HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA 07-129_MiscWHEN RECORDED RETURN TO LOZIER AT LAUREL CREST, L.LC. 1203 114THAVENUE SOUTHEAST BELLEVUE, WASHINGTON 98004 DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON E2284531 e,11s,zee1 14:ta KING COUNTY, IJA J~ .. , .•••.•• s1, m,00e.e0 PAGEH1 OF 10 'ii' CHICAGO Tl1LE INSURANCE COMP ANY ~---------1148453 STATIITORY WARRANTY DEED TIIB ORANl'OR(S) PAUL A LJ.IDBERG ANO LOIS A. Uf'.l>Bl:AG, HUSBAND AND 1MFE ANO STEPHEN J. LINDBERG ANO GENA R. LINDBERG, HUSBAND ANOW1FE, ANO TIMOTHY LINDBERG ANO JENNIFER LINDBERG, HUBAND AND WIFE ANO PATRtCK GRAtWAAND SAA.AH GRAHAM, HUSBAND ANO WIFE for and in consideration of TEN OOLI.ARSANO OTHER GOOO AND VALUABLE CONSIOEPATION in hand paid, con~ and warrants to LOZIER AT LAUflEL CREST, t..LC., A WASHINGTON LIMIT.ED LIABIUTY COMPANY the following described real estate situated .in the County of KING See attached Exhibit "A" for legal description CHICAGO TITLE INS. cc(z) REF# //Y.l'/f'.J ,1 ·IO State ofWa,hington: Subject to: Exceptions set forth on attached Exhibit 0 0 11 and by this reference. made a part hereof as if fully incorporated herein. Abbreviated Legal: Parcel A: Lot 3, KC S.P. #676075, 7701190691 Parcels B, C, D and F: Lots 1, 2, 3, and Pin of Lot 4, KC S.P. #882065, 8303160822 Tax Paree) Numbers: 152305-9044.00, 152305-9206-04, 152305-9205-05, 152305-9222-04 and 152305-9223· 03 Dated: Af" Jo 7 LPB10/KLC/05200S OCT 2 6 2007 ECEIVED ';,,. STATE OP WASHINGTON ss COUNTY OF KING ON TIIIS ; /?JJ--DAY OF MAY 2007 BEFORE ME, TIIE UNDERSIGNED, A NCYI'ARY Puaf..Ic IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, DULY COMMISSIONED AND SWORN, PERSONALLY APPEARED PAUL A. LINDBERG AND LOIS A. LINDBERG KNOWN TO ME TO BE THE IND1VIDUAL (S) DESCRIBED IN AND wno EXECUTED THE WITHIN INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEOOED THA.T THEY SIGNED AND SEALED THE SAME AS THEIR FREE AND VOLUNTARY Ac:t AND DEED, FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES HEREIN MENTIONED. NOTARY PUBLIC RE'SIDING AT MY COMMISSION STATS OP WASHINGTON SS COUNTY OF KING ON THIS ;l{(!:J,,, DAY OF MAY, 2007 ~EFORE ME, THE UNDERSIGNED, A NOTARY PUBLIC IN ANO FOR THE STATE OP WASHINGTON, DULY COMMISSIONED AND SWORN, PERSONALLY APPEAAED STEPHEN J. LINDBERG AND GENA R. LINDBERG KNOWN TO ME TO BE TI-IE INDIVIDUAL(S) DESCRIBED IN AND WHO KX.Ea.JTED THE WITHIN INSTRUMENT AND ACKNCIWLEIXJBD THAT TI{EY SIGNED AND SEA.LED rH£ SAME AS THEIR FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT AND DEED, FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES HERBIN MENTIONED. STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OP KING ss ON THIS / ~ DAY OF MAY, 2007 B&PORE ME, THE UNDERSIGNED, A NOTARY PUELIC IN ANO POR THB STATE OF WASHINGTON 1 ot.n.."l' COMMISSIONED AND SWORN, PERSONALLY APPEARED TIMOTHY LINDBERG AND JENNIFER LINDBERG IOIOWN TO ME TO BB THE INOIVIDUAL(S} DESCRIBED IN AND WHO EXECUTED THE WITHIN INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED THAT THEY SIGNED AND SEALED TIJE SAME AS THEIR FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT AND DEED, FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES HEREIN ME>IT~IONED. t' I~ c, A __, . '''"'"'llli1, JI_ . 1/U\,IL(v,,-..,:-'~ ·SAU/Vt. ,,,, .::-~· ., ........ , ~..(\ ,, NOT SIGNA A4 s; ~::~V"fffio";;P~{ 'l~ "';J , == : o'\ ,,. "IP\ ~ PRINTED NAME: /L ... <->/)(4t(_,/A,,(. ~ iO ~ ... .. % ~ g NOTARY PUBLIC JJi J-!IDJ~R THE STATE OF WASHINGTON~ · \~ P.ue,"~ ...._j ,_: RESIDING AT L.,(//1..;{/A"-_..,, . / ; / ~ "'':,, 3-,~·".s' / = MY COMMISSION~!;//"/ ~W. ~11 "J:.,~•••~..,-~~'-": -.,.., 11,, ·,: OF V4r ~..$ •111\\\\\\,, ... ,, STATE OP WASHINGTON ss '""' comITY OF KING ON THIS ;1{JJ,--DAY OF MAY, 2007 BEFORE ME, THE UNDERSIGNED, A NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OP WASHINGTON, DULY COMMISSIONED AND SWORN, PERSONALLY APPEARED PA'IRICK GRAHAM AND SARAH GRAHAM KNOWN TO ME TO BE THE INDIVIDUAL(S) DESCRIBED IN AND WHO EXECl.n'ED TIIE WITHIN INSTRUMfillT AND ACKNOWLEOOED THAT THEY SIGNED AND SF.ALEO THE SAME AS THEIR FREE AND THE USES AND PURPOSES HEREIN MENTIONED. ; ,, EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRll'TION -, , , w ._.IV,~ o u I I .1,11,.., Order No.: 1148453 THEIAND REFERRED TO IS SITUATED IN THE STATE OFWASHINGTON,COUNTY OF KING ,ANDISDESCR!BEDASFOllOWS: PARCEL A: WT 3, KING COUNTY SHORT PIAT NUMBER 676075, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 7701190691, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. PARCEL B: LOTS 1, KING COUNTY SHORT PIAT NUMBER 882065, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 8303160822, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; PARCEL C: Wl'S 2, KING COUNTY SHORT PIAT NUMBER 882065, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 8303160822, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; PARCEL D: Wl'S 3, KING COUNTY SHORT PLAT NUMBER 882065, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 8303160822, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; PARCEL E: LOTS 4, KING COUNTY SHORT PLAT NUMBER 882065, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 8303160822, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE NORTII 60 FEET OF THE EAST 30 FEET OP u::tr 4, CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY FOR ROAD PURPOSES RECORDED UNDER RE())RDING NUMBER 8705050n4; TOGETIIER WITII TIIE NORTII 3 0. 5 FEET OF THE EAST 3 0 FEET OF SAID LOT 4 , VACATED BY CITY OP RENTON ORDINANCE NUMBER 5278, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20070511001389. 1111111111111111~11111 WHEN PECOAOED RETURN TO lOZIERATlAUAEL CREST, L.LC. 1203114THAVENUE SOUTHEAST BELLEVUE, WASHINGTON 98004 20070515001818 CHICAGO TITLE I.JD J4 .et PAGEN 1 OP eea ~/15/2007 14:24 ICING COUNTY I IJA E2284536 05/J5/ZD97 14:21 KING COUNTY I UA TAX f19,585.00 SALE $1, 1110,eee.01 Pi=!GEtel OF 001 @ CHICAGOTITLElNSURANCECOMPANY SfATUTORY WARRANTY DEED THE GRANTOR(S) FREDERICKL BUSCHANDJUD'f R. BUSCH, HUSBANOANDWJFE for and in consideration of TENDDLlARSANDOTHl;RGOOoANDVAlUAEILECONSIDERATION in hand paid, conVC)'li and warrants to LOZIER AT l.AUREl. CREST, LLC.., A WASHINGTON LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY 1197679 the following described real estate situated in the County of KING State of Washington: THE EAST 330 FEET OF THE SOUTH 198 FEET OF THE SOUTHEAST OUARTE'.A OF THE NOR.TH!:AST ~TEA OF "11-iE NORlliWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, AANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON: EXCEPT THAT PORTION THE:AEOF l.YING WITHB',1 THE RGHT OF WAY OF SOUTHEAST 132ND STREET. SUBJECT TO: EXCEPTIONS SET FORTH ONATIACHED E»BBIT'A' Ai'-10 BYTHIS REFERENCE MADE A PART HEREOF AS IF FULLY INCORPORATED HEREIN, TaxAa:ountNumber(s): 1023060062-03 Dated: MAY 3, 2007 ~£~ FREDEFVCK L BUSCH CHICAGO TITLE INS. Cc(;l} REF# ll9?, 7'?-10 LPB10/KLCj052006 STATE OP WASHINGTON SS COUNTI OF KING ON THIS 111]!_ DAY OF MAY, :2007 BEFORE ME, THE UNDERSIGNED, A NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, DULY COMMISSIONED AND SWORN, PERSONALLY APPEARED PRE:OERICK L. BUSCH AND JUDY R. BUSCH I<NOWN TO ME TO BE THE INDIVlDUAL(S} DESCRIBED IN AND WHO EXECUTED THE WITHIN INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDOED TIIAT THEY SIGNED AND SEALED THE SAME AS THEIR FREE ANO VOLUNTARY ACT AND DEED, FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES HEREIN MENTIONED. 't,v" PRINTED NAME: NOTARY PUBLIC 1.111'0-h~R '111E STATE OF WASHINGTON RESIDING AT IM lAA 3!t" ;-,~ l / MY CO)Q1ISSI0N PIR&S ON / I vu . I " ' \A/HEN RECORDED RETURN TO LOZIER AT LAUREL CREST, LLC, 1203 114TH AVENUE SOUTHEAST BElLEVUE,. WASHINGTON 98004 111111111111111111111 20070515001960 CHICAGO TlTLE WD 34.119 PAGi011 OF 003 95/tS/2817 14:42 KING COUNTY, WA @ CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED TIIB GRANrOR(S) RICARDO Q, BELTMN,.AN UNMARRIED rAAN AS HIS SEPARATE ESTATE for and in considention of TEN 001.L.AA.S ANO OTHER GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATK>N in hand paid, conveys and warrants to LOZI~ AT LAUREL CREST, LLC., A WASHINGTON LIMITED UABIUTY COMPANY 1172584 the following de.scn"bed real estate situated in the. County al KING Slate of Washington: LOT 1, KING COUNTY SHORT PLATNUMBEA881050, RECORDEDUNOERRECORaNG NUMBER 4201220536, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. SUBJECT TO: EXCEPTIONS SET FORTH ON ATIACHEO EXJilBlTW AND BY THIS REFERENCE MADE A PART HEREOF AS IF FULLY INCORPORATED HEREIN. Tax Account Nmnber(s): Dated: MAY3,2007 CHICAGO TITLE INS. c@ REF# // 7 ii. SN-1 o E2284539 !!!''"/2917 14Jl "f ~ COUNTY' 19,183.H Je: $511, ...... PAGEl01 OF 181 LPBlO/KLC/{>52006 ·,. STATE OP WASHINGTON SS COUNTY OP KING ON THIS /bi!i-DAY OF MAY, 2007 BEFORE ME, THE UNDERSIGNED, A NOTARY PUBI.iIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OP WASHINGTON, DULY COMMISSIONED AND SWORN, PERSONALLY APPEARED RICARDO Q. BELTRAN KNOWN TO ME TO BE THE INDIVIDUAL (S) DESCRIBED IN AND WHO &XECVI'ED THE WITHIN INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED THA.T HE SIGNED ANO SEA.LED THE-SAME AS HIS FREE AND 2]:~~:;:· MS ~~,S ~ .. , •~•wa,. PRINTED NAME, 7/M,4.. JA-S~·,._./ NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OP WASHINGTON RESIDING AT ~JMJ:0,.--:'. 1 I MY COMMISSION PIRES ON ,'5 / 1 ?,p [ f . i Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 20070511001389.001 1111111111111111 20070511001389 CITY OF R£11TON ORD 36.ee PAGENI OF 885 ID/ll/2N7 13:2& KING COUNTY, UA Please print or type information WASfilNGTON ST ATE RECORDER'S Cover Sheet (RCW 6S 04) Document Title(s) (or transactions conl>ined therein): (all areas applicable to your document must be filled in) I. Ordinance 5278 2. 3. 4. Reference Nurnber(s) of Documents assigned or released: Additional reference #'son page_ of document Grantor(s) (Last name first name, initials) I. Cit)'.'. of Renton ' 2. . Addilional names on page_ of document. Grantee(s) (Last name first, then first name and initials) I. • 2. . Additional names on page_ of document. Legal description (abbreviated: i.e. lot block, plat or section, township, range) A portion of vacated right-of-way, per City of Renton Onlinance 5278, in the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 15, Township 23 Nonh, Range 5 East, W.M. in the City of Renton, King County, Washington. Additional lee:al is on oa2e _3 of document. Assessor's Property Tax Parcel Account Number D Assessor Ta~# not yet assigned l 523059222 & l 523059223 The Auditor/Recorder will rely on the information provided on the form. The staff will not read the document to verify the accuracy or completeness of the indexina information provided herein. .. I am requestmg an emergency nonstandard recordmg for an addlltonal fee as provided m RCW 36.18.0 l 0. I understand that the recording processing requirements may cover up or otherwise obscure some pare of the text on the original document. _______________________ Signature of Requesting Party CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 5278 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASDINGTON, VACATING A PORTION OF FIELD AVE. NE (ESM CONSULTING ENGINEERS; VAC-06-004) ,, WHEREAS, a proper petition for vacating a portion of Field Ave. NE, was filed · . with the Cily Clerk on August 17, 2006, and that petition was signed by the owners representing more than rwo-thirds (213) of the propeny abutting upon the streer or alley to be vacated; and WHEREAS, Che Cicy Council. by Resolution No. 3836, passed on October 2, 2006, set November 6, 2006, at 7:JO p.m. in the Cily Council C~ of the City ofRcntoo aa lhe time and place for a public hearing on this matter, and the City Clerk having given proper notice of chis hearing aa provided by law, and all persons having been heard who appeared to testify in favor or in opposition on this matter, and the City Council having considered all information and arguments presented to it; and WHEREAS, the Administrator of the Planning/Building/Public Works Department haa considered this petition for vacation, and haa found it to be in the public interest and for the public benefi~ and that no injury or damage tci any person or properti .. wiD result from this vacation; and WHEREAS. after the public bearing the City Council decided to limit the vacation to the North 30 feet of the reqluested vacation area; NOW, THEREFORE, TilE CITY COUNCIL OF TiiE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTIONL The following described portion of Field Ave. NE, to wit: I ·• CERTIFICATE I, the undersigned Cily Cleric of the City of Renton, Washington, certify that this is a true and correct copy of ..:f>.!dirJ~,; • s;i.73 , Subsrn:ibed and sea!ed this.JLday of (t]a.y , 2007. ~ ',J. l.ua..R:y-,v B:mie I. i'eltm, City Clede 20070511001389.002 20070511001389.003 ORDINANCENO. 5278 A portion of right-of-way in the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 15, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in the City of Renton, King County, Washington. See Exhibits "A" and "B" attached hereto and made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein is hereby vacated. SECTIONil. Compensation is set in the amount of $6,850.00 for this street vacation. SECTION ill. 'This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval, and five days after its publication. A certified copy of this ordinance shall be filed with the Office of Records and Elections, and as otherwise provided by law. PASSED BY THE CTIY COUNCIL this 7th day of ___ M_a~y'-------' 2007. Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk APPROVEDBYTHEMAYORthis 7th dayof May ,2007. ----~--------' Approved as to form: c:£,. .. ,41' ... ~. , , Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney '-- Date of Publication: 5/12/2007 (summary) ORD. 1353:4/19/07:ch 2 .... .._./···~··· ... ~, -t' • --.... . .. I l. .'"f . ~w • ; : . . ·. (f) .· ,I •,. •, •• •••••• ...... til~ .... ~ ............ ORDINANCE NO. 5278 EXHIBIT "A" STREET VACATION LEGAL DESCRIPTION 20070511001389.004 ·,The north 30.5 feet of the east 30 feet of Lot 4 of King County Short Plat No.882065, Recording N,umber 8303160822, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the North quarter comer of Section 15, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, of the Willamette Meridian in King County, Washington; thence South 00°28'00" East, along the East line of the Northwest quarter of said Section 15, a distance of939.25 feet to the Northeast corner of Lot 4 of said short plat and the True Point of Beginning; thence continuing South 00°28'00" East, along said East line, a distance of 30.51 feet; thence North 89°15'45" East, parallel with the North line of said Lot 4, a distance of 30.00 feet; thence North 00°28'00" West, parallel with said East line, a distance of30.51 feet, to the North line of said Lot 4; thence South 89° 15'45" East, a distance of 30.00 feet to the True Point of Beginning. Containing an area of 915 Square Feet or 0.02 Acre more or less. All situate in the City of Renton, County of King, Stale of Washington. EXPIIB5-23-ZC1'1 1'' :\- \ <) \.. \.. 50' "' 0 co " 3: • 0 0 co (\J . 0 0 z NANCE NO. 5278 ORDI E~iBtl~f ;ION ~10 STR r corner !5 North qu1\?\ownshiP ,n sectionth Range 5 ": 23 nor · m , east, W.J.t. . ; <{' .I. L 1, '- L-'-.1 Area of g ' street m vacat 10 ~ 0 <I) 20070511001389.005 589 •1s·is·r ~ J0.00" V Lot 4 "15'45"E 215.05' S89 ,--( Q) . • .-I en ~ 0 co ..... ..... CBNTJJ.(I JY.~g, Federal Way, fax 9th Avenue South -253-661-7719 33701 253-661-1901 mam I I I ' .... ------:&.. ·--------·---------,.-· ----·-·-----------·-······ ~. 0 q 1flll PIONEER NATIONAL ~ TTT\.f. INSURANCE r,.,t~ )l'o\C! IO(MO ,()41 l!C010(1'$ 1,1\f ~•d for Record al Req u .. t o1 Lu tF"TER RECORDING HAIL T~I ·»e1.mar J'Lintwr ca.po,,.y C"I !RJ 201 II, v. 92nd Strut ._,-. '" '' 0 ' ·,.) ·- 0 '° r- .:T ,- N 0 0 . ..;..C do 000 bw Partial Release of Mortqac;re (CORPORATE FORM) 11'091M L 14'1 KNOW AU JI F.N BY TI/ESl!. PRl!.SE..VTS, That MFll'ROl'OLITAN FETE!W. SAVIJIGS, AND LOAJI ASSOCIATION OF SEJ..~, a corpora t'.i.on u,.,.....,. and holdff of Iha. <ertahi -'Pl• bc<rln& date tl>e 16th d,7 of Ootobor , l9 66 , esec.,,tcd by RUBY STELLA ~. e.11 he:?' aepamte eatate lo tceurt: pi1ymc:it of lbe tun:. of · f 'NDITl' PIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS AJID N0/100' o---------···--------------7--------Dollan &nd b1ura4 and ffl':Ordtd 1A the offia of I.be Courity Auditor ol DlfG .~ County, Stat, ol Wuhln&(o,l, .., the ~th day ol llovombor l9 66, lo Vol.,.. 5323 of Mort111es, 1t pqe 2J2 , lwlng Audllor'1 FIie No. 6103939 , for value-r_ecelwd, doa benby ,.i.... and dbcb&,.e from tl>e Ueo of •Id inorttqe tho folio,rinc ckocrlbcd portion of tho. rnonppd pmnloa, tltuat.e Jn the C-OUaty or KING , Stak of Wuhfl\f;1oa, to-wit:;; '!hat portion of th& Northweot quarter of the northeast quarter of ~otion 11, Tovnohip 25 North, Bang& 5 !)ult, V.M., il', lC1ng CO\Dlt,,', V&ehlngton, doaoribod aa follow1 Couanencing at the northeast G1'rner of eaid subdivteion; thenoe Soutti 01•~1 06" we•t along tho east line thereof )61.939 feet to tho northeuterl:r lliargin of tho Burlington Northern Railroad 1118ht-of-w,;r1 thenoo lorth 69°07•o8• "'""t along aaid north•..,.terl:r margin 165.672 feet to tho true point of beglnnlng1 thonoe oontillue Borth 69"07'08" Voat 132.589 teet1 thonoe llorth 1'24'06" .Ira.et lol.447 feet to a point on tho eouthorl:r margin of Redmond Vq, aaid point being on a n,m.-t.vige,nt C"J.rV8 to thC' risht, the c.enter of which beare South 15•07'47" Ea.at 1402.09 ftl!et; t..,,,_enoe Ea.lJterl;y alOll6' aaid ourve to th9; right, an a.re d.iotanoo South 1'24'06" lloat 2)6.S96 foot to tho true point of begin.'ling, Al.SO 'lhat portion of t-h.e nort.ltwe11t qua..rter of the northeaat quarter of Seo1. ... on 11 t To,1tu1hip 25 lorth, a.zip S &Lot, v.11., in JUng C'1unt;r, \/~on, d./.oorJ.beJ u !.>llova1 CoalDen,,in& at the northeaat corner o! NJ.d wbd1Y1•1on1 thence Sout)J'.."01•24 1 06" Voot alon.r I.ho oaot lint thn .. of )61.939 te1t to tho nortboutnl.r IDi!,rg1n or tho Jlurll.n~n llorthorn Railroad RJ.gl1t .,r-Vq1 thonoo llorth 69' 07'06" wot llon,g Hid nortbeutorl1 aargin .!96.261 fHt to tho trll• J,Oint of bo~''l!I thonoo oontinuo Jlorth 69'07•c,f1• VHt 226.397 feet, to tho ooutberl:r margin of Redmond Va:r1 thanoe North 67'5$'00" l!aot along u.J.d •outhorl7 mrgtn.167,2)) foot to tho beginning or a non-tangent curro to tho right, tho oentor of which boan South 17•42•2s• J!'.ut 1402,69 foot1 thonoo ruterl:r alon,: Mid ourvo to tho right, an Arc dintanoo of 63,094 feet through a oontro.l angle of 2'~'38"1 thence eouth 1'24'06" Vut 161.~47 foot to tho true point of beginning. ' I I l. 1 I ' , l . •. I ... • • l ------.... . ..• ----------..... , ~-- • .. " In t.n § @ ,... D~t tbiJ rd<&ae &haD 001 lmpolr tbe Um o! u,;,·ia;ci mor~ u lolh< i.ods thmlis dtlCrlbod, not h<re'by releucd. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said corporatloa 1w cau,od 1bi1 lmtrumau to be oecutod by Its proper o!fiurl and llJ corpora~ tts1 to br btttvoto_a,hed tbit 28th day of July :--'. , 19 76 . ,' ~ : ',. .... ;· .. . ' ...... .. . ~,,('Ir,.,,.,.:., .. ·, . ' ' .. " . ..... ~ ... : ~ ... r: -, _, ' .... ,TATE of' WA~ijn-;ci:g~; :.1~:· Coua11 of IIIIC ! ,I 1 On 1h11 28th,, day ol July , A. D. 10 761,, belON mo, tbe undet· Jlpd, a Nowy PubUc Ia and fM lM St.atr of W&lhln(toa, duty commlstlone-:1 and '"'11, pt1'1IOOJIJ)y appa.rcd lLo,ymon4 Cleon and Ferrio L, Draco bl;r'. to rm known to be the Aaat Vioe-President and Treasurer W8.it11J. rnpectfwely, of llfil'IWPOLITAII FKllEHAL SAVIIICS .lllD LOA!! .&8SOOIATIOII OP 111':Ai'l'LE f ,,. _ · · . tlie ~tlon th.t o«ul<d tbe lorqolna Instrument, and ~ the ,aid ~men! to be tbe ,,... and ' _. · .... vp;au~ "!'--'1 and dttd of aaJd corpon.tloo, for the we, and purposes therein mea!KAM:d, and on OIi.th stattd thl.t •· •.' •• ~,./& J:J,f f / IIN a.uthorlJed to a.eeute the said wslnaMl'!Cll and that the anl alhed Is the corporate a!!al of ; .','. / slid~- .> ~; :'' \ ,' T /1 . ..,..i1"$f ln): lwld and official ....i be""' Affix«I the day and ~I~ tblJ certld•:.,•e abow tm. l~·:r:~ \ _.... :.: ~ /J _· l '~. ·:\ ;';_,CLIC r ; . __ ,· ~-H<..J_,;./111• ' '-{-.,..L;,. .. , .. -- ·. '.'·.·' .. , . ; • .-N«"'7 l'wl,I;,: •-' for 14' S1ou •I Wc,Alopow, .: .... -;· -Cl Beattle i ... . .. ,.. ~ "-,1 -. -; 11---------i-._...... .. .... 1~ili·fll·;,il 1 ''~'"' .,. ........... -,... .......... ....;' ... : .... ';,;·;.·.-,,;-·;:--;;.-~-;,:.,;;..._~--------}ULM!,·., vr:ri\V,"'''· 4 - I I I ' I I l I I • ., PUGET POWER [. ... sc.,1L"'\'T fOR L-:..:UERGROL ;,;o [Lf.CTRIC S\'STI:.\1 RODRIGO cl~ la Ve,:;a MAGAT ar,..:;. A.~TO!\lA 1-1. r-'.P..G ..... "0T;_o;:_~-AAJ>..:c"=-------- Ai5B:GPJLJ•Eil"Hl BlEEOPP !t'Q EIPid:lQB....i1:8EFnJIUIE ElCFotrn J!I<' ':3£&-,~ ... · r·Grin1or·· h,rrml ,r1nt,. cNwt~'t 11.d warnnt1 10 PUGET SOUND POWER It LICHT CO\fPAl'-"'I". • \\'11h1n,,on cor- porallon l"Gr1n1n·· hft,r1nl. for tht purpou1 hf'rt1nal1rr lt"t forth, pt"rperu1I ranmtnt 11ndrr. lcn:JH ind o•·rr 1h, fol, lov.iflF ,J"~1b,c! rt-al propt ~ 11hr .. Properr)'°' h,nin) ~:ING. Counl)', \\'nhidF!on <:1 r. ~ 0 M 0 N 0 N "" 7he south half of t.he Sout.h.,,..est 1/4 of the ;Jorth1,,.•eSt 11" of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 15, To":nship 2) l'iorth, Ringe S East, I\.~ . .1.n Kini; Countr, ""ashington, t.XCtPT the east, so~tt, an!! ,.,,.est )O feet !or road. ;,, E.Jcct"pl II may br o!herwiJf' ~,t fc,rth huw. Gr1n1u·1 rifhts ,h,11 b, o.,rcn,d \Jpcin 1h.r ror1ior'I of 1h, Pniptrl)' llh, .. Ri,hl· of \\'a~" h,rt'lni dr,crib,d u followt· , .-\~""1:'4~=-=-=-=--------ftt.Hl!",..,dtMitn-,~ ------------~ ..vc:~ ... ~~~ .. ~I-fol .~ h-~l&~H..fMkiws. The south 10 feet of the above described proper.;y. 1, Purpo,e. Granlet 1hal1 ht\·, the ripht 10 con1truc1. operate, cuint,in. rrp1lr. replatt' 1nd enl~r,e 1n und,rp-ound el~t 1nMr.ii.mon 1nd'or di.irtburior. 1~-sltrn upon and unde_r lht RIJht-of.\\'ar 10,e1her \\i1h all n,ceu.iry or com·enient 1p,- pu11en1nc .. , 1h,r,for. which ma~· indudt but are not limi1,d lo th, rollo\\in1: undtrp-o\Jnd i:ond,u\11. cables, mrnmuntcatlon lines: ,·aulu. manholu. Jnitchu. and lruuform,r,; and ,,ml-buritd or rr1;1un~ mountf'd fadllti'i~. Foll°"irll tht Initial COJlo Jltutlion of ils hcili1io. Gr1n1tt may from time to lime a;,ns1ruc1 such adt!inonal fadlititl •f 11 mar require. l. Ac~n. Gra:i1tt shill han 1h, tiph: of aceu! 10 tht R1tht-of-W1y e>nr and ac:ro,s lhf Proper~ 10 enable Grt.'llet lo CJU• cist i1.s t1J.hlt htttunder. pro1idrd. th11 Grantee 1hell compenu1e Gnntor ror any d1mett 10 1ht Prc,p,rry c::tUHd by lhe ,ur- ti5t of Hld ri(fh1 o( ICCOS. : ' J. Ob5truction1; Utld.caplt!,J, Gr1ntn m1~· from time 10 tim, rtmo"' trtu. buJhes.or tttht'r obs1r-ucrioru ~ithln lhit !1.iP,I• of-\\'1~· ind m1y Jt\·el ind ,,-,dt UI" Ri1h1-af.\\'1r ttt tht exll!'nl re11C1nablr nitee5.nry.· 10 carry· ou1 the pwpo,,a xi forth ln p.ra,raph l hertof. pro,~d,d. that follo"'illF an~· 1uch work, Cr1U11~, 1h11l. 10 lM ex1,n1 reuo"°"bly pr1cticablt, res1ore the r...r.h1-af.\\'1y 10 1h, Cflndirion It wu lmmedi11ely prior to tllch worlr.. Followina tht tT1S111l1tio'h of Cr1n1e-e·s .nderwround f•cilities. Gran:o~ may under11h any ordinary lrnprovemtnlJ lo the-l1ncacaptn1 of the RIP\1-of-War. provided th11 no trees or other planll th•ll be plact'd 1hereon 1.,·hich •would be unreuonabJy o:peruive or lmpr1ctlca.l,for Gtanltt IO remcrvt ,nd re1tore. r "· Graz,tor'• Uw o! Rl~11-oJ'.\\.'e~·. Gr111tor reserves the ri,hl 10 UH' th, Ripl1-of.W1r for Ill)' pllrpo.,e not lncoosistent wt.th lhr n@hts h,rtin pnnred. pf'O\idrd: 1h11 CranLor 1h11] nol conJtruc: or m1inl11in &n)· bulldlna: or Other strumrit on the Ri~h1-- of-W1y "·hlch would lnterfrre ,._;th tl;, v:udH ur !!1e ri1hts herein 1t•nled: 1h11 no chs,ing. tu,1nelin, or olher form of con- 1truction ar.nvity •hall b" don, on !ht Property which would di,iurb tht compaction or unHtl" i....-an1ee'1 ladllties on th1t Flirhr.(Jf.\\'1r. or endan1n tht h1er11l rupporl 10 Hi~ fadlitie•: ar,d 1h11 no blutin,thall b-, don, ;...;rhi_n 15 feelo! 1h,-F.lp~- War. · I, lndeninl~·-By at.ttptin{ and rt1eo1diftl th!, t n".'mtl'II. r.t1nlH" &l'N't lo tnd,111nlfy and hllld .h,nnl• ~ramor from any and 1ll c.l1lffu for lnlurtea ud.'or dam-, .. ,u.Uend br &n)" per.on which m•r be cauNd b)' th, C~in1 .. ·1 uaroNof th• r.,tib l11treln p-an11td: prcn-ldad. lh11 Gra.nler 1hall no1 bt rNpontlblt ta Cranlor for &n)' lnluriu and/. or dam.,.. m Ill)' pt:rlml cauHd br ,cu or omll!RonJ of Gr11ntor. ~: ,, 1. ANndonrn•nL The rl1h11 h1tr.in rani.d •11111 CM!llnu• until 1uch ttm, 11 Cran1" C.UH 1~ Ul4I' 1bit Rlabl-or-Way lor • peritld of fw, f!l 1uct:H1lvt ~·11n. In which 1tven1 thlJ HNmenl ,h1ll 11trmln1ta ll'td all riplt1 hunnder M&IJ m-ert 10 Crllfl- lor .. ptO\id1td thac .no 1Nndonment 1h1U bit dMmtd lo h•v• oceurr-ed b)' .--.on of CranlN°1 f.Uun IO lnl .. ll)' lnlllU lta l1olt1te1 on th, R11h1-af.W1y ... ,lhtn itn)' ,,-r1Dd ol tlmt ft'Oln th, di!• htfftl!, 7, Sur.ceHon ~d Aalp. The ri,hll and obll1adON of lht p1rt111 ,hall lnurt lo lhti bentn1 or and be btndln, upon th1tlr riupK11\'f tutteuon and 1..i,,.. D FOR RECORD AT REQUEST OF: R lS9l OB680Sl FILE ){J 4( 235/57 rti(il'.1 f'll~'·?' ... ""' n1:M l.5 r. , . , .\ .... ON P\AiLT ro·ur.n lHOG BEi.LE.VUE, WJ\SHING·roN 90Xl9 • ' • ... • • • , .. ~ ""'''"'"11'1" ... A ·-, • • ·•W--,,~~~"4":~to.r.Y-1•,. ,/ . : •. '. • . . fl· .• ,' ... -. ·.·.·. ' .• ' ·. .·· . . . ~! • • ; .: ' • • ' ' ;--• o • .. ~ ,I ' ~. ; • • • t ' ''} ~ .. !, \ ' . .. . -. . ' ., ,. ' ,,, ·,. _J •• C"-"•~' f,,1'r,1,~\ Jton~IG'J de c;;eQHI' m:L' al EIGP8fID-,_, ~· ,.,, .... ® SAFECO ·- t Ir, 1h1, ,t.,, I'' ,,,.u.,11, ·'l'I'• .11,·,I l,,·f,•11 ~uJrh• 0..-L> Vcg.i M11g,1t anJ ...• --· __ _ AntiJni., ,,. n"· L,,.,. 11 '" 1,., ,h, m,1 11 ,,1,.,,1tt l, ,, ,,t~ ,! "' .,u,! "'"' , ", u:, ,I rh• "l!h1n ,111,I h~, ~,,..,,. .,,,,,., .. ,, ,.,I ,,. ~o,•• 11·,li,:1 ,! '" nu· 1h.11 ,t~ur,l !11t· ,.11111 .n her t,, , .. ,OHi ,,•luot.1t, .1, 1 .. ,11,I •Ir-• I I,•• ,~.1 ..... 1.,,.,.,.,, ""1,,,, 25 , ,1,,,-,1...Jani......., // { ' '. /.,. 7'1~ «~-/' ;-;, · 82 \,.1,,., 1,.,.1,. ,~ ,..,,J , .. , ,,., \/,,,, , , 11,,,, , .. er .. ~, ., .,,l••o: Rent"bn ~ .. ~~·~)t'=:-,is1f,•nr•dt,t,1he nmr ..-their STA IT. or \\'....SHl~GTO:\'. l ss CC'-:.Jl\TY OF ) On thi~ d1y penon1lly appeared bt'(ort' me ·-···· ········•-··-. , .......... ~ .. ., ··-.. ,.......,,..,~u .. , frn flJd ,olaa.a,, ,er 111d datd fo, ,;-~ pcupwu 1hf'fl!'iR Fr uL Nola.. Publie tP aril le, 1hr S1111 cf Wr hinri1111, reellfir111 '" ·"---· to n1f' known 10 br !ht' indi1idual __ dt'~cribed in and wht> nrculed !he 1..-llhtn l:'\C forrro1n1 hutrurnrn.t. and ,clrnowlitdf!t~ -----tirntd the um, u frH and V(llun11~· 1ct and dHd lo~ th tJ!t'I and purp~~e! thttl'in mrnliont. GIVE:\' undl't m~· hand and official sul 1h11 ---d,r or ST A IT. Of'\.\' ASHIN'GTa)'." 1 ss COUl\'T'I' Of' I Noll'}' Public In and for thr S1a1e ol \\'uhlnrltn. re.oidln,I! 11 ' ·"--- On 1h11 __ day of , ,0 --, btlore mi. lht undtnl,'.n,rd, penooall~ appeared Md 10 m, knOYi'fl ro b.> th, and , NtlpOttl,·ely, r,( ---------------------------lh• corporation that e:ucutNf :lh• fore,oin, ln1trua.m1. and acknov.·led,,d 1hr nld lnnrumtnl 10 b, 1h, frH and voluntary 1c1 and dHd ol ltld corpor1rl0f'I. for tht ·'!111 and purpo,e1 lh1tfltl mrnrinnird. and on 01th t111ed !hat 1u1horiud 10 tlltcult th, Hid' lrutrum1n1 and 1h11 lht IHI .rftlud ii 1h, corpon1, MIi or Mid a>rpot1tt.:m. \\'imu, my hand and of!lcl1J tc11I ht'rtiln dflud the d1r and rear hrtl 1ho,,·e \\Tinin. ti No11r,· Public In and for the Su111 of Wuhln,t~ tetidin, II I I ' ' ! ' • \ '' :@y KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: Job ,:,:,.-9-!',2-14- AIW Rolcrence ...11. ?:4?4-,Z/JS' ,..Z For and In consldera11on of 1.fl!I'\.."AL BmmFITS trece!pt or whlch Is hereby acknowledqed, the undersigned. herelnarter referred lo aaGran1or(a), herebygranla a Derpetual eas&ment lo P~crnc Nor1hwest Bell Telephone C.ompeny, a Washington Corporallon, lls successon and asslgna, herolnaller relerf~d lo as Grenlee, with Iha right, prMleQO and eulh0r11y to place. eonatrucl. maln111.ln, Inspect, reconstruc1, ropalr, r~p1ace, r-,rnove Md keep obalaclea lncludlng trees and shrvbbory cleor rror.1 Gr,11.n1ec·s laclHtles consist!~ :,! ________________________ _ UNDEIDROONb COOMON'ICATicti LINES and other appur1enances: end Oranlor also gran11 a right-of-way lherelore H Iha ~ranlee may from time to lhTMJ requlr"J lo conslrvcl, lnslell, and malnleln communlcallon and assocl!ll1od facllllles over, acrOSs, upon and under herelnatter Clestrlbed property slluatedln ting County, S1ala of Washington end ta described as follows: Tho South (S) ten (lo) feet of tho following deocribod ,proport;yt ; That portion of tho South Half or the Southwest Quartor or the Northwost Quarter or the Northeast Quarter (Si Swt Nwt NBt) or Section 1$, Townahip 2) North, Range 5 East, ll,I!., lying north of S.E. 132nd Stroot on the plat of Puget Colon;y Homes as recorded 1n Volume, 86 or Plate, Page 59, recorde ofj''King County, sts.te or Waohington, E!:Cm>'l' tho east and west )0 feet ., ,o, 1ld 5r ·, 8J.