HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA 09-011_Relabelled ExhibitsR 8 RM-F R-8 • R-8 I - ( t{f:11'.hCI L.::J R-4 l. .. ~ " C4 -32 T24N RSE E 1/2 \\t ,s·, ,, -- '0 ,,} NE 26th St 271.hPl GJ " '" R-4 '\__ - ' R-8 ' r') ~~i' , ' -. R-8 ti '-~ L-I -~---------, fl _ _J R-4 ~ ' RC / _./J ~ = ' ~ (( £ ll -•• R-8 I .._,I "'--).T, NE 27th St ' • ' .I ~ ()R-B ...... ~--- --- ; - • -~ ---· R-8 1 ----ij ' -- R-8 -----' '---'_J ~---'-'-J,-,-~•-~ ~~::::~"~ ~co''---~ ~E24!hSt ~-------1 ~ z ...... R-8 j R-6 £ I£ : i NE23rc1St ' ---- ,-/,/ 2Jr,, Pi ---- R-6 ~ l I ~tl---.~ EJ.-r--------l "'""" . u j r iii I \ri C 'j"" ' H ' l R:-:4 Q R-8 L0 ------ ~ ~ IT, ' R-8 R-4 i - ' e-- R-B ~- 1 R-8 R-8 R-B J ' - R-8 131h Pt ' ~ R-8 C ! -- " . NE 12th St N<;Pa,;.D,. ~R-8 > • , ; -_, R-8 ! • E4 -08 T23N RSE E 1/2 ZONING PW TECHNICAL SER\1CES 07/15/08 0 200 k.J 1:4,800 400 f Feet -' • L_ NE22ridSt 0 ---' - ( I . , R-B ' • " R-8 -. ·~o-----'I, . R_-8 :_ I ' C J . . "IE181!'i Sl ---------- = NE 20!t, St NE 1lllh St NE 18L~ St R-8 J R• -14 -- ) l l -' R-10 0 N ------- CV t r~--~ I R-10 EXHIBIT, 2. 5305 _,.ZONING MAP BOOK rr,7,4=vv---,.9::-;::-·_.,_,-'-•-··~·-:;;9;;-;3:;----·-455 ,i 456 .·-' 459 / -=:~~~NR5eJ! .,.. I . -I "-----{-· . . , 1 s1~·~,~s2 B3 JSA..-.. ~]35 '1 1 . B6 --£7·11 ~-T24N R4E i· ,~ z_,;-, 4N R4E 30 T24N R5E ~ T~4N Rsf .. • 2a r24N R5E 1"?/;-T24N RSE 26 T24N ~SE i 81 • P ·g W 455W ;457 1 458 460 _4§:I_J / C1 I C2 'C3_i' c4-· cs. C6 -c? / 136 T24N R4E 31 T24N RSE( ·:_ 32 T24N RsE·-· · · 3~Nfi.P.E---:~-l:t.n.f.lNR6E._ 35 "JF.' 4N RS~--t 306 . . .· 1307 ·"'··1··.@08 \~09 36S-~. ,~-:_ 800 ,' . 801 I D1 l\D2 D3 \04 0§ D6:)_ D7 I 35 T24N R4E I 2 T23N R4E !·1 \;r23N R4E 6 T23N RSE ~T23N RSE 4 T23N.R5E 3 T23N RSE C,J 2 T23N RSE 316'. . _31_7; 31 a----319 369 ·,_, 806 805 ' [3 ,:f:j1 E2 !1 -fl1 T23N R4E :.-" 12 T23N R4E Z,T23N RSE E4 I 8T23N RSE ES Eff--rE7 I I ' ·, 10T23N RSE '--·· 11 T23N R5E 9 T23N RSE i325· '· / 326 ~"327 1 1 F 1\<~t 1f2·1 j3 ···· 14 T23N R4E '\ 13 T23N R4E I,, T23N R5E 328 F4 117 T23N RSE . 370 810 8~1 I FS I ff GS!+~i=-7: ·. , -, tJ I 1 I 16 T23N RSE 15 T23N RSE 14 T23N R5E 334 \~35 336 c G2 G31;G4 1 'Gsf:G61'G1 .. ' -----,.---,1'2'-4-'T"-23_til R4E 19 T23N RSE 20 T23N R5E 21 T23N R5E l, 22 T23~ R5E 123 T23N R5E'. 2, ' s G1 . ' . . 337 '3 T23N R4E 344 .. .... 34El 600 601 602 ;·'-t-8::--:2:::cO~ .. ~. ~-,-8-2-1---'RE I I l . 