., :,rge, or r.,r the observance or performance of any covenant, restriction, regulation, rule, B aag, agreement, except for those matters which are enforceable by injunctive 01 ,blc , c . , ,i!t requiring the payment of money, as hereinafter provided. 13.4.2 During Foreclosure. During the pendency of any pwcccdi11~ . , Ju: •... ,:,e said mortgage or deed of trust, the Mortgagee may exercise any or all of the rights and pri':ikgcs , ,f 1he Lot Owner of the mortgaged Lot, including, but not limited to, the right to vote .:.; a : •·, "' .. Association to the exclusion of the Lot Owner's exercise of such rights and 13.4.3 During Possession. At such time as said Mortgage· 11c , •o possession of the Lot, the Mortgagee shall be subject to all of the terms am: :,:' ·,, ,r ', Declaration and the Bylaws, including, but not limited to, the obligation ro · k•: ,, ,,.. . and W:\WPDOCS\24025\007\JIR2346.DOC 9/6/WJ5 24 ··i'1 .-, .wenants .lstone charges accruing thereafter, in the same manner as the Lot Owner; provide,!. 1,c , · ·•, ti." shall acquire the title to said Lot free and clear of any lien authorized by or :1: i, i" ,, , t of "' provisions of this Declaration which secures the payment of any assessment :',1r c:,.. ·s :a.· .or , I prior to the date said Mortgagee became entitled to possession of the Lot. 13.4.4 Unpaid Assessments. If it is deemed necessary by the A•.•,nciation, ,,·,v unpaid assessment against a Building foreclosed agaiast may be treated as a comm"' cxr·iJ '" of t'1c , : °'" Lots. Any such unpaid assessments shall continue to exist as a personal obligatio1, u, l';c· , : .·:·,n, 11 i:i·· ,r Owner of the respective Lot. ARTICLE 14 14.1 Liability and Hazard Insurance INSURANCE The Association shall obtain insurance policies as the Board deems ·,,,. interest of the Members. All such insurance coverage shall be written in t'. Members. The Developer shall bear the costs of insurance obtained by the . •ev, conveyance of the Cormnon Area. .., best 14.2 Building Insurance Every Lot Owner, at his own expense, shall insure his own BuildiM "~" i ·,·. '•·•s c,:· <' ·:ioge by fire or other casualty in an amount equal to the full replacement value therc . shall secure liability insurance covering his Lot. 14.3 Common Area Repair and Replacement If the property covered by the insurance specified in Section 14. 1 is uama;ni nr ,L:;1, ,ycd, the Association shall (to the extent permitted by any persons or entities to whom the ,bu:1::nl 1,r0.,srty is pledged as collateral), upon receipt of the insurance proceeds, contract to L ,1 r property to as good a condition as it was in when the loss occurred. The A " with any licensed contractor for reconstruction or rebuilding of such property. 1 : rr., nt Period, the Developer may elect to rebuild the damaged or destroyed portiou ot, .. ,,, . the extent it receives insurance proceeds to cover said repair or reconstruction. 14.4 Building Repair and Replacement The Lot Owner of any Building damaged or destroyed by fire or oC · :1 receipt of the insurance proceeds, contract to repair or rebuild the damaged 0f che Building in a good workmanlike manner in conformance with the original p, of said Building. The plans and specifications for said Building may be modifi : ''", . aay be reconstructed in accordance with said modified plans and specifications it the L· L l.' .vnc: s,. ·,ired approval in conformance with Section 9.2. If the Lot Owner refuses or fails to collJ,n, nee'"' 'r repair or rebuilding within thirty (30) days after such damage or destruction, the As,.uci,,.·, , .. r .: I , , el'.·· authorized by such Lot Owner to repair and rebuild any such Building in a g , ... 1 ,, ,, , · •:lller W:\WPDQCS\2A()25\007\JIR2346.D0C 916/2005 25 ,-1, .-·,-.venants ,'cimlstonc: 20051020000338.~~ in confonnance with the original plans and specit'ications. The Lot Owner shall · ··1 re, ::v · · Association the amount actually expended for such repairs. The Association sli: i: , ·:e :· '· : against the Lot for such amount and the rights to collect said lien as provided in ARTTC ARTICLE15 15,1 Rules and Regulations ENFORCEMENT ·rning ; ·.J The Board is hereby authorized and empowered to adopt the rules ,ind : : the use of the Property and the personal conduct of the Members and their gu,.· impose fines and other penalties for the infraction of any covenant set font '" , Bylaws or said rules and regulations. The Board shall notify all Lot Owners in •: (30) days of the adoption of said rules and regulations. cl:, : :1, the 15 .2 Enforcement The Board may enforce all restrictions, conditions, covenants, reserv:i:i now or hereafter imposed by the provisions of this Declaration, the Article: . : and regulations promulgated by the Board by any proceeding at law or inc., .. ,. Development Period, the Developer may exercise this enforcement power .. ;: i;c The City of Renton may enforce any restrictions, conditions, covenants, re sc rv :'.'.: ·.: . I i c. for maintenance of the Common Areas and common facilities. 15.3 Remedies The remedies provided herein for collection of any assessment, c:: Member, for and on behalf of the Association or Developer, are in addi, ,o. any other remedies provided by law. 15.4 Waiver 1 :.hirty 'rnges "L/ rules ,.;iation. : charges : :iny 'ion of, The failure of the Association, the Developer, any Lot Owner or anv o: :' .: ,. ,, .. , v ,,. ,·· ,nrized agents to insist in any one or more instances upon the strict perfonnance ,, t or Declaration, the Bylaws, or rules and regulations of the Association or t ., ,e contained therein, or to serve notice or to institute any action or summarJ !l1is construed as a waiver or relinquishment of such right for the future, such c:.: 'JI\ :i continue and remain in full force and effect. No waiver of any provision ot , his ,:u :i. :.,e Bylaws, or rules or regulations of the Association shall be deemed to have been : .1: 's, cichc:· ,,xpressly or impliedly, unless such waiver shall be in writing and signed pursuant to a rev,' · ·,n ,,f th· :1oard. 'The receipt by the Association of payment of any assessment with know ks' · ,, .y covenant hereof shall not be deemed a waiver of such breach. W:IWPDOCSl240251007VIR2346.D0C 916/1JYJS 26 -'-:'.ovenants ·I' j oistone " 20051020000.,~ll .:,_;. 15.5 Costs and Attorney Fees If any authorized person or entity (including Developer and the Citv of 1' ,1, "' :· ·s an attorney to enforce any provision of this Declaration, the Bylaws, Articles or ru: :· Y.c\ , : _u ,,ns adopted by the Association, the prevailing party in such action shall be entitled 1c, , c aw:.:J , ,; reasonable attorneys' fees and costs incurred in said action whether such fees a"'' , , :s arc i, . , 1rred in negotiation, mediation, arbitration, litigation, appeal, bankruptcy or pre-or ros: · ·1: ,,: , : :,,,·tion. ARTICLE 16 AMENDMENT OF DECLARATIC. 16.l Developer's Reserved Rights The Developer reserves the right and, on behalf of all Lot Owners, ', :,, , . execute and to have recorded any amendments to this Declaration it deems , :,:c, termination of the Development Period. All Lot Owners hereby grant to tL, : . , complete power of attorney to take those actions and agree that said arr:endnie,c:· a'. Le I., their respective Lots and them and their assigns to the same extent as if the_. :"" ,rs, ·di said amendments. All Lot Owners hereby acknowledge and agree that the '."-'WC" f :,·:c: herein shall be deemed coupled with an interest and shaUbe irrevocab.le. 16.2 Amendment by Members After termination ofthe Development Period, this Declaration may · " " .. by a vote of seventy percent (70%) of the Members in attendance at a meet: purpose. Votes shall be cast by written ballot either in person or by pro.,, ], such purpose at which a quomm is present. The notice of said meeting sl" . , ,1, proposed amendment. Members may also vote by executing a document in writ'· c ,::.• ·. amendment, which written consent may be submitted either prior to or with," ti i' · ,, 1' the date of said meeting. After such approval, the President and Secretary ,,'.· t 1c on behalf of the Lot Owners, shall execute and record said amendment. 16.3 Amendments Affecting Maintenance or Operation ,,r · · ,< , Notwithstanding the foregoing. no amendment to alter the oblign1i, Association to the City of Renton for maintenance of the drainage facility, : . _. _ sensitive area tract, commonly owned landscaping or commonly owned trc, for the power used for street lighting or maintenance or operation of the Cc , effective without the written consent of the City of Renton or its successor 16.4 Power of Attorney All Lot Owners hereby grant to the Association (or Developer clur: · ;J full and complete power of attorney to take any and all actions necessary tc, . amendment and agree that said amendment when authorized and reconJeJ : shall be binding upon their property and them and their respective legal r,·, .. W;\WPOOCSl24025\007\JIR2:l46.D0C 9/612005 27 J to ·, :; upon ,uted :111ted : ,rovat l .,cl for ,., said · !lowing >,rand 1he pay .:) a 'any ,_Je '-,venants , 1:1dstone successors and assigns to the same extent as if they had personally executed <:,',: c,, Owners hereby acknowledge and agree that the power of attorney herein gr:rn'.cc s coupled with an interest and shall be irrevocable. ARTICLE 17 LIMITATION OF LIABILITY; JNDEM'.\lFIC 17 .1 Limitation of Liability No person who serves as a member of the Boa.rd (including the initi: : · · the Association (including Developer) shall be personally liable to the Assoc any other party for conduct as a member of the Board and shall be protected to t ,,. permitted by law. If Washington State Law is amended after adoption of this D cl " . liability of each Board Member and officer of the Association shall be limitc .