-··o::: .. ·::·~ R'ECO :::- C!lSH:':_ :.oo •:•·1>·+<?:.CO 22 ~ 'J ./ Gren1ee ,hall al all IIMes have lhe rlghl of run and ftee ll'IQreas 10 and egreaa lrom aald property descrlbc>d abovo, with lhe underalandlng lhal Grantee shell be responslble fo, 111 damage causea 10Gtantor arising lrom Granlee's e:,,:erclse or lhe rights and privileges herein granled. Granlor reserves !ho right lo use the ~esement lor egrlcullurel purposes es long as:nol lnconslsfent wlfh nor an lnlerlarenee wHh the rights granled Grantee t-arein. The r~hls. conditions and provlslo:"S of this easement shall Inure to lhe benem of a'fld be binding upon lhe heirs, executors, administrators, successors aM c1sstgnsof the respecllve parties hereto. ~ Jn wilness whereol lhe undersigned has execuled lhls Ins I rumen I this .£' tt, 6'e; of_ $1U'.<!ff ) :; Witness:------------------- S11111tol (lndlYldual Ac~.wwled;emenO Wanhinct.2.i,~------ 8y}~ di,¥4 'f, J ' (Corporal• A(:knowled;ement) Stals,ol ____________ _ Countyol ___ ~------ On lhl• d1y pe1tonal~ appe•red 1>elo1• IT1" , 19..f!..2. ~-~~~~-. ~~~~ I I t i j •, 'i /\ ! ij ' i ·' j i 1 EASEMENT For a valuable consideration, recelpt of which ls hereby Pau I Lind l>er:g. o.- ! acknowledged, .,, / IZll the hcr"hy gronl-nnd convey_ In lhc ~ranlec{s), J~4,¥-__ 4nd ~t:f.d_-e:&t;,<>c.~h,._,_ __ _ ---------------------------.,--------· .-:t.h..ei.r:.. successors end assiRns, the rlghl, privilege and authority to construcl, improve, repair and main!Bln a Y,..1U. ter Ii ri.e, i • acrou, over end upon; :Jla .. i widt, X M~~c I on5 (11el o( the follow(~. gland, located in I(' 300 , 1 n '3 County, Stet or Washlnglon, to·wlt: 1., see a.ttc<c.hed l~o.l de.sc...-,ption ,z/1 p(l').1 •FB'/-' ~I. Hf L5 OI l ""0 ua SUH UJOHO)~!! t ' The Grentorfsl sh;il fTlnke no u!'l~ of the land occupied by said wa.te~ I ine except for prcSeotly in~Uilfgd fi:nc.u6« plc.rtrn4p) uod 9"'0«r:t1.1 Jirt :fu.rMi"'}-Oon d<c!ctdt::inci. to the wo. ta: f,nc.. ti~ X'uth bprder Choy be <:du:Jgd ·· . / I' In exercising the rfshts herein grenled, the Grsnh11tf1I, _h--1ucceasors end euigns, may pan and repees over Hid eas,'r'Y\et"\t / 'and may cut and remove brush, trees end othC!r obalructlona which In the opinion or lh Grontee(s) ln1erfere(1J wilh (Y\µintenonce of 5afd water line The covenants herein conloined ah.ill run with the land and ere bindlns: uPon all aubsequent ownera thereof. ." j . 'ti In ~~nus Whereof. the saiJ Cranlor(!I) h~ executed lhls lnstrum:nt 171s: -~·'':--~.·~., .. ·, rnH:L. /J ./ a '£ ~· . .· .. '."i..a 41,.4 ;,:, .. · ........ ~':· STATE OF WASHINGTON, } _,k'""'IIJ=6-"-----~~--"· .· , , . "'1·:'.-;,··:i"'o·· . ' .. .:. ' ·• ·Iii';'.' ,,. '\.~.-:·. .. )' ''·. '.': ,., "; · .. • (Indivldual Ai:kn0Wt~~g~:if i1 •).\.) ..... \·.,i,:.._._....-'fl':""' ' · , Notary Public in end for the St~\e of Washington, , do hereby ccrllfy...L{lal on thla J/f:! • d~y of , pcnonally appeared before m11 @.s / A · Ltod/~ Notary Public In and for the Slall!I of WRshin9lon, reeld ii ' (3) 1 ·~ ,.;:. .. ,., f" ~ .. ' ' ' . .. / ,/ / r f (j i I J i '. -~ t: ' 1 ' ' ' ., ··' , i ~ I• '.l ,, ,, ,, i . / ., ··I ,, t';. t . l,._,, !~-' i I l ' i ORIGINAL PllCET POWER 1:ASEM£J\T FOR lWIJJ:HCRDUNU ,;LECTRICSl'ST(~I For and in cor.sideration of one Dollar ($1.00) and other valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, PAUL A. LINpDERG AND LOIS. A, .. LIUDBERG, husband_.and .. wife ···--·- ("Gr,l~~ur .. h1·r1•inl. prnnl,. rJin\'1·~·i; ;ind ,~-a;r;:~·l~;n ['(1Gi:TS{;j;;,.;11 PO\\'lm A 1.1r.11r t:m,lf'Ar-.!\", n Wm,hln,1,,111n 1:11r- 1111rnlinn ("r.rnnh ... " h,•rdnl. for 1h1i Jlllf1111'>1·,-IU'r.-irmfrrr !tl1 fotlh ;1 :11•r11"11rnl 1•n!11:n11ml 1m,l1:r. m:ro.~!I ;md cn-1•r 1111' fol- lo,,·in>? drsr.rilw1I t1•;1J prup,tMJ' lllw •'l'ru11,irl)'~ hr•:,•lnl ··-~-~-g __ ----Cnunly. \\',1!1hinj!l 1m. The Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 15, ·rownship 23 North, Rang~ 5 East, ~1.M., in King county, Washington; EXCtP'l' the South 198 feet thereof; AND EXCEPT county road; AND EXCEPT the North 186.15 feet of the West 234 feet. 88.,'01.-' J~ :>:t:CC"• ~ ;;J1SH:!-L tro-11.3 I I E.>.:C1·J1/ n~ m:r.,-l1ti otlu:nrl54• Stil forlh ]11ir1•in Gr;inlr~1··s ri,1:llt11 ,h1dl hit c•xcrtb,:,I urH111 1lm1 potlirltl 1,r lh1i l'r:1pi:rt~· fllw "ff.i,1'111. c,r w~r-· h1irdnJ d11:w-:riht:il n~ follows: · A RiJ:)JHif-\\'ar _t.en..JlOJ. __ f,11•1 In width h;n·in~ Ji.vn ... {5.) __ f1•1:I nf ,uclt ni1llh 11n ,i;ir.h •Jd,, flj.;1 r.~nrlir• llnr. d11!lttihiid "" frtllm\"lo: The centerline of Grantee's facilities as constructed or to be constructed, extended, or relocated, lying within the West 190 feet of the South 10 feet of the above described Property. I'., EXCISE TAX NOT REQUIRED J<ing Co. Records Division ,· -") Br.c' ..,. ... ,. ) C , -~ FIi.ED FOR RECORD AT REQUEST OF: PUGET POWf:i1 A~TB'!rfION· GC,...,.• REAL ESTAT!.! DEPAFtm;=:t,,r . •J, r JI\COna P.O. BOX 97034 BELLEVUE. WASHINGTON 98009-9734 1, Pi1rpost!. Gran1w sh11ll h;iw• llw ri!!hl 111am~rur.:t. nfNit;1h·.mo1inro1in. tt!J~iir .r•·plarA• .ind r.nl;1t,L'f' an u,11t.•rfrrn11nd t>liiclrlr. lranMtJi~~hm 11nd/nt dislrihullnn .sp,Mr. 111111n r,nd 11n1ll'r 1h11 HiJ!h1,11f•\\',1r l11J,!.-llwr wilh 1111 1wr.t:~,.,rr nr com·1m11m/ <1jt- 1 111r1na;1T11:1·~ lhnrfor. which mny intl11d1! hiil am not limilml m 1111· follnwin,r. umfor,1:r11und ain1l11i1J. t:11hl1:5, c11mm11nlr.011i11n lni"5". \';Udls, mmilm31i,i. sn-ilrAlis. t111d lr:,~form1:rs: an1I )l:mi-lniri,.11 nr srmuml mounr~I fotllili1::-. fiolluwin,: llm inilinl tCln· ,1111r.1l11n nr iL" for.ilili1:.,. Granl!•1• 11111~· fr11m li,n,, 10 lhn1· a1n.~rntt sud1 .idditiun.,I Iutlli1ir.s ;1J 11 m;1r r1•11uitt!. Z. Ate ts 1. r.r.inh•1• sh•1II hit\'r. 1111• rirh• nr ilf.O"'-~ 1u llw RiJ!hH1f.\\'ay oi·,:r and 11cross llm rr1J11nlf 101inal1l1: Gr;1nh:1i In cJ11r- ci.'>4' il!i riJ,:hr~ )ll'wm1d1•,. prn,·ldi"I, lht1I r.ranl1>1• 5hull w1np1:n.~1lf'. r.ranlur for rmy ,i:im;1,..,i 1111 11• J•rnpctl!" r.on~~d h)· lh1· ei1:l'T• ci~· nr "ilid rb?hl of ;111:r:1·:.i.. l, Obsln1ctlou1: Lnncl•t:.aplng. f:r.inl,•1• tn;1y froin tirni• 111 limr 1umm·1~ lr1!t!~ bu,Jm,. IN" 11thr.r 1111.~1,m:lirins wilhin 1h11 Rtpht. rJ.\\'i,~· ;111,d m:i,· ft•\"f"I ;mil ).'fildt! 1lw JUJ!hl,111-\\'nr lo 1h1· r\ll'nl ,,~,1~1111ahlr nrtl?1'1.at}' lo t;1trr 0111 tin: purpn54ts s.ir lnrd1 111 11t.1tu).'f;111h I hn~1r.11111\·kll'CI, 1h111 fo/lm,·in,I! illlY ~11th ,,11rk. c:rnnh~: slmll. In 1h1: f'Xll?nl w.is.111i1bly pr;1tliaiblr., r1!!!lorr.1J1,~ Ri,l!hl..,r,\\";1)' In 1111· r.flnrlilion II \,·;ll; lmn1rtli;1lult 11rl1,r 10 ~ucli \\11rk. Followin,: 1h1• ins1all,1ri11n of r.wnl1!r.'s u11rlcr1,:rouml fi1dlltir.'I. Granl11r 111.,y 11n1fouaL1· any 11rdi11;1ty irn11n1\·1•rn1·nt~ II' 1h1! hi1ul~c::ipin~11I lhi~ Ri!,!l11-11f,War.1110,·idt:d llmi..no 1rnmi: nr 111hiir J!hml,. shall h,· pl;ir.•~I 1hl•r1·11n which l\"1111lcl 111· unr1•i1S(m,:-.lil_1· r.11.p1:m1i\'I: or im11ruclit;,1I fnr Cr;in1cl!' 10 rcmo\·11 nnrl teJIIVI!. -4, Grunlot'1 Us.c of Ri11:h1.nr.wa,-. Gr;inlor r1!!<1·n·1·:o1 llm rll,:I,• h1 u."W! thli Rlr:h1-ol-\\'a~· for uny 11ur110S1? rml lw,:rmsb1cnl wl1h 1hr. rl,l!hls h1irl!in J!r;in111J. pm\'i1!.·1J: I hat Gran lot ~lmll n,11 cu11strm:1 nr malnlaJn .inr bull,linp or Olhl?I" slruc111r1: on 1Jm Ri,..Jif. 11r.\\';1y whk:h \\11111,1 inlr•rfM• wllh lh1• ,~.i,;erciw of lh1• rl,!,!hl~ hch:in pr.inlml: 1h11I no di~n~. lunndinr:or other form uf oin· ,tr11dlnn ac1h'11~ ~.di he d1JT1f' rm rh•! r111r,tir1y which mmkl di~l11rli 1h1i cumpocllnn w 11ni:ilrlh Crantcri':1 lucilillc!I Cr.I. rhi: Rl;h1-nr0 \\'11y. nr Pndantiir 1h1: lahni,r su1,11cvl lo s.1itl fittilill11.1; and thal no bln~liJ1~ sh.rll lJt: dn11c ,drhln J5 f._.1~1 ul 1h11 Rir:h1,nJ, w~r. S, lndernnlly. D)' atcepting anti ruc:urtlins 1hh trnJc:munl. Granlee ugrl!CS loindemni[)· and hold harmless Cninlor from an)' and all d11lmslor N\Juric::s 1nd/ord11magcs a.rrl!"red by any person which may bu caused b)· thc Cranlt:~!'s exercise nf1he rlshl1 herein panlt:d: pm'lded. lhat Grunrco sh.ill nol bl! ruspnnslblc IO Gran1or for any lnjutiL>s and/or damagC!!I ta an~ porton callll!d by acls or om.ID.Ions of Gr.11n1ar. I. Abandonrnenl. 11m ridtrs hcrt.'ln ,iran1~l 1l1:r.!l cnn1imm until s11th Um~ r.s Gr;anlL'1! cens1:s fo uim 1h11 Ri,:!hr-of.\\'•y tor D f'l!rlml nr liw, fll s11ttt<U.IV11 J,·~11rs. Jn which r.n•nl this 1i;isi:mnnl .1hall 1nmlr.al1? nnd a/I rjJ:hls h1.rcun1k-r shall rcYerl lo r.ran• IPr. prmirfod 1hn1 no ah;mdonmenl sh;ill be deemed lu hilre occurtl!'d hy rca$on of Granlc1,·s foilurl! 10 lniliall)· lnslnll Its fadlilh:s on 1he RIJ1hl.al",\\'i1y ~·ilhln an~· rieriod of lim1i from lhe dal11 hcrl'Of, '/. Succ:mors and Aalgru. Th<! rlp:hls and olill!,!alions al lht! ri,irli~ 1h;11l inim• la 1hu IN!t1cfil uf ant.Ibo liindlnp: upon 1hclr fr.!ljlf!C!h'I' SU .. ""Cl?J!IOIS and .aW,rns. R-2550 KJ-ACOOl 8710259 235-58 ,,.. )1 1-1, -..-1--. .. -·~·-·. (• ...... , .. I ·, . ' srJi:fr~OFWA~J~INGTON I ss I ·'".all> GRA1',;T' • · _l.a,J r~:l;Jf,,.. d-6.,i,cf.: __ _ Paul A. Lindberg cl 3~ ~~./~---=---= Lo1s~nd~ On lhl!< dily 111'f5onall!· t1pJ!4•;,rml lmfrm: m1~ . ·---------- 111 r,11? knnwn lu '"' 1hf• lnclil·irlual __ tlr.Jr.riht!d In "nd who eJ11!Ct1tcd lho wilhin ond forr.1:11inFt inslrumr.nl, and acknowlcrl,:t..'fl thal -----J.ff!Jlmf 1hr !l.1m1i ns fret' and vahmJary btl and' cl red fot l},c WI$ ancl fJUtflOSCj lhn1r.in menliun1.1I. Gl\'f.N 11n1li-r mr han,1 nnd nlfii:F11I !Ir.al lhi5 ---,L,y nf .1!1._. __ _ STArf-: 01-' \\'/\Slll~riTO~ OOl l,\TY o~· !\.S I --------~---·- t!i.:at) Pultlit in and for she ~lillr. nf \\'ru.hin>,'111n, rc~din11 al On rhl, 1lay pn~1m1lly nprK•nrr1l l,d1tr1• m•· ---------------------. _ . ·---·--·-· ··-·--... lu m1• lnri\\'11 111 h,i 1hr• indi~·J1lo;1I ._ rl~,-cril11'CI in ;md L,·h111•.111'C'llh'fl 1111' wl1hin omtl lur,,t,ininl! ln!>lrumrmt. iln, ,1r.lnuwJ1'41J..~!tl lfo11 ----1;ll!nr1r lh,• ~,mr a, ----·-IN~· and ,·olu11t;1rr acl .. nil de,:d for 1hr. u~,·~ und rmrpo~.'!1-fh(!rt~ln M1~lion1!CI. C.l\'F.:,.." und,•r my h,1ncl ilnd nf(ir.i11I ~\1J lliii; -----d«f or -------------·---.111 ·---.. ST,\TF.OF WASI//Nr.TON I "-' GOll1'"T\" 01-" J NnL'lrJ" ruhlk in and for tlm Slalc 111' \\':i~hinj!lnli. r1~idin,i: 111 CORPOR:\TE ACKNOWLEDGMENT ·--• l!:• -·---, ·l,dtnc 1111•, •hu umlcr~i1,::11:d, 11urM.1n;1lly llfll''!i.!rL1I and-------------------- and lo m" knm,·n In hn 1h1! , ru111:di\'l?ly, oI ---------------------------1hr corpttr;11lon 1ha1 (:!xcculcd 1hc lorcl:{MJIJt ins1rument. 11nrl .adJ>nwl,~I~ lhn 11t1id Jns1rumcnl rn l1r. lhl!' fr1!tt and vnlunlary acl ancl dt!cd of s..1fd (;(IJJXlt:.llon. lor 1hv u1ns and pUtf105t."S 1hr.r1iin m1inllmrnd. and on oalh .sr.,11id 1ha1 aurhorib:(f 10 l!Xt'C11tc lhc 5,1ld lnslrumenl uml 1h:11 1hc M!11l nm'l!m is 1}w airpora!J! w.,11 of s;iid c:orpor1tlinn. Wilnr.~~ my h.ind nnd olticfol sr?t1l hr.n,tu .ilfbrcrl lhl! dar nnrl yr.ar llrsr nlJO\'c \vtillen. No1ary Puhfic In ond for 1hc Sl.ile of W11shil)J?lon. 11,11ddlllfl Ill ·---------------- N, C ·-· .,·, ., .I LOT I /,.. ""'"" /""'fo A'•n".• .-. ~ ~ / , ;).,•' ' _, lw:•;. tt nrr! -ti I••".' .-{ tA( St. .su.,, . .i." ·' --/-_j __ ,r JV,....,,.. I , . -------"--"-Do.r_: ,..._ I_ Y,. I : ' . 1 four -"'nd { . ' ' o;_rco; ,;. ,,..,."., ---·-:.-'~~·-1---------"."~ ·-~-•• ,.~ I ltt/J"- ACIC'O ! ~ _ ,, -I --I flLEO \ : ('l: {, . Ad·L •I li'•"'Jrt C "·· .tfi-. ··--· -·· -2 •. \• ..... ~ ,.,,,..,,.,.., (! ,J :l/,,~1lt,.-., l'rr11, -·-·--· ~ ....... ~ ~--·. -----. N. "· lllt!it-:;_J.;..s :a .11•- . I "~'._./(;._!(. .;I~ I,:~,,__, - Nl.•I u., ~-·-i·," "'~ '"-·-·' :::. :: l~-~"'-~ (<'~J. _,,Q ... , ' ,,., ... Y,. [lAl[O ACtc'O ~o ~. <1""' "u .. " ,,· /'. , ... ~ .. , ... µo; .~ J,j. I.\ lT urrT"' ! !/ , ... \·,, f,.f;z , , ' -----------------'---•-7··. . .. ,; ( -:~,.,A .... ,I .,,..,,.,, ..... ,1,,/Jf,•f•'"'IIC ""~J,.\, ,f'I,• i, I' /11 ! / v·:1 ,r-.J •,It,,! • I .i (. ••· .Vt,:1 ~ ""'°*'" ,,.,. , ... "'' I • i , • ,. ,,6 •' •"' ,.,If ,t, .. 'I ·' • ' . • ' '""'1Vl'0:.:~'::";.~';;·'·~1£;\.~fe' Diut~, ~ ,tik' ";to· ll'HA!. F. f'. h, '"''-M I, ull .t 'f If S. ,-llw l,lla/'l/lr u,M /./. i. f ... /lw """ li•/lr ,ptt/4, -,,.,,.,_ f.,., F. 1• I•-, t( I I/, •' ,_ c,, w .... ,, I• s, w 1A, /,Ir ,,dd 111• I( C w, '"'"l --·········· .. r .... .• • . 6ZCF'TG fra N W.. .tllri. u .,~ '--"" .,. •WI "" J,efJ.r uttrl, f• rtMlsi1t l'NI tftf> lrttt, H' a.ha thr ut ,f •ti. ,:wf, r4.,..,&.wmN1J/~ ,..,..., .,.,...., ..t th.rt,/~ It -.rl rntrnd u,I rX\";,lJ f:f/lfll 4 ir.:A ld, /•r ,-r,:, II/~ •• ~ 4 ..,.....w,., u ... I.MM. • r. A a Ja ,. S. , .... ,~ .t rkor of au~ ...... ti\,., d offlt'II~ t.zrpf t&nr .t.~1V-,.~v--,I ,'r-r ll.t. -..~ ... '~1 . ..:.-.J..._I ..,,o ·~ . , , · · UN, G. "· ,~ a., ~,u4 ra...tn d nur:r"''' •(IIH'H. •c.\ V IIAJ. S. p. otn1111r.1. · I~ lrll '1'-/ F. ,. '4, , P'UJ a,.,,. prfth f• H ,;oclt,I ._,,. ill N? ltvl ~ .. ·,d}~I 11, Prnt. . < !f,.rn,,.,,. fb,..j, N . .;1...,11 f""J1'1"t 11g &~1/. ·I/Lt it /,.,'I . l'rl1Un1 """' ,Fir. f,f .,.:.,_ !!'" A1mtaol-5'rrdvr I ·. .. I J.) f II b 2-4J Apr 17-41 yl0, _µ, 75 1:r4;l i2. !>Q 1-t H<al,•ne O ,i'e, oy ,•t .k J.,U..P4u,o;y to l..\,11,iltora 11n:i i..1111-A ;)t,o:m.· i'1,·o'y an'1 w,,r t.u ,,p the tdre 1r:l km "i f / )2099112 1: 11 Lo\ 10 iA li~lt as o c s •• T1 n l'e.rk • a• pw pJ. a\ r,., o .ill , ul l) c4 !i' ;>la t.1 pg to r•ci ot kt oit. la • lt~• , 1 t. 'l'hl• deed 111 ,r,,, ;,11rsuant to a t(,J1t 4tt. 'll• d 1>7 ~be e;" llf.n tor tllfl ·,ur t-r Pi! rrop 11m tbe oo, 11114 w. r ~in ootita!nel "ast~r utfi:-••••4 or 1 pll"1 ahe.ll net. bo .:ionetrued to ii:o,<r t.131 11ot or ~!llng 4~11111 o!' 1urr11N,l oy :,·,e gt,, .. Jun i A, .i.I'oro:, Hal Glll a • P•J-o 1 s: lrn"' Arr 17-tl bf J!•le1111 O,htro1 anl! A,M.J'1ro1, ~ef J',E,l.'•,rr111 ap rra 8'1C r111 nt 11 nJ1 111n i6-45 (J[l I.1111.u.a .::It.om ~947;i J.,:!:id ~r .,:tty} D l'•I> 2-4) 'I ,,,11 2-4) $500. ,5S ll'IX , !:{) 1-t lia tbl r A ,.Sobe 14, a• ext:z 1111da r tba w1 ll or ,,.:-tlllll' t.o !Sla£ Dole a a.a Olli• l>ole, 1111 1 p 111 11 nd 1trr t.o op ~hi fd.11'11 ln ltOW ot ~>o 15 TJ.> 2) :.r } •• 11.a:c• .i' t Jo rt / '' J.i or .'fl/ i o: i..,: i oi .lt>.t '· (14 t.11• ::., :J .ind , o! ad ~ aia.s1L11. ;rup ltJr ·J"OIM.i ;uri :..ud ,:s.o-al:. ooa l v. ie it.A.Soke14, ex\:r 11pder ,111, Hi 11 or .-r~ g • .i>r••llei eh, 4eo4 ' Jt11iw f11b 2-4J .J1 .. atner A.::lUAu14 •• e:it..1 wi>ioz Uie will or •X't.nU' .J,l.,r111ibaoll, Jeutt, :i.r .i.d111.rd a,fttYlDr np tor n,::r,e 11.t • na i.,o 14•4' (illl. • l' kt ) i!Qx · 7'95 '-entg;.0 •·01111) ~ --( :9) ,. I , I I ,, I ; j ·······-··---. --·········----·-· ----------·-··~-~--··· SHORT PLAT NO (;,'16075 S • ..f£_ T • ..2.1.!!.. R ,,'> £ KI NG COUNTY, WASHINGTON 2. 3. " • 1 -.. s l: 8 : LOT .~~1• •p•c• r•••rvad tor I r&COtd•r'• u•• rll•d lot r~cord ~t th~ request of: ~w. A ,, 2: APPROVAL Dflp.'rt.,,w,nt of Planning and Connun'1t51 Devalopml!'nt auJJdlng and L.and £!dveJopment D1ii•1on Eu."Un•d .,,d' approv.d thJa I; 4,ly of tL~:zz. I:t.~·ZZ 7/J IU.nager, au1ld1ng, LIAnd Davalol'ffl"nt D1v1a1on i '· Cnmin~d .and approved thi• ___ 1~'./_:3~- ,Jk~m{. 5£ 1v •J A)£/. 1 IVWl, •! Je, IS-, T ..,. )1.J, R' s~) U.H. K.,y G,....,.:)', w • .s-1,..,7.r-., ~<-~.,,t c.,,,..., .So14"fl'... 198 r~~-,, f1i...-...::::.-.,...l 'T1o.,t u.,,t.. IBC:..r5" f~rt.1 r 4-<<.itl't" ..,,_(I! .S.u .. .'ft. t'l.Of~rt 6f .,.~ ,)LJ ... d 2.'lOjr~t of ""rt.. ,e-.,,_,:,Jer-1 ,,f .,,,_.,.~~t'I C,u"'.~ R-J1 r:';)t"t"f..~.r w, I.?• &~cl 3...,tJrJ '(• ~ •.-..Jr-c.-:J J,o.-"cJrru 1 ';.)rr4.f 1 -J ,,J.{;,t,'~~ aJ .t{•u·,J.t-.P · ~··"""J'"'YJ.. ~-~r ,.,...,_ !! 41. L1', •3: 71.~ .s .... tt. 120 '"t •J "11..r U1 ... ·t 220 f~~.t. •f •yt,~ -ptno~.:J 6'~sc.r.'1,~J 'tr•d I fl.• .SEh •/ A!e /t-•f A.141/f. •/ Je,.t.s; 7...i,. Z.3N, 0 St::, vJ.H, k,j (01.1 .. "J, (...)-..s.J.,,lf ... -, ...t:A...•t'/'f:·: 71.t-5cu't( ,~e fe~t. I ~c~pf Ctt1u.M,.. R-J j 1:,ft,f!~ -'•tt. -..J "'!f'Jt:ci -f. •.... e,.,L--.i J-·vrs.l, ~yro:s, ._J ~:Ct.~. ,,, Jr,u,,~,J ,..,. ~,.;:;~r" s IJ</OIW, M.tp on FIi• In Vault l P•g• l ol .S l:1 ;, , , ~· . ; 3 · '.J · : ,.,.; • ..... ,-----··--·. -------· -w-----w---~~ -----------------··--··- 5. ftOAl1 C.A.J.£1w1£N7 : fl ro• ti ~-J.·-~ ... I.,,. ~;J.'"+: .• , ut:i.s., , 11 ut;la:e~ .144.// ._,.,£e,.,.,J t.S f<t:t -.... ~e,J. .r,.J~ 6f' c1. (-.l&-1, .. , 6~1 .... .,:..a 30 r~~1. <="11...1,i '1./ 'Vt.~ Lo} ,uf ,LL ... a 11t--l :.:JIB./~,: i ~,,,rt,...lef "'• 5•J"I< £... 1 s1:Y., 1· ;.Ji!: Y., of. _',vr...JX, -J.. .ft:~ I':>-Tw .. 23N '.J.? S.f" W.H. /(, .. t., .. ...,{.,.. (,.},u .. >Z .. f.,_ tJ,~,.., • ., , , , J ....,I ' I S88•1s''"/J 0 t: IZ .Sfe.et-1 "t. .._ c....,..,,: "fo 'tl.e fft lll~2Sf~rt u:tl, ",,.J,..u -:J ?Sjr:rt, tf,.e,,,,,,:, ,Jor,•44'54''~ Sl,2S je_t:t1 C.,L.e.n c•"i;...:.,"e.. /0 fer: t a.-. tt.•.:J. .i"u!, ..j A cf4,,.,:lt!,rl~· .. .,_ ~~,... '-tf..._;-u. fV Ob•«-_' &~"" £ B. S feet,, ·i. o eu..,-..-c. '"(. "f"1<t. i,r"-10. 1s J~" i W:' 'I.J.. -. r .... .l,u.J. of 35 .f,:rt, f.l,e,,.,,:.c. I\) t, .. z,'.s•i'· E ie c,-1..~' .. S.C,..;,.,;11. &~ of "'-~ rv.,-n... 1e,.1s f:.1: •! Se Y, 1.1\.Jc)'., •J JJl.Jfv •! 5u1~1 lw,, Z3J\J, '!J 5'~,, (...}.,-.,, K!'""! (•-"J', t,.).._11.'CJ(•.._. 7J.,~ ~-t 123,::, ft:<. t ':f ""91,.,t ~JIN!! d,:s.c.r,¥-t-1 3a;.,• t W1d~ t!.tU,:.-._J .s,I....JJ Ju ,,,_...._-c •• .' ..... J er:~ ~ .,.,.,,~ .................. ef ~o I., .., .1, • ~, I --.3 ( s~~ r~•q,.,.{, 2, :J1 ( '(' .J, ... ); Yl,L --......1.,. '1 '(I.< 30/..:f "'"'' ...,e-....J ,r.,,.,.,,,J •-'-. .,,J,..U "-~-r...~J 'f:"'!:f. .. "-t Yi.< ........ ~, ·{ ~t.•1. ......1:2 (,« l'...,ct,r' f I~ .0· ........J <-rJ...~ ~.l,~,t 20 rf i..N._J~ <L• .. u,,-A_,:f s-J.._J.{, fu:, ,_,,.__"t,..4, .. :1 J.l:j' :J' -,~ • ......,...,_ -.f Loi •t (,,. ;,...0 ~ :2 -'-<). ,, " ,. ,,.,,. rl•t 11<>,_,C.~7..:.G:..:;:0:..7:.;.0>;;: ______ _ Ji ,.,. .! of S ---- -·· ·-----...... ---.. ---· -·-·· I l ·, I I I I I i I ' I I ' "------...... --------------:·,..,,_, _____ ...,., I ' ·, ~~ "' 0 :r- 0 r-;,- I :, ., ,. !o ' "' ~ ~ ,._- ~ ,. ~ ~ ' l ;, '.i vi " <t t ~ t- ~ C "' " ' Lor •3 e: ,,, 30' t9t:/ 618,I' ·-·--.··--·-·~----•.. "'j Lor "2 S 318' "~ ' ,, .( N ,., ,, ,._,,.,£ ~,,,. c..J ,zzo' ~r .,1~ 1,t .Vt!!' r ... , £ LINE (J~ S e1v, A/~~ A.Ju X, i! 1./ZS,/ 1 t:. I ;-• 88' IS' '(.3 c ,, ' ' 'O ' ., ·c,... 1-1 ... . .. "'J ;; ~ ~ Map on Fll•.f '" Vault tJ DJ:rectJon, !t..J-----lf-----j r 0 IJ:)' 80' 120' If,(/ '2Clf./ r r. ' 6horc , i. t No ,_.G.~'-'7'-'""..:C>;:..;?..:-5:.-------- ·---·---,._..,-.. ,.~-· i r I I I ' ' / f I ' ' COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, AND RESTRICTIONS RUNNING WITlt TUE LAN01 Tractp.:) 5.£, /3/ ,E , designated upon the plat as a private road and i-• .,orr:,:.1;ghlare, Ia deacrlbed in the King County Comprehensive ~1..a.n as a "local access atre'!t or road" and fn ac.:ord~nco w1th the. stan- dards tha~ein, may be requlreO for future County atr~ct, roa¢, or thor- oughfare. 1. 2. The owner, hjs grantees and aasigna, hereby agree to dedicate Tract.t')(J s,£, /3/ ~ to l<ing County for right-of-way ind atreet purposes, at such time as said Tractt,.::J S,E t3J..JE. la~ needed :for thc.,se ~urposes. A oei~ conveying Tract~ s. £;, /3 / .U:.. to King County shall be executed by the o~ner, his grantees and assigns, and shall be deli- vered to King County upon demand. ' The owner, his grantees and· assigns, hereby agre.e ( s) to participate in, and/or not oppose or protest,ithe formation of a County Road I'mprovernent District !(CRID) pursuant to RCW lb.88 or any Road Improvement project sanctioned by Xing CouOty which is designed to improve Tractpc:J S.."-.. 131U: and the immediate stre.et sys- tem of which 1t 1s a part. Timing of the formation of said CRID o.t other road iplprovement project shall be determined by King County. The street imprpvement authori:ed by the CAID or other road improvement project shadl call for the improvement of Tract(;,() se. / ri1 e and its invnediate street system to at least the minimum X ng County road stand~rds ap- plicable to the CRIO or other road project is forMed1 provided that, in situations where there is a multiple ownership of propertje9 par- ticipating in the formation of the CRID, or other road improYement project, if a majority of the property owners want a higher standard, i.e., curbs, gutters, underground drainage, etc., that stanQard shall pn'IVai 1. ~~~l-~ ,' J Short Plat Number t; 7(, 0 75 ' Page J/ of .5 ' j ...... ________ , • . i ·- . ,. j~DECLARAT100; \, WKnow all men by these present• that wo, the unden,i~ned, owner(s) .tn fee simple [ and coc+.t'act purcba.ser{a)] of the la.nd herein described do ;,toroby mak11;, ~ !!lhort subdivieton tberocf pureu-..o.t to RCW aa.17 .060 a.nd d1::1q.J.are this short pla.~ to be the gra.pbic representation of same, and that·: said short subdivision is made with the !ree consent and in accordanco .With the desire of the owner( e). In witness whereof we have eet our hands and seals, .... STATE OF 11 AS!JINGTON,1·11. Count9 oL ~ li On thl: ~ .. non•ll• ~~ i GIVEN undttr lff'J hand and otf1c1•~~\.al thJ• dal,' of ·-------":ic-,,J9 __ • ' - STATE OF lfASHINGTON,i ss. Countv or _____ _ ,,c.o . .. Nobry Public i.n •nd tor the St•t• rea1ding at of fi,u:Jngton, I: on thl• dav p,r•onally appeared b•for.,... -------------------- ~~ -known to be th• lnd1vi.dual de,crlb•d 1n end who .,....utod the t,Jthln and Loregofo9 r"~•tru,u,ent, and •t:JaiOtll•dged that •1911•d th• ••• "-• ____ rne 11."ld voluntary •ct and dHd, ror th• usu •nd pw:~•• th•rdn ment1oned. ( " GIVEN under IIJJ hand .and official •Hl thU _ da!I ol ______ _..i?9 __ • Short Pht Nwmer G ze,ozs 1i Not..ry r@J.tc J.n and ror th• Stat• of H'a'~hJngton, n•141ng •t .. . , ' !i ~ Page~~ot....::;__ I •----·-----~-~-~··-··-··--·--.-~· .. ;.;..·;-~·-·-.·--.--·--,---·-·~--··.·--.;;;-...;·;·~··~·~~~-~-·~·-·-..:·~-~--·--~··~·-·~·~--"~"~'.:..:.:.:;;_~·-:.:-=-~·-=-~l.:J, .,· .f • ' ' \ S, -1l._ T, ...lJ._ R • ....l...... ' LEGAL f .. .. ~ B .r Thit •P•c• r•••rv•d tor reco.:d•r'• u•• rlJ•d tor rrc:ord •t th• r1qunt i:,!1 Ptul Ltndblrt R•tL1rn to, Butlding & Land D•v•loffflont 460 XC Adml.niatration Bldg S•attl,, Va•hington 98104 DESCRIPTION TOTAL Alt&A 1 SHORT PLAT NO KIN Q COUNTY, Dep,,rtn1't of Asae.l'1Nnt1 ·, 88206, WASHINGTON oti,t,,+::21. 00 11 Lou 1 and 2 of kin1 Couat7 Short Pbt Number 67607, recorded under ·1tecordin1 lfwnbtlr 7701190691; ~•tna the 1outh•••t quarter of th• northe11t quarter of th• no~thw••t quarter of Section 15, Tovn1hip 23 korth. Rana•, Ea1t, w.H., in ki~J County, W11htn1tOIIJ . IXCln th• 1outh 198 fHt thereof, and ··ncr,f tho 11orth 186. U !Ht ol tho 1tt1t 234 hot I and brclPT ChDtJ ·~oodj. : IUIJICT TO 1xc1ption1, r•••rvation1, ri1ht1, conditionl and a1, ... nt1 by in1trU1Dent1 recorded &mdar kin1 County Racordtn1 1'\nbar'1 1,2430, 7608~0655, 76~290721, 77Gll~067l, 8208260'32, 820U60,JJ, 8211231008 •nd 7611080,49, i S1tu•t• in th• County of king, lt1te of ~11htn1ton. Mop on FIio In Youn • I .. , j • 'J . J ' l ' l '·' " ·~ ,, 1 ( ,, ·;·, NOTE: LOT 2 IS OIi!! ,v • ·:i,t,,;.'.I'~ .,?' .. .,. , ·, WARNING: King County has no responsibility to build, improve, maintain , or otherwise service t~e private roads contained within or provided se"1ice lo ,the property described in th~ short plat. KA IIITl!IWICE AG!t!EH!IIT CONTI11UED Tract 11 Z"• 30 foot wide portion b1 tot-'8 t-·& 2. 20 foot "id• portion b7 Lot 1 only. ' - Aon ,1.t 110,,_;811~::=~,r.::t;~------ IUILDINC,LOT· J. ' J * HAIIITl!MANC! AGR!EKENT Tract'• 1'.X" and "Z"·. to b• 1Hintained, repaired •nd/or robullt: bJ tho ,ownorlJit: th9 .porcoh . having l•aal •cceH'' thererrOll··•nd their helr• t ••'1gn• or. avcceHo.n unle11 . .-ad until auch · ..... !\Q· ro•.:f• •re t.proved ·~o ·xtn1 COuf'lt7 ·uenda'tda · < .: •nd are dedicated a~d1KCepted .. t,y·· tini ·eounty. fJ. for •dntenanc•. b~ponatbiUty for uid ·. r· · -~J malnten,nn h •• fOllcrwa: ,.,. . ·--·~ Tract 1'X"• (Weat 123_.5 1 ) lot~-• l,2,314':end J.ct : ;. _ _. J of S,P,167607,, R•alndor, lncludln1 turnoroun<J " by Lot'• l ,. 4. -1· . ' \ j =·~~~~ i , ,, ' Sc•l•: /"• ~, 0 ., ,. .. ;.; - . J. ·-1 ,, ·/~r :~~ DECLARATION 1 ,, Know all men by the•e preaenta that we, the underaigned, owner(•) in !ee simple [and contract purchaser(•)) of the land herein described do here- by make a short subdivision thereof pursuant to RCW 5Sil7.060 and declare th>· short plat to be the graphic repreaentation of same, 8nd that said nho:t"t subdivision !3 made with the fre,.. .:on!.ten'.: and in -accOrdance with tL.? desire of the o~ner(s). In witness whereof ~e have set our hands and Beals. am• Nam• ., Nam• Nam• STATE OF WASHINGTON County of King ••• Pa,,l A. Lindferg On this day p,rsona!Zy appear•d before me --------,---------- to m, k= to b, th, individual dnarib,d in and i.,/io e::ecuted the~ Lri.thln and for,going lnstru,,,nt, and ackn.·,.,l•dged that he eigned the eame as his fr•• and voluntary act and dH.!, for ths WISS and purposes therein mentioned. GIVEN undsr my hand and official seal November I 10th zg_sz __ aaal '..,:,' STATE OF WASHINGTON) County of 1£111' • ) 85 • '( u il On thi• day per,onaZZv appeared before me _.j...,p_.,.,,5,~_..Qwc..11;:JP"'-...J.!-"i,.,.,1..1,10'-"R..,£uC;..C,11•....a.·---- ••al SHORT PI.I'!' NO. 88206.£" P-iesB 6/?f l • , .. . ;,i;i:),':J(~/··, ____ ,....--.. \ \ ' I' -·~ 1. PLAT NO B816S:O S.l.5_ T . ...l,,;,_ R . .5_ SHORT KING COUNTY, W A S H I N G T O N :~1 ' .. , This sp•c~ c1111erv~d for APPROVAL t1·.:ordar'!!I u•e I I rJ led for r~<."Ord •t thtt c~quest of: .. ,,. Department of Planning and Commun1ty Poveloptlk!nt 1Ju1J,:f.(ng and Land W..v•lopfflll'n~ D1v1sJon E.umJn~ .tnd approved H,_i• 2.2,../d.atJ of . .._')~ "-0._!].-:·:: ' l9_,f'..:,'..;'I.,'----- .....__ _ ._ -~_................. \ .. ..._"J,:':· H.tnager, Bu11d1ng, Lan~ Devel pment D1v1s1 ~P•rtment of Publlc Works EJ.·<1mined and ,approved this /ZU,, d.ly of ~ DJ rector ·· ::.::::::::::: fJ/_·µ.art11oent of Assessment.s Exatn..Jned and approved this _dlHJ Of LEGAL Rll!'turn to: Building l Land Development 450 XC Adminis!ratUm Bldg Seattle, Washington 98104 DESCRIPTION /)f e f'rt,c,r :1 ,.~! Deput I/ As.se.s.sor £;/ Tlm t nortion c,f th8 Ol,Lh ~!:llf" of :iouth\'ll!nt ·:m.irtar of Horthwent ·1unrtor of :;orthCnst Qunrter of t;action ~.5, ?m1rn!ll~tp 2~i ~!orth, Range 5 }~!tt1tl-'. .. :.:·~. lyinP, north ;,f :;.,;~. 1~1~·.d. :>trcAt u::J IJontuMntP.d ~nd shawn on the 'ple.t of Pueet Colony !'.urr.c5 Hf; rtt~o;·ded id Volttr:10 06 of Plats, Pogo 59, ·a~coi:ds of Kin<; Co\mty, ·:c:.!'Jhinr,ton. · Except tha East and \./est 30 !e1H s:.>01 RECti f:" cnsHs:_ ' " r· I• !·~·8,C,(l ,,~ i f' '' /J--< ..J • .r-'l' ,;f tvt,,'1¥ ',e. tvE'1 Y Map on File In Vaull t, i ot # I _, i' . . , . . 'h '/h)~:-~· ,:i\ i.Y:f ~'. ;(ff,} ·t~:11·:::1 ~;:?~~~;; \i:i ·; ,·· Land Surveyor's Certificate: This short pJJt correctly rcpresenrs a survey tn,Jdt.' by rne or wider tt1tJ dire.·c.ic,n in conlortn.:tn~·a with tlii.; re•Jlli r•mvras of appropcidte .ftdte .and county statute l!lnd ordin.ttnce. ! I / 1... I e I ~ J,,,a ...... ~ecc=::S.::'t!:L~o=c... Date Short Plat No. '2,B ID S 0 I IJ\ J. ,, I.I\ «J.' \j r-'-.f -:: . ~ . '9 . 4-Q -O'"i ~ ~)' 0 :·; Map on File In fault ~ . f Q --ijs:J---Dlc.ctionr r.... 7C~ ' /. <!,·: 'I ' i •·: .::.-.i_;.i, ,::.: 'J'""<;>,•a COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, AND RESTRICTIONS RUNNING lll':J! THE LAND: That portion(s, o! 140th Ave c; F 14? n,ce SE· s·;E,1J2nd St. which adjoins the subject subdivision ie a pubiic right-of-way. It is described in the King County Comprehensive Plan ae a "local access ~treet -::-... ro11.d 11 u.nd in accordance with the standards therei'n, may be '"(,-luircd to be improved tor future County atr"ot, road o~ tho ... ·oughtare, The owner, his grat1tees and assigns, hereby agree to ,participate in, and/or not oppose or protest, the formation of a County Road improvement District (CRID) pursuant to RCW 36.88 or any Road; Improve- ment project sanctioned by IC.ing County, which is designed to _:improve said street(s) and the immediate street system of which it is a part. , !'. Timing o! the formation ot said CRIO ·or ather road imProvement project shall be determined by King County. The street improvement authorized by the CRID or other road improvement project shal~ call for the improvement ol said street(s) and its immediate street system to at least the minimum King County road standards applicable. to said street(s) and the i~mediate street system at the time the CRID or other road project ~s formed; provided that, in Situations where there is a multiple ownership ot properties participating in the formation of the CRID, or other road improvement project, it a majority o! the property owners want a higher standard, i.e., curbs, gutters,, under- ground drRinage, etc., that standard snall prevail. Short Pl•t No, __ B_B __ lO_S_o _______ _ . '' ' , ' \ . I ! DECLARAT!ON OF COVF:NANT Fon NON-DUlLDING SHORT PLAT APPROJI.L. ''Declaration of C'ovenant "~Aio5li' consideration o! the approval by King County'o! short Plat # ,-,=:-,-----· which said plat creates (a lot) (lots) described a-;;-:..:.i.lc·:,s: St"1 \ of thl' /';\.' ~ r•f the t-.'I,' \ of Nr \; o( Sect.ion 15 Township 2J, R.1n~e 5 , l,.:,t l only of 8810~0 the undersigned covenants and agrees that no improvements :{re to be made or placed upon the land tor the purpose ol h1unan habitation, including tents, tent frames, and trailers or campers, and that no other improvements are made to the property other than fences or those necessary tor agricultural, open space, or forestry purposes, unless or u'.ntil said lot(s) ar~ approved by King County in accordance with County short plat regulations. r, "2. This covenant shall run with the land and is bind~ng on all subsequent owner(s) of the above described lot(s), "3. This covenant is enforceable by any purchasers o! lots within the same short plat, and by King County. "4. Warning: Kin, County has no responsibility to build, improvt:!, maintain or otherwise service any private road contained within or providing service to the above referenced property." owner owner STATE OF WASHINGTON) COUNTY OF KlNG ) ss Form A-1 Shore Plot No.. _ _.