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LUA 07-122_Report 01
Gabe Snedeker AHBL, Inc. PARTIES OF RECORD RSD TRANSPORTATION CENTER LUA07-122, SA-H Rick Stracke 1200 6th Avenue ste: #1620 Seattle, WA 98101 Stewart Shusterman Renton School District Capital Projects Office 1220 N 4th Street Renton, WA 98055 tel: (425) 204-4479 (applicant) Executive Director of Facilities Planning Renton School District #403 1220 N 4th Street tel: (206) 267-2425 eml: gsnedekder@ahbl.com (contact) Josephine Ganuelas 335 Park Avenue N Renton, WA 98057 tel: (425) 255-1269 (party of record) Updated: 10/29/07 Renton, WA 98055 tel: ( 425) 204-4403 (owner) (Page 1 of 1) z ., ,/-----~ . ~" ... N. 5TH I LN ' . ~ '! ,! I ' ' •, ' S. ·T. r ~, ~ J' (A ;<A A ~-~ 0~ ~-X ;\~ ;\ ,' ;\~~ ~.~ '~;~-~ -:..:-11---- 4TH ',} G') )> ::a 0 rn z )> < ,,.~ .. ,,, rn • z ~·~ ... ---.~;. \ l l ', "Tl :r ,o !o ::::o ""O r )> ,z \-) ·<0· L. i' .:,_, ' , ,. ~: l,.. ~.; ~: ;1 C " ;-, c:fr ~ '( rn '·'"~· I ' ' ;:,j ' A ~'"' ' ' . ' ··~ ! 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I Hj jiU~ r;i~ tm f IU fi i'r,1 ) 1: !i _;ti 1a'i~J,!-I i ~ ,0 7' ~ m z ,, C m z 'tj ii' I I' i!! ,: ~ I q ~ l H 5 ) ~ d OJ ( (l_ ,. IQ ,\ ,. \ N. 5TH STREET i~ ________ k N. 4TH STREET ""~ I I. j: ~o "' ! '; !; ~ I ~ ,,, I I l I I I I I I -, f t I : I :) I 11 -T ,, ·i I ' I -I I g I I . I ! 9 ~ i I C) > i ~ ;;,c, li O :i m :' z ~ m z C m z L f · i l, ,; I; r j Renton School District Transporation Center I I ' ! I i I ' J,06 ,c, ,2,000671 I I · ! I 7564600105 224000640H I 7564<00140 11 I r-----:1o,--....,,c--------;!Feet o 1 oo 200 400 1 inch equals 200 feet Vicinity Map: Renton School DistrictTransportation Center Sti'e Plm Review Submittal 10/1/2007 ll~ REFERENCE SCALE: ISSUED FOR: MTE, -- t- MECH SCREENING DEfAIL RENTON SCHHDL DISTRICT TRANSPORTATION CENTER ~f:AIF· 3/4 -1 0 CITY OF RENTON SITE PLAN REVIEW 10.04.07 10'-9 1/4" ~J~ :;JI" ;~ Q,Cu ~,~ ',c----- :,,_ ~ ·' ~ ~ ' ·- (.,- ---T J M~·-H .r' .. --2s·-c··r~-.j ··--?ARAPE-BEYOND T.D P1~Ri',P[T r--. -----2~ -c· '-J -------MECH UNII, SEE MECH --+---------MECH U~IT CURB \ / \ f' '\ I, /\. ;·, ,/_7\ 7"' -I ~/ V ,/ \\I ~\l~\/~ INTERIOR MC GRAN AH AN arthlt1ct1 REVISED: DRA~N BY: OKS , Ii" :ion Tluno~, AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. Couuty of King ) Nancy Thompson being first duly sworn, upon oath, deposes and states: That on the 4th day of December 2007, affiant deposited via the United States Mail a sealed envelope(s) containing a decision or recommendation with postage prepaid, addressed to the parties of record in the below entitled application or petition. Signature: SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this _!iili day of L: CVrn.};c;,1,, , 2001. Notary Public in.And '.or/ ~A State of Washington Residing at f,L /!v14W , therein. I RSD Transportation Center Site Approval LUA 07-122, SA-H The Decision or Recommendation contains a complete list of the Parties of Record. HEARING EXAMINER'S REPORT :I· , l q I I I i ' ' i" I ; : lJ ( i i I I C._i_ __________ _ (0·-· --I' - ' 1.:·, .. -(7 ) ______________ -,.7 r:, .... ::·, ... ·?----- f ·----;.c,.-----,r---... ,,-- c,-I- 1_'...:_1------- (:}--·· ,, l: i: 1J~-·- ,- ~ 0 hri <( 1-I e-· L) C) ' ., ~,c--,,--·~~------D;:;:4,-·-;5;-:T;;;2;,;3,.;;~:,-"!l-;.,5E W 11-2 - ,- / UC-N2/ UC-Nl UC-Nl z UC-Nl UC-Nl -z I N 6th St. ~ U ~-Nl ,- 2 ~ UC-N fil3 ~u_c-~;__.~ UC-Nl N 8th IH· .. --------~ l R s,:/e ) ZONING P/B/PW TECHNICAL 811B.VICES ll2l28I07 ----Re11.toa C!lt.7 Um!~ 0 zyo 4.00 1:4800 E4 8 T23N R5E W 1/2 5308 Renton School District, No. 403 MITIGATED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE Renton School District Transportation Center Description of Current Proposal: The Renton School District, No. 403, is proposing to construct a new Transportation Center, including bus storage and maintenance, on the site of its 4.8-acre current bus facility. The new facility will serve as the District's bus maintenance, storage, and operations facility. It will include the Transportation Department administrative offices, maintenance repair bays, bus storage (42 stalls for short buses and 60 stalls for long buses, 102 stalls total), visitor and employee parking lot (98 stalls), a bus wash area, a bus fueling station, and an emergency generator to maintain bus operations. Two buildings are proposed: The main building will be 19,894 gross square feet with a 16,664 square foot footprint. It will consist of approximately 4,300 net square feet of office space, 6,400 net square feet of repair bay space, and 6,600 net square feet of industrial support space (bus maintenance shop). A 3,578 square foot service building consisting of a roof structure, fueling stations, a bus wash, and enclosed rooms for electrical and bus wash equipment, will also be constructed. The project is a redevelopment of the existing use; however, the current facility also includes the District's Facilities, Maintenance, Operations, Safety and Security functions, which will move to another District facility off-site. With redevelopment, portions of the site will be repaved. All existing structures on the site, totaling 25,149 square feet of floor area, would be demolished. The structures to be demolished include the office building (3,564 square feet), the bus maintenance/repair building (18,810 square feet), and five sheds (totaling 2,775 square feet). Demolition and construction will occur in two phases, as described in the response to Section A.11. of the Environmental Checklist. Existing site access for buses is from Garden Avenue North and North 4th Street. Existing access to the site for employees and visitors is from North 4th Street. There are two existing access points from Park Avenue North; however, these are gated and are not currently used for accessing the site. Following completion of construction, site access for buses will be from Garden Avenue North and North 4th Street, and site access for visitors and employees will be from Park Avenue North, with secondary access from North 5th Street. Proponent on behalf of the Lead Agency: Gabe Snedeker, AICP AHBL, Inc. 1200 Sixth Avenue,Suite 1620 Seattle, WA 98101 Location: The project site is located at 1220 North 4th Street in the City of Renton. The project will occur in the Southwest quarter of Section 8, Township 23 North, Range 5 East. The site is comprised offive parcels with King County parcel numbers 756460-0106, 72240(}.0670,756460-0105, 722400-0640, and 756460- 0140: A legal description, site plan, and parcel map are provided as part of the application package. leadAgency: Rentpn School District, No. 403 School District Contact: Rick Stracke, Executive Director ofFacilities and Operations, (425) 204-4403 Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance Renton School District Transportation Center 10/11/07 Page 1 Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance Renton School District Transportation Center The Responsible Official of the Renton School District hereby makes the following Findings and Conclusions based upon review of the environmental checklist and attachments, other information on file with the Renton School District, and the policies, plans, and regulations designated by the Renton School District as a basis for the exercise of substantive authority under the Washington State· Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) pursuant to the Revised Code of Washington RCW 43.21 C.060. Findings of Fact: 1. The Renton School District, No. 403, is constructing a new Transportation Center, including bus storage and maintenance, on the site of its current bus facility. The new facility will serve as the District's bus maintenance, storage, and operations facility. It will include Transportation Department administrative offices, maintenance repair bays, bus storage (42 stalls for short buses and 60 stalls for long buses, 102 stalls total), visitor and employee parking lot (98 stalls), a bus wash area, a bus fueling station, and an emergency generator to maintain bus operations. Two buildings are proposed: The main building will be 19,894 gross square feet with a 16,664 square foot footprint. It will consist of approximately 4,300 net square feet of office space, 6,400 net square feet of repair bay space, and 6,600 net square feet of industrial support space (bus maintenance shop). A 3,578 gross square foot service building consisting of a roof structure, fueling stations, a bus wash, and enclosed rooms for electrical and bus wash equipment, will also be constructed. The project is a redevelopment of the existing use; however, the current facility includes the District's Facilities, Maintenance, Operations, Safety and Security functions, which will move to another District facility off-site. All existing structures on the site, totaling 25,149 square feet of floor area, will be demolished. With redevelopment, the site will have the capacity for up to 94 employees. However, it is expected upon completion of construction that approximately 91 employees would be based at the completed project. 2. The proposed use of the site as a Government Facility is consistent with the City of Renton Comprehensive Plan designations Commercial Corridor and Employment Area-Industrial, and associated Light Industrial (LI) and Commercial Arterial (CA) zoning classifications. The use is allowed as a Conditional Use; however, the proposal is a redevelopment of an existing, established Government Facility use, and therefore does not require a new Conditional Use Permit. A Site Plan Review permit is required. 3. Adjacent land uses are industrial to the east; office and industrial to the north and northwest; commercial, single-family residential, and multi-family residential to the west; the Renton School District's Sartori Education Center (alternative school / high school completion) to the south; and single-family residential uses to the southeast. The site fronts four streets: North 4th Street, North 5th Street, Garden Avenue North, and Park Avenue North. 4. Up to approximately 5,000 cubic yards of soil will be cut and up to approximately 5,000 cubic yards will be used for fill on the site during Phase I and II. Up to approximately 2,000 cubic yards of unsuitable loose fill may be exported from the site and a comparable amount of suitable fill imported. Erosion is possible during site clearing and construction. Plans will be prepared by the design team requiring the contractor to control erosion during clearing and construction. After the site is stabilized, there will be very little potential for erosion. 5. The earth-related impacts associated with the proposed.project were summarized in the Revised Subsurface Exploration, Geologic Hazard and Geotechnical Engineering Report by Associated Earth Sciences, Inc., dated June 14, 2007. The analysis conducted for the project indicated that site soils have a high risk of liquefaction, with moderate or large earthquakes (generally in excess of Richter Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance Renton School District Transportation Center 10111107 Page2 Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance Renton School District Transportation Center magnitude 6), above a depth of 32-feet in some areas of the western portion of the site and above a depth of 75 feet in the central portion of the site. The building's foundation will be designed to mitigate post-construction consolidation and the effects of seismically induced liquefaction. This will likely include an auger-cast pile foundation type. 6. The potential for contaminated soils to be existing on the site was assessed in a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment report prepared by Morse Environmental, Inc. in May 2006. The report concluded that, based on extensive remediation at this property and surrounding properties, onsite contamination (if any) is expected to be minor. A Phase II Environmental Site Assessment report was completed by Morse Environmental, Inc., in September 2007. The report indicates no on-site contamination caused as result of the current use. 7. Site access for school buses will be from Garden Avenue North and North 4th Street; existing site access for buses is from Garden Avenue North and North 4"' Street. Site access for visitors and employees will be from Park Avenue North with secondary access from North 5th Street; existing site access for employees and visitors is from North 4th Street. There are two existing access points from Park Avenue North; however, these are gated and are not currently used for accessing the site. 8. The traffic impacts associated with the proposed project were summarized in the Renton School District Transportation Center-Traffic Impact Analysis, prepared by The Transpo Group, in July 2007. Overall, the new facility is expected to generate over 7 percent fewer trips than the current transportation and office facility. Below is a summary of the findings from the Traffic Impact Analysis memorandum: • The completed project is expected to generate a total of 747 daily weekday trips to the site, with 228 trips estimated to occur during the AM peak hour and 73 tripfduring the PM peak hour. This represents a reduction in overall trips associated with the site. • Approximately 53 fewer daily trips would be generated as compared to the current facility, a reduction of 7 percent. AM peak hour trips would be reduced by approximately 18 trips or 8 percent, and PM peak hour trips would be reduced by approximately 7 trips or 10 percent. The City of Renton requires a transportation impact mitigation fee for any increase in existing traffic generated by a site. However, it would be applicable only if the traffic study being prepared for project indicated an increase in trip generation from the proposed project. . . . . 9. The completed project would have 98 parking spaces for visitors and employees. The project would eliminate 49 existing employee/visitor spaces. A requested modification, to allow the maximum number of parking spaces to exceed that allowed by Renton Municipal Code (RM() 4-4-080B10e for Office uses, was approved by the City on August 2, 2007. 10. There are no sensitive areas on the site. The site topography is relatively flat, with a maximum slope of eight percent near the middle of the site. No shorelines, wetlands or water bodies exist on or near the site. 11. The site currently contains three underground storage tanks for gasoline, diesel fuel, and waste oil. With redevelopment, the underground sto,rage, tanks for diesel fuel and gasoline will be left in place and re-used. The existing distribution piping (from the existing tanks to the new fuel dispensers) will be replaced with new secondary containment piping and leak detection. The existing underground waste oil fuel tank will be removed and replaced with a new above grade waste oil tank. Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance Renton School District Transportation Center 10/11107 Page3 Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance Renton School District Transportation Center 12. There are no known landmarks or events of historic importance on, associated with, or in the immediate vicinity of the site. 13. Utilities. a. Sanitary Sewer Service Sanitary sewer service would continue to be provided by the City of Renton Sewer District. No new infrastructure is required for the redevelopment. b. Fire and Domestic Water Service Fire and domestic water service would continue provided by the City of Renton Water District. c. Franchise Utilities Electricity and natural gas would continue to be provided by Puget Sound Energy. Qwest would continue to be the provider of telephone service. 14. There will be a decrease in floor area over the existing condition and this may result in a decreased need for public fire protection services. Additionally, the buildings will be equipped with a monitored fire alarm system and both wet and dry pipe fire sprinkler systems to help reduce the risk of a fire spreading. The City has a fire impact mitigation fee requirement that is currently $0.52 per net additional square foot of floor area. 15. · Runoff from footing drains, roof drainage and parking and bus storage areas will be collected in catch basins and conveyed to the existing City of Renton storm drainage system that currently serves the site, which ultimately drains to Lake Washington to the north. Water quality treatment in accordance with City of Renton requirements will be provided in an Ecostorm treatment manhole or Stormfilter cartridge system, along with an underground oil/water separator vault. Drainage from the bus wash station will be treated by an oil-water separator and car wash clarifier, and will be discharged to the sanitary sewer system. Based on the site's existing condition and the City of Renton Public Works Standards and KCSWDM, it does not appear that detention will be required. The City has indicated that the trigger mechanism for establishing the need for detention is to be based on the 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual. In the 1990 KCSWDM, so long as impervious surface area is not increased by more than 5,000 square feet, no detention is required; the proposed redevelopment of the site will result in a reduction in impervious surface area. CONCLUSIONS OF THE RESPONSIBLE OFFICIAL The responsible official has determined that the proposal, with the mitigation measures listed below, does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment, and an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). The mitigation measures described below are recommended as conditions of project permits or approvals. This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist, other information on file with the Renton School District, and existing regulations. This information is available to the public on request. The responsible official finds this information reasonably sufficient to evaluate the environmental impact of this proposal. The mitigation measures are required as authorized under the Substantive Authority of SEPA (WAC 197-11-660) in Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance Renton School District Transportation Center 10/11/07 Page4 Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance Renton School District Transportation Center accordance with the guidelines contained in the Renton School District Rules and shall be implemented by the applicant. Mitigation measures To offset potential adverse environmental impacts; the applicant will implement the following mitigation measures pursuant to WAC 197-11-660: Erosion and Earth_ Air. 1. During construction, best management practices identified in the Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan (TES() will be implemented. The TESC will comply with the City of Renton requirements and the Department ofEcology 2005 Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington and will be submitted as part of the building permit application. Mitigation measures, including Best Management Practices, will be implemented in accordance with these plans before and during construction. 2. The building's foundation will be designed to mitigate post-construction consolidation and the effects of seismically induced liquefaction. This will likely include an auger-cast pile foundation type. 1. The applicant will water the ground as needed before and during the construction phases, including clearing and grading activities, to control dust particles. 2. Construction vehicles are expected to be equipped with factory-installed mufflers and spark arrestors that will control excessive emissions. Water Quality. ·· ··· 1,-' During construction,best management practices identified in the TESCwill be implemented. 2. Water quality treatment per the 2005 King County Surface Water Design Manual will be provided as a part of site improvements. 3. Drainage from the bus wash station will be treated by an oil-water separator and car wash clarifier, and will be discharged to the sanitary sewer system. Plants. 1. Approximately 28,598 square feet of new landscaping will be installed on site. This includes approximately 24,544 square feet of street frontage landscaping, and approximately 4,054 square feet of landscaping within the parking area for employees and visitors. Energy and Natural Resources. 1. Facilities will be consistent with the Washington State Energy Code. Additional features will be considered as budget allows. Environmental Health. 1. Removal of the underground waste oil storage tank will conform to applicable environmental codes and regulations. 2. The existing distribution piping from the existing gasoline and diesel fuel tanks that will be left i.n. place to the new fuel dispensers will be replaced with new secondary containment piping and leak detection. Noise. Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance Renton School District Transportation Center 10/11/07 Page 5 Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance Renton School District Transportation Center 1. To mitigate general noise impacts during the construction phases, measures such as using and regularly maintaining efficient mufflers and quieting devices on all construction equipment and vehicles will be taken. Land Use. 1. Perimeter landscaping including street trees will be installed along street frontages. Aesthetics. 1. The site will be landscaped consistent with City of Renton's landscaping requirements. Light and Glare. 1. Exterior lights will be directed downward and away from adjacent properties. 2. The exterior lighting system will be designed to prevent glare off reflective surfaces and provide adequate lighting for security purposes. Historic and Cultural Preservation 1. If culturally significant objects are found during site preparation work, the Washington State Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation will be notified immediately. Public Services. 1. The applicant will pay fire mitigation fees as required by the City of Renton pursuant to SEPA, as applicable. The current fire impact mitigation fee is $0.52 per net additional square foot of floor area. This MONS is issued under the Washington Administrative Code (WAC) 197-11-340 and -350; the lead agency will not act on this proposal for 14 days from the date of issuance. Comments must be in writing and received by the Renton School District before 4:00 p.m. on November 6, 2007. Comments shall be directed to Mr. Rick Stracke, Executive Director, Facilities and Operations, Renton School District, 1220 North 4th Street, Renton, WA 98057. Unless modified or withdrawn by the Renton School District, this determination will become final following the above comment deadline. There is no agency appeal under Renton School District SEPA policies. Responsible Official: Lead Agency: Date of Issue: Comment Deadline: Mr. Rick Stracke, Executive Director, Facilities and Operations Renton School District, No. 403 1220 North 4th Street Renton, WA 98057 (425) 204-4403 October 24, 2007 November 6, 2007, 4:00 p.m. The issuance of this Mitigated Determination of Nonsignificance does not constitute project approval. The applicant must comply with all other applicable requirements including but not limited to the Renton Municipal Code Development Regulations (RMC Title IV) and the International Building Code before receiving construction permits and/or approvals. Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance Renton School District Transportation Center 10/11107 Page6 Facilities, Maintenance, Operations Safety and Security OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Telephone: (425) 204-4403 Fax: (425) 204-4476 Launching Learning to Last a Lifetime November 28, 2007 Mr. Neil Watts, Director Development Services Division City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, Washington 98055-3232 Project: Renton School District Transportation Center Subject: SEPA Review Complete Dear Neil: As SEPA lead agency for the Renton School District Transportation Center project, the Renton School District i1sued a Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance (MDNS} on October 24, 2007. Consistent with WAC 197-11-510, the lead agency provided opportunity for public and agency comment by mailing notice to property owners within 300 feet of the site, mailing notice to agencies, posting the site, and publishing notice in the Seattle Times. As of 4:00 PM on November 6, 2007, the comment period on the threshold determination was complete. No comments were received during the comment period that would cause the School District to withdraw or modify the MDNS. One comment was received prior to the comment period, but it did not have relevance to the threshold determination or proposed mitigation measures. Therefore, the threshold determination stands as issued. Within its adopted SEPA procedures and policies, the Renton School District has elected not to provide for administrative appeal of SEPA determinations. Any appeal of the MDNS must therefore be a judicial appeal. Please iet me know if you need additional documentatio1. of the Renton ~chool District's SEPA process for your records. Sincerely, (,----;--,:-;;_ 4 ,Y,---:, " / ).-...-4' p~--~ / Rick Stracke Executive Director Facilities & Operations CC: Jill Ding, City of Renton Stewart Shusterman, Renton School District Tom Marshall, McGranahan Architects Dion Serra, McGranahan Architects Gabe Snedeker, AHBL, Inc. Betsy Geller, AHBL, Inc. 1220 North 4th Street, Renton, WA 98057 Jill Ding -Re: RSD transportation center From: To: Date: Subject: Jill Ding Geller, Betsy 11/19/2007 1:18:40 PM Re: RSD transportation center That shouldn't be a problem, we'll address these issues at the hearing tomorrow. »> "Betsy Geller" <BGeller@AHBL.com> 11/19/2007 11 :45 AM >» Jill, Regarding the changes to the site plan that we're proposing, I just wanted to make sure you understand that the solution we've come up with is predicated on two things: 1) 19' parking stalls in the center parking island {there is no landscaping in the center of this parking island, so there's no way to accommodate the overhang in non-required landscaping) 2) 1 :1 concrete slope (an engineered transition) in sewer easement at west side of parking area, next to abutting property, and no landscaping at this edge. (The site plan that was submitted showed a landscape area here less than 5' in width.) To confirm, I understand that the first item can be addressed through a parking modification, and can be addressed at the hearing tomorrow morning. Will the City have concerns about the second item? Betsy Geller Planner TACOMA• SEATTLE 206.267 .2425 TEL 206.267.2429 FAX www.ahbl.com Civil Engineers • Structural Engineers • Landscape Architects • Community Planners • Land Surveyors • Neighbors CONFIDENTIALITY NOTE: The information contained in this email and any files transmitted with it may contain confidential or privileged information intended only for the use of the intended recipient(s). If you are not the intended recipient, please permanently delete the Page 1 _Jill_Ding -Re; RSDtran_seorta_tion center Page 2 original message and all attachments and notify the sender immediately. CC: Snedeker, Gabe STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING } AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION PUBLIC NOTICE Linda M Mills, being first duly sworn on oath that she is the Legal Advertising Representative of the Renton Reporter a bi-weekly newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of general circulation and is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, published in the English language continuously as a bi-weekly newspaper in King County, Washington. The Renton Reporter has been approved as a Legal Newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County. The notke in the exact form annexed was published in regular issues of the Renton Reporter (and not in supplement form) which was regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. The annexed notice~ a: Public Notice was published on November 10, 2007. The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of $92.40. avrt-t ~?J ~--::?~_-~';.(~~-- Linda M. Mills ,__.,.....::...L....G d . . R . R ..)1: ,,,,111"11 Legal A vert1smg epresentat1ve, enton Reporter \ .-:'\.'AP/If 11,,1 Subscribed and sworn to me this 15'h day ofNovember, __ -2@_.:;~0 " t,,R y ~., \.;,,. t Kathy Daise Notary Pub«c for the State ofWashi P. 0. Number: ::: I--3~ ~ ,,. 1 r- .,..., <( ::2 z • u ,....~ 0 i ':i.-{~ ' :; -E ~ ~ '/ \v PV.oJ§ ~:: 'l '1, 0'"°.? c;..; = :gton, Residing in ~vin..:;.,tt1,~<i'olll'lf'lt'~ 111,'"r,4TE 0~ ,,.:::-11 ,, 11111"'"''' NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON HEARINfi EXAMINER RENTON, WASHINGTON A Public Hearing will be hi:ld by Lh,;> Rt·11t(m Hearing Examiner in the Council Cham be-rs on the sevcn1h floor of Renton Ciiy Hull, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, Washing ton, on Novembt!r 20. 2007 al 9:00 A\.-1 lo consider the following pctilions: Renton School Distric1 Transportation Office LUA07-122. SA-II Loi.:ation: 1220 N 4th Strt·ct. De~nip- lion: The applicant i~ requesting Hea1· ing Examiner Si!e Plan approval fm the constrnction of a 15,421 square foot transportation center on the ?09,088 9.Quarc foot (4 8 a..:rc) site. The projCl'l site is comprised nf 5 parcels, 1he eas1 parcel is h~ated v.'ilhin the Light Indus- trial wne and the 4 wcs1crn pared~ :.in· located wi1h111 the Commercial Arte rial zone. L:mdscaping improvcrnrnts. a surface parl,,mg lot, and bus slorugc would also be drvelopefi on the pmJ- ect site. Acte),s would be provided off of Park Avenue N. N 4th S!reet, Gar- den Avenue N, and N 5th S1rl'el. The project site is located within a ~ei~m:c hazard area .. All interested persons arc invited to he pres- ent at the Public Hearing rn e:qirc~., thc.'i1 opinions. Questions should be direc1ed lo the Hearing Examiner at 425-430-651."'i Published in the Renton Repo11t·r November 10 , 2007. #8M420 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING NOTICE October 29, 2007 To: Gregg Zimmerman, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator Terry Higashiyama, Community Services Administrator I. David Daniels, Fire Chief Alex Pietsch, EDNSP Administrator From: Jennifer Henning, Development Planning Meeting Date: Monday, October 29, 2007 Time: 3:00 PM Location: Sixth Floor Conference Room #620 Agenda listed below. Renton School District Transportation Center (Ding) LUA07-122, SA-H The Renton School District, No. 403, is proposing to construct a new Transportation Center, including bus storage and maintenance, on the site of its 4.8-acre current bus facility. The new facility will serve as the District's bus maintenance, storage, and operations facility. It will include the Transportation Department administrative offices, maintenance repair bays, bus storage (42 stalls for short buses and 60 stalls for long buses, 102 stalls total), visitor and employee parking lot (98 stalls)1 a bus wash area, a bus fueling station, and an emergency generator to maintain bus operations. Two buildings are proposed: The main building be 19,894 gross square feet with a 16,664 square foot footprint. It will consist of approximately 4,300 net square feet of office space, 6,400 net square feet of repair bay space, and 6,600 net square feet of industrial support space (bus maintenance shop). A 3,578 square foot service building consisting of a roof structure, fueling stations, a bus wash, and enclosed rooms for electrical and bus wash equipment, will also be constructed. The project is a redevelopment of the existing use; however, the current facility also includes the District's Facilities, Maintenance, Operations, Safety and Security functions, which will move to another District facility off-site. With redevelopment, portions of the site will be repaved. cc: K. Keolker, Mayor J. Covington, Chief Administrative Officer S. Dale Estey. EDNSP Director® C. Walls, Fire Prevention N. Watts, P/8/PW Development Services Director ® F. Kaufman, Hearing Examiner B. Van Horne. Fire Prevention ® J. Medzegian, Council P. Hahn, P/B/PW Transportation Systems Director R. Lind, Economic Development L. Warren, City Attorney ® CITY OF RENTON CURRENT PLANNING DIVISION AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING On the 13'" day of November, 2007, I deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner documents. This information was sent to: Name Rick Stracke, Renton School District #403 Stewart Shusterman, RSD Capital Projects Office Gabe Snedeker Josephine Ganuelas (Signature of Sender)~~ ~ STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss COUNTY OF KING ) Owner Applicant Contact POR Notary (Print): H m \.-, v c L y n >'> My appointment expires: ;i _ \ 9. _ 1 D Project Name: Renton School District Transporation Center Project Number: LUA0?-122, SA-H Representing COMMENCING AT 9:00 AM, CITY OF RENTON HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING November 20, 2007 AGENDA COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 7TH FLOOR, RENTON CITY HALL The application(s) listed are in order of application number only and not necessarily the order in which they will be heard. Items will be called for hearing at the discretion of the Hearing Examiner. PROJECT NAME: Lake Washington View Estates PROJECT NUMBER: LUA07-039, PP, SM, ECF PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Preliminary Plat approval, and a Shoreline Substantial Development Permit for the subdivision of a 241,053 square foot (5.53 acre) parcel located within the Residential -8 (R-8) dwelling unit per acre zone, into 13 lots. The proposed lots are intended for the future construction of single family residences. The proposed lots would range in size from 5,167 square feet to 15,173 square feet. Two streams (including May Creek, a shoreline of the state), 3 wetlands, and steep slopes are located on the project site. Access to proposed lots 1- 12 would be provided via a new street off of Lake Washington Blvd N, which terminates in a hammerhead turnaround and access to lot 13 would be provided via a driveway off of Meadow Avenue N. PROJECT NAME: RSD Transportation Center PROJECT NUMBER: LUA07-122, SA-H PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval for the construction of a 16,644 square foot transportation center with a 3,578 square foot service building on the 209,726 square foot (4.8 acre) site. The project site is comprised of 5 parcels, the east parcel is located within the Light Industrial zone and the 4 western parcels are located within the Commercial Arterial zone. Landscaping improvements, a surface parking lot, and bus storage would also be developed on the project site. Access would be provided off of Park Avenue N, N 4th Street, Garden Avenue N, and N 5th Street. The project site is located within a seismic hazard area. 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'2: d ' ,· ' ~ .-, ... + ·: ' l J • I ;!. li' :,· N IA v'_51J;l!'.1" _:~ Q . .., .. 8 ..... 2 ) D4 • 5 T23N R5E W 1/2 UC-N2 z UC-Nl z UC-N l ..... z I u :::i UC -Nl UC -Nl U ~-Nl [I@) UC -N @Gl ~;. lJD~ F4 · 17 T23N R5E W 1/2 ZONING P/B/PW TECHNICAL SBRVICES 02/28/07 UC-Nl N 8th IH 1 :4800 R-8 R E4 8 T23N R5E W 1/2 5308 Zr'"J I NG MAP B00v. 7 92 93 455 ! 456. 81 26 T24N R4E 82 25 T24N R4E 83· £1 30 T24N R5E :(9 T 24N RS 8 28 T 24N ASE _..J 86 -a? 1,AKl!80IIL'' I 27 T24N ASE , 26 T24N SE 464 ! ____ ,J 81 94W 455W 1457 ! 458 460 C1 C2 czt :c5 --cs -c7 3a;ff4N £--35 ,k4N ASE 35 T24N A4E 36 T 24N A4E 31 T24N ASE 32T24N ASE 306 307 LAKEW ,uB08 ' \ 309 3~ \.-8 j r-B2 D3 \[)4 o§ D 801 D1 2 T23N A4E / 23N A4E 6 T23N ASE 5'T23N ASE 4 T23N ASE E2 12 T23N R4E D 32$'."' 326 F1'\: ~~. 4 T23N R4E \ 13 T23N R4 E 334 \335 G1 G2 3 T23N R4E 24 T23N R4E 44 34 I ~l-42 I 25 T23~ A4E ' ~351 1 /:'...'.1_ ____ _ / .. 12 36 T23N R4 E 607 J2 _____ ,, 319 -3 E4 B T23N R5E 328 18 T23N ASE 17 T23N ASE 336 337 G3 G4 19 T23N ASE 20T23N A5E 600 H3 30 T 23N A SE 603 _ --IB I 3 1 T23 A5E 369 E5 9 T2SN R5E 370 F5 16T23N ASE 371 15 0 33T23N ASE 609 610 J3 ----j4-~ j5 D7 810 8r-1 _ffo · ~. -1 T23N ASE 14 T23N ASE 815 l 816 ~--~ / 22 T23N ASE 16 34 T 23N A5E 632 J6 23 T23N ASE 826 35 T23N ASE 833 J7 22N A 4E 1 T 22N A4E 6 T2 2 N AS E 5 T22N ASE 4 T.22N ASE 3 T22N ASE 2 T22 N ASE RESIDENTIAL ~ Resourc e Co nserve.lion g Residen tial 1 du/a c [B Resi de nlial -4 du/tlc ~ Re8 ideoUal 8 du/a.c ~ Residential Ma nufacture d Home• ! R-10 I Resid ential 10 du/oc ~ Residential 14 du/ac ! RH ·rl Residential llultl -Fom lly I ' .•\ §c -N 2J u·r'liao Center -NorU1 2 ' ' ~ C~ler Do wntown• r;:;;;"l co'inmercia.l/Office/Reside nlia.l ........ ~~ - COMMERCIAL 0 Commercial Art eri al• ~ Commercial o rfic e • INDUSTRIAL W lnduslrial -Heavy 0 Industri al -Medium 0 !nduolrial -Ligh t CP) Publicl y owced -----Rcnlo n Cily Li.mils -·--·-Adjac e nt City Limits -Book Pages Boundary 2· 8 LA 3€ s 1 T2 IRM-T I Re s idential Mul ti-Family Tradi liooe.l l s.?H-U I Reside ntial MulU -Famlly Urban Ce n ter• ~ Co mmercial Neighborhood KROLl PAG E Printed by Print & Mail Seivices, City of Renton • May inc lude Ove rl ay Dislri <:l.8· S?c Appendix maps. For additioneJ regulati ons m Overlay Districts. p1cue sec RMC 4 -3. PAGE # INDEX SfCT'TOWN.RANOE To: Jill Ding PLANNING/BUILDING/ PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM From: Rick Moreno November 15, 2007 Date: Subject: Renton School District Transportation Facility LUA-07-122 The following Utility and Transportation comments concern the Environmental and Development Application review for the subject project. EXISTING CONDITIONS WATER- The site is within the City of Renton water service area. The site is served by an existing 16-inch water main within Park Ave N, an existing 8-inch water main within N 5th Street from Park Ave N to Garden Ave N, and existing 12-inch water main within Garden Ave N from N 5"' St to N 4"' St, and an existing 8-inch water main within N 4"' St from Garden Ave to Park Ave N. SEWER- There is an existing 8-inch sewer main running through the property site via easement from the northerly boundary to the southern border of the property. STORM- There exist storm drainage pipelines and conveyance systems within the existing roadways. STREET- There is currently paved and improved public right-of-way along the frontage of the site. CODE REQUIREMENTS WATER I. The proposed building will require a minimum of a JO-inch loop, with two connections to an existing 16-inch water main fronting the property along Park Ave N. A minimum of 5 gate valves will be required for isolation purposes. 2. The derated fire flow in the area is approximately 5,500 gpm. Static pressure is approximately 75 psi. 3. The preapplication comments identified an additional 8-inch water main (W-0915) within the property. This main was never constructed and cannot be counted toward the fire flow available to the site. 4. The proposed structure will require 3,000 available gpm with one Fire hydrant within 150 ft. and (2) additional fire hydrants within 300 ft. of the structure. Each new fire hydrant H:\Division.s\Develop.ser\Plan.rev\Rick\LUA·2007\Renton School District Transportation.doc Page 2 of 3 11/16/2007 must be capable of delivering a minimum of 1,000 gpm and meet Renton Standard specifications including, but not limited to storz adaptors. 5. A Water System development Charge of $0.273 per gross square foot of property, but not less than $1,956.00, and is payable at time of issuance of a construction permit unless proof is given of previous payment. 6. Fire sprinkler connection with DDCV A will be required and located per Fire Marshall direction and approval. 7. All devices installed shall be per the latest Department of Health "Approved List" of Backflow Prevention Devices. Location of device shall be shown on civil plans and shall show note "Separate plans and utility permit for DDCVA installation for Fire Sprinkler System will be required". DDCV A installations outside of the building shall be in accordance with the City of Renton Standards. 8. For DDCV A installation inside the building, applicant shall submit a copy of the mechanical plan showing the location and installation of the backflow assembly inside the mechanical room. Installation shall be in accordance with the City of Renton' s requirements. DDCV A shall be installed immediately after the pipe has passed through the building floor slab. Installation of devices shall be in the horizontal position only. 9. Fire Department access roadways are required to within 150-feet of all portions of the building exterior. Roadways are a minimum of 20-feet in width with a turning radius of 45-foot outside and 25-foot inside. IO. Fire department dead-end access roadways over 150-feet in length are required to have an approved turnaround. 1 I. Provide a list of flammable, combustible liquids and any hazardous chemicals to be used or stored on site. Separate plans and permits for installation and/or modifications of all flammable liquids storage tanks both above ground and under ground. SANITARY SEWER I. There is an existing 8-inch sewer main within an easement along the west property line. No sewer main extension is required. 2. Any bus washing facilities and fueling stations must meet City of Renton standards of protection and connection to the appropriate facilities. 3. Any gravity fed system directly connected to the City of Renton sewer system requires a backflow device. 4. The Sanitary Sewer System Development Charges (SDC) is $0.142 per gross square foot of property, but not less than $1,017.00, and is payable at time of issuance of a construction permit. 