HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA-76-029 - Large Format APPROVALS tanned aad x pprove d this Examined and approved this ie ie ie on SY en a. D. I976 ee ee S.W.* S.E. CONC. MON. = i?) = TE L S7qke BB. 54° GE LOT 2 AB E R D E E N AV E . 9, NE . Jca/e / JZ EF ACKNOWL EDGNENT STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING SS. This 1s fo certity that on fh/s ------ day ek. eee ee, AD Ps “= gy" AO H M O N P S AV E | | 4 obs LEGAL LE ICHUFP FIOM MA a a The 070 /t0 4een Less fhe west fis fee? ot Tracr 248, C2. Mi//005 Lake Wisty2¢%or Career? Of Lze2 L144. Ne. F, according je ples recoraed 17 Va), // 07 Flt, Lage B2, J KV AG Le On77Y, Wa S219 727 1976, before me the undersigned, a notary public, personally appeared Dave Olson fo me known to be the individual who s 1g? ed the a bove cerhficate and acknowledged to me that he signed pe same as Ais faa and vo/ontary act and . deed. Witness my hand and oftical sea/ the day and y written | ar first above Maqager RECORDER S CERTIFI CATE FILED for 70COLrD FOU5___ ar __. Ko 177 Beak COBY OF. 22222, VI, O IUTV EY 5 7] age ..-..af Whe regd¢esy or capes AalOe, LYVIS/ON OF RECOROS $ ECECTIONS i] it it | SURVEYORS CERTVAFYCATE TRIS, OP COLLECT Y TEPLCSCIAS @ Survey os ; - = s ” Conc. Mor. ZA, KS “OF REN ets”) 9EP 99 1976 ade by rye yi Coli; muaice with fhe regu fe- SIOIIS: I, Pe Survey KCCOlO/ 179 Ac7 G7 7 SOPAEST OX Lave WY (S077 11? Va., BA LROPERIY SURVEY € SUBDIVISION Loc” DAVE OLSON che Aaroe, Pfe. LO70 Fal veyor : Ise Ne. GOYZ. Aaroe € ASS0C/ 4/05 BSE I. fbn Free? Me, Wa IE/¢E ‘ i Examined and ey thié Examined and approved this _ Z ede wand oo tha. AV E . - Be e n fe y e % Be ca s d o * AB E R S eae of. rhs Moe nll pct 5, a el icactor, oe eter Se wea 3 us $ — GB S 08 day ates D. I197@ an" . t | A 2 ioe L0:2; F | oo ; | os "A day of [)-£¢. ... A.D. 1976 pid Ge fick Meh . . 4 we PARLEY 4. HOPPER oe ao a iis ‘ & Ue Kina nes ) : ; ys ah /’ CMe vou Repats ACKNOWL ‘ LDGITENT STATE OF YW/IASHINGTON COUNT y KING _ $§ er ts fo ceri? y that on ThA) 5 ~--2-- doy of ; A.D betore me the snd signet a nolary public, per se rally appeared Dave Olson fo me kaoown fo be the individual nned the above cert Preate and’ acknowledged to me That he signed Re =4Me 2s Ais free ard vefonta FY ic ta ad dead. obe }- ao ay s Si ot ge e et t CONC 4 1976. BQN : ae AD R ON E S Z ie re Cont Bern. 9 LEGAL a 3 He. ome: RAO TOM Ia 1 fb 2 een Less fhe west pls fee! ot Waet 2¢8, 9 MO S/o BT CS Late Nastrg lor Garda? 