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LUA 09-125_7_Report 01
(i) King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue 5W Renlon, WA 98055-1219 October 25, 2005 Sara Slatten Shamrock Highlands, LLC 9720 NE 120 Place, Suite 100 Kirkland, WA 98034 RE: REVISED Permit Fee Estimate Project: Final Plat of Shamrock l File No. L04FR074/ L02POO14 Dear Ms. Slatten: Beginning January 2, 2004, our office implemented a new program for managing certain types of permit applications to provide customers with an enhanced level of customer service. The Project Manager Program seeks to provide customers with increased predictability for the permit process and better accountability from County review staff. For permit applications using the Project Manager Program, a project manager is assigned to the permit to facilitate communication with the applicant and provide a fee estimate to cover the anticipated scope of review. The proj ect manager will also monitor and manage the permit application throughout the review process to ensure that review schedules remain in line with performance standards and the overall work hours are within the range of estimated fees for the project. Your application was received by our office on October 27, 2004. The enclosed information provides a summary of the fee estimate for the anticipated work disciplines and also discusses the submittal process and disclaimers which may affect the final permit fees. Once the attached estimated fee form is signed and submitted to our Department with a complete permit application, including payment of the estimated fee, your project will be assigned for further review. If you have any questions regarding the permit fees or other aspects of the review process, please contact Ray Florent via email rqy.florcntQmetrokc.lzov or by telephone at 206-296-6790. Sincerely, O)ymo�ndE. Florent, PLS, �Project/M)'�anager Land Use Services Division Enclosure 0 King County Land Use Services Division Permit Fee Estimate Pre -app Estimate Number: L04FR074/ L02P0014 I Date:10125/2005 Permit Title: Shamrock 1 Permit Type: Final Plat Based on permit information submitted by the applicant, the Department of Development and Environmental Services (DDES) has determined the amount of review fees for the subject application. The fees shown below do not include ancillary permit fees, recording fees, project -related mitigation fees, or other fees that are passed through to the applicant from other agencies or as part of the project's environmental review. Fixed Fees: Counter Service Fee for Application Intake $205.28 Total Fixed Fees: +$205.28 Original Estimate for Hourly Fees: (119 Hours x $144.90) +$17,243.10 Additional Hours in Revised Estimate: (30 Hours x $144.90) -+$4,347.00 Amount Already Paid: -$17,943.46 Total Permit Fee Estimate Currently Owing: $3,851.92 Note: The estimate for hourly fees stated above is based on the total estimated number of hours not to exceed 149 hours for the disciplines listed below, and is calculated using the department's hourly rate in effect at the time the work is perforated. Based upon the financial disclosures found on page 2, the number of hours required may be modified. The total estimated hours reflect work performed by the following disciplines: Land Surveying Technical Review, Project Management, and Addressing. After receiving the fee estimate from DDES, the applicant has ninety (90) days to complete the application submittal. Please call 206-296-6797 to set up an appointment with the Permit Center to complete your application and payment. If the application is not received within ninety (90) days, the applicant may be required to obtain a new fee estimate or this activity may be cancelled. For further questions on this fee estimate or for other requirements about this permit application, please contact Ray Florent via email ray.florent[@metrokc.goy or by telephone at 206-296-6790. Raymond E. Florent, PLS, Project Manager Land Use Services Division Project Manager, dot 1/26/04 Page 1 * King County Land Use Services Division Permit Fee Estimate Pre -app Estimate Number: L04FR074/ L02P0014 Date: 10/25/2005 Permit Title: Shamrock 1 Permit Type: Final Plat Estimated Maximum Hours: 149 Applicant: Shamrock Highlands, LLC / Sara Slatten Current Total Fee Owed: $3,$51.92 The following disclaimers are attached and are part of the fee estimate for this permit. The annlicant is required to submit a signed copy of this form with the application and fee payment acknowledging that the applicant has read the disclaimers stated below. Disclaimer Applicants are responsible for all fixed fees, reported hours performed in reviewing submittal materials and processing, up to the fee estimate. Changes in the scope of the project review will result in a revised review fee estimate. Fee estimates are based on information submitted to DDES by the applicant prior to finalization of the permit application. ,In addition, estimates are determined by utilizing historical data gathered from projects of similar type, size, and scope. The fee estimate will be the maximum fee charged unless the scope of the project changes. Should fewer hours be required to complete the review, then the applicant may receive a refund for those hours. If items are identified that are not originally disclosed or identified later in the process, a new estimate may be required. Applicants will be responsible for any additional hours identified in a new estimate because of: 1) Unknown or undisclosed site or project issues 2) Changes in the project 3) Incomplete information from applicant 4) Errors in applicant information or submittal 5) County code fee changes &) Unanticipated critical area review or verification 7) More than one major set of redline correction comments and one minor set of redline correction comments Keeping review fees at or below the fee estimate will depend on the applicant's commitment to complete the process review. This commitment should include submitting materials which address all County codes, policies, previously approved conditions, and responding to the County's request for corrections or additional information in a timely manner, not to exceed 90 days. Project Manager.dot 1/26/04 Page 2 0 King County Pre -app Estimate Number: L04FR074/ L02POO14 I Date:10/25/2005 Permit Title: Shamrock 1 Permit Type: Final Plat Changes in the scope of this project review have resulted in this revised review fee estimate. These changes include: 1. Applicant generated reconfiguration of multiple lots following initial review. 2. Discussions and meetings relating to the unexpected encroachment and title issues. 3. Resolution of Engineering Plan issues regarding the public/ private ownership and maintenance of the wetland pond, rain gardens and drainage pond. Acknowledged: Applica wner Na e (print) SOTF:�tj Applicant/Owner Name (signature) ID Date Project Managendot 1/26104. Page 3 * King County Land Use Services Division Enigneering Review Section Project Management Fee Estimating Worksheet Current Hourly Rate: $ 144.90 Permit Type: Final Plat Review Permit Type: FINAL Subtype: FINAL -P Permit/PreApp No: L04FRO74 Prepared For: Shamrock 1 - L02PU014 _ • __ BLA, Engineering and Final Review Fees: Budget Date Prepared: 10125+05 Hours Applicable Description of Fees Authority Listed Fees Est. Fixed Fee Hourly Fee Initials Fixed Fees: A. Counter Service Intake 27.06.030 Boundary line adjustment 27.10.220 ETEK Hrs. Intake Group 2 1 Hrs. 205.28 $ 205.28 B. Right-of-way application 27.10.120 434.70 C. Fire Flow and Access 27.10.040 I. General service fee. 27.02.100 Type of Permit I Not Applicable $ 434.70 RFLO Tmtflc Review Fees: D. Boundary line adjustment 27.10.220 TR Estimate: Incl. 1 st 4 hours of review 579.80 Cunent FUnnin F P E. Forestry/Tree Retention 27.10.090 PR Estimate: 0.00 Acres F. Work Without a Permit 27.02.140 Engineering Review: ER G. Site engineering review. 27.10-080 ETEK Hrs_ DENG Hrs. LENG Hrs. H. Subdivision - final review. 27.10.200 Boundary line adjustment 27.10.220 ETEK Hrs. DENG 1 Hrs. $ 144.90 JSAN LEND 105 Hrs. $ 15,214.50 SVAN Total FR hours 106 Project Management Fees: PM I. General service fee. 27.02.100 PM Estimate: 3 Hrs. $ 434.70 RFLO Tmtflc Review Fees: J_ DOT Support Staff TR Estimate: 0 Hrs. Cunent FUnnin F P K. Zoning, landscape, parking. 27.10.060 PR Estimate: Hrs, IirNWW AmmArAw Fern L. Critical areas review. 27.10.130 D. Nonresidential review $724.50 Critical Area Estimate after 5 hours: Hrs. M. Exceptions and Variances 27.10.140 Estimate: Hrs. N. Other (Shorelines) 27.10.140 PR Estimate: Hrs. 911ruokmW ftft MW 00 N. Plans Examiner Review Enter Fixe Plan review fee an Permit+: Addressin Fees: AQ O. Addressing/Reconfigure new lots AD Estimate: 10 Hrs. $ 1,449.00 JKIN Total Fixed Fees $ 205.28 Estimated Review Hours Above Base Hours 119 Hourly Fee. $ 17,243.10 Total Estimated Review Hours: 119 Total Fee Estimate: $ 17,448 38 Revised Budget Hours: 149 Hourly Fee, $21,590.10 Total Revised Fee Estimate: $21,795.38 * King County Land Use Services Division 1=nigneering Review Section Project Management Fee Estimating Worksheet Current Hourly Rate: $ 144.90 Permit Type: Final Plat Review Permit Type: FINAL Subtype: FINAL -P PermitJPreApp No: L04FR074 Prepared For: Shamrock 1 - L02P0014 BLA, Engineering and Final Review Fees: Budget Date Prepared: 12107/04 Hours Applicable Description of Fees Authority Listed Fees Est. Fixed Fee Hourly Fee Initials Fees: _ ............ ,.... A. Counter Service Intake 27.06.030 Intake Group 2 205.28 $ 205.28 B. Right-of-way application 27.10.120 434,70 C. Fire Flow and Access 27.10.040 Type of Permit I Not Applicable D. Boundary line adjustment 27.10.220 Incl. 1st 4 hours of review 579.60 E. Forestry/Tree Retention 27.10.090 0.00 Acres F. Work Without a Permit 27.02.140 En ineerin Review: ER ETEK Hrs. DENG Hrs. LENG Hrs. Total ER hours 0 Final5urve Review: FR Boundary line adjustment 27.10.220 ETEK Hrs. DENG 1 Hrs. $ 144.90 JSAN LENG 105 Hrs. $ 15,214.50 SVAN Total FR hours 106 Project Management Fees: PNI I. i'vfc�=fe�d. PM Estimate: 3 Hrs. $ 434.70 RFLO 1`11" :1. k.�'FFI\Y.: 111I...z?a°E, l..E_� 5i t'. �.:�.'"^�....�li:[:' E .�: , .:`^._.'� F. �' Mp`ff[ I S. TR Estimate: 0 Hrs. mom p PR Estimate: Hrs. D. Nonresidential review $724.50 Critical Area Estimate after 5 hours: Hrs. M. Exceptions and Variances 27.10.140 Estimate: Hrs. N. Other (Shorelines) 27,10.140 PR Estimate: Hrs. Enter Fixe Plan review fee on Permit+: Addressing Fees: AD - AD Estimate: 10 Hrs. $ 1,449.40 JKIN Tota! Fixed Fees: $ 205.28 Estimated Review Hours Above Base Hours: 119 Hourly Fee: $ 17,243.10 Total Estimated Review Hours: 119 Total Fee Estimate: $ 17,445.38 (S) King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 December 7, 2004 Sara Slatten Shamrock Hif lands, LLC 9720 NE 120` Place, Suite 100 Kirkland, WA 98034 RE: Permit Fee Estimate Project: Final Plat of Shamrock 1 File No. L04FR074/ L02P0014 Dear Ms. Slatten: Beginning January 2, 2004, our office implemented a new program for managing certain types of permit applications to provide customers with an enhanced level of customer service. The Project Manager Program seeks to provide customers with increased predictability for the permit process and better accountability from County review staff. For permit applications using the Project Manager Program, a project manager is assigned to the permit to facilitate communication with the applicant and provide a fee estimate to cover the anticipated scope of review. The project manager will also monitor and manage the permit application throughout the review process to ensure that review schedules remain in line with performance standards and the overall work hours are within the range of estimated fees for the project. Your application was received by our office on October 27, 2004. The enclosed information provides a summary of the fee estimate for the anticipated work disciplines and also discusses the submittal process and disclaimers which may affect the final permit fees. Once the attached estimated fee form is signed and submitted to our Department with a complete permit application, including payment of the estimated fee, your project will be assigned for further review. If you have any questions regarding the permit fees or other aspects of the review process, please contact Ray Florent via email 0y.florent(-a,metrokc.gov or by telephone at 206-296-6790. Sincerely, Pymon%. Florent, PLS, Project Manager Land Use Services Division Enclosure (9 King County Land Use Services Division Permit Fee Estimate Pre -app Estimate Number: L04FR074/ L02P0014 Date:12!0712004 Permit Title: Shamrock 1 Permit Type: Final Plat Based on permit information submitted by the applicant, the Department of Development and Environmental Services (DDES) has determined the amount of review fees for the subject application. The fees shown below do not include ancillary permit fees, recording fees, project -related mitigation fees, or other fees that are passed through to the applicant from other agencies or as part of the project's environmental review. Fixed. Fees: Counter Service Fee for Application Intake $205.28 Base Review (first 4 hours) Fire Flow and Access Other Fixed Fees Total Fixed Fees: 205.28 Estimate for Hourly Fees: (119 Hours x $144.90) 17,243.10 Total Permit Fee Estimate: $17,448.38 Note: The estimate for hourly fees stated above is based on the total estimated number of hours not to exceed 119 hours for the disciplines listed below, and is calculated using the department's hourly rate in effect at the time the work is performed. Based upon the financial disclosures found on page 2, the number of hours required may be modified. The total estimated hours reflect work performed by the following disciplines: Land Surveying Technical Review, Project Management, and Addressing. After receiving the fee estimate from DDES, the applicant has ninety (90) days to complete the application submittal. Please call 206-296-6797 to set up an appointment with the Permit Center to complete your application and payment. If the application is not received within ninety (90) days, the applicant may be required to obtain a new fee estimate or this activity may be cancelled. For further questions on this fee estimate or for other requirements about this permit application, please contact Ray Florent via email M.florent@Aetrokc.gov or by telephone at 206-296-6790. Raym d E. Florent, PLS, roject Manager Land Use Services Division Project Manager.dot 1126104 Page 1 King County Land Use Services Division Permit Fee Estimate Pre -app Estimate Number: L04FR0741 L02P0014 Date: 12/07/2004 Permit Title: Shamrock 1 Permit Type: Final Plat Estimated Maximum Hours: 119 A licant: Shamrock Highlands, LLC /Sara Slatten Total Fee:$17 445.38 The following disclaimers are attached and are part of the fee estimate for this pgrrnit. lb a licant is required to submit a signed copy of this form with e application and fee Dayment acknowledging that thea licant has read the disclaimers stated below. Disclaimer Applicants are responsible for all fixed fees, reported hours performed in reviewing submittal materials and processing, up to the fee estimate. Changes in the scope of the project review will result in a revised review fee estimate. Fee estimates are based on information submitted to DDES by the applicant prior to finalization of the permit application. In addition, estimates are determined by utilizing historical data gathered from projects of similar type, size, and scope. The fee estimate will be the maximum fee charged unless the scope of the project changes. Should fewer hours be required to complete the review, then the applicant may receive a refund for those hours. If items are identified that are not originally disclosed or identified later in the process, a new estimate may be required. Applicants will be responsible for any additional hours identified in a new estimate because of 1) Unknown or undisclosed site or project issues 2) Changes in the project 3) Incomplete information from applicant 4) Errors in applicant information or submittal 5) County code fee changes 6) Unanticipated critical area review or verification 7) More than one major set of redline correction comments and one minor set of redline correction comments Keeping review fees at or below the fee estimate will depend on the applicant's commitment to complete the process review. This commitment should include submitting materials which address all County codes, policies, previously approved conditions, and responding to the County's request for corrections or additional information in a timely manner, not to exceed 90 days. Acknowledged: Applicant/Owner Name (print) Applic Owner NQe (signature) Project Mianager.dot 1126/04 Id Dz' Date Page 2 (i) King County Departmerrt of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 December 7, 2004 Sara Slatten Shamrock Hiplands, LLC 9720 NE 120 Place, Suite 100 Kirkland, WA 98034 ltE: Permit Fee Estimate Project: Final Plat of Shamrock 1 File No. L04FR074/ L02P0014 Dear Ms. Slatten: Beginning January 2, 2004, our office implemented a new program for managing certain types of permit applications to provide customers with an enhanced level of customer service. The Project Manager Program seeks to provide customers with increased predictability for the permit process and better accountability from County review staff. For permit applications usiig the Project Manager Program, a project manager is assigned to the permit to facilitate communication with the applicant and provide a fee estimate to cover the anticipated scope of review. The project manager will also monitor and manage the permit application throughout the review process to ensure that review schedules remain in line with performance standards and the overall work hours are within the range of estimated fees for the prof ect. Your application was received by our office on October 27, 2004. The enclosed information provides a summary of the fee estimate for the anticipated work disciplines and also discusses the submittal process and disclaimers which may affect the final permit fees. Once the attached estimated fee form is signed and submitted to our Department with a complete permit application, including payment of the estimated fee, your project will be assigned for further review. If you have any questions regarding the permit fees or other aspects of the review process, please contact Ray Florent via email ray.florent etrokc,gav or by telephone at 206-296-6790. Sincerely, ka;�y2m'oti . Florent, PLS, Project Manager Land Use Services Division Enclosure (9 King County Land Use Services Division Permit Fee Estimate Pre -app Estimate Number: L04FR074/ L02P0014 Date:1210712004 Permit Title: Shamrock 1 Permit Type: Final Plat Based on permit information submitted by the applicant, the Department of Development and Environmental Services (DDES) has determined the amount of review fees for the subject application. The fees shown below do not include ancillary permit fees, recording fees, project -related mitigation fees, or other fees that are passed through to the applicant from other agencies or as part of the project's environmental review. Fixed Fees: Counter Service Fee for Application Intake Base Review (first 4 hours) Fire Flow and Access Other Fixed Fees Total Fixed Fees: Estimate for Hourly Fees: (119 Hours x $144.90) Total Permit Fee Estimate: $205.28 205.28 17,24-3.10 $17,448.38 Note: The estimate for Dourly fees stated above is based on the total estimated number of hours not to exceed 119 hours for the disciplines listed below, and is calculated using the department's hourly rate in effect at the time the work is performed. Based upon the financial disclosures found on page 2, the number of hours required may be modified. The total estimated hours reflect work performed by the following disciplines: Land Surveying Technical Review, Project Managemeni, andAddressing. After receiving the fee estimate from DDES, the applicant has ninety (90) days to complete the application submittal. Please call 206-296-6797 to set up an appointment with the Permit Center to complete your application and payment. If the application is not received within ninety (90) days, the applicant may be required to obtain a new fee estimate or this activity may be cancelled. For further questions on this tee estimate or for other requirements about this permit application, please contact Ray Florent via email ray.florent@metrokc.aoy or by telephone at 206-296-6790. Raym6fid E. Florent, PLS, roject Manager Land Use Services Division Project Managendot 1/26104 Page 1 Return Address KANTOR TAYLOR MCCARTHY & BRITZMAN N 1501 4TH AVE #1610 SEATTLE, WA 98101 ATTN JOE MCCARTHY ■ur■■■■arrraarrlar■•■r■arr■tar■■rr■ralarr■■ata■■■ralrrr■a■ra■r!r■aaaar■■■ Document Tide(s) (or transactions contained therein) 1 QCD 3 4nR Z. ppZ CU 1 4 ■■■s■NONE ■■■!a■■■aarrar■■e■■r■■a■arra■■■ar■■■■■rr■■■■ssarraar■r■■rr■r■Meal Reference Number(s) of Documents assigned or released (on Page of documents(s)) ry ■ra■■■a■gar■■■irate■a■r■■■■aa■■rr■w!rmammon r■!r■s■r!!rmom ■rr■aa■aa■laraaal Grantors) o.o a� 1 MORRIS EDELMAN TRUST 2 *"***RE-RECORD TO CORRECT TAX PARCEL NUMBER***** 3 4 ■r� Additional names on page of document � �arrr■■araa■rafaar■■■■a•ria■■■a■a■raN■raaaarraar■rrrrr■■■■■alrrra■sra!!!r1 Grantoes(s) Said document(s) were filed for record ' 1CAMWEST DEVELOPMENT INC 2 by Commonwealth Land Title as accommodation 3 only. It has not been examined as to proper 4 execution or as to its effect upon title. Additional names on page of document ■aa■ra■■raarar■■arlsr■■mars■arrrrsaarrrrra■ara!lrsraaaar■■aarrrlrr■■■!■ Legal descnpban (abbreviated i e lot, block, plat or section, township, range) NE 114 SE 114 SE 114 STIR 10-23-5 Additional legal is on pages 2 of document trammorals■rsarrr■sra■r■aaaaaar■r!r■ mown rr■■■■■ararraa■■a■■■■r■■r■rrr■■aa■ Assessor's Property Tax ParcellAccount Number 102305 9042 Additional parcels are on page of document a■sager■a■■aa■ra■■■rea■■tar■r■■r.■■■■■asr■arr■■a■■■■a■■■rw.■■■■aarrrrr■aa■ The Auditor/Recorder will rely on the information provided on the form The staff will not read the document to verify the accuracy or completeness of the indexing information provided herein ■arare■■■rrWEN raar■■arar■■carr■arilarra■rias■■rrrrrr■■arrrlmom ■■■■■r■■■rrl Washington $tate County Auditor/Recorder's Indexing Form (Cover Sheet) E1885096 05/13/2002 12,26 TA COlJ�fTY, tlq 120.00 P406 Be, of eel V: g kI is W14EN RECORDED MAIL TO Ki CQUN IHR Kantor Taylor McCarthy & Sntzmanri, E1884505 1501 4th Avenue, Suite 1610 �/iA/10rl Seattle, WA 98141-1662 jqx Atte Joe McCarthy SRLi PAGE Olt OF 002 QUIT CLAIM DEED Grantor. The Morris Edelman Trust, Grantee: CamWest Development, Inc Legal Description: Ptn SE 1/4, SE 1/4, Sec 10, T 23N, R 5E I Tax Account Number., P�" 06 9qq1 305 -� D Related Documents: None The Morns Edelman Trust, for and in consideration of Ten Dollars and other good and valuable constderation in hand paid, hereby convey and quitclaim to CamWest Development, Inc, a Washington corporation, all of its nght, title and interest in the fallowing described real property, situated in Kwg County, Washington " The North 16 feet of the South Half of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 10, Townslup 23 North, Range 5 East, W M DATED the 1 `1�'� day of ' � , 2042 0 The Monis Edelman Trust q0 cclyec+ N By Wells Fargo Bank, N A, Trustee - kxBY Name' nM Its BY " FILED FOR RECORD AT THE Name fivinqk%delman, Trustee REOUEST OF TRANSNATION TITLE INSIJRANCE CO AS A MISCELLANEOUS By A4�� L _ ACCOMMODATION ONLY Name Herbert Grainger, Trustee Nage 1 of 3 Qwt Claim .Deed (continued) STATE OF CALIFORNIA j COUNTY OF `ZWFMAC ca � ss On f'j, -� 6 2002 personally appeared �_ Si rar vwA►✓ a jok, "f w#,b proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to the person whose name is subscribed to the wtthm instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she executed the sauna in: his/her authorized capacity, and that by his/her signature on the instrument, the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument TEMY WU Comissw # 13Q'5VI Notary Pulwc- Cammal Sae Franpaco Cao* owcon" J-2Z,2M STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) 83 COUNTY OFWM*C> eca Signaave of - �EJ W L} Print Name NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Cahforma My commission expues Jo �. 34)uS On AA / , 2002 personally appeared Irving E Edelman, proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to the person whose name is subscnbed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/ahsr executed the same :n his/lu= authorized capacity, and that by his/}sir stature on the instrument, the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument QmTt:onYm1 coftman s 13OW1 = Notary Mglc- COU1mrna Sae Franaar� county A►yC,— Enxmjuna.2M 3ygnuture of Na ��Ai W V print Name NOTARY PUBLIC m and for the State of Cahforma My commussron expires �kusF a� . Sao 5 Page 2 of 3 Quit Claim Deed (continued) STATE OF CALIFORNIA I �) sa COUNT)(0 � ) lt On , 2002 personally appeared Herbert Grainger, proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to the person whose name is subscribed to the wathm instrument and acknowledged to me that he/fW executed the same in his/IpT authorized capacity, and that by tua/ Kr signature on the mstrupaot�, the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed theinstrument f1 1 no No Print tar Pnnt NaNa fme \� NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of My commission expires 10 -CA In Page 3 of 3 STATE OF WASHINGTON} County of 1400 F The D"Ctor or Records & Etections, King Counr r. state cr Washlrigtor end exofBpo Recorder of Peed6'and other k trurnents,doherebycertifytheforegoingcopyhasbeen Compared With the original mstrvrnent as the same appears on f4B and of record in the office, and thFthis-day ams rs true end perfect transcript of Bard original anhe.hote the,.I Witness my hand and a I Be of . _ t /C, WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO JOSEPH P MCCARTHY KANTOR TAYLOR MCCARTHY P C 15014TH AVENUE, SUITE I610 SEATTLE, WA 98101-1662 2004042300.060 PAGE601KOF 802� �20 00 04/13/2004 12 48 KIN COUNTY, WA QUIT CLAIM PEED Grantor: DEBORAH J CHARLES Grantee: SHAMROCK HIGHLANDS, LLC Legal Description: Ptn SE 114, SE 114, Sec 10, T 23N, R 5E Tax Account No.: i OZ- 30 5 9 o '+-2- Related Documents: None DEBORAH J CHARLES, an individual, for and in consideration of Ten Dollars ($10 00) and other good and valuable consideration in hand paid, hereby convey and quitclaim to SHAMROCK HIGHLANDS, LLC, a Washington limited liability company, all of her right, title and interest in the following described real property, situated in King County, Washington The North 16 feet of the East 50 feet of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 10, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, Willamette Mendlan QUITCLAIM DEED (The remainder of this page is left blank intentionally) E2033198 04/23/2004 12.48 KING COUNTY WR Silea 80 ALE SS.006 00 PAGE0Q1 of eat GR4NMR's SIGNATURE PAG$ mR Qvzr CLAIM DEED DATED 4Gze STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss COUNTY OF ) 2- / '-1 ••t !y�- I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that DEBORAH J CHARLES is the person who appeared before me and said person acknowledged that she signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be her free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument DATED G�G j%%%11 III S Cx U iii til V� VOA �'fo . 2005 a: �WASN;:a' Pint Name lzdOW.S Residing at AC12M/ My appointment expires 41-e27z9.5 QUITCLAIM DEED SIGNATURE PAGE WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO Kantor Taylor McCarthy & Britzmann, P C 1501 4th Avenue, Suite 1610 Seattle, WA 98101-1662 Attn Joe McCarthy 20030213002662 CAMLEST GCO 20 00 QT3IT CLAIM DEED Grantor. CamWest Development, Inc, Grantee: Shamrock Highlands, LLC Legal Description: Ptn SE 1/4, SE 1/4, Sec. 10, T 23N, R SE Tax Account Number. I oZ 305 ^ �py Related Documents: None CamWest Development, Inc, for and in consideration of Ten Dollars and other good and valuable consideration in hand paid, hereby conveys and quitclaims to Shamrock Highlands, LLC; a Washington lunited liability company, all of its right, title and interest in the following described real property, situated in King County, Washington The North 16 feet of the South Half of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 10, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W M DATED the 90 day of January, 2003 CamWest Development, Inc a Washington Corporation By C�J"AZ Naive E c Campo l Its President E1939049 02/13/2003 W S6 KING SPLE TAX COL7NTY , WA 2 00 Page 1 of 2 PAGE 001 OF 001 Quit Claan Deed (continued) STATE OF WASHINGTON j ss COUN'T'Y OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Eric Campbell is the person who appeared before me and said person acknowledged that he/she signed this instrument, on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the President of Cam_West Development. Inc to be the free and votuntary act such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument 10 55104 • !� fir APA mow: 2005 �-k r�.2 • •oFw�sw�'•'�V� — S��L� 'A X., �- SYgnature of No Print Nameh NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington Residing at _ Ee.�_ N , W f� My commission expires -4 !�Z7-D5 Page 2 of 2 SHAMROCK HEIGHTS 1 POR SE 114 AND NE 114 OF THE SE 114, SECTION 10, TWP. 23N., RGE 5E., W.M. KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON FOUND 3 BRASS VIK W 4_Xa_ COI, CRFTF MCNUMEMT 0.3' AROVE GRADE (11-18-00) ._7 FOUND MDNUMENI 1.5 BRASS 0.50 IN CONCREIE IN CASE (II -16 -OD) N86'79'59'w _.._._. _. t._ _ _ _ _._.._,_ _ _ _._.._._ _ . 132d.61' TRACT TRACTa -IT 57,142 -.11 1.11 TRACT D 1.C7C D.D2 TRACT C 20,070 0.16 TRACT F TRACT C TRACT R 1.633 5.492 211.660 0.09 0.36 ! m TRACT W 4.69 n TRACT I 990 D.02 TRACT J 1.121 0.03 I "' TRACT N TRACT L 2.516 '0"06 0.% 52 TRF 0 TRACT T 50 MACE n 2,a o.o6 TRACT O TRACT s 1,521 1,813 0,04 oo4 TRACT T 57,D28 31 TRACT W 7,661 O.o6 �o TRACT x TRACT Y 6,966 7,504 o.16 017 TRACT W DETAL SECTION IQ, TWP_ 23N., RCE 5E., V4 A' SECTION BREAKOOYYN 2649.21' SE 120TH STREET ____. _. _, __ __ 11 1324.6Q - FOUND TACK IN LEAD DISI, IN CONCRETE p, MONUMENI IN CASE DCWN 15' hi S 1,3E N 51/2, N 1/2. w' 'I, HE 1/4. SE 1/4 LINE OF 100 YEAR FLOODPLAIN NOT TO SCALE TRACT H 527 ' '75- 3 1. SEE NOTE 7, SHEET 2 AND NOTE +. SHEET 3 r RAOT NEST LNE OFOF i �T THE HE 1/4 s E THE SE 1/4 - --- _.._. UNPLA77E0 TRF TAX LOT 1023059106 TRACT T 50 SEE PLAT NOTE 19, SHEET 2 TRACT M 30.D1' 5 4. 7 TRACT IN TRACT L 704 705 106 ( 118 �' I TRACT K r, • ° ' TRACT 0 10,1 107 8 ne6`2o 16 TRACT J-7 107 108 L NOT TO SCALE TRACT W 527 ' '75- 3 SEE DETAIL _` :4k C N89'46J W NON -BUILDABLE AREA s E "-'- - --- _.._. _ _ _ _. _.._.___ _ _._.._. _.... _ _. _._._. SEE NOTE 19, _. ___ SHEET 2 TRACT T 50 c.or W4 47 S ME HE 1 /4 BE I/4 TRACT X I W ONE N 1/2, NE 1/4. BE 1/4, SE 1/4 TRACT F ul + N N68'20.42' p N LIME S 1/2, NW Ifi, CINE IABCE -"+� SE 1/4, BE 1/4 J4' LINE ICNGTH RCMING I �, q. L56 58.D7' 1,17`02'42"A ^ j8 L57 SMm, HEIM5rE SCALE: V= 200' L58 13455' 920'39'+6'A' €^ : m L52 37.73 N06'27'a/W 0 tEq 2p0 430 ACT L60 13.06' NB9'4fi'43'w LET 65,36' N27.3B45'W L62 21.37 M65'29'1o'C -_--- ----'-'- --- SD W .4 L63 L73 1D.63' 14.04' N24'3050"W N6419'41'E ' L74 3615' N25'40'19'W BA515 CIF 9EARINC '.i _ �� L75 2867' N6913'05'W HELD BEARING OF N86'21'D7'W L76 L77 iam' 53.23' N'3'29'26'E N+0'50'14 -A ALONG THE BOLIIN LINE OT THE SOUTHEAST WARTCR SEC. 10, TWP. 21N RGE SE WM - - r TRACT EI SE MTN OL 5 ME N 16', TRACT Y 51/2, HE 1/4. SE 1/4, SE 1/4 TRACT S E LINE NW 1/4, TRACT 0 SE 1/4. SE 1/4 W HE. NW 1/4, 1/4 SE 1/4 L76 65.61' .89'48 41"W `-� L]9 1D1,22' n00'l5'26'E I' CURVE TABLE N�O�TAL DAVM - HAD 63/91 'IjLFNOT4 AOlu6 DELTA (KING COUNTY} ' C7a 55,59' .9R.50' p -64'79401 075 MAT' 49.50' p -67,17'29" 'i G76 62.06 68.00 p -6849 ]B 15 10 1327.23' 1 _---------- .__ 1321.29' Tp 5 N88'27 07"W - --' --' - _ FOUND NORTH OV4FLTEP CONKER 15-23-5 A - _- 2642 56 � -'� `�_-' -'' `- --- - -- RUNLN MARK N 3' SRA55 SVREALE FWND PUNCH A. IN 1' BRASS 15 14 MOHUMLNI (w/v/mJ SE, 128TH STREET SLRfACE MONUMENT (11-tE-ma N. 507779..4 E. Ifi6S94676 N:, 50770494 C: 1668469.60 LEGEND C FWND WARTER CORNER AS NOTED 4 t71tal1smA�nF s.Yr L�j}�� FWND SECTION I-- A5 .."D ` 4259 NA 460Nb9]] (,�. ••. TRIAD.b4 ,.4,N 425.82,.6446 0• [� N LINE S t/2. N 1/2. E I/2. SE 1/4 42x021.346'hx ® 5 ONE N t 2. 5 1/2. N 1 f �L 1 BOO.a68.01561aF 6,.a a' / /2. E 1/2. SE 1 4 wxrv.Wadum.nom S ONE N 1/2, N 1/2, 5 1/2, N If2, E 1/2, BE 1/4 44.. D.D.E.S. FILE NO. L02P0014 Q ry i9L'irCC 3soL LoC LOON L V999 N / 3,uL U IXON 408'L L2 L C09,929Z 0 0 r NCDmQDmNQCDNn(D��.-- cncDf� �O0nmO000000nOrr roaoo4a Q 0-0006.-000 CD 4t-- - NCO �O6aOLd m 0dq: 00L}Opr-,: ML? u7�Nh'7.-N r-�N�rNLr)CDf_ mowLL.0=-may-imzOm �- 3::x>- UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< �- -F- F- �-F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F- F-r- FORMAL PLAT RECORDING FEES PER MARY TRUJILL0, OCTOBER 4TH, 1997 ($1 PER LOT+$1 PER TRACTII DIVIDED BY 2 +$1 PER ACKNOWLEDGMENT ` +$1 PER ADDITIONAL OWNERS (ONE OWNER INCLUDED, i.e. HUSBAND & WIFE) +$1 PER LEGAL DESCRIPTION 4�URCHARGE 4-C $TOTAL $XMINIMTJM RECORDING FEE, 40 LOTS OR LESS $ 5-- F - Iq_ 2"'"- ( �-7 t 4-6 t� Dept. of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98055-1219 DATE: October 14, 2005 TO: Financial Guarantee Management Unit RE: Project Name: Plat of Shamrock Project No.: L02P0014 Inspection Activity No.: L04SI124 After a review of the Bond Quantity Worksheet (BQW) and an inspection of the project, the Land Use Inspection Section authorizes the reduction of the following Performance Financial Guarantee: Financial Guarantee Activity Number: 1. Original TOTAL performance amount (Line T on BQW): $,2,248,741 2. Total of Improvements NOT completed (Line T — Line E on .BQW): $ 647,404 3. 30% of Line 1 above (Line T on BQW): $ 674,622 4. REQUIRED Guarantee Amount (Higher of Line 2 or 3) Comments: 1 /9 �3 Inspector's signature and date Financial Guarantee Compliance Engineer Initials an Date $ 674,622 NOTE: Only one reduction inspection is authorized. The financial guarantee will not be reduced below 30% of the original amount. Original: FGMU Copy l : Inspectorr Copy 2: SF Engineer CV410mg Engineer (if not recorded) SIFORMS/CURRENTFORMSI.FG Redac1ion.doc,'05J2 t/0 , M d m V) m c 0 E c 0 c ill c E CL 4 +, � to Ct S N w 0 010 LO C (/} C 7 cm Wa c 0 0 0 Y 0 C 00 c Y rn 0 nQ 4 _ N CDJ co Q 0 Q m E o 4 z o m J �O IL 0 O p N N Q N N cN co O r Q O r n> 0 U Q L ^+ Q W Lifi w a m c`0 O 0 Q 0 u� O G} � E cr :3 Z y' N C C T E o m � t� ti rn � C Vj N O N r - U w CL 0 O p N N Q N N cN co O r Q O r n> 0 U Q L ^+ Q W Lifi tn co Nt LO QD m m m (D (D P- m m It <0 LO co "() 0 ul) co 1,31 I"Icol I � ILln 1"3, � I I I "- �I, 1'�' ol 1"d IONI0 0 CD Gm © MGAMZ;amo Immomm (n (a U) 7: T uj ui ui ul LIJ LI- LL N ko co 0 OD Go 03 LO CO 0 0 0 0 (D � 00 (n Lo Lo 0 M 0 Lo M M LO "It Lo r— 'R": (5 o o (o r-- CO 0 M (D M 0) LO 0 .1. F - Ln r-- LO CO r 0 N 0 0 (0 0 Ol 0) 4 M' cri r-* m 0 w r- r- o o) o (D 00 r N M ED NT (D 0 0 0 69 tf3 69 Q0 GO U) V9 to 69 co (A c� da s9 bg s4 Ni vi 69 Gq 64 6-r bg 6g GR Gg) > S.r (a (j9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (D CD. C -i N N C\, N N IT �T U) LD Lo' N N N Lo U) m U') LO LO LO LO L6 U) LO U) U) U) LO LO U) 0 C U) C, 0 0 ga IN N U.) C) 0 NI CD 04 3 00 N r 0 O fN oj�6 L 'EO G) E a) 0 M1: 06 L6 Q 1 p (1) (1) (D -Q C3- 0 Z, > Qpp W LO 0 4) un LO V) ja -0 LO T x ID Ew CL Q> U) CL -N o Lf> O "o 0 L 0 3: D 2 2 E 7.1 CD ;o E D- = 0 0 a_ m co FL 0 r_ a- a- 0- E -r- CL > 0 0 C) C) E CL Lu uj !C2L 0 o o CL C, ui CL ;t u M E E E 0 0 Q- M 2L E -5 L E E E> E li li L) .5Ct -8 to 2a, -0 m 80 V:31 — -�e 0 > - - su 0) 2 - ED 6) 6 g) 'a U) i! " Lw) TV M i7 to uj LU m ja-, 0 0 1). X Lu 4) LL d) LL E CL E �L IE (D 0 (1) U) 0 0) 1-- ga IN N U.) C) 0 NI CD 04 3 00 N r 0 O fN oj�6 'EO G) CD a) 0 M1: 06 L6 Q 1 p (1) (1) (D -Q C3- Z, > Qpp W ga NI CD 0 CD %u m O L17 O N C) o 4 O co O 0 w O 03 C) O t? N 00 co N O O O � h Qi -q } co ro O tp h >- Ll 6l Ln >- >- >->- WD u u � �' } LL LL !~ r M m 45 C] U) ..3 m J U U C) d' w U} U] w w En ❑ ¢ y 1C7 U) U) N w M N N LL U tL c1 N M SO N O fO lf? tr r N m M N aL[O M 2 IO h o LO L17 l`7 4i O Ln. V 0� P o SO 00 OR 7 O lT 6J a Lo M Lfi tp D N N r P N cq t%7 rl_ eMt n N� N O N h in m n DO DD 07 N 00 � n ti N N N m L!) M M m h LA 00 ai L[5 Hi 64 Vi 64 4R 4R 44 69 ui 64 69 64 64 64 64 h 49 co to co 41) 4p 69 b to G4 60 G% 4.4 N t7 O tQ O 4 Iti tX? w O N M N Lt7 c (O 7 N N N N 0 N M N r E x l6 > y 0 O u fry -- N E m E m c N N V E E 71 o O O 4 N Q} O 6 7 L U7 b N N m Im CV = ii V W it w w O L6 N m L C04)000 co y G m C CC a ` L •y �y L rC N m O O O O CO N N O O `6 A t y� U CD r -I M cq N Sn N tV C y O C V O 4 � Y C Y C S N _ N N d r O V r 10 l4 11 CL m C Y CO UU Q1 N m N m Ln 3 O V u � V E E m a a m Lo N P CO m a m l!7 a m m° C o O O y 3 h .E R .c 1➢ }' L6 m L7 a 9 m L O O CL N U C LIY E M L V LV N N o0 S6 C Q r C t It ■■8 OD C) N } LL LL u LL >- >- >- i >- >- >->- u u � �' } LL LL C3 V U] UU C] J ..3 J U U U) w U} U] w w En ❑ ¢ y V1 U) U) U) w LL U tL N M SO LA O fO lf? tr r N m M N 0 M 2 LO L17 l`7 4i O Ln. V 0� Lt} V 00 OR 7 O lT 6J N Lo M Lfi tp D 'eT oD l'tl N rl_ eMt n N O N h in m n DO DD 07 00 ti N N N m L!) 