£'.'-"-/1-'/-'0_.S_· -_(') ___ _ 4 6 ·•••• 4Tor~ ' I ' I I I i 1 i ·• * ' (.! (") "' 0 N N ..., C N Ir) DECLAfu\TiON OF COVENANT 1N LIEU OF sorts TtST FOR SEWAGF. DISPpSAL SUITABILITY. ttDeclaration of Covenant ,, "In conside:-• __ ,_,_1u_>_u ___ _ cion of the ,::1pproval by King County of short plat , which said plat creates a l0~ de~crihed: as follows: the lot. I.O"J l UF :,lf()frl l'L/,l llOi1,)u l.'ltll I.E.r.r·. [<!:,:,CRllTION CF n'tA1 IORllON OF: .>LC1ION I), 10\.N~IIII 23, RANGE 5, E.w'.H. rlll:: .)()IJlJI ~ UF 1111:. »OU1Wwbl l \If" THE NC'RrH\..'£::il l Of rm: NOIUIIE.A.JI l undersigned covenants and a~rees that: "(a) No percolation test has been performed on the above-described "\bi Approv3.l of short plut # ooll.,~u creating the 8.bove- dcscribcd lot DOES NOT const.itut.e ..:pp·.:i·,a..i. by King County that: said lot can be used for a ouildii~g site. +' dispo.:~1 l c~~ ~!r~1!~~~ ~~q~!~j"ia~0 :~~~t= a;;~~~a~ 0 ~:u;i!!~n b;r :~:w:~: ttle- ;, King Co:.1nty Hl:"alth Deparcmen:: or at.her ::::.ppr-opriate department ~,genci,:?s. rc· "Cd) This con·,1enant shall run with the land and is binding. on all sul:sequeut cwne: (s; of che above desc:r::ibed lot{s)." STATE ~w WASHINGTJNJ CC•m-.'TY (,F KlNC } ss ·;, ;,, , .~~ .. fee owner J fee owne:- .r, ,,, I I _) ... ~ •,:./_,,. ·-,,, /- -' , ~ on this day pe.::-sonal ly appe.Jred before me · /t / t/.e,1 1 :: /) /\J',.,:J (: 4 T "\·'/"'(Y//t f.-1. t-i/~··/1 r·, to me )rnov:n t.J be the individual(s) .~ descrl.b(.J .in .:u1d who executed the within and foregoing instrument and acknowledged that they signed the same as their free and voluntary act and deeJ 1 for the u~es and pu.rposes therein stated. :J Form C-1 Short Pl.it Nor .;_../,/C-::c_:.' '--'-'-'--'"--"~----- NOTJ>lR.Y PUBLIC in and z:or the .. State cf Washington,.re~idjn1 .~.~/ .. , : ~/ ;. ~.t s 6 Pag~ ...,L_ot.1._ rJ) M l/) 0 ' ~ ... 0 ,. N r Cl) 1 ! I # t ' KNOii' !\LL :,ltN HY Tllt.:--;J:.; /'i(J\SJ·:NT:i tlu1 '-we, the undersigned, ,mner ( s; of i.utcre1-,t ir1 the ]and hel'f"ln dei-;l!rilir.d do hel'c>bv make a shor.t subdivi~ion thPrt~or pursuant tc l1C1\' r,H.. l 7. OG1) :i.nd ct~c;lnre· this short ~,.Int to be th(? i:;rc1phic representath,'l of lhf' snrr.,; and do hereb/ dedicate ·:to the use of tlie public forever. ttie .c:\rects and avenues s1toW.n a!'> public t)'iQr:con and dedicate the use thereof for all ?,.1blic p.rrµ:>5es not .ino::insistPnt Willi the use 1 hl'reof for publf_c h!r•llway purpoHes, ;1l~o the ··r11~ht to muke all 11rc~ssar~ slu11es 1·,1r ~uts and J'i]ls 11pon tl1A lots ~hown on the face of tll'" ~llort plat in LJJP, ortr~inal re::isona~!t.' 1Jtidin~ c·!' t~P :Hr~~ts and .. ve111.!l·~, sl,..:iwn 1''()Tf'on, anti th:1t :-;aid i-;hort !-.'llbtllvLdm, i8 rr.arl1? with the fre,1 ~1 .. ~cnt and 1~ acc()l'tl:tni~e wil/1 Lil~ rlesircs of t!1n owner(s). 1;~ h'1TNESS W!JEHI:.:01" 1·(' ha·,·t· ·•cl ,1111· i1and:-:; and .'"l,:•alr;: ' · .. (CMF,,.h,,, ... f_.,!,"\ -~a.7-J?.aborn Melvin Bigford.1 7P~', . i'\ i, l'i:; ,_ l"'tr."'r.=,(j:r.--- X '~J:...(..~l.,,.":"t r"'1i Nam~. Eleano~ Jo~phin~ Natne )lo. rigo de la ega / / Name STATE OF WASHINGTON,f !,!,. County of_~K~I~N~G=----- . ,,,:-:;,., ..-fJ-·-·· ,,;~-~1:·~ Name Antonia /' ( Name J i-'• ~- I• On thi.:. '-'d!/ personally appeared before me 07,_B_O_R_N_M_E_L_V_I_N __ B_I_G_F_O_l<_D_a_n_d ___ _ ELEANOR JOSEPHINE BIGFORD, to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the withir:i ilnd foregoing instrulll!!nt, ,:rnd acknowledged that they signod the same a.s their fre'e and volunt,1ry act and deed, for the uses J.nd purposes th,uein ment.foned. GIVEN under my hanri and official seal this .U!!!.,_ day 0£ November ,H~- '""' STATE OF WASHING:"n,"-l,l ~ ,~ Cow;ty of KHJG fDr'()·lJM,. Sh'::Xrf Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, rr!siding at Seattle, l Ii ' on this day person.]lly dppe,ued before me Rodrigo de la Vega M?gat and • Antonia M. Magat, ~ ta mt' known to be t.,' .. e indiv.ldUdl dL•scribt.'d in and who executed the within~ d foregoing instrument, an,j acknowlf)dged that they signed the .s,1nw;, JS their free Bnd voluntary act and deed, for the usr.s .ind pUrPJ8cS therei:J mentioned. 1~ ' GIVEN undec>r ny h,md and official seal this~. rfay of No•,ember-19.....l!L, Short Plat Number F-259 J/78 . / I ,. k,Jt,., ,, ). . l, fl, . .Vr>taT1} Public in and .for thf-st:.,1t1J ~f w,.shington, residing at Seattle. 1) ·,, ' 11 ,,, Pago 1_ o f __ lfe _ ' .. I l I i I • i -··· --·-----·-· .. . ··------•· 1 N r- 112 N -.D 0 CITY Of REHTOH TEMPORARY WATER SERVICE AGREEHENT DATE ~ w, 7'/l:W,-A, i Lv., F/ L1c10 IJ£,/il, owner(,) of ' ~dd.-.ss -..t.{..:Ju0....,_7,.o'--"'--'l'-"'3--<8'--,::,--5"'-"'€.=-'-.----------Tap '------- Je9aH.)' ducr1bed u . s £ ;;. .,. . ' SAGUr R..014-1' • I fo 11 ows: tv€/'• w f-,1, 2311/., '"' 15" 8 ' T""£rt..Jl &,,r: ' ~" / -n-,e. /..lo,u-,, I 8". f .S'' /.,.)ILJT 23 'f 1 • -.D r- ' for and 1n constderat1on of the Rtnton Water Oepartment~ranttng I penn1t to connect a t..,porary wattr urvtco and/or o,a1n 1n /~ Sf· • ,.Jor the 1b0v1 property htreby agrte that no protests can be Ne by 1bov1 ports , ""fM:jJ:_ heirs and 1ssfgns, against the construction of. or assessment for a pennanent"watermalr, n'htch will necessarily be constructed tn the street to serve this property, ' Th1s agrteMe~t shall be a covenant r~nn1ng with the land and shall be b1nd1ng upon all parties and tha1r heirs and assigns until the pennan1nt watennafn to se..ve .the above described property has be~n constr~ct•d and the 1ss,ssment roll or cost per proporty thtrtfor,; certffhd to th1 City Tre:asurer for collectton. or payment. 1- IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto ,et my hand and seal the day and _year first above written. STATE OF WASHIHGT~i " COUNTY OF K:NG ,, o1'f1c.1a1 st:1l the day and yur tn this c.ert1f1cate first c11b0Yf! I ' ·• ' 1 ' I I I I i i i. I 1. I I I I I I I I I ·------··--· -·---· .. i I l C, q N I • . ~ = ... .... flLED for Rerord al Rioouell GI N ,... 0 °' I '" D ' :::, ·1 '° .... ... 0. "'· 0 ! 0 ~ ..,, '";" "' "' ~ '-" :- =c <>.. 0 0 C") "'"' "' ~ ,; •• .. i •; . ·' ,,. ' (i f "' "' "' C u .., ., u ""' d', w C "' 0 u '" ., ,, ' 'tj i ;, :, ~ ., ,, ··,r ' •• •, ' t '1•' • /' ' • I' ;,' .. ',I• '• ·I 8.2/ t l /;~3 ff.1008 E A,.t£.AJJ>H£Nr 'TO f(ECf';, F "!",·1)1.) Ot:ca.....-otATION :J;t. (A9·i'3L t ,t,>t·*-'+'3, 00 ~c:...1..::;:o:r (;7 c::':J';::~;-:i 82082(,05"3'2.. 22 P"1lllc SU,l>l; !' om,,.,, A<r. z b, r, et. . ·, 'E:..a',1 &.l.l. :i.e.c. a'/ t~asl! p:-ue.ot.1 ~"': I (.,..) ~ u.:i::!.e.r,i6-ed, o ... .:.arf!::..:i. !'a8 si:I;1!.1 of th.a la.cl dasc::-;.:Jed Cl.c,.ain, ile:'!!07' daci..&ra t~.s COT&..C:.I.Jl': ~ ;ll..a.ce sa::a~on. !"ttc:i:-d .. ::· .'i,...:.~, U..o:i g::.a..c;t.~rgerd . .:1, !.~ {~) t.!:.e o...-:..erf!:r.~ tu si:~1 oz: (ar. ~a.rss-: 1.n) t-'l• !o.l..'.! ;)~ duc.-:1bltd ru.l ut.a. t• s.i :-a.&ted !.:l ~ea...w":::l<'-------------- Cow:1;t7, St.a-ta at ii:&~on, to -.r.it1 s~b: -f Ntjl, oF Nw[r _.. Sec.is-· TWN?:3N tt.6SF.. c..,,.., KcNG: Co, w1 1&K'4::::T'"'PfL '>fnnt ilA F:UC me £1C€1T U(~ "J!J:Cl?t 186·1£ C'ltt-r-~,. 1 t?f( l:.l{~r 2,3..} .,..PT M, on \nlic.:l tJ;.e pnt.6r~ u.d. op6n.te41 & ~all &.Cd. vat,r-.1or..u .sc.,.-p.lr.-:... '.•a::a:-!'ot" }, publ.1c: u.s, lo ca tad. on uid raal est.a. t•, tc vi:':. 1 • t, ~ w(u.. s CCL \:9Sr:"t!LJ) 20:S::: ,£'u.r EAs.r QC z::e:'7 4h;...:r ,.,~:CA??: L/Nlll... ee Lo.-:,-i e S#M..T ~ o I YO F~Er -,.., ,,_ A ,,.~ u...,, /! Jt'HO r ~' :=: &lld Jn,U"tOr nquirod to kup tl1a ntar su;,pl.!od tr= u1d "ollt!n• !::= ·. (Y) 1;:,;nritiu vhich lldpt bo 1.:>.jur'..ou.1 to th.a p,,hllo laal.th. N ..-It il th.a pu:r;o.s• o:! th.ese i,I"'Uit.1 .uid cav..na.nt.a to :rireve.ctt cor...d.:1 ~i:a:i. ::..ant-t ,,_ 1.n&:ttar a.cm:::i.en.tad i:1 t.!l. u..sa ot: .said zra,:rt.,r:s l.&c.d. •·hi.ch .:ii.ht can-:am:t.:1a::.a .n!.d 1·· Nva.t.r ~. , IX). ' ' )oil, TlilJ!El'Ol!E, tl1a r=rt,,,re:.{i;reot/!:&lld cOTa=r.:~t said pmart0;.h:!..:I t n,.t)(~) llair,, sw:couor, &lld unp., vill :,ct ccn.st:rw:t, caiJltaiJl, ti-;:/ r !'!!!or to 1:e c:c=tril<:1:od or maiJltai.t:.e<i up,n th.o said land. ol! th.a ~~al:<! R nw.:i. 1DO !eet af tu veil Wai.a. da:rcriDedt 5CII li:m.e' u ~ sai:e j 1s. operated. ta ~ -:..at.er tar pu!llic co~n, · a::,-a:t t!1d .tcJ..1.avi::.i; c~s:s-1 pocl.2, 11Nar:i, ,:irirtu, uptic ta.nk..,, dru.::t'ia.l.d.:J, m.z:u..-. pil.11, rarb&.rti o~ u:;-= or c!uc:n.-n, bar:l.s, chic.lean l:alue,, n.bl:d.t lnttcha•, ;n,:p..,_., or other e..oclo.5't::"9.s or ~es tar t!l.e keep:1.c.g or ::i.a.i:rtam.::ic• ~ t~ a: atr-a1 ,, or :rtorqo ot: l!..r.wi or dq c:h=!.cw, bar!:d.c:ic••, or !,uectid.t!e•. to ;u b'l.."D. to J::e tb.a it :.n.dua.l_C.esc...""ibed U &;id Yha exeeuced t.18 \Ii~ h-;:- ~. al:<! &e.b,vl •• t=&t ho (tlioT) .i..,,..d a,:,:! ,u.l.od t.:a ........ _ .. :'~- t::-9• &J:d vol~J Act .:.d. dud, :or t!i.e u.seo a:..:! ,;,u:::;a11,s therai.:1 :wrt:1.oned.. ' . (Not&r;' Public in &nd !or tllo· State o't. re.sidini a.t Setittli!. W..~on l<tcORDE~ TII/•; UhY !'!LING: Cispa.rt:nent o~ Reeord.s a.nd Election:r Room Jll -Count:," J.dmi.::ihtra. tion Bldg. Jrd &nd Ja.me:, Seattle, \,lu~on 98l.04 PBOJIE, Ji.J.·l..21' Fn.IllG n:E1 Hav 23 3 s3 fH 'Bl 10 .• T• :J: 01iLsl'lN OF $3.c::: !or l,t P•i• (ccpy •tAm!l!\<l,.}.fur,· flO~S Sl..00 tor each a4d.1t1o..'\&l pa.ge;!~:G 'G.!JfJN('i' ' FI LED for Rc~ord at Hiqucst ~u. ~am, .P.>Jt, ,f ~. l.1l)06Uc;. .......... .4- .\ddw1 .. 1 . .:J 8 3 a 5 r , :! 1 '3+ ........ __ , _ --~&!..!9'1.. .... .WIL-3~ OS"G, I lllfWR DlGi(zt.ME$VWlEGWr:;zr;,1~·-..,...,.:.,..,,.,,,. • .,.,,..,. • .,.., .. ,.--..... ,._.,_,,.,_.,,,.,_,1. ______ .,. ... ~-,---.. ·-~...-""··-------··"· ··w· 1 ,. ::::~:..;...; . .;.:::c:r ,::: .::7::::~;: J . .?uil!.c Su~ ~ 'i,1-:: L;.a'.1 all ~en ":, t!:.111se jlre~ent.s ~t I t'l&1 t.:.e v;:.derrl;;=.e:ci, O\o-:ai~!.:1 !'ae .si::;lle al. th.a. U=d duc:ibed hC"tin, il.11reC7 d•cla.re t:::~.l c.:in.::.ci: a.:.:! ~c:a sa.:.a on r,co:-d .. I I ~' th• i?"&c:':ore:,{arai.:i., i.s ~ t:.e 01..:.•r~ t'u si:cpl.1 bt (a.n i.:;~ar3s': 1n) :.!la !ollovl:.( duc_"':1.bed ou.l. •sut• sit-.ated !.:l ....J.~lz.t---·:..: ________ _ Caunt7, St.a.ta ol w&shi.:i.iton, to viti . ·1 5€ ,Iv t:e:'. N4 'lr tt r:Y i.., 1t re:: .s,.s t:r r,H~ ZJc< /?<i $"l! t..)t'-1 Norri Co, 48: <vtec nee £eM:::Ut 12 fl ,:e:cc, 4:t::'t ,os:r&:::.-•htts MGr:sw '186,t'L ---'6Jar: zz.g ercc ff 11'!( tYCtmo1oce et"" §,:yzr ~1?' i:LOoe on vb:Lc~ tu ~u:ir~vn.s: a.cd o;-.ra.tes'1. vd.l a.n.d. v1.ter-.1ar'.a si..:~l7"'....=.. ·•~::111: ~or publ.io UH loe&ted c{a.-·l&id, real tstat•, to ·tJi~z . J. ?:OA ;<<r e:Mr er: t.J~s.,-er:crurT L;,V-c At:::::Q It i-3 th.a pur;,o:se o! these ~3 .a.nr! CO'Tu.a.IL't-3 ta ;:revut cu-....a:G. ;.:"3.c-:!c:11s c.al"e- 1.?la!'tar e.m.::.n.n.t.-d 1;l. Cla u.:1• o~ said .ra,:rt.::irs UI:.d t.:hicll :i,t.lt c:'0.c.":.aC:1..:ll.~• sa:i.d. w.tu-,upp..1.7. ' :llll, IliZRu'Ol!E, ~ ~::;!::a;;::osJi:'u:i cavo=~t >aicl F.rlr-;b!.> (lie#)(t': 1 } ~:,, ~i::asscrs am .a.s.d..iD-5 \d..1l :at construct, ~t:.ain, or sa!!,r to l:e cou=ted ~~upon t!u said l.,.ud ot ·;l,a '~r~ "n.t!n:l 1.00 !'Ht at th.I vall c.&reiD. d,ucrtCed, :sc ~ u t5'a aa.c.e .Ls opon.tod to i'Ur:t1..sb. ""'t,r tar pu!,llc coZI.Sic;rtiDn, c:r o£ = (~: ce,.,_ poal..s., .swers, ;:rri:rlu, septic t.a.nJu, drd.:lti&U.:t, ~-. p::Lus, '.prbqa o! 1r:f T'-.:ld ar e.uc:rij:1t1.c.n., b&...-:i:s, chicken i:muu, :-a.bin.~ butche:r, :;rl.alULS, or ot.her enci.D5tl:"11.s or ,-~-u !cn-t.?ie kaepill( or ~ena..:i.c• of tav.1..3 or ~, or stc~, o.t. ~ or d.97 c.b.&ad.CUJ, h.arb:id.du, or i:1:lecti~!I· r-. ' ot.ll7 Public in ~d tClr., the· Sta"te ot M.s residiD.I[ at ( t,·, { ( l ~ c , ~ ./ Z!I.IllG, .• :'·.· ··.' ; 3.00 on, ............ 3. 00 22 w. : ·., Dep-.rt,men ! ;i~ .. ·rd.s and E': ti:1:ion-3 Roam. Jll County 1dm1:i!.!trai.1on Bl.de. SJ.CO !or 1st P•i• (copy ~tamped tree) Sl..CO tor u.cti &ddJ.tio.oa.l: P"i• Jrd and J • Seattle, .s..bi.ll.t'..on S-8104 't ~ rlLl:.D tor Record at Request or Name fH{HC R, Lf ND8(r',G ' I ?932 Sf 1g.1 sr-: Addnm . ----~ t::~r.JiJmt t..;n, ~J aoi.~r D ' . I I ' ! i , .. ~ ·• ' . . t, . . ~. .. . \ ' ·. . " . . . I -. . ' : ,' . ~ •/, 't WELL USE 1\GREEMENT ANO EASEMENT f ;'.1 This AGREEMENT made and entP.red .into this diy of the ' 2.b_th of August, 1982 by Paull,. I.ino1.~berg, do1e owner of real property described ir1 King County s:-iort Plat No. 676075, and t!ll parties involved, whether by p}esent use of said land or by intent to purchase, or the ~urchase of said land, a.re legally bound to all parts o't this 11 AGREEMENT, " ~· WHEREAS. Paul A. Lindberg hereby owns the (Ollowing ,· described real property, to-wit: ' Lots 1, 2, 3 of King County Short Plat No. said short plat being described as follows: l 76075 The SE"-' of NE!i of NW)i of SEC. 15, TWN 23N, •RG SE, WM, King County, Washington, except the South i98 feet, and except:the North 186.15 feet of the West 234 feet, and except the south 120 feet of the West 2,?0 feet of the remainder, and except the count~· road. t WHEREAS upon completion of the subdivision ~f lots 1 & 2 into four (4) new lots, the owners of the ~ew lots hereinafter referred to as "land owners" will 1ba legally bound to all parts of this AGREEMENT. WHEREAS, all parts of the well, including t:anks, pumps, pipes, structures, or any other parts therewit:p,, shall be covered by this AGREEMENT. i\ WHEREAS~ the land owners of said land desctjibed above hereto desire to enter into an agreement to pjivide for LI.~ joint ut::P.: and maintenance of the well anct,1water system described hereinabove in the manner herelnafte,: set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION OF THE MUT~AL COVENANTS t. HEREINAFTER CONTAINED AND THE MUTUAL BENEFITS DERI~O IN EACH OF THE LAND OWNERS HERETO, IT IS AGREED A.$ FOLLOWS: L Ownership of Well and Water system. It is:_agreed by the land owners hereto that the ownership oi any of the four (4) new lots shall. entitle an undivid~d one-fourth (~} interest in and to the use of the well and~wat~r system t to be constructed for the purpose of furnishing a pure and ,, healthful supply of fresh water for domestic uses to serve one single f~mily residential dwelling on each ,of the abqve new lots. , . . ;_i 2. rvst.of Construction and Maintenance. Each ownership o: the above clescriberl lots hereto covenants a~d agreeR that they shall equally share in all original ~onstruction . . costs of ·~he said well and water system hereinijbove des- cribed. I~ is further agreed that each ownership of the /'t ·/ .•... ,,. ' I; 1r.: t:,XCISE Tf..X NOT RCQl:W Pa9e l of 3 ··.,,,, ."·,,.r·,:. \;J·1 ~·:r::C:.Rec.\j,~Jv • •• T • l. .. '. ' . . ·, . . ' . ~ • 4 .. p, Q"" ~-• • , • •• ' ' . ' ,., • • ' ' , ,; ' I• l7tirU tr:Hl7_ 73¥'1:CJdd: "*6.wM••. t I~ .............. ·""¥~•• .. •-• .. .,u,._ ....... IO."''''' _______ ,_ . ....._,..._.,. . ~· -·~·--~·-··, ) above descrihed lots shall equally share in all maintenance ~ and operatlon costs of the said well nnd water B}:.f.'ltern. 3. Easements. A circular easement fo~ the well ;~t the well site shall continue in all directions ten {10) f~et in radius I from the cente1· of the well e.l '·a, and shall be considered mutually owned by all said lnnd owners of the ab~:ve described lots. Easir:ments for access to the well shall be. four (0 ' feet wide .:.nd starting from the well site shall continue approximately south to the road and shall contin~,e along the edge of the road to each of the lots. All e,'.sements will be contained by both picture and descriptiori~ in the new su~division of loto 1 & 2 into the four new lots here-r inabove described. 4. Maintenance and Repair of Pipeline. The pipC_line shall be maintained so as to prevent any leakage or cause injury or damage to this agreement. The said ee~page the land pipeline other defects which premieES covered by constitute all pipe used for carrying !rash watef from or and shall the wellsite along the hereinabove described of the above described lots. easement to each '" The cost of any repair or maintenance shall be borne l one-forth {);) by the land owners of the new lotsf and all parties agree to permit access to the easemerit areas for the purpose of repair and maintenance. The sost of any repair or ~aintenance not contributed pro•rata by any owner shall be enforceable as a lien on said owner's ~ property. t· 5. Restriction on Furni·shing Wate·r to Third Part·ies. It is further agreed by the l.e.nd· owners hereinabove :,:described that they shall not furnish water from the well '!',nd water system to any other persons or properties without the prior written consent of all land owners hereto, · and that in no event shall any additional connections to i~e water system be made which will diminish or deplete the water supply or pressure furnished to any of said land,pwners without prior upgrading of said water system to iCet all King County standards and requirements for the hJi_,;einabove ;J described well, 6, Heirs, succ2:!!ors and Assigns. binding upon the heirs, successors, '• This AGREE~T and assigns ~-f shall be all parties des• -ued as land owners above. I:._: .··.-:-"' Page 2 of 3 ·.,_r,; ., " IN THE WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have execute~ this agreement the day and the year first hereinabove wi-!tten. ,i; STATE OF WASHINGTUN COUNTY OF KING 1,, PRESENT LAND O~'NER OF /1·•1D PROPERTY,. : _J_ &«1 a we. Jy Efh•1e,. PAUL A. LINDBERG;· I, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, hereby certify that on this day ":.'? ·~I· <i._ure .. ,c /,J".? Paul A. Lindberg personally appeared before me, to me, nown to be the individual described in and who executed the r.oregoing instrument, and acknowledged the same as his free and vo,;luntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. SIGNED • 1 , , ~O~ :i~7i(f-- rlLEll Im lic~u,u ::it ::equ~st v, Name__Ei.i.!!_•L..IL .. --!c.'.!.'\) oo u. G- Addres.s 13?JL Sf I 3, ~ l' .! ··~ • , .;::,2.·(·.~ ::,.:. p:_:;:,: [! :.- 5' /i •,i: ll,)'.j33 [) · • • '3. DO ·l 2: ' r,i .1 :1 I: :i ,/ Page 3 of ~ ti ( .. ; 'i I I I "'"' __ j • a) 11') r- 0 rl N s &l / DECLARATION OF CONDITIONS, COVENANTS ANO' RESTRICTIONS REGARDING FORMATION OF A UTILITY LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT In consideration of approval by King County of a ~S::itH'-'"rJ!,r,,,,1:~~P~/Jtbl:!~)t.L.~~~~~~~ permit/approval for the property ·described below, h1tL f+. L1NDfl&4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~' property o-wner•, hereby c6Venant and agree as follows: 1. I/We are the owners of property within King County, which is legally described as follows: SE~ af IJ E Y., '* IJIW )/,i oF-su.. (> tNN 2.3N R,~!,E NI"). /(Jl,l'i-Caw.rrf.1i"P-. C'}(t.U"'T ' I / '7,/£,. S"""-i>-f l"J8 FEET ,!>,.JD f.)<GUT ~£ /Vt7>1-Trl lgC.J£°F-E.t..• oF Plr. ' . 1-Jli-ST 2!,>/ f-U.r / /4-,'J> .;'.111,aJ'r TH£. .s a,..T>i I VY F-E.L1' 0,-TJiE: W&-s.- LT-D f£LT .:>I'-'.n1E. JQ;[r, JQ,J,:,Oi;4l *7'11::, E. ,<"-&, T7'1E. c.,rwJr'( Rtsttrf). 831 0.: A.., REt:.C• :-" CA'.:.:HSL 4. C,() ;,,+;,+,,tl4. 00 22 2 .. !/Ne have requested the issuance by King county of the following permit or approval for the above describe:a property: 3. Pursuant to King County Ordinance 5828, Sec'tion 4, the above described permit or approval is exempt from K:ing county• s requirements for fire hydrants and water mains. 4 ~ Recognizing the above facts and in consideration of King county's issuance of the requested permit/approval: I/We hereby agree to join in the execution of a petition·. for and not to protest, the formation of a utility local improvi:,ment district for purposes of providing water mains and fire hydrants r.onsis- tent with applicable King County standards. For this purpose, I/we hereby designate the manager of the public wat~r district responsible for the~ .dl improvement district as o~r agent authorized to r .<Jn a petition pursuant to RCW 57.16~;060 on our behalf. • , RECORDED THI\ nti( JAii 21 3 os rH 'B3 --·--~·-~------ r I I r I ' ,· ,, I I I l l r '(,, .-. ,,, 5. This Declaration of Conditions, Covenants ,and Restric- tricts is binding upon our heirs, assignees and successors in interest as the owners of the above-described prop~rty and is a covenant running with the land. 6. This Declaration of Conditions, Covenants.and Restric-, tions shall not be released without the express written approval of the King County Fire Marshal or his successor. OWNER ·, On this ~day ox":J0tn.J1P.nty-, 19~, before me personctlly appeared -Pa u L a &'a:dhluj to me known to be the (individuals) ( tif& of the corporation) described herein and who executed the'foregoing instrument as their free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purp~~es herein mentioned. Witness my hand and seal hereto affixed the .,,2o.+-J __ day of ~Orn.l.loO/H V 19_o 1L •. !.J tor Record at Request ot Ham, ... E11.1!:;!.f....g_,,,, ... J,.1t!.!J.(! '11 Cr Address_...L}.6 U SL .. L~_,_.,_,. __ _ RW"nrr,) I hJ ,4. '18 0 n;' ,. ', :1/, ,. ,,'\ I \' ~· ::)' ' ·i l Water Treatment Agreemont; ' ' The owners ~f the following described real pro~erties, to wit: ! lot 1: The North 186,15 feet of SE l/4 of NE 114 or NW 1/4 of ·;,.,,sec, 15, TWN 23N,RG 5E WM, King Co. ,WA, except ~he West 234 feet, " ·· and except the East 2is feet: together with and:/ subject to ease-.. ·.":;; ·1 , .' men ts for access and ut111t1es. ,. w: :·v.-· .:/lft ,Lot '2:.SE 1/4 of NE 1/4 of NW 1./~ of Sec, 15, T;~N 23H, RG 5E, WM, ~/>,';',::, ,Kfng ·Co., WA, except the North 186.15 feet, and: except the South ·C\l :',:'.· 198 feet, and except the West 215 feet, and except the South 120, ··~ ., feet of the W~st 220 feet of the remainder, and ~xcept county ~ · fZ road: together with and su6Ject to easements for access & utilities~ Lot 3: The East 215 feet of the North 279.64 re'~t of ~he s,: 1/4' ,')I 1.·.,.:·, . ofl NE 1/4 of NW 1/4 of Sec,15, TWN 23N, RG SE, WM, Kin~ r,o,, WAI together with and subject to easements for acce•u and utfl!tiH, . ::, Lot 4: The South 180 feet of the East 215 feet of the follo'wtng•i' described tract: The SE 1/4 of .NE 1/4 of NW 1/4 of Sec, 15, TWN · 23N, RG SE, WM, King Co., WA, except the South ~98 feet, and ex-· cept county road; together with and subject to easements for access and utilities.·· i Do real fze .~nd consider that the existing water! sistem, located on Lot 2, and supplying water to lots 1,2,3 and 4 does contain a level of manganese·and iron in excess of the ~stahlished Washington State limit for dissolved manganese Ind Iron In drfnking water, do hereby agree and covenant ourselves to pro- vfde and maintain necessary treatment of said water to reduce the level of contained manganese and Iron to the said state · · l!mft, In the event that the excessive level becomes unaccept- able to any futurt owners of the above properties who use the water. · '• It is understood and agreed that the users of the water at the tfme ibove mentioned treatment becomes necessary shall share equally fn the expense of Installing and maintalnfng facflftles, to. provfde safd treatment. · . In th~ ·event any of the owners ~eem the le~el of manganes• and Iron unacceptable and the water fs retested and t!stlng shows ft Is wlthtff;state standards and requirement, then the above .. mentioned treatment wfll not be required, -~·~-- . The covenant made herein shall be deemed to run wftl the real properties mentioned herein and shall be blidlng upon the owners thereof, thefr heirs, successcrs and assigns, Thfs cov• enant wfll be b,ndfng untfl such time as the well ceases to be a .. source of public water supply. ),;,11;,, ES .·!' REOF WE have set our hands and sea.1 s: ~,,;(Ill ~ ·~ .. ' ,.,. • ~-I',.(/;~' . . , /£:Ii\! ;it.~~-,~.; -~, [f}..O.~~~~ .. ·''f{ 1>~.;;,).~t,.,-. ~'1¥HN1t1lf~ . \ate · . :, ,,-·.··' . ,• ·_..\' .. )., .. . 1 .. ,, ·, c~ ~ C: I../ w ,_, w C.'.: ~ ln ...... = ----~ CERTIFICATE I, the ~~0 ;:r,igned, ~'I Clerk of the City of Renton, W3:;hington, certify that this is a true and correct copy of_ fir . · Subscribed and Seal CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 4612 AN ORDmABCE OF THE CITY OF RENTOH, WASJUJIGTO!r, ESTABLISHDIG Jill ASSESSJIBNT DIS~ICT FOE SANITARY SJnlKII. SERVICE J:1'1 A POR7IOII OP THE SOOTH HIGHLANDS, JIEATBEll. DO"ll?l'S, AJiil MAPLEWOOD SUB-BASINS JUiD ESTAJ3LJ:SBll1G THE AKOtJllT OF THE CHJlllGB "Ul'Oif CONNECTION TO Tl!B FACILITIES. TUB CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SBCTION I, There is hereby created a Sanitary Sewer Service Special Assessment Distr~ct for the area served by.the Bast Renton Sanitary sewer Intercepto! in the northeast quadrant of the City of Renton and a portion of its urban growth area within unincorporated King County, which area is more particularly described in Exhibit ~A• attached hereto. A map of the service area is attached as Exhibit •a.• The recorcl.ing of this document is to provide notification of potential connection and interest charges. While this connection charge may be paid at any time, the • City does not require pa}'tllBnt until. such time as the parcel is connected to and thus benefiting from the sewer facilities. The property may be sold or in any other way change hands without triggering the requirement, by the City, of payment of the charges associated with this district. SECTION II Persons connecting to the sanitary sewer facilities in this Special Assessment District and which properties ~ g; g:; -' = ~ "' "' ::: = = iii iii: '" H ill § ~ ~ < ii: B ~ m ~ ~ .., I ~ ~ I ~ 8 l • ! I l l l i I ' • j ORDINANCE 4 612 have not been charged or assessed with all costs of the East Renton Sanitary Sewer Interceptor, as detailed in this ordinance, shall pay, in addition to the payment of the connection permit fee and in addition to the system development charge, the following additional fees: A. Per unit Charge. New connections of residential dwelling units or equivalents shall pay a fee of $224.52 per dwelling unit and all other uses shall pay a unit charge of $0. 069 per square foot of property. Those properties included within this Special Assessment District and which may be assessed a charge thereunder are included within the boundary legally described in Exhibit "A· and which boundary is shown on the 0mc.p attached as Exhibit "B. • SECTION III. In addition to-the aforestated charges, there shall be a charge of 4.11% per annum added to the Per Unit Charge. 'I'he . interest charge shall accrue for no more than ten (10) years from the date this ordinance becomes effective. Interest charges will be simple interest and not compound interest. SECTION IY, This ordinance shall be effe,ctive upon its passage, approval, and thirty (30) days after publication'. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this'1.Q.t.h day of~_J...,,.uune.._~~L 1996 . City Clerk 2 ORDINANCE 4612 APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 10th day of June 1996. Tanner, Mayor Appro~as to form: .. o(~~,11....,.cz,- Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Date of Publication: 6/14/96 ORD.576:5/20/96:as. 1 ~ t I 3 J. _____ _ i l I I • • • ,l 1 1 Exhibit A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FOR THE CITY OF RENTON -EAST RENTON INTERCEPTOR Portions of Sections 8, 9. 10, 11. 