HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA79-403- Large Format | SHEET 2 OF 3 ay HIGATE | ad INTX. 20TH AND ABERDEEN E - 3 9 3 - 7 9 N E 2 0 t h S T SECTION 5 , TWP 23 N, RANGE 5E ., WM. BLOCK 25! C.D. HILLMAN’S KING COUNTY, WASHING TON | : Z LK. WASHINGTON ADD. } 5 eat bat | ; SCALE IN FEET \ | . | N 0° 32 28 E | 437.75 - 40 0 40 80 LL . T T T + — <i § I J SF re 76.00 Tat 75° 85.28 79.08 73.00 63.00 61.40 ‘7 y | — — 15. > at nnn mer e . ni . PORTION OF Wf _ jw | fw rO «ae 30 BLOCK 264 => 10 = 4 ;= if: if: i ot >3 C.D. HILLMAN'S ~ |e = 0) - [in of: if: | Zu ty LK.WASH. ADD. N | | ® es > os : : = av) | : ; (ole) = Of wy . lo} | S/2 eke [st olo Wi oO Ol oo JOD | wt) oT . 2 OTK “a= ~|@ “jy =O als = Brea qeress 4 “| _EASEM nae => = + ® a 2 <I LU ¢ry Om | ; SIN ®/S cs Go © | C26 a + /@ <I— 1 " ' ly = ~ WY ox Zz | N 0° 32°28" 145.00 ir 7600 | [i45 57.84! — ae > 3 v 0 — : C 24 a ey : E = SS SS = | ‘ wo ute) / 3.4 ; : : i i : / = / “MONTEREY AVE NE © sume our, _ — af iB | = ~ 1 it ~ 1 ~ - 2 Aa eo Ig" T- * 3 : : a: ae K. | NN 0° 32 28° E 265.00 . R=488.06 D=//° 44’557—85.00' 3 i mn a wo L= - 7 1 ve ea. . i a / ~ ’ sa “ S27 = o ES am ot / baa, 7 T - ~wOUIN aw / | 49.48' 69.01 67. 50 2700! = Pied Oo l n™ | . / cece : a = i : : = \ ' 4 ee : mM 25 25 [eo] : a a+r ‘ol-, © wl 21 ~fe 20 Sho s 19 CURVE DATA rm | © O hy N Te) | § @ ° 5 | @ Lop) , ® * R art CURVE NO 0 ; DELTA RADIUS LENGTH 00 Zz... a ee PERI, _ LENGTH | ' 2) C] 1°10" 15" 25.00' 39.78! a rs ire (200! rae 95.55 ~ “elms ; ' ° 1 ' , | 8B ee 5205". bf a C2 88°49'45 25.00 38.76 _ oo __65.00 CN wi>|3 74.00" C3 101°19'03" 25.00' Wy 15 ' 1 1 pied 7 ie. ; N..0F 32.00. Oo a.~ - N 0°.37'47' W awed C4 OS20 1 sis 463.06! 40.61! othe 18 o is : 7 siti: 12°42'47" == 331.40! 73.53! Oe “| / C6 05°41 '20" 331.40! 32.90! | at Be - - / C7 81°56'06" 25.00! 35.75! = 8] : oO & 14 / c8 64°37' 23"! 25.00! 28.20! Leck ay 96.00 _ ® /o| ¢9 25°33'13" 45.00! 20.07! ws —~— A. 0° 32.05... E uu / ™ C10 22°56! 33"! 45.00! 18.02! = C.D. HILLMAN’S = C11 2°15'13"! 45.00! 25.33! 2 LK WASH. ADD. ~ I. rd / 32°15'13 5. IN ae [eo i See! ow oie 47°49! 10" 45.00! 37.56" 3. pe © ] 7 S N Obs = 2° aa = — as C13 50°42'50!! 45.00! 39.83! w z = 34.00 oko 55.40 C14 50°22'55"' 45.00! 39.57! c2- Lu |= o Gln oS 4 C15 14°57'29"! 45.00! 11.75! N Fc aseeseeeerets - ' “le 3 155.51" ; C16 81°56'07" 25.00! 35.75: ! 1 ity - 140.00 —C) > O °50 \3 W C17 11°26'59!! 331.40! 66.22! / i \ C18 04°O!' 06" 364.84" 25.59! N O° 31 4 C19 26°47'05"' 364.84! 170.56! “wo an nee C20 89°27'28"! 25.00! 39.03! ” ; C21 30°48 yy! 414/84! 223.02! “ i es C22 24° 36' 06"! 281.40! 120.83! ¢ 3 i C23 21°22'47"! 281.40! 105.00! | a 16 ™ C24 01°30'00" 513.06! 13.43! G25 07°12'47"! 513.06! 64.59! 30’ C26 06°27' 32"! 513.06! 57.84! AR cee ee 102 00" , : Ox 7 re 580.01" BLOCK 285 C.D. HILLMAN'S LK WASH. ADD > enn te 7 : LEGEND , . @ MONUMENT SET 7 -” ifs \\ O REBAR SET | a ty — | > BUILDING SETBACK = [30' FRONT/INTERSECTION @ CON. MON Avo Fe 5'SIDE W/ COVER ; Te. ienes oie WE cer J.E. NORMAN, PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR 25 BACK CERT. NO 9Q9I75 HIGATE SECTION 5, TWP. CITY OF KING COUNTY, DESCRIPTION A portion of C.D. Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden Addition to the City of Seattle Division No. 4, located in the SE 1/4 of Section 5, Township 23N, Range 5E, W.M., as per plat recorded in Volume 11 of Plats on Page 82, records of King County, Washington, more particularly described as follows; Beginning at the northwest corner of block 271 of said subdivision, which is the true point of beginning; Thence N89°22'13"'E, 112.48 feet along the south right of way of NE 20th Street; Thence S0°32'05''W, 140.00 feet; Thence N89°22'13"E, 140.00 feet; Thence NO°32'OS''E, 140.00 feet; Thence N89°22'13"E, 157.48 feet; Thence $0°32'28"'W, 145.00 feet; Thence N89°22'13"E, 95.00 feet to the east edge of block 264; Thence $0°32'28'"'W, 437.75 feet along the east edge of block 264; Thence $89°40'53'"'W, 100.00 feet; Thence $0°32'28''W, 582.22 feet to the north right of way of NE 16th Street; Thence $89°59'33''wW, 20.32 feet; Thence NO°32'05'"E, 200.00 feet; Thence $89°59'33"'W, 72.00 feet; Thence NO°32'O5''E, 25.00 feet; Thence $89°59'33'"'W, 252.33 feet; Thence NO°31'41"E, 1160.03 feet along the west line of blocks 270 and 271 to the true point of beginning. LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE | hereby certify that this plat of HIGATE is based upon an actual survey and subdivision of Section§ , Twp.23N., Range 5E., W.M., that the courses and distances are shown correctly thereon; that the monuments will be set and the lot and block corners staked correctly on the ground and that || have fully complied with the provisions of the platting regulations. ass ya Than 7A Ss NWT rea ys Patni : * PUES a : go A” Fs Oe John EXNorman, Professional Land Surveyor BA bps Certificate No. 9175 4 er a ee | pt Hy, & £60, i APPROVALS egy S05 1B a } "ay Ligmee aa a Al Department of Assessments Examined and approved this day of | A.D. 19 | King County Assessor Deputy Assessor Seattle-King County Health and Sanitation Department Examined and approved this day of A.D. 19 __ Director, Health & Sanitation Dept. Deputy Director Department of Public Works Examined and approved this day of A.D. 19 Director Hearing Examiner, City of Renton Examined and approved this day of A.D. 19 Land Use Hearing Examiner Planning Director Confirmed by the council of the City of Renton, Washington on this A.D. 19... day of City Clerk President of the Council COMPTROLLER'S CERTIFICATE | hereby certify that all property taxes are paid, that there are no delinquent special assessments certified to this office for collection and that all special assessments, go certified, on any of the property herein contained, dedicated as streets or avenue, or for other public use, are paid in fu i. This day of A.D. 19_. OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER King County Comptroller Deputy Comptroller | hereby certify that there are no delinquent special assessments and all special assessments on any of the property herein contained dedicated as streets or avenues or other public use are paid in full. Finance Director, City of Renton RECORDING CERTIFICATE Filed for record at the request of the City Council this day of A.D. 19_, at minutes past A.M. and recorded in Volume 103 of Plats, Pages , Records of King County. King County, Washington Division of Records and Elections Manager Superintendent of Records 23N,R.5 E., W.M. RENTON WASHINGTON RESTRICTIONS No lot or a portion of a jot in this piat shail be divided and sold or resold or ownership changed or transferred whereby that ownership of any portion of this plat shall be less than the area required for the use district in which located. EASEMENT PROVISIONS An easement is hereby reserved for and