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OC ° N = Do �0 T N E `6 E c w — tMn mu7i o = EDW U) @ 0F - a p r` a E 0 .+ N O w Z C U G G w h ':3 0 ❑ S6 N CO t L a ¢ z y a ti O Q o 0 U m O N -.�- S {� (a w y U y m tr F- Y FL- CJ C a 0 W.W W z z z } N N LO b O O O N N N N co N � co O Q � O a.> ❑ C V1 O Qi Q U (D Q C Qj - J N Q _ O LL ;O cu (D C - li c M J_- N lU C 0-0 ❑ rn + O [r] 4 N c p + U E ID Lo E Gi > O 47 N E o E Q o o �� E >, E 4 _0 > U! O` O Q E ft5 ?S6 C 7 7 LYLu S 4M .v Q ['j O N U 0. E A i > U N W LL Q U i— rl O m GT 45 U C m c (D �i m E fB U H C 4 y c� r) i1J N L ❑ f6 V + EU ro m .y m � O O L � ro +b o 3 E Ys > � E 8 E `o o E . P yf4 C c a -cs cr o rn U Q E m 3 a o Y M E oM CU a m o c x o N D `O N fo 4 y u $ Z C U C C: 0. w E C m m C N N m O 2C E 0, d 2; -2 cg rU E c m rn-, $ ~E 15E MC -OC oo w c °� E > yE CD pc' CM Q U � C � - y ,g C 6? OC ° N = Do �0 T N E `6 E c w — tMn mu7i o = EDW U) @ 0F - a p r` a E 0 .+ N O w Z C U G G w h ':3 0 ❑ S6 N CO t L a ¢ z y a ti O Q o 0 U m O N -.�- S {� (a w y U y m tr F- Y FL- CJ C a 0 W.W W z z z } N N LO b O O O N N N N co N � co O Q � O a.> ❑ C V1 O Qi Q U (D Q C soc VanPatten, Steve From: Sent: To: Cc: Graves, Stacy Wednesday, November 16, 2005 7:21 AM 'Sara Slatten' VanPatten, Steve Subject: RE: Shamrock Property: Impact Fees Credits Good morning Sara and Steve, Page 1 of 7 This is to confirm that we have received all required financial guarantees and fees for recording the plat of Shamrock. Thanks, Stacy -----Original Message ----- From: Sara Slatten [mailto:sslatten@camwest.com] Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2005 10:16 AM To: Graves, Stacy Cc: VanPatten, Steve Subject: RE: Shamrock Property: Impact Fees Credits Hi Stacy, I wanted to confirm for us and for Steve VanPatten that we're paid up for fees and all needed bonds/assignments are in place for Shamrock. Can you please confirm? Thanks, Sa ra -----Original Message ----- From: Graves, Stacy [mai [to:Stacy. Graves@METROKC.GOV] Sent: Monday, October 31, 2005 9:43 AM To: Sara Slatten; VanPatten, Steve Subject: RE: Shamrock Property: Impact Fees Credits No, just need the bonds and the fee amount 1 quoted below. No extra fees for the bonds. Thanks -----Original Message ----- From: Sara Slatten [mailto:ss[atten@camwest.com] Sent: Monday, October 31, 2005 9:40 AM To: Graves, Stacy; VanPatten, Steve Subject: RE: Shamrock Property: Impact Fees Credits Thanks Stacy, When we submit the bonds will we be paying additional fees for them as well? If so, I don't need to know the amount but just want to bring a separate check to cover it. Sara -----Original Message ----- From: Graves, Stacy[mailto., Stacy. Graves @METROKC.GOV] Sent: Monday, October 31, 2005 9:25 AM To: VanPatten, Steve Cc: Sara Slatten Subject: RE: Shamrock Property: Impact Fees Credits Morning Sara, here is a pdf copy of the summary of charge for L04FR074. Amound due for recording is $266,402.61. Thanks, Stacy -----Original Message ----- 11/16/2005 SOC VanPatten, Steve ....... ................. From: Graves, Stacy Sent: Monday, October 31, 2005 1:33 PM To: VanPatten, Steve Subject: L02P0014 Shamrock Hey Steve, fyi, I have reed all required fgs and fees to record, they are good to go, thanks!! 10/31/2005 Page 1 of 1 March 24, 2005 Steve Van Patten, PLS Platting Review Engineer King County DDES Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW Renton, Washington 98055-1219 RE: Shamrock Heights I Final Plat DDES File No. L02P0014 / Activity No. L04FR074 Triad Job No. 01-159 Dear Steve: 42 5.8 21.8448 Enclosed for your review are two sets of our revised Final Plat of Shamrock Heights I, your original red -lines, and your comment checklist dated February 25, 2005, and our revised closure calculations. The Applicant is still working on updating the Title Report for this final plat and on the Homeowners Association (HOA) documents and set-up. These materials will follow as they become available. This revised Final Plat reflects all drawing revisions requested to date with the following exceptions as explained below (page numbers reference your letter, not the final plat): Page 2 .Items 10 b) and c) — We anticipate that the additional names on the current title report will be removed in the update. Page 4 Item 11 r) — To this we also added an access note for the HOA to Tract H. Item 11 g) — Note the revision. We also understand that the City of Renton may require separate easement documents for the public sewer improvements outside public ROW in this plat. Item 13 b) Tract K has been reduced is size reflecting a revision to the approved engineering plans for the project. That portion of Tract K that has been eliminated is now part of and used to recharge the wetland in Tract L. The remaining portion of Tract K is for conveyance of stormwater to the system in 445"' Avenue NE. Land Development Consultants Page Two Steve Van Patten, PLS King County DDES March 24, 2005 Items 13 c) and d) These Tracts, as depicted on the approved engineering plans, are as directed by Laura Casey. The first sedimentation pond is to be a public facility, while the second detention/water quality pond is to be part of the larger storm drainage and wetland restoration system which is to remain privately owned and maintained. While unusual, this set-up is part of the Low -Impact Development demonstration aspect of this project as endorsed by the County. Item 13 h) — The Hearing Examiner required that Tracts A and C be included in the adjoining ROW (see H.E. Condition 10. K. — "Tracts A and C shall be included within the Right -of -Way" ---� The depiction of these tracts on the preliminary plat pre -dated this condition and that on the engineering plans is incorrect. Page 5 Item 14 a) — ROW widths have been modified to accommodate a change from vertical curb to rolled curb in much of the plat. The ROW width for those portions of the road system noted in this comment is not 31 feet. Item 14 b) — PIease see the comment above regarding Items 13 c) and d). dA Item 15 e) -- Please refer to H.E. Condition 10. K. Item 16 b) --- Please see the comment above regarding Items 13 c) and d). ok Item 17 h) --Please refer to H.E. Condition 10. K. Page 6 Item 18 g) — As the Renton plat (Shamrock Heights II) will record first, we reference that plat instead of a separate easement. Please contact me or Nick Yinger with any questions you may have in reviewing these revisions. Sincerely, TRIAD A SOCIATES Geral ck enior Vice resident GFB/cya enclosures cc: Sara Slatten, CamWest Real Estate Development OF soc Page 1 of 4 VanPatten, Steve From: VanPatten, Steve Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2005 2:28 PM To: 'Sara Slatten' Subject: RE: Shamrock Property: Impact Fees Credits Sara, Thanks for the detailed explanation. However your number 5) below appears to be in conflict with the figures provided by Jeff Lee below, If I am reading it correctly, Jeff seems to be granting 17 exemptions including the 5 SF homes -- rather then 12 total per your comment? Please verify. If you want, I will run the revised impact fee notes for the plat by you before sending them to Triad - let me know. Note that the actual lot count for the SF homes in the plat note will only be 4 -- not 5 because one is existing. If you want we can modify the standard notes so that Lot 118 is mentioned, however the standard notes normally do not exempt out the lot with the existing home. (Since no building permits will be applied for lot 118, no fees will be collected.) Note that you will need to pick which lots will receive the exemptions. The exemptions to the school fees will be for 4 lots which must be identified and the same lots must also be exempted for the MPS fees. You will need to make sure that you don't pick lots that you have applied for model homes on. Again we can probably modify the standard notes to mention the model lots, but we would normally not mention the them since no building permits will be applied for them after plat recording. Please identify which 16 (12+4) [or 11? (7+4) -- per your comment 5 below] lots to receive the exemption from the MPS fees and which 4 lots to receive exemption from the school impact fees. Also please provide documentation of payment of impact fees for the models and which lots the models are on. --thanks --Original Message ----- From: Sara Slatten [mailto:sslatten@camwest.com] Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2005 11:32 AM To: VanPatten, Steve Cc: Florent, Ray Subject: RE: Shamrock Property: Impact Fees Credits Steve, Here are clarifications to your questions below. Also, the first attachment is a map of the plat showing the pre-existing & existing structures to better explain what was and is out there. 1) The existing home contained within lot 118 will be retained by the owner, George Palanchuk, is the only original structure that remains on site. I will look into the sewer.& water connection issue that you raised & get back to you. 2) The credits for the 5 homes accounts for Palanchuk's retained home on lot 118. 3) Attached are demo permits for structures on 5 parcels. Each permit was for structures located on separate tax parcels and each had their own addresses. Only 4 homes were demolished. There were four single family homes that were not counted as duplex or mother in law units. The 5th permit was for a garage structure that was associated with the Palanchuk property and contained on the portion we purchased (outside of his retained lot 118). ( see map ) 10/27/2005 SOC Page 2 of 4 4) 1 have been told that the demo permits have been signed off. If there's something additional that you need for verification, please let me know and I will look into it. 5) The 12 trip credit Jeff Lee approved was an equation that combined 5 SF homes and 7 trips associated w/ the nursery business. Please continue to shoot me questions on anything and I'll do my best to promptly respond. Thanks, Sara -----Original Message ----- From: VanPatten, Steve[mai Ito: Steve.Van Patten@ M ETROKC. GOV] Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2005 8:11 AM To: Sara Slatten Cc: Florent, Ray Subject: RE: Shamrock Property: Impact Fees Credits Sara, I acknowledge the credits for the 12 trips approved by Jeff. However, I need to make sure that the 5 credits for the existing residences is correct since they will also count toward an exemption from the school fees. The exemption for the existing residences must be the same (5 units?) for both types of impact fees. Since this site was a nursery, it is not clear that all 5 units were separate single family residential units. Mother in law residences do not count as a separate unit. Also it looks like one residence is remaining on the plat? Please submit documentation supporting that 1) each unit had a separate address, 2) was on a separate tax lot, and 3) was demolished. Also if there will be an existing residence remaining on the site (see lot 118) then I will need documentation that the house has been dis-connected from septic and well water -- and that all wells and septic systems have properly abandoned. Please refer to issue 3 of RED -1 dated February 25, 2005. —thanks ----Original Message ----- From: Sara Slatten [mai Ito: sslatten@camwest.com] Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2005 7:21 PM To: VanPatten, Steve Cc: Lee, Jeff; Claussen, Kimberly; Lance Wiley Subject: FW: Shamrock Property: Impact Fees Credits Steve, Below is an email from last year from Jeff Lee, King County Roads, which confirmed agreement with our traffic impact fee credit methodology broken down as follows: 5 pre-existing homes on Shamrock (prior to demolition) 12 impact fee credits based on the commercial nursery use totaling 17 credits towards 17 homes/lots for Traffic Impact Fees 5 pre-existing homes, totaling 5 school impact fee credits. I hope this makes sense. if not, feel free to call me tomorrow morning. Thanks, Sara Slatten 10/27/2005 SOC -----Original Message ----- From: Lee, Jeff [mailto:Jeff.Lee@METROKC.GOV] Sent: Monday, March 22, 2004 4:30 PM To: Sara Slatten; 'haynie@tenw.com'; Claussen, Kimberly Cc: Warren, Richard Subject: FW: Shamrock Property: Traffic Impact Fees Sara, Page 3 of 4 We have looked into your request for a trip credit towards your MPS fee and agree that the development should receive a credit for the demolition of the previous existing uses. To remain consistent with prior applications, we re -calculated the credit for a Single -Family unit (ITE 210) based on its rate, rather than equation. This brings the total trip credit to 17 trips. Land Use Units Per Trips Single Family 5 D.U. 5 Nursery 25 Employees 12 Total 17 Since the ITE rate basically translates 1 SF unit to 1 P.M. peak hour trip, the Shamrock Property will receive a 17 Single -Family unit credit towards their MPS fee. If you have questions, please contact me at (206) 263-4759. Jeff -----Original Message ----- From: Sara Slatten ImaiIto: sslatten@camwest.com] Sent: Friday, March 19, 2004 11:04 AM To: richard.warren@metrokc.gov Cc: haynie@tenw.com Subject: RE: Shamrock Property: Traffic Impact Fees Richard, Attached is the memo again which now includes the referenced attachment A. Thanks, Sara <<Shamrock Property Memo 3-18-04.pdf» > -----Original Message----- > From: Sara Slatten > Sent: Friday, March 19, 2004 10:44 AM > To: 'richard.warren@metrokc.gov' > Cc: 'Jeff Haynie' > Subject: Shamrock Property: Traffic Impact Fees 7 > Richard, > CamWest is currently in preliminary plat review on the Shamrock Property, located NW of 148th Ave SE & NE 4th Street on the East Renton plateau. This plat is for 118 single-family lots and Kim Claussen is planning to issue our SEPA determination late next week. I met with Kim earlier this week and discussed our proposal to receive traffic impact fee credit as the site was previously used for 10/27/2005 SOC 10/27/2005 Page 4 of 4 a commercial nursery business and it contained five single-family homes. Attached is a memo from our traffic consultant Jeff Haynie, TENW, outlining our proposal. This proposal is similar to one you approved for our Sweetbriar Nursery project back in 2000. Kim asked that l forward this to you for review. I will mail a hard copy out to you in today's mail. If you have any questions about this could you please follow up with either Jeff or myself in the upcoming weeks. > Thanks, > Sara Slatten > Cam West Development > (425) 825-1955; phone > (425) 825-1565; fax > www.camwest.com > > « File; Shamrock Property Memo 3-18-04.pdf >> soc Page 1 of 2 r VanPatten, Steve From: Florent, Ray Sent: Thursday, October 27, 2045 11:14 AM To: Van Patten, Steve Subject: FW: Note language for Shamrock Heights FYI Raymond E. Florent, PLS DDES Chief Land Surveyor/Engineer 1V Land Use Services Division Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 (206) 296-6790 Fax (206) 296-6613 -----Original Message ----- From: BOB JOHNS Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2005 8:59 AM To: Florent, Ray Cc: Newell, Cass; Miles, Joe Subject: RE: Note language for Shamrock Heights That works fine for me. I will have Sara's folks put it on the mylars exactly that way. Bob Johns Johns Monroe Mitsunaga PLLC 1500 114th SE, Suite 102 Bellevue, WA 98004 425-467-9960 (direct phone) 425-451-2818 (fax) johns@jmmlaw.com -----Original Message ----- From: Florent, Ray[mailto: Ray. Flo rent@ M ETROKC.GOV] Sent: Monday, October 17, 2005 6:56 PM To: Bob Johns Cc: Newell, Cass, Miles, Joe Subject: RE: Note language for Shamrock Heights Bob, Does this revision work for you? Tract X is a non -buildable area which will be conveyed by the Declarant to either the owner of tax lot 1023059042 or retained as open space. Tract X is not and shall not be considered as a separate building lot and may be developed in the future only if it is consolidated into one or more adjoining legal lots in accordance with applicable King County land use regulations. Thanks, Ray Raymond E. Florent, PLS DOES Chief Land Surveyorl Engineer 1V 10/27/2005 soc Page 2 of 2 Land Use Services Division Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 (206) 296-6790 Fax (206) 296-6613 10/27/2005 -----Original Message ----- From: BOB JOHNS Sent: Monday, October 17, 2005 5:31 PM To: Florent, Ray Subject: FW: Note language for Shamrock Heights Ray: My proposed note for the face of the Shamrock Heights Plat: Tract X is a non -buildable area which will be conveyed by the Declarant to either the owner of tax lot 1023059042 or retained as open space. Tract X is not and shall not be considered as a separate building lot and may be developed in the future only if it is consolidated with sufficient adjoining property and subdivided in accordance with applicable King County land use regulations. PS - I discovered I don't have Cass' email address so could you forward this to her as well. Thanks, Bob Johns Johns Monroe Mitsunaga PLLC 9500 114th SE, Suite 102 Bellevue, WA 98004 425-467-9960 (direct phone) 425-451-2818 (fax) johns@jmmlaw.com Return Address: `CMI z -Vlt-, Cu • OCP - ilaklc icy ^ cerci a�hC`m lAt Wit a 0-1 pcilN V-Vj Q'LEdT 0 A 11 11111111111111111111111111 ( 51123001366 PAGE 101 OF 602 2 /21865 KING CCU WA vi.....,,;.,r�rr.,,.�„n,t.,..r�,..�7VAC�I'Yl��'{'�1N �TATF RF.f'f7RilFR}C Cnvnr Chao+ loru,cennt Document Title(s) (or transactions contained therein): (all areas applicable to your document must be filled in) I. gu a ea,CC , C0VW,-JM-11 _ 2. _ 3. 4. Reference Number(s) of Documents assigned or rcicascd: Additional reference N's on page 1 of document e, GI ttt01(s) (Last namfirst name, initials) 1. ��'GsflW�y�'y.i�fult=2�i 2. Additional names on page of document. GTRnteC(s) (Last name first, then first name and initials) 1.� gs11JIF tY1C-ai i'c V5; LLC - 2. 1F2. Additional names on page of document. Legal description (abbreviated: i_e, tot, block, plat or section, Eownshi range) Ttt� rt`fz �r-rah: n► �►+ � rr��: s�,tt�`� c� n� ��i IIx c�tsr�lz ar= mu, Sf Gk01Lu N75i45MGTU i R"MrVAOPar>i, lYJ Y Wk a tl�r3fkG r Additional legal is on page of document. ' Wah hiotau t PNP - -LG vrr 3o►�i+t Assessor's Property Tax PareeVAccount Number El Assessor Tax M not yet assignaa��r' `01�3Q5`1, 11 The Auditor/Recorder will rely on the information provided on the form. The staff will not read the document to verify the accurac or com leteness of the indexing information provided herein. I am requesting an emergency nonstandard recording for an additional fee as provided in RC W 36.18.010. I understand that the recording processing requirements may cover up or otherwise obscure some part of the text of the original document. Signature of Requesting Party r RETURN ADDRESS: c4ie.— i i�,,1t�1:c_ k E�r�1 rin L` S o Q RELEASE OF COVENANT on M 4J 2) , zQ)05 owners in fee simple of the following described realegtat situated in Washington, to wivift WOM y -y OF -A1m Xa. t`- " County, State of S U7ff Y- OF T7 t> did declarUea eSvenant, icbpertaned to usage J2251frL J225estate as described in instrument •� recorded with. King County Department of Records and Elections under King County Receiving � No. q-ZtI .I4� I 7AY f.D 4'0 102345'1319 1, the undersigned, a Health Officer for the king County Department of Public Health do hereby release said covenant on behalf of the King County Department of Public Health for the following reasons; fZo „ ✓ so, J Witnessmy band this z day of 0ej'--6Aqv-- P-00 �C A (health Officer) State of Washington County ofKing 1, the undersigned,it Notary Public in and for the above named County and State4, do hereby certify that on this _a�.�day of41 0 2225 To me known to be the individual described in and who executed the within instrument, and acknowledge that they signed and sealed the same as (his) (her) free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes herein mentioned. Given under my hand and official seal the day and year last above written. (Not PubFgtn go for the State of Washington residing at VZDM6FQ U* FILING: 5?.4Y�q` King County Admin, Bldg , Room 311 County Admin. Building Fourth and Jamesc"�t pUg*1,1G Seattle, Washington 98104 9lAaraS Eastgate Publle health Center 24356 SE Eastgate Wsy, Bellevue, Wash. 5M7 (205) 2964932 Q Forms: A: Sewage Forma, release otcovenaut 3rl" !11* DAY TMPFMM PFCV= KA MMPPPM UM, vkw�mmx*m`Tft*" cp 4. 0 AYTIiF.fl 'I PA) standay. wd"Uty TM OWAXUm muLo saL wd mqy T. mui, hw"m"&w id F* 61-413 7m naLms = Gnu VrAtms CWGIMATIONG -REM F 5.00 M T. PFAC, va .wewid idWdL-kl L; 0. ftu-w idtill.eA ue i eddy*Www lK d. C ft .4 WeEn thF smahm't , Lk2r *r th& laukh000k q—,ter wl, swtim $0. )A c"rAy. l6whirubmi IMMM WIN oft Powm&k � U, w"Ift 11 1-, r v. OwjM opif hoLF I th. WL leak It., .1 - Sim 4�tc, ., �W "_ 10% AW MZ% — , bwAsma ow the %"L% j4 rp4 or tho, Eoot M r.et or thp SmAh &=LF or Va 11%rtts"St qWrIW or thr rw=Lsnt quattr of tt* SwJ*o,4 qRL •f said Skxtn.e 106 Sta I Tq: tuu.rjt, &W the t- sed oo"ju,,, thtwr lar pete Li— o d Atric LrrnRLW j=.l. r=�.Rr s..T4�.4..F.3lv -d *A� Uwe . Z: —n--tod Rmt i�t�t a.d _ . 2assat W. k—, tzz = Imm, o"I oke- of th. _t owlt. ..pLU F -4 )Qotw. fril. Ia.. SlOns Cc nys yin MADE SiTwTE or WAsUM&M ...f._. .�... ,. ,,....-.., ,� . FSK a-time46 ltiti lawn 4 tv ih. --eftad-d -bdd S. J.—L. 0;;;= 04/01./2004 14:29 FAX 425 646 85576 TRANSNATION SCURTI LiNIT _ 1J001 TRANSNATION TITLE INSURANCE CONTANY 14450 N -E. 29H PL #200 BELLEVU.E, WA. 98007 PHONE: (425) 646-8585 OR (800) 441-7701 FAX. (425) 646-8576 TO: 0�('V__ FROM: CHRIS SCURTI DATE'E' Ric: eV'Jik,� k 0 THERE ARE (D PAGES, INCLUDING THIS C6)VFR SHEET, BEING FAXED. IF YOU AO NOT RECEIVE THE COMPLETE TRANSMISSION, PLEASE NOTIFY THE SENDER. COMMENTS: 04/01/2004 14:29 FAX 425 646 8576 TRANSNATION SCURTI UNIT 1@002 To whom it may concern, Under Deed recording no. 2858591, dated June 5, 1935'- M. Edelman (grantee) purchased from Buchanan Etal (grantor) The SEI/4 of the SE1/4 of Section 10, Township 23 North, Range 5 East_ Under Real Estate Contract recording no. 90July 11, 193 of the code of (grantee) purchased from AEdelman (grantor) The 5112 of e 5 East. (Except the Borth 16 feet and the SE 1/4 of Section 10, Township 23 North, Rang the east 30 feet) Parcel No. 102305-9383,9035,9a55,9341 Under Deed recording no_ 2994768, dated klarch 3, 1938: S_T. Goode (grantor) conveyed, _ back to M. Edelman Etat antee) The S 1 (Sr Y of the SE1 /4 of the SEI/4 Of ` Section 10, Township 23 North Range 5 East. (Except the North 16 feet and the East 30 feet) Under Real Estate Contract recording no. 3134364, dated September 1, 1937: ,S -T. Goode ��.. (grantee) purchased from Ni Edelman (grantor) The NW 14 of4he SF --1/4 of the SE1/4 of Section 10, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, and The North 16 feet of the S1/2 of the c NE1/4 of the SE1/4 of the SE114 of said Section, Township, Range Parcel No. 102305-9042,9069,9354 This legal description includes the 16' strip Linder Warranty Deed recording no. 3246220, dated June 10, 1942: M_ Edelman (grantor) conveys to S.T. Goode (grantee) The NW1/4 of the SEI/4 of the SEI/4 of Section 10, Township 23 North Range 5 East. Parcel No. 102305-9042,9069,9384 The 16' strip was not on this deed fulfilling the ! contract listed above. Under Warranty Deed recording no. 3264024, dated July 31, 1942: M. Edelman and Lillian Edelman (grantor) conveys to S.T. Goode and Lola Goode (grantee) The NW1/4 of the SE1A of the SE 114 of Section 10, Township 23 North Range 5 East. Parcel No. 102305-9042,9069,9384 The 16' strip was not on this deed. Under Warranty Deed recording no. 3264082, slated June 16, 1942; Sam Goode and Lola Goode (grantor) conveys to LS_ Shute and 1;,L. Shute (grantee) The 51/2 of the NW114 r r ,' of the SE 114 of the SE1/4 of Section 10, Township 23 North Range 5 East. Except the East 50 Feet of the North 16 Feet_ NO EASEMENT OR FEE TITLE TO THE 16 FOOT STRIP Parcel No. 102305-9069,9384 04/01/2004 14:30 FAX 425 646 8576 TRANSNATION SCURTI UNIT Under Warranty Deed recording no. 3339792, dated February 27, 1943: Sam Goode and Lola Goode (grantor) conveys to Ernest A. Webb and Nellie M. Webb (grantee) The N1/2 of the NW 1/4 of the SETA of the SE1/4 of Section 10, Township 23 North, Range 5 East No EASEMENT OR FEE TITLE TO THE 16 FOOT STRIP. Parcel No. 102305-9042 Under Warranty Deed recording no. 3 51660 1, dated June 22, 1945: Ernest A. Webb and Nellie M. Webb (grantor) conveys to G.H. Otto and Laincha li Otto (grantee) The N1/2 of the NW1/4 of the SEI/4 of the SE114 of Section 10, Township 23 North, Range 5 East. NO EASEMENT OR FEE TITLE TO THE 16 FOOT STRIP. Parcel No. 102305-9042 16003 THE GOODIES STILL OWN TBE 16 X 50 FOOT STRIP THAT IS BEING ASSESSED AS A PART OF TAX LOT 9042. THE HEIRS OF M. EDELMAN OWNTcD THE REMAINDER OF THE 16 FOOT J STRIP UNTIL IT WAS CONVEYED TO CAMWEST DEVELOPMENT 04/01/2004 14:30 FAX 425 646 8576 TRANSNATION SCURTI UNIT ---_---_ . _�---- -_--------------- --_---_-_~~..~..��. , 4~ � 04/01/2004 14:32 FAX 425 646 8576 TRANSNATIbN SCURTI UNIT ldID05 MIN EAS OW= ACREEMM THIS AGREEKS iT, mads this 2, day of - 1961, is between rdZOD= ?IMCKLER and X12CANJET JM PMrrSCHLZRp his Wife, bezm%Asftet called the 1%utscb1ers",,and WILLIAM A0MW MWOM and M= FRANCES W=ON, bis wife, hereinafter called the '�iilaans^. - RECITALS: WHEREAS the Mutscblers are the cmmar* of the following described real property situated in Jung County, liashlngton; The south one-half of the northwest quarter of the eoutb- east quarter of the southeast quarter of Saction 10, Twp. 23 North, Range 5 &W,M. in King County, Vaahington, except the north 16 feet of the east 50 feet thereof for ingress, egress and read purposes (said easement beiaq used by them and by the Wilsons for ingress, egress and roo-d purposes to the property of each), together with am easement over the north 16 feet of the Mouth one-half of the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of the saucbeaat quarter of said Section 10 (said easement being used by them and by the vilsons for ingress, egress and road p,. -;, 73ea to the proper Ry of each j , mad WHEREAS the Wilsons are purchasing the following described real property situated in King County, Washington, from a- H. Otto and IAi.ncha H. Otto, his Wife, under a real estate contract recorded 'with the King County Auditor under File no. 3219488: The north one-half of the northwest quarter of the south- east quarter of the southeast quarter of said Section 10; 4 together with an easement over the north lb Feet of the ri east So feet of the south one-half of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of said Section 10 (said easement boring used by thea and by the Mutschlers for ingress, egress and road purposes to the property of each; and together With SO easement over the north ib feet of the sourb one-haslf of the northeast quarter of the mourhemar quarter of the southeast quarter of acid Section 10 (said easement being urgd by chem and by cbe rutschlers nor ingress. egress and road purposes to the property of each)= and 04/01/2004 14:32 FAX 425 648 8576 TRANSNATION SCURTI UNIT AiDO-4 Ma QHEREAS some of the-Onveyances in course=Cion with said properties and other properties bWVft trot Clearly defined that Such easements are for the propertiesese.the Ztutachlers and of the wilsoaa; and WEEREAS the parties norr.wtsnt Co estaoliatk of record tpeir ovessarship of said easeftwCs and the status of each aad the reLation- ,.a ship betveeo thea in connection therewith, now, therefore, .: IT IS DECL.MED ANO AGRUb: 1. The easements descrLbed above are for the mutual benefit of the Mutsahler property and of the Stilson property and arw cAmed by the Mutachters and the Wil89as and are in favor of the properties of each, share and share alike, for the purposes of ingress, egress and roads. Said easementa shall run With the laud. 2. The Mutachlers agree at this time to put the present roads on the easements in good serviceable condition. Thereafter alL repairs, maiptenauce sad improvement df Ya`d roads shall be shared equally by the parties to the end that &aid roads are main- tained in good serviceable condition for Cho mutual benefit of the parties; provided, however, that no cost for maintenance, improve- ments or repairs shall be incurred by either party without the con- sent of the other party thereto wbich consent shall not be withheld unreasonably. 41 3. the casement road sbalL be kept open for use and Tm vehicles or other objeers or things shall be parked or lod%ad thereon except for temporary purposes in connection vith the reason- able use thereof by the parties for road purposes and with due con- sideration to the rixhts and needs of the other. Each party agrees to use the road prudently to avoid unUCcessary *rear, tear and damage .1. '� to it and to kt8 guCface. -2- Q006 04/01/2004 14;33 FAX 425 646 8576 TRANSNATION SCURTI UNIT 4. All taxta, liability insurance ^d aC!�e= Cb*rgee+ i€ any, properly related to said easements and the roads thereon, shi=t be borne and paid by the parties equslLy. 5. These coveoaats and agse Wts run with the land Bad shall, be binding upon the parties, tbeir hdite, succ*ssora ai*d assigns_ DATED and SIGND as of the day and year first written above. is Ler e mr :ioa#d Wilson�,f anCe& Wilson STATE OF WASHUCTOW ) ( rs COUNTY OF K I N G ) On this day personally appeared before me Theodore•LXAtschier and Margaret June nutscher, his wife, to me knavn to be .tiig.1'iddividasls described in and who executed the within and f0re901o64jz4yjkmut and acknowledged eb me that they signed the same as their=flied' fitOiuntary .: % k- art and deed for 0-ii�:.rposes therein meotianed. =eha Giweo under my hand and official Beal this Off.•• 1461, Notary Public in sad Qor the $Cate of Washington. residing at Sam—.24% STATE OF WASRINCTON ) ) as COliKV OF K l N G) On this day personally rppe&red before ma William aoaaLd Wilson and $erty Frances Wilson, bis wife. to we known to be the individual& described in and who executed the vitLn and foregrAng instrument and ac1uwvledged to me that they signed the safm as _::ei; free and voluntary act and deed for the purposes therein mcatxined. Given under my hand and official Meal this .g /'day of `^ 196L. W ary public is and or t e SCate � f washington, residing at Smmr e _ 1 Y JW: li� 007 04/01/2004 14:33 FAX 425 646 8576 TRANSNATION SCIRTI UNIT TP AMT-igT SY 00ffv-%LT ,fes$ Sue, G. H. OiTa and IAIRCM A. CM, his wife, being the sellers under the -real eatste caatract describr d is the forsgaing Xaaem"t Agreement, beoreby approve of the -.foregoing M"ement A$reesent, and agree to the terms tbereof for and ora behalf of oeraelves and of the land being sold. DATED this .3 day of March, 14671, G. H. Otto i.aincha H. Mo STATE OF QASHINGTON ) ) as COUNTY of K � N G ) • y. On this day personally appeared before me G- H. Otto and Laincha H. Otto, his wife. to me ktwvn to be the indivi- duals described in and who executed the vitbin and foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that they aigusd the some as their free and voluntary sot and deed for the purposes t5r-ein mentioned. Civer. under my hand and official seal thio day of e.- A . 19w. -public, in and far the tate of washingeon, residing at Seattle 110 008 04/01/2004 14:33 FAX 425 646 8576 TRANSNATION SCURTI ITNIT ��' � oommohvEAUHU11'D��Qfr�Y�1111 e. Tltuaniutitea WI•awl�f VhLLEWPh<< Pear fYlrrnh Q F-- US i caL60 F'OR nrac'.oRA AT f1E1Ql1 :aT y - JJ � '1 i U; F 1RNB1 nECOPpr�n RiTurraTv w ; c l�Y.......... 11>`._e11_ awn., 12A1JT75 14BLn 14vc+'r•re g �......-.� �-._._...�-�....� „r 3b L99 Irp�hlnokan 48Ci5� "' Ymd grAcr pKwjcW FOR lPM ,4 stag nay Warranty Dose TjM GRAWWR WPAt0 SELL md MARY T. BELL, hdmrd and wi Fa foreerdlemmidarrtload TEN pg1•LARS AND OTHER YALLVRf CONSID6RRTIOW /ahaDdpeid,00faregraed+vrvNnteto A T. ,ors uPrerried individual 87eMe'03 OCR -Mao MCO F Cii5tA alae k owneL derea'md real erlalq skudad is So Cb=ty at King 81x4 at WrRhiw�ao: Cih 008 north heir of thb Ncrtfwert Vaa1tK of FAA 5wtheaet gyarter of the SoAhesat querter a! Section 10, Twmahip Y7 North, ,Range 5 Eaat, e(.N., in Ring Coo-ty, Naddngtont TOGETHER WITH an maspent vvec the North 16 feet of the South half of the Northaart l�1 QL19�C9I of the 5aahsaat quarter of the aauthueet quarter of said Section 10; AND TOETHER WITH an aaacrant over the North 16 feat of the East 50 Fest of the 5auth half of the %rthwoet 4uertar of Me Sdrtheaat quarter of the Seutheart quarter of avid 5eetion 10. SUBJECT f0: Eaeenent, and the tern* and eprditlOCm "'*Of for poly line end e]avtrie tranwimlon llne in Fabler of &wqusle<it calla and White hirer Pvrar C."ahy as reflected by that inetrtaent recotded under Recording No. X5599 anAugwt ), 1"A; Corarwat to gear equal *here of tha Coat of eor=±tn,etion, ■aintenanrae or repair df road, as recorded under Auditor'■ fila Hv. S28U73 an Hay 15. 1961. ]une TS 19 86 Bated................_..-----._........,.....� _. --, .._._..... f;erald I I.1..... TTaryT;'Tf2I3 rrsw ..............,.. ..-.......,-.__._..._.......»._ ._._.,._...,.,.,........... _........ ... _ ....... ,.{.t '...k ..... ..m....�.. 3TaTE 3TA'rS OF WAmm Ir3LV1'1 L" E Comm ►�� t72 `n .r-• _ do t7r}11 - lsdars mr + . i Y:otaq► bobs NJ Q1� a , dod, oaraaslydsrrd asd PROM pnfoe+T ' .. . �R� r>sd Farepeled irrlstnrteeR wed ti.r MEMe 1e Pee hwo as be the ret acrd dead r.a and parprew tbov*m anoda4edL thetine tint W.WVted no ta[upeioi�� mtd Ialitaard�d- ofd -rst."M to 6r ttra bar rod aci rm1 da$d �t 6pr for ver rad to d and ti otl► W.W • _ am*Wtpa to arsmts &* fold I=byaebs as& 0*4 ft real '. Led and odkir2 -wma _• tbfa RtRwiii & eerporair earl of new Owporodlan. / *"i z ora sow. 'a' hood Moa uffmW uat b wVW ofted cbr ds5 m d rase *A Y abet• of Nw" Notary Fublls 1. raid Am me Stair of wmh6gw& s � 1 � north heir of thb Ncrtfwert Vaa1tK of FAA 5wtheaet gyarter of the SoAhesat querter a! Section 10, Twmahip Y7 North, ,Range 5 Eaat, e(.N., in Ring Coo-ty, Naddngtont TOGETHER WITH an maspent vvec the North 16 feet of the South half of the Northaart l�1 QL19�C9I of the 5aahsaat quarter of the aauthueet quarter of said Section 10; AND TOETHER WITH an aaacrant over the North 16 feat of the East 50 Fest of the 5auth half of the %rthwoet 4uertar of Me Sdrtheaat quarter of the Seutheart quarter of avid 5eetion 10. SUBJECT f0: Eaeenent, and the tern* and eprditlOCm "'*Of for poly line end e]avtrie tranwimlon llne in Fabler of &wqusle<it calla and White hirer Pvrar C."ahy as reflected by that inetrtaent recotded under Recording No. X5599 anAugwt ), 1"A; Corarwat to gear equal *here of tha Coat of eor=±tn,etion, ■aintenanrae or repair df road, as recorded under Auditor'■ fila Hv. S28U73 an Hay 15. 1961. ]une TS 19 86 Bated................_..-----._........,.....� _. --, .._._..... f;erald I I.1..... TTaryT;'Tf2I3 rrsw ..............,.. ..-.......,-.__._..._.......»._ ._._.,._...,.,.,........... _........ ... _ ....... ,.{.t '...k ..... ..m....�.. 3TaTE 3TA'rS OF WAmm Ir3LV1'1 L" E Comm ►�� t72 `n .r-• _ do t7r}11 - lsdars mr + . i Y:otaq► bobs NJ Q1� a , dod, oaraaslydsrrd asd PROM pnfoe+T ' .. . �R� r>sd Farepeled irrlstnrteeR wed ti.r MEMe 1e Pee hwo as be the ret acrd dead r.a and parprew tbov*m anoda4edL thetine tint W.WVted no ta[upeioi�� mtd Ialitaard�d- ofd -rst."M to 6r ttra bar rod aci rm1 da$d �t 6pr for ver rad to d and ti otl► W.W • _ am*Wtpa to arsmts &* fold I=byaebs as& 0*4 ft real '. Led and odkir2 -wma _• tbfa RtRwiii & eerporair earl of new Owporodlan. / *"i z ora sow. 'a' hood Moa uffmW uat b wVW ofted cbr ds5 m d rase *A Y abet• of Nw" Notary Fublls 1. raid Am me Stair of wmh6gw& s � 04/01/2004 14:34 FAX 425 646 8576 TRANSNATION SCURTI UNIT 10010 nj1 �I � fr� twk QTY Two ISt1DVtO�idt M—Ors Um k � PUa.dtgres� t'a.®r+vr`s 1 1 �j L ti til F4mPOR1tWOMaTASOLI•MSCr JUL II 3 IS1N% G t:v YT1i�iq +itlF t -:i Y WNW RGW� RUMM 10 FOR, ti, JUL 12IM6 S J AdN+w 1241]-73 1:BH1 Ara+ue .F,��,� w 'Zi r, - +Sa aer 1�'�tgt 78035 - ��O 7118 rltLl'1TCM aRALD DKL mad MY T. Bill, iu,hettd and wlra e6/0?/ 11 _.. PECp F for mdinmaddemdonoi TEN DOLLARS AND OttER VALUABLE CON5MIRA•TIONS CASHSL Statutory Weera " i4h..dpaltT,craw4.radvamtaigba AN T. PHU. Jfmrried i4di•ieunl tie 1oio'ier . ad beta a;taatrd is the Coueb of Ring state 01wrebinaiea: A1313 6 S.00 aptk+' 5. 00 Nertlf half of fha t1a1'th�.ree gUartcr of the Sautlteeet gLmttsr of the Soukhee&t quatter of ctim 10, rew!rehiu z7 Norlh, RP�9e 5 Eon L. M.H.. ap tang County. trs,�ingto..1 Tnmr E't WITH Mwaxee.t fter tho North 11; reet of the South hell aF the Nor"vewt half or the So.Vee9t quartet or the sauthe-*at quarter of Bald Seetien 10: AM TDMTw. ,a wTTg on eeeemenk mer the North 16 reek of the Eaek 50 feet Of tlar South half of the Northi.eet quarter of the SmthcAmk 4Uerker of the 506ttw.s1 pertgr of acid Section in. 5883ECT TU: Ewswnk, and the tes.n 39W COnditiaf* thereat Fac pole line erA 4':ttric tr.neai=iun ling in fever Or Sneoaal;4a Folle er4 Mh ke River Po..-er Crxgp 7 as nAluctod by ORE iYtetryaent f7 r�rded m.der Regarding No. !05589 m Aug11Nt 3, 19%; Cevadent to Leat/ equal Bhom or 4.c coat -� of =*trucklon,-;ntensnca or repair ar read, an me -t ed under AWArzf's File No. 5284273 _ on May 16. 