• permitted by the Washington State Law, as so amended. No repeal or modit,c,,:•,111" . '.1i. shall adversely affect any right or protection of a Board Member existing at 1.: 1•c Ii 1n· ,/ , u modification. 17 .2 Indemnification The Association shall indemnify and hold all persons who serve as ,1 co , the initial Board or as a Boan! Member and officer of the Association (incl,. extent Developer acts in any such capacity), harmless to the full extent pern, :. Law as it now exists or as it is amended hereafter. This indemnification smi: .. ,. who has ceased to be a Board Member and/or officer and shall inure to the be:ic '. t , ' heirs, personal representatives, or assigns. The Association may, upon writk:: 1 expenses incurred by the Board Members and/or officers entitled to this inde:i::1 ,· indemnification or advance of expenses is not paid within sixty (60) days aft:·r ,, · received by the Association, the claimant may sue the Association to recove successful, the claimant shall be entitled to reasonable costs and attorneys' 1 • In addition, the Association shall have the power to indemnify an offi.: Member, as well as employees and agents of the Association who are not Boa : the Developer), to the full extent permitted by Washington State Law as it no\ hereafter. Whether an officer, agent or employee who is not a Board Member and the amount of indemnification to be provided shall be determined by gen · the Board of Directors. The Association shall have the power to purchase and maintain insur: n · ·'' person who is or was a Board Member, officer, employee, or agent of the As, liability asserted against him and incurred by him in such capacity or arising o .. whether or not the Association would have the power to indemnify him agains provisions of Washington State Law. The Association shall indemnify, defend and hold any Board Mernbe:, · any obligation of the Association which the Board Member or officer personal!· W:\WPDOCS\24025\007\JIR2J46.DOC 9/612JJJ5 28 I ''! Lot ··cer of :1er or :he :cml7.1 ",al or , J or the State :son '.) i 111 for sheen If ,rd ng id ."i~d I of ,·.::h, the for ,ng as that Association obligation has been authorized and/or ratified by the Board of I · · in the Bylaws. If any provision of this Section 17 .2 is in violation of the Washington .': · time of the request for indenmification, then that provision shall be automatic,tl .. modified to provide the broadest indemnification available under the existing II The rights to indemnification, limitation of liability, and to t11e advanc,:: :·· conferred in Sections 17.1 and 17.2 shall not be exclusive of any other right,., have or hereafter acquire under any statute, the Association's Articles oflncor, agreement, or vote of Members, disinterested Board Members or otherwise. ARTICLE18 GENERAL PROVISIONS 18.t Term The provisions of this Declaration shall run with and bind tile land, ai : benefit of and be enforceable by the Lot Owners, their respective legal repre,··: successors and assigns for a term of thirty (30) years from the date tl1is Decbr,· which time said provisions shall be automatically extended for successive pe: • unless within one hundred eighty (180) days of the end of such period, ninety Jh Owners vote not to extend them. 18.2 Subordination A breach of any of the provisions contained herein or any reentry by r. shall not defeat or render invalid the lien of any mongage or deed of 1rust n. value as to said premises or any pan thereof; but said provisions shall he bi, against any Lot Owner of said premises whose title thereto is acquired Ly fu .. c, ·otherwise. 18.3 Notice Any notice required by this Declaration, Bylaws, or the rules and re.a· · Association shall be deemed properly given if mailed by ordinary mai: ro th, the Developer or the Association. If no mailing address has been provided, addressed to the address of the Lot. Such notices shall be deemed recci vcd , been deposited in the U.S. mail. 18,4 Examination of Records Any Lot Owner may examine the books and records of the Associat' notice during working hours at the offices of the Association at Lor O·.rner's annually, the Board shall prepare, or cause to be prepared, a financial ,rate,, The Board may, at its sole discretion, obtain an audit of all books and 1 ccorua 1,. W:\WPDOCS\24-025\007\JIR2346.DOC 9/612005 29 20051020000338 . .J: oviJed for ,,xt at the e Law. ,may ,'S, ·.he d, after _.:ears, of the Lot reach md for ,ccfrve 's sale or by the ·J1ed to !!,,'.: r it has •· Cv:~nants .· Wir,Jstone Association at such intervals as the Board shall deterrniue, and copies shall 1,,, ' Owners. Such audit obtained by the Board shall be a common expense. 18.5 Severabillty 20051 IJ:-t:t_ll_H_HJ::'.i~~I:"-(<·. Invalidation of any provision of this Declaration by judgment or court c,r. · ·• sh:, ,, no way affect any other provisions, which shall remain in full force and effect. 18.6 Gender This Declaration is to be read and understood with all appropriate c!,::,· gender as required by the context. 18.7 Headings The captions in this Declaration are for convenience only and do not ;,, limit, or amplify the provisions hereof. [Signature page follows.] IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Developer has hereunto set its hand and se.i I , above written. W:\WPD0CSl24025\007UtR2J46.D0C 9/612005 DEVELOPER: KBS DEVELOPMENT CORPORA Tf r 30 r:\: ' '·-:lo: er and , affect, J year first ,: ve Covenants for Windston@ ' STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) THIS IS TO CERTIFY that on this /6~ay of St'f18'>16€1?. , 2005. · ,·:·o: · · Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, cam· I' · "· personally known or having presented satisfactory evidence to be the Presidern , " : : :.· Corporation, a Washington corporation, the corporation that executed the for·-':-, acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of, · .·01 ! uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he is authorized t0 e ,cur, instrument. W:IWPD0CSl24025\007IJIR2346.DOC 916/'ll:IJS Print Name: C:..~ hT r; . .::_ Notary Public in and for tJJe State of Washington, resiJ mg ,,., ty:iel(u,f-,v/) ( Expiration Date: f' -3 0~ -: ' 31 20051020000338 fr"· ,. a Notary ,Iopment ·ont, and •n for the ssid ,..e written. :.:rii;t Covenaooi for Wiodstone ... • Pareel k EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot l( of King County Bcundary line Adjustment No. LOOL0089, recorded under Recording Na. 20020702800007, in King County, Washington. Pal'Dl!l 1l: The North 16!l feet of the South 330 feet of the Ncrt~.e 2 1, Quarter of the southeaet Qunrter cf Section 3, Townshi , North, Range 5 East, Willamett! Meridian, ln King coun Waehtngtan: EXCEPT county road1: TOGETHER WITH that portion of Lot 2, King County Short Plat ND. 485017, recorclec under Recording Na. B703039CO 1. described as fallows: commencing at the Northwest corner of said Lot 2: thence South 87 '49' 15" E~st along the North line u' ,, ... · •_:;:, a tUstance of 97.38 feet to the True Point of Beylnr,:n:_ thence south a·10·415• Weet 11 !;!1sUnce of 158.13 feet tu ._..,1 South Une cf s111d LGt 2 and a pol.nt on II curve C8nc-evre Northwesterly, the radi11l ci:mter cf which beBr5 Nonn : J •.• ·1 '··: · West: thence Northwesterly al6ng the South line of sBid I,' -, nd I arc of said curve h!!ving a radius of 95.00 feet, tJ,..,11.1, , " c: .. :r!!l angle of 3i"3B'~9", a distance·of 52,4B feet to a ~n'n" 01 r-~se curvature of a curve concave Southeasterly, the r~-,· ·tc· • which beal's Beuth Si '23' 4:1" Eaet; thsnce continuing NQrttieaaterly along said South : Lot 2 and the arc cf eeid curve having a radius o· through a central angle of 55'34'26", 11 distance r' thence continuing along the South line of said Lot 87 '49' 15" East a diet11ncli of 223. 23 f11&t ta the Scut,,.,,-, of said Lot: thence North 1·24·12· East along the East line at clietance of 100.02 feat to the Ncrtn1aet earner of thence North B7'49'15" Wast alcng ths North line - distance of ,3:15.14 feet to the True Point of Begi· (also known a5 Let Y of King County Boundary line LOOL008~. recorded uncar Recording Ne. 200207029U: W:IWPDOCS124025\007\/IR2346.DOC 9/6/2005 32 _ :1:1: ? t: ·:ctive Covenants for Wiodstone I ,0 ~ Parcel C: Lot 1, King Ccuoty_Short Plat No. '496017, recorded Aecor-ding I\IQ, 8703039001, and amended by afficlavit r . correction recorded under Flecor-ding No. B70B260950, 'n King county, Wa$hington, l:leinli e portion of the Sr," '.'1 i of the South half af the South half of the Ncrthea, .. qt " of the Southeast quarter of Section 3. Township 23 , .c .' 1. Range 5 East, Willamette Marid111n. 1n King county, Washington: ., TOGETHER WITH. the fellowing deecrilled property in ~ccord;mi:a With decree quieting title in King cr.u~~·· •· -ec ':. Court cauaa No. BB-2-22ua-2 entarae! an March 23, , the south 330 feet cf the Northeast quarter c r th,, quarter of Sect:iCm 3, Township 23 North. Range 5 L Willamette Meridian. in King County, Washington: EXCEPT the West 840.50 feet thereat: and EXCEPT the Narth 165 teat thereof; and EXCEPT that port1on of lYing within the scutn half ,, ' South half Df the south half of ss1d suDd1viston: a EXCEPT county road~. Parcel~ Beginning et the Sout.heest earner of the NartJ,sHst of the SilUthesst gUl!lrtar cf Sectico 3, Tcwn~hip 22 Range 5 East, WilJa~tte Meridian, 1n King County, Wasflingtan· thence North 65 feet along the East line of said Se· thence West 670. 2 feet; thence South 65 feet to the South line of sa icl Nor, . quarter of the Southeae:t quarter of aaid Beetir:n 3: thence East along ss:id South line, . 670.2 feet ta t. . n: of Beginning: EXCEPT roatls. W:1WPD0Cs124025\007\JIR2346.DOC 91612005 33 ,·:.