HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA79-316- Large Format Exes? MH , &” Tr a n s i t e Pi p e IE 420.6) - 22’ : en | eg eins of c sia bs 0} | _ ee gee * See i 2 Ji “ - Fo" sf +o" +. -o PY IG + f, 2 COMPT, DEPTH CLA B ie POPHALT CONMCHETE - | | areas “ ve | BAENT Co Jd» |i 4 . vive ALL (MN. COAT DEST CR. SURFACING Top course a ZIM. COUAPT, DEPT CR. SUREACING Byes CoLiEse sx a : | EK OADWAY SECTION qh NOT to ScaAlL& a ' LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Portion of Fax Lot /93 land Surveyor “ae ee eS That portion of the East half ot the East half of we Northwest Eastside Consultants foc. quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 7 Township 23 North, 505 Roinier Blud. NV : | Se og ad Rorge 5 bast W. M., in King County, Washingfan , lying northerly of /ssoguat, Wa. 98027 SNARE a sah : NE /Oth Court, EXCEPT the North 708 feet of the East half thereof 20b- 392-535) cALm + 1": lene’ and EXCEPT the North 59/ feet of the West holf therest EXCEPT an 18 foot strip adjoining Lot 8, Bleck / ard Lot |, Block @, Owner / Developer Albert Ba/ch's Rresidents Park No. (2. Selterra Development Corp. Partion of Tax lot 120 12843 NE 19th place I Bellevue, Wa F300E8 The North S59/ feet of the West Aolf of the Fast hatf of the Fast half of the Northwest quarter of the Northeast quorter of Section, Township 28 North, Range & Fast W.M.,in King County, Wa, EXCEPT the West 67 feet of the North 240 feet thereat and EXCEPT the East 20 feet thercH Conve yd to City op Renton by Ceed recorded under Auditor's file M? 4852985; and Except the West (feat of a the fast 30 feet and that portion af the \West Zo feet lyig Sou th A the Aslorfh 24/ $€27F OS <OTIVEYETd FO Cify of KESH OV? P 4 f , ~ 4 -—~ . - Py “@ed recerted ywnder Ata tor is Filé kf? Viae1BCdIO Aric HOG(B0412.; ard EXCEPT the north Sa¢eet far road. 206 - 959-0539 Acreage: 4.76 Nomber of lofs: 9 Existing Zoning: G5 Proposed Use: R-7Z00 Sewage. Disposal: City of Kenton Source of Wofer: City of Renton hat or fhe hd ff - @ sj 1 “AST. EXCEPTION ; sgeqevet Ov (8° Steet Pape ax ai Wiis a 28 is “> - :. E”“CP Exjct § | SP a s 3a SI R ge Pin / ee ne A eS ~— y fy) Le, J Y A bt ’ ~ SG A E N T || | GIT AKLDRENS | V4 A FR hate cee) al m an d ar 2 q = pi a n Sm e e A 2 Se b a pe ) 925 \ + i } ‘ H { EY A G T . < t — Exist Mi — po, /E 422.61 Se . kX TOIT RT 2.’ ae wié 2? XHIBi BANU, RECEIVED CITY OF RENTON HEARING EXAMINER MAR 2 71979 4 oO PM '4fTEM NO. £2. F181 D102, 12:3:4:516 Fe e t /A IM L AR PL A T OF 50 5 RA I N I E R BL V D . N . IS S A Q U A H , WA S H I N G T O N 98 0 2 7 EA S T S I D E CO N S U L T A N T S , IN C . EN G I N E E R S -S U R V E Y O R S PH O N E : [2 0 6 ] 39 2 - 53 5 ] = a JOB NO 78257 DATE An. 17 SCALE /“= gq’ DESIGNED DRAWN Bis CHECKED dt APPROVED SHEET tor. = a | _ NE [2 4 L£ x / s ee eee a Be’ ty de ier, se oe eat, ie