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King County makes no l'8fll'8s«ltalions or warranties, express or implied, as to accuracy, complet-ss, timeliness, or rights lo Iha use of such information. This document is not in tended for use as a survey product King County shall not be liable for an y general, special, ind irec:I. incidental, or consequential d amages induding, but not limited to, lost rewnues or loel profila resulting from lhe use or misuse of the information contained on lhis msp. Any sele of lhis msp or information on lhls map Is prohibited except by written permission of King County. Date: 1/17/2009 Source: King County IMAP • PIOpefly Information (http://Www.melrokc.gov/GISliMAP) ... W King County T-Mobile Monopole I on .NE 27th EXHIBIT 3C\ 178ft ting County staff from a variety of sources and is subject to change w ithout notice. King ,plied , as to accuracy, completen ess, timeliness, or rights to the use of such information. IQ County shall not be liable for any general, special, indire c~ incidental, or consequential ti· K·1ng County i ts resumng from the use or misuse of the Information contained on this map. Any sale o( :en permission of K in g County. rmation (h ttp://www.metrokc.gov/GISflMAP) .. - D --,-..,.,.,.1 • R~~*TOTJr~~RV7c~ ~~~~/:1iP) 3~~ PVC CONDUIT FROM METER BASE TO P'OV't'ER SERvlCE POINT 24 0 L.F. :t: (E) TELEPHONE RISER OVERALL SITE PLAN 22x34 SCALE 1• • 30' 1l.l17SCALE: r =60' ,. ' p-r, -...J ,. I (E) ELECTHICAI.. BOX .. I • I ,., !\ / ; _ _. Cf:(! I "~ . . . / --' ' \_ I \ " p _J 5 ({) ,- 0 .:s ..... z ~ .. 1: lll C, 2 ,:) ?- 0 w tt- '"'I / \ \ EXHIBIT f-4 • .. I fi :, • • • ii • ' ! 1 ~ I • . • t. • ' ' L .• ... - r ,! .. . " .-, "" .. '-· ... ' .,. ..... ~ .. '?'". :, ... ,. . . ,· " ~ II . • • , C , • i ' ' • -..J ' ..... '.j i·. ',,.' .i:t• .. ~:__ .. -'.'. • ":.:. . • C ::·.::. • • , -. ,· -·· .. ...-. . _.,.:;. . ,.. . .. _,.. . . --· .. -' .. . ..... , . .;-... .. . ' . . ... _:.--• \ .... ,6,.. "'· • : :~ :~-. .. . .. ').\' ~'l. . . \ .• . • S¥1 FT \l l'-1 £XAt1f'LE 01=-CDt.LbCl\1'tOtoJ A1JTE1JtJA 'fl.At.~UTV ------ ----~--------·- ------· --- "--------"1,,. f=.,. ~ NORTHWEST ELEVATION ~ S CALE NTS T-MOBILE I.HA. rn>. Of' S MTS UNIVERSAL RING MOUNT (SIZE TO $IJIT) MT'S PFE MOUIIT (PAATl lfl'-401-14) POlE @ ANTENNA CLOSE MOUNT ISOMETRIC A~ N T.S 1:>ETA \ L- -{P) BOLLARD GHOUND LEVEL EXHIBIT S- EXHIBIT b ED MONDS AVE NE/ LIV ING M EM SE04810A 24 24 NE 27T H ST REN TON. WA 98056 :r-• • j\;f Al"\t l 19807 NORTH CREEK PKWY N BOTHELL . WA 98011 OFFICE (425 > 398-7600 EXHIBIT -, EDMONDS AVE NE/ LIVING MEM SE048 10A 2424 NE 27TH S T RENT ON. WA 98056 EXISTING PHOT0#1 FROM NE 27TH STREET LOOKING NORTH-EAST 19807 NORTH CREEK PKWY N . BOTHELL, WA 980 11 OFF ICE (425) 398-7 600 EXHIBIT 8 ED M ONDS AVE NE/ LIVING MEM SE04810A 2424 NE 27TH ST REN T ON . WA 98056 PROPOSED PHOTO #1 F ROM NE 27TH STREET LOOKING NORTH-EAST 19807 NORTH CREEK PKWY N . BOTHELL WA 98011 OFFICE (425) 398-7600 EXHIBIT .. 