5. A manhole or cleanout is required to be installed for connection southbound flow. 6. Within the bus wash facility, an oil water separator is required to connect to the sewer main. 7. No duel side sewer(s) are allowed. Side sewer shall be a minimum of 2% slope. SURFACE WATER I. This site drains to the North Renton sub-basin. Of Lake Washington East basin. h:\division.s\dcvclop.scr\plan.rcv\rick\lua-2007\renton school district tramportation.doc Page 3 of3 11/16/2007 2. The project is required to do a drainage analysis and meet the design criteria in accordance with the 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual. If preliminary drainage report plan calculations indicate detention will be required under the 1990 manual. staff will recommend a condition that the project comply with the 2005 King County Surface Water Design Manual to meet both detention (Conservation Flow control-a.k.a. Level 2) and water quality improvements. 3. The Surface Water System Development Charge (SOC) is $0.265 per square foot of new impervious surface, but not less than $759. These are payable at the time the utility construction permit is issued. 4. Erosion control needs to comply with the Department of Ecology's most current Stormwater Manual. TRANSPORTATION I. There are street improvements on all frontages. No additional improvements are required. 2. The Traffic Impact Analysis is acceptable. 3. The Traffic Impact Analysis indicates that traffic access driveway on N 5th Street will be inbound only; however, the Site Plan indicated that traffic will exit only at this driveway. The n 5th Street driveway is required to serve both inbound and outbound vehicles in order to provide opportunity to balance vehicular traffic entering and exiting the site between Park Ave N access and the N 5th Street access driveway. 4. Another acceptable option is to make the N 5th St. access an exit only driveway as indicated on the site plan. 5. The traffic study provided shows no additional trips will be generated by the current project. Net fewer daily trips are expected in accordance with !TE manual protocols. 6. All new wire utilities shall be installed underground per the City of Renton Ordinance. If three or more poles are required to be moved by the development design, all existing overhead utilities shall be placed underground. 7. No Traffic mitigated Fees apply due to fewer trips anticipated with site development. GENERAL COMMENTS 1. Permit application must include an itemized cost of construction estimate for these improvements. 2. CC: Kayren Kittrick h:\division.s\develop.ser\plan.rev\rick\lua~2007\renton school district transportation.doc City o, , ,en ton Department of Planning I Building I Pub.,v Narks ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REv1Ew1NG DEPARTMENT: Plan '.Rev1et..) COMMENTS DUE: NOVEMBER 6, 2007 APPLICATION NO: LUA07-122, SA-H DATE CIRCULATED: OCTOBER 23, 2007 APPLICANT: Renton School District #403 PROJECT MANAGER: Jill Dina PROJECT TITLE: RSD Transportation Office PLAN REVIEW: Rick Moreno SITE AREA: 209,088 sauare feet BUILDING AREA lnrossl: 15,421 sauare feet LOCATION: 1220 N 41h Street WORK ORDER NO: 77829 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval for the construction of a 15,421 square foot transportation center on the 209,088 square foot (4.8 acre) site. The project site is comprised of 5 parcels, the east parcel is located within the Light Industrial zone and the 4 western parcels are located within the Commercial Arterial zone. Landscaping improvements, a surface parking lot, and bus storage would also be developed on the project site. Access would be provided off of Park Avenue N, N 4th Street, Garden Avenue N, and N 5th Street. The project site is located within a seismic hazard area. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earlh Housina Air Aesthetics Water LiohVG/are Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transnortation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Presetvation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet 8. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application w.ft.h parti Jar attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where ditional informatio s need to proper( assess this proposal. Signatur Date DATE: TO: FROM: CITY OF RENTON FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU MEMORANDUM October 25, 2007 Jill Ding, Senior Planner Corey Thomas, Plans Review Inspector SUBJECT: Renton School District Transportation Office MITIGATION ITEMS; 1. Fire mitigation fees are $0.52 per square foot of new proposed building. Credit is granted for demolished buildings. It appears no fee will be required due to demolished building square footage exceeding the new proposed square footage. FIRE CODE REQUIREMENTS: 1. The preliminary fire flow is 3,000 gpm. One hydrant is required within 150-feet of the structure and two additional hydrants are required within 300-feet of the structure. Adjustments will be needed to submitted utility plans. 2. Separate plans and permits are required for the installation of fire sprinkler and sprinkler monitoring systems. 3. Fire Department access roadways are required to within 150-feet of all portions of the building exterior. Roadways are a minimum 20-feet in width with a turning radius of 45-foot outside and 25-foot inside. 4. Fire department dead-end access roadways over 150-feet in length are required to have an approved turnaround. 5. Provide a list of the flammable, combustible liquids and any hazardous chemicals to be used or stored on site. Separate plans and permits for installation and/or modifications of all flammable liquid storage tanks both aboveground and underground. City o, enton Department of Planning I Building I Pub Vorks ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION Rlf'!liE_WJiflEET"C I· ' ,, . ,.-.. REv1Ew1NG DEPARTMENT: Fire coMMENTs ouE, NOVEMBER/ 6, 200~::'....._l'.::_':__:::__ APPLICATION NO: LUA07-122, SA-H APPLICANT: Renton School District #403 PROJECT TITLE: RSD Transnortation Office SITE AREA: 209,088 sauare feet LOCATION: 1220 N 4'' Street DATE CIRCULATED: OCTOBER 23,;2007' PROJECT MANAGER: Jill Dina ' ! UL.I lj i'.UU! I I PLAN REVIEW: Rick Moreno i ---·-:-----.. --7 -------.J . -' ;:i BUILDING AREA lnross\: 15,421 saul!rele_et ' I WORK ORDER NO: 77829 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval for the construction of a 15,421 square foot transportation center on the 209,088 square foot (4.8 acre) site. The project site is comprised of 5 parcels, the east parcel is located within the Light Industrial zone and the 4 western parcels are located within the Commercial Arterial zone. Landscaping improvements, a surface parking lot, and bus storage would also be developed on the project site. Access would be provided off of Park Avenue N, N 4th Street, Sarden Avenue N, and N 5th Street. The project site is located within a seismic hazard area. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housino Air Aesthetics Water Linht!Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transoorlation Environmental Health Public SeNices Energy! Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly ffSess this proposal. (~7~- Signature of Director or Authorized'Representative Date .\ From: To: Date: Subject: Bob~ Richard Moreno 11/6/2007 4:06:40 PM Renton School District Transportation Center Review of the Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) dated July 20, 2007,the Site Plan, and other information you provided regarding the subject proposed development project has resulted in the following comments: --The TIA is acceptable. --The TIA indicates that the access driveway on North 5th will be inbound only; however, the Site Plan indicates that traffic will exit only at this driveway. We request that the North 5th driveway serve both inbound and outbound vehicles in order to provide the opportunity to balance vehicular traffic entering and exiting the site between the Park Avenue access driveway and the North 5th access driveway. Another option that we would support would be to make the North 5th driveway an exit only driveway as indicated on the Site Plan. --Will the North 5th driveway need to be shifted to the east to meet City Code required clearance from the property line? --Overall, the proposed development project is anticipated to have probable minor impacts on transportation. City o, nenton Department of Planning I Building I Pub .. " Narks ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: ·Trzv60n(k--ho .. COMMENTS DUE: NOVEMBER 6, 2007 . APPLICATION NO: LUA07-122, SA-H DATE CIRCULATED: OCTOBER 23, 2007 APPLICANT: Renton School District #403 PROJECT MANAGER: Jill Dino PROJECT TITLE: RSD Transoortation Office PLAN REVIEW: Rick Moreno SITE AREA: 209,088 souare feet BUILDING AREA lnrossl: 15,421 sauare feet "~--,c, 1)1V1Si0N LOCATION: 1220 N 4th Street I WORK ORDER NO: 77829 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval far the construction of a 15,421 square foot transportation center on the 209,088 square foot (4.8 acre) site. The project site is comprised of 5 parcels, the east parcel is located within the Light Industrial zone and the 4 western parcels are located within the Commercial Arterial zone. Landscaping improvements, a surface parking lot, and bus storage would also be developed on the project site. Access would be provided off of Park Avenue N, N 4th Street, Garden Avenue N, and N 5th Street. The project site is located within a seismic hazard area. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code} COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable Mora Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housino Air Aesthetics Water Liqht/Glare Pfants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transoortation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Hisloric/Cufturaf Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feer 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date City o ... enton Department of Planning I Building I Pub,tc Narks ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: fi?ltJ,rJlt'l COMMENTS DUE: NOVEMBER 6, 2007 . APPLICATION NO: LUA0?-122, SA-H DATE CIRCULATED: OCTOBER 23, 2007 APPLICANT: Renton School District #403 PROJECT MANAGE"· ... ---- ./' PROJECT TITLE: RSD Transportation Office PLAN REVIEW' Rick Moreno / \ SITE AREA: 209,088 souare feet BUILDING AR~A mrussCf{421 souare feet \ ( LOCATION: 1220 N 4'h Street WORK ORDER NO: 77829 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval for the construction of a 15,421 square foot transportation center on the 209,088 square foot (4.8 acre) site. The project site is comprised of 5 parcels, the east parcel is located within the Light Industrial zone and the 4 western parcels are located within the Commercial Arterial zone. Landscaping improvements, a surface parking lot, and bus storage would also be developed on the project site. Access would be provided off of Park Avenue N, N 4th Street. Garden Avenue N, and N 5th Street. The project site is located within a seismic hazard area. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Environment Minor Impacts Earth Air Water Plants Land!Sfioreline Use Animals Environmental Health Energy! Natural Resources Probable More Major Information Impacts Necessary ) .. . . . \ '-·v• ·\.1',·\,',·\1··1('/· 1 (-· (. . . • • 1·· ,.. ! B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Housina Aesthetics Uaht/G/are Recreation Utilities Transoortation Public Services -· Historic/Cultural Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet We have reviewed this application with parlicufar attention to those areas in which we have experlise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. -" I :, '. ··'r -·1 ~-' ;~·f\· .. , ( '.! .. -7 I -f ,.-' Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date Renton School District, No. 403 MITIGATED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE Renton School District Transportation Center Description of Current Proposal: The Renton School District, No. 403, is proposing to construct a new Transportation Center, including bus storage and maintenance, on the site of its 4.8-acre current bus facility. The new facility will serve as the District's bus maintenance, storage, and operations facility. It will include the Transportation Department administrative offices, maintenance repair bays, bus storage (42 stalls for short buses and 60 stalls for long buses, 102 stalls total), visitor and employee parking lot (98 stalls), a bus wash area, a bus fueling station, and an emergency generator to maintain bus operations. Two buildings are proposed: The main building will be 19,894 gross square feet with a 16,664 square foot footprint. It will consist of approximately 4,300 net square feet of office space, 6,400 net square feet of repair bay space, and 6,600 net square feet of industrial support space (bus maintenance shop). A 3,578 square foot service building consisting of a roof structure, fueling stations, a bus wash, and enclosed rooms for electrical and bus wash equipment, will also be constructed. The project is a redevelopment of the existing use; however, the current facility also includes the District's Facilities, Maintenance, Operations, Safety and Security functions, which will move to another District facility off-site. With redevelopment, portions of the site will be repaved. All existing structures on the site, totaling 25,149 square feet of floor area, would be demolished. The structures to be demolished include the office building (3,564 square feet), the bus maintenance/repair building (18,810 square feet), and five sheds (totaling 2,775 square feet). Demolition and construction will occur in two phases, as described in the response to Section A.11. of the Environmental Checklist. Existing site access for buses is from Garden Avenue North and North 4th Street. Existing access to the site for employees and visitors is from North 4th Street. There are two existing access points from Park Avenue North; however, these are gated and are not currently used for accessing the site. Following completion of construction, site access for buses will be from Garden Avenue North and North 4th Street, and site access for visitors and employees will be from Park Avenue North, with secondary access from North 5th Street. Proponent on behalfofthe Lead Agency: Gabe Snedeker, AICP AHBL, Inc. 1200 Sixth Avenue, Suite 1620 Seattle, WA 98101 Location: The project site is located at 1220 North 4th Street in the City of Renton. The project will occur in the Southwest quarter of Section 8, Township 23 North, Range 5 East. The site is comprised of five parcels with King County parcel numbers 756460-0106, 722400'-()670, 756460-0105, 722400-0640, and 756460- 0140. A legal description, site plan, and parcel map are provided as part of the application package. Lead Agency: Renton School District, No. 403 School District Contact: Rick Stracke, Executive Director of Facilities and Operations, (425) 204-4403 Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance Renton School District Transportation Center 10/11/07 Page 1 Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance · Renton School District Transportation Center The Responsible Official of the Renton School District hereby makes the following Findings and Conclusions based upon review of the environmental checklist and attachments, other information on file with the Renton School District, and the policies, plans, and regulations designated by the Renton School District as a basis for the exercise of substantive authority under the Washington State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) pursuant to the Revised Code of Washington RCW 43.21C.060. Findings of Fact: 1. The Renton School District, No. 403, is constructing a new Transportation Center, including bus storage and maintenance, on the site of its current bus facility. The new facility will serve as the District's bus maintenance, storage, and operations facility. It will include Transportation Department administrative offices, maintenance repair bays, bus storage (42 stalls for short buses and 60 stalls for long buses, 102 stalls total), visitor and employee parking lot (98 stalls), a bus wash area, a bus fueling station, and an emergency generator to maintain bus operations. Two buildings are proposed: The main building will be 19,894 gross square feet with a 16,664 square foot footprint. It will consist of approximately 4,300 net square feet of office space, 6,400 net square feet of repair bay space, and 6,600 net square feet of industrial support space (bus maintenance shop). A 3,578 gross square foot service building consisting of a roof structure, fueling stations, a bus wash, and enclosed rooms for electrical and bus wash equipment, will also be constructed. The project is a redevelopment of the existing use; however, the current facility includes the District's Facilities, Maintenance, Operations, Safety and Security functions, which will move to another District facility off-site. All existing structures on the site, totaling 25,149 square feet of floor area, will be demolished. With redevelopment, the site will have the capacity for up to 94 employees. However, it is expected upon completion of construction that approximately 91 employees would be based at the completed project. 2. The proposed use of the site as a Government Facility is consistent with the City of Renton Comprehensive Plan designations Commercial Corridor and Employment Area-Industrial, and associated Light Industrial (LI) and Commercial Arterial (CA) zoning classifications. The use is allowed as a Conditional Use; however, the proposal is a redevelopment of an existing, established Government Facility use, and therefore does not require a new Conditional Use Permit. A Site Plan Review permit is required. 3. Adjacent land uses are industrial to the east; office and industrial to the north and northwest; commercial, single-family residential, and multi-family residential to the west; the Renton School District's Sartori Education Center (alternative school/ high school completion) to the south; and single-family residential uses to the southeast. The site fronts four streets: North 4th Street, North 5th Street, Garden Avenue North, and Park Avenue North. 4. Up to approximately 5,000 cubic yards of soil will be cut and up to approximately 5,000 cubic yards will be used for fill on the site during Phase I and II. Up to approximately 2,000 cubic yards of unsuitable loose fill may be exported from the site and a comparable amount of suitable fill imported. Erosion is possible during site clearing and construction. Plans will be prepared by the design team requiring the contractor to control erosion during clearing and construction. After the site is stabilized, there will be very little potential for erosion. 5. The earth-related impacts associated with the proposed.project were summarized in the Revised Subsurface Exploration, Geologic Hazard and Geotechnical Engineering Report by Associated Earth Sciences, Inc., dated June 14, 2007. The analysis conducted for the project indicated that site soils have a high risk of liquefaction, with moderate or large earthquakes (generally in excess of Richter Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance Renton School District Transportation Center 10/11/07 Page2 Mitigated Determination of Non·u•s• ,ificance Renton School District Transportation Center magnitude 6), above a depth of 32-feet in some areas of the western portion of the site and above a depth of 75 feet in the central portion of the site. The building's foundation will be designed to mitigate post-construction consolidation and the effects of seismically induced liquefaction. This will likely include an auger-cast pile foundation type. 6. The potential for contaminated soils to be existing on the site was assessed in a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment report prepared by Morse Environmental, Inc. in May 2006. The report concluded that, based on extensive remediation at this property and surrounding properties, onsite contamination (if any) is expected to be minor. A Phase II Environmental Site Assessment report was completed by Morse Environmental, Inc., in September 2007. The report indicates no on-site contamination caused as result of the current use. 7. Site access for school buses will be from Garden Avenue North and North 4th Street; existing site access for buses is from Garden Avenue North and North 4th Street. Site access for visitors and employees will be from Park Avenue North with secondary access from North 5th Street; existing site access for employees and visitors is from North 4th Street. There are two existing access points from Park Avenue North; however, these are gated and are not currently used for accessing the site. 8. The traffic impacts associated with the proposed project were summarized in the Renton School District Transportation Center -Traffic Impact Analysis, prepared by The Transpo Group, in July 2007. Overall, the new facility is expected to generate over 7 percent fewer trips than the current transportation and office facility. Below is a summary of the findings from the Traffic Impact Analysis memorandum: • The completed project is expected to generate a total of 747 daily weekday trips to the site, with 228 trips estimated to occur during the AM peak hour and 73 trips during the PM peak hour. This represents a reduction in overall trips associated with the site. • Approximately 53 fewer daily trips would be generated as compared to the current facility, a reduction of 7 percent. AM peak hour trips would be reduced by approximately 18 trips or 8 percent, and PM peak hour trips would be reduced by approximately 7 trips or 10 percent. The City of Renton requires a transportation impact mitigation fee for any increase in existing traffic generated by a site. However, it would be applicable only if the traffic study being prepared for project indicated an increase in trip generation from the proposed project. 