··1 ~ ,· ·· 'i~'tive Covenants for Windstone . After recording return to: DOCUMENT TITLE First Amendment to Declaration of Pc-,, of Stone Rid2e (A.K.A. Wind,ts;e.,\ REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENTS ASSIGNED/ 20051020000338 RELEASED ---~ GRANTOR KBS Develooment Corporation ----· GRANTEE City of Renton The Public LEGAL DESCRIPTION Plat of Stone Ridee /A.K.A. \\'i11,: ~i( -~-- ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 032305-9046; 032305-9034; l11!'' FIRST AMENDMENT TO T!i!: DECLARATION OF PROTECTIVE<''!',, .. FOR THE PLAT OF STONE RIDGE (A.K.,\. 1, KBS Developme.nt Corporation, Developer herein, here!Jy . , : . Covenants for the Plat of Stone Ridge (A.K.A. Windstone), re,, : "·" . No. 20051020000338 (the 'Declaration"). •L WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 16.1 of the DeclaratioE,, .i•r ,., · ·:· Development Period, the Developer is authorized to execute au! ,, · 1 the Declaration it deems necessary; and WHEREAS, the Development Period has not terminr,te,', WHEREAS, on or about November 8, 2005, the Developer rec,, .. c! ·, City of Renton (by Kayren Kittrick, Department of Public Works) for the , :,:," NOW, THEREFORE, Developer hereby amends the I:k .. I. Section 1.5 of the Declaration is hereby deleted in ics e1cti1 c· hereby substituted in its place, as follows: W:\WPDOCS\2402SI007\JIR2607.00C 12105/05 Page l of7 ··a ,, 20051207002324.:: 11111 .4 '·)t~7 · Plat .,,uRANCE COMPANY i:1cu@eritol S 3 ' : T.11 COU<lesy · ~iii~/ for :/ol : 'rotective :ording 11i:nts to . ,ii from the '. herein~ I .5 is _·Jaration of ·. Windstone) • 1.5 Common Area The term "Common Area" shall mean anti refr:· · , ·1 C, D, E and Fas shown on the Map, the fence, landsc:i: . 11c monument easements benefiting the Association, tl1e sto: :,:: :er management easements benefiting the Association as sh, ·n , ·1 I· B, and any other areas owned by or benefiting the Ass,,. : " the Lot Owners for the common use and enjoyment of :i uf Owners. Any streeis, tracts or other areas dedicated w governmental entity for public use are not Common /\ re The Developer may add to or subtract from :i,: during the Development Period, as defined in Secrion ., . amendment to this Declaration, provided that the De•:,. withdraw any tract or other Common Area subject to" . imposed by the City of Renton or otherwise required i:, laws without the written consent of the City of R,·111ur: Common Areas described on the recorded Map '" ·: c . described herein, the Common Areas described on 01·: · deemed the Common Areas unless this Dec!aratiu:i IL.: or modified to change the Common Areas sliown un ,; the status of those tracts or Common Areas tllat were , . condition imposed by the City of Renton or otherwise . or federal laws may not be changed without the wr'11e City of Renton, 2. A new Section 12.1.5 is hereby added to the Declami,>11, 12.1.5 Storm Water Managemn.i_~"- Owners of Lots 18 and 22, respectively, hereuy c· :,,1: transfer to the Association a non-exclusive, pcq,,·1u.t! ,· and across those portions of Lots 18 and 22 desc: i,.cc' Exhibit B, attached hereto ("Easement Area"), fo:-1l1 constructing, using, maintaining, repairing and rccon, : water management facilities and appurtenances rile:,,, , Association shall maintain, repair and restore auy :inv landscaping that it constructs or installs witl,iu ti,·: · cost of such construction, use, maintenance, rep:::,. r c. and/or installation shall be paid by the Associat', ,, :.s :, expense. The City of Renton shall have access w . ,c . necessary to inspect or maintain the storm water 11 .• ::: and appurtenances thereon. These easements ski'.,·.,. and shall bind the heirs, successors and assigns of ,.,e , · 18 and 22 and the successors and assigns of tile .\, , ,, 3. A new Exln'bit B is hereby attached to the Declara'., · Page 2 of 7 W,\WPDOCSl2402l\007\/IR2607 .DOC 12/0l/Ol . :o, J. 20051207iiii25:.a '-'"· :11,ANCE COMPANY , ·:,,rrtol ·, courtesy , 11· '.or · >:., ol 10. ·,:taration of '.'/indstone) ' 4. Except for the matters stated in this First Amendrnrnl, o:: , 'w Declaration remain in full force and effecl This Amendment shall "" · c• Dated this 5'~ day of f¥:(gmfd , 2005. DEVELOPER: KBS DEVELOPMENT CO . · ·1 STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ) ) ss. ) \1, THIS IS TO CERTIFY that on this £day of .fl6''011 i;l('' "' Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned nmi s 1 personally known or having presented satisfactory evidence to be the 1 Corporation, a Washington corporation, the corporation that ex::·Jtecl ;l acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary ,,:c :i::d d uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated chat he :: au tho, instrument. W,\WPDOCSl2402S\007\JJR2607.D0C 12105/05 Page 3 of7 r ::rained in the , ,ding. :, Notary ·r, . elopment . ::ent, and ,·,on for the 0 :tid : written. : la ration of \V indstone) ' • EXHIBIT B TO DECLARATION OF PROTECTIVE COY I': , :; PLATOFSTONERIDGE(A.K.A. WINV<''. ,: Stotm Drainage Ea,cnH·;,: 20051207002524.:: ~North IO.OOfeetof Lot 18,PlatofWindstoneli: · Recordin1 Nwrlber 200Sl 020000337. Situate in the City of Reriton, Counry-0fKini, State of Vi" , · W,1 WPDOCSl2402l1007\/!R2607 .DOC J2,()5J0S Page 4 of7 ' 11 it)' :t)' :nt 1,e' I ·claration of . Windstone) ' jJ) ~ '-J • .I:>. <O . ,.,. U1 . ' m .... 0 m .I,. I'll W:\WPDOCSl240251007IJIR2607.D0C l'.!/05/05 901 '25'22"1>4 65.0cl" 5S.00' ! . s ~ n1 ;. ' I-"' ~r co ! 54.S9' \:,),;_ ..... II N o. c::=--f~·.-. ;~----, Page 5 of7 ·~ ,\Gi' · i31~~ ··i: a'.; 20051:.:utOO:t;,<:<!-.·:--.· Ul q 0 s ·.'JRANCE COMPANY .. :,;nl o/ . :cu:iesy !or ol · >oclaration of \ Windstone) ,. ' Stonu D.r11inage Enscmcn 1 TI1at portion oftlw Utt ;12, Phu ofWindsl1)1lO filed U11dcr L ;_,. · 20051020000J37, more p.miculnrly d=rib«l ~· follow~: ~ttni11g III lhe So\!lheaat comer nfs.aid Lot 22; th@l~ North 87"49'15" West, along the Sou tit line, ,· · 39.69 feet, thence North 739 38'46" East, a distance of3 l.46 fe<:t. theru:eSoath ii0 41'J'l5" East, ndistanceof~j(; fee·· 811id Lot 22, sald point bcllTs North 2° I 0'45" West 1( .. com~; 1hfflw:SQurb 02°J 0'45" W~. along said 1:i11:;t lire, a ,:i ·, , P-Oint of Begigning. Situate in the City of RentM, County of King., Stm, (1 f\V, c'° · W:\WPDOCSl24025\007\J!R2607.D0C 12/0S/OS Page 6 of? r. :1·,; ·Number :ice of : 1eclaration of \ Windstone) '\. ,_ L ons PL NE so2·Jo;45··w 1s.o.1·- W·.IWPDOCSl24025\0il71lllt2607-DOC 12/05105 (.I! co .... 5 ~ mth ,.. "' N ".0 N ... , 4.0.00' . so2·10·.to"W II N 0 Page 7 of? ! ·::-,._,_., .. ~.~t .·\' ,·,,I!'.], PL,1, '{ ,--.·(·claration of Windstone) After recording return to: Gity Clerk's Office City of Renton I 055 South Grady Way Renton, Washington 98055 DOCUMENT TITLE REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENTS ASSIGNED/ RELEASED GRANTOR GRANTEE LEGAL DESCRIPTION ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. I 111 ' '''I' Iii ' 1, i , I It ! ' ii • ' 20070523 CITY OF RENTON AMNO J PRGE001 OF 004 05/23/2007 15:35 KING COUNTY , WA - Fourth Amendment to Dcclorati, ,: of Stone Ridoe IA.K.A. Windst.,r 20051020000338, 2005120700: .. ' 2. 0C>70£Z.?. 001 i0<1 + l,li KBS Develnnment Coroorati,on City of Renton The Public Lot Z, King County BLA No, Li 20020702900007, and Lot 3, f'. i,i Countv Recordin2 No, 9209 in I , ' ' FOURTH AMENDMENT TO THF DECLARATIONOFPROTECTIVECOV 1 ' \'' FOR THE PLAT OF STONE RIDGE (A.!. Windstone Div. IV KBS Development Corporation, Developer herein, l:crcb:-' Covenants for the Plat of Stone Ridge (A.K.A. Windstone), recor,: ... · 20051020000338, as amended by the First Amendment to the DecL,: ,'' Plat of Stone Ridge (A.K.A. Windstone), recorded under King(\,,,, :J the Second Amendment to the Declaration of Protective Covona,11 Windstone), recorded under King County Recording No. 2u o 1 -~ Amendment to the Declaration of Protective Covenants for tile Pht recorded under King County Recording No. 'Z.<) OJ O<l$2.3 oc) 2, WHEREAS, pursuant to Article 3 of the Declaration, p1 i: , : , , Period, the Developer is authorized to subject additional propcrti,. · WHEREAS, the Development Period has not termimtccl NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant to Article 3 and Secti,,11 : hereby amends the Declaration as follows: W:\WPOOCS\2402S\007\.JIR335 i .OOC rJ2/28/01 Page I. of 4 i' .d '' ' , I' , I ' 'L . 2l: ··_'( ,;11 :I 20070523002223.:: Plat No, lllg :·otective 1rdingNo. . , mts for the ,7002324, · IA.K.A. dstone), :ion 11 ). pment )C( daration of Windstone) I. The Plat ofWindstone Div. IV, recorded with the King C,,11 c .,· No. 1007os-2.3qoqOO"l-("Div. IV"), is hereby sul:jcc th within Div. IV is shown on the Map for Div. IV and is legally descr:hecl 2. In addition to those Tracts, easements and other areas s,: :i,,·· Declaration, the Common Area shall include the easements and appu: kr • \ IV as shown on the Windstone Div. IV Plat Map and intended for corim c. of Renton shall have access to the easement areas as necessary to i:q,ec·. .:i: facilities and appurtenances thereon. 3. The Lot Owners of Lots within Div. IV shall be M,m'• entitled to all benefits and subject to all obligations of Members oft: c ··, 4. Unless otherwise stated herein, all capitalized terrc1 s ", · · · have the meanings set forth in the Declaration. S. Except for the matters stated in this Fourth Amendmrnt. , '' Declaration remain in full force and effect. This Amendment shall l:, · Dated this ~t;P-day of~M~M~C~H _____ ,, :":Jo'.) DEVELOPER: KBS DEVELOPMENT CT,:" . W;\WP00CS\2402S\007VIR3J51.00C 02/28101 Page2 of4 !JI. I :I ,-, ' 2007M?Ml'I???:\_,.-,. 1rding :"he land ,2:reto. ithin Div. The City ',t II be · ·,hall ·ed in the ~'.aration of ,Vindstone) STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) THISISTOCERTIFYthatonthis /J.#dayof /)Jf'rj?_( (1 Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and"'"" known or having presented satisfactory evidence to be the Presiden: o 1·: · Washington corporation, the corporation that executed the foregoing i:i said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said coq: .