1461. C, �s�yarlce coIDA� ou RfYE.-.-�_��, P.e 1�5i3 .-•--1,�� ..'...... ......... .... .... •f�'ireld�leLr"" - - . Mfg 'r: n'ell" u m P" i' Sp ' unSyWga dbibad14 ad andd MA teret�R le+ermnet, ii8u.i Lia sgoaq. - . Apo parpoem dmodn mpWm td. FQw. . head Dad QWQ meal " x..19156 of TiFMW SPACE cw 1NAsFHP;GTM Oa _-�•-' se - --- -tee,.."+ LeFor+ Star, qe. apdrr a tQolvr Yum = Ir iri far tie BnrM .d TPi !ham-. awe mstrSr m d teem, pmwmdb rpprerad_.. ._.— to ItBavh b h. dr .- -PFMddZ& end .- 9acre4r7. ' �oS *A& a:awed Sas Fnrq.r AMPMwt. ®a atke�un_Fe3eaa to to kr d* Frac Aida nk"U an aid deed CC sold mrooR *dM Far t6e,ugs e04 parpom a a-rda nwdim ad. rod on arch travel th- auth@rtrad to menu W "m irq�meal MA flirt d. Deal ib 9 Uw @rnDrate rrD1 ar.oid m.popllpa Oilhr- rWff l.md cod dR.ie[ @eel ]redo amt@,i r3. AW quad ]'ear Eat Am@>.rtltatc - [ atcc i� ctu- lfi B F 10-F7 Notary FN41it in Aad for ft &laic of WYfhladtoq rp&ol./ at- - Florent, Ra From: antphung2004@juno.com Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2005 11:56 AM To: Ray. Florent@METROKC. GOV Subject: Fw: Undeliverable: Fw: Response to your 3/26/05 letter Fw: Response to your 3/26/05 I... Mr. Florent, This is a re -send due to my typo error of your email address. Thanks An (Andy) T Phung Please note: forwarded message attached Your message To: slatten@camwest.com Cc: rayflorent@metrokc.gov; steve.vanpatten@metrokc.gov; tim.cheatum@metrokc.gov; gzimmerman@ci.renton.wa.us Subject: Fw: Response to your 3/26/05 letter Sent: Fri, 15 Apr 2005 19:04:17 -0700 did not reach the following recipient(s): rayflorent@metrokc.gov on Fri, 15 Apr 2005 19:04:58 -0700 The recipient name is not recognized The MTS -ID of the original message is: c=us;a=;p=metrokc;l=KCIMS050416020427F7T7S2 MSEXCH:IMS:METROKC:DMS:KCIMS 0 (000005A6) Unknown Recipient 1 Florent, Ray From: antphung2004@juno.com Sent: Friday, April 15, 2005 7:04 PM To: slatten@camwest.com Cc: rayflorent@metrokc.gov; VanPatten, Steve; Cheatum, Tim; gzimmerman@ci.renton.wa.us Subject: Fw: Response to your 3/26/05 letter Li in Letter to Sara Untitled Attachment 5D000959.pdf (1 slatten inrespo,.. MB) Sara I have received your 4/11/2005 letter; and have a coressponding response which is attached. People whose names are mentioned in my letter but not included in this email will receive a hard copy of my letter. Andy Phung Please note: forwarded message attached 1 April 15, 2005 Sara Slatten CamWest Development Inc. 9720 NE 120th Pl. Ste 100 Kirkland, WA 98034 Re: My response to your 4/11/2005 letter Dear Ms. Slatten, I would like to respond point -by -point per the order listed in the your letter as shown below. A copy of your 4/11/2005 letter is attached for convenience. CamWest's answer is false and misleading people not closely involved in this case. This short 16' W x 50' L strip of land, known as Parcel L as described in the Shamrock 1 construction drawing, belongs to my property. It was not incorrectly recorded as CamWest stated. In fact, it has always been listed in my tax bill since 1987 when I purchased this property, and symbols on the map also show it as a part of my property. Additionally and technically speaking, without this strip of land, my main lot will only be touching the longer easement (a.k.a parcel K) by one point — i.e., my lot would be landlocked. Finally, CamWest had known it belongs to me — as witnessed by a document in which CamWest proposed to me in 2002. I have a copy of this document. I will submit a protest to King County accordingly. 2. It is impossible for CamWest, together with their law firm and their title insurance companies to unknowingly err as they claimed. In deed, CamWest has systematically and falsely: (a) filed multiple quit claim deeds on my property (Parcels K and L, (b) changed my tax lot from my name to their name in 2002. I have a letter from Mr. Phil Sanders, Supervisor of the King County Recorder Office, as proof of (2b). Also, in year 2000, KCWD90 requested and was granted rights by me to route water line under the Easement (Parcel K). This is another evidence showing parcel K belongs to me. It's apparent that CamWest's purpose was to illegally claim my property to benefit them at my expense. Once CamWest had my property rolled into their other lots, they could route utilities from lots facing SE 128th to lots facing 148 Ave SE or vice versa. As far as I am concerned, any completed routing of utilities under Parcels K and L is illegal since it was done via fraudulent filing. 3. I am awaiting your correction as you stated. Furthermore, you must clearly state that: (a) my property is not included nor referenced in all other CamWest documents; (b) CamWest shall bear the responsibility and cost incurred to me now; (c) same as (3b) above but in the future if (3a) is not thoroughly done and clouds my title; and (d) when correction will be complete. Without these assurances, your response is incomplete and not acceptable to me. 4. I disagree with your response that my fence and driveway encroach on your property for several reasons: (a) assuming my fence and driveway actually encroach your property, then these facts predate both your and my interests; and (b) both my tenants and I have used and maintained the driveway since 1987 without your or the previous owner's objection; and (c) in a 2002 map and letter you proposed to buy from me a small piece of land, through which my driveway runs, to route underground utilities. Thus, you had known the driveway is within my property. In conclusion, if my fence and driveway encroach your property, then adverse possession has occurred a long time ago. In reality, my fence and driveway do not encroach your property as you claimed. Any effort by CamWest to claim my property,and any routing of utilities under m land will be strongly contested in court. Both the City of Renton and King County can/will be easily dragged into unnecessary litigation. You must reinstall a replacement gate and a small tree immediately; and clear all earth off my property. 5. Same as # 4 above. 6. 1 not only have easement rights to parcel L; but also own it. You should list and show this parcel in your drawings. I stopped by my property frequently and noticed that your backhoe still frequently blocks this easement after the work hour. 7. With respect to your correction of documents, my response is the same as in # 3 above. Also: a) Your acceptance of responsibility to install a new gate and plant a replacement tree is welcomed and accepted. Install them where they once were. As a matter of fact, your acceptance of responsibility totally contradicts your claim that my fence and driveway encroach your property because they locate where you claimed as your land. The tree was also next to the gate. b) I welcome your proposal to meet on site; however, in light that you still insist that markers stakes are within your property then our meeting will be useless. I will be happy to meet with you once the boundary line is returned to where it was, c and d) Same as in # 3 above. e) See my response in # 6 above. Thank you for paying attention to these serious issues. An (Andy) T. Phung P.O Box 854 Mukilteo, WA 98275 Cc: Raymond Florent, King County DDES Steve VanPatten, King County DDES Tim Cheatum, King County DDES Greg Zimmerman, City of Renton Diane Mikunas, King County Recorder Office Doug Sollitt, Bank Of America John Scussel, Transnation Title Ins. Co. April 11, 2005 Andy Phung P.O. Box 854 Mukilteo, WA 98275 Response to your March 26, 2005 letter Dear Mr. Phung, I received a copy of your March 26, 2005 letter addressing various issues surrounding our properties and documentation which has been incorrectly recorded against your property. It appears that errors have occurred yet it is unclear how your property was included with the Shamrock Highlands LLC documentation to begin with. Currently, our attorney is drafting documents which will effectively delete all reference of your property from all Shamrock Highlands LLC related documentation. I apologize for these errors and the inconvenience this has caused you. It has never been our intent to include your property in any of these documents. In addition, I will attempt to address each item you. have indicated in your letter as summarized below: Quit claim Deed 20040423001060 and a Real Estate Excise Tax Affidavit form E2033198 were filed and. signed by Deborah Charles and Eric Campbell, President CamWest, to carry out a real estate transaction on a strip of land size 16.x 50', Known as Parcel L in your construction drawings. My property tax account was used in this transaction. If Deborah Charles was the true ower of this piece of land, she would have to use her own tax account in this transaction, not mine. Furthermore, since the owners of Shamrock and Mr. Campbell have unsuccessfully solicited to purchase my property several time in the last few years, .you all know well that the above tax I.D. belongs to me, not Ms. Charles. Not to mention that on 7!312002, you mailed two proposals to me, and both involved Parcel L. I rejected both proposals. This transaction was improper, if not fraudulent. Response: Your tax parcel ID number is incorrectly referenced with this 16' x 50' strip of land. King County Department of Assessments has been contacted to assign a new tax i.d. number to this 16' x 50' strip of property. Once complete, I will forward all documentation related to this correction. One the above transaction were done, additional similar transactions were done to transfer "rights" from CamWest to Shamrock. Again, my property tax ID was fraudulently used. The reference documents Quit Claim Deed 2003 0213 002662 and Real Estate Excise Tax Affidavit El939049. Response: Your parcel was mistakenly included in the 2003 quit claim deed for reasons we are unaware of. We had no intention of including your property in this quit claim deed. This error will be corrected by recording a document to exclude your property and will be transmitted to you once complete. My additional research reveals that my tax account was also referenced in your Deed of Trusts 2003121200238 and. 2001100902309 granted by Shamrock to Bank of America and Transnation Title Insurance Co., respectively. There is no reason why my tax ID was referenced in those documents. The former Deed of Trust involves your borrowing approximately three million dollars; I definitely do not want my lot be a part of your business. Response:' Again, recording of these documentswas made in error and it bas never been our intent to include your property with these documents. We will correct the issue and mail you a copy of the correction upon completion. A galvanized steel gate at the roadway to the blue residence on my property and a small tree next to this gate were improperly removed by your contractors. This roadway has served as the entrance and exit to this residence from a time that predates my interest in the property. I installed the gate before Shamrock came to this area to run tree nursery. I and/or my tenants have used and maintained this roadway since then. Response: Our surveyor set property stakes and clearing boundaries based upon their survey of record. Subsequently, our contractor removed the gate and vegetation based on the property corners that were set by a -licensed surveyor. Portions of your fencing and driveway encroach into our property. Our intent has never been.to deny access to your property and believe we can work on a mutually agreeable solution including replacement of the gate and restoration of your driveway. In relation to #4 above, your development greatly encroaches upon my property. Most of the original wired fence, which separates your property from the roadway mentioned in #4 above, was removed by your workers. A section of new fence and marker stakes were installed by your workers well within my lot in such a way that most of the roadway appears to be part of your property. Additionally, so much soil was pushed toward the roadway such that its width is now about 60% of what it used to be. Your activities described in items 1, 4 and 5 are consistent with your 7/3/2002 proposals to obtain land from me to run utilities. However, I have never accepted your proposals. Response: Our clearing limits and property corners have been set by a licensed surveyor. The property stakes you mention above are based on. the true property lines as defined by legal descriptions from both properties. Apparently, the driveway access to your houses fall within our property. The excavation and utility activities mentioned are occurring on property owned by the Shamrock Highlands LLC. Utilities and related easements, associated with our construction, fall within our property boundaries. I have legal rights to use Parcel L mentioned in # 1 above. Your workers daily block this strip of land with a backhoe after the work hour. See image attached. Response: You do have casement rights to Parcel L. We have spoken to our contractor and have explained they need allow your tenants access to your property and to prohibit parking vehicles and/or equipment within the easement. If you or your tenants experience any future issues with blocked access to your property, please notify me immediately. Your title insurance document dated 02/04/2004, Transnation Order 4 300- 10049351, page 10, describes my tax lot as one of your lots. This is absolutely untrue. Response: An error has occurred here as reference to your tax parcel ID should not be included with our title documents. A correction removing reference to your tax parcel ID number will be forthcoming. a) Reinstall a new gate and tree of equivalent size and quality at the original location. CamWest will install a new replacement gate. I will need to get additional information on the tree and its location to better assess its original location. In order to effectively respond to this issue, I think it would make the most sense to meet on site to discuss the location of this tree in question as well as the replacement gate. b) Remove marker stakes from my lot, and rework the land to return the roadway to its original size. Reinstall a,barbwire fence where the old one was to discourage your construction workers form entering my lot. Response: The survey stakes you are referring to correctly demark our shared property boundaries and are not located within your property. A resolution does need to. occur relative to the removal of the wire fence and portion of existing driveway. I would like to discuss this further with you at your earliest convenience. . c) Remove my tax ID form all documents mentioned above, and from all others that you. know. It is not my job to research and list them herein. You must guarantee that my tax lot ID is not used referenced in all of your transactions. Response: A correction will be recorded within one week. You will receive written verification once complete. d) Provide a letter of guarantee to me that my tax lot, during the time that it was referenced in many of your documents, was never used as a part of your environmental impact mitigation. If it was used, you must remedy, and accept the responsibility for all costs accordingly. Response: Your property has never been included as part of our environmental impact review or mitigation, nor has it ever been included with any of our proposals to any jurisdiction. e) You must -not block access to/from the 16' x 50' strip of land (or Parcel L). Response: Agreed. As stated previously, you are a beneficiary of this easement. If you and/or your tenants experience any issues with a blocked access, please let me know immediately. Zese responses help clarify some of the issues you have raised. Please let v at your earliest convenience what a good time is to discuss the replacement of the fence, gate and property boundary issue. From there we can work towards a mutually agreeable resolution. I can be reached at (425) 825-1955. Sincerely, Sara Slatten CamWest Development, Inc. Monte Dunn, CamWest Development, Inc. Doug Sollitt, Bank of America Gregg Zimmerman, King County DDES John Scussel, Transnation Title Chris Scurti, Transnation Title Raymond Flarent, King County DDES Steve VaOatten, King County DDES Diane Mickunas, King County Recorders Office SOC Florent, Ray From: toan nguyen [anandtoan@yahoo.com] Sent: Thursday, August 25, 2005 10:11 PM To: Florent, Ray Cc: VanPatten, Steve Subject: RE: 472 Online Citizen Complaint Submittal Dear Sirs: Effective immediately, my new email address is anandtoangyahoo.com Please send all future correspondence pertaining to the subject matter to my new email address. Thak you, An T Phung Note: forwarded message attached. Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo,com 10/12/2005 Page 1 of 1 SOC Florent, Ray From: antphung2004@juno.com Sent: Thursday, August 25, 2005 12:47 AM To: Florent, Ray Cc: VanPatten, Steve Subject: RE: 472 Online Citizen Complaint Submittal Mr. Florent, Thank you for your response. Page 1 of I I just want to be aware that agents from the Transnation Title Insurance Co. participated in filing Quit Claim Deed using my tax lot ID. They had no right to do that! An T Phung 10/12/2005 Florent, Ray From: antphung2004@juno.com Sent: Monday, April 25, 2005 12:06 PM To: sslatten@camwest.com Cc: Steve. Van Patten@METRO KC. GOV; Tim.Cheatum@METROKC.GOV; Ray. Florent@METROKC.GOV Subject: For your attention Dear Ms. Slatten: As stated in my previous email to you, CamWest'construction activity has encroached significantly into my property. CamWest's activities has forced me to hire DHA Inc. to survey and mark the borderlines. I visited the site yesterday and found DNA's markers to be consistent with what I had informed you, and also consistent with my property deed and map. I request you to take a look, and take necessary appropriate action. Additionally, the following things caught my attention: 1. Apparently the electrical post just outside my yard was hit by construction vehicle. As a result, its (2) steel tie -down cables were detached from the post. The power line leading to my property was also detached, and temporarily tied to a neighbor's tree. I have two concern on this situation: (a) in windy condition, the post may swing in a direction that may pull the residential electrical post off the house; and (b) potential loss of power to the house. 2. The tenants of both homes complained that their phone lines become erratic. I pondered if this condition was caused by the electrical post being hit causing the phone connections to become loose. 3. The tenant in the yellow house complained to me that your earthwork alters the way surface rainwater runs and drains. He has lived there for several years; and has never experienced water running over the concrete surface of the carport. Now he does! Please verify if the above is correct and remedy as you see fit. Sincerely, Andy Phung 1 Floront, Ra From: antphung2004@juno.com Sent: Friday, April 15, 2005 7:33 PM To: rayJ lore nt@metro kc. g ov; gzimmerman@ci.renton.wa.us; steve. van patte n @metro kc. gov; tim.cheatum@metrokc.gov Subject: Shamrock 1 project Letter to Sara Slatten inrespo.,. Dear Sirs, Attached is a letter which I emailed today to Sara Slatten at CamWest Developent Inc. Thanks for your attention to this serious matter. An T (Andy) ?hung 1 April 15, 2005 Sara Slatten CamWest Development Inc. 9720 NE 120" Pl. Ste 100 Kirkland, WA 98034 Re: My response to your 4/11/2005 letter Dear Ms. Slatten, I would like to respond point -by -point per the order listed in the your letter as shown below. A copy of your 4/11/2005 letter is attached for convenience. CamWest's answer is false and misleading people not closely involved in this case. This short 16' W x 50' L strip of land, known as Parcel L as described in the Shamrock 1 construction drawing, belongs to my property. It was not incorrectly recorded as CamWest stated. In fact, it has always been listed in my tax bill since 1987 when I purchased this property, and symbols on the map also show it as a part of my property. Additionally and technically speaking, without this strip of land, my main lot will only be touching the longer easement (a.k.a parcel K) by one point — i.e., my lot would be landlocked. Finally, CamWest had known it belongs to me — as witnessed by a document in which CamWest proposed to me in 2002. I have a copy of this document. I will submit a protest to King County accordingly. 2. It is impossible for CamWest, together with their law firm and their title insurance companies to unknowingly err as they claimed. In deed, CamWest has systematically and falsely: (a) filed multiple quit claim deeds on my property (Parcels K and L, (b) changed my tax lot from my name to their name in 2002. I have a letter from Mr. Phil Sanders, Supervisor of the King County Recorder Office, as proof of (2b). Also, in year 2000, KCWD90 requested and was granted rights by me to route water line under the Easement (Parcel K). This is another evidence showing parcel K belongs to me. It's apparent that CamWest's purpose was to illegally claim my property to benefit them at my expense. Once CamWest had my property rolled into their other lots, they could route utilities from lots facing SE 128`" to lots facing 148 Ave SE or vice versa. As far as I am concerned, any completed routing of utilities under Parcels K and L is illegal since it was done via fraudulent filing. 3. I am awaiting your correction as you stated. Furthermore, you must clearly state that: (a) my property is not included nor referenced in all other CamWest documents; (b) CamWest shall bear the responsibility and cost incurred to me now; (c) same as (3b) above but in the future if (3a) is not thoroughly done and clouds my title; and (d) when correction will be complete. Without these assurances, your response is incomplete and not acceptable to me. 4. I disagree with your response that my fence and driveway encroach on your property for several reasons: (a) assuming my fence and driveway actually encroach your property, then these facts predate both your and my interests; and (b) both my tenants and I have used and maintained the driveway since 1987 without your or the previous owner's objection; and (c) in a 2002 map and letter you proposed to buy from me a small piece of land, through which my driveway runs, to route underground utilities. Thus, you had known the driveway is within my property. In conclusion, if my fence and driveway encroach your property, then adverse possession has occurred a long time ago. In reality, my fence and driveway do not encroach your property as you claimed. Any effort by CamWest to claim my property, and any routing of utilities under my land will be strongly contested in court. Both the City of Renton and King County can/will be easily dragged into unnecessarlitigation. You must reinstall a replacement gate and a small tree immediately; and clear all earth off my property. 5. Same as # 4 above. 5. I not only have casement rights to parcel L; but also own it. You should list and show this parcel in your drawings. I stopped by my property frequently and noticed that your backhoe still frequently blocks this easement after the work hour. 7. With respect to your correction of documents, my response is the same as in # 3 above. Also: a) Your acceptance of responsibility to install a new gate and plant a replacement tree is welcomed and accepted. Install them where they once were, As a matter of fact, your acceptance of responsibility totally contradicts your claim that my fence and driveway encroach your property because they locate where you claimed as your land. The tree was also next to the gate. b) I welcome your proposal to meet on site, however, in light that you still insist that markers stakes are within your property then our meeting will be useless. I will be happy to meet with you once the boundary line is returned to where it was. c and d) Same as in # 3 above. e) See my response in # 6 above. Thank you for paying attention to these serious issues. An (Andy) T. Phung P.O Box 854 Mukilteo, WA 98275 Cc. Raymond Florent, King County DDES Steve VanPatten, King County DDES Tim Cheatum, King County DDES Greg Zimmerman, City of Renton Diane Mikunas, King County Recorder Office Doug Sollitt, Bank Of America John Scussel, Transnation Title Ins. Co. SOC Florent, Ray From: Sara Slatten [sslatten@camwest.com] Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2005 4:30 PM To: Florent, Ray Subject: FW: Your recent proposal Page 1 of 3 Ray, Below is the latest email chain we had with Andy & Toan Phung regarding the encroachment and easement issue. This series of emails provides you with a summary of the attempted efforts we've made to try and resolve the encroachment issue and explain the easement ownership issue them. I can provide you with more specifics when we meet with Joe Miles and the PA's office and provide additional background on the ownership history of the easement. If you can elaborate on what's needed for the Phung deed (from your last email), I can follow up with our title company tomorrow morning and obtain it. Thanks, Sara Slatten -----Original Message ----- From: toan nguyen [maiito:anandtoan@yahoo.com] Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2005 3,00 AM To: Sara Slatten Subject: RE: Your recent proposal Sara, I have just sent you a short response on this email; but left out a few things, hence I am writing again here. 1. The 14 -page title report you sent to me earlier still has my property in it (on page 11). It does not make sense! This is the reason why I still have a concern about my property being attached to Camwest/Shamrock documents. 2. Even though you provided your reasoning pertaining to ownership of the noth & panhandle easements, however, I strongly disagree with your reasoning because: a) Easement right or ownership must go together with the land. When the previous owner sold the land, the ownership and/or rights must have been included. b) If the Goode family owned the notch easement and deeded to Shamrock, then show me the proof. The fact is Debra Charles filed quit claim deed on this easement using my ID. This implies that Debra Charles is heir of the Goode family. If the Goode family owned it, they must use their ID to quit claim. Any one using my tax ID illegally commits fraud. c) Regarding the panhandle easement, my argument is the similar as in (b). Show me the proof that heir of the Adelman deeded it to you. The fact is Camwest using my ID to file quit claim deed on this easement. Then, it was transferred to Shamrock, again using my ID. Again, any one using my tax ID illegally commits fraud. d) Even if heirs of the Goode and Adelman own the easements, they still lose them because they don't take care of them. I have been using the easements, and invested time and money in it thus can and will claim ownership. e) Just look at the drawings that you sent to me. One drawing says my lot is 5.3 acres. Another says 5.25 acres. Close enough. Just do the calculation using the numbers in the 10/12/2005 SOC Page 2 of') drawing, and you see that the easements are a part of my property. 1 acre = 43560 sq. ft. Sincerely, Andy Sara Slatten 4ss1atten(&amwesLcom> wrote: Andy & Toan, Please let us know by Monday, 9128, morning what you have in mind for a fair compromise and respective compensation in this matter and we will proceed from there. We've been discussing this issue for quite some time now and we look forward to resolving. At this point we need to know what it is you want and how you would like to resolve so we can reach closure. Sincerely, Sara Slatten -----Original Message ----- From: toan nguyen [mailto:anandtoan@yahoo,com] Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2005 1:39 AM To: Sara Slatten Subject: Your recent proposal Hi Sara/Mr. Campbell, I am sorry for not being able to answer you sooner. Due to the strike at Boeing, I have had to work lots of extra hrs at various locations and away from my desk. As I see it, there are things we agreed and things we "agreed to disagree". 1. What we agreed was that you will re -install a gate, and a straight fence on the east side of my lot. This fence will pretty much separate yours and my lot like it used to be. We forgot to include a few trees that your contractors cut/removed. The old fence was of the inexpensive barbed- wire type; thus whether you will install a wooden or barbed wire fence it will be fine with me. What's more important to me is returning the land to what it used to be. Easy access to/from the blue house is very important since so much soil had been pushed onto the driveway. As is, a large truck will not be able to pass through. 2. What we also agreed was that you will reimburse me for various expenses incurred to me. Costs such as attorney fees, survey fee, mailing, copies fees, etc. 3. Other than the two above items, I would consider all other issues as we agreed to disagree because we each have expressed our opinions and/or positions verbally and in writing. The disagreed issues are: a) ownership of the notch and panhandle easements (also known as parcel K & L). I want to repeat very clearly that if Debbie Charles owned the notch then she would not have to use my tax ID to quit claim the notch. All people participated in the filing/signing of this quit claim committed fraud! In late 2002 the ownership of my property was fraudulently switched to Camwest to facilitate filing quit claim the panhandle easement. Subsequently, Camwest gave it to Shamrock. My tax ID was used in each transaction. This is very wrong! The previous owner(s) sold out the land some 70 yrs ago. They no longer live in this area - and are likely 10/12/2005 SOC Page 3 of 3 dead a long time ago. Some paperworks might have been mishandled; but it would make no sense they or their heir(s) still own the easements. Even if they do, they would lose ownership to me since I have been using and maintaining it for 19 years without opposition from them.. I also want to emphasize that I have documents showing both the notch and the panhandle are a part of my property. Because the notch & panhandle are a part of my property, that was why for many years I had to bear the problem of fixing the water line whenever it was broken by Shamrock truck traffic. b) Compensation for tax and maintenance: I disagree with the basis (from which the $16K was calculated) you proposed. My position is I owned/am owning the notch & panhandle. The total area is approx. 114 acres. The compensation must include 3 factors: fair market value of land, all hardship/anxiety/loss of sleep our family suffered, and no condition or compensation to you or anyone else in any form in the future if I decide route utilities in these easements. As I see it, even if you return the two easements (minus all utilities already installed), you still have to compensate for the hardship we suffered. c) I do not accept getting just part C of the panhandle. I know very well why parts A and B are important to you. Both the city of Renton and KC officials are aware of the possibility of being dragged into litigation. Again, I want the entire notch and panhandle back, or you have to compensate me as stated above. I want to thank for your trying to resolve the issues; however I think we are far apart on compensation or position. Not knowing how long the strike will last, please be advised that I can be very to reach or even won't be available during work hours. I even had to work very long hrs the last two weekends. Sincerely, Andy Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com Yahoo! for Good Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort. 10/12/2005 Filed for Record at the request of KING .3 QOUNTY WATER DISTRICT NO 90 A5-60§-.., -E. 128TH STREET RENT'ON: WASHINGTON 98059 1r1 Easement No.. 10-23'-5-1:.fR Project: SE 1251" ST MAIN EXTE'NS1019' Tax Parcel ID#: 102305-9042 C:3 Grantor(s.)': ANDY T. PHUNG ':,,,.93d-3 57"'AvenueWest co CM Muk(heo WA 98275 Ln C=3 Grant6ets)-.: KNG COUNTY WATER DISTRICT NO 90 L--4 AGREEMENT FOR EASEMENT THIS INDENTURE, -ft ado. this. 5t2`:' -" day ,Df 20 o o by and beTwPun KIN COiJNTY..WATEiH)t.STP4itT-446.--��, -s-immkapal .orporat.'m of King , 1 County, WashingtonhereinhereinafterWrm'e;:146 l'd :ihe.� rantee", and ANDY F PHUNG, hereinafter termed the "Gra --..._.,WITNESSETH That the said Grantors for ONE DOLLAR` M1.06 a.6'%.d oi'th6 ! r y' A I 14able-tonsideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged by-,'-the.I:d ro6teo`s, ' dqes by. these presents convey, grant and warrant unto the Grantee a pertnanent-'ea.s�6inent-..i6r W'ato"i. mains and appurtenances under, through, above, and abross thb f. flawing .,desortbe.d ........ property situated in King County, Washington, togetherw-tph 6,11 ahe(� a'b q'u'ied title of, ... the Grantors therein, and more particularly described as follows.; F %2110011D MPHUNGESPA DOC Page 1 of 5 :'63124/00 EASEMENT NO.: 10-23-5-1 SR Tti -North 10 feet of that portion of Section 10, Township 23 North, Range'5 East, W.M , King County, Washington described as follows The :--North :1.6 f66t o"f e South half of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast :quarter ofte Souk 6eastquarter,.; A�LSpth�b N&th--4.6 feef-fh t" -e East.50 feet of the South half of the Northwest P .'qi.larier of -tie 'ouf`,keatl. q. '!u carter Southeast quarter; LESS tounty Ro6d..:---' I'he (3rLntor warrants=that tha4r title i0reie: and-dtq�ar of all:`encumbrances except: Le,) 7 CD IThaso Wanks should be onher fiffed sn and m6iiiid by ft "maeof ZW&U, -&0M*t01Y-.-j cz:) 00 If thd'prooertj of the Grantors at the time of granting '.this: -...easement. ---Js phplatted but Cn is platted prtbr 16 the recording of this document, then the.-ibr6'ntois do hereby authoriZ . e the Grantee„ o add to this agreement the designation ..f Volt.'me and page, etc.) of sgcb peot2r-` C114 Th6::Grantor,6cknwkie4ges-, that part of the consideration being paid by the Grantee is for any:and ::a.darniag6 ..resulting to or resulting hereafter from the possible -:ll interference of-,-th6;:nbtur61-.:flow.,Pf surface waters by Grantee's digging of pipe lines which may dist Urb the,i4il co mpds,iti.0n.-W1,tbin said easement. The Cransaashallba-- t#e ijgAt-wandut,-:prjqi ijit=tign 9f any suit of proceeding at law, at such time as may-. be ned0saary, to entei upon the easement for the purpose of constructing, repairing, .'bItqTjn'g' or reconstructing v ru�tinb sAid-ater mains, or making any connections herewith, without incurn : ng:.'arly. �egarl: oblidption or [lability therefor, provided (1) The Grantee, Water District No. 90 ` Will restos Graritors'*A)perty to a condi- tion as good as or better than the preF*pps w..ere...-priQr to entry by the Grantee, Water District No. 90; EASEMENT NO.: 10-23-5-15R 12Y The District will exercise its best efforts not to damage any private improve- nieffs. on the easement herein, but if it does so, it shall repair and/or replace .,§#id sr provements, 6) RestQta.1f6n_, "r,ewacement,-,and repair shall be completed within 90 days of the date- of any,..entiy by "}he District and said restoration, replacement, or repair �tluajit City that is comparable or better than existed ..."Will bi f anidl*F' quanj t - f` , "":- ::...pr.i6r.`to One GranteWs, 6ip rip s, efltty, upon the easement. (4) The . 4ove SeAl" faith '6-6-47d- itioni.,..sh-M.ipply not only to the initial construatfon but any re-entry-, by tiq":'Water District that becomes necessary for repair and maioienahce of the .."Vy'atw"line on said easement. (5) Any damage and-ior remq4 .-bf a'n:y'omam6ntaI tri e,;'`shrub, fence, or rockery shall be replaced within thea,ior.ariqentid;i4d 0j) d.ay0:e"riod by the District. The Grantor shall retain the tight to rise the sut4a46 emigbrnent if such use does not interf.aib w .ith the installation, rep6ipng afterino or reconstructing of the water main. PAOVI - bED, the Grantor shall nofierect 06 . il4ngs or sir6ct0re"S of:..b, permanent nature .On the easement during the existence:'64 said The easement, during its existence, shall be a cbviharfi ru AntAg y6th the land co co and-.-" shalt be,, :'binding on the successors, heirs, and aSSIQn'of.:' beth of the parties hereto IN MTNESSWIM�00. We hAve.. set our hands and seals this day of CZ) NglrtfreH� a 000 she pUB LCL p ANDY . T. lei 7 STATE OF WASHINGTON) .... .. COUNTY OF KING ss eery On this day of 20 befor6'me: po'sonally,ppo'eared ANDY T. PHUNG to me known to be the individuals,desd ibed'n an' Nv executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged sbid,ir'WLft rndnt to be t F 12i%153%DOCSV1i4UNGESM DOC Page 3 of 5 A EASEMENT NO 10-23-5-158 N -6..31 daz F %M153%coCSiMAUNGESM DOC l ` ICO!#DATION REQUESTED BY; B1*ING EMFLOYEES' CREDIT UNION FA, Box;trta5�o Sl!attla, WA U12"750 WHEN RECOFtDED MA11_ TO: BOEING bAPLQYEESf',fiEDIT UNION P.# BOX.471050' •.. 9Malrie, Y4iA .