HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA-76-030 - Large Format To o [2 X / a er MARK RICHARD HEGLUND SHORT PLAT DESCRIPTION Lots 21, 22 ANTM 23 in recorded in Volume 14 “4{tuate in the Citv of CERTIFICATE @) 30° | 30° SET 1/2" RE- BAR | N_72° 56’ 45" W . 120.00' ~~ 7 . _ S D : ! S ; © rc) = : N [72° 56) 45|'W ea an 120.00' am ; ot vee SCALE: |"=40' fe) mea e) S C S S S ' © © ly Ww | if uj 2 ' N |72° 56° 45/'W | SS _ 120.00' “=A = © N N y " “ fe) _ . S B Sl= fo (= 2 S = i N_|72° 56' 45"wW \ © io 120.00' aa | S SO fe) A ° = = ° © KR © | | 1 | Us x /20.00' os 7 S S 7 N_ 72°56’ 45"W 6 Ye ~ Xe o SW 3 RD ST. S ~ N) Qi 30 30 SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE This short plat correctly represents a survey made by me under my direction in conformance with the requirements of the anpronriate state, courty or city, statutes or ordinances, on badly Robert Py -Meki addy Costtficate Nos 6474 Y hereby certify that in fee simple of the 7 Flock 3 of Farlineten Addition as per plat wf 1 of Plats, on page 7, records of Fine County; Renton, County of King, State cf Vashineton, I, Mark Richard Heplund am the owner land aeted in this short plat. ACKOWLEDGMENT TATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING This is to certify tha before. me Rae gh understL APPROVALS Txamined anc annroved Pyamined and annvroved and anproved Yeamined and apnroved at on this LG PAay © t La Leder A.D. 1976 . A notary Wabi te, personall: peared to me known to be the fedividual eae siened edged to me that he signed the he day and year rirst above Notary ryt ikli Cc in anc. For the state of WNashingron Residine at this ZZ dav of Cetobor— A.D. 1°76 af: / ZF oo tine fdesordiu Yo Corin6sen ‘Planni Gcrar this oe day of DEC. Aeks 1976 a Kine Couhtty / Aeedetor 500-299 se n i » Sa n e Or en