14, 15, 16, 17, 21 and 22 all in Township 23N, Range 5E W.M. in King County, Washington Section a, Township 23N, Range 5E W.M. All of that portion of Section 8, Township 23N. Range 5E W.M. lying East of the East right-of-way line of SR-405 and South of the following described line: Beg1nnlng at the intersection of the East line of said Section 8 with the centerline of ~E 7th Street: thence Westerly along said centerline of NE 7th Street to Its intersection with the centerline of Sunset Boulevard NE; thence Northerly along the centerline of Sunset Boulevard NE to the North line of the Southeast V. of said Section 8; thence West along said North line to the East right-of-way line of SR-405 and the terminus of said line. · Section 9, Township 23N, Range 5E W.M. All of that portion of Section 9, Township 23N, Range SE W.M. lying South and East of the following described line: Beginning on the centerline ofNE 7th Street at its intersection with the centerline of Edmonds Avenue NE; thence Easterly along the centerline of NE 7th Street to its intersection with the centerline of Monroe Avenue NE; thence North along said centerline to the South line of the Northeast 1.4 of said Section 9; thence East along said South line to its intersection with the centerline of Redmond Avenue NE; thence Northerly along said centerline to its intersection with the centerline of NE 10th Street: thence East along said centerline to the East line of said Section 9 and the terminus of said line. Section 10, Township 23N, Range 5E W.M. All of that portion of Section 10, Township 23N, Range SE W.M. lying Southerly and Westerly of the following described line: Beginning on the West line of Section 1 O at its intersection with the North line of the South 'h of the North 1h of said Section l O; thence East along said North line to its intersection with the centerline of 142nd Avenue SE; thence Southerly along said centerline to its intersection ·.vith the North line of the Southeast 1A of said Section 10; thence East along said North line to its intersection with the East line of said Section l O and the terminus of said line . ' i I l l I ! I i 1 ' I l I l ; \ l ; ' l i I I I 1 l l.ega/ Description of the Special Assessment District for the City of Renton-East Remon lntercptor Section 11, Township 23N, Range SE W.M. All of the Southwest 14 of Section 11. Township 23N. Range SE W.M.. Section 14, Township 23N, Range 6E W.M. Page2of3 All,of that portion of Section 14. Township 23N, Range 5E. W.M. described as follows: All of the Northwest V. of said section, together with the Southwest Y4 of said section, except the South II.I of the Southeast \4 of said Southwest \4 and except the plat of McIntire Homesltes and 'h of streets adjacent as recorded In the Book of Plats, Volume 58, Page 82, Records of King County. Washington, and except the South 151.55 feet oftbe East 239.435 feet of Tract 6, Block 1 of Cedar River Five Acre Tracts as recorded In the Book of Plats, Volwne 16, Page 52, Records of King County, Washington, less 'h of the street abutting said portion of Tract 6, Block 1, and less Tract 6, Block 2 of said Cedar River Five Acre Tracts, less If., of the street adjacent to said Tract 6, Block 2, and except the South 82.785 feet of the East 150 feet of Tract 5, Block 2 of said Cedar River Five Acre Tracts and less 1h the street adjacent to said portion of Tract 5, Block 2. Section 15, Township 23N, Range SE W.M. All of that portion of Section 15, Township 23N, Range 5E. W.M., except the Southwest \4 of the Southwest \4 of the Southwest \4 of said section. Section 16, Township 23N, Range SE W.M. All tif that portion of Section 16, Township 23N. Range 5E W.M .• except that portion of the Southeast 1A of the Southeast \4 of the said Section 16 lying East of the East line of the Plat of Maplewood Division No. 2 as recorded in the Book of Plats Volume 39, page 39, Records of King County Washington and its Northerly extension to the North line of said Southeast 14 of the Southeast \4 of the said Section 16 and except that portion of said section lying Southerly of the Northerly right-of-way line of SR-169 (Maple Valley Highway). ' Section 17, Township 23N, Range SE W.M. All of that portion of Section 17, Township 23N. Range 5E W.M., lying Northeasterly of the Northeast.erly right-of-way of SR-169 (Maple Valley Highway) and Easterly of the East right-of-way line of SR-405 less that portion lying generally West of the East and Southeasterly line of Bronson Way NE lying l ----------------------------: I ! I r i ~ I ! I i r ' ' i l ! I I l I ' I 1 ! ' I Legal Description of the Special Assessment District for the City of Renton -FAst Rmtcn InlerC£J)IOT Page 3 o(3 between the South line of the NE 3rd Street and the Northeasterly margin of SR- 405. ,Section 21, Township 23N, Range SE W.M. ,, All that portion of Section 21, Township 23N, R 5E W.M. lying Northeasterly of the,Northcasterly right-of-way line of SR-169 (Maple Valley Highway) and West of the East line of the Plat of Maplewood Division No. 2 as recorded In the Book of Plats, volume 39, page 39, Records of King County, Washington. Section 22, Township 23N, Range SE W.M. All of that portion of Section 22, Township 23N, Range SE W.M. described as follows: All of the Northwest 1>4 of the Northeast 1/,i of said Section 22 Jyjn,g Northerly of the Southerly line of the Plat of Maplewood Helghts as recorded In the Book of Plats, volume 78, pages 1 through 4, Records of King County, Washington. 'Together with the North 227,11 feet of the West 97.02 of the Northeast IA of the Northeast IA of said Section 22. I i I I ' •' ' I l l l I i I l l I I ' i I 1 l Exhibit B EAST RENTON INTERCEPTOR Special Assessment Dish;icl Boundary ·1:24,000 ------City Llmit• !ZT....T-2] Spead Assessment Dislncl -F "' er L" ·."J. ,;,;J ,::> _,. _, -::) r-., t- N 0 0 ' I '" ~- "' ' ' ,-.. " = ," "' ,, ' ) •," ') I-Jaw~~ l )-)~l-».t:h.....A.v~ s.e.1.t..t..t., ......Yll.4!Ling.t.QJr9-8-1-ti-8 . c.... r-, ~-~ ::c ;:; "'" w N = ~ ~'. Snbdiv1don 676075 ' :·w ARRANTY DEED '" ~ 'f,w R/W 377 T Ii,• .:r111111,r_ ... _ •• _~---hl"tC in •••• 2'!!~!.! .. ~~L_!~~C.!'JL.!!!iL.le.lL'i..:..A1-1t'l!~u ...... -ts.J&.-Hi.!. .... ___ _ , ····---------------_. ... Frank E. Rowan and Jeasie_E,,.__!!5::,yan ... .DJ..a..;xlli.----····---- fo, thl' cr"1111idrr11tion ur ·------------·· MUTUAi •• fif;Nf,;FtTS --······-···-------.-----.---'. ............... Dollar" 11nd nthC!r v1iluAhle conf! hh:ration, t·onve)' ---· and w.o.rr11nl ____ lo the County nr Kin11}Stete or W.uhin111:lon, all inlNl"llll in the follow in,: dt>ftcribeJ real e11l11W: Tax Lot 44 I11e East 10 feet of the Wei,t 30 feet of the S.E.\ of the N.E.t 6.f the N.W.\ of Section 15> To\mship 23 North. R,auge 5 Eut, W,M.; EXCEPT the South 198 feet ther~o!; and EXCEPT the North 186.15 feet. SitU11tc in the County of King State of W.nehington Containing 0.06 A~rce more or lees R/W 138th Avenue S.E. ; IP1f!'lher 10.'1tlt Che• rll(ht to m.,kl' DII flc1:1!111111,y "io~" lo, cul11 11,nJ rill11 upo11 th1~:·:1,1liuUing prof)(!rl.v ,m ,•11d1 .. uh• of 1rn.\' ro11d wh1(·h 1h now, ot m1." '..l' con11lr1.1ctcd ht!tt'anN on "aid pr\ipot·rty, in cunfo,mity 10.·1th .. 11111,r.,.,,1 plan11 end l'l)t!'l'i(1L·11lion11 for hi11:hwa:v purpo11e1, and 11'1 lhe..a1mc fllt\<'!nl 11nd purp<,IHill 1111 1:-th{' ri11:ht11 h1•rcin ,eranled hart l,t>C"n ac-quiN"d by coll'iemn11ion proceedlngN uridl'r Eminent Dnm11io "tututi•,i 1,f lhl' Sl11h• ur W1n1hinRlnn. " .. 11111111•,J 1n 1h1• C1tunt.v uf Kin,:, Stall· or W~Hh n. ':" 0<i s;;y ' 1::;;;r-;; :, Oat.ed thla ..... ~.:.· ........ di\y of... . ..... .£..~ .................... , A. D. 1D.2tf.. w,ni ... : '/?.,J ·, ;;i2,;. .a,} .................................................................... i c>/;,.e,~f*i~-~ ................... -- -.... --..................................... lf--~?.. .... k .. :, .• u~.!.::,>.!=: ............ . y-,,-4--.....,.;_. . .:ff. '}av..,=~./ •I " ,. ' ' EU HID nrr~ STATE OF WASHINGTON I "-'· COUNTY 9I KING I On the. . }._ f ... --day of -~ 1o?.~ .. belor.?;~e. a Notary Public In ]9~ 10, lh, Slate or Wuhlng':TI. duly. commluloncd &nd ,worn, per· onolly iame ... (j!d. .. lJ J-<"":T"~~r---.5 .. /f .. k~./l . ....~...... ... ... . . . ._I,() me known_,:lo be the lndlvldual .. ~r dcscrlb4.-d m an~ exec~~ ?r ?1th In iwtrumrnt a.nd acknowledged to :?1e lhat .. ~q1-signed &nd ~alcd the aame M .... _~-... .tree and vohmtary act and deed for the ui;ea nnd purpose.s ther~ln me11llontd. Wllnrs!l my hnnd and officlnl seal 1A,~no ... -l, J-'..,~"' l>r lndi~,Ju.ol 1'1onu·r r,;aucmal Tu/" lr>!ur:om,. ('"omp:o.i,·, f ,um L 211) Cl ~ i:.tl ~ ;:, ~ i:.tl a ~ Cl " a ,-. i < ... C :i; 0 ~ 0 ~ .. e: i uo " "' 0 0: " • 8 "' " ~ £ 1: 0 • ~ "' :5 • .., i;: C C 0 ;s ii ~ !l 0. ll 0 • , .s s ,l s " " 0 !! " -C • • ,, ' • ~- t '( ! ! ~ f' ·r i; ~: o• ., .i \' i- C , ~ 0 u , < ·c 'o a i! i t. " ; -~ -~ ti I ~".~-·' ,,; ! a l I i ! ~ en 0 V) 0 V) 0 ~ CZ) ~ ~ ., ~ t " !; ~ ~ KIIIO: COUrlfY NO ExC1S£ TM MAY 5 1987 E0939749 WARP.ANTI DEED /l R/W 2108, 163 87/0~/0~ RECD F CA:S:HSL {}. 00 ............ a.oo . :p '7'-(r-- fOC' Lht'I conaldEir~lion or ---~7?5 ... _ ""1.a°".f1. -::. :::=::=:::==========~:. ____ Dollara and ona~r valuable con• iderallnn, co,woy __ And warrant_ lo tho Cou11ly of Klnr):Stat& o( Wuhinrton. all int.etHl In. the following deacribed real eatat.e: The North 60 feet of th~ East 30 Short Plat No. 882065, Recording described ~s follows: teet of Lot 4 of King County No. 8303160022, said s~ort Plat !'. ' Lots land 2 of King County Short Plat No. 676075 recor~Od under Recording No. 7701190691, being the Southeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 oC the Northwest 1/4 of Secllon 15, Town.!'Jhlp 23 Nort'h, Range 5 East, W.M., King County, Washington; 1 EXCEPT the South 198 feet thereofi and EXCEPT the North 186.15 feet of the West 234 feet; and EXCEPT County Road: SUBJECT to exceptions, reservations, rights, conditions and easement& by instruments recorded under King County Recording Nos •. '192430, 7608040655, 7606290721, 7701190691, 8208260532, 8208260513, 8211231008 and 7611080549; ~ Said East 30 feet being reserved Cor road. Contains an area of 1,800 Sq. Ft., or 0.04 Acres, M/L R/W 140TH AVENUE S.E. ., :, · "Filed Fo, Reco,d Al i~c Reqursr or .,,, . "'°' c-,-< i;' ::0 m :,,:.o-t ·I P, , . ' ~ <> .:e,a:i:: !!! (i,Lw~ Q'.<Arr, < ;(:.·7" cv:;;c .;ti !1n~e:ty Oi\·ision 8"'0 "' ' r~ -, ,n< "' §Er:f !1 ... -,,.>o ~ a. -<:.-z 0 ;•:.·o ~ > ~"Tl .. to1•lh•r wkh the rl1ht lo maike •II noceuary 1lopoa for cull And (Jll1 upon the abullln1 propflrty on each aide of any road which I• now, or may be conaltucted heraanor on Hid proPfJrty, In conroraalt.1 •Jth atud4rd plana and apeclrlcallona for hi1hwl'I)' purpoaH 0 and lo the ume ua..nt and purpoaca •• 1r th• rlrht• herein ,ranted had been acquired by condemnation proc1111,dln1• under P.mlnenl Domain 1tatullt11 f.'( ttHI Btata or Wuhln1ton, 1ltuated In the County ol Kini, Stale or Wuhlnaton, Paled lh!L.i..Z_~----·--&r or._...£1.f.'.t.:J.'--·-·--·-----~ A. D. 19.8.J, :, 1 1 i 1/) 0 V) ·,o -~ BTAYE OF WASHING,ON COUNTY OF lnNG • · On lhe ...•... E.\.h ............ day oL ........... AP.r.11... ........................ , 1081 .... , before rile, • Nol&ry Public In and tor t.h11 St.ate or Wuhlngton, r1uly commlasloned and .sworn, personally came ....................... -..... _ .. ........ -.P.~.~.l. .. !\., • .Un.~.~~r.9., .................................................................. .1.o me known !<> bo the lnc!h1rt11al... .. . de1crfbed In and..he. ..... u:ecute.! lhe wlll'11n uutrument &nd a~k:nowledged lo Dle tha& ..... b.e. ....... .&JID(ld • and aealed the aame u ........... h.1.s. .............. free antt •olunta.7 a.ct and deed tor !the ~ aud purposu · therein menL!oned. "i~es:i, ~y hand and on,r:tal seal the day and'._ .. _'~ ... -.·. e written · 1 · · · Nol~>l In aod~f~;~;;;;i;;;;:-• • R~rillf1tg ot ..... Be 1...~. Vue, ' ..... _,_r;: ............. -.... _ (CORPORATIOK ACKNOWI.EDOMl:NT roRMI STATE OF WA.SHINOTON, I· STATE o/V.Ja 5',,nc;.t;..,1-, 1 . . (/ ~ Countyol~---~J ::.. • On th!• Q5 d,y ol ~ 1-015 4-{ · ....., A. D. I~_ befcmt met the und,m1ig11ed, 11 Notary duly comtninloned and ,{,,,orn penonally appeared P,.hlk in and ,., th,~ .... of 1u0~ to me known lo be the individu"I-deteribed in arid who executed 1h11 lore1oin1 ln1trumerit,·,and acknowll'd,red to me that !Lhe....-1iR11.ed ftnd ,ea led the a11id in:>trument H~free and voluntary act tmd dee,I for th~ -~~~·.•~.d purpo,111 therein mentione.-,. r :. '.;1•,,.,;1· ., ' }''.~f .! ,..i. ' ., -' ' I i .... , ....... , I • ~•-....... t • ~ .. L-..:,-.::2· .. r,:·. J ___i i· ,, j ' ./ :::n :0 (X) :::, "<t :.n 0 '<t- L() 110989 E 4 .1)0 84, '!J~ · ~ •l RE1~D F CASHSL ,.,,:,,.,>+A.00 DECLARA~ION OF CONDITIONS, COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS REGARDING A1'NEXATION TO A PUBLIC WATER DISTRICT AND FORMATION OF A UTILITY LOCAi, IMPROVF.MENT DISTRICT In consic'1ration of approval by King County o_f a u j C)Ui Id j IA,_. perni t/approval for the pro- ca;:J1ding 6r Plat) perty described below, .J'udv i:.. Fverl AusG~iA. 71o.,,;..er'(s) ffiines) •· , property owners, hereby co~enant and ---------- agree as follows: 1. I/We are the owners of property within Kin~ County, described as follows: (Legal tescription) 55 which is legally £ -330 1 of C./M. rqh.i5 S 198 1 o--f SE 1/4 1 Nt 111 '.· Nw 14 L.,,,s • , ;,;. mTmm::n 1 /!).1: 11:. i' ~ MArf~ 3 GS f/j '8~ 2. I/We have requested the issuance by l<ing G.ounty of the following perrnit or approval /!.._Q.49 ,;77 (Joo No. or Plat No.) (: for the above described .. , l·j property: 3. Pursuant to King Co1inty Ordinance 5828, SEfCtion 4, the ,· above described permit or approval is exempt from:king County's f requirements for fire hydrants and water mains. 4. Recognizing the above facts and in consideration of King County's issuance of the requested permit/approval: •:r A. I/We hereby agree to join in the execu'tion of a petition for, and not to protest, the annexation o'f the sub- ject property to a public water district. For this~ purpose, I/we hereby designate the manager of the public wa~er district to which annexation is proposed as our agent authorizing to sign a petition pursuant to RCW 57.24.010 on our b~half. B. I/We her-=!by agree to join in the execu.~ion of a ' petition for anc1 not to protest, the formation of~ utility local improvement district for purposes of providihg water : u::o for Record at Request of ,,me ..:£/,J' /JqscA . ,l(ijress_ .... l. ... 21 ... J ........ &: .... · .... ~ ........ '(-~_.S_-f_ fuiun Ws I ,. !i O'" mains and fire hydrants consistent with applicaple King County standards. For thi~ purpose, I/we hereby designate the manager : of the public wate~ district responsible for th~ local improve- ment district as our agent authorized to sign a!petition pur- suant to RCW 57.16.060 on our behalf. s. This Declaration of Conditions, Covenanto and Restric- tions is binding upon our heirs assignees and successors in interest as the owners of the above-described pioperty and is a covenant running with the land. 6. This Declaration of conditions, Covenanfs and Restric- tions shall not be released without the express·~written approval of the King County Fjre Marshal or his successo'i". ~ l;L_, -£la:1J.J .--1,<J ~ ~if(signatur')J oMR (Signature) On this //~ay of M4 , 1J'Y, before me personally appeared Ju d11 6'dE. 1Jt3!1;:/IH .,,., rKFD 3-useH ' to me known t'cr-b~ the <_(~~di~-i-~ (_:====='--of thh ".' '·, ·:/_-s., corporation) described herein and who executed the forP-going ·/·, .,, . ... : ,-· ~ . ,. .. instrument as their free and voluntary act and aeea for. the use3 ·-,/. and purposes herein mentioned. Witness my )h!i;l1 seal hand and 19 ?(. ~ " hereto;,· .fi~ed , ' , Neta stat at -----~~=~------ [: ' ,. .... r .• --. . ! --. • ' DECLAR.\TION .. r: '• r. . ' OF COVI:NANT ,. •:1 J\EGARDING USE A/ID MAlNTENI\NCE ' I~' I t ~: I? . '· OF XI!IG COUNTY .RlGHT Of lfAY ll:'. r"' ADJACENT PROPERTY OIINER ., .. 'i· •'. ;·. In conaideration of approval by Xing county of ~; righ't~of- way u1e permit fort.he u1e of t.hl road right-of-way d11cribed · below, ~· _F,_,~-p~c"{~"-'-' '~(_Ir._. ~L~-B~u.~~·'--(.t\-'---i-----' property ownerCa), hereby covenant.and a9re• •• followai 1. l/W• IU'e owner, oft.he following de1cribed r•al property, F. 3 ?,(.) 1 "D 5 /'?t/ t(:, SE ~ , tJ EV.,,, N ,v '11-(~-2 ?:,-S' L ;,""" C/M 2. I/lie have requested i11uance of a Xing Countr right-of- vay uae parm.it to place the following improvament, f e·-wde-Rtia,/ pr,..,..._rt- in the road right-of-way fort.he following,Xi"9' County street . ___ S~£=._!_32~~~d"--S~t~--~~~-~---~~ ....... ~~~ .• I' which 1erve1 the above•de1cribed real property. ' J. The own•~• of the real property de1cribed in paragraph 1 hereby auui;ne oole ruponlibility for the m.aintenanca of the improvement de1cribed in paragraph 2. 4. No enlargement or alteration of the improvem~ht da1cribed in paragraph 2 except routine maintenance is pe%111itte~without prior approval of Xing County. s. ,. The ovners oft.he real property de:cribed in paragraph 1 hareby hold King County hanule•• ~rom all coat•, expenaea, lo•••• -· !' and damages, including t.he oo,t of defense incurred u,the reault ot the •xiatence, oper•tion or uaa of the irnprOvement described ' ....-in paragraph 2. ' 94/0~,, I :f #0732 D ~ECD F'· ~. 00 CASHSL'' ~~~•~.00 22 -1- ' I""" ! ! I 6. It ia hereby acknowledged that the ir.,provement deacribed in paragraph 2 ia located in a lCing County .road right-of-way. In tho event ling County d•terminea that the •ubject road right-of-way is needed for public purpo,.e• or has become a hazard to the aafe public uae of the ro~d right-,, of-way, King Count}· may order the owner• of the propfrty described in oaragraph l to remove, repair or alter ~aid improvement• at aaid property owner'• expense. saidjowners agree to inunediatoly comply with any ouch crdero. _7. In the event that ling County detormin•• that the improvement• deacribed in paragraph 2 have become a Pub;ic health or acfety hazard or if t.he owners of the real!' property • deacribed in paragraph 1 fail to comply with any Xing County order issued pursuant to paragraph 6, King County ha~ the rig~t to remove, repair or alter •aid improveme.nt• without notice to aaid ownera. Said owne~s ahall compensate King County tor the coat• of •uch removal, repair or alteration.:- 8. Thi• agreement is binding upon the heirs, a~ccessors and aasigna of the owners of the real property described in paragraph l an~ ia a covenant running with the land. : DATED this . / 3_ dMy cf JC,/<.(__ , l9 .f!..1.... .. STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ) ) ') ... I, . "--:=J:..u.;o..;0"-'':/~__.t.,;-_.{:_~__,_(7_• _,.::~,,.-,.,_C'-· .c' =-----• Ncta,;y Public in ! and fer th• State cf Haohington, do hereby certify t.'!at on this !\,_ ~ day of ,-:Jl),J[ , 191!.!l...., peracnalliy appeared before me _f.._:_.fs.,_· .... ~'-: cP_,E,_1-l_.i""(~"--~-~L-_,B(...,.:)_,~"(~. ~'"''--------'-'., to me 11:ncwn -·- :i i I I ! I ·, ., ,. .. to be the individual.~ .described in and who executed the within f instrument and. acknowledgod that I I,· •i,ud tho, HMO AS l _\ 1 ( f d 1 h ...:...• ;...· ;.· "-· _ ree an vo untary act and deed for t e usee .. and ;surpoi:-es herein mentioned. I -,._}/f; GIVE,N \JNDEf. IIY !!AUD AIID OFFICIAL SEAL this --'-day of ' 1, c.{,/ll, _l V •,Jl'i·,:,,1111,.,,.,, .... .,. ,. "'·:·•,,, . • .. ,,. ·:.::::.,, ..•. -·. STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ••• Notary Pu e of ~lashington, '! • I> On this ___ day of -----------• 19_, _, before t'" me personally appeared---------------------- to me known to be the~---------------·!'-·------- of the corporaticn that e~ecuted the within and foregoing instrur.,ent, and acknowl~dg~d said instrument to be the.free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein t mentioned, and on oath stated that ~he~------"--------., authorized aaid instrument and that the aeal affixed is the corporate aeal of aaid corporation. ,, ' ,, ;J IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto ••t my hand and affixed my official seal the .. day and year firat above written~; 1 IL!:.U IUI l\~cUI_U al K~4ut::Sl u, Fr wl l}.,. »d\ Name N 31 -tf,_ MdW (3/2 ' 1 /?.erdt>x iµo. 180 5b hotary Public in and for the State of llashington, reaidi~g at ----- s \ ,, ',, ... ~ ...... ' I I I ! I CJTY'OF RENTON TEMPORARY WATER SERVICE AGREEMENT lif!E 10 -21-8 3 I,~. Judy/<, and [rcde~,ck L. Bisch. wner(o) of - Addrou /40><X 5. E.. !32 nd· l<en±;or, I legally deacribed aa Collova: The land referr•d to 1n th1s contJ11tment 1s situated 1n ttie.State of Wash1ngton, County of "1ng 1,nd 1s described as follows: ,: The East no ,,,et of the South 198 feet of the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter ot ,he Northwest quarter of Sect1on 15, Townsh1p 2~ North, Ran9e 5 East W.~ .. 1n King Coun~y, Washfn~ton; EXCEPT County roads: EXCEPT all coal and m1nerals and the right to explore for 9nd mine the same as reserved 1n Oeed recorded June 26, 1900 unde•· Recording Nol 193430. s:d/11 .-o...i. .~ECL" 1- ,:~::0HSL Situate 1n the County of King, State of Washington. 3. ;)() .. ,t:~,~.:.~. 00 for and in conaideration of the Renton Water Department ~rantin~i• !':~nait to connect a temporary/permanent water service Rnd/or main in 13~ +~ ,A\fi;., .::-, . .§ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ for the above property,f The owner(a) of the above described property, their succeaaora, ieira and aaai,ma, hereby agree and cuvenant to participate in, lign a petition in aupportl·of, and accept an)' Local Improvement District (L.I,D.) or City~initiated proposal, Other than L.I,D., and pay their fair share therefore, for the extension of the water m.ain in S~E: .. 132, ,,..J ,,c-:,--,-:cr.-c--c,cc-.,,,-,--.,,,,,--.,,-...--,. when required by the Renton Subdivision Ordinarice, or aa directed by the Director of Public Work,, IN VITNESS WHEREOF I (We) have hereunto eet my/our hand(a) and seal the d6f and year firat above witten, STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) ss cowrr OF RING ) 1 ' ':)"''l &'.,. ;&,_, cA.,J (SEAL) ;3,'~/~ ,,(SEAL) \, State of Washington, p ruid!~g .q6f};f:,;[{Mtt$ 19..f2l_, perao-,1ally appeared before , a Notary Public in and fol the , do hereby certify that Ont • 2.f day of~,- and who executed the within the Hme H ¢bt./r' therein mentioned. erein ai~ned and eealed ---.-.....,~f-or usea and purpoae: WITNESS my hand an~ official aeal the ·day and year in thia written, ,i,os-o3 FllED FOR RECORD AT REQUEST OF -.:fl ' LUUbU:.C 11uu·, :,..;U.UU I RETURN ADDRESS Marcie Maxwell-Windermere RE/Renton Inc 3800 NE 4th Street ... ·1111111111111111 20060217001530 Renton. WA 98056 Please print neatly or type infonnation Document Title: TICOR NATIONAL OSS 36.00 PAGE901 OF 804 02/17/200& 14:19 KING COUNTY, IJ.CI ... ,•, King County Fonn--Seller's Notice of On-Site Sewage System Operation and Maintenance Requirements Reference Number(s) of Related Documents: NIA Grantor(s) (Last, Finl, and Middle Initial) Busch, Frederick L. Busch. Judy R Grantee(s) (Last. First, and Middle Inltlal) THE PUBLIC Additional Reference #son page ---- Additional Gr.mtors on page----- Legal Description (abbreviated form: Jot, block, plat or section, ·township, range, quarter/quarter) S1R 152305 TAXLOT 82 E 330 FT OF 2 I~ FT OF SE 1/4 OF NE 1/4 OF NW 1/4 LESS C/M RGTS -;;,-ere. !¢4h';:t l\fi I I • Additional legal is on page ------ Assessor's Property Tax Parcel/Account Number 1523059082 Addflional parcel #son page ----- The Auditor/Recorder will rely on !he information provided on this form. The staff will not read the documents to verify the accuracy or completeness of the indexing information provided herein. 20060217001530:002 NWMLS Form 22U Seller's Notice of OSS Rev. 3/03 OCopyrigM 2003 Northwest Mulliplo Listing Service ALL RIGHTS RES ERV ED Page 2 of 3 KING COUNTY FORM · SELLER'S NOTICE OF ON-SITE SEWAGE SYSTEM OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS Assessor's Tax Parcel ID#: _____ 1 _5_2_3_0_5_9_0_8c_2 ____________ _ 1. Seller is the owner of real property within King County, which is legally described as·foUows: ATTACHED -EXH1B1T A 2. The above-described real property Is served by an on-site sewage system ("OSS"). 3. The Code of the King County Board of Health, Section 13.60.005 establishes certain respon- sibilities of the OSS owner with respect to the operation and maintenance of an On-site Sewage System, as follows; A. The OSS owner is responsible for the conlinuous proper operation and maintenance of the OSS, and shall: 1. Determine the level of solids and scum in the septic tank at least once every three (3) years for residential system with no garbage grinder and once every year if a garbage grinder is installed and, unless otherwise provided In writing by the health officer, once every year for commercial systems. 2. Employ an approved pumper to remove the septage from the tank when the level of solids and scum indicates that removal is necessary. 3. Cause preventive maintenance/system performance monitoring Inspections to be conducted and any Indicated service to be performed by an approved person at a minimum frequency in accordance with Table 13.60-1 unless otherwise established by the health officer or the sewage review committee. 4. Operate and maintain all OSS In accordance with this title, with pertinent alternative system guidelines issued by the DOH [State of Washington Department of Health) and with the approved OSS owne~s operating and maintenance Instruction manual. 5. Protect the OSS area including the reserve area from: a. Cover by structures or impervious material; b. Surface drainage; c. Soil compaction. for example, by vehicular traffic or livestock; and d. Damage by soil removal and grade alteration. 6. Maintain the flow of sewage to the OSS at or below the approved design both in quantity and waste strength. 7. Direct drains, such as footing of roof drains away from the area where lhe OSS is located. 2oo&o21 roo 1 !130.003 253 631 3991 P.07 At.!;;-30-2005 12:28 ·~ • I COR TITLE KENT ,.., l'Q chlcagoTitJe ~ Insurance Company., 100,2( 8 @ 3.!50 i -PBTKI\S.Bl,IWI • ,,, ••••o··M-~-•• ........ •••-r.o.,aox .2,,~•M•-•~·~·---.. ·-·---••,•OU•·, c,,,.--.-. . Renton,. WA ... 98057 , _________ ... -..~ ___ .. ·-· .... l.~ II m• 01Wffl)R RICIIAAD R. POLLOCK & Jrrr i. POLLOCK, husbond and wife also kn""" as RICIIAAD K. PIX.LOCK & JOY A. POLLOCK, husl>and and wife 1o,...,,._........,., ltN 00!.WS ($10,00) and other good and val .. ble consideration .. _,.,.._ ... _ .. FREDEJIICK L. BUSCH & JUDY R. BUSCH, lmband and wire ............. ,,__..., __ ,...,_,1 Xfng .-ol- The fHt 330 , .. t of tllo South 198 feet of the SOutheost quorter of the Northeast quartor of Ille Northwest quorter of Sect! .. 15, To,ouhfp ZJ North, Range 5 East, W.H •• In Klhg Count,y, Wuhlngton; EXCEPT Colloty Roads; EXCEPT all coal and 1111..,.als and the right to .. I exp!ON for U>d mlM tlle ,.,.. u reserved In IIMd n,corded June 26, 1900 under ~nllng /Ol/z. Ho. 192430, Situate In the tounty of King, Stat<, of Washington. SUBJECT TO: Reserv1tfons and £xception, contained fn Deed ,..., Northern Paci fie Railroad ~any Recorded June 15, 1900 under Reconllng Ho, 192430 SU6JCCT TO: RKord or survey l"'eCOrdl:!d un Novettlber 17, 1976 under Recording No. 7611179003. TWII da,,d fitl ahM la hlllhwllt J tJiat att.a&. NIii ~ _.NC"I kt'IJN• 0.. .............. (k;:tober 20 ,11BJ .hll...U.i-edf,.,11w,ni11W":Nnn.,1Nabovto......,~,Mdlllt~d_,,...., htm•_....,,.ahltlt Mf app'71o #Jfilk.. ,.,... .,,.~ ..Wna '-r. ttw-,b • .. ~ ,,.,.,._.. J• ..r.t Cllatnet. u,1 111.n notappl, loMJ ...... ...,._.._ .,.u.t,di.,,, .... """4.._....., ~ ... ~ lltth..,. ot ..;ct "*IIIMt. "A'l'"C OP' WA.&HfNGT'Ol': ·1 . .._ C"OIJNTY or .. l\ilJ$_....,_,_ o,. ,w,ctu ..,....q,u"""'4Wlff nw tcJ,ar,t x. & .tn, .. A .. ,._\lock---· llrll> ·-I'll lift..., ,tw, ll'IIIMIW&I~'" .... t. t"ltHV..., .... ..,.hb1 ..... ,.,.,,.,,... ~ .... •rtnowi..... 1.tthey -1ipNI W .._. thl1r ,_IINll....,...J)<MM!lfl...J. 1hr -Aftd "7:tw,,H· -"'~ . ·-.-.,\ . Utvlti q; M ~.~\-,cl 1ifflrNI) .... du. 1·~1a,:~iupt'~43 : -. ~ .. ,.n'.' l"'\ilir uo'·;~l/.~ ~ fA \faob, w,; >-.,""'. ,,..;.1tq 11t -RDtrloa = F. 511~11 =~c:;:~~~-·---J - .. ,C:-~~he· ~n,;!1.-: Nei.'.;·~ia-.~-fur-~~.; !:w;. ltitlMl. olhtly cvmmlulm9fd .... ...._, ,.,....., .,,._tNL ____ _ 111d ·~··· •. --·---~·-·~·--· -----... fe IN ...... lo bf. 1M' .... -... -Pt.tidM1 111:1 -_ • -.• lnJl!t.q. =,~-J.•·;-~.;.:;;r;;·~ ~.;1~t:.--.z.-.:b•riiii 1i.. .:2'r1'ltlhllltffli )er. lhr , ... ,..S -~ act •!lit ...... ~ al.ii..,,,,,,,,.,,.. •lion. for 0.-.. IINI ,.,,._. 1"""9 ~ and "' .. llli ... w dilt . ... ·--·--· _ ,111l,ori't..t .. ,.,am,o...w -~11111111 lh.tlll. .... 11flfflll,n,~pe111i.lllf&lrluld~ w1tti ...... ,. ~ .,,. ~ -• hrl'flll ••...t tk N7 ... 11 ,.,., am ~"'"''"'" . . /11111117 hhlirblMMI ',;,' 11,,tsta~.rw.11111~ ---·-· rt6Jdbla ., -• -· ---• ... -··-· ··-•-•••M-·~-M 1 J TOT!'t.. P.07 RETURN ADDRESS .::riJ1>.Q_fli'i_.::I,~_-L...,,,._,.,,,"ll<!!34"'·"-. =--- __l,3.J)!/£_.:.-,~b.(,2"-IL~-· ~s=-·----- llllllf JIIII ~I'/"°' H2 APPUI 20 N lt/Zl/2114 13,5S KfNG COUNty, UA L ToisMobils Ho.i,r ,s be111glaxed aJ -------------......,v'r'v~1 -1111!11 ~-;;o RealorPll!!lln;;I Property Ta''~ d ., / h..t,/,:1 Q/-,,-J ~ -,L'?" ·~,5TJl1' tit ,.,,i,.>,ONCTON' Ct'.i ,,..,,.,,_,,, ~ MANUFACTURED HOME • ' • Di.TITLE EUIIINATION licEnsinc; APPLICATION OTRANSFER IN LOCATION 0AEMOVAL FROM REAL PROPERTY MYont who knowwigly makes• fal.M !Jlatement of II malenal fact as guilty of •t.lony, Mid upon conYICtton may bti pun1ahed by a Im•, 1mpr1sonman1, Of both (RCW 4312 210) ~• MANUFACTURED liOME u GRAHTORfSl AEGISTERED,'LEOAL OWNER(S) ADDJTIOHAl HAMES ON PAGE NF"' '°""' ...... A 1 ......... 1 OFREGISTEAEDOWNERS K,1'lc.. i~FIOfLEOM.OWN:J:IS M.A~ AEOISTOIED ~ I rfVI/JTNY :.J. L1NQ&;fl.() OOLCUSTOhlEAACCOIJNTNUNBER NAME Of AODrllOH,,\l. ACGISTERl!O OWNUI OOl CUSTOMER ACCOUNT NUMBER IJ/A ~- STATE ZlP COOE lJ'l 9t;,:,5"'f OOl CUSTOMEFI ACCCM.NT NLNGEfl tx.l. CUSTOMER ACCOlffl NUMBER """"" STATE ZIF>C00£ 13S<t-..> SC-( . ,fl '1&:is-<; GFWmaE I DO SOl.EMNL Y ATTEST UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT I/ WE AtNARE THE JEG~~RED OWNER(S} OF THIS VEHICLE AND 11i1S INFORMATION IS ACCURATE 5,gnatura ol ~sterlld Owna, end Tl1le, IF APPUCABLEC" / • ..J!. ' ( Jj(_µA.,411 ~ -Sig,,"" QI Additlon:aJ RegAlracl Owner and T1lllt, IF APPLICABLE X 1• Tl11.E COMPANY CERTIFICATION I oel1lfy ht the l9gaj descnpbon of the land and owneoh1p IS lrue and correct per the real property records BIGNAT\.H I f'08ITlON .... Fin.kn VIII appllcllbon WTth • LJcenaa,g Agan I Wtlhm 10 calendar days or the dllt& TIiie Company Reprnenlatwe aign• l:'m BUllDING PERMIT OFFICE CERTIFtCAmN I certify lhal ,! the manurac1tnd home has beer! affuced to the real property as desenbed 0 a bulldmg permt has been rs.sued lot' 1'119 purpose and lhe attachment will be inspected upon completion MANUFACTURED HOME -FROM SECTION 1 TPOIPL.ATEMJM8EA l/98j ICANoi.._ t~~:·1,-;:;;~.U~~R~ 'Y, 'f'JZ53, 1.