>oitZ4�75o 54 -woe 1t' RECEIM I h115 I}A7 MAY J b 30 P 19 ur �� Yi::'JN —1i I Y 'FILEREQUESTAT D FOR RECORD [NS CO.C S { tILF0Fj,FCORDE'i'S USE ONLY p(). WX 1493 DEED OF TRUST aEL.LrVUF- WA X009 THIS DEE OF'TRIJSf IS:' DATED Mf AY 21, 15 6, amapg An T. Phung and Toan T. Nguyen, husband and wife, whose rnailin atldreas is 1231 Or,6wn Mill,: AV*'nUe, MUkllteo, WA 98275 (referred to below as "Grantor"}; BOEING EWP QyEES' CBECILT tiNIQN, whet : mailklg .. re" is P.O. BOX 97464, Beetle, WA 98124-9750 (referred to low 5pn t1111iea ais "4�n '` And taati*t:Idites4a. "Beneficiary"); and Trananation Title Insurance Company, whose maIWing adgt6t;ls. `is a4 w 108tH:; Ati�.ni NE, BpllevUe, WA 98(144 (referred to (below as ''Trustee"). CONVEYANCE ANG GRANT. For Yitlfabl4:C4narderaUofli, Grap, nSOrrireyb to Trustee In trust wim power of acre, right of entry and possession CID and for the baftellt 01 Lender= Beneflelairyy, all of Grantoes right, mle, and Interast in and to the following dowcnbad reel properly, logethar with all Q existing or subsegUently erected or affaed. buildings, iniprovoltenta' and fxlures,•e11. easements, rd j*s of way, and appurtenances; all water. water rights and dtich rights (lnciuding stock in utr 58i with ditch &'irrIgAon piahtsj; and a'tl:other righlS'royanias, and profits reAting to the real property, CD inducfwg wihout limitation all minerals. oA, g6, geolYarmat:-and:simr7ttr minors, located In I�u't ;County, Stllt,e of Washington (the a ` "Real Property"): cli C:) NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUA TE�1 00 THr..50Uf!'IEi0.5T QUARTER OF THE SOL,x[HEAST .fl QUARTER OF SECTION 10, T0WN9HIP' 23 NORTH, 'i M46E..;'5 EAST, W.iM, IN KING COUNTY, 0% WASHINGTQ�i; :.. TOGETHER: WITH AN (EASEMENT OVER THE NOF#TH 16 Fi`Ef' QF Thi SOUTH':; -HALF OF THE NORTHEAST GIUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAS*. OUARTER OF' TH 'rS0E1THEAST QUARTER OF SAID SEOTIONAG; AND:'.,., TOGETHtR WITH AIN EASEMENT OVER THE Noit*l iG FFU Ot TW`'EAST:'50:FEET OF THE SOLITTi HALF F TFiE`1+IOR71iWL�ST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QYARTlyF1..OF THE $QU,*HEAST QUARTER • � OF SgID SEOTtpN id. .• � • SUB IECT,,YO EASEl1�ENTS, COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS, AND PROVISIONS OF RECORD, IF ANY. ', -' The Real::Property Qr Its ;ad0feas IS,.cornmonly known las 12415 148th AvenUQ,.;SolJlthe;;at, Renton, WA 98059. The Real Rroperty teyi iaeliitiicatignp'mber Is 102306 9042. Grsnior trerat�y a>aigns as security to Lgnder, ap's Grantor's right, ttila, and interest in and to all isases, Rents,,;' and profits of the property, This ass'�grmeri Is'raporded in solrbrdarce with ROW a-08.070; the lion oreetgd by this assignment Is intended to be specific, perfected and Choate upon 1h9recording of thla Deed N'Trusi. Lender gtarts W GraNpr,a pane to collect the Rants and prefiis, which license may be revoked at Lender's option arra shah be auton►eioaNy rgvoktid upon acceteratlon A1,611 or pert of the I"btedrx;'ss. 2. DEFINITIONS. The f4llowino words "I havb ytia following Insarrings wheA used in this Dead of Trust. Terms not otherwise4efined in this Deed of Trust shall have the maaning6 0606 to stic4t terms In the Urtilorm Commercial Code. Ai raferenoes to dollar amounts shall mean amounts in lawtui money of the United Staiet,, of America. Benailclery. The word San6sciary" rneiins.90EING EMPLOVEES CAEDIT ANION, its successors and assigns- BOEING EMPLOYEES' CREDIT UNION also is referred to as'Leer^.Irs this l}ae of Trust:: ;; Deof Trust. The words 'Deed of TfI 1 cd man this Daed of TnAt arro0q. Grantor. Lander, and Trustee, and includes without limitation all assignment and swAty Interest provisions'Nallho,W:the Pars" P1'opa tj and :Renis. ' Grantor, The word Twanior" means any and All persons and entlrias ewjcullnp lh4%DQed Or Trust, including without imitation An T. Phung and qt 'loan T_ Nguyen. ! Guarantor. The word "Guarantor' means 8iid:.indudas' wlthput limitation' anti and:lau guarantors, suratias, and accontmodation parties In oonnection with the Indebtedness. " +fir improvements. The word "Improvarnenls" means and includes' tirriltatiop.,8t1 existiilq,.and future improvements, Rdures. buildings, structures, nrabila homes atsxed on tfw flea) Properly, faciiivas, ad�iGons, tapleaamerrls and allinde ConGtr<porion on the Real Property. IndebtofJness. The word "Indebtedness" meant BA prirrdtiel.atW'1n1en0il peyabli under the Note and:any amounts expanded or advanoed by Lander to discharge obligations of Grantor or expenses Incurred.0y Tr*Wo or Lender 16 enfaV64 obligeUbns of Grantor under this Dead of Trust, together VAth interest on such amounts as provided in this Deed of Trust, Irl addition to.lthe Nota, the weed "Indg0locirvss" includes as obligations, dabs and iabllitias, plus interest therean, of Grantor to Lender, or sny one: cr mpie of tham, as wet as oli claims by,Lender against Grantor, or any one or mom ul theca, whether now apstrrg or hereafter arising, whothet-.rfalaled or tlnrelaled tri the:pUroose of thjlNote, whether voluntary or otherwise, whether due or` not due, absolute or contingent, Yquidated or unilgtridatad:'and irahethir Granter may be liable individually or joinity with others, whether obligated as guarantor or Otherwise, and whether recovery upon sych Indebtedr 'r?tny be or, bereaf er may become barred by any statute of Ilmitatim and whether such Irrdebtedness may be or hweafier may bwcwie othierwL Wnanfor6 aWa. Lender. The word'i.andee means BOEING EMPLOYEES' CREDIT UNION, its 5uoco5a'brs and assigns. " Note. The word "Note" means the Nate dated May 21, true, In the original principal ArnoUnt br. 130,ID00.1J0 tronr, furantor t1 ,:. Lender. fogetfwr with all rerwwats, extensions, modificalforis, refinancings. and substitutions for• the Mote. the rnatUirli' 4te of this Deed '61 T(ust4,is fig June 15, 2008, w Personal Property, The words "PerwxW Property" mean all equipment, fixtures, and other artle" 61. personal Ploporty ndw or hereafter, owned f� by Grantor, and now or hereafter attached a at�d to the Real Property; together with all awasslons, parts, and°hddition5'ty, all replaoor e- of, and all substfturons for, any ol such property; and together with ai Issues and profits thereon and proCaetis ondu*g vrtthout IIrn1*kan a!I insurance proceeds and refunds of prerniunw) from any *ale or other disposition of the Property. Property. The word "Property" means collectively the Real Properly and the Personal Property. } Ra#1 property. The words"Real Property' mean the property, interests and rights dexribed above in the'Conveyart and F3raM"'Sacfi�n. Ralaled Document!. The wards "Related Documents" mean and include wilhaut limitation all promissory notes, Crilidit agreeri. ents,;toan agreements, environmental agreements, guaranies, secuny agreements, mortgages, deeds of trust, and all othor instrurrier►ts agropnnant and �+ doeumerds, whether now or hereafter existing, wwuted In connection with the Indebtedness. Rente. The word "Rents' mears all present and future rents, revenues. incom issues, royalties, profits, and other benefits derived front`the a '.,•'.v:, d'�.'T ¢' �li.�T, ,. .��.�, :.+ljd..�a.__..•.. _a . i' N r .... 1 DEED OF TRUST Page 2 (Continued) Pro perty. Trust". Tkee word "trustee" means Transnaiion Title Insurance Company and any substitute or successor trustees. IiHIS DliED 4 TRUST, INCLUDING THE ASSIGNNIENT IDF RENTS AND THE SECURITY INTEREST tH THE RENTS AND PERSONAL .'PROPEATY, 1.8 GJM TO SECURE (1) PAYMENT OF THE INDEBTEDNESS AND (2) PERFORMANCE OF ANY AND ALL OBLIGATIONS OF WANTOR UiWER'THE NOTE, THE RELATED DOCUMENTS, AND THIS DEED OF TRUST. THIS DEED OF TRUST iS GIVEN AND ACCEPTED ON TW FOIlLAIWINOJERMS: 3. PAYMENT AND 140" tiBfANC€, Except as otherwise provided in this Deed of.Trust, Grantor shall pay to Lender all amounts secured by this '' PaAd of Trlisl as they become. due, and shalt strictly and In a Hmely manner parform all of Grantor's obligations under the Nce, this Csed of Trust, and the Related Documents. , 4, POt IQI�/y1Q, IMT�1iANCE E PROPERTY. Grantor agrees that Grantor's possession and use of ttre property shall be governed by that �'�...•...•5:;r Possesa14s1 and, :;Un►tif the accufi7tnca of'an rivant.of Default, Grantor may (a) remain in possession and control of the Prop", (b) use, rate or man m 6' , ape. iqe RlpfidperFtF'ind Vic} cptlecf'any Rents from the Property (this privilege is a Acerrse tr�om Lender to Grantor automatically revoked 6pon ulefaufl), YA& tol"ing pr6vlsl 'ralata to the use of the Property or to other lin stations on the Property. The Real Property is not use¢priAcipal)r•fdreQii�'utiftlri•ltirdf�i�rrlrg.�urpoes'es. r Duty I6 Mail Grantor phaG mainta[n tfie PrapeSty in tepaniabiq.condition and promptly perform all repairs, replacements, and maintenance necessary to�presaluveals valine• ,+' Hazardous cbs. Tfte forms 'hazartlous water;": hreiardofis �r harm' "disposal," 'release; and threatened release," as used in this Used of Trus have tfta #erne aheanii+gs as.�t,forlh in ifib``Cornprohensive Environrrrental Response, Campersation, and LiabAty Act of 1980, as amended, 4,2-U.S.C. Sectiof19601', at seq. t" ERCLA");,the $upelfund A nendmanis and Reauthorlxadon Act of 1986, Pub. L. No. 99--4s9 ("SARA"), the Haxardoiis, MaierrfiK!tran;portatfdn Ac1;.,49 Lf S.G 5oclibrY1801, et seq., the Flescurve Conservation and Recovery Act, 49 U-S.C. Section 6901, at seq., 6� gthK..s6 pk*W stWte or Federal or regulations adopted pursuant to any of the foregoing. The farms "hazardous waste' and "hai9tTfaus sutislarrca" shall also indude,-:- nrithbut imitation, petroleum and petroleum by-products or any fraction thereof and asbestos. Grantor represents and warrphts to 1Orrder;tFi'4't:•:'(fi) Crira iia period of Grantor's ownarshlp of the Property, there has been no CID use, generation, manufacture, slorell traatfr rat, diiposaf raters@ orAhrestened release of any._hazardous waste or sugslance by any person on, Q under, about or from the Property; {bj Grantor hqs no Kt crwloga qt, or roalIbn.fo believe tha4'thgre hes been, except as previously disclosed to — and acknowledged by Lander In wriling;,,.t'l) any use, g¢neration, njtnu,Wctura, storage, treatrrient,;disposal, release, or threatened release of any Q hazardous waste or substance on, under, about or frim * Property by any prior owners,.'or occupants of the Property or (ii) any actual or threatened litigation or claims of any kind by any parson relgting ta' with matft acrd'• (c) Exept yrs previously disclosed to and acknowledged by ('V Lender in writing, (ij neither Grantor nor any lerlarrt,.,.contractor, •hgent or pfheh.aulhgrized-•User'of the Properly shall use. generate, manufacture, LI'3 store, tract, dispose of, or release any hazardous•.wisteor su4itartco ort, under, about br kqm the Prop" and (ii) arty such activity shall be 0 conducted in compliance with all applicable federal, shite, and kaaal laws, regulations .and ptdinanaes, including without limitation those laws, .O regulatlons, and ordinances described above. Grantor alllhorfaes �Qndpr and its agents to ender upol,the Property to make such inspections and lasts, at Grantors agmtse, as Lender may deem approprreitff' to determine aompilance'i f thr; Props ':with, this section ofthe Ueed of -trust. Any inspections or tests evade by Lander shall be for Lander's purposgs only;,futtlshall not be Construed to crenae any respdrilibilfty or liability on the part of Lender to C4vntbr or to any other person. The representa.Pons and karrantWs containa4 herein are '�ased on Gr'arjtors due diligence in Investigating the PFoper :fpr hamrdous waste and hazardous suh;tancos. "nlAr hereby (a)°.{ le'3sgs ono waives ani future claims against Lender for Lendinderrirtity or eontrfm bution to the event Grantor becoes Fable for�'ckwhup 4r other oasts uuldar Any syt:h laws, and (b) agrees to indemnify and h,dd hsrmIes3 i:Wnder against any and all claims, fosses, tisbiHlit 5, damages, add l',QMf axpenssa tivhich Under may directly or indirectly sustain# or sinter reaming from a b=rh of this section d the Deed of Trust dr a3%'i consequenoe o('any..iao,,jeneration, manutbetwo, storage; disposal, releasa,or threatened release occurring prior to Grantor's owrnirship.'or interest ip." PropWity, rrhafhdir or not the same was or have Wen han knowrt;:lo Grantor. The pruvWons of this section of the Deed of , rusk; inclwd ng tfhe obli olon to indemnify, shall survive the payment of jhe Inddbledness AM the satisfaction and reconveyance of the Gen Of ttry; 006e of.•T.rust wird sW n 6t he affected by Lender's acquisllon df any Ir"resl in the Property, whether by foreclosure or otherwise. Nrpsenpel-VYo" Grantor shall not cause. conduct or perrrrit any nuisance nor commit, p�fmlt, q[. suffer any stripping of or waste on or to the Propw* br any portion:of the ,property. Without ImNlnp tha generality of the foregoing, Graritdr'A no# reaYove,,br grant 10 any other party the right to RYmoVs,,:any timber. myilerlkyt (�udl+np of and ges). loll, gravel or rock products without th4 prier w(Aen consent of Lander. R"O1lai Of Irltpr0lrerlsentla:' G[dnlor shau'rrot demolish ce remove any improvements from the Rear' gArty without the prior written consent of Landor. As a col aMon to the remayal of so:Improvements, Lender may require Grantor to make arrargumenis satisfactory 10 Lender to replace such rifrprovements with Irtipn verne+lls.of at east equal value. Lrsrlaer'a'flgflf to EnI4. kendw,'":..:ffs a¢ents and representatives may enter upon the Real Property at all reasonable times to attend to Lender's kikmts and #a inspect tie Pr'oparlyJw ptuposiqs of Grantor's compliance with the terms and conditions of this Deed of Trust, compliance witfi,ib V ldrallslll Reg111reminl[C Grantor'.ahall promptly rornply, and shall promptly cause compliance by all agents, tenants or other persons or entities it evOiy rapture *Iho saava who tent, lease or otherwise use or occupy the Property in any rnL neer, with fill taws, ordinances, and regulolions, noW-roe°}tereef wjn eW.,ot aN ypvernmenhll a"bas applicable to the use or occupancy of the Property. Grantor may tartest in good faith arty such law, otdifianco,,ar r%ulatfon alld.wkhholo compliance during any proceeding, including appropriate appeals, so Iona as Grantor has nob"d Lander fir "ng pilor to du]Irig so: and;so long as, in Landers sole opirvon, Lenders interests In the Property are not Jeopardized. Lender may taquir'e,,lsrantor ll ;`, sl adttquate .iesurlty or at surety bond, reasonably satisfactory to Lender, to protect Lender's interest. ' Duty to Protect. Gmtor agrees neither iD. abando(E.nor IeavW'unat6nded'Ihe''Property. Grantor shall do al other acts, in addition to those acts rth set foabove In this section, which from the chsid6ir-end use of the Prgperty era repsonably necessary to protect and preserve the Property. S. DUE ON SALE - CONSENT BY LENDER. Lender may.-ill llls'opft lin. (a]:'de In1r1:'dplely due and payable al surras secured by this Deed of Trust or (b) Increase the interest rate provided for-An the *eA or olhgr docwnant,;evidendnn th�e.d Indebtedness and impose such other conditions as "iRd Lender deems appropriate, upon the sale or transllsf,hdut the Lender's Poor wrltan,bons0irt; of'a or any part the Real Property, or any interest in the Rea) Property. A "sale or transfer" means the conveyance of Real Property o any tight, tiila fir interest theraln; whether Wal, baneficlal or equitable; whetter voluntary or involuntary; whether by.outrighi sale, dead, instilfmiiM seta colractt.,land contraCL.corrtraCt for dead, leasehold interest with a term greaser than three (3) years, lease-option contract, or by sole, asagnrnerdbr Mgnsfer•'of any benei6at injamst In or to any land trust holding title to the Reef Property, or by arty other rneftd df conveyance of keel Pic arty lmer%l, t•lowavor, this option shat not be exaclsed by Lander if such exercise is prohibited by federal taw or by Waihil%ton law, G, TAXES AND LIENS. The farrowing provisions relating to the taxes aiid.,laiis on the Property' ane* pall of this Dead Cf Trust, Psymest. Grantor shall pay when due (and in air events prior W delnquoircy) at lazes; speciataffies, ffies, assesdinerhfs;'dhargas (including water acrd sower), firms and impositions levied against or an account of the Property; and shah pay whren..4ue al claims for work done on or for Services rendered or material furrishod to due Property. Grantor shall maintain the ftp" from of at Wu having priority ovW of equal to the Interest of Lender under this Deed of Trust, except for the lien of taxes and assessments not due and; except as pthr9rwise.prOvided ;In thts;G]ead of Trust, RWA To Goal,. Grantor may will payment of any tax, assessment. or clolr6lp cpnriection vtiiri'a good nth disputwove(# w obligation W pay, so Iorrg as Landers Irtleresi in the Property 15 not Jeopardized. It a Gen ideas or raided as a r•gsuft of n0itoyitsnt.Canlior shall wittrin fifteen (15) days atbr the Ilan arises or, if a Gan Is tied, within tittaen (15) days after Grantor has no" qt-the lift, sedure the dfschfirgM'of thft Ilea, or if requ nowt by Lender, deposit with Larder cash or a sufficient corporate surety bond or othar'sacui ity olsf0ctary 16•l,Ai4r In an amount,SufGciero to discharge the len ptm any costs and attorneys' foes or otter charges that could accrue as•dr resuilt of fi-lo�&o br salp•.under the liefrttin any contest, Grantor Shal defand Itself and Lender and shall satisfy sny adverse judgment before enW.coment against the Prnperry, Grarilorsftihll name Leader as in additional obligee under any surety bond furnished in the contest proceedings. Evidence of Payment. Grantor shall upon demand furnish to Lender satisfactory evidence of paymeri d the4taxs or:atsassrrwO mitt shall authodas the appropriate governmental official to deliver to Leader at any time a written statement of McL.,taxes And a�essments, 4galrlSt the Properly. Notice of Construction. Qrntw shall notty Lender at hast fifteen (15) days before any work Is commenced, any"ssrvkaas era furnished, or fir}y materials are suppled to ttw Property, if Any mechanic's Gen, raatarlatmarr's lien, or olher lien could be assorted on aCCount ph the.iivork„sarvtc43, or nwteriafs. Grantor will upon request of Lender furnish to Lender advanoe assurances satisfactory to Lander that Grantor'can and will payjhe cost of such Improvements. t. PROPERTY DAMAGE INSURANCE. The following provisions relating to Insuring the Property are a part of this Dead of Trusi. Mdnttrnarioe off Irlaurance. Grantor shall procure and maintain pdidas of fire Insurance with standard extended coverage endorsedienis on a replacement basis for the full Insurabis value covering all Improvernech on the Real Prop” in an arnount sufficient to avoid applcasio 1 of `any coinsurarxw clause, and with a standard mortgagee clause in favor of Lander, together with such Other hazard and labllly insurance a9'iC4nder rosy reasonably require. Policies shall be written in form, amounts, coverages and basis reasonably acceptable to Lender and issued by e • . 0 21=1 DEE© OF TRUST Page 3 (Continued) C'omperyf or cornpanies remnably acceptable to lender. Grantor, upon request of Lendar, will deliver to Lander from time to time the policies or :°`oe�t'ifiaaias of irtsuranoe in form satisfactory to lender, including stipulations that coverages will not be Cancelled or diminished without at least ten .` 00) d4ys' prig written notice to Lender. Each insurance policy also shall include an endorsement providing that coverage in favor of Lender will not bd impalfed In any way by any act, omission or default at Grantor Or any other person. Should the Real Property at any time become located in aq: area deslgnrtt9d by the Director 4f tfue Feeiefh3l Emergency fJlanagemant Agency as a special flood haMd area, Granter agrees to obtain and maintain F@decal Flood Insurance 1a3 the extent such lruuranae is required by Lender and is or becomes available. for the term at the loan and for lfee'fu11 unpaud`�rlrtdpael balance of the town, all the maeximum gall of coverage that is available, whichever is less, Appkieajlon,bt Prpi:ped8. Graarrler shall pronsplty nalgy Lander of any loss or damage to the Property. Lender may make proof of loss it Grantor falls to o 5b whl [h'fiflr,en {15) days of the casualty. Wlaetteer ex net tondo's security is Impaired. Lender may, at its aleetion, receive and retain ,.•~' the for Qcas ds of a"y insurance and appy the praceedI to the ratltkfton of the Ind+abt'edness, payment of any lion of ecllng the Property, or the restoparerl and Iap81r of Ilia PrOparky. Ii Landselects to apply 1Fhe praaceads to restoration and repair, Grantor shalt repair or replace the damaged or afasiroyed ;rnprtiyarrwnts in a rrharunex satisiartory Io Lender- Lander shall, upon satisfactory proof of such Wendilure, pay or reimburse Goal rdar:from ttw prGcesds far thesaanabla cost of repair all restaratio" if Grantor is not in default under this Dead of Trust. Any proceeds which hpve rldt been d�iiursed' wilhiri t118 flys after thearr reweipt and which Lender has not committed 10 the repair or restomilon of the Property shall tae used fie f to pay any.amourrt owing 1rt.t.ender un¢ar th(e Deatl o1 Trull, than to pay accrued irAweek and the rarnainder, If any, shall be aMlled to khei prirhs�part balance of,the Indebiednesa. tf i.erideer helps any presceeds after payment In ItYI of the indebtedness, such proceeds shall be paid wltflliut infrragt ter Granto[ as GralntGtr's inl9restq.,rr�tiy aPP�#• Llrasettlr*d Insurance et Sale Arty unestclh4r�gCJ Irusuragoa: shalt Inure to the benefit al, and pass to, the purchaser of the Properly Covered by this Dead of Trust lit any'trustee's;ssla or at* se)e held under thq pnoillsions of this Used of Trust, or at any foreclosure sale of such Property. e, EXt'�t�tTURIM BY.-LENDER, If glentorfalI" , comphr'vdlhany pro%Qwn of this Deed of Trust, or if any action or proceeding is commenced That would materially al�lcl:.iander's ipterdsts lrr the Property.,t:�+tdeir on Grintor*!tehalf may, but shall not to required to, take any action that Lender dooms appropriate. Arty arrlount chat Lend'«' eVends in Bo dhting +eriu'fSFiaF Intefasl at the rate Charged under the Note from the date incurred or paid by Lender to, Me date of repfltyment by Grsetor..'AN such• ieersas, sit Laerh lar's option, will (a) be payable an demand, (b) be added to lure balance of the Note and be apporitonfrd.among and bQ: payable with, any irrsipklmard:,payrnants to become due during either (I) lute term of any applicable Insurance policy or (10 the rerxebtrirgrJ&rn ofAhs Nib, or ,{b) be free tod%s ii balloon payment which will be due and Payable at the Note's maturity. This Deed of Trust abs will secure �ya msnl 0 thsgi amounts, Tha.►tglits provided for in this paragraph shall be in Addition to any other rights or any roma des to which Lander may be enticed aro accaaunt of ltae dejklf..Any i tach action by Lender stha h not be construed as curing the default so as to bar Lender from any remedy that 9 Morwise would have:flad. ,}" 9. WARRANTY; DEFENSE OF TITLE. The•liolleiwing provisions relating td owpdrship-tet. the Property a*ea.a part of this Dead of Trust. Thee. Granter warrants that: (a) Grantor holds goad and u*rkstable;8tle of record: to the Prop" in in turrhpla, free and clear of AM liens and encumbranoes other than those sat forth in tha,Raal P.roper)y dea6rlptlon or In. any #k lnsure'r' p@...poficy, fire report, or final tithe opinion Issued in oo favor of, and aeptaed by, Lender In eonnsCtioii•.wllh" Bead of Trust, apd • '(0) (3r*ntor ;,w tfve fur right, power, and authority to exaacuate and del+ver this Heed of Trust to Lan dar. Defense at Titin. Subieed to the v=pMon in the paragipph iiiavi, Grairtor watrvis* and wilCiorevax defend the title to the Property against the lawful claims of ag persons. In the avert any fiction or prbwaWnp.:ls cori'tmenced that questiojitis Gra Qe.s title or the interest of Trustee or Lender under this Deed of Trust, Grantor shall defend the action at CwanWs axpan�. Grantorrnay.be V* nomiiii6j.party in such proceeding, but Lender shall be enlitieed to p••a�iWipate in the pntCeading and to be repra4nlad,lnft proeeiiiding.:by counsel of Umders owri cliplM and Grantor wig deliver, or cause tgbe daly-wed, to Lender such instruments as Ladder may raglrast.from gone tdtkne lA.psrmiC.such participitbn. es'WNh i t e�Qati a lacable laws, Compltahce With Laws. Grantor warrants flhet the Property and ,l3rantor's` usef of Ilia Property` Cgmpii no pp ordlnanoea, and ft qulations of'+ lovarnrnental authorities, StWAV9 of ROMO a MUOn acro Warrantless. All representations end warranti�6 Contoured In this Deed of Tructthatt its ia iturviva mution and delavary ,� � Ia. CONDEMNAr10N. l'ha M a dreg provIsfans ralating to condemnation proceedings erg a ph3irt of #►is Deiad of Must'00 .` Q ASlitgfeur":firif Of pr¢Ceedl� Qmgtw ha„by assigns to i3enef Bary all right, title and Inleres%.of erakor in awy aviard,,ielflement sale or purchase, Balm for derrepo (dlFwL Incid¢ntal or consequential) or any other proceeds due in conriildioo with any colideens agon or other taking N all or [j part of the prop@* or tor' convpyanoe in lieu of Condemnation, all whether now or hereafter irAtlnd.§wve6af(er referred to as "Condemnation"), �` Applkaliors of ftie t Preoaada`. Up�eii "auiy.:Conde"ueation, Leader may at its election require thati::W all ei+}r pwrtion of the net Proceeds of the IN Cond&,iiaiatlan�.l?a sp�plied to.:thQ {ndabigdrherr s or this repair or restoration of the Properly. The net prodaeds of the Condemnation shag mean the L0 amouo aRvr paymaiiit of ao.rio"able costs.*penws, and stfxxrreys' fees Incurred by Trustee or Lander.''" connection with the Condemnation. Prpeeaniktps. If any proetaeding in cMdemniallon is filled, famritor shall prompry nolify Lender in wrirng,'eirO Grantor shag promptly take such ©% steps as may be neaesspry the 69We thi aclimM and obtain the award. Grantor may be the nornlnaf party in such proceeding, but Lender shag be entitled to pa�icfpaha illi the proabedln{� alnd.,,to be,reptpsented in the prooeedirg try counsel of its awn choice au at t3rantors expense, and Grantor wgt degiAw-d Cause to bit (JaIgveYed tp Lsn&F su6h:.1nakument5as maybe requested by d from ifrne to time to permit such participation. it. IMPOSITION OF TAXER, Fg% �1ND;if�-IARIGES By G4t1�llAENTAL AUMAITIES. The follwwfng provlslons relating to'gavernmental laxer, legs and charges are a part Of thio Deid d Trust,, , Ctrrreell Taxes, Fees and L 81gies. ugie nqua9f by,(ender, Grinitor shall execule such documents in addition to this Dead of Trust and take whalavw Omer aatlon Is reg6ovbed by I;enefer to perfecC'a(rd;aert(iruua s gen on the Real Property. Grantor shall reimburse Lander for 811 hays, as afeswribad below, foDa .with ag:•ipenses incurfeb in.-reicordirg, porlecting or continuing this Deed of Trust, including without limitation rut Faxes, lees, doournentary stamps, ane' other cCiarges for r0=11iing rill reg19Wng this Deed of Trust. Taxes. The IcUoWng shall consgute taxa9:lo which 4his section sppiier<: {#j a sthaeiGiC tax ups" ifus type of Dead of Trust pr uJporl 8l[ or any Part of the Indebtedness secured by this Deed bt Trust; (b) IL.apedtic Won t;irarh-wll�h, Grantor is authorizad or required W deduct from payments an the Indebtedness secured by this type of.-Deed of Trusii .ic) a liax on Ifs type of DW d Trust chargeable against Cha Leader or the. holder of the Note; and (d) a spedre tax on all or any pother" ot!ihe lrhdabledneea' or on pa}ttnantal of.ponCipal and interest made by Gra Mor. Subsequent Tames. If any tax to which this section app a a nacthsd.subsefquaflt to ft. date Cut thiS Dead of Trthst, this euertt shag have ilea same effor t as an Event of Default {aa eiafinead below), and Lender mai-ap*dse ally Or all of he evallable remedies for an Event of Dafauull as provided below uniess Grantor either (a) pays 0 tax before ft belicamas doWXF euf or lb]-cO+fiesia tlip..tax-ais provided above in the Taxes and Uens section and deposits with Lander cash at a aaiffld8fit Carpdnuto surety bend or atfreh erxurOy satisfactory•'io Le nder. 11, SECURIT1f AGREEmoiT,,FINANCING STATEMENTS. Thane )fling proujplans Matin¢ to thi_* f Bead ofTrust as a secerity agreement area part of this Deed of Trust. Seine tSr Agt'*erlaellt" TiwS Irtrtrurnettl shag Constitute a security agrjoirwrtt to the esdefil aany"al' this Pr0arty,r4rist Wiles fixtures or other personal propwly. and LArKW shall have all of the rights of a secured party under (ejoa Unrorm Qomrnercisl.toderas.arnended from time to time. Sacurlly lydiamstt_ Upon request by Lander, Grantor shall execul0 Inancirrp *lerrre3itts and taki wthalteyer other actlori:is requested by Lender to perfect and continue tsneiers sasclxry Irrlerr,st in the Rents and Parsainal t'roperty. in addition;to rsi vrong tk>I,s gged of. Trust In the real property mcands, Lander may, at any We and wowut further authorization from Gratnlrx, lifeexeCulad'CounlaC arts, CORIBIS or r>pprpduhebioras of We Dead 3 of Trust as a ffrriancIng statement. GranW shall reimburse Lander for rill expenses iricVfvd ln' perf4cting or,:urari'Ung 66.iercurity iniarest. Upon i default, Grantor shag assemble the Personal Property in a manner and at a place renonably coMnieriil ttY. t3fantoi a iid I" and make it avag4ble to Lender within three (S) days after receipt of written demand from mender.,,• Addr Addresses. The misting addresses of Grantor (debtor) and Lander (secured party), town 0hich-iniorrhRWh cofloar ning ,the;,sec city in"'it granted by MDeed of Trust may be obtained leach as required by the Uniform Commercial Coda}, qca as statad.gn Itis first pagg of ftq4d' of Trust. 13. FURTHER ASSURANCES; ATTORNEY-IN-FACT, The tdlowft provisions mating to further assurance ,4rtd-'attarney-jrrfact;era q paaiit of this Dead of Trust. FUMW ANWOr es. Al any time, and irom time tea time, upon reqs of Lender, Grantor will make, exemia ilnd dsgvar,;ar ww'cauob to 4a•,,' nude, executed or delivered, to Lender or to Lendars designee, and when requested by Lender, cause to be .filled. feoord'ed, railed, pr I remolded. as the case, rosy be, at such tiaras and In such offices and places as Linder may deem appropriate, any ani ab such rXiprtgaggs, deeds of trust, security, deeds, security agreements, Anancing statements, Continuation statemefft, fins rulnU is Of hpiher a$surahOM. 6111FAfi 0d, l and cow documents as may, In the sole opinion of Lender, be neoetiawy or desirable In order to effectuate, 001Tp11ete;.per4d, dortinui, or it preserve (a) iter obligations. of Grantor under the Note, this Dead of Trust and the Related Documents, and (b) the raps arid'seacu ity In*0sts Created by this Deed of Trust as first and poky lions on the Property, whether now owned or hereafter acquired by Grantor. Unless praahhbR6iti by law or agreed to the contrary by Lander In writing, Grantor shag reimburse Lender for all cost and expenses twurred in connecson wlth-the maliars mfeared to In this paragraph, 0.6-21=1996 DEED OF TRUST Page 4. (Continued) A#tornRy-trr..P Ct. If Grantor falls to do any of the things rofanad to in the precadfng paragraph, Lender may do sv for and In the name M ints Lander as Grantor's attorney-ir�fact for the purpose Grantdi and *t Grantor's expense-For such purposes, Grantor hereby Irrevocably appo of raiAking, executing, delivering, filing, recording, and doing all other things as may be necessary or deMrable, in Cerclages sole opinion, to aecoinphill4he matters referred to in the preceding paragraph. FUL,;L PEF4!0KfAAKCE. U Grantor pays all the Indebtedness when due, and otherwise perform all the obligations imposed upon Grantor under this Deed of -frust; Legdor shag execute and deliver to Trustaa a request for full reoanveyance and shad execute and deliver fo Grantor suitable statu3irlents 4t teriisinaglon.,.of any financing stalemant on file evidencing Lender's security interest in the Rents and the Personal Property Any i.reconaeyan6 � shall.Ajei geld by GraMa, it permitted by applicable law. The grantee in any reconveyance may be described as the 'parson or persons lagsdy,..entitted Ihere#a", and the recilal4 In the reconveyance of any matters or facts shalt be conclusive proof of the lnjlhfulness of any such matters W. facts. 15. D6PALLT. Each ofthe fosowirg, at the option of Lander, Shall constitute an event Of default ("Event Of Default }under this Deed of Trust: iietault on rode dnesa. Fallon 'Qrantor to make any payment when due cn the indebtedness. Dehwlt on. tjhar:Pa m.mis. Failure of 13ranlor wil;KAM tme required by this Dead of Trust to make any payment for tuxes or insurance, or any other payment necess,ery4o prevent 1Ik Q-of or to etferi disoarge of any lien. COifipliaglce i t"; Failure 16 Comply �MAL#iy other„tetm, obligation, covenant or condition contained in this dead of Trust, the Note or in any Cf the fielatad.i7ocuCnef+h- z False Staten enla.' Arty watranly 'repreeefllettion or Siptemautrit mad4or lurished to Lender by or on be d Grantor under this Deed of Trust, itis Dote or thgR.ligiated (lodgments is false di misiea*g-bt .iiny matptiakfiBilpect, either now or at the lima made or furrtirshsd. Dill or Inadlvency, :;The dailih of any Gfsntor,:.lh6 iiisolvorior Grantor', the appointment of a rwelver for any part of Grantor's property, any assignment lbr the bon” of creditor,$, aretL:i pa cit worliqut, Or ,ths.Camniesoatrtierit 4f any proceeding under any bankruptcy or Insolvency co laws by or against Grantor: :' ;` ':::, .�` ''�:•,, Foreclosure, foreclosure or fqr re proceedings, Whether by judicial proceeding, 5611-hell), repoasesefan or any other method, by arty arednfar of Griintor or by ant 4awrInais agency against arty ll ri of the Property- However, this subsection shall apply In the event of a good faith dispute by Granlbr as to the valliidity for r9asonableness of the claim which is the basis of the forockaure or farsl gee CT. proceeding, provided that Grantor gives Lander written notice of sucfa ciaafm_and furnishes ressrvas or a surety bond for the claim satislactory to c\j Lander- LO Breech o1 OIIrRr Apreemerit. Any breach by iirardor q sr•'ths pirras'of any othai agreemerd between Grantor and Lender that IS not remedied CD within any grace period provided therein, Inciucift without Wrnitagon any agreement cbricernirT(Jany indebtedness or other obligation of Grantor to %IQ Lander, wtnsthsr mutstinQ naw Or Mtar_ Events Aflec#411 Qu raator. Any of the praoedingaveiits occurs with re3pect faany' Gai.ianf6r of any of the Indebtedness or any Guarantor dies Or becomes incompetent, or revokes or dispules the vaddily of,; or llebd9ty.