9 ':... EDMONDS AVE NE/ LIVING M EM SE04810A 2 424 NE 27TH ST RENTON . WA 98056 EXISTING PHOT0#2 F ROM NE 27TH STREET LOOKING NORTH-\NEST I 1" .. • 19807 NORTH CREEK PKWY N BOTHELL, WA 98011 OFFICE (425) 398-7600 EXHIBIT to ~& EDMONDS AVE NE/ LIVING MEM SE04810A 2424 NE 27TH ST RENTON . WA 98056 PROPOSED PHOT0#2 F ROM NE 27TH STREET LOOKING NORTH-WEST I T-• . • 19807 NORTH CREEK PKWV N BOTHELL, WA98011 OFFICE (425) 398-7600 Flrl<Jtnoc:..-·MJP (SE411 1CA Ea~ A,'E NE) E~t~TrrJ6 C.O\JEAAlaf: lflJ Vt:f-\l(LE. E'ltS,,~G. COVE~AbE. \~t)OO~ EXHIBIT l[ ' ' T-MolllleUSA Proposed CoYeraoe {SE4810A Edmonds Ave NI:) V~f .. .::i-,i S~ • • P .:. .... J~t. r" ... 11·--r·"" ... p EXHIBIT rz.. 1J EW lovE~<:,f. lr-J VE ~tLC.... f. NE\H' covE~Ac, E r~booR TAX LOT # 3343900740 TAX LOT # J31J30073~ \_ FOUND 3/4 " IRON PIP( - mE'Ernf'.~ HT•101.2'~ J22---_ / ...__ -_ -_ 1REES& .IIP12 MPl. BRUSH / --"'\ DS16 _. MP12 \ %'-. ( '-,,. OS12 OS•! \ _.f18 . · EXHIBIT r~ : ~ 0 ., '... • ~~""_; ·~tL '" _ os,o (m>.) / 'tLJir-ru / ;;, --' / ----_, \,. ' 4111""" r "'" / ·/ i I ·"-____ _ I I . I t•·;<~ ~) I \ I \ \ I \ '--' \ TREES& \ BRUSH \ TREE UN~J (m>.) OF:la Cfl'. 01'28 . 11 6.1 OF2 · or:io • I I I J I SI 8EN HMARK REBAR & CAP. •oo CONTROL ELEV.-319.2' \ \ \ \ ~~ '. · 1 I ., ... ,.,;;'f, .. ,,·,~---".• ._,,, .. t.-._·,•·,· .. , ' \ TREES ~li~:Pt\iJ'.J~i'Ji'.{.t;;}tt:t ,:. \ ,~·. ' · '-o ,,,. ,.,'·\/: , .. •.·,•.•.· .. ., "'·"··· J .. . . . , .... ,,, \ ~ ' ' \ " \· OF~\ . 78. \ I I I r \ \ ()f42 I ~ I / 'w, I I I I OSI. I TREES I I I I ) OS,) ~i~ / / .,, / / I ~ . I 0 TELEPHON.E' .• RISERS (2) 30 E\.tCTRi'c~L SOX -·-.· FOUND ~ONUMENT IN CASE (T'W.) TREETOP )-='.. BEV.-'13.0' t"\ GRAP HI C SCALE i i i I IN r=) 1 inch -20 ft. i SITE DE TAIL Q . ~ I ,-... f- _J :::) m f- 0 z .._, w z w > <( (/) 0 z 0 2 0 w I I I I I I I I I l 30·1 mEcS I I l • { f ' • ,: ,· -t: ,. f • • (, ~ • t . C' • ' ' • ~ <I ·-· ~ ••• ~ \ ~ \ _,_~· . . ..... ,. •j ' • .-,,,..~~i·:.-·· .. ~~.,c:. . . •· a ..... •• * ~ '-) 1', ........ ,".'! • ' ' i 1i . I ' • r t ' ' r t ' I ' • .J EXHIBIT r'f 'C_, Date: 1/17/2009 Source: King County iMAP -Property Information (http://Www.metrokc.gov/GIS/iMAP) FEB ti King County