-r _ therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he is authorized to exec11tc I I .- WITNESS MY HAND and official seal the da~f/~'.j''_;i ·- Prnt a ._, ___ . ,-- Notary Public::. State ofWas';in~ : u,r, ------..-'(\~c~l~).>_,._"""J:.. Expiration Date:_~ . Page3 of4 -~ il( - '" T D 1'.' I r. :d I ··r.if. . -~:.._: 1rLli AmenL1'1':· W:IWPDOCS\24025\007\JJR3lS1.DOC 02nS/07 Pl :· S: )ne Rill 2D070!;?ll00???ll _ .-• .-. , 'lotary -_ personally :poration~ a -Jged the -urposes written . ·_r :·kclaration of \ Windstone) PARCEL k. EXIDBITA LEGAL DESCRIPTIO;\' 20070523002223.:: LDT Z, KING COUNTY BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT t ',''-ICATIOt,: 'JER LOOLOOB9, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20'. '7029000C RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. PARCEL B: LOT 3, KING COUNTY SHORT PLAT NUMBER 486017, ,' ·; RECDRDF.. :JER RECORDING NUMBER 8703D39001, . AND CORRECTEn EY · ""FIOAVn RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 87062609'.JU. TOGETHER WITH THE WEST 426.00 FEET OF T~E SD 330 FEE THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST GU/-.RE OF SECTI TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE ' · IOIAN, I: • ,\JG COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE NORTH 165 FEET THEREOF: EXCEPT THAT PORTION LYING 11ITHIN THE SOUTH H' OF THE OF THE SOUTH HALF OF SAID SUBDIVISION Ar,c: r COUNTY IN ACCORDANCE WITH DECREE QUIETING TITLE , , ., COUNTY COURT CAUSE NUMBER 86-2-22116-2 ENTERED mi Mi,. '-I 12, 1 c EXCEPT THE EAST 164 FEET THEREOF; \BEING KNOWN AS LOT 3 OF KING COUNTY LCT NUMBER S92LD103, RECORDED UNDER RECORD!,\. 9209101022, AND OTHER PROPERTY) W,\WPDOCS\24025\007\JIR335l .D0C 02128/07 Page4 of4 ,·-1 J\mendmt1'1 • :,Jne Ridge (. H HALF 'JS; . C::RIOR · ! :iration of , ·indstone) ~s ' ,. o: ,o ot> ., ~o 8 I :;i II • • :s ,I ~ ii ~ s I ·•·., .. , .. ,r .. . 0 ' ' • • ! II 1 I el,. c.f" J 11l • ·-~· . ·)·,-, . ·\- -~ e 'U .':~~~ .. ,, i~ ,> -' fo 0~ • I ~o 0 ' .., " -' ~'":·· ,_ -.,., .. , ...... ,. --~.--~,. ··, .... > ··---, ... /'' .i ·' '-4. . H~ - ----,;:,, __ ---., •• , ...... , .~,· ,~,,· ---'~·-·"" -·-· -· ' ,' •• ·,n • \ JiT_.o' ·,!D~ _1~······-\_~ f: ff--~.,.:.,."""""~ I :.~"1111 ... '··., . -, ·r-, '(,i "°.\ --, .. _~- .,.,·.;, ~ v-- ::·.~x~ ·.) ·-·~ . ..... / ... · -~- '\..,,.,.,. . ········,·q.-, ;;;r m B !!11 I :~, ! • ii.~ i!i;,:~f~_;!;~_:~:.~!,~::. ,;~::.~I 'ii . :VH ~ H" ··~ ,, ' d ,. ': • -ii i~,!~.i 1.,· _: ; ~1-~;. " ~r"' __:, .. , __ ~--.• ,.,,,., .. !l.,;, ' l·· 0 111~1 immm iml: ii~· m (iii <t·· .,·!\t:;. :i ]:·· , t~ ''·"' .. ::.~::~i{ ~f ""'·-, ! ~ :: -.i I - . ,,~:-! ~ i ll ·-· ; ~ : ' -· ; --·~ • --f~-~- :\~ ; I _, ~. ' [ I.: After recording return to: Office of the City Clerk City of Renton 1055 S. Grady Way Rentcn, WA 98055 II. -,· ,,· · 1·1-l'I 'i'' ·1:' .·.'I/ii 1.··: ",':·:!· 111 i!.'.rlli 1111 ll1I I /;' I 1 . 11 'I i Iii! ' ! ,1111 :1 1'/ , r· •.• , ''1''1 I r , I , f, ·J I J 200512 1 I ij!i:.111 ... t1IL1 11 111. 01((;0095 il~Jj trig~ EA$ 37. ·~ 12/11/20~ 09•03 klNG COUNTY, UA ------- DOCUMENT TITI,E Temporary Access Easen:c·_·'. REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENTS ASSIGNED/ RELEASED ---GRANTOR Richard A. Wolf and Bevo,, ., ·-.vif,. ----- GRANTEE City of Renton LEGAL DESCRIYI'ION Ptn of NE \4 of SE \4 of o:c. J, T1::'.\'. k5[, WM ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 032305-9014; 032305-904C;, TEMPORARY ACCESS EA Richard A. Wolf and Beverly J. Wolf, husband :. :· ... ! Dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable consideration. hereby conveys le the City of Renton, a Washington muni. ip. a temporary easement on and over the real property descn '.•·: Attachment A and depicted on Attachment B, for constr::c turnaround for the benefit of the real property described : Attachment C. This easement is granted subject to the following t:. obey: This easement shall tenninate upon the dedication : : of way on the "Burdened Parcel" as described in the attach,. Place NE located on the "Benefited Parcel." Grantee shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless , damages, claims, demands, suits or expenses, including '" acts or omissions of Grantee or its invitees, licensees, ser·/a exercise of the rights granted herein. Provided, however. ,L · hold harmless Grantor from any liability, loss, damages, c. .. of or resulting solely from the negligence of Granter, its sci 1. W :\ W PD0CS\3J04 l \ L Oj\ TMB5093. DOC 06108/05 Page 1 --- ".:1·, t ---- :•:o.l m cur- her·· :ci..: Ar ce c :'aret· ,., .. agr. " of. it cc ., :1ny and ,·._·~:',, 1_)[:-j t ir. or , .ns. 20051201000095.:: tJn of One cowledged, :J assigns, .a attached Ce sac and 1e attached "form and :oad right :th Kitsap •ility, loss, ,t of the ., ns in the .,efend or . .. oing out The rights and obligations of the parties hereunder sr, upon their respective successors and assigns. Dated this rday of ·Ju.1,~1 , 2005 SJ W :\ W PDOCS\3304 l \I0:5\TMB5093. DOC 06/08/0S Page 2 By: Attes:: ~0051201 nnllll9!;. ,:,,-,. · binding ... _JJ ,, __'.!1'. .. ,yor , Clerk STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) THIS IS TO CERTIFY that on the --1../!!!:._ day of ..::)1.'/,'' ___ , 2r,1s. bef· Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned '": . , Rick Beverly J. Wolf, husband and wife, personally known or havin:· · _,_I ,---,factory the individuals described in and who executed the within instru: .. -.! :•c:, ·,uwledg, the same as their free and voluntary act and deed for the uses o, : :•cs :':,·rein me: WI~Mi\l!.IAND and official seal the day and yc.1r :11 :·. · certifi,:atc fir,, __ ,,''!lcHU.sJ': '•,, /;,;_:;::---er "'"""111 ~-1,) ,, ~-' ----: ~ fi.;~"' f,,,,~;;;,~,,,, \ Print Name: __ ~ ,~c., 1 ~ ~ Notary Publi. ~ . ~ : ,.. "' S te fW · 1 I) < f G : ta O a: .. ,, , • -if -//, ,, ,,. .. ............. ~: rw--- ', .... ",~"~..... t--c, .. --Expiration Date •, ,,,.,._of-tt ----,, .,,c .... .. \' \ ...... ... STATE OF WA'sti:JNGTON COUNTY OF KING ) ) ss. ) THIS IS TO CERTIFY that on this __ day of_ Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commission.·. ___________ ,, personally known or having : --~------~~of City of Renton, a Washin,:· corporation that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknc and voluntary act and deed of said corporation for the uses "' stated that he/she is authorized to execute the said instrumern WITNESS MY-HAND and official seal the day and : W:\WPDOCS\33041\!0S\TMB5093.DOC Oo/08105 Print Name: Notary Public State of Wac.. Expiration D:. Page 3 bef. TY C\' ,tl ~ . ' ,orat;, s:;: :1strn:' • • 1 c~ C f]JI '.e [ I ' 20051201000095. ,:,,:, . 1 Notary ,'olf and ,·e tobe :sy signed e written. Notary lo be the !ce the free I on oath ·,,'fitten. Atta~hment "A" Legal Description L !HJ' Dial!lfflr Tumar-ound . Acr0!!8 the Wolf Pro; ·.I A portion of the following descnlled property: The North Yi of1he Northeast quarter of tho Sou::, north, Range 5 east, W.M., in King County, \Vnsl · EXCEPT the north 396 feet thereof; AND EXCEPT county road More particularly desmbed as follows; Commencing at the Soulhwest comer said prope,:. thence South 87°37'38" East, along the South line , · feet to a point of cusp on a curve concave to the Sc and aeenlral angle of 34°27'1 I" and being subte,· · 31°55'58" West 11.ss feet and the True Point Oi thence Northwesterly along said curve, a dis time" curvature; thence Northwesterly, Northerly, Non: Southerly and Southwesterly a distance of 221. 3 '. to the Southhavingallldius of45.00 feet and a cc: of reverse curvature; thence Southwesterly and Southerly a distance o' concave to the Southeast having a radius of 20. C thence North 87°37'38" West, a distance of 43. 5 . Sidelines 3hould be extended and/or 1runcated to in terse:, , Situate in the CoWlty of King, State ofWashlngton. W:\ WPDOCS\33041 \ L 05\TMBS093,. DOC 06/08/05 Page4 · ,,<:', a dis'. Had: ; i:-h 1 '. poin 1 :-', Soi. ~ of s, · ' ,.,,1:.' . .~ ')' .1.Hf,1 . •)::~I H.i i '" ,, ' , ,, 20051201000095.:: :nship 23 .' 110.62 .00 feet rth ,cse . ~ iy, ·: concave ·int "'.irve ,f13"; · ·~Ing . :is. ~1 0~ ~~ "' ~ ' ~ Attachment "B" 90' Diameter Turnaround Easement Across the Wolf Property G:I C'll I ', ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~__Ji -~ ,.,,. ... 'j],'.'~, 90' OUMETER TIJf!KAflOU~'O l:AS€M8H ~--}·~z?gl ~ <:.Cj:0;> · rn·,s<s 5--23-2005 ~ ·: :J + not to scale < ..a .· _, "' 0 0 "' -~ ~ ,:, ,:, ,:, ,:, ·:O ::n ,;:, '·: ATTACHMENT C LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF BEl\"EFl ':f: "ROPERTY Lot "X" of King County Boundary Line Adjth :c:·ctct # LOOL0089, ss recorded under King County Recording N,,. • 2i · 12900007. Situate in King County, Washington. W ;\ WPOOCS\33041I10:5\ TMB.5093 .voe 06/08/05 Page 6 200512010000~!;::":" " > z 0 ::<'. '"l ·~ ;;1 :·] ?J ijS ~ 1" 'O ' ,. C I c~ "' "' ' u, '" "' <- ~ " i ~ ·::\ I ~ • ij ' • "' ~ N I V, 0 -<> - WINDSTONE DIV. IV SHORT PLAT land Use Action No. UJA.-04-135-SHPL Lo.nd Record No. LND-20-0400 Rl!Clllotll'!ICl l>{l \\lU!llt/i',¥,;t; ;too1oS>31.,,,,,.,._ll ;;.:,.s/o?i l..UA---04-135-SHPL LNt>-20-().4.(}0 A-.. f'ORTTON OF THF: NE 1/4 Of THE SE t/4 OF SECTTOO..! 3, T0V.1'J":TJTP 23 '.' H.'\NGJ-: :! ~-W.M. ''EY"•'.'I~ I ~ )f,'S(' PTP'l'\() \'<· r.,1<~1'.;, ·,1-. Hf.Ul~i!LII Li;>Jl>f,K "'' ;,r[>,N'.• w>:Jt·l o rt!Gf!llfR wn11 ref~,~: ·~~.oo if.\1 e,· 1-« ~r-111>< ~,r. eif1 rf Ttl: NO~rnc•~r (;(tA~r:.~ al r,ic ~OI./TH>->~1 1.,A~lFA if s,:r1:r,, J ICl,NSH!P 2:; HOPTK "AMGE ~ El,!ir. ~:LL~S<-,c ~;:;,j•:)W1 ;,i ~1·,.-; ( ''-~" ,,,.~, ' ' . IQ~IN~ ~~~W>I 1,s 1.-,r _, n, KT,-,;; r:oL,NCY::{,, Ll~f. ~:.:..,:;,;r~~,:1': M.•<<llc>l Sll2L0103. Fl(~OfiO!.'D JJl<ll(I> R(WR(l[Nl, ~'-""!CA e.'l'.19!0\C.>i'. M4l nlfl£P PIIWERTY) DOCUMENTS 9f REt;.dRD: T'"'='. FOLL!llll"6 fJEWDf.0 ~TS EH'EC,f I><!: PC!OPC,:.i~: •. · 811/~~1 )602, wo•Da3HIQ01)1D. 200408:1000~7&, B?O.JC:'!.