•bnder, airy, Guafitnty Of the Indebtedness. Insecurity. Lender in good faith deems Itself insw ra. ; 16, MCIKTS AND REMg&ZS ON DEFAULT. Upon the occu mrice of`any ,$warn :af Delauft and;et arty time Ihargiefter, Truslge'6r Lender, at Its option, may 9xercise any one oe'mora'of the following rights and remedies, in addition to any:pthgr rlghis or r6med' Provided by four: Accelerate Inde; Mnasa..'Lender shall have the right at Its opliah a declare the entird Indebtedhoss lt�ametlletely.,due ,and payable, including any orepayment:penalty whkai.0rentor would be required to pay. ; Foreclosure. %41h re4*11 to ad• or any part of the Red Property, the Trustee shill have the rie ft to exercispower ofsele and to foreclose by noffoe and Salo, and16iWar shall have the right io foreclose by judicial foreCtoaurA, in;:eithar.aas+F:In actord*tce vitth acid io the full axtenl provided by alppWalaie lav,i. UCG RofnadM& With retipect 16 all or any part of the Personal Property Under shall hive all tha'rights and rldmsdt8s of a secured party under 11,$9UnRorrai a,omnlerotaI,$:ode.: r Collect bits .;E,andec. shag tlev�e the right, without notice to Grantor, to take possassion bf land manage' prvPertY and sof test the Rants, Including amoyi6 o4&fdu0 Arad ttrlpeid•,:and epply the net proceeds, over and above Lender's coSiS, aligaiiisi the Indo tedrwsa. in hi warms of fi'ils right, Londlir rnay'requirg' arty1onant for. Other user of tfw Property to macre paymentsrecity of rent 4!:4Se fees dito Lender. H the Renis ars collected by Linoor, th on G4an1Gr IrrevocabiydasJgnaiss Lender as Grantues attorney-in-fact fo end6iie }listrunients received m payment thor4of In ilia r+ame of dhlE for and'to,:iiegoiiata the S%me and called the proceeds. Payments by tenants or others segs to Lender in response to Lender's damand'SW satisfy the srbfip'ations,tat'.Which".the payments ane made, whether or not any proper grounds"fpf'the demand eidstad. Lender may axerclsa i#s.riatals under. subparagraph Wtljer' in person, by agent, or through a receiver. �,.l,aleder shad {fees tris right 0 t+atid`a receiver appointed to t&lre possasslan of all or any part of the Property, with the power to Appoint fi egbftl protect and preserve the piopelty, toj¢P the Propa*..preceding or Randing foreclosure or sale, and to Coiled the Rerd5 from the Property and apply the proobaft oder and abpve dist cost of the r"Winship, hip, aigainst the Indebtedness. The recslvsr may serve wttheut bond if permitted bylaw. Landers right 10 the appair>imeral d a1 receivor;shall exist whelher or not Ine apparent value of the Property' exceeds the Indebtedness ter a Substanllal amount. Employm9ni by London shall,not diaquaJiy al:pMon train serving as a receiver. Teneac�y at Sufferance. If l5rantof refrains in .0osssSsipn;:# tjie tiropertyf sitar Che Property is sold as provided above Or Candor atfierwise becomes snvoed to possesslokelf he'PrOP" upon defaUR,',of Grantor', Gran,$or shad become a tenani at sufbmraca of Lander or the purchaser al the Properly and shalt, at Lender's.., ender's option,: saw (a) pay a nasit9�la rari or the use of the property, or (b) vacate the Property imm(J atsly upon the demand of Lender. Other Remedies. Trustee or Lender shalt t!ava any other right or remedy:prdvided Int ed This Deof Trust or Che Note or by law. Notice of Sale. Lender shall (live Grantor ri4asonable riotic6 d the tJrna�andi ptaw- of arty public sale of the Personal Property or a the time east which any private sate or other intended dispi&ryon;alf the;pwsrrnal Prop". is td be Malde.., Reasonable notice diad mail notice glean at least hi ten (t 0) days before the lima d the sale Or diapoeiton. ;.Any mile *I-:Pmghal •PropQ0rnay'�9a made In conjunction with any sale al the Real Sale of the Property, To the o*W pMrmitted by app ts law. Grard0i' lievaby Wit"ui'idF any tsrrYd ad sights to have the Property marshalled In exercising its rights and remedies, the 7rustae or Lender shall be frog to flap alt or any part of the Prop ergr together or separately. In one sate or by separate sales. Lander s hail be sntlffed-t0 bid at arty putN� sale'a?i a1 po or ark! man of this Property. :. Walvari Eledlari of Remedies. A waiver by any party of a breachgf 9pr4vwcrr of Ihia'Dead of Trust shall not constdute a waiver of or prejudiCS the party's rights oNaerwise to demand stmt compliance with lhd prowaien or-'any oilier ptavI06n. > lacW-by:Lander to pursue any remiody provided In this Deed of Trust, the N01e4 in any Related Document, or proMdod by; Iaw shall net ""ludo purtull 'of any alher remedy, and an section to make wxpendilpres or to take argon 10 perform an Obagation 011 G for under tfuls Dodd of.Trast after frarlure-a[ Grantor to perform shall not affect L.aMer's right 10 declare a defa4a and to exercise any of its remodiiii. Attorneys' Feeds EXpensaa. It Lander Institutes any Sud or &Cdora to endorse Sq, of the terms of.lhle deeded gust, I and0h.6ha# be en illled to L recover such sum as the court may adjudge rsasonaba0 as attorneys' fees at trial a4o" any,appa3iI , Whetbryr 6r.; no1 achy vOun cgon is Involved, a` all reasonable exponses Incurred by Lender which in Lender's opinion aura necessary st any #Ittae for tfyq pfolepfipn d �:itflersat o< the enforcement of Its rights st+ali bacarrsa a part d the Indebtedness payable on demand &tad shall bear Iniarest at the' IYdb reh''t O;n data of expenditure until nttpaid- Expanses covered by Reis paragraph include, without dmitdon, hgwmr sub*t to arWIirAls under apph�able lea , Lenders attorneys' less wheffier or not there is a tawsuies l, Including attorneys' ism fax bankrbptcY proCeedlrags (InGtuci" 1ifPris to Mod vacate any automatic stay or injtrrctiaanh appeals and any anticipated past-�udg MM toaaction 9'erxrcea,the c°dt pf soars'^'�, raf°°rds,:°t}tainrg lige reports (including faxnclosure raiportsj, aunveyors' repOrta, 11PPrWW fees, title Insurance, and fees•-tar ftT!uAleo, to the extant per 4y applicable law. Grant« also w+ll pay any court coals, in addlidon 10 all athar Burns provided by law. tSglate of TrusMo. Trustee shag have all of the rights and duties of Lender as set forth In this section. 17. POWERS AND OBLIGATMWS OF TRUSTEE. The following provisions relating 10 the Powers and obligations bf.Tru4tss (pursuant to Landsft,.:. instructions) are part of this treed of Trust. 'a Pormwa d Truatee, In addition to all powers of Trvslae armkig ata a matter of law, Trustee shad have the power to take thq, follawing sictions.,With rasped to the Property upon the written rogatasl of Lender and Grantor: (a) join in preparing and %no a map or plat Cf the Real Property, inr„tuding the dedication of streets or other rtyhta to the public; (b) Mn in granting arty easement Of creating any festrlctlon on the Real Prciperty; and (a) join in atny subordination or otter agreemwt allecting this deed of Trust or the Interest of Lender under Ills DOW of Trust. Obllgelfons to Notify. Trustee shall not be obligated to notify arty other party of a pending 9210 under any other trust deed or flan, or oCAny aplion or proceeding in which Grantor, Lender, or Trustee shall be a Pauly, unless required by applicable law, or unieea life aCAon Or prot54ed!rag is brought by Tnastoe. 0 -2114.196 DEED OF TRUST gage (Continued) YNslo :' Tru -0 shall meat all qualifications required for Trustee under applicable law. In addition to the rights and remedies set forth abrnre, wlth reoeot to: all or any part of the Property, fire Trustee shall have the right to Inrtaclose by nefioe and sale, and Lander shall have the right to foreolgte by jUdiciai forectofiure, In either case in acoordance with and to the full extent provided by applicable taw. Sucossor Trustee. Lender, at Lender's option, may Irom ttme to time appoint a successor Trusbae to any Trustee appointed hereunder by an InstrOment iiirrecutad and acknowledged by Lender and recorded in the ofilce of the recorder of King County, Washington. The instrument shall contain, 14. addition to all other matters required by state law. the names of the original Lander, Trustee, and grantor, the book and page or the Aud1tor's FtIw:Ni Mbar where this Deed of Trust Is recorded, and the name and address of the success trustee, and the instrument shall be akecutsd and acknowledged by Lander or its successors in Interest. The successor trustee, without conveyance of the Property, shall succeed tc athe 1i 6,.poweJcjt6a.dutles conferred upon the Trustee In this Deed of Trust and by applicable law. This procedure for substi4�tion of trustee shall gbvarh to the emluS qn of all other provisions for subslitution. IL NOTICES TO 9g.A lTOR AND OTHER PARTIES. Subject to applicable law, and sxcept for nngce required or allowed by law to be given in another.rnanner, aay ndip9 under this Deed of Trust shall be In writing, may be be sent by telefacsimilie, and shall be effective *ban actually delivered, cr wftafi depvsitec#'with b nationally raMniaed overnight courier, or, g mailed, shag be doomed effective whom deposiled In the United States mail first s;'6art116d or reglstened rrilill, pdstage LOMpaid, directed to the addresses shown near the beginning of this Deed of Trust. Any party may change its Address iqr notipes under Ihk Qe'sd of Trust by gtvirg fgrmd, Written notice to the other parties, specifying that the purpose of the notice is to change the party'6 address, fill copies,'of notices of 16reclosrro1rom it* holder of any lien which has priority over this Deed of Trust shall be Saul to Lender's address;:as shbwn rWGr the beginning of thtz pved:pt'Trust Ftor nohoe purposes, Grantor agrees to keep Lender and Trustee informed at all times of Grantor's'Currtnt address,` 19. NOTIFICATION. •The::fust $entein;:the section jaipelk4,-NOTIQeS TO GRANTOR AND OTHER PARTIES" is hereby amen¢ad 11c read as follows: Unless at required or d ru IIAcnued by'kW to bergi 0, in another riiannar, any notice under this Deed of Trust shag be in writing and shag be effective when act rvw9d W,,1f nnallad, sh6li be da¢rryad affeo�ivq:Va4n dbposilad in the United States mag first class, directed to the addresses shown near the beginning a ihis Dead of T6t. 24, WASHINGTON, LOAN UAVICINf3 i O1110E. • `If 1;4 -loan vvf�enCe4--b.y the Credit: Agreement is to finance the scquistlon of a 1-4 Iamiiy owner -occupied residence Iocs3itp4 In.,Washl4on, (rkantor 1 twreby`troopd that the servicing for the loan Is Subject to sale, transfer, or assignment. If and when the sarAofng is gold, tni i311erred ort assigfaed,11 w'purichgslAg.j",Ing agent Is required to Provide notification 10 Grantor. 2t. MATURITY DATE_ The niatunty date Stated i3 subjeFt to exbensiGn byt*ider from time to time. 22. NOTICE, Oral agreements or oro'ComrtiitrnentS to Iopn n' 1Dnay,,,,6*rtd- motif, or to lorb�r;. from enforrcinq repayment of a debt are not enforceable. This Dead of Trust (a) may not be'.imend�d vxoppt fora wrung pigned by the party agiiinst Whom enforoemerwt is sought, and (b) replaces all ents q< un*rstandinljs, gang, befyreen the.;partiss. This is the final and Complete expression of prior, contemporaneous or subsequent oral agrearp all fern's of this Dead ofTrusland there are no other,Isrms.,' 23. iAISCELLANEOM Pi�OVISION& The following miscellanocLis prw%fsions Riga part of this.:Otjad� Trust: Amendments. This Dead of Toad, together with any Rojated DOctirttant$. oonstfwke9 ffr$ entr$ understanding and agrawnerst of the parties as to the rnatttus set forth in this Deed of Trust. No ageratian ot.or ainwidmerii to this Dodd of1ruat•tshall be, effective unless given in writing and signed by the party or parties sought to be charged or bound by Ifili;:atturttlion or amendment...-;:• Appglcable Lm. Tiili-DO d of Trust has been delivered to Langer and- bbepted by Lender,ln tine $tai!'tST wastrinpioa. Tttis Diad of Trust sha.ba yoverned:by arf¢.conetrued in accordance with this lawO of Iota stile of;lti Umirigton:,;. Caption Flearllngt. Caption i-eadings In this Deed of Trust are for-Onvanianbo pUrpostis only aril are'>erat 10 be used 1d interpret or define the pr0viaions d thN' D ed of Trust; :.,.;,.,•.,.....:' Liartyer, Thard stall tye:.rro merger of the Interest or estate created by tots Dead of Trust;tiVNh any other intpi�pst Or estate in the Property at any time held by ell for th4 boiratit of Lender in any capacity, wkhout the wrtifnn consent of -Lender. Multiple Parols. All obilotiornkf Grantor under this feed of Trust shall be joint acid ui4 aral,..Jtnd alf rersri nogd: to Grantor shall mean each and every Grantor. Thep maarrh that yach of the Borrowers signing below is responsible for all 6bligatloris in thl�.�tieeti of Tiust. ;3avW*b1tNly. ff li.eourt;:•of ow client Jurisdiction Inds any provision of this Deed of Trust to be.invali or..tiralnfbnoeabte as to any person or drounui4nce, auolw flridiN sh4j not randy that provision Maki or unenforceable as to any Other pensortis or Cinpurnstance3, If faasii5le, arty RtIbe oftrdirg provision shill be deGmod•t0-0 anodised to be within IN grnil3 of enforosability or vagdit}+; hoikevsir, If the oflendlrrg provision con rraf be sa rnr4fbed. If 41rall be'strickiiiifu and all othirr,provislone of lows Dead of Trust in all other respects sfiaii rarnelil volts and enforceable, � Sucoesiars alt#:A�Igna.:` $UbjKt to the ignitations stated in 1Ma Deed of Trust an transfer of Oranlr, s Irffbecomes vested In a pawn this Geed of Trust shall rte bindfrtp ;goon acid inure ta`th@' beneAt.of the pgrtles, their sucoessors and assigns. If Ownership of the Proky' rson other than Grtiitlor, Lander, womit noGGe'•to orantgr, may deal with Grantors su:aceesom with reference to this Debd of Trust and the Indebtedness by way of tarbarae or p6snilon 0111houtrkoro ft Grantor koobligations of chis Dead of Trus rrot or liability under the Indabtedness- (Nj TRU is of Ih Ein le ssihm. 'grof 1ha essenceirti the pelt mance of this Deed of Trust. L!) Welvers and Consents.:Lerwder still notedeemed to 4wwaived any rights under this Bead of Trust (or under the Related Documents) unless such waiver Is in writing a ndSigrieds'bY`LpndW_ No d9lAy or o^iselon Pn the part of Lander In arerds1ng any right shall operate as a waiver of such right or any other rlgtd. A wahrartty any R"'Of a pfovisop of this teed of Trust scrag not constitute a walvar of or pr*dIioa the parlys fight BttWwiaa to demand sfriot eompiijncs withithst provision !rr arty oth9r provision. No prior waiver by Lender, nor any course of dealing between Lender and Grarrtor;,:tffrsY pdndkft ap:'waivef ai; any of Lenders rights or any of Grantor's obligations as to any future transactions, err WhWar consent by Lander 19'te4ulred In this Deed of TriAit, ft grw*pg of such consent by Lender in any Instance shag not constitute corrtiintiktp corrsenl bstatraequertt Inatanoe$ wh6rs Such cortsertt is rp'gtired. ° `:;_ Waliver.at HO stead EYeatptton. Grantor hareti'y'relep sand virafve6: A 44ts and benefits of the homestead Mmpflon laws Of the Stats of YfashingEon a8 to aft lndabtedrress secured �by oris D..rl;oi Trust. ,•: '' � =' •� ' .. EACH GRANTOR ACKNOWLEDGES HAYING READ ALLrTHi; _'PRQV1SIOWt OF., Tif16 DEr0,1DF TRUST, AND EACH GRANTOR AGREES TO ITS TERMS. " r CaRANiEiFt: � ;��fu.t.•'L; � ��� t.tr'*';.. .�� -? X An T. Pit ung f 1 - i' Tilitl:�. Nppgen INDIVIDUAL AC STATE OF !#J stoOF 1 NGtt� COUNTY OF 1 On this day betoro me, the undersigned Notary Public. personally appeared An T. Phung and Toon T. NQuyen, per$'Rnagy known tome or:prgvati to me on the basic of sallctsciory evidence to be the individuals described In and who wwuled the Deed of,,Tnat, andgacknomrWd d�.ihat tl7uti signed the Deed of Trout as their fres and voluntary act and dQQA for the uses and purpcaekhapn mentioned. Given u airy�WITI day CO' . W"A IWaldine at N Noy cornmtaejart a><pplrift t.4 ----------------------------------------- Loon q E OGN grzg;,� -W �dq*j 3.00',Z4 LwF- Lu w11 'Ile ig II UW S L 5 w¢ j tiw o cc ul cn Lu LO .641 � LU 0 u ao 69wg Lu :E z �,J-C-Str N.61,91,00-S 1 0 zea L I j E/I L, — . -C d t L) �3 Z L') Jw F: Z5 Gr-mr of -6rr 52 vgg z ul 0_1L M.60,fi.00S '?d Oh'J 00 125❑ G — LLI V) L,) X 7— An 14 LL LL 0 t It A j� VP Lu (a In -to, j� En C4 L, 45 L L� v a S�nu �Q C!, rz, Lo -W 18-3 u ZZ, w � �f .. f :W rD C3 71� Ix o C-4 LO cs 14 Qff Lo z to ac It: Z 'K( Li dx app z V) ule, 8 cA, LLj pz� C5 ❑ I- --K LLJ E—, k w 0I Q) cr W to � R - W yam' U -Al tt ma Lu �u z r L"j �A , I K - — cn 44 'o Lo K' 47 Lu u) "L41 Q o 0 Q Z L-1 5z L (,) �— . �-zz Lu Lz, LLj 8 re U) Q. �c 0 Lcj -j I - :IE L, QE Kj ca C� k 4j ul Lo Q LO ca V) ELI, WkjO u) 00 ce Z, c� -3 FZ CLn� c:�- r) C4 ct ::l Lj Q LO Z rt Q LLu 4 w r �zt ro 0 8", Irk U) C) Z—z Lu LLJ Ct Ul -4- c(i 'Lf)'Lf) Lq u ;J.) pZdck� TT Q. L i�j Lw D094 L x O �s W �,Q 11 88 -7, �cl lt� t4ci �l O Icing County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, OVA 98055-1219 DATE: /-Z' T — as Project No. >= LOOXXXXX SUBDIVISION and SHORT SUBDIVISION REQUEST TO RECORD Interoffice Memo TO: 7/," 4:111&a nc)Land Use Inspection Section RE: Project Name: Sr`f.4 ck f(rly7S ( Project No.: L- D Z /0D O l ¢ Project mane as shown on recording document: Final Activity No.: G d S f iQ 4 ?<V Inspection Activity Na.: I- O 4 S 112 Please inspect the above -referenced project for the following items: The Land .Use Inspection Section does not recommend recording if any item is marred No 1. KCC 9.04.090(c): Are those portions of the drainage facilities necessary to accommodate the control of flows discharging from the sites constructed and mi ration, per public R/D rule? es No N/A 2. Are water mains and hydrants installed? (fit also be approved by Fire Marshall) $. Do you recommend the recording of this subdivision? If you l Ave checked No, indicate the reason(s) in the comments section below. Yes V No 9. If there any building lots on this plat which should have further review or engineering prior to building construction, identify those lots in the comment section below and describe concerns along with suggested final plat note(s). Yes N o .NIA 3. Are roadways graded to all lots capable of pr viding access by passenger vehicles? 'Yes No 4. Are specific site improvements required by preliminary approv installed? Yes � No NIA 5. Is sensitive area to remain undeveloped delineated? '�'� Na NIA 6. Is temporary contr 10- Minimum Performance Financial Guarantee required for retarding is Restoration Financial Guarantee maybe used if a Performance Agreement to Co late form is completed. 11. Min;rrn„r, Landscaping Financial ol monuments set by Land,Surveyor? ,,// �'� No NIA 7. Are all safety hazards addressed? Yes No Guarantee amount required for recording is: $ �r2C7 fQ,j 12. Minimurrrn Recreation Financial Guarantee amount required for recording is: $ 13. h'Iinirrnirtr Street Trees Financial Guarantee amount, required for recording is: $ COMMENTS:�ft�A,�r.�+ f ` �x�s.�ey �arie�.c,�--•,.• IQ ��ic1� 5p- r Inspector's signature and date: Project Manager's signature and date: ; � --'? L � / cj I (S .etc a Original: Platting Engineer IBM RETURN TO::: ,Engineering Review Section S/F°rIM./C17RRENTFORMS.liegtoRec.Presm - t.43.09A5 .ter 72 —8 f Copq 1: FG14fU COPY 2: Inspector SOC VanPatten, Steve From: Sara Slatten [sslatten@camwest.com] Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2005 11:32 AM To: VanPatten, Steve Cc: Florent, Ray Subject: RE: Shamrock Property: Impact Fees Credits Page 1 of 3 Steve, Here are clarifications to your questions below. Also, the first attachment is a map of the plat showing the pre- existing & existing structures to better explain what was and is out there. 1) The existing home contained within lot 118 will be retained by the owner, George Palanchuk, is the only original structure that remains on site. I will look into the sewer & water connection issue that you raised & get back to you. 2) The credits for the 5 homes accounts for Palanchuk's retained home on lot 118. 3) Attached are demo permits for structures on 5 parcels. Each permit was for structures located on separate tax parcels and each had their own addresses. Only 4 homes were demolished. There were four single family homes that were not counted as duplex or mother in law units. The 5th permit was for a garage structure that was associated with the Palanchuk property and contained on the portion we purchased (outside of his retained lot 118), ( see map ) 4) I have been told that the demo permits have been signed off. If there's something additional that you need for verification, please let me know and I will look into it. 5) The 12 trip credit Jeff Lee approved was an equation that combined 5 SF homes and 7 trips associated wl the nursery business. Please continue to shoot me questions on anything and I'll do my best to promptly respond. Thanks, Sara -----Original Message ----- From: VanPatten, Steve[ma i Ito: Steve.Va nPatten@ M ETROKC. GOV] Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2005 8:11 AM To: Sara Slatten Ce: Florent, Ray Subject: RE: Shamrock Property: Impact Fees Credits Sara, I acknowledge the credits for the 12 trips approved by Jeff. However, I need to make sure that the 5 credits for the existing residences is correct since they will also count toward an exemption from the school fees, The exemption for the existing residences must be the same (5 units?) for both types of impact fees. Since this site was a nursery, it is not clear that all 5 units were separate single family residential units. Mother in law residences do not count as a separate unit. Also it looks like one residence is remaining on the plat? Please submit documentation supporting that 1) each unit had a separate address, 2) was on a separate tax lot, and 3) was demolished. Also if there will be an existing residence remaining on the site (see lot 118) then I will need documentation that the house has been dis-connected from septic and well water -- and that all wells and septic systems have properly abandoned. Please refer to issue 3 of RED -1 dated February 25, 2005. 10/26/2005 ni 0 King County Department of Development Permit Number:1104XID666 and Environmental Services Date Issued:07128124D4 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Expiration Date: 06122/2005 Renton, Washington 98055-1219 Permit Status:ISSUED Permit Extension Permit Type:EXTENSN , BUILDING Title:EXTN OF 80310970 Description: DEMO EXISTING STRUCTURES & SITE CLEAN UP Location:PARGEL "J" L02P0014 List of Parcels: 102305-9030 - Site Address: 12205148TH AVE SE KC Valuation, $0.00 Applicant:CAMWEST DEVELOPMENT, INC. Contact the Inspections Section at 206-296-6635 to schedule the Inspection. 1. This extension does not replace the original permit -- it does extend the life of the original permit to the new expiration date. This extension must be posted on the job site with the original permit in a visible and readily accessible location. 2. This permit is subject to all corrections indicated on the associated plans and conditions. 3. Work may proceed only at the direction of the field Inspector. Please call the inspector at 206-296-6630 between 7:30 and 8:30 a.m. Monday through Friday. date printed 07-28-2404 hp_3extn R. 13 - CL C. O 4 N cc iv 0 W N W N i 'o d h C - W ° " m m 3 � sw m y m CIL o, St�K eapp � of a c o z CL tt° Q•a max+ * , a 0. Ko a�i co W -i m po nwao to r N.{ re him o a° �0 G7 m Re z N o a o m C%cr m m o n r m z fk wW m� Q -° 4RCD _ �• a i °0 g `° �• is w m n n d a S 3° a aa; a Ul d nP R m ° c 'o d h C - W ° " m m 3 C7' G��'9 ZL y e j7 00 � PeNjrO1! y owOr Q W mwm A uE s Oavzi 171 � a �icm r m 77 W -i m po to r N.{ re . 61 M 2 G7 m Re z N c n r m z fk M N N C'1 mr Z C a ey»q�r� tDp m g a. � 3 7 p ZL y m 3 EMP EMP m91M $aw aAZ CA+er mw. x v y* v I7C� 5 o_ 171 � a Z z r m 65 a) W -i m c C) C1 m N Re N I n r m z a � N CL go a a 3 CL V 00 O O A 3C,* O 0 -0 -1 61 vmg-.1 C, M 3 0. N V 0 x e 7 m p p ppm oma mai °_ 0 n n �a a m A w o 3 ambo nW a oa S t?. O JUN= .moi. Aw o w n 0012 o A w to �' "A & ZD° ° cr 2) o)Q mgon o0 m � o ck. CPamg a m' o �� �n ?x00 V a W m O d Ry y m Q m O 7 °s �•m �3 on g ea I mn ami 61Wo0 n m � m• 3 K d � � w ►a P. m * Q - -,' � w aK UP � mss C m C7 = m ami e Q m O X d "= a3go� m o nW a L. C S t?. O �S c m w o i m m T m im 9 rn� n cQ 4 a � O 0 � m s "cr0 4 �� �n ?x00 a W m O N (p S a n IC pi ' c' m 0 CL m wm °s o Q x �. i C'syar g `Q•SSL– 10 w n m Q M a n .d d C1 a a v M r 0 ic M z Z f1 a v 0 m ci N M r- 0 0 M z z f] Cfllrr 7 4 m 0 ti p o ecrtrW o� yyy N 4 b O =ate � o rn A N M 0 m xA w m 3 C Z'V 7 O� Dmu e W Rm (n 0 vz W e M s Z G) N X C M ca go W rn n r z C T r� I A �14 01 IWO IL �gsj ki soc VanPatten, Steve From: VanPatten, Steve Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2005 8:11 AM To: 'Sara Slatten' Cc: Florent, Ray Subject: RE: Shamrock Property: Impact Fees Credits pc- P /< c C 1 1� , -7 T Pagel of 3 ..-.......... Sara, acknowledge the credits for the 12 trips approved by Jeff. However, I need to make sure that the 5 credits for the existing residences is correct since they will also count toward an exemption from the school fees. The exemption for the existing residences must be the same (5 units?) for both types of impact fees. Since this site was a nursery, it is not clear that all 5 units were separate single family residential units. Mother in law residences do not count as a separate unit. Also it looks like one residence is remaining on the plat? Please submit documentation supporting that 1) each unit had a separate address, 2) was on a separate tax lot, and 3) was demolished, Also if there will be an existing residence remaining on the site (see lot 118) then I will need documentation that the house has been dis-connected from septic and well water -- and that all wells and septic systems have properly abandoned. Please refer to issue 3 of RED -1 dated February 25, 2005. —thanks ----Original Message ----- From: Sara Slatten [mailto:sslatten@camwest.com] Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2005 7:21 PM To: VanPatten, Steve Cc: Lee, Jeff; Claussen, Kimberly; Lance Wiley Subject: FW: Shamrock Property: Impact Fees Credits Steve, Below is an email from last year from Jeff Lee, King County Roads, which confirmed agreement with our traffic impact fee credit methodology broken down as follows: 5 pre-existing homes on Shamrock (prior to demolition) 12 impact fee credits based on the commercial nursery use totaling 17 credits towards 17 homesllots for Traffic Impact Fees 5 pre-existing homes, totaling 5 school impact fee credits. 1 hope this makes sense. If not, feel free to call me tomorrow morning. Thanks, Sara Slatten -----Original Message ----- From: Lee, Jeff [mailto:Jeff.Lee@MEfROKC.GOV] Sent: Monday, March 22, 2004 4:30 PM To: Sara Slatten; 'haynie@tenw.com'; Claussen, Kimberly Cc: Warren, Richard Subject: FW: Shamrock Property: Traffic Impact Fees Sara, 10/26/2005 soc Page 2 of 3 We have looked into your request for a trip credit towards your MPS fee and agree that the development should receive a credit for the demolition of the previous existing uses. To remain consistent with prior applications, we re- calculated the credit for a Single -Family unit (ITE 210) based on its rate, rather than equation. This brings the total trip credit to 17 trips. Land Use Units Per Trips Single Family 5 D. U, 5 Nursery 25 Employees 12 Total 17 Since the ITE rate basically translates 1 SF unit to 1 P.M_ peak hour trip, the Shamrock Property will receive a 17 Single -Family unit credit towards their MPS fee. If you have questions, please contact me at (206) 263-4759, Jeff -----Original Message ----- From: Sara Slatten [inailto:sslatten camwest.com] Sent: Friday, March 19, 2004 11:04 AM To: richard.warren@metrokc.gov Cc: haynie@tenw.com Subject: RE: Shamrock Property: Traffic Impact Fees Richard, Attached is the memo again which now includes the referenced attachment A. Thanks, Sara <<Shamrock Property Memo 3-18-04_pdf>> > -----Original Message----- > From: Sara Slatten > Sent: Friday, March 19, 2004 10:44 AM > To: 'richard.warren@metrokc.gov' > Cc: 'Jeff Haynie' > Subject: Shamrock Property: Traffic Impact Fees 7 > Richard, > CamWest is currently in preliminary plat review on the Shamrock Property, located NW of 148th Ave SE & NE 4th Street on the East Renton plateau. This plat is for 118 single-family lots and Kim Claussen is planning to issue our SEPA determination late next week. I met with Kim earlier this week and discussed our proposal to receive traffic impact fee credit as the site was previously used for a commercial nursery business and it contained five single-family homes. Attached is a memo from our traffic consultant Jeff Haynie, TENW, outlining our proposal. This proposal is similar to one you approved for our Sweetbriar Nursery project back in 2000. Kim asked that I forward this to you for review. I will mail a hard copy out to you in today's mail_ If you have any questions about this could you please follow up with either Jeff or myself in the upcoming weeks. > Thanks, > Sara Slatten > CamWest Development > (425) 825-1955; phone > (425) 825-1565; fax 10/26/2005 soc > www.camwest.com > « File: Shamrock Property Memo 3-18-04.pdf >> 10/26/2005 Page 3 of 3 �gb TRLAD June 1 l , 2008 425.B21.8448 4)'. 11 i4=.;1 `x 3t;U A, 43 i17=,(, l 11 Lc' Steve Van Patten King County DDES 900 Oakesdale Ave SW Renton, WA' 98055-1219 RE: Shamrock Heights I Triad Job No. 01-159 Dear Steve: This is to inform you that the street centerline monuments shown on the plat of Shamrock Heights I have been constructed and marked. Sincerely, TRIAD ASSOCIATES Nicholas A. inger, PLS Senior Project Surveyor NAY cya EXPIRES 1,2 tJS-Qq Land Development Consultants Parcel FILE NUM: 6-2005-013 Name: CAMWEST SHAMROCK HEIGHTS DRAIN/ACCESS EASEMENT CHARGE #: L04FR074 ADDRESS: RENTON REQUESTOR: DDES Date Rec: 11/10/2005 CORRESPONDING #: L02P0014 Est Comp: / / ENGINEER; VAN PATTEN, STEVE E Phone#: 296-7197 Parcel#: 1 Ownr: CAMWEST SHAMROCK HEIGHTS, LLC Tax# 102305-9040 Addr: 9720 NE 120TH PL #$100 Tot Area 196691.0000 City: KIRKLAND ROE: / / STATE: WA Zip: 9$034- Phone#: ? - SecTwnRng: 10-23-05 ZONING: R-5 Water Front Y?N: Appraiser: Assigned To App: Negotiator: Assigned To Neg: 11/10/2005 Below 2 fields are used Comments: if Parcel NOT Acquired DEDICATION OF PUBLIC ACCESS/UTILITY AND App Complete: DRAINAGE EASEMENTS. Rev Completed: s AVE Von pa +e- n A� --cam c i i r o �-e- +he- -�- r c C)y (1,c)c U s e rA ��k7l) ; Anna Morgan ADM -ES -0500 Kinp_ County Real Estate Services 500 Fourth Avenue Rm. 500A Seattle, WA 98104 CONFORMED CORY 2005 .122000226 PROPERTY SERVI EAS PAGE961 OF 067 KIN02COUNTY,9:42WA PirA.qe nrint nr tvne information WASHINGTON STATE RECORDER'S Cover Sheet (RCW 65.04) Document Title(s) dor transactions contained therein): L are aanlicabEeto your document must be filled in t. Re -Recording of Public Storm Drainage Easement 2. Reference Numbers of Documents assigned or released: Recording No. 20051 I04000777 Additional reference #'s on of document Grantors Last name, first name, initials I CamWest Shamrock Hei�hts,_ LLC 2. Additional names onrage of document. Grantee(s) (Last name first, then first name and initials) 1. King County, a political subdivision of the State of Washington 2. Additional names on page of document. Legal description (abbreviated: i.e. lot, block, plat or section, township, range) That portion of the SW'/4 of the SE'/ of the SE '/4 of Section 10, Township 23 N, Range 5 E, W.M., King County, Washington. Additional legal(s) is/are on Exhibit A, pg 3, Exhibit A, pg 4 and Exhibit A, pg 5 of document. Assessor's Property Tax Parcel/Account Number(s) Assessor Tax # not yet assigned 102305-9040 and 142305- q?4 - The Auditor/Recorder will rely on the information provided on the form. The staff will not read the document to verify the accuracy or completeness of the indexing information provided herein. AFTER RECORDING MAIL TO: King County Ileal Estate Services 5004 th Avenue, Room SODA Seattle, WA 98104 AMENDED PUBLIC STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENT (Kitsap Ave SE) Grantor: GIkMVY �T S�bwft� ttl% mss` Lt—� Grantee: KING CbuNTY Legal Description: Ptn SW /4 SE '/4 SE '/a 10-23-5 [Full Legal Description At Exhibit A] Tax Account No.: 1023059040 and 1&2`3�' t OZ 3 G ~ 15'C+ Related Documents: Re-record of 20051104000777 C�vr9�S`�S�MR�L 415 Grantor, LLC, a Washington limited liability cornpany, for and in consideration of One Dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, hereby conveys and quitclaims to Grantee, KING COUNTY, a political subdivision of the state of Washington, and its successors and assigns an easement for the installation and maintenance of a storm water conveyance and detention system (the "Improvements") on, under and across the real property described in the attached ExH1I11'r A (the "Easement Area") together with a right of ingress and egress to the Easement Area for the purposes of maintenance, repair and replacement of the Improvements. The easement is granted for the benefit of the real property described'in the attached EXHIBIT B (the "Benefited Parcel"), The easement is granted subject to the following ternis and conditions: Grantor makes no warranties of any kind, express or implied, to Grantee concerning the condition of or title to the Easement Area, or the condition of the improvements within the Easement Area. Grantor reserves all rights to use the Easement Area for any and all purposes not inconsistent with the Easement granted hereby; provided that such reserved rights shall be exercised in a manner that does not interfere with Grantee's exercise of the rights granted hereby. This easement supercedes and replaces the easement previously recorded under King County recording number 20051104000777. The rights and obligations of the parties hereunder shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon their respective successors and assigns. (Signatures on Following Pages) EAscmL:t rr PAGE I Grantor's Signature Page For Easement Dated this V' day of November, 2005. GRANTOR: ., a Washington limited liability company By CamWest Development, Inc. Its Managing Member By: Enc C bet , r ident STATE OF WASHNGTON } } ss. COUNTY OF KING } I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Eric Campbell is the person who appeared before me and said person acknowledged that he signed this instrument, on oath stated that he was authorized to execute the instrument, and acknowledged it in his capacity as the President of CamWest Development, Inc., the managing member of +a o be the free and voluntary act of such entity for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. DATED this -7 .�a day of November, 2005. CAM V 9 }-tom{, E► ISS � i-- t_L. �k, t A n,.. 9 �v �- (Print me) Residing at My appointment expires: .2 -1S -OS EASEMENT SIGNATURE PAGE Z. SHAMROCK HEIGHTS exIllsir 4 TRIAD JOB # 01-159 LEGAL DESCRIPTION NOVEMBER 2, 2005 PUBLIC STORM DRAIN EASEMENT OVER A PORTION OF PROPOSED KITSAP AVENUE NE, SHAMROCK HEIGHTS II A STRIP OF LAND 10.00 FEET IN EVEN WIDTH LYING 5.00 FEET ON EACH SIDE OF THE. FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LINE: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; THENCE NORTH 88°20'50" WEST, ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID ONE SIXTYFOURTH SECTION, A DISTANCE OF 99.78 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE LINE DESCRIBED HEREIN; THENCE SOUTH 00035'55" WEST A DISTANCE OF 151.14 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 00°15'26" WEST A DISTANCE OF 249.80 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 26057'28" EAST A DISTANCE OF 16.07 FEET AND THERE ENDING. SITUATE 1N THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON WRITTEN: NAY CHECKED: KBR ` S-SPRQJFCT51011 5911egaIs%E5MT PUBLIC SD -I SH II_doc TRIAD 1 1 81 4 11 5+h Avenue NE Kirkland, Washington 98034-9623 425.821 .8448 • 800.488.0756 - Fax 425.82 1 .3481 ASSOC I A T E S WWW .tf l3. [i d55 0[ . [O fn ,PAGF3 SHAMROCK HEIGHTS EX H/,q/T fJ TRIAD JOB # 01-159 LEGAL DESCRIPTION NOVEMBER 2, 2005 PUBLIC STORM DRAIN EASEMENT OVER A PORTION OF PROPOSED NE 4TH COURT, SHAMROCK HEIGHTS 11 A STRIP OF LAND 10.00 FEET IN EVEN WIDTH LYING 5.00 FEET ON EACH SIDE OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LINE: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M-, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; THENCE NORTH 8820'50" WEST, ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID ONE SIXTYFOURTH SECTION, A DISTANCE OF 99.78 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 00035'55" WEST A DISTANCE OF 151.14 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE LINE DESCRIBED HEREIN, THENCE NORTH 87°46'35" EAST A DISTANCE OF 27.30 FEET; THENCE NORTH 00°42'54" EAST A DISTANCE OF 30.50 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 88°21'07" EAST A DISTANCE OF 68.15 FEET; THENCE NORTH 01 *38'53" EAST A DISTANCE OF 5.75 FEET AND THERE ENDING; SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON WRITTEN: NAY CHECKED: KBR SAPRO)ECTS\011 59�legals�ESMT PUBLIC SD -3 SH Il.doc TT7 T T>D 1 1 814 1 1 51h Avenue NE Kirkland, Washington 98034-9623 1K1111L1 425.821.8448 800.488.0756 - Fax 425.82 1 .3481 ASSOCIATES www.triodissoc.com Land Development 'PA 6 1- ¢ SHAMROCK HEIGHTS 6X I-ill?l T 19 TRIAD JOB # 01-159 LEGAL DESCRIPTION NOVEMBER 2, 2005 PUBLIC STORM DRAIN EASEMENT OVER PROPOSED TRACT R, SHAMROCK HEIGHTS 11 COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M_, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; THENCE SOUTH 00015'24" WEST, ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID ONE SIXTYFOURTH SECTION, A DISTANCE OF 413.55 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH 00°15'30" WEST A DISTANCE OF 203.14 FEET; THENCE NORTH 8821'07" WEST A DISTANCE OF 330.34 FEET; THENCE NORTH 000 14'28" EAST A DISTANCE OF 197.76 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89°17'06" EAST A DISTANCE OF 330.31 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON WRITTEN.