granted to PUGET SOUND POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY and PACIFIC NORTHWEST BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY, and CITY OF RENTON (SEWER & WATER) and their res- pective successors and assigns, under and upon the exterior seven Feet, paraliel with and adjoining the street frontage of ali lots in which to install, lay, construct, renew, oper- ate and maintain underground conduits, main, cables and wires with necessary facilities and @ther equipment for the purpose of serving this subdivision and other property with electric, telephone and sewer service, together with the right to enter upon the lots at all times for the purposes herein stated. No jines or wires for the transmission of electric current or for telephone use, CATV, fire or police signals, or for other purposes, shall be placed or permitted to be placed upon any lot outside the buildings thereon unless the same shall be underground or in conduit ettacned to the building. : DEDICATION KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that we, the undersigned owners in fee simple of the land hereby platted, hereby declarethis plat and dedicate to the use of the public forever all streets & avenues shown thereon and the use thereof for all public pur- poses not inconsistent with the use thereof for public highway purposes; also the right to make all necessary slopes for cuts and fills upon the lots and blocks shown on this plat in the original reasonable grading of the streets and avenues shown hereon. IN WITNESS WHEREOF we set our hands and seals. ApdchucharS Og ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS STATE OF WASHINGTON) COUNTY OF ¢ : ) This is to certify that on this Z [day of JUNE , 1974, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public personally appeared DETER KEDEKSpP and GARY STROTHES ; PRES vent and, Vice - PRES) pew respectively of Wate REereEKvore Cs2zp- a corporation to me known to be the individuals who executed the within dedication and acknowledged to me that they signed and sealed the same as their voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned and on oath stated that they were authorized to execute said instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal the day and year first above written. ok ict) KK , eer Lites Notary Public in @nd for the /Syate of Washington, Residing at Le llhty cet STATE OF WASHINGTON) COUNTY OF KiNG _) This is to certify that on this y the x day of ewe, 19 /% before me, . undersigned, a Notary Public personally appeaWed cy, ( b. AA cece AaAAy and , omni, to me knéwn to be the individuals who executed the within dedication, and acknowledged to me that they signed and sealed the same as their free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and pur- poses therein mentioned. WITNESS my hand and official seal the day and year first above written. KA, deo Rear. ficpd 5A Notary Public 4n and for’ fe State of _ Washington, residing at 62 ye ce (P-Y03-1F La s H S O 7 W SHEET “S..OF Eo | HIGATE | = CONC. MON ee oe es eee ee W/ COVER / | 7 SECTION 5, TWR 23 N, RANGE 5E., WM. S Ek = ee oe! Zz | KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON Jo. / ; . . | 7 > 6 oF A 3 iC. | | 30 30 a + / Cc ' on 1 ie 1) | | | . T| i} 7 | ” | | SCALE: |"= 40 ; | re / | | 40 0 40 80 re (@) | : J r|D ) ow |, | BASE MERIDIAN PER oll " / N 0° 32' 28"E 582.22 } | KING COUNTY SURVEY a +3 | i 110.03 67.68 \ ae 673 2 uj = os ° 107.39 R=389.84 .N 0°32'05' E uJ = _ og -= 4 WW 00 450" 97.6l ~ 0 rm 28 : 70.86 UTILIT| AND 42.777 SS 2s C- ot c\9 OREN SPASE EASEMENT C29 | q No°32'05"— 200.00 ) uJ ‘ Do A x) - - pe \9\% e u aa R* GN lS - Cot . i _— ae se 24s DATA = 45°58'53" Cae a\> °. o,vi¢g v | =245.89 ; et * @ ZOay © = 2 e 2 4 Ow ~~ mp >: £ALEM AW ue 2 See eS eC a 1 _ TN 0° 32' 05" E 5 POPC Dec esceccccces conseseeee® > lo | > mm @ Ty: °- 00-2 am - a a Ww ee \0° 46 \ é a Zz ood . “ aa om ; yn tem Oo \s 40) x lo a > 2 gs ee oO. 5 fe) -_ a = =O 5 4 W ao 7 L > nN 4 91.19! Ww @) 2 Zz a= Has 23" W | , plies ° - pee 0° — of id ey = nf : g3tl ee Oo & - = Ww [ Co" F OO e rr ___ | 39 30) JTILINES AND «. | : 39.83 “ LEGEND Oo 6 ” zat CIS es a OPEN SPACE \21. lk a a @ MONUMENT SET -) ONO ee = . P\‘\Z (e) oO <o [ro o/ : AP, 5 O A EASEMENT ®\: 6 at 5 Std Ne. 3 ° — ! z2 x | ° by os ee BUILDING SETBACK [20' FRONT / ; o Nj “ INTERSECTION - © 3 A 5' SIDE : z 25' BACK _|t Qo [Oh ire) 99.85 85.17 _135.00 35.00 | Blo, panes “3 XN N O° 31 4I°E 355.02 =-7 oo ‘i \ ls ‘ oo é \ on Se 10 7 2 iS 4 5 Lo \ | ¢ it ' : a —_— | a ‘ ' v Prat pw eT — i ™ J.E. NORMAN, a z \ | a ae | PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR a _ oe CERT. NO. 9175 | % CONC. MON ee KENNEWICK AVE. N. &: : W/ COVER | _ — — = = _ ~- — - _i INTEX. 16TH AND KENNEWICK PP - 40 3 - 7 9 /\ 40 2 . 4 9 N 89 ° 2 2 13 E NE 20 t h ST INTX. 20TH AND ABERDEEN AT F SHEET 2 OF 3 9 vou | HIG SECTION 5 , TWP 23 N, RANGE 5E., WM P P . “ o e s 7 g 92 3 38 BLOCK 25! C.D. HILLMAN'S KING COUNTY, WASHING TON | , LK. WASHINGTON ADD. | 5 eo! bot! . SCALE IN FEET | N 0° 32 28 E 437.75 ©) 4 80 O | | ! | ©) ——_————— 2 —) — ee owe SS SSS SL = ee Se ee —T T T ti Ls 40 é 76.00 is 175 85.28 79.08 73.00 63.00 61. > | \ aye . Il oi PORTION OF wf 1) a ee “pp peo . ae du = @o we 30 BLOCK 264 — =o 16 = |S! “of [fF ifs ae ly Oot sa C.D. HILLMANS ~lo — 0) a/O * ie Le Df: “5|0 Fi oe LK.WASH. ADD. (ep) UO Ole aL i dy dds 7 _ <> N | (ony : : [S O|O = Q ° 2 2 \~ ! 23 : 24 ale 25 . ~ 26 : by 27 Oo + — ra re) Im]: Tey s/o O[~ i oles fo) a LJ Wa 0 lo} iL UTILITY » foo fo © fi JB a Wy 26 Z lp ; EASEMENT te ma /> Sis a aa ' — sass Nestea nel = 2] “lo i ne | stg DIN 1S © Pa i u 1 | ' C 26 => had 0 WY) ae | N 0° 32' 28"E 145.00 + 76.00 | {I45I 57.84! C25 7 : = O- © 64.55! Cop ee &P Q----------—------;- : - ag iy: if a ™ Iasi , ifs il / “MONTEREY AVE NE & eon - |. of | ! _ - = = Qc lRVE 42521019" <8 Te PF f°? kb | ; N 0° 32 28° E 265.00: o R=48¥.06 0-194 5 i 65.00! a ae ielio uw / | wo = r OES i - ' Fra ST deat oy \ < “ i - Gg Fm BE / 29 7 7 T = ON aw / | i my Ty ’ ; mG? Cq 32.597 mae mh 25 | 25'7 [eo] : ie le : ; Mar Clo F . CURVE DATA 2 |. 21 x~[fz 20 a ae: 19 ~~ U m | © OF N PN = —|oa _— S Oo ‘. (op) “5 13 fe: - a = ses Ny “|e . i : 2 hk [e) °. © 2 é ws a= CURVE NO. DELTA RADIUS LENGTH Zon gsctcaws vasa bs : _LENGTH ~ > ee 10 i Ng C1 9110415" 25.00! 39.78" xe i iT “tl = C2 88°49'45' 25.00! 38.76' ‘ ; ; ss ge. 52-.06...E... nN) oh 75.00 65.00 e | wal =|°, 74.00 C3 101°19'03!" 25.00! by 15 | a 1 iT te) e 2] 05 E ses : 1 ° 1 lt 1 ' : N 0°3 = a.~/2 Ges? aw T23 C4 05°01'31 463.06 40.61 _ lo 18 o : . FOSS [| cs 12°42'47"" 331.40! 73.53! 3 : a — or, / C6 05°41! 20"! 331.40! 32.90! cr - Ls / C7 81°56'06"' 25.00! 35.75! = nr”) oO 2 14 _ / C8 64°37 123"! 25.00! 28.20! \ w/ i). eoenike Sr E 36.00! -~ o OL 9 /o| cg 25°33'13" 45.00! 20.07! 