>ilOOl. .. •• · •B<!til. 41!61111. =20<V2;nw:,~o,. 20:.<l~~180ooS9J. .. .-:·· roo=,oo l~J6, ~-~2rno~DEl .. ~ 2006000~~;5~; . . , : ·.· »I fl.51'JO<O<T n1,;i:Lta,.. GEC. lll .... B50!!j5j:il!ci. 0 ./"0R ELfCTill"i': • rw.NSMlSl'II~ •..-iri:M..QISTl>lWTlON Sl"ST~II. ~J.<::O<(>H o~ _.:· NO[ l.U'<!M'I l"tfOJGI, /)<i.~:\(;N lU !!H(M AN FMCT LGl!.l~!ot< .. " "'•:.:,. _,-· . ··.·.-. ···-·--· l\ * 1\ u , C' r,•, t , •.. ,. lCcc -s<'~ (,i ~[~•<"" ·c, TJ ['[ CL,<"[ ,~,. ,•~c >•·•L~ bC uwcn:;.aour<1:. N~ Vi~~.,·,·-,, ~,n•.•t'tJHt_ ~-1r,,,_ ~L "< ACF() un;rn THl" E•st:111o>n ~HllO'JT l'B"'rnSL!ll< H10,,-r .. sE~~NT 0 '' (Jl<NE~. NEW PRIVATE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND UTILITIES MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT: sf f:JI> JNGHl:S!i. ~-SS •M:J 1Jr!LHl~S OTS 51-llloN 00 fHIS PLAl. TJIE Olll£1lS Ill' ,L ...«I UMll~IDE:D ~TEOCST lN TH£ Olf>ER:;HCP o• TH( l'fllVlTE ac~ESS E•;.EMENT ~>«I Mll,.l'EN.t.MC( JIESl'C,',tSBJLITll'.S OF" Tl'!' •AlV•lE AL\:ESE flO•o. Dl'•I~•GC -..... --------.. _____ ·QR oi;sr:,,.na.; rACILillES ~F•UN T~lS Off :::i~tibl;oritrt~ ~1~~ ':.·mr:::.:;.&~~J =r tI ~~J61Y ;;-~~:i'~{t~/1~~,E~ii~:::: ~ ~~~:~~~ E•SEMEN1" H MO>l:O!TCO , tM...ESS ""::::.·.::::.---.., --SI,; J-":!~..,, I 1··-~r,c 'r--I [", '----~ ~· _,.. .. --L• -!OM>< 5' w ' 1 ' il~l=--_j ~ '""":! 7 ; i· ,;:.,.,,,;i ""' .1111.. J r· ~ , -t~ "1 ,~---,: ~ov~~..... Ql./~ii . ~ _ ____ I c,,..Jfi!'k SC lP~J. • I VlCINl'h' MAP/ ,ail .. ;iG.o SCALE: 1" = 1320' 2•,!:,7, ''°' ·( ·~-··1· CONTROL SKETCH ',([Q 1000 • . ..J SCALE: 1· = 500' ---\y, ·r-·· ,., '.,1' .. )11 :::~-~? J-. ,, I -' l~ . "'~~\,-,,:' ! ,:: "' I ' ,,r ... ,1-·.' "' ):1-: "' I~ /· ~011tli QU~rt~~ c:orner ~ !322. 5~ I I "/ "' ?i ==··1···., .. ~f t:~~:lroUf,d I ~lt1ai~ co~~e<' '5ES.c /M )• br~SS d1&C ln : ~t.md M~ull<"-nt. ,oc~sed . ~;;oncrete j ::,tr Gf Aent~.,· f!o. L64'5.J / _ :~ ---1322.:~·12 2S~·2:;:;-:;·r,~.--1E~·_33 __ ~~1 Legend: 0 ~ M<1n\J111G.rt :o,,nd a~ no•,erJ Yisitec ~prll :J! . .<:005. CENTJ;J;(I litf ~;;(,i ;~~;. iSY"W/"~~2i 1 ,.Et'.c~~ _t;\ r,, NE-SK 03, T23N l<:f:""1'.!'al _._-._-. • .:.· f'ElS o,;v~;c,p"'"'-'.t rr:q,cq•;,1 ,,:,, · 1<'_"1.:iu N~ :-i:n.-."f,r-FE' .··su,,e ·-=· .. J •• ~ "'de·iJevue. wk ':lfJt,z·~ ____ ,.;_ C wc-'uu~ c; ;-h;irls ~~y 1. 2U07 1:6'1', H59 ·~ " ;,;<1,ll'.:Y.lM:,p4 KlNG COUNTY.<l'IASHJNGTON; SHEET 2 OF 3 WINDSTONE DIV. IV IIECOIWOO.: Nil VOWlilVl'J.Gi ;,_Od70~H1•M>'l'Jl -:i.::,s/073 LUA-04-135 -SHPL SHORT PLAT J..No-~-0400 I -A PORTJON OF THE CiTY OF RENTON. f Land Use Aclion No. LUA-04-135-SHPL Land Rec:ord No. LND-20-0400 NE 1/4 OF THE SE 1/4 OF SECTION 3, TOWNSHIP 23 N., RANGE 5 E., W.1.f KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON .. :~-- l I .,ce,:,,; ;. ·. 1 : _, " -7s·,., _ ," ; ; I -I /,•I )\,~ij~u:_ .. ,/r· 21 >' <'Ii. OC: " ;',f,',\I ill~ ; :, a, " -'""" s c ,._ 10 "'"'ix.>10 gi m §! 1 ! 20· E~,....g,,noy ~ :·· ~ '" ,r!,,tilcy ·... 18 ~ ·~ l ) I ;i;;~cD~/""CIMmt ,.· . ~ . , .,· '·~-1"""' ;: -I 2D :--~ooth:'l.. ~r;1~~!11m ,~tf' ~ I z !! " "/-~ V :• ;:,;::; ?, ~ '-4 " z ~ -__ j~ f.'-~,~:~~:,,.c , --'-" ·: '.;\r· -·,;;,~-·;,~;------,:~~~"0 ccc;:;:oo i;';~-e-_____ f~~~\; "-•·;.-"" ,,, J~~ a,:, oe1:fac:1;}"d. eT 95 oo· t'".;..\ NE H::ith .. St .. Y.. . ~ <· .· !6?.30 5Q.Ft. NE 1611:! ST Notel'l~a,i Oec,,ation_ '" ~ «i·'5s·2r '!'.,"",\ yj:, .. ,. .. :; . .., _,_~_,.l:.'. -'-"--L·'-?°':L'. ,-. . . ~ n Sh.:.S"t l ~I 3 g Lw.16. 35~---. ,;~\_ s,i t,....,.,.-i,~ the ::· -: .,· •. ~' -~137 49 15"E "'-07 ?4' ,::, 1,' " ~ 21, ,,,, .. // ; -·: ~~m ~; ~l;,;._, .=-· ~~~~~.\~1"' .. :t 1""'!0"11> 23 1,ucill· ,• N~.2ga&J~_l.-WQU~3 l "->noe r, "":'.'• ,. M .,.,.,· •• .... .. :.ft"'t·~i-~[C. TOTAL ACREAGE: C¥~RAC~ • au:io S1l fl ; I.~~ ~(fli:S LEGEND: rl) • ..o..,>.'f .. T F,)Lffi M, ••Nm ,1snrn MJGl.,SI '· ::mo, & -~n ·r I~ Ei!>~S5 0/SI< ]N ~· X •• CO>l~AF:lr POOT II< MDlf-""Nr C.Af.f • -<:O J~ llERA~ WITH ~IJ.LDl< PLA'.;1':J: !".J.0 SHMP(O • 22~38,389"5· ~" Lo! a~dcpn ' • ,. 1·}: • ' •!:"'""' .__I,~; L.n I ! L lJ ,--'! ,\_..-'-- ~ ---- .......... ,};_: •: -· ~o ;: M .· .:"J_.-'····--.~·- > i[ 11' --Sl_---,~_ALE;a-;- J -- ~t , , ,..:: oc""IH!i 6fs.,oi«:i, LI 51!1"4.! ,~·c: 20.00" me·,c .,.., ;s n· ~<J'i~ 20·~1 J.DI" El:;:~:~:~! ~-~· CENT~ -··---_-_ -'-~·~·NE-SE 03 H·23N -!i5.1( WM P I N"T£ . .-··· w,w-mK8S ;i~:velt~me.':;-"l:°. Lorp~f~-tio,/}i S,,,-,,-""'·""'-·P.S. 12:,}.>J N~ llltc St,..,_.,-L: SLHl~ .JOO '.j._"<,,Jl ~l~ Ammie SwU:, -feci~rol 'li~J' If~ 960CJ Bill b~u'-'. ;n.. 98CO_fi -· b~-b{-1-l~l•l '"""' ,;o::. 0(1\ 7?1" J.-.~ _.. _ · .· .. KING COlJN'l'Yi WASlf!NGTOtt "' ·-·-~-·,: . ,EO '9 31lD~ ,, -t.p~~~,.<> .f I ~ u~~;J a;\, ~, .... s-fzi1.,,,,,,,., "b;,_,,,.,"""'"""'""'"" - ~,v.·or, 0 >lt10d!< ,m.~r.-. lC S woc,ds = 1.ta1 2(.'0/ m __ j,:59 SHEET 3 OF",3 ic11,: 1-~ 30 u~w.: ~UIJ; C.P~ f ! After tecording return to: Curtis G, Schuster . KBS Deveto,rment Corporation 12320 NE 8 Street, Ste #100 Bellevue, WA 98005 DOCUMENT TITLE REFERENCE NUMBER(S) GRANTOR(S) GRANTEE(S) LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ASSESSOR'S PROPERTY TAXPARCEUACCOUNT NUMBER: Ill t 200l GLOSSER L PAGE001 C · 08/08/20,: KING cc~· Easement Agreeme:1: None Llora S. Maertins, as ·1 Trust UID 3-14-05 KBS Development C. Portion of the SE le o' in King County, Wa, L 032305-902 l EASEMENT AGRE L TffiS EASEMENT AGREEMENT is made on this / 51' 2005 by Llora S. Maertins, as Trustee ofLlora S. Maertin ("Maertins"), and KBS Development Corporation and/ or i, RECITALS A. KBS owns certain real property, aU of which p: Property," and is legally described on Attacbr, B. Maertins owns certain real property, all ofwh. "Maertins Property," and is legally described :•· C. KBS desires a slope and construction easement, Maertins Property legally described on attached tbe easement in KBS' development of the Pl:,:, No. LUA-04-135, SHPL-H ("Windstone IV' Property. NOW, THERFORE, in consideration of the mutual co,,·,. Maertins and KBS hereby agree as follows: W:\WPDOCSl24025\004'JIR2226.D0C Jl'·' - l"ru::,c :--s or n:-:> .. ::Z LT'.s t 1,_n'' er· por:\, ·I•. ·'< ,( ' 20060808001642.:: 1 'ii/ I i I • ,,I,' cable ' ' -~-' '"_Se ined, t 1. Declaration of Slope and Construction Easement. ' KBS non-exclusive easements for slope and comt, Easement'') over that portion of the Maertins Prop, depicted in Attachment "D" (the "Slope and Cons'.:, shall continue to own and will be entitled to use fa: by the Renton City Code and other applicable law. burdened property and the KBS Property shall be 1 • 2. Restoration. KBS, at KBS' expense, will relocate : construction to the Slope and Construction Ease:" gate in the new fence at a Location detennined b:: as a result ofKBS' use of the Easement shall be' •. KBS on the Maertins Property adjacent to the Slc,, location determined by Maertins. 3. Sanitary Sewer Stubs. At such time as KBS const, KBS Property, KBS shall, at KBS's sole cost an.: . sewer stubs up to ten feet (IO') onto the Maertir: sanitary sewer system. The location of the stub shall pay any hookup fees to the applicable mw .. for any Latecomer charges. crd;y ~·-- , ';Slup, 1cd in/\ ,l~ ;cnwnt .-\:\_':: : ;:: :·c:1 t ·. , ~: ·. ~-· :·tins l'i", ,•1,·n ;t;· .. .:"!! 4. Tennination of Easement. The Construction Eas, :it:!· • ninety (90) days following the recording of the I:. N, The Slope Easement shall be perpetual. 5. Applicable Law. This Agreement shall be cons·,. hereunder shall be governed by the law of the,· suit between the parties to this Agreement shall i . 6. Attorney's Fees and Costs. In the event a party t, , of this Easement, the prevailing party shall be m, reasonable attorney's fees, whether incurred be! in enforcement of a judgment. 7. Appurtenant and Runs with the Land; CounteQ' be appurtenant to and shall run wilh the land. 1l . property owner and the benefited property owner cc1 This Agreement may be signed in any number ,, :' constitute a single document. MAERTINS KBSD a Was: ~/l~ ~kilyd' Llora S. Maertins, as Trustee of Llora S. ;Kol, . Maertins Revocable Trust UID 3-L 4-05 W:\ WPDOCS\2402S\OD4\JIR2226.DOC 2 I ' ·o ,· 's. '.'0060808001642,,,-,, tS ·c,itted '.!1e :m · .:cd . JY , ::a a 1he J .., ~1S or .IL .!JlS. STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence '' S. Maertins Revocable Trust UID 3-14-05 is the person"' that she signed this instrument, and acknowledged it to be ' and purposes mentioned in this instrument STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss COUNTY OF KING ) DATED ? Cu .... 1,~ Notary I'< My App(,: I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidenc c appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that 1: ,_. instrument, and acknowledged it as the President ofKBS · Washington Corporation, to be the free voluntary act of,. mentioned in this instrwnent. DATE:· ~ ~- Notary I' My Apr W:\WPD0CS\24025\004\JIR2226.D0C 3 $. .. \f:_is:-; ·1:., '. L,t·rl1:··. · 1 !· · :. voluff '.::·) : ,i,'-'..f, '' ,f- ..-/,~ r,n:s 200608080016'12 . .: .. :, · lora d ,s 105 ) ·ie) 105 >. -,e) ATTACHMENT";\" LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF KB< Lot X, Lot Y and Lot Z of King County L·' No. LL0089, as filed under Recording No.· records of King County, Washington. AND ,·nstmcnt '){1,'.J.'