- NAY CHECKED: KBR yl ,sn X'I �1f�iV41, LA"/ zXrlgE�, �? '3-7i i/ -I,,,'•o5 TRIAD ASSOCIATES S TR0JECTS%01 l 59\Iegals\LSMT Pl181IC SD -2 SH ILdoc 11814 115,^ Avenue NE Kirkland, Washington 98034-9623 425.821.8448 - 800-488.0756 - Fax 425.821.3481 www.triadassoc.com 10A6F r EXHIBIT B: DESCRIPTION OF BENEFITED PARCEL PARCEL A THE EAST 266.04 FEET OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W_M_; EXCEPT THE EAST 50 FEET OF THE NORTH 16 FEET OF SAID PROPERTY; SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON_ PARCEL B THE EAST HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M_; SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. A46 r G EA_sENiLNT EmILBITS Anna Morgan ADM -ES -0500 King County Real Estate Services 500 Fourth Avenue, Rm. 500A Seattle, WA 98104 CONFORMED COPY 20051122000227 PROPERTY SERYI EAS 8.00 PAGE001 OF 004 11/22/2005 09:42 KING COUNTY, WA Plense nrint nr Fvne infnrmatinn WASHTNC.TON STATF. RF.0 ORDER'C C'nver sheet (Rcw SSS nn Document Titles Lor transactions contained therein): Lill areas a l._pp_icable to your document must be filled in 1. Public Access and Utilities Easement Grantors Last name, first name, initials 1 Cam West Shamrock Heights, LLC Grantee(s) (Last name first, then first name and initials) 1. _King County, a political subdivision of the State of Washington Legal description (abbreviated: i.e. lot, block, plat or section, township, range) That portion of the SW '/4 of the SE '/4 of the SE '/4 of Section 10, Township 23 N, Range 5 E, W.M., King County, Washington. Additional Iegal(s) is/are on Exhibit A, pg 3. Assessor's Property Tax Parcel/Account Number(s) 102305-9040 The Auditor/Recorder will rely on the information provided on the form. The staff will not read the document to verify the accuracy or completeness of the indexing information provided herein. AFTER RECORDING MAIL TO: King County Real Estate Services 500 4`h Avenue, Room 500A Seattle, WA 98104 PUBLIC ACCESS AND UTILITIES EASEMENT (Kitsap Ave SE and NE 4TH Court) Grantor: CAMST EfVVMACCV- h 40T5c t -LG Grantee: KING COUNTY Legal Description: Ptn SW'/4 SE'/ SE'/4 10-23-5 [Full Legal Description At Exhibit A] Tax Account No.: 1023059040 Related Documents: NIA Grantor, -91!AN4;;0(2K LLC, a Washington limited liability company, for and in consideration of One Dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, hereby conveys and quitclaims to Grantee, KING COUNTY, a political subdivision of the state of Washington, and its successors and assigns an easement for public roadway and utility purposes on, under and across the real property described in the attached Extl[arr A (the "Easement Area"). The easement is granted subject to the following terms and conditions: Grantor makes no warranties of any kind, express or implied, to Grantee concerning the condition of or title to the Easement Area, or the condition of the Improvements within the Easement Area. Grantor reserves all rights to use the Easement Area for any and all purposes not inconsistent with the Easement granted hereby; provided that such reserved rights shall be exercised in a manner that does not interfere with Grantee's exercise of the rights granted hereby. The rights and obligations of the parties hereunder shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon their- respective heirrespective successors and assigns. (Signatures on Following Pages) EASEMENT PAGE Grantor's Signature Page For Easement Dated this yy � ... day of November, 2005. I GRANTOR- CAM RANTOR: CAMVvV5 -',SQA M tai&i TSr �- a Washington limited liability company By CamWest Development, Inc. Its Managing Member By: AEricCa4,rent f_____' STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Eric Campbell is the person who appeared before me and said person acknowledged that he signed this instrument, on oath stated that he was authorized to execute the instrument, and acknowledged it in his capacity as the President of CamWest Development, Inc., the managing mcmber ofd# , to be the free and voluntary act of such entity for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. DATED this ��Thday of November, 2005.+ cruet cT X11111111111// ♦���� J SLq I�Zlk �Q�. �1f,15SiDgt���y F WWSN ,,%V I 111111111viO (Print Nag) Residing at r� My appointment expires:`- 1A6c- Z CASEmEmr SIGNATURE PAGE SHAMROCK HEIGHTS E,, fH I9/T TRIAD JOB # 0 1 -159 LEGAL DESCRIPTION NOVEMBER 9, 2005 PUBLIC ACCESS AND UTILITY EASEMENT OVER A PORTION OF PROPOSED NE 4T" CT AND KITSAP AVE. NE, SHAMROCK HEIGHTS II COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; THENCE SOUTH 00°15'26" WEST, ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID ONE SIXTYFOURTH SECTION, A DISTANCE OF 113.05 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING SOUTH 00915'26" WEST, ALONG SAID EAST LINE, A DISTANCE OF 42,01 FEET; THENCE NORTH 88°21'07" WEST A DISTANCE OF 136.04 FEET; THENCE NORTH 00015'26" EAST A DISTANCE OF 155.07 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE OF SAID ONE SIXTYFOURTH SECTION; THENCE SOUTH 8820'50" EAST, ALONG SAID NORTH LINE, A DISTANCE OF 42.01 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 00015'26" WEST A DISTANCE OF 78.90 FEET,- THENCE EET;THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF A 35.00 -FOOT RADIUS TANGENT CURVE TO THE LEFT THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 88036'33", A DISTANCE OF 54.13 FEET,- THENCE EET;THENCE SOUTH 88°21'07" EAST A DISTANCE OF 59.87 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 10,711 SQ. FT_ OF LAND MORE OR LESS WRITTEN: NAY CHECKED: KBR //-/L �(?,.r Si,PROJECTS%01 159%legals\ESMT PUB 4TH CT.dac TRLAD 1 1 814 11 51h Avenue NE Kirkland, Washington 98034-9623 425.821.8448 800.488.0756 - Fax 425.821.3481 A S S 0 C I A T E S www,Eriadassoc.com Land Developnent s� CITY OF RENTON Planning/Building/PublicWorks Department Kathy xeolker-Wheeler, Mayor Gregg Ziaamerman P.E., Administrator September 9, 2005 Sara Slatten CamWest Development 9712 N.E_ 120'h Place, Suite 100 Kirkland, WA 98034 SUBJECT: Sanitary Sewer Service for Shamrock Plat 12409 148`h Avenue SE - KCP1D No 102305-9040; 9304,.9319, 9174, 9384, 9415, . 9030, 9022, 9191, and 9031 Dear Ms. Slatten: The City of Renton's Wastewater Utility.Section confirms that the sewer system needed to serve the Shamrock Plat is substantially complete. As such, we have no objection to this. plat going to recording at this time. Please -note that all punch -list items must be completed, prior to any issuance of side sewers for the lots within the plat, except for the model home lots identified by CamWest Homes. If you have any questions regarding this Ietter, please contact me at 425430-7212. Sincerely, David M. Christensen Wastewater Utility Supervisor . cc: Juliana Fries, Development Services Engineering Specialist MlFil� C�IWWP _ WsciPWatPrSWWD_f17 _f1f1i7f1 inrrrcMnrirnrr _ WzcrP.��t.�a�,P��cP,,,P�_eva�!_CF,a.,,.n�le_r rtteY���O'�j� 1055 South Grady Way - Renton, Washington 98055 l� 9Tluupaper mnwm5DO/.raLydedmateda[30%p6ateaneumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, Mayor September 9, 2005 Sara Slatten GamWest Development 97I2 N.E. 120' Place, Suite 100 Kirkland, WA 98034 f ; CITY OF RIENTON Planning/BuildineublieWorks Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator SUBJECT: Sanitary Sewer Service for Shamrock Plat 12409 148`h Avenue SE - KCPIiD No 102305-9040,9304,9319,9174 9384, 9415, 9030, 9022, 9191, and 9031 Dcar=Ms. Slatten: The City of Renton's Wastewater Utility Section confirms that the sewer system needed to serve the Shamrock Plat is substantially complete. As, such, we have noobjection to this. plat going to recording at this time. Please note that all punch -list items must be completed, prior to any issuance of side. sewers for the lots within the plat, except for the model home lots identifie.d.by GamWest Homes. If you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact me at 425-430-7212. Sincerely, David M. Christensen Wastewater Utility Supervisor ` cc: Juliana Fries; Development Services Engineering Specialist N'1File . c1WWP - WactrWatrrlW W P- Z -[]f5 (nrrecnnn [rnen - Wac ra.vnrnd in�w tC ua Awil Che..,mck r . a- 4 _ te�EO �+ �T 1055 South Grady Way - Renton, Washington 98055 �-% N 1 0 1 V 9 Thee papwro nwins 50%recycled material, W%postconsumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE sent 9y: C4CS, i'NC; 2067632878; Nov -15-05 12:56PM; Paye 2 Instructions for cotttpletingforsb:-This form is to be completed by an:i ZIP rso s L�()rseep$g p Y Pe pet�ancntly removing a e it epoitil, or other h site sewages. VSWI a 'wastawtatcr. tanks from service. d submit this report tise tseatlth vii'icer with' C ter 13.64.054 the Code Of Kin Cour Board -of H'ealalth Title ays 13. of the abandonmvmt. Return Completed Form. #n" 11te Watlevving Address: Lutgate Public Uealth Ceiiter Date Received: 14350 SE Eastgate. Way Bellevue, WA 99007 Phone (206) 296-4932 General Informstljon (Please !hint): Name ofOwner/occupant fPra Address: Telephone.: Date of Rew ,I%/ J 0 Type of Sewage Tank 'Septiclanit Pump Tank lioldmg Tank Other: Number of CompartlnenU Pumped: I Number of Gallons Pumped: Checklist Item Yes No NotApp�licable Be em roved a Comments nn .ved trait �T �' I Unit Nd removed or destrbvert7 - 'OSS PumperNatne:l Y Icing County Certification Number: ReWn for waeewuttank aiandoainent: Zprove* being served by public sewers Property beingserved' by replacement tank Cammenta: RaPnrt of Wastewater Tank Aba' idoumcat; Print Date 5/12199 r'0"n 36cw &9* 1fnntn.96 Sent By:- MCS,INC3 2067632870; Nov -15-05 12:56PM; Page 315 MM Instructions for completing form: This form is to be completed by any.&rsons permanentl Sent By: CDCS,INC; r 2067632879; Nov -15-05 12:57PM; Page 4/5 Instructions for Eampieting �fs form is to be ccwts[psi #�y. .' rens ,pann$nently removing a septic tomk, seepage pit, cesspool, or other on-site sewage. sysi-6jn .wastew�ator- tanks from service. Complete and submit this report to the stealth officer within is rty—*.QO) days of the abandonment. Authority: ChWer 13.04.054 the.Code of Kin 'County Board of Health., 'i i. e 13. Return Completed Form to the Vallowing Addrem- Date-Recelved: F wtgate Public .Health Center 14350 SE 'Fasignte Way Bellevue, WA 98M Phone (206) 2%4932 General information (Please prhrt): Name of Owne /Oecupan ro " rty- Addmss: _1 � .1 � - - -- Date of Report: Wastewater Tank Data: Type of Sewage Tank: Septic Tank ✓Pump Tank Hoklityg Tank — � Other: Number of Compartments Pumped. - Number of Gallons Pumped; Cht*khst Ilam Yq No Not AM. .!r: ble Comments Se :zma�d b •an a ov�d' ally • - . Tank lid removed or ddsbo- e' d Tank void filled with corn soil? *OSS Pumper Name:' lfe King County Outi€ication Number: Reaavn Pvr wastewater tank abandonment: y Property being served by public sewers _ Property being i&ved by'replaooment tank Comments: �lgnature... �Date- 1 � 1 ! • Rep -t of Wag *water Tante Atisaclurtme t: Print pats 5112E99 i�ormsVsew#geffnrm.9G Sent 8y:'CDCS,INC; 2067832879; Nov -15-05 12:57PM; Page 5/5 tnsTmcTionsjiDr completing for=.,.T.his form is to be �ftY.'*dftQn3--Pefniih=t1Y removing -a scPtir, twk, s4epage pit, ibeSSO r -16t DthCr On -Site from servlcc. Complete and submit- titin Veoi.L.16-- the heejjth'offjW cf7 WtT,W413q(lays; the' abandonment.,.Authority: Chater.l3.04A54:111-h'6'C*4e,pf Mmg CQUUty Board of-Healb: T.itte 13;.,, - - 'Return CbraplatedFaim .to. the� FiAlowing- Address: . . I Da te kiceived Eustpte Pablft-Hoaitb Ceixtdr 14350 -SE Eastgat6,Way Bellevue, WA 99007 111hotie (206) 296-4932 General Information (Please print)-. �.Name of OwneOOccupaht P'L'_',, riv -Addresg: % Tclephonc; Date of Re� POIX; MaRtewater Tank DWa: Type of Sewage Tank, SMUCIPAink ✓ Pump Tank-Hofdiki'P&sk Other. 'Number of Compartmerits pufnped. -Number of Gallons Pumped: IS- Chwkilst Itern YZ No .- Not Applicable Coinments .!"SircmOved-bYart gPi;Vedtiuinvee?*_ lank lid mmov 'or 4eWoyed?;._.:. 1777 Tank v*id-filled with coffiliaztcd 'Wit? "OSS Pumper name: - King County Certification N wmb�il-' Reason for wastewater tank_ibOdoDment: YprwertY bring served by'*Ub'ild-se�Vcrs P. Property being scrwA -by replaeftdht'tank Comdrent�; . ID 4 ROPOrt of Waswwntcr-Tank Aban-dO,PMCAt: Priest DaW 5/12/99 SOC VanPatten, Steve From: Sara Slatten [sslatten@camwest.com] Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2005 12:32 PM To: VanPatten, Steve Subject: RE: Shamrock Property: Impact Fees Credits Page i of 3 Steve, Attached is documentation showing septic filling I abandonment for the 4 tanks associated with the 4 demolished homes at Shamrock. All of the demo'd homes were connected to the public water line on 148th Ave SE. There is a septic tank still on the Palanchuck property. We are in process of scheduling the side sewer connection / septic pumping for next week for Palanchk. I also confirmed with KC Water Dist 90 that the Palanchuck property is connected to public water. I will provide the documentation on the remaining septic tank abandonment asap once completed next week. Thanks, Sara -----Original Message ----- From: VanPatten, Steve[mai Ito: Steve.Va nPatten @ M ETROKC, GOV] Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2005 8:11 AM To: Sara Slatten Cc: Florent, Ray Subject: RE: Shamrock Property: Impact Fees Credits Sara, acknowledge the credits for the 12 trips approved by Jeff. However, I need to make sure that the 5 credits for the existing residences is correct since they will also count toward an exemption from the school fees. The exemption for the existing residences must be the same (5 units?) for both types of impact fees. Since this site was a nursery, it is not clear that all 5 units were separate single family residential units. Mother in law residences do not count as a separate unit. Also it looks like one residence is remaining on the plat? Please submit documentation supporting that 1) each unit had a separate address, 2) was on a separate tax lot, and 3) was demolished. Also if there will be an existing residence remaining on the site (see lot 118) then I will need documentation that the house has been dis-connected from septic and well water -- and that all wells and septic systems have properly abandoned. Please refer to issue 3 of RED -1 dated February 25, 2005. --thanks ----Original Message ----- From: Sara Slatten [mailto:sslatten@camwest.com] Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2005 7:21 PM To: VanPatten, Steve Cc: Lee, Jeff; Claussen, Kimberly; Lance Wiley Subject: FW: Shamrock Property: Impact Fees Credits -Steve, Below is an email from last year from Jeff Lee, King County Roads, which confirmed agreement with our traffic impact fee credit methodology broken down as follows: 5 pre-existing homes on Shamrock (prior to demolition) 12 impact fee credits based on the commercial nursery use totaling 17 credits towards 17 homes/lots for Traffic Impact Fees 10/26/2005 Sent By:' MCS,INC; 2067632675; Sep -27-05 10:04AN1; Page 213 .. - �� . . ....... r.�. � r ..n. .. +auv aa.c c-rer�r - Y+c!s-+�. AMU; w .Ad . . '9.`1fI�B 39:4? 360-$2-44'', A&J'bo1I :1NC PAGE 02 .,.-NORTHWEST _ C $Q -Al* INC, post wrrp�.ge r�m►Ctur �rutvxdtr�wr►n uarpaeso tt1�1 HF! f recti �p}1�44e ruc asst = Z4,1s e,�ekCk - O&V NOh:CYKmm �t 1 i Crt+WN c[Flwr . �.IFFFF.tlnp•N4?sYt r:VrC•�C�': 2;�iiaR�rls:i' Ftp#': -q r 1 �1r.X.c, ter,+k'tri t:5 €.;LAS into. 1914() uatsr: 07.3110-A A Lexi Vi.�.E]i�C91 hJT Lotati,bn: F C VACANT frac � �.g : 12400 14$1H AVL--. st t) �'AL,.i Nfl, FVl-iFLq /OALLi} M 5W1•0% fax; Mom 7ata1 Tamy;NiYW�hPf011. /�p�I�1Wgg_��pNAx'fi11►F,' X—V Gert By: GDCG,IN 2067632870; Sep -27.05 10:04AM; Page 3/3 .. : 19:42 360-832-2 494. DEv PAGE 02 RO. PDX 73NO ■ $ ti AIUJP, WA 99373 N C sem. 4004ROMOr iftl Aot(YM Ef, CHARG"km mffjAm TANK 14C1.E 947 TW Ura Flat Ll ftvvwmoftw47 tiiAtip� UJ COMA r) lww 11 Tub i VOW Um* TkFk6P u O&MM ow` I pkombfto r, CPJI IJIIA AT= I —A4-20 A/ 6- .. .. .. .............. 11/16/2005 16:24 4253975196 AERO CONSTRUCTION PAGE 02/02 REPORT OF WASTEWATER TANK PUBLIC HEALTH ABANDONMENT SEATTLE & IflNG COUNTY Instruntions for completing form: This form is to be completed by any persons permanently remnvimg a septic tank, seepagc pit, cesspool, or other on-site sewage System wastewater tanks from service. Complete and submit this report to the health officer within thirty (30) days of the abandonment, Autha ' : C ter 13.04,054, the Code of King Co Board of Health MOM Return Completed Form to the Following Address. Date Received. Eastgate Public Health Ceoter 14350 SE Eastgate Way Bellevue, WA 98007 Phone (206) 296-4932 General Information (Please print): Name ofOwner/Occupant of Property:$ S 1Ih�-„roC � r �+ �L Address: / 'Z Z,. % pg - Telephone: z 7 - S- Z- r- / 9.E S Date of Report: -_ ll pj _ Wastewater Tank Data: Type of Sewage Tank: _C Septic Tank _ Pomp Tank _ Holding Tank Other. Number of Compartmertts Pumped: Number of Gallons Pumped: (.9 p Checklist item Ye No Not Applicable Comments Jeptaga removed by as ovedww co* Tank lid removed or destrove07 y *OSS Pumper Name: Cxee-5 e -S King County Certification Number: / --- Reason for wastewater tank abandonment: Property being served by public sewers ^ Property being served by :replacement tank Signature: Report of Wastewater Tank Absndonment_ Print Date 9112199 Date: Forms/scwage/form.96 WtiPatten, Steve From: Sara Slatten [sslatten@camwest.com] Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2005 10:30 AM To: VanPatten, Steve Subject: FW: Pumping Certificate for Lot 118 5DOC2186.pdf (136 KB) Steve, Attached is the notice from KC Health confirming the septic tank on lot 118 of the Shamrock plat was pumped and filled. This home is now hooked up to public sewer. Please let me know if you need anything additional on this matter. Thanks, Sara -----Original Message ----- From: Lance Wiley Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2005 10:28 AM To: Sara Slatten Subject: Pumping Certificate for Lot 118 Sara, Attached is the certificate for pumping out the Septic for Lot 118. Thanks, Lance -----Original Message ----- From: Lance Wiley [mailto:lwiley@camwest.com] Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2005 7:46 AM To: Lance Wiley Subject: This E-mail includes attached file(s) sent from "RNP7903OF" (Aficio 1060). Scan Date: 11.10.2005 10:46:29 (-0500) Queries to: ricoh1060@camwest.com 1 Now 1U 20115 11.27RM HP LASERJET FRX P•� 3 a` r � Instructions for completing form: This form is to be completed by any persons permancirtly reanoving a septic tank, seepage pit, cesspool, or other on-site sewage system wastewater tanks from service. Complete and submit this report to the heahh officer within thirty (3€3) clays of the abandonment. Authori : Chapter 13.04.054, the Code of Kin C Board of Health, Title 13. Return Completed Form to the Following Address: Date Received: Eastgate Public Health Center 14350 SE Eastgate Way Bellevue, WA 98007 Phone (206) 296-4932 General ]Information (Please print): -_ Name of Owner/Occupant of Property, Address: Telephone: Date of Repan: W1 cyl0j> Wastewater Tarek Data: Type of Sewage Tank- 1� Septic Tank Pump Tarek Holding Tank Other: Number ofCompartmcntsPumped: Number of Gallons Pumped: Checklist item Yes No Not Applicable_ Comments .-Septage removed by an appraved pum T* ;>1 — — Tank lits removed or de ed? Tank void filled with compacted soil? W ' OSS Pumper Name -- King County Certification Number: 72 T Reason for wastewater tank abandonment; Qroperty being served by public sewers T Property being served by replacement tank Comments: Signature--� I / dJ� Date: W/ ef- 0 ReQaM of waslewaser Tank Abaudontaem: Prod Date 3/121" F*rmW ewag f*=_96 x.111612005 16: 24 42553976196 REPORT OF WASTEWATER TANK AEANDONMF,NT AERO CONSTRUCTION PUBLIC HEALTH SEATTLE & KING COUNW PAGE 02/02 Instructions for completing form: This form is to be completed by any persons permanently removing a septic tank, seopage pit, cesspool, or other on-site sewage system wastewater tanks from service. Complete Md submit this report to the health officer within thirty (30) days of the abandonment. Authority: Chapter 13.04,054, the Code of Kina Coomty Board of Heald, Title 13. Return Completed Form to the Following Address: Date Received: Eastgate Public Health Center 14350 SE Eagtgate Way Bellevue, WA 98007 Phone (206) 296.4932 General Information (Please print): Name of Owner/Occupant of Property: Address: r ry Telephone: Date ofReport: —7 I-IWP s Wastewater Tank Data: Ar--)d-nc 1< fk'19 4 k ---S e4 TAK P - ;'r: 10z305g3 j j Type of Sewage Tank: „_LiC_ Septic Tank Puma Tank ,,,,` Holding Tank Other. Number of Compartments Pumped: Number of Gallons Pumped: _ /006 Checklist Item Ye No Not Applicable Comments NepLa a removed hj an approved pumper?* Tank lid removed or destroved'P *OSS Pumper Name: 7 Cxm/'i King County Certification Numb",• Z / Reason for wastewater tank abandonment: Property being served by public seweas _ Property being served by replacement tank Coin rents: Signature: Report of wastewater' Tank Abandgnment: Print Date 5/12199 Date: —Y—/2L10` Form s/s ew age/fo rm.96 CONDITIONS OF PERMIT/APPROVAL WETLAND CONDITIONS OF PERMIT/APPROVAL W 13 0 - 16 5'BUFFER OF UNDISTURBED VEGETATION MEASURED FROM O.H.W.M. OF SNOQUALMIE RIVER, WITH BUFFER AVERAGING AS SHOWN ON THE ATTACHED PLAN. (ADDITIONAL BUFFER TO BE LOCATED ADJACENT TO THE NORTHWEST PROPERTY BOUNDARY AND STANDARD BUFFER.) W190 - 15' BUILDING SET BACK LINE (BSBL) MEASURED FROM BUFFER'S EDGE. W210 - PRIOR TO COMMENCING CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES, THE APPLICANT SHALL MARK THE BUFFER'S EDGE IN A HIGHLY VISIBLE MANNER UNTIL CONSTRUCTION IS FINISHED. A PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING WITH DDES STAFF AND CONTRACTOR WILL BE REQUIRED TO INSPECT THE BUFFER FLAGGING. PRIOR TO CERTIFICATE OF FINAL OCCUPANCY, 36 NATIVE TREES SHALL BE PLANTED WITHIN THE STREAM BUFFER. CONTACT BETSY MACWHINNEY, KING COUNTY SENIOR ECOLOGIST FOR INSPECTION OF THIS PERMIT CONDITION: 206- 296-6793. SOC VanPatten, Steve From: Lance Wiley [Iwiley@camwest.com] Sent: Wednesday, November 09, 2005 10:44 AM To: VanPatten, Steve Cc: Sara Slatten Subject: Side Sewer Install for existing house at Shamrock Good Morning Steve, Page 1 of 1 Attached is the signed off side sewer permit for the existing house at Shamrock Heights (12205 148th Ave. SE Lot #118). This work has been competed. If you have any questions, please feel free to give me a call. Thank you, Lance Wiley Project Manager CamWest Development, Inc. www.camwest.com 425.825.1955 «SDOC2163. pdf» 11/09/2005 i9 'R CITY OF RENTON Sidesewer or Stormwater Permit Permit Number: SS051085 t'ennksion is hereby given to do the fallowing described work, according to the conditions hereon and according to the approved plans and specifications pertaining thereto, subject to compliaTice with the Ordinances of the City of Renton. Work Description: INSTALL SIDE SEWER FROM BLDG TO SEWER STUB Job Address: Owner: 12205 148TH AVE SE LOT #118, SHAMROCK HEIGHTS CAMWEST DEVELOPMENT IN(' 9720 NE t20TH PL STE 100 KIRKLAND, WA 98034 Contractor: CAMWEST IMVELOPMENT INC 9720 NE 120TH PL STE 100 KIRKLAND, WA 98034 Contact: CAMWEST DEVELOPMENT INC Other Information: Date of Issue 11101/2005 Date of Expiration 04/30/2006 Contractor License: Contractor Phone: City License: Contact's Phone Work Order Parcel Number Inspector's Name Inspectors Phone CAMWED1095K4 425-637-9747 0100 425-637-9747 8702(y_.. 1023659030 It is understood that the City of Renton shall be held harmless of any and all liability, damage or injury arising from the performance of the work described above. You will be billed time and material for any work done by City staff to repair damages. Any work perlormed within the right-of-way must be done by a licensed, bonded contractor. Call 425-430-7203 one working day in advance for inspections. To Cancel an Inspection - call 425-430-7200 between SAM and 5PM Locate utilities before excavating. Call before you dig - 4S Hour Locators 1-800-424-5555 I hereby certify that no work is to be done except as described above and in approved plans, and that work is to conform to Renton codes and ordinances. Subject to compliance with the Ordinances of the City of Renton and information filed herewith permit is granted. Applicant, Public Works Rep THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED AT THE JOS SITE AT ALL TIMES. F-NC101 12100 nh King County O Departrnem of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division PLAT NAME FINAL PLATTING PROCEDURE (Interoffice Use only) HA M A Q Ck / (5r 16 P T"S / PJAT REVIEW COMPLEDATE PROJECT NUMBER ACMMY NUMBER ) TE Lo zPao /¢- Z -d 1-0-74- .F. 1 Q.N 4 E ROVAf DATE I NUMBER of SHEErs RECORDING FEE COUNCIL DISTRICT a 0 I I The Platting Unit will complete Final Plat review by ensuring each plat condition has been satisfied or bonded and all fees that are due have been paid. Each recommendation of the adopted plat conditions shall be initialed and dated by the reviewer when that condition is satisfied. Following Final Plat review, this form shall be completed by the reviewer and attached to the Final Plat myIars with other appropriate documents (see 3 below). Since this step represents the culmination of the subdivision process, the procedures listed below are intended to assist staff in processing the final plat as completely and expeditiously as possible. PROCEDURE 1. When all conditions have been satisfied and all fees are paid, the Plat Reviewer will fill out this form and place it in the Word Processing Unit with pink slip attached. Update and approve SIERRA routing and base screens for the FINAL-* activity. 2. Word Processors shall prioritize this form and type the Assessor's (AM) and Clerk of the Council (COMPLIES. COC .plats only transmittal memos. Typed memo(s) shall be returned to Plat Reviewer. 3. Plat Reviewer will paper clip to the Final Plat mylars this form and one copy of the following: •COC memo *Lot area (segregation) talc sheet *AM memo *List of SIERRA project activities (Keyword LACT) *Recording Fee Receipt *Verification that all fees are paid (Keyword SPROJ) •Final Health Department Approval form 4. Plat Reviewer shall combine mylar.package with KEY DOCUMENTS file and submit to Platting Unit Senior Engineer for review and initialing. Tbea the package any file shall be routed W the Development Engineer for approval and signature. Office Tech shall assist in organizing the package and KEY DOCUMENTS file. Make sure file has adopted conditions report recommendations initialed and dated by the review(s). S. The Development Engineer shall sign the map and initial transmittal memos when satisfied review is complete for recording. Mylar package and KEY DOCUMENTS file shall be forwarded to Manager's Office. 6. Manager shall sign the map and initial transmittal letters when satisfied review is complete for recording. All documents - shall be returned to Office Tech or Plat Reviewer. Office Tech shall make 4 sets of prints from the mylars and make 2 copies of the transmittal memos, I copy of fee receipt and Health approval form. One set of the prints shall be routed to the Building Services Division (Addressing), I set to Residential, I set to the KEY DOCUMENTS file, and I set shall be attached to the original mylar and Assessor's Office transmittal memo along with memo copy and lot area tales. A copy of the fee receipt and Health form are attached to the Clerk's memo. One set of prints, copies of memos, original fee receipt, Health approval and this form shall be placed in the KEY DOCUMENTS file. Update SIERRA base screen. 8. Memos, attachments, and mylars shall be routed to the Engineer Tech for delivery to Seattle. Engineer Tech shall drop off the Assessor's transmittal and mylars to the Assessor's Office (7th floor, Administration Building). For plats, deliver the Clerk's transmittal memo (Room 452 Courthouse). The copied Clerk's transmittal memo shall be date stamped (by the Clerk) and placed in the division's KEY DOCUMENTS file upon return. F76/FIBAL.CHR Feb. 22. 1994--10119em/dJ King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 November 16, 2005 TO: Clerk of the Council VIA: Joe M'1 d se vi sion Director FM: anders, P.E., Develo crit Engineer RE: Final Plat of SHAMROCK HEIGHTS 1 DDES Project No. L02P0014 The Platting Unit of the Engineering Review Section has checked this plat (10 sheets) and finds it complies with the requirements of King County, with the exception of the certification by the King County Office of Finance. A statement showing receipt for the plat recording fee of $85.00 is attached. COUNCILMATIC DISTRICT: 12 Attachments: Copy of Sewer and Water Availability Letters Statement for the Recording Fee (i) King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 November 16, 2005 TO: Connie Wong, Supervisor, Abstract Section, Accounting Division, Department of Assessments VIA: Jo it e ry s Division Director FM: anders, P.E., Development Engineer RE: Final Plat of SHAMROCK HEIGHTS 1 DDES Project No. L02P0014 The Land Use. Services Division has reviewed the referenced final plat and finds the subdivision in compliance with applicable County codes and the conditions of final plat approval set forth by the County Council. We therefore transmit to you the attached original tracing of the plat for your approval. Please forward the plat to the Office of Finance for collection of taxes and assessments, and for their certification. COUNCILMATIC DISTRICT: 12 Attachment cc: Lilian Yetter, Platting Technician, Office of Finance VanPatten, Steve From: VanPatten, Steve Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2005 4:37 PM To: 'Sara Slatten' Cc: 'Nick Yinger' Subject: Shamrock Heights 1 pending items Sara, 1 am showing the following items left: 1) Need mylars. 2) Regarding Health: --- I need current letter from sewer distri t; I n ed instrument 9212291639 extinguished; (I have water letter and septic decommissions) �- 3) 1 need the signed, ready for recording documents for the off-site King County drainage easement and the off-site public access easement. 4) 1 recommend removing title exception number 27 from the plat certificate, or else adding it as a Subject To to the plat. See issue 12.1 of REQ -4, 5) Please do not record the water easement in the 16' wide strip until sometime next week. Please provide me with a recorded copy next week. ---thanks Shamrock Property: L02POO14 Hearing Examiner Conditions & Summary of Compliance 1. Compliance with all Title 19A plating provisions. Response: The Shamrock Heights Plat will comply with all platting provisions prior to recording. 2. All parties of ownership shall sign the face of the final plat. Response: Noted and shall be complied with prior to recording. 3. Plat shall comply with minimum density requirements of the R-4 zone and all lots shall meet the minimum dimensional requirements for the R-4 zone. Response: Noted. Currently, all lots meet the R-4 standards. 4. All design & construction of public & private roads shall be in accordance with 1993 KCRS road standards. Response: The construction plans were approved on 10/21/04 and are in compliance with 1993 KCRS. 5. Applicant shall receive approval from the KC Fire protection engineer. Response: The fire protection permit has been approved and the inspection of the installed fire hydrant permits shall be completed & approved prior to final plat recording. 6. Final approval shall require full compliance with KC drainage requirements all follows. a) Compliance with 1998 SWDM & updates. Response: The construction plans were approved on 10121104. A storm drainage variance, with specific conditions, was approved concurrent with preliminary plat and is attached for review. b) Standard plan & ESC notes shall be shown on the engineering plans. Response: Noted and shall be complied with. c) Downspout note shall be shown on the plat. Response: Please refer to page 2 of the plat for ref to this note. 7. Surface water adjustment (L04VO003) conditions shall be met upon submittal of engineering plans. Stormwater facilities shall be constructed in accordance with the preliminary storm & grading plan dated 2113104. Response: The conditions of the storm variance were implemented on the approved engineering plans. Currently, construction & routine KC inspections are occurring on site. 8. Storm facilities shall meet Level 2 flow standards & the north stormwater pond shall be dedicated in a separate tract to King County. South detention pond is within the city of Renton and shall be approved by Renton. Response: Storm facilities do meet Level 2 standards & have been approved. The city of Renton has approved the construction plans for the south pond. 9. The 140 -year flood plain for any wetland shall be shown on the engineering plans & final plat. Response: Noted. 14. The following are road iTErovement standards for the plat: a) SE 124`h from 146 Ave SE to 148'J'Ave SE shall meet urban subcollector standards. Response: This portion of SE 124th meet urban subcollector standards. b) 140' Place SE, 146h Ave SE, 146h CT SE (from SE 124th to SE 120 St); SE 121 St ST (from 146th CT to 148th); 144" Ave SEISE 120 St (from the 145th Ave SE to 146th Ave SE) shall meet urban subaccess standards. Response: The above-mentioned streets meet urban subaccess standards. c) SE 125' ST/147th Ave SE; 146'' CT SE (from SE 121" to end); 145th Ave SE (from SE 124th St to 144th Ave SE); 144'' Ave SE (from 145th Ave SE extend to end); shall be improved to the urban minor access street standard. Response: The above-mentioned streets meet minor access standards. d) The site's frontages along 1481h Ave SE shall be improved to the urban collector standard with sidewalks. The intermixed frontages shall be addressed at engineering. Response: The site's frontages will be improved to urban collector standards w/ sidewalks. The intermixed properties along 148" will receive a widened asphalt shoulder with extruded curb & thickened edge per the approved construction plans. e) Response: Tract N will be improved to private access standards. f) Response: Tracts D, J & M will be improved as joint driveways. g) Response: The portion of lot 35 within the existing easement will be dedicated as ROW as shown on the final plat. h) Response: Tracts P & Q shall be dedicated as ROW as shown on the final plat. i) Response. ROW radius shall be provided as noted in the condition. j) Response: Modifications can be considered according to variance procedures. No additional variances are proposed at this time. k) Response: Tracts A & C are included within the ROW. 1) Response: Road variance L04VO004 is approved and included with the application for review. m) Response: The Issaquah school district was consulted regarding the approval of the safe child waiting area which is proposed at the entrance. 11. All utilities within ROW shall be included within a franchise approved by the KC council prior to recording. Response: Noted 12. MPS fees shall be paid in accordance with the condition and noted on the final plat. Response: MPS fee notes are shown on sheet 2 of the final plat. 13. School impact fees shall be paid in accordance with the condition. Response: 50% will be paid prior to recording and 50% at the individual building permit issuance. 14. Except as modified below, sensitive areas shall comply with code. a) Class II wetlands = min 50' buffer with a 15' setback. Response: A min 50' buffer is shown w/ the 15' setback except in the areas where buffer average was allowed. The buffer averaging details are shown on the preliminary plat. b) Response: Buffer averaging providing in accordance with the condition. c) Response: TIR provided the required data on the storm events. d) Response: The mitigation plan was approved by Nick Gillen and is included with the approved set of engineering drawings. e) Response: The mitigation plan was approved by Nick Gillen and is included with the approved set of engineering drawings. f) Response: A full wetland bond will be submitted and posted prior to final plat recording in accordance with the condition. g) Response: The plan for the wet pond was approved with engineering in accordance with the condition. h) Response: Pond construction monitoring will occur and is currently being discussed with our consultant Andy Kindig & Co. and King County. i) Response: An O&M manual is currently in process and will be implemented in accordance with the condition. j) Response: The wetland restrictions note is shown on the final plat. 16. Park plan shall meet KC code. Response: Kim Claussen recently approved the park plan and the bond will be posted prior to recording. 17. An HOA shall be established. Response: Noted and shall be complied with. 18. Street Tree requirements: Response: Street trees were approved with the park & landscape plan by Kim Claussen and will meet the conditions outlined in A — C. 19. SEPA condition to shall in costs for SR 900 —148th Ave SE intersection. Response: CamWest in conjunction with the Stone Ridge & Aster park projects have agreed to share in the costs to make the improvement to SR 900. WADOT recently approved the channelization & drainage plans and construction for this improvement in slated for spring 05. Documentation will be forthcoming. 20. The northerly portion (north of SE 120 St) shall comply with the built green requirements of ordinance 14662 (LID). Response: Applicable notes & refines are shown on the approved engineering plans. i%111I�i F—_j r��' ki'J"`!�'•�'�J �r f, 7S'Y r �.$ ` �a • T "J - r Y .F it �.. r 1 , .r j vl, :r �`.'�?rfri•:+r `*'icy;, ��h yw xx-�i �r ,_ �'ia�+r+r� !1 r'.:�',. Lund Use Sen 3606. 1360 PIs $ellme, Wuhii MIGRQF Lal RD Ll LOT A (owner's MCI LOT B IV (owner's name) LOT C (owner's name) Comments- Rf/RIUM1w.SSA 4�. 1�. ls�r•.Ilul�•Jf� i%111I�i F—_j r��' ki'J"`!�'•�'�J �r f, 7S'Y r �.$ ` �a • T "J - r Y .F it �.. r 1 , .r j vl, :r �`.'�?rfri•:+r `*'icy;, ��h yw xx-�i �r ,_ �'ia�+r+r� !1 r'.:�',. •eM ■ �� : LOT LD �A 1WJU67N3H1 'Um• ■ Q o lo" ul—l) L 0 C BVILOINO AND LANI) 0[V[L0PK9hT DIVISION 3600 - 136tb place Southeast o 39116vue, washingtnn 98006-1400 TILMOUt 196.6640 BD01 KING COUNTY DEPT OF ASSESSMENTS BU01 PAI11290-S REAL PROPERTY LEGAL DESCRIPTION 10/24/90 15:40:05.7 ACCOUNT: 102305-9174-0 SITUS: 12255 149TH ST SE 99055 TAXPAYER: SMITH ROY QSTR: 5E 10 23 05 .�..� i. JURS: KING CO (SEE ALSO 8 SPLIT) LEGAL DESCRIPTION - PAGE 1 LOT BLOCK PLAT: k• S 1/2 OF S 1/2 OF NE 1/4 OF SE 1/4 OF STR 10-23-05 LESS E 230 FT OF N 300 FT THOF TAI( POR PARTIALLY EXEMPT UNDER Q RCW 84.36.381 THRU .389 • END OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION + •j T1 --fto ova* —boo some 00010 4 lee ..VEN i!: 'rk! itlo44 i/.2 j f Y4 NO A175 ..%7- &F T/+e SaOqC�r- �y • 01< rf{ 1Da* AAs7' �y aF Sir ia.0 /0 Town.23 Nor13L�egvle S Zoft ' 00,;W. A/VA exar pT 7Xq* pe,& Xsez aF - $own xRt%~ Ra��7r'-dr-w Ay; C b �6 fat a 4w�sa' N rare t4dross CIsY +/ Pheris Ra p -1 I<a M, ,f.,ib,� 9 pr(o • Sas a t}m&&10 Ws 41 rt SAO ' prions ;sa = C�+nrs i are J�tssaa Cash S&P Paan• MA 49 haus 1 fwate cis♦f ax f Rasullr 1lM� • • TDs :as • .......,�.