-SIGNATURE OF LEGAL OWNER 5'GNATURE OF LEGAL OWNER INDICATES CONSENT FOR EUMINATION OF fflLE I REMOVAL FROM REAL PROPERTY Svv,'-im of Leglil Owner anct Title, IF APPLICABLE Sq'.atura of AdilJOnaf Legal Owner and Title, IF APPLICABLE NOT ARV SEAL OR ST AMP I NOTAAIZATIONICERTIFICATION FOR LEGAL OWNER(S) StCNATURE I St.tie of Washington Signed or etteslad I Counly cl before me on I I by PRINT N.WE OFl.EQALOWNEII S1gnetura NOTNl'fORAGENT I by I F'RIHf NAME OF LEGAL CIYINER PRINTED NAt.lE OF NOTARY I Title Counlyl()fhce ~ OR AND 01111larNo OR I DEALERSHIP POSITIOWAGENTINOTAR'Y Notary Eq,nbon Data iLAND DESCRIPTION (A 1ep1 dnenptron of tht .. nd can bu obtamed from the local County Aaaeaaor'a Off.ce) VN1"1C.OP,.~ KIN<.. ~ ~ 13B'f'S" St 131.,. Sr Rovn>N, v-1'\ 71t.'LQ"1 Lor IS-2'?,-(I):, Gl<X~ qzz.?, c.,oc '+I SS' sec: IS: 71.:P 23 Rt, (>s ;\~a5,M.,S TN< a:Di!: IS:J,;JA>-"1'223 -,t,.3 L,:,, <f ,_..,,, l>J> o,-k<. SH,,,\T PuoTT "F 862.01,S- REC,ap.,0,Nc; ""' 8~31(, -Ql822-.SiJ $1,dl.T PLAr D4F- 1-.,,rs I 6 z_ <,< kc .,,,.,._r Pu,r N,, {,,7bo7_,; Re <dl<\ '""' I.Jo 77 o ll'io<., 9 I -~ fl<: -A~ 13B'fS :s£ &•Sr°'""""" ...iA ')?Jc.,, "'I ' X :• DEALER'S REPORT OF SALE I CERTIFY lHAT THIS INFORMATION IS CORRECT TI-IE VEHICLE IS CLEAR OF ENCUMBRANCES EXCEPT AS SHOWN ANY REQUIRED SAL.ES TAX HAS BE.EN COLLECTED D£ALEA NMIE{JYPEDOR PfflNTcCIJ IWAOEAU.A~ I OATE OF SM..E l'\IACHASE PRICE I TAll.JllAISOICrlOWrA.11. IVlff: I OE.AURSAUTHORIZEO~TUAE 0 USE TAX EXEMPT s.a. to a C•hrted Tnbal member on lhe tHerVal1on (staach notanzed alalement of detwery) .!• COUNTY AUDIT0RIA8ENT LICE~NG OFF,CE APPROVAL (Not for use by Subagenta) I certify Iha.I the above appbcabon appears lo have been c0f11)leted corroclly, and the Q?Plicant has sufflcieril docunentaboo IO proceed With lt19 racorang or 111m 1orm """'i7i/';:"'°'t'<Jt.at£.<.-IOOU/?:o'i:trTOA~BE~ ' ,,, SIGNAruRE~; ¢,-' l"'i~t-t11 X I ..... ,, ··-·-l"'"°'OON I MOBILE. HOME FEE I EUMINII.TlON FEE 'USE.TAX SU81113EHTFEES TOf,l,L FEES & TU MPORTANT Once the appJ1cat1on ffllS been approved by the County Auditor/ Vehicle LJcensng OffacG, take your applrcallon form to the County Recording Office Retain prool ol the recording fees paid Jf the Recording OfflC8 retains your ong1nal app11cabon form, oblatn a certified copy ol the recorded fonn APPLICANTS Once rec;:o,ded, you must relum to a Vehicle Licensing office 10 file the Manufactured Home App11cabon, paying au required fees Vehicle licensing subagents charge a service lee For fun mstruc1ions on completmg lhlS form for Tille EIN'nlnahon, Removal from Real Property or Transfer ,n LocahOn, see fonn T0-420-730. Manufactured Home Appl1cabon Instructions Th(, Deparlm8nt of I.Jc6nsmg has • pobcy of prov,dlng equal «cen to ,rs s81V!Ces ff )'W flfWd spec,sl IIOOOl'M10d811M. p!,eass cal (360) 902-3600 or TTY (360) 664·8885 RETVRN ADDRESS --1111111111111111 20070316001816 2.b5(2 -22.1 .,.--A,c ~ LINDBERG APPLn 33.N PAGONI Of' 192 e311112ee1 14:~J KING COUNTY I I.Ml ,,_., L1N(J6gp._.,,,;,,___ ____ _ cf, l-.t"1<>A l..sN, D«°" ~l'\M=~Pbui!.""_t/,"'A.C!J.J,,._,...,-yt.__,-!::'-,/lll(la__"/.,_BQ,.,,,,"3:,~""---~T~his Mobile Home is being taxed as ' Real Property. No Aeat or Personal ---------------Pmpertylaxisdue. o3/Jb/oi ~ • 0TITlE ELIMINATION Manufactured Home Application Anyone who knowingly mak4a • falH statemen1 of a malertal fact ia guilty 0TRANSFER IN LOCATION Ji[IIEMOVAL FROM REAL PROPERTY ol • felony, and upon eonvkUon may be punlahed by• fine, lmprl80nment, or both. (RCW 46.12.210) ~• MANUFACTUREDHOME LAND LEGAL DESCRIPTION ON PAGE '/ MANUFACTURED HOME WILL SE o AFFIXED o REMOVED 1A~s:~n.z;.~Ro> LOT .I BlOCK 15'-23-oS-I '1 ll 3 H QRANTOR(s, REGISTERED/LE.GAL OWNER(S) AoomoNAL NAMES ON PAGE ~.:UJ,IBER I NZOF REGISTERED OWNERS I 2 Of LEGAl OWNERS N1WE OF REQISTEflEO OWffEA /(.MJYT]l'f J: l...w•n.JU. ~OFADDITIOtW.REl'.31STEAEDOWNEA ::J f!:NN1Ai:Q. f'I l.,NOO·-, DOI. CUSTOMER AOCOUNT t.\JMBER tlOl CUSTOMER ACCOUNT NUMBER H,,v,E OF ADOITIONALLEGAL OWNER DOI.. CUSTOMER ACCOUNT NIJMBE'R STATE ZIPCOOE GRANTEE I DO SOLEMNLY ATTEST UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT I/WE AMIARE THE REG~~REDOWNER(SJ OFTHIS VEHICLE AND TtlS INFORMATION IS ACCURATE: /1 / f ,' Signature of Regisl&red Owner and T1tJe, IF AF'PUCABlE ( __./ "' iv Siglatin of Additional Registered Qwne, and TIiie, IF APPLICAB • II t' J~, "°'".y BEALOAST-! NOTARIZATIONICERTlf'N:ATION FO~EQISTEflED S :iNATUAE . ol Waoh-n ,/ ,~ """°" o, ostod \ , " .,., a_ IIOr-l'UBUC I ""'-"'Y o1 \,I ...,,. on_w. ...... .,.... ho._:llu.c,f(.J," "Jt.1, ITAfHWWASHINGTON • , __ 1 , (IIIIAWHITMER I~. iWJli.tM'~-.J SI ("11.-o. ·,. ~I h V AfjpPilllffllffll bplte, May 24, REGISTERfflaM£A gna1W'8 NCJTR~,OENT ·"' . -~ (\, . I by '• \',(".la.: I P ... NAME OF REGISTERED OWH8l) "'"""""~:-:c.~-~°'!'""'~"'~'!--'"'°""'"'----1 j Till• ()°Qf-1 VI • -AND; ~=:: l"rn, /JLJ t) ~<:), I D£Al..ERSHII' AG.ENT/NOTARY fl \ t J'i• Tffl.E COMPANY CERTIACATION I certify thal lhe legal desc:rlptlon of lhe land and ownership is true and oorrecl per the real property rooords. SIGNAl\ff I f"T ') UIH ~ • -u Finailln"' a . -LIC11Mlng Agent wfthln 10 calendar dtp of the dale TitSt Company Aeprt:sentallvtl signs. BUil.DiNO PERM'T OFACE CERTIACATION I certify that: D lhe manulactured home has been affixed to Iha teal ptOpMy as dMcribed. l1 a buiklng permit has been !$sued lot ll'lis pu,po&e arJd the attac:tmen1 will be Inspected U!Xlfl completion.. MAME f'1'YPED OR PRINTED! BLDG PERMIT OFFICEIPI-IOM: , 1111..tlG PERMIT t BIGN4TURE f POSITIOH om MANUFACTURED HOME• FROM SECTION 1 TPO/f'I..ATENUMMA I'.... !MAKE ILEl'GTHIWCTHY .. Ell IVEHICLEIDENTIFICATl()r,jM.JUBEF\{VINJ '/, 't'J2.53 l,.----'--1·-"~--'-------------j rra stGNATUFIE OF LEGAL OWNER SklNATURE OF LEGAL OWNER INIICATES CONSENT FOR EUMINA AL FROM REAL PROPERTY. r--:;/ I /,J·//f,.,u SlgnalUradleplOwner'andTllle,IFAPPUCASLE -/. ... Signature of Additional Legal Owner atld 11118, IF APPI..ICABL.Er 4to...... I • _';'\ L· rt 1/J ... •• LAND Dl!SCRIPTION (A legal dHcrlption Of lhe l•nd c:an be obtained from HM toe.I County AsMutw's Ollk:e) S.Z. 15, T.J' 23 'R<: OS R=,< tvc LDr 15-Z~·o)5' w,, '/-L~ RO <>>' B 303,b • oe zz '::>D S""4.r pu,..r OAF -l..crs I fl. f',C... SHo«.r AAr Ne b?l:,07':i R.rm,,,,wi, Ne 770lr90b"II Wl,J/,, fJflhl>JY .'lllo~ I.ff;", "'~ z,., A-ii-,.., wA """· p~ _._ ..,-0,,L .,._ -.t.l-. JL...;,"'t,...•_4.,?'I -I\~ ,, 11AiJ:"J :;1 Dl!ALER'S REPORTOP'SALE I CEATFY THATnDS INFORMAllOH IS CORRECT. THE VEHICLE IS CLEAR OF ENCUMBRANCES EXCEPT AS SHOWN. ANY REQUIRED SALES TAX HAS BEEN COLLECTED. I DA TE OF SALE • 1 USE TAX EXEMPT s.i. to• c..tlflad Trlbel member on di• ~on (attach nobiriud statement OI delav.r,). !a COUNTY AUCNTOR/AGEHT UCENSINQ OFFICI! APPROVAL: (Not tor u-by Svbagenla) I oertlfy lhat the above applce'°'1 appaa,a lo have been cximpleted conectly, and Iha gppllcanl haS SUfflc:lanl documentation 10 pn)l;eed wtfl lhe NCOtdng d .. form. m,.. i ' OATIS 3-/6-07 •• TJTlE FEES , ........ I N'PUCATlOH I MOBIi.ii HOME FEE I B.M.t~TlON FEE SUBAOEHf FEE$ tDTAJ..FW&TAX MPOATANT: Once the appllcalion has been appmved by the County Audhor I Vehicle Licensing Office, lake your appllcatlon form IO the County Aooo,dfng Office. Retain proof of the reoo«ing lees paid. If the Record'tng Ofllce retains your original application lonn, obla.in a certified copy of the recorded fonn. APPLICANTS: Once recorded, you must retum lo e. Vehicle Licensing office to file the Manufactured Home App/Jcallon, paying all required fees. Vehicle icenslng subagents cha,ge a service fee. For full lnslrucllona on compJeUng this Jo,m for Title Bimlnallon, Removal from Reel Property or TrallSfer In LocaUon, see lo,m TD-420-730, Manufactured Home Application lnstnxtions. The Oepaltmtmt of l.icenslnfl lW a policy of pro Viding equal access to Its uMCes. ff you need $pee/al llCCOn'lml;Jc/6tJon, p/SBU cal (360) 902-3800 or TTY (380) 66-f.8885. 20070!>'15001819.001 AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO: WESTERFIELD FINANCIAL, LLC 7420 WESTERFIELD ROAD LYNDEN, WA 98264 JIIIIIIIIIIIIIII CHI!!l!511J 5001819 PAGE001 OF 014 78.00 K05l/15/2007 14 :24 NG COUNTY, WA DEED OF TRUST, SECURITY AGREEMENT and FIXTURE FILING {Waf?hlngton) WASHINGTON STATE COUNTY AUDITOR'S/RECORDER'S INFORMATION (RCW 65.04): INSTRUMENT TITLES: 1. DEED OF TRUST 2. SECURITY AGREEMENT 3. FIXTURE FILING [IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE WASHINGTON UCC) GRANTOR (S): LOZIER AT LAUREL CREST, LLC GRANTEE: WESTERFIELD FINANCIAL, LLC. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Exhibit A of Document ABBREVIATED: LOT 3, KC S.P. #676075, 7701190691; LOTS 1 -4, KC S.P. #882065, 8303160822; LOT 1, KC S.P. #881050, 8201220536; AND PTN NE NW, 15-23-5 FOR THE FULL LEGAL DESCRIPTION SEE EXHIBIT "A" TO THIS DOCUMENT ASSESSOR'S PROPERTY TAX PARCEL ACCOUNT NUMBER (S): 152305-9044, 9206, 9205, 9222, 9223, 9082 AND 9048 CHICAGO TillE INSURANCE COMPANY has placed u,, document.of record as a customer courtesy and accepls no llabllty for the accuracy or vaJidlfy of 1he docUmenl Deed of Trust. Lozier at Laurel Crest Page 1 of 13 CHICAGO TITLE INS. co<ii) REF# l,J/~1'?6.:l-/o :LUUlOb1 b001 UI ~.00:l Loan No. 2007-01 THIS DEED OF TRUST is made as of May 7, 2007 by LOZIER AT LAUREL CREST, LLC, a Washington limited liability company ("Granter"), whose address is 1203 -114"' Avenue SE, Bellevue, WA 98004; in trust to CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation ("Trustee"), whose address Is 1700 Columbia Center, 701 Fifth Avenue, Seattle, Washington 98104, for the benefit of WESTERFIELD FINANCIAL, LLC ("Beneficiary"), whose address is 7420 Westerfield Road, Lynden, WA 98264. FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, Granter covenants and agrees for the benefit of Beneficiary: 1. CONVEYANCE • GRANT OF SECURITY INTEREST. As security for payment and performance of the Secured Obligations, Granter irrevocably grants, bargains, sells and conveys to Trustee, in trust, with power of sale, and with right of entry and possession, for the benefit of Beneficiary, and assigns and grants to Beneficiary a security interest in, all of Grantor's right, title and interest, now awned or hereafter acquired, in and to the following (the "Property"): (a) The real property described in Exhibit A attached to this Deed of Trust, together with all . buildings, structures and other improvements now or in the future located or to be constructed thereon, and all tenements, heredi!aments, appurtenances, privileges and other rights and interests now or In the future benefiting or otherwise relating thereto including, without limitation, easements, licenses, rights-of. way, development rights, oil and gas rights, royalties, minerals and mineral rights, irrigation, well, ditch, reseNoir and water rights, permits and stock, and the right to construct, use, connect to or have the benefit and enjoyment of any of/site improvement or utility (collectively, the "Project"): (b) All rents, issues, income, revenues, royalties and profits now or in the future payable with respect to or otherwise derived from the Project or the ownership, use, management, operation, leasing or occupancy of the Project including, without limitation, those past due and unpaid; (c) All present and future right, title and interest of Granter in and to all inventory, equipment, materials, supplies, fixtures and other goods and property of every kind, type and description now or In ·the future located at, upon or about, or affixed or attached to or Installed in the Project, or used or to be used in connection with or otherwise relating to the Project or the ownership, use, development, construction, maintenance, management, operation, marketing, leasing or occupancy of the Project wherever such property may be actually located including, without limitation, building materials and supplies, tools and equipment, machinery, furnaces, water tanks, ventilating and air conditioning equipment, furniture, furnishings, appliances, and all other types of tangible personal property and fixtures of any kind or nature, and all accessories, additions, attachments, parts, replacements, substitutions, products and proceeds of or to any such property; (d) All present and future right, title and interest of Granter in and to all accounts and proceeds (whether cash or non-cash and including payment intangibles), general intangibles, chattel paper, money, deposit accounts, loan disbursement accounts, accounts receivable, instruments, documents, letter of credit rights and all other agreements, contract rights, obligations, rights, claims, causes of action and writ1en materials now or in the future relating to or otherwise arising in connection with or derived from the Project or the ownership, use, development, construction, maintenance, management, operation, marketing, leasing, occupancy, sale or financing or the Project including, without limitation, (I) studies, reports, maps, diagrams, surveys, plats, design and consulting work, and land use permit applications, filings and supporting information, (ii) pennits, approvals and other governmental and non.governmental consents, licenses and authorizations, (iii) improvement plans and specifications and Deed of Trust· Lozier at Laurel Crest Page 2 of 13 :.:u0/0!>1 !>001ll1~.ooJ architectural drawings, (iv) agreements with contractors, subcontractors, suppliers, project managers and supervisors, designers, architects, engineers, sales agents, leasing agents, consultants and property managers, (v) takeout, refinancing, standby and permanent loan commitments, (vi) warranties, guaranties, indemnities and insurance policies, insurance payments and unearned insurance premiums, (vii) claims, demands, awards, settlements and other payments arising or resulting from or otherwise relating to any insurance or any loss or destruction of, or injury or damage lo, trespass on or taking, condemnation (or conveyance in lieu of condemnation) or public use of any of tho Project, (viii) Grantor's funds or any other amounts deposited by or on behalf of Granter with Beneficiary or with another in connection with the making of on-site or off-site Project related improvements, (ix) leases, rental agreements, license agreements, service and maintenance agreements, listing agreements, signs, telecommunication numbers, purchase and sale agreements and purchase options, together with advance payments, earnest money, security deposits, and other amounts paid to or deposited with Grantor under such agreements, (x) reserves, deposits, bonds, surety bonds, payment and performance bonds, letters of credit, deferred payments, latecomer payments, refunds, rebates, discounts, cost savings, escrow proceeds, sale proceeds and all other rights to the payment of money, trade names, trademarks, service marks, logos, goodwill and all other type of intangible personal property of any kind or nature, and (xi) all supplements, modifications, amendments, renewals, restatements, extensions, proceeds, repairs, replacements and substitutions of such property; and (e) All books and records pertaining to the Property Including, without limitation, all computer readable memory and any computer hardware or software necessary to access and process such memory. Grantor represents and warrants to the Beneficiary that THE REAL PROPERTY CONVEYED BY THIS DEED OF TRUST IS NOT USED PRINCIPALLY FOR AG RIC UL TURAL PURPOSES. 2. SECURITY AGREEMENT; FIXTURE FILING. This Deed of Trust also constitutes (a) a common law assignment for security and a security agreement under the Washington Uniform Commercial Code assigning and granting to Beneficiary a security interest in all or any of the Property now or hereafter constituting personal property or fixtures, and in any personal property, tangible or intangible, described in any UCC Financing Statement flied in connection with this Deed of Trust or the Secured Obligations, including products and proceeds thereof and all supporting obligations ancillary thereto, and (b) a financing statement filed for record in the real estate records as a fixture filing pursuant to the Uniform Commercial Code of the State of Washington and covering items of property which are or are to become fixtures with respect to the Property. For purposes of this fixture filing the Debtor and the Secured Party and their respective addresses are: Debtor: Lozier at Laurel Crest, LLC 1203 114111 Avenue SE Bellevue, WA 98004 Debtor's Organizational ID no.: 602-710-517 Secured Party: Westerfield Financial, LLC 7 420 Westerfield Road Lynden, WA 98264 Grantor authorizes Beneficiary at any time and from time to time to file any initial financing statements, amendments thereto and continuation statements with or without signature of Grantor as authorized by applicable law, as applicable to the Property, and ratifies any such filings by Beneficiary made prior to the date of this Deed of Trust. For purposes of such filings, Granter agrees to furnish any information requested by Beneficiary promptly upon request by Beneficiary. Deed of Trust -Lozier at Laurel Crest Page 3 of 13 20070b1500Hl'l!l.004 3. SECURED OBLIGATIONS. The following obligations (the "Secured Obllgatlons") are secured by this Deed ofTrust: (a) Payment of the sum of NINE MILLION AND N0/100 DOLLARS ($9,000,000) or order and made by Granter, including all renewals, amendments. modifications, restatements and extensions thereof (the "Note"). THE NOTE MAY CONTAIN PROVISIONS ALLOWING FOR THE INTEREST RATE TO BE INDEXED, ADJUSTED, RENEWED. OR RENEGOTIATED. BY THIS REFERENCE THE NOTE JS INCORPORATED IN AND MADE A PART OF THIS DEED OF TRUST AS THOUGH SET FORTH IN FULL. If the Note evidences a revolving line of credit by Beneficiary to Granter, then it is the express intent of Granter and Beneficiary that this Deed of Trust and the estate held by the Trustee hereunder shall continue in effect notwithstanding that from time to time no Secured Obligations may exist, and shall survive as security for all new or additional Secured Obligations from time-to-time arising; (b) Payment of such further sums as may now or hereafter be advanced or loaned by Beneficiary to Granter or any of its successors and assigns, and payment and performance of every other present and future obligation owing by Granter to Beneficiary of any kind, and all renewals, modifications, restatements and extensions thereof, including any interest, fees, costs, service charges, indemnifications and expenses connected with such obligations, if (i) the promissory note or other written document evidencing the future advance or loan or other obligation specifically states it is secured by this Deed of Trust, or (II) the advance, Joan or other obligation is made or incurred pursuant to the Note, this Deed of Trust or any other document, instrument or agreement evidencing, securing or relating to the loan evidenced by the Note (the "Loan"), whether executed prior to, contemporaneously with, or subsequent to this Deed of Trust (all such documents, including, without limitation, any loan commitments and any construction or other loan agreement, and all renewals, amendments, modifications, restatements or extensions thereof. are collectively referred to as the "Loan Documents"), together with interest thereon at the rate set forth in the Note, unless otherwise specified in the Loan Documents or agreed In writing; (c) Performance of each agreement term and condition contained in this Deed of Trust or set forth or incorporated by reference In the Loan Documents including, without limitation, any provisions relating to Loan funds set-aside for the benefit of third parties, as evidenced by a set-aside agreement between Grantor and Beneficiary; and (d) Payment and performance of the obligations of Granter to Beneficiary under any one or more Interest rate swap transactions, forward rate transactions, interest rate cap, floor or collar transactions, swaptions, bond and bond price swaps, options or forwards, treasury locks, any similar transaction, any option to enter into any of the foregoing and any combination of the foregoing, with Beneficiary, whether now existing or hereafter entered Into including, without limitation any master agreement relating to or governing any or all of the foregoing and any related schedules and confirmations, and in which this Deed of Trust Is expressly referenced as a credit support document (each, a "Swap Contract"). As used In this Deed of Trust. the term "Loan Documents" includes each Swap Contract secured by this Deed of Trust. The Secured Obligations shall not include the obligations of Granter (or any other person or entity) under any Environmental Indemnity Agreement at any time executed by Granter (or any other person or entity) in connection with the Loan. The right Is reserved to the Beneficiary, without actual notice to or the consent of Granter, to amend this Deed of Trust to delete from the security of this Deed of Trust any one or more of the secured Obligations, provided, that the original or a Beneficiary certified copy of such amendment is recorded In the County where the Project is located on or prior to the date the Trustee concludes a sale of the Property under applicable law. Deed of Trust -Lozier at Laurel Crest Page 4 of 13 LUUJ u:, I :.H.HJ10 1 ~.uu~ 4. AFFIRMATIVE COVENANTS. Granter shall, unless waived in writing by Beneficiary: (a) Maintain and preserve the Property in good condition and repair, and not commit or permit any waste thereof; with diligence obtain all required permits and approvals and construct and complete, in a good an workmanlike manner free of defective materials or workmanship and in accordance with the plan and Project budget approved by Beneficiary, the on-site and any off-site improvements to be constructed as part of the Project; restore any improvements which may be damaged or destroyed; maintain the Property free and clear of all liens and encumbrances other than the encumbrance of this Deed of Trust, any lien specifically approved by Beneficiary in writing, and any lien for taxes or assessments not delinquent; not purchase or contract for any materials, equipment, furnishings, fixtures or personal property that the seller has the right to remove; and defend any action or proceeding purporting to affect the security of this Deed of Trust or the rights and powers of Beneficiary or Trustee; (b) Comply with all laws, ordinances, regulations, covenants, conditions and restrictions affecting the Property; (c) Pay and perform promptly all Secured Obligations; all taxes, assessments and governmental liens or charges levied against the Property; and all claims for labor, materials, supplies or otherwise which, if unpaid, might become a lien or charge upon the Property; (d) Keep all on-site and any off-site Project improvements and all Project related Inventory, equipment, materials and supplies continuously insured, with premiums prepaid, against all risks, casualties and losses through standard fire and extended coverage Insurance or otherwise, including, without limitation, insurance against fire, theft, casualty, vandalism and any other risk Beneficiary may reasonably request. During construction on the Project, such policies shall be In "Buflders Risk" form. The insurance policies shall be in an aggregate amount of not less than the full replacement cost of said improvements and other property, Including the cost of demolition and removal of debris, and shall name Beneficiary as loss payee under a lender loss payable endorsement in form satisfactory to Beneficiary. The amounts collected under the insurance policies may be applied to the Secured Obligations in any manner as Beneficiary determines, and such application shall not cause discontinuance of any proceeding to foreclose upon this Deed of Trust In the event of foreclosure, all of Grantor's rights in the insurance policies shall pass to the purchaser at the foreclosure sale. Furthermore, Granter shall (i) obtain flood insurance if the Project is located in a designated flood hazard area (as determined by Beneficiary, with such determination to be made at Grantor's expense); and (ii) maintain commercial general liability insurance insuring against liability from risks associated with the use, ownership, construction and operation of the Project, with coverage limits approved by Beneficiary. All insurance policies required hereunder shall be subject to Beneficiary's approval and obtained from financially reputable insurers acceptable to Beneficiary. All deductibles shall be in amounts acceptable to Beneficiary; (e) Pay, reimburse and indemnify Beneficiary for all of Beneficiary's costs and expenses incurred in connection with the enforcement of Beneficiary's rights and Grantor's obligations under this Deed of Trust, foreclosing upon this Deed of ,rust, defending any action or proceeding purporting to affect the rights or duties of Beneficiary or Trustee under this Deed of Trust, or managing the Property and collecting the rents from the Property, including, without limitation, all reasonable attorneys' fees and the value of the services of staff counsel (including on appeal or otherwise), collection costs, costs of title search, and trustee's and receiver's fees; and (I) Not permit or allow any one to four family residential dwelling or condominium unit encumbered by this Deed of Trust to be occupied prior to closing the sale of that dwelling/condominium Deed of Trust -Lozier at Laurel Crest Page 5 of 13 :W0705150018'1 ~.006 unit to an owner occupant and payment to Beneficiary of the amount required to obtain a reconveyance of this Deed of Trust with respect to that dwelling/condominium unit. 5. INSPECTION OF COLLATERAL. Beneficiary and/or its agents or representatives may at reasonable times enter upon and inspect the Project including, without limitation, inspecting work in progress, and the· making of tests and· the taking of samples. If Beneficiary and/or its agents or representatives believes it has a duty or obligation to disclose any report or findings made as a result of or In connection with any inspection of the Project, then Beneficiary and/or its agents or representatives may make such disclosure. In the event of a default Beneficiary may obtain a current regulatory conforming appraisal of the Collateral. In addition, Beneficiary may commission appraisals when required by laws and regulations which govern Beneficiary's lending practices. The cost of all such appraisals (and related internal review fees and costs) will be paid by Granter within fifteen (15) days after request by Beneficiary. 6. PROTECTION OF BENEFICIARY'S INTEREST. If Granter fails to pay any amounts which may become a lien on the Property, or fails to maintain adequate insurance on the Property as required by Section 4(d) above, Beneficiary may at its sole option pay such obligations and/or obtain such insurance and all costs and expenses so incurred by Beneficiary shall be added to the Secured Obligations and payable by Granter on demand together with interest a\ the default rate in the Note. 7. DEFAULT. Time Is the essence of Grantor's obligations under this Deed ofTrust and the other Loan Documents. The following events shall, at Beneficiary's option, and at any time without regard to any previous knowledge on Beneficiary's part, constitute a default under this Deed of Trust, and the other Loan Documents: . (a) Construction · of any on-site or off-site Project improvements is abandoned or discontinued for 15 consecutive days or more, or Beneficiary determines that the work is not being performed in accordance with the plans, specifications or project budget approved by Beneficiary, or a stop work order is issued on all or any portion of the Project and the order is not dismissed within ten (10) days after the date the order is issued; (b) Document; Any payment is not made when due under the Note, this Deed of Trust or any other Loan (c) There is a default under, a breach of, or failure to perfonm any other covenant, agreement or obligation to be performed under this Deed of Trust or any other Loan Document or under any guaranty of all or any part of the Secured Obligations; (d) Any representation or warranty contained in this Deed of Trust or any other Loan Document, or any financial or other lnfonmation furnished to Beneficiary in connection with the Loan, proves to be false or misleading in any material respec~ (e) Granter defaults under any contract or other agreement relating to the Property, and such default Is not cured within the applicable cure period, If any; (f) (g) Contract; Granter Is In default with respect to any other loan from Beneficiary to Granter; An event occurs which gives Beneficiary the right or option to tenminate any Swap Deed of Trust -Lozier at Laurel Crest Page 6 of 13 2007051500181 ~.007 (h} Grantor, or any guarantor of the Loan fails to pay his, her or its debts generally as they become due, or files a petition or action for relief under any bankruptcy, reorganization or insolvency laws or makes an assignment for U,e benefit of creditors; or (i) An involuntary petition is filed against Granter or any guarantor of the Loan under any bankruptcy, reorganization or other insolvency laws, or a custodian, receiver or trustee is appointed to take, possession, custody or control of the Collateral or any other properties or assets of Grantor or or any guarantor of the Loan, and such petition or appointment is not set aside, withdrawn or dismissed within thirty (30) days from U,e date of filing or appointment. 