9. The completed project would have 98 parking spaces for visitors and employees. The project would eliminate 49 existing employee/visitor spaces. A requested modification, to allow the maximum number of parking spaces to exceed that allowed by Renton Municipal Code (RM() 4-4-08081 Oe for Office uses, was approved by the City on August 2, 2007. 10. There are no sensitive areas on the site. The site topography is relatively flat, with a maximum slope of eight percent near the middle of the site. No shorelines, wetlands or water bodies exist on or near the site. 11. The site currently contains three underground storage tanks for gasoline, diesel fuel, and waste oil. With redevelopment, the underground storage tanks for diesel fuel and gasoline will be left in place and re-used. The existing distribution piping (from the existing tanks to the new fuel dispensers) will be replaced with new secondary containment piping and leak detection. The existing underground waste oil fuel tank will be removed and replaced with a new above grade waste oil tank. Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance Renton School District Transportation Center 10/11/07 Page 3 Mitigated Determination of Non-c,1gnificance Renton School District Transportation Center 12. There are no known landmarks or events of historic importance on, associated with, or in the immediate vicinity of the site. 13. Utilities. a. Sanitary Sewer Service Sanitary sewer service would continue to be provided by the City of Renton Sewer District. No new infrastructure is required for the redevelopment. b. Fire and Domestic Water Service Fire and domestic water service would continue provided by the City of Renton Water District. c. Franchise Utilities Electricity and natural gas would continue to be provided by Puget Sound Energy. Qwest would continue to be the provider of telephone service. 14. There will be a decrease in floor area over the existing condition and this may result in a decreased need for public fire protection services. Additionally, the buildings will be equipped with a monitored fire alarm system and both wet and dry pipe fire sprinkler systems to help reduce the risk of a fire spreading. The City has a fire impact mitigation fee requirement that is currently $0.52 per net additional square foot offloor area. 15. Runoff from footing drains, roof drainage and parking and bus storage areas. will be collected in catch basins and conveyed to the existing City of Renton storm drainage system that currently serves the site, which ultimately drains to Lake Washington to the north. Water quality treatment in accordance with City of Renton requirements will be provided in an Ecostorm treatment manhole or Stormfilter cartridge system, along with an underground oil/water separator vault. Drainage from the bus wash station will be treated by an oil-water separator and car wash clarifier, and will be discharged to the sanitary sewer system. Based on the site's existing condition and the City of Renton Public Works Standards and KCSWDM, it does not appear that detention will be required. The City has indicated that the trigger mechanism for establishing the need for detention is to be based on the 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual. In the 1990 KCSWDM, so long as impervious surface area is not increased by more than 5,000 square feet, no detention is required; the proposed redevelopment of the site will result in a reduction in impervious surface area. CONCLUSIONS OF THE RESPONSIBLE OFFICIAL The responsible official has determined that the proposal, with the mitigation measures listed below, does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment, and an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21 C.030(2)(c). The mitigation measures described below are recommended as conditions of project permits or approvals. This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist, other information on file with the Renton School District, and existing regulations. This information is available to the public on request. The responsible official finds this information reasonably sufficient to evaluate the environmental impact of this proposal. The mitigation measures are required as authorized under the Substantive Authority of SEPA (WAC 197-11-660) in Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance Renton School District Transportation Center 10/11/07 Page 4 Mitigated Determination of Non-"1ynificance Renton School District Transportation Center accordance with the guidelines contained in the Renton School District Rules and shall be implemented by the applicant. Mitigation measures To offset potential adverse environmental impacts; the applicant will implement the following mitigation measures pursuant to WAC 197-11-660: Erosion and Earth. Air. 1. During construction, best management practices identified in the Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan (TESC) will be implemented. The TESC will comply with the City of Renton requirements and the Department of Ecology 2005 Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington and will be submitted as part of the building permit application. Mitigation measures, including Best Management Practices, will be implemented in accordance with these plans before and during construction. 2. The building's foundation will be designed to mitigate post-construction consolidation and the effects of seismically induced liquefaction. This will likely include an auger-cast pile foundation type. 1. The applicant will water the ground as needed before and during the construction phases, including clearing and grading activities, to control dust particles. 2. Construction vehicles are expected to be equipped with factory-installed mufflers and spark arrestors that will control excessive emissions. Water Quality. 1. During construction, best management practices identified in the TESC will be implemented. 2. Water quality treatment per the 2005 King County Surface Water Design Manual will be provided as a part of site improvements. 3. Drainage from the bus wash station will be treated by an oil-water separator and car wash clarifier, and will be discharged to the sanitary sewer system. Plants. 1. Approximately 28,598 square feet of new landscaping will be installed on site. This includes approximately 24,544 square feet of street frontage landscaping, and approximately 4,054 square feet of landscaping within the parking area for employees and visitors. Energy and Natural Resources. 1. Facilities will be consistent with the Washington State Energy Code. Additional features will be considered as budget allows. Environmental Health. 1. Removal of the underground waste oil storage tank will conform to applicable environmental codes and regulations. 2. The existing distribution piping from the existing gasoline and diesel fuel tanks that will be left in place to the new fuel dispensers will be replaced with new secondary containment piping and leak detection. Noise. Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance Renton School District Transportation Center 10/11/07 Page 5 Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance Renton School District Transportation Center 1. To mitigate general noise impacts during the construction phases, measures such as using and regularly maintaining efficient mufflers and quieting devices on all construction equipment and vehicles will be taken. Land Use. 1. Perimeter landscaping including street trees will be installed along street frontages. Aesthetics. 1. The site will be landscaped consistent with City of Renton's landscaping requirements. Light and Glare. 1. Exterior lights will be directed downward and away from adjacent properties. 2. The exterior lighting system will be designed to prevent glare off reflective surfaces and provide adequate lighting for security purposes. Historic and Cultural Preservation 1. If culturally significant objects are found during site preparation work, the Washington State Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation will be notified immediately. Public Services. 1. The applicant will pay fire mitigation fees as required by the City of Renton pursuant to SEPA, as applicable. The current fire impact mitigation fee is $0.52 per net additional square foot of floor area. This MDNS is issued under the Washington Administrative Code (WAC) 197-11-340 and -350; the lead agency will not act on this proposal for 14 days from the date of issuance. Comments must be in writing and received by the Renton School District before 4:00 p.m. on November 6, 2007. Comments shall be directed to Mr. Rick Stracke, Executive Director, Facilities and Operations, Renton School District, 1220 North 4th Street, Renton, WA 98057. Unless modified or withdrawn by the Renton School District, this determination will become final following the above comment deadline. There is no agency appeal under Renton School District SEPA policies. Responsible Official: Lead Agency: Date of Issue: Comment Deadline: Mr. Rick Stracke, Executive Director, Facilities and Operations Renton School District, No. 403 1220 North 4th Street Renton, WA 98057 (425) 204-4403 October 24, 2007 November 6, 2007, 4:00 p.m. The issuance of this Mitigated Determination of Nonsignificance does not constitute project approval. The applicant must comply with all other applicable requirements including but not limited to the Renton Municipal Code Development Regulations (RMC Title IV) and the International Building Code before receiving construction permits and/or approvals. Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance Renton School District Transportation Center 10/11/07 Page 6 City ot .. enton Department of Planning I Building I Pub,,, . .larks ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: COMMENTS DUE: NOVEMBER 6, 2007 APPLICATION NO: LUA07-122, SA-H DATE CIRCULATED: OCTOBER 23, 2007 APPLICANT: Renton School District #403 PROJECT MANAGER: Jill Din PROJECT TITLE: RSD Trans ortation Office PLAN REVIEW: Rick Moreno SITE AREA: 209,088 s uare feet BUILDING AREA ross : 15,421 s LOCATION: 1220 N 4th Street I WORK ORDER NO: 77829 B\IILOING D•V'S!UI SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval for the construction of a 15,421 square foot transportation center on the 209,088 square foot (4.8 acre) site. The project site is comprised of 5 parcels, the east parcel is located within the Light Industrial zone and the 4 western parcels are located within the Commercial Arterial zone. Landscaping improvements, a surface parking lot, and bus storage would also be developed on the project site. Access would be provided off of Park Avenue N, N 4th Street, Garden Avenue N, and N 5th Street. The project site is located within a seismic hazard area. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housin_q Air Aesthetics Water Liaht!Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transoortation Environmental Health Public Setvices Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS i We have reviewed this application with part.icular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. C::8 11 ao 07 ---~~--~-~~,:---,--,-~~~-------Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date City or nenton Department of Planning I Building I Pub/Jc Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: Pr1vJ,<., COMMENTS DUE: NOVEMBER 6, 2007 C') APPLICATION NO: LUA0?-122, SA-H DATE CIRCULATED: OCTOBER 23, 2007 ~Q ..... c-< ~ APPLICANT: Renton School District #403 PROJECT MANAGER: Jill Dino z~ ::;!;u !\:) ---"'---'-='--'--'-'----'====='-------------t--'-='-"'--'----"=='----'=--'=-sL-----=i¥-~(') rn PROJECT TITLE: RSD Transoortation Office PLAN REVIEW: Rick Moreno SITE AREA: 209,088 sauare feet BUILDING AREA lnrossl: 15,421 sauare feet mz ..... :U--i = ----"-'--'--==--'====""'---------+-"===="'1'---'-'==='-'-------.~~< LOCATION: 1220 N 4'' Street WORK ORDER NO: 77829 $2 2 ~ rn SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant 1s requesting Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval for the construction ;{fa 15,421 1...) square foot transportation center on the 209,088 square foot (4.8 acre) site. The project site is comprised of 5 parcels, the east parcel is located within the Light Industrial zone and the 4 western parcels are located within the Commercial Arterial zone. Landscaping improvements, a surface parking lot, and bus storage would also be developed on the project site. Access would be provided off of Park Avenue N, N 4th Street, Garden Avenue N, and N 5th Street. The project site is located within a seismic hazard area. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housin_q Air Aesthetics Water Liahl!Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transnortation Environmental Health Public Ser.fices Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Fest 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS c. CODE-RELATED COMME~~/) ~ ;t) ~j::.--, ;1//,f/U_ au r We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information · n eded to properly assess this proposal. NOTICE OF APPLICATION A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Developma11t Sel'\/ices Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describe11 the application and the necessal)I Public Approvals. PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: Renton Scnool D1stnct Transµorta11on Office I LUA07-122, SA-fl PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The appl,cant 1s requesting Hearing [xarniner S1te Plan app'o•al fm me construct,on of a 15,421 squace foot transpcrtatlon r;,;,n\e, on the 209,088 square foot (4.8 acre) s,le The pro1ect site -s com~rised of 5 parcels. the east parcei is located w;th,n tt•e Lifht Industrial wne and the 4 western parcels are loQated w1tt11n the Commercial Arterial zone Landscaping ·mprcvements. a surface parKing lot and tus storage would alsu oe ~eveloped on the proJect site Access would be provided off of Park Avenue N N 4th Street, Garden Avenue N, ano N 5111 Street The proJect site is located within a seismic hazard area PROJECT LOCATION: 122a N 4'" Street PUBLIC APPROVALS: Hearing Examiner Site Plan Rev,ew APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON Gabe SnedeKer, AHBL. Inc.· Tel. 1206) 267-2425; Eml gsnedekder@ahbl.com PUBLIC HEARING: Public hearing 15 tenlalively scheduled /or Novembor 20 2007 before lhe i'tentgr, Hearing Examiner m Renton Council Ch;,mbers Hearings begin at 9 CO AM on the 7tn lloor of the new Renton C,ty Hali located at 1055 South Gracy Way Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing to JIii Ding, Senior Planner, Development Services Dlvl,Jon, 1055 South Grady Way, Reuton, WA 96057, by 5:00 PM on November 6, 2007. This matter Is also tentallllely scheduled for a public hearing on November 20, 2007, at 9:00 AM, Council Chambers, Seventh Floor, Renton City Hall. 1 055 South Grady Way Renton If ycu are interested in a(lending the he;,nng. please contact the Development Services Division to ansure that the neanng has not been rescneduled at (425) 43IJ-72S2. If comments cannot be submitted ir. writmg by the date ind,ca-:ec: above. you may s;ill appear at the hear,ng and present your oomments on the proposal before the Hearing Exam ner Anyone who suomits written comments will automatically become a party of racord and will be no~fied of any dec1s1on on lh1s proJeCt PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION DATE OF APPLICATION: NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: October 5, 2007 October 23, 2007 October 23, 2007 11 you wouid l,ke to be m;,de a party of record to rece,ve 1urtner 1nformat1on on this proposed project, ccmplete lh,s form and returr, to: Ctty of Rentcn. Development Planning 1055 Seu th Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 File Name i No Renton School District Transportation Office I LUA07·1.22, SA·H NAME-~~~-~~~~~~~~~~ MAILING ADDRESS TELEPHONE NO CERTIFICATION A TrEST: Subscribed and sworn before me, a Notary Public, in and for _,t)~ao~,:tt~.,,&,q.g___, on the CITY OF RENTON CURRENT PLANNING DIVISION AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING On the 23'd day of October, 2007, I deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing Acceptance Letter & NOA documents. This information was sent to: Name Gabe Snedeker, AHBL, Inc. Stewart Shusterman, Renton School District Rick Stracke, Renton School District #403 Surrounding Property Owners (Signature of Sender):_~ ~ STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss COUNTY OF KING ) Contact Applicant Owner See Attached I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Stacy Tucker Representing signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated: 10 -o1'\ -07 Notary (Print): 8 '"' /i 'f c My appointment expires: ,:::)-\ c; -1 o Project Name: RSD Transportation Office Project Number: LUA0?