.11)7, Lot 1,KingCountyShortPlatNumber4f··, ,,kd t:n,! T Recording Number 8703039001, and an1C·:. ' ,. ·:idovit , i Correction recorded under Recording Nu,. King County, Washington, being a portio:: the South halfofthe Southha!fofthe No,·· :c,· u: Southeast quarter of Section 3, Township_' East, Willamette Meridian, in King Coun" TOGETHER WITH the following descri'. accordance with Decree Quieting Title i, Court Cause Number 86-2-22118-2 enk. The South 330 feet of the Northeast quar: quarter of Section 3, Township 23 NortL .. Willamette Meridian, in King County, \\ EXCEPT the West 840.50 feet thereof; a, EXCEPT the North 165 feet thereof; an,' EXCEPT that portion oflying within th, South halfofthe South halfof said sub, . EXCEPT County roads. AND BEGINNING at the Southeast corner of·· the Southeast quarter of Section 3, Tow, . W.M. in King County, Washington; Thence Northerly 65.00 feet along the I 3· ' Thence North 87°49'08" West 670.20 fe,·: Thence South 01 °25'02" West 65.00 feet · Northeast quarter of the Southeast quartc. Th~'llce Easterly along said South line 6 - Beginning; Situate in King County, Washington. AND Lot 3 of King County Short Plat Numbc: under Recording Number 8703039001, :. W:\WPDOCSl24025\004\JIR2226.DOC 4 _] 3: ··r . \ ~ 20060808001642.:: Affidavit recorded under Recording Nurn' together with the West 428.00 feet of the: Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter, Township 23 North, Rani~ 5 East, Willarn County, Washington; EXCEPT the North 165 feet thereof; EXCEPT that portion lying within the S,c,, · - half of the South half of said subdivision , , roads; IN ACCORDANCE with Decree Quieti: Court Cause Number 86-2-22118-2 enk. EXCEPT the East l64 feet of said Lot 3: (BEING KNOWN AS Lot 3 of King Cou, Adjustment No. S92LO I 03, recorded und,, 9209101022, and other property.) W:\WPDOCSl24025\004\JIR2226.DOC 5 1_.::o, :·: (if!]·,.: ' t'. :=-:,1t1!L ('.-,tl: ' I' 20060808001642. ,:::_:· ATIACHMENT "D" LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF MAER, The North 677.44 feet of the West~ oftlw" of the SE Y. of Section 3, T 23 N., R 5 E., \' · County, Washington; EXCEPT the West ' lying South ofa line 339.5 feet South oftk EXCEPT that portion of said North 677.4J · the following described line: Beginning , .. South line of the North 677.44 feet with tl1. Y, of the West Y, of the Southeast Y. of the,.· Section 3; THENCE N 87-49--08 W alon, distance of89.0I feet to the beginning ofs 67-07-57 W a distance of 119.88 feet to i line of the West 130 feet of the SoutheaSL of said Section 3, said intersection being · EXCEPT portion, if any, conveyed to fa deeds recorded under Auditor File No. 6" 7207120398; EXCEPT coal and minera' ri WITH easement for ingress, egress and 1 · recorded under Recording No. 7609140·' 3 easements, reservations 1 restrictions arnl W:\WPDOCS\24025\004\JIR2226.DOC 6 OPER~Y ,:· 1.h~ ST'. ~·~ :: :lg . '· ,;-t(()n -_,,_,' j ' • ltt: ,_.;:-tlic ·.,c/ est t;or~:,:d :c: '. :-: : ~-t 20060808001642::··:·· Attachment "C" to• Sl~pe Easement & 10' Temporary Construction Ea•;· Across the Maertin, Propec That portion of the Wost half of the Wost half ofthe Southeast qc, Section 3, Township 23 North, Range 5 East of the Willamette!,. Washington, mon, paiticularly described as follows: A 10 foot wide strip of land, lyins 10 feet North of the folio,.,· Commencing at the Northwest corner of said sub i > thence South 01°25'0!' West, afong the West line, 17. 00 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence South 87°49'13' East, a distance of137.47 ·· concave to the North having a radius of 137.83 feet : and being subtended by a chord which bears North 8 · thence Easterly along said curve, a distance of 21. ! '' thence North 83°2S'35" East tangent to said curve, :· beginning of a curve tangent to said line; thence Easterly a distance of9.50 feet along the c, having a radius of 62.17 feet and a central angle of; thence South 87°49'!5" East tangent to said curve. thence North 02°10'45" East, a distanceof0.83 f, North line of said subdivision; thence South 87°49'15" East, parallel with said Ne· to the East line of said subdivision and the termin, ; It is the intent of this description that sidelines shall exter• intersect at boundary lines and intersections. Situate in the County of.King, S1lltl: of Washington. W,\WPD0CS\24025\004\Jffi2226.DOC 7 · :~01_1lht'::1,,t cr1artc1·' ' . -: (_\)< ·: a C: . J.t;.· . &v·L : 0:t 21. I·· '.eet; ., . 7.5G !' +\· I 20060808001 ~2 ·:··_· 20060808001642_:: . , \ I --! \ i \ I Srns:!erwtl\d Division 5 f l I 1.--- iif o-! ~~· ;i: r" ~" 1"'i g .. ~ ,, -':: t::G [ ~i r .. '501ft rr '..,. 'S " 0 " c • ) -;' f;lll! :J :·:, i:i ... ,~ '.:J i!t.~i ~~i c·t<- ~i ... • "' ffl•:: ... ~ ! i iii jSa Ii~, ' ' Ill .. ll tl).2 "i(' .ri! • I"~ -· "!2! ~1 g Ml ';IS'C' '" .... S' =----'4 0 Ill ;' W:\WPD0CS\24025\004'JIR2226JXJC 8 . . After recording return to: Office of the City Clerk City of Renton 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 DOCUMENT TITLE REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENTS ASSIGNED/ RELEASED GRANTOR GRANTEE LEGAL DESCRIPTION ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 2 11,,,,,,i 006091!· ~imeeOf ~r:g~ ERS ' 1119/ !4/201& II , KJNG COUNTY, wf Access Easement Llora S. Maertins, as Trust,·· \ UID 3-14-05 City of Renton Ptn of SE 14 of Sec. 3, 123::. 032305-9021 ACCESS EASEME.; Llora S. Maertins, as Trustee of Llora S. Maertins 1' consideration of One Dollar ($1.00) and other good and · hereby acknowledged, hereby conveys to the City of Rentc: successors and assigns, a permanent easement on and over ti · Area" in the attached Attachment A and depicted on Atta cl lll of an access road for vehicular and pedestrian traffic for the k "Benefited Parcel" in the attached Attachment C. This easement is granted subject to the following t•"; obey: Grantee shall defend, indemnify and hold harmk, damages, claims, demands, suits or expenses, including r, acts or omissions of Grantee or its invitees, licensees, se: · .,. exercise of the rights granted herein. Provided, however, J. hold harmless Grantor from any liability, loss, damages, clai1 of or resulting solely from the negligence of Granter, its se, W:IWPDOCS\24025\CNM\TMB5096.DOC 06115105 Page I 20060914001333.:: ,, j ust ,UIRED _. :or1 ·'.puty 3 i·or and in L which is ip ··:tion. its ' .. ,.,~·mcnt .c ,i;Ltenance -~: ,, .. r1 as the ;r, · :-vrm and .. , ,C .' , !vss, ', .,, u[ the ·, ::1 rhe lL defend or [ t :u-ising out I, D, ' . The rights and obligations of the parties hereunder s!,,, · · upon their respective successors and assigns. rr.-t Dated this rS--;,;,y of ::rur4f' , 2005 W:\WPOOCS\2402S\004\TMBS096.DOC 06115/05 ~ Llor,, Maen: Acee,•·: ' By: Attest: Page2 : J 060914001 ~!\.'I_-:--. - binding ·~ I \'I-.;° · Clerk STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) THIS IS TO CERTIFY that on the /,?day of _;Ju· Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned :c Trustee of Llora S. Maertins Revocable Trust UID 3-14-05, pc: satisfactory evidence to be the individual described in and who , acknowledged that she signed the same as her free and voluntw: therein mentioned. WITNESS MY HAND and official seal the day and y,::· · ST ATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) ~ Print Name: Notary Publi, . State K}:as: : ~t({ __ Expiration Dak: THIS IS TO CERTIFY that on this __ day of __ Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned -----------' personally known or having : -----------of City of Renton, a Washil' · corporation that executed the foregoing instrument, and ackr, and voluntary act and deed of said corporation for the uses a:i, stated that he/ she is authorized to execute the said instrument , WITNESS MY HAND and official seal the day and · c:: Print Name: '.•efo· .,. · .Jra: · . .1.vi1 ... _· w::· a inst: . Lb..'d )·, 1:-'.fie ti' · · firs: -. ----=-- J 1·c, ._., di( nm .!I '1\ 1 i I 1r: Notary Pub: . L W:\WPDOCS\24025\004\TMB5096.DOC 06115105 State of Wa·-1. Expiration D,, Page 3 ~Q0609140013-'33a:•a:• .. ' . ' ;:ml ·n! rposes :ry · the •: free ' , oath ..:n. Attachment "A" Access Easement Across the Maertins Propert. That portion of the West half ofthe West half of the Southeast 4u· Section 3, Township 23 North, Range 5 East oftru: Wilbmu:tn: I, k. Washington, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest comer of1he West half of·· quarter of the Southeast quarter of said Section 3; thence South 87°49'1S" East, along the North line of s,,; .. feet; thence South 02'10'45" West, a distance of0.83 feet; thence North 87°49'15" West, a distance of 50.00 feet t said line; thence Westerly a distance of 11.02 fut along the curve c radius of72.17 fi:et and a central angle of8°45'10"; thence South 83°25'35" West taogent to said curve, a di·;: of a curve tangent to said line; thence Westerly a distance of 19.64 feet a1cmg the cmvc c radius of 127.83 feet and a cmtra1 angle ofB'48'17"; thence North 87°49'13" West, a clistam:c of 137.61 fe,;· ' thence Noith 01'2.5'01" East, aloog said West line, a dist. of Beginning. W:\WPDOCS\24025\004\TMBSO'Jfi.OOC <Xi/15105 Page 4 '0060914001333.:: ,n 11alf' , o'. ~'. I\'! 5.25 e ·. . IC,· !Yi Tr ·, ::, '~: "'' "'' ~ ~ ~ "' 0 <O 0 0 N NE 16t!-r ST - "· -~= tl) ~= C C) 0 [:·--f;-~ -.; > ~"1 i:::i -- ,( I 1 ~ ·: .... " • T1o1r • .::Jr,. 'J .J,_, 11.-._ \ ... "' Tne II line of the SE 1/4 of the SE !/4. Sec .3. Twp 2311. Rng 5E. NM. Curve Table Cl L•19.64' A• a•48'17" R•l27.B3• C2 L•!l.02' &• a·~·to• R-72.17" The E line of the II 1/2 of tne II 1/2 of the SE 1/4 of the SE 1/4, sec 3, TKP 23N, Rng 5E, MM. "' l not to scale ........ 5-23-2005 ~ I ri 8~ .. ~ .. ~ ;;s ATIACHMENT C LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF BENEFr;· Lot X, Lot Y and Lot Z of King County L,-· LL0089, as filed under Recording No. 20(1' King County, Washington. AND Lot l, King County Short Plat Number J Recording Number 8703039001, and anc Correction recorded under Recording Nu 111 County, Washington, being a portion of the of the South half of the Northeast quarter o:' Section 3, Township 23 North, Range 5 Ease King County, Washington; TOGETHER WITH the following describec: with Decree Quieting Title in King Cou, Number 86-2-22118-2 entered on March 2:, . The South 330 feet of the Northeast quarter · Section 3, Township 23 North, Range 5 Ea., . King County, Washington; EXCEPT the West 840_50 feet thereof; and EXCEPT the North 165 feet thereof; and EXCEPT that portion of lying within the S the South half of said subdivision; and EXCEPT County roads. AND A portion of the Northeast quarter of the Sew Township 23 N, Range 5 East, W.M. in K: BEGINNING at the Southeast comer of sa .. Thence Northerly 65.00 feet along the East ' Thence North 87°49'08" West 670.20 feet; Thence South 01 °25'02" West 65.00 feet Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter ot, Thence Easterly along said South line 6~, · Beginning; Situate in King County, Washington. AND W:\WPDOCS\24025\004\TMB5096.00C 06/tS/OS Page 6 20060914001!3~!3.