8. REMEDIES. If any default occurs and is continuing, and subject to any applicable notice and cure period provided for in the Note or any other loan Document, Beneficiary may, at its option: (a) Declare any or all of the Secured Obligations, together with all accrued interes~ to be immediately due and payable wiU1out presentment, demand, protest or notice of any kind, all of which are expressly waived by Granter; (b) Pay such sums as may be necessary to obtain a current appraisal of the Project, to inspect and test the Project and/or other Property, to pay any tax, assessment, insurance premium, lien, encumbrance or other charge against the Property, to obtain a title report and/or Trustee's Sale Guaranty, all such expenditures to be paid for by Granter on demand and added to the Secured Obligations; and (c) Exercise its rights and remedies under this Deed or Trust, the other loan Documents, and applicable law including, without limitation, foreclosure of this Deed of Trust judicially as a mortgage or non-judicially pursuant to the power of sale. In any judicial or non-Judicial foreclosure of this Deed of Trust, the Property may be sold separately or as a whole at the option of Beneficiary, and in the event of a trustee's sale of the Property pursuant to the power of sale granted herein Beneficiary hereby assigns its security interest in the personal property collateral to U,e Trustee. Beneficiary may also realize on the personal property collateral in accordance wiU, the remedies available to secured parties under the Uniform Commercial Code or at law. Grantor and the holder of any subordinate lien or security interest with actual or constructive noUce hereof waive any equitable, statutory or other right to require marshalling of assets or to direct the order in which any of the Property will be sold. Beneficiary's failure to exercise or enforce any of its rights or remedies in the event of a default shall not constitute a waiver or cure of the defaul~ or of any subsequent defau1i or of its rights and remedies with respect to such default. In the event of default under this Deed of Trust or the other loan Documents, and whether or not suit is filed or any proceedings are commenced, all of Beneficiary's costs and expenses incurred In connection therewith Including, without limitation, Trustee's and attorneys' fees (including attorneys' fees for any appeal, bankruptcy proceeding or any other proceeding), accountants' fees, appraisal and internal appraisal review fees, inspection fees (including inspections for hazardous substances, asbestos containing materials, and compliance with building and land use codes and regulations), engineering fees, and expert witness fees and costs of title reports shall be added to and be a part of the Secured Obligations and shall be payable by Granter on demand together with interest on such sums at the default rate in the Note. 9. ENTRY. Upon the occurrence of an event of default, and if Grantor has not cured the default within any applicable notice and cure period, then Beneficiary shall have the right but not the obligation, in person or through a third party designated by Beneficiary, or by a court appointed receiver, to enter, take possession of, and manage or operate all or any part of the Project and the Property, and to perform or cause to be performed all work and labor necessary to complete construction of the Project All sums expended by Beneficiary in doing so shall be deemed to have been advanced under the Note Deed of Trust -Lozier at Laurel Crest Page 7 of 13 200 /Ob I bOOI U l!i.OOU and together with interest at the default rate under the Note shall be secured by this Deed of Trust and any other collateral for the Loan. Any funds disbursed by Beneficiary in excess of the maximum principal amount of the Note will be considered an additional advance on the Loan to Granter bearing interest at the default rate under the Note, and will be secured by this Deed of Trust and any other collateral for the Loan. Beneficiary, by electing to complete a Project will not be deemed to have assumed any liability to Granter or any other person or entity for completing the Project or for the manner or quality of construction of the Project, and Granter hereby expressly waives any such liability on behalf of Beneficiary. Gran tor hereby designates, constitutes and appoints Beneficiary as its true and lawful attorney-in-fact with full power of substitution to complete the Project in the name of Granter and to (a) use any undisbursed Loan proceeds or funds of Granter held by Beneficiary for the purpose of completing the Project; (b) make such additions, changes and alterations to the Project, the plans and specifications for the Project, and to the Project budget as Beneficiary deems desirable; (c) employ contractors, subcontractors, architects, surveyors, engineers and other persons as may be required for such purposes; (d) to collect and receive any payment of money owing to Granter and to pay, settle or compromise all existing bills and claims which may be liens against the Project, any of the Property or as may be necessary or desirable for the completion of the Project or for clearance of title; and (e) do any and all things which Granter might do on its own behalf in order to complete the Project free and clear of all liens and encumbrances and in accordance with all governmental and other requirements applicable to the Project The power of attorney granted pursuant to this paragraph shall be deemed a power coupled with an interest and irrevocable. Beneficiary, in the exercise of this power, shall not be deemed a trustee or fiduciary of Granter and Beneficiary is authorized to take all such actions as Beneficiary in its sole determination may consider necessary or desirable to protect the security of this Deed of Trust Granter shall, within five (5) days following written demand from Beneficiary, surrender and deliver to Beneficiary the originals of all books and records, all plans and specifications, all permits, licenses and approvals, and all agreements with suppliers and contractors for the Project, and shall grant Beneficiary and it agents and contractors unrestricted possession of and access to and control over the Project. Granter . further agrees that any failure on its part to do so shall entitle Beneficiary, without further notice to Granter, to make ex-parte application to a court of general Jurisdiction in the county where the Project is located for immediate issuance of an order, without bond, granting specific performance of Beneficiary's rights under this paragraph and/or for appointment of a receiver to take possession and control of the Property and the Project Beneficiary's attorneys' fees, costs and expenses to obtain the court order, and any payment or reimbursement by Beneficiary of a receiver's costs, expenses and attorneys' fees (including on appeal or otherwise), shall be deemed an additional advance to Granter under the Note as provided above in this paragraph. All sums expended by Beneficiary shall be repayable by Granter on demand together with interest at the default rate In the Note. 10. APPOINTMENT OF RECEIVER. In the evenl of a default, Grantor consents to, and Beneficiary, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, shall be entitled, without notice, bond or regard to the adequacy of the Property, to the appointment of a receiver for the Property. The receiver shall have, in addition to all the rights and powers customarily given to and exercised by a receiver, all the rights and powers granted to Beneficiary by the Loan Documents. The receiver shall be entitled to receive a reasonable fee for management of the Property. If Granter Is an occupant of the Property, Beneficiary has the right to require Granter to pay rent at fair market rates and the right to remove Granter from Property if Granter fails to pay rent 11. CUMULATIVE REMEDIES. To the fullest extent allowed by law, all of Beneficiary's and Tnustee's rights and remedies specified in this Deed of Tnust or in any of the other Loan Documents are cumulative, not mutually exclusive and not in substitution for any rights or remedies available at law or in equity. Without waiving its rights In the Property, Beneficiary may proceed against Granter, any other party obligated to pay or perform the Secured Obligations or against any other security or guaranty for the Secured Obligations, in such order or manner as Beneficiary may elect. Except where prohibited by Deed of Trust -Lozier at Laurel Crest Page 8 of 13 applicable law, the commencement of proceedings to enforce a particular remedy shall not preclude the commencement of other proceedings to enforce a different remedy. 12. PARTIAL RECONVEYANCES. By the acceptance of this Deed of Trust, the Beneficiary agrees it will, upon request of the Grantor, if no default exists under this Deed of Trust or any of the other Loan Documents and no event has occurred which through the passage of time, the giving of notice or both, could constitute a default, join with the Granter in requesting the Trustee to partially reconvey, at Grantor's expense, a portion(s) of the Property as specifically described in the Loan Documents if the following conditions are met: (a) Full compliance with the partial release provlsion(s) of the Loan Documents; (b) Granter delivers to Beneficiary evidence that the partial reconveyance will not have any adverse effect upon the priority position of the remaining security as evidenced by the title insurance'held by the Beneficiary; (c) If applicable, the remaining collateral must be platted in accordance with regulations of the local government authority, the plat must be properly recorded, and Beneficiary must receive evidence satisfactory to Beneficiary of final plat approval from the government authority; and (d) The release, in Beneficiary's opinion, will not result in the loss by any other part of the Project of reasonable access to a public street or the use of any necessary easements or utility services. 13. EMINENT DOMAIN. If any portion of the Property is taken or damaged through eminent domain (or pursuant to a transfer in lieu thereof), the amount of the award to which Granter is entitled shall be paid to Beneficiary and applied to the Secured Obligations at Beneficiary's option. 14. TRANSFERS. Granter shall not, without Beneficiary's prior written consent, directly or indirectly (i) transfer, assign or convey any Interest in ttie Property, for security purposes or otherwise, or (Ii) consent to, permit or allow the transfer of any interest in Granter. 15. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. This Deed of Trust inures to the benefit of and is binding upon the respective heirs, administrators, successors and assigns of Granter and Beneficiary. 16. RECONVEY ANCE. Trustee shall reconvey the Property to the person(s) entitled thereto upon written request of Beneficiary, or upon satisfaction of the Secured Obligations and written request for reconveyance made by Beneficiary or any person Interested in the Property, accompanied by Trustee's standard reconveyance fee, which fee shall be Grantor's obligation. The Property Is part of a collateral pool securing a revolving loan to Granter by Beneficiary evidenced by the Note and the other Loan Documents. Payment and performance of Grantor's obligations under the Loan may be secured by multiple deeds of trust covering the Property and other properties constttuting the collateral pool from time to time. Granter acknowledges and agrees the partial or full reconveyance of this Deed of Trust shall not · in and of Itself satisfy or extinguish the obligations secured by this Deed of Trust. 17. SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE. In the event of Trustee's death, incapacity, disability, dissolution, resignation or refusal to act, Beneficiary may appoint a successor trustee and, upon the recording of such appointment In the records of the county in which this Deed of Trust is recorded, the successor trustee shall be vested with all powers of the original Trustee. 18. GOVERNING LAW. This Deed of Trust shall be construed and enforced under the laws of the State of Washington. In any action or proceeding to construe or enforce this Deed of Trust or any Deed of Trust -Lozier at Laurel Crest Page 9 of 13 LUU/0!:,1 b001 ~·1~.UI U of the Loan Documents, the prevailing party shall recover its costs and reasonable attorneys' fees including those incurred in any trial or arbitration proceeding, in any bankruptcy or receivership proceeding, and in any appeal therefrom. WASHINGTON NOTICE: ORAL AGREEMENTS, PROMISES OR COMMITMENTS TO: (1) LOAN MONEY, (2) EXTEND CREDIT, (3) MODIFY OR AMEND ANY TERMS OF THE LOAN DOCUMENTS, (4) RELEASE ANY GUARANTOR, (5) FORBEAR FROM ENFORCING REPAYMENT OF THE LOAN OR THE EXERCISE OF ANY REMEDY UNDER THE LOAN DOCUMENTS, OR (6) MAKE ANY OTHER FINANCIAL ACCOMMODATION PERTAINING TO THE LOAN ARE ALL UNENFORCEABLE UNDER WASHINGTON LAW. WARNING UNLESS YOU PROVIDE LENDER WITH EVIDENCE OF THE INSURANCE COVERAGE AS REQUIRED BY OUR CONTRACT OR LOAN AGREEMENT, LENDER MAY PURCHASE INSURANCE AT YOUR EXPENSE TO PROTECT LENDER'S INTEREST. THIS INSURANCE MAY, BUT NEED NOT, ALSO PROTECT YOUR INTEREST. IF THE COLLATERAL BECOMES DAMAGED, THE COVERAGE LENDER PURCHASES MAY NOT PAY ANY CLAIM YOU MAKE OR ANY CLAIM MADE AGAINST YOU. YOU MAY LATER CANCEL THIS COVERAGE BY PROVIDING EVIDENCE THAT YOU HAVE OBTAINED PROPERTY COVERAGE ELSEWHERE. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE COST OF ANY INSURANCE COVERAGE PURCHAED BY LENDER. THE COST OF THIS INSURANCE MAY BE ADDED TO YOUR CONTRACT OR LOAN BALANCE. IF THE COST IS ADDED TO YOUR CONTRACT OR LOAN BALANCE, THE INTEREST. RA TE ON THE UNDERLYING CONTRACT OR LOAN WILL APPLY TO THIS ADDED AMOUNT. THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF COVERAGE MAY BE THE DATE YOUR PRIOR COVERAGE LAPSED OR THE DATE YOU FAILED TO PROVIDE PROOF OF COVERAGE. THE COVERAGE LENDER PURCHASES MAY BE CONSIDERABLY MORE EXPENSIVE THAN INSURANCE YOU CAN OBTAIN ON YOUR OWN AND MAY NOT SATISFY ANY NEED FOR PROPERTY DAMAGE COVERAGE OR ANY MANDATORY LIABILITY INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS IMPOSED BY APPLICABLE LAW. GRANTOR: LOZIER AT LAUREL CREST, LLC, a Washington limlte bili mpany Deed of Trust -Lozier at Laurel Crest Page 10of 13 STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF .K:Nt, ' 20070515001U19.011 SS. I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Michael D. Levy is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that [he/she] signed this Instrument, on oath stated that [he/she] was authorized to execute the Instrument an acknowledge it as the Manager of Lozier at Laurel Crest, LLC to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated: dfd( 7, ~7 ,.,,,,,\\\\li11,, .$"" o,M~.J,,i -"'I~-:l:·!!t~ ,,,. = . #!',,.",, ~-·'l. g ot'"--..\_"Ill i ~ u ~ . ..,. ..... ~·~O··~ ,,, .i ... .. ... ~~., ::: ~-. ::, ... ,,, .,.~ .. 1: -~~\~~LN $.tf 'l. ~ '+i,'f 1 !i,09.s-~;,,,,O : i,, 0 """"''" .. .,.o ---,,,,11t> WAS\s\.-.,,,' fl"'"'''''·''. Deed of Trust -Lozier at Laurel Crest me Printed: ,&u;rr LJ. d1J461;#?S<W Notary Public in and for the State of Washlng~n. resldin~ at ~~.,,-~~ My appointment expires ___ ..t:.tir,./.ecJ.c.:)4-~.e,«...L ____ _ 1 Page 11 of13 LUU /O~·l :,UU1 t> I ~.u-J L REQUEST FOR FULL RECONVEYANCE To: THE TRUSTEE under this Deed ofTrust The undersigned Beneficiary is the legal owner and holder of the promissory note(s) and/or other indebtedness and obligations secured by this Deed of Trust (the "Secured Obligations"). This Deed of Trust is surrendered to you for cancellation and full reconveyance. You are hereby requested, upon payment of all sums owing to you, to reconvey without warranty, to the person(s) entitled thereto, the righ~ title and interest now held by you under this Deed of Trust. After recording, the Full Reconveyance should be mailed to: CHECK APPLICABLE BOX: Westerfield Financial, LLC 7420 Westerfield Road Lynden,WA 98264 I I Obligation(s) Not Satisfied. The Secured Obligations have not been satisfied, shall not be discharged or otherwise affected by reconveyance of the Deed of Trust and shall remain In full force and effect except only as may be otherwise specifically. set forth in a separate written agreement signed by Beneficiary. You are further instructed that your Full Reconveyance of Deed of Trust shall state that the promissory note(s) and/or other indebtedness and obligations secured by the Deed of Trust have not been satisfied. I I satisfied. Obligations Satisfied. The Secured Obligations have been fully paid and INDEMNITY The undersigned Beneficiary agrees lo hold the Trustee 'free and clear. of all liability and respcnslbility for any loss, damage and expense that the Trustee may suffer by reason of the issuance of its Full Reconveyance without pcssesslon of the original promissory note(s) and/or other original documents evidencing the Secured Obligations. Dated:--------' ___ _ BENEFICIARY: WESTERFIELD FINANCIAL, LLC By: ___________ _ Authorized Signatory Deed of Trust -Lozier at Laurel Crest Page 12 of 13 .. i EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION 200/0515001U18.0'1 J Order No.: 1228702 THELANDREFERREDTOISSITUATEDINTHESTATEOFWASHINGTON,COUNTYOF KING ,AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: PARCEL A: LOT 3, KING COUNTY SHORT PLAT NUMBER 676075, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 7701190691, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. PARCEL B: LOT l, KING COUNTY SHORT PLAT NUMBER 882065, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 8303160822, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. PARCEL C: LOT 2, KING COUNTY SHORT PLAT NUMBER 882065, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 8303160822, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. PARCEL D, LOT 3, KING COUNTY SHORT PLAT NUMBER 882065, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 8303160822, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. PARCEL E: WT 4, K:tNG COUNTY SHORT PLAT NUMBER 882065, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 8303160822, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE NORTH 60 FEET OF THE EAST 30 FEET OF SAID LOT 4, CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY FOR ROAD PURPOSES BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 8705050924; TOGETHER WITH THE NORTH 30.5 FEET OF THE EAST 30 FEET OF SAID WT 4, VACATED BY CITY OF RENTON ORDINANCE NUMBER 5278, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20070511001389. PARCEL F: THE EAST 330 FEET OF THE SOUTH 198 FEET OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT Tl!l>.T PORTION THEREOF LYING WITHIN THE RIGHT OF WAY OF SOUTHEAST 132ND STREET. PARCELG: CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY EXHIBIT 20070515001 !l'I ~.014 LEGAL DESCRIPTION Order No.: 001228702 LOT k KING COUNTY SHORT PLAT NUMBER 881050, RECORDED UNDcR RECORDING NUMBER 8201220536, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. (_:r,11li:e Pointe ~Jurvcy.Lng 33701 9th Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003 253-661-1901 Tuesday, October 09, 2007 2:39:29 PM NEW PROJSCT CLOSURE: REPORT PROJECT: G:\2869\2869.pro Coordinate values shown are computed based on the rounded bearing and distance, or chord bearing and chord lengths as indicated herein. Boundary Name: Overall Point Number Bearing Description Distance 1222 30'RW N00°21'29"W 27 4. 58 1223 30'RW S89°09'15"E 204.05 1218 W234 N186.15 N00°21'29"W 186.19 1219 W234' S89°09'15"E 413.61 1215 1164th S00°28 1 00"E 328.83 1054 calc 6-18-20 S89°23'44"E 205.04 1039 calc 6-18-20 S00°28'00"E 2 98. 77 1040 calc 6-18-20 N89°24 '44"W 205.03 1055 calc 6-18-20 S00°28 1 00 11 E 30.01 1210 !/16th N89°15'45"W 330.07 1031 CALC E LINE N00°28'00"W 198.04 1033 N89°15'45"W 288.43 1222 30'RW Sta Northing Easting Elevation 0+00.00 6847.61830 4976.05064 2+74.58 7122 .19294 4974.33473 4+78.63 7119.18074 5178.36250 ' 6+64. 82 7305.36711 5177.19896 10+78.43 7299. 26138 5590.76389 14+07.26 6970.44229 5593.44214 ' 16+12.30 6968. 27 925 5798. 470'/3 ' 19+11.07 6669.51916 5800.90414 ' 21+16.10 6671. 62245 5595.88493 21+46.11 6641.61345 5596.12936 ' 24+76.18 6645.86191 5266.08670 ' 26+74.22 6843.89536 5264 .47371 ' 29+62.65 6847.60787 4976.06760 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Closing latitude Closing departure Closing bearing Closing distance Total traverse length Total error of closure Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure Area Area -0.01043 0. 01696 N58°25 1 00"W 0.01991 2962.65 (2962.65) 1/148795 1/284102 1/174668 373000.484 SQ FT 8.563 ACRES .. Ccr1trc Pointe Surveyir1q t 33701 9th Avenue South federal Way, WA 98003 253-661-1901 Tuesday, October 09, 2007 2:39:28 PM N~,-1 PHOJ~CT PROJECT: G:\2869\2869.pro -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLOSURE REPORT Coordinale values shown are computed based on the rounded bearing and distance, or chord bearing and chord lengths as indicated herein. Boundary Name: Roads Point Number Bearing Description Distance Sta Northing Easting Elevation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1062 calc 6-18-20 0+00.00 7023.16899 4974.95355 0.00 S00°21'29"E 92.02 ' 1077 calc 6-18-20 0+92.02 6931.15078 4975.52860 0.00 Center Point: 1076 6931.30701 5000.52812 calc 6-18- Radius: 25.00 Delta: 91°05'44 11 Right Arc Length: 39.75 Chord Bearing: N45°11'23"E Chord Length: 35.69 Middle Ordinate: 7.49 ' External: 10.70 Deg of Curvature: 229°10 1 59" Arc Definition Tangent: 25. 4 8 Curve PI: 6956.63610 4975.36934 1075 calc 6-18-20 1+31. 76 6956.30372 5000.84867 0.00 S89°l5'45"E 4 4 9. 08 1128 5+80.85 6950.52341 5449.89147 0.00 Center Point: 1187 6871. 52995 5448.87463 Radius: 79.00 ' Delta: 1°52 1 23" Right Arc Length: 2.58 Chord Bearing: S88°19'34"E Chord Length: 2.58 Middle Ordinate: 0.01 External: 0.01 ' Deg of Curvature: 72°31'35" Arc Cefinition Tangent: 1.29 Curve PI: 6950.51168 5451.184% 1188 5+83.43 6950.44805 5452.47037 0.00 S87°23'22"E 42.06 1189 6+25.49 6948.53234 5494.48672 0.00 Center Point: 1127 7069.40676 54 99. 997 91 Radius: 121.00 Delta: 1°52'23" Left Arc Length: 3. 96 Chord Bearing: S88°19'34"E Chord Length: 3. 96 Middle Ordinate: 0.02 External: 0.02 Deg of Curvature: 47°21'07" Arc Definition Tangent: 1. 98 Curve PI: 6948.44710 5496.46586 1190 6+29.44 6948.41666 5498.44503 0.00 S89°15'45"E 49.89 1080 calc 6-18-20 6+79.33 6947.77451 5548.33090 0.00 Center Point: 1079 6913. 77732 5547.89327 calc 6-18- Radius: 34.00 ' Delta: 88°47'46" Right Arc Length: 52.69 ' Chord Bearing: S44°51'52"E Chord Length: 47.58 Middle Ordinate: 9.71 • Cer1t=e Pointe Surveying 33701 9th Aver1ue South Federal Way, WA 98003 253-661-1901 Tuesday, October 09, 2007 2:39:29 PM NJ::W PROJECT PROJECT: G:\2869\2869.pro -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- External: 13.59 • Dey of Curvature: 168°31'01" Arc Definition Tangent: 33.29 Curve PI: 6947.35104 5581.62082 1078 calc 6-18-20 7+32.03 6914.05086 5581. 89535 0.00 S00°28'00"E 231. 76 • 1057 calc 6-18-20 9+63.78 6682. 29855 5583.78298 0.00 Center Point: 1058 6682. 094 93 5558.78381 calc 6-18- Radius: 25.00 Delta: 91°12'14 11 Right Arc Length: 39.80 Chord Bearing: S45°08'08"W Chord Length: 35. 72 Middle Ordinate: 7.51 External: 10.73 • Deg of Curvature: 229°10'59" Arc Definition Tangent: 25.53 Curve PI: 6656. 77814 5583.98695 1059 calc 6-18-20 10+03.58 6657.10052 5558. 46544 0.00 N89°15''15"W 72.49 • 1088 calc 6-18-20 10+76.07 6658.03358 5485.98144 S00°28'00"E 3.00 • 1089 calc 6-18-20 10+79.07 6655.03367 5486.00588 0.00 N89°15'45"W 220.05 ' 1090 calc 6-18-20 12+99 .12 6657.86604 5265.97411 S00°28'00"E 12.00 1031 CALC E LINE 13+11.12 6645.86643 5266.07184 S89°15'45"E 330.07 1210 I/16th 16+41.20 6641. 61796 5596.11450 N00°28'00"W 30.01 1055 calc 6-18-20 16+71.20 6671. 62696 5595.87008 S89°21'44"E 54.55 ' 1042 calc 6-18-20 17+25.75 6671. 06736 5650.41721 0.00 Center Point: 1043 6696. 06605 5650.67367 culc 6-18- Radius: 25.00 Delta: 88°56 1 41" Right Arc Length: 38.81 Chord Bearing: N44°56'24"W Chord Length: 35.03 Middle Ordinate: 7.16 External: 10.03 Deg of Curvature: 229°10'59" Arc Definition Tangent: 24.54 Curve PI: 6671.31712 5625.87035 1044 calc 6-18-20 17+64.56 6695.86324 5625.67321 0.00 Noo 0 2s•oo 11 w 274.28 • 1038 caJc 6-18-20 20+38.84 6970.13414 5623.43926 N89°23'44"W 30.01 ' 1054 calc 6-18-20 20+68.84 6970.45072 5593.43093 N00°28'00"W 18.76 • 1087 calc 6-18-20 20+87.60 6989. 21010 5593.27813 N89°15'45"W 75.54 • 1072 calc 6-18-20 21+63.14 6990.18241 5517.74439 0.00 Center Point: 1073 7015.18034 5518.06618 calc 6-18- Radius: 25.00 Delta: 88°47'46" Right Arc Length: 38.74 ' Chord Bearing: N44°51'52"W Chord Length: 34. 98 Middle Ordinate: 7 .14 C~r1trc Poir1te Surveying .33·101 9th Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003 253-661-19Cl Tuesday, October 09, 2007 2:39:29 PM m:w PROJECT External: 9.99 Deg of Curvature: 229°10'59" Tangent: 24. 4 8 Curve PI: J [J '/ 4 calc 6-18-20 22+01.89 N00°28'00"W 121.41 ' 1069 calc 6-18-20 23+23.30 Center Point: 1070 Radius: 76.00 Delta: 86°28'20" Arc Length: 114.70 Chord Bearing: N43°42'09 11 W Chord Length: 104.12 Middle Ordinate: 20.63 External: 28.32 Deg of Curvature: 75°23'21" Tangent: 71. 4 6 Curve PI: 1071 calc 6-18-20 24+38.00 N89°09'15rrW 66.95 ' 1066 calc 6-18-20 25+04. 96 Center Point: 1067 Radius: 76. 00 Delta: 91°18'45" Arc Length: 121.12 Chord Bearing: S45°ll'23"W Chord Length: 108.70 Middle Ordinate: 22.88 External: 32.73 Deg of Curvature: 75°23'21" Tangent: 77. 76 Curve PI: 1068 calc 6-18-20 26+26.08 S00°2U'00"E 115.75 ' 1063 calc 6-18-20 27+41.83 Center Point: 1064 Radius: 25.00 Delta: 91 °12' 14 11 Arc Length: 39. 80 Chord Bearing: S45°08'08"W Chord Length: 35. 72 Middle Ordinate: 7.51 External: 10. 73 Deg of Curvature: 229°10'59" Tangent: 25.53 Curve PI: 10, .5 calc 6-18-20 27+81.62 N89°15'45"W 252.09 ' 10, 0 calc 6-18-20 30+33.71 Center Point: 1061 Radius: 25.00 Delta: 88°54'16" Arc Length: 38.79 Chord Bearing: N44°48'37"W Chord Length: 35.02 Middle Ordinate: 7.15 External: 10.02 Deg of Curvature: 229°10'59" Tangent: 24.53 Curve PI: PROJECT: G:\2869\2869.pro ' Arc Definition 6990. 4 9176 5493.26661 7014.97546 5493.06838 0.00 7136.38143 5492.07953 0.00 7135.76243 5416.08205 calc 6-18- Left Arc Definition ' 7207.83585 5491.49679 7211. 65363 5420.14156 0.00 72l2.64195 5353 .1988 6 0.00 7136.65023 5352.07694 calc 6-18- Left ' ' Arc Definition 7213. 78854 527 5. 4 4115 7136.03438 5276. 08226 0.00 7020.28822 5277. 02502 0.00 7020.08460 5252.025fJS calc 6-18- Right ' Arc Definition 6994.75427 5277.22474 6995.09019 5251.70748 0.00 6998.33495 4999.63836 0.00 7023.33288 4999. 96015 calc 6-18- Right ' ' Arc Definition 6998.64295 4975.10683 Cr·~tre Poir1t~ ~1Jrveying ~ 3]701 9th Avenue South F~deral Way, WI\ 98003 253-661-1901 Tuesday, October 09, 2007 2:39:29 PM N,;w PROJECT 1062 Closing lalitude Closing departure Closing bearing Closing distance calc 6-18-20 Total traverse length Total error of closure Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure Area Area 30+72.50 0.01071 0.00406 S20°46'31"W 0.01145 7023.17969 3020.87 (3072.50) 1/263799 1/282144 1/743715 88571.861 SQ FT 2.033 ACRES PROJECT: G:\2869\2869.pro 4971.95761 0.00 Centre Poi~te Surveying 33701 9th Avencc South Fede~al Way, WA 98003 253-661-1981 ''1ednesday, October 10, 2007 3:26:09 PM NEW PROJECT CLOSURE REPORT ?ROJECT: G:\2869\2369.pro Coordinate values shown are computed based on the rounded bearing and distance, or chord bearing and chord lengths as indicated ~erein. Boundary Name: Tract A Point Number Bearing Description Distance 1170 S89°15'45"E 1171 soo 0 2s 1 00"E 1163 N89°15'45"W 1125 N00°28'00"W 1033 N00°28'00"W 1170 Closing latitude Closing departure Closing bearing Closing distance calc calc calc calc calc Total traverse length Total error of closure 6-18-20 220.05 6-18-20 94.52 6-18-20 220.05 6-18-20 79.52 15.00 6-18-20 Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure Area Area ' ' ' Sta 0+00.00 2+20.05 3+14.57 5+34.62 6+14.14 6+29.14 0.00000 0.00000 N90°00'00"W 0.00000 Northing 6858.90897 6856.07661 6761. 55974 6764. 39211 6843.90947 6858.90897 629.14 (629.14) 1/999999 1/999999 1/999999 20794.591 SQ FT 0. 477 ACRES Easting Elevation 5264.33046 54 84. 36223 5485.13208 5265.10031 5264.45263 5264.33046 Centre Point,, Su.:-vr~yinq 33701 9th !\.venue South Federal Way, WA 98003 253-661-1901 Tuesday, October 09, 2007 2:39:28 PM NEW PROJECT CLOSURE REPORT PROJECT: G:\2869\2869.pro Coordinate values shown arc computed based on the rounded bearing and distanc0, or chord bearing and chord lengths as indicated herein. Boundary Name: Tract B Point Number Bearing Description Distance 1123 S89°15'45"E 1124 S00°28'00"E 1040 N89°24' 44"W 1037 N29°13'03"E 1036 N00°28'00"W 1123 Closing latitude Closing departure Closing bearing Closing distance calc calc calc calc calc calc Total traverse length Total error of closure 6-18-20 80.02 6-18-20 95. 