1 u , nN a en i il a =- m..0%.32..05..E£ Na fee - / ™ C10 22°56! 33"! 45.00! 18.02! “ CD. HILLMAN’S . : wy ‘ = ~ “WASH ADD ™N : za ny 15 © / Cll 32°15" 13"! 45.00' 25.33! — LK = ea ts ‘ic % . 3 Bes ~~. ff Yee 47°49" 10" 45.00! 37.56! tf ' ' D z S 34.00'_ [lv 55.40 C14 50°22'55!! 45.00! 39.57! —- LJ pi pel WW C15 14°57'29!! 45.00! Lhe%S" 3 | 9, 2 155.51 C16 81°S6'07"! 25.00! 35.75 1 * 0 1 Ly \. ae.88 db e:0° 59.00! : N 038° 50' 13 W C17 11°26'59" 331.40! 66.22! A \ \ C18 o4°O! 06" 364.84! 25.59! Q° 3! 4r C19 26°47'05"! 364.84! 170.56! a v2.00 C20 89°27! 28"! 25.00! 39.03! C21 30°48 11" 414/84 223.02! _ |. re) C22 24°36! 06"! 281.40! 120.83! 5 S C23 21°22'47" 281.40! 105.00! a 16 ” C24 01°30'00" 513.06! 13.43! C25 07°12'47" 513.06! 64.59! 30' C26 06°27! 32"! 513.06! 57.84! sR ee 102.00 . AN’ ASH. ADD. a os N 0° 3|' 7" E 580.01 BLOCK 285 C.D. HILLMAN’S LK. WASH or f LEGEND . sty @ MONUMENT SET C mw Ss O REBAR SET ty a = BUILDING SETBACK = ['30' FRONT/INTERSECTION @ CON. Mon. ie mw 5' SIDE W/ COVER f 'BA Te LGHES Sive WE ZOTH J/E. NORMAN, PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR 25' BACK CERT. NO Sita HIGATE SECTION 5, TWP. 23.N, R. 5 E., W.M. CITY OF RENTON KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON DESCRIPTION A portion of C.D. Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden Addition to the City of Seattle Division No. 4, located in the SE 1/4 of Section 5, Township 23N, Range 5E, W.M., as per plat recorded in Volume 11 of Plats on Page 82, records of King County, Washington, more particularly described as follows; Beginning at the northwest corner of block 271 of said subdivision, which is the true point of beginning; Thence N89°22'13"E, 112.48 feet along the south right of way of NE 20th Street; Thence $0°32'05''W, 140.00 feet; Thence N89°22'13"E, 140.00 feet; Thence NO°32'05'"'E, 140.00 feet; Thence N89°22'13"E, 157.48 feet; Thence $0°32'28'"'W, 145.00 feet; Thence N89°22'13''E, 95.00 feet to the east edge of block 264; Thence $0°32'28'"'W, 437.75 feet along the east edge of block 264; Thence $89°40'53''W, 100.00 feet; Thence $0°32'28''W, 582.22 feet to the north right of way of NE 16th Street; Thence $89°59'33''W, £0.3% feet; Thence N0°32'05"E, 200.00 feet; Thence $89°59'33''W, 72.00 feet; Thence NO°32'OS'"E, 25.00 feet; Thence $89°59'33''W, 252.33 feet; Thence NO°31'41"E, 1160.03 feet along the west line of blocks 270 and 271 to the true point of beginning. LAND SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE | hereby certify that this plat of HIGATE is based upon an actual survey and subdivision of Section5 , Twp.23N., Range 5E., W.M., that the courses and distances are shown correctly thereon; that the monuments will be set and the lot and block corners staked correctly on the ground and that || have fully complied with the provisions of the platting regulations. Fa eet i a - PPh ») © NWT re _ 3 ; n—. 2 L John E Norman, Professional Land Surveyor Certificate No. 9175 APPROVALS Department of Assessments Examined and approved this day of _ King County Assessor Deputy Assessor Seattle-King County Health and Sanitation Department Examined and approved this day of A.D. 19 __ Director, Health & Sanitation Dept. Deputy Director Department of Public Works Examined and approved this day of A.D. 19 Director Hearing Examiner, City of Renton Examined and approved this day of A.D. 19 Land Use Hearing Examiner Planning Director Confirmed