alee ner ae a Exits? fF # sof £ LEGAL OESCRIPTION* Portion of Fax Lot /93 Land Surveyor Theat portion of the East half of the East half of fhe Mer thwest East sidé Consultonts Inc. of the Northeast quarter of Section 7 Township 23 North, 508 Reinier Blud N Forge 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington , lying northerly of /ssaguah, Wa. 98027 NE /Oth Court, EXCEPT the Nerth 708 feet of the East holt thereof 20b- 392 - 535) and EXCEPT the North 59/ fees of the West half thereat, EXCEPT an (8 foot strip adjoining lof 8, Bleck / and lof |, Block Z, Owner / Developer Albert Balch's residents Park No. /2. Belterra Developement? Corp. Partion of Jax lot 120 1/2893 NE /4th Hace Belleyue Wa Y3005 The North 59/ feet of the West hoif of the East half of the East haif 206 - 954 -O5 39 of the Northwest quarter of the Northeast quorter of Section, Township 23 North, Range § East W.M., in King County, Wa. EXCEPT Acreage: 4.76 the West 67 feet of the North 240 feet thereat and EXCEPT the East 20 feet there Conveyed +o City o& Renter: by Oeed recorded Number of lofts: 9 under Auditor's file M? 4852995; and Except the Wect /0 feat of the Fast 30f4e4 and that portion of the \Vest Zo feet /yirg Exis ting Zoning: 65 South of the Alerth BS/ feet as conveyed to City o Kkerion by. Seed recorted yrder' Aud toris Filé kf° V10e7180d1O and Proposed Use? R-7200 MW0®(S0412 ; and EXCEPT the north Zofpeet for rodd. Sewage Disposal: City of Kenton Source of Wofer: City of Renton Fire District : Cc. ty of Renton Telephone: Pacific NW Bel/ Rower: Puget Power Frep ated: |March, (O72 A fl -> “ % A (Sart 7 tt CBINENT CONC. } ROLLER cuRe— ue © AIL IN. COAT Dee CR, AIRE AC thie Tor couRse “2! KIN. COUNDT. DEPT CR. SURDACING Base couUese ECA OVA SECTION WOT To Schl & oe Nicene JAAR Ce RA we S20 = Dele t Sa WATT BY Se WER. nee LOT B (8¢ Andrewey IS25O< a E57, AN DRENS Cid URE i LALO Se et EXCEPTION 208 Ba ee ae eis: ° : * en = rt EEE Ree" 6 a , = Feist MM EXx’s é S¥re/ (ft : ———- a te Exis F MH —— bi fs J ME 920.6) i &’CP Extet. S57 ef 421.63 —— ECR TT IN RAE PRE TR a oF 6" Heelftzne Lh FiRe HYOR4NT EASILY ADet> TO Ello or WaTteon WINE on @ See Exist, 8S 9 A vr ae le Bust MH /E 422.61 a al s in t e l Ci e h i n ea t e n ’ de NE /O t6 Pl a c e Fr i s t 6” CT Pi p e Ex t é t 6” Ch Pi p e p 1 4 q <j i 0 rs | | F EY I S t . SA N TA R Yf Se w e r . y / . / © / p er | j en | | = | | } } | be 6 RECEIVED CITY OF RENTON HEARING EXAMINER MAR2 71979 AM PM ZS. DelOdl2e 112135456 é EXHIBIT NO._& ITEM NO, 4224-79 TE BY EV I S I O N r s : FR E L W V A I N L A R - Y PL A T OF DR E N T Sc o p PO R K A N . 7 20 6 ] 39 2 - 5 3 5 1 50 5 RA I N I E R BL V D . IS S A Q U A H , WA S H I N G T O N PH O N E EA S T S I D E CO N S U L T A N T S , IN C . EN G I N E E R S - SU R V E Y O R S DATE Lan, (<rF SCALE /“ = Qi’ CHECKED AL APPROVED sHeeT__t_ of__l_ ee