� �r N�irri4aaer A a� i41t A / � S� ��' f+rrniahai fr ss w :Ni i ..�..�. •= Ls � aril Ms W e Rw • .._ s a fsa#are r `: , llt p; SSTs f; �. S;t C 1A it•or 41kirs i314 J"kSrt IT'U4_ lik lie sss _ PT _� _ (M Ire e BD01 KING COUNTY DEPT OF ASSESSMENTS BU01 PAI11290-S REAL PROPERTY LEGAL DESCRIPTION 10/24/90 15:40:05.7 ACCOUNT: 102305-9174-0 SITUS: 12255 149TH ST SE 99055 TAXPAYER: SMITH ROY QSTR: 5E 10 23 05 .�..� i. JURS: KING CO (SEE ALSO 8 SPLIT) LEGAL DESCRIPTION - PAGE 1 LOT BLOCK PLAT: k• S 1/2 OF S 1/2 OF NE 1/4 OF SE 1/4 OF STR 10-23-05 LESS E 230 FT OF N 300 FT THOF TAI( POR PARTIALLY EXEMPT UNDER Q RCW 84.36.381 THRU .389 • END OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION + •j T1 --fto ova* —boo some 00010 4 lee ..VEN i!: 'rk! itlo44 i/.2 j f Y4 NO A175 ..%7- &F T/+e SaOqC�r- �y • 01< rf{ 1Da* AAs7' �y aF Sir ia.0 /0 Town.23 Nor13L�egvle S Zoft ' 00,;W. A/VA exar pT 7Xq* pe,& Xsez aF - $own xRt%~ Ra��7r'-dr-w Ay; C b �6 i �/• LLAs �W�1t� ei�As ` � �T IMRr•:��'�TF vilril�V%P.M�F1 �`aw'w�lMix lq^ [.� . • 1 ► a IRA CQ Not Write 9*1ov Ibis Line This boundary line edjustmont requestt Qualities for an exemption under Section 19.26.030(7) of the ]ting Couxity "f�nbdivision Code and section 58.0 of the Revised Code of Kashington. It does not constitute an assurance that the newly confiqured lot(s) can ?• `ba'built or' subdivided Ln - the future. r DoesNotQuality for an' exemption due to: �. I H Joo oov: rip, v n"a All/ Ir, Ir.4r. ,Ntffr,'Orr- H Joo oov: rip, v n"a HVtLYUH M" FAUM U • k OL a1V r,' r 4>:x1':ti'�i�:S it��ir;i v' t' .3w ; . �• y la; '�',.E y` ,y'. WOO BOUNDARY LINE ADAP.MENT REVIEW AW" • �! r Fl rk • •.y FILE LOT 8 LOT• • °•' ZONING ; S1:PAJtlAk LOT MAPPED LOT DIMENSIONS ' � �• �-� �. F -t �''-•�{ 'N h'r—��..tf� r t�r�a'r?q.. r'3k VT i7• n � •tr �' ��-�,�,rr-..=,—.-'r^•—.'-t�^L,-+i• a � N, t� t y_:� o \ '� a `J r ,r � l �.� S } �'i4 i.V lMwr �? j � ..} +► w. i Y tift r. [ :->. - x r i 5 > {r7�� �r�ia '�' 9� �,t Jar �Jk � 4 r- + s� ti �+ � n� { ,y+ i �+- � • eh..«f ��,a .x + • ; J ,.. +r r rr ;� � �� .y� i `r"r .r ) f .. i ,t rot N ♦ N ^ ., + •� r r+ �'k � r' • _ r f t:�a �} - '�7 q,J,J J � i. i v. �wr r -. ,ics-. IMI. .�n y p,�p•; +' 7y^ '. � r�' �wr••: k tay:, se+�1 �F.} x f� t V,S ?,lye r�,,,k t7 y' r.. r yA,i t J� l r rtia �•"!' �' r ' : � �5d "�i�•'F., v=ex � �4' ,r•k� '�•C �G'{ti� 1� .r R��'� we yrvr�: � ad r�ty+ ;G } ti{ 41 5 •k•...r� f ti r Xt r. ♦ f.dr r'l`�t�,,Ja, %, ►r���� �. � t� k., _, -�+Vs T '.�a K: sr sb- + o,'} r��.�ir• t ..� L.�� E I",�Y SITUSI ++ SI1US FILE INFORMATION •• 10/24/91 13:37 Parcel Number: 102305 9031 house fra Pr street type su :ip code Situs Address: 00000 Owner Name: MORRISON BRIAN+HOILAND,JOHN 1/16 -1/4 -S -T -R: SE -SE -10-23-05 City Id: KC Plat: Lot Number: Volume/Pape: Block Number: DPW File Number: Lend Measure: 3.72 Acres/Feet: A Kroll Page: 605 EAST (default*) Current Zoninq: SR15000 Community Plan Area: NC NEWCASTLE Openspace: Comprehensive Plan: UU URBAN Waterfront: 0 NONE Fire District N/A • Vacancy Code: A NO IMPROVEMENTS School District ISSAQUAH Sewer Service: Sewer District N/A • Water System: 2 PUBLIC Sewer Serv. Area? NO • Stream Desiq.: Water District 90 Last Changed: 102090 Commercial: NO Special Limitations: NO Zoninq Info.: NO 0 SITUSI +I. SITUS FILE INFORMATION 0+ 10/24/90 13:57 Parael Number: 102305 9174 house fra pr street type au tip code Situs Address: 1226+5 148TH AVE SE 98055 Owner Name: SMITH ROY 1/16 -1/4 -S -T -R: NE -SE -10-23-05 City Id: KC Plat: Lot Number: Volume/Page: Block Number: DPW File Number: Land Measure: 8.41 Acres/Feet: A Kroll Page: 805 EAST (defaults) Current Zoninq: SR15000 Community Plan A►ea: NC NEWCASTLE Openspace: Comprehensive Plan; UU URBAN Waterfront: 0 NONE Fire District N/A Vacancy Code: I 35-40% IMP. VAL. School District : ISSAOUAH Sewer Serviae: I PRIVATE Sewer District : N/A Water System: 2 PUBLIC Sewer Serv, Area? : NO + Stream Desiq.: Water District : 90 Last Chenqed: 102090 Commercial: NO Special Limitations: NO Zoninq Info.: NO Uht5OL !!u{.dlnif n� A Land and >D+vte ne Division � Para,. Pla.wwm atd IIMatKmaaa tkrpanmrmt .Mm- 13h AAM SMtheart W4 vue aaFtttnm-9KW-s4W ZA a Permit Typo LOT'— 1'`Ir E"E"1nT .1.!' 11'117F* IT P'JpfH. Tit le S"ITH !�UNGAV"CP Doacr ipt ion 2 LOT L!P-IE ^C'? D4cup'}�.•Typ,~. r1.a.._ '_�c1 Y'.�;_ _ .?r., t . • � t,,,060tion IT265 'aSTH fll'r -r 1,•r '" r, cCrlCflrlil Par cc 1 102'0F o'-'4 STP-' l.ic 'E.'ft 2 1litC .0 t ' - rr P - ,+1gtla Applicant JIM r ;-r,ho�-r'. App1.AdJra7,s 12410° 1418tH N)E EE PE"lTC3lI, +lr1 r+^nct ��f . cc,, a IT Aft @C 4:IC:,C'ri t lrS - - 1-',7).',,. �wr. �r.. F.• C t Lnt 1 irc Pc•, ,rw Fir aub!ot.al - T�i�te11=.._�:•�_ Fri-.: ara Fccs Pc-quired ••• y FC�u : 2pE1. �f (Id lusttrgn'ti. . nC! Tota! Ecce: r . 0ai46 0 4 4 aarar ar+rt4 M411044 ^rni�, nrt ►a s �rC•y �'., T 1 . rt C r. SNI ��, r*• Tot.]1 q Tota; On CERTIF!CATIC1h1 r+sa+airsasrra.areaerrasaawesttw COriify that tht information oro,..'idod by me i� !rue and crsrrtr.*, to the s1,V 6f by knowledge. 1 ,{�%lY'+M Yfti .Fa tri .--- r-►. +.--w-w---w. •� .w ���..�----- -- - - +r dti+E !or..o wnar. +a Agent Signature Date place Lot Line Adjustmeff'Applicatior PRF -APPLICATION CIUCKLIST Your will have to demonstrate cosrplldn" with solea or all of the following in ordsx t^ submit your application. A technician will review your proposal prior to submittal to $@*jet you in determining which is necessary; Data; / Tech: / Kroll; .S �r _ _ Zoni,&; ♦ Min. Lot Area-.JTQO4 Kin. Lot Width V IED Sensitive Areas (Kap MOCT 2 2 Toni: Coat&att FhQD� G2nd�LL1= 7 _Erosion SUtllllVIc"� -- Kcal —Seismic —4 Landslide ...r._.. cal Kina stland Flood Plain _Fish nearing Waters , nUWMU to/Anflrovals "! Shoreline Management Program _ Fire Marshal Approval Health Dept. Approval: Certificate of Water Availability Certificate of Sever Availability /Legal Lot Documentation Legal Access Documentation Commercial Projects Only: Site Plan Received Permit N PUD File 0 assemonts• Restrictions! Related Piles: Other: Note: Pursuant to King County code 19,36.050 this pro -application revise is to sllov the appliaant to receive unofficial reviou of his proposal before making any substantial financial commiftent. No representations made in the I r pre application shall be binding on the County or the app 4/1/88 • • (ton* A4jodw. Plat Plan Itlfld Outlet Roqulred 4kmmts In Mokete) . ' APPLICATION ICOR FINAL SEATTLE -KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH HEALTH DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES # SUBWVISION APPROVAL *a& Appropriate OW SUBDIVISION ❑ SHORT SUB M3K)N ❑ REZONE ❑ LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NAME ANDIDR NUMBER OF BALD. APPUCATiON o APPRIWIMM STREET ADDRESS 1 I A2 I:•1 < VC S•%, }%t M19 rikl Sid %q l0- 3 ,r. y- Lao* ^do $ .2,30, o� N 3vo' LEGAL DESCRPTION PARCEL fl; NUMBER OF ACRES I dq", 11-1p N BE E��D LOTS 1 SMALL€8T LOT SIZE L PtefNnktafy Flaalth Oepautrrterg SWxWiwm Report Approved? `(A) It M. Dale KWE LOT LINES BEEN ADJUSTED SINCE PRELIMINARY APPI10VAL WAS GRANTED? , { �ttr yas�a�� re.nseo plan map yew OWNER 6 --r11 r ADDRESS I 1 •r eZ � 5' Iq -7: f' � %Iyc t ! PHONE AGENT I ADDRESS Lktt &Y' W AQ Fjr ) 71- iifra FOI`t;.ONtf1N(i 1h11rOFIItlATION MtrST BE PROVIDED: WOTER SUPPLY: (Complete Section 1 or 2 tselawj Section 1. ❑ Public Water Supply (Name) O.S.H.S. Public Water Supply I.D. Number 1 6 1 1 1 1 I Dade Water Supply Appmved (new "am only) Agcy Attach a copy d ms Cert1 icste of Corootion and the "Suitt Drava (Class 2.3 or 4 water system) Attach a copy of letter from Water Utility which states that system has been InstaW � � contract or bond assures carrtptetlon of system. (Class 1 water systom) Section 2 ❑ Indfvldual %*b (Al lots must be 5 apes or greater) 1 1: 0 SEWAGE DISPOSAL Complete Section 1 or 2 taeiow) SUbLAVl i��rr GOUN7 N Section 1. ❑ Public Sewer System NAM) Attach om of letter from Sewer Utility which states that systern has been instWW and approved or that a contract or bond assures completion of system. Section 2.9 --U diAAW On -U9 System9 Attach SoY Loy Destxip lon three (3) Soil Logs Per Lot in Dralnlblc!M"er"Aram Attach a Plot Plan -•Show dralnfield rns,10D% reserve area, lot Ghee, easamor t tines, road locatlons, w*W surface wales, dralnap teoltm, ata sensitive areas pf appro"te) Attach a Site Design to DerraWrate Sulficient Room for DrainfloW and Reserve Area (Upon request of HeaM OMcer} , For ExW ty Homes with kydlvWual (NvSlte Systems: R E C E t V C is the piny sewage System FunaticnN Properly? LYj YIN .; '� ;•i 1 � r �j Is an Adequate Reswvs Area Available? C% YIN Ars SeW&ck RoWiremente Met? t! YIN Al 4'-n SOUARE Does the System Pose a Threat to Pubk Health or Groundwaier Qually7 I1 YIN I, herte#ty, certify the ktfarmetlon given h this appkallon is a true and accurate represermlon d the existing conditions on this 81atum d Ownet/Agm t Date f Lod 81gAtat"of Certtfled Ds6WW Date O O�.� / v WPRJ� vy- y).7�L�JyI DISAPPFOV <D #? = -9 Q - .— _ �l�Lr//YJ/`/L_IJ/J►J/wii (Date) (Sanitarian) CAN'.TIOPiS TO BE PLACED ON FINAL PLAT OR SHORT PLAT LINEN: (District supervisor) NoRtH $CAL,*. ado, - lop 10 4-K I n. •'•'yr i\. wr• moi. ..r �.w�.�`.r......�w�r�rrw--rr. - .. �,-�+.r��. 'itA+rNI ��ur m 0 N �i m 0 s CMCIAPATION 01F COVZNUT IN LIZU Or SOILS UST MR #RWAGO DISPOIAL SUITABUITY• (141HIMIM LAT SIM 35.000 SOUARS r1cr) "Doolaration of Covenant ?%ft ponsideration of the approval by ling County of short play, . which said plat creates A lot de4asib4d as follswss 91%1* o4 #hc to ON" f'g 04. ? iv wn•r •�g Co• A44. the undersigned covenants and agrees thatz •(a) No percolation test has been performed on the drove -described lot. •(b) Approval of short plat I creating the above- described lot DOES NOT Constitute &PPrQV41 DY xing county that said lot canbe used for a biding. site. "(c) bio structure requiring domestic water consumption or sewage disposal can be placed on said lot until approval is given by the Seattle - Xing County Health Department or other appropriate department agencies. "(d) This conversant shall run with the land and is binding on all subsequent owner(s) of the above described lot(s)." ee owrAr o srZ-- 9--a-e E.K.RECEIVED 1 STATS 0? WASHINGTON) OCT 2 2 1 111�i_' COt1M or SING 3 sa On this day personally appeared before me�.Zi�t� ►i l�+i�"tr. me known to be the indivEl�d :. 'ad0 cry r in andwTio executsd the within and foregoing instYumetLt and acknowledged thant they signed the Warne as their freq and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein stated. GivaAder my hand and official seal thisPUMAC MARY and for the % St&%Fj Cif Shingtgn, residing at Ak fie eartifioata provides the department of Nealth and ` vuilding a Land Development with information necessary to %evalvate development proposals. nn* Please return tot BUILDING b LAND DEVtLOPMBNT 450 Admratormtoo Su►1{i t4 Seflut. Wnhutoon 91104 2M)44-7900 KING COUNTY CERTIFICATE OF WATER AVAILABILITY In lot P1114 IX Ma box number Q Building Pars>it ❑ Prallminary PIat or PUD ❑ Short 8ubdivisl^n fr Ramona a 1"T, 3MM' I! bMM f k •� pD oma ,e roc E -D Imot]011/Yds ger¢ S4 . - OCT 2 2 (Attach map i logat aescrsption it necessary # # % # # # # # # # ! # # # # # M UR pLii(VEYOR nWOilli TIM 1. a. Water will be provided by service connection only to an sxistinq— , Lf water slain feet from the site. miss OR be a hater service will require an improvement to the water system of: feet of water main to reach the sitar and/or ❑ R) the construction of a distribution system on the situ and/or ❑ (3) other (describe) 2. A. The water system is in oonformance with a County approved water comprehensive plan. b. The water system improvement will require a water comprehensive plan amendment. 3. a. The proposed project is within the corporate limits of the district, or has been granted Boundary Review Hoard approval for extension of service outside the district `�'... or city, or is within the County approved service area of a private water purveyor. OR . b. 0 Annexation or Bn approval will be necessary to provide service. 4. a. Water is/or will J22 available at the rate of flow and duration indicated below at no less t3� 2O psi measured at the nearest fire hydrant ,-;, X. =MPiReta the building/property (or as marked on the attached map)t irate of flow Duration } lass than 500 gym (approx. gpst) ❑less than 1 hour 500 to 999 gpm ❑ 1 hour to 2 hogs ❑ 1000 gym or more FOR 2 hours or more Q flaw fast of__gPM ❑ether Calculation of (Commercial Building Permits require flow test or calculations) ¢; b• E] Mater systass is not capable of providing fire flow. C01/fi#!M/CM IT MW ,- s{: ify that the above water purveyor iniormation is true. Thiel r I r 429 0IS568 17°i? 10 ! 11 27 K {,�`1r jNiY.4ASH• �4---�EPvtY Statutory Warranty Deed THE GRANTOR S CHIRLIyS F, LUCAS and BW 10 1. LUCASs his sdfe VOL3898 ma4 29 I 3 Qua A �+ for and In caasideration of to correct legal desen Aim in hand paid, conveys and warrants to Roy ROBERT SKM and RUBY PFARL SWITH, his tens the foRming described real estate, situated IN the County of King , State of :.04 Washirwm: The south half of the south half of the northeast quarter of %-^ the southeast quarter XXCSPT the westerly 990 feet andIDCCEPT the %. "SU*330 fsets in Section 10,. Totanahip 23 north, Range 5 east, %k Ir.M., In )Ling Country, mashington. ikI; ,�•A u q; RE -COVED } OCT 22VO wr ..; SUSIV$10N [:(?w NTLh Dated 'h a �� •• day of April, 1959 STATE OF WASHf'+iGTiIN,sL r Cam ty of Xing On thla day personally appeared beim roe Charles F. Lucas and Beatrice Y. Lucas to me known to be the individuals described in and who executed the within and foregoing insttnment, and acltuowledged ibat they sued the same as their free and voluntary act aad deed, foe the _Wes attd purpasa therein rnetttiuned. �,;f1 1p jet. 4 �47 I Y' X. I 14 0 .V I .J �• r LL M I 91i tell +• icea _ ac j A e. wa x ;. ISO f; r. a S � �� • S� a3 � Z �I I s� 1 LL U V� m l� p • O � 6 r � h jU. M.�"S —0'A xtr c oilr N ti r 'r V �I I s� 1 LL U V� m l� p • O � 6 r � h jU. M.�"S —0'A xtr �I I s� 1 LL U V� m l� '4 1 `( ���.11n 9. . . ... ti.• . rte...— a —.n fn�.�� . r-� �� r; •�� • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A, .- m W94E l Lj o cc IV ft 1:1 C, -j MF ti E 0 fo g .8 w cq > > _E-� t to 4) q Cl cQ if) kd 0) 0, 4D Ci qv� k>d a ki 0 ro, wo Im IL Z 13 h6 z L W94E l Lj o cc IV ft 1:1 C, -j MF ti 1... �.A�•f.,+�l,i�'il Ing I II x0 } 7 IFF y i , w 111 •OI Y z Vol — L A K W M ff G wd cm It ' •� in j IV 4 = D 14 w Z w � Y z S S Y I ���� s W edt • U `�� y I , i Ing I II x0 } IFF y � w w 111 •OI Y z Vol — w ' 4 = D ;;;mak . ,"��„ •;'. a z S s W edt 0.. , 1L. 1 M ' la ;;;mak . ,"��„ •;'. a ACTIVITY LOO FILE NAMEMO., Q Q 3S Va: fatten, Steve ' From: Florent, Ray Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2005 12:29 PM To: VanPatten, Steve Cc: Rhoads, Kate; Sanders, Jim; Townsend, Steve; Gillen, Nick; Cheatum, Tim; Bergam, Mark Subject: RE: L04FRO74 - Shamrock Heights 1 Steve, Based on today's meeting with Mark Bergam and Kate Rhoads, I have one modification to make to Issue number 1 below. The only change is that the Wet Pond and the Detention Facility should be included in the same Public Tract. Thanks, Ray Raymond E. Florent, PLS IDES Chief Land Surveyor/ Engineer IV Land Use Services Division Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 (2061 296-6790 Fax (206) 296-6613 -----Original Message ----- From: Florent, Ray Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2405 6:52 PM To: VanPatten, Steve Ce: Rhoads, Kate; Sanders, Jim; Townsend, Steve; Gillen, Nick; Cheatum, Tim; Bergam, Mark Subject: L04FRO74 - Shamrock Heights 1 Steve, After reviewing the Final Plat, Engineering Plans, Variances, and comments from LUSD and KCDNR staff, I have made the following decisions the final plat_ I believe that my decisions are in line with KCDNR. They are the ones that will be maintaining the public portions of the drainage facilities, and are the agency to decide which portions of the facilities should remain under private maintenance. Based on the above, please ask the design Professional Land Surveyor to address the following issues on the Final Plat: 1) The Wet Pond and the Detention Facility need to be dedicated to the public, along with the responsibility for maintenance. Since there will be different types of maintenance required for each facility, please have them each placed in separate tracts. 2) KCDNR would like to see the Bio -retention Swales remain in private ownership, with the maintenance responsibility assigned to the Homeowners Association. Please ask that these swales be noted accordingly. 3) The Engineering Plans do not show the 15 foot BSBL adjoining all of the wetlands. These BSBL's will need to be shown on all affected lots. Thanks for your help, Ray Raymond E. Florent, PLS DDES Chief Land Surveyor / Engineer IV Land Use Services Division Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 (2061296-6790 Fax (2061296-6613 VarrPatten, Steve From: VanPatten, Steve Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2005 11:49 AM To: Florent, Ray Subject: FW: L04FRO74 - Shamrock Heights 1 Ray, Per discussion this afternoon with Mark Bergam, I added the following comment to permits: Mark Bergam met with Kate Rhodes this day to discuss the wetland pond. He relayed to me that based on the fact that the wetland pond was not pari of wetland mitigation, that it should be included in the King County Drainage Tract -- as one main tract containing both the wetland and the storm pond. -----Original Message ----- From: VanPatten, Steve Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2005 11:17 AM To: Florent, Ray Subject; RE: L04FRO74 - Shamrock Heights 1 Ray, FYI -- I added the following note to permits on Feb. 17, -- when my memory was fresh. Meeting with Nick Gillen, Kate Rhodes, and Pat Simmons; Decision to expand the drainage tract to include the wetland stormwater cell rather then leaving the wetland stormwater cell in the SAT -- since the cell was not planted as part of mitigation and KC can maintain- -----Original Message ----- From: Florent, Ray Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2005 6:52 PM To: VanPatten, Steve Cc: Rhoads, Kate; Sanders, Jim; Townsend, Steve; Gillen, lick; Cheatum, Tim; Bergam, Mark Subject: L04FRO74 - Shamrock Heights 1 Steve, After reviewing the Final Plat, Engineering Plans, Variances, and comments from LUSD and KCDNR staff, I have made the following decisions the final plat. I believe that my decisions are in line with KCDNR. They are the ones that will be maintaining the public portions of the drainage facilities, and are the agency to decide which portions of the facilities should remain under private maintenance. Based on the above, please ask the design Professional Land Surveyor to address the following issues on the Final Plat: 1) The Wet Pond and the Detention Facility need to be dedicated to the public, along with the responsibility for maintenance. Since there will be different types of maintenance required for each facility, please have them each placed in separate tracts. 2) KCDNR would like to see the Bio -retention Swales remain in private ownership, with the maintenance responsibility assigned to the Homeowners Association. Please ask that these swales be noted accordingly, 3) The Engineering Plans do not show the 15 foot BSBL adjoining all of the wetlands. These BSBL's will need to be shown on all affected lots. Thanks for your help, Ray Raymond E. Florent, PLS IDES Chief Land Surveyor / Engineer IV Land Use Services Division Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 (206) 296-6790 Fax (206) 296-6613 VanPatten, Steve From: Florent, Ray Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2005 6:52 PM To: VanPatten, Steve Cc: Rhoads, Kate; Sanders, Jim; Townsend, Steve; Gillen, Nick; Cheatum, Tim; Bergam, Mark Subject: L04FRO74 - Shamrock Heights 1 Steve, After reviewing the Final Plat, Engineering Plans, Variances, and comments from LUSD and KCDNR staff, I have made the following decisions the final plat. I believe that my decisions are in line with KCDNR. They are the ones that will be maintaining the public portions of the drainage facilities, and are the agency to decide which portions of the facilities should remain under private maintenance. Based on the above, please ask the design Professional Land Surveyor to address the following issues on the Final Plat: 1) The Wet Pond and the Detention Facility need to be dedicated to the public, along with the responsibility for maintenance. Since there will be different types of maintenance required for each facility, please have them each placed in separate tracts. 2) KCDNR would like to see the Bio -retention Swales remain in private ownership, with the maintenance responsibility assigned to the Homeowners Association. Please ask that these Swales be noted accordingly. 3) The Engineering Plans do not show the 15 foot BSBL adjoining all of the wetlands_ These BSBL's will need to be shown on all affected lots. Thanks for your help, Ray Raymond E. Florent, PLS DDES Chief Land Surveyor / Engineer 1V Land Use Services Division Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 (206) 296-6790 Fax (206) 296-6613 p. 1 of 2 March 26, 2005 BY CERTIFIED MAIL To: Shamrock Highlands, LLC c/o CamWest Developments Inc. Attn: Sara Slatten 9720 NE 20`h Place, Ste 100 Kirkland, WA 98034 Ref: My property located at 12415 148`h Ave SE, Renton. Tax parcel # 1023059042. Dear Ms. Slatten: I am writing this letter to raise several issues pertaining to your Shamrock I development project adjacent to my property. My issues are shown below: Quit Claim Deed 20040423001060 and a Real Estate Excise Tax Affidavit E2033198 were filed and signed by Deborah Charles and Eric Campbell, President of CamWest, to carry out a real estate transaction on a strip of land size 16' x 50', known as Parcel L in your construction drawings. My property tax account was used in this transaction. If Deborah Charles was the true owner of this piece of land, she would have to use her own tax account in this transaction, not mine. Furthermore, since the owners of Shamrock and Mr. Campbell have unsuccessfully solicited to purchase my property several times in the last few years, you all knew well that the above tax ID belongs to me, not Ms. Charles. Not to mention that on 7/3/2002, you mailed two proposals to me, and both involved Parcel L. I rejected both proposals. This transaction was improper, if not fraudulent. 2. Once the above transactions were done, additional similar transactions were done to transfer "rights" from CamWest to Shamrock. Again, my property tax ID was fraudulently used. The reference documents are Quit Claim Deed 20030213002662 and Real Estate Excise Tax Affidavit E1939049. 3. My additional research reveals that my tax account was also referenced in your Deed of Trusts 2003121200238 and 2001100902309 granted by Shamrock to Bank of America and Transnation Title Insurance Co., respectively. There is no reason why my tax ID was referenced in those documents. The former Deed of Trust involves your borrowing approximately three million dollars; I definitely do not want my lot be a part of your business. 4. A galvanized steel gate at the roadway to the blue residence on my property and a small tree next to this gate were improperly removed by your contractors. This roadway has served as the entrance and exit to this residence from a time that predates my interest in this property. I installed the gate before Shamrock came to this area to run tree nursery. I and/or my tenants have used and maintained this roadway since then. In relation to # 4 above, your development greatly encroaches upon my property. Most of the original wired fence, which separates your property from the roadway mentioned in # 4 above, was removed by your workers. A section of new fence and marker stakes were installed by your workers well within my lot in such a way that most of the roadway appears to be a part of your property. Additionally, so much soil was pushed toward the roadway such that its width is now about 60% of what it used to be. Your activities described in items 1, 4 and 5 are consistent with your 713/2002 proposals to obtain land from me to run utilities. However, I have never accepted your proposals. p. 2 of 2 6. I have legal rights to use Parcel L mentioned in # I above. Your workers daily block this strip of land with a backhoe after the work hour. See image attached. 7. Your title insurance document dated 0210412004, Transnation Order #1300-10049351, page 10, describes my tax lot as one of your lots. This is absolutely untrue. I request a prompt response to the issues mentioned above by Aril 15 2005. Include within your response, I also request you to: a) Reinstall a new gate and tree of equivalent size and quality at the original location. b) Remove marker states from my lot, and rework the land to return the roadway to its original size. Reinstall a barb wired fence where the old one was to discourage your construction workers from entering my lot. c) Remove my tax ID from all documents mentioned above, and from all others that you know. It is not my job to research and list them herein. You must guaraa-itee that my tax lot ID is not referenced in all of your transactions. d) Provide a letter of guarantee to me that my tax lot, during the time that it was referenced in many of your documents, was never used as a part of your environmental impact mitigation. If it was used, you must remedy, and accept the responsibility for all costs accordingly. e) You must not block access to/from the 16' x 50' strip of land (or Parcel L). I want you to know that the above events have been very stressful for my family. I hope that this letter provides you an opportunity to make corrections. If I do not receive a satisfactory response, I will be forced to bring these issues to the City of Renton and King County, as well as to pursue legal measures. Thank you for your immediate attention to this letter. Sincerely, An T Phung P.O Box 854 Mukilteo, WA 98275 cc: - Manager of Home Builder Div., Bank of America, 10500 NE Bch St. Ste 400, Bellevue WA 98004 - Mr. Gregg Zimmerman, Director, Dept.of Planning, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055 - Mr. John Scussel, Manager, Transnation Title Insurance Co., 14450 NE 29"' Pl., Ste 200, Bellevue, WA 98007 - Mr. Raymond E. Florent, DDES Chief Land Surveyor, 900 Oakesdale Ave SW, Renton 98055-1219 - Mr. Steve Vantatten, DDES Project Manager, 900 Oakesdale Ave SW, Renton 98055-1219 - Ms. Diane Mickunas-Ries, Superintendent, King County Recorder Office, 900 4''' Ave., Ste 600, Seattle, WA 98104 -�'l L�l I \ A I -�'l L�l I April 11, 2005 Andy Phung P.O. Box 854 Mukilteo, WA 98275 Response to your March 26, 2005 letter Phung, I received a copy of your March 26, 2005 letter addressing various issues surrounding our properties and documentation which has been incorrectly recorded against your property. It appears that errors have occurred yet it is unclear how your property was included with the Shamrock Highlands LLC documentation to begin with. Currently, our attorney is drafting documents which will effectively delete all reference of your property from all Shamrock Highlands LLC related documentation. I apologize for these errors and the inconvenience this has caused you. It has never been our intent to include your property in any of these documents. In addition, I will attempt to address each item you have indicated in your letter as summarized below; Quit claim Deed 20040423001050 and a Real Estate Excise Tax Affidavit form E2033198 were filed and. signed by Deborah Charles and Eric Campbell, President CamWest, to carry out a real estate transaction on a strip of.land size 16 x 50', Known as Parcel L in your construction drawings. My property tax account was used in this transaction. if Deborah Charles was the true owner of this piece of land, she would have to use her own tax account in this transaction, not mine. Furthermore, since the owners of Shamrock and Mr. Campbell have unsuccessfully solicited to purchase my property several time in the last few years, you all know well that the above tax I.D. belongs to me, not Ms. Charles. Not to mention that on 71312002, you mailed two proposals to me, and both involved Parcel L. I rejected bath proposals. This transaction was improper, if not fraudulent. Response: Your tax parcel 1D number is incorrectly referenced with this 16' x 50' strip of land. King County Department of Assessments has been contacted to assign a new tax id. number to this 16'x 50' strip of property. Once complete, I will forward all documentation related to this correction. One the above transaction were done, additional similar transactions were done to transfer "rights" from CarnWest to Shamrock. Again, my property tax iI? was fraudulently used. The reference documents Quit Claim Deed 20030213002662 and Real Estate Excise Tax Affidavit E1939049. Response: Your parcel was mistakenly included in the 2003 quit claim deed for reasons we are unaware of. We had no intention of including your property in this quit claim deed. This error will be corrected by recording a document to exclude your property and will be transmitted to you once complete. My additional research reveals that my tax account was also referenced in your Deed of Trusts 2003121200238 and 2001100902309 granted by Shamrock to Bank of America and Transnation Title Insurance Co., respectively. There is no reason why my tax ED was referenced in those documents. The former Deed of Trust involves your borrowing approximately three million dollars; I definitely do not want my lot be a part of your business. Response: Again, recording of these documents was made in error and it.bas never been our intent to include your property with these documents. We will correct the issue and mail you a copy of the correction upon completion. A galvanized steel gate at the roadway to the blue residence on my property and a small tree next to this gate were improperly removed by your contractors. This roadway has served as the entrance and exit to this residence from a time that predates my interest in the property. I installed the gate before Shamrock came to this area to run tree nursery. I and/or my tenants have used and maintained this roadway since then. Response: Our surveyor set property stakes and clearing boundaries based upon their survey of record. Subsequently, our contractor removed the gate and vegetation based on the property corners that were set by a licensed surveyor. Portions of your fencing and driveway encroach into our property. Our intent has never been.to deny access to your property and believe we can work on a mutually agreeable solution including replacement of the gate and restoration of your driveway. In relation to #4 above, your development greatly encroaches upon my property. Most of the original wired fence, which separates your property from the roadway mentioned in #4 above, was removed by your workers. A section of new fence and marker stakes were installed by your workers well within my lot in such a way that most of the roadway appears to be part of your'property. Additionally, so much soil was pushed toward the roadway such that its width is now about 60% of what it used to be. Your activities described in items 1, 4 and 5 are consistent with your 7/3/2002 proposals to obtain land from me to run utilities. However, l have never accepted your proposals. Response: Our clearing limits and property corners have been set by a licensed surveyor. The property stakes you mention above are based on the true property lines as defined by legal descriptions from both properties. Apparently, the driveway access to your houses fall within our property. The excavation and utility activities mentioned are occurring on property owned by the Shamrock Highlands LLC. Utilities and related easements, associated with our construction, fall within our property boundaries. 1 have legal rights to use Parcel 1. mentioned in 4 1 above. Your workers daily block this strip of land with a backhoe after the work hour. See image attached. Response: You do have easement rights to Parcel L. We have spoken to our contractor and have explained they need allow your tenants access to your property and to prohibit parking vehicles and/or equipment within the easement. If you or your tenants experience arty future issues with blocked access to your property, please notify me immediately. Your title insurance document dated 0210412004, Transnation Order 4 300- 10049351, page 10, describes my tax lot as one of your lots. This is absolutely untrue. Response: An error has ©ccurred here as reference to your tax parcel ID should not be included with our title documents. A correction removing reference to your tax parcel ID number will be forthcoming. a) Reinstall a new gate and tree of equivalent size and quality at the . original location. CamWest will install a new replacement gate. I will meed to get additional information on the tree and its location to better assess its original location. In order to effectively respond to this issue, I think it would make the most sense to meet on site to discuss the location of this tree in question as well as the replacement gate. b) Remove marker stakes from my lot, and rework the land to return the roadway to its original size. Reinstall a,barbwire fence where the old one was to discourage your construction workers form entering my lot. Response: The survey stakes you are referring to correctly demark our shared property boundaries and are not located within your property. A resolution does need to occur relative to the removal of the wire fence and portion of existing driveway. I would like to discuss this further with you at your earliest convenience, c) Remove my tax ID forth all documents mentioned above, and from all others that you know. It is not my job to research and list them herein. You must guarantee that my tax lot ID is not used referenced in all. of your transactions. Response: A correction will be recorded within one week. You will receive written verification once complete. d) Provide a letter of guarantee to me that my tax lot, during the time that it was referenced in many of your documents, was never used as a part of your environmental impact mitigation. If it was used, you must remedy, and accept the responsibility for all costs accordingly. Response: Your property has never been included as part of our environmental impact review or mitigation, nor has it ever been included with any of our proposals to any jurisdiction. e) You must -not block access to/from the 16' x 50' strip of land (or Parcel L). Response: Agreed. As stated previously, you are a beneficiary of this easement. If you and/or your tenants experience any issues with a blocked access, please let me know immediately. iese responses help clarify some of the issues you have raised. Please let v at your earliest convenience what a good time is to discuss the I , . Va'nPatten, Steve From: Florent, Ray Sent: Monday, April 18, 2005 3:32 PM To: lantphung2004@juno.com' Cc: VanPatten, Steve; Moore, Bernard; Cheatum, Tim; Townsend, Steve; Malone, Patricia; Reed, Lamar Subject: RE: 472 Online Citizen Complaint Submittal Dear Mr. Phung, Thank you for sending in this notification. As you are aware, we are currently processing a plat for Camwest that adjoins your property. Steve VanPatten is in the middle of his final review. We agree with you that the ownership conflict between you and Camwest needs to be resolved prior to the issuance of final approval. If our final analysis determines that the property in question is indeed owned by you, then it is at that time that a code enforcement file may be opened. Until that time, there is still a question as to who owns the property in question. We will keep you informed regarding the review process. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact me by phone or e-mail. Thanks, Ray Raymond E. Florent, PLS DDES Chief Land Surveyor / Engineer IV Land Use Services Division Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 (206) 296-6790 Fax {206) 296-6613 -----Original Message ----- From: antphung2004@juno.com [mailto:antphung2004@juno.com] Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2005 9:47 PM To: codecom@metrokc.gov Subject: 472 Online Citizen Complaint Submittal This is notification that a Citizen Complaint reporting a potential code violation was submitted by An T Phung on 04/13/2005. Reference No: 472 Site Location: Shamrock 1 developmemt project at 148 Ave SE, renton Parcel No: Owner: CamWest Development Inc. Co. Occupant: Resp. Party: Type of Action: Other Message/Comment: My name is An T Phung. I own tax lot # 102305-9042-07, which is also known as 12415 - 148 ave SE, Renton. Recently, I have sent copies of certified letters to Messrs. Raymond Florent, Steve Van Patten, and Tim Cheatum of the DDES to inform them of wrongs (or frauds) carried out by the CamWest Development Inc. and their associates. I would like to use this letter to officially raise my complaints, and would like to request DDES to carefully review CamWest's application, design, and drawings. I strongly believe CamWest's construction violates my property boundary as well as CamWest has never received my grant for construction work within the easements. Please utilize the details which have been provided to you in my letter for consideration. 