by the council of the City of Renton, Washington on this day of A.D. 19. City Clerk President of the Council COMPTROLLERS CERTIFICATE | hereby certify that all property taxes are paid, that there are no delinquent special assessments certified to this office for collection and that all special assessments, go certified, on any of the property herein contained, dedicated as streets or avenue, or for other public use, are paid in ful. This day of A.D. 19... OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER King County Comptroller Deputy Comptroller | hereby certify that there are no delinquent special assessments and all special assessments on any of the property herein contained dedicated as streets or avenues or other public use are paid in full. Finance Director, City of Renton RECORDING CERTIFICATE Filed for record at the request of the City Council this day of A.D. YO__s at minutes past A.M. and recorded in Volume 103 of Plats, Pages , Records of King County. King County, Washington Division of Records and Elections Manager Superintendent of Records No iot or a portion of a jot in this piat shail be dividec and sold or resold or ownership changed or transferred whereby that ownership of any portion of this plat shail be less than the area required for the use district in which located. EASEMENT PROVISIONS An easement is hereby reserved for and granted to PUGET SOUND POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY and PACIFIC NORTHWEST BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY, and CITY OF RENTON (SEWER & WATER) and their res- pective successors and assigns, under and upon the exterior seven “eet, paraliel with and adjoining the street frontage of ali lots in which to install, lay, construct, renew, oper- ate and maintain underground conduits, main, cables and wires with necessary facilities and @ther equipment for the purpose of serving this subdivision and other property with electric, telephone and sewer service, together with the right to enter upon the lots at all times for the purposes herein stated. No lines or wires for the transmission of electric current or for telephone use, CATV, fire or police signals, or for other purposes, shall be placed or permitted to be placed upon any lot outside the buildings thereon unless tne same shall be underground or in conduit ettacned to the building. DEDICATION KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that we, the undersigned owners in fee simple of the land hereby platted, hereby declarethis plat and dedicate to the use of the public forever all streets & avenues shown thereon and the use thereof for all public pur- poses not inconsistent with the use thereof for public highway purposes; also the right to make all necessary slopes for cuts and fills upon the lots and blocks shown on this plat in the original reasonable grading of the streets and avenues shown hereon, IN WITNESS WHEREOF we set our hands and seals. qj “* . y (ke a ig ; . Cpt ia. 7 - of dekuhar Jt ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS STATE OF WASHINGTON) COUNTY OF ¢ ; ) 7 This is to certify that on this ys {_ day of JUNE ; 19 74, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public personally appeared DeTFZ RKEDEKOP and GARY STROTHES ; PRES pET and, Vicg- PRES) pews respectively of Waites REDEMOP Cozy: a corporation to me known to be the individuals who executed the within dedication