72 6-18-20 97.44 6-18-20 35.18 6-18-20 65.05 6-18-20 Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure Area Area ' ' • • • Sta 0+00.00 0+80.02 1+75.74 2+73.18 3+08.36 3+73.41 0.00479 0.00058 so6°54'57"W 0.00482 Northing 6766.27302 6765.24305 6669.52622 6670.52581 6701. 22996 6766.27780 373.41 (373.41) 1/77465 1/78033 1/643357 7935.382 SQ FT 0 .182 ACRES Easting Elevation 5720. 09988 5800. 11325 5800.89287 5703.45799 5720. 63027 0.00 5720.10046 C..:enl.re Poir1te Surveying 33701 9th Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003 253-661-1901 Tuesday, October 09, 2007 2:39:28 PM NEW PROJECT PROJECT: G:\2869\2869.pro CLOSURE REPORT Coordinate values shown are computed based on the rounded bearing and distance, or chord bearing and chord lengths as indicated herein. Boundary Name: Lot 1 Point Number Bearing Description Distance 1143 calc 6-18-20 N89°09 1 15 1'W 60.01 1223 30'RW S00°21' 29"E 99.03 1062 calc 6-18-20 Center Point: Radius: Delta: Arc Length: Chord Bearing: Chord Length: Middle Ordinate: External: Deg of Curvature: Tangent: Curve PI: 1060 calc 6-18-20 S89° 15 I 45"E 35.48 1142 calc 6-18-20 N00°21'29"W 123.44 114 3 calc 6-18-20 Closing latitude Closing departure Closing bearing Closing distance Total traverse length Total error of closure Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure Area Area ' ' ' Sta Northing 0+00.00 7121.31188 0+60.01 7122.19775 1+59.04 7023.16968 1061 7023.32591 25.00 ' 88°54 1 16 11 Left 38. 79 S44°48'37"E 35.02 7.15 10.02 229°10'59" Arc Definition 24.53 1+97.84 2+33.32 3+56.76 -0.00603 0.00180 Nl6°39'5l"W 0.00629 6998.64295 6998. 324 94 6997.86826 7121.30585 352.98 (356.76) 1/56117 1/58577 1/195692 7281. 767 SQ FT 0.167 ACRES Easting Elevation 5034.34139 4974.33793 4974.95679 0.00 4999.95630 calc 6-18- 4975.10683 4999.63753 0.00 5035.11459 5034.34319 Centre ?ointc Surveyi11g 33701 9th Avenue South ['ederal Way, WA 98003 253-661-1901 Tuesday, October 09, 2007 2:39:28 PM NEW PIWJECT CLOSURE REPORT PROJECT: G:\2869\2869.pro Coordinate values shown are comp11tcd based on the rounded bearing and distance, or chord bearing and chord lengths as indicated herein. Boundary Name: Lot 2 Point Number Bearing Description Distance 1143 S00°21'29"E 1142 S89°15'45"E 1141 N00°21'29"W 114 0 N89°09'15"W 114 3 Closing latitude Closing departure Closing bearing CJosing distance calc calc calc calc calc Total traverse length Total error of closure 6-18-20 123.44 6-18-20 50.01 6-18-20 123.35 6-18-20 50.01 6-18-20 Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure Area Area ' ' ' ' Sta 0+00.00 1+23.44 1+73.45 2+96. 80 3+46.81 -0.00455 0.0018'/ S22°19'45"W 0.00492 Northing 7121. 31188 6997.87429 6997.23059 7120.57818 7121. 31643 346.81 (346.81) 1/70502 1/76217 1/185568 6169.818 SQ FT 0.142 ACRES Easting Elevation 5034.34139 5035. 11279 5085.11865 5084 .34781 5034.34326 Cer1Lrc Polnle Surveying 33701 9th Aven11e S011th ~-ederul Wcty, WA 98003 253-661-1901 Tuesday, October 09, 2007 2:39:29 PM NEW PROJECT CLOSURE REPORT PROJECT: G:\2869\2869.pro Coordinate values shown arc computed based on the rounded bearing and distance, or chord bearing and chord lengths as indicated herein. Boundary Name: Lot 3 Point Number Bearing Description Distance 1140 S00°21'29"E 1141 S89°15'45"E 1138 N00°21'29"W 1139 N89°09 1 15"W 1140 Closing latitude Closing departure Closing bearing Closing distance calc calc calc calc calc Total traverse length Total error of closure 6-18-20 123.35 6-18-20 50.01 6-18-20 123.25 6-18-20 50.01 6-18-20 ~rror of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure Area Area ' ' ' ' Sta 0+00.00 1+23. 35 1+73.36 2+96. 61 3+46.62 -0.00545 0.00193 Nl9°30'55"W 0.00578 Northing 7120. 57355 6997.22596 6996. 58226 7119. 82985 7120.56810 346.62 {346.62) 1/59951 1/63605 1/179465 6165.083 SQ FT 0.142 ACRES Easting Elevation 5084.34698 5085 .11782 5135.12368 5134.35346 5084 .31891 Centre ?ointe Surveyinq 33701 9th Avenue South Federal w~y. WA 98003 2',3-661-1901 Tuesday, October 09, 2007 2:39:28 PM NLW PROJECT CLOSURE REPORT PROJECT: G:\2869\2869.pro Coordinate values shown are computed based on the rounded bearing and distance, or chord bearing and chord lengths as indicated herein. Boundary Name: Lot 4 Point Number Oearing Description Distance 1133 calc N00°2l '29"W 1132 calc N89°15'45 11 W 1131 calc N00°21'29"W ]?18 W234 N89°09'15"W 1139 S00°21'29"E 1138 S89"' 15' '15"£ 1133 Closing latitude Closing departure Closing bearing Closing distance calc calc calc Total traverse length Total error of closure 6-18-20 93.08 6-18-20 6.00 6-18-20 30.09 Nl86.15 44.01 6-18-20 123.25 6-18-20 SO.OJ 6-18-20 Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure l\.rea Area ' ' ' ' ' Sta 0+00.00 0+93.08 0+99.08 1+29.17 1+73.18 2+96.44 3+46.45 0.00321 0.00165 S27°13'28"W 0.00361 Northing 6995. 93969 7089.01787 7089.09510 7119.18451 7119.83419 6996.58659 6995.94289 346.44 (346.45) 1/96072 1/108041 1/210005 5979.818 SQ FT 0.137 ACRES Easting Elevation 5185.12782 5184. 54614 0.00 5178.54664 0.00 5178.35860 5134.35340 5135.12361 5185 .12947 Cer1tre Pointe Surveying 33·101 Yth Av~ntie South l~deral Way, WA 98003 )53-661-1901 Tuesday, October 09, 2007 2:39:29 PM NEW PROJECT PROJECT: G:\2869\2869.pro CLOSURE REPORT Coordinate values shown are computed based on the rounded bearing and distance, or chord bearing and chord lengths as indicated herein. Boundary Name: Lot 5 Point Number Bearing Description Distance 1133 calc 6-18-20 S89°15'45"E 66.57 1065 calc 6-18-20 Center Point: Radius: Delta: Arc Length: Chord Bearing: Chord Length: Middle Ordinate: External: Deg of Curvature: Tangent: Curve PI: 1063 calc 6-18-20 N00°28'00"W 34. 4 8 1136 calc 6-18-20 N89°15'45"W 91.99 1137 calc 6-18-20 S00°21'29"E 60.01 1133 calc 6-18-20 Closing latitude Closing departure Closing bearing Closing distance Total traverse length Total error of closure Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure Area Arc.a • • • • Sta 0+00.00 0+66.57 1064 25.00 91°12'14" 39.80 N45°08'08"E 35. 72 7.51 10.73 229°10'59" 25.53 1+06.37 1+40.85 2+32.84 2+92.85 -0.00475 -0.00617 Northing 6995. 93969 6995.08283 7020.08076 Left Arc Definition 6994.75427 7020.28086 7054.75972 7055.94376 6995.93493 N52°23'28"E 0.00779 288.77 (292.85) 1/37073 1/60749 1/46798 5382.031 SQ FT 0.124 ACRES Easting Elevation 5185.12782 5251.69231 0.00 5252.01409 calc 6-18- 5277 .22474 5277.00985 5276. 72901 5184.74664 5185.12165 0.00 Centre Point.c Surveying 33701 9th Avenue South ~ederal Way, WA 98003 253-661-1901 Tuesday, Oclober 09, 2007 2:39:29 PM NEW PROJECT CLOSURE REPORT PROJECT: G:\2869\2869.pro Coordinate values shown are computed based on the rounded bearing and distance, or chord bearing and chord lengths as indicated herein. Boundary Name: Lot 6 Point Number Bearing Description Distance 1137 S89°15'45"E 1136 N00°28'00"W 1135 N89°15'45"W 1134 S00°21'29"E 1131 S89°15 1 45 11 E 1132 S00°21'29 11 E 1137 Closing latitude Closing departure Closing bearing Closing distance calc calc calc calc calc calc calc Total traverse length Total error of closure 6-18-20 91. 99 6-18-20 50.01 6-18-20 97. 90 6-18-20 16.94 6-18-20 6.00 6-18-20 33.07 6-18-20 Error of closure in latitude trror of closure in departure Area Area ' ' ' ' ' ' Sta 0+00.00 0+91.99 1+42.00 2+39.90 2+56.84 2+62.84 2+95.91 -0.00184 -0.00481 N69°02'2l"E 0.00515 Northing 7055.94948 7054.76544 7104.77378 7106. 03390 7089.09423 7089.01700 7055.94764 295.91 (295.91) 1/57508 1/160758 1/61583 4698.836 SQ FT 0 .108 ACRES Easting Elevation 5184. 75279 5276. 73517 5276. 32785 5178.43596 5178.54183 0.00 5184.54133 0.00 5184.74799 Centre Pointe Surveying 33701 9th Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003 2',3-661-1901 Tuesday, October 09, 2007 2:39:28 PM NEW Pl\OJECT PROJECT: G:\2869\28G9.pro CLOSURE REPORT Coordj_nate values shown are computed based on the rounded bearing and distance, or chord bearing and chord lengths as indicated herein. B0ur1dary Name: Lot 7 Point Number Bearing Description Distance 1130 calc 6-18-20 S89°15'45"E 100.14 1129 calc 6-18-20 Center Point: Radius: Delta: Arc Length: Chord Bearing: Chord Length: Middle Ordinate: External: Deg of Curvature: Tangent: Curve PI: 1068 calc 6-18-20 S00°28'00"E 31.26 1135 calc 6-18-20 N89°15'45"W 97.90 1134 calc 6-18-20 N00°21'29"W 13 .15 1218 W234 Nl86.15 N00°21'29"W 36.86 1130 calc 6-18-20 Closing latitude Closing dep~rture Closing bearing Closing distance Total traverse length Total error of closure Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure Area Area ' ' ' ' ' Sta Northing 0+00.00 7156.04305 1+00.14 7154. 75410 1067 7136. 64882 76.00 14°14'55" Left 18.90 ' S06°39'28"W 18.85 ' 0.59 0.59 75°23'21'r Arc Definition 9.50 1+19.04 1+50.30 2+48.19 2+61.35 2+98. 20 -0.00165 -0.00355 N65°00'53"E 0. 00392 7145.52867 7136. 03122 7104. 77226 7106.03237 7119.18211 7156.04139 298.16 (298.20) 1/76141 1/180264 1/84002 4907.041 SQ FT 0 .113 ACRES Easting Elevation 5178.12715 5278. 25886 5352.07077 calc 6-18- 527 5. 99699 5276. 07341 0.00 5276.32801 5178. 43612 5178.35395 5178.12360 Ce::1t re Pointe Surveying 33701 9th Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003 %5J-661-1901 Wednesday, October 17, 2007 3:33:38 PM NEW PROJECT PROJECT: G:\2869\2869.pro -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLOSURE REPORT Coordinate values shown are computed based on the rounded bearing and distance, or chord bearing and chord lengths as indicated herein. Bo11ndary Name: Lot 8 Point Nuffiber Bea~iqg Description Distance· Sta Northing Easting Elevation -----------~-------------------------------------------------------------------- 1100 calc 6-18-20 0+00.00 7209.75815 5177.79146 S00°21'29"E 53.72 ' 1130 calc 6-18-20 0+53. 72 7156.03919 5178.12717 S89°15'45"E 100.14 ' 1129 calc 6-18-20 1+53. 86 7154.75025 5278. 25888 Center Point: 10 67 7136. 64496 5352.07079 calc 6-18- Radius: 7 6. 00 ' Delta: 31°22'25" Right Arc Length: 41. 62 Chord Bearing: N29°28'08 11 E Chord Length: 41.10 Middle Ordinate: 2.83 External: 2. 94 Deg of Curvature: 75°23'21" Arc Definition Tangent: 21. 34 Curve PI: 7175. 48353 5283. 34 4 64 1099 calc 6-18-20 1+95.47 7190. 53285 5298.47806 N75°58'35"W 72. 85 ' 1101 calc 6-18-20 2+68.32 7208 .18599 5227. 79928 N75°58'35"W 3.65 ' 1260 2+71.97 7209. 0704 6 5224.25807 N89°09'15"W 46.47 ' 1100 calc 6-18-20 3+18.44 7209. 75646 5177. 79313 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Closing latitude Closing departure Closing bearing Closing distance Total traverse length Total error of closure Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure Area Area -0.00169 0. 00167 N44°35'45"W 0.00237 317.93 (318.44) 1/133914 1/188061 1/190734 5369.933 SQ FT 0.123 ACRES Centre Pointe Surveying 33701 9th Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003 25]-661-1901 Wednesday, October 17, 2007 3:33:38 PM NEW PROJECT CLOSURE REPORT PROJECT: G:\2869\2869.pro Coordinate values shown are computed based on the rounded bearing and distance, or chord bearing and chord lengths as indicated herein. Boundary Name: Lot 9 Polnt Nurttber Be~~ing Description Distance 1100 S89°09'15"E 1260 S75°58'35"E 1101 N00°21'29"W 1102 N89°09'15"W 1219 S00°21'29"E llOO Closing latitude Closi.ng departure Closing bearing Closing distance calc calc calc W234' calc Total traverse length Total error of closure 6-18-20 4 6. 4 7 3.65 6-18-20 96. 45 6-18-20 50.01 95.62 6-18-20 Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure Area Area ' ' ' Sta 0+00.00 0+46.47 0+50.12 1+46.57 1+96. 59 2+92.20 -0.00223 -0.00359 N58°05'24"E 0.00422 Northing 7209.75815 7209. 07215 7208. 187 68 7304.63580 7305.37405 7209.75591 292.20 (292.20) 1/69171 1/130862 1/81486 4782.307 SQ FT 0 .110 ACRES Easting Elevation 5177.79146 5224.25640 5227.79762 5227.19488 5177.19033 5177.78788 Centre Poi11t_C! '.)urvc~ying 33701 9th Avenue South f~deral Way, WA 98003 253-661-1901 Tuesday, October 09, 2007 2:39:29 PM NEW PRO,JECT CLOSURE REPORT PROJECT: G:\2869\2869.pro Coordinate values shown are computed based on the rounded bearing and distance, or chord bearing and chord lengths as indicated herein. Boundary Name: Lot 10 Point Number Bearing Description Distance 1102 S00°21 '29"E 1101 S75°58'35"E 1104 N00°44' 15 11 E 1103 N89°09'15"W 1102 Closing latitude Closing departure Closing bearing Closing distance calc calc calc calc calc Total traverse length Total error of closure 6-18-20 96. 45 6-18-20 54.23 6-18-20 108.79 6-18-20 54.62 6-18-20 Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure Area Arca • • ' ' Sta 0+00.00 0+96.45 1+50. 68 2+59.47 3+14.09 -0.00193 0. 00270 N54°22'59"W 0.00332 Northing 7304.63464 7208 .18652 7195.04542 7303.82640 7304. 63271 314.09 (314.09) 1/94605 1/162451 1/116376 5504 .490 SQ FT 0.126 ACRES Easting Elevation 5227.19952 5227. 80225 5280. 41598 5281. 81626 5227. 20222 Centr~ Pointe Surveying 33701 9tt1 Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003 2'.J.3-661-1901 Tuesday, Oc::ober 09, 2007 2:39:28 PM NEW PROJECT PROJECT: G:\2869\2869.pro CLOSURE REPORT Coordinate values shown are computed based on the rounded bearing and distance, or chord bearing and chord lengths as indicated herein. Boundary Name: Lot 11 Point Number Bearing Description Distance 1103 calc 6-18-20 108.79 ' 6-18-20 S00°44'15"W 1104 calc S75°58'35"E 18. 62 ' 1099 calc 6-18-20 Center Point: Radius: Delta: Arc Length: Chord Bearing: Chord Length: Middle Ordinate: External: Deg of Curvature: Tangent: Curve PI: 1105 calc 6-18-20 N00"44'15"E 93.54 ' 1106 calc 6-18-20 N89°09'15"W 50.00 I 1103 calc 6-18-20 Closing latitude Closing departure Closing bearing Closing distance Total traverse length Total error of closure Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure Area Area Sta Northing 0+00.00 7303.82823 1+08.79 7195. 04 724 1+27.41 7190. 53521 1067 7136. 64913 76.00 ' 28°26'19" Right 37. 72 ' N59°22'30"E 37.34 2.33 2. 4 0 75°23'21" Arc Definition 19.26 ' 1+65.13 2+58. 67 3+08.67 -0.00104 0.00602 N80°13' 29"W 0. 00611 7204 .11541 7209.55684 7303.08909 7303.82719 308.29 (308.67) 1/50485 1/297354 1/51229 5244.461 SQ FT 0.120 ACRES Easting Elevation 5281.81612 5280.41584 5298.48088 5352.07464 calc 6-18- 5312.13262 5330. 61270 5331.81669 5281. 82214 Ctintrc Pointe ~urveyir1y ]3701 9tt1 Avenue South t~ederal Way, WA 98003 2',3-661-1901 Tuesday, October 09, 2007 2:39:28 PM NEW PROJECT PROJECT: G:\2869\2869.pro CLOSURE REPORT Coordinate values shown are computed based on the rounded bearing and distance, or chord bearing and chord lengths as indicated herein. Boundary Name: Lot 12 Point Number Bearing Description Distance 1106 calc 6-18-20 S00°44'15"W 93.54 1105 calc 6-18-20 Center Point: Radius: Delta: Arc Length: Chord Bearing: Chord Length: Middle Ordinate: External: Deg of Curvature: Tangent: Curve PI: 1066 ca.le 6-18-20 S89°09'15"E 27. 45 1108 ca.le 6-18-20 N00°44'15"E 90.12 1107 ca.le 6-18-20 N89°09'15"W 50.00 1106 calc 6-18-20 Closing latitude Closing departure Closing bearing Closing distance Total traverse length Total error of closure Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure Areo Area ' ' ' ' Sta Northing 0+00.00 7303.09007 0+93.54 7209. 55781 1067 7136. 65203 76.00 17°15'05" Right 22.88 N82°13'13"E 22.80 ' 0.86 0.87 75°23'21" Arc Definition 11. 53 7212.81074 1+16.43 7212. 64413 1+43.88 7212. 23892 2+34.01 7302.35145 2+84.01 7303. 08955 -0.00051 -0.00142 N70°08'31"E 0.00151 283.91 (284.01) 1/188216 1/554081 1/200116 4531.670 SQ FT 0.104 ACRES Easting Elevation 5331.81076 5330.60677 5352.07179 calc 6-18- 5341. 66627 5353.19691 0.00 5380.64392 5381. 80389 5331.80934 Cantre Poince Surveying 33701 9th Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003 253-661-1901 Tuesday, October 09, 2007 2:39:28 ,'M NEW PROJECT PROJECT: G:\2869\2869.pro CLOSURE REPORT Coordinate values shown are computed based on the rounded bearing and distance, or chord bearing and chord lengths as indicated herein. Boundary Name: Lot 13 Point Number Bearing Description Distance 1107 calc 6-18-20 S00°44'15"W 90. 12 1108 calc 6-18-20 S89°09' 15"E 39.50 1071 calc 6-18-20 Center Point: Radius: Delta: Arc Length: Chord Bearing: Chord Length: Middle Ordinate: External: Deg of Curvature: Tangent: Curve PI: 1109 calc 6-18-20 N00°44'15"E 91. 27 1110 calc 6-18-20 N89°09'15"W 50.00 1107 calc 6-18-20 Closing latitude Closing departure Closing bearing Closing distance Total traverse length Total error of closure Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure Area Area ' ' ' ' Sta Northing 0+00.00 7302.35190 0+90.12 7212. 23937 1+29.62 7211. 65627 1070 7135. 76473 76.00 ' 7°58'17" Right 10.57 S82"57'11"E 10.57 0.18 0.18 75°23'21'' Arc Definition 5.30 1+40.20 2+31.46 2+81.46 0.00815 0.00610 SJ6°48'30"W 0.01018 7211. 36928 7210.35951 7301. 62195 7302. 36005 281.46 1281.46) 1/27644 1/34527 1/46139 4510.905 SQ FT 0.104 ACRES Easting Elevation 5381. 80540 5380.64543 5420. 14112 o.oo 5416. 08227 calc 6-18- 5425. 42784 5430.63128 5431. 80605 5381. 81150 Centre ~oir1le Surveying 33701 9th Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003 2'.,3-661-1901 Tuesday, October 09, 2007 2:39:28 PM Nf:W Pl\OJI-:CT PROJECT: G:\2869\2869.pro CLOSURE REPORT Coordinate values shown are computed based on the rounded bearing and distance, or chord bearing and chord lengths as indicated herein. Boundary Name: Lot 14 Point Number Bearing Description Distance 1110 calc 6-18-20 S00°44'15"W 91.27 1109 calc 6-18-20 Center Point: Radius: Delta: Arc Length: Chord Bearing: Chord Length: Middle Ordinate: External: Deg of Curvature: Tangent: Curve PI: 1111 calc 6-18-20 N70°18'48"E 17.74 1112 calc 6-18-20 N00°44'15"E 100.00 1113 calc 6-18-20 N89°09'15"W 50.00 1110 calc 6-18-20 Closing latitude CJ.osing departure Closing bearing Closing distance Total traverse length Total error of closure Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure Area Area ' ' ' ' Sta Northing 0+00.00 7301.61373 0+91.27 7210.35130 1070 7135. 75594 76. 00 27°51'58" Right 36. 96 S65°02'03"E 36.60 2.24 ' 2.30 ' 75°23'21" Arc Definition 18.85 1+28.23 1+45.97 2+45.97 2+95. 97 -0.00448 0.00098 Nl2°18'00"W 0.00459 7206. 74762 7194.90325 7200. 87943 7300. 87115 7301. 60925 295.61 (295.97) 1/64422 1/65936 1/302409 4955.065 SQ FT 0 .114 ACRES Easting Elevation 5431.80004 5430. 62527 5416.08110 calc 6-18- 5449.13167 5463.80535 5480.50843 5481. 79557 5431.80102 Cr,nt re !?ointe Surveying 31701 9th Avcn11c South Federal Way, WA 98003 2''3-661-1901 Tuesday, October 09, 2007 2:39:29 2M NJ·:W PROJECT CLOSURE REPORT PROJECT: G:\2869\2869.pro Coordinate values shown are comput~d based on the rounded bearing and distance, or· chord bearing and chord lengths as indicated herein. Doundary Name: Lot 15 Point Number Bearing Description Distance 1113 calc 6-18-20 S00°44'15"W 50.00 1111 calc 6-18-20 S89°09' lS"E 110. 02 1115 calc 6-18-20 N00°28 1 00"W 50.01 1215 1164th N89°09'15"W 1113 CJosing latitude Closing departure Closing bearing Closing distance calc Total traverse length Total error of closure 108.97 6-18-20 Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure Area Area • • ' Sta 0+00.00 0+50.00 1+60.02 2+10.04 3+19.01 -0.00302 -0.00101 N18°27'44"E 0.00318 Northing 7300.87557 7250. 87971 724 9. 25559 7299.26393 7300.87255 319.00 (319.01) 1/100295 1/105737 1/316706 5474.911 SQ FT 0. 126 ACRES Easting Elevation 5481. 79468 5481.15111 5591.15912 5590.75180 5481.79368 Centre Poinle Survey·1 ng 33·101 9th Avenue South F~deral Way, WA 98003 2.''3-661-1901 T110.sday, October 09, 2007 2:39:29 PM Ni':W PROJECT CLOSURE REPORT PROJECT: G:\2869\2869.pro Cr1orciir1ate values shown are comput0d based on the rounded bearing and dj_stance, or chord bearing and chord lengths as indicated herein. Boundary Name: Lot 16 Point Number Bearing Description Distance 1114 S00°44'15"W 1112 S89°09'15"E 1116 N00°28'00"W 1115 N89°09'15"W 1114 Closing latitude Closing departure Closing bearing Closing distance calc calc calc calc calc Total traverse length Total error of closure 6-18-20 50.00 6-18-20 111. 07 6-18-20 50.01 6-18-20 110. 02 6-18-20 Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure Area Area • • • • Sta 0+00.00 0+50.00 1+61. 07 2+11.09 3+21.11 -0.00302 -0.00101 Nl8°27'44"E 0.00318 Northing 7250. 87962 7200. 88376 7199.24414 7249.25248 7250. 87660 321.10 (321.11) 1/100955 1/106433 1/318791 5527. 455 SQ FT 0 .127 ACRES Easting Elevation 5481.15116 5480.50759 5591.56549 5591.15817 5481.15016 Centre Pointe Surveying 33701 9th Avenue South Federal vlay, v/A 98003 253-661-1901 Tuesday, October 09, 2007 2:39:28 PM NJ::W PROJECT PROJECT: G:\2869\2869.pro CLOSURE REPORT Coordinate values shown are computed based on the rounded bearing and distance, or chord beari.ng and chord lengths as indicated herein. Boundary Name: Lot 17 Point Number Bearing Description Distance 1116 calc 6-18-20 N89°09'15"W 111. 07 1112 calc 6-18-20 S70°18'48"W 17. 74 1111 calc 6-18-20 Center Point: Radius: Delta: Arc Length: Chord Bearing: Chord Length: Middle Ordin.J.te: External: Deg of Curvature: Tangent: Curve PI: 1118 calc 6-18-20 S89°15 1 45"E 101.36 1117 calc 6-18-20 N00°28'00"W 50.01 1116 calc 6-18-20 Closing latitude Closing departure Closing bearing Closing distance Total traverse length Total error of closure Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure Area Area ' ' ' ' Sta Northing 0+00.00 7199.24385 1+11.07 7200. 88347 1+28.81 7194.90729 1070 7135. 76011 76.00 39°53'17" Right 52.91 ' S31°09'25"E 51.85 4 . 56 4. 85 ' 75°23'21" Arc Definition 27.58 1+81.72 2+83.08 3+33.09 -0.00368 0. 00967 N69°10'02"W 0.01035 7177.59030 7150.53648 7149.23183 7199.24017 332.03 (333.09) 1/32084 1/90216 1/34328 5613.447 SQ FT 0.129 ACRES Easting Elevation 5591. 57007 5480.51217 5463.80909 5416.08476 calc 6-18- 54B5.26791 5490.63546 5591. 98706 5591. 57974 Centre Pulr1le Surveying 33701 9th Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003 )53-661-1901 Tuesday, October 09, 2007 2:39:28 PM NEW PROJECT PROJECT: G:\2869\2869.pro CLOSURE REPORT Coordinate values shown are computed based on the rounded bearing and distance, or chord bearing and chord 10.ngths as indicated herein. Boundary Name: Lot 18 Point Number Bec1ring Description Distance 1117 calc 6-18-20 N89°15'45"W 101.36 1118 calc 6-18-20 Center Point: Radius: Delta: Arc Length: Chord Bearing: Chord Length: Middle Ordinate: External: Deg of Curvature: Tangent: Curve PI: 1069 calc 6-18-20 S00°28'00"E 35.87 1119 calc 6-18-20 S89°15'45 11 E 100.02 1120 calc 6-18-20 N00°28'00"W 50.01 1117 calc 6-18-20 Closing latitude Closing departure Closing bearing Closing distance 1'otal traverse length Total error of closure Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure Area Area ' ' ' ' Sta Northing 0+00.00 7149.23447 1+01.36 7150. 53912 1070 7135. 76068 76.00 10°44'46 11 Right 14.25 305°50' 23''E 14. 23 0.33 0.34 ' 75°23 1 21" Arc Definition 7.15 1+15.61 1+51. 48 2+51.50 3+01.51 0.00063 -0.00721 S85°02'00"E 0. 00724 7143. 52727 7136. 38296 7100.51415 7099.22675 7149.23509 301.49 (301.51) 1/41655 1/481148 1/41812 5007.359 SQ FT 0 .115 ACRES Easting Elevation 5591. 97729 5490.62569 5'116.07639 calc 6-18- 5492.02045 5492.07353 0.00 5492.36569 5592.37740 5591.97008 C1~ntre Poi~te St1rvcying JJ'/01 9th i\vcnuc South Federal Way, WA 98003 253-661-1901 Tuesday, o,_,tober 09, 2007 2:39:29 PM CLOSURE REPORT PROJECT: G:\2869\2869.pro Coordinate values shown are computed based on the rounded bearing and distance, or chord bearing and chord lengths as indicated herein. Boundary Name: Lot 19 Point Number Bearing Description Distance 1120 N89°15'45"W 1119 S00°28'00"E 1122 S89°15'15"E 1121 N00°28'00"W 1120 Closing latitude Closing departure Closing bearing Closing distance calc calc calc calc calc Total traverse length Total error of closure 6-18-20 100. 02 6-18-20 50.01 6-18-20 100. 02 6-18-20 SO.OJ 6-18-20 Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure Area Area ' ' ' ' Sta 0+00.00 1+00.02 1+50.03 2+50.06 3+00.07 0.00000 0.00000 N90°00'00"W 0.00000 Northing 7099.22508 7100.51248 7050. 50414 7049.21674 7099.22508 300.06 (300.07) 1/999999 1/999999 1/999999 5001.104 SQ FT 0.115 ACRES Easting Elevation 5592.38452 54 92. 37280 5492.78012 5592.79184 5592.38452 Centre Pointe Surveying 33701 9Lh Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003 253-661-1901 Tuesday, Oclober 09, 2001 2:39:29 PM NEW PROJECT PROJECT: G:\2869\2869.pro CLOSURE REPORT Coordinate values shown are computed based on the rounded bearing and distance, or chord bearing and chord lengths as indicated herein. Boundary Name: Lot 20 Point Number Bearing Description Distance 1121 calc 6-18-20 N89°15'45"W 100.02 1122 calc 6-18-20 S00°28'00"E 35.53 1074 calc 6-18-20 Center Point: Radius: Delta: Arc Length: Chord Bearing: Chord Length: Middle Ordinate: External: Deg of Curvature: Tangent: Curve PI: 1072 calc 6-18-20 S89°l5'45 11 E 75.54 1087 calc 6-18-20 N00°28'00"W 60.01 1121 calc 6-18-20 Closing latitude Closing departure Closing bearing Closing distance Total traverse length Total error of closure Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure Area Area ' ' ' ' Sta Northing 0+00.00 7049.21570 1+00. 02 7050.50310 1+35.56 7014.97428 1073 7015.17790 25.00 88°47'46" Left 38.74 ' S44°51'52"E 34.98 ' 7 .14 9.99 ' 229°10'59" Arc Definition 24.48 ' 1+74.30 2+49.84 3+09.86 0.00124 -0. 00135 S47°31'14"E 0.00183 6990.49176 6990.18123 6989.20892 7049.21693 306.08 (309.86) 1/167265 1/247681 1/226795 5873.629 SQ FT 0 .135 ACRES Easting Elevation 5592.79174 5492.78003 5493.06941 0.00 5518.06858 calc 6-18- 54 93. 26661 5517.74542 0.00 5593. 27916 5592.79039 Centre Poir1te Jurveylnq 33701 9lh Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003 2'i3-66l-1901 Tuesday, O~Lober 09, 2007 2:39:29 PM NEW PROJECT PROJECT: G:\2869\2869.pro CLOSURE REPORT Coordinate values shown are computed based on the rounded bearing and distance, or chord bearing and chord lengths as indicated herein. Boundary Name: Lot 21 Point Number Bearing Description Distance 1233 S00"28'00"E 88.22 ' 6-18-20 40. 4 8 ' 6-18-20 1098 calc S89°15'45"E 1083 calc Center Point: Radius: Delta: Arc Length: Chord Bearing: Chord Length: Middle Ordinate: External: Deg of Curvature: Tangent: Curve PI: 1081 calc 6-18-20 N00"28'00"W 62.56 1096 N89°09'15"W 1233 66.02 Closing latitude Closing departure Closing bearing Closing distance Total traverse length Total error of closure Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure Area Area Sta 0+00.00 0+88.22 1+28.70 Northing 7081. 57870 6993.36162 6992.84059 7017.83852 1082 25.00 91°12'14" Left 39. 80 N45°08'08"E 35. 72 7.51 10.73 229°10 1 59'' Arc Definition 25.53 1+68.50 2+31. 06 2+97.08 -0.00757 -0. 00962 N51°48'55"E 0.01224 6992.51433 7018.03861 7080. 59654 7081.57113 293.00 (297 .08) 1/23931 1/38710 1/30445 5677. 407 SQ F'T 0 .130 ACRES Easting Elevation 5384.52131 5385.23985 5425.71649 0.00 5426.03828 calc 6-18- 5451.24875 5451.03403 5450.52450 5384. 51169 0.00 CPntrc Pointe Surveying 33701 9th Avenue South f~deral Way, WA 98003 )'.,3-66]-1901 T'Jesday, October 09, 2007 2:39:29 PM NEW PROJECT PROJECT: G:\2869\2869.pro CLOSURE REPORT Coordinate values shown are computed based on the rounded bearing and distance, or chord bearing and chord lengths as indicated herein. Doundary Name: Lot 22 Point Number Bearing Description Distance 1233 S89"09' 15"E 66.02 1096 N00°28'00"W 55.44 1094 calc 6-18-20 Center Point: Radius: Delta: Arc Length: Chord Bearing: Chord Length: Middle Ordinate: External: Deg of Curvature: Tangent: Curve PI: 1093 calc 6-18-20 N89°09'15"W 34.75 1097 calc 6-18-20 S00°28'00"E 88.61 1233 Closing latitude Closing departure Closing bearing Closing distance Total traverse length Total error of closure Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure Area Area • ' Sta Northing 0+00.00 7081. 57870 0+66.02 7080. 60411 1+21. 45 7136. 04227 1070 7135. 76535 34.00 85°22'30" Left 50.66 N43°09'15"W 46 .10 9.01 ' 12.25 168°31'01 11 Arc Definition 31. 36 1+72.12 2+06.87 2+95.47 0.00018 0.00603 S88°18'13"W 0.00603 7167. 39694 7169. 67296 7170.18594 7081. 57888 290.92 (295.47) 1/48256 1/1630022 1/48277 5614. 823 SQ FT 0.129 ACRES Easting Elevation 5384. 52131 5450.53412 5450.08257 0.00 5416.08370 ca.le 6-18- 5449.82469 5418.55185 0.00 5383.80563 5384.52734 Centre lioir1le Surveyiriq 33701 9th Avenue South F~deral Way, WA 98003 253-661-1901 Tuesday, October 09, 2007 2:39:29 PM NC:W PROJC:CT PROJECT: G:\2869\2869.pro CLOSURE: REPORT Coordin~te values shown are computed based on the rounded bearing and distance, or chord bearing and chord lengths as indicated herein. Boundary Name: Lot 23 Point Number Bearing Description Distance 1095 S89°09' lS"E 66.02 1233 N00°28'00"W 88.61 1097 calc 6-18-20 N89°09'15"W 31. 23 1092 calc 6-18-20 Center Point: Radius: Delta: Arc Length: Chord Bearing: Chord Length: Middle Ordinate: External: Deg of Curvature: Tangent: Curve PI: 1091 calc 6-18-20 S00°28'00"E 53.82 10 95 Closing latitude Closing departure Closing bearing Closing distance Total traverse length Tolal error of closure Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure Area Area ' ' ' ' Sta Northing 0+00.00 7082.55333 0+66.02 7081. 57874 1+54.63 7170.18580 1+85.86 7170. 64682 1067 7136. 65052 34.00 ' 91°18'45" Left 54.19 S45°11'23"W 48.63 10.24 14. 64 168°31'01" Arc Definition 34.79 2+40.04 2+93.86 0. 00272 0.00257 S43°23'14"W 0.00375 7171.15869 7136.37427 7082.55605 288.31 (293.86) 1/76923 1/105849 1/111982 5586.520 SQ FT 0.128 ACRES Easting Elevation 5318. 