0f £200 by Na F = ages te Jo pie SOCCOLBED F ho/ tS of Kua, LAGE Go, LP AVG Lourty, Me 3179 (O89 EOL Witness my hand and “e wv sow? the eae and oer firs? above Pas e ee U/TITTER, ; 5 B A ‘, ; z ‘ : ug 7 ve si N : se : . eee Lee WOTARY PUBLIC IN AND Foe THE FA il OF D> 4 - : ci G4 905 giztsy ae rane ei Bes one BR eee: Ra ee ae iP Ts : a FECORDER. CERTIEV CATE 3 , SARVE YOR SF CER TUETCRIE are : : e : 4 Vier Br recara SOE. E oo aby. A eee IE, ie hy) bagi 6 eth vEprescnty a Sapvey # ‘ j : fe es hn Pata Pee al |) Baer eee ses ° a, i 7 ge daroe, | prone vey Kec e: fees i ene Mi of RECORDS F LAE : SOPHEST OF 1 Lave b Oh Oar? eS Ube Pe, eee, Me Te A A age PROPERTY. * AEE e ‘ Ce tas taneger £ag2e, if Aorbe., re. Lond IY VEYOL a . a ee 4 be i ea ed Na. GOVE, fp _ 4 tag € et ‘Aas f + Sag / oagf —— J Ye 3848 | a is mee tet ——_ PE ERE SI AS Be RE DAVE OLSON SHORT PLAT 4 S.W.* S.E. SEC. 5-23-5 J N. E. /6 74 _ ST. | CONC. MON. Me : z3 , Z - S | | 4 APPROVALS 132.54 |e AB E R OE E AV E . S 7ake “pe | Examinéd and approved this______ | day of _______. A.D. 1976 | , Jase! f° =70° Pe) a ae - % \ oir ectror, Dept. of Pobhe lWorks X £07 2 \ Examined and approved this____ day of _______A.D. 1976 Trattic E, ngineer a S7ake she Wy \ | | \ Examined and approved Phils day of ____ __ A.D. 1976 { " NS \ \\ | iN | LOF 2 . : Pettis Cie r N ye N : . op L 132. 80° |b 30 ‘ q - Examined and approved this _-_ --.- day of A.D. 1976 ——1— Bez Pre © y . ; 4 | Seen ne ne as aes S ny alu! Re st King County Assessor df | MEW f2TH S77 | - 3 - pe A LEE SS a cae Conc. Mera. Conc. Mor. Fof 9 ACKNOWLEDGMENT | LEGAL DESCRIPTION STATE OF WASHINGTON , > The Jodo /b0 reer Less fhe west fis fee? of Trae? 248, MP ea Meas es | C2. Hi //r7a7's Lake Wastyg 7/077 Gar ae? Of Lva2 L714. Noe. F, | Qccora ing jo ples recorded 777 be) // Of Fars, page G2, bn, ay sila fa Kt0G$ L0u77y, MOSP19 707 This 1s fo certity that on rh/s ------ day off 2 A.D. 1976, betore rve the under signed , a notary prblic, personally appeared Dave Olson to me known fo he the individual who signed the above cerhficate and acknowledged to me that he signed the save as Als free ard vojunfary act and deed. Witness my hand and offical seal phe day and, year tirst above written ; NOTARY PUBL/C IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON RESIOING ATW 2-22 nen a = RECORDER 5 CERTIAV CATE SURVEYORS CERTVE/ CATE LYiled far record FOV5___ | | Cay of _._____., 49%, IWS, PP Corlecr+/y JEPrTEese7ys @ SusVe Q7_____ We 47 Book Of Surveys ar wnirde bY 1yé 77 eh bate Wit fle repusge 7 PAG2---_- Gp HE 169¢ES7 Of Li A o7e War oe, St Is of fle Suivey Kecora/ 17g 467 ip We PROPERTY FUORVEY € SOBLAV/IS/ON LYVIS/ON OF RECORDS $ ECECTIOWS SEPA ES? OF Lave W507 ta Van, 7976. ' 4or | Z Badges DAVE OLSON Wa 09 EF | 4ugehe Aaloe, P’e. Lod Fat veyor ; Leese Ne. GO/Z. : Anoe € Ass0C/0IO8S FEE FP /[522d FHroef Sup? of Lecacws sa | Seasie Wa IEE SWF -FBEI a eee | a Sh P/-029-7%