-122, SA-H Ill, ... · ~7': 756460005504 BOEING COMPANY THE PROPERTY TAX DEPT PO BOX 3707 M/C 20-00 SEATTLE WA 98124 722400074000 CHENG KAM KEUNG+ANGELA W C 229 SW 193RD PL NORMANDY PARK WA 98166 722400080502 DUNLAP LINDA M+ TRAVIS J 412 PELLY AVE N RENTON WA 98055 722400080007 FARRAH! SUSAN 422 PELLY AVE N RENTON WA 98057 722400046503 GANUELAS JOSEPHINE 335 PARK AVE N RENTON WA 98055 135230021507 GOETZ MATTHEW M 356 GARDEN AVE N RENTON WA 98055 722400075502 GUNDMUNDSON NANCY L 102 LAKE AVE S RENTON WA 98055 135230022000 HAMMILL L NICOLE 350 GARDEN AVE N RENTON WA 98055 722400078506 KROPP STE PH EN 430 PELLY AVE N RENTON WA 98055 722400074505 MC GROUP LLC 702 175TH PL NE BELLEVUE WA 98008 722400049002 BUSHARD JAMES A+RITA A 350 PELLY AVE N RENTON WA 98055 722400059506 COLEE JEFFREY J 330 PARK AVE N RENTON WA 98057 722400069505 ESCOM MANAGEMENT LLC 15513 SE 53RD PL BELLEVUE WA 98006 135230023503 FETTEROLF DAVID W 338 GARDEN AVE N RENTON WA 98055 722400062005 GHIOTTO GAYLE 350 PARK AVE N RENTON WA 98055 722400060504 GOYETTE MARC+MARGO 4506 FOREST AVE SE MERCER ISLAND WA 98040 722400061502 HAHN TODD M+CASSANDRA M 1350 INDEX AVE NE #2 RENTON WA 98056 722400079504 HO VICTOR 424 PELLY AVE N RENTON WA 98055 72240004 7006 LINN ALDEN & TISHA PO BOX 2288 RENTON WA 98056 722400072004 NGUYEN PHONG THANH 1503 MANGRUM ST PFLUGERVILLE TX 78660 722400061007 BYLER GREGORY G 26218 135TH AVE SE KENT WA 98042 722400078001 COLLINS BRUCE DONALD PO BOX 75445 NORTHGATE STATION SEATTLE WA 98175 722400076005 FAKHARZADEH AMIR 11226 AUBURN AVES SEATTLE WA 98178 722400073002 GALLUZZO JOHN & LINDA 8519 129TH PL SE NEWCASTLE WA 98056 722400084504 GIETZEN JEFF D+JENNIFER 21701 HIGHWAY 99 #A LYNNWOOD WA 98036 135230030003 GREGG CHRISTOPHER GEORGE+JE 353 MEADOW AVE N RENTON WA 98055 722400079009 HALL JODI 428 PELLY AVE N RENTON WA 98055 135230024006 JACOBSON COLLEEN B 336 GARDEN AVE N RENTON WA 98055 722400077508 MATHWIG DAVID J 440 PELLY AVE N RENTON WA 98055 722400081005 NOBLE HELEN M 410 PELLY AVE N RENTON WA 98055 135230031001 ONOFERSON RICHARD J 10653 CORNELL AVE S SEATTLE WA 98178 135230031506 PIEPER EARL R & FRANCES M 345 MEADOW AVE N RENTON WA 98057 722400047501 SUMM'S INC 547 PELLY AVE N RENTON WA 98055 722400050505 TOURANGEAU JAMES L+KARYN L 340 PELLY AVE N RENTON WA 98055 135230022505 VAN DYKE JERRY+KELLY 346 GARDEN AVE N RENTON WA 98055 722400082003 YANG ANDREWLA N+VO HUY 1002 N 4TH ST RENTON WA 98057 722400067509 P&L VENTURES 17915 NE 19TH PL BELLEVUE WA 98008 756460014001 RENTON SCHOOL DISTRICT 300 SW 7TH ST RENTON WA 98055 722400051008 TERRY TIMOTHY M & NANCY A 338 PELLY AVE N RENTON WA 98055 135230029500 TRAN PHO! T 359 MEADOW AVE N RENTON WA 98055 722400081500 VANDIVER GA 406 PELLY AVE N RENTON WA 98057 722400076500 ZWICKER BETTE 448 PELLY AVE N RENTON WA 98055 722300001004 PACCAR INC ATTN: CORP ACCOUNTING PO BOX 1518 BELLEVUE WA 98009 722400097506 RUBIO ANTONIO CASTILLO 17825 NE 65TH ST #A-165 REDMOND WA 98052 135230032009 THOMAS PAMELA S 341 MEADOW AVE N RENTON WA 98055 722400049507 ULRICH SAMSON 346 PELLY AVE N RENTON WA 98055 756460009506 WIEMEYER CHARLES A II 1220 N 5TH ST RENTON WA 98055 722400077003 ZWICKER RICHARD D+MARTHA G 446 PELLY AVE N RENTON WA 98055 Jill Ding -RSD Transportation Center From: To: Date: Subject: Jill, "Betsy Geller" <BGeller@AHBL.com> "Jill Ding" <JDing@ci.renton.wa.us> 10/18/2007 12:09:01 PM RSD Transportation Center The SEPA comment period will begin on Wed 10/24 and run through end of day Tues 11 /6. Can you run the NOA comment period at the same time? The site will be posted for Notice of SEPA Determination on Tuesday. Please confirm you got this message. Thanks. Betsy Geller Planner TACOMA• SEATTLE 206.267.2425 TEL 206.267.2429 FAX www.ahbl.com Civil Engineers • Structural Engineers • Landscape Architects • Community Planners • Land Surveyors • Neighbors CONFIDENTIALITY NOTE: The information contained in this email and any files transmitted with it may contain confidential or privileged information intended only for the use of the intended recipient(s). If you are not the intended recipient, please permanently delete the original message and all attachments and notify the sender immediately. CC: "Gabe Snedeker" <gsnedeker@ahbl.com>, "Michael Hintze" <mhintze@AHBL.com> Page 1 ll{lf [J7 /22 City of Renton LAND USE PERMIT MASTER APPLICATION PROPERTY OWNER(S) PROJECT INFORMATION Rick Stracke NAME: Executive Director of Facilities Planning PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME: Renton School District, # 403 ADDRESS: 1220 North 4th Street Renton School District Transportation Center PROJECT/ADDRESS(S)/LOCATION AND ZIP CODE: CITY: Renton ZIP: 98055 1220 North 4th Street, Renton, WA 98055 TELEPHONE NUMBER: (425) 204-4403 KING COUNTY ASSESSOR"S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): APPLICANT (if other than owner) 756460-0106, 722400-0670, 756460-0105, 722400-0640, and 756460-0140 NAME: Stewart Shusterman EXISTING LAND USE(S): School District Transportation, Renton School District COMPANY (if applicable): Capital Projects Office Maintenance, and Operations Facility PROPOSED LAND USE(S): School District Transportation ADDRESS: 1220 North 4th Street Center EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: CITY: Renton ZIP: 98055 The east parcel is located within the "Employment Area - Industrial" designation and the four western parcels are TELEPHONE NUMBER 425-204-4479 located within the "Commercial Corridor" designation. CONT ACT PERSON PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION (if applicable): N/A NAME: Gabe Snedeker (primary) and Betsy Geller (secondary) EXISTING ZONING: The east parcel is located within the Light Industrial (IL) zone and the four western parcels are COMPANY (if applicable): AHBL, Inc. located within the Commercial Arterial (CA) zone. PROPOSED ZONING (if applicable): N/A ADDRESS: 1200 6th Avenue, Suite 1620 SITE AREA (in square feet): 209,088 square feet CITY: Seattle ZIP: 98101 SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PUBLIC ROADWAYS TO BE DEDICATED: 0 TELEPHONE NUMBER AND E-MAIL ADDRESS: SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENTS: 0 (206) 267-2425, gsnedekder@ahbl.com, bgeller@ahbl.com Q:wcb/pwidevserv/fonns/planning/masterapp.doc 09/24/07 F >JECT INFORMATION (con ued) PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DENSITY IN UNITS PER NET ACRE (if applicable): N/A NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS (if applicable): N/A NUMBER OF NEW DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): N/A NUMBER OF EXISTING DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): N/A SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): N/A SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): N/A SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): 15,421 square feet SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): 0 NET FLOOR AREA OF NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): 15,421 square feet NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES TO BE EMPLOYED BY THE NEW PROJECT (if applicable): 91 PROJECT VALUE: $9,351,000 IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY TYPE OF ENVIRONMENTALLY CRITICAL AREA, PLEASE INCLUDE SQUARE FOOTAGE (if applicable): cl AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA ONE cl AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA TWO cl FLOOD HAZARD AREA sq. ft. cl GEOLOGIC HAZARD sq. ft. cl HABITAT CONSERVATION sq. ft. cl SHORELINE STREAMS AND LAKES sq. ft. cl WETLANDS sq. ft. Q:web/pwidevserv/fonnslplanning/masterapp.doc 2 09/24/07 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY /Attach leaal description on separate sheet with the followina information included) SITUATE IN THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGES EAST, IN THE CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. TYPE OF APPLICATION & FEES List all land use applications being applied for: 1. Hearing Examiner Site Plan Review 3. 2. 4. · Staff will calculate applicable fees and postage: $ ___ _ AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP I, (Print Name/s) rz; Jc_ ~ , declare that I am (please check one)~ the current owner of the property involved in this application or V the authorized representative to act for a corporation (please attach proof of authorization) and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. (Signature of Owner/Representative) Q:web/pw/devserv/fonns/plaru1ing/masterapp.doc I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that e l~jc_ ..:5-ht,..J«:.-<.... signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print) :Jbt.(e.>G,.-g eLL--e_ My appointment expires: f'.-bvt.V"r. W 13 1 ZO \(l J 09/24>0) To: From: Date: Subject: Jill Ding Rick Moreno April 3, 2007 PLANNING/BUILDING/ PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM PreApplication Review Comments PREAPP No. 07-026 Renton School District Transportation Facility NOTE ON PRELIMINARY REVIEW COMMENTS CONTAINED IN THIS REPORT: The following comments on development and permitting issues are based on the pre-application submittals made to the City of Renton by the applicant. The applicant is cautioned that information contained in this summary may be subject to modification aud/or concurrence by official decision makers (e.g, Hearing Examiner, Boards of Adjustment, and City Council). Review comments may also need to be revised based on site planning and other design changes required by the City or made by the applicant. I have reviewed the information provided in the preliminary application for this proposed sh01t plat. The following comments assume the property is annexed to the City of Renton. WATER 1. There is an existing 12" asbestos-cement water line (W-1111) in Garden Ave N that can deliver about 4,500 gpm. Pressure zone 320, static pressure about 120 psi.. Existing 8-inch waterline (W-1156) in N 4"' Street, which can deliver about 2000 gpm. Pressure zone 196, static pressure is about 70 psi. Existing dead-end 8" water line (W-0548 & W-0572) in N 5"' Street, which can deliver about 1,200 pgm. Pressure zone 196, static pressure is about 70 psi. New water main improvements will be required based on the fire flow requirements of 3,500 gpm with sprinklers. One Fire hydrant must be within 150 ft. and (3) additional fire hydrants within 300 ft. of the structure. A designated easement will be required for new water main and appurtenances installed within pri;.,ate, prop-,rty. 2. Each ~fire hydrant m(Ist be capable of delivering a minimum of 1,000 gpm and meet Renton Standard specifications including, but not limited to storz adaptors. Existing fire hydrant(s) may be within 300 ft. of the property, subject to verification. 3. Water System development Charges, if not previously paid, are $0.237 per gross foot of property. These may be subject to redevelopment credit based on the previous payment and new meter size. 4. Fire sprinkler connection with DDCV A will be required and located per Fire Marshall direction and approval. SANITARY SEWER 1. There is an existing 8-inch sewer main available within an easement along the west property line. 2. No sewer main extension is required. H:\Division.s\Develop.ser\Plan.rev\Rick\2007 pre apps\RSD Transportation Facility -PRE07-026.doc Page 2 of2 04/18/2007 3. A manhole or a cleanout is required to be installed for connection southbound flow. 4. Within the bus wash facility, an oil water separator is required to connect to the sewer main. 5. No dual side sewers are allowed. Side sewer shall be a minimum 2% slope. 6. The Sanitary Sewer System Development Charges (SDC) is $0.142 per gross square foot of property, but not less than $1,017.00. he Hone Cr '!ttbject tg aRd aQc4itional $258 per unit fee. SURFACE WATER I. This site appears to drain to the North Renton sub basin of the Lake Washington East basin. 2. The project is required to do a drainage analysis and meet the design criteria in accordance with the 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual. If preliminary calculations indicate detention will be required under the 1990 manual. staff will recommend a condition that the project comply with the 2005 King County Surface Water Design Manual to meet both detention (Conservation Flow control a.k.a. Level 2)and water quality improvements. 3. The Surface Water System Development Charge (SDC) is $0.265 per square foot of new impervious surface, but not less than $759. These are payable at the time the utility construction permit is issued. TRANSPORTATION I. City Code requires street improvements, which include: paving, sidewalks, curb and gutter, storm drainage and landscape along the street frontage. 2. This site will require a traffic study with an analysis of access off all surrounding streets to the facility. 3 .. ~.11 wir,. util~ie.s.s)iaU be installed underground per the City of Renton Ordinance. GENERAL COMMENtS' I. All utility and street improvements will require separate plan submittals prepared according to City of Renton drafting standards by a licensed Civil Engineer. 2. Permit application must include an itemized cost of construction estimate for these improvements. 3. 4. CC: The fee for review and inspection of these improvements is 5% of the first$ I00,000 of the estimated construction costs; 4% of anything over $100,000 but less than $200,000, and 3% of anything over $200,000. Half the fee must be paid upon application. The current fees are subject to change, subject to City Council review and approval. Since a fire-sprinkler system is necessary, then a separate fire sprinkler permit will be required. If you have any questions please call me at425-430-720B RtcK Kayren Kittrick C ('..,o!t< ~ ..... J (.\\-f/(. 0e.r l<i 'L 't '1 , "( f \lhU\.,s,J h;\division.s\deve!op.ser\plan.rev\rick\2007 pre apps\rsd transportation facility -pre07-026.doc CITY OF RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works MEMORANDUM DATE: April 18, 2007 TO: Pre-Application File No. 07-026 FROM: Jill Ding, Senior Planner, x7219 SUBJECT: RSD Transportation Facility General: Staff has completed a preliminary review of the pre-application for the above- referenced development proposal. The following comments on development and permitting issues are based on the pre-application submittals made to the City of Renton by the applicant and the codes in effect on the date of review. The applicant is cautioned that information contained in this summary may be subject to modification and/or concurrence by official decision-makers (e.g., Hearing Examiner, Zoning Administrator, Development Services Director, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator, and City Council). Review comments may also need to be revised based on site planning and other design changes required by City staff or made by the applicant. The applicant is encouraged to review all applicable sections of the Renton Municipal Code. The Development Regulations are available for purchase for $50.00 plus tax, from the Finance Division on the first floor of City Hall or on the City's website at www.rentonwa.gov. Project Proposal: The subject site is localed north of N 4th Street, south of N 5th Street between Park Avenue N and Garden Avenue Nat 1220 N 4th Street. The site is comprised of 5 parcels and totals approximately 207,393 square feet (4. 76 acres) in area. The east parcel is located within the Light Industrial (IL) zoning designation and the western 4 parcels are located within the Commercial Arterial (CA) zone. Access to the site would be provided off of Garden Avenue N, Park Avenue N, and N 4th Street. The proposal is to develop a new Transportation Center for the Renton School District including bus storage and maintenance. The proposal would include Transportation department administrative offices, maintenance repair bays, bus storage (44 stalls for short buses and 65 stalls for long buses for a total of 109 stalls), visitor and employee parking (119 stalls), a bus wash area, and an emergency generator. One building is proposed which would total 16,744 square feet. All existing structures on the site would be removed. Zoning: The east parcel is located within the Light Industrial (IL) zoning designation and the western four parcels are located within the Commercial Arterial (CA) zoning designation. Government offices and facilities and permitted within the CA and IL zoning designations subject to the approval of a Hearing Examiner Conditional Use Permit. Per the Director's Interpretation an established use requiring a Conditional Use Permit is proposed for redevelopment, the proposal does not require a new Conditional Use Permit. The CA zone implements the policies found in the Commercial Corridor Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. Policy LU-353. Structures at Commercial Corridor intersections should not be set back from the street and sidewalk so as to allow vehicular circulation or parking to be located between the sidewalk and building. Policy LU-355. Parking at designated intersections should be in back of structures and not located between structures and the sidewalk or street. The proposed site plan shall be revised to locate the building along the street frontage and parking to the rear of the building. RSD Transportation Facility Pre-Application Meeting April 19,2007 Page 2 of 4 Development Standards: Building Standards -The CA zone allows a maximum building coverage of 65% of the lot area or 75% of the lot area if parking is provided within the building or within an on-site parking garage. The IL zone allows a building lot coverage of 65% of the lot area. The proposed project would result in a building coverage of 13 percent, which is less than the maximum Jot coverage permitted and complies with this requirement. Building height is restricted to 50 feet in both zones, however the maximum building height may be increased subject to the approval of a Conditional Use Permit. However, the site is located in the Airport Influence Area. As outlined in RMC 4-3-020, height limitations for buildings in the various zones of this area are required to be evaluated, contact Ryan Zulauf for more information at (425) 430-7471. Elevations are required to determine compliance as well as the submittal of an FAA Notice. If it is determined that a crane would be used during construction, marking/lighting and coordination with the City's Airport may be required. Information is provided in your packet. Setbacks -Setbacks are measured from the property Jines to the nearest point of the structure. The required setbacks in the CA zone are as follows: front and side yard along a street setback is 10 feet (may be reduced to O feet through the site plan review process), no side or rear setbacks are required as the CA properties are not abutting or adjacent to a residentially zoned .property. The required setbacks in the IL zone are as follows: 20 feet from N 4th Street, and 15 feet from Garden Ave N and N 51h Street. No other setbacks from abutting properties are required. The proposal complies with the required setbacks. Landscaping -The minimum amount of street frontage landscaping required in the CA zone is 10 feet, except where reduced through the Site Plan Review process. The minimum street frontage landscaping required in the IL zone is 10% of the lot depth or 15 feet, whichever is less, but in no case Jess than 1 O feet. Where the project site is adjacent to the R-10 zone to the south {along N 4th Street) a 15-foot wide sight-obscuring landscape strip is required unless otherwise determined by the Reviewing Official. Surface parking Jots (not including the bus storage areas) with 100 or more parking stalls are required to provide a minimum of 35 square feet of landscaping per parking space. Based on the proposal for 119 surface parking stalls, a minimum of 4,165 square feet of landscaping would be required within the surface parking areas. The landscaped areas shall include a minimum of 1 tree for ever 6 parking spaces, shrubs shall be planted at a rate of 5 per 100 square feet of landscape area, and ground cover shall be planted in sufficient quantities as to provide 90 percent coverage after three years of installation. The NE Sunset Blvd Corridor requirements require that a planting area with a minimum width of 5 feet be installed every six parking spaces. Pl.ease refer to RMC 4-4-0BOF for further landscaping requirements within parking areas. All landscape areas are to include an underground sprinkling system unless drought tolerant plantings are used. Please refer to RMC 4-4-070 for general and specific landscape requirements. Several of the specific landscape requirements include: the type and location of trees; soils to be used; drainage; plants; and berms. PRE07-026 (CA & IL -RSD Facility).doc RSD Transportation Facility Pre-Application Meeting April 19, 2007 Page 3 of4 A conceptual landscape plan and landscape analysis meeting the requirements in RMC 4-8-1200 shall be submitted at the time of formal land use application. Pedestrian Access: A pedestrian connection shall be provided from a public entrance to the street, in order to provide direct, clear, and separate pedestrian walks from sidewalks to building entries and internally from the proposed building to the abutting properties. A pedestrian connection is required between the building entrance and the abutting street. Parking -The number of spaces required for the office use is a minimum of 3 spaces per 1,000 square feet of net floor area up to a maximum of 4.5 spaces per 1,000 square feet of net floor area. Based on the proposal for one building with a total of 16,744 square feet between 59 and 75 parking spaces would be required. The proposal for 119 parking stalls exceeds the maximum number of spaces permitted. The proposed number of parking stalls would either oeed to be_ reduced or the applicant would need to obtain a parking modification. The standard surface parking stall dimensions required are 9' x 20' and the compact spaces may be 8 W x 16', a maximum of 30 percent of the surface stalls may be compact stalls. Environmental Review: The project would require SEPA review due to the size of the proposed structure and the number of parking stalls proposed. The school district has indicated they would assume lead agency for the project. The City will ask that a Determination of Non-Significance-Mitigated (DNS-M) be issued and that traffic and fire mitigation fees be included as mitigation for the project. Sensitive Areas: The site is located within a seismic hazard area; a geotechnical report prepared by a geotechnical engineer shall be submitted with the formal land use application. The report should assess the stability of the project site with regards to the proposed project. Permit Requirements: The project would require Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval and Environmental (SEPA) review. The process would take an estimated time frame of 8 to 10 weeks. The project would go before the Hearing Examiner for a decision on the Site Plan Review. The Hearing Examiner's decision would be subject to a two-week appeal period. The application fee would be $2,000 for the Hearing Examiner Site Plan Review. Detailed information regarding the land use application submittal requirements is provided in the attached handouts. Once Site Plan approval is obtained, the applicant must complete the required improvements and dedications, as well as satisfy any conditions of the approval before a building permit may be obtained. Fees: In addition to the applicable building and construction permit fees, the following mitigation fees would be requested through the SEPA process and would be paid prior to the issuance of a building permit. • A Transportation Mitigation Fee based on $75.00 per each new average daily trip attributable to the project; • A Fire Mitigation Fee based on $0.52 per square foot of new commercial area. PRE07-026 (CA & IL· RSD Facility).doc RSD Transportation Facility Pre-Application Meeting April 19, 2007 Page 4 of 4 A handout listing all of the City's Development related fees is included in the packet for your review. Additional Comments: In advance of submitting the full application package, applicants are strongly encouraged to bring in one copy of each application material for a pre-screening to the customer service counter to help ensure that the application is complete prior to making all copies. Consistency with the Comprehensive Plan: The Commercial Corridor land use designation is characterized by concentrated, pre-existing commercial activity, primarily in a linear urban form, that provides necessary goods and services for daily living, accessible to near-by neighborhoods, serving a sub-regional market and accommodating large volumes of traffic. Commercial Corridor areas are characterized by medium intensity levels of activity. In these districts, provision of pedestrian amenities is encouraged, as are opportunities to link adjacent uses and neighborhoods. Land Use Element Policy LU-368. Consideration of the scale and building style of near-by residential neighborhoods should be included in development proposals. Policy LU-369. Development should be designed to consider potential adverse impacts on adjacent, less intensive uses, e.g. lighting, landscaping, and setbacks should all be considered during site design. The Employment Area-Industrial designation is intended to provide continued opportunity for manufacturing and industrial uses that create a strong employment base in the City. Land Use Element Policy LU-437. A mix of offices, light industrial, warehousing, and manufacturing should be encouraged in the Employment Area-Industrial classification, with conditions as appropriate. Policy LU-442. Off-site impacts from industrial development such as noise, odors, light and glare, surface and ground water pollution, and air quality should be controlled through setbacks, landscaping, screening and/or fencing, drainage controls, environmental mitigation, and other techniques. cc: Jennifer Henning PRE07~026 (CA & IL· RSD Facility).doc • 2 ) D4 • S T23N RSE W 1/2 UC-N2. / UC-Nl UC-Nl z UC-Nl UC-Nl .. -6 ,U ~-Nl ~---_..:.:.