·:":" :\ ,: 1:-::t" ·t No. . , ·Js of rc..._·,.m~ under !)\' '\ fl" it of Kiu~· ., hali !l: i[ ' tcr of ·.c .\1t: :·in, in .. '..rncc :1us, ,( ~t;r of .n, in If, I. ,f the j,,-, Lot 3 of King County Short Plat Number · Recording Number 8703039001, and correc, under Recording Number 8706260950, toge feet of the South 330 feet of the Northeas: quarter of Section 3, Township 23 North, I Meridian, in King County, Washington; EXCEPT the North 165 feet thereof; EXCEPT that portion lying within the South , the South half of said subdivision and EXCE. · IN ACCORDANCE with Decree Quieting . Cause Number 86-2-22118-2 entered on Mo, EXCEPT the East 164 feet of said Lot 3; (BEING KNOWN AS Lot 3 of King County . S92L0103, recorded under Recording Numbt property,) W:\WPDOCS\2402SI004\TMB50%.D0C 06115/05 Page 7 '.1·:· 1:1 20060914001 ~~3.·:··_· ,.,I,, :1" tlcr u :led _ .00 l"'aSt idte ·lltl· ·,:i'.f of ,Ir\ n ), . ;:1· ,L:ef • Ret:um Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Orady Way Renton, WA 9&0SS DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS BUILDING RESTRICTION COVENANT lllllt 200705' ~TV OF RENTON c; GEJ91 OF 001 85/Z /ZHJ IS:~· KING COUM V, W' Grantor(s): KBS Development Corporation, is the owner of the following re::-il · Washington, as described below: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 7 of City of Renton Short Plat-LUA·04·135, SHPL-H as recorde<I unJ,.r 1 Renton, King CofJllty, Was.hCnston Whereas the Grantor(s}, Owner(s) of said described property, desire to impruv land as to use, present and future. of lhe above described re.:il property. NOW, THEREFORE, the aforesaid Owner(s) hereby establish, grant Md i1'.:! hereto attache.d described with respect to the use by the undersigned, his su~( lnstallatioo oflmprnnmeats: The Owner(s) oftfte above described proper·.: covenant to: L 2. Any construction of a NEW single fumily residence on Lot 7, J. · development standards of the underlying zoning designation at 1 Ally additions Or alterations to the existing residence on tot 7, \, · development standards of the underlying zoning designation at · Dar.atioa: These covenants shall run wilh the land in perpetuity. Any violation or breach oflhese restrictive covenants may bi; enforc~ by pr·,, County by either the City of Renton or any owners adjoining subject prope;rty tor{s) has/have caused this inslrumen1 I certify that I know or )l.~ve satisfactory evidence that @A) r-f @LI· acknowledged it to beWJ,erltheir free and voluntary act for the uses and pu1 above. No1ary Public in and for the State of Was on Notary(print) Str~ '{Jfr('-1 My appointment expires '{-0:/ ,..., 0 20070523002220.:: Iii ' . I ,,, , I' " :11 ! ,.11il 11 ' :1 ' t, ' /J~ 2: fi) 32 .;,; -_ '?170 Ll\C Of :nbe1_ .) I.'. '<;"2) ~, ; 'r _ :Cy cf ,,,,j ! L, ldiw-· r.'. -I h , : \ 1\Jrn._ '' ,J .,, Return Address: City Clerk's Office City ofRenron 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENAl'iTS Prope11, TREE PLANTING COVENANT Grantor(s): KBS Development Corporation, is the owner of the ro:' of King, State of Washington, as described below: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A" Whereas the Grantor(s), Owner(s) of said described property. desir running with the ]and as to use, present and future, of the above de NOW, THEREFORE, the aforesaid Owner(s) hereby establish, g,, with the land hereto attached described wi1h respect to the use by th· follows: lnsta11ation oflmprovements; The Owner(s) of the above descr:!, hereby agree and covenant to: Plant and maintain two ornamental trees, within the 20' front yard ~ to final building permit inspection. The minimum size shall be l ;, for conifer trees. Duration: These covenants shall run with the land in perpetuity. Any violation or breach of these resttictive covenants may be enfo: of King County by either the: City of Renton or any owners adjoini :, said breach. aid Grantor{s) has/have caused thi~ i ss I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that @ instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their fre.e and voluntG· instrument on the date mentioned above . . ~CZ:,. ry Public In and for the tate dfashlngton Notary (print) U£r-r/rs &, ~,Ml, rt~ My appoinunent expires _f' · $0~ 6'f I! ' ' !. j B' ,. 0 1- (;J . ~: -, ~c 20070523002221.:: Tl!II i 1111 .. u1.11t .• 'f 1ltis ?{ 2007ni;,ruin,,,1 _,-,,-,_ /."·' PARCEL A: LOTZ, KING COUNTY BOUNDRY LINE ADJUSTMENT APPLI:' · cP LOOL0089, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 2002C '" OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. AND PARCEL 8: LOT 3 OF KING COUNTY SHORT PLAT NUMBER 486017, REr -,,, · ··oRo: ,ER 8703039001 AND CORRECTED BY AFFIDAVIT RECORDED U >Ir JMBl 0950. TOGETHER WITH THE WEST 428.00 FEET OF THE SOUTH 32 -HEA ~EROF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 3, TOWNSHIP 23 f. ,T, V1l, -MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE NORTH 165 FEET THEREOF; AND EXCEPT THAT PORTION LYING WITHIN THE SOUTH HA' r '' ''\LF C ~UTH HALF OF SAID SUBDIVISION AND EXCEPT COUNTY ROAD~ IN ACCORDANCE WITH DECREE QUIETING TITLE IN KING c -2-: ~i<ED MARCH 12, 1987; EXCEPT THE EAST 164 FEET THEREOF; (BEING KNOWN AS LOT 3 OF KING COUNTY LOT LINE ADJU r M. l2L01 RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 9209101022, AND ,:) ; 'r· - After recording return to: City 'Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, Washington 98057 llll'.,11 2007 EXCISE TAX NOT REQUIRED CITY OF Rr , ,. PQGE091 O, 08/23/2007 KING COLIN' ivision Kings_oun~ Records D' , J.. Dep.dy BY .. · e..t.-Jl,...n • II DOCUMENT TITLE Easement for Emergency " REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENTS ASSIGNED/ RELEASED GRANTOR KBS Develoament Coroor GRANTEE CitY of Renton LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot Z, King Co, BLA No, I 20020702900007; and Lot , Rec, No, 9209101022 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. (l",., ~ oc:--'1? - EASEMENT FOR EMERGENCY , This Easement for Emergency Vehicle Acee --+/J~ll~/fJ-· __ , 2007, by KBS Development Corporatio: RECITALS WHEREAS, KBS is owner of that certain real pr "Burdened PropertY"); WHEREAS, KB$ wishes to grant to the City of F ("Renton"), an casement (the "Easement'') for access h Burdened Property in the location described on Exhibit h Area"); WHEREAS, access by emergency vehicles over the Kitsap Place NE is connected to a public through-street to t: but not limited to Lyons Ave. NE located in the !'lat 0, 9609101361; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the cov valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which agree as follows: W:I WPDDCS'.2402S\007\ TMB7? J.9. 'OOC 05/04/07 Page I " H ! I' I. I ::. I!' !I, II ' '2" .. . L C '' ·.!S - ,: I (" !: ' '' . 'rn; 20070523002222.:: l of \'.he : ; :'l:l . ht:: :nt 'if ,,ng '<n. ·,j -'Y AGREEMENT I. Grant of Easement. Subject to the terms and : , hereby grants and conveys to Renton a temporary, non-excl• Easement Area. 2. Puroose of Easement. The Easement is grci: maintenance and use of an access area for emergency vehicle· .. 3. Termination of Easement. The Easement further action by KBS and/or Renton upon the legal connecti · way to the north of the Burdened Property and written appro, 4. Runs with the Land. This Easement Agrecm, : a run with the property described herein and are binding upon ·· the Easement. The rights and obligations of the parties k binding upon their respective successors and assigns. Dated this 1/~ day of !YlBJ STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ) ) ss. ) , 200- KGS By:_ THIS IS TO CERTIFY that on the '-(iJl day of_ Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissione known or having presented satisfactory evidence to be the I id individuals described in and who executed the within instru: same as their free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and p WITNESS MY HAND and official seal the day and y: W:\WPDOCS\2402SI007\TMS7739.D0C OS/04/01 .:::; Prifit Namt:· Notary Pub I State ofV{:i ----"'K' Expiration D· Page2 · I I• / ,t ·ros:.. . illil'. IC!' ·1·11 · ,~ 1n 1_ '':"i1 , Ci\ .,. --11 f y :y ·,--,~ EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF BUR - PARCEL A:. LDT Z, KING COUNTY BOUNDARY LINE ADJUc LDOLOOB9, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING N :• RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. PARCEL B: LDT 3. KING COUNTY SHORT PLAT NUMBER; RECORDING NUMBER B703039001, AND CORR· RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 8706~, TOGETHER WITH THE WEST 428.00 FEET OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAc TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILL COUNTY, WASHINGTON: EXCEPT THE NORTH 165 FEET THEREOF; EXCEPT THAT PORTION LYING WITHIN THE OF THE SOUTH HALF OF SAID SUBDIVISIDr IN ACCORDANCE WITH DECREE QUIETING TI COURT CAUSE NUMBER 86-2-22118-2 ENTERc EXCEPT THE EAST 164 FEET THEREOF; (BEING KNOWN AS LOT 3 OF KING COUNTY NUMBER S92LD1D3. RECORDED UNDER RECOF 9209101022, AND OTHER PROPERTY) W;\WPDOCS\24025\001ITMB7739.DOC 05/04/07 Page3 .IC · ·1 "' --.. " . R,-·ccJE F_ -, , .w :n : r::··c:·. ., I ,1 ', ' 20070523002222_,:,.:, 'IF EXHIBIT ··ir· EMERGENCY ACClcSS l LEGAL OESCRIP IN Tlll, SWl/4 OF THE "IE!