and acknowledged to me that they signed and sealed the same as their voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned and on oath stated that they were authorized to execute said instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal the day and year first above written. Hehe) Pre Hep Jit /— Notary Public in dnd for the/Spate of Washington, Residing at Vil elhitywak STATE OF WASHINGTON) COUNTY OF KiNG _) This is to certify that on this 4 3° day of | cle’ , 19 1% before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public personally appea ed cy, (j. and , oie, to me knéwn to be the individuals who executed the within dedication, and acknowledged to me that they signed and sealed the same as their free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and pur- poses therein mentioned. WITNESS my hand and official seal the day and year first above written. —— 4 ) HK he Ket kit test) Notary Public 4n and for’ the State of Washington, residing at 4 Lips -- e€ we te | LA A H S ¢ dO PP-403-79 sree.0 Saar 3 | HIGATE r CONC. MON. eee eee eee eee fe W/ COVER / | 4 SECTION 5 , TWP 23 N, RANGE 5SE., WM. oO INTEX. I6TH AND ABERDEEN a / KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON / | | | - -5 a / “% oe 1 | | i 4 , 26 } mt ap / - cS | | | $0 i / rT; fom Ay . tt \ “ | . " | | . SCALE: |"= 40 | re / | | 40 9 40 80 ro ” [e) nm wu oo |, | | BASE MERIDIAN PER ale | L /[ y ON Se 28 F 582.22 | | KING COUNTY SURVEY a +2 | O 110.03) 67.68" aN SEY ALE} 2 uw [> # tj ~ “ 9° R=389.84 0° 32'05'"E ™) = “ T= 107.3 ~ N ~ J e | i w/W8 ES L 00 eaiso" —P— Sr = | a i» | 8 : i s 28 ole 29 “ S oO] —_ =a : r m 76.86 UTILITI AND 42.77 S | cl QREN SPASE EASEMENT C3), so? NO°32'05"— 200.00 ) hee 26 i) nm z S ° og * = D " lo = N = rr 0 ATA A= 45°58'53 o. ae: q zs w L = 245.89 “ Oo S a -49q' > eed 73.53) — ee o> 32.90 35 05" & C6 frees. fay Wr a oS <a i o Be: a See Oo fe) ll a 2 pee | ie . F “3 a ‘2 za 7 Fa) 0 < ‘i. \\ a) i = y ora Oy 7 5 5 3 Maes ? * — J was ov : [_O.. l. es a ei a ee ee, 30' 39.83 : 2 LEGEND . Oo 4 ome) a. , L wi + : oS : @ MONUMENT SET e oO _ _ = : ¥o <2 Oo O 6 a 5 Ge 4 Se, 3 ; O REBAR SET . = 3 fo o/s on’ | BUILDING SETBACK [20' FRONT / 2. 2/2 © INTERSECTION 7 © a : 5' SIDE : z 25' BACK _|t =|: | 99.85' 85.17' 135.00 35.00 J Blo, | ~~~ \ Noes'ate — | 355.02! aa © \ | ° S x fe pt 12 Ss 3 5 \ | — 7 _ : \ ' ¢ = WM i en va ve ™~ \— oe | < = —~—= JE. NORMAN, ~ /4 \ | | | ee | PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYGR a i oe CERT, NO. 9175 | y CONC. MON. KENNEWICK AVE. N. E. i W/ COVER | | — _ _ ‘= aul = me _ _ _y INTEX. 16TH AND KENNEWICK™ E- 3 9 3 - 7 9 | | | fe, | Ro ! 23, ‘ WS , | 1 C.D. 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HILLMAN ° | | | | LAKE WASHINGTON < = AD d ITION GARDEN OF EDEN , SCALE: |" = 40' | CONTOUR INTERVAL: 5' RECEIVED CITY OF RENTON HEARING EXAMINER SEP 1 XHIBIT NO.2 —- IBS Z 819010111211 121314156 Phe 03-79 ITEM NO. mer Eee a OSGN: NORMAN PRELIMINARY PLAT HIGATE OWNER S: MR & MRS W. L. SAUNDERS 4048 NE. 109th SEATTLE,WA. 98125 MR & MRS G. A. McCONNVILLE 1901 ABERDEEN AVE. NE. RENTON ,WA. 98055 DEVELOP ER: WALL & REDEKOP CORPORATION ORWN: COPELAND 400 108th AVENUE NORTHEAST SUITE 412 BELLEVUE, WASHINGTON 98004 CHKD:; pate: 05/1/78 SHEET: 2 of 2 JOB NO.G7 7016 NORMAN ASSOCIATES, INC. EVERGREEN BUILDING, SUITE 509 ® RENTON, WA 398055 CONSULTING ENGINEERS PHONE: Renton (206) 235-1544 Tacoma (206) 839-8133