1 contact me if you have any question; and let rr.e kno,r of yoiar findings/decision. F Thank you. An T Phung Action Or: -going: Yes Beginning Date: late 2004? Slopes: No Wetlands: No Streams: No Features are effected: No Complainant: An T Phung Address: 9333 57 Ave West City/Zip: Mukilteo 98275 Telephone: 425-342-0387 Confidentiai: Yes ra Z Van^atten, Steve From: Malone, Patricia Sent: Monday, April 18, 2005 2:21 PM To: Reed, Lamar Cc: Florent, Ray; VanPatten, Steve; Townsend, Steve; Moore, Bernard; Cheatum, Tim Subject: FW: 472 Online Citizen Complaint Submittal LaMar - I am forwarding this on-line complaint to those who might have an idea what is taking place. I don't believe at this time a code enforcement case should be opened - I couldn't find the project numbers with the name Shamrock 1. If any of you feel I need to open a code enforcement case, please let me know. If you could respond back to the complainant and cc myself and LaMar on the email, I would appreciate it. Thanks, Patricia -----Original Message ----- From: antphung2004@juno.com [mailto:antphung2004@juno.com] Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2005 9:47 PM To: codecom@metrokc.gov Subject: 472 Online Citizen Complaint Submittal This is notification that a Citizen Complaint reporting a potential code violation was submitted by An T Phung on 04/13/2005. Reference No: 472 Site Location: Shamrock 1 developmemt project at 148 Ave SE, rentor Parcel No: Owner: CamWest Development Inc. Co. Occupant: Resp. Party: Type of Action: Other Message/Comment: My name is An T Phung. I own tax lot # 102305-9042-07, which is also known as 12415 - 148 ave SE, Renton. Recently, I have sent copies of certified letters to Messrs. Raymond Florent, Steve Van Patten, and Tim Cheatum of the DDES to inform them of wrongs (or frauds) carried out by the CamWest Development Inc. and their associates. I would like to use this letter to officially raise my complaints, and would like to recuest DDES to carefully review CamWest's application, design, and drawings. I strongly believe CamWest's construction violates my property boundary as well as CamWest has never received my grant for construction work within the easements. Please utilize the details which have been provided to you in my letter for consideration. Please contact me if you have any question; and let me know of your findings/decision. Thank you. An T Phung Action On-going: Yes Beginning Date: late 2004? Slopes: No Wetlands: No Streams: No Features are effected: No Complainant: An T Phung Address: 9333 57 Ave West 1 City/Zip: 98275 Telephone: 425-342-0387 Confidential: Yes VanPatten, Steve From: antphung2004@juno.com Sent: Friday, April 15, 2005 7:04 PM To: slatten@camwest.com Cc: rayflorent@metrokc.gov; steve.vanpatten@metrokc.gov; tim,cheatum@metrokc.gov; gzimmerman@ci.renton.wa.us Subject: Fw: Response to your 3/26/05 letter f Letter to Sara Untitled Attachment SD000959.pdf (1 Slatten inrespo... MB) Sara I have received your 4/11/2005 letter; and have a coressponding response which is attached. People whose names are mentioned in my letter but not included in this email will receive a hard copy of my letter. Andy Phung Please note: forwarded message attached 1 April 11, 2005 Andy Phung P.O. Box 854 Mukilteo, WA 98275 RE: Response to your March 26, 2005 letter Dear Mr. Phung, I received a copy of your March 26, 2005 letter addressing various issues surrounding our properties and documentation which has been incorrectly recorded against your property, It appears that errors have occurred yet it is unclear how your property was included with the Shamrock Highlands LLC documentation to begin with. Currently, our attorney is drafting documents which will effectively delete all reference of your property from all Shamrock Highlands LLC related documentation. I apologize for these errors and the inconvenience this has caused you. It has never been our intent to include your property in any of these documents. In addition, I will attempt to address each item you have indicated in your letter as summarized below: Quit claim Deed 20040423001060 and a Real Estate Excise Tax Affidavit form E2033198 were filed and. signed by Deborah Charles and Eric Campbell, President CamWest, to carry out a real estate transaction on a strip of.land size 16 x 50', Known as Parcel L in your construction drawings. My property tax account was used in this transaction. If Deborah Charles was the true owner of this piece of land, she would have to use her own tax account in this transaction, not mine. Furthermore, since the owners of Shamrock and Mr. Campbell have unsuccessfully solicited to purchase my property several time in the last few years, you all know well that the above tax I. D. belongs to me, not Ms. Charles. Not to mention that on 713!2002, you mailed two proposals to me, and both involved Parcel L. I rejected both proposals. This transaction was improper, if not fraudulent. Response: Your tax parcel ID number is incorrectly referenced with this 16' x 50' strip of land. King County Department of Assessments has been contacted to assign a new tax i.d. number to this 16' x 50' strip of property. Once complete, I will forward all documentation related to this correction. One the above transaction were done, additional similar transactions were done to transfer "rights" from CamWest to Shamrock. Again, my property tax ID was fraudulently used. The reference documents Quit Claim Deed 20030213002662 and Real Estate Excise Tax Affidavit E1939049. Response: Your parcel was mistakenly included in the 2003 quit claim deed for reasons we are unaware of. We had no intention of including your property in this quit claim deed. This error will be corrected by recording a document to exclude your property and will be transmitted to you once complete. My additional research reveals that my tax account was also referenced in your Deed of Trusts 2003121200238 and 2001100902309 granted by Shamrock to Bank of America and Transnation Title Insurance Co., respectively. There is no reason why my tax ID was referenced in those documents. The former Deed of Trust involves your borrowing approximately three million dollars; I definitely do not want my lot be a part of your business. Response: Again, recording of these documents was made in error and it leas never been our intent to include your property with these documents. We will correct the issue and mail you a copy of the correction upon completion. A galvanized steel gate at the roadway to the blue residence on my property and a small tree next to this gate were improperly removed by your contractors. This roadway has served as the entrance and exit to this residence from a time that predates my interest in the property. I installed the gate before Shamrock carne to this area to run tree nursery. I and/or my tenants have used and maintained this roadway since then. - Response: Our surveyor set property stakes and clearing boundaries based upon their survey of record. Subsequently, our contractor removed the gate and vegetation based on the property corners that were set by a licensed surveyor. Portions of your fencing and driveway encroach into our property. Our intent has never been.to deny access to your property and believe we can work on a mutually agreeable solution including replacement of the gate and restoration of your driveway. In relation to 94 above, your development greatly encroaches upon my property. Most of the original wired fence, which separates your property from the roadway mentioned in #4 above, was. removed by your workers. A section of new fence and marker stakes were installed by your workers well within my lot in such a way that most of the roadway appears to be part of your property. Additionally, so much soil was pushed toward the roadway such that its width is now about 60% of what it used to be. Your activities described in items 1, 4 and 5 are consistent with your 7/3/2002 proposals to obtain land from me to run utilities. However, I have never accepted your proposals. Response: Our clearing limits and property corners have been set by a licensed surveyor. The property stakes you mention above are based on the true property lines as defined by legal descriptions from both properties. Apparently, the driveway access to your houses fall within our property. The excavation and utility activities mentioned are occurring on property owned by -the Shamrock Highlands LLC. Utilities and related easements, associated with our construction, fall within our property boundaries. I have legal rights to use Parcel L mentioned in # 1 above. Your workers daily block this strip of land with a backhoe after the work hour. See image attached. Response: You do have casement rights to Parcel L. We have spoken to our contractor and have explained they need allow your tenants access to your property and to prohibit parking vehicles and/or equipment within the easement. If you or your tenants experience any future issues with blocked access to your property, please notify me immediately. Your title insurance document dated 02/04/2004, Transnation Order # 300- 10049351, page 10, describes my tax lot as one of your lots. This is absolutely untrue. Response: An error has occurred here as reference to your tact parcel ID should not be included with our title documents. A correction removing reference to your tax parcel ID number will be forthcoming. a) Reinstall a new gate and tree of equivalent size and quality at the original location. CamWest will install a new replacement gate. I will need to get additional information on the tree and its location to better assess its original location. In order to effectively respond to this issue, I think it would make the most sense to meet on site to discuss the location of this tree in question as well as the replacement gate. b) Remove marker stakes from my lot, and rework the land to return the roadway to its original size. Reinstall a,barbwire fence where the old one was to discourage your construction workers form entering my lot. Response: The survey stakes you are referring to correctly demark our shared property boundaries and are not located within your property. A resolution does need to occur relative to the removal of the wire fence and portion of existing driveway. I would like to discuss this further with you at your earliest convenience. _ c) Remove my tax ID form all documents mentioned above, and from all others that you know. It is not my job to research and list them herein. You must guarantee that my tax lot ID is not used referenced in all of your transactions. Response: A correction will be recorded within one week. You will receive written verification once complete, d) Provide a letter of guarantee to me that my tax lot, during the time that it was referenced in many of your documents, was never used as a part of your environmental impact mitigation. If it was used, you must remedy, and accept the responsibility for all costs accordingly. Response: Your property bas never been included as part of our environmental impact review or mitigation, nor has it ever been included with any of our proposals to any jurisdiction. e} You must -not block access to/from the 16' x 50' strip of land {or Parcel Q. Response: Agreed. As stated previously, you are a beneficiary of this easement. If you and/or your tenants experience any issues with a blocked access, please let me know immediately. hese responses help clarify some of the issues you have raised. Please let w at your earliest convenience what a good time is to discuss the rri April 15, 2005 Sara Slatten CamWest Development Inc. 9720 NE 120`' P1. Ste 100 Kirkland, WA 98034 Re: My response to your 4/11/2045 letter Dear Ms, Slatten, I would like to respond point -by -point per the order listed in the your letter as shown below. A copy of your 4/11/2005 letter is attached for convenience. CamWest's answer is false and misleading people not closely involved in this case. This short 16' W x 50' L strip of land, known as Parcel L as described in the Shamrock 1 construction drawing, belongs to my property. It was not incorrectly recorded as CamWest stated. In fact, it has always been listed in my tax bill since 1987 when I purchased this property, and symbols on the map also show it as a part of my property. Additionally and technically speaking, without this strip of land, my main lot will only be touching the longer easement (a.k.a parcel K) by one point — i.e., my lot would be landlocked. Finally, CamWest had known it belongs to me — as witnessed by a document in which CamWest proposed to me in 2002. I have a copy of this document. I will submit a protest to King County accordingly. 2. It is impossible for CamWest, together with their law firm and their title insurance companies to unknowingly err as they claimed. In deed, CamWest has systematically and falsely: (a) filed multiple quit claim deeds on my property (Parcels K and L, (b) changed my tax lot from my name to their name in 2002. I have a letter from Mr. Phil Sanders, Supervisor of the King County Recorder Office, as proof of (2b). Also, in year 2000, KCWD90 requested and was granted rights by me to route water line under the Easement (Parcel K). This is another evidence showing parcel K belongs to me. It's apparent that CamWest's purpose was to illegally claim my property to benefit them at my expense. Once CamWest had my property rolled into their other lots, they could route utilities from lots facing SE 1281h to lots facing 148 Ave SE or vice versa. As far as I am concerned, any completed routing of utilities under Parcels K and L is illegal since it was done via fraudulent filing. I am awaiting your correction as you stated. Furthermore, you must clearly state that: (a) my property is not included nor referenced in all other CamWest documents; (b) CamWest shall bear the responsibility and cost incurred to me now; (c) same as (3b) above but in the future if (3a) is not thoroughly done and clouds my title; and (d) when correction will be complete. Without these assurances, your response is incomplete and not acceptable to me. 4. I disagree with your response that my fence and driveway encroach on your property for several reasons: (a) assuming my fence and driveway actually encroach your property, then these facts predate both your and my interests; and (b) both my tenants and I have used and maintained the driveway since 1987 without your or the previous owner's objection; and (c) in a 2002 map and letter you proposed to buy from me a small piece of land, through which my driveway runs, to route underground utilities. Thus, you had known the driveway is within my property. In conclusion, if my fence and driveway encroach your property, then adverse possession has occurred a long time ago. In reality, my fence and driveway do not encroach your property as you claimed. Any effort by CamWest to claim my property, and any routing of utilities under my land will be strongly contested in court. Both the City of Renton and King County can/will be easily dragged into unnecessary litigation. You must reinstall a replacement gate and a small tree immediately; and clear all earth off my property. 5. Same as # 4 above. 6. I not only have easement rights to parcel L; but also own it. You should list and show this parcel in your drawings. 1 stopped by my property frequently and noticed that your backhoe still frequently blocks this easement after the work hour. 7. With respect to your correction of documents, my response is the same as in # 3 above. Also: a) Your acceptance of responsibility to install a new gate and plant a replacement tree is welcomed and accepted. Install them where they once were. As a matter of fact, your acceptance of responsibility totally contradicts your claim that my fence and driveway encroach your property because they locate where you claimed as your land. The tree was also next to the gate. b) I welcome your proposal to meet on site; however, in light that you still insist that markers stakes are within your property then our meeting will be useless. 1 will be happy to meet with you once the boundary line is returned to where it was. c and d) Same as in # 3 above. e) See my response in # 6 above. Thank you for paying attention to these serious issues. An (Andy) T. Phung P.O Box 854 Mukilteo, WA 98275 Cc: Raymond Florent, King County DDES Steve VanPatten, King County DDES Tim Cheatum, King County DDES Greg Zimmerman, City of Renton Diane Mikunas, King County Recorder Office Doug Sollitt, Bank Of America John Scussel, Transnation Title Ins. Co. SOC VanPatten, Steve From: antphung2004Quno.com Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2005 8:23 PM To: Florent, Ray Cc: VanPatten, Steve Subject: RE: 472 Online Citizen Complaint Submittal Dear Mr. Florent, Page 1 of 1 It has been about 4 months since I received your letter. I would like to know the status of your investigation on this matter. As far as I am concerned, what Shamrock LLC and Camwest did was fraudulent and outright illegal. They somehow were able to file to change ownership of of the land (from my name to Camwest Inc). During the period which they "owned" my land, they filed several quit claim deeds on two strips of lands (a.k.a parcels K and L per construction drawing) against my land. If they actually ever owned these parcels, they would not have to carry out such frauds. If neccessary or required to support my claim, I would be glad to present the proofs to you. Please let me know. I would like to request your department to carefully review this matter prior to approving Camwest's construction appication. I definitely do not want to see King County nor the City of Renton to become victims or tangled in a potential lawsuit. On the other hand, if you think I am wrong then I will be sincerely glad to hear your explanation. Thank you, An (Andy) T Phung 08/24/2005 SOC Page 1 of 2 VanPatten, Steve From: Florent, Ray Sent: Tuesday, February 08, 2405 9:31 AM To: VanPatten, Steve Subject: FW: Shamrock 1 project at 148th Ave SE, Renton, WA FYI Raymond E. Florent, PLS DDES Chief Land Surveyor Land Use Services Division Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 (206) 296-6790 Fax (206) 296-6613 -----Original Message ----- From: toan nguyen [mailto:anandtoan@yahoo.com] Sent: Tuesday, February 08, 2005 7:44 AM To: ray.florent@metrokc.gov Cc: steve.vantatten@metrokc.gov Subject: Shamrock 1 project at 148th Ave SE, Renton, WA Dear Mr. Florent: First of all, I would like to thank you and Mr. Vantatten for meeting with me and my sister (Betsy Lou) on 2/7/2005 so that I could voice my concern about the Camwest Inc.'s Shamrock I project located at 148th Ave. SE, Renton. It came to my attention that the Camwest Inc. falsely filed Quit Claim Deed three times on my property using my tax ID. It was clear to me that the Camwest Inc. has intentionally and fraudulently claimed my land as their land to benefit their development project. We have contacted Shelley Fooks, 425-646-8582, at the Transnation Title Insurance Co. to inform her concerning their Order No. 300-10049351 that parcel K of Exhibit A is actually belonged to me (An T. Phung, tax lot ID 4 102305-9042-07), and that their error will cloud my property title. Since I am very concerned about what the Camwest Inc. has done; I will likely have to obtain legal service from a real estate attorney. I would like you to review Camwest's submittals to ensure correctness to protect the City of Renton and/or King County. Per my understanding of our conversation, you will not approve the Camwest's proposal until the Camwest Inc. has resolved this issue with me and with the City of Renton. I also understood that you will keep me informed on the status of this project. Thank you again for your assistance. 02/08/2005 SOC An kAndy) Phung 9333- 57 Ave. West Mukilteo, WA 98275 425-342-4387 (W) Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Search presents - Jib Jab's'SecondTerm' 02/08/2005 Page 2 of 2 SOC S VanPatten, Steve From: Florent, Ray Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2005 10:29 AM To: Vantatten, Steve Subject: FW: Shamrock 1 project at 148th Ave SE, Renton, WA FYI Raymond E. Florent, PLS DOES Chief Land Surveyor Land Use Services Division Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Dakesdale Avenue SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 (206) 296-6790 Fax (206) 296-6613 -----Original Message ----- From: toan nguyen [mai Ito: a nandtoan@yahoo,com] Sent: Tuesday, February 08, 2005 7:44 AM To: ray.florent@metrokc.gov Cc: steve.vantatten@metrokc.gov Subject: Shamrock 1 project at 148th Ave SE, Renton, WA Dear Mr. Florent: Page 1 of 2 First of all, I would like to thank you and Mr. Vantatten for meeting with me and my sister (Betsy Lou) on 2/7/2005 so that I could voice my concern about the Camwest Inc.'s Shamrock 1 project located at 148th Ave. SE, Renton. It came to my attention that the Camwest Inc. falsely filed Quit Claim Deed three times on my property using my tax ID. It was clear to me that the Camwest Inc. has intentionally and fraudulently claimed my land as their land to benefit their development project. We have contacted Shelley Fooks, 425-646-8582, at the Transnation Title Insurance Co. to inform her concerning their Order No. 300-10049351 that parcel K of Exhibit A is actually belonged to me (An T. Phung, tax lot ID # 102305-9042-07), and that their error will cloud my property title. Since I am very concerned about what the Camwest Inc. has done, I will likely have to obtain legal service from a real estate attorney. I would like you to review Camwest's submittals to ensure correctness to protect the City of Renton and/or King County. Per my understanding of our conversation, you will not approve the Camwest's proposal until the Camwest Inc. has resolved this issue with me and with the City of Renton. I also understood that you will keep me informed on the status of this project. Thank you again for your assistance. 02/16/2005 SOC ni) (Andy) Phung 9333- 57 Ave. West Mukilteo, WA 98275 425-342-0387 (W) Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Search presents - Jib Jab's 'Second Term' 02/16/2005 Page 2 of 2 VanPatten, Steve From: antphung2004@juno.com Sent: Monday, April 25, 2005 12:06 PM To: sslatten@camwest,com Cc: Steve. Van Patten @METROKC. GOV; Tim.Cheatum@METROKC.GOV; Ray, Florent@METROKC.GOV Subject: For your attention Dear Ms. Slatten: As stated in my previous email to you, CamWest'construction activity has encroached significantly into my property. CamWest's activities has forced me to hire DHA Inc. to survey and mark the borderlines. I visited the site yesterday and found DNA's markers to be consistent with what I had informed you, and also consistent with my property deed and map. I request you to take a look, and take necessary appropriate action. Additionally, the following things caught my attention: 1. Apparently the electrical post just outside my yard was hit by construction vehicle. As a result, its (2) steel tie -down cables were detached from the post. The power line leading to my property was also detached, and temporarily tied to a neighbor's tree. I have two concern on this situation: (a) in windy condition, the post may swing in a direction that may pull the residential electrical post off the house; and (b) potential loss of mower to the house. 2. The tenants of both homes complained that their phone lines become erratic. I pondered if this condition was caused by the electrical post being hit causing the phone connections to become loose. 3. The tenant in the yellow house complained to me that your earthwork alters the way surface rainwater runs and drains. He has lived there for several years; and has never experienced water running over the concrete surface of the carport. Now he does! Please verify if the above is correct and remedy as you see fit. Sincerely, Andy Phung 1 VanPattan, Steve From: Sara Slatten [sslatten@camwest.corn] Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2005 11:19 AM To: antphung2004@juno.com Cc: Steve.VanPatten@METRO KC. GOV; Tim.Cheatum@METROKC.GOV; Ray. Florent@METROKC. GOV; nyinger@triadassoc.com; gbuck@triadassoc,com; Monte Dunn Subject: RE: For your attention Andy, Apologize for the delayed response in getting back to you as I've been out of town. Please see my responses below to each of the issues you have raised. Thanks, Sara -----Original Message ----- From: antphung20C4@junc.com [mailto:antphung2004@juno.com] Sent: Monday, April 25, 2005 12:06 PM To: Sara Slatten Cc: Steve.VanPatten@METROKC.GOV; Tim.Cheatum@METROKC.GOV; Ray.Florent@METROKC.GOV Subject: For your attention Dear Ms. Slatten: As stated in my previous email to you, CamWest'construction activity has encroached significantly into my property. CamWest's activities has forced me to hire DHA Inc. to survey and mark the borderlines. T visited the site yesterday and found DHA's markers to be consistent with what I had informed you, and also consistent with my property deed and map. I request you to take a look, and take necessary appropriate action. Response: It makes sense to -have our surveyors discuss each of their respective results and if it's been determined that an error exists, identify where it is occurring. If you do not object to this, please let me know who your contact is at DHA and i will ask Triad our surveyor and civil engineering firm to contact them. Additionally, the following things caught my attention: 1. Apparently the electrical post just outside my yard was hit by construction vehicle. As a result, its (2) steel tie -down cables were detached from the post. The power line leading to my property was also detached, and temporarily tied to a neighbor's tree. I have two concern on this situation: (a) in windy condition, the post may swing in a direction that may pull the residential electrical post off the house; and (b) potential loss of power to the house. Response: T spoke with our construction project manger, Monte Dunn, who is familiar with the site. Apparently, the cable tv line which is located below the power line was hit. The line which is attached to the tree is not a power line it is the cable tv line. This repair that you are referring to was made by the cable tv company and is a temporary fix until they come back out again and have cable installed for our plat. We will remind the tv forks of your situation and request that they come up with a more permanent solution. They will be back out to the site within a month. 2. The tenants of both homes complained that their phone lines become erratic. I pondered if this condition was caused by the electrical post being hit causing the phone connections to become loose. Response: The phone lines are being repaired today. If your tenants have any continued issue, please let us know and we'll work to correct the situation. ?. The tenant in the yellow house complained to me that your earthwork alters the way sur -`ace rainwater runs and drains. He has lived there for several years; and has never 1 experienced water running over the concrete surface of the carport. Now he does! Response: We are puzzled as to how this drainage issue is occurring since we are required by K'.ng County to detain all of our storm water within our property before discharging. Additionally, we have swales located adjacent to your property that should prevent drainage from entering your property. We would like to meet with you and your tenants to discuss further and in attemprs to determine where this drainage is coming from. Please let us know what works with your schedule, Please verify if the above is correct and remedy as you see fit. Sincerely, Andy Phung 2 VanPatten, Steve From: Florent, Ray Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2005 1:29 PM To: 'antphung2004@juno.com' Cc: VanPatten, Steve Subject: RE: 472 Online Citizen Complaint Submittal Mr. Phung, Page 1 of 2 We are still in the process of reviewing the final plat. It has not yet been approved and recorded. The issues that you speak of below have not been resolved to our satisfaction. Our final decision will weigh heavily on the research information that will be provided from the title insurance company. Thanks, Ray Raymond E. Florent, PLS DDES Chie€ Land Surveyor I i<ngineer IV Land Use Services Division Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW Kenton, WA 98055-1219 (206) 296-6790 Fax (206) 296-6613 _____Original Message ----- From: antphung2004@juno.com [mailto:antphung2004@juno.com] Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2005 8:36 PM To: Florent, Ray Cc: VanPatten, Steve Subject: RE: 472 Online Citizen Complaint Submittal Dear Mr. Florent, It has been about 4 months since I received your letter. I would like to know the status of your investigation on this matter. As far as I am concerned, what Shamrock LLC and Camwest did was fraudulent and outright illegal. They somehow were able to file to change ownership of of the land (from my name to Camwest Inc). During the period which they "owned" my land, they filed several quit claim deeds on two strips of lands (a.k.a parcels K and L per construction drawing) against my land. If they actually ever owned these parcels, they would not have to carry out such frauds. If necessary or required to support my claim, I would be glad to present the proofs to you. Please let me know. I would like to request your department to carefully review this matter prior to approving Camwest's construction application. I definitely do not want to see King County nor the City of Renton to become victims or tangled in a potential lawsuit. 08/24/2005 SOC Page 2 of 2 On the other hand, if you think I am wrong then I will be sincerely glad to hear your explanation. Thank you, An (Andy) T Phung 08/24/2005 Page 1 of 2 VanPatten, Steve - Y From: VanPatten, Steve s Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2005 8:15 AM To: 'Sara Slatten' Subject: RE: Shamrock Tracts/Ownership/Maintenance Issues Sara, Per Mark's comment below please provide documentation of Renton's intention of annexing this plat. ---thanks -----Original Message ----- From: Bergam, Mark Sent: Friday, October 14, 2005 1:47 PM To: 'Sara Slatten' Cc: Cheatum, Tim; VanPatten, Steve; nyinger@triadassoc.com; Foley, Steve; Rhoads, Kate Subject: RE: Shamrock Tracts/Ownership/Maintenance Issues I stand completely corrected! It does not surprise me that the City of Renton would annex this plat into their city. What does surprise me is that Renton expects homeowners to maintain their own ponds. That is a problem waiting to happen, but it has nothing to do with DDES or CamWest. I completely agree that DDES should "final" the plat in such a way as to facilitate the transfer to the City of Renton. As a way to document DDES finaling the plat in a way that is out of the ordinary (for DDES), could you send Steve f VanPatten something in writing that indicates Renton`s intention of annexing this plat? The other issue about WLRD not understanding how to maintain a pond (stormwater wetland) that is defined in the manual I am not going to touch. ;) The LID elements (rain gardens and amended bioswales) weren't going to be maintained by WLRD anyway as defined in the adjustment. Sara, it doesn't seem to me that we need to talk. Given the new information, I agree with you completely. I was coming from the perspective that this was a typical situation. Sorry to throw a wrench into the situation. Mark -----Original Message ----- From: Sara Slatten [mailto:sslatten@camwest.com] Sent: Friday, October 14, 2005 10:08 AM To: Bergam, Mark Cc: Cheatum, Tim; VanPatten, Steve; nyinger@triadassoc.com; Foley, Steve; Rhoads, Kate Subject: RE: Shamrock Tracts/Ownership/Maintenance Issues Mark, Thanks for your response back on the issue. The reasons we are proposing to have the combined KC pond facility dedicated to the Shamrock HOA to own and maintain are two fold. First, it's likely the KC plat will annex into the city of Renton at some point. The city typically requires new detention facilities within their jurisdiction to be privately held and maintained by HOA's. The Shamrock HOA will already assume ownership & maintenance responsibility for the detention pond facility that is contained within the city's 11 -lot Shamrock plat to the south. Rather than transfer the KC pond responsibilities to the HOA at annexation, our hopes were to get a program set up front for the HOA to assume responsibility for both ponds from the star`. Secondly, in our earlier discussions with King County there was concern with the County maintenance department not understanding the purpose of the LID program and mistakenly removing vegetation from the ponds. Is there a time today that you would be available to discuss further? 10/26/2005 SOC Thanks, Sara Slatten -----Original Message ----- From: Bergam, Mark [mai Ito: Mark, Bergam@METROKC.GOV] Sent: Friday, October 14, 2005 8:50 AM To: Foley, Steve; Rhoads, Kate Cc: Cheatum, Tim; VanPatten, Steve; Sara Slatten Subject: Shamrock Tracts/Ownership/Maintenance Issues Everyone, Page 2 of 2 I am attempting to clarify the tract ownership and maintenance responsibility issues surrounding the Shamrock final platting activity. I was also the author of the adjustment that was granted to Shamrock being one of the three Low Impact Development projects identified by the Demonstration Ordinance. I understand that there is a maintenance concern for these features. First, let me distinguish between the different tracts and their functions. 1) Pond Facility - This is a combined detention and stormwater wetland (for water quality) facility containing two cells adjacent to each other, There had been some confusion concerning whether the stormwater wetland portion of the pond facility was also serving a wetland mitigation function. Nick Gillen confirms it is not. 2) Amended Soil Areas - Includes all yards associated with individual lots, bioswales which convey runoff and rain gardens, all of which precede the Pond Facility. 3) Wetland Mitigation Area - Separate from the two areas previously described. Second, in order to resolve the ownership and maintenance issues (so that final platting can happen), let me suggest how the three areas will be handled based on the L04VO003 adjustment decision and maintenance considerations routinely faced by WLRD maintenance. 1) Pond Facility - The entire combined detention and stormwater wetland will be in a tract owned and maintained by King County. The Shamrock homeowners association can request a Special Use Permit to supplement and enhance the aesthetic maintenance of the stormwater wetland portion of the pond facility (or the entire facility for that matter). This is no different than a golf course requesting the use of a County pond to also accommodate . enhanced landscaping, irrigation or fountain functions all owned and maintained by the golf course and allowed on County property. 2) Amended Soil Areas - Condition 6 of the L04VO003 Adjustment for Shamrock clearly states, "All amended soil areas shall be located on private property and be privately maintained." Amended lot areas, bioswales that convey runoff and rain garden areas, all of which precede the pond facility, are privately owned and maintained like the adjustment says, 3) Wetland Mitigation Area - These are separate tracts owned and maintained by the homeowners. I trust that this approach will accommodate the desires and concerns of all. Steve VanPatten needs a response from someone confirming WLRD Maintenance's concurrence with this approach. Mark 10/26/2005 0 King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue 5W Renton, WA 98055-1219 DATE: t 1 --�- 10� TO: Addressing Services Administrative Services Division Request to Record Plat FM: Engineering Review Section Land Use Services Division , f RE: Plat No. L O a+ D 0 0 `7 Final No. Q d Plat Name: 5 � 0 VY1 . J_. Attached are two sets of prints for the above referenced plat. We are almost ready to forward this plat for recording. Does your division have any corrections? NO YES If answer is yes, please make corrections on print. DATE: -) // 6 � TO: �5 te-, SIL. V 4- +^ P6� l re� Engineering Review Section Land Use Services Division FM: �. Addressing Services inistrative S ces Division Attached are the above final plat prints with the necessary corrections shown in red. To comply with the Washington State Senate Bill 5799, please add to the above plat prior to recording. "The house address system for this plat shall be as follows: Addresses shall be assigned for the north -south roads with the range of � 00 _ to %,.t 1 % and within the range of :t� 51- U to V 7 for the east -west roads. Individual addresses will be assigned to the principal entrance of each residence or building in accordance with King County Code 16.08."