51119 5384.52400 5383.80229 5352.57569 0.00 5352.07378 calc 6-18- 5317.78968 5318.07541 0.00 5318.51376 Cent re l'oi ntP Surveying 33701 0l_h Avcnu~ South Federal Way, WA 98003 253-66,-1901 Tuesdc;y, October 09, 2007 2:39:29 PM NEW PROJECT PROJECT: G:\2869\2869.pro CLOSURE REPORT Coordinate values shown are computed based on the rounded bearing and distance, or chord bearing and chord lengths as indicated herein. Boundary Name: Lot 24 Point Number Bearing Description Distance 1095 S00°28'00"E 1086 63.86 ' calc 6-18-20 Center Point: Radius: Delta: Arc Length: Chord Bearing: Chord Length: Middle Ordinate: External: Deg of Curvature: Tangent: Curve PI: 1084 calc 6-18-20 S89°1S'45"E 1098 calc N00°28'00"W 1233 N89°09'15"W 1095 41. 53 ' 6-18-20 88.22 66.02 Closing latitude Closing departure Closing bearing Closing distance Total traverse length Total error of closure Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure Area Area Sta Northing 0+00.00 7082.55333 0+63.86 7018.69545 7018.89907 1085 25.00 88°47'46" Left 38.74 S44°51'52"E 34. 98 7. 14 9.99 229°10'59'' Arc Definition 24.48 1+02.61 1+44.14 2+32.36 2+98. 38 0.00619 -0.00865 S54°25'19 11 E 0.01063 6994. 21360 6993.90240 6993.36785 7081.58493 7082.55952 294.61 (298.38) 1/27711 1/47629 1/34072 5698. 795 SQ FT 0.131 ACRES Easting Elevation 5318. 51119 5319.03132 0.00 5344.03049 calc 6-18- 5319.23054 5343.70732 5385.23388 5384.51535 5318.50254 0.00 Centre Pointe Surveying 3:1701 9th Aver1ue South Federal Way, WA 98003 2'.d-661-1901 Tuesday, October 09, 2007 2:39:29 PM Nl<W PROJECT PROJECT: G:\2869\2869.pro CLOSURE REPORT Coordinate values shown are computed based on the rounded bearing and distance, or-chord bearing and chord lengths as indicated herein. Boundary Name: Lot 25 Point Number Bearing Description Distance 1177 calc S00°44'15"W 1176 calc S89°15'45"E 1171 calc N00°28'00"W 1126 calc N00°13'25"E 1154 calc N87°23'22"W 1188 6-18-20 94.00 ' 6-18-20 62.24 ' 6-18-20 4.00 ' 6-18-20 88.88 ' 6-18-20 33.01 Center Point: Radius: Delta: Arc Length: Chord Bearing: Chord Length: Middle Ordinate: External: Deg of Curvature: Tangent: Curve PI: 1128 N89°15'45"W 1177 26.56 ' calc 6-18-20 Closing latitude Closing departure Closing bearing Closing distance Total traverse length Total error of closure Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure Area Area Sta 0+00.00 0+94.00 1+56.24 1+60.24 2+49.12 2+82.13 1187 79.00 1°52 1 23 11 2.58 N88°19'34"W 2.58 0.01 0.01 Northing 6950.87012 6856.87791 6856.07679 6860.07666 6948.94957 6950.45308 6871.53506 Left 72°31'35'' Arc Definition 1. 29 2+84. 71 3+11.27 0.00018 0.00238 S85°34'44"W 0.00239 6950. 51168 6950. 5284 4 6950.87030 311.27 (311.27) 1/130461 1/1692401 1/130850 5822.509 SQ FT 0 .134 ACRES Easting Elevation 5423.33689 5422.12698 5484.36182 5484.32924 5485. 45171 5452.47597 5448. 87776 5451.18496 5449. 89707 5423.33927 0.00 0.00 0.00 Cl::1trc Pointe Surveying 33701 9ti1 Avenue South !~deral Way, WA 98003 253-661-1901 Tuesday, October 09, 2007 2:39:29 PM NEW PROJECT CLOSURE REPORT PROJECT: G:\2869\2869.pro Coordinate values shown are computed based on the rounded bearing and distance, or chord bearing and chord lengths as indicated herein. Boundary Name: Lot 26 Point Number Bearing Description Distance 1174 S00°44'15"W 1175 S89°15'45"E 1176 N00°44'15"E 1177 N89°15'45 11 W 1174 Closing latitude Closing departure Closing bearing Closing distance calc calc calc calc calc Total traverse length Total error of closure 6-18-20 94.00 6-18-20 62.00 6-18-20 94.00 6-18-20 62. 00 6-18-20 Error of cl.osure in latitude Error of closure in departure Area Area ' ' ' ' Sta 0+00.00 0+94.00 1+56.00 2+50.00 3+12.00 0.00000 0.00000 N90°00'00"W 0.00000 Northing 6951.66808 6857.67587 6856.87784 6950.87005 6951. 66808 312.00 (312.00) 1/999999 1/999999 1/999999 5828.000 SQ FT 0 .134 ACRES Easting Elevation 5361. 34203 5360.13211 5422.12698 5423.33689 5361.34203 c:cntrc Point~ Surveying 33701 9th Avenue South federal Way, WA 98003 2~i3-661-1901 Tuesday, October 09, 200·1 2:39:29 PM NF:\i PROJECT CLOSURE REPORT PROJECT: G:\2869\2869.pro Coordinate values shown are computed based on the rounded bearing and distance, or chord bearing and chord lengths as indicated herein. Boundary Name: Lot 27 F'oint Number Be0ring Description Distance 1172 S00°21'29"E 1173 S89°15'45"E 1175 N00°44'15"E 1174 N89°15'45"W 1172 Closing latitude Closing departure Closing bearing Closing distance calc calc calc calc calc Total traverse length Total error of closure 6-18-20 94.02 6-18-20 74.15 6-18-20 94.00 6-18-20 75.95 6-18-20 Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure Area Area ' ' ' ' Sta 0+00.00 0+94.02 1+68. 17 2+62.17 3+38.12 -0. 00278 -0.00238 N40°35'33"E 0.00366 Northing 6952.64556 6858. 62739 6857. 67298 6951. 66519 6952.64278 338.12 (338.12) 1/92273 1/121515 1/141811 7054.628 SQ FT 0 .162 ACRES Easting Elevation 5285.40034 5285.98789 5360.13174 5361. 34166 5285.39795 Centrei Pojntc tiurveying 33701 9th Avenue So~th federal Way, WA 98003 253-661-1901 Tuesday, October 09, 2007 2:39:29 PM NC:W PROJC:CT CLOSURE REPORT PROJECT: G:\2869\2869.pro Coordinate values shown are computed based on the rounded bearing and distance, or chord bearing and chord lengths as indicated herein. Boundary Name: Lot 28 Point Number Bearing Description Distance 1153 S00°21'29"E 1152 S89°15'45"E 1033 N00°28'00"W 1170 S89°15'45"E 1173 N00°21'29"W 1172 N89°15'45"W 1153 Closing latitude Closing departure Closing bearing Closing distance calc calc calc calc calc calc Total traverse length Total error of closure 6-18-20 109.02 6-18-20 28.38 15.00 6-18-20 21. 66 6-18-20 94. 02 6-18-20 50.01 6-18-20 Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure Area Area ' ' ' ' ' Sta 0+00.00 1+09. 02 1+37.40 1+52.40 1+74.06 2+68. 08 3+18. 09 -0.00059 0.00156 N69°18 1 20 11 W 0.00167 Northing 6953.28919 6844.27132 6843.90603 6858.90553 6858.62674 6952.64490 6953.28860 318.09 (318.09) 1/190268 1/538419 1/203391 5126.321 SQ FT 0 .118 ACRES Easting Elevation 5235.39534 5236.07663 5264.45427 5264 .33210 5285.99031 5285. 40276 5235. 39690 Centre Pointe Surveying 33701 9th Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003 2'.d-661-1901 Tuesday, October 09, 2007 2:39:29 PM Nl:W PROJECT CLOSURE REPORT PROJECT: G:\2869\2869.pro Coordinate values shown are computed based on the rounded bearing and distance, or chord bearing and chord lenglhs as indicated herein. Boundary Name: Lot 29 Point Number Bearing Description Distance 1150 S00°21'29"E 1151 S89°15'45"E 1152 N00°2l' 29"W 1153 N89°15'45"W 1150 Closing latitude Closing departure Closing bearing Closing distance calc calc calc calc calc Total traverse length Total error of closure 6-18-20 109.02 6-18-20 50.01 6-18-20 109.02 6-18-20 50.01 6-18-20 Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure Area Area ' ' ' ' Sta 0+00.00 1+09.02 1+59.03 2+68.05 3+18.06 0.00000 0.00000 N90°00'00"W 0.00000 Northing 6953.93283 6844.91496 6844.27126 6953. 28913 6953.93283 318.06 (318.06) 1/999999 1/999999 1/999999 5450.996 SQ FT 0.125 ACRES Easting Elevation 5185.39034 5186.07163 5236.07748 5235. 39620 5185.39034 CE~ntr8 Pointe Surveying 31701 9th Avenue South f'ederal lvay, WA 98003 2:,3-661-1901 Tuesday, October 09, 2007 2:39:29 PM NE:W PROJECT CLOSURE REPORT PROJECT: G:\2869\2869.pro Coordinate values shown are computed based on the rounded bearing and distance, or chord bearing and chord lengths as indicated herein. Boundary Name: Lot 30 Point Number Bearing Description Distance 1149 S00°21'29"E 1148 S89°15'45"E 1151 N00°21'29"W 1150 N89°15'45"W 114 9 Closing latitude Closing departure Closing bearing Closing distance calc calc calc calc calc Total traverse length Total error of closure 6-18-20 109.02 6-18-20 50.01 6-18-20 109.02 6-18-20 50.01 6-18-20 Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure Area Area ' ' ' ' Sta 0+00.00 1+09.02 1+59.03 2+68.05 3+18.06 0.00000 0.00000 N90°00'00"W 0.00000 Northing 6954, 57646 6845.55859 6844.91489 6953, 9327 6 6954.57646 318.06 (318.06) 1/999999 1/999999 1/999999 5450. 996 SQ FT 0.125 ACRES Easting Elevation 5135.38534 5136, 06663 5186.07249 5185.39120 5135.38534 Centre Pointe Surveying 33701 9th Avenue South federal Way, WA 98003 253-661-1901 Tuesday, October 09, 2007 2:39:29 PM NEW PROJECT CLOSURE REPORT PROJECT: G:\2869\2869.pro Coordinate values shown are computed based on the rounded bearing and distance, or chord bearing and chord lengths as indicated herein. Boundary Name: Lot 31 Point Number Bearing Description Distance 1146 S00°2l'29"E 114 7 S89°15'45"E 1148 N00°21 '29"W 1149 N89°15'45"W 114 6 Closing latitude Closing departure Closing bearing Closing distance calc calc calc calc calc Total traverse length Total error of closure 6-18-20 109.02 6-18-20 50.01 6-18-20 109.02 6-18-20 50.01 6-18-20 Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure Area Area ' ' ' ' Sta 0+00.00 1+09.02 1+59.03 2+68.05 3+18.06 0.00000 0.00000 N90°00'00"W 0.00000 Northing 6955.22010 6846.20223 6845.55853 6954.57640 6955.22010 318.06 (318.06) 1/999999 1/999999 1/999999 5450.996 SQ FT 0.125 ACRES Easting Elevation 5085.38034 5086.06163 5136. 06749 5135.38620 5085.38034 Cenlre L1ointe Surveying 3370: 9th Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003 2~:.J-661-1901 Tuesday, October 09, 2007 2:39:29 PM NEW PROJECT CLOSURE REPORT PROJECT: G:\2869\2869.pro Coordinate values shown are computed based on the rounded bearing and distance, or chord bearing and chord lengths as indicated herein. Boundary Name: Lot 32 Point Number Bearing Description Distance 1145 S00°21 1 29 11 E 1144 S89°15'45"E 114 7 N00°21'29"W 1146 N89°15'45"W 1145 Closing latitude Closing departure Closing bearing Closing distance calc calc calc calc calc Total traverse length Total error of closure 6-18-20 109.02 6-18-20 50.01 6-18-20 109.02 6-18-20 50.01 6-18-20 Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure Area Area ' ' ' ' Sta 0+00.00 1+09.02 1+59.03 2+68. 05 3+18.06 0.00000 0.00000 N90°00'00"W 0.00000 Northing 6955.86373 6846.84586 6846.20216 6955.22003 6955.86373 318.06 (318.06) 1/999999 1/999999 1/999999 5450. 996 SQ FT 0.125 ACRES Easting Elevation 5035.37534 5036.05663 5086.06249 5085.38120 5035.37534 c:cntre Pointe Surveying 33701 9t}1 Avenue South F~dcr~l Way, WA 98003 253-GGl-1901 Tuesday, October 09, 2007 2:39:28 PM NEW PROJECT PROJECT: G:\2869\2869.pro CLOSURE REPORT Coordinate values shown are computed based on the rounded bearing and distance, or chord bearing and chord lengths as indicated herein. Boundary Name: Lot 33 Point Number Bearing Description Distance 114 4 calc 6-18-20 N00°21 1 29"W 109.02 1145 calc 6-18-20 N89°15'45"W 34. 53 1075 calc 6-18-20 Center Point: Radius: Delta: Arc Length: Chord Bearing: Chord Length: Middle Ordinate: External: Deg of Curvature: Tangent: Curve PI: 1077 calc 6-18-20 S00°21'29"E 83.54 1222 30'RW S89°15'45"E 60.01 1144 calc 6-18-20 Closing latitude Closing departure Closing bearing Closing distance Total traverse length Total error of closure Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure Area Area ' ' Sta Northing 0+00.00 6846.84594 1+09.02 6955.86381 1+43. 55 6956.30826 1076 6931. 31033 25.00 ' 91°05'44" Left 39.75 S45°11 1 23"W 35.69 7. 4 9 ' 10.70 229°10 1 59" Arc Definition 25.48 1+83.30 2+66.83 3+26.84 -0.00140 -0.00141 N45°11'23"E 0.00199 6956.63610 6931.15532 6847.61695 6846. 84454 322. 79 (326.84) 1/162571 1/230675 1/229153 6400.979 SQ FT 0 .14 7 ACRES Easting Elevation 5036.05664 5035.37535 5000.84821 0.00 5000.52643 calc 6-18- 4975.36934 4975.52814 0.00 4976.05020 5036. 05523 Centre E1ointe ~urveying 33701 9th Avenue Soulh Federal Way, W!I 98003 /.:")3-661-1901 Tuesday, Oct.obc-r-09, 2007 2:39:7.9 PM NEW PROJECT CLOSURE REPORT PROJECT: G:\2869\2869.pro Coordinate v~lucs shown are computed based on the rounded bearing and distance, or chord bearing and chord lengths as indicated herein. Boundary Name: Lot 34 Point Number Bearing Description Distance 1125 S89°15'45"E 1165 S00°28'00"E 1164 N89°15'45"W 1090 N00°28 1 00 11 W 1125 Closing latitude Closing departure Closing bearing Closing distance calc calc calc calc calc Total traverse length Total error of closure 6-18-20 50.01 6-18-20 106.52 6-18-20 50.01 6-18-20 106.52 6-18-20 Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure Area Area ' ' ' ' Sta 0+00.00 0+50.01 1+56.53 2+06.55 3+13.07 0.00000 0.00000 N90°00'00"W 0.00000 Northing 6764 .39124 6763.74754 6657.23107 6657. 87477 6764.39124 313.06 (313.07) 1/999999 1/999999 1/999999 5326.176 SQ FT 0. 122 ACRES Easting Elevation 5265.10012 5315.10597 5315. 97355 5265. 96770 5265.10012 Centre Pointe Surveying 33·;01 9th Avenue South Federal lvay, WA 98003 2'.d-661-1901 Tuesday, October 09, 2007 2:39:29 PM 1'LW PROJECT CLOSURE REPORT PROJECT: G:\2869\2869.pro Coordinate values shown are computed based on the rounded bearing and distance, or chord bearing and chord lengths as indicated herein. Boundary Name: Lot 35 Point Number Bearing Description Distance 1165 S89°15'45"E 1166 S00°28'00"E 1167 N89°15 1 45"W 1164 N00°28'00"W 1165 Closing latitude Closing departure Closing bearing Closing distance calc calc calc calc calc Total traverse length Total error of closure 6-18-20 50.01 6-18-20 106.52 6-18-20 50.01 6-18-20 106.52 6-18-20 Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure Area Area ' ' ' ' Sta 0+00.00 0+50.01 1+56.53 2+06. 55 3+13.07 0.00000 0.00000 N90°00'00"W 0.00000 Northing 6763.74758 6763.10388 6656.58741 6657. 23111 6763.74758 313.06 (313.07) 1/999999 1/999999 1/999999 5326 .176 SQ FT 0.122 ACRES Easting Elevation 5315.10701 5365 .11287 5365.98045 5315.97460 5315.10701 Cer1tre ~oi~te ~urveyir1g 33701 9th Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003 253-661-1901 Tuesday, October 09, 2007 2:39:29 PM NEW PROJECT CLOSURE REPORT PROJECT: G:\2869\2869.pro Coordinate values shown are computed based on the rounded bearing and distance 1 or chord be~ring and chord lengths as indicated herein. Eoundary Name: Lot 36 Point Number Bearing Description Distance 1166 S89°15'45"E 1169 S00°28'00"E 1168 N89°15'45"W 1167 N00°2s 1 oo"w 1166 Closing latitude Closing departure Closing bearing Closing distance calc calc calc calc calc Total traverse length Total error of closure 6-18-20 65.01 6-18-20 106.52 6-18-20 65.01 6-18-20 106.52 6-18-20 Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure Area Area ' ' ' ' Sta 0+00.00 0+65.01 1+71.54 2+36.55 3+43.08 0.00000 0.00000 N90°00'00"W 0.00000 Northing 6763.10392 6762.26715 6655.75068 6656.58745 6763. 10392 343.06 (343.08) 1/999999 1/999999 1/999999 6924.029 SQ FT 0.159 ACRES Easting Elevation 5365.11391 5430.11853 5430.98611 5365.98149 5365. 11391 Clir1lre Poi:1te Surveying .31701 9th Avenue South f~deral Way, WA 98003 2'.iJ-661-1901 foesday, October 09, 2007 2:39:29 PM NLW PROJECT CLOSURE REPORT PROJECT: G:\2869\2869.pro Coordinate values shown are computed based on the rounded bearing and distance, or chord bearing and chord lengths as indicated herein. Boundary Name: Lot 37 Point Number Bearing Description Disla.nee 1169 S89°l5 1 45"E 1163 S00°28 1 00 11 E 1089 N89°15'45"W 1168 N00°28'00"W 1169 Closing latitude Closing departure Closing bearing Closing distance calc calc calc calc calc Total traverse length Total error of closure 6-18-20 55.01 6-18-20 106.52 6-18-20 55.01 6-18-20 106.52 6-18-20 Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure "A.rea Area ' ' ' ' Sta 0+00.00 0+55.01 1+61. 54 2+16.55 3+23.07 0.00000 0.00000 N90°00'00"W 0.00000 Northing 6762.26716 6761. 5',910 6655.04264 6655.75069 6762.26716 323.06 (323.07) 1/999999 1/999999 1/999999 5858. 793 SQ FT 0.134ACRES Easting Elevation 5430.12288 5485.12832 5485.99591 0.00 5430.99046 54 30 .12288 Croni.n-! Puinl> ,_;ur·veying J3701 9th l'wr:nuc South Federal Way 1 WA 98003 253-661-1901 T11esday 1 Octoh0.r 09, /.007 2:39:29 PM NEW PROJECT PROJECT: G:\2869\2869.pro CLOSURE REPORT Coordinate values shown are computed based on the rounded bearing and distance, or chord bearing and chord lengths as indicated herein. Boundary Name: Lot 38 Point Number Bearing Description Distance 1156 calc 6-18-20 S89°l5'45"E 97. 43 1155 calc 6-18-20 N00°28'00"W 26. 72 1078 calc 6-18-20 Center Point: Radius: Delta: Arc Length: Chord Bearing: Chord Leng t.h: Middle Ordinate: External: Deg of Curvature: Tangent: Curve PI: 1080 calc 6-18-20 N89°15'45"W 49.89 1190 Center Point: Radius: Delta: Arc Length: Chord Bearing: Chord Length: Middle Ordinate: External; Deg of Curvature: Tangent: Curve PI: 1189 N87°23'22"W 9.05 1154 calc 6-18-20 S00°43'25"W 60.36 1156 calc 6-18-20 Closing latitude Closi11g departure Closing bearing Closing distance Total traverse length Total error of closure Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure Area Area ' ' ' Sta Northing 0+00.00 6888.59372 0+97.43 6887 .33966 1+24.15 6914. 05877 1079 6913.78185 34.00 88°47 1 46 11 Left 52.69 N44°51'52"W 47.SS 9.71 13. 59 ' 168°31'01" Arc Definition 33.29 ' 6947.35104 1+76.84 6947.78242 2+26. 73 6948.42457 1127 7069.41455 121. 00 ' 1°52'23" Right 3. 96 N88°19'34"W 3.96 0.02 0.02 47°21'07" Arc Definition 1. 98 6948.44710 2+30.69 6948.54025 2+39.74 6948.95245 3+00.10 6888. 59726 0.00354 -0. 00722 S63°53'59"E 0.00804 294.99 (300.10) 1/36675 1/83363 1/40839 5574.183 SQ FT 0.128 ACRES Easting Elevation 5484.68834 5582.11027 5581. 89265 0.00 5547. 89377 calc 6-18- 5581. 62082 5548.32820 0.00 5498.44233 0.00 5499.99978 5496.46586 5494.48402 0.00 5485. 44341 5484. 68112 Cl,ntre Pointe Surveylr1g 33701 9th Avenue So~th G•deral Way, WA 98003 )'.d-66]-1901 T11csdc1y, October 09, 7-007 2:39:29 PM NC:W PROJECT CLOSURE REPORT PROJIC:CT: G: \2869\2869. pro Coordinate values shown are computed based on the rounded bearing and distance, or chord bearing and chord lengths as indicated herein. Boundary Name: Lot 39 Point Number Bearing Description Distance 1155 N89°15'45"W 1156 S00°43'25"W 1126 S00°28 1 00"E 1158 S89°15'45"E 1157 N00°28'00"W 1155 CJ.osing latitude Closing departure Closing bearing Closing distance calc calc calc calc calc calc Total traverse length Total error of closure 6-18-20 97. 4 3 6-18-20 28.52 6-18-20 21. 4 9 6-18-20 98.02 6-18-20 50.01 6-18-20 Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure Area Ii.re a ' ' • ' • Sta 0+00.00 0+97.43 1+25.95 1+47.43 2+45.46 2+95. 47 -0.00627 -0.00252 N21°54'0l"l:: 0.00675 Northing 6887.33978 6888.59384 6860. 07611 6838.58683 6837.32517 6887.33351 295.47 (295.47) 1/43753 1/47156 1/117305 4892.635 SQ FT 0. 112 ACRES Easting Elevation 5582.10949 5484. 68756 5484.32738 0.00 5484.50241 5582. 51429 5582.10697 Centre Pointe Surveying 33701 9th Avenue South federol Woy, vlA 98003 )'.J]-()61-1901 Tuesday, October 09, 2007 2:39:29 PM NJ::W PROJJ::CT CLOSURE REPORT PROJECT: G:\2869\2869.pro Coordir1ate values shown are computed based on the rounded bearing and distance, or chord bearing and chord lengths as indicated herein. Boundary Name: Lot 40 Point Number Bearing Description Distance 1157 N89°15'45"W 1158 S00°28'00"E 1159 S89°l5'45"E 1160 N00°28'00"W 1157 Closing latitude Closing departure Closing bearing Closing dj_stance calc calc calc calc calc Total traverse length Total error of closure 6-18-20 98.02 6-18-20 65.01 6-18-20 98.02 6-18-20 65.01 6-18-20 Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure Area Area ' ' ' ' Sta 0+00.00 0+98.02 1+63.04 2+61. 06 3+26.07 0.00000 0.00000 N90°00'00"W 0.00000 Northing 6837.33039 6838.59205 6773. 58421 6772. 32255 6837.33039 326.06 (326.07) 1/999999 1/999999 1/999999 6371.407 SQ FT 0.146 ACRES Easting Elevation 5582.51672 5484.50484 5485.03433 5583.04621 5582.51672 C(_'.ntrc, Pol.nte :.3ut·veying 33701 9th Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003 2'.d-661-1901 1uesddy, Oclober 09, 2007 2:39:29 PM Nt:W ~ROJi::CT CLOSURE REPORT PROJ!;;CT: G:\2869\2869.pro Coordinate values shown are computed based on the rounded bearing and distance, or chord bearing and chord lengths as indicated herein. Gound~ry Name: Lot 41 Point Number Bearing Description Distance 1160 calc 6-18-20 N89°15'45"W 98.02 1159 calc 6-18-20 S00°28'00"E 55.53 1162 calc 6-18-20 S89°15'45"E 98.02 1161 calc 6-18-20 NOTE: The set is not closed. Closing latitude Closing departure Closing bearing Closing distance Total traverse length Total error of closure Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure Area Area • • • Sta 0+00.00 0+98.02 1+53.55 2+51.57 -55.52816 0.45228 N00°28'00"W 55.53000 Northing 6772.31819 6773.57985 6718. 05170 6716. 79004 251.57 (251.57) 1 / 4 1 / 4 1/556 5442.002 SQ FT 0.125 ACRES Easting Elevation 5583. 04 611 5485.03423 5485.48651 5583.49839 Centre Pointe Surveyir1g 33701 9th Avenue South i"cderal Way, WA 98003 253-661-1901 Tuesday, October 09, 2007 2:39:29 PM NtW PROJECl PROJECT: G:\2869\2869.pro CLOSURE REPORT Coordinate values shown are computed based on the rounded bearing and distance, or chord bearing and chord lengths as indicated herein. Boundary Name: Lot 42 Point Number Bearing Description Distance 1161 calc 6-18-20 N89°15'45"W 98.02 1162 calc 6-18-20 S00°28 1 00"E 60.01 1088 calc 6-18-20 S89°l5'45"E 72. 49 1059 calc 6-18-20 Center Point: Radius: Delta: Arc Length: Chord Bearing: Chord Length: Middle Ordinate: External: Deg of Curvature: Tangent: Curve PI: 1057 calc 6-18-20 N00°28'00"W 34. 4 8 1161 calc 6-18-20 Closing latitude Closing departure Closing bearing Closing distance Total traverse length Total error of closure Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure Area Area ' ' ' ' Sta Northing 0+00.00 6716.78940 0+98.02 6718.05106 1+58.03 6658.04305 2+30.53 6657 .11000 1058 6682.10793 25.00 91°12 1 14" Left 39.80 N45°08'08"E 35. 72 7.51 10. 73 ' 229°10'59" Arc Definition 25.53 2+70.32 3+04.80 -0.00252 -0.00241 N43°42'42"E 0.00348 6656.77814 6682.30803 6716. 78688 300. 72 (304 .80) 1/86296 1/119387 1/124881 5740.466 SQ FT 0 .132 ACRES Easting Elevation 5583. 4 9828 5485.48640 5485.97517 5558.45916 0.00 5558.78095 calc 6-18- 5583.98695 5583. 77670 0.00 5583.49587 r:entre t.'ointe Surveying ·13101 9Lt1 Avenue SouLh federal Way, WA 98003 ;ir)J-6Gl.-l.~l01 Tuesday, October 0~, 200·1 2:39:28 PM 1mw PRO,JF:CT PROJ~CT: G:\2869\2869.pro CLOSURE REPORT c:oordinate values shown are computed based on the rounded bearing and distance, or chord bearing and chord lengths as indicated herein. Lioundary Name: Lot 43 Point Number Bearing Description Distance 1052 calc 6-18-20 S89°15'45"E 95.02 1051 calc 6-18-20 S00°28'00"E 30.04 1036 calc 6-18-20 S29°13'03"W 35.18 1037 calc 6-18-20 N89°24 '44"W 53.05 1042 calc 6-18-20 Center Point: Radius: Delta: Arc Length: Chord Bearing: Chord Length: Middle Ordinate: External: Deg of Curvature: Tangent: Curve PI: 1044 calc 6-18-20 N00°28'00"W 36.63 1052 calc 6-18-20 Closing latitude Closing departure Closing bearing Closing distance Total traverse length Total error of closure ~rror of closure in latitude Srror of closure in departure Area Area ' ' ' ' ' Sta Northing 0+00.00 6732.48940 0+95.02 6731. 26636 1+25.06 6701. 22735 1+60.24 6670.52320 2+13.29 6671. 06741 1043 6696. 06610 25.00 88°56'41" Right 38.81 ' N44°56'24 11 W 35.03 ' 7.16 10.03 229°10'59" Arc Definition 24.54 2+52.10 2+88.73 0.00267 -0.00503 S62°03'42"E 0.00570 6671.31712 6695.86329 6732.49207 284.95 (288.73) 1/50010 1/106741 1/56608 5402.245 SQ FT 0.124 ACRES Easting Elevation 5625. 37183 5720.38395 5720.62862 0.00 5703.45634 5650.40913 0.00 5650.66560 calc 6-18- 5625.87035 5625.66514 0.00 5625.36679 Centre Pointe Surveying 13701 9th Avenue South f"cdcral Way, WA 98003 253-661-1901 Tuesday, October 09, 2007 2:39:29 PM NEW PROJECT CLOSURE REPORT PROJECT: G:\2869\2869.pro Coordinate values shown are computed based on the rounded bearing and distance, or chord bearing and chord lengths as indicated herein. Doundary Name: Lot 44 Point Number Bearing Description Distance 1049 S89°15'45"E 1050 S00°28 1 00 11 E 1051 N89°15'45"W 1052 N00°28'00"W 1049 Closing latitude Closing departure Closing bearing Closing distance calc calc calc calc calc Total traverse length Total error of closure 6-18-20 95.02 6-18-20 50.01 6-18-20 95.02 6-18-20 50.01 6-18-20 Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure Area Area ' ' ' ' Sta 0+00.00 0+95.02 1+45.03 2+40.05 2+90.06 0.00000 0.00000 N90°00'00"W 0.00000 Northing 6782. 49879 6781.27574 6"/31. 26740 6732.49045 6782. 49879 290.06 (290.06) 1/999999 1/999999 1/999999 4751.049 SQ FT 0.109 ACRES Easting Elevation 5624. 964 60 5719. 97673 5720.38405 5625.37192 5624.96460 C~ntre Pointe Survecying 33701 9th Aver1ue South FAderal Way, WA 98003 2',3-661-1901 Tuesday, Oclober 09, 2007 2:39:29 PM CLOSURE REPORT PROJECT: G:\2869\2869.pro Coordinate values shown are computed based on lhe rounded b~aring Llnd distance, or chord bearing and chord lengths as indicated herein. Boundary Name: Lot 45 Point Number Bearing Description Distance 1047 S89°18'58"E 20513 S00°28'00"E 1050 N89°15'15"W 104 9 N00°28 1 00 11 W 1047 Closing latitude Closing departure Closing bearing Closing distance calc calc calc calc Total traverse length Total error of closure 6-18-20 95.02 80 .11 6-18-20 95.02 6-18-20 80.02 6-18-20 Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure Area Area ' ' ' Sta 0+00.00 0+95.02 1+75.13 2+70.15 3+50.16 -0. 00109 0.00184 N59°11'45"W 0.00214 Northing 6862.51380 6861. 37966 6781.27231 6782.49536 6862.51270 350.17 (350.16) 1/163832 1/319919 1/190742 7605. 887 SQ FT 0.175 ACRES Easting Elevation 5624. 31304 5719. 32627 5719.97875 5624.96662 5624. 31188 C~11trc Pointe Surveying 33701. 9th Avenue South federal Way, WA 98003 25J-G61-1901 Tuesday, October 09, 2007 2:39:29 PM NEW PROJ~CT CLOSURE REPORT PROJECT: G:\2869\2869.pro Coordinate values shown are computed based on the rounded bearing and distance, or chord bearing and chord ler1gths as indicated herein. Boundary Name: Lot 46 Point Number Bearing Description Distance 1045 S89°24 '04"E 1046 S00°28'00"E 20513 N89°18'58"W 1047 N00°28'00"W 1045 Closing latitude Closing departure Closing bearing Closing distance calc calc calc calc Total traverse length Total error of closure 6-18-20 95.02 6-18-20 57.75 95.02 6-18-20 57.61 6-18-20 Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure Area Area • • Sta 0+00.00 0+95.02 1+52.77 2+47.79 3+05.40 0. 00096 0. 00272 S70°32'00"W 0.00288 Northing 6920.12470 6919.13151 6861.38343 6862.51757 6920.12566 305.40 (305.40) 1/105929 1/317858 1/112351 5479.933 SQ FT 0.126 ACRES Easting Elevation 5623. 84392 5718.85873 5719.32909 5624.31586 5623.84664 Centre Pointe: :;urvciyi.ng 33701 9tt1 Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003 253-661-1901 T·.1e.-c;day, Oclober O'J, 2007 2:39:29 PM NJ::W PHOJECT CLOSURE REPORT PROJECT: G:\2869\2869.pro Coordinate values shown are computed based on the rounded bearing and distance, or chord bearing and chord lengths as indicated herein. Boundary Name: Lot 47 Po.int Number Dearing Description Distance 1038 S89°23'44"E 1035 S00°28'00"E 1046 N89°24 '04"W 1045 N00°28'00"W 1038 Closing latitude Closing departure Closing bearing Closing distance calc calc calc calc calc Total traverse length Total error of closure 6-18-20 95.02 6-18-20 50.00 6-18-20 95.02 6-18-20 50.00 6-18-20 Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure Area Area ' ' ' ' Sta 0+00.00 0+95.02 1+45.01 2+40.03 2+90.03 -0. 00921 -0.00010 N00°36'06"E 0.00921 Northing 6970. 12734 6969.12494 6919.12660 6920 .11979 6970.11813 290.04 (290.03) 1/31480 1/31481 1/2997869 4 7 4 9. 97 2 SQ FT 0.109 ACRES Easting Elevation 5623. 43675 5718.45146 5718.85870 5623.84389 5623.43665 C,-·int-re Pointe Surveying JJ70l 9th Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003 )~iJ-661-1<.)01 ']'1_10.:c,day, October 09, 2007 2:39:29 PM NE-:W PROJECT CLOSURE REPORT PROJECT: G:\2869\2869.pro Coordinate values shown are computed bused on the rounded bearing and distance, or chord bearing and chord lengths as indicated herein. Go11ndary Name: Lot 48 Point Number Bearing Description Distance 1035 S89°23'44"E 1039 S00°28'00"E 1048 N89°18'58"W 20513 N00°28'00"W 1035 Closing latitude Closing departure Closing bearing Closing distance calc calc calc calc Total traverse length Total error of closure 6-18-20 80.01 6-18-20 107.86 6-18-20 80.02 107.75 6-18-20 Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure Area Area ' ' ' Sta 0+00.00 0+80.01 1+87.87 2+67.89 3+75.64 0.00106 -0.00786 S82°2l 1 00 11 E 0.00793 Northing 6969 .12518 6968 .28113 6860.42471 6861. 37981 6969.12624 375.64 (375.61) 1/47389 1/355981 1/47814 8624. 397 SQ FT 0.198 ACRES Easting Elevation 5718.44806 5798.45361 5799.33210 5719. 31780 5718. 44020 <.:ent n:o l'oir.te Surveying 33701 9th Avcn11e South lc'ederal ,;ay, WI\ 98003 '.'~,:~-(iG1--L901 i·u,:su:c1y, October 09, )00'/ 2:39:;,;g PM NL"'1 PRO,TECT CLOSURE REPORT PRO,JECT: G: \2869\2869.pro CoorJindte values shown are computed based on the rounded bearing and distance, or chord bearing and chord lengths as indicated l1erein. Boundary Name: Lot 49 Point Number Bearing Description Distance 20513 S89°18'58"E 1048 !:.>00°28'00"E 1124 N89°15'45"W 1123 N00°28'00"W 20513 Closing latitude Closing departure Closing bearing Closing distance calc calc calc Total traverse length Total error of closure 80.02 6-18-20 95.18 6-18-20 80.02 6-18-20 95 .11 Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure Area Area ' ' ' ' Sta 0+00.00 0+80.02 1+75.20 2+55.22 3+50.33 0.00487 0.00150 S17°06'19"W 0.00510 Northing 6861. 37945 6860.42435 6765.24750 6766.27748 6861.38432 350.33 (350.33) 1/68747 1/71928 1/233733 7611. 752 SQ FT 0.175 ACRES Easting Elevation 5719.32543 5799.33973 0800. 114 95 5720.10158 5719.32693