/-1 TOWNSHIP 2JN .. RAiW; ( ! ):\1ilff'iCIN(i :\T THI' SOl.'TI IWJ'.Sl CORNER l.W 1111' Sot 'Tlll'.~ST ()ll,\RTFI{ OF SFCTION J. TOW'c \\.\I.. lll!:NCI' NORTH ili ,-:~·111" 1-:.1sr. :\I 0\J(j !'Ill' IVL lllST•\Nl'I· , )F 2.1.00 IT'l'I, llU:N('L' snt; f'll B7":j9'1 I" IAST. c\l.()N(j ,\ LINE I' CW S,\ID Sl:B!)IVISJCl;\ .. \ l.llSTANCE 01' 12S.114 I·! ·1 Tl ll'NCI·. NO In I I u::·· 1 i/'41" L\ST. !\ IJIST1\NCE or' 11 ll'NCI, SULC(! I 87•·,i-_:,•1 I" E,\~T . .-\!ONG AUNE Fi' ( ii' Lli':l: I >I· S\ID SUBIJIVISION. i\ DISTi\Ntl' OI· 3 BEGINNl/<G: I lll'NCI· N<lRTll o:"'ID'4<" FAST. A l.llSTANn: ()I'. CURVF TAN<if.'NJ' TO SAID I.INF: ·1 HENCE NllRTHERI.Y ,\ DJ STANCE OF 50.82 FlT r IHE SOUTIIl'AST. HA V !Nli ,\ RADIUS OF 65.00 I' I ~4·,•4,',JI" TO .-1 POINT OF RF.VERSf' CllRVATURI'; I flf-:NCF M IRTJ!Et\STERLY 1\ l)[ST,'\NCE OF 14.2•! ('J.iRVF CONC•\VETO THI' NOR'lllWFST Hi\VINC. CFNTRAI.. 1\NC;J,E OF lS''l 1'49"; II 11:NCE NOJUII 2~·'46':14" 1':.'\.ST. A DISTANCE 01 ' II IF SOUTH HALI' OF THE srn 1TH 11.-\l.F OF SAID. Tlll'.NCI' SOl'TII 87"'i 11'15" EAST. ALONG S1\ID LT" 1111'.NCE SOI ,'I'll~ 1''1 Y20" Wl'ST, A DISTANCh Ol CLRVF 'L\N<.d:NT TO S,\11) IINE: I l·ll·NCF SOI.TJIWJ-:STFRI.Y ,\ l)ISl'i\NCF·: OF 2S.5i; C'ONC.11'1·: T(./ Tl IF M lRTI f \\, l'ST. I IA VlN(i A R,'\.IW ,-\N(; I .F r)F :::""5''07'27" TO A, POINT OF REVERSF CU F l'I 11:NCf' Sot TIIERLY J\ DISTANCE OF 34.69 l'EI I C'ONC,\ Vi' TO THE SOU'l'lll','\ST II,\ VIN\;,\ R,\u:: .'\NGLL OF 4-1'·!1)'02": ITICNCF SOVHI 02"10',!5" WEST TANGENT TO '.;.,\ID CURVL. A IJISTi\NCli CJI 7(,.22 f'EFT; Tl lL'NCl' NORTll 87''4q' 15" WEST. A DIST.I\NCE i)•· 20.01) ITl'T TCl Till'. POINT OF BE(ilNNJN(i Sl'flJ:\ rF IN rill' Cl'l'Y OF Rl''iTON. COUNTY 01' 1'1NG. ST.-\'J'E OF \V,\SJIINUTON. coo1os23002222.:: . I ( T, \[-:. • ·., )I .. . :<Tl '! I' . '1· \( > ~ t . ,_,.,, EXHlBIT ''c" EMERGENCY ACCESS EASEMENT if'A ~i?f:I . •1f.i. ;,: 'f ,-----· --·--T-·--·-·----·R·45 00 :--'ie,3 ·-=---'""''=.:;,,~ ------------- I I I ! ' I I I I I I I ~ ' , " I '; I ,::iJ8JI_:'._9~J--~ J a•, I ... i I \,._L•2S.50 · I r ,. 25·c1·2r1 I · ;i:55,c· I , I 1 ,,, I I i ,~". ,.v, I ,,{ -....J '-'· -~ J .~ -\ ' ' l 20 · Emergency I , \ J ,~ -..l 1 1 access e:aseme11t ,,..._.. ~ V , r-1' . " ~, r \...._,J (\i . ''.\.' \\--, I ".J' ru ">\. '-\'_,, -, l·"'-C\J ....... '\~ I / .~' ',,; h <"1' I '-',,,,r--. .._, V ' I :,~""":' I =) '' II, .. ,uu ~J r;.1 ' -, ) -I. ! '' ;IJ' " 0 0 "' ,::, ,,. '" :i:: ,::, \l :,!r 2007061200123&.:: ' • Filed for Record at the request of: KING COUNTY WATER DISTRICT NO. 90 15606 S.E. 128TH STREET .I. RENTON, WASHINGTON 98059 r /IH 'I I , I, 2 ~ lE: 3 ~AC Easement No.: 3-23-5-21 06/' Kl Project: . Stone Ridge -Offsite Tax Parcel ID#: 032305-9270 Abbrv. Legal: Lot 3 of King County Lot Line Adjt · J. :nder Recordlng Number 9209101022,: Grantor(s): KBS Develo1:1ment Cor12oration, a '· 12320 NE Su, Street. Suite 100 Bellevue, Washington 98005 Grantee(s ): KING COUNTY WATER DISTR1c· AGREEMENT F, THIS INDENTURE, made this fs;#day of_. ~ . f · and between KING COUNTY WATER DISTRICT N' rr ng County, Washington, hereinafter termed the ", ff CORPORATION, a Washington corporation, herr : r: WITNE~ That the said Granters for ONE DOLLAR ($1.00) ~on· fir . "1e receipt of which Is hereby acknowledged·by H 's convey, grant and warrant unto the Grantee a 1 and appurtenances under, through, above, and 2 'ty Page 1 of' ·"·"'\~ • situated in King County, Washington, togethc · Grantors therein, and more particularly describe< PARCEL DESCRIPTION: Lot 3 of King County Short Plat Number,. Number 8703039001, and corrected by i. Number 8706260950; TOGETHER WITH the West 428.00 fep+ the Northeast quarter of the Southeast q, North, Range 5 East, Willamette Meridia,,., EXCEPT the North 165 feet thereof; EXCEPT that portion lying within the So,,' half of said subdivision; AND EXCEPT County roads; IN ACCORDANCE with Decree Quietinn . Number 86-2-22118-2 entered on Marci EXCEPT the East 164 feet of said Lot 3 (BEING KNOWN AS Lot 3 of King Count•., recorded under Recording Number 920c EASEMENT DESCRIPTION: That portion of the above-described pa rec.. ·,' The North 15.00 feet of the West 174.80 ' TOGETHER WITH the West 13.00 feet t, The Granter warrants that their title Is free and c! rn,ese blanks should be either filled in and i, If the property of the Granters at the time of gr,, platted prior to the recording of this document, " the Grantee to add to this agreement the design - plat. Page 2 of: ~ t I I , ","06120012~R•:,-,_ . ',-. . , '1 , ,t is :·,Le . :c;h The Grantor acknowledges that part of the con: for any and all damage resulting to or resulting I of the natural flow of surface waters by Gran: disturb the soil composttion within said easemen The Grantee shall have the right without prior i law, at such time as may be necessary, to enter constructing, repairing, altering or reconstruc' connections herewith, without incurring any provided: (1) The Grantee, Water District No. 90, will r as good as or better than the premise, Water District No. 90; (2) (3) (4) The District will exercise its best effor: ments on the easement herein, but if " said improvements; Restoration, replacement, and repair sh date of any entry by the District and saiu be of a quality and/or quantity that is co. the Grantee's, District's, entry upon the , The above set forth conditions shall app also to any re-entry by the Water District · maintenance of !he water line on said ec (5) Any damage and/or removal of any on shall be replaced within the aforementior The Granter shall retain the right to use not interfere with the installation, repairing, alte ·. PROVIDED the Grantor shall not erect buildir. on the easement during the existence of said e The easement, during its existence, sh and shall be binding on the successors, hei hereto. Page 3 r· ~· · ;c7os1200123i; ,: .. :, ., 1 : is ·:e ,ay 1t •ny ., ., 811 : t :d ., ' \ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I/we have set my/our I end fV)d:R,Cff , 2007. STATE OF WASHINGTON) COUNTY OF KING ) ss. On this rstlliay of (YJ MtH ' KOl£tv 0 . vt!ftlJ/l (and) /I)&; known to be the President and/or Secretary, re CORPORATION, a Washington corporatio, foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said i,. act and deed of said Corporation, for the uses , on oath stated that they were authorized to exec• WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affix ~- NOT ARY PUBLIC in , Residing at: /(J:f ,<, My commission expir Page4 of: , , c. r. / / / "."-· 5·. :c-.. y ; 1 re / 1/ ·2'-•. '-~-. :I·. , c . l (: ,612001236.:: 1 :I -, • 34 I 15' PERM. c WA1ER [$MT. . fi I ,-"' I ~ OJ(!)::= t6 ~ .w83 -13' PERM. ~-r;:50::~~ l WATER ESMT. ~-~1g ___________ J __ 100 lv14 0 WM wA > L SCALE IN Fl STONE RIDGE -OFFSITE 1 PAGE 5 OF ,. ,, . c·,- ·, I · 70612001 ~i;,::::.:· 21 ·~ C :I I .I I / . .\. POR'l10N 01" nm NE 1/4 c1T\· -.oF RE?-<"TON. APPROVALS: ·· .. f,al!'HtC 1tn '"""'"" ,a~, .. ,i·.'1.~: .. , .~ .~....1i,~ ,oo, ,~ ,. . ··, <,1,~/JG/4",:f;.;~{lf_.$:fffil),{~""fru:co:•~; ... -:-.1, ~~ :~::::;;:~~-~-~·~~~:::··. ROAD DED1CATIQ?'t_«· :·.-,;:a_,.::~,_~,:.::::.:': ..:.',"-:·:·~-~;';'.·,;,.:;n:~;_.,:i;;. u;;.slaw.C'.l ;:;-,:;-·;.;;:'; :.:~,.'; .,~·t~;·;-::~,.~~..:~;,.;·;~~t..~J..~¥~·4.}~/ ,. WINDSTONE DI\ SHORT PLA' ltind Use Admn No. L\Jk (1.1 Ulnd R~t:ofd No. l~'IID-20·- 0F ':'HE SE 1/A OF SECTlOl"s KING COUN7\" ACKNOWI,f;OGM~NT· ~'!::} '"'··;~ ~ ACKNOWL~OGMENT ,,,,,: '" .,,,m,:n.. .,,.,,,,,·~ .... ;"" """''"·~"'«_____c'._I;•~-""' "«'«''"'""'· • ""'"" POOlJ: :, .:, ,, 00<·<-l"'-l""·"·""'""·,-.,,!'EllSC~" .• , ·u,. ,,,;.-a,,,,,_,""""' I'-" "'V,O<"" ., ' 'sl II[ '"' ~(.l:W t«Jnw.,r ,,· .,,;, '"" c.,.,,.,,,a;.r1c.,, ·~,, -:<>:<•:JS< ·..:" ""' ......... ,....,:."'~' "'" "~'·""""" '" "· . :,;~~;~~if:{,; ;";';':.:-::.;;-",.tt....;."' .~i- '"" ,:,,\ 1:(, :~): .. , .. ,,.,,. )> .. Y. l"• C(IU-0'.':'.:I~- '~ ... ·" l-' '<r= ,, .. '; •. •·: \,,."':~····f .··.·.: ,~ ;.:-,, ... ;, "".,.,;~·· \-' :, j'. Lt;.~--04 ·l35··SHPL fNl, ,:,1-0•1J11 -.~·w,:.,s,·cmc:<c:o,, ,•>< ""'·'"""'· ,,c .,,,,,.,,.,., .. , er,_,..,, ••X•C•""" I':.> •":~·,-,..,, <t<) C""'•' f~lO c-,:. ,,.,~oo.~r= ,.,,.,,,,.,, ,..,,..,,.,,,.,,,,,, .... '"' .• ;,~ """ •"',),](Jl"t!"°"'"' •,"v,JS""'~>t >),.,,,...i,....,,,:""' :.:"..'.;;:·' """" ,11\J,.,, '..t".:~---~: • ..;'.""~".~'r;'.';' '"' ·c,1>n"""-"'"'"" """""'"""'''"° . "'""'"'"'·'"""""' ·:,·::',.i',;'~,.:'!.'!':~;~ 1 '8NTS: . c'd'.'. COVENANTS: .. ,•,,,..,,,or. <<>.O '"' •,·,.:rec,.,. "~'m:T:'lt .,,,,., ,~.(,:,-,,w ,:,·,,,,cc,1c,c,1·r, : : ,,_, ·· ;,,c\e IOC• ,,. --/ . ... ':?~!~~?'.:;{ ··:c OF --.3 .. , A·. POtff!ON OP THE NI!: cITY·-gF RENTON. "··· __ !:,tG·A'L Dli:scpiPT!O_Ns· fl,.~~ A;,-,· ,"-. __ ,· .. -· .. ••" I ""°';,,;;,.,,,,,.;, .. ,,.,,I\# ·,o,.c,,·r""~r ,.~;Cl'!"""..;'., ·'"""'' ».o.<~J:oc:~, '"""""'"'·""I"'"''"'"·''""'"""· :C-"C<<'C• :<• »:~-::«.-•' N»I·)~'"" , • •_',T' <T...;S•>Nrl '1+>''1 ,O!e ,.,,-OhW,<" ·«,a.¥,0,>>C•O•N,,C•, .,:c,:,.,....,,.,,,w,,..,<;,·~·=" ,,.,;,:,-,·""" '>"':\','<!' NCs.v,,..,,.,,,,-.. _....""''"-.,i1,.,.i,,,,., '"""''"""'"' ,,~, ,,..,,,,w .. 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O.~. ,,,.,,.,.,.,..,_,,_.,-u,o,d .,, ,, :-1.-."·""" 11\o!'. ·-1: .!:':'•' .<~· J' I ~ -l-o+.!! ..... "" "0'~" . ,,,_ ~~·;1 , LJ.:;G END: 0 ...... , .... ,·,c,,.,;,~.,-.,,, <', P0RTlON OF TITF.: NP. CJ1i' .. OP R~:N1'CJN, ;'' ,,-·,,, X. ~',.:._.,.;;t·;~'''"' ""' •· k.-.• ~ WINDSTONE l SHORT PL J.,an,t lii<t~ Action :\io. LL' A-t, Lamt Record No. LNI) .. ·, !/4 OP 1'HE S~ 1/4 OF SECT!i" KING CO\J1'1 ' ' , }; .-\t~;JfW;'-:~~Ji,Q,i ·, : ~ .:: ... ,~~ l/~.2r: ;te ,,,,;i,i; Cq ,·, <J -;'•~ "'"<O '~.:~, ~i".~ue,.~."-' I 5 ~: ,ro,; ~-·•i·:, /, lb?.J';'.11.h. I' '~I .. .,,._' ..:_v~MUH! 'J.;l . .'1>/oB ~ !.S,A-tM-1.35 ·SHPL SSll··>0-1.W I ,,, Vtcccot~o. ",·6•; ;,o~ •• ,t;on a·, 'i'-.<l '• o• l .i~ ::,}£!))/ " ;ec/r; I '.i t ,,,·/ i/ ),i