-=.:::::...=.::..:.__;::l:_J a, a, UC-N z Q) > UC-N! F4 · 17 T23N RSE W 1/2 ZONlNG P/B/PW TICHNICAL llllVICES 02/WD7 · · :ReQl.oa. City Um.it,. R-8 R UC-Nl N 8th IH 1;4tGOO E4 8 T23N R5E W 1/2 . .,,. - DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: FIRE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM April 9, 2007 Jill Ding, Senior Planner James Gray, Assistant Fire Marshal ,... Jl RSD Transportation Facility, 1220 Jli~ St Fire Department Comments: I. The preliminary fire flow is 3500 GPM, one hydrant is required within 150 feet of the structure and three additional hydrants are required within 300 feet of the structure. 2. A fire mitigation fee of$8,706.88 is required based on $.52 per square foot of the building square footage. 3. Separate plans and permits are required for the installation of fire alarm and sprinkler systems. 4. Fire department access roadways are required to within 150 feet of all portions of the building exterior. Roadways are a minimum 20 feet in width with a turning radius of 45 feet outside and 25 feet inside. 5. Fire department dead end access roadways over 150 feet in length are required to have an approved turnaround. 6. Provide a list of flammable, combustible liquids or hazardous chemicals that are used or stored on site. 7. A site plan for Pre-Fire planning is required to be submitted for your project. This shall be submitted prior to occupancy, in one of the attached formats. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. i: \rsdtransfac .. doc I PRE-FIRE PLANNING I RENTON FIRE DEPARTMENT In an effort to streamline our pre-fire process, we are requesting that you submit a site plan of your construction project in one of the following formats which we can then convert to VISIO.vsd. This is required to be submitted prior to occupancy. ABC Flowcharter.af3 ABC Flowcharter.af2 Adobe Illustrator File.ai AutoCad Drawing.dwg AutoCad Drawing.d1m Computer Graphics Metafile.cl!ll1. Corel Clipart Format.cmx Corel ORA W! Drawing File Format.edr Corel Flow.cfl Encapsulated Postscriot File.eos Enhanced Metafile.emf IGES Drawing File Format.igs Graphics Interchange Format.gif Macintosh PICT Forrnat.oct Micro1rrafx Desiener Ver 3.1.drw Micrografx Desiener Ver 6.0.dsf Microstation Drawing.dgn Portable Network Graohics Format.on[ Postscript File.ps Tag Image File Format.tif Text.txt Text.csv VISIO.vsd Windows Bitmap.bmp Windows Bitmap.dib Windows Metafile.wmf Zsoft PC Paintbrush Bitmao.ocx DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION WAIVER OF SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS Calculations 1 eeJ9r!:gi!miBiit2r1:m1:wetix:r1::::::::1l1r:::1::::::I:1i:;1ir:i:::::r111=:i:::rnr:I:::t:=:::::i:::1::: . Construction Mitiga tion Description 2 AND 4 Drainage Report 2 111iif,iil;1if:!hft!!1r1:~1w:1:::11I111I::::::i1 1::1::::::::i 1i1::::iititi:iitt::11::;:::::i:::::1: Environmental Ch e cklist 4 Existing Easements (Recorded Cop y) 4 Fi.:2Rii:i!i~ir~i:§JJlil:!i/!i://i/!ilI/i:;ii:/Iii!li!::/iJ;'!fJ/:::Hii;:::::::::=;;:;::;:1;:i/iiJ:I:::;:::::::;::i!: !/!:/:iii,=:· .. Fl oor Plans 3 A ND 4 i i Rii si,9.100:liB~e2:i!~\wiit J:fJli!f!illiii:;:::::::::=:::i:!ii:i!i:i/::!i:::::Itii::l:i!JJ?I ling Pl a n , Conceptual 2 rrig ation Plan 4 {n1ttii ooli!,f¥:'ifii~~,§~:iri::r,a ilrt~~~t!mt1§1ift\=::::rr:'.i::I: .andscap e Pl a n, Con ceptua l 4 ~~nijscap~:e_ijri /o~i~iieai)/':'/\?\:;;:=t --.,. · ·, ,·::,,: ·-=: ::-,:·::·_· ::· egal Description 4 1ailing Lab e ls for Property Owners 4 '*tt P:1Itxt~i,11~::§;i~t@1.~meu~1,1:1t=:fit:I:::::::t:it:Jtrjf tt laster Applica tion Form 4 r§fiµm:~nfi@l.r~§Jkn~iimri:mP@Ym§ntI:Jr:::: ::::;::::::::t:?:i:!t e ighborhood Detail Map 4 his r equ ireme nt may be wai ved by: Property S e rvi ces Section ...... 1blic Works Plan Re view Section ,il ding S ection PROJECT NAME: -~R Sl) ·f r :::vf1 ·:i por -+c . ..tt '6Yl DATE : L/ ( 1~r I c7 Development Planning Secti on O :I WEBI PWIDEVSERVIForms \Planning\w aiv ero fsu bmitta lreqs _9-06.xls r I l . f cc.e.11110 09106 VELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION WAIVER OF SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS Parking, Lot Coverage & Landscaping Analysis 4 elllii!ti:wlie:IIffimlf i li~):;!Ilil!I:l;!;!)jii;;:;:I::::::::t::Ii[!!ti!;]il;m~~tU;Jil1 Plat Name Reservation • Preapplication Meeting Summary 4 /illt@llll!ii11ilif;W::iiit!r=iitmi1i!i!i:ilIH{I!iifrntlm1:it:[fi!! Rehabilitation Plan 4 1r1in,1;m11i1i:;:11:i:1::;11~:::::1;;::i:;1::l:::i::: 1i:::I;:i::t:::;::::i::1t:::t1Iiii1:1tl::i::::i:::11::i:;:rni::::: Site Plan 2 AND 4 Topograp hy Map 3 rnliisf§!Yllil\11/i;iii;/ii;ji,:1:::;:;!IlliltII:it::iliiI;=/,rnl1';ii1i)i:J;:1::1:::ti1:1:i:;::::irn:11:1:it:::::1I!: Tree Cutting/Land Clearir:ig Pia~ 4 w.:~§i1::1~m~11111mn:::mxirtix:::mmtum!miei1::~1:i:::l::::;:m: Utilities Plan, Generalized 2 11Jrt111ImiitiM2nI§i:ati1irrit}!t[m1:1JI~:tiilltli11t::::lf'i=::I:iii Wetlands Mitigation Plan, Preliminary 4 !ilirilIRIP~P:illni~Uiirt~:m:::::,:::::;:[t!It!I[i:li11I1IIIIiliiH:=::::: Wireless: Applicant Agreement Statement 2 ANDJ Inv en tory of Existing Sites 2 AND 3 Lease Agre e ment, Draft 2 AND 3 Map of Existing Site Conditions 2 AND 3 Map of View Area 2 AND 3 Photosimulations 2 AND 3 r hi s requirement may be waived by: Property Services Section !. Public Works Plan Review Section 1. Building Section PROJECT NAME: 7~'::i u Tr<L:0,'> r+cJ 1'GYJ &-~J~a DATE: 1 /( c( /07 :. Development Planning Section Q:\WEB\PW\DEVSERV\Forms\Planning\wa iverofsubmittalreqs_9 -06 .xls 0910 6 6. Project Narrative -RSD Transportation Center The Renton School District Transportation Center is a proposed redevelopment to be located on the 4.8-acre (209,726 sq ft) site of the District's existing Transportation Center at 1220 North 4th Street in Renton, Washington. Approvals required for the proposal include Hearing Examiner Site Plan Approval from the City of Renton; a SEPA determination from the Renton School District is also required, and a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NP DES) permit from the Washington State Department of Ecology. A modification to RMC Section 4-4-080F7e(v), which requires that parking lot landscape areas be a minimum of 5' in width, is also requested, and a letter requesting the modification is included with this application. In addition. FAA Notification has been submitted for the possible use of a crane during construction. The site is composed of five parcels. The east parcel is located within the Light Industrial (IL) zone and the four western parcels are located within the Commercial Arterial (CA) zone. Adjacent properties are zoned Commercial Arterial (CA) to the west. Urban Center (UC-1 North) to the north, Commercial Arterial (CA) and Residential IO du/acre (R-10) to the south, and Industrial-Heavy (IH) to the east. The site is used currently to house all the District's Facilities, Maintenance, Operations, Safety and Security staff in addition to the District's Transportation Department functions, including bus maintenance and storage as well as administration offices. The site currently has a 3,564 square foot office building, an 18,810 square foot maintenance/repair building that includes some office space, and five storage sheds totaling 2,775 square feet. The table below summarizes the change in onsite uses and activities that is proposed with redevelopment. The height of the proposed main building is 26 feet. Existing School District Functions Houses all Transportation, Facilities, Maintenance, Operations, Safety and Security functions. Total building floor area (sq 22,374 ft) (does not include existing storage sheds to be demolished) Office soace fsa f1l 5,056 Repair bay space [sq ft) 6,370 Industrial support space 10,948 [maintenance shops) (so ft) Service Building (fueling - station and bus wash l fsa ft) Number of bus 6 maintenance bavs Number of bus parking 89 soaces (bus storaae) Number of car parking 147 (includes space for spaces cars, trucks, vans, and other support service vehicles) DRAFT Site Plan Review -Project Narrative October 2, 2007 With Redevelopment Will houses only Transportation Department functions. 19,894 gross (17,882 net*) 4,299' 6,441' 6,565' 3.578 6 98 98 AHBL Inc. ·Net square footage; does not include area for circulation, walls, etc. No special site features such as wetlands, water bodies or steep slopes exist on the site. The site area is mantled by quaternary alluvium deposited by the ancestral Cedar River. Mon-placed fill, consisting of silty sand with grovel, is also on the site to depths of three feet. Sediments beneath the asphalt and fill generally consist of interbedded clean sand, silty sand, clayey and lean silt with occasional lenses of grovel, peat, and other organics. Currently, 99 .7 percent of the site is covered by impervious surfaces. This will be reduced to approximately 85 percent upon completion of the project. With redevelopment, runoff from footing drains, roof drainage and parking lots will be collected in catch basins and conveyed to the existing City of Renton storm drainage system that currently serves the site, and which ultimately drains to Lake Washington to the north. Water quality treatment in accordance with King County and City of Renton requirements will be provided in on Ecostorm treatment manhole or Stormfilter cartridge system, along with on underground oil/water separator vault. Based on the site's existing condition and the City of Renton Public Works Standards and KCSWDM, it does not appear that detention will be required. Drainage from the bus wash station will be treated by on oil-water separator and car wash clarifier, and will be discharged to the sanitary sewer system. The proposed use of the site is the Renton School District's Transportation Center including bus storage, repair and maintenance facilities, school bus driver parking, and Transportation Department administrative offices, Site access for buses will be from Garden Avenue North and North 4th Street, and site access for visitors and employees will be from Pork Avenue North with secondary access from North 5th Street. The new facility is expected to generate over 7 percent fewer trips than the current transportation and office facility. Proposed off-site improvements include replacement of existing frontage improvements (sidewalks) where changes ore proposed. The total estimated construction cost is $9,351,000 and the estimated fair market value of the proposed project is approximately $18,000,000. Estimated quantities of cut and fill include 5,000 cubic yards of cut and 5,000 cubic yards of fill. No trees or vegetation will be removed from the site. Approximately 28,598 square feet of landscaping will be added to the site, including approximately 4,054 square feet of landscaping within the employee and visitor parking area. Landscaping will be drought tolerant, and irrigation (either drip or sprinkler) will be provided. No land will be dedicated to the City. Up to three job shacks may be on-site during construction, with at least one of these (general contractor) on-site for the full duration of construction. A requested modification, to allow the maximum number of parking spaces to exceed that allowed by Renton Municipal Code (RMC) 4-4-080B 1 Oe for Office uses, was approved by the City on August 2, 2007. The City's approval letter is enclosed with this permit application. DRAFT Site Plan Review -Project Narrative October 2, 2007 2 AHBL Inc. 21. Landscape analysis, lot coverage, and parking analysis -RSD Transportation Center • Total square footage of the site and the footprints of all buildings Site area square footage: 209,726 sf (4.81 acres) Bui/ding footprint square footage: [Building] 16,644 sf [Service Building] 3,578 sf • Total square footage of existing and proposed impervious surface area{s) Impervious surface square footage: [Existing] 209,088 sf [Proposed] 178,596 sf • Square footage {by floor and overall total) of each individual building and/or use [Building Main Floor] 16,644 sf (gross), 15,421/net) /Building Mezzanine] 3,250 sf /Service Building} 3,578 sf /Total] 20,222 sf • Percentage of lot covered by buildings or structures Gross square footage: [Building Main Floor} 16,644 sf (7.9% lot coverage) [Building Mezzanine} 3,250 sf (0.0% lot coverage) [Service Building} 3,578 sf ( 1.7% lot coverage) [Total} 20,222 sf (9.6% lot coverage) • Number of parking spaces required by City code The City of Renton Development Services Division provided direction at the pre- application meeting that, for the purpose of determining the amount of required parking, the proposed project would be considered on Office use. Based on the Office use and the 17,882 net square foot building. a minimum of 53 spaces ore required and a maximum of 80 spaces ore allowed (17,882 sf* (4.5 stalls I 1000 sf) = 80 spaces). The City approved a parking modification request on August 2, 2007, which permits 98 parking spaces to be provided as part of the proposed development. A copy of the approval letter is included in the application. • Number and dimensions of standard, compact, and ADA accessible spaces provided Stalls provided: [Driver's Parking] 41 Standard + 30 Compact+ 2 HC = 78 stalls [Staff & Visitor Parking] 18 Standard + 2 HC = 20 stalls [Total} 98 stalls (4 HC required by code) Percent of compact stalls allowable: (30.6% Provided) Parking dimensions: /90° Standard] 9'-0"W x 20'-0"L /60° Standard} 9'-0"W x 20'-0"L /90° Compact] 9'-0"W x 18'-0"L /60° Compact] 8 '-6"W x 20'-0"L /90° HC] 9'-6"W x 20'-0"L • Square footage of parking lot landscaping [perimeter and interior, but not including required perimeter landscaping along rights-of-way) Parking Landscape Required: 98 stolls'25 sf/stall= 2,450 sf Parking Landscape Provided: 4,054 sf Parking Landscape Provided, excluding landscape areas less than 5' wide: 3,484 sf Site Plan Review -Landscape analysis, lot coverage, and parking analysis October 4, 2007 AHBL Inc. ,, I Facilities, Maintenance, Operations Safety and Security OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Telephone: (425) 204-4403 Fax: (425) 204-4476 Launching Learning To Last a Lifetime October 3, 2007 Mr, Neil Watts, Director Development Services Division City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, Washington 98055-3232 Project: Subject: Dear Neil: Renton School District Transportation Center, Our File No, 20573230 Request for Landscaping Modification With this letter, the Renton School District requests a modification to the minimum required width of landscaping areas within a parking lot for the Renton School District Transportation Center, located at 1220 North 4th Street in Renton, on King County parcel numbers 756460-0106, 722400- 0670, 756460-0105, 722400-0640, and 756460-0140, The 4.8 acre site is zoned Light Industrial (IL) and Commercial Arterial (CA). The modification is requested pursuant to Renton Municipal Code (RMC) Section 4-9-2500 Modification Procedures. This letter accompanies the Site Plan Review permit application for the proposed project. RMC Section 4-4-080F7e(v) requires that any landscaping area within a parking lot shall be a minimum of 5' in width. While the majority of landscape areas in the parking area proposed for the Transportation Center meet this requirement, several are proposed that would be narrower than 5'. The overall required parking lot landscape area is 2,450 square feet (98 stalls*25 sf/stall = 2,450 sf), The proposed project includes 4,054 square feet of parking lot landscaping, excluding required perimeter landscaping along rights-of-way, Of this total, 570 square feet is proposed in areas that are less than 5' in width, and 3,484 is proposed in areas that meet the 5' minimum width requirement. Therefore, the areas less than 5' in width are not necessary to meet the amount of required landscaping, The site plan included in the Site Plan Review permit application provides additional detaiL Following is a discussion of each of the decision criteria for the requested modification, as shown in RMC Section 4-9-250D, Mr. Neil Watts, Director Development Services Division, City of Renton Page2 October 3, 2007 a. The modification substantially implements the policy direction of the policies and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element and the Community Design Element and the proposed modification is the minimum adjustment necessary to implement these policies and objectives. The proposed modification would allow additional landscaping beyond that required for the parking area. It would enhance the project's implementation of the policy direction of the policies and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element and the Community Design Element by contributing toward minimizing visual impacts (Policy LU-257) and raising the aesthetic quality of the area (Policy CD-17). b. The modification will meet the objectives and safety, function, appearance, environmental protection, and maintainability intended by the Code requirements, based upon sound engineering judgment. With the proposed modification, the parking area would meet all engineering design requirements for function, safety, and maintenance of parking areas as specified in RMC Section 4-4-080, as well as environmental protection requirements for stormwater runoff. The parking area would also include the required amount of landscaping to minimize visual impacts and enhance its appearance. Additionally, drought-tolerant landscaping is proposed for the project, and the project may utilize an irrigation method other than sprinklers, such as drip irrigation, which would result in the modification meeting the intent of the Code regarding maintainability of landscape areas. c. The modification will not be injurious to other property (ies) in the vicinity. The proposed modification would not affect safety issues or have potential to cause injuries. d. The modification conforms to the intent and purpose of the Code. The proposed modification would allow for the provision of additional parking area landscaping beyond that required by the RMC. The modification conforms to the intent and purpose of the RMC by allowing for this additional landscaping. As stated above, drought-tolerant landscaping is proposed for the project, and the project may utilize an irrigation method other than sprinklers, such as drip irrigation, which would result in the modification meeting the intent of the Code regarding maintainability of landscape areas. e. The modification can be shown to be justified and required for the use and situation intended. As stated above, the proposed modification would allow for the provision of additional parking area landscaping beyond that required by the RMC. This would enhance the visual appearance of the proposed Transportation Center. f. The modification will not create adverse impacts to other property (ies) in the vicinity. The proposed modification does not have the potential to adversely affect other property owners. \ Mr. Neil Watts, Director Development Services Division, City of Renton Page 3 October 3, 2007 We believe the requested modification meets the criteria of RMC Section 4-9-250D for modification of the parking requirement, as described in the above discussion. If you require additional information or have questions or comments on this request for modification, please contact Betsy Geller of AHBL Inc. at (206)-267-2425. Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, Rick Stracke Executive Director Facilities, Maintenance, Operations, Safety and Security c: Stewart Shusterman, Construction Coordinator, Renton School District Jill Ding, City of Renton Tom Marshal, Mc Granahan Architects Andy Cotrill, McGranahan Architects Gabe Snedeker, AHBL Inc. Betsy Geller, AHBL, Inc. .. ~ l or '1 J -i. J • . "'~y O ·._ . ~ .. 0 .. ~.' .. ~f(~ . CIT'\'. OF RENTO-k ..-_ ..-Planning/Building/PubJicWorks Department ~ -· l'::.c Kathy Keolker, Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator · . -~~.zvct0-<:;1)1·' :....--------------------------- · August 2, 2007 Rick Stracke Executive Dir.ector of Facilities Planning· · Renion Sct)ool District #403 · · 1220 N 4.1 • Street · Rent911, WA 9$055, 1539 Received AUb' 0 6 2007 ·. AHBL -. Subject: P~r_king Modification Req,;estfor Renton School District Transportation Center- Dear Mi-. $tr.icke: The City of Rent~n is in re~elpt ofyd\Jr req~est tot a parking modifjcaii~n dat~d July 24, 20~7 regarding the property lcicated at 1220 NA1 • .Street..The·foliowing· summarizes your request, - . project background, analysis and. decision: · · · : · · • • • • • . . • • I • Summary of R~guest/Backgr,oun~, _· ' . • The project site is Jocatedivithi~Jhe Commercial Arterial (CA) and Light Industrial (IL} zoning designations-. The City's p_arking re9ulatioris do not specify a parking ration tor a school d_istrict tra(lsporiatlon op~r.aliliris an~·irJaintena~ce fad!ity.'Fohhe purpo~es ~I.determining _parking .. · · . requln,ments, _the proje.ct site was dat~rmined to be'an office-u,se which permits i' maximum · · parking' ratio ,of4.5 stalls per 1,000. ~quare fee( oi t)l.iilding area,' Based on the proposal for a new 15A21 S~l/f;\r8 foot buili:li.AIJ a maxirryurn ofp~ par~ing s,tallswould be permitted. ihe applicant has requested ;'i modlfic,itlon from_ t~ls ina1<ilnum re~ulrement and Is pr.oposlng 98 parking stalls. Ttre . applicant'sjt.istification for lheaddltional p_arJ<ing siillls is !fiat the proposed _use is not a typical · · office use where most ernpioyeeirstay oncsite cfuririg the work day .. Ttie parking area will • •. accommodate trl)nsportation department office and maintenance staff, as 1Yell as bus drivers who ·,,. ,would,utilizernuch of the parking and do ndt _have space provided for them within the office buildiAg. .·_ . . . :_ . . ,. . _·· . · · • . · . section 4-4_-Cl80Fd allows the. Dev!)lopment Services Di;ision to \)rant modifications from .the . parking standards far individual cases provided Jhatthe modification meets the following criteria (pursuant to RMC 4-9-25002): · _ · · a. Subsiantially implElments the policy direction cit the poli¢ies and objectives of the · . Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element and the Community Design Element and . the-proposed modiffcatiqn is the_ minimum adjustment necessary t'o implement these policies and objectives; · · b. Will meet the objectives and safety, function, appearance; environmental • protection and maintainability intended by the Code requirements, based upon sound engineering judgment; · · · · c. · Will n·ot be injurious to other property(s} in the vicinity; d. Conform to the in_tent and purpose of the Code; -e. C;in be shown to be justifi~d and required for the use and situation intended; and f. wm not create ,'ldverse hi1pacts to other property(s) in the vicinity. -'------''----.10:...5_5_S_ou_t_h_Gra_dy_W_a_y---R-en-to_n_, W-as-h-in_gt_o_n_9_80_5_7 ______ ~ @ ThiS paper oantaina !>(}% rec;;ycied m.1terial. 30% po$! consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE / .. ·.· • Rento.n School District Transportation c_~nler. · Parking Modfficaiion PaQe3 of 3. 4.) . . . . Conforrrrto th~ intent and purp~se of the Code' ... The-a~pHc~nt tonten'if_s lhal sincfl the parking f~gutations 00 not pl'OVidea parlifng ratio · fora ~chool district transportation,operaliorsanc;t maintenance facility; th(lmaximum · · p~rking requirements lis~d for the genera! qffl_ce use, whicri is the use the most closely · matches the proposal, shpuld·be fleliible. In.addition, the modification wovld conform to· . --•• the intent of thiq:i~rkil'.i~ rngulatioris by provided' a:aeqyate on-site. parking· to . -. ~CCOIT)mcidate the atnpJoyefls·of the prQpVie~ use and avoid imp!3CtS to properties in the vicinity th~tcaj; QCCUrJf parking is soughf off·si!e · . -.· , · ... , •.. _ . . •. . , : · . ·' ·. ' Staff concurs thatihe pr9posed modrrjcation woo Id c&-ntorm to ttie intent and purpose.of the .code, which is to .prov/de: :adllqtfate parking· tin-s,Jte for proposed projectii; . . ·· _ •, __ . • 5:) . , C~n b~. shOY{!l ~ bi, Jus~lf!edand req~ireci for the ils~ ~npisJtu;itioh iil!eri,ded. \. ,·- ' 1°he ~ppjiq~n\ C6(1t!3rids ttl~f~inCE!'ji,~ ~reposed US& i$ n~f afypic~l 'Qf/iC&·US8 vih&r8 rn<JSt .· . • .. ·., employees Br(l aqcom(Yl.Ooat.Eid within l~e buHgiii~ arifiherefot-er~le,oted lit iJs square --.••. . fo,;>t?i:18,-basl(lg the parkingreq(flrtm~otpnJb,Eiilltno1.int;of bu)Jpingsqu<1re'fo_otage (loes ... - . ,• hotadequate[y account far .\tii•rf()inb~i ofempl8ye:es thal come to (he facjjity and theh . ,· .• woik9ff'.site. Tile aaditiqP.~lr,~t~ing tft~tJ.s reques~it$.,t\',ece~sar,: ih. pid~r to ' _........ . · .' accommod,at~ p.erso~.,rx!lD'-cl~rti,ft; ?r\;;%!\E;:~)lbU/f'~(IV~rlt~h1lffthey are out _on thf!I[··. ·, . fOUte~.i'l,C~O~mOQ~l8? t~,8;(.~C)!\\~r,Jllf~1ng ri!!E!cj~ ~!);li!r,llvj~ re9uce the pdt;irit,1aif<f . -impacts to pr9pM111tln the v1crrnty_ '\ .·. ,f'· ·e--· . ~-~ ~ ,-. . , ., \ . . . . ~~ ., ' Staff-concurs tha\'.lh!l'Af;01)/>sed;i1dd~(qn>1l.(1.@i'J!.l~ifis jti~tirjeeraf{d requirei;l bas~d. on the : .. :F"?~~~~.~~~.~~,~ ..... . · The:appl.icant's request for'-!' rrl69ifl,;;atJon froin the parking,f.equiie/fier}!s to exceed the maximum parking requirements for ari'~ffiq_~· ds.<:) a~(l to,provide·9?-p~rki,~(1'§Pl,llleS is appro_ved: . . .· .. : · ... :_ -_..... . ,: -<.--. _·:_ '.;(/: ...... / .. _.._:: .... ::>~·--..-:.>=:_ ..... ~--:\:.-·:;·,::·):>-···. ;l.-_::'./}·\ -.. ..-; -: · .. -. ~-. -. '' ·-:-·: ' ... : Tbis decision to approve the propqsect r¢yision~ as ~ mln9r i))pc!ification i~ subject-to .a fourteen · (14) d.-,y appeal-period froin -the \fi!te_,~f this 'ietter_:'.Any,,<1r:f13!c!als _of the admi11istr.;,tive debs.ion . · must be filed wi.th the City cif.Renton:-Hearlng,,ixaminer'•by 5:oo p111, August 16, 2007. .. lf you have questions regarding -this correspondence, feel 'free t6 cqntac!Jili Ding at (425)430-7'.,2f9. ·. • -· Sincerely, • . ~j~"IJ)Jffj · Neil Watts . . · . --· Development$ervices Director · Cc Jill Ding · $teward Shusterman . Betsy Geller -.· Facilities, Maintenance, Operations Safety and Security OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Telephone: (425) 204-4403 Fax: (425) 204-4476 September 14, 2007 Environmental Review Committee c/o Jennifer Henning, Principal Planner City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, Washington 98005-3232 Launching Learning To Last a Lifetime Project: Subject: Renton School District Transportation Center SEPA Lead Agency Dear Committee Members: This letter is to inform you that the Renton School District will be acting as lead agency for review of the above-referenced project, as provided by the Washington Administrative Code (WAC) 197-11-926. The WAC grants authority to subdivisions of the state, including school districts, to assume lead agency status for projects implemented by the district. In accordance with the requirements of State statute, the school district has adopted policies and procedures governing the SEPA process for district projects. Please note that this project requires land use and building permit approvals by the City of Renton. As a courtesy, we will provide the City with a copy of the checklist and threshold determination prior to their issuance; the anticipated time period for City review prior to issuance is from September 25, 2007 to October l, 2007. The SEPA checklist and threshold determination will be issued on or about October 17, 2007. The City of Renton will receive a copy of the issued checklist and threshold determination for agency review. Our project team is available to answer any questions that may arise. Please contact Betsy Geller or Gabe Snedeker of AHBL, Inc., at (206) 267-2425 if you need any additional information. Sincerely, Rick Stracke Executive Director Facilities, Maintenance, Operations, Safety & Security BG/el c: Jill Ding, City of Renton Development Services Stewart Shusterman, Renton School District Tom Marshall, McGranahan Architects, Inc. Andy Cottrill, Mc Granahan Architects, Inc. Gabe Snedeker, AHBL, Inc. Betsy Geller, AHBL, Inc. SEPA Lead Agency, to city of Renton-Transportation Rebuild 1220 North 4th Street, Renton, Washington 98057-5539 10. Construction Mitigation Description -RSD Transportation Center Proposed construction dates (begin and end dates) Start: June 25, 2008 Complete: August 19, 2009 • Hours and days of operation Monday through Friday 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. • Proposed hauling/transportation routes Assumed routes by Contractor from south 1-405: exit on Bronson to Sunset Blvd, turn left on North 3,0 and finish at site at North 4th and Park Avenue. Assumed routes by Contractor from north 1-405: exit on Sunset to North 3,o and finish at site. • Measures to be implemented to minimize dust, traffic and transportation impacts, erosion, mud, noise, and other noxious characteristics Dust -Site watering will be used to minimize dust, in compliance with State and City requirements. Traffic/Transportation Impacts -A haul route plan and traffic control/flagging plan will be provided to the City prior to construction permit issuance. Contractor has not yet been selected. Erosion/Mud -A temporary erosion and sedimentation control plan consistent with State and City requirements will be included in the permit submittal and approved by the City prior to permit issuance. A State NPDES permit will also be filed according to State requirements. • Any special hours proposed for construction or hauling (i.e. weekends, late nights) It is antic/pated that work hours will coincide with City allowed hours. There is potential for occasional Saturday work from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. • Preliminary traffic control plan A traffic control/flagging plan will be provided to the City prior to construction permit issuance. Contractor has not yet been selected. If your project requires the use of cranes, please contact the City's Airport Manager at (425) 430- 747 l to determine whether Federal Aviation Administration notification will be required. FAA Notification has been submitted for the possible use of a crane. Any additional crane coordination will be handled by Contractor prior to construction. Site Plan Review -Construction Mitigation Description September 28, 2007 AHBL, Inc. (-3-) ' / 10'-9 1/4" >-'Iv, V) z V) <>: =1~ ow ~1bl ~ co I 'co ---n u, I - 2'-0" _ T.O MECH (>; 25' -8 1/8' ~--PARAPET BEYOND ___ T ~ PARAPET C.,,., 24'-0' /'. MECH UNIT, SEE MECH ~-+----------MECH UNIT CURB \ IT\, I '\, j' \\ 17'\, !/ \\ ;/ '\ \ '\ / (\ ·~ j\\ f WALL ASSY, "'-. SEE PLANS ~ >< >< ,1 ~ INTERIOR MC GRAN AH AN architects TITLE• MECH SCREENING DITAIL REFERENCE• RENTON SCHHOL DISTRICT TRANSPORTATIO-N CENTER SCALE•. SCALE 3/4" = i'-0" -- ------·-·- ISSUED_ FDR, CITY OF RENTOfl SITE PLAN__REVIEW REVISED, DATE, ______ 100407 DRAVN BY, D~KS~--- m FIJ833097 1!;~\30B4 .... • •. TICOR TITLE COMPANY 600 SW 39th Street, Ste 100, Renton, WA 98057 (425)255-7575 FAX (425)255-0285 Date: February 5, 2007 at 08:00 AM Prepared For: Renton School District 300SW 7th St Renton, WA 98057 INQUIRIES SHOULD BE MADE TO: UNIT 1 (425)255-7472 Donna Roetter TITLE IS VESTED IN: Renton School District LEGAL DESCRIPTION: PARCEL A: Order No.: Your Reference: Charge: PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE A Tax:- 6385886-1 Renton School District $ 330.00 $ 29.04 Lot(s) 1 through 8, Block 8, Renton Farm Plat, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 10 of Plats, page(s) 97, in King County, Washington; EXCEPT those portions of Lot(s) 1 through 5, condemned in King County Superior Case Number 94-2-03644-1 for street purposes. PARCEL B: The west 20 feet of Lot(s) 1 through 12, Block 2, Sartorisville, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 8 of Plats, page(s) 7, in King County, Washington. PARCELC: Lot 9, Block 8, Renton Farm Plat, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 10 of Plats, page(s) 97, in King County, Washington. PARCEL D: Lot(s) 1 through 12, Block 2, Sartorisville, according to the plat thereof re_corded in Volume 8 of Plats, page(s) 7, in King County, Washington; EXCEPT the west 20 feet thereof. PLAT Certificate Scheclule A I ' · EXCEPTIONS: PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE B Y AN EASEMENT AFFECTING A PORTION OF SAID PREMISES FOR THE PURPOSES STATED THEREIN: IN FAVOR OF: FOR: DISCLOSED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: AFFECTS: Puget Sound Power and Light Company Electric transmission and/or distribution system November 14, 1994 9411141170 The west 5 feet of Lots 2 and 3 in Parcel A 2. AN EASEMENT AFFECTING A PORTION OF SAID PREMISES FOR THE PURPOSES STATED THEREIN: IN FAVOR OF: FOR: RECORDING NUMBER: AFFECTS: City of Renton Sewer 3426556 West. 5 feet of Parcel B 3. CONDEMNATION OF ACCESS TO STATE HIGHWAY AND OF LIGHT, VIEW AND AIR BY DECREE TO STATE OF WASHINGTON: ENTERED IN KING COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT NUMBER: 94-2-03644-1 4. AN EASEMENT AFFECTING A PORTION OF SAID PREMISES FOR THE PURPOSES STATED THEREIN: IN FAVOR OF: FOR: RECORDING NUMBER: AFFECTS: AFFECTS: Parcels B and D. City of Renton Sewage pipe lines 6171966 The south 5 feet of Lot 12 5. A survey of the herein described property was recorded under King County Recording Number 8010039003, a copy of which is hereto attached. AFFECTS: Parcel A. 15/ AN EASEMENT AFFECTING A PORTION OF SAID PREMISES FOR THE PURPOSES STATED THEREIN: IN FAVOR OF: FOR: DISCLOSED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: AFFECTS: Puget Sound Power & Light Company, a Washington corporation Underground electric transmission and/or distribution system October 26, 1984 8410260691 The east 20 feet of the north 20 feet of Lot 11 AFFECTS: Parcels B and D. -V AN EASEMENT AFFECTING A PORTION OF SAID PREMISES FOR THE PURPOSES STATED THEREIN: IN FAVOR OF: FOR: US West Communications, Inc., a Colorado corporation Telecommunications facilities "o ~~"'5000 S 0 "' t. .. ~000 S •" 'l,,'$.,5000 S 0 "' <:i":,'1%ooo s I I I I I I I OS I_ "o ,.,'$~00 s\ ... "' t "cs "' .:!fiboo \, ... "' ..,:s~ ' "' .. -----+------- 96~ sF6 .,,. • " : ~-Q--_______________ G}_--I ! 0 • 7 --------------- I • ; - ~ ., --~----~~ ~ ____________ jl_ '"' " ,, 12 t'." ----,:Ji ______ _ 2 11 ' ----------------------tv-------------- 10 18.~S ,$' ',.f.$ 4 1---i, if"",-.f -------------§' !__ __ 9 ,{s;'\~ s /fl r§> ~ 6 --------__# M---------------z ii I ' i ~-·-@--- c 7 ' I g ~:::::::::=: i ) -~---~t ___ _ I ~ ' 4 1,it :·· ' --------~~------------e - " "J"l: 7 • • 10 ----------------------------------------- f56000 SF 3.eEI AC '"' ... 2 TI 11 M ---~~~:t.-------· ---NJ --------Tia·----103 ---.,.I ao r _'__ -/ f------------~ ;j L 2: I f ' : j --;-m----------;--1 r- --------------1 r---CAR-~0~· ' ' ----------~ ~1 :~ ,o ~: 60 r~ N4TM ST 30 30 • This sketch is for the purpcea ol showing 1he approximate general location of the pialasr without actual survey and Tletr 11lle assumes no liability in N Wllh the sam.. SCHEDULE B (Continued) l,ffisCLOSED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: July 27, 1993 9~7271237 AFFECTS: West 12 feet of the east 25 feet of the south 6 feet of Lot 12 AFFECTS: Parcels B and D. 8. General property taxes and special district charges, as follows, together with interest, penalty and statutory foreclosure costs, if any, after delinquency: . (1st half delinquent on May 1st; 2nd half delinquent on November 1st) Total Taxes for Year 2007 Amount Billed: $17.21 Amount Paid: $0.00 Amount Due: $17.21 Tax Account Number: 722400-0640-01 Levy Code: 2100 Current Assessed Value: Land: $0.00 Improvements: $0.00 NOTE: Said Taxes are not payable until February 15th. Said amount has not yet been certified by the King County Assessor and is subject to possible change. AFFECTS: Parcel A. 9. General property taxes and special district charges, as follows, together with interest, penalty and statutory foreclosure costs, if any, after delinquency: (1st half delinquent on May 1st; 2nd half delinquent on November 1st) Total Taxes for Year 2007 Amount Billed: $16.83 Amount Paid: $0.00 Amount Due: $16.83 Tax Account Number: 756460-0106-03 Levy Code: 2100 Current Assessed Value: Land: $0.00 Improvements: $0.00 NOTE: Said Taxes are not payable until February 15th. Said amount has not yet been certified by the King County Assessor and is subject to possible change. AFFECTS: Portion of Parcel B. 10. General property taxes and special district charges, as follows, together with interest, penalty and statutory foreclosure costs, if any, after delinquency: (1st half delinquent on May 1st; 2nd half delinquent on November 1st) Total Taxes for Year 2007 Amount Billed: $16.83 Amount Paid: $0.00 Amount Due: $16.83 Tax Account Number: 756460-0140-01 Levy Code: 2100 Current Assessed Value: Land: $0.00 Improvements: $0.00 NOTE: Said Taxes are not payable until February 15th. Said amount has not yet been certified by the King County Assessor and is subject to possible change. AFFECTS: Portion of Parcel B. SCHEDULE B (Continued) 11. General property taJCes and special district charges, as follows, together with interest, penalty and statutory foreclosure costs, if any, after delinquency: {1st half delinquent on May 1st; 2nd half delinquent on November 1st) Total T aJCes for Year 2007 Amount Billed: $16.83 Amount Paid: $0.00 Amount Due: $16.83 T aJC Account Number: 722400-0670-04 Levy Code: 2100 Current Assessed Value: Land: $0.00 Improvements: $0.00 NOTE: Said TaJCes are not payable until February 15th. Said amount has not yet been certified by the King County Assessor and is subject to possible change. AFFECTS: Parcel C. 12. General property taJCes and special district charges, as follows, together with interest, penalty and statutory foreclosure costs, if any, after delinquency: (1st half delinquent on May 1st; 2nd half delinquent on November 1st) Total TaJCes for Year 2007 Amount Billed: $20.83 Amount Paid: $0.00 Amount Due: $20.83 TaJC Account Number: 756460-0105-04 Levy Code: 2100 Current Assessed Value: Land: $0.00 Improvements: $0.00 NOTE: Said TaJCes are not payable until February 15th. Said amount has not yet been certified by the King County Assessor and is subject to possible change. AFFECTS: Parcel D. NOTES: A. In the event the transaction fails to close and this commitment is cancelled, a fee will be charged to comply with the State Insurance Code and the filed schedule of this Company. bm/ga/02/20/2007 PLAT Certificate Schedule B / u .,r<lblNAL PUGET POWER EASDl[:\T rnR L":\IJERGROl":\O U ECTRIC srsn:~1 for and u; -:or,c-lderat.ion of On~ D.~ll 1r i.,;il,<Xii <1:.:! ,•t,>1..·: ·:.,i-.;..1L~"; considcr11t1011, the rcceirt of which l'' hcr,:t./ a-~·k:.c,-..·l,i:!,i,·cl, RENXOtLSCJIO.QLDISl:RIC'.r .. NO, . 403, Kin~. Count,- n;r,ml(•r"" hN,•in). ),!rants. convc~'<I ,mil l\,\rr,rnts tn P!_'GET $0ll'..11 l'lH\'LH I\ LICl!T CO\!l'.Jt.:'\"Y a ~, ... sfi..1111.1n r..:r· JH1r;11i,1n ["Gr,1nlt•f!·· hPrrml. for th4• puqm\,·~ hr•r,•1naft,•r ~I forth .1 pPqw1u,1l 1·,1i.i·m,:nt unrlPI. <1r.tns.~ <md nn r 1h,. f.,J. 101,·in,11: dc~rih"d ~enl properly f!hv. --rwp .. rl~" here1n1 King Count1 \\'ashm~ton i..ot 11 Block 2, Sartorisville, according to plat thereof recorded in Volu~e 8 of Plats, page 7, records of King Courty, Washington. Located in the Southwest quarter of .section 8, TOwnship 23 North, Range S East, W.M. I% EXCISE TAX NOT rcQU<RCQ Bv {,i -pc R:c:cor'..$ D ... ·r, ~-.Deput1 .) beep! as may be o1herv.ise set forth hetein Granlee·s rights shall be exercised upou that portion of the Properly (lhe "RiFht- of Way"' herein) described as follows: ; A Righi-of-Way. feet in width h.aW~----------.i~"'~~~~~·~ .llaf! tiescribed as follows: Ne,"-/~ .ic .f.,,, f-0 f +J.e The East 20 feet of the above described Lot 11. Oc1 26 Ii 21 ,;• 'B~ 8r"THEOP,._;• fii:,:,~Ji~J'.) .\ ; !".ING C·.':: A 84/10/26 RECD F CASHSL ti0691 D 4.00 1. Purpose. Grantee shall have the right to construct. opera1e. maintain. fP'.")air. replace and enlarg':' ar1 undergrour1d electtir. transmission and/or distribution system upon and under the Right-of-Way logether wuh ail necessary or con\•ement ap- purtenances therefor. which may include but are not limited 10 the following: underground conduits. cables. ccmmunica:ion lines: vaulls. manhOles. swi1ches. and transformers: and :ai ba.is~ gr 8f81l.A.EI 111 e1:1nt118 fas:il"rier Following the initial con- struction of ils facilities. Grantee mar.from time ~o li_mr .construc~h additional facilities as it may require. Tlu,,,-e ~AG' J/ be-no a:'1ove qrt'i.J.1d -f.t2c,l,t-,e<::.,. · 2. Accet:a. Cran tee shall h~·e the right .of access to the Right-of.Way over and across the Property to enable Grantee to exer- cise its rights hereunder. provided, that Grantee shall compensate Gran tor for any damage to the Property caused by the exer- cise of said right of access. J. Obmuc:tions; Landacaplna. Graniee ma}' from time 10 time temove trees. bushes, or other obstructions \\i.thin the Right· of-Way and may level and ~de Ute Right-of.Way to the extent reasonably necessary to carry out the purposes set forth in paragraph 1 hereof. provided, tha1 follo,,ving any such work. Grantee shall, 10 the exlenl reasonably practicable. restore the Righi-of-Way to 1he condition ii was immedialely prior to such work. Follo"';ng the installation of Grant.e-e's undnground facilities. Granlor may undertake any ordinary improxemen1s 10 the landscaping of the Right-of.Way. provided tha! no trees or other plants shall be placed lher~n which would be unreasonably expensive or impractical for Grantee to remove and restore. t. Granlor'r UM of Right.of-Way. Grantor reserves the right to use lhe Right-of-Way for an~· purpose not inconsistent \,ith the rights herein Ffanted. pro\.'ided: 1ha1 Grnntor shall nol conslruct or main:aip any building or olher struciure on the Righi. of-Way which would ir1terfere 1'\."ith the exercise of the n,'!hts herein Fran!ed: Iha: no dig¢ng. tunneliniz or other form of c.m- slruction activity shall be rlone on lh'!.' Proiwrty whi:::!': \,·ould disrurh !h~ corr:pac~icn or unearth Crantee·s facih:1e~ on :h1: Risht-o[•Way, or endanger lhe laleral support lo said facilities: and that no blasting shall be done within 15feet of the Righl-0£- \.\lay. 5. Indemnity. By acceph(l8 and recott'ir,B this eaSement. Grantee agrees lo indemnify and hold harmless Granror from an~ and all claims for injuries and 1 or damases suffered by an: person \,hich m..:~ be ::;.;msed l:iy the Grantee·se~ercise of 1he rights herein panted. prodded. 1ha1 Grantee shall not be responsible Ill Grantor for an~ iniut1es and101 damage"S to an~ persor1 caused by acts or omis5ions of Granlor. 6 . .Abandonment. Th,· n1:hts herein j!ran:ed !>h<1II conimu,· until s•1r.h t:m,• a~ Gt,tn!i·,· cea!>es 10 usi• lht' R1J1hl-(lf-\\";n /or~ 1wrind Ctf fiw !~,I sur.cessiv,• \'f!.US. in whir:h P.\'t•nl 1h1s •·.:s•·m,•n: !<h,111 :nrn1 n,11,, and r1II rich,~ ht>reunder shall Tf'\'n: 11i' Cr.u1- 1m pro\·ido;d th.ti no ;1h,mdonrnf'nf shall be d,·1~mt•d lo h,1\,• ocn:rr.-·d h•. tti,1~011 !If Cr,mte(··!'-f,ulure In im!ia!h ITI$t,dl 11~ f.u:ilitic•s cm th,• Riµh1-nr-\\';" wilhin an, iu·ru,d nf !1:n,-r~,m. 1h,· ,Lit,· :-1,·r,,,.( ,;,,·, 111T su,·r,·~~ror~ .onrl .i~\ll'n~ R-2 0 i 9 B11G9i4 lU-_;E FILE'.> FOR RECORD AT REQUEST Of; hJGi:T P()llJER R~Al ~$TATE OMSION I '.(;;: r r-'OW:R BLDG. r.i~LL[VUE. WASHINGTON 98009 T. J THOMPSor.i l JAJl'i~u .~th day nl ~.~,~""~·~'-----.19~- l JU'_;.. B : SThTE OF. WAS!!INl1Q; ) ) ss. C(XJNT!OF KING ) 01 this Fourth day of Ccto~ , l~, before rre the undersigned, a oot:ary public in and the Sta~, duly =mis- sioned and sworn, personally ~ared Robert L. Anderson and Gary F. Kohlwes tone known to be the President and Secretary of the nunicipal co:rporation that executed the foregoing instrwent and ackno.1ledged the sane to be the" ft'ee and voluntary act and deed of said rm.micipal oorp::iration, for ~ uses and puxp:,ses therein nentioned, and on oat.h stated that they ffl. are ,.my hand and official seal hereto affi,red the day and year in this a:O",?VE written. ' to, execute' the said instnJTent. ' . \_. <' ' "" ' > App~ to fo=: ~ . .t~ I. ~c in and forsf.ateot___ t Washington, resil'.ii.r)t-f at Renton f. -. I I ' / = < ·' , • I RPCI: 756460~0105-0 21W62ES Zt')OO (•~l) Job ______ _ EASEMENT AN/, Referenee l; 3 I <.SN Y,_ The Undersigr,ed Granlor(sj lor end in consideration of _ __,F~o~u~r__,H~u~n~d~r~e~d~D~o~l~l•=r~s_a~n~d~N~o~/~1~0~0~------ __________________ Dollars {S 4 00 00 ) and Olher good and valuable conslderallon, the reeeipt whereOf ls hereby acknowlodged, do hereby g,anl and convuy to US WEST Communk:aUons, Inc., a Co1Dfado Colpo- ration, (Grantee) whose address Is 1600 7th Ave., Seellla, Washington 98191 11:!1 successors. assigns. lessees, lieensees and agenls a ~rpeluet easement IO eonslruel, reconslruci, operale, maintain and rnmove such lelecommunlcallorui lacmues e.s Grantee may require upon, over, under and e,;ross the following described lend which lhe Granlor awns or In which the Granier has any inleres1, to Vitt: Lot: 1 thru 12, Block: 2 Plat: SA.RTORISVILLE ADDITION less West 20 feet in Section 8, Township 23 North, Range S East, W.M. 0 0 0 0 .. Said easement being the West 12 feet of the East 25 feet of the South 6 feet of ~ Lot 12 and being a portion of the above described property. ~ Gr.'.lntee agrees to survey the casement area and will provide for restoration of all property damaged by our construction. subject to easements and restrictions of record. situated in County of _____ _,,;.;;,.11~g-------· Slats ol---f\1Mhif1'"•g><te,8,.o--------- Grantae shall have lhe righl of lngreu and egress over and across the l.Md of 1he Granlor lo and from lha above-described property and tho right IO clear and keep clllared all trees and Dfhar obslructlons. Granlee shaH be resi,onsiblt for an damage caus9d K> Granlo, arising from Granlee's exercise ol lhe rights and privileges harvin granted. The Grantor reserves 1he righl to occupy, use sncl cuh~e said Easement tor all purposes n~ tneonsbl9nt with, nor lnlerl'erfng wilh lhe rights herein granted. The rights, conditions and provisions of this easemenl shall Inure to tho ben6fll af and be binding upon the h&lrs, 8Jl8CUlors, adminis1ra1ors, successors and asslgns or IM respedhle partlff Mrete. Witness: ________________ _ (lndflrldual Ac~nowledoarnent) ...... ~ --__ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_-_--_ -_ -_ -:_ -_ -_-_ -_-} .. Col.Inly or On lhis da~ J!OfSQnally appoared tlofottl ma, known lo mo lo bo !he llldivklual who Clt&Culad tho lorogolng IMtrumen!, and admcr .... ti:dged fhol, ------ signed Iha samo M ------ho and volunhlry act and daO<I'. !ot tho UHS and purpo,e, ho min men1ioood. Given under my hand and official ,eal this ______ _ day cl , 19 ___ • No1aryPubllclriandlot1h0Statoor ________ _ ro~ding BL------------------- Mycommi5$iono,;pitos·------------- . ,. f,3. 0~ day personal~ appfa_rod b bebe me !:,:!! "If 6 @E./uJ.tJ.S o4 thit co,poratlo11 Ulal e,,:ecutecl 1119 folegoln9 1n$111Jmonl, ana: acknowledged $&Id ln,trument to be, Ille fNta and votun111ry l\ct and deed or ,aid corporallon, for th& ~ and purposGS d'laraif'! men, tloned. and on oall• Sblled 1hat, ~M.:~«c.======::::=::::= waslwlmraUltioflztd lo ~1e said l:lslrumetd on bohali ol'lho cor- poration. •D~ Given unde~ hand and ofric!al seal lhls / ~--«-'-' dayof ~-TB M ' .. ru ' r-o "' " ru ci] M n w / L FILED cOR r><=cc··) A"·· .• PUGE. ro·.'•:;,j-,., ' R..-:QU'=ST OF: ~E~L ESi°,i•? DEPAAThiENT ORIGINAL ,0, BOX g1 .,;>.; B~LLEl'UE, l'IASHINGTON 9B000-g 734 PUGET POWER • Depu/y For and in considoul!ion of One Oollor {St .00! 11nd olher valuable consldorallon, the ,e lpt of which t$ horoby acknowlndgod, fil.A!:..S.J::iQ.I...lli.C_QhPOAAIEP, .o Wnshi!!9!~ roran1or-hon:iln}. rnby grants. convoys ~ml w:.uant~ 1'?' P'UGE T SOUNO POWEn g UGHT COMPANY, a Washinglon COJporalion ro,anlee~ heuiln). !or Uut flU!pm:e:-; hnro1n.1flor snt IOflh; a r,e'P("tu.:tl oasomonl ovor. ac,oss .;md under 1ho folk>wing das.crihod 10111 property (lhc, ~r.opcrl·( hereint in Kmg County. Washinglon. l,ots '-and 3. Block 8, nenton Farm Plat:, according Lu the plat recorded in Volume 10 or Plats, page 97, -Records of King County, Washington; Situate in the Sout:hwr?st quarter of section 8 4 Towoahip :n North. Range 05 Hast, W.M. $;lCCC!pl as may ba olhorwl~ sel forlh hcmJin Grantee'$ rig hi$. shall be axen:l~ed upon that portion of tho Proporty (tha ~Rigkl-ol-Way~ hlttoiu) dasoibod as follows: A Righi-al-Way fi:m.m foot in width~ -fool ol-cuch-width-on--each cide or a can18rlina--deccribed-B!l lollows: 'l'hc West five (5) CccL o( Lhe altove dcscr,lbed PropCC'Ly. 1. Purpo11e. Grantee shall have lhe right lo conslruct. operate, malnl&ln, repair. replace and enla,ge one ot more electric lransmlssion andlor disttibulloo lines over andfor under Iha Right.of-Way togeU,er with all necessary Of con1rolVOnt appurtonances lh(!1e10, which may lncludo but aro not licnlled to the folowing: a. Overhrad faclllUca. Polos and/or lowers wllh CIOS!larms. braces, guys and anchors, elac11ic lransmlssion 311d dislfibulion lines: communication a11d sigm1.l 1Jnes: translom,ers. b. Underground loeUlllos. Underground conduits, cables, vaults, manholes, switches and lranslormors; semi-burled or graund mounhld facililles such as pads, lranslormart and swilchos. Fonowing tho Initial constwction ol its faa!ilies, Grat1loe m:iy from lime IO time conslrucl such additional lines and olher facilities as if may f8Qlrire. 2. Aecou. G1anto1 shall have Iha right of access lo thtr Righi-DI-Way over and across the Property lo onablo Grantee to e1erdse ils rights hert1under, provided. that Grantee shall cornpensale G,anlm IOf any damage to tha Proporty causod by the oxerdse ol said right of access. 3. CuUlng of Trcei,. Granloe shall havo lhe right IO cul or lrim any and all brush Of llees slanding or gmwing upon lho nighl-of-Way. and also Iha right lo cul or ltim any lroos upon tho P1operly which. in falling, could In Granloe's 10.uo11ablo judgmon1. boo haz.ard lo G1a111ao's leci6ties. 4. Gronlor'• Un ol Rlgtit-of-Way. Granlt1r rosnrvos the right to use lhe Right-of-Way lor any purpose nol lnconsislenl with the rights he.ioln g,anled, provided, lhat Gr•nlof shell not constfUCI or mat"'aln any building or other stmcturo on the Aighl,of-Woy and gren[or shall do no blasting within 300 fttel of Granlao"s locililies w11hout Gran1eo's prK>r wriUon consent. 5. lndemn11y. By aixopling amf recording lhls eosomant. Grantee agfGes IO lndomnlry and hold htmnleS$ Granto, from any and all dalm$ for Injuries aAd/or damages sullored by any person. which may be caosed by Iha Granloe's o,cmcise of Iha rights heroin granted; provtdad, that Granlee shaU not be responsible to Granlor lot any inimios and for damagl>$ lo any poison ow sod by acts or omissions of Granter. 6. Abandonment. ThEt righls ho1ein granled shaU continue unta such time as Grantee coases to tJse lhe nighl-of-Way ror a period ol five (5) successive yoars. In which avenl lhis easement shall le1mlnale and al rights horeundor s'1all 101,1orl to Granlor. providod, tllal no abando11mel\l shall be doomed to have occuuod by reason of Grnnleo·s failure lo !nlllolly Install ll9 facDitles on the Rlgh1-or-Way wilhin any pe,iod ol 1/me r,om lhe dllla herool. 7. Successor and A:!lstons. Tho righls and obligalious ol lha pmlies shall inure 10 Iha bena1it ol and be binding upon !hair respectivo succossors and .:issigns. 780.30 2-84 (TJT)042194pkm '9306315· XO I KJ/ACOOt oo·, 235·31 Patc:ol 5 I: • I ' ., i , 1 I I j. ·.,. .. al i. • JJ ~ ' n 't !· 1\ ! ,;r·-- 0',1,. ~ j · j I i -~ '. ~ " " .,. " " " .,. ~ OATEOINs GRANTOA BY __________ _ STATE OF WASHINGTON l l ss COlfflYOF f!) ) f Oo "1is f Lf -~,y ,1, _Af_,/ fil.ht./u!,) 19 ..:L, b~ me. a Notlry PJ!bll<> I~ "'1d lo< lho S1a!eolWashlngtcn.cM)'corm1is&bf1~alyappeared ~<i PAL. ~C: A_. --===:::c__:_:_..:,__,n1 71 1a me known 10 be the c..a(l.,, \ C :? -< d .Likf:::: and -re9pecllvely, ol SI AP SHOT INCPBPQRATEP the c:otponatlon that executed lhe roregoing Instrument. and adulowledged 1he eald ln1tn.1menl to be lhe fra11 llnd voluntary act and deed ol aald corporallan, fot the UMs and pucposes lhereW'I mentioned. and on oalh staled that lhty auttiorlz.ed IO execute the oa5d lnsttumenL .A ') , ~~SHER/BEAR NotllfY Public: In R<lo~lng at_.J:.;~:&~~-;._--,,,o;;, My eppolnlmont oxplfes_--'="-'-'-'-J.-'--=''- FILED FOR RECO PUGET POWEn RD AT REQUEST OF: REAL tSll\TE DEFAATM ' P.O. OOX 9703 4 €NT !1€lU:VU£, WMlilNGTON ...... ......,.9734 ATTN: AUDIE H. NEUSON ii. 22 ILL .. ii .U ···.t :-; -~ ' :1 j i I l I I ·, .--···-1 ., / / ·/ ./· L- ( FILED ;-:'OR ric:cc .. '.) A·· .• _ f'UGE. FO':•::,i-H l R..:QUe:ST OF; P.E'\L EST,;,,, OEPAl'ITMENT ORIGINAL P;?. 80>.: g;i:;~;,i 8 -'LLEVUE, WASHINGTON 9800g.g794 PUGET EXCISE TAX NOT lli:QI.Jlflf.D King Records Diliis,un POWER , Deputy For Dnd in c:cnsidarolion ol One Oolfar fl 1.00) and other valuable eonsklornllon. lhe re m:knowlod9cd. §..L~HOI INCQAPQO/\Jl;Q o Wash!!!9J~ C-Granlor" h111reln), ornby granls, convoys nml w:uranl!: tr., PUGET SOUNO POWEn 8 LIGHT COMPANY. a Wnshinglon eorr,oration rG1Mlee" heroin>. tor Ille rm1pn!:e~ hP.rcirmllor snl fo11h; n per1>rh1:d o.u;omont ovor, o.crO$S 01,d undo, tho !allowing d!lscribod roal p,oporly l1hc. "P1opo11y" horein) in King County. Washinylon. t,ots 2. and 3, Glock B, Renton Parm Plat., according to l.he plat recorded in Volume 10 or Plnts, page 97~ Records or King County, Washington; Situate in the Southwest quarter of Sect.ion 8, 'J'ownship ,.3 Norl.h, nange OS Rast, W.M. E:11eopl as inn.y bo othoiwise sot forth heroin Grantee'u rights shall bo 0.1.orcl!led upon that por11on <.tf tho Proporty Oho -Right-ol,W:iy~ hnroin) dascribod as lo1lows; /\ Ri~ht-<Jf.Way ~ loot in width hilving .reel ol-c~1.wid1h..on..,eac.h cide of a c;enLa,Une-c;ktu:1ibed.a!! lollows: 'l'hc west five (5) (cct. o[ Lhe ill>ove dcscr,'lbcd Properly. 1. Purpoec. Granloo shall have lhe right to construct, operote, malnlaln, ropolr, replace and enlarge orie 01 mom eloclric transmtsslon ondlo, di:a.lribution liniu over and/or under the Aight-ol·W•y logelh111 wilh all necessary or com·onionl i!ppurlonaneos Uum,to, which may inc:ludo but aro not lirnllod lo lho following: o. Overhead faclllllea. Polos and/or towers wllh crossarms. braces, guys and l:lnchors, clochlc transml,.sion 3r1d dislr!bullon !inns: communication ond signnl lines: transtormors. b. Und<!rground taclllllos. Unde1ground conduits, cables, vaults, manholes. S1Wilches end tr -1nsl1;mnors: somi•bu,ied or grcund mountod facilities such as pads, ltansformots ond swild1os. Fo11o-Ntng lho initial c:onS1ruc1ic111 of its lacililios, Granloe may ltom lime to lime conslrucl such ocklillonal lines and other facilities ns it may roqui,a. 2. Accon. Grnnloe shall have the right ol access to Iha Righi-of-Way ove, a11d oc,oss Iha PtOJ'Hnly to onablo Granlee lo u:llsrdse its tights h•reunder, p1ovided. that Grantee shall compensale Granlor lor any damage lo the Property causod by the exercise ol s;aid right of ac:ces!I.. 3. Cultlng ol Tree1. Granloe shall havo lho righl lo cul or lri,n any :and all brush o, traos s.t1:u1diny or growing upon tho Riyht·ol-Way, a~ also the rigid to cul or lrim any bees upon tho Properly w-hlch, in falling, cou)d In Grauloo·s ,oasonablo judgnionl. boa hazurd lo Gran\eo's focililies. ,1. Gronlor·• UIO ol Rlght•of~W,iy. Granlot ro,HHVltS tha right lo use lho Right-or-Woy tor any putposo not lnco11sislont with the riphls l11111oln granled, provided, lhol Gronlor shall not conslNCI or maintain any building or other s!rucluro on tho Ri9h1,cf-Way 11nd grnntor shall do no blasting wilhin 300 loet of Grantee's loeililies wtlhout Gr::mteD's prior wrillon consent. 5. lndomnlly. By occopling and rocording this omsomont, GrantOEI agroes lo tndomnlly and hokt harmless Grontor hom any and all clolms tor Injuries ondlor damages auffored by ony ponmn, which may bo cau'°d by the Gra.ntoo's oxorcise ol the rights herotn gron1ed: provided, that Grnnteo shall not be responsible to Granlor lor any lnjudos and/or d::,magos lo any porson ca.used by 11els a, on1istlo~ ol G1anlor. 6. Abandonmonl. The righls horeln grenlod shoH conlinue until such llme os Grantee coases to uso the night-of-Way tor a poriod of live (5) succ:e:sive y11a,s. In whieh ovonl this easomsnl sholl lermlnale and a" rights horeundor sholt ,ovorl lo Grantot, providod, thol no obandonmonl shall bo doomed to hov1t oe1:urrod by 111a50n of Gronloo's l;,.iluro lo lnlllolly Ins.tall ils facilillos on the Right-of-Way wilhin any p111iod of lime hem the date horool. 7. successor ond Aulgn9. Tho rfghls o:md obligalions gl the porlies shaD inure lo lhe berielil of and be binding upo11 Hwi< respeciiYo successor!. Bnd assigns. 780.30 2·84 (TJT)042194pkm 9306315·XOI KJ!AC0<:11 oo·, 235-31 Parcel 5 I ! l I •• / ~-·-i -. 'W i . t1 .,. ' i's r ; l\ \. ,1 '/ ··~l,.·j •i II\ 0 ['-... ... ..,. ... ... ... ..,. 0, DATED lhl• GRANTDA Ile i(j, ~ . / ... ' J;., Sl!> day of ___ :~c.....;:;;..,'F'-"=--~'-c.....~~-------199.l_. ev ____________ _ STATE DFWASHINGTON l l ss COUNTYOF fj) ) ~ Onlhls /Lf-ilayol_A ) 19 '+ b':,!irome,aNo1ary~~lortl10 - s_,.,_•.:ol=W=:as:h:lng\r>::.__;"·-"'_;_Y comm~ i9sk:i and sworn, persooafy appeared _ :'( <7 R"""Li!... C A-_. aid 77 to me known lO be lhe c...;o_... \_r ? £ d .LJc,..c: and re,pectivoly, ol SI AP SHOT INCOBPOAATEP the c:orporaUon lha1 exacuted Iha huegolng Instrument. and acknowledged lhe said inalrumenl to bo lhe froa and vokJnwy ncl and deed of aald cc,potalkln, for the UMS and pu,poaes lheHJln menUoned, and on oath •lilied lhat they authorized IO execute Iha aakl Instrument. A } ' ~~ SHERI BEAR Notary Public: In Ro.ldlng at _ _:~~~~~~:'...."""?:,,o;;;;e- My nppolnlrnont axpkas _ _.:,:::,u...L.t.....:..~"25::::::::.... FILED FOR RECO PUGr,r POwen RO AT REQUEST OF• !~~~J~~l~1~fEFARTMENT 1 lalEU£VUE, WASHINGTON 1111009-D734 ATTN: AUDIE H. NEUSON a. a &S '·. J •• ' •• ···.1 .:~ ,, . .~ '> .\ ' ~! ' ., '.l I i i I \ I I -···-11: . Ii-; Printed: I 0-05-2007 Payment Made: CITY OF RENTON 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Land Use Actions RECEIPT Permit#: LUA07-122 10/05/2007 03:22 PM Receipt Number: R0705370 Total Payment: 2,000.00 Payee: RENTON SCHOOLDISTRICT TRANSPORTATION CENTER Current Payment Made to the Following Items: Trans Account Code Description 5020 000.345.81.00.0017 Site Plan Approval Payments made for this receipt Trans Method Description Payment PO 270025 Account Balances Trans Account Code Description 3021 303.000.00.345.85 Park Mitigation Fee 5006 000.345.81.00.0002 Annexation Fees 5007 000.345.81.00.0003 Appeals/Waivers 5008 000.345.81.00.0004 Binding Site/Short Plat 5009 000.345.81.00.0006 Conditional Use Fees 5010 000.345.81.00.0007 Environmental Review 5011 000.345.81.00.0008 Prelim/Tentative Plat 5012 000.345.81.00.0009 Final Plat 5013 000.345.81.00.0010 PUD 5014 000.345.81.00.0011 Grading & Filling Fees 5015 000.345.81.00.0012 Lot Line Adjustment 5016 000.345.81.00.0013 Mobile Home Parks 5017 000.345.81.00.0014 Rezone 5018 000.345.81.00.0015 Routine Vegetation Mgmt 5019 000.345.81.00.0016 Shoreline Subst Dev 5020 000.345.81.00.0017 Site Plan Approval 5021 000.345.81.00.0018 Temp Use, Hobbyk, Fence 5022 000.345.81.00.0019 Variance Fees 5024 000.345.81.00.0024 Conditional Approval Fee 5036 000.345.81.00.0005 Comprehensive Plan Amend 5909 000.341.60.00.0024 Booklets/EIS/Copies 5941 000.341.50.00.0000 Maps (Taxable) 5954 650. Special Deposits 5955 000.05.519.90.42.1 Postage 5998 Tax Remaining Balance Due: $0.00 Amount 2,000.00 Amount 2,000.00 Balance Due .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00